#but the hardie boys threaten to kill you nearly the whole time
Personal beef with one aspect of the game only: confused why the game seems to want you to gain Titus’ approval. It threw me for a loop when you’re given the option to invite him to be a cop.
This guy and his whole posse cold blood murder Harry and Kim both just for interrogating them. They admit to letting the pretty women go for crimes. They almost start a war because Titus has a thing for Klassje.
Like?? And I’m supposed to invite this dude to kick it with my organization? Hell no! I almost didn’t shake his hand, but thought it would be needlessly impolite in the circumstance. I think that guy is a loose canon.
I have a hard time reconciling the way Harry seems a little…fond? of him at the end.
Love to hear some other takes on this.
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insomniac-dot-ink · 5 years
Garden Walk
Genre: supernatural horror
Words: 3.7k
Summary: a young woman sees a figure strolling the gardens making an odd sound.
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Content warning: slight blood and injury
There’s something eating the bees.
You read about the bees disappearing all the time in the papers and on the news every few years in big investigative reports. Usually, it’s all the same alarm and studies about colony collapse and human pesticides and disease spreading rapidly through hives. I know all that and I’m sure it’s real and dangerous and one of the many ways we’re hurting the planet.
But this is different. I know it is, I feel it in my gut and under my skin and throughout my nerves with this itchy burn.
I like to go to the library on my days off. I work in a Bath and Body works shop so my hours are pretty random and my days off vary from week to week.
Still, I usually managed to make time once a week to hop downtown and go to the Fairfield Public library. I either walked when it was nice out or took the bus or Georgia used to drive me when we were together.
I went a lot more often that spring. I was in the process of getting over a nasty breakup and it was hard to be alone in my apartment. After you live with someone for so many years being alone in your own home can feel almost… like a punishment. You have to kill your own spiders in the corner and unclog your own drains and feed yourself old Mac and Cheese with no one to really care.
It was a difficult breakup to say the least and left this ache in my chest that I couldn’t get rid of, but managed to ignore most days. Distractions helped, so I went to the library.
Fairfield Public Library is this massive place that they renovated a couple years ago with new wings and a fresh paint job and better air conditioning. The bathrooms still had weak hand dryers and there was never enough chairs, but they did install some gorgeous immense windows in the central seating area. They’re ceiling-to-floor panels that let in gallons of sunshine that soak the floor and give the whole plan an almost enchanted feel. Some days I would just go in and walk beside them for long minutes with my hand trailing in the light.
The windows weren’t my favorite part of the library though. The inside still smelled a little dry and musty and they kept the temperature too cold for my liking. My favorite part of the library were the gardens outside.
There was a river that ran behind the library and a good acre of land spanning from the back of the building up to the edge of the water. In between the two was a complex public garden. Macy Dickson was one of the librarians and she would talk my ear off about how they used native Iowa plants and local plant fertilizer and set-up hummingbird feeders and plants that ladybugs liked.
I nodded along, but I wasn’t exactly an outdoors kind of person in the way Georgia had been. Most plants looked the same to me, and I was prone to stepping in poison ivy and itching for weeks and accidentally pissing off local Canadian geese and being chased.
These gardens were friendly though, easy. The bushes were low to the ground and the plots held sturdy herbs and a few flowers popping up depending on the time of year. A path wound in and out of red oak trees and honeysuckles and bird feeders until it made its way to a rock garden with stone benches facing it. I would take a deep breathe there, sit, and attempt to feel whatever it is you’re supposed to feel when you’re outside surrounded by tweeting birds and wildlife sounds. I was never very good at being calmed by ocean noises or wind in the trees or anything like that, but to be fair I was never really calmed by anything. I had nervous habits like washing my hands too much and picking at my skin and applying hand sanitizer every few hours like clockwork. 
Maybe those were all the things Georgia couldn’t stand. I didn’t know.
Either way, sometimes that long walk out by the red trees and shrubbery did me good.
It was on a Wednesday in the middle of the week and the dreary weather had broken out into warm air and thin blue skies, I finally got to wear my strappy sandals again and walked all the way to the library. I was going through a reading period that my therapist might classify as “regression.”
One day I had been crying in the nonfiction aisle next to a true crime series and the next moment I found myself inching to the kids section. I crept into the bright wing as if in a sleep-walk and looked over the colorful covers of dragons and a boy and his dog and kids running from spooky shadows and little witches and I picked up a handful of kids chapter books.
I started reading all the books of my youth: Anne of Green Gables, Little House on the Prairie, Nancy Drew, and Hardy Boys.
I read through them like you shake an old friend’s hand and there was something comforting about the non-threatening stories and consuming words of my youth. Of course, being a grown woman who was almost thirty reading children’s books… didn’t make me feel great.
I dashed into the kids section of the library that Wednesday and picked out two stories: Ella Enchanted and the Princess Academy. There was something so sweet and feminine about the titles that had me swiping them up and carrying them off like a burglar in the night.
I visited the nonfiction section next and picked out a book called “The Knife Man” about historical surgeries and went on my way. I had been padding my check-outs with serious books so the librarians wouldn’t give me funny looks.
In all honesty, the librarians and patrons and everyone I passed probably didn’t care in the least. But I was a nervous person. And sometimes my brain played tricks on me and told me that everyone was staring or thinking thoughts about me and noticing everything I did.
I didn’t make eye contact with librarian as she checked-out my “princess” texts and I slipped outside to the gardens to read in private. I may not have found solace in nature per say, but I did find solace in being alone there. I wondered up the white gravel path past the daffodils and beds of sage.
I sighed into the sweet air and turned to go to my favorite bench with a chunk missing from one of the arms. And then I froze. There were three teens loitering at my bench and they were all on their phones and sometimes glancing up at me.
I clutched my books a little tighter and, as if attached to a string, turned fluidly away from my usual bench and walked up toward the river. I didn’t know where I was going, but I just didn’t want to seem like I was lost or put-off by the teens.
Teens were the worst. They always looked like they knew things and were always exchanging whispers and furtive glances- none of which helped my state of mind. I did feel silly, being scared away like that, but the river was full and glittering and it almost felt worth it.
It took me a second but I found a large stone to sit on and got out of one of my books. I told myself this was better and it was good to switch things up. The afternoon passed in slow honeyed hours as I ate up one book after the next in a way that finally let my nerves rest. I could get lost there, forever, in those other worlds.
I only stopped when I noticed that the sun had gotten low on the horizon and the shadows were winding and long, and I realized I was very hungry.
I dusted myself off, stretched my stiff legs and arms, and turned back toward the library and the gardens. That’s when I saw him.
“Him” is the wrong word, but so is every other word for it. 
He stood on the path several feet away with the sun at his back. The path runs right beside the river and the area is usually empty since it’s at the very back of the garden and tends to accumulate trash like empty soda cans, lost plastic bags, and coffee cups and is not as pretty.
It was just me and the tall figure.
He was skinny, and gaunt and I squinted at him for a moment because he seemed even taller than my father who was 6’4. The figure wore a long jacket despite the nice weather and had a wide-brimmed hat that made his face disappear entirely. It was the type of hat you might see on farmers or adventures, beige and stiff and there was a loose string hanging beneath the chin. He had long, tangled brown hair that fell past his shoulders and hung lankly by his face in greasy clumps.
The fellow was slowly ambling forward, taking loud thunking steps down the path with these hulking dirty boots that were even larger than the rest of him. Something about him unnerved me deeply. He was too tall and he moved too slowly, too clunkily, as if he was gradually moving some great weight. I would even say he was limping, but there were no visible signs he was actually staggering or missing a beat. It was just off.
He wore gloves and I couldn’t see an inch of his skin.
My shoulders rose like the haunches of a cat as I realized he was moving closer and I quickly turned to leave. I heard it as I was striding back toward the building: whistling.
A noisy and bombastic whistling that drilled through me into my core and left a smear there. It was an un-melodic messy tune I couldn’t place. I picked up speed and nearly fell all the way back to the nearest parking lot and other people.
At the time I didn’t know why I thought “other people,” because the man was obviously just someone out on a stroll. But I thought it all the same.
I was able to put the man out of my head for a good while. Our stores general manager position opened up and I was up for consideration, though I’m not sure I really wanted it. I was busy taking on extra hours and making sure my cashiers and floors people actually showed up for their shifts and lady’s in floral dresses didn’t make my workers regret showing up.
That sort of thing.
It must have been a month into proper spring when I finally returned. I got a day to myself and my apartment still didn’t feel welcoming or soft. It was always missing something and the ache was just as hungry as before.
I thought about her often. I wondered if Georgia was still making her famous quiche and bragging about her latest road trip she had planned but would probably never take and coloring her toenails a brilliant red color. I had hated the chemical smell of that nail polish during her weekly retouch, but now I missed it in a way you miss snowstorms in the lean months of summer. The hole in my chest gnawed at me and I entered the library and collected three titles: The Girl Who Swallowed the Moon, Julie of the Wolves, and a medical text detailing the history of malaria.
My eyes darted around to check that no one thought this was weird and then I slipped outside so I could breathe properly. I found my usual bench unoccupied and took a seat.
I ate the books up like a hot meal at your family’s house and was even smiling into the glaring sunlight when a whistling came. It was noisy and tuneless and entered my head space like a sharp thorn.
I jerked my head up and looked left and right to find a tall man with a long jacket and dirty lank brown hair standing in the gardens. 
My mouth became very dry and the light was slanting in just the right way so that I could see his face this time. He was wearing these thick, black sunglasses and had a haggered look and very stiff expression.
The worst part about him beside the hellish whistling though was the faint color of his skin. I had seen it in medical texts. Ever since I was a little girl I had a fascination with illness and germs: I hated them, reviled them, detested stink and mess and the idea of tiny creatures that could wiggle inside me unnoticed and change my body in ways I couldn’t control.
But something drew me to stare at pictures of illness over and over again as if maybe looking alone could protect me. That if I read enough about smallpox and studied enough pictures of dengue fever that I could break their power over me.
I’m not sure if it ever worked, but I had one thought as I stared at the man and his yellowing frayed complexion: jaundice. It was the exact same off-yellow complexion that no healthy human being sports. 
I scooted to the edge of my bench in order to get up and quickly hurry along, but the figure stopped in place. He was still out of reach and I had time to leave, but somehow I couldn’t tear my eyes away, in the same way I couldn’t look away from bubonic plague depictions.
He was standing by this wooden lattice work that held vines working their way toward the sun. He was humming his same terrible song and looking down.
I didn’t notice the bee until he put his hand out and the fat yellow creature was scooped into his palm. I didn’t usually notice the bees flying around with their complex paths and busy work that filled them with this determination to be on their way. I liked bees in that way, not just in the “helps the planet” way but how they always looked like they were on a mission.
Me and the man stood there and stared at the fuzzy yellow creature for what must have been a whole minute.
And then the man’s jaw dropped open and he crushed the tiny bee into his mouth and swallowed. I say “dropped” because his jaw shouldn’t have opened like that and it shouldn’t have closed like that either.
It was far too wide, his cheeks too concave, the skin too thin, and there was something crooked about the angle- as if the jaw wasn’t connected in a solid way. He had just gaped open his mouth into a black hole and ate the bee.
My heart squeezed painfully in my chest and eyes went huge. His head slowly tilted up as if to look at me and I didn’t stick around for him to really stare. I turned and fled down the path and as far away as I could possibly get.
I tried reporting it to library security and told the guard some man was eating things he shouldn’t outside, but the statements were dismissed and I could tell were not going to be followed up on it. I went home with that same eerie droning whistle playing in my head.
I had seen something eating the bees.
I tried to be rational.
It took several days, but I eventually smoothed out the jitters and settled into a type of shame-faced guilt. I wished I could have talked the events through with Georgia, but we had agreed on a “no communication” policy for the first few months. 
I decided it was just another case of my nervousness and over imagination messing things up. The man at the library was obviously a very sick person who needed help. He was eating bees from a garden after all and his skin was an unnatural yellow. I kept replaying in my head how a “proper” adult would have handled the situation: how I should have went over to gently talk to him or called some sort of hospital.
I gave myself a good talking-to and two weeks later I resolved to visit the library again. It was one of my favorite places and I figured if I saw him again I would try to reach out or get one of the staff to intervene.
It was a proper weekend for once and after I got my three books I went outside and my normal bench was taken by a family. I edged away, shuffling past the wild ginger and squirrels high in a tree and the disturbed rock garden and up the hill to the river.
The path by the river was empty and sunny until I reached the water itself. The figure was there. He was turned away, low to the ground, and facing the plants.
I gulped with great effort and any thought of trying to do the “right” thing went out of my head as I heard the horrible whistling tune once more. He was kneeling next to a Goatsbeard bush, Goatsbeard is a wide thick plant that holds several long white plumes of tiny flower heads.
His gloved hand was hovering over a resting bee on one of the white flowers.
It struck me at that instant that I knew what was about to happen and I really really didn’t want it to. The thought of his thing opening it’s gaping mouth and swallowing that bee was too much for me and prospect of watching it happen again was even worse.
I didn’t think. I just acted.
“Sir!” I used my voice even though it sounded too loud and too forceful in the still air and the quiet whistling still shivered through my spine. “You don’t have to do that. Sir!”
He ignored me and brought his face closer to the insect. My books dropped from my hands to the path. I was running, my hand out and heart pounding as he had scooped up the bee and I couldn’t stand it. It’s bright yellow body was stark against his brown glove and he held it in place as his lips started to part.
“Stop.” I must have stumbled because I lurched forward and fell toward him. I caught myself with the toe of my shoe, but my fingers brushed against his cheek. I’ll never forget the way his skin felt.
My fingers just barely touched the flesh. It was hard though, like cement or marble, there was no give and was cool to the touch. Most of all it was bumpy, bump after bump of puckered skin like running your hand over a warped building wall or a terrible pustule-ridden rash.
The sensation of the bumpy skin was just for moment before one of his enormous hands darted up with quick efficiency and took my wrist in a hard grip. I gasped and he stood up to his full impressive height and grinned.
It wasn’t a grin with his teeth and I still couldn’t see his eyes behind his dark black glasses, but that smile was all I needed to confirm the worst. “Mmph!” I yelped, but not very loudly. I was never very good at yelling, even when I was a child and found a dead raccoon in the backyard or needed to shout at my dad when to turn on the road.
It just yelped once and then stared in rapt terror as my stomach dropped and whole world compounded into that second.
My hand looked tiny in his and the whistling hadn’t stopped. I was close enough at that point that I belatedly realized there was no way he could have been using his mouth to make that noise.
His mouth opened ever so slightly and the sound erupted from inside him and it wasn’t whistling. His thin yellow lips peeled back to reveal rows of sharp teeth, but not blunt teeth or canines or incisors. They were all sharp white shards- like that of broken glass or pieces of bleached wood chips.
They were all slightly different sizes, thin and long and coming into narrow points that hurt just to look at. As he opened his jaw in that unhinged crooked way I heard the sound clearly: a buzzing coming from within him. An unmistakable, low buzz that you hear from TV static. And bees.
It seemed to surge from somewhere deep inside him like a nest of tangled angry sound flooding from his core. It had a frantic quality. Like it was trying to escape.
The waves of humming grew louder and louder as his mouth expanded and I barely registered as he brought my hand up. I broke out of my stupor at the sight of his needle teeth leering toward my skin and tried to pull back with all of my force. I furiously kicked him in the shin, but he didn’t so much as flinch and my toe stung from contact with that same unyielding hard flesh.
He held my wrist firm and his face drew closer and closer with those those same slow deliberate movements. The points of his teeth delicately dug into my fingertips, the ones that had touched him, and a bright spike of pain crashed over me. I think I finally managed to scream.
It was a sticky blur as I lost those fingertips. I do remember the blood running down his yellow chin and spilling down his neck in a steady trickle.
I fell to the ground in shock and my next memories were waking up in a hospital with bandages over the middle and pointer fingers of my right hand. The pad of each was gone.
I shook violently and called Georgia without hesitation. She came right away and drove me home in silence, not forcing me to talk or bring up the future police reports and descriptions I might have to give. We might even be friends again after that first week, I’m not sure.
The police investigated but found no man with that description by the library. The only evidence I had was that the librarians had records of less and less bees visiting their gardens recently.
But nothing more.
I think I’m moving out of Fairfield soon. I think I’ll move somewhere with less gardens and more cement and people everywhere and get a roommate and big dog and start renting my books from online.
There is something eating the bees.
If you enjoyed the story please considering donating to my patreon for long term support and exclusive bonus content and a ko-fi for one-time tipping and $3 coffee trips, even a little helps the artist! 🤗
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Eric Lasiter → Tom Hardy → Warlock
→ Basic Information
Age: 952
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Powers: Transmutation (Fire Elemental Transmutation)
Birthday: August 11th
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Religion: Pantheism
Mark: Lasiter
Generation: 1st
→ His Personality
Eric is known for being uncompromisingly honest. He is the ultimate devil’s advocate. He enjoys the mental sparring and the fun of bringing worlds down around him. Eric is quick witted, knowledgeable and keeps his fellow warlocks and witches on their toes. Eric has never been a particularly functional or benevolent man, though he has frequently made efforts to better himself. He is obsessed, nearly desperate, for success. He’s willing to steal and lie in order to get the knowledge he desperately craves and to get further in the supernatural world. Despite excelling in transmutation and becoming a successful mentor, Eric finds himself feeling stagnant.
Eric is insightful, strong-willed, tough and if he sets his mind to it, erudite. Unfortunately he is also a tad psychotic. Giving his outward personality, it’s unknown to many people that Eric possesses a great deal of intense rage because of the various traumatic and humiliating experiences he has endured over the course of his life. Although, that rage and anger is rarely directed towards those in his inner circle. He is also possessive of those in his inner circle, willing to violently lash out and sometimes going as far as killing those he perceived as threatening to his friends and family.
→ His Personal Facts
Occupation: Package Handler at Shutter Magic International Imports & Export
Scars: Multiple
Tattoos: Multiple
Two Likes: Meat Lovers Pizza and The Irish Culture
Two Dislikes: Unnatural Hair Colors and Valentine’s Day
Two Fears: Being Lost At Sea and Unknowns Of The Afterlife
Two Hobbies: Transmuting and Sean-nós Dance
Three Positive Traits: Cultured, Observant and Creative
Three Negative Traits: Kleptomaniac, Haughty and Self-Destructive
→ His Connections
Parent Names:
Lauren (Mother): Eric only remembers her first name and that she was Irish. When she learned he wasn’t a normal human, she faked his death and gave him away at the age of 6, for his own protection.
Sam (Step-Father): Sam was a graying old man when Eric’s mother was given to him by their village for having a child out of wedlock. He doesn’t remember anything about Sam besides his name.
Sibling Names:
Unknown Amount of Step-Siblings (Sam’s Daughters and Sons): His step siblings varied from infants to adults by time Eric was given away. He doesn’t remember any of their names or faces.
Children Names:
Unnamed (Daughter): Stillborn. Eric was 16 years old when he lost his first daughter.
Shella Lurena Lasiter (Daughter): Shella was born prematurely and died 8 days later. Eric did not have full control of his powers then at the age of 17 and did not yet know of the Supernatural community to save her life.
Romantic Connections:
Eve Lasiter (Dead Wife): He doesn’t have many clear memories of his wife, outside of her death, though he believes he loved her.
Kaylor Cleirigh (Interest): Kaylor is one of the few female warlocks that is around his age. Eric thinks that she’s beautiful, smart, funny, powerful and way above his league. Sadly, she is married and Eric would never stand between her relationship.
Platonic Connections:
Ronan Cleirigh (Former Mentor): Ronan was Eric’s mentor for nearly six hundred years. Ronan brought him six mentees and asked him to choose one; officially signalling the end of his training nearly three hundred years ago. Eric has stuck close to his mentor and regards him as a good friend.
Ashley Malone (Mentee): Ashley is his newest and youngest mentee. He fought to have her, in order to test the abilities of a creator and animator together. Ashley loves to tutor him in his studies as the person most recently in school.
Belle Cunningham (Mentee): Eric has been watching over and mentoring Belle since she was in her early teens. Their powers are similar enough that training Belle is second nature to him. They have a close personal relationship too.
Chai Gates (Mentee): Chai parents sought him out and asked him to train their daughter. He refused at first but changed his mind once he and Chai sat down and talked about what she wanted out of her powers and life.
Audo Wilhelm (Co-Workers): They both work for Ronan Cleirigh at the warehouse. They’re friendly and hold pleasant conversations together. They’ve recently started hanging out outside of the workplace together.
Catherine Barr (Private Employer): Cat has employed Eric to transmute a secret house for her. She teleports him to an anonymous location, he works for an agreed amount of hours and then she brings him back. Eric sympathizes with her over the loss of her daughter and she pays him well, so her secret is safe with him.
Skylar Beckham (Possible Family): Skylar was found by Audo Wilhelm. She had no idea she was a witch. Eric is thrilled at the possibility that someone else out there shares his mark but he is unsure if Skylar is his daughter or niece.  
Minsky Edison (Best Friend): It’s hard for Eric to make and keep friends but Minsky has always been there for him. Minsky is one of the few people he would trust with his life and would have trust with the life of his daughters.
Brighton Genesis (Best Friend): Bee and Eric have been friends for the same amount of time that he has been friends with Ronan since his former mentor made their introductions. Bee knows his attraction to Kaylor, his wife, and is constantly offering to make a polyamorous relationship together.
Hostile Connections:
Garrett Cleirigh (Indifferent/Distant): Eric and Garrett are always bumping heads. They would probably be best friends if they weren’t so much alike.
Imani Anderson (Conflicted): Eric and Imani worked together on many occission until one day all communication stopped. Weeks later an important shipment of Erics’ went missing. He refuses to believe it was a set up but all clues point to the Andersons family.
Sarah Harris (Hostile): Sarah is a thorn in his side. He confessed once that her daughter, Zelda, eyes reminded him of one of his daughters and Sarah lost her cool. She has been purposely making his life hell since. Out of respect to Zack, Zelda, and Ellis, he has yet to retaliate. Key word being yet.
Fern: Fern is Eric’s third fern plant this year. He was tempted to take Flower as a mentee in order to keep Fern alive but was denied the request.
Aloe: Aloe is Eric’s two year old aloe plant. She still is alive and well, thank you.
→ History
Eric’s village and stepfather told him multiple times that he was the product of rape but his mother always ensured him that she loved his real father and that everything between them was consensual. His mother, Shella, was young and unmarried when their village found out she was carrying him. Soiled. That’s what they called her. His mother was sold off during her first trimester to the first person that their village could hand her off to for two pigs and a rooster. Sam was an old geezer that prayed on younger women and took the opportunity to take Eric’s mother in. She was forced to not only care for herself and Eric but also Sam and his kids. When Eric was born, Shella automatically suspected something was wrong with her boy. It wasn’t until Eric was 6 and having a crying fit that she realized her suspicions were correct. Eric transmuted a whole area of wooden toys into red apples; his favorite snack. In fear for his life she faked his death and gave him to a English couple passing through town.
As he grew, Eric forgot about his past life in Ireland, ran away from the old couple watching over him and lived his life on the streets of England and Scotland. That’s where he started to notice he wasn’t like the other boys on the block. He was stronger, faster, and luckier, always finding exactly what he needed right around the corner. Eric found himself taken in by the local butcher as an apprentice at the age of 15 and began his first career there. He met a nice girl and got married. They’d lived happily, and Eric was ecstatic at the news of his wife’s pregnancy, which made it all the more distressing when their baby was a still born. The next year his wife fell pregnant again, and he lost both her and his other daughter in the premature birth. Anger and heartbreak filled Eric and a darkness began bubbling inside of him.
The jadedness grew over the years, and he began to notice small things about himself. He’d barely aged and looked years younger than his childhood friends, being near the local church seemed to take all the energy and power from him, and everyone he loved died. Eric was sure he’d been possessed by evil, and found a Devil’s mark along his back. After months of contemplating what to do next, Eric had decided to go to the Church to have the evil expelled from him. As he explained his symptoms to two Bishops, he began to realize he sounded mad, however the younger Bishop asked him to show the mark. The two men spoke quietly in a language he didn’t understand, before explaining what he was. It was a mark of evil, but it had always been in him, poisoning and darkening his world.
He’d been sent away by the Bishops to another magic user, this time a warlock rather than witches. William Weyden showed him how to access his powers and how to create from the evil within him. He practiced religiously honing his power until he mastered every level from beginning to advanced. Eric blocked out all other things from his life and poured himself into his work, it was this that caught the eye of Ronan Cleirigh. He offered to mentor Eric in his final years of training, to push him to become more than he was before. Eric accepted and was well on his way to excellence. It was with the Cleirigh family that Eric discovered he wasn’t evil, nor were his powers. They all had different sources of magic, and it was no indication of who they were. He and Ronan formed a strong bond, and after his training had ended, the older warlock offered his name to Eric. A symbolic way of cementing him into the family. He declined, desiring instead to make his own mark known. → The Present
Eric is completely satisfied with where he is at in life right now. In his free time he is helping Cat with her secret house, teaching Ashley to use her powers to make charms, assisting Chai and Belle with potions and craftsmanship. Eric usually fills up his days but also finds time for his friends. Finding time is getting hard since Eric has enrolled into the local University. Eric has never attended school in his near one thousand years on Earth. He was self taught until he found his mentor, Ronan, and continued to learn from him. Wanting to challenge himself and genuinely accomplish something people his age usually do not, Eric is in pursuit of his Interdisciplinary Studies with 3 different concentrations and a minor.
Eric is unsure who Skylar is to him. He has pulled all of his resources to find out if she is his own daughter or niece without alerting her that he might be her father and not her uncle. Eric is over the moon with the possibility that there might be another first generation Lasiter out there but is sick that they would give up their own child. He has contacted all of the women he’s been with that are still alive and they’ve all denied giving birth to a baby girl. The possibility that she is indeed his niece are getting higher and higher. He has enrolled the help of a few Mark Finders to help expedite the process. Recently, he has offered Skylar to stay with him and recommended her to Jace Cicero to help her with her developing mental powers.
→ Available Gif Hunts (we do not own these)
Tom Hardy [1][2][3]
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chicagocityofclans · 4 years
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Eric Lasiter → Tom Hardy → Warlock
→ Basic Information 
Age: 952
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight 
Powers: Transmutation (Fire Elemental Transmutation)
Birthday: August 11th 
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Religion: Pantheism
Mark: Lasiter 
Generation: 1st
→ His Personality
Eric is known for being uncompromisingly honest. He is the ultimate devil’s advocate. He enjoys the mental sparring and the fun of bringing worlds down around him. Eric is quick witted, knowledgeable and keeps his fellow warlocks and witches on their toes. Eric has never been a particularly functional or benevolent man, though he has frequently made efforts to better himself. He is obsessed, nearly desperate, for success. He’s willing to steal and lie in order to get the knowledge he desperately craves and to get further in the supernatural world. Despite excelling in transmutation and becoming a successful mentor, Eric finds himself feeling stagnant.
Eric is insightful, strong-willed, tough and if he sets his mind to it, erudite. Unfortunately he is also a tad psychotic. Giving his outward personality, it's unknown to many people that Eric possesses a great deal of intense rage because of the various traumatic and humiliating experiences he has endured over the course of his life. Although, that rage and anger is rarely directed towards those in his inner circle. He is also possessive of those in his inner circle, willing to violently lash out and sometimes going as far as killing those he perceived as threatening to his friends and family.
→ His Personal Facts
Occupation: Package Handler at Shutter Magic International Imports & Export 
Scars: Multiple 
Tattoos: Multiple
Two Likes: Meat Lovers Pizza and The Irish Culture 
Two Dislikes: Unnatural Hair Colors and Valentine’s Day
Two Fears: Being Lost At Sea and Unknowns Of The Afterlife
Two Hobbies: Transmuting and Sean-nós Dance
Three Positive Traits: Cultured, Observant and Creative
Three Negative Traits: Kleptomaniac, Haughty and Self-Destructive 
→ His Connections
Parent Names:
Lauren (Mother): Eric only remembers her first name and that she was Irish. When she learned he wasn’t a normal human, she faked his death and gave him away at the age of 6, for his own protection.
Sam (Step-Father): Sam was a graying old man when Eric’s mother was given to him by their village for having a child out of wedlock. He doesn’t remember anything about Sam besides his name. 
Sibling Names:
Unknown Amount of Step-Siblings (Sam’s Daughters and Sons): His step siblings varied from infants to adults by time Eric was given away. He doesn’t remember any of their names or faces. 
Children Names:
Unnamed (Daughter): Stillborn. Eric was 16 years old when he lost his first daughter.
Shella Lurena Lasiter (Daughter): Shella was born prematurely and died 8 days later. Eric did not have full control of his powers then at the age of 17 and did not yet know of the Supernatural community to save her life.
Romantic Connections:
Eve Lasiter (Dead Wife): He doesn’t have many clear memories of his wife, outside of her death, though he believes he loved her.
Kaylor Cleirigh (Interest): Kaylor is one of the few female warlocks that is around his age. Eric thinks that she’s beautiful, smart, funny, powerful and way above his league. Sadly, she is married and Eric would never stand between her relationship.
Platonic Connections:
Ronan Cleirigh (Former Mentor): Ronan was Eric’s mentor for nearly six hundred years. Ronan brought him six mentees and asked him to choose one; officially signalling the end of his training nearly three hundred years ago. Eric has stuck close to his mentor and regards him as a good friend.
Ashley Malone (Mentee): Ashley is his newest and youngest mentee. He fought to have her, in order to test the abilities of a creator and animator together. Ashley loves to tutor him in his studies as the person most recently in school. 
Belle Cunningham (Mentee): Eric has been watching over and mentoring Belle since she was in her early teens. Their powers are similar enough that training Belle is second nature to him. They have a close personal relationship too.
Chai Gates (Mentee): Chai parents sought him out and asked him to train their daughter. He refused at first but changed his mind once he and Chai sat down and talked about what she wanted out of her powers and life. 
Audo Wilhelm (Co-Workers): They both work for Ronan Cleirigh at the warehouse. They’re friendly and hold pleasant conversations together. They’ve recently started hanging out outside of the workplace together.
Catherine Barr (Private Employer): Cat has employed Eric to transmute a secret house for her. She teleports him to an anonymous location, he works for an agreed amount of hours and then she brings him back. Eric sympathizes with her over the loss of her daughter and she pays him well, so her secret is safe with him.
Skylar Beckham (Possible Family): Skylar was found by Audo Wilhelm. She had no idea she was a witch. Eric is thrilled at the possibility that someone else out there shares his mark but he is unsure if Skylar is his daughter or niece.  
Minsky Edison (Best Friend): It’s hard for Eric to make and keep friends but Minsky has always been there for him. Minsky is one of the few people he would trust with his life and would have trust with the life of his daughters. 
Brighton Genesis (Best Friend): Bee and Eric have been friends for the same amount of time that he has been friends with Ronan since his former mentor made their introductions. Bee knows his attraction to Kaylor, his wife, and is constantly offering to make a polyamorous relationship together. 
Hostile Connections:
Garrett Cleirigh (Indifferent/Distant): Eric and Garrett are always bumping heads. They would probably be best friends if they weren’t so much alike. 
Imani Anderson (Conflicted): Eric and Imani worked together on many occission until one day all communication stopped. Weeks later an important shipment of Erics’ went missing. He refuses to believe it was a set up but all clues point to the Andersons family.
Sarah Harris (Hostile): Sarah is a thorn in his side. He confessed once that her daughter, Zelda, eyes reminded him of one of his daughters and Sarah lost her cool. She has been purposely making his life hell since. Out of respect to Zack, Zelda, and Ellis, he has yet to retaliate. Key word being yet.
Fern: Fern is Eric’s third fern plant this year. He was tempted to take Flower as a mentee in order to keep Fern alive but was denied the request.
Aloe: Aloe is Eric’s two year old aloe plant. She still is alive and well, thank you.
→ History
Eric’s village and stepfather told him multiple times that he was the product of rape but his mother always ensured him that she loved his real father and that everything between them was consensual. His mother, Shella, was young and unmarried when their village found out she was carrying him. Soiled. That’s what they called her. His mother was sold off during her first trimester to the first person that their village could hand her off to for two pigs and a rooster. Sam was an old geezer that prayed on younger women and took the opportunity to take Eric’s mother in. She was forced to not only care for herself and Eric but also Sam and his kids. When Eric was born, Shella automatically suspected something was wrong with her boy. It wasn’t until Eric was 6 and having a crying fit that she realized her suspicions were correct. Eric transmuted a whole area of wooden toys into red apples; his favorite snack. In fear for his life she faked his death and gave him to a English couple passing through town.
As he grew, Eric forgot about his past life in Ireland, ran away from the old couple watching over him and lived his life on the streets of England and Scotland. That’s where he started to notice he wasn’t like the other boys on the block. He was stronger, faster, and luckier, always finding exactly what he needed right around the corner. Eric found himself taken in by the local butcher as an apprentice at the age of 15 and began his first career there. He met a nice girl and got married. They’d lived happily, and Eric was ecstatic at the news of his wife’s pregnancy, which made it all the more distressing when their baby was a still born. The next year his wife fell pregnant again, and he lost both her and his other daughter in the premature birth. Anger and heartbreak filled Eric and a darkness began bubbling inside of him.
The jadedness grew over the years, and he began to notice small things about himself. He’d barely aged and looked years younger than his childhood friends, being near the local church seemed to take all the energy and power from him, and everyone he loved died. Eric was sure he’d been possessed by evil, and found a Devil’s mark along his back. After months of contemplating what to do next, Eric had decided to go to the Church to have the evil expelled from him. As he explained his symptoms to two Bishops, he began to realize he sounded mad, however the younger Bishop asked him to show the mark. The two men spoke quietly in a language he didn’t understand, before explaining what he was. It was a mark of evil, but it had always been in him, poisoning and darkening his world. 
He’d been sent away by the Bishops to another magic user, this time a warlock rather than witches. William Weyden showed him how to access his powers and how to create from the evil within him. He practiced religiously honing his power until he mastered every level from beginning to advanced. Eric blocked out all other things from his life and poured himself into his work, it was this that caught the eye of Ronan Cleirigh. He offered to mentor Eric in his final years of training, to push him to become more than he was before. Eric accepted and was well on his way to excellence. It was with the Cleirigh family that Eric discovered he wasn’t evil, nor were his powers. They all had different sources of magic, and it was no indication of who they were. He and Ronan formed a strong bond, and after his training had ended, the older warlock offered his name to Eric. A symbolic way of cementing him into the family. He declined, desiring instead to make his own mark known. → The Present
Eric is completely satisfied with where he is at in life right now. In his free time he is helping Cat with her secret house, teaching Ashley to use her powers to make charms, assisting Chai and Belle with potions and craftsmanship. Eric usually fills up his days but also finds time for his friends. Finding time is getting hard since Eric has enrolled into the local University. Eric has never attended school in his near one thousand years on Earth. He was self taught until he found his mentor, Ronan, and continued to learn from him. Wanting to challenge himself and genuinely accomplish something people his age usually do not, Eric is in pursuit of his Interdisciplinary Studies with 3 different concentrations and a minor. 
Eric is unsure who Skylar is to him. He has pulled all of his resources to find out if she is his own daughter or niece without alerting her that he might be her father and not her uncle. Eric is over the moon with the possibility that there might be another first generation Lasiter out there but is sick that they would give up their own child. He has contacted all of the women he’s been with that are still alive and they’ve all denied giving birth to a baby girl. The possibility that she is indeed his niece are getting higher and higher. He has enrolled the help of a few Mark Finders to help expedite the process. Recently, he has offered Skylar to stay with him and recommended her to Jace Cicero to help her with her developing mental powers.
→ Available Gif Hunts (we do not own these)
Tom Hardy [1][2][3]
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wewillwriteyou · 4 years
Crazy Little Thing Called Love || Chapter 10
A few elements from the main plot: A fine line falls between fiction and reality: what starts as a musical slowly becomes a game-changer. Tables will turn and it will get clear as the sun that the only unstoppable power in life … is love.
Summary Chapter 10: Christmas is coming and some people go, others stay at the campus. But what if, as it always happens, plans will change last minute? And what if ‘these plans’ are none other than Ben’s plans?
Word count: 5.2K+
Warnings: Language here and there, but this chapter is mainly fluff / descriptions, so safe territory everyone
A/N: This chapter is indeed one of our favourites, folks! We loved writing it, so we do hope you’ll like as much as we do! 💛 xx
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Tuesday, 24 December 2019
The Sorceress was right: he had leaped without looking. Leaped into something that was bigger than him and any of us mortals. Suddenly, a plan unravelled before his eyes. To fix everything. To make amends. This time he knew he couldn’t do it by himself. He needed help.
The alarm going off made him jump off the bed. He turned it off fast but not fast enough to prevent Rami from waking up.
“Sorry mate,” Ben apologised to his roommate as he pulled a suitcase from under his bed.
“It’s Christmas Eve – Rami mumbled, rolling on the other side of his bed – did you need to set a goddamn alarm today?”
“It’s almost twelve…” Ben observed, chuckling.
“Yeah, but still… Christmas Eve…” Rami complained, using his pillow to cover his ears.
“My dad’s picking me up in an hour – Ben shook his head chuckling and threw him a cushion – we’re going to Italy on the annual ski trip”
“Right, - Rami threw the pillow back and got up, stretching his spine – how did he convince Miss New Americana?”
Ben rolled his eyes, chuckling lightly. Miss New Americana was his dad’s fiancée and she was… not easy, to be nice. Something of a bitch, to be honest.
When his parents were still together, the Hardy’s would always go to Italy in the winter break and Ben only had happy memories of that time.
After Ben’s mom died just as he was starting college, he and his dad went on the ski trip on their own for a couple of years. And then he met Linda, a sparkling pink American who inexplicably made his dad happy but who was clearly more interested in his dad’s money than she was in his actual happiness.
That would have been the first year someone outside the family had joined their trip and Linda didn’t seem like the type of person who liked to… mess up her hairstyle with sky goggles.
“I suppose he’s gonna tell her we’re gonna go to Milan to go shopping and then listen to her complaints during the whole trip once she realises he lied to her” Ben answered, making Rami chuckle from the bathroom.
Rami closed the water and emerged from the bathroom with the towel around his neck, “Are you gonna survive with her there?”
“No Rami, - Ben stopped and pointed a finger at him – the question is: is she gonna survive with me there?”
Rami laughed, “Oh God, you’re gonna be your own first client, Mr lawyer…”
They were both laughing when Ben’s phone rang and his dad’s number appeared on the screen.
“Yeah dad, I’m almost ready, what time are you gonna be here?”
Rami got out of his pijama and went through his drawers to find a shirt, he could tell something had happened by Ben’s facial expression. He watched him slowly put the wool socks back on the bed, out of the suitcase, and sit on the mattress.
“You must be joking. Tell me you’re joking.” Ben harshly said on the phone and Rami mouthed him a ‘what’ but Ben just shook his head.
“Dad, you know she’s just playing you, right? Are you still falling for her crap?” Ben rubbed a hand on the back of his neck and let it fall on his side.
“I cannot believe you’re taking her side…”
Rami walked up to him and sat on his bed while buttoning up his shirt.
Ben was defeated. His dad was one of the best lawyers in the UK, after all. He let his head fall forward and hid his face in the palm of the hand that wasn’t holding the phone.
“Fine – he blurted out, interrupting his dad on the other side – Do whatever she says. I don’t care. I hope you two are gonna be happy.”
He was about to hang up when, “Oh, and I’m glad to hear I’m the only one of us to still give a shit about mom.”
Hitting the red button, he ended the call and threw the phone into the suitcase. He brought his hands to his face and rested his elbows on the knees, exhaling frustrated.
“I can’t believe her – he began – when he told her about the trip she flipped out and caused a scene in the middle of his Christmas dinner party and threatened to leave him and go back to her parents and my dad, being the dumbass that he is, told her they didn’t have to go if she didn’t want to…”
Ben exhaled tiredly, even if he’d just woken up.
“What a manipulative bitch… - Rami commented – I’m sorry, man”
Ben got up again and began unpacking, “Yeah, I know”
“You can come with me and my folks… I can try booking you a last-minute ticket to Egypt”
“Thanks, Rami, but I don’t think it’s possible… and in any case, I’d feel like an outsider with you and your family”
“You know my parents love you,” Rami patted on his shoulder before going to the wardrobe again to pick out his trousers.
Ben half smiled, “Thanks, man”
An effusive knock on the door interrupted them.
Rami opened the door and an impeccably dressed Lucy made her entrance.
“Happy Christmas Eve boys,” she kissed him on the cheek and went up to Ben to place a kiss on his lips.
She noticed Ben was unpacking and frowned, “Aren’t you supposed to be already packed? – she shot a look at Rami and he shook his head while looking down – What happened?”
Ben exhaled and threw his last T-shirt on the duvet, “Linda. That’s what happened…”
Lucy placed a hand on his back and brushed it soothingly, “I’m sorry, babe… you can always come at my parents’ if you want”
“Thanks, Luce, but I think I’m not in the mood…” Ben walked away to put his clothes back in his drawers, letting Lucy’s hand fall back to her side.
She furrowed her eyebrows, “So where ‘re you gonna go?”
Ben closed the wardrobe and put his hands in his pockets, “I think I’ll stay here…”
“Here? – Lucy shrieked – You wanna be alone at Christmas?”
Ben huffed, “I’m not gonna be alone, Luce. There’s a lot of people who don’t go home for Christmas and I know they’re throwing a small party tonight at the cafeteria… more like a Christmas dinner for the ones who cannot have one with their families and-”
“It’s because of her, isn’t it?” Lucy cut him off. Steam was already bowling up in her head and she had to force herself to listen to what he had to say instead of storming out of the room.
“What? No, Lucy I-”
“Don’t play dumb with me, Ben, I know you’re not telling me something and I plead you tell me before I walk out of that door or I won’t be coming back”
“Alex’s gonna be at her parents for the holidays… – Rami jumped in – She was telling Elizabeth the other day at rehearsal. She’s leaving tonight…”
Lucy moved her eyes from Rami to Ben, “That doesn’t answer my question, though”
She knew Ben better than she knew herself and he was hiding something. Since the beginning of the month, she had noticed that something was off with him. He talked less and missed a couple of rehearsals. He hung out more with his canoeing team than with the cast of the musical. And more importantly, he’d been avoiding physical contact as much as he could.
Lucy knew something had happened with Alex, she just knew.
Since that kiss on stage, she hadn’t believed a word he had told her. He swore it didn’t mean anything and he was just acting but she smelled the lie from miles away.
Lucy distinctly remembered Ben kissing her like that, with that passion… but it had stopped ages ago. And she had been fine with it because she had always been told that after the excitement of the beginning, it was normal to lose the spark in a relationship and ‘get used’ to the routine.
Seeing him having the same spark they had with another woman had nearly driven her crazy.
She refused to believe they were done. She couldn’t accept the idea she was losing him. Ben. They had been through so much together and she knew for sure her parents were already looking into wedding halls for when they’d graduate. They had not-so-discretely told her they needed to be together because ‘it was good to the families’ on countless occasions.
And even though all of the above was true, she still needed to know what had happened so she could dump his ass before he could do it with her. She refused to be the cheated loser who got dumped by Ben Hardy. God, my parents are gonna kill me, was the only thought that circled inside her head.
She struggled in keeping up her stone-cold bitch façade, but she felt like she was crumbling to pieces and she knew she couldn’t have held it much longer.
Ben almost involuntarily glanced at the dresser by the door and Lucy followed his gaze.
The picture of them at the first canoeing race he ever won was sitting in its frame, the glass completely shattered.
“What happened to that picture?” she asked, her voice squeaky.
“Crap,” Rami muttered under his breath and walked away from the couple, closing the bathroom door behind him.
Lucy stared at the broken glass, her mouth agape, “Did she do this?” her voice feeble.
Ben looked at his feet, running miles in his head to find a plausible answer that wouldn’t completely shatter their relationship.
“Fucking say something, Ben!” Lucy shouted.
“It was an accident! – Ben shouted back, still averting her eyes – Alex had come by and-”
“That’s all I needed,” Lucy cut him off and aimed to the door, but Ben blocked her arm.
“Let go of me,” she wriggled her arm away.
“I’m sorry, Lucy, I really am-”
“For what Ben, uh? For wrecking our first memory as boyfriend and girlfriend? For cheating on me? Or for me founding out about you two? Uh?”
Ben didn’t know what to say.
“You bastard,” Lucy’s voice broke as she completed those last words and while Ben stood there she opened the door.
She walked out, but before shutting the door behind her she turned one more time, “Rot in hell, Ben Hardy”.
With that said Lucy slammed shut the door on their relationship.
It was over.
Ben walked back to his bed and sat there staring at the floor.
“Jeez mate,” Rami emerged from the bathroom.
Ben looked up to him, “You heard everything I suppose…”. Rami nodded.
Ben scoffed, “What have I done, man?”
“Well, to be honest… a fucking mess” Rami sat in front of him and Ben emitted a bittersweet chuckle.
“Thanks… – Ben brushed a hand in his hair – What do I do now?”
Rami exhaled, “How much do you need me to be honest?”
Ben looked at him and realised Rami was probably the only person who knew him well enough to give him advice on this, “100%. Shoot.”
Rami nodded, “Listen, Ben, you’re my best mate and you choose complete honesty so I have to tell you… You acted like a dick.”
Ben sarcastically chuckled, “Well thanks, man, I needed that…”
“Let me talk…” Rami shushed him, “You acted like a dick with both Lucy and Alex. You cheated on Lucy, knowing all the shit you two had been through and you lied to her about the kiss with Alex on stage. You deluded Alex you two could be together without telling her that you still hadn’t talked to Lucy and you had no intention of doing it soon…”
Ben was staring at the floor, feeling all the horrible things he’d done stabbing his back like daggers.
“So now you have to do only one thing and you have two ways to do it… - Rami continued – You have to make things right with both of them and you can either choose to run after Lucy or go talk to Alex. Your choice.”
Ben finally looked up at him and saw a half-smile on Rami’s face, meaning that he’d support either of his choices. Like he had always done.
He smiled, “Thanks, Rami”. They both got up and Ben hugged him, suddenly knowing what to do.
He walked away from his friend, picked up his phone, jacket and keys and headed to the door.
“I’ll probably be gone by the time you’re back, – Rami said, making Ben turn to look at him – so don’t do anything stupid. And keep out of trouble.”
Ben smiled, “Merry Christmas, mate”
As he closed the door behind him he heard Rami shouting Merry Christmas asshole back to him. He chuckled to himself and let his feet walk him in the only direction he wanted to go.
“So you’re telling me you’ll spend New Year’s Eve here?”, Denise tucked her phone between her head and shoulder and picked up her books, then headed towards the library’s exit.
“Apparently so,” Gwilym was cheerier than she’d expected and it made her smile to herself.
“That’s cool… – she tried to keep a straight tone while dodging the people in the corridor and finally stepping outside the building – Well, let me know when you’re gonna be here. We could… grab a bite… and maybe wait for New Years in the main hall with the others…”
Gwilym smiled widely, “I would love that”
Denise was able to contain her joy only because of the books she was holding. She was actually jumping around inside her head.
As she proceeded on the sidewalk of the 9th dormitory, she noticed a familiar puff of blond hair waving at her from the distance.
“Listen, Gwil, I’ll call you back.” She hung up the phone and fished it not without some struggle in her pocket.
“Hi, Ben… What are you doing here?”
“Hey Denise, – he sounded nervous and after everything Alex had told her, she didn’t know how what to think of him – I was looking for Alex and I know she lives here, but I don’t know her room… Is there any chance you could tell me?”
Denise furrowed her eyebrows and narrowed her eyes, “And why should I tell you that?”
Ben was confused at first, but then he realised Alex had probably told her what had happened between them.
“Listen, Denise – he started, brushing his hair nervously – I need to speak to her as soon as possible. She hasn’t picked up my calls in weeks and, besides that, I need to do this in person… I wanna make things right, trust me. I’m here to make things right.”
Denise stared at him and he did look desperate. She knew Alex would have killed her, but she decided to trust her instinct, “The room is 986. Second floor, west end of the corridor.”
Ben let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, “Thank you”.
He patted her on the shoulder and smiled, before climbing the steps to the building.
“Don’t make me regret this, Hardy” she shouted before he could enter and he turned to wave as if to say ‘promise’.
Ben eluded security and ran towards the stairs, jumping two steps at a time. He was so focused on arriving in time that he couldn’t think of anything to say to her face.
When he got to the door, he almost hesitated to knock.
Suck it up Hardy, he said to himself and rapidly knocked on the wooden surface, eagerly waiting for an answer.
“Who is it?” Elizabeth asked.
“It’s Ben,” he cleared his voice.
The door opened and Elizabeth emerged with only her head from behind it, a nervous smile on her face, “Hey Ben, what are you doing here?”
Ben looked her up and down and hesitated for a second, wondering who was she waiting for that made her so nervous.
“Uhm, I was looking for Alex… I need to talk to her urgently”
Elizabeth’s expression changed, “Oh, ehm… she left last night to go to her parents… I’m sorry”
“Oh,” he lowered his gaze as to think about a backup plan. He had not seen that coming. He looked up to Elizabeth again, “They live in town right? Do you know the address?”
“Wow, well Ben you’re asking me a lot…” Elizabeth inadvertently opened the door more and he took it as an invitation to walk inside.
He looked around and noticed that only one bed was undone, sign that at least one of the roommates had probably not slept there that night.
The girl closed the door with a scoff and he squared her up and down. She was wearing a large t-shirt that was most certainly not hers and that only barely covered her super short shorts.
Elizabeth scoffed again and crossed her arms on her chest, “Eyes up here, Hardy… - he recomposed himself but couldn’t hide a smirk. She was evidently waiting for someone – What you’re asking me is betraying a friend. A friend that clearly doesn’t want to hear from you… or she would have picked up at least one of your calls, wouldn’t she?”
Ben looked at his feet and brought a hand on the back of his neck, looking for a good excuse as to why Elizabeth should have trusted him.
When he was about to speak, the noise of water starting and stopping right after interrupted the silence.
Ben looked at the girl with a confused and way too amused face, “If Alex’s not here… who’s in there?”
He watched her gasping for words and then hiding her face behind her palms when the bathroom door opened.
Joe emerged from the door frame in pijama pants, with no t-shirt on and a towel around his neck. He widened his eyes as soon as he registered what was going on.
Ben’s eyes widened as well and he brought a hand to his mouth in disbelief. He darted his look between the two of them and a smirk gleamed on his lips, as he did the math: Joe’s pants and Elizabeth’s t-shirt were undoubtedly two pieces of a whole pijama.
“Oh shit,” was the only thing Joe could say.
“Oh my God… – Ben snickered – what the fuck’s going on here?”
Joe glanced at Elizabeth but she was still hiding behind her hands. She peeked from between her fingers and she could see the two boys staring at her. She let her hands fall and huffed.
“We are both staying here for Christmas and both roommate-less… - Liz hoped the phrase would complete itself, but when she saw Ben nodding in her direction, asking to continue, she rolled her eyes – Joe moved in here for the holidays”
Ben laughed out loud, earning a punch on the arm from the girl, “Cut it out, Hardy.”
She knew she should have been more worried about someone knowing that a guy was sleeping in the female dormitory, but when she caught Joe who had started breaking as well, she couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Fine, - she conceded recomposing herself – but you can’t tell anyone about this, okay?”
Ben tried pushing down the laughter and nodded forcefully, clearing his throat, “Don’t worry… Your little secret is safe with me…”. He winked at Elizabeth, unable to hide his wily smirk.
“There’s no secret – Joe blurted out, his face more nervous than he cared to admit – Nothing happened here…”
“Right, – Ben nodded condescendingly – and she’s wearing your tee because she doesn’t have any clothes?”
He raised an eyebrow and chuckled at the redness that was spreading on both their faces. They were so cute, both embarrassed and awkward every time he suggested there was something between them.
It was crystal clear to his eyes that there was something there and he smiled to himself, wishing he and Alex had taken things as slowly as they had. Because it was evident to him now that there had always been something else besides friendship between Joe and Elizabeth. All those stolen glances he had caught during rehearsal and the way Joe had reacted when he’d seen Elizabeth kissing Gwilym. It was not casual.
Only after a few seconds, he realised that whatever had happened in that room, they probably hadn’t talked about it yet.
“Listen, guys, - he started, - I’m not here to mess around… I have to talk to Alex. I screwed things up and I want to make them right, now that I have the chance. I need to make things right.”
Joe and Elizabeth shared a glance.
“Can you please help me? – Ben continued – I’ll keep your secret, I swear. Just please, will you help me?”
Elizabeth glanced at Joe again and he nodded as to say ‘it’s your call’.
She exhaled, “I’ll write it down for you – Ben let out a breath of relief, but Elizabeth continued – but you have to swear on everything you’ve got that you will not make me regret helping you.”
Ben forcefully nodded, “Sure, I swear. I do”
“And you have to shut your mouth about what you just saw,” Joe jumped in.
Again, Ben nodded and watched as Elizabeth picked up her phone and texted him the address.
“Thank you. For real,” he said to both of them.
Elizabeth half-smiled, “You’re welcome, Hardy. Now get out of here before I change my mind…”
“Merry Christmas, guys,” Ben said with a chuckle, before patting Joe on the shoulder and sprinting towards the door.
As it closed behind him, Joe turned to Elizabeth, “You know you sent Alex a ticking time bomb right?”
She sat down on the bed, thinking that Joe was probably right and that Alex would have killed her for what she’d done. But she also knew Ben and Alex were both secretive, big-headed people that lived in the fear of letting someone close.
Well, sometimes people like them needed a small push to take the leap.
Elizabeth chuckled to herself, “Yeah, that’s my Christmas present.”
“I told you, it’s not just another musical. It will be very important for my extra credits and, besides, I get to play the piano in front of the whole campus which is the closest I’ve ever gotten to a concert” Alex replied, shrugging her shoulders and placing the carrots on the cutting board.
“Thank you, dear,” her mom said and Alex smiled, kissing her on the temple. It was Christmas Eve’s afternoon, but Christmas dinner was already taking its form on the stove.
“Still find it useless, you could be studying other stuff instead of wasting your time playing a witch” her brother Jason commented.
“Oh, like economy? Like you, Jay? ‘m sorry to disappoint you, but my place will never be behind a computer typing on the board all day” Alex sassily replied, raising her left eyebrow.
“And where’s your place, Alex?” Jason used his smart-ass tone, that knew would have bothered his sister for days.
Alex inhaled sharply and walked towards the table where Jason was sat at. She put her hands on the marble surface and leaned down until her eyes were looking straight into his.
“In front of thousands of people, that cheer my name”
“Like mother like daughter – their father appeared in the kitchen, still wearing the gloves he had used to collect the firewood – she always used to say she would have sold theatres and would have danced for the Queen,” he proudly continued, hugging his wife from behind.
“And that’s exactly what I did. Apart from the exhibition in front of the Queen”, the woman chuckled, turning her head to place a brief kiss on her husband’s lips.
Alex looked at them and sincerely smiled, before turning in her brother’s direction.
“You see: a dancer, a conductor – she started, indicating their parents – a wanna-be musician – she went on indicating herself – and then there’s you, an accountant” she ended her sentence indicating Jason.
They all started to giggle.
“How many times will I have to hear this story?” Jason asked, defeated.
“Until mom and dad admit you’ve been adopted, there’s no other explanation to me” Alex joked, messing his hair up. He pushed her away and they cackled again.
“It would be weird to discover that at thirty years old, don’t you think so?”
“There’s always time for new discoveries. Am I wrong dad?” Alex said, walking closer to her mom and stealing a carrot to munch it.
“You’re absolutely right, my dear” the man answered, winking at his daughter and walking out of the kitchen to go and light the fire up inside the fireplace.
The two women started to laugh, while Jason rolled his eyes getting up to help his dad with the wood. Alex’s mom scrolled her head and kissed her daughter’s forehead.
“Let me help you,” Alex said, taking the knife from her hand.
All of a sudden, while the two men were struggling with the fire in the living room and Alex was cutting vegetables for her mother, the doorbell rang.
“George, are you expecting someone?” Alex’s mom shouted from the kitchen.
“No, Eveline, I’m not. Christ, why won’t it light up?” her husband answered in a rush, before starting to insult the wood that did not want to burn.
“I’ll go and see who’s it,” Alex promptly said, and her mother thanked her before going back to cook.
She cast a glance at the salon and could not contain a hushed chuckle that escaped her lips in seeing her dad so pissed kneeling in front of the fireplace and an even more pissed Jason standing behind him.
She scrolled her head and toddled towards the door.
Alex did not know whom she was expecting to find; maybe a family’s friend, or the postman, or even one of their relatives that had decided to surprise them. She was sure of only one thing: she surely would’ve not expected to find him.
“Ben! – her welcoming smile fading away from her lips in the exact moment she opened the door and saw him, standing there – how … what ar-”
“It’s over. Between me and Lucy, it’s over” he cut her off and let out in a rush.
He seemed out of breath as if he had run a marathon to get there in time. His coat was unbuttoned and his scarf was carelessly entangled around his neck, while the keys of his car were dangling from his index finger.
Alex opened her mouth and, looking behind her back, she took a step outside to have some ‘privacy’.
“Ben, I … that’s … I mean, I don’t think it’s the right time to have this conversation” Alex stuttered and had to cough halfway into the sentence to recompose her tone.
Her heart was jumping at the sight of him, but her brain was sending thousands of warning signs. She had to think about the way she had felt when she left his room that day, the way she had felt every other day at rehearsals when she had to pretend nothing had happened.  
Ben slightly nodded and looked down to the ground for a brief instant, while a few snowflakes graciously fell on his blonde hair.
“It’s just, that… ‘ve missed you, Alex. And I know I screwed everything up, but … you know, when this morning Lucy walked out of my bedroom I felt I finally had a choice,”
He paused again, finding the strength to look into Alex’s eyes.
“And I choose you” he then confessed.
A long stripe of frozen breath flew out from the corner of his mouth and, while he was breathing, free from the burden he had carried on his chest, Alex, at those words, felt as if her lungs had stopped functioning.
“Ben – she started, unsure on what saying after – I think it’s better if we talk about all of this after the holidays” her tone was cold. Glacial.
Panic had taken over her body and her insecurities had immediately built a barrier to shield her, cutting Ben out once again.
“There’s my whole family inside, it’s not the right time for this. You understand that right?” she proceeded when she noticed Ben had not dared to speak a word yet.
“I understand – he echoed her, nodding – Merry Christmas, then” and saying that, he turned on his heels and walked towards his car.
Alex felt tears reaching her eyes and had to look up to push them away. When she decided to reserve one last gaze at Ben, she noticed he was struggling with the car’s ignition.
He punched the steering wheel and exited the car.
“It doesn't start-up,” he said, letting his arms fall loose by his sides.
“Are you joking?! – Alex shouted, feeling her heart pumping harder inside her chest; when he scrolled his head, she knew she didn’t have any choice – come inside” she surrendered.
Ben’s chin touched the ground as he tried, and failed, to hide the big smile that was now adorning his face. Alex opened the door for him and let him step inside first.
“I talk, you keep your mouth shut!” she threatened him and, as an answer, Ben pretended to zip his lips.  
“Alex, who was at the … oh, hi” Jason appeared from the living room and grinned at the scene in front of his eyes. Soon, their parents too emerged from the salon and the kitchen and Alex felt as if she was under the spotlight.  
“Ehm, this is Ben, a friend from college – she cleared her throat and felt her mouth go drier – his car broke down”
“Oh, that’s terrible!” Alex’s mom immediately commented.
“One of my friends is a mechanic! I’ll call him and tell him to come here and have a look” Alex’s dad, promptly suggested.
“No need to rush, sir. Really. No one is expecting me at home, so I’m in no hurry” Ben almost innocently replied in front of all that kindness, not thinking about how terrible his situation sounded from outside.
Alex had snapped her head in his direction, not sure she had heard correctly. When Ben met her worried gaze, he immediately said:
“Not a big deal, no need to be preoccupied. Everything is… fine”
“Don’t be ridiculous, no one should be alone on Christmas! You can stay here with us. Alex what do you think?” her mom kindly offered and Alex could not stop the redness that spread all over her cheeks.
Jason smirked when she saw her blushing.
Alex looked up at Ben, who shrugged his shoulder and she found herself sighing in defeat.
Her heart had won another match.  
“You can stay. If you want”
On Ben’s lips crept a smile so big, that he thought he would have burst of happiness in a couple of seconds.
“I can’t even find the words to thank you right now,” he then said, diverting his eyes from Alex to her family.
“Oh don’t worry, dear. It’s a pleasure – Alex’s mum said walking closer to hug him – George, Jason, ask him if he needs help with the luggage and Alex, come in the kitchen and add one more seat for tonight’s dinner” she added, plucking Ben’s cheek.
“At your orders” Jason answered and took his coat. Once he was close enough, he elbowed Alex who reserved him an immediate middle finger.
Ben laughed under his breath and it was in that moment that Alex thought about one thing. She took him by the sleeve of the jacket and, as he was about to step out and guide Alex’s brother and dad to his car, she pulled him down and whispered:
“How did you know my address?”
Ben flushed and, nervously adjusting his scarf, he caressed the back of his neck and replied:
“That’s actually a pretty funny story”
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lou-is-creative · 5 years
Unpredictable (Prologue)
Fandom: 6 Undergound
Main characters; Ben Hardy as Billy/Four // MALE! OC: Eight/???
Shipping: OC x Four
One cursed as he jumped into the car.
Three screamed back and started driving as fast as he possibly could. Two grabbed her gun and prepared it. Just in case a car would come close.
One now shouted back and three abruptly turned left, just in time. They had two cars chasing them and Three had trouble driving. Probably because of his anger issues.
"Stop the fucking screaming and get us out of here. We've messed up, but if you don't drive, we'll end up dead."
Five interrupted and earned herself a nod from Two who was keeping an eye on the cars in the back. One turned aside a little and listened closely to make out if he could hear Seven or Four saying anything. But nothing. No wonder. Both of them were trapped in incredibly shitty situations. Four was surrounded by enemies as he was hiding between some big plants. Some plants he couldn't define clearly. Maybe a banana tree or whatever. Shots echoed through the room, reminding him that there was something more important than identifying those plants. Actually more than something. Five guys to be specific. The blonde prayed for them to leave as he pressed his back against one of the plants. He just wanted to come out of his hiding and do what he was born for. Run. But his prayers weren't heard. Seven himself was kind of unsure what he was supposed to do. He could either start the shooting on the guys surrounding Four, or pack his stuff together because he saw some of the guys enter the house he was in before. It was a mess. The whole situation was a mess but in the end Seven, again, couldn't let Four die.
"You're really trapped in there, bro."
Seven said, loading his gun.
"Bend down."
Without any hestitation, the blonde male made himself small. Just in time. Seven started shooting them, one by one. As three of them were down, Four used the chance, jumped out of his hiding and killed the other two.
"Four I need you here. Can you make it over quickly?"
Seven said and Four looked through the window, trying to find a way. He could make out the spot in the house on the other side in which Seven had his hiding place.
"As quick as I can be."
Four said and ran towards the broken window. While he did, he shot through the window of the other house in which Seven now got all of his stuff together.
"Comming now."
He announced as he ran through the window and jumped over the gap between the houses. His body carried him all the way through and he landed inside the other house. Just in time. The first guy that entered the room Four was in, was the first one to be killed.
"I'm in Seven, one under you. How many of them are there?"
"About ten. Comming down."
Silence filled the inside of the black car. All of them were listening to what Four and Seven were doing rather than talk. The tension was too big anyways. But at least there was only one car left, which they could get rid of with speeding through a café.
That was three months ago on the teams fifths mission. Which went... Rather chaotic. Without any aim being reached. The pressure was high. But the tension was even higher. One was walking up and down. He was waiting. Which obviously wasn't something he liked to do. But his target didn't let him wait for too long.
It was dark as the young man approached his house. His slender figure lost itself in the shadows of the night and only the dimmed light of the lanters lifted the boys disguise. His hair clung onto his face, hiding his observant eyes which already spotted the other person standing in front of his house. But the unknown stayed silent and now moved in the shadows. Which made One suspicious. Luckily, because only his expecting eyes could save him from the dagger that nearly pierced through his heart.
"Easy there, tiger. I'm not here to hurt you."
One had his hands lifted and had stepped aside. The dagger hit a lantern behind him, a sharp metallic sound cutting through the silence of the night.
"Very wise of you."
The voice came out of the shadow, but due to the sound of the blade hitting the iron of the lantern, One couldn't clearly make out where it came from.
"I have an offer to make."
The older one raised his voice, highly aware that he was in a difficult situation.
"Don't know what you could offer me. I have everything I want."
The voice of the hidden male was kept neutral. It wasn't low, but it also wasn't high, something in-between raspy and soft. It sounded pretty normal. But it wasn't his voice that made the difference. It was the melody his spoken words created, as they were perfectly pronounced. It was a gift, speaking so clearly, that there was no reason to speak loud.
"There is something you aim for. Something that we both know, but no one else does."
One started and waited. Silence. Without making any noise, the other man stepped out of the shadow, looking at One.
"What do you know?"
His voice sounded different this time. Like words forced through gritted teeth.
"Do you really want to talk about it in the middle of the street?"
A scoff left the boys mouth as he shook his head and walked up to the front door of the small house in whichs shadow they had talked.
"Clean your shoes."
The younger hissed before One could step inside. One, who raised his hands in defense once again obeyed.
"You really need to calm down."
He spoke quietly as the other opened another door. For there were two. One on the left side, one on the right side. He turned on the light, revealing a semi-cleaned flat. It was tidy. But not too tidy. The boy undressed his jacket and put it over a chair in the small kitchen.
"What do you know."
The younger asked, leaning against the kitchen counter. One could finally see the others face. Wet dark hair clung onto his skin, hiding his eyes a little, but stopping right before his cheekbones. Although his eyes were hidden by strands of hair, the light brown color in them was still visible. They looked sharp, and could have been intimidating if... there wasn't the height factor. The factor that made One blink in confusion.
"I thought you'd be taller."
He commented, earning himself a sharp look.
"I don't need to be tall to cut your balls off. Now speak your mind before I change mine."
"No need to threaten my testicles."
One muttered and sat down on the table.
"I know who you are, I know what you do, I know what you want."
He started and looked at the boy.
"And I could give you exactly what you aspire to. No more hiding, no more badly paid Jobs, no more unnecessary questions."
The boy listened closely and then laughed a little. One looked at him confused.
"You know shit about me."
"Do I? Because if I would be you, I'd go the fuck after that motherfucker who touched your sister. I'd go after the doctor that did this to her, hell I'd go after the whole health system just to get my revenge. But if this isn't what you do, if this isn't what you want, then I must be at the wrong adress."
"Who are you?"
The boy interrupted, gripping the knife in his pocket a little tighter. His facial expression did a good job at hiding how angry he grew, being reminded of it. His voice was, again, neutreal. But his eyes told the truth.
"That doesn't matter. All that matters is that I can give you what you want."
The young man ran his fingers through his wet hair and stayed silent for a minute. One knew that the person in front of him was relying on his instincts. And he'd decide whether or not to trust him. Once he'd decide that, he'd either make him his next target or stay at his side. Loyal.
"Fine. How do you think you can give me what I desire?"
"Sit down, this will take a while."
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criesblood · 4 years
; I’ve been working on some sub-verses and some AU verses for Mary, you can find them HERE ! Anyone is free to request them when you like a starter call or send me a meme, or plot with me! ooor honestly just toss them at me if you write me a starter! They include verses for Harry Potter, historical/legendary/epic settings, The Vampire Diaries/The Originals, The Hundred, Bates Motel, a college verse, The Following and a Heroes/Marvel/DC/etc verse. She is still Bloody Mary, the spirit, in all of them, but there are twists. I still want to have an OUAT verse, maybe a pirate verse and a few others, but these will come later.
The verses are under the cut for my own reference but if you wanna check them out you should go HERE because I have more pretty icons there and you should appreciate them haha!
v; slithering through mirrors (Hogwarts)
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Mary Worthington was a 5th year Slytherin student at Hogwarts, but something had changed by the time 6th year started. Her friends and other students could tell something was off-- Mary was skipping a lot of classes and sometimes her eyes would spontaneously bleed. The professors didn’t acknowledge it or brushed it off, but they added a mysterious mirror to the Slytherin girls’ dormitory; they knew what happened. Mary kept it a secret from everybody else but the truth was she was dead now. Murdered during the summer between 5th and 6th year, her restless, vengeful spirit attached itself to a mirror. The magical energy surrounding Hogwarts helps her stay corporeal and out of the mirror (though she can still be summoned too), and the legend of Bloody Mary has yet to spread. Who killed her, how she died and the mythology behind the mirror, the summoning, the killing etc are exactly like in Mary’s main verse, but she is a born witch here; no demonic deals needed. Also note she is eternally sixteen in this verse, the only verse where she is underage.
v; the legend of the dead witch (historical) 
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Not a fandom-specific verse but geared toward anything that as a mythological, legendary, epic, historical or fairytale vibe. Mary Worthington was a well known powerful witch, who traveled between kingdoms and used her abilities to help others, often staying in kingly courts or powerful covens. She gained her magic not through a demonic deal but through a deal with one of the Fae, a member of the Seelie Court (the fae’s identity is thread-dependent!), who favored Mary due to her open heart and closeness with nature. Her powers are mostly relating to working with the elements, healing, glamours and of course using herbs, but can wander into darker territories if necessary. Her fame granted her many admirers but not all were convinced; some feared and were threatened by anyone who possessed magic. It was one such man who wounded her with iron (a weakness inherited from her Fae patron) and murdered her while her magic was bound. He gouged out her eyes and she tried to write a blood spell on the mirror, but couldn’t finish it before succumbing to her injuries. Perhaps it was a combination of the Fae folk watching over her, her half-done ritual on the mirror and the anger and trauma of the murder that brought her back to life, as the vengeful ghost of Bloody Mary (the summoning/killing rules are the same as in her main verse!). But instead of fading into being thought of as a myth, she made sure everyone knew she was still around, murdering those that kept murderous secrets and even innocents if they didn’t summon her correctly. She maintained her presence on the courts and covens, still trying to use her powers for good whenever she could, and her fame only grew.
v; blood sacrifices (TVD/TO)
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When a witch dies with vampire blood in her system, she loses her magic and ceases being a witch; everyone knows that. But what happens if a soul that is to become a restless, vengeful spirit has vampire blood inside her upon her death? Something weird, and Bloody Mary is proof of it. Her backstory in this verse is the same as her main verse, up until the murder and attempt to write the killer’s name on a mirror. She died and was brought back to life because of the vampire blood in her system, given to her by a friend who knew a killer was after her. Mary didn’t want to live like that, so she refused to feed and died again, peacefully. That should’ve been the end, but the anger and trauma of the murder and the injustice that the murderer was never caught brought her back as the vengeful spirit known as Bloody Mary, same as the main verse. The difference is, something of the vampiric blood still affected her: she grew fangs and could sustain herself by drinking blood. Unlike a vampire, she doesn’t need to feed (she is still a ghost, after all), but whenever she’s out of the mirror, in corporeal form, she can increase the length of time she’s free by consuming the vital life energy contained in blood. Hearing that Mystic Falls and New Orleans are hotbeds of supernatural activity, she traveled to those locations in search of something that could free her from mirrors and end the curse of the bloody Mary once and for all. [Please note that her strengths and weaknesses remain that of a ghost, not a vampire. Her eyes flash red and fangs grow when she feeds and that’s about all the vampiric you get from her!]
v; space pocket mirror (The 100)
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Mary Worthington was 21 when she lived on the Ark. There was a little girl she cared for like she was her own sister, and the girl got sick. Instead of a demonic deal for witchy powers like on her main verse, in this verse Mary’s solution was much more mundane. She stole antibiotics and saved the girl, but she got caught. Arrested, and floated. Her mother watched, and cried, clutching a pocket mirror Mary had given her as a way to remain close to her family in the afterlife. The last thing Mary saw as she drifted into space was this blinding light that hurt her eyes, and then she was dead. And then she was back--- kind of, thanks to the anger over her death sentence being unfair, and seeing her mother’s grief. Mary’s spirit was stuck inside the mirror now, bloody tears coming from her eyes, the only way to free her was with a surge of energy...which she didn’t know about. When The 100 were sent down to Earth, someone took the mirror too, unknowingly bringing Bloody Mary along for the ride and separating her from her family again. The violence freed her from her prison (the mirror/summoning rules are the same as her main verse) and a girl that lived her whole life in space has to learn to adapt to living on a nearly empty Earth, among nature and enemies.
v; the eyes are the windows to the soul (The Following)
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I’ve yet to come across any muses from TF, but a girl can hope (this verse works well with any police investigation type of universe, anyway!) With Mary’s canon death involving her eyes being gouged out, and Joe Carroll’s canon MO being exactly that, the verse kind of wrote itself. Mary was a modern day witch, pursuing an English degree at Winslow University, Virginia, right around the time the Virginia Campus Murders started . Nobody suspected the rather well-liked (and Edgar Allan Poe obsessed, thus equating beauty with death) literature professor, Joe Carroll, of being a serial killer. Unfortunately for Mary, she fit his victim profile to a T, and he killed her. Drawing her last breaths, she wrote the letter J on a mirror, attempting to write the name of the killer, but she died before finishing. Several other female students would still be murdered before FBI agent Ryan Hardy apprehended Joe. The traumatic death and the anger at the injustice kept Mary’s spirit trapped in mirrors, and from that point on everything is the same as her main verse, with one addition: when the cult of Joe emerged she did her best to work with the police to find them, but only very few people within the task force knew one of Joe’s victims had returned as a ghost.
v; peering through a broken mirror (Bates Motel)
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A sub-verse that is part of her main verse, started as a thing between me and ofwrittenschemes’ Norman but open to anyone that wants to interact within this setting! Everything is the same as the main verse up until two girls who are staying at the Bates Motel decide to play the Bloody Mary game, summoning Mary who has no choice but to kill them. Just as the now-corporeal ghost stepped out of the mirror, motel manager Norman came into the room and Mary had to quickly pretend that she was a victim too, the only survivor of a paranormal attack. Little does she know that Norman is hiding something too. Now Mary is staying in White Pine Bay, a small town with a history of crime, conspiracies and mob wars, and the pair have some crimes to cover up, some crimes to try and solve, and they have to decide whether to trust each other with their secrets or not. At least until Mary’s time is up and she’s swept back into the mirror.
v; haunted sorority house (college)
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Also a sub-verse that is part of her main verse, meaning everything is the same up until she is summoned by some college boys playing the Bloody Mary game. They die, the energy lets her loose on campus, where curiosity and a desire to live a normal life make her decide to stay and blend in, pretending to be a student with an undeclared major. She even manages to rush a sorority, all while keeping her ghostly identity a secret from most.
v; vengeful vigilante (Heroes/DC/Marvel)
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Also a sub-verse that is part of her main verse, meaning everything is the same up until the rise of superheroes and supervillains. The wave of vigilante crime fighting resonates with Mary, who decides to put her supernatural skills to good use whenever she’s out of the mirror and learns how to physically fight too. She finds those guilty of murder and gets them arrested or, sometimes, killed. Whenever she’s out crime fighting she wears black, ties her hair up and often times she’s crying blood; Mary doesn’t bother with a mask because she can’t be caught or found anyway--- she lives in mirrors and is a spirit that died centuries ago. She goes by Blood Tears, but many people refer to her as Bloody Mary because she ‘reminds them of the urban legend’, not realizing she is, in fact, the urban legend. They usually assume she’s some kind of metahuman/evo/mutant that can travel through mirrors and/or control blood. She’s not a hero, she’s an antihero who is not above murder and petty crimes if they help her stop other killers.
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andaneum · 7 years
No Longer Alone: A Reylo Fanfic Chapter 4
Present Day
           The ship’s communicator slowly came to life, and the unmistakable voice of Bazine Netal began to bleed through the static. It was overlaid with the ships onboard translation device; a tinny, robotic sound almost drowning her out when she began to speak,
           ‘What is it you want? Do you have something for me?’
‘Not for you, for the First Order. I have information. I know the location of Kylo Ren.’
          Rey tracked Leia’s ship as it disappeared behind the thick clouds, before making her way inside. Their home was small, barely large enough for the three of them, with only a main living area, bedroom and refresher. Every day it seemed to become more and more cramped, especially now that Anakin was able to crawl around it without having constant supervision.
          Ben paced the main room furiously, his eyes half crazed and a sneer spread across his face as he occasionally grabbed a random item and threw it into a nearby bag. His fists were clenched, ready to strike out.
           ‘I know what you want from me, I don’t even need to hear your thoughts to know exactly what it is you want. Your pity for those weaker than you was always one of your biggest flaws.’ He was like a wounded animal, lashing out at anything that came close. Any conversation or thought he had that touched on his early years caused this reaction and Rey had learned long ago not to take offense when he became like this.
           ‘I would hardy call it a flaw Ben.’ She placed Anakin on the rug at the edge of the room, enjoying the small, toothy grin he gave her as he realised she’d sat him amongst his toys. Then, one by one, she began removing the items from the bag her partner had begun to pack, ‘And clearly you don’t know me so well if you think I want us to just leave here and fly straight to the Resistance. We need a plan.’
           ‘The plan is that we leave tonight. Pack your things, get them on the ship.’
           She stared at him incredulously. He was tempestuous and impulsive in his decisions, but to leave their home for no reason other than the fact that Leia knew where they were? It was rash even for him. ‘And go where? This is our home.’
           ‘No, this is where we’ve lived for the past year. It’s nothing more. Our home is the three of us. If we stay here, then we might as well invite the whole Resistance here to join us.’
           ‘Wait, what? Ben, just stop for a minute.’ She grabbed his arms, stopping his relentless movement. ‘She said that the war was coming for us, that the Resistance needs us. You don’t think we should at least hear her out?’
           His face spoke as if the answer was obvious, ‘No. Why should we? She’s a Resistance General and she wants soldiers for her war. Gaining two powerful force users would be nothing more than a prize for her. Of course, she’s going to say anything she can to get us on her side.’
           ‘She’s also your mother.’
           Rey regretted her words immediately. His anger flashed through her, red hot. He hated being reminded of his family and seeing his mother had shifted his emotions far closer to the dark than she liked.
          Her eyes flickered quickly over to Anakin, he was so sensitive to both of them and she didn’t like it when he was affected by his father’s temper. Luckily, the boy seemed to be entirely distracted by the toys in front of him, with several now floating gracefully in the air.
          Ben raised one of his arms to hers, gripping it tightly, ‘No, she isn’t.’ His voice was low and menacing, one that she hadn’t heard directed towards her in a very long time. ‘She’s many things but that isn’t one of them.’
          He looked deeply into her eyes, and she could feel his mind reaching out and trying to breech her own. It was his automatic response when he felt threatened, almost as natural to him as breathing, and she wasn’t sure if he even realised he was doing it anymore. But like he’d already said, he didn’t need his powers to know what she was thinking. He knew her far too well by now. 
          ‘This isn’t just about listening to what she has to say, is it? You agree with her, you want us to go back to the fighting.’
           She shook him off, ‘Whether I agree or not is irrelevant. I think that something’s happening out there. I told you what the traders have been saying, the First Order are growing every day. We’d be fools to think they’d just leave us alone now, especially if they hear we’ve been contacted by the Resistance.’
           ‘And whose fault is that if they do?’ His voice was rising louder with every word, his emotions and feelings of exasperation hitting her with increasing force. ‘By finding out where we are and coming here she’s put us all in danger.’
           ‘I’m sure she took precautions to make sure she wouldn’t be tracked.’ She said with a sigh, ‘She wouldn’t have lasted this long if she made rookie mistakes like that. Besides, she’s a General and the Resistance fighters love her, they wouldn’t dare betray her by tracking her ship. They aren’t like the First Order’
           ‘After everything’s that happened, you don’t think there might be one or two people there who would be willing to go through her to get to me?’ He scoffed, ‘Not one person who would be willing to martyr themselves if they thought it would make them a hero? They’ve been trying to kill me since the day I first left Luke, why the hell would they stop now?’
           His tone was patronising, only serving to make her anger flare to match his, ‘Because they might be dedicated to the cause, but they’re not stupid. They know that coming against us would be suicidal.’
          They glared at each other, both far too stubborn to admit the other may have a point in this argument. Their unwillingness to bend had been the cause of many stalemates in their relationship and it seemed this would just be another to add to the list.
           He threw up his arms in frustration, before brushing past her. ‘We’re not discussing this right now. I want us gone by nightfall, before she has the chance to bring any of her Resistance fighters here.’
           ‘She wouldn’t do that, Ben.’
           He spun to face her again, his eyes blown wide in disbelief. She’d spent five minutes with the woman and her Resistance three years ago, and yet she was acting like one of her soldiers, sworn to defend her. How could she be so naïve? ‘You have no idea what that woman’s capable of. You think she became the leader of those thieves and murderers because what… because she’s a princess? Because she’s a peaceful diplomat? She doesn’t care about us, either of us, we’re expendable to her. She’ll do whatever it takes to get the results she wants.’
           ‘Not to us, she wouldn’t.’ And as Ben stormed away from her, Rey could feel a small part of herself that resented Leia’s fresh involvement in their life. The same part of her that thought that maybe, she’d only been defending the General because once they began fighting, it was her default setting to just argue with whatever Ben had to say.  It had been a long time since they’d fought like this, and they’d been happy on Nocoma, just the three of them. And now here she was, fighting to get them back into the war they’d left behind just because Leia had asked her to.
           Their ship, an old First Order cargo ship, stood stark and silhouetted against the night sky. Since ‘inheriting’ it almost a year before, Ben had spent a lot of his time working on it, both because he enjoyed it and because it helped to calm his stormy nature. The onboard trackers had been the first thing to go, as well as anything else that could link it back to the First Order. By nightfall, the few possessions they’d chosen to take with them were safely stowed onboard, and the ship lifted away from the planet’s surface.
           Rey was silent in the co-pilot’s seat, trying to keep her emotions at bay. She could barely believe that only that morning she’d woken as though it were any other day, peace being a luxury they’d fought so long to obtain. And now here she was. Yet another home she had created for herself that she was being forced to leave.
           Ben reached for her hand over the console, squeezing it tightly, ‘Maybe one day we’ll come back here.’
           They both knew his words were just a lie meant to comfort. ‘No.’ She said resolutely, ‘We won’t.’ Deep down, she knew that leaving was the logical choice, and they had benched their argument for the time being, but it didn’t make it any easier to let go of her anger towards him.
          It wasn’t long before the planet disappeared from view.
           They sat in silence, each preferring their own company to each other’s for a while, before Anakin began to fuss in his seat in the main part of the ship, his whimpers soon becoming full on wails. Ben made to move from his seat, and she put her hand out to him.
           ‘Stop, I’ll get it.’ She needed some time away from the ship controls. At least then it wouldn’t feel so much like she’d had a hand in their leaving her beloved planet.
          She walked over to him, and he began waving his fists at her, desperate for attention. She released him from his seat, holding him to her closely. His mind was open, and it only took a second to realise that something was wrong. She dug a little deeper, trying to find whatever it was that was distressing him so greatly. She found it quickly enough.
          ‘No.’ She suddenly gasped.
           The distinctive whine of tie fighter engines rang through the ship, and she saw two of them shoot past the front view screen.
           Ben’s hands grip on the controls tightened. She felt his fear, knowing that it mirrored her own entirely.
           ‘They won’t just attack us for no reason.’ Rey said, though at this point she wasn’t sure if she was talking to Ben or herself, ‘They don’t even know who we are. For all they know we’re just traders or something.’
          The fighters banked round, heading straight for the back of the ship where there was less likely to be a strong defence. They were so far out of First Order territory that it would have been nearly impossible for them to get here without a star destroyer nearby to help. And the First Order wouldn’t have sent a destroyer out into the middle of nowhere unless they had a good reason. There were no coincidences here.  
          ‘They know exactly who we are. Strap him in then get up here.’ He shouted.
           Their own small vessel was equipped with weaponry, but only the basics given to all First Order cargo ships, plus what little Ben had been able to trade for from their remote planet. The shields were slightly better, but if the star destroyers managed to reach them before they had the chance to jump to lightspeed, then they’d have no chance.
           As the first shot hit the hull, Rey fell to her knees, Anakin pressed tightly to her chest. Everything began shaking violently, as the fighters began to press their advantage, chasing and firing continuously on their small ship. Ben’s force and piloting skills would give them a small advantage, but without a strong arsenal what could they do?
          Anakin’s small hands clung desperately to her shirt, as he pressed his face tightly into the crook of her neck. The ship began dodging and weaving as Ben tried to avoid the approaching tie fighters’ shots, throwing Rey across the room. He would apologise for that later.
           ‘Get him strapped down, now!’ Ben roared from the front of the ship, fighting his own battle with the controls. She staggered to her feet and grabbed onto the nearest seat to steady herself. Anakin’s hands still had a tight grip on her, but she forced herself to ignore his cries as she removed him and forced him down into the seat. After strapping him in securely, she made her way on shaky legs to the cockpit.
           ‘Now take over.’ He said to her unexpectedly.
           ‘What?’ What the hell was he planning?
           ‘Just listen to me for once and do it!’ Rey replaced him in the pilot’s seat, as he jumped on as co-pilot. She’d never flown the ship before, and it took her a moment to acquaint herself with the layout of the controls. A moment too long though, as another shot hit them from behind.
           ‘Can you actually fly the damn thing!’ He shouted, and she automatically turned to respond, stopping herself before she could.
          He’d gone silent, his face scrunched up in concentration and sweat beading on his forehead. It was only then that Rey realised she could feel his powers flowing through her. He was using them to start pushing back at the fighters. It wasn’t enough to stop their engines, but it was certainly enough to throw off their aim as their speed and trajectory became erratic. His fingers were dancing across the control panel in front of him and a mechanical whirring began under their feet.
           ‘What’s going on?’ She asked. Even with his help, it was taking all of her skills to avoid the constant shots of the fighters.
           ‘Not now.’ He ground out, ‘When I tell you, reverse the thrusters and keep the ship steady.’
           He wanted her to just fly in a straight line? They’d be dead in seconds with the number of shots the fighters were still firing at them, hoping that with quantity they would hit something. She was putting all her faith in him, hoping that whatever crazy plan he had would actually work. ‘Okay.’ She said determinedly.
           The whirring finally came to a halt with another juddering thud. Another shot hit the ship, sending them both forward in their seats and destroying the last of his concentration.
           ‘Fuck!’ He shouted, ‘Now!’
           She slammed the thrusters into reverse, the whole ship seeming to come to a stop. The fighters carried on, flying straight past them. Their courses were straightening out now that Ben had lost his control over them, their pilots regaining their bearings. But it was too late. Lasers began rapid firing from their ship, directly into the tie fighters. Within seconds, both had exploded in a shower of sparks and metal.
           Rey slumped back into her seat, grabbing a short moment to relax. They were safe for now, but it wouldn’t be long before more arrived to check on their missing comrades. Ben jumped up from his seat, swaying slightly from the exhaustion that always came with overextending his powers.
           ‘Get us out of here.’ His voice was disturbingly absent, as were his emotions from Rey’s mind. He turned from her and stormed away to the back of the ship.
           She set them to full power, but with no course heading entered. They still hadn’t discussed where it was they were going to go now that they had abandoned their home, but she knew that that conversation would have to wait until later.
           With the chaos finally over, Rey noticed that Anakin’s cries continued to echo, and she ran to him. She brushed his hair off his face, there were a few small bruises but nothing serious. It could have been so much worse, and she let out the breath she didn’t know she’d been holding. She began murmuring to him, trying to calm him down. Ben was suddenly behind her, watching his son closely as she stroked soothingly over his injuries.
           Rey sensed Ben’s lightsaber even before she heard the distinctive crackle of its shattered kyber crystal, as it roared to life behind her. The red light cast an eerie glow in the tight space of the ship. His hand was gripping the handle tightly, desperate to strike out and destroy something, anything within reach. His knowledge that doing so could damage their ship irreparably and hurt both her and Anakin was barely holding him back.
           ‘Rey.’ He called out quietly to her for help. He needed her.
           She ran to him, ignoring the heat of the lightsaber now held close to her thigh, and pressed her hands to his face. She pulled him down to her, forcing their foreheads together and opening her mind to him.
           Through the bond she sent waves of her own energy, hoping in some way to calm him down. She knew that he wouldn’t hurt them, not intentionally anyway. But he had lost control before, and in these moments, she understood that it was taking everything he had to restrain his emotions.
          Rey had only heard the voices once before, at the beginning of their relationship. They wormed their way into his head and screamed at him in his darkest moments; a remnant of his time with Snoke that they both knew he’d be fighting for the rest of his life.
          ‘Kill her. She will only slow you down. With her by your side, they will find you. You are weaker now, and they will kill you in her place.’
          ‘You had everything with the dark side. The power you held, it was magnificent! You should be ruling the galaxy! You are the Skywalker heir; it is your birth right. And if she will not willingly rule with you, then take her! Force her hand, you have the power.’
          But Ben had told her, not long after Anakin had been born, that over the time they’d been together, the voices had slowly changed. They didn’t want him to hurt her anymore, or their son. Instead their anger had been turned against the rest of the galaxy, ordering him to kill anyone who would try to touch his family. It was almost a noble sentiment, but she knew that following it would undoubtedly lead him on the path to the dark side once again.
           ‘I’m here. We’re here. We’re all safe.’ She murmured quietly to him, stroking his hair with one hand.
           ‘They’ll never stop coming for us, will they? And I can’t… I can’t protect you both like this.’
           ‘Ben, you can. You do.’ He breathed deeply for a moment, taking in the sight of her before him. Even with bruises forming, her hair dishevelled and bathed in the red glow of his lightsaber, she was so beautiful. She was his light, leading him through the darkness of the galaxy and he would do anything to keep her safe.
           He suddenly pulled away from her, powering down his lightsaber and heading towards the cockpit of the ship. Despite clearly wanting to be left alone now, she followed right on his heels. He was frustratingly mercurial. There was silence for a while, Ben was deep in his own thoughts, but eventually Rey felt she had to disturb him to ask the question that had bothering her most.
           ‘They wouldn’t have shot at us if they weren’t certain that it was us on this ship. Hell, they wouldn’t even have been in the area, we’re hours away from the nearest First Order base. How did they know?’
           ‘I don’t know for sure.’ He replied pensively, ‘but I have an idea. Contact the General, we’re going to speak with her. Somewhere remote.’ He paused for a second, looking at the galaxy map that had appeared in front of them, ‘tell her we’ll meet her on Endor. If she wants our help, then she’ll get it, but I don’t want the Resistance involved, only her.’
          Ben looked down at his family, cuddled together on the single bunk. Rey was curled up tight, her back pressed against the wall. It was a habit, she’d told him, that she’d developed to deal with the cold nights on Jakku and had just never grown out of. In between them lay their son, sprawled out on his back. His tiny breaths were muffled by the fist pressed into his mouth, and Ben gently pulled the hand away. It took him a moment longer than necessary to let go. Anakin’s forehead scrunched up a little at the disturbance, but within a matter of seconds Ben could feel that he’d fallen back into a deep sleep.
          He threw off the blankets and stood up, rolling his stiff shoulders that had been cramped for too long in the small bed. He was only wearing his black sleep pants and the ship felt much colder away from the warmth of his family. He wandered over to the front view screen, looking out into the darkness of space.
          Somewhere out there, there was a war raging. Both sides wanted him dead, and neither could be trusted to take care of Anakin if the unthinkable were to happen to both himself and Rey. Their son was powerful, too powerful. The little boy had been manipulating the force since before he’d been born.
          Ben could still remember the first time he’d felt the tiny fledgling mind brush up against his own, as if the child had suddenly become aware of the outside world and was desperate to explore it further. It was the same sort of power that had drawn Snoke to himself all those years before.
           He had been a fool to think that they could just run away and leave the galaxy. Life was rarely that fair, even to those like Rey who had unquestionably earned their peace and happiness.
           Ben had already made his decision. He was going to protect them, even if he had to destroy the galaxy to do so. His soul was already stained black by his past deeds, but her and Anakin were innocents. No one would take them from him, and he would give them the lives that they deserved.
          And the first step to that was contacting the Resistance…
Chapter 5
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The Fob-Watched Detective (Ten x Rose)
Rating: Teen
Chapter 14/?
The Doctor, having rewritten his biology to get away from the Family of Blood, tells the TARDIS to take himself and Donna to a safe place, and the TARDIS drops his new human persona, Alec Hardy, and Donna Noble, in the one place she knows they’ll be safe: Rose Tyler’s backyard
(This is still a TenxRose story, but Ten is fobwatched as Alec)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13
Rose continued to hold his hand, mostly because he seemed to be in pain. She chewed the inside of her lip nervously as gold flowed from the watch and made its way into Alec’s chest.  She saw the shift, saw that he sat up just a little bit taller, some of the worry lines around his face evened out.  His hand gripped hers, still, and she wondered if that was a good sign or if she was getting excited over nothing, that this didn’t mean anything yet.  
Finally, the gold stopped flowing around him and he gasped, opening his eyes and looking directly into hers. His brain was still processing the whole thing, she could tell by the look in his eyes.  She could also tell that all his memories hadn’t returned yet, his memories of being Alec, because all of a sudden, he looked at her like she was the sun.
“Rose?” he choked out, his brow furrowing.  The smooth English accent sounded odd coming from that scruffy face, and Rose wanted to say something, anything at all, but instead she just choked on a sob.
He stood up and looked down at her hand in his, his energy so much more excitable than when he had been Alec.  He hauled her to her feet and wrapped his arms around her waist, trembling underneath her.
“Rose,” he whispered, his voice full of awe.  He just held her for several moments, nose pressed to her shoulder. She closed her eyes and held him tight, waiting for him to decide what would happen next.  And then he stiffened and pulled back, searching her eyes.  “We’ll.. We’ll talk later.”
“Yeah,” she agreed, letting her hands fall away from his shoulders. “Later.”
“I mean it.”
“So do I.”
“I missed you,” he said softly, and she looked from his chest up into his eyes.
“I missed you too,” she replied.  He gave her a beaming grin that made her melt on her best days, and darted out the door, throwing “I expect you rang Torchwood?” over his shoulder.  She had to laugh and followed him out, knowing her mother would have had the foresight to do what the Doctor thought she had already done.  So far, he probably didn’t know that she had been comforting him the whole time.  She swallowed hard and trailed along behind him, expecting him to be silent.
“We’re not in the original universe,’ he said carefully.  “I- this isn’t our chippy, where we’re going?”
Rose fought the urge to hang her head in shame. He already remembered.  “Right,” she said, “You crash landed in my backyard.”
He glanced at her sideways. “Really?  Well, I do hope I didn’t land in your mother’s daisies.”
She laughed and shook her head, “You didn’t.”
He slowed a bit. “Rose, I know we haven’t sorted things out, but for now-” he stuck his hand out to her, a careful expression on his face, like she was going to reject him.  She almost scoffed.  If anything, she should be the one afraid of him rejecting her.  She slid her hand into his, nearly sighing with relief as their fingers entwined, just as they were supposed to, and he beamed at her.
They ran all the way back to the chippy, now that they could, since both of his hearts were in working order.  She kept pace with him in a way she hadn’t been able to before they’d been separated, and she could tell that he was surprised by it.  He didn’t say anything at all, just kept them running until they came to a stop in front of the chippy.  A Torchwood van was already pulled up in front, and the Doctor let out a breath.
“Never thought I’d count on Torchwood for something like this,” he said softly.  
As though the world was trying to shock the Doctor into a coma, Mickey hopped out of the van with a huge gun, Jake behind him.  
“What!” The Doctor blinked. “Who gave Mickey the Idiot a gun?  No, we’re not having that, it won’t even kill them.  We need to bind the Family to the bodies they’ve chosen.”
Mickey, having heard all of this, rolled his eyes and approached them. “Suppose the Doctor’s back?”
Rose fiddled with one of her earrings and nodded. “Yeah.”
“Good to have you back, boss,” Mickey stuck out his hand, and the Doctor shook it.  He opened his mouth to say something, but it appeared that the Family had already caught the scent of him, as the chippy door burst open, the three of them coming straight for him and Donna right behind.
“Stop right there,” The Doctor released Rose’s hand and stepped forward.  “You lot have caused quite enough trouble, taking a murdered girl’s body, and that of two living people?”  He shook his head. “What in blazing hell is wrong with the lot of you?”
“We only seek to survive, Doctor,” the little boy said., “Your companion hindered us in our search, but at last, we have found you.”
“Well, yes,” the Doctor stuck his hands in his pockets, an odd motion with it being Alec’s suit and not his.  “You’ve found me, technically, but see, the funny thing is, I’m not going to let that stop me from being the victor here.” He squinted. “You thought I would just let you take over?”
“I don’t have time for this!” the little boy stomped his foot.  “Let us kill him now.”
“No!” Rose shouted.  “You’ve only got what? A month and a half to live anyway?”
“If we take the Doctor’s essence, it will be more!”
“Alright, that’s enough,” the Doctor said, and his voice was so dark and dangerous that Rose felt a chill run through her.  She hadn’t heard him talk this way in a very long time, and she had forgotten how frightening he could be.  He lifted the sonic and pointed it at the Family.  “Don’t move.” He looked to Mickey and Jake.  “Detain them. But don’t shoot.”
The Family started to protest, despite the Doctor pointing his sonic at them, and before the Doctor could stop her, Rose was in the thick of the action with Mickey and Jake, grabbing the dead girl’s hands and wrenching them behind her back.  She winced at the feeling of the decomposing skin under her fingers, and breathed out a tiny sigh of relief when Mickey offered her a set of cuffs. She latched them on and held the metal chain between the cuffs, keeping the girl from going anywhere.
They fought back, of course, but they were new to human bodies and their clumsy movements were easily matched by Mickey, Rose, and Jake, and the Doctor nodded, his respect evident.
“I am going to take you back to my ship,” he said, popping the ‘p’, “And I’m going to show all three of you a fate worse than death.”
“But Doctor, you didn’t even take the victory,” The man of the Family snarled, “You didn’t even win!”
“Yes I did,” The Doctor said, “The human race won, these beautiful people that are holding you back.  They’ve won.”  He looked at Donna. “The people who protected me while I was hidden. They won.”  He looked back to the Family, his eyes snapping, the fire lit behind them speaking to the Oncoming Storm.  
“The most important part is that you lose.” Civilians were cleared from the area and the Family was loaded in the back of the van with Rose, Jake, and Mickey.  The Doctor felt his hearts twist when she didn’t look back at him, even for a moment.
“She’s moved on,” he said, as Donna came to stand next to him.
“No, she bloody well hasn’t.”  Donna frowned at him. “You should know that better than anyone.”
“She- she loved Alec,” he said softly, “Not me.”
‘You were Alec, you stupid lump,” Donna snapped. “Do you know how much that woman cried, worrying about you?”  She shook her head. “Come on, we get to ride in the front of the van.”
Of course, it was easy to direct the van to the Tyler Mansion, as everyone knew where it was.  Rose had a death grip on the cuffs of the girl, who was still fighting to escape, but had her mother on the other end on her mobile.
“No, mum, when we pull up, don’t get out of the house. No, Mickey said.  No.  NO.  We haven’t.  I’ll talk later.  Do not leave the house, mum.  Promise.”
The Doctor had never heard her sound more severe, and he wondered if this was the woman she had become while he was away. Had he done that to her, made her tight and angry?  Was she a stern businesswoman now, used to being an heiress?  She certainly wasn’t spoiled, he knew that, knew that she was never that way.  He wanted to look over his shoulder at her but refrained, trying to focus on the Family and getting rid of them.
Thinking about them bade rage start to boil beneath his skin. They had threatened Rose, and the people… They’d taken bodies.  The Doctor ran his hand through his hair, wincing when it fell right back over his eyes.
“Are you alright?” Donna asked.
“Did they try to hurt you?” he asked instead, countering the question that he didn’t want to answer.  
She furrowed her brow at him but sighed and let it go. “Alright,” she said.  “Are you sure you want to know?”
“Yes,” he said.
“I…  They tried to get me to tell them where you went, they’d already figured out who you were,” Donna said, “They said they’d blow up the chippy and kill everyone in it, but I kept them talking until you got back.”
The Doctor let out a sigh. “I’m sorry,” he said, “I’m sorry we weren’t faster. I let us stay in the TARDIS too long, took too long getting back.”
“No,” Donna said firmly, “Don’t make this be something you blame yourself for.  That’s not fair.”
The Doctor wanted to agree, but unfortunately, the Doctor was very good at blaming himself.
When they arrived at the mansion, the Doctor grabbed two Family members, despite Rose’s protests.
“I can handle this,” Rose said as he took her prisoner from her, who was still snarling and fighting.
“I know you can,” he said, looking over at her. “I don’t want you too.”
She was still talking at him when he and Mickey took the Family to the TARDIS.  
“Thank you, Mickey,” The Doctor said gravely, “You can leave it to me from here.”
“Yes,” The Doctor nodded curtly.  “Yes, It’s fine, I’ll take care of it.  Keep Rose out of the TARDIS.  They can’t escape now that they’re inside.  She won’t let them.”
“Yes sir,” Mickey said, watching him carefully.
Rose was still protesting, now to Donna, when Mickey exited the TARIDS, and he reached out to touch her shoulder. “Rose. Don’t.”
“But… He can’t, not by himself, he’s already-” she started to tear up, “He already blames himself for so much, he can’t have this too.”
“He needs it,” Mickey said, “He doesn’t want you involved.  Alright?”
Rose clenched her jaw and looked at Mickey.  “I think he’s going to leave me here, Micks.  He’s not gonna let me come with him.”
Mickey shook his head. “Yes he is, Rose, there’s no way he’s going to leave here without you.”
“Course not,” Donna said from next to Rose.  “It’s going to be alright, Rose, promise.”
The Torchwood agents stood with Donna and everyone else, quietly waiting for the Doctor to reemerge.  It was about an hour later when he came out, looking exhausted and way more like Alec than the Doctor, especially with his unshaven face.  
“Doctor, you’ll need to come with us to report-”
The Doctor held up a hand. “I will<” he said, “Just… Let me have a couple hours.” “Yes, sir,” The Agent nodded, and that seemed to be the cue for everyone to leave. Rose and Donna stood firm, and Donna realized exactly who the Doctor needed.
“I’m gonna tell your mum and dad what happened,” Donna said, settling her hand on Rose’s shoulder.
Rose turned to Donna and forced a smile. “Okay,” She said.  “Thanks.”
Donna disappeared inside and the Doctor took a couple steps forward. “Come with me?” He asked.  “I find… I find I don’t want to be alone right now.  And you… Technically, I’ve just found you.  And… We need to talk.” Rose nodded and approached the TARDIS.  The Doctor turned and went back into the ship, and Rose followed, uneasiness crawling through her body. Was he going to try and get rid of her now?  Maybe let her down easy?
Instead of thinking about that any further, she just followed him through the halls to wherever he happened to be headed.  It almost hurt her, how much she realized that she would follow him anywhere.
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Eric Lasiter → Tom Hardy → Warlock
→ Basic Information
Age: 952
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Powers: Transmutation (Fire Elemental Transmutation)
Birthday: August 11th
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Religion: Pantheism
Mark: Lasiter
Generation: 1st
→ His Personality
Eric is known for being uncompromisingly honest. He is the ultimate devil’s advocate. He enjoys the mental sparring and the fun of bringing worlds down around him. Eric is quick witted, knowledgeable and keeps his fellow warlocks and witches on their toes. Eric has never been a particularly functional or benevolent man, though he has frequently made efforts to better himself. He is obsessed, nearly desperate, for success. He’s willing to steal and lie in order to get the knowledge he desperately craves and to get further in the supernatural world. Despite excelling in transmutation and becoming a successful mentor, Eric finds himself feeling stagnant.
Eric is insightful, strong-willed, tough and if he sets his mind to it, erudite. Unfortunately he is also a tad psychotic. Giving his outward personality, it’s unknown to many people that Eric possesses a great deal of intense rage because of the various traumatic and humiliating experiences he has endured over the course of his life. Although, that rage and anger is rarely directed towards those in his inner circle. He is also possessive of those in his inner circle, willing to violently lash out and sometimes going as far as killing those he perceived as threatening to his friends and family.
→ His Personal Facts
Occupation: Package Handler at Shutter Magic International Imports & Export
Scars: Multiple
Tattoos: Multiple
Two Likes: Meat Lovers Pizza and The Irish Culture
Two Dislikes: Unnatural Hair Colors and Valentine’s Day
Two Fears: Being Lost At Sea and Unknowns Of The Afterlife
Two Hobbies: Transmuting and Sean-nós Dance
Three Positive Traits: Cultured, Observant and Creative
Three Negative Traits: Kleptomaniac, Haughty and Self-Destructive
→ His Connections
Parent Names:
Lauren (Mother): Eric only remembers her first name and that she was Irish. When she learned he wasn’t a normal human, she faked his death and gave him away at the age of 6, for his own protection.
Sam (Step-Father): Sam was a graying old man when Eric’s mother was given to him by their village for having a child out of wedlock. He doesn’t remember anything about Sam besides his name.
Sibling Names:
Unknown Amount of Step-Siblings (Sam’s Daughters and Sons): His step siblings varied from infants to adults by time Eric was given away. He doesn’t remember any of their names or faces.
Children Names:
Unnamed (Daughter): Stillborn. Eric was 16 years old when he lost his first daughter.
Shella Lurena Lasiter (Daughter): Shella was born prematurely and died 8 days later. Eric did not have full control of his powers then at the age of 17 and did not yet know of the Supernatural community to save her life.
Romantic Connections:
Eve Lasiter (Dead Wife): He doesn’t have many clear memories of his wife, outside of her death, though he believes he loved her.
Kaylor Cleirigh (Interest): Kaylor is one of the few female warlocks that is around his age. Eric thinks that she’s beautiful, smart, funny, powerful and way above his league. Sadly, she is married and Eric would never stand between her relationship.
Platonic Connections:
Ronan Cleirigh (Former Mentor): Ronan was Eric’s mentor for nearly six hundred years. Ronan brought him six mentees and asked him to choose one; officially signalling the end of his training nearly three hundred years ago. Eric has stuck close to his mentor and regards him as a good friend.
Ashley Malone (Mentee): Ashley is his newest and youngest mentee. He fought to have her, in order to test the abilities of a creator and animator together. Ashley loves to tutor him in his studies as the person most recently in school.
Belle Cunningham (Mentee): Eric has been watching over and mentoring Belle since she was in her early teens. Their powers are similar enough that training Belle is second nature to him. They have a close personal relationship too.
Chai Gates (Mentee): Chai parents sought him out and asked him to train their daughter. He refused at first but changed his mind once he and Chai sat down and talked about what she wanted out of her powers and life.
Audo Wilhelm (Co-Workers): They both work for Ronan Cleirigh at the warehouse. They’re friendly and hold pleasant conversations together. They’ve recently started hanging out outside of the workplace together.
Catherine Barr (Private Employer): Cat has employed Eric to transmute a secret house for her. She teleports him to an anonymous location, he works for an agreed amount of hours and then she brings him back. Eric sympathizes with her over the loss of her daughter and she pays him well, so her secret is safe with him.
Skylar Beckham (Possible Family): Skylar was found by Audo Wilhelm. She had no idea she was a witch. Eric is thrilled at the possibility that someone else out there shares his mark but he is unsure if Skylar is his daughter or niece.  
Minsky Edison (Best Friend): It’s hard for Eric to make and keep friends but Minsky has always been there for him. Minsky is one of the few people he would trust with his life and would have trust with the life of his daughters.
Brighton Genesis (Best Friend): Bee and Eric have been friends for the same amount of time that he has been friends with Ronan since his former mentor made their introductions. Bee knows his attraction to Kaylor, his wife, and is constantly offering to make a polyamorous relationship together.
Hostile Connections:
Garrett Cleirigh (Indifferent/Distant): Eric and Garrett are always bumping heads. They would probably be best friends if they weren’t so much alike.
Imani Anderson (Conflicted): Eric and Imani worked together on many occission until one day all communication stopped. Weeks later an important shipment of Erics’ went missing. He refuses to believe it was a set up but all clues point to the Andersons family.
Sarah Harris (Hostile): Sarah is a thorn in his side. He confessed once that her daughter, Zelda, eyes reminded him of one of his daughters and Sarah lost her cool. She has been purposely making his life hell since. Out of respect to Zack, Zelda, and Ellis, he has yet to retaliate. Key word being yet.
Fern: Fern is Eric’s third fern plant this year. He was tempted to take Flower as a mentee in order to keep Fern alive but was denied the request.
Aloe: Aloe is Eric’s two year old aloe plant. She still is alive and well, thank you.
→ History
Eric’s village and stepfather told him multiple times that he was the product of rape but his mother always ensured him that she loved his real father and that everything between them was consensual. His mother, Shella, was young and unmarried when their village found out she was carrying him. Soiled. That’s what they called her. His mother was sold off during her first trimester to the first person that their village could hand her off to for two pigs and a rooster. Sam was an old geezer that prayed on younger women and took the opportunity to take Eric’s mother in. She was forced to not only care for herself and Eric but also Sam and his kids. When Eric was born, Shella automatically suspected something was wrong with her boy. It wasn’t until Eric was 6 and having a crying fit that she realized her suspicions were correct. Eric transmuted a whole area of wooden toys into red apples; his favorite snack. In fear for his life she faked his death and gave him to a English couple passing through town.
As he grew, Eric forgot about his past life in Ireland, ran away from the old couple watching over him and lived his life on the streets of England and Scotland. That’s where he started to notice he wasn’t like the other boys on the block. He was stronger, faster, and luckier, always finding exactly what he needed right around the corner. Eric found himself taken in by the local butcher as an apprentice at the age of 15 and began his first career there. He met a nice girl and got married. They’d lived happily, and Eric was ecstatic at the news of his wife’s pregnancy, which made it all the more distressing when their baby was a still born. The next year his wife fell pregnant again, and he lost both her and his other daughter in the premature birth. Anger and heartbreak filled Eric and a darkness began bubbling inside of him.
The jadedness grew over the years, and he began to notice small things about himself. He’d barely aged and looked years younger than his childhood friends, being near the local church seemed to take all the energy and power from him, and everyone he loved died. Eric was sure he’d been possessed by evil, and found a Devil’s mark along his back. After months of contemplating what to do next, Eric had decided to go to the Church to have the evil expelled from him. As he explained his symptoms to two Bishops, he began to realize he sounded mad, however the younger Bishop asked him to show the mark. The two men spoke quietly in a language he didn’t understand, before explaining what he was. It was a mark of evil, but it had always been in him, poisoning and darkening his world.
He’d been sent away by the Bishops to another magic user, this time a warlock rather than witches. William Weyden showed him how to access his powers and how to create from the evil within him. He practiced religiously honing his power until he mastered every level from beginning to advanced. Eric blocked out all other things from his life and poured himself into his work, it was this that caught the eye of Ronan Cleirigh. He offered to mentor Eric in his final years of training, to push him to become more than he was before. Eric accepted and was well on his way to excellence. It was with the Cleirigh family that Eric discovered he wasn’t evil, nor were his powers. They all had different sources of magic, and it was no indication of who they were. He and Ronan formed a strong bond, and after his training had ended, the older warlock offered his name to Eric. A symbolic way of cementing him into the family. He declined, desiring instead to make his own mark known. → The Present
Eric is completely satisfied with where he is at in life right now. In his free time he is helping Cat with her secret house, teaching Ashley to use her powers to make charms, assisting Chai and Belle with potions and craftsmanship. Eric usually fills up his days but also finds time for his friends. Finding time is getting hard since Eric has enrolled into the local University. Eric has never attended school in his near one thousand years on Earth. He was self taught until he found his mentor, Ronan, and continued to learn from him. Wanting to challenge himself and genuinely accomplish something people his age usually do not, Eric is in pursuit of his Interdisciplinary Studies with 3 different concentrations and a minor.
Eric is unsure who Skylar is to him. He has pulled all of his resources to find out if she is his own daughter or niece without alerting her that he might be her father and not her uncle. Eric is over the moon with the possibility that there might be another first generation Lasiter out there but is sick that they would give up their own child. He has contacted all of the women he’s been with that are still alive and they’ve all denied giving birth to a baby girl. The possibility that she is indeed his niece are getting higher and higher. He has enrolled the help of a few Mark Finders to help expedite the process. Recently, he has offered Skylar to stay with him and recommended her to Jace Cicero to help her with her developing mental powers.
→ Available Gif Hunts (we do not own these)
Tom Hardy [1][2][3]
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