#but somehow it feels ages ago?
theerastour · 4 months
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the-magpie-archives · 21 days
Tips for writing London as a setting if you've never been there
London's a popular place to set a story! It's often imagined as sexy, cool, and suave. Whilst this is sometimes true, the thing that it predominantly is, is absolutely and entirely chaotic! So here are some aspects that you may not know about:
-Public transport is absolutely crucial to the infrastructure! Few people drive in London because of how well connected it is, and bus stops and train stations are often used as meeting points or details in directions.
-There's a LOT of crime, like, a lot. All cities have it, but London has a lot of variety. Stabbings are incredibly common (to the extent where it becomes a bit of a joke), almost everyone has a story where they've found or seen a dead body, and there are many money laundering/drug den fronts under the guise of highstreet shops (they're not well hidden).
-Despite it's chaos there's a strong code of etiquette most people hold themselves too. Some are actual rules (stand on the right side of escalators, don't queue jump) but some are simply social expectations (don't stop in the middle of the pavement, keep your bags close to your body, don't take up multiple seats.)
-A lot of tourists to the city are COMPLETELY FERAL and widely hated. They'll stand in the middle of the road, block up bridges, swing around cameras and selfie sticks in busy places, and completely ignore the social standards of polite society. People Do Not Like This. (also American tourists have a tendancy to just randomly start conversation with people? It's a bit weird and generally not done but it's not strictly a bad thing.)
-Rush hour is INSANE. We're talking almost static traffic, trains so packed that you're pressed into people on every side, buses that are so full they can't stop to let more people on. Some days it's better some days it's worse, but if you can avoid travelling at those times YOU DO.
-There are a lot of scam artists on the streets. Most major cities have these, they suck, they're aggressive, and they'll take your money! Some give you flowers and then force you to pay, some take photos of you and boost up the price to get them, there's always new ones, they're relentless, and you've gotta tell them to fuck off.
-Black cabs are not at all popular for normal people! They cater to tourists, rich people, and old people. They're great, the cab drivers are hard working and very knowledgeable, but they're also very expensive. Awful as it is, uber's cheaper if you're desperate, but buses go everywhere so it's just not really worth it.
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moeblob · 5 months
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Happy Birthday to Ferdinand von Aegir!
I actually made 33 emotes, affectionately known as Aegirglyphics to some, for my own personal use on discord. However, I figure why not share some of them! They're free to use for discord servers/icons/pfps or whatever. However, my only request is Do NOT use them as subscriber emotes on Twitch. You can make them free follower emotes but you are not to make them locked behind a paywall.
#fe three houses#ferdinand von aegir#discord emotes#i thought long and hard about this bc idk the actual want for emotes i made ages ago but#i still love my son and its his bday ad so i should be nice and share#since i no longer have nitro and can no longer use them myself#the fact i can technically post 30 at once was tempting but#some of them arent living up to my standards and also just might not be easy to use in most contexts#so those im gonna skip on lol#whoever wants 21 aegirglyphics tho have at em#i think i might have posted some before? but only 10 and i dont recall which ones#if you want a secret the last three and the middle on the second row are my favorites to use#i used concernednand (the upper one) so much#the internet concerns me guys it was a valid use every time#debated sharing heartnand but honestly the world could benefit from it imo because gotta spread that love#fun lil trivia i love making emotes and so when i was in a server and people knew me as the ferdinand fan and artist#someone was like why hasnt salmon made a ferdinand emote yet#and im like bc i dont run the server and i cant just demand they add my art#and then a mod was like i didnt wanna put pressure on salmon but i thought about it so i was like bet#and then drew a server exclusive happy ferdinand emote#and that was the start of me somehow being able to have like.... ten emotes in that server#some of them were just me joking and then mods encouraging me#cause i used to use felix for every single art prompt theyd give and one week someone said the prompt was pog#and i just was so upset because dude why would i wanna draw felix for that hes not pog#so a mod was like hey if you make a pog felix emote we ill add it to the emotes here#so i once again was like bet and then posted it and then they really added it lmao#anyway sorry for so many rambles please feel free to use them on discord in whatever server#i cant really expect everyone to credit me but also im not really concerned since i fear people know my nands a mile away
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elspeth-tirel · 3 months
Curiousity here because I noticed it with a lot of people's tags. When you read the post I just made yesterday about Ceres
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skiijumpinng · 6 months
btw domen secretly wanted him and pero to be together on the podium yesterday (they apparently even made a deal with the coach)
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nordsea-horizons · 1 year
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decided to visit one of my old islands to get inspo for an area im trying to copy, but ended up taking a few pictures🍃 so thankful for the dream feature, i still really love my old islands💛
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buff-muffin · 7 months
Receiving one piece spoilers is wild. Cause like when you don’t watch one piece and hear a statement like “Luffy fought a god to ring a bell on a bean stalk” you’re like ‘wtf that sounds so stupid ain’t no way’
But then. When you WATCH one piece you could tell me some bullshit like “oh yeah Luffy blew up the moon by throwing it at a guy.” And at first I think. There’s no way. But then… then I’ll start to wonder.
D-did he?
And… and when does this happen!?
and suddenly there’s this mix of fear and excitement that the the next arc will be the one the moon is thrown at some mofo.
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serdtse · 5 months
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omgkalyppso · 1 year
people are talking about commenting on ao3 fics when the site's back up and i have a question for writers!
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oh oops thats just a whole set of lyrics i made
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trans-xianxian · 9 months
I turn 22 in 30 days.......
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songofwizardry · 1 year
my youtube home page recommended videos these days are like
video i've already watched
actual video i'd like to watch from a creator i follow
extremely upsetting video that has zero (0) relevance to anything i ever watch
video with ten views of someone's high school graduation or something
shorts i don't want
video i've already watched
video from my watch-later playlist that i saved five years ago
six (6) videos related to home improvement bc i made the mistake of watching one (1) video about fixing something once
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daz4i · 1 year
finding the blogs of old mutuals is very fun sometimes but i think i just found one of my ex and they are like. straight up lying on main
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c-sunflower01 · 1 year
⸻ tw: rant, unrelatability, trauma, family issues
sometimes I wonder if
the trauma I hold is
even my own.
I'd hear books of stories
of pain and suffering
lingering in the
m e m o r y
of my brain that echoes
into feelings that just appear.
a victim
of any form of despair;
a healthy body with
decent intellect to
actually function
in a society that doesn't accept
it's funny how I acquaint
with people who only had
problems on their shoulders
(I hear them, cursing the people around them
...I wondered if I were one of them)
I can't join every conversation
because there wasn't a place
for a boring average person
who is grateful for their life, their family,
their achievements
to join a group of
kindred spirits
who shared
their worries
their tears
their pains
(because I don't have
such things)
I lie to myself -
you must have something like them
you think of something that they understand
you realize it's futile and never joined in
(even if you badly want to - you could never join in)
because my frustrations
are nothing compared to their scars
my emotions are still bareable to breathe with
( y e t I a m c o n s t a n t l y s u f f o c a t i n g )
and guilt overwhelms me when I try to speak
" my parents are unreasonable "
(my parents and I get along just fine)
" I can't stand their unjustified behavior "
(there wasn't anything to be mad at in the first place)
" God I want to rant about it "
(I want to join in too, but my life is not like yours for you to understand and even if I try to talk- I'll end up ruining your mood. If I dare speak I'd be a thorn on the field of cotton buds blossoming in the spring. An annoying fly that buzzes around as you try to let out the frustrations you held on)
and I could only say repetitive phrases
I've always said in the past,
because I can't comfort a broken person
who seeks for someone to understand them
I can't be that person - because I'm not like that
and I just watch at the sidelines
as other people support each other, and I clap
I'm happy for them
because I knew they deserved
the love
and care
they could never have before
(but I cradle myself to sleep
knowing that nothing good comes my way)
- an average person has nothing
going for them, only a flimsy
existence that dissipates quickly
and the negative part of my brain
hopes they keep suffering. - that
they live in sorrow so I can
elevate my worth more than I could
ever imagine - thoughts my morality
despises for existing ( and I berate
myself for even thinking)
in the silence on my own;
they frolicked together
across meadows and oceans of
endless venture - and I just watch
because they never invite me
because I am not like them
because even if I'm considered a friend
I'm just a person they brought in
because I was there when a group
of people came together and
deemed each other friends
and I'm stuck alone again and again,
seeing people get closer and closer as I
stand there eternally alone - watching watching
watching watching watching their moments play out
I'm stained with envy as I could never take the chance
just wanting to be part of their world - their life story
because I'm always sick on living in my own tiny bubble
endlessly lamenting my flaws until I crack myself
down over and over again - because no one ever
notices the fool that tries to fit in - the average
wallflower listening the same tales of tragedy
same problems, same worries over and over
like a chant that just brings out my insecurities-
(I d o n t w a n t t o b e l i k e t h a t)
I try to find meaning in my life
because no one else could
no one knows my story
and it's funny that even I
faked being apathetic
just to not have my identity
be shattered
as I listened to another story
that will never be like mine
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deus-ex-mona · 1 year
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stuff’s wildin’, my dudes
#auhxhsjahs i n c o h e r e nt rambling coming right up you’ve been warned o k ie~?#so the other day i finally found out about that [redacted thing (if ykyk)]’s (thankfully outdated) mistranslator masterlist and stuff#and i googled the op of that list to see what others had to say about ‘em#(cuz personally i found the dude’s tone through it all to be. pretty mean actually??)#(like h e l p tling probably isn’t these people’s day jobs; they’re probs just hobby tlers?? ease up my g~~~)#b u t i digress. despite having searched for the op of that post i somehow found a post by another fan tler who seemed to have vanished?#*vanished from that [redacted] tling community i mean. they just stopped uploading years ago. prolly bc their main yt channel was terminated#and they??? despite having not made a single post in almost 10 years??? seem to be alive and well in this current age?????#like yoooooooo i’ve legitimately had the thought that something bad had happened to ‘em for y e a r s but they!!! they’re alive!!!!!!!#they seem to have stopped tling for good but!!!!! they’re alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#so i guess i can say that i went hunting for trash and found treasure instead o o o p—#but on another note. i think gatekeeping tling isn’t cool at all.#like yeah there can be some really fishy tls (including official tls a he m) but being mean about it helps no one at all#and so! that’s why! i keep my big mouth shut whenever i see fishy tls floating about the vast open sea in front of me~~~#i mean. quite a number of those fishy tls are mine anyway. so. um. i don’t have any room to say anything really ahaha~~~~#but please!!! feel free to blast my tls if you’d like!! my absolutely terrible daikirai tl is a free for all!!!!!#g o d i should really revise that soon. it’s terribly mistranslated and i cringe and wilt inside.#it is suiyoubi my dudes#well. not anymore but… it is still suiyoubi in my heart <3
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chqnified · 2 years
The feeling of: yeah! I might be getting a proper job, one of those fancy 'life long' careers people talk about!!!
And also the feeling of: but. What do you mean.
#the realisation is hitting. and too fast#I'm going to start FINALLY learning to drive. I'm doing stuff by myself. applying for a job by myself. a fancy full time job at that.#i think realisation hit because i had to go get a bloodtest done by myself. mum was at work and so couldn't hold my hand.#dad was unwilling to go in with me#you know. i surprised myself. i managed to not only converse with the nurse!!! but also not fight her when i saw the needle!!!#and I didn't cry or scream#you may be laughing. but last time. around 5 months ago. i did almost cry and nearly passed out#big steps.#but again. it dawned on me as i was with friends doing regular adult shit. those boring things. or random things that scream middle age#shopping for bedding and having breakfast at the harvester screams mid life crisis. i should not be going through this at my age. alas.#and we drove there whilst listening to Britney spears. again mid life crisis hello???#it has been an accumulation of things where I've realised. holy shit. i was not doing this or thinking about this go back 6 months.#now look at me.#it feels weird moving on. there are so many things i feel like I've been forced to leave behind. a lost childhood perhaps.#i wish I'd had the opportunity to be less scared and anxious as a child.#i think that's a major part of the reason why I'm struggling to move on or let go of some things.#I don't feel like the same person. probably lot's of reasons for that. but somehow that is what makes it worse#thoughts ig#on a worrying note. y'all better watch out for when i get a car. nobody will be safe.
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