#but still I liked the idea of an original dragon
eri-pl · 17 hours
You are a great believer of the only Eru can create true life theory it seems from your posts- what origins of dragons do you subscribe to then in how they were made from something else? How much personhood do you ascribe to individuals among them with variation/free will?
Thank you for the ask! I love asks!
First, maybe I am pedantic on words, but I like to be on the same page, so:
I don't fully agree with the word "believer" in context of a fictional setting, especially given that they are people (I've seen one on YT) who genuinely seem to believe in the Legendarium as mythology/religion/I'm not sure what word to use. I don't.
I respect (or sometimes hype about maybe too much) some of Tolkien's ideas on hot his legendarium ties to the real world, can't internalize some others, but at the end of the day, it is fiction, so the question is less "what is true" and more "what makes sense with the story and world", "what Tolkien intended".
And I do believe (based on things I read and watched on YT) that Tolkien did intend to "evil cannot create true life" and "only Eru can create souls". Does "true life" mean "sentient", or "alive in general"? If "sentient", how is that different from "having a soul"? I have no idea. But anyway yea, "Morgoth can't make things that have free will" is a very safe bet about what tolkien thought of it. And does make sense with the story.
(Still, I will take this wording as a compliment. thank you.)
I don't have a single strong HC about how dragons were made. Made from lizards? From big snakes? From dinosaurs which he somehow stole from Valinor (unlikely because siege)? Probably mutated some big lizards.
Personhood? Hmm. the text is tricky there (even a bit contradictory), but I would go with the "they have bits of Morgoth's will in them, a bit like the Ring had Sauron's". No personhood.
My default assumption about various types of more-or-less monsters is:
deeply corrupted Elves/Men: full personhood, but extreme mental issues due to trauma / generational trauma and probably their free will is, how to say it, imprisoned deep inside their minds, so very unlikely to behave in a good way (think: very strong addiction, some extreme mental ilnesses): all variants of Orcs. (Yes, it makes killing them complicated, I can live with that) (Also I did a post on Orcs and how would I try to make them more metaphysically coherent. TLDR they revert after some generations of not being moderated)
fallen spirits: full personhood, self-inflicted (+ some help from evil superiors) trauma, more effective free will, could get over their bs, yes it is hard but also they aren't willing: Morgoth, Sauron, the Balrogs, some various "demons", I'm not sure about some beings. I like to see Thuringwethil here, even though it's probably not canon.
Elven ghosts who agreed to be bound by Sauron (with coercion!) or Morgoth (if he bothers to do necromancy at all), put into various (animal or engineered from parts) bodies: free will fully bound inside, because of the magic. they can regret but they can't escape: werewolves, vampires, stuff like that, also Thuringwethil
bits of Morgoth's will/mind/whatever put into modies of mutated animals: dragons, I'm not sure what else. As they are various bits, they do have some indyvidual character, something like personality, but they aren't persons. Think: OCs. The dragons are Morgoth's OCs. ;D
They (dragons) could be type 3, but from what I remember the text more suggests 4. Or was it just the musical?
And yes, dragons being active after Morgoth was thrown out doesn't contradict this. Ending of the Quenta Silmarillion says that bits of his will still circulate in the world.
I hope this answers your question.
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wvbaandtheboys · 2 days
Hey punchy peeps, yup it's me again I present to y'all my pride and joy, the Dreamescape AU! This time, redone with an idea I originally discarded when I was first making the AU, but I ended up using for the revamped version! Let's get into the ✨ lore ✨
This AU takes place in the span of the 1920s. The Macs live with their single father, Jerome/Doc Louis, having a docile and normal life. Their father works tirelessly to provide for his sons, being a middle class worker. With familiar faces surrounding their everyday lives, the family is content and lives out their days in joy. However, over a tense and perplexing time span, many people in their community begin to pass away unexpectedly with little to no closure on some of their deaths. Hysteria rises amongst the townsfolk; hysteria of a supernatural curse of well known origin, rooted in folklore, that threatens the adult population. And by proxy, the children of the town.
It is the Constellation of Shadows. An arachnoid, nightmarish entity that targets children through the adults in their lives. It invades the dreams of adults while they sleep, and takes them into its dark abyss of a web. It then mutates them, reforms them for its own purposes. Then unleashes them like wild animals to murder the children in their sleep.
Very few families have survived the Constellation's insatiable hunger for terror and demise: there are only two documented survivors of the Constellation throughout the years. Those families were never the same, suffering long term effects that led to either tragedy within them, or them disappearing from the town, never to be seen again. Hysteria once again breaks out, with the message to stay awake and alert at all costs and protect your children, as the Constellation cannot attack if you are not asleep or drowsy. However, it was only so long before the Louis household succumbed to exhaustion, and entered a deep slumber.
However, there is one hope. Father Dream. Father Dream is another folklore figure who, once upon a time, constantly did battle with the Constellation in order to uphold the safety of all dreamers. However, the feast of fear supplied to the Constellation allowed it to best Father Dream and trap him within his own seemingly unending slumber. However, Father Dream was still in control of some of his power. He blesses Mac with a special ability: the ability to resurrect the dead. Now, the Macs must face monsters of familiarity in order to make it out alive. And, in order to rescue their father before he suffers the same fate as the adults before him did. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ With the lore out of the way, let's learn about those adults: WII:
Joe - Chef (27)
Kaiser - Clockmaker (52)
Disco - Radio Show Host (25)
Hippo - Tribal King (50s to Early 60s)
Hondo - Photographer (33)
Hugger - Game Warden (44)
Tiger - Illusionist (31)
Don - Fisherman (26)
Aran - Dockworker (27)
Soda - Ice Cream Parlor Owner (41)
Bull - Priest (40)
Macho - Singer (30)
Gabby - Librarian (62)
Hurricane - Meteorologist (29)
Bob - Homeless (36)
Dragon - Lead Dragon Dancer (25)
Muscle - Doctor (37)
Heike - Unemployed (16)
Mad Clown - Clown (obviously shjsjs) (30)
Narcis - Nobleman (31)
Hoy - Retired Teacher (83)
Rick and Nick - Tailors (R - 28, N - 29)
Now, how did all of them meet their untimely demises? TRIGGER WARNINGS: DEATH, WRITTEN DESCRIPTIONS OF VIOLENCE/GORE, SUICIDE. PLEASE TAKE THIS INTO ACCOUNT WHEN READING FURTHER ON! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WII: Joe - No one heard from him for a good while since his restaurant was suddenly closed, so it eventually drew the attention of police. When they went in, they found him in the basement of the restaurant, slumped against one of the walls and clearly long dead. He appeared to die clutching a kitchen knife in his hand. He represents Ataxophobia.
Kaiser - Kaiser’s somewhat anti-social personality did put some off from checking in on him too frequently, but they knew he was in and working when they heard the ticking of the clocks within his workshop. Concern arose when the ticking stopped. When concerned folks went inside the old man’s shop to check on him, They found him sprawled out on the floor, stiff. He was surrounded by clocks, all had their hands frozen at the hour of midnight. He represents Chronometrophobia.
Disco - Way too suddenly did Louie Brown's show get taken off the air. An announcement was made in the newspapers shortly thereafter that the host had passed away. Though they didn’t release details, he was found to have cords of recording machinery taut around his neck, still seated in the recording booth. And with the recording machine on, but thankfully not on the air. He represents Sedatephobia. Hippo - Hippo and his people (women, men and children alike) were quite sociable with the public. Seeing as they weren’t native to the town and after a great tragedy for the tribe, the king seemed to have a certain desperation to be accepted and gain a new home, considering what happened to them. However, the Hippoans were extremely generous and shared their culture with the townsfolk. But, they all just… vanished one day. It was presumed that perhaps Hippo had tried to guide them to live elsewhere, but no one can say for sure what happened to them. He represents Anthropophobia.
Hondo - Though nothing was visibly perturbing about him, laid on either a couch or his bed, his camera was in close proximity. When the photos recently taken on it were printed out, they showed cryptic, vignetted images of Hondo at angles that appeared as though another person had taken it. Though there were no signs that another person had ever been there. He represents Photophobia.
Hugger - He said he just felt tired, and was going to take the winter months to rest. No foul play, no signs of injury, no nothing. He just appeared to have passed in his sleep. He represents Nyctophobia.
Tiger - He was found with red scratch marks all over, which were initially thought to be self inflicted. However, the cleanliness of his fingernails and the angles of the markings made it almost seem like… something was trying to escape from his own body. He represents Rhabdophobia.
Don - He and his wife, Carmen, had been out all day on a lengthy fishing trip. Even when dusk had arrived and fog had started rolling in, the couple still hadn’t returned. Their fishing boat that came floating back to shore, belongings and equipment still on it, but they were nowhere to be seen. He represents Thalassophobia.
Aran - The last his coworkers saw of him, they say he was quietly sitting on the docks with his legs hung over the water. Something he readily instructed others to never do. The very next morning, he was gone. They never found him. He represents Megalohydrothalassophobia.
Soda - When the cold months came over the town, his charming little ice cream parlor closed for the winter as he said he was going to go for a trip to the mountains. After the winter was over, with no word or sign of the man, concern also arose for him. They discovered him a while after. He was completely encased in frost despite the warmth returning. He represents Cryophobia.
Bull - The toll of the church bells at night brought a sense of dread over all that heard it. He was found knelt in a praying pose at the front of the chapel. He was already dead, clutching the jewel of the necklace he wore in his hands. He represents Theophobia.
Macho - The singer known as “Deep Blue” by his many adoring fans had a dark cloud over his head. A rumor mill had churned much devastating gossip regarding his personal life. Some even say it drove him mad. Regardless of the true motive, the performer was found with a slit throat. Some suspect it was a suicide, as the letter opener that cut his throat was in his own hand. He represents Scopophobia.
Gabby - Even though he was getting on in years, Gabby always said that there was never a time he felt alive, even since his youthful years, due to the plethora of health issues he had developed over the course of his life ever since he was born. “I don’t recall the last time I ever felt young and spry, if I even did in the first place. So, getting old really doesn’t feel any different.” As such, it was a well known rumor that Gabby read many books to cope, to feel some kind of whimsy in his ever shortening life. He was found dead in his sleep at his desk, an open book beside him. He represents Gentrophobia.
Hurricane - A thriving meteorologist, he loved the experiences of being up in the sky on hot air balloons. On an unsuspecting day during a storm, he suddenly fell unconscious mid flight. A bolt of lightning struck the hot air balloon he was riding and sent him crashing into a building. He died on impact. He represents Astraphobia.
Bob - An impoverished homeless man, he often wandered about with cigarettes on hand. He secluded himself far away from others while he smoked. No one has a clue what really happened to him, as he was discovered lying in the mud. However, it was suspected that he had asphyxiated. He represents Homichlophobia.
Dragon - The dragon dancer troupe traveled to the town from Hong Kong during Lunar New Year. He piloted the head of the dragon during the ceremony. How sadly ironic that such misfortune followed a dance meant to bestow luck. He was discovered slumped in a chair in the dressing room made for the dancers, with the headpiece of the dragon over his body.. and his own decapitated head in his hands. He represents Atychiphobia. 
Muscle - He was alone one night, and that was all that it took. He was discovered in the morning with slit wrists, surrounded by blood soaked gauze. He may have tried to save himself. He represents Hemophobia.
Heike - The once aspiring dancer faced the Constellation's wrath despite being a child himself as well. His limbs were bloody and twisted, yet he still held his signature fan in his hands, and wore his signature performing kimono. He represents Pistanthrophobia.
Clown - The circus was never the same without him. His face was painted half and half with his two circus personas: Serenata the Opera Singer, and Burlone the Jester. He represents Coulrophobia.
Narcis - For the short period of time that night, while his servants were not overseeing him, the Constellation struck. Though efforts were made to enter his bedroom as the realization dawned that he was in danger, the door did not budge until it was too late. He was found with the skin of the left half of his face completely removed. On his fractured bureau, there was a message written in his blood: “The beauty of my heart was never reflected in my face." He represents Cacophobia.
Hoy - The death of the dragon dancer deeply wounded the old man, as he was quite close to him. He died of a broken heart. (Broken Heart Syndrome) He represents Philophobia.
Rick and Nick - It seemed like death wanted to keep them together forever. They were discovered seated on chairs next to each other, their left hands sewn together. It was noted that when there was effort to cut the thread, the fingers of the brothers would twitch violently. They represent Thanatophobia.
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quibbs126 · 2 years
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Some more sketches from the past week or so
I’ve been back at home this week (and will be for the next month or so) and because of that I haven’t really been drawing much
Uh, let’s see, we got a sketch of Strawberry Jam Cookie
Then I also drew a tiny Dark Cacao Cookie, basically freshly baked. I like to think Dark Cacao at least was Witch baked, so this would have been as young as he’d ever be. He found a sword in the oven and basically fled for his life, but the whole experience was traumatic for him. He basically kept running until he found himself at the Giant Icing Ridge. He kept going into the wastelands until he was found either by the young North and South Dragons, or he found their parent, whom I’m going to call the Cookie Crème Dragon, and he was taken in by them, with him believing himself to be one of them.
I realize this backstory makes him not related to dragons other than being adopted, which I’m not too sure I’m fond of, but whatever
As for his experience in the Oven, he only remembers it as a recurring dream, one he’s not sure where it comes from
Then I tried to come up with some concepts for Choco Crème and Milk Crème’s Cookie forms. Not sure if I’m sold on these final designs, but I based them off of these White Sage and Black Sage I found on the Wiki
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However the shapes and colors didn’t match their respective dragons, so I changed that. Do you think it looks good?
I also tried out other colors, like one that made them look more similar to Dark Cacao, giving them the same skin tone. Though looking at the dragons we have in this series, I’m not sure that would be how they look? Well they seem to operate differently from the Tropical Dragons, so whatever
But also they don’t have legs
Then on a completely unrelated note, I was trying to come up with something for young Golden Cheese. My two options are either A: she had tiny wings and could barely fly (think like Scootaloo), or B: Golden Cheese is actually a Cheesebird who somehow became a Cookie. Or she’s able to transform into a Cheesebird. Personally I think I prefer the Cheesebird angle, considering that according to what I can find on the Wiki, Golden Cheese acts similar to the Cheesebirds, and also it might explain her wings. Also it would be funny if the origins of one of the Ancients is just one of the group going “hey check out this cool bird I found let’s keep it”
Then I just drew a sketch of tiny Cacao with his siblings. Basically my idea now is that when they met, the two were basically hatchlings, so they were pretty small. Over time they got bigger pretty quick, and they’ve just kept on growing in the millennia since. I’m thinking the Cookie Crème Dragon’s body is what actually made the Icing Ridges when it laid to rest, so basically those two are eventually gonna grow to a gargantuan size
Anyways yeah, hope you like, I plan to try and draw better art later
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vaguely-concerned · 13 days
the relationship between the chantry and the mortalitasi in nevarra is SO fucking funny. the carefully politic and civil syncretism of it all. the ‘I’ll refrain from scratching your back to bloody shreds if you refrain from scratching mine :)’. left hand politely averting its eyes from whatever the fuck the right hand is doing merrily up to its elbow in entrails because it usually knows what it’s doing I guess. speak softly, and have an army of the restless dead ready to go banapants horrorshow bonkers if you don’t get to tend to them. We Receive: being able to keep doing our goth thing mostly unimpeded. You receive: us not raising the great majority to protest your unwelcome meddling. render unto the chantry what is the chantry's and unto the watchers what is theirs (or, with all possible courtesy you understand, else…)
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nyaskitten · 6 months
Okay, so Source Dragons and Herd Leaders can speak telepathically, while Egalt, Rontu, and the Overlord could as speak verbally... Meanwhile dragons like Firstbourne lacked any speech capability from what we've seen... I wonder why that is. Can any dragon capable of transferring power to someone also capable of psychic speech? If so, what makes one capable of verbal speech?
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crows-of-buckets · 1 month
Guys. I think that Aviae/Morrigan may be endgame... I'm romancing her with the bi companions mod and this shit got me kicking my feet... I'm only at the very very beginning but
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glbtrx · 1 year
Headcanon: The famous village that Morzan and his dragon destroyed was in reality Inzilbêth (Galbatorix birthplace) under the King's order and that's why it doesn't exist anymore.
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robynator · 1 month
the chantry may be right about blood magic i fear. bc the warden on my current playthrough is a blood mage and i SWORE to myself that i would not use the blood sacrifice ability to hurt my companions just to heal myself
i'll give you three guesses as to what i did during the next big battle and the second two don't count. truly a corrupting influence i tell you
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torgawl · 10 months
crack theory: what if the abyss twin isn't a descender because they're an ascender?
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#you know if the world is like upside down because celestia created gods named after demons... like hell....#i know this is dumb and that the concept of descender is people who enter the world teyvat is located in right?#but also what if going to the land away from the heavenly principals' eyes and becoming one with the land of the people#counts as not being an outlander#the irminsul is also technically part of the 'light realm' right?#how to make sense of that and the samsara cycles?#supposedly we're living through the fourth cycle (first half) and that cycle is called khraun-arya... similar to khaenri'ah...#the text at the tower of the narzissenkreuz ordo says the human spirit undergoes loss of paradise then defeat of evil dragons then original#sin and baptism and then freedom from the gods#this is massive!!! not only big picture wise but also in the way it perfectly describes the fontaine arc#and khaenri'ah still exists these are very much very similar concepts too#i think the end of our journey might be trying to break the samsara cycles once and for all? as long as they continue then any nation#who disobeys celestia will fall#what does this have to do with my original point? no idea actually agjshs#but what if this isn't like the first time the twins are in teyvat?#also the fact we have a twin and twins is such a common theme in genshin is so!!!! is one of the twins created after the other?#this is too much for my pea brain#please don't take anything of what i said seriously this is just a random post with my thoughts while i was drinking tea#the twins are just so intriguing#it's also curious that there's two shades of phanes we know nothing about#we know of istaroth and the shade of life but there's two left#them there's the weird melusine lines about paimon and the traveller#paimon having a string connecting her beyond the sky wasn't even the most surprising#the melusine saying they see the traveller as a monster that could swallow the world whole in a single bite is so !!!!#i think it's safe to say from the way the twins use the elements that they're above archons in terms of power scaling and hierarchy#whatever that means#paimon being a puppet just wouldn't surprise me but i don't think paimon is fooling us she might just be as clueless as we are tbh#she could even be some sort of being like furina was to egeria as far as we know#okay i'll shut up now because I'm not saying anything that makes sense or actually being productive 😂#genshin thoughts
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furrysmp · 3 months
decided for giggles to see what dsmp has been up to in the. Two and a half years since I last looked
Anyways so canon is trashfire but the part of me that started sunbringer in dsmp is now stirring to make More stuff. Like a "the universe reset thing but dream is still in prison so it doesn't reach him" thing that I'm trying to remove from brain bc I actually didn't do the catching up via vods and instead looked at fandom reaction for instructions and uhm.
Yeah no I genuinely want to write this it's gonna be so interesting but also who even does dsmp anymore like is there an audience
#dsmp#Anyways reminder to everyone that's new here that sunbringer started in dsmp#and therefore the current hermitcraft fic will mention multiple dsmp characters#Like. There won't be a fic for dsmp in sunbringer bc I can never decide how I wanna approach it#But the reason its called sunbringer is bc I used to be a dream apologist for a hot minute in 2020#(tbh. Not an apologist but also still standing in the “if I met c!tommy I would also want to hurt him” camp. like fuck that kid)#Anyways so the sunbringer is dream he fought the original ender dragon and won the best prize aka the literal sun#And uhh#Also he and tubbo are brothers in that one and there used to be a prophecy abt how dream gonna die at the hands of a human child#Which is. Why sunbringer dream did everything#He's a “self fulfilling prophecy as in I'm working to fulfill the prophecy on purpose” type guy#So he meets his first confirmed human child that fits all the criteria for the prophecy and its tommy#And he goes “well how do I convince this child to murder me” and tbh does a pretty good job at it I think#Also tubbo reincarnates and is a seasons god so rn is spring tubbo but in the hermitcraft fic we get mentions of summer and winter tubbos#Idk#dsmp au#Sunbringer au mentions in tags ig#Anyways tho the new dsmp au idea is gonna combine w one I had in like early 2021 I think#Featuring c!george bc I think using the xd bit to have George communicate w dream of the original world in dreams would be. Interesting#... Goddamnit I'm gonna have to name this one grass whistles like the old george au was called#Anyways I'm back to being a dsmp enjoyer by accident bc one of my mutuals rbed a post on how its been a while since dsmp on dashboard#And I genuinely enjoy some of the fanmade stuff for it. Like the music is all good stuff obvs but like#Bc I'm deep in fandom gachatube reaction vids. That community is so good in terms of what they do to dsmp#Like hello this is stupid good stuff#They straight up do like. Blinking. And microexpressions. And lip syncing the text to the character#Ghhkhj
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gl1tchxr · 11 months
i didn't realize until recently how little fantasy stuff is in my world. sure they're all animals or dragons and they've got magic but there's no actual gods and i didn't even think about including magical artifacts or beings made of magic until a month or so ago. everything could've been so much cooler this whole time lol
#ghost post#well i can fix it now#i only have one idea for a magic being so far and its that one of the gods (not technically gods but thats how people see them) had so much#magic that part of it flaked off and gained sentience#the god's name is october and they founded a prosperous city but they eventually turned into a tyrant#and the people of the city fought them to gain control and won#and october was driven away and left severely weakened#but during the conflict that's when part of their magic broke off and became its own person#it took the same form as october (just smaller) and terrorized the city for a while but then it discovered Free Will(tm)#and now its much happier doing whatever it wants instead of what october wanted#and since its made from shapeshifting magic and its original form was mimicing october after it denounced them it has no set form and just#is whatever it wants to be in the moment#it doesn't even have a name and i'm attached lol#anyway my ideas for magical artifacts are much more boring lol#the dragon who rules over elemental magic made a set of staffs that let anyone use magic (one for each element)#that was a long time ago and none of the dragons are very involved with mortals anymore#but the staffs are still very powerful and floating around the world possibly getting into the wrong hands#:) i'm sure none of the main characters will ever have to deal with that :))))#another one is a set of two books and when you write in one the text appears in the other (like sunset shimmer's book in mlp)#and my last idea is a mask that can absorb people's appearances then if you put it on you look exactly like them down to every detail#truly an imposter amogus moment#anyway if anyone has reached the bottom of these tags tysm for reading and please let me know if you have ideas for more anything
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cattestrophic · 2 years
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My commissions are OPEN!
I don't have a name for this character yet but ofc I have an entire story for her LMAO. If you'd like to read a lil info under the cut ;)
She's part dragon, and she can use small bursts of magic to breathe fire and alter her dragon features a little! The spikes in her hair are her horns. Do not ask how this works.
She's a travelling student in a modern fantasy setting where just about everyone is part monster in some sense. She has an intense interest in history and ancient magic. She starts interning at a home that takes in creatures from the "old world" - misunderstood horrors sealed for centuries, reclusive urban legends, etc, and tries to help them reintegrate into society. She mainly just shadows the actual employees but some of the residents open up to her quite a bit, welcoming her enthusiasm for what they have to say!
(And totally nothing bad happens! She doesn't get WAY in over her head with a few particular people, nope not at all :))
I actually DO have sketches for one of the other characters so far which I might post 👀 those are also in my comm examples but I mean like. Separate. Maybe after I finish designing him completely. For completely related reasons does anyone know where I can find examples of peasant/commoner winter coats/jackets from the 1800s and before ahahahaha-
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themournwatcher · 2 years
I haven’t played the Mahariel origin in ages and I didn’t play it very thoroughly my first time. NO ONE was going to tell me about the PATHOS? The Mahariel Warden’s father being killed by humans? How their mother lived long enough to see them born? AND THEN WALKED OFF INTO THE MOONLIGHT…? NOBODY SAID ANYTHING TO MAHARIEL EITHER THAT IS INSANE…
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anakinh · 1 year
Just wanted to say for the record that, in the year of our lord 2021, I came up with a Legend of Zelda-inspired D&D one-shot where you had to pass three trials to escape the underworld. The final trial, the Trial of Wisdom, had you meet a princess in a tower guarded by a dragon, who begs you to slay the evil dragon and free her. The twist is that the princess in the tower was actually a disguise put in place by an evil sorceress, and the dragon was the actual princess, who had sealed away the sorceress and who was granted the form of a dragon so she could keep her locked away forever.
Anyway I’ve never been able to run the one-shot and now I never will be again. Even though I came up with it first. Thanks, Tears of the Kingdom.
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creamecream · 2 years
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The inquisition went and got an upgraded look.
Left to right
Helena Adaar - Mage - Sera Romance
Terra Lavellan - Rogue - The Iron Bull Romance
Venus “Ven” Trevelyan - Mage - Dorian Pavus Romance
Aurora Cadash - Rogue - Blackwall Romance
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swankpalanquin · 1 month
cannot believe there are people who remember my stories from literally years ago and enjoyed them...
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