#but seriously im so so so obsessed with this animation... its honestly beautiful
vivipokedex · 1 year
your art is truly beautiful and you have incredible skill in translating pokemon’s designs into creatures that feel like real animals. do you have any videos showing your painting process, or if not, is it something you’d be interested in recording? Your stuff is super inspiring and I’d love to see how you make it :)
yayayayyyy thank you ^_^
i could perhaps record something at some point, but i have to disclaim that my process is very messy! i do a lot of erasing and starting over and idly doodling and scribbling stuff, and the reason is that this blog started out, and continues to be, a way for me to keep drawing as regularly as possible which my health problems often make difficult. so while i do put effort and thought into this stuff, its all kept loose and casual, yknow. my childhood obsession with dinosaurs and pokemon and how often i used to draw them back then (though that was waaaay before i ever considered actually taking up art seriously) is definitely part of what makes this so fun, its like rediscovering something nice.
all of that is to say, im still learning a lot when it comes to drawing animals and creatures and dragons and what have you! if my advice might be of any use: something i bear in mind when doing any sort of creature design is to keep track of things like weight and coherence and how you would imagine the animal moving, hanging out, resting. and to observe the colors and patterns of real animals. yknow, how theoretically possible it is for the creature to behave and exist as its described to be. and other than that, go crazy, honestly. mix avian mammalian reptilian etc features as you see fit. the categories are man-made. birds and mammals are just reptiles in drag, and amphibians are just fish that wanted to see whats out there. LOL
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1-ore · 3 years
you watched sk8 the infinity in one day?? i think it took me like week to finish it lmao, but i also can't really judged you bc i finished tokyorev in a day too 🖐️😔
LANGA IS SO CUTE THO I LOVE HIM!!! and miya too, he was adorable 😭
adam... he was awful, i hated him, but he was hot and i did unfortunately spend a lot of time simping for him. his whole obsession with langa was so weird tho, and i wanted to kill him when he hit cherry with his skateboard, and also... him treating his assistant like a dog was straight up weird like what was the reason for all that?
but it's a super good anime and i'm happy you liked it!! i don't think it will have a season 2 tho unfortunately :( i know there's some other projects related to it coming out, i'm not up to date with all that tho, but since it isn't an adaptation of a manga i doubt the creators will continue it 😭 at least the last time i searched it up no one was talking about it, so it might have changed since that was already a few months ago, but i'm guessing that, if anything, they'll maybe do an anime spin off or something
SKSKSKKS and yeah!!! I somehow finished sk8 to infinity all thanks to my day off tbh, it was mighty fun to watch!!! langa and reki are definitely my favourite bestie duo after hinata and kagyema lmao, seriously the chemistry between them is so refreshing to watch!!!
and gosh yeah the part where ADAM FUCKING HIT MY BEAUTIFUL CHERRY IN THE FACE LIKE A SPINELESS COWARD seriously pissed me off, I didn't know that was allowed skating 😤😤 really hated that scene my god. the part where he was treating his assistant like a dog however....
still doesn't change the fact I absolutely hate Adam lmao, he's still a piece of shit - a hot piece of shit though 🐒🐒
cherry and Joe have the awesomest chemistry too sksksk - I LOVE HOW THEY'RE FIGHTING EVERY SINGLE TIME LMAO I lowkey thought they were actually enemies in the beginning. and shadow was someone I least expected to be one of the good guys 😅😅 really got fooled by appearances there hehe. miya's the cutest little shit I ever seen, he's literally a cat at this point - very adorable 😌😌👍
but like honestly though? it was really satisfying to see reki nearly winning the beef at the final episode though. my sensitive ass actually cried when he lost but said it was fun to skate and all that be 😤😤 my tough demeanour broke and I cracked 😂😂
altogether thanks for introducing it to me babe!
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megacarapa · 4 years
Name your top 5 favorite anime/manga! (or cartoons/shows if you’re not into anime and manga)
tagged in this by @thegaygyrus like... months ago but shh we do not talk about how freaking slow i am and how much i overthink even stupid harmless tag games ❤
update 1.1 added gifs to make it easier to look at hhdhdjd
Mob Psycho 100
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this show was one of the first times that i really felt like a piece of media "got" me, like something about it spoke to me personally. if i try to put my finger on it id say that its the really positive attitude it has on personal developement, like you may be a disaster of a person and a nervous wreck right now but if you identify what parts of yourself you want to change or improve and then seriously do your best on changing them.. things will work out. along with that its also important to me because thanks to it i formed some of my first real online friendships and that aswell is a source of many happy memories. mp100 is really precious to me
Hoshiai no Sora
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fscshfj if youre following me rn then its probably because of hns and you probably already know how much i love this anime. a sports anime which i like mixed in with realistic character drama which i LOVE and has not only actual lgbt characters but ACTUAL DISCUSSION OF LGBT TOPICS which is like surprisingly rare even in shows that have lgbt characters and has a wonderful cast and deals with different types of families (some are happy, some are abusive, some are seemingly happy but have different problems, some are negligent etc..) and even without the second half this show has always been 10/10 for me I REALLY LOVE THIS SHOW
High Score Girl
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i have consumed a... sizeable amount of romance manga/anime and this is one that really snuck up on me in the way that i didnt super love it right away but as it went along i began to realize how much ive started to genuinely give a shit about the characters themselves and not just their romance. anyway high score girl is about 90s arcades and two kids who love gaming having a very hardcore VERY onesided rivarly who eventually fall in love and then.. in short.. reality insues for the entire rest of the series. even tho this one is a bit too cartoony and slapsticky for me, beneath that it has a golden core of heartwarming moments, really true to life portrayals of kids and teenagres and a genuine love for gaming and AAA i adore this show
Yama no Susume
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cute girls doing cute things HIKING EDITION!!! this one is definetly more chill and fun and less drama and character developement than the others up til now but still i really do consider it one of my favourites, the subject matter is something i actually enjoy doing myself (more casually ofc hdhd), the character interactions are really fun ESPECIALLY between the main 2 girls (my favourite running gag is them literally talking fo each other like an old married couple) and the artwork and animation is really beautiful. yea more simple than the others but i love it so much
(last one is a manga because while i do have other anime that i love and consider favourites i just couldnt decide which of them would go in my Top 5™... meanwhile this manga is something that i genuinely consider my favourite ever so it definitely needs to go here)
Yugami kun doesnt have any friends
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ONCE AGAIN i have a big ol boner for realistic characters. the main character of this manga, described in 2 words, is "literally me", described in more words... yugami is the class weirdo who sits in the back all alone and is content being a friendless loner and is always doing things his own way and obsessing with his many hobbies and his behaviour generally just comes off as bizarre to his classmates. this isnt stated in canon but yugami is literally autistic like theres no denying it, and honestly his portrayal is just delightful to me. really the gist of it is realizing that there isnt anything fundementally wrong with yugami and he doesnt need to change in order to fit other people's idea of a "normal person", hes the nail sticking out that refuses to be hammered down. IM REALLY BAD AT SELLING THINGS BUT GOD I LOVE THIS MANGA SO MUCH
no tags society has progressed past the need for me to tag people but if u see this and it looks fun go and do it too!
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rtz669 · 3 years
your arts very beautiful what's your style inspos
ok shit im really sorry if this is incomprehensible
I had an aversion to digital drawing a good portion of my life so im used to drawing traditionally, which means i apply traditional techniques in digital drawings (like working on only one layer etc). I use mspaint btw (dont do that that was a mistake). I jumped trough a lot of mediums in my life so that also affects my style (not really sure how tho) ( my fv ones so far are stained-glass making, sculpting, wood carving) . Also, im way better at character design than anything else, i like using a lot of simple shapes as bases of my drawings (especially shapes with sharp points). I usually put a lot effort into shading, i like rendering it realistically. And i really love using black in art, its probably inspired by the shading in different comics cuz i was a comics nerd when i was younger. When i practice drawing traditionally, i use a black marker to capture the shadows better and be more confident in my lines. Outfits in my art are inspired by real life fashion that I encounter. I love using symmetry but i also like chaos in art so i guess it depends on what im drawing at the time. I also plan to get more seriously in pixel art in the future. Honestly my style is still changing a lot so it was really nice to read your kind words <3
this info is not really that important but whatever, now onto artists that inspire me:
Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz aka „Witkacy” (a polish portrait artist) i just like his style a lot
Hirohiko Araki (author of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure) my biggest pose and fashion inspiration
Jack Stauber (musician and artist on yt) I love his music and I find his clay animations fantastic
Keke (animator on yt) I’ve been obsessed with kekes animations for so long, theyre so good
Kuuhaiyu (artist on tumblr) I love their linework and how they apply shadow and also dynamic poses
44insects (artist on tumblr) just really like the style and the coloring
Serotinesart (artist on tiktok) epic 3d artist that makes very aesthetically pleasing animations
Vyxtrt (artist on tiktok) beautiful modern art, a lot of gruesome eye imagery <3
Also I have a tag here on tumbrl (#inspo) in which u can find images or scenarios that inspire me
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ithisatanytime · 3 years
Vegetables are fucking bullshit. im not gonna proofread this, but if you want to lose weight this is literally the only thing besides surgery that will work and its not even hard at all i promise, this was not inspired by me being disgusted with fat women, as everybody knows im down with the thickness. not fat though, there is a wider range for men then women believe, but i guess they are mostly just trying to compete with each other (i dont actually believe this for a second, it is for men its just a subconscious instinct, manifesting consciously as a desire to compete or look good) i added this long as disclaimer because this is a lifelong interest of mine, i always talk about it, but i dont want some poor girl to read it and think i want her to go on a diet you are beautiful just as you are, but at the same time i didnt want past relationship girls to see me saying i was down with the thickness and think they were heavy, only one was heavy
  Dont get me wrong, i like vegetables, but they are honest to god a fucking scam. vegetables are CHEAP, especially grains and cerials, to be honest grains are less bullshit than leafy greens, but they are still kind of bullshit. you are made of fucking meat, thats what you are, all the stuff you need or pretty damn close, is found in meat, vegetables are mostly insoluble fiber, very low in calories, which despite what you have been led to believe is not a good thing. its nice to have a little roughage in your diet, but the idea that we should be eating primarily plant based food is fucking insane, and i suspect is a result of the sugar companies years long propaganda campaign against fat. for years they funded studies claming dietary fat or cholesterol caused fat to accumulate on the body, and cholesterol in the arteries, we have known since the seventies that these claims were false, but the propaganda campaign was so extensive, even doctors commonly fuck this up. you cant digest plants on your own, you need to recruit gut bacteria to ferment it in your bowels, in other words it rots in your guts making you bloated and gassy, all for just a tiny bit of calories, its ASS, because no one can live that way, your diet is failing because you arent eating enough meat. meat is food, its real food. no fucking animal would go through the trouble of evolving the necessary intelligence and hardware needed to have to KILL every single meal, if it wasnt so much better than the fucking grass and leaves that are everywhere, and grass is much easier to catch and kill than a gazelle,so why bother? because the gazelle is food, its made of the same building blocks you are, you are made of meat.
   Meat is much more readily digested in your body than plant matter, people think that meat constipates you and ive seen people say it sits in your gut for years, the opposite is true, meat is digested quickly and efficiently leaving behind almost no waste material whatsoever, meaning you arent pooping because you arent making poop, meat is digested almost completely where as plant matter is filled with fiber which passes through either completely unchanged or only mildly changed into a gel like substance in the case of soluble fiber.  but heres the real MEAT of this post (heh) fats and proteins from animal sources (meat) are far more satiating than carbs from plants, meaning a hundred calories of animal fats and’/proteins will keep you full for longer, than a hundred calories of carbs, and i can prove it, a boneless skinless chicken breast has 284 calories (very little fat but high in protein) thats less total calories than two cans of mountain dew, how long do you think you could last after eating a chicken breast vs drinking two mountain dews? there are 250 calories in a new york strip steak, thats less than two potatoes, i bet you could last all day if you ate a new york strip steak for breakfast, a potato and a half without butter or anything? you would crash by noon.
 Vitamins are fucking bullshit. as long as you get micronutrients into your body at some point, meaning you arent a third worlder who eats nothing but one kind of cheap food, you are getting vitamins, all of them, most of them and guess what, meat has literally all of the required vitamins your body needs in abundance, so long as you occasionally eat liver. but it hardly fucking matters, almost no one in the first world is seriously deficient in micronutrients (the vitamin d thing is bullshit, they miscalculated the requirements or there is some racial factor they refuse to aknowlege, because if fucking everyone is d3 deficient and doing just fine, then no one is. also d3 is found ONLY in animals, not in plants) its all about macro-nutrients FAT PROTEIN carbs, you are eating too much carbs, if you try to stop eating so much carbs you are going to fuck it up, i promise you, your body keeps track EVERY DAY, trying to maintain homeostasis, you will take one extra bite, you will measure your portions wrong, you will eat a whole goddamn cake because you are starving, your body is better at counting calories than you will ever be. so heres what you do, DONT TRY, if you have to try you will fail, you are working too goddamn hard, be realistic with yourself, a temporary diet is actually fucking meaningless, diets are for life. you cant sustain that horrible dumb ass bulshit girl magazines are trying to make you live on, NO ONE CAN, less than 6 percent of people who have lost significant amounts of weight will keep the weight off after a year. who the fuck knows after that as well, other than its certainly less than six percent. i am giving you the cheat code right now, all you have to do is take my word for it, do i seem like i spent years obsessing over this shit? because i have, heres the secret. all you have to do, nothing more, if you try to do more you are fucking up! all you have to do, is take your body weight, divide it by two, and try to get that many grams of protein per day, like your life depended on it, preferably from MEAT. preferably with fat! but honestly i dont fucking care. tbh if you are a girl, id shoot four 40-50 grams everyday, and heres the thing, please! do not go for lowfat, lean meats. you want meat with fat on it, preferably unprocessed, you can still eat hamburgers and sausages but dont make them the center piece of your diet, because they actually add fats in as part of the processing, you can stil leat it though, if you try to get your 40 grams of protein from lean meat like chicken breast alone, you will go crazy and quit, or you will just eat a bunch of carbs to make up for it. again, you want fat and protein. if for the next two months, you made it your goal to eat whatever the fuck you wanted (this is important) so long as you got 40 grams of protein a day, preferably from animal sources, preferably with fat, i promise you, not only will you lose weight like fucking crazy, but it wont even be hard at all, you will feel like you are fucking gorging yourself while slowly getting hotter. that being said, to us men, being hyper thin is not really all its cracked up to be, thats gay fashion designer shit, we like women to be soft, to contrast are hard muscular bodies.
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
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if you sent any asks (recommendations for things don’t count as I have to look around!) since october 17 until october 22 it is in here :)
anon said: The header for your askbox response post is *aesthetic*. I think it’s a really good idea to post one every few days if you have the time. ❤️
well, thANK YOUUUUU!!!!! I put in a whopping 10 minutes into it because I had no idea what I was doing! i’ll definitely be doing asks this way now though.
big dick kiri anon said: !!!!!! ILY HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY PLS HYDRATE 💙💙❤️❤️ -bigdickkiri
Omg love! Please don’t worry about kinktober just breathe! Take your time and try to relax 💙❤️- bigdickkiri
DAMN, that is a LOT. Please look after yourself and don't stress about it love!! - bigdickkiri
I believe I did have a good day, and I am actually super bad at hydrating, buT ILL TRY TO GET BETTER!!!!
I am breathing!!!! JUSTTT BREATHEEEE!!! I am taking my time now and relaxing to the best of my ability :D thank you so much bdk I love you with all my soul
theres always a lot, but if im not doing a lot I dont do anything so on one hand.... it’s okay LMAO but I will continue to try and not stress :D
@bread-theduck​ said: We love you and support you ❤ dont push yourself, your mental health is so much more important that kinktober haha. Take all the time you need, we're right here and open if you wanna talk~
I don’t really try to push myself... it just happens subconsciously D: but thank you for the love and support!!!! my mental health is stronger than I give it credit though
anon said: listen! we all appreciate you and your writing dearly but! I think we can all agree that we want you to be okay mentally and physically before you make yourself write! kinktober can wait! you’re more important!! at the very least, pls take a break for tonight.
I honestly can’t even remember when i said I was tired, but thank you for your kind words regardless!!!! I am trying to get better at it because i don’t want to disappoint you guys D:
@saintbullet​ said: Please take care of yourself!!! DONT risk your health for writing. We care about you so much! Be careful 💕💕💕
I know I push myself a lot, and i’m really sorry for scaring you all!!!! I am trying though, and it just has a lot to do with my mental fatigue and that im judging some hard classes right now then it has to do with anything
anon said: hey it'll be alright! idk whats wrong but i promise everything will work out like its supposed to! you just take care of yourself and take as much time as you need to feel better!! we love u!! ♥️
anon said: periods can be a pain so pls take care of yourself!! drink lots of water and rest up!!!
my period is the worst, if she was a person i’d block her and avoid her irl!!!!!!!!
anon said: Lol ok so gay for Mina anon back and no, I was not the anon who requested it. But lmao, let me take this time to whole heartedly thank that anon for quenching my thirst anyways
anon said: I am just planning on hanging out and reading all the lovely writing that comes from this
i’m pretty sure this is about my nsfw/sfw headcanons, and honestly im sooo very excited to start working on them!!!!!!!!
anon said: you have no idea how happy I got when I saw u posted for mina like UGH MY WIFE I LOVE HER SO MUCH 🥺🥺🥺 N GIVING US GAYS AMAZING CONTENT UR AMAZING MWAH MWAH KEEP BEING THE PERFECT ANGEL U ARE 🥺🥺💞💗💖💕💓💝
many a anons said: Sorry I didn’t see the part where you said not to request characters that were already on the list I thought that was the list of character we could vote for.
so sorry I accidentally sent a character in that has already been requested, Tumblr didn't show me the follow up posts ;;
nooo I didn’t see the list I’m so sorry 😭😭😭
LOL ITS OKAYYYY. y’all were hoes and kept sending me shouto who I couldn’t even think about deleting from my list... so... you are lucky >:(
anon said: hello! not a request here but take care of yourself anc stay hydrated bb 🥰🥰
I got my water right next to me rn bby :D
anon said: be todoroki’s girlfriend
bitch I am todorokis WIFE, why would I need to dress up???
@girl-with-a-mentality​ said: You can be todoroni for Halloween.
....you right...
anon said: Thirst post infoo ;3 I found a doujinshi of Bakugo being teased and toyed with sexually with by Ochako, Yaomomo, and our lovely momma Mina
...send it
anon said: GIRLLLLLL
local dumbass anon said: local dumbass is here once again, i thiink you know who i am and might've found my ig buuuuuut..?
uh.... I don’t know???????? I only followed people on insta if you gave me your handle or followed me first.... also did you cut your bangs?
anon said: Your Monoma scenario was really good!If we’re being honest, though, Monoma would literally start foaming at the mouth if he saw anyone from 1-A making physical contact with his s/o, ESPECIALLY Bakugou. They would have to call animal control because there would be a rabid Monoma in the dorms lol
okay... while you’re not wrong, I just thought 18 year old monoma should have grown up just the tiniest bit! plus his obsession is controlled because of his insecurity so LMAO IDK I JUST THOUGHT MAYBE UGH
@awkward-theaterkid​ said: I was reading your Day 19 Fic but I couldnt take it seriously, the title "My Way" kept reminding me of the Backstreet Boys "I want it that way" and it keeps popping up while I read it 😂
as someone who only heard that song because of b99 I read this and immediately thought of b99 LMAOOOOO
Hello Queen Lyssa, I finally read "And They Were Roommates" and have absolutely no idea why I put it off so long! ITS A MASTERPIECE. Each chapter is addictive and the slow burn and angst destroyed me 😭 The smut in the final chapter is flawless and sooooooooooooooooooo H O T. Shoto wasnt even my favorite character but he might have to be now (or at least in my top 3) 😰 This is my new favorite series and I cant wait to re-read it!!!! YOURE AMAZING AND ILY. You own my soul now -🍒💥
~ thank you to @didyoumeanme​, @kittenlordofdarkness​, @soafers​ for submitting memes and animal pics for my rommate, much appreciated :D ~
anon said: Did the local dumbass anon ever cut their bangs? Do you know?
....I dont know, but I just asked her rn >:)
this paragraph is dedicated to those surrounding to the meltdown mess that occurred yesterday. to each and every one of you who sent me kind words via my askbox or directly contacting me, thank you. I really want to move past this because I feel by holding on it will make me feel less inclined to write because of my guilt. of course, I do not expect you to forgive me, or trust me in my story of how it went down, because at the end of the day it was my mistake for trusting in someone to write with pure intentions when I didn’t know if she could. im trying to continue on with my best foot forward and im grateful for those of you who trusted in me. I swear I will never push myself again, and that I will instead take my time in order to publish my original work and only my original work and not take anything that comes from a “friend”. know that I love you all, and I dont know how to take it easy so my break lasted a whooping 10 hours, and my blog won’t discontinue until im done with bnha or...I get into medschool which is still 3 years away, I am taking care of myself, im staying hydrated, im trying not to put myself down anymore, I will keep going, & will forever continue to be more careful with what I post. also, no one was really coming for me, so don’t worry if you thought so lol. (to you 9 anons who expressed their kind thoughts to me, thank you. to big dick kiri anon thank you. to @bqkubabey​, @flayvus​, & @ultimate-shit-poster​ thank you so so much you really helped me not drown myself in my own guilt.)
anon said: i hope you’re feeling okay today :((
I am feeling a lot better. unfortuantely I did make myself really sick yesterday because ive never been as stressed in my life ever, but im okay now. there’s nothing I can do more for what happened so I will try to continue on as best as I can and I appreciate you caring... ilysm :)
@ikinabi​ said: Your writing??? Actually god sent 🥵👌 and the way you write Mirio gets me GOING
anon said: fuck buddy iida is a thought that has never crossed my mind but now that i’ve seen your post i am intrigued haha
well... it is up :) if you wanna check her out :)
anon said: You dont have to answer if you dont wanna but i just wanna see if your okay. I hope your end your doing well and not stressing.
i’m doing much better than I was yesterday!!! I just needed to rest and calm down and stop attacking myself. thank you for checking in!!! it means so much :,)
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kinktae · 5 years
hello im here to say that im very very inexplicably excited for flesh and blood! yeah! im very excited for it uwu hope you have fun writing it! i love zombie aus
Anonymous said: i love your flesh and blood story!! it’s literally so cute i couldn’t help but gush over YN and JK’s interactions. I was wondering did the movie warm bodies inspire you? 🤣
it did!! :D
Anonymous said: how many parts will there be of flesh and blood and bitchin?
Anonymous said: Hi I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but how many parts will flesh and blood have? I love the story so far 💚
Anonymous said: you probably get asked this alot 😭 so forgive me but how many parts is flesh and blood and bitchin' going to have? asdfghjkl
Anonymous said: you should leave us thirsty and wait for the smut until pt. 4 of flesh and blood 😈
f&b has only 3 parts :)
Anonymous said: I just finished the Flesh and Blood and mind if I say it's BRILLIANT 😍 I have a question tho if JK is not eating y/n and namjoon will he be full with just human foods ? Like how many longer that those candies will keep him from taking a bite from y/n lol? Btw don't wanna sound like needy little brat but when will the next part come I'm so excited about this fic ??
;) guess you’ll just have to wait til part 3 
jeonnsfww said: Hey!!! I am absolutely OBSESSED with your new fic flesh and blood and I was just wondering when you will be coming out with the part two? THANK YOU SO MUCHA AND I LOVE YOU!!!
Anonymous said: when are we getting a flesh and blood update ??🥺
Anonymous said: When is flesh and blood gonna be updated?
joonsbbygxrl said: ok honestly tho? I love flesh and blood so much!!! I've never really read anything like that before so when I came across it I was a bit cautious but now I am OBSESSED! when's the next part coming out?? ♡
dej-okay said: i just read flesh and blood and mayhaps it's my favorite thing in the world 👉👈 is there a taglist or anything for it so i can know if a new chapter comes out 👀
Anonymous said: When will you update flesh and blood ? I love it and YOU so much
taetae123094 said: Can't wait for the next chapter of flesh and blood!!!!😁 When do you think you'll be posting????
Anonymous said: when do you think part 3 of f&b will be out?
I’m not sure when i’ll post the next part and I don’t do taglists, i’m sorry :(
Anonymous said: god....I want a happy ending for flesh & blood. I wouldn’t know how to act if something ended up happening to Jungkook. Hopefully this pussy brings him back to life and he can live on🙉🙉🙈🙈
Anonymous said: Hello! I just wanted to say I finished binge reading your Tempting fic and oh my goodness it was so amazing!! This story was so well written and the characters are so fleshed out; I am incredibly invested in their livelihoods! Thank you so much for creating this series and for making my Halloween beautiful 😊
Anonymous said: I never really send any messages or anything, but God, girl! Flesh and blood had me SCREAMING!!!! 💜💜💜
jungkookkilledme said: I've read almost everything you've written, It gives me so many feels I can't take it lmao. CAN NOT WAIT FOR FLESH AND BLOOD PART 3!!! In the whole supernatural realm, zombies are the creatures I absolutely hate but then you came for my neck (or should I say flesh) with zombie! jk. my hoe ass is ready for some weird zombie smut. I hate myself. pls make him jealous lol
Anonymous said: Rereading bitchin’ while I wait for flesh and blood pt.2 Y/N gets to fuck Jungkook in his life and his death. Damn Y/N won
Anonymous said: FLESH AND BLOOD PT 2, OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!! Everything about it is so good. I love JK’s development (‘: I want to protect him and make sure he doesn’t suffer anymore )): THE KISS SCENE WAS SO CUTE AHHHH. But I really hope that jk, joon, and the reader come up w a plan that keeps them safe from the govt. I know this is all over the place but you are so talented and I hope u know it!!!!! If you wrote chapter books, I would buy every single one
s-u-t said: I love Flesh and Blood part 2, thank you for sharing it with us💕
Anonymous said: flesh and blood is so good rose what the fuck how dare u to finish like that
Anonymous said: i’m reading flesh and blood in class and i’m having the hardest time not the scream
Anonymous said: hey! i've been crazy obsessed with flesh and blood since i read it a few days ago. i still reread it every night, and i just watched warm bodies because of it. i just really love the way you wrote it and the way you captured the story. you encapsulated the growing hope of zombie!jjk well and like, the really sweet and innocent underlying romance. i especially love the 'lil kiss scene, it was really cute. i can't wait to get to the end :) thank you for writing it!
haniexiddd said: flesh and blood is amazing!!!!!!!am i excited for the upcoming zombie sex?? yes i am... and i have no shame
jungkook-is-my-baby said: I love love love Flesh and Blood 🤞💗
Anonymous said: flesh and blood is a beauty thank u ilysm💓
callistojjk said: I love your writing and I just wanted to say that flesh and blood is one of my faves!! How did you make a zombie attractive??? 😩Anywho I read both parts TWICE in a span of three days so there’s that I guess!! I recently started this tumblr to post my first own jk fic and it was partially you who inspired me!! Looking forward to the next part 😍💕
Anonymous said: Hello I just wanted to slide in and say that flesh and blood is so damn good!!! And the way you write is just *chefs kiss* ❤️❤️
Anonymous said: flesh and blood has me HOOKED i’m so hyped for the next part. ur writing is impeccable
Anonymous said: FLESH & BLOOD IS 👌👌👌👌👌👌 I’m usually not into that trope but you make me love this story. Thank youuuuuu
anjelicjazz said: Holy crap Rose!! Flesh and Blood omg!! I had so many warm fuzzy flashbacks to Warm Bodies it's insane! lol that being said I love that while it's in the same au you're writing it to be their story. I can tell you love the idea of it and that you're taking your time with them. They deserve a great story and I just...ah!! Thank you for writing it!! My whole heart revolves around Zombie Jungkook and his impish antics lol~
THANK U EVERYONE FOR ALL THE KIND WORDS!!! I read them all and im sorry im only just now getting to them
way-too-addicted-to-anime said: Namjoon in F&B: Say sike right now! Me: .... I mean I can but that ain't gonna be an accurate statement. P.S. How do you manage to write crack seriously like???
Anonymous said: Hhh actually I was just about to mention that your characterization of Joon in F&B is one of my favourites cause while genius!Joon is a famous agenda in the army fanfic community, its always half-assed y'know? Like they'll write him as a whole 148 IQ einstein who went to harvard when he was 7 but his dialogue would be like "so the square of root of this dimension negative to the pythagorous theory-" like bruh do you know what you're talking about? But you seem to really ground his character. Like Joon in F&B knows shit!!! He's already figured out where the whole "zombies are bad" agenda derived from as well as debunking majoritys opinion on zombies. Not to mention his whole drive for knowledge stems from his insatiable curiosity so now we have a why to the how. Basically, you're really good at writing sksjsks ALSO THE PLOT PACING IN F&B IS AMAZING THANK ILY BYE
THE WAY UR ANALYSIS OF F&B JOON MADE ME WET!!! i sent snippets of his part to my friends and i distinctly remember daisy telling me she wanted to suck his dick skdjskj. I think my capricorn self really just is just self-servicing with my smart boy kink heh 
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murasakiyuzu · 6 years
List your top 5 Anime Characters, then tag 10 people
thanks for tagging me @glassmoonfortuneteller! sorry it took be a while to do this lmao -w-
in no particular order bc that would kill me:
1. Oikawa Tooru (Haikyuu!!)
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i love every single character in this heckin anime, but oikawa rly messes up w all my feelings. im too weak for characters w gap moe, even if its the ‘looks very nice, is actually a bit of a demon’ kind and not the other way around, lmao. the thing abt oikawa is that he twists in and out of himself; he is handsome, charismatic and endearing at first glance, but hes also cunning and easily overcome by feelings of jealousy, inferiority and egoism. even so, hes an observant and hardworking leader who places his strength on the strength of his team as a whole, never thinking himself higher than his teammates. oikawa looks like he got everything easily, looks like hes a genius, but everything he has he worked very hard for. oikawa built himself to be a winner but never got the victory he wanted the most. nothing w oikawa is as it looks, and that why i cant help but love him.
2. Noiz (DRAMAtical Murder)
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u knew he was going to be here, its gotta count for something that i, at least, didnt put him on number 1 too lmAO
just like oikawa, i fell victim to noizs gap moe as well. i mean, u give me a delinquent in weird clothes whos rude to everyone, pushy and even violent, and then turns out hes like a little kid at heart who buys foods without knowing their names, who doesnt know when to stop fighting bc he doesnt feel pain and no one ever cared abt his safety and thinks hes a monster bc of his insensitivity and silently suffers bc of it, ofc im gonna lay down my life for him. im gonna die for noiz ya hear me
theres not many scenes in anything that fucks me up more than the scene (that didnt make into the anime, sob) where he fights w aoba as theyre hiding in the oval tower, and then he tells aoba abt his insensitivity to pain and aoba pulls him down to him and tells noiz the world isnt as bad as he thinks and makes noiz slowly open up to him and learn from aoba how is it like to care abt someone else. its beautiful to see him, whos so young but is both hardened by the ugliness of the world hes seen and ignorant to the good things the world still has to offer, finally open himself up and make the first steps towards growth, and meaning to grow beside the one he fell in love with. im soft. my heart was found full of love.
3. Olivier Mira Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)
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ive been in love w this woman since i first read the manga and when i watched the anime i died, thats the story
just like haikyuu!!, i love every single character in this anime, like, im physically Incapable of hating any of them. but olivier stands out for me. i think theres people who prolly had a bad impression from her as she antagonized ed and al right when she showed up, but young me was in awe of her attitude and her strong resolve in seeing for herself what ed and al were worth. shes known as ‘the ice queen of briggs’ and she leads her men with an iron fist, but its also clear that shes fair and values the life of every one of her subordinates, like when buccaneer and the others were late in coming back to the surface after their rescue mission and thought they would be left for dead, only to find that olivier had subtly made sure they would be received any time they came back.
her confidence in her own judgement, how she dealt w miles’ conflict as an amestris soldier and part ishvallan and the way she doesnt rly give a fuck abt whats lawful and correct and goes through with the things she herself considers right, are all things i love so much abt her. when i was a kid i even tried to get my hair to be like hers LMAO
tldr; queen of my life
4. Kinomoto Sakura (Cardcaptor Sakura)
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cardcaptor sakura was my first true anime. i did watch saint seiya and naruto on tv around that time as well, but cardcaptor sakura was the first one i actually watched in full and then rewatched again and again and obsessed over, lmao.
i was rly, rly young then. not a baby anymore, def; i was about 10-12? it was an age at which i was building my own personality. honestly, at that point in time i think i was already kinda Messed Up, lmao; id get on Moods and be rly depressed and then super cranky, and i was always socially awkward. sakura made a huge impression on me; it just seemed like her attitude made everything better. she talked to everyone and had lots of friends and it seemed like she had a lot of fun like that. i tried to be more cheerful like that (i wanted roller blades too but i dont live in a place where i can use it a lot, and my parents never bought it for me lmao), and while i never got the hang of being super bright to Everyone and im still kind of moody, i think she rly taught me to be lighter and not take myself too seriously, to always try to see the bright side of things and believe that everything will be alright.
5. Nino (ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka)
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thats not an anime a lot of people watched, i think, and on that note, if @ u all didnt watch it, GO WATCH ACCA ITS SO GOOD UR LOSING OUT???, so theres prolly not a lot of people who would put nino in their top 5 favorite characters lmao
but hes absolutely worthy of it. its fascinating to see the mystery of his identity and actions throughout the anime slowly unravel itself. i even wrote a oneshot that delved into what he was doing and what he was thinking as the events of the show progressed, trying to fill the blanks that the canon didnt show. ill try not to be spoilery w this one bc i want u all to find out for urselves, but i love ninos intelligence, his attitude and his strong loyalty, and in that loyalty, the conflict he feels between his duty and his desire. the episode that shows his past is one of my favorites bc its so heartrending. i love how naturally he fits in with jean and lotta and how the three of them look like a family. anyway, watch acca and love nino w me ♡
I’m tagging @lithuanina, @satyr-syd, @realm-of-spells, and thats it bc im not in contact w a lot of people and tumblr is apparently not letting me tag some others either lmao rip
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gh0stboombox · 7 years
The Big Band Bunch (and some singers too)
These are some bands or artists that I like/love a lot so please listen to them (I will provide jams w them)
Some are known and some aren't
This font are songs
1. Glass Animlas
LIKE LIQUID GLASS TO THE EARS but no seriously they make some BOPS honestly. If you get around in the animation community you've probably heard the other side of paradise or pork soda, but got listen to their other songs cuz they are all beautiful.
Take a slice
Season 2 episode 3
Pork soda
2. Tally Hall
BOI DO WE EVEN HAVE TO DISSUCS I love tally hall with a firey passion ngl. Not only do they make JAMS AND BOPS but they also had an internet show that was kinda ahead of its time. They make music from electronic, to rock, to like alternitave, to pop and its great. Like consistancy and more then just music? Tally Hall.
Welcome to tally hall
The whole world and you
The bidding
3. Kimya Dawson/ The moldy peaches
A queen. She made a lot of the Juno sound track and honestly she has many other masterpieces. Her music really gets me through some rough times man its great. But most of her music is good and soft with GREAT lyrics.
Same shit/ complicated
I will never forget
My mom
4. Tom Rosenthal
I just got into him recently but I am OBSESSED AND IN LOVE. His music is all great stuff for rainy days and taking a bath. He does a lot of soft piano and ukulele stuff AND HAS THE VOICE OF A GOD LIKE HOLY MOLY. Love the lyrics too. Would give a PHAT recommend to anyone.
All of them dreams
Little big mistakes
5. The Wombats
Okay so they're getting more popular but they have this like brit-pop-rock thing and it makes me HAPPY. It would fit so well into indie teen films. They're whole 'A guide to love, loss and desperation' album is a romp. Good for long car rides.
Lets dance to Joy Division
Here comes the anxiety
Little Miss Pipedream
6. Weezeer
I'm pretty sure you know weezer, cuz they are pretty popular and they have been around forever. But their music makes me think of early 2000s late 90s vibes and it puts me in a good place. Plus the blue album and pinkerton are both 10/10. If you like punk rock then listen to them.
Pork and beans
Why bother?
My name is Jonas
7. Andrew Jackson Jihad
Folk punk. Honestly what a combo that they can pull off so well. They add a lot of good lyrics into some good jams that I listen to when I walk my dog. You might have heard brave as a noun maybe, but they're band is like banjos, and angry lyrics.
My daddy didn't love me
Brave as a noun
American tune
They are only known for sail and run and it makes me wanna die. As thoes are good songs, they have REAL BOPS on most of their albums. They make like electronic rock kinda..?? Its kinda hard to describe but it's really good ngl. Give them a phat listen.
Woman, woman
Jump on my shoulders
Fat face
9. Mother Mother
Again, ANIMATION COMUNITY IM CALLIN YOU OUT. You probably have heard body and maaaaayyyyybeeee ghosting, but MAN they make some good music honestly. Its basically alternitave. The voices are gold too honestly. They're want to make me go explore a forest for some reason honestly.
Bit by bit
Oh Ana
Oh my heart
10. Atlas
SPELL IT OUT! R E L A T A B L E! Atlas makes rap music that I couldn't even compare to anything cuz its too good. I'm not a big fan of rap honestly but this man makes songs that are so relatable and great??? Like they make me so happy and I have like 4 of his songs on a sleep playlist. Lyrics are amazing 17/10.
Such nice sounds
Internet personas
Y'all got any good bands or artists to recommend? Tell me cuz I love new music 💕
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foolish-idiot · 8 years
🐰 💗 👀 ☀️ 😘 💁 🌟 🐾 🎁 💙 🐇 🌻 ✈️ ☕️ 🌸 💧 🎵 ⚡️ 💛 💎 🙊 🌺 🍀 ☁️ 💜 🐬 🍄 🍪 🍰 🍑 ☔️ 😊 🎤 🐻 👑 🍋 📚 🐧 🐵 💫 🎀 🎬 🍦 🐱 🐼
🐰 what is one secret that you’ve never told anyone?I dont have one. Lol. Leah knows everything about me xP💗 if you could hug anyone, who would it be? OMG SO MANY PEOPLE!!! >_I WANNA HUG EVERYONE!👀 what was the most recent vivid dream that you had?I dont remember the dream but I remember being called by a very distinct voice. It sounded extremely real and close and there. And when I opened my eyes and realized they weren’t in fact there, I was actually kinda sad?☀️ what do you like the most about your best friend?Everything? Shes fucking amazing! .. But maybe her sense of humor? I don’t know. Lmao.���� talk about your crush or partnerHe’s funny and caring and I love his laugh so much. Hes a bit inappropriate at time :P But it’s all in good humor so its okay lol. If you ask me I think he sings amazingly. Hes the kind of person that you always want to be around or talk to, even when you have nothing to say. Or at least he is for me… :] I enjoy every second I get to spend with him. AND HE CONSTANTLY ASKS ME TO ANSWER THE SAME KIND OF QUESTIONS XD SO IM GETTING LAZY AND COPY AND PASTING.💁 if someone was rude to you, would you be rude back?I dont know I guess it depends on my mood and just what exactly they are being rude about???Generally no though. I kinda just smile through it and then rant about it to Leah or the bunny squad later. Lmao.🌟 what do you like about yourself? (must choose at least 3 things!)My hairMy eyes I guess?Um… Freckles on my arm are cute I guess…?🐾 what are you scared of most? how will you overcome it?Being left out, being not good enough, That I’ll annoy everyone to the point of not wanting to be with me anymore.I have no idea. Try not to be annoying I guess?🎁 what never fails to make you happy?The Bunny Squad. All of you are so great and alway cheer me up 💙 what annoys you about some people?Acting entitled.🐇 what do you always daydream about? I dont know… ? Mainly getting away I think. Lol. What my life is gonna be like after all the crap thats going on right now is over :DAlso fanfic ideas Ill never write! lmao🌻 if you could change 3 things about the world what would you change? TrumpIgnoranceNazism coming back for some reason? Like, seriously? Fucking hell people.
☕️ talk about your ideal dayMovies and cuddles and lazy comfy clothes. Doing nothing and talking to the people I love and browsing tumblr and maybe playing some games if I so choose.Lazy days are my ideal days.🌸 are you an introvert, ambivert or extrovert?Ambivert💧 when was the last time you cried?Uuhh…. Last Saturday I think?🎵 name 5 songs you love at the momentMarianas Trench - Beside YouHailee Steinfeld, Grey - Starving Kris Allen - The TruthDaya - Sit Still, Look PrettyMaggie Lindemann - Pretty Girl
⚡️ if you had any superpower, what would it be and why?Teleportation :D Because then I can go where ever, when ever. In the snap of a finger ! :D💛 if you could talk to your younger self, what would you say?It doesn’t stay like this I promise. It’ll be okay. Try not to be so angry, okay? :]💎 which one would you rather have more of: intelligence, beauty, kindness, wealth or bravery? why?More of? As in, addition to what I have already right?If so then Im gonna go with wealth becuase then Ill have the money to help people like I want to :]🙊 what are you ashamed of?Lots of things! :D🌺 which languages do you know? which do you want to learn?I know English lmao.Im learning German! :DI want to finish learning German (or get better at it) and learn Japanese and French and Korean and Chinese and Spanish. I wanna learn all the languages!🍀 if you could be any fictional character’s best friend/lover, which fictional character would you be?CHATS BEST FRIEND!BEST FRIENDS WITH EVERYONE IN AVATAR THE LAST AIRBENDER!!TOPHS BESTEST BEST FRIEND!!!☁️ talk about your dream universe.…. I have no idea. I’ve never thought of this.💜 which acts of kindness are you going to do today? I… Don’t know? Make my brother breakfast? lmao🐬 if you could transform into any animal/magical creature, what would you be and why?Im gonna say cat right now because I love cats and I can’t think of any magical creatures even though I’m like, 10000000000% sure I’ll think of one later that I’d rather be lmao.🍄 talk about someone/something you really dislikeFucking Mushrooms. Olives. Spicy foods.Most things I dislike are foods. Lmao.🍪 what did you want to be as a kid, and what do you want to be now?Marine Biologist because I wanted to work with Dolphins and the ocean.Psychologist, now.🍰 what are some of your favourite sugary foods?Thin Mints.🍑 what are you obsessed with?Right now I seem to be going through another Disney phase lmao☔️ would you consider yourself a good person?I try?😊 what do you like to do as hobbies?Read fanfic and books, browse tumblr, play stardew valley, talk to the bunny squad in VC all fucking day lmao.Write sometimes, listen to music, watch movies or tv shows, cook sometimes, draw sometimes. Idk.🎤 what’s the last song you hummed or sang by yourself?Maggie Lindemann - Pretty Girl 🐻 what’s stopping you from chasing your dreams?Money👑 who are your favourite celebrities and why? Will Smith. I love his acting and hes just awesome okay?🍋 do you consider yourself an emotional person?Lmao. Oh hell yeah.Irrationally so sometimes.📚 share 3 books that you love and your favourite quote from them.Too much work… Ima be sitting here for an hour answering this question just no. xDSKIP.🐧 describe yourself in 3 wordsVery fucking tired🐵 which quotes changed you?No quote has really impacted my life in such a way, honestly.💫 who inspires you?My friends :]🎀 what’s your fashion sense like?Lazy and comfy🎬 what are some of your favourite films?Mulan, Atlantis: The Lost Empire, Men In Black 1,2 and 3.🍦 what is one treasured childhood memory?Closing me and my cousins up inside of an empty toy box and then rocking it over the edge of the stairs so we cold try to slide down them inside it like a giant enclosed sled.It didn’t really work like that though lol🐱 what’s your dream pet like? I have my dream pet already. Shes a cat and her name is Gypsy 🐼 if you could meet anyone, who would it be?The whole bunny squad! :D
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universetardis · 8 years
youre gonna hate this, but do all the asks
Oh my god well here I go: 
(Its a really long post and it took so long holy shit)
🐰 what is one secret that you’ve never told anyone? If I said it then it wouldn’t be a secret anymore (But seriously I don’t think I have one)
💗 if you could hug anyone, who would it be? probably Phil because everyone says he gives really good hugs
🐹 what are some of your favourite Pokémon and why? I’m trash and have only played pokemon go and not the actual games, that aside probably eevee
🌠 if you were in charge of the world, what would the world look like? Not like how it is now (A lot less/no hate and suffering)
👀 what was the most recent vivid dream that you had? I don’t remember any
☀️ what do you like the most about your best friend? Everything
😘 talk about your crush or partner I don’t have a partner nor an actual crush but I absolutely love Bex Taylor Klaus (She is my wife AND SHE JUST RETWEETED MY TWEET OKAY IM CRYING)
💁 if someone was rude to you, would you be rude back? It would depend on the situation and who they were- in general no though
🌟 what do you like about yourself? Eyes, intelligence, and humour I guess
🐾 what are you scared of most? how will you overcome it? I’m terrified of spiders and I have no idea how I’ll overcome it
🎁 what never fails to make you happy? Dan and Phil
💙 what annoys you about some people? When they are generally disrespectful of others and are homophobic, transphobic, racist or sexist
😤 do you get angry easily? Not angry necessarily but I get annoyed easily
🐇 what do you always daydream about? tv shows and being in a relationship
🌻 if you could change 3 things about the world what would you change? End world hunger, no prejudices, and i don’t know
🍓 send me 4 names: kiss, befriend, kill or marry? —
✈️ what is your dream city and why? To travel to probably London but I wouldn’t want to live there. Why I want to go there is because it seems like a nice place
☕️ talk about your ideal day Getting to watch tv/youtube all day without having to worry about school or anything
🌸 are you an introvert, ambivert or extrovert? Introvert
💧 when was the last time you cried? Like 15 minutes ago… DID I MENTION BEX TAYLOR KLAUS RETWEETED MY TWEET
🎵 name 5 songs you love at the moment (In No Order)
That Green Gentleman- Panic! At the Disco
When the day met the night- Panic! At The Disco
America’s Suitehearts- Fall Out Boy
Pretty Girl- Hayley Kiyoko
Gravel To Tempo- Hayley Kiyoko
⚡️ if you had any superpower, what would it be and why? Probably Telekinesis because you literally wouldn’t have to move and could always defend yourself
💛 if you could talk to your younger self, what would you say? Probably something about not caring about what others think of you or some bullshit like that
💚 who are you jealous of and why? Im not really jealous of anyone that I can think of atm
💎 which one would you rather have more of: intelligence, beauty, kindness, wealth or bravery? why? Kindness because whats the point of being any of those other things if you’re not kind
🙊 what are you ashamed of? I dont know
🌺 which languages do you know? which do you want to learn? I can only speak fluent English but I am learning Japanese at school
🍀 if you could be any fictional character’s best friend/lover, which fictional character would you be? I HAVE TOO MANY DON”T ASK ME THINGS WHERE I HAVE TO ONLY PICK ONE
☁️ talk about your dream universe. Um I actually don’t know
💜 which acts of kindness are you going to do today? I don’t know, shit just happens 
🐬 if you could transform into any animal/magical creature, what would you be and why? A cat because they literally do nothing 
🍄 talk about someone/something you really dislike Well I would rant about the people who I dislike but I really couldn’t be bothered but those people are homophobic, transphobic, and racist little dickheads
😣 talk about some things that have been making you depressed/angry/anxious lately honestly going back to school in half a month is stressing me out and making me sad. Like I’m on summer break atm and its so freeing because even though I’m barely allowed to do anything (go out or whatever), I get to just relax and watch tv instead of constant stress but now ill be going back soon im really not looking forward to it. I like learning but with school I put so much pressure on myself to do great and get A’s in pretty much all my subjects and honestly it just makes me feel depressed and stressed
🍪 what did you want to be as a kid, and what do you want to be now? I wanted to be a singer as a kid but now I have no freaking clue
🍰 what are some of your favourite sugary foods? Chocolate, ice cream, pretty much anything with lots of sugar in it
🍑 what are you obsessed with? Literally every tv show I watch (too many to name but if you go into my about page you’ll see most of them), Dan and Phil, bands and musicians (that are also named in my about page), and BEX TAYLOR KLAUS
💘 what happens to you when you’re stressed? Most of the time I cry 
😪 what are you sick of? School, homework, life
🙀 are you an adrenaline seeker? I guess
💥 what are some unpopular opinions that you have?
Maths isn’t actually that hard
Baths aren’t that great
☔️ would you consider yourself a good person? Yeah I guess
😊 what do you like to do as hobbies? I love to dance, watch tv/youtube, eat and sleep
🎤 what’s the last song you hummed or sang by yourself? The Kids Aren’t Alright by Fall Out Boy (I was in the shower)
🐝 what’s your worst trait? how are you planning to improve it? I put too much pressure on myself to excel in school and when I don’t get an A (sometimes B depending on how hard I find the subject) I become annoyed at myself and sad. I have no freaking clue how to stop this other than drop out of school lmao (which i would never do)
🎨 what do you always doodle when you’re bored? Cat whiskers and |-/ . Thats about how far my art skills go
🐻 what’s stopping you from chasing your dreams? I don’t really have dreams other than find a partner who makes me feel better about myself and happy I guess. Whats stopping me from that is only being 16 and literally no one liking me
🌷 what’s your mbti personality and why do you think it suits you? I’m INFJ and I wouldn’t have a clue why it suits me but its literally me
🐶 send me 3 fictional people and I’ll choose my favourite! —
👑 who are your favourite celebrities and why? At the moment its Bex Taylor Klaus if you couldn’t already tell but also dan and phil
🐴 opinion on __? —
🍋 do you consider yourself an emotional person? Yes
📚 share 3 books that you love and your favourite quote from them. (Im lazy and not writing quotes)
The Amazing Book Is Not On Fire
A Series of Unfortunate Events (Not a single book but an amazing series)
Simon vs The Homosapien Agenda
😔 what do you always do when you feel sad? does it help? Cry and watch tv/youtube, it kinda helps
😌 what thoughts keep you going when you’re sad? I don’t know
🌍 which country do you live in? Australia
🐧 describe yourself in 3 words Quiet, smart and tired
🐵 which quotes changed you? I don’t know
💭 do you keep a diary? Nope
💫 who inspires you? Dan Howell, Phil Lester, and Bex Taylor Klaus among many others
👻 do you believe in ghosts and why? Yes because ghosts are cool
🎀 what’s your fashion sense like? I don’t have any fashion sense unless you count jeans/shorts and fandom shirts as “fashion sense” then thats what my fashion sense is like 
🎬 what are some of your favourite films? Again refer to my about page if you want to know them
🍦 what is one treasured childhood memory? Winning dance awards I guess
🐼 if you could meet anyone, who would it be and why? There are too many to count
I hope this satisfies you
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brightlytae · 6 years
angel, awe, baby, blossom, blush, bright, calm, cozy, cupcake, cute, cutie pie, daylight, dear, doll, dreams, euphoric, fairy, gem, giggles, heart, honey, hunnybunch, kitty, ladybug, love, magic, moonlight, munchkin, paddywack, precious, pretty, prince, princess, pumpkin, rainbow, smitten, snuggle, starlight, soft, toot, treasure, whiffle, whiskers, wiggly, and wispy.
angel: do you have a nickname? people normally just call me P, little P or Paoletta!
awe: How old are you? 21
baby: Fave colour? Purple and blue!
blossom: Favourite book/ movie/ song? book- The Princess Bride, movie- The Goonies, song- (ima stick to bts) Move, Spring day and Baepsae
blush: What was your stuffed animal as a child? I had this teddy bear called angel and I used to take her everywhere with me. I loved her so much seriously she was so soft and i used to buy little outfits for her and everything.
bright: Mermaids or fairies? damnnnnnn like a bitch loves both so much? Ima pick mermaids though just because im so attached to the sea and water in general.
calm: Favourite scent? vanilla!
cozy: eye/hair colour? I have green eyes and ashy blonde hair. Im naturally brunette though. 
cupcake: Favourite flower/plant? Lotus flowers, blossoms, cacti, money plants (this is what my famo call them so idk their actual name?)
cute: What did you get on your last birthday? LOTS OF FLOWERS! (i absolutely adore flowers), Jewelry to mark my 21st, money...
cutie pie: Most precious item you own? anything my grandparents have given me. My nonno bought me a vintage typewriter that i keep in my room that i love. 
daylight: Favourite album of all time? this is hard. the all time low weightless album is really special to me. The wicked broadway musical soundtrack too. Also the bts Young forever album has a very very special place in my heart.
dear: Zodiac sign? cancer!
doll: How do you like to dress? I wear a lot of jumpers, a lot of oversized clothes, and like loads of culottes- wide flare pants or dungarees. I tend to tuck my jumpers in to high waist jeans (If im wearing jeans they will always be high waist), or skirts. Also long flowy patterned dresses. My wardrobe is pretty made up of long flowy dresses. I also either wear all black or i live in very vibrant patterns- its one or the other! also i wear a lot of rings and earrings like all the time.
dreams: Do you want any tattoos? I want loadsssss of tattoos but just havent had the time to get any done yet!
euphoric: Talk about someone you love? My grandmother is the strongest, bravest most honest woman i have ever met. No one has so much love and care within their heart as this woman does. She is my everything. I go to her for everything and she will always listen to me, look after me and just be there when I need her. she is the type of person who will drop anything just to help someone out. She does so much for the people around her, she helps everyone no matter what. She’s been through so much in her life yet continues to power through and its really just inspirational to me. If i could give her the whole entire world, i would bc she deserves nothing less. 
fairy: Do you have a pet? I have a little doggo called rolo and he is just a sweet little old man who makes my heart melt. Honestly hes freaking precious and i dare anyone not to fall in love with him.
gem: who are your favourite tumblrs? I love a lot of bts based tumblrs but i feel sort of bad tagging them in this post coz its super long and im kinda shy ahahah. 
giggles: What is your aesthetic of choice?  i honestly dont even know? i dont really think i have one...
heart: silk or lace? ooof i think i look better in lace and i own more lace so...
honey: Coffee or tea? being italian living in england im so adjusted to both. Im a cappucino girl but i love tea. Both with milk and either 1 or 2 sugars depending on how im feeling.
hunnybunch: What sounds help you sleep? I actually sleep with earplugs in because i need like complete silence to sleep. The littlest sound and i stay awake!
kitty: Whats your favorite time of the day? I like the morning period from like 8:30-12:00 when i have nothing to do and can just send the time doing things i love!
ladybug: What’s your favorite artist to listen to when you’re sad? when im sad i tend to listen to musicals. Like the Rent soundtrack is a big go to when im upset! musicals just generally evoke a lot of emotion out of me and that tends to make me feel better
love: Whats your favorite season and why? SPRING! (I actually really love all the seasons bc i think theres something relly beautiful about each one) but spring to me just feels bright? the weather starts to change, everything sort of shines, everything gets a bit more colourful and it always feels like a new start for me.
magic: what are five flaws you have?
I worry too much about everything all the time where i cant ever really enjoy myself
I struggle with my confidence a lot and tend to put myself down
I struggle to keep control of my life a lot
I dont think im great at meeting new people and i tend to give off a bad first impression
I overthink so much to the point where i can obsess for days over the tiniest detail.
moonlight:do you prefer soft pastels, warm neutrals, or cool darks? when i think about my wardrobe its literally a mix of all three. cool darks maybe?
munchkin: what do you look for in a significant other? really i just want someone who is kind-hearted, passionate, shares my interests and makes me smile.
paddywack: How would you describe a perfect date? i think its less about where i am and more about how i feel. A perfect date would be one where i cant contain my smile because the person i am with makes me feel so happy, where i cant help but blush every time my date looks at me because their eyes seem to twinkle and show me that they like me too. A perfect date would be one where theres never ending discussions and conversations, where i laugh so loud at something my date said, or they listen to every single word of what ive said and i can tell the were listening. I want to feel comfortable and secure, like my date wants to be with me.
precious: What is something valuable that you learned in your life? Someone elses success, is not your failure.
pretty: Do you like to cook or bake more? I honestly love to do both but baking is a big hobby of mine!
prince: How would you describe you handwriting? always changing, normally cursive, slants to one side
princess:do you play any instruments? if not, are there any you wish you could play? I used to play piano. I’d love to play the guitar and also the harp would be super cool to learn
pumpkin: favorite fruit/veg? i love watermelon!!!!!! my fave veg is either broccoli, or brussel sprouts
rainbow: what was the last line of the last book you read? “always dancing in the sun. yes. yes. yes”
smitten: do you collect anything? Theater playbills, concert/show tickets, i take and collect polaroids and i also have a small collection of beach rocks and VW camper vans.
snuggle: what is your favorite candy? does chocolate count as candy?
starlight: What was your favorite show as a child? RECESS
soft: describe your favourite spot in your house? white walls decorates with lights, polaroids and patterned flags, anti war posters, a pinboard full of art, a whiteboard full of ‘to-dos’, plants, photoframes, ornaments, a flamingo, books upon books, a television nd the comfiest bed in the world...
toot: What is something you find unique about yourself? I think that i think in quite a unique way. I kind of talk and deduce and speak in a way that i dont think some people always understand.
treasure: What was something that made you smile today? I had dinner with my sisters and their boyfriends and i smiled a lot as we sat and talked. It was really nice.
whiffle: If you could have a magical power what would it be? Ive often wished i could read peoples minds or stop time. Maybe also heal people or change their state of emotion so they could always be happy. 
whiskers: Do you usually wear makeup? I love wearing make up and i find it kinda therapeutic to put on. I do tend to wear makeup everyday if im leaving the house.
wiggly: Are you a messy or tidy person? tidy. I love to clean, i love clean spaces, and i also love to organize.
wispy: do you like the place where you grew up? do you think you will live there when you get older? my town is very cute and very lovely and as i grew up i dont think i ever truly appreciated how wonderful a town it is. That being said, with the dreams i have and the places i wanna go, my town is too small and i need to expand my horizons.
Thank you hun!!💜💜💜
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