#but they are harder to get right than the G4 ones because I feel like the G4 character had really good defining character designs
anothermonikan · 8 months
If I'm gonna keep having G5 brainrot I need to learn how to draw these ponies and god,,,guys I know you guys prefer the G4 artstyle to G5's TYT one, but I should not have to go digging for TYT pony references because the first results when I search up a characters name is fanart of them in the G4 artstyle instead. please
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heckyeahponyscans · 2 years
Thoughts and Spoilers for MYM #8
Episode summary:  Oh no, Sparky has gone missing!! 
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Hitch is frantic and the ponies are searching everywhere . . . but unbeknownst to them Misty is hiding Sparky right under their noses, in a supply closet in the Crystal Brighthouse.  Opaline has promised her a cutie mark if she brings Sparky to the dark castle, but wrangling the baby dragon is harder than it seems!  In the end Misty doesn’t succeed in bringing Sparky to the castle, but she does capture some of his dragonfire in a jar for Opaline.
General Thoughts:  Hitch’s connection with Sparky and his worries about whether he’s being a good “dragon dad” were very heartfelt.  I like that we see a male character in a nurturing, child-care role, which is still pretty uncommon. The B-plot with his friends getting in each other’s way was a little too simple for me (it seems like they should be past that) but it didn’t take up too much time so it’s fine.
Misty was the standout of this episode.  You can really see how being raised by Opaline has influenced her.  She will do ANYTHING to get her cutie mark, but she’s also naive and blind Opaline’s true nature . . . Misty promises Sparky that she will return him to Maretime Bay later, as though Opaline would ever let him out of her sight again.
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Her return to Opaline, empty-handed (except some dragonfire caught in a jar) is heartrending as she crawls across the floor, practically hyperventilating.  The dragonfire super-charges Opaline’s magic, but not to the extent she wants, and she unleashes on Misty like we’ve never seen before, screaming at her and calling her useless.  This feels like a pivotal moment, where the scales start to fall from Misty’s eyes.  Up to this point she has always been solidly in Opaline’s corner--believing that she is the rightful ruler of Equestria, trying to bond with her, trying to make her proud.  But here she ends up crying in her room.  “For somepony made of fire, I’ve never met a heart so cold.”
Other random thoughts:
- I liked Hitch’s Batman impression.  And he even got Zoom and Thunder in on it!
- Misty managing an incredible acrobatic feat (dodging Sparky’s Home Alone traps), only to berate herself for her one mistake (tripping afterwards) was apropos
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- awwww!
- I do feel Sparky is cuter in 2D (like the Tell Your Tale shorts) and 3D.  Like, I don’t find him repellent or anything, but I dunno, his face could be better.  I like his horns a lot, though.
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- I really like how strong light shines through the ponies’ ears, just like an actual animal with a thin ear
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- Zipp’s stressing me out by leaving the nail polish hanging over the edge like that
- Pipp: “Ooo, that is a good point”
Zipp, instantly: “Is it though?”
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- Pearl, the dog!  I assume she’ll be a pet in a future playset
- Hitch tells the seagulls to search “the old defense factory”, which implies that CanterLogic did shut down.  I hope we get an update on what Phyllis is doing at some point.
- the dramatic lighting in Hitch’s Batman scenes are *chef’s kiss*
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- Her body language . . . Awww Misty :(
- Opaline says it’s been “hundreds of moons” since she last saw dragonfire; I’m going to assume a moon equals a year because it would be odd for someone to say they saw something “hundreds of months ago”
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- The texturing on this tar is just really nice.  Like it has that oil-slick patterning on the top and everything.  Also, both tar and feathers are being stored in the basement.  Oh animators, you so sly!
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- Not only does Opaline’s horn and wings fare up, but parts of her body become opalescent 
- Opaline’s speech is incredible.  “Alicorns ruling like they were meant to.”  “No more of this equality stuff.”  “The citizens of Equestria should fear and love their immortal rulers!”  
- This is basically a deconstruction of G4, where that was the role of alicorns.  I remember there was a lot of fan speculation about Sunny becoming the new ruler of Equestria after the G5 movie came out, before there was other media.
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- Poor Misty, Opaline was terrifying when she lashed out.  What a great villain though!
- I liked Opaline’s simple, impatient toss of her head to activate her magic scrying pool
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- Oh noooo, is that a childhood drawing of Opaline?  Oh nooooo.
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Next Time
I just realized I never posted this on Tumblr, so here it is...
for @buckybarnesbingo​ and @winterhawkbingo​ !!
by Lira (me!)
square(s) filled: BBB - K1 - knives; WHB - G4 - massage
main pairing: Bucky/Clint
rating: T
major tags/warnings: implied/referenced self-harm (more like self-neglect), massage, nightmares, angst, fluff, first kiss
summary: Clint's nightmares often drive him to the range in the middle of the night, where he pushes his body harder than he should to try to get rid of the images in his brain. When Bucky finds him there, both of them get rather more than they're expecting.
word count: 1741 (+834 in the bonus scene)
Clint sends his arrows down the range, one after the other, not even looking to see where they hit. He knows, anyway. He makes intricate patterns–spelling his name, outlining the targets, drawing the shape of a man then shooting it in the eyes, in the throat, in the heart.
It doesn’t help.
He feels the nightmare with every draw. The numbness, the cold calculations, the blind obedience.
The worst part, the part that makes his stomach roil and his head swim, is remembering how good it felt to obey. Blissful. Like putting on a pair of jeans he’s had for five years, washed so many times they’re worn just right. Like the first gulp of coffee first thing in the morning, singing on his tongue and zipping through his veins.
His muscles ache, then burn, but still he shoots, emptying his quiver over and over...and over. A tiny voice whispers if he can just shoot enough, if he can just fall completely into his body and out of his mind, he’ll be able to destroy his personal demons. Or at least exorcise them for a little while.
He lets out a hysterical giggle. Get it? Exorcise? Exercise? You’re a fucking genius, Barton.
When the noise comes behind him he doesn’t think, only reacts. He spins on the ball of his foot, bow drawn, aimed true.
Bucky doesn’t flinch. Doesn’t even blink.
“I couldn’t sleep either.”
Clint lowers his bow. Too out of breath to speak, he just nods.
Bucky nods too, downrange. “Nicely done. Can I help?” Before Clint can answer Bucky’s unstrapping knives from their sheaths and flinging them toward the targets, black and silver flashing in the dimly lit range. The knives thunk home in the man-shaped target Clint made out of arrows–one in the forehead, one in the gut, and one in each knee.
He’s poetry with a blade. Clint’s seen him before, of course, but never like this, never up close and focused and easy.
“Nice,” Clint says. Or tries to. It’s more of an unintelligible croak that comes from his mouth. He tries to clear his throat but his mouth has gone dry, and it’s then he realizes he probably should have had some water, and probably shouldn’t have gone at the training quite so hard.
But he’d had to. Anything, anything, to get rid of the fucking nightmares.
Bucky’s face is doing strange things, and his voice sounds like it’s coming from far away, like maybe he’s standing at the end of a tunnel. But that doesn’t make sense, he’s only a few yards away. He reaches up to check his aids, only then realizing that his hand won’t obey, and that he’s lying on the floor, staring up at the ceiling. When did that happen? And how?
Yeah, definitely some water next time.
He hears Bucky and JARVIS going on about something, time maybe? Or hours? And then he hears something about water and that makes him open his eyes and hey, when had he closed his eyes?
When he manages to get his eyes open all he can see is Bucky. Bucky, kneeling beside him, leaning over him, giant anxious eyes staring at him. The look is all concern until Clint manages a weak smile, then Bucky beams. The only person Clint’s ever seen truly turn into a beacon of joy like that is Rogers, and that’s never been directed at him before; having Bucky look at him like that…
“You had me worried. JARVIS said you’d been training nonstop for nearly five hours. Without any water.” There’s a bit of reproach at the end there, but Clint focuses on the smile tugging at the corners of Bucky’s lips.
Bucky’s lips. He licks his own lips, suddenly aware how chapped and dry they are from lack of water. Suddenly aware that he’d like them to be softer, nicer, because maybe he’d like to use them for something besides speaking sometime in the near future.
And then Bucky’s arm is around him, pulling him upright, so he can sip from the bottle of water at his lips. Clint doesn’t remember the bottle getting there, but he just goes with it. Most everything seems to be going in and out anyway. Eventually he’ll be all awake again.
“Easy,” Bucky says, his tone low and soothing. “Just little sips.”
The water is the best thing Clint’s ever tasted. He tries to reach up to hold the water on his own, or at least help, but before he can reach the bottle he’s overcome by pain and nausea. He cries out, losing some of the water in the process, and almost choking on more.
Aw, water, no.
“Shoulder?” Bucky asks. His voice is still calm, still soothing, and even as Clint gives a very abbreviated because of pain nod he feels the effects of Bucky’s calm helping to ground him.
“Maybe I pushed a little too hard,” Clint says, avoiding eye contact. Bucky huffs a noncommittal noise.
After a breath of silence, Bucky says, “Let me help?” Clint’s eyes snap back to Bucky’s, looking for something in that mysterious blue. “Just trust me,” Bucky says, and that’s enough.
“I’ve done this too, you know.” Bucky, still holding Clint in a sitting position, eases him to the floor. Then, as if it’s nothing, he pulls his sweatshirt over his head. Clint’s somewhat thankful he’s wearing a t-shirt underneath, though in pulling off the sweatshirt the t-shirt rides up, and Clint is treated to an all too brief glimpse of Bucky’s bare stomach.
Bucky’s still talking, and it takes Clint’s brain some effort to go back to listening to the words instead of thinking about that bare strip of skin. “...elf too hard, and had to pay the price after.” As he speaks, still gentle and low, he rolls Clint onto his stomach, folds the sweatshirt, and puts it under Clint’s head. “Not much of a pillow,” he says, interrupting his own narrative, “but it’ll do.”
Clint closes his eyes and listens to Bucky’s voice, breathes what he suddenly realizes must be the scent of Bucky. Leather, metal, the oil he uses to clean his weapons, and–very faintly–chocolate. It’s a good smell, almost as comforting as the voice swirling around him.
“A hot bath would help, but this is better. Stevie’s always goin’ on about human contact and all that; and please don’t tell him I said this, but in this case I’m pretty sure he’s right.” And then Bucky climbs on top of him, straddling his lower back but keeping all the weight on his own knees, firm on the floor on either side of Clint. Even with all this it’s not until he feels Bucky’s hands on his shoulder that he realizes what it is Bucky means to do.
“Ohhhhh.” The sounds coming from Clint’s mouth are close to obscene, but it feels too good for him to care. “Buck, that’s…”
Bucky chuckles. “Again, don’t tell Stevie. Punk. He’s the one who taught me how to give a proper massage. Said I had to learn so when he gets sore I can ‘ease his suffering.’” Clint can’t see Bucky, but he can pretty much hear the eyeroll. “Such a drama queen, that one.”
“Thank god for Captain fucking America.” Clint’s babbling in between his moans, going on about Bucky’s magical hands and needing this after every mission because Nat’s hands are nice but are too small and the others are great but how do you just walk up to someone and ask for a massage? And every time Bucky’s hands touch the bare skin of his neck his brain just whites out, just stops, because it’s soft and electric all at once and he can’t compute.
But if he says anything odd, or if Bucky notices the odd stops and starts in his speech, he doesn’t say anything. He just keeps going, working the cramps and the stiffness out of his shoulders and arms and neck until Clint feels like he must be just a puddle on the floor of the range.
He doesn’t want Bucky to stop. He doesn’t want Bucky to ever stop. But eventually he says, “Bucky. If you don’t stop soon you’re going to relax me right to sleep. What’re you gonna do then, carry me to bed?”
As soon as the words are out he wishes he could draw them back somehow. Because of course Bucky could carry him to bed; Bucky may be smaller than Clint but he’s the Winter fucking Soldier. He could probably carry two Clints to bed and not break a sweat. But he’s here doing something nice, something he doesn’t have to do, and then Clint has to say something to maybe ruin it just because he’s all sleepy and comfy and suddenly realizing that he wants more from Bucky than someone to hang out on the range with or sit by on movie nights. Those things are great–but so are his hands, and his big blue eyes, and the way he makes fun of Steve while making it clear that Steve’s his best friend and always will be. He’s strong and sweet at the same time, and fuck all if Clint doesn’t want everything with Bucky...and when did that happen?
There are fingers in his hair now; not tugging, just a reassuring touch. When the backs of Bucky’s fingers trace Clint’s jawline he lets his eyes flutter open to see Bucky sitting on the floor next to him, the ghost of a smile on his lips.
“I really don’t want to undo all that relaxin’ I just poured into your muscles,” Bucky says. “Think maybe we can save the goin’ to bed part for next time?”
“Sure,” pops out of Clint’s mouth before he even thinks about it. Then, “Wait, what? Next time?”
The fluttering in his chest is something new, something unexpected.
It’s hope.
The smile on Bucky’s lips becomes genuine. “You heard that, did you?”
Clint wants to jump up, but he’s still just a puddle. Instead he grins, asks innocently, “Is kissing safe tonight? I wouldn’t want to do anything against my doct–”
He’s laughing when Bucky rolls him onto his back and cuts off his words with a kiss soft as butterfly wings. They smile into each other’s mouths, and Clint’s never had a better first kiss.
Or second.
Or third.
Bonus Scene
-for @feedmecookiesnow and @elenorasweet, because they asked 💜
Clint blinks drowsy eyes at Bucky. “So. Are you gonna carry me to bed, or do I have to sleep here?”
His grin is lopsided and tinged with exhaustion, and all Bucky wants to do is kiss that adorable face some more. But he’s more in control of himself than that.
That’s what he tells himself, anyway.
Because he has to kiss something, he takes Clint’s hand in his and kisses his wrist, then his palm. “I think something can be arranged,” he says. “I don’t want you to wake up on this floor with a stiff neck. Or to try to get back to your floor yourself and trip over your own feet.”
“I wouldn’t–” Clint starts to protest, but Bucky silences him with a finger to his lips.
“Barton, you’re graceful as a ballerina with a bow in your hands, and damn near as pretty, but you have a knack for injuring yourself.”
“I don’t know what you’re–” Clint mumbles against Bucky’s finger. This time it’s just Bucky’s stare that stops him.
“Fine. I concede.” Clint’s wink is sloppy with sleep, and Bucky has to hold himself still again. “But only ‘cause I want you to carry me to bed.”
As if Bucky needs to be talked into it.
Kissing Clint’s palm again, he says, “Think you can wait for me to clean up? I don’t particularly want to wake up to a lecture from Stark about leaving my weapons all over the range.”
Clint nods. Bucky can see that he’s still pretty blissed out from the massage and the rather extensive make-out session afterward. Bucky’s pretty far gone himself; he’d gone from waking up screaming from another horrible nightmare to finding Clint at the range to watching Clint nearly pass out to feeling Clint’s muscles under his hands to feeling Clint’s lips against his own. Not exactly what he’d expected from the evening.
The knives go back in their sheaths–”How many knives do you have on you, anyway?” “More than the four I threw…”–and the arrows are returned to their proper place in the armory. The bow gets hung up as well; Clint tells him it’s just a practice bow, not one of his good bows. Those are upstairs. Apparently Clint is a bit of a snob when it comes to his bows. Bucky has to turn away to hide his smile.
“Alright, let’s get you up,” he says, easing Clint up to a sitting position. Clint’s not going to make this easy, he really is about half asleep already so isn’t helping much. His head falls forward onto Bucky’s shoulder and he makes a happy humming sound, burrowing his face a little deeper into Bucky’s neck.
“Can’t you help a little? I can’t even get my sweatshirt back on.” He’s able to grab it from the floor where Clint had been using it as a pillow but before he can begin to even try to pull it on Clint, showing far more alertness than Bucky expects, snatches it away from him.
Even though he’s fair exasperated, Bucky laughs. “It won’t even fit you. Your arms are twice as long as mine.”
“Makes a nice pillow,” Clint murmurs, clutching at the fabric.
Bucky sighs, then gives in and kisses Clint’s cheek. “It’s yours then, sweetheart,” he says, and he knows then he’s gone soft for this fella. “Can we get you to bed, though? You really need to sleep.”
Somehow they manage to both get to their feet. “Now hold on,” Bucky says, and he scoops Clint into his arms.
It should be ridiculous. Clint’s got so much height on him it should just feel silly, like a toddler carrying a teenager. But somehow it just feels...right. Clint belongs here, in his arms, his own arms draped around Bucky’s neck. Clint’s heartbeat against his chest, his breath tickling his ear.
The walk to the elevator, the ride up to Clint’s floor, it’s all over so fast. Too fast. Before he knows it he’s easing Clint out of his arms and onto his bed.
His arms feel empty.
Clint looks up at him, biting his lip, like he’s deciding something. Bucky’s about to just say goodnight when Clint blurts out, “Stay?”
Bucky freezes.
“Not for sex.” Clint stumbles over the words, trying to hurry in his overtired state. “I’m too tired for sex anyway. But just...stay? I think there’s a pair of sweatpants in the bottom drawer,” he adds, nodding toward the dresser.
Bucky just looks at Clint for another full minute. Finally he says, “Yeah, and I’m sure they’re about three feet too long for me.” But he’s already at the dresser when he says it. He finds two pairs, pulls them both out, and throws one at Clint. “Wear something comfortable to sleep,” he says.
“Yes sir,” Clint says, only a little mockingly.
It only takes one night to learn that cuddles are a good defence against nightmares. Even better than time at the range.
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ruckystarnes · 5 years
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Author: RuckyStarnes
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Insinuated sexual content
Words: 1,776
Square Filled/Daily Challenge/Prompt: G4 - College AU / “Run away with us for the summer; let’s go upstate.”
Written for/Dedicated to: @star-spangled-bingo / @if-n0t-l8ter-when
Summary: Reader and Bucky try to get Steve to take a break from his portfolio and go to Reader’s family’s upstate vacation home.
A/N: I find the word count to be ironic since the prompt is from Hamilton
“Has he even come out of his studio at all today?” Y/N asked, taking a seat next to Bucky at the small table in the tiny kitchen of their college apartment, her eyes never leaving the door adjacent to kitchen. The brunet next to her looked up from the newspaper he was reading, eyes moving to the closed door before looking at his girlfriend with a knowing look, making her sigh with defeat. “He knows that it’s summer break. He doesn’t need to have his portfolio done until next spring, yeah?”
“Oh, he knows,” Bucky replied, looking back at the paper to continue to look at the baseball states, “he is just choosing to be this reclusive.”
“Have you been with him since end of classes?” Y/N chewed her lip, her body slowly fidgeting as she fought the urge to throw open the door and drag the blond asshat out of his art cave and make him be with them.
“Nope, you?”
“I joined him in a shower about three days ago, but his mind was completely wrapped up in his art.” Y/N pursed her lips before taking a sip from the water glass that was near Bucky.
“Artists,” Bucky grumbled as he folded the paper and rested a hand on Y/N’s thigh, his thumb rubbing small circles on the bared skin. “Have you asked him about joining us at the cabin?”
“Not yet,” she sighed, her hand covering his, lacing their fingers but allowing him to continue the small circular motions.
Before they could continue the doorknob rattled slightly before the door creaked open, revealing a disheveled, muscular blond man with a black smudge on his cheek and his thumb and pointer finger tips were black. Y/N could see the blue earbuds in his ear, faint music coming through. He didn’t acknowledge them as he went to the refrigerator, grabbing a can of Kickstart before heading back to his room.
“At least we know he is fed and clean,” Bucky smirked, “otherwise Sarah will be on our ass.”
Y/N swatted his arm lightly with a smile. “Sugar isn’t being fed.” She tilted her head in thought. “We could just kidnap him. Throw one of my drawstring bags over his head, handcuff his hands behind him, and throw him in the trunk until we get to Skaneateles,” she suggested. She had to repress the giggle that threaten to bubble up from the way Bucky looked at her, a mixture of amusement and disturbance. “What?” she forced out with a placid look, failing at looking innocent.
“You scare me sometimes,” he said slowly before smiling, “because I was thinking the same thing.” He pushed his chair back, the metal feet scraping against the floor was enough to make Y/N cringe the slightest, but she watched her boyfriend with curiosity as he made his way to the door where her other boyfriend disappeared in. He turned the knob and walked in, no point in knocking if Steve was blasting his music right into his eardrums. Y/N couldn’t help but laugh when she heard Steve yell in protest as Bucky walked out of the room with the blond over his shoulder, who was trying his hardest to disengage himself from his lover.
“Buck! What the hell?” Steve yelled, finally managing to loosen Bucky’s grip on him so he could stand. He glared at Y/N as she laughed before turning it towards the brunet.
“You’ve been holed up in you studio for days,” Bucky said evenly, crossing his arms over his broad chest, which made Y/N stop laughing. There was something about the way how her lover was authoritative was a complete turn on.
“I have to work on my portfolio,” Steve replied, mirroring Bucky’s stance almost perfectly. Y/N’s eyes kept moving between the two men, her breathing quickened as she waited to see what unfolded.
“Yeah, and you don’t need it done until next spring, punk,” Bucky countered, his voice soft, “Y/N and I are both are with you ‘til the end of the line, Steve, but we just finished classes last week. We haven’t had time for each other because of finals. Y/N misses you. Hell, I miss you.”
Y/N could see the blush spreading over Steve’s cheeks and down his neck as Bucky reached out to rest his palm against the blond’s cheek, caressing his cheekbone like any lover would. What Bucky said wasn’t a lie. They had barely seen Steve since before finals due to the studying and projects they had to do. Y/N had to look away when Steve’s shocked eyes landed on her, making her feel at fault for making Bucky drag him out of the spare room.
“It feels like you don’t want us anymore,” Bucky added, his voice softer than she ever heard, “You spend every second of your life in your studio, having us sleep alone every night, ignoring Y/N each time she comes in and tries to get you to join us in anything.”
“Y/N?” Steve asked gently, concern dripping from her name which made it even harder to look at him. “Sweetheart, is that true?”
“I knock, you don’t answer. I peek my head in and call for you but you have those stupid earbuds in and that music is loud,” Y/N replied meekly, hating the look he had on his face. It was one of hurt and regret, making his blue eyes almost gray.
“Listen, Steve, if being with us is too much right now, just say so,” Bucky said gently, his eyes moving over to Y/N to apologize for the sudden opening. The one that Y/N was afraid of.
“It’s not that,” Steve replied, running his hand through his golden hair, looking at the floor in almost a sheepish way.
“Then, please, take a break with us,” Y/N interjected before Bucky could make the man feel more guilty. “Run away with us for the summer. Let’s go upstate. My parents have a cabin in Skaneateles that they said I could use since I didn’t get kicked out this last year.” She gave Steve a beaming smile, her heart full of hope he will say yes.
“But I have a list of things I need to do for next year, and I’m unsure of getting them done if I am still going to play football…”
“No, Steve,” Bucky cut him off, “you can’t do this to her. Us. We miss you, dammit. I mean, I’m use to you being fixated on projects since we were kids, but Y/N… She deserves better, man. And she deserves you more than me, but at this rate–”
“James,” Y/N chided, getting up from her chair to walk to the two men, choosing to stand between the two of them, her back to Bucky after she sent a warning look to him. She would have to address that comment later when they were alone. Her attention was on Steve again, taking his hand in hers before resting the other to his cheek. “We all haven’t been together in almost a month, Steve. I missed having you in bed with us,” she whispered as her thumb moved over his cheek, wiping away the graphite that had been smudged there. She felt Bucky closer to her now, his arms wrapping around her waist as he rested his chin on her shoulder, most likely giving Steve a pleading look.
“Yeah, the bed is slightly cold without you there,” the brunet added, a slight mirth to his voice, “besides, Y/N wouldn’t even kiss me because you’re not there.”
Steve looked down at her, wide eyed.
“We made an agreement when we started this relationship,” Y/N explained softly, “I’m both of yours, and you two need to agree if I can be alone with one of you. Yet, you never stated anything when you decided to hole yourself up in that study of yours.”
It was Steve’s turn to blush, his head hung, causing his hair to fall forward, making Y/N realize it had been a while since he even had a haircut.
“C’mon, let’s go. We will have the cabin to ourselves; clothing is optional,” Bucky teased, one hand leaving her to pull Steve close to her, resting his palm on the blond’s ass. “Sure I miss loving our girl, but I miss having you too, you punk. It’s summer.”
“I even got a new swimsuit,” Y/N baited, her hand falling to his chest as her other moved to rest on the other side of his ass. “It’s blue with cutouts. And I also got a few new sundresses and lingerie sets. Even Bucky hasn’t seen them yet.” It didn’t take a moment longer before Steve agreed, nodding his head before he leaned in to kiss Y/N sweetly then moved to give Bucky an equally chaste kiss.
Y/N smiled and turned to Bucky, kissing his cheek. “Well, we don’t have to use the handcuffs and kidnap him,” she laughed.
“Oh we can still use the handcuffs,” Bucky goaded, “but we can use them on you.”
“Oh look,” Steve smiled, “you still blush like you’re an innocent little girl. We all know that you’re not that innocent.”
“Shush, go pack. It takes four hours to get there and I want to be there before dark,” Y/N giggled, pushing the blond back before disengaging Bucky’s arm from her.
“Look how horny she is Steve. Maybe we should keep her on edge for a month next time,” Bucky laughed, his eyes darkened at the lustful thought.
“What do you mean next time,” Y/N asked, eyes narrowing at her two boyfriends. “Are you insinuating that you planned this?”
“We figured it would only be two weeks before you cracked, but you are a good girl where you won’t ask,” Steve replied, giving her an smirk before Bucky went on.
“You know how many times we sat outside the bedroom or bathroom door, listen to you getting yourself off?”
“Giving each other handjobs to those soft moans you thought you were covering up?”
“We know you felt unsatisfied,” Bucky added, “never completing because neither one of us was in you.”
Y/N stared at both of them before her eyes narrowed and her jaw set. “Okay, we leave tomorrow. You two are in so much trouble.”
“What are you going to do? Withhold sex?” Steve teased as she pushed him towards their shared bedroom, turning to face her. “We both can overpower you, take you over and over until you tap out.”
“Oh, that is exactly I want you to do,” Y/N smiled, “I want it so I ache tomorrow and need to sleep the four hours so you can do it again.”
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Rao said that vehicle purchases this year could possibly develop by one more 20% so long as China's financial rehabilitation continued and also oil rates continued to be stable. In his talk, he admits we are right now seeing a shift from ownership to accessing wheelchair", and also young people are much less most likely to own automobiles compared to recently. Google, Uber, Lyft, Ford as well as Volvo, every one of which are actually focusing on self-driving cars and truck modern technology, are going to lobby as the Self-Driving Coalition for Safer Streets to carry self-governing cars to the roadway throughout the US. Yet they can't consistently say to when that's unclear or raining, which means you still must think about which lightings your cars and truck is actually revealing. Basically, organic food is actually rich individuals investing their extra cash money to feel good. Whether self-driving automobiles are going to replace regular autos are going to depend certainly not just on technical remodelings, however additionally policies that are going to should be put in place. That obscurity will definitely certainly not vanish when the employees go if Uber is actually an ethically uncertain proposition currently that it is actually in the business from exploiting its staff. Your partnership to the cars and truck you use in, but do not very own, produces all the troubles pointed out even harder. This will certainly aid you to discover what the cost will definitely be for your auto delivery and you can begin to deal with this. Only a few times ago, General Motors Chief Executive Officer Mary Barra introduced that two Cadillacs in 2017 - the Cadillac Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and a flagship-sedan-to-be-named-later - will definitely incorporate two innovations that accelerate the reason for self-driving vehicles more than any type of two pieces from modern technology so far. Yet Trump and also Trump's electors have actually heard this argument before and also they typically aren't purchasing it. On the crowded floor of Detroit's Cobo Center today, as well as in the rooms and also conference rooms from its own accommodations, the automobile field's largest minds will all be actually burning the midnight oil attempting to identify effective ways to cope with the male their laborers selected. That's easy to understand to use less costly plastics on the lesser component of the dash, yet the change coming from a nicely-appointed, padded leg rest to the cheapest plastic from the inner parts doesn't match properly in my eyes. Liquid degrees for the coolant, brake and also guiding systems are going to be actually checked out as well as topped up as needed to have as portion of any company however these need to also be actually checked by automobile owner often under regular conditions. A lot of car insurance carriers do not give a self-driving package (Varden ultimately went with Lloyd's, understood for guaranteeing exotic threats, including Bruce Springsteen's voice). My personal adventure with automobile voice command: 3-5 second lag time between command as well as typically wrong execution (don't forget, Siri needs to initial hook up to the cloud), needing communication with the touchscreen. Even more greatly, this has the potential to allow auto companies to recognize their customers as never in the past. That's an excellent measurements for almost anything, off reading short articles to participating in video games as well as enjoying Netflix, without the wallet protrusion of a 5.5-inch display like the Moto G4's. That additionally uses video cameras, sensing units as well as radar to steer the auto as well as prevent it coming from colliding with anything else when driving. Defense: While public transportation is an eco sound suggestion that should be encouraged, that is actually certainly not viable in many rural and suburbs, or even for people who need to commute to operate; thereby hybrid cars and trucks are actually a better service for a lot of the nation's populace. As it ends up, the electric auto of the 1900s experienced the very same obstacles that remain to obstruct the field in 2016. Good (As well Excellent, # 1) was tough for me to evaluate because it left me feeling mixed emotional states, anxious and wanting to beverage some sense as well as protect right into a youthful ignorant girl. The WSJ happened to say that Apple wishes to place its squish the electricity auto market likewise that carried out the cell phone along with its iPhone", and also the company had actually given the go on for the creation of a 1,000-person team, as well as permitted poaching coming from different component of the provider. A regional updates electrical outlet in Mississippi - where state criteria for vehicle entitling are reasonably lax - located 17,000 vehicles that had actually been actually title washed in just two years between 2004 and also 2006. While I had not been directly advised to get unnecessary repairs, the manager's breakdown to encourage me from the dangers on a long travel after an evaluation from my outdated automobile led me to obtain unneeded fixings to have the vacation, which resulted in my car's failure. If you have any questions relating to exactly where and how to use http://wheelife.info, you can make contact with us at our own internet site. Folks get cars and trucks to drive them - if you reduce the romance of going to the steering wheel then you may also use Uber.
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