#but really this is a little fancy thing to pin up on top of the blog
waveringiridescence · 7 months
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❝ A candle is a living and flickering light. It wavers under the passing breeze, the flame melting away the wax. The reaper watches over this symbol for life, until time blows it out. ❞
Indie Original Character penned by Fox (they/them, he/him) since 2015 ♠︎ Semi-selective, multi-verse and low activity role playing blog ♠︎ Canon, original characters & multi-muses friendly ♠︎ 21+ with possible triggering content. ♠︎ Image Credits: calicot.zc & Pixelbuddha.net. A B O U T.   C O D E.   V E R S E S.   M O R E.   E N T E R.
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x-brik-x · 1 year
I'm seeing a lot of people say that punk fashion is expensive and inaccessible, which is very wrong. here is a list of some ways you can make punk fashion easier, cheaper and more accessible for you, since that's... kinda the whole point.
others are encouraged to add onto this!! (just don't recommend corporations like amazon. not cool.)
1. patches!! you don't need to buy them. DIY patches are not ugly or boring. in fact, they are encouraged here!! DIY, in my opinion, is always the best thing to do when it is an option and is safe to do so.
2. speaking of DIY, spikes!! you can make them!!
cut the top and bottom off of an empty can. cut down the middle of the cylinder and flatten it, so it's just a flat rectangle of metal.
cut out a shape that is kind of a third of a circle, but around 3/4 of the curved edge is taken up by triangle shapes. (I'm not very good at describing, so here's a badly drawn picture)
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roll it into a cone, leaving the 4 triangles sticking out at the bottom. this bit is optional, but you can fill it with hot glue to make it more sturdy, just be careful touching the hot metal. I tend to hold the cone by one of the triangles with a bit of fabric wrapped around my fingers for this bit. cut 4 small holes in your fabric in this kind of shape:
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and put the spiky bits of triangle through the holes. fold the triangles in on themselves to secure the spike in place. boom. spike obtained. this is one I made and attached to a little piece of fabric to test this method out:
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3. battle vests!! (like the base jackets). the best places to buy these are charity shops and second hand websites in my opinion, but if anyone else knows any better options, please reblog with those!!
a good trick I find works well on eBay is to filter search results to your country (or state? can you do that in the US? idk) so that a: fast delivery because local, and b: all the sellers of everything that shows up are in YOUR TIME ZONE.
why is this important? when people sell something for really cheap, it goes FAST. check eBay at like, 2am or something. all the scalpers in your area are asleep. grab the cheap stuff while they can't.
4. sewing!! want patches, but can't sew for whatever reason? I've heard of a lot of people with joint conditions like arthritis complain about the inaccessibility of patch stuff, and that does sound extremely annoying, however:
safety pins!! while they are still a little fiddly, they're much less work so you don't have to fiddle about for long. if you can, you could even ask a friend to help, since it doesn't take long at all I'm sure someone will be willing to help out!! (I know I would, but that's just me, and I love this kind of thing). safety pins on clothes are also widely considered to be a symbol of solidarity, so if anything, you're adding some extra love and meaning to your patch pants/battle jacket.
if that's still too fiddly, fabric glue is always an option. unfortunately this means you won't be able to remove/reposition patches, at least without leaving a massive patch of residue, but if you're ok with that then fabric glue is probably your best bet.
for people who prefer sewing: as for where to get the thread, I've heard a lot of people recommending dental floss, as it's apparently much cheaper and works just as well. I haven't tried this myself so can't confirm that, but I thought I'd share it regardless.
5. where to get fabric!! old clothes. rip em up. you don't need any kind of fancy fabric from the craft store. my patches are made of old jeans that I grew out of.
don't have any old clothes and you don't want to waste any good ones? I'm not sure about other countries, but in the UK, as long as you're not on private property (trespassing), dumpster diving is perfectly legal.
I definitely ;) do NOT encourage ;) trespassing rich people's land ;) to steal from their dumpsters ;)
or tbh it doesn't matter too much how rich the person is, since it's all going to landfill anyway. if it's in the bin, it's free game, but you didn't hear that from me. ;)
please add onto this where you can!! and if I missed something or got anything wrong, add that on too!!
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charliemwrites · 10 months
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Woo woo woo snarf
Content: Privacy Invasion, Voyeurism, Possessive Behavior, Non-Con Touching, Dirty Talk
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Things have been… wrong around the house. It’s been a slow escalation, a proverbial boiling of the frog. Glasses in the dish washer when you thought you left them in the sink. Blankets you left in a heap neatly folded. Food missing from the fridge and misplaced laundry.
Things you could write off as forgetfulness, as thoughtless habits borne of living alone for so long.
That is… until the t-shirt. It’s very clearly a man’s. Just… a white undershirt. But it’s not your size and smells unfamiliar even after a wash with your own clothes - like cologne or aftershave. Masculine.
Until the boot prints in the snow outside your house, still just visible even after Johnny unknowingly bounds through it.
Your mind scrambles to excuse it.
The t-shirt could be your ex’s. You did just pull out the winter gear; it could be left over from last year, something you didn’t manage to weed out. (Even if it smells nothing like your ex. Smells…. better.)
And you’re not far from some pretty popular hiking trails. Hikers sometimes pass through your yard. (Thought they never come that close to the house…. especially not since you got Johnny)
Johnny’s the only reason you haven’t gone full paranoid. He’s so protective, you can’t imagine anyone getting close to, never mind in, the house without him making a huge, bloody fuss.
Probably just cabin fever, you tell yourself. You need to go out more. Reach out to the friends you don’t see enough.
Johnny seems restless the first time you start dressing for a night out. You soothe him with a big hug.
“I’m just going to see Sarah and Mel. You like them, baby.” His ears perk, head tilting at the familiar names. You smile and press a kiss to the very top of his nose. “Next time I’ll have them come see you.”
When you come home, he’s torn up your favorite “date night” dress. You groan and scold him, but still allow him to plaster himself to your side when you climb into bed.
The next time you go out with them, you see a semi-familiar face in the little low-key bar. Soap. Can’t believe you remember his name months later, but then again he’s difficult to forget. Seared into your mind like a warning and a temptation. End up staring at him a little too hard, shocked to see him in the bar you and your friends have picked.
When he catches you looking, he grins like you’re an old friend, tips his head and his beer with a wink. Your friends notice, encourage you to say hi. But you wave them off, blushing, and they understand your introversion enough not to push.
He still manages to corner you when you go to the restroom. (Alone, for fucks sake. You should know better). All you see is a shadow in the hall, backlit by the bar. When you shift closer to the wall to let them pass, they turn and nearly pin you.
“Fancy seein’ you again,” a deep Scottish brogue rumbles. Too close to your ear; the bar music isn’t nearly loud enough to excuse it. “Out with your sister again?”
It takes you a second to recover, a bit shocked that he really does remember you. And far, far too aware of how close he’s standing, the heat of his body seeping into you.
“A couple friends, actually.”
“Still no boyfriend, eh? That pup o’ yours still a maneater like his owner?”
Your mouth drops open, offended and befuddled in equal measures.
“Wha— well, yes, he is. Not that it’s any of your business.”
He chuckles, eyes twinkling in the shadows. Amused and just a touch condescending. Your face floods with heat as he braces his arm on the wall above your head. He smells good, too good. Familiar?
“Prefer pussy m’self,” he says, “but most animals love me. Bet I could win you both over.”
You make an audible “agh!” noise, embarrassed by the crassness.
“Who says that?!” you protest.
He keeps talking, like you’ve said nothing at all.
“Promise I’d get your kitty purrin’ nice and loud if I pet ‘er,” he says, voice low and rough. “Play with ‘er all sweet like. Might even give ‘er a little kiss…”
The alcohol and having your friends nearby makes you brave.
“Not on your life.”
Again, he chuckles, fingers of his other hand skimming your side.
“Never say never, hen.”
You bite back a telling gasp. God it’s been way too long if you’re getting keyed up by this creep barely touching you.
It’s only because he’s sinfully hot and your pussy is a shallow bitch, you tell yourself.
“My friends are missing me,” you say, trying to extricate yourself.
He hums, steps closer before you can wriggle away, nearly pancaking you to the wall.
“I’m missing you.”
“You don’t know me enough to miss me,” you snort and push against his chest. He’s thick. Firm with conditioned muscle, broader than you realized in the dim - nearly dark - hall by the bathroom. If he didn’t want to move, you couldn’t make him.
But he finally relents, sidling a step back.
“Give me a chance to? Here.”
You don’t know where he gets a pen from, and he moves far too fast for you to stop before he’s tugging your shirt aside. You don’t know where he got a marker from but you feel the rough drag of it across your collarbone, the sting of it in your nose.
“Call me sometime and I’ll make good on my offer.”
He caps the pen, drops a kiss on your cheek like it’s his right, and swagger off - presumably to the restroom.
You scurry back your table, careful to hide whatever he wrote on your skin. It feels like it burns for the rest of the night until you get home.
Johnny greets you at the door with a huge canine smile. Again, focusing on all the spots where soap touched you. Unlike his usual reaction to the scent of unfamiliar men lingering on you, Johnny’s tail wags. You huff.
“Don’t you dare prove him right,” you huff, sidestepping your overgrown teddy bear to go to the bathroom. Your tug your shirt aside and stare at the phone number scrawled across your skin. There’s even a cheeky little heart at the end.
Johnny’s followed you, per usual, and you meet his eyes seriously.
“I know I told you that you’re only allowed to bite my ex….. but I might make an exception for a little nip.”
Johnny tilts his head as you begin stripping down, grumbling under your breath.
“Men like him shouldn’t be allowed to know how attractive they are. It’s fucking criminal.”
You start up the shower, about to step in, only for Johnny to start whining and crying. So loud and raucous that you almost think he’s been injured somehow. But no, he just staring up at you mournfully, ears back and tail down.
“Big baby,” you mock-scold, “what’s the matter, huh? You need me to keep you company while you potty?”
Johnny just keeps whining and crying so you roll your eyes and climb in, ignoring how he goes up in pitch. You scrub at the phone number aggressively, but even then the permanent marker has soaked into your skin and left a stain.
“Mother fucker…” you can barely hear yourself over Johnny. You finish up and whip the curtain open, hands on your hips. It must startle him because he pauses to stare.
“It’s a lot, bud. A lot,” you scold. “Too much, even.”
He subsides with one last grumble and seems to sulk for the rest of the night. Won’t even let himself be bribed with a treat. When you climb into bed with him, he faces away from you (even though he’s still plastered to your side).
“So dramatic,” you sigh affectionately, burying your face in his coat. He smells like pine. “It’s okay, though, big guy. You’re still the only one for me.”
In the morning, you find Soap’s number scrawled on a sticky note. Huh, you must have been a little tipsier than you thought.
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toxycodone · 3 months
GOD modern Laios would make such a good little trophy/house husband 🥺 he LOVES cooking dinner for you when you come home after a long day of being the breadwinner. you get to spoil and dote on him and he gets to spend all day doing nerd shit and taking care of the house (he LOVES cooking you dinner and seeing the look of relief on your face coming home to a clean house & warm meal after a long day)
on your anniversary you come home and he's cooked a fucking 5 star meal- like the kinda shit you only get at some fancy ass overpriced restaurant . After dinner you suprise him with a huge intricate Lego set you know he's been wanting but wouldn't ask for because it's soooo expensive & he nearly cries.
He spends like 2 hours going down on you out of pure joy alone before letting you tie him to the bed and ride him until he DOES cry- whimpering "thank you" and "I love you"'s over and over before you've even let him cum. tears falling down his flushed cheeks and eyes rolling back in his head as he writhes against the restraints, so desperate and grateful for whatever you give him. such a good boy, your perfect little house husband 😌
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okay. Since we got minimum wage retail Laios confirmed by Kui. House husband Laios is so fucking real.
Laios who’s a total part timer since meeting you, he works for pocket change and like. Bare minimum benefits just to keep things comfy for the two of you while he basically puts everything in savings. (Until like one day he just quits tbh when yall are really settled in)
But like in my mind he works under the table at Senshi’s restaurant for cash + to learn about cooking! They go on fishing/hunting/hiking trips together and go to the farmers market to get fresh produce and Senshi teaches Laios everything he knows.
He cleans up your apartment every day. Like, he’s not the best or a maid or anything. He’s just a dude. But he does recognize that he’s immensely privileged and does his best to show you hey. He does care. And he wants you to not have to bust your ass after coming from a full time shift. He does basic things like dishes and stuff and on the weekends you guys maybe spend an hour or two maximum cleaning on the weekends together
LAIOS. PACKS YOUR LUNCH. He love love LOVES doing this and he has little sandwich shapers to make them into little dinosaurs or dolphins or something. And he does bentos with cute little pins and molds and he lovingly spends time on this. I think he genuinely enjoys doing this stuff and testing out new recipes.
And cooking in general!! Like that is how Laios shows he loves you forreal. He genuinely pays attention to your tastes and tries to “gourmet” your favorite foods. (I’ve been rereading the manga and when Marcille’s upset he offers to try his best to make whatever she wants to eat out of monsters and it’s so cute…). Like you want grilled cheese? How about grilled Brie on fresh made bread? Bagels? Oh yeah he tried a new recipe at Senshi’s at 4 am, here’s fresh out of the oven pastries. It’s so cute.
I think. He loves like those random ass kitchen gadgets too. He 100% has an ice cream maker and he makes custom flavors for you.
And he just loves watching you eat. It’s such an expression of love. He works so damn hard to make you smile and make you happy. And his food never sucks because 1. Senshi teaches him everything 2. He ALWAYS tests recipes before going way too hard with them. Like he pays attention to your palette so if he made something gross or something just. Not to your tastes you’d let him know in the trial stage.
And GOD. Laios is just a fucking sex toy I swear. He’s genuinely like. A subby service top. He wants you to absolutely use him however you want but he likes to be the one that’s doing most of the work because he likes to spoil you with his body…(also he cums super easily in my hc so if he tops he’s able to like. Pull out and give you head or switch positions when he’s getting too close)
But when you spoil him and ride him…tell him how handsome he is and how much you love him. yeah he’s crying and whimpering about how much he loves you and how you’re just so fucking perfect. It makes your head spin because Laios genuinely makes you feel like you’re the only person on earth for him.
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marvelfilth · 6 months
AKA Shut up and listen
Pairing: Jessica Jones x f!reader
Warnings: alcohol consumption, self-deprication
Summary: you love Jess, Jess doesn't get why
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"So... This is it?" you mumble, your gaze pinned to the roach on the wall to your left.
You really shouldn't be disappointed - you heard enough of Jess' grumbling whenever she came back from a hideout with too many compromising pictures on her camera and too much alcohol on her breath.
So, yeah, it's all your fault, since it was you who begged her to take you with her, just to get a taste of that PI life.
"Yes." She opens the window, letting some fresh air flow into the tiny motel room.
"Cool," you sigh and search the room for a safe place to sit. Unfortunately, the entire place looks like a biohazard, so you have no choice, but to settle on the edge of the single bed.
Your hesitation doesn't escape Jess' watchful eye. "You realize you'll have to sleep here, right?" Jessica drawls. She's sitting on the windowsill, her flask clutched between her fingertips. She raises her eyebrows at your silence and you shake your head, feeling hot all of a sudden. Lately, it's been happening too often - her looking at you far longer than a friend should, and you flushing under her heavy gaze.
"You said it won't take long," you mumble, turning away to hide your burning cheeks with your hair.
"It won't. Twenty hours top." She shrugs, taking off her leather jacket to reveal her toned arms, your eyes zeroing in on the muscles hidden under her soft skin.
"Great," you sigh.
The roach on the wall moves closer to you and you have to fight the urge to stamp it down with your shoe.
It probably has a family somewhere.
"You don't have to stay. I can call Trish, she'll pick you up. She can take you somewhere fancy."
Your eyes roll at the obvious attempt at getting rid of you. You know she likes you enough to tolerate you for at least a day, but you also know she prefers to work alone. Even Trish never gets to tag along.
"You know I like you more."
“Really?” She husks sarcastically around the neck of her flask.
Another roach crawls from under the bed, making you squeak and jump off it. Jessica rolls her eyes, gesturing around you. “This. This is me.”
You blink. Then blink again. “A roach?”
She hums, turning to look outside and taking another swing from her flask. “Yep. A roach, dirty motel, cheap booze - all me. Doesn't seem like your thing.”
You huff, crossing your arms, your shoulders suddenly tense. “Luckily for me, you're more than cheap booze, and shitty motels, and roaches. So yeah, you're my thing.”
She tilts her head, her dark eyes brimming with exhaustion from countless sleepless nights spent chasing leads, but there's a flicker of something, something important. It's gone faster than you can place it, and she turns back to the window, lifting her camera, and covering her face from your scrutiny.
“Get us some food, yeah?” She whispers, pretending to focus on the streets below.
You let out a frustrated huff, but nod nonetheless, leaving in search of something edible.
You come back a little over half an hour later, a paper bag full of takeout clutched tightly against your chest, your heart still racing after a ride with a sketchy man on a sketchy elevator.
Jessica startles you with a question.
“You okay?”
Her body is halfway out of the window, facing the building across the street, but her eyes are pinned to you. The flask lies empty on the windowsill.
“Peachy,” you mumble, pushing a container into her hand. “Eat it all or no booze for two days.”
She frowns, eyeing you warily. “Don't bullshit me.”
You smile, humming, and nudge Jess to make space for you on the windowsill. You dig into the food, almost moaning at the rich flavor, and note with pride that Jessica seems to enjoy it too.
“Not bad,” she says around a forkful. “Not as good as your famous lasagna-”
You shove her before she can finish her thought.
Her brow arches in question, and she keeps a serious expression for all three seconds before the corners of her mouth jump up in a fleeting smile. “What? I liked it.”
You groan, pushing the food around. She'll never let you forget it. And to think that you were just being a caring friend, spending all day perfecting a recipe you found online, chasing down Jess, and making her eat some of it.
“Just a little less salt next time,” she says, leaning back against the wall, her eyes on you.
You shake your head, cheeks burning in embarrassment.
The evening is settling in, the warm glow of the sun seeping away, giving way to the chilly breeze. You shudder, goosebumps littering your bare arms, and consider moving to the bed, or maybe wrapping yourself in a blanket. You eye it warily - it's thin, its color washed away and even from here you can see some of the stains.
You jump up when a weight settles over your shoulders, a familiar scent of leather enveloping you. When you turn to look at Jess, instead of looking away like you thought she would, she looks at you, head-on.
“Thanks,” you whisper, pushing your arms through the sleeves. “You're not cold?”
She shakes her head no, pushing her food around. “Looks good on you.”
“Yeah?” You look down at your lap, fingers fidgeting. The air grows heavy.
She reaches inside her bag and takes out another flask.
“I'm no good for you, you know?” she says after gulping at least a quarter of it.
You look up, startled.
“I'm an asshole with a drinking problem. You deserve better.”
You close your eyes, taking a deep breath. “You’re not an asshole.”
She snorts, and finishes the flask in quick gulps before carelessly throwing it to the floor.
She hums.
“You're not an asshole.”
“I heard you the first time.”
You huff, and pull the take out box out of her hands before gently setting both of your food on the nearby table. “Jessica,” you start, squaring your shoulders. “I need you to listen to me very carefully.” She rolls her eyes, but turns to face you nonetheless. You can tell she's ready to bolt or at least deflect, but you won't let her. Not this time, the conversation is long overdue.
You take her hand in yours, fiddling with her slender fingers. “You’re one of the best people I've ever met, Jess-” the scoff that follows is expected “-yes, you are!” You insist, giving her hand a sharp tug. “You're brave, and selfless, and kind-”
“I’m an unreliable, unstable alcoholic with a fucked up head,” she growls, jumping off her seat. “I'm not kind or brave. I don't do nice things. I'm not nice, period. I have a hole in my wall and more empty bottles than cutlery. I haven't washed my jeans in two months. I- fuck, sometimes I can't even look at you without thinking about you leaving, eventually.” She starts pacing, fingers lost in her dark tresses.
“I can't take care of myself, Trish does that half the time. I have one bedsheet. I don't have a vacuum cleaner. My door is permanently broken.”
“I'm a fucked up-”
“Shut up.”
She stops mid rant, looking at you with tired eyes, and let's out a long-suffering sigh. “You deserve better.”
You shake your head and take a step towards her. “I love you.”
She recoils, suddenly looking like a frightened child. Her eyes shine with unshed tears. “What?” She croaks.
“I love you, Jess. I love you when you're drunk and miserable, and I love you when sober up and smile like you don't have a care in the world. I love you when you're out of reach for days on a case, and I love you when you make sure to spend time with me, even if it means sacrificing sleep-”
“-I love you when you don't have time to take my calls, and I love you when you answer me from strangers’ balconies. I love you when you're being mean, and I love you when you choose to be the kindest person I know, even after all of the shit you've been through.”
“I love you and your broken door. And I love your cutlery.”
“And I have a vacuum cleaner.”
She sighs, but her eyes soften just a slightest bit. "A vacuum cleaner, huh?"
You swallow and take a deep breath. “I- I don't want anyone else, Jess. I want you. I love you.”
She looks at you for a long moment, her jaw tenses, brows furrow in thought. “Okay,” she nods slowly, begrudgingly.
“Yeah?” You whisper, inching closer.
“Yeah,” she breathes against your lips, before pulling you in a tender, almost chaste kiss. She's pulling away a second later and it's over before you even fully register the feeling of her soft, full lips on yours. “I- You- Fuck, why is this shit so goddamn hard?” She grumbles, closing her eyes briefly before taking a deep breath. “You deserve better, so-”
“Jessica,” you growl, pushing her by the shoulders. She doesn't budge, pressing you closer to her chest, her grip on your waist tightening.
“You deserve better, so I'll get better. I'll do better. For you,” she finishes slowly, begrudgingly, and for a moment you're speechless. “Less booze should be a good start, right? No girl likes to smell alcohol all the time,” she sounds like she's complaining, like this is the worst situation she could ever find herself in, but her eyes shine in a way you've never seen before. It's hope, you realise after a moment.
“Not for me, for you,” you state firmly, cupping her jaw. “You'll get better for you.”
She blinks. “That’s not a good enough motivation,” she grumbles.
You press a kiss to the corner of her mouth, fighting back a smile. She's so Jess. “We'll work on that.”
“Okay. I... I love you too, I guess.”
"Mhm," you hum, and she opens her mouth again, so you pull her in a proper kiss before she can say anything else.
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arcanumofthestars · 7 months
This is my first ever attempt of writing, well anything except for essays for schools, and all that in Greek, so be nice everyone, I know it's not that good and I can't add those pretty wavy lines or pictures for the life of me so if you have tips it would be very appreciated.
Alastor x Fem!Reader Headcanons.
- If one thing can be said for Alastor, he's a gentleman. He treats you in the way a proper lady should be treated.
- When he first meets you, he is interested of course, and does not forget to let you know.
- He won't tell you, but it's pretty obvious, from the small things he does for you, like holding the door, offering you his arm when you walk side by side, or kissing your hand when he hasn't seen you for a long time.
- He argues with himself every day, debating whether he should try to make a deal for your soul, to keep you his forever.
- He rejects the idea in the end, as he recognises that his feelings have grown deeper than just possessiveness.
- And he wonders why.
- It's not your appearance, although you're very beautiful, it's just not it. It's not the fact you believe in redemption either. Cute, adorable maybe, but still not it. And finally, he realises. It's the small touches you put in everything, little signs that say “**Reader** was here”.
- Like how you put a bit more spice in the food you make. How you might rearrange the chairs around the table because you got bored. How you can have a deep conversation with Angel or Husk and lift their spirits immediately. How you encourage Charlie when she needs it.
- And how you can see right through him. When you made jambalaya because you “accidentally” overheard that it's his favourite. When you mirror his manners because you know he gets angry and frustrated with rudeness and slang. When you keep Niffty and the Egg Boys away when he's not in the mood to deal with them. When you asked for permission to go up to his radio tower to clean up a bit, claiming that it must be… well… filthy after all those years. When you know he wants to go out to kill so you leave some towels and black coffee in his room for when he returns. (He doesn't know how the coffee is always warm even if he returns the next day, and it's driving him crazy.)
- He told Husk about it. It's not like the bartender would tell anyone, after all Alastor owns his soul.
- It takes months of deep talking and cheerful conversations for him too actually ask you out, as he is concerned that you might reject him because of his blood lust. But he does. And you say yes.
- The first date is something really classy, a fancy restaurant maybe, with romantic candles, and music, delicious food, and you two even dance a bit.
- A whole lot dates follow, and when things finally become official, everyone in the hotel is dumbfounded, but happy anyway. Maybe you'll manage to put some sense in the Radio Demon after all.
- The whole time Alastor calls you pet names like “dear” or “darling”, though when he wants to fluster you he might say a soft “baby” in his sentence, because, let's not forget that this kind of pet name was considered top in the 1930’s.
- And, oh well, sinners can't have kids, but you have a lot of work in the hotel anyway.
- Alastor even lets you say some stuff in his radio broadcast sometimes. And, definitely, he does NOT talk about you for twenty minutes after that every time.
- And the smile on the Radio Demon's face does not look so forced any more.
That's all for now! I'll be back for more! My requests are open! I'm waiting for suggestions!Check the fandoms I write for in my pinned post.
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blackdollette · 1 year
hello! this "request" is a bit different. I wanted to know your headcanons about favorite sex positions for each rory character and what sort of kinks you think they have?
"my position couldn't stop."
stargirl interlude. - lana del rey & the weeknd
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contents: mentions of blood, extremely sexual content (duh.), many different kinks
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charlie walker
he would definitely love doggystyle
he'd pull out his camera and record as he pounded into you from behind
he would play it back whenever he was alone and jerk off to it
sex always looked so good from his view, so he just couldn't help it
i feel like he would like reverse cowgirl too
he doesn't really mind if he gets to see your face or not
if he was fucking you as ghostface, then he would definitely have some sort of degration kink
and he'd enjoy breath play
holding your throat as he abused your little hole, hearing as your breath hitched in your throat as he completely fucked your brain out
chris kenton
seeing your face is a must
so missionary, cowgirl, or mirror sex are his go-to positions
he just wants to make sure that he's making you feel good
he'd be focusing more on your face than anything else, trying to find out what works and what doesn't
but he also loves to see your body at the right angle, so doggystyle works for him too once he gets more comfortable
and he's the type to get everything nice and fancy in preparation
he goes all out with candles, roses, lingerie, you name it
everything is so loving and affectionate with him with a slight hint of praise kink
he lovessss missionary
having your legs resting on his shoulder as he pounded into you
and you looking into his eyes was enough to make him run wild
he'd take a hit of a joint and put it in your mouth right after
things are either very fast-paced or slow and sloppy. no inbetween
most times you can hear how wet you're getting
he literally doesn't know when to stop
so yeah, he has an overstimulation kink
he just keeps on going until both of you are completely unable to think of anything other than each other
dan cooper
my sweet little danny
he loves watching you take charge
so his favourite position is cowgirl
he gets a perfect view of your body as it moves on top of him
he turns into a whimpering mess so quickly
its pretty obvious that he has a mommy kink
but I feel like he'd also love using toys
blindfolds, rope, gag, and his favourite: vibrators
they took things to a whole new level
and you two went at it like rabbits all night long
somedays, he liked to be in charge, putting you in missionary or doggystyle
but sometimes, he liked seeing as you rode him, struggling to take all his length
you'd be moving your hips as fast as you could, trying to keep your composure
but then he'd grab your hips and start moving them for you, showing you how its done
he loved edging, overstimulating, and making you sob
he absolutely loved making your makeup run as you begged to cum
and how your body trembled as it got too much for you
and he'd also call you things like "bitch, whore, slut" etc.
but you loved it because you knew that he said it with love
jack thurlow
the idea of your legs on his shoulders, him pinning your arms above your head as he watched as you squirmed underneath him did wonderful things to his body
he would go so fast and so hard, loving the sound of your skin slapping together
and he would for sure have a blood kink
he'd carve his initials into your thigh as his head was in between your legs
he would trace over the blood with his thumb, smudging it just a little
and he'd mark you up everywhere
leaving a trail everywhere he went
like whenever he's in missionary position, his head is in your neck, sucking the skin harshly
aftercare would be sharing a cigarette in bed, probably listening to music if the vibe was right
this guy loves doggystyle omg
watching your ass recoil as he fucked you from behind fueled him tremendously
he loved the idea of destroying you
making you forget how to speak and marking you up completely.
he'd 100% have a bondage kink
making sure your wrists were tied together to stop you from getting in the way of his plans
and sometimes he would stuff a ball gag into your mouth, preventing you from whining as he overstimulated you
he would literally never get tired
this guy could go on for hours without taking a breath
and he'd be so vocal too
talking you through your orgasms and degrading you just a little
ollie sway
slow and sensual in missionary or cowgirl is the way to go
and you better believe that he'd play some old record in the background too
he'd light up candles and wait until the sun was setting at the perfect angle before finally getting down with you
he totally turns into a perfectionist when it comes to having sex
but he already thinks youre perfect, so he doesn't have to worry at all
he has a breeding kink. (hear me out yall)
just thought of him slowly filling you up with his seed until you were completely filled up made his body heat up
and he loved to watch it all drip out of you slowly, sometimes even sucking it out and kissing you after
but yeah, the main point is that he'd never want to hurt you at all
he often fucked you so gently that you could just fall asleep right there
and he'd always perform aftercare
ideally having a nice warm bath with you
and he'd praise you all night
telling you how much he loved you.
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author's note: i love these types of requests omg. I'm working on previous ones still (dont worry, i havent forgotten abt yall)
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bloodykora · 1 year
Thonking hard about Buggy and long haired Buggy especially. Like I don’t mind the stylistic choice in the LA but maaaaan, maaaaaaaan. There’s the obvious stuff like playing with his long hair and braiding it but my mind keeps going back to Head!Buggy and you and it’s just a bit of time to kill before you get anywhere and you were honestly just supposed to watch him so he doesn’t get snatched up by a seagull and something and you both agree this doesn’t mean ANYTHING (he’s gonna develop a soft spot for you and ONLY you out of all the straw hats immediatly), but it’s so damn boring out here and you have some hairties you found somewhere and just… You using Buggy’s head like a hairstyling toy and just braiding it for him or putting it into little buns, clipping it out of his face so it doesn’t get into his eyes etc.
Sanji passes you once and is about to say something but Buggy just gives him a glare that’s all „Got something funny to say punk?“ and he just shakes his head and moves on.
(You forget one tie in there before he reuinites with his body. A simple little thing with two skull beads. He initially keeps it because he actually feels it suites his style but he developes a fondness for this little thing in particular that he doesn’t allow himself to think about for to long)
This is so much longer then I thought it would be so I'm putting it under read more but like yes.
- No cause I absolutely agree, love his long gorgeous hair. I like to think his hair isn’t thin either, its a good mix of thickness but not to the point of curly. He’s got the nice ‘wave’ going. Did you know that in his hat, there are small braids in the hair coming out of it in the LA.
- It didn’t take long for Buggy to start complaining about the heat and it didn’t take you long to get fed up with his complaints
- You kept looking at how his blue hair kept draping over the side of the barrel he was on, and how his bandana has not moved a inch since he was taken out of the bag on the ship
- "Let me do your hair." "No." "Let’s continue then to sit in almost complete silence, would you like to play cards? Oh, wait. You have no hands. What about I Spy? I spy something blue."
- Just making fun of the his situation until he caves in to let you, he says to stop your whining but in reality he could really use the scalp massage
- Putting a crate behind the barrel or something so you can sit and do it. It’s softer than you had thought it would be, and you could see small braids near his bottom layers.
- "Did you do these?" "Huh? I can’t really see the back of my head, you gotta be more descriptive." Holding one of them out for him to see. "Oh yeah, adds a nice touch to the hat when I’m performing!"
- The shed though, his hair would shed so much. You’d be pulling blue hair strands out of your clothes for the rest of time. And they’d get everywhere on the ship too.
- You could hear him sigh in relief when you first start brushing through it, and you felt relieved knowing those knots have been eradicated.
- First thing you do is just a little bun so his neck could get some fresh air for once and then it evolves into the craziness.
- Buns, pigtails, high and low ponys, 1 braid, 2 braids, fishtails, french, dutch, braiding 2 pieces and then wrapping it around his forehead like a crown. Favourite would be doing 2 french braids at the top of his head til it's the bottom and then putting the hair tie there so it becomes a fancy low pigtail.
- "I can't believe how pretty you are with your hair, not very fair to the rest of us good sir." You joke out, meaning it though. "I've always been pretty!" You snort at his reply not knowing how warm his face had started feeling.
- Every pirate has a niche collection, yours? Your hair pin collection. To die for. You have been collecting hair clips and such for this exact occasion. Butterflies, wooden, yellow, purple, bobby pins, bows, ribbons, flowers. The whole works.
- Buggy even thinks about asking you to join his crew just for your hair decoration skills.
- One time you even trim his dead ends for him, and some of his front pieces to frame his face more.
- He got so used to it that if you didn’t approach him with a brush in hand first thing in the morning that he would start asking for you saying how he needed his royal brushing. (He’s totally not worried at all sometimes when you take too long, ha that would be. Ahem.)
- Sometimes he’d even doze off, but would swear he was just resting his eyes.
- A few times someone would stop to glance at you two but never intervene, except Luffy. He was always in awe. Sanji had voiced his concerns for you but never says anything in front of Buggy, you could never see but the two men were death staring each other every time they passed.
- Word spreads through the crew and even though none of them had long enough hair to do or in Usopp’s case, has been doing it himself this whole time. They do come to ask for little clips here and there, Luffy wanting one for the string on his hat so he has something to fidget with, (Nami wanting some to wear with her different outfits later on), Usopp wondering where you got heart ones so he could get one for Kaya, even Zoro wondering if you had one he could wear for Kuina’s memory on special occasions.
-You knew you were nearing Coco village, you had overheard Buggy talking to Usopp about it. How they should be there within the day. You settle for a low bun that curls up right beneath his cap.
- "No beads today?" "Well there is some on the tie but you can’t see it, I was thinking that it would be a more relaxed day. I got some stuff to do around the ship."
- Everyone is so caught up in Nami that by the time things have cooled down you realize he’s gone, no more blue hair to twirl around your fingers.
- The clown realizes too, fiddling with the tie in his hands. Burying the longing deep down, hoping he never sees you again but praying he might get a glance of you once more. He takes it out if he knows he’s about to raid somewhere to avoid breaking it.
- Tears apart his quarters if he misplaces it, someone has almost lost a hand because it fell off a table. 
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b3ach-bunn7 · 8 months
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Gojo Satoru, your prettiest customer, insists on ordering the most insane drinks possible. As a barista, it’s your duty to fullfill them.
alternate!universe, fluff, happy ending
(This is a long one guys 🙈)
You love your job. The truth is, the people who romanticise working at a coffee shop were exactly right. Yes, the hours can be long, and the occasional Karen can turn what should be a five-minute interaction into a half an hour one. And sometimes you go home with burns from a hot coffee pot, or spills on your favourite trousers. But you love every part of your job.
Except for Gojo Satoru.
Your most troublesome customer. You know he goes to your university, because you’ve seen him wearing a hoodie with its logo on it. You assume you both have different majors, because you don’t cross paths at all.
But he comes to the shop every day without fail. And he orders the most complicated, diabetes-inducing drinks known to man. He strolls up to the counter, blinking those bright blue eyes at you, with his perfect smile and his hair that looks so soft to touch and starts rattling off his order.
Okay, it’s not the worst thing in the world. Gojo is easy on the eyes, and it’s quite funny to see how far he’ll take it. You’re not exactly sure if he even consumes the stuff he buys. Maybe he’s trying to impress you. Maybe he’s trying to annoy you. You think he succeeds more with the second option, but it’s fine. You like the little challenge everyday.
Today, you’re wiping down the counter when you see him appear behind it and begin drumming his fingers against it.
“Hi, sugar.”
You look up, unamused. He’s wearing a black compression shirt that hugs his muscles and grey sweatpants. He’s probably come back from the gym, judging by the sweat that sticks some strands of his white hair to his forehead. He looks good. Whatever.
“Gojo. What monstrosity will it be today?”
He hums under his breath. He rests his cheek on his palm. His skin is so clear. For all the coffee he drinks, at least.
“I would like… A single shot, 4 pumps sugar free peppermint, nonfat, extra hot, no foam, light whip stirred grande white mocha.”
Your mouth gapes. “Gojo. What? That’s not- what even is that?”
He laughs, loud and boyish. The shop is quite empty, so, you can take your time to mock his ridiculous request.
“I don’t know. Thought I’d try something different, you know?”
“You try something different everyday. I think this one wins the stupidest order yet.”
“Don’t be like that, sweetheart. You know you like it. I bring some joy to the darkness that is your shift.” He pouts and leans forward.
You rolls your eyes. You turn and grab a cup to begin concocting his drink.
“Don’t call me that. And it doesn’t bring me joy. It does test my memory, though,” you pause, “How many pumps of peppermint was it?”
“Four. And what’s wrong with sweetheart?”
“I’m not your sweetheart, Gojo.”
He groans. He watches as you flit around behind the counter, going to steam the milk for his drink.
“Come on, what else am I supposed to call you? I don’t know your name.”
You point to the name tag pinned to your shirt.
“Yes you do.”
“That’s not your name.”
You nod and insist that it is. His eyebrows raise and he nods towards it.
“Your name is Brian?”
“Cute, right? I don’t like strangers using my real name, so they let me print a fake one.” You smile.
“It’s a shame, really. Brian suits you.” You stick your tongue out and Gojo grins.
The drink doesn’t take long. You make one of the fancy milk designs on the top, and slide it over to him.
“Here you go.”
He thanks you. He peers at the design at the top, eyeing the drink.
“I like this. You should learn how to draw my face on there.”
“Ah, yes. You’re right, that does sound like a great way to pass my time.” You nod sarcastically.
He sips the drink carefully. His nose scrunches and he sticks his tongue out.
“Oh, that is not good. At all.”
You laugh. You reach over and grab the drink, taking a swig. Gojo protests, but you can tell his effforts to get it back are half-assed. You wince, the warm peppermint drink sliding down your throat.
“Yeah, gross. How did you even come up with this?”
He shrugs, “They just come to me.” He nods at the cup in your hand, “You know, we basically just kissed.”
You snort, “You can keep dreaming, Gojo.”
“Oh, you’re definitely in my dreams, baby. All the dirty ones.”
Oh, he’s feeling brave today. You turn to hide the flush that dusts your cheeks. You wipe down the steamer.
“Baby is gross.”
“Tell me your name then.”
You point at the name tag on your shirt. Gojo groans and runs a hand through his hair. You glance down at the ignored drink on the counter.
“Gojo, you haven’t even touched your drink.”
He shrugs. “Oh, well. It’s not like I can’t pay for it.”
You hum under your breath. Rich people.
The shop starts filling up, and your manager pops his head around the door to tell you to get a move on.
“Sorry, Gojo. You gotta get a move on.”
“Fine. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You wave him off, sighing as he drops his drink in the trash.
The next day, Gojo walks in with someone else. A girl, short brown hair and an unlit cigarette in her mouth. It’s the first time you’ve ever seen him with anyone else. Maybe she’s a girlfriend. Gojo seems awfully close to her, a smile gracing his lips as she says something to him.
You’re staring. You turn away quickly. It’s none of your business what he’s up to and you don’t care, anyway. Gojo could be married for all you care.
He bounds up to the front. Gojo has a way of taking up every space he’s in, and as he leans across the counter, he’s all you can see.
“Hey, cutie.”
“Hello. What can I do for you today?”
“Aw. No complaints. You like cutie?”
“Feels like something a 12 year old would call his discord girlfriend, but. Sure, let’s go with that.”
He laughs, but he straightens up quickly.
“Look, I’ve got no time for our cute banter today. I’ll have a Venti, triple-shot caramel macchiato, with three pumps of vanilla, two pumps of hazelnut, one pump of caramel, a sprinkle of cinnamon, and extra whipped cream on top.”
“No time for banter, but time for all of that.”
“Oh, and a mocha.”
You smile. “Who’s that normal order for?”
He points at the girl he came in with, who’s gone outside to smoke her cigarette.
“Shoko. Luckily for you, she likes normal people drinks.”
You turn to start making their drinks. Today’s order is much tamer than usual. It actually sounds like it might taste nice, and it’s sugary enough to satiate his sweet tooth. You wonder if he’ll ask that girl to try it for him.
“So. You got any plans today?” You say.
“Mhm. My friend and I are going shopping. She asked me to keep her company, but I think she likes my credit card’s presence more than mine.”
“Makes sense. At least she gets something out of the card.”
“Ha ha ha. Come on, she gets mean when she’s impatient.”
You shake your head, waiting for the milk to steam. “It takes as long as it takes.”
“Okay, Carla.”
You tell him he’s wrong again and laugh at his whining. You finish his drink off with an alarming amount of whip cream, to his request, and place it and the mocha on the counter.
“Done in record time.” You wink.
He tries it, and perks up.
“I’m impressed. This one actually tastes nice.”
He slides it over to you, and you take a sip.
“Yeah, you’re right. It is nice.” You say, incredulously.
“Can I have a sip?”
You look to the left and Gojo’s ‘friend’ has appeared. She smells a little like cigarettes but she’s so breathtakingly pretty that you don’t think anyone‘s really worried about that. She takes a drink before Gojo can protest, and she winces.
“God, it’s so sweet. You’ll die an early death if you keep going on like this.”
“Well, good thing it’s not for you.” He grabs it and passes her the mocha.
The girl looks over at you and smiles.
“Hey. I’m Shoko. It’s nice to meet you. Gojo doesn’t shut up about you.”
You tilt your head at the boy, who is looking away from the two of you, and coo.
“Aw, how sweet!” You awe, pressing a hand to your heart.
“He calls you Barista girl. Says you make the best drinks.”
You shrug. “I wouldn’t say best. I am the only one who will make his insane orders, though.”
“That’s true. He doesn’t even drink them half the time. Just throws them away the second he leaves. It’s like the only reason he comes here is so-“
“Okay! Okay, we’ve got to go.” Gojo claps his hands together, cutting off Shoko, and steering her away.
She grins, waving at you. She yells it was nice to meet you, and you say it back, much to Gojos dismay, and wonder what the real reason he comes here is.
The next time Gojo comes in, he looks good. He’s wearing a black button up, the top few buttons undone, the sleeves rolled up to show his forearms. There’s a silver chain around his neck, and his hair is done up in a way that looks effortless and prepared at the exact same time. He’s also holding a bouquet of pretty flowers, pink and white and perfect looking.
God. You move away before he notices you blatantly staring at him. It’s almost closing, and you’ve got ten minutes before you’re free to go. You should be annoyed at his presence. You and Choso, the guy you were working with tonight, had just cleaned up, and you know Gojo’s order would probably need every appliance in the building. Any other customer would be shunned away, a quick point at the clock.
But Gojo’s not any other customer. Not that you’d ever tell him that.
“Hey, Gojo.”
He smiles. “Hey, gorgeous.”
Your cheeks heat up. God, if only he wasn’t so attractive. It would be so much easier to act like you don’t care when he calls you all those things.
“You look nice. You going somewhere after this?”
“Mhm. I’m going on a date.”
You pause to where you’re emptying out the coffee pots. A date? He was seeing someone else after spending god knows how long flirting with you?
You shouldn’t be surprised. He’s never asked you out, and Gojo is attractive enough to be someone who doesn’t care about girls' feelings. You know you should’ve seen this coming. It probably was just a little fun he had everyday, joking around with the oblivious, head-over-heels barista who allowed him to act like a dick with his stupid coffee orders.
“That’s nice. What can I get for you? You need to hurry up though, because we’re closing soon.” Your voice is flat, and your hand rests on your hip.
“Uh. Just a coffee.”
You frown. “No obnoxious order today?”
“Nah. I’ve got places to be. And I need to be awake tonight, if you get my drift.” He winks and you scoff.
You turn and fill the coffee pot, a little more aggressively than normal. You unfortunately do get his drift. Before you can say anything in response, Choso comes out from the back.
Choso is cute. He looks intimidating, always monotoned and looking sleep-deprived, but he was a sweetheart. He always ties his hair into little buns, draws cute designs on top of the lattes, and always makes sure you don’t close alone. Plus, he looks good in an apron. You think you’d like him if it weren’t for an annoying blue-eyed boy and his stupid orders.
“You okay if I clock out?”
You turn to him and smile. “Yeah, I’ll lock up. You working tomorrow?”
Choso takes his apron off and drapes it over his shoulder. You turn to face him, effectively ignoring Gojo.
“What? Choso, come on, I can’t work if you’re not there, it’s so boring!”
He laughs, crossing his arms and leaning against the counter. It make the muscles in his arms stand out, and wow. Does he work out? Probably.
“You’ll be fine without me.”
“I won’t.” You pout.
“Goodbye.” He walks away, nodding at Gojo, who looks just peachy waiting for his coffee.
“So who’s that?”
You turn back to face him. “Choso. He works here.”
“Yeah, I figured. You like him?”
“Yeah. He’s great. My favourite coworker.”
Gojo nods slowly. A weird sort of quiet settles over you two. A part of you wants to ask who’s he’s going on a date with, but you respect yourself too much for that.
“What time do you get off?” He speaks up.
You pause slightly. “Me?”
Gojo raises an eyebrow. “No, the other barista behind the counter. Yes, you.”
“Oh. I’m done in ten.”
“Okay, good. Our reservation is in half an hour, so we should make it.”
The coffee pot whirs to let you know it’s ready. Instead, you keep staring at Gojo, who’s looks all too serious for somebody speaking nonsense.
“It’s a nice place, don’t worry. Thought I’d splurge, to impress you. These are for you, by the way.” He thrusts the flowers towards you.
“I- What? Gojo, what’s going on?” You laugh, a little hysterical, confused as to what the hell is happening.
He grins. He walks right over to the you, leaning over the counter, so you’re a couple inches away from each other.
“You really think I’d ask anybody else out? I’ve been asking for these stupid orders at for weeks now just to throw them out so I could talk to you, that wasn’t a hint?”
“Yeah, but I just. I don’t know, I thought you were just messing around!”
“Are you really that clueless?”
“Hey! You-“ You stop for a second.
You take the apron from around your neck and throw it behind you into the office. You cross your arms and you nearly laugh at the nervous look that crosses his face.
“Did you make a reservation and dress yourself up for a date you didn’t even ask me to?”
Gojo scratches the back of his head. “I-“
“And then come in here and just tell me when it’s happening, without even giving me time to prepare myself?”
“I- Barista girl, I can explain.” He clasps his hands together.
“And you still don’t even know my name.”
He sighs. “The mystery is part of the fun, babe.”
You smile slightly. You have no idea what went through his head, but it’s cute he tried so hard. Even if it was a little weird.
“What if I had plans tonight, huh?”
Gojo shrugs. “I was hoping you’d cancel them for me.”
“And if I didn’t?”
“Not too sure. Maybe throw the coffee I’m still waiting for in your face?”
You perk up suddenly, remembering the pot that was still bubbling behind you. You take a cup and fill it for him, fit it with a lid and give it to him.
“So. Are you going to ask me out properly?”
He nods. His face is determined and he grabs the flowers from your hands. He takes two steps back and he walks forward.
“Barista girl, will you do me the honours of going on a date with me tonight?”
You frown, sighing dramatically, “I don’t know. I’ve had such a long shift. I’m tired.”
Gojo grabs your hands, pulling you towards him. The counter gets in the way, but you don’t think he cares. The two of you are still close enough that if you moved a couple inches forwards you’d be kissing. He smells like something expensive, and it overwhelms your senses. His lips quirk up in a little smirk, and you think your skin is buzzing where he’s touching you.
“I’m sure I can help wake you up, baby. You just gotta say yes.”
“I- I kinda look like shit, though.” You whisper.
“Don’t say that, you look beautiful.”
You know you don’t. Your hair is being held up poorly by a claw clip, random strands falling out of it. Your mascara is slightly smudged under your eyes, and there’s a lovely new coffee stain on the shirt you're wearing, courtesy of Choso knocking into you before you got a chance to put your apron on.
But he’s looking right at you like you’re the most incredible thing that he’s ever laid his eyes on that you feel like you might actually believe him.
“Okay. Okay, fine. If you let me go home and freshen up. Put a dress on, or something.”
“Oh, I can get behind that.”
You snort a laugh, stepping back. The nervousness from before is gone, and he’s grinning at you excitedly. He waits the few minutes it takes you to lock up, and holds his arm out for you to take while he walks you to his car.
It’s seven in the evening and the sun is just starting to set. The sky is beginning to turn, seeping from blue to orange to pink, and the light is catching off Gojos face. He’s speaking animatedly as he talks about the restaurant he’s taking you too, oblivious to your staring. He’s planned every last detail, somehow remembering when you said that you loved Asian food about a month ago.
You don’t really know much about Gojo. You do know enough to say that he is so sweet it makes your teeth rot.
You say your name, then, softly enough that he nearly misses it. He stops mid sentence and turns to you.
“Is that your name?”
You nod.
“You have a very pretty name.”
You smile. “Thank you.”
He nods slowly. “You can call me Satoru, by the way.”
“Okay, Satoru.” The name feels nice on your tongue.
He groans when you say it, hand reaching up to cup your face.
“God, it sounds so beautiful when you say it. It’d sound even better if you were screaming it, though.”
You roll your eyes, face a fiery red, and let a laughing Satoru lead you into his car.
Gojo satoru the man that u r.. also that cosplayer is EXACTLY how I envision him in my brain.. so obsessed..
again, any requests r welcome! (I’m literally lost for ideas)
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mrprettywhenhecries · 10 months
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Billy Hargrove nsft alphabet
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➺ Aftercare (What they’re like after sex) 
Honestly depends on how much he cares about his partner.  If it’s a one time thing, he’s pretty aloof afterwards, preferring to leave before things get weird.  But if he actually has feelings, he’s pretty attentive, sharing a cigarette while they lay against his chest and pillow talk, letting his walls down.
➺ Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) 
Of his own, he’s quite proud of his chest and arms, as well as his tight ass.  On his partner, he loves hands and thighs.
➺ Cum (Anything to do with cum basically) 
Loves seeing his cum on his partner, whether it be on your chest/stomach/back, dripping down your chin, or seeping out of your sloppy hole.  Makes him feel like he owns you.
➺ Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) 
Secretly likes not being in control all the time. Though he's usually a dom, he wants to be taken care of sometimes, even if he won't voice it.
➺ Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?) 
On the experienced side.  He’s had a lot of partners and knows what he’s doing, though he’s always learning, filing things away to use later.
➺ Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual) 
He's pretty basic when it comes to his go to positions: Missionary – likes being able to see your expression as he’s fucking you into oblivion.  This way he can pin you to the bed, arms pinned above your head, or your legs hooked over his shoulders.  Doggie style – for when he wants to be rougher, spanking you or pulling your hair.  And lastly, Cowgirl – for when he wants to be taken care of.  Loves seeing you on top, on display for him, able to touch you and dig his fingers into your hips, guiding your movements.
➺ Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc) 
Definitely more on the serious side, unless he’s comfortable with his partner and feels safe enough to be a little silly with them, ending up cracking a sincere grin or even laughing.  
➺ Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.) 
With how smooth he keeps his chest and stomach, man’s clean shaven down there, no doubt.
➺ Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
He’s definitely flirty and cocky, but again, it depends on how close with his partner he is as to how romantic he gets.  That being said, he’s definitely a little bit of a closet romantic especially during foreplay and aftercare, often times taking his partner by surprise with that fact.
➺ Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon) 
Doesn’t masturbate much.  He prefers having a partner to his own hand.  Has a few centerfolds he uses to help get his imagination going, or if he's lucky enough to have some naughty polaroids of you, he'd rather use those.
➺ Kink (One or more of their kinks) 
Choking (though not being choked), body worship, spanking, public/semi-public sex, sadism/degradation, oral fixation, leaving marks, rough sex, praise kink, dacryphilia
➺ Location (Favourite places to do the do) 
The back of his Camaro is a usual go to place, under Skull Rock at Lover’s Lake, under the bleachers or in the locker room.  However, when he can afford it, he enjoys splurging a little and taking his partner to as fancy of a hotel as he can, that way they can take their time and won’t be interrupted.
➺ Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going) 
Revealing clothing, begging, but also the flip side–when his partner is just as headstrong as him and teases him right back, he really likes the power struggle, thinks it’s hot when his partner gets angry.
➺ NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) 
He’s pretty open to trying most things as long as his partner asks for them.  However, he doesn’t like being choked or hit.  It reminds him too much of the abuse he’s received.
➺ Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc) 
Prefers receiving, but enjoys giving if he really cares about his partner, and boy is he good with his mouth.  He loves the control he has and showing off his skills, as well as hearing your desperate sounds as he makes you squirm and cum against his mouth.
➺ Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.) 
Usually fast and rough, but on occasion he can be slow and sensual (usually on those rare occasions that he gets to take his time with his partner).
➺ Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.) 
Definitely doesn’t mind them.  Often has more quickies than proper sex.
➺ Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.) 
He’s up for some experimentation, as long as he’s the one in control.  Loves taking risks in semi-public/public places.  It excites him to get away with getting his partner off with other people around.
➺ Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…) 
Billy’s got stamina for days, he’d wear you out long before he’s finished.
➺ Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?) 
Not much of a toy guy himself, but he does occasionally enjoy teasing his partners with any toys they might own. 
➺ Unfair (How much they like to tease) 
Takes a lot of pleasure in teasing his partner mercilessly. He loves the power imbalance it creates.  Plus their begging is like music to his ears.  Will definitely edge you til you’re a crying begging mess.
➺ Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make) 
Billy talks a lot of dirty talk during foreplay, his voice like honey in your ear, but once he really gets down to it, his words are interlaced with growls and deep grunts.  He’s not incredibly loud, always in control.  Get him on his back and ride him, or go down on him, however, and you’re liable to hear him start to whine, and even beg, his voice breaking as he grows desperate, but this is rare.
➺ Wild Card (Give a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Doesn’t often get jealous, but once things get serious, you’re his and if anyone dares to hit on you in his presence, they’re getting an introduction to his fist before he pulls you somewhere private to remark his territory.
➺ X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words) 
Circumcised, 5 & ½ inches, somewhat girthy, but not huge, with a slight curve, veiny and pink.  Very pretty.
➺ Yearning (How high is their sex drive?) 
Fairly high, but he knows how to show restraint.
➺ ZZZ (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards) 
Normally, Billy has a hard time falling asleep, but after sex, it’s much easier – he’s worn out and relaxed, and if he feels safe in his partner’s arms, even better.
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[ blank alphabet ]
⟶ taglist. @heartbreak-sandwich @hawkinsglasscloset @b1tchy3lf @alwaysstuckinsecondgear
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✨Bionicle crab !✨
It was, originally, meant to be just another arthropod. However, someone reblogged my previous rahi, along with this comment :
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Well, guess what ? Yes, absolutely. I’m glad I saw it because it gave me the inspiration for this monstrosity (and it made me laugh more than I would admit, too). Thanks.
I must recognise that if I compare my rahis, there is a clear pipeline. I don’t think it can go much further in this direction.
Anyways, details/closeups/weird illegal technic I just found out, below the cut !
Front (smol Visorak for scale) :
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Because it’s really big. It’s also a good excuse to show off my really fancy and glittery Kanohi. No clue where it comes from but it’s beautiful !
I’m really happy with how mean this things looks, overall. It’s most definitely the bad guy for Toas to fight. It has a really good scale to work with my larger customer Toas [here], but it could also act as a really large rahi for my smaller space-based Toas [here]. Why a large crab stealing Kanohis in space, you may ask ? No idea. I’d have to actually think out a lore for that.
I started the conception with the frame (which does make sense, in theory), then the legs, and finally the shell. This was only partially smart, because that meant I did not account for the shell's mass when building the legs. Essentially, this poor thing can't stand on it's own, so I'm using two technic bars underneath to keep it up right (which are hidden in editing, of course).
Top/Hind (shell) :
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I think the shell was pretty decent. I tried to use as little pieces as possible to keep it light, but it's still a lot. Among these pieces can be found one Visorak claw and three Mantax feet, which have a nice texture for organic feet. There is also another foot at the front which comes from an Inika set which I can't seem to find. I'm also using some of these large technic panels, which cover a lot of surface without being too much of a pain to set up (still quite a lot, since they're connected to the feet at at an angle, feet which which are also connected to the frame at an odd angle...) Speaking of Mantax, I alsu used the black-pearl shells, because these, too, have a really organic vibe, and it gave a small touch of pearl which was missing on the body.
I tried to keep the back relatively slick, to avoid something similar to an abdomen since it's not a spider. Still I had to extend it a little bit using the rounded cubical cover, to hide some socket joints, but it's okay-ish.
Neath :
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Truly a mess, I must admit. As I started with each side separately, I tried to somehow connect them with the large grey technic frame (in the middle). On either sides, I have a whole bunch of axle connectors, both standard and angled, which allow for the thing to appear rounder than it could have been. The two leg sockets peices at the front are used for the eyes, and the pieces abov (barley visible) is a classic Bionicle shoulders piece clipped backward as a base for the pincers arms.
Pincer :
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Or mandatory unusual feet usage. These really works well as any kind of claw or armor, in my opinion. The black arm pieces used here (Hordika leg piece) were particularly good for the job as they technic pin holes in there allowed me to add ad additional socket practically at the same level at the original one (even if I would rather have used black technic bars instead of the light grey ones, but i couldn't find any in my supplies... It's likely the Space station's fault.
Legs :
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Or equally mandatory foot out of not foot pieces. Here is a cursed homebrew way to make legs : one Bohrok head part (bricklink call these shoulders ?) to display the piston-like element and serve as structure, linked with Toa Metru legs (which slots above nicely. And then comes the magic trick, for the Rahkshi shells (silveragain, because I have many of these) have a small attachment point toward the end, that is meant to hold the back blades in place; but it also perfectly fits right on the small ledge in the middle of the leg piece ! Granted, it's not a very secure connection, but these two pieces don't need anything else but that to hold. I actually loved this one so much, you can notice two additional Rahkshi shells held similarly on the tope of the crab's shell.
In order to connect the legs individually to the frame, I am using Vahki legs for the exterior limbs, and Pihraka arms for the central ones (these arms have the particular property of having the restrictive sockets on either sides, which makes it good to keep the leg's shape.
The middle sections are made using two simple axle-socket pieces connected by old plates, usually found in technic sets predating the Bionicle them.
…And obviously, I had to make another makeshift studio (I actually really like this one). Have a look at all these terribly assembled elements !
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ioniansunsets · 8 months
Hello yuno! As vday is coming i have an idea or scenario if every heartsteel kayn were to receive handmade chocolates from his f-crush how would he react to it or feel or whichever way you would like owo!!! Feeling like the young kayn in high school moment ♡♡please take your time and its ok you dont have to rush it
✖ Valentine’s Confession Highschool Kayn ✖
✖ Word Count: 1.2k Words
✖ Tags: Mutual Pinning! Awkward young love.
✖ A/N: I wrote a mutual confession thing cause I thought it’ll be cute! I really put my whole IonianSunsussy into this please enjoy it. [Actually the idea of highschool sweethearts Kayn is also really cute. Like imagine the gap moe. He never talks about it and then during Paranoia’s debut he’s just like “ hey can I get an extra VIP ticket? My partner wants to watch.” and everyone is like ??????? and he’s like ??? “ Yeah I’ve been dating them since we were like 15. 6th year anniversary is this weekend.”]
✖ Wrote This Listening To: He just wants to be Somebody to You. I think the whole lone wolf that fell head over heels in love is cute for him hahahhaha
Kayn isn’t sure if he should be laughing or crying. Here he is, standing outside your club room at what, 5pm in the evening? Guitar strapped behind his back and a little gift in his hands. Ok, so he had liked you for a while now, so what, nothing wrong with love. Love was badass. So he decided to do something about those irritating feelings and bought you chocolates. So what! So, he decided it was just not hardcore enough, and went to melt and make his own fucking valentine’s chocolates for you. So What!
Maybe he baked cookies too huh? Is that so bad! Is it so bad that he got Akali to lend him some fancy stationery to write you some shitty fucking love letter! Its hardcore, its over the top! It’s how The Shieda Kayn should confess. Nothing subpar, none of that weak, half-assed work. Only the best. You only deserve everything and then some. You deserve the handmade chocolates. You deserve the expensive store bought ones he got too. You deserve that nicely wrapped box with the fancy hand cut crinkle paper in the pretty gift bag. You deserve the handmade cookies that he painstakingly made in your favorite flavor, with the cute icing of Rhaast and the matching handmade sprinkles (that Zed so kindly helped him with). You deserve the effort he took, the countless nights of planning to write down a very well written rap (confessional love poem) for you. You deserve the scented paper (his cologne) and the cool stickers on the envelope (its holographic hearts).
You deserve someone better than him.
He winces as he accidentally bit his lip too hard. Suddenly brought back to the reality of how long he has spent standing by this door. Another click of his tongue, he continues irritatingly tapping his foot while he reconsiders all he’s about to do. Was it creepy? Waiting for you after club activities? What? People should call it romantic right? It…it Was romantic…right? Waiting an extra hour or two after his own extra classes for Your own club activities to finish? I mean, he worked hard growing the balls to ask you to wait for him after school. You said yes earlier too! This is not creepy, this is just him living up to promises he made with you. This is. Normal. Yeah. Totally normal. Romance will die when he lets it. Kayn swallows hard, hand gripping tighter to the ribbon handles of the beautiful gift bag he spent his allowance on. The contents on the bag feeling heavier and heavier by the minute.
Knocking the door with his other hand, Kayn slowly peers into the club room. Slowly opening the door, he enters silently. The sickly blinding white fluorescent room lights mixing with the oranges of the late afternoon sun streaming in from the open windows. Kayn looks around, catching sight of you standing by the closet in the corner of the room packing up whatever it was that you did after school.
" Hey. I’m here like I said." " Kayn!"
He watches as you jump, fumbling as you try to hide whatever it is that was in the closet. Raising an eyebrow, he stands there, giving you an awkward smile as his eyes narrow to discern just what it is you were hiding from him.
“ Oh? Oh~ What is that huh?”
Kayn teases you, hiding his own gift behind his back as he walks over, trying to peer in and see what you’re so desperately hiding from him. As you look back at him with feigned irritation on your face, some quick maneuvers later you managed to hide whatever it is on the shelf behind your back.
“ You first. What’s that huh?”
As you ask him the question, a slow red blush creeps up his cheeks. Slowly you lean over to him, trying to see what is it that he’s holding behind His back. It can’t be right. No way life would treat someone like him this well. No way, no way. You were too close way too close. He swallows hard, leaning back to try and hide what he can behind his guitar case while also leaning away from you. So close to him that he could feel not only your presence in his personal space but the delectable warmth radiating off your skin. As your eyes meet his with that mischievous glint, he freezes. Stunned by both your beauty and the sudden realization that he should get this done and over with before he backs out. A shakily smug smile creeps onto his face as he tries his best to tamp down his anxiety with his Kayn branded cockiness. Was this something everyone went through? Were first loves and confessions this bad for everybody? God, he could feel his palms sweating again. Kayn coughs lightly to clear his throat before proudly thrusting the fancy bag in your face.
“ I…worked really hard on a little something for you. I hope you like it.”
Barely audible, Kayn whispers as he looks away shy. Contrary to his earlier actions, he gently lowers his hands and places the gift into your embrace. His eyes dart around the room, not able to meet your gaze, Kayn seemingly shrinks away from you with the realization of his past few days worth of effort all hitting him at once. The Valentine’s day gift was literally out of his hands now. A breathy laugh escapes him before he finally finds the meager courage to look at you again. And of course, he was instantly awestruck. How could he not be with you. Looking back at him with that tender look, the way your own lips slowly curl into a smile, the sparkle in your eyes as you look from him to the gift in your hands back at him.
“ Kayn…”
” No. Don’t say anything, just…go read the thing when you’re home alone. I don’t wanna hear it! I’m going!”
As he turns to leave, you quickly grab his arm, pulling him back with a quick jerk. Eyes closed, you press your lips against his. Kayn’s own eyes go wide as he looks, unblinking, back at you in shock. He was now suddenly very, very aware of what it felt like when people talked about time feeling like it's stopping.
“ And this is for you.”
You quickly return a similarly lovingly wrapped box into his hands. Kayn frozen in place, his heart working in overdrive, thumping so loudly he was sure he would get a heart attack right here right now. His face such a bright red that the blush reaches up to his ears and also spread down his chest. You could see it peaking through his unbuttoned collar when your gaze trailed down. Before his brain could even begin to regain function you quickly wave to him, scrambling to pick up your bag you run off. Leaving Kayn flustered and alone in the empty classroom as the sun begins to set. You too had to leave his presence before the embarrassment of what went down caught up to you too.
There would be a lot for you guys to talk about tomorrow at school.
Link to fanart for this!
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lovelykil · 1 year
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kyle x reader older ver.
hc; reader who cries during sex
cw; slight? nsfw
note; (based off the request) okay doing kyle bc he's my bby girl ⤵
bro is so WORRIED and panicking
his immediate reaction is to stop and check on you to see of you're okay
"Y/n are you okay?? Does it hurt that bad? I mean we can just stop of you're uncomfortable, I-"
"no no I'm okay-! I'm just nervous.. We're literally about to do it and I'm crying on the spot oh my god this is embarrassing." 🤕
He thinks he's HURT you or something but it's just your nerves acting up
Like this one time
You actually suggested wanting to 'make love' the fancy way he likes you to put it instead of sex, cause it just sounds vulgar and eww
anyway he was on the couch on his phone, parents weren't home and you were hungry for him
not literally
but dick
you get?
you understand what
yeah, okay moving on
You crawled over to him on the couch and nudged his arm, getting his attention.
"you look like you need your dick sucked rn"
2 minutes later after convincing the ginger and teasing he finally gave in with a flush.
"here on the couch?"
"shi, I didn't know you was a freak like that."
"ohh sure" 💁🏾‍♀️
He's sitting on the couch with his hands pinned to the sides of him, hesitantly watching you carefully pull the strings to his sweats. On your knees upon him, though you would stop mid-way as the tie just started to get loose.
Breaking into a cold sweat and swallowing hard.
Kyle looked at you confused and worried something might've been wrong.
"Y/n are you okay?" He asked.
You stared down at the tie starting to attempt to untie it again but very much struggling to do so as you sniffled to yourself.
Why the fuck was this tie so hard to UNTIE all of a sudden your fingers couldn't just do the simple task of untying something 💔💔
Tears swelled your eyes, your cheeks burning up overall body temp burning up. You felt like you were gonna lose it
well no
not really
you're soo nervous..
why be confident then all of a sudden turn into a big pussy 😒
I'm jk but fr
Kyle kept staring trying to come up with something to say but you looked up at him slowly, a tear rolling down your cheek.
"Holy shit Y/n, baby are you oka-"
"I wanted to suck your dick but I'm too nervous now.." 😕☹️
Kyle blinks, he's obviously so confused but can't help but giggle at your mood switch. He brings his hand to his mouth to cover up the little laugh.
"awe y/n- you don't have to do it if you don't wanna.. come here baby.." He reassured in a caring tone, grabbing your hand.
He brings you onto the couch with him to hug as you weeped
You held onto him as he cuddled you, rubbing your back to soothe you but still you could just tell he was holding back from laughing further.
"I know you're laughing.."
"what? no!"
it's silent for a second before he snickers. You groan leaning off of him.
"Okay okay! I'm sorry its JUST THAT-"
"omg you're an ass.." you sniffled, wiping away tears from your embarrassed face.
He brings you back toward him to hug you tight, trying to show you he cares.
not like he just laughed in your face
I'm jk he would never (maybe) okay it depends but
He lays a kiss on your head, wiping away the final tears off your face.
"It's okay to be nervous I get it."
"Yeah I know."
"..what's that supposed to mean"
"mm.. nothing anyway.."
Kyle's also nervous asf when it's comes to
I mean
"making love" 🤓☝🏾
yall fr best match
but he doesn't cry during it 😭 unless you're giving him like heavenly top
Then okay I guess he'd have some tears in his eyes
I'm going off topic UHHH 🤳🏽
there was another time where yall was just fooling around you know 😚💁🏾‍♀️
then things lead to another and WOAH he's rubbing his member against your lips (other one )
You start to feel that sinking feeling in your stomach almost like you were going to throw up, I mean you were totally ready for him to ruin your insides omfg nothing more you wanted right now but
your nerves.
just as when he was about to put it in he saw a tear roll down your face, avoiding his contact.
He quickly felt so disgusted with himself, was he hurting you? What if you didn't want this? Maybe he took it the wrong way.
he's so careful and cautious yet so frantic as he asks what's wrong while his hands go to cuff your face softly.
"Yes what? No I'm okay I'm just like anxious.. I'm sorry I didn't mean to stress you out."
poor baby thinks he's making you uncomfortable
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goatcheesecak3 · 10 months
Dating Adam headcanons
Context: this takes place after he escapes the bathroom (which definitely happened and is 1000% canon)
I've never written for Adam before, so I hope I did our bbygirl justice
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He really doesn't like bathrooms anymore, for obvious reasons. He'll only shower if you sit outside talking or singing to him the whole time. When he gets out, you dry his hair for him all while telling him how proud you are and how brave he is.
He doesn't really keep on top of general chores, so you regularly do his laundry for him or come by to help clean his apartment. With any other guy you might find this irritating, but Adam's got enough on his plate, you're just glad he's letting you take care of him.
This man is CLINGY, if you're not with him he's constantly texting and calling you to make sure nothing bad has happened. When you are with him, he's pretty much always touching you in some way, it could be cuddling, having his arm over your shoulder or just resting his hand on your leg. He says he just finds physical touch comforting, and after all he's been through, you can see why.
Absolutely no one makes you laugh like Adam does, it's what attracted you to him in the first place. He's got such a clever dry wit, it seems as though he's been blessed with the ability to speak in perfect one liners 24/7. He constantly has you either cracking up, or rolling your eyes playfully.
He's incredibly cheeky, even though he's been your boyfriend for a while, he still flirts with you as if he's trying to pick you up at a bar or something. You find the amount of effort he puts into wooing you very cute.
He has a lot of trouble with sleeping. Sometimes his nightmares get so bad that he gets too scared to go to sleep, other times he wakes up in a panic, thinking he's waking up back in that awful room. You've discovered that sleeping with a small lamp on helps with this, so that when he wakes up he can immediately tell where he is, and playing gentle music while he goes to bed seems to calm him. But the most effective thing you've found, is warmth. Back in the bathroom it was freezing cold and damp, so to give him the opposite effect, you buy him a hot water bottle to cuddle at night (as well as cuddling him yourself).
He's pretty broke, so he can't really afford to take you out on fancy dates, but you don't care about that at all. Sometimes he'll take you for an evening walk in the park, which the two of you really enjoy. For special occasions though, he scrapes together whatever money he can to give you a nice night. He'll usually splurge on a steak and some wine and cook you a fancy meal from home, which you eat in his little apartment by candlelight.
Adam has a real sweet tooth, when you come to stay with him you always make a stop in a corner store on the way and pick him up some chocolate or a bag of skittles or something (and a pack of smokes ofc), and every time without fail it surprises him.
Surprisingly, arguments aren't actually that common between the two of you. Don't get me wrong, sometimes Adam can be a bit of an ass, he can be snippy and quick to anger, but you never let it escalate. You understand that he's got good reason to be a little unpredictable emotionally, so you're patient and kind to him, even when he's out of line. You manage to calm him enough to talk through whatever the issue is, and resolve things fairly quickly.
When he talks about you to other people he doesn't ever say "my girlfriend/boyfriend," it's always "my girl/ my boy". Hearing him introduce you to others like "this is my girl/boy, y/n" just makes your heart flutter.
A/n I've never written for Adam before, so pls let me know if you want more!
Check my pinned post for request details and my masterlist!
Replies and reblogs are very much appreciated <3
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Take Care
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Anselm Vogelweide x F!Reader • Rating: 18+ pals Masterlist• ao3• want to be tagged? | request info • Kinktober 2023 Masterlist • Day 5: Sensory Deprivation
Summary: Anselm needs you to take care of him after a difficult day.
A/N: In my brain this takes place in the Trine series (you do not have to read that to read this.) There’s some German in here. (Mein Deutsch ist sehr grundlegend, wie ein Kleinkind.) Schatzi - my treasure (term of endearment), bitte - please, gott - god.
Warnings: sub!Anselm, sex swing, hand job, anal penetration with a dildo, bondage, crying, begging, typos, please let me know if I've missed a warning!
Word Count: 923
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Anselm groaned when you broke the kiss. He tried to chase after your lips, but the thick leather collar around his neck stops him from getting too far. 
He whines a little as he strains against it, the tendons sticking out in his neck. You can’t help but smile wickedly at him as he struggles before you press your forefinger firmly against his forehead and push him back down. 
He groans again. “My love, please.” His voice is desperate, weak. And you can tell he’s close to crying, having slipped so quickly and easily into subspace this time. He really wasn’t joking when he said he needed you.
Anselm had had a trying day. Problems upon problems compounding on top of each other to a maddening degree. So much so that he had forgone his usual cat and mouse games that he liked to play when you came home and just flat out begged you to take care of him.
Which is how he’d ended up in this position. 
Naked and blindfolded, with noise cancelling headphones over his ears, all tied up and spread wide on the sex swing. (It was a fancy thing, soft leather and custom made, of course. With straps that tightened around his neck, ankles, wrists, thighs and biceps to pin him in place.) 
You leaned down and placed a soft kiss on his inner thigh. He gasped, his muscles jumping under your touch, before his surprise became a soft moan. 
He whined when you stepped back, letting out a little pitiful huff of breath as you moved to the side and took out what you wanted from the drawer. 
“My love?” The questioning in his voice nearly broke your heart, it was so soft and gentle. Obviously without being able to see or hear was pushing him even more towards vulnerability. 
You quickly moved back to him, giving his hand a soft squeeze that he quickly returned. He let out a little shuddered breath as he relaxed at your touch. 
Slowly you poured lube onto the metal dildo. It was thin and curved with a large ball at the end. When you were happy you gently pressed it against Anselm’s entrance.
He gasped, his back arching as much as he was able. He recognised the toy just by its touch, a personal favourite of his. 
“Schatzi bitte, please,” he whined as you leisurely pushed it past his ring of muscle and you couldn’t help but bite back a smile. He looks so beautiful like this, spread out, mouth open, limbs taut in pleasure. 
He groaned low in his throat as you pushed it in deeper, the cool metal making him shiver. His dick twitched against his stomach, the tip swollen and red, as you angled the toy slightly, looking for that perfect spot. 
“Ugh, my love, ah!” He grabbed hold of the soft ropes above his hands, grinding his hips against the dildo as much as he was able to with his limited movement. His breathing hitches ever so slightly. You twist your wrist, pushing the toy a fraction to the left and-
“Ah! Oh gott!” His back arched, muscles seized up like he had been electrocuted as pleasure erupted along his spine. 
You grinned and pressed a small kiss to his inner wrist, giving him just the smallest moment to relax as you ease the pressure on his prostate before you increase it again. 
He moans loudly, his hips stuttering, thighs shaking as he follows the movement. You circle the metallic ball around his nerve, massaging it languidly as he writhes and gasps in pleasure. 
“Bitte, bitte, bitte-oh!” 
He lets out a high pitched whimper as you take his weeping cock in your free hand and begin to stroke him in time with the pumps of the dildo. 
Anselm throws his head back, completely giving into the sensations, giving into you. Tears that had been building for the past half an hour finally spill down his cheeks as he babbles nonsense into the air and pulls at the leather holding him still, his muscles straining. 
His hips jerk upwards, little shuddered gasps of air leaving his lungs. His cock pulses in your hand and you lean down flicking your tongue just over his tip and-
He cries out loudly, an extreme sigh of pleasure as he cums. Every muscle in his body tenses as his orgasm washes over him in waves.
You hum against him, wrapping your lips around his cock just at the last second and swallowing as he pumps hot, thick cum into your mouth and down your throat. 
You keep going, keep sucking, keep circling his prostate until his limbs go slack, tears rolling down his cheeks from under the blindfold as you look up at him. 
“My love,” he whispers, his voice low and small. 
You take him out of your mouth gently. Ease the dildo out and place it on the side before you take off the blindfold and headphones, kissing his cheeks and lips as you work. 
He nuzzles into your touch, desperate and satiated. He keeps his eyes closed and forehead pressed against you as you untie him and massage his limbs.
“You okay?” You ask and he sighs happily.  
“I missed your voice.” He mutters. 
Softly, you stroke his hair. “I could have taken them off sooner, I-”
“No,” he shakes his head against you. “I needed it.” 
Delicately you press a kiss to his warm lips. Anselm moans as he kisses you back, his hand tightly holding yours.
Thank you for reading! (Using a different tag list for kinktober so I don't overwhelm anyone.)
@flightlessangelwings @steven-grants-world @lonelyisamyw-0love @eyelessfaces @angel-of-the-moons @campingwiththecharmings @minigirl87
If you'd like to be taken off the tag list please let me know here
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kristvns · 2 years
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆; featuring: 𝗍𝗈𝗃𝗂 𝖿𝗎𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗀𝗎𝗋𝗈, 𝗇𝖺𝗇𝖺𝗆𝗂 𝗄𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗈, 𝗋𝗒𝗈𝗆𝖾𝗇 𝗌𝗎𝗄𝗎𝗇𝖺, 𝗌𝖺𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗎 𝗀𝗈𝗃𝗈, & 𝗇𝖺𝗈𝗒𝖺 𝗓𝖾𝗇𝗂𝗇
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒; sexual content, mdni, fem! reader intended.
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒; old draft from a while ago so posting it on here. And even though they aren’t all canonically dilf’s they are in my head. Reblogs are appreciated <3 unedited
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𝐓𝐎𝐉𝐈 𝐅𝐔𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐔𝐑𝐎: humiliation + degrading
ღ Humiliation kink: I think everyone knows he's into degrading but let's talk about how Toji would definitely have his fair share of humiliation ( sadist ). Sex in the public? yes. Fucking you in the mirror. yes. Fucking you against the window of his high-rise apartment on the very top floor? yes. In fact he would drive insane from the pleasure he would feel from the high chances of both you and him getting caught. There was one time when Toji decided to take you out to a fancy dinner because he wanted to "get out the house" and of course your innocence believed it.
You thought it would be a quick little date of both you and him talking over some overpriced food and wine. Wrong. Of course, Toji didn't just pick the table in the far back just to talk to you about your day. Poor Toji just wanted to experience one of the many things on his bucket list and that's eating you out while the waiter takes your order. Be happy he didn't pick a table in the middle of the restaurant.
ღ Degrading: Now let's speak about Toji and Degrading. It's such a dangerous combo. He would Mutter phrases like "stupid fuckin' slut. You're that fucking cock hungry? Takin' me in whole I see" or when you whine out "it's too much m'cant take it" in the pillow he's pounding you in. Toji can sometimes go a little too far by accident. We all know Toji fushiguro does not know when to filter his mouth even if he tried his hardest.
He would go a little overboard when it comes to degrading. Bringing up your insecurities or soft subjects you really don't enjoy talking about. Toji usually struggles with soft words, speaking about how he feels or even showing kind jester's. And since your his first love he really apologizes when he goes to far since he have the fear of loosing you
𝐒𝐔𝐊𝐔𝐍𝐀: size kink + overstimulation
ღ Size kink: Sukuna secretly enjoys the size difference. Doesn't matter your weight, size, or height sukuna would always feel the need to "overpower you". you, he can't help but compare how small you are to him. He also Love's it when you ride him, he also would fondle with your breast while you're at it. Kissing and teasing them is always a must. Sukuna also loves watching you struggle to take his fat girth which brings out his dominate side more than anything. He grunts when he tries to push his girth in between your wet folds since your so tight, even after the many times the two of you had sex it still amazes him how you fit so tight around him. When sukuna is holding You think he's just showing affection when he's caressing and massaging against your stomach in reality he's just measuring how far his cock can go before touching your cervix once again.
ღ Overstimulation: Sukuna can't also always have what he wants, but he can't help himself but to keep going when you came around his cock 3 times in the last 30 minutes. Overstimulation and sukuna is a bad combo. He won't stop until you begging, telling him you can't cum anymore. He still managed to make you cum an extra 2 times. Too bad sukuna always get's what he wants. Sukuna would have you pinned down on your stomach on the bed while eating you out doggy style. You don't know what's making sukuna go so angry and crazy for doing something like this unexpectedly. He made you cum 3 times already in the span of 20 minutes.
Nanami kento: bondage + dracryphillia
ღ Bondage: it took quite a while for Nanami to find the kink’s that really turned him on. It started when you decided to stop by your husbands office to drop off his lunch that you unfortunately forgot to pack for him to take with him. When you arrived nanami was very stressed and frustrated: so like any other perfect wife would do you, you decided to help him take his mind off things. Nanami used his tie to tie around your wrist and to bend you over his formal desk area before fucking you in obliviation. Nanami actually really enjoys the view, he also really loves how it gives him all the power in the world for him to throw you around like a sex toy.
ღ dracryphillia: Nanami know’s it’s wrong, but he honestly can’t help it. You look so pretty when you cry and nanami can’t hold back. Whether it’s edging you, fucking you, overstimulating you it doesn’t matter nanami will do anything to watch fat tears roll down your cheeks. Nanami also enjoyed it when you cry giving him a blowjob. When he purposely shoved his length a little to far for your liking causing you to cry from the impact that Nanami knows good and well you can’t take. He almost felt bad when he watched your cheeks get stained with your warm tears. Almost.
𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎: hate sex & Voyeurism
ღ Hate sex: hate sex is the best sex. Gojo is the type to purposely argue with you, specifically getting you riled up because he did something he clearly knows you told him not to do. Here's how it started, you specifically told gojo to NOT interrupt you since today you're working from home. You reminded him for a week straight prior to this important zoom call that was being taken in the home office. Gojo just couldn't help it though. He would hate to admit it but seeing you in formal clothes was definitely a new kink for the growing man.
Gojo knew what he was getting himself into when he would prouposlj budge in asking dumb questions during your zoom meeting. Saying "where's the toolbox at?" even though the two of you never owned one to begin with. Or "can you help me which tie to where for work?" Gojo hates ties and dressing up. So all theese shannaginvs were really blowing you. It came to the point where the boss had grew tired of you turning off your camera and mic every 5 seconds. One in which you forgot to turn off when you cursed out gojo. After that meeting you didn't talk to gojo the rest of the day, neither the next day. He apologized so many times with his kisses and affection saying he was just bored. And so, for having him to appologize gojo and you had the best hate sex there was. Just to apologize by having sex or just simply fucking and getting it over with. It never fails, It always works.
ღ Voyeurism: Piggybacking off the previous, gojo enjoy’s fucking you while your on the phone. He can’t help it, it’s something about the excitement & risk that gets him off, he really can’t help it. There was once when your mother called and gojo just couldn’t keep his hands off of you as he promised he’ll keep quiet. There was also another time when your ex called; which of course made satoru furious but that didn’t stop him from making you ride his face while he was on the phone, but this time he wouldn’t keep quiet. He wanted the prick on the other side of the line to get the memo and fuck off. He placed his tongue and all your sweet spot’s knowing you couldn’t hold back and forbidden you to hang up.
When satoru heard how your ex was begging for you to come back and to ditch whoever you were with it made satoru very annoyed and pissed, which caused him to start fucking you while he was still on the phone. Unfortunate for your behalf you let out a few moans which caused your ex to think you were getting off to him. When it clearly wasn’t the case at all. Maybe satoru should record you and send a video to him so the damn prick can back off of what’s his.
Naoya zenin: brat taming.
ღ brat taming: Naoya loves being in control. He want’s to be the one that call the shots whether that’s not allowing you to cum, overstimulating you or even edging you. He rarely, and I mean rarely allow’s you to control him but when it happen’s naoya completely bottom’s out which is why he rarely allows you to take control. Naoya enjoy’s making you pissed, hell purposely get you rolled up, act’s naive when your needy, purposely get’s you to do stuff he told you not to do to then give him a reason to be in control and put you in your place.
Suguru geto: praise + breeding kink
ღ Praise: Suguru loves you. He loves everything about you and that’s where the praise comes in. He’s obsessed with you in every way possibly which is why suguru has a very very strong praise kink for you. He know’s you have you doubt’s about the relationship the two of you share but he makes sure to prove them all wrong while the two of you are making love. Whether that’s constantly telling you how much he love you, saying how good your taking him or even saying how much of a “good girl” you are to him.
ღ Breeding kink: it’s just something about the way suguru can’t pull out when he’s about to cum. Yes suguru pull out game is weak but having a couple kids with him couldn’t be that bad. Suguru fucks you in a full mating press as he can’t stop fantasizing of filling your cunt up with loads of cum. It’s a risk that gets him off knowing that there is a high chance you can get pregnant if he keep it up. Suguru would groan just of the mere thought of it — you walking around the house swollen with his kids, your kids. As your breast are constantly growing sore and swollen just waiting for the comfort of his hands.
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© 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐊𝐒 𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐎 𝐊𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐕𝐍𝐒, 𝗉𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗌𝖾 𝖽𝗈𝗇'𝗍 𝗉𝗅𝖺𝗓𝖺𝗋𝗂𝗓𝖾, 𝖼𝗈𝗉𝗒, 𝗌𝗍𝖾𝖺𝗅, 𝗋𝖾𝗆𝖺𝗄𝖾 ( 𝗎𝗇𝗅𝖾𝗌𝗌 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖺𝗌𝗄 ) 𝖺𝗇𝗒 𝗈𝖿 𝗆𝗒 𝗐𝗈𝗋𝗄𝗌 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗍 𝗆𝗒 𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗆𝗂𝗌𝗌𝗂𝗈𝗇, 𝗈𝗋 𝖺𝗍 𝖺𝗅𝗅 — 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗄 𝗒𝗈𝗎 !
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