#but that was both a long time ago and on my now dead computer
artistictiliqua · 1 year
always forever - cults 🎧 ☠️
@dj-of-the-coven and I were talking and they inspired me to pick up the free editing program on my shitty tablet and make a poorly synced beatneku amv because this ship doesn't get enough gotdam love.
It was synced in my program but for some fuckin reason the rendering doesn't work proper on any apps on this tablet so yall are gonna have to deal with the poor clip timing
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nickfowlerrr · 1 year
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pairing: bucky barnes x reader
warnings: angst (with a happy ending bc duh, it’s me). fluff. uh i think that’s all but if something important needs to be mentioned here, pls lmk!
words: 3.5k
notes: REPOST. this was not at all what i intended to write when i first got my aesthetic photo inspo but here we are lol. this is my fic submission for @pupandkisasaesthetics’ challenge and i hope you enjoy it. and a special thank you to @fandoms-writings for reading over the first draft of this for me and helping me out! i appreciate you so much, remi!! 🥰
thank you in advance for reading and as always, comments and reblogs are more than welcome and so appreciated! please let me know what you think. 🖤
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The floorboards creak under your feet with every step you take. Your eyes are red and your cheeks puffy. You ran out of tears a while ago. Your head throbs still, the headache lingering from the stress, and as you catch a glance of yourself in the mirror hung on the wall of the safe house, you know you look as dead as you feel.
You’re numb and yet your insides are aching, screaming at you.
That wasn’t it. He isn’t gone. It isn’t over.
It can’t be over.
As you pace the empty living room, back and forth, nonstop as you had been since you got back to the safehouse hours ago, the only thing you can do is torture yourself by replaying in your mind each and every step you took and every single word that left your mouth leading up to the explosion.
The explosion.
The deafening boom.
The ringing in your ears.
The shaking of the ground beneath you and of the walls around you.
The gripping fear when you realized where the bomb emanated from.
The neverending silence over static as you tried uselessly to get through to him.
The strong grip on your arm that pulled you from your stupor, that same strong hold that kept you from heading straight to where he was.
Your throat was sore from your yelling. From the cries you couldn’t hold back as you found yourself being urged into the jeep as they started back to safety. Just leaving him.
You couldn’t tear your eyes away from the window as you raged.
But you couldn’t focus on the cruelty of the words you threw at the team, your supposed family, in your attempt to get them to stop. To do their jobs. To save him.
Instead, the loop started right back over.
Walking into the base with Yelena at your side, Bucky in your ear with Sam on his six on the opposite end of the site.
It wasn’t meant to be dangerous. Not more than the usual. Just a simple search and clear of the abandoned base. You’d all done this a hundred times over.
You’d meet in the middle and give the go ahead when you were done.
But that didn’t happen.
You were smirking as you heard Bucky and Sam’s never ending back and forths over the comms as you and Yelena cleared out the east wing of the site.
“East wing clear, heading south. You two plan on doing your job or should we take out the west wing for you, too?” you joked lightly as you made your way down the long winding hall.
“Ya know I’d feel a lot better having you on my six than this stupid fucking robotic bird flying around my head,” Bucky groused.
“Yeah,” you laughed as your eyes scanned yet another empty old computer room, “well give me a minute and I’ll be right there to save you,” you simpered playfully.
“West wing clear and secured, heading south now. Think I’ll get to you first, but I-”
His voice was cut off simultaneously by the static and the boom of the unexpected explosion going off. You and Yelena both ducked, protecting your heads as the ground shook and a wave of vibrations from the blast moved around you. You popped your ear as you tried to orient yourself through the ringing, slowly standing after everything else went still. Your breaths heavy as confusion clouded you both. You checked each other, ensuring you were both alright before your heart skipped a beat. Yelena was talking on her comms with Steve as you were pressing on your own, you tried to communicate with Bucky despite the static still ringing over..
“Buck, you okay?”
“Bucky?” you asked again, growing more frantic internally though you tried to remain as collected as you could.
Still no response.
Your eyes shot to the hall across from you leading to the west wing. To where the explosion came from. To Bucky. You were frozen still.
You pressed on the comms, over and over, trying desperately to get through to him.
“Buck, can you hear me?... Bucky? James?!” your voice only grew louder and more harsh the longer the silence stretched on. It was like you were stone, you couldn’t manage to move, couldn’t do anything other than try to call him. You hadn’t noticed when Steve and the others came in until Steve took hold of your arm, his touch pulling you from your spot.
You looked to him, eyes wide and blown, feeling like you’d just been kicked back into your physical body.
“What are we doing?” you asked harshly. “What am I doing?” you said, frenzied before you turned and tried to make a move down the hall no one else seemed to be heading toward. His hold on you tightened, keeping you from going, stopping you easily.
“You need to go, we have to get you guys out of here,” Steve said sternly, concern swimming in his gaze despite his levelheaded presence.
“Are you- are you fucking kidding me?” you struggled in his hold. “Bucky is over there, what the fuck are we doing?! Let go of me! I know you have no problem leaving the people you claim to love to suffer and figure it out for themselves, but I can’t do that,” you seethed. “I’m not leaving him, get the fuck off, someone needs to go get him!
“And you and that stupid fucking camera, letting him go in by himself,” you turned on Sam, “where the fuck were you?”
You didn’t realize how much you were struggling to breathe as you fought against your friends to get past them, you didn’t realize how easily you were unraveling as you spiraled quicker and quicker the more time stretched on. It hadn’t been more than a minute or two but it felt like an eternity.
“He’s not answering, okay, he’s not answering so someone needs to go find him. We need to get him! Why are we just standing here! He could be hurt, or trapped, or - fuck!”
“I know. I’m not going anywhere. I’m not leaving. But you are. You and you,” he eyed Yelena, “you two need to go. Bishop and Torres are at the first jeep - you guys need to clear the area. The less of us around to get hurt the better and there’s not much you can do.
But I promise you, I’m not leaving him. Okay? I swear,” Steve said as he stared into your welling eyes.
“You’re the last person I’d trust to keep a promise,” you bite harshly before being pulled away by Yelena. You didn’t fight her, though. A part of you knew Steve was right. There wasn’t much you could really do and the more people there were the more likely someone else would end up hurt, too.
Even still, when you got to the jeep, you couldn’t stop yourself from trying to make a break for the west end of the site. How could you possibly live with yourself if you didn’t even try to go in and help him?
Your attempt was futile, though, and soon you were sobbing into your hands as Joaquin drove you all back to the safe house.
As you stood there now, still pacing aimlessly, guilt washed over you. You could clearly recall the subtle recoil from Steve, the pain and regret in his eyes, at your words.
You knew he’d never forgiven himself for leaving Bucky, you knew a part of him could never, and you knew it was a low blow to bring up, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to care in the moment. You wanted him to remember. You needed him to. Because he couldn’t do it again. He couldn’t just leave him there to.. No. He wasn’t.
That wasn’t even a possibility.
He couldn’t be.
He wasn’t.
You kept repeating it over and over again in your head as your eyes threatened to well anew.
He wasn’t.
He couldn’t be.
It was past midnight when you had finally taken a seat on the lumpy sofa.
Kate’s earlier attempts at getting you to sleep were useless and only ended with you growling at her to leave you alone.
She, of course, ignored your snarling and stayed on the couch, just watching you. Her sympathetic gaze was as irking as it was easing.
She didn’t really say much, knowing not to push you, but just her being there had you feeling less like you were drowning. She grounded you a bit.
But she couldn’t take the fear away.
You felt her shuffle closer to you when you finally sat down but didn’t turn until her arms were around you, pulling you in.
You let out a broken breath as you turned into her and returned her hug.
“It’s gonna be okay,” she murmured as she hugged you tighter. “He’s a supersoldier. And he has a vibranium arm. Odds are definitely in his favor,” she tried to lighten the mood.
When you didn’t respond, she pulled away slightly.
“Seriously,” she said as you pulled away from her, looking her in the eye, “we were watching surveillance while you guys were inside. Redwing, we think, set off whatever motion detector was set. He was a bit ahead of Bucky, so we know he wasn’t that close to the blast. The feed cut out, obviously, but.. I don’t know, I thought that’d maybe..help you.. feel better? I just-”
“No, I appreciate knowing that. Thank you. But honestly, I don’t think anything’s gonna help until I know for sure. Until he’s back here.”
The front door creeping open had both of you standing and turning at attention. You could almost feel your heart in your throat as your breathing stalled.
It was a perilous few seconds of nothing before Sam stepped inside.
He looked exhausted and worn and.. Solemn.
“Sam,” Kate edged gently.
There was a pit in your stomach as he looked between you and Kate for a moment before his gaze dropped and he shook his head.
A stunted gasp left Kate’s lips as your heart stuttered, eyes wide, your stomach dropping before the door was shoved open even more.
“Please, don’t get him started on that stupid bird again, for the love of god,” Bucky huffed as he walked in, trying to hide a slight limp before a smirk graced his face as he met your eye.
Everything seemed frozen in the moment you registered his voice and when your eyes met his you honestly thought for a second you were dreaming.
He was leaning against the open door, a relaxed smirk on his lips before he nodded to you, “What happened to you coming to save me, huh?”
You didn’t even register yourself moving until you crashed right into him, almost toppling Bucky over as you did. Your eyes were bleary with tears of relief as you sighed heavily, shakily in disbelief.
“I’m sorry,” you breathed as you crushed yourself to him even further, his solid arms holding you right back as you felt him press a kiss to your head.
“I was kidding, sweetheart. Don’t say you’re sorry,” he chided.
You pulled away from him, taking his face in your hands.
“You’re okay?” you asked.
“Always,” he answered, leaning closer to kiss you softly.
“I wouldn’t say that,” Steve challenged as he came in behind Bucky. “But give it a few days, I’m sure you’ll be good as new.”
You swallowed thickly as you looked at Steve, shame again coming over you, even more now as Bucky’s arms were around you.
You looked away, taking a steadying breath as you took Bucky’s hands in yours.
“You should sit,” you said as he let you lead him away from the door, allowing Steve to close it. “Or shower, maybe?”
“You gonna join me?” he asked, his flirtatious nature never faltering.
“Have some decorum, some of us are in mourning, jackass,” Sam gruffed as he walked through the living room.
“Oh, Sam,” you called, stopping him. You walked up to him, as sincerely as you could, “I’m sorry,” you offered gently before punching him as hard as you could manage in his arm.
“Hey, what the hell?” he said incredulously as he held his arm.
“You deserved that one,” Kate said as she came to stand next to him. “I really thought Bucky bit the big one for a second,” she chuckled, “I am sorry about Redwing, though.”
“Why are you sorry for a robotic bird, I’m the one who almost got blown up,” Bucky interjected.
“Almost being the operative word there. Redwing, on the other hand, did get blown up.”
“I’m not doing this with you again,” Bucky groused, walking past the living room to the bathroom on the other side of the stairs. “I am gonna shower, sweetheart. Would you grab my bag from upstairs?”
“Yeah, of course. I’ll bring it to you in a minute.”
You watched Sam and Kate go upstairs but you were too caught up in your own mind to really pay attention to their conversation. You saw Steve about to make a move to follow them, looking tired and ragged himself.
You followed him, pulling his hand before he could make it up the steps.
“Hey,” you started. “Can we talk?”
He looked a little nervous, unsure, but nodded anyway.
“Sure,” he said, turning around to follow you.
You walked into the living room that was now empty before you turned to meet Steve’s eye.
“I am so sorry,” you apologized, voice thin as you tried to keep your emotions in check. “I don’t know why I- it doesn’t matter, you didn’t deserve that. It was uncalled for. And not true. And I am so, so sorry, Steve.”
“Tensions were high, it’s okay-”
“No, it’s not. It’s not okay. You’re his best friend, you would do anything for him. You love him. I know that, we all know that, and I never should have.. You did everything you could have,-”
“I didn’t—.”
“You did,” you insisted. “You did. And you and I both know he definitely wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for you. You’ve put your life on the line for him countless times, and even if you do hold yourself accountable for the train - which you shouldn’t - your slate would’ve been wiped clean about six life saves ago,” you smiled lightly, earning a small smile from him in turn.
“He’d do the same for me. He has done the same for me,” he laughed softly. “‘M just glad he’s alright.”
“Yeah. Thank you. For getting him out. For being there for him. I went a little crazy when I thought he was hurt,” you looked down, ashamed at yourself.
“I can’t blame you. Been there before. But he’s okay. You’re okay. I’m okay. We’re all okay.”
You nodded, meeting his eye once more before you hugged him tightly, his own arms coming around you to return the affection.
“He’s more banged up than he’s letting on,” Steve said as he pulled away, “you should check on him. I’ll throw your bags down, you guys can take the room down here.”
“Thank you, Steve. Really,”
“Don’t mention it,” he smiled before heading back for the stairs.
As you made your way to the bathroom Bucky was occupying, you heard a low grunt followed by a hiss of pain. Knocking lightly, you gave him a second before you let yourself in.
The deep purple bruises that littered his torso had you grimacing for him sympathetically.
“Don’t look at me like that, sweetheart, you know they’ll be gone this time tomorrow.”
“That’s not the point,” you argued, stepping in further, shutting the door behind you.
You walked up to him, lightly running your hand down his torso while pouting mindlessly.
His thumb found your lip as he pulled it down, getting your attention. “I’m fine,” he assured you.
“You could’ve gotten really hurt, Bucky. You could’ve died.”
“But I didn’t. I’m right here. Right where I want to be,” he said as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close.
You let your head rest against his chest as he held you, your arms finding their way around him.
“I was so scared,” you whispered pathetically, “I don’t think I’ve ever felt that kind of fear before. I hated it.”
“I’m sorry, baby,” he murmured into your hair. You shook your head, brushing off his needless apology before you took a heavy breath.
“I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you,” you confessed.
“You’re not ever gonna lose me, sweetheart. I’ll always find my way back to you,” he said softly, still holding you against him, “Always.”
A part of you wanted to argue the inevitable. One day, hopefully not one so soon, one of you would lose the other. That was life, wasn’t it?
But you couldn’t bring yourself to challenge him. It was nicer to believe that he was right. He’d always find his way back to you, and you would always find your way back to him.
You reached your hands up to gently rake your fingers through his hair. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Never been better,” he simpered easily, enjoying the feeling of your affectionate touch.
You dropped your hands to his shoulders before sliding them down his solid chest, your fingers soothing comfortingly along his skin.
“The truth?” you prodded quietly, flitting your gaze up to meet his brilliant blue eyes in a request for his honesty.
He was quiet for a second before he took a heavy breath, his hands finding and holding yours before he lifted one to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to your hand. “The truth is, I’m gonna be okay,” he responded in earnest.
You allow your hand to cradle his stubbled cheek as you keep his loving gaze, finding comfort in the warmth of his eyes.
“Should we talk about it?” you ask, a little hesitant to bring it up, not wanting to let show how unnerved you were still feeling. And it wasn’t that you didn’t trust him when he said he was alright, but still you wanted to know exactly what happened, you wanted to know what he was going through back there. And selfishly, you knew you needed to know everything before you’d start feeling any kind of alright, either.
Bucky’s gaze softened even more at your question. Sam and Steve had told him you were worried, but he hadn’t realized how upset you really were while they were back there. Aside from being banged up by the blast and being trapped in the hallway he’d been in for a good while while Sam and Steve worked to get through the wreckage of the site to get him out, he really was okay. Especially when he knew you and everyone else were safe.
He didn’t feel the need to talk about it, but just from the look in your eyes he knew you did. So he didn’t have to think much at all before he answered.
“Yeah, we should talk about it,” he said, his hand on yours as you caressed his cheek. “Shower first?” he prompted, pulling you from your ever anxious thoughts.
You nodded, “Good idea.”
You turned to leave the slowly steaming bathroom as the shower continued to warm, but were stopped by Bucky the moment he realized you were going for the door.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“I’m gonna grab your bag,” you laughed lightly, but not pulling away from his hold.
“You’re coming right back?” he questioned. “I was away from you for more than long enough already tonight, you can’t be gone too long.”
“I’ll be right back,” you tittered, a lightness returning to you the longer you were around him.
“You better be. If you take anything away from tonight, it should be that you’re not gonna get rid of me that easily, doll,” he smirked playfully as he let you go.
“I wouldn’t dream of even trying,” you said before leaning back in to kiss him softly. “You know I love you, Bucky, right? More than anyone, or anything, ever. You know that?”
“I do. But I don’t mind the reminder,” he smiled into another gentle kiss. “You know I love you more?”
You kissed him deeper at that, not realizing how much desperation was fueling you until you finally pulled away, leaving both of you a little breathless.
Your eyes were pinched shut as you tried to keep hold of yourself, pressing in close to Bucky once more.
“You can’t ever leave me. You can’t,” you whispered desperately.
Bucky’s light grip on your chin had you looking up at him, bleary eyes and a soft pout on your lips as you met his intent gaze.
“Look at me, sweetheart. I wouldn’t ever dream of it. I’ll always get back to you. I promise. Always.”
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enhaheeseung · 10 months
Come back to me - L.HS
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Pairing: heeseung X fem reader!
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy, depression, crying, cursing.
WC: 1,900k+
Part eleven
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“Hey, bro.”
Little did Jake know his texts would go unanswered for days.
After the first couple of days, Jake thought maybe heeseung was just working things out with you and focusing on repairing your guy's relationship.
However, after a while, he started to get suspicious of what was happening. It was unusual for heeseung not to respond, and it was even more unusual for him not to show up for work after weeks of being absent.
“Have you heard from heeseung? He’s not answering my calls or texts.” he sent a text to Jay, trying to piece together the current situation.
“No. Not since his date with y/n.”
“Strange, this isn’t like him at all.”
“I know, he hasn’t been to work in forever. Do you think we should check on him?”
“Already three steps ahead of you. Meet me at his house. I’ll send the address.”
“Sounds good”
Jay arrived a few minutes after Jake, and they stood outside heeseung’s door, knocking softly. “Took you long enough to get here” Jake rolls his eyes.
“Not my problem. There was traffic!” He defends.
“Yeah, yeah,” Jake sighs and knocks on the door again, becoming more anxious than he already was. “His cars in the driveway. He must be here.” Jay went to the window, trying to peek in, but all the lights were turned off.
Jay looked for a spare key but had no luck in finding one.
The knock on the door became more erratic as Jake grew more and more worried.
He gave up and tried to dial Heeseung’s number again, but it was futile when he got no answer. “Fuck”
At this point, Jake was about to kick the door in, and he all but did. “Wait!” Jay shouted and twisted the doorknob, and lo and behold, it was open this whole time.
He stuck his tongue out at Jake before entering heeseung’s home while the other just shook his head in disbelief.
“Heeseung?” They called as they stepped inside, it was dead silent, almost as if no one was home.
Of course, there was no answer, and Jake quickly jogged upstairs, heart racing as his mind went to the worst scenarios. “Heeseung? Oh, thank goodness.” Jake stopped in his tracks, sighing in relief, and Jay did as well when they spotted Heeseung in bed. “You had me worried, you idiot,” Jake scolded him. After his initial panic faded away, he noticed how Heeseung had absolutely no reaction to them practically breaking in. “Hee?” Jake whispers, walking towards him on the bed. It was dark, but once he got closer, he could see that Heeseung had his eyes wide open, blankly staring at a picture of you.
“Go,” was all he said before he turned around on the other side of his bed.
“Go? What the fuck, man? I drove forty five minutes to get to your ass,” Jake elbowed Jay in the side.
“Can’t you fucking read the room?” Jake whisper shouts while Jay holds his side in pain.
Before saying anything else, Jake turned on the light illuminating the room. “Hee, what’s going on? “
“I said fucking go,” he yelled, making Jake jump in his spot. “Just go.” he broke down in tears, sobbing quietly as he pulled the blankets over his head.
“O-okay, we’re going.” Jake put his hands up, slowly backing out of the room along with Jay as they quietly shut the door and left.
“What the fuck?” Jay said once they both got outside.
“Yeah,” Jake sighed.
That incident was about two weeks ago, and there was still no sign of him at work, and he wasn’t answering his phone either.
As much as heeseung dreaded the idea, he still pulled himself out of bed to shower every now and then, and his diet consisted of water and stale crackers. basically, he was doing just enough to sustain himself.
Most of his time was spent crying or sleeping or having very vivid dreams, memories, and flashbacks of you and him together.
And that was it.
This was his life without you if you could even call it living.
“That’s it.” Jake slams his computer shut, gathering the attention of Jay and his other coworkers.
“What the hell, Jake?”
“Shut up. I’m going to Heeseung’s house. Are you coming or not?” He says, snatching up his suit jacket.
“What for?” Jay asked while he lowered his specs.
“I hate you.” Jake glared at him, heading straight for the elevator.
“Why?” He asks as Jake gets further and further away, he follows his coworker scrambling to get his jacket on. “Why?!”
This time, the door was actually locked cause they locked it before they left, and this time, Jake didn’t waste any time kicking the door open and heading straight upstairs, where his friend was withering away.
“Get out,” heeseung says.
“Nope, not today,” Jake storms into his room, flicking all the lights on and ripping open the curtains, letting some light in finally.
“What the hell? I said Get out,” heeseung shouted.
“No!” Jake shouted back, taking heeseung by surprise. “Look at yourself. What the hell is happening to you?”
Heeseung went silent, turning his head away from the two.
“Stop! You can’t just keep shutting us out like this.” he ripped the covers off of Heeseung’s body, revealing his frail frame.
“Just leave me alone, Jake. I’m fine.” he said quietly as he sat up on his bed, hugging his knees to his chest.
Jake knew this was more than an invasion of privacy, but he had it up to here. First, heeseung was drinking himself to death, and now this, he wasn’t going to take it anymore. He refused to stand on the sidelines watching heeseung throw his life away. He walked over to the bed, grabbing Heeseung’s shoulders, and forcing him to stand up. “Jake, don’t yo-“
“Be quiet, Jay,” Jake says angrily while guiding Heeseung to stand in front of his wall mirror.
Heeseung quietly gasped at his appearance. The reality of what he was doing to himself finally set in as he quickly turned away.
“You think we want this for you? You think y/n wants this for you?”
“Y/n,” Heeseung whispered, tears gathering in his eyes. He was so caught up in the past that he hadn’t even thought about you in the present. He didn’t know what you were up to these days.
Jake’s eyes softened as he guided heeseung to the edge of the bed. “Tell us what happened,” Jake encouraged him. “You’re always helping us, and we never help you, so let us return the favor.”
“Yeah, besides, you owe me the details on your date.” Jay tried his best to smile as he closed the bedroom and joined them on the bed.
Heeseung nodded softly after they knocked some sense into him. “Okay,” he says, opening up to the idea a lot easier than he would have imagined, but he knew he needed help. He knew he needed someone to talk to other than a still picture frame.
It was nightfall by the time they had finished talking, and to say a lot had happened between the two of you would be an understatement.
And they realized it wasn’t so much the initiated divorce that turned Heeseung into the person he is now. It was more less the guilt eating away at him, and, of course, being cooped up all by himself in the silence of his house for days was not helping his case one bit.
But they were determined to get him on his feet and hopefully get you both back together because it sounded like a lot of self-pity and a large sum of miscommunication and unfortunate circumstances.
Not to mention, heeseung was literally deluding himself into thinking he wasn’t good enough for you, and that was a whole new can of worms that, on top of the fact that he was basically the reason why things weren’t moving forward with you both it sounded hopeful all he needed to do was be persistent cause obviously the love was there, but every time his guilt kept getting in the way of that, leaving him where he is right now crying in the arms of his friends but everything was soon going to change.
“Okay, so we’re gonna make a plan for you to get y/n back.” Heeseung shook his head back and forth, not even trying to give the idea a chance. Lucky for him, he’s got two friends that actually care about his emotional ass. “Yes, we are.”
“Indeed we are,” Jay agreed. “But first things first, go take a shower before I lose my sense of smell.”
“You think I look okay?” Heeseung nervously checked himself out in the mirror one last time.
“You look fine. Stop worrying about that,” Jay scolded. “Do you have it?”
“I do” heeseung replied nervously. “Thanks, guys. I don’t know where I’d be without you.” he gave them a long, big hug.
“You’d be ten pounds lighter, in bed, and unshowered,” Jay jokes but gives him a hug, nevertheless dropping his hard exterior for once.
Heeseung chuckled softly. “Remember what we said,” Jake reminded him of the conversation they had had days ago.
Heeseung nodded.
“Okay, now go get her back.” Jake smiled, making it sound so simple, moments later they headed off, driving heeseung to his destination.
He was so grateful for them helping him. Not only did they help pick an outfit and gift for you, but they even counseled him and gave him advice. Now, all that was left to do was to put it into action, and right now, he felt like he could take on the world, and this time, he wasn’t leaving until you took him back. “This is it.” he took a deep breath, waving bye to Jake and Jay as they backed out of the driveway.
A few seconds later, he knocked on your door.
You sat on your bed blankly, staring at the positive pregnancy test in your hand, thoughts muddied as you wondered where to go from here. You haven’t told anyone yet, only finding out today after you missed yet another period. The gears started turning, and it only made sense that you were pregnant after the symptoms you were experiencing the missed periods, and the fact that you didn’t use any protection the last time you had sex.
You wanted to deny it at first, brushing it off, saying you just weren’t feeling good and that missed periods happened sometimes, but deep down, you knew you were just trying to delay the inevitable, but with the positive test in your hand, there was no more getting around it.
You were pregnant.
You wanted to tell someone, but you also were so overwhelmed by the new information, and the tears would not stop flowing. You were so happy that you were going to have a baby, but at the same time, you were nervous, given your current circumstances.
You were about to call your mom, but a soft knock on your door stopped you from doing so. You cleared your throat and quickly hid the test under your pillow. “Come in.”
The door soon swung open, revealing no other than.
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Thanks for reading likes comments and reblogs are always appreciated sorry for any typos or errors I hope you all have a good day/night♥️
Permanent taglist:®• @nyxtwixx @iamliacamila @ramenoil @mimisamisasa @scarlet127
Come back to me taglist @mimikittysblog @woahsehun @dunnoshim @skzenhalove @enhastolemyheart @helenngxz @markleeisdabestdrug @hanjisunginc @wanlore
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hopelessrromantix · 1 year
Part 2 to this
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Miguel had first met you a very long time ago.
By then, he was Spiderman, seeking out one of your partners they'd gone slightly rogue.
The only thing he hadn't realized then, was that your project had affected you too, creating a symbiote that attached itself to you.
After many encounters in and out of your suits, you and Miguel got along surprisingly well.
Until you'd sacrificed yourself for him. Sure he was alive, but he always regretted not knowing you better.
And when he found a universe where he was happy, he got to see your face again.
An alternate version of yourselves had gotten both your powers under control. You started a family, adopted a daughter, and settled down to have a normal life.
Until he replaced his dead self.
At first it was… nice.
Not just being with his daughter, but you too.
He regretted not knowing you even more after that. His life picked up where his alternate self had left off.
And when everything came crashing down, you let him carry your daughter. He could see the mix of pain and shock in your eyes as you faded away, breaking apart into nothing.
Soon, Miguel was alone again.
And now, in an alternate world, you were Spiderman. He should've expected it, really.
"You should leave, Y/n." Lyla imitated, puffing up her chest and placing her hands on her hip. Miguel didn't expect her glare to be so effective.
He only rolled his eyes, walking back toward his computer.
"See, that's my impression of you saying something dumb." Miguel stayed quiet, swiping through data he'd left open, organizing his space. "You didn't even answer when he asked if you knew him. What's going on with you? We both know you wanted to talk to him."
Miguel's eyes narrowed. "It's not that simple. I'm dead in his world and he's dead in mine, we can't go rewriting history and destroying Y/n's Canon."
"Oh please," She scoffed. "Forget the 'High and Mighty' schtick, trying experiencing emotion for, like, two seconds and talk to him."
Miguel whipped his head toward her, but she had already disappeared, probably anticipating his argument.
He let out a heavy sigh into the stagnant air. He missed you more than he wanted to admit, even if he never got to know you nearly as well as he wanted.
For days, Miguel attempted to process the conversation.
You hadn't come to find him since he'd told you to leave days before, but he'd seen you around. You usually blended into the crowd right after, making him feel slightly guilty about telling you to leave.
He just brushed it off, going back to his work.
You, on the other hand, had no such plans.
Miguel was stubborn as an ox, but you weren't about to give up just because he asked you to leave.
If there was any hope he'd hear you out, you'd be willing to take the risk.
"What are you doing here?"
A question you expected to get. It was so much harder to answer when he was staring at you.
"Any chance we could talk?" You asked, half expecting him to close the door right there.
To your surprise, he stepped back, leading you into his (oddly dark) workspace.
"Let me j-"
"I wanted t-"
You both froze, hearing the other speak. You chuckled, gesturing to him.
He sighed, taking a breath. "I wanted to apologize."
"You did?" You blinked at him. Apologies weren't Miguel's thing (unless you made it clear you expected one)... maybe he was more different than you thought.
Miguel's expression was stiff, his mind still focused on you. "When you were alive, I didn't know you as well as I wanted to."
He watched your face shift, first in confusion, then in understanding.
You didn't need to hear it all right now. Or maybe he just wasn't ready to tell you.
But either way… "I'd like to get to know you now."
"Yeah! Yeah, I'd like that too." You agreed, nodding your head before remembering why you'd come in the first place. "I'm sorry for springing everything on you. I mean, it's a lot all at once… I didn't mean to force you to talk to me."
He nodded slowly. "You didn't. I… I want to do this."
"You do?" You asked again. Whether to be certain or just to hear him say it again, you didn't know.
And you felt truly, unashamedly happy for the first time in far too long.
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simplydannie · 5 months
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Under Rageous Velvet || Under Rageous Veneer
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First, I want to thank everyone who pepped me up and made feel like a million when I was down❤️ I loved it and appreciated it so, SO much, you have no idea! I love you my pookies ❤️
The twins are on the run yet again from an Under Rageous gang boss: a high priced bounty on their head. All hope seems lost until Branch appears, asking them to trust him. Unfortunately, what he doesn’t know that a quick getaway leads them to a familiar face…A face that churns Branch’s stomach….a face he cannot trust.
Shank made sure the door was locked after the Mistress came in. They discussed their usual court of business….but only after spending an intimate moment together. Was it love? It was more lust than anything. Shank loved the beauty that those in Mount Rageous illuminated. Mistress desired the dark, looming, dangerous feel that the Under Rageous gave off. They were both power hungry, money hungry. They were both ambitious, dedicated, and horrible people….but that’s what made them so perfect for each other.
Mistress sat on top of him as he kissed her neck, “So any word on my little super stars?”
“Wouldn’t have I told you if there was any word?” He replied in between kisses. He could sense the aggravation in her voice. “Don’t tell me you came down here just to discuss business?”
“No. I guess not.” She sighed as he continued kissing her. “I guess your company is quite pleasurable.” Mistress closed her eyes as she enjoyed the sensation of his lips on her…things were getting hot, things were beginning to get serious...
Shank growled in disapproval at the sound of one of his henchmen, “Buzz off!” He demanded, “I’m a little busy here!”
”..S-sir…W-we have a sighting…” The fear in the henchman’s voice sounded through the closed door.
“Damn those teens.” Shank grunted through his teeth. Mistress snarled as she got off Shank ...Things were just getting good. He got up and went to open the door, shirt and jacket still off, anger in eyes.
“You better be damn sure, Syth.” He told his henchman. The male Rageon walked in holding a holographic tablet of some sort. Shank leaned in to have a closer look at the image… it was fuzzy, blurry, but he knew who that green swoop of hair belonged to.
“We got our boy. How long ago was this?”
“Our computers just picked it up, but cameras themselves may have picked it up about 30 minutes ago.” Syth replied.
Shank put on his shirt and jacket, he turned to Mistress, “Dead or alive?”
“Alive….for now. Once we obtain him, his sister won’t be far behind. And once Velvet is back in our grasp…do what you want to him.” She fixed up her dress and hair. She then walked up to Shank running a finger along his jawline. “And once that’s all over we’ll continue where we left off.”
He smirked. Looking towards Syth he yelled, “Well! Get to it… NOW!”
Hours. It had been hours. Velvet hadn’t heard any commotion on the other side of the door. Nothing. Sitting by the door, she hugged her knees and rocked back and forth. She really didn’t stop herself from wanting to hurt her brother this time. She wanted to do it, she REALLY wanted to do it.
“What’s wrong with me?” She murmured to herself. Her mind swirled, distorting with reality and what wasn’t….she couldn’t tell anymore. “Vennie?” She called out….silence.
Standing up she went to the door and opened it, “Vennie?” There wasn’t much to their home. The bedroom opened straight into the living room/ kitchen that made up their container home. “Vennie?”….He wasn’t there; she then knew he had ran off. Velvet sat down on the small worn down couch they had, burying her face within her hands.
Stupid! How on Earth am I supposed to protect him from myself, she thought. She realized now that she posed as a more horrid threat to her brother than all of Under Rageous. But what could she do? She couldn’t control it. It’s as if the anger took complete control of her body, but not just her body, her mind. Velvet could see her brother as the rages happened, but she couldn’t stop herself…sometimes the sound of his voice would calm her, would bring her back to this hell of a reality…but this last time it didn’t. She could hear him beg, but she continued, she wanted to continue until he felt the pain she had felt. But that was it wasn’t it? What if one day she never stopped? What if one day she killed him?….She’d never forgive herself if she did.
And now where was he? Running the streets of Under Rageous…while a bounty was on them, while most of Under Rageous knew of their crimes…and probably hated them. But was he any safer with her? Damn it Vennie, she pulled up her hoodie, tucking her bright green hair underneath. She had to go find him, she had to try and better herself…if not for her…for him…for all the crap she put him through. There had to be something, someone that could help with whatever the hell she was going through. She walked out the entrance of their container home and went to find her brother.
The two tiny Trolls stayed huddled inside Veneer's pockets. Tye scoffed on how calm Branch was, “Why are you trusting him? He’s probably going to take us to the Black Market. Sell us! Then we’re done for.” Tye whispered harshly.
“I- I don’t know!” Branch replied.
“I know you know him. How do you know him!”
“I’ll explain later.” Branch replied. He maneuvered himself to peek out Veneer’s pockets. “Yo! Where are we going?”
“Home….I think….I don’t know.” Veneer responded.
“What do you mean you don’t know?” The Troll arched his eyebrow, “I thought you said somewhere safe?”
“I-I did.”
”Then why the change Veneer?” Branch asked.
”Cause I don’t know how safe it will be.” Veneer walked past a couple Under Rageons who didn’t pay him any mind, but the more deeper he went, the more crowded it got, the more he was recognized. He could hear whispers, snarls, and vile laughter. He causually dove into some alley ways to continue his path home…at least he hoped he could get home. The two little Trolls popped out of his pocket and towards the bottom of his boots.
“Admit it green bean! You’re taking us to the Black Market!” Tye expressed. Branch looked at him, mouth gaped open.
”W-what. N-no! I swear!”
“Then why keep us!”
“I-I….” Veneer began to stutter.
An anger came across Tye’s face and voice, “Spill it Rageon!”
“I just wanted to the company okay!” Veneer leaned against the brick wall within the alley and shlumped down towards the ground. He brought his knees towards his chest, a distant look coming to his eyes. Branch approached him…
”Veneer…Where’s your sister?” He finally asked. The Rageon didn’t look the Troll in the eye; he turned his face and gazed towards the ground instead. “Those bruises on your face….did, did she do it?”
“……She didn’t mean too….” The Rageon finally responded.
”What do you mean? What sister doesn’t mean to beat up her own brother?” Branch pressed on. Veneer fiddled with the hem of his sleeves, his feet twitching as he searched for the answer.
“Something is wrong with her…Something I noticed back at the Rage Dome show. She was changing, she was….going crazy. That’s why I had to stop it. That’s why I had to tell everybody about what we did. I thought I was helping her, but now, I’m not so sure I did….”
Branch searched for the right words, “Did it have anything to do with my brother? The essence you were absorbing?”
Tye’s ears twitched, “Brother?….The Troll they kidnapped….They tortured…That was your brother? Why are you still trusting him!”
Branch didn’t know. Something in him told him that he couln’dt leave Veneer…especially not at the hands of death. He looked at the kid…there was something about him…something sad….yet, something familiar.
“Did you know Floyd before everything happened?”
Veneer nodded, “Yes.”
“…We found him…”
“Go on.”
Veneer sighed, “He had fallen into one of my traps I set out. The group me and Velvet were part of…our job was to capture Trolls and send them off to the Black Market…”
”See!” Tye pointed out.
”Shh! Go on.” Branch said.
”…Floyd was the first Troll I ever caught. But when I looked at him….he looked….sad…he was grey, colorless.” Branches heart sank as Veneer continued, “I- I couldn’t give him to the Black Market…He needed help. So I convinced Velvet to keep him, hide him away. The group thought I had released him. They gave me a good beating and through me and Velvet back on the streets….But, it was honestly the best thing that happened to us. We became like a small family…we had a family again. Floyd got his colors back….we were happy…until we screwed it up and betrayed him…almost killing him.” Veneer hugged his knees and buried his face away as the tears started pouring out.
Branch had not known about this. Grant it, Floyd would always try to write to the twins during their time in prison, but he would always intercept those letters.
“Let it go Floyd! They tormented you!” Branch would tell him.
“Branch..please just let me explain..”
“Enough Floyd! I have my brother back. I don’t want to lose him again to those tall freaks!…Please..”
And Floyd never brought it up again. Looking at Veneer’s distraught actions, he knew now that they were once a family, even if it was for a short while. Though he admired it, he couldn’t help but feel a ping of jealousy…because that’s what Branch had wanted with Floyd…Veneer’s shoulders shuddered as he continued to cry. The kid felt alone…no Floyd, no sister, no parents it seemed like…perhaps Branch was the closest thing he would have to Floyd, which is why Veneer didn’t want to part with him…at least not yet.
Tye looked between Branch and the Rageon. He could see the sympathy coming across Branch's face. No…that was unacceptable, Rageons were not to be trusted. Whatever this was, the Rageon had Branch under his spell. He went over to the Troll and tugged his sleeve.
“Let’s go before more come. Then we’re really in trouble.” He said.
Branch didn’t budge. He stayed there staring at Veneer. Was this the real Veneer? The kid Floyd had come to know and love? And not the peacock, pretty boy Branch came to hate in Mount Rageous.
”You can go. I’m sorry….I’m sorry for everything…” Veneer mumbled through his tears; he dared not look up at the Troll. He was afraid he would see Floyd in him…then he really wouldn’t want to let him go. Branch looked at Tye, then at Veneer. He let out a sigh and walked towards Tye.
“…Thank you for trying to help me…but I’m sorry….I-I can’t leave him.” Branch admitted.
Tye gaped, “What? You’re really going to take his side?” Veneer peeked, tears still running down his face, eyes red.
“Look. I’m looking for a way out of here. I want to get out and go home. You can come with me…” He looked between Tye and Veneer. “You both can.”
Veneer sniffled, a small smile coming across his face, “Really?” He and Tye responded in unison.
“Yes! What do you say?”
“I-I have family here. I just can’t leave them….” Tye said.
“Then let’s get them! And they can come too. Any Troll, all Trolls we can find. Plus a Rageon….”
“Or two?” Veneer asked. Branch paused, confused at his statement. “I can’t leave Velvet. She…She still needs me…I need her too.” Branch was a little taken back by his request. Veneer had always seemed like the more reasonable one between the two…Velvet on the other hand was different. And now that he had said that something was wrong with her, that she could loose control any moment? Veneer sensed the hesitation in Branch's actions and words.
“If she doesn’t go, then I’ll stay…but I can help you guys escape….If you want of course…”
Branch bit his tongue…He was hoping Veneer wouldn’t have said that…He was hoping he could at least save one twin…but if his sister wasn’t saved, then he’d suffer with her. Should he bring both? Should he risk the safety of the other Trolls to an unstable Rageon? Branch didn’t know what to do or say….instead, his reply was simple…
“…..Okay…” Was all he said.
The conversation was cut short as they heard footsteps echo in the alleyway.
“Hurry!” Veneer opened his pockets for the Trolls to go in. Instead, Tye wrapped his hand around Branch's wrist, wrapped his hair on a far off post, and slingshotted away. Veneer watched as they disappeared.
“Wait!” Branch yelled as Tye tightened his grip.
“Branch?” Veneer called out...the echo of the footsteps grew nearer. He didn’t hesitate, Veneer pulled his red hoodie over his purple beanie and began to walk off. As he neared the exit of the alley, he was blocked by a tall Under Rageon. Veneer attempted a casual avoidance and turned around. More Rageons blocked his path. They all wore dark trench coats over dark baggy clothes. The sides of their heads shaved, only leaving one side of their head full of their stringy hair. They were all pale, with spiral eyes and sharpened teeth, a tattoo running along the side of their head down their neck…a branding to the gang they belonged to ...Shanks.
“Hey there pretty boy.” Shank appeared from the group of Rageons that surrounded him. “Finally, we meet face to face. You and your sister have been putting me through a lot of trouble…Giving me a lot of damn headaches.” He lit a cigarette, blowing the smoke into the air. The sight of him sent shivers down Veneer’s spine…He was menacing, yet walked with power…it was frightening.
“I-I don’t know who you are. W-what did we do to you?” Veneer asked.
“For one, you killed one of my boys back when you guys first arrived down here a couple weeks ago.” Shank’s spiral eyes met Veneer’s giant blue ones…he was terrified…truly terrified.
“I-I…W-we….that was an accident. We….we were trying to defend ourselves.”
Shank held up a finger to silence Veneer, “I don’t give a damn about explanations. Now, I’ll let that slide if you decide to come with us…peacefully of course…We also promise no harm will come to your sister.”
“Velvet?” Veneer’s heart sank to the pit of his stomach…”Y-you have Velvet?”
“You want to see her?…Alive? Then come along with us. There’s an old friend who wants to have a word with you both.” Shank gestured the way through, waiting for Veneer to follow.
“W-who?” He asked.
“Too many questions will definitely get your sister killed….Well.” Shank blew more smoke into the air as he waited for Veneer’s decision ...The young Rageon nodded and began to follow Shank and his men….
….Suddenly a cloud of mist surrounded them out of nowhere, their vision blurred; they gagged as they inhaled the smoke that surrounded them.
”WHAT THE HELL!” Shank yelled.
Veneer was also caught in the smoke, coughing and wheezing for air. He felt hand wrap around his wrist and begin pulling him away. He didn’t know where he was going, he just felt his feet move, his body being pulled. His vision cleared as he was led out of the smoke. The hand that grasped him, the person who was leading him away…
“Velvet!” Veneer exclaimed with a smile, “You’re safe!”
”Of course idiot! Why wouldn’t I be?”
”They said they had you?”
”You REALLY need to stop trusting strangers. You’re not five anymore.” She cried as they began to run.
“How did you do that back there?”
”I found those old smoke bombs you made…I guess eventually they did come in handy…go figure.” She kept pulling Veneer, running faster.
“Where are we going?”
“Home! Where do you think?”
When the smoke cleared, Shank glanced around…the kid was gone, “Damn it! DAMN IT! GO FIND THAT SON OF A BITCH NOW!” He screamed. His men scrambled around before finally heading separate ways out of the alley. “I’m going to kill him. When I have my way with him…I’m going to kill him.”
“Wait…we passed this way already?” Veneer declared as they came to a halt.
“How do you know?”
“That graffiti. We passed by it twice.” He pointed it out.
“We’ve been going in circles!” Velvet exclaimed. “Hell! I don’t know this place of Under Rageous…This way!” She pulled her brother along a narrow part of the alley, “I’m sure we haven’t been this way before.” They ran…left or right? Velvet went right….dead end. She turned back around pushing her brother heading the other direction. This leads to another opening…straight ahead or left? She continued straight….another dead end.
“Shit, shit, shit.” She exclaimed.
“Venner! Please! We have no way out and you’re worried about me cussing!” She attempted to head back..
”Keep searching! They can’t be far.” Echoes of voices were heard from within the alley. They were out there, they were looking for them…they were cornered, they were trapped.
“What do we do, Vels?” He asked. She looked around where they stood. There was really nothing they could use as a weapon; she looked up at the walls…there was nothing for them to climb up either.
“We fight Ven.”…
Out of a vent from the ground, a Troll popped out…
”Branch!” Veneer exclaimed. Velvet glanced between her brother and the Troll. Tye appeared next to Branch, an unhappy look in his eyes. The Trolls opened the vent..it was much wider than it appeared on the outside.
“Jump in! Tye says he knows a hideout.” Branch said.
”They’re not going to be happy…” The other Troll mumbled.
“What! Oh hell no! Let’s go back Ven.” She pulled her brother's arm.
“Oh come on Velvet!” Branch exclaimed.
“No! I am not trusting a Troll again!”
”Fine! You go then, but I am not going to let your brother suffer for your stupid mistakes. Ven come on!” Branch exclaimed. Veneer bit his lip. He turned and grabbed his sister's hand.
”Vels, please let’s go!” He begged.
“Please!” He casted his bright big blue eyes straight into hers. She tried to avoid his glance, but failed…Funny, anyone who knew them deeply would see that Veneer’s eyes were a tint lighter than hers and that she stood a little bit taller than he did. These were the small things she noticed, but the small things she came to appreciate about her brother. Velvet closed her eyes and sighed.
They both turned towards the vent the Trolls held open for them. Veneer stretched out his hand for his sister to hold. She grunted, but took his hand…Together they jumped in. Behind them, Tye and Branch closed the vent…they disappeared completely, falling into the depths below the under-city.
The twins screamed as they fell into the dark abyss…it was like a long tunnel, no light shining through.
“Branch! Was this a good idea!” Veneer screamed.
“I’m starting to question that now!”
Veneer fell first, hitting the cement hard. He grunted and attempted to stand up before Velvet came falling on top of him…Her fall much lighter and softer.
“Oh! Thanks Vennie!” She smiled.
”Uuugggghhhh.” He groaned. Branch came tumbling down after, landing with a soft thud on Velvet’s stomach.
She grimaced, “Get your stinky butt off me Troll!”
“Calm down princess. Be thankful I came back at all.” Branch scowled.
”Guys please stop.” Veneer moaned. Velvet scooted off of him, causing Branch to roll off her lap and straight towards the ground. Glancing around he noticed Tye was nowhere to be seen.
”Tye? Tye!” Branch looked up from the hole they came down from. Oh no…Did he get stuck up top? “I’m going back guys!”
A net made of barbed wire was thrown over the twins, causing Branch to get stuck in the middle. The twins lay flat on their stomach as the wire tightened above them. Whatever movement they made caused the wire to cut in.
“What the hell!” Velvet yelled out.
From the corner of their, Tye appeared embracing himself.
“Tye! Can you help us please?” Veneer begged.
The small Troll shook his head, “I told you they wouldn’t be happy.”
…They heard small footsteps and the chatter of small voices…All around them, small little gray Trolls began to appear…an anger in their eyes as they saw the two trapped Rageons. Branch noticed a variety of Trolls: Pop, Funk, Rock, Country, Classical…and everything in between…their colors gone and lost.
“Oh my gosh…” Branch murmured. He looked up at Tye, “Tell them we’re friends! Please.” He squirmed in between Velvet and Veneer; the twins attempted not to put their weight on the small Troll between them, but that was hard, as the wire began cutting into their skin.
“We will be the judge of that won't we now, mate.” Branch heard a familiar voice…a familiar accent…a sound he thought would be long gone by now. He looked up to see a familiar Troll standing amongst everyone else ...He was easy to distinguish as this Troll still had his colors…The sight of him sent a shiver down Branch's spine, a vile taste coming to his mouth.
“E’llo there mate. Long time no see.” The Troll greeted.
Branch spat to the ground in disgust, “….Creek.”
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deadliestfishinthesea · 7 months
Love always comes back (like a boomerang) Pt. 2
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How you meet Captain boomerang while working undercover for A.R.G.U.S. (and eventually fall for him)
Part 2.
the real story begins after this one (and the romance too)
1.400 words
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54019207/chapters/136825786#workskin
“King Shark showed promising signs of composure since he got admitted here. It's his first time outside.“ officer Cash walked up to her, staring out the window with a frown, „He shouldn't cause any problems.“
The weather didn't change. Y/n squinted to see if it was raining or if she was just imagining it. It was hard to be sure when glass separated her from the outside. She took a sip of her coffee, but winced and put it down on the windowsill. Still too hot.
“Oh, please. Look at him.“ Y/n gestured with her hand, “If I didn't know any better I would think it's his first day of school.“
The shark was out in the yard, sat on a bench that was much too small for him and glancing at anyone who passed by him. He almost looked lost.
“When are you going to talk to him?“
“You think he's got potential?“
"It doesn't matter what I think. That's up to Waller.“ Cash hummed and nodded, but Y/n continued, „But yeah. He does.“
“Hmph, what about the Aussie?“
“What about him?“
“Waller already approved him, no? Oh, and didn't he save you in the yard the other day or something?“
“You could say. A fight broke out, I was in the middle of it, he took the fight away from my direction.“
Y/n still remembers it clear as day. They replaced the broken table by now but when she looks out at the yard she can still imagine Harkness slouched over the other prisoner, blood dripping from his nose and his knuckles. She doesn't exactly know how to feel about the whole situation, but maybe that's because she doesn’t let herself think about it too much. Every time she remembers herself in the medical facility at the foot of Boomerang's bed, she tries her best to think about something else.
He huffed out a laugh, “I'm just glad that other guy's in lockdown now. What was it, Rambo?“
“Rango, right. And the others?“
“Well, there's the doctor gone rogue and the man who never misses. You tell me.“
Y/n read all of their files. Harley Quinn, Dead Shot, Captain Boomerang and King Shark. All deadly, all wanting to get out. She never saw Harley Quinn in person, only photographs, and she would lie if she said she wasn't curious to meet her. Out of all the convicts she was assigned to evaluate, she was most excited to meet another woman with a degree in psychology, even if this one was apparently insane. She saw Deadshot once, but remembered how he looked. And she was almost in awe when hearing stories about his shooting skills, because as hard as they were to believe, they were all true. King Shark is unlike anything she's seen before. She felt like she was reading a fantasy novel when researching about him and his origins, and it baffled her to see such a seemingly powerful creature sit all shy on a yard bench. And then there's Captain Boomerang. His records were insane. She was in a briefing about a month ago and she remembered Colonel Flag say over a call that it would take at least two reams of paper to print out his full rap sheet. And it wasn't exactly a lie. She nearly had a stroke when researching about his past. Among other crimes, the man had nearly a hundred counts of burglary to his name. Who robs a hundred fucking banks? He does, apparently.
Cash went to say something but both his and Y/n's comms lit up and a male voice spoke trough the radio.
“This is watcher-09. Report to the north wing, Mockingbird wants to see you.“
Suddenly her coffee was long forgotten. They both looked at each other in silence until Y/n spoke up.
“What's Waller doing here?“
The trip to the north wing was short. Cash pushed open a big door and walked into a large room filled with rows and rows of computers, with an enormous monitor covering the whole front wall. It was uncanny to see the room completely empty. Y/n followed him in and stopped next to the giant monitor, and in front of them stood Amanda Waller, holding a manila file in her hand. She dropped the file on a desk.
“Doctor, I'm afraid your time in Arkham is over, you're being relocated to Metropolis under Colonel Flag's command. Cash, I need all my convicts ready.“
“What happened?“ Cash inquired.
“Metropolis has been invaded. We are sending Task Force X on the field and there's no time for evaluation, either they're ready or they're not.“ she slid the file across the table to Cash.
“They are, ma'am .“ Y/n said and Waller looked at her.
“Did you talk to all of them?“
“No. Only Captain Boomerang. But I've done my research.“
Waller nodded, “You've given me no reason to doubt you so far, doctor.“
“Thank you, ma'am. When am I leaving?“
“Right now.“
Wind gushed around and picked up small debris as the helicopter lowered to the ground. The door opened and Y/n stepped out, clutching her rifle. A tall man with a mellow expression on his face walked up to her, shouting so he's heard over the loud whirring of the helicopter.
“Y/n?“, he outstretched his hand, „I'm Colonel Rick Flag. They call you doc', right?“
She grabbed his hand and shook it, „That's me. What's the situation?“
“We're continuing travel on wheels. Anything that flies around here is an easy target.“
As they walked to a group of trucks the helicopter started leaving. They stood in the outskirts of Metropolis, surrounded by burnt down trees and collapsed buildings. She could see the outline of the city in the distance, and the giant alien ship hovering over the sky, its mechanical tentacles weaving through skyscrapers, and it seemed as though it engulfed the entire city. Her blood ran colder by the second, and she held her weapon tightly as she watched everything. Flag spoke again, not yelling this time.
“What's the situation in Arkham?“
“Waller's getting her Task Force ready.“
He was quiet for a second until they reached a truck. He turned to her, “So the circus is actually joining the defense?“
She nodded.
“And you're the one who picked them out?“ He looked at her pensively.
“Waller picked the members. I was just there to… provide extra precaution.“
“Make sure they're insane enough to do this, huh?“
“Aren't we all, Colonel?“ She smiled bitterly.
“Damn right. But that there's another type of crazy. Gotta make sure to keep 'em in line.“
“And how does Waller plan to do that?“
He was quiet for a second, searching for his words.
“You ever heard of a bomb injector?“
She sat in the back of the truck, relaxing into her seat as much as she could. So, it was finally happening, she thought. She wondered if the criminals would come out of this with their heads intact. Literally. In all honesty, she hoped they would. Even though she didn't have a direct say in it, Y/n was still involved in choosing the prisoners for the Task Force and sending them to their potential deaths.
A memory slipped into her head, then. Her in the medical facility, standing at the foot of Digger's bed, after he just saved her. Willingly. She thought about that often. He didn't have to step in, didn't have to earn bruises and stitches and isolation time just so she wouldn't be hit. But he did it anyway, and he didn't expect anything in return, either. That made her wonder. If he could do something selfless like that, could they all? Was there any good left in them? In him? But it didn't matter now. There's a chance she won't ever see him again, whether that be because of his death, or maybe even hers.
And she wasn't sure it if was from lack of sleep, or hundreds of destroyed homes, or maybe even because of the weather, but now she sat in the back of a truck leading to a dangerous combat zone, and she just regrets not thanking him properly.  
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bro-atz · 6 months
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pair: cmo!san/employee!oc word count: 2.5k chapter rating: pg-13 — sfw! genre: romance, drama
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The Monday following the the company dinner, Gyuri kept her head down. She wanted to keep a low profile for as long as possible. She and Seonghwa agreed that they would both keep their mouths shut for as long as possible despite the fact that this was a huge HR matter that they would have to address at some point— but that was only if San remembered sleeping with her in the first place.
She couldn’t sleep at all the night before, so she walked into work with huge bags under her eyes. Despite timing her commute to work, she was still the first one there, which she decided to use to her advantage. She immediately sat at her desk and dove into her work. She still had to clean up the Ring proposal that San had made her redo last Friday, so she cracked her knuckles and got to work. She was so invested in her work, in fact, that she didn’t even notice when the rest of the office arrived.
“Gyuri?” Hana put a hand on her shoulder, effectively ending her drive in the zone. Gyuri nearly leapt out of her seat and clutched her chest as she made eye contact with a very concerned Hana.
“When did you get here?” Gyuri asked after taking a moment to calm down.
“About ten minutes ago. Everyone tried greeting you, but you didn’t say a word to anyone, so we were all getting concerned.”
“Oh, well—”
“Didn’t anyone ever tell you that Gyuri is practically dead to the world when she gets invested in her work?” Wooyoung walked into the office right at that moment.
“Good morning, Mr. Jung,” both Gyuri and Hana greeted together.
Wooyoung merely bowed his head as he asked Gyuri, “Ring account?”
After setting his stuff at his desk, Wooyoung walked over to Gyuri’s desk cluster and took a look at her work. Gyuri leaned back to give him a better view, but Wooyoung took a step backwards almost immediately. She turned to see that his face was a light shade of red, sparking her concern for her boss. “Oh, boss, are you okay? Your face is a little red.”
“I’m fine,” Wooyoung said before clearing his throat. “Anyway, I think you should clean up the bits for the locations. Have two versions in case he has a problem with the story being in the same venue as the performance.”
“Will do. Thanks, Mr. Jung,” Gyuri beamed at her boss, only to see his face get redder. Before she could address it, Wooyoung nodded quickly and retreated to his desk.
Keeping his notes in mind, Gyuri barely started on the second version for the proposal when she heard Hana greet Mr. Choi way too enthusiastically. She kept her eyes glued to her monitor until she heard his office door shut. As soon as she knew the CMO was out of earshot, she jumped out of her chair and rushed over to Mr. Jung’s desk.
“Is there anything else I can do? I don’t really want to sit at my desk right now,” Gyuri said hurriedly in a hushed tone.
“Why? What’s wrong with the proposal?”
“Oh, nothing, I just, uh,” Gyuri struggled to find an excuse for her to not be at her desk. “My eyes are getting a little strained. I could use a break.”
“Alright. I actually did need to go to the IT department for some data swince no one seems to be responding to my emails, but I’m also swamped with work. Could you go get that for me, please?” Wooyoung wrote the data he needed on a sticky note and handed it to Gyuri, who took the note gratefully.
“I’ll be back soon!” Gyuri lied straight through her teeth— she was going to waste as much time as humanly possible.
The second she arrived at the IT department, though, she realized she didn’t need to struggle to waste time. The entire department was freakishly silent as they all fixated and typed rapidly on their computers. Gyuri spotted Iseul and walked over to her friend.
“Hey,” she whispered as if the whole floor would erupt if she said anything at a normal speaking tone. “Mr. Jung sent me over here because he needs this data.”
“Give,” Iseul ordered quietly.
Gyuri handed her the sticky note. Iseul looked at the sticky note briefly then immediately typed up some information on her computer.
“Is everything okay?” Gyuri asked, her voice still hushed.
“Oh, shit. Yeah, sorry. The entire department is in crisis mode…” Iseul tapped the escape key on her keyboard a couple times. Gyuri watched curiously. She’d never seen her friend work before, so it was a sight to behold.
“Again? What’s wrong this time?”
“The company server is down this time, so communications between departments have been failing. My boss saw the email your boss sent, but the files aren’t going through.”
“What the fuck? That’s horrible…”
“It also means you can’t communicate with clients.”
“What the fuck?! That’s horrible!”
Gyuri’s voice went back to the normal range, and she could immediately feel everyone glare daggers at her. She shrunk her shoulders and bowed her head in silent apology before turning back to her friend meekly, who was still typing away.
“Tell me about it. Anyway, do you need the data right now?” Iseul asked without even glancing up.
“Yeah. We need it for this client to get them to go with the current proposal,” Gyuri answered as she took another look at what her boss had written on the yellow sticky.
“Okay, I’m going to print it out then… That’s the one thing I can do,” Iseul laughed sarcastically. “Fuck my life.”
The one thing Gyuri could identify out of all the things Iseul had done in front of her was the keyboard shortcut for printing, but she did that so quickly that it didn’t even seem like she was putting in the shortcut for printing. Iseul got up and went to the print, and Gyuri didn’t even bother following her because of one reason: Mr. Kang Yeosang exited his office.
Gyuri felt a pool of saliva build in her mouth as she watched Yeosang walk briskly to a cluster of desks. He slammed his hand on the desk as he stood directly behind a girl— Yang Jinah. She couldn’t help but watch the situation unfold mainly because she wanted to take in all of Yeosang. He was leaning on the table and pointing at Jinah’s desktop screen while whispering angry commands to his subordinate. And even though the situation was absolutely dire, Gyuri couldn’t help but think how she would kill for Yeosang to yell at her like that.
Today, Yeosang was wearing a black button-down. He had rolled his sleeves up neatly so they exposed most of his surprisingly muscular, porcelain forearms. She observed his face. His eye brows were scrunched together, and his eyes were narrowed. He looked extremely angry, which turned Gyuri on more than it should have.
“Hey, I have your— Gyu, what the fuck? Why is your nose bleeding?”
Gyuri, who thought her friend was lying to her, touched her face to see that she was indeed bleeding.
“Shit… You’re right.”
As Gyuri tried to find ways to stop the bleeding, she saw Iseul’s eyes dart over to where Gyuri was staring.
“Really?!” Iseul smacked the top of Gyuri’s head with the data papers.
“Fuck off! Gimme a tissue and the data so I can stop the bleeding faster and leave.”
The second Iseul handed her a tissue, Gyuri ripped it and rolled the ripped piece up so she could put it in her nose. She successfully blocked the bleeding, grabbed the data, and left the department right as Yeosang started yelling out orders. She really wished she could’ve stayed to see intense Yeosang, but she figured it was probably better for her to leave the department to fix their servers.
On her way back to her own department, Gyuri quickly stopped at the bathroom to fix her face. Her nose had luckily stopped bleeding, but it was red. She sighed as she looked at her reflection. Her eyes still had large bags under them, and her face was more pale than usual thanks to her bright red nose. She finally understood how Rudolph felt.
The woman trudged back to Wooyoung’s desk, and downheartedly, she said, “The servers are down, which is why they weren’t able to send the data.”
“Again? There hasn’t been another MV release,” Wooyoung said with pure confusion.
“I don’t know, but the IT department is freaking out. I think the server meltdown is worse than usual.”
“I see… Well, thank you for grabbing the data for me.”
“Of course, boss!”
Gyuri handed the packet of data to her boss. Their fingertips brushed against each other, startling Wooyoung. Gyuri, however didn’t notice the man’s consternation. He turned in his chair and started flipping through the pages. Gyuri leaned over his shoulder to point at some of the figures, but before she could even utter a word to her boss, San walked into the office floor from somewhere that was not his personal office, his voice booming.
“Hwang. My office. Now.”
With that, San walked straight into his office, the door slamming open as he entered. Gyuri could feel the eyes of every single person in their department on her, and she felt like she could just burst into flames. She hated the CMO even more for embarrassing her like that in front of her coworkers. Avoiding eye contact with everyone, Gyuri slinked away from Wooyoung’s desk.
“Good luck, Gyuri,” Wooyoung whispered to her.
Gyuri shot her boss a tearful expression in response before fully entering San’s office. She barely got her entire body through the doorframe before San ordered loudly so that the entire office could definitely hear, “Close the door.”
With a meek nod, Gyuri closed the door quietly.
“Lock it,” San said, his voice no longer loud and scary.
Questions flew through the girl’s mind as she obeyed the boss in front of her. She turned to see San pacing his office nervously. He kept running his fingers through his hair— he looked like the epitome of stress in that moment.
“…Mr. Choi?” Gyuri asked gingerly.
San sat in his office chair as Gyuri sat in the furthest chair in the room slowly. Her anxiety was rising rapidly. She’d never been in a position before where she felt like she was about to get fired, but she definitely felt like she was getting fired based off of the way San was acting. She watched his own anxiety begin to manifest; his knee was bouncing uncontrollably, and he was tapping his fingers in a nonsensical rhythm on his wooden desk. Finally, he cleared his throat and began to address why he had called Gyuri into his office.
“Where were you the night of the company dinner?”
Gyuri felt her blood run cold. Every hair on her body stood on edge. Her mind reeled. She tried to find a way to answer him truthfully but also not at the expense of herself. She really did not want him to know.
“Ah… Um… At the restaurant?” Gyuri hoped her smart-ass response would throw him off his interrogation. It did not.
“I went out for a smoke…” Gyuri felt her resolve start to melt.
All the energy drained from the girl’s body as she found herself not being able to lie to her boss. She answered quietly, “…A hotel…”
“…With who…?”
Gyuri’s silence spoke volumes. Frustrated, San messed up his hair. His hair, which was usually neat and orderly, now shielded his eyes. He, too, did not seem happy with the fact that he and Gyuri slept together.
“Fuck! What the fuck, Hwang Gyuri?!” San whisper-yelled.
“How did you even find out?! You didn’t remember who you slept with!” Gyuri flipped the interrogation onto him.
“How do you know that?!”
“Hwa and I were at the same ramen place as you as Mr. Jeong on Saturday, and we heard you, so tell me how you found out!”
“Hwa told me!”
Gyuri had never felt so betrayed in her entire life. She vocalized her thoughts, “What the fuck?! He said he wouldn’t!”
“I went to talk to him about it because I was trying to figure out if this would be an HR problem, but he was acting super suspicious and guilty when I asked him if I knew what happened, so I forced the information out of him,” San answered with a heavy sigh.
With her whole heart, Gyuri swore to herself that she was going to kill Seonghwa for being a weak-willed traitor.
“How the fuck did this even happen?” San buried his face in his hands, the question coming out muffled.
“I don’t know what happened either…”
“Did you spike my drink?”
“Excuse me?!” Gyuri was taken aback. “Are you seriously accusing me of drugging you?!”
“I just need to be sure!”
“No, of course I did not! Do you seriously think I wanted to have sex with you of all people that night?! Also, how can I be sure that you didn’t spike my drink?!”
“You think I wanted to have sex with you that night?” San shot back.
“…Okay fair.”
Although it didn’t seem humanly possible, San sunk lower into his office chair. Both Gyuri and San held their heads in their hands. Gyuri racked her brain for a plan of action. She knew for a fact that San, like her, did not like the situation one bit.
“No one can know,” San decided.
“Of course… Except Seonghwa does, which you know because he told you.”
“And Yunho does too because I freaked out in his office before this.”
“Oh, that’s why you weren’t in your office…” Gyuri realized out loud.
“Yes, he knows, but no one else!”
“Yes! No one else!”
“And this never happened!”
“Yes, I agree!”
A weird silence fell between the two as the weight of the situation lessened. The two couldn’t even look each other in the eye despite reaching the same conclusion.
“Is this the first time we agreed on something?” San asked incredulously.
“Yeah… The world is going to end, isn’t it,” Gyuri said as her eyes went wide.
Another moment of silence.
“You know, it would be great if you could agree with me more often,” San admitted.
“Keep saying smart shit like that, and you’ve got yourself a deal,” Gyuri quipped.
“Do you have a retort for everything I say or something?”
“If you stop saying stupid shit, then I won’t need to.”
“Want me to fire you?” San got up out of his chair— the two were definitely going to argue once again.
“Do it, no balls. You do, and I’ll tell everyone about you taking me to that hotel and fucking me,” Gyuri stood up as well.“God, why the fuck did I have to sleep with you of all people?!”
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fortune-fool02 · 1 year
A Father’s Sacrifice
Dad Leon Kennedy x daughter, female reader
Summary: A father will do anything to ensure the safety of his child. Even at the cost of his own humanity. 
Warnings: Angst. Blood. Light body horror. Parental-Child love. Violence. 
Taglist; @multi-fandom-imagine​
This was based on a dream I mentioned a bit ago with some other bits added. 
Please enjoy! 
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Something tugged at the back of Leon’s mind, a whisper in his thoughts that would not be silenced. His handgun gripped tightly in his hand, his breathing calm and collected. A steady breath in, and steady breath out. Beside him, a young woman stood in her early twenties. Still a child in his eyes. His child. 
A part of Leon hated how this had come to be. His daughter standing as his partner in the D.S.O. He never wanted her to have a life like he did, he wanted her to branch off to explore something else, another passion. Something safe. But, much to his dismay, she trained and rose the ranks as he did. Many people often said how proud he must be of her. And he was, every little accomplishment of hers, he valued, he celebrated. Every failure, he was there to offer comfort. 
He could not have asked for a finer daughter than his precious [Name]. 
She stayed by his side, waiting for his order. The team they had supposed to meet were slaughtered by an unknown B.O.W, something powerful. It tore through their men, splattering blood all over the corridors, limbs left behind feet away from their bodies. Fear and horror etched into the faces of dead men. It made Leon’s stomach churn that he had to bring his daughter into this. That one day, it may be her face on the floor, etched with such fear over empty, lifeless eyes. 
Leon would ensure that it would never come to that. As long as he still had breath in his lungs and blood in his veins, he would protect her at all costs. Even if it meant putting himself in the firing line. He promised himself that the moment he first held her in his arms, when those eyes looked up at him and he saw such light in them that even the sun itself could be jealous of. 
Shaking his head a little, Leon peered through the archway of a door and felt his breath hitch a little. Inside the room were containers secured to the wall ahead of them, filled with vials, each labelled with a serial number and a letter. These were viruses. Each and every one of them. 
“Oh my God...” [Name] spoke softly, her eyes wide with disbelief as they both walked inside carefully. Her eyes trying to process just how many vials there were there. “If any of these get into the streets...” Her voice trailed off, the idea of these viruses being released to the public made her shudder. How many would die? Even with every ounce of help, there was not a chance this could be stopped. Looking around, [Name] wasted no time in rushing over to the computer system, looking over the information. Whatever manufacturer this was, there was a chance there must be an way to destroy the samples here. 
Her fingers dancing along the keyboard, searching for anything of use before getting ready to destroy the samples, Leon staying close to cover her as she did. This all felt too.... easy. That irritating worry gnawed away more now, 
“Okay, I think I got it.” A low whirring hum of machinery was made as a series of mechanical arms began to move, row, by row, the samples were destroyed. [Name] turned to face her father, a warm smile on her lips, a sense of pride in her eyes. Leon’s lips twitched to mirror that smile until he heard something. A clicking sound. It was soft at first, like a clock ticking. 
Leon’s eyes widened in horror, realising the source of the ticking. Before he could even get a word out, a booming explosion burst forward, pulsing through the room with a powerful force, sending them flying into opposite directions. Leon crashed into a wall with a painful thud, his head smacking the wall hard and everything went black for a moment. 
The sun spilled through the curtains of the hospital room, pouring over one bed and one bed only. Anxiety knotted away at Leon as he slowly approached, the doctor closing the door behind him, giving Leon some space. His wife sat there, a bright yet tired smile on her face, small beads of sweat trickling down her skin but she didn’t care. 
In her arms was a bundled blanket, wrapped around the most precious thing he had ever laid eyes upon. Their daughter. 
“Isn’t she beautiful?” His wife asked, looking between him and their baby. Leon was speechless. No words could pass his lips as he simply looked at their baby. He sat down beside the bed. In all his life, he never imagined he would be a father. All the horror in his life, all the terrors he has witnessed and overcome, each a trial in its own way. All for this moment here. 
“She’s more than that.” He finally spoke, his voice so soft he almost didn’t recognise it himself. Slowly, his wife held the bundle towards him, and he almost refused. Worried that if he touched her, he might hurt her. The mere idea of anything awful befalling her made his chest tighten. 
“I won’t let anything happen to you, [Name]. I swear it.” He whispered, pressing his lips on her forehead gently. 
Thick smoke and the walls seemed to mix together for him for a moment, making it difficult to determine where he was looking. The back of his head felt slightly damp, with a shaky hand, he reached over and touched it, wincing at the shot of pain that came from the contact. Blood. All sounds around him were distant, far away as if he was underwater. There was something beeping somewhere, a vibrant red-light flashing but was clouded by the smoke. That must have been from the machine. 
Turning his head upwards a bit, he blinked the stars from his vision away to see the containment unit of the virus destroyed. Vials scattered about. Some shattered while some remained intact. Before his mind could wander elsewhere, a heavy thudding sound was heard, like footsteps, though they weren’t coming in his direction. They were moving away from him. 
Soft, pained sobbing caught his attention, sending a sharp shard of panic through his body, lighting up every fibre of his being. Beyond a fallen piece of machinery, Leon could just see [Name]’s hair, her body seeming to be trapped under a large piece of rubble. Panic surged through his body, gathering what little strength he had left as he tried to push himself up. He had to protect her. 
His legs were weak, shaky, but he moved forward. Adrenaline pumping through his veins as he grabbed his gun, his eyes locked on the thing approaching his daughter. The B.O.W. A large, hulking form twice the size of him, dark purple veins covering its entire body as they seemed to glow almost, its body twisted to a point it was almost unrecognisable as one being human. 
It tore the rubble off her like nothing, staring down at [Name]’s body as she tried to move back, tried to crawl away from him. The metal shard in her leg kept her in place, blood seeping below her. 
“Get the fuck away from my daughter!” Leon shouted, unleashing a flurry of bullets at the bioweapon, rage boiling within him, scorching his veins. The bullets seemed to almost bounce off the bioweapon’s thick skin, as it turned its head away from her and looked at Leon. Still, he held his ground, even as the bioweapon charged at him, raising its arm and striking his side, sending him flying through the air and crashing into the wall. A sharp snap was heard and a searing pain burned his back. His vision spun lightly, his mind processing the pulsing agony in his spine. 
“D-Dad!” [Name]’s voice was off to the side somewhere, thick with fear and concern that made his heart twist with discomfort. But he couldn’t move. His legs refused to obey him, his muscles heavy as he laid there, panting shallow breaths. His right hand still twitched, still responded to some degree. A vial, undamaged, rolled off the shelf and towards him. Leon looked at it, he watched the blackened liquid inside it swill and flow lightly, his mind focusing on one thought only. Carefully, his fingers reached out towards it, the tips brushing against the cold casing before he was able to grab it and pull it into his hand properly. 
He made a vow that day that he would do anything to protect his daughter. Even if it cost him everything. 
[Name] coughed, trying to push herself up again as she winced, looking up towards the bioweapon as it stood in front of her. Its eyes gazing down at her like she was nothing, an ant to be crushed beneath its foot. Tears welled in her eyes and she couldn’t help but tremble as a small, scared sob left her lips. It smiled at her before it took another step towards her but stopped. 
A strong force shook the ground below them before something pierced through the bioweapon from behind, latching a powerful grip enough to lift the creature into the air and slam it into the ground, making the floor crackle widely. Among the smoke and flames, [Name] saw something pinning the bioweapon down, a large, thick bladed tail swinging around the creature as it yanked the end from the bioweapon. Savage, twisted snarls left its throat as it slammed the monster into the ground again, a sickening split heard as the skull split open, spilling the contents of its head out onto the floor. But that didn’t stop it. It slammed the head again, and again, and again until there was nothing left but a mess of gore and piece of bones. 
Once satisfied with its carnage, the creature tossed the carcass aside before it turned to her. Fear coursed through her as she saw it approach her, yet, it was quickly snuffed out and replaced with a suffocating dread as light finally hit its face. Her eyes widened as more small tears trickled down her cheeks. 
“Dad...?” Among the blood on its face, beyond the grotesque mutations that corrupted its body, twisting it to almost beyond recognition, she saw those eyes. The locks of hair that still remained in place, if not damp by blood. A low chitter was heard, mandibles on the sides of its jaws opening up slowly, dripping with saliva as it looked at the girl. The savageness in those eyes shimmered violently and yet there was something else behind it, some flicker of humanity that was fighting to remain present, to not be overcome and consumed by the virus. 
“[Na....me]....” The vocals chords shifted, trying to form the word as if it was alien to it. But the eyes gave it away. Carefully, she shifted around to face it- no, her father- more and tried to stand up, ignoring the burning pain in her leg. 
“Y-Yeah, it’s me.... dad.” Her hand reached out slowly towards him, a light tremble shaking it as she did despite her best efforts. He looked at her hand before another rumble left his throat, the tail shaking lightly as it came back into view, the end twisted like a scorpion's sting almost. The sight of it dripping in blood and gore made her stomach churn but she pushed it down, keeping her eyes on her father. Slowly, her arms rose up and she wrapped them around his neck, pulling herself against him in a hug. 
“I-It’s okay, dad... I-It’s going to be okay.” 
In truth, [Name] was not sure if she was trying to convince him or herself. 
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yeonzzzn · 1 year
🎙chasing you: lee know / bang chan
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pairing: lee know x afab!reader x bang chan word count: 1.3k
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synopsis: you couldn’t believe you got hired as an intern at your favorite radio show. While hoping to learn the do’s and dont’s of being a radio personality, you start to fall for both of your bosses…
genre: radio show host!au, non-idol!au, love triangle, smut
warnings: will be given on each part ♡
intro | one | two | three
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You wiped your sweaty hands on the fabric of your skirt, repeating the same words over and over in your head, “Just walk in idiot!! What are you so afraid of?” But the truth of it was that you were afraid of everything and anything that could go wrong. 
The sole fact that you were even standing outside the building terrified you. You kept checking the address on the crumpled-up piece of paper, and sure enough, this was obviously the right place no matter how many times you rechecked it. 
A week ago you sat on the corner of your bed, listening to your favorite radio show: Stray Days. You couldn’t help but smile and giggle at the radio personality hosts and the jokes and stories they would tell. There were two of them: Christopher Bang and Lee Minho. 
It was just any other normal day listening to their show when the boys announced they were looking for a third host. You jumped at the opportunity and applied on their website, not even thinking you’d be lucky enough to get the job. 
But here you are, your luck finding its way to you as you stand in front of the building they record and work in. 
You were surprised when you got the email yesterday morning saying you got the job and would start as an intern today. You were up all night choosing your outfit. 
You decided to go with your favorite black skirt, white and black striped long-sleeve shirt tucked into the skirt, white high-top converse, and black knee-high socks. Your hair was curled and gently pulled behind your ears. It was an amazing look, your best friend Han even agreed. 
Whipping out your phone from your tote bag, you dial his number, and pick up not even a second later. 
“You better be calling me from inside that building, Y/N.”
Before you could even speak a word, Han was already speaking again. 
“Y/N, dammit I can literally hear the wind on your in. You haven’t gone inside yet?!” 
You sighed, “Hannie I’m terrified! What if I fuck up and they hate me?”
“Impossible,” he reassured you, “They are going to LOVE you! I promise. Y/N, girl, you literally fit all the requirements for the job. You’re funny, talented, have an amazing storytelling voice and you’re so creative. Stop doubting yourself and get your ass inside that building before you are late!” 
Han’s words were enough to encourage you to walk inside. To push open the door and stroll in like you deserved to be here. 
But once the door closed behind you, that confidence left. 
“Holy fuck, Hannie.”
You could practically hear the confusion in his voice, “Yes?”
“I’m inside and now I’m scared again.”
“Oh my fuck, I’m hanging up.” 
“No!! Han!”
And the line went dead. 
You cursed him for leaving you but decided maybe it was best to find where you were supposed to go before you were late. 
The hall at the end opened up to a lobby, a receptionist sat at the desk typing away at her computer. 
You walked up, once again wiping the sweat forming on your hands. 
She notices you right away, “Welcome in! You must be Y/N, correct?” she said with a smile. 
You nodded, “Yes, that’s me!” 
“Perfect!” She stood up from the chair, pointing you over to the elevator, “Mr. Chan and Lee are waiting for you on the third floor. If the sign is red, do not walk into the studio.”
You once again nodded, “Thank you, ma’am.”
“Oh, call me Jihyo!”
You gave her a soft smile, thanked her again, and made your way to the elevator. 
Once inside, you pressed the button for the third floor. A few seconds later, the short ride ended. 
You stepped out of the elevator. Reality hits you like a truck. Holy fuck, you’re actually here. You’ve dreamt about being a radio personality. You even joined the broadcasting club in high school. So now that you’re standing in an actual recording studio sent chills down your spine and your heart wanted to leap out of your chest. 
There was a small hall that turned into the studio, and the red “on-air” sign was lit up. 
A muscular guy sat at the control desk, moving the dials on the soundboard, adjusting the sound coming from inside the recording room. 
You slowly walked up, seeing Christopher Bang and Lee Minho themselves. They sat across from each other, laughing together, papers in hand that you assumed were the scripts. 
The guy at the desk turned around, removing one of the earmuffs off his head, and turned back around, “You must be the new girl.”
“Yes.” You softly spoke.
“The guys are almost done, they are wrapping up the last bit and will be out to greet you.” 
You nodded, the nerves setting in even more. 
His words snapped you out of your daze, “I’m sorry?”
“Changbin. I’m the tech guy, nice to meet you.” 
You’ve heard his name plenty of times from the guys. They always talk about how great of a tech guy he was for them. Sometimes even make jokes and tease him while on air knowing he can’t do anything about it.
Even though Changbin looks like he would fold them out in less than ten seconds alone. 
“I’m Y/N, it’s very nice meeting you as well, Changbin.” 
Changbin held up his hand, folding each finger down until one remained then switched the sign off. 
Christopher and Minho stood from the chairs, setting their headsets neatly on the table. 
Your heart pounded against your ribcage, watching closely as the two men who have inspired you to continue your dreams, walked out of the recording studio. 
They high fives Changbin, before they stopped in front of you. 
You could have sworn they could see how fast your heart was beating, ready to burst open from your chest. 
All you could do was stare at them, they were two gorgeously hot men, who happened to be your bosses. 
“You must be Y/N,” Christopher’s thick Aussie accent said with a wide smile, “welcome to our studio.” 
You nodded, “Thank you for giving me this chance, Mr. Bang and Mr. Lee.”
They both chuckled. You tilted your head in confusion, did you say something wrong?
“We don’t go with Mr, around here,” Minho said, reaching out for your hand, “Call me Minho.” His bunny smile warms your heart, calming whatever nerves that were once there. 
You smiled at him, “Thank you, Minho.” 
Christopher cleared his throat, gaining your attention, “You may call me by my name or even Chan, whichever you prefer.”
Chan stared down at Minho’s hand still connected with yours, his brows raising.
You pulled away from Minho, a small laugh escaping his lips. 
“Now, for the next couple weeks we will train you the basics of being a host,” Chan started, “Changbin will also train you how to properly use the boards and when to switch the volume for the sounds.”
You nodded, “When will I be ready to be in the booth with you both?” 
Chan took a step closer to you, your body frozen in place as you stared up at him, “You will have a couple of practice sessions with both of us. There will be a point system, if you reach all the points, you will start being on-air with us.” 
Minho leaned down closer to you, his bunny smile even wider than before, “Not to mention if you don’t meet our expectations, you will be removed and we will find another host.” 
You glanced back and forth between them, smirks dancing on their faces. 
Little did you know the challenges you would face over the next few weeks, but also the way the two would grab your heart. 
A/N: hello! This is my first ever multi-part imagination! I have been racking my brain on this idea for a couple of weeks now and couldn’t for the life of me decide who would fit better for this. In the end, I decided the two I kept switching back and forth for (they also are both my bias and my bias wreck, so this fic just was perfect for what I’m imagining) I hope you guys enjoy this and look forward to the spice to come! As of right now, this image has three parts, but I will add more if it’s needed for the story to end. enjoy!♡
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menacing-menace-rat · 6 months
Heya! Just saw your post so I hope you don't mind my fluff related somewhat crossover of Batman and Moon Knight:
In this random AU, Bruce Wayne witnessing the death of his parents was such a traumatic moment that it would spiral to give him DID (his extra personalities being Steven Grant and Jake Lockley from Moon Knight).
Now in present time, each character of the batfamily (of your choice) while doing something together (maybe training perhaps) can't help but each remember fondly about the first time meeting Bruce and eventually finding out and meeting his other personalities as well and how much it was quite a surprise. They even each tell their most fondest memories with Bruce, Steven or Jake, by the end, they don't realize that Bruce Wayne has came back, smiling with Steven Grant and Jake Lockley also feeling happy.
Hope that's okay, thanks and have a great day
Hey! Okay I think I understand the request but in case I don't, feel free to ask again. I have never done cross over stuff before but I love both batman and moonknight so I'm excited to try. They really feel like they fit together so well. I can totally imagine the wild interactions between these men. Anyway without further or do here you go! 😄
        The kids were used to Bruce's changes. Most of them thought of Steven as a second dad. Jake only came out when needed but having a family seemed to mello him out almost like he felt safe with them.
        It had been a rough night for everyone. Gotham just seemed to be falling deeper into the hands of crime lords and maniacs. Dick, Jason, and Tim made their way to the kitchen for a snack before bed. 
        “Any of you catch Jake and Bruce arguing again?” Tim asked as Dick grabbed them all some cereal. 
        “Nah I got real good at tuning out their bickering. Don't take them so seriously. They will work it out.” Jason says as he shoves a whole huge spoonful cereal into his mouth. 
         “Do you guys remember a few Christmases ago when Steven and Alfred worked all morning to set up the living room for a Christmas card photo and Damien puked all over the rug?” Dick said as he finally made himself a bowl. He smiled as he remembered the look on everyone's face. There they all were dressed in their finest and poor Damien just couldn't keep it down. 
          “All I remember was the smell. I told him not to eat the ancient candy canes in the decoration box.” Tim said with a chuckle. “I thought you were going to bring up when Jake bought that bike and tried to park it in the greenhouse. I thought Bruce was going to throw that thing in the pool for a second.” Tim added. 
         “Oh my God I forgot about that!” Jason interjected as he choked down another large spoonful. “That bike was great. I think that was the first bike I ever rode. Jake can be a pain but he taught me everything I know about bikes. I hope Bruce wasn't jumping down his throat too much tonight. The guy really has a knack for taking the fun out of vigilante work.” 
         Everyone knew Jason and Jake were close. When Jason first came back from the dead Jake was the only person he'd let near him. They just understood each other. Jake was the father Jason thought he needed. 
         “Jake's alright but Steven will let me talk his ear off all day if Bruce isn't busy. I even got him into RPGs and he helped me rebuild my computer.” Tim commented finishing his bowl of cereal first.
       The boys continued talking about their shared experiences with Bruce, Steven, and Jake. It's an unconventional set up for a family but they all manage to make it work together.
       At some point Bruce realized they hadn't gotten around for bed yet so he looked in the one place he knew he'd find three teen boys, the kitchen. Sure enough they were there all sat on stools, cereal long finished. They were boisterously recounting their favorite moments with their surrogate fathers. If Steven had been in control a tear might have come to Bruce's eye.
       The sun started to rise and eventually they all went to bed. Bruce couldn't help but sleep a little sounder knowing Steven and Jake were loved by his adopted sons. He couldn't ask for a better family.
        It got a little sappy near the end but I hope you enjoyed. It was a really fun AU to write. The idea is super creative and sweet. I hope I did it justice. 💕
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moominofthevalley · 5 months
If all else fails, write some letters.
emily rose
teen | wc: 1.1k | cw: mentions of grief
a/n: first drabble of 2024. sorry it took so long. hope you enjoy ♡ banner credits from airidescence
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It’s been ten years and I still don’t know where to put all this grief.
Uncle Tommy suggested I see a shrink, so I told him to fuck off. I promised him I’d write these stupid letters instead. Journaling, mindfulness, yoga - all that does nothing for me. This shit better work. Anyways. Here’s a list of things you never got to see.
I stopped playing soccer after a broken ankle - it was gnarly. I remember crying in the hospital all night.
My grades got somewhat better. I graduated high school. Somehow became the youngest person in the city to make the Homicide Division. It’s shit work. The captain is a bit of an ass. Tommy met her at a few holiday parties and it did not go well.
By the way, Tommy misses you too. A few weeks ago, we looked through the attic and found a bunch of old photo albums and VHS tapes. We spent all day looking through them. There was a picture of us sitting on your old couch - the black leather one with all the cigarette butts in the cup holders.
My head hurts writing this. We still have nothing for you. No evidence, no lead. Not any fingerprints. The files don’t have anything. I’m pissed. There has to be something. It’s been ten years without you and all that I have left are some old photos and beat-up jackets.
You need justice. I need answers.
We miss you so much. I’m going to stop writing before I throw up.
Always surviving, Emily Rose 09/10/19
* * * *
I had a fluffernutter sandwich this morning and thought of you.
Don’t know why I love it so much. I probably have a dozen cavities. I’m sorry it’s been so long since my last letter - so much has happened.
I quit the NYPD, how shocking. I found so much - probably enough to fire every cop in my precinct - but HR turned on me. Dead rats in my lockers. Side eyes from everyone. So I left. I spent two weeks on my ass, bartending at the Drunk Tank until Tommy made me chat with an old friend of his. Mafalda. I think you knew her too. It’s better here, if not way more chaotic. We have a computer guy named Luke, he’s pretty awkward. A bit pretentious. Terrible cook, too. But he lost his mom around the same time I lost you. There’s a forensic analyst named Ruby who stops by. She’s sweet, always reminding me I can talk to her if I need to. We went out for drinks last night and I honestly can’t remember the last time I laughed so hard.
Also, I got rid of that stupid couch you loved. It was all ripped up and probably full of mold. Uncle Tommy and I spent a whole day looking for a new couch. I landed on this velvet green one with some fancy fringe at the bottom. Very bougie, I know.
You know, it’s annoying funny how people enter your life and insist on staying there. His name is Trystan Thorne and you’d love him. Uncle Tommy does, but I think it’s cause he buys him fancy donuts every morning. I wish you could meet him. I barged into his penthouse, beat his ass, and now we’re partners. Isn’t that weird? He’s infuriating, but it’s nice to have him around. Don’t tell him I said that. I told him some stories about you today and it felt so good to talk about everything.
Finally, some good news. We might have something for you. Some mafia leader named Big V. I told Tommy and Mafalda about her and they both think there’s a chance she did it. I hate that it’s taken so long to come up with just one possible lead. But I’d do anything to know what happened to you.
I’m sorry I didn’t talk to you more. I miss you so fucking much. Here’s to fifteen years without you.
Always surviving, Emily Rose 10/08/23
* * * *
It’s been only a few months since my last letter and so much has happened. Trystan was put on trial for a murder he didn’t commit. We had to fly half the team to Drakovia as a hail mary. Ended up playing a lawyer for a few minutes. it was weird.
I messed up so many times. Trystan and I fought over something we both knew the answer to. Sebastyan...Fuck. Vasili is dead. Every time I remember that look in his eye, I want to throw up.
It’s three am and Trystan is sleeping right next to me. He always listens to me talk about you. I keep imagining all the dinners and talks we could’ve had, just the three of us. You could’ve told him all your stupid jokes - like the one about eating a clock.
Tomorrow is my twenty-ninth birthday. Tommy told me he had something planned. I bet you ten bucks it’ll be a party at the Drunk Tank. I remember growing up, you guys would spend the entire night decorating the apartment with balloons. I hope Tommy isn’t doing that this year.
You’re here everywhere I go. I was doing laundry earlier and saw one of Tommy’s button-downs that used to be yours. It still smelled like you. I make coffee just the way you did - black. I have your small, round nose.
I hate that your life was taken from me. But I will find you at the end of mine. I love you, Dad. Come visit me sometime? Please.
Always living, Emily Rose 3/31/24
* * * * I’ve missed writing. I wrote this all in a day after I found the most devastating YouTube comment and just had to write something. Also, if you didn’t notice the start of the 2nd letter is a little reference to this fic. Anyway - there’s definitely more writing coming from me soon...Hope you enjoyed this angst xx
Click here for the masterlist of all my works so far! Tags: @choicesficwriterscreations @jerzwriter @logolepzy @stars-are-within-me@shadyinternetblizzard @urcowboyboyfriend @lexicook74-blog @leahtine @jahrobin @calisomnia @kyra75 @icarusfallsforever @inlocusmads @tessa-liam
@dutifullynuttywitch @juudaimes-true-form @plathski @cnvrsecupid @im-the-galactic-starfish (let me know if anyone else would like to be added to my perma tag!)
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black-aurora-nora · 2 years
The Lie Above Pt. 1 | Yandere!TMNT (2016) x Teen!Reader
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The TV loudly played throughout the sewer that had been your home for a few months now. The same theme song that you'd now grown to hate played for the umpteenth time and you found yourself unable to watch what was once your favorite TV show.
You huffed, turning down the volume and picking up a word search book. This would be your 20th one, if you remembered correctly.
Flipping through the pages, you huffed again and threw the book back onto the small table.
You hated this.
You hated when your brothers left, but you understood that it couldn't be helped.
The world was ending outside, above the sewers. A couple months ago, an alien species called the Krang began their colonization of the world. Your brothers were some of the only few left that could help in the rebellion.
And though you understood that they were needed, you wished that your life wasn't so dull. Hiding out was incredibly draining.
You missed your old life.
Your mom and dad.
You used to cry a lot when you first found out they were dead. Leo was the one that told you and Mikey would stay behind to watch after you while you grieved.
The both of you grew close during that time but then you got better and they had to start going out to fight the bad guys.
Sometimes you worried about them.
Speaking of the devil, you heard the telltale sounds of your brothers cheering and whooping as they arrived back to the base.
"Wassup, (Y/N)!" Mikey greeted.
You mustered up a small smile, "Hey."
Raph groaned at your lack of enthusiasm, "Oh no," He groaned, "She's in a sour mood again. You run out of word searches again?"
Leo elbowed him, shooting him a sharp look, "Don't."
"What's troubling you, my little sister?" Mikey asked in a silly tone, coming over to sit by you and drape a green arm over your shoulder, "C'mon, you can tell Big Bro Mikey, ignore the big bad Raph."
“There’s nothing to do down here. You guys are gone for hours and I’m stuck here watching reruns and doing word searches.” You explained, “I need something else to do.”
Donnie hummed at that, taking in what you said with a push of his glasses, “Like what? I’m sure we can find something else for you above ground.”
You shrugged, sliding away from Mikey.
An idea popped into your head and you blurted it out, “What if there was a way I could help you guys out during your missions?”
“No.” Leo responded firmly.
You slumped slightly before continuing, “I don’t mean go out with you guys,” you corrected, “I meant what if Donnie taught me how to use some of his computers? I could be the team’s ‘eye’.”
Then you’d never be bored and know that they’re safe. It was perfect.
“No, (Y/N).”
You furrowed your brows, “Why not? I’m not in the line of fire and I’m actually a part of the team! I could be great help as long as Donnie teaches me!”
The three brothers looked to the leader and Leo only kept his eyes rested on you.
Raph crossed his arms, cocking his head to the side, “Do you really think that you’re smart enough to use Donnie’s computers? Or that Donnie has enough time to teach you?”
Those were good questions but you had answers.
“I’m not smart enough now, but I can learn and you guys can’t go out during the day so that leaves plenty of time for him to teach me.” You felt yourself glowing at how well you answered.
How could they say no now?
"Look, (Y/N)," Leo started with a sigh and you felt yourself slump ever so slightly, "Donnie is already our tech guy. We can't waste time trying to teach you what he already knows."
Donnie nodded sadly in agreement, "Leo's right, (Y/N). Plus, we need to rest up during the day. I can't have a sharp mind on little sleep, y'know?" He chuckled nervously.
"So... I'm just supposed to stay trapped down here doing nothing?!" You asked rhetorically, "You guys can go out and fight in the rebellion but I have to sit down here with no one to talk to and three things to do?" Your arms crossed over your chest, "Yeah, that sounds fair."
Raph scoffed at your display of attitude, "You make it sound like we have fun while we're out there."
"It's better than staying down here," You huffed, unable to stop yourself from speaking out your thoughts, "Sometimes I wish I'd died before I'd met you guys."
You felt a release in your chest. It kind of felt good to get that out. But it also felt bad because you knew it would hurt your brothers.
But maybe you wanted to hurt them. All they ever did was leave you down in the sewers expecting you to greet them with a smile every time they came back. It was only fair that they feel a bit of what you dealt with every day.
There was a stunned silence that surrounded you and you almost said more.
"You don't mean that." Leo told you tightly. He sounded like he knew what he was talking about.
A shrug left you, "Yeah, because Leo always knows the answer." You said with whimsical sarcasm. "Leo always knows what's best, so who gives a fuck what (Y/N) thinks, right?"
"(Y/N)-" Mikey reached out for your shoulder but you stood up.
"Let's just get poor (Y/N) some more puzzle books, that'll shut her up. Let's make sure she doesn't get too close to Mikey because I'm Leo and what I say goes, right?"
Despite how visibly upset you were, Leo's fortitude didn't crack.
"You're obviously upset and saying things you don't mean. Why don't you go cool off in your room?"
Without another word, you beelined straight to your room and slammed the door.
The brothers remained silent for a few more moments until Raph spoke up.
"She read you for filth, huh?" He chuckled.
Mikey snorted at the comment, “Yeah, Leo, that must’ve sucked. I’m glad I wasn’t on the receiving end of that one.”
“I don’t know if more word searches is going to fix this.” Donnie thought for a moment, “I can try and get some other TV shows burned on some CDs but who knows how long that’ll hold her over until the next tantrum.”
“We’ll have to talk to her later. Try to help her understand that she’s got no choice but to stay down here.” Leo told his brothers.
“Probably need to make this ‘rebellion’ seem more dangerous than she previously thought.”
With that said, Donnie turned to go to his computers, “Since (Y/N) went to bed early, I’m going to make sure that her parents aren’t still looking for her on the news channel.”
“Good idea. Hopefully they’ll lose hope soon.”
The four brothers went their separate ways and (Y/N) quickly scurried back to her room, heart in her stomach.
What the hell was going on?
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parasolids · 23 days
productivity hack for the barely functional
hi i am a deeply unfocused person. i rarely get out of bed on weekends and often struggle to do work or participate in hobbies because i struggle bad with initiating tasks or even figuring out what to do. however i have figured out a trick to keep my chronically doomscrolling self in motion, both at work and in hobbies, and i would like to share. this is a combination of the things that got my failing self through college, and my completely dead self to start doing hobbies again
do you often find yourself unable to get started with studying/work because there's just so much to do and your brain won't power on? do you often find yourself laying on the couch thinking of how you want to draw/watch TV/listen to music/read a book/play video games so instead you just lay there doing nothing? this guide is for you and i'm confident enough in it that i'm using it right now to write this and also an email i've been dreading for a month
ok so basically this is a combination of a few different tricks i've used in my life: 1) the pomodoro method 2) the Just Do It For 5 Minutes method 3) the PUP system of prioritization 4) break it down into its tiniest parts. that all sounds very complicated but basically just
0) do not sit on the couch or the bed do not pass go. don't lay on the floor. sit at your workspace
bed is a glue trap you won't be able to get up
1) write down all the stuff you have to do. then break it down into subtasks
this works because it tells you exactly what you are going to do. great if you have a brain that can't start on a task without basically having a step by step instruction list
basically just what it says on the label. while you're booting up your computer or whatever, get out a sheet of paper/your ipad/word processor/notion/planner/whatever and just start writing down everything that comes into your head. then split it into subtasks.
the subtasks are going to depend on your energy levels. on a good day for me, they might look like "write emails" and the subtasks will be "email doctor / email coworker / send report to boss". on days where i'm really struggling, it will look more like "take laptop out of bag / take wire out of bag / plug in laptop / open email / find report in explorer / attach to email to boss / write body of email and send". this is great if you have a brain that struggles with not knowing where to start or needing very specific instructions to get something done! it feels stupid having a checkbox for "take laptop out of bag" but it beats sitting there for 30 minutes staring at the wall which is what i would be doing if i didn't write it all down
2) prioritize
this works because it basically tells you where to start
if you're feeling up to it: i found a neat guide online ages ago called the PUP system. stands for 'purpose, urgency, passion'. basically, on a scale of 0-3, rate each task (not subtask) on:
purpose: how much do i gain by doing this/lose by not doing this?
urgency: how soon do i need to be done?
passion: how much do i want to do it?
higher numbers mean it's a higher priority but you might weigh certain numbers higher (like i prioritize urgency first, then the rest)
if you're not feeling up to it, basically just focus on urgency. i highlight things that need to be done ASAP in red, things that need to be done soon in yellow, and things that are open ended in blue
3) mise en place
this works because it irons out the bump of "i need to do xyz but the items i need are in a secondary location" and then you don't move, also having the item in your line of sight makes it easier for you to use it
take out all your stuff that you'll need for your tasks so you don't get hung up on the roadblock of "i want to play nintendo but my nintendo is in my bag" or "i need to read up on music theory but i left my book downstairs"
4) pick 2-3 tasks and set a 5 minute timer and MOVE
this works because it's hard to sit down and focus on a task for a long time, but you CAN usually brute force yourself to stay on a task for 5 minutes. also, when you hit a roadblock on one task, you take a break from it and when you cycle back around to it you have a fresher mind. finally, variety means you'll be starting multiple things at once as opposed to just one thing. it's easier to keep moving on something once you've taken the first step
yeah basically set a 5 minute timer. i do this on my smartwatch cause i already have a timer shortcut on my watch face, it's silent, and it keeps me from getting on my phone. while the timer is running, take your first task and full send just do it nonstop until the timer runs out.
now when the timer goes off, if you feel like you're in a flow, KEEP GOING until you feel like you've hit a roadblock and then switch tasks. otherwise when the timer runs out don't silence/stop the notification right away. finish up your sentence or whatever, take a couple seconds to reply to a text, check your email, change playlists, etc, THEN turn off your notif. then hit the restart button and move to your task next task. once you've cycled through all 2-3 tasks, go back to the first one
5) after completing 5 blocks of 5 minutes, take a 5-10 minute break
easier to work when you know you have a break coming soon. self explanatory i guess
and yeah thats it. while writing this guide i also wrote and sent the extremely dreaded email, made a cup of tea, and grabbed my stuff from the car. normally i do literally nothing but doomscroll on weekends but the other day i managed to practice guitar and work on two drawings. today at work i got a lot of things started that i wouldn't have tried otherwise
go forth and do things
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ymmpily · 2 years
“You won’t betray me too, will you?”
Warnings: Spoilers, mentioning death, major character death, kidnapping, violence, swearing.
Italic means they are speaking in Na’vi.
Word count: 2,584
This work is 35 paragraphs long, if I have spelled anything wrong, used anything in the wrong way please let me know. I did proof read this ten times and had someone else do it about three but you never know. Thank you. | Part one of Betrayal
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Miles and me never really got along, but ever since Jake betrayed him he seems to see something in me now. He’s always keeping a close eye on me. I think he thinks I am going to betray him like Jake. Which I won’t, not yet, I have no reason too. I like studying and figuring out how Na’vi people work. One day of course I would love to be one. I envy Jake. While I am sitting here, he is out there enjoying life, being free. Whilst I am in here taking orders from the man that killed my colleague, Grace Augustine.
Grace and I were never really close but we definitely had things in common. We both loved teaching, though I didn't get to do much of it after I left Earth. She had this school here on Pandora. I remember her talking about it with Jake once, I only ever listened and I never engaged. Graces school taught young Na'vi about American education and language.
I never went to Graces school as I thought to fill my mind with other knowledgeable things. She always enjoyed her life while I sat around learning what she already knew. She also wanted to protect the Na'vi people as much as Jake, while I sat around doing nothing to help. Me and her differed in that part. I watched the RDA do so much damage to Pandora's life. I even watched as Neytiri, Jake's new found love, killed Miles Quaritch. I wished he had stayed dead.
The sound of a door slamming is what awoke me from my thoughts. Miles Quaritch, I groaned, rolling my eyes and getting up from the comfort of my chair. I stretched as Quaritch made his way over to my desk, "How is it? You know, being something you hate." I chuckled trying to start up a conversation. If I didn't he would stand over there and stare at me. He was silent from the question I asked, the air in the lab was tense.
If anything Quaritch scared me, the man could kill me for all I cared. Plus, he was now a 9 foot tall savage, as he liked calling it. I sighed and sat back down within the comfort of my chair. I wouldn't let my thoughts consume me whilst Miles was here, he might think that I am trying to think of ways out of this place. So instead I started typing away on my computer logging in the rest of the data I was supposed to log in hours ago, before I got lost in thought.
I was still typing away after an hour when I heard Quaritch clear out his throat shuffling his way over to the front of my desk. He announced, “You won’t betray me like Jake, will ya cupcake?” I looked at him curiously, as you to ask why he would bring up the topic of betrayal “Don’t fret kid, just a question. I want to make sure you are in a good headspace.” I nodded and simply answered with “No, I won’t betray you Quaritch. Now what is it you have to offer?”
The offer was not one I was expecting, we were headed to the old shack where Miles was killed. I was to take samples of the things around, retrieve anything of value. We dropped down from the Scorpion Gunship or ‘Helicopter’ for a simple name. I made sure to stay close to the Recoms. My plan wasn’t to die unless necessary. Quaritch looked around, fascinated almost by Pandora's woodlands. The other Recoms did the same.
“Stay close Spencer, don’t want your blood on our hands.” Zdinarsk smartly said. We also call her Z-Dog, which matches her personality. As we traveled farther into the forest we were met by four Viperwolfs, I watched as Quaritch and the others raised their weapons. Then the Viperwolves ran off, far away from us. “A nantang.”
Pandora's creatures are terrifying, Grace had spoken once about them. I snapped out of my thoughts once I heard Z-Dog speak, “No shit.” I started walking once more, this trip was going to be the death of me. Now the Recoms were on alert. We were close to the shack, we had to be. They made sure to keep their weapons raised, we really did not need to have casualties. Once I came into view with the shack I could see that it was covered with leaves and vines, Pandora’s life was making this beautiful.
I separated from the group once I heard that it was safe, I was to collect as many samples as possible. Miles made his way to his old suit, I felt sad for him. Though I didn’t need to. Miles is a bad person, he will always be. I saw some cool plants that I had yet to have samples of. I made sure to collect as much as possible. I was getting a little far from the Recoms but it was okay. I’d find my way back.
“Spencer, see if you can pull some data off that dashcam.” I heard Quaritch say from the distance, I groaned. Why did he have to interrupt my peacefulness? I made my way back over to the old shack, I saw them all surrounding Miles old suit, arrows pointing out of something. I assumed it was Quaritches decomposing skeleton. I swallowed hard going over and working to retrieve the data that should be left on this thing.
“Thing is deader than shit, Colonel.” Lyle said unsure if we could pull anything off of it. “Will you shut it?” I said quickly back to him, I was trying to concentrate, didn’t help that he was right. Maybe if the thing wasn’t deader than shit then I would be able to pull something from it. Quaritch chuckled lightly, “So were we.”
I shook my head lightly, chuckling. God they may be bad people but at least they have humor. Clicking on buttons, groaning when something didn’t go my way. Lyle kept watching as I worked. It was really pissing me off. “Can you stop breathing down my neck, Wainfleet.” I shook my head again, attitude radiating off of me. “No can do kid, gotta make sure you aren’t messing anything up.” I jumped slightly, I thought it was Lyle behind me, turns out it was Quaritch.
I really wanted to die, in that moment embarrassment consumed me. I continued to work pretending it was only me there and not everyone else. Looking around once I heard commotion, “Stay here. With me.” I knew something had to be up. Quaritch ran off with Lyle in the distance. I could see the other Recoms struggling, yelling. They were angry.
I swallowed hard, looking back at the old suit, continuing to work but I kept my ears open. I was definitely going to eavesdrop. I didn’t dare look over to where the Recoms were, I did not want Quaritch to call me over if he saw me being curious. I did not need to cause trouble today. I heard hissing and people speaking Na’vi quickly, I sighed knowing today was not going to end with me going back to the lab peacefully.
I clicked a few more buttons on the suit, finally I got the data that he wanted. I let out a long breath that I didn’t even realize I was holding. Slowly I got up brushing off the dirt on my trousers. These were my favorite pants, I didn’t want them to get too dirty. When I looked up from the ground Quaritch and the others were coming back over but with children. One was human.
I refused to acknowledge them, looking up at the Colonel. “Sir, I got what you asked for. I couldn’t retrieve much, Lyle was right that thing is deader than shit.” I glanced back at the Na’vi children, they looked familiar. Miles cleared his throat making me look back at him, “Get me some audio on this.” I nodded, pressing a few buttons as the audio echoed around. He looked disgusted.
“It’s Sully’s woman.” my lips formed into a line, this was awkward. Now I realize why those children look so familiar, they’re the Sully’s. Tonight someone was going to die, or maybe everyone. If we have Jake and Neytiri’s kids this won’t be good. This was going to be a rollercoaster that I did not want to ride. I felt my gut twist in knots, god did I feel sick. I did not consent to kidnapping children.
The kids kept struggling in the background, I could still hear the audio. I wanted to go back to my lab. I hated this, Quaritch and everything else. Everything was so loud all of a sudden, I was going to be sick. The sun was going down, it was going to be an eclipse soon. The audio from the tablet was making me sick, soon I heard Quaritch groan loudly, I looked and stared at my feet. I couldn’t listen anymore.
Lyle grabbed the tablet and handed it to me, “There is nothing after that, sir.” I sighed, I felt so sick. Quaritch reached over into his old suit, he then pulled out the human skull, crushing it into pieces. I gagged quietly hoping no one heard.
Now it was dark, big droplets from the sky fell onto my skin, soaking my clothing. Some of the Recoms kept their guns raised while the others kept hold of the children. I kept close to Quaritch like he told me too. “Three minutes.” I let out a breath of relief, finally going home. The forest was so quiet except for the occasional crunch from one of us moving around.
Quaritch told Sean to “Watch our 6”. God whatever that meant, I wanted to leave. I watched as the children looked around, Neytiri must be here. Now I was really starting to feel sick, oh I'm definitely going to die. Soon gunfire rang around echoing throughout the woodlands, I ran for cover seeing Sean had gotten shot with Neytiri’s arrow, straight through his head. I dry heaved, nothing coming up from my stomach.
“Lo’ak!” I heard faintly in between gunfire. It was so loud. I kept hidden behind a big tree, hoping that I would be safe. The rain kept coming down, hard and heavy. It reminded me of Earth. I used to love running and jumping in puddles with my big brother Jayce. Jayce could be so mean one second but then nice the next, me and him had a falling out once I told him I was going to work for the RDA.
God he knew this was a terrible idea, going to a different planet, killing native people, stealing from their land. It was Earth all over again. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I was so scared, I didn’t want to die. The RDA wasn’t finished with making my Avatar, not that I knew of anyway. If I died tonight I was going to stay dead.
Gunfire did not cease, neither did the yelling. I saw as the children ran off. Maybe they would have a chance. I jumped as a noise came close to me, Quaritch. God he pulled down Sean's body, I didn’t want that thing near me. I gagged again this time something came up. I couldn’t puke in my mask, so I swallowed it.
“Kid, I’m gonna need you to run when I tell you too.” I nodded at Mile’s words, everything was so loud still. I wanted to curl up and cry. I was so scared. Jayce was so right. Quaritch looked over at Sean’s body noticing Neytiri’s arrow, he looked terrified. PTSD maybe? I would hope so, something needs to scare that man.
The colonel reloaded his weapon, the sound was crisp. It was quiet all of a sudden, maybe everyone was dead besides me and him. Quaritch spoke with a smirk plastered on his face “Is that you, Mrs. Sully?” it was silent for a moment, I wished it would be forever, my headached. Throbbed even. “I recognize your calling card.” I really wanted to punch him, was he trying to die again?
A few of the Recoms started moving around, I looked to see what he wanted me to do. “Not yet.” I nodded wanting to disobey him and move. I knew he was right though, I needed to stay close, having no weapons on me was not a good thing. “Why don’t you come on out, Mrs. Sully.” Quaritch said calmly but loud, he grabbed his weapon. I knew he was going to shoot at her.
“The two of us have some unfinished business.” he cocked his gun, Jesus he was really risking lives here. Quaritch then looked at me, nodding, I knew the signal I was going to have to start running as fast as my feet could carry. “Demon! I will kill you as many times as I have to.” Neytiri spoke asserting dominance was lacing her voice.
“You and the Corporal have been pretty busy, haven’t you?” I hid behind another tree, this time farther away from Quaritch I knew that if I didn’t want to die I would have to be a little smart. “Got yourself a whole litter of half-breeds.” I looked down, why would he say that. When I see him again I am going to punch that smirk right off his face.
“Na’vi!” someone yelled, gunfire rang once more. This was not a war I wanted to be a part of. I started running, I needed to get out. Words shouted from everywhere, I ran faster and faster. Suddenly a sharp pain ran throughout my body, I looked down. Blood, I was hit. Suddenly I was thrown over someone's shoulder. I cried out in pain.
I heard muffled words, barely making anything out. “Fall back!” I heard someone shout to my right, I was finally going home. Soon all I felt was calm, it felt like I was floating. “Spencer?” I looked around quickly trying to find the source of the voice, my mom. “Mom?” I croaked out, oh how I missed her. Everything she was saying was muffled. I couldn't understand her.
“Mom?” I said again, maybe this time she would talk louder, more understandable. She didn’t, everything was going black. I felt cold. It was finally quiet, so quiet. Memories floated my mind, the time me and Jayce broke mothers favorite cup, she never got mad at us though. The time dad came home from his military training, oh how I loved that day. He was so tired yet still played with me.
Before what felt like forever peace, there was this light. Bright, my head hurt once more. My mother started disappearing, I tried grabbing her. It didn’t work. Soon my eyes opened once more. I groaned out looking around, “It is so bright in here.” I managed to croak out. Then I saw doctors, no scientists surrounding me. I jolted up, how was I alive.
“Calm down, calm down.” I knew that voice anywhere, Miles. He told the scientists to leave, give me space. I finally noticed that I was blue, I was in my Avatar. I laughed “This is real right?” Z-Dog laughed in the corner, “Hell yeah.” I smiled and laughed once more. Finally my plan was set. I knew what I was going to do. Jake might be getting that call.
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cat3ch1sm · 2 years
⛪️~ okay i just KNOW gojo is the type of mf to fake moan out of fuckin nowhere while you’re on a call with someone else. like this bitch is just that annoying.
regular college au?? gojo is an upperclassman but everyone else is the same age👍🏾
sfw-ish? just crack basically 😭
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“I have no fucking clue what’s going on.”
You, Nobara, Itadori, and Megumi were on a video call with one another via computers, working on a very long geometry packet that your professor had assigned the day before. You and Megumi were the only ones getting anywhere, but admittedly, it was mildly difficult for you to understand as well- so Nobara and Itadori were beyond lost.
“Me neither,” Itadori whined hopelessly, and you saw his head fall out of the camera frame as he dropped it on his desk forlornly. “I’m just gonna have to fail. I’m totally finished.”
You sighed exaggeratedly, rolling your eyes to the ceiling before looking back at the grainy images of the pitiful Itadori, the exasperated Nobara and the perpetually disinterested Megumi. “Oh, my god. Guys. Seriously, try and stay with me here?” You gestured to your notes spread out in front of the camera for your friends to reference. “An attempt at anything on this assignment would be nice.”
“Yeah, no, we’re past that point,” Nobara deadpanned. “Do these teachers get a kick out of torturing us or what?”
“No, they don’t,” Megumi answered swiftly, his voice somehow more apathetic-sounding over his microphone. “Now if you’d just listen to my or Y/N’s explanation instead of whining about how hard this is, I’d appreciate it. You both know the formula for the midpoint, right?”
Only feedback from either student’s mics. You resisted the urge to slap yourself in the forehead. Megumi, however, seemed unfazed.
“Right. It’s xm, ym equals x1 plus x2-“
“Are you trying to kill me?” Itadori finally sat up, pink hair tangled all over his head.
“I… didn’t even finish telling you what the formula is.”
“Um… nah.” Nobara waved a hand dismissively at the camera, and Megumi rolled his dark eyes. “Anyways, gonna go play in traffic. Anyone down to join me?”
You blinked and made a face at Nobara. “Wha- you’re not even giving it a chance?”
“Nope. My brain clocked out hours ago.”
You blew out some air and were about to say something else before you heard the door open behind you, and you noticed Gojo Satoru, your roommate, walk into the frame of your video. “Oh, hey, Gojo,” you greeted him, a little absently.
“Hey, Y/N! On a call?” He leaned way down over your shoulder, prompting you to grimace and move to the side some while he shoved his entire face into the camera. “Hi, guys! What’re you doing?”
Itadori lifted his head from his arms to reply in an agonized tone, “Dying,” before dropping back down with an alarmingly loud thud on his desk.
Megumi pursed his lips in annoyance before acknowledging Gojo. “We’re trying to finish some math homework. Unfortunately, Y/N and I are the only ones putting in an ounce of effort.”
“I refuse to waste my effort on this bullshit,” Nobara added nonchalantly, and you saw her fly in and out of the frame on her swivel chair.
“Yeah, okay, Nobara. I suppose this is pretty self-explanatory,” you sighed, limply gesturing to your computer screen. “We’re getting nowhere and it’s been like, two hours.”
Gojo smirked in amusement before backing up from your screen. “Sucks to suck. See ya!” And with that, he disappeared to the back of the dorm.
“Well, that was a waste of time,” you muttered, propping your forehead up on your fingers. “Maybe we should just-“
And then you heard it.
A muffled but not muffled enough sound from the bathroom- and a very explicit one at that. It was a long, continuous sound at first, and then it was a breathless series of the same noise. Your eyes flew wide open the second you heard it- mostly because it sounded so forced and fake that you knew exactly what the cause of it was. Unfortunately, you reacted too late, and you only realized it when the video call went dead silent.
Nobara had reappeared in front of the camera, her eyes the size of frying pans and a manicured hand cupped over her mouth. Itadori had his head lifted from his arms only so you could see his wide eyes, and Megumi looked way more annoyed than usual.
Meanwhile, your jaw was dropped and a furious blush spread across your cheeks, and as if expecting to see something horrible, you slowly turned your head to stare at the direction from which the sound had come from.
It was silent for a second before explosive laughter erupted from your dorm bathroom, undoubtedly from Gojo, who thought his little joke had been absolutely hilarious. You abruptly snapped out of your trance, yelling furiously at him, but his laughter only grew louder with every word you said.
“I am logging off right this second.” Megumi’s image vanished from the screen with a low notification sound, and Itadori started laughing as well while Nobara was still in the exact same stance as she had been before.
“Tell me he’s faking.” Nobara’s voice was muted behind her hand.
“Fuck. He is. I swear he is,” you replied hurriedly, eyes darting from the door to the bathroom in hopes that nobody else had just heard that obnoxiously loud fake moan. “Gojo! Are you fucking kidding? What the hell- okay, no way we can save this video call, guys.” You dropped your head into your palms, shaking it slowly in disgust. All you’d wanted to do was work on the damn math homework. “Really. Just hang up or something- while I kill Gojo.”
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harveybwabbit92 · 8 days
{R/n has been kidnapped after some aliens mistake her for Tregear's new human form, she's being tortured by one them who asks her for the location foe some device Tregear stole from them a very long time ago.]
Kidnapper: Impressive... most would be unconscious from the pain by now how are you able to block it out?
R/n, hanging from the ceiling by her wrists: The adrenaline helps. So does the fear of death. There's a lot of both. But My only solace is thinking about inflicting this pain on people like you.
Kidnapper, guffaws: Ah... you don't really mean that... do you? I think I better leave you alone for a while...
{The kidnapper stood up just a tarot card suddenly drops from the ceiling which distract the kidnapper they pick the card up and examine it; failing to notice Tregear suddenly appearing behind them.]
R/n, smirks: Oh...I think it'll be much longer then that...
Kidnapper: Ha?~
{Tregear quickly gets them into head lock and jams his finger into their head.]
Tregear: Oh the reaper.... Looks like you pulled the wrong card.~
Kidnapper, looks between R/n and Tregear in disbelief: Wha-But, you can't be...then who is-
*Tregear energy bolts them in the head and they drop dead*
Tregear,unties R/n's wrists and starts carrying her out of the room: Do me a favor and keep your eyes on me...
[R/n almost complied but the curiosity got the better of her; she peeked and almost wished she hadn't
Tregear really went into overkill on her captors, like they would need to use dental records just to identify them kind of overkill. Well, the ones that still had their jaws intact anyways; it was horrid... And whats worst a little part of her felt a dark thrill seeing all that carnage around her, but R/n just chalked that those feelings up to the frost giant instincts she got from Be/r's gene splicing. ]
Tregear: I said not to look...
R/n: Trust me, I've seen way worst...
Tregear, knowing exactly what she's talking about: Those aren't your memories, you aren't Bel/r.
R/n, glares at him: I know who I am Tregear.
Tregear: Good, just keep talking to me...
{R/n noted Tregear was acting off...was she that badly injured? it's weird she doesn't feel hurt...just really tired.]
Tregear: Don't close your eyes, R/n.
[Tregear pinches her arm causing R/n yelp and glare at Tregear didn't even giggle or smirk at her reaction which further worried the woman, as Taro's giant form waited outside for them, under Tregear's instructions he flew them to a secluded area that R/n recognized as Tregear's lab entrance.
Taro shrank down to human size and tried to follow them inside but Tregear snapped his fingers and this nozzle appeared from out of the ground and sprayed this purple mist into Taro's face; he collapsed to the ground asleep. Next thing R/n knew she being gently placed into a strange pod.]
Tregear: You can sleep now.
R/n, dozing off: But... wait.. what is this thing-
[Cut to 3 days later, R/n wakes up fully healed to see Tregear at his computer sounding frustrated and concerned.]
Tregear: Run the test again.
HEiLDa: Result: positive, subject is six weeks along.
Tregear: Again.
HEiLDa: Result: positive subject is six weeks along.
Tregear: Again...
HELiDa: ERROR: Subject is awake.
[Tregear whips his head around to see a disoriented R/n watching him from inside the pod.]
R/n, as Tregear: helps her out of the pod: What's going on? Am I sick.
Tregear:...No, not quite.
[R/n had to spend another three days in the pod after she fainted from hearing the news: she and Tregear were going to be parents.]
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