#but the baby's mum was SO WORRIED about the baby hurting him. she didn't. and he was like 'wow. guess I'm being pet now. alright.'
cantankerouscatfish · 7 months
y'know how humans sweat when nervous/scared? cats do that too. except that cats only sweat through their paws, so a scared cat may, for example, leave greasy streak marks across the metal exam table at the vet.
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amiableness · 20 days
not a request per se but something i started thinking about when you said you were bringing back dad!james. i feel bad for Henry’s mom because being a mom at 20 sounds so hard. i’m 20 right now and i can’t imagine taking care of a child. i want her to get a happy ending but i’m also thinking about her running into james and darling with henry, being the family she couldn’t give them. i feel like that would sting, like even if she is content with her life and doesn’t regret her decision to leave it would still hurt that her fears about y/n and james came true after she left. i can’t imagine having a baby with a man who’s been secretly (even subconsciously) in love with another woman. like i hope that henry’s mom can eventually be on good terms with james and y/n and even be apart of henry’s life, even if it isn’t in a parental capacity
also hi elina! hope you’re doing well and taking care of yourself
hugs and kisses- m
Dad!James Potter x Bsf!Reader ☼ 776 words
my darling m! i picked this request next bc i saw it was from you!
“I think we’ve gotten everything.” You mutter to yourself as you review the shopping list, noting the blend of your handwriting and James's. It’s a small detail, but it still makes your heart skip a beat. Though it’s only been a few months since you and James started dating, the sense of being a family feels natural. It might seem quick to some, but with you and James, it simply feels right.
“We forgot biscuits.” You glance over at Henry, who is gripping your hand tightly and nodding enthusiastically as if what he’s just said is sheer brilliance.
“Did we? I didn't see that written down.” You hum, peering into the trolley filled with groceries, sorting through the items mentally.
“Daddy probably forgot,” Henry chimes in, sending you a cheeky grin. “He forgets them a lot.”
You laugh softly at Henry’s comment about James, the warmth of his words brightening your mood. “We’ll get them,” you agree, your voice playful. “But only as a treat for your lunches. I can’t believe you start your first year of school next week.” 
There’s a squeak of wheels, and you turn your head, curious about the sound. To your surprise, you’re met with the wide-eyed gaze of a woman about your age, staring at you with a look of disbelief. Your stomach knots as you realize who she is: James's ex and Henry’s mum.
“Hi.” You say, the word feeling awkward as soon as it leaves your lips. You immediately wish you could take it back, knowing there’s a good chance she might not want to engage with you right now. Her eyes dart between you and Henry, and she seems momentarily at a loss, opening and closing her mouth as if searching for the right thing to say.
“Um, hi.” She finally responds, shifting uncomfortably on her feet. Her gaze is filled with a mix of curiosity and hesitation.
“Mummy, who is that?” Henry asks, tugging insistently at your hand to get your attention. His innocent question hangs in the air as you look down at him, your heart sinking at the uncomfortable tension.
Glancing back up at her, you open your mouth to respond, but the words seem to elude you, leaving you in an awkward silence.
“I’m just an old friend,” She speaks up, sending you a quick glance. “I went to school with your mum and dad.”
Henry looks up at her with wide eyes, absorbing her words. “Oh,” he replies, his curiosity momentarily satisfied.
“How is—” She clears her throat, her eyes briefly filled with a hint of regret as she glances back down at Henry. “How is James?” 
To distract Henry, you hand him your phone, and his face lights up with excitement at the chance of playing a game. You didn’t let him play games on your phone very often.
“He’s good,” You smile softly. “He’s a bit emotional. Henry starts school next week.”
“Oh.” She murmurs, her voice soft and tinged with a note of hesitation. For a moment, you brace yourself, worried she might become upset. But then she continues, her eyes meeting yours with an earnest look. “Listen, I know I have no right to say this anymore, but I want to thank you. For doing what I couldn’t and bringing happiness to both of them.”
She takes a deep breath, her gaze flickering to Henry, who is absorbed in the game on your phone. “It’s obvious you’re doing an amazing job,” she says, her smile carrying a mix of sadness and sincerity. “I don’t even need to see James to know he’s happier than he’s ever been. All he’s ever wanted is you.”
She offers you a soft, understanding smile, and you swallow hard, fighting back tears. “I don’t even know what to say,” you admit, your voice trembling slightly.
“You don’t have to say anything,” she says, her voice thick with emotion. “I know James and I didn’t part on the best terms, and I said things I shouldn’t have. But I want you to know that I’m truly glad he has you, even though I didn’t feel that way at the time.” She offers a tearful smile, her eyes glistening. “You make a beautiful family.”
You barely manage to choke out a response, wishing her the best, before she turns and walks away down the aisle. Left standing there in shock, you feel Henry’s curious gaze on you. He looks up as he hears your soft sniffle.
“Are you sad, mummy?” He asks, his voice filled with concern.
“No, sweetheart,” you reply, managing a gentle smile. “I’m alright. Let’s go find some biscuits for you.”
please consider reblogging or leaving a comment! it keeps me motivated to write! 💌
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guppybibi · 1 month
𖦹 pairing: Dad!Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x fem!reader
𖦹 content: Crack & fluff, not proofread, ooc i think, d/n = daughters name, mild cursing
𖦹 notes: more self indulgent fics, this is bad lmao
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And the world’s best husband who constantly makes his wife worried sick, award goes to Simon Riley! May we get a round of applause to commend this man? No? Alright, I’ll see myself out then. Hey, he doesn’t do it intentionally (most of the time). You gotta live a little, it’s not like he’s doing anything reckless. Oh but who can blame your heart when it dropped to the pits of your stomach upon seeing Simon carry your cherubic little toddler on one hand? He’s balancing her there like she’s a trained cheerleader! Maybe in the future, but she could barely even balance her own bobble head! Sure you may have been a teensy weensy bit over dramatic about it but accidents should be prevented as much as possible.
“Darlin’ look it’s fine, she’s even giggling.” He says just a little bit too casually, referring to your daughter who’s currently enjoying the little circus act they were performing. “Nope, put her down right this instant.” You command, and if Simon was scared of one thing it’d surely be you when you're angry. Guns and weapons would never compare to the fury of his wife. With a huff from him and a whiny complaint from your daughter, he sets her down onto the grassy yard.
“Oh what a killjoy, mama..” She puffs up her rosy cheeks, crossing her arms as she feigns hurt. You chuckle, looking up at Simon before speaking. “She’s got your accent. The rosy cheeks too.” You comment, lowering your head down to see your daughter avoiding eye contact with you as she acted offended.
"Which cheeks-”
“Nope, don't continue that sentence.” You could practically hear the way his lips formed a pout, copying your daughter. Pathetic, who knew a burly military man could get so soft for his little girl? “Awh come on eh? Don't be such a killjoy ‘luv.” He teases, using the same tone his little girl used.
Or maybe that one time Simon was blasting music the loudest the speaker could handle, it had a few curses and swear words here and there but his baby girl wouldn't pick up on it. He doubts she's even listening to daddy’s ‘bad’ music taste, so he's in the safe zone for sure!
Oh boy was he wrong…It was one of those days, you two were sharing chores—with you washing the dishes while he vacuumed around the house and hummed along to the song playing. While D/N was happily stacking her ABC blocks, she was silently listening to the song her daddy was playing. Even mumbling some of the parts since her daddy keeps putting this certain song on repeat. She barely knew the alphabet to begin with so she wouldn't even pick up on the words on the song, right?
“Mama!” She calls out, bringing her empty baby bottle as she signals for more milk. “Oh yes baby, I’ll fill your bottle right after I finish these.” You respond gently, rinsing the soapy suds away. “No, now bitch!” And with those words alone it felt like the toddler broke the sound barrier, silence filling the Riley’s usually noisy home when Simon slowly turned off the speaker. You and Simon share a look that plainly said “What the fuck.”, the man set the vacuum aside as it was time for another parenting lesson.
“Kiddo, that's no way to speak to your mum.” He lectures gently, taking her feelings into consideration. “Mama told you she’ll help you after, right? It's bad to call her names, mama sacrificed a lot for you.”
"But-” “No buts, kiddo. Your mum didn't spend 7 hours pushing you out and I didn't have to watch her scream out in pain like a demon just for you to curse at her.” Simon hoped he wasn't too harsh with his child, knowing they're tiny hearts are pretty fragile at this age. But he wasn't going to let it just slide, he watched his baby girl approach her mother and apologize. A smile gracing his face when he sees you forgive her and place a delicate kiss on her chubby cheek, he goes up to you once he sees the child take off to play in the living room.
“I think we should start considering the swear jar now.” You comment, placing a hand on your hip. “Definitely.”
“No more playing songs with any swear words from now on, Simon.” “Yes ma’am.”
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captain-mj · 7 months
The Journal
I don't know. Cw: Ghost's backstory
Soap found the unassuming book on his desk. The edges of the paper had turned slightly yellow and they were clearly flipped through quite often. He frowned at it, wondering who went into his room and set this there. It felt... almost threatening.
Soap gently opened the book to look at the first page.
I'm writing this journal as a "therapy" exercise. Frankly I think it's fucking bollocks. I'm fine. I dream about nothing.
Well. That wasn't very helpful. The handwriting was odd. Almost scrawling, like the person who was writing had shaky hands but also couldn't be bothered to hold the pen properly.
Soap frowned. This seemed a rather personal thing to give to a person. But it was in his room.
Just one more page.
Apparently I'm supposed to introduce myself. Fine. My name is Simon Riley. I belong to the SAS. I was a POW for a couple of months. I keep hearing numbers but none of them feel right. I think parts of me are still down there.
I hurt. Everywhere. Especially when people touch me. I can't sleep. Can barely eat. My mum is worried. So does Tommy. I want to tell them to fuck off. I have. But they keep worrying. I wonder if this is how Beth felt.
On the page was a polaroid. A baby faced Simon with nasty scars on his face, still fresh and angry. He looked half dead. Dark circles under his eyes and an expression nothing like his usual. Someone had their hand on his shoulder, but he could only see their arm.
Soap sucked in a breath. There was no way Ghost gave this to him. No fucking way.
He got up and grabbed the book, going straight for Ghost's quarters, planning on returning it immediately and pretending he had found it and couldn't find Price to turn it in.
Ghost's quarters were empty. His knives were missing, but his clothes were still there, meaning he was on a mission.
Soap paused and tapped his foot. He wasn't sure if Price was around. How did someone get this? If he left it in his room, he was worried someone would find it. He'd have to keep it. Just to be sure.
Soap set it back on his desk. When he saw Price, he'd talk to him.
After a minute of staring at it, Soap shoved the book into a drawer and closed it tight. He left to talk to Gaz to distract himself for a few hours.
Gaz was nice enough to tell him that Ghost and Price were on a mission together and that they wouldn't be back for a few days.
No big deal.
A few days with a book that potentially had a lot of answers to some questions he had about Ghost.
Soap didn't make it the night before he was reading more pages. He never claimed to have great self control.
Good morning. I feel like a teen, writing in a diary. I've been put on new medication today. Supposed to help. It makes me dizzy for some reason.
My mum keeps making me tea. She wants to make sure I'm real. I see her hands hovering around me. If I wasn't such a shit son, I'd tell her she can hug me. The thought makes my skin crawl. I see her dead body in my dreams. I see the skull they said was hers. I want to tell her I'm okay, but I don't want to lie.
Soap felt sick. There was a drawing. It was crude, clearly done out of boredom and with no real care behind it. Soap was pretty sure it was a skull that was dripping something. Maybe blood. The ink was all black so there was no way to tell. "Mum" was written several times around it.
I dreamed about her again.
That caught Soap's attention. Her? Was Ghost into women? That seemed unlikely.
She used to speak so soothingly in spanish to me. I wonder if she was like me. Did Roba rape her too?
Soap shut the book and shoved it under his pillow. Enough of that. Nope. He didn't want to think of those words and what they meant.
Fucking too.
The idea of something like that happening to his Lieutenant was... It just... didn't happen.
Soap pulled the book out and kept reading. Just... to prove it wasn't real.
I don't know. It's not a nice thought. Maybe I want someone else to hurt too. I tried to jack off the other day and ended up scrubbing myself raw afterward from how it made me feel. How pathetic right?
Not sure what this is doing. What benefit this has. I'm writing my thoughts. Trying to feel better. Tommy joked about me buying a hooker. I had a panic attack. it was like i was back in high school again. fucking baby.
There was a picture of someone, presumably Tommy, and Simon hanging out. They were both smoking and Tommy was making a sign with his hands. He had a giant grin on his face. Simon had a carved out Glasgow smile that looked like it hurt. Raw. it looked to be after the earlier polaroid. The dark circles hadn't gotten better, but there was more color and flesh in his face.
My mum wants me to talk to my dad. I don't know why. I don't know want to see him. Can't let him see me right now. Maybe when I'm recovered. Last time I saw him, I beat his ass. Doubt he's going to forgive me.
Bastard is pure evil. He gets off on hurting people. Got off on hurting me. I think he's trying to use the cancer as an excuse to get close to my mum again. I'll beat his ass again. I'm putting on more weight. I'll fucking do it.
There was a little stick man drawing labeled 'Simon' and 'Bitch' with Simon beating him to death. Soap thought the blood was rather well drawn, even if the stick figures wasn't.
As the week went on, he kept reading a few pages at a time. He learned... things.
Ghost liked Vanilla tea.
Ghost had been assaulted by more than one person.
Ghost's father had beaten him. A lot.
Ghost was scared of snakes.
Ghost loved his Mum.
Ghost hated most mystery movies.
Tommy was Ghost's brother and was the second most important in his life.
And that they were all dead. All of them.
He wrote an explanation of everything there. In a clinical, harsh detail.
I wish I had died down there in Mexico. I wish I had laid down in that grave and died. It's my fault. It's my fault. It's my fault.
It kept repeating and then he had just started over and wrote over the first layer.
Soap was crying. He couldn't help it. Tommy was so... young. Not to mention the descriptions Ghost gave of his family in general. The pages after that were mostly drawings or scribbles, all made with heavy hands.
Simon knocked. He could tell by the sound he made when he knocked. "Johnny?"
"When did you get back?"
"...Just now. Can I come in?"
"Yeah." Soap wiped his face so he'd look... normal. "Yeah come in."
Ghost stepped inside and saw the book. "Enjoy it?"
"I left it for you."
Ghost hummed. "Thought it would be the easiest way to let you in."
Soap swallowed. "You don't do anything half assed do you?"
Ghost's eyes stared at him. Answer enough right there.
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russellsppttemplates · 9 months
could i request the scenario where pregnant reader gets injured quite badly and one of the drivers is really worried and protective over her! like she badly burns herself at a christmas party trying to help one of another drivers kids or she trips over really badly? just some hurt/comfort !! 🪼☀️
Note: since I've already done the one where she trips, I went with the other one! Also, I'm not sure how it works in other countries, but when my mum had something similar happen to her, the lady at the pharmacy was enough to take care of it!
Cw: reader accidentally burns herself, pharmacy visit, medications
The McLaren Christmas party was in full swing as you felt someone tug on your dress, looking down to see who you could only pinpoint to Oscar Piastri's carbon copy, "hey Lucas! You look very handsome today!", you complimented the little boy, seeing him immediately blush. Like his father, little Lucas Piastri was also a shy boy, but in the buzz of the whole team, he managed to befriend you when he went up to see the races when his parents weren't around, "I want to bring some tea for mummy. She's at the table with my little brother and daddy is talking to a man who won't stop talking", he snickered, directing his eyes. Truthful to his word, Lily was holding her youngest son on her arms while Oscar spoke to one of the sponsorship representatives, so the conversation naturally grew long.
"Of course, darling. I'll carry the pot for you, it's very hot and you might burn yourself", you said, praising his request for help as you grabbed the pot with boiling water from the table. Because not everyone likes the hot drink, the catering team opted to have people get the teapots themselves if they wanted the drink.
You weren't sure how it happened as you had been steadily walking to the table while keeping and eye on Lucas, maybe a little tap from someone and your newly found need to adapt your center of gravity almost daily made you trip slightly, the pot losing its lid and leaving the scalding hot liquid to fall on your arm. While you were able to protect Lucas from being affected, your arm and wrist stung as two older men came to your help, "here, here!", one of them pulled the tray away from your hand as the other checked your arm, pulling you to sit on his chair.
"What happened?", you heard your husband's voice, worry etched in his voice as he looked at the reddening skin in your arm, "tea, she was carrying it for me", Lucas pouted, sitting next to you, "I'm sorry, auntie Y/N, I didn't mean for that to happen", he apoligised.
"It's not your fault buddy" you sighed, squinting as someone held bottle of cool water on either side of your arm, "but I think i need to get this checked out, make sure the skin isn't too burnt and needs something else", you looked at Lando, sending him a quiet signal to get Lucas to his parents and take you somewhere.
Leaving the dinner abruptly, you kept touching your skin, hissing when you hit a particularly hurt spot, "baby, don't do that, you might hurt yourself more", Lando said as he drove to the nearest open pharmacy.
When you got there, your husband was a mother hen, asking the lady who was taking care of your skin, applying a cooling cream and then doing a loose bandage, "until you get home, keep it bandaged up so it feels secure, but then you should air it out so it heals properly. It's not a deep burn, but you were wise to come and get it treated", she tranquilized, "there's no need to worry about mummy or baby, you'll be just fine", she stated, taking off her gloves and taking care of the creams and medications you needed to take home.
When you arrived home, Lando helped you take off your dress, careful with the tender skin as he placed kisses everywhere he could, "Oscar just texted me a drawing from Lucas wishing me a speedy recovery, look! It's a Formula One car by the word speedy, at least I think it is", you said, noticing a frown on your husband's face, "I'm sorry this happened", you attempted, hoping it would cease the crease on his forehead.
"It's nor your fault, and it's not Lucas' either", he explained, "I don't like seeing you hurt. You were being brave for him, but I saw the tears when the lady put the cold water bottles, and how you hiss everytime you move your arm. I don't like seeing you hurt, and little one doesn't either, she's been kicking non stop", Lando pouted, caressing your bump as he helped you put on your pyjamas pants, "if it's any consolation, I'm going to need you to be glued to me so I can do some daily things", you teased as if he hadn't been glued to your side since he heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time.
"How bad does it feel?", he asked, looking for your honesty, "it's okay. The local anesthetic cream is helping, but I could do with some cuddles", you said, allowing yourself to be sorry about the situation for a little bit, "cuddles it is, then".
(Thank you for you submission ✨️)
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from-izzy · 1 year
[19:32] | tbz kim sunwoo
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» ​PAIRING: tbz kim sunwoo x pregnant fem reader​ » TROPE/AU​: uhhhh...i don't think there's a trope for this one 🤔 established relationship au! marriage au! » GENRE​: husband sunwoo, fluffy fluffy fluff fluff, slight angst, ​comforting sunwoo, loving sunwoo, patient sunwoo, hurt/comfort » WORD COUNT: ​1868 » ESTIMATED READING TIME: ~7 mins » WARNINGS (lmk if i missed anything!): pregnancy, vomiting and sickness, insecurities
this was my first ever timestamp story! ahhhh the memories from re-reading this 😍
i didn't want to change it much (changed one sentence) but it's more proofread now 🤭 this gathered 183 notes (14 rbs, 169 likes) and even though it hurts that i can't see that evidence anymore, i'm glad it got that much love!! this is very overdue but thank you so much 🫶
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You never knew that pregnancy would be this hard. 
Whenever you asked your mum about her pregnancy journey, she would always have a smile on her face, telling you all the exciting milestones; first positive test, telling other people the news, first ultrasound, first time there was a definite belly bump, first movement, buying items for you or your big brother and the list goes on.
Your mum didn’t leave out the other side of pregnancy though and in particular the sickness and depleted self-confidence due to the new changes in the body internally and externally. However, your mum only experienced a few episodes of morning sickness (compared to your grandma or her already mum friends) and you were nowhere like your mum.
“Please…” The tears in your eyes only accumulated over the past hour or so and the clock on the opposite side of the bathroom was becoming blurry. You could only murmur out whispers of pain and begs that this episode would pass by soon; and before Sunwoo would arrive home.
Kim Sunwoo has been the best husband ever. You thought that he was already perfect and loving but with all the new challenges and experiences in life, there was no way that you couldn’t fall for him even more day by day and the silver band around your ring finger is one of the evidences for that. 
Trudging to stand up from the kneeling position, the small whispers turned into louder cries by the second. The headache was killing you, your knees felt so cold and you could still taste the acidity of your stomach in your mouth. The flush button feels so out of reach unlike the first three times you pushed it and you eventually gave up for a bit to rest your forehead on the toilet seat, “God please…”
Still with all of these rough patches during your pregnancy, your blurry eyes could still see the purple shirt that covered your little pregnancy bump and with shaky hands, you soothed the little bean inside of you, “Can’t wait to meet you, baby. Your dad and I can’t wait to finally hold you in our arms.”
As if your child is listening, a little kick could be felt as if acknowledging their mother’s loving words. You could only sob while chuckling, still softly rubbing your stomach and whispering sweet nothings to your stomach. 
In the back of your mind, you are still very aware of the time. Sunwoo was supposed to arrive home around an hour ago yet he’s still not home. You were about to call him to check up on him but your episode started and your phone is way too far for you to even comprehend walking to the other side of the apartment. Sunwoo has been so busy for the whole time of your pregnancy with work as well as taking care of you. 
Waking up at a random time at three? He’s there to walk you to the bathroom
Sudden craving as soon as you wake up? Count on him to drive there and back as soon as possible.
Needing hugs and comfort? He’s running and never letting you go.
This was not how you wanted to greet him after a long week of work, especially when it was his first week of getting promoted. You just don’t ever want to worry him but you conflictingly accepted that pregnancy is not necessarily a one-person job and Sunwoo made you realise how important it is to always reach out to him whenever you need him. Still, you try to do everything yourself first.
Needless to say, you love this man with your whole being and you can’t wait for your child to meet the best dad in the whole wide world.
You freaked out at the familiar sound of the door unlocking, creaking open and the bright call for your name. With all the strength that you have accumulated over this short amount of time, you find the drive to stand up, put the toilet lid down and flush your evidence of pain down the drain. 
But throughout your pregnancy, Sunwoo is always so alert whenever he hears the toilet flushing that he practically runs to the bathroom to see you struggling to take even a step further away from the toilet, holding your body by pushing down your palm onto the edge of the sink next to you, “Baby?” At the sight of your dried tears, red eyes, dishevelled hair and shaking body, Sunwoo rushes over to you, imagining the war that you probably had alone, “Sit down here.” He pointed and directed you to the toilet seat.
You couldn’t help but cry again when you felt Sunwoo’s arm wrapping around your waist, setting you down on the toilet carefully. He kneels before you, lifting his head to scan your face for any additional discomfort, “I’m sorry.” Sobbing louder and louder when you catch a glimpse of his worried glance and creasing forehead, “I wanted to greet you nicely today. I even made you some snacks and such in the kitchen but you have to see me all ugly like th---”
“Hey, hey. Just stop, okay?” Sunwoo hushes your words when you begin to downgrade yourself, “Don’t say those things. You’re beautiful, bubs.” He tries to steal a kiss from your lips but you shake your head and push your face backwards, “Hey…”
“No, don’t kiss me. I'm disgusting right now.” You managed to say between your sobs. You couldn’t face your husband anymore in shame that you couldn’t take care of yourself for the whole week. Everything seemed to have the worst timing. You just wanted to make sure you could at least be there for Sunwoo when he opened the front door as he got through his first week of promotion yet not even halfway through the week, it was obvious that Sunwoo has done more reassuring than getting reassurance, “Don’t leave me…” 
Your heartbreaking tone made Sunwoo's heartbreak, “I promise I won’t.” He whispers with a sad smile. He’s heard this a couple of times recently but he promised himself and to you that he will always remind you that he’ll always be by your side, just like he promised a year ago on your wedding day, “Bubs, I’m right here for you. You can lean on me okay?” You clenched your fist at the understanding words, though you still felt so frustrated with yourself. Sensing this, Sunwoo rests both his hands on yours, moving his thumb over your palm to hopefully soothe your nerves, “I…should have called you. I’m sorry I’m late today.”
“Don’t be…” You shake your head, and finally meet your husband’s eyes who looks to be relaxed even though he’s also nervous inside, “Was everything okay today?”
“It was more than alright.” Sunwoo bites his bottom lip, crushing himself out internally to not rush home even faster when he left work today. He tried to hide his thoughts but his hands on top of you betrayed him.
“Sunwoo…what’s wrong?” 
“It’s just that---” Sunwoo sighs out exasperatedly at his past actions, taking one hand away to sweep his hair backwards, “I just should have come home earlier. I finished work early today but I decided to go to the shops for a while.”
“Hey, don’t blame yourself.” You reassured him for the first time in the whole week (that’s what you felt at least), bringing your hands to cup his face gently, “Did you get whatever it was that you wanted?”
“I…” Sunwoo shook his head, closing his eyes frustratingly, “I did but I would have come home earlier if I knew you were like this.” Suddenly, he took out his phone from his pocket, scanning the call log history and not once a single missed call came from you, “Where’s your phone by the way? Why didn’t you call me with your watch?”
“Phone is in the kitchen. And my watch…” You answered guiltily. You had a feeling where this conversation would go as it did many times in the past. 
There were too many occurrences before this one when Sunwoo would come home with you in this state, sometimes better than this, unfortunately, more times worse than this. When Sunwoo realised that this wasn’t going to be an easy thing to predict and prepare, he got you a smartwatch that allows you to call him. 
Never once had you used it.
How could you when you felt like the worst person ever to be burdening him with this? You should be able to do this alone. All the mothers on the internet did. All those single mothers probably did this all alone too. So you should be able to do this too?
“We talked about this.” Sunwoo said sternly, his eyebrows furrowed. He puts both of your hands away from his face to your lap, tapping on your watch on your wrist and calling his phone to make sure the dial still works. Sure enough, his own phone rings along with your saved name on his phone and his personalised ringtone for his wife, “Bubs…”
You shook your head, “I-I just can’t…not when you’re so busy with work and feeling tired.”
“Bubs.” Sunwoo’s voice shook and before saying anything else, he rested his forehead on your hands, taking deep breaths as he calmed himself down, “In sickness and in health right?” He continued his words as he looked back up with a tear rolling down his face. You whimper at the sight, your heart swelling as you can feel the love that he holds for you in his eyes.
“I-I know but sti---”
“Pregnancy is not supposed to be tackled alone like this.” Sunwoo shook his head, pressing a kiss with his plump lips on your forehead, “Someone is supposed to support you, hold you, and make sure you and the baby are safe and sound. I can’t be that someone if you don’t tell me, you know?” He reminded you once again, being the utmost patient with you as you wrap your arms around his neck and he holds the sides of your waist.
“Call me next time, please? You’re not a burden. Not to me. Never to me.” Sunwoo cups the side of your face with his palm and with a genuine smile that finally reaches his eyes, Sunwoo leans down to give you a soft peck on the lips despite your pout and complains after, “You’re beautiful, sweetheart. I love you so much.”
It was such a simple statement from your husband yet you felt your whole body relax at the genuine reassurance from the one person that you love the most in this world. Even though your eyes were still leaving tears down your face, Sunwoo looked at you with the most heartwarming gaze in the whole world, smiling with that box smile of his when you finally managed to let out a small smile, “I love you so much, Kim Sunwoo.”
“Now.” Sunwoo leans away to stand up slowly before kneeling back down again but this time with his back facing you, “Hop on! I bet you’ll be happy with what I got you.”
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tags (send a dm/ask if you would like to be here!): @deoboyznet 📢❤️ @k-labels 💙🤍 @k-films 🤎🎞️
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k4ulitzs · 10 months
can u do one where reader invited tom around to her house and she excuses herself to get some water and her mum comes in and starts talking about how he is not the man for her, but neither of them knew tom followed her and was listening? Ending with fluff? Ty
perfect ~ tom kaulitz
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little bit of angst, fluff.
thank u sm for this req anon, much appreciated !!
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Knock knock. My head shoots up from my phone, an ear to ear smile forming on my face as I knew who was knocking - my boyfriend tom who I had invited over. Just as I was about to stand up, my mum pokes her head through the kitchen door.
"who's that?" she asks, her eyes squinting. "don't worry, it's just tom. I'll get it." I sighed, reading the uneasy look on her face. My mum has to be the most judging person I know, and of course, she has not yet properly met my boyfriend, but just by the way she was looking at me, I could read her like a book. I stood up, not caring about her thoughts on him. I love him, and wether she did or not, it would never change how I felt.
"mum, can you please keep your opinions to yourself for now? I don't want you unloading on him. He's nervous enough, he doesn't need you piling on." I state, making it clear I didn't want her harsh opinions making tom feel hurt in anyway. After all, tom was a very soft person, so an opinion as unaccommodating as my mums would definitely hurt him.
She raised both her hands. "fine, fine." she sighed, disappearing back into the kitchen. I roll my eyes, knowing my mum, even though I had warned her, she would probably still say something. I walked towards the door and opened it, smiling once I saw his beautiful face.
"hey baby." he smiled, lowering his head with a blush forming on his cheeks. I could tell he was nervous. And though he wasn't actually in a 'meeting the parents' situation, I could still tell he was unsure about coming here. After all, the previous encounter he had with my mum did not go so well, her throwing disguised insults his way all the time.
"hey love, come on in. Let's just go straight to my room, okay?" I say in reassurance, helping him realise we can avoid my mum. He slowly nods, seeing me holding my hand out, he takes it and let's me guide him in.
I quickly take him to my room, avoiding my mums presence as much as possible. I close my door behind me, and sit on the bed with him. I take a movie dvd out my drawer, and put it into my tv, watching the movie begin. he took my hand and pulled me closer, wrapping an arm around my waist and laying my head on his chest, his hand rubbing small circles on my waist as we both felt warm, watching the movie in eachothers embrace.
After the movie finished, i turned my head a little, seeing that tom had fallen asleep. Small breaths emitting from his parted lips, his arms wrapped around me comfortingly, his head resting close to my chest. I couldn't help but admire him right now.
I felt pretty thirsty, so somehow I had to go to the kitchen without waking tom up. I manoeuvred my way out of his hold as gently as I could and, somehow, I managed to without waking him up. Or so I thought.
I made my way into the kitchen, seeing my mum cooking dinner. I ignored her, because I knew if any conversation were to start, she'd somehow bring up her disliking for tom into it, so i stayed quiet. Grabbing a glass, I poured some water into it. Yet even my attempts to avoid any sort of talking with her, were not enough. "I'm telling you, he is not the one. You are blinded by his pretty looks, but does he even really lo-" I quickly cut off my mums words with my own.
"mum, can you please stop? I'm not blinded by shit, leave him the fuck alone. Can't you and me have a normal conversation without you finding a way to bring up how horrible you think he is?" I argue, not at all in the mood to hear her talking badly about him, again.
I just wish she knew what went on behind closed doors. In all, he was a genuine sweetheart and cared about me. She had no idea, and the reason being, because she had probably scared him with her quick assumptions, so now if he tried putting effort in, he would be worried it wouldn't be enough to please her, and in the end, all he wanted to do was make a good impression. However, my mum never gave him the chance.
"im never wrong, and I'm warning you here and now, he doesn't love you. He seems like the kind of man to take advantage of you. Why can't you just listen to me? I'm trying to protect you!" she argues back, but I didn't care, I was not going to let her insult him for no reason.
"what?! He would never take advantage of me, are you hearing yourself?! You have no idea what he is like because you were too quick to judge him. You've probably scared him off! You aren't trying to protect me, so don't feed me that bullshit." I scoff, my tone getting louder by the second.
Her mouth opened to say something more, but her speech was interrupted by a sigh that came from outside the kitchen. Shit.
I open my bedroom door, seeing tom lay there, his tongue playing with his lip ring, I could tell he was uneasy. "baby...? How much of it did you hear?" I sigh, disappointed in myself for letting all this pressure get to him.
His eyes flickered to me, "all of it, I got up after you left the room." he softly groaned. He suddenly sits up, speaking once more. "this is too much. I don't wanna sound rude baby I promise, but your mum is too much." he softly sighed, rubbing his temples.
"oh love..." I exhale, making my way over to him and sitting beside him. I take his hand, and hold it with both of mine, holding it just under my chin and giving it a few kisses, leaving him smiling. "I know how she can be, trust me. But just because she doesn't like you, doesn't mean I don't. I love you." I say the last part slowly, hoping it registers. But after his puzzled look and his silence, I immediately regret speaking.
"oh...! I'm sorry, I shouldn't have sa-" my words are cut off by his free hand cupping my cheek, and kissing me, the kiss so clearly full of love that we can feel eachother smiling. His tongue lightly grazes my bottom lip, laying one last soft kiss on my lips before pulling back and resting our foreheads on eachothers. "I love you more, schatz." he kisses my nose, sighing contently after he spoke.
I smile widely, and kiss his cheek. "and don't worry about my mum. I want you and only you, you're perfect." I whisper, before he has a wide grin spreading across his face, pulling me close and pressing his lips onto mine.
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Send anything in <3
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daisyblog · 1 year
Just Hold On
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Our Story Masterlist Summary: Harry takes care of YN.
Warning: grief, loss of a loved one, upset, crying
Four days. Four days of feeling helpless. Watching her cry, not knowing how to stop her pain. Harry was expecting her to shut herself away but he had read that grief hits people differently, which explains her constant movement as she cleaned and rearranged everything she could. It was almost like she was afraid to stop and be alone with her thoughts.
Cutting his thoughts, Harry’s phone rang from where it sat on the kitchen island 'Mum' it read.
"Hey Mum". Harry greeted as he pottered around the kitchen, moving some used cutlery to the sink to wash later.
"Hi darling..how's YN today?" Anne’s delicate voice spoke through the speaker.
"She's okay..I just feel so helpless..like I hate seeing her hurting" Harry’s voice was deflated, he needed his Mum’s wise words.
"Oh darling...I know it's heartbreaking..I just can't stop thinking about them all..and the little ones" Anne sympathised on the other end of the phone.
"Yeh..they don't quite understand..YN spoke with her grandparents earlier". Harry explained about Ernest and Doris.
"Poor babies..are you going to watch Louis tonight?".
"Yeh..yeh YN's just gone to get ready..I think he's so brave for doing it..but I know it's what their Mum would have wanted" He gently spoke to his Mum as he continued to pace around the room.
"She would have..she loved watching him perform..they're stong..YN and Louis I mean". Anne thought out loud.
"That's what I'm afraid of Mum..I'm like..I'm worried she's going to hold it all together and..and..I don't know crumble I suppose". Harry’s voice rambled his thoughts.
"Harry..that's where she's gonna need you...let her be strong for everyone else..she's probably going to hold it all together for her sisters and brother...but you be the one that holds her yeh”.
"Yeh..I didn't think of it like that".
"Look after her love...she's going to need you now more than ever". Anne’s words were wise.
"I'll always look after her Mum".
"I know you will...I love you darling...give YN a big cuddle from me".
"I will..I love you too Mum".
"Bye love".
After the conversation with his Mum, Harry could hear some music playing upstairs. Following the sound, he was led to YN standing in their bedroom looking at a black plain dress that was laid across the duvet, and he recognised ABBA playing from the speaker.
"Hey baby" Harry’s voice startled her.
"Shit...you scared me" YN laughed. Harry had missed her laugh. It was one of his favourite sounds.
"Sorry..I didn't mean to...Abba huh?”.
"I remember when I was younger...me Mum would be doing her make-up or whatever..in her bedroom and..um...we would all be in there with her and she'd always play ABBA...and we would all dance and I dunno..sorry it's silly". As YN spoke, Harrg moved closer to her so he could listen.
"Hey..it's not silly..if listening to music helps...then do it" Harry gently spoke as he wrapped his arms around her in comfort. As she leaned her head on Harry’s chest, he had an idea. "Alexa..play Dancing Queen".
"What are you doin'?" YN looked up at him with a confused expression.
"We're going to dance!” Harry stated like it was the most obvious thing.
"Bu-" YN began before Harry interrupted her.
"No buts!” Harry’s voice was deep.
Ooh You can dance You can jive Having the time of your life Ooh, see that girl Watch that scene Digging the dancing queen
And that's how they got ready that afternoon, dancing around in their bedroom, singing into hairbrushes and forgetting the world around them for a moment.
Harry and YN were on their way to Fountain Studios, where Louis was performing his new song on The X Factor. As Harry drove, YN sat silently in the passenger seat as reality hit her again. Almost like it was a coincidence, a familiar song played through the speakers, causing their heads to snap towards each other.
"Fook off!" YN's voice broke the silence "They..I haven't..they don't play this on the radio anymore.” She couldn’t help but stutter.
"Almost like it was meant to be ey?”. Harry wore a big smile at how perfectly timed the song played.
"I remember when you sang this to me drunk once..cringey as fook it was". YN laughed at the memory,
"Don't fucking lie...you loved it". Harry was enjoying the happy moment between them.
"I did actually" YN finally admitted.
"Because you're gorgeous, I'd do anything for you, because you're gorgeous, I know you'll get me through" Harry sung along with the radio and reached over to hold her hand that sat on her knee.
As the song finished Harry was quick to speak again "You know I would do anything for you don't you?".
Her hand in Harry’s squeezed his slightly before she spoke the three words Harry loved hearing "I love you".
"I love you too gorgeous!”.
As they entered the busy room backstage where Louis and people from his team currently were, YN leaves Harry’s arms and immediately finds her brother in the crowd. Instantly they wrap their arms around each other and Harry can see Louis talk into her ear. Harry stands back in the corner and allows them to have their moment. From where he stands he can see YN nod slightly at whatever Louis says to her.
Two bodies break Harry from his thoughts as they stand next to him. “Hey man..how you doin'?”. Liam's the first one to talk.
"Just trying to be there for her if I'm 'onest..she just..she's trying to keep herself busy all the time" Harry explained to the two boys as he continued to look in YN’s direction.
"Must be so hard" Niall spoke as he took a glance at Louis and YN.
"We're gonna go and stay with my Mum for a few days before heading to Doncaster for Christmas...just escape reality for a bit...YN suggested it". Harry spoke about their plans for the next few weeks.
"Might be good..you know to be around other people..take her mind off things" Liam nodded his head.
"Yeah I hope so" Harry thought out loud, hoping they were right.
Louis was talking to a member of his team so YN made her way back over and Niall was the first to pull her into a brotherly embrace.
"Tomlinson...I've missed your hugs" Niall spoke as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders. Watching the sight in front of him made Harry realise how much love YN had around her.
"Yeah..well save some for the rest of us mate" Liam joked. YN moved from Niall's hold and greeted Liam in a hug. Harry could hear Liam's voice as he wrapped his arm around her. “We're all here for you too okay..don't be afraid to call or text okay?" to which YN thanked him. This wasn't just friendship, this was family.
"Is Lou okay?" Harry asked YN as she moved closer to him, before reaching to hold his hand.
"Think he's just holding it together if I'm 'onest" YN spoke as her fingers played with Harry, whilst looking over at her brother.
"Where's your Nan and Grandad...and the girls?" Harry asked as he looked around the room, not being able to see them. Niall and Liam were talking amongst themselves.
"Phebs and Dais wanted to see the audience empty or somethin'...I'm gonna stay backstage to watch Lou..if you don't mind?".
"Wh-why would I mind...we'll do whatever you're comfortable with" Harry reassured her and pecked her lips in a quick motion.
"Some things never change huh...still disgustingly in love..feel like I'm back in 2013" Niall teased them, which Harry was glad of because he thought that's what YN needed, for people to still act the same.
"Aw shut up Horan" YN laughed, as she pushed his arm playfully.
"I'll wait until you find the one" Harry joked as he pulled YN even closer to his side.
"I feel sorry for her already" YN continued to tease Niall as he stood there with a smile on his face.
"You're a cheeky shit Tommo..you know that" Niall joked.
Louis found them standing in the corner and pulled Niall then Liam into a hug and thanked them both for coming, explaining how much it meant to him. "C'mon Harold...I won't leave you out" Louis joked and Harry wrapped his arm around him as he whispers in his ear "Has she been okay?".
"Yeh and no" Harry truthfully answered, as they broke apart.
"I'm looking forward to hearing your song" Liam broke the silence.
"I'm so fookin' nervous man...I couldn't even finish sound check earlier..just dunno..felt like I was gonna throw up". Louis shrugged his shoulders, a nervous habit of his as he spoke.
Niall tapped Louis on the shoulder and reassured him "Hey..you're gonna do great Tommo...we're all right behind ya tonight yeh?".
"Yeh I know..thanks man" Louis wore a grateful smile. "I think Nan, Grandad and the girls are gonna sit in the audience..are you joining them Kiddo?". He aimed the question towards YN.
"I'm gonna stay backstage with Harry..and the boys" YN answered as she moved so she was standing in front of Harry and naturally his arm wrapped around her front and landed on her shoulder.
"Of course you are" Louis had a playful smirk on his face "Fookin' hell Styles...what's your secret, she never wants to leave your side?" Before he could respond, Louis continued before he walked away chuckling to himself "Actually don't fookin' answer that".
It had been a couple of days since Louis' X Factor performance and as YN requested they were in Holmes Chapel for a few days, before travelling to Doncaster for Louis's Birthday and Christmas. Harry and YN had arrived a couple of hours ago and as soon as they walked through Anne’s front door, YN was pulled into her arms. At any other time, Harry would have made a joke about her liking YN more than him, her son, but instead he carried on walking through the hallway and placing their bags at the bottom of the stairs.
After dinner later that night, they were sitting in the lounge, Gemma and Michael sat on one sofa with Robin and YN, Mum and Harry on the other. YN's back was pressed to Harry’s side and his arm wrapped around her frame and hand resting on her tummy. Harry had noticed she was quieter than usual as the rest of them chatted about different things, but Harry thought maybe she was concentrating on the film playing on the telly. Harry pressed his lips to the top of her head, and to his left, Harry felt his Mum give him a subtle nudge. As he turned to look at her she gave him a sympathetic look and mouthed "Is she okay?" as she nodded towards YN in Harry’d arms, to which he shrugged his shoulders.
"I'm gonna go to the loo a sec" YN spoke for the first time in a while, as she stood up leaving the space next to Harry empty and walking towards the kitchen.
Anne asked if anyone wanted a cup of tea, to which everyone replied: "Yes please". Anne had been gone all for a few minutes until she appeared at the lounge door calling Harry’s name softly and motioning for him to follow her. As they walked through the kitchen door, she spoke in a whisper "I..I'm..I didn't want to knock on the door just in case...but I think YN is crying in there".
Harry didn't hesitate to walk over to the bathroom door and give it a soft knock "YN..it's me", he heard a sniffle, instantly knowing Anne was right.
"I-I..I'll be out now" YN's voice was heard through the door. Harry opened the door gently and peered around to see her frame sitting next to the bath on the floor, with her back pressed against the wall and knees up to her chest.
"Baby!”. Harry panicked and walked into the room and closed the door behind him. Harry sits next to YN on the ground and pulled her to his side where she grips onto his jumper and sobs into Harry’s chest as he holds the side of her. Harry allows her to cry and get everything she feels out. After some time she sits up and wipes her eyes with the sleeves of her jumper.
"Sorry" her voice is quiet, almost like she’s embarrassed.
"Babe..why are you saying sorry?". Harry voice was gentle, soft and calm as he wiped away another tear from her cheek.
"I-I...for..for crying" she sniffled trying to stop her tears from spilling.
"Don't you dare be sorry for that...you know it's okay to feel like this". Harry was sad that YN felt like she needed to apologise.
"It's just..I..it hits me more in the night" she confessed.
"I think that's normal..you kind of have more time to think".
"Yeh..I just miss her so much..this is probably really silly-".
"Whatever it is I bet it's not".
"I've been phoning her phone still and sending her texts" YN wiped a stray tear that escaped.
"Does it help?".
"Kind of".
"Then it's not silly and you should keep doing it".
"Why did you come in here anyway?" she questioned.
"My Mum was making everyone a cuppa and she heard you crying..she didn't want to come in just incase-".
YN's voice interrupted "She's got a heart of gold hasn't she?”.
"She does!”. Harry couldn’t help but smile.
It was now Christmas Eve, also Louis' birthday. Harry and YN travelled to Doncaster that morning from Anne’s house. Since that night Harry found YN in the bathroom upset, she seemed a bit more relaxed and not hiding away when she feels upset. As they walked through the door to YN's grandparent's house, they were both greeted by Jen and Len pulling them both in for a hug. As Jen began making them all cups of tea, they all stood in the kitchen chatting.
"Is Lou here yet" YN asked her grandparents, waiting for one of them to answer.
"No not yet..he said he'd be here around 4ish". Jen glanced at the brown clock that was up on the wall.
"Oh I was hoping he'd be here earlier than that-" YN began but was interrupted by a heard of footsteps and her four sisters appeared all running into her and hugging any part of her body they could.
"Missed me have ya?" YN’s voice turned into her happy and bubbly self. Harry wondered if it was for her sisters sake.
"Can you paint my nails?" "Can I do your make-up?" "Will you curl my hair" the girls all spoke over each other, making Harry chuckle.
"C'mon then munchkins, let's go" YN spoke, holding Pheobe and Daisy's hand as they walked through to the lounge and continued upstairs.
Once the girls' voices had disappeared upstairs, Jen looked in their direction to make sure they were upstairs, before handing Harry and Len their mugs of tea as they all sat by the table. "How's she been Harry?".
"She..um..she's been okay..but she did break down in my Mum's the other night, I found her crying on the bathroom floor" Harry explained, as he watched the older couple take a glance at eachother .
"I knew she wasn't being truthful with me" Jen spoke with a sad expression.
"I think she wants to be strong for you all" Harry admitted, taking a sip of his boiling hot tea.
"She's always been stubborn..ever since she was little hasn't she Jen?”. Len sighed.
"Yeh..her and Louis both..oh Harry they would argue like mad...typical siblings really...and then the next minute they were like best mates...YN always looks for Louis for when she's upset..always has done" Jen reminised.
"Yeh she told me that when she's with him she feels like she's at home..a comfort thing I suppose" Harry admitted, thinking about what YN had told him before.
Just after 4, Louis arrived and just like the girls had greeted YN when she arrived, the five of them all ran to him shouting 'Happy Birthday'.
"Harold...I'm very disappointed that you didn't run to me too" Louis joked as he walked towards Harry.
"Happy Birthday mate" Harry said witha big grin and tapped his shoulder.
"Thanks lad!”.
"Right..c'mon then you lot..let's get some music on and let's celebrate me turning 25" Louis ordered his sisters. The younger girls ran into the lounge and decided which songs to play first. Harry stood back and watched as Louis and YN walked together, Louis's arm wrapped around her shoulder.
As Jen and Len stayed in the kitchen, preparing dinner and insisted they didn't need any of Harry’s help, he stood in the doorway of the lounge as the Tomlinsons danced around the room singing along to 'Shut Up and Dance".
"Harry c'mon...you can't just stand there" Daisy began to pull Harry into the chaos.
"B-but I can't dance" Harry protested, but it was no use.
"Neither can Louis..it's fine" Phoebe teased her older brother as he acted hurt and put a hand over his heart. The song changes and 'This One's For You' plays through the speaker.
As Harry spins Daisy around and she continues to dance. Harry looks over at YN as she dances with the older girls and as she catches his gaze, he sends her a wink that makes her shyly smile back at him.
We're in this together Hear our hearts beat together We stand strong together We're in this forever
Tag List: (let me know if you would like to be added) @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @harrys-flower @platinumbarbie143 @frickin-bats @harrysbbyh0ney fanfictioncafe lilfreakjez jerseygirlinca iamahallucinationnn @chronicallybubbly @goldensunflowe-r  @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @kaverichauhan @peterholland04 @panicattheuc @indierockgirrl
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Michael Gray- Cryptic Pregnancy
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This was requested! Hope you enjoy
"Do I have to?" I whine entering holding onto my husbands arm
"Yes. Your part of the family and this is a family meeting" Michael tells me
"I know, it's just I'm not feeling good today. I've been having cramps. I think my monthly is on its way" I sigh
"We won't be long" Michael tells me as we enter the betting shop where the rest of the family are waiting
"I hope so. I just want to go back home and go to bed"
"Ah Michael, YN it's good of you to finally join us"
"Sorry Tommy" Michael replies
"Having some fun aye" John winks towards us, but then earns a nudge off Esme
"YN isn't feeling well so can we make this quick"
"Alright then let's get this meeting started" Tommy takes a seat in his office chair. I sit down next to Michael trying to breath through the cramps.
As the meeting goes on the cramps get worse and worse. I'm no longer paying attention to what anyone is saying. I've never had cramps like yheee before
"YN what do you think?" I quickly look up at Tommy
"I erm, I'm sorry Tommy I didn't..." just then another huge cramp overcomes me "fuck somethings wrong. This isn't my monthly" I cry out. Michael is looking around nervously. Polly is by my side in a second
"Mum what's going on? What's wrong with YN"
"I don't know, but let's get her up and lay her down on the sofa over there" Polly nods to the sofa behind us. As I stand up water gushes down my legs and I'm in even more pain
"Did you just piss yourself?" John asks frowning
"No she didn't. Her waters have broken"
"What?" I shout looking at Esme who's eyes are wide "I'm not pregnant, I would have known"
"Ok let's just lay you down and then I want to take a look at you" Polly says as we slowly walk over to the sofa "all of you out" she snaps "Esme, Ada you two stay and help"
"Polly how can I be pregnant?" I cry now feeling scared "I've been having my bleed and my stomach hasn't grown or my breasts" I cry
"It's rare but I've heard it can happen" Esme tells me as Polly hoists my knees up and takes off my underwear
"Bloody hell love, I can see the head"
"No no no Polly this isn't happening"
"It is whether any of us like it or not. Ok on your next contraction I need you to push ok?" Esme and Ada take both my hands and give them a squeeze
"I can't do this. I'm not ready"
"You might not be but little one surly is"
"YN you can do this. Trust me, I know it hurts and your confused, but your about to be a mum. So listen to Polly, yeah?"
"Ok" I take in a deep breath and do as I'm told. On my next contraction I push with all my might
"Ok the heads out. Not long to go now YN. Your doing so well"
That afternoon I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. I hold her in my arms, wrapped up in one of the Shelby brothers discarded blazers
"You ready for Michael to see you and the baby?" Polly asks me
"Yeah" I smile not taking my eyes off my baby girl. The door opens and in walks a stressed looking Michael
"Holy shit" he rubs a hand over his face making his way over to me
"She's a girl. I thought maybe we could name her after your sister, Anna"
"Beautiful" he kisses the crown of my head. In walks the rest of the Shelby's
"What the bloody hell happened? Why didn't you tell any of us that you were pregnant? How the fuck did you manage to hid this?" Arthur asks walking in
"I had no idea. Shit we don't have anything" I look up to Michael worriedly
"Don't worry. John and I will gather some of our things for you"
"Thank you Es" I look back at Michael "would you like to hold her?" tear threaten to fall as he nods his head. I place her gently in his arms, and I can see he's in love with her immediately
"I'll bring the car around. Drive you guys home" Tommy says leaving the room
"Is that my bloody blazer?" John asks
"I'll buy you a new one" Michael waves him off
"Well what a way to tell your kid how she was brought into the world" Arthur moves to look at the baby girl "congratulations, your going to be wonderful parents"
"Thank you Arthur"
In that moment a part of me that I didn't know was missing feels complete. My little family.
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misshoneyimhome · 9 months
So glad requests are open again…I’ve got a list of thoughts but I’ll do them on by one - spread the Willy love out😂
But we’ve talked about meeting the family for the first time, but in all those scenarios it’s the girls and parents so what about meeting Alex for the first time! He’s in Pittsburg so he’s rarely able to gather all together during the season. I feel like of all the family members his approval would mean the most (to both you and Will) and I think he’d be the most wary too of his big bros significant other…not that he’s mean or dislikes you but he’s definitely more quiet at first meeting than the rest of the Nylander clan! But as you host dinner for him with his favorite dishes when the Penguins are in Toronto and Willy does his best to wash dishes and dance with you in the kitchen to calm you down, Alex realized how down bad his bro is!
Yes, so much Willy love in here!  Oh, now I’m def curious about what you’ve got in mind 🙌🏼 I love this so so much babe 😍 Alex’s opinion of Willy’s girl is def important if not the most important - I mean those boys have such a connection and I feel like if Alex can see how down Willy is for a girl, it means something 😉 furthermore, he’d also be the one to like tell Willy directly if she’s good or bad for him - he can be really honest despite how hurtful it can be but he can also truly see the love and affection between Willy and his girlfriend ❤️ (According to my thoughts 😉)
・✶ 。゚
Hey brother, do you still believe in one another?
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"Hey, take it easy, baby," your boyfriend attempted to soothe your nerves with a chuckle as you awaited the arrival of his brother today. You were casually hanging out in the kitchen, both savouring a morning coffee while seated at the counter.
"I'm perfectly calm," you tried to reassure him, but he could see right through you, raising an eyebrow as he met your gaze.
"What's the problem?" he chuckled. "I mean, you've already met my parents…"
"Yeah, but this is your brother Willy," you responded with a soft yet apprehensive smile. "He's like your closest friend beside Sandy, and I just really hope he’ll like me."
"Hey, he'll definitely like you... I love you, and he knows that."
“But still…”
“No buts, babe he’ll like you! Don’t worry about it.”
And slowly, your boyfriend's words began to reassure you, as you made an effort to ease your nerves.
Your boyfriend was William Nylander, and his brother was Alex Nylander. 
While you had already crossed paths with most of the Nylander family during their frequent casual trips to Toronto, you hadn't yet had the chance to meet the younger sibling.
Just like to William, Alex was an NHL hockey player, but being on an opposing team — playing for the Pittsburgh Penguins — often meant he didn't have the same availability to join the rest of his clan, making him the last one you were to meet.
And he was also the most nerve wracking one to me. At least in your opinion.
His father, Michael, you clicked with straight away, as you both shared a great sense of humour, and he was nothing but impressed by your extensive hockey knowledge. You even bonded while sharing your passion for cooking and prepared the family’s meals together.
William's mum, Camilla, was real sweetheart. And right from the first meeting, she’d noticed how much William cherished you, how protective he was of you, and how much you cared for her eldest son.
As for William's sisters? They were more fun than a hassle. Sure, they'd ask a bunch of tough questions, showing their protective side towards their brother, trying to figure out if you had any ulterior motives besides being in a relationship with him. But there was nothing like that. You loved William from the start, just the way he was.
However, the girls did mention how many girls had pretended to be interested in William and other hockey players just for the fame. Some might've genuinely liked him at first, but when things got serious and the hockey life made demands on the relationship, they slowly faded away.
But not you.
Despite the late-night chats, casual hook-ups, rare lazy mornings, and almost-romantic dinners at odd hours, you’d stayed. 
And truth be told, you actually found it quite amusing and interesting. Being with William was never dull, and even though hockey was his top priority, you’d always find ways to work your schedule around his.
And his family could do nothing but respect you for that. You showed genuine commitment and deep feelings for their cherished son and brother. And they all understood that while hockey was demanding and kept William busy, it also tested relationships, and you’d naturally excelled in navigating those challenges.
You weren't entirely sure what specifically had impressed them so much. Sure, dating William hadn't been a walk in the park, but since you hadn’t been living under a rock, you sort of knew what you signed up for when he first asked you out. He was a fairly well-known hockey player, after all.
Though initially, you had hesitated, unsure if you wanted to immerse yourself in such a lifestyle. But then you’d figured that if it was really meant to be, you'd find your way, and eventually, you grew to truly enjoy his way of life. The highs, the lows, and everything in between.
And today, Alex was coming to town.
The Penguins and Leafs were set to face off against each other tomorrow night, so William had arranged for the two of you to finally meet.
And since it was Friday and you'd taken the day off work, you offered to cook dinner after both teams' training sessions.
While William naturally suggested ordering takeout, his forte, you felt the need to keep yourself occupied throughout the day. Besides, you enjoyed cooking for William anyway. And since his favourite meal coincided with Alex's, you saw a sneaky opportunity to perhaps score some easy points with the younger brother.
And as William was busy with training during the day, you took care of your self-appointed housekeeping duties, went grocery shopping, and took the dogs for a good run. Upon returning home, you spruced up the guest room to make it cosy and nice, just in case Alex decided to stay over instead of heading back to the hotel. Then, you began preparing dinner.
It had become a ritual for you to put on your favourite tunes and dance around the kitchen as you cooked. Since your boyfriend wasn't exactly a culinary expert, you had swiftly made the kitchen your domain after moving in.
And as the aroma of the cooking food filled the air, and with William and Alex due to arrive any moment, you took a few minutes to relax and gather the courage to face the Pittsburgh forward.
"Hey, he'll definitely like you... I love you, and he knows that," you reminded yourself of William's reassuring words. "No buts, babe he’ll like you! Don’t worry about it."
And shortly after, you heard the front door unlock.
"Hey, babe," William's voice echoed through the condo, prompting you to get up from your seat and greet them with a chuckle.
"Hey, boys."
"Alex, meet y/n - y/n, Alex," your boyfriend casually introduced the two of you, and you shook hands, officially marking your first meeting.
"It's lovely to meet you, Alex. I've heard so much about you," you flashed him a warm smile, earning one in return.
"Likewise," he replied succinctly before the boys then moved into the living area, where William gestured for Alex to join him on the sofa.
"How long before dinner, babe?"
"Just a few more minutes," you smiled. "You can squeeze in a round of NHL if you'd like," you suggested before heading to the kitchen.
And the boys eagerly fired up the PS5 to settle in for a gaming session.
"Var snäll mot henne. hon är lite nervös,”(Be nice to her. she's a little nervous.) William spoke to his brother in Swedish, using a hushed tone.
"Jag är snäll mot henne. Jag ser bara till att hon är bra för dig," (I am nice to her. I'm just making sure she's all good for you.) Alex chuckled back, occasionally glancing at you in the kitchen. 
"Oroa dig inte - det är hon," (Don't worry - she is.) William reassured his brother. 
The clicking sounds of the joysticks filled the air as they got engrossed in the video game while you finished up the final touches for dinner.
"Alrighty, boys, dinner's ready," you proudly announced, serving the dish you had poured your heart and soul into. And with smiles lighting up their faces, they quickly joined you, both starving after their training sessions.
The dinner went smoothly, or so you hoped, as Alex wasn't particularly talkative, yet his gaze frequently landed on you. You couldn't quite tell if it was because you were talking too much or if he was silently judging you.
But you just hated awkward silences.
And since William wasn't taking the lead in conversation, it felt natural for you to steer the discussions, keeping things flowing to avoid any discomfort.
William found it both slightly amusing and utterly adorable. He knew you well enough by now to understand that you weren't being rude or hogging the conversation intentionally; you were just nervous and eager to be a great hostess, especially keen on showing your best side to his brother.
And once the delicious meal was finished, you once again took the lead, clearing the plates and heading back to the kitchen. The boys expressed their gratitude for the fantastic meal before you left them to their own devices once more.
"Hon är trevlig," (She’s nice) Alex chuckled lightly, casting a glance at his brother.
"Hon brukar inte prata så mycket, men hon är som sagt lite nervös," (She doesn't usually talk that much, but as I said, she's a bit nervous.) William returned a smile, briefly glancing at you as you tidied up in the kitchen. 
And Alex simply nodded and smiled at his brother before William then excused himself to lend you a hand in the kitchen.
"He hates me, doesn't he?" you nervously asked as William gently wrapped his arms around you, planting soft kisses on your neck, enveloping you in his embrace from behind.
"Not at all, babe," he chuckled softly.
"But he thinks I talk too much," you timidly stated, slowly turning within the arms of your caring boyfriend to face him, leaning against the counter and gazing up at him.
"Well, maybe you did chat a bit too much," William chuckled again before planting a gentle kiss on your lips. "But you're cute when you talk a lot."
"Willy, it's not funny..."
"It's a bit funny, but babe, Alex likes you - trust me, you'd know if he didn't," he softly explained, reassuring you that you’d been more than accepted into his close-knit family. By every single one. 
You let out a soft sigh of relief, flashing him a sweet smile as you listened to his words.
"Good... because I do plan on staying your girlfriend regardless," you cheekily remarked, earning a chuckle from the man in front of you.
"Oh, I wouldn't want anything else," William replied warmly.
And amidst the dishes and soft tunes playing from the speakers, you shared a tender moment of intimacy while Alex remained seated at the dinner table. 
"How about you go and entertain your brother while I clean up the rest?" you suggested with a loving smile.
"Hmm, no, let me help you out - then we're done quicker, and you can come and chill with us," William proposed, a suggestion too inviting to decline.
So, you both turned to finish up the dishes and tidy the kitchen, moving around each other, lightly swaying to the tunes, and sharing giggles at each other's little dance moves.
Meanwhile, Alex observed you intensely, not in a creepy way, but more in an admiring manner.
He had never seen his brother this happy with someone, at least not with a girlfriend.
Alex had never witnessed William in love before, perhaps because William had never actually been in love. But there was a feeling within him that confirmed that he might just be so now.
Observing the way William's face lit up completely upon greeting you as they entered the condo, and how he'd envelop you in his arms, offering tender kisses and gentle hugs at every opportunity. His eyes filled with desire and admiration as you talked during dinner. And seeing the two of you slowly dancing around in the kitchen left him entirely convinced.
You were undeniably the one for his brother.
Finally, Alex had had the chance to witness what the rest of the family saw in you, and there was no doubt in his mind about your genuine feelings and pure intentions. Your smile appeared so sincere and authentic. And one thing Alex had picked up on while listening to you talk during dinner was how much you spoke about William and your life together, expressing heartfelt appreciation for him, instead of only talking about yourself. 
And after finishing the dishes, William and Alex then settled back on the sofa while you quickly went to the bathroom.
"So, vad är domen?" (So, what's the verdict?) William casually joked as the two boys made themselves comfortable.
Alex let out a soft sigh, glancing mischievously at his brother with a smile. 
"Hon är ganska fantastisk," (She's pretty amazing.) he replied with a light chuckle, which prompted William to let out a soft laugh too. "Och låt oss inse det, du är definitivt kär i henne." (And let's face it, you're definitely head over heels in love with her.)
"Åh, absolut," William agreed.
"Och..." (And…) Alex added, a mischievous grin on his lips, "hon är långt utanför din liga!" (she's way out of your league!)
William couldn't help but agree with his brother's remark and simply responded with another heartfelt laugh before you returned and joined the lads.
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sapphic-moon-child · 10 months
Bumps Along the way
Chapter 4: In a Flash of light
Larissa x Shapeshifter!Reader Pregnant!Reader Pregnant!Larissa
Warnings: Pregnancy struggles, Pregnancy/childbirth, Miscarriages, Mental illness, Swears or curses, Infant Death, Stillborn, PTSD, Panic attacks, Near death experience, Mentions of birth and physical exams, vomiting,
A/N: This story is going to be heavy, it deals with real life situations that most don’t understand the pain of. 1 in 4 women will experience this in their lifetime, remember you don’t know everyone's history.
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Chapter 4: In a flash of light
“The sun came up and Larissa’s alarm went off like it did every morning. Waking you up you felt the bed shift rather quickly and saw a flash of Larissa fly past you to the bathroom connected to your room. She quickly hit her knees and hung her head in the toilet bowl. Throwing up all the contents of her stomach from the day before. You darted out of bed and quickly scooped her hair up into a messy bun and rubbed her back softly. “It's okay love, get it all out. I’ve got you.” She went to look up at you stunned, but was stopped short of another round of sickness hitting her. You grabbed a wet washcloth, and let her finish, sitting next to her and wiping her mouth. “Darling you should be in bed” Larissa whispered, her throat stinging as she did. “Hush now none of that. Other than a bit tired I’m fine. But you on the other hand are not. Do you still feel sick?” Shaking her head no she took your hand and stood up letting you lead her back to your shared bed. After getting comfortable and a glass of water you climbed in with her moving the hot water bottles and heating pads to the floor. 
“My love, we need to talk. I'm worried about you, about us. What's going on?” Larissa did something she has never done before and burst into tears and put her head in her hands. “I don't know! I feel out of control and off and most of all I hurt you, I didn't even realize I did it until I did. I’m so sorry about last night! You could have died Y/N!” Larissa sobbed uncontrollably and all but fell into your arms. “Oh honey, It was just a misunderstanding, I know work has been stressful on you lately and you have been struggling. I'm so sorry I didn’t see that. I was too caught up in my own thoughts that I was neglecting your needs.”  You rubbed her back and held onto her, feeling her cries lighten up just a bit. “Honey, how long have you been feeling unwell? You don’t seem to have a fever. Why didn’t you tell me you were sick?” You felt her forehead which was cool to the touch and dismissed it. “A few days, I think I ate something off. I don’t really know… I just have felt off for the last few weeks. Come to think of it, I…I’m late.” Realization hit you both like a truck as you got out of bed and came back with a small blue wrapper. “Do you think?” You started to ask as her eyes got wide. She snatched the package out of your hand and darted to the bathroom. After a minute or two the door unlocked and Larissa sat down on the bed. “I..I’m too scared to look.” She admitted to you. 
Walking into the bathroom you grabbed the test without looking and came to sit next to her. Grabbing her hand you took a deep breath and turned the test over showing two pink lines. Tears immediately filled both of your eyes. “We’re gonna be mums!” Larissa all but shouted, your arms flew around her neck and you hugged her with a force to be reckoned with. In the next few weeks you had resigned to helping Larissa with her work load, and decided that you would cherish each day. Every night, you would talk to your baby and read to him or her. Giving little kisses to your wife’s belly and she would roll her eyes playfully enjoying how much you dotted on her and your baby. Larissa was adamant she did not want to have the baby in the hospital around unkind doctors and nurses who didn’t understand outcasts. She was however thrilled by the idea of a controlled home birth and a midwife team. After several interviews with Outcast midwives and none of them clicking you finally found Mel who was a green witch and sorcerer. She was kind and tender-hearted and you and Larissa both loved her. She had an outcast safe portable ultrasound unit, and a team that included a doula named Michelle who was a healer and a wonderful photographer named Emily that was a seer. Larissa had her first home appointment coming up in a few weeks and the time couldn’t pass quicker. 
A small knock on the door was heard and you answered it letting Mel in. Her beautiful brunette hair tied up in a bun and her bag and unit on a rolling tote. Larissa brought in a tray of tea and the three of you chatted for a while about your birth plan, things you were concerned about and many other things. “Now are there any concerns you have about Larissa?” She asked in her soft tone, setting a hand on Larissa’s knee. Larissa nodded and set her cup down. “I think I am somewhere around 6 weeks, but things are already not fitting and the morning sickness has become all day sickness. Is that normal?” Larissa was a bit unsure of her words as she rested a hand on her belly. “That is completely normal hun, I will give you some tincture for the sickness to help, but in the meantime are you ready for your first physical exam? It can put most things at ease.” 
The brunette asked and Larissa looked at you and nodded. “Good now I like my moms to feel comfortable and usually the best spot is in your own bed, are you okay with that?” Mel asked with her usual smile. “Yes, actually that sounds much better than what I was expecting.” Larissa chuckled and showed Mel the way to your room with you following behind her. “Okay I think i'm all set up I’ll step out for a moment and let you change into something comfortable a nightgown or a long shirt will do just fine. Then you can use this sheet I brought to cover your bottom half when you lay down.” Mel explained and stepped out of the room, closing the door behind her. Doing as she asked, Larissa Changed into a long sleeve shirt that was too big and fell to her thighs and laid on the bed letting herself get comfortable and you helped with the sheet so she felt comfortable. Letting Mel back in you stood awkwardly not knowing what to do. She laughed and told you to make yourself comfortable on the bed next to Larissa. After a quick pelvic exam that Larissa cringed through and gripped your hand, she deemed everything was in order and asked if she could move on to an abdominal exam. Larissa Nodded and Mel Slid the blanket over her legs and let the paper sheet rest on top of it to make Larissa a bit more comfortable. 
She palpated her stomach in different ways and pulled out her stethoscope, one hand on it the other on her stomach. With a small smile she pulled the pieces out of her ears and handed them to Larissa. “Would you like to hear?” Mel asked. “Yes please!” Larissa's eyes welled up with tears hearing the thump thump thump of the baby's heartbeat. She let you hear as well and you pulled the ear pieces away and gave Larissa a small forehead kiss and wiped a stray tear away. “That momma’s is a strong heartbeat there. Now would you like to see the baby and we can get a due date and a correct measurement?” Both of you nodded eagerly, and Larissa winced at the cold gel as it was placed on her stomach. Soon forgotten though as the picture on the screen showed a tiny baby. 
“There they are, it’s a bit too early to tell the gender yet. But it looks like you are closer to nine weeks Larissa. By this measurement and your last cycle being in march it looks like you will be due right around december give or take. A Christmas baby!” You and Larissa were in awe, this all felt real now. “We decided we don't want to know the gender, it will be our Christmas surprise.” You said, holding Larissa’s hand tightly. Mel nodded and gave her congrats, printing out pictures for you both and cleaning up the gel on Larissas stomach. “I’ll let you dress and then while I pack up we can talk about next steps.” Larissa nodded and threw on a pair of shorts before letting Mel come back in. Sitting cross legged in your shared bed Mel explained how to take the tincture and that with the hotter months coming she would need to make sure to up her protein and fluid intake and it was important that she didn’t shift into any appearance other than that of a female as it could hurt the baby. After she was done packing up you saw her out, coming back to the bedroom with the brightest smile as you pulled your wife into your arms. 
“We’re having a baby” you whispered, trailing a finger over the pictures Mel left. “It all feels so real now, that little baby is growing inside me. I didn’t ever think I'd be a mum. And now here I am, a mum to be and someone’s wife.” You cuddled her closer and gave her a deep kiss. “Look at you growing a whole little person!” You chuckled, making her laugh with you. You two spent the rest of the day cuddled up together and doing some online shopping for some new maternity outfits for Larissa. Specifically skirts that would grow with her, and some new looser shirts. You had also decided that once she started really showing you wouldn’t hide the pregnancy to the staff or students.
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 4 months
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Run and Hide
🩸Previous Parts Here🩸
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: ABO dynamics (knots, slick, heats, mpreg), alpha serial killer/hitman Dom, omega mob boss Kells, past abuse, cursing, recent murder, feds being awful, boys in trouble, labor pains, improper use of hand sanitizer, giving birth, slightly graphic descriptions of birth and after birth, improper tools for the job, secrets coming out, hurt/comfort, Dom putting his foot in his mouth, Dom being a momentary idiot, past miscarriage, scared boys, baby fear (just for a moment), naughty thoughts in the wrong situation, baby worship, cliffhanger, enemies to lovers 💣 Rating: mature
All ideas helped by @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker 🖤
The Alpha couldn't answer at first, his mind was racing with too many thoughts. He needed to get The Doctor back, he needed to get his lover out, he needed to get him comfortable, he needed- “You should ask ya mum. I left to follow ‘er because we found out she'd been taking money from the business.” He explained simply. That shouldn't be too overwhelming and he hoped it would get the subject dropped. He walked back over to the door and noticed Doc fighting with someone in a uniform. She was obviously out. Fuck.
He didn't attempt to open the door, there were too many guns trained on him so instead he thought he'd take his mate to their flat. The moment he reached the other man to pick him up the power around them went out and the overhead lights switched from their normal to the back up emergency red. “What the fuck!” Colson growled out, his body tense with contractions. He did not want to have his baby crouched in the fucking lobby next to two dead bodies! “They're all fucking dead! Right? You killed them!”
“Course. Probably jus’ don't know. ‘Ang on luv.” He soothed but the glare he got for it was withering.
“To what? You want me to push Punk’s head back up? Want me to vacuum the little brat? I'm tight Dom but I'm not fucking- fuck! Magic!” The pains were coming faster, barely any time between them and the omega wanted to scream. Of course this would be his luck. Was he really about to be outed on national news?
Dom scoffed before trying to swallow the pit in his throat and he pulled his phone free of his pocket. He dialed Tom’s number and was thankful as hell when the other man answered. “Dom! Fuck- What's happening inside?”
“Inside? Fuck tha’! Wha's 'appening outside? Power went out. I need Doc! I need to get Cols out!”
“Don't! The head guy doesn't know who's who inside. They said even if everyone is dead they can't allow anymore in or out until they send SWAT to clear the whole place and disarm the bombs.” Tom's voice was worried and obviously annoyed with the people in control of the situation.
“Well send ‘em the fuck in! We about to ‘ave a baby in ‘ere. Do ‘ey give a fuck?”
The omega on the other end sighed, Dom could feel his fear and anger. It was sweet honestly, he knew the man wanted to be with them to support his new brother. “I think there's someone higher up trying to use this to their advantage. I've heard whispers about checking our flat for evidence. You have to remember who Kells is to them. Do you want me to explain the emergency?” They both knew the gravity of doing so. To explain the coming child they would be outing Colson as an omega. The leader of one of the biggest crime families in America. Shite.
“No. Fuck. I can do ‘is.” Dom took a deep breath and looked back at his mate. He would do anything to protect him. “So it ain't obvious yet?” His gaze flicked out over the scene outside, over all the crowd gathered and the news crews.
“Not yet. He's too far inside. It's being speculated he was hurt. Can you get him behind the counter?”
“Yeah. I got ‘is.” The Alpha wasn't sure if he did in fact have it but he had to act in control to keep his lover calm. He was confident his best friend was about to agree with him but the line went dead and he heard a funny noise through his phone. When he pulled it away and looked at the screen he realized he suddenly had zero bars. The fuckers were using a jammer? They were going to be completely cut off in a sea of probably thousands paying attention to them. The juxtaposition made him dizzy.
He took one last calming deep breath before turning to set to work. He started by ripping the cushions off the nearby chairs to lay behind the counter in a half arsed nest attempt. When he heard a sound besides his lover's groans he pulled the gun from his waistband and turned to aim but the barrel ended up pointed at Blain and he dropped it automatically. “Why the fuck ain't you outside wiv the Doc?” The Alpha growled, he already had a mate and child in this mess, he didn't need the other one caught inside with the explosives.
“I were making sure everyone died, fanks. Tryna help, not tha’ you deserve it.” The boy was obviously overwhelmed and still terrified and Dom instantly felt awful for snapping. He paused his work to give the kid a quick hug.
“Fanks for tha’. You did good. Can ya ‘elp wiv ‘is? Go find me clean blankets and towels alright?” He was honestly deep down happy to have the young omega with them, he wasn't alone in taking care of Colson.
Blain ran off to do as he was asked and Dom got busy again until his mate asked him a follow up to his earlier query. “So mom got money, why is that bad? It's her company too. She can take what she wants. Why the hell would you follow her for it?” Dom was surprised at how scary the man was even crouching on the floor in pain. His growling voice urged the Alpha to submit.
“Because it were a crazy amount. The boys was worried so I jus’... Figured I'd check. She were sending money to the ‘ospital.” He hoped that would be enough to satisfy his lover's wondering but of course not. It could never be so easy.
“And? She loves that place. She's been obsessed with it since Travis died. She spends a lot of time there. I'm glad she has something to keep- fuck! To keep b- busy.” The omega tried to keep his mind on other things than the feeling of his body ripping apart from asshole to dick. It was madness that anyone would do this shit more than once. Could anything be worth it?
Dom couldn't stop himself from snorting a laugh. “Course she was.” He grumbled and startled when the emergency phone on the wall rang. They shared a look but he answered it and almost cheered aloud when he heard Mod on the other end.
“They don't know about this one. It's running on the backup. How's it going in there?” The beta asked.
“Oh ya know, jus’ about to ‘ave a baby. You?” He knew he shouldn't be glib but he couldn't help it. The whole ordeal was absolutely mental. He was sure if everything went smoothly they'd laugh about it one day but he was pissed that the government was risking his family.
“Probably worse actually. You should be glad you're stuck in there. Collette showed up.” That one sentence told Dom all he needed to know but Mod still held the phone in the direction of raised voices. He could hear Tim shouting and he wondered why he sounded so affected by the situation he knew was playing out. He sounded more heartbroken than anything.
“You doing alright?” He paused to ask, he cared about the beta and he knew this might upset him. He could on occasion show he had something resembling heart.
“I'm just scared for Cols.”
“Me too. But one fing at a time.”
“He doesn't know?”
“Can't tell ‘im yet. Baby first.”
“I fucking heard that asshole!” Kells cursed from his spot on the floor and Dom huffed, putting the phone on speaker as Blain came back with blankets. They set about to get the nest more comfortable before he moved to pick up his lover and carry him to the more hidden and comfortable spot. He could scent the pain rolling off his mate and it broke his heart. He wished he could take it all away. “Mod?” The man's voice went soft when he realized he could hear his best friend.
“Hey brother, sounds like you're having fun.” The beta teased.
“Oh fuck you, it's the worst. I'm never doing this shit again! Don't you dare fucking knock up Tom. I'll cut your dick off for him.” He could hear the other omega laughing and he flushed. He hadn't realized they were on speaker as well.
“Where did you get the idea we'd even-”
“Oi come off it bruv, we ain't tha’ daft.” Dom rolled his eyes.
“Actually you'd be surprised. Guess who's door I found out swung both ways and I never fucking noticed?” Col knew it wasn't the right time but he couldn't help needing to gossip with his partner. Dom was always the first person he told everything to.
Dom arched a brow as pieces started falling in place, the puzzle that was taking shape almost made him laugh. No wonder Tim was shouting before. He was honestly surprised they couldn't still hear him. “Who?” He went ahead and let his man tell him, he knew how much fun it was for him. Even when he knew the news already or Colson had already told him he let him say it again.
“Travis! Him, Tim, and mom were all together. Although I guess Tim was more fruity than Trav cause-” Col was cut off by a few cleared throats on the other side of the phone and he blushed. Oops. He'd forgotten they were on the phone and on speaker on top of that.
“I'm not sure about fruity but I'm not the one with a closet Barbie threw up in.” The older beta teased and the omega wanted to crawl in a hole and never come out.
“Got a point. Luv, time to strip.” Dom’s tone took on something more no-nonsense. They could play fuss all they wanted to distract the man but someone had to get the baby out safely.
Colson’s eyes went wide as he looked around, they were thankfully hidden from the windows but he still felt exposed. He was tempted to ask his lover to carry him up to their apartment but he knew better. He'd end up giving birth on the damn stairwell. Dom didn't give him time to worry, he just pulled Col’s messy shoes off and started tugging his pants and underwear down. Everything was probably ruined and it pissed him off but at least it wasn't his normal clothes. He'd already decided he wasn't having more kids, he could stand to lose the pregnancy pants. The shoes however…
“Bloody ‘ell!” The young omega cursed when he got an accidental look between Col’s thighs. The Alpha gave him a chiding look but turned a bit pale when he looked.
“You both get off on ripping people apart but this is too much? Fuck you!” He could feel tears burning his eyes but he fought them back. He knew logically he'd balk at the sight so he couldn't blame them. He was just glad he couldn't see.
“No luv, it's beautiful!” The killer tried to fix it but his voice broke like the teenager he actually was and multiple people snorted at his lie. Those on the phone couldn't see thankfully but they could imagine. “‘Ey, Colson- it's our baby coming, yeah you a mess but you beautiful. Don't listen to ‘em.”
When the Alpha pressed his forehead to Col’s and tried to breathe with him it soothed something in the man's chest. So what his pussy was a wreck? “Not like you ever get to use it again.” He huffed through grit teeth. His contractions were constant and the burn was insane. He was sure he was being roasted over an open flame. He wanted to make a joke about nuts and fires but he wasn't sure anyone would understand.
“Baby? Can you hear me?” Collette’s soft voice was music to his ears and a sob broke free as Dom gave him space and handed him the phone.
“Mom? I need you.” Both boys gave him a soft look and he thought he saw their eyes wet too but all he could focus on was her and the pain rushing through him.
“No you don't. You have your family and I'm here but you can do this. You don't need me and you don't need Doc. Your body knows what to do. Listen to it.” She kept her voice even and sweet and it loosened something tight and dark in his chest. He hadn't realized how young and small and helpless Megan had made him feel but she had broken something inside him when he had to agree with her. He could still feel her cut searing but it was all blending together. He just hoped he didn't get rabies from her shank ass.
“Why the fuck would you say that? The last time I listened to my stupid body I let an idiot Alpha knock me up!” He cried back and Dom gave him a blinding smile. Psycho bitch. He was adorable.
“Are you trying to tell me that's not the first good decision of your life?” She huffed.
“Fanks mum.” The Alpha smiled brighter, of course she would be sucking up to him though but he was so messed up and terrified deep down he'd take what he could get.
“Yeah, thanks. Trying to make him cockier? I can promise you he doesn't need the damn h-help- shit!” Another cramp locked his body up and he suddenly didn't feel he was in the right position. He could feel Punk moving inside him and laying down felt wrong.
He handed the phone to Blain who moved to his side and Dom held him steady as he rolled to all fours before kneeling on the cushions and spreading his legs wide. He gripped the edge of the counter to hold himself up and his mate frog crouched behind him, his strong hands rubbing kinks out of his lower spine but the relief was distant.
“See? Just listen to your body. You know what to do.” Collette hummed and he arched a brow, looking around for hidden cameras or a peep hole somewhere. It turned out she just knew his ass that well and he hoped he could end up half the mother she was.
“Hey bitches! Hey Batman, can you tell me how dilated Col is?” The Doctor spoke up and Dom blinked a moment before realizing he was Batman.
“Batman? Fuck that. Absolutely not. He doesn't get to play hero. He's Dexter for fucks sake!” Colson complained and the Alpha had to agree.
“You can tell me that again after you're not hating him for the baby. Now Dom, I need you to put your fingers together and try to fit them inside him. Tell me how many go easy.”
“Sounds like most our nights but alright.” The killer teased and got a laugh from his mate.
It was taking Dom too long to make a move and Kells started getting nervous. He heard a zip and a strange noise and he looked in time to see the fucker holding a lighter under his fingers. “Holy shit! There's alcohol right the fuck there!” Col’s voice went high and the Alpha shrugged but moved to find the sanitizer his lover noted. After cleaning his hands he shook them dry and slid his touch where he was supposed to. “Of all the psycho shit-” His complaint was cut off as Dom pulled free, the way the other man acted told Col he was in more shock than he was trying to let on. More than anything he wanted them to hold each other and connect but they'd have to wait. He just looked forward to the entire mess being over. There was too much happening all at once.
“Four.” The boy explained, sucking his fingers clean but he'd already forgotten about the sanitizer and he made a face. That was alright, he could lick his lover clean after the birth.
“Damnit. It looks like this is happening without the rest of us. Col? Like your mom said you can do this. Listen to yourself and that baby, let them help. You'll be fine.” The Doctor soothed but the omega had a hard time believing it. He'd spent his life denying and hating what he was and hiding it with anything that worked. Hell, he'd entered the hotel with a jacket covering his belly and his glasses still on. He took blockers for the first week of his pregnancy and he'd been fighting himself and lying every step of the way. How could he listen to his body now? How would it know what to do? He'd been faking Alpha so long it was hard to believe there was any omega left.
“You can do this mumma. We got you.” Blain spoke softly but surely and he reached out a hand to lay over one of Colson's. He'd said the word before as a joke but he sounded so serious now. “They wiv us too. Watching over yas. Ya dad and ya baby.”
Kells didn't know if he believed in an afterlife, he liked the thought of his enemies burning in hell but the rest of it sounded so far-fetched. Besides if Satan was real he was already a devil on Earth, but the thought of Travis being with him and his lost child too… He couldn't make himself smile but he nodded at the boy. Dom went quiet but he didn't have the strength to interrogate him.
“I fink it's time to push.” The boy squeezed his hand and Colson had to agree, he could feel the baby dropping even further down.
“Can I at least have drugs?” He couldn't help but tease. Even a joint would be heaven.
“As a wise woman said to me earlier today, nut up buttercup. You can do wiv'out. You the strongest man I know. Plus…” Dom knew it was a risk and might have the complete opposite effect. He could make the comment and piss his mate off but he still leaned close and whispered in his ear. “Sooner you ‘ave our baby and ‘eal, the sooner you can fuck me proper.” He purred before sitting back and adding- “Besides, you take me knot all the time, Punk's bound to be smaller.”
There was a noise like a scoff from the phone and even though Colson partially hated his lover in the moment he had to defend the truth. They all deserved a little shame anyway and he wanted to fuck with everyone. “He's not wrong. Monster fucking cock on this wanker.” He stole an insult from his partner and beared down. While Dom was correct it still wasn't the fucking same, his knot didn't have shoulders or legs or nails.
The pain burning through him made time blur for the omega, he was overwhelmed and crying out with every breath. He knew he probably sounded insane as he growled and cursed and grunted, but he didn't care. Anything to get him through it. Dominic stayed close and kept soothing him the entire time, rubbing his back and whispering encouragement. Colson wouldn't admit it but the promise his lover gave helped him more than almost anything, he kept the picture of the killer on his belly with his ass in the air in the front of his mind and let everything else drift.
Every time someone said “push” he tried, he felt like one of Yungblud's victims with his organs gushing out between his thighs but he knew that wasn't the case. It was a fucking human. He was pushing a human being out. Oh fuck. In a quiet moment between tries as the Alpha leaned close and kissed his temple and licked over his split lip the man whimpered. “I can't fucking do it. I've been shitty to them. No wonder they don't want to come out. They can feel how awful I've been.”
“‘Ush tha’. You ain't been awful. You fink I ain't caught you in the shower? I know why you want alone time luv. I ‘ear yas. You a good mum already and our lil one knows it. Wha' ya mean ‘ey ain't wanna come out? It's a monf early! Punk can't wait to meet yas. Jus' breave wiv me and push. Already almost done.” Dom gently took his hand and led it between his legs where he felt something strange poking out of him. He was so lost to pain it took him a moment to realize it was his baby.
Dom sat back again and Kells leaned back against his chest, one arm wrapping around his lover's neck. The Alpha held him up as he grit his teeth for the next contraction and pushed like his life depended on it. He knew it did quite literally but it did figuratively as well. His entire life was about to begin in earnest with his whole family. Colson was pretty sure he was putting every sailor to shame with his mouth but it was better than focusing on how bizarre he felt. He could tell when his baby's shoulders were out, their hips, and finally those little feet they'd been kicking him with. Blain had set the phone down to get a towel ready and help catch the infant, and the kid sat back gently cleaning them once they were free.
Dominic helped his mate settle back on the nest and eased him out of his jacket and shirt. They shared a nervous look when the baby didn't automatically cry. You could have heard a pin drop as they listened for its first breath. Blain must have been told something by The Doctor when they weren't paying attention because he pulled the baby close and put his mouth over their tiny face? What the fuck?
Colson felt he could breathe again at the sound of his child's first cry. Frankly he thought he might join the little brat but when Dom took the baby to help lay them on Col’s chest his brain went quiet of everything but them. Their breath, their whimpers, all he could see was their scrunched up face and so small hands. His mate got their child comfortable against his chest and a shiver went through him. Something clicked into place in his heart, mind, and soul. “Oh, it was you.” He didn't know what he meant by that, the one he was waiting for? The one he was living for? The reason he existed at all? It didn't have to make sense, he knew it was all fucking true.
Dom pulled the towel away so he could look over his child. The emergency lights made everything red but at least he could see the important bits. Ten fingers, ten toes, two eyes, and a perfect button nose. Rose bud lips wide open to scream their displeasure. Honestly the Alpha understood. Fuck the world, all that mattered was what he had in front of him.
“Looks like another boy to me.” Blain hummed, staying close but seemingly scared to interrupt too much. Dom pulled him closer and the boy smiled, reaching out to pet the baby's belly.
After a moment the little one settled down and opened his eyes enough Dom noticed something. His brows furrowed from nerves and he gently checked between his son's legs. “An alpha boy.” He whispered and swallowed hard. It didn't change how much he loved him already but the fear still tickled the back of his mind. ‘With you as a dad there's no way they'll turn out like them.’ The words his mate had said months ago circled his mind and he tried so desperately to believe him.
“Perfect Alpha boy. Just like Daddy.” Kells sniffled and forced his gaze away from his son to meet Dom’s eyes. It was something they'd both feared but now that he was here he felt silly for worrying. His son wouldn't grow up to hurt people, at least not in a bad way. With his father for example he would be kind and loving and perfect. Those little red eyes turned to him as he looked between the baby's and Dom's, a matching set and both so beautiful. “Shit I'm being roofied.”
Dom snorted a laugh and realized he was crying softly too. “Wha’ ya mean?” He asked and the omega huffed.
“All those fucking baby hormones. Bitches are making me a pussy but look at him.” They had to admit Punk was amazing.
“Bit messy innit? Suppose we all are.” Blain joked, wiping a bit more gunk off the infant. All of them were soaked in blood and worse but it didn't matter. “Family of fucked up we is.”
Colson grinned but he could feel something wrong inside him. He wanted to bask in the moment but it felt like he was still having contractions. “Something- fuck. Dom?” He whimpered, looking to the killer as if he could solve all the world's problems.
“Hey Batman?” The Doctor asked from the other end of the phone. The Alpha huffed and picked it up, his heart in his throat. What else could possibly be wrong? They'd just had a baby fucks sake. “You have to clip the cord and maybe even help him with the afterbirth.” She explained and his brows scrunched up. The bloody what now?
Kells felt like facepalming against Punk’s little hand, he knew to expect that but he'd been so wrapped up in his littlest man. “Do what you have to. Just don't interrupt us.” He grumbled, pulling the baby higher on his chest. He could hear The Doctor explaining but he didn't care. He just wanted to stare at his new love forever.
The Alpha arched a brow as he listened but handed the phone to the young omega and then he searched around for something to tie off the cord. Eventually he settled on ripping the bottom of his shirt and dipping it into the alcohol. It didn't quite feel safe enough but if he lit it on fire it would just burn away. He could tell his mate was starting to hurt more by the sweat on his brow but the man just watched their boy. It was a beautiful sight. He gently pet over his son's belly before tying the strip of cloth around the cord and close to his skin. He had no idea what he was doing but it felt right. The other strip went around it closer to Col’s core and the moment he was close he found it oddly difficult not to… play. He'd never thought himself too Alpha, in fact he fought it every day of his life. In that moment with his whelp on his mate's chest he was warring with his instincts more than ever.
He forced himself to pull back and he searched for one of his blades. When he couldn't find one he looked to Blain but the kid just shrugged and nodded in the direction of Megan. Dom cursed under his breath and stalked over to her, his head tilting when it looked as if she moved. He was sure she was dead but his anxiety was running high. He pulled the knife out of her guts and fought his urge to flay her skin. He didn't need to follow his ritual, he needed to help his lover. His family. He had to be a father and Alpha first. He had to learn priorities.
Blain watched his new father figure as he wiped off the blade and pulled out his lighter and the man tried to sterilize the metal. He held the flame close as he walked back over and parts of it looked almost red hot by the time he settled between Colson's spread legs. The boy was confused at what was happening, he didn't understand birth and was legitimately fucking terrified after watching it. Alphas didn't scare him for shite really but after seeing what unfolded he knew his adoptive mum was a badass. He tried to unobtrusively slip his hand in Colson's so the man could squeeze him if anything hurt. “Got a name yet?” He asked, trying to keep their minds busy. He wanted to help however he could to prove he could finally belong somewhere.
Dom shared a look with his partner but it was mostly playful. Kells had refused to talk about it once since they got together. It was too soon, or not safe, and they shouldn't get attached, which the Alpha called bollocks every time to no avail. He had ideas but he wouldn't force it. They didn't need one right away.
Col flushed under his mate's teasing glare before Dom dropped his eyes to go back to his work. He tried to ignore it as he cut the umbilical cord but he could feel his need to push growing. “I was too scared to come up with one. Maybe you can help us?” The omega offered and the teen smiled so bright before trying to control himself.
“Yeah tha’ might be cool.” Blain cleared his throat. They didn't need to know how attached he already felt. He grimaced when the grip on his palm got tighter but it didn't hurt. He trusted them both and knew they'd never cause him pain. It almost enraged him how much he trusted them. He'd not even known them a bloody month, but Dominic saved him and they both took him in. There was just something about them that made him feel safe.
Punk’s little lips screwed up again as if he were going to scream but after a moment he just mouthed at Col’s chest and it took the man a second to realize what he needed. “Oh. Ohhh- I'm supposed to let you find it right?” He asked like the baby could reply but when that whimper started up again he had to help him latch. He knew he'd find his own way eventually but it didn't make sense to let him cry. The first pull at his nipple was a shock to his system, he hadn't even let Dom play with his tits much in weeks. He was too worried about exactly this but now that it was happening he was enraptured. “Look at you. Mouth just like your Daddy too.”
Dom laughed, his eyes going wide but he knew his lover was a mess of oxytocin and other bonding hormones. He was pretty sure he was too because so much of him wanted to suck his mate clean with his mouth. He damn well knew Colson wouldn't like that though, at least not in their current situation. He made himself calm down and focus on the task at hand and the next few minutes were a blur of scents and sounds of pain. Once the afterbirth was free he set it aside in a bag, confused about what exactly he should do with it. Blain made a face but was mostly focused on the other man and he was happy to see his family bonding. He wanted nothing more than to lay with them and snuggle but he had to get them out of this mess.
The Alpha laid a towel over his lover's lower body and pressed a kiss to his son's cheek and his partner's forehead. He got a growl for ruffling Blain's hair but he just grinned back before standing up to take the phone and start looking around. The SWAT team should have been inside by now, the bomb squad at least. The fact that no one was coming in had him scared but as he walked to the front door it swung open. “Well fuck.” He sighed, a little surprised and annoyed at who had entered. When the man raised a gun in his direction he furrowed his brow- they'd had a discussion earlier that day but he didn't think it went that bad.
“You- you're- you?” A wet voice sounded behind him in shock before a cough and he turned to see Megan trying to sit up like every villain in every horror movie he'd ever seen. He knew he'd only shot her in the upper chest but he thought coupled with the stab wound it would have been enough.
The gun in front of him went off and he saw her fall back with a mess of white and gray matter spraying the wall behind her. His nose wrinkled and his ears hurt. Bullets were just so brutal. No artwork. “Head shots always put the bitches down.” The Alpha wanted to tell the newcomer to shut the fuck up, Colson possibly couldn't see them from where he was hidden and he didn't want him finding out yet. It was too much for his system.
Dom would swear he felt the air go cold and even his son's suckling went quiet a moment. His head was a mess of protecthurtcomfort but he couldn't stop this train from going off the rails. “Is that- it can't be.” Col's voice sounded so young and broken. Dom could tell it wasn't the first bad reaction the man might have gotten, his lip was split and he had a black eye. Neither had been there when they met earlier in the day.
He stepped closer to the other and got in his face. It was a warning not to hurt his mate anymore than he had to. He knew deep down this could be good for his partner but healing would take time if he ever fully could. The man smiled at him and nodded as if he was proud, Dom couldn't care less in the moment, not after everything. The only people he looked to for praise were in a nest on the floor and standing outside. “I talked to the feds, they know she was a rogue Alpha and the two of you are mated. She would have been in deep shit for trying to kill them. They'll want to come clear the bombs but with me back they won't fuck with Cols.” The man patted his shoulder before looking over at the others, Colson had let out another broken noise at his words.
Dom watched like it was a car accident he couldn't stop and he just hoped eventually it would turn out alright. He followed close and when they turned around the counter Kells looked like the lost boy he was. With Punk on his chest and Blain next to him looking between everyone so confused, the omega started to cry again though he'd barely stopped. He'd never felt so overwhelmingly happy and broken at the same time.
“What the fuck Travis?”
Author's Note/Tags: @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @fenoy7 @cole-way-iero28 if anyone wants tagged let me know 🖤
Oh no a cliffhanger! Don't worry, I have the next one ready. This was just getting so long already. Just one more chapter before part two I think! I hope you enjoy this one because I adore writing them as a little family. They're so cute! Where has Travis been? What will Col do now? Does the public know? We'll find out soon. Hope you're enjoying it! 💣🩸🖤
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feraelancunin · 1 year
attachments - before;
ferael had always craved, connections, attachments. friends, family, love. those things have always been deeply precious to them - even as their wretched, unlovable carcass tore through victim after victim - what their heart really desired was to be loved. not something the Chosen of Bhaal would ever admit - even to themselves.
as a child, they had deeply cared about their adoptive family; who in turn loved them dearly as well. the high elf and drow couple took in as many orphans as they could feed - they werent rich, so there were not many. one older tiefling sister, an older half elf brother. and a little bhaalspawn, half drow - going by a name long now forgotten.
they were a happy, if violent child. sudden bouts of animal cruelty worried their family - both parents tried to help steer their youngest away.
we know what happens, of course. ferael ended up killing them. baby's first murder - their own mum, dad, siblings. they stood above the bloody corpses. not understanding why they did this? why did i feel so good to do this?
of course, the butler shows up, takes the little urge to the temple - from then on, ferael doesn't have a life outside of being a bhaalspawn. murder, worship. that's all. everyone who had ever meant anything to them, has died by their own hand.
they leave orin at an arms length. they dont get attached, there is no familial love between them, at least not at a surface glance. ferael can't remember if they didnt care or if they didn't want to hurt their new "sibling".
truthfully, ferael has no one, but their vile butler for a significant portion of their life.
this changes when they meet gortash. these two get along well. a sort of friendship blossoms. they plot their grand master world domination plan.
ferael falls in love.
ferael knows that eventually they will have to betray gortash and kill him. of course, ferael will fulfill this purpose. in their Father's name. but they... they dont want to.
And Father notices.
so they beg for forgiveness, assuring their Father that the banite has a purpose yet. and that once it's fulfilled, they will flay him.
but their heart aches. it's the first time since they killed their parents that ferael and the urge are not aligned. they are distracted. unfocused. taking out their anger on myrkulite cultists in moonrise. ketheric is not a fan of them.
ferael is suprised that gortash pays them a visit at moonrise. that was not a planned visit.
as it turns out; that wasnt gortash.
orin strikes ferael down, she was shapeshifted into gortash - the only person ferael would let their guard around.
oh her pathetic older sibling. how easy it was to find their weakness. she got the better of them. she won.
one of their final thoughts as they black out is the realisation - their love for gortash is what doomed them.
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princessconsuela120 · 2 months
Tumblr media
Chapter twenty-five: Motion Sickness—❃
Series masterlist
Chapter Warnings: foul language, everything with teotfw and with euphoria
Authors note: Enjoy guys! All rights reserved to the show the end of the f*cking world. This is the last chapter guys!! Meet Me At Our Spot will be up again soon, thank you guys for reading this wild ride!!
I don’t know how I knew, I just did. Something didn’t feel right. That’s how I found the phone, with 911 dialed on it.
“I killed him.” I spoke into the phone, walking out with a shotgun pointed at Leslie.
“I killed him. She didn't do anything. Stay where you are. He called 911.” I explained, making Alyssa’s face drop.
“Baby? Baby, listen to me. I'm trying to protect you.”
“You fucker!” She shouted, stabbing a knife into his leg as he screamed in pain.
“Police!” An officer said, walking in. She looked kind, I felt bad that we were inevitability going to give her a hard time.
“You actually in the police?” Alyssa asked, making her nod.
“Yes! Can you stop pointing that at me, please?” She asked, making me lower the gun. “An armed unit's on its way. Okay, look. We haven't got long.”
“What is going on?” Alyssa asked, a worri3d look on her fce as she hid behind me.
“I want to help you, all right? Listen.”
“We need to go.” Alyssa said, making the officer infront of us sigh, standing infront of the door.
“No. Can't let you do that. You can't keep running. You can't. It's better that you hand yourselves in now, willingly, to me, and I can help you sort out a manslaughter plea.”
“Please, can you move?” I asked, my voice the weakest its been, seeing as i was extremely terrified of what could happen to us.
“No, you have to stop. Especially you, Fezco. You're 18 now.”
“What?” Alyssa said, turning to me with a sad expression.
“Happy birthday, by the way.”
“What, today? You're eighteenth? Why didn't you say anything? I would've got you a present.”
I shrugged, niot entirely sure what to say. She was the bst present i could have gotten.
“I saw your brother yesterday. He told me about your parents. He showed me the picture of you two.”
“Is he angry with me?” I asked, knowing the boy tended to get mad when i did dumd stuff.
“No, he's worried. Your mum's worried, too.”
Alyssa rolled her eyes. I could tell she didnt miss her mom, but maybeshe did she just didnt want ti admit to having feelings.
“Yeah, right.” Aluyssa replied sarcastically, causing the officer to sigh.
“She is. Your stepdad's a nasty prick isn't he?”
“What'll happen to us if we do what you say?” i asked, making alyssa nod in agreement.
“Nothing too bad. If you let me help you.”
“Yeah, right.” Leslie snorted, making Alyssa turn to him angrily.
“Don't lie to them. They'll lock you up and throw away the key.” Leslie explained, making the officer furrow her eyebrows at him.
“Mr. Miller, that's actually not the case.”
“They will. Don't listen to her.”
“You called the police, Leslie!” Alyssa shouted, making Leslie raise his arms on defense. I noticed how she called him Leslie, I knew it hurt her she couldn’t call him dad.
“Whoa! I'm trying to protect you. From him.”
“Oh, really? It wasn't for the reward? How much?” Alyssa raised an eyebrow at him, chewing on her lip nervously as she did. I noticed the little things she did now, that’s what you do when you love someone.
“Look, you didn't kill anybody, did you?”
“He's right.” I said, goddamn he was so right.
“I'll go with you. I'll hand myself in.” 
LWhat? No way!l Alyssa grabbed onto my arm and I swear my heart left my body.
“Listen, sweetheart, take it from someone who knows. You take after your mum. You have shit taste in men. Take the opportunity to get rid of this one.” She didn’t let him finish, instead kicked his leg hard, causing Leslie to scream in pain. “ Argh! What is wrong with you?”
“You want to know what's wrong with me, yeah?” She asked, letting out an angry huff of air. “You. You are. You don't care about me. You don't give the tiniest shit–“
“Course I care. Of course I give a shit–“
“You shouldn't just make people if you're going to abandon them because they think they've done something wrong their whole lives.” Alyssa cried, holding onto my hand for support.
“Don't give me that victim shit, Alyssa. We can all do that. "I'm anorexic because I was adopted." "I cheat on women because I wasn't breastfed." Everyone has a reason for how they behave.”
“What's yours then?” I asked, glaring at Leslie.
“Why are you such a prick?”
“I love you so much.” Alyssa said, turning to me with a soft smile. I couldn’t help the blush that crept onto my cheeks.
“You know what? He's right. But I didn't come looking for you. Right? I kept away. I thought it would be best if you forgot all about me.”
“We haven't really got time–“
“Just give me a second. Why did you send me the cards, then? For my birthday. Did you even send them?” Leslie pressed his lips together nervously, making Alyssa mouth drop open. “Oh, my God, was it my mum?”
“She shouldn't have done it. It's really irresponsible.” Leslie hissed, making Alyssa run her hands through her hair.
“I feel like I'm going mad.”
“Hey! To be mad in a deranged–“
“Shut up! Shut the fuck up! Stop quoting yourself!” She yelled, turning to the officer, her hand still in mine. “Will we go to prison if we hand ourselves in? Or juvenile? Will we?”
“Look, yes, possibly.”
“We wouldn't go to the same place?”
“No, but the thing–“
Alyssa sighed, grabbing the gun from me.
“I'm sorry.”
And then she knocked her out, and grabbed the keys to the boat, and once again we were running from something.
“Come on, Fezco, we have to go now!”
“Say that I kidnapped you.” I said quickly, turning to Alyssa. I had been hoping to protect her but I know with how stubborn she was it was no use.
“Yeah. Tell them that I did it all. Then you'll be Okay. Nothing will happen to you.” 
“No. No way. We're going together. Come on!”
This had to have been the hardest thing I’ve ever done. 
“I'm sorry.”
So I hit her, and then I ran. I tan faster than I had ever ran in my life. Faster and further, and I kept running until the oxygen in my lungs felt like too much, and even then I still ran.
“What the fuck are you doing? Fezco! No!” Alyssa shouted after me, now being held back by the police who fired shots after me. “No! Get off me!”
I've just turned 18. And I think I understand what people mean to each other.
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queerfables · 5 months
911 season 5 liveblog part the end
Heh I knew this lady was full of shit about this house being hers. I hope she doesn't die for it though.
Ugh her face T_T
"Don't you wonder about stuff like that?" "Not really" lol Eddie you liar
I need Maddie and Chimney to get back together I miss them
Ugh the fact that they are so good to each other even though they broke up
Oh no I'm so emotional over Buck saying Maddie raised him. They're so much I love them
Man the fact that May is asking Athena's advice about a big life decision shows how much their relationship has grown and that is really down to Athena working hard to give May the space to be her own person, I'm so proud of her for that
Aaah Hen did a great job saving that guy
Man, I've been thinking about how this show used to let them lose more people and how it's lost some of its zing when it always feels like everything is gonna be ok. But ugh I really did not want it to be this one!!
This is so sad oh no
Ugh the two younger girls excited about going in the fire engine but the older one knows
Oh i like this conversation between Eddie and May, the two of them bonding over the ways their lives have been changed by trauma
Heeee Hen and Karen doing extremely silly detective work together
Oh no Maddie and Chimney getting to celebrate a baby milestone together!!!
Oh jeeze seeing those kids walking on the hill together with their dad made me cry again
I fucking hate Claudette stealing the credit from May the worst
Aw Bobby. I love that you wanna protect May but please listen to Athena (and lol I can't believe she's the voice of reason in this)
Do not fucking "sweetie" her
Heeee Josh has a cruuuush
Oh the other guy likes him too I think
Yaaay I have missed seeing Eddie in action
Claudette is such a dick, with most of the characters even when they're not being their best selves I still love them but she makes it really hard. I hate the way she treats May.
"Today you're a guest in this house" "ugh, he's been waiting months to say that" lmfao
Oh man nothing better happen to Albert, jeeze, Chimney can't go through that again
Enjoying seeing Eddie and Buck being partners again
Jesus everyone's reliving the worst moments of their life huh?
Gosh what a lovely Bobby & May moment
"Wait, that's my dad" I'm gonna cry
Oh a beautiful Chimney and Albert moment too
Oof, yeah, Taylor has figured it out
Huh, and it seems like she's more worried about Buck than herself? That's a surprise
Oh no??? Claudette didn't make it?? That's so sad. I don't hate her less but I'm still sad about her dying.
Jonah's reaction was a bit weird but. honestly however someone processes that kind of thing, I feel like it's hard to say what's normal.
Oh, May. Of course you feel responsible but it wasn't your fault.
I love Chimney being very concerned about Hen's weird theory but ultimately believing her
Buck and Eddie screentime! They're being cute
A project from the MAYOR that was a way too enticing lie
Oh that is such a cute story about Eddie trying to drive his mum to the hospital
Oof it's no wonder this story is getting to Taylor though, someone whose job it is to save lives using their expertise to hurt them instead, that's gotta feel familiar with her family history
Jesus that is the most terrifying call please tell me Jonah doesn't have Hen's family
Oh NO the moment that Hen said he sounded jealous, I figured it out
Because I love Hen and Chimney's relationship so much, this set up is like crack to me
Oh thank goodness
Great unspoken communication guys you really pulled it off
Oh Buck is pissed at Taylor
Lol at Chimney and Hen both being like "whaaaat I'm fine"
"I'm all in, ride or die, just unhook me and help me find my pants" they're so good. I love their friendship so much.
Why is Bobby riding the ropes
Oh my god the cliff is going down
Jesus fuck that's not good
Oh Buck is feeling real betrayed by Taylor right now
Tiny human!!
Aw Chimney trying to be supportive of Maddie dating again but she just wants to go back to work
Urg God where did he get the hair
OH NO UGH the morgue??????
Aw my little boy and I are cuddling and watching our shows on our own devices but he keeps getting distracted and watching mine. it's just cute. And he's so good at cuddling I love him so much.
"When did you two kiss??" LOL BOBBY
Oh no the guy doesn't remember anything about his wife or the baby they're about to have
Wow, Taylor, "I'm sorry you're still upset about that" is soooo not an apology (I'm so happy she's going back to her douchebag roots)
Oh wow Buck ended things
Eddie checking in on Bobby T_T soft
Oh Bobby you should tell him you don't want to be alone right now. Even if he can't stay he would help you find someone who could
Ohhhh Bobby I'm so proud of you, and so happy that Eddie showed up right when you needed him
Aaah Hen and Karen surprise vow renewal!!
Oh my gosh and Nia's there too T_T
Man when Buck gave Taylor the homing beacon braclet I couldn't help thinking it would be a great story for him to have to find her after they broke up and now they have broken up I'm really hopeful they might actually do something with that
(I would give serious bonus points for it to be post a Buck+Eddie get together but I'm still not quite ready to hold my breath for that)
Eddie!! Eddie's back at the 118!! Finally
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sodascherrycola · 9 months
Instagram Intros (Matty and Caroline's Kids)
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Isla Denise Healy (@isla_d_healy)
DOB: November 19th 2008 DOD: December 18th 2025 (17 years old) (Suicide) Hometown: London, England Nicknames: Eye, Izzy S/O: Kyle Nicholson Kids: None Best Friend(s): Elizabeth Macdonald, Michelle Turner, Andrea Maddox, and Mikayla Moore Aesthetic: Growing up Isla was the glue keeping her parents together. If it wasn't for the fact that Isla was there, Matty and Carrie wouldn't have kept in touch. She was very close with her parents especially considering her mum and dad were growing up with her being only nineteen when she was born. Isla struggled with her relationship with her father a lot during her childhood, loving him to death, but hating him because of his addiction and how it affected her mum and younger siblings. When Matty got clean when Margaret and Harrison were born it cut deep for Isla, crying to Carrie asking why he quit for them but not for her. Caroline didn't know what to say to her 10 year old daughter, hating seeing her so upset over this. Isla was too much like her father she found out, looking like her mother, acting like her father. When she got to high school she found herself drinking and staying out late with older boys with her friends. Her parents were extremely worried about her sudden attitude and behaviour. Isla often reached out to her Nana Denise for help, of course Denise helped as much as she could with her granddaughter. Isla eventually ended up locking herself in her room for months on end and became very depressed. Matty had pulled her aside one night to talk to her and ended up sleeping in her bed with her like when she was younger. She comitted suicide the next night.
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Charlotte Grace Healy
DOB: May 6th 2015 Age: 10 years old Hometown: London, England Nicknames: Charlie, Lottie S/O: No One Kids: None Best Friend(s): Samuel Daniel Aesthetic: Charlotte Healy has always been a ray of sunshine. She was a very happy child and loved everything and everyone possible. Her Grandpa Tim was her favourite grandparent, and used to always spend time with him whenever she could, he absolutely adored little Lottie. Charlotte would gladly volunteered to sleepover at Grandpas if her parents needed a night off, her and her grandpa would have movie nights and living room concerts all night long, and he of course, gave her many sweets before dinner, something her father would've shook his head at. She was also very close with her older sister, Isla. When Isla passed away, her family was in complete disarray, and it hurt her so bad. She ended up being very quiet afterwards and surprise would have it, the only person who get through to her during those last couple months, was Tim.
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Margaret Louise Healy
DOB: April 19th 2018 Age: 7 years old Hometown: London, England Nicknames: Maggie, Mags, Marnie S/O: No One Kids: None Best Friend(s): Eloise Daniel Aesthetic: Maggie is the trendiest out of all the Healy children. She was the biggest fashionista as a child, and was obsessed with clothes and shopping and makeup, very girly. She had Matty wrapped around her finger from the day she was born, he would do anything for his children, but little Maggie just knew how to charm him. She did ballet since she was two years old and wants to be a prima ballerina when shes older, already focused on that career at only seven years old. The whole family makes a show to come to every recital and competition she partakes in. Margaret has quite the attitude on her and is very sassy, knows what a good comeback is for sure. She's a bit of a smart mouth, and her mother has to remind her to use her manners once and a while, but Matt thinks its hilarious.
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Harrison Timothy Healy
DOB: April 19th 2018 Age: 7 years old Hometown: London, England Nicknames: Harry, Haz, Hazza S/O: No One Kids: None Best Friend(s): Joseph Marks Aesthetic: Harry is the most polite, kindest little boy ever to exist. When he was born, he was the easiest baby Matt and Carrie had ever had, never cried, never woke up in the middle of the night. His parents never had to worry about Harry running off like his twin sister, and they never got a call home from school for bad behaviour. In fact, all of his teachers adored him, he was very bright for a seven year old and extremely sweet to his classmates and any other staff members. He was friends with everyone, though Joey Marks was his "bestest" friend in the whole world, never like to exclude anyone. He and Margaret got along quite well, though Maggie was a bit more eccentric than he was, she would fight anyone who dare say a thing about her brother. Nothing made Caroline happier than seeing her twins be so close together.
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Arthur Flynn Healy
DOB: February 15th 2023 Age: 2 years old Hometown: London, England Nicknames: Arch, Archie S/O: No One Kids: None Best Friend(s): Sylvie Daniel and June Daniel Aesthetic: No one has bigger beef with Matthew Healy than his son himself. Arthur is the biggest mummy's boy you'll ever meet, and he has no shame in showing it. Him and Matty often fight for Caroline's attention and she most always has to break up her time for the two boys. It's especially hard for Archie when his father's been on tour and he's gotten mummy to himself for a whole year and now here comes daddy to take her away from him. If Matty ever tries to put him to sleep or feed him at all, he will cry and whine till Matt can't take it anymore and he'll just give him to Caroline like Arthur wanted in the first place. Nothing has changed even after Rosie was born.
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Rosalie Anne Healy
DOB: June 30th 2024 Age: 1 year old Hometown: London, England Nicknames: Rose, Rosie, Annie S/O: No One Kids: None Best Friend(s): None Aesthetic: The cutest, happiest baby on the planet. Annie was definitely a surprise baby, born only 16 months after Arthur. Loved nonetheless by her parents and siblings. She is always giggling at something, her daddy's funny face usually, or the family's pet dogs. She was named after her father's Nana, and she never really gets called Rosalie unless she's being reprimanded. Her and Archie has always gotten along, being so close in ages, though he gets a little too aggressive with her, not understanding that he can't play with her just yet.
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