#but that shit isn't fair at all
dorkylittleweirdo · 2 years
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me about to email my professor for the third time this week despite class being over
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dustykneed · 4 months
i just think spock has great mom friend potential tbh. strong contender for the cutest thing i've ever drawn
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solradguy · 1 year
Dude I got mad on reddit under a thread where they were talking about why people don’t like Ky (the OP was asking to try and understand the memes). Everyone was trying to dunk on Ky, nobody was answering the question with anything but repeated memes. I got sidetracked talking about Dizzy and Ky memes…they’re deep characters I promise!! Aaaaaaaa!!!!!!!
Honest to god the worst thing that can happen to a fandom is when the memes completely overwrite the canon lore/personality of a character. They don't even know that Sol was lowkey terrified of Ky during the Crusades because of how bloodthirsty for Gear blood Ky was before meeting Dizzy and realizing that he was killing intelligent beings. Or that Ky was willing to risk everything, seriously, to protect her. Why don't more people pick on him for his teacup collection the same way people constantly bring up Sol's Sheer Heart Attack record, also
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blubberingblobmonster · 5 months
me when episode 7 season 4 of lego monkie kid
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ravenrambles6229 · 6 months
dragons rising really went "so what if we fucking nail every character and make every character fucking rule and introduce a bunch of new characters and oh here's kai just getting the best characterization in years/fucking ever. like man kai deserves some time so let's just make him the best. here's all the depth to kai that you've been imagining for the past decade. just for you" and then i'm supposed to be normal about it
also the fact that he made this big sacrifice, telling bonsel to close the portal, and nobody even gets to know he willingly sacrificed himself this time. cuz they couldn't hear him.
oh and here's a kai and nya kid flashback go cry about it
last season we had a kid lloyd flashback. any bets on kid jay, cole, or newly built zane flashbacks?
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poorlittleyaoyao · 6 months
I'm now at the portion of CQL that overlaps with the volumes of the novel that I read last summer, and for all the nonsense brought by the combination of CQL's adaptation changes + reluctance to fully commit to them, I really and truly do prefer these iterations of the characters, especially WWX. I just watched the episode where JC catches him in Qinghe, and it had me chewing on the walls! The show's chronological storytelling let us see their relationship's intensity and tragic deterioration, and it delivers on making this confrontation EXTREMELY FRAUGHT for both of them. JC unleashes 16 years of unprocessed grief and anger as WWX tries his damnedest to avoid it, and the shadow of JYL's death looms over both of them. Even though the dialogue in the novel is nearly identical, the mutual urgency isn't there; JYL is never mentioned (beyond JC reminding WWX that he is the reason JL's parents are dead), and WWX himself has no emotional response whatsoever to any of it, save for an offhand mention that he was nostalgic for the Lotus Pier of his childhood. JC might as well be having an argument with an imaginary WWX in the shower. There's zero tension there. Information has to be revealed and withheld differently with the non-chronological story structure, of course, but there are ways to hint at a character being impacted by and reacting to past experiences without saying outright what those experiences are, and that is simply Not Happening sufficiently for me with anything involving WWX's platonic and familial relationships in the novel. And if you wanted more on the relationships between characters who aren't WWX? lol good luck!
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glitchlight · 27 days
apologies to the faggots and dykes of the world but i heard hot to go on the radio today and thought it was one of the worst songs i've ever heard in my life.
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songsandsnakes · 3 months
obviously my opinion on covid is meaningless, but I'm just kind of annoyed that the world has forgotten about it. Like there was a pandemic that shut the world down for years, and people literally never mention it. It's really weird, because it ruined so many lives, through deaths of friends and family, or through long covid, which people are still dealing with the aftermath of.
From an entirely selfish perspective, covid has messed up my life by giving one of my close family members long covid, which meant she was unable to make it from one room in the house to another without stopping to sit down and catch her breath multiple times. She was unable to leave the house for fucking months afterwards. She couldn't drive for a year. Two and a bit years on, she still isn't where she was before she got covid. She might never get back to the person she used to be, something which is slightly terrifying.
She had an amazing memory, she knew everything about everyone, she basically acted as a chauffeur for everyone around her, taking anyone who asked anywhere they needed to go, contributing massively to her community, and she was a doctor who helped sick kids (trying to keep is as vague as possible). Now, she worries that she won't be able to drive for 45 minutes straight.
It isn't really fair, how some of the best people have the worst things happen to them. But it's happened, and now we just have to deal with the consequences. But I don't get why people are pretending the consequences don't exist. People like her exist everywhere, and in all honesty, I'm just glad she's still able to do what she can. Obviously, there are both people better and worse off than she is, but I'm focusing entirely on my personal experience with covid.
I know this might sound really selfish and horrible, and I don't mean to come off that way at all, but it's infuriating that that people don't recognise that lives have been ruined. And while long covid ruins the lives of the people that have it, because people have families and friends who care about them, it affects them too. I just think it's ignorant to just pretend the whole global pandemic thing didn't happen and sweep it under the rug.
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innytoes · 1 year
Dark fantasy AU?
-In hindsight, as he's being chased through the forest, hunted by mythical creatures is not where Reggie thought he'd end up when his folks told him they were moving to Los Angeles. Honestly, considering how he used to roam the woods and fields near his Meemaw's farm, the fact that he'd stumbled into a fairy circle near the beach was almost insulting.
-It's not even that he manages to outrun them. It's that one night (he thinks it's night, though time moves differently here and light and dark are all tangled up and is the purple haze of the sky supposed to be dusk or dawn or just a dark stop of the forest?) he'd decided to just... give up.
He couldn't remember how long he'd been running, running from the pounding of hooves and the yapping of dogs that did not look anything like what a dog should look like. He couldn't remember a time where he wasn't hungry, or thirsty, or tired, but something inside of him just kept making him run and run and run
-But he'd had enough. So he just sat down, with his back towards the noise, and hoped they'll kill him quickly. And to comfort himself, he sang the lullaby his Meemaw used to sing when he was scared of the thunder.
-That's what saved him. One of the fae, Caleb, was so charmed by the song that instead of doing whatever it is they did with their prey, he bundled Reggie up and took him to his... castle. Dwelling. Domain.
-He was dressed in finery and made to sing as Caleb and the other fae danced and ate and did things that Reggie very much had not wanted to see, thank you very much. But eventually, they slept, and Reggie met... the other humans who were trapped here.
-Luke, a young boy who had run away from home to become a musician in 1875. He was distraught to hear Reggie tell him it was the nineties now. Even more distraught when Reggie clarified it was the 1990s.
-There was Alex, who had been cast out of his village for reasons he did not want to share, but that Reggie figured out pretty quickly when he saw the way he looked at Willie. He'd fallen asleep near a fairy circle, and the promises he'd been made had been so tempting, he'd said yes before he fully understood the deal.
-And then there was Willie. The boy who had been stolen from his parents, a changeling left in his place. Who had grown up here, a part of this world yet not really. Who did not know what the other boys meant when they talked about years, or America, or really the whole concept of 'family'.
-Luke's the one who tells them of their escape plan. Alex is worried they can't trust Reggie not to rat him out to Caleb, and Reggie is like: um excuse me I was just hunted for sport for who knows how long you think I wanna help that guy?
-But before he can Willie just tilts his head and says: his heart is pure.
-Which is very sweet but also a little creepy.
-Anyway, they do manage to escape Caleb's clutches somehow, and end up back in the human world.
-Being yeeted out of a little ring of mushrooms in the soil of a plant Ray overwatered in the big plant wall of the Molina studio was not particularly pleasant, okay. Considering a real human should not be able to fit through that. But Willie explained that as soon as a fairy portal grew, it was only a manner of time that the fairies would notice it and stake it out to see what they could lure to their realm.
-Somehow, Luke and Alex get thrown clear across the room, Luke slamming against the door, Alex dropping onto the concrete floor.
-Reggie's not sure if him crashing against a pretty wooden piano is better or worse. The sound it made was definitely worse.
-Somehow, Willie ends up sitting crosslegged on the little piano bench, and he turns and quickly crushes up the mushrooms to destroy the portal.
-Julie, of course, is screaming, Alex and Luke and Reggie are screaming. Willie is trying to explain to Julie she over-watered her fern and pouts when she runs away.
-No they're not ghosts but they are changed and they all have weird powers. Luke nearly cries with joy that he can still summon his guitar. Alex is really not okay with this whole 'walking through walls' thing. Reggie is sad he cannot summon a puppy or a pizza.
-Willie can teleport short distances and is shocked to learn humans can't just do that? You have to walk everywhere? Or ride a horse. What's a car? What's roller skates? He needs to see one of these skateboad things immediately, let's summon the human girl back to ask for one. What can they trade for a skateboard?
-They're kind of freaked out at the whole 2020 thing, but hey, Reggie's like: at least it hasn't been a hundred years like when I told Luke about the 90s.
-Queue canon but it's even worse and more chaotic.
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fantasticalleigh · 1 year
seeing so many videos on YT lately that are like “I read this dark romance book and i’m calling the police” or some condescending put-down derivative
babe if it’s not for you then put it down and find something new to read nobody wants an hour-long video of you yucking someone’s yum
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twpsyn-who · 8 months
Something something soulmate au in which you dream little moments of your future up until you meet your soulmate for the first. The catch? First, you dream only of your future with your soulmate. Little moments of you two together. If your soulmate isn't there, you ain't seeing it. Second, it is a dream. Not everyone is going to remember those. Third, it stops once you meet your soulmate.
Now this but JeanMarco. And I don't know about Marco, but Jean 100% remembers his dreams. It just sucks because more often than not there's more people around so, you know, finding out who's actually the soulmate takes some time on his part. Also he takes notice of the fact that he only sees moments of his time as a trainee. Aka something happens. Cue to Jean spending all his childhood trying to understand what his dreams are trying to say and eventually trying to keep them both alive during Trost.
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goldiipond · 6 months
fun tpn question i think about sometimes: are the gracefield houses so shittily made that a skinny 5'1 kid running at top speed into a locked door is enough to completely knock it off its hinges or does don just care about ray so much that finding him locked behind it briefly imbues him with the strength and reckless abandon of a shonen protagonist
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doshi-sukiru · 2 years
This is annoying
Now, I’m pretty sure at least one of the people seeing this post has used an ai filter on social media apps and whatnot because it was fun and easy. And its only gotten better with how technology has been able to produce pieces that could challenge famous painters of the past. And you can get it less than 50 bucks. 
But that’s the problem. 
The fact that ai is becoming a big thing in things like art may seem cool, but if you’re an artist, that’s a nightmare. 
I don’t do commissions, or have any shops or anything that lets me sell my art yet, but I know if I try now, I’m going to be fighting COMPANIES just to make a buck or two. And that’s beyond unfair. 
It doesn’t get any better when people are using art people have spent hours on - days even - and throwing it into an ai art generator thinking “Yeah, this is okay!” 
That’s like taking away your ability to play sports or games or write stories and plays and whatnot and calling it “fair”, when in actuality its just creating a pit for people who enjoy doing that. 
You know how players can have their careers ended if something goes wrong? Its the same thing for artists, except the moment you give their art away for the sake of “instant gratification” you’ve ruined their lives. 
They can’t make art without being called out for “copying art” that belonged to them to begin with. They can’t do commissions, they can’t post their works, nothing. 
If companies wanted an artists for their benefits, then ASK THE DAMN ARTIST. Trust me, the artist community is happy to help people, so long as they get recognition that the art they make is THEIRS, NOT the company or for the world to use freely. 
I expect ai art generating companies to be in a courtroom soon, because this is ridiculous. 
Its laughable because it’s illegal to steal another person’s work and call it their own. And here we are letting robots and megacorporation’s get away with it and nobody says anything. 
Seriously, what the fuck’s going on? 
If anyone is using my art I need to know, because this is ridiculous and stupid. I didn’t spend ours and days on a piece only for it to get taken by an ai robot and used in a company I gave no consent to. 
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besidesitstoowarm · 9 months
i'm almost done with the davies era and it's really been amazing so far but real talk a lot of people on here let him get away with some stuff that would've been crucified if moffat had written it. i know davies always regretted it and thankfully rectified it this year for the 60th but if ten violating donna's autonomy as she screamed for him to stop had been eleven instead, we'd never have heard the end of it. same w martha's treatment by the narrative
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np5enkidu · 1 year
i need fgo to acknowledge servants horses more
#achilles isn't enough i need to know how each servant is around their horse(s)#i think that duryodhana has two main steeds and would have a hard time controlling them for when he's being petulant#highest ranking older mare (12-16) + her offspring (4-8) the older one would have a stubborn and calm temperament who doesn't respect duryo#and her daughter would have the same kind of chill but would be more playful and curious. dur is talking with his brothers & she trots over#starts nuzzling and sniffing his clothes because she's bored. duryo keeps talking but starts petting her#i also think duryodhana has instinctively good balance and he's good at multitasking so showmanship-like riding comes to him easily#but he's shit at all horse maintenance. especially hoof care; he's convinced his girls are going to kick him and doesn't want to even try i#but he wants good care for his horses so he watches over the servants tending to them. bossy yet incompetent duryodhana 🥰#we know georgios is a good owner but i think he likes rein maintenance & spends a fair amount of time making sure bayards armor is spotless#lalter gives out snacks more easily than her counterpart (going after the wild hunt takes energy! llamrei is a good girl!)#percival is great with horses in general and he enjoys taking care of them and will help out any other knights if they're having trouble#ashvatthaman is (un)surprisingly really good with young stallions. he's not afraid of them at all and will scold them for their mean deeds#horse tries to eat his clothes or nibble his hair and he's like. oi stop that you bastard. and the horse listens (will eat his hair later)#prince of lanling is very thorough with horses getting enough feed and water and will make sure they're well rested#arjuna is like. the main character of a horse movie. he's emotionally sensitive with them & bonds with horses easily (who sense his worries#works really really hard to be good at riding and wants to leave no room for mistakes. really aware of his posture at all times#we had dogy event please give me hors event... horses cute and underrated<-most biased man talking
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tommyssupercoolblog · 2 months
hey how much is sapnap and matpat in the new tommyinnit video, i want to watch but i don't really want to see them
Matpat isn't in it. Sapnap is but it's just Tommy seeing him coming out of a store, asking if he's fucked up mentally, sapnap says no and Tommy is like "nice seeing you" very dryly and sarcasticly, and leaves. A lot of people say Tommy was being a bitch to him on purpose but he has autism and I ALSO have autism so....idfk
#asks#also the matpat thing is prob just personal preference BUT in case it isn't#he's....fine. I've heard people call him transphobic and i have no idea what the fuck they're talking about?? he's outspokenly an ally and#his cohost on gt live is nonbinary??? he includes nonbinary options in all of his gener surveys????#i think it's literally just because of his videos when he was in college and didn't “get” trans people but he LEARNED. and he learned fast#every accusation I've seen against him was either old#bullshit/made up#or purposely bad faith (like the pope thing??? he literally gave the pope a video game because he wanted to give him something that#represented the video game community while also having a kind message because it's traditional to bring gifts representing your community#and people act like it was a pusposeful intent to be cruel and evil and overshadow real genocide or something??? i read a rant on it and wa#like#...THIS ONLY MAKES SENSE IF YOU ALREADY HATE HIM AND ASSUME HE HAD BAD INTENT.#They hated him FIRST and then tried to justify it.#it's so dumb???!! it's so dumb. what the fuck#people also call him ableist and that's just as stupid and i- i need to stop my point is. free him he's literally just a normal guy#a normal guy who learns stuff over time?? like humans do????? and grows as a person?????#fuck twitter and fuck cancel culture. matpat rocks and i think he's fucking cool as shit. FUCK#matpat...strokes the screen....matpat I'm so sorry for what they did to you oh my godddddd#matty patty.....matty patty I'm so sorryyyyy#pookie I'm so sorry for what they said abt u I'll avenge u i prommy <3 ur so slayyy literally so slay don't let the h8ers get you DOWNNN om#he's a legend and he's genuinely not an asshole he's just kind of a himbo dumbass who has to have ash explain to him what a tumblr sexyman#is. he's just out of touch if you explalin to him he'll go “oh okay!!! i support you!!”#HE'S TRYING HIS BEST!!!!!!!! RAAASGUGUUHHHHH#matpat supporter i am a matpat supporter i am a matpat fan and bestie#he's my little blorbo he's my silly little guy my dumb theory man#you're allowed to hate him idc i just don't think saying he's an irredeemable monster who needs to be beaten up is fair.#you could say#.... he's “annoying at first”#get it? but yeah i think “i find him annoying and hate him personally” is fine but “he's evil and actually morally duplicitous” is unfair.
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