#but please… please build a land based habitat on site
orcinus-veterinarius · 6 months
I’m starting to feel like it’s a legitimate possibility that Wikie and Keijo will end up as the very first orcas to be transferred to a sea sanctuary. Combine the untimely deaths of Moana and Inouk and a financially troubled park with the blocked transfers to Japan (and the new park has already started taking in whales from other Japanese facilities, so I don’t think they’re waiting for them) and a government that’s eager to offload its cetaceans, and you’ve got the perfect recipe.
I hope it works.
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lulu2992 · 8 months
Uncovering the unreleased Far Cry 5 in-game Encyclopedia
The almost complete but unused in-game encyclopedia, reconstructed thanks to the oasisstrings file.
Please note that it’s still cut content, so some information might not be relevant anymore.
You can read the oasisstrings file here. Pictures from this encyclopedia were also extracted and posted by @xbaebsae here.
Part 4: Locations - Henbane River
Tanami Residence
Some idiot drove a dredge into Roy Tanami's property, damaging his bunker beyond repair. Out of options, Tanami swallowed his pride and joined the Whitetail Militia up north.
Vasquez Residence
Home of Mr. Vasquez, former employee of Nolan's Fly Shop.
Hollyhock Saloon
One of the first businesses to fall to Eden’s Gate when they banned alcohol in the county. No one knows if the owners moved or were taken.
Can of Worms Fishing Store
Rods and tackle a-plenty. Owned by Sherri Woodhouse, who does salvage runs for sunken treasure in her spare time.
Deep North Water Treatment Plant
Built in 2002 to treat the toxic water from decades of mining practices. Today, Eden’s Gate uses it to disperse Bliss into the water.
Misty River Gas
A local gas station by the water, owned by Mr. McDevitt.
McCoy Cabin
Home of Darby McCoy who joined the cult against his will. This cabin is both close to the water and the Misty River Gas, an ideal spot for the cult to run operations.
Peaches Taxidermy
Mable's a rough-edged taxidermist. She lives here with her pet cougar.
Barlow Residence
Residence of Dr. Phil Barlow. He was a pharmacist who joined Eden’s Gate.
McClean Residence
Residence of Travis McClean. He was a former Air Force veteran turned prepper. Like so many others, he and his husband are on the run from Eden's Gate.
Eden’s Gate Outreach Center
This was once a place to learn more about Eden’s Gate and the Father’s message. Nothing out of the ordinary, until it became what it is today.
The Pillars of Eden
An outdoor amphitheater and a place of worship for Eden's Gate.
Drubman Marina
The Drubman Marina began in 1992 as an oil sands prospecting venture. Hurk Drubman Sr. became rich, but ost the property in a divorce to his wife Adelaide. She has big dreams for the place.
Silver Lake Campgrounds
A place to camp with a nice view of the mountains, the water, and the Whitetail Mountain Rail Bridge.
Silver Lake Summer Camp
An old summer camp. It was forced out of business by Eden’s Gate about 8 years ago. The cult used this place to stockpile their goods while their bunkers were being built.
Howling Cave
A well-known wolf habitat. The cult frequently takes animals from here and sends them north to Jacob.
Taft Lookout Tower
An old firewatch tower built in 1945. The cult uses it as a checkpoint and surveillance location. As expected, it is heavily guarded at all times.
Raptor Peak
A mountain peak that's a favorite nesting spot for birds of prey.
Camp Cougars
The Resistance has set up a camp to use as a base of operations for attacks against the cult and rescue missions for those on the pilgrimage path.
Dire Wolf Basin
A smoking basin that Eden's Gate has claimed as their own. Also a place of worship for the cult.
Sabre-Tooth Springs
These hot springs and the nearby cave used to be a tourist destination. It's right next to a road, meaning this location spent little in advertising. Today, it only attracts the cult.
Eden’s Convent
The very first building set up by the Project at Eden’s Gate in Hope County. People came here for spiritual retreats and to learn the Word of Joseph. When they left, if they did, it was with a permanent smile on their faces.
Sacred Skies Youth Camp
Formerly a Christian youth camp that was shut down fifteen years ago when the population dwindled. Eden’s Gate quietly bought it ten years ago. They use the land for growing Bliss flowers while living on-site.
Joseph’s Word
A statue of Joseph Seed that was constructed almost overnight. It commemorates the Father bringing his Word to the world. It also houses a rare, one-of-a-kind manuscript that is sacred to Eden's Gate.
Purpletop Antenna
Eden's Gate controls the radio towers. There's no signal but Joseph's Word out here.
Dead Man’s Mill
A water mill left over from the gold rush heyday. Everyone in Hope County has a different version of how it got its name, but the most popular story is a man's suicide after the closure of the mines.
Mastodon Geothermal Park
A tourist attraction established in 1836. People used to come here to admire the unique geological landscape. Now Eden's Gate uses it as an execution site.
Chan Residence
Back in the day, the owner of the Sacred Skies Youth Camp lived here. The cabin now belongs to Jasmine Chan, a big game hunter who was recruited into Eden's Gate against her will.
Counselor’s Cabin
This used to be the counselor's cabin when the Sacred Skies Youth Camp was in operation.
Nature Cabin
It once belonged to the Sacred Skies Youth Camp. Kids would come here to learn about animals, or rest after hurting themselves on the nearby zip line.
Throne of Mercy Church
A gold rush era church run by Jerrod Wilson, a preacher and rival of Emmet Reaves in the late 1800s. The church survived until about ten years ago when the cult closed it down.
Administrator’s Cabin
This used to be the administrator's cabin when the Sacred Skies Youth Camp was in operation.
Boshaw Manor
The humble dwelling of Charlemagne Victor Boshaw IV, gentleman fire enthusiast.
King’s Hot Springs Hotel
Once a spot for the posh to "take the waters," a landslide triggered by an earthquake in 1917 closed it temporarily and made it a ghost hunter's gem. It reopened, only to close again in 1994. Eden's Gate has put it to good use.
Moonflower Trailer Park
Once the fanciest trailer park in Montana run by the Boshaws. When the economy dried up and the Boshaws did nothing to retain their tenants, people relocated to the Silver Lake trailer park in the Holland Valley.
Sinclair Residence
Frankie Sinclair dreamed of being a world class French chef. Only problem? He couldn't speak a lick of French. He worked at the King's Hot Springs Hotel until it closed in 1994.
Horned Serpent Cave
A sulfur cave that's part of the volcanically active landscape of the region. It was once an industrial site, but the cult has turned it into a mass grave for Angels who can serve the project no more.
Henbane River Station
Copperhead Rail was created in the late 1800s by Emmet Reaves. It was shut down in the early 70s after the last of the local mining industries dried up. This station has been abandoned ever since.
Grimalkin Radon Mine
Once a part of a radon spa chain, it shut down in the 60s. Guy Marvel fell in love with the aesthetic and figured it’d be the perfect place for his next movie masterpiece.
Lydia’s Cave
In 1912, some loggers saw a girl eating a goat with wolves. She was captured in this cave and brought to a doctor who named her Lydia. She escaped and was last seen deep in the wilds suckling two wolf cubs.
Whistling Beaver Brewery
This brewery and pub opened in the late 1880s. It closed in 1916-1918 for Prohibition and reopened in the 30s. Pushed out of the national market by artisanal beer, the brewery was struggling and quietly sold to Eden's Gate.
The Misery
A dredge that belonged to the Catamount Mining Company. When the mines dried up, they tried to get gold from the riverbeds, but failed and abandoned it. The Resistance tells horror stories about what goes on there now.
Faith’s Gate
A bunker under Faith's guardianship. It is shrouded in Bliss, ensuring that those who are sheltered here will not be frightened when the Collapse comes.
Feeney Residence
Home of Dwight Feeney, a prepper and chemistry aficionado who joined Eden’s Gate when they promised him an important role in the creation of Bliss.
Eden’s Altar
A place of worship for Eden’s Gate. The faithful gather to hear sermons about Joseph’s visions and plans.
Gethsemane Greenhouse
A building used to precisely control the growing conditions of plants. Whatever these plants were before, they are now Bliss flowers.
Lorna’s Truck Stop
Lorna Rawlings used her BINGO winnings to create the best place for hard-working truckers like her husband to refresh and refuel. The cult came to take the place. She said no. She hasn’t been seen since.
Henbane River Chalets
A tourist trap that was shut down by the cult. The lake view was also sought after as a filming location.
Aubrey’s Diner
One of the first places to close when the cult took over. Their grilled cheese was no good.
O’Hara’s Haunted House
A professional clown named Edward O'Hara bought a barn and turned it into a haunted house that was a Halloween tradition in Hope County. Edward himself disappeared, and people disagree on whether or not the cult got him.
Ghost Cat Mine
The old mine has been closed for decades but the headframe warehouse is still there, used by the cult to store their containers of Bliss.
The Last Best Resting Place
An old, overgrown graveyard left from the gold rush era.
Jones Residence
Home of Kanti Jones, a Blackfoot woman and ranger who used to work in Whitetail Park. She was forced into retirement when the park closed. She fought against Eden’s Gate, dying in a shootout in her home.
Nelson Residence
Home of Coyote Nelson. He tried to lay low and enjoy fishing and painting but his peaceful pastimes didn't save him.
8-Bit Pizza Bar
The presence of pizza and an arcade made this the most exciting spot for teens within a hundred miles.
Pepper Residence
Holly Pepper and her girlfriend Charlie were among the first locals to join Eden's Gate. They abandoned this house and were never heard from again. The cult turned the property into a grow op.
Hope County Jail
20 years ago, a riot caused a jail break and a bus full of escaped prisoners ran off the road somewhere in Holland Valley. Later on, the prison closed due to budget cuts. Today, the Cougar resistance takes shelter here.
Nolan’s Fly Shop
Nolan Pettis ran his fly shop and gave fishing tours happily for years, although he was never a famous outdoorsman like local celebrity Skylar Kohrs. The money for his shop dried up and he joined Eden’s Gate.
Johnson Residence
Bob and Penny Johnson struck it rich in cattle futures, then they lost everything. After such a fall from grace, Joseph’s cult seemed welcoming. They handed everything over. No one knows where they are now.
Bright Warden Radon Spa
A health spa shut down in the 60s. Eden’s Gate has been spotted going in and out of this mine, using it as a storage facility.
Founded by rail and lumber baron Emmett Reaves. As the industry dried up, the town died and people moved west to Fall’s End. What remains of the ghost town is now used by junkies and the homeless.
Abercrombie Residence
Home of Melvin Adams Abercrombie. He robbed a bank in the 1940s and got away with it. He used his money to build this property and to prepare for the total collapse of the global financial system.
McCallough’s Garage
Once owned by Steve McCallough. He tried to warn everyone about Eden’s Gate, and even had a getaway car and some supplies ready. One day, his shop got boarded up and Steve was nowhere to be found.
Jessop Conservatory
Dr. Rachel Jessop created this place to protect and research at-risk flora and fauna. After budget cuts gutted her funding, Eden's Gate bought her out and devoted the facilities to developing potent strains of Bliss flowers.
Harrison Lookout Tower
One of the towers built in the 1940s to spot forest fires. It was abandoned ten years ago when funding ran out and the cult bought the property. It overlooks the site of one of Clutch Nixon's legendary stunts.
Seeley’s Cabin
Residence of Dwight Seeley. He worked in the local mines and then got kicked out of his place when the cult took over.
Deer Tiger Mine
Established in 1912, this mine was closed down in the 70s. Eden’s Gate appears to use it for storage.
Puma Mine
Another relic of a bygone gold rush, the Puma Mine has been abandoned for decades.
Ancient Bison Tunnel
A closed-off tunnel. No one gets in. No one gets out.
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bonemeadows · 3 years
hello friends, i’d like to tell you a story about the beautiful place i call home. long post coming up. 
do you think climate change is bad but you know the responsibility of a solution does not rest on the individual or you’re just not sure what you can do?
do you like seeing birds and other animals around your home and where you live and think they deserve safe, undamaged habitats?
do you think we should do as much as possible to preserve our clean water sources?
do you think the military spending budget in the united states is way too much?
if you answered yes to any of these you might be interested in this story. 
i live on cape cod, in massachusetts. it’s a peninsula that reaches out into the atlantic ocean, so it’s surrounded by salt water. you might wonder how does such a place get fresh drinking water without having to pump it in from miles away?
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we’re fortunate enough to have one of the most productive ground water systems in new england, but it’s highly permeable and susceptible to contamination within its watershed. [source]
this groundwater system has been designated as a sole-source aquifer. that means almost two hundred thousand people rely on this water source year round, and in the summer the population here literally doubles with tourism. 
wow it sure would be bad if something happened to it.
wait—something bad did happen. between 1989 and 2009 an area here was listed by the EPA as a superfund site. the national guard had contaminated their military base on cape cod with spilled chemicals and fuels, landfills, and munitions, including lead bullets and live explosives. [source]
let’s see where that military base is located. 
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the military base is located on 22,000 acres of land directly above the largest part of the aquifer. unrelated to this specific issue, but don’t you think we could so something better with and for this land? i don’t know, just a thought, seems like the military doesn’t need 22k acres stolen from the wampanoag especially if they’re just going to pollute it. 
so here’s why i’m angry. they want to do this again. the national guard wants to spend $11 million to build an eight-lane machine gun firing range right above the water source. 
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the national guard has been going forward with this plan without providing outside environmental review (they reviewed it themselves and said it was fine) and without engaging in dialogue with the community. 
also a fun note, the brigadier general-whatever-the-fuck that is of the national guard has threatened the local chamber of commerce and is quoted in the above linked source with some expectedly bad takes. 
so let’s review:
cutting down 170 acres of trees in a region that is essential habitat to hundreds of species of migratory birds, as well as other animals, is devastating 
cutting down 170 acres of trees that could remove and store carbon from our declining atmosphere for decades to come is irreversible damage
cutting down 170 acres of trees and shooting toxic ammunition over an area of 5,000 acres above a water source that hundreds of thousands of people rely on is just a really bad fucking idea
if you’re read this far, thank you. i’m going to tell you one way you can help. right now facing climate change as an individual feels hopeless, at least to me. the best tools we have to fight with are our voices, and they always have been. the association to preserve cape cod has created a form you can use to email appointed officials who have the power to stop this. you can also donate to the apcc, but i’m not asking you to. i’m just asking you for your voices. 
please reblog this post, because someone might come across it who lives here who doesn’t even know this is happening. i love this little spit of land with all my heart and i know others do too. 
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koochita · 4 years
Koochita: a comprehensive tourism platform
Koochita is a platform devised for the purpose of supporting tourism enterprises by creating a smart chain to connect them with users and local or foreign tourists. A single and distinct page inside this platform will be allocated to each and every business whether small or huge including ecotourism resorts, restaurant, handicrafts, local dishes, souvenirs, traditions and places of interest for tourists. Also, details about all the aforementioned points with related information and contact will be accessible for users to omit all intermediaries. In addition, complementary information for the easiest access to desired destination is provided including google map and navigation applications. Moreover, with the help of social media almost no business would be out of sight and the quality of services of each business will be directly stated by the users through comments. This platforms will be offered in several languages including English, German and Chinese.
This website is essentially user-based which means users are the main actors and their information, feedbacks and experiences generate most of its database. Through online campaigns, Koochita seeks to benefit from social potentialities to reach better understanding and description of every touristic destination or local businesses. To put it in another way, each tourist is indeed the ambassador of Koochita and this platform seeks ways to encourage them to share direct experiences and to provide content. For further information and details please visit www.koochita.com.
Sisootech accelerator, one in its kind, specialized in tourism, cultural heritage and handicrafts. It has signed a cooperation agreement with Iran’s Vice-President for Science and Technology to pursue this mission. Sisootech is located in the Center for Growth and Innovation in Human Sciences affiliated to Allame Tabatabaee University (Center No.1). With regard to the importance of tourism for the stable development of the country and its role in creating employments and new job positions for under developed rural areas of Iran, Sisootech in partnership with UNDP, offers a program to enhance social justice, to develop the tourism industry, to support local businesses, and to improve the quality of such businesses by the means of supporting them both mentally and physically. Given the current situation, this program focuses in empowering these businesses and mentoring them toward national and international market. In this path, Sisootech will keep its supports and surveillance so that this local business sector reaches to stability and independence.
Iran as a phenomenal touristic destination
With its natural treasures and great historical heritages, Iran's fabulous touristic sceneries made it one of the most desired destinations for tourists. Iranians are well-known for their hospitality, which offers each traveler a mesmerizing experience in one of the world's most remarkable countries. As the land of diversities, Iran is blessed with extraordinary biodiversity, with colorful bazaars, ancient Persian ruins, fascinating nomads, Islamic architecture and shimmering deserts, magnificent mosques, ancient caravansaries, impressive rock tombs, and former royal cities of the ancient Persian Empire. Travelers come from far and wide to catch a glimpse of the ancient cities and beach resorts, as well as Iran's modern capital and skiing destinations.
 Artistic Heritage
Iran's rich artistic tradition is as ancient as its history and is one of its featured characteristics that impress any traveler. This wealthy tradition includes a variety of masterpieces from different eras. Ancient Persia was an important destination and corridor in the old Silk Road, which made this country a cradle for dynamic trading in antiquity. The geographical location of Iran, therefore, contributes to the astonishing diversity of arts and crafts. The main Iranian local handicrafts are as follow:
- Sofreh of North Khorasan: traditional carpets, Kilim and Jajim from Kurd people of North Khorasan
- Charogh Duzi of Quchan: traditional footwears from Northeast of Iran.
- Terme: a traditional and luxurious fabric designed with Iranian patterns and textures.
- Toreutics: Traditional metalworking
- Pottery
- Enamel: the art of painting and decorating gold, silver, and copper
- Persian carpets and rugs
- Kelim: Embossed Kelims of Ilam
- Embroidery: traditional needlework of Sistan and Baluchestan, which is locally called "Suchan Duzi".
- Giveh: the local footwear of Kordestan
- Tiling: the prominent and distinguished Iranian ornamental art of bricks
- Gabbeh: a traditional rug made in Bushehr
- Chamush: traditional footwear of Northern provinces of Iran
- Pateh: a traditional rug of Kerman
- Inlay or Khatam: a delicate and detailed work of art on wood
- Crystal Craving
- Ghoflsazi (Locksmithing)
- Jajim: a traditional rug
- Mekhraj Kari: the art of making gemstones to jewelry
- Lacquer work of Isfahan
- Knife making of Zanjan
- Traditional ring making of Qom
- Calligraphy of Qazvin
- Zilu: a traditional rug made in Yazd
- Ghalamkari (Calico Work): a famous traditional print applied to textile in Isfahan 
- Firuzehkubi (Turquoise Inlay) of Isfahan
- Hasir Bafi: a traditional mat weaving of Khuzestan
- ….
 Historical treasures
 Historical Sites
IRAN is one of the world's oldest countries, which has been the home of numerous tribes, clans, dynasties, and emperors. Therefore, one can find various sites in every part of Iran that represent a unique section of this country. Due to this historical importance, 24 heritage sites in Iran have already been registered in the UNESCO's list of World Heritage: Armenian Monastic Ensembles of Iran, Bam and its Cultural Landscape, Bisotun, Cultural Landscape of Maymand, Golestan Palace, Gonbad-e Qabus, Masjed-e Jame of Isfahan, Meidan-e Emam, Pasargadae, Persepolis, Shahr-i Sokhta, Sheikh Safi al-din Khanegah and Shrine Ensemble in Ardabil, Shushtar Historical Hydraulic System, Soltaniyeh Dome, Susa, Tabriz Historic Bazaar Complex, Takht-e Soleyman, Tchogha Zanbil, The Persian Qanat, Lut desert, The Persian Garden, Sassanid Archeological Landscape of Fars Region, Historic City of Yazd as well as Hyrcanian Forests.
 Intangible Cultural Heritage
Iran historically has bred multiple cultures with authentic manifestations. This rich cultural heritage has been preserved and passed through generations and became the country's defining elements. In this regard, the following have been assigned as Intangible Cultural Heritage in Iran by UNESCO:
- Chogan (Polo): Iranian ancient royal game
- Traditional skills of building and sailing Iranian Lenj Boats in the Persian Gulf
- Flatbread making and sharing culture: Lavash, Katyrma, Jupka, Yufka
- Traditional skills of carpet weaving in Fars
- Traditional skills of carpet weaving in Kashan
- Radif of Iranian music
- Music of the Bakhshies of Khorasan
- Naqqali: Iranian dramatic story-telling
- Art of crafting and playing with Kamantcheh (traditional musical instrument)
- Skills of crafting and playing Iranian Dotar (traditional musical instrument)
 Natural Wealth
Iran's diverse natural attractions, including forests in the north, Alborz and Zagros chain mountains, calm lakes, and Lagoons, historical caves, is appealing to any nature-lover. With over ten national parks and 41 protected regions, Iran has more than 8 million hectares of natural areas to explore. Iran's beautiful sceneries are desirable to anyone who seeks calmness, inspiration, adventure, and joy. Some of these remarkable natural spots for eco-tourism are:
- Damavand Mountain: the highest mountain in Iran and the Middle East and the highest volcanic peak in Asia
- The Persian Gulf
- Zayanderud River: one of the main rivers of Iran
- Alvares Village and Ski Resort in the northwest of Iran
- Badab Soort: a rare stairway spring
- Maranjab Desert: it is a magnificent landscape of sand runes and hills
- Sabalan Mountain: the third highest mountain in Iran
- Caspian Hyrcanian Forests: a unique forested massif remained from Cenozoic geology and Ice Age in the southern coast of the Caspian Sea
- Golestan National Park: one of the most important wildlife habitats and national parks of Iran
- Anzali Lagoon
- Urmia Lake: the biggest saltwater lake in Iran
- Chahkooh Canyon: it is a view of eroded rocks with a depth of 100 meters
- …
 Delicious Cuisines
Another attractive feature of Iranian culture that has always appealed to tourists is special cuisines for food lovers. Each province of this country offers its unique yet delicious recipe which can meet anyone's appetite. Some of the most well-known Iranian traditional recipes are as follow:
- Khoresh-e Fesenjan: one of the oldest original Iranian cuisines, basically made from walnut and lots of pomegranate sauce as its flavor.
- Khoresh-e Qormeh Sabzi (Fresh green herb stew): It is an authentic Iranian dish made for thousands of years in ancient Persia. The main ingredients are sautéed herbs, kidney beans, lamb chunks, dried limes.
- Khoresh-e Qeimeh (Yellow split peas stew): It is another classic Persian dish made of lamb, tomatoes, yellow split peas, and dried lime. It is usually accompanied by crispy potato fries or pan-fried long-cut eggplants.
- Tah Chin-e Morgh (Golden crusted Saffron rice cake): This dish includes elements mainly used in the Iranian diet: rice, yogurt, saffron, egg, and entire baby lamb or chicken fillets.
- Ash-e Reshteh (Noodle and bean soup): this richly textured soup includes noodles, beans, herbs, and leafy greens like spinach and beet leaves. So it is a complete meal.
- Ghalieh Mahi: Southerners have sophistication in making delicious meals and Ghalieh
Mahi is an example of this claim. This yummy dish is a kind of spicy nutrient Khoresh made of mackerel fish, coriander and fenugreek, onion, pepper, turmeric, garlic, oil, and tomato paste. Tamarind and lots of spices are also added to make it an irresistible tasty dish.
Theses and more can be found on our website: www.Koochita.com 
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mrnibblesleviathan · 6 years
Entry 4.2 - Dead Zone
Present, Mushroom Forest
Dead, they’re all dead. They punched a sandstone deposit a little harder than necessary.  They weren't sure what they expected. They were the only one to show up when the sunbeam had a landing site. But it was still whirling in their mind, my fault, if I had just been a little more cautious. They punch another deposit. Lead. Useless.
They couldn't think about anything but the 11 pods that they had managed to fill before the Aurora crashed. Their entire team was gone. Completely evacuated, with time to spare. No wonder they hadn’t found any of them.
So many pods were jettisoned but they had found so few, so few had sent out signals. They were destroyed before they could ask for help. With their team being the first out of the ship, they probably landed miles away from the safe biomes of the crater. Right into Leviathan territory.
They tried to control the thoughts in their head as they chased the shimmering peepers through the forest. They tried to tell themselves that there was no way they could have known, but it was hard to listen to reason when the opposing team has their team of bright young engineers and programmers getting attacked by leviathans.
What had been the last thing they ever said again? "I'll be fine."
Ryley wasn't fine.
Something had happened and Bart knew it. The way Ryley just ran off made him worry, but it's not like he could have chased them to ask what was wrong. So, in the bed he stayed, alternating between watching the fish outside the window and reading the information Ryley had gathered.  They’d actually gathered a fair amount, which earned him a good quiet time of compenetrated study. It had been so long since he had new material to analyze, to actually learn from. The last years had been mostly a fight for survival, in which he'd been too busy barely scrapping the "being alive" class to actually study the wildlife again. Sometimes he just missed being a scientist.
Almost two hours passed without him even noticing, lost in the new information his friend had discovered with the aid of more technological tools. Bart was somewhat alarmed that Ryley had managed to scan a boneshark, though he figured if anyone could do it, it would be Ryley. There was an entry that stopped him in his tracks, however.
“Assfish McGee?” He yelled into the empty room. He was no stranger to talking alone. “What in the actual hell is an Assfish McGee?” He pulled the PDA up closer to his face, reading through the entry. “That’s… That’s a fucking crashfish, how did they scan a crashfish?” He backed out of the entry, still confused, and started going through the other ones. “Fartmaster?” He laughed. “There’s no way that’s not a gasopod.” Bart grinned as he read the entry, suspicions confirmed by the identical information to his own entry. “I knew it, that’s a majestic bastard right there.” He kept scrolling, hoping for more of the incorrect entries. “And what on Earth is a Cursed Wiggler?” The entry wasn’t one he recognized, but from what he was reading, he realized... “No. They didn’t… a damn Crabsnake? Scanned up close? How?" He whispered. "There's so much to study here... Bless that stupid, reckless idiot."
Bart's yelling seemed to have attracted company. A bright blue ghostly figure swam by the window, stopping to look at him. He left the PDA at the table, getting up slowly. Now, why was there a Jellyray in the kelp forest?
He walked to the window, a little too fast, and the creature backed away.
"Oh no... I don't mean to scare you!" He whispered, in a calming voice. He wondered if it would make any difference, and if it could even hear him beyond that glass. "What are you doing here? Aren't you a little far away from home?"
The ray swirled, going up and disappearing behind the ceiling. Instinctively, Bart hopped out of the bed and followed its tail to the glass tube connected to the kitchen. The ray was now swimming around the second floor, which Bart knew contained an aquarium for edible fish. He had seen Ryley go up and come back with some bladders for dinner.
"Maybe this is your home." He realized. "Were you hatched here?"
"WELCOME ABOARD CAPTAIN." Said the habitat voice, as the hatch opened. Ryley entered, dripping water on the floor, which immediately started drying itself. They wrenched off the helmet of their suit, dropping it in a locker by the hatch, lovingly labeled “DON’T DIE”.  Dropped the tools in there too, along with the oxygen tank.
“Who is this… friend?” Bart pointed at the ray, who was swimming around the window nearest Ryley excitedly. Bart watched as his friend walked over and put a hand on the glass. With a tap of their fingers, two other creatures showed up. Two rabbit rays of different sizes and colours. The lighter, smaller of the two nuzzled it’s face where their hand was resting, and Ryley smiled.
They pulled out the PDA and typed “They’re mine, I hatched them here.  They seem to have imprinted on me. Named them after some old online friends.” They pointed at the darker rabbit ray and typed “That’s Frill.” Then they moved on to the jelly ray, “…Heather,” And the lighter rabbit ray, “…and Miz”.  
“So they’re like your own little fish crew,” Bart smiled as the rays swirled around in front of Ryley. “They seem fond of you. Is there anyone else I should know about?”
Their face lit up as they signed “Wait,” and climbed the ladder to the aquarium right above. After a few moments, they came back with something cradled gently in their arms. They opened their hands up, showing a small egg with a transparent grey membrane, containing a ridiculously adorable creature inside. Bart recognized it immediately.
“Found, your base”. Ryley said, briefly, typing with just one hand.
“My… my cuddlefish egg! You rescued it!” Bart took the small egg in his hands. “I thought the carnivores ate it… I’m so glad you found him, Ryley. I felt really bad when I fled.  I thought I had abandoned it, that the cuddlefish would never have the chance to live. I’m glad I was wrong.”
Ryley nodded, happy, as Bart returned him the egg. Before climbing back to the aquarium, he showed the inventory screen to Bart. He smiled as he saw the seeds he was looking for.
“Ryley, you’re the best” he said, when his friend got back. “Thank you so much for everything you’re doing for me. You don’t know how much I appreciate it. But, please… talk to me. Stop dodging.” He stared at them. Ryley stopped in the middle of the room, suddenly aware of the concerned look directed at him. Bart crossed his arms.
“You left awfully quick this morning. Spent the whole day out, almost as if you were trying to avoid something.” He said. “Let me help you too, Rye. Did something happen?”
Ryley shook their head, trying to find an excuse. At the very least, they couldn’t do that there, where Bart could fall. He was already leaning against the wall. They steeled their face and picked up their friend, who made a very amusing noise of protest, and walked him over to the bed.
They stayed there for a moment. Bart hesitantly edged closer and placed his hand on their back.
“Take your time” He said. He felt the air push Ryley’s shoulders up and down. They pulled out the PDA.
“My team.” They typed slowly. “My crew. There were 22 other people. Engineers and programmers mostly. I was the head of the division.” They said as the memories came flooding back. “I got them out fast. I was the only one to get their entire division out from what I could see. But apparently it was all for nothing.”
“They ended up falling in the...” Bart whispered. “When I told you about the dead zone… that’s why you… Ryley, I’m so sorry--”
“Is it my fault? I have saved them, at least given them a fighting chance if I had just spent a little more time trying to find more people. If I had delayed a little longer, they could be alive right n…” Ryley gave up on writing and placed the PDA on the bed with shaking hands. They felt Bart’s arms wrap around them, and this time they leaned back into it.
“Don’t let me hear you even thinking that it was your fault. You knew nothing of the planet’s ecosystem, okay?” Bart put a hand on the back of their head. “You did what you thought was best with the information you had. The ship could have exploded and then all of you would have been dead. Then I’d be dead too.”
Ryley was quiet, but they weren’t shaking as much. They didn’t seem inclined to move, however. Which was fine, in Bart’s book. Even if they were rather heavy, they made up for it by being incredibly warm. He could stay there as long as they needed him.
Still, they moved. Had to. That peepkit fabricator wouldn’t build itself.
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myurbanist · 3 years
Recapping the Launch: Sustaining a City's Culture and Character
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Sustaining a City's Culture and Character focuses on how to understand the innate identity of an urban place. The book provides a catalog of techniques that emphasize “bottom up,” resident-based input. Such input includes local history, building forms, natural and open spaces, cultural assets and tradition, and related policy, planning, and regulatory examples. The book has received positive attention during its "release season," spanning American, Australian, United Kingdom, and European launch dates, and events via Zoom, podcast, radio, print, and online publications. We wanted to summarize these months of activity in one place. Books are now readily worldwide at bookstores worldwide, through digital outlets such as Amazon and AmazonUK, or directly from the publisher.Review the special “landing page” for Sustaining a City’s Culture and Character here. Below, please find an 8 August update on developments and release events for the book. Place Parts Initial book launch activity featured "Place Parts, A Sustaining Place Companion," comprised of 18 short videos addressing book concepts and approaches--often with live guests--see the Place Parts series elsewhere on this site, and on the Place Parts YouTube Channel. Reviews Several advance reviews appear in the video below. They were followed by reviews and endorsements listed thereafter. https://youtu.be/6qdRm4yJua4 The 11 advance reviews Articles, Podcasts, Radio Interviews, and Presentations Summer 2020: “LEARNING the City: Beyond the Urban Diary,” The Journal of Public Space, https://www.journalpublicspace.org/index.php/jps/article/view/1288/786 December 22, 2020 and March 10: Book Excerpts in Planetizen, https://www.planetizen.com/blogs/111612-farewell-one-size-fits-all-urbanism and https://www.planetizen.com/blogs/112517-unlocking-city-context-keys January 6, 2021: Excerpt, “A Farewell to One Size Fits All Urbanism,” CNU Public Square, https://www.cnu.org/publicsquare/2021/01/06/farewell-one-size-fits-all-urbanism/ February 2: Urbanistica Podcast https://shows.acast.com/Urbanistica/episodes/eng-sustaining-a-citys-culture-and-character-charles-wolfe April 14: Urban Design Group, London, Panelist, “Character and Local Distinctiveness,” https://www.udg.org.uk/events/2021/character-local-distinctiveness; video at https://youtu.be/2QCYoBUmLV4 April 17: Urbanistica Podcast, Clubhouse Follow-Up https://shows.acast.com/Urbanistica/episodes/192eng-clubhouse-urban-character-post-pandemic-chuk-wolfe April 19: University of Washington Law School, Land Use Planning Seminar, Guest Speaker May 4 and May 10: Feature in UW Notes/UW News, Seattle, https://we.explore.uw.edu/index.php/email/emailWebview?md_id=9067– points to https://www.washington.edu/news/2021/05/04/urbanist-charles-wolfe-publishes-new-book-sustaining-a-citys-culture-and-character/ May 9: Jane’s Walk London Festival, Urbanism Book Club, https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/jwl-festival-2021-seeing-the-better-city-bookclub-tickets-150886827563?aff=erelpanelorg May 11: “Editor’s Pick” Review in Europe Now Journal (Council for European Studies): https://www.europenowjournal.org/2021/05/10/may-2021-2/ May 25: Nicole Bremner Podcast, London, https://nicolebremner.com/how-do-we-sustain-a-citys-culture-and-character-with-seeing-better-cities-founder-chuck-wolfe/ May 27: Urban Futures Project (Imagining/Activating Futures in Unsettled Times), Zagreb, https://www.citymaking.eu/en/about-the-project/; https://www.citymaking.eu/en/activities/futures-talk-charles-wolfe-lecture-learning-the-city-in-transformative-times/ May 27 and June 1: Features in Cornell AAP “Conversations” and Newsletter, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY https://aap.cornell.edu/news-events/conversations June 2: Delphi Conversation V, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (five panelists), https://event.invajo.com/event/kth-centre-for-the-future-of-places-delphi-conversations-v-sustaining-culture-and-character-inclusively-in-a-post-pandemic-world/page/home and https://www.kth.se/futureofplaces/events/delphi-conversations/the-delphi-conversations-1.733433 June 10: Talking Headways Podcast (Overhead Wire/Streetsblog), https://usa.streetsblog.org/2021/06/10/talking-headways-podcast-putting-city-character-and-authenticity-in-context/ June 11: Town Hall Seattle Conversation https://townhallseattle.org/event/charles-r-wolfe-with-steve-scher-livestream/ June 24: Opinion, “Rosetta Stone Urbanism,” Book Brunch, https://www.bookbrunch.co.uk/page/free-article/rosetta-stone-urbanism/ June 27: Interview, BBC Radio Bristol, by Steve Yabsley, https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p09kyrpr at 2:21:26 (if expired, contact us for an alternate link) June 28: Interview, BBC Radio Guernsey, by Claire Cathcart, https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p09mk16b at 3:17:55 (if expired, contact us for an alternate link) July 1: Book Launch Event/Round Table, ISUF (International Seminar on Urban Form) 28, Glasgow, http://isuf2021.com; session at https://player.vimeo.com/video/569781173 (four panelists) July 1: Interview, BBC Radio London, by Robert Elms, https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p09kylqv at 3:09:18 (if expired, contact us for an alternate link) July 5: Feature in Next City, “LEARN-ing to Sustain a City’s Culture and Character,” https://nextcity.org/features/preview/19376 July 13: Congress for the New Urbanism “On the Park Bench” Author’s Forum on Urbanism webinar/book presentation and interview; https://www.cnu.org/resources/on-the-park-bench/sustaining-citys-culture-and-character-principles-and-best-practices/ July 27 (online version July 30): Feature in Big Issue North, “Why Don’t We Just… Listen to What Cities Say?” https://www.bigissuenorth.com/comment/ August 5: Comment/Review in Crosscut (Seattle) by Knute Berger, “To solve the city’s biggest problems, the city needs to think small” https://crosscut.com/opinion/2021/08/solve-seattles-biggest-problems-city-needs-think-small Upcoming In August.September and October, we expect: An article and review in the Academy of Urbanism journal, Here and Now, https://www.academyofurbanism.org.uk A review in the Council on Tall Buildings and Sustainable Habitats Journal, https://store.ctbuh.org A CLE Presentation/Panel for Section on State and Local Government Law, American Bar Association Presentations at Festival of Ideas Events in the United Kingdom Read the full article
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architectnews · 4 years
Ten sustainable architecture proposals by SUTD students
Sustainable Design for a Better World is the theme on which students from the Singapore University of Technology and Design based the projects in this school show, tackling issues like wildfire resilience, land scarcity and electronic waste.
The projects in this digital showcase were completed by those in the Architecture and Sustainable Design studio, as part of the university's Master of Architecture programme.
Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)
University: Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) Exhibition title: Sustainable Design for a Better World Course: Master of Architecture Studio: Architecture and Sustainable Design
School statement:
"Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) is pleased to present exemplary student work from the recent graduating class of December, 2020. These Master of Architecture students, while enrolled in the Architecture and Sustainable Design program, have embarked upon investigative architectural projects that address salient needs of multiple levels of societies in serious need of shelter, stability and architectural solutions. Concerned students represented in this sampling demonstrate the intellectual rigour and care which Singapore University of Technology and Design theoretical Master of Architecture projects embody.
"These 10 proposed architectural solutions strive to help humankind in Southeast Asia and across the globe. The thinking, planning, digital drawing and visionary solutions demonstrate how a Master of Architecture student's mind matures while mentored in the Architecture Sustainable Design program at SUTD" – Daniel Whittaker, senior lecturer.
The Makers Museum by Chia Sheng Wei
The Makers Museum is an exploration in rethinking the typology of a museum as more than just a repository of artefacts showcased in gallery spaces, but also a space for the act of creation. Chia Sheng Wei harnessed the use of artificial intelligence, working in tandem with human stakeholders, to ensure that this future museum is a product of: a) high-intelligence generative processes, b) collective decisions and c) specialist interventions. This forward-looking project’s intention is to feature the new museum’s architecture as the zeitgeist; the museum reconfigures itself over time to suit the needs and desires of the age, through a series of modular inter-connected components.
Student: Chia Sheng Wei Award: DP Architects Design Excellence Award (Master’s) Thesis advisor: Immanuel Koh
Rebuilding Paradise by Ng Wen Qi
As urban habitats and natural landscapes become increasingly intermixed, wildfires that are capable of devastating entire towns and communities have become commonplace in wildland-urban interface areas. Ng Wen Qi's thesis takes a critical relook at wildfire resilience by understanding the wildfire crisis in the Californian context, where the pursuit towards aggressively fortifying urban habitats has become modus operandi.
This thesis project deconstructs the adaptive features and time-specific mechanisms that make up the ecological model of fire-adapted ecosystems. As a result, a new prototype for its urban-architectural equivalent is envisioned. This prototype takes on the form of a strategically vulnerable, regenerative suburban community situated in Paradise, a town left crippled by one of California's most destructive fires. This thesis project is a rebuttal against the typically loss-adverse, hyper-defensive narrative for resilience, proposing instead an approach of targeted loss and architectural and ecological regeneration.
Student: Ng Wen Qi Award: Master of Architecture, winner of two Thesis Awards – Representation and Social Innovation Thesis advisor: Peter Ortner
Repoldergramming by Poon Weng Shern
Global population growth and its concomitant infrastructure networks grow, in tandem, polders as reactions to climate change and polders as state establishment. The lack of critique towards this infrastructure arises from the skewed perception of these as purely "technical" constructs of engineering rather than messy assemblages or cyborg complexes. Site Testbed, Hai Phong City, the port city of Hanoi, in Vietnam, served as the prime site of this thesis investigation. The infrastructure component of the breakwater is re-investigated in terms of how new aquaculture-centred activities can enable greater food production and efficient harvesting to feed an ever-growing population demanding greater nutritional intake to sustain such growth.
Student: Poon Weng Shern Award: Master of Architecture Thesis Award – Research Thesis advisor: Eva Castro
Aviation 2050 by Tan Gee Yang
The aviation industry has proven to be largely resilient to external shocks since the 2000s and the demand of air travel has been doubling every 15 years. However, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 has compelled many governments to implement lockdowns; this halt to travel has shed light on the fragility of airport terminals on two scales: the circulation of passengers and the process that govern the way people move in the airport.
This thesis posits that a more adaptive circulation framework within Singapore's Changi airport is a means to building anti-fragility. It aims to develop a framework for a more adaptive and flexible circulation system, allowing airports to handle varying undefined future scenarios. At the same time, this would also allow for the more efficient processing of passengers, providing a more intuitive way-finding experience. This thesis hence imagines a future adaptive anti-fragile airport that can embrace change, dynamically absorbing and rebalancing itself to the unforeseen demands ahead.
Student: Tan Gee Yang Award: Master of Architecture Thesis Award – Computation Thesis advisor: Sam Joyce
Deployable Enclosure by Tan Zhi Wei
Architecture constantly seeks to find ways to respond and adapt to changing situations. Unequal and impromptu influxes of transient populations, due to economic and humanitarian migrations, results in a worsening of housing issues in cities and countries that are already face land scarcity.
Tan Zhi Wei's thesis aims to find an appropriate architectural solution to the problems of population growth and habitation issues that arise — through the use of transportable, deployable and lightweight structures. Such structures were conventionally thought of as temporary structures meant to be quickly erected for short periods, however advances in technology and building methods could allow for such structures to become habitable living spaces to alleviate problems caused by ever increasing population numbers.
Student: Tan Zhi Wei Award: Master of Architecture Thesis Award – Fabrication Thesis advisor: Kenneth Tracy
Urban Tranquillity by Pang Yun Jie
This thesis proposes a sequence of spaces for tranquil experiences in high-density cities. There is a need for such restorative spaces because city dwellers have been found to have a greater likelihood of developing mood and anxiety disorders. While there are many architectural examples that provide calm spaces, they often do not address the noise pollution of the modern city. To enable mindfulness amid noise pollution, Pang Yun Jie’s thesis proposes a building that provides an experiential journey, offering a choreographed transition from a spectrum of city sounds, one sound source at a time.
Student: Pang Yun Jie Award: Master of Architecture Thesis Award – Sustainability Thesis advisor: Thomas Schroepfer
Moving Capitals by Michelle Gouw
Jakarta's sinking urban situation due to climate change and rising sea levels has prompted the official government to move its central government offices and capitol buildings to East Kalimantan. The building of the new capital might have significant environmental and social impacts on Borneo. Michelle Gouw's thesis proposes a new building typology for the new capital that aims to minimise the negative ecological impact of the development.
Gouw proposes a "hovering" compact urban fabric, with a minimal building footprint to allow for the ecosystem of Kalimantan to remain intact as much as possible. Referring to Lazar Khidekel proposals of 'aero city', elevating a city is one way to break the correlation between construction of the cities and destruction of nature. As such, Gouw's vision for the new capital aims to redefine sustainable urban architecture for Indonesia and beyond.
Student: Michelle Gouw Award: A nomination for two awards: Sustainability and Social Innovation Thesis advisor: Thomas Schroepfer
Singapore 2075 by Caleb See De Kai
This thesis seeks to speculate on the trend of unbridled technological implementation within our built environment, where the varied integration of and seemingly benevolent decisions made on technology in everyday lives may cumulate into an unstable and unsustainable future, without our realisation of the consequences unleashed. Three primary stakeholders are considered: the people, the government, and corporate entities. Within this framework, the relationships and dynamics are investigated. Caleb asks: "Who has the ultimate control within the next generation smart city, and how truly smart are people in an inherently top-down smart city?"
Through the use of fiction and world-building, a series made of three acts invites discussions on the Internet-of-Things of today, caricaturing and challenging established dogma. This theoretical narrative takes the position of the National Cyberspace Agency, in the 2070s. Its future goal is to shape Singapore to be a technologically advanced and compatible digital hub through investments in infrastructures of connectivity and collaboration, thereby aligning with Singapore's national agenda of being a neutral platform and smart nation.
Student: Caleb See De Kai Award: A nomination for two awards: Research and Social Innovation Thesis advisor: Sam Joyce
New Operaism by Ian Soon Wen
Ian Soon Wen's thesis asks the question, "What does an alternate future for the exploited workers in Southeast Asia's electronic waste industry look like?" New Operaism is a speculative fiction that envisions a new form of territorial life, one that seeks to inhabit the uninhabitable. Given the vulnerability of coastal waste infrastructures, the project attempts to transform a drowning landfill at the mercy of climate change into a thriving cyborg community.
Examining the starting and ending points of the global trans-boundary electronic waste flow, the vulnerable communities living in close proximity to the landfill begin to occupy their new aquatic territory by processing the landfill and trans-boundary electronic waste into building materials, aquaculture and energy systems, augmenting the natural and synthetic systems into a cyborg ecology. A trans-human society established from urgency, the exploited labourers project themselves into an alternate reality, one in which they gain full autonomy by harnessing the power of technology to move into a post-labour future.
Student: Ian Soon Wen Award: A nomination for two awards: Research and Manufacturing Thesis advisor: Eva Castro
Urban Deltascapes by Tan Chiew Yu Audrey
Most of Singapore's coast is lined with seawalls. These 'hard' defensive structures significantly limit a more symbiotic relationship with the sea that can include ecological processes involving both terrestrial and marine environments. Recognising that climate change and the related rise of sea levels will impact Singapore, Audrey's thesis explores an alternative strategy for Singapore — as an urban environment that embraces its relationship to water.
The Keppel-Labrador-Bukit Chermin Planning Area presents an ideal testing ground. Situated along the coastline and adjacent to the ecologically-diverse Berlayer Creek, this thesis presents an alternative approach to new developments along this Southern Waterfront. Instead of conventional 'hard' defences, this reprogramming proposes a resilient coast through use of natural systems — to not only protect and restore ecologies, but to develop the city with these natural environments in mind. This project proposes an urban solution that mediates between land and water along the existing ecologically sensitive Berlayer Creek that features one of Singapore's largest remaining mangrove forests.
Student: Tan Chiew Yu Audrey Award: A nomination for award: Sustainability Thesis advisor: Thomas Schroepfer
Partnership content
This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and Singapore University of Technology and Design. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.
The post Ten sustainable architecture proposals by SUTD students appeared first on Dezeen.
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marissastaxidermy · 7 years
Hi, I've read an article named "hunting myths and facts" when I was searching for arguments for and against hunting, and what do you think about it? It says that baiting deer with human food is dangerous and that wildlife agencies artificially raise deer populations before hunting season.
Hello, I’m glad you asked! Before I get into it I just want to say that I’m grateful you are doing some research, are willing to ask questions, and that we can have this conversation peacefully. I looked up the article that you are referencing and it does make some seemingly good points, but also seems biased and only scratches the surface. For anyone else who would like to read it: link. My partner is going to help me answer this because it is a very multifaceted topic- thus this will be a long post. Please note most of our experience is based on New York state.
Let’s first address the artificial overpopulation argument.The article seems to say that state agencies purposely create habitat that willincrease deer populations for hunting. They mention clear cutting and plantingfood plots.
Clear cuts:
It is true due to colonial clearcuts we have lost much of our old growth stands in America. However, allforests should not be old growth. In a natural setting forests go throughdisturbance (ice, wind, fire, natural inundation, etc), this resets what istypically referred to as forest succession. Some trees like the pitch pine Pinus regida have what’s called aserotinous cone. These serotinous cones are glued shut and can only open torelease seeds once fire has partially burned them. They have adapted thisstrategy as they would be out competed by other trees which are less resistantto fire, so this tree saves its seeds until fire comes through. In the animalworld we have species like the Kirtland’s warbler Setophaga kirtlandii, these birds can only nest in jack pines, Pinus banksiana less than 15 years old.The New England cottontail, Sylvolagustransitionalis is declining more than ever due to a lack of earlysuccession (freshly disturbed sites).
The main problem is disturbance forforests will also disturb humans. We suppress natural disturbances like fire.By encouraging sustainable logging (plant whatever you cut) you can maintainevery stage of forest succession while still providing forest products, jobs,and specialized habitat. For every species I mentioned that needs earlysuccession, there’s an alternate species that requires old growth, or mid stagesuccession.
State agencies boast better deerhunting through clear-cutting because it’s true. It incentives the public bygetting clear-cuts on their side. Clear-cuts improve deer by improving theirhabitat – this is not the same thing as overpopulating deer. The bottom line iswhether it is for deer or not, clear cuts are necessary in a world where humansoccupy and control so much habitat.
Food Plots:
               In mostcases food plots are not encouraged by state agencies. However, this does vary fromstate to state. As a former employee of the bureau of wildlife in the NYSdepartment of environmental conservation I want everyone to understand wildlifemanagement is more human management than anything else. When feeding deer wasfirst banned in New York it was such an ingrained practice in the Adirondackregion (I.E region 5 & 6) that not only did the people not stop, but policeofficers in the area refused to enforce the law. Most recently while I wasworking in region 3 we were seeking to eradicate mute swans, Cygnus olor. The mute swan destroysrooted plants, is incredibly aggressive, and without getting into too muchdetail is simply a horrible invasive species which is bad for native waterfowland wetlands. It seems like a no brainer, if we can aim to eliminate theharmful hemlock woolly adelgid, Adelgestsugae why not another destructive invasive species? In short the publicwas so outraged that the state government wanted to kill the “symbol of love”the management plan was rapidly scratched. Just because something makes sensefrom a management perspective does not mean it can be implemented! My salary isnot paid by the tax payers, all management is not aided by nature lovers,hikers, bird watchers, or animal rights groups. My salary is paid by theRobert-Pittman act and hunting licenses. When you buy a gun and a huntinglicense you’re not just helping deer, you’re helping most species. State agenciesopenly want better deer hunting, however overpopulated deer do not generallymake for good hunting.
Would a Wildlife Management agency support hunting?Absolutely. People rarely raise money for biologists any other way. That’s alltrue. Hunting is not an incentive for the biologists who genuinely want to seea more sustainable ecosystem and understand wildlife, but rather the incentivefor the public to support them. What wildlife management units want is toencourage farmers to manage their land in a way that supports and preserveswildlife, instead of just pushing wildlife out and solely favoring ‘game’/deerto hunt. I don’t think wildlife management workers have ever called for addingfood plots to state/federal land and refuges. Even though its public land it istypically illegal for the public to disturb the land by planting anything.Biologists are free to manage it as best for all wildlife and we can see thatfood plots to artificially boost deer populations are not part of the plan.This article is focusing on private land, where a biologists can’t see afragmented and unhealthy habitat and just decide to fix it. They need toconvince the land owner that it will benefit them and most often land ownerswill only cooperate if it supports better hunting (even though it’s reallybenefiting soil, plants, birds, entire ecosystems, etc on top of it). Severalstate agencies even have programs to incentivize agricultural land owners totransform farmland into wetlands (wetland reserves programs) to decrease theeffects of soil erosion and support all native wildlife.
               Highways,lawns, agriculture, and roads provide more edge habitat than deer can use. Illegalfeeding, or unintentional feeding (ornamental plants or gardens), and wintershelter from homes all cause overpopulation. It has been observed that yardingdeer will often seek the warm of a home as a windbreak above conifer stands.Before hunting regulations the white-tail deer was near extirpated from NewYork. In fact New York did lose the wild turkey, Meleagris gallopavo from the 1850s until it was reintroduced inthe 1950’s. Now because of artificial help they’re doing better than ever, andthey’re doing especially well in communities without hunting. Suburban deer area nightmare in the world of wildlife biology.
               Withoutnatural predators and with all the artificial help deer can get, it’s no wonderthey are largely overpopulated in many areas. Most harvestable species arewhat’s called compensatory. State agencies only have hunters kill a proportionof the population that will be eliminated with or without humans. For example,roughly 20% of the mallard population, Anasplatyrhynchos will die every year. USFWS aims for hunters to take around10-11%. No matter if you have a very liberal season or a very conservativeseason, the amount of ducks dead does not change. We could allow the full 20%to die off and lose the economic value (hunting license, gas, coffee, ammo,staying at hotels, camping, etc), but in the case of many species that revenueis critical in protecting them. Humans destroy habitat, pollute ecosystems, andbuild projects right over key habitat. Without that revenue we wouldn’t have aDEC or DNR to clean spills, conduct environmental impact statements, monitorpopulations, or survey for T&E species.
Carrying Capacity  
               It istrue you cannot have more species alive than the environment can support. Wesee an S shaped curve for the carrying capacity of many rabbits. The populationbooms, then busts. The problem with deer is we support them above the carryingcapacity indirectly. Many areas in Long Island, NY are overrun by deer with nopredators and no hunters. In some urban cases agencies hire trained sharpshooters to come and kill deer in the middle of the night. Eventually, yes youdo see the deer population drop, but it’ll come right back with the problemsassociated. Why allow individuals to die of from disease and starvation when wecould be generating revenue for most other species, wildlife refuges, andbiologists to monitor the ecosystem. When DDT’s were decimating the eaglepopulation in the 1960’s and 70’s Robert-Pitman money generated by hunters surehelped state research scientists like Peter Nye (In NY) to figure out what wascausing the problem and how to fix it.
               Inshort, hunting is extremely important. The way humans are you wouldn’t havedeer without regulatory hunting. People would definitely poach illegally and decimatepopulations without regulation (like what happened to the Passenger Pigeon) orunintentionally produce an overpopulation through simply owning a home andgarden. Overpopulations of deer encourage the very factors (disease, stuntedgrowth, early death (i.e smaller antlers)) hunters don’t want to see. If theright amount of people harvest deer, you won’t have population booms and busts,you’ll only have that compensatory portion of the population utilized. Thearticle also says that good genes are weeded out through hunting. The strongaren’t necessarily the ones who survive when it comes to natural deaths, it’s agame of luck. The article argues that only trophy animals are hunted so thepopulation’s genes suffer, but hunting seasons begin during the end of thebreeding season. So any of the ‘trophy’ deer that are harvested will stilllikely have offspring because they are usually the first to breed. It also doesnot give deer the credit they deserve. The biggest bucks are typically theoldest and they didn’t get to that age by being stupid. It’s arguable that theyrecognize the hunting season and will stay hidden away or in extremely ruralareas to avoid it. The majority of hunters will probably never even see deerpast the age of three years old during hunting season. Here is a journal thatattempts to determine the causes of the decline in bighorn horn sizes (theproblem mentioned in the article). It does not seem that hunting pressure is one of the main causes, even with thelargest trophies being sought out.
Finally my biggest issue is theending paragraph because they are so incredibly correct! And then they go tothe other extreme. No, not every person in America should hunt. That would becompletely unrealistic and decimate wildlife. People cannot be trusted when itcomes to moderation, and excess harvesting is no exception. For the same reasonthat everyone hunting wouldn’t work, everyone becoming vegan would not work.Agriculture does a lot of native habitat damage and when harvested with machine(which would be unavoidable if every person was vegan) results in mass animaland insect death. The only way for everyone to be completely cruelty free is toeither sustainably gather wild edibles or grow your own food, preferablyharvesting wild invasives and growing plants without pesticides. Even thatposes a problem, if every person harvested their own wild edibles we’d depletethe natural resource. 
So to conclude: things are neverever cut and dry. Yes, wildlife management does encourage hunting but thatargument does not necessarily provide all the facets that go into thatdecision. Yes, feeding deer with human food is definitely dangerous (here’sa little handout about that), but farmers can be incentivized to plant thingslike clover that they will eat. Hunters can be jerks, I’m not denying that, buthunting is not inherently about raising deer or trophies to kill for sport.Vegetarians are not wrong. Vegans are not wrong. The irony is we need ALL ofthese lifestyle variations to survive. 
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Mount Rainier National Park and Northwest Youth Corps Press Release
Media Contacts: Mount Rainier Media Line, (360) 569-6510 or Jay Satz, Northwest Youth Corps, Senior Director for Partnership and Innovation, (206) 550-5977; [email protected]
Northwest Youth Corps’ LGBTQ Rainbow Conservation Crew Partners with Mount Rainier National Park and National Park Foundation to Complete Conservation Work
What: Northwest Youth Corps LGBTQ Rainbow Conservation Crew completes service-work at Mount Rainier National Park during Pride Month and beyond.
When: The crew is in Mount Rainier National Park until July 11.
Background: Every year, during the month of June, the LGBTQ community celebrates across the globe as a way of recognizing the influence LGBTQ people have had around the world. This June, Mount Rainier National Park has partnered with Northwest Youth Corps to bring the LGBTQ Rainbow Conservation Crew, comprised of LGBTQ teenagers, to serve in the park for the 3rd consecutive year. Mount Rainier National Park strives to be a place where people from all backgrounds feel welcome and are represented. Hosting the LGBTQ Rainbow Crew exemplifies their commitment.
“The National Park Service has been charged with helping to preserve and tell all of America’s stories.  This includes the ongoing struggle to recognize LGTBQ heritage as embodied in places like Stonewall National Monument,” said Chip Jenkins, Superintendent of Mount Rainier National Park. “We are proud to work with the Northwest Youth Corps LGBTQ Rainbow Conservation Crew to ensure all people feel welcome in their national park.”
Why: Unlike some facets of identity, such as perceived race or ability, people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or “questioning” are often an invisible demographic. Northwest Youth Corps’ move to create a single-identity LGBTQ+ crew began when they recognized the need to be much more purposeful in supporting this community.
Where/How: During the summer of 2020, through in partnership with Mount Rainier National Park, Ebey’s Landing National Historical Preserve, and Lewis and Clark National Historical Park, Northwest Youth Corps will field two sessions of the LGBTQ Rainbow Crew. Crew members will serve for three weeks at each NPS site, working on projects that make recreation more accessible and assist the park’s trails and habitat restoration teams. In addition to completing projects, crew members will participate in one hour of structured education each day and earn high school credit.
The Rainbow Crew offers more than a career-building experience, however. As Northwest Youth Corps says, “it is important to remember that equity means valuing different cultures on their own terms and not merely expecting people to assimilate.” The Rainbow Crew provides a space for young people to be themselves, share stories and discuss common challenges.
“When I joined the first Northwest Youth Corps LGBTQ crew at sixteen, I was forever changed by the sense of belonging and support that I felt, for the first time in my life, as a queer person, from queer people,” said a Leader-In-Training from session-two of the summer 2019 season. This same young person credits his Rainbow Crew experience for giving him the confidence and skills to be successful on a wilderness crew, and for his new-found desire to be a professional firefighter.
As the parent of one Rainbow Crew participant said, “Y’all are building more than trails and footbridges, y’all are building confidence and strength in our kids who are at highest risk.”
The Rainbow Crew is being funded through the generous support of the National Park Foundation with additional support from the Dawkins Charitable Trust.
Please note: Northwest Youth Corps has developed rigorous protocols for operating our conservation service crews in the COVID-19 environment. A link to those protocols can be found here: https://www.nwyouthcorps.org/m/covid19.
Photos and interviews available by request. 
About the Northwest Youth Corps Northwest Youth Corps was created in 1984 to offer teenagers an education-based, work experience modeled after the historic Civilian Conservation Corps of the 1930's.
Our core purpose is to provide opportunities for youth and young adults to learn, grow, and experience success.  Our programs focus on education, challenge, community, leadership and empowerment, giving youth critical life skills and confidence. Youth leave Northwest Youth Corps knowing that they can overcome obstacles, solve problems, make friends, and attain their objectives in life. Northwest Youth Corps serves over 1,000 youth annually in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and northern California. Learn more at https://www.nwyouthcorps.org.
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pujyapandat · 3 years
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Habitat is related to the very birth of every creature and is the prime necessity of every living being, may it be marine animal, land animal or birds; rich or poor; and even Gods. Keeping this in mind, Vishwakarma had given the methods of construction and decoration of buildings which is known as Vastu Shastra or The Architecture. The main intention and thought behind giving these methods has been that human beings in the world may build a house which will bring them happiness, health and prosperity. A house that can help in achieving the best in the four groups - Dharam, Arth, Kaam, Moksh and also protects them from heat, rain, storm, cold or any adverse conditions.
Vastu Shastra plays an important role for our living.Vastu involves mathematical calculation and computation of a site’s direction-based attributes. Vastu literally means house and the principles of Vastu Shastra are made to establish and create harmony between the various elements of earth. Vastu is considered as the interplay of various forces of nature that involves the five elements - land, fire, water, wind and ether; which strives to influence and change the lifestyles of not only humans but every creature on earth.
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scienceblogtumbler · 4 years
Grassland studies, radar-tracked bumblebees offer clues for protecting pollinators
Scientists used a radar to track a bumblebee from its maiden flight until death for the first time as part of wider research racing to understand the impact and needs of declining bee populations, including on Europe’s fragmented biodiversity hotspots – grasslands.
Wild bees are major pollinators of crops in Europe such as peas, beans and oilseed rape. But as their numbers decline, there is a need to monitor and boost bee populations and understand the consequences of fewer bees.
And pollinators are not just important for crops – but also wild plants. Falling bee numbers are likely already having an impact – we just don’t know exactly what that is.
‘We have seen declines in pollinators as land use has intensified,’ said Professor Yann Clough, ecologist at Lund University in Sweden. ‘It is not just crops, but wild plants which they pollinate, which begs the question, do declines in pollinators mean we will see declines in the reproduction of wild plants?’
Some plants such as grasses can thrive without pollinating insects because they are wind pollinated.  Others rely exclusively on insects to reproduce. Many wildflowers especially are pollinated by wild bees such as bumblebees. This includes vetches, peas such as yellow bird’s-foot trefoil and many types of daisy.
‘About one-third of plants do not at all depend on insects for pollination, and a third do, to some extent,’ Prof. Clough said. ‘Another third then are highly dependent on insects for pollination.’
Without bees, ecosystems could tilt towards plants that do not need bees, nor cater for them. Fewer bees would mean less diversity in wild plants and pollinators and could impact birds and mammals that depend on them.
Prof Clough is studying two dozen flower-rich grasslands in Sweden to better understand how the landscapes surrounding these sites influence bee numbers and the plants growing there through a project called DrivenByPollinators.
The semi-natural grasslands Prof. Clough studies in Sweden are ‘unimproved’, meaning they were probably never ploughed or fertilised. ‘They tend to have boulders in them,’ he said. Cattle, sheep and goats graze there.
Over the past 150 years, semi-natural grasslands in Sweden have reduced by about 90%, he says. They are now mostly small fragments, oases of biodiversity in a sea of intensively managed fields of crops such as potato or wheat.
Europe’s fragmented grasslands are as diverse as rainforests, says Prof. Yann Clough, an ecologist at Sweden’s Lund University. Image credit – Yann Clough
‘These semi-natural grasslands are like our rainforests, in terms of the density of species and the rarity of some species here,’ said Prof. Clough. This is because a diverse community of flowers, insects, birds and other animals live and depend on one another in these habitats.
It is likely that what happens in these grasslands will depend strongly on the surrounding countryside, since insect pollinators are mobile and many bees rely on pollen and nectar in the wider landscape.
‘We are concerned that the quality of these fragments might decrease due to the indirect effects of intensive management in the surrounding landscape,’ said Prof. Clough.
To study the impact of the countryside, he and his team will measure over several years the seeds produced and number of seedlings in the grasslands. In one experiment, Prof. Clough is shutting out pollinators from small sections of the wild fields with a tent-like netting-covered dome structure to study the impact on plant communities.
‘These semi-natural grasslands are like our rainforests, in terms of the density of species and the rarity of some species here.’
Prof. Yann Clough, Lund University, Sweden
A fall in wild bees and other pollinators could help change grassland composition, for example. ‘That might lead to a shift towards more grasses, and less legumes, which fix nitrogen in these grasslands,’ said Prof. Clough. Legumes plants such as peas and clover take unreactive nitrogen from the air, and with the assistance of microbial partners on their roots, turn it into nitrogen-rich fertiliser compounds for other plants.
This could have knock-on effects for the ecosystem and for farmers. More grasses and fewer flowers mean drier and less nutritious fodder for grazing animals.
Farmers can receive subsidies for grazing grasslands to conserve biodiversity. If, within a few years, agriculture policy in Europe moves towards a more results-based payment for biodiversity friendly management, farmers will want to be sure that the biodiversity in their grasslands is not slowly eroding because of the surrounding landscape, says Dr Clough.
Flower strips
Prof. Clough hopes to use his results to draw up recommendations on how to best manage the landscapes around grasslands for pollinators such as bumblebees. ‘It might mean conserving more natural habitat around some grasslands, or putting in (pollinator friendly) flower strips in the wider landscape, or creating (bee) nesting sites by planting hedge or wood habitats,’ he said.
For the first time ever, researchers tracked a bumblebee from its maiden flight to death. Image credit – Yann Clough
But studying exactly how declining pollinator populations affect biodiversity is a challenge, as is studying any changes to bee behaviour and foraging.
One way to study an animal’s behaviour is to track it. For large mammals such as bears or deer, a collar can be placed around their neck to follow their movements. But with bumblebees, this is tricky.
At an agriculture research station north of London, however, scientists were able to glue a lightweight harmonic radar to the backs of bees. It acts as a signal deflector which allows the bee to be traced as they forage. A radar dish emits a signal, which bounces off the transponder, and this signal is picked up by a receiving radar. The position of the bee is pinpointed every few seconds.
‘With two different radars mounted on the same (truck) trailer, that allows us track the bees up to a kilometre away,’ said Professor Lars Chittka, behavioural ecologist at Queen Mary University of London, UK, and leader of the SpaceRadarPollinator project, which tracked the bees.
The team aims now to build multiple such radars and place them over a larger area to track bees for longer distances.
Until now, they have only tracked the position but not the altitude of the bee. ‘The biggest breakthrough is the 3-dimensional tracking,’ said Prof. Chittka, which he hopes to test in the summer. ‘That will allow us reconstruct what the bee sees while in flight. We can see how it memorises landmarks and uses them (for orientation).’
A 3-D video simulation of a bee out to forage
Video credit – Vince Gallo
Bee tracking could allow scientists to offer advice on how best to conserve pollinators. ‘It is important for us to understand bees’ foraging needs,’ said Prof. Chittka. ‘Not just what resources they require, but also how they should be distributed in space.’
It might be better to have strips of connected habitat planted along field margins or the edges of roads, for example.
‘We hope to get exact predictions of how far apart habitats are allowed to be, or at what point foraging behaviour or dispersal of queens might be disrupted,’ he said.
The project for the first time ever tracked a bumblebee from maiden flight until death. Bees initially explored their surroundings, departing on orientation flights in different directions and looping back to their nest. Typically, they then located a profitable flower patch and spent lots of time revisiting it.
But not all bees follow the same strategy. ‘Some individuals were relatively faithful to flower patches, while others were wanderers all their lifetime,’ said Prof. Chittka.
Four bumblebees were tracked as part of the project. Most lived three to four weeks, before disappearing off the radar, presumed eaten by birds. ‘We give them a number, like 007, to identify them,’ Prof. Chittka said.
Prof. Clough says that little is still known about how pollinators use the landscape, which makes it difficult to know what pollinator-friendly steps we can take.
He says that technical developments that shed more light into their movements are very much welcome. ‘The generated knowledge could be used to inform models for pollinator foraging, such as those that we are using in our research,’ he said.
The research in this article was funded by the EU’s European Research Council. If you liked this article, please consider sharing it on social media.
source https://horizon.scienceblog.com/1262/grassland-studies-radar-tracked-bumblebees-offer-clues-for-protecting-pollinators/
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csrgood · 5 years
Georgia DOT, UGA and The Ray Test Alternatives to Traditional Land Management Strategies on I-85
Georgia DOT, UGA and The Ray Test Alternatives to Traditional Land Management Strategies on I-85
Georgia Department of Transportation (Georgia DOT), The Ray, and the University of Georgia’s College of Environment + Design (UGA CED) are pleased to provide a major update to the living vegetative lab spanning the diamond interchanges at Exit 6 on Interstate-85. Throughout January, UGA CED, led by Associate Professor Brad Davis and MLA candidate Mathew Quirey, installed additional pilots: the testing of non-chemical weed control and new mixes of native wildflower and grass seed designed to provide continuous and successive blooms from late spring to early fall.
These installations are located along the 18 mile stretch of highway known as The Ray on I-85, a living transportation lab for the technologies and innovations that will reduce crashes and fatalities, reduce transportation carbon, and increase productivity from existing transportation infrastructure. Exit 6 is a unique opportunity for the three partners to test innovative land management strategies that inform decisions around the state and the Southeast.
Throughout the past few weeks, UGA CED has planted three different seed mixes of native wildflowers and grasses, including the traditional Georgia DOT mix as a direct, side-by-side comparison. These three wildflower test sites aim to identify a continuous-blooming pollinator habitat from early spring to early fall. A longer blooming season increases the feasibility of replacing more Georgia DOT turf grass-dominated roadsides with pollinator-friendly plants and grasses.
Besides the aesthetic beauty, these meadows offer many benefits over common non-native turf grass. Pollinator meadows require less maintenance and less mowing than traditional turf grass, reducing the maintenance costs to the state and the risks to roadside maintenance workers. Their extensive root structure holds the soil to prevent erosion and sedimentation and restore soil nutrients over time. These meadows also attract pollinating insects, which are vitally important for ecosystem services, our food supply, and the long-term success of the agriculture industry in the state.
Additionally, the median alongside the southbound lanes of Exit 6 now includes a stretch of two-inch sand blanket using granite fines as a method for natural weed mitigation. The sand blanket will prevent weed germination for one to two years, to allow the seeded wildflower mixes to establish dominance in the area over invasive weeds. Some of the wildflower mixes were planted in the sand blanketed area while others were not, allowing for a direct comparison of a natural alternative to the traditional chemicals used to control weeds. This pilot is an expansion of the 2016 UGA CED research plots installed in Athens at UGA’s Ugarden.
The Exit 6 vegetative lab began two years ago when it was approved by the Roadside Enhancement & Beautification Council and is financially supported by Georgia DOT and The Ray. The work recently completed builds on a 2018 demonstration co-located on the site, a 900 square foot pilot of KernzaⓇ perennial grain. Kernza is a unique plant known for capturing carbon in the atmosphere and sequestering it below the topsoil, deep in the earth. The fiber from these plants can be used to manufacture disposable goods, such as diapers, paper towels, toilet paper and more. The Kernza pilot on The Ray on I-85 is the first in the Southeast and the first in the U.S. to be grown on the interstate roadside. Over the past two years, the plant has shown promising signs of viability in the challenging growing conditions of the interstate right-of-way.
In addition to maintaining the site and monitoring the results, future plans for the site include pilot projects to improve slope stabilization, reduce erosion and sedimentation into the watershed, and improve stormwater management. The project will continue for the next three to five years.
About The Ray
The Ray is a proving ground for the evolving ideas and technologies that will transform the transportation infrastructure of the future, beginning with the corridor of road that is named in memory of Ray C. Anderson (1934-2011), a Georgia native who became a captain of industry and was recognized as a leader in green business when he challenged his company, Atlanta-based Interface, Inc., to reimagine the enterprise as a sustainable company—one that would pursue zero environmental footprint. Chaired by Ray’s daughter Harriet Langford, The Ray is an epiphany of the Ray C. Anderson Foundation. Learn more at www.theray.org.
About the University of Georgia’s College of Environment + Design (UGA CED)
Through teaching, research, and service in design, planning, and management of the land and its structures, CED will work to improve the environment by providing new and time-tested models for development and preservation. The college will educate the next generation of landscape architects, planners, and historic preservation practitioners to become experts in their areas of specialization with the capacity to collaborate and work effectively across traditional disciplinary and professional boundaries. Graduates of the programs will be equipped to practice in an increasingly complex and changing world characterized by global influences, local needs, and the imperative to create a more sustainable future. Learn more at http://www.ced.uga.edu.
About the Georgia Department of Transportation (Georgia DOT)
Georgia Department of Transportation plans, constructs and maintains Georgia’s state and federal highways. We’re involved in bridge, waterway, public transit, rail, general aviation, bike and pedestrian programs. And we help local governments maintain their roads. Georgia DOT and its nearly 4,000 employees are committed to delivering a transportation system focused on innovation, safety, sustainability and mobility. Through a culture of innovation and collaboration, the Department’s vision is to boost Georgia’s competitiveness through leadership in transportation. Learn more at www.dot.ga.gov
  First U.S. Solar Road Gets a Technical Upgrade - More Energy Production Expected
“Connected Roads” Lane Markings on The Ray to Improve Driver Safety & Facilitate Safe Testing of Self-Driving Vehicles
The Ray Receives Recognition and Accolades for Smart, Sustainable Highway in Georgia
  Valerie Bennett
+1 (770) 317-5858
Ray C. Anderson Foundation
Anna Cullen
+1 (404) 405-2685
The Ray
  source: https://www.csrwire.com/press_releases/43738-Georgia-DOT-UGA-and-The-Ray-Test-Alternatives-to-Traditional-Land-Management-Strategies-on-I-85?tracking_source=rss
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architectnews · 4 years
Conran & Partners Architects London
Sir Terence Conran, Architects, Photos, Buildings, Restaurants, England, News, Designs
Conran & Partners Architects
Contemporary British Architecture Practice led by Sir Terence, London, UK
12 Sep 2020
Sir Terence Conran
Sir Terence Conran Dies
The British designer who revolutionised retail and decor, has died at the age of 88.
Sir Terence Orby Conran CH RDI FCSD was an English designer, restaurateur, retailer, and writer.
Born: 4 October 1931, Kingston upon Thames Died: 12 September 2020 Children: Jasper Conran, Sophie Conran, Sebastian Conran
Best known as the founder of Habitat, he brought modern style and simplicity to UK homes in the 1960s and later helped found the Design Museum.
Design Museum London design by Conran Roche: photo © Luke Hayes
Sir Terence Conran started his own design practice in 1956 with the Summa furniture range and designing a shop for Mary Quant.
In 1964, he opened the first Habitat shop in Chelsea, London, with his third wife Caroline Herbert, which grew into a large chain selling household goods and furniture in contemporary designs.
He established the architecture and planning consultancy Conran Roche with Fred Roche in 1980.
Key building projects include Michelin House (which he turned into the restaurant Bibendum) and the Bluebird Garage, both in Chelsea.
Bluebird Garage Cafe London – King’s Road restaurant in Chelsea by Conran: photograph © Nick Weall
Conran & Partners News
Conran & Partners News
7 Jan 2019 Conran and Partners wins planning approval for 100% affordable housing scheme in Chichester, Sussex, England, UK
Clarion Housing has secured planning approval for 37 new affordable homes in Fishbourne Road, Chichester.
The scheme – which has been designed by leading design practice Conran and Partners – brings forward an empty brownfield site close to Fishbourne Roman Palace to provide much needed new and affordable homes for Chichester.
Located on Fishbourne Road (East), the former office buildings on site have stood vacant since 2012. The proposals seek to revitalise the western end of Fishbourne Road (East) and introduce new homes into this existing residential area together with a large public open space.
Aerial view of the proposals on the brownfield site on the periphery of Chichester: image © Conran and Partners
The designs incorporate a varied mix of homes, from apartments through to large family houses for Affordable Rent and Shared Ownership, providing an opportunity for local people to get on the property ladder. The design has been carefully developed over a number of years by working closely with Chichester District Council and other key stakeholders to ensure that the proposals sensitively respond to the surrounding context.
Ranging from 2 to 3 storeys in height, the design offers a contemporary twist on traditional forms, drawing on materials from the local area such as tile, slate and brickwork with texture and variance. Elegant, generously proportioned windows are proposed to allow lots of natural light into the new homes whilst enabling overlooking and monitoring to the new shared surface street and public open space.
Over 600m2 of public open space has been incorporated into the design as part of a highly attractive and robust landscape solution.
Clarion expects to start on site in autumn 2019 for completion in 2021.
Liz Hills, Head of Development (New Projects), Clarion Housing says: “At Clarion we are driven by a desire to play a major part in addressing the country’s housing shortage. Over ten years we will invest £13bn in our development programme and plan to build 50,000 homes.
“We are pleased that the Council has given the green light to this scheme which will now enable us to deliver high-quality, much-needed affordable housing in Chichester.”
Lee Davies, Partner at Conran and Partners, adds: “We are delighted by the Council’s decision to approve this scheme which will provide the city with much-needed new housing. Our design approach, developed from a close consultation process, seeks to encourage a vibrant residential community in this part of Chichester.
15 Dec 2011 Lilian Baylis School – Housing, Lambeth, south London, UK image courtesy of lighting designers Lambeth Housing Conran and Partners has won an open competition to transform a historic Lambeth site into much-needed new homes in London. The architecture and design practice has been awarded the contract to develop more than three acres of prime inner London land by Henley Homes, one of the capital’s leading housing groups. Conran’s design team will be tasked with creating approximately 180 to 220 homes on the site of the former Lilian Baylis School in Lollard Street, using a mix of refurbishment, conversion and new build.
Leicester University College Hall Buildings Refurbishment, England 2008- Residential development
Cardiff Bay towers, Bay Pointe waterfront development, Wales 2008- proposed tallest building in Wales at 122m high outline planning permission Mar 2008 two towers – 33 & 28 storeys
Trinity Gardens, Trinity, north Edinburgh, Scotland 2007- Richard Murphy with CDA + Conran & Partners Residential development for Meyer Bergman real estate 246 apartments located behind stone boundary wall
Light House apartments, Church St, Manchester, England 2007
Conran & Partners Buildings
Designs, alphabetical:
Bluebird Garage – redevelopment, King’s Road, Chelsea, west London 1997 Design: Conran Roche photograph © Adrian Welch Bluebird Garage Bluebird Gastrodrome – Restaurant, Bar & Cafe / Sainsbury’s Supermarket. Former garage for the Bluebird Motor Company, reputedly the largest in Europe at the time.
Butlers Wharf, off Shad Thames, Bermondsey, southeast London 1874 original; 1987-89 redevelopment Design: Conran Roche photograph © Adrian Welch Grade II listed, 98 apartments
Design Museum, Shad Thames, Bermondsey, southeast London 1987-89 Design: Conran Roche photo © Luke Hayes Shad Thames Buildings White Modernist refurb of warehouse, £5.1m – much publicised on opening for its bold, contemporary design
London School of Economics – Student Residence, Gainsford St, Bermondsey, southeast London 1987-89 Design: Conran Roche £5.3m
Longman Headquarters, Harlow, Herts, England – Design: Conran Roche
Michelin House – redevelopment, Brompton Road, Knightsbridge, southwest London 1987 Design: Conran Roche image © Nick Weall Michelin House Bibendum Restaurant; The Conran Shop; The Conran Oyster Bar; Paul Hamlyn Publishers, £9m
Ocean Terminal, Leith, Edinburgh, Scotland CD Partnership ; completed by Keppie Architects Ocean Terminal including the Zinc Bar
Zinc Bar & Grill, Glasgow, Scotland Zinc Bar Glasgow
No. 1 Poultry, City of London James Stirling / Michael Wilford ; Restaurant architects : CDP, now Conran & Partners photograph © Nick Weall No. 1 Poultry restaurant, London
Salford Quays residential towers, England 2007 19 & 9 storey towers
More projects by this UK architects practice online soon
Location: 22 Shad Thames, London, SE1 2YU, England, UK
Design Practice Information
Office of Conran & Partners is led by Sir Terence Conran and was formerly called CDP – Conran Design Partnership. Architects studio based in Bermondsey, southeast London near Tower Bridge.
London Architects based in the British capital
Conran offices located at 22 Shad Thames, south east London
Sir Terence Orby Conran is a celebrated English designer, most famously associated withn the Habitat store, but latterly known also for a string of high-end restaurants in the capital.
About Conran and Partners
Conran and Partners is a collaborative design studio working across master planning, architecture and interior design, with projects throughout the UK and around the world.
With studios in the UK and Hong Kong, the Conran and Partners’ team is skilled in designing high quality proposals which demonstrate sensitive consideration for context and local planning constraints, particularly for community-driven mixed-use sites. The studio believes in working with local communities at the very early stages of a design to create neighbourhoods with integrity and longevity.
Conran and Partners’ other mixed-use schemes include Butler’s Wharf, Wornington Green/Portobello Square and Stadium Place, Walthamstow (all in London), and Anston House (Brighton and Hove). The practice’s continued transformation of a failing housing estate in Ealing (Green Man Lane) to deliver over 770 new homes, community facilities and a new school, has become a flagship project for the Police’s Secured by Design initiative, creating safer neighbourhoods through design innovation.
The practice’s design skills have been endorsed by over 50 design awards and commendations, including Civic Trust Awards and RIBA Awards for work in sensitive contexts.
https://ift.tt/1tloOnX @WeAreConran
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Website: Building
David Mellor Offices & Showroom, Shad Thames, southeast London 1988-91; later converted to Conran shop + offices Design: Michael Hopkins & Partners
Buildings / photos for the Conran & Partners architects page welcome
Website: www.conran.com
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buynsellsolar-blog · 5 years
IGS Solar installing 2-MW solar project for DC Catholic charity
New Post published on http://roofnrays.com/igs-solar-installing-2-mw-solar-project-for-dc-catholic-charity/
IGS Solar installing 2-MW solar project for DC Catholic charity
IGS Solar and Catholic Energies will build the largest solar ground array and pollinator field project approved for construction to-date in the District of Columbia for the benefit of Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington (CCADW).
In response to Pope Francis’s call to combat climate change and to serve as good stewards of the environment, CCADW will host a 2-MW ground-mount solar system comprising more than 5,000 panels. The system will produce more than 2.7 million kWh per year, accounting for nearly 100% of the current power requirements for CCADW’s real estate portfolio across the city. The project also supports the mission of the Catholic Climate Covenant (CCC), which was formed in 2006 to address growing ecological awareness and the need to implement Catholic social teaching on ecology.
IGS will take ownership of and sell the RECs created from this project.
This solar project was created, developed and managed by Catholic Energies, a service of the CCC, which provides turnkey project development services and expertise, as well as access to financial resources at no cost to Catholic organizations nationwide, wishing to install solar power and other energy-efficiency equipment.
“We are proud to have this opportunity to take up Pope Francis’s call to action to protect our environment,” said Monsignor John Enzler, president and CEO of CCADW. “Climate change is an urgent issue, and we are pleased that this project supports DC’s Sustainable DC 2.0 initiative by reducing the consumption of fossil fuels and generating solar power. We look forward to working with IGS Solar, Solar Energy Services Inc. and Catholic Energies on this exciting development.”
IGS Solar and its design and construction partner Solar Energy Services will build and operate the solar power system on approximately five acres of a site in Northeast Washington DC, which houses the Gift of Peace Home operated by the Missionaries of Charity.
“All of us should be looking at ways to consume energy more responsibly and to protect the environment,” said Patrick Smith, VP at IGS Solar. “We’re proud to partner with Catholic Charities ADW on this critical project to advance energy sustainability and promote responsible energy use.”
In addition, the project will include a 5-acre meadow to support pollinator populations, such as bees and butterflies. About 650,000 pollinator and nectar-bearing flowering plants will be at the base of the solar array. By reinvigorating pollinator habitats through projects such as this, researchers hope to curb the decline of vital insect species and help bolster the agricultural industry.
“Making productive use of the land under and around ground-mounted solar farms is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to create new acres of habitat for the butterflies, birds and nature that gives us a sense of peace,” said Rob Davis, director for the Center for Pollinators in Energy. “With plans for a beautiful new flowering solar park, Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington are helping to grow this important national trend of pollinator-friendly solar.”
News item from IGS Solar
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