#but there was never any code back then….. so I can’t access these tix even tho I had access to the sale in may
phoebenpiperx · 1 year
an HSMTMTS fanfic by phoebenpiper
Summary: Seb is missing Carlos. Big Red is missing Ashlyn. They go to see a movie starring a queer icon in a touching gay love story. What could possibly go wrong? 😉
Seb stared at his phone...or, more specifically, at the last text he’d received from Carlos.
It was hard to believe it had been 10 days since Seb had heard anything new from the boy, but he wasn’t worried. Big Red had explained—after Seb had frantically reached out to him following Carlos’s initial 24-hour silence—that campers weren’t allowed cell phones at Camp Shallow Lake, so the lack of messages wasn’t any sort of intentional ghosting.
But that didn’t mean Seb missed Carlos any less. He was used to a non-stop barrage of snarky comments, harsh observations, and fabulous pics from his boyfriend, so the lack of communication was deafening.
Not getting to go to theatre camp with his friends had been disappointing.
And not getting to snuggle with his boyfriend for two whole weeks was difficult.
But not getting to communicate at all with any of them was nearly impossible!
Especially when he knew that Carlos wouldn’t be able to advise him regarding the logistical issues of his request.
No, Carlos never really requested—he demanded.
After all, isn’t that what all those exclamation points meant?
So Seb carefully read through the message once again:
I totally 4got!! I bought us tix to the LGBTQIA+ Stream to Screen film fest before I knew the dates of Camp Shallow Lake. YOU CAN’T LET OUR TIX GO TO WASTE!!! I’ll send you the QR codes. And I want to hear ALL ABOUT IT afterwards!!!
Seb sighed. How was he going to pull this off, since he couldn’t exactly drive a tractor into SLC for the evening?
He obviously couldn’t have his dad drive him either because the rainbow marquee was liable to make him suspect something...and Seb still wasn’t really ready for that conversation just yet. Coming out to Natalie had been hard enough!
But the no-driving thing meant that Seb would have to find someone who was not only willing to go see the movies with him but was also willing to drive all the way out to his family’s farm to pick him up AND drive him back home after.
And unfortunately, most of his closest friends were at Camp Shallow Lake with Carlos, so they obviously weren’t available. Nini was gone, too, with her moms in L.A., and Steph was away at some dance intensive.
Of course, there was always Natalie...
But for obvious reasons, she wasn’t really a viable option for this particular activity.
So who was left? Seb had been so isolated on his farm since summer started, he felt like he couldn’t even remember all his friends, so he started mentally going through the cast list for Beauty and the Beast as a sort of friend roster.
Beauty? At camp.
The Beast? At camp.
Gaston? At camp.
Le Fou?
Le Fou!
That’s it!
Big Red could drive—though his car was currently at camp with Ricky—but surely the ginger had access to a family car, right?
And Seb knew Big Red was lonely and feeling left out, too, having to work all summer in his parents’ hot pizza kitchen while both his girlfriend and his BFF were away at camp. Therefore, he’d probably jump at the chance to hang out with a fellow Wildcat for several hours in a cool, air-conditioned theatre.
Besides, like the rest of the theatre kids, Big Red was obviously an ally. He clearly supported Seb and Carlos’s relationship, having made all those rainbow pizzas for Carlos’s quinceañero, so he probably wouldn’t mind seeing a couple of queer romances.
Thus Big Red was the perfect choice! Seb had figured out a solution!
Which meant he’d be able to use the tickets after all.
Phew! Carlos would be so happy!
read the rest on ao3
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