#but people hated the idea of a throuple a lot last week
aflawedfashion · 5 months
Probably an unpopular opinion but I really strongly dislike Thor/Flower because I love Flower and I feel like the show is wasting her potential by making conforming to a traditional monogamous heterosexual relationship her primary form of character development
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dailydaydreamings · 4 years
Best in the Worst Way, Chapter 10
Okay, I might have taken out some inner rage on this one. It mentions some pretty heavy stuff, like trauma and violence. There’s a big argument about sexuality. This one flips back and forth between the night the reader sleeps with the boys (chapter 5) and their mission. I’m seriously gonna try to lighten things up, pinky swear. Please enjoy ;) —K
The Reader has been having a love affair with two Avengers and gets caught in a sticky situation. She’s suddenly faced with life decisions she’s not prepared for, including who to love, what she wants, and is this all worth it?
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1 Year Ago
“What the hell happened last night,” you demanded, pacing back and forth in Steve’s room.
After waking up beside a very naked Steve and Bucky after last nights party, you sprung from bed, starling both boys awake. Bucky was now sitting on the lounge next to Steve bed, his head in his hands. Steve laid against his headboard looking perplexed.
“I’m pretty sure you asked us to have sex with you,” Bucky said, running his hand down his face. He looked like he had the world worst hangover. “I remember thinking, yeah that’s a great idea. But I don’t remember when it turned into a threesome.”
You frowned, “I thought you couldn’t get drunk.”
Steve shook his head, “We were drinking that stuff that Thor brings. I think we drank a lot of it.”
Bucky suddenly lurched forward, looking very green, “This is my first hangover since the 40s’, I might hurl. Don’t bring that stuff up again.”
You closed your eyes, they were useless. “Just to confirm, we had sex? I don’t remember anything after the gala.”
Steve nodded, “Yeah we definitely did...”
You groaned, “For shit’s sake, I’ve wanted to have sex with the two of you for a year and I can’t even remember it! Was it good?”
Bucky turned his head to look at you sideways, “First of all, how are you not hungover? You were pounding them back faster than us without enhancements. Second, YOU wanted to have sex with BOTH of US?”
You purged your lips, poor choice of words, but you would stand behind it. “I have excellent genes, first of all. To your second question, I really didn’t apcare which of you I had sex with last night, as long as it was one of you. I really wasn’t expecting sex with TWO of you!” And honestly, it was relieving to know you had had sex with both of them and you still didn’t have to choose.
Bucky nodded, almost like he respected what you were saying. Like he too had had a couple of nights waking up in a predicament like this. But now that you thought about it, for all of the male Avengers, there were only four you had never had to get their one nightstands to sign non-disclosure: Tony, Bruce, Scott, and Bucky. You’d even had to escort out one of Steve’s flings three months ago. You remembered a particular feeling of joy watching her sign the document, knowing she would never be returning.
But not Bucky, everyone else was having sex or had a reason not to be. There was no way he was a virgin, was there?
“You’re being awfully quiet,” Bucky interrupted your musing, directing his comment at Steve. “Nothing to say?”
Steve was looking both confused and pissed. Totally conflicted as to which emotion should take precedent. You watched his hands twisting in the sheets uncomfortably, “Its just that I’d never...you know...”
You and and Bucky exchanged a quick glance. “No,” you said. “We don’t?”
Steve rolled his eyes, and then whispered, “Never had sex with...” and then he coughed pointedly.
Frowning you asked, “More than one person at a time?”
Steve started to say something when Bucky stood, crossed his arms, and said, “No, he means he’s never had sex with a guy before.”
Steve’s sheepish look downward said enough.
Attempting to resolve some of the tension, you waved a hand, “It’s so not big deal, Steve. I’ve had sex with women. Sometimes it just happens, you know?”
Steve’s eyes snapped up to you, his jaw locking, “I’m not that guy. I’m not gay.”
“You weren’t exactly straight last night either,” Bucky snapped. You looked between the two of them, what happened last night. There was history here too, something you were missing.
You held up your hands defensively, “I never called you gay, Steve. I mean, there was still a woman involved last night, I’m assuming.” You looked at Bucky for clarity, he nodded. “I’m just saying, it’s okay. You don’t need to feel ashamed.”
Steve glared at the two of you, “Yeah, well, it’s never happening again.”
Bucky hated to admit it, but going on a mission with Steve was easy.
After the plane ride north, very far north, full of glares and silence, it was like slipping into a glove. No matter how angry they were with each other, they still worked well together. They had to when danger was involved. They were professional, afterall.
Even spare time in the safe house, at first it was cold and awkward, but the very first night, Bucky had a nightmare. He woke screaming to find Steve upstanding over him, shaking him gently. Before Bucky could say anything, Steve climbed into bed beside him, and wrapped an arm around Bucky, like how Bucky needed after a bad nightmare.
And so, things went back to how they used to be, slowly. Bucky made breakfast in the morning and Steve said, “Did you really love Bridgerton or was it just me?”
Bucky smirked, crisping up the bacon, and said, “We watched the whole season in one weekend.”
The thing about this mission, it was boring. There wasn’t a lot of action, just waiting in case it happened on the basis of a really good tip, apparently. Bucky was seriously beginning to think it was a load of crap.
So, during the days they did recon, and when they could, they hung out and caught up at the safe house. At first, it was like old times, pre-relationship. Your name didn’t come up once, they didn’t talk about the babies. Bucky terrified to bring it up and burst whatever bubble they had created.
Then, Bucky was making dinner one night, and Steve walked up behind him and kissed the back of his neck...one thing led to another and they found themselves wrapped in sheets, lazing a couple of hours later. Bucky had an arm over his head, watching the still ceiling fan and he muttered, “What the hell, Steve?”
Steve propped himself up on his elbow to observe Bucky, “What do you mean?”
Bucky glared at him, “You know what I mean. Y/n tells us she’s pregnant. You go awol. You ask her to leave me and get an abortion. You see the babies, you want back into our lives. You spend weeks wooing her and ignoring me. And now what?”
Steve sighed, “I just, I can’t see her being part of my life any more, Buck. She doesn’t want me. And I don’t want to lose you, you’re my best friend and I love you. And I want these babies, and I don’t know, I guess the last couple of days, playing house...I just got thinking, we could raise these kids, together.”
Bucky sat up in bed, quickly at that. Was Steve really asking what Bucky was thinking, for him to leave you and raise the twins without you?
“First of all, that’s never going to fucking happen,” Bucky snapped, reaching for his shirt on the floor. “I’d never leave her and you’d never play the part of the gay guy, I know you. You can’t be who you are.”
Steve rolled his eyes, “And you’d be okay playing the throuple game? You really think people would be okay with that? Captain America and the Winter Soldier in, what did y/n call it? The super secret super soldier threesome?”
Bucky shook his head, reaching for his pants now. “Captain America,” he mused. “How far you’ve come, huh? Rather by the gay guy than a throuple? Do you know how shitty that would make y/n feel? Or how that makes me feel? You only wanted her back so you two could be the good American couple and you could have the babies in peace. Am I right?”
Bucky stood and saw Steve lowering his eyes. “Un-fucking-believable.”
Steve’s eyes snapped up to meet Bucky’s. “The two of you were always preaching to me it was my journey with how I wanted to come out as bi. Or if I wanted to come out. Maybe I don’t want to. It’s not up to you to shame me for my choices.”
Bucky just shook his head, “I’m just disappointed you don’t love us enough to try.”
1 Year Ago
The compound had a Starbucks, it was honestly a godsend. You got coffee there most of the time and it was the best place to get someone talking. Which is why, when you got a text from Bucky asking you to talk, you suggested it.
“What did you want to talk about?” You broached, sipping at your chai tea latte.
Bucky looked down at his plain, black coffee. “You’re the only one who knows what happened with Steve...and I just figured you might be the person to talk about...sex with?” He looked up at that, an eyebrow quirked slightly.
Steve had been avoiding the two of you in the week since the gala. It was just awesome, you loved the silent treatment.
To Bucky, you answered, “I’m more than comfortable talking about sex.” And you were probably a little too comfortable, if you were being honest with yourself, but Bucky didn’t need your detailed kill list.
Bucky nodded, “I figured, no offence.” You shrugged it off. “It’s just, I wanted to have sex with you ever since I met you. Honestly, I wanted more than sex, but this is where we are. Sex is not an easy thing for me...ever since, you know..everything.”
You reached across the table and gently took his hand. He cleared his throat, pointedly looking around. “The thing is, I’ve been in love with Steve since we were kids.”
Oh, you thought. That wasn’t what you were expecting him to say at all. You were totally expecting some speak about being a virgin.
“Oh,” was all you managed to say aloud too, apparently. You kicked yourself internally for your awkwardness. “Okay...Bucky, I’m so sorry then.” You suddenly started to remember Steve’s reaction. He was pissed about having sex with another guy when he’d woken up beside them.
Bucky ducked his head, “I wasn’t expecting that kind of reaction from him. I hoped, that maybe, finally, he would...”
You placed a hand on your breaking heart, “He would feel the same,” you finished and Bucky nodded.
You looked down at your own drink, trying to think of the best thing to say. “I don’t know anything about being in love with another girl. I’m attracted to both but I’ve always loved men. I do know what it’s like to love someone so much it hurts, and to desperately want them to see you. I once kissed a guy I loved so much in front of everyone we knew, thinking it was some big romantic gesture, only to find out he had a girlfriend and I was the last to know.”
Bucky cracked a smile at that.
“Love sucks,” you concluded.
Bucky leaned back, running a hand through his hair. “I hate feeling like I’m losing my best friend.”
You nodded, “He’ll come around. Either to accept you as first friend again, or to see things from your point of view.”
Bucky fiddled with his fingers slightly as he said, “Steve’s always been the more proper one. He follows the rules. I think he can accept me, but I can’t see him ever loving me like I love him.”
You reached across the table, one more time to wrap both your hands around his, “How do you know if you don’t talk to him?”
“Fuck you, Bucky!” Steve shouted, following Bucky out of the bedroom. “I’m offering you everything you’ve ever wanted.”
Bucky stormed into the kitchen, he wasn’t quite sure where he was going, but it couldn’t involve Steve. He started searching for his cost as he snapped, “What I want has changed. I want her and you, this isn’t an either or situation.”
Steve slammed a hand into the counter, “You just want her because she’s having your baby. Admit it, if I’d offered you this before she got pregnant you would have jumped ship in a heartbeat.”
Bucky paused, sending a death glare at Steve. “What the fuck. I love her, Steve,” he said it almost calmly now. “Baby or not, I love her. She is the best part of my day, my biggest supporter, and takes my breath away every time I see her. I wouldn’t have jumped ship because the terms of our relationship involved three of us, not just you and me. She wasn’t my way to get to you, she as an independent part of this relationship.”
Steve’s face crumpled, as he leaned forward to press his face against the counter. “I don’t know how to do this, Buck. I thought I had everything when I went back to Peggy. I thought this life was over. I didn’t expect everything to just get harder.”
Bucky placed his hands in his hips. “Why do you make it so much harder than it has to be? My god, Steve, you were the skinny kid dying to go to war. You fought Hydra almost singlehandedly. You stood up to Tony Stark for me. And you’re afraid to let the world know you’re in a relationship with a man and a woman.” Steve flinched at those words. “Steve, babe, do you know how much joy you are keeping from yourself by being so afraid?”
Steve looked up, there were tears shinning in his eyes.
But Bucky wasn’t done, “You’re right Steve, this is your journey. If you don’t want to come out, that’s fine. You can be the cool uncle who hangs out all the time, or you can have shared custody and we’ll tell everyone I started sleeping with her later. But we could have a truly amazing life together, if you were just willing to give this thing a try.”
Steve clapped his hand together, a pained look on his face as he said, “Do you know what keeps me up at night, Buck? Any and every single story on the news about people getting beat to death for being gay or trans or different. It keeps me awake, I can see their faces. I can see their pain. Big old Captain America doesn’t have nightmares about Thanos or Ultron, but that. We as a species are so terrible to each other that we kill people because they choose to love.”
Bucky had tears running down his face. Steve’s jaw was clenched so tight he thought it might shatter. Bucky finally said quietly, “I didn’t know that, Steve.”
Steve reached up and aggressively wiped a tear away. “I just want to hide away and be happy together. I know we’re safe at the compound, I know we can defend ourselves. But what if some guy just decided to shoot you or y/n because you’re in some “abnormal” relationship?
Bucky reached for him then, “Babe, we can’t stop any of that from happening. But we can trust that we are well equipped to handle ourselves and take care of y/n and the babies. We can be okay. We can have a happy life, I promise.”
Steve let loose a long sigh and reached for Bucky. Their embrace was short lived, but for a second it was everything they needed. It said more than a thousand words could. It healed.
And then the explosion rocked the house.
After what could only be described as the world’s longest day of work, you hobbled towards your bedroom. You were so ready to get out of this stupid work dress and put on some sweats.
In your closet, you stripped down to nothing, and caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. At 18 weeks, with twin super soldiers babies, you looked huge. You remembered when your friends had started getting pregnant, they hadn’t been nearly as big, and you were only going to get bigger.
You flattened your hand against your stomach, bringing it to cradle your bump. “Hello, little ones,” you mused, “you’ll be here soon enough. I guess that means mommy needs to stop waiting for daddy to make up your nursery, huh?”
You looked yourself in the mirror, suddenly feeling rediculous. It wasn’t like you were really expecting an answer, were you? You were getting way too used to silence.
As you were pulling on your seats though, you felt a slight flutter. You paused. You’d felt some movement, but this was definitely a kick.
Shaking in disbelief, you hobbled towards your bed, sitting down on the white bedspread, spreading your hands on either side of your belly.
“Okay, guys, I know you can hear me. Give mommy another kick, please.”
You gave your stomach a poke, “Come on, guys. Just one little kick for your mommy.”
Then you felt a nice, sharp kick by your ribs. Letting go a sharp breath, you smiled, “Nice one. Oh my god, your daddy is going to be so upset he missed this.”
You laughed. Because your babies were kicking, and they were kicking hard. And suddenly your bedroom seemed so much bigger and lonelier. And it wasn’t just Bucky who was missing this, it was also Steve. Who had just as much a right to feel these babies kick.
You wrapped an arm around your middle, solemnly, “When your daddies get home,” you emphasized the plural, “you’re gonna kick up a storm for them, okay? No matter how mad mommy is.”
So you started your nightly routine, you made dinner and watched a show and read your book. You were washing your face when your phone rang. Tony’s name flashed across the top.
You answered it on speaker, “Hey, what’s up?” You reached for your serum and started rubbing it in.
“You’re gonna need to come into the compound, right now.” Tony said from the other end.
You raised an eyebrow. No fucking way. You were going to bed, you were dressed for bed. You had a rough day already, anything else could wait till morning.
“Tony, you have given me scrap about taking it easy and sleeping and nothing working rediculous hours. It is ten o’clock on a Wednesday. I am going to bed.”
“Y/n,” Tony’s voice softened and you paused. “I need you to come in right now.”
You picked up your phone, pressing the FaceTime button. Suddenly you were face to face with a sheepish looking Tony Stark. You took a second to observe his face before saying, “Which one of them is dead?”
Tony let out a long breath and your heart constricted.
No, no, no. This could not be happening. Not on such a good night.
Tony finally said, “They’re not dead. Either of them.”
Suddenly you were on the floor, on a sob bubbling in your throat. Oh, thank god. Nothing else matter, they weren’t dead.
“Y/n, they’re in bad shape though,” Tony’s voice now sounded very, very far away. You tried to focus in on what’s he was saying, but all you could think was, they’re not fucking dead. “Y/n, they’re hurt and being transferred here and they’re asking for you.”
@booktease21 @sexyvixen7 @just-the-hiddles @fading-mentality-bouquet @a--1--1--3 @broco8 @yougottalovefandoms @hailqueenconquer @tazzi-baby @imaginebeinlovedbyme @amiets2 @prettyblueskylark
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blackcatmanor · 5 years
RWBY V7 Ch11 Photo review (spoilers)
A really great episode showing a lot of good strides made by the crew as storytellers! Pictures below  
Story stuff that was good:
Fights- Both action and the fighting in Ironwood’s office was well done. So much, in fact they deserve their own mini-breakdowns: 
Combat fights:
Ironwood vs Watts- I appreciated the apparent disparity between their combat styles. Ironwood was clearly a stronger, more aggressive, and overall better fighter, but Watts used his smarts and ability to manipulate the anti-gravity fields to help gain an advantage (I called that- yay!). I am really glad how this fight played out because it shows that the crew really thought about it and didn’t just make it a generic match between two opponents. The setting and dynamics of the anti-gravity field were also great and I think this will end up being one of the top fights of all time in RWBY. 10/10 
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I hated watching the end, though but for the right reasons: Watching Ironwood peel his skin off to get free from the shield was excruciating and awful to watch, which really matches the tone of the scene. Watts just sort of standing there flabbergasted was even kind of appropriate, because you could tell he expected to trap Ironwood and did not expect the lengths Ironwood would go to in order to free himself. Some of the dialogue was a bit hammy, such as “You don’t want even MORE parts of your body made of metal,” and Ironwoods “I will sacrifice WHATEVER IT TAKES to stop her” but it wasn’t too distracting.
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 Tyrian vs the Qrow, Clover, and Robyn (aka the throuple). 
This fight was very well choreographed but it was overall a bit of a mixed bag, mostly good but unexpected when considering what was teased in the opening cinematic. The opening cinematic promised a lot more interaction of Qrow and Robyn, with Robyn engaging Tyrian hand-to-hand, but Robyn literally stayed on the sidelines taking pot-shots and just got the final takedown by chance. If Tyrian had just dodged that last arrow, she wouldn’t have had the takedown and cool one-liner moment at all. Clover similarly was somewhat sidelined but he definitely had way more involvement in the fight than Robyn.
However, despite my criticism that Robyn and Clover were somewhat sidelined, I actually liked how Qrow was the main force behind the fight, because it gave him a chance to get revenge for his poisoning in Vol. 4, and he landed a lot of really good punches and kicks. It’s a nice callback even though the fight was slightly muddled by the different tone previewed by the opening cinematic, which promised a lot more cooperation rather than a Qrow vs Tyrian re-match.
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Fights (verbal)
The fight in Ironwood’s office was great. Some of the dialogue was a bit wonky at times but overall it had the perfect impact: I felt re-invigorated in rooting for our girls and I wanted to punch the Ace Ops in the face! The clash of ideals was awesome and shows a great juxtaposition between our idealistic huntresses who never back down from a fight even if they may not win and the  Military/Strategic and Tactical style from Atlas, with Huntsmen and Huntresses willing to sacrifice lives for a greater victory (losing the battle to win the war). 
I think they did a good job of showing subtle differences in Ace Ops, as Vine and Harriet seem more in-line with Ironwood, Marrow seemed super conflicted (bordering on miserable), and Elm was somewhat in the middle. However, as they are the military, all of them fell in line at the end, showing a possible struggle between RWBY and the Ace Ops. 
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The conflict between ideologies carried into the Throuple as well, and it was a great show vs tell moment where Qrow and Robyn are allied in the idealistic paradigm, with Clover literally on the opposite side. 
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Ruby is Captain America, Yang is the Hulk, Weiss is Ironman, Blake is Spiderman. 
The cliffhanger in this volume is much more natural than volumes 5 and 6. In the previous two volumes, the last few episodes simply chopped up existing fights and stretched them out, pausing the combat to just resume a week later. This episodes’ cliffhanger was spectacularly done. The two main combat fights of the chapter are finished, but there is still plenty of conflict set up for later, and the ideological battles seem like they will escalate naturally in the next part. I expect the next part to have a Cinder vs Winter fight, and Neo vs Oscar/his team, but I am honestly more excited to see how the ideological conflicts escalate, with RWBY/Qrow/Robyn conflicting with the Ace Ops. 
Interestingly, this style of cliffhanger also fits well with the Military style of combat, which ties into Atlas as our setting: The battles of this chapter are over and won, but it’s clear a greater war is still raging, and the next batch of battles are just around the corner.  
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Story stuff that was bad not as well-executed:
Overall I have a few minor complaints- one larger than the other
Oscar’s shopping spree: Oscar has a serious addiction to take out that many robots just to disappear and go shopping again. In all seriousness though, it would have been nice to see Oscar fooled and taken, since it was teased that Neo would use her semblance to disguise as Ruby to get to him. We already knew explicitly that Neo was going after him, so the “reveal” of him being gone at the end wasn’t a reason to skip the cool part of Neo tricking him and overwhelming all the robot guards. The amount of stuff that happens with Oscar off-screen is maddening.
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Ironwood’s plan has a pretty big hole in it: This one is my larger complaint. Ironwood wants to take Atlas into the sky, but everyone knows Cinder is there on campus, and Ironwood even explicitly says “For all we know Hazel’s here too.” So, why would you try to get yourself high away from Salem’s forces when possibly two of the strongest foes are hanging out right there? (ok from what we’ve seen Cinder is not the strongest, but in-canon with the Maiden powers she is supposed to be one of the strongest).
I suppose Ironwood wants to get them high enough before reinforcements can arrive, because it’s better to deal with a few saboteurs in your city than wait for Salem to show up, but the fact that they don’t address this is kind of odd. You have an unknown number of people who are actively trying to interfere with your plans and you know they are in your school- so how are you going to mitigate that threat?  
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 Character stuff that was good
Ironwood- This volume has done a much better job of establishing a morally gray character, whereas the Writers totally face-planted with Ozpin in the past. You feel for Ironwood because he has good intentions, but he has been driven nearly-mad with PTSD, which has given him a hair-trigger and causes him to make irrational and objectively bad decisions. I think the story can go further with his character, with his development arc being his struggle to reign-in his fear and paranoia and redeem himself. Ironwood’s V/A is also one of the strongest, so I think he can handle the possible complexity of the character’s arc going forward.
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Ruby- Ruby was really good this episode. The episode had her trying to be a confident leader by telling Salem she will fail, but her speech wasn’t cheesy or ham-fisted. It was also great to see her confidence immediately crumble seconds later with the reveal that Salem was behind Summer’s death. Ruby’s anguish was a highlight of the episode, as it was well animated and pretty well acted (the animation carried most of the weight. Lindsay’s performance was pretty good, but I think it was hard for her to play Ruby’s kid-like voice in anguish. This is another reason why I hope the Ruby kid-voice thing becomes less prevalent in the future). 
I was also super stoked on getting a better idea of what happened to Summer. This scene was great and I hope it will have a huge impact on Ruby going forward as she learns to cope with this information and overcome her grief. 
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 Character stuff that was bad:
Watts, we hardly knew ye- RIP To Watts. It was nice to hear Watt’s somewhat deranged motivations, but I’m bummed he’s gone. I think he was an interesting character and it would have been great to delve into his madness more- maybe a conversation with Pietro once they knew Watts was still alive. Pietro could have been a great vessel to explain Watts’ past to the group, and establish his villainy even more. Overall, it’s unfortunate the interesting villains keep getting killed off or sidelined (Hazel where art thou?). That being said I don’t think Tyrian is done yet. I think that Salem coming means she will spring Tyrian out of custody once again, as a poetic reference to his backstory we got earlier in the chapter.
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 Overall 9/10. The episode was really good with a few minor issues. The fights between people are becoming a lot more thoughtful again, with efforts to showcase individual strengths and weaknesses. Ironwood’s extreme measures are a good way to paint someone with good intentions making the worst decisions, something they failed to do in the past. The cliffhangers are much more thought-out and organic rather than just slicing big fights into chunks.   
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Is her model’s giant head pasted onto a smoke body?  >,<  I kind of lol’d when Salem first appeared because of her floaty head but it becomes less distracting as her dialogue goes on. 
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namjuicyy · 5 years
Three’s A Crowd - Chapter Seven
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Masterlist | Requests are open.
Genre: Angst, fluff, smut.
Genre of this part: Smut, fluff.
Word Count: 4.7k.
Summary: Your childhood friend shows you a whole new world, but no one expected what came afterwards.
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, hand job, oral sex (m, f receiving), praise kink, male x male interactions, cum play, protected vaginal sex, anal sex, dirty talk, just downright filth. 
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Jimin had stood up to get a plate of food at the buffet the film crew had provided for the interview. The woman conducting it was adamant on a few of the dishes served, knowing that her elderly subject preferred them than the regular catering buffet consisting of sandwiches and crisps – general finger food that consisted of processed meat and God knows what part of a cow's hoof.
Once the lunch break had finished, Jimin sat back down on the chair, and watched as everyone prepared themselves for the second half of the interview.
"How long have we been here?" He asked out of curiosity.
The interviewer looked at her watch, "Three hours."
Jimin's eyes widened. "Ah, I'm sorry. I didn't realise it was hard to shut me up."
"No, don't apologise! It's been amazing hearing your story."
"Plenty of material to use."
The interviewer laughed. "Absolutely." She turned to her crew. "Are we ready?" They nodded. She cleared her throat and turned her attention back to Jimin. "So, tell me about your first date as a throuple."
Jimin laughed at the word throuple. Even after all these years he still loved the term. "Well, we didn't actually get the chance to go on a proper date until Valentine's Day."
"What, really?"
"Yeah. We had such a packed schedule. Of course we hung out and fell asleep holding one another, and kissed... a surprising amount. But we weren't able to go out on a date until Valentine's Day."
"Tell us about it!"
"Okay. We'd not been back from LA for long. The excitement of the Grammy's kind of wiped us out. It had snowed a lot while we were away, which was quite the contrast from the weather in California, that's for sure. We all brought our puffer coats, and were glad of them as soon as we got off the plane. The world didn't know about us yet – not even Bangtan. The only people who knew we were a threesome was myself, Yoongi and ___. That's it. So, of course, trying to keep if from everyone was so hard. It wasn't that we didn't want to tell them, because we did. We just wanted it to be our little bubble for a while."
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Valentine's Day approached, and you made sure to dress appropriately, in predominately reds and baby pinks. You wore a pencil skirt and a shirt you tucked in, making sure to show off your curves, knowing that you'd drive at least Yoongi mad. To say you were excited was a huge understatement. Though you'd had many "indoor dates" with Yoongi and Jimin throughout the few weeks of your relationship, this was the first time the three of you would be going out and showing yourselves off, even if the rest of the world had no idea who you were and what you were all doing together. As far as the public was concerned, you were three friends going out for a meal on Valentine's Day. Three was less suspicious than two, at least.
Yoongi and Jimin pulled up outside your house and waited for you to get your bag and your coat on before taking you to the place that Jimin had been raving about since yesterday morning when you all agreed to go out. The evening was closing in, and you were all illuminated by the Chungmoro night lights, dying the snow different colours as you walked towards the cinema. On the 8th floor of the building was a small café that seemingly no one knew about. It was called the Sky Rose Garden, and it was the most beautiful place you'd seen in a while. The whole coffee smell that usually overpowered a café had been dulled by the sweet scent of the roses surrounding the tables. Tall lamps stood, casting a warm glow on the cold, outdoor seats. The weather was terrible for this kind of date, but it was perfect.
Jimin ordered for everyone while you and Yoongi picked a seat in one of the corners, hiding from the rest of the world allowing all three of you a modicum of privacy before the inevitable oncoming storm.
Yoongi wanted nothing more than to reach over the table as you all talked, and take hold of your hands. He wanted nothing more to be that little bit affectionate to the two of you, but knew that one wrong move could land them in the shitter without so much as a warning. And the rest of Bangtan would be livid if they found out that Jimin had joined the relationship via newspaper. No, it wasn't worth the risk. Not yet anyway. But he couldn't stop the heart eyes from coming out as he sat and watched as you and Jimin made fun of each other, and joked with one another. He joined in occasionally, of course, but was mostly content with watching you two smile brightly. Especially Jimin. It had been months since Jimin smiled like this – genuine, warm and bright. Yoongi pulled out his phone and took a snap of the two of you, unintentionally getting himself caught.
"Ah, Hyung. I didn't realise you'd be the pap to expose us."
"Just wanted to remember this, is all."
You slid over to his side of the table and placed a cheeky kiss on his cheek. "See? He's a big ball of mush under that difficult-to-express-his-emotions-exterior." You wiped your lipstick stain off his cheek and smiled at him.
You didn't think you'd ever feel a love like this. Not only were you completely and utterly infatuated with Yoongi, but you were besotted with Jimin and had never been happier.
Jimin thought the same. Just two years ago he never thought he'd see the sun shine again, yet there his suns were, shining brightly in front of him and lighting up his world. Jimin was always a massive romantic, but you and Yoongi multiplied it by 10.
The darker the night got, the more alive the city became, and you found yourselves being the only sober ones around as you walked back to Yoongi's car. You sat in the back, in the middle of your two boys and contentedly sat back watching the world go by. No one realised that you saw, but Yoongi had stretched his hand out over the console, and Jimin took it. He didn't say anything, knowing his boyfriend hated unwanted attention. Instead he just watched his face, and smiled softly at him. Jimin really was the personification of love.
You arrived at the boys apartment. By somewhat of a miracle, most of them were out themselves, either at the studio, or hiding in their rooms.
"Anyone want a drink?" Jimin asked walking over to their cupboard. He pulled out a bottle of white wine and unscrewed the lid, grabbing three glasses without waiting for an answer.
"You trying to get us drunk, Jiminie?"
Jimin smiled at Yoongi's comment, a glint of mischief in his eye as he looked at his hyung over his shoulder. "Maybe." He winked, making Yoongi a little flustered. "I just thought, seeing as everyone around us earlier was a little..."
"Pissed off their tits?" You suggested.
Jimin laughed at your crass joke. "That." He picked up two glasses and gave them both to you and Yoongi. "And we couldn't as Hyung was driving... that maybe we could let our hairs down at home."
Yoongi tittered. "So you're horny?"
"Way to kill the mood, Hyung."
"I think that was a very thoughtful idea, Chim-Chim." You said. You reached up to place a kiss to his cheek, which ended up moving to his lips. Jimin's free hand came up to your hair to pull on it gently, and the kiss became heated incredibly quickly. You'd almost forgotten that Yoongi was stood there if it wasn't for the cough you'd have been completely oblivious.
"It seems we don't need alcohol to get this party started." The front door shut loudly and you could hear Namjoon groaning at the cold being shaken off his body. Instinctively, you and Jimin parted, almost running to the opposite ends of the room, making Yoongi laugh. He dropped his voice lower. "Maybe we should take this to the bedroom?"
You all picked up your wines and snuck into Yoongi's bedroom, giggling like teenagers sneaking their partners into their bedrooms without their parents knowing. Yoongi gently shut his bedroom door so that it wouldn't make too much noise, and stood back, watching Jimin fall onto his black bedsheets, his face a little red from the embarrassment of almost being caught. You were looking at Yoongi, noticing the cogs turning in his mind as he stared at your shared partner. "What are you thinking, honey?" You asked him.
"Well, me and you have had a while to get to know one another," Yoongi began, "I pretty much know you inside out."
You hummed in agreement. "No, that's true." You went and stood by Yoongi, now joining him in staring at Jimin – who was getting shier under your gazes by the second. "I don't know too much about what makes him tick. Only what he's told me."
"Mmm. I feel like this should be rectified pretty much immediately. Baby, go show him what that pretty little mouth can do."
You giggled. "Yes, Oppa."
Yoongi really loved it when you called him "Oppa". You rarely did as it wasn't a word used in your native language and you didn't want to use it inappropriately. But when you did, he felt the hairs stand up on the back of his neck.
You did as you were told, walking over to Jimin who was sat on the bed looking like a deer caught in the headlights. You straddled his lap, his thick thighs parting yours and providing you with the perfect seat. Your hands held his shoulders, then moved towards his cheeks. Your lips gently touched his, but that only lasted seconds as your tongue was in his mouth. Jimin's hands moved down to your ass, groping you and pushing your bodies closer to one another. Your core started to grind on him, feeling his cock harden beneath you. His delicious length that you'd wanted to feel for a while now but hadn't been presented with the opportunity.
You allowed your hands to run down the expanse of his toned chest, tracing the outline of his abs and grasping hold of his belt, undoing it with ease. You climbed off his lap and lowered yourself down to the floor, helping his jeans off of him. His white boxer briefs tented under the strain of his cock trying to break itself free from its confines. But you thought you'd tease him... just for a little bit at least. Build up the tension.
Your hands moved to his hidden length, placing them both on either side. Using the sides of your index fingers, you rubbed his hardness through the material, your thumbs rubbing against his balls. He groaned, the noise coming from his gut. His eyes rolled to the back of his head and he lay backwards giving you pure access to his core. More than willing to relinquish control to you. You pressed your clips to him, before sliding one of your hands into the leg of his underwear and massaging your hand over his length, earning you a louder groan in the process.
"Fuck, Angel." He mumbled. "P-please don't tease me. I need your... fuck. I need your mouth on me. Please."
His fists tightened on Yoongi's bedsheets. You were surprised at how still he was keeping – such a good boy, you noted. You gave into his pretty moans and whines, pulling his underwear down and freeing him. His tip was perfectly pink, matching his beautiful rosy lips. He was already leaking precum, and the amount that was shining on him, you were surprised you didn't feel it when you were teasing him. You stopped moving once you placed your hand at the base of his cock, waiting for him to sit up in curiosity. Which he did. As soon as you locked eyes, you placed your tongue on his opening and licked the precum away.
"Fucking hell." He hissed at the sight of you, your innocence being thrown out the window and replacing what he thought he knew of you with this perfect whore you'd become.
You placed your lips around his significant girth, and began to give him exactly what he wanted. With every suck, you took him further and further into your mouth until your nose was touching his bare pubic bone. Unlike Yoongi, who preferred to just leave himself alone, he was completely bare. Very well groomed. And you certainly appreciated his effort. You hollowed your cheeks as you came back up his shaft, popping off his tip with just that sound. You gave him just enough of a break to make him feel like you'd given up, before you went back down. A little further down, your open mouthed kisses concentrating on his balls. Your tongue came out to give him a lick before you sucked one into your mouth. Your hand decided to wrap itself around him, stimulating him there too. Earning you an even louder moan for your troubles.
Yoongi was a little closer to the bed, watching as your perfect mouth went to work on the newest addition to your relationship. He smirked to himself as he watched you use all the techniques you used on him every time you sucked him off. It was interesting to see that these little bits were your thing, and he knew exactly how Jimin was feeling.
He also knew that right about now you'd be wetter than the bathtub, soaking the delicate panties under your skirt. Your beautiful clit was probably throbbing at the sound of Jimin's desperation. You loved hearing what you were doing to people, and preferred it over watching. So he knew you'd be positively dripping. But he had to see it for himself.
He knelt down behind you, his hands wrapping around your hips. Out of your own curiosity, you stopped playing with Jimin to see what he was doing, but that earned you a smack to your clothed backside. "I didn't tell you to stop, Baby." He told you, his voice darker then usual. He was truly in his dom-space tonight. You only had the privilege of seeing this once, as he hadn't fully gotten comfortable in the bedroom with you yet. So you certainly weren't complaining when he let you both see it. Yoongi in dom-space was dark and firm, but soft. He never wanted to chain you up, and beat you black and blue. But you learned pretty early on he enjoyed reddening your ass, especially when you rode him.
He pulled your hips towards him, forcing you to arch your back and stick your arse out. When you were in the perfect position for him, he roughly pulled your skirt up. Yeah, he was right. There was those perfect little, black, lace panties he anticipated. "Such a good girl for me." He praised you like he usually did, his voice gravelly and painted in desire. You moaned in appreciation, your mouth now back on Jimin's dick and sending a vibration down his body like a shockwave.
Your tight heat was exposed to the cold air circulating in the room, and it was then you realised just how wet you were. Yoongi was easily able to slide two fingers inside you with no issues, causing you to let go of Jimin and open your mouth in surprise. "Oppa, you know I can't concentrate when you do that."
"Fuck." You heard Jimin whisper. He sat back up to see what Yoongi was doing to you, and his dick twitched in your hand at the sight of his long, crooked fingers disappearing in your cunt.
"You're going to have to concentrate, Baby. You've got a cock to play with and please."
As your mouth fell back on Jimin's cock, you felt Yoongi's breath on your thighs. He'd lain down on the floor and pulled your cunt to his face, making you sit on him so he could use his tongue on you. And oh fuck did it feel good. Too good. His tongue swirled around your clit, sucking roughly just as you liked, forcing you to cry out in absolute bliss. You straightened your back and focussed on the pleasure Yoongi was giving you. He smacked your arse hard, knowing you'd stopped.
"Chim, you're going to have to fuck my mouth." Jimin's eyes widened at your words. "I can't make you feel good with him down there."
Jimin nodded, not saying a word as he stood up. He pulled off his shirt, then yours, before tapping your mouth with his cock and pushing himself passed your lips. He fucked your mouth gently, too afraid to hurt you yet and spoil this perfect moment. Out the bottom of his vision, he saw Yoongi's cock out, and his hand rubbing himself softly as he ate you out.
An idea sparked in Jimin's head. He pulled out of your mouth, at the brink of cumming, and regained his composure before giving you a quick kiss, and dropping to his knees himself. He swatted Yoongi's hand away, and wrapped his plump lips around Yoongi's cock.
Jimin's mouth felt hugely different to yours. It was a little bigger, not as wet, but it felt in no way any bad. Jimin clearly had sucked a dick before, which Yoongi would have questioned had he not had your cunt in his mouth and his cock in someone else's.
This was something you needed to see. You stood up and removed your skirt, standing there in only your bra, which quickly left your body. You watched as your boyfriend's cock slipped in and out of your other boyfriend's mouth, and bit your lip at the filthy sight in front of you. There was something so, incredibly hot about watching this act play out. About watching someone else please your man in the same way you had before. Jimin's mouth was much rougher than yours, his hands were much grabbier too, playing with Yoongi's balls as he sucked him off.
"J-Jimin." Yoongi's voice was weak. He was losing his mind and was no longer in dom-space. Not fully anyway. "You need to stop." His hips started thrusting into Jimin's mouth on their own accord. "I'm gonna cum. Stop."
Jimin, however, didn't listen. If anything it spurred him on to go faster and rougher until that familiar growl came from Yoongi's mouth and he came inside Jimin. Yoongi, despite the amazing orgasm, still seemed a little disappointed. "I wanted to do that in your ass." He grumbled.
Jimin laughed. He stood up and walked towards you, kissing you. It became apparent that it wasn't just his tongue he was sliding into your mouth. Yoongi's cum was also being switched sloppily from mouth to mouth. Yoongi, from the floor, watched his cum drip down your chins and groaned as it fell onto your breasts and down your body. He didn't realise just how much he'd cum until he saw it painting your skin.
"You dirty man." You commented when most of the cum had gone and you'd both swallowed anything left.
"Oh, Angel. I can get dirtier."
"Fuck her." Yoongi ordered. He was still lying on the floor. "There are condoms in the bedside drawer, I want you to fuck her. Put that cock of yours to good use because I'm not fucking going anywhere after that you little shit."
Jimin laughed at his hyung scolding him, and did what he was told. You sat on the bed, propping yourself up on the headboard, watching Jimin grabbing the condom and rolling it on himself. He knelt at the edge of the bed, and froze at the sight of you. When you saw he'd finished rolling the condom on, you'd slowly opened your legs for him, exposing your pussy like a blooming flower. You watched his Adam's apple bobbing, swallowing hard as he saw your folds parting for him.
When he'd regained a modicum of his composure, he crawled up the bed, gripped your thighs and pulled you away from the headboard so you were lying on your back, completely at his mercy. He hooked your knees onto his shoulders, effectively bending you in half, and slowly began to enter you.
"Oh fuck me." He groaned. "How are you so tight?"
You giggled at his reaction, despite how good the burn of him inside you was. His eyes rolled back into his head again when he bottomed out, and you could see his arms shaking. He was struggling to keep himself upright.
"Maybe we should switch, Chim?" You suggested. You put your hands on his shoulders and pushed him away, forcing him onto his back. You used his firm chest as leverage as you sank back down on him, and started to slowly rise and fall on his cock. His hands flew to your hips, gripping you tightly. You felt like heaven to him.
The bed dipped as Yoongi got on beside you, drawing Jimin's attention to him. Yoongi's mouth pressed sweet kisses to your shoulders.
"Fuck, Hyung!" Jimin practically screamed. Yoongi had just done something that Jimin didn't expect.
"What did you do?" You asked.
"Are you gonna tell her, Jiminie?" Jimin pressed his mouth closed, finding speaking difficult. "I'm playing with his cute little ass. Stretching him out for me. I'm cumming in there tonight, Baby. I said I would. I'm still doing it." he reached up the bed and grabbed a pillow. "Hips up, Jiminie."
Jimin did as he was told, lifting you in the process and somehow getting to an even deeper place inside you. Yoongi placed the pillow underneath Jimin allowing him a cushiony landing when he fell back down.
"Hyung, how are you hard already?"
Yoongi winked, bent down and kissed Jimin's plump lips. "It's a God-given talent, baby boy. Now spread your legs. I want in."
You heard the lube cap on Yoongi's bottle close, and focussed on Jimin's face, watching his reaction as you rode him and as Yoongi began to push his way inside. Yoongi's movements were slow so he didn't hurt his Jimin, but they were pretty much euphoric judging by Jimin's reaction. The grip he had on your hips tightened, and you felt him jolt underneath. Yoongi had pulled out and slammed back in. Something your pussy remembered all too well, and clenched around Jimin at the memory.
"Fuck! Hyung!"
Yoongi's hands fell on your hips, setting a matching pace for you to bounce on Jimin's cock and him to fuck Jimin's ass at the same time. And, once you'd fallen into the right rhythm, Yoongi moved towards your clit and started to play with it. His lips were still attached to your shoulders as he fucked your boyfriend into a practically vegetative state. "Both my babies," Yoongi said from behind you, "so fucking tight and compliant for me."
Yoongi could recover from an orgasm quick enough, and could essentially go the whole night. However, his second orgasm always happened quicker than he would like. Something he was beginning to work on with you. But tonight he wasn't planning on edging himself to make himself last longer, because judging by Jimin's cries, Jimin wouldn't last much longer himself.
"Look at his face, ___." Yoongi's voice was in your ear, guttural moans and groans escaping his mouth when he wasn't talking. He was almost growling. "Look at how fucked out he looks. How good your tight little cunt is making him feel."
"I think your big cock's doing half of the work, too, Oppa." You said in between pants.
Yoongi bit your shoulder. "God I fucking love you two."
"Hyung! ___! Fuck! Gonna... gonna cum. I can't hold it. Gonna-"
"Cum, baby boy." Yoongi demanded.
Jimin, always the obedient baby, came on command, his load shooting into the condom and warming it a little more. Part of you wished you didn't use a condom, just so you could feel the ropes of his cum run down your walls and spill from your hole.
Yoongi held off his own orgasm until he was sure you were close. He could feel you stuttering on Jimin's cock, the overstimulation almost being too much for him but he couldn't deny you your pleasure as he'd just had his. Jimin wanted to sit up and kiss you, but Yoongi was still pounding away at his ass and he couldn't think straight.
You came next, Yoongi's fingers finally making you come apart at the seams with the loudest moan yet. No one seemed to care that the rest of the house definitely heard that. Finally, Yoongi reached his second orgasm of the night, all while he had his fingers digging into your waist as he did. His face fell into your neck.
Silence fell over the room as you and Yoongi collapsed on one side of Jimin, and Yoongi fell at the bottom of the bed. Yoongi was absolutely out of energy, but still had his wits about him. Unlike Jimin who was still breathing heavily, clutching his hair and having trouble recovering from how hard he actually came. He was sure he never came that hard before.
When Yoongi had regained a bit of strength, he crawled up the bed and lay the other side of Jimin, only to be met by an intense kiss from Jimin. "I love you too." Jimin told him. He then turned to you and gave you the exact same kiss. "I love you."
"I love you both so much." You confessed. "Happy Valentine's Day, my loves."
"That was the first time we said 'I love you' to each other."
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Jimin in the interview, of course had left out most of the gory details. He didn't think it was appropriate to share the fact that he was getting fucked by two people at the same time, and the audience didn't need to know that you and Jimin shared a kiss swapping Yoongi's cum around between the two of you. Something, that actually, turned Yoongi on more than he cared to admit, and would love it when you'd do it every time he came in one of your mouths.
No, Jimin decided to say that they made love for the first time and was incredibly soft afterwards, keeping that side of their love private.
"Sounds intense." The interviewer said.
"More than you'll ever know." Jimin's smile was almost smug.
"Don't you think you were moving a bit fast though? Your relationship was, in effect, not even one month old and you'd already said I love you."
"The thing is with these kinds of relationships is that there's no real way you can move too fast. You know, I'd known Yoongi-hyung for 8 years before anything happened between us. And with ___ it was longer. I think about... 15? Possibly. I don't know. All I know is that by the time we ended up in a relationship, we'd already known each other inside out, and knew we'd loved each other for a while. Even if ___ and Yoongi-hyung didn't realise that was the case. We would have thought things were moving too fast if we got married, or had kids immediately, but saying things like "I love you" and having sex on the first date felt right for us. And I truly felt like I belonged with those two, and that was something I hadn't felt in a long time. Not since the beginning of BTS anyway."
"Speaking of them, when did they find out about the three of you?"
"We'd somehow, miraculously managed to keep it between us for about four months. And I'll never forget how they found out, it's too funny."
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