#but the SO MAD reaction just keeps happening and it's like... extremely hard not to interpret it as the lady protesting too much ykwim
elainemorisi · 2 years
a) if you would like to indulge in probably overblown panic about world events, do I have the spot on the internet for you
b) are people like, actually commonly incapable of seeing somebody say something they (observer) believes, to a somewhat informed degree, to be probably just catastrophizing and like... dismissing it?
#a. is about yesterday's post here and the answer is r/collapse#(do not fucking go to r/collapse if you are not vv confident in your ability to not doomscroll or panic)#(I appreciate its existence though largely because I think it's a good thing to have an outlet for that impulse!#ONE outlet; one easily-cordoned-off outlet)#b is not at all about that one I'm just being an ass and putting it in the same post#b is about *twitter's* post(s) yesterday#I continue to be boggled by the number of otherwise fairly reasonable tweeps#who are just SO MAD at the covid catastrophizers#SO SO MAD#do I also think many of those folks are overblowing a lot of what they say? sure. also not overblowing some#but the SO MAD reaction just keeps happening and it's like... extremely hard not to interpret it as the lady protesting too much ykwim#and the two things relate because just. like.#what ARE people (generally. but I mean like. individuals. how does general-your individual brain work) capable and incapable of#as far as like... sitting with horror goes#because best I got is catastrophizing doesn't tend to make me mad because it doesn't upset me#because things of that rhetorical shape like... they do upset me ofc horror is horrifying#but I think I'm maybe missing a layer or a mode of upset?#because it is very easy (and horrifying!) to accept that the true ones are in fact true#and because I believe the stuff I think is overblown is overblown... it just totally ceases to be the same sort of thing at all?#and like... if you believe it's bullshit. where is the SO MAD coming from#idk these are very sincere questions I am probably explaining very imperfectly#the horror-admission-question has been one my whole life I promise#and I don't mean it as a virtue to be clear#it also makes it pretty fucking easy to say 'yup. that's bad. not gonna bother me though'#but it's not just a vice. because like. things are in fact bad. feeling bad about that doesn't make them not exist. I really ??
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ivyluvsyouu · 7 months
anyways, wanted to request Liyue characters (any of your choice) and an Adepti reader and their reactions on that. Also I really like your writing, keep up the good work!
𝑳𝒊𝒚𝒖𝒆 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒐 𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒑𝒕𝒊 𝒔/𝒐
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔: 𝑩𝒂𝒊𝒛𝒉𝒖, 𝑩𝒆𝒊𝒅𝒐𝒖, 𝑮𝒂𝒏𝒚𝒖, 𝑯𝒖 𝒕𝒂𝒐, 𝑵𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒈𝒖𝒂𝒏𝒈, 𝑺𝒉𝒆𝒏𝒉𝒆, 𝑿𝒊𝒂𝒐
𝑰'𝒎 𝒔𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒔𝒆𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝑳𝒊𝒚𝒖𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅!! 𝑰𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝑳𝒊𝒚𝒖𝒆 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒍𝒆𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘<𝟑!
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Baizhu finds you quite interesting. You told him about your adeptus powers pretty early on into your relationship and he finds it extremely intriguing. He asks a lot of questions about your powers and about your life before him. He knows that adepti don't die from old age, so he asks about the past a lot since your thousands of years old. He asks for you to try his medicines that he makes sometimes to see if they will have an effect on you. "Darling, can you try this one?"
He doesn't ask all the time because he doesn't want you to think that he's using you because he isn't. He just finds your history and your powers extremely interesting, and he wants to be able to understand you more. So, if it seems like he's using you for his research he's not doing that he just wants to be able to understand his beloved s/o more.
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She's heard of the adeti before, and she's even met a few before but she doesn't fully understand everything about them. So, when you confessed to being an adeptus she didn't really know what to do. It's not like she was mad, or she loved you any less she just didn't know what to do to understand you or how your powers worked. You had hidden it from her for a while because you were nervous about how she would react and when you told her she made sure you knew that she didn't love you any less and that she wasn't upset. "It's okay, I understand why you would hide something like that" she said wrapping her arms around you.
She asks Ganyu about it since she knows Ganyu is an adeptus as well. Ganyu gave her some brief history on adepti and how they're powers work and their history. She always tries to learn more and more about you and your powers and she's always trying to educate herself on adepti so she listens to everything Ganyu tells her.
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She already knows that you're and adeptus since she's an adeptus So, it's not really anything out of the ordinary for her. If anything, she prefers her s/o to be an adeptus since it's easier for her to relate to another adeptus. She loves being able to talk to you about things mortals wouldn't understand. She finds most of the other adepti hard to talk to so her s/o being an adeptus really helps her. "It's so easy to talk to you, y/n"
You two had been friends for hundreds of years before you two got into a relationship and Ganyu had feelings for you for hundreds of years before you two got together so getting into a relationship with you was one of the best things that has ever happened to her.
𝑯𝒖 𝒕𝒂𝒐
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"Ooohh cool so you're like super strong right? I know Mr Xiao is an adeptus so you're like him?? Woahh you're so great y/n, I'm so lucky to have you as my s/o" she said smiling at you. When you admitted you were an adeptus all she could think of was how cool it was and how much more she admired you. She takes such pride in you being an adeptus she just tells people about it mid conversation. "Oh, my s/o? there super strong and there an adeptus!! How cool is that?!"
She always tries to learn more about adepti and your history and how your powers work. "So, y/n, I have to ask, have you ever met any of the archons?? What are they like??" she's so curious about everything, she'll join you on commissions just to see how your powers work.
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"Hm? You're an adeptus? Oh, I know darling I could tell" she said softly as she looked up from her work. She knew everything about Liyue, Including the Adepti and who they are and their history so she could tell that you're an adeptus. And honestly, she doesn't care. As long as your safe and cared for she doesn't care about you being an adeptus.
She knows about adepti powers and the history of the adepti and everything so she's not really curious about how your powers work. If you want to rant to her or vent to her about how stressful being an adeptus can be she will listen and give you as much as advice as she can.
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She was raised by adepti so she already knew who you were and when you two developed feelings for each other and eventually got into a relationship she knew that you were and adeptus and how important you were to the people of Liyue. Most people address her as an adeptus but at the end of the day Shenhe is a mortal, so she always tries to understand you more. She has a pretty good understanding of your powers, but she always tries to learn more.
She looks up to you a lot and is proud to say that her s/o is an adeptus. She knows how hard you work to protect Liyue so she always tries to be as supportive as possible. She does get worried sometimes that you might get hurt, but she has to tell herself that your strong and that you'll be okay.
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Like Ganyu, He prefers to have a s/o whose an adeptus. Honestly, I can't see him falling for a mortal I can only see him falling for another adeptus. He finds it easier to communicate with you because you understand things mortals wouldn't. He knows being in a relationship with him is difficult but you being an adeptus helps a lot.
He knows how different each adeptus is, so he always asks questions about how your powers work. You both had known of each other for thousands of years, but you had never really spoken much but when you did, he fell for you instantly and he spent a few hundred years thinking of ways he could confess to you. And it took him another hundred years to find the confidence to build up the confidence to confess but once he did you both knew that you two would spend the rest of eternity with each other.
𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒎 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒅𝒊𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒑𝒍𝒛 𝒍𝒆𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔<𝟑!
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silv3rswirls · 8 months
Their s/o faints in another member's arms
Anon asks: Hi, can I request a bts reaction where their girlfriend/ s/o faints in another member’s arms. Thank you and I love your writing ☺️
Note: I hope you enjoy it, thank you for requesting it!
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He felt dread fill his stomach when he heard Jimin gasp and frantically call for help. He rushes over to help Jimin get you somewhere more comfortable, frowning at how pale and weak you seem to be. He stays by your side as you’re checked up on, feeling guilty that he hadn’t noticed your lack of eating the past two days due to stress. He stays close to you for the next few days, making sure you’re taking care of yourself and recovering.
He hadn’t been in the room, but he heard Hoseoak panic and call for the staff to get some help for you. He’s shocked over how run down you look, leaning against Hoseok as he tries to sit you down carefully. He knew you had been working harder and more hours than usual, but he was upset that you worked yourself to the point of fainting. He scolds you for it but is attentive to your needs following the incident.
It was hot- so much so everyone thought it would be the hottest day of summer. You and Hobi had gone to the beach with a bunch of friends and the other members. He was lounging around relaxing while you and Taehyung walked the shoreline looking for shells and playing with Yeontan. He saw you from a distance start to slow down and start to stumble into Tae’s arms. He’s there in an instant, panicking to get you some medical attention. He feels so bad the heat got to you like that and fusses over you endlessly.
You injured yourself not too long ago but kept insisting that you were okay to go out with Namjoon and Jungkook. He checks up on you all night to make sure you’re not in pain or uncomfortable, but the moment he takes his eyes off you to use the restroom he’s getting a call from Jungkook that he’s taken you outside and you’re feeling lightheaded. He’s mad that you were in so much pain, so much so that you passed out on the way to the hospital. He’s strict with your care the rest of the week.
Jimin heard Namjoon comment that you were looking really pale and sickly as he fussed with his keys to get into the apartment. The three of you had gone out for some drinks, so he assumed you had just had a little too much. But before getting inside you were falling into Namjoon’s arms, muttering something about not feeling good. Namjoon keeps him calm as they decide to take you to the emergency room just in case. Jimin’s upset to learn that you hadn’t eaten or had any water before going out like that. He’s never going to let you pull such a move again he lectures, staying at your side all night.
He hadn’t been worried when he got separated from you because he knew you were still hanging around with Jin. The event you were at was packed, loud, and hard to navigate. He rushed down to the lobby when Jin called him, you had fainted over admitting to feeling very anxious and overwhelmed with everything, having a hard time breathing. There were medical staff already there checking you out, but Taehyung felt extremely guilty for leaving you. He takes you home and lets you rest, cuddling and talking to you about what happened.
You had been pretty sick and exhausted all week, but you still pushed yourself to go out to pick up some more medicine and ingredients for dinner. Jungkook had been gone and busy all day, and you had gotten impatient waiting so long for his help. You bumped into Yoongi there, but he barely commented on how bad you looked before you passed out into him. You get checked out and he takes you back home, scolding Jungkook for not looking after you better. Jungkook feels guilty, making sure to attend to all your needs the rest of the night and taking the next day off to stay with you.
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mysadcorner · 1 year
If you're uncomfortable writing this I completely understand! But if you're okay with it could you write an AK!Jason Todd x reader where they go out together. Reader gets hit on and becomes uncomfortable, so Jason swoops in as the protective boyfriend he is making sure she is left alone 💓
Jason Todd x Reader Being Hit On Headcanons
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- Credit to the images owners - Please be specific about characters wanted in requests -
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• Jason is furious when he first sees someone hitting on you, especially as they’re doing it while watching. He can’t believe their stupidity and also can’t hold himself back from getting involved as you’re clearly uncomfortable but aren’t doing anything to force the pushy person away.
• If it’s someone you know the Jason would be even more mad since this person intentionally interacted with you in that way whilst knowing about your relationship. He’ll put this person directly in their place, no matter who is around, and may even resort to violence if he thinks that whoever is hitting on you is going way too far and being inappropriate towards you.
• If it’s someone you don’t know then they possibly didn’t know about your relationship with Jason, especially if Jason was off interacting with someone else for a slight moment. However, if they’re making you uncomfortable he’ll take his reaction to an extreme level and make sure they’re too scared to ever approach you again.
• If you’re uncomfortable even after Jason has dealt with the person who was being pushy and inappropriate towards you then he won’t hesitate to take you home so that you can be in an environment that makes you feel safer. It doesn’t matter how important the event was that you both had been attending or if you both ended up missing something you were planning to do together, he just wants you to feel alright after the incident.
• When something is happening towards you, it’s very hard for Jason to control his anger. So, don’t expect him to hold back if the person who approached you went way too far. You may be able to hold him back since he doesn’t like being violent in front of you, but you can still expect him to be very loud and to call out the person in front of everyone, and he doesn’t care how important that person is or what social position they hold.
• After taking you home he’ll make sure that you’re alright and try his best to comfort through interaction or doing things for you if that’s what you need. He also understands if you don’t need him to actively comfort you, he knows what it feels like to not need someone to provide comfort and to just get out of the situation itself in order to feel better.
• Jason would be slightly mad at you too if he saw that you weren’t even trying to escape the situation. He understands that you may have been scared and that person could have caused damage towards you, but he needs you to realise that he can’t always be there to protect you no matter how much he wants to be. Because of this he’ll encourage you to learn how to protect yourself in various situations so that you can minimise danger (even if it’s just by a slight amount) towards yourself until he’s around to deal with it for you.
• When Jason is around to protect you, he’ll instinctively become more aware of his surrounding for you when others are around. This may put him slightly on edge during new social situations or people but after analysing each persons characteristics he will settle. This is just so he can be aware of the people around you and keep an eye on anyone who may approach you or pose any threat to you, allowing him to deal with them before they can even try anything.
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leejynz · 1 year
the boyz reaction - to you being drunk (as your boyfriend)
fluff! kinda? angst!
*note this is all fictional and just based off of my opinion of the boyz js for fun*
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- hed obvi be worried but would get mad that you didn’t listen to him
- would start lowkey yelling at you when you didn’t get up
- start lecturing you like a dad the next day about knowing your limits in drinking
- “yah do you know how dangerous the world is?? you could get kidnapped!!”
- extremely worried but would laugh at how cute you are
- lowkey kind of shy when he tries to help you in front of his friends
- “you’re so cute when you’re like this but first let’s get you out of here”
- was in disbelief when your friend called him, he was so shocked since you’ve never gotten drunk
- “yah y/n, y/n, did i do something wrong?”
- wouldn’t leave your side the next day bc he got worried you were drinking bc of him
- he was getting tired as this was your tenth time getting drunk this month
- talks super gently to you “cmon let’s get you outta here”
- still loves you tho, he takes care of you the next day with breakfast
- “call me when you’re gonna drink next time”
- he rushes to get you as soon as he heard that you drunkenly said you’d walk home yourself (which you definitely can’t)
- best boyfriend duties, he smiles at you, looking at the rearview of you in the passenger seat while he’s driving
- carries you back to your guys’ house and tucks you into bed
- “are you serious? again? it’s the fourth time this week!” mad but talks gently
- does that “fever check with the back of his hands on your forehead” thing
- carries you so easily with those big kevin muscles
- he declined your friends call bc he already knows the reason, he’s too tired
- but ofc he goes to the diner you go to 24/7 and sees you passed out
- he’s pissed off but deep inside hes extremely worried for you but chooses not to show his feeling
- tells you to drink in the house with him next time
- he was shocked since you said you quit drinking last month but gets a concerning call
- he found you so cute with a flushed face, but immediately takes you home
- you say “oh my gosh you’re so cute but i have a boyfriend.” he jokingly asks/tests you questions to see what you’d say drunk “oh really? why do you like your boyfriend so much?” (when we obvi know the bf is him)
- he’s a little awkward but it’s even more awk bc of how cute you are to him in public, you keep saying he’s hot and you’d date him “if it wasn’t for my boyfriend, haknyeon”
- he tucks you in bed at home and keeps kissing you on the cheek
- he keeps on smiling at your angel face and ends up falling asleep with you
- you think he’d be mad, but he’d be extremely worried for you
- he’d piggyback you to home since it was nearby and make sure you weren’t too cold
- he’d try hard to make the perfect hangover soup and comforts you the next day
- this was the first ever time this happened and he was worried smt might have stressed you out and you didn’t know
- gets shy to ask you the next day, “hey i just wanna ask if everything’s okay? i just want to make sure you didn’t drink bc of something or someone”
- cuddles and watches movies with you after you told him that everything was okay yesterday
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thatwildnya · 1 year
" It’s a huge sign of trust to fall asleep when touching another for centaurs." Wait awww, what would their reaction be to their master (?) falling asleep while touching them for the first time?
Centaur Boys Making Sure Their Master Has a Good Nap
Wild: *cracks knuckles* buckle up you are not ready for this level of wholesome. also I'm so sorry I took so long to answer after the post saying I would answer all asks quickly! Thank you for your understanding! I added Che'nya and Cheka as a thank you. I hope you enjoy!
Nya: i nearly ripped off the top of my thumb's nail. i've been wearing band aids for a few weeks. my thumb print has become very smooth it's weird
Note: All are in their centaur form. These can be seen as romantic or platonic. Except Ortho and Cheka. Platonic love only for them.
Riddle: Gets extremely flustered yet happy. You are putting so much trust in him to keep you safe during your snooze and he takes that very seriously. Goes stone still, could be in the most uncomfortable position known to man and will still deal with it until you wake up. RIP anyone that wakes you up they will be losing their head for a while.
Trey: Gets a soft smile on his face. If you fall asleep while riding him he'll carefully bend forward slightly so you're at a more comfortable angle. He'll stay still for the most part but occasionally walk around to create a soothing rocking motion.
Cater: Also gets a soft smile on his face. He'll do his best to make sure you're laying on his body because he's warm and soft. Checks on you every now and then. Plays with your hair if he can reach.
Ace: Wing blanket wing blanket wing blanket. You'll probably end up using his chest as a pillow so he keeps you warm with his wings. Will preen your hair gently with a big smile.
Deuce: He is so honored and his love for you has increased tenfold. Goes stone stiff and growls loudly at anyone who dares to disturb your slumber. Will make a rumbling purr every so often.
Leona: Anyone who tries to get near will be given a death glare and a pointy teeth filled snarl. Nobody is allowed near while he's on guard. You are warm and safe with him. If you sleep first he will not be sleeping. Instincts man, instincts. His love for you grows immensely and he will make sure you have a peaceful rest. Might start grooming you if you're in reach of his tongue.
Ruggie: His smile is so big and his tail is going crazy. You'll wake up to a yeen staring at you with absolute love in his eyes. He makes sure you're as comfy as possible and hums a soothing tune.
Jack: The first time it happens you won't be asleep for long his tail is going to make his whole body shake from the force. He is so mad at himself and doesn't even try to hide it. Give him some pats to let him know it's alright and snuggle back in for another go. This time and from then on his tail won't be a bother. It was just because this was the first time he was caught off guard. Another that growls at nap waking offenders.
Azul: Internally screaming. He has a huge blush on his face and is so glad you can't see it. You will wake up in a gentle entanglement of tentacles to a singing octopus running his hands through your hair and rubbing you back. Does his best to keep you nice and warm. Disturbances get smacked. Hard.
Jade: On that outside he looks the same. On the inside he's got fireworks going off with kazoos in the background. It's not often he finds someone willing to sleep in his presence due to his unsettling aura and to have his master do so paves the way for him letting down his mask around them. Wraps his tail around you and plays with your hair. Any with the balls to approach get traumatized by his glare.
Floyd: Gets uncharacteristically calm. Like Jade he's got fireworks and kazoos but as much as he wants to squeeze you he waits until you wake up. Floyd is lucky you were willing to adopt him alongside his twin despite his chaotic nature and this lets him know you don't secretly regret it. Hugs you close and hums while playing with your hair. Also traumatizes disturbances with a glare.
Kalim: Like Floyd he becomes super calm and quiet. Growing up in a big household he knows very well how nice it is to have someone you can cuddle up with for a nap and not worry about them waking you. Loves when you hug his tail, he'll let out a happy giggle.
Jamil: Literal hearts in his eyes. You are not going anywhere anytime soon when you wake this is one of the few moments Jamil will demand to be spoiled right then and there. First you rescued him for that godawful home and now this? His loyalty is yours forever.
Vil: There's a slight blush on his face as he moves your hair out of your eyes. You don't treat him like an untouchable beauty (in fact that’s quite the opposite you’re always petting him please be mindful of the hair and fur) and spoil him with actual genuine praise and love. His heart is about to explode. Already thinking about what he wants to do for you to say 'I love you'.
Rook: Also gets literal hearts in his eyes. He's so happy you graced him with such an honor and takes his job very seriously. One of the very few times he growls at others. He watches you sleep, nothing but absolute adoration and gentleness in them.
Epel: Ego boost of the century. He is gonna protect your nap with his life. He can't growl or hiss but he will bare his fangs at any who dare come close. You will wake up to a happy antler bunny demanding pets and kisses for a reward.
Idia: Hair is a bright pink and mouth a big toothy smile. This is the moment he starts to feel genuine love towards you. Makes sure everything is perfect as can be while you nap. Might reach back to play with your hair. Gives a warning nicker to anyone that dares to interrupt your nap. The really ballsy ones get chased away by a small fireball.
Ortho: Has a huge grin on his face and look of triumph. Takes his duty very seriously, no warnings from him you just get chased by a fireball. Will spend the whole nap trying to reach a blanket juuust out of reach because what if you catch get sick from laying on his cold body? Reward him with pets and forehead kisses he’s such a good boy.
Malleus: You are in the safest spot in the whole world the moment your eyes close. He notices immediately and spares no time getting you to maximum comfort. Uses magic to levitate you between his forearms, summons your favorite blanket and pillow, and makes the room the perfect temperature just for you. His gaze is filled with nothing but love and adoration as he watches you snooze, humming a tune as his fingers massage your back. Anyone who has the courage to try and wake you gets teleported outside and locked out until you awaken.
Lilia: Gives you a soft smile and look as you drift away. Gently picks you up and brings you to your bed so he can watch over you from above. If he can’t he’ll lay on his back and cover you with his wings instead. Sings a tune while you dream away. No one tries to wake you. One look from the old fae and they are immediately doing a 180 out the room no thank you sir.
Silver: Oh mah gwad he goes from sleepy prince charming to ultra serious guard in a snap. Your blanket is his tail and his side is your pillow. When his eyes are on you they are filled with hearts and gaze is the softest of them all. When there’s an intruder they become murderous and terrifying he got it from his pops.
Sebek: Puffs out his chest with pride and takes the job super ultra mega seriously. Anything in reach that will increase your comfort is used to its full potential. You will wake up to find yourself in a makeshift nest and a happy crocodile man greeting you asking if your nap was excellent. Like some of the others this is probably the moment he begins to feel genuine love for you and becomes more open around you. Please call him a good boy you will not regret it I promise.
Che’nya: Purring immediately a kitty cat lullaby to block out any noise. His tail curls around you and he’s humming a tune to go with his purrs. Unless someone is able to find you without their eyes you won’t be awoken his unique magic especially comes in handy for nap time. If you are found he scares the unwanted guests with some little tricks he’s saved for occasions just like this.
Cheka: He puffs out his chest, ready to prove he’s more than capable to protect his master! He crosses his arms across his chest and straightens up ready to scare away all enemies of your glorious nap! But your body heat feels nice, and your scent always puts him at ease. No, he can’t sleep right now! But maybe closing his eyes for a minute will help wake him up…
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fatuismooches · 9 months
I am once again flooding your askbox for my brainrot 💀 (Idk if ur ok with pregnancy so just ignore this if u aren't)
AAAUAGGG I wonder what would happen if reader and dottore had a kid... like.... what would his reaction to the news be... HOW WOULD THE SEGMEMTS REACT??
Reader just walks in one day and tells him the news and suddenly the lab goes QUIET aside from a test tube falling onto the floor.
Aaaaaagagysvyzubdub dottore fluff makes me go INSANE AND CRAZY.
also Zandy having a sibling!!!!!!! he protects them with his LIFE!!!! (So do foxttore and the pufflings theyre like guard dogs now.)
The baby is so goddamn spoiled because they have like 50 different parents... (and also Pantalone keeps sending random baby toys over, Dottore is not amused.)
WKBFEWF YES!! (Honestly im scared of pregnancy/birth irl but its dottore so its okay 😚) I imagine reader would be SO nervous and scared to tell him because well... their husband is IL DOTTORE after all. That's not exactly the ideal father material but... you still want to try! You love Dottore so much and you want him to try too. Honestly, Zandy was the first one to know! You probably sat him down and were like "You're going to be a big brother, Zandy!" And it took a little bit for him to process it before he started squealing and jumping in excitement... 😭 Well at least he took the news well but other other segments are going to be a whole different story, much less ZANDIK himself. You're kind of stressing out.
You contemplated telling him by himself but nowadays it was hard to do that considering how he was always doing something, and also telling the segments individually was going to be a hassle, so you just came out and said it. Now, when you said you had something "extremely important" to tell them, they were prepared for a lot of things but... certainly not that they were going to be fathers. The lab is so so silent before all hell breaks loose. You have the younger segments panicking and launching all sorts of questions at you while the older ones are just stunned and then ushering you to sit and hydrate and all of these things... but Zandik is just staring at you motionlessly. The shock hasn't worn off yet. When it's just you and Zandik, he's so quiet it has you very nervous until you ask him if he's mad... he's not but, he knows he wasn't meant to love in the first place, much less be a father. But you just hold him and tell him that he has you, and it may not be easy, but you believe he can do it.
You end up being pampered so much by the segments and Dottore it's kind of scary... like, the amount of checkups and attention was crazy before but now it's on a different level... they just want you and the baby to be healthy.
Oh gosh Pantalone teases Dottore SO MUCH. Columbina as well, they tease him about how he loves his kid soooo much (he got mad at Childe for spending too much time with them.) Speaking of Childe he's actually sweet enough to help teach you a lot of things, since he has experience and all... :) The segments, well, obviously they are not good with kids either but, this is your kid, and in a way, their kid as well... they try, at the very least. They won't let anything harm them. Also, the kid's first word probably ends up being something science related because they always listen to the segments babble on about that stuff... 😭
Your kid always has their stuffed toy with them to cuddle... (it's Foxttore of course, what can be better than that?!) Dottore probably shows his love by creating all these toys for the kid to be occupied...
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darcytaylor · 1 month
There is a pattern to these fandom freakouts that's quite frankly become exhausting. Every time L hasn't posted in a while, trolls come out of the woodwork, posting shit affecting his loved ones, hoping to spur him into action. This is what happened last time with the HBS likes. Every time there's info or even so much as a hint that he's still with A, a smear campaign against him is launched, without fail. But if he posts something about Bton, all is forgotten in seconds, he's suddenly uwu babygurl Lukey Newts, perfect boy. Every. Fucking. Time. This is what happens whenever a celebrity isn't doing a little monkey dance for the fandom. And it's such a weird thing - if they're obsessed with someone, it doesn't necessarily mean that they love or even like them. In which case, I would like to kindly ask - why are they even here? Like, what are they hoping to get out of this experience?
Personally, I'm tired of going into any Bton fandom space at this point, hoping to see what's new and hopefully have a good time, and getting bombarded with literal nonsense that will be disproven within hours yet will somehow linger in the collective fandom memory and become a building block of increasingly unfounded theories that have diverged completely from reality, yet get regurgitated as fact every time new info emerges. They always find a way to contort even the most benign piece of info into intractable timelines of things that have been given meaning that they simply don't bear. Literally if you were to pull a thread, the whole thing would fall apart. Yet, these same things get resuscitated every time the fandom is mad at L or N or whoever for not doing whatever it is they think they should be doing.
The entitlement is mind-blowing and the rinse-repeat cycle of chicken-littling over the minutest thing is sucking every bit of joy out of being in this fandom anymore. It has become more time-consuming just trying to curate my experience than actually consuming content I'd like to see. What is even the point anymore, folks, huh? Would your own lives withstand the same kind of scrutiny you're putting these people under? They're just trying to make entertainment and a living out of it, what's the point of ruining everything? Whence even the urge? None of this is that deep. Is everyone just a miserable fuck anymore? I'm sorry for ranting, but it's become not worth it for me anymore when May was such a blessed time. Why can't we all stay in that energy? What good could possibly come of this? Thank you for listening and take care of yourselves, everyone.
I totally get where you're coming from. Fandoms can become overwhelming, and it sounds like you're feeling really drained by all the drama and negativity. It’s hard when a space you used to enjoy turns into a battleground of speculation, entitlement, and frustration. Your feelings about how fans treat celebrities and the constant cycle of drama are completely valid. I've noticed this pattern as well. It’s disheartening when every action or inaction of a public figure is scrutinized and twisted into something negative. Luke might not have handled everything perfectly, but the extreme reactions often reflect a lack of empathy and misplaced expectations.
It’s also frustrating when fandom spaces are overwhelmed with misinformation and sensationalism. This is why I found myself rolling my eyes at the information coming out yesterday. People should be more mindful about the sources of their information and why it’s being spread. The effort to sift through and debunk myths can be more exhausting than just enjoying the content. Constantly having to defend yourself or distance from the negativity to keep your enjoyment intact is disheartening.
It’s tough when people criticize you for trying to view the situation from a different perspective and not just join in the attack without knowing all the facts (or at least a good portion of them). It’s definitely tiring. I was feeling this yesterday because of the asks I was getting.
Remember, it's perfectly okay to step back if the environment is no longer enjoyable or is affecting your well-being. Fandoms should be a place for sharing enthusiasm and connecting with others who feel the same way, not a source of constant stress and conflict. I hope you find a way to rekindle your enjoyment of the fandom or at least find some peace with it. Take care of yourself and focus on what makes you happy. ❤️
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
OKAY this one came to me in a drug induced haze. So we all know the first thing that comes to mind when we see Hob. Get that man pregnant. Could be whatever variation human/warprize/fertility god etc au, I believe in my haze I was thinking specifically Dragon shapeshifter au ANYWAY. So Hob has just delivered a wonderful beautiful miracle to them, and they could not be more thrilled. They were definitely the Planning Parents who accounted for Every contingency in the baby's first 5 years of life, they have a Plan. Part of this plan, regrettably, was that they'd wait until Baby was at least 3 before having another. They both agreed it was just the Optimal Decision for their Great Baby Life Plan, so they'd have to put aside how ridiculously wonderful/horny those 9 months were. It won't be that hard, they'll have a whole ass child to love and dote on and take up all their time and energy.
The hitch comes when having a baby does nothing to dampen how absolutely devastatingly lustful they are for eachother. As soon as Hob is healed up he's begging for just one round, please Dream? It's been so long. Dream makes him wait another few days to be sure he's healed before they are right back to fucking like rabbits. Many orgasms to balance the discomfort of generally havinga newborn, interrupted sleep cycles, cramps from whatever position he was in too long for nursing, etc. And soon enough it's only been a few months and Hob is honestly? Feeling kind of shitty. He thought it would be getting EASIER as the baby got older and disnt need to be so much stapled to him and slept for longer periods of time, but he's very tired and kind of cranky and achey. It isn't until he starts throwing up that he realizes what's happened. Of course his first thought is ANOTHER BABY OMG YES BABIES. But then he has a rude awakening. He wasnt Supposed to get pregnant again so soon. This will break their whole big plan into tiny peices. Will Dream be mad? Oh no.
But Hob couldn't keep a secret from Dream on a good day, let alone a bad day when he's tired and hormonal, so he puts the baby down, sits Dream down at the table, and weeps his way through explaining that whatever birth control they used couldn't stand up to their vigorous lovemaking and he's pregnant again. Hob is trying to read Dream's reaction but Dream is doing his absolute best not to WIGGLE with pleasure at the dinner table. Another baby!! He and Hob are gonna have more babies!!! He's also counting back in his mind through the days theyve fucked trying to figure out when this happened and can remember at least twice when he either forgot to pull out or maybe forgot the condom? He's a tired dad okay. He does his best not to break out into ecstatic laughter while he holds and comforts Hob and tells him What Plan? We'll make a new plan, with our wonderful extra baby in mind. They quickly work through whatever angst there was and are back to being the sunshiniest happy family there ever was, now with an absolutely Glowing Hob, bc of course pregnancy looks GREAT on him. They are also fucking at increased rates without any birth control again bc what's gonna happen? He'll get MORE pregnant? When the ultrasound shows twins, Hob makes a joke like "Maybe we SHOULD have slowed down lol" but Dream can only vibrate with smugness. Lookit his perfect man. He put SO many babies in him.
Lying on the floor kicking my legs in the air. I'm always deeply obsessed with pregnant Hob content and I'm just very!!!!! Very horny about them being horny for each other.
Hob loves his baby so much. But it IS hard being a new parent, and he's so incredibly tired! The only consolation is that Dream is wonderful and still extremely attentive to Hob’s needs - particularly in the bedroom! Whenever the baby takes a nap, Dream makes sure that Hob gets at least a little bit of an orgasm. With his mouth, or fingers... or his cock. It makes the pain of parenting just a tiny bit more manageable.
Until Hob starts throwing up, and aching all over, and he's crying a lot all of a sudden. He's barely recovered from the first baby, and he doesn't feel terribly comfortable in his body. He knows that Dream still loves him but the thought that he might well be pregnant again is utterly terrifying. What if Dream is angry! What if he was sick of Hob being pregnant the first time, and what if he doesn't want another baby at all!? Oh dear. Hob holds his baby in his arms and gives them lots of cuddles, and calms himself down a little bit. It seems very important that Dream should at least KNOW that he's going to be a father again!
Of course as you've said, Dream has to try really hard to stop himself from CHEERING when he gets the news. He's wanted another baby ever since the first one came along. He wants everything with Hob, and that includes many many babies. Plans are overrated! Loving Hob and their children is the most important thing.
Twins wasn't part of the plan, but as previously mentioned, plans are overrated!! Hob looks incredible. He carries the new babies strongly and well, and provides plenty of milk for the twins, the first baby... and Dream, who loves relieving Hob’s swollen breast by drinking his milk as often as needed. Dream is a very proud father to his first baby AND the two nestled in Hob’s womb. He's thrilled to place his hands gently on Hob’s belly and the small of his back. In public he practically vibrates whenever they're congratulated on their parenthood. As they relax at home, he holds the baby in his arms and pops another cushion beneath the small of Hob’s back. He's going to give Hob as many babies as he can ever want and he's going to take the best care of him. That’s the only plan he’s concerned with now <3
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alxastrx · 15 days
Twst reasons to overblots & design rating !
Reasons to overblots :
1- Malleus
You mean to tell me that an almost immortal being is getting hate bcs he's loosing the closest thing he had to a friend and a father knowing that that'll happen to everyone he knows and can't take it like a mature adult ? When faes are canonically minors under the age of 200 and he's 178 and clearly struggling with his emotions since he was raised in loneliness ? Lmao. Okay. (I have to keep it short or I'll do a full Malleus analysis and no one wants that).
2 - Vil
I CANNOT put into words how much realism he was made with, and I could FEEL it through his overblot. Overblotting because no matter how HARD you try you'll always be second ? Because people will always prefer the other option because you're SO hard on yourself that you legit seems overworldly to others and it makes them feel intimidated ? Vil better than me I would've overblotted SO MUCH more in his shoes. And him being disgusted with his own actions because HE KNOWS THAT THIS ISN'T HOW HE SHOULD ACHIEVE GREATNESS OH I'M SICK. And the aftermath when Rook voted for the other team ? While I understand that it was logical and I don't blame him for that, it legit hurt me, so can you imagine Vil ? He literally almost fainted, and that's a tame reaction if you ask me. Vil overblot was perfect.
3 - Riddle
No need to elaborate I think. His overblot hit too close to home and I IMMEDIATELY loved him. Also while I love Ace he kinda deserved to be punished for the tart tbh. Like just don't steal what's not yours ? Use your brain ? Riddle punishing him was EXTREMELY reasonable, even more so when you know that he LOVES strawberry tarts, and Ace refuting that AND coming after his position when he could have just APOLOGIZED, is def one of the reason I wasn't fan of him for MONTHS. Not surprised that Riddle got very mad at him (I def would have too).
4 - Leona
Now his reason was very similar to Vil, but the reason I liked it less (doesn't mean that I disliked it) is because he knew he would be second from his birth, that nothing he could ever do would change that while Vil has the possibility to become first, and he's yet unable to do it and I find that even more tragic. Leona was literally doomed from the start and yet he still tried his best for years only for the people he would have been a king to if the successor was based on skills alone to be the one hating him ? Kill me. It caused him depression and ruined his life, so much that he gets held back on purpose to not go home ? Killed me even more. He deserved so much and he got so little hiahdqirongbzkzhzo.
5 - Idia
Listen, I understand the pain of loosing a brother, I lost one of mine, but never in my 20 years of life would I have ever thought of building an IA OF HIM ?? He kinda went crazy with this one. I wished we had gotten his parents' reaction to robot Ortho tbh. Him being unable to move on from Ortho was so good, especially when we know that he blames himself for his death, and getting CORRUPTED by og Ortho is perfect. I don't have a lot more to say, sorry.
6 - Azul - starting from here, there's a huge gap between the classements. The 5 firsts were TIGHT together.
He's an achiever who lost the empire he built, I get it. But like, just build it again. Stop crying and rolling on the floor, and get up and act like a man. Of course, I know he's still a minor too, so I understand why he reacts like that, but Idk. I didn't feel as attached to his overblot as the others, which I'm kinda sad about since I REALLY like him, he's just so enjoyable.
7 - Last and least, the bitch himself, Jamil
Could have prevented the overblot if he learnt what communication was and I'll stand by that. Tried to kill Kalim because he couldn't take his anger on their parents, the yk, lmactual reasons why he felt like this in the first place. And he held Yuu captive too. He has no excuses.
Design :
1 - Riddle
PERFECT. LITERALLY UNMATCHED. The cards, the dress, the makeup, the eye color change, everything was PERFECT !
2 - Vil
I didn't know I needed nun Vil before but I do now wtf. He made me think of Mary so much it's insane I was in shock. The spikes were GOOD.
3 - Jamil
Since this on design alone, this is the only time he'll ever be in one of my top 3. The color scheme was on point and the snake design was VERY fitting.
4 - Azul
It was GOOD. And since it gave us Azul in merform it's 🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️. The color was fitting once again and he just overall looked good.
5 - Malleus
I'll never say it enough but NEON GREEN IS SUCH A BAD CHOICE FOR DIASOMNIA LORD ! Forest green would fit them all MUCH better, and it's proved once again by his overblot design. The purple is good, but the green is such a thrown off dude... I also didn't particularly like the hair choice but I did like the tail. The rest of the design is just not very special.
6 - Leona (he's fighting with Idia for the last place)
The hair... the hair was not it. (I did like how it kinda matched Cater's (especially when you consider that Cater had called him sweatheart minutes before... my Leokei shipper sense is in action...)). The rest of the design was just meh.
7 - Idia
I'M SORRY BUT THAT WAS JUST HIDEOUS WTF. Idia with short hair is my nightmare dude.
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owlsie-hoot · 1 year
ACGAS 4x1 Broodiness - had to write down what is on my mind after my second rewatch. So spoilers:
About Siegfried in this episode:
Siegfried supporting Audrey although he is trying to cope with Tristan's absence, he acts completely different in their scenes, not at all irritated and testy!
Siegfried supporting her in a way none of the others could do because he is the only one who knows what it is like to lose a partner - perhaps not in the same way as Audrey
... face the monster! He faced the monster of death, she faces the monster of having to tell strangers her life story
Although he is grumpy (lack of nicotine and because he missed Tristan), he is not oblivious that Audrey is in distress
the moment he notices that she does not want to talk about the divorce and keep that to herself, he changes the topic, makes her smile. He can read her, he senses that she is not in a good place
and of course she can put up the picture of Edward (this is after all her home too)
he stands with his back to her, does not know what to say but can also not leave the room because he wants to say something
only when she exclaims that she cannot do this, does he turn around and he listens (it is so rare for her (as it is for him) to open up so he of course pays attention to her words)
and you can see it on his face that he has trouble saying the words out loud he then says
her immediate reaction is dismissal followed by his apology and he shuts his eyes, probably hating himself that he has causes her even more distress in that very moment
Audrey's reaction is harsh because she is to tense and cannot discuss this with him any more at this very moment so she changes the topic
whereas Siegfried is clearly feeling like shit and doesn't say anything, just nods and walks away
But: he apologises and comes up with a plan - so different from the grumpy, testy Siegfried that James and Helen see in this episode!
you can see that Audrey is also angry with herself or rather that she desperately wants to do this but it is so hard and difficult that she feels she does not have enough strength to do it
therefore him telling her to write it all down to face the monsters, to encourage her is also a way of giving her some strength back, empowering her
also: it is cute that he tidies his desk for her, brings her tea, immediately signals her that he will be out of her way
his happy singing when she comes down the stairs is probably one part the nicotine high (lol) and one part being glad that he could help Audrey, that she said she he has no plans of leaving
At the second rewatch I wasn't even mad at Gerald coming into the house because we had that extremely tense moment between Siegfried and Audrey in the dining room and in that scene his feelings for her became so obvious, he knows that he feels more for her than he can admit at this very moment. And he knows now that she has no plans of leaving and that she isn't doing this because Gerald has any intentions.
About Audrey in this episode:
No one knows where she went so she clearly does not want anyone to know what her plans are
which I found weird at first but I totally get it now. This is a big step to take and she has probably been thinking about it, debating with herself, whether to really do this or not
and now that she is at the court she cannot walk out again but you can so feel her anxiety and distress in that scene, in every word, every gesture, every facial expression
it is so hard for her to do this and then there is this stupid clerk being a dick
she is elsewhere in that kitchen scene and of course pretends that all is well
The way she keeps her personal belongings in that tin is so adorable and reminded me of Siegfried's box from the attic. You can feel her pain when she goes through it and then the thing happens she wanted to avoid at any rate - Siegfried comes in and see what she is doing
she sounds as if she almost wants to (cry)shout at him but thankfully he can read her and changes the topic, and make her smile over Tristan but now he knows her secret and she feels uneasy about it
she is not the person who shares her private life with everyone or talks openly about her deepest fears and feelings - Siegfried is the same - it's what their generation did (one part), and yet they are so close and can sense when the other isn't well
writing it all down must have been so hard, reliving all the memories, feeling everything again and her outburst is so unlike her because she is to tense and so stressed and shortly afterwards puts the housekeeper mask back on
but for a brief moment the desperation pours out of her "I just can't do it" and she is so vulnerable in this moment
and then they both cannot deal with the tension anymore
In this episode the usual banter Siegfried and Audrey share was between him and Helen because Audrey was basically absent - she was at the house but fought her own demons (unlike in 3x5 when we saw her out of the house) and there was no room for the usual flippant, snarky remark. Yet there were so many married moments in a different way. Him asking her to hide his tobacco, her hiding it in a place where he would never have looked for it. Him bringing her a cup of tea. Both of them masters of the two dogs.
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theladysherlock · 6 months
talk shop tuesday! incredible coincidence - i wanted to ask you more about your dnd OCs, and you posted a new art piece with one of them! continuing the theme: could you tell more about your dnd OCs and how they came to be?
Ohhhh you have opened Pandora's Box my friend!! I could talk about this topic all day.
Basically there's two parts to this: my approach to DnD in general, and in-depth explanations of the characters. I'm going to put this under a Read More to save everyone's Dash.
Part One: Dungeons and Dragons
So the thing I love most about DnD (and other TTRPGs) is that it's a collaborative game. I'm not responsible for the entirety of the story, I bring my character to the table and everyone else brings their characters and between us, the DM, and the dice, we figure out where the story is going. I enjoy it so much more than trying to come up with everything on my own. And I love that people can surprise me!! @mothmansbigfatass and @ahawkmet (my irl friends and in most of the campaigns I play) can attest, apparently I'm a lot of fun to watch during revelations because I always have a big reaction.
So when making a dnd character, it's important for me to know 1. What the world we'll be playing in is like, and 2. What everyone else is doing. Again, it's a collaborative game, so I want to make sure that I'm playing nice with the DM's world. AND often the setting itself will give me an idea (see Ethan: the game is set at a community college. What's a college stereotype that would be fun to play?). Ideally, the character I make would have a really hard time being plopped into a different campaign and have it still make sense. Secondly, it's more fun for me to play a class that will fill out the party. For example, if we already have a cleric, I don't also need to play a religious character. Those story beats are covered by someone else, I don't want to be competing with another person for cool moments.
Once those two things are settled, character creation is determined by what seems fun to play and what would be interesting aesthetically. I like to keep the backstory light to see what happens as we start playing, and then I can fill it in bit by bit later. Sometimes that bites me in the ass, though (see Ethan: I didn't give him birth parents and then they were incredibly important to the plot). I tend to have a general idea about who they are and what they're like, and then I always get surprised by what they actually end up acting like once we start playing. It's fun for me to figure them out along the way!
The last thing I wanna say about DnD (for now) is that I love everyone else's characters just as much. I just draw mine more because, well, they're mine. I feel weird putting their guys in situations and guessing how they'd react because they aren't my little guys. I much prefer working collaboratively with the other players (like an RP thread) to just writing a story on my own.
Part Two: Ethan
Where to even start with my boy. A bunch of my work friends got together to start a DnD game, and I hadn't played with most of them before so I wasn't sure what to expect. I also did not think the game would last very long, since most campaigns tend to fizzle out after a few sessions. So I made kind of a joke character with extremely little backstory: He's a half-orc, since I hadn't played that race before, he's a bard who is the captain of the local community college's Improv Team, he's "the kind of guy to play wonderwall at a party but you're not mad about it", and I said he's adopted by two men, neither of whom were his biological parents, and he wasn't particularly interested in tracking down his bio parents. This last point is for two reasons: one, I was trying to avoid just duplicating a Dimension 20's Gorgug, a half-orc who was adopted by gnomes and spent the whole first season trying to find his dad; and two, I was pushing an "Adopted parents are not less than biological parents" agenda.
My DM took this personally (affectionate). First session, I was given a clue about his birth parents' identities. From then on, Ethan was dragged kicking and screaming into being the unofficial main character of the campaign. His mom was one of our favorite NPCs, a kickass pirate with a truly tragic backstory who would always jump to help us out of a scrape. His biological dad was the human embodiment of Pride who had took on the form of Fantasy Harrison Ford and was an extremely famous actor in-world. Our BBEG was his uncle, the embodiment of Greed. Every plot point became very personal and it was a lot of fun. I also loved putting him through the wringer, so between me and the DM the poor guy couldn't catch a break.
Part of the dice telling the story, I rolled so bad all the time when I played Ethan. It didn't matter which dice I used, I just rolled really bad, which was not something that normally happened with me. So that was fun to incorporate into his character as we played-- he was insecure about his own abilities compared to the extremely powerful characters he was surrounded by (we had a 20 ft Earth Titan who was an extremely powerful Druid, Emeshka you will always be famous). So he became a more three-dimensional and actualized character the more we played.
He's extremely easy to put in situations and his character design is pretty solid, so I end up drawing him the most. My perfect little guy.
(Anything about him I've tagged either "Ethan" or "Big Yarr Energy" if you want to find more)
Part Three: Mina
After the campaign with Ethan wrapped up, we started a new one in a Cthulhu-inspired setting. My goal with making Mina was to do as close to a 180 as I could from Ethan. While Ethan was a friendly and charming but bad at most things, Mina is a competent and intelligent Druid who's blunt and overworked and doesn't quite know how to meaningfully engage with her party members (but she tries, bless her). Druid was one of the classes I hadn't played yet and I've been making my way through the list of available classes. The One-With-Nature stuff isn't super interesting to me as a player, but I found a homebrew subclass that was based more in Big Cities and as an Architecture Nerd that was much more my speed. Also, I hadn't played an Aasimar before, so that seemed like fun. From all that, I pulled together her whole deal: She was from a bloodline of guardian angels who were sent to protect different villages and towns, and she's gone from her mother's small town to being the guardian of a city of several million people and it's overwhelming. She's lonely and she's jaded and she's got severe Gifted Kid Syndrome and she's got her head on a swivel to make sure her party members are okay even if they don't like her very much and I love her.
I didn't give her a lot of tragic backstory because there are a lot of us playing and I wanted to have a character who could push the plot forward with her actions, instead of having a "now let's stop and talk about my life!!" moment every session that seemed to happen with Ethan. Give everyone else some time to have cool moments, you know? And by GOD are there some cool moments. My fellow players are so good at making compelling characters. Ask @mothmansbigfatass about Nelly if you get a chance.
We're still playing this campaign, although we're nearing the end of it. There's still space for some big moments for Mina in the game, though I'm hoping our DM lets me save hers for last. She's the kind of character to make sure everyone else is okay before taking care of herself, so it feels appropriate. I'm excited to see where Mina ends up. She's definitely a character I'll go back and write/draw a lot afterwards, though. Part of being in a group this size means there's a lot of stuff that just won't get covered. I'll have a lot of material to play with for my own work once we get to the next campaign.
(Anything about Mina I've tagged either "Mina" or "Cthulhu Crimes" if you want to find more)
Part Four: Jess
Jess is a character that isn't from DnD but is a TTRPG character of mine, and I like her so I'm going to talk about her too. Jess is a cautionary tale in Knowing Your Audience.
Jess is from a different group of players than Ethan and Mina. Our DM for that game is notorious for wanting to give us Big, Shonen-Style fight scenes and an insane level of power creep. Character interactions are fine, but his true passion is making us look like Goku.
Jess was... not built to look like Goku. In this world you could identify different types of magic users by their focus, and I wanted her whole schtick to be about deception. She looked like a wizard when she was actually a monk, she looked like a dumb blonde girl when she was extremely smart and good at stealing things, she's a dancer but her primary fighting style was based on capoeira, etc. Also part of why Jess sticks with me as a favorite character is the way I had her powers work was so fun and visually interesting that I haven't been able to shake it. Basically her superpower was that she could snatch bits of other people's powers and use them herself, and you could tell which ones she had because they would fill out spectral stained glass wings with specific colors.
Jess was (and still is, frankly) too complicated for the game our DM wanted to run. Immediately any hope of her being a chronic liar was dashed as her powers did not manifest in a way that could possibly pass off as being a wizard. So instead of being sneaky, Jess became very angry. She was quick to point out injustices in the world we were in. She beat up creeps, she yelled at bigots, she stole powers from macho superheroes trying to one-up her. She had to get a lot less complicated for the story we were in, but the complicated version of her still lives in my head and I like to see what she's up to from time to time.
(I don't think I have anything tagged for Jess, unfortunately)
TTRPG characters are fun because they let me do my favorite thing creatively, which is bounce ideas off of other people. I typically design them based on the setting, party needs, character tropes that I think are interesting, and just general vibes. Most importantly, though, I don't have a fleshed out character without the input of the other players.
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bnha-headcanonss · 5 months
Suggestion :)
(Swearing, alcohol use, domestic verbal argument)
Words: 975
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I swing open the front door and it slams against the wall, rattling the foundation. It’s pitch black in the apartment and I almost tripped over the metal frame on the floor. To be honest it was funny so I started laughing, I fully enter the apartment, throw my bag down on the ground, close the door and switch on the light.
“Ahem.” That’s dad. I turn around and see him stood at the entrance of the hallway. He’s got a disappointed look on his face and his arms crossed, typical.
“What?” I admit, there was some snark behind that, but seriously? What do you expect? I’m a grown woman who needs her independence, I can’t have him hold me down like that.
“Don’t take that tone with me. What were you thinking?”
“What are you talking about? I went out with a friend. Everything was fine.”
“Nothing about this is fine. Do you know what time it is? I haven’t slept in almost twenty-four hours, ten of those were worrying about where you were, you haven’t answered your phone, what if something happened to you?” He went on, and on, and on. Nothing but controlling parenting. Honestly I’m sick of it.
“Holy shit you’re crazy!” I snapped.
“Excuse me?” He looked, taken aback. His eyes are wide, furrowed brows, he’s stood up straight and dropped his arms.
“I’m a grown woman! I don’t need you fucking helicoptering me like that. I can make my own choices and this is what I want to do!”
“What is wrong with you? Are you… are you drunk? Are you serious? And what with this grown woman stuff? You’re stumbling in here, extremely late, you can’t even take care of yourself! Yes, you’re growing, but you’re not the age to start drinking, you’re already going down a bad path and you’re not even legally able to be making those choices! This is really going to mess with you in the future.” Dad warns.
“I don’t want to hear this shit right now. I just had a really fun night with my friend and you’re bringing it down so hard right now.” I can feel my eyes start to water. I start walking towards him, trying to move past him to get to my room but he blocks my path. I look up at him, he’s no longer mad, our faces are maybe a foot away from each other.
“I don’t care. Look, I’m glad you had fun with your friend and all, but something could have happened to you. You could’ve gotten hurt, I need to keep you safe. You’re my daughter, my only daughter, you are the only family I have and I love you, you know that. I don’t understand why you keep doing things like this. It stresses me out, I constantly have to worry about you because if anything happened, I would never be able to forgive myself.” He finishes his little speech and he looks shocked and scared.
“What?” I question his reaction. I notice my face feels hot, I go to touch the back of my hand to it and my hand immediately becomes drenched in tears. “Aw fuck.”
“Please, just talk to me.”
That was my final breaking point. I lose it right there. I crash to the floor and he quickly follows. My head is in my hands and I can’t stop bawling. I feel his arms wrap around me and his head resting on mine.
“Fuck I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for this to happen. I really didn’t. I don’t know what I’m doing.” At this point I don’t even feel the alcohol. I haven’t felt this vulnerable with my dad in years, not since I was much younger.
Honestly, I don’t even know what happened. Something just changed between us and nothing the was same. What happened?
He starts brushing my hair with his hand, trying to get me to calm down. I haven’t been this close to him in years, so if anything, it’s making it worse.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean.. I didn’t mean for this. I don’t know how… how do I fix it? Dad please.” I start crying even harder. It’s those coughing, gagging, loud uncontrollable sobbing type of crying. It’s not stopping. Please make it stop already.
Dad sits down on the floor and just hugs me. He doesn’t say anything, he doesn’t move. He’s just sat on the floor, an arm around my shoulder, one on my head and just staying completely silent.
“You know I love you more than anything. I admit, things could be better. But that can be fixed. But don’t worry about that. Come on, we need to get you to bed.” He stands up and lifts me off the ground, slings an arm over his shoulder and walks me to bed.
He pulls up my trash can next to me and goes to the kitchen to get a cup of water.
I sit there and just think. Dad used to be my best friend. I mean, we were all each other really had. But over the years everything’s become so strained.
“Here.” He comes back and hands me a glass of water. You go to sleep okay? Take some Tylenol in the morning if you remember.” He starts to walk out of my room.
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, I promise. Get some sleep.” He trails off again.
“Yes Musume*?”
“Sleep good.”
“You too.”
And with that, he leaves the room.
*Musume (Mu-su-mei) - daughter
Thank you for the suggestion! :)
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videogamesincolor · 7 months
"You're crazy, Hammond. You're gonna get us all killed!"
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I was watching TheRadBrad's playthrough of the Dead Space cashgrab Remake, and as it approached the end, I think the biggest problem I had with it by far was how they handled Zach Hammond.
The big draw of the game is the fact that Isaac has a voice in the remake. Gunner Wright does an okay job. It's pretty much on par with his other two performances in DS2 and DS3. I'm so accustomed to Silent Isaac, though, that a lot of the dialog for him (in the beginning) feels like "self-insert" dialog. It gets better towards the end (like there's a genuine sense that they were finding Isaac's voice as they figured out how to make him a proactive character).
But, regarding Hammond: I don't quite know how to put it into words, but Remake Hammond's characterization lacks any charisma. He's bland as hell. Anthony Alabi's performance isn't bad, but the direction and writing doesn't hide his 'okay-ness' as an actor. The story really makes Remake Hammond feel like an inexperienced commanding officer. There's no sense of wisdom or situational control.
The caustic the dynamic between him and Kendra Daniels is erased entirely, and I hate that. It played a big part in how Hammond and Kendra were characterized.
In the absence of it, it makes Kendra cop-jacketing Hammond more suspicious than in the original, because it's lacking that conflict (and the implication that these two people don't like each other before being stuck on a ship full of undead monsters).
Even with as little you got to see him in the 2008 original outside of transmission cinematics, it was how Peter Mensah characterized him that seemed to make him extremely present in the story. How he talks about helping Isaac find Nicole, how he tries to keep his cool when dealing with Kendra and the Necromorphs. There's also that sense of arrogance that comes with a position like his, that you see in his clash with Kendra (who also has an arrogance about her).
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You don't really get that dynamic with either Kendra or Isaac in the remake. DSR minimizes Hammond's role in the game, by, I guess 'mid-point', when Isaac has to deal with hydroponics and the USM Valor. This appears largely in favor of the Elizabeth Cross and Jacob Temple subplot, and more back-and-forth dialog between Isaac and Kendra.
One thing I actually liked about OG Hammond was how little the Marker appeared to influence him. If anything poised a risk to Hammond's life, it was the deadly environment of the ship and the Necromorphs. The latter literally rips him apart, but he's of sound mind when it's happening. It hurts to watch him die so violently, even with Silent Isaac's exaggerated grief (or non-reaction IIRC).
The remake tries to insert this relationship with red shirts named Chen and Johnston to flesh Hammond out as a character. This is a change I would've appreciated if Chen and Johnston survived beyond the opening gambit to actually earn the ending they give Hammond. But they don't.
Hammond basically speed runs Marker Madness toward the end of the game, and gets a silly sacrificial death scene that leans hard on a relationship type that was better established in Dead Space: Extraction with Nathan McNeil and Gabe Weller.
I think Peter Mensah did a lot with the little he was afforded. As one of the two primary speakers in the game outside of Tonantzin Carmelo (OG Kendra's actor), he communicated the tension created by the no-win scenario that was the USG Ishimura outbreak.
And about Kendra Daniels, I personally loved how abrasive she was in the original, but this iteration of Kendra isn't bad (Brigitte Kali Canales is definitely the strongest performer in the game). I actually enjoyed the dimensionality they gave her (particularly in her dynamic with Isaac), even if they made her the "Evil Lesbian". I just wish they hadn't removed the beef between herself and Hammond.
(As far as remakes go, DSR isn't bad. It's a different take on the Visceral Games franchise. Some of its ideas land better than others. It just has the shitty luck of being a EA property still.)
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shadowofahope · 2 years
Bts being protective older brothers
genre: crack, Older brothers BTS, reader in a new relationship Warnings: none Authors notes: I wrote this as the reader was already in a relationship or the start of a one. I thought it might add spice to it. I'll admit some of these came to mind faster than others. Thank you so much for sending this in!!  💜 💜
Seokjin: You did a good job at hiding your relationship, but as always somehow he found out. He would give you an earful for dating at your age, even though you were an adult. No matter how old you got he didn't like it. After an almost 2 hour lecture he'd demand that he meet your partner, to which you begrudgingly agreed. Anything to get this moment over with. In the end you'd have to decide if this person was worth the hassle or not. Maybe that was his sneaky test for you, if they were worth it you'd have them meet. He always had his ways.
Yoongi: He'd randomly show up somewhere. If you and your boyfriend were at a coffee shop, he'd show up unannounced to sit with you silently. He called it 'surprise supervision', testing not only your partners reaction but yours. He wanted to make sure you were safe and comfortable at all times. Which meant seeing it person and not just asking you. He had to see it for himself.
Hoseok: He would ask a million questions: 'did they go to uni', 'do they have a job', 'a car', 'what is their relationship with their parents', 'what about having siblings, were they nice to them', NONSTOP. It would make your head spin. When you'd undoubtably burst with frustration he'd show you that ad face that always made you feel like the worst person in existence. You'd apologize and he'd forgive you and you would suggest him meeting them. He'd agree wholeheartedly, but somehow you always felt a little played.
Namjoon: He'd keep it cool but ask if he could meet them, suggesting them come over for a family dinner. He was protective but so were your parents. He knew if he could get you to agree then he could sit back and observe your partner while your parents grilled them with questions.
Jimin: He'd track down your partner without you knowing. Find out things about them from their friends and other people around them. He wouldn't just take your word, he would find out for himself what kind of person they were. He'd be stealthy enough that no one around them would notice anything off. Only to later be found out when he either decided to tell you what he had done or if he found anything disgusting or detestable the blackmail against your partner would come to light. He'd use it as leverage to make the other person tell you the truth before deciding if you wanted to be with them. You'd be furious but also thankful for his concern... still extremely annoyed tho!
Taehyung: He would pout and sulk over the next few weeks about you getting a partner. He'd be made that he knew nothing of your interest in anyone, he would complain that you told each other everything. That's what he thought you did at least, he'd be hurt that you didn't tell him. He wanted to be the big brother that you could come to about everything, the bad, the sad and the happy. He wouldn't forgive you easily, he'd plan a run in with your partner. Testing to see if they knew about him or knew of him, which would then decide if he would forgive you or not.
Jungkook: He knew he could be physically intimidating but his personality and his 'soft' face as you had put it made it hard for anyone to be scared of him. You told him once even his mad face was cute, so in situations like this he had to ask some of his friends to help back him up. He'd confront them right away. Sitting them down to give them a talk about hurting you or breaking your heart and what would happen to them if they did. If they ran he wouldn't feel too bad about it, clearly they weren't good enough. If they stuck around, well he would keep an eye on you but keep his dislike for them to himself as long as you were happy.
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I keep feeling like I’m taking the mandalorian s3 way too seriously when I get mad about what’s happening… but I just can’t help how upset it’s making me 😭 I stopped watching after episode 2 but have kept up for the most part. Going through the mando tag here on tumblr is so surreal because there are people actually thinking the direction makes sense and that DinxBo is a natural next step?? Anyway, I really appreciate reading your thoughts on how it’s all going. Makes me feel like I’m not alone in this!
(I hope you don't mind me lumping my response/thoughts re: your ask in here too, @just-prime, since uh there are a lot of spoilers in it and I'm not sure it's a good idea to make it public)
You have every right to be upset. This is a show you invested in, a show that sold you a story of a lonely Mandalorian bounty hunter and his Force-sensitive child in a post-war galaxy. It gave you story beats and the promises of adventure, trials and tribulations, and self-discovery in the micro and the macro. There was a road map in all the ways Din discovered and challenged himself as he gave up basically everything he ever knew about himself, his covert, and the galaxy to keep the child safe and get him to his kind. There was a story to be told here in Din taking his helmet off in front of other living beings to save Grogu and in Din winning the Darksaber from Gideon despite Bo-Katan's best efforts to get it back.
I wonder how much of this was corporate meddling to keep raking in the money (KKKennedy, is that you and your white girlbossing ways again?), how much of it was success getting into Filoni and Favreau's heads that they think they can turn bullshit to fucking gold, and how much of it was the game plan to MCUfy Disney Wars. This is fascinating the way that the Sequel Trilogy was fascinating, in that somehow, both times, Disney fucked the fuck up.
People will take what they want from whatever they're consuming. It is what it is. I quit after the season premiere because i hated the short runtime, the cramming of three different potential subplots into thirty fucking minutes, the ridiculousness of all three subplots, and, most of all, the desecration of IG-11. I read elsewhere that the season premiere was a hit! People liked it! They were excited by it! Good for them! I'm glad they got something out of it. People got paid and put hours, blood, sweat, and tears into producing this show and I would want for them to know that their efforts were worth something.
But it is so hard to ignore how increasingly inconsistent, aimless, illogical, and bewildering the the entire season has been. We have now seen 7 of 8 episodes and even the 7th episode, supposedly the "best of the series", got a ton of complaints on a storytelling level. I read elsewhere, both on tumblr and twitter, that this season is now very plot-driven rather than character-driven when previously the show was extremely character-driven. Season 1 happened because Din couldn't leave Grogu behind in Imperial hands and thus uprooted himself and his covert with his decision to go back for the child. Season 2 happened because Din was now searching for Grogu's kind while we the viewers knew that Gideon was alive and well and likely still hunting for the child. Season 3 - and I'm saying this as someone who'd been reading reaction posts, summaries, meta, discourse, etc, instead of watching it because I love myself enough to Not Do That - doesn't seem to have that. It really felt like the story beats, wherever the fuck they were, felt more like "now move from Point A to Point B in order to get closer to Point C". They needed to check things off on a list in order to prepare for the MCUfication of the Disneyficaiton of the OG Thrawn Trilogy, something that I know a lot of people want... but at what cost?
I really hate how likely it is that the show is going to push DinxBo on us and I really hate how much people are expecting it and dreading it. I hate the compulsive heternormativity and the expectations and dread that come with it. I hate how it ruins characters and stories. If you like this ship, good for you. Don't talk to me, I don't care.
This really feels like watching The Last Jedi all over again. I was sold on Finn and Rey as co-leads only to be told to my fucking face that white neo-fashy Kylo was now co-leading because for some reason Rey got it into her head to save him? Meanwhile Finn got tazed and shoved to the side in a tone-deaf subplot with Rose, and Poe turned into a bizarre caricature who needed to be taught lessons by older white women. Like, sorry but I can't unsee this shit. I can't undo the betrayal I felt at the bait and switch of the ST.
And now it happened all over again with The Mandalorian. I'll give it one thing: When Din and Greef first encountered the pirates on Space Renn Faire Nevarro, I got those space western vibes again. And for those few seconds, I felt hope that the previous however many minutes were just a rough start and we're back to space westerning our way to Mandalore. That hope died real fast, didn't it? Fuck me, I guess.
I've started using Tumblr's tag tracking feature to keep tabs on the more critical Mandalorian tags. I'll add them to this post so that you can use them yourself. There are also a lot of interesting coversations happening elsewhere by various blogs. You might have to get creative with your tag searching. Just know that just as many people are out there happy with this show, there are just as many who are dissatisfied with it. That's usually how it goes, but man I can't remember the last time I saw a bunch of the fandom community turn on a show/movie/book series the way we've done with The Mandalorian. It's a damn shame because deep down, a part of me is desperate for it to find its feet and get good again. But honestly, with all the announcements that came out of SWC 2023, I think that ship has sailed and the best thing to do is take all the good you can find from it and mold it into your own sand castles.
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