#but she’s on the same level as both of them y’know ? she’s their business partner and equal and friend
teamfortresstwo · 8 months
Honestly I don’t see Vel as being their daughter at alll-
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seokmattchuus · 4 years
Quiet Game - Felix Drabble
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“Okay, for the next project, I should have the groups posted by the time this ends.” Your professor spoke as she stared at a separate screen to type something out. “And make sure you guys finish by the end of the week. It’s small so the time given should be more than enough.” She said as she read over whatever she wrote.
“Also make sure that you guys pick one person to write everything down and submit it in everyone’s name. That way it’ll be easier to grade.” She said as she looked back at her camera. “I’ll post it and then leave it to you guys. See you in the next class.” She waved before ending the call. 
“God, I really hope that weird dude isn't in my group.” You groaned as you threw yourself back into your chair before spinning so you could face your boyfriend who was typing his essay on his bed.
“What makes him weird?” He spoke without looking up. 
“He just, like.” You paused as you squinted. “Gives off the vibe, y’know?” You tried, your hand coming up to gesture vaguely. “Kinda like a teacher’s pet, but creepier?” 
“If he’s in your group, I’ll do my work in the background so he knows I exist.” He smiled as he got up and placed his laptop down. “Here, we can check it together.”  He smiled as he leaned over you and took the mouse, moving it so he could click on the ‘Announcements’ tab.
“I don’t wanna look.” You pouted as he moved the mouse to click the ‘New Project Groups’ link.
“Well you have to, babe.” He laughed. “You might not even get him.” He reassured as he clicked on it and to your relief, the weird guy was not in the list.
“See, you had nothing to worry about.” He smiled as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Now go do your work, I’ll finish up my essay.” He laughed as he made his way back to his bed. 
“Just so you guys know, I’m totally down to be the one that writes everything and submits it. Just send me your parts and I’ll do it all.” Your group partner, Youngjae spoke up as your group meeting came to an end. 
“And if anyone needs help, I can definitely be that person.” Junkyu spoke up. “I have the best links if you feel like cheating.
“All I can offer is help on organizing things, but Youngjae already took that.” You laughed nervously.
“Well, we can work on it together?” Youngjae offered, both you and Felix looking up at the camera in confusion.
“I don’t think her boyfriend would like that.” Junkyu chuckled as he watched Felix’s reaction.
“It’s probably just her roommate.” Youngjae laughed. “Besides, she didn’t say no.” 
“I actually have a random work schedule, so I can’t.” You said, trying to sound apologetic, but just feeling uneasy. 
“Maybe request off once we finish things? That way we can get it all done in one day?” 
“My manager isn’t cool like that. I’d have to ask in advance.” You shrugged.
“Or we could all meet up and get it done in one day?” Junkyu spoke up, probably sensing your sudden shift in mood. “And if you can’t make it, just send one of us your information so we can do it.”
“That works, than-”
“Babe, do you want anything to eat? I’m going out.” Felix cut you off as he placed his laptop aside and got up. The group's noise calming down as Felix was more in the shot.
“Uh, just a coffee, thanks.” You looked at him as he walked out of the room, your focus back on the screen.
“So,” Junkyu coughed. “Let’s work for the rest of the day and call tomorrow?”
“Sounds like a plan.” You smiled before hanging up. 
“Why didn’t you say I was your boyfriend?” Felix spoke up as his eyes stayed on his screen. 
“It’s none of his business, anyways.” You shrugged. “Besides, I won’t be talking to him after this week.”
“But he would’ve stopped trying to get you to go out with him if you had said something.”
“He was not trying to get me to go out-”
“Then why did it take the other one offering to join for him to stop asking?” His voice grew louder as he started typing aggressively before stopping in total.
“Babe,” You said softly. “I’ll say it next time, I promise.” You tried, not liking how quiet he’d gotten.
“You won’t need to.” He said as he smirked to himself. 
“What do you mean?”
“Because you can make it up to me right now.” His smirk stayed as he looked at you.
“What are you talking about?” You furrowed your brows.
“Remember that remote control vibrator we bought?” His eyes traveled to the bag that sat in your closet. “Why don’t we try it out?” 
You opened your mouth to respond but he was speaking about before you could say anything.
“Wear it during your next meeting.” He said. “If you can keep quiet, I’ll get over it. If you break, well, at least he’ll get the point.” 
The thought sent a wave of nervousness but at the same time you weren’t entirely against it.
“I know we bought it for public reasons, but on the off chance that you do break, I don’t want him seeing you like that.” He licked his lips. “So what do you say?” 
You felt the heat rise to your cheeks and you slowly nodded.
“Words, baby.” He chuckled. 
“Yes, what?” 
“Yes, sir.”
“Good girl.” He smiled.
It wasn’t until you were sitting in front of your laptop with your skirt balled in your fists that the gravity of the situation fell on you. 
You had to stay quiet.
“My poor baby.” Felix cooed as he rubbed your thigh, the action making you close them. 
Of course that only resulted in him turning it up a few levels and you couldn’t help the choked moan that came out as your head fell onto your desk. 
“If I want to play with you, I will.” He chuckled into your ear as he gripped your thigh. “Now open your legs.” 
You did as he said and hid your face as his finger pushed on the toy, the sudden pressure making you whine.
“I wonder if you really can stay quiet.” He whispered as he sat back up, turning the setting back down before setting up his laptop so he could read over his essay. “Now go on, start your meeting.” 
You reluctantly licked your lips as you saw the invite sitting there. 
“Do I have to keep the camera on?” You asked shyly, your eyes looking up at him.
“Why? Scared to get caught?” He smiled, his fingers turning the setting up and watching as your face scrunched up. “I guess you can leave it off.” He licked his lips. “But you better watch that pretty mouth of yours.” He warned. “You let one noise slip and I might just fuck you with the camera on.” 
The words didn’t process as you focused on the pleasure coursing through you, your mind focusing on the thought of Felix fucking you on camera. 
“Hey, why’s your camera off?”
Your eyes shot open as you heard Youngjae’s voice shoot through your laptop, your eyes sending a pleading look for him to lighten up but he only set it one higher up, smirking the whole time. 
“I-I’m cleaning.” You said, biting your lip as your legs closed from the intensity.
“I guess cute girls have their flaws, too.” He laughed before Junkyu told him to knock it off. 
“Can we just,” You paused as you got lost in the feeling, Felix noticing and turning it off completely, a small sigh coming out. “Can we just get on with the assignment?”
The meeting went on but every word that was said never fully registered the more Felix messed with the controls, making sure you got closer and closer every time just to rip it away from you.
It wasn’t until he leaned over and pressed small kisses over your neck that you snapped.
“I’ll be right back, I have to do something.” You blurted out as you went to mute the mic.
“Please, I can’t do it anymore.” You whimpered, your hand coming up to grab his hair as he moved towards your jaw.
“You were doing so well, baby.” He teased, his hand coming up to grab your jaw and make you face him. “I wonder what he’d say if he saw us like this.” He spoke up, his voice raspy as his hand moved towards your throat.
“Felix, please,” You moaned out as he turned the device back on.
“Obviously words weren’t enough, he’d have to see just how much I own you.” He whispered, ignoring your comment.
“Fuck,” You whimpered as he turned up the setting while applying pressure to your throat, your eyes slightly rolling.
“All I’d have to do is turn your camera back on and unmute the mic.” He smirked as you whined. “Just tap out, baby.” He licked his lips before leaning in, his lips stopping right in front of yours. 
“And I’ll give you everything you want.”
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imthepunchlord · 3 years
Y’know, I know that you personally don’t prescribe to the “superhero true selves” headcanon, and I agree that people’s whole personalities are an amalgamation of how they interact with all different types and levels of people in different scenarios, but I always found it funny, especially from Season 2 onward, how some fans use that headcanon as an excuse for/positive explanation of how Adrien behaves as Chat and “both sides” should be given some slack. Like, okay, in the case that this headcanon is correct, the boy who doesn’t take saving lives or the city seriously—even willing to use them as a bargaining chip when he doesn’t get to know things he’s not meant to or manipulate them for a possible akumatization to get Ladybug to show up—who doesn’t listen to Ladybug’s shutdowns and frustrations, finding her anger cute of all things, who continuously jokes at inopportune times and sacrifices himself to stay in Ladybug’s radar since he believes she’ll handle it all in the end anyway, and who apparently acts way nicer and more innocent in his civilian persona than he truly is—THAT’S who they want us to root for and are upset that we don’t??
Are the “true selves” even still a thing in the fandom? I actually haven’t seen it in a long time but I stopped looking at Love Square content long ago so maybe its just a LS thing if it’s still around.
If “true selves” really is a thing, it would apply more to Adrien than Marinette. She is who she is as Ladybug, the only real big difference is that she is more focused as Ladybug which leads to her having more control and by extension, grace; but that’s because she’s in a situation that requires focus, especially since as LB, she’s the ONLY means of restoring Paris so she can’t fail and has to be hyper focused. She also sees akumas as a serious problem so will be more serious as LB so she can address the problem. 
But for Adrien, who doesn’t share the same weight of responsibility as Marinette does, for him the miraculous is more “fun me time” and as Chat, he actually has enough free time to be Chat often and for long periods of time (at least, that’s what the trailer of Lies suggested to me as he was waiting for LB, which makes me wonder how busy is he actually if he can spend potentially hours waiting for LB).  
So as Chat, we get to see Adrien let loose under a mask with no pressure of his fame as a poised model and no father to see and judge his actions. Clearly he does still care about how he is seen (Prime Queen, preferring to tease the possibility of him and LB dating one day), but since he has set himself up early on as a goofball, he’s allowed to let loose and have fun with it. This is not to say that Chat’s behavior is who Adrien truly is, for in truth it’d be more of a middle ground that leans towards goofball. 
But yeah, with the “true selves” argument more applied to Adrien as a character, it does not paint Adrien in a good light, specifically his priorities as a hero, friend, and partner. Syren and Lies specifically really bring down Adrien’s right to have a miraculous and still be a hero. The sense of morality he has does not fit him being a full on hero or partner. 
You do not threaten to quit in the middle of a critical situation that you could actively still help in.
Nor do you go around checking on civilians to see if they are going to be an akuma soon just because you miss your partner, said partner you know is now holding up two big vital roles and has less free time and really needs help and support. 
But I suppose he can’t grasp that as it doesn’t affect him directly. Which is something Kwmaibuster confirmed as he got a taste of the weight of responsibility as Ladybug, and is relieved that he doesn’t have to do that again, never mind thinking, “Hey, I should probably step up more to help Ladybug out.” 
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illogicalhusbands · 5 years
The Game is Afoot - pt. 3
Bill Masters x Alec Hardy Masters of Sex / Broadchurch Crossover Link to Part 2
I apologize for taking a long while to update! Me and my co-mod have had our hands full the past week with work and other projects. But I’m hoping I can get back to regular scheduling soon! We’re nearing the end of this fic now. I project the next update will probably be the last. Thank you to everyone who’s still reading this! -
“A whisk, Hardy? Really? You’ve been pining over this man for a month and you give him a bloody whisk?”
“Sod off, Miller. It’s a housewarming party and he has plenty of stuff already.”
Miller frowned. “You should at least give something that’ll leave a bigger impression on him.”
“What do I get him, then? A Victorian sofa?”
He put down the whisk and perused the section of the shop dedicated to pots and pans. Both he and Miller had been invited to Masters’ housewarming party the coming weekend and Alec had no idea what gift to get him.
“Now, now, don’t overthink this. You can always go the old-fashioned route.”
“What route is that?”
Miller grinned. “Oh, y’know. Flowers… chocolates… some good wine…”
Alec was scandalised at being reminded of when he was first invited to Miller’s house several years ago and didn’t know what was polite to bring to your friends’ houses as he never had any. “Do not go there, Miller, I swear—”
“See? You’re already a natural at this!” Alec remained silent. “You could add balloons. Or an angel cake.”
“Don’t laugh at my misery.”
Miller gave a frustrated sigh. “I’m trying to help you! Jesus Christ, you two have been circling around each other for weeks! Can’t you move it along?”
Alec rolled his eyes. “Move what along? We’re not a canoe, Miller.”
“You are being purposely obtuse!” Ellie said, shoving a finger at his chest. “You like him—”
“I didn’t say that.”
“—and he obviously fancies you—”
“Now that’s debatable.”
“And Lord knows you are in need of a good shag which, if I’m hearing correctly from the rumours, Dr. Masters is perfectly capable of giving.”
Alec went through a series of multiple shades of deep red.
“Where did I put down that whisk?” said Alec, retreating down the steps he’d gone.
Miller grabbed his arm. Her face softened. “Look at you, you big ol’ softie. Don’t give me that grouchy look. Like you said, he has plenty of stuff. I’m sure he’ll love whatever it is you’ll get cause he’ll only care about who it was from.”
Alec hung his head, suddenly taken by a breeze of honesty. “But that’s not good enough.”
Since that day at the library, he and Masters had only grown closer. It was bordering on ridiculous, really, how much they hung out and had breakfast and texted each other on the phone. And it didn’t help at all that Dr. Masters had an amazing personality to match with his confident facade. He was witty and intelligent. He had a dry sense of humour that eased Alec’s constant worries of saying something that others deem inappropriate. Masters took his rude remarks and added to them a spark of somewhat greater morbidity. Perhaps it had to do with both of them being in morbid careers, but they understood one another at a level that Alec had never experienced with anyone else. Not even his investigative partner and best friend Miller.
He was comfortable around Masters but at the same time it was frustrating to be around him. How could this incredible man continue to carry out charming conversations with him when he was only spitting out dull, dry remarks like a seventy-six year old spinster? How Masters could be friendly with him was completely beyond his comprehension, let alone try to ponder on the possibility of the doctor having a romantic attachment towards him.
Still, Miller was partly correct. By this time he’s able to fully admit to being head over heels for the man. How could he not? Here was a remarkable person who shared his sense of humour and inquired after him as if he really cared. It was a little pathetic, to be honest, for Alec to latch on to one of the first human beings to ever treat him with a bit of kindness. Masters was only the unfortunate victim of his affections.
He was infuriating with his small bowties and neat hair and his “You need to eat more, Holmes” text messages as if what Alec did was of any consequence to him. It was getting more and more difficult to appear unaffected by him.
When Alec walked into the cafe one sunny Wednesday morning, he found Masters already seated at their usual table. It was rare that the doctor arrived earlier than he did. There was a tray of scones in front of the empty seat across from him. Alec, perplexed, occupied his seat.
“I know you usually drink your tea on an empty stomach, but you shouldn’t make a habit of it,” said Masters before digging into his own club sandwich.
Alec stared wordlessly at him. He didn’t know whether it was on purpose or not, but Masters had scored another point against him. The scones were Alec’s favourites from the menu. He’d only had them a handful of times around him. Had the doctor really been paying attention to him the whole time?
Masters looked captivating in his silver dress shirt and tartan blue bowtie, teasing smirk dancing constantly on his lips. He more found it interesting now rather than irritating as he did during their first meeting. Here was the man who already knew his favourite food whereas the only things he knew about Masters were whatever information that could be gleaned from the internet or, god forbid, a dossier. It made him feel dreadful.
They settled into light conversation for the rest of the half hour. Alec hoped the rest of the meeting would remain unremarkable. They got up and walked out of the shop.
Halfway out of the door, he heard a voice from behind him. “Alec? Is that you?”
He turned to see a familiar woman with strawberry blonde hair and a fringe that swept just below her brows. For a moment he struggled to recognize her, then it clicked.
“Katie?” Alec recalled the person he’d gone on a blind date with several months ago. It was at a momentary phase in his life wherein he tried his hand at rebuilding relationships. He went on a couple of blind dates but none had really worked out well. At most he’d had a nice dinner and some company, but no one was truly able to take his attention the way… well, the way the dapper doctor currently beside him did. “It’s good to see you,” he added politely.
“Yeah? You’re looking good nowadays. Been hearing a lot about you from the news.” She tucked loose strands of hair behind her ear.
“Wish there was nothing to hear about, actually. Hearing about me is a sign of terrible news in this town. S’why no one can stand me,” he said in half-jest.
“Oh, I’m sure that’s not true. We’re very grateful for the work you’re doing.” Katie fidgeted on the strap of her bag and sighed. “Listen, I know you’re a busy man, but I had a lot of fun on our date and I was kinda hoping you’d call…”
Alec blanched. He did not fail to notice how silent Masters was throughout this entire ordeal. “Yeah, I’m… sorry about that. The um, cases just kept coming,” he finished flatly.
Katie seemed oblivious to his tone. She was a sweet girl, but truly dull. She laid a hand on his forearm. “Yes, I understand that completely.” She gnawed on her bottom lip. “But if you ever have some free time, I’d really look forward to hanging out with you again.”
Alec didn’t know what to reply to that. This was exactly why he didn’t do romance and dating anymore. There was so much energy required and he couldn’t be bothered with all these social niceties and he didn’t have the heart to shoot her down directly, especially with Masters around to see it as that would only be doubly embarrassing for Katie. Still, he had to say something.
“Katie, um… look. I’m actually… seeing someone now.” He winced as the words came out of his mouth. Katie looked crestfallen.
“Oh. I’m sorry, I didn’t…” She dropped her hand. “I just didn’t expect you to… I mean, I didn’t think you…” She shook her head. “Anyway, she must be an exceptional girl and I hope you two’re happy. Do I know her?”
Alec resisted the overwhelming urge to groan out loud. Was there no way to escape this conversation? What was he even going to say?
He startled at Masters clearing his throat, momentarily having forgotten that he was still there. “Actually, he’s not dating a woman.” His hand shot out, fingers twining with Alec’s with a flourish that appeared practised, like they’d done so plenty of times before instead of being the first skin-on-skin contact Alec has had with the man he lo—greatly fancied. “But you are correct with us being very satisfied in this relationship,” Masters added in a friendly tone.
But when Alec turned to look at him, he was anything but polite. Eyes slanted and chin pushed down to his collar, regarding Katie as if she were nothing but a nuisance. Something about that look tickled Alec’s insides, a thrumming sensation pooling in his gut. Katie’s lips parted with shock before she shook herself out of it and turned back to Alec, wanting to say something more. Just when he started to revel in the warmth of Masters’ hand, he let go. Alec tried not to feel dismayed.
He was still incapable of speaking and thankfully, Masters seemed to realize this. He spoke again, “It was lovely running into you, but my little sleuth here has a lot of work to attend to. If you’ll excuse us.”
“Down, Watson,” Alec couldn’t resist teasing. This was also the first time Alec had called him that out loud.
This seemed to have done something to the man as in the next moment, Masters’ arm crept behind his back, sliding over the fabric of his cotton dress shirt, touch ghosting over the muscles of his lower back. Warmth radiated through his spine. Alec let himself bask in it, quivering in the heat. A hand fastened itself onto his waist and Masters pulled, securing him to his side. The movement was all very languid, Alec’s shoulder and ribs coming naturally to latch onto the planes of Masters’ sturdy frame. Alec was stunned—pliant against him.
He sneaked a glance up at Masters’ face. He was still staring down at Katie with a hint of amusement in his eye, a particular twinkle. The face of a winner, with Alec as the prize.
Alec was experiencing a torrent of emotions, but it was far from being unpleasant.
Finally, they walked out of the cafe and after a considerable distance was made between them and the establishment, Alec spoke.
“I am very sorry about what happened back there.”
“No, I should be the one to apologize.” Alec believed this was the first time he saw Masters looking, of all things, sheepish. “I didn’t mean to do all that but.. But it was the quickest way to get rid of her, and you were looking like you were in trouble—”
“Nononono—” Alec hurried to console him. “You did, um… help me, with that. I should thank you, I suppose.”
Masters avoided his gaze, all traces of his previous bravado vanished. “Probably shouldn’t have done it, though. Might make it hard for you to get another date. And the touching might have been too much—”
“Is that what you think?” Alec’s breaths were shallow. “Because I don’t. Want it. Another date, that is.” His cheeks radiated with sudden warmth.
“Oh. That’s… good.” A gentle smile graced Masters’ face, though he was still avoiding Alec’s gaze. But there was a flicker of something in his eyes… one that looked a lot like… Hope?
He muscled his way through the rings of nervousness forming in his throat. “And I don’t mind the um, touching.”
Masters laughed. “Good.” The cheekiness was back in his tone.
Alec could sigh at the sight of him. His eyes sparkling with amusement, thin lips curled up into a teasing smile, and the sun’s rays touching upon his hair and his skin, making Alec’s fingers tingle with the desire to touch. It was too much, but also not enough.
Still he’d be content just to have this. Masters, gleeful and teasing, beside him in the mornings challenging him and helping him out of sticky situations. Truly it was more than enough. More than he deserved.
“I’ll see you this weekend for the housewarming,” said Masters before walking in the opposite direction from where Alec was headed. Alec’s gaze trailed behind him for an eternity after.
Another day had passed. The breakfast with Masters went more or less normally and he was glad that things seemed to return to their ordinary ways. Alec arrived at the station. A burst of whispers rang through the moment he entered the room.
He glared at the other officers, drawing up to his full height to appear intimidating. But they mostly all glared back. They were also mostly coming from the women (and some men) in the room.
“What’re you all staring at? Bugger off! The safety of the town depends on it and you’re here babblin’ like children!” At this, the officers whipped their heads back down to their workstations. The sound of shuffling papers and pressed keyboards filled the room once more.
Miller greeted him at the door to his office. Alec crossed his arms. “What?”
She was beaming. “Finally! Took you long enough, sir.”
“What the deuce are you talkin’ about?”
“Please. Everyone knows about it already. No need to hide it from me.” She clapped her hands. “You and Dr. Masters are dating!”
Alec could’ve sworn his soul just left his body. “I-wh-mff!—”
Miller poked his arm. “Look at you all adorably flustered! Heard it from down the grapevine, but everyone says it comes from a very reliable source. Came straight from your mouth, they say!”
Alec could feel the mortification stretching through him. To hell with this stupid, bloody town! If the entire community heard—nay, god forbid Masters heard of this! He panicked. Masters would never speak to him again. “God, that wasn’t—! UGH. It’s not true. I was caught off guard!”
“Oh,” Miller’s face drooped down with dismay. “Well, that’s not what every body thinks.”
Alec remembered the most charming welcome he’d just received when he entered.
“What’re they all staring at me like that for? I haven’t done anything to them!”
“Not personally, no. But they’re bound to resent you in some way or another.”
“Yes, and I have no idea why.” Alec’s arms flew up and flailed.
“Surely you do,” said Miller, smirking. “Whether you like it or not, Alec Hardy, you just managed to reel in the most eligible bachelor in Broadchurch.”
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liilireinhartstan · 5 years
Lonely Hour - 4.02 Bughead Drabble.
It was going to be another lonely hour.
This life goes by so fast and none of us are really good at stopping to savour it
It got him thinking
What life could possibly be like without his partner in crime. His best friends. His ride or die.
In only a year from now it would be completely different. But he focused on now. On today. On them.
“Is anyone else absolutely shattered, or is it just the champagne kicking in for me finally?”
“Good point” Archie Added.
“I’m so ready to sleep, it feels like all I’ve done today is mope around and eat crap”
“Hey!Don’t talk about good food like that..” complained jughead.
“You guys are in the guest room straight along and up 4, it’s chilly in there all the time so I’d recommend going in there after heating up or 2 seconds before you pass out asleep”
“Wanna grab the spare night bags with me Betts? they are upstairs”
“Let’s get them then I can go to sleep pleasee”
Veronica held Betty back to murmur a tipsy joke.
“No funny business on the nice rug , my mother would skin me and then boil me alive.”
They both giggle ...
“Gosh” jughead murmured
“Veronica wasn’t lying, it’s absolutely freezing in here”
“Guess we’ll have to warm eachother up” Betty suggested
“Jug have you seen my toothbrush? Or my towel or my face wash? They aren’t there”
With everything kicking in - Champagne, hormones & restlessness. Betty began bawling.
“I forgot them all at home, I’m so stupid, how do I forget my night bag”
Jughead got down to her level from where she was placed in the bed. He cupped her face and tucked her hair behind her ear.?
“Hey, it’s okay. Veronica will have spare, I’m sure,and if not I can go buy you some. You’re alright and you’re most definitely not stupid. Betts.”
Jughead knew Betty was having a moment so he said “ I will go sit in the lounge and wait for you, let’s go get you what you need babe.”
He looked for reassurance in her eyes and she nodded. “Thank you juggie, i love you”
5 minutes went by and Betty still had not emerged from the Arctic like room and jughead began to worry.
Not wanting to disturb Archie and Veronica he lightly knocked on the door but then felt someone run their hands through his hair from behind
“Shit, Betty I thought that was Hiram or something”
She giggled “I’m ready to go when you are”
“Cool do you have Keys before we leave so we can actually get in?”
“No, do you?”
“Fuck, this was my idea and I didn’t even think about how we would get back in. Unless you stay and I go we will meet back here.”
“No jug, we aren’t doing that, I will use what Veronica has got and first thing tomorrow I will just ask her for a toothbrush”
“But Betty it was my Id-“
“Kiss me jug, kiss me”
A couple months ago Betty and Jughead had both decided to chat about their sex life with her gynaecologist.
He had suggested that she try the pill and see how it made her feel. She put weight on her boobs but overall she was happy so he was happy.
The first time without using physical protection was terrifying but amazing and ever since They’ve enjoyed exploring eachothers body more.
“Jug I don’t wanna go to that cold room lets have sex right here. Please.”
Jughead being cautious after a near miss at the trailer with him betty and his dad even though he been knew. Ever since jughead has strict boundaries on where he will have sex with Betty.
“What if someone walks in Betty, what will we do then.
Betty rolled her eyes and sighed
“If you don’t want to, it’s okay we can just watch a movie.”
“No, I want to, like really want to but we need to be quiet, I’d rather not have my best friends looking at my manhood.”
Jughead smirked.
“Come here”
It was fantastic, as per usual. Jughead kissing her all over, leaving his mark on part of her body only her and himself would ever see. Betty giving jughead a blow as in perfect as she was she knew how to give perfect blow jobs and jughead was not complaining. Jughead alternating between slow thrusting and quick thrusts and Betty calling out his name asking for more. Lately they had been trying out jughead topping. As much as Betty loved the sight of him on top she couldn’t control many things in her life so being on top during sex gave her some sort of control and it made jughead come harder in her so it was a win win.
“Fuck that was so good” their hot breaths met yet again this time for a long passionate kiss the taste of kissing jughead after hot sex was something of dreams betty thought. Sweat, cum, tears.
“How did I get so lucky”
After 20 minutes of pillow talk which was always the second best bit of having sex after the actual sex. Betty got up to get cleaned up after picking up their quickly disregarded clothes and tidying up jugheads hair betty went to go clean up.
She brushed her hair first then brushed her teeth with her toothbrush which was in her bag which of course she hadn’t even forgotten, she had just packed it away.
Then she hopped into the shower.
“Ouch that stings” there was a little blood too.
Jughead had went a little too rough on poor Betty and oh did that shit hurt.
“I’m done juggy, you can go in the bathroom.”
Jughead did the same hair, teeth then shower.
Once they got into bed, light out and then bedtime voices on.
“Goodnight Betts.”
‘Night He thought that’s odd Betty never says night like that.
“Is everything okay betty?”
“Yep I’m just really tired, why?”
“Nah it’s nothing you just never say night like that it sounded kinda dry, so I was just checking if you were okay. If there is something up you can say if it was about y’know then I -
“It’s not that deep, well actually it kinda is, it literally Is”
She sighed
“What are you talking about Betty, is this about earlier?”
“Yes it’s just you kind of hurt me a bit, like it was cut and I was bleeding a little, it doesn’t hurt or anything I just wanted you to know you went a little bit too far in today. Not to make you upset or lower your self esteem just so you know for next time.”
“I’m so sorry betty. Why did you not say anything?”
“We were enjoying ourselves I didn’t want to be dramatic, I had a good time but it just scared me a little. Like after our first time I didn’t even bleed.”
“Fuck” jughead thought to himself. He didn’t even ask if it was okay at all today during. “I’ve been a dick I’m sorry” he thought. Jughead had to go think stuff through and how to make it up to her.
“I’m going for a walk Betty” the mood in the room dropped from happy to sad in a matter of minutes.
She wanted to protest and tell him to stay like he did to her but this was a heavy personal thing and he needed to let off some steam.
“okay jug, I will get the door for you when you’re back.” She went to turn the light on but he’d already left.
It got to morning 8:55 to be exact and jughead had not returned.
Morning B Veronica said when she saw her at around 9am. Sleep well? Ready for the last day of summer.
“Morning, yeah yeah I am.” She smiled with some confusion on her face.
“Where’s jughead this morn.?”
“Oh Is he not with Archie?”
Veronica looked at Betty then the floor then Betty again.
“No Archie has been with me all morning he’s just in the shower now. Is everything okay?”
“No actually it’s not i am quite worried V.”
She wanted to say the truth and get advice but she didn’t want to drag out a situation that was irrelevant to them.
It’s just something that happened last night it’s ok though, just a bit of an emotional night that’s all.
Veronica called Archie to see if he knew anything.
“Well it’s good that you said something, it must have been really bad if he’s not came back yet though.”
“Betty and Jughead had a little fight and Betty hasn’t seen him since last night have you heard anything.”
“Honestly I should not be saying anything but yes I did he just texted to say he was okay and he’d be back for breakfast and to tell you, I guess he meant you betty, that he was sorry.
What was it that happened it sounds like it really upset you both.
And then all of a sudden Jughead emerged from the main room door.
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triscribe · 4 years
Legacy, Prologue
“You must be joking.”
Tarot blinked. “Uh, no. What makes you say that?”
Despite wearing a helmet without moving parts, the white lenses that protected Goshawk’s eyes seemed to sharpen their glare.  Or maybe it was the dry tone of the deep voice that came out through a hidden speaker that conveyed the air of growing annoyance. “Isn’t your little heroic country club meant for super-humans only?”
*Ouch,* Golem muttered in her earpiece. Tarot resisted the urge to wince.
“Well, it’s true that we’re a bit lacking in the Basic human department - but that’s part of why we want to invite you and your partner to join!” She shifted to better angle herself to address both crimefighters, Kestrel crouched on the edge of the rooftop whereas Goshawk stood with hands on hips in the very center. “The fact that you two have kept up your work for six years now, caused visible signs of improvement in your city, and haven’t suffered any major losses or defeats makes you more impressive than half the heroes I know. The Collab could really use expertise like yours, and you both being Basic is just the icing on top.”
Kestrel’s helmet tilted slightly to one side, and after a moment Goshawk’s did the same. Tarot glanced between them, but couldn’t get anything from metal plates or white lenses. Her fingers twitched, and a second later the woman flicked her hands, going through the motions of shuffling a deck, which summoned her cards from the astral pocket where they usually rested. After a further few moments of silence, Tarot plucked a random card, glanced at the design, and then tucked it back into the deck. Five of Swords, mind games, hostility.
Goshawk’s hands moved from his hips to fold in front of his chest.
Another card, and Tarot glanced towards Kestrel as he hopped off the roof’s guardrail to lean against it nonchalantly. Page of Wands, newly inspired, excited about life and work.
As the two crimefighters properly faced each other, clearly sharing a private conversation through some sort of connection between their helmets, Tarot checked one last card. The Hanged Man, surrender, new perspective, enlightenment.
Two helmets straightened upright. “We, might, be interested,” Goshawk stated, in a manner that sounded more defeated than anything else.
“Would it be possible to get a little better idea of what we’re signing on with, thought?” Kestrel asked, bouncing on his feet. “Take a tour, read the pamphlets, meet some faces?”
Tarot grinned, dropping her cards back into their astral pocket. “Sure thing. Would now suit?”
“No,” Goshawk said immediately. “We have work to do right now. Tomorrow.”
“Morning, afternoon or evening?”
“Mid-morning. We’ll meet here again by ten.”
“Sounds like a plan!” Folding one arm behind her back, opposite going over her heart with a flourish, Tarot dropped into a neat bow. “Goshawk, Kestrel, a pleasure to meet you both. Good night and good hunting!” With that, the hand behind her back twisted and pulled, activating a card she always kept up her sleeve: Four of Wands, celebration, safety, home.
Blazing light obscured the world, and when Tarot next blinked, she was standing in the workroom of her house. “Did you get that, Golem?”
*Loud and clear, we’ll have a Skip waiting for the three of you at oh ten hundred tomorrow.*
“Excellent. And, make sure none of the louder idiots are around HQ, will you? Rumor has it the Legend City Birds don’t much like brash arrogance. Or Goshawk doesn’t, at least.”
*Uhh, that might be a bit trickier - Duke is scheduled for AM monitor duty.*
Tarot groaned. “Just what we need. If he tries to pick a fight with either of them, I’m tossing that moron straight into the Trench.”
*Preeetty sure Musketeer would have a problem with that...*
“Too bad. The worst she can do is stick me on detainment duty for a year, and I’ll take that over losing these two potential recruits because of Duke’s stupidity anytime.”
As she went to change out of her uniform, Golem voiced a perplexed question. *Why are you so hung up on bringing these guys into the Collaboration anyway?*
“Have you seen their stats? A twenty year low for their city’s crime rate, eight major supervillains captured and turned over to Con-Tain, three bio-terrorist plots interrupted and four major corruption cases cracked wide open? And that’s just the headline items - Goshawk and Kestrel could be giving lessons on investigation and ambush tactics to half our ranks for crying out loud, they’re that good!”
*Yeah... but aren’t they also responsible for a bunch of cop injuries and medical retirements?*
Tarot snorted. “In a city with a ninety percent caucasian police force known for discrimination and racial profiling when they first started. I don’t know if it holds true across the board, but at least a dozen of those cases of police injury were from the Birds intervening in what would’ve been lethal force used on unarmed suspects.”
“Mm-hm. I guarantee any cop they hurt was in self-defense or to prevent a death. And! One of their corruption cases a couple years ago involved the LPD Commissioner himself, which led to a lot of turnover in the precincts, bringing in a record high of minority and women officers. Reported injuries from Goshawk or Kestrel have gone into decline ever since.”
*Well, that’s good.* Golem paused. *So, can I join your tour tomorrow?*
“Sure thing.”
“This is a bad idea.”
“This is a great idea! The Global Collaboration of Crimefighting and Anti-Terrorism, June! The biggest name in international superhero cooperation wants to recruit us!”
Setting down her Goshawk helmet, June leveled a glare at her sister. “They want to recruit our diversity points. There hasn’t been a Basic human member of the Collab in three decades, Janae. They’re full of Morphs, Magi, and Mythics with a few Cosmics thrown in - people who think having powers is an excuse to play dress up and pretend to be world saviors.”
Janae sighed dramatically, flopping dramatically onto their couch with one hand holding up her Kestrel helmet as if it were the skull in Hamlet’s soliloquy. “And as ev-rybody knows, you hate being invited to anything purely so people can gain ‘diversity points’.”
“But June, just think how much good we could do! The Collab hosts all kinds of seminars to make their members better, we could talk about all sorts of things! Investigating, documenting evidence, determining the best people to work with from inside the district attorney’s office-”
“Not every crimefighter has to deal with the same issues we did,” June cut in, removing her cape and folding it neatly.
“But a lot of them could benefit from our experience! Think of how many more crooks in uniform we could help put away just by sharing our tactics, now and in future!” Sitting upright, Janae leveled a finger at her big sister. “And just think of what we could get out of it, too.”
June arched an eyebrow, undoing the clasps of her padded chest armor. “A whole bunch more noses getting stuck into our business?”
“No, you paranoid loser. Resources, databases, heck, even back-up from time to time. Having even just one extra set of hands to go up against Razore would’ve been nice, y’know.” 
Both women frowned at that particular set of memories, June’s hand unconsciously skimming over her side, where a set of four scars sliced their way across her ribcage beneath layers of reinforced armor. “We do fine as it is.”
“We really do not,” Janae huffed, settling back again. “You and me in the field with only four people to support us? And only three adults, at that. The Collab has entire sub-divisions of engineers, scientists, medics, you name it. Reinforcements like that would do us a lot of good.”
Tugging off her gloves, June frowned - a more thoughtful expression than grumpy, which Janae took to be a good sign. “...I’ll think about that. But tomorrow’s ‘tour’ will be the deciding factor - I don’t want us to join an organization that needs to be cleaned up worse than the LPD did.”
Her sister grimaced. “Yeah, alright, I can go along with that. Although-”
“We would not be in a position to clean house from the inside, Janae, not as the newbies being watched from all corners. And I wouldn’t want to risk them finding out our identities to hold over our heads as blackmail, not with Tasha and Aunt Jasmine on the line.”
“Fine.” A pause. “Where are those two, anyway?”
“Auntie left today for her old squad’s reunion, remember? And Tasha needed to head to bed early tonight for her class field trip tomorrow morning.”
“Ahh, that’s right,” Janae snickered. “And she begged us to not be at Lunar R&D at the same time.”
“Kyron’s working tomorrow though, isn’t he?”
“He is. And he’s promised to hold off on any embarrassing acts until the class is just about ready to leave.” A slight smirk tugged at the corners of June’s mouth.
“Oh good. I’ll have to borrow the security tapes to see what he comes up with.”
“You do that.”
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the-digimon-tamer · 4 years
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Chapter 42 - Unexpected is out now on FanFiction.Net and ArchiveOfOurOwn! Check them out with the links or find it after the break!
Title: The Tamer v2.0 - In HIs Name
Fandom: Digimon
Rating: T
Synopsis: In the next adventure of the Digimon Tamer, the lives of Juri, Rika, and Henry change forever when digimon begin crossing over into the human world. But it’s all just a story, right? Just a book series by an author no one has seen in a long time. Why are they here and can they save their world before something worse follows the digimon?
“How’s our progress coming on the Juggernaut, team?” Yamaki asked, looking up from the machine parts he was helping to put back into place. 
Zhenyu poked his head up from what he was doing and shouted, “Are you seriously asking that question? We’ve barely started and there’s a lot of work to do before we can even think to test if it’s working! This isn’t going to be done quickly.”
“Well, make it happen. Those things want in here and it’ll be a slaughter if that weapons not ready before they do,” Yamaki barked back at the scientist.
As he said that, there was another loud bang outside that shook the building, rattling loose items off desks and onto the floor. One unfortunate engineer had his tool box fall of the table he’d left it and fall on his helmet.
“How long do you think those blast doors will hold?” Dolphin asked nervously. Shibumi answered with his usual informative and completely uninspiring tone, “It doesn’t matter. Right now, every second counts so let’s focus on our task and leave the fighting to our friends outside.”
“Your friends. We have no idea who those things are!” Curly pointed out.
“Those things are our partners! And right now, they’re putting their lives on the line to buy us time! And it’s not just them, our kids are out there,” Izumi’s wife scolded from across the room.
“Not my kid,” Mister Matsuda grunted angrily.
“Let it go. Anger will do us no good right now,” Guardromon mumbled.
“FUCK YOU!” Mister Matsuda made a point of growling while showing the digimon his middle finger.
“Don’t shout at him! He’s just trying to help!” Kazu yelled back.
“Trying to help? Kazu, Takato was your friend! If anyone else in this room is going to get how we feel, it should be you!” Mrs. Matsuda added.
This was getting out of hand and the last thing the team needed was needless bickeringYamaki put two fingers in his mouth and whistled as loud as he could to get their attention, “FOCUS! EVERY SECOND ARGUING IS A SECOND WASTED. AND WE DON’T KNOW HOW MANY SECONDS WE HAVE! SO LET’S USE THEM WISELY AND GET BACK TO WORK!”
With that everyone either quietly went back to what they were doing or went off in a corner to stay out of the way. Now it was back to what he was doing - helping repair some of the mechanical parts that were broken. He just hoped the blast shields help up long enough. Every moment that passed, another dent appeared in the metal and the building would shake. He just hoped everything worked.
Imperialdramon soared through the air of the Digital World, with Davis and Ken atop his back. They pointed their digivice at every digimon they passed and shouted the same message over and over, “Stay alive. We have a plan.”
The mere sight of them seemed to rally the digimon, mega level fighters who went from faltering on the retreat to pushing forward on the attack. And as they soared through the Digital World, trying to scan as many of the digimon as they could, they eventually caught the attention of a familiar sight - Azulongmon, the sovereign who’d helped them fight off BlackWarGreymon so long ago. The dragon soared alongside them asking, “Digidestined. It’s so good to see you after so long.”
“We wish we could say the same,” Ken answered quietly.
“Yeah, but no worries! Kari’s brother has a plan!” Davis added excitedly. 
“Who?” Azulongmon asked.
Ken sighed, “The Digimon Tamer. I should point out right now that it’s a horrible plan and I’m not entirely sure it’ll work.”
Azulongmon blinked at him, “And what is his plan? We’re hitting this thing with everything we have and nothing is working!”
“Sorry, we don’t have the time to tell you,” Ken answered, pointing his digivice at another digimon digimon they flew past to scan it. Then he pointed it at Azulongmon. The sovereign writhed a bit when the light hit him and his many eyes blinked in a daze, “What was that for? Were you just trying to blind me?”
“It’s part of Tamer’s plan,” Davis explained apologetically, “Sorry we can’t tell you more! Just try to stay alive a little longer! Hold on!”
“I…okay. Hurry, digidestined. We’ll fight for as long as we can,” Azulongmon answered, turning away from them to rejoin the fight. As he soared through the sky, pillars of light and blasts of lightning shot from his body and struck the red ocean beneath them. His attacks appeared to hurt the creature more than any of the attacks that had been thrown at it so far. But like all the other attacks, it wasn’t long before any damage was undone. The most powerful digimon either of these men knew could barely hurt this thing. They needed to get back to their work - continuing to scan as many digimon as they could.
Rika had to admit it was a different feeling to be fighting along side her parents’ partners. She swiped various cards through her digivice, trying to give Taomon the upgrades she would need to keep her on even footing. But without the power to be a mega like Rosemon or HerculesKabuterimon, she was just barely hanging on. 
“Digimodify! Speed Boost Activate!”
“Talisman of Light!”
“Thorn Whip!”
“Arctic Blizzard!”
The three attacks scattered the bird creatures, reducing their number for a moment until more appeared to reinforce their numbers. It really was like fighting an unending tide. Still, they were the only things keeping her parents safe inside. And she wasn’t going to surrender, no matter how many of them came. She and Taomon would fight back with everything they had.
She turned around to see Hououmon and MetalGarurumon soar past over her head, his engines going at the full speed as Cyberdramon ripped off more of those bird creatures from him.
“Metal Wolf Claw!”
“Starlight Explosion!”
Both fired a barrage of missiles and fireballs from their bodies at the birds, punching another hole in the swarm that was quickly filled by more reinforcements. The creatures were wholeheartedly determined to over run this building at any cost it seemed. Thankfully, Hououmon and MetalGarurumon were still able to hold their own. But then another question came to mind? Where were her mom’s fashion designer friend and her husband? Sora and Matt, if she remembered correctly. They were supposed to be with their partners.
A screech overhead caught her attention as the large golden bird Hououmon landed atop the building. The two Ishidas climbed off the giant digimon, before it took off again to fight the oncoming horde of birds, joining Rosemon, Taomon, and HerculesKabuterimon in the desperate defense. Sora rjoined her first and asked, “What the hell is going on? They were going all over the city before and now they’re converging here on the Metropolitan Tower!”
“One of them overheard me telling my parents the plan and now they’re all coming here to stop it,” Rika admitted quietly. Matt raised an eyebrow in surprise, “Huh, never figured Izzy’s kid would be the one to screw things up for us. I always figured it’d be someone else…like that dopey looking kid with the hat.”
“Are you putting me on Kazu’s level?” Rika asked with a hand on her hips.
In return, he just raised an eyebrow at her, “Do you think I’m intimidated by a twelve year old girl?”
“Focus!” Sora said, taking a moment to survey the situation, “Matt, can you talk to your friends in the GSDF and get them here?”
“They’d probably shoot at me first if they saw me ride in on MetalGarurumon,” he countered quietly with crossed arms.
Sora groaned, “Then we’ll just have to keep holding them back as long as we can!”
The large golden bird screeched and went to rejoin the fight. Rika couldn’t help but marvel at the sight of so many megas at once, especially knowing they were the megas of the digidestined. The heroes from the books, tv show, and card game she’d been attracted to. If the world weren’t at stake, she would call this a dream come true, “How long have you guys all had Mega level digimon? I don’t remember the show or the books ending with all you guys getting Mega level digimon. It was just...Matt, Tai, Davis, and Ken, right?”
“You should know by now that my brother omitted lots of stuff from those books and didn’t tell the whole story. At least, not the way it happened,” Yamato stated matter of factly, “Speaking of...where the hell are they? I don’t see Takeru or MagnaAngemon anywhere!”
“Don’t forget that Ryo and Cyberdramon were with them. Same with the doctor and Gomamon! Or Kari, Gatomon, Henry, and Rapidmon. Where the hell are they?” Rika added. 
“Maybe they’re still trying to get to the others,” Sora said, scanning the city for some sign of them.  Her husband groaned, “Or worse.”
“You really are a ball of sunshine, y’know that?” Rika stated, turning to his wife, “What exactly did you see in him?”
“He acts tough but he’s a softie when he thinks no one is looking,” she answered teasingly. Rika felt herself gag and something try to crawl its way out of her stomach, “Gross.”
They turned their attention back towards the city to see large swathes of the bird creatures being destroyed with beams of blue light. They all turned to look but it was impossible to tell what it was from this far away. What they were certain of was that all the bird creatures were being blown apart as quickly as they could amass. And there was something in the middle of that flock - a lone figure that was blasting the birds away. 
“Who is that?” Rika asked. 
“I can’t tell. They’re too far away,” Sora said, squinting her eyes as close as she could, “Hououmon!”
“Little busy at the moment,” the bird roared over the battle going on all around her. She and MetalGarurumon soared overhead, trying their best to hold the oncoming swarm back as quickly as they could. 
“I’ll go,” Taomon announced, drawing another talisman and throwing it full force at her enemies, “It’s not like I’m able to do much good here anyway. I’ll scout ahead and hurry back if things look bad.”
“Be careful, Taomon,” Rika called out to her partner. The fox priest gave her a wave and hurried off towards whatever was now drawing the bird creatures’ attention away from them.
Hida slid the doors of his dojo open slightly to see more of those bird things waiting around outside. He took care to slide the door back shut so that it wouldn’t be too loud - annoyed with how things had played out. He’d meant to go out and meet up with the others at the Tokyo Metropolitan Building. Then these things showed up and people were scared. He couldn’t just ignore people in need and his sense of moral obligation kicked in. Instead of hurrying, he got as many people as he could to safety in his dojo. 
Things were quiet now, save for the sound of fighting outside. But this wasn’t the only problem before him. How was he supposed to protect them? Yes, he was a martial arts expert with knowledge of kendo, tai chi, aikido, karate, and tae kwon do. But that wasn’t going to do him any good against whatever those monsters were outside. They didn’t look like any digimon he had seen before and they certainly weren’t acting like any digimon that had accidentally gotten lost in another world. Those digimon tended to act out violently from confusion or alarm. But these creatures seemed content to just sit back and watch the world in complete and utter silence. They were observing…learning…gathering information…possible strategizing.
That made it all the more important for him to get to the others at Hypnos. But how could he get there when there were lives at stake right in front of him? But there was no way to do this on his own. He would need help! But how was he supposed to signal for help with alerting those things to all the people hiding inside?
A blaze of gunfire caught the attention of all the bird creatures and drew them away from the front of the dojo. He slid the door open just a crack  but couldn’t quite see what was going. All he could make out was that the creatures were gone now. Maybe this was their chance. He slid the door open just a little further and one of the people hiding with him gasped, “What are you doing? They’re going to find us!”
“They’ve all left. This could be our only chance to run,” he explained. He scanned the outside more carefully to be sure they were gone until he noticed something moving in the bushes. A boy rushed out and bolted for the dojo door.
Henry, his Tai Chi student. And with him was…
“Armadillomon,” he forced the door open and stepped out. Was it possible? Was this real? He hoped so. He didn’t care how. He’d thought about this moment so many times that he wasn’t sure he could handle if it wasn’t. He waved to get their attention and gestured to them to come his way, “Over here! Quick!”
“Sensei!” Henry said, running over. Armadillomon followed after him, turning his head in surprise, “Who’s that, Henry? I thought we were going to Cody!”
“Armadillomon! It’s me,” he said to his partner, the armadillomon stopping to look at him with a furrowed brow and a firm frown, “Pretty sure my pardner ain’t got a mustache.”
The insult cut deep and Hida had to muse at that. It was true, he didn’t have a mustache the last time he’d seen his partner. It was also ironic, that a small piece of facial hair was enough to throw off the digimon, “You’ve never been the serious type, Armadillomon.”
“That really is your partner, Armadillomon,” Henry insisted to the yellow digimon who turned his head in disbelief. Armadillomon circled him, sniffing at his feet and occasionally stopping to get a good look at him. As he did, Henry went on, “Sensei, I don’t have a lot of time. There’s no way Rapidmon can keep them all away forever. We need to get out of here.”
“I can’t go. There are people hiding in my dojo and I’m not going to leave them,” Hida explained to them. 
Armadillomon’s frown turned and he finally looked up, “Now that sounds like the partner I remember! Good to see ya, Cody.”
“It’s good to see you too, Armadillomon,” Hida kneeled down to take his partner’s raised hand. It was good to see him again, even if it was in these circumstances. They would have to catch up some other time. Now, they had to think of a way to hold this portion of the city and protect it from those birds. Armadillomon added, “Well if you’re not going, I’m not going either.”
“Sensei, are you sure?” Henry said, “We have a plan and we could use your help.”
“The people here could use my help,” he countered matter of factly. Armadillomon cheered, “Hard headed about always wanting to help people. You’re definitely my Cody.”
He wasn’t sure if that was a compliment or not but he went on, “We can help by protecting the people in this area. Besides, every one of those things that comes here is one that’s not attacking you there.”
“That is the plan, actually,” Henry said with a raised eyebrow, “Distract these things until every one else is ready with their part of the plan. Which we don’t know how long that could be so really it’s just sitting tight...wait, are you volunteering these people for danger!?”
“What?” Hida blinked, surprised at his student’s accusation. 
Henry waved it off and shook his head apologetically, “Sorry, sorry. I think Terriermon has been rubbing off on me. Still, it’s funny that we’re on the same page.”
“Just do what comes natural and things work out, right?” he mused, realizing that the plan was a little too reminiscent of all the other plans - just sit tight and hang on. Henry shook his head, “Yeah, something like that. I need to get back to the others.”
“Okay, be safe,” he said. Henry nodded, waving before running off to rejoin his partner. Hida sighed, looking back at his dojo. It was a relief to know the others had a plan, even if he wasn’t entirely aware of it. That was one problem dealt with. Now there was another problem: how to convince the people in his dojo that Armadillomon wasn’t a danger to them and their safety?
Cyberdramon soared over the city, passing teams of soldiers firing at the bird creatures and crowds of people fleeing in a panic. It took everything in him to ignore his desire to fight the the creatures and instead focus on protecting Ryo and looking for the little white Calumon. He was the key to this whole operation after all. If they didn’t find him, it was all going down hill from here. It was just a question of where the little digimon was.
And Ryo was frustrated with having to look for such a small critter in all this mess. After all, the little guy was probably scared out of his mind with all the chaos going on out there and it wasn’t like finding him on a normal day when people weren’t shooting at them was easy. It was like trying to find a needle in a haystack where the hay would hit you. It wasn’t easy. And it would help, it really would, if all those soldiers would stop trying to shoot at him. 
But what were they supposed to think? All they could see was a kid being carried off with a monster. It was hard to interpret that anyway that didn’t include the thought of that kid in danger.
“Ryo! Ryo! Are you there?” Tamer’s voice echoed from his digivice. Ryo looked at his digivice in surprise, examining it in his hands at the feature he didn’t know it had, “It’s a radio now?” 
“What do you mean now? It’s always been a radio,” Tamer responded with the sardonic wit that Ryo was used to hearing him use. It was weird - the current Tamer was usually apologetic and polite. This was like talking to the Tamer when he first met him - sarcastic, a little abrasive but helpful overall. Still, Ryo wasn’t in the mood for a conversation, “What do you want, Tamer? Shouldn’t you be in the Digital World helping out the others?”
“Never mind them. We have a serious problem over here! Here are the coordinates! Hurry! Ruki’s in trouble!” he said urgently. Ruki? She hated that name. The only reason he would use it would be to aggravate her. Or him. And it was working if that was his intention. He checked his digivice for the coordinates and tapped Cyberdramon on the head, “Come on, Cyberdramon. We need to go to-”
“-find Tamer, yeah. What’s up with him anyway? What’s he doing here?”
“I have no idea, but I’m going to deck him in a minute if I he doesn’t have a good explanation for any of this,” Ryo grunted, gesturing to the direction to his partner, “The signal leads that way to…that roof.”
He could see a short figure on a rooftop not too far away, wearing what looked like a white hooded robe and waving at them with one arm reaching so high that he had to stand on his tippy-toes. Tamer. Cyberdramon set down beside him and Ryo leapt off his partner, “Tamer, what’s so important? And where are the others? Ken and Davis? I thought you were with them in the Digital World?”
“Eh, more important stuff to deal with. You guys should’ve really gone mega by now,” Tamer remarked in his usual manner of pacing as he talked, “Bio-merging or whatever it’s called.”
“Bio-merging? You’re talking about the thing when Rika fused with Renamon or when Henry fused with his partner, right? What’s that got to do with anything? Weren’t we sticking to the plan?” Ryo raised an eyebrow, minding his distance from Tamer as he began circling with a familiar flair that fit his last face more than his present one. 
Tamer threw it off, “Ah, they’ll be fine. I figured out your problems! You guys aren’t in a Digital Field!”
“Digital…what?” Ryo groaned exasperated burying his face in his hands, “Look, why did you call me here? What’s going on with Rika? You said she was in danger!”
Tamer paused, looking back at him with that aggravating smile of his, “Oh, everyone’s in danger! Every world everywhere’s in danger somewhere. It’s just a question of figuring out who you’re gonna save and who’s gonna win! This battle is playing out across infinite realities with infinite possible outcomes! Speaking of which!”
He raised up his digivice and a flash of light seemed to tear open a floating window in front of them, through which they could see what looked like their city. Except this version of the city was over run by the D-Reaper and the screams of the dying could be heard echoing from in the distance. And for the briefest of moments, he saw Rika. Rika running for her life from the remaining D-Reaper creatures. And as quickly as she ran past the window, the D-reaper bird things were upon her - ripping her apart as their mechanical voice droned, “Scanning!”
“No!” she screamed. 
“Acquiring Information!”
“Get off me!” She cried out just as blood splashed past the screen. 
“RIKA!” he cried out - half panic and half anger as he watched her body be spread apart across different sections of the roof. Tamer pressed another button on his digivice and the window to the other world vanished, “Relax, lover boy! That’s another reality. Not this one. Your girlfriend’s alive and well! I think. Maybe?” 
“TAMER!” Ryo was on the boy, grabbing him by his stupid white robe and pulling him so close that their noses were practically touching, “THAT WAS STILL RIKA!”
“Well there’s no point crying about it,” Tamer swatted his hands away, “That Ruki’s dead. Your Ruki…our Ruki?”
Something about that phrasing made Ryo particularly angry, but he was snapped from his anger when he heard Cyberdramon start growling angrily. He needed to maintain control, otherwise Cyberdramon would lash out and get loose upon the city. And he wasn’t sure which would be worse: the D-Reaper or a rampaging Cyberdramon. Tamer shook his head, “The Ruki in this world is still alive and well. She’s out…there…somewhere.”
Ryo turned his head to see a beam of light shooting at the heart of the swarm of bird creatures. Something or someone was actually managing to pushing these things back. Tamer flicked a finger across the back of his head and added, “Don’t worry, Ruki’s not over there. Not yet anyway.”
What was he pulling? And why was he saying it that way? She hated that name! Was he trying to piss her off when she wasn’t even here? Or was he trying to piss him off to get a rise out of him? If that was the plan, it was working all too well. His fists tightened and he demanded, “Tamer! Why did you call us here? And what the hell is wrong with you!? I thought you said you were trying to be different! What the hell was different about that?”
Tamer’s smile widened in a way that made him sick, “Quit interrupting and I’ll tell you. Now, the reason your bio merging isn’t working is because you’re not in the Digital World anymore. Different rules apply! But we can fix that! We just need to expand the Digital Field! Good news: it’ll get you guys to mega. Bad news: I’m going to fry any computer you get too close to so I’d suggest staying away from the Hypnos Building!”
He raised up his digivice like he was about to use it to do something, only to then snap his fingers and bathe the world around them in yet another display of light. Once it passed, Tamer’s wicked smile remained, “There we go! Now you should be all good to save Ruki!”
Ryo had enough and decked Tamer as hard as he could across the face. He wasn’t sure what the hell was going on but he was sure of one thing right now. Tamer was acting like an ass - so either this wasn’t Tamer or Tamer was back to his old ways. Either way, he wanted to punch the guy in the face. Tamer fell flat on his face and massaged his cheek, “Ow! What the hell Joe?”
“Who the hell is Joe? My name is Ryo!” he snapped. Tamer raised an eyebrow, his look unimpressed by Ryo’s punch as he pushed himself upwards, “Oopsie. Looks like I slipped. Charade is up I suppose.”
Ryo was so past being in the mood for one of Tamer’s games, and raised his fist to strike him again. However, Tamer caught his fist mid punch and stood himself back up, “Everyone only gets one, Joe.”
“Ryo!” he repeated.
“I don’t care,” Tamer shook his head, scratching at his chin with his fingers so deep that it looked like he was beginning to peel the skin off. It was actually disgusting to watch, his nails going deeper and deeper into his skin as he peeled more of his face off. The sound it made when it did was sickening and Ryo took a step back in disgust. And Tamer looked up and the face he saw was…not what he expected.
He expected some bloody skull to be staring back. To be fair, it would probably be the least insane thing he’d seen Tamer do. But instead, what he saw was a completely different face staring back. Ryo was perplexed, “What? You change your face again? Tell me that’s not how you do it.”
“Oh wow, you really are slow,” he responded, dropping the face he’d just peeled off and going over to flick him across the nose, “What does that idiot see in you lesser life forms? He goes through all that trouble to save you and all you do is be stupid. It’s like you’re all screaming ‘Kill me! Kill me!’. Bringing water to a person who insists on dying of thirst is less trouble than this. What’s the point? I’ll never understand what he’s thinking.”
Ryo was now at least beginning to follow this a little better, “Okay, I think I get it. You’re not Tamer. But then who are you and why are you wearing Guardian robes?”
“Guardian robes? Is that what he’s calling it now? Digital Agents! Agents! Not Ancient! Not Precursor! Not Fore-bearer! Not Guardian! Agent!” the not-Tamer stated angrily, waving his hands in the air as he spoke. Somehow, this kid was more annoying than Tamer had ever been. And Ryo was ready to deck him again if it weren’t for the fact he still had his fist in his hand. He pulled his fist out of his grip and stated, “That doesn’t really answer my question.”
The boy finally seemed to notice he was present and his tone shifted to boredom, “Hm? Oh, right. You’re still here. Hello! Name’s The Trickster. If you haven’t figured it out yet, I’m an Agent like Tamer. Only I’m not really invested in maintaining any kind of order. I’m just in this for the laughs and the giggles. And if I can screw with people’s lives while I’m at it then all the better!” 
“You’re...like Tamer,” Ryo repeated stupidly. 
“Look! It’s learned to mimic language!” Trickster mocked him, snapping his fingers in his face to get his attention. Ryo swatted his hand away and got his own hand slapped back in response, “Now pay attention because I’m not repeating! You can biomerge now! Congratulations! Go tell your friends Ruki and not-Ruki so you can all have a nice big party! Bad news! You can’t go near computers without breaking them so try to avoid the hypnosis people! Or hypnotize or whatever pretentious name they’re using. Other bad news! You need a strong emotional response to get the blood flowing in that regard so let’s get the blood flowing and trigger some emotions!”
He took a step back and reached into his robes to produce a little scared Calumon pleading and begging to be let go, “What’s happening? Where am I!? WHAT IS THIS PLACE!? HELP ME!”
Ryo tried to jump at him to get the little digimon but The Trickster side stepped him and stood along the edge of the rooftop, “Oh dear. Looks like this thing is very important to you.”
“Give him back!” Ryo snapped, making the Trickster cackle. 
The Trickster waved a finger at him like he were a misbehaving child and remarked, “It’s just a shame what I’m about to do next.”
“Help! Please let me go! I’m sorry for whatever I did! Please just let me go!” Calumon pleaded at the top of his voice. Now it was Cyberdramon’s turn to lunge forward, but Ryo threw his arm out, “Cyberdramon! Don’t! He’s going to hurt Calumon!”
“Juri, cease your traumatic state and continue to identify objects!” the mechanical voice droned on. It was her own voice again, used by this thing to control her. Manipulate her. Force her to do what it wanted, “Identify!”
All she could think about…all she could focus on was Beelzemon killing Leomon. How it had been Tamerkato who enticed him to do it. How all this was probably her own fault for being a horrible partner. She could feel this thing trying to block these thoughts out with more images of things it was finding…but every image, every thought kept coming back to one thing: Beelzemon.
Calumon? The sight of him calmed her for a moment - what was he doing? No, who was holding him? They were supposed to save Calumon. That was why they went to the Digital World. But who had him and why was he dangling Calumon over a roof? He needed to be saved! He needed to be protected! He was the Catalyst, the source of strength that gave digimon the power to digivolve. If anything happened to him, it was game over for everyone else. She had to save him. To protect him!
“Subject identified as Calumon. Digital Lifeform acknowledged. Power source. Acquiring target!”
“Wait...what? Uh oh,” was all Juri could manage to say as she realized she might have just set this thing after Calumon.
“Hurt the Catalyst? Well now I know you’re not paying attention,” the Trickster remarked, feigning being insulted while he still had that stupid evil smile on his face, “This thing is the source of digivolution! Why would I hurt it? That’d be stupid. Y’think I’d just sully the memory of the Agents like that? No, don’t be stupid! I’m not going to hurt him!”
“Then what are you doing?” Ryo demanded angrily, Cyberdramon roaring with his growing anger. The Trickster laughed, “Oh me? I’m doing this!”
He tossed Calumon into the air and the digimon promptly fell to the ground. From several stories up. He may not be trying to hurt him but he wasn’t above throwing the digimon to his death apparently. 
“NO!” Ryo cried out, leaping over the edge of the roof and reaching his hand out to the falling digimon. Then he heard his partner calling out from behind him, “RYO!”
He looked back up and could see Cyberdramon coming after him. It was a surprise to him. In all the time he’d been partnered with the digimon - it was strange to see him coming to his rescue. Normally, he had to restrain his partner from mauling someone or something. Not that it was unwelcome. It was just not what he was used to. Still, he had to save Calumon and he reached his arm out to the digimon, “Almost!”
Cyberdramon grabbed his arm, “Ryo! What are you doing!?”
“We need to save Calumon!” Ryo shouted.
“HE CAN FLY!” Cyberdramon countered. As soon as he said that, he saw the little digimon’s eyes widen in surprise and his ears expand out like wings - slowing his descent so that he glided slowly downward. Ryo’s mouth fell open, “You could do that the entire time!?”
“I forgot!” Calumon said innocently enough, his screams of terror turning to embarrassment as they reached the street below safely. For a moment, they stopped to catch their breath until one of the bird things appeared from nowhere and grabbed Calumon - flying away towards the D-Reaper. The little digimon started screaming again, this time for real as he tried to break free of the bird thing’s hold on him. Cybderamon immediately gave chase, spreading his wings so that he could fly as fast as his body could carry him after the bird.
For his part Ryo, tried reaching for his deck to start buffing his partner but the speed they were going made the cards scatter from his hands. He tried to grab them but they were gone with the wind now - he’d just lost their one advantage. He looked ahead again after the bird thing holding Calumon. His partner was on his own now and he was just dead weight. Sure he could use the digivice, but what good was that when he wasn’t a strong fighter? And these things - the birds were beginning to swarm around them to stop the pursuit. They couldn’t afford to be stopped now though - not when Calumon was right there. They had to save the little digimon! They had to!
The bird things were slamming themselves into Cyberdramon now to slow down his pursuit. And Cyberdramon was doing everything he could to protect his partner. Ryo hated that. He didn’t like being useless. More than that, he never thought he’d see the day where he gave a crap about his partner’s well being. He wished he could help. He just…
“Cyberdramon! Biomerge to!”
Ryo felt a strange sensation bathe him in warmth and a soft glow of light over take his vision. Then he felt a strange compulsion to cry out, “JUSTIMON!”
Without really knowing why, he also felt a strong desire to punch and beat as many of these bird things out of his way as possible - hitting as many of them back as he could, “BACK OFF! OUT OF MY WAY! CALUMON!”
“HELP ME!” the little digimon cried out at the top of his lungs. He had to try harder to get as many of these things out of his way as possible to save Calumon! He was so close. He could almost reach the digimon when a blast of light cut off his path to the bird thing holding Calumon.
He looked off to the side to see Beelzemon making his way through the streets with his shotgun in one hand and was looked like a cannon in the other. He pointed it upwards and fired a beam of light straight at more of the birds, “BEAT IT YOU RATS WITH WINGS!”
What was he doing here? You got me. Whose voice was that? It’s mine! Ryo had never been more confused in his life, unsure why there was a voice echoing in his head that wasn’t his own. You think about that girl with the pineapple hair a lot. Just confess already! You know she probably likes you too. 
“Cyberdramon?” he asked no one in particular only to hear the voice confirm it. Unfortunately, Beelzemon heard him too and was looking up at him, “What are you supposed to be? Another one of those things? Well I got something just for you!”
“Wait! Don’t shoot! It’s me!” he called out to Beelzemon. Beelzemon paused, then pulled the trigger anyway. The beam of light that shout out of the cannon flew straight at him, missing him by a narrow inch. Ryo looked over his shoulder to see a bunch of the bird creatures scattering behind him. How had he missed that?
No time to focus on that. He descended to join Beelzemon, “Thanks for not shooting at me.”
“Don’t celebrate yet,” the digimon raised the cannon so that he found himself looking down the barrel at it, “Who are you and why shouldn’t I just pull the trigger?”
Great plan you had there Ryo, now we’re in serious trouble. Ryo threw up his hands and tried to explain, “It’s me...Ryo.”
“We...fought in the Digital World? My partner is...was...Cyberdramon!” he explained. Beelzemon turned his head, “You’re going to have to run all of that by me because I have no idea what you’re talking about. And keep it quick. These things are gathering around.”
Ryo gulped, realizing time was off the essence with these things gathering around quickly. And then he remembered that Calumon was in danger. But there was no rescuing him now that they were cut off from him.
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malumsmermaid · 5 years
I’d Do Anything-5
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I finally fucking finished this chapter of my CEO!Ash/poly!Cashton fic. It’s been a minute I know and I’m sorry but uh this is a long one I promise.
Warnings: Smut
Word Count: 5,421
The rest of the week flew by, Lily had fully settled into her new role with the company. She spent her days flitting back and forth between Ashton and Calum’s offices, one sometimes following her to the other. She’d spend time on the phone with other branches and wandering the offices, getting updates on smaller projects that they’d delegated to other people, then relaying all the updates to Calum and Ashton.
Calum’s new project was moving beautifully through its first stage and he was bringing Lily with him to a charity gala at the Four Seasons in Baltimore in a few weeks. It would be her first big event as the Chief Business Advisor and he was going to use it as an opportunity to catch up with some of their east coast partners and see if he could get support for the project from at least one of them.
Friday, Lily walked into the office, carrying coffee for herself, Ashton, and Calum. She set the tray down on Ashton’s desk, depositing her bag on the couch, picking up her drink and taking a seat. She was about to get her laptop out of her bag while she waited for Ash and Cal to come in when she saw two boxes sitting on the coffee table, a sticky note with her name written in Ashton’s handwriting sitting on top of them. She set the coffee down and picked up one box, the sticky note falling off and hitting the floor.
Lily slipped the top off of the box, smiling as she saw the coral colored iPhone that she had signed up for, surprised that it had shown up so soon since the keynote. She picked up the two slimmer packages that had been beneath the phone’s box, finding a simple clear phone case and a pack of glass screen protectors. She quickly put both on the phone, plugging it in and powering it on, waiting for it to go through its initial start and set up.
Just as she was about to reach for the longer box still sitting on the table, Calum and Ashton walked in, Calum closing the door behind them. Both were clearly half awake, Calum’s eyes going straight to the coffee cups on Ashton’s desk, striding over there and finding the one with his order printed on it, taking a sip, a deep sigh passing his lips as he drank. Meanwhile, Ashton had stopped in front of the door, his eyes having landed on Lily and the boxes in front of her, face lighting up. He finally walked over, sitting next to her on the couch after pushing her bag to the side.
“When I got this, it was just going to be because I felt like I needed my assistant to be as up to date as possible. Couldn’t get you an XR and leave you with a series 2 watch, but I guess now you can consider it a happy promotion gift.” Ashton said, gently picking up the box and handing it to Lily.
Lily looked up at him, eyebrows raised as she removed the lid, looking down at the new watch inside.
“I got it myself, so it doesn’t matter that you weren’t on the watch sign up list.” He added, shifting in his seat since he knew Lily didn’t feel the need for a new watch.
She sighed, leaning forward and wrapping her arm around Ashton, “Thanks Ash,” she whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek.
He jumped a little, but settled into her arms, returning the hug. His eyes slid closed, leaning into the hug for what was probably a little too long. They both parted, Lily picking up her new phone, getting ready to finish running through the set up and Ashton stood, finally going over to get his coffee and to start the day.
The day came to an end and Lily was getting her things together, Ashton waiting for her so they could go over to his apartment. Calum walked into the office to say goodbye, giving Lily a long, hard kiss before pulling away, forehead leaning on hers before he gave her a gentle kiss to the tip of her nose, smiling and nodding at Ashton before walking out to go to the garage.
Ashton held his hand out to Lily once she had her bag over her shoulders, smiling at her shyly. “Cal was over at my place last night, he drove me here so I kind of need a ride home.” He smiled as she leaned into him, nodding and leading the way out of the office, hitting the lights before Ashton closed and locked the door.
They walked side by side out of the main office, hands brushing at their sides as they waved to the few people still sitting behind their computers. Ashton opened Lily’s driver side door for her once they were in the garage, closing it behind her before walking around to the passenger side. He plugged his phone into her cassette tape after he clicked his seatbelt, pulling up the playlist he and Calum had created last night. He chose the first song as Lily pulled up to the payment machine at the exit, scanning her ID badge so it would let her out without payment. Lily looked to her right, smiling at him as the gate bar rose in front of them.
Lily drove to Ashton’s apartment building, both of them smiling and singing along to the music as she drove. She turned into the parking garage, punching in Ashton’s code and entering. She drove up a few levels and parked next to Ashton’s car. They both grabbed their things from the backseat and walked downstairs to the building’s entrance. Ashton waved to the guard at the desk and walked to the elevator, arm going around Lily’s shoulder as they waited. Once they stepped through the door Ashton hit the button for the top floor, holding the door for another neighbor who was running over from the entrance. The two men nodded at each other and Ashton let the door close, asking the other man for his floor and pushing the button for him. All three of them leaned against the elevator walls and Lily felt the other man’s eyes on her. She chewed her lip and tried to ignore him, knowing he’d be gone soon. She busied herself with her phone, occasionally glancing at the man to her right. The elevator slowed to a stop and the door opened. The other man hesitated a moment, not getting off. “Have a good night.” Ashton said pointedly, giving the man a look.
He responded with the same, giving Lily one last once over before leaving the elevator. Ashton scowled, pressing the close door button repeatedly until the door started moving. “Fucking creep,” he muttered, “should’ve just let him wait for the next one.”
Lily just shrugged, continuing to lazily scroll on her phone as the elevator continued moving upwards. Ashton wrapped his arm around her shoulder when it reached the top floor, guiding her out of the elevator. There were only two apartments on the floor, one door on each wall of the short hallway. Ashton walked her to the door opposite of the elevator, punching in a code and opening the door, letting her walk in ahead of him. “Make yourself at home, love.” He said as he kicked his shoes off and strode towards the kitchen. Lily took her sandals off and walked in, finding somewhere to put her bag down before joining Ashton in the kitchen.
“Need me to help with anything?” she asked, looking around the large room, having only been in Ashton’s apartment on short missions to pick up something he’d forgotten.
Ashton shook his head, turning away from where he was filling a pot with water, smiling at her. He picked her up, setting her on the island counter and humming to himself. He gave her a quick kiss to the cheek before checking on the pot, turning off the water and adding a bit of salt before putting the pot on the burner, cutting it on to get the water to heat up. He then reached up and grabbed two wine glasses from the open shelves to the right of the stove. He turned around, setting the empty glasses next to Lily and crouching down and opening the wine fridge next to her legs. He pulled out a bottle of cabernet and poured the red wine into each glass, leaving the bottle on the counter and handing Lily her glass.
“Cal and I did all the prep last night, all you’ve gotta do is sit there and look pretty while I get everything cooked.” Ashton smiled at her, giving her another quick peck before walking over to the large, stainless steel, french door refrigerator and pulled out the chicken.
The doors closed behind him and he reached up, grabbing a pan from the rack and walking back to the stove, putting oil in the pan and heating it. He trotted back over to the fridge, grabbing the measuring cup full of marinara sauce and spices they’d put together. The oil in the pan began sizzling and he put down the bread crumb coated pieces of chicken. He checked the pot, humming quietly and grabbing the pasta box sitting on the counter, pulling out the noodles and dropping them into the water.
He finished frying off the chicken, putting them in a pan and covering them in sauce and cheese, putting it in the oven. He set the timer and took a sip of his wine, turning to face Lily again, smiling at her.
She hummed, looking at him over her wine glass. “Y’know Ash, there were a few times that Calum and your frat brothers at school complained to me about some of your date nights, and I’m kinda surprised you’re still living in an apartment instead of a house. I mean, your kitchen is like half the size of my entire apartment on its own. Just kinda curious why you’d rent an apartment this size instead of getting a house.”
Ashton laughed softly, setting his wine back down and stepping closer to Lily. He set one hand on her waist, the other reaching up to run through her auburn hair. He tilted his head as he looked at her, hazel eyes meeting green. “It’s simple Lil,” he started, “if I get a house, visiting business partners are gonna know that I can cook. I only cook for myself and people that are special to me.” Lily chewed at her lip at that statement and Ashton smiled as he noticed, leaning in closer to her. “Secondly, outdoor pool on the roof, gym on the third floor, and indoor pool with a hot tub on the first. Don’t have to go looking for or do any maintenance for that stuff myself here. And as for your opener, don’t share any walls with anyone and my only neighbor is out of town a lot, usually when she’s home, I’m not here, so it doesn’t really matter.” Lily blushed as he finished, Ashton the closest to her that he had ever been. Their foreheads and the tips of their noses were touching, their lips just a small movement from connecting and she could feel her heart pounding in her throat. “And as for what the boys told you…you don’t know the half of it.”
Right as Ashton finished his statement a timer went off and he smirked, quickly pulling away from her and going to check the pasta. He gave it a quick stir and tested a noodle, humming before bringing another over to her. He held it out, and Lily reached up to take it, but Ashton pushed her hand back down, holding the noodle over her mouth. She looked up at him, licking her lips slowly before opening her mouth and he let the noodle fall into her mouth. She hummed happily and he smiled, turning back to the stove to take the pasta out of the water and went to dump the hot water into the sink. Lily hummed, hopping off of the counter and turning off the burner, grabbing another noodle and popping it in her mouth.
“What happened to sitting on the counter looking pretty, love?” Ashton said lowly, hands gripping Lily’s waist as he stood behind her, head resting on top of hers.
“Spaghetti,” she said simply, holding a noodle up to him.
He let out a chuckle, taking it from her and eating it before picking her up and setting her back on the counter. “Stay.”
His voice was so firm that Lily just gave a quick nod and crossed her legs, sitting still while they waited for the oven timer to go off. After it did, Ashton went through his cabinets, fixing their plates and setting the table. Once he’d finished he helped Lily off of the counter and walked her over to the table, pulling her chair out for her. They sat there, happily eating and chatting to each other for a while before moving over to the living room, situating themselves on the couch, Ashton’s arm over Lily’s shoulders as he scrolled through Netflix.
Once he’d picked a movie, he tossed the remote back on his glass coffee table, slowly beginning to run his fingers through Lily’s hair. She hummed quietly, continuing to stare at the tv as the movie started, curling into Ashton’s side. Ashton smiled as he glanced down at her. He wasn’t much for cuddling, but he didn’t mind the way that Lily had tucked herself into him. He shifted after a few minutes, undoing a couple more of the buttons of his shirt. He sunk further into his leather sofa, sighing in content and pulling Lily closer. They both sat there quietly watching the movie, staying close together. After awhile Lily started playing with Ashton’s fingers, slowly lacing them with hers. He hummed, slowly looking down to where their hands were entwined, Lily wasn’t paying attention to what she was doing, eyes focused on the tv as she kept hold of his hand. He smiled to himself, twitching his fingers to try to get her attention. She hummed quietly, looking up at him as he pulled her hand closer to him, leaning down slightly to press his lips to her knuckles.
She sighed happily, sitting up slightly. Ashton looked down at her, humming quietly before lifting her and placing her in his lap. His arms were tight around her waist and he nestled his head on her shoulder, trying to bring his attention back to the movie. Lily just leaned back into him, letting out a soft sigh as she leaned her head against his.
The movie ended and Lily shifted in Ashton’s lap to grab her empty wine glass. Ashton hummed quietly as she slowly moved away, his eyes following her as she crossed the room to the kitchen. It was when he heard the faucet start running that he jumped up. He walked over, pausing to lean against the post that was worked into his bar counter, eyes on Lily’s back, watching as she reached over for the pan that he had left next to the sink, oblivious to his stare. Lily began dancing as she rinsed the pan, and Ashton smirked a little, eyes dropping to where her blouse was tucked into the back of her jeans. He had originally intended to make her stop doing his dishes, but now his mind was wandering again. He reached across the counter, picking up his phone. It was still linked to the speaker system and he quickly pulled up a song from his playlist that he’d use for parties. He could hear Lily giggle by the sink and turned his attention back to her after looking at the clock above the stove. It was only 8:30, and he wasn’t ready for Lily to leave.
She set the last dish in the drying rack and Ashton walked over, hands making their way to her hips. He allowed her to dry her hands before moving her away from the sink. She hummed quietly, leaning into him as he slowly began to sway along to the beat of the music. Lily began dancing with him, leaning back against his body more and Ashton smiled, slowly letting his hands wander as they continued to dance.
By the third song his left hand had found its way to the ponytail Lily had used to keep her hair out of the way as she washed the dishes. He looped the hair around his fingers, using it as leverage as he tilted her head before leaning down and beginning to press gentle kisses along her neck. Lily’s eyes fluttered closed and she leaned into him, barely supporting herself and no longer dancing. He pulled away slightly, hand gently sliding out of her hair before spinning her around, holding her to his chest. He easily picked her up, hands resting under her thighs before he set her on the nearest counter. He leaned in close, allowing their foreheads to touch as his hazel eyes locked on her green. He licked his lips, taking a slow breath before barely whispering, “May I?”
Lily closed her eyes as she nodded, hands working into his golden curls as they began kissing. Ashton’s hand returned to her ponytail, holding her in place as he pressed his body as close to her as he could get. The kiss lasted for a minute, Ashton slowly moving his lips against hers before tracing their shape with his tongue. As she was about to part her lips to give him access he pulled away, using his grip on her ponytail to tilt her head before trailing his lips along her jaw.
Her arms rested over his shoulders and she tilted her head further to the side, giving Ashton more access as he slowly began sucking at her skin. She let out a gasp, but allowed him to leave a few marks on her neck, carefully shifting to let her legs wrap around his waist. Ashton hummed quietly, moving one hand to her hip, tugging her so she was on the very edge of the counter. She hummed, holding him tighter to feel like she had more balance.
Ashton pulled away gently, leaning his forehead on Lily’s, staring into her green eyes. She gave him a small smile before leaning in and connecting their lips again. This kiss was more heated than the first, and this time Ashton took the first opportunity Lily gave him to let his tongue pass her lips. She let out a hum, pressing her body closer as she threaded her fingers through the curls at the back of his neck again, giving them an experimental tug.
Ashton let out a groan, slightly removing his lips from hers before reconnecting them again, this time taking her lower lip between his teeth as he began pulling at her shirt, removing it from the waistband of her jeans. He hummed as he bunched the fabric in his hands once it was freed, pulling back for a moment to look down at Lily, who whined at the loss of contact from his chest pressed to hers. He smiled a little as she grabbed at his half-open shirt, trying to bring him back to her. He then quickly tugged her shirt over her head, tossing it behind him towards the island counter. He undid the two remaining buttons on his own shirt, letting it come completely open before pressing back to Lily. He felt her hands running over his exposed chest as he nestled his head into her shoulder, lips trailing along her skin before whispering, “M’gonna take care of you sweetheart, promise.”
He pushed her body back a couple inches on the countertop as his lips began to follow the path of her bra strap downwards. He only paused a moment to reach behind her and remove her bra, setting it down next to Lily once it was off, taking a moment to look down at her, his eyes hungry as he drunk in the image of her, now only in her jeans as she sat on his kitchen counter.
Ashton then dipped his head back down, decorating her skin with his appreciation of her. As he left his mark cover her skin he fumbled to get her jeans undone, taking them and her underwear and pulling them down to her knees once they were free. He felt Lily squirming under his touch and was about to comment on it when he felt the clothing hit the floor at his feet. He kicked the pants to the side, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips one last time before moving to crouch in front of her.
Ashton shrugged his shirt off before shifting closer to Lily. He didn’t even have to touch her legs as she put them over his shoulders automatically. He froze as the image of Calum disappearing under Lily’s dress in his office crossed his mind. He chewed his lip, looking up into Lily’s green eyes above him, quickly pushing the image to the side as he turned his head to suck a new mark onto the inside of her thigh, smiling at the sound that fell from her lips. He made a twin on her other thigh before flicking his tongue out and running it through her. Ashton shivered at his first taste of her, reaching up to grab her hip with one hand as he pressed closer, using the other to spread her legs just that little bit more that he needed. He ran his tongue through her just a couple more times before attaching his lips to her clit, giving it a few gentle flicks with his tongue before sucking on the bundle of nerves. He felt his shoulders relax slightly as Lily let out a high pitched whine, tightening her legs around his shoulders. He smiled slightly, keeping up his work as he slid two fingers into her without warning. She cried out again, and he hummed. He knew he should be taking this slower, learn more about Lily with each move, but he also was desperate, he’d waited far too long for this and just wanted to make it up to both himself and Lily. He hummed, slowly beginning to thrust his fingers in and out of her while keeping his mouth on her clit.
After a particularly harsh suck and curling his fingers, Ashton felt Lily flutter around him and smiled, glancing up at Lily until her voice fell on his ears, crying out, “Cal, fuck.”
He froze right then, pulling away from her and Lily’s eyes fluttered open, looking into Ashton’s eyes, the usually bright hazel darkened and he turned his head, biting harshly at the inside of her thigh. She let out a quiet whimper as Ashton rose to his feet, taking in the way he had squared his shoulders as he looked down at her. “M’sorry Ash,” she whimpered, reaching for his arm, the next words falling from her lips in a rush, “only ever had Calum make me feel like that, didn’t say that on purpose I swear-“
She was cut off as Ashton connected their lips in a bruising kiss, hand tightening its hold on her hips. She gasped when Ashton pulled away again, trying to get air back into her lungs when she felt him pull her from the counter, hands quickly turning her to face it before one came to push between her shoulder blades, pressing her body into the stone. She held still once the weight of his hand had left her body, hearing the sound of his zipper coming undone and foil tearing. She took a deep breath, preparing herself as she felt Ashton come closer again.
Lily felt Ashton’s chest against her back before his lips pressed to her skin. His breath was hot on her neck when he mumbled, “Better get used to it not just being Calum making you feel like that, sweetheart. Now, are you going to be a good girl for me? Not gonna cum until I say, ok?”
Lily nodded quickly, whimpering out, “Yes Ash, I promise, I’ll be good, please.” She didn’t care if she sounded desperate in that moment. The tight coil she had been feeling in her stomach when Ashton was between her thighs earlier was unwinding in the minute that had passed since he had removed his mouth from her and she didn’t want it to come completely undone.
Ashton sucked a new mark into her neck and she could feel the smile threatening to pull at the corners of his lips when he pulled away, the weight of his torso leaving her back, but his hand firmly pressing her down again. Lily let out a whine at the feeling of the head of Ashton’s cock slightly pushing into her, only for him to run it through her folds a few times. Finally he sunk into her, both of them letting out sinful moans as he bottomed out, his fingertips digging into her back while he took hold of one hip with his other hand. He gently rubbed a circle on her hip with his palm and Lily tensed, anticipating for the hand to leave and return with a slap. Instead, Ashton let out a hiss and gripped her hip tighter as she tightened around him.
Slowly, Ashton began to pull out, managing to just start out with a few shallow thrusts as he warmed up. He kept that up for just a few more moments before starting to pick up his pace, finding an angle that allowed him to go deeper into her. Once he’d found exactly where he wanted to be, he began thrusting his hips faster, the sound of Lily’s moans and his skin hitting hers filling the kitchen. He brought his hand around to press his thumb to her clit, roughly playing with it as he continued full thrusting in and out of her at a punishing pace.
Not too long after, Ashton’s name fell from Lily’s lips, several times, her voice pleading as she begged for him to let her cum. Ashton let out a moan in response to the sound of her voice as she pleaded with him. He kept his pace up, feeling his resolve crumbling as she whimpered for him. A few moments he croaked out, “Now princess, fuck now, cum all over my cock, it’s ok.” He felt her give out underneath him and groaned as she fluttered around him as she finally got to experience her high and he spilled into the condom, slowly continuing to move inside of her to help them both through. As soon as he felt that they were both finished he pulled out, one hand supporting her body as he removed the condom and pulled the trashcan out from behind its cabinet door to dispose of it. He then picked Lily up bridal style, carrying her back to his bedroom, turning off the lights as he went. He carefully set her onto his mattress, smiling at the content sigh that passed her lips.
He went into his bathroom and pulled out a washcloth, wetting it before walking back in to clean up Lily’s thighs. Once he was done he crawled into bed, running his hands through her hair once she’d removed it from the ponytail. She moved to lay her head on his chest and he smiled, “I’m so glad I finally made myself ask you out. I was so worried about what would happen if the date went bad or if you decided you didn’t like me. Like would we stop being friends, would you leave the company? And I almost didn’t give us a chance at all.” Lily smiled at him, her hand gently resting on his cheek and he let out a sigh, “then Monday I walked into Calum’s office to deliver that package he’d been waiting for because I thought he was gone and I saw him under your dress and-“
“Wait, you what?” Lily said, eyes widening as she rolled on top of him, staring at him.
“Fuck, you actually didn’t notice? And Calum didn’t tell you?”
Her mouth hung open as she shook her head no and Ashton cursed again, hands on her shoulders. “I didn’t notice anything Ash. So you walked in on us and decided you needed to get in on that? Is that it?”
Now Ashton’s eyes went wide as he shook his head. “No no, it’s not like that at all sweetheart.” He insisted, holding her closer. “I just, after I told him why I was there, Cal made me wait and I saw the way you were holding his hand while he stayed where he was and then the way he was caring for you after you seemed to come back around, I went back to my office and I just…I knew if I waited too much longer you both may change your minds about the whole poly thing and not want to let me in at all and just be with each other. Even last night when Calum was here helping me get everything ready that thought crossed my mind whenever he would talk about you. It’s been so long since he’s talked about anyone like that, like he’s so smitten and I had to remind myself that he was helping me to make sure that this was going to be a great date for you, and that he wouldn’t just rescind his offer to back off if I didn’t want to share you with him in that moment.”
Ashton laughed and shook his head bitterly, mumbling, “though my plans for the night didn’t include fucking you over my counter. Thought if you let me go that far that we would be wrapped in my bedsheets and that I’d be making love to you. I just let my insecurities and fears take hold in that moment and lost it."
Lily giggled softly and looked up at him, pressing a gentle kiss to the corner of his mouth and he hummed, eyebrows pulling together as he looked down at her. “We could always do that now if you’re so concerned about it, have a little do over.” she whispered, her smile still present as she looked at him.
Ashton grinned in response, rolling on top of her and nodding, pressing kisses across her entire face before reaching into his bedside drawer, both of them happy to get lost in each other again.
The next morning Ashton woke to an empty bed and hummed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he looked around. Then he caught the smell of cinnamon wafting through the open bedroom door and smiled, rising from his bed and grabbing a clean pair of boxers and putting his glasses on before making his way to the kitchen, where he was greeted by the sight of Lily in a pair of his basketball shorts and an old t-shirt. She was leaning against the island, mug of coffee in her hands as she stared at the oven timer.
Ashton smiled at her sleepily as he prepared his own mug of coffee, before joining her in leaning on the island, his arm wrapping around her shoulder as he whispered, “Good morning Lily.”
She sighed, instantly curling to his side and he smiled, noting the purple marks he had left on her. They both stood there sipping their hot coffee until the oven dinged and Lily hopped forward excitedly, grabbing a towel and using it to remove the pan of cinnamon rolls from the oven. Ashton watched as she naturally flitted around his large kitchen, finding a knife to spread the icing onto the rolls with as they cooled.
She expertly covered them, then dabbed a bit of the icing onto Ashton’s cheek. He gasped, staring at her in disbelief as she grabbed one roll for herself and darted away. He shook his head, swiping it from his cheek and licking his finger before grabbing his own roll and following her to the couch to eat, ready to enjoy the bit of morning he could get with her before she had to return home to check on Smokey.
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bapydemonprincess · 5 years
Not Just One Hell of a Butler
Here is a story scenario I never thought I would ever write out when getting into kuro. But it happened!
This story takes place in the regular canon time, sometime. Not sure of which arc, though. But the point is, at some point Sebastian and Grelle got together, were a couple for a bit... and then SUDDENLY.. a certain lovestruck maid of phantomhive is confessing her love! To both reaper and demon!!
So what happens next..? Well, the three of them talk, and then decide to test things out! And lo and behold, find that they truly do fit like a glove together. ❤️
But that’s only the prologue! What happens in THIS story is long after the trio have gotten together, when they’re starting to feel like a real true couple, and absolutely NOTHING could possible come up to tarnish it! Right..?
Well, nothing except for a little secret the demon of the group has actually been hiding from his human lover all this time...
So, with a little help from her love Grelle (In the form of a letter done by none other than my dear sweet partner in crime @grelleswife 🖤) Mey-rin makes it her NEW mission to sort things out between her and Sebastian!
Also this story has hints of NSFW a bit, just so you know~
Sebastian was most definitely acting off, Mey-rin confirmed, her sharp eyes even sharper now as they studied the demon when they could, like when they passed each other in the halls or on the stairs.
Getting to view him from the front, the maid noticed he couldn’t even disguise whatever was wrong behind a mask of polite indifference, and when she’d dare to greet him as well, he would give her the very weakest little smile she’d ever seen on him.
It almost physically hurt to see, even though she had no clue what was going on.
They had all known each other for up to five years now, and Mey-rin liked to think they’d all become very close in that time.
Well, perhaps some closer than others...
In truth, though they still acted out their proper roles during the daytime and absolutely never caused any mischief while working around the manor, the head maid and the head butler had been very carefully and quietly working their way into each others lives on a more... personal level.
Oh it made Mey-rin flustered just thinking about it!! But she couldn’t help it when it was still such an unbelievable thing! Sebastian Michaelis... finally accepting her feelings...
And not only that but.. but.. that gorgeously outrageous supposed “Grim Reaper” known as Grelle Sutcliff cared about her as well!
Those two had been together behind closed doors for a bit before the water gates had finally flooded for the maid, just.. spilling out everything and not expecting a good reaction.
However, to her surprise, both reaper and butler had stepped forward to comfort her, and then soon after.. discussed things with her that Mey-rin had NEVER imagined!!
She’d sworn her face had been red for DAYS after that glorious time, and yet.. she never awoke from such a ridiculous fantasy. Pinching herself never did anything either!
So now, here she was, with two amazing lovers. One she got to see every single day for possibly the rest of her life! And the other.. well, as a “Grim Reaper” it made it difficult for Grelle to find free time to come back and be with them, but she definitely made it worth it when she could! Scooping Mey-rin up, twirling her around, kissing her with abandon... going to do the same to the butler who stood by watching with a look he now had had since this started as if he too was in amazement..
And then they’d peel off layers and talk long into the night, while still showering each other with affection.. and sometimes... more~ !
“OY- MEY!” 
Mey-rin immediately started, suddenly aware of her current location of just in the middle of the upstairs hall, with a mop and bucket, and sort of just... snuggling the mop handle like a certain someone she wanted to hold forever and ever!
“AHH!” She squealed and pushed the mop handle away, and just enough to make it push the BUCKET over too. “AHH!” She yelped again, flailing her arms.
Bardroy, who was currently the only other soul in the hall, groaned out and hurried forward to grab the poor girl and try to stop her flailing. “Aw jeeze, Mey, calm down! I’ll help ya with that! I was just tryin’ to get yer attention!”
“Wh-what?! Why’s that, Bard?” She asked, quickly becoming calmer and flopping her arms down.
“Yeah, I just needed yer help in the kitchen.. kinda uh, went overboard with the bakin’..” He gradually looked more and more sheepish as he explained.
Mey-rin let out the loudest sigh, slouching even more.
.. However, wait! Perhaps her fellow coworker could help her as well! Sure Mey-rin, Sebastian and Grelle had kept their endeavors with each other a secret for the most part, especially in the mansion, but that didn’t mean Bardroy couldn’t help a little in a general sense of figuring out what could be wrong with their head butler! Perhaps even HE had noticed a slight offness in him??
“Alright, let’s get a towel for this mess and then I’ll help you down there, Bard!” She confirmed, smiling to the chef who looked about ready to deflate with relief.
“... However..!” Mey-rin quickly added, feeling a bit of extra courage go through her for a moment as she thought of the possibility of solving this being a quick fix! It could be easy with the help of her friend, right..?
“Uh, yeah?” Bard prompted, sorta.. dragging a boot over the rug, pulling it towards the little water puddle a bit...
“....” Mey-rin’s courage quickly plummeted as other possibilities of how this discussion could go WRONG started flooding her..
“... Nevermind, le-let’s go.”
“Wha?! What was THAT about?! MEY!”
“SHHH- SHUSH Bard, just come on!!”
Eventually the two servants got to their current objective, cleaning up a huge flour and egg and dough mess in the kitchen... Along with.. smashed pumpkins, for some reason???
Mey-rin looked up at Bard.
So now they finally were in the process of cleaning this disaster, Mey-rin still distracted with her concerns and Bardroy absolutely unaware and just rambling on about how he thought a hammer had been the best way to take care of the pumpkins for the pie!
“So yeah, I woulda just put the pumpkin guts an’ stuff right in the pie and we’d be good t’ go! Or y’know, so I thought!”
“..You thought, did you?” Came a new familiar voice from the entrance, and sounding familiarly perturbed over this.
“AH, oh Christ! H-hey Sebastian..” Bardroy shot up from his stool and stood at attention.
The Butler was indeed now in the doorframe, and yet.. as Mey-rin looked over from her position across the room, even just the way he stood there looked.. off.
Sebastian was not standing straight for once. He was actually.. leaning to one side, arms crossed and legs crossed and looking for all the world like he did not want to be there.
He really wasn’t even trying to hide it currently that something was wrong.
“Yes, hello, Bard. I see you also decided to make Mey-rin help you clean up your mess.” The Butler threw out, the annoyance more clear in his voice now than ever.
Oh dear.. perhaps it was just that Sebastian was not having a good day overall?? Perhaps it was something between him and the young master??
Mey bit her lip hard, swallowing and quickly stepping forward.
“No, no no, Sebastian! He may have come to me, yes, but I- I wholly wished to- to help him, alright?! It’s alright!” She realized her voice sounded way more like she was trying to sooth someone upset and hurt with her instead of an angry butler over another kitchen catastrophe. 
“We- We got this, yes we do, lo-lo- !!” She quickly stopped herself from saying ‘love’ as soon as she could, slapping her hands over her mouth and trying to rethink QUICKLY. “l... lOOK AWAY, it’ll be okay!” She nearly shrieked out.
And then.. oh, what.. what was that look Sebastian was giving her??
Now that she’d finished blabbing out her own take on the situation, she was able to focus on looking. And it.. only made things worse.
Sebastian’s pretty thin eyebrows had lifted, his pupils seemed to have shrunk (from what the sharp eyed maid could tell), and his mouth had gone from a familiar scowl to a very.. unfamiliar little ... pout-like shape?? Was that even possible for Sebastian? To POUT?!
“... Fine. I’ll leave you two to your business..” He spoke, adjusting quickly as he did to a proper straight posture once more and whirling around to walk away.
But.. his voice.. It- It had sounded so soft and tired. An absolute turn around from how he’d just been talking before!!
It made Mey-rin’s heart start to race and clench at the same time. She had to hug the mop handle once again! She had to--
“Hey, Mey.”
Bardroy seemed almost prepared this time, coming to her real close and shaking her shoulders a quick moment.
“Hah?! Uh- wha- what??”
“Hey, hey, c’mon now, shhh. Calm yer self, Mey.” He said, much quieter, his focus now on his companion entirely.
Mey-rin blinked and blinked, then finally shot a hand up to rub at her eye under her glasses.
“Um, I- I’m sorry Bard! I dunno why I’m gettin’ like this, no! I just-”
“Mey, come on.. let’s sit down an’ talk, alright?”
Mey-rin stared up at Bard as if he’d spoken a totally different language.
Sighing, Bardroy nearly dragged the confounded maid over to a stool and sat her down, then went over and closed the kitchen door before coming back to sit beside her. 
Once both were sitting, Bard lit up a cigarette and once again stared Mey-rin in the face.
“Alright, kid. What’s goin’ on?”
Mey-rin promptly grabbed at her glasses and took them off, putting them on the table they sat at and going back to rubbing at her eyes; only now with both hands in on the action.
“It’s- it’s really really complicated so, I can’t explain everythin’, Bard, but I- I... Currently, you see I think somethin’ is wrong with- with Sebastian, yes I do! But- I dunno what ‘cause normally he never gets like this! I’ve never seen this before! I mean he gets irritated and angry, all the time, yes, but this is.. this is... I...”
She started to cry.
She had no idea why she was crying over it, when so far she’d been managing their new roles and secret endeavors fairly well! At least she’d thought so!
But then this had to happen! Just as she was settling in, suddenly Sebastian seemed.. off! Not himself! At all!!
Bardroy had moved closer, hands darting out looking ready to yank her hands off her face, then deciding to get in closer and, wrap around her and pull the young woman close, letting her head fall against his upper chest.
He wasn’t clear on what else to do, but he tried to go with instincts..
“Soo.. ya think maybe one’a us did somethin’, or you did somethin’ in particular to set him off maybe?” He tried to keep the conversation going, even through her crying. Though Bard cared dearly about Mey-rin’s current state, he knew they only had so much time to work with.
Before the butler likely came back again.. And Bard had an inkling things would get much worse if the man saw the two servants together in this position instead of what they should’ve been doing right now.
“Th-that’s what I been thinkin’ yes, but but also that there’s more to it than that! Like somethin’ else is.. is goin’ on! Somethin’ he obviously is so t-torn up about he can’t say!”
By now the full out crying had stopped, thankfully, but Mey-rin still felt utterly anguished and desperate for some sort of answer to this before it got worse.
“Well,” Bard sighed out, freeing one hand to scratch his head. “from what we’ve known of Sebastian, the usual things that get ‘is goat are jus’ US or the young master bein’ extra bratty or some kind of case they’re dealin’ with. That would definitely make sense, ‘cause it’d explain how he’s so closed off! Can’t discuss a case with us unless we can get involved somehow, right?”
Mey-rin nodded in agreement with most of Bard’s points, but still knew that there was something else missing. Something entirely different in this than all the other times Sebastian’s mood had gone sour.
For this time, it seemed the butler had no energy to be truly mad, and it also felt as if it wasn’t entirely anger that he was feeling currently.
The closest Mey-rin could get to thinking of a similar kind of mood was.. something she had perhaps felt. Only her. She had no clue on Bard or others, but.. 
“.. Yeah?”
“D’you think maybe.. Sebastian.. has recently... lost someone he cares about? Like..” Mey-rin’s eyes grew gradually larger. “Like maybe.. one of the cats he cares about ‘round the manor?? Maybe-- maybe one of ‘em DIED, Bard!” Suddenly, her eyes were fogged over again and THIS time, the woman was GRABBING Bard and SHAKING him. “MAYBE ONE OF HIS KITTENS DIED, AND HE’S SUFFERIN’ ALL ALONE ALL THIS TIME, BARD!!”
As a last resort with the hysterical woman, Bardroy thought to grab her BACK by the shoulders and try to YANK her off. But.. her grip hadn’t been that tight, and well.. suddenly Mey-rin was falling backwards off her stool, but grabbing onto Bardroy’s shirt front instinctually to try to prevent it, only to end up making him fall as well.
And in the worst possible position ever.
Groaning, Bard pushed his hands on the floor to lift his upper body up, instinctually knowing he couldn’t stay down and crush the poor girl.
“Ah, Jesus, Mey!” He groaned out, feeling a kink in his back flair up from this display of athleticism.
“Oh- Oh no- I- I- I’m so sorry, Bard, I was havin’ a moment again, yes I was, and I-”
Both servants went entirely silent and stalk still at that noise.
There was nothing but a tiny little glimpse of a pause after that before that voice graced their ears.
“Get up, Bardroy.”
At once Bardroy was up, no back pain in sight as he shot up faster than a bullet zipping out of one of Mey-rin’s rifles.
He would’ve seen Mey-rin do a similar attempt of getting up as well if not for his gaze now TRAPPED in the scalding, hellish glare that was Sebastian Michaelis’ eyes across the room.
“Seb- Sebastian it’s--”
Tone becoming only slightly more level, Sebastian jerked his head a little at the hall behind him.
“Leave, Mey-rin.”
“Wh-what do you mean-”
“I mean I will talk to you in a moment. Now leave.”
Mey-rin felt her eyes prick up with tears again, her hands curl into fists. No, no this wasn’t right. This wasn’t how this was going to go!
Not if she had anything to say on it!
“I’m not leaving without you on tow, Sebastian.”
Mey-rin grabbed her glasses where she’d put them down on the table, but did not put them on yet. No. She stared the butler down hard.
“We need to talk now.”
And that, was when suddenly things seemed to change in a direction very different from the servants usual screw-ups.
As Mey-rin moved almost mechanically around the table, marching up to Sebastian, she stopped right in front of him, and grabbed him by the tie!
“Come on.”
And with that, no matter how mixed up and confused Mey-rin’s mind had been and still was, she single-handedly asserted her dominance over her dear demon lover and hauled him down the hallway.
And... for some reason, Sebastian was actually letting her.
She... couldn’t think about it, all she could do was keep GOING.
So she dragged the butler all the way through to the end of the hallway, past the stairs, and then shoved the front door open and lead him outside.
“There!” She blurted, stopping them, and then quickly released Sebastian’s tie and put her glasses on so she could look up into his face while they finally just.. talked.
“That was- Ah, I did not expect this turn of events..” Was Sebastian’s first response, and it was clear to even him that that wasn’t the best response.
“Well... neither did I, no! But you see, you left me no choice, now.” Mey-rin replied, blushing furiously as she thought of what she HAD JUST DONE and yet trying not to dwell on it too much!
“I- I left you no choice..?” Sebastian echoed, sounding mildly confused and once again a bit.. off. 
His voice kept diving into a strange softness that just STILL felt so wrong! And then Mey-rin looked over his posture once more. One arm down at his side as usual, but his right was strangely up in an interesting pose at his chest.. Not in the way he would do when bowing to someone, but his hand was curled in a bit of a fist.. The first thing this kind of posture reminded Mey-rin of was like.. a lady! A demure lady, no less!
What in the world was going on?! Could losing a kitten reduce Sebastian to acting like this???
“Yes! Yes you did, Sebastian! Because I- I’ve really needed to talk to you for the longest time, yes I have!”
She shot out her hands suddenly, taking his curled up one in her tiny ones and trying to pull it closer..
“... Sebastian.” She too lowered her tone. “Please, tell me why you are.. acting like.. like this?” And all she could think to do was squeeze that hand tight, and then (after the idea burst into her brain like an explosive) start to peel off the crisp white glove, to get to the bare pale flesh under it.. to maybe... kiss--
Sebastian let out a sharp gasp and pulled his hand back. In fact, he took a step back all together!
Mey-rin looked up almost pleadingly into his eyes, only to be met with.. a blushing Sebastian??
Eyebrows skyrocketing, Mey-rin once again tried to close the gap, BUT she held back from touching.
“What is it? Am I doin’ something wrong, Sebastian??”
“I, well, it’s -” Sebastian’s usually sharp eyes were darting around now while he quickly pulled his glove back on. “You are doing absolutely nothing wrong, Mey-rin.. It is merely... I am merely...” After a pause where he looked ready to bolt any second, Sebastian huffed out a rather high-toned sigh and turned away, as if he couldn’t even FACE her!
“Merely what?” Mey-rin choked out, swallowed, then started to reach out again.. “... P-Please... love... I.. I am here for you and whatever you are dealing with, I will listen..”
“I can’t- I can’t tell you.. It isn’t as simple as--” He was so rigid, turned entirely away now, arms clearly moving around to wrap around.. himself. He was hugging himself...!
“You and I both know that I’ve already heard of a lot of things by now that aren’t simple...”
He simply shook his head, and then went even stiffer when Mey-rin tried wrapping her arms around him from behind..
“I... I...”
“Sebastian,” Mey-rin was all but whispering, so softly, so carefully. “Please. Just tell me.”
Another expelling of breath, this time shakier, and also, this time when Sebastian spoke, the simple words almost sounded like they were coming from miles away or deep down a long, dark well..
“... I can’t.”
And suddenly Mey-rin was hugging air.
Instantly she fell flat on her face.
Heaving a loud groan of defeat, Mey-rin sat up on the stony front steps and readjusted her glasses.
“Oh bloody hell,” She muttered, crossing her arms. “I give up! there’s only one other option for this and it had better work!”
And so, when Mey-rin retired to her room that night, she got to work swiftly on a letter.
To my lovely Grelle,
  I hope this letter reaches you quickly, for I’m afraid I am in dire need of your advice! I really did not want to resort to asking you, for I know you are quite busy over there, in wherever it is that place is! But I was left with no choice! You see there has been something wrong with Sebastian, I fear! He is acting most unlike himself constantly, though he still tries his best to do his job, I can pick up clearly these little things that are very different about him! What were those things called? It was a very strange word. New anses? I think it was something like that! You will probably know it when you read this! Anyway, those things are very different from how he normally acts! You know, smirking or looking smug, making dramatic motions and poses and doing well EVERYTHING dramatic!! But now it seems as if something has taken those things away, and replaced them! It really worries me, considering he won’t even tell me what it is that is wrong! In fact, just before writing this, I tried to confront him the best I could! But for some reason he refused to talk! He seemed almost timmid! I think that’s the word! Like being scared but I don’t know why he would be scared of me, or telling me about this! Oh, I hope you will have an answer, Grelle. I am really lost now, and since you were with him like this longer than me, I am hoping maybe he showed you this side too? Please tell me! I want to help him too! Oh if only you were with us more! I really miss you! And I miss all of us being together!
I hope to hear from you soon,
XOXO Mey-rin
Smiling in satisfaction, (and ignoring all the horrid ink stains) Mey-rin carefully rolled the paper up and tied it up tight with a bit of string. This was basically the only way for the woman to communicate with her other lover Grelle, a fascinating system the reaper had explained and showed her after the first night they’d been together.
“With this, our hearts can always be connected my sweet Mey-mey! No matter how far apart we are!”
Of course the need to use it hadn’t really come up before now, but Mey-rin was certain this was a perfect time to try it out finally!
Opening the one lone window facing out towards the side of the manor, Mey-rin put her fingers to her mouth as had been instructed and let out a quick, short whistle to the open air.
And soon enough, a.. little pigeon appeared and carefully landed on the small window sill available.
“Oh my, aren’t you cute!” Mey couldn’t help gushing, but the plump little bird simply stared up at her expectantly...
“Oh yeah!!” Mey cried and quickly fumbled with the little rolled up and tied letter, remembering every little step her love had told her, from beginning to end, as she tied the letter ever so carefully to the leg of the pigeon.
And then once that was done, with even more gentleness than before, Mey lifted the pigeon in both hands and then.. thrust it out the window.
Her heart fluttered as wildly as the pigeons wings were as she watched it head out, in exactly the same direction it had come.
Could it be traceable, perhaps..?
Apparently not, for one blink of her sharp eyes and the pigeon was completely gone from sight!
Sighing, Mey-rin closed her window again and turned to prepare for bed, her mind back to brimming with questions and doubts.
“Oh please, Grelle..” Mey whispered softly in the darkness as she got under the covers, “help me find the way back to Sebastian’s heart... I know you must know.. the way..”
And sleep embraced her.
The following morning, when the maid returned to consciousness, she couldn’t help the sudden bolt of energy she felt as the prospect of getting the desired response!! She shot out of bed in a rather unusual energetic state for this early, rushing to her window and flinging it open!
And found nothing.
Mey-rin even leaned out as far as she could without the chance of falling to see if maybe the bird she was looking for had perhaps landed somewhere else..?
Nope. Still nothing!
Sighing loudly with irritation, Mey-rin turned away and tried her best to ignore her growing sadness again as she got ready for the day. 
But she couldn’t help asking over and over how in the world was she going to go out there and face him after everything that had happened yesterday?! And what about BARD as well?? After her sudden obviously suspicious behavior in the kitchen, even he would likely have a clue as to what was going on between Butler and Maid!
And what if... Bardroy disapproved? He’d always been quite overprotective of their new little found family here. Would the man possibly put his boot down on this? Would he get up in Sebastian’s face, risk life and limb, to tell him off for starting something with her?!
“Oh Bardroy, no!!” Mey cried out loud in the middle of her room, her thoughts whirling, and her hearing just barely picking up the strange noise coming from behind her...
Tap, tap, tap tap tap...
When it finally did register, Mey-rin nearly jumped at the out-of-place noise, whirling around and shooting a hand down for her hidden gun on her hip..
Tap, tap tap tap tap...
Oh. It was just a bird tapping on the windo-- IT WAS THE PIGEON!!
This time Mey-rin did jump, and yet it was for glee as she scurried over to open the window once again and scoop up the precious little bird.
“Oh thank you, thank you thank you!” She hissed out, even going so far as to give the bird a quick little peck on it’s tiny head before she released it and shut the window for the final time.
Mey-rin leapt back into bed like a little girl ready to hear a good bedtime story, untying the bright red shimmering little rope around the paper and unravelling it.
Her stomach couldn’t help but do a little happy dance inside her as she read Grelle’s letter.
My dearest darling Mey-mey,
Oh dear…It sounds like our Bassy is out of sorts. Not showing his usual flair for the dramatic? Little nuances (you spell it with a “u,” darling; the English language is such a tricky bugger!) in his behavior that seem a bit “off”? I can’t say for certain without laying eyes on that beautiful demon myself, but my lover’s intuition might have the answer. I shouldn’t say too much—it would probably be better if you heard it directly from Bassy—but I think our handsome devil is feeling uncomfortable in his skin, so to speak. You know how I sometimes have dark days when being in this body of mine feels like torture, or a curse? Well, darling Sebas goes through times a bit like that, on occasion. Not exactly the same, mind you, but close. How silly of him, being too scared to tell you what’s the matter! I think he’s afraid that you’d judge him, or just wouldn’t understand. I know that isn’t true, darling, but Bassy can be a bloody idiot. Really, I wouldn’t know what to do with that butler if he wasn’t so drop dead gorgeous! With a spot of luck, I should be able to get away from the dispatch this week to visit you two and talk some sense into our dove-feathered raven. I long to taste those heavenly lips of yours, darling…
But I digress! Back to the matter at hand. In times of crisis, ladies must help their sweethearts, mustn’t they? First, when you’re in private, tell Bassy that he’s pretty. Not handsome, not dashing. Pretty. Don’t call him “mister” or “sir,” if you can help it. In situations like this, even the smallest of words can mean the difference between happiness and misery.
You know those hair clips I gave you a while back? The ones that come in pretty shapes like butterflies and flowers? Try putting a few in Bassy’s hair. I know men don’t often wear such things, but trust me. Little Sebas will love them, especially now. A final piece of advice: Be bold with him. Hold his hand more tightly than you otherwise would, and don’t be afraid to take charge in bed! You’ve seen me in action when it’s all three of us together, so you know how a woman can reign sovereign over that demon. I can just picture your rose-red blush upon reading these words, Mey-mey (Oh, mon ange!), but now is not the time to be shy, as much as I love that sweetness of yours.
I miss you both to distraction. If only I were at the manor with you now, instead of buried beneath this damn paperwork! But fear not—I’ll send word as soon as I know when I can visit. I shall fly into your arms more swiftly than Cupid’s arrow, my love!
With deepest devotion and fiery passion,
Your Grelle
Eyes trapped staring at the familiar bright red lipstick stain at the bottom of the paper, Mey-rin lost herself in thinking over her other lover’s advice.
It was.. certainly unexpected! Well, alright not all of it. The part about “taking charge in bed” was something Mey-rin had had an inkling might be brought up by Grelle Sutcliff; likely the most lustful lady Mey-rin had ever met! (Not counting Nina...)
However the rest had taken a turn Mey-rin had never imagined! Calling him “pretty”?? Not calling him mister or sir?! ... PUTTING HAIR CLIPS IN HIS HAIR?!
Mey-rin couldn’t help the reflex of scoffing a bit, looking up finally to stare around her room while she tried to combine these strange new possibilities with the demon she had known for five years, feeling like it had to be impossible that these answers would ever add up!
Until she recalled exactly how said demon had acted yesterday when she’d confronted him.
His face, his posture.. he’d looked so cornered like some.. bashful lady at something like a big party or some such! He’d looked almost like-- !
Like me!
All the times Mey-rin had found herself pinned or cornered, being backed into a spot she could not escape, either literally or figuratively! It hadn’t happened much these days, but back when she’d first began here, there’d been millions of times. From Lady Elizabeth’s “redecorating” to being persuaded to wear dresses (or even swimwear on occasion!) that she was definitely not used to at all.
And she could never forget the nightmares of being at those parties, having men target her either as the hired help or as just a pretty face in a dress, trying to win her over...
Mey-rin briefly went back and forth with the images in her mind- of Sebastian yesterday turned slightly away, hand in a fist curled up to his chest, eyes escaping to the side.. shimmering with something.. so strongly held back.. His mouth a small pout like he was mildly unhappy with the situation, and yet the soft blush rising on his face... it told a different story! -to her own remembered experience of being that wallflower; a slip of a girl at a fancy ball, face bursting with red and eyes also turned away behind her large rounded glasses, and both her hands curled up protectively to her chest...
“Oh... my ... GOD!” Mey-rin gasped out at this revelation occurring in her head.
Sebastian wanted to be a WOMAN?!
But why?! HOW?! and WHY NOW?!! Sebastian had never shown any signs like this before, and he seemed to really enjoy being a butler and a MAN as long as Mey-rin had known him! Even when she now knew under that guise was some kind of supernatural, hellish creature that may not normally abide by human norms such as being labelled a gender of some sort, he certainly didn’t seem uncomfortable to HER in looking and acting like a human male!
Though, looking back into the letter, Mey-rin recalled Grelle mentioning he felt “uncomfortable in his skin” but it wasn’t exactly like what she dealt with!
Then.. what was it?!
Hmmm, she said it was “on occasion”.. So that may explain why she’d never seen this before until now! Perhaps.. perhaps it was more like when clothes and shoes began to wear down after being used so long? Sebastian had been a butler for quite a while, after all... And who knows what he’d been before this and for how long.
Had Sebastian in the past, in other “contracts”, been a female..?
And what had.. she looked like?
Mey-rin’s mind instantly answered with images of a possible female rendition of her demon love, imagining a similar height and similar build, but her body curvy and softer... her face rounder and eyes bigger... lips...
Knock, knock! came from her door and Mey-rin QUICKLY shook her head and smacked the sides of her face with her palms to snap out of it!
“.. Time to get to work, Mey-rin.” came Sebastian’s usual voice. Just.. quieter and almost plain sounding.
“Y-Yes! I’ll be right out, Mis-- Er ah Sebastian!” Mey-rin stammered, remembering at the last minute what Grelle had told her about using certain words and not using certain words.
“even the smallest of words can mean the difference between happiness and misery”
Mey-rin was definitely going to keep that in mind. To see how things went if she perhaps just followed Grelle’s advice to the letter!
She almost didn’t hear Sebastian’s feet quietly clomping away without a response back, she was so pumped to try this!
I trust you with all my heart on this, love! She thought with a bit of heat sinking into her face, and then quickly headed out!
Of course Sebastian along with everyone else was already in the kitchen when she finally made it. And as usual Mey-rin planted her feet in line next to Bardroy, standing straight and proper, arms at her sides, shoulders squared, and eyes boring into the butler across the way.
Sebastian.. went on as usual, though. Listing off today’s chores and everything, eyes more on the papers in his hands than anything else.
Finally, though, he looked up and took all the servants in.
“- Is that understood?” He prompted, like any head butler should.
And of course, everyone automatically shot their hands up to their forehead in a salute.
“..Yes, Sebastian!” Mey-rin cried, timing it perfectly to shout just after everyone else, a big happy smile on her face, just like any other day, right?
... Even Snake was looking at the maid as if she’d spoken something utterly blasphemous.
However, Mey-rin did not care about their reactions. All she cared about was seeing that butler snap his head over to look at her, staring long and hard as if he were asking her ‘what the hell are you up to?’
And yet still she remained in place, still saluting, still smiling, and waited.
“Very well, off to work then.” Sebastian entoned, not bothering to put the papers down for once but merely slapping them and his other hand together in a clap.
And then his eyes darted for those papers again.. turned away, almost as if trying to.. escape.
This proved to only make it easier for Mey-rin to stealthily slip up beside him, and shoot up and kiss his cheek. Firmly.
“..I.. I think you really look pretty today, dear.” She nearly squeaked out, nerves giving in a little. But it wasn’t going to entirely stop her! No way!
And was rewarded grandly for her efforts by seeing Sebastian Michaelis turn... pink! He shifted a little to face her now, eyebrows lifting and eyes widening, and Mey-rin felt her heart dancing with victory.
All she could do was grin, give the butler a WINK, and tell him “See you in a bit, my darling!”
And then Mey-rin BOLTED OUTTA THERE, trying to contain a squeal that kept building and building AND BUILDING!!
It’s working! I think it’s WORKING, Grelle! She shrieked in her mind, wishing her reaper was there to tackle in an embrace and bounce around a bit.
But no, not yet. Soon she would be, but in the meantime, Mey-rin knew now what she had to do! She KNEW she could do this!!
Over the course of the day, Mey-rin made sure even while still doing her job to run into the same path as the butler.
She started off with just giving him more of those side-eyes and smiles, winks and lingering stares.
This rapidly dissolved to stopping him for a quick cheek kiss here and there, maybe more than one! The more she kissed Sebastian’s flustered soft face, the more she really learned to appreciate it, wanting to see it more! Wanting to touch it more! Wanting to grab him up with all her strength and pin him to a wall! Lifting those long legs (or at least one), and gripping and squeezing his hip with the other tightly as she delved into the hot gasping cavern of his gaping mouth, moaning back along with him.. He was so hot, so gorgeous, she wanted to ravage this demon!
“M-Mey- I- I- I want,” Sebastian was gasping as he arched against a wall, not caring the least at the new slightly awkward arrangement of being aggressively smothered by the smaller woman. “I-I need -!” 
Mey-rin only pulled away a few inches, still breathing harshly against his jaw and neck.
It took her a moment to think of what to say in this situation, for all she had really worked out was just dishing out more affection than before to the demon, but now as her brain started to come back to reality a moment, putting the slowly spiralling down smut to the side for an instant, she thought on what Sebastian was really saying to her currently. Well, more like begging for...
Oh, yeah!
Mey-rin slowly mouthed over Sebastian’s long, thin angled jaw, teeth barely grazing.. before curling her tongue out to lick.
“What do you need, love? Go on, tell me... I will do everything in my power to give it to you...” She managed to purr out, trying for the suavest voice she could manage given the higher tone of her voice.
It seemed to actually work, too! Sebastian was now practically shuddering against her!
“Ta-take me, love.” He finally got out, voice so soft, so so SO shaken that it made the woman pinning him firmly into the little alcove corner wall start to lose her balance at just hearing it!
“Oh sh-shite, Seb..” Mey-rin squeaked, letting a bit of her more usual self shine through. She had to bow her head a bit as it bloomed even hotter red than his face was!
A... huff of a laugh reached her ears next and she had to look up, seeing the demon’s once flustered face looking much more amused.. Well, still a bit hot and bothered under the collar too, but..
“It- it’s alright, Mey, dear. If this is too far for you, I completely understand. We most certainly do not need to--!!!”
Mey-rin shut him up quick with another kiss, this time being sure to use a bit of her teeth to bite and nip at that pretty little mouth of his.
“I didn’t mean I wanna stop!” She hissed out, carefully removing his leg from around her, but not detaching herself entirely. Her hands went for that tie of his again, tugging it while she started to move out of their hiding spot. “I just know we gotta get movin’, yes we do! ‘Cause there’s no way I could do anythin’ like that here!”
And with the practiced ease only someone highly trained in stealth and a demon of hell who could be the shadows themselves, the two darted down to the servant quarters to escape into Mey-rin’s room.
Sebastian was once again of the mind to offer that they wait until a better time or some such thing, but that thought was quickly erased from existence entirely when the smaller woman pushed him into her bed and then promptly crawled on top of him.
She got to work immediately of relinquishing him of his butler attire, kissing and biting and licking at every revealed bit of flesh, smiling in pride when the being under her started to tremble again.
“Oh Sebastian, you’re so gorgeous..!” She started to gasp out, the words coming much more naturally now. It was almost as if it were the first time seeing him naked all over again!
Just in a bit of a new light!
“That’s... I-I get what you’re trying to a-accomplish, love. You don’t need to-”
“Shhhh,” Mey-rin hushed against his abdomen, lips mouthing and brushing over the soft flawless skin there. “Yes, yes I do, Sebastian. I want to.. I..” She looked up, up over the line of his body and into his shimmering red eyes. “I want you. I want to take you, Sebastian.. Make... M-Make love to you..” Making sure to emphasise that she was fully aware of what she was doing, what she was going to do.
“I... th-that’s...” Sebastian bit his lip hard with his sharpening fangs, not caring in the least when he accidentally bit through flesh and it bled, dribbling down his chin. Nothing could distract Sebastian in this moment from these turn of events! “Mey-rin..” He simply moaned out, and tried to reach out and curve a still gloved hand around her sweet, determined little face and into her soft fluffy red hair.
Smirking, the girl leaned into the hand, nuzzling and then moving to put her mouth around a digit, bite, and then finally pull.
The butler’s glove came off effortlessly and just that one moment had the man moaning again under her.
Yes, Mey-rin had certainly picked up on a few weaknesses of her demon in the past, even if it hadn’t been her above him or her in control of him. She was a fast learner when it came to her lovers, much more interested in retaining this kind of information than that of doing chores and housekeeping.
And the head butler didn’t seem to mind in the least as his now naked palm curled into her hair, petting and stroking and giving it a little.. pull as well as Mey-rin continued on her way.
Oh, and lets not forget what they had learned about her.
Gasping at the hair tugging, Mey-rin once again looked up into his glowing, slit-pupiled eyes.
“Is someone getting impatient?”
“.. Only a little.” Sebastian murmured, giving her a cute little pout. “You started out so aggressive, dear. What happened?”
Mey-rin merely snorted and turned her head to grab the fingers of his other hand with just her teeth themselves.
She pulled and gnawed and drooled over the cotton, mostly on purpose, before finally yanking that glove off too.
Spitting it out carelessly, she finally answered.
“I did say I want to make love to you, Sebastian.. Taking it slow is kind of the point, yeah? So why do you just lay back, sit pretty, and take it all in, hmm?”
That got a sputter out of the demon, looking away again and blushing.
Oh good lord, you really are a big idiot. Mey-rin thought, and sighed as she started to trail kisses from his middle, moving back up, and then finally back to those lips that were now messy with blood.
“Ah- wait- l-let me clean up--” Sebastian started to protest as the lady got to work kissing and licking all over his mouth, already taking in that demon blood that had spilled before he could do anything.
“Sebastian,” She grunted, “please shut up, love.”
Eyebrows skyrocketing, Sebastian stared on as his lover actually finally began the process of undoing his pants and also reaching under her skirt to reach her panties.
Well, he hoped she would at least allow him to express himself still with moans and groans, because he had a feeling that in mere minutes it would be impossible to stop.
Sure enough, long into the late afternoon and early evening, Mey-rin took the demon in her bed. 
Passionately, aggressively, and very much dominating him entirely. As if she had been the one capable of possession all along!
But finally it had to end, as there were multiple reasons that they could not continue. (Though a part of Sebastian REALLY did wish to simply stay there, under her, forever.)
One being Sebastian was still a butler that needed to return to his master for the end of the day. (Ciel had been thankfully busy all day with Funtom business reports.) Another, rather very important thing Sebastian still forgot on occasion, was that his human lover currently above him certainly deserved and required a rest after all this.
And one final reason being that Sebastian finally felt after this that they should.. talk. Maybe not about everything yet, but he did feel he certainly owed the poor thing a bit of some kind of explanation.
“Mey-rin..?” He called softly, as she was no longer panting hard and had simply laid down on top of him.
When he carefully lifted her head a little to make out her expression, Sebastian blinked and then... couldn’t help but full on smile.
She’d fallen asleep.
Sighing, the demon moved to sit up finally, carefully and ever so gently removing his lover from himself and then laying her down in her own bed, tucking her in with the most tenderness he’d ever used with a partner.
Mey-rin did not fully awaken, but she did stirr a little, squeezing the closest thing, her pillow, and mumbling out something that sounded an awful lot like, “.. love you..so much, sebasti.. an...”
And Sebastian found himself almost blushing again. He bit his lip a moment, before leaning down and tucking her messy hair away and kissing her cheek, and then her forehead for good measure.
“... And I you, Mey-rin.” He confessed in barely a whisper in her ear, before using his powers to vanish directly out of the room, and return to his butler duties at once.
However, much later, when Mey-rin finally woke up, the demon was in fact there, as if he’d never left. He had changed up his attire a little to seem more casual, no longer in a butler coat and vest and tie, and his shoes removed as well. 
He gestured toward a kart he’d brought in with him, a pitcher of water and a glass along side it. “I believe you might require some of this, dear.”
Mey-rin groaned and slowly sat up, feeling a lot sorer than she thought she would! It wasn’t her first time going through this, after all, but perhaps the positioning had made a difference?
Gratefully, she took the offered glass and drank the water straight down, again surprised at how parched she was.
“Would you like anything else, love?” He asked as he took the now empty glass back and set it down. “Perhaps a bath to deal with those likely sore muscles?” He smirked a little at that, looking smug as ever.
Mey-rin sighed and adjusted herself some more, “Well, perhaps maybe... but.. only if you’re in it with me, and I get to take care of YOU!”
Sebastian had gotten up, already heading for Mey-rin’s personal bathroom, only to nearly stumble forward at her response.
“Mey-rin, come on now!” He blurted out, looking almost insulted. “I have appreciated everything so far, but you do not need to pamper me like- like a-” He seemed to stammer and look away, and at first Mey-rin wasn’t sure if he just couldn’t come up with something or...
Mey-rin started to grin.
“Like a... lady?”
Sebastian was instantly turning away and not facing the woman any time soon. He crossed his arms tight, and refused to acknowledge the extreme heat building in his face once again.
“Like maybe you feel like a lady and want to be treated like one, even if you’re still stuck.. looking like a man?”
“M-Mey-rin, please.”
There was that soft, timid voice again. It still sounded scared! After everything they’d gone through, he was still denying it!
“Sebastian, come here.” She beckoned more softly.
Sebastian let out an airy, shaky sigh.
“E-Even if you know the truth now, there’s nothing that can be done, Mey.. A contract is binding in many ways. I have to remain as I am required to be here.”
He finally looked at her again, while his arms curled about his middle and his fingers dug into his white shirt.
“...No matter what I wish to personally be right now..”
Mey-rin smiled sadly and lifted a hand out, beckoning to him again to join her.
“Well, that doesn’t stop anyone else from treating you the way you should be treated, my love.. Because now that I know, I want to try my best to treat you properly, okay?”
Sebastian smiled finally, but still a little sadness showing even in that.
“If.. if you wish to, then so be it..”
He came back over and plopped down beside her, and Mey-rin instantly maneuvered to sit up even more, reaching up to grasp his head and bring it down upon her shoulder as she started petting his soft ebony hair.
After a second of that, Sebastian couldn’t help but start to purr, closing his eyes and wrapping his arms around the smaller girl.
Mey-rin couldn’t help the giggle that tumbled out. She’d never get used to that.
But after a bit of simply petting him like a large cat, Mey-rin remembered something!
“Oh, hold on! I wanna try something!”
Without answering, Mey-rin was up and hurrying over to her little vanity. She grabbed her brush and then reached into the drawers and took out some familiar hair clips; the same pretty ones Grelle had brought up in her letter!
“... And what are you planning with those?” Sebastian asked, voice raising in mild concern.
“To help you!” Was all she said, coming back over and getting up in the bed, but on her knees so she could reach the top of her lover’s head. “Now just hold still, I’ve never tried this with anyone other than myself!”
Face remaining in a slightly confused and concerned fashion, Sebastian just obeyed, not completely sure even how this would help him...
But once again he found himself soothed a little by the motions of the brush going through his bangs and hair, eyes even closing again as well.
Even if Mey-rin did wish to see the demon in this happy little state forever, she was almost done after clipping and adjusting two pretty little hair clips into his brushed down bangs. It was the best she could do, really, when his hair was a bit too short for any more than that. But, pulling back, she found the results... rather adorably satisfying!
“Oh, Sebastian, look!” She gushed, grabbing up a hand mirror and turning it to face him.
Sebastian’s eyes fluttered open as the mirror was thrust into view, and stared on at the reflection before him..
Nothing much was different, except for the obvious new additions attached to his bangs on the left side.
A bright, blooming red rose hair clip was on top, almost looking like a real one if not for how extremely tiny it was, and right under it was a tiny, intricate purple butterfly hair clip, shimmering in the lights of Mey-rin’s room.
“This is..” Sebastian’s mouth twitched, and then a smile cracked through his surprise and awe. “They’re lovely, dear. Thank you.” His eyes shut again and his head bowed a little as face turned almost redder than the little rose.
“Oh no, you’re lovely, Sebastian!” Mey-rin immediately responded, really actually feeling it was true as she held the pretty demon in her bed.
Sebastian just chuckled and leaned into her, not sure what else to say.. until he looked into that mirror again.
“However, I do believe I’ve seen these hair clips before... Specifically when a certain reaper of ours gave them to you.” His honest smile starting to curl into a more mischievous smirk. “Why do I have the feeling those clips aren’t the only things you’ve received recently from her?”
It was Mey-rin’s turn to blush, a nervous giggle bubbling out as she pulled back to just fiddle with her hands in front of her.
“Well, you know, Grelle does have a woman’s intuition.. Even more so than me! So.. ”
Sebastian had put the mirror down finally, and reached out to draw the flustered little human girl back into his arms. He squeezed her tight and kissed her cheek tenderly, knowing for sure now that he wasn’t going to let her go for the rest of the night.
“So, we’ll both have to be sure to thank her properly when she returns to us, won’t we, my dear?”
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luanardo · 6 years
((just binge-read a bunch of stuff on the harry potter wikia and now I got an urge to do a headcanon dump about it (is it even headcanons when it’s about my own OC???) so uhhh here’s a bunch of fun facts about Lua’s future career as an Auror before I go to sleep))
Lua went into training at the same time as Tonks 
They signed up, like, immediately after graduating Hogwarts (to fit into the canon timeline)
that being said, Lua was trained by Alastor Moody too 
(hence all the b99 incorrect quotes I make with Moody as Cpt Holt and Lua as someone he sasses)
((also dad jokes))
So they trained together
Have arguably the same skill sets
Of course, there’s some differences in skill levels between the both of them
I like to imagine Lua’s the better fighter of the two of them, but Tonks is better at detective work and investigation
Oh yea and they were partners for most of their earlier career
It just made sense, y’know? The two of them trained together, so they know each others’ skills and abilities
So Lua and Tonks worked together extensively when they passed basic training
They used to kind of rely on each other’s skills to do things
Like, Lua can’t cast a patronus due to his angst/trauma, so Tonks would have to protect both of them from dementors and leithfolds
Tonks can’t act for shit, so Lua has to cover for them both when they have to infiltrate places 
etc. etc. 
Moody eventually encouraged them to start working independently, but they always had a good partner dynamic going on
They both have a bit of a reputation in the Aurors’ office
For being both Alastor Moody’s latest proteges, and for being a pair of little shits who love causing mischief 
They’re among the youngest two in the office, so a lot of the older veterans kind of look down on them
They respond with snide grins and a quick two-finger salute
And practical jokes
More than one Auror has clocked in to find their desk covered in wrapping paper 
No one can give them shit though because Tonks and Lua have both proven themselves already 
Apparently the Aurors’ main office is a big open hall with a bunch of cubicles in it?? 
One cubicle for each Auror
So. Lua and Tonks’ cubicles are right next to each other. Obviously
They’re best friends ^_^
(Tonks lets Lua call her “Dora”) 
They kind of share work spaces and tend to stand up in their cubicles and talk over the wall when they’re working a case 
Lua has a jar on his desk labeled “LAUGH JAR,” where he and Tonks add put in a sickle every time they can get Moody to laugh
After three years, there’s only one sickle in it. Lua noticed the corner of his mouth twitch upwards and he took it as a snicker. 
Tonks has a neater work space than Lua 
It’s mostly that she has to keep things organized so she can keep track of her stuff. Lua just has a vague idea of where everything is and he can find things really quickly. 
Oh also!! Tulip is here too!!!
Her parents half insisted, half forced her to get a job in the Ministry after graduation
Probably trying to groom her to inherit one of their positions
She chose to spite them by getting a job in a different department
She absolutely hates her job, but keeps it because her parents promised to leave her alone after she’d worked it for a few years (and she’s very patient about it) 
It’s not that her job is hard, it’s that it’s too easy
She makes things more interesting by playing pranks on her coworkers
(Lua and Tonks join in sometimes, when they’re not busy) 
Oh, also, Tulip and Lua are dating at this point (if you haven’t already guessed that based on how I write their relationship) and they live together in an apartment
I can go on about that more but this is about the OFFICE 
Oh fun fact: In my canon, Lua first met Arthur Weasley in an elevator at the Ministry
Lua was kind of awkwardly glancing at Arthur the entire elevator ride and eventually Arthur asks “Err, can I help you?” and Lua goes “Oh, no, sorry sir. You just look like a friend of mine, from school” and Arthur says “Ah, which one?” and Lua realizes it’s Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred and George’s dad.
They become friends, hell yeah! 
The main reason I included this is because at one point, Arthur kind of slips up and mentions that he enchanted a muggle car to fly. And Lua just says “Arthur, you’re a bloody genius”
Nevermind the fact that it’s illegal to enchant muggle devices to do magical things
Anyway, Lua goes fuckin wild and manages to work with a couple people to enchant a motorcycle to fly (Hagrid, Arthur, Moody, Scabbers, and everyone else who knows Sirius all cringe) 
It’s a secret due to the legal troubles, but he uses it for transport in areas he can’t broomstick to.
He only flies in emergencies or when he’s really in a hurry to get somewhere (and even then, he only takes off and lands in isolated areas near where he needs to go) 
Unlike Arthur’s car, it can’t turn invisible (he didn’t think of that when they were messing with it) 
It’s kind of a weird vehicle to ride, but Lua gets the hang of it because he invested so much into its creation (It’s kind of his baby and he treats it as such) 
Tonks can drive/fly it too. She thought it was awesome and demanded she get a chance to try it out
(it would never come up in the main series because Lua would be using it at the time) 
They’ve both used the bike to chase down dark wizards, once or twice (or a couple dozen times)
i looked up an image of the model of bike it’d be
i’m sorry I just really like the idea of biker!Lua and tonks 
and oof it’s getting late uhhh I’mma cut this short
We’re not gonna get into the angsty Second Wizarding War shit lmao
(not right now anyway) 
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papa-rhys · 6 years
Trial: Day 4, evening (Justice AU)
Note: Part 2 has arrived and I loved writing this part so much. I love the Rye family with all my heart and I will protect them until the day I die. Tagging: @casifer-fan Enjoy!
Series summary: After a war comes what is arguably the most difficult part: recovery. And a big part of that recovery - for both the deputies and Hope County residents alike - is justice. Jacob Seed and John Seed - exactly 1 half of the guilty party - must stand trial and face the consequences for what they’ve done. After being promoted to the position of sheriff, the Deputy (reader) must now guide their recovering friends through the difficulties that a very public trial brings about; all whilst reliving the horrors of what they faced in that small county in Montana.
Chapter summary: The newly appointed sheriff spends the evening enjoying a family dinner with the Rye family, during which, they express their concerns about the trial to Nick and Kim.
Word count: 1512
Characters: Reader, Nick Rye, Kim Rye, Hannah Rye (aka baby Rye)
Warnings: Graphic depictions of true love
| Other parts to this series |  | Find more of my stuff here! |  | Ko-fi |
“How’re things at the station?” Kim asks from across the Rye family’s dinner table.
You reach over and poke your fork into one of the beautifully cooked pork sausages that lay on a serving dish in the centre of the table. “It’s okay. They’re a rowdy bunch, but I’m doin’ a pretty good job of keepin’ ‘em under control,” you smile, dumping the sausage onto your plate and going back for another.
“After what you did here, I’m sure a bunch of overexcited cops ain’t nothin’ you can’t handle,” Nick comments, cramming the latter half of a sausage into his mouth with his hand and sucking his fingers clean. You watch as Kim gives him a mildly disgusted look and shoves a fork into his hand. “I mean, the Seeds were rowdier than any kind of cop I’ve ever met – apart from you, of course. Right, partner?” he laughs loudly, nudging you with his elbow. “I mean, flaying folk alive is the definition of rowdy.”
“Nick’s right, y’know? None of us would be here if you hadn’t put in the hard work to get us to this point,” Kim says, sincerely.
“I was just doin’ my job,” you tell them, awkwardly dancing around the compliment as you load a dollop of mashed potatoes onto your plate and sink back down into your seat.
“And a damn fine job it was, too,” Nick cheers, lifting his beer bottle into the air.
“Well I wouldn’t have made a single dent in the Seeds’ plans if I didn’t have the help from the residents, so cheers to you guys.” You raise your glass of water and put it to Nicks bottle with a clink; Kim joining in with her glass of red wine and a shake of her head as Nick sloshes beer onto the table next to his plate.
The three of you tuck into your food, immediately and Nick doesn’t waste a single second before shovelling a forkful of mashed potatoes into his mouth; perfectly seasoned with a home recipe handed down from Kim’s mother that would definitely win her first place on MasterChef.
“So, how’s my god-daughter?” You smile, tearing open a warm bread roll.
“Nicole’s doin’ great,” Nick chirps with his mouth full of potato.
“Hannah,” Kim corrects him. “We agreed not to call her by her middle name, Nick.” She sighs as she says it, but the corners of her lips are curled into a smile.
You grin down at your plate, shaking your head as Nick objects. “Nicole is a great name, Kim. I don’t know why you can’t give it a chance.”
“Because we already have one Nick in the family and one of you is way more than enough,” Kim chuckles.
Nick blinks at her for a few moments before letting it go. You can practically see hearts in his eyes as he watches her smile into her wine glass and you’d feel like you were intruding on something if you weren’t busy feeling so honoured to have witnessed a display of such raw, deep-seeded love.
“Anyway, baby’s crawlin’, now so everythin’s gotta be kept outta reach,” Nick informs you. “I’ll take you upstairs to see her after dinner.”
“That’s if she’s still asleep by then,” you remark.
“I hate to be a party-pooper, but there’s a pretty big elephant in the room that we haven’t addressed yet,” Kim states, placing her fork on her plate and reaching for her wine glass again. You already know the subject that she’s going to bring up and you follow her lead, taking a sip of your drink to prepare yourself for the discussion. “How’s the trial going so far?” she asks.
You swallow the sip of water down and set your glass on the table with a sigh. “It’s okay, I guess. Not much has happened yet. Just a few civilians recounting their various experiences with John and Jacob. The hard-hittin’ stuff is yet to come, I’m sure.”
“You seen them yet? The Seeds, I mean.”
“Yeah. They’re looking hard-done-by as ever. I dunno,” you sigh. “They just look around the room like this is all some huge injustice. Like I just plucked them from their home and put them in the town stocks for something they didn’t do. And they believe it, too, I think. It’s not just some act that they’re putting on for the public; they truly believe they’re innocent. Sometimes, when I see them looking back at me like that through the crowd, it’s just hard to remember what they did to people. Hard not to feel guilty. But the lives they ruined, the people they hurt – that was real. I just have to keep telling myself that, I guess.”
“Listen,” Kim starts, leaning forward in her seat. “After what Jacob did to you up North – all the mind games – of course it’s gonna be tough to know what’s real and what’s not, sometimes. But this isn’t an injustice, sheriff. Those men are not the victims and you did the right thing by putting them in that courtroom. They deserve this. Every bit of it. And this county is with you all the way.” She reaches out and holds Nick’s hand across the table and Nick does the same with yours.
“If you ever need reassurance, partner, then we’re right here whenever you need us,” Nick says. You nod your head solemnly, and the three of you let go of each other's hands and continue eating. “Anyway, I’m comin’ along next week to watch you take the stand,” Nick says, sipping his beer. “You gonna be sayin’ anythin’ that I ain’t gonna wanna listen to?”
“Depends,” you shrug, running your finger through the condensation on the side of your glass of water. “I’ll mostly be goin’ through what happened in Joseph’s compound, probably, but there’s also a high probability of them askin’ me about what each of the brothers did to me. It might get a little…”
“Grim?” Nick asks.
“Yeah… Grim’s a good word for it.”
Nick leans back in his chair and stifles a burp. “Well, I’m as stuffed as a hooker on a busy –“
“Ooookay,” Kim interrupts, standing up and beginning to gather the dishes from the table.
You share a chuckle with Nick as Kim reaches over and picks up his plate. It’s completely clean without a speck of food left on it; in fact, you’re sure there was a pretty pattern painted on the plate before Nick licked it all off.
You rise to your feet and start piling your cutlery onto your empty plate. “Here, let me –“
“No, no,” Kim insists. “I’ve got this. You two go up and check on the baby,” she smiles.
You hand her your plate and Nick gets up, tucking his chair under the table and whisking his beer bottle away just before Kim picks it up. Finishing the bottle off with one gulp, he places the bottle onto the stack of plates in Kim's arms and gives her a kiss on the cheek before leading the way to the staircase.
“She’s even more beautiful than she was the last time you saw her, ain’t she?” Nick whispers as the two of you stand over the cot, watching the sleeping baby. She’s sprawled out with both arms raised above her head and she wears a pale yellow sleepsuit with little red airplanes on it. Your heart swoons as she stirs, letting out a soft gurgle as she stretches her tiny legs; her little toes curling inside the soft fabric of the sleepsuit.
“She so amazing,” you tell him; a huge, excited grin plastered across your face. “And she still smells so good.”
“I know, right? I sometimes use baby powder on myself so that I can smell like her,” Nick confesses.
You give him a puzzled look, but he doesn’t notice. He’s too busy gazing down at his baby; watching her with the proudest look on his face. Nick has always been a kind man – always willing to bend over backwards for anyone who needed it – but his kindness towards strangers, or even towards you, hadn’t even come close to the level of kindness that he shows the child in front of you. There’s no doubt about it; Nick Rye was born to be a father. And in the quiet of the nursery, with the mobile singing a sweet little melody, you find yourself thinking of the of the Seed brothers. You think of them getting off the hook. You think of them one day coming back here, to Hope County – like you know they would if they were set free – and spoiling this peaceful life that Nick fought so hard for, for his baby. The thought of this child being in danger makes your blood boil. It terrifies you, and as if you ever needed any more proof, you know that the Seed’s have to pay for what they did here. And you know that there’s nothing you wouldn’t do to make sure they have no chance of ever coming back.
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platonic-plots · 6 years
I thought you were someone else.
Request/Summary: After living in alleyways for months on a case, you were tired of living off of next to nothing. When a stranger leaves his wallet unattended, it almost seems like fate.
Pairings: sam x platonic!reader, dean x platonic!reader
Words: 1,729
Warnings: swearing, brief mention of death
Specific time/Important info: this is my entry for @waywardnewcomer​ ‘s writing challenge, with the prompt “I’m sorry, I thought you were someone else.”
You wiped the dirt from your forehead as you took a step into the diner.
“Salt and burn?” the owner asked you as you met her at the counter. Flo was a retired hunter, probably in her late 60s, who’d opened this place a while back. After being in the business for so long, she could spot a hunter from miles off; that’s how she’d gotten to know you. Usually, she’d treat hunters like any other customers (although, she would throw in a free beer or pie every once in a while if she felt like they needed it). You were a little different, though. You guessed that your young age was the reason she always let you clean up in the bathroom, or cooked you a hot meal on the house every now and then, or made sure you knew she was there for you if you needed anything. You’d been in this town for a few months at this point. Initially, you’d arrived for only one case, but you quickly became side-tracked by lots of smaller ones. After all, you had a big heart - you wanted to do everything you could to make sure everyone was safe, even if you were only a teenager. You still hadn’t solved the main case, but you were close.
“Yeah, but this one did not want to leave,” you gave a small chuckle at the end.
“I can tell,” replied Flo as she threw you the key to the bathroom. Smiling in response, you hurried to clean yourself up and change into a spare set of clothes you carried in your backpack, not wanting to waste anyone’s time. 
You came back out the bathroom and gave Flo her key back. As you did, she slid a bottle of water across the counter. You quickly unzipped your bag, doing your best to round up the few coins in the bottom of it, hoping you could scrape together a dollar. 
“Don’t worry about it, hun.”
“No I-”
“Y/n.” She used her grandma voice on you. 
“A-are you sure?” You appreciated everything she did for you but, at the same time, you didn’t want her to know that you didn’t have much to call your own. 
“It’s a bottle of water, y/n, I don’t think it’s going to bankrupt me.”
You smiled gratefully: “Thank you, Flo.” The harsh reality was, the only times you didn’t have to scavenge or steal food and drinks were when Flo gave them to you.
After saying goodbye, you left the diner and turned the corner to find the outdoor seating area. You looked around. It wasn’t busy, but there were a few people scattered about. Two men caught your eye.
“Hey, Dean, come look at this,” the taller one called over to the other. You watched carefully as the second one, ‘Dean’, took his burger from the table and met with the other man. He’d left two drinks unattended, as well as… You craned your neck slightly. Ah, his wallet. On the one hand, you usually had a heart of gold. On the other hand, he shouldn’t have been stupid enough to leave such a valuable possession just out in the open.
A girl’s gotta eat. Hell, a girl’s gotta survive. That’s quite a difficult task without money. Checking the two men were both looking the other way, you made your way past their table, swiped the wallet as subtly as you could, and carried on walking.
You held your breath.
“Hey! Kid!”
Without thinking twice, you took off running. At least, you thought, you knew this place better than they did. With every twist and turn through almost forgotten roads, you regularly looked behind you – the two men weren’t letting you get away that easily. It had been merely minutes, but you felt like you’d been fleeing from them for an eternity.
You’d subconsciously betrayed yourself; the next thing you knew, you were nearing the back of the alleyway that you’d adapted to be your ‘home’ since you’d arrived at the town.
‘Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.’ These men were complete strangers. They could’ve been murderers for all you knew, and you’d led them straight to where you resided. ‘Great idea, y/n,’ you thought to yourself.
They’d been a fair few meters behind you as you ran, so there was a slim chance that they hadn’t seen the exact turn you’d taken. Not wanting to take any chances, you hid behind a few boxes and began to look through the wallet – the men seemed overly eager to get it back, after all.
As soon as you’d emptied its contents, one word returned to ring around your head: ‘shit.’ There were about five IDs stuffed in one of the pockets, all depicting different aliases, mainly just of John Doe names. Not to mention the abundance of credit cards, all under a variety of names. You’d pieced the puzzle together – this, plus the whole ‘rolling up to a new town for the first time in pristine suits’ thing. From your experience, it was enough to set alarm bells ringing.
They were hunters. They were the Winchesters.
You’d never met them before, and you’d only glimpsed at pictures, but your parents had worked a lot with John in the past, and even been on a few cases with the brothers themselves. They were the best in the business – they were not people to mess around with.
You barely had time to think about it as you heard footsteps approaching.
“Sam, I think that’s her.”
You messily shoved the items back into the wallet before standing up to face them, sliding the wallet across the floor, back to the man you knew was Dean.
“I-I-I’m sorry, I thought you were someone else.”
“Hey! You don’t steal peoples sh- wait, excuse me? What’s that even supposed to mean?” He was far past angry, and you were approaching terrified.
“Dean, she’s just a kid.” Sam had been looking around at where you’d been living for the past few months – there was an unrolled sleeping bag, a couple of blankets, two rucksacks and a small tattered suitcase, all tucked behind a dumpster. He looked at you with sympathetic eyes and continued to speak, ignoring the protests from his partner. “My name’s Sam and this is my brother Dean.” He took a small step forward before speaking again, “you shouldn’t be out here alone – there’s something going on around here, it isn’t safe.”
You quickly reached over and took the notebook from inside one of the bags and flipped to the right pages, handing it to the friendlier of the two.
“I-I know, at first I thought it was changelings, but th-then I realised it couldn’t have been,” you paused as your shyness was getting the better of you.
The men looked at you in shock, and Dean broke the silence: “You’re a hunter.”
You gave a small nod in response.
He didn’t think before he blurt out “Aren’t you a little young? Where are your parents?” You watched his face physically drop as he realised that he could almost definitely guess the answer, and there was a touch of empathy in his gaze.
“I turned sixteen a couple of months ago. My dad was killed by hellhounds, I think it was just over three years ago. My mom committed suicide about a week later.”
Over the years, you’d learnt that you weren’t very good at talking about yourself or talking to strangers – you wanted to change the topic back ASAP.
“Um, at first, it was only the kids and mothers who went missing. There were a few moms who I interviewed a couple of days before anything happened to them, but they didn’t have any bruises on the backs of their necks. And now whole families have gone – I-I think it only went for kids at first because they were easy targets. I’m certain it’s a shape-shifter, because I’ve saw its shedded skin around the alleyways a couple of times, a-and it’s hiding out in the forest on the east of the town. I haven’t killed it yet because I’ve never been up against a shifter before, and it’s kinda hard to get enough information when almost nobody knows what they are,” you smiled slightly.
Sam had been looking through the notes you gave him with an impressed look on his face, and he was looking at his brother in a way only siblings could – you were watching a silent conversation unravel.
“Y-You can take the notebook with you.” A voice in your head told you how stupid you sounded – these hunters were fully grown adults, they didn’t need your help. Hell, these were the Winchesters. By your logic, if they needed your help, they were well and truly fucked. “I-I mean, if you want to, bu-but it pro-“
“That’s kind of you to say, uhh…”
“Oh – um – Y/n, I’m Y/n.”
“Thank you, Y/n. But we won’t be needing it.” ‘Oh,’ you thought, ‘I was just trying to help.’ Sam turned to Dean, who continued from where his brother stopped.
“We think it’d be more helpful if you came with us. We teach you all you need to know about fighting these guys, and you could tell us everything you’ve found since you got here.” He paused momentarily: “And maybe if you don’t end up hating our guts, we could go get some pie after it, and maybe you could stay with us for a little while. You seem like a smart kid – a good kid, Y/n.” Dean looked around at your belongings. “We could help you get back on your feet, y’know, give you some support.”
“Wow, oh, uh, thank you. That really means a lot, but I couldn’t do that to you. You barely know me; I don’t think you’d want this much baggage trailing after you.”
Sam got down to your level. “And you barely know us, yet you’ve just told us everything you’d spent months trying to research and figure out, so I think there’s already some trust between us, don’t you? Hunters are there for hunters, we’ve been in your position before. You don’t have to come with us, but you also don’t have to keep living behind a dumpster.” You shared a smile. Although you’d taken a few seconds to think about it anyway, your mind was already set.
“So what type of pie do you guys like?”
when i was writing this i got into one of those moods where every word that i type is awful and stupid but i don’t 100% hate the final outcome???? i hope you guys enjoyed it :)
forever tags: @phonegalhelp @pointlesscasey @unicorn-sparkles123 @pinapplequeen16 
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heyscience · 6 years
If I Were Inquisitor - Ask Meme.
@batsintheshadows @tea-me-and-smut @foxywolfmeerkat13 @howling-at-night OMG THIS IS SO FUN YOU GUYS HOLY SHIT!! Thanks so much for writing yours, and I’m so stoked to finally share mine!
If you are reading this and want to give it a shot, please reblog the original post and I’ll send you an ask! I LOVE THIS SO MUCH, I LOVE READING PEOPLE’S ANSWERS. THEY’RE ALL. SO GOOD!!!!
1. Race: I want to be a giant muscley mountain of a Qunari. I wanna be the very best, like no-one ever was, at smashing my enemies’ faces in and giving the best goddamn hugs there is. 
2. Class/Specialization: Two-handed Warrior/Champion. I like hitting things, and I love the idea of getting involved in all that pompous Orlesian chevalier bullshit and RUINING IT for ALL OF THEM.
3. Your homeland? It’s gotta be somewhere warm and by the sea (because I love the ocean and also I can’t deal with the cold cos I am WEAK), so I’m thinking Rivain. Ooh! And that would mean I’d have a bunch of sick tattoos and piercings! Rad.
4. Your family? (Ok so I’m basing this loosely off my irl family because they’re my best point of reference I guess????)
So, my family. I love them, but they’re a mess.
My Mum was the ideal Tamassran. A devout adherent to the Qun. She worked as a healer and was very well respected in her field.
That was until she met my Dad, who in short, looked at the Qun and was like ‘fuck this shit I’m out.’
Dad was a soldier and one day he was wounded in battle, ended up in the hospice where Mum worked, wooed her, and they ran away together to Rivain.
They had my brother and I and then realised that they’re actually polar opposites and it’s a wonder they were ever attracted to each other. They split up, re-partnered and had more kids. So I have a pile of siblings that I have varying degrees of blood relation with, but we all consider each other fully part of our extended, convoluted family (for serious - irl I have 9 siblings).
Mum taught me business sense and how to tend to battle wounds, Dad taught me how to fight. I’ve got a lot of family of various races all over Thedas, all related (not necessarily by blood) one way or another. People say lovely things about my Mum, and the craziest things about my Dad - the stories of his exploits are so outrageous it’s difficult to believe any of them are true (like irl my dad was involved in organised crime for a while but quit cos he got bored????).
I love my family but I’m really bad at keeping in contact with them, so I get the occasional letter from Mum being like ‘ARE YOU DEAD?!’
Leliana has taken to sending her reassuring updates preemptively.
5. Who were you before? I imagine I’d be part of something like a dnd adventuring party.
We started out as a ragtag group of misfits, travelling the land in search of gold and glory. It was mostly treasure hunting and mercenary gigs, and some of the work we did on the high seas was um, legal-adjacent (piracy). But occasionally we’d stop to lend a hand to those in need, pass ourselves off as bards to earn extra coin in small-town taverns, and we even involved ourselves in vigilante justice a couple of times.
We grew into our own little family, and eventually we found ourselves wanting to do the type of work that really mattered. That’s why we signed ourselves up to work security at the Conclave, with a plan to move into aiding refugees in Ferelden afterwards. It didn’t. Quite. Work out that way. Unfortunately.
6. Would you be religious? That’s a hard no.
7. Do you have a mabari? YES PUPPY! Who is also a fully fledged member of our adventuring troupe I might add.
8. Your opinion on other races? Elves = rad, dwarves = awesome, humans = eh, dragons?? = HELL YES
9. What would Varric’s nickname for you be? Stubby.
10. What would your tarot card look like? This one is hard! I’m thinking a lot of compass imagery (because the sea and travelling and finding your way etc.)...and I’d have to be facing at an angle that best accentuates my glorious biceps.
11. Where would you hang out in Skyhold? I like to be in the centre of the action, but I’m not sure where that would be?? Probably in the main Skyhold courtyard near the entrance, in amongst the merchants? It’d be a good spot to see the comings and goings, check in with recruits and workers for the Inquisition, and also play with any kids who might be around. 
It’s important to make sure the kids of the Inquisition are happy and healthy and, um, ok Josie I’ll admit it, they’re also way more fun to hang out with than that stuffy noble whoeverthefuck you just brought in from Orlais.
12. What would you do for fun? Knock back beers in the Herald’s Rest with my companions, come up with dirty drinking songs with Sera, get blackout drunk with Dorian (although I’ll eventually realise it’s a very unhealthy coping mechanism and encourage Dorian to join me in cutting down the booze), swap stories and quality bants with Varric, beg Vivienne for fashion advice, gush over romance novels with Cass, have tea and gossip sessions with Josie, poke fun at Cullen, spar with the Inquisition recruits (and scare the shit out of them), and, just anything to distract from the looming horror that is Corypheus.
13. What armour would you wear? Heavy, shiny, and bloodstone red.
14. What would your room look like? Organised chaos. I love playing host so my room would look mostly neat, but the writing desk would be an absolute mess. It would probably make poor Josie hyperventilate (which is why I’d always suggest we discuss things in her office, or at least give me plenty of notice before swinging by my chambers so I can tidy up). 
15. Who would be your friends at Skyhold? I’d wanna be friends with pretty much everyone, but I think I’d be closest with Dorian (BUT of course only after giving him a solid scolding for his views on slavery, and I’d only continue talking to him if he came to his senses).
We have a very similar sense of humour, and. Oh man. I have way more feelings about this than I thought I would. In short - I can imagine both laughing with him and collapsing on the floor together with a bottle of wine (each) and many tears.
16. Would you have any friends outside of the Inquisition? This makes me sad because my closest friends outside the Inquisition would be my adventuring party and they..would’ve...the Conclave...EVEN MY MABARI. MY POOR PUPPY. OH GOD WHY. TOO MANY FEELINGS.
17. Who wouldn’t you get along with? Cole. It’s not that I don’t like him, I’d just be super awkward around him, like ‘HELLO SPIRIT CHILD HOW ARE YOU TODAY. OH, IS THAT AN INSECURITY OF MINE YOU JUST POINTED OUT?! WELL COOL, GOOD TALK.’ 
18. Who would you romance? I know this isn’t possible in Inquisition but I would like to be in a polyamorous relationship with Isabela. SHE IS MY FICTIONAL SOULMATE OK.
(Also I’m more than a little bit in love with Cullen but I hate myself for it so)
19. Would you do pranks with Sera? AbsoLUTELY.
20. Would you sleep with the Iron Bull (casually if not romance)? 100% YES. It’d only be an occasional thing tho, cos while I’m a masochist and I like being tied up I’m not really a sub. I’d mostly go to him for bondage tips and um. Requests for. Demonstrations.
21. Would you keep Cole around? Yes. I’d still be weirded out by him, but I acknowledge that it’s completely not his fault. I’d take his word for it that he just wants to help people and let him have at it with that freaky mind-reading and vanishing shit he does.
22. Can you play the game (politics)? A little bit. I’d have to work the scandal angle. Being a Qunari I could never hope to assimilate into the realms of the nobility, but I could win their favour by being something of a novelty. Much like Casanova in this brilliant adaptation starring David Tennant - watch from 10:42.
You see, you don’t have to be liked by everybody, just the right people, and you can usually get them onside by just being very fucking entertaining.
23. What would be on your tombstone in the fade (What are you afraid of)? Ghosts. I’m not sure how well that translates to a Thedas setting but still, it’s my biggest fear so I’m sticking with it.
24. Who would you recruit to seal the breach? Mages.
25. Opinion on Mages versus Templars? Ok, so I have a proposal for how to fix this bullshit:  
1. The Chantry should relinquish any and all control over the affairs of mages. Separation of Church and State, simple as that.
2. The Templar Order should be disbanded, and the practice of indenturing soldiers by saddling them with a lyrium addiction should be banned.
3. All people in Thedas (and I mean ALL) should be taught about magic from a young age, both the gifts and dangers of its use. Everyone should learn about magical safety and how to resist demonic possession.
4. Mage children should attend the same schools as everyone else, but they can hone their skills in their late teens to early adulthood in mage colleges, with free tuition paid by the State (of wherever part of Thedas this is). They can research magic, learn a trade or train in combat, whatever they choose. Mages will be allowed to earn money, marry, have families, and have some actual freaking rights. None of this ‘hunt ‘em down and lock ‘em up’ bullshit.
5. Also the Rite of Tranquility WHAT THE FUCK. I can’t believe it’s a thing people actually agree to do. This rite should be downright fucking outlawed, and severe penalties levelled at the people who attempt it.
26. Who would be put in charge of Orlais and why? Briala. I wouldn’t suggest to Briala that she should get back together with Celene, because honestly their relationship was really fucked up and Celene abused the power imbalance between them. Briala deserves better (like for example me..maybe...but y’know, only if she wants to..)
So I would keep Celene on the throne but hand over all real power to Briala. Celene is a crafty one however, so we’d have to corner her with blackmail and keep a hidden killswitch on hand in case she tries to pull a fast one on us (just like the Voltron kids should be doing with Lotor, which sorry, I know that isn’t related but I HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS ABOUT IT).
27. Would you sacrifice the Chargers? NEVER.
Seriously Fuck the Qun. The Qun actively promotes eugenics with how they selectively “breed” their people. ALSO the Qunari are gaslighted into believing that they will literally go insane if they don’t follow the Qun?!!!?!?!!??!??! FUCK THAT SHIT.
So yeah, I was never keen on the idea of allying with the Qunari, so when Gatt’s like ‘if you sacrifice the dreadnought there will be no alliance’ I’m like ‘I am ok with this.’ Also, of course, I love the Chargers with all my heart and couldn’t bear to lose them.
28. Would you go after Blackwall? Yeah. He should put all his moral posturing to good fucking use and try being an actual hero. I’d make him join the Wardens, cos it’s effectively a death sentence (or an early grave at least ) and I don’t 100% dislike him, so I know he’d be cool with it because he has a giant fucking hard-on for the Wardens (Jesus fuck). 
29. Would you drink from the well? Nnnnnoooooooooo..and it’s because I would fucking die for Morrigan. I wish I could say I have a well considered reason, but I’m just pathetic like that. She could say jump and I’d say ‘I’d rather not, but, counter offer - would you instead like to sit on my face?’ 
30. Where would you go if the Inquisition was disbanded? Minrathous. It’s warmer there (I love Skyhold but fucking hate the cold), and I would involve myself in the inevitable slave uprising - helping out in whatever way I can. Also I’d just be having a fucking great time terrorising the Magisters, rocking up at the Magisterium like ‘LOOKIT ME I’M A RAGING QUNARI HERE TO INVADE, RARRGHH!! oh hey Dorian, what’s up babe how’ve you been????’
31. How do you react to the egg telling you he is an elven god? The five stages of grief:
Denial - lol no ur not, you’re our painty pyjamas nerd! 
Bargaining - but you’re a god right? Does that mean you can bring them back? Can you undo all this somehow? You gotta have superpowers or some shit right??!?
Depression - After all we’ve been through...you never even saw us as people, did you? Did you ever think of me as a friend? Or anyone else? How could you be ok with murdering your friends? Solas, please, you don’t have to do this. I know that if we work together we can find a better way. You don’t have to destroy the world to save it.
Acceptance - ..................I fUCKING HATE YOU SOLAS.
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shambhalala · 7 years
Mistletoe (Uncharted Headcanons)
Hey guys!
My good friend @heroes-x-thieves gave me the idea for some Uncharted character headcanons that fits with this wonderful time of year, so I hope you enjoy them!
What would they do if they were under the mistletoe with you?
Nathan Drake
This adorable man loves any excuse to show his partner a bit of affection. Chances are, he’s the one dragging you two underneath the mistletoe in the first place.
“Honey, look! It’s fate!” “Uh, Nate, I don’t think it counts if you dragged us underneath it” “Well, I’m countin’ it in my book. C’mere!”
His confidence is almost a little embarrassing at first; what must everyone around you think?
But that embarrassment disappears the second you stare into those kind, blue eyes. They’re brimming with love and adoration, all for you. How can you possibly deny a look like that?
He sensed your slight unease, so he places one hand on the back of your head, making you feel safe and secure, before capturing your lips in a soft kiss.
He draws back a little, expecting that you’ll want the public display of affection to be over as soon as possible, but is pleasantly surprised when you lean in again, bringing your hands to his jaw to keep him there.
His eyes are sparkling with bliss once your lips disconnect. “Merry Christmas. I love you”.
Samuel Drake
As much as Sam adores his partner, he likes to play it a little smoother than his younger brother. He gently edges you two underneath the mistletoe, and pretends not to notice it at first.
He waits for you to point it out, and when you do, his eyebrows shoot up in mock surprise, eyes comically wide.
“Sam, there’s mistletoe above us”. “Oh, there is? Huh, so there is. How remarkable”.
You two smile at each other; he obviously planned this. Blush creeps onto your cheeks whilst Sam appears cool as a cucumber, head tilted and one eyebrow cocked.
Sam decides to move your awkwardly cute staring contest to the next level, and gently cups your face with both of his hands, pressing his lips to yours gently.
As you two melt into each other, he guesses you’re pretty comfortable, so he nibbles your bottom lip, just to get your heart racing.
“Merry Christmas, sweetheart. There’s more where that came from, if you’ll have me”.
Victor Sullivan
This man has seen (and probably performed, let’s be honest) every cliché in the book, so any mistletoe you two find yourselves under is by complete accident.
Sully looks up and frowns at first, mistaking it for a weed. “Who in the hell lets weeds grow on the goddamn ceiling?”
Once you tell him what it is, his eyebrows are up with an elongated “ooooh”, followed by a brief awkward silence.
He looks at you, and you swear there’s a tiny smile peeking out from underneath that moustache of his. You’re blushing in anticipation of what’s going to happen.
Without a word, Sully leans forward, puts one hand on your shoulder, and gently plants a kiss on your forehead.
“Y’know I’m not one for celebrations, but… what the hell. Merry Christmas, darlin’”.
Charlie’s a smart man. The second he sees that mistletoe above you two, coupled with your radiant gaze, all that intelligence suddenly becomes very… scrambled.
“Oh. Uh. Right. Yes. Mistletoe. Poisonous, I believe. People normally, uh… kiss, underneath it?”
You giggle and nod encouragingly, which seems to calm his nerves. He scratches the back of his head nervously and looks anywhere except at you, until he can’t avoid his desires any longer.
“Bollocks to it. C’mere, sweetheart”.
His hands are warm on either side of your face as he eagerly plants his lips on yours, making your breath cease in your throat.
Your heads are spinning, and neither of you want this to stop. When it eventually does, Charlie has the most peaceful smile on his face that you’ve ever seen.
“Merry Christmas, love. Seems I uh… have very good taste”.
Rafe Adler
As cool and collected as he likes to appear, Rafe isn’t always the most observant of men. You two are busy chatting away when you collapse into a fit of giggles, pointing to the plant dangling above your heads. Rafe looks up in confusion, blinking in astonishment when he realises what it is
“Awh, Rafe, look! Mistletoe!” “How in the- well, whatever. Let’s get this over with”.
He doesn’t mean it maliciously; he just doesn’t like being told what to do, especially by a plant, damn it.
He leans in and hooks two fingers under your chin, pressing his lips to yours softly. The kiss lasts a little longer than you expected, not that you mind; Rafe must be enjoying showing the world that you are his, despite his initial reservations.
His hand lingers underneath your chin even once the kiss has ended, and he stares into your eyes lovingly.
“Merry Christmas, my little diamond”.
Harry Flynn
This man is so smooth and cocky that he puts Sam to shame. He spots the mistletoe from a mile away, and makes it his damn mission to get you two under it before you can say “jingle bells”.
Once you’re under, the fun is only just beginning for Flynn. He points upwards, then, with the most shit-eating grin you’ve ever seen, he says “looks like it’s your lucky day, love”.
Before you know it, you’re bending over backwards as he scoops you into his arms and leans over you, giving you the biggest smooch of your life before you can draw a single breath.
You’re too staggered to even feel anything. He pulls away and keeps you in the same position for a few more seconds, revelling in your surprised expression. That smug grin never leaves his face as he helps you regain your composure.
“Now, was that the best Christmas present ever, or do I have to show you again?”
Elena Fisher
Not normally one for slacking off on the job, you were surprised that Elena even noticed the mistletoe in the first place.
Her eyes widen and she grins in delight, turning to you with expectant puppy eyes.
“Just a quick one? Please? Then we’ll get back to work!”
Like you would ever deny her, especially with a look like that. You smile, lean in, and peck her lips gently.
Elena isn’t just a romantic, though; she knows what she’s doing. She brings one hand to the side of your face just to keep you there a little longer, knowing you’ll happily oblige.
Her eyes are sparkling with love and a hint of mischief when she pulls away, her hand lingering on the side of your face.
“Not bad for a mistletoe kiss, I’d give you at least a six”. “A six?!” “Well, you can always try again, see if you can do better”.
Chloe Frazer
Chloe isn’t one for heroics or romance, so when you two spot the mistletoe, she declares a race.
“Last one there buys drinks!” she calls, already five steps ahead of you.
You’re panting by the time you get there, and Chloe is stood victoriously with her hands on her hips, laughing at you.
“Well well, sunshine, looks like it’s my turn to take the reins” she states, already wrapping her arms around your neck.
Your lips collide before you can even catch your breath, her tongue invading your mouth in her usual flirtatious manner.
She breaks away just as you begin to crave more, leaving you panting out of more than just exertion. This woman really knows how to drive you crazy.
“Merry Christmas, love. So, drinks are on you then?”
Nadine Ross
Nadine Ross is possibly the sweetest but most romantically oblivious person you have ever known, so any little romantic gestures you educate her on are very special to the both of you.
Surprisingly, Nadine spots the mistletoe before you do.
“That plant, I know that. Mistletoe, right?” (she’s not just an animal nerd, people).
You nod, and she smiles knowingly, her eyes softening as she stares at you through hooded eyelids. She obviously knows all about this particular tradition.
You two lean in at the same time and your lips touch softly. It’s tender and sweet as always, but you feel your heart swelling in your chest at how she didn’t even need your help this time.
“Always wondered why a plant meant so much to people, but I’m startin’ to get it now”.
I hope you all enjoyed that! Also, I apologise for not including Asav in this; I know some of you like him, but I honestly could not come up with any ideas for his character for this headcanon. I hope you understand!
Happy holidays!
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randomwoohoo · 6 years
Judy: Previously on Zoomorphia!
Nick: Our works aren’t gonna go smoothly, are they? There have always been other stuffs keeping interrupting us from investigation. This time, we were sent to participate a school assembly about dangers in Zootopia, which include the monsters, Savages.
Judy: Anyway, what should we do!? Clawhauser saw us wearing MidniDriver!
Nick: Use the force to erase his memory?
Judy: Like heck we can do that!!
Nick: Let’s find out what will happen next in Chapter 9!
.-.. . - .----. ... / -.-. --- -. - .. -. ..- .
    The sunlight cast a shadow of the roundish cheetah onto a narrow path between school buildings where the doe rabbit knelt beside the tod fox propping on one elbow. They turned their heads towards the male feline, panicking as they were still wearing the transformation gear on their waists even though they had already detransformed.
    The doe pondered what excuse sounded most believable, but then again, she and the tod had these arm-sized black devices with sticking out purple circle core in the center, silver syringe on the left and maroon motorbike handle on the right.
“Oh hey, Clawhauser~ Ah, you see-” Nick tried to explain, hustling his way out like old days.
“Can you get up, Nick? Let me give you paw.” Clawhauser unexpectedly walked towards the pair to help the fox up together with the rabbit. “And What about you, Judy? Are you hurt?”
“Aren’t you-” She touched her Driver, “-shocked?” voice expressing her confusion.
“I’m surprised indeed but I sorta see this coming.”
“H-H-How?” Judy wondered what Clawhauser meant by saying ‘see this coming’.
“Well, it’s clearly Nick’s voice in doe bunny’s figure… Easy guess.”
    Taken aback, she got mind blown by the big cat’s honest words, turning to her partner slowly with raising one eyebrow.
“I wouldn’t like to admit it, but he’s right.” Nick nodded, lips compressing.
“Eh?” She frowned. Suddenly, something popped into head. “Hold on a sec! Clawhauser, how could you pass through Savages out there?”
“Ah… The thing is… They all were just finished off.”
“What!?” The duo bawled in unison.
    It has been only a brief period! Impossible! The bewildered doe and tod could not believe their ears, but then they recalled the recent event.
“I’ll take care of the rest.” That was what the mysterious silver chrome wolf said.
Did- Did he really kill those Savage s in this short amount of time? They speculated.
-. . .-- / .... . .-. --- / .- .-. .-. .. ...- . …
    After a Savage incident, the officers and the agents went back to check on civilians especially students. The reinforcement which Jasmine called earlier came to clean up the school since there were no monster to fight anymore. On a side note, the mysterious wolf was gone...
“We, SCU, will handle the rest. You guys may leave if you want.”
“Thanks, Jasmine. Late-”
“Wait!” A yell interrupted Judy. The revived white horse, Maximus, loped closer to ZPD trio and his feline subordinate. He had taken off his uniform shirt because it was stained with black liquid.
“Thank you, Hopps, Clawhauser, for your time. Fox...” He stared at Nick, who prepared for insults at him. “Thanks… When children asked us what happens after death, I don’t even know what to say although I was the one who brought the subject up.” He, arm akimbo, rubbed his blond mane troubledly.
“Owing to me, we dodged that bullet~” Nick gave himself credit.
“‘Taking indefinite leave for a sleep’ huh?" Judy quoted her partner.
“Yeah~” Nick confirmed that they were his words. “I wish I could take a long vacation leave to sleep all day~”
“I’d send you straight to hospital bed, lazy fox! I guarantee you won’t wake up any time soon.”
“Awe, I’ll pass. I’d hate not to wake up, not to see your gorgeous smile~”
    The doe rabbit blushed at the tod’s rejoinder, her long ears reddening.
“If your work here is done, get lost, Fox!” Stallion about-faced angrily.
“Excuse me!” the doe held him back.
“Ah, sorry!” The horse rapidly turned around. “Where’re my manners? You must be busy, so see you later, Clawhauser, Hopp-”
“Don’t apologize to me. Apologize to Nick. He has a name. Stop calling him Fox!”
    A feeling of unease came over the tigress. She had predicted this incident would occur one day. Her current leader was not a bad mammal (Diligent and dedicated) but he could be obnoxious sometimes and finally, he got on her rabbit friend’s nerves.
“Only Fluff can call me Fox, Clever fox, Sly fox, you name it~” The tod, grateful to the doe for standing up for him, lightened up the mood.
“That’s not helping, Nick!”
“I’m sorry… Officer Wilde.” Maximus bowed. “Please, excuse me, I must get back to work.” He walked away.
“Good grief. Sorry.” Jasmine apologized for her leader, then “Hang on, boss!” caught up with him in a rush.
    Three of the ZPD officers used this opportunity to greet students and teachers informally, taking photos with them, before leaving the school. Along the way in a police car which Judy was driving, they were having a private conversation.
“Basically, whenever you two transform, Nick’s soul will be transferred to Judy’s body?” Clawhauser, sitting humpbacked on back seat, asked to make sure.
“Who says red foxes have no soul?” On passenger seat, Nick jested.
“Does that mean Nick’s body would be left unconscious and defenseless?”
“Correct, it’s a huge drawback of Hybrid.” Judy confirmed with the curious cheetah.
“And you have 3 forms in total? Light green torso one, police uniform one, and hooded tunic one” Clawhauser counted on his fingers.
“Yeah, more or less.” Nick tilted his head back.
“Just to be clear, we don’t mean to put ZPD logo on Police form. It just happens.” Judy waved her right paw around shoulder level.
“So, you use those Midnight... thingies to transform?”
“Bingo~ Jinx!” The duo coincidentally replied at the same time.
“One more question, where do you keep your morphers?”
“I carry mine with myself most of the time.” She gave a straightforward answer.
“H-How do you oftentimes carry something that big with you!?”
“I have my own method.” Judy frankly spoke.
“You heard her.” Nick delivered a deadpan response.
.--. . .-. ..-. . -.-. - / - --- --. . - .... . .-.
“In all honesty, you both are real heroes!”
“Shh!!” Nick and Judy placed one finger vertically over the lips.
Rabbit, fox and cheetah officers continued their conversation at the reception desk in the next day.
“Could you keep it down? This is Nick’s and my ultimate secret. Here’re our yesterday reports.” Judy handed Clawhauser the reports about previous day’s event.
“Toddangit, why so many assignments? Missing mammals, Night howlers, yadda yadda yadda.” Nick complained childishly.
“There! Speaking of missing mammals and Night howlers, you cracked the missing mammal cases and exposed ex-mayor Bellwether’s evil scheme when you, Judy, started working here in ZPD and you, Nick, wasn’t even a cop yet. Two of you are heroes who saved Zootopia back then!”
    Judy was flattered by Clawhauser, rubbing her nose while averting her eyes.
    All of a sudden, an idea came into Nick’s mind. “Carrots! There’s someone probably helpful we haven’t interrogated yet!”
-. . .-- / .-.. . .- -.. …
    Turning left and right to and fro in searching, Jackson Rajah the bengal tiger officer paced across ZPD’s hallway.
“Oh, Hi Jackson~” Clawhauser saw Rajah heading towards the reception desk.
“Hi Benjamin. Did you see Wilde, Hopps? I can’t find them anywhere.” The tiger had already checked those two’s cubicle but they were not there.
“Ah, they’ve just left. They said they found a new lead.”
Appalled by the fellow feline, “On their own!?” Rajah raised his voice.
    Clawhauser plugged his ears with his fingers due to a loud sound. “Chill out! What’s going on?”
“I…” Rajah cleared his throat which turned sore after speaking up abruptly. “...may realize who’s behind this time missing mammals...”
..-. .-. .. --. .... - . -. .. -. --. / -.. .. ... -.-. --- ...- . .-. -.--
“Great to see you alive and wool, ma’am~”
“Oh ha ha, so funny.” A small white sheep inmate laughed dryly at Nick’s pun.
“I’m aware that you don’t wanna meet us, so better you cooperate, faster we can let you go-”
“Go where? Back to my cell? Senior Officer Hopps...” She interjected.
    The police duo paid a visit to a correctional facility on the outskirts of Zootopia and at the time, they were interrogating a ewe sporting an orange prison uniform, ex-mayor Dawn Bellwether, inside a dim concrete interrogation room.
    Judy ignored questions from the mastermind behind one of the biggest crimes in Zootopia’s history. “Because you and your men used Midnicampum holicithias to produce a dangerous serum, I bet you know who John Silver is.”
“Pardon me, Midnight-what?” Bellwether, seated behind a steel table opposite to a pair of officers, asked.
“You really should just call it ‘Night howler’, Carrots.”
“I’m messing around~ I know Night howler’s a binomial name. Mind you, what do I gain by answering your questions?” The ewe sheep sneered.
“If you behave well, we might be able to reduce your punishment.” The bunny attempted to compromise.
“So I can get out of here quicker? Please~ I’d rather be safe ‘n cozy in here than live in society full of mammal freaks.” The sheep crossed her arms.
“Mammal freaks?” The fox looked perplexedly at her.
“Y’know, savaged- I mean Savages.” She quickly corrected herself. “Plus, the city is in bad shape. There’s no mayor, only committee as acting mayor. Who wants to be mayor when the city is under terrible circumstance-”
“Quit going off topic. Answer us. What relationship do you have with John Silver?” The bunny made a stern expression.
“Just to clarify, I do not collaborate with predators. Besides, that prosthetic armed bear is a drug lord. Why would he get involved with the pesticidal flowers back then? He may trade them now but that’s because they became illegal plants. What’s more, if we had indeed worked together, wouldn’t we have splintered when he learned my true goal?” She launched into a monologue.
    Chatty as always… The twosome thought to themselves.
“In a nutshell, you do know him.” The fox summed up briefly. “He’s still just distributor. Why in the world would somebody buy loads of Night howlers from him? An antidote for the night howlers has already been created.”
“Oh, trust me. Night howlers can be used more than for concocting the serum. Oh wait, it’s not like you believe I’m telling the truth anyway.” The sheep tucked her left leg under her steel chair.
    Eventually, both cops started to question how many percentage of what Dawn Bellwether said could be trusted.
“Tell me one thing, officers.” She demanded. “How do you ZPD and a security agency normally deal with Savages?”
    Nick and Judy exchanged looks, supposing there was no harm in answering Bellwether this question; therefore, “Sending the specialized unit to eradicate them.” she replied.
“You mean ‘kill’ huh?” Bellwether lowered her gaze.
“Why?” Nick was suspicious of the sheep’s body language.
“Nothing~ That’s right… That might be the best solution. Good luck protecting innocent civilians, officers.” Bellwether stared at Nick and Judy back and forth.
    It was obvious that she messed with the cops, which made the duo feel as if they were not supposed to waste their time with this ewe any longer. After prison wardens came to bring the ewe inmate back to her cell, the doe and the tod proceeded to another interrogation at a visiting room.
“Officer Hopps! Officer Wilde! I’ve been waiting for you!” A blue inmate costumed large golden brown lion greeted them cheerily.
“Good afternoon, former mayor Lionheart.” Judy greeted him back.
    Calling this interrogation was not quite accurate. It was more like the duo were casually interviewing Bellwether’s predecessor, Leodore Lionheart, a culprit who imprisoned animals that turned savage during night howler incident, at a visitor table. They hoped to earn some useful information from him.
“We heard that you’ll be released from jail soon. Congratulations sir~” Nick congratulated him.
“Right~ All the hosting seminars really paid off.” Lionheart clasped his paws. He had volunteered for numerous community services, especially hosting seminars on political science. Moreover, he behaved himself well during his sentence. Consequently, his prison sentence was reduced.
“Thank you both. I’ve got inspiration to write a book about the time I falsely imprisoned 15 mammals, got arrested by the very first rabbit and fox officers, then sentenced to jail.”
“So... Mr. Lionheart, may I ask you about that? When you captured those animals...” Judy ended a pep talk.
“What about it?” He did not sound upset one bit.
Accordingly, she carried on. “Whom did you hire to capture the savage mammals back then?”
“My subordinate timberwolves. You’d have already known, shouldn’t you?”
“You didn’t hire any criminals, right?” She rephrased the question.
“Well, I was a mayor of Zootopia at that time. I had plenty of resources. No reason to spend more money than necessary. In fact, it helps misleading cops.”
“How?” Judy wondered.
“You may not know this, Officer Hopps, but more than a decade ago, there was an infamous kidnapper terrorizing the city; thus, the police officers except new recruits such as you would be misguided.” Lionheart elucidated.
“I see.” Nick nodded, causing Judy to wonder whether he seriously knew whom the lion referred to or not.
“Let me guess. You came here for some clues to solve the new missing mammal cases.”
“Uhh, well...” She was embarrassed to be read easily by the friendly yet imposing lion.
“I’m in here.” Lionheart leaned forward. “It’s highly probable that I’ve heard jailers or other inmates talking about the current situation in the outside world. Speaking frankly, with Savages roaming around the city right now, it’s not surprising if some mammals… disappear. We have no idea what they really are. Some rumors say they are aliens. Some say they are beings from different dimensions. Or even bio weapons. Nonetheless, many are convinced that these monsters came from Cliffside because it was the first place where they showed up, wasn’t it?”
    He dropped a truth bomb… The truth that Judy was not aware of… Wrong. Actually, it was the the truth that no matter how well she knew in her heart of hearts, she did not want to acknowledge it… She would not like to think that mammals who had gone missing fell victim to Savages...
.--. --- - . -. - .. .- .-.. / -.-. --- -. -. . -.-. - .. --- -.
    Nick and Judy expressed their gratitude to Lionheart for his time. They left the prison, hanging around the Rainforest District in the late afternoon to gather their thoughts before they returned to the station.
    While experiencing the unique moist cool atmosphere, they gazed upon the 300-ft gothic clock tower which had not struck the bell for few years since the beginning of renovation. Nick was leaning against their police cruiser as Judy was organizing thoughts to take down notes with her trusty carrot pen.
“You still carry that pen around?”
“Yep. Why not? I even recorded the interrogation just now for relistening later.”
“But you didn’t notify them of recording.”
“In my defense, they didn’t ask~” Speaking tongue-in-cheek, she winked at the tod near her.
“Sly bunny~” He smirked.
    She looked obliquely across the city road. Subsequently, something immediately grasped her attention. “Hey Nick, what kind of canine is he?”
    He looked in the same direction as his partner. “Oh, that’s a St. Bernard, dog derived from wolf.” He identified breed of a grey shirted tan-pawed slender brown dog who astonished the doe since she had never seen this breed before. In fact, she had barely met dogs in general.
    They observed the business casual St. Bernard, standing on a footpath, long enough to notice a red panda sneaking around him, so they stayed cautious in case the red panda was a pickpocket.
    Shortly afterwards, a running plain white van came to a stop on roadside in front of the dog. At the same time, he brought out a handkerchief to cover his nose, then sprayed perfume at the red panda. She was tranquilized later on. He picked her up into the van before it immediately ran off.
    Without second thought, the duo got in their cruiser to pursue the van. The police siren loudened reverberantly, driving the van to flee faster.
“Officer Wilde to dispatch! Officer Wilde to dispatch!”
    The only response they received over the police radio was buzzing noise, which can be presumed that their signal got jammed.
“We won’t catch up with them-” Judy sounded anxious. She glanced at her canine partner reclining the passenger seat. “What are you doing?”
“Getting ready~” Nick putted on his MidniDriver.
    Knowing what he was up to, she putted on her driver. They subsequently transformed into Hybrid Police form and summoned the automag, spinning its cylinder, sparks flying out.
    Driver side car window was lowered. Hybrid stuck the left paw with the pistol out of the car to shoot a shining tiny bomb. It exploded above the moving van, sending electromagnetic pulses throughout the vehicle system to instantly disable it. Luckily, thick mist helped concealing the armored blend’s presence.
    Right after the van stopped moving, a group of criminals hurried to get out of the white van.
“What about this lesser panda, sir!?” A middle-aged hyena asked the dog politely.
“Leave her. She’s just gonna slow us down. Now, move!” He ordered, letting others escape first, then soon followed.
    Hybrid carefully stepped out of a car to avoid attention. Following that, they looked at the red panda in the abandoned van to make sure that she was safe. Once they confirmed her safety, Hybrid chased the criminals straightaway.
    St. Bernard guided other mammals through a smooth grey stoned street. They turned around the corner, entering an alley between red brick townhouses.
    The armored bunny officer with a spiky yet fluffy fox tail hunted down the gang of animals who attempted kidnapping. When they went around the same corner, Hybrid ’s legs stopped short as they found those criminals running towards a trip of caprid Savages. At that moment, they were in Police form. If they had used their pistol, there would have been a lot of risks that the bullets might accidentally hit the mammals.
    The duo were about to yell to the criminals in order to bring them to a halt. It turned out that they ran past the monsters which merely stood there on all fours and let them through.
    Lost for words, Nick and Judy tried to get their heads around what just happened. Why didn’t those monsters attack? Out of the blue, the Savage s pounced on Hybrid. Duo as one counterattacked by firing a gun. However, shots without aiming were hit-and-miss. Despite few bullet holes, the monsters persisted in assaulting the target.
    One Savage bit on Hybrid ’s right arm holding the pistol, one bit on the left leg, another shoved the front of Hybrid with horns. Even though it did not hurt, it was tough for Hybrid to move. In addition, the rest of a monster trip were on standby to attack.
    At the critical moment, a silver flash fell ahead of the united duo. The reflective paw grabbed the nape of the Savage biting the arm with black armlet before yanking it away. Once Hybrid’s right arm was free, they promptly shot the nearby monsters in the heads.
    Hybrid turned to look at the rescuer. It was the same silver chrome wolf they previously met. He threw the monster he was grabbing upward, then “Volt Strike” uttered calmly while crossing his arms above the head, both knifepaws glowing. When it dropped, he struck it with paw chops. It fell to lie on the floor, eventually breathing its last.
    The combined doe and tod had several big questions to ask but it was not a good time since they were facing the dangerous beasts.
“Duck!” Nick shouted to the wolf.
“I’m a wolf, not a duck.”
“Get out of the way!” He reworded. Hybrid tossed the gun to hold in left paw and then raised it before the right paw twisted the handle back. “ CRITICAL BREAK ” The pistol fired a energy ball which later exploded similar to a firework. The beams came down to strike other caprid Savages.
    However, some of them survived Hybrid Police form’s finishing move, skedaddling. Hybrid charged off to pursue the remaining Savages.
“Sit tight, Hybrid .” The wolf blocked the way, “Track down those Savages.” whispering through some sort of wireless communication.
“Bac-” “Back off, wolf.” The fox in rabbit’s body said out loud to drown out her voice.
“Don’t call me a wolf! How rude! Name is Bolt.” Jokingly offended, he introduced himself, pointing thunderbolt strips on his abdomen. “Shouldn’t you do your fuzz job? Taking care of the victim first? Leave the rest to me.”
“He got a point. Plus, he can defeat multiple Savages on his own… Fuzzy fuzz.” Nick told Judy softly.
    She sighed, somewhat fed up with the situation, not to mention his pun.
    Ultimately, Hybrid headed back to the van prior to the wolf vanishing.
.- -. --- - .... . .-. / .--. .-. --- - . -.-. - --- .-.
    At a later time,
“Where is Sir. Pan?”
“He’s left.” The hyena replied.
    From an outside perspective, mammals were meeting up on a mezzanine with stair in an old warehouse beside Rainforest District’s river.
“Is there anyone following us?”
“I don’t think so. Even if there is, that mammal must be stupid-”
“Hi~” A fruity male voice came from an entrance of a warehouse, preceding a white tundra wolf entering the warehouse. “So, this is your hideout huh? I have couples of questions for your boss. Is he here?” He unzipped his groovy black leather jacket.
    After the mammals on the mezzanine shared a look, they bursted out laughing.
“Alone!? What a joke. Like a moth to a flame.” The hyena scoffed at the uninvited guest while two mammals descended the stairs to shut a gate.
    Next, few caprid Savage s came out of the shadows to surround the wolf. Indicated by healing burn marks on their skins, they were the same ones that encountered Hybrid earlier and survived. The fleering criminals expected him to be horrified.
“Argh! Thank you!” Unanticipatedly, he grew relieved. “I prefer fists to do the talking. Mittens, hack security cams. I’m gonna have some fun.” Seemingly, he talked to himself, rolling up his jacket right sleeve.
“Switch on” The wolf uttered calmly.
- --- / -... . / -.-. --- -. - .. -. ..- . -..
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lesbrarians · 7 years
Junkrat/Roadhog: Voyages Ch 2
I’m so happy you guys enjoyed the first chapter ahhh I hope you continue to like it! I’m gonna go to a Monday-Friday update schedule starting next week :> 
Title: Voyages
Characters: Junkrat, Roadhog
Rating: R
Summary:  After a rocky start and some ups and downs, Junkrat and Roadhog are officially partners, even if things haven’t progressed quite as far as Junkrat would like. With his treasure at the heart of their grandiose plans, they take their adventures overseas and leave their mark on the world, for better or worse. (Mostly for worse. They’re criminals.) Sequel to “Origins.”
He woke up to find that he had drooled all over Roadhog’s arm when he was conked out. “Whoops. Sorry, mate, got a lil’ somethin’ on ya there.” He rubbed off the saliva with his forearm and wiped it on his shorts before climbing to his feet. The alcohol’s effects had worn off in his sleep, leaving him dry-mouthed and slightly achy in the temples, but it was nothing that a few gulps of water couldn’t fix -- one of the packages Ava had mailed alongside them was a slab of flavored mineral water, an obscure Australian brand that she could provide justification for sending overseas. He propped his hands on his hips and scanned the cargo hold for his next conquest.
“Gross,” Roadhog told him, but he didn’t seem to mind.
Junkrat giggled. “Not like yer not used to havin’ my spit all over ya!”
“True,” Roadhog agreed with a huff of amusement. Junkrat was not the neatest of kissers.
“Y’know, there’s somethin’ we can do to pass the time...” Junkrat sniggered as he scrambled on top of a large box. He estimated that sitting on top of it would put him roughly at Roadhog’s eye level. He made grabby motions with his hands in an attempt to lure Roadhog over to him. “Mind takin’ off that mask of yers?”
Roadhog gave a grunt of assent as he stood up. He reached for the straps of his mask, and Junkrat felt his heart quicken. He technically knew what lay beneath, having felt the swathe of twisted, scarred flesh that marked Roadhog as a survivor of a nasty fire, but Roadhog still refused to show him his face entirely. Unfortunately, this time was no different, and he pushed the mask up just far enough to reveal his jaw and mouth.
“Still deprivin’ me of yer beauty, eh?” Junkrat said, unable to stop himself from bemoaning Roadhog’s reticent nature.
Roadhog’s wide grin was lopsided: a crooked grin with crooked teeth, and Junkrat loved it. He wondered how many times Roadhog had smiled without his noticing, shielded by the barrier of his gas mask. “Yeah,”  he said. “This is all you get.”
“Good enough for me! All I really need, roight?” Junkrat wrapped his arms around Roadhog’s neck and kissed him with all the fervour of a man starved of intimacy. He was enthusiastic, if sloppy, but his poor technique made for more opportunities to practise.
Roadhog took control of the kiss in the hopes of teaching Junkrat a better technique than all tongue, no temperance. A little restraint went a long way. Junkrat didn't mind relinquishing control, not when it meant Roadhog gripping his face in those two hands and leaving him -- literally -- breathless.
Junkrat gasped into Roadhog’s mouth, grinding up against him. He probably should have been embarrassed that he was already hard after a few minutes of making out with no below the belt touching to speak of, but Roadhog tended to have that effect on him. He didn’t care how he looked, shamelessly rutting against Roadhog’s belly, not when it felt so fucking good.
The last time things had gotten this hot and heavy between them, they'd been interrupted by the sound of approaching police sirens. The time before that, it was an ambush by a scraggly group of Junkers. Before that, their dinner had started burning. There was always a crisis to be dealt with, and Junkrat had nearly given up hope on ever getting laid. Now, however, there were no distractions, nothing to keep them from doing as they pleased. It was positively exhilarating. Junkrat pushed Roadhog away from him, putting just enough distance between them to give him room to hop off the box he was sitting on. He fell onto his knees with a breathless giggle and tugged at Roadhog’s belt, attempting to figure out how to unfasten the custom plate that served as a buckle. It took a great deal of concentration. His tongue poked out of his mouth as he tried to decipher the mechanism, which didn’t catch in quite the same way as his own belt buckle.
“Whole lotta work just to suck yer dick, but -- heh -- worth it!”
His focus was broken when Roadhog pulled on his hair, tugging his head up to look at him. It was too urgent to be sexy, and the odd look that twisted the corner of Roadhog’s mouth only confirmed that.
“No,” Roadhog said.
Junkrat dropped his hands and frowned up at Roadhog. “Whaddya mean, no? Thought y’were into this.”
“I am.”
This made less than zero sense to Junkrat. “Then why not?” he demanded to know.
It was as valid a reason as any, but it wasn’t one Junkrat was satisfied with.
He was still on his knees. “Fine,” he said shortly, climbing to his feet. At least the pressing situation in his pants had lessened in all the confusion. He jerked his head in the opposite direction, nodding at the far end of the cargo hold. “Just gonna dip for a bit, then.”
He slinked off to be alone and process, his mind a jumble of thoughts. He picked his way through the cargo hold to put as much distance as possible between him and Roadhog, and he took out his frustrations on the various packages that stood in his way.
Maybe looking through other people’s mail would help him forget the buzz of indignation and sudden sense of inferiority that clouded his head.
He recoiled in disgust at the first container he broke into. It took him a few moments to realise that he wasn’t looking at an actual omnic, but a detailed, life-sized photograph of one, a diagram depicting the contents of the package being shipped. He inspected it further.  
“This a fuckin’ sex bot?” he muttered to himself, simultaneously incredulous and revolted. It wasn’t an omnic, but a “personal pleasure device,” or so the label said. He hadn’t realised that there was a market for functional, non-sentient robots built for the pure purpose of masturbation -- but apparently there was a global demand for them, if some corporation was shipping one from Sydney to Tokyo. It might not have had any consciousness or free will, but it could walk, talk, and fuck. Too close to an omnic for his taste.
It wasn’t like Junkrat didn’t have any perverse ideas of his own, and he had certainly entertained the thought of building a mechanical device to help him get off, but you couldn’t pay him enough to fuck anything that even remotely resembled an omnic.
Rationally, he knew that the robot before him couldn’t think and possessed no artificial intelligence, but still, its visual similarity to the bots who could do so gave him the heebie jeebies. He tore open the box. “Disgusting,” he said aloud, critically eyeing the robot, which had clearly been built as a facsimile of a human woman with ridiculously exaggerated proportions. He raided the husk of the sex bot for any parts that he could repurpose for his own inventions, then vowed to use the box to take care of any personal business, because really, fuck whoever had ordered this.
He stuffed his pockets and the bag slung around his bony hips with various mechanical odds and ends.
Moving on, he thought to himself. Looking at the fake omnic for too long was gonna make him sick. Robots -- proper, non-feeling mechanical devices -- were only good when they didn’t represent the humanoid second-class citizens that he so detested.
He tried another box.
It took him a few moments to figure out what he was looking at. The case was filled with soft, white toys, each with a cartoonish happy face, pink blush markings, and green tendrils.
Junkrat picked up one of the plushies and studied it. He didn’t get it -- was it an onion? A peach? A lump of garlic? Why did it have tentacles? -- but it looked like something Roadhog would like. It was pretty cute.
He stuffed the plush toy behind his back. “Roadhog!” he called out as he started making his way back to their corner of the ship. He had cooled off significantly. So Roadhog wasn’t in the mood tonight. He guessed it made sense, they were in the middle of pulling off a complex operation. He’d try jumping his bones later, once they were settled in Japan.
Roadhog gave a questioning grunt and tilted his head at him. Junkrat climbed over the last box standing in his way. “Gotcha something.” He held out the plushie. “Happy birthday!”
“It’s not my birthday,” Roadhog said, but he accepted the gift. He held it in both of his hands, carefully examining it.
“S’called a pachimari,” Junkrat informed him, having read the label. “Thought maybe y’d like it. Cute stuff’s kinda yer thing, ain’t it?”
Roadhog squeezed it. It squeaked, causing them both to emit small noises of surprise. Junkrat hadn’t anticipated that bonus. Roadhog looked at him. “I love it,” he stated. The tacit approval made Junkrat glow with pride, and a grin threatened to split his face in two.
“I knew ya would! It’s all cuddly, roight? Like you!” He sat down and took the pachimari from Roadhog. He stuffed it behind his head as a makeshift pillow and leaned against their motorcycle crate. Roadhog promptly tugged it away from him, causing the back of his head to crack against the box.
“Ow!” Junkrat rubbed the base of his skull. “Watch it!” Roadhog didn’t apologise, responding only with a vaguely threatening hum. Junkrat shifted to use his his belly as a pillow instead.
“What’re we gonna do first when we land?” he asked Roadhog. Even with a direct path to Japan and the miracles of modern technology, it would still take them the better part of five days until they arrived in Japan. They might as well use the time to strategise.
“Get more of these,” Roadhog replied, tenderly cradling the pachimari in his hands.
Junkrat cackled. “Good a plan as any!”
 As they neared the last leg of their journey, Junkrat was going stir-crazy. He was used to being cooped up for a week or so; he did it every time he and Roadhog needed to lay low after a particularly successful string of crimes. The key difference between then and now, however, was their choice of shelter: a deserted house in the desolate Outback, long abandoned by Australians who had the sense to get away from the irradiated region, was very different from the storage hold of a cargo ship. There, they could venture outside briefly to get some fresh air and sunshine, or at least crack open a window. Here, not so much.
“I don’t know if I can make it, ‘Hog,” Junkrat moaned. At present, he was draped over a crate, arm flung over his eyes.
“You’re being overdramatic again.”
Junkrat feigned indignance. “What a load of crap, I have never been overdramatic a single day in my life!”
"You are always overdramatic," Roadhog pointed out.
Junkrat popped his head up to glare at him, then sat up straight. "Am not!"
They were too busy bickering to notice when the boat stopped rocking beneath them.
"Hang on," Junkrat said, shoving his hand into the snout of Roadhog's mask in an attempt to silence him. "D'you feel anything, or am I just mental?"
"You’re mental. What am I supposed to be feeling?"
Junkrat pointed to the floor of the ship, and it clicked.
"Get back in the box," Roadhog said, shoving Junkrat off of the crate he had reappropriated as a lounge chair and in the direction of their own crate. "We must be here."
"S'your fault we didn't notice," Junkrat said, being antagonistic purely for the sake of being antagonistic. Roadhog pushed him in response, and he giggled maniacally.
Roadhog hefted the lid of the crate, prepared to seal them both back in once they'd secured their hiding spot, while Junkrat climbed inside.
The door to the cargo hold, a scant few metres from them, slid open, and a slim man trundled in, loading cart in hand.
All involved parties froze: Junkrat mid-climb, one foot still in the air, Roadhog with the massive lid still in his arms, the dock worker still holding onto his trolley.
Junkrat was the first to break the silence. "G'day!" he said with a jaunty salute. Roadhog dropped the lid with a resounding thump. The dock worker responded, clearly nervous, but neither of them could understand Japanese.
Junkrat hopped down from the box and approached the man, who looked at him warily. “Mate, I got not the faintest idea of what yer sayin’, and even if I did, I don’t care. Roadhog?”  He held out his hand, fully expecting his bodyguard to understand what he was requesting. Roadhog tossed him his frag launcher. Junkrat promptly fumbled the catch and dropped it to the floor, although he made a quick recovery and pressed it to the man’s temple. “Anyway. So, howsabout you forget what ya saw, and we take our leave?” The man likely understood his words just about as much as they had understood his, but violence was the universal language. He nodded frantically, a droplet of sweat beading on his forehead.
"Righto!" Junkrat said brightly, lowering the grenade launcher and glancing back at his partner in crime.
Roadhog had used his time constructively and torn down the side of the crate, freeing the motorcycle and creating a ramp. Junkrat booked it back to the bike and leapt into the sidecar while Roadhog revved up the engine.
"Outta our way, ya dingus!" Junkrat shouted, and the cargo worker dove to the side, abandoning his trolley, which Roadhog promptly smashed into.
They peeled down the gangway and through a crowd of mail couriers, smashing through the first fence they saw.
"Okay, so we went to all that trouble, what with the rebreathers and all, and yer telling me that we coulda got away with just bargin' on-- camera!" They both smiled for the security feed, Roadhog taking his hand off the handlebars long enough to flash a thumbs-up, while Junkrat struck a dramatic pose. "--board? Forget it mate, I'm not even tryin' anymore. Let's just bludgeon our way through everything, eh? Who's gonna stop the two scary Australian Junkers? Caution's fer chumps."
Roadhog laughed, that deep, low chuckle that always reverberated in Junkrat's bones. "Fair enough," he said. They tore off down the streets of Tokyo, in search of a truck from which they could illegally siphon petrol for their motorcycle.
  The streets of Tokyo, Japan were vastly different from the wasteland of the Australian Outback. For one, Junkrat had never seen so many people in one place in his life. Even their trip to Sydney hadn't been so saturated with pedestrians. At first, it was overwhelming, all the hustle and bustle turning him skittish. However, once he realised that they could get away with committing crimes a lot easier when they were in crowds, any misgivings he had vanished.
Junkrat had every intention of scouting out the city's omnic population, but first, he felt they deserved a vacation. What better way to unwind than at an arcade?
He was glued to the soft drink machine. “Look, 'Hog, they got all kinds of fizzy drinks here!” He hadn't heard of any of the brands before. Most of them weren’t in English, but he could make out Kiki Cola, Murloc, and Nano. Despite having no idea what they tasted like, they were making him salivate. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “Which, oh which, should I try first?” When he didn't get a response, he turned around. “Roadhog?”
Roadhog had abandoned him to check out the machines that dispensed an entirely different kind of loot: stuffed toys. There was one claw machine in particular that Roadhog was fixated on, the one affixed with a sign that read “UFO.” Junkrat recognised the pachimari that they had strapped to the back of their chopper.
Roadhog’s snout was pressed against the window of the machine, much as Junkrat’s tongue had been against the glass of the vending machine. Besides him was a small boy with a tuft of blue hair and a pachimari tank top, quietly sucking on a lollipop as he stared up at Roadhog.
Junkrat shoved the child aside with a shout of, “Move, he’s mine!” and squeezed next to Roadhog. “Looks like you found where baby pachimari come from.”
Roadhog gave a grunt of assent, and they were silent for a split second. Junkrat eyed the crane inside the machine, wishing that he had some yen so he could test it and study the machinery.
Roadhog spoke first. “Are you thinking what I'm thinking?”
“Depends what yer thinkin’, mate. I'm thinkin’ we gotta liberate some of these city wankers of their wallets. I wanna see this beaut in action.”
“Not what I was thinking.”
“Or,” Junkrat continued, raising an imperious finger in the air to silence him, “we liberate these poor souls from their prison. We'd be doin’ ‘em a favour, really, givin’ them all homes. You, me, and a million pachimari. One big happy family!”
He could sense Roadhog's smile through his gas mask. “Yeah! That's more like it.”
Junkrat flashed a grin back at him. “You take care of them, then. I'm gettin’ us some bevvies to celebrate!” He unholstered his frag launcher and bounded off towards the vending machine.
He wasn’t going to discriminate between flavors now -- although he was making it his personal mission to sample them all during their time in Japan -- he simply launched a grenade at the nearest dispenser, causing the thick pane of glass to splinter, cracks spreading out from the point of impact. He finished the job by kicking it in, sending shards and cans flying, and grabbed all the soft drinks he could carry. There was a similar crash behind him as Roadhog punched the claw machine, his spiked brass knuckles absorbing the shock and smashing the window entirely.
Junkrat had overestimated how much he could hold at one time and promptly started spilling cans when he took off running. Roadhog lumbered after him, hot on his heels, and he was doing a much better job at holding onto his purchases than Junkrat was.
Junkrat gave up trying to carry them all and settled for guzzling what he could, letting the other cans fall as they may. “Oh, that’s good,” he said out loud, studying the can to figure out what brand it was -- Kiki Cola -- before tossing the empty can behind him.  
They burst out of the arcade into the afternoon sunlight, the small child wailing in the distance at the loss of all the plush toys.
Miraculously, they made it back to their new home base without too much trouble. Most people leapt out of their path, alarmed and intimidated by the two Junkers barrelling down the street.
“Gotta get me a cart or somethin’, next time we do that,” Junkrat said, pushing aside the tarp that served as their front door. “Or make use of them arms of yers! How the heck did ya manage to carry all those?” He gestured at the heap of pachimari still in Roadhog’s arms.
Roadhog shrugged. He carefully set the pile down on the ground. “Practice.”
Junkrat eyed him. “Betcha y’could carry me.”
“Bet I could,” Roadhog agreed. He sat down on the throne of pachimari with a whumph and the sound of a million squeakers going off at once. Junkrat giggled gleefully and joined him, squirming under Roadhog’s arm. He picked up one of the plush toys and squeaked it, over and over, until Roadhog finally ripped it out of his hands. Deprived of entertainment, Junkrat took stock of their new, albeit temporary, home.
It had been impossible for them to find an abandoned place to squat, given their determination to stay within the more urban areas of Tokyo, where concentrations of omnics were highest. An empty apartment did not stay empty for long. They had been ruminating on alternative options -- Roadhog had suggested staying under the bridge, but Junkrat had been adamant that he was “not gonna share with a buncha derros” -- when they stumbled across a portion of the city that had been blocked off with fences and tarps, surrounding several half-built skyscrapers.
They couldn’t read the sign that marked the company that was behind the construction zone, but by the looks of the logo and some general deductions, they had concluded that it was meant to be the site of future residences for omnics.
As it turned out, Japan had a relatively small population of omnics. The country was an island with limited space, and as such, there was a nationwide push to relocate omnics to the mainland. Robots were one thing; omnics were actual citizens who needed resources and living space. With new regulations in place and political, pro-omnic protests, Tokyo was redeveloping a portion of the city to house omnics with no place to go, providing them with dwellings that suited their non-human needs.
It was the stupidest thing Junkrat had ever heard of, and he had had quite a lot of stupid ideas in his lifetime.
The fence had been plastered with signs, mostly likely warning individuals not to trespass and espousing the dangers of entering a construction site with no safety gear. They were all in Japanese, however, and the only sign Junkrat had recognised was a bright red stop sign.
Stop signs didn’t stand in his way, nor Roadhog's: he always had preferred to think of them as “suggestions” rather than “rules,” and Roadhog's command of the road entailed blowing through red lights more often than not. With a brash laugh, Junkrat had immediately instructed Roadhog to toss him over the fence.
They'd found a fairly solid structure with tarp tacked between its pillars to protect the half- finished interior from the elements. It was a risky choice of dwelling, but given the dearth of heavy machinery, they had concluded that construction had been halted due to some bureaucratic nonsense or other.
“Maybe the good people of Tokyo are seein’ sense!” Junkrat had speculated. “Those heaps of junk don't deserve fancy flats.”
It was a good decision, Junkrat thought as he burrowed deeper into the pile of pachimari. Anywhere was home as long as he had Roadhog by his side, but having the basic human comforts of a relatively enclosed, private space made it all the better.
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