#but the confession makes mmk realize what she was doing
p1x1x · 4 months
me pushing myself further with my art drawing really cool perspectives and whatever with the Duo and then i turn around and make lame cutesy ship art waaahhah 😭😭😭
dont read the tags on this if you havent watched gbc i just ramble spoilers 😭 just uhh screaming yknow. mostly mmnn but i like the other characters i swear its just these guys are making me insane
#UGGGGGGGHhhH the duo ever rn…#theyre jsut. so important to each other#supporting each other in their honest expression#FLIP OFF THE WORLD#and i mentioned once on twitter about how real mmk’s fear was#music is everything to her… so for those songs she wrote of her own expression to not be accepted or seen as successful..#yeah that Hurts#i totally get the feeling of wanting to quit… bc why would you want to be hurt that way…#OUUGGGH music (art in general) being able to leave a mark on people…! it can change people…! dont stop making art…!!!!!#but then there’s the side of me that sees all those moments and be like Hell yeah thats some romantic shit… wooo codependency yuri…#going into romantic ship mode#ouggggh but theres also the slightly messed up fact that mmk saw nn less as nn and more as her own past self#and how mmk was not really guiding nn the person so much as she was trying to fulfill her dream through nn#(ok my wording might get confusing but im RAMBLING OKAY)#GOD NN’S VA AND LINES WERE SOOOOO GOOD#mmk stuck in trying to amend her past…! but nn pulls her back to the present#back to reality and shows her that she can still fulfill that dream that desire…!#you saved me with that song its that important and i love it so i love you who laid bare your feelings#UGH THE TRUCK SCENE THAT THAT THAT UUUUGGGGHHFHH#she loves the real mmk…!#god what was i saying with codependency yuri earlier…?#oh right nn only being able to keep going now bc of mmk#hhhhhhhhh#and well. mmk having her happiness depend on keeping nn going (bc of yeah. seeing her past self in her…)#but the confession makes mmk realize what she was doing#(yet still good stuff for codependency yuri)#ok im shutting the fuck up now 😭
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soranihimawari · 4 years
The Taste of Rain
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When I say the second years at Karasuno are squad goals, I wasn’t expecting to like them this much.
Ennoshita has a crush on a fellow classmate, Kawa-san [y/n-chan], but due to the VBC gaining popularity, he has Kazuhito act as his second. 
friends to lovers at Karasuno High. 2nd Year Crows are a blessing.
When the final bell rang to signal the end of classes for the day, I swiftly gathered my belongings into my bag which I slung over my shoulder. A few more months were left until graduation. In the past three years alone, I have managed to somehow keep my grades within the top percentage of my school. High school wasn’t supposed to be easy, supposedly some would say it might be the best time of my life. 
Unfortunately, whomever said that clearly wasn’t talking about me. All these thoughts circulated my head as I stood up to leave the classroom for the day. My classmates, Rina and Akari, were already in the hallway making plans for the weekend checking on their social calendars that were littered with daily reminders for varying sport club matches. 
“Let’s go to the cat cafe on Saturday Rina!” Akari suggested. She was always willing to take a break at the beginning of the school week claiming that if she didn’t, we’d regret studying for so long. According to her, we needed to take breaks to give our brains time to unwind and relax for a day or two. 
“Can’t do Saturday. The volleyball club has a match. Why don’t we go to the game instead?” Rina asks. Rina had grown to be close to Akari since elementary school. Childhood friends like them were deemed inseperable since the age of seven. However, Rina had always been supportive of a majority of the sports clubs (via taking inventory of club equipment) while Akari was mainly focused on cheering for its members with the other family members of the players. 
“Terrific! Sounds like a plan. Besides, we can always go to the cat cafe some other day after class.”
“So, we get to hear you cheer for us, right?” one of the club members approached the pair with a smile across his face.
“Of course Tanaka,” Rina claps her hands together returning his grin. “I had to remind Akari, but y’know we’ll both be there.”
I was a few feet away from the three of them in the emptying hallway. I adjusted my bag on my shoulder before ducking in between them and ushering out a hurried, “Excuse me.” I rounded the corridor to begin my decent downward to the school courtyard.
“Oh, sorry Kawa-san!” I heard Akari’s voice traverse toward me. I smile weakly at the trio. It wasn’t often that Tanaka was caught not chasing any other female student than Shizumi-san, but the majority of the other girls in our year value his (and by association, Nishinoya’s) commitment to complimentating how well nature graces her presence. It might seem as though I am bitter by never even coming close to this sensation, but truth be told, I had my eyes set on a different classmate altogether. 
I was already on the first floor of the school switching out my school shoes for the black combat boots I typically wear those since they matched the majority of my non-uniform wardrobe. 
I perked my head up to where I heard my name being called. I saw Kazuhito approach me with a shy smile. 
“Yo,” I greeted. I finished tying my boots before I stood back up. “You alright?”
“Oh! Yeah, I’m fine,” Kazuhito began. “Here.” 
He hands me a small note folded into a diamond. I noticed firstly the handwriting wasn’t his--it was Ennoshita’s, I chewed the inside of my cheek in feign surprise.
“Ennoshita wanted to give it to you himself, but he was meeting the others in the gym for practice.”
“Then can you do me a favor Kazuhito?” 
I return the unopened envelope to him. He blinked momentarily before taking the note back.
“What do you want me to tell Ennoshita? You know how he feels about you,Kawa.”
I pinch the bridge of my nose taking a deep breath trying to come up with a viable reason until I blurted out the following, running a hand through my hair.
“He is enough.”
“Mmm,” Kazuhito hummed. “I’ll tell him. Oh and Kawa-san, I finally see why my friend likes you so much.”
I gave him a curt nod right after I shut the door of my locker remnants of the blush made at his comment.  
from Kazuhito
to Ennoshita
Chikara, Kawa-san wanted me to remind you of something.
from Ennoshita 
to Kazuhito
why do you have the note i wrote?
-incoming call from Kazuhito Narita-
“He is enough.” 
The call ended as soon as Kazuhito realized his phone dialed his teammate purposefully by accident. A knowing grin forming on the wing spiker’s face as she walked away from him toward the route leading toward the cafe close to her neighborhood.
“For the final time, the answer to the last part of the equation was to use a log!” Ennoshita grumbled looking over his algebra-2 quiz sheet. The score was still high enough to qualify as passing, but considering he was the head of the study group among his fellow second years,it irked him to get such a simple question wrong. The boys were hanging out at the Tanaka-siblings house once again (an invitation was extended toward me after the results of the last game allowed the team to successfully advance to the next stage of the qualifiers).
“And it’s a shame that the one with perfect marks on that quiz is the same one noticing you did your order of operations wrong,” I barked. I held up my quiz sheet with the 100% tally to his embarrassed face. 
“I-what?! No way,” Ennoshita replied. He was about to retaliate before he compares his work with mine. “No freaking way.”
I shook my head to let out an exasperated sigh. “I told you so, Chikara.”
“You’re lucky I like you, Kawa.”
“And here I thought Kazuhito did.”
“Don’t drag me into this,” Kazuhito says putting up his hands to claim his innocence.
“Kawa-san is scary,” Tanaka whispers loud enough for the others to hear.
“They both are,” Noya replied hearing the two of us squabble.
“It’s not that hard to believe Ennoshita confessed first though,” Kinoshita states. “Is it?”
“Fine,” I said breaking out into a short-lived giggle. Upon hearing my laughter, the room fell quiet. “Just don’t come crying to me if you forget how to solve maths problem. C’mon, we have more pressing subjects to get to.”
“Alright. What’s next quiz master?” Ennoshita slip of the tongue caused him to blush a deep shade of scarlet; he was strict in tutoring his fellow teammates, but it takes no less than twenty seconds for me to process what the nickname meant.
“International modern lit,” I reply switching notebooks. 
Saeko came in with a tray of snacks as we each began our work. That is until Ennoshita baits me into reciting “TheTaste of Rain” by Kerosau to which I clear my throat with a teasing smile.
“The Taste of Rain, by Jack Kerosau,” I begin, eyes closed as I imagine the words of the poem lifting off the pages scattered around.
American Haiku by Jack Kerouac
The taste of rain – Why kneel?
The bottom of my shoes are clean from walking in the rain.
Snap your finger stop the world – rain falls harder.
After the shower among the drenched roses the bird thrashing in the bath.
Early morning gentle rain, two big bumblebees Humming at their work
Birds singing in the dark —Rainy dawn.
The rain has filled the birdbath Again, almost
Useless, useless, the heavy rain Driving into the sea.
The little worm lowers itself from the roof By a self shat thread
Nightfall, boy smashing dandelions with a stick.
frozen in the birdbath A leaf
In my medicine cabinet the winter fly has died of old age
Missing a kick at the icebox door It closed anyway.
I conclude reading this poem aloud and was about to ask my study group a question, but instead I feel a pair of lips press against my cheek. I blink in my confusion, but when I clear my throat, I noticed I choose to stay quiet, bringing my hand up to my face which now is flushed in embarrassment.
“You don’t taste of rain,” his voice says briefly avoiding my gaze. It’s such a simple thing, a kiss on the cheek? Child’s play, but game on ennoshita.
“He’s not wrong,” Kazuhito says, picking up one of the snacks on the table.
You thank your hosts for allowing you to come study at their place. Saeko mentioned you’re welcome anytime. Tanaka and Noya had agreed that if they needed help with their school work, they were going to find you first and ask you because you are alot more patient than Ennoshita (he still home the ruler though if you’re not available).
“Of course boys, you know where to find me,” I said before thanking them again.
Narita and Kazuhiro had left a little earlier than I did, yet I think it was because ennoshita and the others asked them to. I don’t know why I have this feeling, but the anxiety soon leaves when I hear yelling behind me. I stop and turn around to see Enno run down the block toward me, arms flailing, making me laugh a little.
“Kawa-San! Wait up!” He catches up to me quite quicker than I had imagined. Did he get faster? Athletic clubs are scary sometimes. He brushes past me when I step to the side so he can stop properly.
“Woah there Enno. Slow down!”
“I did,” he tells me, walking back toward me.
“Calm yourself first, mmk? Then you can walk me home.”
I slipped my hand in his giving it a reaffirming squeeze right before I stood up on my toes to kiss his cheek. This year is gonna be great...
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balvinia · 4 years
Across The Other - Chapter Two
Chloe snapped herself out of her reverie. It felt like it had been decades ago. “I’m tired of all of this,” she waved her hand out as if gesturing to the world around her.  “I miss everything.  I can’t get John to understand.”  She laughed softly.  “It’s not like he would even have to know if I start travelling again. I don’t have to do anything particularly dangerous. It’s just the principal of the thing. I don’t want to lie to him if he ever asks.”
Loki offered her a smile. “He’s not your owner. I also know that he loves you enough to accept any choices that you make.”
She nodded. “I know. Speaking of choices…” The woman bit her bottom lip. “I think-”
“Moommmy! Mommy, mommy, mommy!” The whine of April’s voice carried through the apartment.
Chloe sighed.  In relief or irritation, she wasn’t sure.  It may have been both.  She wanted to tell him more about how she felt, but wasn’t sure if it was the best idea. “I’d better see to her… I’ll be right back.”
    April was still afraid of sleeping on her own.  Chloe always left her to herself once the little girl was asleep, but sometimes she woke up through the night.  The child was never happy with her for it. After a long while, her daughter was back to sleep. Chloe had walked April to the bathroom, got her a drink of water, read her a story, sang her a lullaby, and nearly fell asleep along with the girl.  By the time she returned to the kitchen, Loki had gone. She left everything as it was, only turning off the light before she went to bed.
Chloe couldn’t seem to get herself to stay asleep for very long that night.  She was still thinking about Loki.  It had been months since the god had graced her with his presence and she hadn’t bothered trying to communicate with him for about half of that time. Part of the issue on her end was her inability to own up to her emotions. It didn’t particularly help, either, that she might as well have insulted him last time they’d spoken in person. Chloe sighed as she rolled out of bed, making sure to turn the alarm off.  She would not be thrilled if it went off and woke up April while she was in the middle of her wake-up routine.  Quiet starts to the morning like this were few and far between with a kid who usually woke up first. Unfortunately, it was only because it was early that she might have a chance to have a cup of coffee without juggling breakfast and yelling at her child to turn down the volume on the weekend morning cartoons.
The woman stared at the cups left on the kitchen table for a moment when she entered the room.  It might have been a bit odd, but it was comforting to see them there.  It made her feel more like his having been there was real.  She didn’t know if that feeling would ever go away. Chloe always had this sense of unreality when it came to him.  When she finally brought herself to clean up the mess, she noticed a small slip of paper had been placed underneath one of the cups.  Unfolding it, she found a messy script addressed to her.
“Chloe,” it read, “Gotta go. I’ll see you later. You know where to find me tonight if you want to.”
She tucked the note into her robe pocket and frowned as she considered what little he had written. They used to meet at a tree near her grandparent’s home in the countryside.  It had bells and ribbons tied onto it from the kids decorating it throughout the years.  She never did find out what started that tradition, but it was pretty and that’s what made it stick out. Her grandparents were gone and the house was falling apart, but she loved the place all the same. Chloe pushed the feelings of nostalgia aside.  She hadn’t even decided if she was going to meet with the god.  Had she? If she were going to be honest with herself, she knew that she most likely would and that tree was where she would find him.  Until then, she had mommy things to do.  Like laundry. With a groan, Chloe started the coffee and went through the apartment to collect any clothes that were laying around where they shouldn’t have been.
John arrived home that afternoon.  By that time, his wife had finally gotten caught up on her housework and was removing pizza from a freshly delivered box.  She was not about to cook after cleaning all day.  He gave her a quick peck on the lips before stealing the slice of pizza from her plate and taking a huge bite out of it.  Chloe gave him a half-hearted glare, then replaced her slice with another and sat down.  April sat in the chair across from her, kicking her feet, underneath the table and occasionally hitting a leg. “April, honey, please stop that.”
“Mmk, mommy.” The little girl had had her mouth stuffed with cheesy goodness and Chloe automatically closed her eyes to avoid seeing pieces of chewed up food tumbling out of the child’s mouth.
They ate mostly in silence, with bits of conversation floating between the adults about John’s work at his parent’s house.  He had taken up vacation time to help them and had to return to work the next day. April ran off to her room as soon as she finished eating, leaving the adults alone.
“He stopped by, John.” Chloe figured that her husband would know who she was talking about.
“Who?” He asked, then shook his head.  “Oh. Yeah, I told you he’d come back.”
She sighed. Maybe she was worried over nothing. In all likelihood, she reasoned, Loki had changed his mind. Or perhaps he really had just been playing with her to begin with. She didn’t know and she wouldn’t if she didn’t talk to him. “It doesn’t bother you?”
Choe had asked that same question months ago.
* * * * * * * * * *
Five months ago, Chloe was sitting at the base of the tree at her grandparent's house. John had taken April with him to pick out a birthday gift for her, so she had some time to herself for once. Being outside and alone felt good. She leaned back and closed her eyes. It was three years after she'd met Loki. Though she had stopped going across the Other, he had followed her back to this tree the first night they met. For the next half a year, she looked forward to visiting the tree and crossing to the Other. Most days, she would search for Loki. Sometimes, he would be waiting at the tree and lead her across. She smiled at the memories. She hadn't been back to the tree in a few years, but he was visiting her at home fairly often now. She even had an altar for him set up on a shelf in her apartment.
"Hello, beautiful."
Chloe popped her eyes open again upon hearing his silky voice.
He sat beside her. "Are you going to come back?" 
She knew he must have been asking about the Other. Chloe shrugged. "I'd love to. Just not sure that the risk is worth it anymore."
He wrapped an arm around her and she settled against his chest. They sat for a moment before he spoke again. "We can be together there. You and I. Will you be mine?"
Chloe looked up at him in shock, then quickly averted her gaze toward the ground. Was he really asking what she thought he was?
Chloe had been wondering if her relationship with Loki could be considered cheating. She thought about her husband. Would he be upset if he found out the offer was made? Chloe had heard that these things happened. Was it something she expected? Not particularly. To make matters more confusing for her, the woman realized that she had been developing feelings for Loki. Sure, mortals loved him. She loved him in that way that a mortal can only love a god. Yet, she was afraid that she was also falling in love with him. Did he know? Chloe was sure she’d be embarrassed if he did. She had no doubt that he loved his humans, but she thought he wouldn’t love her in the same way. Besides, she already had somebody who did.
"Well?" Loki put his hand to Chloe's chin and eased her face back toward his. "Will you be my lover?"
She shook her head. "I don't… You know that I'm married. How could you ask that?" Her heart felt like it might break free from her chest.
The corners of his Loki's lips turned up slyly and he leaned down. Chloe could feel the warmth of his breath on her cheek. "I can ask with these lips, my darling. These very lips that you desire me to ravish your own with. And this tongue that I am sure you wouldn't mind me exploring your skin with."
Chloe shivered and pushed herself away from him. "Damn it, Loki. I can't! This game you're playing isn't what I signed up for."
He laughed, but it sounded empty to Chloe's ears. "No? If you're so sure…" He stood up, his body moving stiffly. "You think I'm playing with you, right? That I think of you as what? A toy?"
She reached toward him. "Loki, I'm sorry. I'm just… I think I'm just confused. Can I have time to think on it, please?"
Loki nodded. "If that is what you need, okay." His voice was quiet, but it felt like it surrounded her. "I'll wait until you're ready."
Chloe watched as the god disappeared.
It took a few weeks before Chloe felt ready to confess everything to John. He had handled it surprisingly well. The only thing she hadn't mentioned was going back to the Other.
He took a few moments to respond. "He'll be back, Chloe. You can make up with him then."
She felt confusion cross her face. "Hon, he asked me to be his. As in, the way I am yours and you're mine."
John smiled. "I got that part."
Chloe stared at the hands folded in her lap. "That doesn't bother you?"
He wrapped his arms around her. "I love you. If a god wants you, too, what can I say?"
She thought that John sounded sad, or maybe afraid, but didn't know what else to say.
* * * * * * * * * *
Present Day.
John kissed Chloe. "Babe, I'm not worried about sharing you if you want to be with Loki, too. We can make it work."
Chloe felt the tension lift from her chest. Her husband was willing to let her be with Loki. It was okay to love the god. Chloe kissed John back. "You." She kissed him again. "Are." She paused to kiss him one more time. "Unbelievable."
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know-that-iexist · 8 years
Out of nowhere
Love Grows
It’s Saturday night and supposedly I am reviewing for my upcoming exams on February 6-10 but then I saw what MMK will show this night. So, I stop reviewing and waited for the show to air. The theme of tonight’s show is all about young love ( a puppy love.) It literally talks about teenagers who has been experiencing young love. On how teenagers embrace, learn, explore the thing called love. How will a 13-year-old boy and girl hold on and fight for their love?  What will happen to them in the next years? Are they going to survive it? Would it be enough to contain the love they have for each other?
Every holidays and summer are the only time they see each other. As time passing by, they felt that they are not just friends but then they both have the same feeling not to show it because they are afraid what would happen next. Until, when the boy received a message that his ‘best’ already have a boyfriend. The world seems to fall on him upon knowing the news. But the girl knows to herself that she doesn’t feel the same way as what she feels to her 'best’ so she broke her relationship to her boyfriend and called Mart. Mart was indeed happy on the other hand that his 'best’ Sandra ended her relationship. So, Mart confessed his feelings to Sandra. They both knew that they feel the same way so Sandra accepted Mart’s courtship. Later on, they became lovers.  But here’s the thing. As soon as they became lovers. Everything went different.  They allotted more time texting each other, knowing what and where they are. Mart’s peers manipulated his mind that Sandra is somewhat becoming demanding and a nagger on Mart’s time. Now, Mart’s have a second thought and not sure how to sort out his feelings to Sandra. He met a new girl. He felt that he lost the love he have to Sandra because they are far to each other. They broke up. Sandra was in deep hurt. Her world felt like it was collapsing and what hurts most is that their friendship that serves as their foundation was torn into pieces and vanished. They’ve lost all their means of communication. One day, Mart’s mum confronted him on what his doing about his life. About how hard he was to Sandra and his mum made him realize that his totally wrong. And yes, he admitted that he hurt her so much and it was indeed unforgivable and worst is that he became like his dad when his dad hurt his mum when his  dad cheated and leave their family. With his realization, Mart fixed his life and said to his self that it was not the man before he likes to be. Years passed but then Mart never forgets her. He found a letter came from Sandra in his wardrobe. A letter that Sandra left the last time they saw each other. Then Mart sees this as a opportunity to find her again. Successfully, he reached her thru social media. His mum warned him that if ever he will hurt her again better not to contact her and leave her alone. But Mart stood up and promised to his mum that he will never hurt Sandra again. Through the years, Sandra still have the love she has for Mart. So when time came that Mart sent her a friend request in her social media account, she soon accepted it and viewed Mart’s profile and learned that Mart uploaded a music video saying that he’s sorry for what he done and now that it might be blur for them to meet and Sandra’s gone to his life—Mart’s hoping that it’s not too late to make it up to her. Mart realized that the girl he hurt and lost before is still the girl he wants  in his life. Sandra accidentally clicked the liked sign and it’s too late to unlike it because her phone died. The day came, and Mart asked Sandra if she’s willing to meet him up. When they met, Mart asked for forgiveness and another chance to prove his self again. Sandra, then gave the forgiveness his asking and warned him that it will not be so easy to win her back. But Mart didn’t walked out. His willing to win her again. Sandra saw the eagerness and effort of Mart.
The story ended by, Mart and Sandra are reunited again.  They became lovers for the second time around. Starting all over again, mending their hearts, loving each other, gave each other another chance to continue their young love. That their love for each other grew and  it’s not just a young love any more. Now that they’re adults and matured enough to handle every obstacles they will encounter and continues to express their love to each other.
Love is always love. It’s the best thing we all have in our life. Love let’s us experience life.  It indicates that we fall in love, then we get hurt. We make mistakes. But then despite of the pain we feel after loving, we still continue to love. Love keeps no record of wrong.
It leaves us scars, aches yet we keep on drowning ourselves with this feeling and enjoying it. We still love and fall and love and fall and love.
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