#but the prince couldnt be a bastard so we had to get married to legitimize his only childs claim
pumpkin-padparadscha · 10 months
had a dream last night about a sexy genderqueer jester in neon drag makeup who was soooo sensually attractive, he had his kind-of-goatee painted neon yellow. i want him so bad... he did acrobatics and his group went to gay rughts marches to perform...
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oysterie · 2 years
the thing is like yes i think it is so interesting to pull an invert to the story of crimea in por in daein in rd with regard to "oh! the last king was just kill and our country has been invaded! but this older teenager claims to be the child of that king and has rosen the ranks behind them to reclaim our kingdom and stop the occupation yay!" with elincia being the legitimate heir to crimea but pelleas obvi being not that is well executed. like thats the point pelleas is elincia micaiah is ike daein in crimea and begnion is daein in radiant dawn yes that much is obvious. and i really respect the handling of that story in a "what if elincia wasnt actually the heir but she still had managed to rouse the people behind her what then" and we see that in pelleas but also like. there was this constantly brought up factor in por w elincia where someone would say "oh what if she isnt actually the heir to the king. she has nothing to prove it" its brought up by many people allies and enemies but both in story and as a player its disproved with "oh then why are daein leaders going after her to kill her and calling her princess crimea" and thats that its not a conflict. but we know that thoughout por ike is shown again and again these ideas of abuse of power by those in power as well as a few different form of government (that ultimately are all still monarchies in some sense) and he does broach this idea about like "hey these rulers in power are usually corrupt and abuse that power to hurt the poor and oppressed" and maurim is sitting next to him saying yes but also those are strange words from the guy escorting the princess of crimea and then ike runs with a "well shes nice and seems genuin abt helping her peopel plus i forget shes actually a princess sometimes" and then we just move on like. no ike go back maurim made some very excellent points there. but beyond that we dont get anything ike kills ashnard daein is left without a king or any heirs and the military leadership of the country is destroyed crimea is restored begnion moves to occupy daein and that leads us to rd. then radiant dawn same scenario except this is a country whos been occupied for the last three years with the mility killing people in the streets and adults being put in labor camps. and now this 19 year old is being called a bastard son of the now dead king and has his mother (who the king never married or acknoledged publicly and is also in no state to rule) to testify it. and then we get similar conflic on the daein side we get to the end they kill god or whatever and now what. pelleas stepped down as prince abdicated the throne but then everything is the same because micaiah is just made queen then its still a monarchy its still the same system of government that ultimately led to the wars that have plagued the continent over recent years nothings going to change lol. and the background built up conflic that felt like it was barreling towards daein being reorganized as some sort of republic just gets tossed aside i guess lmao. why couldnt hatari (which imo has no reason to exist except to make an excuse to throw in the hot exotic ambigously brown characters /s) have been a republic and been like "hey look outside of telliius there are these countries existing with different form of government that allows for the representation of the people and less people are oppressed and poor etc" but no they do nothing. what are the only governmental changes just the bird kingdoms combining again and begnion ending the theocracy and maybe removing the senate as a concept idr but theyre still an empire. this was more organized in my head apoligies for long paragraph i just am always dissapointed w daeins story as a country. but also the fantasy white supremacist nation will be a fantasy white supremacist nation lol
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anaiselysium · 5 years
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right, i was scared to answer this reply because i didn’t wanna get hate for my opinions, but @mintyhootax has assured me they are just curious. my Feelings on Sansa are WAY too long for the Replys so i am making a post. I’m not gonna tag this as anything other than “anti-Sansa Stark” so i dont wanna get shit about my OPINION because i tagged it... i will also block anyone who tries to pick a fight with me on this, my thoughts on this will not change
(also, i on purpose spelled all the names wrong so they dont show up in their tags by accident, im not trying to upset people, i just wanna answer this Reply)
Sansan never did SHIT! she was some prim little girl who wanted to go south and marry a prince and be queen Wooo yay every girls dream! so relatable! except it was all turned on its head when she became a prisoner after Ned died. so, she’s a Prisoner, and sure she’s playing the game, saying everything she needed to say to survive, sure, i’ll give her that.
but! when Jeffrey died, she would have been Executed right away. if it wasn’t for Peter Lil’fingr saving her from the party, she would have died, and her story would have been Over
when Aunt Liza wanted to throw her out the moon door, who saved her again??? Peter did, or else she would have died, and her story would have been Over
when she was sold to the Bolts, she was being raped and tortured by Ramsy and if Reek wouldn’t have saved her when he did, she would have Stayed with Ramsy, gotten pregnant eventually, the MOMENT her baby boy was born, Ramsy would have killed her because he had his legitimate Starc Baby to hold his claim.  she would have died, and her story would have been Over
when she was on the Run with Reek, she would have been found by Bolts men and taken back to have the Aforementioned happen to her. if it wasn’t for Briene saving her, she would have died, and her story would have been Over
the Battle o/t Bastards, she had to get Peter to Save her again, and sure, she had the foresight to do that Eventually, but she was so STUPID in not trusting John, in telling him she had a whole bunch of soldiers for them to use. “We Dont have enough MEn!!” she would cry, and John would be like, “It’s all we have!!” when... No... no it wasn’t all you had... because Sansan could have gotten the Veil over to their side SOONER, they would have not lost all the fighters that they lost, and Sansan would have actually done something competent. but she DIDNT. she let all those north men die, when she had had the power to save them a lot sooner than she did. instead she waited til the last possible minute and the BOASTED about how she helped.
the BEST thing Sansan ever did was kill Lil’fingr, and she didn’t even do that herself, “The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword.” she couldnt even follow the FIRST THING Ned taught us!!!
after that she was stupid af, not trusting Dany, not trusting John. HIDING in the tombs when John had said that all men, women, boys and girls would train to fight, and she DIDNT. she even had a Blade in the tombs and DID NOTHING.
Oh, but YEAAHHHH she TOTALLY Deserves to be Queen in the North. YEP, TOTALLY deserves it... after she would have been DEAD so many times in the series if it wasn’t for other people SAVING her... After she let so many Northern people die in the battle o/t Bastards. 
Sansan didnt deserve to be Queen in the North. and nothing will change my mind about it.
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