#but she doesn't really look like Penelope either?? Yes they have the same hair color but her green eyes are p different
ultramarine-spirit · 2 years
Rereading wmmap I realized that claude's mom has the same bangs as Athy and Claude and I love that Spoon did that 😭
You are right! She has the same type of bangs as Claude and Athy do. I think Spoon did a great job with their character designs showing how they are related to one another. They don't look identical, but are similar enough for you to think they are from the same family, especially Athy looking a lot like Diana and Claude, but also like young Anastasius. (I like to think that LP!Athy especially resembles Claude's mother. They have a similar fragile and melancholic air).
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In other manhwas there are times when I wouldn't be able to tell characters are related if the plot didn't explicitly say it, so I think Spoon's special attention to detail and love for parallelisms really shines here. Sure, the jewel eyes are an obvious sign of Athy being Claude's daughter and Ana's niece, but their hairstyles are similar as well, the shape of their eyes and faces, and even their expressions and mannerisms. And yet Athy is also so much like Diana. She has the same wavy hair and slender figure, her smile is exactly the same, and she shares Diana's bright personality with a stubborn side, as per Claude's words (and apparently also the love for sweets, going by that one Diana chibi). I think her character design is the perfect balance between Claude and Diana's sides!
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dootznbootz · 14 hours
Hi! I haven't had the chance to read the Iliad or the Odyssey but I want to draw an illustration with Odysseus, Penelope, Agamemnon, Clytemnestra, Menelaus, and Helen. I want to try to potray them as close as in the books. Are there descriptions in the books of how they look like?
*cracks my knuckles*
So I'm going to preface this with...
While yes, there are some characteristics listed, you can (and should!) have fun and kind of go a lil crazy :3 Also that I'm no expert and simply a silly goose.
There are many MANY "designs" that can and DO "fit"! For example, one of my dear friends has her Penelope with auburn hair and her Odysseus with black hair while I have that switched! (My Odysseus with Auburn and Penelope with black hair) Many people have Odysseus short while I have him taller. I have my Penelope very smol and my Helen is a chubby 6'4 woman.
That's something that is so fun about these myths! :D So many interpretations and so many that are still "correct"! :)
(Also folks who have better knowledge and/or something to add, please feel free to! :D )
BUT!!! I get where you're coming from in trying to get "as canon as possible" as I try to do that too so I'll do what I can. :3 If you're curious about the BEAUTY STANDARDS of Minoan/Mycenaean Greece, that's a different matter. (I don't mind making a separate thing for that with the sources I have as well)
And honestly? For the Women, (Penelope, Helen, Clytemnestra, etc.) There really isn't like, ANY description of them. At least not specifics other than beautiful.
I think what you DO need to keep in mind for the gals, is like, what their heritage is and then base on that. What do you think of when you think of Zeus and how he looks? Possibly keep that in mind when designing Helen (and Pollux). With Clytemnestra, her and Helen share a mom but have different dads, so keep that in mind.
Penelope is, in the most straight forward myths, is at least half Naiad (freshwater nymph) and even be 75% naiad! Her mother being Periboea, a naiad herself, and her dad, Icarius, being half-nymph in some myths! :D
Now to the guys who DO have some canon stuff. (btw, this is from what I remember on the top of my head with the evidence I can find/remember)
First off, Achaeans are usually given the epithet of "Long-haired", as that was kind of the beauty standard :)
I'll do Agamemnon first.
"who’s that large man, over there, that impressive, strong Achaean? Others may be taller by a head than him, but I’ve never seen with my own eyes, such a striking man, so noble, so like a king" (Book 3, Johnston)
He is implied to be tall but not as broad as Menelaus and Odysseus. But definitely still is strong in his own right. His hair color I don't think is ever described but I'm pretty sure he's described with a dark beard at one point.
For Menelaus:
(sorry but his descriptions are often squished in between other stuff, and I don't wanna sift through it all)
He is often described with either "fair-hair" or "flaming-hair". So most likely blond or ginger. He is taller than Odysseus as well but it sounds like, maybe a tiny bit shorter (or same height) as Agamemnon. He is more described with a broader body in general. (I guess a good reference could be a professional wrestler? I love kind of imagining him, while not as imposing and large as Greater Ajax, he is like a "brick of a man" in how you'd try to rush at him and push him and you couldn't.)
For Odysseus:
Homer doesn't shut up about how ripped this man is tbh lol.
Dear child, come tell me who this man is,                                 shorter by a head than Agamemnon, son of Atreus. But he looks broader in his chest and shoulders. His armour’s stacked there on the fertile earth, but he strides on, marching through men’s ranks just like a ram moving through large white multitudes of sheep. Yes, a woolly ram, that’s what he seems to me.” (Book 3, Johnston)
"She withered the smooth skin on his supple limbs, robbed his head of its auburn locks [...]" (Book 13, Rieu)
"The bushy locks to hang from his head thick as the petals of hyacinth in bloom" (Book 23, Rieu)
"Fine thighs" etc. I think you get the point. He's got a broad chest and shoulders, strong af legs, he gives the vibe of being very toned, probably almost like a "Greek God" as he does have the Epithet of "Godlike". While his hair color can really be anything, He ALWAYS has thick curls (the hyacinth and ram comparison) which was the beauty standard of the time.
For clothes!
This was the Minoan/Mycenaean style for the most part! :D I recommend researching on your own as well but here's some examples! (Feel free to make adjustments in some ways (I know that not everyone is comfortable drawing breasts and that's okay.))
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For Men's fashion:
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(This is a Boar Tusk Helmet! :3 Many warriors wore but Odysseus specifically did in the Iliad and is commonly depicted with one!)
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I hope this helps!!!
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I'm doing them all 5 at a time, feel free to share your opinions
Which type of cereal is their favorite?
Something excessively sweet but redeemable healthy, like frosted flakes. Sugary, but almost corn flakes.
What outfit do they wear when they need to feel confident?
Mmmmm some complimentary pants and a purple or green button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbow
Describe their dream date
Go to bookstore, find books for the other person in various categories (eg a romance, a non fiction, a science fiction, etc.), present them at a picnic
What is their bath or shower routine?
Mmmm at first he used fucking 3 in 1 but then Penny g found out and he still uses the same products she recommended. He did some research and washes his hair every other day, sometimes every third day, and he goes to her with any questions about good haircuts or styles. He used a loofah in the bath and eventually gets confident enough in his loofah to use it in the shower as well. Baths are for relaxing or depression days when he feels like he doesn't want to shower even though he knows he should.
What is their love language?
Touch and quality time (I think those are right?? Idk much about this one)
ahhh it's long one friends...
1. Which type of cereal is their favorite?
Yes, he'd love something excessively sugary. I think he'd be a no-milk cereal kind of guy. Just munching on a box of cereal as a snack in the middle of their workspace with gory pictures surrounding them?? Peak SpencerCore!
2. What outfit do they wear when they need to feel confident?
So this would be so hard for him, because he would feel like everything fits him so awkwardly. But I think he'd pay attention to color theory or the science behind confidence and choose something that compliments that. Like you said, rolling the sleeves up to his elbows?? YES SPENCER <3 He'd feel really good in something that fits him, which I think is cannonical because post episode one, season one, his clothes fit so much better. So I think he'd like something like a lavender button up shirt with soft corduroy pants in a dark gray and a cardigan in a complimenting color. He'd wear his Converse for a touch of familiarity and a mismatching socks for luck.
3. Describe their dream date
Spencer's dream date would be either him show is partner things he likes or them showing him things they'd like. Like you said, he'd love a bookstore date. He'd love to pick out a book for you and you one for him. Imagine a museum date?? So fucking cute. Oh, and a star-gazing date. I love the stars and I'd love to show him all the constellations, but imagine him playing dumb and pretending to not know the stories and myths behind them so you can explain them. Like he'd bring a blanket to lay down on and he'd let you use his chest as a pillow or you'd let him lay his head in your lap as you both look up. And then you hands would slowly gravitate to his hair and end up brushing you hands through his pretty hair. Honestly, all the intelligence would be sucked out of his head when you thread you fingers through his hair-- he doesn't even have to play dumb. He'd fall asleep, at peace, safe and loved. And dreaming of a second date.
4. What is their bath or shower routine?
DUDE!! We said similar things when I did @reidslibrarybook ask :) but yes, Penelope turns him on to the good shit. Like Spencer was on his own at such a young age, so he'd be so clueless when it comes to maintain self-care. He's a night showerer, but would use a morning shower for a quick wake up. He also would have a fantastic skin care routine that he needs to drop because it's probably ethical and unscented and I need that crap for my dry skin.
5. What is their love language?
I think Spencer's love language is touch, even though he's so skeptical of it. Personally, he's a little hesitant to let himself be loved because in his past love has always had an expiration date or came at a price. His dad leaving really messed him up and makes him scared at the next person he loves leaving. So he holds himself out at arms length because from there he can't be hurt. But as he grows in a relationship he learns that true love doesn't have an end date. It's still good and fresh and wonderful no matter how long you've had it. Once he learns this, he never wants to be without touching you. Whether it's in the car over the console, in the kitchen with his hands ghosting your waist or on the couch when you are practically laying on top of each other, he loves it and craves it. After being touch starved so for so long he feels like he's playing catch up and you're more than happy to oblige.
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fly-pow-bye · 7 years
Powerpuff Girls 2016 - “Power Of Four (Parts 1-2)”
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Written by: Jake Goldman, Haley Mancini
Written & Storyboarded by: Kyle Neswald, Benjamin P. Carow, Julia Vickerman, Cheyenne Curtis, Alicia Chan, Grace Craft (sic), Jaydeep Hasrajani, Leticia Abreu Silva
Directed by: Nick Jennings, Bob Boyle
The first ratings stunt special! Might not be the only one.
(I know, I promised one review. I'll just say I really should have learned my lesson with the hour long DuckTales episode. Parts 3-5 will be up tomorrow.)
Before we start, some explanation about how I split this review up: While this episode aired as a 1.25 hour special in the US, this episode will air in at least one other country as five separate episodes, all with the word Bliss in the title. Cartoon Network's app has it both ways, just in case you want your pain piece-meal. Or is it pain? Let's just get this "bliss" over with.
Part 1 - Find Your Bliss
Written & Storyboarded by: Alicia Chan, Grace Kraft
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The special starts with Blossom and Buttercup accusing Bubbles of breaking an award and melting a Candle Man action figure, respectively. Bubbles says it's not her, it's Bliss, a teenager who can't control her emotions!
Blossom and Buttercup don't believe her, because, as a montage shows, she has a habit with making up imaginary friends. But there's no time to worry about Bubbles breaking random things thanks to her "imagination", they got a Space Tow Truck movie to go to! Basically, the writers think 6 year old girls would be into Star Trek. Before they can do that, the Professor tells them to do chores.
While Blossom and Buttercup are able to finish their chores easily, Bubbles can't help but be found with a bunch of broken plates. This time, she blames Bliss's elephant friend, named, according to the captions, Mee! Yes, that will turn into several "Who's On First?" gags, none of which are particularly bad. After a little "pow-wow", Blossom and Buttercup decide to do some drastic measures.
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See, as this reboot has proven time and time again, the Powerpuff Girls can easily be stopped by tying them up like Penelope Pitstop. Even the Powerpuff Girls knew this, as all we needed to keep someone who can fly and lift buildings full of people at the same time from causing trouble is a tiny hand truck and some green ribbons. Not the silliest thing that stopped them, by a long shot.
Blossom runs out of popcorn immediately before the movie, and the Professor tries to use his new invention: a pen that could fire lasers, immobilize people, scratch your back, and maybe write! After accidently immobilizing a few kids in the audience, he realizes it's stuck on the immobilization option, and decides to just get some popcorn. This will be important later. Mostly the pen, though the popcorn does lead to a smirk-worthy joke.
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Earth Plow, an old-time radio character that the Professor used to like that is somehow real, bursts through the screen, and because this is a 3D movie, we get the obvious joke. Of course, Earth Plow is not too happy about other vehicles that are not of this Earth, and wants to show off that he's still got it by doing a Mark Twain impression. He also has a problem with getting criticized, as he starts attacking with his lasers as soon as everyone starts booing. The Powerpuff Girls intervene, but will they prevail?
Not really, Blossom and Buttercup just can't seem to handle this guy, as he almost instantly traps them with a claw. What's worse is that Bubbles is still stuck on that hand truck and green ribbon of doom. Clearly, someone else has to appear out of nowhere and help them, and that's not something unique to this special. As Earth Plow attempts to run Bubbles over while she yells for Bliss, we get a flash of light, and we finally get the reveal everyone's been waiting for.
Well, that's a slight lie considering a certain Cartoon Network division jumping the gun, but we'll just keep it to ourselves.
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It’s Bliss! She has blue hair, because natural hair colors are not cool enough! She has long legs, and yet she essentially has the same body design as her 10-years-younger sisters! And she’s totally not an overpowered fan-character, because just this flash of light was able to blow a villain that easily took care of two Powerpuff Girls out of the theater. Okay, that’s a bad example. I have a feeling this special is going to be full of them.
The Professor comes back with his trashcan full of popcorn that he was, a result of said smirk-worthy popcorn joke, and he finds Bliss. The first thing he does when he finds this new Powerpuff Girl? He calls her "Blisstina", tells her sorry, and zaps her with the immobilization pen. I'll admit, this was a legitimately shocking scene, and a great ending for this part.
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By reboot standards, this was a great opening, and it actually intrigued me for future parts. That's something I didn't expect from watching more than 40 episodes of this show, and certainly not something I expected when I watched the initial promos. Where did this Powerpuff Girl come from? What are her special powers? Why did the Professor decide to immobilize her daughter the first time he saw her for years?
All of this will be answered, and I'll say this: if you are thinking this quality is throughout this entire special, this must be your first episode.
Part 2 - Bliss Reminiscence
Written & Storyboarded by: Kyle Neswald, Benjamin P. Carow
It turns out, the Professor put her in a stasis bubble, protecting her from the rest of the world, and protecting the rest of the world from her. This part is all about Bliss's origin story, as told by three different people, including herself. We start with the Professor, and from the first sentence, we can tell that they’re not going to pay any respect to the original. It all started ten years ago...
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Envious of "bitter"-never-before-mentioned-"rival" Professor Neutronium’s perfect little boy, who looks like Astro Boy and apparently saves Tokyo on a regular basis, he wanted to make the perfect little girl. So instead of wanting to make the world a better place and/or wanting to have a family, Professor Utonium made the Powerpuff Girls out of envy. Is this the Professor, or Dick Hardly from the original's Knock it Off?
Other than that, it is the all familiar story, complete with animation similar to the original's opening: the Professor mixes together sugar, spice, and everything nice, and somehow manages to knock into a vial of Chemical...W? That does explain why she seems to have powers the Powerpuff Girls don't have, besides "we gotta make her special", but we’re supposed to believe he messed up twice? It gets even worse. Not only did he bumble twice...
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...he bumbled 22 other times with 22 other chemicals! This scene raises far too many questions that, unlike previously, will never be answered, as I don’t think they thought further than "Chemical X? Whatever happened to Chemical A through W? Wakka wakka!" There's a slight implication that it might have made at least one monster, but that's all we get.
We also learn that her name isn't just Bliss, but Blisstina Franchesca Francis Mariam Alicia Utonium. At least it's not Blisstina Powerpuff. The father of the year that he is, he even tells the girls we're familar with that Blisstina was his favorite little girl. Buttercup calls him out on this, and he just immediately denies it. Not funny.
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Her powers began to evolve, as she starts teleporting around the room. Is this her unique power? Not really, this is just one of her normal powers. It's because she's made of Chemical W, you see. It's not just because "we got to make her special!" That's not the only power she gets, either.
Even as a preschooler, even in the original they're all born preschoolers, roll with it, she can't control her emotions. Literally! Whenever she feels a strong emotion, any of them, she causes a large blue explosion that destroys the house. It all ends with Bliss getting fustrated over not having any milk for her cereal, and causing the whole house to explode. When the Professor woke up, she was gone, and he assumed death. For those in the know, they never mention Bunny. Are you really that surprised?
After the Professor leaves for a reward for "best ham" after promising never to leave Bliss, father of the year, Bliss suddenly wakes up from her immobilization. This stasis bubble being able to prevent her from teleporting, She tells her side of the story, starting with the Professor creating her before the Powerpuff Girls immediately stop her. Bliss actually left the Professor while he was knocked out. She goes to a island because, despite being so powerful, she causes problems!
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Specifically, she goes to Bird Poop Island. It's here that she meets Mee, her magical pet friend that will surprisingly have more of a reason to exist other than "we got to make her special!" Even when he demonstrated her ability to self-destruct, Mee didn't care. After 10 years, she finally got homesick, decided to teleport back to her old home, and she found Bubbles and started her "pretend I'm your imaginary friend" game.
As Bliss begs to be let go, it's Reboot Jojo's has to make his appearance in this special, as he posed as the "ham award" giver for the Professor to leave the room. Unfortunately, he is the "ham". No, not really, Jojo, not even if you make this face for no reason:
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Sweet dreams, kids.
He decides to tell his side of the story, starting with the time he pushed the Professor right into the chemicals. Actually, they never even get to this, as the Powerpuff Girls immediately tell him to skip to his friendship with Bliss. Judging by this and the extended opening, I’m not convinced they’re even aware of that plot point. Now, I know this is supposed to be a reboot...
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...though I'm not convinced the writers know this, but it's one of the biggest aspects that made Mojo Jojo significant as an arch-villain. It's a part that seperates him from being just a silly monkey with a silly hat; he was involved in their creation. To have it pushed aside is just...a stab in the heart.
The silly monkey explains that Bliss was his best friend when he was still an ordinary baby monkey. When Bliss went bye-bye, he was so sad. The end. You know, I would have accepted that the Professor actually bumbled with the Chemical W, and that he missed Bliss so much that he intentionally bumped the Professor when he was mixing the Chemical X. That would have been an okay retcon. Instead, we got...
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...that. Reboot Jojo uses this backstory as a reason for Bliss to join him. He hits the lever, accidently opening the garage door. Finally, a decent joke, and it took them this long. He then hits the other lever, freeing Bliss.
The Powerpuff Girls and Jojo try to convince her at the same time, and Bliss feels that's she's about to explode again. She uses her telekinesis for the first time to flip back the lever to use the bubble to protect the house from a huge explosion that makes her disappear again. They don't cry this time, as if they knew she didn't actually die.
To make a long story short, she didn't. She wants to start this family thing, and maybe this will help her control her powers. The part ends with her accidently making the house explode again. Oops.
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There wasn't a lot to like about this part besides the garage door gag. While the last part ended with a great twist, the twists and retcons they put with this one just feel like bad jokes at worst, and misguided at best. I can't even respect that this is the first time they even mentioned Chemical X. If there's any good news, it's all uphill from here. A very, very slight one.
See you tomorrow for parts 3 through 5, and my final rating!
← Bridezilla ☆ Power of Four (Part 3-5) →
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