#but then she went further and explained the song's structural placement in the cycle by comparing it to a lyric insert in a german novella
the-music-keeper · 2 years
Objective #3 is done. The more articles I read and the more I consider what I'm interested in, the more convinced I am that my musicological research will lean heavily on the historical side.
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maultheshy · 7 years
Part 26
Almeta looked up from her book with a bright smile, pressing the button to open the loading bay, Triton was in another sleep cycle on his smaller bed under the pilot control panel. “You’re back already!” She looked over both of them, Maul looked … she wasn’t sure what emotion he had in his eyes but she stood up, putting her book back under the pillow, as the bay closed walked to Maul. “Maul, love, are you okay?” She asked, cupping both his cheeks in her hands.
Maul growled as she touched him, it was a threatening growl, it sounded like the ones from last night when they … she blushed darkly feeling Savage’s eyes on her as well as Maul’s hungry ones. She wasn’t sure what to do in that moment, her thumbs caressed his cheeks. “Savage, did something happen out there to you two?” She looked over at Savage, mildly worried one of them had been injured in some manner, but she saw nothing.
Maul felt like he wasn’t in control of his own body, he knew this female meant mating, and he growled possessively as her hands touched his heated skin of his face. Savage looked at the situation worriedly, he had to intervene or things could get ugly.
“He is experiencing something unique to our people, the frenzy is approaching and he is struggling to control it, he knows not what he does.” He reached over to his Brother and tugged at one of his horns in a certain way and Maul snapped out of the urge, and looked drained. His eyes returned to normal and he opened his mouth as if to say something to Almeta, but his words failed him.
He retreated to the far corner of the ship. “Can we please leave for my ship as soon as possible?” He almost begged.
He needed more room, more privacy, this tiny space was beginning to wear him down. He was very grumpy, and scared, and confused, and he just didn’t know.
Almeta nodded and walked over to the control panel, she took a deep breath to calm herself down. He isn’t rejecting you, calm down. She told herself as she start the ship up and they began their journey. ‘But what if he doesn’t want you know, he got-’ she closed her eyes to stop the rapid thoughts and, once at a safe distance, started up the hyper space.
“We should be there in a few hours.” She whispered softly, fearing her voice would tremble if she spoke to loud. She looked at Triton’s sleeping form, wishing he would be awake but she needed him to go through a complete sleeping cycle before she could start his upgrades.
“What is this frenzy?” She asked, what Savage had told her just now clicking in her mind, and she had an idea but wasn’t entirely sure if she was correct in her assumptions. Though she was speaking to the brothers she kept her chair facing away from them, watching the nav systems and running system checks on her ship to keep her mind occupied.
Maul felt terrible, he knew he had hurt her somehow, and he wanted to go to her but he didn’t trust his body right now.
“I’m sorry…” He whispered softly from the corner of the room. Savage looked as equally pained as she did, as he watched his Brother sitting alone in the corner of the ship, trying desperately to deal with this new crap that had decided to mess up his life.
He felt his trousers grow tight randomly and sighed, well fucking great. He glowered at the world from his corner, fuck you world. Savage looked towards Almeta at her question. He sighed and rubbed his head avoiding his horns, before answering. “I assume you and Brother spoke of our home world to some extent?” He saw her nodding.
“Our people are split by gender, and rarely interact with each other. In order to continue our race at all, the males go through a mating frenzy when they reach their prime to ensure the population doesn’t die out. These frenzies usually are hunts across the planet in search of a would be female… Or male” he shifted uncomfortably.
“I went through my first rut at Maul’s age… So I know what he’s going through. He doesn’t mean to lash out at you or reject you… He’s just afraid. The urges come and go, and he just needs space to move around, like the hunters before him.” He said.
Almeta blinked and turned around. “It’s okay Maul,” she crossed her legs, her hands clasped in her lap. “Oooooh. I see.” She blushed a little, looking at her hands. “My people have never needed something like that, I suppose I’m a little ignorant when it comes to things like that.” She bit her lip thinking. “Though the women of my people do have a special … talent. When we sing,” she looked up a Savage with a bright blush, trying to think of the right wording.
“Our voices can be used as a sorts of seduction technique, we can use it for other things, too. It depends on the song we sing.” She explain, playing with the ends of her hair, twirling it around her fingers. She stared at her fingers doing this, lost in thought now. Their people were so different from each, could she ever make this … whatever this was, work properly. Or was she just … just too … much to deal with. In her state of thought she didn’t notice Savage watching her closely, the tip of her tongue sticking out from between her lips as she thought.
The big Zabrak smiled softly at her as understanding finally dawned on her. Unlike Maul had been, he was not at all shy in her presence and didn’t feel the need to look away as he studied her.
She studied him just as closely as she spoke he could see, he looked similar but very different to his Brother, but that was due to the witches magic, otherwise they would have looked very much alike, horn placement, bone structure, body structure, were nearly a match from the time…before.
The big man laughed, a rumbling roll of sound that was pleasant to hear, “ I have seen many men in our village experience it, and seen many aspects of every stage of life.” He grinned at her.
He raised his “eyebrow” at her mention of this special talent, intriguing… It could be… Useful.
“He will be alright, he just needs a little help in the days to come. We will be there for him.” He said a blush dusting his features, he looked at her closely, “I see that Brother chose well.” He said smirking at her.
Almeta blushed darkly and looked up at Savage. “Ch-choose well? What do you mean by that?” She asked in surprise. As she looked at him that’s when she noticed it, the way he was watching her, she tilted her head slightly staring back.
At this point, she wasn’t too sure what to make of Savage just yet. He seemed nice enough but you never really, truly knew these days. His ember eyes traced the lines of her body, she blushed darker under his gaze feeling oddly … vulnerable. She felt bare, similar to the way Maul stared at her the night before but not quite as … passionate as his was.
Savage’s brow shot up in surprise, and in a booming laugh. “You are mates are you not?” He asked, “I can scent it on the both of you.” He shook his great horned head in wonder.
He looked over towards his Brother who had clearly heard them and was looking rather… Embarrassed.
Maul overheard the two and was beyond words, he wanted to just melt into the floor of the ship, *oh please kill me now oh merciful Galaxy….* he screamed to himself. This was not happening.
Savage changed the subject quickly sensing his Brothers displeasure, “why did you get so many parts Brother? What happened to the ship?” He looked to Almeta and to Maul for answers to this surely interesting tale.
Noting the deep blush on her cheeks as he gazed at her, he gave her a playful wink and went back relaxing in the chair waiting for his story.
Almeta squeaked softly and tilted her head, “Mate?” She whispering blushing darker. “O-oh! The ship. Ummmm I’m not too sure but I found it in a ship graveyard.” She nodded to Maul. “He was nearly dead by the time I got to him. I don’t know anything other then that.” Almeta explained, playing with the fabric of her red and black dress.
Mate … they were mates now? But … she tilted her head thinking again. His people seemed to do things the simple way, for her people they courting rituals and such they had to do before being mated. Sex wasn’t usually apart of that, being a mated was far more then just having children, it was a binding of souls. She studied Maul for a moment, giving him a reassuring smile, then turned to Savage, studying him as well. They will definitely have to have a talk about this at some point. She needed to explain this to them and get a better understanding of how … mates worked for them.
Savage listened intently and chuckled at her flustered response to his query about being a matted pair.
“A ship graveyard?” He asked and then took in a sharp breath with a hiss at the mention of finding him nearly dead. He had nearly lost his Brother before he had ever found him again.
“It was a reconnaissance mission for Sidious but it failed and I was disabled, and life support was failing…”
He felt his hearts clench tightly as he felt the near loss deeply. Maul must have noticed this, in the force, as he turned to Savage with a look of surprise.
He saw Almeta glance his way and he smiled back, shrugging helplessly. “How much further? When we get there be cautious we don’t know if there are any more probe droid’s waiting to disable us, or others. Maul warned.
Almeta smiled at him and nodded, turning to the navy systems. “It’s going to be a few. It did take us 10 or so hours to get here. You picked a planet pretty far from the ship wreck.” She giggled out and yawned, rubbing her eyes. “I’m sure we’ll be there after some sleep.” She told them, rubbing both her eyes as she turned around. “It’s been a very long day, I think some sleep will do as all some good.” She nodded, forgetting for a moment that all she had was one … small … and it hit her.
All she had was one small bed! How would they all fit in that. She tilted her head, staring the bed down. She didn’t want Maul to stay in the corner curled up like that, and the chair Savage was in looked uncomfortable to him just sitting in it. She nodded her head, pulling her legs up on the pilot’s chair. “I’ll stay here. You two take the bed.” She told them with a smile turning the chair back to the window and nav system. “Just don’t ruin by bedding.” She joked to them, yawning again.
“Ah stars… I forgot that part, it seemed to …go faster on the way out here” *it seemed to go on forever* he screamed, he had serious personal problems on the trip over. Savage stretched and nodded, it would be a good idea, to get some rest certainly. “A sound idea M'Lady” he said very formally.
Savage looked at her suddenly very perplexed expression, raising his brow in interest as he followed her line of sight and oh. It was a small bed even for him, but he could make it work. What about Maul? He thought suddenly and then Almeta suggested the unthinkable… He and Maul share the bed? He swallowed heavily, suddenly looking uncertain, and a little bit fearful, what would Maul say and think?
Maul looked up and then at his Brother and then back at Almeta and then the bed and then his face lit up like a solar flare. He looked like he was about to combust. Savage took in a shuddering breath but moved towards the bed and took off his shirt, shoes, and pants without a second thought, leaving his loincloth on, he had no qualms whatsoever with his body. To him it was just flesh.
Maul stood shakily, he was indeed tired, but this was… He was not prepared for this. But what choice did he have? He was getting cold on the floor. “Thank you Almeta.” Maul said in a gentle voice, he felt terrible for scaring her earlier with his unpredictable behavior.
He walked over to Savage and took off his own shirt, leaving just his shorts on, letting Savage slide in first and maul slid in with his back pressed against Savage’s heated chest, it felt strong, and solid, and comforting.
Savage pulled the blankets over them and wrapped his arm hesitantly around Maul, under the covers, ready to move if Maul so much as flinched.
Maul was too tired to complain and fell asleep almost instantly. Savage took the rare opportunity to nuzzle his face into the crook of Maul’s neck, as they slumbered together. They were reminiscent of two great cats, laying about.
Almeta smiled and stretch out a little in the chair, she’s fallen asleep in this thing so much it’s become second nature to her. After a little while a strangled whimpering noise woke her up, she rubbed her eyes and looked around. Her eyes made it to the bed, the brothers were facing her and she smiled, the looked adorable.
There was that noise again, an almost pained whimper, and she saw Savage’s face scrunch up. He’s probably having a nightmare, she bite lip then stood up and walked over. She sat on her knees in front of the bed near their heads and Savage whimpered again. She looked to Maul for a moment, she kissed his cheek then turned to Savage.
Should I wake him? She thought for a moment, reaching for Savage’s face, caressing his cheek softly. Then an idea hit her, her voice! She almost forgot she could use it to influence dreams as well. She took in a deep breath, and began to sing her lullaby again, her eyes closed so she good focus on putting all her energy into changing his nightmare into something nice. https://youtu.be/m2xnPSRSSzU
Maul had been having a blissfully dreamless sleep, he always seemed to when he slept next to his Brother, feeling that protectiveness that he always exuded, was supremely comforting. Savage would have nightmares anyway though and they made Maul feel like his hearts would break.
He felt the trembling in the chest behind him, and heard the soft whimpering, Maul slowly laid on his back so he could see savage, and his hearts crumpled as he saw the anguish in his Brothers face, he was about to reach up and stroke his face, when Almeta appeared noticing that Maul was awake.
She leaned down and kissed him softly on the cheek, making him close his eyes slowly, appreciating every simple touch she offered him, he watched warily as she turned to Savage, he was very protective of his younger Brother, and calmed as she stroked his great horned head tenderly, stroking his ink stained cheek.
She looked thoughtful for a moment and then brightened, and seemed to fall into a trance like state and began to sing the most hauntingly beautiful song Maul had ever heard, he had listened to her sing earlier but this time those same words were very different. The force was woven into the music, carrying power and influence.
Savage was having a nightmare indeed, one that plagued him with great frequency, even more often since Maul left him on that planet. The whispering pleading from lips he felt he should know, that he knew somehow he loved, “S….Savage!” And then a sickening crack, terrified eyes, and then nothing, the feeling of unimaginable loss, and then the scene would change to one of being alone, so very alone, His heart laid bare to Maul and then watching him walk away out of his life… The agony of loosing two important things, even though he couldn’t clearly remember the circumstances of the first.
He was trapped in this loop, until… He heard the song, his dreamscape changed, the dark scenes began to melt away, to meld into soothing landscapes of soft greenery, the smiling face of Maul, holding his hand, of peace, the face of this new woman, but mostly Maul, it was what his deepest self wanted.
Savage’s body relaxed and the trembling stopped, replaced with even rhythmic breathing, his face softening and relaxing he reached out on his sleep and pulled Maul closer to him, snuggling his face into Maul’s neck.
Maul tried not to make a sound, but blushed profoundly at the snuggling he was being subjected to. He looked up at Almeta, who had an amused expression on her face and just sighed. He found himself drifting off to sleep again at the sound of her voice, and he was gone.
Almeta smiled softly at the two sleeping brothers, she bit her lip then leaned over, giving them both a kiss on there heads. “No more nightmares for you two, from now on.” She whispered, more of a promise to herself then anyone else. She stood up and looked at her kitchen, she nodded her head at and started to move boxes around. She moved them enough to use the cook then went in search of the food.
She was planning to make a big breakfast, they had a few hours left so why not. She started cooking once she found everything she needed, humming happily. Two hours, it took her two hours to finish cooking everything, mostly because she had to be extract quite so as not to wake the two Sleeping Zabraks. She walked over to them and very carefully woke Maul with a kiss to his nose, then looked to Savage and carefully nudged his shoulder.
She was too sure yet how to act around the large Zabrak and didn’t want to touch him in a way he wasn’t comfortable with yet, and she was sure what would be uncomfortable for him. She smiled as both of them looked at her, “I made breakfast. We have one hour left till we reach where I hide the ship.” She told them and stood back. “Just be careful the boxes are kinda all over the place now.”
Maul stirred, as he felt tender lips brush against his nose, making him crinkle it up adorably, his eyes scrunching behind closed eyelids, before slowly sliding open one glittering golden eye, the pupil dilating slightly as it adjusted to the light.
He groaned and stretched his muscles trembling with the strain as they reached their limit and he relaxed again, and he propped himself up on his elbows, looking over to his Brother, who was just stirring, after Almeta wisely woke him in a different fashion. Savage stretched very similarly to Maul a contented expression on his face. Both Maul and Savage gave pause before standing, letting their bodies relax before they moved. As was the curse of being a male, their bodies were want to betray them every star forsaken morning without fail.
The two looked at each other and blushed, this was something they were both used to, and never really cared about it, going about their business as usual, but Almeta brought a new element to the whole situation.
They stood finally, and said almost in unison, “good morning” glancing at each other they broke out in laughter. Savage reached over and grabbed Maul in a tight embrace making the smaller man squeak slightly. “Happy Birthday Brother” Savage smiled hugely baring his pointed teeth in a grin, as he released Maul, who looked just a little bit flustered. “Thank you.” He managed smiling before they turned towards the kitchen.
“Something smells wonderful!” Savage said his eyes huge with wonder, Maul nodded in similar wonderment, as they grabbed their clothing and walked over to the table. Maul leaned down and kissed her, tenderly. “Thank you for making breakfast!” Savage looked like he had gone to the afterlife, his eyes were wide and his mouth hung open slightly.
Almeta smiled and kissed Maul back. “You’re welcome. I have a feeling neither of you would be very good at cooking.” She joked and handed them plates and such. “It’s been awhile since I’ve cooked this much food but the muscle mass you two have,” she gave Savage a pointed look at that.
“I figure you both will end up eating far more then me.” She kissed the top of Maul’s head, keeping in mind to not get to close to the center horn. “And don’t think I forgot your birthday.” She told him, handing him four books. “The books I used to make Triton, I found them while I was moving the boxes around.” She smiled at him then nudged a box under the table to Savage, giving him a look and nodding her head to Maul. She knew he probably didn’t have much on him so, the gift she bought for Maul the other day she nudged to him so he would have something to give to his older brother. It wasn’t anything big, just a small necklace with a painted shell on it. She found it in the same booth as her hair piece, and when Maul wasn’t looking she bought it. It was a black shell with red designs painted onto it.
Maul blushed hotly at the comment of not being able to cook…. Maul certainly couldn’t he remembered the time he had managed to burn water…. He didn’t even think it was scientifically possible.
Savage on the other hand was a decent cook in his own right having been a resident of the nightbrother village and living alone. Savage eyes the food like a starving man would eye a single corn chip, he was ravenous. Maul also looked like he was about ready to pounce, if not for being raised with better manners than that he probably would have.
“Savage can eat a frighteningly large amount, my credit chip can bear witness to that statement.” He said grimly before bursting into laughter, Savage following suit, clutching his chest with mirth. “They…they ran out of meat that night brother…” Savage roared, as Maul just shook his head, he was SO not related to this man.
Maul finally caught his breath wheezing slightly and wiping tears from the corners of his eyes, smiling up at Almeta when she kissed him softly on his head. Almeta’s “Happy Birthday!” Caught Maul off guard and his face lit up with childish delight. He had only celebrated his Birthday a few times in his life, and it was often not centered around a reason to be happy, but today, today was so much different.
Almeta handed Maul his present and he took it with trembling hands, he looked from the books to her face with so much wonder, and his lower lip trembled slightly, he bit it to keep it from betraying him. He had never actually been given a present before on his Birthday, and this gift was extremely special.
“Tha… Thank you.” He managed with a waveringly beautiful smile, full of adoration and joy, “they are beyond wonderful… I love them..” He managed. Savage saw the box sliding under the table and caught on to Almeta’s meaning and he looked at her with such affection and adoration, this small action meant the world to him.
In truth he had nothing to give his Brother except himself, and that was too soon. He lifted the box with trembling hands and gave it to Maul, who looked equally lost in wonder. Two gifts?? He got to have two?
Maul opened the box and his mouth opened in a small gasp, it was wonderful, the patterns on the black shell were reminiscent of his own, and it was a wonderful necklace. He motioned for Savage to help him, Savage looked at Almeta, his large fingers too clumsy. “Please Almeta?” He looked embarrassed.
Maul loved the necklace, and they sat and began to eat the wonderful meal that had been lovingly provided for them.
@mauldeservedbetter @maulieber
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