#but other than that i got to thinking about my oldest ocs which are these two.
solverse · 1 year
okay, we all know about SAGAU and its different hundred of aus (not complaining tho, some are chef kiss out there) but like I've been interested in Honkai Star Rail self-aware AU– like i know it's been out for a while but the SAGAU concept is even better when it comes to HSR because of it sheer size and potential.
(not saying Genshin SAGAU aren't good tho.)
It just that I've been having this brainrot and I just need to get it out.
Imagine in SAHSR (yk, self-aware honkai star rail), we got an OC (or reader, if you're more comfortable with that– i refuse to use Y/N, just no) that is an Aeon.
Nothing shocking but lets turn that up a bit by making the OC (or Reader) the oldest yet an unknown Aeon since they went into hiding, but still kept watch of the galaxies. People know little to nothing about OC other than their loyal followers– like, even some of the newer Aeons know nothing about us (or Reader).
My brain rot came up with the Aeon of Mortality. Kinda like an emphasization that we (the Aeon) was here before most of the living being in the galaxies (hence the 'creator' thingy).
Or Aeon of Origin would be a good one too since theres Terminus, the Aeon of Finality.
(kinda like a direct reference to Kiana and Mei, hehe.) But im leaning more towards Aeon of Mortality.
Heck, yk how the Imaginary element embodies the light of lives? yeh, spin that point to how when OC(or Reader), the Aeon of Mortality came into existence, which created the Imaginary element. hell, maybe even drag the Quantum element in too bcs mortality also embodies the aspect of death.
some of the faction/group names i came up with are [Freedom-willed Sworn], [Home of the Epheremeal] and [Anti-Entropy].
not gonna explain the meaning of all of that, but they all gotta do with mortality, freedom, freewill, the will to choose and live, etc.
now thats out of the way, lets get to the fun part!
OC (or Reader) is the Aeon that watches over the Trailblazers (like, us players) and latches onto the Astral Express because they used to be besties with Akilivi ( D: ). Stelle/Caelus have no idea how they got a whole Aeon to get attached to them but they aren't complaining!
(we are also the one enabling the two's trash-loving behavior lmao)
the Astral Express also has no idea why an Aeon, the oldest one (and one they know nothing about) decided to ride along with them. Himeko got used to our presence as we appeared when she repaired the train.
March is confused but happy, Dan Heng is cautious but tolerant and Welt is skeptical but lenient. But slowly, they get used to our presence and might even start liking our help and support!
Asta and Arlan are surprised to know that the oldest Aeon known is constantly watching over them. They've never met an Aeon that interact so close! Herta might have a whole aneurysm wanting to learn anything about us.
Screwllum and Ruan Mei would try to stop her but even they could not hide their curiosity about the oldest Aeon.
The Stellaron Hunters are surprised by our appearance as it was not written or foretold in Elio's script. Kafka is amused by the outcome, also a bit delighted to know that the Aeon (or Reader) was watching over them.
Going to Jarilo-IV! Surprise, surprise! Theres someone in Belobog who is a [Freedom-willed Sworn]! who is it? it can be whoever you might think it is!
The Jarilo-IV gang would be shocked to know that an Aeon was traveling alongside the Astral Express and was currently watching over them.
Some of them would be shy and awkward for knowing that, especially Bronya and Gepard. Some would be apprehensive, like Seele and Svarog. And some would be delighted! Aka, Sampo, Serval and Luka! Even Clara and Hook are happy to have us here.
Next station, the Xianzhou Luofu! right from the start, every kind of words gets out when they find out that the Aeon of Mortality is with the Astral Express. Xianzhou Luofu are skeptical of us, since they do not know of our standing, especially when it comes to the Plague Author (Yaoshi.)
not to mention OC/Reader is the Aeon of Mortality and little is known about us so they might think that our path is aligned with Yaoshi. (which doesnt, honestly.)
Jing Yuan would be suspicious of us but he would hide it well, Fu Xuan would be discontent since the future she saw did not include us, Yanqing have his own opinion but he'd follow Jing Yuan's belief, Sushang would be fascinated and Luocha would be surprised at our reveal.
Tingyun (or Phantylia) would be intrigued at our sudden appearance, Yukong is the same as Jing Yuan (just that she doesn't hide it) and Qingque wouldn't really care.
but once the Xianzhou Luofu quest is over and the gang understands that OC/Reader is not aligned with Yaoshi, they start warming up to us! while Xianzhou Luofu is devoted to Lan the Hunt in their pursue to eradicate Yaoshi, they wouldn't oppose the help of the oldest Aeon!
also, our relationship with some of the Aeons? Aeon OC/Reader constantly gives Qlipoth headaches and they would get worried about us since we do all kinds of shits ehehe.
Aeon OC/Reader constantly annoys Lan (affectionately) and Nanook whenever they get the chance.
OC/Reader are besties with Xipe (goes on a date all the time) and IX (bcs its hilarious). Likes to go sightseeing with Fuli and constantly argue with Aha lmao.
p.s. im hesitant to include the notion of 'Reader' as im not used to using that title but i think most people are more comfortable with that. i, however, will not use Y/N.
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erisweekofficial · 19 days
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We're thrilled to shine a light on @zenkindoflove!!! Amanda is an absolute gem in the Elucien fandom AND Eris fandom and has also blessed us with Alexius, her incredible OC for her Eris x OC fics.
Alexius stands out as one of the few male OCs in the community, and the dynamic between him and Eris is nothing short of captivating. Think forced proximity, delicious yearning, witty banter, political intrigue, and all the tension you could dream of. You can see them in both Summer Heat (which has Elucien) and Pull Me in Deeper, which... y'all you gotta read this asap😍🤭🥵 Also the mods are begging you to read Taste of You, a short and delightfully smutty one shot.
And PLEASE admire this amazing art of Alexius and Eris!
Read more to learn about how @zenkindoflove was inspired to create content about Eris AND her extremely helpful tips for writing content about him. (We're taking notes)
What inspired you to start creating content about Eris?  I became curious about writing Eris after he was featured in some of my Elucien fics. When I started my multichapter Elucien fic Summer Heat, I decided that I would give him a male love interest in that fic and create an OC - which ended up being Alexius who you see featured in all of my Eris work. I originally intended for it to be a background relationship, but I decided to experiment and write the scene of their first meeting (a very smutty scene) just to do some character exploration. I didn’t intend to include it in the fic, but then once I wrote it, I knew that it was something special and Eris x Alexius became a true B storyline in that fic with a fully fleshed out love story. After that, I wanted to expand and write fics that focused on them which I've written several now and more to come for Eris Week! It's a bit niche. Hardly anyone writes Eris x Male OC but I'm obsessed now.
What's your favorite piece you've created featuring Eris and why? 
That would be my Eris x Alexius multichapter fic - Pull Me in Deeper. I love it because it was a way for me to explore Eris’ character when he is out of the watchful eye of his father and others in Prythian. It’s also just a fun action/adventure/romance story and I got to explore more lore and character building for my OC Alexius as well. Alexius was designed to be, in my opinion, the perfect person for Eris and that means often standing in contrast to a lot of his personality traits and pushing him outside of his comfort zone. So it was an incredibly fun dynamic to explore. And it’s two gay men who are on a quest to find out (*spoilers*) if unicorns exist XD.
How do you approach writing dialogue for Eris? 
I tend to lean into Eris being more careful with his words - so he is sharp, concise, and efficient in his word choice. Depending on who he’s sharing a scene with and the context, he can be severe and short or he can be long-winded and eloquent. And of course, he has banter and jabs a plenty. So I try to balance all those sides of him depending on the context.
Do you have any advice for other creators wanting to make Eris content? 
Eris inhabits a unique space in canon where he is truly a free agent when it comes to relationships. So, I would recommend if you want to write romances with Eris to lean into self-indulgence and write the pairing/story you really want to tell and try to let go of what you think will be popular. And if that ends up being Eris x OC rather than a canon character, know that it can actually be such a rewarding experience even if you don’t have a built in audience. Creating an OC to pair with Eris has been immensely fun and has broadened my creativity. Eris is a complex, interesting character with so many layers and building someone to fit him and find out what is underneath all of those layers can lead you down quite an obsessive path. But a fun one. 
Please give us a name for one of Eris’s Brothers
Kian. He is the third oldest and is more of a scholarly type. Now that second brother Conan is dead, he is next in line after Eris.
Please give us a name for one of Eris's Dogs.
Lithia. She just had puppies in PMID and Eris is worried about her. 
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spoiledmiyilk · 20 days
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Juandissimo x Cupid fanchildren let's goooo!!!
And of course, I'd like to talk a little about them.
Starting off with Eleos-
He's the oldest, therefore,the first given the responsibility in taking Cupid's place as soon as he retires. He never really had much contact with his siblings,here and there he goes to visit them,but rarely gives more than 5 words, which the majority of time are simple polite greetings.
He got a good father-son relationship with both of his dads, though clearly he shows to have a more mature behavior than both of them combined, always leading him to be the one who fixes all their mess.
Overall he isn't very interesting,I saw this dude in a random dream I had and immediately decided to make him my Oc.
Eleos was born during a period where Juan and Cupid weren't married yet, barely dating (so yup, he's an accident).
Berrie (Or Bernard)-
Second child,born from another marriage between Juandissimo and another woman, which didn't last more than 2 years due to a lot of complications. By this time,Elos had been living with Cupid while they were co-parenting.
Berrie tends to get very quiet and apprehensive whenever he's out of home or talking to new people,yet is a completely different person whenever you get to know him well (he won't waste a time from yapping about his favorite interests to his friends,Phen and Cawii). He appears to be very insecure about his appearance and tends to compare himself a lot. Unlike many fairies, Berrie has a natural ability to control plants {such as healing abilities from the core of a plant that it has the ability to absorb, either by the root or whole}, without needing a wand,a great individuality compared to many in question of power level.
Berrie never had much contact with his mother,all he knows is that she's from a grand family line of healers.
Berrie has an obvious crush on Cosmo and Wanda's daughter,Cawii. Cosmo does not like him.
Lovey and Dovey- (Lovelyn and Darrow)-
The most clumsy Cherub duo you could ever find. Everyone tends to think they are Cupid's biological children,due to how similar their appearance is,and can you blame them? Yet no. Both are his adopted pupils, who have been living in the mansion since the day he found them in front of his door. They both have a lot of respect for Cupid,even dying both of their hairs in pink tones.
Lovelyn has a sweet,kind and helpful personality,yet she might show a destructive behavior if you get on her nerves.
Darrow is more of the chill, carefree type,not in the mood to deal with any love deals or trivial things like that. He's mostly the one to deal with solving friendship problems other than romantic ones,this is left to Lovelyn. He's 8 months younger than his sister and he has a terrible vision.
Nyx and Hedone-
Juandissimo and Cupid's younger twins,born from a very healthy and lovable chapter of their marriage.
While Nyx tends to be the quieter one,Hedone always acts like she ate a whole jar of star sugar.
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just a thought, I feel like the song "surface pressure" is a perfect fit for Romeo
Just as Leo at some point felt the weight of everyone on his shoulders and felt useless if he were to fail, Romeo now feels the same burden of being the oldest of all his brothers and cousins even if his parents assure him that is not the case.
For sure he does! He is his father’s son, and that can be curse and a blessing.
Romeo is a skilled fighter, no doubt about it, but I could easily see him getting so caught up in being the perfect kid, that he at one point might accidentally alienate himself from the others.
We have to remember that Romeo’s pressure doesn’t just come from being the oldest - and the oldest som of the leader at that - but also that his birth was this thing that shouldn’t really have happened, but it did, making everybody realize, that it could in fact be possible for them to have children as well. Romeo’s conception was the start of the domino effect, that led to his cousins and siblings (also in real life. He was the first of the children I came up with. With the rest I always had in mind that Romeo was there, so they wouldn’t have to care too much about being the oldest).
Romeo is very much under a lot of pressure, and that is partly why he has so much tension with Marcello at times. Romeo gets a lot of praise from their father - praise which Marcello really wants as well - but I could also imagine that Romeo might be defensive of this praise. If he isn’t told he is the best, then who is he? Is he a failure? Is he not as good as he thought, nor “worthy” of being the oldest.
It’s a stark contrast to how Joan is with her siblings. She can be tough at times, but that is also because her father is tough as nails. She is skilled, but she doesn’t have the same pressure, nor does she feel a need for the same praise. Often times she will stay back and watch what her siblings does, but on the occasions that she steps in and takes leadership of them, she does it for a short time. She doesn’t feel the need to be a boss at all time, though she may come across as bossy at times.
While Romeo trains, Joan might use training as a way to teach her siblings a thing or two. Both Minerva and Ragnar struggles a bit with fear and self esteem, so she takes the time with them. In these times failure is okay, and at times even needed.
Romeo in the other hand doesn’t train his siblings in the same way, mainly because he doesn’t. Could it be because he views his father as the best teacher? Maybe. Is it because he fears that failing his brothers’ training could cost not just his own status as the oldest golden, but could led to them getting seriously hurt? Could be.
We are just now seeing Romeo’s first growing obsession outside of training and his role as the oldest - that unnamed girl broke his kneecap in. And already now we’re seeing to different reasons from Romeo. First time he met her, he was calmer. It was his first patrol. He didn’t know what to expect. Even while he was in pain and shock, he told what had happened and what he saw. Second time however, Romeo has a much stronger reaction to her. Anger, annoyance and a strong need for some form of revenge, leading him to swearing that one day he will get a hold of her and make her pay. A little bit of a strong reaction from Romeo’s side, even for Marcello’s standards.
One would think that hot tempered and easily emotionally bruised Marcello might have such a reaction to that girl, but he doesn’t. He gets mad when he realizes it’s the girl that caused his brother pain, but other than that, he just feels conflicted. He doesn’t like the way Romeo reacts to her, and he doesn’t like the way he himself feels about her. And for the first time, we see Romeo and Marcello almost switch places. While Marcello retreats and stays quiet, which is rare for situations like that, Romeo is openly angry. It was more than just his knee that got damaged that night.
Did I just do a character analysis of my own oc?…
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happyk44 · 3 months
Loving your takes on Greek Mythos!! I wonder if you have any headcanons for Hades and Poseidon. I feel like that is a relationship that is very neglected and would love to learn you pov.
Thank you! I’ve been thinking about the gods for a very long time (even before I got into PJO). There were two stories I wanted to write about their childhood and the war, but I later revamped them into original works with OCs versus retellings. Story A was an ensemble story with the theme of family and togetherness, and Story B was focused on Hades, him coming into his role and dealing with his family’s issues (mostly Zeus) over who he is and the purpose he serves. I mention these just because I know I’m gonna reference them as I write my answer.
But yeah, I do have a lot of thoughts about the six’s relationship to each other and obviously that includes Hades and Poseidon. With the two of them, I think they’re on pretty good terms. Poseidon thinks they’re very close, while Hades thinks they’re the regular amount of close for a sibling though.
I have always taken the approach of Hestia and Hades being sort of parental figures to the rest of the stomach siblings. They are the oldest, they’ve always been around, so while they personally don’t see themselves as Mom or Dad to their siblings, they do have a general amount of authority over them, and they are deferred to as authority figures, especially in the early days when the others are finding their footing and discovering their sense of self outside their father’s belly.
Poseidon is emotionally volatile and irrational. He lacks remorse and doesn’t feel guilt. Strangers don’t matter to him. On the other hand, Hestia is empathic, she is kind, loving. She adores people. So when Poseidon gets angry or destructive, Hades becomes the default person the others seek out. With Demeter, Hera and Zeus, the first thought is “where’s Hestia” then “where’s Hades”. For Poseidon it’s always, “where’s Hades” then “where’s Hestia”. So it’s not really a boy vs girl thing. Hestia can calm down Poseidon, but her approach always starts off gently and supportive, which is helpful with the other three when they’re angry because their emotions have a sense of logic to them.
It's not helpful with Poseidon because his emotions don’t always have one and ping pong so rapidly that the source of his rage may change by the time she gets there. Calming him down takes a lot of time for her. She’s much better once he’s settled. So Hades takes over for the whole walking through floodwaters, grabbing your little brother around the neck and choking him until he stops doing what he’s doing.
Where Poseidon is emotionally volatile, I think of Hades as being much more detached from emotion. Part of it is being god of the dead, in that the dead don’t feel, and part of it is that he’s just very soberminded. He does, of course, have feelings, but he approaches his feelings rationally in a way that Poseidon can’t.
However, he, like Poseidon, does lack empathy. I think he has a much higher capability for it, and he does experience remorse, but ultimately everything dies – people, plants, even gods. So Poseidon’s destruction is more of an “ugh, this is gonna be so much work” rather than “oh my stars, the people”. He’s expecting them to come to him one way or another. When Poseidon’s rage doesn’t affect people and is more destructive on the landscape, it doesn’t bother him because he lives underground. His home remains unaffected.
So Hades finds it easy to deal with Poseidon even if it’s a pain in the ass, and as a result, his words have much more hold on Poseidon’s behaviour than Hestia’s or the others. If Hades says, “Don’t do that”, he’s much more likely to listen. It’s like Poseidon is the reactive dog and Hades is the owner holding the leash.
Another thing I’m really keen on is that Poseidon has  abandonment issues. Think of the ocean: heavy, drowning, crushing, sticks to you as you surface, drags and sinks you so easily. He’s clingy, needy, physically affectionate. He is always on top of one of them. While I don’t think of Hades as a very touchy person, I think he’s so used to Poseidon’s behaviour that he doesn’t even really register Poseidon’s weight when it settles on him anymore. It’s just how it’s always been, why would it be anything different? Hades, of course, will shrug him off and push him onto someone else when it’s overstimulating or Poseidon won’t shut up about sharks, but otherwise it’s just. Yeah, whatever.
With that in mind, I used to think of Story A as a movie when I was first developing it, and I would pretend to do a behind-the-scenes thing and talk about the wardrobe and how the clothing choices informed the characters. One of the things I wanted to pull focus on, sort of a running joke through the story, was that while Poseidon had his own bedroom in the house, it went unused because he would always end up sleeping with one of his other siblings. He couldn’t sleep alone and refused to do it. The other running joke was that he didn’t dress himself. Whoever he slept with would put him in clothes.
Naturally these clothes would always match their own style and aesthetic, so warm, fall colours with very comfortable homey kind of clothes for Hestia; dark clothes for Hades; spring-summer clothing, natural fibers, breathable, things you can work and get dirty in for Demeter; very classy kind of chic clothes with pastels and a lot of blues for Hera; and then somewhat formal business-ish kind of attire, like button-ups, cufflinks, dark pants and such for Zeus. This was made to represent a) the fluidity and adaptability of the ocean, and b) his need to be included. He can think for himself, he often does, especially when he acts on his impulses, but intrinsically he wants his siblings to love and adore him. He wants them to stay with him. He wants to fit in, he wants people to like him, and if he has to wear what they’ve chosen for him to get that, then yeah, fine, let’s do it.
On that sense of mimicry, we lean into Story B, where the stomach siblings would frequently dream of the world outside of their father’s stomach, and the purpose they would eventually serve as gods. The girls would speak of these very warm beautiful things full of life and comfort, and Poseidon copies them. He doesn’t talk about the darker thoughts, the vicious part of the ocean because they don’t bring it up and Hades is very quiet about his dreams, so Poseidon does not want to be the odd one out. He’s already the angry one who screams too much and has to be wrestled into submission by Hades or forced into calm by Hestia’s flames surrounding him.
So, no. He doesn’t talk about the darkness at the deepest depths of the ocean, doesn’t talk about chilling cold, the terrifying monsters that lay beneath, the crushing pressure, or how he dreams so much of drowning them all and keeping them pinned and immobile at the deepest depths so they can never ever leave him. He keeps silent. Meanwhile, on Hades’ side of things, he knows that his dreams are different from the others. They don’t scare him, but he knows they would upset the others, or at least Hestia and Demeter – Poseidon unable to care for strangers and Hera being similarly emotionally detached from strangers as Hades is. His dreams are dreary and sad, full of darkness and rot. So he keeps quiet about it.
Which means that once they are finally thrown up and able to explore their domains, Hades’ powers come as a shock (and concern) the others. Poseidon, I think, becomes somewhat jealous. A key factor I have always wanted to emphasize in Hades (and in Nico and Bianca when I write PJO-verse) is that he is not ashamed of his powers or his purpose. Being god of the dead, being god of the underworld – he enjoys it and always has.
Yes, there are undesirable aspects of it, such as his siblings discomfort and mistrust in Story B, but that’s literally the only issue he has with it, and it’s not even really his issue. It’s theirs. He’s logical and understands that his status as god of the underworld has a purpose in the world and if it didn’t, he wouldn’t be in charge of it. He’d be something else. So he’s always been very settled in his role even before he fully knew what his role would be.
But because he never copped up to it in order to spare his siblings’ feelings, Poseidon feels irritated that Hades adapts the dark side of things so easily. Especially since Poseidon’s relationship to darkness is cloaked in viciousness and ferocity, in possession and desperate need. Hades isn’t like that. There are no differences in him because his domain is one settled thing, whereas Poseidon’s is evershifting.
It's because of this jealousy that Poseidon agrees that they should kill (or imprison) Hades at the end of the war in Story B.
But outside that story or the other one, I think Poseidon goes in and out on his jealousy through their childhood, just as part of his emotional volatility. Sometimes he finds it admirable, and other times it drives him up the wall. These times can happen within quick succession of each other, but Hades handles it in stride. Poseidon’s sudden bitterness isn’t new and Hades is too comfortable with himself and who he is to be bothered by Poseidon insulting him, or trying to get under his skin as he might with Zeus or the others.
Going back to Poseidon’s abandonment issues, Hestia loses a lot of his affection after the war. My general rule of the thumb is Zeus defeats their dad, any remaining titans or supporters of Kronos who haven’t already been dealt with concede, the kids take some time to themselves for a few days then Hades disappears to the underground, Zeus and Hera depart for Olympus and the other three leave to travel the world. Demeter splits off to teach people agriculture, leaving Hestia and Poseidon alone.
Hestia who is kind and empathic and Poseidon who has spent the last few years fistfighting uncles and suddenly can’t do that anymore. And he can’t just. Stop being emotionally volatile, he doesn’t know how and Hestia’s advice doesn’t work because she’s never dealt with turbulent emotions and eventually the guilt of bringing him around people he might decide to start fighting out of boredom becomes too much so she just disappears in the middle of the night. He wakes up. Alone. Screams her name but she doesn’t come. Eventually departs for the ocean and agrees to take over for Oceanus as king because at least this way he can’t be left behind. And anyone who tries will die by his hand, and no one wants that, so, yeah, they’ll never leave him. And he will be loved forever.
This just means that by the time Zeus and Hera have cleaned up Olympus and established the rule of gods, and have invited the family back as Olympians, he ignores Hestia and deviates to Hades’ side. He doesn’t get over it for a long time and even then it still bothers him. Later the opening Hestia created as figure of authority that Poseidon is more willing to listen to is filled by Amphitrite, his wife, who he loves more than anything.
I headcanon her to be asexual and sex-repulsed. She purely does it for procreation and, eventually, confesses to him that she despises it but only went through it for the kids and because she assumed he wouldn’t care and would force her anyway, as he does with other people. So for her, he stops doing that because there’s nothing worse to him than the idea his wife believes he’d hurt her. And when she admits this to him, he ends up going to Hades to talk about it because he knows that he’s a bad person. That he’s violent and cruel sometimes and that he hurts people. It’s never bothered him until now though. So what does he do? How does he be a good person so she’ll trust him? He can’t have her not trust him.
Hades walks him through it. Amphitrite doesn’t mind all the terrible things, after all she is also the ocean, she knows best what he feels, understands his tumultuousness better than anyone else. It’s just this one thing that causes stress. He doesn’t have to erase an entire part of himself, just pull back on this one thing. And he does. It’s hard and he’ll bitch about it because it’s just easier to make someone do what you want, but he does it because he loves his wife more than anything, and Hades told him that he could do it, and he believes Hades. Because Hades is his older brother and Hades took care of him and Hades has spoken to so many souls who have gone through so many things and most importantly, Hades would never lie to him.
Another thing that’s important when I view their relationship is they’re both chthonic to an extent. I think it’s in the Mycenaean Age that Poseidon was correlated as a chthonic god as well. I remember I had this joke that if Hades had to choose any of his siblings to marry he would pick Poseidon, but only because Poseidon was tall which would make it easier to kiss him and unlike Hera, who is also tall, he would be comfortable in the underworld. Hera would hate it and Hades would not want to live on that mountain, and there’s no way either of them are commuting to their jobs every day. So, damn, guess Poseidon’s the only choice. But, yeah, even outside that joke Poseidon and Hades are both comfortable in the dark, cold and creepy. So when Poseidon excitedly shows his family an anglerfish after exploring the bottom of the ocean and everyone else is “ewwwwwwww. what is that thing”, Hades is like “neat, can I cut it open and see how much of it is made of cartilage?”
I’ve always thought of Hades as being the balance between Poseidon’s chaotic nature and Zeus’s orderly ways. Death is also inherently chaotic, ya know? It throws life into an upset, it happens suddenly in various different ways. But the underworld does have structure, it does have clear lines and rules in its function. And it’s through this has Poseidon uses Hades. Because Hades is a workaholic and Poseidon is not. He does not enjoy being king, he does not appreciate the responsibility that comes with it.
Luckily Amphitrite is perfectly fine to handle a lot of the boring and day-to-day stuff of running a kingdom, which allows Poseidon to focus more on managing his army, dealing with sea monsters and being a general nuisance. But when he has to sit down and manage his papers, he always ends up calling Hades to do it for him. And Hades is a workaholic whose wife, children, and devious employees frequently lock him out of his office so he’ll take a break. Which means he tends to jump on the chance. Besides, it gives him some variety. So he’ll sit at Poseidon’s desk and crunch numbers and review requests and Poseidon will swim back and forth like the hyperactive ADHD merman he is, yapping on and on about sharks while Hades hums and nods along.
In the reverse of this, Poseidon’s active nature also helps Hades relax. Despite the “happy to sit behind a desk and work until he dies” thing, I think Hades is also a very active person. The difference is that Poseidon needs to be moving and Hades needs to be stimulated. He can sit still if he has something to do but once he starts getting bored, he’ll do anything, which, lol, okay side note but when I was first conceptualizing the gods as characters I used to have this joke that they all had crushes on Hestia and Hades, especially Poseidon, who, obviously, is very open about his affections.At some point Poseidon discovers that Hades has kissed all their siblings except him, he gets very upset about it and won’t stop whining until someone screams at Hades to please just kiss him and make him stop talking (Hades is very used to Poseidon’s yapping, he can tune it out so easily, other people don’t have that ability though). So he gives Poseidon a kiss and then, to make sure there’s no more complaints, gives everyone a kiss on the head so they’re all equal.
The context of the other kisses is that he and Hestia were trying it out to see what it was like, him and Demeter were posing as a couple to get information on their father’s army, Zeus was drunk and mistook him for Hera in front of Hera, so Hades kisses her to make it even between the two of them. The other joke is that Hades has zero interest in being intimate with Poseidon, mostly because he thinks it will make Poseidon’s clinginess worse than it already is, which it absolutely will, but he knows that if he’s bored enough and Poseidon asks him, he will say yes just so he’ll be doing something. Whether he finally caves and hooks up with his horny little brother is up to you, but either way he tops and Poseidon gets weird about it, lol.
But, ha, going back to Poseidon being able to help Hades relax, the water is nice when it's calm, you know. And Hades like to learn things, it’s part of his job as god of the dead, taking in all the history of the souls who’ve passed, using it to judge them, using it to give advice to other people or predict trends in mortal lives and make preparations for any sudden influx. So he doesn’t mind lying still in the sand while Poseidon points at the fish above them, and tells him everything about them. There’s a settling because the earth is great, but Hades is built for underground and it's under the earth where the dead lay, but the ocean is filled with death – shipwrecks, animals, people. Whale falls nourish a portion of the deepest depths. The sand is made of bones, it comes from rocks and the dead.
With that in mind, I think Poseidon likes to mess with Hermes and Thanatos when they come to collect souls from shipwrecks or drownings, so Hades generally takes over because Poseidon can’t bother him no matter how hard he tries. And Poseidon will usually give up pretty quickly and just follows him around like a little guppy.
I think between his ability to relate to Hades on a deeper level with the chthonic stuff that the others don’t vibe with, as well as Hestia abandoning him, there comes a part of Poseidon that is very obsessive over Hades. Once he’s king and especially once he’s married, he has less time to be as aggravating about it, but the obsession will always linger. He might not defer to Hades as readily as he used to, especially when Amphitrite’s word is much more holy, but Hades will always be someone he regards in high esteem (unless he’s angry. Then fuck that guy).
When I first started shipping Nico and Poseidon, I had Nico ask him once “are you only with me because you can’t be with my dad” and Poseidon is just “I’m with you because I like you, the fact that you remind me of your dad is a bonus”.
They both struggle with the concept that they are loved. I’ve always thought of Hades as someone who gives love easily, but has trouble accepting it back. Whenever one of his employees tell him they love him, whether platonically and/or romantically, he either says, “No, thank you” or “Okay” followed by him bolting in the opposite direction and not communicating with them for a while because he can handle emotions, but he doesn’t really know how to deal with them when they’re directed at him, especially when they’re affectionate.
With Persephone, she confesses on the surface during a lunch date and he shoves her into the lake and runs away. She chases him obviously and makes him accept it. It’s funny because it’s kind of like he’s so used to Poseidon’s volatility that people with more level-headed and straightforward emotions are hard to process. Especially since Poseidon’s emotions were evershifting, so the guarantee that you are loved is not as stable as it was. And then of course Demeter recoils from him because her nature and his don’t align which is painful and tells him that love is stable, and Zeus is paranoid about who he is so he might care for Hades in a very complicated way but he doesn’t love him. Hestia loves everyone and Hera is similar to Hades in her emotional detachment from people, so love is an awkward sentiment for her.
Comparatively, Poseidon does know that he is loved, but he craves a constant reminder of it which becomes bothersome and tiring over time. He needs to know he’s wanted and there will never be enough proof to satiate him. Luckily, his desire to be loved is simplified down to a small collective of people he genuinely cares for. However, out of that group, Amphitrite is really the only person he would never hurt. So he would attack Hades if need be, and Hades, so used to fighting him to get him to calm down, will defend. But Hades would never attack him for no reason. Even with reason, I think Hades cares for his family too much to start throwing hands.
Post-war is a little different as they become somewhat estranged from each other over time and because they all have domains they need to take care of. Under the right circumstance, he might start a fight but before then, he’d contentedly lower himself to his knees and accept his death by their hand if it would make him happy. In Story B, he points out how he doesn’t have anyone else, it’s always just been them, and he’d rather die by their hands than run away and be alone forever. Shortly after he’s introduced to Osiris and the other Egyptian gods, and they remind him that he shouldn’t entertain their fears by hiding himself from them. He is a part of the natural world. Whether he’s there or not, people will die and the dead will roam the earth, searching for home. He can provide shelter to thousands by making five people unhappy, or make five people happy and know that thousands will forever suffer until someone takes his place. Because someone will always take his place.
I think, as well, in Hades being very rational about himself as a person, incapable of experiencing shame over who he is even as other people revile it, Poseidon can garner some help from that. Because yes, he’s remorseless and doesn’t care about people, but he doesn’t always want to be. Just because he’s accepted that he’s this way and finds joy in it, doesn’t mean he always likes that this who he is. Who would, you know? It’s a very troubling life to live, especially when you do care about people, or at least want the capacity to care. And Hades, I’ve always thought of, is someone who is very introspective. So he can soothe Poseidon’s’ worries that maybe there’s something more wrong with him than there should be. Explains to him that he is the ocean. That’s how he is, it’s what he represents, he’s supposed to be vicious and cruel, destroying lives and violating people. But he’s also supposed to be calm and steady, basking in the warmth of the sun. Yes, he can be horrible sometimes, but he can also be loving, the sweet lap of tides against people’s feet. He is not mortal and he cannot beholden himself to mortal ideals, nor can he beholden himself to the behaviours of other gods. He represents something entirely separate from them. That’s fine. He shouldn’t be distressed by it. Just learn to adjust his tides to the change of time.
So, haha, in summation I think they’re closer as brothers than either of them are with Zeus. Poseidon is definitely a lot more intense about his relationship with Hades because, well, he’s intense about a lot things, where Hades views him more from the simple position of “yeah, that’s my brother”.
Hades is really Poseidon’s last link to their family as well – you know, Hades is a very chill person, and he’s fairly understanding. He gets why his relationship with Demeter changed after they starts tapping into their domains more and he understands why it went through further recoil following his marriage to Persephone. He understands that Zeus is paranoid and has a lot of trust issues and doesn’t fault him on that. He gets that Hestia and Hera, while they care about him, are devoted more to the surface than they are to him, Hera especially being Zeus’s wife, and if it came down to it, that’s likely the side they’d choose. But despite these complexities, he’s very relaxed with them because these things don’t bother him. To him, it’s both just the way it is and not his problem.
However with Poseidon, it’s very much Hestia abandoned him, he does not mesh well Zeus coming from the view of order vs chaos, Demeter does not trust him (and rightly so), and Hera knows how to shatter his ego into a million pieces with just a few words, which he hates. Also sometimes she gets really intense and it’s scary.
While he can socialize and interact with his siblings on a very chill or professional godly level, there is a lot happening beneath the surface and they’re all very aware of it. In the end, Hades is really the last grip he has to their siblings and, in some ways, the surface itself. If it became an Olympian vs Underworld thing, he would absolutely support Hades, but in the same breath he’d probably get very stressed out if Hades didn’t show enough appreciation for that, you know.
I hope that explains enough of how I intend their relationship. As always things shift and change depending on the story and background but in general this is how I try to focus them, and I do hope it makes sense because looking back on what I've written, I am. Concerned 😂
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blazefirefox · 6 months
I was rewatching the Dream BBQ announcement trailer when I noticed one of the spinning ENAs had the exact same colors as ThEna, just swapped, so I got the idea of making ENA OCs based on the other ENAs seen.
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Here are my first three, the spooky siblings (based on color scheme), Enette, Enalise, and RegEna (left to right). I created GEna to complete the trifecta lol
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Individuals + their "serial numbers"
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Extra Info:
This group of sibs work with the ENA seen in Dream BBQ, under Froggy. They're pretty much the closest things she has to friends in her workplace, and they enjoy her company (GEna doesn't show it much tho)
Enatte (ENA-8532-01):
Orange - Efficient; the oldest ENA of any batch is expected to excel and be an example for their sibs, but this was driven into 01 more, as her batch was the first completely functional trio of ENAs that were created for a while. Unlike her sisters, 01 fully enjoys her job, even respecting Froggy a great amount. Her voice headcannon is Ben Balmaceda (specifically Kaveh from Genshin Impact, mostly just Ben himself).
Saffron - Mischievous; after years of conditioning to be a golden example for all Worker ENAs, her desires to be free and do what she enjoys culminated in her troublemaker side, which 01 does a good job repressing until she's off from work. The most important thing her siblings know about this side is that she usually goes along with what shenanigans they do. Her voice headcannon is Brianna Knickerbocker (specifically Hu Tao from Genshin Impact).
RegEna [GEna] (ENA-8532-02)
Purple - Haughty; she loves her older sister, she really does. But 02 hates how seriously she expects them to take this stupid job. Before they matured, 02 was known for her mean streak, often taking out her frustrations of the world on younger ENAs that were unfortunate to come her way. It wasn't until she accidentally hurt her younger sister that she started calming down. Now, she just a normal asshole. Her voice headcannon is Ryan Sean O’Donohue (specifically Demyx from Kingdom Hearts).
Orange - Guilty; when the sibs were assigned to work under Froggy, 02's siblings noticed that her other side became more downcast and self-deprecating, bursting into tears and continually apologizing for how she acts when her dominant side is in control, especially to 03. The youngest ENA in question does not know how to feel about this. Her voice headcannon is Erica Mendez (specifically White Lily Cookie from Cookie Run: Kingdom).
Enalise [Lisa] (ENA-8532-03)
Saffron - Thoughtful; unlike her older sisters, who either love or detest their job, 03 usually doesn't pay any mind to it, and does an average job. She actually is drawn to the oddness of the world around her, what secrets they hold, why things work like they do. She can't help but feel envious of Scholar ENAs since they have the access and knowledge 03 so desperately wants. Her voice headcannon is Khoi Dao (specifically Albedo from Genshin Impact).
Purple - Judgemental; experiencing 02's behavior before their full maturity shaped 03's annoyance into a need to reprimand everything she does and to communicate what 02's problem is in her own way, thus her snappy, but kind of well-meaning side. 03 is less shameful of this side than others think she should be, as the youngest ENA believes that "she was made the way she was, and she's going to let what emotions slip through happen." Her voice headcannon is Brittney Karbowski (specifically Mio from Ghost Stories Dub).
Next is Enaline, based on the ENA in the second picture on the right!
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Alt. Outfit + her old Worker look
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Extra Info:
Created as a Worker ENA, Enaline would become a Runaway after her other sibs went "missing under mysterious circumstances" and she "saw something she shouldn't have", as she puts it. Not much is known about her past other than this, as she soon becomes unresponsive after giving up too much information. She's mostly seen hanging out in the Karaoke Bar AthEna (ThEna) works at, and is very social, depending on which side is dominant.
Enaline (ENA-7450-03)
Sky Blue - Carefree; after experiencing The Horrors™, Enaline decides that she won't let her past and regrets tie her down, so she up and leaves the Sector she grew up in and ended up settling in the area overseen by The Clown. She is very jovial in this state, being more of an 'act first think about the consequences later' kind of ENA. Her voice headcannon is Kieran Regan (specifically Shikanoin Heizou from Genshin Impact).
Salmon - Existential; despite her attempts, Enaline can never fully leave behind the cause of her upturned life, and when she thinks about that, she becomes unpleasant (at least that's what she thinks). The former Worker feels a constant dread tugging at her in this state, something she can't remedy no matter what she does. All Enaline can do is not think about all of that while she's Carefree, and everything will be fine! Her voice headcannon is Monica Rial (specifically Momoko Koigakubo from Ghost Stories Dub).
@anniewuubelike 👀👀👀
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Garykernal or known as Runin, Module0, Mothnwizard, Blaketwo, or any other possible account is a stalker. There is more under the cut. More parts will be posted, We have to break up all of this into segments. Keep in mind, Gary is 25 through this all. The person who is a victim allowed for at least their age to be stated, that being 19. There is a minor in this situation, but for now this post is about the oldest of the victims.
Green's Story
This user has stalked and harassed a club penguin blog for some time now. Unfortunately, this blog had to be created to warn other users about this person. Green is a victim of Gary's behavior. They did not know Gary very well. Written by them, they said this to me:
"I vaguely knew them, like you pass by this person on Tumblr and like a few posts and I saw them in a discord (they got invited by someone) but after all this they got banned from said discord. They obsessed over me to an unhealthy degree, I kinda just rarely replied to the dms they sent. They only knew me for a week before confessing they were in love with me. I wasn't interested, I was kind in turning them down because I didn't want to date anyone. I was clear in this, though things persisted. Gary would flirt with me, yet I wouldn't fully process it nor did I really want to engage with it. It was clear to everyone around that it was uncomfortable. I was scared to say anything in fear of causing issues. Well, guess that went out the window considering how this went down. They would draw ship art of themself and I. My sona isn't a sona, it's my real physical self. They had an entire whiteboard fox where they drew us kissing and whatnot. Sorry White, I rather not send that to you. They would ask me to send them images and tag it as us when I didn't know them well and sure that isn't a horrible thing to do, though they crossed my boundaries a lot. They had brought up my abusers in a conversation at random while I was already stressed out. I asked them to stop at the time, they did not respect that. I ignored them even more at one point, my friends knew how overwhelmed and scared I was to come out about anything. They were my rock in this time. Yet, I was still functional with what I knew at the time. I thought it was a baseline creepy stalker they couldn't have gotten any worse than this and I'm just pissed they harassed my friend Coral because I blocked Gary and decided I had to cut them off. They were bad for my mental health, they were bad for me. In the screenshots I sent you, it all came down because they decided to look up my old username (which I did not tell them at all so they had to go digging for that) and then dmmd me about it and it felt off. Thank god I cut them off then. From what I learned recently, not only did Gary have a shrine of me, but Gary had drawn porn of them and I. When I learned this, I threw up not only because it was of me when I, in fact, do not like to be sexualized nor would it even be a normal and sane thing to just draw nsfw of a real physical person. That's just gross. I'm not a fucking oc nor am I a character from a media. I'm a real person. Flesh and blood. Yellow and I were mortified, Yellow being my current partner who has known me for years before we started to even date. Yellow had to comfort me when I left my college classroom to go throw up. All of my friends were in my dms trying to comfort me, tell me it was ok, but I feel violated. I don't care if it's stupid that I feel that way, I'm not famous. I'm not someone that should be sexualized. I'm a victim of CSA and SA, this gave me paranoia and a flare up in pstd. I know this is heavy. I hope you're able to speak for the other victims too. Coral I feel bad for, they were harassed by Gary and now a friend of Gary's to let Gary contact me after I blocked them. I'll pass you onto Coral now, after that I think you should talk to the minor who Gary sent nsfw dms to as well. Red I feel most bad for. I know that I'm the main victim of Gary, but dear lord did Red go through shit."
Green stated that they felt bad for how they typed everything out a bit messy. They wanted to get their feelings out so I reassured them it was fine. This is Green's final messages with Gary. After the final message Gary sent, they blocked them.
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I asked Green for any final comments on this. "I know that I only have these screenshots to back up my end of things, though Coral has some and Red has a ton. Though if I had to state any last thing to Gary and their system, especially from my system- Yellow and I together in this, fuck off. Delete that gross porn you made of me you vile freak. You're one of three people now I can never forgive in my lifetime. I hope no one has to deal with the shit I did. To your system, if anyone has a shred of sense in it, destroy that shrine to me. Scrub away every single little bit of ship art or nsfw art that Gary made of me. God forbid this, if anyone else drew art of us together I hope they block you. Stay away from me, stay away from my system, and stay away from my friends and my family. I can't forgive you for the trauma you put on me. Maybe someday you'll be a better person, but people who send nsfw messages to minors deserve to burn. I hope Red is able to recover from this like everyone hopes I do."
Thank you Green for letting me post this. I wish the best for you and your recovery.
Coral's story -> Red's story/closing statements
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swordsandspectacles · 11 months
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Things I didn’t expect from Aura’s playthrough; for her to sit up and go “Oh hey there-“ @ Argent
Ramblings under the cut
These were all meant to be longer but I’m still figuring out a lot and - comics aren’t a thing I can really do. I’m learning.
THINGS I LIKE before I start to muse on the nature of Aura’s bisexuality
-Aura’s speed bubbles cut her off from Argent and Ortega. This is ! Intentional. I felt clever about it.
-Light through blinds like cage/prison bars on Aura and Argent, but not Ortega.
- Argents sword at opposite angles to the bridge cables! It’s satisfying. The arm + sword should probably have like a 5° clockwise angle shift though. Argents taking up very little space in the panel but the hand/sword breaks through, she’s so imposing, suddenly, she’s breaking the border, and the bridge cables are sort of like a net around Maneater. The sword + cables behind her also box her in.
Bonus doodle for sticking with me so far
Aura and Argent are both SHORT.
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Also argent gets fluffy angry ghibli hair. I think it would be funny if the hair floofed up when angry tho that’s. A bit of a dead giveaway with the nanovores- anyway———
Aura’s having fun.
She’s! A weird character to play. Mel’s a fallen hero original, Matty isn’t but he fits the world well (he’s sort of a refugee from his original setting and likes to pretend he belongs elsewhere. Aura is too (she’s. She’s his mum in basically every other au) but she plays it off better!
So the whole run is a bit more “let’s! Have fun!” Than actually. Honestly building the character thoroughly. It’s an Au of my oldest oc! My favourite girl! Hell yeah!
Plus in superhero universes she’s usually a bit of a superwoman-sort-of-a-vibe so it’s nice to see her with the gloves off being horrible. Because it does come fairly naturally to her.
But yeah! The “Maneater” moniker lends itself to ‘oooo femme fatale’ but she’s equal opportunities on the eating, she’s bi. Generally in a sort of “lmao doesn’t everybody have crushes on other girls though???” Way, she’s sorta clueless. She’s also got a heavy streak of “I’m here for a good time not a long time so I’m gonna take everything going please and thank you veeery much!” By which I mean I think Chen’s the only person she isn’t making a pass at.
She leans more to attraction towards men, but it’d be like 60/40 if I had to put numbers on it. There are universes where she has like two and a half wives, she’s out here vibing.
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shiny-jr · 3 months
Okay so I was scrolling the miguel x reader tag and found ur post about ur Yan miguel, and got so excited bc I've legit been craving Yan miguel content, which died down as the hype for spiderverse did
Then I read your tumblr username and was like "oh haha they have the same username as one of my favorite writers"
Then I clicked on the quotev link and
Hoky crap you're one of my favorite writers??? I love your stories on quotev you're legit one of the main authors that inspired me to start writing my own yandere fics
I ABSOLUTELY love buttons and marooned. And honestly I've been wanting to read your other works (like the pirate one) but huge fics scare me
Sorry for the rant I just got so excited to find you on tumblr
Oh? That's amazing, welcome back! I plan to hopefully, update Miguel's story consistently around mid-late fall. Here's to hoping I can keep to that plan. But yeah, I imagine the story likely won't be longer than ten chapters? So a short one definitely, but hopefully an enjoyable one.
Anyways, yeah, still kicking on Quotev. I know I've been kinda quiet here on Tumblr, but that's because I'm back to buzzing about on the old Q. I've written like ninety or so pages in probably the span of a month, give or take? All for an old oc story of mine I've been getting back into. So yeah, I am still writing, I am still around, just currently motivated for creating oc stuff at the moment.
Also, don't know if you or anyone else noticed, but I had a different sort of creative buzz for a week or two. I literally made new covers for ALL of my stories (except the quizzes). Even my oldest stories got a makeover. I'm talking about the dusty old series, like dating all the way back to 2017. So even if y'all aren't so much into yandere oc stories, maybe check out my Quotev profile (link in masterlist) just to see the covers? I think I did pretty good on most of them.
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delta-gambit-au · 3 months
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“We were a good team. They knew the best strategies and they listened to my ideas with an open mind. It was the recipe for their success, earning a nice promotion within the company and making me proud. Being the talk of our co-workers was the cherry on top.” — Spam
It takes effort to create something that was never seen before. It takes guts to keep pushing forward with that never before seen idea that is not aligned with any of the current trending standards. You know that people will not take it seriously, but that shouldn’t deter you from delivering more and more of it. In time everything will click into place, and you will be glad that you haven't stopped when you started to hesitate along the way. It’s daunting, and at the same time, discouraging. But moving forward is the only way, the only path. I think the Addisons of my AU has shown me a lot of that, that ideas can’t bloom if they aren’t sown before, even if they look ugly and dull at first. To keep nurturing them alone is very hard, but one day the effort will pay off and no regrets will come to bite you back.
Anyway, the backstory of Spamton and his Addison co-workers has a very storied past. Slowly I’m gleaning some of what he was, how he got to know his friends, why the White Addisons are a dying breed and why he was forced to change his name and his own archetype to stick it to the system. You might be surprised of all the stuff Spam needed to do in order to survive, but for now, concept arts of ideas and research is all what I have to share about that.
I’m weaving a very deep story behind the origins of Spam and the forces controlling the market of Cyber World and the life of the Cyberians, and why the law forbids any direct contact with Lightners (that was before Kris and friends dropped by). Spam here is just a number, subject #451, one of many. All look the same. All do the same. All have no interests beyond the success of the company in which they grew up to become another white-collared walking utility. Everything would change when he receives an invitation to a cyber-grill to meet with one of the marketing groups he was assigned to. It was the beginning of change, and the start of his voluntary corruption. That's as much as I can say 👀 Oh, also I found out while sprucing their profiles that Sears and Spam share the same birthday day, 3rd of May, though Sears is 5 years older than Spam as they were born in 1973 😅They are the oldest of the Addison group, and that makes them the butt of jokes sometimes.
I need to explore some art-style in order to give substance to this part of the plot and tweak its world-building, which will be unlockable flashbacks in the visual-novel. There's also a new character villain I'm trying to breath life to who appears during the epilogue of the first season. I hope people will like to see a new villain Darkner. He's also another walking DAEMON like Spwatchton but this one works for the LOCAL-SYS whereas Spwatchton is one of the undercover rebels.
Sorry if my content is coming out slow or half-baked. I'm still concept-arting and being nagged at the same time by RL more often than not. Yesterday I had yet another doctor appointment to go to and this week should be my ophthalmologist...
I also... joined the Art Fight of this year... My first time doing this. Though I'm not sure if I'll be able to be very active, I'm going to fill everything with Addisons and other Darkners from my AU to force myself to make their character profiles and see if anybody would do fanart of them (who doesn't like to get fanarts of their OCs? 😅)
As of other updates, we are expecting a final interview with a good company next week that seemed pretty interested in us as we fit their profile well. Fingis crossed! 🤞
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oracleofdiscord · 6 months
possible ninja ages/timeline thing
(note: the reason i say possible is because in general i think trying to find a fully definitive age for any of the ninja is ultimately a futile effort.
there were actually pieces of information that i ignored in this because they contradicted other information i was using, and it's possible i missed something entirely. in general, i tried to ignore twitter and focus on in-show stuff. there are also fan theories i incorporated and fan theories i ignored, so if you subscribe to a different set of headcanons/theories you could easily come up with different results than me)
this isn't me saying "hey guys i cracked the code!" this is me saying that this is a possible timeline for their ages)
okay so this is something i worked out recently when i was trying to develop my ninjago oc, estrella, to help me figure out an approximate age for her.
it uses as a base this rough timeline by @destinysbounty (both in the sense that i used it as a guide and in the sense that when i needed to start visualizing things, i wrote on/drew on/edited this picture)
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now, one theory i'm going off here is something that was proposed to me by @destinysbounty when i got confused about how harumi could be roughly the same age as lloyd both in flashbacks and in the present: the idea that after the tea, lloyd's body stopped aging until his mental age caught up with his physical age. this catch-up happened during the timeskip between s7 and s8, which is why his voice got lower
so this assumes that from s8 onwards, lloyd's mental and physical age match. other assumptions/pieces of evidence that i used:
kai mentions being a teenager during the oni trilogy, and thus is 19 at oldest
thanks to the flashback with baby nya, it can be assumed kai is at least a couple of years older than her
thanks to having seen nya and lloyd during s1 (where they have different body forms), it can be assumed nya is a least a couple of years older than him
(i've simplified this down to 2 years between each in my timeline, but there could definitely be an argument for more years. in my case, i felt like 2 years each made things line up in a way that made sense to me. feel free to make your own version and experiment with increasing the gap between nya and her siblings on either side but i've picked a number and i'm sticking to it)
@destinysbounty mentioned that most age estimates they'd seen for the pilots had nya in the 13-14 range
so, let's call nya 13 in the pilots/s1/s2 (the green chunk on the timeline). if lloyd was 2 years younger, he'd be 11, which works with the body form he had. if kai was 2 years older than nya, he'd be 15, which feels reasonable.
and let's call kai 19 during the oni trilogy. this would make nya 17 and lloyd 15, and also mean that 4 years have passed since s1. let's look at our rough timeline above. if the green chunk all takes place within a single year and there's a confirmed 1 year timeskip between s7 and s8, than for 4 years to have passed since the green chunk, the red chunk would need to be 3 years. which is a little on the short side, but within the bounds set by our rough timeline!
if lloyd was 15 in s8, he was 14 in s7. so going back to our earlier theory about his age, his chronological age caught up with his body in-between 14 and 15, and he started aging again. apparently 14.5 is kind of the upper boundary of when boys' voices change, so i'd say this checks out!
and here's my visual diagram of that
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(i only included the characters that i used in figuring this out - lloyd and harumi's age relative to each other, lloyd and nya's age relative to each other, kai and nya's age relative to each other, kai saying he was a teenager, lloyd's voice changing...
but i would assume all of the core 4 ninja are about the same age except zane, who has his own thing going on. maybe jay is a year younger than kai, putting him closer in age to nya.)
assuming that the rest of the initial timeline is correct (s11-s14 being a year, the post-seabound timeskip being a year, the merge timeskip being 5 years)...
in crystalized, lloyd would be 17, nya would be 19, and kai would be 21.
in dragons rising, lloyd would be 22, nya would be 24, and kai would be 26.
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Sharing more ocs again it’s my enrichment hours 🤭
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Lore for them under the cut! Tw for mentions of self harm and incest (which is kinda there in asoiaf but still). If you can’t handle these topics that’s more than alright! I just recommend you don’t read for the sake of your mental health. Love y’all <3
Allyria Ladybright: I don’t have much on her tbh, but she’s one of my favs already <3 basically her story is that she witnessed Baelor’s whole hostage return/Aemon rescue at around seven years old, and that rocked her shit so hard she became a religious fanatic and was convinced from that whole event that King’s Landing was some incredible holy land. She’s a lesbian and acknowledges it but still thinks it’s a sin so hurts herself as a form a repentance whenever she has a gay thought. She’s part of Myriah’s royal retinue and was super excited to finally see King’s Landing only to get really sad when she realizes it’s kind of a shithole and the royal family are incestuous freaks. These are mostly scattered thoughts but she’s been banned from the Great Sept for confessing her absolutely graphic gay sex thoughts so kinda just prays in private, she idolizes all the seven worshipping Targs but immediatelyyyy starts crying if she ever gets put in Aegon’s presence, so she moved to Daeron and Myriah’s social circle until they thought it best she just… go back home. So anyway she goes back home and builds a little sept in her family seat and becomes a pseudo-septa before walking out into the desert and never coming back, yippee <3
Rowan Tully: Probably the one I have the least amount of info on, honestly her whole thing is that she’s the middle child of four daughters and was my other oc Naera’s former friend/kinda lover? She’s really jealous and hated it when Naera would flirt with any other girl even though she spent years simping for the sexy st. Sebastian-esque painting of Criston Cole she saw exactly once. She gets married to a Mallister guy but they don’t like each other so she just stays locked away in Riverrun making really nice clothes for her extended family. Has probably pushed for her older sister to support the Blackfyres out of spite, didn’t succeed in that though since the Tullys did end up pledging to the Targs. Honestly idk how she dies, maybe I’ll be nice and say she got to he geriatric and died of natural causes but I’ll take any suggestions lmao
Laenys Blackfyre: Ok I’ll be honest she’s my real favourite lol. She’s the oldest child of Aegor Rivers and Calla Blackfyre, and took her mom’s last name in order to push the Blackfyre agenda. Girlie’s charismatic as all hell and has absolutely won support from important figures in the free cities, but definitely has a more cruel side that she likes to hide behind closed doors. A little weird about relationships because she fully believes in the whole incest practice but is also a lesbian so she’s only psychosexually obsessed with her younger sister and is incredibly controlling over everything she does. Kinda believes herself to be the family’s real heir because she’s super committed to the cause and is the reason why they still have some support and when one of her brothers tried to argue that she had him “taken care of”. Anywayyy tho all her connections kinda fall apart once she gets assassinated in front of all her political allies, people think Bloodraven might’ve done it but nobody can prove it so the Blackfyres kinda just…. Brush Laenys’ whole legacy off to the side and keep trying to fight their wars. Rip queen.
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coffehbeans · 9 months
Y'all might be wondering where I've been. Well, I've been drawing!
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These are Juhren and Sunflower, my oldest g/t ocs (they're from 2018!) I'm very fond of these two and I was thinking about them a lot, not to mention redesigning them, and before I knew it, I've drawn a whole portrait aushshs
Although the only stories I've posted about these two were fluffy (here and here) their bond wasn't like this at first!
More about them under the cut~
Basically, Juhren and Sunflower are childhood friends in a fantasy world where each sentient being has a magical power inside them, which made the world full of different species of creatures. Humans like Sunflower, however, do not have this power and in the land she lives in they're being killed and harvested for a unknown purpose. So Sunflower pretends to be a magical species that's related to nature and plants (hence her name) and it was during this undercover period that she met Juhren. He's from a species of giants called the nordem, a barbaric, violent and powerful kind that's currently on war with the leaders of the country. However, when they met, Juhren was a child and nordem children are just a little taller than human size.
After a falling out, they've been separated until adulthood. Sunflower is discovered and has to flee her village and the country altogether in order to survive, hiding from basically everyone, since humans can be captured for a very high reward. In this world where she can trust no one, she needs allies in order to escape, and meeting Juhren again, now a powerful and (apparently) ruthless giant like the others, he might prove to be just the person she needs.
Sorry that got long lmaoo anyway I have their first meeting planned out (I've written it a few times as well) and, although I have a lot on my plate rn lol, I want to write it one day and show it to you guys! I've only been showing Juhren's soft side so far, but truth is he rarely makes the face he's making at the drawing ausush So anyway I love them
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starcrossedjedis · 7 months
Look, I never really got emotionally attached to Bridgerton as a show, which is also why I never went and read the books, but the sneaky peeks these days remind me how very attached I was to my three "Spinster Society" OCs and their storylines 🥹
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Ms. Kitty Turner - illegitimate bastard daughter of the late Lord Bridgerton's brother, who - following a string of rather sad events - happened to grow up with her flock of picture perfect Bridgerton cousins.
When it's time for her cousin Daphne to debut, her cousin Anthony as new head of the family makes the decision not to let Kitty debut alongside his sister.
Worried both about what the merciless gossip machine of the ton might do to her and about what such a ruckus could do to Daphne's prospects, he thinks it best to keep her on the periphery of things.
Alas, Queen Charlotte has other ideas ("I believe we are missing a young lady today...") and commands Kitty debuts along with the others.
The young lady in question however is less than thrilled. She had been looking forward to spending the season in peace and with her two best friends. Learning that Poppy is in France and won't be joining them is bad enough, now she has to prance around like a show pony and make nice with spoiled young men who either wouldn't court her even if their life depended on it or who see her as nothing but an exotic notch to put on her belt.
And when it seems that the rakish Duke of Hastings is making the moves on her very innocent cousin, Kitty fears that this season she really has her work cut out for her...
(In which the scene in the maze really is just a misunderstanding and a certain someone declares his intention to marry a certain bastard in front of the Queen and a crowd of people expecting him to propose to The Diamond™️. Also no one is being raped in this one and pulling out is not contraception, thank you ☝️)
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Ms. Poppy Featherington (yes, I know Poppy is also an abbreviation for Penelope shhhht 🤫) - the oldest Featherington daughter used to be her mother's favourite, mostly because the ton was certain that out of all the sisters she was the most likely to strike a notable match. Her mother even harboured hopes that she might be the one to finally tie that inseparable bond with the Bridgertons, when her eldest daughter stroke up a surprising friendship with the future Viscount.
But following her debut season - a season without a match, might we add - she did not return to the ton the following year, chosing instead to study in France, according to her mother.
When she returns for what is supposed to be the season of Miss Edwina Sharma, she is a changed woman - earnest and almost reclusive, without patience for her mother's meddling to intervene with Anthony's and Edwina's budding courtship and opening up only to her best friend Kitty - the new Duchess of Hasting - and her cousin Charlie.
But even they aren't privy to her biggest secret - and the real reason she was missing from the merry and the crazy of the ton for so long...
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Mr. Charlie Featherington - cousin of the Featherington bunch, oldest member of the "Spinster Society" and a definite favourite of the ton in recent seasons.
Alas, where in the first few years people were aghast as to why someone like him - handsome and kind, with a sweet smiley and dreamy eyes - hadn't found himself a wife yet, more recently hushed rumours have been starting to circulate behind close doors as to why the young man might not be in a hurry to marry.
Benedict Bridgerton - fully occupied by his family's own dramas and scandals and thus blissfully unaware of most of the ton's secrets, lies and cause for rage - is happy to find a likeminded friend in passionate writer and artistic soul Charlie, as well as someone who is not afraid to be frank about his opinions on Benedict's art.
But soon Benedict sees reason to question Charlie's feelings for him - and yet more importantly, the way he feels about the sweet, young man who seems to be so utterly at peace with the implications of living out his days a "Bachelor".
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miraculan-draws · 11 months
Pls god tell me cuntiness runs in the Ancunín family. Like I already enjoy chewing on the myriad of feelings Astarion would go through upon learning he has living relatives who care for him, as well as meeting them. But the idea of them being equally as bitchy as him is so funny. Showing up 200 years late to a family reunion only to find out tht the reason he is the way he is is bc he spent his mortal years chasing after equally catty older siblings who have been doing it way longer than he has.
And this is just bc I have one sibling and they’re 16 years younger than me, so I’m sort of projecting, but he does sort of give not only youngest sibling energy, but Much Younger Than The Others energy. Like the rest were full grown adults when he was born and they were like what are we supposed to do with it? Which is why, despite being one of the “oldest” spawn, he’s yk [gestures] the way that he is w the rest of them.
THATS EXACTLY WHAT I DID HES THE YOUNGEST BY LIKE A SIGNIFICANT MARGIN. I will give a sneaky peek. Because I cannot shut up about my OCs.
1. CAPTAIN Adonnae Ancunín- KING bitch. I wanted the family to be the nobles of a keep specifically so there would be reason for guards/soldiers, they're the security for like a small region with a handful of villages too far for cities/towns to protect. And Adonnae takes the job very seriously while also being one of the least compassionate people ever. He's stern. Aloof. He cares about protecting those villages because he cares about his job, but not so much the people. He was Tavyth's commanding officer—Tav was originally a guard for the keep itself, he was recruited as a soldier after Astarion left for the city. Adonnae ended up banishing Tavyth after a raid involving lycans from the bordering wilds, both for Tav ignoring orders to abandon the village he grew up in, AND for getting bitten. The only reason he was not executed was "in Astarion's memory."
2. PROFESSOR Althea Ancunín- slightly less of a bitch but also just like. Does not get people. She's cold but not in a mean way she just cannot be sensitive to save her life. She's a wizard in Waterdeep because I think it's hilarious that no one knows Astarion's surname until act 3. She's bEEN in Waterdeep so long that Astarion has very few memories of her and she only ever came home during special events.
3. Astarion wanted OUT of the keep, like chasing any opportunities that would take him elsewhere because he's the youngest PERSON there, like can you imagine??? How SLOW the day to day goings-on in a blue-blooded ELVEN house are?? They hurry nothing. Because they have all the time in the world to do it. I can picture Astarion being both frivolous and adventure-seeking, drawn to the city but morally uncaring about his actual job when he was there, as long as he was out. I also think. Because I am horrible. That he was only there for like six months before Cazador noticed him.
(Tavyth was like crushed when Astarion left because they spent like. Every day together. And Tav was going to miss him so terribly but never once did Astarion mention possibly missing HIM. Astarion just ..moved and acted and thought too quickly to stop and look at what was around him right then and there.)
(but vampire spawn Astarion...is observant. He watches. He's impulsive but also he's 200 years older. He's sly, because he has to be. Intelligent. He was a little bird and now he's a cat.)
(and Tavyth is also hardened and darkened by just. Battle and aimless wandering to look for someone who will give him coin to do more fighting. He's kind of a bitch too now. So now they match. And they got matching worms.)
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edennill · 3 months
Oh, friend! I nearly forgot to send YOU asks for the WIP Game! Could you tell me a bit about "End of Angband" and "Here's to the ones who dream", please?? <3
Here's to the Ones Who Dream is a longfic (with the obvious disclaimer that my standards for 'longfic' are probably somewhat shorter than most people's) about Faramir. I've started on it a year and a half ago tbh 😅 and now what I've got (about his childhood) is in the middle of a rewrite and then I have to bring up his relationship with Gandalf, and his scholarly pursuits... and as always I find I don't know how far into his life it's supposed to go -- maybe the beginning of his military life? It's written in the context of his own reminiscences and right now I'm experimenting with tense and person, so it's kind of in the stage of being a playbox for my own headcanons, but I think it deserves a honourable mention for being one of the oldest fics I haven't wholly abandoned.
The title is a reference to his dreams (the specific kind Faramir is famous for) which are focused on a lot, at least in the early bits as I first envisaged them.
End Of Angband in its first iteration focuses on two of my OCs: Díriel (M, Noldo) and Lóreth (F, Silvan-Sindarin) who are both thralls in Angband; it's told from the POV of Díriel and spans from his capture (and meeting with Lóreth) to the downfall of Morgoth.
In case you're wondering... they're not a couple, but they're not not a couple either - Angband is absolutely not conductive to forming relationships, but do they end up being the light in a dark place for eachother...? yeah. And after the First Age it develops somewhat bittersweetly with Díriel returning to Valinor with the Host of the West and Lóreth going on to help found Rivendell one day... and they both feel a little unrequited longing "but after all they're not lovers so..."
(They absolutely will get together in the Fourth Age but there's a long way between now and then)
That said, while I've grown attached to the two I have doubts whether they're really conductive to the goal I actually want to achieve here, so the second itineration of the project I'm debating on is just a one shot about the War of Wrath from the perspective of an anonymous thrall.
...It takes a lot from my WW2 reading and the impression I get from concentration camp memoirs (and one specific memoir in particular) when they talk about the very end of the war -- I'm not denying that some of the most horrible atrocities happened while the camps were being dismantledz but on the other hand there is often this sense of who's winning the war being an open secret and this chaos beyond enemy lines and... it's not eucatastrophe because terrible things are still happening but it causes similar feelings in me and it's fascinating to read about.
(I hope it's not disrespectful per se to have something so awful inspire your fantasy writing, but on the other hand all fantasy is inspired by irl history, and it's not like this isn't my own national heritage so...)
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