#but she’s convinced the king they’re trustworthy enough !
killsaki · 1 year
idk why i always picture hanma as a silly + evil sorcerer in royal aus but it just makes sense to me.
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emkay512 · 3 years
Once Upon A Time
Chapter 3
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Summary: This starts at the beginning of TRR book 2 with the Fydelia ball but with a different series of events. This AU is based off the show Once Upon a Time with Riley and Liam mirroring Snow and Charming. Characters belong to Pixelberry.
A/N: I felt like I needed to still post this, even though I’m terrified with living up to my own hype. Let me know what you guys think.
A/N 2: thank you for pre-reading @queenrileyrose and @sfb123 both of you have given me such encouragement and I really appreciate it!
Warnings: This will contain NSFW adult language and content. By reading, you acknowledge you are 18 and over.
I’m keeping the same tags from my earlier post, please let me know if you want to be removed, absolutely no hard feelings! If you’d like to be tagged, I would be happy to add you!
Tags: @burnsoslow @ao719 @kat-tia801 @callmeellabella @charlotteg234 @neotericthemis @bbrandy2002 @kingliam2019 @iaminlovewithtrr @amandablink @iluaaa @jared2612 @sfb123 @twinkleallnight @tessa-liam @secretaryunpaid @ladyangel70 @gkittylove99 @texaskitten30 @shanzay44 @ofpixelsandscribbles
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“Wait.... what!?” Drake’s face had gone white with shock. “But, we all saw! We all saw her fall in love with you. She loves you for sure Li, what the hell is going on!?” Despite his best efforts, Drake had come to accept Riley as an important person in his life, she was a truly trustworthy friend and she was a chance to see his best friend marry for love. Surely she’d never give up on hope and love, she was the epitome of both.
Liam wasn’t sure how much time had passed since he watched the latch on his bedroom door shut with Riley’s departure. He had dropped to his knees unable to stand with the weight of his broken heart still staring at the door trying to unsee what just happened. He was so sure of her love for him, he had never seen such happiness and sincerity exist in his life than when she told him she loved him in the hedge maze at his coronation ball. All this time he’d been apart from her was spent planning for a solution, clinging to the memory of her smile the last time he saw her before getting engaged.
Getting engaged. Then he started to think about the effect this had on her. He hated himself, she was vulnerable and abandoned, of course she’d fall out of love. Liam’s head was still foggy, but he remembered pouring two glasses of whiskey and calling Drake to meet him and briefly telling him what happened and now getting his reaction.
“You.. you don’t understand.” Liam was still just only choking out words. It was bad enough to live in this reality, but to have to utter the words and make someone else understand what was happening was like living his nightmare over again. “She said she did love me, or that maybe she did, or that she couldn’t love me anymore... God, it feels like it all happened so fast! I can barely get my head straight!” His tone was clearly crossing into frustration, he lifted both hands to his head and balled his fists into his hair while groaning out his hurt and anger. “This is my fucking fault.. in so many ways, Drake. She said I let too much time pass, that it convinced her that I should forget about her, and that she didn’t love me. I should have protected her from those goddamn photos and fucking Tariq. I never should have gotten engaged to Madeleine, and I shouldn’t have kept her away.” Liam was huffing his words.
This was difficult for Drake. He’d never seen his best friend so defeated like this. Liam always knew how to maintain his stoicism keeping an air of calm and rationalism. But that was not the man before him now, Liam was completely disheveled with eyes bright red from all his earlier sobbing, he looked completely broken. Drake understood the pain, he knew all too well how easy it was to fall for a girl like Riley, but like he said, their entire gang watched them fall head over heels for each other, and that was what he wanted for both of them.
Drake knew he needed to reel Liam back in, and once he could get the full picture, he’d know how to return Liam to his sharp tactical self. “Ok, ok, ok. I know your feelings are all mixed up, and judging by your overall behavior it looks like you hit the whiskey long before I got here, and I’m sorry, but I need you to get a grip and tell me everything.”
Liam nodded and sucked a breath in recalling everything. How she walked in his room, how he thought he was protecting her, how she said he didn’t want to know who was responsible, how she noticed the missing lock on the door, and how she walked out. Drake felt like he hadn’t blinked once after hearing everything and he could see it seemed these obvious clues hadn’t dawned on Liam. “Li, it sounds like she gave you like a dozen red flags. You didn’t press on any of those strange things she said and did?”
Liam wrinkled his eyebrows in confusion. “I.. all my instinctual strategies were out the window. I couldn’t focus on anything at fucking all except the sound of being dumped. There’s no tactical training on having your heart smashed since this bloody institution snuffs out the idea of love from day one. I feel like my mother was the only exception, and look what happened to her.”
Drake sighed and pinched the top of his nose with closed eyes. He himself was having a hard time comprehending things, he couldn’t imagine Liam’s anguish. “Look. First of all. This is not your fucking fault. There is clearly something large at play here, and you and Brooks seem to be the center. I think... I think Brooks knows something. She’s a smart girl and I think she was leaving you clues.” Liam could feel the gears moving in his mind as Drake went on. “It’s odd that she just walked in through the door.. how would she have just walked through the halls undetected? Weren’t you expecting her on the balcony? Which, by the way... wild expectation, bro. Shouldn’t Romeo be beckoning Juliette on the balcony, not the other way around?” Liam side eyed him hard, yes they’re best friends, but really? Was now the time to bust his balls? Drake couldn’t help himself and continued, “When you told her you wanted to find out who was responsible for the tabloid photos, why did she try to convince you to stop? It would be one thing if she just wanted to end things, but why mention that you wouldn’t want to know who it was? To me, these suggest that she either knows or has an idea who the culprit is. Then, the smoking gun. Another lock-less door and her freely walking out again.”
Liam shot up, determined and clear headed. “You’re right. I won’t play victim to this scheme and I sure as hell won’t let her be one either. Ok. We need to get a hold of Maxwell, either she’ll talk to him, or we can have him check on her without any suspicion.”
“Then I’ll call him so it can’t be immediately traced to you.” Drake pulled out his phone and clicked Maxwell’s name putting the line on speaker.
“Yo, Drakester! What’s up? Hate to break it to you, but the party’s over, you missed it.”
Already annoyed, Drake responded, “Cut the crap, Beaumont. We got a problem, Riley is gone, have you seen her? You need to check her room, but for the love of god, do it quietly.”
“What the hell are you talking about, I just left her, she was on her way to see Liam. Drake, please don’t tell me you’re cock blocking the king.”
Drake and Liam had no time for Maxwell’s carefree antics, they were both on strategy mode. Hearing this, Liam spoke first, “Ok so we know she was always on her way to see me with the intention of actually being with me. Something happened between her leaving Maxwell and her walking into my room.”
Maxwell was completely shocked to hear Liam’s voice on the line and started to panic that what Drake had said might be true, “Liam!? So she’s really gone? Last I saw her was getting her outside, as she was on her way to your balcony..”
She does love me. Was Liam’s immediate thought when Maxwell said she was on her way to his balcony.
As Maxwell recounted his interactions, Drake and Liam ignored any of his inquiries and focused on each other, working out the information they were getting.
“So she had to have been intercepted..” Liam realized. “Someone TOOK her!”
“Guys...” Maxwell was still being ignored on the line
“...And convinced her to say those things to you. Blackmail. It’s the only explanation.” Drake was finishing out the same conclusion Liam was getting to.
“Guys!!” Maxwell screamed and got their attention. “I made it to her room, we’re too late, it’s been ransacked. She’s on the run. What. Happened?”
Drake filled him in with strict instruction to keep this a secret, they would have to investigate quietly to prevent getting caught. He disconnected the call and looked at Liam, “Ok, she’s MIA, which only supports the theory of blackmail. If she was making a voluntary move back home, she would have said goodbye. We just need to find out where she went.”
Liam squared his shoulders and steeled his expression, now knowing he was on a rescue mission, “I’ll find her, I will always find her.”
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sparklijam · 4 years
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[[This will be a very LONG POST. So prepare thyself people, ‘cause here we go!]]
Besides Queen Poppy, I’m pretty sure that the other leaders had an inkling about the sharktroll tribe’s existence (though Prince D, King Quincy and Queen Essence pretty much knew from the get-go since they basically have all the history archives of Trolldom), but thought that it would be very rare to actually meet them in person. But after the whole World Tour thing happened, pretty much all of Trolldom now knows about the elusive tribe.
And here’s their/Torrent’s introductions and thoughts with one another.
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“Oh my gummy bears Torri, you’re HUGE! You gotta let me sit on your shoulders someday!”
“I’ll keep that in mind, Queen Poppy.”
Without a doubt, Poppy would instantly like Torrent and his tribe. They’re just so mysterious and strong! She would ask millions of questions about them and their culture, while of course inviting them to Pop Village to party and just hangout! Poppy was surprised that the tribe don’t particularly have a specific  kind of music, so she was more than happy to show her theirs!
Overall impression towards the Queen of Pop, Torrent likes her. She can be very energetic (like a certain brother of his) and very musically loud, but he respects her enough after seeing her improving her role as queen. Just keep the sugar away from his brother, and they cool xD
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“My goodness Captain, you certainly are worthy to be called such a title after seeing your loyalty towards King Trollex and to your tribe; very admirable!”
“I’m humbled by your praise, Conductor Trollzart. Thank you.”
True, 100% respect can be seen between the captain and the Classical Troll leader. Trollzart was a little nervous after witnessing how fierce sharktrolls can be, but then the conductor would see how much honor and care they have in regards to their tribe’s (including the Techno Trolls) safety. To that, Trollzart tips his metaphorical hat to Torrent’s leadership.
Torrent, like Trollzart, respects the winged troll greatly. He’s very well-natured, a talented leader and is just a literal genius to classical music. Just seeing how much talent the Classical Trolls have when they perform their music, the passion. It’s enough to convince the captain that they have that driven devotion to do what they love. To that he can relate for his tribe.
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“This ain’t gonna be smooth n’ fresh like it is in that big ol’ puddle of yours. Ya sure ya up fer the heat, fishcakes?”
“Thank you for your concern, m’lady. But with the might of the sharktrolls on my side, I’ll be fine.”
Oh ho man, does Delta like spunky Trolls that are more than willing to try to keep up with a Country Trolls’ lifestyle and competitions. After seeing how well sharktrolls can fight and have the unwavering willpower, the Mayor of Lonesome Flats what’s to experience it herself. Of course she would ask the captain if it was alright to have a friendly competition (be it racing, arm wrestling, hay pulling, etc..), to which of course Torrent accepted. This would be a start of a healthy rivalry  of strength and stamina between the Country Trolls and the Sharktrolls.
Torrent is fascinated that females like Delta Dawn is just as strong (if not more) as males. It didn’t matter to him, Torrent respects Trolls that are just habe that mindset that they are by no means weak. He may be out of water, but Torrent isn’t going to let that disadvantage deter him to give a worthy competition.
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“You’re almost as tall as dad, Torri! That’s awesome!”
“Well, considering that you’re exactly mom’s height, Cooper ain’t wrong.”
“Ho ho, but somethin’ tells me that you’re not done growing either, son.”
“Well be sure you’re eating well enough to pass my husband’s height, you hear child?”
*flustered* “A-Ah, well... Alright...”
The royal Funk Family would definitely like Torrent the moment they met him and his tribe. The fact that Torrent was willing to risk his life to protect his King and their people from Barb’s invasion (despite that they still were taken away at the end), it was more than enough to convince the King and Queen of Funk that the captain is trustworthy and truly brave. Prince D would also like Torrent, thinking that the captain a chill Troll to hang out with. He finds it a little funny that their technology still leaves Torrent speechless. He’s more than willing to share some knowledge, in hope that it would help him and the sharktrolls i the future. Cooper, being Cooper, would instantly adore being Torrent’s friend. If Poppy and his family trust the captain, then that’s good enough for the Hip-Hop Troll to trust him! Plus it’s always fun to teach the tribe some moves if they’re interested!
Torrent’s impression toward the Funk Family was... very pleasant. Sure he was a little flustered from this sort of attention on him, but at the same time it all felt... welcoming. Besides his brother, Tank, Tide and Poseidon, Torrent never experienced this kind of familial love ever since his mother passed away. He hadn’t realized how much he missed it until he met the Funk Family. Not only does he respect them, but he has also grown fond of them.
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“What’s sup dude-”
*ignores Barb and leaves* Hmph.
“-...Uh. O-Okay then, later man...”
Yeah, surprise surprise. Things haven’t patched up at all between Barb and Torrent even after the World Tour ended. Barb is trying to make up for everything that she and her Rock Trolls had done, rebuilding the villages she destroyed while also apologizing to the other leaders. Everyone, at their own pace, forgiven her, even some of the Sharktrolls! ...Well, all except the captain himself. Knowing full well that Torrent is capable of breaking important bones and shred vital muscles, Barb is rightfully nervous every time she goes to him to apologize. Nothing will change of what happened, but the Queen of Rock just want to make it right!
But no matter how much Barb apologizes, Torrent just can’t forgive her. I mean, it’s a little bit hard to completely forgive the very Troll that invaded your home, hurt his Sharktroll brethern, forcing King Trollex to surrender the Techno String so that no one else got hurt, made both the Techno Trolls and Sharktrolls prisoners and taken to Volcano Rock City, and turned both Trollex and Torrent into Rock Zombies against their will. So... yeah, that hard :/ As I’ve mentioned before, it would take a very long time before Torrent finally forgives Barb. But until then, the captain has nothing to say to her whatsoever.
Whew! Finished! :’D
Thanks for reaching to the end! Here’s a cookie as a reward~! 🍪 ewe
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the-busy-ghost · 4 years
Hi! I hope you're well - I was just wondering if you had any recommendations for interesting & engaging "introductory" texts about Scottish history (particularly between 500 and 1500 AD, although I know that's really broad!) No worries if you don't have any ideas or don't feel like answering such a vague question though! Have a lovely day :)
Apologies for the delayed response on this, I have no real excuse except being anxious that I wouldn’t be able to answer it perfectly. So I’ve decided to bite the bullet and answer somewhat imperfectly. This answer also depends on just exactly how much knowledge you already have of Scottish history, so if I’m being patronising and assuming too much ignorance, or alternatively if I’m not being clear enough, please let me know. 
The first thing I would always recommend before diving into serious literature is having a basic framework in the back of your mind. It may be an inaccurate framework but given that mediaeval Scottish history really isn’t taught or known to the same extent as say mediaeval English history, it is essential that you know where you are on a basic level, so you can both enjoy and learn from the texts that go into more detail. This basic background can come from almost anything- Braveheart and blatantly inaccurate novels aside. 
This is quite freeing because basically reading almost ANYTHING can be useful at first, and also first and foremost if you’re going to devote a considerable amount of time to something, you should work out how to make it fun and understandable.
I always had some idea of Scottish history since I was a kid but I got more into it in my late teens and I’ll be honest, though I probably don’t agree with anything in it pages now, one of the first books I picked up at the age of about sixteen was Neil Oliver’s ‘History of Scotland’ (released alongside the documentary series). Any basic ‘History of Scotland’ of that type (if it looks reasonably reputable) should give you a basic framework that you can build on- in the same way some people learn the kings and queens of England. Wikipedia could also work this way, though it may be more patchy. Other, slightly more reputable and in-depth but not really textbook, works of this kind include Stewart Ross’ “The Stewart Dynasty”; Alistair Moffat’s ‘The Borders’; popular (if coloured) biographies of people like Robert the Bruce, William Wallace, and Mary Queen of Scots (she’s post-medieval but still a relevant example); and even some of the older Victorian histories of people like Tytler (watch out though, they get weirdly ‘ethnic’ in their interpretations of some historical events and processes- some were convinced that there was a centuries-long feud between the “Celt” and the “Teuton”/”Saxon”). Even novels and songs- though sometimes highly inaccurate- can help with this, even if they’re Walter Scott. 
So I’m not going to be a purist and get snobby about Neil Oliver or Walter Scott even if I would never set store by any of the above works in an academic context (or even just a drunken argument). The first step in my view is literally to get a basic feel for what we *think* our history is (and enjoy learning about the different regions and cultures a bit!), and then you can set about dismantling all these stereotypes and misconceptions with better books. 
If you DO want a reasonably trustworthy general overview though, I believe that Fiona Watson has written one called “Scotland: From Prehistory to Present” and there must be a few others written by academics, it’s just been so long since I’ve read completely general histories I can’t really comment on this accurately.
Assuming you’re already aware of the above though and have a pretty good idea of what you’re dealing with then there are two next steps I would recommend.
The first are the series of texbooks/overviews that are often published by universities. Obviously since these are textbooks they are more introductory and general, but they do often cite academic articles and books that are more detailed. I have found a couple of series particularly useful and outlined the main titles below:
- The “New History of Scotland” series. This is a good series as most of the books were initially A5 sized or slightly bigger (so quick to read and easy to carry). Sadly this means that they do not employ footnotes/citations to any great extent, usually only providing a ‘Further Reading’ section at the end of the book. You can usually find old copies of these online for a reasonable price. This series includes, among others:
- “Warlords and Holy Men: Scotland, 80-1000”, by Alfred P  Smyth
- “Kingship and Unity: Scotland, 1000-1306″, by G.W.S. Barrow 
- “Independence and Nationhood: Scotland, 1306-1469″, by             Alexander Grant. (This one has a particularly good basic overview of diet, trade, e.t.c.)
- “Court, Kirk, and Community: Scotland, 1470-1625″, by Jenny Wormald
- “Power and Propaganda: Scotland, 1306-1488″, by Katie Stevenson (note- the previous titles listed were written in the 1980s and 90s, but this one was added to the series in 2014, so it’s more up to date in some ways though it’s up to you whether you think it’s more persuasive).
- The “New Edinburgh History of Scotland” series. These are bigger books than the previous series and are complete with on page citations and bibliography. They tend to all come in matching blue jackets, and I thought that secondhand copies of these would be slightly more expensive than the above but a quick search on amazon has surprised me, since a copy of Oram’s “Domination and Lordship” is several pounds cheaper than Grant’s “Independence and Nationhood”. Anyway these are slightly more in-depth than the above series, but work very well in tandem with those shorter books. The series includes:
- “From Pictland to Alba: 789-1070″, by Alex Woolf (it is a very long time since I read this, so I have to admit I have very little memory of its contents but I put it here for balance)
- “Domination and Lordship: Scotland, 1070-1230″, by Richard Oram (good used along with Kingship and Unity)
- “The Wars of Scotland, 1214-1371″, by Michael Brown
- “The First Stewart Dynasty In Scotland, 1371-1488″, by Stephen Boardman (full disclosure I have not read this one yet, but I have read some of Boardman’s other books).
- “Scotland Reformed, 1488-1587″, by Jane E.A. Dawson
- The “History of Everyday Life” series. These books are collections of essays on some selected aspects of day to day life in medieval Scotland and can provide some interesting reading and insights. Only one of the books in this series is relevant to our time period, but it may be worth checking out the other three since some customs and behavioural patterns from more recent times are worth comparing with the past. The volume covering the medieval period is “A History of Everyday Life in Medieval Scotland, 1000-1600″, edited by Edward Cowan and Lizanne Henderson.
- The “Northern World” series. This is not a series I’m particularly familiar with outside of some light reading while at university (mostly because these books can be really expensive compared to the previous ones mentioned). HOWEVER not only do they range across northern Europe (not just Scotland) but a couple of them help to balance out the Lowland focus which sometimes predominates in the above general overviews. There are quite a few interesting books in this series (identifiable usually by their purple jackets) but some that I know of include:
- “Kinship and Clientage: Highland Clanship, 1451-1609″ by Alison Cathcart.
- “The Lordship of the Isles”, edited by Richard Oram (this is a collection of essays)
There was also an older “Edinburgh History of Scotland” series published in the 1970s- some of the authors were better than others and they’re a bit dated now but they’re still a useful starting point. The series includes:
- “Scotland, the Making of the Kingdom”, by A.A.M. Duncan
- “Scotland: The Later Middle Ages”, by Ranald Nicholson
There are lots of other book series out there- the St Andrews Studies in Scottish History or the publications of old literature by the Scottish Text Society for example but I think I’ve listed enough to be getting on with. There are also a few books that I think make good general overviews (or are collections of interesting essays) that aren’t in a particular series:
- “Women in Scotland, 1100-1750”, edited by Elizabeth Ewan and Maureen M Meikle (this is a collection of essays rather than an overview of women’s history but it’s a good starter, and great if you only have fifteen minutes to spare)
- “Glory and Honour: The Renaissance in Scotland”, by Andrea Thomas (a beautiful coffee table book with lots of pictures of art and architecture). It starts in 1424.
- “The Kingdom of the Isles: Scotland’s Western Seaboard, c.1100-c.1336″, by R. Andrew MacDonald
- “The Black Douglases”, Michael Brown
- “Robert the Bruce’s Rivals: The Comyns, 1212-1314″, by Alan Young
- “The Northern Earldoms: Orkney and Caithness, 870-1470″, by Barbara E. Crawford
- “Scottish Independence and the Idea of Britain: From the Picts to Alexander III”, by Dauvit Broun
- “Virgins and Viragos: A History of Women in Scotland From 1080 to 1980″, by Rosalind K Marshall (Marshall has also written some good introductory overviews on Scottish queens, on Mary of Guise, and on the women around Mary, Queen of Scots, though these last two are sixteenth century).
- Any of Alexander Fenton’s books on agricultural history- they don’t deal exclusively (or even mainly) with the medieval period, and they’re not the most up to date but they are still useful handbooks.
There are also lots of shorter academic articles on JSTOR and elsewhere, as well as online networks for things like Scottish Women’s History and Environmental History. 
The second step I would recommend is using biographies- biography is not always the most useful form of historical writing, but they do have their own benefits. For this time period most of the full book-length biographies of individuals are royal figures (though lots of other people are covered in academic articles).
For some figures it’s wise to have several biographies on hand since they’re well-known or controversial- for example, for Robert Bruce, you could start with an older bio like G.W.S. Barrows “Robert Bruce and the Community of the Realm of Scotland” and then supplement it with a more modern biography like that written by Michael Penman or by Colm McNamee. In other cases, a historical figure may not be quite so well known so jumping straight into an academic biography of them, which hops around and analyses expenditure and parliaments, may be a bit confusing- for example, for King James IV, it may be useful to start with R.L. Mackie’s (admittedly dated and a bit romantic) biography to get an idea of the structure of the king’s reign before diving into Norman MacDougall’s more scholarly biography.
Other biographies/overview of royal reigns include Richard Oram’s works on David I and Alexander II; D.D.R. Owen’s bio of William the Lion (this is an interesting one, since it’s written by a French professor rather than a straightforward historian so there’s a big focus on the importance of literature); Andrew Fisher’s bio of William Wallace; Stephen Boardman’s survey of the reigns of Robert II and Robert III; the two biographies of James I written by E.W.M. Balfour-Melville and Michael Brown; Christine McGladdery’s ‘James II’ and Norman McDougall’s ‘James III’; and Annie Dunlop’s biography of Bishop Kennedy.
Lastly once you feel you’ve got a bit of a grip on some secondary source material (or really, as soon as you like) I do recommend checking out some of the primary source material as soon as possible. A LOT of primary sources of medieval Scottish history were printed during the Victorian and Edwardian periods and now thanks to digitisation projects many of them are available online- from chronicles like those of Melrose, John of Fordun and Andrew Wyntoun (and useful English chronicles like Lanercost and Scalachronica); to acts of parliament and accounts of royal expenditure (Treasurer’s Accounts; Exchequer Rolls); to letters of the nobility and poetry. Personally, I find that you learn as much from working directly with the words of historical figures themselves, even if you’re untrained in source handling, as you would from a whole host of textbooks (also it lets you get used to the languages- Scots is straightforward enough to pick up even if you don’t have Latin or Gaelic). If you ever have trouble finding these let me know and I might be able to point you in the right direction. 
It is also worth bearing in mind that sixteenth century sources may shed a lot of light on earlier periods.
Anyway hopefully this helped but if you have any other questions please let me know and I will endeavour to reply quicker this time!
*One last disclaimer, the above list of texts is based purely on my own experiences and what my brain could remember quickly- it is not to reflect a bias or to promote these texts above the works of other historians. It is also not an exhaustive or comprehensive list (and some dearly beloved books are not included- but I tried to stick to simple overviews/textbooks and a few other interesting surveys).
And people are very welcome to add to this since there’s lots I’ve missed!
Lastly try to have a bit of fun with it. Some of these books are very informative but can drag at times- on those occasions I highly recommend taking a break and trying to get outside to a hill or a castle, or if you can’t do that try putting an old ballad on on youtube, and physically look at or listen to the thing you’re studying.
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zeravmeta · 4 years
fuck it. soma cruz fgo servant profile bc i make my own content
Servant: / Servant Class: Soma Cruz / Alter Ego
Origin: / Region: Castlevania Series / Japan, 2035
Alignment: Lawful Neutral(?) “Yeah, not sure how I classify as Lawful given my past life, but whatever.”
Aliases: The Dark Lord, Dracula, Soma Cruz
Parameters: STR (B) / END (A+) / AGL (B+) / MP (EX) / LUK (A) / NP (???) 
Class Skills: Authority of Beasts (Fake), Core of Chaos (A), One Who Severs Fate (A)
Character Info: “In order for God to be perfectly Good, there must always exist an embodiment of Chaos, a Dark Lord to emerge from the evil of humanity’s hearts.”
For one thousand years, the Belmont bloodline had opposed the terrible night that Count Dracula would bring with his powers. After generations of suffering, the Belmont’s latest mantle bearer, Julius Belmont, along with their generational allies, the Belnades clan and a nameless soldier, had managed to permanently defeat Dracula with the help of the Hakuba Clan’s shrine magics. Severing his connection to his power and sealing Castlevania, the embodiment of his power, within a solar eclipse, Dracula had finally faced his demise in 1999, prophesied by Nostradamus one millennium ago. Thus, the strongest Dark Lord had fallen, his throne empty and awaiting a new master.
In 2035, Soma Cruz had visited the Hakuba Shrine to meet with his childhood friend Mina, unaware of the birthright he would claim.
Chaos Ring A: An extremely powerful construct that channels the very essence of Chaos. It can only be found by the one who can traverse and control the Chaos Realm, the Dark Lords personal right. Wearing it grants the unlimited magical power of the Chaos Realm, but actual output depends on the user. If the Demon King’s Ring is the symbol of Dracula and his reign, then the Chaos Ring could be considered the symbol of Soma and his new beginning.
Thematic narratives aside, it’s a very convenient tool for Soma.
“It’s weird, but it feels like…it was made for me. Almost like a welcome gift.”
[5->3 Turns] [Charge NP (20%->30%), Increase NP Gain (10%->25%) (3 Turns), Gain a Delayed buff 1 turn after skill use (Unremovable): [Charge NP (20->30%)]
Armament Master D: Soma is extremely proficient at using any and all forms of weaponry. Due to Dracula’s vast reach, Soma has a vast number of different modern and mythical weapons and gear at his disposal, notable weapons including Excalibur (sealed in the stone), Hrunting, Caladbolg, Mjolnir, and even a Positron Rifle, to name a few. However, one weapon unique to Soma is the Claimh Solais, an Irish sword of light mentioned in many legends and defining the archetype of “Sword of Light.” It provides a great boost to parameters and is surprisingly light weight despite its size. Another unique weapon he wields is the Valmanway, the “Blessed Wind” that is always ‘cutting’ even when still.
(The rank is D because despite his proficiency, Soma has never had any formal training.)
“I mean, it’s just a sword, right? How complex is it? You can just swing it and things die. Though…considering I have ol’ Drac’s memories…sorta, maybe I’m just remembering it?”
[8->6 Turns] [Increase Atk (10%->20%) (3 Turns), Gain Critical Stars (5->15), Increase Critical Star Absorption (3000%) (3 Turns), Increase Critical Damage (10%->20%) (3 Turns), Apply Special Attack against Sky, Star and Beast attribute enemies (20%->40%) (3 Turns)]
Power of Dominance (EX): Soma’s inheritance from Dracula, or more fittingly, the Chaos Entity opposite to God. The Power of Dominance is a unique ability that grants a complete mastery over the abilities of any and all souls Soma can acquire from the enemies he defeats. All the monsters that Dracula unleashed in his crusade against humanity are the countless souls under his domain, even that of Death itself, and their powers rightly belong to him.
Soma can differentiate between the types of Soul Arts he uses, and this reflects accordingly in his Noble Phantasm.
“I never wanted this power, but I guess I’m stuck with it. I’ll always carry the target on my back, but at least I can look awesome as hell while doing it, I suppose.”
[5->3 Turns] [Decrease Enemy Charge by 1 (20%->50%), Select own NP Command Card’s type between Quick, Arts or Buster for 3 Turns. Effect of NP changes depending on which Command Card Type is selected. This skill is immune to debuff effects (such as Skill Seal)]
Noble Phantasm:
Advent of Sorrow – He Who Severed His Fate Against Chaos and God / Anti-Divine, Anti-Self / Rank (???)
A manifestation of Soma’s power truly made his own, separate from the title of Dark Lord and Dracula. Having defeated the Chaos Entity, he managed to sever its connection to his soul, and be saved from his Fate. Even so, he carries the Power of Dominance with him always, and the countless souls and followers of Chaos always wait and offer themselves unto Soma to lead and command them. In his own imperfect way, neither holy nor demonic.
After all, he’s only human.
(Note: If used by the true Count Dracula, this would be considered an Anti-Humanity NP)
[Type: Buster] – [Deals massive damage to a single enemy (1200%->2400%), Chance to Decrease Charge by 1 (80%->100%). Overcharge: Increases own Buster Card Effectiveness (20%) (1 Turn) and NP Damage (1 Turn) (20%) (Activates First)]
[Type: Arts] – [Deals heavy damage to all enemies (400%->800%), Chance to decrease Atk (15%->25%) and Critical Chance (20%->30%). Overcharge: Inflict Curse (5 Turns).]
[Type: Quick] – [Apply Debuff Immune (1 Time), and Restore HP each turn for self (3 Turns) (1000->1500), and Increase NP Gauge each turn for self (3 Turns) (5%). Overcharge: Apply Def Up for all allies (3 Turns) (25%->50%).]
Bond Lines: 
Bond 1: “Heh, thanks for having me! I’m still not too sure about how all this stuff works here, but if you need a monster taken down, I’m your guy.”
Bond 2: “So the rest of those dudes call you ‘Master’? Kind of awkward, but I guess they’re magical familiars at the end of the day. What? So am I? Sorry but, vampiric powers aside, I’m just a normal guy. I was even in University before I got dragged here. I’ll just call you [name] for now.”
Bond 3: “Do you like curry? Arikado said I shouldn’t be using these monster souls for dumb stuff, but they don’t mind. They always talk to me and really want to help me out wherever I am. Except Death, that guy sucks. He’s always breaking into my home and trying to convince me to become the next Dark Lord and to ‘accept my throne’ and stuff.”
Bond 4: “…It scares me, sometimes. Knowing not only what I am, but what I’m very capable of.”
Bond 5: “Y’know…you could always come back with me to my world, if you want to escape. I’ll take you to meet Mina, and Hammer and Yoko and Julius and Arikado and…Hm. Sorry. I know you can’t abandon this world, it’s where you grew up. There’s…a lot of people here who love you. You should always remember that and hold it close. It saved my life when I thought I couldn’t go on, and I know it will also save yours.”
Voice Lines:
(1): “I’m glad this place is a lot simpler than the castle. That place had so many hidden rooms and puzzles that I felt like I was going insane…No, as a matter of fact, DON’T tell me about all the secret workshops here.”
(2): “Hm? What’s up? I’m just relaxing here. Sorry if I’m taking up space. It’s nice to just take a moment.”
(3): “No, no, don’t worry. Even if I could, I’m not the type of guy to just go around stealing souls. I only do that to monsters, and even then, they become complacent once they return to me. I could show you some of the fun ones, like the Skeleton Gardener, if you’d like.”
Likes: “What I like? Curry! Oh, and Mina. She’s been with me for my whole life. I don’t know what I’d do without her.”
Dislikes: “This is gonna sound cliché, but garlic. It just tastes bad.”
Event: “Whoa, a party! Let’s go, I’m super bored cooped up in here.”
About The Holy Grail: “Wish granting? No thanks, I’ve read a ton of comics and things always go wrong. What? Of course, it’s a valuable source!”
Summon Quote: “Yo! My name is Soma Cruz. I’m just a regular high school student. Um…Where am I, exactly?”
Happy Birthday: “Happy Birthday, [name]! I’m so gonna throw you the coolest party ever! I’ll even invite Mina…If, uh, if that’s cool with you?”
(King Hassan): “D-Death!? Why are you…Oh. Uh, sorry about that. You reminded me of...someone. I’m sure you’re a cool guy underneath all that armor.”
(Vlad/Vlad III (EXTRA)): “Huh. So, in this world, the legend of Dracula is just that? A legend? Well, that’s a huge relief. I’m not exactly the kingly type.”
(Gilgamesh/Gilgamesh (Caster)): “Hey [name], could you give me a hand? This gold idiot keeps saying I stole his weapons, but they’re mine! …Hey! Stay back with those portal things! Someone, help!!!”
(Scathach): “Jeez, I bet Arikado will get along with that slave driver. Seriously, Arikado’s method of teaching me my powers amounted to locking me in a room with monsters and a pocketknife. Huh? She’s stomping over here!? [name], help me!”
(Marie Antionette): “I don’t know why, but…Looking at you makes me sad. I’m sorry.”
(Sessyoin Kiara): “Master, this lady is coming onto me WAY too hard. She keeps telling me to ‘embrace what I am’ and junk. I already get enough of that crap from cultists back home.”
(Sakata Kintoki/Astolfo/Romulus/Romulus-Quirinus/Ashwatthama): “Hey, you’re a pretty cool dude, huh? Finally, someone with some style!”
(Amakusa Shirou): “Ugh, you remind me of Fortner. And stop using rosaries around me, I’m not Satan, you jerk!”
(Mephistopheles): “Please, leave me alone. I’m not evil, nor will I ever be the Dark Lord. Just because I have those powers doesn’t mean I’m defined by them. Also, the alarm clock you gave me exploded, so I don’t think you’re all that trustworthy anyways.”
(Beni Enma): “Aww, you’re so cute...Wait, from the Underworld? A yokai? Guess you’re one of mine, then. If you want, I can loan you some Skeleton Waiters for your chain.”
(Any Avenger-Class Servant): “Hey, you guys are kinda like me! Everyone says you’re evil, but you’re actually really nice!”
(Arcueid Brunestud): “Master, that girl is shooting me some pretty weird looks....Huh? Reincarnating vampire? Oh, I guess I’d look pretty weird in that case. That’s not her fault, though. Maybe I’ll go say hi.”
Buster Card: 2 Hit / -Soma raises Excalibur (still in the stone) and smashes it into the enemy-
Quick Card: 5 Hit / -Soma holds Valmanway in front of him, turns around, and multiple slashes envelop the enemy-
Art Card: 3 Hit / -Soma does two horizontal strikes, then a third overhead strike with Claimh Solais-
Extra Card: 6 Hit / -Soma punches twice, does a spin-attack with Claimh Solais, then jumps back and fires his Positron Rifle-
Level Up: “Whew…I feel so powerful.”
Ascension 1: “Whoo! Good job, [name].” 
Ascension 2: “This…This is just like then…[name], maybe don’t do this anymore.”
Ascension 3: “Please…stop. I don’t know if I can pull myself back this time…”
Ascension 4: “I see. Well…as long as you’re by my side, I’ll never succumb. So please…don’t die.”
Battle Start ½: “Just how many monsters out there!? In any case, let’s do this thing!” / “I’ll carry the mantle and defeat this terrible night!”
Skill ½: “Bullet, set…Enchanted, set…Guardian, set…” / “How about some of this!”
Attack Selection ½/3: “Hmm.” / “Seriously!?” / “Nice.”
Attack ½/3: “Hraagh!” / “Take this!” / “You’re going down!”
Extra Attack: “Let’s see you handle THIS!”
Noble Phantasm Selection ½: “Are…Are you sure?” / “I’ll trust you on this.”
Noble Phantasm: “I will never be the Dark Lord…You, God, and The World will just have to deal with it!”
Noble Phantasm Damage: “I won’t…Submit...!”
Regular Damage: “Gah!”
Defeated ½: “Mina….” / “Julius…our promise…”
Battle Finish ½: “That was a close one…” / “Anyone need some healing? I have some spare spoiled milk…Oh wait, none of you have a Ghoul soul, huh?”
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dove-actually · 5 years
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“...it was a third figure who drew my eye: an old woman, short and spindly, grey hair held back by a plain ivory scarf. Her crooked nose and the brown skin wrinkled like a walnut shell reminded me of Nita—and when she casually surveyed the docks, her intent gaze did, too. 
She had no visible weapons and looked too old and frail to be much threat, but I knew, instinctively, she mattered.”
Knight Errant OC Intro: Speaker Jhem/Mother Jhem 
Sir Manolo addressed the man, who was loudest and most richly dressed. But the man’s body subtly angled toward the old woman, and his eyes flickered to her often, even as he listened to Sir Manolo’s welcome speech. The woman with the staff, too, had positioned herself in a protective stance behind her, and the other delegates kept her, discreetly, in their line of sight.
It would’ve been obvious to a blind monkey who the highest-ranked delegate was. But Sir Manolo, who despite his title of Knight Corps ambassador had all the diplomatic skill of a myopic bear, prattled on blithely.
“—quarters in the First Keep, by the Royal Wing, overlooking the Summer Gardens—a splendid spot! You’ll delight in them, the royal horticulturists have outdone themselves…the rarest blooms in the world, fruit trees that can’t grow elsewhere on the continent—and of course,” (he deigned to turn to the old woman at last), “plenty of quiet, beautiful gazebos, to sit and rest in the shade.”
The woman smiled back, benevolently, like a lynx with a full stomach.
“I do love sitting in the shade,” she said, in vaguely accented but flawless Scanian, and she flashed a set of small, white teeth. “Please let your king know I will expect him in the gazebo, for negotiations.”
Speaker Jhem (as is her official political title) or Mother Jhem (the polite appellation for elderly women in her country, which she uses when not at work) leads the Speaker Council, the ruling body of the Amaranth Isles. She earned her position after years as a local councilor, thanks to her cool head, her well-thought-out solutions to local issues, and her ability to make people feel listened to and make them get along with each other. 
Speaker Jhem spearheads the delegation sent to negotiate the final details and sign the treaty with Scania. She knows some parties wish to prevent the treaty, so she’s anticipating both political and literal bloodshed—but she won’t let either get in the way of her goal, which is forging the best path forward for her people. 
Of course, as she doesn’t fully trust the Scanian king, she’s perfectly prepared to walk away from the treaty, and choose a path that doesn’t involve an alliance. 
Under the guise of finalizing the treaty, Jhem has come to get a read on the Scanian court, and decide for herself if it’s wiser to ally with them or with their enemies across the Angry Sea. As such, her loyalties remain uncertain, and she’s clever enough to make a dangerous enemy, should Scania fail to convince her they make a valuable friend. 
Oh, and guess who gets the fun mission of guarding her and her delegation, while they’re finalizing the treaty.
Best qualities: intelligent, patient, kind (if she can afford to be), good humor, sharp insight, respectful of personal identities and choices, a great listener and diplomat.
Worst qualities: distrustful (especially of outsiders), isolationist tendencies, pretty intolerant of mistakes, manipulative, us-versus-them mentality, discounts the lives of people who aren’t hers to protect
Biggest goal: Get the best deal for the Amaranth Isles, that will ensure her people continue to lead good, safe lives.
Biggest obstacle to her goal: globalization, if you ask her. Various powers who want to use the treaty (or failure of said treaty) to advance their own interests, and will not hesitate to sabotage or assassinate Jhem’s delegation to do so. 
Best way to overcome the obstacle: find trustworthy allies   get a badass knight bodyguard   eliminate the scheming adversaries before they eliminate her??? 
Fun Facts:
Speaker Jhem used to be a background character, but she disapproved  and started making trouble in Draft 2
She figures out literally every single one of Sarra’s secrets. She’s that clever (and/or that old -- she’s seen everything before, so she recognizes stuff no one else would). 
She’s a little superstitious...which bodes well for Sarra, bc Jhem ponders murdering her at least once, but reconsiders due to 'a sign’
She helps Sarra accomplish one of her biggest goals...and simultaneously teaches her a very unpleasant lesson
actually pretty much all their interactions go like that. Jhem gives Sarra some helpful insights, but they’re v expensive
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icecoldflames · 4 years
Chapter 7 - The Mystery of Sanders Castle
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1820, England
The carriage bounced through the road and Logan’s body was buzzing with excitement. This day couldn't have come slower. One month was too long to be away from Virgil.
They had exchanged letters throughout that time, though. They would put letters in a hollowed out tree in the woods between his kingdom and Betrug and would occasionally go for a horse ride to collect them. It was as good as they were going to get. They wouldn’t dare meet each other in the woods in case prying eyes happened upon them.
But now Logan was in the royal carriage on his way to Betrug. He hadn’t been before but, from what Virgil wrote in his letter, it was colourful and beautiful and lively. It would be a nice change from his own grey kingdom.
Logan closed his eyes and leaned back in his seat, imagining going for walks through their kingdom like how Philomena and Virgil did. It sounded so exciting and different. He wished his own kingdom could work like that.
As soon as the carriage made its way into the Scharf’s kingdom, Logan was blown away by how bright Betrug was. There seemed to be large trees and greenery and flowers everywhere he turned. The citizens seemed happy and were wearing colourful clothes, the houses stained blue, red, yellow, and green.
However, upon closer inspection, Logan noticed rotten walls, sunken in rooves, and very few glass windows. The buildings in his kingdom were made of stone and, while bland and grey, were at least sturdy and kept out the cold.
The carriage made its way past the large pond in the middle of the kingdom where there were probably two guards for every person lounging on the bank with blankets and picnic baskets.
Soon, Logan was at the entrance of the massive stone castle which looked regal and strong compared to the little wooden houses surrounding it. King Eric, Queen Isolde, Philomena, Virgil, and their three other siblings were at the doorway, looking very menacing. Is this what Philomena and Virgil felt when his family greeted them when they stepped out of the carriage?
The coachman opened the door for him and Logan stepped out, back straight and his head up. Just what his parents expected. The words his mother told him before he left rang in his ears: “You must be a good prince in front of the Scharf’s. Being with your future wife’s family, you must be extra careful and vigilant.”
Logan had been conflicted—he had always been careful and a good prince. Was there something that could suggest he wasn’t? Through most of the carriage ride, he had gone through anything that could have possibly tarnished his image as the perfect prince. But nothing came to mind.
“Logan!” King Eric bounded down the steps with a smile on his face. “I’ve heard so much about you.”
Logan made his way to the king, not daring to look at Virgil in case his face would go pink or his heart would start hammering so loudly that King Eric would hear.
Logan bowed, “it’s a pleasure to meet you as well, King Eric.”
King Eric patted Logan’s back. “Aw, we don’t need all this formality—we’re all royals here. Just call me Eric.”
Logan would rather jump off a cliff than ever call King Eric Eric. But he smiled anyway, goodnaturedly. “I’m afraid not, Your Majesty, my mother taught me to always address royalty and nobility with their proper titles.”
“What a respectful young man,” Queen Isolde said with a small smile, stepping forward and wrapping her arms around King Eric’s left arm. She glanced over at her children playfully, “some of you ought to take notes.”
Logan was utterly flabbergasted by the informal-ness of it all. His parents wouldn’t be caught dead telling people to call them by their first name or joking with him. It was just another way the Scharf family was different from his own.
Some maids and valets began unloading his things for the five days he would be staying at Virgil and Philomena’s castle.
King Eric gestured for his children to come forward, “come introduce yourself, children.” He lowered his voice, “they are very excited to meet you,” he winked, “it’s not everyday the prince from across the woods comes to visit.”
The youngest one got to Logan first. “Hi Prince Logan, I’m Peter. I can’t wait to have another older brother! Maybe you can play hide-and-go-seek with me,” he pouted.
Logan’s lips quirked upwards but didn’t say anything.
“My name’s Mabel,” Mabel said with a short curtsey. “Glad to make your acquaintance.”
Lillian firmly locked her gaze with Logan before saying, “I’m Lillian. I hope at least you’re tolerable.”
“Uh, thank you?” Logan said, not liking how it sounded like a question.
Philomena smiled and discreetly rolled her eyes. “Don’t mind her, come on, I’d like to show you around Betrug.”
“Be back before tea,” King Eric called out as Philomena and Logan made their way away from the castle and into the bustle of the town.
“Virgil, you go along with them and watch out,” Queen Isolde added in.
“When did I become a personal guard?” Virgil grumbled but walked over to Philomena and Logan nonetheless.
When they were out of earshot, Logan said, “I thought you said that you could walk around your kingdom without any guards?”
Philomena sighed. “You usually can. But, recently, there have been whispers of a resistance.”
“A resistance? What are they possibly upset about?” But then Logan remembered the rotting houses, the cracks in all the wooden buildings…but, if it was about housing, wouldn’t the resistance be created long before that?
Philomena didn’t respond—she just wrung her hands tightly near her stomach. Logan glanced back for a response from Virgil. “They’re upset that Philomena’s marrying you.”
Logan stopped dead in his tracks.
“It’s only a small portion of citizens and they wouldn’t try anything in broad daylight,” Philomena said, but Logan was already spiralling. He knew his kingdom had a bad reputation compared to Betrug, but he didn’t think it was worth creating a resistance. “Do you guys know who they are?”
Virgil shook his head, “No. They’re taking extra precaution to keep everyone’s identity a secret. However,” he lowered his voice, and Logan’s eyes lingered on Virgil’s lips a little too long, “their leader seems to be a woman, Ann, but it’s a pseudonym because there is no one named Ann in this kingdom.”
Logan exhaled, thousands of incidents running through his mind. “Is it possible that the resistance could strike while I’m here?”
“It’s entirely possi—I mean, hey!” Virgil said as Philomena jabbed her elbow in Virgil’s side. “I’m just being honest!”
“You’ll be fine,” Philomena reassured him. “As I said before, nobody would dare try something in broad daylight. The resistance’s views are the minority.”
“Do you have a percentage on that?” It would be comforting just to see how little the population hated him. Unless they were lying and there were more people who hated him. In that case, he was comfortable in staying ignorant on the exact numbers.
As they continued through Betrug, Logan could feel the underlying question just waiting to be brought up by one of them as soon as they were completely alone. What are we going to be doing about the wedding?
“There has to be some way to stop it from going ahead,” Virgil muttered, later that day after tea. They were in a little hidden room near the kitchens which was bustling with activity with supper preparations. It was the perfect noise to hide their voices.
“There is no way to do this without being banished or jailed,” Philomena said, tapping her quil against her journal in thought.
“Or dying,” Virgil added in.
“Or dying. Yes,” Logan nodded, leaning against one of the walls and racking his brain for something useful. “We could…” Logan trailed off and Philomena and Virgil turned to stare at him. “We could fake our deaths.”
“And how exactly are we supposed to do that?” Philomena asked skeptically. “It would have to be convincing and if we don’t want to frame somebody, it’ll have to look like an accident.”
“And it’s not like we can just pretend to fall off a cliff because there has to be a body to prove that we’ve died,” Virgil added in.
“We could bribe someone to be our fake witness,” Logan said again. “Then, they won’t need bodies.”
“But they might think that that poor fellow murdered us. And we’d need to find someone trustworthy enough to not tattle on us and get a greater reward for turning us in,” Philomena said, biting her bottom lip.
If Irwin were still around, Logan knew he would help them in a heartbeat. But if Irwin had been here, would they have kissed all those weeks ago? Perhaps everything had happened how they were supposed to. Logan wasn’t sure he believed in fate but it was the only way he could conclude this train of thought.
Virgil glanced over at him curiously. “What are you thinking about?”
Logan pursed his lips and turned away just slightly. Should he tell Virgil about Irwin? He felt guilty even though there was nothing to be guilty about. He sighed and finally relented, telling Virgil and Philomena about his relationship with Irwin and how Irwin wanted to show him something the night the siblings arrived and how Irwin was fired by his own mother because she saw them holding hands.
“I’ve come to realize that our relationship was kind of one-sided. He helped me get through so many things and I hardly know anything about him…” Logan finished, wincing at how that sounded. He wished he had asked more questions instead of being on the receiving end of them. “But he was my only friend at the time…”
“Your mother fired Irwin?” Philomena repeated.
Logan nodded slowly, Virgil came around and held his hand.
“I think you’ve got it all wrong,” Philomena said, rustling around until she was holding up a page in her journal.
“What are you talking about?” Logan asked, confused. “My mother fired Irwin.
Philomena cleared her throat and read: “While walking through the halls of the Sanders’ palace, I overheard two women in a room. I didn’t try to eavesdrop—but they were whispering rather ferociously. One of them sounded like Queen Alice! She addressed the other woman as Emese.”
The head cook, Logan thought, eyes wide.
“They were obviously arguing and it seemed to be about whether or not to fire a valet. They didn’t mention a name but the queen seemed adamant about keeping him while Emese seemed determined to fire the poor fellow. I didn’t know what the valet’s crime was but, if the queen was defending him, I believed the valet was in the right. I felt bad because I think Emese won the argument.” Philomena looked up from her journal and stared over at Logan. “I don’t think your mother wanted to fire Irwin.”
“But she’s the queen, she could have kept him if she wanted to!” Logan exclaimed, voice breaking.
Virgil squeezed his hand tighter, “Emese and your mother must have been close. She must have told Emese about what she saw and didn’t want to lose their friendship.”
“Again,” Logan said sharply, “she’s the queen.”
Philomena fiddled with her skirt. “If they were close,” she said slowly, “what if Emese knew something your mother didn’t want people to know? Then Queen Alice would want to save her image and fire Irwin so Emese wouldn’t spill.”
“What could Emese possibly have on my mother?” Logan asked out loud, knowing no one really knew the answer but asking it anyway.
“It would have to be something big,” Virgil said. “Really, really, big.”
That night, at supper, Logan felt slightly overwhelmed. It seemed that everyone was talking over each other and someone was always asking him a question which he just barely managed to answer before being thrown another.
“Do you have any pets?” Peter asked, shoving food into his mouth. “We used to have a dog but he died.”
“Uh, no,” Logan shook his head.
“It must be so lonely without siblings,” Mabel said, pity in her eyes. “And no pets to keep you company.”
“I would love to be an only child,” Lillian grumbled, loud enough that only Logan and Virgil managed to hear.
“What’s the food like?” Peter asked, leaning forward in his seat.
“They’re in the same country as us, Pete,” Lillian said with a roll of her eyes. “They’re just across the woods from us.”
“Yeah, the food is pretty much the same,” Logan nodded. Probably better here, he added in his head. Most of their old chefs had quit in the past couple of years and they had had to hire new ones which weren’t as experienced.
“I hear your garden is exquisite,” Mabel said. “Do you have a favourite flower? Mine are roses.”
“Trust Mabel to ask the boring questions,” Lilian grumbled quietly as she ate her food. “She even has the most boring favourite flower. Honestly? Roses?”
“Uh, I like cornflowers,” Logan responded, shrugging.
“How are James and Alice doing?” Queen Isolde asked, cocking her head to the side. Logan’s parents would have someone fired for addressing them by their first name. It even sounded wrong in Logan’s ears.
“Oh, uh, they’re fine. Doing well,” Logan nodded awkwardly. He glanced at Virgil for a split second before bringing his attention back to the queen.
“I heard about all the unrest over there,” Queen Isolde mentioned, pityingly. “Horrible, really. Do tell your parents if they need any help, they can just send us a letter and we’ll try to lend a hand.” She winked, good-naturedly, “us royals have to stick together.”
“Why does your kingdom look so grey and bleh,” Lillian cut in, making a face.
“That’s because almost all of our buildings are made of stone,” Logan explained, noticing the queen giving Lillian a look.
She immediately straightened up and plastered a smile on her face. “I hope you’ll sleep well tonight,” Lillian said in a fake-happy tone.
Mabel turned to her sister, agast. “What did you do to his bedroom?”
“I didn’t do anything. I’m just saying that I hope he has a good night's sleep. I thought I was merely being polite,” Lillian shrugged.
“It is polite unless it’s coming from you,” Philomena said, pointing her fork at Lillian. “What did you do this time? Spiders? Snakes?”
Logan’s eyebrows drew down in confusion. Spiders and snakes in his bedroom?
Lillian rolled her eyes but she was grinning. “Can’t I have any fun around here?”
“Young lady, I want you to clean up whatever mess you made in Logan’s room, you hear me?” Queen Isolde snapped, pointing a finger down the hall.
Lillian stood up. pushed herself away from the table and walked leisurely away. “I was done eating anyway,” she said as she turned the corner and disappeared.
“We’ll assign you a different bedroom,” Queen Isolde said, apologetically. “Lillian thinks these pranks are funny.”
“She rubbed some kind of itch-inducing powder on my pillow last week,” Philomena piped up.
“She put that same stuff on my clothes too,” King Eric exclaimed with a boisterous laugh.
Queen Isolde shook her head, “sometimes she goes too far. I thought she would grow out of it eventually…” she trailed off.
“Mom, she still is a child—let her have her fun,” Mabel said with a sigh. “Dad told me that at seventeen you pranked dad by pretending to be a ghost in the castle for a good eight months. Flour on your face…long, white, nightgown…staring longingly out lit windows…”
Queen Isolde slapped her husband on the arm playfully. “Eric,” she said, but she was smiling, “when did you tell her about that?”
King Eric just laughed and banged the table until the glasses were shaking and the whole table had erupted into laughter. It was the happiest Logan had ever seen a family.
The next morning, Philomena and Virgil showed Logan more of the castle. The Scharf’s castle matched its kingdom—falsely bright. Hundreds of paintings adorned the walls that hid the dirty and cracked stone.
Lillian sharply turned the corner and almost banged into Philomena who was in the front. Virgil and Logan stepped away from each other quickly.
Lillian grinned mischievously. “Perfect timing,” she grabbed Philomena’s arm and began dragging her off. “I gotta show you something.”
Once their footsteps had faded away Logan snuggled up closer to Virgil and intertwined their hands together.
Logan smiled contentedly. “What do you suppose she wants to show Philomena?”
Virgil shrugged. “Probably some prank she set up for our mom. I can’t imagine why she needs Philomena.”
“Maybe she wants a witness to her chaos,” Logan replied idly as they continued on down the hall.
Virgil chuckled, “maybe.”
They made their way to the castle’s grounds which were filled with colourful flowers, fountains, and tall, symmetrical, trees.
“Your place is beautiful,” Logan mumbled quietly, touching a rose’s red petal gently.
Virgil didn’t say anything, just squeezed Logan’s hand.
That was when they heard the first shriek. “Help! Someone!”
Virgil dropped Logan’s hand. “Philomena,” he said, eyes wide, and he began running towards the noise.
Logan struggled to catch up but soon they had vaulted over the stone fence and into the woods that separated Logan and Virgil’s kingdoms.
Up ahead, Logan could see a figure in a black cloak with what looked like Philomena with a burlap sack over her head. She wasn’t making any sounds—probably gagged. Then, they turned behind a massive oak tree and vanished.
Virgil skidded to a halt at the tree. “Wh-how?”
“Must be some kind of secret base underground,” Logan panted out, trying to catch his breath. Maybe he should take up jogging. Virgil didn’t even look fazed by the intense running.
Virgil began running his hands along all the oak tree and trees nearby, inspecting the ground. “It looked like they just disappeared into thin air.” He paused before saying quietly, “they wouldn’t…kill her, would they?”
“No,” Logan shook his head confidently even though no one could ever be sure. “If I were the resistance, I’d keep her alive and use her as leverage against your parents.”
Virgil calmed a little at this. “Y-yeah. Of course. Leverage.”
Logan joined with Virgil’s searching, thumping his feet on the ground, listening for anything that sounded suspicious. If they went underground, there had to be some kind of hole to actually get down there. “Do you suppose they have Lillian too?”
Virgil became stricken at the words. “They must.”
“But we only saw one person in a burlap sack. Maybe she managed to get away,” Logan said, thinking, continuing to search for anything that could lead them to Philomena.
“Well maybe we should go find her,” Virgil said. “Maybe Lillian saw whoever took Philomena.”
All of a sudden people in matching black cloaks and cloths over their mouths sprung out from behind the trees and tied their hands behind their backs.
Logan struggled and yelled until someone gagged him as well. He saw Virgil kick someone in the face.
Suddenly, another figure appeared and stood right in front of the now gagged and bound princes. She seemed much more powerful and the others glanced her way. Ann, Logan’s mind supplied.
Ann waved her hand and a person near Virgil untied his gag.
“I’m going to murder you,” Virgil spat out.
“Of course,” Ann replied with a kind nod and Logan couldn’t help but think her voice sounded familiar. She waved her hand again and someone untied Logan’s gag.
“Where is Philomena?” Logan asked, glaring at the woman.
“All in due time, Prince Logan,” Ann said with another nod of her head.
Why is she being so nice? Logan asked himself, curling his hand into a fist. It was infuriating.
“What are you doing?” Virgil asked, ice in his voice. “You obviously aren’t here to converse in pleasant conversation with us.”
Ann’s eyes crinkled, smiling. “Ann would like an audience with you.”
Both Virgil and Logan swiveled their heads to look at each other, obviously thinking the same thing: she’s not Ann?
Virgil turned back to not-Ann, biting his lip as he contemplated the woman’s offer.
Logan could practically see the gears turning in Virgil’s head. If Virgil spoke to Ann, there was a chance of getting revenge. “Fine. Ann can come here.”
The woman laughed a little. “Oh no, we’re bringing you to Ann.” She waved her hand again and their bound hands were free once again.
“How are you so sure we’re not going to kill you?” Logan asked.
“I’m not the one you’re upset at.”
“But you’re a part of a group who kidnapped the eldest Princess,” Virgil said.
The woman didn’t even turn around as she made her way to the oak tree. “Go ahead and kill me, but you won’t get to meet Ann.”
Virgil visibly bared his teeth but made no move against the woman as he followed her.
The woman glanced upwards and knocked on the trunk of the tree in an intricate pattern that Logan didn’t even try to commit to memory.
“Aren’t you going to blindfold us or something?” Logan asked.
“Always the practical one,” the woman said with a quiet chuckle.
“You didn’t answer my question.”
“There’s no need for one,” the woman responded just as a wooden platform dropped down, rope on either corners.
Logan kept his mouth shut but still couldn’t get the nagging feeling that he knew this woman. He began going through all the possible answers which weren’t that many.
The platform they stood on rose high up the tree trunk until they were brought up to a large branch of the oak tree where a door was carved into the trunk. Inside the tree, another pulley system was set up and they slowly descended underground.
They walked for what seemed like twenty minutes in an underground tunnel until they found themselves under a trapdoor.
Logan had been silently mapping this all out and it wasn’t possible they were still in Betrug. There were either in an unmarked part of the woods or smack dab in the middle of his own kingdom.
They climbed up the ladder and found themselves in a small room, a little lantern on a shelf nearby.
“Good morning, Logan and Virgil,” a new voice (yet somehow familiar as well) said and Logan snapped his head around to meet a new cloaked figure. “Welcome. I’m Ann.”
Rage filled Logan but he pushed it down. He wanted to hear what Ann had to say. There must have been a reason to bring both of them here. He would lull Ann into a false sense of security before striking.
The woman that had taken them here nodded her head and stood behind Ann who was sitting in a chair.
Virgil advanced a couple of steps, hands turned into fists.
“Logan, please restrain your boyfriend,” Ann said in a bored voice, crossing her legs.
It occurred to Logan that she was quite short. He made no move to stop Virgil though, he was more shocked to hear that Ann knew about them being together. The only other person to know was Philomena.
“Where is my sister?” Virgil snapped. “And you should be calling us by our proper titles.”
Ann rolled her eyes. “I don’t think I will.” She snapped her fingers. “Go get Philomena before this one goes feral.”
The woman left through the only door in the room and Logan could glimpse bright sunshine before the door was closed again.
“How could you kidnap my sister,” Virgil growled and lunged for Ann.
Ann stood up and moved out of the way quickly. The height difference was more apparent this time without Ann sitting in a chair.
Virgil flung his right hand out and smacked Ann right across the face.
Ann stood stock still and her eyes narrowed. “Are you quite done, Virgil?”
“I don’t think I am—“ Virgil was cut off as Ann reached up and smacked Virgil across the face.
Logan lost control of his rage. “How dare you! Do you not realize who he is?”
Suddenly, the door opened and the woman poked her head through. “Philomena is refusing to come.”
Ann sighed tiredly. “Always stubborn, the Scharf’s are,” she said in a wry tone.
“And what’s that supposed to mean?” Logan asked coldly, not liking the way Ann was speaking. He couldn’t imagine anyone speaking to royalty like this.
“Follow me if you want to see Philomena,” Ann said as she walked out the door.
Logan squinted at the sudden natural light streaming through the high-set windows as he made his way through the door. “We’re in our old food storage building…”
“You mean the one with the missing goods?” Virgil asked quietly.
Logan nodded. It was completely empty save for a couple of chairs. It wasn’t very large so he could see what he assumed was Philomena at the end of the room, bound and gagged.
Virgil opened his mouth, but Ann beat him to it. “Let her go.”
“Are you sure?” Someone asked.
“Let. Her. Go,” Ann repeated, this time more firmly.
Once Philomena was out of her bounds and ungagged, she went right into Ann’s face. “I don’t know who you are but I don’t think you just realized the severity of what you just did. Kidnapping me? I should just walk out through that door right now.”
“You won’t,” Ann said calmly, crossing her arms definitely.
“And why won’t I?” Philomena asked, glaring down at Ann.
“Because you’re going to hear what I have to say.”
“And why should we listen to you?” Virgil said, stepping up and standing next to Philomena.
Ann pulled off her hood and pulled down the cloth covering most of her face. “Because you will listen to me.”
And there, standing in front of the three of them, was Lillian Scharf. She glared up at her older siblings, no longer looking like the quarrelsome teenager Logan met back at the castle.
“Lillian?” Philomena said, shock written all over her face.
“Sit down—all of you,” Lillian grimaced, pointing her finger at three chairs.
The three of them complied.
“So…this resistance isn’t about the arranged marriage between Philomena and I, isn’t it?” Logan asked.
“What an obtuse observation,” Lillian said dryly.
“Lillian,” Philomena scolded.
“You’re not my mom,” Lillian exclaimed. “Now, listen to me.”
“Why is there a secret tunnel leading to my kingdom and my family’s personal storage building?” Logan demanded. All the anger had drained away and now he was just plain confused.
“Think hard, Logan. Why do you think there’s a secret tunnel leading here, huh?” Lillian paused and, when Logan just gave her a blank look, she sighed. “My parents framed you.”
And that’s when it clicked. Logan’s eyes widened. “Your parents stole the missing goods and planted them here!”
Lillian nodded. “Exactly. And my spy tells me that most of your kingdom’s so-called problems stem from one, single, person.”
“Emese,” the woman who had brought him and Virgil through the tunnel said seriously. She pulled down her own hood and face mask and Logan could clearly see his parent’s most trusted adviser, Clara. “She blackmails your mother into doing things that don’t quite make sense—going easy on the criminals and sending regular citizens to prison, raising the taxes.”
“Do you know what Emese has over my mother?” Logan asked hopefully. Whatever it was, it wasn’t worth a kingdom’s favour.
Clara shook her head. “Unfortunately, no.”
“How long have you known?” Virgil asked hoarsely, face turned downwards, fidgeting with his fingers.
“Since I was 9. I’ve always been a snoop. Although I didn’t actually do anything until I was 11,” Lillian replied.
“She gave me and the rest of the resistance a mini heart attack when she came to one of our meetings,” Clara said with a little laugh.
“Why did you kidnap me?” Philomena asked Lillian. She didn’t look nearly as upset about the realization that her parents were crooks as Virgil was.
“If I kidnapped you and made sure Logan and Virgil heard it, then I’d have all three of you with me without raising suspicions,” Lillian replied.
“Why do you need us?” Virgil asked.
Lillian grinned mischievously. “I technically don’t need you, but I have a proposition to make.”
Down below, under the Scharf castle, Logan, Virgil, and Philomena huddled in a small, stone, room. It was completely dark, save for the thin space between the wooden floor and the trapdoor that hid them.
Virgil was shaking next to Logan and he desperately wished he could say anything to make him feel better. But it wasn’t everyday you found out your own parents weren’t as great as you thought they were after years of putting them on a pedestal. Logan just held both of Virgil’s hands tightly instead.
While Virgil was shaking, Philomena was fidgeting. Probably wanting to continuously ask when it would start but Lillian had given the three of them strict orders to be silent.
Logan silently scoffed—since when did he listen to the orders of a fourteen year old?
And that was when the first screams began. Logan could hear one of the servants shriek and then the floor vibrate as she began running, “fire! Fire!”
It sounded like chaos in the castle. The shouts and yelling only got louder and Logan felt Virgil’s body tense up at the sound of someone’s voice going “they’ve got Princess Philomena, Prince Virgil, and Prince Logan!”
But then came the full on shaking and loud bangs. “Lillian didn’t say anything about this…” Philomena whispered, trailing off. “What’s happening?”
“I don’t know…” Logan said, feeling his own heartbeat quicken and begged it to slow down before Virgil could sense it. “This wasn’t a part of the plan.”
Virgil shot out of Logan’s arms. “The cannons. They’re using the cannons!” Virgil began hyperventilating and almost knocked the glasses off Logan’s face in searching for the handle of the trapdoor.
Logan blindly flung his arms up and brought Virgil back down against his chest. “You can’t go out there, Virge, you’ll be killed. The power of those cannons could knock this whole place down. We’re safer here.”
“But mom, dad, Mabel, Peter…Lillian!”
Philomena’s hand grazed Logan’s side before, assumingly, finding Virgil’s shoulder. “Lillian’s smart and tough. I’m sure this is all part of the plan. Maybe something went wrong. I’m sure our family’s fine.” But she sounded like she was trying to convince herself more than Virgil.
Another massive boom and then shake and Virgil wiggled out of Logan’s grip. “I can’t just sit here and do nothing!”
But then everything was silent. Oddly silent. The three of them held their breath.
Someone above opened the trapdoor and Logan squinted up before seeing Lillian’s familiar face and sighing in relief. He didn’t see the fat tears rolling down her face until Philomena gasped and asked what happened.
Lillian explained through sobs as she helped the three of them out of the secret room. “They-they went behind my back. All of them. They fired the cannons and brought the whole castle down in ruins…”
As Logan stepped onto the floor where there should have been an enclosed hallway around them, he saw blue skies and rubble all around him. The whole place seemed to be blanketed in smoke.
Lillian brought her two siblings into a hug and her cries wracked her whole body. “Everyone that was in the castle is dead. Our family.”
Philomena began rubbing Lillian’s back soothingly.
“Clara said that the only way to bring in a new era was to get rid of the old monarchy. I can’t believe she’d do this to me—I thought we were friends.”
Logan felt his blood boil. “Where are they now? Where’d they go?” He needed to speak to Clara. He couldn’t bring the rest of the Scharf’s back to life but he needed to do something about this.
“They didn’t tell me,” Lillian sniffed, wiping her nose with her sleeve. “Clara was the last person to speak to me. She said that the resistance decided to spare me because none of them believed I could do anything about it.”
Logan kicked a massive stone.
“The resistance underestimated you,” Virgil said slowly, his voice hardening. “You can do plenty to get them back.”
Bit by bit, Lillian stopped crying. Her eyes flashed determinedly. “You’re right. You’re absolutely right.” She paused. “But I need to create a plan.”
“Whatever you come up with, we’ll help you as much as we can. However, I suggest we first find someplace to go. My castle’s out of the question—everyone thinks we’re dead,” Logan said, tapping his foot, thinking about his poor parents without an heir. Now that he had spent his time at the Scharf’s, his parents didn’t seem nearly as bad as he thought.
Lillian straightened her spine, fire in her eyes, looking ever the leader. “I know where we can go.”
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peterstanslizzie · 4 years
Reacting to: She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (Season 5 Episode 1)
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Episode Title: Horde Prime
Just before starting this episode, my heart was beating so fast. I was so excited and could barely contain myself. At the same time, I’m kinda sad that the whole series is coming to a close but I’m positive that She-Ra will end on a high note. So, without further ado, let’s begin my review of episode 1:
Spoiler Warning: Kindly proceed if you’ve already seen the episode or are able to handle spoilers.
Key Highlights
‘Adora’s isn’t She-Ra anymore’ Complex
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She looks so good with her hair down like that
 Adora is struggling with the fact that she can no longer transform into She-Ra after breaking the Sword of Protection in the Crystal Castle in Season 4′s finale. So, she’s trying to over-compensate this by constantly charging herself into battle to prove that she isn’t useless. And people like Bow, Mermista etc. reminding her that she’s not She-Ra anymore definitely triggers her even further. 
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After facing a near death experience when Horde Prime’s robot army invaded their base camp, she finally realizes that she doesn’t have to save Etheria alone and she should allow her friends to help her. Personally, I totally understand why Adora feels this way. The main reason why she’s known to be this hero to everyone is because she’s She-Ra. But I just hope that her stubbornness in always having to be only one saving the day won’t keep coming back in future episodes.
The Newest Guests of Horde Prime (HP): Catra and Glimmer
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As a lot of people have predicted on social media, Catra has a lot more freedom than Glimmer to roam around Horde Prime’s base. Glimmer always has to be escorted by HP’s clones whenever she leaves her prison cell. Catra also pleads her allegiance to HP but that doesn’t seem to be enough for him because he can tell just by her body language and heart rate that she has feelings for Adora. Hmm, do tell 😬....I think HP was referring to the part where she scratched the dining table when he mentioned Adora’s name. It was such a dead giveaway.
It’s becoming a possibility that HP is either going to brainwash Catra or do something to make sure she’s 100% committed to serving him. It’s probably the former because he called her “little sister” towards the end of the episode, just like he calls Hordak his little brother. I’m not sure how Catra’s going to be redeemed in season 5 but whatever the case may be, I’m pretty sure she’s going to double cross HP but the result of her defecting will probably cost her a lot.
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As for Glimmer, she’s feeling very hopeless at the moment because her powers don’t work there and she knows that HP’s army is threatening her friends and people back in Etheria. Unfortunately, in order to prevent HP from killing Adora, she reveals to him that in order to get the Heart of Etheria to work, She-Ra is needed.
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In terms of the current dynamic between Glimmer and Catra, not much has changed this episode from before. Catra is trying to convince herself to Glimmer that she’s still in alliance with the Horde, regardless if it’s with Horde Prime this time. Glimmer thinks that Catra is foolish to trust him because of what happened to Hordak. I definitely agree with Glimmer here.
Adora’s Dreams
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Lately, Adora has been seeing a glowing She-Ra figure in her dreams as well as visions of Horde Prime and a special, hidden part of the Whispering Woods that Madame Razz is familiar with. Her dreams remind her that the Rebellion does in fact, have another place that they can seek refuge from HP because their first hideout had already been discovered. And this place so happens to be that secret place within the Whispering Woods.
As for her specific visions of She-Ra, it’s probably there because she’s now more than eager to transform back into She-Ra. But I’m also pretty sure that it’s part of some kind of message that the spirit of She-Ra is trying to send to Adora.
The Princesses of Power
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I was so pumped to see Perfuma, Mermista, Frosta and Scorpia use their powers to fight off HP’s army. Right now, they’re needed more than ever because Adora can’t use her powers and Glimmer isn’t around. I’m especially happy that Scorpia is now playing an active role in the Rebellion and she’s gotten really good at using her lightning powers.
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As for Entrapta, I just love her so much. Like Scorpia, I’m glad she’s with the Rebellion and working with Bow to upgrade Mara’s ship so that they can go into space to rescue Glimmer, wherever she may be. I also hope that she will be one of the ones to travel to space because she definitely still has some unfinished business with Catra and Hordak.
Key Questions
Is Shadow Weaver Trustworthy?
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With King Micah coming back, he still has some resentment towards Shadow Weaver for having betrayed him and the fellow sorcerers of Mystacor. The two of them disagree on what the Rebellion’s plan of action should be; Shadow Weaver is adamant that they should use the Heart of Etheria against HP’s forces but that definitely isn’t a possibility since Glimmer and She-Ra aren’t available. So far, Shadow Weaver hasn’t done anything villainous in a long time but I still don’t trust her because she can act really shady at times. However, she did save King Micah from one of HP’s bots by throwing a bottle of acid at it lol.
Will We See Madame Razz in the Whispering Woods?
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We last saw Madame Razz in the Season 4 episode, ‘Hero’, where Adora finds out the truth about Mara and how she actually saved Etheria unlike what was told to Adora by the corrupted Light Hope. Since the Rebellion will be setting up their new base within the Whispering Woods, I wonder if they will bump into her and will she be of any help to them? But first of all, Adora needs to stop that constant flash of images running through her mind that’s been giving her such a bad headache.
Random Thoughts
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1. My boy, Sea-Hawk makes a really brief appearance, without any dialogue here. But why was he polishing his sword with a leaf? LOL
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2. Did you catch the Sword of Protection shining a little? Was it the reflection of the sunlight or was it the sword itself?
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3. I’m glad to see the other Mystacor sorcerers actually doing something. I’ve always wanted to see more from them. 
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4. I’m loving the new dynamic I’m seeing here between Scorpia and Swift Wind. They do seem to share really similar personalities. 
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5. This HP clone’s cute-startled face does kinda look like Hordak’s. By the way, Scorpia’s impersonation of Hordak was so accurate.
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6. Horde Prime is starting off as a strong and intimidating villain so far; Far beyond Hordak ever was. He really knows how make even the boldest (Catra) crack under pressure. 
Closing Off
Thank you all so much for reading my review of episode 1. I’m so excited to see what will happen next! Tune in tomorrow for my review of episode 2. Bye!
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Monster Hunt: Pulzo, Prince among ghouls
The dead of centuries are set before him, a feast fit for a king.
Setup: On the edge of the desert, like a distant mirage, a forest of towering stone spires known as the Zulisi act as the ancestral burial grounds for the expansive nomad peoples that dwell in the surrounding dunes. Carved over long centuries by hand and wind, these spires bare sarcophagi like recesses to house the dead during sky burial, and are linked by thin walkways that make the pillars something of an open air, three dimensional maze. 
Though the Zulisi towers have long been the haunt of scavengers in one form or another, none have proved so dangerous or as elusive as a newly emerged threat, predatory carnivorous undead that those who have survived encounters have christened “Pulzo”.  The beast appeared little more than a year ago, after a scornful heir among the nomads broke sacred law by defiling the shine of a foreign god while raiding an unaligned settlement. This divinity was harsh with its retribution and struck the prince down soon after with a wasting sickness, one that none of the nomad’s own healers could stem.   The prince was interred in the Zulisi as was tradition, but thereafter no bodies could follow, for the paths through the spires were guarded by a corpse eating beast that seems immune to mortal steel. 
While some among the nomads are convinced that the ghoul is a punishment set upon them by their own gods for burying such a blasphemer in their holy ground, others insist that the ghoul is infact the fallen prince himself, transmogrified after death. Regardless, the nomads are willing to pay handily for any brave enough to face the beast, who has already killed a handful of their clansfolk who wished to see their relatives interred within the Zulisi
Adventure Hooks: 
While out on a desert trek towards some destination of great import, the party has employed a desert nomad as a guide, a seasoned and trustworthy woman to hear those at the trading post sing her praises, but she seems to be leading the party on a roundabout path that repeatedly leads them dangerously close to one desert hazard or another. Questioning her about the delay, she informs them that they’re being shadowed by several nomad outriders, likely from a clan that has a quarrel with hers due to an “onging incident”. Pressing her more, she’ll explain the situation with the prince of ghouls, and that escalating tensions between the clans may just lead to war on the sand in coming months, a battle that will likely spill over into civilized lands as caravan routes and oasis's are made battlegrounds. 
Driven partially mad by grief, the prince’s father has become convinced that his son is still in there somewhere, and that by finding the foreign priest or sorcerer and getting them to remove the cure, his son will be returned, or atleast be able to sleep easier in his graves. The party may receive this fruitless quest during a visit to the nomad camp, or may encounter it from afar,  as a temple in the settlement they’re staying in is infiltrated by a reckless group of bravos looking for someone vaguely mystical they can press for information. 
While up in the pillar-tombs, the party encounter a woman picking through the scattered bones, neatly sorting them into piles and conversing with the remains as if she was trading gossip over brunch. The woman seems   unperturbed by the harsh desert winds, despite appearing severely burned and being naked save for a ratty feather cloak and a number of nasty looking brass claw rings. After conversing for a while, perhaps giving them directions, she disappears while none of the party is looking at her, leaving the heroes with numerous questions and the feeling of being watched. 
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ladyherenya · 4 years
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Books read in June
I didn’t read everything I had planned. I was distracted reading other things and now I have to decide which library books I will return unread.
Part of me is stubbornly convinced I should retain my eleven-year-old self’s ability to borrow armfuls of books and read all of them at least once before the return date. Which is ridiculous. Back then I had fewer responsibilities and read shorter books. And having too many books to read is a better problem to have than running out of books.
Favourite cover(s): Thorn, Battle Born and White Eagles.
Reread: All Systems Red by Martha Wells.
Still reading: Descendent of the Crane by Joan He and Riviera Gold by Laurie R. King.
Next up: Aurora Burning by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff, and The Enigma Game by Elizabeth Wein.
One day I’ll get back to posting other things on Tumblr but for now, it’s just book reviews.
(Longer reviews and ratings on LibraryThing and Dreamwidth.)
Unseen Academicals by Terry Pratchett (narrated by Stephen Briggs): The wizards of Unseen University play football. This is humorous, clever, sharply observant about people -- very much what I’ve come to expect from Pratchett. I enjoyed it a lot. 
Girl Gone Viral by Alisha Rai: Katrina is horrified when a conversation she has with a man in a café is overheard, twisted into a romance, documented on Twitter -- and goes viral. Her bodyguard offers his family’s farm as a safe retreat. I enjoyed reading this and liked how it’s romance about a woman dealing with panic attacks, but by the final act, its priorities had diverged somewhat from mine. It wanted to get to its happily-ever ending, whereas I thought it had raised interesting issues worthy of further exploration and slower, more complex solutions. I wanted a happy ending, too, but wanted more story first.
Blame It On Paris by Laura Florand: I’ve read a few of Florand’s romances and even though the descriptions of Paris and chocolate shops were lovely and vivid, as stories they were not really my thing. But I loved her memoir, which is very funny. During her year in Paris, Laura isn’t looking to give up her independence, travelling or career plans for romance. But then her friends talk her into asking out the French waiter she admires. Getting to know Sebastien allows Laura to see France from a different perspective, and challenges her assumptions about serious relationships, her (American) culture and her own family.
Stepping From the Shadows by Patricia A. McKillip: A story about growing from childhood into adulthood. Published in 1982 as McKillip’s “first book for adults”, I can see why this is now out-of-print. It is strange, even by McKillip’s standards for strangeness. In merging the mundane with the magical, the mythical, it attempts something rather interesting and thoughtful, but it isn’t quite successful. However, the descriptions of places are wonderfully vivid, the narrator’s emotions are conveyed with intensity, and there were moments that felt like catching a fleeting glimpse of myself of a mirror. I didn’t always like it, but I’m glad I got to read it all the same.
True to Your Service by Sandra Antonelli: Kitt is sent on a mission to the Netherlands and his boss insists that Mae accompany him. This spy-thriller is, like At Your Service and Forever in Your Service, a bit too violent for me. However, I liked that Mae and Kitt talk about their reactions to distressing events with each other. In fact, the two of them are constantly discussing their thoughts and feelings about what’s happening, including the way Kitt’s job collides with their personal relationship. I really like the way their relationship is an on-going conversation.
The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer:
Cress (narrated by Rebecca Soler): Following on from Cinder and Scarlet. Cress, born without the Lunar gift for manipulation, has spent years living alone in a satellite orbiting Earth, using her tech skills under the orders of the Lunar thaumaturge Sybil and dreaming of escape. I really enjoyed this. I like how it wove in elements from “Rapunzel”, and dealt with Cress’s perception of herself as a damsel in distress, a girl in need of rescuing.  There is an increasing focus on teamwork and friendship -- this means we see the characters from different perspectives, and we also see different sides to them. 
Winter (narrated by Rebecca Soler): Princess Winter, step-daughter of Queen Levana, is determined that she will never use her Lunar gift to manipulate others -- even though refraining makes her a bit crazy. Meanwhile Cinder and her friends plot to overthrow the queen. This is tense and entertaining, and the narrator does a wonderful job of bringing all the characters to life. I love that the gang are so accepting of each other’s weird quirks and that the romances are given time to develop. I love their teamwork, banter and perseverance. The focus is on the characters’ relationships and the action, and both are excellent.
Thorn by Intisar Khanani: Fifteen year old Princess Alyrra is sent to marry the prince from another kingdom but en route is forced into swapping places with her lady-in-waiting. This retelling of “The Goose Girl” is riveting. I instantly cared about Alyrra, and appreciated how thoughtfully and effectively the story walks a line between darkness and hope -- between fear and trust, sadness and joy. Alyrra’s new life has dangers and difficulties, but also positive things -- satisfaction in her work, a supportive found-family. She becomes increasingly aware of injustice around her, but her story is shaped by her choices -- to be kind, to seek justice and bring change.
The Physicians of Vilnoc, a novella in the World of the Five Gods by Lois McMaster Bujold: Penric and Desdemona are summoned to deal with an outbreak of a mysterious disease. This could easily be an intense story and, oddly enough, it isn’t. Given the current state of the world, I’m glad Bujold didn’t go with the dark, harrowing possibilities and instead wrote about Pen investigating how the disease is transmitted while treating as many patients as he can. Still a stressful experience for Pen, but I was confident his worst fears wouldn’t transpire. And it was satisfying to get a better understanding regarding the best way for Pen and Des to use their knowledge and skills.
Hamster Princess: Ratpunzel by Ursula Vernon (aka T. Kingfisher): Like Of Mice and Magic, this is another entertaining twist on a fairytale. When Harriet helps her friend Wilbur to find a stolen hydra egg, they come across someone else in need of help -- a rat with a very long tail.
Battle Born by Amie Kaufman: A satisfying conclusion to Ice Wolves and Scorch Dragons, with a couple of unexpected developments and a lot of expected emphasis on wolves, dragons and humans working together. I liked the realism of this. Anders and his sister Rayna have both cool shapeshifting abilities and special status arising from their parentage. But their success depends upon the support of resourceful friends and wise, trustworthy adults. They save the day, not because they know all the answers but because they bring people together. This trilogy is one I wish I could send back in time for my eleven year old self.
Time of Our Lives by Emily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka: Two teenagers cross paths while touring East Coast colleges. There’s a lot I found interesting: Fitz’s fascination with words; Juniper’s enthusiasm and passion for the college-choosing process; the way they challenge each other; their intense family situations; and the glimpses of university life. However, I ended up feeling oddly annoyed. I was drawn into the story because Fitz and Juniper’s perspectives and motives were so very real and understandable, but something about some of their later choices and thoughts seemed too pat. Like the level of realism slipped slightly because the authors wanted to get their Message For The Teens across.
Tweet Cute by Emma Lord: Two teenagers, two business Twitter accounts and one very public argument about grilled cheese. Pepper and Jack see each other in class and cross paths training at the pool, but they don’t realise that they’re at war on Twitter nor pseudonymously chatting on a school-based app, like something out of You’ve Got Mail. This was a lot of fun -- super cute and full of Pepper’s passion for baking, Jack’s passion for his family’s deli, complicated-but-ultimately-supportive family relationships, and references to internet culture. I like how the story explores the strengths, the pressures and the problems of social media.
Text, Don’t Call: an illustrated guide to the introverted life by INFJoe by  Aaron T. Caycedo-Kimura: The text offers a basic explanation of introversion. It might be a decent introduction for someone new to the topic, but I found it a bit too basic to be interesting. However, the illustrations were great! Very funny and often relatable, and in one or two cases, usefully thought-provoking.
White Eagles by Elizabeth Wein: When Germany invades Poland, eighteen year old Kristina of the Polish Air Force has a chance to escape with her aeroplane ‐‐ and an unexpected stowaway. Her journey allows for a fascinating bird's-eye view of Europe in 1939 and of the challenges posed by such a trip. This novella-sized story is aimed to be both accessible and interesting to reluctant or dyslexia readers. It has moments where I, personally, would have liked more detail but I've worked with struggling readers and I think it's so awesome this sort of thing exists.
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laniidae-passerine · 5 years
You guys have been really sweet about my really dorky Ruby Redfort posts recently so I thought I’d put in some work and get as much information as I can about everyone’s favourite code cracking, messy, doughnut eating Spectrum worker!
(Note: I am missing books 2 & 3 because I refuse to buy anything but hardback RR books, and there are other requirements because I’m a picky girl... so could someone else check those???)
Anyway, let’s begin today’s episode of Information about Blacker! Spoilers, maybe? Err on the side of caution!
Look Into My Eyes:
Blacker is a terrible dresser, doesn’t brush his hair and apparently doesn’t own a mirror. We stan one relatable king!
“He was a dishevelled looking man and his badge was upside down and his hair didn’t look like it had been combed since Christmas” [pages 149-150]
Ruby notes that he has a nice voice and is visibly friendly.
“He had a nice voice though. It had warmth - she could tell this from just a few words.” [page 150]
He drinks? so I’d assume he is not Muslim, Mormon, Baptist or Sikh. Although he could just be the child of people from any of those religions, and not be religious himself, so so much for figuring out his personal background or possible ethnicity.
“‘We (Blacker and Lopez) got a drink at Blinky’s bar’” [page 176]
He owns a car!
“‘at around four I dropped her off at that fancy salon off of Twinford Square’” [page 176]
He gave Ruby a key code to access the office in Trashford, indicating he trusts her a large amount.
“‘Well, it’s not technically a break-in. I have the key code, Blacker gave it to me’” [page 257]
Despite his long term belief that he has never ever met the Count, Blacker actually has - he met him when the Count was disguised as Klaus Gustav. Also he may be able to pilot a plane, if Hitch is being literal:
“‘Please tell me Klaus Gustav is safely in Twinford?’ said LB. (Hitch replied) ‘He is - Blacker flew him in yesterday.’” [page 329]
Take Your Last Breath
Catch Your Death
Feel The Fear
Blacker is the first person to suggest that there is a mole in Spectrum in the breiefing with Dixie Deneuve. He’s not one to blindly believe in Spectrum, no matter what Ruby’s paranoid brain tells her.
“‘Is it possible that the prototype has been taken by a person on the Spectrum team?’ asked Blacker.” [page 202]
He eats food that goes well with soy sauce and is an implied messy eater, indicating a varied palate beyond jelly donuts. Maybe eats East Asian food a lot because he’s from there?
“Ruby found (Blacker) wiping soy sauce off his jacket.” [page 217]
He has a good-ish working relationship with Miles Froghorn and is the only known person who gets along with Miles, referring to him by his first name.
“Blacker looked at Froghorn. ‘Come on Miles, Rube is actually asking a fair question.’” [page 218]
He’s a known diplomat, and knows how to get people to like him. Also, note he’s able to get one of those rare near-smiles off Froghorn!
“Froghorn stood up, very nearly smiled at Blacker, and without speaking another work exited the canteen. That was the other thing you couldn’t but admire Blacker - he was a diplomat.” [page 219]
He is not one for keeping clean. Vaguely unhygienic, but we’ll let it go, because he’s just that wonderful.
“He (Blacker) winked and wiped his hands on his jacket. He caught Ruby’s eyes and shrugged, ‘Ah, it needs washing anyway.’” [page 223]
Blacker is the one to have dubbed Mile’s office, room 324, the ‘Frog Pod’. It doesn’t seem mean spirited though, so maybe he’s allowed to make a little fun out of Froghorn because they’re buddies. Or whatever it is they have going on?
“As usual, Froghorn was in room 324 (the Frog Pod, as Blacker called it).” [page 274]
He openly admits to having messy living quarters and perhaps implies that he lives in an apartment.
“Blacker shrugged. ‘Could be the owner of the apartment is away or if he is anything like me then he wouldn’t notice a break-in - I’m telling you my place is real chaotic.’” [page 277]
He uses a transmitter watch, which is probably Spectrum issue, to communicate with other agents such as Buzz and Froghorn.
“He pressed the transmitter button on his watch, no answer, so he tried again and this time the call connected and he spoke into the tiny speaker. ‘Hi Buzz, I am trying to locate Froghorn - could you get him on the line?’” [page 289]
He’s a genuine, kind guy and just the world’s biggest sweetheart what a lovely man - I love him so much and I’ve never even met him 🥰🥰🥰
“Ruby smiled. Blacker was about as cool as a partner as she could wish for and at that moment she felt pretty lucky.” [page 366]
He can whistle. Devastatingly important information, I know.
“Blacker whistled - he could see it all.” [page 388]
He has had other important cases in the past, and was/is a full on field agent.
“‘Ah, once, back when, I had to work undercover tracking down some orchid smugglers. I learned a lot about the business.” [page 396]
Pick Your Poison
He doesn’t consider himself a particularly lucky person.
“‘I got lucky for once, just missed it,’ said Blacker, ‘So you wanted to see me?’ [page 273]
He is a trustworthy and honest guy, the reliable sort.
“Blacker was no liar. Blacker was the one person she could 100% count on, aside from Hitch.“ [page 286]
He is no usually thrown by many situations, a bit of a social butterfly if one will, and I’ve just realised every sentence I’ve typed has begun with ‘he’.
"He was never rattled - soda, yes; jelly donuts, always; but when it came to people he was as steady as they came." [page 370]
Both he and Hitch are slightly prone to morbid jokes, à la one dear, very, very de-parted Marshall Boyd.
“Hitch: ‘You don’t have to convince me, you should see the state she left Baby Face in - or rather I should say, states.’ Delaware: ‘How do you mean? Where is he now?’ Hitch: ‘Well, he left his heart in San Francisco.’ Blacker: “His head was found in Monterrey.’ Hitch: ‘And his legs have yet to show.’ LB: ‘Excuse me?’ Blacker: ‘He’s a goner.’” [page 503]
Blink and You Die
He is not fond of Superskins, but it seems like he’s been in one before, as he has an idea of what being in one is like. Also, he’s a smart man because he doesn’t like helicopters (working, I’m sure they’re just fine but you likely can’t jump from them due to the propellers- that thing begins to drop, pray to whomever that it just doesn’t catch on fire when you crash).
“‘No, mam,’ said Blacker. ‘Don’t like helicopters. And there’s no way I’m putting a Superskin on, not unless I have to.’ ‘They make you feel claustrophobic?’ ‘No, they’re just a heck of a struggle to get in and out of.’” [pages 131 and 132]
He’s not pro child agents, despite his friendship with Ruby, implying he agrees with LB’s stance on the matter.
“‘But I think his brilliance sorta clouded Spectrum’s judgement, made them think it would be easy enough to find a whole trope of children who could do just what he did.’” [page 355]
And that’s all the relevant information I can find about Blacker! Also, I accidentally re-read the part of BYD where LB begs Bradley to be safe and not die, but she knows he will, she knows deep down it’s the last time she’ll see him alive and now I’m about to cry, oh god. Thank god Agent Blacker exists.
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Queen of Hearts - Chapter 9
Thirty-year-old Rose Tyler’s matchmaking business is doing very well indeed, bringing her clients such as celebrities, athletes, and the now-happily-married son of the mayor.  All of which brings her to her newest client - one whose royal rank is a far cry above her own title as Queen of Hearts.
Ian, King of Gallifrey, calls off his wedding four weeks before the happy day as he realizes he can’t spend another minute of his life with his betrothed.  The catch - he must take a wife before his Coronation, only a month away.  In desperation, his sister and aunt conspire to find him is happy ever after - and it’s going to take a master matchmaker to do it.
Based on the Hallmark Movie ‘Royal Matchmaker’.  Chapters will be posted every Sunday.
As always, beta’d by the wonderful @stupidsatsuma​!  @doctorroseprompts
Masterlist  |  AO3
Tuesday, April 9th (continued)
In hindsight, she probably shouldn’t have been surprised when the car didn’t stop, and Graham merely said “Sir?” while looking in the rearview mirror.
“You can stop,” the King nodded, and the car immediately pulled into the next parking spot.  “What is it?”
“Do you trust me?” Rose asked simply, blinking up at him and doing her best to look responsible and trustworthy.  Given his unhappiness at her initial hiring, this would be a good test of if his feelings had changed, and if he was truly ready to play ball.
After a moment a smile spread across his face, and he nodded.  “Aye.  Are we getting out?”
He emerged first, before turning to help her out of the car.  His hand was inordinately warm against hers, a pleasant feeling given the cold air around them, and he held on for far longer than was strictly necessary; they were several steps down the road before he let go, though she could still feel his touch like a phantom.
“Where are we going?”
“Come on,” Rose just grinned, heading up the steps of the Children’s Center to the main entrance, the King at her heels and Sarah Jane not far behind.  A large knocker sat on the front door and Rose tapped it, fighting back nervousness as she waited for the door to open.
After what felt like a small eternity but couldn’t have been a minute at most, it was opened by an older gentleman with sandy blond hair, whose eyes widened at the sight of them before his brow furrowed.  “Can I help you?”
“Hi,” she said brightly with far more confidence than she felt, “my name’s Rose, I spoke with Polly on Saturday, she said I could stop by today for a tour of the place.  Is she available?”
The man nodded, blinking, before calling over his shoulder, “Pol, it’s for you!”  Stepping aside, he gestured for them to enter. “She’ll be right down.  Please, come in.  Welcome, Your Majesty,” he bowed his head to his king.
“Thank you,” King Ian said graciously, before turning a curious eye to Rose.  “What exactly are we doing here?”
“Mel and I- my assistant- we came into town for the start of the festival on Saturday,” Rose hurried to explain before the woman arrived, “and the Center- City of Arcadia Children’s Center, I believe- was hosting a bake sale.  I got to chatting with the girls and Polly, and I had a thought. When you choose your wife, she should have a cause, right?  Obviously because of timing she won’t have much time between the proposal and wedding, and I thought her first thing as Queen could be to sponsor the Children’s Center.”
The King arched an eyebrow at her, face impassive, and Rose held her breath.  “You think this is an organization deserving of Crown funds?” he asked neutrally.  “You know nothing about them, really.  Or if they would even accept it.”
“That’s why we’re here!” she explained, as Polly hurried up.
“Sorry, love, I was changing a nappy- oh my word!  Your Majesty, welcome!”  She dropped into a deep curtsey, and Rose had to hide a smile at her obvious surprise and bewilderment.  “How may I serve you?”
“Miss Tyler is assisting with planning the Coronation,” he said vaguely, “and thought I should stop by.”
Rose bit her lip, taking in everyone’s lackluster expressions and wondering if she’d made a huge mistake.  Again.  Shit.  “It was just a thought,” she mumbled, backtracking, her face flushing.  “But if there’s a more pressing engagement…”
“I did promise her a tour, Sir,” Polly cut in.  “Please, it would be an honor.”
The King’s jaw clenched, but he nodded in agreement, making Rose feel worse.  “I suppose we have a few minutes,” he allowed, causing Ben and Polly to both brighten considerably.
“That’s wonderful!  Please, if you’ll follow me,” Polly said, turning towards a room on the right-hand side, and Rose waited until everyone else followed to fall in line, shoulders slumping and biting her lip to keep from crying.
Shit, shit, shit!  Why do I keep fucking this up?
By the time they were done with the tour of the Center Ian’s jaw ached from clenching it so tightly in an attempt not to smile or laugh.  Rose had stuck to the back of the group, looking miserable, which made it easier to keep up the façade.
In truth, he was slightly amazed at her talent – somehow, with no guidance or hint from him, she had managed to key into one of the causes most dear to his heart, after healthcare.  That she would see a somewhat run-down building where children would go for free care and think this is a cause a Queen should support, this is the first cause a Queen should support amazed him.  When the subject had come up at various times throughout his life, most of the women he asked What would be your first priority as Queen? would respond with some variation of the fine arts.  Music, dancing, painting, sculptures, preserving history…  All fine things, he would admit, but not his top priority – that was his subjects.
And somehow she had seen that bit of his heart, had translated it so perfectly.
He managed to keep his expression severe until they climbed back into the car.
As soon as the doors had shut and Graham had started driving again she blurted, “I’m so sorry!  I should have asked first, that was so stupid of me.  I hope you weren’t offended, or annoyed.  It was just an idea, and a terrible one.  Please forget about it!”
She looked terrified, the poor girl, and he could contain himself no longer, letting out a snort that soon turned to a fully belly laugh, as he truly let loose for what felt like the first time in ages.
“Your Majesty?”  Rose’s small, scared voice snapped him out of it, and wiping at his eyes with his shirtsleeves, he fought for composure.
“You did nothing wrong,” he rasped out, gratefully accepting a bottle of water from Sarah and sipping at it.  “Quite the contrary.”
“So… you’re not going to fire me?  Again?”
Any remaining humor fled immediately, and he made sure to meet and hold her eye when he said, “No.  I have no intention of doing so. You’ve been doing an… adequate job,” he allowed, not quite able to say what he really felt, suddenly worried that if he did, the whole sordid truth might spill out.  “No, I’m quite afraid you’re stuck here until I marry, Miss Tyler, and not a second less.”
Her shoulders relaxed slightly, a tentative smile playing at the corners of her mouth.  “What did you think of the Center?”
He smiled warmly, digging in his jacket’s inner pocket for a moment before pulling out what he was looking for.  Flipping it open to the right page, he held it out towards Rose in offering.  “My personal checking account – Ian Docherty, that is, not ‘the King’.  Funded by my work as a doctor- that bit’s not important though.  See the last entry?”
Rose took it, reading aloud, “A thousand dollars paid to- oh.”
“You see?”  He accepted his checkbook back with a nod.  “You’ve managed to find the cause most dear to my heart, after medicine.”
“Why what?”  Ian blinked, unsure of her question.
She raised an eyebrow, looking more relaxed now that she knew she hadn’t mucked up.  “Why is the Center so important to you?”
That was an unexpected question, though he supposed perfectly reasonable.  “Polly was our nanny,” he said slowly, “when we were young.  Once we no longer needed her she went to start the center, with my parents’ blessing.  She wanted to give children who had less than ideal childhoods a safe place.  Polly was always firm though, she didn’t want the Crown paying for the Center – private donations only, though we tried to convince her otherwise.  We have grants and other programs that would help support her, but she still refuses.  I write her a check every month, but most go uncashed – I know they’re struggling when one is.  Most over the last year have been.”
A ball of worry twisted his gut, as he let himself think about the Center.  Polly and Ben were both dear to him, people he’d known and loved his entire life, and the thought of them struggling made his soul ache.  He did all he could to help, continuing to write them checks and sending workers around when he caught wind of a problem.
“Donna actually sends her twins there, twice a week,” he shared unexpectedly.  “She hadn’t before, but once the fancy agency opened she started to, to try to encourage others to support it.  The rich couples who care about status and money were the first ones to pull out, and she had hoped that the chance to rub elbows, or more specifically share toys, with royalty would be enough to tempt them back.  Their donations had been what kept the Center firmly in the black, but the building’s so old that it’s difficult for Ben to maintain on his own.”
The it wasn’t enough went unsaid, but Rose picked it up loud and clear it seemed, based on her sympathetic expression.
And then her face lit up.  “What if you hosted a fundraiser?”
Rose nodded excitedly, eyes gleaming.  “Oh, it’s perfect! It might be last minute, but it could work.  You host a ball, or dinner, or whatever, with the price of the tickets going straight to the Center.  Ben and Polly would be honored guests.  We’ll be doing in-person interviews by then, so whoever is still on our shortlist can attend.  We have them mingle – it gives them a chance to meet your subjects, and understand the sort of causes that are important to you.  Quite frankly, their opinions afterwards might be quite telling.  Especially if it’s not so formal!  Host a casual dinner, and see how the candidates react.  I know being normal is important to you, and it gives you a chance to see them that way!  If they can’t handle it, or sneer, or go over the top, then that helps weed the list down further!  Oh, that’s brilliant,” she gushed, digging a notebook out of her purse and starting to scribble in it.
“I think it’s a fine idea,” his aunt offered with a smile.  “And the money won’t be coming directly from the Crown, so I think we can twist Polly’s arm into accepting it.  We can have it this weekend!”
Ian raised an eyebrow, glancing between the two madly-smiling women.  “You think you can pull this off?”
Two heads bobbed enthusiastically.
He let out a sigh, before nodding.  “Then do it.”
Rose’s answering beam was enough to make it worth it.
It’s official.  I am fucked.
Thursday, April 11th
Naturally, that meant Rose spent the next day and a half running around like a crazy person, trying to accomplish a thousand things at once.  Wednesday was the first round of interviews, each of the twelve getting forty-five minutes with Rose.  Seven were sent home that day, and the five spent Thursday morning in more intensive interviews with Rose, an hour each.
Now, for a little happy hour get to know you, the King would meet the remaining women for the first time.  From there, he would hopefully narrow it down to three, and then finally one.
Rose walked him towards the ballroom where hopefully his future bride and queen waited, doing her best to encourage him.  “Look, you chat with them, try to find some common ground.  All five are, on paper, if not perfect, then very well suited to you.  But only you can feel a spark with one of them, and make your choice.”
“How will I know?” he asked tentatively, as they walked arm in arm down the hall from his apartments to the minor ballroom hosting the small cocktail party.
“Who to keep.”
Rose shrugged, wrinkling her nose.  “Whoever gives you butterflies.”
“Butterflies?  Is that like indigestion?”
She laughed.  “You’ve never had them before?  Blimey. Uh, yeah, I suppose, but… happy.”
“Happy indigestion?”  He looked so baffled she had to smile despite her own nerves.
“Exactly.  It’s okay to be nervous though – this is just a first pass,” she tried to reassure him with a pat on his forearm, privately marveling at the softness of his suit jacket.  “Anyone you absolutely don’t click with, or can’t possibly see a future with, we send home.  Those left will get an hour or two of your time tomorrow, and attend the fundraiser Saturday night – which is pulling together beautifully, by the way.”
“Right.”  They reached the ballroom then, stopping outside the doors, and he let out a deep breath.  “I don’t know if I can do this.”
Rose inspected him carefully, adjusting his already-straight tie and brushing off his shoulders just for an excuse to touch him, though she refused to allow herself to dwell on the why of that particular desire.  “The most important thing is be yourself.  They’re evaluating you as much as you are them – if you both pretend to be something other than you are, you might run into another ‘River’ situation.”
“You think they’ll be pretending?”
“Of course.”  She snorted.  “One of the women in there will almost definitely become a queen in two weeks.  They will do and say whatever they have to in order to get the crown.  So, trust your gut, follow the butterflies, and let fate do the rest. Okay?”
He nodded slowly, still looking rather unsure.  “I hate this.  I wish she would just let me abdicate,” he whined, making Rose smile.
“Obviously, your sister believes you can do this.  And for the record, so do I.”
That, at least, seemed to mean something to him, because the deep crease in his forehead mostly smoothed.  She didn’t let herself wonder if, perhaps, it was her confidence in him more than Princess Donna’s that was the cause.
“Thank you, Miss Tyler, for everything,” the King said softly, genuinely, raising her hand to his lips, pressing the most fleeting of kisses to her knuckles and sending her stomach into a riot.  “Wish me luck.”
“You’ll know,” she promised with a confidence she didn’t feel, tone matching his.  “Maybe not the moment you meet, but you’ll know.  One of those women will be her.  Just have faith.”
With a final nod, he tugged at the hem of his jacket to straighten it before nodding at the footman waiting, who opened the door.  Shoulders back and head high, he walked into the room like the King he was, leaving Rose standing outside alone.
God, please let me be right.  Please let her be in the palace tonight.
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taergalive · 5 years
Okay I filled out that character thingy I reblogged
It’s a little unreasonable for everyone in a Middle Ages-esque fantasy to be perfectly literate, and writing with quills was considered legitimate labor! How well can your oc read and/or write? How detailed is their quest log/journal, if they keep one at all? Imogen took to reading quite readily. She can read high level material and is well read. Her vocabulary is decent. Her journal is fairly detailed, though mostly just emotions shes feeling.  Kalo has dyslexia, so reading can be tricky for him. He would rather read novels than textbooks, but it takes him a while to get through a book. He doesn't keep a journal at all. He just reads his sister's. How educated is your oc? Did their parents teach them, did they have a tutor or were they apprenticed to a master, or did they attend a university? What university? What are they educated in? How long did their education take? (Learned skills like blacksmithing count here too!) Imogen had tutors, and when she was old enough, she attended the Arcane University to study Conjuration and Mysticism. She will never consider herself good enough to stop learning. Even with the war going on, Imogen makes it a point to visit the Mages Guild to keep up with her studies. She also studies history and linguistics.  Kalo had tutors, but the war interrupted his studies. Behind his father's back, he took up swordplay, and he continues to practice. He is over confident in his skills, though he picks up how to fight rather naturally.  Does your oc have any kind of crafting skills that either aren’t in-game or don’t have as much importance in-game as they would in real life? (For example, can your oc sew or weave, etc? Are they skilled in any kind of art? Can they make jewelry or work glass? Are they musicians? etc) Imogen can sew, but not very well. Enough to patch holes. She learned to sing when she was younger, but she's too shy to ever do it in public.  Kalo is really good at making makeshift tools. Give him some sticks and some string and he's good.  What pantheon does your oc worship? If they worship the Cyrodiilic/Imperial pantheon, does that include Talos? If they secretly worship Talos, how do they justify hiding it?  How religious is your oc? Do they come into conflict with others over their beliefs? If their patron deity told them to do something extremely undesirable or against their moral compass, would they do it? Most iterations of Imogen worship the Daedra, but this one is fairly dedicated to Akatosh and Mara. She, however, questions her beliefs often and feels conflicted. Her mother was the head of a cult that worshipped Sanguine. It makes her wonder if Daedra are bad. would be tempted by Hermaeus Mora. But she holds to her moral compass. Kalo is agnostic. Mostly doesn't care about gods or things like that. Never really paid attention to it. But shows interest in some of the Daedra, much to his sister's dismay.   Does your oc have a family of origin? How many members of their FoO are still living? Do they have a good relationship? How much contact does your oc have with their FoO? How in-the-loop is your oc’s FoO about your oc’s being Dragonborn/HoK/Nerevarine? Well, Immy and Kalo are siblings. Their father is still alive but they are not sure where in the world he is because of the war. Haven't seen him since they fled to Glenumbra. Imogen never felt like she met her father's expectations. While he has a hard time showing it, though, her father does care for her. He tends to be colder towards Kalo, as he isn't convinced the boy is his.  Kalo tried to hide the fact he was the Vestige to Imogen. He didn't want her to know that he was soulless because she would have blamed herself. He's bad at keeping secrets though. What social class was your oc born into? Did they change classes at all? How?How politically active is your oc? Are they obviously influential, or is their influence more subtle? Mildly high. Niece and nephew of the Count of Leyawiin. Imogen tries to be politically active, but her emotions run too high. Kalo thinks politics are a waste of time. Especially now with the war. Blames political agendas on it.  What unplayable faction would/did your oc join, if any? Why? I'm still mad I can't be loyal to the empire... How trustworthy is your oc? Would they ever change opposing factions? Both are trustworthy. If they promise something, they mean it. Imogen is fiercely loyal to the empire, though meeting those outside of Cyrodiil makes her question it. She is learning that the empire might not be as good as she believes. Kalo is loyal to individual people. He allies himself with those he considers good.  What is your oc’s main source of income, if they have one besides plundering tombs and adventuring? If they’re mercenaries, are they part of a company? Does your oc own their own business, and if so, what is it?Is your oc good with finances? Bartering? How long can they keep the money they make? As the two take refuge in Glenumbra, they have no connections and no money. Imogen takes up odd jobs as a maid, scribe, bar wench, whatever to get by. Kalo takes odd jobs for people in town, which is how he gets roped into becoming the Vestige in the first place.   Does your oc have any particular rivalry or mutual dislike with any NPC?How well-liked is your oc? What is their reputation, if they’re well-known? Are they simply liked/disliked, or are they respected but feared, or personally liked but not taken seriously, etc? Do major factions consider your oc an important player? Imogen, surprisingly, has reservations on most of the NPCs you deal with in ESO lol. She doesn't trust anyone with the war going on. This makes her come off as cold, which probably makes her hard to get along with. She forms a small bond with King Emeric for helping out alongside Kalo (and for being the one to kill Septima oops). She sort of treats him as a father figure.  Kalo is definitely personally liked but not taken seriously by most people. He's young and reckless. But damn if he isn't loyal. I'd say the Covenant likes him for helping out.   Does your oc have a horse/other mount? A pet? How did they get this animal? If they were given the animal, do they have the money to maintain it? How careful/careless are they with their animal? What do they do with their pets while adventuring, especially on dangerous quests? Imogen has a shadow horse she conjures up. His name is Auferte. She has a stone that she uses to summon him.  Kalo doesn't have any pets but he would love a dog. Or a cat. Or anything really. Imogen won't let him. She doesn't trust him.  Does your oc take their time as they travel, or are they purposeful? How do they survive in the wilds, especially if they aren’t hunter-types? How dependent is your oc on civilized society? Imogen is purposeful; she feels like she's on a timer. Kalo takes his time unless he is on a mission. Imogen relies on her magic to protect her, and she doesn't do well outdoors. Gets tired easily. Kalo seems to be an endless bout of energy.  What does your oc like to eat? How much food do they eat? Can your oc cook, and can they do it well? Kalo eats like Goku from DBZ. Like dear god. Loves potatoes, meat, and bread mostly. Imogen eats like a bird, sort of picks at her food. Enjoys sweeter things like fruits...and actual sweets. Kalo can roast things over a fire. Imogen can't cook. It was not a skill she was taught, though now she's forced to learn to provide for herself and Kalo. She's okay at it, but she gets nervous while she cooks. Makes a mess. If your oc is a vampire, do they go outside in the daytime? Does the daylight affect or hurt them in any way different from in-game? If they interact with society, how do they justify looking half-dead and hating sunlight? How good is your oc at blending in? Do they even like dealing with society?If your oc is a werebeast, how much control do they have over their transformations? Have they ever lost control? What happened? If not, why do they have such strong control? Does Hircine ever call on them, and do they answer? NA What does your oc wear in the city/settlements? In the house? When travelling, but not adventuring or expecting combat? Do they vary their clothes depending on what hold/city they’re in? If they don’t, why not (e.g., if your oc wears the same outfit to tend their garden or lounge around the house as they did to meet Ulfric or Elisif, why?) Does your oc have a good or bad sense of fashion? How many clothes does your oc have?How picky is your oc about their gear? Do they have different equipment for different adventures, or is it the same suit of armor for everything (not counting upgrades like from steel to ebony)? How does your oc acquire their clothes, and from where/whom? While Imogen works in Glenumbra, she tends to dress the part. But once she joins in on the adventure she wears more Cyrodiilic clothing. Typically a tunic and tights. The sandals man. No matter what, she wears the sapphire circlet her mother gave her before passing away. She panics if she can't find it. She sold any other jewelry she had with her after they fled Cyrodiil. Occasionally, Imogen will wear Imperial armor. But that is rare.  Kalo dresses to match the domain. Not so much because he wants to but because he tends to destroy whatever he is wearing. As far as armor goes, he travels light. Prefers leathers to protect him.  Can your oc swim, and how well? Have they ever swam in the ocean, or only lakes/rivers? Remember, it’s much harder to swim in the ocean than in a lake! If your oc is an Argonian, do they take special advantage of it somehow (e.g., do they go diving for fun/for profit, do they instinctively hide in the water, etc)? If your oc is a Khajiit who can swim, how do they get their fur dry? Imogen has always felt a connection to water. She loves to swim in lakes and rivers. Kalo, surprisingly, is afraid of water (though he denies it). Poor dude can't swim. How easy/difficult is it to rob your oc? Pickpocket? Bribe? If your oc is part of one of the more morally questionable or outright evil factions, how do they justify it to themselves? Do they still consider themselves as morally good? How well known is their affiliation to these groups? Do they have separate personas (e.g. Dragonborn to some people, Listener to others)? Do their family/friends know? If they have separate personas, how do they keep their less than righteous activities secret? Imma be honest I'm tired and cant think for this one lol How helpful is your oc, and why? Are they helpful or kind even during difficult situations? Are they pragmatic, or do they have a hero syndrome? Kalo has hero syndrome. Imogen, while she considers herself a good person, has trouble agreeing to help others. Again, she is too cautious. Thinks people have ulterior motives. Will help those she cares about in a heartbeat
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TGF Thoughts: 3x07-- The One Where Diane and Liz Topple Democracy
Yes I’m still writing these
“Admit it. You like having me here. I mean, you didn’t think you would. But then, gradually, you realize that Blum is like a shot in the arm,” Blum tells the viewers. I mean, the partners. But he’s definitely talking to the viewers. See, we are supposed to ENJOY him. We’re supposed to find his terribleness cute and endearing. We’re supposed to be captivated by him. Here’s the thing: I’m not. I just want him to go away and stop being loud, which is how I have felt from the second he first opened his mouth. And when he was silent and I didn’t know how loud he’d be? I still wanted him to go away.
Does Blum work better than most of the past attempts at Blum-like figures? Yes. He’s leaps and bounds better! Is he still an annoying ass pest? HELL FUCKING YES.
Blum compliments the partners on being “clean” and “articulate” because he’s racist and wants everyone to know it. It’s cute!! So cute and charming!!
Why are the partners having an end of the year meeting? Is it the end of their fiscal year? Is it December? I want to know.
Blum attributes a Machiavelli quote to Martin Luther King Jr, which is actually kind of hilarious. Even if I don’t like him I can appreciate when they write him well.
Blum decides he’s joining the firm and the partners ask for time to confer. Marissa is still wasting her time following him around.
Liz calls Blum a cancer and says they need to get rid of him. I agree! Adrian is on board, but wants to delay him. I’m sure that’s going to end well.
Lucca is singing Baby Shark again, which means it’s going to be stuck in my head for another day. Diane comes into her office with a task. Because Lucca’s on hold with the Sweeney divorce, and she has NO OTHER BUSINESS IN THE ENTIRE DEPARTMENT  SHE MANAGES, Lucca also gets Blum duty. So now Marissa AND Lucca, two of the firm’s best employees, are stuck dealing with his bullshit. A+ management, RBL.
Is there NO OTHER EMPLOYEE at this firm that can do this task? “We had four associates on it. He sent them out on errands,” Diane explains. What the fuck? Did you not prepare them to deal with him? You gave him a staff, observed him doing no work for three weeks, and were just like, sure, associates, go run errands for Roland Blum!? What kind of management is that?! Surely there is someone at this firm other than Lucca who can ensure that lawyers do lawyering.
“Blum is seductive. We need an adult in the room,” Diane says. I don’t know which concerns me more: the fact that Diane is only just now realizing they needed to manage this problem or the fact that Diane doesn’t think any of her employees are capable of acting like adults. If that’s true, that’s also a management problem, and YIKES.
Julius is a horrible liar.
Is Blum talking to himself this week’s soliloquy? If so, kinda meh.
Rachelle has brought Liz and Diane a class action about vote rigging in 2016. Isn’t Rachelle’s job something in strategy? Shouldn’t she be distancing herself from this case and making sure it seems like she’s never met Liz or Diane?
Yes, the episode just answered it for me. Rachelle is a pollster. This seems dangerous. I also feel like Liz and Diane haven’t really made an independent choice since they started working with Rachelle.
Rachelle acts like this case is for real and not a set up. I understand that she’s effective, but she’s done so many cagey things in just a few episodes that I would cut all ties. You met her through a literal con artist, first of all. And beyond that, do you really think someone who’s going to force clients upon you to further their agenda and mess with the dynamics at your firm is not also going to give up your names if and when things get rough?
I may say this again later, but what I dislike most about this episode is that the stakes are so high, and they’re so real-world. Diane and Liz aren’t debating the ethics of voter fraud in the abstract. They’re committing a federal crime.
Lucca deals with Blum by… doing work. Blum’s “associate”-- actor Gary Carr, playing himself-- assists her. Lucca doesn’t realize he’s an actor and puts him to work. He clearly doesn’t know what he’s doing (because he’s not a lawyer).
Case stuff happens. Diane is instructed by Rachelle to ask for the software architecture, but she doesn’t find this suspicious. I know I do. Does the client usually get to tell the lawyer what evidence to request? Seems weird to me.
After court, Diane and Liz ask Rachelle why she needs the software. Uh, after they asked for it in court they ask her why she needs it? They didn’t think it was actually relevant and thought the request was suspicious and went along? Also, PRETTY DAMN OBVIOUS THAT ONE REASON TO WANT THE ARCHITECTURE OF A SOFTWARE IS TO HACK IT.
Lucca tells Diane that Gary Carr is doing good work. What? Taking it seriously I get, but good work? Good enough that Lucca would recommend Carr to Diane? All we’ve seen him do as a “lawyer” is misidentify a piece of evidence that Lucca just had to glance at to understand.
As Lucca walks from her office to Blum’s, she overhears some associates talking about Gary Carr. See, he’s an actor and he was on Downton Abbey, a show I never watched more than a few episodes of. Lucca clearly hasn’t either. Are any of these associates really weirded out by Maia’s presence at the firm? Wasn’t she on Downton too?
Lucca confronts Gary about lying and asks him to wait in reception. There’s some awkwardness/sexual tension (the Kings’ favorite way to show sexual tension is having people be exceedingly awkward around each other) as he leaves. This plot is fun and fine, but I’d love for Lucca to get something more substantive.
Book Club meets again and Polly suggests hacking the voting machines. Diane and Liz are stunned. “Are you fucking kidding me?” Diane says, and… credits!
Book Club’s gotten pretty big. Diane’s completely against vote rigging and everyone else (except Liz) is like BUT WINNING IS MORE IMPORTANT. Polly decides to frame it as a “correction” for gerrymandering and voter intimidation. This is a more convincing argument. But it is not an argument for why Diane or Liz would risk their lives and careers for this.
Diane and Liz talk, away from the group, and Liz makes a fantastic point: “You know there are counties right now where black people are so terrorized that they can’t even show up at polls? Look, in Georgia, in 2018, a bus filled with black senior citizens was stopped by the police so they wouldn’t be allowed to vote. 53,000 voter registrations of black voters were held up by the Georgia Secretary of State. Diane, you don’t [know]. Look, we share a lot of things, but we do not share histories. I have a college friend who was kicked off the voter rolls in Ohio. And my uncle was denied the right to vote in the last election in Wisconsin. I mean, at some point, these stories become more than just anecdotes. They’re something bigger. This democracy you talk about, this doesn’t exist for a lot of us. It didn’t exist for my grandparents, it didn’t exist for my parents, and it is slowly being taken away from me.” Diane interjects that they should fight it in the courts. “The courts. The courts that overturned the Civil Rights Voting Act in 2013? So, excuse me if I just need a moment to reflect on this unique possibility. One person hits a few buttons and suddenly black voters are re-enfranchised. That means something very different to me than it does to you.”
WOW. I had to write out that whole speech because it’s great. It calls attention to a very important real world issue (if you want to learn more about voter suppression, I highly recommend One Person, No Vote by Carol Anderson). It doesn’t convince me for a second that hacking the voting machines is the right approach, but it’s enough that I understand where Liz is coming from and why Diane’s idealistic speeches don’t sway her.
Even if I don’t think this speech does a good job of making me understand why Liz is willing to jeopardize her career (tbh I have a bit of trouble believing Liz would be drawn to Book Club in the first place), it’s so good as an explanation of voter suppression I don’t really care.
Rachelle is a master manipulator. She decides to add an amendment to their plan-- only enough votes to offset disenfranchisement of black and Latino voters will be changed. Uh huh. I don’t buy it. And even if it’s true, this is so clearly manipulative it’s ridiculous. What about Rachelle is so trustworthy Liz would risk her career to help her?!
I’m stuck on this, I know, but I can’t see Liz making these choices, no matter how good the arguments or how noble the cause.
The group votes and things don’t go Diane’s way… but she acts like now that they’ve voted, she has no choice but to break the law. I don’t understand. Why is her allegiance to this group when she (and Liz) are the ones who would be most directly responsible for leaking the software architecture?
“You signed on for this. The ends justify the means, so don’t get all outraged that we’re willing to follow through,” Rachelle tells Diane. This sounds a lot like the “we’re defense attorneys, therefore we have to represent Lemond Bishop” logic I hate so much.
Oh goodie, it’s the weird scene in which I thought Lucca was going to start masturbating, and a Good Fight Short about Downton Abbey. This plotline does nothing for me. When I say I want Lucca plotlines, I don’t mean I want weird romances. I mean I want to see Lucca making friends, raising her child, and navigating the workplace.
I will take all the Lucca plots I can get but please, something with substance next time!
Blum is mad and sniffing around Reddick’s sexual harassment issues. Should’ve just gone public when you had the chance, partners.
Adrian physically attacks Blum, which is… a way to handle this. Go away, Blum. Adrian also decides to go after Blum’s illegal courtroom tactics.
Have I mentioned that I love Liz’s office bathroom?
Adrian suggests threatening Blum and Liz responds “that’s like threatening a bull with a red flag.” If it weren’t for the fact that she’s done nothing to prevent him from infiltrating her firm, I would say Liz has by far the best reactions to Blum.
“We knew this day would come, Liz,” Adrian explains, referring to the day when the allegations against Carl Reddick would surface. Well if you knew that WHY WOULD YOU PAY OFF THE WOMEN AND MAKE IT LOOK WORSE FOR YOURSELF???
They managed to write a Lucca plot I don’t feel like recapping. That’s really amazing.
I care even less since I know how it ends.
Diane insists on being the one to argue for obtaining the software architecture, since she’s a lawyer and it’s her job. She gives a passionate speech that’s about the sanctity of the vote but it’s really, of course, her argument against voter fraud. The irony!
I don’t get why Diane continues to tie herself to this!!! None of this plot makes sense to me from a character POV!!! Well, except the part where Diane gets so angry she follows a con woman to a resistance group. That makes complete sense.
Diane distances herself from the group AFTER arguing in court for the architecture? Okay. Sure. So noble.
Here’s the best part of this Lucca-dates-Gary-Carr plot: Marissa recognizes him from The Deuce and not Downton Abbey, which is a little detail that’s verrrrryyyyyy Marissa.
Hey, it’s the subpoena guy! (Yes, I care more about that than watching Blum get a tattoo.)
RBL wants to get Blum disbarred. I want him to be disbarred too, so he can become irrelevant and go away.
Jay finds a Republican hack in the software architecture. Gasp!
Blum starts screaming and banging on windows and everyone ignores him. This scene is an accurate representation of how I feel about Blum. The louder he is, the less I care about him.
Will never be a fan of three way call split screens.
WHY ARE Y’ALL TALKING ABOUT HACKING VOTING MACHINES ON THE PHONE!? Y’all are smart enough to know how to hack a voting machine but not smart enough to think of burner phones?
And why hasn’t Polly already found this malware?
And why do I care?
Rachelle calls Liz “Diane” over the phone. Liz is making Diane’s arguments, but I think it’s telling Rachelle sees them as almost interchangeable obstacles. She doesn’t really care if she’s talking to Diane and Liz, as long as she’s talking to a lawyer who will get her the software architecture and argue her case.
I do not understand Jay’s testimony in court. One, why is Jay testifying instead of a computer science expert? Two, why do his political leanings matter if he could point at an actual section of code?
So this plotline can receive more consistent development than Lucca Quinn herself, Lucca offers to let Gary Carr shadow her.
This episode is a exhausting. I didn’t like it the first time and I am having trouble getting through it. Every supporting character who shows up makes me think, “ugh.”
Oh! This is the scene with the random unnecessary nudity! If she was going to be topless in this scene why even bother with having her cover up after sex? Either don’t show it or go all in. Now I’m nitpicking a thing that usually doesn’t annoy me.
Oh and THIS scene, with Adrian and Diane’s terribly thought through confrontation of the judge! You don’t have to be a genius to know this was the wrong approach. Diane doesn’t even know Adrian’s reasoning for believing there’s judicial bribery.
How many damn times can we do this, “these are REAL LAWYERS, not TV LAWYERS” bit? I’m sick of it. Also, Lucca doesn’t like TV? Boo.
Diane and Liz don’t win their case. Which is a win for Rachelle.
Now Diane’s ALL IN!!!!! On vote rigging and wants to push the button to make it happen. Whatever.
Well, that’s over. I really have three more of these to write?
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sssuperbartola · 5 years
Excalibur - A Quest for Camelot: Inukag AU headcanon
Recently I’ve been drawn back to probably my favorite animated movie of all time (and when I say recently I mean literally last night at 3 am on a Saturday night) and from that moment on I just couldn’t help myself from rewatching it and relistening the beautiful soundtracks. Whilst I deeply appreciate the movie, I can not help myself but imagine my also favorite OTP in this setting. 
SO I decided to make some headcanons inspired by this story which holds a special place in my heart since my childhood. Here we go!
For anyone who is not familiar with this animated film, I first suggest you check it out, so as to have a better understanding of this AU and to enjoy it at its best!
Kayley: Kagome
Garret: Inuyasha
Kayley’s mother: Mama Higurashi
Kayley’s father: Kagome’s Father ( I understand he never makes an official appearance in the series, tho if you check the movie, Kayley’s father’s own appearance last shortly)
Ruber: Naraku duh
the Griffin: Ah-Uhn or Juromaru ( by shaping the latter one into a more beast-like creature, similar to the griffin)
Devon and Cornwall: Hachi and Totosai ( I know that just one of them is an animal, and also that none of them resembles a dragon, but, again, they could be the results of a symbiotic union)
Garret’s falcon, Ayden: Kirara ( i was thinking about changing her powers; instead of turning into a bigger version of herself, she is able to deceive the enemy with her fur made of reflective material, just like the falcon in the original movie, tho I am not fully convinced)
King Arthur: Hojo 
Merlin: Kaede
NOTE: this is a scratch; I have created this headcanon characters based on my own representation; if anyone decides to make a fic or a fanart out of it, you have all the liberty to adjust/change/erase whichever detail/character you want.
With that being established, let’s move to the plot!
Kagome is the young daughter of Lord Higurashi, a knight who lives within the countryside of Camelot, the city where it’s told that King Hojo lives, together whit his allied the mage Kaede. Hojo was the only one man capable of extracting the mighty sword of Tenseiga from its rock pedestal, thus the only one worthy enough to wield the sword of Heavenly Rebirth and become King. Lord Higurashi is one of the Knights of the Round Table, the chosen group of the most trustworthy and chivalrous knights of the whole Kingdom. Kagome’s father loves to tell her all about the legend of the mythical sword and the birth of their home, as well as explaining to her the morals and ideals of being a knight.
King Hojo rallies all of his knights, so Lord Higurashi has to leave to Camelot, and so says goodbye to Mama Higurashi and his daughter. Kagome, being the curious and adventurous child she is, wants to come along but her father says he will take her with him when she will be younger (typical lie of a parent, but the tears couldn’t stop)
As soon as the meeting begins, one of the knights, Naraku, an outrageously greedy and evil man, angrily demands to be given more properties and more wealth because of his knight status. The king refuses and his other knights support him and accuse Naraku of being unworthy of his position. Naraku then proceeds to attack the King but Lord Higurashi and other knights go to the rescue; the knights are defeated but only one hit of the King’s sword defeats Naraku. Then Naraku decides to flee with the threat of coming back to be the new king of Camelot; unfortunately, Lord Higurashi is badly wounded and does not make it.
Kagome awaits the return of her father at home while training on her own with her wooden sword. As soon as she hears the calls of the knights, she immediately runs to them to greet her father, only to find out he has passed away. The funeral is held by the king himself, and Kagome is deeply hurt by the loss of his father.
Years pass, Kagome has become a young woman who still dreams of becoming a great knight despite being a woman, and follow the path of her father, but is stuck at home helping her mother with the household and the land.
One day,  the knights have gathered once again at Camelot’s castle, only to be attacked by a strange winged creature who takes Tenseiga from Hojo and flies away. The alarm is sent to all the Kingdom; Kagome hears the alarm too and tells her mother that she wants to go find the sword.
The same night, their home is attacked by some bandits, who later on turn out to be Naraku’s henchmen. Naraku has built up an army of magical mutant soldiers to conquer Tenseiga and so all Camelot. He sent his mythical charger, Ah-Uhn/Juromaru, to Hojo’s castle to steal Tenseiga, but before he could reach his owner, Kaede’s helper intercepts him and wound him so as to make him drop the sword into the Forbidden Forest.
Naraku planned on attacking Kagome’s family since he is still resentful of the day Kagome’s father stood his ground to protect the king and he wants revenge.
He starts to summon creatures in exchange for human sacrifices to build the immortal army he desires. While he’s busy, Mama Higurashi helps Kagome flee to Camelot where she would be safe. Kagome sneaks away from Naraku, when suddenly his winged charger, arrives with the news that he lost the sword into the Forbidden Forest.
Kagome, upon hearing this information, makes up her mind to go find Tenseiga by herself, but Naraku finds her fleeing and sends his soldiers to capture her.
She manages to escape them in the Forbidden Forest, where she encounters a man, who looks like a half-dog creature who fights the enemies and saves her.
His name is Inuyasha, he’s a half-demon who lives in the Forbidden Forest with his friend, Kirara, a magical cat demon able to fly and with a reflective fur which can blind the enemy. Since Inuyasha is blind, she helps him out the most when fighting, using her calls to warn him.
Kagome tells him about Tenseiga and asks for his help, but Inuyasha is a lone wolf, he lives as an outcast and he travels only by himself. Kagome is stubborn and keeps following him and eventually, Inuyasha gives in. 
Naraku finds out where Kagome is directed and follows her so that she can take him to the sword.
Kagome and Inuyasha stumble into the Dragon Kingdom and meet a strange creature, a two-headed dragon named Hachi and Totosai. They were born attached to each other and cannot stand one another, but overall, they’re friendly dragons who help Kagome and Inu to escape both the dragons and Naraku’s army. They, later on, join the group and became friends (sort of, lol)
While setting the camp for the night, Inuyasha and Kagome bicker about each other and Kagome mentions her father to Inuyasha, who then tells her that he knew her father when he was alive. When he was younger, Inuyasha was a stable boy in Camelot who wanted so bad to become a knight of the Round Table. However, the night Naraku stole Tenseiga, a fire broke in the stable sìand Inuyasha got hurt and lost his sight. Lord Higurashi was the one who found Inuyasha and helped him fighting on his own even if blind and taught him all he knew to help the boy. He is grateful for Kagome’s father’s help because if it wasn’t for him, he couldn’t be able to stand by himself in the Forest. But upon losing him, he couldn’t keep living in Camelot and fled to the Forest.
Kagome encourages him to still try and to never give up because that’s what her father would have wanted both for her and for Inuyasha, and that his valor is equal to the one of a true knight.
Inuyasha is taken aback from this girl: so stubborn and naive to the dangers outside, but so courageous and strong and determined.
Kagome, on the other hand, starts to see a kinder side in this gruff man
Inuyasha then tells her about his life in the woods, about Kirara, who protects him like a guardian from the sky, and all the techniques he learned by living like this. He teaches Kagome how fighting is not only a matter of seeing the enemy but is also about relying on what surrounds you all. Kagome is a bit of a klutz but she’s grateful for Inuyasha’s help and soon starts to realize she’s feeling more for the half-demon than what she thinks.
After the night, they proceed with their quest and finds some clues on where Tenseiga could be. They stumble upon an orc’s lair, which is where the sword might be. However, while Kagome still fights with Inu about how they have lost time by stopping from the night, they get tracked down by Naraku and Inuyasha gets hurt.
They manage to escape and find shelter in a cave; Inuyasha is badly wounded and Kagome is heartbroken at the sight because she thinks it’s all her fault for not having been too careful and a source of problems for him.
Inuyasha reassures her by saying that what’s a burden to him it’s not her, but his sight, and that she is very useful to him because, since she’s arrived in his life, she has been his light to his darkness, and that he’s been able to “see” thanks to her. He discovered more all around him with her by his side than by being alone.
Kagome is struck by his words and starts to fall more in love with him and finally shakes herself to find a cure for his wound, determined to help him no matter what
After Inu’s recover, they continue the journey and finally, they find the orc's lair: he has the sword. While the heroes try to take the sword from the dormant giant, Naraku appears to attack them by surprise, but the orc wakes up and Kagome and co. manages to flee. They leave behind Naraku and begin to go back to Camelot.
Kagome is enthusiastic but Inuyasha is heavy-hearted because he knows he has to let her go to save Camelot since he doesn’t have a place there like her. Kagome insists that he has to come with her, but Inu angrily refuses and turns back to the forest, heartbroken, because he thinks there would never be a place for him with Kagome.
Kagome is devastated but proceeds with her mission. As soon as she arrives in town, she gets kidnapped by Naraku’s soldiers; Naraku finally gets the sword and insert it in a mechanic arm he made to be able to wield it. There are explosions and the sky darkens, as the forces of evil start to gather upon Camelot, but Naraku manages to gain its power and goes to find Hojo.
Meanwhile, Hachi and Totosai try to make Inuyasha resonate with himself and encourage him to go to Kagome. While they do that, they see the explosions coming from the town, and Inuyasha runs.
Naraku reaches Hojo, still wounded by his last encounter with Ah-Uhn/Juromaru and is almost killed when Kagome find them and knock over Naraku. She manages to help Hojo, but she’s unarmed and face to face with a furious Naraku. Before he can strike a hit, Inuyasha appears and saves her, but Naraku is too powerful with the sword.
While trying to flee, they find themselves in the ancient yard of the Castel where the Tenseiga’s pedestal originally was. Kagome sees the pedestal pulsating as Naraku approaches and understands that the pedestal might help them. Naraku tries to kill them with the sword but they dash at the very last second and the sword collides in the sheat of the pedestal and Naraku is stuck. Tenseiga unleashes its true power and eliminates Naraku’s magic and kills him. 
With Naraku’s gone, everything goes back to its place: Hojo is not hurt anymore, the soldiers turn back to their human form, Mama Higurashi (who’s been held captive by Naraku’s men), is set free and the evil forces flee away. Hojo then sees Tenseiga and unleash the sword again, this time in the right hands.
Everyone goes back to their life and Hojo reward Kagome and Inuyasha by making them Knights of the Round table. It’s a huge celebration and they get married as official Knights and live happily ever after. THE END.
Hope you enjoy this hc as much as I do! Again, you have permission to change details if you like. ^-^
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atopearth · 6 years
Ikemen Revolution Part 5 - Edgar Bright Route
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Kindaaa feel like the guys who tried to steal the heroine’s stuff (she needs her original clothes etc to go back to London) were ordered by Edgar to do that, he sounds dodgy enough hahahahah. I mean, how very convenient that he was there to save her in that forest and her things still ended up missing hmmm. We’ll see~ She started living with the Red Army pretty fast, but I guess if she’ll find her stuff back easier here and the guys are willing to protect her, why not? Zero seems like such a nice guy though, so sweet and kind. Didn’t expect Edgar to be his instructor for sword fighting though.
LOL, the heroine was so cute when Edgar was teasing and flirting with her saying she smelt nice and sweet, and touched her hair saying it might be because of this, and then she gets all embarrassed and touches his hair and then says his hair is much softer and silkier before running away hahaha. I guess if Ray isn’t replying to her letters, then the first letter that was sent in his name to her, agreeing for her to stay here was probably fake~ I assumed so, but yeah, nice to know for sure~ Hmmm, interesting, never seen any of the guys’ families before, so to see Edgar’s uncle who is the former Jack of Hearts is amusing. I like how the heroine has started to go along with his teasing and tries to tease him too, it’s such a cute relationship.
I feel tired just seeing Edgar do all this work and actually bother to get the heroine to help him out when she’s clueless about all the things in this world and constantly needs to ask questions. Guess it’s considerate of him to give her a job to do and help her out when he’s so busy, but I guess he does it all with ease, so even though he’s busy, he’s not too stressed haha. However, if she picks things up fast, then she’ll be a great help to him in this month! So it’s worth it I guess haha. Lmao at Jonah catching Edgar touching her cheek in the room when they’re taking a break from work, it’s so cute how Jonah came because he wanted to have tea with the heroine tomorrow so he wanted to ask what flavour scones she would want hahaha. Lolol at them randomly having a drinking party. I guess because of his duty and burden as a member of the Bright family that cannot leave the king of hearts side, he has never really known freedom or done things that are outside the rules, so I guess meeting the heroine that is optimistic and acts so free reflects his his desires to an extent? Maybe he thinks that if he’s with her, he’ll know what it means to be free.
It was so funny when Edgar gave Lancelot some sweet gummies and they were hiding it from Jonah so they pretended to be innocent. It’s pretty funny how Lancelot just stays stoic so he doesn’t get caught with gummies hahaha. I think it’s pretty cute that Edgar only sincerely smiles when he’s with the heroine, and everyone else except him has noticed it. She’s gotten so close to his heart that he doesn’t even realise that he can’t hide his true feelings and emotions from her. It was pretty funny when the guys congratulated the heroine for being able to actually get Edgar angry, I guess it is quite an achievement lol! I’m happy to see more of Zero in this route, he’s quite a nice and thoughtful guy.
I guess Edgar was the one who gave the heroine the key so that she’ll find out that he’s been lying all along with the fake letter he initially gave her and not giving her the letters that the Black Army gave her. Or I guess it wasn’t him hahaha, since the pin was there and Edgar didn’t take her belongings apparently. I felt sorry for the heroine though, she really believed in Edgar and trusted everything he said, so seeing those letters and seeing how concerned the Black Army were of her without her knowing she was actually being “imprisoned” here must have been pretty crappy to know. Even though she ran away, at least she could still find out how concerned Edgar was over her by telling Luka (they’re school friends!) to go protect her knowing that he can’t go because she’ll just get scared since she doesn’t trust him now.
I don’t know what makes the heroine think Claudius (Edgar’s uncle) is trustworthy if he was the previous Jack of Hearts and raised Edgar and is in frequent contact with him. Like, she’s not even a bit suspicious??? Especially when he has her stolen belongings and Edgar has told her that even though he lied to her, he didn’t take them?? She’s spent much more time with Edgar than Claudius and she thinks the latter should be trustworthy even though they’re related??? I don’t know, heroine… Gotta agree with Claudius though, must be great that she’s so easy to trick hahahaha. I see, ever since a previous Jack of Hearts tried to overthrow the King and Queen of Hearts, the Jack has been tasked with/ punished to do the dirty jobs - behind the scenes scheming and assassinations .Although Lancelot and them have not requested that of Edgar, Claudius trained him to be a capable assassin etc since he was 13 and that’s caused his lack of emotion towards others until he met the heroine. I guess you can say meeting the heroine and spending time with her allowed him to understand what a normal life is.
Even if Edgar thinks that he doesn’t care about anything, the heroine is proof that he does even if he may not realise it. So I’m glad the heroine is trying to convince him that he’s hurting himself if he just listens to Claudius and betrays her and the Red Army. Oh Amon showed his face!! How does he hide all that hair in his hood lol. Glad that the heroine has found out that Edgar was honest and didn’t lie to her when he told her the things he did and didn’t do. It was pretty cool how the heroine threw her purse into the hole that would take her back to London, effectively preventing her from ever going back. She’s really steeled herself to stay in this world with Edgar and build a life together with him huh?
I think it’s reasonable for Edgar to have requested for himself to be put to trial just like Claudius and Amon since he wants to become a “clean” Edgar that is worthy of the heroine I guess. Even if he was forced to, he and his ancestors still killed many people, and also, by doing this trial, they can probably get rid of this tradition for the Jack of Hearts I guess. Considering how Claudius was, I see no reason why he would bother writing that letter saying he orchestrated everything, and technically even if he did, Edgar still killed many people regardless but whatever lol. As long as he’s free now I guess. The good thing though, is that Edgar is a truly remorseful guy that will really carry the burden of his sins for the rest of his life by atoning as the Jack of Hearts and helping to improve the country. That’s really the best way for him to prevent such traditions ever being done again and to positively create a better future where assassinations won’t be allowed anymore.
Ever since I found out Luka and Edgar were actually school mates, I’ve been curious about their relationship and kinda lamented that it was only used to make things more “convenient” for the story in a way, but it’s cool to see them hang out together (with Jonah there of course lol) in a cafe in the romantic ending☺️☺️ How considerate of Luka to bake them a cake in celebration, that was really sweet to see~ It was great to see Edgar so freely and sincerely smile with the heroine, and even play silly games like racing back to the Red Army with her hahaha. Seeing him being able to do light hearted things and not always looking like he’s carrying the burden of the world is certainly refreshing and nice. As the heroine says, even if they make more mistakes in the future, they’ll be there for each other to make up for them and atone for them together now, so Edgar won’t have to be alone anymore and can finally do what he wants to do.
Overall, I think I might have had too high expectations because I saw a lot of people praising this route hahaha, it was still good, but I don’t think it was that good. Mainly because I felt like their relationship was, I don’t know how to say it, inexplicable? Like, it was nice that it showed how peaceful and how normal Edgar’s life could be when the heroine was there, and I could see why he liked her but I guess I could never really get why she liked him? Hahaha, and yeah the heroine was rather meh in this route. Personally, I still think her relationship with Fenrir was the best. Sirius’ route is coming soon (EDIT: Out already and I’m done! :D) so I’m looking forward to that, but otherwise, my temporary ranking for the routes would be, Fenrir, Jonah, Ray, Edgar and then Lancelot! I’d say Ray and Edgar are tied for me, but I prefer Ray’s personality so..hahaha~ Really hope Blanc’s route will come out in the near future though, he’s my all time favourite guy🤣 Oh and Kyle too!
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