#but the fact remains that i find this an absolute enthralling scenario
yonemurishiroku · 2 years
Since Nico is under Hades’ protection, I suppose the only way Zeus can put pressure on him is to hold someone he cares about over his head?
We have Hazel, who basically has Pluto. Reyna has Artemis. Percy has Poseidon. Will has Apollo, if you count him too.
Ah, Jason.
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koorinohebi · 3 years
I am curious: how would you describe Kiomi's relationship with Jiraiya? And with Koji Kashin? What you've shared about them so far seems very interesting and I must know more!
Thank you for dropping by and asking about my life blood for Kiomi! xD
Kiomi's relationship with Jiraiya is by far one of my most favorite things (it ties with Sarutobi Arai, another OC whom she formed a really strong bond with over the years, to the point where they are like sisters).
A little tidbit before I begin; to be perfectly honest, with the amount of stuff I dish out that's Jiraiya related, one couldn't have guessed that he was one of the characters that I absolutely HATED back in the day. Whatever admiration I have for Jiraiya mostly stemmed from Kiomi. 
Now, where do I start...
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I have 3 verses for Kiomi's interactions with Jiraiya. One follows the anime/manga, one is my main verse for her which follows my RP with the Jiraiya she came to know as her sensei, and then one verse with which I've started a long long time ago (and still ongoing with @ambitiousparagon​). Since the most fleshed out is her main verse, I'll be talking about that. 
Truthfully, Kiomi's relationship with Jiraiya is supposed to border on platonic going to enemies. However, fate has a funny way of letting the stars align.
The initial plot for this was Kiomi's desperation to prove herself useful to Orochimaru that she agreed to not only get intel on Konoha, but also take down one of the 2 remaining Sannins. A suicide mission, I know. Since Tsunade had value to Orochimaru as a healer, and someone whom he believed he could still EVENTUALLY sway to his side, her lord instead sent her after the most rumbunctios one of them all. He wasn't going to tell her how to do it. Since she’s so eager to prove herself, he allowed her to plan everything. Which she did, starting with pretending to be a defector from Otogakure. Kiomi had plotted with a few of the Otonins to help her out, set an attack, do as much damage as she could while she escaped to Konoha with pretty valid info (about Sasuke, and maybe a few plans here and there) to try and earn their trust. And while she was accepted, Konoha wasn't so stupid as to simply believe a previous underling of Orochimaru. SO. In order to prevent her from doing any sort of damage, and at the same time to keep her under surveillance, Tsunade had assigned Kiomi as a "student" to Jiraiya who had just returned from one of his reconnaissance missions. And with Jiraiya being a person who doesn't stay long in the village, it seemed like a good course of action to take, one which also worked to Kiomi's advantage because it brought her closer to her goal.
Their student-teacher setup starts out very platonic. Kiomi has always been quite the curious kid. She does her best to learn whatever it was that she could. With her arrangement of being a student, it allowed her to work closely with Jiraiya who, well...being Jiraiya, mostly had his nose stuck in a hot spring somewhere. This made her wonder if this was some kind of weakness that she could exploit when the time was right so she kept a close watch. She'd been warned about his lecherous ways, but since she was a teenage kid who didnt really see herself much of anything, she could care less about his reputation. In fact, there are times when she would wonder if his so called "research" was worth all the broken ribs and bones. Often times she would also use Jiraiya’s love for women and sake as motivation to head to a new village for whatever work they need to do.
Eventually though, the more they traveled the more they kept ending up in trouble's very welcoming arms. And these were the moments when a bond of trust formed between the two. Kiomi had been very open about her principle of not caring about other people's live. Who died and who didn't. After all, she was groomed to be a tool. Her mentor, however, was not having any of that nonsense. Jiraiya instills in her repeatedly the value of human life. True enough that taking one was easy, but preserving it along with learning how to understand one another despite all the differences was the goal of being a shinobi. He also pretty much treats her like an actual human being rather than just someone expendable, which sparked Kiomi's curiosity all the more. Because while Orochimaru had been kind (manipulative), Jiraiya was a very warm individual who didnt seem like his kindness had any strings attached. He also allows her to just bloom into her own person, encouraging her to rediscover herself as more than just a Shinobi, but as a living breathing human being. More than being a mentor on jutsus and other skills, what endeared Jiraiya to Kiomi was how much values and lessons about life she learned from him. To the point where she could no longer push through with her mission of assassinating him, and instead permanently defecting to Konoha. It also helps that Jiraiya hinted that he knew about her supposed betrayal. Where one would have normally sentenced her to execution because she was the enemy, the Toad Sage believed in her, and it was that benevolence that ultimately defeated her.
So it went from platonic to an eventual slow burn of becoming a ship. Which was all accidental, because apparently, due to all the trouble they got into, and due to always having each other's back, the sage developed his own brand of protectiveness over the girl and vice versa. That ended with him being half in denial and half in acceptance of what he was feeling, despite knowing it was probably wrong. He doesn't act upon it though as their bond as Master and Student was what was most important. At the same time, Kiomi who is as dense as a rock had no idea about what exactly it is that she feels. But when she realizes what it is, she tries to avoid it at all cost, as being Master and Student was also more important to her. Every once in a while though, a little bit of their feelings slip through. Mostly when one of them is half dead. (And they get into so much trouble that at the end of a specific arc, one of them is either REALLY injured, or near death, and in one occasion actually died.) There are also times when it just slips on its own from either side, due to careless words, or perhaps impulsive actions that creates a bit of awkward situations.
Here is an example of when Kiomi gives in a little to her own feelings.
What am I doing?
She couldn't sleep. She ended up shifting for a while there, turning to look up at the stars that Jiraiya had been so keen on seeing. Everything was pitch black which made her, for a moment, appreciate the little specs of light that seemed to glisten in the vast distance of space. Pretty. However, beautiful as they may, they gave her no comfort. The moon that had so graciously lent them its light was now hiding behind the midnight clouds, shying away from her sight. I can't sleep. At this rate, there would be no rest for her for the entire night.
That was when she felt just a slight shift beside her. Curiously, she took her first glance of him after that short period of silence. A soft sigh passed through her lips. At least, one of them was getting some sleep after a long day of training and misunderstandings. Still, from the looks of how his face was contorting, his slumber didn't seem all too pleasant. I'll check just a little.
And so, she sat up, silently and cautiously moving close enough so that she ever so slightly hovered over him. He didn't look like he was having a good time at all. See, this is why bed was the better choice. The mental note was made. Maybe she should wake him up, just in case he was having a nightmare. In that moment wherein she wanted to call for him, no words came out. Instead, a free hand moved on its own in an effort to touch his face. But they stopped. Just inches away from his cheek. Kiomi remembered the way that he had caressed her own (when he seemed under a delusional trance), but she had no courage to do the same. Even when her mouth moved to speak, only soundless words came out. And even those, she couldn't even finish. Again, she bit her lip inwardly. She didn't have the right to say them. After all, the expression on his face from earlier...the one that enthralled her to the point where she couldn't think straight, wasn't even meant for her.
So instead, her hands retreated to a few strands of hair that was long enough for her to take. Gently, just pressed her lips against them before finally relenting, retreating back to her own spot. And apparently just in time, since a few moments after that, she felt him move. Heard him speak. She had to hold her breath for a moment. Again, pretend to sleep. Closed her eyes.
What...am I doing?
In this main verse (where Jiraiya survives through the 4th Shinobi War), we've gotten to a point where they've admitted to what they feel (above is a prelude to said revelation), BUT! More than the awkward lovers they end up as, what's most important first and foremost is their relationship as teacher and student. It’s always the main element, everything else is basically secondary. Their relationship whether it's platonic or romantic, has always been one of learning.
And as proof to that, here is a scenario wherein Kiomi and Jiraiya were having a small lecture on the workings of the heart-- affections vs. unconditional love. She, out of curiosity, blurted out the question, "Isn't it frustrating if you can't touch the person that you love...?". To which the answer came as such:
"Hold that thought." He replied as she spoke the last of her words, wanting to take the time to address the prior question which was awkwardly blurted out on her behalf earlier. "It's very frustrating, yes, but...if you can't touch a person's heart with sincere feelings first, then no amount of hugs, kisses, or anything else can fill the void inside of you. There were many things that kept the woman that I loved and I apart. War. Misunderstanding. My own personal faults, but I find that I would've given anything within reason, even not being allowed to touch her in ways that would've held significant meaning for us both, just to be accepted as someone that she loved and was genuinely in love with."
Indeed, he had harbored those feelings for someone else. The unrequited love of the century, in fact, but what was worse in his mind was to succumb to the despair of not being accepted, was giving up on the prospect of being loved or in love at all. This was the man who believed that a ninja's worth was measured in his determination not to give up on their mission. So come what may, this brief skirmish of feelings with Kiomi had strengthened his resolve to maintain that belief system all the more no matter what the outcome between them would be.
"The better question is, why are you alright with hiding so much from yourself?" A contrast sharper than the edge of the most menacing blade, the internal conflict that she was experiencing was the true focus of his next words. "In other words, you won't get anywhere in life if all you do is hide from what you feel for anything." There were no exceptions going to be made, because this was suddenly about far more than mere affection or literary prowess. It was the central issue of Kiomi's very being which needed addressing in its own due time. Jiraiya felt that in the moment, it was his duty to plant the seeds which might otherwise allow her to consider the best options about how to confront and move past so daunting a thing. And there, without ever needing to say a word, his argument was given it's apex example. It didn't matter what realizing the truth of that matter cost if she could manage to pull it off. No price would be too high to pay, even their sacred bond, if it meant that she could grow past the limitation of inhibition which had placed a virtual strangle hold on her heart and mind.
Obviously talking about Tsunade in the first part. She feels an irrational bout of jealousy over a person who didn't even choose him, and feels her own emotions to be ugly. It's definitely a different type of envy compared to when she's jealous of Sasuke being Orochimaru's choice for a vessel.
And Jiraiya here made a really good point. The more she hides from what she feels, the more she doesn't get anywhere, which is why in verses where he is dead, Kiomi is left with an overwhelming regret of never having the chance, let alone courage to admit to her feelings and confess. Because she knows that he loves Tsunade, she is prepared for any sort of rejection (and knows that it'll even probably legitimately make her cry all the tears she can cry). If she had just allowed herself that little bit of honesty, then she probably wouldn't be stuck in the mud, unable to move forward in the years to come.
Ultimately though, Jiraiya's happiness is what's important to her. Which is why after the war, Kiomi works closely with both Otogakure and Konoha in order to protect the place and people that her mentor loved and died fighting for.
At the end of it all, I believe that for these three verses, the finality of her relationship with him is one of absolute trust and loyalty. Whether or not her feelings are reciprocated, she has already accepted the fact that Jiraiya ignites a flame within her, not necessarily one brought about by romance, but in the trust that he puts in her. He never was the type to give answers directly. It wasnt a mind game, but Jiraiya's brand of teaching encourages a belief in one's self to find an answer that the student can believe in, something in which he too comes to have faith in.
Kashin Koji’s route comes in a separate post. 
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theplumsoldier · 6 years
Summary: you ram into your ex at furys office and find yourself agreeing to meet up with him the next day.
Pairing: steve rogers x reader
Word count: 1573
Warnings: eventual smut, explicit scenes, vulgar language.
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Just how long it had been since you had last found yourself lost in his blue ocean-like orbs, you did not know. Only that this time, something was changed. It was no shock; after all, it must have been at least a couple of years and with all the destructive scenes and trying times he had been a victim of.
His hair had grown, wild and long, tucked back and an untamed beard had spread across his face, fading down his neck. On his face, under his eyes, and between his brows rested creases, cutting through his clean once younger skin. A look of worry was like sewn into his face, tugging at the prominent features, but in spite of the aging, weary man, his ensorcelling eyes remained the same.
Your own eyes drowned themselves in a thin glossy layer of tears, threatening to spill the minute he would finally speak. Noticing his chest was heaving heavily just the same as yours, you were relieved that it was not just you being transfixed by the other.
Your name left his lips and right then and there, you were ready to drop to your knees and bawl your eyes out. Something you had done a lot recently.
The reason behind this reunion was simple and pure in every way, and to be speaking the truth you had not considered ending up in a room with a man you were once head over heels for. It was only now that you stood opposite him, a solid couple of feet keeping you apart, you wondered how on earth you had managed to miss out that particular part.
Fury was the one that had reached out to you, just about a month ago when his people had picked up on a strange phenomenon; odd symbols showing up in patterns and occurrences tracing back to several epochs ago. You, being a woman with extensive knowledge and broad mind concerning what then was only known as peculiar looking sketches on walls and apparent magic commodities, Fury found it appropriate to call in a force he believed could crack the code.
To no one’s surprise, you had nearly no trouble helping the organization he was directing, out of their disarray.
However, to your surprise at some point in the noon, your brief spontaneous meeting with Fury was interrupted by a knock and “come in!” from Nick, earning a look from you.
And into the room stepped a Captain, one you had known from both public and personal view and adored to absolution in said scenarios. He was a man of honor and valor, not to mention his insanely good looks and kind heart. He possessed what most would call ‘the whole package’.
“I–I'm sorry, I didn’t know. . . I was not–”
“What is it, Captain?” spoke Fury in his deep voice. He did not know of your past.
So enthralled by the man before you, you hardly remembered the irritating tension and discontent the room had been filled with moments ago.
He struggled to discontinue his fixated gaze but then managed to take control of himself again, and he formed a comprehensive sentence. “I can come back later–”
“No, what is it?”
Tense, you switched in your seat and readjusted your look back to the director. You had no doubt that Steve was about as uncomfortable as yourself and you figured you would spare him a hard glare. He had always been one to keep his head high and not let the facade even when in the company of his closest, been you knew from experience he did, in fact, stumble over his words at times, especially when his mind was clouded.
“I–well I only came to discuss the A0.3 Commencement. I didn’t know if you had been informed of the files sent around, but it’s–it can wait, really,” explained Captain Rogers further and straightened his back, clearing his throat.
“Yes, well let me get back to you tomorrow, before the meeting.”
“Yes, sir.”
It then went silent and heavy steps sounded before the heavy door shut, letting you know Steve had made his exit.
The rest of the meeting continued, though you slightly absent-minded and in all honesty, you did not feel much brighter after leaving Fury to do his job. Upon leaving the office, you had no chance to grasp it was Steve standing before you, which took you back to when you were standing before him, feeling small and out of breath, wide-eyed.
“Steve. . .” you tasted his name, hardly believing your voice did not break speaking it. It had been oh-so-long. “This is a surprise.”
“I would say so,” nodded he, taking a step closer with his hands tucked away into his trouser’s pockets. “How have you been?”
Always so polite. “Good, I’ve been good.”
“That’s good.”
It went quiet after that and although to you it made you feel somewhat awkward, he felt no such thing as discomfort. His mind was too occupied by thoughts to leave space for the silence filling reality.
He shifted his weight from one foot to the other and took in your form. Years back, when he loved you with his all and unconditionally, he had believed you were the prettiest and most pure thing he had ever had the pleasure of laying his eyes on and now, somehow someway, you were just that, multiplied by a hundred.
“I should get going, I have–” you were almost glad he interrupted for you really had nowhere to be other than at home with your nose buried in dusty books and a glass of red wine.
“I have been meaning to get in touch with you,” admitted Steve and although it had been his cowardness holding him back more than busy life, he meant it. She had been on his mind for a long time and returned every now and then, keeping him awake on long nights. “I never liked the way we ended things.”
The way you ended things, thought you, and merely inhaled. Wetting your lips with a swift slide of your tongue across your lip, you shrugged and hugged your folders closer to your chest.
“Yeah, it was rather abrupt,” you reminded him and he instantly was taken back to the day, remembering how you cried and begged for him. A shiver went down his spine and he cleared his throat, doing his best to pull a smile, or at least he made a weak attempt.
"I never had the chance to explain myself.”
This was pure torment, standing here in a fragile position, overwhelmed by emotions. You found it difficult to not run into his arms right then, the feeling was missed dearly.
“You seemed very persistent the day you broke us up, that you did not wish to see me again. I figured it would be better to cut you off completely, spare that unpleasant “we can still be friends”-part,” said you and kept your eyes on his, a part of you hoping he could wrap his head around the fact that he had hurt you, and deeply of that.
Steve’s lips parted, expecting a line to form but none did. Could it be he truly had no chance of finding himself in a relationship again? Would it not be with you, he did not wish to find himself in one.
You set marching, beginning to walk down the hall and you only passed Steve by few feet before he spoke up.
“I’ll have you know I hated myself–for a long time. But I did not regret it. It was needed and–”
“Steve please, spare me the embarrassment,” interrupted you, tone harsher than intended.
He took hold of your hand, but you were quick to retrieve it and you gave him a look, hard eyes judging him.
Steve sunk the lump that had coiled up in his throat and he took a small step back, respecting your action. “Y/N I would really enjoy it if you would allow me to explain myself. Tomorrow, maybe? We could meet at a café uptown.”
“I don’t know–I don’t think that would be a great idea,” said you. Even if it was a long time ago, you now realized your heart still longed for him and even if nothing more was to come from it, closure sounded inviting; nice even. What had driven him to do as he had?
“Please, Y/N. I just–I don’t deserve it, your love, your time–you owe me nothing, but it pains me you don’t know why I acted the way I did.”
“The past is the past. I try my best not to dwell in it too much.”
But that was a lie and Steve knew that hence unacceptable. It took some convincing that day in the hall of S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters outside Fury’s office, but you ended up agreeing to meet him the following day. You had no reason to act like it no longer mattered to you. It had been the best and healthiest relationship you had ever been in and it ended like it meant nothing more. You wanted to know why.
You were going to know why.
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razberryyum · 5 years
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Gintama manga chap 704 (spoilers)
Part 2 of 3
Dear Gintama gods and Sorachi-sama,
Continued from part 1...
Which brings me to my third wish, which was just that: that Gintama would be allowed to continue on in one form or another. With the new anime project already announced, in making that wish, I had been hoping for the announcement of a new live action movie in the near future and then perhaps somewhere in the farther future, after you’ve had a long, much needed rest, you would be re-inspired to create more Gintama once again. But in order for that to happen, Gintama would have had to end in a way that would easily allow you to do that. In other words, it couldn’t have a definitive ending leaving no room for any sort of continuation. And boy was that NOT a definitive ending in any way. I am absolutely so thankful that you truly left things wide open. If we want to believe that the Yorozuya and everyone else had perished in the blast, we can; if we want to believe that they survived and carried on for the rest of their natural mortal lifespan, we can; if we want to believe they were somehow immortalized by the Altana blast and survived all the way until the Tokyo era, we can; if we want to believe all of it is just Tama’s digital imagination and she can write or rewrite everyone’s fates in her database, we can. I feel like by the end, Tama ended up being your stand-in, with the ability to rewrite everyone’s fates as you choose since you are the god of the Gintaverse.  
And then there’s always the possibility that none of those are right, that you just didn’t know how to end the series so you decided to avoid commitment and make everything as uncertain as possible so that the responsibility of finding a denouement to the story falls on us. Some folks might consider that a cop-out, I consider it you being true to your nature and Gintama’s as well. I think those of us who appreciated and loved Gintama for its irrelevance should not at all be surprised at this ending. In fact, if I think about it, if you had ended Gintama in any other way, I would probably wonder if you’ve been abducted by screwdriver aliens and replaced with a clone. The hope of a future has always meant more to me than having all the plot elements fully and logically explained because at the end of the day, while you have created an amazing series with enthralling story arcs and exciting adventures which I love, I love the characters you have blessed us with even more. And that is why I am especially grateful that you did well by our characters. You didn’t force them into final fantasy scenarios that made little sense, nor did you betray any of their inherent nature.
Which brings me to your fulfillment of my second wish, the one I was honestly most worried about, because the shonen series I’ve been invested in in the past have had a bad track record of the final fantasy trope. I know I should have been somewhat reassured when you actually made fun of the trope, but I guess I just like to worry all the time. And even though none of my three most beloved pairings ended up being canonized, the fact that really no other pairing was either was frankly good enough for me. That has always been what I’ve hoped for, to leave the door open on the possibility of my OTPs getting together so that I can continue to dream beyond the ending of the series. This was especially my hope when it came to the OTP love of my life, Gintoki and Hijikata, because I know I was facing almost insurmountable odds with them becoming truly canon. In fact, before the release of this chapter, I had been thinking if you would just show them in one frame together before the end and then have both of them remain unattached, that would be enough for me. That’s all I can ever ask for. The same goes for Kondou and Otae, and Okita and Kagura. But then once again you blessed me with so much more. Gintoki and Hijikata not only remained a viable possibility because they stayed unattached at the end, but they also shared close to 10 panels together, half of which consisted of them actually interacting in the most adorable way possible! And then there’s Kondou and Otae…I actually screamed a little in excitement when their hands touched. I know in the end you tried to play it off as a blackmail, but the fact that Tae-chan didn’t grab that hand to slam him onto the nearest hard surface was progress enough for me.  She even smiled at him! That literally brought tears to my eyes. And again, since that entire sequence is open for interpretation as whether or not we should take it seriously, that still provided me with enough hope that I can continue dreaming for their final fantasy to be a reality.  
Now, I can’t say that I didn’t wish that Okita and Kagura actually got to interact as well, but at the same time, since they’re still young, they still have time. Again, you have given us hope in that regard as well since at least they’re still within each others’ orbits. Perhaps Kagura can make some guest appearances in the “Shinsengumi Sword-wind Notebook” series (I WANT THAT SERIES SORACHI-SAMA!) to further the development of their relationship. Yes, I would’ve loved seeing them insult and fight each other at least one more time, but if I am to believe that there is still a future for Gintama, then I should also believe that there is still a future for them as well.
Continued in Part 3 (posted)....
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bangtan-spells · 7 years
Namjoon Scenario: The Subject Of Your Dreams.
Request: Can i request and angst/fluff scenario of namjoon as a school teacher and the reader a high school student. They like each other but namjoon doesn't want to get the both of them in trouble bc of teacher/student relationship.  But the reader is willing to wait until she graduates and goes to collage if he is willing to wait for her. U can deicde on thec ending. Thanks so much!! ^^
Genre: Fluff / Drama
For the first time in some years, Namjoon doubted of his judgment. He was standing by the entrance of the classroom where he was going to start his first lesson at that high school and doubting about his every decision two saturdays ago. He was rendered speechless while looking at you coming down the hallway, looking pretty with your tight jeans and loose blouse, your delicate backpack and silky hair down free, the same hair he’d fisted and played with while making out with you at the back of the club he’d gone with his friends to celebrate his new job. You stared at him with big eyes, stopping your walking for a moment and he felt himself sweating cold while putting one and one together.
Both of you recognized each other, both of you acknowledged the things you’d done together and Namjoon was suddenly struck by the fact of him making out and not in the most innocent way with a student, that looking at you there he still found you attractive just the same and it scared him.
You grew pale and then tried to dissimulate the surprise by walking quickly past him and taking a seat inside. Namjoon took a deep breath and entered the classroom when the bell rang, trying to look composed and not like he was just about to give a lecture about philosophy to the same girl he’d given his number to in the hopes of dating her for good.
You’d hoped to see Namjoon again, you’d saved his number on your phone like some sort of treasure and looked at it for the past weeks trying to sort out the right moment to write him, the best way to do it. He was much older than you and it made you nervous inside, you’d never been in this position before but Namjoon was just so attractive you didn’t find it in yourself to tell him your age at the club because you wanted at least an opportunity with him.
You sighed, remembering the way he’d kissed you, he seemed to like you a lot back then and the only reason why you hadn’t taken the next step was because you’d backed off scared, overwhelmed by the way he made you feel. Namjoon wasn’t any fumbling and rough teenager, he knew what he was doing, knew how to kiss you right, how to touch you to make you tremble and that confidence was attractive. But now you were seeing him again and it felt much more wrong to have kept the age issue to yourself that night because Namjoon was now your new philosophy teacher and you couldn’t meet his eyes, there was no place to hide in your seat and the deep tilt of his voice still made you feel butterflies inside. Of all the places you could meet him again and it had to be right there.
You couldn’t focus on your classes for the next week, not entirely at least, Namjoon was too distracting and you knew you had to talk, each time you found him in the hallways your heart beat faster, whenever you were in the same classroom you noticed the sly looks he took your way, you felt the tension each time your eyes met and it was driving you crazy so you decided to text him at the end of one of your lessons with him. You took your time gathering your things so the rest of your classmates left and only the two of you remained inside the classroom.
Can we talk?
Namjoon took out his phone and read the message. Then he raised his eyes to you and found you looking at him even if you’d been pretending to be busy with your books, so he knew you were the one sending it, you still kept his number; that made him feel good and then he scolded himself internally for that, it wasn’t right. He wanted to talk with you, he knew both of you needed that but he wasn’t risking talking with you in the middle of the classroom, much less taking you to his place where someone could see you getting in, so he tried to think quick about a safe neutral place, the parking lot could be a little alone but it would be weird for you two to be there together, the middle of the hallways was an absolute no and then he thought about the least thorny place at the high school, where a teacher talking alone with a student wouldn’t seem so shady or weird, where your conversation wouldn’t drag any type of attention.
He cleared his desk quickly and nodded to you. –Meet me in the library at lunch – then he left.
  Namjoon waited for you near the philosophy section, he was growing impatient but he had too many things to say and to ask, so when you finally came before him pretending to be searching for a book, he forgot about manners or greeting you and just blurted out the first question.
–How were you inside that club Y/N? you don’t even have the age for that – he couldn’t help the recriminatory tone and you dropped your face a little, biting your lower lip.
–I used a fake ID, it was just… my friends and I thought it was going to be fun– You said in a whisper, the library was almost empty. –I just…you came over to talk with me and I liked you, so I let myself go… you wouldn’t have done that if you knew my age would you? –
–Of course not! – Namjoon gritted his teeth because of how big of a lie that was, he couldn’t be totally sure because now he knew your age and in front of his eyes you were still attractive, you still caught his eye so he was angry, at himself and at you too for not telling him. –If we’d done more than just kissing then I would be in the biggest problem Y/N, shit even doing just that… it wasn’t right.You let me buy you a drink, more than just one! it wasn’t right to let me believe you were older–
–I’m sorry – you said with a weak voice, almost hurt and it made Namjoon feel like the biggest jerk for talking to you so harshly. He didn’t want to make you feel bad but he needed you to get that what you did had been wrong, no matter how much both of you had liked it, how much both of you had wanted it at the moment.
–Are you aware you shouldn’t have done that? – his tone was softer this time, kinder than before and so you met his eyes.
The night he met you Namjoon had thought that there was a sort of innocent air in your eyes, that you looked a little young to be there but he’d looked past that, thinking that maybe you had just turned legal, that if you were inside it was because you had the age for that, he’d taken your little shyness and hesitancy as nervousness and not because of inexperience.
–I know, I just…– you were playing with your hands and for a moment, your eyes fixed on his lips and Namjoon felt his breath falter. –I found you so attractive Namjoon, nothing like the stupid boys around here, you were so confident and so manly, I… I didn’t know how to hold myself back –
You lowered your eyes again, maybe thinking back to that night and Namjoon was definitely thinking about it, the feeling of your lips on his was still crystal clear.
–Watch those thing you say Y/N –
–Why? – you asked looking at him again and Namjoon sighed, carding a hand through his hair.
–Because you make me feel a certain way that I shouldn’t – His eyes fell down to your lips and he was taken aback for how much he wanted to kiss you despite everything, the desire for you was still alive and he knew you noticed it.
You closed the space separating you in a heartbeat and pecked Namjoon’s lips quickly, so fast he didn’t even have time to react, both of you stared at each other with eyes a little scared inside for this, for the latent attraction, for the way in which you liked each other Then you turned around and ran away leaving Namjoon with his lips tingling and a conflict unraveling on his inside.
  The age difference was almost always present whenever you thought of the other, but whenever you talked, it seemed to disappear. After your meeting at the library you met again a few times, it was nothing planned and sometimes you couldn’t help yourself from coming over and wishing him good morning, asking how he was doing; you knew both of you wanted more than that but for the time being, that was the only thing you could have.
You talked through the phone too and if something, it only made you like Namjoon even more, his personality, his humor, his deep thoughts and intelligence, everything about your teacher was alluring to you, but everything between you remained painfully platonic so you were surprised when Namjoon asked to meet you outside the school, you didn’t want to ho have high expectations about this, but while you walked to the park where he was waiting for you, you knew you had them. You just wished you could be with Namjoon, you had never liked another guy the way you liked him and maybe you were young to know exactly how love was like, but you were more than willing to find about it by his side.
It was already night and you supposed he chose that place because not many people went there so you weren’t risking being seen together. When you saw him, Namjoon smiled warmly at you and the butterflies were back. He looked so good with what you called his teacher clothes, his sweaters and oxfords, his ties and perfectly ironed pants, but Namjoon looked simply great in jeans and a leather jacket too.
You took a walk around together, just talking about anything and avoiding the main issue of why he called you there. Your conversation gravitated to philosophy, as it had happened before. You liked to talk with Namjoon about it and see how passionate he was for what he taught, he was talking about The Symposium by Plato and you just looked enthralled at him.
–The theory about humans being split in halves since the beginning of time seems a little crazy, but he was actually a fierce defender of that –
You laughed softly, Namjoon sometimes spoke about the philosophers he taught about as if they were old friends.
–Well maybe… maybe love is about that – you said softly, stopping your walk to meet Namjoon’s eyes. –Maybe love is about that wish of finding our other half, the half that was taken away from us and that’s why we feel so great with a certain person…–
Namjoon looked at you amazed, people mostly bored to death with the things he found the most interesting, you weren’t one of those, you always seemed to be in sync with him and he liked the way you thought. He hadn’t found anyone with whom he could connect so quick and easy as he’d done with you, if he thought he’d liked you at that club, he liked you even more now, but he gathered strength to say what he had to, he couldn’t keep going around the bush with you, he shouldn’t keep allowing this connection with you.
–Y/N, I told you to come here because I didn’t want to say this over the phone – you were looking up at him attentively and Namjoon fisted his hands to ground himself down. –We… we can’t keep doing this –
You took a step back from him and Namjoon wanted to reach for you, he cleared his throat and remembered himself to carry on.
–This is too risky, this… this thing we have going on could harm both of us Y/N and I don’t want that, I know what you’re doing and it’s… it’s hard for me you know? maybe in other circumstances we could see where this leads but…– he trailed off, carding a hand through his hair while feeling his mouth getting dry. – We can’t keep wanting this to go further–
You were way too silent in front of him and Namjoon was growing desperate wondering what was going on in your mind.
–I’m your teacher – he said, and the words weighed a ton on his tongue. –so I have to behave like it –
–Shut up, you know that’s not what you want – you snapped finally, opening and closing your mouth a few times searching for the right words while Namjoon looked at you in forced silence. –You’re the one who’s always saying life is a cumulus of opportunities to be taken and here you are, not taking the opportunity – You looked fixedly at him for a couple more seconds and then left without saying anything else.
  Namjoon knew what he’d said affected you, and he didn’t expect you to treat him the same but neither so cold. Since then you started to avoid his eyes, you ignored him as much as you were able to and never had an answer to the questions he made you in the classes, just a shrug and a vague I don’t know. For three entire weeks Namjoon repeated to himself that this was the best but he was far from believing it because this was driving him crazy deep down. He missed you and he couldn’t ignore that.
He thought you weren’t talking to him anymore until you entered the classroom where he had just finished one of his lessons with decided eyes.
–Which circumstances were you talking about? – you seemed a little agitated, like you had gone there running and he was sure you had been thinking this through for the past weeks. –Between those is perhaps the fact of me not being your student anymore? An alternative where you’re not my teacher? If it’s like that then… would you think of being with me? –
Namjoon was surprised for the way you stormed inside and he was glad he was alone right then. He smiled because he liked your spirit, he noticed you were nervous but still you were there, not letting that hold you back and he admired you as much as he liked you.
He nodded, not seeing the point of denying your question. –Without a doubt –
You seemed surprised by his answer, or perhaps by how sure he sounded about that, but you recovered quickly and nodded.
–This is my last year, you know it, so once I’m at college then that possibility would be real…– you looked at him expectantly. –Would you wait for me? I… I want to be with you Namjoon, whatever I have to wait – You were talking fast and growing increasingly redder with each word.
Namjoon found it cute, he felt tenderness towards you but that was only one of the infinite emotions you caused in him.
–I know how to wait for something that’s worth Y/N, and you are –
This was him, taking the opportunity. Everything he’d known and seen about you so far, he liked it, he liked you more than he thought himself capable of and it was unexpected but wasn’t he always talking about how the most unexpected situations brought the best experiences? He smiled at you and then you smiled back shyly and he felt so tempted to kiss that shyness away from your lips.
–This is for you – you said, handing him a large Americano and he took the chance of the little gesture to caress your hand softly without it being too obvious.
You giggled softly, happy with your new arrangement, you would wait for the right time to be with Namjoon and it wasn’t going to be that hard since you could still see him at the classroom,or  walking around the high school with his attractive aura and eye catching dimples.
–See you around then teacher – you bit your lower lip, fixing your bag over your shoulder.
–See you around Y/N –
Those words entailed a sort of promise that only the both of you were aware of so you smiled at each other in complicity between the four walls of the classroom.
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The Person aspects
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I'm actually a significant fan of mangas, however Xianxia is not my kind so I've checked out a few manga. Despite of this I will certainly inform that read manga online is absolutely excellent to a great deal of manga fans and also geeks. This is part 1 of my testimonial of this manga - About the Story: "read manga online" consists of 1614 phases in addition to the converted phases have nearly finished the 4th Book, possibly by this month the 5th publication is most likely to be converted, today this story is simply a constant slow-paced yet actually affixed. This xianxia light manga isn't extremely challenging, yet also challenging, it's actually it had been able to overwhelmed its problem by making use of intricate issues while simplifying it on the whole the DAO.
The Dao is simply a combination of road, approach, course, program, path, state, review, connect, fact, concept. They could seem difficult nonetheless the general tale portrayed them in very easy approach, truly the something which unknown may be the Dao, making the whole series outstanding to others. General individuality and the predictability of the history isn't much better than several collection, it's actually repeated if you'll attempt to view it in an additional image, nonetheless it's a precise proof that "read manga online" is excellent. This is exceptionally hefty on Dao, it's thus connected that it had been able to affix some certain men such as the 58th phase to chap 625, that will be worrying the "Dao" of the character, in addition every traditions and power ups was foreshadowed so much the Piece Shield is reasonable, If added sequence triggers their item guard within the serious scenarios, "read manga online" is similar to a Gift that uses a Piece Shield and Piece Tool before he would fight. The Person aspects of the history continues to be much like others, the 'Adventures' are superb, there have actually been a number of places that was checked out along with the size of the desire globe actually was huge, the entire history a lot larger than I've expected, along with the background can hide just the 50% of the area. The Very First 3 publications can find the first continent, as the 4th publication can find the Next continent, and also you can find 4 places overall. The Very First 3 publications can show world-building in addition to the general principle of the world and it had actually had the ability to create a smart search. Nevertheless the 4th Guide may be the reverse, it's not Smart and also Reasonable whilst the First 3 publications, though it teemed with famous adventures which targets sect, household and tribal problems, it's a great deal of power-UPS Legacies. The Initial Three-Book was really inflexible to its rule, he can not fracture that guideline although the Character was Distinctive, however the 4th publication have trashed inflexible guidelines which thinking, the 4th book is generally stereotypical.
There are numerous moments the activity, the Kento Ankokuden Cestvs only real problem was there's a lot of "Chasing" occurring via the whole collection, there's no guide that it didn't take place in addition to the 'Action' really was detailed, every lifeanddeath situation involves pursuing. The Very First 3 books bought a great deal of chasing, yet in the very same duration it's actually Reasonable as well as enthralling that several activity is around when it were to be when compared to battles, however it's the alternative within the 4th book, it's the Character who frequently pursue the antagonists The 4th Guide contains Battle that will be delighted in by a multitude of individuals as well as many of times the Character might be the very best, there's no other individual who could Remain Against him within the entire book, it's really troublesome due to the fact that the First Three magazines were stabilized during There's a Great Healthy of Humor as well as Crisis, however every one of the minute the background is focused on Enhancing One-Self that will be an introversion sort of personality character. There can be dramas that'll focus on character growth(not energy or power) later on nevertheless for today, inside the present converted phases, there have been just several moments which might be considered Remarkable moments which supplies a significance to figure growth.
Our issue within the background might be the Personality Delivery, one of the story's mottos is "To depend upon Myself" this isn't actually a downside, however it's an Identification, in the same time lots of individuals including me not usually similar to this Identification. only couple of discussion as well as unforgettable events via the 4 publications, and also these celebrations are usually similar to a Silver to visitors like me, since the conversation with the 4 publications is big on Declaration, Reading, Suspecting yet others, like there's no space for confidence and shared link, additionally things is the Conversation were produced in basic expressions as the power ups are so comprehensive that almost 75% is just about this. Well, this is just my point of view of the tale of this manga. I just want to say that I actually like it and will certainly suggest this to any person that suches as reading manga online. For further details, go here: https://bookreadingblog.site123.me/blog/the-superb-type
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imagine-darksiders · 8 years
I'm guessing since the Horsemen are as independent as they are they show few people their homes without necessity, but what would it be like for their s/o to actually visit the Horsemen's home for the first time? What are all their homes like and can we get a quicl tour scenario? What would it take for them to actually open their homes to the person they care about most? I'd hope such a display of trust wouldnt be lost on their s/o! How do they feel about it... etc. etc. Hope your day is great!
Death: He had actually asked you! 
There was something in the looks the horseman had been sending you that day that probably should have clued you into the fact that he was thinking. Deeply. ‘But,’ you reason with yourself, ‘When is Death not thinking?’ 
Death’s thoughts had been circling around in his head for more than just a single day, however. He found himself contemplating how trustworthy you’d proven yourself to be. Time and again, your loyalty had moved, humbled and even enthralled the horseman. ‘If not Y/n,’ he speculates silently, ‘Then who?’ And at last, he’d asked. 
“Y/n?” The sound of your name makes your ear twitch and you spin around with an earnest smile, meeting Death’s extraordinary eyes with your own. He notes how his mood rises significantly whenever you look at him without fear, hate or indifference. But complete, and total admiration. Even, dare he hope, adoration. Focusing on the utterly obvious soft spot he has for you, Death continues… 
“I’d like to show you something…..” 
All you can think of when he finally allows you to accompany him home is, ‘Wow, someone’s a minimalist.’ 
And it’s true. The eldest horseman’s home is modestly furnished, having only the bare essentials in way of comfort. There’s a four poster bed, built from old, dead wood. The same goes for the odd chair like structure in what you can only  assume is the sitting room. The walls of the house are a very odd, dark grey, resembling stone, but the surface is far colder than the stuff you’re used to. 
At least you can’t complain about the footing though. Throughout Death’s home, you discover that everything you walk upon feels as though you’re treading on the finest carpet in existence. Raising an eyebrow at the horseman, he shoots you a vaguely quizzical look before you ask him, “What is this?” Indicating the floor, Death follows your gaze and hums thoughtfully. 
“Fur,” he states simply. 
You blanch a little, “What?….All of it?” you demand incredulously, sweeping your eyes over the entire expanse of the ‘carpet’ that easily extends to the entirety of Death’s home. The horseman’s responding shrug does little to satiate your curiosity. 
Letting him get away with his incessant need to be cryptic, you place your hands on your hips and appraise the home around you. 
“It’s certainly….cozy,” you tease, earning a soft hum of laughter from Death as he catches your sarcasm. 
“What can I say,” he quips, “I’ll only adorn my home with the things I need.” 
You flash him a wide, devilish smirk. “Is that why you finally brought me here?” However, this time the horseman’s response makes you wipe the smirk off your face. 
“Perhaps,” he murmurs quietly, turning to stalk through the house into the arsenal, leaving you staring at him in wonder. 
War: Eventually, curiosity had overridden your overall uncertainty on the topic.
“War?” you call to the enormous horseman as he strides along behind you, “Where abouts are you from, anyway?” The casualness of the question takes him by surprise and you can almost feel the ground shake when he missteps. With a grunt, he responds, “I thought you knew? The Nephilim did not have a world of our own. So we-” 
“No, that’s not what I meant…” you interrupt, “I meant, where are you living? Now. Specifically. Like, if you were to say ‘my home is…’ where would that be exactly?” The horseman matches your stride so that he can properly give you a look dripping with suspicion. You, in turn, match his glare with a perfectly innocent one of your own. You know how mistrustful War can be. Even more so after the events that led to his false imprisonment. But slowly, you’ve begun to feel that he’s offering you more and more of himself the more you give him good reason to. Even though you’d helped him out exponentially after he came to Earth 100 years after it’s demise, he was still slow to trust.  
After a long moment, he seems to come to the conclusion that you’re worthy of such a trust, so he nods in understanding. 
“You wish to see the place that I call home?” he guesses correctly. Your eyes shine excitedly when he voices the question you’d been longing to ask him. 
“Oh yes! Yes please, War!” you clasp your hands as endearingly as possible and it doesn’t fail to drag a huffy laugh from his chest. 
It’s damn hard for the Red Rider to refuse you when he’d only just admitted to himself, albeit begrudgingly, that you are possibly the greatest friend he has. When you see his home for the first time, you’re struck by just how military it is. 
‘Well duh,’ you muse, ‘His name is War.’
The home itself boasts a grand entrance hall, trophy room, an entire floor upstairs for the bedroom, an armoury (of course) and an absolutely monstrous training room. You find that he’s laid down rugs of sorts, one in almost every room. They all belonged to both familiar demonic beasts and some you’d never seen before. His trophy room is full of heads, horns and even full sized, magically petrified creatures that War, at some point, had fought and slain. 
You take in the strong stone floors and high, sturdy walls with ardor whilst War watches. At last, you peer up at him with a wide smile on your face. “War, this place is amazing! I can’t believe I’m only just seeing it, did you build it yourself?” The horseman scowls, snorting at the assumption that he might have had help, so you throw him an apologetic look. He eyes you for a moment, his next question giving you pause.
“Do you…really like it?” He sounds so unsure of himself, like he really values your opinion on this matter. It’s enough to floor you. Grinning brightly and reassuringly, you nod enthusiastically. 
“Of course I do, War,” you promise. 
“Good,” he states, losing any trace of doubt that lingered in his voice moments before, “This is your home now as well.” 
Strife: He wouldn’t describe himself as a ‘home bird.’ The horseman would probably most attribute himself to the nomads of Earth. Those who wander and rarely settle, if ever. Yet…
“Surely you have somewhere to go when you’re not on Council business?” you  ask him, head leaning against his shoulder thoughtfully as he sits beside you on your sofa. Strife kicks his legs up and crosses them over one another on the coffee table, earning himself a glare from you. 
“Eh, I got a place,” he states nonchalantly.
Immediately, you perk up. “You do!? Where? Can you take me?” The horseman casts you a sidelong glance with a confused eyebrow raising at your sudden excitability. 
“Sure, I guess?” he says carefully, “Dunno why you wanna go though. Not much to see. I don’t spend a lot of time there-” 
“C’mon c’mon c’mon!” you squeak, ecstatic that he was so willing to show you his home. You leap up from the sofa and grab his hand, struggling to pull him up as he laughs and heaves himself off the cushions. 
You step through a portal and arrive at a place that…..honestly isn’t that overwhelming. 
“W-woah?” you stammer uncertainly, taking in the lush green landscape and half-built house that’s shadowed by thousand foot trees. If you didn’t know him better, you’d swear Strife was building on the Maker’s home world. The horseman shrugs at your reaction, undeterred. 
“I told you it wasn’t anything special.” He scuffed a steel toe at the stone scaffolding that holds up a particularly eye-catching pillar of marble. You’re 48% sure it’s marble. Strife watches you with a bored expression as you step forward and raise a hand to lay it flat against the smooth surface of the pillar. Your head swivels from side to side as you survey the interior of his home. Although only half finished, the foundations are strong, the walls are bright and eye-catching and there’s a very distinctive Strife flare. Perhaps in the way the whole thing’s direction is still so unclear, so unfinished and unwilling to be completed. Not even the house knows what it could be. 
Sadly, you turn to face the horseman and quirk a smile in his direction. His eyes roll but he doesn’t comment on your soft look. “I could help,” you ask timidly after a minute of quiet. Strife scoffs. 
“Oh yeah? Why?” His abrasive response causes you to frown slightly, but you remain otherwise steadfast in your own reply. 
You offer him a casual shrug. “Because I want to? Even you deserve a place to call home Strife,” you finish. The horseman’s eyes flash brightly in surprise for a moment before he chuckles deeply. Slinging an arm across your shoulders, he stands with you and stares up at the husk of a house. 
“Don’t need a place to call home when I’ve got you,” he flirts, making you grin widely and look away with a hot blush creeping up your cheeks. 
Fury: Like her eldest brother, Fury had been the one to ask if you wanted to see her home. Although, unlike Death, she hadn’t turned the decision over in her mind for days on end. Instead, one day she simply said to you ‘Oh! I’ve yet to show you where I live, Y/n.’ Not five minutes after she’d offered, you were strolling up to her front door. 
Of course her home is the most intricate place you’ve ever seen. You really oughtn’t have been so surprised at the sheer magnificence of it. Letting out a low whistle, “This place rivals the White City!” you nod decisively,  recalling the times when Azrael had kindly indulged you in your love of exploration. He’d been more than happy to give you a tour of his own home. 
The horseman claps you amiably on the back with a light laugh. “I should hope so,” she smiles, “I am glad you like it, Y/n.” She watches you with an all too fond grin as you skip through the enormous pearl coloured archway that leads directly into a lobby, framed by the most intricate Imperial staircase you’ve ever seen. She graciously shows you her home on a room to room basis. You see something akin to a kitchen, with a large open fireplace and ebony surfaces that decorate the back wall. She shows you her personal library, making you nearly faint in response. It almost makes up for half of her house, books lining each wall and stretching up to the ceiling high above you. Next, she shows you upstairs, where, curiously, you notice she’s installed devices that closely resemble those that might be found in a human bathroom.  
Quickly, Fury ushers you on, ignoring the questioning look you throw her way. 
“And this,” she declares, sweeping a wide arc with her hand at the final chamber, “will be our bedroom.” Fury turns to you and smiles down kindly, “What do you think?” 
Instead of answering straight away, you venture further into the room and marvel at the interior. There’s a wondrous, silken sheeted, queen sized bed laden with deep, wine red pillows. Velvety, purple curtains billow gently in the breeze, let in through a curved archway that leads out onto a wide balcony. Candles flicker, even now on every surface, creating a pleasant, warm light that makes you feel indescribably peaceful. 
“Your home is beautiful, Fury..” you breathe, finally turning to face her. The horseman’s face twists wryly when she realises you didn’t catch her earlier hint. With a flamboyant wave of her hand, she gestures around the room. 
“Our home, Y/n,” the horseman corrects you gently, revelling in the way your eyes light up in realisation and elation. Suddenly, the bathroom makes sense.
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coldgrey99-blog · 5 years
What You Must Do About Tarot Card Analysis Beginning in the Next 9 Minutes
The Tarot is an outstanding evaluation tool for acquiring a clear, removed sight of what you're doing right now, and where you're heading. Despite the fact that there's no wrong or ideal approach to check out tarot card, there are a couple of things that might assist you to obtain one of the most from your learning experience. When starting out on a new task the Tarot card can be rather capable of suggesting what brand-new aspects will certainly require to be thought of, what sources are easily offered to you, what you may have forgotten, and what possibilities you might not have actually taken into consideration. Tarot card does not predict happenings, yet merely works as a mirror for you to get touching your spirit. Tarot is a very efficient alternative if you realize that you are directionless and unmotivated. The Tarot is rather a versatile device, as well as when discussing issues with a client I can usually situate a method helpful with the majority of the areas of their life that they're worried about. Various tarot card checking out free can be utilized in different spreads for absolutely cost-free everyday tarot card analysis according to demand as well as user choices. Tarot is a wonderful approach to do away with it. Normally, before you really can involve on your own in the tarot, you need to figure out a few essentials. Many common individuals are currently starting to end up being involved with the Tarot card. The tarot card is singular as it requires anyone to specify the cards. The tarot card aids in self-empowerment, whilst recovery you from deep inside. There are a number of free tarot checking out websites online that you can visit to for support.
Tarot cards are currently very popular in Japan, where numerous brand-new decks are made in the past few years. The tarot card cards don't have superordinary powers that may make or damage your future. It is necessary to bear in mind that upside down tarot card cards do not typically have the specific contrary significance of the standard upright meaning. Reading tarot card cards is constantly connected with energy and also energy is bound to remain in motion. It is a sort of cartomancy. They can be made use of to uncover tricks concerning a future occasion and can also be made use of to prepare one's future. Exercising a bargain on tarot card reading will certainly permit you to analyze the cards conveniently. A Surprising Truth concerning Tarot Reading Uncovered When thinking of a large decision you need to not anticipate a Tarot card analysis to create a decision for you. Tarot reading is a superb method to obtain some new and insightful point of views on numerous life elements. It is extremely important to keep in mind that Tarot card readings are not accustomed to anticipate the future. Because of certain mistaken beliefs, folks think tarot card analyses aren't trustworthy. Tarot analyses have actually existed for a prolonged time. They aid a person recognize what he or she needs to recognize concerning a certain scenario. A tarot card analysis can only supply you special recommendations so you may make the appropriate choices at one of the most appropriate minute. Today, Tarot card reading is commonly wanted and also a boosting variety of people count on tarot card reading to route them in their everyday lives. Tarot card readings can answer any among thousands and also thousands of questions which you have worrying your life. Tarot card analysis is a guide to our propensity to counter-balance whatever is taking place in our lives at the same time or an additional. It is a preferred art that has actually been carried out given that the old days. It has an excellent significance when we discuss psychic analysis. website link is among the oldest kinds of ton of money informing going back to practically 500 years earlier. Psychic tarot readings can be an extremely enthralling experience, specifically whenever the reading is accompanied by an actual psychic. One is absolutely complimentary to sign up with the whole tarot psychic analysis. Tarot Card Analysis for Dummies Great analyses are actually based upon the well worth of the details that's disclosed during the reading. Psychic analysis is one one of the most prominent amongst the methods to find across ideas about the future of somebody. Most of the web analyses are performed free of cost, and you won't even need to pay any costs. As for they go the fraud a great deal of times begins with a totally free tarot card analysis. Don't be worried if your first 2 or three analyses seem a little confusing. Last, the analysis is offered. No cost readings in numerology will help you in a range of methods which. An analysis doesn't anticipate certain events in your life as you are the only one liable for your future. At the verdict of the definitely free reading you have to purchase a reading to discover more. Tarot reading's been around for centuries. It can also give warning signals for you. Be specific to try a completely complimentary tarot card reading as you're right here. Give a huge photo to begin with and ask accurate questions, which means you can acquire the best possible tarot reading for love and also marital relationship.
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rate-out-of-10 · 7 years
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Since the Mass Effect series is one of my all-time favorite game series, I almost have to get my thoughts out on Andromeda. This game is a bit of a departure from the original series, taking us to the galaxy of (you guessed it) Andromeda. We leave the Milky Way in search for a new home amongst new stars and planets. Mass Effect: Andromeda is a loaded game, filled with content, so I will do my best to stick to all the pertinent information.
SPOILERS AHEAD. This review is based off my experiences with the game on the Xbox One.
We say goodbye to all of our adventures in the Milky Way, to Shepard, to our companions, to the fight with the Reapers, all of it; we meet our new human character, named Ryder, and whole new array of companions and crew mates, and other people/aliens. I will say that after the likes of Shepard and the Normandy crew, Andromeda does an admirable job with the follow up, but they just aren’t quite up to standard. And while I grew to adore some, most of the characters tend to fall flat. Drack, a krogan, grew on me very quickly the more I played with him, and I did fall into the Peebee trap, that cute ass asari, she’s just so infectious. Others like Cora and Vetra felt a little streamlined. I didn’t not like them, in fact I can say that by the end I did indeed like them, but there was a good while where I didn’t feel a good connection with them. But there is one companion that I did not enjoy at all: Liam Kosta. He was annoying, flat, boring to every degree, and I did not enjoy playing with him alongside of me at all. He delivers some of the most horrendous lines in the entire game. Our last companion, Jaal, is of the new species we find in Andromeda, an angara, and he felt cool in some places, and others a bit off (but only at first). Of course, by the end I felt for him and especially on his loyalty mission I really liked him. I was really hoping to get my twin, Sarah Ryder as a companion at some point. But of course, instead of killing her at the beginning, they chose the next worse thing: put her into a coma for most of the game. While you get to play as Sarah for a small section, which was short but sweet, and she helps you at the very end, I hope to see her as a companion in some future DLC. Andromeda features a wide array of new characters, and misses the mark with a few key ones. Our main villain, The Archon, of the new kett species, was a complete generic trope. The guy that believes he’s on some holy quest, he’s saving people, when in fact he’s just a psychopath hell-bent on killing everything that isn’t him. I was supremely disappointed in the lack of a boss-battle with him, as well. Where was it? The final section was just some drawn out wave combat as I disable some terminals, and then he dies. An absolute disappointment, especially when there are some pretty exciting bosses in the game, such as the Architects. Now, the game excels in certain categories, such as the loyalty missions for each character. I felt as though I really got to know my squad mates, and I helped them through whatever it was they were dealing with (except Liam’s. I did not enjoy him at all, I cannot express that enough). But the game tends to drop the ball in its essential story-telling. The main quest line had its ups and downs, but all together felt a little shallow. I was mostly interested in locating the other lost arks, and how they fit into the main story was very exciting and interesting, however the struggle with the kett and their exaltation, however horrifying it was, didn’t have too much pull on me. I was excited to craft new relationships and explore and do some amazing things, and I definitely did, I just wish that the main story had some stake in those feelings. In the original trilogy, I’d be torn between what to do, because I was so involved with all of it, but here I had almost no issue shelving the main quest in favor of my loyalty missions, or exploring the viable planets. I had no problem not playing the main story, until I had to, and I think that’s a problem. The main storyline isn’t strictly speaking bad, in fact it gets to be very cool towards the end with a lot of promise and spectacular moments, but it isn’t as enthralling all around as I would’ve hoped. And with the main story focusing on the evils of this new species, the kett, I was surprised that we only meet one other intelligent species native to Andromeda, the angara. Most of the other alien life is primitive and hostile. What made the likes of the Milky Way great was that humanity stumbled upon a huge galactic community of various species from the Milky Way, but in Andromeda there’s only two, and they’ve just been warring with each other for a hundred years, since before we got there? I wish we could’ve seen more, perhaps allied ourselves with another one, it could have raised the stakes a bit higher in the main story. As interesting as the angara were, this was a bit of a let-down.
Mass Effect: Andromeda makes a huge departure from the combat we’re used to playing in the series and offers a more versatile way to play. The combat itself, with your jump and dash abilities, feels so smooth. A major tune-up for the series, this was a great step in the right direction. Also, the class profiles, and access to every skill, was awesome. I very much enjoyed this new system. I didn’t feel bogged down or restricted, I could legitimately craft my Ryder in any way I wanted, and equip him with the abilities and skills necessary per scenario. It added a nicer piece of strategy to the game, and that’s always welcome. The game also looks as phenomenal as it feels in many places. Many environments are breathtaking; whether it’s the lush forest on Havarl, or the snowy mountains on Voeld, or the remains of the destroyed planet H-047c, or the springs of Kadara. I loved exploring each one and bringing up their viabilities to 100%. I felt so accomplished after activating the monoliths upon solving an alien Sudoku puzzle, activating the terraforming vaults, and settling outposts. And it wasn’t a high-maintenance thing at all, and I really appreciate that. Some games with aspects such as these sometimes go over board and make it a chore, but it’s fast and satisfying here. The galaxy map exploration has some cool things to offer as well, and some not so much. Its visuals are gorgeous, I will say, I very much like the point of view being the tip of the Tempest as you fly through the galaxy, but it isn’t so rewarding. Most planets you visit don’t offer anything other than a quick paragraph of info about the planet and some meaningless lore, others some XP and research points, and then the occasional salvage and loot. But exploring every system to 100% isn’t as rewarding as I wanted it to be. It’s not a necessity either, so that’s good because it is very much a skippable, tedious part of the game. The game’s research and crafting system is simple and cool to use as well, although I wish the OS was simple too. It can be a bit encumber-some and a real task to navigate, but you can get some really great gear out of taking the time to explore and find the elements and materials you need (or just purchase them). But trust me, you’ll get tired of the scanner real quick. Now, some other technical aspects were sore. The facial animations (of course), while I didn’t have any major glitches or problems during my 60 hour playthrough (thank god), they were still stiff and plain. However, it’s not something I take away from the game too much, plus future updates are fixing the issues. The voice acting is where I get most annoyed. Some characters just sound uncomfortable and some are lame. There were many deliveries that were cheesy or awkward, some were just painful to hear, even a few from my Ryder made me go, “oh my god stop.” One thing that players will notice as a departure from the original trilogy is the absence of Renegade/Paragon, it was swapped out with (I think?) a more dynamic approach to your Ryder character. Now in conversations, you choose between responses that fall under four categories: Emotional, Casual, Logical, and Professional. It was an interesting change from what we knew, however it doesn’t change the game or how I play all too much, it seems. You can read a nice psych profile written by the Tempest’s doctor, Lexi, based on your choices, but that’s about it. One thing that kept me coming back to the original trilogy was choosing different Renegade/Paragon options, it felt like they changed your relationships with other characters, it seemed like it would make a difference, but this new dialogue/action set up doesn’t have that same effect. There weren’t many major choices in the game that felt heavy either, none that drastically changed how the story would play out. Of course on my next playthrough I’ll be choosing the opposites of what I chose this first time, but if they don’t change my experience enough, I don’t see much reason to keep coming back to the game. I’ll wind up going back to the trilogy first before Andromeda, if that’s the case. Andromeda doesn’t have as high of a re-playability value as the trilogy.
One thing I didn’t touch on was the multiplayer, and that’s because it’s essentially recycled from Mass Effect 3. Wave-based, horde combat scenarios mixed with a few objectives, and then extraction. The combat in Andromdeda is great enough to where it’s fun to be in, but not for too long because I despise the leveling system. I don’t like the pre-set character abilities. I feel as though they could’ve kept it simple: let us choose what race we want, apply the skills we want to those races, and with each race they have a special ability that makes them unique. Almost like a create-a-class system from the Call of Duty games, but with your different characters/races. It should be progression based with the gear as well, not this loot box system with in-game currency that’s plaguing video games now. Acquiring better armor and weapons should be organic and correlative to how much I’m playing and how well I’m doing, not how much money I’m willing to spend. It takes the immersion right out of the game. It’s lazy. And that’s all I’m going to say on multiplayer. My final rating for Mass Effect: Andromeda is:
7.75/10. Not exactly what I was waiting for, but I’m glad I have it.
Andromeda has a ton to offer and for all intents and purposes, it’s a really good game, but there are quite a few shortcomings that hold it back from true greatness, especially as a follow up to one of the greatest game series’ to have ever come out. It excels with its planet exploration, its visuals, its combat, its loyalty missions, and dynamic class system. However the lackluster main story, which leaves many questions left unanswered, and a generic villain, copy & paste lazy multiplayer, some trivial voice acting, and its small scale choice system leads the game astray. I definitely think it’s worth getting for fans of the series, as well as those who enjoy sci-fi/fantasy games, and open-world exploration games. But the real greatness of the Mass Effect universe still lies within its original trilogy (for now anyway).
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