#but the tone was rather combative. which op acknowledged later
morayofsunshine · 2 years
Okay but what if you care about Kpop not in a competitive way, but in a "Whoa they just had a guy backflip off the squad's arms" way.
It's like when I watch ice skating. I have no idea who these people are but that was a sick pirouette
Yeah, pretty much. I follow some skaters but I mostly watch ice skating to be amazed at what they do, and it's the same for Kpop!
I do have favorites in both and am happy when they do well, but I'm also super happy to see great performances from people that I don't really know much about.
So big mood, watching very skilled people pull off amazing feats of athletics and performance is fun, and I don't need to compare their entire scoring record to those of other professionals to enjoy the sport and/or art.
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Start of Something New
Gabriel Reyes x Reader
Implied Sexual Tones
Implied non-con (nothing actually happens)
An obnoxious repetitive beeping woke you up from your slumber. Light was beginning to peep from underneath the curtains, swaying softly from the soft breeze of the open window. You blindly skimmed your hand across the bedside table to push several buttons to turn that damn alarm off.
You’d been working at Overwatch for the past year or so. Secretly. You don’t think your parents would approve, they were very much.. against the Omnics. To say it kindly. Your parents weren’t for peace and justified protests, expecting you to do the same. However, you loved your job and you wouldn’t trade it in for anything else. Your job consisted of buying in ammunition for the agents, from shotgun shells to handcrafted arrows and shurikens.
A quick shower, brush teeth, comb hair, and get dressed. You had to think what you needed to do before you left the comfortable confines of your warm bed.
Just a few more minutes..
* * *
“L/N.” “Yes, sir?’ “Reyes wants to see you. Now.” “Yes, sir.” You had become accustomed to calling everyone ‘sir’, or ‘ma'am’ in the time that you had been here. Strike Commander Morrison had made sure of that.
You made your way through the grey corridors of Watchpoint: Gibralter. To an outsider it may look very much like a military base, but to you it was home. You passed by a couple of agents, nodding in acknowledgement, heads close no doubt whispering about an upcoming mission. You reach the office of Gabriel Reyes, the head of Blackwatch. Blackwatch is a unit of Overwatch, that carries out black ops missions not so legally. To the public, Blackwatch didn’t exist which is why you had to swear secrecy when you joined Overwatch. You were no stranger to this side of the of watchpoint, delivering confirmations and news of deals as you also had to buy ammunition for the unit.
You knocked at the steel door. “Come in.” Your hand went to the handle and turned it, letting yourself in. Reyes was sitting at his desk, some holoscreens open which were swiftly shut. “Commander Morrison said you wanted to see me, sir?” “Yes, Y/N. I have a proposition for you.” You waited in silence, respectfully. “Blackwatch need something. You are the perfect candidate, gatita.“ Your eyes slightly fluttered at the pet name, something only Reyes calls people when he wants sweeten them up. “Unfortunately, some of our other agents are on missions, and some just aren’t.. suitable.” Your right eyebrow slightly raises. “Y/N, we need information. There’s an event that Morrison and I are attending this Friday night. This is where you will retrieve said information. “Sir, may I?” Reyes looks at you, leaning back his chair, waiting. “I.. Sir. I’m not an agent. I buy in ammunition, not use it.” “Gatita, you haven’t even been briefed yet and you’re declining?” He seemed amused. “No, sir, I er-” “Y/N, McCree taught you to fire a gun, sí? Jack has taught you hand to hand combat, sí?” You blush slightly. Reyes wasn’t wrong. It had been compulsory that you learnt the basics of combat, long or short range. “Yes.. sir. But may I enquire as to why you chose me?” Reyes bows his head, pushes his chair back and stands up. He walks around his desk to stand directly in front of you. Reyes puts his finger underneath your chin and tilts your head to look up at him. You can count on one hand the amount of times you were alone with the leader of Blackwatch. Never have you had the chance to study his features this close: his coarse beard hair, the slightly dark tints under his eyes, his eyes. Wow. Dark pools of chocolate staring into you. “Niña. You are the perfect assett. Attractive. Naturally flirtacious. Which is exactly what I need you to be this Friday. It’s a gathering of government officials; everyone dislikes each other but put on a mask as they are the ones that sign off our pay checks. However, they don’t know your face and wouldn’t expect you to pull of something so.. risky.” The corners of his lips tugged up slightly at seeing the reaction from your face. “Don’t worry, gatita, you won’t be in much danger, plus Morrison and I will be there. A simple in and out, if you will.” Reyes smirked. You nodded. You weren’t in a position to decline, both mentally and physically, as Reyes’ finger hadn’t moved from your chin and he was still oh so very close to you. “I’ll send the whole brief over to you later today. You’re dismissed, L/N.”
Your back to the cool steel of the outside of Reyes’ door, you let out a breath you hadn’t realised you were holding. A black ops mission? With Jack and Gabriel? You were excited, but incredibly nervous. He said you weren’t going to be in much danger - what exactly did he want you to do?
McCree snapped you out of your thoughts. When did he get here? “Y'all okay, Y/N? Look like ya seen a ghost.” “Yeah, thanks, Jesse. Just some er, unexpected things going on is all.” “Why’re you outsida Reyes’ door?” “Jesse, please-” “Has he got you goin’ on a mission? Oh my God Y/N if he has you gotta let me kno-” “McCree. Leave L/N alone.” Reyes had somehow opened his door without either of you knowing, making you both jump a little. “Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.” McCree scurried off, leaving you two alone, again. “Y/N, I forgot to mention - don’t tell anyone. Especially McCree.” “Yes, sir.” You dropped your head slightly and walked off, making your way back to your desk.
* * *
You had made it back to your apartment, only after a long day of thinking about your conversation with Reyes. The holoscreen of the brief he had sent you was hovering above your coffee table. You were perched on the edge of the sofa, elbows resting on your knees and hands clasped underneath your chin.
You were to arrive outside of the watchpoint at 7pm, adorned in this dress that Reyes had picked out for you. Black, floor length with a thigh high split, sleeveless but not quite low cut. You had to admit, he had good taste. You were to pose as his ‘partner’, oblivious to Blackwatch and ignorant to other political happenings in the world. Once Morrison and Reyes had distracted the higher ups, you were to say you were going to powder your nose, while actually looking for the Target’s office. From there, you were to insert the drive, download whatever is on the computer and leave. Nice and simple. Everyone important enough should be distracted and if the worst happens, you can always play ignorant and say you got lost. Easy.
* * *
Fresh air drifted across the back of your shoulders; you’d have to talk to Reyes that although his tastes were good, he forgot a bloody jacket. You were standing outside of the entrance to the watchpoint, scuffing your black heels on the ground as you waited for the commanders. You were a bit early, but you’d rather impress your higher ups than be late on the first mission.
Reyes and Morrison arrived together, and boy did they scrub up well. Morrison wore a pair of navy trousers and a matching blazer, with a white shirt that had the few buttons at the top undone. Reyes had on an onyx black suit, with a black shirt and a black tie. To say you were impressed would be an understatement. You did however feel a tad more relaxed that you weren’t the only one dressing up tonight.
“Sir. Sir.” You looked at them both and nodded your head slightly. “Y/N. Ay Dios mío. You look..” Morrison had leaned over to Reyes and whispered something in his ear, then gave him a little nudge. “..Very good. Erm, well done.” Reyes swiftly turned around and motioned for you to follow him, no doubt in the direction of the mission. “So. Although the building is in walking distance, we have decided to bring the dropship along just in case things do decide to get hairy.” You nodded at Morrison’s explanation. “Y/N, you will stay with Gabriel until I give the all clear. Understood?” “Yes, sir.” The rest of walk was in comfortable silence, as Morrison had said the journey wouldn’t take long. You could hear the sounds of people talking and fake laughs, just around the corner. “Y/N, hold my hand.” You couldn’t say no. Well, it was in your brief that you were acting as Reyes’ girlfriend, but you’d imagined it more being his actual girlfriend than a faux one on a mission. You took his right hand in your left, your other hand occupied by a black clutch purse containing the drive. Your face burned a little, Morrison and Reyes were whispering at this point, too quiet for you to hear but there were a couple of chuckles, and a few squeezes on your hand from Reyes. Whether it was reassurance or they were talking about you, you weren’t entirely sure. Before you reached the entrance, you all stopped. “Y/N, this is for you. You may have seen the other agents wear them.” It was a tiny earpiece, almost invisible. “You just put it in there, yes, like that.” Reyes brushed your hair back over your ear to see if you had inserted it correctly. To anyone else it looked as though Reyes was being affectionate.
“Ah, good evening Gentleman and what I may say, a fine lady.” The greeter at the door bowed slightly and smiled at you. He opened the door with a curt nod to the security. “We hope you enjoy your evening. There’s an open bar and canapés will be arriving shortly.” Free drinks and food? You smiled at the greeter, and made your way in through the open door towards the mass of people that had gathered in the bar area. “Y/N, where do you think you are going?” A sharp tug on your hand made you suddenly stop. You turned back, eyes wide and eyebrows raised. “I was going to get drinks. You want this to go as smoothly as possible, don’t you?” “.. Let Jack get them.” Morrison smirked slightly as he made his way through the crowd, leaving you and Reyes in the middle of the tiled floor. “Come, let’s go grab a seat.” You led him over to one of the bar tables that luckily still had three chairs free. Reyes hadn’t let go of your hand, and was making small circles on your knuckles with his thumb. A small awkward silence followed once you both had sat down. You looked over towards the bar, seeing if you could see Morrison with your drinks. “What, missing our company already?” You could hear a hint of sarcasm in his voice. What was going on with him lately? “No, I er, was just seeing if I could see him with our drinks.” You inwardly cursed yourself. You were alone with Gabriel Reyes for goodness sake, the commander of Blackwatch. The majority of people in Overwatch have at some point fancied the likes of him, and now here you were. “It’s okay, gatita,” His thumb making motions on your knuckles again. “You’ll do great.” You smiled slightly at his praise. You were about to take a breath in to say something before Morrison came back with his hands full of glasses. “Open bar, my ass.” He set the drinks down on the table. “Oh ‘Sprite and Coca-Cola are free but you have to pay for the alcohol’.” He was clearly impersonating what seemed to be a very Californian accent. Reyed chuckled slightly, and raised his glass in a toast. “To Y/N’s first.” Morrison nodded and clinked his glass with Reyes’ then with yours. You tapped your glass with Reyes’ and took a large gulp. “Sir, I thought you said you had to pay for alcohol?” “I did, Y/N. And please call me Jack. People might start gettng ideas if you call me that in public.” Morrison squinted his eyes at you and smirked. What you couldn’t see was Reyes glaring at Morrison, his mouth twitching slightly just itching to say something.
“Ah, yes of course, the highly praised Jack Morrison and Gabriel Reyes. How are you both?” A what it seemed very high up official shook both Morrison’s and Reyes’ hands, before turning to you. “And who is this absolute treasure that you have found, Reyes?” “This is my girlfriend, sir. New to the scene, should we say.” All three men chuckled at that. New to the scene? You suppose you had to play along. The man gently took your hand and brushed his lips against your knuckles. “Enchante.” He winked. “Pleasure.” You returned.
An hour and half of mingling, and you had made your way to the centre of the crowd. A light tap on your elbow from Morrison signalled your cue. “Gentleman, if I may be excused, I must go powder my nose.” A smile and a nod from Reyes granted your leave. You turned and headed towards where the ladies’ were, pushing the swing door open and silently thanking that there was no one else in here. Setting your purse down next to the sink, you looked at yourself in the mirror. This dress had done you wonders, probably because of the split up your thigh and the tightness around the waist. You brushed your hair behind your ear and push the button to turn the earpiece on. “Testing. Can you hear me?” “Yes, Y/N. We’ve moved away from the crowd a bit so we can talk to you more freely.” “Okay, good. I’m just making my way there.” You stepped out of the ladies’ and began your course of navigating this maze of corridors. Your heart was beating louder than usual, all down to nerves. Your heels clicking against the tiles made you feel empowered; there was just something about that noise that you absolutely loved. You stopped at the wooden door with a wavy glass pane, at the end of the hallway as instructed by the brief.
Well of course it was locked.
Reyes had prepared you for this. This building was incredibly old, and had not been updated to preserve the history. You took out two bobby pins that were in your purse and straightened them both out. You had bent the tip of one to make it almost look like an alan key, and slid that into the lock. The straight pin slid underneath that one, and with some pressure in the right places and a turn of the pins, the door clicked open. You hastily stepped inside and quietly shut the door. A quick look around the office, and you found what you were looking for: the Target’s computer. You perched on the edge of the chair behind the desk. Reyes had said all you would need to do would put the drive into the slot and it would do all of the work for you. You inserted the drive, the holoscreen lighting up and a progress bar slowly making it’s way 100%. “The drive is inserted. It said it should take approximately 8 minutes.” “Well done, gatitio. Let’s hope everything carries on as smoothly as it has done.”
You had time to spare, so you being as nosey as you were decided to have a look around. A few papers here and there, folders strewn about. You picked up a letter and skim read it. Something about Omnics. When was it not? You tilted your head as something caught your eye. ‘L/N, Y/N.’ Wait, what? ’D.o.B:…’ What is this? Why do they have information on you? “Y/N, time?” “Oh, er, 2 minutes and 24 seconds.” “That’s not enough. Y/N, they’ve noticed a breach in security and have armed guards patrolling. You need to get out now. We’re on our way.” Shit. Could you not hold off for a few minutes? Your heart was racing now, your palms clammy with the thought of being caught. To be safe, you hid against the wall where the door was, that way if anyone looked in, they wouldn’t be able to see you. You could hear several footsteps. Your shoulders tensed, arms up and fists clenched should you need to fight. “I er, zink it vas zis one, boss.” “Well go on, what are you waiting for?” Those voices weren’t familiar. Those voices were close. You heard a click of the door being opened but you sighed in relief when you realised it was the door opposite to yours. “Zhere’s novun here.” “No shit. Keep looking.” The door closed and a few taps on the tiled floor. Your door clicked open. “Look, novun again.” “Jesus, Maksya, you haven’t even loo-” You think your heart stopped when the ‘boss’ walked in. Shit. You weren’t an agent. You weren’t trained for this. “Well, well, well. What is this?” Boss man walked over to the desk and with some expert swipes flipped the holoscreen around. “Download complete? What the fu-” Now was your time. You launched forward at the boss and brought your right arm around his neck, securing it in place with your left. The other guy shouted in surprise and brought his gun, level to where you were. You swung the boss around, so he was being used as a human shield. “Put the gun down.”
You had hoped your would have sounded a bit more threatening, but your dry throat made your voice crack. The gun man chuckled. “Boss, it’s zat Reyes’ bitch. You know the vun that has been showing off all zat she has to offer all night?” A sharp, unsuspecting jab to your ribs from the boss man made you let go, clutching your side. He grabbed your hair at the base of your scalp, crying out in pain, and kicked the back of your knees to make you fall down on the floor. Shit. Your hands clawed at the boss man’s hand in your hair. “She’s feisty.” Boss man’s eyebrow raised. “Tie her up.” Oh no. You weren’t going down without a fight. You eyed the guy with the gun like a hawk, until he went behind you. You heard the clunk of the gun being put on the desk, and then some rustling. Was he taking off his belt? Your arms were brought down behind you, you couldn’t move unless you wanted to rip out half off your hair. Your thoughts were confirmed when you felt leather digging in at your wrists, and then being cinched. The boss let go of you hair, only to be replaced by the other guy’s left hand, and feel of cold metal against your temple. “Pretty. Hands behind her and on her knees. I can think of several ways to make her talk.” The gun man cruelly laughed with his boss.
“Gatita, we got held up. Did you get out okay?” You couldn’t reply. You couldn’t let these strangers know you had contact to the outside. You were supposed to be gone by now, not held hostage in a a stuffy office. “Y/N?” Your heart sank. It wasn’t rare for an agent to die in the field, but it did happen. You just never thought it would happen to you. Tears sprung at the corners of your eyes, threatening to fall. You weren’t an agent. End of. “Now. We know you must be working for Overwatch, hmm?” Boss man stood in front of you, his hand clenched around your jaw to make you look up at him. “That you must be Reyes’ new whore, and got you to do the dirty work, hm?” Your eyebrows creased into a frown. You weren’t going to talk. Feign ignorance. The metal pressed harder against your temple. This was it. A hard slap across the face sent you spinning. You were still held in place but your jaw hurt and you were sure your lip had been cut open. A sharp yank of your hair sent your head further back looking almost directly above you. “If you’re not going to talk, then we’re going to have some fun.” Boss man produced a knife from his back pocket. He brought the blade up to your face, your eyes widening as you were now being threatened by both a knife and a gun. You had always hated knives, even more than guns. There was something so.. personal about being threatened by a knife that had you shivering in fear. “Oh boss, I zink she’s scared.” He chuckled again. Boss brought the blade lightly down your right cheekbone, enough to cause pain and make beads of blood appear. He looked at you, almost as though he was questioning why you weren’t talking. “Y/N??” You heard your name again, but not just from the earpiece. They were running down the hallway, feet stomping on the ground. Boss man grimaced and looked at his colleague. You were brought to your feet by a sharp yank of your hair, the gun now gone from your temple and given to boss man, pointing at you. The blade now pressing against your throat. The door slammed open. Both Reyes and Morrison had their guns already aimed, sweat beads on their foreheads. “Let her go.” “Or what, Reyes? You’ll shoot me?” “Sí.” Clear as crystal. Their mocking tones made you think they have some kind of history. “Fine. Maksya, let her go.” As soon as the blade dropped from your neck and the hand left your hair, boss man had pulled the trigger. Everything seemed to be in slow motion: the pulled trigger, the bullet hitting you, Reyes and Morrison pulling their triggers on the boss. You fell back against the desk, sliding to the floor. You’d been shot. On your left side. Above your hip. You cried out in pain, tears finally falling from your closed eyes. Adrenaline took over and everything went numb. You heard footsteps come closer to you, and another gunshot. You daren’t open your eyes. Your hands were suddenly free and tried to cover your wound in vain. A slump to your right told you the other guy had been dealt with. “This wasn’t supposed to happen, I am so sorry, so so sorry. Jack, we need Angela, we need to get Y/N to the ship, now.” The urgency in Reyes’ voice scared you. You tried to open your eyes but they were too heavy. Reyes was still talking to you, his voice becoming distant. He gingerly picked you up, bridal style. Your head leaned into him and your left hand fell down, finally giving into the darkness.
* * *
A bright light was all you could see through your eyelids. The sterile smell and clanging of metal on metal told you that you weren’t in heaven, but rather a hospital room. A faint repetitive beeping brought you fully out from your sleep. Your eyes fluttered open and your thoughts confirmed. Pristine white sheets, a metal tray with tools, an uncomfortable looking chair with a sleeping Reyes.
You looked more around the room. The window was open, and you could hear the crashing of the waves on the rocks below. Sunlight was streaming in, creating a warmth that you didn’t know that you needed. “Ah! Y/N, you’re awake.” Your eyes shifted over to the source of the voice: Doctor Angela Ziegla, alias Mercy. She was the resident doctor, Swiss, stern but incredibly friendly. “Yes,” you smiled. “I suppose I am.” Your body was aching, and there was a dull throb on the left hand side of your waist. “I managed to remove the bullet and heal you up fine. Healing from a bullet wound is a long process; it could take several weeks, even months. However, you should be back to normal in no time. You may have a scar om your cheek too.. but only time will tell. You were out for about 36 hours..” You frowned at this. Upon seeing your reaction, Dr Ziegler stepped closer to you and reassuringly put her hand on your forearm. “Gabriel hasn’t left your side. He’s been worried sick.” You glance over to him, and can see the prominent dark rings around his eyes. His eyes that were now looking at you. “L/N. You’re awake.” Reyes stood up next to angela, a slight frown crossing his face. “No need for formalities here, Gabriel.” “Of course, Angela. How are you feeling, Y/N?” “Achy. Tired. Hungry.” Both Dr Ziegler and Reyes chuckled at that. “Well, I’ll leave you two alone, and let you catch up.” Dr Ziegler smiled as she tool her hand back, picked up her clipboard and walked out of the room.
Reyes had moved the chair closer to your bed and sat back down in it. He picked your hand up and held it in his own. “Gatita, I am so sorry.” His brows were furrowed. “Please. It’s okay. Dr Ziegler said I’d heal fine and-” “That’s not the point, I put you in danger!” “Danger that we couldn’t expect to happ-” “Y/N. I care about your safety. Hell, I care about you. Anyone could have delivered all those confirmations to Blackwatch, but I always asked for you.” He still wasn’t looking at you. Your eyes moved from him to directly in front of you, taking in the bunch of pastel flowers that you had missed. “Gabriel- may I?” Reyes nodded. “Gabriel. No one could have guessed what would have happened the other night. No one. Don’t beat yourself up for it, because it looks like you have. You have panda eyes, you know that right?” Reyes smiled but it quickly faded. “Panda eyes are better than a bullet wound.” “Very true. I don’t think any amount of cucumbers will help the bruise that I’ll get from being shot.” You started chuckling at your joke but then grabbed your side as the pain shot through you. Reyes half stood out of his chair, concerned. “Do you need anything? I can bring back Angela?” “No, thank you. I’ll live.” You grimaced. “How about I teach you?” “Teach me what?” “How to really defend yourself. To shoot, to fight, to be an agent.” “I.. I don’t know. Yes, it sounds exciting but.. “But what?” “What about my job and well the way that I’m currently in?” “You can teach someone and we’ll wait until you’re fully recovered.” You think that Reyes has been planning this. Taking you on a mission, being taught basic combat. You just weren’t sure. “Y/N, I promise you won’t get shot on every mission.” “That’s if I accept.” “You didn’t say no last time.” Reyes smirked.
God damn, Gabriel Reyes. He was going to be the death of you. You, however, didn’t mind one bit.
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