#but the see-sill-a pronunciation sounds pretty too!
mikoriin · 2 years
how dyou pronounce csilla?? like see-sill-a?
so Csilla is a hungarian name that means "star" or something of the sort. its pronounced k-silla.
HOWEVER i am an idiot and didnt know that until recently SO ive been pronouncing it like Sheila....
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its a silly little thing that i wanted to get out of the way like i just am WHITE AMERICAN and dont know how to READ and i also was like 17 and didnt bother to look up how to pronounce it LMAO
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utau-bowl · 3 years
Looking at all the Voicebanks on the Arpasing website
This is a project that took a good amount of time to write and publish, so I’m glad I’m finally here! For context, there is an unofficial Arpasing website with reclists, plugins, and USTs to use. There’s also a list of avilable Arpasing voicebanks to try out, and here’s where I had the idea to download and talk about-all of them. These will generally be pretty short, but I hope they’re at least somewhat informative. Many of these voicebanks are in beta/unfinished to a degree, so keep that in mind. Since a lot of these are old beta voices, if you don’t want your VB on here, just send me a message and I’ll delete it.
All of these voices can be downloaded at the Voicebank Directory on the Arpasing site. 
A few of the links on the site didn’t work, so sorry Cherry, Daichi Hayashi, and Armani. I’m also not including the Arpasing prototype VB since it’s just recordings and has no oto. For people who don’t know much about arpasing: 0.1.0 is the original version of Arpasing with 219 samples, and 0.2.0 is an updated later version made by Kanru Hua that has 334 samples. I also bring up the alveolar tap a little bit. The alveolar tap is a consonant common in american English (it’s the “tt” sound in butter, better, and letter). Since Arpasing was optimized for American English, it’s surprising that most of the reclists for it don’t include the alveolar tap! So I might point that out when I see it added into a vb.
Aero-gen Shinsu by Wolfe Nebula
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※Reclist: 0.1.0 ※Number of pitches: 3 ※Has FRQs?: Some Aero is a mild adolescent sounding voice with lots of noise. He generally sounds pretty sweet and light, I love his voice a lot! There is a decent anount of background noise, which some may be picky about. Still, it doesn’t affect the quality much and he works with most resamplers. Putting high BRE on him makes him sound pretty good. I generally had no issues with his oto, but the CC transitions aren’t otoed very well and some are off time.
Aino Erufu by Jasputing
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※Reclist: 0.2.0  ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes, also has full llsm and pmk files Aino has a very unique voice acted timbre, and it’s almost difficult to find a song to match her. But when you do, she’s a sweetie. ^^ She has a sweet, louder voice and sounds best above A3, or even higher in the soprano range.  She is touchy with resamplers but works well with fresamp and world4utau.
Aki Toka/幸兔雪  by Yukito Yuki 
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※Reclist: 0.2.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes Aki is clear and strong and has a good tone. good tone, clear. has full frqs. got one of my favorite accents. Despite being monopitch, he has a very wide range and can go a little below his stated range of F3-C5. The mid/low range sounds best though imo. He comes with a guide for aliasing for those new to Arpasing, and a list of all the sounds which were affected by the VP’s accent. The Finnish accent does come through in the vowels and ending consonants, but the duplicates allow for more varied pronunciation so it’s not a big deal. Akihana ENG [radiance] D3_beta by Lunamageice ※Reclist: 0.1.0, uses phonetic filenames  ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes Akihana has a low, rich, full voice that’s good in bass and baritone range. I’ve used his VCCV before, but the Arpasing actually has more natural pronunciation. It has been in beta all this time, but it’s still worth it to use because of the rarity of this voicetype in UTAU. Angus by ReticentResolve
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※Reclist: 0.2.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes    I was blown away by how good Angus was! He’s a deep, soft masculine voice ranged F2-G4 with a nasal quality. He comes with a tripitch VCV JP bank for those who’d want that too. The mic he was recorded on picked up a lot of background noise and makes him sound muffled, but he’s still a decent vb.
AWG YukiList verKLAD by Adlez27 ※Reclist: YukiList with modifications ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: No This is an example voicebank for the Yukilist arpasing recording style created by YukitoYuki. It has 800+ samples and a lot more coverage than basic Arpasing. It’s a tenor vb with a mild tone. The alveolar tap (dx) samples are in a separate folder for some reason and aren’t fully otoed, but they work fine. Some of the VC transitions aren’t configured correctly, but generally the oto is good.
Canary by SlightlyShredded
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※Reclist: 0.1.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 (D3) ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes + llsm Canary has a really pleasant voice! He’s a sweet, fruity baritone with power in his voice. He’s very suitable for pop/edm. His oto kept spitting out errors while I used him but he sounds mostly fine despite that. 
Eon_Arpasing by fmccaddy12 ※Reclist: Custom (made by fmccaddy12) ※Number of pitches: 2 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes + llsm Eon is a very realistic baritone voice. He sounds a little congested but is overall one of the best voicebanks on this list. He can be pushed a bit out of his range As far as I’m aware, his official site/character revamp is not done yet but his dl is still up on this website. Not even sure if I should share the link but it is still up publicly...
Hailey Denali by CatMoun
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※Reclist: Custom  ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes + llsm  Hailey has one of the cutest tones one of all these voicebanks. She’s very nasal and sounds almost voice acted. Her reclist is 500+ samples long and doesn’t lack anything. However, all the vowels and most of the consonants are 2-3 syllables. Hailey also comes with an automatic updater.
鳳鐘ユウリ(Houshou Yuuri) by さきた (Sakita) 
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※Reclist: 0.2.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Some  Yuuri has a range of about A3-D5. She has a heavy Japanese accent but a decent range. She’s very emotional and pretty sounding, especially in the higher ranges. Though, if you want to use her, know that her oto requires a lot of fixing, as a lot of VC transitions are configured incorrectly.
Johatsun Kikuro Arpasing by Awes0meBr0/Biohazard-P
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※Reclist: 0.2.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes + llsm/bak/pmk   He has very quiet samples which causes lots of distortion in the program. Nevertheless, he still manages to sound realistic somehow-? He reminds me of older vocal synths like Microsoft Sam almost. I did mess around a bit with resamplers/flags for Kikuro and the best combination I’ve found so far was f2resamp and F0g1H20h0C10. Using Kikuro requires some effort but he’s sill pretty good.
Kara Kokone by SunGuardian524
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※Reclist: 0.1.0 ※Number of pitches: 5 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Some  Kara is most impressive for being one of the UTAU with the highest number of pitches on this list- each of them has a different tone, with one being a falsetto and another being a shout pitch. Her range is pretty wide, reaching almost into alto and being able to hit the high soprano notes too. However, this bank really does feel like a beta that hasn’t been touched in a while. It doesn’t have a fully configured prefix.map and the oto is pretty off and requires a lot of adjusting. I also wish she used a more comprehensive form of the reclist, since there is a lot missing. At least there’s a lot of duplicate entries.
Kayaka Konagi Arpasing(English) by こむぎこ (Komugiko)  ※Reclist: 0.2.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes Konagi is very good, her pronunciation is clear and she has a nice tone. She is a bit finicky with resamplers and flags, probably meant to be used with default settings. She does have a Japanese accent but it’s a little less pronounced than Yuuri’s.
Kevin Futarine STUDIO (VP2 Arpasing) by FRAloids
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※Reclist: 0.2.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: No  Kevin is another baritone voice with a youthful flavor. It has a good amount of flexibility, being sort of emotional and soft sounding but also capable of producing a bright, clear sound. He was recorded at E3 but has a flexible range and even sounds good higher. His pronunciation is pretty on point, but the t/d are a little mixed up. His dh sounds are also so short they’re hard to hear at times. The oto is generally good but might need some adjusting out of the box. He has a ton of extra samples of sighs, laughs, whispers, etc. I’ve been a Kevin fan for years and this voicebank definitely keeps the tone his Japanese vbs have.
Kii Nane by kii ※Reclist: 0.1.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Some   Kii Nane is a sugary sweet voice that sounds best at C4 and above. Her samples have a lot of reverb, and there is some background noise which affects the output. Her pronunciation is very good, but a little slurred and off because of the engine noise. Resamplers are hit or miss, she does sound good with world4utau though.
Koyanagi Sayuki DEITY by Mango-tama
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※Reclist: 0.1.0 ※Number of pitches: 4 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: No, but has full llsm  Sayuki is a very realistic voice ranged F#3-G5. Her low range is soft and her mid/high range is loud and clear. Lovely to tune and use in anything, I don’t have much negative to say about her.
Koyanagi Takehiko_TSUNAMI (BETA) by Mango-tama
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※Reclist: 0.1.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 (G3) ※Has fully generated FRQs?: No, but has full llsm Takehiko is very cool sounding and bassy, and the voice acting makes him distinct from his sister. His best range is from D3 to G4 and he has sorta a soft tone that can be boosted via resamplers. He sounds great with f2resamp.
KYE by WinterdrivE
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※Reclist: 0.1.0 + a few Alveolar tap samples ※Number of pitches: 5 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: No, but has full llsm Kye needs no introduction-he’s the guy who got most of us interested in Arpasing in the first place! His abundance of pitches works in his favor. He’s probably the best of these voicebanks to just plug and play to learn how to use Arpasing-if you don’t mind waiting for all those 1000+ frqs to generate. He is by far the best in baritone/bass range. A lot of the D4 pitch actually has pitch/frequency issues that can’t be fixed without workarounds, so using him from B2-C4 is your best bet-or just using a different pitch for the higher ranges. He does have a sort-of lisp but overall, not many oto or pronunciation issues.
Marie Kagekine Arpasing (v1.0) by AdagioFantasque
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※Reclist: 0.1.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes +  some llsm, pmk, and uspec  Marie is an operatic voicebank who tries to recapture the charm of Prima in an UTAU format. She has a wide range of B3-F5 and a mature, yet high and bright, sound. She has some of the best understandability out of any of these voicebanks. I really like her <3
Mikone Samu by codyboyo
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※Reclist: 0.2.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes Samu/Sam is a port of Microsoft Sam done in a similar way to how Defoko was made. He’s a crisp sounding masculine low voice. Due to the samples being short, he can sound very stilted. But for a jinriki (?) like this, he is very high quality.
Resonance Harmony (Arpasing English) by Hazu/パワ 
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※Reclist: 0.1.0 ※Number of pitches: 6 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes I have a lot to say about Harmony, and no good way of wording it. Okay. Resonance is very nasally and high, she has 3 base pitches plus growl, power, and whisper appends, and some vocal fry. Conceptually, she seems like a pretty good bank but I’ve always had trouble using her...it feels like a hit or miss on whether she’ll sound good or not. She sounds decent with f2resamp and w4utau but not many flags make her sound better. If anyone else wants to download her and play around, I’d love to hear it.
Rose Mae Arpasing BETA by Monochrome Rose ※Reclist: 0.1.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes + llsm Rose has a bright, tomboyish, androgynous voice. The readme file notifies us of the non-native accent in the vb. It does have a drawl and some of the consonants aren’t recorded/otoed right, but overall the vb sounds very smooth. Honestly, I care more about recording conditions/oto/general feel than accent most of the time, and Rose does well in those ways.
Ryuunosuke Aoyama by Mattsuran 
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※Reclist: 0.1.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 (B3) ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes + llsm Ryuunosuke is a childish, boyish voice with a strong Chilean accent. I think this vb may have actually been recorded by a kid, so that’s a point for uniqueness at least. He sounds best with fresamp and f2resamp. He has a gentle tone that can work in a lot of different ranges.
Tarek by Tadashi
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※Reclist: 0.1.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 (B2) ※Has fully generated FRQs?: No, has llsm Tarek has a clear, loud tone with a noticeable lisp. UTAU recommends using him as a baritone, but I found putting him into higher ranges generally worked too. His samples sound less like singing and more like talking. He was recorded on a midquality mic which causes some distortion in the output. Still, I think his voice is really cute and I’m a sucker for baritones.
Thoma by Nythoma
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※Reclist: 0.2.0 + vocal fry/alveolar tap ※Number of pitches: 1 (F#3) ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes   Thoma is an androgynous alto/mezo soprano. They have a soft, plasticy sort of feeling to their voice. They sound best from C3-F5. I feel a little..weird linking to/talking about Thoma since they were redesigned and are supposed to be a private voicebank, but the download is still linked on this site. Also please check out Nythoma when you get a chance, they make the best Arpasing USTs which helped me a lot while making this post. I feel like I haven’t checked in on anyone here in a while. How are you doing? I’ve written most of this post within the span of a few days and I think my brain is not capable of producing any thoughts other than “monopitch.”
Tsubasa Arugo Arpasing (BETA) by WinterStar
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※Reclist: 0.2.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes   Tsubasa has a soft, androgynous voice that sounds best from E3-A4. The samples are full of static, which causes some distortion. The ending vowel sounds also cut off too much at the beginning, making them too breathy. Still, it’s always nice to see another soft vb.
Xiao Meihua by 実偽Migi
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※Reclist: 0.2.0 ※Number of pitches: 2 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: No Meihua has a realistic mature voice that’s also sweet and friendly sounding. She has a sort of low voice, and sounds the best from G3-C5. The download comes with a natural vb and a Sweet append, both monopitch. I listed them as being different pitches because they aren’t recorded at the same note. The Sweet voicebank is nasal and stronger too-it sounds more solid than sweet. She’s one of the vbs on this list that sounds the best with little to no edits. Her oto is smooth as butter :0
And that’s all of them done! Thank you SO much for reading if you got this far, seriously. You are what makes writing this blog worth it <3
Also I wanted to list my favorites of the bunch! This isn’t meant to pit any vb against each other or anything, just the ones I’m likely to go back to. -Canary -Eon -Xiao Meihua -Marie Kagekine -Kii Nane -Aki Toka -Thoma -Kevin Futarine Studio
Who are your favorites?
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nbrook29 · 4 years
11 goofy kiss pls<33
4, 7 for Sobbe omg👀💫👀💫 your talent kgnfjfnlfkf ...
Can you do 15 or 20? Or both for sobbe
Sooo this isn't really on the list of prompts but maybe you could write something about Robbe being totally obsessed with Sander's pouty bottom lip - whenever he sees it he has to pounce on it and kisses/bites/touches/pulls on it. Sander is either turned into a wreck or he teasingly indulges Robbe's obsession 
Hi! :)
based on But do you REALLY want the K?
Goofy kiss + Eyelid kiss + Distract kiss + Shut up kiss + Asker’s Choice
In hindsight, Robbe should have seen it coming.
When his school announced that they had received funding to organize free 6-month workshops for their students and local college students after hours, it got his interest right away. Especially when it turned out that the offered courses focused on more niche subjects.
Robbe has always felt some inexplicable fascination with Scandi culture, Norwegian in particular. In fact, ever since he discovered the multiverse theory he’s been half-convinced there must be a Norwegian version of him existing somewhere out there, which would explain this unusual interest of his. 
So when he was scanning the list of available courses and his eyes caught Norwegian 101, his heart beat a little faster and he giddily signed up right away.
And then Sander signed up too, claiming that a) if there’s a Norwegian version of Robbe there must be a Norwegian version of Sander too, thank you very much, so it is his duty to learn a little bit of his alter ego’s language, and b) it’s going to be a perfect opportunity for them to make up for the fact that they didn’t experience being in high school together. He’s always all pouty when he talks about it, mourning all those lost opportunities of them making out against a window sill in biology classroom or having secret meetings in the bathroom during class and demands compensation in the form of extra long makeout sessions in Robbe’s bed. 
Robbe doesn’t exactly mind, neither the joint classes nor kissing the pout away, which always effectively shuts him up. Quite the contrary actually. Ever since Sander texted him a screenshot of the participants list with DRIESEN SANDER under D, he’s been all hyped up at the prospect of the two of them studying together. 
His friends don’t exactly understand why he’s willing to spend his free time in their school building but at least Yasmina shows interest in the workshops as well, signing up for a few, Norwegian included.
He and Sander are the first ones to arrive to the Monday session, and when Sander notices that the classroom is still empty he wiggles his eyebrows grinning at Robbe cheekily, spins him around in a swift move and pins him to the window sill, his hands going around his thighs to make him sit down on it. 
“Is this everything you dreamed about and more?” Robbe chuckles at the delighted look on Sander’s face, legs snaking around his waist to hold him tighter.
“Yes, I got you right where I want you,” he replies smugly and doesn’t wait another second before pressing a tiny kiss to his lips, then another one, and another, until Robbe makes a soft noise of protest making Sander finally give in and kiss him properly, dipping his tongue past his lips in no time. Robbe lets one of his hands slip down, making his path down his back over the black denim jacket, stopping barely above Sander’s belt, and then without second-guessing himself goes down even lower to give his butt a firm squeeze, because it’s just so... deliciously squeezable.
They only break apart when they hear someone clearing their throat and when Robbe catches the sight of Yasmina regarding them with amusement, he quickly disentangles himself from Sander, wiping at his mouth with poorly hidden embarrassment. Sander is unfazed, as always, turning around with a swagger and shooting Yasmina one of his most charming smiles. She’s not a sucker for it though, contrary to Robbe, so she just fondly rolls her eyes shaking her head at their antics.
The classroom starts to fill in quickly after and before they realize the only empty seats left are placed in the back. Only Yasmina manages to snatch herself one closer to the front. Sander graciously allows Robbe to take the only unoccupied spot in the sixth row and he himself marches over to row eight.
The first hour and a half flies by and Robbe is having more fun than he anticipated. The teacher, Vilde, is young, she’s quirky in that positive way and her approach to the subject differs from what Robbe is used to during his regular classes. 
He takes notes diligently and tries to participate as much as possible but he struggles with pronunciation when asked for reading a few words out loud. When Vilde asks Sander to read them, he does it with flying colors, the jerk, and the girl is so impressed that she calls him a natural, praising his perfect pronunciation of “engelsk” and “kjole” while smiling a bit too much and too wide at him. In Robbe’s humble opinion. 
Once she goes back to writing on the board, he turns around to see Sander giving him a shit-eating grin so he does the only right thing in this situation and sticks his tongue out at him.
They are two hours in when Robbe gets hit in the ear with a small paper ball which then lands perfectly in the middle of his notebook. He throws a glance at the obvious suspect but Sander seems to be deep into copying the grammar rules from the board to his MacBook. 
His elegant handwriting gives him away though.
Du er digg 🖤
Vilde mentioned that last word just five minutes ago, more as a fun fact than anything else but of course Sander caught and remembered it.
He’s fighting against the beaming smile that threatens to take over his face because he doesn’t want to look like a lunatic to everybody around. Sander isn’t bothered by things like that though so when Robbe looks at him again he’s resting his chin on his hand, staring at him unabashedly with a grin of his own as he notices the flush on Robbe’s cheeks.  
He tells him as quietly as he can to quit distracting him to which Sander raises his arms in surrender and with a feigned-serious expression busies himself with the given exercise. If Robbe then tucks the note into the back of his notebook no one needs to know.
Not even a full five minutes pass when another paper ball lands on his desk. Robbe heaves a long-suffering sigh and raises his eyes to the heavens because yes, now he has to deal with a rebel of a boyfriend.
When he straightens out the note, he snorts.
Do you like me? 
Circle YES or NO
Seems like Sander is having lots of fun acting out this high school romance fantasy. 
He decides to indulge him and reaches for a red ink pen to circle YES. Then, he adds a bunch of crooked hearts (because he’s not the artist in this relationship) on a whim. Once he makes sure Vilde isn’t looking in their direction, he throws the note back to Sander, but not without catching the disapproving look from Yasmina who rolls her eyes so hard Robbe is surprised they aren’t stuck. He just shrugs at her without remorse. 
Sander opens the paper ball as delighted as a child opening their Christmas gift and when he sees the answer he pretends to swoon in his chair, blowing him a long kiss from above his notes.
“Sander, I think you should be paying attention.” Vilde’s reproach pulls Robbe from gazing at his boyfriend like a love-struck puppy and he immediately shoots him a cheeky grin because it’s just really satisfying to watch him being scolded by a teacher.  
“Yes, yes, you’re right,” Sander clears his throat as he straightens on his chair before he glances at his laptop and adds with a smirk, “Or, rather, Du har rett, Vilde.”
Then he winks at her and his confident demeanor clearly succeeds to appease her because she starts to wax lyrical about his oh so amazing pronunciation again.
Ugh. What a show off.
Though, Robbe has to admit that it sounds kinda hot when he speaks Norwegian but it’s not like he’s going to go and tell him that. Instead, he reaches for his phone to shoot him a quick text.
R: You’re such a teacher’s pet oh my god
R: Also stop flirting with her, she’s seconds away from swooning 
S: Are we jealous?
R: Yes, very, I’m worried you’re gonna run away to norway with her and have viking children together 🤭
S: 😘
There is no bell signaling the end of the class but at 17:15 Vilde thanks them for today’s lesson and everybody starts to pack and gradually leave. Robbe is shoving his stuff into his backpack when he feels fingers in his hair pulling his head back without real force to angle it better. Then, Sander places a big loud smooch on his lips making him giggle and swipe at him lightly.
“You’re such a dork.”
He reaches to put the strands hanging over his forehead back in their place, scratching at his scalp a little and when Sander leans into the touch, closing his eyes with a pleased purr, he stands on his tiptoes and presses a tiny kiss to his left eyelid, which earns him one of Sander’s sweetest smiles. 
Once his bag is packed, they leave the classroom with their index fingers entwined, swaying their hands a little as they walk. “So, did you like that class?” 
Sander nods. “Yeah, it was cool. You?”
“You know, I thought those three hours are gonna be a bitch but it was actually pretty fucking nice.”
Sander pushes his tongue in his cheek, wiggling his eyebrows at him. “And did you like my notes?”
Robbe pretends to scrunch up his face, trying not to laugh at Sander’s offended huff. “Hey! Well, okay then, if you’re like that I’m not gonna send you any next time.”
He juts out his bottom lip and honestly, it’s Robbe’s kryptonite, and he’s long made peace with a fact that he’s weirdly obsessed with it; it’s just so plush and enticing and he has spent hours upon hours kissing and biting it, the fact that it made Sander go weak in the knees for him an additional bonus.
So Robbe uses it against him to distract him from pouting, and this time it’s him who pushes Sander against the wall close to the school exit. He pulls their bodies together, delighted at the surprised hitch in Sander’s breath when he sticks out his tongue to drag it along his bottom lip, pulling it with his teeth to nip it a little, to then soothe the sting with his tongue again. He can feel his ministrations are starting to work and with each second Sander is turning into a pile of goo in his arms. 
A voice in the back of his head tells him the school corridor is probably not the best place for this so he eventually pulls back and drags him away from the wall to the school yard. Sander follows him but not without half-hearted protests that stop only when Robbe kisses him hard to shut him up in the middle of the school yard.
“Come on, there’s a bed in my room with our names on it and my mom works until 20 tonight.”
“Is there a shower with our names on it too?”
“If you’re good,” Robbe pretends to think about it, “then I guess that can be arranged.”
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miraclesnail · 4 years
Stolen Hoodies and Chicken Notes
Summary: Most people wake up to their significant other giving them a sweet, morning kiss. Maybe a cuddle that’ll devolve into a tickling fest. Maybe a healthy breakfast and a cup of coffee. Will wakes up to his hoodie stolen.
Relationship: Travis/Will 
Rating: G
Warnings: Brief mention of trauma/nightmares
Length: 2k
ao3 link *** ffn link
fic under the read more
At the first light, when the dark skies give way to navy blue and one can just barely see the wisp of sunlight, that’s when all Apollo's children wake up. A gift from their father, he guesses considering his role as an Olympian is to pull the sun. 
Start the day early, get the most out of life. 
Some hate it, waking up so early, a full hour before they really need to get ready for the day. Will can hear some of his siblings groan and shift in their bed, most falling back asleep. 
He used to hate it too. Hate waking so early and having to just lay there until it’s really time to get up. 
Now he cherishes this little gift their father blessed them with. 
Most people wake up to their significant other giving them a sweet, morning kiss. Maybe a cuddle that’ll devolve into a tickling fest. Maybe a healthy breakfast and a cup of coffee. 
Will usually wakes up to his hoodie stolen and a chocolate chicken sitting on top of a piece of paper.
Travis is weird that way. 
And today is no different. 
Will wakes up from his internal clock and takes a second to gather himself. Then he rises to his elbows, looks to his night table, and sees the faint outline of the chicken from the nightlight. It’s hard not to smile as he gingerly takes the chicken into his hands and grapples around in the dark for the note that always accompanies it. He finds it and from that cursory touch, it feels like a standard flashcard.
Will flips around and silently wiggles his way to his drawer at the foot of his bunk bed. A quick check inside confirms one out of the two hoodies he owns is missing. 
He never knows when Travis does this. He tried staying up all night to catch him in the act. But a little blink and maybe a five-minute doze, and poof, the items were on the table and his hoodie gone without a trace. Locking the door. Locking the window. Setting a tripwire or a net or flour all proved to be ineffective. 
Will sinks back onto his bed, reaches for the flashlight he hides in the space between the mattress and the frame of the bunk bed. Then he ducks under his blankets. 
He switches the light on, stifling a laugh as he gets a view of the chocolate. The expression on the chicken is definitely getting more detailed. Before it was just a single dot for the eye, no beak, and just the general shape of a baby chick. Now, the chicken is much more complicated. He can see the details of the feather. Can count the number of tails feathers. Can see the claws of the chicken. 
It’s so stupid. Adorably stupid. 
Will shines the light on the notecard. 
There’s three lines of text, the top two in Japanese. He knows for sure the top line says, ‘Good Morning, Beautiful. You know who it is :D’. The middle line he isn’t too sure. And the third line, like always, is the romanization translation, ‘enpitsu’. 
Will reaches under blindly and pulls out all the dictionaries he has under the night table. A little quick check and he has his translation. 
“He’s so extra,” a voice whispers.
Will turns his flashlight off and lifts the blanket. On the bed next to him, Kayla is grinning fondly, laying stomach down and her cheek against her pillow.
“I think it’s cute,” Will whispers back as he stands and looks around for a pencil. He finds it on the window sill his night table is against. With practiced ease, Will opens his drawer, removes his only other hoodie, a blanket, and sneaks out of his cabin. 
Will doesn’t know why it started. He never told Travis about his father’s gift. Or maybe he picked it up during the week or so gap Apollo usually has before claiming his kids. Travis is certainly observant for that despite the general consensus the camp seems to have about Travis and Connor sharing one brain cell. Either way, Travis knows and Travis somehow uses it to make a game. 
The first time it happened, Will didn’t even catch it until Kayla pointed it out for him late in the morning as he searched for his hoodie. 
“Hey, Will, what’s this?”
A blob of chocolate sits at his night table with a flashcard. 
“Guess who! :)” Will translates from the Greek text. On the back, it also says in Greek, “I took your hoodie.”
And from there it evolved. 
The chocolate blob becomes more refined, more chicken-like. 
The notecards change language every day. Greek one day. Latin the next. Spanish. French. Chinese. Korean. Arabic. 
Will acquires his needed dictionaries from Annabeth and a low-power flashlight from Leo. 
It became a fun little game to wake up and translate the text while nibbling on the chicken. 
“Good morning”
“I finally learned how to bake!”
“I named the chicken Pip.”
“I’m also learning how to make coffee latte art.”
“Guess how many languages I know.”
“Do you mind me stealing your hoodies?”
Simple. Harmless. Little things he can do while he waits for the time to really start the day. (Much, much better than just lying in bed and thinking about the war, about Lee and Michael, about the friends he lost, about the friends who left, about the people he couldn’t save, the people he had to kill, the people he—)
It’s nice. 
To focus on something else. 
Then it stops becoming simple and harmless. (“It’s still pretty harmless,” Travis would probably argue.)
“Come to Zeus’s Fist?”
Leave the cabin?  Before curfew is over? That’s breaking the rules. He can't. 
It takes a whole fifteen, agonizing minutes before Will finally stands up and puts on his sneakers. 
He gets to Zeus’s Fist after another 15 minutes. Before he could climb the pile of rocks though two voices, similar in tone and pitch, say, “Oh my god, he actually did it.”
“What? Who? Will?”
Will glances up to find Travis and Connor, hopping down Zeus’s Fist. One smiling. The other frowning. One wearing his hoodie. And the other wearing not his hoodie. 
Will hates to admit it, but he still can’t tell them apart even though he’s dating Travis. 
“You actually did it,” the one wearing his hoodie says with a bright smile. He turns to his brother and holds out a palm. “Where’re my five bucks, Connor?”
Connor grumbles and stuffs a crumpled bill in Travis’s waiting palm. “You couldn’t be a good boy for once in your life like you always are, huh?” Connor says. “Had to sneak out of your cabin like Travis asked.”
“If it makes you feel better, I got caught by a harpy,” Will offers with an apologetic shrug. 
“How did you get her to let you go?” 
“When you have a good reputation, you can get away with anything.”
It takes all about two seconds for Connor to figure it out. “Oh my gods, you lied to her!”
Will flushes as Travis wraps a shoulder over his arm and laughs. “Aww, we’re such bad influences on you. Next thing you know you’re going to be the third person in our pranking schemes. Come on, since you’re here, want to watch the sunrise with us?”
And it evolves more from there. 
More complicated messages. More dictionaries. More detailed chocolate chickens. More sneaking out. More losing his good reputation with the harpies. Then having lessons on sneaking out. Having lots of lessons on sneaking out. Becoming extremely good at sneaking out. 
No more encountering the harpies. No more endangering his good boy status though that may be questionable now with the way he keeps breaking the rules. 
But like Travis always says.
Everything goes as long as one doesn't get caught. 
Translate the note. Get the item. Make it to Zeus’s Fist. 
That’s the game. 
“You know my dad’s animal is the raven? Not the chicken?” Will says as he trudges up to Zeus’s Fist. 
Travis’s head pops over the rocks and even down below, Will can see the smirk and his stolen hoodie on Travis’s lean body. 
“No entry until you brought the secret item,” says Travis in a dramatic, booming voice. 
Will waves the pencil. 
“Alright, you can come up.”
It takes a few minutes for him to climb Zeus’s fist. Travis is standing at the top with a hand to help pull him up. 
Will says it again, “My dad’s animal is the raven, not the chicken.”
“What?!” Travis gawks at him. “They’re not? Really? Really? So all this time, I've been making the wrong animal?”
And it’s so stupidly cute, but Will maintains his composure. “It’s fine though. I mean, it’s cute.” 
Will looks around, noticing the lack of a third person. 
“Where’s Connor?”
“Sleeping peacefully for once. No nightmares tonight I guess.” 
“From the second titan war, you know?”
Will’s throat dries. “Ah. Right.”
He coughs into his fist. “Do you, uh, get them too?”
Travis fidgets with the hoodie, chuckling. Will comes to learn something about Travis. He’s not the open type of a person despite him being such a talker and as good as a liar he is, he has certain tells that give him away. 
“Sometimes,” Travis chuckles, looking down and scraping the heel of his shoes against the rock. Translation: every day. “ But it’s nothing too bad you know.” Grinning after flexing his hand. Translation: it’s pretty bad . “I keep myself busy though. It’s easy to not think about it when you’re busy.”
Hence this. Hence the nightly escapades. Hence the little games. Distractions. They’re all distractions and distractions work great. 
“Well, I brought the blanket.” And Will holds it up. “Wanna watch the sunrise?”
“You know it. Oh! Let’s have a competition. Whoever can name the most constellations.”
Will lays down the blanket and sits, leaning back on his arms. Travis sits down beside him, dropping gracefully and resting his head on Will’s shoulder. 
“But before that, why don’t you try speaking to me in Japanese?” Travis says with a cheeky grin, “You got the basics down already, right? I can supplement what you don’t know.”  
“It’s going to sound pretty awful. My pronunciation will probably be all wack,” Will snorts.  
“And I told you that it is fine, buddy,” Travis says, nudging him with his shoulders. “Let me hear it. I can help you with the pronunciation. Plus~” Will doesn’t have to look over to know Travis is wiggling his eyebrows, “I know some pretty nice, interesting facts about Japan culture too. Like, did you know on Christmas Eve, couples go out for fried chickens and exchange presents?”
“And you want me to buy you fried chicken.”
Travis grins charmingly. “I mean, we would share, but yes! I do want you to buy me some chickens.” 
Will takes a breath, digs deep in his memories, then says in Japanese, “‘ I want to go to Japan one day.’”
Travis is silent for a moment, eyebrows furrowing, mouth moving like he’s saying the phrase himself, before beaming. “Nice! Pretty accurate. Pronunciation is pretty good. But change the particle ‘de’ to ‘ni’.” 
“So what about ‘ I ate cake yesterday’? ”
Travis hums. “Not as accurate this time. Move yesterday to the front of the sentence. But still pretty good pronunciation.”
“Then what about my name? How do you spell that in Japanese?” 
“Let me see your palm?”
Travis takes his hands and writes the katakana on his palm with a pen. “Here you go. One more sentence. Use the word pencil in it.”
And that’s how it goes.
Will sneaks out, breaks a couple of rules, attends a language class 101, and watches the sun rise. 
And for one hour, he forgets it all and lives like nothing is wrong.
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angrypixie-sarisa · 5 years
A call a day keeps the problems away (not really)
Piedras Rodantes Pt. 10
Sam xMexican!Witch!fem!reader x Dean (polyamorous)
Description of this part: just some random conversations you had with Sam while he’s away 
Warnings: none? some curse words? suspicious Dean?
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Not my GIFs, credits and love to the owners. 
Sam’s lungs ached for air and he loved it. He kept running, trying to make it to the motel room earlier than the day before. He pulled out his phone to check the hour. Should he call? It was still pretty early. Wait, what day of the week was it? Was it Wednesday? If it was, then maybe… Maybe he could catch you awake. The sun would be going up in just a couple of minutes. He bit his lip in consideration. He walked towards the stairs and sat at the first flight. Coincidentally, he had a perfect view of the horizon.
He called. His heart was beating fast. It only had been a couple of weeks but he was already feeling a little bit nostalgic.
The phone rang five times. Dread started to form a knot in his stomach. What if he was wrong? What if you changed your plans? What if you slept in? What if you were in danger? What if?
“Good morning, Sammy.” Your sleepy voice made it to his ears and relaxed his muscles. He took a deep breath and laughed the last bit of fear away.
“Hey. Did I wake you?” You moaned loudly. He pictured your stretching figure in your window sill. That’s where you liked to say hi to “Mr. Sun” as you called it. He pictured your arms stretching, taking the phone farer from your mouth. The hem of your t-shirt slightly rising above your abdomen.
“Nope, just really want coffee.” Your voice got clearer. Sam kept imagining you, sitting with your legs pulled up to your chest, your bed hair wild and your head resting in your right hand as you looked focused on the horizon.
His laugh traveled from your ears to your chest. What a beautiful laugh.
“Hang in there, just one minute.” You sighed.
“The things I do to upgrade myself.” You both shared the laugh this time. Honestly, it felt weird, it really did. He had being having trouble falling asleep. Somehow, sleeping beside you or just having you in the room soothed the late night thoughts, the tensing of muscles, the ache of old wounds, the nightmares. Even the charm you gave him had trouble to break into the barrier. He did sleep better than before he met you, but nothing was better than the feeling of you in his arms or the warmth behind his back, to know you were there.
“Shhhh, Mr. Sun is rising.” As the light started to shine through, you kept silence, feeling the slow, yet faster than it seemed, light illuminating both of you and neither of you took your eyes out of the rising sun until a minute went by.
A silent laugh coming from your lips broke the silence.
“Buenos días, Señor Sol.” You whispered eagerly.
“Buenos días, Señor Sol.” Repeated Sam. And you laughed again, cooing at his pronunciation.
“Don’t laugh.” He protested, also between laughs.
“No, it’s a happy laugh, not a mock laugh. Mi vida, you sounded good, I really appreciated it.” Mi vida?  That was new.
“What’s “mi vida”?”
“My life.” You answered without hesitation. You had called him your heart, your life. A blush covered his cheeks. He couldn’t think of something as cheesy as that in English nevertheless he didn’t want to. They sounded good, right, that way.
 Dean thought he had heard something as he came out of the room. It was way too early for him to be awake but sleep had forsaken him and there was nothing to do about it. When he realize his brother wasn’t anywhere to be seen it wasn’t long until he had dressed to find the answer to the question. Why?
He heard something from below, coming from the stairs. It was Sam and he was…laughing?
“Yeah, okay. Talk to you later.” What the hell was going on?
Dean had left to get dinner while his brother took a shower. The secretive phone calls appeared to be very rare or he just hadn’t come to listen to those that often. Whatever the case was, Sam was hiding something from him, again.
Sam stepped out of the bathroom, towel around his waist and hair dripping when his phone rang. Your name appeared in the screen and he instantly smiled. He picked the phone, ready to voice a creative hello sentence but never getting the chance to phrase it.
“Samuel Vicente Winchester!” Oh no, you middle named him and with your middle name of choice nonetheless.
“Whatever I did, I can explain.” He replied; fear making his heart beat quickly.
“You mixed the pepper with the centipede’s legs! And put milk in the octopus ink jar! Just what were you thinking?! It’s a miracle that I’m alive! It’s a miracle that my plants are alive, who they’re upset by the way!” He sighed; rubbing his temples. Classic you, putting the safety of the plants before yours.
“They have tags for a reason!”
“Okay, in my defense, they weren’t tags on those or at least, I think so.”
“None sense, I put tags in everything so something like this won’t happen. And yet it happened!” Sam was trying to recall the day he was helping you in the kitchen. You were making a potion, eco-friendly (like everything you did), for your doorstep. The purpose of it being washing away unwanted energies that could come with the presence of other people entering your apartment. Just then you had bought some ingredients that needed to be put away in their respective jars and he may have or not be sleepy that day hence the whole mess.
“Yeah, you’re right, I messed up.” He sighed.
 Dean was near the door, a bag with dinner inside in hand, when he heard his little brother having a conversation. His voice sounded shy, maybe embarrassed?
“Sorry, I won’t do it again.”
“Damn right you won’t.” Sam shifted in his feet, not knowing what to say.
“Are you alright?” What a stupid question. Of course you were fine. You were fine enough to call and scold him. However, deciding he had suffered enough, you didn’t answer with a snarky remark. Your voice calmed down into the sweetness it usually held.
“I’m fine, we’re all fine.” He laughed and rolled his eyes.
“Tell them I’m sorry.”
Them? Who were they? Why did Sammy need to apologize? Who was the other person or people at the other side of the phone?
“Will sure do.” You resisted the urge to yawn and failed. It had been a long day cleaning up the mess of the mixed ingredients.
“Go to sleep. Talk to you in the morning?” Sam asked softly.
“Yep. Night night, Sammy.” That returned his smile. Even if the calls were like this sometimes, they still left him with a smile at the end of the day.
“Night, sweetheart.”
You hung up; scanning the room. Your plants seemed to hold their breath as they waited for you to say something.
“He says he’s sorry.” If they had eyes, boy would they be rolling them. And if they had mouths, they would be surely trying not to smile.
 Dean entered the room just in time to see Sam hanging up. He still was wearing nothing but the towel.
“Dude.” Dean groaned. His brother rolled his eyes as he went to the bathroom to change, leaving his cellphone lying in his bed.
The older Winchester took out the take outs. He kept glancing at the phone, debating whether he should just check on it or not. It was his brother’s privacy rights. But the last time Sam hid something, or more like someone, from him it didn’t end well. Just as he decided not to, just from now, Sam came out of the bathroom fully clothed and all was forgotten as Dean’s mind slid into dinner.
The calls started to be rarer and rarer. He told you it might get like that, that it would sometimes get really busy or some hunts would leave him really tired. You also knew there was something else. You knew Dean was growing suspicious. Why did Sam feel the need to hide you from his brother? You didn’t know and you didn’t stress the fact. It felt like their trust had been worn out, like they were both walking on eggshells.
You hadn’t had a conversation about Dean or Bobby. You knew about their existence and maybe Bobby knew about yours, maybe. And even though Sam told you everything in regards to the apocalypse and Lucifer, he still hadn’t entered into detail of his relationship with his brother or parental figure.
Sam’s name appeared at your phone screen, pulling you out of your thoughts. You took another sip of your wine before answering with a smile on your lips.
“Hey there, hot stuff.” You heard his shy laugh through the intercom. Pride overflowed you; you loved it when you made him blush.
“How was your hunt?” It was supposed to be a simple salt and burn, but you knew better than to find comfort in that. You didn’t approve of the method hunters used to get rid of ghosts. You had dealt with some yourself and they were other ways you could get the same result.
“Uh, it was…it was okay. Got some bruises.” You rolled your eyes. Of course.
“Right. Dean patched you up?” You could feel the tension on the other side of the phone.
Dean listened carefully, you were on speaker. They were at Bobby’s place. Dean was checking on baby and Sam supposedly went for some beers.
“Uh, yeah. Yeah, he did.” Why were you talking about him? Why was this chick talking about him?
“Well, that’s good.”
“So, listen, we kind of need info.” Wow, wow, wow. He was asking you for help? Was Sam out of his mind? There was no way Dean would let a random chick help with the hunt. He put down the cloth he was clenching in his fist and made his way to were his brother was. And he would’ve, hadn’t he hesitated.
“Sammy.” You said quietly. You sighed.
“Are you sure you want my help?” You sounded hesitant as well. Something about your tone made the older Winchester lower his guard.
“I mean, I would gladly help you, I just… I don’t want to cause any problems.” Sam took a deep breath. He had become more reckless with the pass of time. Maybe it was desperation or fear. He would always doubt whether or not to ask your help for hunts. As if telling you about them or asking for help would jinx your safety. Lately, he had been wondering, what if he told Dean? What if he told Bobby? Shit, even Castiel? He kept thinking of how useful some of your tricks could be and more importantly, he didn’t know why, he had wonder about you meeting his family.
“You won’t, I promise.” You bit your lip, glancing around your kitchen table. Your gaze landed in a coin that wasn’t supposed to be there.
So that was your name, huh? Well, Dean would have to have a talk with this Y/N.
“Okay, how about this? Eagle, I help, sun, I don’t.” Both brothers furrowed their brows in confusion. What the hell?
“What?” Sam said and Dean whispered.
“¡Ay! It’s a Mexican coin! In one side there’s an eagle and in the other the Aztec calendar, featuring the sun. Do you wanna do this or not?!” Sam laughed. It had being a long time since Dean heard his brother laugh or laugh genuinely. It made it really difficult for him to grow suspicious about you.
“Okay, okay. Eagle, you help, sun, you don’t. Okay, go.” You flipped the coin; the three of you heard it bounce in the table until it came to a halt.
“So…” You started. For a second, Sam thought it had stopped at sun, or whatever. Which would be a shame; he really thought your help would come in handy.
“What can I research for you, kind sir?” He smiled and began to tell you about the next job, what they already researched and what still needed to be solved.
Dean took a deep breath and made his way back to the impala. If Sam’s decision backfired he wouldn’t hesitate to kick your ass. But it didn’t. In fact, it was one of the easiest hunts they had had so far.
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just-jordie-things · 8 years
Just Friends (part one) - Stiles Stilinski
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Stiles walked in the hallways, alone, but not lonely.  He had earbuds in as he made is way to his locker before fourth period, which was lunch.  When he got to his destination, he easily spun in the combination, and put away his previous class books.  AP History and Advanced Algebra.  Then took off his backpack to put it in there as well.
“Bilinski!” He heard a familiar voice call, and closed his eyes with a sigh.  “Biles, I do believe I called your name!” Stiles shoved his backpack in the locker quickly, and shut it.  The turned around.  And there he was.
Jackson Whittemore.
“Stiles” The freckled boy said.  “It’s Stiles Stilinski, are you having pronunciation trouble? All that head bumping in lacrosse throwing the common sense out of you?” Jackson chuckled, ducking his head down for a moment.
“Look, Bilinski made a joke” He said.
And in seconds, Stiles was pinned up against the row of lockers by his collar.
“You think you’re hot shit Stilinski, especially saying things like that... seeing that all you do is warm up the bench every Friday night” Jackson said with fake pity in his voice.
“Yeah, and since Scott became captain, you haven’t done much for the team either, have you?” Jackson growled, and before Stiles could blink, he threw a punch against his jaw.  Stiles groaned in pain, buckling over, just as Jackson hit him again.
“You’re just a piece of shit Stiles” Jackson said, and dropped the boy to the ground.  “Face it, without Scott around, you’re a nobody.  You mean nothing”
“Hey, Jackass” Jackson turned upon hearing the girls voice and a gentle tap on his shoulder.  He spun to see you there.
“Who the fuck are-” You punched him across the jaw, and when he bent over, you grabbed both shoulders, and kneed him in the crotch.
Stiles watched with wide eyes at the mystery girl who was beating up the most popular guy in school.
Jackson growled, swinging to hit you, but you grabbed his fist, and steered him around, ramming him face first into a row of lockers.  You stood behind him, holding his arm behind his back.
“I don’t like fighting” You sneered, and he nodded quickly.
“Okay okay okay okay just let go” You pinned him harder.
“If I ever see you fighting again, I’ll rip off your tiny testicles, and personally shove them up your ass, hopefully they fit seeing your head’s already there” 
“Fine fine” Jackson sputtered, and you released.  He quickly walked away, turning to look at you.  You smirked, and jumped forward to scare him.  It worked, seeing that he jumped and scampered away.  You chuckled, and turned to the boy he’d previously been picking on.
“Hey, sorry about that” You said, holding your hand out to help him up.
“Ye- wow- th-thank you” He sputtered out, and you chuckled while he stood.
“I don’t like fighting” You told him.
“Yeah yeah I heard that...” He said, rubbing the back of his neck.  “You’re a pretty good fighter for someone who hates fighting though” You just nodded slightly.
“Alright well I have to go eat lunch” You said, and walked off.
“Wait wait!” Stiles ran up next to you, walking with you.  “I don’t even know your name”
“I don’t know yours either” You shrugged, not really caring.
“Well I’m Stiles” He stopped in front of you, holding out his hand.  You looked confusedly between his hand and him.
“y/n” You replied, shaking his hand.  Stiles smiled at you.  “You’ve got quite the shiner” You said, gesturing to the growing bruise on his jaw.  “I have some makeup that could cover it up... if you want” You offered, and Stiles nodded.
“Yeah that’d be great actually” He said, and you both walked to a secluded hallway.  He sat up on the window sill, and you put your bag down by your feet.  You pulled out foundation, and tilted his head to the side with your fingers gently.  His eyes were on yours as you focused to apply the makeup to his skin.
“So when you take it off later at home, just wash your face with cold water it shouldn’t give you any trouble” You said with a few more brush strokes.
“Okay” Was all Stiles managed to say.  He was still staring at you intently.  How had he not seen you around before? Surely he would’ve remembered you, seeing how beautiful- and badass- you were.  “So uhm, what grade are you in?”
“I’m a senior”
“Me too!” Stiles blurted.  You looked at him funny with a slight chuckle.  “I mean.. well I don’t know how I don’t know you?” You shrugged a shoulder.
“I keep to myself” You responded, and packed up your things.  “I gotta go to lunch now-”
“Eat lunch with me” He said abruptly, and again, you looked confused.  “Why not?”
“I’ve seen your table... you’re friends with Lydia Martin... Scott McCall... Allison Argent... I just, that’s not my crowd” You shook your head and shrugged a shoulder.  “They’re popular and stuff and- probably don’t even know my name” You slung your bag over your shoulder.
“Well then we can eat somewhere else” Stiles offered.
“Stiles, you’re very kind but I don’t do the whole...” You trailed, gesturing between tou two.  He didn’t seem to understand.  “I don’t do the boyfriend thing” You told him.  “I’m sorry I just prefer to focus on academics-”
“No no no no” He said, waving his hands wildly.  “I don’t mean to sound like that, I just wanted to... I don’t know, get to know you? Is that okay?” You thought for a moment, and slowly smiled.
“Yeah... yeah okay” You nodded.
“Seriously? No, Leia’s my favorite, she slays” You argued.
“No! Han Solo! Come on, I really thought we could be friends, you totally ruined it” Stiles shook his head and you laughed.  You looked down to your salad, picking at it before eating another bite.  “Okay, so favorite movie franchise is going to be marked unknown for now, what else is important about you?” Stiles asked, and you shrugged.
“I don’t know... I read a lot?”
“Funny! Cause I don’t read at all” You giggled again at his enthusiastic tone.  “What else?”
“Um... I don’t know, really, there’s not a lot of interesting things about me I really keep to myself” You said, looking down.  Stiles frowned slightly.
“Well sure there is” He said.  “I find everything about you interesting” You blushed, and tried not to let him see.
“You’re sorta cheesy aren’t you?”
“I’ve heard charming” Stiles said, both of you laughing.
“Yeah, tell me that when you’re not wearing makeup and ranting about Star Wars” You said, and he looked at you sheepishly.
“Okay well, you’re pretty cool” Stiles told you.
“Stiles you met me half an hour ago, and I have no friends.  What could possibly make you think that I would be even remotely cool?”
“I’m your friend” He said.
“What?” Your voice failed you a little.
“You said you had no friends but... I’m your friend” Stiles repeated.  You stared at him with widened eyes and parted lips, unsure of what to say.  You’d never really had friends before... not real ones anyways.  As soon as things got bad with you, they’d seemed to migrate away.  “y/n?” Stiles asked, reaching a hand over the table, and placing it on yours.  “Do you want to be friends?” He asked.  You questioned yourself, did you? All that had ever come from having friends was pain.  Did you really want to put yourself through that all over again? You looked up at him, studying him, his features, his eyes, looking for an answer.  Then finally came your reply.
“Yeah, I’d love to”
wow i’m so excited to make this multi chapter story OML!! i hope that it’s good, it might start slow and idk how long it’s going to be but yea.... ok! xoxo ~ jordie
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