#but since every sect heir was already competing for Cangse Sanren's attention
I’ve decided for my Wei Clan AU that everyone in WWX’s family has been blessed with 1) a soulmate and 2) the ability to immediately identify that soulmate as soon as they lay eyes on them for the first time, ensuring that they know who their destined other is.
I’ve also decided that, while this ability is inherent, you have to kind of know what you’re looking for or you could miss it. It’s something that the Wei know to expect and therefor are prepared for when it happens.
Mostly because I think it’s funny if WWX finds out JFM kidnapped him and meets his family sometime after the Guest Lectures, and when they tell him about the soulmate thing he goes “oh that sounds nice I wonder when that’ll happen to me”
Then later that night he has a dream-memory about meeting LWJ on the wall, beautiful and pale and radiant in the moonlight, and how it sort of felt like WWX got tunnel vision the second he saw him, and how all his instincts were suddenly clambering for this boy’s attention at any cost
And he bolts upright in bed in a cold sweat like IS THAT WHAT THAT WAS and then needs to be stopped from flying to Gusu in the middle of the night to propose to the second Jade
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