#but special shout out to Ishida his is the best
scarskelly · 1 year
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From the DDT archives: well, there goes the singlet (all of the expressions in this picture kill me).
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troius · 3 years
I watched Bleach (2018) this weekend and it was great
I’d been meaning to get around to it for a while, but never felt much pressure because nobody on here talks about it all that much. Then my roommate was out of town for the weekend, so I put it on and...uh, it’s awesome? It did pretty much everything I would want in a Bleach movie, didn’t take any liberties with the source material besides compressing things, and despite that compression managed to completely nail the moral “heart” of the manga in a way that even the anime didn’t do.
The cast is great, and do well to channel the spirit of the characters in their performances. Ichigo and Rukia have a fantastic dynamic, their classmates are pretty dang entertaining whenever they get screentime, and Byakuya and Renji both pull off “asshole” in distinguishable ways. Special shout outs to Orihime and Isshin’s actors, who are less comedic than their manga counterparts, but still touch the emotional core of their relationships with Ichigo.
They compressed the absolute hell out of the first arc, but pull it off in a really natural way. Every event leads to the next. While some things are left underexplained, it’s never anything particularly important.
The visuals are great. The hollows are entirely CGI, and look suitably surreal. Uryu’s quincy powers, Rukia’s kido, and Zabimaru all look awesome (much better than they do in the trailer IMO).
Even though it came out in 2018, the pop-punk that plays during Ichigo’s action sequences sounds like something straight out of 2010, which is appropriate.
Most importantly, THE HEART is the centerpiece of the story. Everything is framed around Masaki’s death, and how Ichigo blames himself for it, and how meeting Rukia is the catalyst for him to come to terms with that, and choose to live his life. A+. You get it, Shinsuke Sato.
None, this movie is great and basically nothing in it is actively bad.
The fight scenes make it abundantly clear how awkward a sword that size would be IRL.
Small Quibbles
Moving a million miles an hour means that nobody besides Ichigo, Rukia, and Isshin(?) have complete character arcs. Orihime is established to be crushing on Ichigo, but basically so we can say “look who Ichigo could be dating, he can’t die now”. Uryu pops up with a hilariously underexplained backstory and does a complete 180 into helping Ichigo with zero drama or suspense. Chad is just there.
Renji and Byakuya are basically just antagonists, and while there are nuances in their acting, plotwise you don’t get any development from either of them. It works, but it might not be what you’re looking for.
Look I know I’m an Urahara hater but he’s completely unnecessary in this movie. We’re already not explaining a whole lot, we might as well just leave unexplained where Rukia got the gigai from and have her exposit directly to Ichigo. Even more frustrating (to me) was Ichigo looking for Rukia, finding Ishida, and then Ishida directing him to Urahara (who tells him where Rukia is) instead of teaching Ichigo how to sense spiritual pressure like he does in the manga. Uryu’s screentime is limited as it is, give him this!
Anyways, overall it’s a very enjoyable movie, without a doubt the best anime adaptation Netflix has ever been involved in. I can see why it’s not talked about much on here-- the manga is an original work of art, and this is just an effective translation of the themes and characters into live action-- but we should do better in letting people know it’s worth watching.
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miniaturestitches · 4 years
30-day seiyuu challege week 1
Hello! My extra long post has somehow made it to your feed.  
This is week one of the 30-day seiyuu challenge.
Here is the link to the one I compiled/made-up: https://miniaturestitches.tumblr.com/post/633578545834311680/soive-seen-some-30-day-seiyuu-challenges
I'll try to keep this short and simple (but I might end up fangirling) >>*these are just my personal thoughts and opinions-duh…<<
1. First character voice that impressed you.
Kamiya Hiroshi
He is one of the first seiyuu I knew about.  (The very first anime that I watched in Japanese dub was Durarara!!)  Orihara Izaya's crazy laugh was really impressive.  
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2. Voice that is easiest to recognize
Tsuda Kenjiro
This man's voice is so easy to recognize.  Probably because of how deep and guttural(?) his voice is…or maybe just because he gets typecasted a lot?    I can easily tell it's his voice from just a phrase.
The way he speaks usually sounds like his teeth are gritted. 
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Oh...maybe that’s why...
Special mention: Suwabe Junichi
His voice also has a unique, husky quality.  But unlike Tsuda Kenjiro, I tend to have small doubts if it's really him (especially when he is voicing younger roles.)
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3. Voice that is hardest to recognize
Terashima Takuma
Okay, so this guy has a tendency to disappear behind his roles.  And I mean that in a good way.  He is able to voice each character uniquely that you forget that there is a voice actor lending his voice to them--I mean all good voice actors are like this…but even the greatest ones have habits or something unique that makes them recognizable.  So far, I still haven't figured out how to identify his voice.
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4. Seiyuu with the most number of favorite roles
This is probably one of the hardest for me to respond to.  (I just like a lot of characters) I had to make a list and limit only one favorite character per anime.
Well…out of 50+ voice actors, first place goes to Miyano Mamoru, with 16 favorite characters.  Not really surprised about that.  He is casted in most of the earlier anime I had watched.  To name a few: Kida Masaomi (Durarara!!!), Suoh Tamaki (Ouran High School Host Club), Yogi (Karneval), Death the Kid (Soul Eater), etc.  I guess this is why he's one of the first to make it in my "Top 5 male seiyuus". I love his more recent roles too!  
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A close second is Kimura Ryohei with 15 favorite characters. (I actually thought he would take first place) He's also in my "Top 5", but it's the opposite case for him though. I have a suspicion that these characters became my favorite because it is Kimura Ryohei who voiced them.
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5. Seiyuu with the best stoic characters
Ono Daisuke
He just excels at these characters… Heiwajima Shizuo (Durarara!!), Killer T Cell (Hataraku Saibou), Kujo Jotaro (JoJo), Hirato (Karneval), Midorima Shintarto (Kuroko no Basuke), Sebastian Michealis (Kuroshitsuji),etc.
Okay maybe not really stoic, but more of the cool and quiet types…the ones that we'd love to see get embarrassed/annoyed.
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Special mention: Ishikawa Kaito
He doesn't have much roles as OnoD yet, but I was really impressed with his work in Zankyou no Terror, Sakurada Reset, and Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari,
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6. Seiyuu with the best noisy characters
Okamoto Nobuhiko
I don’t think this needs much explanation.  
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I feel scared for his vocal chords.
What I like about his screams and shouts is that it sounds "controlled" but at the same time "real" I mean anyone can scream their heads off, but not anyone can sound good while doing it.   I've heard him  do angry noisy, passionate noisy, happy noisy, excited noisy, and crazy noisy!
7. Seiyuu with the most impressive range (pitch)
This kind of overlaps with the next item(character types), but anyway…
Ishida Akira He is so good that it's so scary.  I've heard a lot of voice actors with a "normal/adult voice" and a "younger voice".  But Ishida Akira's range is way wider: from a young child to an elderly person--BOTH MALE AND FEMALE VOICES.  His voice may not be as deep as some voice actors.  But considering also his older age it is impressive that he still voices teenagers.
Special Mention: Shimazaki Nobunaga His voice acting range probably isn't as wide as Ishida Akira, but his voice has gone way higher than other male voices I have heard.  
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...and that’s it for week one!  This took longer than I thought. I regret deciding to post weekly.  Wow you made it this far? I hope you at least got entertained.  
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side-lizabeth · 3 years
This part is the spoiler-free part of my impressions.
I don’t know what I was expecting from Dressrosa but it didn’t left me wanting for more... outside the animation part, probably. But I mean when you get spoiled on how OP’s being animated rn, no sh*t. Although I really did enjoy the new characters. Cavendish is accidentally becoming one of my favourite characters and this is because of the anime of Gintama... But that’s because I’m finding more and more seiyuus in One Piece that just so happened to be voicing recurrent characters (or straight up main characters) in Gintama, so I shouldn’t be suprised.
And then there’s Zou and I’d lie if I’d say I should have had expected an island with furries, and yet I didn’t. ...and once again the “holy sh*t I wasn’t expecting these seiyuus being in One Piece too” striked back. But at this point I don’t know if it’s really because of Gintama or just because I’m starting to go back to my old teen hobbies like when I was a hardcore Seiyuu fan, and recognizing a lot of seiyuus is giving me a huge bust of serotonin. (?)
Above all, I liked Dressrosa more than Zou, even if Dressrosa has... it’s own issues.
If you want to go straight up to the spoiler section, click down here:
Let’s start with Dressrosa:
I thought to just continue this lil update, where I started the non spoiler section by saying that I won’t feel any shame or make an apology for reblogging non stop posts of Roronoa Zoro, I’m still on that Idea, fight me if you want(maybe no); but I decided to explain more about my first impressions, and then maybe elaborate extra stuff from those bullet point-lighning round from that post.
Overall, I had fun. I geniuently enjoyed Doffy as a villain, and his motivations where pretty interesting too. NGL, this arc is basically new world Alabasta” and it pretty much shows... But the thing is that this time it was a little bit more interesting because of Doffy.
Doffy being the combo of Warlord and Celestial Dragon may sound like that moment of the Simpsons of “it’s just the same doll but with a new hat” in comparison to Alabasta, but even if I also enjoyed Crocodile as a villain in there, at least Doffy had a more interesting backstory and motivations to explore... while Crocodile was just an excuse to show off Nico Robin in all her glory. That’s it. I said it. (and probably made a fwend sad). Please, Crocodile, sir, next time you come back please do show us the secret Ivankov and you only know and then we talk.
Overall, I just had the time of my life hating Doffy, that’s it. I’m not going to try to explain anything else. I’m a basic b*tch whose favourite villains are the ones who are just so evil I just have the time of my life hating on. Like Tsurumi from Golden Kamuy, another despicable motherf*cker, for instance.
...Btw, I just need to break this impressions one moment to openly say that, as a Spaniard, I feel weird now saying Doffy’s entire name. For a reason. And Cora-san’s too. Now I understand english speakers(americans to be more precisely) when they watch Bungou Stray Dogs and some characters from there just happened to be named after famous english literature writers... (the first comparison I just thought about, don’t attack me plz)
Also, kudos to the voice actors because they did an amazing job and I had even more fun, like for instance Koyama Rikiya. I absolutely loved Kyros thanks mainly to him... Although I wish I could entirely say the same about Rebecca and Baby 5 because they barelly had any screentime or, at least personally speaking, didn’t to bring something interesting tothe table... Well, maybe I can excuse Baby 5 because of the ending of Punk Hazard, but with Rebecca definetly not. FFS her seiyuu is the Queen Hayashibara Megumi, I was expecting more from Rebecca (although maybe the blame is really in me for expecting that much) than what we got. But don’t get me wrong, I did like her but.. I wanted just a little bit more of her.
Another thing I enjoyed a lot was the introduction of Fujitora. I knew he was popular for a reason, but I wasn’t expecting it to be... because of this. I was expecting him to be popular only because he was a blind old man who could fight harder than the dudebro’s gary stu fanfic-like idea they have of Zoro, but he’s definetly not that. Fujitora is a really interesting man who geniuently thinks about people’s safety (can’t say the same about Sakazuki and Borsalino, lol), and I respect that.
Now I’m just going through some bullet points from the update post:
First bullet point I’m actually elaborating: The Colloseum part was hella boring.
I just couldn’t stand it. I barely gave any sh*t about the characters and there’s also times where I’m just thinking that the Colloseum part could had been handled differently, with more interesting characters but well, that’s my opinion. I mean the only tournament arcs that I genuenly enjoyed were the Galaxy Wars from Saint Seiya (the OG one from the 80′s if somebody’s wondering), and maybe the Heaven’s Arena arc from HxH, so even if I was interested on seeing the OP take on it.. It kinda went sour for me at the beggining of this tournament, honestly. The fight versus Diamante was probably one of the very few interesting things happening inside the tournament.
And don’t get me wrong, interesting things do happen inside, like the encounter of Luffy and Rebecca, the fate of the losers from the colloseum, etc. But the tournament arc itself... not the best thing, pretty boring tbh.
The second bullet point I’m actually elaborating, but this time I’m literally copy-pasting the bullet point... for a reason: I STARTED TO SWEAT IN F*CKING FEAR WHEN NAMI’S GROUP ENCOUNTERED BIG MAM’S SHIP, AND EVEN MORE WHEN SANJI SAID “I’M GETTING INTO THAT SHIP”. NO. PLEASE. DON’T. I’M NOT READY FOR WHOLE CAKE ISLAND YET.
Look, by the time I’m writing this I’m already in Whole Cake and let me just tell you one thing; I’m still not ready for this arc. I know it’s very important, specially for Sanji’s development as a character and it’s like a re-introduction of him, but I’d lie if I’d said that I “do feel sensitive” around the themes explored in this arc, and it’s personally tought to go throught it but... Since it’s just too long and too personal to share the entire reason on a public post, I’m just leaving it as the following: “I’m not ready to tackle those themes, but I feel like I need to tackle them if I want to be the best version of myself”. That’s all.
The third and last bullet point I’m actually elaborating, LET ME TELL YOU HOW GINTAMA F*CKED ME UP ENTIRELY
For the sake of being short, I’m a crazy Gintama fan. I’m almost like an encyclopedia of shorts for all(?) Gintama content. I’ve been like this since I was 14-15 y/o (when I’m writing this I’m currently 25), so of course, if there’s something that remotely resembles something from Gintama (mainly gintama jokes or references when it happens), I’ll react to it instantly (but in a healthy way, not like an obnoxious annoying elitist lil sh*t of a fan), and sadly, part of this curse I ended up with included reconizing every single seiyuu that appeared in Gintama (or at least the ones who voiced important/popular characters) in other anime. And of course, seiyuus from Gintama did already appear before Dressrosa; like kid Ace’s seiyuu Sakaguchi Daisuke (voice of Shinpachi), or... Akainu’s seiyuu Tachiki Fumihiko (voice of Hasegawa “Madao” Taizou)... But then there’s Dressrosa and... It just went all over the board (pun not intended... does it even count as one tho?).
And don’t get me wrong, this did also happened to me on reverse with One Piece Seiyuus, but.... coming back to “Gintama f*cked me up”, it hitted differently, because it almost looked like they were casted to play certain characters based on the characters they played in Gintama and... NGL, it made everything even more hilarious. Like the fact that Kugimiya Rie voices a bad mouthed “child” in One Piece(Sugar)... just like she does in Gintama(Kagura). And I know technically speaking Sugar “is an adult” BUT, if we follow the logic of her Hobby Hobby fruit, she’s doomed to be an eternal child for the rest of her life, as in “no more development like a normal adult human would”. I’m just saying what the canon says, don’t mind me.
...Or Cavendish. I can confirm you that Cavendish is pretty much Gintama’s Katsura Kotarou’s madness as an OP character. And now he’s one of my favourite background characters in One Piece... Mainly because of that. And yes, they do in fact share the seiyuu Ishida Akira. (Also, is it just me or is he inspired by Lady Oscar from The Rose of Versailles???)
...So yeah, TLDR: too much gintama made me shout “oh shit, gintama’s taking over one piece”
Now with the Zou impressions
I liked the idea of Zou being an “island”, that’s not an Island but a millennia old elephant, walking around and hard to track down. Brilliant. Also, I’m pretty sure it’s inspired by something mythological but I still can’t point out which one.
...also I wasn’t expecting Pedro to be voiced by Miki Shin’Ichiro, in the same way I wasn’t expecting Orikasa Fumiko as Wanda... although she already voiced someone previously in One Piece so...
Even if it was a short arc, it gave a lot of valuable information like the origin of the poneglyphs and the link between the Mink tribe and the Kozuki clan from Wano but...
What I wasn’t expecting was how we got introduced to the Whole Cake arc. I came to this arc, thinking the Whole Cake thing won’t be that mentioned and... I ended up crying because of the sacrifice Sanji was willing to partake in... I feel bad for that guy... And since by the time of writing this I’m already in Whole Cake... Without spoilers I’ll say: yeah, no sh*t I was feeling bad for him” (also because I got almost entirely spoiled over all Whole Cake arc).
...but look, ngl, I didn’t like very much the ending of this arc. Probably what happened to Momonosuke and the Millennia old elephant may be more interesting and better explained in the near future but... I was more confused than anything, and I’m hopping it to be better explained in the future. I’ll just leave it as such.
Over all, if I had to choose, I’d say that Dressrosa was more entertaining than Zou... Although Zou did deliver bigger stuff when it comes to plot development, while Dressrosa was more focused on the next step to overthrow a Yonkou than anything, I felt like I had more ”fun” watching Dressrosa... Probably because I also want to get to Wano already.
Now I’m in Whole Cake arc, I’m more or less by the beggining of the arc and oh boy... This arc is going to be harder than expected and the only thing ready I have are the pocket tissues by my side because I already know I’m going to cry the hell out of this arc. And of course, have my soul utterly destroyed by the Reintroduction of Sanji and his past.
I hope he has a break after this because wow... He needs too many hugs to count. Probably more than Luffy in Marineford.
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bleachedoracle-a · 3 years
( オタク ) ~ The world was falling apart. Crumbling, crumbling, crumbling . . . Westly could hardly breathe. His body shaking from the mere reiatsu that surrounded him. Reishi was in plentiful supply, but for some reason it felt like he was wading through a swamp as he felt tremors in the air coming from the clashing forces.
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His body shivered in response.
Ichigo.. you’re fighting Yhwach right now..! He grit his teeth, willing himself to get up to his feet. I’m only human..! I know that! But so is Chad and Orihime..! Uryuu, too! They’re all counting on you! I’M counting on you!! But that isn’t fair! He started moving, holding himself together while wearing the shihakushou that Urahara had so kindly given him.
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Wait. He felt his blood run cold. This was.. the big moment. Feeling Uryuu’s reiatsu grow stronger, he felt two others he didn’t recognize. That must be.. Ishida-san and Kurosaki-san!! I have to get there--!! I HAVE TO! He started running to meet up with the battle. He had to do something before Ichigo’s final moment.
The portal was right there.. and he was TAKING IT. He hurried through, shakey legs finally making contact with the unstable ground. It was rough, but he landed well.
“You forget, Ichigo.. I see the future.. and I can alter it all the same--”
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“HEY, YHWACH!” Westly shouted, gaining the King’s attention. Despite the fear he had deep within his gullet, he stood up straight. “YOU SAY YOU CAN CHANGE THE FUTURE HOWEVER YOU WANT..! BUT SO CAN I!”
That human. The new-found God turned his attention back to Ichigo and the others, throwing them about like ragdolls. This one. This one human that escaped the Almighty’s gaze. This ONE being that he could not foresee.
“And how do you interpret that, LITTLE GIRL?”
Westly flinched, the fact that this man had the very nerve to throw out his deepest secret to the open.. but now wasn’t the time. The human clenched his teeth before taking a deep breath.
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“You didn’t expect me at all.. which gives them the biggest opening!!” He ducked down, revealing the prince, the one Quincy with an arrow aimed right for Yhwach’s chest. “NOW! URYUU! ICHIGO!”
The arrow fired. Zangetsu connecting. 
The world went white.
“Hartford-san! Please move those boxes over there.”
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“Haaaai! You got it, boss!” The former oracle smiled, picking up a box at the call of his employer. Though the world was quieter now, it had been several years since Yhwach’s end. Kisuke stood out front, fan over his face as he watched the goods being put into the store by his new helper’s hand. Tessai exited the front, arms folded.
“He doesn’t remember a thing, does he?” Asked the taller man. Kisuke sighed sadly, shaking his head. “No. Not a thing. It’s like he forgot every detail. Who we really are. What he did.. He’s even forgotten about the Soul Society.” Watching the former oracle stumble but save a bigger box from falling out of his hands and sigh with relief, Kisuke closed the fan. “Maybe it’s for the best.”
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Ururu and Jinta tried to help in their own special way.. but it didn’t really do much. The three were arguing lightly as Tessai turned to go back inside.
“Do you really think that, sir?” “Hm. Dunno... part of me thinks that he can still return to his world.. but even now, he fits in pretty well. Y’know? Besides! Free labor!” He joked, suddenly grunting with a foot colliding with his backside.
“Stop that, Kisuke. You still have to pay him for his work, you know. How else is he going to afford that apartment that we helped him get?” A familiar feline-esque woman smiled playfully while standing where Kisuke had been. Kisuke rubbed his rear, pouting a bit. “You mean the one we gave him for free?” Yoruichi raised her leg lightly at Kisuke’s final word ‘free’. “Okay, okay! I’ll pay him, I’ll pay him!!” The woman smiled softly, lowering her leg as she watched Westly move another box to the side to playfully fight with the other two. Time sure did fly.
“He belongs here now.. Might as well.. give him a warm welcome.”
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recurring-polynya · 5 years
I hoped you would reblog that! :3 A fic after Aizen arc, where Ichigo DOES NOT lose his powers, and seireitei is in full party mode. Someone asks where Rukia is. Renji's like "she went to get snacks". and Orihime, tipsy as hell, just blurts out "Of course you know where she is! You're so cute together!!" and everyone is either like "yeah true" or "WAIT SINCE WHEN?". aka the dorks get peer pressured into realizing they should date already By Everyone. Feat. Women's Society paparazzi.
Hey, so you know how always spend a ton of time on my really long fics and don’t post them until I’m all the way done so that I can make everything internally consistent, etc, etc? What would it look like, as your therapist would say, if I just wrote some nonsense and posted it? And if I feel like writing more chapters later, maybe I will? To post something with a 1/? Also, what if was Canon, Never Heard of Her? and also full of things that do absolutely do not belong in Soul Society (like potato salad?) What would that look like?
Anyway, here you go @unohanadaydreams. I’m sorry it took me so long to do this and also I also messed up your prompt a bunch (I figure that everyone knows how bad Renji has it for Rukia and wouldn’t rag him about it, so I switched ‘em), but I think I captured the spirit of it, along with the spirit of that filler episode where everyone makes movies.
Enough! Enough intro! Here it is!
Heroes of the Hueco Mundo Invasion – In Love!!
“HELLLLLLOOOOOOOOO, SQUAD 10!” Inoue Orihime yodeled, flinging herself into the courtyard, where a barbeque of epic proportions was gearing up.
“Orihime!” Matsumoto screamed.
“YO!” Kurosaki Ichigo announced, stumbling in behind her, arms raised victoriously. “What has two thumbs and just saved Soul Society?”
“This guy!” Orihime squealed, trying to point her thumbs at Ichigo as he also tried to point his thumbs at himself.
Ichigo squinted at the hands waving around his general vicinity. “How many thumbs do I have? Hey, hey, Ishida?! Did I grow any extra arms while I was fighting Aizen?”
Sado Yasutora suddenly plunged through the gate behind them panting and out of breath.
“Are you two drunk?” Captain Hitsugaya demanded.
“My new best friend Captain Doctor Unohana Retsu gave me the good stuff, because I am the Hero of Three Worlds, possibly Four,” Ichigo explained. 
“Painkillers,” Chad gasped. “He’s on a very high dose of painkillers. It’s…okay… I'm… keeping an eye on him. He’s still really fast, though.”
“What about Orihime?” Rukia demanded, from where she was trying to sculpt a bowl of potato salad into a diorama of herself defeating Rudabone. Or possibly Chappy. “She wasn’t even hurt.”
“She was very nervous about Kurosaki,” Uryuu explained, sauntering up next to Chad. “So Lieutenant Kotetsu gave her some of Captain Unohana’s home-brewed ginger beer, which was… allegedly non-alcoholic?”
“I feel so powerful right now!” Orihime chimed in. “Like my body is filled with thousands of dubstepping bees!”
“I literally cannot feel any part of my body, right now,” Ichigo chipped in, “but at least I didn’t lose my Soul Reaper powers while performing the Final Getsuga, like some sort of contrived plot hook.”
“Why is it called the Final Getsuga, then?” Orihime asked.
“Beats me!” Ichigo hooted.
“It’s because Europe had just released ‘The Final Countdown’ when I invented it, and that song slaps!” Isshin shouted from somewhere near the kegs.
“DAD!” Ichigo shouted. “Dad, I have something to tell you! Also, Rukia, you are like my other dad, if I had two dads!”
“I am not,” Rukia protested.
“Maybe Byakuya is like my other dad, then, which would make you my sister.”
“I am definitely not,” Byakuya protested. (Did you, gentle reader, think that Byakuya would not attend one of Squad 10’s infamous keggers on the occasion of Aizen’s defeat? You were incorrect. Byakuya is a great fan of Matsumoto’s guac.)
“Listen, Dads,” Ichigo insisted. “I defeated Aizen and I think that definitely means I should get to borrow the car on Saturday, but also, Orihime proposed to me and I said yes , we are now engaged to go to the movies the next weekend that we are back home. Which is why I need the car, you see.”
Orihime dabbed.
“My precious son, I am so proud of you!” Isshin announced, throwing his arms wide. “But you can take the bus to the movies like a normal teenager.”
“Way to go, Orihime!” Rukia congratulated, abandoning her potato salad to perform an elaborate handshake/high-five routine with Orihime.
“This is so exciiiiitiiiiiing!” Matsumoto wailed. 
Ise Nanao sidled up to Kusajishi Yachiru. “Madam President,” the Vice-President of the Shinigami Women’s Association intoned gravely. “Are you thinking what I am thinking?”
Hisagi Shuuhei sidled up to the other side of Kusajishi Yachiru. “Are you thinking about a special Seireitei Bulletin feature, presented in cooperation with the Shinigami Women’s Association–”
“–'Heroes of the Hueco Mundo Invasion – In Love!!’” Nanao and Hisagi chorused in unison.
Yachiru blinked. To be honest, she had mostly been thinking about the red bean dumplings she knew Captain Hitsugaya had hidden somewhere earlier, and had not been paying much attention to any of the goings-on up until this point. This may seem to stretch belief, but you have to understand, gentle reader, that this amount of shouting represented a pretty typical day at Squad 11.
Yachiru bounded up to the former ryouka. “Hey, Pencil!” she demanded. “Are you and Muscles dating?”
“Chad!” Ichigo yelped, grabbing at his own hair. “You sneaky person!”
“Uryuu!” Orihime gawped, clapping her hands over her cheeks. “You sly dog!”
“No,” Uryuu corrected stiffly.
“You are mistaken,” Chad added.
“He’s way out of my league,” they said at the same time.
There was a long silence.
Uryuu looked up at Chad out of the corner of his eye.
Chad looked down at Uryuu out of the corner of his eye.
Ichigo was making tiny, excited claps.
Orihime was bouncing.
“Doooooo iiiiiiiiittttttt,” Captain Kyouraku said out of the side of his mouth, pretending like nobody could tell it was him. Everybody could tell it was him.
Rukia straightened up to her full height. “Do it, you dorkuses. The Women’s Association will pay for it. If these two dummies can get their act together, you haven’t got any excuse.” She glanced over at Ichigo and Orihime, who were gazing longingly at one another, and promptly did a horrified double take. 
“Errr…” Uryuu waffled.
“I understand if you’re uncomfortable participating in a Soul Society-related activity,” Chad offered an easy way out.
Uryuu opened his mouth, looked at Chad, and closed it again slowly. “I’ll take their money and waste it frivolously. That is within my moral code.”
“YAYYYYY!” Orihime squealed. “Triple date! Can I be an honorary member of the Shinigami Women’s Association?”
“What do you mean, 'triple date’?” Rukia tried to interrupt.
“Yes,” Nanao proclaimed. “But it will be three separate dates, covered as a three-part series.”
“In the World of the Living,” Shuuhei broke in. “The readers are crazy-go-nuts for the World of the Living.”
“Who is the third couple?” Rukia pressed.
“Genius,” Nanao threw a finger gun at Shuuhei. “Matsumoto, you’ll do host segments? Pre- and post-date interviews and such?”
“Give me a clothing budget and you’ve got a deal” Matsumoto agreed.
“WHO! IS! THE! THIRD! COUPLE?!” Rukia demanded.
“You and Renji, obviously,” Orihime replied. “You two are sooooo cute together! I bet your readers would love that, wouldn’t they, Lieutenant Hisagi? If Rukia and Renji went on a date in the World of the Living? Rukia’s like a princess or something here, right?”
“They will go apeshit , Hisagi replied breathlessly. "You have to understand that Abarai is actual very well-known among the Bulletin readership for his incredibly popular column, 'Let’s Do Shikai!!’ This is essentially the Soul Society equivalent of David Beckham marrying Posh Spice.”
“I…. don’t know who that is,” Rukia stammered.
“How do you know who those people are?” Uryuu asked, perplexed.
“I read Living World newspapers,” Hisagi excused with a shrug.
“Rukia, do you have something to tell me?” Byakuya frowned.
“No!” Rukia yelped. “I’m not dating Renji! I have no interest in going on a date with Renji, even though he consistently moves Heaven and Earth for me and we have really similar taste in craft beers and he’s objectively, like, smoking hot. I refuse to go on a date with Renji. Don’t ask me any more questions.”
“Where is Renji, anyway?” Ichigo frowned. “I don’t hear him shouting, so he must not be here.”
“He went to go pick up a bunch of snacks for Matsumoto because he’s a sucker and I’m sure he stopped off to trade out his sunglasses for polarized ones because he says they’re better for late afternoon glare,” Rukia excused very quickly.
“Rukia,” Ichigo noted, suddenly sounding a lot more sober. “Listen to yourself.”
“Soooooooo cuuuuuuuuuuuute!” Orihime repeated, exaggerating her lip movements.
“She’s not wrong,” Uryuu pointed out.
Chad did Big Shrug Arms and nodded in agreement.
At this moment, the man in question strode into the courtyard, carrying several grocery bags and wearing a pair of polarized sunnies. “Hey, party people!” Renji greeted cheerfully, somehow managing to hold four overstuffed grocery bags in one arm while he fished something out of one of them. “Why’s everyone so quiet?”
“Hey, Abarai, will you do me a big favor?” Hisagi asked innocently.
“Yeah, sure,” Renji agreed. He found whatever he was looking for. “Oi, Ruki-Ruki,” he called, tossing a small paper packet to Rukia. “They had those melon-flavored gummy salamanders you like when you get hammered.”
Rukia caught them easily, her cheeks flaming red.
“'Ruki-Ruki’?” Ichigo mouthed to her, making the most judgemental face he could manage under the influence of Unohana’s Special Sauce.
“So, what’s can I do you for, Shuuhei?” Renji asked, trying to find an empty spot to deposit his bags.
Shuuhei told him.
“Oh,” said Renji. He looked over at Rukia, who managed an awkward, sheepish half-smile as she clutched her candies. “Well, shit.”
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rainingskyguy · 6 years
A yukata
Name: Kurosaki Ichigo.
Age: 15 years old.
Hair: Orange.
Eyes: Brown.
Occupation: High school student.
Special Skill:
Being the best big brother in town.
“Good morning,” Ichigo yawned as he entered the kitchen already dressed up for school. He was up decently early because he had been having really long days at school and he wouldn’t admit it but he missed talking to his sisters, even if it had only been a week.
“Ah, onii-chan! Good morning! You’re up early!” As always, Yuzu was already there, preparing everyone’s lunchboxes and was just getting started on breakfast. Nowadays Karin sometimes helped her with it, but her twin was probably still fast asleep at the moment.
Ichigo glanced at their wall clock. Well, he was up early. He was no cook, but he could lend her a hand. He dropped his bag on the dining table, rolling his sleeves as he set the rice cooker and finished washing the vegetables he grabbed off the counter. Yuzu looked at him, a knowing smile on her face but allowed him to help without protest.
“How have you and Karin been? Everything alright? Anyone you want me to bash their head in?” Ichigo said casually, giving her the washed vegetables so she could chop them faster.
“Of course no! Karin and I have been fine, for your information.” Yuzu replied, giving him a look. Ichigo huffed, raising his hands in mock-surrender.
“And what about your club-thing? I remember you were having trouble with some piece a while back.” Ichigo said, grabbing plates and setting the table as Yuzu finished cutting and turned on the stove. She was silent for a moment, enough for Ichigo to finish and stare at her. “Yuzu?”
She jumped in place. “Ah, no, it’s nothing. I finished the dress, although Karin says she won’t show it to you, because she’s embarrassed – oh but she looks so cute, you’re really missing on it!” His little sister giggled softly, as she tossed the vegetables in and let them simmer.
“Is that so?” Ichigo said, staring at her intently. “I’ll have to take your word for it, then. And? Is there anything worrying you?”
“Hm, not in particular.”
“Really?” Ichigo insisted, as he poured himself a glass of water, taking the chance to squint dubiously at the nervous girl. “If I recall correctly you were fretting about a final evaluation for the cultural festival.”
“No, I wasn’t!”
Silence. Yuzu deflated, conceding defeat. “Yes, our teacher wants us to make a yukata for adults. And I don’t have anyone to be my model for it. Besides, we’re supposed to show them off at the festival.” Yuzu frowned down at her stove. “And like everyone’s doing one for their mom, or their older sister and Karin’s too young for what my stupid teacher wants.” She added with surprising candor, jutting her lower lip out.
Ichigo just blinked at her, confused. “Hey why not just use me, then? I can model for you.”
Yuzu turned to him so sharply he was mildly worried for whiplash but his sister didn’t seem to notice. “Would you really do that for me? Would it be okay? Are you okay with it?”
“Geez, calm down. It’s just clothes, right? I can do it.” Ichigo said, with a shrug. “Although if you want me to wear it to the festival you’d have to do a pretty damn good job.”
The youngest Kurosaki squealed in glee as she launched herself at Ichigo, “Thank you, thank you so much, onii-chan!”
Ichigo retuned the embrace. “Anytime.”
   Ichigo would have expected that to have solved everything but Yuzu came home one day, stomping her way to her room, yelling that her handicrafts teacher was stupid, that the club was stupid and she didn’t want to have anything to do with them.
Karin, with all of her pre-teen wisdom –aka none– looked at Ichigo with saucer-like eyes, worried and unsure of what to do.
With a sigh, the teen ruffled her hair and headed for his sisters’ room.
He knocked on the locked door. “Hey, Yuzu? Is everything okay?”
“Yes, why do you ask?” She replied in a completely normal voice. 
Teenagers, man. Ichigo shook his head.
“Uh, maybe because you came here really annoyed, kinda loud and now you won’t open your door for me?”
He could hear a shy shuffling of feet and soon enough she had opened the door, looking embarrassed. “Was I really loud?”
Ichigo rolled his eyes and forced his way inside. He led her to her bed and sat down next to her.
“Yuzu,” he began. “Did something happen?”
“No,” she said immediately then bit her lip and rephrased. “Well, I mean, It’s not a problem exactly. Nothing you have to worry about.”
“Is it about the yukata? Is it because I look like a delinquent?”
“No… the teacher doesn’t want to let me do a male yukata. She insists it has to be all females, which is just stupid! And I already troubled you with being my model and now I’m back to square one with no model and no time to look for anyone.”
“Yuzu what are you talking about? I can still be your model. Male yukata, female yukata.” Ichigo shrugged. “Same difference. It’s just clothes, honestly. I don’t mind.”
Yuzu stared at him as if she couldn’t quite believe what she was hearing. Then a grin broke her face and she launched at him again, squealing her thanks.
Ichigo smiled back.
  It is now time for the cultural festival and although Ichigo believes in Yuzu 100%, he can’t help but be nervous as he hadn’t had the chance to try the new garment on until the day itself.
He woke up one day with someone incessantly pounding on his poor door. When he opened it he was unsurprised to see a sleep-deprived Yuzu shoving a lengthy piece of garment at him, ordering him to try it on immediately.
Ichigo had a bit of trouble convincing his sister that he could change alone, but in the end he ended up shouting questions through the door because why were female yukatas so weird. He finally gave up when it came to the obi and Yuzu happily looped it around him, and helped adjust the meters of fabric so it looked like Ichigo actually meant to go outside with it.
“The pattern’s really nice. Did you choose it?” Ichigo asked, looking at his reflection on the full-body mirror Yuzu had in her room. The yukata was a pretty standard one, with the white undergarment on top of his undershirt and shorts, peeking shyly at the neck– and best of all, pretty damn comfortable. Over it was the yukata itself, a dark velvety blue patterned with hundreds of small eight-petal flowers that looked as if they had been caught falling down his shoulders. It was all secured in place by the biggest obi he’d ever seen– a bright salmon pink, that matched the falling flowers perfectly and for once didn’t clash with his hair.
“Yes, I did!” Yuzu exclaimed, clapping her hands together. “Do you like it?”
“Yeah, I do.” He looked behind himself at huffed a laugh at the big bow on his back, making him feel like a present wrapped in flowers and an obi for a ribbon. “Hey,” he called to a nervous Yuzu who flinched –as if expecting him to rebuff her or something. “Can we think of this as an early birthday gift for you? I’m already wrapped and everything.”
The smile that split her face was worth all the puzzling through never-ending fabric.
Yuzu herself had donned a pink yukata she had made last month– it was made of a much simpler, cheaper fabric with only a checkered salmon pattern on the hem. It had been her first try, so she hadn’t wanted to spend a lot of money on something she wasn’t sure would be fruitful but she had done a splendid job (which required a lot of Ishida pestering, Ichigo would know; he had gotten an earful at school). She had adorned her hair with a strawberry trinket that Ichigo couldn’t help but squint at.
To confirm his suspicions, she had smiled impishly before hurrying to get their lunches packed as Ichigo went for his sandals.
 “What’s the verdict?” Ichigo deadpanned as Karin finally looked up from her videogame, Ichigo lazing around in the living room by her side as Yuzu fretted about making a dessert for the after event.
His other sister checked him out, her eyebrows high before returning to her portable console. “I always knew you were a pretty boy. You look good.”
“Thanks, I guess.” Ichigo laughed, twisting his head over the back of the couch to peer into the kitchen. “What say you, dearest Yuzu?”
The girl bounced into the room, a triumphant look on her. “Of course you look gorgeous! And I’m all done! Let’s go before it’s late!”
“Aye, boss.”
  On their way to Yuzu’s school it was almost cliché when they bumped into a couple of delinquents spraying the side of a home as if that was remotely important. Ichigo made sure Yuzu stayed behind him as he called them out,
“Hey, you two bumbling morons. Don’t you have anything better to do?” The hooligans turned to look at him and promptly burst out laughing.
“Or what, flower-boy? You’ll serve us tea? Oh I’m so- “The first hooligan went down with a punch to the face and his partner had no time to run as Ichigo used that same momentum to slide and trip him up –letting him face-plant into the ground.
Ichigo then readjusted his yukata and kept on walking undeterred as Yuzu rushed to be his side as the delinquents groaned on the floor.
“So pretty…” One of them muttered, wiping the blood off his nose. His friend grumbled but didn’t disagree with him.
   In the end, the event was a success. Ichigo would have expected to need to hit more people who dared mock Yuzu’s amazing work, but most of them had been too busy admiring the yukata and the few that weren’t were successfully cowed by his intense glare.
Ichigo had to strut around a lot, letting people ogle him and call him weird things like “pretty” and “beauty” but Yuzu made up for it by giving him chocolate cookies during his break and letting him leave before the after party so he could go home and sleep in. On his way out, Ichigo had ruffled her hair, the sleeve of the kimono making the movement that much more grand. “Nice work, kiddo.”
Yuzu had smiled like a blinding sun. “You are the best, Onii-chan.”
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twinfanfics · 6 years
Taiyamaweek day 16: Trapped
I know i´m two days behind but wherever, like one hundred years ago i made sci-fy Taiyama AU for the DigimonOTP and i never finish it, so here are part number 2, please enjoy. 
Prop: Trapped 
Sumary: Yamato tought a bad brake up was the worst thing that could happen to him in his last year at the star academy, but he was wrong now he must join his brother, his best friend and his exboyfriend in a suicidal mision to an estrange planet.
You can read the first chapter right here 
And the second chapter after the cut! 
It was a long trip, fourteen hours at optimus speed, but the old piece of trash that the commander facilitated  never get to that, it was especially hard for the pilots, after 21 hours of fly booths of them were exhausted, so Yamato complete understand his brother relieve when a tiny little green spot appear on the screen.
“There it is, asteroid 54¡” Takeru yells almost with the voice of a child  “I mean..” he hesitate “we are near to the Target Captain” 
“Excellent!”  Taichi exclaim, and Yamato smile, the captain was as much as tired as the pilots but for a complete different reason, Taichi was  incapable of been quiet, with all certain he was impatient for jump into action, Yamato remember those longs afternoon beside him, the summer sun, the longs campings, the heat of his skin against him, the unfinished fights…
“That's weird” Sora interrupt his thoughts
“What?” He replied, happy to have something else to think about
“According to the info asteroid 54 is a desert planetoid, but our system register an entire ecosystem, is a green planet” she continuos
Taichi approach to the monitor “Are you sure this is the right planetoid?”
“Of course we are sure¡” Hikari yells offended
“ And even if is not”  Koushiro voice sound across the communicator “the transmissions become for this location”
“What do you think Yamato?” Every time Taichi call him by his first name Yamato gets an uncertain feelings, something between the necessity to run and the impulse to punch him on the face.
He knew Taichi was a born lider, he want to follow him, but he also wanna fight about every single ones of his decisions,
“We come ready for a mission on  a desert planet, it would be crazy go into an unknown ecosystem, whatsoever if there is life on asteroid 54 the probability of survival of the crew of Adventure 02 increase, is risky but…” Taichi smile with all his teeths, full of excitement
“ You hear it Mr Takahashi, prepare to arrive¡”
They land over a beautiful landscape, the air was warm and humid, it looks like a colorful  tropical jungle
“Well, we should bring a  botanic expert”  Taichi jokes touching the grand
“Actually…”  Mimi turn to him “i kind of  specialized on foreign  flora”
“I thought you two work on communications” he said
“We get the passanti on communication but  i'm actually tactical expert and Mimi knows about  plants” Sora speak  “but we fail the space test and get stuck on the communication tower since last semester”
“Well,  we are lucky then” Taichi stand up, holding his Captain hat “listen everybody, i'm gonna need all the crew on the bridge right now!”  only in a few minutes Joe and Koushiro arrive “What is the state of Adventure 01 Izzy? , come on, give me good news”
“The principal motor is relatively fine but it couldn't work on maximum capacity, if i could work on it, i could fix it on 6 maybe 5 hours, but i'm gonna need help for the rest of it, it was a rough landing” Hikari and Takeru protest to his comment  “and one of the propulsor get damage”
“It sound like a lot of work”Taichi said coming near to his little sister, the pilots look terrible “I want you to concentrate in the engineer, did you understand? Get the transmissions to the others”
“But… “
“ Nothing¡” He yells  “rest a few hours, eat something and come back to the engineer room, that's an order, if we need to leave this planet i want to have this space garbage ready”
Yamato was impress by Taichi command, usually he tend to be more tender, and not complete serious about anything, the leadership suit him.  
“I Understand Captain” Koushiro grumble and Yamato notice how pleased  was Taichi with his new title
“Takeru and Hikari” Taichi continues “great work you two, now go to your chambers and rest, the explorers would take this mission since here”  They don't even blink and accept the orders “Tachikawa, Kido, Ishida and I'll form the explorer team” he turn to Mimi “ Tachikawa did you think you could track the signal?
“If we link the transmission to the GPS it would work” Sora talks “ but i have more experience that Mimi on the field, i should be the one who…”
“You have tactical training right?” Taichi interrupt and She nod “i don't wanna left our only engineer and ours pilots alone on an unknown planet, you are the  security chief  now, beside i'm sure that Miss Tachikawa knowledge of botanic would be useful on the field”
Yamato didn't believe Sora listen anything after security chief
“Yea.. excuse me Tai”  Joe seems nervous “i mean Captain” He correct,  he wasn´t happy “ did you said that i would be on the explorer team? I'm no prepare for that, im medical support”
“Yes, and if for some miracle we found Davis and the others i bet they would need you more that anyone of us”  Yamato replied before Taichi, knowing exactly what he was thinking, somehow happy that they could still be on the same page
 The team get ready but after an hour and a half of walking it was obvius that Mimmi has no idea how to use the GPS  
“I thought you work on comunication¡” it was almost dusk and Yamato get desperate
Yes!” she yells “ thats mean i know how to answerd a phone this is hight tec¡”
“Take it easy Matt¡” Joe intervene “let me see that” and he took the device from Mimi´s hand “I taught we need to go to the north, up to that mountain”
“Lets move” Taichi insist “we don´t know how many daylight we have”
“Not saying” Mimmi didnt even ask Joe for returning the device “This forest is weird…”
“Is that your Botanic expertis?” Taichi jokes
“Shut up!” she replied “ don't you think is weird that we havent seen any kind of fauna? i mean is only vegetation, too quiet”
Nobody take notes over Mimi commentary and just keep moving, Yamato could see the despair on Taichi moves, if they didn't find anyone all the mission would be for nothing, he would risk  everyone else life for nothing.
The sky turn black when they encounter a clearing on the wood, and in the corner, thank good what its look like an abandon camp.
“That one look like Cody backpack¡” Joe yells and run to it “and Cody´s sword?” the fears was clear on his face when he pick up a broken old wood sword from the ground
“sshhh” Yamato call his attention  “listen…”  
“Davis?”Taichi ask when something move on the darkness , suddenly from behind the grass an anthropomorphic creature emerg, Mimi shout silently, it was green, without eyes, cover entirely with leaves, the only feature recognizable was it big pointing mouth
“Am.. excuse me?” Taichi begins and Yamato give him credit for not run and hide, as them, and inspire by his lider bravery he pull of his gun “Can you understand me? we come from the star institute, ours companions lost on this planet, we believe this was their camp, if you could help us” the captain come  near to the creature when this get signal to understand him.
Mimmi scream again when others creatures emerge behind the first
“We come in peace” Taichi continues and Yamato walk behind him ready to take him away when his courage cross the line of stupidity.
Sora star to think that her new position as security chief was more  a fancy title than an actual position, of course, when the alarm sound and the explorer team come back with the captain cover in blood meanwhile they escape from some hell looking diabolical carnivore human size plants she make her new position to count.
She close up the ship and shoot every single gun to the monsters.
Joe lead then to the medical facility, Yamato get surprise about the calm and diligence of his friend, he was to use to Joe panik that see him in calm was an anomaly, more when he couldn't stop his hands to shake.
“Put him over the table” Joe scream  “Wherever they throw to him is dangerous” he put a pair of gloves and a face mask “I would need to operate”
Yamato was not prepare for that
He was ready to see Taichi command and success, define the authority and break the rules; but not for that, not for see the man he loves open over an operation table.
“Yamato!” his friend call him “Yamato come on!” Joe snap him “I need you to hold him” he said while he took a scalpel, in automatic Yamato obey.
Taichi resist and scream meanwhile Joe extract the bullets from his body
“It´s look organic” the doctor exclaim
“Let me!” Mimmi take them away from him and examine them “ They look like some kind of seeds” she put them into a plastic contender “I would take this to Koushiro in the lab, meaby we could figure something out.
“Very well” Joe remove the gloves and set the monitors on “we need to keep an eye on him…”
He continues his medical speech but Yamato didn't listen, he couldn´t take his eyes from Taichi, the injure on his stomage look bad, his uniform was cover in blood; Yamato renegade of his position.
“Is my fault” Yamato said
“Stop” Joe cut him off “ I know what are you gonna said but he is the one who approach the monster and for the record he is the one who sight all of us into a suicidal mission so..”
“I should protect…”
Taichi star to caught and Joe run to the instruments
“Did you wanna help? joe scold him “whach him to not choke!!” Yamato pick him up
“He is hot!” his skin was burning “i mean.. he has fever!”
“O stars!” Joe run from one side to the medical facility to another “something is blocking the instruments” he hold a bowl with water and a pair of clean towels “help me”
They manage to control the fever still Taichi seems to be in pain, he mumble incoerences and sweat to much.
“Carefully” Yamato whisper when he try to get up “you are gonna get hurt” he hold him “i´m gonna take care of you, you are gonna be fine” he didn't want to let him go “you are gonna be fine” but he must “Captain”
Taichi just nod and smile, Yamato feel his knees weak, just that and he was complete melt it
“Ok, so you just need to change the towels every time they feel warm and dont let him fall sleep until the fever is gone”  the doctor walk near to the door
“What? were you go?”
“I need to wash myself  and honestly i don't wanna be between you two”
“What?¡ no wait!”
Suddenly he was alone with Taichi, semi conscious Taichi, so beautiful goofy smile Taichi
“Thank you” taichi libs barely move and Yamato decide to concentrate in the take care of him
“Don't mention it, Captain” stupid feelings, he must draw a line “I just do my duty”
“Your duty” he repeat almost laughing “You sound a lot  like him cadet”
“Like him?”
Taichi´s eyes move behind his eyelids, and Yamato remember that he must keep him awake
“Captain! Captain!” he yells “I sound like who?”
“Yamato” he shake his head “My god if that man is beautiful”
“I am…” he stop as soon as he realized “You're delusional….”
“not only beautiful” Taichi continues with a grin “I mean he is fine but he is just.. not real, something else, and his voice… “ muscle spasms appear on his left leg, his right arm shake on the air and Yamato prevent him to fall for the bed.
The time stop as always as they hug, Yamato hold his entire body and he marveled of the sensation of his body against him
“I such an idiot…” Taichi cries over his shoulder
“stupid… stupid…” in a quick movement he let himself drop over the bed again “I´m an idiot!”
“No you are not!” Yamato yells, offended by Taichi´s words “You are brave and and.. determined, you are intuitive and perseverance, you excel in everything you do, you.. you…”
That goofy smile again
“You are so kind cadet, i wish… i wish he had been that kind”
“What? why do you mean by that..”
Taichi didn't answer , he was falling asleep, Yamato hurry to change the towels “no, come on… wake up Taichi!” his body was still warm “Captain! Captain!”
His title bring something in him
“I need water…” Yamato obeys and bring the liquid to his lips as carefully as he can “i miss him so much….”
they must not have that conversation, not when Taichi was hurt, not in an alien planet, not in mortal danger
Taichi laugh
“I´m not… that was him, he was always the best liar” his breath turn heavier “i disappointed him”
“No.. no.. you never”
“I saw it…” Taichi whisper “every time he look at me, everytime he yell, or shout, everytime he scold me, everytime he kick the wall, he was disappointed, and i was exhausted”
What had he done?
“No! wake up Captain!” Finally he open his eyes
“You look a lot like him”  he was so close  “ but you have prettiest eyes, Yamato eyes were so cold, he tough i was stupid”
“that´s not true”
“You are just saying…”
“No, you are smart, and clever, you are brave and… you are the bravest person i know, you are a true leader,  people follow you, you are, you are the best person i ever know”
“What a beautifuls things you said cadet”  taichi laid over his shoulder “i wish he would said me those things”
Yamato feels his body trembling, he didnt know what to said
“Can i kiss you Captain?” 
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Power Ranger
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FANDOM: Digimon Adventure 01/02/Tri RATING: General Audiences. WORDCOUNT: 1 964 words PAIRING(S): Pre-Taito/Yamachi. CHARACTER(S): Taichi Kamiya, Yamato Ishida, Genai, and a special appearance from Miyako. Mimi is mentioned in passing. GENRE: Coffeeshop disaster. TRIGGER WARNING(S): None, but Taichi may make you feel some second hand embarassment. SUMMARY: So there’s this guy. He has a Power Rangers shirt, and he’s cute. He’s also a walking catastrophe, but in a cute way.
“I hope your boss doesn’t know you call his clients shitheads,” the guy with a Power Rangers shirt chuckles as the miffed ass stomps out of the door, “you could get in trouble.”
 He’s cute, Yamato will give him that, as well as a bonus point for the pun on his shirt, but that doesn’t mean he’s about to take that kind of criticism lying down. Not with the mood he’s in.
 “First of all,” he says while he gathers the coffee cups on a nearby table, mostly so he won’t start punching people, “I called him a fucking shithead, which he should take as compliment because it assumes he does get laid. Second, barista doesn’t have ‘act as a punching bag for assholes and bigots’ on the job requirement.’
 He wipes at a stain with more force than necessary for several seconds, breathing through his nose until he’s reasonably sure he’s not going to shout his next sentence:
 “Third, this is my shop. I get to throw homophobes out if I want to.”
 Power Ranger blinks at that, grows very red, and bursts into laughter, loud and uninhibited to the point of borderline obnoxiousness. It’s a hearty sound, though, and the way he throws his head back to get it all out sends heat blooming at the back of Yamato’s neck, so he doesn’t really try to hush the guy.
 Yamato does have to keep working, though. His regulars are used to the occasional odd person coming into the shop, but he holds no illusion as to his personality’s power to keep people coming if he stops doing a good job at hosting them.
He’s walking back to the counter with a tray full of dirty dishes when Power Ranger follows him, having apparently forgotten where he is, just to hiss:
 “Sorry, I just—fucking shithead. It’s hilarious!”
 It’s...really not? At least, Yamato doesn’t think the joke is that good. And it certainly doesn’t compensate for having to deal with an asshole like that, but hey. At least Power Ranger isn’t telling him to be more patient or accept that some people want him dead and that’s just how life is, so there’s that.
He still shoots a look at Mr. Genai over the counter, rolling his eyes and smirking a little when Mr. Genai gives him a ‘people are strange’ kind of shrug. It used to be Mr. Genai would rebuke Yamato’s outbursts at clients, sometimes even though he thought Yamato was in the right.
Nowadays, he’s either changed his stance on how to deal with terminal assholes, or come to the conclusion that Yamato is a good enough owner to keep the shop afloat without having to kiss everyone’s boots. Either way, it’s a show of support that means a lot, considering Mr. Genai is the last vaguely parental figure in Yamato’s life.
 He nods at Power Rangers in acknowledgement, and maybe in thanks, too. Just a little. He’s not that starved for positive attention that he’ll admit it out loud but, well. It is a nice change to meet someone who appreciate his sense of, uh. Humor.
Power Ranger doesn’t seem to realize the exchange is over, though: he follows Yamato to the back of the shop, and barely stops in time to avoid a collision with the half-door marked ‘employees only’. Yamato is emptying his tray into the dishwasher, which is finally full enough to run, when Power Ranger calls out over the wood:
 “What kind of college-age guy has his own coffee shop though? I mean you’re, what, twenty-five? Ish? I’m not good at white people ages but—”
 The tray rattles when Yamato sets it down on the counter top.
 “I’m Japanese.”
 Technically, he’s a quarter French, but it’s not even like it shows that much outside of the eyes and hair, damn it!
 “Oh, cool!” Power Ranger exclaims, the grin audible in his voice. “Do you speak Japanese?”
 Yamato was born in Japan, even. Spent the first eleven years of his life there until his mother’s job as a journalist moved the family to San Francisco. He may have spent more time outside of Tokyo than in, but that doesn’t mean he’s forgotten it, and having to prove he’s Japanese enough to people like Power Rangers who wear their origins on their faces got tiring something like five minutes into the first iteration of that particular conversation.
 “That’s nice,” Power Ranger continues, still in Japanese, “because you look really cute and it’s easier to flirt without an audience.”
“Mr. Genai speaks Japanese as well.”
 Yamato turns around to get back in the main room just as Power Ranger throws a barely-embarrassed grin toward Mr. Genai, and he almost chuckles at the sight. The guy, if nothing else, doesn’t seem to have a shy bone in his body.
 “With all due respect to Mr. Genai, if he’s your employee he can’t tell you off for being seduced on the job.”
“Who says any of what you’re doing is working, here?”
 Yamato does not shiver when he brushes past Power Ranger on his way back to the counter—no, really, he doesn’t. He does feel some heat creeping up his neck and into his ears, though.
 “No one, but being optimistic doesn’t hurt,” Power Ranger retorts with an even wider grin that does things to Yamato’s insides.
 It’s a little embarrassing, but then again, the guy is good looking, cute, somewhat funny in an accidental way, and he’s also not even trying to be subtle about his intentions. There’s no harm in indulging in the charm while it lasts, right?
 “Maybe you’ve got it wrong and I’m not queer. I could be keeping homophobes out of my shop for the sake of a friend or family member. Or just as a decent human being.”
“As one of my best friends would say,” Power Ranger quotes with a finger in the air while Yamato wipes down the counters and sets on cleaning the coffee machine, “'the quest for true love was always dependent on taking risks'. Who knows, maybe I’ll get lucky and you’ll catch the gay bug after a while.”
“’Sur un malentendu ça peut marcher’,” Yamato mutters, and Power Ranger’s eyes widen into a look of pleased surprise so intense he all but leans across the pick up station to ask:
“Was that French I heard?”
“Get off my counter, you’ll get me in trouble with the hygiene division. Yes, it was.”
“So, wait, you’re the college-aged owner of a fairly popular shop, a blond Japanese guy and you speak French? The thick plottens! You must explain!”
“Sorry,” Yamato replies, unashamedly quoting Tumblr, “you have to be at least a level three friend before you can unlock my tragic backstory.”
“What if I take you out on a date though? Do I have to be a level three date mate to unlock your backstory or does that come with its own set of rules?”
 At the orders station, Mr. Genai tries and fails to cover a laugh under the scrap of his chair on tiled floor, which gives Yamato just enough time to smooth a stupid grin off his face before Power Ranger looks back to him.
 “I think Mr. Genai likes me.”
“I think Mr. Genai thinks you’re ridiculous.”
“I think Mr. Genai can do both of these things at the same time,” Mr. Genai says from the counter.
 The wind catchers on the door chime at that moment, as if to punctuate the exchange, and Yamato starts on a tall soy latte as soon as he hears Mr. Genai greet Miyako. She’s one of Takeru’s school friends, and she mostly comes to the neighborhood to visit Mimi’s pastry shop, across the street, but considering she swings by for an order almost every time, Yamato isn’t about to complain.
 “I’m still at work,” he tells Power Rangers without bothering to put any heat in it, “you need to order something or let me do my job.”
“Do I get your number if I order something?”
 Yamato turns around to the sound of Miyako choking on her own laughter, face hidden behind her hands as she stands next to Power Ranger and makes a valiant attempt at pretending she’s not laughing at the both of them. Yamato just sighs and hands her her usual drink, with a reminder for the dinner at his place the next weekend.
 “I know you remember but Takeru would kill me if I didn’t make really really sure.”
“No worries. See you Saturday!”
“Please,” Power Ranger all but whines, “tell me Takeru isn’t your boyfriend.”
“He’s my little brother.”
“Oh! Little brother is fine—I’ve got a little sister, if they’re the same age—”
“Will you please go order something?”
 Power Ranger dissolves in apologies, words coming out of his mouth at almost superhuman speed for the next ten seconds, before he goes to the counter and asks Mr. Genai for whichever dairy-free cold drink he likes best.
Yamato makes extra sure no one can see him grin like a loon, grateful that he decided to grow his hair out again this year. There’s nothing to be done about his ears, but at least that way Power Ranger can’t see him flush redder than a tomato.
Or, you know, write his number on the paper cup he pours the drink in.
 “Thanks,” Power Rangers says with a wide, wide smile when he retrieves his drink.
 Then he walks out of the shop like he hasn’t just spent the past half-hour flirting at Yamato like his life depended on it.
 “Not to be intrusive,” Mr. Genai remarks in soft Japanese, “but it seemed to me like a rather speedy departure.”
“Yeah,” Yamato agrees, more disappointed than he cares to admit, “that was fast.”
 He’s barely finished his sentence when Power Ranger pops back into view, slams the door to the shop open hard enough to make several customers jump in place—Mrs. Izumi even spills her tea—and runs up to the counter, red faced and out of breath:
 “I’m so sorry,” he heaves in English, “I’m so stupid, I completely forgot to ask for your number!”
“It’s on the cup,” Yamato replies, too puzzled to to anything more than point at the item in question.
 Power Ranger nods, turns around to leave again and, halfway through the shop, swirls back around to say:
 “Almost forgot: my name’s Taichi. I’ll talk to you soon!”
 This time he opens and closes the door like a normal human being, which is a relief. Yamato might find Taichi’s flustered attitude adorable—flattering, even—but that doesn’t mean it’s very good for his business.
He watches Taichi pause outside the door for a wide fist pump, then realize everyone inside the shop can see him and walk off with his face in his hands...straight into a streetlight.
 Yamato may or may not choke in laughter at the sight, and he may or may not still be laughing about it when his phone buzzes.
 ‘So,’ Taichi’s text reads, ‘I will totally understand if you ask me to delete your number after this truly stunning display of human disastrousness.’
‘Honestly,’ Yamato replies, opting for Japanese just to see if Taichi can read it, ‘I get the feeling this kind of thing is why I will agree to go on a second date.’
 It takes a while, but Taichi does reply with a long, long string of relieved, then happy, then dancing emojis.
 (He pretends to be offended when Yamato shows the text exchange off on their wedding night four years later, but the way he keeps bragging about seducing Yamato through unabashed weirdness kind of gives the charade away.)
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