#but that’s what tag filtering is for! cultivate your fandom experience to your liking!
the-obnoxious-sibling · 10 months
What’s your opinion on cross guild? I’m sending this on anon because I kinda hate them while everybody loves them. I think it’s because Buggy is my favourite character and I just can’t see it as anything other than abuse😭 Do you think their dynamic will change? Is my opinion based on unconditional clown love?
i think the fanon toxic polycule concept is kinda funny? like, the idea of buggy continuing to fail upward in life into a triad with two very powerful people who started out hating him? hysterical. does it have a strong basis in canon? no. just about every buggy ship has to be taken with a grain of “let’s ignore the reality of the situation here” salt. my own buggy ship is not immune to this! but cross guild… really needs that seasoning.
in canon it’s more a hostage situation than a relationship—albeit a pretty slapstick hostage situation, as despite their best efforts mihawk and crocodile cannot control buggy or his followers at all, and the injuries buggy takes are treated pretty lightly by the narrative.
in that context, it makes sense that sexual interpretations of cross guild would have strong vibes of either bdsm or ipv. i’m not surprised it’s upsetting for you.
in the end, it’s something i could be convinced to read a mundane au about, where dynamics are always softened to better fit the setting, but that’s about it for me re: the trio. i don’t expect their dynamic to change much, even if buggy manages to rope them into going along with his one piece questing, and i don’t much care.
now, the pairs within the trio?
crocodile and buggy is just “give me my money” -> flight response -> threats of violence -> fawn response -> actual violence -> desperate fawn response. good god. i get why it brings out certain impulses in certain readers—buggy begs to lick the man’s boots, ffs—but it does not really do anything for me, and i don’t expect that to change. crocodile wants money and power, which buggy respects because same, but as he has less of both he can’t really offer crocodile much of anything, and crocodile seems very aware and disdainful of that.
buggy and mihawk is theoretically very fun for the same reason luffy interacting with either of them is fun: they all have a connection to shanks that makes their interactions with anyone else who knows shanks so weird. they cannot be normal about that guy. in practice, none of that has shown up, we’ve just seen mihawk offended by buggy’s personality/reputation/aesthetic and buggy flinching away from his glares. (i can’t imagine mihawk punching someone, so i suspect all of buggy’s injuries came from crocodile… probably because the only way mihawk could actually hurt buggy would be with lethal force.) i’m hopeful, as has been indicated in previous mihawk posts, that we’ll get something more here eventually.
mihawk and crocodile legitimately made me go oh, hm in that first cross guild chapter. crocodile calls this guy up out of nowhere to say, “hey, i notice your job security kinda sucks right now, want to join my company? we have a lot in common… we both hate other people…” is there a history between these two, or did crocodile just get good vibes off him the one time they both bothered to show up for a warlord meeting? i want to know more. if these two ever get rid of buggy, would they actually be any good at managing baroque works 2: crossy guild? idk. i suspect without a scapegoat to redirect their anger onto they’d start having unavoidable personality conflicts, regardless of their managerial competencies, but even that could be fun to watch fall apart.
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rainofaugustsith · 1 year
So it seems like the Jedi Wars are heating up again, sigh. I have fandom sheriffs blocked instantly here. I am leaving reblogs on this open but I am warning in advance that you do not want to come at me on this post because the response will be an immediate block with no engagement. So you should really save yourself the trouble of typing it out. But I feel like some of the essential points are being missed. Namely:
Nobody has to like the Jedi.
Nobody has to approve of the Jedi.
Fans really are entitled to think the Jedi are terrible and their tactics are terrible.
All of this is about a work of fiction.
People, again, are entitled to have opinions about the media they consume.
None of that, in any way, affects people who are Jedi fans/apologists unless they actively choose to make it their problem.
Most of the time those of us who don't dig the Jedi are in our corner and don't give a damn what you're doing as long as you don't bother us.
It would be really nice if some those who liked the Jedi would remember those basic principles - but they have to Fandom Sheriff things and to loudly and aggressively let everyone else know They're Wrong. They come storming into posts, even when the OP has warned they do not want discourse, to try to engage and argue to tell people They're Wrong. They accuse people who Are Wrong!! with having sympathies for real-world fascism and Nazis, which is offensive on more levels than I can even articulate. They insist that if you don't share their opinion you must have issues with "Eastern Religion" (which is a pretty damn vague way to consider not only multiple streams of Buddhism but the many MANY other religions practiced in the "East" that have a very wide range of beliefs. As well as a big damned stretch considering it was all written by a Protestant white man from the USA. As well as the fact that we are again talking about a piece of fictional media and not a real world long established religion). Their way is apparently the only way one can possibly believe about a piece of fiction and they will aggressively butt into your conversations and posts to tell you.
All of which, at the end of the day, is a lot like evangelism/fundamentalism.
If you like the Jedi, there are ways to actively avoid those of us who do not agree with you. Filter tags. Block. Cultivate your fandom experience to surround yourself with people who have similar views. Associate with people who are mature enough to realize a mutual can disagree with their interpretation of a work of fiction without accusing them of being a Nazi. Hell, that's what we all do to avoid you whenever possible.
But grow the hell up and realize that not everyone will share your opinions on your favorites in fictional media, people with differences of opinion are entitled to them, and they are also entitled to their own fandom experience without you yipping at their heels and squeaking indignantly in their conversations.
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jedi-enthusiast · 1 year
Ok, in light of a couple responses to the two posts I made that are critical of the Ahsoka show and Ahsoka’s behavior in that show- (as well as some responses to my Pro-Jedi posts in general) -I’m going to say this:
If you don’t like what I have to say about the show, or what I have to say about Ahsoka's behavior in it, then just block me.
Or, if you’re not mad enough about it to block me but still don’t want to see that stuff, you can just block the “Ahsoka Tano Critical” tag that I have, and will continue to, put on posts about the Ahsoka show.
I, personally, have not had high hopes for the show nor have I really enjoyed most of it so far---that being said, I have seen plenty of posts from people who have been hyped for this show for years and have loved it so far! Which is great, I'm glad that they're enjoying it!
If you love the show, then those are your people.
Those are your people and I would encourage you guys to surround yourselves with them and block the tags- (and people) -that might make you upset or uncomfortable. It's your job to cultivate your fandom experience, and I genuinely don't want people to be miserable when interacting in this one.
What I will not encourage, however, is for y'all to come onto my posts---or anyone else's---just to argue with me on my own opinions on it.
Just like I'm not going onto Ahsoka-positive posts and shoving all of my negative thoughts onto them, I would generally hope for the same courtesy of y'all respecting the fact that I just don't like it.
You don't agree with what I'm saying? Scroll, filter the tag, or block me. But please just keep your opinions to your own blog and keep them off mine---or, at the very least, don't be surprised when I respond and my responding argument isn't exactly oozing sugar.
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I haven't seen it myself but apparently somewhere in the ISAT fandom, harassment of some sort for some reason is occurring? For this reason I would like to share my internet strategy. if you couldn't care less about my after-a-mildly-stressful-day-soapbox-talkings, that's valid, tumblr is a silly goofy place, I would just like to get my thinks out of my system
I admit that I, just like any other human, am limited and biased by what I have seen and experienced, but as far as my knowledge extends, there is no scenario in which harassment is the best over another course of action if you dislike something: - do not harass them. move on, you will forget about it within the hour if you absolutely have to say something - do not harass them. say something like "hello! your [post] is good, but i would like to share some respectful constructive criticism!" notice how this is respectful and kind. humans as creatures will be more likely to accept nice things, whereas people will be more likely to respond or react defensively when an aggressive tone is taken than to actually incorporate your feedback if you really really reallllly dislike something - do not harass them. filter the tags about the content you dislike, there's also a filter content feature but I know less about that one, or even just block the person. you don't have to see content if you do not want to, cultivate your internet experience to your hearts content ONLY IF something is breaking the terms of service of the platform you are using - do not harass them. report the post or account ONLY IF the post is actively harmful - there are various kinds of online content that can be actively harmful, so depending on the situation you might want to politely inform them, tell others to avoid something, comment if something is a scam or hack, or in the most extreme scenarios alert the relevant authorities. harassment by the definition and examples I am aware of is still not the most effective way of bringing the situation closer to what you desire even in this most extreme of circumstance
after typing all that I feel a bit silly and pretentious but I am still going to post it because on the off chance that one person finds this to be helpful advice, and as a result chooses to not be mean, a bit of awkwardness and anxiousness is fine
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charmsandtealeaves · 7 months
How do you get people to read your fics?
Hi anon! 
Good question, which requires a little interpretation on my part to answer but I’ll give it my best shot from my personal experience. 
So first I’m gonna make some assumptions that may be right or wrong:
You’ve started writing in your fandom space.
You’ve got a figure in mind for comments/kudos/interactions of some sort
Those numbers aren’t adding up with your expectations and you’re feeling a bit disheartened by it.
Does that sound about right? Well, in my experience there are a lot of things that play into those factors:
People these days tend to give likes/kudos rather than comments/reblogs
If you’re using Tumblr: when you post compared to the timezone of most of your followers/readers can influence how quickly things get picked up.
Some people prefer reading complete fics over WIPs (when in my opinion reading along with WIPs is half the fun)
People have TBR lists a mile long because life gets in the way (hello that’s me) and so maybe your fic is sitting in one of those.
Anyway, let’s try and answer your original question: how to get people to read your fics. 
I’m assuming you have Tumblr? which is a good place to start. The AO3 filtering system can be a little counterintuitive so I know a lot of people get their fics here rather than the search function.
Firstly, are you personally also reading and engaging with other peoples works? Because otherwise you’re probably just shouting to the void and not getting any sort of echo. Fandom is a community space, and we help and feed each other. If you’re only ever expecting stuff for your own work but never doing the same for the content you enjoy… you’re not gonna be having a fun time.
Secondly, timezone reblogs are your friend. Admittedly I’ve never really worked this one out properly. But my timezone is whack and a lot of my followers are in the States/Europe. The point is don’t be afraid to reblog your own post at different times. It increases the chance of someone seeing it.
Personally, I like adding banners to fic posts. A.) because they’re fun to make (and procrastinate writing) and B.) they draw the eye better than a solid wall of text if someone is just having a little scroll.
And now here’s a big one: tag your posts with what’s actually in your story/post. Don’t use every ship and character tag under the sun. That’s not how the tag system works on Tumblr, and by doing that you’re more likely to hide your work rather than elevate it. People block tags to cultivate their online space, and you will annoy people tagging things not actually present.
Okay now I’m gonna offer you a little advice that is probably gonna have you frustrated and rolling your eyes at me but it’s kinda important so hear me out for a second:
Stop comparing yourself to others so much (especially the ones who’ve been around in fandom for decades) and just have fun with it for yourself. <- easier said than done.
I’m guessing you came and gave me this ask because you perceive me as someone who already gets a lot of attention for fics. But the thing is… I still feel quite new to this even though I’ve been doing it for a couple of years now. And I do compare myself… to my past self. You might have noticed the post currently pinned to my blog is a year-in-review post that contains AO3 stats. I started doing it for myself to see how far I’ve come in the space of a year, but also it helpfully offers the ability for others to do the same. 
So let’s focus on one thing: all of those stats increased (quite significantly) from last year to the previous. But let’s break down what else happened over the course of that year that might explain WHY:
I was also starting to read a lot more.
I’d started to make some good friends in fandom. Which also meant I trusted people enough to start beta/cheer-reading my works before posting.
I started the whole jilymicros setup (the blog, prompts lists, discord, events etc.)
I did a whole heap of challenges and events.
I was starting to feel more comfortable and welcome in fandom space in general. 
Those things all heavily influenced the quality of my writing and the size of my audience. A lot of my followers are because I admin those spaces according to a few ‘why are you following me’ ask games. Taking part in events (like those run by jilychallenge, jilytoberfest, or Ladies of HP, to name a few I do) allows you to get out of your comfort zone, try new things, and get your work out there to a wider audience following those spaces. I honestly can’t recommend doing them more. So my advice to you anon really is this:
If you're gonna compare to anybody, compare yourself to yourself.
Engage with others and their works.
Challenge yourself, try new things.
Have fun with it and find out what style works best for you - if you’re not having fun there’s no point doing it. Some of the best fics are the ridiculously self-indulgent.
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kitkatopinions · 2 years
People crying about RWDEs existence are so fucking annoying tbh. They do know there’s block functions and a whole ‘filter tag’ thing, right? Like they do not fucking have to see RWDE opinions at all and we’d kinda prefer if they just left us alone so we wouldn’t get attacked. But to them it doesn’t matter whether or not they can avoid seeing us completely, because they’re mad we exist at all.
“Waaaah they’re annoying! Waaah they shouldn’t be watching the show anymore! Wah wah wah they’re posting their nitpicks for a fun event kinda early after the company that makes RW/BY has been exposed as a horrible work environment with a culture of bigotry. Why isn’t the world built around me? If I don’t like seeing it, no one should be allowed to do it, cry cry cry.”
Why are these people so determined to annoy themselves that they refuse to use the tools they have at their disposal to cultivate their own internet experience? 
Like folks, it’s literally nitpicks. People are literally just posting their smallest and most subjective complaints. I’m rewatching Doctor Who right now and while I love it, I’ve been criticizing it too and nitpicking little things because guess what? It’s interesting, it’s fun to some people, and it’s just wanting to talk about and verbalize your thoughts about it. The fact that people are once again whining about RWDE posters talking about even just their nitpicks is just proof of how this fandom is toxic as fuck. Imagine seeing someone be like ‘I wish the Doctor changed clothes more’ and then being like “OH MY GOD would these people just stop watching the show?! Why are they so determined to annoy the rest of us?!” And now imagine that the person wasn’t even talking to you at all and you were just following them around and refusing to leave them alone. It’s just irrational.
Anyway, sorry for the rant, but I was annoyed. XD
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fishybehavior · 2 years
I've been wanting to make this for awhile, for the new people coming into my fandom but for anyone who's new in general
Now I am a newer Tumblr user (I joined in 2020 what a year) but I know how to get around here on the ole tumbles so if you are new and wondering "what the fuck is all this?" I'll show u a few tips
now the first thing I'd honestly recommend is to get involved with some kind of fandom. You don't have to be super into anything, but finding people who like things similar to you is a great way to start making friends! And honestly we have a fandom for almost anything, if u aren't into anything now you can probably look up any tv show or movie you watched in the last 20 years and someone will have made a post of it!
You don't have to be involved in a fandom but its a good way to meet people and see how we interact casually with one another if you are lurking for a little bit to learn
Now, second piece of advise, your blog.
Tumblr is a blogging site, and what you are probably used to refering ur profile, we call our blogs. It has ur pfp, header pic, maybe a couple of lines introducing urself, and then all of ur posts.
First thing I recommend is to change ur pfp, a lot of people base if u are a bot or not is if u use the default image as ur pfp. I suggest a character u like, an animal, a color, a flower, anything u like. I must warn you that I don't recommend u use ur own face. Number 1 some of the appeal of tumblr is anonymity, but 2, there are other bot blogs (such as porn blogs) that use real people as their pfp, and so some people may block u on site.
Now under your pfp you can put a couple of sentences in you blog, you can use this for anything. A lot of people put their preferred pronouns or maybe their age, or what fandoms their into, or maybe their patrons, or other blogs they run. What I recommend is that you dont put any personal info in here, especially if u are a minor. Don't specify ur age if your under like 18-21, if your under that just put minor.
next i want to talk about is cultivating your experience
Now you dont have to do this right away but if there is certain types of content that you know you don't like or you find triggering I suggest doing this. On Tumblr we use tags to organize our posts as well as to warn. You can block certain tags in your settings.
press this button on the top right of ur page (if you are on desktop, if on mobile it'll be the bottom right
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then in the drop-down menu select Settings, then go to Account, then scroll down until you see the header, "Content you see"
(on mobile once you hit the lil person icon on your bottom right, hit the gear on the top right of you screen, then fo down until u see "Content you see, it'll take you to the same thing)
here you can block tags and filter content. There are two types of filtering, by tags and by content. By tags only will block posts by the tags they have, while content blocking will look through the entire post for blocked words or phrases.
I personally use blocked tags more but do whichever works for you. If you are going to block tags there are certain types of things to keep in mind.
For one, we use warning tags. Tags that are put in posts specifically to warn people of certain content that we know can be triggering. For warning tags there are three main ways that people tag them (there are more but these are very common), tw dogs, cw dogs, dogs . Now I'm using dogs as an example tag, but the preface of tw (trigger warning) and cw (content warning) are very common, and if you want to block a certain trigger i suggest that you block both of these along with just the word by itself. (Also spelling does count)
this works similarly with content blocking, but u dont use tw or cw. Just put down the words or phrases that you dont want to see.
now when you block a post u don't ever see it, rather it appears on your dash like this
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it blocks out the whole post, tells you what tags or content that appeared for it to be blocked, and gives you a choice if you would like to see it anyways. This is how blocked posts will appear and you wont see the post at all unless you decide to view the post for yourself.
i think this is where I'm going to leave it for now, might reblog with more info in the future. But there are plenty of other posts with other info about how tumblr works and how to maneuver this site. I hope you find this helpful and that you enjoy your experience on this site 👋
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solemnart · 1 year
The thing about spoilers (and tags)
is that, if you don't do proper tagging or other means of hiding said posts or tweets, it's on every dash ripe for viewing.
Case, and thusly the goddamned point:
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these here are 17 distinctly different tags attached to massive spoilers of season 2 posts. Gifs, screenshots, text posts etc. Discounting some personalized tags, discounting also completely NON-TAGGED posts. Generally only 1-2 tags per post, pretty much at random, not under read-more's or anything.
("Go2 spoilers" is the one Neil uses and "#GOS2Spoilers" is the one used on twitter by the Good Omens Prime account, though this list is made from tumblr posts.)
You could filter half of that list and still see massive spoilers.
I found these all in under 2 minutes at the very top of good omens search. Mind you, I did this cursory look after watching to illustrate this point. This problem had in fact manifested on my own dash without any prompts whatsoever. And I got spoiled the entirety of all big twists and events and scenes and the ending barely- BARELY 6 hours after launch. Most of them, untagged or tagged as inconsistently as above.
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This did not happen when the previews dropped the week before. Whatever leaked was swept under the rug right away, collectively, to preserve other people's enjoyment.
The second the official release happened? All gone with the wind. A complete sham. An embarrassement of a spoiler-free zone.
Use proper tagging. Use general tags. Use the tags that official sources or other people have announced to favour. Do not personilize spoiler tags. Use Read More and twitter's sensitivity filters to hide your texts and pictures. Go to private discords to vent and use discord's censor features to vent about it. Shield your kin.
You really, really do not need to post spoilers from minute goddamn one on a public platform. You can schedule posts. Write them before hand. do DMs and watch parties or bloody wait a day or two. AND EVEN THEN TAG AND HIDE AND MIND YOUR SPOILERS.
The callousness around caring for your fellow fans enjoyment has given me beef the likes of which I have never experienced with this fandom before.
Vague venting below. If you want an un-sullied experience, I'd recommend not looking, lest my emotions stain yours.
Please, enjoy season 2 unspoiled in my stead.
Anyway here's wonderbeef:
Imagine carefully cultivating your experience and filtering good omens tags right until the night before launch, avoiding trailers and other season 2 posts and the preview leaks successfully for months. Only for it to be ruined immediately. Imagine, if you will, how robbed that person(me) feels. Imagine how many tags were blacklisted and succesfull and yet?- and yet.
You spoiled season 2 for me. You took my wonder and joy away. The most delighted, non-spoiled moment I had all season was 6 minutes in the first episode. Even Neil's wonderful writing could not salvage my enjoyment of spoiled scenes. There were things that surprised me and delighted me still, but as a whole?
I felt absolutely nothing at the end. Can you imagine? Knowing how I would've felt had I seen it organically? I was robbed of that catharsis before I had any chance to experience it on my own. I had to sit there in that void of a spoiled experience. I had to sit there and think about what you had done to ruin something we'd waited for years. What I would've given for a meere trickle of emotion at the end.
My experience was so utterly voided by spoilers, that I don't know If I can manage any art of season 2 ever.
And if I do, I'm not sure I want to share with you.
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finalshaper · 2 years
tumblr for newcomers as someone who took a year hiatus from the abandoned clown factory and spent time in the clown slaughterhouse (tiktok)
hey guys it's your Pal Nova and i've been trapped in this hellhole since 2017 here's my experience to contribute to the funny welcome to tumblr thing people r doing and some of these may be hard pills to swallow but take a big gulp of water and swallow as hard as you can if you're going to be happy on this platform. Also derived from other posts i've read of a similar topic!
Tumblr is a great place, but there is an unspoken etiquette here. As always, be respectful to people. color coded and bolded like a video game text box for reading ease, also includes other information.
Always reblog artist's work. Likes do nothing and is frankly a useless feature that Staff should either do something with or get rid of entirely. Reblogs let an artist know that their art is being spread around, and that more people are seeing it! It's like leaving comments and/or kudos on someone's work on ao3! It encourages artists, writers, editors, etc to make more!
We don't use "moots" or "muties" here. Just call em mutuals or Tumblr Pals like I do. But this one isn't exactly concrete.
Use tag filtering LIBERALLY. You can do this by exploring your settings (which you should do anyways so you're well-acquainted) and finding the section that says "filtered tags," pop a tag in there for something you don't want to see.
On that note, not everyone is going to tag shit. You cannot demand them to tag specific things (i.e certain fandom or very specific things you don't want to see) because it's their blog, their rules. But usually folks are nice and will tag things for you. But they're human, so they may forget. Don't be a jerk about it. Usually standard things (like gore, nsfw, etc) is tagged and should be tagged.
There is like, no filtering algorithm here and what there is of one is very finicky and weird. It's not like Tiktok's where you'd get flagged constantly for posting something entirely innocent. it's much more lax. yes, you can swear on here. no more "frick" or "unalive," we say "fuck" and "die" like the heathens we are here.
Don't reblog things with unnecessary additions. leave those in the tags or comments (if they're on).
Tumblr relies heavily on boundaries, because there's no ability to really private your blog or sideblogs. If someone says they don't want you viewing their blog (i.e their NSFW blog) don't throw a fit about it.
if you see a nsfw post nobody wants their notes full of "what is this😭" or "what😃" or "NAH💀" because it's annoying on Tiktok and it's annoying here too. Get over yourself, people post that all the time here. Just move on like the rest of us. so what if someone posts nsfw, you can do that here. as long as it's tagged and posted in the correct community section it's fine.
"there are minors on this platform"/"THERE'S KIDS HERE"/"you're posting openly on a platform that's made for minors" doesn't fly here and would get you laughed off the platform. tumblr is literally marked as 17+ on the app store. if anything you are a minor in a space that's full of adults. Also ties into respecting boundaries, and the above. throwing fits over people posting NSFW content (as long as it's not immoral ofc) is petty, and frankly, annoying.
Block button exists. If someone's bothering you, just block them. and if you're extra weary of someone just logging out to harass you, turn off anonymous asks. I'd also personally suggest setting messages/DMs to only blogs you follow.
You can post a carrd, but you don't have to. I have one, but I don't expect people to read it or force them to.
You are responsible for cultivating your experience here on tumblr.
Customise your blog and have fun with it! You can find themes on blogs like theme--hunter or just google! Explore your settings and the like. If you wanna take the challenge, you can screw with HTML yourself and make yourself an Awesome Theme.
Block corporate accounts and do not engage with them, even if you think it's funny. they're the death of our platform.
Familiarise yourself with some of the Bad Users on this platform and what they've done, not to get involved with drama but so you know who to block. if you're going to get cancelled on tumblr you'd have to be a super fucking bad person.
If you're on PC, download the Xkit extension (it gives you fun dashboard tools) and shinigami eyes (flags bad blogs i.e terfs as red, and good blogs i.e anti-terfs as green). It will save you some hassle, trust me.
tumblr is a great platform full of very respectful people. It's rare to find alt-right bigots n shit unless you somehow end up on the wrong side of the platform, but usually people are good.
Don't waste your time on petty drama.
tumblr has a long and rich history. you will learn it in time, young one
anyways this is a long ass post but this covers all my personal bases, if anyone wants to make any additions feel free.
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ryukyuin · 5 months
2.) Anti-Proship
Loving reminder that proship means that you don’t harass people over fiction. It’s only a stance on harassment and censorship, and it doesn’t mean you have to like what I do or that I personally approve and enjoy what everyone else does! Quote from fanlore:
"The pro in pro-shipper means for, to contrast with the anti in anti-shipper (anti meaning against). However, possibly due to Fannish Osmosis, in some parts of fandom, the pro in pro-shipper has come to be understood as short for problematic instead.[5][6][7][8] Due to this new definition, many fans (mainly on Twitter) started to insert proshippers in their DNI lists because they do not want any type of contact with problematic ships These fans may also use the term "proship" as a noun to refer to the problematic ship that the proshipper allegedly supports. Others have incorrectly osmosed the word proshipper to be synonymous with pedophile."
So like. Yeah! Dances around. I don't fw most "problematic ships" but I just need pookies to know the actual definition of the term they are using before they start rallying hate mobs.
Fiction DOES affect reality, and you should be aware enough of that to cultivate your own online experience and use the function of blocking/filtering tags, blocking people, and your own common sense to make sure that you stay safe and everyone has fun!!
(Also if ppl block me bc they misunderstood I will scream and wail and sob /lh, DM/toss an ask if you have any questions!!)
3.) If you can't follow the Three Laws of Fandom/think Dark Media/Dead Dove: Do not Eat/Whump/Yandere enjoyers are normalizing what they are writing about, also shoo. Not the place for you.
I feel like this explains itself, esp since I kinda talked about it above. Please cultivate and foster the online experience you want, follow proper online social etiquette, and realize that just because I find Shaiapouf attractive doesn't mean I want him to gut and eat me in real life. (Most likely. Probably. Maybe. If he asks REALLY nicely and bats his little boytwink lashes and gayass wings /sillyj)
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4.) Do NOT compare me with other writers.
They are them and I am me and we both deserve our own little gold sticker stuck to our forehead! I think it's important everyone gets the recognition they deserve and I've been inspired by SOSO many writers on here, so make sure to go send support where deserved!
JJK, KNY, MHA, GI/HSR, HxH!! Mostly Phantom Troupe + Harbingers + Sampo + Satoru and Suguru + Shouta and Hizashi but like. Throw some crumbs through the tray slot, if I'm interested I will respond.
Yandere/Dark Fiction, reader-inserts, minor character death, non-con/dub-con slash hesitant? (doubtful of my writing skills to bring that justice), body horror/gore, dr**ging, etc...... idk I wanna flap my gay little wings and see whatever horrific shit I come up with /lh
Detailed pregnancy. I just can't man I don't want kids get those little HEATHENS OUTTA THERE!! I'll consider asks about it/drabbles but don't expect like an entire oneshot about it unless a hybrid AU takes me into a fucking chokehold. Then I might be doomed!
OCs, detailed requests, character/character requests (I can't say character/character as a whole I can feel Satosugu + the other homosexuals beaming lasers into the back of my head), oooomegaverse? Hybrids are neat-o to me but. I think I have Omegaverse PTSD I'll be real, come back when there's a more stable system/lore and less breeding.
SELF-HARM/SUICIDE IS A NO-GO!! Idk not only is it not fun for the reader/mc to just fucking. Croak. Self-harm is just not the way for me I don't think!! I MIIIGHHHT consider it but really don't get any hopes up.
PLEASE LET ME KNOW TO TAG SOMETHING IF IT IS TRIGGERING!! I WILL NOT BE MAD I AM JUST VERY FORGETFUL!! Idm if you ask tbh it honestly helps me find my own stuff once I go back, so win for everyone.
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maybe you'd have more followers and mutuals on here if you weren't such a bitch to everyone and didn't brag about yourself
wasn’t gonna answer this, but fuck it. You want the attention so badly? here it is. 
I do not give a shit how many people follow me. 
Follower counts mean nothing, because it’s really easy to click that button and then never interact again. Do I like thanking the people that have followed me, and doing events to commemorate the number of followers? Yes, because that’s making an effort to include the people that interact and enjoy my content. But I would rather have 500 people follow me that I KNOW enjoy what I put out than 3,000 people that are just clicking to click. 
You wanna look at my page without logging in? great. You want to follow me and see my updates on your dash? awesome. You want to like or reblog my posts when they come up because one of your friends follows me? That’s cool, too. Read my stuff and send me a message even though you don’t follow me? GO RIGHT AHEAD.  Mutuals? MUTUALS? I only follow a handful of people on here, because I am doing what tumblr was created to do - cultivate my own personal viewing experience. It has nothing to do with me not liking you, or me not wanting to be friends with you, but I’m not here to see posts on my dash that I am uninterested in. I cannot see the content I am here to see when there are people that reblog twenty posts in the span of an hour. I’m not on tumblr all the time. I don’t constantly scroll through as posts are added. I hate missing things, and so the best way that I have found to ensure that I am not missing things is to follow specific tags and specific blogs - not every single person that posts one thing that I liked one time.  Does this make me a bitch? Maybe. But I’m not going to apologize for creating a user experience that I want to create on this site. It’s my blog. It’s my dashboard. My filtered tags list and blocked users lists are so fucking long it’s unreal - and despite the fact that I follow fewer than 50 blogs on here, things still make it through. Follow me if you want to follow me, interact if you want to interact with me - but I’m not going to do the follow for follow thing. It’s pointless. I tried it and I was inundated with posts for fandoms that I just don’t CARE about.  If you think I’m a bitch to everyone, please come off anon and have a conversation with me about it. I am more than willing to talk.  ... and how am I bragging about myself? By posting the things I enjoy? By showing people things that make me happy? By talking about the opportunities that I’ve had? I figured that *my* blog was the right place to talk about myself and my life, but I guess not, right anon? 
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go and buy myself a Dunkin’ and some dinner - sorry if that’s too braggy for you. 
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chillafqueen · 3 years
This started off as a rant piece but then turned into an essay about my feelings about the show so definite Sex Education Season 3 spoilers under the cut
Literally do not try to argue with me I do not care
Tagging this only as sex education spoilers and sex education season 3 spoilers so hopefully it only shows up in those tags for people filtering it because I don't really care to make this a discussion I just needed to get this out my head
We seem to be in this golden age of media where we no longer care about character development or story development.
only ships and ships only, if your ship breaks up or it doesn't happen it's queer baiting or it's straight baiting or it's misogynistic or it's shitty writing
And I'm aiming this mostly at the Sex Education fandom just because I've seen /some/ people claiming it as such.
Ruby and Otis were cute together trust me I loved it. But it's not bad writing for them to break up it's not objectifying as a ship point to further along Otis and Mauve
Or the same goes from Adam and Eric
It's a show about high school. Even if it's a show, realistically these people won't stay together forever
It's take realistic routes for these characters
And we need to think critically about it
Ruby and Otis might just be a stepping stone towards endgame Otis x Mauve but it's not wasting Ruby or bad writing
It's sad to see, I really loved Ruby's development and her dynamic with Otis was adorable and I loved watching them grow
Ruby grew from this relationship. Did you really think the first person she trusted and loved was gonna be the person she married? No that's unrealistic and truly bad writing
These relationship, their highs and their lows and their break ups are there for each character's development
Sure Ruby got her heart broken but she also learned and hopefully she grows from it
She started off a rude, selfish bitch obsessed with status, image and popularity
Then she opens up and allows herself to be vulnerable
She shows Otis her house her family and that her real life isn't as glamorous as she puts on it's scary and she thinks that he will judge her and leave but he doesn't
He treats her with the same amount of respect that he had before he knew these personal parts of her
And sure now that she got hurt she could regress, she might think that she was right all along that once she shows her inner self to someone they'll hurt her just like Otis did or she grows from it and realizes that what she thinks the unattractive parts of herself aren't as bad as she thought and she'll learn and grow to be nicer and less judgemental and less distrustful and she'll meet more people and learn that looks and popularity aren't everything and one day she will find someone who loves her just as much as she loves them
Otis didn't love her, he had strong feelings for her but he wasn't on the same page as Ruby and even though he said those feelings could develop with time and that there's no guarantee that his feelings won't grow into love, Ruby had every right to set boundaries and end the relationship. She has every right to expect her partner be on the same page as her. And also she's a teenager she can end a relationship with her high school boyfriend because he doesn't love her back. If she wants to wait and continue the relationship hoping Otis would eventually reciprocate her love, then she could. But she was hurt and felt dejected and she decided to cut her losses rather waste her time if Otis couldn't love her back. She had every right to do so. It's not bad writing. She's not the type to hopelessly pine after someone who doesn't love her back. She is a bad bitch who moves on and does better.
And while Otis doesn't really gain much from the relationship except that he hurt Ruby he still continues to develop as a character
And there's a message there that it's hard to love someone when you never got closure from your past love
His relationship with Ola failed because of his unresolved feelings with Maeve and then his next relationship with Ruby also fails because he can't love her because of his unresolved feelings and lack of closure with Maeve and he also learns that
But also it's okay to not feel the same way about someone. And Jakob was right when he assured Otis that it was right to be honest with Ruby. Even if he hurt her, it was best to be honest and hurt her than lie to her and lead her on with a lie. It wouldn't be good for Otis and it wouldn't be good for Ruby if Otis just lied saying he loved her back.
And even if Ruby was just a plot device for potentially endgame Otis and Maeve then big deal.
It's kinda obvious that Maeve and Otis are the main goal and target relationship of the show.
And it's a common trope with them in the show that they are never in the same place at the right time.
Otis has feelings for Maeve but she's with Jackson. He tries to move on and dates Ola. And when he's no longer available it's when Maeve realizes her feelings for Otis and it's shown that Otis still very obviously has feelings for her even while in a relationship with Ola and it effects the relationship until it falls apart when Ola finds out that not only does Otis has feelings for Maeve but he holds Maeve in higher regards than her.
So the relationship ends
So does that mean Maeve and Otis will be together now that Ola and Otis are.over? No because neither of them are on the same page.
And so they miss the opportunity. Then they fight and their friendship is over
Then Isaac deletes the voicemail of Otis confessing and apologizing to Maeve and asking for them to try again
So Maeve misses that opportunity because she doesn't even know. And Otis doesn't know that she never heard the voicemail and thinks she's rejecting him so he tries to get over her.
And when he moves on, Maeve takes that as him saying their friendship and whatever she thought could happen was over. He was with Ruby, so obviously he didn't have feelings for Maeve
And then Ruby and Otis break up and Maeve and Otis talk and finally are on the same page and kiss
But oops, Maeve has feelings for Isaac and things seem to be going well so she's not going to ruin that for a chance with Otis
Then Isaac finds out that Maeve and Otis kissed and ends things.
So now Maeve and Otis can be together right? Otis is single and so is Maeve and feelings are out there. Well things look good until Maeve can't miss the chance to take that exchange program to study in America.
But they're technically together??? Maybe they can be long distance? Maybe they will wait for each other?
Their entire theme is not ever being at the same place at the same time. Something always comes up. One of them is always in a relationship when the other isn't. Or something comes up where they aren't available or now, Maeve is going to another country for a few months, just as things were going to happen.
Why does it have to be that way? Why can't your favorite ship be endgame just because you like it? Because it's not your show. You didn't produce it or write it. You are not entitled to have the show cater to your every want. These writers have a specific vision in mind and they may or may not already have a set ending in place. The moment they presented their idea to a network they might've already had their endgame ship set in stone.
It's not bad writing if your ship isn't endgame. It isn't objectification if a character was written in a way just to further the plot in a certain way. That's how stories work.
That being said, Eric and Adam was the same way.
They both grew because of their relationship and they learned.
Was it shitty of Eric to cheat on Adam and not tell him right away? Sure, yes.
But he learned that even if he loved Adam and was content in their relationship, it was caging him. He is a different person from Adam. He had his own dreams, likes, boundaries and such. And as does Adam. But those differences can hold each other back and hurt each other.
Eric is comfortable with his sexuality. He is gay and proud and he happens to have a lot of stereotypical gay hobbies and interests. He likes camp, he likes drag, he likes makeup and he is comfortable with his sexuality and doesn't care what others think and so he wants to be all these things out there in the world.
Adam doesn't. Adam is in his first gay relationship after slowly coming to terms with his sexuality. He's not out there like Eric. His mom doesn't know about them and he's scared of telling her, and he especially doesn't want his dad to know.
He was raised the same way his father was, which we find out this season. He gets taught toxic masculinity. He is taught any weakness is feminine and weak and bad. Being vulnerable is bad, expressing soft emotion is bad. And that cultivates into anger and violence.
He is emotionally stunted because of it. And he is slowly unlearning it.
He slowly comes to terms with his sexuality, and he slowly learns to be emotional and vulnerable. And Eric helps a lot with it. Eric is patient and encouraging.
But Adam is still a different person than Eric. He is shy, he is slowly becoming more out every day, he's learning to express himself through meaningful ways, but it's in ways different than how Eric does.
He likes makeup and dancing but maybe he's not ready to go out in the world doing that. Or he is just a private person and no matter how comfortable he gets with himself he may never want to go out to a gay club and dance and wear makeup
But Eric does.
Eric wants to go out he wants to be gay and free and open. That's his personality and he's had a longer time accepting himself and learning not to be afraid of public perception because he knows there's people out there like him. But Adam isn't.
And Eric has every right to break up with Adam because he is young and he doesn't have to stay grounded. He has yet to experience everything he wants and has yet to really know himself. But being with Adam halts that because Adam isn't like him.
Eric is learning to experience life and fly free and he's not afraid of going out there and living life to the fullest. In a way Adam doesn't.
And that's okay. That's real life.
People grow at different rates and in different directions. Let them grow even if it's away from you.
And by the end Adam is hurt but he is a different person because of Eric and for the better.
He is learning to be himself. He is learning how to express himself, to reach out for help, to be open with others. And that's a lot of progress.
He is hurt, his first love, his first gay love broke his heart. But he is stronger than before.
And Eric is free to continue spreading his wings not afraid of being held down by someone not in the same place as him.
And that's what the show is really about.
It's about these teenagers growing and learning and becoming better people. They will change and they will develop into new forms of themselves with each new relationship and challenge.
Love isn't the ultimate goal. It's being yourself and doing what is best for yourself.
Ruby and Otis were really cute together. I really did root for them and I really loved watching Ruby slowly change for the better. And I hope she continues to.
And I really loved Adam and Eric together but Eric cheated and he realized while it was wrong it made him realize that his relationship with Adam is stunting his growth.
You meet people and they may hurt you or you may hurt them but that's how life goes. And hopefully you impacted each relationship in a meaningful way even if it's not the way you intended. That you learn a lesson or you are the lesson.
It's truly brilliant writing. It's realistic, it's diverse, it's open and fresh, but witty and sometimes cheap but Jesus Christ it's not about you and your ship. You are here to watch the story unfold. And maybe get inspired or just be entertained.
When the story takes a turn you don't like it's not always bad writing.
It's only bad writing when it makes no sense, cut corners, is inherently offensive with no meaning to it, or completely does a 180 on all the character progress or other examples.
Hopefully the story ends with meaning. Maybe Otis and Maeve are endgame. Maybe they breakup and meet later in life. Or maybe Otis reconnects with Ruby. Or he meets someone new entirely.
Or maybe he ends the show single and just as involved in his career as his father was or whatnot.
And maybe Maeve also gets so involved with just making it in life that she has no room for a relationship. Or she meets someone new or reconnects with Isaac.
I love that even though the story points to Otis and Maeve endgame it's not the only story or romance explored.
We see Aimee is still struggling with her assault but she's willing to get help and that she learns to stand up for herself and do what makes her happy even if it may upset others, like breaking up with Steve even though he has been nothing be supportive.
I really enjoyed Cal and their introduction. And I enjoyed seeing Jackson be more and more open to trying and learning new things. He is just wanting to find himself and feel fulfilled. And I loved seeing Cal set boundaries with their identity and Jackson.
If Jackson can't accept that Cal isn't a girl and so that means if they were together it would indeed be a queer relationship and that would make Jackson not straight. And Jackson trying to bargain and negotiate while Cal stood firm was insightful.
Because I too, like Jackson, even if subconscious, still perceived Cal as a girl in some way even if I completely understand their identity and will help accommodate it in anyway. And it's just about unlearning the norms I was raised with. Even if I accept and understand, there is always room for more learning. But another thing with Cal, it's not their responsibility to fight.
If they don't want to lead the fight for gender rights and equality then they don't have to.
If you can't accept or won't listen, it's not their responsibility to make you change your ways but they will not respect you and they will not come quietly.
It is not every non-binary, trans, gay, bi, pan, ace, lesbian or anyone who isn't like you, person's responsibility to teach you or answer your questions or change your perception
And that was quite refreshing to see and I really admired seeing that in this show
And also showing that each non-binary person is different. Layla isn't willing to even challenge the system. Because they are scared and from what we see in the last episode, they aren't out to their family. They aren't ready and aren't comfortable trying to fight and that is their right.
And then seeing Cal teach Layla how to bind properly is a good lesson to anyone watching the show that might be binding incorrectly.
And then I also really enjoyed seeing Vivienne and her long distance boyfriend Eugene.
I was happy to see that her jealousy of Cal wasn't because she saw Cal as a romantic rival but friendship rival. Jackson and Vivienne were drifting apart due to their opposing views on Hope and that Viv took Jackson's place as Head girl.
And also seeing Vivienne's boyfriend be some hot, refined man was satisfying to see.
I also loved seeing Maeve learn to accept help and kindness. I was so scared that he and Aimee would never make up but they did and it was the most beautiful thing to see because they are the best friend goals to ever bless the tv world.
And I loved that Isaac wasn't depicted as just some poor helpless paraplegic but he had character and he had talent and he was never seen less than. He was a witty asshole!
And he even got the girl for a while! And he has standards!
I mean sure I don't feel that bad about his feelings getting hurt by Maeve because he took it upon himself to make a decision for Maeve and manipulating the situation for his own selfish crush on Maeve. I mean you didn't let her make the choice. You deleted the voicemail and so she thought Otis still hated her and refused to apologize. Sure she ended up getting feelings for you but because you intervened and lied she never got the chance to truly get closure with Otis because you knew that if she heard the message she'd go to him
Sure you didn't deserve her kissing Otis when you two obviously had something going on but... What did you expect?
And my last thoughts are Jakob and Jean. I liked them together in the beginning but it became apparent that they are two very different people. They just don't fit.
At first I couldn't understand Jakob's distrust of Jean, I mean she messed up once while drunk with her ex husband. It was wrong but I thought it was a tiny little forgiveable thing (and maybe I think that because I'm biased by my love of Jean). But once we get that soft moment of Jakob opening up to the therapist and we find out that his last relationship, with his wife, also had trust betrayed. Her having an affair and then getting sick afterwards so therefore Jakob felt he couldn't leave her when she was so ill.
And I thought Jean and Jakob trying to force a family relationship was not the best route. They had made it clear before that they are just two different people. You can coparent without being in a relationship.
But even through it all they still cared deeply for each other. So yeah.
But my only true criticm of the show is the paternity test results. Now sure we don't know what they say BUT Jean's reaction screams that Jakob isn't the father. Which just disappoints me. Jean has been through so much.
And who else would be the father? We weren't shown any other potential baby daddies.
Also she's been through so much just give her one thing.
Like I like to hope that next season she tells Jakob and even though he's not the dad, he's been there and he was making that baby a goddamn tree house that he steps up and raises that baby like it is his because that baby deserves a father.
But I can only see that Jean will probably hide the truth and they start out quite happy until the results are discovered and Jakob finds out and he is rightfully upset and angry and betrayed and he leaves her and the baby. Or real baby daddy comes to try to be there and makes more drama.
And just because it's how the show goes Maeve and Otis are gonna have something come up and it gets in the way of them being together.
I hope Michael and Adam make some peace as part of both of their developments. Of course I do see Michael having issue with Adam's lack of traditional success and his sexuality but I hope they work it out or at least try next season.
And I hope that Rahim and Adam don't become a thing. They are similar in their introversion and lack of flamboyancy with their sexuality but I hope they bond and become friends but I don't think it's be in good taste for them to date. It's like recycling your gays.
I'm not really sure what's in store for the school. I think maybe someone swoops in last second or they all go to different schools and have to move away and they all lose touch and it's a big component of next year.
And I'm not sure about Eric and what path he takes. Maybe he starts going out to gay spaces and meets someone or just messes around to have fun. But to be honest I'm not sure.
Anyways yeah.
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angels-heap · 4 years
Is it normal that even though I KNOW perfectly well that there is nothing wrong with Freemance, I still feel guilty for liking it? Like seeing such widespread misinformation about it and seeing how aggressive everyone is getting towards it, it's making me more hesitant to post anything about it. Idk, I feel like I'm the only one feeling this way and idk if that's good or bad.
Apologies that it took me so long to answer this, but the short answer is: You’re definitely not alone. Personally, I’ve been rapidly oscillating between the extremes of “ugh, is it even worth it?” and “fuck you, I do what I want” since all this began and then my ability to write fell off a cliff so everything’s kind of in limbo for now, and I know a few other people in the fandom who have expressed similar sentiments. 
I’m so sorry to hear you’re also feeling this way, but don’t beat yourself up for doing whatever you need to do to preserve your own sanity amidst all the nonsense. 
I do have some good news, though: I’m starting to see an uptick in people reblogging my discourse posts with tags or comments expressing sentiments along the lines of “I fell for this when I first joined the fandom, but now I realize there’s nothing wrong with freemance” or “I still don’t like the ship but I see now that my dislike is a matter of personal preference rather than a matter of moral superiority.” Unsurprisingly, as more people actually play the games and talk to others in the fandom, they’re starting to realize that 98% of the criticisms floating around about freemance are complete junk (and the other 2% are Valve’s fault, not ours). 
I know there are folks out there who are still clinging to the worst possible interpretation and whipping themselves up into a frenzy over it, and those people aren’t going to chill out unless someone on their side does the right thing and admits that they went too far with the loaded language. However, some of the fence-sitters seem to be seeing the light, and the hardcore discourse people are sticking to harassing the people who are already on their radar (mostly me). 
There’s been an uptick in wholesome, delightful, non-discourse content in the freemance tag recently, and as far as I know, none of those content creators have been harassed for posting about it. The bad takes are still out there, but people are being a lot less bold about them and are mostly keeping them out of the tags. So, when you’re ready... cultivate your fandom experience, tag ship content so people can filter it, and go forth and enjoy a perfectly harmless ship that brings you joy! 
(Once again, DM me off anon if you want a blocklist of the worst discourse ringleaders. They can’t give you shit if they can’t see your content!)
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sometimesrosy · 4 years
Also, hopefully this doesn't dip too far into negativity, but as a bisexual woman, I feel very much trapped and erased by the fandom's response to this death. Clowns to the left of me and jokers to the right... toxic CLs who overwhelmingly identify as lesbians and think that C ending up with a man would make her straight, calling BCers 'the hets'... miss me with that biphobia. Or, in some cases, there are also some blorks who don't support LGBT at all... I know it's just a show but it hurts.
I just want to point out that what you’re saying is hurting you is NOT the show, but your community, the 100 fandom. It’s the way people respond to the show, and gatekeeping as well as biphobia. 
I will never join another fandom. This whole experience has, for me, been very traumatic, and it wasn’t just the CL fandom, it was the entirety of The 100 fandom. I’ve gotten hate from every single ship including my own. And also for my personal identity a million times over, for my sexuality, for my race, for my age, for having too much sex in my entire life over the course of 30 years, for being mixed race, for being a domestic abuse survivor, for speaking up, for being educated, for having an english degree, for being a teacher, etc etc on and on ad infinitum.
Fandom is a toxic culture that engages in shipwars and fanwars and tries to destroy everyone who doesn’t think or act the same way as them.
Does it have to be? No. But that’s the way it is. And it’s VERY hard to cultivate that bubble to keep all that hate away. 
I don’t enjoy hate, not being on the receiving end of it and not dishing it out. 
If I were you I would mute, block, unfollow, filter and blacklist all the people who say stuff like that. Don’t go to the tags. Don’t read the comments. You don’t need biphobia and erasure. That’s people being evil. 
Get rid of them.
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kurokoros · 4 years
Ah sorry. Was in a Mood with that ask lol. Other shit was pedo shit lmao, there are still people who dont tag, even on ao3, having to but each thing the triggers me in the exclude bit each time is tiring and just doesnt seem worth it in the end. But fans ruining shit I mean the real pushy and shitty ones, theyre not common but theyre loud, and Im sensitive so they really bother me. And I meant I feel Id be less tired if I didnt find the fandom theres lots that I love but a lot thats upsetting
Again, I’m not really sure what to say to this.
I’m not going to talk about the current accusations being thrown around in the fandom. I’ve talked before about how in media characters are usually only teenagers because of marketing. Anime characters are lines. Disney once made me weirdly attracted to a cartoon lion. People aren’t attracted to the bnha characters because of their age. That’s my opinion. I age everyone up because I have zero interest in writing high school situations.
As for the rest of this. If you don’t want to see triggers (presumably nsfw/e rated content) you might be better off sticking to G/T ratings on AO3. It’s less to filter out. Like I said, you’re better off blocking people on tumblr if they bother you or asking writers to tag certain things if they make you uncomfortable. I’m not trying to be rude, I just can’t cultivate your fandom experience for you.
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rpbetter · 3 years
I think a master list for long term roleplayers is such a good idea! I think if it delineates the reasons someone would do long term over short term, and makes sure to not prop up one style over another, it could go over well. I just wonder what a roleplayer would have to do to be listed. Rp a muse for over two years? Have a declaration they don't easily lose muse and keep muses for a long time by default? I think that's the hard part, because it would be easy to exclude people if done wrong.
Hey, Anon!
Well, I'll let you in a secret...I might have begun that project this weekend. So, it might (absolutely will be) be happening, and this message certainly made me feel good about it!
It also brings up some incredibly valid points I hadn't thought about, like how one would go about specifically designating RPers as long-term. As you said, it's got a potential problems for exclusion, and the only exclusion intended is simply not being a dedicated, long-term RPer.
I think the only fair way of doing it is to let the muns themselves decide. As it presently stands, the idea is to submit the answers to a form that does ask "RP experience (years and places)." I thought that might help muns field each other better, and now, I think it might be the fairest way of determining what "long-term" means to everyone.
If you feel like someone who has been RPing for two years with the same muse(s) is long-term enough, then it is! If that's not enough to hit your mark of long-term, no hard feelings even happen because you just keep scrolling the list to someone who has been RPing for ten.
I'll be rewording the question to have two parts, thanks to this ask! It'll now read something like, "How long have you been RPing (includes tumblr and other RPCs)? Has this been the same muse/handful of muses (what's your longest time RPing a muse)?"
That way, you're also not running into issues like...well, let's use me as an example. I've been RPing online for over twenty years, but have only been RPing on tumblr for seven. I've had one muse for almost seventeen years, but another one only for that seven years. If I was to answer just with my presence here on tumblr with that muse, that's far shorter than my total time RPing and doesn't include that I'm long-term enough to have had a muse for seventeen years. This way, I could customize my answer and give a fuller one.
I know we all tend to think of tumblr's RPC as rarely taking on new muns these days, but I meet them fairly often. None are new to written, online RP, but they've only just joined this RPC. I certainly don't want anyone to feel like they have to answer "six months" when that isn't entirely an accurate representation of their experience and interest.
The questions are also not overly skewed toward any single type of RP outside of the umbrella of "Dedicated." Meaning long-term, primary hobby/dedicated interest RPers who stick with threads and muses. So, while, yes, a lot of us are also into long replies, it's not excluding those who write less either. It asks your style(s) and gives the options of "sentence, para, multi-para, novella, lengthy novella." You can, obviously, put multiple answers in as to what you prefer to write!
Some additional things it asks for:
links you'd like to include (rules, promo, carrd, docs, bio, other)
types of RP concentrated on (angst, slice-of-life, canon-involved, AUs, romance and shipping, friendships, horror, etc.)
your URL(s), obviously!
blog type (single-muse, multi-muse)
muse/primary muses' names (if this is a multimuse blog with all muses in one place, if not, please designate which goes with which URL)
mun age/age range and age requirements
other things about your blog/RPing/muse(s) (hard limits, crossover friendly, OC friendly, plot-driven, selectivity, etc.)
I really want to give the widest variety possible of dedicated RPers the opportunity to put themselves out there if they desire, since it truly is incredibly hard to find each other anymore. And I believe that since such phrasing tends to be a turn off for those who are more casual RPers, that alone cuts down on the likelihood of me having to message someone and tell them that they might not qualify.
I do plan to actually look at the blogs, though that is definitely going to annoy some and take more time to get people's submissions posted. It isn't because I am remotely interested in being judgmental of anyone's blog, writing, muses, or whatever! It's...tumblr. In 2021. Leaving anything up to an honor system is asking for trouble, and as we've seen in the not too distant past, very unfortunately, no matter what one says, the effort they go to in order to not rub people the wrong way, if someone wants to misread negativity into something, they will. Any time you have the topic of types of RP or broach it being at all acceptable to have preferences, requirements, expectations, and so on, it can turn quite ugly quite quickly.
It is a serious concern that those determinedly offended parties will misuse the listing. While seeing too many red flags of harassment on a blog doesn't retroactively stop them from seeing the list of RPers, it does at least prevent them being on it. That is absolutely within the rules, too, that this is not a place that is friendly/tolerant of any manner of policing and resultant harassment.*
*There will be a harassment policy. I realize that any listing can be used inappropriately, and I realize, too, that there is a limit to what I can do to cultivate and maintain a safe place...but that needs to be done in so far as possible and taken seriously. Callout culture is absolutely not allowed, period. That won't be added to the list, if it's engaged in and I'm aware of it, it'll be a removal from the list. Inappropriate use of the list as a callout resource will result in blocking, harassing others to RP with you when you've been politely declined will result in blocking. Yes, that can be subverted, but the stance matters.
And, obviously, I'd also be looking for anything really glaring like the basic (and it's my intention to make it as clear as possible that these are variable things, we're all real people here, that it's repeat and extreme behavior only) parameters state. Things like incessant, flippant muse creation and collection when there is, right there stated repeatedly, not the time or creative energy to keep up with those already present. Or just as obvious blog/muse/fandom hopping. Again, a thousand times, if that's how you enjoy RP and engage with it as your hobby, that's perfectly fine. It's also perfectly fine that other people don't enjoy that and would like a space to find the comparatively tiny number of muns who want to engage with the hobby in the way they do. That's what I'm trying to do!
I don't have an estimate on when this might go live, as has been clear with my horrifyingly delayed responses, I'm very busy right now. Just know that it will be happening! I believe things will be slowing down, allowing me more time to do more than a couple of responses a week, roughly toward the end of October/beginning of November. So, I'm thinking it might be the first week of November.
That's a little bit off, but it does give everyone time to send in asks about it! If there's something you can think of that would be helpful (questions for the submission, the way it's set up, rules, whatever you can think of), please, do send it in. I want to know! I'm just one very busy, very tired mun trying to still be a dedicated RPer myself elsewhere lol I appreciate that sort of feedback! And the list is for y'all, you really should get to opine and suggest things!
Also, I did just think of something, opinions, anyone? Since it is a list that is open to everyone who fits the description, there will be blogs containing "dark content." While tags would catch the major, basic things muns might wish to filter, that can't possibly be expected for unique squicks and triggers. I don't want anyone getting specific on the listing, I think that could incite problems, but how about warning that the blog does contain such content, with the notation right there in the rules, use info, and posted listings themselves that it's advised to visit rules links first for details. I'd like to avoid anyone getting exuberant, clicking a blog URL, and seeing some graphic imagery they need to avoid. This way, if you do that, you have been warned...repeatedly and responsibly, and made your choices.
Obviously, that is dependent upon muns actually detailing what upsetting content might be present on the blog in their rules and not simply making a blanket statement that it exists. I haven't seen many RPers of this type doing that in recent years, but I'm sure that the increasing threat of harassment has negatively impacted this honesty and warning system. Still, at least this way, you'd be warned and could exercise your own judgment messaging the mun of the blog to ask for content specifics before you proceeded beyond rules.
Those are my thoughts, anyway!
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