#but that doesn't stop them from embracing their role as comic relief
salty-dracon · 2 years
i think one of my favorite things about chai is that yeah he’s a scott pilgrim/marty mcfly/ben tennyson/generator rex but instead of being solely a power fantasy or the chosen one or some guy you can project on he’s a character that can be enjoyed by anyone, whether you like the previous kinds of characters or whether you just want to watch a lovable idiot smash things with the power of friendship and a trash guitar
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mdhwrites · 1 year
How would you write Amity, Hunter and Lilith to be good while still having their edge?
Shoot Hunter in the face, give Lilith the anger she needed, and let Amity be bad at being a girlfriend.
If you're expecting me to apologize for being harsh, don't. Even the writers to some extent recognized the case for Amity and Lilith but instead time and focus was diverted to Hunter and Amity was decided to be the ULTIMATE GIRLFRIEND who never makes mistakes except that she cares too much which is something you say during a job interview so you don't claim to have no faults but don't actually seem like trouble. Meanwhile, Stranger Tides admits that Lilith's ambition and inner rage wouldn't go away after losing her magic. At least then she's trying to help the house but you get the idea that unlike Eda, who submitted to her life long ago, she isn't going to sit there and take it.
And then... She sits there and takes it. And Amity, despite only knowing transactional and manipulative love up until now, who overthinks and worries about everything, only doubts herself during Eclipse Lake and then doesn't even decide "Wait, what has Luz upset might be me and her phone might tell me what I've been doing wrong" and open it up. It would be a different angle on the same problem that would be absolutely in line with her character, especially if Willow is going to decide to be OOC in order to let Amity make the decision all by herself when there is NO reason she should make the right one.
But for Lilith to actually strike back at Belos, or at the Isles in general, to prove that even without her magic she deserves respect, going back to those initial motives that led to her cursing her sister but now with supposedly 'noble' goals, would have taken time. To have Lumity have a push and pull in their relationship where they both make mistakes and both learn from it, something Luz explicitly NEVER DOES because she never stops lying, would have taken time. Where do you get that back?
Kill Hunter. Just remove him from the story. He is absolutely redundant as just a second Amity who is filling in the obvious narrative role that Lilith should have had. After all, he is meant to eventually rebel against the EC. Lilith also clearly had that potential in S1 and was primed for it in S2. He is our connection to Belos as someone who was by his side for years. Lilith was the EC COVEN HEAD. He is meant to have a rivalry with Kikimora. Lilith also had a rivalry with Kikimora. He is meant to be disempowered due to a lack of his own magic and must embrace wild magic and the Isles in order to get stronger when he is without the support of the EC. LILITH. LOST. HER. MAGIC. And befriended a demon. And needed to find other ways to deal with problems.
When I say TOH REFUSES to actually start using the elements it has setup and instead introduce new, worse, redundant ones, Hunter is THE example while Lilith breathes. Worse yet, Lilith then takes King's spot as a dedicated comic relief character in a series with already too many comic relief characters, too few jokes, and VERY few good jokes, especially when they're losing one of their only straight men by Lilith's change in attitude.
And what do we gain with Hunter? An allusion to a backstory that doesn't matter? The one straight ship in the show allowed to be alive? A sad emo boy for the Hot Topic crowd? A lot of this stuff doesn't add to the story and while Eda was a compelling way of redeeming Lilith without discrediting the EC, Hunter CONSTANTLY discredits the EC, Kikimora, and pretty much every threat in the show, including Belos to some extent for the sake of his half assed redemption that comes down to the moment he's told Belos lied to him... AND LILITH DID IT ALREADY AND BETTER.
The show reveals all its concepts in S1. Almost everything is shallow recycling and frankly that goes to the edges of characters. Keeping those edges means exploring their redeemed selves. Removing them? Means you can make a joke and then wave them into the cameo cast as you move on to make a new character who is going to do them worse.
And Hunter's greatest sin, above anything else, is being the embodiment of this. I am curious though: Who would have been the replacement for Hunter in S3 if we'd gotten a full one? Food for thought.
Edit: Btw, being a troublesome girlfriend, needing to learn, is a concession to time. If theoretically I only had like two half episodes to explore her edge more and keep it there, stuff with Lumity, and real stuff unlike the B plot in Sport in a Storm, is your main option. Her relationship to her old desires, her parents, the coven system, etc. like that in a way that would have been in keeping with her desire to be the best and what not, the effect her parents had on her and more, would simply take too much time and Lumity was the most important thing to the show when it comes to Amity so making Amity an interesting love interest, one that makes mistakes and could maybe call out Luz during her mistakes, like ALL THE LYING, is the main reasonable way to have kept her edge, just like 3-4 episodes/half episodes dedicated to Lilith's rage at Belos and about her magic beyond just Stranger Tides and KIND OF Affearances. That is also about as many storylines/episodes (though most of Hunter's plots are full episodes or 75%) as Hunter got. I try to keep this stuff in mind with these blogs so as to try to be reasonable to a show's schedule.
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talkingbl · 2 years
Popular BL opinions
Here's a running list of popular bl opinions so y'all can stop saying they're unpopular just for clout. Also, gonna include my own perspective on some of them in red.
Thai BLs are quantity over quality (or, alternatively: Thai BL sucks). Most of the time when people say this, they're also kpop stans, hype up anything Korean, Japanese, or Chinese and reek of colorism. Either way, Thailand has some of the best BLs out there. And while there is a lot of trash, you can literally say that about any other industry.
Korean BLs are the best. I have not been impressed thus far.
Trapped is the best HIStory story. lmao no.
Stop ordering ship names by top/bottom or using those labels in general.
It's bad/annoying/harmful/etc. when a one guy in the pairing is referred to as the "wife" in the relationship. On the one hand I understand this take, but on the other it just seems like a lot of folks are performative activists who want to seem 'woke' and just say shit just because it sounds good. This point is very nuanced b/c while there is a problem w/misgendering, 1) that's not your place to say something if the character in the story doesn't care, and 2) most of the time y'all just hate it b/c you don't want men to be associated w/femininity.
BLs need more LGBTQ+ representation.
We need more GLs instead of BLs. We do need more GLs but I never understand why these takes come up in unpopular BL opinion threads...
BLs should stop catering to straight women (or, alternatively: straight women who watch BLs are gross/disgusting/etc.). This is a tough topic b/c 1) I don't think all BLs cater to straight women specifically, 2) it's okay for anyone to consume any media as long as it's not harmful (could you imagine telling people they can't watch Asian dramas b/c they're not Asian??), and 3) it again comes from either internalized misogyny of LGBTQ+ women or outright misogyny from MLMs (yes, gay men can be misogynistic). At the same time anyone who fetishizes any media should definitely be called out, I just don't necessarily think this is always the case.
Most BL actors can't act.
Taiwanese BLs are underrated.
Only Philippines has good LGBTQ+ representation.
BLs should stop using actual LGBTQ+ actors as comic relief.
Fanservice is cringey/is bad/should stop.
BL producers should stop pairing the same actors together time and again. I will watch OffGun in anything they make together. I also will watch Gun in anything he does without Off. In fact, one sign of a good actor is that they can act w/the same people in different roles and still convince me that they're a new character every time. Gun can be Third, he can be Rome, he can be Black/White--him acting alongside Off in those roles only amplifies his talent for me. It's cool to see him in other roles, but I don't think he has to stop acting alongside Off if he doesn't want to.
BL producers should stop casting homophobic actors.
Non MLM people shouldn't have opinions on/need to stop consuming BL b/c it's problematic for some reason or another. This is one of the most ridiculous takes to me. I understand if people are being problematic but to categorically deny entire groups of people from consuming a certain type of media b/c they don't represent those characters is idiotic at best. Imagine if we could only watch things where we identified with every aspect of the characters' identity? Not only would all industries besides ones that represent majorities (for example Cishet white couples in the west and Cishet Chinese or Indian couples in the east) die off, but it also denies the complexities of human experience and, ironically, others the very groups we're meant to be embracing into the larger culture. It doesn't help that a lot of MLMs deny their misogyny, racism, colorism, etc. which informs their opinions on these things.
We need more LGBTQ+ BL producers.
Tharntype is bad.
2gether is overrated.
Most BL pairs hate each other. I honestly feel like most of them don't care one way or the other and do it for a check. Speaking specifically on Tay and New, I truly don't believe they actually hate each other. People who hate each other are more subtle in their beef than Tay and New. But more on that another time.
There is a distinct difference between BL and LGBTQ shows.
There needs to be less heteronormativity in BL.
Cherry Magic/ITSAY/Trapped are the god-tier BLs and nothing else touches them. Also, no.
All GMMTV BLs are bad but somehow at the same time Bad Buddy was a subversive masterpiece. GMMTV is what I like to call a mixed bag. They have My Gear and Your Gown but also produced Theory of Love. They give us absolute garbage-tier material but then turn around and produce Not Me. Besides, what other studios have consistently produced bangers? The answer is none. None of them have. Folks act like GMMTV needs to be on the 2000-2010 Pixar type beat when that is a difficult bar to reach. Also, Not Me and Theory of Love are the best GMMTV BLs.
BL shows need to stop demonizing female characters.
BL fans are toxic.
"I can't wait until [INSERT ACTOR HERE] steps out with his wife of 10 years and four healthy children!!" (or, alternatively: "let BL actors have girlfriends!") This opinion is not unpopular and never has been and also reeks of insecurity to some extent (more on this another time). We get it, you support actors as people and don't care about their sexuality/ships. You're a subversive king/queen who wants to see all the delulus weep blah, blah, blah. I 100% agree that any human being should be able to live their life and shouldn't be afraid to lose their status b/c of their relationship. I just think the people who constantly complain about this are annoying. It's a weird double-edged sword where I want actors to feel comfortable living their lives and want the immature fans to stop harassing them for it but I also want the complainers to stop putting bl fans (especially straight women fans) into one group as if everyone is harassing these actors when it seems to be a very small but unfortunately loud group.
University-set BLs are boring (or, alternatively: we need more *mature* BLs).
Let actors leave BL.
If you watch BL and enjoy the sex scenes/physical intimacy, you're toxic/homophobic/fetishizing/etc. lmao do people watch romances for anything other than this? Now this opinion would be heeded if most BLs weren't explicitly romance-based in nature and had plots outside of the romance. But most BLs don't have plot outside of the romance. And while asexual homoromantic people exist, most BLs are explicitly about homosexual romances. Like, do you say the same shit to people who watch other types of romances for the sex? Because 90% of all romances have strong sexual themes. I can't name a single one that doesn't involve or heavily feature sex. That said, fetishism is a real issue in BL. But I don't think this is the right way to frame the issue. We need to find ways to tackle fetishism without assuming that anyone who enjoys any romance for sex is automatically a fetishizer.
Brightwin don't have chemistry. They do, it's just not the chemistry you want to see. See, this is where real fetishism comes into play IMO. People think BW don't have chemistry b/c you can't imagine them having sex (b/c in these people's eyes if 2 men don't look like they wanna bone, they can't be compatible which ruins their fantasy). That said, even Brightwin's bro-chemistry isn't as natural as, say, OffTayArm's chemistry.
No ships are real. Hot take but we'll never know anyway. People who say this typically fall into a few categories (to be discussed at another time)--all of which point to some insecurity they have internally. Either way I don't really care much. I watch dramas for the shows themselves, not necessarily the actors behind them.
You're delulu/cringey if you ship pairings. I honestly do not care if people ship actors as long as they are keeping it out of the actors' faces and not allowing the fantasy to blur reality.
BL is holding Gun/BkPP back. Likewise, GMMTV is holding Singto/Tay/Gun back. This is simultaneously homophobic and incorrect. If these actors could get roles outside of BLs and they wanted to take them, they would. Also, BL is not some lesser industry where actors should aspire to "greater heights" such as straight lakorns/dramas. That's such a fucked way of looking at BL and contributes to the lack of quality BLs w/esteemed actors. As for the GMM take, it's kind of 50/50. Gun and Tay have done some amazing work under the GMMTV brand. But at the same time, it would be interesting to see what they can do in international work or even with other Thai studios.
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