#but sometimes an art website is based in a country that was an axis power and things happen
vampucci · 7 years
i wanted a list that put ALL OF THEM together in one post - ship tags and individual character tags for people who might have difficulty finding the most effective ones - so i decided i’d do it myself since i have the free time. lemme know if i missed anything important (especially difficult to find f/f ships and the like)
Important Notes:
i mostly included stuff that had anything dedicated to it but some are very sparse. maybe they’ll garner more content over time!
japanese ship names traditionally denote a seme/uke dynamic. the more dominant partner comes first in the tag, so if you search jotaro/kakyoin you’ll probably get a lot of dommy jotaro and subby kakyoin and if you search kakyoin/jotaro you’ll get a lot of the opposite. heterosexual ships almost always list the man’s name first.
many of these searches produce nsfw results!!! please browse responsibly, especially when it comes to child characters, incest, or other upsetting subjects. just because it’s listed it doesn’t mean i like it personally - this is for exhaustive documentation. you may also consider many tags as here for the purpose of omitting them from searches by putting them after a “-”.
i’ve put ジョジョ (jojo) in with a couple vague names (like danny or kars) to make sure they come up with their intended results but if anything else seems too broad just copy/paste that in with your search.
read below pls
most of these were found via the official tag list or on my own after much frustration but many were written down and translated by saltynovember!
EDIT: hey it’s so good that the links i bothered to embed into all of these tags aren’t showing up. here’s an actual text link to a doc where you can just click on all of them if you want that: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CWvaoMJLqkJx2q_FcaeZKuGDVMeayFxmxAdqxD23deM/edit?usp=sharing
JOJO; ジョジョ (Jojo); ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
x部 (Replace x with desired part number, e.g. 4部 = DIU)
荒木荘 (All villains, usually domestic AU)
混部 (All Jojo parts, part crossovers)
JOJO【百合】(F/F content)
JOJO【腐】(M/M content)
ジョジョNL (Het content)
ジョースター家 (The Joestars)
195cm組 (195cm tall Joestar boys, i.e. Jonathan, Joseph and Jotaro)
DIOの息子 (Dio's children)
無駄家族 (Dio and his children, as well as Jonathan)
チーム食物連鎖 (”Team Food Chain;” Diavolo, Dio, and Kars)
無駄親子 (Dio and Giorno; “Mudad”)
僕親子 (Jonathan and Giorno; “Bokudad”)
オラ親子 (Jotaro and Jolyne; “Oradad”)
イカサマ親子 (Joseph and Josuke; “Swindler Dad”)
波紋組 (Jonathan and Joseph; “Team Hamon”)
隠し子組 (Josuke and Giorno; “Team Illegitimate Child”)
ジョセジョナ (Joseph/Jonathan)
承ジョナ (Jotaro/Jonathan)
ジョナジョル (Jonathan/Giorno)
仗承 (Josuke/Jotaro)
仗ジョル (Josuke/Giorno)
仗徐 (Josuke/Jolyne)
ジョル仗 (Giorno/Josuke)
ジョル徐 (Giorno/Jolyne)
カーズDIO (Kars/Dio)
DIOジョル (Dio/Giorno)
ジョルDIO (Giorno/Dio)
吉良ボス (Kira/Diavolo)
DIO徐 (Dio/Jolyne)
DIOディエ (Dio/Diego)
承承 (Jotaro/Jotaro)
DIOディオ (Dio/Dio)
ジョナサン・ジョースター (Jonathan Joestar)
DIO or ディオ or ディオ・ブランドー (Dio Brando)
エリナ・ペンドルトン or エリナ・ジョースター (Erina Pendleton/Joestar)
スピードワゴン or ロバート・E・O・スピードワゴン (Speedwagon)
ウィル・A・ツェペリ (Will A. Zeppeli)
ジョージ・ジョースター (George Joestar I)
ストライツォ (Straizo)
ダイアー ジョジョ (Dire)
ダニー ジョジョ (Danny)
ワンチェン (Wang Chan)
ダリオ・ブランドー (Dario Brando)
トンペティ (Tonpetty)
ジョナエリ (Jonathan/Erina)
ディオジョナ or  DIOジョナ (Dio/Jonathan)
ジョナディオ or ジョナDIO (Jonathan/Dio)
ジョナスピ (Jonathan/Speedwagon)
スピジョナ (Speedwagon/Jonathan)
ツェぺジョナ (Zeppeli/Jonathan)
ジョナツェぺ (Jonathan/Zeppeli)
ディオスピ (Dio/Speedwagon)
Other part 1 tags:
ファントムブラッド (Phantom Blood)
ジョナサン受け (Uke Jonathan, various partners)
ジョセフ・ジョースター (Joseph Joestar)
シーザー・A・ツェペリ (Caesar Zeppeli)
リサリサ (Lisa Lisa)
エリナ・ペンドルトン or エリナ・ジョースター (Erina Pendleton/Joestar)
スピードワゴン or ロバート・E・O・スピードワゴン (Speedwagon)
シュトロハイム (Rudol Von Stroheim)
メッシーナ (Messina; Loggins had like no results)
スージーQ (Suzi Q)
カーズ ジョジョ (Kars)
ワムウ (Wamuu)
エシディシ (Esidisi)
サンタナ ジョジョ (Santana)
ジョセQ (Joseph/Suzi Q)
シーリサ (Caesar/Lisa Lisa)
カーリサ (Kars/Lisa Lisa)
シージョセ (Caesar/Joseph)
ジョセシー (Joseph/Caesar)
ジョセスピ (Joseph/Speedwagon)
シュトジョセ (Stroheim/Joseph)
エシカー (Esidisi/Kars)
カズエシ (Kars/Esidisi)
ワムジョセ (Wamuu/Joseph)
ジョセワム (Joseph/Wamuu)
カージョセ (Kars/Joseph)
ジョセカー (Joseph/Kars)
カーワム (Kars/Wamuu)
ワムカー (Wamuu/Kars)
サンシュト (Santana/Stroheim)
シュトサン (Stroheim/Santana)
Other part 2 tags:
戦闘潮流 (Battle Tendency)
波紋戦士 (Hamon warriors; general hamon users)
空条 承太郎 (Jotaro Kujo)
ジョセフ・ジョースター (Joseph Joestar)
ポルナレフ (Jean Pierre Polnareff)
ポルナレフ 妹 (Polnareff’s sister)
花京院 典明 (Noriaki Kakyoin)
モハメド・アヴドゥル (Muhammad Avdol)
イギー ジョジョ (Iggy)
空条ホリィ (Holly Kujo)
スージーQ (Suzi Q)
DIO or ディオ or ディオ・ブランドー (Dio Brando)
エンヤ婆 (Enya Geil)
ヴァニラ・アイス (Vanilla Ice)
ホル・ホース (Hol Horse)
ヌケサク (Nukesaku)
ダニエル・J・ダービー (Daniel J. D’arby)
テレンス・T・ダービー (Telence J. D’arby)
ペット・ショップ (Pet Shop)
ンドゥール (N’Doul)
マライア (Mariah)
アレッシー (Alessi)
オインゴ (Oingo)
ボインゴ (Boingo)
アヌビス神 ジョジョ (Anubis)
偽キャプテン・テニール (Impostor Captain Tennille)
呪いのデーボ (Devo)
ラバーソール (Rubber Soul)
J・ガイル ジョジョ (J. Geil)
ネナ ジョジョ (Nena)
鋼入りのダン (Steely Dan)
マニッシュ・ボーイ (Mannish Boy)
ミドラー ジョジョ (Midler)
チャカ(ジョジョの奇妙な冒険) (Chaka)
花ホリ (Kakyoin/Holly)
承花 (Jotaro/Kakyoin)
花承 (Kakyoin/Jotaro)
花ポル (Kakyoin/Polnareff)
ポル花 (Polnareff/Kakyoin)
承ポル (Jotaro/Polnareff)
ポル承 (Polnareff/Jotaro)
アヴポル (Avdol/Polnareff)
ポルアヴ (Polnareff/Avdol)
承ジョセ  (Jotaro/Joseph)
ジョセ承 (Joseph/Jotaro)
スタ承 (Star Platinum/Jotaro)
承スタ (Jotaro/Star Platinum)
スタハイ (Star Platinum/Hierophant Green)
花ジョセ (Kakyoin/Joseph)
承DIO (Jotaro/Dio)
DIO承 (Dio/Jotaro)
DIO花 (Dio/Kakyoin)
テレ花 (Telence/Kakyoin)
テレダニ (Telence/Daniel)
ダニテレ (Daniel/Telence)
ミドマラ (Midler/Mariah)
花DIO (Kakyoin/Dio)
DIOジョセ (Dio/Joseph)
ヴァニテレ (Vanilla/Telence)
テレヴァニ (Telence/Vanilla)
DIOヴァニ (Dio/Vanilla)
ヴァニDIO (Vanilla/Dio)
ホルポル (Hol/Polnareff)
ンドゥ承 (N’Doul/Jotaro)
承ンドゥ (Jotaro/N’Doul)
テレンドゥ (Telence/N’Doul)
DIOンドゥ (Dio/N’Doul)
DIOホル (Dio/Hol)
ホルDIO (Hol/Dio)
ボイホル (Boingo/Hol)
ホルボイ (Hol/Boingo)
ホルネナ (Hol/Nena)
ワーDIO (The World/Dio)
DIOワー (Dio/The World)
Other part 3 tags:
スターダストクルセイダース (Stardust Crusaders)
アレッシーモード (Alessi Mode; refers to characters changed into children by/as if by Sethan)
アレッシー化 (Alessification; same as the above)
承太郎受け (Uke Jotaro, various partners)
DIO受け or ディオ受け (Uke Dio, various partners)
東方 仗助 (Josuke Higashikata)
虹村 億泰 (Okuyasu Nijimura)
広瀬 康一 (Koichi Hirose)
岸辺 露伴 (Rohan Kishibe)
吉良 吉影 (Yoshikage Kira)
空条 承太郎 4部 (Part 4 Jotaro Kujo)
川尻 早人 (Hayato Kawajiri)
杉本 鈴美 (Reimi Sugimoto)
重ちー (Shigekiyo Yangu)
音石 明 (Akira Otoishi)
ジョセフ・ジョースター (Joseph Joestar)
未起隆 (Hazekura Mikitaka)
山岸 由花子 (Yukako Yamagishi)
噴上 裕也 (Yuya Fungami)
小林 玉美 (Tamami Kobayashi)
間田 敏和 (Toshikazu Hazamada)
トニオ・トラサルディー (Tonio Trussardi)
静・ジョースター (Shizuka Joestar)
辻 彩 (Aya Tsuji)
アーノルド ジョジョ (Arnold)
東方 朋子 (Tomoko Higashikata)
東方 良平 ジョジョ (Ryohei Higashikata)
吉良 吉廣 (Yoshihiro Kira)
虹村 形兆 (Keicho Nijimura)
片桐 安十郎 or アンジェロ ジョジョ (Anjuro Katagiri)
大柳 賢 or ジャンケン小僧 (Ken Oyanagi)
鋼田一 豊大 (Toyohiro Kanedaichi)
宮本 輝之輔 (Terunosuke Miyamoto)
虹村 父 (Okuyasu’s dad)
乙 雅三 (Masazo Kinoto)
川尻 しのぶ (Shinobu Kawajiri)
猫草 (Plant Cat/Catgrass)
露鈴 (Rohan/Reimi)
吉良しの (Kira/Shinobu)
康由 (Koichi/Yukako)
仗露 (Josuke/Rohan)
仗承 or 叔父甥 (Josuke/Jotaro; Uncle/Nephew)
承仗 or 甥叔父 (Jotaro/Josuke; Nephew/Uncle)
露仗 (Rohan/Josuke)
仗億 (Josuke/Okuyasu)
億仗 (Okuyasu/Josuke)
噴仗 (Fungami/Josuke)
露康 (Rohan/Koichi)
康露 (Koichi/Rohan)
承露 (Jotaro/Rohan)
露承 (Rohan/Jotaro)
トニ億 (Tonio/Okuyasu)
露億 (Rohan/Okuyasu)
サー仗 (Surface/Josuke)
形億 (Keicho/Okuyasu)
音形 (Akira/Keicho)
川吉良 (Kosaku/Kira)
吉良川 (Kira/Kosaku)
吉良仗 (Kira/Josuke)
仗吉良 (Josuke/Kira)
承吉良 (Jotaro/Kira)
Other part 4 tags:
ダイヤモンドは砕けない (Diamond is Unbreakable)
杜王町 (The town of Morioh)
ジョルノ・ジョバァーナ (Giorno Giovanna)
ブチャラティ (Bruno Buccellati)
アバッキオ (Leone Abbacchio)
ミスタ ジョジョ (Guido Mista)
ナランチャ (Narancia Ghirga)
フーゴ ジョジョ (Pannacotta Fugo)
トリッシュ (Trish Una)
ポルナレフ 5部 or 5部ナレフ (Part 5 Jean Pierre Polnareff)
ココ・ジャンボ (Coco Jumbo)
ペリーコロ (Pericolo)
ディアボロ (Diavolo)
ドッピオ (Doppio Vinegar)
スクアーロ ジョジョ (Squalo)
ティッツァーノ (Tiziano)
カルネ ジョジョ (Carne)
チョコラータ (Cioccolata)
セッコ (Secco)
ポルポ (Polpo)
リゾット (Risotto Nero)
ホルマジオ (Formaggio)
イルーゾォ (Illuso)
プロシュート (Prosciutto)
ペッシ ジョジョ (Pesci)
メローネ (Melone)
ギアッチョ (Ghiaccio)
スコリッピ (Scolippi)
ブチャトリ (Buccellati/Trish)
ミストリ ジョジョ (Mista/Trish)
ジョルトリ (Giorno/Trish)
ジョルミス (Giorno/Mista)
ミスジョル (Mista/Giorno)
アバブチャ (Abbacchio/Buccellati)
ブチャアバ (Buccellati/Abbacchio)
ジョルフー (Giorno/Fugo)
フーナラ (Fugo/Narancia)
ナラフー (Narancia/Fugo)
ジョルポル (Giorno/Polnareff)
ブチャジョル (Buccellati/Giorno)
ジョルブ (Giorno/Buccellati)
ブチャナラ (Buccellati/Narancia)
ブチャフー (Buccellati/Fugo)
ジョル承 (Giorno/Jotaro)
リゾプロ (Risotto/Prosciutto)
プリゾ (Prosciutto/Risotto)
メロギア (Melone/Ghiaccio)
ギアメロ (Ghiaccio/Melone)
ホルイル (Formaggio/Illuso)
ソルジェラ (Sorbet/Gelato)
プロペシ (Prosciutto/Pesci)
ギアリゾ (Ghiaccio/Risotto)
スクティツ (Squalo/Tiziano)
フーイル (Fugo/Illuso)
Other part 5 tags:
黄金の風 (Golden Wind/Vento Aureo)
護衛チーム (Assassination Team)
空条 徐倫 (Jolyne Cujoh)
エルメェス (Hermes Costello)
エンポリオ ジョジョ (Emporio Alniño)
空条承太郎 6部 (Part 6 Jotaro Kujo)
フー・ファイターズ (Foo Fighters)
アナスイ (Narciso Anasui)
ウェザー ジョジョ (Weather Report)
グェス ジョジョ (Guess)
アイリン ジョジョ (Irene)
アナキス ジョジョ (Anakiss)
プッチ ジョジョ or プッチ神父 (Enrico Pucci)
ペルラ ジョジョ or ペルラ プッチ (Perla Pucci)
ドナテロ・ヴェルサス (Donatello Versus)
リキエル (Rikiel)
ウンガロ (Ungalo)
緑色の赤ちゃん (Green Baby)
スポーツ・マックス (Sports Maxx)
ジョンガリ・A (Johngalli A)
ミューミュー (Miuccia Miuller)
ミラション (Miraschon)
ケンゾー ジョジョ (Kenzou)
ラング・ラングラー (Lang Rangler)
サンダー・マックイイーン (Thunder McQueen)
DアンG (D and G)
ロッコバロッコ (Loccobarocco)
F徐 (Foo/Jolyne)
徐エル (Jolyne/Hermes)
プチDIO (Pucci/Dio)
DIOプチ (Dio/Pucci)
ウェザアナ (Weather/Anasui)
アナ徐 (Anasui/Jolyne)
空条夫妻 (Jotaro/his wife)
ウェザ徐 (Weather/Jolyne)
ウェザエル (Weather/Hermes)
ウェザF (Weather/Foo)
スポエル (Sports Maxx/Hermes)
Other part 6 tags:
ストーンオーシャン (Stone Ocean)
ジョニィ・ジョースター (Johnny Joestar)
ジャイロ・ツェペリ (Gyro Zeppeli)
ルーシー・スティール  (Lucy Steel)
スティーブン・スティール (Steven Steel)
ホット・パンツ (Hot Pants)
マウンテン・ティム (Mountain Tim)
ディエゴ・ブランドー or ディエゴ ジョジョ (Diego Brando)
ウェカピポ ジョジョ (Wekapipo)
ポコロコ (Pocoloco)
ファニー・ヴァレン (Funny Valentine)
ブラックモア ジョジョ (Blackmore)
マイク・O (Mike O.)
リンゴォ・ロードアゲイン (Ringo Roadagain)
アクセル・RO (Axl RO)
マジェント・マジェント (Magent Magent)
フェルディナンド博士 (Dr. Ferdinand)
ディ・ス・コ (D-I-S-C-O)
ポーク・パイ・ハット(僧 (Pork Pie Hat Kid)
サンドマン (Sandman)
ミセス・ロビンスン (Mrs. Robinson)
オエコモバ (Oyecomova)
シュガー・マウンテン (Sugar Mountain)
スカーレット・ヴァレンタイン (Scarlet Valentine)
グレゴリオ・ツェペリ (Gregorio Zeppeli)
ニコラス・ジョースター (Nicholas Joestar)
ディエパン (Diego/Hot Pants)
ジョニ理那 (Johnny/Rina Higashikata)
ジョニパン (Johnny/Hot Pants)
ジャイジョニ (Gyro/Johnny)
ジョニジャイ (Johnny/Gyro)
ディエジョニ (Diego/Johnny)
ジョニディエ (Johnny/Diego)
ファニディエ (Funny/Diego)
ジャイディエ (Gyro/Diego)
くる毛 (Magent Magent/D-I-S-C-O) (i think there’s some literature on why this says “come hair” but i’m tired and i cannot read)
Other part 7 tags:
スティール・ボール・ラン (Steel Ball Run)
if i missed anything let me know! if you’re looking for a stand you can find their name on the wiki and add ジョジョ to pare down the search. if i there’s tag you think should be on here, or there’s an error/a broken link/a better tag for anything in particular, send me an ask. i had to redo this like twice after all the japanese characters got corrupted so no doubt there’s mistakes
hope this helps someone find an artist they love. remember to be respectful and show your appreciation however you can. happy browsing!
96 notes · View notes
newyorktheater · 5 years
Bob Dylan, whose songs are featured in “Girl From The North Country”
Playwright Taylor Mac brings “The Fre” to the Flea
Greg Kotis, Tony winner for “Urinetown,” is bringing a new show Off-Off Broadway
Patti LuPone in a gender-reversed Company, coming to Broadway
the late Michael Friedman
Martyna Majok, a playwright of the displaced in such plays as Ironbound and queens, is author of the long-awaited “Sanctuary City” slated for New York Theatre Workshop
Hilary Bettis, who was a writer for the FX series “The Americans,” brings a play about a recently deported mother Off-Broadway
Lynn Nottage, who has turned her play “Intimate Apparel” into an opera
Below is a selection of the abundant New York theater openings in March, organized chronologically by opening date*. Seven shows are opening on Broadway, a jarring mix of royalty and penury, a reflection perhaps of the divide in the world at large. Three are plays, three are musicals; a seventh is sort of both, featuring Bob Dylan’s old songs in a new drama by Conor McPherson. For the times they are a-changin’
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There are also exciting shows Off-Off Broadway — including new works by Greg Kotis and Taylor Mac, whose play is said to focus specifically on the cultural divide. Off Broadway, a musical by the late Michael Friedman makes its debut, along with new work by Katori Hall, Martyna Majok, Duncan Macmillan, Hilary Bettis.
In celebration of Women’s History Month, there’s the third annual On Women theater festival in Brooklyn.
And then there’s the celebration of the ban on plastic bags in New York State (which has gone into effect this month) with “The Plastic Bag Store,” free in Times Square — half art installation, half immersive theater…and one of several boundary-crossing shows with cutting-edge puppetry on stage in this busy month of March.*
Each title below is linked to a relevant website. Color key: Broadway: Red. Off Broadway: Black or Blue.. Off Off Broadway: Green. Theater festival: Orange. Immersive: Magenta. Puppetry-Brown
For those shows that don’t have official openings, I list by first performance.
March 1
The Hot Wing King (Signature)
A comedy by Katori Hall (“Our Lady of Kibeho,” “The Mountaintop”) that  centers around the annual “Hot Wang Festival” in Memphis, TN.
March 3
The Perplexed (MTC’s City Center Stage 1)
Richard Greenberg, whose “Take Me Out” is being revived on Broadway this season, tells the story of two families, whose lives have been tumultuously intertwined for decades, as they gather in the massive library of a Fifth Avenue apartment to celebrate the nuptials of their children. Nothing goes smoothly
Coal Country (Public)
A new play with music by the wife-and-husband team Jessica Blank and Erik Jensen (The Exonerated) is based on first-person accounts of the explosion of the Upper Big Branch mine in 2019.
March 4
On Women Festival (Irondale Center)
The third annual three-week theater festival begins with “To Moscow! A Palimpsest” by Ada Luana and Gabriel F. (Brazil.) It continues with “Night Shadows—Or, One Hundred Million Voices Shouting” by Lynda Crawford, and two workshop presentations, “England’s Splendid Daughters” by Ann Kreitman and “The Fainting Room” by Becca Bernard.
March 5
Girl From the North Country (Belasco)
Written and directed by Conor McPherson, using songs that Bob Dylan wrote between 1963 and 2012, this play with music is set in 1934 at a guesthouse in Duluth, Minnesota (Dylan’s birthplace.) A group of travelers pass in and out of each other’s lives, and share stories that awaken each other with passion, fury and, beauty. This originated at the Public Theater. My review Off-Broadway.
  I Am Nobody (The Tank) 
An unhinged computer chip engineer threatens to destroy the world. What’s most noteworthy about this production is that it’s written by Greg Kotis, the Tony-winning author of arguably the most successful Off-Off Broadway show ever, “Urinetown.”
Kosmos Invers (HERE)
A new solo piece by puppeteer performance artist Karlan Sherrard with a powerful environmental message.
March 9
Unknown Soldier (Playwrights Horizons)
In this musical co-written by the late and much missed Michael Friedman, a woman sets out on a journey to unearth the secrets of her family’s past when she discovers in her grandmother’s home a mysterious photograph of an anonymous soldier, tucked away in a box of keepsakes.
March 10
72 Miles to Go (Roundabout’s Laura Pels)
Seventy-two miles. That’s the space between a recently deported mother in Nogales, Mexico and her husband and children in Tucson, Arizona. Written by Hilary Bettis, who was a writer for the FX series “The Americans”
March 11
  Anywhere (HERE)
Freely inspired by the novel Oedipus on the Road by Henry Bauchau, Anywhere evokes the long wandering of Oedipus accompanied by his daughter Antigone. The fallen Oedipus appears in the form of an ice puppet that gradually turns into water then into mist and disappears in the Erynian Forest
March 12
Six (Brooks Atkinson)
Pop-concert musical featuring the six wives of Henry VIII.
March 13
Twelfth Night (El Barrio’s Artspace)
“Audiences will be welcomed to Illyria…This romantic comedy will explore themes of wealth and class, identity and disguise, and love and loss. Our production will allow participants to directly engage with these themes with a high level of agency.”
March 15
The Minutes (Cort)
Letts’ most political work to date is a dark comedy about a town council meeting in the fictional town of Big Cherry that turns ominous.
The Fre (The Flea)
The Fre is written by Taylor Mac, and directed by The Flea’s artistic director Niegel Smith, his collaborator on “Hir” and “24 Decade History of Popular Music” and that makes this show a must-see no matter how weird or uncomfortable it winds up being. “In this queer love story, audiences will literally and figuratively jump into the mud with the Fre to hash out the current cultural divide.”
Washington Square (Axis)
A new adaptation of the Henry James novel written and directed by Randy Sharp. (A previous adaptation is “The Heiress”)
March 18
The Plastic Bag Store (20 Times Square)
The Plastic Bag Store, a public art installation and immersive theater piece by artist and director Robin Frohardt explores the enduring effects of plastics. The “store” is stocked with thousands of original, hand-sculpted items — produce and meat, dry goods and toiletries, cakes and sushi rolls — all made from discarded plastics. At night, the store transforms into an immersive, dynamic set for free performances where “hidden worlds and inventive puppetry tell the darkly comedic, sometimes tender story of how the overabundance of plastic waste we leave behind might be misinterpreted by future generations.” Free and open to the public.
  March 19
Hangmen (John Golden)
A dark comedy by Martin McDonagh about a retired executioner who now presides over a pub, visited by a mysterious gentleman. My review Off-Broadway
March 20
Treasure Island (New Victory)
In this rendition of the classic pirate story, 12 puppeteers animate marionettes to tell the swashbuckling adventures of cabin boy Jim Hawkins.
March 21
Best Life (Jack)
In Melisa Tien’s play, a woman of color can rewind time, but only within the last five minutes. The result: her exchange with a white woman in a cafe becomes increasingly alarming
March 22
Company (Bernard B. Jacobs)
Starring Patti LuPone and Katrina Lenk, this fifth Broadway production of the Stephen Sondheim/George Furth musical about a single 35-year-old with married friends, this one is “re-gendered” so that the protagonist is now a woman, Bobbie.
  March 23
Intimate Apparel (Lincoln Center Theater)
An opera based on Lynn Nottage’s play about the life and loves of Esther, a lonely, single African-American woman in early 20th century New York who makes her living sewing beautiful corsets and ladies’ undergarments.
March 24
Sanctuary City (New York Theatre Workshop)
Much anticipated (and much delayed) play by Martyna Majak, who was the 2018 Pulitzer Prize winner for Cost of Living, about two teenagers, life-long friends, in post-9/11 America.
March 25
Lungs (BAM)
Claire Foy and Matt Smith (who played Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip in the first season of “The Crown”) reunite in this look at love in the time of climate change, written by Duncan Macmillan (People, Places & Things)
March 26
The Lehman Trilogy (Nederlander)
The history of the rise and fall of the Lehman Brothers over 164 years, starting with the arrival of the three Lehman brothers from Bavaria in the mid nineteenth century. My review of The Lehman Trilogy when it was at Park Avenue Armory in April.
March 30
Oratorio for Living Things (Ars Nova Greenwich House)
A large scale musical work by Heather Christian, staged by director Lee Sunday Evans and featuring eighteen virtuosic singers and instrumentalists.
March 31
Diana (Longacre)
Jeanna de Waal portrays Princess Diana in this musical, with Roe Hartrampf as Prince Charles,Erin Davie as Camilla Parker Bowles, Judy Kaye as Queen Elizabeth
March 2020 New York Theater Openings Below is a selection of the abundant New York theater openings in March, organized chronologically by opening date*.
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