#but remember this is just me celebrating over my hc having some ground base!!
acoraxia · 2 years
not dismissing your headcanons but wasn't him calling him that in the context of sworn brothers?
yes and that’s still a win for me
Macaque is never addressed as SWK’s sworn brother nor does he ever call him that they even address that SWK is DBK’s sworn brother which ties to the Mandarin dub where he calls him “brother ox” and calls PIF “sister” because of their connections
That and.. I know the meaning of “sworn brotherhood” vary depending on the region but ngl LMK isn’t a romance-driven show, it tends to focus on familial and platonic relationships more than anything hence why I’m ecstatic over it. I got a bit excited that’s on me but pretty sure you can also interpret a sworn brother as… someone who you actually consider as a brother? Or at least someone close enough to be your brother
Aha, coughing, no wonder SWK has issues
(Pls read my tags)
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allfortzu · 1 year
the entire world, them
-- tzuyu / twice. 876 - fluff, gen - requested, hcs. MEN DNI
what would tzuyu do if her members forgot her birthday?
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it's a strange feeling 
there was some disappointment when she didn't receive any wishes at 12, but that was more of an above-and-beyond hope rather than an expectation 
now it's 11 in the morning, and she still hasn't received a single one
it's a chest tightening sadness, the sort that tugs at her heartstrings and blanks her mind completely
of course, other people have remembered; casual friends, colleagues, even that old lady down the street who sells custard bungeoppang
but it's not the same when the people who actually matter don't say it 
not that everyone else didn't matter, but these were her favourite people
the ones she would drop the entire world for 
wouldn't they do the same for her? 
she tries not to make a big deal out of it, though 
it's just a birthday; they've been together for so long that even birthday wishes lose their significance, right? 
she doesn't register most of the day, really
every moment she has with them, there's a suffocating urge to ask: it's my birthday, aren't we celebrating?
and it shows, too
she's quieter, more sullen in her movements. doesn't even really want to spend the day with them anymore
but she's got a job to do, so it's less of a choice for her 
"tzu, you okay?" jeongyeon asks, sensing the change in tzuyu's demeanour
you know why i'm acting like this 
though, now that someone's actually noticed, she feels a little pathetic for being so obvious  
it's less that she thinks they've forgotten, because they would never forget, she's sure
but that would mean they've simply grown to stop caring about it 
so was it wrong that tzuyu still looked forward to it, then? 
was it weird that she looked forward to them showering her in their love all day 
that all their attention would be on her, they would hug her, kiss her, and everything would go as she wanted? 
tzuyu manages her most convincing smile. "i'm fine, just tired." 
the day is a blur
she finds that she doesn't enjoy her birthday that much 
if birthday wishes were real, she wishes wasn't the type who cared
holds back her tears because she's angry and she doesn't want to cry about something not worth her emotions
normally, they would have a birthday dinner together 
tzuyu thinks about treating herself, but even that only serves to remind her of the lack of an actual birthday dinner with her members 
she walks back to her apartment, and for once, can't wait for her birthday to be over 
but then it comes 
and it hits suddenly
she's startled for a second, eight girls in the doorway of her apartment 
"happy birthday!" 
pure, unadulterated joy
she doesn't know why she starts bursting out in tears 
"i thought you all forgot…" she sniffles, rubbing at her nose with the back of her palm, hiding her swollen face behind her hands
"hey, why are you crying!" nayeon panics, lifting the cake up to tzuyu's eyes. "happy birthday?!"
"oh, poor baby," sana coos, pouting herself. "when have we ever forgotten your birthday?" 
she's smothered in an overwhelming group hug, barely able to reciprocate from how much she's crying and the sheer force of it 
she hiccups through her words, the sentences coming out in incoherent mewls
no one can really understand, so they all pile on with their own version of an explanation
"we just wanted it to be a surprise," dahyun purses her lips, downturned
"it was jeongyeon's idea!" chaeyoung points accusingly.
"excuse me," jeongyeon scoffs. "it was a group effort, mind you!"
momo suddenly develops an acute interest in the ground
"personally, i thought it would be a bad idea," mina shrugs, holding her arms up in defense 
"ya! don't lie!" jihyo screams, smacking mina on the shoulder 
an uncontrollable laughter escapes from the base of tzuyu's throat, spilling over in between sobs 
"see! it wasn't that bad of an idea!" jeongyeon says. "she's happy… ish?”
looking at all of them, she finally notices the the little things throughout the day
how chaeyoung let her lay on her shoulder to rest 
how mina got her a cold drink from the cafeteria 
how nayeon paid for her lunch
how dahyun bought her desert after
how momo gave her a thumbs up when she got the choreography down right
how jihyo watched her closely through the mirror, more than she usually would 
and how sana would pat her gently on the head whenever they talked, tip toeing and grinning but never saying why
of course they cared
"i love you all," tzuyu mumbles under her breath, sheepish. "don't do this again, though." 
"ah,” nayeon hums, taking a step forward to pinch tzuyu's cheeks. “you really are the cutest.”
it sets off a ripple of coos and teases from the other members as well, and she's smothered in hugs and kisses once again 
by then, they've created a circle around tzuyu, right in the middle of her apartment 
a bubble from the rest of the world
a place for her to whine and complain about not receiving any birthday wishes 
a space for her to be the type that cares too much, unashamedly 
this is her world — what is there to drop?
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uwua3 · 4 years
hi hello yes i love your blog sm !! your writing makes me feel so soft 😔💞💞💞💞 sometimes i even reread my favorites~ (like your tenma and tsumu hcs, so cute i love💘) may i please request friends to lovers hcs of sakuya with someone that loves acting as much as him? thank you so much for giving us top tier content and don’t stop being adorable!!!!💕💕
thank you so much TT you’re sooo cute 💗💘💖💞💕💓💝 i’m so happy you have favorites of mine :O + i love saku so much 🥺🥺🥺 this request makes me super duper happy!!! thank you :D you’re so adorable, anon~ ♡
summary: acting was rebirth for you, and sakuya remained the same despite living hundreds of lives
warnings: abandonment issues, giving up on your dreams
author’s note: the trope for this is moreso past friends > lovers! i adjusted the prompt so that the reader was someone who struggled with their dream of acting and was being held back, similar to izumi/tsumugi! please enjoy this, and know it is okay to give up—it takes strength to do so.
growing up, i feared failure to the point where i gave up on every single one of my passions. now, i don’t have any strong passions, so this type of reader truly healed a part of childhood me. for those who also quit and now have nothing, you’re not late. you’re perfectly on time, this is your life and it’s your decision to find what you love. you don’t need a dream now, you aren’t less than because you don’t have passion. as long as you’re happy, why should a dream matter?
word count: 4,741
music: fallin’ flower – seventeen (the instrumental of this song is what it’d feel like for sakuya in the last scene!), together – seventeen
bloom together (rebirth).
🌸🌷 sakuma sakuya
every actor’s first rebirth is on stage
it’s when the spotlight belongs to you, where all eyes are on you but you’re someone else tonight. you can be anyone you want, the same face but a new name that gives you life
you are reborn again and again as multiple versions extended as an actor, until the clapping takes you back to the stage and you’re taking a bow as yourself
it’s reincarnation, it’s becoming a new person just for a hour for the audience but training months behind the scenes. you’re reborn
yet, you’ve always been you. ever the same, unchanging, just... you
it was closing night of romeo & julius that you wanted to become someone else, just for a moment
a buzzer sounded but the start of the highly anticipated play was a creak. the main lead stepped onto stage and the wooden floorboard creaked, and it was the start of what you thought was the best performance of his life
romeo was living his dream, you could see that even towards the back row. you hung onto every carefully practiced line that he managed to convey naturally, every subtle and grand gesture that aligned with his period–accurate costume, every shift in the actor—no, romeo’s expression upon facing other protagonists and villains alike
it was the blooming of one of the most passionate actors ever to grace the mankai stage
you become one with the standing ovation, tears running down your face as a part of you regrets your own fear. that could’ve been you on stage, performing for hundreds as you take in the applause with a smile. but, you gave up—you never tried to begin with
when romeo bowed, you wished you were beside him. if only you didn’t give up, if only you were as determined as he was
you walked home slowly, as if your own steps wanted to trace back their path to the theatre. you wanted it—the sleepless nights memorizing a well–written script and scribbling notes in the margins, the adrenaline rushing in your veins right before the curtain parted, costume fittings and seeing them come alive in the mirror because it was made for you and you alone
but, did you deserve it after all these years?
your face was stained by the remanence of crying towards the climax of romeo & julius. you were on the edge of your seat the entire time, flinching during the sword fight and mourning alongside the heavy emotions weighing down the atmostphere of the theatre
yet, you felt like that wasn’t the only reason you tried muffling your cries as you roughly wiped the onslaught of tears away, letting out a tired, pitiful mock laugh at your own state. how pathetic, you were crying just like back then
before you left him—oh, you were back at mankai theatre
you blinked at the sign above the double doors, knowing the show was long done now. the poster advertisements were still tacked and framed onto the brick wall. he was the center of it all, swinging his weapon with the precision of a trained knight. the letters of the actor’s name blurred in your vision when you read it
of course, it was him. you knew romeo very well
you don’t know why, but you pushed open the doors and discovered it wasn’t locked. the low quiet excitement that made the air feel like electricity was gone, and all that was left was nothing but the stage. the staff must’ve been gone, most likely celebrating their first closing night for many years to come
you stood at the edge of the entrance, and the stage at the end of the aisle. for some reason, it was as if you knew this theatre like the back of your hand, you reached out to flip a switch on without looking. the circular side floor lights illuminated the pathway, as if you were meant to follow it
who were you to argue with fate? you walked down the aisle, split center between once filled rows. there wasn’t a single opening in sight before, but now, it was empty. you took your time running your hand over the top edges of the seats, feeling the red lush velvet beneath your fingertips
you stopped by the stairs at the bottom of the stage, leading up to place you longed to be ever since you met him. tilting your head back, you released a shaky breath; hesitant, nervous, undeserving
could you let yourself do this, even if it was just once?
when you carefully made your way up, the stage creaked underneath your foot as you stepped on. center stage and all that stood was you, pretending the heat of the spotlight shined upon your frame and an audience was witness to your rebirth
you remembered it, your monologue you had wrote many years ago. you straightened your back, about to deliver the only performance of your life before you heard a voice that spoke just mere hours before
your eyes snapped open, turning your head down towards the direction of the voice and stopped. it was romeo—no, sakuya, at the base of the stage out of costume with his lips forming the shape of your name. he remembered? of course he did, it was so like him to do that
silence passed, as if he was speechless by your presence. sakuya stumbled back when you attempted to say his name, his immediate reaction was to run away. but then, he shook his head, standing his ground as he looked up at you with confusion and disbelief, like you weren’t really there
“why are you here?” sakuya trailed off, unable to form coherent thoughts as you sighed, moving to sit at the edge of the stage. sakuya took a few steps back, staring at you wide–eyed before rubbing his eyes and looking again
“i saw your play, romeo.” you simply said, swinging your legs back and forth with a nonchalant look at nothing in particular despite how nervous you were. it was strange, you never felt this way before around him
it had been years since you last saw sakuya, and he looked grown up now. much older, and more confident in who he was. any other time, he probably would’ve been gone by now. now, it looked like he wasn’t leaving without answers with determination in his eyes
“you’re still the best actor i know.” you admitted honestly, knowing you could never lie around sakuya no matter how hard you tried. there was something about sakuya that made you want to reveal your heart to him
“thank you, that really means a lot to me!” sakuya smiled, lighting up the whole room before he paused, as if he realized you weren’t supposed to be here
“but, when did you come back?” he asked, subconsciously inching closer as you shrugged, refusing to look him in the eye. you knew if you did, you’d come back to the stage all over again
“a while ago.” a moment of hesitation was apparent in sakuya’s halted steps, before he pushed himself up to sit next to you. he was taller now, too (you were always the taller of the two back then)
“you... you should’ve contacted me! i would’ve helped you,” sakuya cleared his throat, adjusting his hoodie collar with a blush as he looked away. “you know, with moving and settling in.”
you knew what he meant, though. you knew that he desperately wanted to ask why you stopped being friends and contacting with him in the first place. you couldn’t bring yourself to answer him, even if he deserved to know why
because you’re living my dream, and i’m too sorry to step into the spotlight with you
you nodded, about to make up another excuse before his hand fell upon yours. his hands were even bigger, with callouses around the base of his fingers and small marks upon his palm. sword practice, he’d laugh about later
“you should’ve talked to me.” sakuya repeated, his head turned towards you as you stare back at him with nervousness. when did he get so close? your legs were practically touching at this point, the warmth from his hand was burning you like he was the sun. sakuya was too bright, you might go blind
“i’m...” pride caught your tongue, making you swallow the long overdue apology you knew sakuya deserved. sorry for never trying to pursue theatre, sorry for making baseless promises of being there for him, sorry for giving up on every passion you’ve ever had because you were too afraid of the possibility of failure. you had too much to be sorry for
you just shook your head and landed on your feet with a thud, about to take your leave and never intending to return again. it was a mistake to pretend like the stage was yours, even for a moment. you promised yourself you’d never talk to sakuya again, but you had a habit of breaking your promises
“wait!” sakuya followed your lead and caught you by the wrist. he was quicker now, too, with a firm, but not unkind, edge to his voice. it was clear; he wasn’t letting you go, but he still respected you as a person after all these years apart. in a way, you were proud of how far he had come even if meant you had to deal with the confrontation
silence, again. you could only hear the slightly audible pant of his breath from how nervous he was. could he feel the beat of your heart from where he was? his hold loosened, but his fingers still kept you close as you looked over your shoulder at him. you couldn’t believe it, you had to look up to fully see his smiling face
sakuya opened his mouth, about to say something before he just pulled you in close for a hug. you nearly tripped into his arms as he rested his chin on your head, giving you a hug just like before. but this time, for some reason, it felt intimate
his arms were wrapped around your waist, moving to rest his cheek on the top of your head as sakuya sighed, like he always wanted to be here again
“i missed you.” sakuya whispered, afraid to break the moment when you tensed up. slowly. you reached up to hug him back as you let your head fall onto his chest. his heartbeat matched the pace of yours, he was just as scared to be here
you gripped onto his hoodie and nodded, not willing yourself to disturb the comfortable silence. any other day, you would’ve told him you did, too, but it felt too personal now to say
sakuya pulled away first before dropping into a low bow with his hand over his heart. his eyes were closed and his voice was loud and clear in the empty auditorium
“so please! don’t leave again, i’ll work hard to give you a reason to stay!” sakuya proclaimed, his truth being presented in front of you as you watched him with wide eyes before settling on a small smile, forcing him to stand back up with a hand on his shoulder
(it wasn’t his fault you had given up on theatre, you didn’t quit because of him, but you didn’t say anything)
“you’ve always done your best, i’m proud of you.” you honestly said and sakuya’s smile lit up the whole room. you knew he was born for the stage the moment he smiled at you
before you two left, you turned to glance at the stage one more time before leaving. maybe, one day, you’d gain the strength sakuya has to be there again
(sakuya returned to the party with an awkward lie no one bothered questioning, claiming he just had to go see a friend after checking to see if the theatre was locked. “it definitely was!”)
(were you guys friends? could he call you a friend after you left? sakuya tossed and turned in bed, before huffing and staring up at the ceiling with his arms crossed over his chest)
(sakuya always saw you as a friend no matter what, but it felt different this time)
you were sakuya’s classmate throughout his childhood. yet, you were always out of reach, in the better upperclassmen classes and had grown up, cool friends. it wasn’t until you two saw the pirate play together and the fire alarm was pulled that he became friends with you
your paths crossed that day and would continue overlapping until you disappeared like the spring sakura, like all the years together were just two weeks before never coming back. sakuya didn’t know what happened, all he saw was an empty school desk before his start at hanasaki academy
(“do you promise to be friends forever?” sakuya asked and you immediately looped your pinky around his, both young and under the falling cherry blossoms with no worries for the future. “i promise to be your friend and your co–star!”)
for the first time in a while, sakuya dreamt of that fateful spring afternoon at recess and woke up wanting to see you again
you found yourself back at the mankai theatre, but this time, with an invitation. it looked different during the daytime. the sun illuminated the old, chipped edges of the building’s sign and age had worn down the place. yet, you still loved it, standing in front of the doors with a fragment of your past dream
you could see it now. standing upon the stage with your name in lights outside for veludo way to see. the costume perfectly fitting your measurements and becoming one with your intent, the rapt attention of the audience upon you as you become another person and deliver your lines with raw emotion, the instant shock to plot twists and the genuine reactions to crucial turning points. you wanted it—
you heard your name again. you turned to see sakuya was sprinting down the sidewalk, slowing down to a reasonable pace as he tried to maintain his breathing in front of you. he skidded to a stop, in his usual pink flannel and spring hoodie, with his bright grin directed at you
but this time, with two drinks in hand?
“i’m so sorry i’m late! i got caught up choosing between some vending machine options, but here you go!” sakuya cheerfully passed you a carton as he let out a hesitant laugh, carefully observing your blank reaction to the sudden gift
“um... do you not like it? i just thought, it was still your favorite...” sakuya coughed, rubbing the back of his neck and wincing at the sheen of sweat already. you didn’t respond for a moment, before glancing at his drink of choice
“you still like that? you really haven’t changed.” you offhandedly commented, ruffling his hair in the process and smiling back. sakuya took in the way you praised him and smiled even bigger. he pressed the bottle to his forehead as a way to cool down absentmindedly as you stuck your straw in the carton
“i’m surprised you didn’t forget, it’s been a while since i had one of these.” you mentioned as sakuya spluttered in disbelief, like that was the biggest joke you ever told
“of course i didn’t! you were my—” sakuya started but abruptly cut himself off, instead uncapping his vending machine drink and taking a swig. you didn’t press the matter further, just tilted your head for a moment before nodding slowly
“you know, i would’ve waited, sakuya. you didn’t have to run.” you reprimanded, your natural older sibling instinct to take care of him coming through. you waited for him to continue but he said nothing
you looked towards him and sakuya was staring at the ground beneath his shoes. he fidgeted with his bottle, a habit he had when he was unsure, before he very quietly said something. you would’ve missed it if you weren’t listening, his words were carried by the spring wind
“i... i was afraid if i was late, you’d leave me again.”
silence. you suddenly understood why sakuya put all his time and effort just to get your favorite childhood drink at the rundown vending machine across town. why he forced himself to run past his limits just to barely make it on time with the same smile as always
sakuya was scared you’d abandon him once again, just like everyone else he loved
you took a moment to take a deep breath in, before stepping towards him and stopping a foot away. when sakuya looked for you nervously, he met your kind eyes and gentle smile as you held your pinky out
“i promised i’d see you again today, right?”
(you promised you wouldn’t leave either, sakuya bitterly thought before shaking his head. there was no reason to think like that anymore)
sakuya nodded as if to convince himself before shaking your pinky again, just like the good old days
you both knew there were conversations that still needed to be discussed but for now, as sakuya unlocked the door and led you towards the stage, they were better left unsaid
from then on, you and sakuya’s friendship bloomed again on the mankai stage
you became a part of sakuya’s life again, like before you left your hometown and moved to a neighborhood far away
you didn’t dream of the stage lights and sold out shows you fantasized about with sakuya in veludo way, you stopped reciting lines to your mirror with a creased script clutched tightly in your hand, you refused to even let yourself think about costume design sketches and unfinished docs left open on your computer
but now, here you were, doing all the things you promised yourself you wouldn’t do again. you became somewhat apart of stage crew, learning how to handle the lights and how to adjust them to the moving actors after pretending not to be interested. you helped sakuya with his lines during every practice by being his counterpart and working together to form the foundation of his best performance every time. you picked fabrics that fit the costumes the best and helped the fashion gang set up. you even helped mankai’s local playwright brainstorm at ungodly hours
you had grown up with a love for theatre ever since the pirate play fire alarm fiasco with sakuya and ever since then, you desperately wished to be on stage. yet, fear held you back. you couldn’t be in front of everyone without shaking and running off. you flubbed your rehearsals no matter how hard you tried and you couldn’t deal with the competition
it was like every inherent part of your own self was holding you back from your true dream to be on stage
so back in middle school, when you realized sakuya truly was serious about devoting the rest of his life to his one true passion with no consideration of the high probability of failure, you knew you had to leave before you told him you couldn’t do it anymore
you left him and sakuya lost his best friend
but, he wasn’t angry with you. sakuya didn’t react in hasty frustration and blame you, it encouraged him to work even harder to be the best actor he could be. he wanted to take over every stage, be every role, just so he could perform for you one day and win you back
he wanted to prove to you that the dream you both shared was still worth living
you became involved with the backstage behind the scenes operations of the theatre industry alongside the director, your passion for acting coming back after endless encouragement and support from sakuya
(when you first met spring troupe, they had heard about you and were wary of how you left sakuya. he had never said anything bad about you, but they all knew enough to piece together what happened)
(it wasn’t until sakuya was doing a short improv scene. he stuttered and smiled fondly when he made eye contact with you, not caring about his obvious mistake, just wanting to see if you were happy. that’s when they realized how much he liked you and accepted you back into his life)
years of suppressed dreams came back as you attended hanasaki with sakuya, spending every waking moment discussing theatre and helping each other with homework. you balanced acting with school alongside your best friend again, but there was still a part of you that was unsatisfied
would you truly never let yourself be on stage with your best friend ever again?
although everything was better than back to normal, it was still different. sakuya was older, taller than you now, and wasn’t the little brother you protected. now, it was like he was your knight in shining armor, doing everything to make sure you were safe like a true hero
you ignored the butterflies in your stomach and the heat of the blush on your face, blaming it on the spring season and the flower pollen. it couldn’t be—of course, optimistic and cheerful sakuya grew up to be the same, just physically more mature than his kid self
maybe that’s what was distracting you backstage, when you became lost in his performance and missed your cues for props. he wasn’t a kid in your eyes anymore, and you knew that
returning to sakuya’s life meant becoming apart of theatre, your love for acting even stronger. but also, your love for sakuya growing day by day
it was a normal day, where you two were walking home from a long day of school. sakuya was rambling about something like a leader’s meeting at 9, but you couldn’t focus. you were very aware of how your fingers kept brushing his
(you wanted to reach out yourself and hold his hand, but what if you were always his older sibling in his head?)
suddenly, you nearly bumped into sakuya when he stood in front of you, leaning down so he was eye–level with you. his concerned eyes were observing your red face, resting his hand against your forehead with a frown
“are you sick? you’ve been overworking yourself at mankai, lately. i hope you’re okay! let’s go—” sakuya comforted, about to pull away before you gripped the collar of his uniform, not letting him go any further
“i like you.”
murmurs spread across veludo way. a small crowd gathered as they caught sight of the pair, whispering about how it must’ve been a street act
you suddenly knew what you had to. you were you, you were in love with your best friend, this was it
“i like you so much, that i want to see you acting on stage everytime. i don’t care if i’m backstage every show, i want to watch you bloom.” you confessed, holding on tighter to his dress shirt as he revealed a hint of surprise in his face. like a professional actor, sakuya shifted to an effortlessly impressive smile as he lowered his palm to yours, running his thumb over your hand
“i like you, too.” sakuya replied cooly, leaning down to give you a kiss on the forehead as you froze. was he serious? did he truly like you back as well? this couldn’t be real—
the crowd applauded at the short but heartfelt performance as sakuya moved to stand up straight, bowing slightly with a thanks towards the audience. you were motionless, fingers ghosting over your forehead with a blank stare
it was all, an act?
sakuya turned towards you, his usual grin back as he ruffled your hair this time. he looked shocked, but not thrown off when he laughed at your surprised expression
“i knew you were such a good actor after all this time! i almost believed it!” sakuya said, walking ahead of you as he continued openly praising you
when he looked over his shoulder, he smiled and you noticed the way the cherry blossoms fluttered around him. he was so radiant that the sun beamed at his presence
sakuya thought your confession was a street act, of course he wouldn’t see you as anything else except his best friend
when sakuya came back to the dorms with a brief description of why he was late for practice, the whole company wasn’t shocked, but disappointed
(“they actually like you! why would they do a street act if they’re not an actor?!”)
(sakuya stopped and widened his eyes. he slapped his hands over his mouth before running to his bedroom in embarrassment. did you actually like him?!)
(sakuya came out half a hour later with new determination in his eyes as he declared he had a plan and needed everyone’s help)
next day, you came into the theatre to set up for dress rehearsal before you realized it was oddly quiet backstage. the hoards of people in the back were gone and it was like the whole place was abandoned. you checked the time, you were early, maybe that’s why
when you peeked behind the curtain, no one was on stage either. you walked out without a second thought, looking to see if there was a notice of some kind
then, you felt it. the heat of the spotlight upon your frame. it belonged to you, you felt a set of eyes upon you as a creak of a floorboard alerted you to the other wing of the stage
sakuya—no, romeo, was standing there with his sword put in his hilt with a swift movement. it had been nearly a year or so since his closing night as romeo, the costume was tighter the more he grew. but, he was just as youthful and valiant as ever as he stepped towards you
before you could ask him what was going on, romeo dropped into a bow with his arm across his chest. in his other hand, was a rose
“i, romeo montague, have fallen in love with you!” romeo declared boldly, even if his hand was slightly shaking around the flower. you stood silent, watching him before romeo stood back up, placing his hand over his heart with the most sincerity you’ve ever seen from him
“when you left, you left as a friend but you return as the love of my life.” sakuya recited, clearly rewriting the lines the night before as he became flustered over his own sentiment. you could hear a set of strings being played in the background as the lighting focused on you two, everything else unimportant to the scene
“i want to be on stage with you! i want to bloom with you, i want to be with you forever as long as you’ll have me.” romeo confessed, the truth spilling from his heart as he got down on one knee. his hand was over his rapidly beating heart, and one hand outstretched still with the rose
“i like you, i love you. please, accept this rose if you feel the same.” sakuya let his guard down, becoming less of romeo but more of him as he looked at you with a bright smile. that was your best friend of many years, just older now
had you always liked him? was this love?
then, you realized: you loved sakuya the way you loved theatre. your love for him may have been pushed aside when you left, but eventually, it came back because it was meant to be. your dream wasn’t just to act with him, it was to love him until your last breath. you love sakuya the way he loves acting
you took the rose, the tears brimming at your eyes from the confession, and smiled. you were your favorite character: yourself, because sakuya liked you
“i like you, too.”
like the first night you met him again on the same stage, sakuya pulled you into a hug as he embraced you. his cheek upon your head and arms around your waist, he leaned back and almost came in for the closing kiss...
before a bunch of overexcited, teasing troupe members busted in from backstage and surrounded the new, happy couple with congratulations and more hugs!
on that stage, you found a new dream: to love sakuya behind the stage, where you were happy
you were reborn, happier and chasing your dreams with the love of your life
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maggyme13 · 7 years
Freeing the Fury
Could you do a series where the reader is kidnapped by hydra and turned into the winter soldier and can also shape shift into a night fury please
AN: Well, it turned out as just a one shot, but I hope you like it still :) @symonedg20
I opened my ASK box for requests for my 300 Follower celebration!
Wordcount: around 2000
Warnings: a bit cursing, mention of torture but nothing explicit
Pain. That had been the only thing she had felt for a very long time.
It burned through her veins and every single cell in her body felt like it was on fire.
Make it stop. Stop! Please!
Every breath felt like she was inhaling burning air.
“The experiment is working; her cells react with the serum and the radioactivity. If she survives, we will have our own Hulk.”
“Excellent. She will be the best Winter Soldier we ever created. Heil Hydra!”
She heard in the distance, before the pain was too much to stay conscious.
“You said they did experiments with the serum in this facility?” Steve Rogers aka Captain America asked is oldest friend Sergeant James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes also known as the Winter Soldier.
“Yes. They kidnapped children and teenagers they think no one would miss. They tried the serum on them. And other things they created in their laboratory.” Anger was evident in the ex-assassin’s voice, he knew what they had to go through and what they would find there: Torture, pain and death.
He had been there, shortly before he got his memories back, and remembered a young female with (y/hc) hair and piercing (Y/ec) eyes. She hadn´t been there long and it had been his task to train her.
She had a bruised covered body, and he knew other trainers had gone ruff with her and she had been afraid of him. Who wouldn´t be, he had been THE Winter soldier after all.
She had been cautious to move around him and every time she thought she had done something wrong, she had flinched away. But he had never raised his hand, there was no need to injure her further, a dead person or one beaten to a pulp can´t be trained and that had been his mission. To train her and not to kill her.
He wondered what had happened to her.
“Buck, you in there?”
“Yes. Let´s roll out.”
 Four hours later the soldiers got ready to exit the jet, alongside the Black Widow, Falcon and Iron man.
“Remember, they experimented with the serum here and it is has to be reckoned with super soldiers and other unusual opponents.” The captain informed the team one last time.
“Ready? Then let’s clean this base out!”
Upon breaking through the main gate an alarm started and everybody cursed.
“That’s it with the surprise moment! Get ready for enemies!” Starks voice said over their headset.
“Cap and Frosty, you go inside and get the information, we will clear and secure the perimeter. Hurry up.”
“Got it. Come on punk! The room we are looking for is in the centre, three floors down. But we have to go through laboratories.” Barnes said and motioned for his friend to follow him.
They encountered around a dozen hydra agents (the two soldiers got quickly got rid of them) before entering a big room.
“This one is new.” Bucky frowned, taking a step towards one of the walls to take a better look.
“Those are claw marks, what the fuck did they had in here.” He mused.
“I don´t know, but it must be strong, look at these retainers, Hulk would have to work to get out of them. And do you see the ceiling? Its burned.” Captain America added.
“Let´s get the information before it comes back.”
“Good call punk.”
Twenty minutes later, the two of them were on their way to join the others again, when they heard a loud explosion and curses. “What is going on? Guys answers!” They screamed into their mics.
“Something shot a plasma ball at us.” Stark informed and the soldiers looked at each other.
They had an idea what happened out there.
“We are on our way! Be careful, we found refrainers that could hold hulk for some time.”
“Got it.”
“Good dammit, that thing is fast, I can´t get a scan on it. Only thing I know, it is fast, silent and around eight meters long and has wings.” Iron Man cursed.
“We will be there any second now.” Bucky shouted as they ran the last meters to the main entrance.
Just when they stepped outside, a loud “SHIT!” was heard from falcon and a big black shadow smashed into the earth, ten meters away from the rest of the Avengers.
“Sam you alright?”
“NO! I am under that thing and it looks furious!” The man in question groaned in pain.
“I think it broke a few rips. Yes definitely broke them.”
“We get you to safety, don´t move.” “This weights like a ton. I am going nowhere.”
Natasha tried to sneak up to the creature, but it must have heard her, because it turned its head towards her and bared its teeth.
“Wow. Calm down there. We are not here to hurt you.” She spoke, hoping the creature could understand her and turn its attention from the others.
But to no avail, the second Steve took a step forward, a blue energy ball exploded at his feet making him jump back.
The (y/ec) irises dialled and stared him down. A deep warning rumble escaping its throat.
“Guys help?” Sam whined.
The alarm going off woke her up from her sleep and soon Hydra agents joined her.
“There are intruders on the ground. You will eliminate them. If not, you know what will happen. Don´t you?” One of them asked, while another freed her wings and hindlegs from the cuffs.
She knew what he meant. Either she did as told, or pain would come for her. And she didn´t like pain.
After what felt like years, she was able to stretch her black wings and she first didn´t know if they would be able to carry her.
It had been years since the last time she had been in her human form, Hydra didn´t allow it and when she had turned on her own, they had tortured her so bad the marks could still be seen on her scaled skin.
Do as they tell, and I won´t be in pain. At least I can move a bit for a change.
Getting outside (through a secret exist) and jumped into the air.
For a few seconds she enjoyed the wind under her wings and the open sky. It would be so easy to just fly away and never come back, but they would find her; she knew she had a tracking advice somewhere in her body.
Knowing her black skin gave her the perfect camouflage in the night, the young woman rose up into the sky to get an overlook of the situation at hand.
Beneath her hydra agents were eliminated by strangers, a man in iron armour, someone with a wingsuit (stupid, the sky was her territory) and a woman dressed in black.
Deciding she needed to intervene, or her punishment would be severe, she spit a plasma ball at the attackers, but missed. If it was over too fast, she would be get back into her personal dungeon.
One Hydra agent after the other fell (one was on her, he had to jump to where she had aimed a ball) and her body shook in anticipation of the beating she would get because of it.
She had moved as fast as her possible. But when the winged man crossed her path, she wasn´t able to avoid him, and they crashed into each other.
More on instinct as on anything else, she griped him by his arms and tried to protect him from the impact, but she was able to hear his bones break none the less.
“NO! I am under that thing and it looks furious!” She heard him groaned in pain as an answer to someone over his mic. “I think it broke a few rips. Yes definitely broke them.”
Sorry about that. And I am not a thing, thank you very much.
“This weights like a ton. I am going nowhere.” Oi!.
She was just thinking about what to do, she heard someone sneak up to her and she turned towards the source.
The woman stood closer than she liked, and fear began to rise within her.
What will happen to her if she loses against the strangers? Will they kill her? Imprison her? Torture her?
Not wanting to face her fate jet (y/n) decided to show the woman her teeth hoping that would keep her at way.
“We are not here to hurt you.”
To many people told me that. Prove it!
Another movement caught her attention and she send a plasma ball flying near the approaching man.
He was dressed in a tight body suit showing the American flag, behind him her eyes found the sparkle of metal.
Her past flashed in her memories and she recognised the man with the metal arm. It was the only Hydra agent she had ever met, that didn’t cause her pain. The winter soldier; the biggest traitor in Hydra history and a possible ally on her way out of the pain.
That must be Captain America then.
Slowly and very carefully, she didn´t want to accidently step on the injured man beneath her, she took a step back and lowered her head. Indicating she was willing to surrender.
“What is it doing?” Stark.
“I think it is surrendering.” Steve.
“Why should it do that?” Natasha Romanov.
“I don´t know if you can see that, but there is almost no place on its body without scars. Maybe it realised we are the good ones.” Sam Wilson groaned, sitting up slowly.
“But why now?”
“Let´s find out.Oi, thing. We are the good ones. Do you mind if I get my friend over here, so we can look at his injuries?” Stark asked and slowly began to walk towards his companion, the creature shook his head and took another step backwards.
“We promise we mean no harm. We saw the room with the restrains, they were for you, weren’t they? You could come with us, let us look at your injuries and if you wish you could stay or leave and be free.” Steve said with sincerity in his voice and the creature seemed to think about the offer.
“What do you think? Do you want to come with us?”
They waited, and their eyes widened, when its form changed and suddenly a young woman stood in front of them. Naked like the day she was born, her body covered in scars. All in all, she looked miserable, her skin was pale and her hair dull. The only thing that looked alive where her (y/ec) eyes filled with hope.
“Yes please.” She mumbled and slumped down to the floor, the morph had cost her a lot of energy.
Bucky’s heart clenched. It was the young woman she had thought about before the mission. What had they done to her?
Pulling the shirt, he was wearing beneath his armour, over his head, he stepped forward and offered it to her. There was no need for her to be walking around naked and he couldn’t suppress a smile when she took it and got dressed.
“I am sorry girl. Sorry that it took us so long.”
“Not your fault. You were the only one, that was nice to me over all these years and now, I am free again.”
She told him thankful and sincere.
(y/n) knew she was save now and Hydra wouldn’t be able to get her.
Finally some peace.
  From that day on, she was known as the Night Fury, the Avengers very own dragon shapeshifter.
   AN 2.0; So what do you think about my first requested Oneshot?
I got this a few weeks back, so it was naturally the first one to write.
Feel free to reblog/comment and please let me know what you think :)
I have a writing challenge runnig, check it out ;)
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paladinsheadcanons · 7 years
what kind of funerals would each champion have if they were to die in battle? assuming it's some great battle or something like some fantasy war?
Writing from the context that only one champion died and everyone else is still alive and attending the funerals. By the way, some are more of burial ceremonies than funerals exactly…? But you get the point. Btw I couldn’t come up with a few of these, so I ended up filling those in with extra HCs. 
-Mod Inara
We’re just gonna leave it under a cut since it got super long and also some of you might not want to read it because death mention and discussion. 
- Mod Mal’Damba
Makoa: A simple one, in which the champions silently pay their respects as they sail out to Makoa’s favourite islands, and give the Ancient One a proper burial at sea by lowering his body in a special wooden casket into the depths. 
Fernando: Fernando would’ve wanted to be celebrated, and so his funeral would be more on remembering his glory and fighting spirit on the battlefield as the champions give him one last toast in his name. 
Ruckus: Ruckus was buried along with the ashes of a destroyed Bolt, not far from Splitstone Quarry. They had both wanted this, despite saying they hated each other to the bitter end. At their funeral, the other Paladins made a special toast in the name of their dysfunctional but powerful friendship.  
Barik: Barik’s body was placed upon a stone pedestal in a small cave underground, surrounded by his inventions, both complete and incomplete. The Paladins paid their respects, and sealed the cave away by blocking the entrance with a massive boulder. 
Ash: As a general serving the Magistrate, Ash was given a grand and honourable funeral by the state, a public cremation for her and the soldiers in her vanguard. All the Paladins attended to pay their respects, all except Terminus, who only watched from a distance in silence. 
Torvald: Before his death, Torvald had only wished to be buried near the libraries of Stone Keep alongside his precious scrolls and scripts. The Paladins abided by these wishes, though they were unable to completely fulfil it, as anything Torvald owned relating to runic magic was nowhere to be found. 
Inara: After her death, the champions raised Inara’s body as a now lifeless stone statue within her beloved sacred lands as her soul returned to Mother Nature, living on as the guardian spirit of those lands. 
Drogoz: Dragons don’t have funeral rites because in the past, it was a matter of survival of the fittest and those who couldn’t survive didn’t deserve to survive. Having friends that actually cared for him more than wild dragons would have, Drogoz’s funeral is simple. His body is buried in the Enchanted Forest under an open gap in the canopy, so that he can fly off freely.
Bomb King: Bomb King had always wanted to “go out with a bang” even after death, which was why the others respected his unusual wishes for his funeral, setting his body up with bombs and fireworks on a small, uninhabited island, so he could have one last grand explosion in his name. He always was quite the drama queen. 
Cassie: Her father Arturos flew back to Crosswind Hold for his daughter’s funeral, as does Cassie’s mother she hasn’t seen or been close to in years. While her parents do the most during her funeral, wake and burial, her friends in the Paladins are there the whole time and celebrate her life as it was. 
Lian: Her body would be dressed in gold silk and crystals, and she will be cremated upon a golden pyre as per the traditions of House Aico, to symbolise her rise from the ashes in the next life, like that of their golden phoenix.
Kinessa: As a bounty hunter, Kinessa knew death was always near for her. She didn’t mind, and asked for a quick and easy burial should it ever claim her. That was exactly what the Paladins did, giving her a simple funeral and burial near the base.
Sha Lin: Having been a traveller in life, the champions believed his spirit should be free to continue his journey in death. And so, they left his body atop a mountain in a traditional sky burial for his soul to ascend to the skies as they body is left in nature’s hands. 
Viktor: Like any soldier’s funeral, Viktor is given a proper military send off, including a flag draped over his coffin, and the three-volley salute for his military honour in death. His coffin is buried in the military graveyard, amongst many others that he knew, or did not.
Tyra: A Viking’s send off, her body set off on a boat dressed in her battle armour, with her weapons and prized possessions all with her to bring to Valhalla as Sha Lin fires the flaming arrow and sets her boat ablaze. 
Willo: Mourned both by the Paladins and the Summer Court, her funeral takes place within the latter’s grounds. Her grave is stuffed with her favourite flowers, and was later buried in a flower field without a coffin, so that one day her body may become nourishment for the flora. 
Evie: As an immortal, she knows she will never have a funeral. However, if she were to die somehow, the only thing she wants for her funeral would be for it to be held during a gently snowing evening.
Skye: “Make sure I look pretty for my last party okay?” were Skye’s dying words as she passed with a smile on her face. Heeding her last request, the others dressed her up in fancy purple clothes as they held an open-casket funeral service for her. 
Androxus: Finally freed from the curse in death, Androxus’s funeral was more of a ceremony of his release rather than a mourning of his passing. After a simple burial near the Paladins base, Seris personally escorted his soul into the afterlife.
Buck: Having strong roots to the earth, upon his death Buck was cremated and his spirit released into the afterlife, where he took the form of an ox spirit to watch over his friends.
Maeve: Her only wish had been to be cremated with her precious enchanted coat and knives that had helped her through her hardest times on the streets. A simple funeral is held for the rest to pay their respects, and later, they scattered her ashes into the nighttime winds.
Zhin: Held by the Thousand Hands, with the Paladins in attendance, Ying as their sole representative during the process. He is cremated and his ashes left in an urn kept by the Thousand Hands on a shrine to their past great leaders, where the followers of the Thousand Hands will pay their respects to on his death anniversary.
Lex: A public funeral is held for him by his fellow lawmen, with salutes in his honour as his coffin is transported to a military graveyard where he is to be buried among others who have been killed in action. A much smaller, private funeral is held at the Paladins base, in which the others quietly paid their respects, as he would’ve liked it.  
Mal’Damba: The night before his funeral, a vigil is held by the other Supports in his honour, and his bed removed from his room to signify his passing. His body is cremated and scattered, his spirit released back to Wekono. Pancake is released into the wild with Grover’s help, and Waffles returns as a spirit to join Wekono and her master once more in the next life. 
Pip: Pip was buried in a special graveyard sacred to the Vulpin north of Brightmarsh, at the base of a massive waterfall. During the funeral service, the others burned all of his personal belongings before his grave, so that he may take them with him to the afterlife, as per Vulpin beliefs. 
Grover: His funeral was a planting of his body into the ground of his favourite forest, where the last of his magic transformed him into a normal, non-sentient tree, so he can live on one last time. 
Grohk: At Grohk’s burial, which took place under a lightning storm as per his culture, the Paladins gathered around and danced around a totem raised in his honour, each dropping a flower, provided by Willo, who had been given responsibility over Grohk’s garden, into his grave atop his coffin as they danced close. 
Seris: Though Seris cannot actually die, the damage done to her physical form had been too intense, banishing her to the depths of the Abyss, never to return to the mortal realm again. Knowing that they would never see her again until their own time came, the other Paladins held a quiet memorial for her. 
Ying: Upon her death, Ying’s form faded, leaving behind only her shattered mirror. The other Paladins placed the broken mirror in a beautiful shrine decorated with many flowers dedicated to her, and many tears were shed during the memorial service. 
Jenos: Upon his death, Jenos’s body had dissolved into starlight, and floated up to the heavens, where the stars took his form in a new constellation. The other champions then held a memorial for him under those new stars to pay their respects. 
Strix: Strix’s body is dressed in his combat attire and lavender, and the mark of a warrior was painted onto his face. He is cremated within a simple coffin, and after a seven day mourning period, the other champions spread his ashes on the ground within the forests, returning his body to the earth. 
Talus: As per Ska’Drin traditions, Talus is given a warrior’s funeral, his body is left beneath a great tree, one final rune of honour to be tattooed on his chest, done by Mal’Damba, as the champions surround him with flowers. (Yes it’s Rue’s death from the Hunger Games don’t kill me.)
Terminus: Terminus himself never cared for a funeral, but upon his final death, accepted Inara’s offer of a traditional Stagallan warrior’s send off. The Paladins took his body was taken high up a mountain near the Paladins base, where Inara embedded his form into the cliffside. 
Vivian: It wasn’t a simple funeral, but it wasn’t particularly grand either. After her burial in a coffin engraved with her sentinels, a feast was held in her name, honouring her. 
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newstfionline · 7 years
‘I thought I was gone:’ What it’s like to be rescued from Hurricane Irma by U.S. soldiers
By Avi Selk, Washington Post, September 9, 2017
Wednesday evening found Brian Poe hunkered down in a commercial kitchen, which in some ways was not unusual, as he is a chef by trade. But this particular kitchen was nearly 2,000 miles from his home in Boston, at a resort on the island of St. Maarten.
Moreover, at that moment, the kitchen and Poe and 100-some other terrified guests were all in the eye of Hurricane Irma.
The kitchen was flooding, Poe recalled. The ballroom had already started to cave in. The resort’s general manager, suddenly transformed into a shepherd of terrified souls, used the eye’s brief calm to lead his flock to higher ground.
“He said, ‘We have to do this,’ “ Poe recalled. “Don’t stop moving.’”
They didn’t. Poe and his wife, who had been celebrating their anniversary, scrambled up the stairs of the howling, shaking, soaking Sonesta resort. One floor, then another. On the fifth floor, they paused and held on to whatever they could, as floors six and seven went into the sky.
For the next 48 hours, they’d keep moving--from one uncertain shelter to another, across an obliterated country, and finally to a half-flattened airport where they hoped against all odds a plane might come and take them home.
Irma damaged or destroyed nearly three quarters of the homes in St. Maarten, a part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands that lies in a chain of Caribbean islands ravaged by the hurricane’s march toward Florida. The airport was devastated and unreachable. St. Martin, a French territory that covers the small island’s northern half, fared no better.
Such was the ruin Poe witnessed through the fifth-story window of the resort when daylight broke on Thursday.
“There was one point I thought I was gone--me and my wife were gone,” Poe told The Washington Post, his recollections occasionally interrupted by long silences when memories got the better of him.
The Poes weren’t dead, but they were in trouble. Irma appeared to have wiped out the island’s entire infrastructure. The State Department warned U.S. citizens trapped there all ports were closed; there was no consulate; and anyone in trouble should simply try 911.
The prime minister of St. Maarten had last updated his website before the storm hit, and signed off: “God be with all of us.”
All the while, Hurricane Jose was rolling toward them in Irma’s wake, threatening to hit the island with a second blow.
The staff at the ruined Sonesta managed to rig up a landline, which Poe used to let friends and family in Boston know they’d survived, even if he wasn’t sure how he’d get back to the city and two restaurants he co-owns there.
Worried what was left of the resort might collapse, the manager led the guests inland, to a shelter run by the Dutch military.
As darkness fell on his first night since the hurricane, Poe said, he looked out over the hills and saw flashlights signal distress.
The supply crisis became quickly apparent the next day.
“We used the last of the flour this morning to ration 120 pancakes I cooked for the shelter,” Poe told the Boston Herald, using sporadic cellphone service to communicate with the newspaper through texts.
He and his wife were showering with hoses. The shelter was crowded with stranded visitors like them and locals, some of whom looked badly injured. Information passed largely by word of mouth, with reports often hard to determine from rumor.
At some point on Friday, a bus arrived at the shelter. The Poes were told to board along with dozens of others.
They drove for several miles along the ravaged coastline to Princess Juliana International Airport--“destroyed,” Poe said, though the parking lot was nevertheless pressed with people trying to get off the island.
A plane was landing to evacuate the Americans, Poe remembered being told. Then: “We’re so sorry. The plane can’t get out. It’s not coming.”
They went back to the shelter. Tried to reclaim their beds. Then another bus trip was announced, and they returned to the airport, only to be told once again the plane couldn’t make it.
By then, Poe said, “everyone was in tears.”
Likewise, people were in despair across the island. Stranded students at the Caribbean School of Medicine scavenged through the rubble for food and water, the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. reported.
Hundreds of Americans “are knocking on every door we can find to get them off the island,” a U.S.-based lawyer for the Divi Little Bay Beach Resort--a few miles from where Poe stayed--wrote to The Post.
“It’s very difficult to be in an emergency situation and just feel like nothing’s happening,” said the lawyer, Lewis Stanford.
But help was at hand for some of those stuck on St. Maarten--even if they couldn’t yet see it.
When Hurricane Harvey flooded huge swaths of the United States last month, volunteers with the New York Air National Guard flew down to join the rescue effort. Members of the 105th Airlift Wing and 106th Rescue Wing spent long days plucking trapped Texans out of the water, then flew back to New York last weekend.
Days later, they loaded up again and flew out into Irma’s wake.
“We’re para-rescuemen. Our business is specialized rescue. That’s what we do,” said Capt. Mike O’Hagan, a spokesman for the unit, speaking from its present base in Puerto Rico.
His team had flown over St. Thomas with helicopters--rescuing a pregnant woman and men in cardiac arrest from an island no less flattened and mangled as the one Poe was stuck on.
They weren’t an evacuation squad. There were far too many stranded people for about 130 soldiers to help.
But on Friday, as the New Yorkers were preparing to hunker down for Hurricane Jose, a late request came in from headquarters: a diabetic woman was stranded on St. Maarten.
Poe didn’t know who the woman was. He had heard of her at the shelter, through the same chain of uncertain reports that were now his news source. But he and his wife had other things on their mind as they headed back from the airport for the second time since the hurricane--wondering when, how and if they’d ever get home.
Then, from behind, Poe heard someone yell: “Turn around! Turn around! We might have something for you.”
So he and his wife and two dozen other Americans turned and went back to the ruined airport a third time.
This time, they were met from half a dozen U.S. soldiers from the 105th and 106th.
They had come to the island to pick up the diabetic patient, not the stranded resort guests. But they had brought with them an HC-130 plane with plenty of seats to spare.
Poe chatted with the soldiers--mostly young men from New York, who had already been flying missions over a hurricane zone for hours.
The chef now speaks of those he met in St. Maarten in terms that transcend their professions. The resort manager who led him out of the hurricane’s eye is a “hero.” The soldiers who escorted him and his wife to safety are saviors.
As he spoke to the soldiers that night on an isolated runway in the Caribbean, before finally leaving the island, they described their own work in the modest terms.
“They said, ‘We heard a bunch of guys were down here,’ “ Poe said.
Then the back of the plane opened up, and Poe and his wife strapped in, and hours later called The Post from an airport in Puerto Rico--homeward bound.
“Some of the best airline service I’ve ever had in my entire life,” Poe said.
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