#but overall definitely seems like the kind of thing id enjoy watching
astranauticus · 1 year
ok so i am definitely gonna tryna do everything i can to get my hands on the breaking ice when it gets a theatrical release (seeing as the directors singaporean we might even get a theatrical release here owo) but i just gotta shoutout this absolutely deranged sentence from the indie wire review from the cannes premier
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demonqueenart · 3 months
Thank you for answering, I really appreciate it <3 I remember when people were speaking up about these issues a few years ago and many people in the phandom either shut them down or ignored them, and while I’m sure there’s still a lot of that going on even now, I’m really glad that we’ve reached a far more open and understanding point where it’s okay to talk about this stuff now. You and blogs like yours are doing a really good job putting yourselves out there, and we really are striving for a more inclusive community, because we all deserve it!!
Per the subtitle thing, I did some more research and went back to their recent videos, and it seems that while the majority of them do have proper subtitles, I think DnP don’t tend to upload their videos with proper subtitles on them at first, and instead do the subs afterwards and then add them when they’re finished, because the most recent video still has auto-generated subs on it.
While I am thankful that they do put on proper subs, since far too many YouTubers (some even bigger than them) don’t even bother, I believe they should make sure that the subs are there when they upload their videos; since I usually wait a few days to watch new videos, I didn’t notice the time-gap between auto-generated and proper subtitles, so that was my mistake! I appreciate their captioning, but D/deaf people, HoH people and people with sensory processing issues shouldn’t have to wait for accessibility, so I do think they have the capacity to do better in that regards. I’m not an expert on how captioning works on YouTube, so I don’t know how long it takes for captions to be made, but overall I think there’s definitely room for improvement.
That’s my opinion, though, as someone who uses subtitles, but obviously someone else may see this completely differently!
Absolutely! People should be able to enjoy an upload right then! I imagine it’s disheartening that someone would have to wait for a subtitle to be in a video while others have already watched and geeked about the whole thing. That must have made people feel excluded from this community in some way. I hope they’ll hire professionals for subtitles in the future, or find other ways to make people able to enjoy an upload right then! (It’s still very nice of them to use subtitles in their video early on tho. I think it’s something that people can overlook so easily, I’m glad this is not what they do :) )
Also, if anyone wants to share their pov about this, I would love to hear them. The more pov, the better!
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[ID/ a banner with light blue sparkly background; the disability pride flag slides in from the left and darker blue text pops in reading "Make some noise for Disability Pride Month!!" /end ID]
Banner by dapg-otmebytheballs
Auto-message: This ask’s purpose is to acknowledge dnp’s past/present exclusivity, not to cancel them! But to embrace mistakes that they’ve made so that 1. we won’t exclude people in need in this community, and 2. we can normalize bringing up exclusivity so that improvement can happen. Hopefully this will one day help dnp realize that this is a safe space for them to talk about their mistakes, so that this space can become safe for people of all kinds too <3
*If you don’t understand what is happening, scroll through my blog for context. And I’ll be taking time to answer my asks, so don’t think I’m ignoring youuu*
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cloudmonarch43 · 22 days
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[ID in alt text, repeated below the cut]
My to-watch list is pretty short now and it's not especially satisfying to write about movies while trying not to say too much about what happens in them, plus I barely like Instagram anymore (where these posts are focused), so it'll probably at least be a while before there's another post like this. But never you think that I don't want to talk about movies!! (Oops, I never noticed I wrote the wrong year for Alien. It's right in the alt text because I typed it all first and then copied it down!)
Image 1:
Saw (2004) is a very silly movie that manages to stay enjoyable the whole way through. Aside from a few good bits, I didn't like Saw II (2005). There were too many characters, underdeveloped, so that even in context it just felt cruel to kill them off. I like engaging with the mechanisms of the games, and yeah the point of the games is violence, but the second movie felt like it didn't care about the game part. It made some good moves as a sequel, but the first one was a lot more fun.
Rather than telling me a story, Dirty Dancing (1987) felt like it was telling me about a story. I liked watching the dancing, and I liked the story that was being summarized, so I liked the movie, but it was strange how much of it just felt like information. Even though the plot was a bit convenient, the great variety of relationships made it feel like a genuine world.
The first time I watched I Saw the TV Glow (2024), I didn't know what I was in for; I kind of stumbled home in a daze of delight and sadness. Movies are such a capacious medium and I love it when that potential is actually used. It also feels good to watch something where the queer interpretation is not just a side effect yet it's still abstract and metaphorical.
We're All Going to the World's Fair (2021) is a super effective movie about watching other people's videos. In reviews I saw, I thought people credited it with a lot that wasn't actually there—only a place was set, which the viewer automatically filled. It didn't resonate with me as much, but I think it's cool to be put through the same sort of process as the characters.
[pencil sketch for Dirty Dancing of Johnny and Baby dancing]
Image 2:
Pretty much everything I wrote in my journal about The Sixth Sense (1999) is using it as a comparison to clarify other things, so I don't know what to say about it on its own. I enjoyed watching it.
After that I rewatched some stuff.
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) is great. It really lets you sink in, and there's a lot to sink into, both visually and conceptually.
Blade Runner (1982) seemed more self-contained and a lot easier to follow this time through. I liked it overall but it's so bleak. I guess it's supposed to make me think about what it means to be human but "either you're a cop or a little guy" is the undisputed thesis statement I heard.
The Thing (1982) remains one of my top favorite movies (which is a list I haven't written, but "I Saw the TV Glow" is on it too). I hadn't even remembered a solid half of the great special effects moments because there's just so many.
Alien (1979) didn't work out as well. I still think it's a good movie, but it turns out a lot of what I liked about it was the suspense that doesn't hold up when I know what's going to happen. I know people love to analyze this movie but it's just not catching me that way.
Challengers (2024) is all about three random people I don't have any reason to care about... plus I don't care about tennis. It's not really my kind of movie. That said, it's just about as satisfying as it could possibly be.
[pencil sketch for 2001: A Space Odyssey of an EVA pod]
Image 3:
Pulse (2001) is really sad. What if the loneliness was never ending! It's a high quality, coherent representation, and then it just exists and there's nothing you can do about it. (Also it definitely should have been called Circuit.)
I watched Happy Death Day (2017) because I love time loops a lot. It didn't give me more than that, but it was easy enough to sit through. I think it could've pushed its concepts further but at least it didn't fall apart.
Of course then I had to rewatch Groundhog Day (1993), which I'd mostly forgotten, and I was delighted to discover that this movie rocks. It's efficient, covering a lot of ground without feeling distant or dense, and it really felt convincing.
Nightcrawler (2014) is brutal, unforgiving, and a great movie. Lou isn't a defeatable villain; he's a concentration. This movie refuses to lie, and that feels good even though the things it's saying don't.
[pencil sketch for Pulse of Ryosuke kneeling next to Harue, who is hugging herself]
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juniperhillpatient · 2 years
The Runaway Re-Watch
I have not watched this episode in forever, & I think I appreciated it more during this re-watch than I have in the past. Despite having some really amazing parts, this episode overall involves a lot of bickering & not the funny banter kind, the kind that feels a little too real - which is good writing, but it's not always the most fun to watch, for me at least. I think I just relate a lot to Katara, & that makes some of the arguments hit too close to home. As an eldest daughter, & someone who has been accused (totally falsely of course!) of being a bit high-strung (& as someone who has definitely gotten into bad arguments with friends over them doing reckless shit) I just really, really felt for Katara in this episode lol
I think the reason I like this episode more now is that I've put a lot more thought into all the characters, particularly Toph. The conflict between Katara & Toph in this episode is actually pretty interesting & makes a lot of sense when you think about their very different histories. Katara came from a village where she had to help out, there was no option, she was just expected to step up & not only help out with chores but be responsible. Remember when Aang shows up? Katara says (of penguin sledding) "I haven't done this since I was a kid!" & Aang has to remind her that she still is a kid. Toph meanwhile came from a sheltered household where she was completely restrained & never allowed to do anything - & where she had servants looking after her. So, of course, there are ongoing conflicts between them about how to behave.
I think I took issue with Katara & Toph's bickering not existing as part of a larger arc the first time that I watched this show because I kept expecting it to go somewhere & for them to overcome their differences. They are a lot closer by the end of this episode than they were at the start, & they understand each other more, but you don't get the sense that they'll always get along from now on. Having thought about it more...I don't have a problem with this. It makes sense. Even aside from their different histories, the girls have clashing personalities. They're going to fight. They still care about each other deeply, like family.
There are 3 parts of this episode that I really enjoyed a lot.
1. Katara & Toph bonding emotionally & then breaking out of prison thanks to Katara’s epic sweat bending (+1000 iconic behavior points for Katara)
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[id: Katara & Toph, sitting in a wooden prison. end id]
2. Sokka & Aang’s comedy in this episode was pretty nice. I especially enjoyed the two of them forgetting Toph can’t read or write while planning to push the girls to get along.
3. The water siblings!!!!
My favorite part of this episode is what it tells us about the water siblings. I loved the scene between Sokka & Toph that Katara overheard.
Sokka: When our mom died, that was the hardest time in my life. Our family was a mess, but Katara? She had so much strength. She stepped up and took on so much responsibility. She helped fill the void that was left by our mom.
Katara took on so much at so young an age - this episode makes it really hard to remember that Katara is younger than Sokka - & I think it’s both sad & amazing to think about that.
Then we have this exchange -
Sokka: I'm gonna tell you something crazy. I never told anyone this before, but honestly? I'm not sure I can remember what my mother looked like. It really seems like my whole life, Katara's been the one looking out for me. She's always been the one that's there. And now, when I try to remember my mom, Katara's is the only face I can picture. [Katara, touched by what Sokka says, is reduced to tears.]
Toph: The truth is sometimes Katara does act motherly, but that's not always a bad thing. She's compassionate and kind, and she actually cares about me. [Wipes away tears from her left eye.] You know, the real me. That's more than my own mom. [Katara, deeply touched by Toph's words, sinks slightly into the water. Toph punches Sokka in the arm.] Don't ever tell her I said any of this!
We’re out of the 3 big draws of this episode for me now, but I also did enjoy the montage of the scams Toph, Sokka, & Aang pulled. I was definitely happy to see the return of Wang Fire.
This was certainly an interesting episode, & I enjoyed re-watching & thinking about it. Thanks for reading my rambling thoughts & (late) Merry Christmas if you celebrate!
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savoies · 4 years
three times you told sidney if he wanted kids and one time you told him you were gonna have a kid.
Pairing: sidney crosby x reader.
Summary: the title says it all.
Word count: 1.1k
Warnings: maybe one bad word and hints of sex.
A/N: thank you to caitee@pierreslucdubois for helping bring up this idea and enjoy my first 3 + 1 fic. also the current divisions aren't present here.
taglist: ​ ​ @nhlpetey @mitch-slap ​ @frostythegoalman ​ @ryanssuzuki  @aria253264 ​  @josty ​ ​ @kaitieskidmore1 ​ ​ @kiedhara ​ ​ @laurenairay ​ @teenagekook ​ ​ @alxvlasic ​ ​ ​ @hockeyallthetime ​ ​ @barzy-baby ​ ​ ​ @officialgritty ​ ​ @bowenbyram ​ @mems06 ​ @joshsandersons ​  @connormcdavo ​ @maattamatthews ​ ​ @pierreslucdubois ​ ​ @selenophileangel ​ @boqvistsbabe @ana-maa ​ @stars-canucks @quinnhughxs
​tagging some buds: @npatrickz @beauvibaby @heybarzy @tkachuk-yeah @cozycozzy @2manytabsopen ​
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(*credit to gif owner*)
You and Sidney had been dating for a few years now. Seeming more like a married couple overall anything. No one really talking about what the next step was or what your future would look like. Honestly with Sid it was more about just seeing what was to come and that everything would come when the time was right. Being basically somewhat married already except not having the title, rings, and wedding.
It was your three year anniversary. Both of you really not wanting to do anything special since you were kind of over that. He had practice earlier in the day but had asked his coach if he could leave a bit earlier.
You at home making your guy's favorite meal. Setting up everything before he arrived home.
Much later after the meal and a few glasses of wine both of you sat on the couch ignoring the sound of the television and just talking about whatever came up, and for you it was kids.
"Hey Sid have you ever thought about having kids?" You looked questionably at your boyfriend not really ever having brought it up before.
"I mean yeah of course. Teaching them how to play hockey like how my dad taught me, why?" He asked as his soft smile was illuminated by the light of the tv. 
"Just curious" You said as you placed your head on his shoulder and watched whatever silly rerun was on tv.
Before Sidney had gone on a road trip you had spent the night and most of the day in your room. Wanting to spend every single minute together trying to memorize every single inch of each other like you guys didn't already know everything about the other.
Bringing you to one month later. Sidney currently being somewhere on the West Coast and you standing in your bathroom waiting for the five minute timer to go off.
You had been feeling sick the past few days. Thinking maybe it was something you ate but it sooned dawned on you as your friend was talking about her pregnancy symptoms. 
So now here you stood in your bathroom. Waiting. And waiting. And waiting. You had texted Sidney earlier just a quick text along the lines of a hypothetical situation of you being pregnant and what his reaction would be which he replied to with a simple id be excited.
Now weren't sure how to feel as the timer went off. Did you want to be pregnant? Were you gonna be sad if you weren't? Was Sidney gonna be okay with you not being pregnant? Your breath unsteady as you turned around the test and saw that it only had one line indicating that you were in fact not pregnant.
You let out a breath but you felt a sadness overcome you. Then you remembered what Sidney always told you. The right time will come. 
Baby showers. Some people loved them and some people hated them. Honestly some people just thought it was a way for women to tell their husbands they wanted another kid.
Your friend had been expecting and now here you were at her baby shower/gender reveal with Sidney.
Both of you sitting in one of the corners of the backyard participating in all the silly baby shower games. 
Sidney seemed to be quite into them more than you and you laughed at his enthusiasm to win the prizes.
"Sidney honey you do know you don't have to play every game right." Your eyebrow raised as he had his nose stuffed into a diaper trying to guess what chocolate was smeared on it.
"I don't know about John over here but I want to win the prize." He said as he pointed over at your other friend's husband currently in the same situation as Sidney in trying to guess the chocolate.
You laughed as you got up to get a drink and stood by the table overlooking everyone and in the corner of your eye you saw your very pregnant friend waddling to you.
"Y/N!! I'm so glad you are here." She smiled at you definitely having that pregnancy glow that everyone talked about.
"Happy to be here. This all turned great. " you smiled.
"So are you next?" She looked up at you with her eyebrow raised.
You choked on your drink as you processed her words. You definitely did not expect to be asked about kids at her baby shower.
"Wait have you and Crosby not talked about it?" She looked at you as she registered your reaction.
"We have a few times but it hasn't come up recently." You looked over at him still trying to beat your friend's husband in another game.
"Hey Crosby." Your friend yelled across the lawn as she waddled to your boyfriend.
"So you planning to knock up Y/N soon?" She crossed her arms as both of your eyes widened.
"Oh my gosh, i can not believe you just said that." You said shaking your head.
"Well we aren't really trying right now but if she gets pregnant then i'd be happy." He said as he looked at you and smiled.
Sidney had just gotten back from a game. One of the games that really mattered. The season was wrapping up meaning they needed to step their game up and try to get as many wins as possible.
Of course Sidney being Sidney came back with a win. And couldn't wait to show you how much your support meant to him.
You had taken a test earlier in the day after he left. Having been more hopeful this time since your symptoms were definitely stronger.
Now here you sat on the couch waiting for him to walk through the door and tell him that your life was about to be different. 
"Y/N babe i'm home." He spoke up as he set his things down.
"In the living room." You yelled back. "I need to tell you something." You said as you patted the seat on the couch next to you.
"Oh ok. Everything ok?" He asked as he searched your eyes for a sign.
"Yeah, at least i think so. Can you close your eyes for me please." You said as you grabbed his hands, opened it, and placed the pregnancy test on them.
"Ok you can open them now." You said.
"Wait. No. Are you serious? Is this for real? Are you fucking with me?" He asked as his thoughts registered in his mind.
You shook your head as a few tears pricked at your eyes.
"You're pregnant." He said as he hugged you tightly. "Oh I'm sorry, can't be hurting the baby." He said with the biggest smile on his face. Sidney was right, the right time did come.
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scolopendress-tag · 3 years
Have some Asra n Muriel disorganized headcanons: animal themed!
Asra's most likely to answer quetzal if you ask for his favourite bird (he had a close up encounter with one his first time in nopal and had never seen a bird like it so it's a special memory), but he also appreciates all others. He also loves dart frogs and his favorite reptile would of course be perfect lavender angel baby fictional fantasy pythons. I'd also see him loving dragonflies as well.
He will see literally any animal generally and always say "they're one of my favourites!", though. It doesn't matter how many times he's said it that day or how many animals he's said it about. It's almost without fail he'll point one out and say it's a favourite.
One of his favorite animals is always the one in front of him Right Now, as a quick reference.
Plus, he loves to point animals out on travels or when out and about Vesuvia, so get used to hearing it!
He may attempt to catch critters occasionally too, or just pick them up, these will be mostly bugs usually. He just likes to cup moths in his hand on occasion and the watch them flutter out and I think he should be allowed to! Or just cradle bugs in his palm and watch them walk around for a bit. If it's a reptile or amphibian somewhere it could get stepped on or dried out or eaten he will still scoop them up and carry them to the brush.
[Cont. after cut]
Nothing he ever handles seems to get too upset or stressed, even when it's an animal that otherwise would. They just seem to be more relaxed if it's Asra who's touching them. Sometimes reptiles just come up to him (or even crawl onto his hand, as a few lizards have,) curiously enough. Though they may still refuse to be touched even then, they're notably not bothered by his presence when for others they'd run away. It's not something Asra's ever noticed to be odd, nor would it be overly noticeable to most people, but it's definitely something you can recognize if you pay attention.
Asra would also love to run on the beach sometimes, namely as a kid, maybe making himself invisible or otherwise undetectable until he's right up on a big flock of seagulls before giving them a hearty boo! And watching them all fly away all giggly. As an adult he may still stir up flocks for fun sometimes, or just to see how pretty it is to watch them all fly at once.
In general he just loves watching birds or bugs or whatever be it fly, always so effortlessly. Maybe he wishes he could fly himself. It certainly would make things easier he would come to think time to time growing up in Vesuvia.
Plus, he likes to collect the feathers that flutter down. Back when he sold masks, they were something he incorporated into them often. Then, too, he would also sit by the river after wearing himself out practicing hydromancy or what not, and a few times dragonflies would perch on him. He'd always gasp n grin all big and goofy when they did.
Muriel doesn't pick favorites really when it comes to animals (barring wolves and bears), but he does mirror Asra's 'one of my favourites' statements by saying "they're one of Asra's favorites," Occasionally.
While Asra's animal encounters or observations are typically brief, Muriel is more than content to just watch animals long periods of time. He can spot or at least know where to find some seriously elusive ones. The only one such animal Asra seems to have luck like that with seems to be foxes.
If you want to see an animal, local to the area around Vesuvia namely, Muriel can probably help you with that, granted he trusts you. This includes dens, hives, and nesting sites of course, things he will stop by occasionally in his forest to check on. His luck/skill in finding these things can't seem to be mimicked by even the most skilled animal trackers, you'd think they were practically just showing themselves to only him.
Muriel is also content to let animals do their thing and not interact with them much. Birds, butterflies and similar may land on him occasionally and he's always enchanted by it though, and will make no move to prevent an animal being on or touching him. Similar to Asra, he will also remove any animals in bad spots and put them somewhere better. He's a bit more effective at this though, as he tends to be looking down anyways, while Asra has probably smooshed a few pillbugs and snails before while doing his own thing- eyes elsewhere.
If Muriel did ever nerf a bug accidentally he would probably feel pretty damn bad, and if it wasn't reduced to a mere smear he would return its poor bug corpse to nature so that it might reclaim it. He'd get over it quick though if he was in a good mood prior, just give him a moment. If he was upset over something else already and he killed one, I could see it even pushing him to tears or rather making it worse if he was already at that point.
Asra would probably be like 'awh.... :( oof, I'm sorry lil guy...' and sweep it into nature if he could, but otherwise he would not be impacted too much.
Asra would purposely kill bugs on a few occasions even, pest bugs namely - like flies or mosquitoes or, of course, plague beetles. He may even instinctively lash out and flatten a bug that simply resembles a plague beetle enough, particularly if something had his anxiety or panic (ptsd trigger from the plague??) going. Otherwise plague beetle resembling beetles he'd be a little unsettled by, or uncomfortable to be around, but not enough to necessarily kill. He'd either move it somewhere else, try to scare it off, or move away from it. Muriel doesn't have many hang ups on plague beetle resembling bugs, though he would probably kill the real deal readily.
Any dead animals not in a wild area (like left in the city or on a road,) Muriel would move as long as it wasn't yknow. Too nasty. Birds that hit windows, starved or sickly scavengers, anything that dropped in a heatwave or was claimed by a flood, things like that, recent deaths. It pains him to see at all, but pains him more to leave them just.... There. Some he may bury, others he may leave out in places where there's animals he know will take it for food.
Injured or sick animals Muriel would try to help best he could, and he's successfully done it a few times. If it's blistering hot he'd also likely leave water out here and there for the animals of the forest, and he may enlist Asra's help with this to replenish water in natural water basins as well in droughts.
Muriel can handle animal death okay, hunting and fishing is a thing he does to some degree, it's just the preventable or senseless ones that hurt, it's worth saying here. It's just sad. He'll be okay after though, unless there's something more nefarious and upsetting at play.
Asra helping unwell/hurt animals would mostly consist of magic healing, but beyond that he wouldn't know what to really do besides bring it to Muriel or any animal experts near him. He doesn't come across these situations too often thankfully, though. Domestic animals he would take in more readily, and would let crash at the shop for a while if he can. If it's a livestock animal he'll ask if Muriel wants to take it in, or even in the case of an ownerless pet animal. If not, he can ask around. See if anyone wants a new dog or cat or... Goat. I just imagine those are the kinds of animals he's most likely to find in need, being in the center of Vesuvia.
Moving on from that....
Animal knowledge!
Asra likely doesn't know a ton about animals outside of ones that feature prominently in magic and myth, he's just good at identifying them and overall tends to appreciate their presence. Identifying animals can make for good pass times on long travels, or if he just sees something particularly neat he may simply want to know what to call it. He also probably learned most the common local Vesuvian species names growing up, probably through reading, though the bulk of his knowledge of the nature he grew up around is probably botanical- foraging can be dangerous! Plus, magic knowledge probably leans more heavily on plants than animals as well.
If Asra can't identify an animal, though, he will simply make up a name for it on the spot. If he finds out it's ID later he will still refer to it as his made up name followed by AKA/sometimes called/locally known as [real name]. He also tends to refer to tons of animals as the infamous, famous, legendary, revered, etc. Regardless of relevance, commonality or obscurity. He just thinks they all deserve such titles, and when has a little flair ever hurt?
"Ah, MC, look! It's an Abramesmerwhymsical Zadithi midnight-billed stilt-wader! Though it's sometimes also known as the famous crab-plover," Kinda shit. He enjoys it.
Muriel doesn't actually know the actual names of a ton of animals species. He knows of a few though, not to mention the Asra-given names that stuck with him. Despite not knowing their names sometimes still, he can tell most all species apart readily, and juveniles from adults, males from females, things like that. He watches animals of the forest regularly and is in tune with the local species life cycles, breeding or rearing seasons, migratory patterns, unique behaviors and everything else. Though his knowledge is probably limited to Vesuvian species, he's able to quickly pick up on other animal's traits and such when outside of Vesuvian territory, and is generally good with animals as is.
He knows what doves/pigeons and owls and vipers and mice and geckos etc are. He may not know that a specific species of such is called like, namaqua doves, omani owls, ocellated mountain vipers, cario spiny mouse, kotschy's middle-toed geckos n shit. It's not like he has NO idea, species names are weird and can be long winded so....
...He just doesn't know that dunnocks aren't actually called stripple-caped tseepers.
But he doesn't need to. <3
If he does learn the real names for them though, he is quite glad and will use the name readily. If you're looking at a Muriel who's in the city more, he will probably read up on this information himself, but otherwise he would of course treasure it if MC told him.
The only reasons he doesn't even know the names to begin with is mostly because the names you'll hear out and about most commonly only cover a fraction of species to start, and everything else youre mostly going to have to study via reading or classes. Neither of those seem to be things a young homeless Muriel would care to pursue lmao.
I forgot what else I was going to add and lost track so, I'll maybe add more later. I'll probably also amend this as I may find I don't agree with my own statements the next day and also I don't proofread so. I hope u enjoyed these feel free to add on or add differing opinions!
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damonsexywifey · 4 years
helo today i am going to be talking about daddy papi sexy icon Damon Salvatore. I know im fucking obsessed but this man makes my ovaries explode so i need some way to let it all out so here i go
first things first his mf looks
his eyes omfg his eyes he could stare at me and i would melt his bright blue eyes i already am quite a fan of pretty eyes but his eyes ive been obsessed for a very long time like wtf his eyes are so seductive and for what why do you do this to me huh damon why oh why HIS eyes omg when he looks at elena is with such care and love, id PAY for him to look at me like that HE COULD STOMP ON ME AND ID SAY SORRY AND THANK YOU ok now his little smirk oml when he did something bad he'd do his little smirk and i know it'd be very sociopathic of me to actually enjoy that but why the fuck did i get turned on by that why is he such a sex icon big dick energy is radiating I COULD LITERALLY BE WATCHING A SCENE OF HIM AND ELENA FLIRTING CASUALLY AND I'D BE SWEATING THAT WOULD FILL A WHOLE OCEAN I'D NEED TO PAUSE AND TAKE A BREATHER BECAUSE THAT MAN IS TOO MUCH FOR ME.
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OK NOW IVE DONE A LOOKS ASSESSMENT. IT IS OFF TO DO A PERSONALITY ANALYSIS BECAUSE HE COULDVE BEEN REALLY HOT AND HAD A DEAD PERSONALITY like matt (sorry matt ps i still love you) but no damon has not let me down with his personality so lemme talk about that
the fucking humour:
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OK THIS IS JUST mf fragments to his smart ass humour but omg this guy is carrying the show with its humour, i find humour extremely attractive so him just being a little devilish sociopathic smart ass bastard boy is all i ask for and it was received, stefan is great lemme tell u that but one of the reasons its damon>stefan for me its maybe because i prefer playful characters who can quit the intensity and actually have fun so yea personal preferences come into this
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my boy is very emotional, hes a vampire yada yada but he hasnt flicked the switch off of his humanity hes still a ball of fluff who tries to cover it up with spikes so he seems tough but some sad scenes you can see right through him like some above. The first one is him letting things pile up over and over again and its killing him in the inside hes such a cinnamon roll and all he needs is a hug and someone to tell him hes gonna be alright...can i plz volunteer to do that ✋
the second one was a scene that made go waaaaaaa and tear up because that was the scene when he was opening up about how he wants and loves elena but shes not hers, shes stefans around then. The fact hes showed as some type of dickhead but he could be rlly douchy and literally just steal her away from stefan but he doesnt because shes "brothers girl" aaa hes caring and it hurts how much he does and his sad scenes hurt, hes not bad hes just very broken inside.
Unapologetically Honest
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one of the reasons i love about him is that hes just so mf honest which is ironic because around s2 its just elena calling him a liar anyways hes honest with a lack of apology which i feel like would be extremely necessary when theres a flock of bad guys always at your doorstep, sugar covered words aren't needed tbh thats where his honesty comes in
hes aware of himself and knows that he can be dickhead some way or another so its funny when hes aware kinda gives definition to his character being a self proclaimed dickhead
i stan alarics and damons friendship theres so mf honest with eachother, alaric could be getting emotional about his relationships and this man could just go "but they're dead.. *sips tea* " hes so unbothered theres something attractive about it
umm so i kinda forgot the post only allows 10 pics so you lot are lucky enough that u get a video
anyways im extremely attracted to intense romance rather than cutesy lovey dovey, this guy ticks the box for intense hes so mf sexy with like one touch can u explain this science to me BECAUSE THIS GUY SCREAMS SEX WTF AND I HAVE NO IDEA HOW ELENA CONTROLS HER SEXUAL DESIRES BECAUSE BITCH U SURE DO KNOW I'D DO ANYTHING THIS BASTARD WOULD TELL ME TO DO ANYWAYS THERE WAS THIS SCENE WHERE ELENA WAS WORKING OUT AND THIS GUY WAS TOUCHING HER RIBCAGE OR SOMETHING AND THE HEAVY BREATHING I'D PROBABLY FAINT IN HIS ARMS BUT THIS WOMAN HELD IT TOGETHER CAN HE PLZ TAKE ME ADOPT ME ILL LIVE IN UR HOME I'LL LIVE IN THE TINIEST PLACE IN UR HOUSE I DONT MIND ME I JUST NEED TO BE GRACED BY UR LOOKS the intensity is legit like fire to the skin, i blush and scream for elena im a literal pterodactyl screeching when he comes on screen with him naked and one towel covering his big dick i would write the director a mf big ass letter to persuade him to let damon walk in with no towel pls i beg cmon u can do it i know u want too
anyways overall damon salvatore is my husband papi daddy and i do admit i simp for him and hes hit me like a wrecking ball im on s3 for vampire diaries ill keep u lot updated if anything happens in my shift of simp but for now im kind of addicted to this bootylicious babe actually now i think about it what if i actually ever meet him or something id probably weep and faint yes that'd happen ill probably just stare and i dont blame him if he kicks me out for being a creep anyways uh this was my essay hope u lot enjoy because i sure as heck enjoyed screaming my burning passionate love for Damon Salvatore if someone was selling a damon salvatore in store id be the first one to purchase and i feel like i speak for the nation of damon simps ily babes because i totally understand this lust you have for him
anywho bye bye xoxoxo
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emiliehardie-blog · 4 years
I have decided to start writing down my opinions of The King: Eternal Monarch... starting with the fourth episode, like a weirdo.
Opinions at start of episode 4:
- overall: I’m watching episodes as they come out, but am not missing it between episodes
- there are elements of this that are really great (cinematography, Jo Yeong, First Court Lady Noh), some with potential (the prime minister) and some that are just elements I find awesome (alternate worlds, chill/lazy/spoiled characters who are secretly badasses when they want to be)
- I’m currently ‘meh’ on each of the two main leads, and their relationship
Thoughts on episode 4, while watching:
- huh, sensations can bleed over from one world to the other (but only when doppelgängers are doing the exact same thing at once? What is the mechanic behind which doppelgänger sends the sensation and which receives it, or do they both receive the other’s and Captain Stoic just didn’t voice the weirdness aloud?)
- Also, the Unbreakable Sword is hands down my favourite character. I’m glad (some of) his stress is gone when Gon turns up again
- That conversation between Gon and Tae-eul as they were walking back from the bamboo forest was the first deep-ish ‘getting to know’ you moment of the series
- “The kind of king who has never been asked such a question and who is trying his best not to panic” is probably the line that has endeared him to me the most so far (especially since he appeared pretty collected at the time - I guess he’s had a lot of practice keeping vulnerable emotions under lock and key)
- I love how loyal Noh is to Gon. It’s kind of great that the two people closest to Gon have his best interests at heart
- the Prime Minister is determined and pragmatic but I don’t know yet whether I love it or hate it
- I definitely enjoyed Noh vs PM, cause of how strong willed they both are and how they are each acting on something important. Also, their faces when Gon turned out to actually be in there were amazing, as was Noh’s when Gon decided to take the PM’s report without her
- “I always put zero or minus one when I didn’t know the answer” is going to be thematically important later, mark my words
- “You’re indebted to me now.” Er, what? Why? Cause she can go about claiming the king went missing? With what proof?
- “Every moment of my life is the history of Corea. I want that history to last forever. But that will require more than my benevolence.” There we go; that’s the heart of the character. That’s a driving force that can push a character forward. It should have been introduced more clearly from the start but I’m onboard now.
- Oh, snap. She’s been thinking of him as someone who lucked into his position but doesn’t have the killer instincts to be dangerous to her. Guess it didn’t occur to her that it didn’t really cost him anything to let her get some advantage by being thought to be in a relationship with him. Threatening him is something else entirely.
- I love that Noh has zero compunctions about taking Gon to task, and he knows it well enough to tell Jo Yeong not to abandon him
- “Lady Noh, Yeong just glared at me.” Ahaha
- I love that the senior detective is just like ‘no, don’t do this to me’
- Lol Tae-eul and Sin-jae solve that robbery right quick. Looks like they have a pretty consistent strategy of Tae-eul acting to drawn out the bad guy while Sin-jae stays back to provide backup
- Jo Yeong holds absolutely zero awe for his king, especially after the later has disappeared
- Gon clearly doesn’t care about the GPS; it won’t stop him going to another world
- PM doing PM-y things; has a detractor try to minimise her competence by saying she cares about appearance rather than, say, point out decisions that had bad consequences (as opposed to just things he thinks will end badly). That checks out, and I bet he would complain that it’s “unprofessional” or “reflects badly on the country” if she were less put together
- Did I miss something with the white-haired guy who’s often with the PM? Sone sort of mentor or ally, but has he been properly introduced?
- I would mug someone for that fountain pen
- I was liking the Prince when I thought he was going to talk about duty and loyalty; then he swung into classism
- I do like that he (currently) seems to not be ambitious or want to be King and is instead something of a benevolent authority figure for Gon
- I love that half-half shot of the two parallel worlds in the library (actually, the scene on the steps was beautiful too)
- The evil uncle has a spy in the palace. Of course he does
- Ahaha. Kid-Gon was totally ready to do brave and heroic things... until he was asked to eat beans and spinach. Then it was all “maybe next time, father”
- I kind of want to go walk in a bamboo forest now. Unfortunately, I live on the wrong continent
- Whoever is doing the cinematography and colouring of this show deserves all the awards
- Aww, Jo Yeong is sad, thinking Gon is sick/has gone crazy
- A photography darkroom is never not creepy. Any photo in one automatically becomes stalkerish
- Ahaha, Jo Yeong is treating the literal king of his country (and his grown-ass friend) like a teenager liable to sneak out through the window and is all ‘I’m warning you so you won’t embarrass yourself’
- Wait, is that photographer taking Tae-eul’s photo the mysterious ally of the PM in the other world, or am I going crazy?
- “Lost after a fierce scuffle with a suspect” LOL
- Ooh, Gon os getting shoulder pain again
- Yeong: ‘you can drop the act.’ Thunder outside. Also Yeong: ‘oh, crap’
- Aaaaand, Gon is gone. That’s not the act of a good friend, but it is pretty funny
- Oh, wow. That was a timeskip. Also, Tae-eul is rightfully freaked out over the prediction about her ID issue date
- Er, Sin-jae, you don’t let someone that freaked out and scared go home alone - especially after she’s had phone calls that freaked her out that much. Seriously, dude
- Tae-eul, going to the middle of nowhere at night with a weird guy is rarely a good idea. Even if his claim to be a king from another universe happens to be true
- Woot, she’s finally made it to his world.
- Jo Yeong looks like he’s had a few years shaved off his life from fear alone, and he’s pissed
- Yeah, Tae-eul, I’d be pretty shocked too
Higher level thoughts:
- Okay, I’m more sold on Lee Gon after this episode. I think it’s kind of unfair how he keeps worrying Jo Yeong but I have a clearer idea of what motivates him
- Still ‘meh’ on Tae-eul and their relationship
- Jo Yeong’s position is kind of awful. He has to be perfect every moment of every day and control the entire world, or else he loses his best friend/brother. And said best friend doesn’t make it easy for him
- Jo Yeong is still my favourite
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fanfic-scribbles · 5 years
Lunch Buddy: Chapter Fifteen
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Overall Story Facts:
Fandom: MCU Captain America/Avengers
Story Summary: Steve Rogers makes a friend. A prickly, generally people-averse friend, but they’ll both take what they can get.
Quick Facts: Friendship (/Eventual Romance) – Steve Rogers & Reader (leading to Steve Rogers/Reader) – Female Reader
Story Warnings: Reader-insert that verges on OFC, written in 1st person past tense
Chapter 15: Avoidance
Chapter Summary: The thing about avoiding your problems is that you always have to face them sooner than you think.
Chapter Word Count: 2611
A/N: Slight warnings for a little bit of angsting, and it’s a little light on Steve content (though he eventually appears from afar). Anywho. I wish I could say something cool like ‘enjoy the pining!’ but I have no idea how long I can actually keep them apart considering I have been mushing two dolls together in my head and going ‘now kiss!’ since I started posting. There will be a little pining though. Like, maybe a car air freshener, at least. Enjoy!
    I avoided Steve for the rest of the long weekend. It was easier than it might have been had he not been called in for something. Though we still had texting, he was busy and I didn’t instigate. Even when we did communicate, my responses were short and didn’t leave much for follow up. He probably assumed I needed time to de-socialize, because that was the kind of guy he was, sweet and caring and all good things. Meanwhile, I knew exactly why I was trying not to talk to him, and it stressed me the hell out.
I didn’t want to think about any of it and found my perfect excuse on Monday morning, when a work project made me skip lunch and go into overtime. I immediately texted Steve telling him I’d be busy for a few days and threw myself into work. Unfortunately the project was too time-sensitive and it was done before I even clocked out Tuesday afternoon.
“Okay, this definitely isn’t about money anymore,” my boss said that evening, just when he was packing up. “Do you have a spouse you’re having a fight with?”
“I’m just…looking for stuff to do. To keep me busy.” I didn’t back down when he stared at me. “Just for this week?”
He sighed heavily and rubbed his face. “Okay. Lunches and up to one hour after if you spend it working on organizing the junk drive. Make real progress on cleaning that out and I’ll approve the overtime.”
That was two hours of mindless-but-incredibly-draining work that would put me at a worse commute time and make me crawl into bed at the end of the day, and hopefully completely wipe me out on the weekend.
“Thank you!” I said and started to bound out to get started on the one job everybody in my department passed around like it was a beach ball on fire.
“Seriously,” he said and I stopped. He stood there with his bag over his shoulder and asked, “Are you okay?”
I almost smiled, but remembered that would be out of character. “I’m fine,” I said and shrugged one shoulder. “Holidays, you know?”
It worked. For the most part. I at least had a plausible excuse to keep Steve off my back, and my boss didn’t press any further, and I made progress on the most mind-numbing task ever embarked upon by an actual human with an actual brain.
The only problem was that it wasn’t numbing enough. As much as I tried to avoid thinking about Steve at all, he was still in my phone, as was Sam, and even Clint and Natasha now too. Pepper wasn’t a very social texter, thankfully, but I kept getting pulled back to Steve in other ways. In the course of three days I: saw a tuft of blonde hair that made me do a double-take, heard his recorded laugh as I passed by someone who didn’t understand the concept of using headphones, and had to listen to a few older ladies gossip about ‘what a man’ he was in unfiltered detail. I even had a dream about some of the things they said because the universe hated me, apparently.
And then there was Steve himself, not texting that much, but always taking the time to send me a little photo every day that was obviously meant to make me laugh. He even sent me the ‘Hang in there’ kitten poster (which made me snort way too loudly in public) along with ‘I dare you to use this for your lockscreen for a month.’
I texted back, ‘What do I get for it?’ before I realized I was breaking my own goddamn rules and smashed my face into my desk.
Steve: Something good ;)
Oh god. Did he know what he was doing? If he did I wished he would have just put me out of my fucking misery already.
Steve: How’s work?
Me: Busy. Me: How’s work? Steve: Almost done Steve: I hope your job lets up this weekend Steve: Sam is coming back with me and we’re hoping you can come out with us
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Me: We’ll see
Work did let up. Unfortunately. I made good progress on organizing the long-forgotten junk drive and my boss repaid me and betrayed me in the same breath.
“I’ll approve the overtime,” he said. “But that’s it for now. You look exhausted and I need you to take the weekend to rest up, okay?”
It was the one and only time I had ever wished to have a bastard boss again. But I was tired, and I didn’t have any excuses. “Okay,” I said and left his office feeling miserable. I got home pretty quick for a Friday night, which just left me more time to think about things I really didn’t want to think about. And there was only one cure for that.
The club was busier than I was used to, busier than it had any right to be with the night just really beginning, but as soon as I got in I made a beeline for the bar and snaked in the first opening I could find. It was loud, and too crowded, and I really wasn’t up for this, but I didn’t know what else to do. So I started drinking.
That was a bad idea. Aside from the ‘using alcohol to try and drown your emotions’ being a baseline fucking awful idea, it also didn’t fucking work.
Couples. They were everywhere. Leaning next to each others’ ears, making out along the wall, dancing together like it was foreplay; they were so all over the place that even the fake ID crowd seemed less obnoxious by comparison.
Except for when a gaggle of party girls yelled right next to me for no real reason and reminded me they really weren't. The music thumped and I winced and turned away from watching the floor to sip my drink at the bar like the true lonely miser I was.
And wasn’t that just the thing.
Loneliness, as a thing in my life, had stopped bothering me after a while– or maybe I had just stopped noticing it– either way, it wasn’t generally a thing I dwelled on. I took for granted that I wasn’t the type anyone would settle in with; I was too…whatever. So for the longest time I had just assumed I’d be on my own and I was okay with it. I knew I could handle it, and figured I and everyone else was better off for it. People came and went, and no one ever stuck around before– not that I ever gave them a real reason to. And if I couldn’t make friendships work, I had no business getting into a relationship. It truly didn’t bother me. Most of the time.
So it figured I would fall for the first person I’d had qualify as ‘friend’ in a while. That thought was slightly concerning, but as long as I didn’t make these feelings Steve’s problem, I could sleep easy at night. For the most part. The question was how to deal with it. Did I continue as normal and bottle this up for the rest of time, hoping it would fade out? Did I continue as normal but let him know, and let him decide if he wanted to stick around?
Or did I just…let go. Did I stop putting in the time to keep this friendship going. Did I stop responding, start avoiding him, and just fade out of his life even easier than I had faded in. That seemed like a real option. I was so naturally good at it, had done it so much by accident, he wouldn’t even miss me. After a while I doubt he would remember I existed.
My mouth tasted sour and bitter and I tossed back my drink. It didn’t help.
An hour later I was home, sitting at my kitchen counter and hanging my face over a cup of tea that got colder by the minute. My head still pulsed in time with the beat that had driven me out of the club, but it had become less and less over time.
My phone buzzed. “Shh,” I said softly, but it ignored me and I looked over only to hurt my neck when I did a double-take. Steve had sent three texts. Shit. I sat up and opened my phone directly to my messages. If Steve had gotten injured again I was really going to hurt him.
Fortunately the first message was a simple ‘Hey’ sent soon after I had set out on my ill-advised adventure. The next was ‘Are you busy?’ and then simply my name.
I hesitated. I had the terrible thought that here was where I could start ghosting on out of his life. Fade away like the nonentity I was.
I swallowed and sent back, ‘Sry. Went out’
Steve: Oh Steve: Good :) Steve: How are you? Me: Okay Me: You? Steve: I’m okay
The conversation stalled and I realized why I had even considered ghosting– it was easy to not respond when you didn’t know what to say.
Me: Good Steve: Can I ask you Steve: Are you really okay?
His texts came too fast after mine to be responding to the silence. Fuck.
Me: Yes Me: Why?
I shouldn’t have asked, but I had a bad feeling about this. I tapped my fingers on the table while I waited for a response.
Steve: You haven’t been talking to me much lately Steve: I’m just Steve: worried Steve: Was it Thanksgiving? Steve: Was I inappropriate?
Shit, shit, shit. I hit my forehead on the table which, fucking ow, but I deserved it. I had never intended for him to feel bad for something that wasn’t his fault, nor was it ever supposed to be his problem. It wasn’t right for him to be upset because of my bullshit. So I decided to be honest.
Me: No Me: It’s not you Me: It’s very definitely me Me: I’m mis Me: miserable Me: And awful Steve: You’re not Me: Am too Me: It’s not you tho Me: I’m having a hard time Me: That’s all
Honest to a point, at least.
Steve: I’m sorry Steve: Can I help? Me: No Me: Gotta Me: Push through Steve: Okay Steve: I’m your friend though Steve: You can always come to me Steve: And hey Steve: Sam and I are going out tomorrow for dinner Steve: I’ll text you the details just in case you’re up to it Steve: But I won’t expect anything Steve: Is that okay?
Why did he have to be so fucking thoughtful all the time. Why did he have to be someone so out of my league in every single way.
Me: Fine Me: Can’t promise Steve: That’s okay <3
I was going to straight up murder whoever taught him fucking heart symbols. Preferably by taking their heart.
Steve: Have you eaten yet? Me: Don’t wanna Steve: How about dessert?
‘Only if you’re here to share it,’ I thought. The worst part was that it wasn’t even sexual– I just wanted him here. With me. All of the time. Okay, maybe not all of the time, but most of the time. And that was new. That was different. That scared the hell out of me.
Then there was a knock at my door and I froze up. Nobody had buzzed for me and while my building wasn’t exactly Fort Knox, I also didn’t expect company I didn’t explicitly invite over. I gave it a few seconds but kept my connection to Steve in hand (just in case) and went to the peephole.
Me: Someone knocked. If I don’t respond maybe send help Steve: It’s safe :)
I squinted at the message and then peered out again. I didn’t see him at all and it wasn’t like him to hide. I cautiously opened the door and looked around but there was no one– but there was something.
A bakery box sat in front of my door, with a note scrawled on receipt paper that had my name followed with very flowery bubble letters telling me to “Feel Better!” from a hand-scrawled smiling sunflower.
I stared at it, picked up the box, brought it in, set it on the counter, and stared at it some more.
Steve: Okay now you’ve put that thought into my head I’m a little worried Steve: Are you okay? Me: brb Me: crying into cake Steve: Don’t cry Steve: Or cry if you need to I guess Steve: But eat something too Steve: I’ll say good night here Steve: And text you again with dinner info Steve: Again, only if you want to. Sam and I will NOT be slighted Steve: I promise Me: Good night Steve Steve: Good night <3
“Just fucking end me,” I muttered and stared at the screen while I dug into the cake with a fork. (It was small; I felt no shame.) It was also so unbelievably good that I actually stopped and checked out the box.
Me: Wait, how did you get a cake this late??? Steve: Asking the real questions
I laughed. That surprised me, but I couldn’t help it.
Me: It’s really good Me: Thank you Steve: Anytime
I forced myself to think about this whole…situation…while I ate. Phasing out of his life was, apparently, not much of an option if he was just randomly thinking of me like this. And I knew now very firmly that even accidentally hurting him was not an option. Love was an easy word for complicated emotion, but it was the best way I knew how to classify how deeply I cared for him. And I cared, to the point where if anybody was going to get hurt, I’d rather it be me.
The more I thought about it though, the more I had real hope that maybe nobody would get hurt at all. Steve was a really good guy. So even if he accidentally found out (I knocked on wood at the thought) it wouldn’t be the end of everything. He wouldn’t let it be the end of everything; he would be flattered, reject me politely, and we could move on. I hoped.
And for once, the best-case scenario didn’t seem the least likely. I trusted Steve that much. That was something I didn’t want to look into too much, but to be fair, he also trusted…me. He would know I wasn’t infatuated with some aspect of him and we might even work past this together. If not, he would give me the chance to work past it on my own, and I wasn’t about to let him down.
The box topped off my trash so I pulled the bag together and got ready to make the trek to take it out. Coming out the door I almost ran right into my neighbor, Robert, who was apparently doing the same thing.
“Hey,” he said. I was polite like a real human being and asked after his wife and kids. We made some more small talk on the way, and he even waited to hold the chute open for me. When I lifted the bag, his eyes zeroed in on the box stuffed half in the top. “Oh, that place is nice. You celebrating something?”
“No,” I said and shoved it in. “I…wasn’t feeling so great. So a friend sent it to me.”
“That must be a pretty good friend,” he said.
“Yeah,” I said, thinking about Steve and finally feeling hopeful. “A really good friend.”
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scullyeffect · 4 years
i love reading your posts about being a nanny, its something i like the idea of but i dont think id ever be able to do it
it definitely takes a certain type of person i think, but you can also learn with experience. i have friends who suddenly become very ~aware of themselves~ when talking with a kid. like making sarcastic jokes or something and it’s like um...be yourself?? nobody likes being talked to in a patronising tone, or spoken to like a well behaved dog. but seriously, just be yourself. they already think you’re cool af for not being mom lol. and most kids don’t judge. the amount of times i’ve been self conscious about my appearance at work? zero. the amount of times i’ve been scared my boss will catch me on my phone? zero. the amount of times i’ve plucked a wedgie with confidence? every day. i’d been babysitting kids for like 8 years (including one 5 y/o girl who got dropped off at my house at 8 every morning and was picked up at 6pm five days a week for the entire summer when i was 16...wow) before i became an au pair, but i know people who wing it and are completely fine.
i think the real key to it being a job you can enjoy or be “good” at is patience. because at the end of the day you’re not the parent. it’s not fully up to you to discipline the kids. you get to go home at the end of the day. sometimes you have to bring problems up with the parents to deal with because you’re unsure about their protocol (the kids i take care of aren’t allowed to watch tv or use electronics, so when i showed them a trailer for a movie 6 was like ooooh i’m gonna tell mom!! and i was like fuck). one time 6 peed during a 5 floor elevator ride and i had to reassure her that it was okay, then spend ten minutes wiping up the mess with paper towels hoping to hell no one would need the elevator. luckily that sent her right into the shower so there was no war. like i could have lost my temper and been like WHY DIDN”T YOU JUST HOLD IT. YOU CLEAN IT UP. because she had been holding it for like 30 minutes and she’s 6. i learned from this and whenever one of them says they need to go i’m like WHO WANTS A PASTRY REAL QUICK LET’S GO SPEND 5 EUROS TO PEE.
but at the same time you end up being a really important factor in a child’s life. sometimes they’ll ask you questions they feel like they can’t ask their parents: the 15 y/o teenager i lived with for two years came into my room in tears saying she couldn’t figure out how to use a tampon and she didn’t want to ask her mom, the 9 year old got “the talk” from her mom but admitted to me that she didn’t understand and could she ask me some questions. you’re the one (in my case), who’s making sure they’re clean and have eaten and brushed their teeth before the parents come home. you’re the one helping with homework (and it’s really amazing to be able to be the one teaching a kid how to read at home. i’ve gotten to do this twice and it’s so exciting when they start wanting to read some of their bedtime story instead of letting you do it). at the end of the day it’s a really humbling job.
but patience and understanding is really key, also confidence. sometimes babysitters are the good guy, and you can get away with anything because mom and dad are out for the night. i think that’s normal and fun. but when you’re with the kids every day you don’t get to just be the good guy, or they won’t learn anything. and that’s hard!! because again, you don’t have the full parental authority. 
the absolute ABSOLUTE most important thing, which can either be the easiest or most difficult, is getting a solid routine going. especially with younger kids, but it’s good for all ages. once you have the routine set up you’re good for life. obviously sometimes you’ve gotta roll with a doctor’s appointment, or in my case the occasional public transport strike (”who wants to walk a mile today ladies!!!”) it’s especially nice when the kids unconsciously pick up on it and will sometimes prompt you like “how much time do we have to play until bath time?”, or “today is wednesday, so we’re going to the park, but can we go to this one instead of that one?”. so like with the kids i take of now the afternoon routine (except wednesday, which is different) is:
4:30pm: pick up from school, snack while we’re taking the metro back (bc otherwise they get antsy, they haven’t eaten since 11:30)
5:00-5:30pm: homework
5:30-6:30pm: play/read
6:30-7:00pm: one of them takes a bath/shower while i make dinner, the other one sets the table and helps with dinner, or she can read/play
7:00-whenever dinner is finished (normally 7:45pm)
7:45-8ish: second one takes a bath/shower while the other helps clear the table, then she can read/play, after that they both brush their teeth
8:00-9:00 the older one reads while i read to the younger one, or they’ll both listen to me read
also keep in mind this is france where eating late is normal, bedtime is probably later than the US (when i think about putting kids to bed at 7:30 in the US i feel like it’s the afternoon)
idk if you remember, but in september when i started taking care of 6 and 9 i was absolutely miserable. their parents had separated literally weeks before i arrived so the emotional dynamic was chaotic as hell, both apartments were in boxes, they were sleeping over at their grandparents’ house most nights, and here was this new girl they were supposed to trust. i met the girls for about 10 minutes in june when i had an interview, but the next time i saw them was the first day i picked them up from school. they still stress me out way more than the girls i lived with for two years (who were older, but overall just more well behaved), but i love them a lot. for the first two months i seriously thought i’d quit. i was so stressed out every day and felt like i was getting no support from the parents when i brought up problems i was having with their kids. now i really love them and i think they dig me too. 
so i think if you want to do it maybe try to get more experience babysitting and trying to get a steady babysitting job! i remember i would babysit the same toddler pretty often and i always had a loose routine with her so that when i came over she knew what to expect and i didn’t feel so harried at age 17. if you’re looking to be an au pair though, especially in a foreign country, you’ve gotta be picky as hell. i learned that from experience. if you don’t think you can handle a baby but you want to live in paris, you’ve gotta put your job before the location. if you do better taking care of boys (i do way better with girls. they’re so awful to each other if they have a sister, but the chaotic physical energy boys seem to have does not agree with me. they’re like dogs i’m like “time to play frisbee i need to wear you out”) look for a family with boys unless you think you can adapt. if you’re fine with both, go for it. if you want to learn/improve a foreign language, try to find a family that’s cool with you speaking their native language. people looking for anglophone nannies often have a 100% english policy. when i plugged in all my search criteria in 2016 i think i found five families total who fit the specifications. and then in addition to that i skyped all of them so i could try and sense if a Vibe was there. 
i’m sorry this is so long but i don’t have any au pair friends who kind of like...were there for the job as well as the city...so i never got to gab childcare. ask me all the questions.
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writingsofadream · 6 years
Chapter Five | It’s Getting Hotter 
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Pairing : Jungkook x Reader 
Story : You knew being an intern at BigHit wouldn’t be easy, but you’d never imagined Jungkook would make it even harder.
You are a new intern at Big Hit, and you get to meet the boys. Set in the real world (as opposed to an AU), and just before the Love Yourself: Tear comeback. 2.1k words in this chapter. 
|||||||||| 5 ||||||||||
Sitting in the plush of her excessively fluffy carpet, you help Suwoo finish off the last screw of her damn Ikea table. Between the two of you, it had taken almost a whole hour. Snacking and laughing in between, it was no wonder you’d been able to finish it at all.
“I just can’t believe you heard him TALK. You breathed the same air as MY Jimin! That’s so crazy to me…” Suwoo shakes her head in disbelief as she says this, a little jealous but mainly just amazed. “You’re sure there’s no way you could sneak me in?” She cocks her head naughtily.
“Fuck no. I actually wanna keep this internship to its end. And it was hard enough for me to get in, let alone sneak a whole other person in.” Your smile is tightlipped as you think about what you’re risking tonight.
“Urgh, that is super no fun. Can you at least mention me to him? Her eyes are sparkling with ambition.
“I told you, I haven’t seen any of them since that first day. They’re very elusive.” Well, that wasn’t quite true. But you sure as hell couldn’t tell Suwoo otherwise. Suddenly, your phone gives a slight buzz from the newly constructed, slightly ugly Ikea table.
12:03pm What are you up to? Are you still coming tonight?
You pull your phone closer to you as Suwoo inspects some of the questionable screws, tightening them once more just in case.
12:04pm I’m helping my friend build an Ikea table. Well, we just finished. What are you doing? 
Pressing send, you then added another message as an afterthought.
12:04pm Yea, I think I’m still coming tonight. Not if you bug me about it though!
“Who are you messaging?” Suwoo’s question brings your head up from your phone, and you turn the screen off hastily.
“No one. Just my brother.” The lie is clumsy and rushed, but she seems to accept it anyway.
“Ohhhhh,” she replies as she nods her head knowingly. “How is he? Has he finally proposed to that dutiful girlfriend of his?”
You respond with a smile, since this is a long debated topic between you two. At 28, he should definitely be proposing sometime soon, especially since they’d been together for ten long years. And yet, for some reason that completely eluded you both, he just hadn’t popped the question yet.
“Not yet. But hopefully any day now. She’ll definitely be relieved when it happens!”
Ding. Your phone.
12:06pm Okay, okay. I’m in dance practice right now. I’d show you some moves, but they’re actually top secret kekekekeke
You considered replying, but the nagging voice at the back of your head told you not to. What if Jungkook’s messages were seen by someone else? One or two might be semi-explainable, but 50 or so? No way. The more you talked, the more dangerous it was. And besides, you were risking enough by agreeing to go and see him tonight. So no, you weren’t going to reply. At least, not yet.
You and Suwoo set the kitchen back up, now with the Ikea table taking centre stage. You both agreed that it wasn’t actually THAT bad, and it was good enough for the moment. You moved around around a few different pieces, including some pretty heavy pieces. Collapsing onto the couch, Suwoo pulled out a block of chocolate for you both to share and some lemonade. After scrolling through Netflix for a minute or so, your suggestion of the anime movie Your Name won, and the opening credits started up.
Cracking open her can of lemonade, Suwoo turns to you. “So, have you thought about going on that date yet or no?”
Suwoo has been trying desperately to have you go on a date with her little brother. He was also 19, and nice enough, but you really didn’t have any kind of spark. He seemed to feel the same way, but Suwoo was intent on having you both try out at least one date.
“No! I told you, we don’t match. He’s nice, but he’s nice as a friend and nothing more. Stop pushing it!” You say the last line loudly, giving her a joking death stare.
Grabbing the pillow next to her, Suwoo gives you a gentle thump with it. “Oh come on! You two would totally be cute together if you actually went somewhere and had fun! Just once, that’s all I’m asking!”
At your refusal, she simply thumps you again with her weaponised pillow, this time harder than the first. “You’re so annoying! Say yes, or I’ll keep thumping you!”
Realising your supposed best friend will cause you bruising if you continue your resistance, you decided the path of least resistance is probably for the best. Sighing, you give your resignation.
“Fine. We’ll go out to a club together.”
Her squeal is audible, and she happily jumps back now, pillow now sitting harmlessly back at her side. “Perfect. I knew you’d cave eventually!” A cheeky wink follows this, and she sips her lemonade victoriously.
Rolling your eyes, you feel yourself smile despite the arrangement. Suwoo was unlike anyone else you knew; she was funny and silly, and didn’t take anything seriously. Being around her was never boring, and no matter what the outcomes, you never felt hard done by any of her ‘evil genius’ plans.
The soft buzz of your phone from your lap takes your attention from your thoughts down to the screen, where the message stares back up at you.
1:10pm What do you want to eat tonight?
You typed out the words ‘just ramen will be good with me’, but then had more second thoughts. Fuck. You should spend as little time there as possible.
1:11pm I’ll eat before I come.
You sounded so mean. It wasn’t your intention, and guilt bubbles up in your stomach. Suppressing it, you remind yourself of all the reasons you couldn’t be yourself around him or when talking to him. For starters, the whole situation shouldn’t even be real. The familiar ‘fuck’ floats across your thought process, the word summarising your feelings about it all. What a potential mess. But god, he was so..everything.
The ding of your phone signifies his reply, and for some reason your heart tightens at the blunt, two letter response.
1:13pm Ok.
Was he upset? You started thinking of what you could possibly respond, wanting to make things better even though you shouldn’t. Suwoo’s slap to your leg jolts you back, pulling you out of your confusing emotions.
“Are you gonna watch this fucking thing or not? It was your choice babe, and I’m sure your brother can wait!” Her look is justifiably annoyed, so you instantly turn the screen off and slip the phone into your purse, where it can’t disturb you any further.
“Okay, I’m back.” You visibly roll your eyes at her again, and she mockingly does it back to you. The two of you explode with laughter, and after some more joking around you both settle back, snacking away and enjoying the rest of the movie.
Finally, you arrived back at your apartment. Checking your watch after closing the door behind you, it showed you 4:13. You hadn’t realised you’d stayed so late, but at least the two of you had finished what you’d gone for and had a much-needed catch up. Pulling your phone out, you checked it for any waiting messages.
1:47pm I’ll buy some snacks in case you’re still hungry.
2:51pm If you’re ignoring me that’s pretty mean.
4:03pm Are you still coming? Let me know.
Fuck, you’d totally forgotten about replying. However, tonight’s plans had been constantly popping into your mind. Throughout the movie, every semi-romantic moment made you think of him, and during the train ride home going to Jungkook’s tonight had been all you’d thought about.
Your reply was short, but decidedly sweeter than the others.
4:15pm Yes, I’m still coming. Sorry for taking so long.
His reply was almost instantaneous, buzzing on your marble tabletop.
4:15pm Were you busy, Y/N?
You decided to reply honestly. It wouldn’t hurt to tell him about your day, surely.
4:16pm Yea, I was. We sat down and watched a movie, so I totally forgot to message you back. I only just got home, actually.
You waited for a few minutes, expecting to see typing bubbles pop up or a new message flash onto the screen. After nothing came up, you put the phone down somewhat reluctantly. You liked talking to Jungkook, as much as you didn’t want to admit it. There was undeniably something between you two, and you weren’t sure you liked it. It was…emotional, but also overly sensual. Sexual even. It was like two magnets being drawn to one another.
You plugged your phone into the kitchen charger, and headed for your bedroom. Jungkook had said you could take a taxi there at 5, since the boys were heading out early. You had agreed, since this meant you would most likely be able to leave earlier as opposed to later. Looking over your wardrobe, you found yourself reaching for a little black dress you owned, but rarely wore. It was tight, and showed off your cleavage. It’s thin straps and plunging neckline were attractive, and the length came to you mid-thigh. You were tempted, but shook yourself. What were you doing? This wasn’t a date.
You instead grabbed a light grey overall dress, which complimented your hips rather than your breasts. It looked much more acceptable, and you brushed out your hair to a shine before tugging on some white converse with light pink ankle socks, which frilled at the top. You looked cute, sure, but definitely not sexy. Which was a good think, you supposed. Heading back out to the kitchen, you checked your phone for the time, but the text caught your eye first.
4:30pm I just got home too, and I’m showering first. The boys are all leaving in 10, so you can definitely be here by 5. I’ve told the front desk to let you up, but you’ll have to show ID. And don’t worry Y/N, they’re really professional, no one will find out.
4:31pm I’m really looking forward to seeing you.
Your reply is too flirty for your own good, and you only regret it once it’s sent.
4:32pm Ditto.
The taxi dropped you off out the front of Hannam the Hill, one of the most luxurious and expensive apartments in Seoul. In order to even get to the front of the reception, you’d already had to show ID to three different people. After thoroughly checking it and calling multiple different people, they’d finally let your taxi pass through. The whole time you’d been messaging Jungkook, but he hadn’t replied, which had made the whole ordeal harder and more stressful. You had no clue who they’d called or told, but you felt somewhat relieved to have even been let through.
Paying the taxi, they turned and sped back out. You headed into the reception building, which was modern and undeniably expensive. Living somewhere like this would be almost out of a dream, you thought as you approached the woman. You told her you were there for the boys’ apartment, mentioning it by number only. Asking for your ID, you willingly passed it across to her. Smiling, she nodded and buzzed you through, giving you an elevator key.
The elevator was gold and red, exuding money. In your plain dress you felt out of place, and after everything that had happened to get in you felt almost embarrassed. Checking your phone, it buzzed in your hand just as the screen lit up.
4:56pm Shit, I’m sorry! I was showering. Did you make it up okay? Is everything good? Where are you?
The elevator ping sounded, and the doors opened out to a small corridor leading to a front door. Taking a deep breath, you walked up and ran the bell.
The door opened within a few anxious seconds, and a wet-haired and shirtless Jungkook answered the door. A towel tied around his waist, his abs were within your reach, glistening and defined. His muscles are…unbelievable. Jerking your eyes up to his equally handsome face, his eyes are amused and his smile cocked to the side.
“Like what you see?” His voice is teasing, and hot blush spreads across your cheeks. Indignant, you snap back a reply.
“It’s okay, I guess. Are you going to let me in, or just stand there?” Smiling, he opens the door wider and you get a glimpse at the modern, expensive interior.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Hi! So, the next chapter is going to be...super smut! After this the story really picks up, don’t worry - I have big plans for it! If I’ve made any mistakes (like typos or anything) please message me so I can fix them! Thanks :) 
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dreamer1084 · 6 years
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I have just finished PQ2. With 91% Persona collection and only one (or five) secret bosses left. I may complete them later.
Major Persona Q2 spoilers under cut.
1. Difficulty
I finish the whole game with Hard without changing the difficulty. It is kind of difficult even for an Etrian Odyssey series player like me. As the enemies get super high HP, the main strategy is to hit all the enemies with their weak point and try to go for an all-out attack. And the boost system in PQ2 is more important than PQ.
The instant kill from Neoto become a lot weaker than what she had in PQ(now she has Bless and Curse attack instead of Light and Dark). And the bosses hit us HARD (Like, full health Yusuke can be killed in one hit Fire Attack from the first boss)
If you get the free DLC Persona, the difficulty will get a lot lower even when you play it in Hard or Risky. 
But when your team become stronger and stronger, the bosses kind of become easier and easier... It would be better if you try to make some sub-Persona for normal enemies and some for the bosses. 
And there are some bugs with the fighting system....but they’re kind of convenient to me so I won’t complain.
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2. Characters
Actually, since we have SO many characters in the game, some characters may not even talk much in the main story....but some of the others are out right get a lot of spot-light. (Most people talk about how Hamuko a.k.a P3P FemMC acts like the heroine in PQ2, when most of the P5 characters and other MCs somehow just not being in the center till the end.) And there is nearly no character development for most of the characters, The crossover element is not as important as in PQ. It’s more like since they want to leave, they choose to work together, and become super friendly once they join the team.
(Just like when you play a mobile game. You draw some characters, choose the characters you like to use them in the battle. They are teammate in your game ID but they may or may not know each other in their own story.) But the problems is solved in the special screening(特別上映), most of the character interactions are interesting. I especially like the one with Teddie joins  Haru to cheer up people, shares his secret junk foods to people who feel down. And the interactions between Yukiko and Yusuke are just super funny.
Though the script writer got some setting wrong here and there.(Like, Nanako is P4MC’s cousin not niece. And Hamuko should know Theo has a sister, sometime someone calls a character by their surname sometime call the same characher by their given name etc) I think those mistakes will be fixed in US Version if there is one. 
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3. Main Story Line
Beware of all the spoilers...maybe not so much because I have some problem with communicating in English... But still enough to spoil some of the main parts especially near the end.
I won’t say the story is bad like most of the long comments in Amazon JP said. I think it’s quite interesting even with the first 3 labyrinths seem getting the same main idea. And the forth labyrinth summarizes them well. Most of the story focus on charging the movie endings and the character development for Hikari. When she finds her answer and decides to leave the theater which she used to evade her problems in society, I am happy with her.
But after that, the true boss shows herself. She states that she also ‘helps’ other people like Hikari to find a safe place for them to flee from their problems. And she agrees to let Hikari and all the character go because Hikari doesn’t need her shelter anymore. However, Hikari starts talking about friendship and courage and wants to help others leave their own theaters to face their problems, just like what she has been through, seems to ignore the fact that every person deals with different problems and they may not have friends to support themselves. It’s where the story becomes too “moralization” for some players. (Well, the first three labyrinths also mean to teach you something but they’re only Hikari’s problems so I happily accept them.) Hikari and the others use the ‘changed movies’ (with good endings not the hopeless endings other people keep watching) hoping others will understand. In the last minute of the boss fight, our characters are vanished and leave Hikari by herself. She keeps calling for help for some time, the MCs return and give one last attack to the boss......... So the NPCs in their theaters watch the whole thing and both decide they can do things like that too! So they start to leave. This is also a part of the story I feel very awkward.
Well, to conclude if the story line is good or bad, it depends on how do you take the moralization part of the story. If there was not any ‘Hikari please mind your own business’ thing, I think I would enjoy the story much better than now.
But overall I still think it’s not that bad... maybe just because I don’t have high standard towards everything.
Though it’s kind of sad that they leave so fast and just saying goodbye after the finally boss fight.....
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4. Maps and Music
Maps become easier than in PQ, but the design still interesting. I like the scenery of last labyrinth very much. And each labyrinth has its own features. 
There are lots of icons for each labyrinth. But new icons only appear when necessary. We won’t get confuse. 
And the music. They’re good to match the atmosphere. Like the two BGM for the ‘out door part’ and the ‘laboratory part” of the Third Labyrinth. The loud and happily crooked sound in the 4th (the BGM become even crookeder for the last couple of floors). And the whisper sound in the 5th is just...super great.
We can also change the normal battle theme into some battle themes used in the previews main games. (Like P3, P3P, P3FES P4, P4G, P5, and the DLC PQ battle themes. By the way, they also make 4 new music for PQ2 original normal bottle theme.)
I just want to complain about the 4th floor on the 5th Labyrinth... Only an one way road provided near the downstairs. We can’t return once we got there...
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Overall, the main story may not as good as PQ, but the fighting system is improved and I still enjoy the game very much. 
I don’t think there will be a PQ3...at least not until P6 comes out and it’s definitely not in 3DS any more. Maybe at that time we will get PS14 or something like that LOL
I just hope if they want to do more crossover apart from something like P5U , they could keep the battling system and improve the crossover element at least to PQ standard (I know they don’t want to do similar things in PQ one more time but I think it’s necessary.) 
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Well...all of the characters forget what happened once they return home just like in PQ. But they still get to watch movies together. I am happy when Hamuko meet her own team...
And Ryuji had promised Hikari (at least twice if I remember right) they would watch her movie once they returned. So when the team finds the poster of high-school movie making competition, he becomes quiet for a moment, and suggests that they should go to watch it because it seems interesting. I love this little detail about him. (Well, at least we know that Hikari comes from a timeline similar to P5.)
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(And I really like the fact the P4 characters love to pick on Akechi so much)
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mmazzeroo · 6 years
Jonerys Advent Calendar 2018
Dear Val! I’m so excited (and nervous) and honoured to be your Jonerys Secret Santa!
Just a real quick shoutout to Val’s story ‘I Chose You’ - go read it if you haven’t already! *hearteyes*
Never done anything like this before, but got this crazy idea in my head and just couldn’t get it out. So I thought why the heck not?! Why advent calendar you ask. Because they are a vital piece of Christmas celebrations in my part of the world, and as a child I loved them so hoped you might too. Beginning your day with a small piece of chocolate what’s not to like, right? (I still do sometimes even when it isn’t Christmas, please don’t tell my mom). There are advent tv-series where children (usually) somehow end up saving Santa or Christmas or both. So I thought I’d try to transfer the concept into writing by giving you a little drabble-ish sized bite each day from Dec. 1st to 25th.
Fair warning: Virgin fanfic writer (written non-fic pieces though). Un-beta’ed, so apologies for that. English isn’t my native tongue. Any and all grammatical and spelling errors, plot-holes and messed up timelines are entirely mine, and I own them proudly. Since this is based on fiction I’m not trying to make it realistic, just plausible enough to be believable. Totally ball-parking everyone’s ages! Also, because it’s Christmas time I’ve tried to keep the story light and cheery despite the underlying current of heartbreak. (Did I give too much away now?)
Hope you’ll enjoy the story - and the ride! Can be read here below or on AO3.
NB: All rights belong to George RR Martin and HBO. Also, all lines and quotes from various movies, tv series and songs belong to their respective writers / producers / owners. I own none of the content.
ARYA I - What A Shit day!
"Sir! Sir! You need to lay still! We're here to help you, ok?"
She was looking into steel grey eyes as wide as saucers. Like a deer caught in the headlights. Wide with fear and pain. Always the same mix only the degree of either varied. The grey eyed man unfortunately seemed to learn towards fear. Damn it! Fear only made her job more complicated. Fear was only a few steps away from panic and panic was lethal. Panic shut down the brain and prevented her from reaching or reasoning with the patients.
"My wife!" He grabbed her collar and pulled her closer to his face. "Save my wife! She's 8 months pregnant! Please!!" His voice broke at the last word and he loosened his grip on her jacket. Yup, definitely need to calm him down. Shit! She took a quick look towards the tree-line feeling like she was being watched.
"Sir, your wife is being tended to as we speak, ok? She's in good hands. Now can you please tell me your names?"
His lips moved but she couldn't hear a thing over the helicopter taking off just then. Brilliant! Thanks Rakharo! She resisted the urge to roll her eyes. By the old gods and the new please keep the woman and her child safe. Brienne was an amazing paramedic and always did everything within her power to keep everyone alive. She had to have faith, yet she could never help herself to say a little prayer whenever she was on a scene. Especially one like this.
Detective Bronn from King's Landing City Watch had already arrested the drunken sod who'd caused this mayhem. SUV hit in the side, pushed off the road, rolled down a hill and burst into flames. Metal pieces, glass and blood spread heavily all the way down. Pools of blood where the bodies of the driver and passenger had landed. Strange how being thrown out of a vehicle could suddenly be looked at as 'lucky', but it had prevented them from being trapped in a burning car. The blood was all too easy to see in the snow even though the only light available was that from the flames of the burning car - which the firefighters were working on putting out - and her own headlight strapped to her forehead. Both bodies had appeared unresponsive until she and Brienne had managed to get close enough. The drunken driver had gotten off with a broken nose and a busted eyebrow. Fucking asshole! If any lives were lost this evening he'd have a much worse hangover than he could possibly imagine. DA Martell would make sure of that!
A couple of decades ago the Starks and Targaryens had entered an unprecedented partnership. While the Tyrells and Martells were battling over who should reign supreme over Westeros, the wolves and dragons set out on a different mission: They united their medical skills for both humans and animals alike. Under one roof. Together. So today when an emergency call was made they sent out paramedics and a tracker for the hurt and scared animal. To help all injured beings. At first there was the usual scepticism when someone does something new, but gradually people began to understand. Her dad and the late Commander Targaryen both believed the idea of 'leaving no one behind' must include ALL family members regardless of number of legs or wings or scales etc. President Tyrell had successfully managed to get a law past about a decade ago which clearly stated that 'a life is a life' and 'any life taken by outside forces will henceforth be considered a criminal offence and proper authorities shall investigate as such'. So if Tormund and his bloodhounds didn't find and come back with a living breathing dog belonging to the grey eyed man...well then mr. drunk-with-a-busted-eyebrow would be waking up to murder charges tomorrow morning.
"Can you tell me your name, sir?"
She had leaned closer to try to maintain eye contact with him. His eyes blinked once, twice, then closed, she felt his breath on her face and felt his hands slip from her jacket, fall and landed limply in the snow. There was a cry from the woods sounding almost like a wolf, but there were no wolves this far South.
"Clegane! CLEGANE!! Get your arse over here! We need to get him out of this godsdamned snow!"
Sandor Clegane was by her side in a few big strides. He helped strapping the man to the board and helped pull him uphill. He hopped in the driver's seat while she went to work in the back of the ambulance.
"Don't you dare die on me now, buddy! C'mon!" Still no reaction. "C'mon damn it! Wake up!!" Fuck! Cutting his clothes to get to his torso she was met by a sight she'd never seen before. His upper body was covered in scars. Some clearly old while some looked to be pretty resent. Seven hells! What's happened to you?! If only she knew his name. People tend to respond well to hearing their name. She kept working on the man while listening to a symphony of Sandor cursing the King's Landing late night traffic. There was a strong pulse again. Good.
"Yes! He's stable again. ETA?"
"5 mins"
"Roger that."
She searched his pockets for any ID's or papers of any kind but came up empty handed.
"Sir, can you tell me where you are?" She gently placed a hand on his shoulder.
"We, we just..." His breathing was shallow and laboured. "We just wanted to find our family." Tears started to pool in his eyes and he was visibly shaking now from trying to keep himself together. "And now," he took a deep shaking breathe, "it's all gone to shit." Tears rolled down his cheeks as he closed his eyes. Once again crashing.
"Damnit man! Stop doing this shit, it's getting real old! You hear me?!" We're so close to the hospital, just hold on a little longer. Leaning in she whispered in this ear, "Your family needs you."
When they arrived at the emergency entrance at the Lyanna Stark Memorial Hospital, Dr. Lannister was already waiting for them.
"Male, injured in vehicle accident. In and out of consciousness, but stable for now. Seemingly superficial wounds to left side of the head. Broken ribs and possible punctured lung on the left side of the chest."
"Has he said anything, Stark?" Dr. Lannister lifted his eye from his notes and looked straight at her. He didn't mean to she knew that, but the fact that he was so tall he literally looked down at her tend to make her feel like a child being scolded whenever he spoke to her. She did not like that feeling. Despite being one of the best surgeons Dr. Lannister wasn't arrogant though. Sure he would often state the fact that he's better than most, but does telling the truth make you arrogant? She wasn't sure.
She lifted her chin towards him and said, "Only few words here and there about his wife and family, doctor."
"Alright. I'll take it from here then. Time to go fix this daddy!"
He started pushing the gurney down to the lift. She took a few steps down the hall.
"Know anything about his wife?"
"Dr. Martell and Dr. Stark are working on her and the babies as we speak. They're in good hands, Arya." His kind green eyes met her own concerned grey ones.
She nodded.
"Wait! Babies? Plural?"
"Twins!", he shouted before the lift doors closed and he disappeared up to the OR.
Twins! Now she hoped even more that Robb and Dr. Martell could work their magic. She knew her brother was a skilful paediatric surgeon, but rumours had it that he was particularly skilled in neonatal care including surgery. Had to be why else would someone like Dr. Martell pick him as resident? Not known for doing favours she wouldn't give two fucks who his dad was if he didn't have any knowledge and skills of his own. Deep breathe. Ok, so overall the country's top surgeons were busy working on her grey eyed patient and his family. That had to be enough. It had to be!
Normally she'd go check the status of the affected animals over at the vet wing, however not expecting Tormund and his hounds to be back already and since technically her shift had ended while out on the call, she went straight to 'Hot Pies & Ale'. Not exactly the most inventive of names, but as Davos said 'we do what it says on the tin.'
Much to her surprise she heard the rambunctious wildling's voice the second she set foot in the pub.
"For fuck sake Bobby, stop licking Bessie's tits! At least buy her dinner first, you dog!" Tormund shook his head as he took a sip of his beer.
"Well, he is a dog so what did you expect?"
"Ha! Little Stark! Smart as always. Bobby B's a dog, aye, but does that mean I want to listen to him licking his girlfriend's tits all night? Tell me that!" He said challengingly, his eyebrows up and chin raised.
"I'm not 'little Stark'—", she said through clenched teeth
"Only because Bran's sitting in a chair!" he bellowed.
"—and 2nd, I don't know what the hells you like listening to!"
Turning towards the bar she hopped onto one of the stools and nodded to Tyrion and Viserys sitting side by side chuckling, probably at her and Tormund's little exchange.
Giving them an annoyed side glare, idiots, she turned around slightly to face the red-haired man. "Didn't expect you back this early. Is that good or bad news?"
"Good. Found it not too far off in the woods. Growling like a motherfucker though, had to sedate the poor thing. Must've taken some hits in that tumble down the hill. Had a few burns as well not too bad all things considered."
She remembered all too well the sound of the growling coming from the car as she had manoeuvred around the vehicle to get to the man. When the firefighters had managed to cut the lock to the crate open all she saw was a flash of white fur, and it was gone between the trees.
"Dr. Tyrell and Sansa was with him when I left."
Giving him a puzzled look he clarified, "Dr. Targaryen isn't expected back until tomorrow. Anyway, Dr. Tyrell says the dog should be back up and running in a jiffy." Giving her a reassuring smile he continued with a wistful look in his eyes, "Could swear it looked like a winter dog. Albino one at that. White as snow. Big gorgeous beast!" He ended with one of his signature big grins.
"Do winter dogs howl?" she asked while taking a sip of the soda Davos had placed before her.
"This one did that's what led me straight to him. Up North they do and the wolves will reply. Can keep you up all night with their howling banter", he laughed out loud and shaking his head as if remembering something. "We'll know for sure tomorrow when Dr. Stark comes."
"Dad's coming??", she asked perhaps a little too excited.
"Aye, Dr. Tyrell called him down for a consult to make sure. If it is a winter dog then he's more wolf than the huskies she's used to."
"Speaking of howling", Viserys interrupted and looked at Tyrion, "your sister was causing quite a ruckus this evening," he chuckled.
Sighing deeply Tyrion asked, "Do I even want to know what she did this time?"
"She kept yelling for more wine", Viserys laughed trying to immitate Cersei "More wine! MORE WINE! MOOOORREEEE WIIIINNNEEEE!!" Leaning back on the barstool, hand on his stomach laughing out loud he continued, "she almost couldn't sound more looney even if she tried!"
Everyone laughed out loud at that including, and especially, Tyrion.
"I swear rubber cells were invented for the likes of my sister."
"Tyrion!", she slapped him on his arm, "she may be crazy but she's still your sister."
"That's exactly why I say it! If set free she'd be a menace to society." He took a big gulp of his beer. "Speaking of menace, have I ever told you the story of the jackass, honeycomb and brothel?" he asked with a grin wiggling his eye brows.
Leaning closer to him with a big smile on her face she answered "Ooh do tell Mr. Lannister!"
"Well, I once brought a jackass and a honeycomb into a brothel—"
He was interrupted when the pub door was ripped open and the voice of a furious woman yelled, "Hey! Watch where you're going fuckface!!"
Stepping through the door she practically threw her bag to the side as she stomped straight to the bar.
"Dany! Good to see you again, sis", Viserys leaned in to kiss her on the temple, "Flight catch some disturbance did it?" he chuckled.
"Oh if only it was the flight", she growled, "Davos, give me a shot of your Dothraki booze."
"As m'lady wishes", Davos poured a shot while exchanging a look with both Vis and Tyrion. "Here you go."
Dany put the glass to her mouth and threw her neck back taking it in one shot. Resulting in heavy coughing and wheezing. "Gods! I hate that stuff! Give me another one. Now, Davos!"
"Hey, why can't I have any of that by the way?", she suddenly asked pointing her index fingers at everyone's drinks.
"Because Arya," Gendry, having been quiet this entire time, said and raised his hand to point at the sign hanging at eye-level clearly saying '21', "you must be this high to ride this ride." Everyone around her laughed out loud with him. A smug look on his face indicating he was very pleased with himself.
"Fuck you! I'll be 21 in just a few months!"
"Few months isn't 21 today, sorry Arya", Davos said sympathetically.
"Whatever!" She left 5 dragons on the bar and jumped off the stool marching to the door.
Gendry called out to her, "A soda's only 4 dragons."
As she swung the door open she looked back and said, "Keep the change...you filthy animal!"
She heard a choir of laugher as the door closed behind her. What a shit day!
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Significant Impressions of Stupid Shows
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official 123movies site Movies have become a single of the most powerfulk factors in modern modern society. Coming from starting new developments in order to educating the normal people, videos undoubtedly help to make an impression on typically the general public. Considering that the finding of the very 1st film in 1890s, motion pictures are becoming a visual documents on activities of man evolution. Referring to the shows that are produced regarding entertainment purposes, here is definitely a estimate, from often the Pulitzer Prize success video critic Roger Ebert:
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"We live in a container of space and moment. Movies are windows inside walls. They allow people to other minds certainly not simply inside sense associated with identifying with all the characters, nevertheless by discovering the universe as another person recognizes it. "
-Roger Ebert
Roger once said that will art work is the best that we could possibly are available to understanding how some sort of wierder feels and films as an amalgum regarding audio and graphic web form of arts, makes a new extremely complex and superior kind of art. There is actually an undeniable influence in which movies have in your considered process. When we get out of the theatre after enjoying a show, we leave having the certain kind involving thoughts depending upon film production company we watched. With each of our required daily life most of us skip by way of myriads connected with social and also emotional factors that retain us gentle. We are now living in a globe with so much shades and variations of people aspects but we neglect to recognize and enjoy, although active in our responsibilities. And that is just where movies are a special memory of what all of us are and exactly we get. Let us take "Forrest Gump" for instance this describes the innocence associated with a person, with the actual spirit to make anything out of himself inspite of each of the shortcomings. Or the particular more recent just one "Happythankyoumoreplease", which shows personas, zero different from the people in the neighborhood. The people inside the reel world are generally no distinctive from those throughout our real world as well as the challenges they face are only a version of the types we all face. And videos help us all understand lifetime through several perspectives.
Permit us take modern day ancient period movies along with older classic ones, these are any depiction of how items have been in the days and nights gone by. As civilians they tend to possibly be a reminder in our history, a source of memory and nostalgia. There usually are also motion pictures like "Blade Runner" which usually give you a peek directly into just how things could be down the road, and there are kinds that make all of us chuckle and have a very good time. Training us, tickling our amusing bones to be able to cautioning people about typically the future events that may slide upon us, movies provide an undeniable influence on all of our feelings and actions.
Right now there is very little bad along with every minor good
Video as a technological innovation provides grown from a basic fast paced collection of images to a difficult market. With the technology's growing popularity, movies have today grow to be an integral portion of our daily living. Whether it be in a helpful chat between friends or perhaps the daily media transmitted, movies are one regarding the subject matter of dialogue. Primarily a form involving enjoyment, movies as some sort of whole is also detailed as an informal origin of education and learning. Many folks tend to learn coming from shows more than virtually any other formal reference, despite the fact that that might seem similar to a great overstatement. In several under produced countries films and show are applied as the means intended for training the population to get social change and deliver an overall alter. At this time there is no denying in a great reach connected with movies, this nonetheless may have a very negative outcome, as not every single movie holds the very same humane values.
Films which fall under the makes like historical drama, historic war movies and biopics are often criticized with regard to taking freedom with often the historical facts. These are offender of bending the storyline for you to dramatize events and prepare exciting movies. One of these kinds of movies is "Pearl Harbor", which was released underneath significantly criticism. With picture makers getting such freedom with the traditional subject matter matters, it is the two disrespectful and unforgivable. As a result of such movies gullible followers go on to feel a hype to become the fact, which will be not the best thing. On the actual other hand there tend to be movies that will fall within action and fear sorte which are criticized regarding violent contents. Directors including Quentin Tarantino in Movie and Anurag Kashyap with Bollywood have their individual purpose and logical details relating to such contents. Regardless of their very own reasonable explanations presently there is no doubt in which the exposure to assault might cause personality disorder within youngsters and other responsive demographic. There is certainly proper functions of id and allotting category a show goes by before its discharge to help diminish such adverse outcomes. On the other hand their presence is usually only just like the rendering.
Movies are usually Stupid
"The point is just not to stay away from all Stupid Videos, although to avoid being a new Foolish Moviegoer, It's the difficult task breaking up the particular good Stupid Movies from your bad ones... " -Roger Ebert
Often movies are generally termed as stupid waste material of time. The particular thoughts and opinions is not wrong itself but we have in order to keep in mind this you can find literally millions associated with movies addressing a variety and there are many genres. Though not just about all of which deserve our focus although not all of these deserve our carelessness both. Thus, the responsibility is catagorized upon us to pick the movie that could be well worth the time. In truth picking out movies differs together with every person. And each category of movies is definitely focused towards a specific sort of audience.
Every work regarding Art is actually subject to be able to one's own notion in addition to interpretation, movies will be no various. Just like any fine art, each movie is sure to include its level of view and an idea. Movies are the many innovative among all varieties of arts as a result that is capable of gift wrapping a massive demographic with not any bias involving color, time or location. This rewards the filmmakers with typically the power to impress the large susceptible population with all their concepts. However, it crumbles after the viewer for you to choose the proper motion picture.
Connecting with a dvd
A movie without any definite way becomes some sort of disaster, as such usually it is the representative who establishes a particular tone of the film subject. With proper co-ordination with his fellow fellow workers home goes on to help create a masterpiece which resonates with our existence as well as mindset. This will be when we would end up being sucked into a diverse planet altogether. And that will is the real pleasure of watching a video. In any other case it would turn into a stupid stupidity.
Even so besides the nuances within the manufacturing of a movies itself, there are numerous factors that affects it is connection with the viewers. One case is "The Room" which released inside 2003 as a possible independent motion picture. The movie has been composed, produced and focused simply by Tommy Wiseau, who also furthermore acted in the dvd. The movie was entirely slaughtered by the pundits while it performed a new good business. There usually are also often the DC videos like "Suicide Squad" and also "Justice League" which even with the critical hiting move on to collect huge bucks. The key reason why there getting the subject matter even though poorly executed is precious to the fans connected with POWER comics.
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fluidityandgiggles · 6 years
The Plastics: Phase 2
(Phase 1 - part 1, part 2)
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart!” Roman was looming over the sink, trying his best not to stare at his boyfriend.
His very much shirtless boyfriend.
Roman knew how much Virgil loved his 7-Eleven slurpees. (Part of him liked the fact that his boyfriend was a less-homicidal version of JD.) But sadly, so did Remy. So when Remy told Roman to throw Virgil’s slurpee at him... he couldn’t argue against that.
It was Remy, after all.
But he isn’t going to complain about his boyfriend being shirtless.
“It’s perfectly fine, it was just a slurpee.” Virgil gave Roman a smile that he would never be caught, dead or alive, giving to anyone. “Just... do you have a spare shirt?”
“Do you mind that it’s Wednesday?”
Having lunch with the Plastics was like leaving the real world and entering “Popular World”. And Popular World had a lot of rules.
“You can’t wear a tank top two days in a row,” Roman told me. “And we only wear track pants on Fridays.”
Well... let’s consider the issue with the statement. That day, both Remy and Roman were wearing jeans. Remy’s blue, and Roman’s white. Their shirts were pink, though.
And Emile... yeah. He was in a skirt.
“I mean, not just you. Like, any of us. Okay, like, if I was wearing track pants today, I would be sitting over there with the drama kids.” Emile started giggling. “You think this is a joke? Drama club is not a joke.”
“We know, Roman.”
“Oh, and we always vote before we ask someone to eat lunch with us, because you have to be considerate of the rest of the group.” Understandable. “Well, I mean, you wouldn’t buy clothes without asking your friends first if they look good on you.”
“I wouldn’t?”
“Right. Oh, and it’s the same with guys.” I think this was when Roman’s leg started jumping. “Like, you may think you like someone, but you could be wrong.”
And then Roman looked at Virgil. Who was playing with a pair of aviators. Well... if I had to guess...
“A hundred and twenty calories, and forty-eight calories from fat...” So Remy could read labels. Nice. “What percent is that?”
“Forty-eight into one-twenty...?”
“I’m only eating foods with less than 30% calories from fat.”
“It’s 40%.” The confused looks I got from Remy and Roman were... weird. Let’s call them weird. “Well, 48 over 120 equals X over 100, and then you cross-multiply and get the value of X.”
“...whatever. I’m getting cheese fries.”
Sure, Remy. Sure.
As soon as Remy got away, though... Roman started talking. “So, have you seen any guys that you think are cute yet?”
“We’re all gay here,” Emile said. I think to himself. I hope to himself.
“Well...” Better be honest. “There’s this guy in my calculus class-”
“Who is it?”
“It’s a senior?” Yes, Roman. It’s a senior.
“His name’s Patton Graham.”
If I had to compare this moment to anything... it would probably be a bomb drop. Roman started a chorus of “no”s, with Emile joining in every now and again.
“Oh no, you can’t like Patton Graham!”
The literal angel descended from heaven to grace this world with his beauty and overall being? Sure. Why? Can you explain why, Roman? Huh? You wanna try an explanation, bitch?
“That’s Remy’s ex-boyfriend.”
“They went out for a year.” Thankfully, this was said by Emile. Roman’s voice was starting to annoy me.
“Yeah.” And... we’re back. “And he was devastated when Patton broke up with him last summer.”
“I thought he dumped him for Ollie Hendricks.”
“Okay, irregardless. Ex-boyfriends are just off-limits to friends. I mean, that’s just, like... the rules of feminism. Or something.”
I swear I heard Virgil snort.
“Don’t worry. I’ll never tell Remy what you said. It’ll be our little secret.”
I seriously doubted it.
“We define the sum of the infinite geometric series...”
Even though I wasn’t allowed to like Patton, I was still allowed to look at him. And think about him. And talk to him.
“Hey, Pat-”
“Hey, you’re the Africa guy, right?” A guy (who, to be fair, looks like a top hat would just fit him perfectly, he’s just that kind of creepy) asked me. As I was going to talk to Patton.
Rude much?
“I’m Dorian Pechmann, captain of the North Shore Mathletes. We participate in math challenges against other high schools around the state, and we’re missing a member. You should think about joining.”
“Oh, you’d be perfect for it!” Our teacher - Ms. Torres - jumped in.
“Yeah, definitely.”
“Great, great. Let me give you my card!”
This guy has a card...?
‘Dorian Pechmann - Math Enthusiast/Bad-ass M.C.’
It even includes his phone number. Lovely.
“Okay, so... think it over. Cause we’d like to actually compete this year.”
Patton actually almost talked to me later that day, if only Remy didn’t pull up near the football field and screamed “get in, loser, we’re going shopping!”
Remy is like the Barbie doll I never had. I’d never seen anybody so glamorous.
“So how do you like North Shore?” Emile asked me in the mall.
“It’s good. I think I’m joining the mathletes.”
And again with the booming chorus of no.
“You cannot do that,” Remy said. Incredibly harsh for a valley girl. “This is social suicide. Damn, you are so lucky you have us to guide you!”
And then Roman spaced out. And I could see why. Over in the shop we were passing...
There was Virgil.
I was starting to suspect more and more.
Being at Old Orchard Mall kind of reminded me of being home in Africa. By the watering hole. When the animals are in heat.
“Oh my god there’s Jason!”
“Where? ...oh, there he is.”
“And he’s with Taylor Wedell!”
Remember Jason? From the cafeteria? Yeah. The poor person he was now picking up...
Was a girl.
“I heard they’re going out.”
“Wait...” Remy’s smirk grew into a vicious smile. If we can call it that. “Jason’s not going out with Taylor. No. He cannot blow you off like that. He’s such a little skeez. Give me your phone.”
“You’re not gonna call him... right?”
“Do you think I’m an idiot?”
It took Remy exactly three seconds to dial up a number - how exactly? - and ask for “Wedell on South Boulevard.”
“Caller ID-”
“Not when you connect from Information.” And then, “Hello, may I please speak to Taylor Wedell?”
I swear his voice became more feminine when he said that.
“Oh, this is Susan from Planned Parenthood. I have her test results. If you could have her give me a call as soon as she can. It’s urgent. Thank you!”
And then, “she’s not going out with anyone.”
“Okay,” Roman said, finally smiling. “That was so fetch!”
It took just a couple seconds after that for Taylor Wedell to run away screaming.
Remy’s house was bigger than I have ever known a house to be. His step-mom was incredibly plastic-y, like a tv trophy wife or something, and his sister - oh god, his sister! His poor, sweet, innocent preteen sister - was watching MTV.
I honestly don’t think the content was entirely age appropriate.
His step-mom also offered us drinks that could have passed for alcoholic, which was even more worrying for a second.
But his room...
“It was my parents’ room,” Remy told me. “But I made them trade me.”
Even worse, bitch who flaunts around his ex-boyfriends. Like all the pictures of Patton he has hanging on his door.
“Logan, do you even know who sings this?” Remy asked me about the music that was playing on the radio.
“Umm... One Direction?”
“Oh my god, I love him! He’s like a Martian!”
Is that a... compliment...?
“God, my hips are huge!” Emile was checking himself out in the mirror... why?
Is that what friends do...? Gay people as a whole...? What?
“Oh please, I hate my calves.” Something about Roman’s tone sounded incredibly fake.
“At least you guys don’t have huge shoulders.”
I used to think there was just fat and skinny. Apparently, there’s a lot of things that can be wrong about your body.
And so, after listing about eleven hundred things that are wrong about their bodies, they turned to me. Expected me to talk.
Well... “I have really bad breath in the morning.”
And then, “Oh my god, I remember this!” Emile was holding a pink album.
‘The Burn Book.’
“I haven’t looked at that in forever! Come check it out, Logan!”
“It’s our Burn Book,” Roman told me. “See, we cut out pictures of people from the yearbook, mostly girls, sometimes also guys, and then we wrote comments.”
“Trang Pak is a grotsky little bitch.” “Still true!”
“Dawn Schweitzer is a fat virgin.” “Still half true!”
“Amber d’Alessio masturbated with a hot dog.”
“Virgil Thompson,” Emile read out. “Stoner.”
Wait, what?
“Who is that?”
“I think it’s that kid Thomas,” Roman said. His voice still sounded... well, off.
“Yeah. He’s almost too gay to function.”
“Ha, that’s funny! Put that in there.”
Oh no. What have I done. Maybe that was only okay when Virgil said it.
“And they have this book, this Burn Book, where they write mean things about a lot of people in our grade.”
Virgil looked incredibly enthusiastic. Maybe a bit too much for the situation.
“What does it say about me?”
That you’re a stoner. “You’re not in it.”
“Those assholes.” He seemed to enjoy it far too much.
“Will this minimize my pores?” Thomas was holding a tube of... whatever cream that was.
“No. Logan, you gotta steal that book.”
“No way!”
“Oh, come on! We could publish it and then everybody would see what a dick he really is!”
“I don’t steal.”
“That is for your feet!” Virgil literally snatched the new cream from Thomas’ hands the second he brought it up. “Logan, there are two kinds of evil people. People who do evil stuff, and people who see evil stuff being done and don’t try to stop it.”
“Does that mean I’m morally obligated to burn that lady’s outfit?”
Thomas really shouldn’t have said that, probably.
“Oh my god, that’s Ms. Torres.”
“I love seeing teachers outside of school! It’s like seeing a dog walk on its hind legs!”
“Oh, hey, guys,” Ms. Torres called as she came to the counter. “What’s up? I didn’t know you worked here.”
“Yeah, moderately priced soaps are my calling.”
“You shopping?”
“No, no. I’m just here with my boyfriend.” Yeah... literally the only other customer in the shop. “Joking. Sometimes older people make jokes.”
“My nana takes her wig off when she’s drunk.”
“Your nana and I have that in common,” she deadpanned. “No, actually I’m just here because I bartend a couple nights a week down at P.J. Calamity’s. Logan, I hope you do join Mathletes, you know. Because we start in a couple weeks.”
“I think I’m gonna do it.”
“You can’t join Mathletes, it’s social suicide!” Thomas rushed to say.
“Thanks, Thomas.” And then, “well... this has been sufficiently awkward. And I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
“Oh man, that is bleak,” Virgil sighed when Ms. Torres left. “So, when are you gonna see Remy again?”
“I can’t spy on him anymore. It’s weird.”
“Come on, he’s never gonna find out! It’s just... it’ll be like our little secret!”
Okay then...
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haikyuubois16 · 4 years
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reader as a manager of nekoma! ♡´・ᴗ・`♡ reader is a female. they’re overall general headcanons with slight hint of simping for kuroo
• to be honest, everyone is surprised when they find out that someone actually wants to be a manager of their team??? hello??? this hasn't happened before, what sorcery is this
• needless to say, yamamoto is ECSTATIC. finally, they have a cute manager to show off to other schools and rub it in their nose because!! nekoma's manager!! is the cutest!!
• at first it's kinda strange. for both you and the team because they're not used to someone else bringing them drinks, preparing their jersey and helping them with various other little things. for you because you've never been around this many attractive boys, holy shit, you need a drink bc damn you're thirsty
• tbh, you're not the most knowledgeable when it comes to volleyball but you've watched the sport before and have played it a couple of times with friends. not as seriously as the boy's volleyball club ofc, lol. maybe you're not as knowledgeable but you do have the brain to figure out and connect logically some things, so some of the boys are kinda impressed
• also needless to say, kuroo is definitely going to tease you. but like, lightly, at least until he gets to know you better. he'd try to push your buttons slightly, just to see what each button does, and he's left surprised when you fire back with the same vibes or seem absolutely unbotheted by some of his teasing.
• forgot the mention, you're a second year and you're in kenma's class. you know kenma but not as well as you'd like to, since he's quite closed off and not the easiest to approach. that doesn't stop you from greeting him in the hallways or striking up conversations with him, though. he's very quiet and barely replies sometimes but when you mention a few games you play he seems to be paying a little more attention to the conversation than usual.
• you and yaku seem to get along well but you also tend to get along with lev too. which is weird, considering the dynamic between these two, which you immediately notice during your first day as a manager. since you're the same height as yaku, whenever lev makes unintentional remarks about his height, you shoot him a death glare and he feels double threatened.
• being part of a male's club has its perks. when their practice ends and it's already dark outside, you have at least 3 buff guys accompanying you when walking to your bus station. even if you claim you can take care of yourself. it's kinda endearing, really.
• you're very sweet and kind towards the whole team but when someone does something extremely idiotic, they quickly learn that they don't wanna be around you when you're mad. you're not loud, you're not aggressive but your gaze - it sometimes scares even the coaches.
• oh my god, when you meet fukurodani all hell break loses
• so you're slick and easy going around people like kuroo, right? his personality matches yours well and you two seem to get along so well, to the point where you'd consider him a really good friend. but when it comes to bokuto, you turn into a huge ball of energy.
• now imagine what happens when kuroo joins bokuto and you.
• generally speaking, you're having the time of your life being nekoma's manager. what you're enjoying even more is the sight of attractive boys all around you tho
• romantically speaking, you're a simp for kuroo. that's it. you'd do anything just to hold that man's hand. so you send him memes at 3 am of crying cats and terrorize him with video games news when kenma's around him which makes it even more amusing for both you and kenma.
• id say kuroo is simping just as hard for you because what normal person would wake up at 3 am to look at crying cat memes their volleyball club manager sends them??? also, he likes to use you as his personal leaning surface.
• you baby all first and second years in the team. no exceptions. including kenma. especially kenma. 
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