#but sometimes I just need a break
Small vent incoming, please just ignore it if it doesn't resonate with you. I kind of just want to put it into the void, and Tumblr has always been void-y to me, lol.
So: something that no one tells you about adulthood is that it is REALLY HARD to find time for your hobbies, even your most beloved ones that consume all of your spare thoughts.
Like, for example, today. ALL I wanted to do was write, but I barely had time to do anything, much less breathe, much less do what I wanted to do most!
I was up at 7:30AM to handle the dog's breakfast/morning routine because Mr. Sky went into the office early (he usually does this for me when he's home, and I'm grateful to him for that - it lets me get a little more sleep). Then I rushed through my morning routine to try and get to work early for a very dear colleague's goodbye breakfast (her new opportunity is great, but I am SO sad to lose her), but the dog ate a coaster while I was in the shower so I was delayed cleaning that mess and I missed most of it. Then I had a bunch of charts and emails to check and respond to before I got pulled into an interview at 10AM. The interview took an hour, and then I debriefed it with a colleague for another half an hour or so because we don't think the person was a strong candidate - unfortunate, cause we really need to fill this position so that I'm not doing 2 people's jobs. Then there were more emails to respond to. Then, finally, a little bit of time to think! I polled some friends about aesthetics for a scene I'm working on and dashed off a few words of a vibe I wanted to expand on over my lunch break, but by 1PM I had to get back in my car and drive to a other work site 30 minutes away for a 2 hour meeting with a student I'm precepting. The meeting took closer to 2 and half hours because of a situation that popped up when I was at the other site. Then it was 4PM, and the other site is over an hour away from my house, and I had to leave so I could get home with enough time to wash the dog and eat something before a class I'm taking for professional licensure-required contiuing education at 6PM. By the time it was over at 8PM, I realized I had spent a grand total of maybe 10 minutes with Mr. Sky all day, so I got a bowl of ice cream and plopped down on the couch with him. He then needed my help with something, and by the time we were done, it was 9:45, the dog needed her night routine, and then I was too tired to do anything else but collapse into bed and write this post. (And I don't even have kids. That's a whole nother level of tired.)
And the MOST FRUSTRATING thing is, I thought about what I wanted to write ALL DAY and couldn't do it! While I was in the shower this morning, in the car on the way to work, at lunch, on the car on the way to the other site, on my commute home, during my CE class, while helping Mr. Sky, and now! I'm probably going to dream about it! But almost none of those times allowed for actual writing! And now my brain is mush!
I'm just frustrated that that happens more days than not, and I wish I had more hours in the day or more energy/better health (this was a good health day!) or less responsibilities. And I know this is the tale as old as time - nothing is new under the sun - but sometimes I wish the predictably cyclical struggle of life would be just a little less teeth-grindingly constant.
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lazylittledragon · 1 year
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they'll make it work
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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Good morning, Sleepyhead.
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#wei wuxian#lan wangji#'WWX was asleep for 4 days' is an incorrect factoid.#The average WWX sleeps for 8 hours. The PD-MDZS WWX who was asleep for 40 comics and 4 months is an outlier.#We are back to present day! I have missed drawing them!#Ah...the contrast between how the flashback ended (cold and distrustful) to how wwx wakes up (warm and watched over)...#The gap between the past and present is very important. Not just in this story but in our lives too.#The past can still hurt and it doesn't just go away with time as some say. It is the power of realizing that things have changed.#We can't get the good back. The bad memories have concluded. Those live somewhere else now.#It is hard to realize that you have to live for today and tomorrow. The past is so loud.#For WWX it is realizing that despite the mistrust in the past - He really does have faith that LWJ will be there for him.#It is the reflection of knowing that you changed and will keep changing and that change is good and kind sometimes.#But more importantly...and this I really do mean with all my heart:#It will all end up okay in the end. Even after the worst day. The most painful losses. You will get through it.#What feels like a breaking point is truthfully just another step you have to take. You'll get through it even though it feels like the end.#There are wonderful things you have yet to see. Friends you have yet to meet.#Even if it hurts so badly...one day it just aches. Someday you'll go a few weeks not remembering that it ever hurt.#Oh and because my izutsumi comic revealed many people were in need of hearing this:#You are loved. Right now. You are so loved right now. We just forget to tell each other that.#Go tell the people you love that they matter to you. I'm assigning you homework!!! You are graded on completion.
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fruityumbrella · 2 months
one piece is set in a nautical world with presumably nautical idioms and exclamations to match, right, like swearing by the sea rather than on a god etc. to wit, there's five seas (the four blues + the grand line) so we can assume when you're feeling particularly dramatic, you might refer to all those vast oceans to get your hyperbolic point across.
keeping that in mind, lets live in a stupidly romantic corny ass world for a moment ok? take my hand.
"I swear on all six seas, if you don't shut the fuck up right now—"
"What?" Sanji looks at him like he's stupid. Nothing new, really.
"Ha, even you're going deaf having to listen to your own annoying ass whining all the time, Cook. I was—"
"No, you—"
"Don't interrupt me! Oi!" he yelps as a wooden spoon bounces harmlessly off his shoulder. He's not impressed that Sanji manages to catch it before it hits the counter.
"You said six seas," Sanji states.
Zoro stares back in lieu of an answer.
"Huh, maybe this has something to do with why you're always lost. There's only five seas, dummy."
And ah, now he gets what the idiot cook is on about. He's surprised and a little disappointed, honestly. You'd think the guy would be a little more aware about his own fucking dream, but whatever. He's got that annoying smile, smug and cocky like he's oh so much better than Zoro.
"Would you like me to count them out for you? I know it's a big number, it's probably confusing for a simple creature like you."
Zoro crosses his arms in clear warning, something the cook, as always, blatantly ignores. He's leaning on the counter that's between them now, eyes sparkling with glee. Idiot. Zoro's thoughts do not have a fond tone to them. Thoughts don't have tones at all, thank you very much.
Sanji lifts a hand and proceeds to count off on his fingers with the precision of a drill sergeant.
"I'm sure you at least know our ocean, the East Blue. There's also the West Blue, North Blue, South Blue, and of course the Grand Line," he wiggles all his fingers as he puts his thumb up for the last one like he's emulating fireworks.
Zoro snorts indelicately. "And?"
Sanji frowns with a tilt of his head.
Zoro holds up his index finger.
"And," he says, stifling his amusement as Sanji goes cross eyed trying to follow said finger as it arcs towards him, "your All Blue. Dummy."
He punctuates the last word by poking Sanji in the forehead, snickering when he sputters and swats the digit away in a huff. Then Zoro's words finally sink in, and he straightens up almost too fast. It's not endearing at all.
"Wait," he says quietly, "you count it?"
Zoro doesn't like how Sanji's looking at him with an open expression he's not usually allowed. He looks earnest and sincere. Zoro feels suddenly out of his depth.
"Don't you?" he deflects uncomfortably.
"Well yeah, but that's different. You're—" he shrugs half heartedly and looks away. Zoro can't tell if the end of that sentence was going to disparage him or the cook. Odds are likely split down the middle. Sanji keeps looking at him, and he feels pinned. The bright look is gone, replaced by something more reserved but perhaps...searching? Considering, at the least. It's making him increasingly self conscious. He needs to get out of here.
"Okay. I'm gonna steal some alcohol now," he says shortly, striding to the cabinet and swiping a bottle before Sanji blinks out of his stupor.
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purplecatghostposts · 3 months
Concept: Mouse Holder Félix. He’s everywhere.
His powers allow him not only to multiply himself, but essentially control a hive mind of tiny versions of him? He immediately sees allll the things he can keep an eye on at one time.
Adrien opens his bag and yelps because a tiny Mouse!Félix is there like, “Finally, I’ve been waiting to talk to you for at least half an hour.” and Adrien is like, “You couldn’t have texted??” and Félix replies with, “No, this is more discreet. Also more dramatic. Anyways-”
Kagami is enamored with Mouse!Félix. She can hold him in the palm of her hand. He chills in her pocket. She can sneak him into any place she wants. There are many benefits to Mouse!Félix.
I also just imagine there’s like, a spy network of many Félixs watching the city and tracking down leads. However even if he manages to bypass the timer and not detransform, I do think he probably gets killer migraines from being in Multitude for too long due to needing to process what every version of him is experiencing at once and getting major overstimulation after a while. Do you see my vision.
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babychosen · 2 days
we moved on from this too fast
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mikakuna · 5 months
i am once again begging for jason fic recs but this time i'm gonna be more specific. pls plsss share any fics you guys have read that doesn't include pit madness, jason apologizing to tim, jason feeling bad about what he did to tim, or anything to do with tim. if it has to do with tim, i hope it's someone acknowledging tim's role in badmouthing robin jason (literally impossible i think) or them only having a relationship if it's not built on jason feeling guilty and tim being a baby twink
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papa-evershed · 9 days
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Rob James-Collier as Saul Silva
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deadchannelradio · 2 months
t, gen, humor, 4.9k, 1/1
“It’s fine, Jason,” Dick says. “Chill out. I’m a grown adult, it’s not like Slade’s bothering a teenager anymore. It’s enrichment for me. I get a little shot of adrenaline and a bug treasure hunt. Sometimes he even makes me coffee.” “And you drink it?” “Well, yeah. It’s my fucking coffee, I’m not going to waste it.” “I’m going to kill him,” Jason decides aloud. “Next time I see that man, I’m gonna kill him.” “No, Jason, do not,” Dick says in the same tone Jason uses to tell his dog not to chew on his boots.
Read more on AO3
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laundrypause · 3 days
AU where loscar are in high school, Oscar's quite popular and Logan is not as popular but just as much as well-liked. One thing about Logan is he is the most oblivious human to ever exist in the entirety of mankind. People flirting with him? Nah, they're just being nice. Getting chocolates for Valentine's? They must feel bad that he doesn't have one. Notes with hearts attached to phone numbers mysteriously finding their way into his locker? Must be the people he's been partnered with for their midterms. At first, Logan's secret admirers thought he was trying to reject them without outwardly saying no to their advances. And if that really was the case, they'd back off cause yk common decency. But then they find out he actually doesn't realise that these advances are essentially what they are. Advances. So they do what seemed like a perfectly reasonable solution and asked one of Logan's best friends to help them out because maybe their flirtations were too general. Too normal. They needed an insider who knew what Logan liked other than fishing and cars. Things that made his heart flutter, his cheeks blush. They wanted him to know that they were interested in him, not just being friendly. So who else to ask none other than Oscar to help them out.
Oscar wouldn't say he was Logan's bestest best closest friend who knew everything about him down to a T. That position was occupied. But Oscar thinks he knows Logan enough to try and be a Cupid-associate per say and help these poor souls who decided to fall for Oblivious Man™. He doesn't know what the tightening of his chest or the flood of fire trickling through his body means but it's probably the odd gloop of greens the cafeteria calls lunch he ate. Not for any other reason at all.
For about 2 weeks straight, Oscar's the designated Loge(Love) Guru, attempting to inconspicuously ask Logan questions and relaying pieces of said information to the admirers that fit the list of questions they'd emailed him. Yes, emailed him like social media didn't exist and this was the early 2000s or something. The list of questions include:
What's Logan's favourite color?
Is he a steak kinda guy?
His ideal type in 3 words?
Coach or Gucci?
And other questions Oscar deemed.... he'd rather not ask (let's leave it at that).
Logan's a little confused about the sudden influx of questions hurled at him by Oscar but deigns it harmless enough. If it meant he'd get to spend more time with Oscar, he'd take it. Who's there to judge him? Exactly. No one.
It's been weeks ever since the admirers have asked Oscar for help and still...no dice. It seemed like after they'd requested Oscar's expertise, Logan's become even more detached to their pursuits, which should definitely be impossible but it's Logan. He always somehow manages to defy the odds. But maybe this is a sign of some sort, that Logan will never manage to see through the fog and accept that it's possible for people to experience attraction towards him.
When they say this to Oscar, however, he's weirdly defensive. Saying how could they just give up that easily, if they're actually serious about Logan why are they not doing anything more, that actually they were asking the wrong questions. That did they not realize that Logan wasn't that much of a materialist? Their actions need to have meaning, their gifts need to convey a message. They can't just throw a designer watch at him expecting him to know their intentions. Hell, he wouldn't even accept the damn gift because oh why would you spend so much on me? I can't accept this.
Nor can they can't just give him flowers all willy-nilly, just grabbing them off a shelf because it's the most expensive. Purple so obviously clashes with him and didn't they remember when Oscar said Logan liked yellow? They should've gotten him a yellow bouquet with greens and blues complimenting it, yellow because he was as bright as the sun, always exuding warmth and blues and greens because they were the colors of his eyes and wrapped with delicate pink crêpe paper because that's the color of his cheeks whenever he flushes and-
Oh my God, they were dumbasses. Idiots, fools, blockheads. Of course Oscar's 'advice' didn't work. It didn't work because he liked him. He liked Logan. Shit, it was all starting to make sense now, why none of the help Oscar lent truly...helped. Because he didn't want to help them. Because he liked Logan and didn't want them to- God how were they so dumb? It's so obvious now, so clear. The way Oscar's eyes always managed to soften when Logan was in his radar, the immediate hardening of his body, muscles taut whenever someone says something less than friendly to the American, ready to jump into a fight like an aggravated cat or even the way he always seemed to be the first person in line to lend Logan a shoulder when he's tired out of his mind, staving off sleep just to do one more calc question.
Always the one forcing him to take care of himself whenever Logan forgets to. God, they were complaining about Logan being the oblivious one but how about them? Being completely blind to the obvious lovesick simp that was still going on about how the direction of the quirk of Logan's mouth could clearly tell you about the mood he's in.
Oscar, the most discreetly obvious about his feelings. So discreet, he managed to go unnoticed by the admirers until now. So discreet, he himself doesn't realize the extent of what he's feeling for Logan isn't just platonic.
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give-grian-rights · 9 months
there was this headcanon that i Think about ALL THE TIME about how Cleo cannot regenerate her skin. so the Hermits donate theirs. except Cleo decides to make it a funny psychological horror where she chases them (hermits who consent/have almost normal body) down for sport.
shes a Hermit so OF COURSE they'll help but like god you just gonna chase us down? slowly? like a a damn horror movie? huh? okay. rude. so they trade favors and bribe her to get moved down the list.
i have NO IDEA who made it i had to have seen it 2-3 years ago but its just one of those things in my general belief system. because all the cHermits are just freaks to me
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butterflysonnets · 8 months
yes i'm rooting for m*leven breakup because byler is neat but mostly? i'm rooting for m*leven breakup for the sake of el and mike.
to me, their romance was always a puppy love born out of a combination of social pressures, naïve curiosity, and a lack of true understanding regarding intimacy and romantic love and what it really is. it was real in that they do truly, deeply care about each other and they are close friends, maybe even shared an attraction, but a maturing romance is so much more than that. they've grown up and out of being boyfriend/girlfriend, and that's okay! i think television/film needs to show more often that most of us don't have definite "soulmates" or first childhood loves that we spend our whole lives with. it doesn't mean these relationships meant nothing and didn't impact us, it just means they've run their course and that something else is in the cards, and this is part of life!
i've always felt el was at her best and most confident self when broken up with mike, discovering who she was and what she liked alongside another girl her age instead of just relying on mike for mentorship on how to live in the real world. she deserves more of an opportunity to find herself, her autonomy, and her independence, and to love who she is, and she's made it clear she's felt insecure in the relationship with mike because she isn't being loved and understood the way she wants, needs, and deserves from someone who is her partner.
also, it's okay if mike doesn't love her in "the way he should". he is not obligated to love her romantically and stay in a relationship with her just because she's a girl, because she "needed someone", or because he cares about her a lot. he shouldn't be pressured into a romance if it's not truly coming from his heart. he deserves freedom to find out and honour who he is, too, instead of just staying in his non-functional first relationship — one he got into as a child, essentially — and defining himself that way because it's what's expected when a boy and a girl are close. he loves her in some way, yes, but it's okay if he doesn't feel comfortable or secure being her boyfriend anymore, for whatever reason that is. he's felt insecure too, and that's valid and it matters.
they are their own people and are steadily growing and changing every day. they need time to figure out who those people are, and it's become clear (at least in my opinion) that those people aren't meant to be a couple at this stage.
they deserve freedom. they deserve to grow up and be authentic to themselves and not feel like they need to lie for the sake of a relationship. they deserve to move on from this version of their relationship that isn't making them happy and rekindle the best part of their bond: their strong, beautiful friendship. they don't have to be a couple if it doesn't make them stronger and better and happier people.
i think it would be healthy and wonderful for a show, especially one consumed frequently by young adults, to show a relationship starting, progressing, and ending on good terms in this way. sometimes things don't work out, and that is okay.
#eve text#elmike#stranger things#byler#only tagging byler because i feel like yall will like this take lol#tagging tagging tagging WHAT ARE EVERYONE ELSE'S THOUGHTS#god i can't believe i'm making a post about stranger things. this feels like poking a bear#i'm not particularly anti m*leven but like... they'd have to do something pretty special at this point for me to feel like it's viable#i'm seeing the bts of s5 and it's got me Having Thoughts#elmike friendship is something i am so passionate about#even before i ever liked byler (didn't ship at all until s4 even though i knew it was a thing before) i've felt this way about elmike#i always believed they were close friends at heart and needed to break up#the romance part of them felt very distinctly young and very much “he was a boy she was a girl” to me#and it hasn't deepened into anything more mature and i don't see how it could based on the current state of the writing...#the fact that lumax exists — a young relationship that is actively maturing and is healthy — makes that clear to me#and the “love confession” in s4 and how disingenuous and miserable it felt was just the nail in the coffin#also the fact that will (who is IN LOVE with mike) was instrumental in making it happen? ... uh... okay... interesting choice…#fucked up and reductive if they make it another queer unrequited love sacrifice for the sake of pushing the heterosexual agenda YUCK#so i really hope the speculation about a m*leven breakup is real!! i think it just makes sense for their characters but who knows#i don't believe in the notion of love at first sight or one true love and i think the writers don't too???#love to me is an accumulation of experiences and we inevitably choose it at some point rather than fall into it... but idk#tv is so fixated on keeping couples together... sometimes it's just not reality guys especially with young people... LET IT GO...#like i said though i'm not 100% sold that they're going to give up their “golden couple” LMAO#stranger things hasn't historically subverted too many tropes if i'm being honest#anyway i seriously need this season to come out quickly... i'm so bored and getting my master's is crushing my soul#i need frivolity#ALSO btw i won't respond to hateful messages about this so please don't bother. it's not that serious. this is a netflix show
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clownsuu · 1 year
Ay. An offer; one doodle of lovelie for the price of answering my question 🦅
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Eh? Eh?— Anyways my question is; what’s an art tip you can give that really helped you? Anything special when drawing or do you just have a hand of god?
(Btw your one of my favorite artists and I love seeing your work homie, number 1 inspo fr. Keep on cookin 🦅💞)
WAHHH THEY LOOK SO SCRUNGLYYYY (despite his many, m a n y crimes)
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curioscurio · 13 days
Just started generic vyvanse and wow. No wonder it changed lives. They say it lasts more than 4 to 6 hours and then it DOES? Most adhd meds I've tried will wear off in 4 or 5 hours, so I'd often have to take another dose later in the day, but this shit keeps me going for a good 10-13 hours!
(This is just my experience! I'm just a guy I'm not a doctor disclaimer so uh don't take my word as law lol)
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Send me 15 dollars with a pigeon and i'll draw one for Thanatos.
My adress: Middle east. City with horrible infrastructure. Hilly street, tall asf white apartment building, first floor. Good luck. You have 15 days.
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nottsangel · 10 days
Hii, this isn’t meant as a hate ask or anything, but does it take you awhile to post asks? my friend also reads your stuff and complains about how you don’t always answer asks or answer them after awhile. i tried telling them that you most likely get a lot of asks considering how much you answer already and the fact you have more then 15k followers.
i’m also not sure but i’ve seen other writers saying that asks glitch and once they get the notification they can’t actually see or answer the ask, is that true? sorry if this seems passive aggressive and that it’s really not meant to be and i don’t usually send asks
i explained about it here and here i explained that lately answering asks and being on here feels more like a job than just a hobby. i’m sorry but i’m not machine so you can’t expect me to reply to your asks immediately. tumblr is not my job, i have my own life besides this too and it just really upsets me when people try to pressure me or come into my inbox to complain, when im doing as much as i can while i have personal stuff going on too. thank you for trying to explain my side to your friend though, because it really upsets me that they are complaining about me as if i owe them anything ? i’m trying to answer asks and write as much as i can for free, in my own time, and trust me when i say im trying my best while thinking of my own mental health too. yes i do get quite a lot of asks, which im really grateful about and it makes me really happy! but if i would answer them all, i’d be busy all night and day, with no time for myself anymore. im just really, really burned out right now and on edge and to be very honest i don’t enjoy being here that much anymore because of the pressure i feel. so yes, i probably do get all your asks and no, i don’t ignore you because i want to. i literally just can’t answer everything ! :(
also i just want to mention that not everything i wrote is directed at just you anon. i get asks from other ppl too trying to pressure me or complain and they aren’t always nice. thank you for being so respectful when asking, i appreciate it
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