#but they don't want to let him in so they just leave him outside in the cold
giannaln4 · 2 days
I'm Sorry
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lando norris x fem reader
summary: A moment of frustration made Lando react the way you never thought he would, and boy, would he regret it.  (1.6k words)
warnings: angst, swearing, argument, mean lando,  fluffy ending
a/n: ok so for this, i decided to go back to Baku and put the quali result in a totally different perspective than my last fic. i guess i kinda like it but i'm not very good at describing arguments 😭 anyway pls let me know what you think!!
ALSO i have an announcement to make and i'm really excited for it :)
check out the original request here!
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The qualifying this weekend was an absolute mess, to say the least. Lando was hard on himself no matter the result he got. Even if it was good, he would always find something to criticise himself, but P17? Everyone was in for a treat, you thought.
The worst part is that it wasn’t even his fault; it was a stupid mistake by the marshals, and he was not to blame for it. A yellow flag interrupted his lap, and he was immediately kicked out in Q1. 
Seeing the first qualifying session being over with his name in red was not something anyone wanted to see, especially not him, and now that every point was essential, you knew it crushed him.
He came back to the garage to see the rest of the qualifying with his team, and as soon as he got out of the car, you saw how frustrated he was. You understood him, of course, it sucked that this is how the weekend was going, but you would be there for him no matter what.
Once Lando took off his helmet, he headed straight to his driver’s room, and he didn’t even look at you when he walked past. That meant he wanted to be alone, but oh silly you, you decided to follow him.
He let out a loud sight when he heard the door open and close behind him, not really in the mood to hear what you had to say. He knew for a fact you were going to tell him he did well and it wasn’t his fault, which he greatly appreciated, but right now, he just wanted to suffer in peace.
“Baby?” You called him out, just testing the waters, but he didn’t respond. Instead, he hummed in annoyance. “I know you don’t want to hear this right now, but-”
“You are right, I don’t want to hear it,” he interrupted you, not even turning around to face you. He placed his hands on the desk and leaned into it, taking a deep breath. 
That should have been your cue to leave the small room and leave him alone, but for some reason you didn’t. “Lando, don't beat yourself up over this. It wasn’t your fault, and I’m sure things will be better tomorrow. We all know what you can do and you still have the race-“
“This is MY job, Y/N. I probably know better than you do,” he snapped, raising his voice and finally turning around. “This is what I’m fighting for, we all are. Do you know what’s at stake here? I finally have the chance to compete for a championship, and I just blew it.”
To say you were astonished was an understatement; this was the first time he ever snapped at you that way and you didn’t know how to react. “I’m sorry, I just-”
“Every point counts, and not even starting in the top 10 tomorrow- fuck, not even top 15, there is not much I can do.” Now, he looked more mad at you than frustrated at himself, and that crushed you. “I came here to be alone for a bit, I was hoping you would at least respect that." You stayed silent, knowing a single sound would make you cry, and you didn’t want to piss him off more than he already was. “I know you are trying to help, but you are not, you can’t.”
You just stared at him, tears threatening to leave your eyes; he had never raised his voice at you in a heated moment, and it hurt like hell. You definitely should have stayed outside. 
He walked towards the door and stepped out of the room without uttering another word, leaving you alone to deal with your own feelings. 
As soon as the door was closed, you started crying. It was your own fault, really; you could always read him like a book, even today, and you knew better than to disturb him when you weren’t supposed to, but today for some reason you just couldn't keep your mouth shut. Idiot.
You tried to calm yourself down; the last thing Lando needed was to see you cry on top of his result, but it was harder than you expected. This being the first time an argument got so out of hand made you feel absolutely terrible, especially because it was your fault. Deep down, you knew he didn’t mean it, you knew it was his feelings talking, but that didn’t make it any less painful.
A few minutes went by and you could still hear the cars out on track, the mumbling of the team, and people constantly working out there, so you tried to use that as a distraction. Anything to take your mind off what just happened. 
Unfortunately, it didn’t help, but at least you ran out of tears, and now you were just staring at a blank wall, thinking how you could begin to apologise for earlier, if he would even give you the chance to. 
Truth is, you weren’t sure if bringing it up again would be a good idea; you wanted to apologise for disrupting his cooldown moment, but what if hearing that made him mad again? Or worse, what if you didn’t apologise and made the situation even bigger? Your spiralling made you lose track of time, and a knock on the door pulled you out of your thoughts. 
“The car is about to leave, Y/N, they are waiting for you,” you heard someone say on the other side of the door. You were at least hoping Lando would come and get you once it was time to go back to the hotel, but he didn’t.
“Thanks, I will be there in a minute,” you replied, grabbing your things and Lando’s before sprinting outside. 
The car ride was hell. Lando didn’t look at you the entire time; he was just staring at his phone, texting who knows who, his face as neutral as ever. It felt longer than it actually was, and when you finally got there, he just stepped out of the car and didn’t look back. You let out a sigh and followed him, leaving a prudent distance between the two of you. 
Once you were in the hotel room, you both started to get ready for bed, like you usually did, except this time, you didn’t acknowledge each other. 
That was until you were already on your side of the bed and he came out of the bathroom, taking the spot next to you and burying his face on his phone again. The entire time you were building up the courage to say something, anything, now that you decided that apologising was the right thing to do.
“Lando?” You called for him, but again, he just hummed in response. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. You were right, I shouldn’t have said anything, and I should have respected that you just wanted to be alone.”
That’s when it hit him. How could he get so mad at you for trying to make him feel better? 
He dropped his phone and turned to face you, and noticing your sad expression and teary eyes broke him. His eyes softened as guilt washed over him. Why were you apologising when he was the one who reacted like that? But as soon as you looked down at your hands to avoid eye contact and tears started falling down your face again, he felt even worse. 
“Y/N… Baby, I’m so sorry.” He got closer to you, softly taking your cheeks in his hands to get you to look at him. “Please don’t cry, I’m sorry I acted like a dick and raised my voice at you,” he stared, wiping your tears away, carefully thinking about what else he could say. 
You, on the other hand, didn’t know how to react. Your plan was to apologise and hopefully move on, but now that he was apologising, you didn’t know what to say; you didn’t want him to feel guilty, even though it was his fault you were in that position right now. If only he took a different approach. 
“It wasn’t your fault, okay? You were just trying to help, and I should have appreciated that, you know that I do, I just... I don’t know, there is no excuse for what I did.” But you were still silent and trying to avoid eye contact. “Baby, say something.” 
“Lando, you yelled at me.” You finally replied, your voice a bit muffled by your tears.
“I know, I shouldn’t have done that, and I promise I’ll never do it again.”
After a minute of silence, you just nodded, which made him let out a sigh of relief. “Okay.”
“Okay? I’m sorry, my love.” He pulled you into a hug, your head on his chest as he placed a soft kiss on your head. “I know I was a dick, and I really wish I was nicer about it.”
“It’s okay, I get it; you were frustrated with your result, and I should’ve known better than to interfere with what you were feeling.”
“No, it’s not okay. I was frustrated, but I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.” Lando was rubbing your back softly, trying to bring you the comfort you tried to give him earlier. “I love you, and I can’t describe how much I appreciate everything you do for me; I know having to deal with my shit is not easy, so thank you.”
“It’s fine, I mean it.” You looked up at him, locking eyes finally in the entire day. “Just... don’t push me away, okay? And if you do need to be alone, just say it, and I promise I will listen next time.”
“Okay, sounds good.”
He gently placed a hand on your check, rubbing small circles before leaning in for a kiss, one both of you much needed. And with one final ‘I love you’, you feel asleep in his arms.
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hahaifolded · 1 day
141 x POC!GN Intelligence Operative - The Contract (Long Drabble) Author's Notes: Once again playing with something new. Not gonna lie, hated this because this was more work than I had expected. Next one will be more narrative for my sake Warnings: MDNI, Angst (ALSO PUT YOUR AGE IN YOUR BIO CAUSE I DO BLOCK)
Contract of Employment - Intelligence Operative Name: [Retracted] Address: [Retracted] The basic terms and conditions of your employment are outlined in this Contract of Employment and the Employee's policies. Duration of Contract: Your employment with the Employer under this Contract started on [Retracted] and will end after 12 months after the initial date. Contract can be renewed after the Employee ends in good standing with the Employer after the 12 months and the Employee deems it a good fit.
Job Title and Hours 3.1: You are employed as INTELLIGENCE OPERATIVE for [Retracted] reporting to "the Captain." 3.2: You are expected to perform all duties outlined below starting at 0800 (8:00am) to 1700 (5pm) Monday through Friday. 3.3: You must be available for any extenuating circumstances past these hours. All emergencies will be informed by "the Captain" and "the Captain" only.
Price: Need you to review the plan for the next mission before the meeting tomorrow.
Ghost groans after reading the message. Price just had to ruin his Sunday night. Realizing that his plan to sleep in was just ruined, he decides to text you. Seeing that you normally got in around that hour, maybe you could join him?
Did he deserve that? God no. But, he missed you. So he sends the text and waits... and waits... and waits...
Next thing he knew, his alarm was ringing, signaling the new day. He checks his phone and sees there are no new messages. It didn't matter. He'll see you around soon enough.
But soon enough comes around and you're nowhere to be seen. Were you running late? Shit, your car. Maybe you were walking again? He sends you a text, but again, no response. He's so worried that he can't even focus when looking over the plans. It's not until he sees you walk in for the meeting exactly at 0800 that his mind eases. Surprised to see you walk in late, he decided to check up on you after the meeting.
Knock, knock
You glance up from your monitor. "Lieutenant?"
Lieutenant? Sure, that was his title, but you always called him Ghost. Something didn't feel right.
"Sorry, I just wanted to check up on you."
You stop typing and completely turn towards him. "Why?" Your tone is accusatory.
He stumbles a bit. You were never short with him. "C-cause you came in late toda--"
"I did not come in late. If you look over my contract, you would see that my start time is 0800, exactly the time I clocked in today." You turn back to your monitor and continue to work.
Ghost takes a big gulp. "Oh. I- uh... I sent you message last night and this morning."
You let out a heavy sigh and stop typing. "Was it an emergency?"
"No, but--"
"Good. I can't waste any time here, have to make sure I put all of my energy in my work. So if you don't have anything else of importance, you can leave." And with that you continue to type.
Ghost walks out of your office and closes the door. Why did it feel like it wasn't just your door that was closed here?
Job Responsibilities 4.1: You are responsible for all work that requires intelligence which includes analysis, gathering of intel, and presentation of said intel. 4.2: You will not participate in work that falls outside your jurisdiction.
After today's meeting, Gaz was weary of the plan. Despite being checked by Ghost, he couldn't help but feel like it needed to be discussed further. He kept in his thoughts during the meeting as he wanted to process them further.
Now after thinking about it all morning, he realizes he needs one more brain to help finalize his thoughts. Not just any brain, however, yours. If he wasn't so caught up in his thoughts, he would have realized that he no longer had any entitlement to your help. But alas without a second thought, he rushes to your office.
He knocks on your door and walks in before you have a chance to say anything. "Hello, hello!" he chirps. And, instead of being greeted by your warm smile, he is greeted by nothing. You don't even bother to glance at him.
Without removing your eyes on the screen, you say with no emotion, "Sergeant Garrick, what do you need?"
Sergeant Garrick? Ewe, that sounded so wrong coming out of your mouth. You always called him Kyle... Gaz if you felt cheeky. Feeling nervous now, Gaz hesitates to speak.
"Sergeant, I really don't have time for your shenanigans. Do you need something?" You quickly glance up and shoot him a sharp look.
That look brings Kyle to the present. "Sorry, yes. I was hoping you would..." You finally look at him, but instead of easing his nerves, it only exacerbated them as you looked at him with annoyance. "If you can, obviously, help me go over the plans for the next mission. Something about them just seem off and I could really--"
You interrupt him. "I have to stop you there. No." And just like that, you turn back to your monitor.
"Why?" he asks without thinking. He catches the way you took in a sharp breath.
Without looking at him, you respond, "I have never been in the field so what use do I have for you? Besides my job is in intelligence and in intelligence only."
He cringes at his own words. He tries to get another word in, but you're clearly not listening. Feeling defeated, he walks out your door.
"Sergeant?" you call after him. He quickly whips around. Maybe you changed your mind?
"Close my door."
Job Responsibilities 5.1: You have jurisdiction over all work that deals with intelligence. 5.2: You have complete authority to discipline officers of lower ranking or similar rank if their actions interfere with your responsibilities.
Soap doesn't know how it happened. He has been in his office all day, working. Sure, maybe he spent more time than he should have thinking about you, but everyone else does it. Now he was scrambling, trying to finalize the schematics for the explosives needed for the next mission.
Low on time, he rushes to your office to beg for your help. He knew he was in deep water with you, but he really had no choice. He hoped your caring heart would pity him this one last time.
He barges into your office, calling your name out. You immediately shoot up from your seat, worry apparent in your face. You hurry to the front of your desk to reach the panting Scotsman.
"Sergeant MacTavish, is everything okay?" Johnny can hear the worry in your voice. Good, you still might care.
"It's an emergency. I need to finish these blueprints by today or Price will kill me! Help your favorite Scotsman out?" he begs. Soap nearly whines when you take a step back from him.
You scoff. "Are you being serious right now?" Okay, maybe you don't care.
"I know, I know. But I wouldn't ask if I wasn't desperate," he cries. His entire body shudders when you scoff at him once more. You shake your head in disbelief and return to your seat.
"Please, get out."
"Please, it's not even a lot. Just go over--"
"No, Sergeant. I have my own work to do."
"It won't take a lot of time, just--"
"NO!" you stand up again, slamming your desk. "Sergeant MacTavish, it is not in my contract to babysit fools like you." He winces. "If you cannot handle the work that comes with being in Special Forces, I recommend you to consider other careers. So leave my office before I write you up for insubordination," you hiss.
Soap quickly apologizes and leaves your office. He bumps into Price on his way back, but it doesn't phase him. Your utter disappointment in him plays back in his head over and over and over again.
Breach of Contract 8.1: If Employer deems the work of the Employee as unsatisfactory, contract will immediately be terminated. 8.2: If Employee deems the Employer is breaching any of the parts outlined above, Employee has the right to terminate the contract without any repercussions
John didn't take Soap crashing into him personal. It was clear his sergeant was lost in his thoughts. What did pique his interest was where he walked out of. It seemed like every member on his team had a chance to pop in your office today, but him. Refusing to let any of those muppets get in your good graces before he does, he decided to pop in.
Since Johnny left you door open, he just knocks on the doorway before letting himself in. "Hopefully, I'm not disturbing?" he jokes. The clacking of your keyboard stops and you slowly turn to look at him. You take in a deep breath, almost as if you're trying to contain yourself.
"Captain Price," you announce plainly, "do you need something? I'm almost done with today's report."
"No, not at all. Just wanted to check up on you. See how you're doing?" He doesn't quite catch what you mumbled under your breath. "Sorry?"
You roll your eyes. "Nothing," you pause. "I'm fine. Just trying to get my work done before 5pm."
"5pm? Have an appointment or something?"
You stare at him for a bit and remind him of your contracted hours.
Assuming that you were worried about not finishing on time, John assures you that you can always stay in late or pick up again tomorrow. "It happens to the best of us."
Your eyes go cold. "It wouldn't have happened to me if your men and yourself weren't adamant in harassing me with matters that frankly do not pertain to me." You readjust yourself in your seat. "I advise all of you to go over my contract to avoid further misunderstandings. I would hate to leave mid-mission."
John goes cold. You... leaving. He looks in your eyes to see if there was any hesitation. There’s none.
Employer Signature: [Retracted] Employee Signature: [Retracted] Date: [Retracted]
After that day, the 141 realized what they had done. They had completely crushed your spirit and pushed you to be the epitome of professionalism. You were still a phenomenal Intelligence Officer, but you were just that. You were no longer their team mate... their friend.
But you're still here so that's fine... right?
Word Count: 1732
More Thoughts - Next Thought
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hoernypie · 13 hours
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He's late buying you a gift (」><)」
|He'll come back, he'd never leave you because he loves you so so sooo much!|
tags: they don't matter today wc: idc, let's cope
Satoru, running late, found himself in a high-end jewelry store. Scouring the display cases for something that screamed 'perfect gift', he realized time was ticking.
As the seconds stretched into what felt like hours, Satoru's heart raced, knowing he was being unforgivably late. His eyes darted from diamond necklaces to sapphire rings, searching for the ideal symbol of his love. Finally, a delicate pendant caught his gaze, reminiscing the one he gave you before you two shared the first kiss under a fall’s sky. It was as if fate had led him to it, just like it did previously to you. "I'll take this one," he exclaimed, his voice filled with urgency. With a nod of understanding, the saleswoman swiftly wrapped the necklace in luxurious velvet and placed it in a sleek black box. The anticipation grew palpable, each second seemingly bringing him closer to the moment he could finally put an end to the tormenting doubt that had plagued him since he got back to his body. Would you forgive him for going with a plan like that? Would you be mad? Most importantly, would you still love him? “Stupid,” he murmured to himself knowing you’d love him forever - no matter what. 
Rushing home, Satoru's thoughts swirled with excitement. The cool evening air brushed against his cheeks as he weaved through the bustling street, the delicate box nestled in his pocket like a secret treasure. His heart hammered in his chest, matching the rhythm of his hurried footsteps. His heart was pounding as he approached the home that held the answers to his fears. As he pushed the gate open, he took a deep breath, preparing himself for what was to come. Finally, he stood in front of the door, squeezing the box with the pendant in hand, ready to face you. He paused for a moment, a silent plea to the universe for everything to go right. Then, with trembling fingers, Satoru knocked, the sound echoing through the hall inside like a declaration of love and hope.
As the door swung open, there you stood, the soft glow of the hall lights framing your surprised yet delighted face. Time seemed to freeze for an eternity, the only movement the soft rustle of the curtains dancing in the gentle evening breeze. Then, in a burst of unbridled joy, you leaped into Satoru's arms, showering him with kisses that seemed to wash away the weight of his guilt and doubt. The gift was forgotten in the heat of the moment as your embrace grew tighter, your cries bubbling up like a celebration of his life. His heart soared, feeling lighter than it had in days. He kissed you back with fervor, the world outside the door fading into a blur of insignificance as the two of you reveled in the warmth of each other's arms.
After a moment that stretched into an eternity of your kisses, you finally pulled away, laughing with delight as you playfully slapped Satoru's cheek. "Punctual as always," you teased, your eyes sparkling with tears. "What's with the late arrival, Mr. Gojo?" Satoru chuckled nervously, "I got a little… distracted," he said, the words trailing off as he held up the small black box. "I wanted to get you something special," he added, a hopeful smile playing on his lips. “You know that I only need you,” you smile gently caressing his cheek, “Don’t ever scare me like that, understood?”
Satoru's smile grew as he watched your eyes fill in love while looking at him. He took a step carefully opening the box, revealing the delicate fall-leaf pendant that gleamed under the soft light. "It's beautiful," you whispered, reaching for it with a trembling hand. "It's similar to the one I lost," you added, your voice filled with wonder and nostalgia. Satoru nodded, his eyes never leaving yours as he gently clasped the necklace around your neck. "I had to find a way to bring back the memory of that perfect moment," he said, his voice thick with emotion. The touch of the cool metal against your skin sent a shiver down your spine, and as you looked into the mirror, the reflection of the pendant swaying gently, you felt a warmth in your heart that transcended time and space. "Thank you," you murmured, leaning in to kiss him again. The air was charged with love and deep affection as you both knew that this small token was not just a gift, but a promise of a shared life, filled with moments as precious as the first kiss under the fall leaves.
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missadangel · 12 hours
The Heart of Rome (Marcus Acacius x Reader)
All Chapters List
Chapter 4: The Desire (+18 MDNI-Strap in, its about to get smutty)
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"Ubi amor ibi fides."
Where there is love, there is faith.
“Tell me who you are,” Acacius waited for the answer to come from between your lips, his eyes lingering on the curve of them.
You knew it was time. There was no point in dragging it out any longer. 
“Marcus, I-”
He was taken aback at first, but he liked it when you called him by his first name. He kept questioning you, though, still waiting for an answer.
The door of the room was suddenly knocked on from outside. It was his squire. Acacius turned his head angrily.
"Don't disturb me!" he commanded.
"Sir, it's urgent!"
Acacius looked into your eyes for the last time, then withdrew his hands and turned towards the door.
"Come in!”
Acacius' squire Cato came in, looking very worried. 
"Sir, you've been summoned from Collis Palatium (Palatine Hill). It's an emergency." He was out of breath.
"Take it easy and let me know what's going on, Cato."
"They said, Emperor Geta has been poisoned, sir. The Empress wants to see you."
You covered your mouth in shock. After all, he was your half-brother. Acacius looked at you and then back at Cato. "Why is she calling me? I'm not a medicus."
"I'm not sure, sir, but I was told she wanted to speak to you. The guard with the horse said so. He's waiting for you outside to accompany you sir.”
Acacius nodded and let out a deep sigh. 
“Take me with you," you said suddenly.
He turned to you. "No, it might be too late by now."
"I can help him," you said loudly.
"Maybe you can't. I won't throw you into this recklessly,” he hissed.
"Are you going to let him die? It would be disastrous for Rome if he dies. He may not be the best ruler, but he's on the throne and an emperor in the end. I know he rules better than Caracalla. You know that too. You can't just leave Rome's fate in his hands."
Acacius put his hands on his waist, thinking, uncertain, but knowing you were right.
“I didn't know you were so interested in politics,” he teased, crossing his arms.
“I'm just observing things,” you shrugged. “Please let me come,” you said pleadingly.
His brow furrowed, and he raised his index finger as if in warning.
"You will stay in your cloak in the carriage and you will not show your face to anyone until I say so. If I need you, you will come when I tell you. Is that clear?"
You nodded. “Yes, sir.”
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The upper class Roman citizens settled on the Palatine Hill and built magnificent palaces. Emperors lived here in palaces called Domus. Caracalla and Geta did not get on well, but they both stayed in the same palace, The Domus Severiana. This imposing structure was located southeast of Capitoline Hill and the Colosseum.
The carriage arrived at the Palatine Hill in the twilight. You and the General barely spoke the whole way, both of you feeling tense in different ways. He was nervous because he had brought you with him, and you were worried that you would not be able to help Geta in time. You needed to know what kind of poisoning it was. You were almost an expert, but you weren't sure how well you could do without Vicius, your uncle. If you do something wrong and he dies, you could be in trouble. The General was aware of this, and it was worrying him.
Domus Severiana had no entrance from the street because it did not face the street. Security issues were undoubtedly the reason. In fact, all you could see were high walls, and not a single window facing the street. As the carriage stops, Acacius looked at you directly. "Put on your cloak and wait until Octavius arrives."
You nodded and did as he said, pulling your cloak over your head. 
"I'll check on the situation, and if there's nothing left to do by the time I leave, you must return to the villa. Do you understand?"
Acacius looked at you one last time before turning towards the giant door of the courtyard, concern on his face. "I hope," you murmured as you looked behind him. "I hope you don't die, brother. And I hope I can help you."
A moment later, you heard the sound of a horse's hooves hitting the ground as it ran and you turned your head in that direction.  Octavius pulled the reins of his horse and stopped it right next to the chariot. He leapt down and regarded the scene with a keen eye.
"My Lady," he greeted, "I wonder if there might be any news?"
You shook your head. "The General is inside," you replied.
He nodded, "I'll see if he needs me," and went inside.
It was dark now, and you were eager to get moving. You were ready to get out of the cart and rush inside, but when you saw Octavius coming out of the courtyard, you decided to wait it out.
"The general said you should leave," he said quietly. From the look on his face, you could tell he didn't agree with him.
"Is it too late for him?” You swallowed hard.
“He said he doesn't look well. I think it's his last moments.”
You frowned at him. "I can save him, just like I saved the general. You know that, don't you?"
He gave you a look that seemed to say he was in agreement. But he was just following orders from his General. “Acacius ordered me to accompany you to the villa.”
You closed your eyes, took a deep breath, stood up, and jumped out of the carriage. Octavius stopped you by extending his big arm out in front of you.
"The General's orders are clear, my lady."
 "I cannot let him die like this. If this gets out of Rome, Our enemies will undoubtedly spread the rumour that the Roman Emperor died of a simple poison and did not even have a skilled medicus to cure him. This would be an attack that could potentially weaken the Empire, and we can not allow that to happen.”
Octavian was too stunned by your words. 
‘My lady, you speak more wisely than the emperors, you are full of surprises indeed.’ He smiled.
First of all, as a medicus who saves lives, it never felt right to do nothing and let him die. You were determined to do it, even if he was not your brother, even if he was not the emperor. As a patient who needs help.
“I'll answer to the General,” you said to reassure Octavius. “But, sir, we don't have much time.” 
Octavian nodded, then inhaled deeply. “Even if you answer him, he'll punch me in the face for sure.”
You walked with him to the gate of the courtyard, he gestured to the guards waiting at the gate, one of the guards knocked the gate with fist without turning his body, squinting at you, and the large gold-embroidered gate swung open.  
The main courtyard was enormous. As you entered, you were greeted by a rectangular fountain with a motif of four peltas (shields used by the famous female Amazon warriors). The walls were decorated with frescoes, the courtyards and colonnaded porticoes were covered with elegant marble, and statues adorned the fountain and porticoes. Some of those statues were of family members. The biggest and most central one was of Septimius Severus himself, your father.
As you passed the statue, you took a quick look around, not knowing who it was, and made your way to the second courtyard. A large fountain and the same columns stood in this courtyard, but the marble was a different color. It was a truly beautiful sight. As soon as you crossed from this courtyard to the back courtyard, Acacius, who was talking to Julia Domna, noticed you and scowled. Julia Domna was looking sad, too. On the upper balcony, probably in the part of the emperor's chambers, you saw a lot of movement. Slaves were in a rush.
The Empress was clearly surprised, "That girl."
Acacius glanced at Octavius and his face clearly showed his growing tension. 
"If I can help, Your Highness," you said, bowing your head.
"How can you help? General, what does that mean?" she looked at him with a frown.
You answered before he could, the whole thing was so unnecessary, especially when time was so limited.
"I know I'm a woman and I know it sounds ridiculous, but I'm an experienced medicus. I'm here to save our emperor. Please allow me, highness.”
“Is that true, General?” She asked, her eyes on you.
Acacius squinted at you and then looked at at her and nodded. “She is the one who saved me highness, so, yes it is true.”
“But Medici has already said there is nothing more that can be done,” she said in a tearful voice.
"My Lady, we're wasting time here. Please take me to him and see what I can do to help.”
Julia nodded, looking very desperate.
“Well, he needs all the help he can get, you must be skilled to heal the General, but I trust him not you, not yet, don’t forget that.”
You noticed the General clench his jaw.
"Come with me now,” Julia gesturing with her hand.
While you were all going up the stairs, following her behind, Caracalla, who was leaning on the balustrade in front of Geta's room on the second floor, watching everything meanwhile.
“Lover, Slave, Medicus, so many things hiding under that beautiful face of yours,’ he said sarcastically. You nodded at him but didn’t like the smile on his face. There was no hint of sadness in his eyes. He seemed far from sad.
Julia stared at him with determination. "We'll do what we can, won't we? For your brother.”
“All the medici have already done enough, mother,” he said, rolling his eyes. “Or don't you trust my own medicus?”
You wanted to slap him in the face as he was standing in the doorway stalling you. How could he talk so carelessly when every second was precious? He might not love his brother much, but his behaviour was leading you to suspect him and you hated it.
Julia gently touch his shoulder. “I trust him as much as I trust you, my handsome boy. You trust me, don't you?”
Whatever Caracalla sensed in her voice, he didn't like it, and his eyes sharpened. But he quickly recovered his expression and smiled. “Hurry, then,” he said, pointing with both arms to the door leading to Geta's room.
Julia looked at you, "Just you." You saw the General before entering the Geta’s room. He was visibly nervous.
You were certain he'd give you a scolding when you got back to the villa.
When Julia led you through the door, you saw the golden dressing screen first. Opposite, was a large table with kinds of fruits and flowers on it and two chairs. Just beyond, in the opposite corner of the large window, where the golden curtains hung, was a large bed, covered with a red veil so thin that you could see the emperor lying on his bed. 
An old man, who was undoubtedly the medicus Caracalla mentioned just ago, looked at you with curiosity.
“Your Highness,” he nodded, his eyes were on you.
“She will check our emperor,” she said firmly.
“But this is a girl and-“  
“I said, I want her to check my son’s condition.” Her voice was sharp.
“Yes, highness.” The man bowed his head and stepped aside, squinting at you, Julia crossed her arms and gestured at you. You turned your head to Geta, lying motionless on his bed, a thick satin sheet draped over him. He was wearing a red tunic with gold embroidery, he seemed delirious, his golden blond hair stuck to his forehead with sweat, his skin was almost white, you quickly lifted the bedclothes, took his arm in your hands and examined it. It was swollen, red, his neck had the same symptoms, it was definitely plant poisoning.
“Hemlock?” You murmured.
The man opened his eyes wide. “But how-“
Julia was surprised too. “Yes, they said that. Now that you've realised that quickly, you can make an antidote, can't you?”
You put your hand on Geta's forehead and checked his body temperature. It was burning. "We need to lift the covers now," you said, and grabbed the covers with your hands, lifting them completely off him and pushing them to the other side of the bed.
“I asked you if you could make an antidote!”
You ignored her question and asked, "How long has he been like this? Has there been any vomiting? Was it something he ate or drank?"
She froze for a second, thinking quickly. "It was after dinner. He threw up a lot, yes, and then he fainted. He was delirious."
"That's good. The vomiting," you said, checking his neck and lips with your fingers. You parted Geta's lips, still and pale. There was a little bit of food in his mouth, on the edge of his tongue, and you put it in a clean cloth and put it aside. They didn't even make him drink some water? “He needs to drink water and-“
“But highness, he shouldn't be uncovered like this, he will get cold, we need to keep his body warm,” the other medicus interrupted you angrily. Julia frowned.
You rolled your eyes and stood up. “Sir, you obviously have knowledge, but I don't think you've ever dealt with hemlock poisoning before. His body is fighting with poison right now, so we need to lower his body temperature. In fact, we need to get as much fresh air in here as possible. Please be sure open all the windows and I need clean water and cloths.”
“You heard her!” Julia shouted at the emperor's slaves. Then she turned to the other medicus. 
“Is it true? That you've never encountered hemlock poisoning before and you've never treated it and you didn't tell me?” Her voice was so sharp and loud that he trembled with fear.
“You've been living in this palace as a medicus for years, maybe even longer than this girls age. But you can't do anything against this poison. Even this girl knows more than you. And you have the nerve to tell me that my son doesn't have much time left?”
“Your Majesty! I did not want to upset you-”
“Get out!” She barked.
Then she turned to you. “Antidote?”
“No, there is no antidote for hemlock,” you shook your head. “But I can get the poison out of his body in the most undamaged way possible.”
Julia was confused. “So you mean I can hope that, my son won't die?”
You smiled at her. “No, at least not tonight, highness. I ask you to trust me.”
She nodded, “Do whatever it takes to heal him,” her eyes filled with tears.
When the water and cloth you asked for arrived soon, you put them on the bedside table, dipped the cloth into it, squeezed it a little, put the cloths on his forehead and neck, and took your medical bottles out of your bag.
“What are you doing?” Julia asked curiously. 
“I'll have to make an herbal mixture to-.”
“Didn't a plant already poisoned him?”
“Yes, but to reduce and neutralize this poison… Can I use the kitchen? I'll need to examine the food he ate for dinner and the drink he drank.”
“All right, come with me.”
You left him alone on the bed and went out with Julia while the slaves opening all the windows one by one, as you'd asked. The General and Octavius were waiting just outside the door. Caracalla was the first to notice you. 
He approached you two, looking you over, and then turned to his mother. “Mother?"
"He'll be fine. Let's pray for him," she said, putting his arm around his son. Then she called to one of the slaves, "Take her to the kitchen," pointing at you. Acacius was looking at you, but Julia stepped between you. "General Acacius, I need you to do something for me. Come with me," she commanded. 
Reluctantly he had to go with her and he must be hated it.
You called Octavius over as you and the General were walking in different directions. The slaves went ahead and showed you the way to the kitchen.
"Sir, I need your help with something.”
“Of course, what is it?”
"I was going to ask you to help me in the kitchen. We need to be quick."
Octavius nodded. He trusts you.
"Do you know where the empress and the general have gone?"
"She trusts the General, so she is having him question those who cooked and served the emperor's food. But what I don't understand. Everyone must have eaten the same food, right? Why is only Emperor Geta poisoned?”
“Thats why we're here, to find out.”
There was no one in the kitchen because they had gathered all the cooks and other slaves in the other courtyard like he said. 
You asked one of the slaves to help you get the bowl Geta had eaten from and the others. He went to the dining hall and brought the bowls that the other medicus had examined. You took a piece from Geta's bowl and put it on another plate. 
You took a quick sniff, without bringing your nose too close. You knew that the smell of hemlock was very pungent, but this didn't smell like it. That was a bit unexpected. You put the remains from the corner of Geta's mouth on the other side of the plate and compared them. It was clear that he had eaten from this bowl. You quickly looked at the remains of the food in the bowls and cauldrons where the others had eaten. They were all the same and there was no sign of poison in any of them. 
"It wasn't what he ate," you murmured. "It's what he drank," your eyes locked onto the wine cups. 
Octavius and the other slaves looked at each other, watching you curious to see what you'd do next. You looked at the slaves as you compared the cups. "Can someone tell me which is the emperor's drinking cup? Has a new wine jar been opened recently?"
They exchanged glances and murmured.
"Does she mean the one that that slave just opened today?"
“Explain please?" you asked.
“One of the slaves spilled the wine during the drinks service, the emperors got pretty mad and told him to bring a new one. He ran to the kitchen and came back with a new decanter.
"And he poured it into Emperor Geta's cup first, didn't he?" you asked. Everything seemed to be cleared up, although you still didn't know what exactly had poisoned him.
"Show us that decanter now!" Octavius barked.
The slave girl nodded and ran into the dining hall to do as he said. A moment later she came running back with the decanter, but you got angry when she spilled some on the floor.
"Be careful! It must be poisoned!”
You quickly poured the wine into a cup and took a sample. The smell was a bit unusual, but you were relieved when your nose recognized it, you encountered before, back Egypt.
"Amanita muscaria," you said quietly. "He mixed it in with his wine."
"What's that?" 
You glanced up at Octavius. "It's a poisonous mushroom, made into an herbal extract and mixed into his wine. It's not an easy process, and not everyone can do it.”
You remembered the medicus from earlier. But you had better things to do right now than to blame him. The next step is to remove the poison from Geta's body. To do that, you had to make a natural antibiotic. You got the ingredients out of your bag and started making it right away, but then you had a sudden realization: everyone who cooks and serves food is about to die.
“Sir, please inform the General, I don't think it's the other slaves or cooks’ fault.”
Octavius nodded and turned on his heel and rushed out. You were praying as you making the herbal concoction with the help of the slaves standing beside you. While not as potent as hemlock, mushroom poison was still quite deadly, especially when combined with alcohol. But fortunately, unlike it, it is possible to make an antidote.
After what felt like an eternity, you finally finished the concoction and headed for the courtyard to go upstairs in rush. The other slaves ran behind you, stumbling as they tried to keep up with you on the stairs. You went into the room, put the bowl on Geta's bedside, and leaned over to check on him. You had so much you wanted to say, so much that hurt, but as a medicus, you were used to focusing on doing your job properly.
All you could think about was getting him better as soon as possible. You gave him the herbal concoction to drink with his slaves help. His breathing was weak, but you made him drink it all. You bowed your head when Caracalla came into the room. He was angry.
"Did you ask them to interrogate my slave?"
That slave who served Geta belonged to him, no surprise.
"He was poisoned by what he drank, not what he ate, and that makes him the prime suspect."
"Are you accusing me, you whore? Who do you think you are?”
He barked quite loudly, and at that moment, as you looked into his eyes, which were glowing with anger, you knew for sure that he was responsible for this. You forced yourself to remain calm.
"Never, Your highness. I would never accuse you of something your slave did."
He came closer to you, his eyes filled with menace. "Once my brother's long gone, all your show of healing will be in vain, and you'll be the one who answer for it, I’ll make sure of that."
You want to blame everyone but yourself, you cunt, you thought as you looked into his eyes.
You were both startled by a sudden deep cough. When you turned to look at him, Geta was propped up on his elbow on the bed, staring at you. 
"Who dares to make so much noise at my bedside?"
"Highness!" You couldn't believe your eyes to see him awake.
Geta raised his eyebrows, squinting. "You? Am I dreaming? Must be seductive one,” he smirked.
“Brother!” Caracalla rushed to his side and leaned over the edge of the bed. He was certainly a very good actor, you had to hand it to him.
“What happened to me? What is she doing here?” Geta was looking at you with his pale but alive face. Seeing him like that a proud smile spread across your face.
“Don't you remember?” Caracalla asked curiously.
“I remember I threw up like damn fountain, after drinking the disgusting wine, and then it was a bit dark,” he murmured, pursing his lips.
“My son!”
Julia burst into the room. The slaves must have informed her immediately. With a gentle touch, she led Caracalla to sit on the edge of the bed and hugged Geta. Caracalla stood up and crossed his arms. 
As you looked at them from where you stood, you felt envious that his mother was alive so she could worry for him, hug him, kiss him. You never had that chance and never will. 
“You are indeed a good medicus, what will you become next, I wonder.” The implication in Caracalla's voice sent shivers down your spine, you could almost imagine what he would do when he found out the truth about you.
Julia stood up and came to you, and for the first time you saw sincerity in her eyes.
“You gave me back my son's life, how should I reward you?”
“I have only fulfilled my duty, Your Majesty.”
“How decent.” Caracalla muttered.
“My head is still spinning,” Geta gasped, lying back on the bed.
“You should get some more rest your highness, and keep drinking the concoction through the night,” you said as you looked at him.
Geta sniffed the concoction and a disgusted expression settled on his face. “This is the most disgusting shit I've ever smelled. What’s in it?”
Just as you were about to say, he silenced you by raising his hand. “Don't you dare tell me, I don't want to know.” Then covered his face with his arm and pointed at you with his other hand. “I am indebted to you. Provide her with whatever she desires, mother.”
"That is very kind of you, but my sole desire is to see you recover," you said sincerely.
Caracalla laughed out loud which made you startled, Julia rolled her eyes, Geta laughed too.
What was so funny?
Geta turned his head to you as he was lying on the bed. “I get better why the General is so fond of you.”
When you heard his name, you looked at the door, but he wasn't there. 
"Let's give highness some space to rest," Julia said, gesturing to the door.
Caracalla pursed his lips, and you could tell from the look in his eyes that he wasn't happy at all. Julia took your arm, you were a little startled but you stayed still. "Are you sure you don't want anything? Everything has a price, and everyone has something they want in return."
You looked at her face as you walked down the hall together. "I just want good days for Rome, Your Highness. That's all I want.”
“It will be so, since you saved our emperor,” she smiled. 
You were beginning to warm to her, but something inside you kept telling you were putting yourself in danger. 
“I see you live with him as the General's medicus. Is it true you saved him in Egypt?”
You swallowed, but you had to tell the truth.
“You lived there? He brought you here?”
You nodded.
“Do you have a name?”
Macrinus came running down the hallway towards you. His eyes met yours, and you knew instantly that he carried a warning message. 
"I'm truly sorry for what happened. I came as soon as I heard. Could you please let me know how our emperor is doing now?”
"He's better now, thanks to this girl. It seems your and Caracalla's medicus wasn't as good as this girl."
Macrinus' expression made it clear he was not pleased. 
“Thankfully, he's alive. We should probably offer a sacrifice to the Gods.”
"I'll do that first thing tomorrow, but I'm not sure you're being completely sincere. You haven't called off the council meeting tomorrow, have you?"
"I would if it wasn't so important, but I thought Emperor Caracalla would lead it. He agreed."
From the way he looked at you, you knew immediately that the meeting was about you.
"If I could speak to His Majesty-"
"No, he will rest. Caracalla is also very tired, maybe you should come tomorrow. It has been a very hard night.”
"Have the perpetrators been punished? Who is responsible?" Macrinus was very curious, which made you also suspect him.
“The General is dealing with that,” she said with cruel smile.
You felt a pang of guilt for having forgotten him amidst the chaos.
"Your Highness, if I may, I would like to ensure that the General and I have completed our duties here.”
"I perceive that you are fatigued; they shall accompany you. You may leave.”
“Thank you.”
You nodded to them and hastened to the general, disregarding Macrinus' disapproving gaze. 
As you walked briskly towards the main courtyard, you thought it would be a good idea to get out of there with the general as soon as possible. You assumed he was upset that you hadn't listened to him. When you passed the tall pink marble column with gold inlay on the sides and came out into the main courtyard, you saw Octavius first. He was standing opposite the general and looking down at something. Then you saw the general himself, with his back to you. To see what he was looking at, you had to get past the stunted trees. Then, as you got closer, you noticed the strong smell of iron and then saw the sword in the general's hand. You were taken aback to realize that the smell was of blood dripping from his sword onto the ground. 
Then you saw people in slave clothes lying on the ground, including Caracalla's medicus. You were petrified. Julia and Caracalla must have had the General do their dirty work. When Octavius looked up at you, the General turned around and his eyes met yours. There was blood on his sandals, his leather armor, and his neck. His face was expressionless. When you saw him like that, you felt fear and horror. But when his expression changed and he looked sad, you threw all your fears aside and approached him. He pulled back and turned his head away. He wiped his sword on a rag Octavius handed him and sheathed it. 
"You saved him," he said, wiping the blood away from his leather armor.
"Yes, the empress said we could head out now,” your voice broke.
It wasn't just that they killed these people without a trial. They even had the General do this dirty job, and it made you angry. You forced yourself to ignore the people who were lying on the ground, lifeless.
You didn't like the way he avoided looking at you though, so you went over and took his hand, pulling him closer. "We're done here, General. Shall we go?" You touched his face with your hand and turned him towards you. His brown eyes shone like gems in the light of torches on the courtyard walls.
"Wait for me in the carriage. I'm not done yet,” he said coldly.
"I'll take care of it, sir," Octavius said, clearly worried about his friend. "Please go to your villa and rest." 
"You heard him. I want to go. I'm exhausted," you said, tugging on his arm, but he was like a statue and wouldn't budge.
Acacius turned his head to him.
Was he ignoring you?
“Thank you, my friend.”
But he must not have liked you tugging on his arm, so he grabbed your arm instead, you liked the way he touched you with a protective instinct. As you strode out of the courtyard, your gaze fixed on the general's face, you felt a sharp, piercing pain in your heart. You were not used to seeing him like this. You would have done anything to see him smile again.
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It was after midnight when the carriage arrived at the villa, there was no moonlight tonight, it was quite dark. The General was silent the whole time, he joined you in very short sentences when you told him what you had done to save Geta. It was hard to tell if it was because he was angry with you or because he had to kill those people against his will. He was a man of justice and honor, it must have been hard for him, and you felt very sorry for him. You checked his beautiful face as you entered the courtyard of the Villa, still looks upset, it was getting unbearable. Without thinking, you stepped in front of him and put one arm around his waist and one around his neck and embraced him. You could feel the surface of the leather armor under your skin as you pressed your cheek against his chest. 
“I'm sorry you had to do that.”
"I was on the verge of doing more,” he said in a sharp tone, almost as sharp as his sword.
You gazed up at his face to ascertain what he was talking about. In the gloom of the night, with only the light from the torch on the wall of the courtyard, the color of his eyes appeared to be very dark. “If you couldn't save him, she was ready to kill you. She was so mad and was willing to spill blood. I made my plan right in that moment. I was as ready as she was."
You swallowed hard, wondering if he was talking about a suicide plan.
“To her, you saved yourself by saving his son. That's it. She put Caracalla's medicus life on the line without a second thought. She could have done the same thing to you," he hissed.
You felt guilty when you sensed the tremor in his voice.
“I'm sorry, I disobeyed you.”
“You'd better be,” he muttered.
You took a step back and looked at him. Finally his expression had softened, and you felt a sense of relief.
“But you were going to kill the empress and the emperors just for a slave girl?” Raising your eyebrows curiously.
He smirked. “Wasn't it you who shout in my face that you were not a slave?”
You bit your lip and gave a shy smile. “I did. I’m sorry for that too.”
“And you still didn’t tell me who you are.”
“I will, but, with all due respect you haven't answered my question, General.”
He lowered his head and looked you in the eye. “Not just for a slave, I'd kill them all for you even if I don’t know who you are.”
He couldn't have been more seductive with that sharp tone, your heart began to race. But no matter how tempting it was that he was ready to kill anyone for you, you couldn't get out of your mind what Macrinus had said before. You couldn't bear to make the General look guilty when he knew nothing about it.
“Can I tell you tomorrow? I'm really tired. It's been a long day and night."
“It certainly was. Fair enough. Tomorrow then.”
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The next day, you woke up feeling so tired you didn't want to get out of bed. You had a lot of bad dreams about the General. You also thought about Caracalla's attitude, how ready he was to kill you, Julia's cruelty, and what she made the General do. It was all torturing you, and you didn't know how to deal with it. You were sure that even if Geta recovered thanks to you, he wouldn't support the General against Senate. There was nothing but tension between those two. Macrinus was so keen for you to introduce the congress tomorrow that he didn't even care that the emperor almost died. You knew that man's determination well enough. He wasn't going to back down from this, no matter what. He was only interested in power. He wasn't helping you because he cares about you. 
 He was using you as a pawn to achieve his goal. And you were aware of that. It's possible that everything he said about your father was untrue. Who knows what will happen to you when you show up in the council meeting. Or the general. You hated being in the middle of everything and didn't want to put the general in danger, so you felt your heart ache as you forced yourself to admit that the only thing to do was to leave. You wanted to go home, to your old land, where no one could reach you. If you could be invisible like before, maybe everything would be as it should be and the general wouldn't do anything to put himself in danger. It was a dumb idea, though. You weren't the type to run away. The emperors and their mothers had already seen you, and your absence when Macrinus convened the senate would have been an admission that you had run away. They would find you no matter where you went. There was no escape.
No, that's not an option. With so few options on the table, it was down to just one. However, there was something you wanted to do before telling him who you were. Now that you know for sure how you feel about him. As Aya, you wanted to do something as his slave. Yes, you were ready, maybe not physically yet, but you were absolutely sure as mentally.
A moment later the door opened and Norell walked in.
“Aya, are you okay? Master told me to check in on you.”
You sat up to look at her.
“I’m alright, nothing to worry about.”
“It's almost evening and you're still on the bed,” she complained.
Almost evening? Has it really been that long? Norell closed the door and came over.
“Or is it your moon? Do you want me to get you something warm?”
Fortunately, there were still a few days until then.
“No, I'm just a bit tired.”
“Yes, you came late last night, it was you who healed the emperor, but the master warned us to keep our mouths shut.”
“Well, I did what I could, yes. Is he all right?”
“The master? Yes, why?”
"Yesterday was a very tiring day for him and for me."
"He took his bath in the morning and then asked about you while he was eating, but he seemed fine."
Right, the bath.
"Shall we go to the bath today?" you asked her. You needed to take a bath before the night.
"Today? But I'm still bleeding, you know," she said, pursing her lips.
"Oh, right."
"But I don't think the master will mind you using the balneum," she said with a wink. "Is there any particular reason you wanted to take a bath today?" She raised her eyebrows suggestively.
When she saw you blush, a wide smile spread across her face. 
"Ah, so tonight's the night?" She clapped her hands gleefully. 
"Shhh, be quiet."
"No wonder you've been so pensive all morning."
You let out a deep sigh. She was right; you had definitely thought about it too, a lot. 
"But you haven't eaten anything yet. Why not come with me and eat something in the kitchen?" "Then I'll help you take a bath.”
"I'm fortunate to have you," you said, smiling, hugging her, looking at her reddish-orange hair, which represented ginger, thinking about what would happen after you revealed yourself. You didn't want to lose her friendship.
As you were leaving the room, you were pretty surprised to see the General right outside the door. Was he about to knock?
“I just wanted to check in and see how you were doing.”
Norell bowed her head and walked away to leave you two alone, giggling meanwhile.
You ignored her and eyed him up and down. He was wearing a white tunic with gold leaf embroidery on the hems, a brown belt with embroidery of the same colour and pattern, and a red shawl over it, as if representing Mars himself, which was stunningly attractive. You tried to stay calm, but it was hard.
“I'm alright, well, I guess I'm still tired from yesterday.”
"I see. It must have been quite tiring for you. I didn't get a chance to ask you much yesterday because I was angry with you, but now I understand better how hard it was for you," he said in a soft, velvety tone.
He looked better than yesterday, the anger and sadness in his eyes were gone, and seeing him like this filled you with joy. It was so hard to wait till night.
"But you promised for today," he said, his voice gentle but insistent.
"Yes, if it's not too much to ask, could I come to your room tonight?”
Acacius' brown eyes met yours, first with a hint of surprise, then with a growing sense of excitement. 
"You picked the perfect time to talk," he said with a smirk. You felt your cheeks flush, and at that moment, you felt a strange moisture between your legs. It was a new feeling for you, a combination of lust and desire. It was wonderful, full of life.
"I have to go for a while, but I'll be back tonight."
"May I ask where you're going?"
His smile faded but his expression was soft. “I need to see how the emperor, Geta, is doing. Other members of the senate are going to visit today. Sort of like a visit to see if he's still alive, I suppose.”
"Oh, I see. One more thing, I was wondering if I could use the balneum. Norell said she couldn't come to the baths and I didn't want to go by myself."
"Don't go," he said abruptly. "To the baths. I mean, never. The balneum is yours.”
“Thank you,” you said with a shy smile.
He took your hand and kissed the top of it.
"Enjoy your bath, wait for my return at night," he said almost commandingly, looking under his eyebrows.
He touched your cheek, where it was blushing, and gave you a gentle stroke. Then he walked out of the courtyard. Even though you felt a little abandoned by his leaving, you were pretty excited because you knew he was coming back, so now was the perfect time for a bath. 
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Norell accompanied you to the balneum, where you had a long chat. Thanks to her and the hot water, you were almost relaxed, and now you had only one thing on your mind. After getting dressed in your room, you combed your hair and applied rose essence with your finger tips on your neck and hair. It was your favorite, helps you to stay calm, and it smells so nice. 
It was almost night time but the General still hadn't returned, he had been gone a long time and you were getting worried. It was like bedtime for Norell and the other slaves. Cato, the General's squire, was waiting for his arrival in the courtyard. The water flowing from the fountain provided a soothing backdrop to the night, accompanied by the sounds of crickets. While you were playing with the water from the fountain, the black cat you had named Mau suddenly appeared and crossed between your feet, brushing its tail against your skin. She's been away for a while, and you missed her much. 
You picked her up, thinking it would be a good idea to play with her for a while, but she quickly got out of your arms and jumped down. She went to the west side of the courtyard, where the General's chamber was, and meowed at you. It looked like she wanted to show you something. You were curious, so you went over to her. She meowed and ran past the door and into the garden where you first officially met the general. It was hard to keep up with her speed, but you rushed to open the door and enter the garden. She was licking the remains of food on the ground. She probably stole something from the kitchen and brought it here, but she must have still been hungry. Tullia usually shooed her off, so she probably came straight to you. You felt sorry for her, so you went to the kitchen to get her something. 
You opened the door slowly and sneaked in. The kitchen was pretty tidy. You opened one of the food bowls, added some food, and closed the door. She started to meow louder and louder as she caught the scent.
“Sshh, you'll get us both caught,” you whispered.
You went back to the General's garden, afraid that Tullia would find a bowl on the floor in the morning and get angry. Mau ate all the food happily with a purr that made you smile. Once she was done, she licked herself clean with her paw and curled up next to you, ready to fall into a peaceful sleep. Unlike her, you were not so sleepy, you lay down on the grass to watch the stars, twinkle like jewels in the dark sky. It was mesmerizing.
"I hope you don't find yourself falling asleep there again."
You were startled by his voice. When did he arrive? You sat up and looked around. It was hard to see in the dark, so you looked up towards his balcony and noticed him. He was standing with his arms leaning on the balustrade, watching you from above. He had a wonderful smile on his face.
You stood up, quickly brushed your dress and hair with your hands and headed for the stairs. As you took each step, you felt your excitement and nervousness growing. When you got to the last step and were on the same level as him, he took his hands off the balustrade and looked at you.
You smiled when you realized from that distance that he was just as excited as you were. In the darkness of the night, in his white tunic, he shone like the stars in the sky, as if he had just descended to earth through them. As you approached him, he took a few steps towards you, never breaking eye contact. He closed the gap between you slowly, and you saw his dark brown eyes in a way you had never seen them before. They were dark but sparkling, full of desire, an open invitation to you that you couldn't refuse.
You stood there for a while, just speaking with your eyes. At first, you weren't sure how or what to do. You didn't know how to kiss. You'd never kissed anyone before, but you were eager to learn and you really wanted to touch his lips.
You reach up and pull his face closer to yours. You closed your eyes and tried to make your clumsy lips work, hoping that your kiss would be seen as acceptable. You brushed your lips against his and kissed his lower lip. Then you pulled back and looked at his face to see how he reacted. A gentle breeze came from his nose and between his lips, hitting your face.
Was he laughing? You probably looked a bit silly because it was your first kiss. You felt a bit embarrassed.
“My apologies, I've never kissed anyone before,” you murmured.
“Then you'll have to learn,” he said softly. “Allow me to teach you.”
He puts his hand under your chin to make you look up before kissing you. Then pressed his lips against yours with all the passion he has. And Gods! He was a very passionate man. You're so shocked that your first impulse is to reject him. But your slight push on his muscular shoulders doesn’t do anything to stop him. If anything, his kiss gains intensity.
He ventures a hand to your waist pulling you closer. When he started to lightly touch your lips with his tongue you parted your lips and let his tongue touch yours, not hurried but restrained. His tongue tasted like sweet wine, the sweet smell of his skin took your breath away, your blood raced, boiled under his lips. The way his mouth explores yours, the way he keeps rubbing his body against yours, all tells you to surrender to him. Instinctively you raised your arms to wrap them around his thick neck and tangled your fingers in his curly partially gray hair.
He broke the kiss and smirked. You were out of breath and surprised to find yourself in this situation. "You can stop me by saying no," he murmured while rubbing your earlobe with his nose. He pulled his head back gently, his eyes fixed on yours, waiting for your approval. You could see the passion in them.
“I’m afraid that,” he placing his hand on your chin and stroking with his thumb, “if we go any further, I may not be able to stop myself, and you should know, there's no turning back.”
The thought of it almost broke your heart, you wanted him more than anything, you were almost ready to beg him to kiss you again.
"Are you really certain about this?"
You were certain, and you wanted to throw yourself into his arms.
"I am, sir... Marcus." You took his other hand and placed it on your waist as if it belonged there. "I want to be yours.”
His face lit up with a gorgeous, radiant smile. Piercing you with his brown eyes, his huge hands land delicately on your hip and the contact is so intimate that you have to remember how to breathe. His low, deep voice sounds confident. “You have no idea how long I waited for you to say that.”
And before you can even react, he kisses you, but not as gently as before, much more eager, much more passionate. You completely given yourself to him with each deep, passionate kiss. 
His long, thick fingers traced a path from your neck to the hollow of your back, then to the knot of the thin belt you had tied around your waist. You gasped as he quickly undid it, and you found yourself in his arms.
He lifted you so easily in his strong muscular arms, your heart felt like it was going to burst out of your chest when the air hit your face as he carried you to his room. He set you down, near to his bed, you didn't break eye contact as he slowly undresses you, you were sure your cheeks were redder than ever. The dress falls to the floor and gathers around your feet. He pulls your hair aside to expose your neck and collarbone. The atmosphere in the room changes, and you realize your body is shaking. He must have noticed it too because the tenderness in his eyes turns into something else. 
“You have a rare beauty,” he whispers, stroking your collarbone with his fingers, ”Your skin is like a pearl hidden in an oyster shell for me to open.”
When you averted your eyes from him, he cupped your chin in his hand and turned it toward him.  He scooped you up and lays you gently on the bed. The feel of the soft fabric against your skin is pleasant, but nothing compared to the sight of him standing over you and running his eyes up and down your body. At first you squirm shyly under his piercing gaze, his eyes screaming at you: You are so beautiful. I want you. This not only relaxes you, but also makes your body squirm with anticipation. Hot desire.
Your eyes widened when he took off his tunic, you had noticed how gorgeous his body was while he was bathing, but now it was even more impressive. A strong masculine chest, a muscular stomach and a perfect v line. The scars he has add to his rough beauty, perfect.
Marcus unhurriedly puts his knee on the bed and crawls over your body until he's standing over you. You weren't sure if he was trying to gauge your reaction or trying not to startle you with a sudden movement. He brought his face close to yours and began to run his lips along your neck and ear, his fingers caressing your shoulder to your collarbone, and then your arm. 
“Don't be nervous, try to relax,” he whispered in your ear, and when his warm breath hit your face you were getting impatient. He was being too kind and you were grateful for that, but you wanted to be his, you wanted to know what it felt like.
Then he uses his weight to pin you to the bed. The feeling of bare skin against bare skin is incredible. You start rubbing your body against his, savoring the friction. The contact of his body against yours makes you shiver. It feels thrilling. Arousing.
His mouth eagerly finds yours and turns into an all-consuming kiss. Warm, eager lips slide down from your chin to your collarbone and down between your breasts, sucking your sensitive skin in their path. You've always tried to imagine what men's lips would feel like on your skin, but nothing could prepare you for this overwhelming wave of sensations. It feels better than you think. Your back arches and you find yourself wanting more, more of his hand, more of his eager mouth. He stops and stares at you as he hovers over your breasts. You squirm in impatient anticipation. What is he going to do?
He runs his nose and mouth around your breasts, his hot breath caressing your sensitive skin. Marcus blows lightly on one nipple before bringing it to his hot mouth. He sucks gently at first, making you tingle all over. When his mouth presses on your nipple with long, deep, almost wild sucking movements, the sensation is almost unbearable. You moaned, writhing with pleasure beneath him, his mouth slides down to your stomach, torturing its way south until it reaches your ankles. Then he slowly slides up your leg until he's licking your inner thigh. 
He keeps your body arched as his lips repeat the sensual orbit up and down your other leg. He lifts your leg and pulls you down a little to better position it, puts it on his shoulder. You love that he is so strong and uses his strength to move your body. He runs his warm tongue alternately over both your thighs and slowly approaches the top of your thighs. 
He uses his strong hands to spread your legs, leaving your most sensitive area ready and well exposed to his tongue. A sudden flush of embarrassment makes you raise your arm to shield your eyes as he takes a good look at your most intimate parts. Marcus grasps your arm, pulling it back. "Don’t be embarrassed,” he murmurs. “So beautiful.”
He hums into your folds, making pleasure run through your body. His erection sears your skin, making you aware that he’s getting pleasure from driving you crazy with his mouth.
He kisses the area softly; he flips his tongue and sucks you sensitive lips gently. Relentlessly.
And his tongue finds your most sensitive spot. You gasp, writhe with pleasure as your legs stiffen. You cry out, exchanging your fluttering, flaming tongue for hungry lips. This pleasure is more than you can take. Your muscles tense, your toes curl. You didn't want it to stop, but it was becoming too much. Your insides begin to tremble. Finally he increases the pressure of his suction on your clit. Pleasure, scorching, pure, exquisite pleasure, overwhelms you and you explode. You try to muffle the vocal expressions of your pleasure by biting your lower lip, but he parted your lips with the tip of his finger.
 “Let me hear you,” he says as he gently kisses your lips and chin.
Still on his knees, he takes you in his big arms and embraces you. He kisses you sweetly as you slowly begin to descend from Elysium.
He murmurs satisfyingly. “It’ll be less painful now that you’re so ready for me.” He places soft kisses on your shoulders. “Do you want me to continue?”
You pressed your forehead to his muscular chest and nodded.
He gently lays you on the bed once more, you look at his erection nervously. Like the rest of his body, it is large, hard, and beautiful.
He leans to kiss you and you forget that you're nervous. In a swift move, he puts his hands on your knees, bending them, spreading them apart gently.
“Look at me.”
 You obey. The look on his face is hungry, almost predatory, as he settles between your legs.
You gasp when you feel your Marcus -your General- slowly rubbing against your folds. Coating the tip of his erection in your wetness. You squirm under his torture.
Still keeping your knees spread apart, he bends his body to kiss your mouth. “Even with your incredibly wet response, this will hurt. Tell me when it becomes too much.”
You feel him at your entrance for what feels like an eternity, enjoying the feeling of his erection rubbing your most sensitive spots.
“Surrender,” he commands while gently kissing your face, sensually sliding his hands all over your legs. “Relax.”
You take deep breaths in and out as he kisses first your mouth, then your nipples. He pushes the thick first inch of himself against your tight virgin walls and opens you up. You moan at this foreign sensation and open your eyes wide.
You don't want to say out loud that you don't want him to go deeper, but he reads your body, stops moving and focuses on satisfying the rest of your body while half buried inside you.
His hands have never been as hot on your skin as they are now. He leaves traces on your upper body and makes your body writhe in pleasure. He worships you. He stretches you. He moves slowly, constantly pausing to let your body adjust to him. You breathe sharply, your eyes locked. Your fingernails dig into his back as he starts to penetrate further into you, the pain ripping through your body as you spread to swallow his erection.
Marcus speaks into your neck, his warm breath tingling your skin. “Don't be tense,” he commands in a deep, husky voice that melts you with desire. “Relax, Aya.” He soothes your pain with a long kiss and you open your eyes and feel yourself relax. You love to see him taking your virginity, his beautiful eyes closed on the side of your neck, your body lying vulnerable beneath him. 
When he finally enters you, he lifts his head and looks you up and down, running his hands through your golden hair and looking into your eyes. His pupils dilate. There is a mixture of triumph and tenderness in his eyes.
“You look gorgeous sprawled beneath me.” His breathing is ragged. 
You stay like that for a long time, looking into each other's eyes. Despite the discomfort, you have never felt so close to him and you feel your love for him growing. Similar feelings seem to be burning inside him. The way he is looking at you right now is a combination of admiration, love and lust. You wouldn't change this moment for anything. 
When he feels you are ready, Marcus slowly pulls back, allowing you both to enjoy the painful, exquisite friction. He pushes forward again and you scream at the top of your lungs. The pain is back and you can't decide if this is more pleasure or more pain. All you know is that you don't want him to stop.
A wild growl rises from deep in your throat as he pulls back once more. He groans and slowly thrusts again. And again. Each time in a slow, sensual rhythm. Each time less disturbing and more delicious.
He seems to control himself not to speed up. But it certainly was, Marcus could feel the beast inside him, the beast that was screaming to be released, next time, he thought, not now. His hands leave your knees and grasp your head and kisses you.
It's all too much. The tenderness. The feeling of fullness, the searing warmth of your bodies fitting together like pieces of a puzzle. The thought that even though he's taking his time with you, he's still hard enough to make you feel like you're his. Beads of sweat cover his handsome face. His wheezing breaths on your neck tells you it won't last long.
Your walls are closing more tightly around him now. You feel him trembling. You feel him being released, calling out to you, emptying herself. His sounds of pleasure are music to your ears.
Marcus stays inside you for a while, breathing hard against the side of your neck. You feel his smile on your skin.
When he finally pulls away, it hurts. Both physically and emotionally. You already miss the warm connection between your bodies. He kisses you again and pulls you against his chest.
This whole experience was incredible and unlike anything you have ever experienced before. Every touch, every sound, you felt his love spreading through your whole body, mind and soul. Even after you left, you will always remember him as the man who made this moment so special. And you feel so grateful for that. You adore him right now and you know that you would do anything for him.
And you will for sure. You will do your best to avoid any misunderstanding or damage to his reputation. At that moment you made a firm decision.
You were sure he wouldn't like it, would even be angry, but you had to do it anyway. Your eyelids felt heavy as you felt the warm breeze from the balcony against your skin, Marcus must have fallen asleep too, lying motionless with his muscular arms around you. You fell into a sweet sleep as you pressed your ear against his chest to listen his heartbeat. 
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When you woke up you felt a pressure between your legs, right in the center of your womanhood. Also feeling sore, heavy, and groggy. But you tried to move, even though it was difficult. It was still dark outside, you didn't know how long you had slept, but now you had to get up and move to do the other thing you had wanted to do for so long. But Marcus' thick arms were wrapped around you like a cage. Slowly you raised his arm and tried to slip away. He moved a little but didn't open his eyes, he was still asleep, thankfully.
As you got out of bed you felt wetness between your legs and turned around to look at the sheets. They were quite wet, and a red liquid had spread like spilled wine. You felt the blood boiling under your cheeks. You pressed the part of the sheet between your legs, but was that all? All those fears were for this? A triumphant smile spread across your face. You were sure to feel different now, like you were reborn. After all, from tomorrow there would be no more Aya. You picked up your dress from the floor, quickly put it on and went to the General's wooden chest, the letter was still there. Careful not to make a sound, you pushed aside the blank papers and other papyrus and reached for it. As you held it in your hands and looked at it, then you looked over at Marcus, who was sleeping peacefully on the bed. You wished you could give it to him yourself and have him open it in front of you, but you couldn't be sure of his reaction. You stood up and approached the bed, leaned over and put the letter on the dry side of the sheet so he would see it when he woke up. 
“Forgive me, Marcus,” you whispered. 
But you felt you had to do it, to go to your brother Geta before the day of the meeting and tell him everything, yes it sounded stupid, but you were leaving the letter in good hands, the General’s. And that was your assurance.
For some reason you trusted Geta more in Macrinus. Maybe if you tell him about Macrinus' plans he would be on your side, but it was just a hope, a desperate hope. You didn't want to put Marcus in that kind of danger, knowing that he would be there to defend you and oppose them. Maybe he wouldn't, but no matter what, you were going to go first instead of facing them at the council meeting, yes, that was your final decision. 
After lingering on Marcus' face and beautiful body with your eyes for the last time, you left the room. Your chest tightened with pain, it hurt more than between your legs. 
Love is not the solution to everything. But by accepting love and fighting for it, you gave yourself a reason to hope. Leaving him as Aya to meet him again with your new name and your new self. Septimia Aurelia.
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Hope you guys enjoyed with horny moments lol
thank you everyone for all likes and comments <3
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if anyone wants me to tag them please comment :) thank you all <3
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peacheeeliz · 2 days
004. what the fuck am i chopped liver (wc: 653)
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Mark sits on the steps outside of the library, picking at the skin around his fingernails. He waited as the sun dipped down below the horizon, and the mass of students slowly disappeared from campus. No matter how mad he was at Hyuck and Julie, he was still their ride home. After sitting there for not even ten minutes, he hears the front doors open behind him.
He hears the quiet sound of footsteps approaching him before Jiwoong sits down on the steps beside him. He rolls his eyes, turning away from the older man. “Aren’t you supposed to be studying?”
“You know, back when I was in high school, there was this classmate of mine that I found insanely cute,” Jiwoong starts, ignoring Mark’s question. He hears Mark groan but continues anyway. “I tried everything to get their attention, to get the chance to talk to them.”
“What, you didn't try to fake a study group for them?” Mark jokes, letting out a pained laugh. He rolls his eyes again, “because, I don't know if you know, but it works soooo well.”
Jiwoong lets out a light chuckle at his comment, shaking his head. “No, but I would definitely give you an A for effort,” he tells the younger man. “I actually stopped seeing them as some eye candy for me to, I don't know, seek after. I started seeking out true friendship with them.”
“And how did that work out?” Mark scoffs, crossing his arms. Despite how distracted he was listening to Jiwoong speak, he still heard the door behind them quietly opening again and the soft shuffle of a few pairs of feet.
“They're now one of my closest friends,” Jiwoong answers, finally meeting Mark's eyes. He sees them slowly soften as he looks behind the two of them, meeting your eyes as you and the rest of the study group join them on those steps. “And I wouldn't want it any other way.”
“But don't you ever wish that you two could be something more?” Mark questions, finally interested in Jiwoong’s short story.
Jiwoong smiles softly at him, patting his back before he stands up. “Why don’t we actually get some studying in? You know, since we still have the study room for a while.” He avoids Mark's question, joining the others as they scramble back inside. All except you.
He watches as you pull yourself forward, sitting down and joining him on the steps. He cracks a smile, leaning in to nudge your shoulder with his own. “So much for a study group, huh? You just can't resist me,” he teases, watching your eyes roll.
“I'm only out here because they weren't studying whatsoever,” you reply, avoiding his eyes. “They were just complaining about how hard it is to learn the language, but they're not actually taking time to learn it.”
“Excuses, excuses,” he continues, catching the way the corner of your lips turns upwards. “You don’t have to lie, you’re infatuated with me already.”
You burst out laughing at his words, and his cocky smile disappears as you struggle to regain composure. “Alright, alright, I get it. You’re not into me,” he pauses, sending you a wink. “Yet.”
“In your dreams, lover boy,” you respond, shaking your head. Like Jiwoong, you softly pat his back. “Let's go and actually study. How does that sound?”
He stands up, reaching out his hand to help you back up. “Only if you're okay with just being friends,” he answers, leaning down to leave a gentle kiss against the back of your hand. “Jiwoong's orders.”
You roll your eyes, but your smile remains as you let go of his hand. “Think you're going to have a bigger problem with that than I am,” you throw back, leading him back into the library.
“Oh, you have no idea,” he says to himself, taking in a deep breath before he follows after you.
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synopsis ⤏ mark, desperate to talk to the cute girl in his japanese class, forms a study group. who knew that other struggling college students might want to join a study group?
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xxchaosjojoxx · 2 days
Hello my friend, I have a prompt for you. 👀
I thought of Penguin and Reader dating secretly, only because they don't know if Law would approve of it and Penguin doesn't want to be teased by Shachi or anyone else right away, but someone figures it out, catches them, or they slip up on front of everyone and the whole crew finds out.
You can take it however you want! 💚
Secret Dating (Penguin x reader)
A/N: Uhh I like this idea and I hope I can make you happy with it :3
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“Pen, stop for a second.” You said between quick kisses. Penguin pouted. “They are still eating lunch. So we have a few minutes just for us.” He said and captured your lips once again, while caressing your cheek. You got weak in the knees but he supported your body just fine with right hand at your back. Somehow you managed to get yourself a cute boyfriend. None other than your long-time crush and crewmate Penguin. You were a thing for over two months now and no one knows anything. Not even Ikkaku nor Shachi. You were afraid that Law wouldn’t approve it, letting you guys choose to stay a couple or being part of the heart pirates. Ikkaku and Hakugan knew of your Crush on Penguin and Shachi knew about Penguin’s crush on you. No one could understand why exactly you had feelings for him in the first place. “You sure? He has like… negative rizz.” Ikkaku’s words echoed through your mind. So as you two had night watch you were cuddling to keep yourself warm and somehow ended up staring at each other's eyes and soon enough your  lips connected for the first time ever.
Suddenly you felt his hat on your head. “Come on sweetheart. Just a little affection please.” Penguin snuggled himself into the crook of your neck. Plantering it with soft kisses. You wanted to give in so badly but the sound of approaching footsteps became louder. “Later.” You said and gave him a quick peck while giving Penguin his hat back. Soon enough you were moving towards the footsteps and saw Law and Bepo. Law was standing before you, looking at you with a frown on his face. You felt a little nervous. “Is everything alright, Captain?” He looked at you and suddenly towards the corridor you just left. You could’ve sworn that you just saw a light smile on his face as he was turning towards you once more. “Just letting you know, that we will dock in a few minutes. You can enjoy the afternoon.” After a few steps, Law’s voice stopped your track. “I heard that there is a good ice cream spot. Might check it out with Penguin. You know he likes sweet things.” You tilted your head in confusion as you were about to find Ikkaku and Penguin. Bepo couldn’t help but look between you and Law. “I like ice cream as well, Captain.” Law smirked. “I know, Bepo. We can go for one as well.” “So we can go on an undercover date.” Penguin beamed as soon as you told him about the free afternoon and ice cream spot. You nodded with a bright smile. Penguin was looking in every direction, making sure no one caught you. As soon as he noticed that the coast was clear, he closed the distance and grabbed your arm, pulling you towards his arms and hugging you tight. “But we can stay here and have some quality time as well, sweetheart.” He whispered into your ear and you couldn’t help but blush heavenly. “B-But what about the others?” You stuttered and heard his laughter. The sound of his laugh, made your heart jump once more. “I wanna spend time with you without having the fear of getting caught. Maybe we should tell the captain about us.” He pulled away and looked at you. “Are you sure?” The man standing in front of you nodded and you were thinking about it. “Maybe we should get something for him and tell him then.” “Sounds like a plan.”
With that you followed him and you were going through the streets hand in hand. You were laughing, went shopping and ate delicious food. As you saw a little bookstore you decided to enter it and leave Penguin waiting outside while eating his ice cream for a little bit. Soon after you hear the voice of Shachi and Ikkaku behind you. “Hey whatcha doing?” You turned around, grinning at your two crewmates. “Just looking for something interesting.” The three of you were talking for a little bit. Shachi was looking towards the exit and smirked. “We should stay inside for a little bit more.” Ikkaku and you tilted your head in confusion. Shachi was pointing outside. “Seems like, Penguin’s mysterious aura by hiding his face under his hat, is working. There is a cute girl outside, clinging onto his arm. My man got himself a girlfriend” You stared at him in disbelief. Anger rising inside you. “He already has one.”, you gritted your teeths and stormed outside.
A tall woman with beautiful long blonde hair was indeed clinging onto his arm, Penguin seemed nervous and tried to move away from her, freeing himself. “You know I would love to see your eyes darling.” He gulped. “Yeah,... that’s not happening. Can you let go of me please?” She pressed herself more into him, his arm was touching her chest. “Oh come one. How about I show you around? I would love to get to know you more.” Your rage was rising as you heard Shachi’s giggle. With fast steps you were stomping towards your boyfriend and this girl. With a swift movement, you took her arm and pulled her away. “Ouch what the hell is wrong with you?!” she screamed at you and looked at you. “The hell is wrong with me? You are flirting with my boyfriend!” Shachi and Ikkaku, were interested in this scenario and whispered to each other, loud enough for you to hear. “Do you have an idea what’s happening here right now?” “I dunno, maybe they are faking it?” While you had an argument with that woman, Law and Bepo joined Ikkaku and Shachi. “I guess the cat’s out of the bag huh?” He asked and Ikkaku and Shachi were looking at him. “Are they dating?” they asked in union and Law nodded. “I think it was quite obvious.” As soon as the woman left you clinged onto Penguins arm. “Ehm Y/n..” He said and you turned towards your friends and captain. They were looking at you with such disbelief in their eyes, except for Law. “I can explain it…” Law was taking a few steps towards you. “Why did you think you had to hide the fact that you are dating each other?” “Because we had to choose between our love and the crew.” You said nonchalant. Law couldn’t help but frown. “Sometimes I’m not sure if you are idiots or not.” With that he walked past you. “Oh before I forgot.” He said and turned around. “Just be quiet while you are alone and doing things. Oh, one more thing: Your daily duty and the crew should be your number one priority.” With a heavy blush you and Penguin choked on air. “Wait captain I …I mean we.. we wouldn’t…” “Wow now that I think about it, it was quite obvious.” Ikkaku said and Shachi nodded. “Double negative rizz, might be more effective than I thought.” The red hair said while laughing. Penguin was grabbing your hand while the other two were busy, laughing and chatting. “So it’s ok to hold hands now, right?” With a grin you tiptoed to give him a chaste kiss on his lips. “And this might be fine as well.” With a dumbfounded grin he was capturing your lips one last time. “I love you.”
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homelanderbutbig · 1 day
No Strings Attached (G/T Homelander x Reader)
1390 words. Pure fluff. Homelander is 8 feet tall. Reader is non-descriptive. Established relationship.
You give Homelander a back massage. Inspired by a post from @slasher-smasher.
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It's taken a lot of trust to get to this point. One thing you've come to learn from Homelander is that he hates to take off his suit. When he's wearing it, there is a barrier protecting from the outside world. He's wrapped up in his security blanket, he's safe from harm and his own weaknesses. To be exposed… that's his kryptonite.
With his inhumanly tall height, he naturally gives off the air of superiority against everyone around him without ever really having to do anything. All he ever has to do to provoke fear is stand in front of someone, displaying both his towering presence and the dominance of his powers that lurk just beneath just the surface.
While he always seems to go out of his way to refuse your inquiries about his suit, you also know he's already given you more access to himself that he has anyone else before. He willingly removes his gloves to hold hands with you, enamoured by the feelings of your tiny fingers running along the expanse of his palms. He loves to rest his head on your lap, allowing you to caress his cheeks and every inch of his face. He even lets you scratch his scalp, using your nails to reduce him to his base instincts and leave him purring heartily into your chest. These moments to him are far more intimate than just plain old sex; he's giving you his vulnerabilities on a silver platter, the fear of allowing himself to be stripped of his power over the masses in even a minute way.
And as much as Homelander genuinely relaxes from these cuddle sessions, you want to do so much more for him. He is consistently on the brink of burning out from both the stress of his job and the expectations placed on him from the Vought higher-ups, never allowed a vacation or a brief reprieve. He is their cash cow after all, their puppet whose strings are forcibly manipulated to make him dance for their amusement.
Today is no different. You're in his penthouse when he comes storming in, pissed at what Ashley's informed him. He's dropped six points from a recent blunder, and now the PR team is insisting he give a public apology. Standing in front of the myriad of reporters clamouring for the perfect angle, cameras flashing brightly in his face, all while he has to suck up to them… the worthless mudpeople.
You can tell how worked up he's getting just from telling you all this, and all he wants right now is to bury his head in your lap to let his worries fade away. However, this time you have another idea… and you won't take no for an answer.
"Come with me sweetheart," you coax him, grabbing hold of one of his massive hands to lead him into his bedroom. He follows with no resistance, yet he can't hide the confusion about this deviation of your normal routine. You know what he wants right now, what exactly are you planning? Once in his bedroom you hop up onto the mattress and he sits next to you, though his hands are nervously clenched on his lap.
"Please take off your top and lie down for me?" you ask, smiling at the near-instant look of fear overtaking his face the second he hears those words escape from your lips. "You can trust me big boy," you reassure him, giving him a gentle pat on his thigh.
Gradually you encourage him to unfurl his fists so you can help him remove his gloves. His wide eyes are glued on your every move as you carefully slide them off his hands and place them off to the side. You then maneuver around to his back to unhook his cape off of his eagle pauldrons, folding it neatly as you know he likes. And then comes the most daunting task.
"D-don't… d-d-don't look," he stammers quietly, incredibly anxious while waiting for you to shield your sight before he begins removing his suit. His movements are on autopilot while he tries his best to swallow his building nerves, dropping his top heavily on the sheets. He can't believe he's actually doing this, the one thing he's been terrified of since dating you. Showing you what he hides beneath his suit… the real Homelander.
You don't look until he's lying faced down into his bed, face partially buried into his pillow with only one of his distressed eyes showing. And even then he refuses to gaze over at you, so utterly consumed by the angst strangling his brain.
Kneeling in front of him, you reach out your hands to place them on his back. His eyes instantly shut tight as he takes in a sharp breath, waiting for you to touch him. It's a response that happens involuntarily, one that had been beaten into him from his childhood in the lab. Anytime the scientists laid their hands on him, it was never out of love. It was solely for experimentation. To poke, prod, stab, slice, inject, burn… 
And while they believed he was unable to truly perceive pain like humans do with his superhuman abilities… he felt it all. He always did.
But this time, your hands are different.
His eyes slowly open to glance over at you as your hands begin massaging his upper back. You lack the strength to properly relieve any tension in his muscles, but he can feel every ounce of your effort all the same. You are so gentle with him, every touch bursting with the love and care you have for him. There's something so therapeutic about the nature of your affection, how you bathe him in tenderness without any expectations in return. You aren't like Madelyn, not like Stormfront… not like anyone he's had strong emotions for before. You just… love him, no strings attached.
The tension he felt from his meeting with Ashley quickly melts away the longer you work your hands along his back, molding him into a malleable putty. Just like when you scratch his scalp, the sensations of your passionate fingers leave him at your mercy. He's powerless to fight the content little noises escaping from his mouth, practically purring in time with your massage. You can discern his deep voice vibrating through his body as you knead his back, each time he breathes removing just that much more stress from his weary mind.
"That feel good?" you question, still rubbing circles along his shoulder blades.
"Mmhmmph…" he eventually manages to hum, his placid voice muffled into the pillow. His eyes have started to flutter closed again, unable to fight the sleepiness creeping over him.
"Uh huh," you chuckle, pleased to see your devilish plan has worked. There's nothing that makes you more happy than to see him happy too.
You reposition yourself to lie directly on top of him, his wide back providing plenty of room for you to sprawl across comfortably. And while your weight is nothing to him, his hypersensitive senses leave him extremely aware of the warmth of your body on his bare skin. He's surprised at how much he likes that feeling too, how intimate it is knowing you're so close with him. Without the barrier of his suit, everything with you seems to be so much more special. And he adores it.
Scooting up to his shoulders, you wrap your arms around his neck and snuggle your head up against the side of his face. When he brings his arm up to offer you his hand to hold, you keep one on his shoulder while grasping his long fingers with the other. He delicately caresses your wrist with his large thumb as you return the favour along the back of his hand.
Everything about this moment is pure heaven; he feels you everywhere and he can't think of anywhere else he'd rather be.
"I love you Homelander," you whisper, kissing his temple before nuzzling back into his cheek. He gives you one last sleepy smile before he finally gives into his fatigue. He never really gets to take breaks like this, when Vought is constantly breathing down his neck. You know he deserves an uninterrupted nap right now.
And maybe in the future, he can trust you do this again.
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adoresia · 3 hours
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— Trust, Intimacy, and Irresistible Desire.
⋆.˚ Featuring : Geto suguru x fem!reader
⋆.˚ Warnings : Mature themes, strong language, emotional intensity, romantic content, suggestive content, emotional vulnerability.
⋆.˚ Hey..Sia here! : Yep so this is what I was talking about 😅 maybe its because I was listening to collide idk…..nothing more to say really x (gulp)
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The soft glow of moonlight filtered through the paper-thin curtains of your small apartment, casting delicate shadows on the walls. The air was thick with anticipation, a quiet tension lingering between you and Suguru as you stood in front of him, your heartbeat thrumming in your chest. The night was still, save for the distant sounds of the city outside, but here, in this moment, everything felt intimate —like the world had shrunk down to just the two of you. Suguru stood tall, his dark eyes watching you with that familiar intensity, the kind that always seemed to pin you in place, making you feel like he could see right through you. His long, inky hair cascaded down his back, a few strands falling across his face, framing his sharp features. The slightest smirk tugged at the corner of his lips, and it sent a thrill down your spine.
"You seem tense," he murmured, his voice low and smooth, like velvet against your skin. His gaze never wavered, unwavering in its focus as he took a slow step forward, the space between you shrinking with each movement.
You swallowed, unable to form words under the weight of his attention. Suguru had that effect on you-he always had. Even when he was just standing still, it felt like he was in control, his mere presence filling the room.
Reaching out, he cupped your chin with his hand, tilting your face up to meet his eyes fully. His touch was firm, yet gentle, the contrast of his dominance and care leaving you breathless. "You don't have to be nervous," he whispered, his thumb brushing over your lower lip, sending a jolt of warmth through your body. "I'm right here."
There was something about the way he spoke, so confident and calm, that always made you feel safe, even when the tension between you was at its peak. He had this unspoken command about him, but it was never overwhelming—it was the kind that made you want to give in, to let him lead, because you knew he would take care of everything.
His hand slid down from your chin, tracing the line of your jaw, and you leaned into his touch instinctively, your body reacting to him without needing to think. He let out a soft chuckle, low and warm, clearly pleased by your response.
"You trust me, don't you?" he asked, though the question felt more like a statement, like he already knew the answer.
"Yes," you breathed, your voice barely above a whisper.
His lips curved into a full smile then, the kind that was rare for Suguru but always made your heart skip a beat. "Good," he said softly, leaning in closer until his breath ghosted over your ear. "Because I want you to let go tonight. Let me take care of you."
The words sent a shiver down your spine, heat pooling in your chest as his lips brushed against your neck, a featherlight touch that left you craving more. His hands moved to your waist, fingers digging in just enough to make you aware of his strength, of the control he held. He wasn't rushing, though—he never did. Suguru was the kind of man who took his time, who savored every moment, every reaction, like he was orchestrating something delicate and beautiful.
"Relax," he murmured against your skin, his voice a soft command as he kissed the sensitive spot just below your ear, making your breath hitch. "Let me hear you."
Your hands found their way to his chest, gripping the fabric of his shirt as he continued his slow, deliberate exploration of your neck, his lips and tongue leaving a trail of warmth in their wake. He was always so composed, so in control, and it made your pulse quicken-knowing that he could undo you so effortlessly, with just his words and the faintest touch.
When he finally pulled back to look at you, his dark eyes were filled with something primal, something raw, though his expression remained calm, composed. "I want to see everything," he said, his voice low and rough, but steady. "I want you to let me in."
You nodded, breathless under his gaze, and in one smooth motion, Suguru's hands slipped beneath the hem of your shirt, his palms warm against your skin as he pushed it upward, slowly revealing more of you to his eyes. The sensation of his fingers grazing your sides, tracing the contours of your body, made your skin tingle with anticipation. He wasn't just undressing you-he was unwrapping you, savoring every inch like you were a gift he was privileged to receive.
Once your shirt was discarded, Suguru took a step back, his eyes raking over you with a mixture of admiration and hunger. "You're beautiful," he said simply, but the way he said it, the way his gaze lingered on your bare skin, made it feel like more than just words. It felt like a declaration. You felt a flush creep up your neck, your body responding to his praise in ways you couldn't control. Suguru noticed, of course-he always noticed. A soft chuckle escaped his lips as he reached out, his fingers brushing your cheek. "I love how you react to me," he said, his voice soft, buyed with that quiet dominance that always sent your heart racing. "Every time."
Without breaking eye contact, he leaned down, capturing your lips in a slow, deliberate kiss. His lips were soft, yet insistent, and you could feel the controlled power behind every movement. He wasn't just kissing you-he was claiming you, marking this moment as his. His tongue slipped past your lips, teasingly, coaxing you to respond, and when you did, he deepened the kiss, his hand slipping to the back of your neck, pulling you closer, as if he couldn't get enough.
You melted into him, the kiss becoming a shared rhythm, each of you moving in sync, like you were made for this-made for each other. His other hand slid down your back, pulling you flush against him, and you could feel the heat of his body, the way his chest rose and fell with each breath, matching your own. When he finally pulled away, his forehead resting against yours, you were both breathing heavily, the air between you charged with something electric, something you couldn't put into words. Suguru's eyes were darker now, filled with a quiet intensity that made your heart race.
"'ll always take care of you," he murmured, his voice rough, but steady, as he brushed a strand of hair away from your face. "You just have to trust me."
And as you looked up at him, your heart pounding in your chest, you knew that you did-completely. Suguru Geto, with all his quiet strength and unspoken power, was the one person you could give yourself to, without fear, without hesitation. Because with him, you were safe, cherished, and utterly consumed.
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tricitymonsters · 2 days
I've seen multiple references of Mori being possessive -- could you give more examples of this? Just as a little treat? (I'm sorry for the string of Mori questions, you made him too lovable)
Sure no problem!
Mostly, Mori's used to casual hookup culture so he's fine with you seeing or being involved with other people but he can still get kind of possessive over you because he's got a stupid tomcat brain.
The BIGGEST thing is that he wants the other people you're fucking to know he's fucking you too. Verbal communication is all fine but if he doesn't think they're really up to speed, he is not above leaving marks on you to send a stronger message. Bite marks and hickeys all over your body are his first go-to.
Eventually, he will really, really want to put a tattoo on you. It doesn't need to say Mori Was Here or anything but there's something about him being permitted to leave a permanent piece of his own art on you that makes his brainstem tingle. He'll drop it if you say no- for a little while- but I would expect him to bring this up periodically until you let him.
If someone's stressing you out, he Will fix the problem. Mori has no patience for people being inappropriately close to you in bars or at shows, especially if you've CLEARLY told this other person to fuck off. If he senses someone is making you feel threatened, his overprotective instincts will awaken with tremendous force and he will physically inject himself between you and the offender. He's also quick to start swinging too so you'll have to haul him away if you don't want him to clock a Karen for yelling at you in Target.
When I say he doesn't get like... offensively possessive, mostly I mean he doesn't usually act like a petulant, jealous little shit about other romantic or sexual interests you have outside of him but he does really hate the idea of you downplaying or hiding your relationship with him.
Well. At least until Mori's rut is coming on. Then all bets are off and he gets real jealous and agitated smelling other people on you (esp men, sorry). He will need TONS of reassurance that you want to be around him and all the points I made above are cranked ALL the way up to 11. Basically, the closer rut gets the more he starts growling at people for looking at you too long and the more he wants to drag you into his apartment and make you sleep in his bed and wear his clothes so you smell like him. It's one of the bugs/features of beast type bfs I'm afraid lmfao
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according2thelore · 2 days
Thanks Lizzy for the ask!
Here is a Late wincest Weds ask from me!
What is one scene or conversation Sam and Dean had that was especially wincest flavored that you want to rewrite to make it be EXPLICITLY wincest instead of weirdcest?
Muah! Ty again!
- Cassi
hi, cassi!! happy wincest wednesday!
thank YOU so much for the ask!!!
AGH! this one is so hard! my immediate reach for this one is of course the church scene. nothing like gently bandaging wounds/handfasting in a church while proclaiming your love:
DEAN: [...] But I can't do it without you. SAM: You can barely do it with me. I mean, you think I screw up everything I try. You think I need a chaperone, remember? DEAN: Come on, man. That's not what I meant. SAM: No, it's exactly what you meant. You want to know what I confessed in there? What my greatest sin was? It was how many times I let you down. I can't do that again. DEAN: Sam -- SAM: [beginning to cry] What happens when you've decided I can't be trusted again? I mean, who are you gonna turn to next time instead of me? Another angel, another -- another vampire? Do you have any idea what it feels like to watch your brother just – DEAN: Hold on, hold on! You seriously think that? Because none of it -- none of it -- is true. Listen, man, I know we've had our disagreements, okay? Hell, I know I've said some junk that set you back on your heels. But, Sammy...come on. I killed Benny to save you. I'm willing to let this bastard and all the sons of bitches that killed mom walk because of you. Don't you dare think that there is anything, past or present, that I would put in front of you! It has never been like that, ever! I need you to see that. I'm begging you. SAM: How do I stop? [SAM squeezes his hand as blood drips out onto the floor the orange glow is a little brighter but then starts to fade.] DEAN: Just let it go. SAM: I can't. It's in me, Dean. You don't know what this feels like. [DEAN wraps a bandanna around Sam’s cut.] DEAN: Hey, listen, we will figure it out, okay, just like we always do. Come on. [DEAN grabs SAM and pulls him in for a tight hug.] DEAN: Come on. Let it go, okay? Let it go, brother.
i needed sam to make his jealousy over benny more overt, and i would probably rewrite it to make it even more codependent and offputting if that's possible.
my mind also goes to dean's final monologue in s15e20, but...like...that's already borderline textual. it could stand to have just a touch more wincest:
SAM: P-Please. DEAN: I'm fading pretty...I'm fading pretty quick, so... there's a few things that I need you to hear. Come here. (Sam moves closer and Dean puts his hand on the side of Sam's neck) Let me look at you. Yeah, there he is. I'm so proud of you, Sam (Dean's hand is on Sam's shoulder and Sam is holding onto Dean wrist) DEAN: You know that? I've always looked up to you. (Sam is getting emotional, trying not to cry) Man, when we were kids, you were so damn smar... smart. You never...You never took any of dad's crap. I never knew how you did that. And you're stronger than me. You always have been. Hey, did I ever tell you... Did I ever tell you that night that, uh... that I ca... That I came for you when you were at school? You know, when dad hadn't come back from his hunting trip? SAM: Yeah, um.. Uh, the Woman in White. DEAN: The Woman in White. That's right. I must have stood outside your dorm for hours... because I didn't... I didn't know what... What you would say. (Sam is visibly crying) I thought you'd tell me to... to get lost or get dead. And I don't know what I would've done... if I didn't have you. 'Cause I was so scared. I was scared, 'cause when it all came down to it, it was always you and me. It's always been you... and me. SAM (crying): Then don't leave me. Don't leave me. I can't do this alone. DEAN: Yes, you can. SAM: Well, I don't want to. DEAN: Hey. I'm not leaving you. I'm gonna be with you... (Dean is crying as he places his fist over Sam's heart) Right here... every day. Every day you're out there and you're Li... And you're living and you're fighting, 'cause you...You always keep fighting. You hear me? I'll be there every step. I love you so much. My baby brother.
i also think i would rewrite dean in croatoan to say "you know what it's about" with his patent sam-smitten-eyes, before he gets cut off:
SAM: Dean, don't do this. Just get the hell out of here. DEAN: No way. SAM: Give me my gun, and leave. DEAN: For the last time, Sam. No. SAM: (slamming the table) This is the dumbest thing you've ever done. DEAN: Oh, I don't know about that. Remember that waitress in Tampa? (shudders) SAM: Dean, I'm sick. It's over for me. It doesn't have to be for you. DEAN: No? SAM: No, you can keep going. DEAN: Who says I want to? SAM: What? DEAN crosses to the other wall and pulls a handgun out of his waistband before sitting on the file cabinet. DEAN: I'm tired, Sam. I'm tired of this job, this life . . . this weight on my shoulders, man. I'm tired of it. SAM: So what, so you're just going to give up? You're just gonna lay down and die? Look, Dean, I know this stuff with Dad has — DEAN: You're wrong. It's not about Dad. I mean, part of it is, sure, but . . . SAM: What is it about? [my addition] DEAN: You know what it's about-- (They hear a noise outside.)
small one, and not "romantic," but definitely wincest, i think it would have been lovely if they changed s4e21 from
DEAN: No. I'm not giving him demon blood. I won't do it. BOBBY: And if he dies? DEAN: Then at least he dies human!
DEAN: Then at least he dies mine!
because i think a lot of the ruby/dean conflict is about control, about who owns sam, and over who has guardianship over sam's decisions. plus, i think it reflects a lot of dean's control issues he has this season.
another small thing that could've been a joke, is during "mystery spot," sam should've tried kissing dean to see if that changed anything. dean could die immediately after, and it could've been played as a gag. i'm actually shocked he didn't try to kiss him. if it works, it works, right?
but i think my final choice has to be not a specific line of dialogue, but a scene. my ultimate choice for tweaking is the final montage in s15.
i'm talking domestic!chesters. i think it's perfect that they end up basically married in the bunker, and i would've loved to see just little hints that it's more than meets the eye. "dean's" room has the other side of the bed perfectly made. sam's jacket hangs on the other chair. dean reaches for someone on the other side of the bed before he realizes they're already up. later, dean rests a casual hand on sam's hip when he passes him in the kitchen.
at the pie festival, someone makes a comment that they're such a cute couple, and sam demurs but dean just winks. sam wipes the whipped cream off of dean's nose and puts his finger in his own mouth. dean kisses him and now they've both got shit on their face.
one of the witnesses flirts with sam and dean makes a weird face. sam steps closer to him and smiles awkwardly.
(and maybe at the very end of dean's death, a kiss he has to gasp his way through because he can barely breathe at this point.)
i just LOVE domestic!chesters. 🥺 and would have loved to see them living their domestic bliss.
thank you so much for this ask, cassi! i am so sorry it's 37 miles long, lol! this was such a fun ask! happy wincest wednesday! <3
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boobear061 · 3 days
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Best Friends Dad
Summary: Y/n had sex with her best friends Dad
Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
Rating: 18+
Genre: Smut
WC: 4,142
Warning: daddy kink, kissing, swearing, protective sex, oral ( m & f receiving), hand job, blow job, fingering, spanking, grinding, hair pulling, nipple play, doggy style, choking
~ Y/n's POV ~
I am here at the club celebrating my best friend Tae Hee's birthday, she's turning 23, we took a shot of Soju before heading over to the dance floor.
~ Taehyung's POV ~
I am here at this club that Jimin goes to, we are here sitting down at the VIP section that Jin got for us, we are drinking and I heard Hobi said " Isn't that Tae Hee? "
I looked at where he's pointing at, Tae Hee is dancing with her friends, I noticed Y/n and I gotta admit, she is looking really beautiful.
I nod my head and said " Yeah. "
I took a sip out of my drink, looked at Y/n, checked her out and felt Jungkook pat my back and said " Are you checking out Y/n? "
" Huh? * Looked at Jungkook, shooked my head * No, I'm not. I'm just keeping an eye out for Tae Hee. "
Jungkook nod his head and said " Don't worry, Jun-Sang is keeping an eye on her. "
Jun-Sang is Jungkook's son, he and my daughter Tae Hee are best friends since childhood. They are real close.
I nod my head, the guys talked to each other while I'm here looking at Y/n, she and her friends walked over to their section, and talked.
They took a shot of Soju, I saw Y/n whispered something in Tae Hee's ear, she did her head, Y/n got up and walked away, I looked at the guys and said " I'll be right back. "
They nod their heads, I got up, followed Y/n from a far, saw a man stopped her and tried to talk to her, Y/n ignored him and walked away but he grabbed her arm.
I hurried over to them, heard Y/n said to the guy " Let me go! "
" Oh come on, I just want to talk with you. "
" She said to let her go. " I said to him.
Y/n looked at me and said " Mr. Kim! "
The guy let her go, she ran to me, the guy looked at me, pushed me and said " Hey, man I saw her first! "
I pushed him back and said " You leave her alone. "
" Oh yeah? " He was about to punch me but I dodged it.
I was about to punch him but some group of men grabbed him and dragged him away, I looked at Y/n and said " Where are you going, alone? "
" I need to use the bathroom. "
I nod my head, put my hand on her back and said " Let's go. "
We walked over to the bathrooms, Y/n looked at me and said " Mr. Kim? "
I looked at her and said " Yes? "
" Thank you for what you did, that guy was a creep. "
" You're welcome, I wouldn't let anything happen to you. "
She smiled at me and said " What are you doing here? "
" I'm here with the guys. Having a drink. "
Y/n nod her head, there's a small line to the women's bathroom, she looked at me and said " I'll be right back. "
" I'll wait for you. "
" Okay. " She walked over to the line and wait.
She looked at me, smiled, waved at me, I smiled back and waved back at her, she went inside the bathroom and I wait for her.
Y/n is so adorable when she's drunk.
She walked out of the bathroom, walked over to me and said " Mr. Kim, can we go outside? I feel hot. "
I rest my hand on her forehead, cheeks and felt her cheeks a little warm, nod my head and said " Okay, come on. "
We walked to the exit, I looked at Y/n and said " How are you feeling? "
She looked at me and said " I feel okay, just hot. If I stayed there for too long, I'll feel like suffocating. "
" How many drinks did you had? "
" Not much. * Giggled * I think I'm a light head. * Shivered * It's a little cold. "
I took off my jacket, wrapped it around her shoulders, she smiled at me and said " Thank you. "
I smiled back and said " You're welcome. "
" You can go back to your friends, I'm okay here. "
I shooked my head and said " No, I'm not leaving you out here by yourself. "
Y/n leaned her back on the wall, we talked for a bit, I noticed that she's closing her eyes so I said " Are you okay? "
She opened her eyes and said " I'm a little tired. "
" How about I take you home? "
" Okay. "
We walked over to my car, I drove off, before I could ask Y/n her address, she fell asleep, I let out a sigh, and drove to my apartment.
I arrived at my apartment with a sleeping Y/n in my arms, walked over to the guest bedroom, laid her down on the bed, took off her heels and covered her up with a throw blanket, took her phone out of her purse, grabbed her thumb and unlocked the phone so I can send a message to Tae Hee that she left home so she won't worry where she went.
I put her phone back in her purse, looked at her, gently moved a strand of hair away from her face, walked out of the room to my bedroom, and heard my phone received a notification.
I took it out of my pocket, saw a message from Jimin asking where I went, respond back saying that I went home and that I have a early " meeting " tomorrow that I forgot about, walked over to my bedroom, set the phone down on the nightstand and took a shower.
~ Y/n's POV ~
I woke up, looked around and noticed that I'm in a unknown room, I sat up, looked at my clothes, let out a sigh when I saw that I'm still wearing my dress but noticed that I'm wearing a men's jacket.
Why does this look familiar?
I quickly got off the bed, saw my heels, put them on, walked out of the room to the hallway, stopped when I saw a family photo on the wall.
Wait, is that.. Tae Hee's dad? Am I in his house?! How did I get here? 
I heard some humming, I followed where it's coming from, saw Mr. Kim cooking in the kitchen, he looked at me, smiled and said " Hi Y/n. "
" Hi Mr. Kim. What am I doing here in your apartment? "
" I was on my way to drive you home but you fell asleep before i could get your address so I drove you here. I hope you don't mind? "
I shooked my head and said " Can I have some water? "
Mr. Kim nod his head and said " Sure. "
He walked over to the counter, I sat down and he set the cup in front of me, I smiled and said " Thank you. "
" You're welcome. Are you hungry? "
I nod my head and said " Very. "
I drank my water, Mr. Kim grabbed two plates, served us, I couldn't help myself but to check him out, I gotta admit, Mr. Kim is a really attractive guy. I remember having a crush on him when I was 17.
" Here you go. " He set the plate down in front of me.
" Thank you. "
" You're welcome. " He sat down next to me.
We ate the food, I looked at him and said " It is very delicious Mr. Kim. "
He smiled at me and said " Thank you, you can call me Taehyung, it's just us two. "
" Sorry. "
He chuckled and said " It's okay. "
We are here sitting down on the couch watching TV, I felt Taehyung's warm hand on my bare knee, gently rubbed circles on my scar above my knee and said " You still have this? "
I blushed a little, looked at him, nod my head and said " Yeah. "
" I remembered how you got it. " His hand didn't leave my knee.
We looked at each other, he quickly moved his hand away, cleared his throat and said " Sorry. "
" It's okay. "
Taehyung looked at my lips, looked at my eyes, cleared his throat, looked away and said " I'll be right back. "
" Okay. "
He got up, walked away, I let out a sigh, looked at the tv, got up, walked over to the hallway to the guest room to get my phone, I stopped once I saw Taehyung, we stared at each other, he walked over to me and said " I am going to head to bed. "
I nod my head and said " Okay, good night. "
" Good night. "
He walked away, I let out a sigh, grabbed my purse, walked over to the bathroom, took off my make up, walked back to the living room, and watched TV.
~ Taehyung's POV ~
When I got to my bedroom, closed the door behind me, rest my back on the door, let out a sigh, and mumbled to myself " You idiot, what are you doing? * Walked over to bed * She's your daughters best friend for crying out loud. "
I sat down on the bed, let out another sigh, run my fingers through my hair, laid down on my back and looked up at the ceiling.
I can't stop thinking about Y/n, how badly I want to feel her soft lips, wrapped my arms around her body, and have her undernea- okay, I need to stop.
I got off the bed, walked over to the kitchen, stopped when I saw Y/n drinking water sitting down on the kitchen island, I looked down at her legs and her thighs, gulped and walked over to the fridge.
" Hey. "
She looked at me and said " Hey. "
I opened the fridge, grabbed a water bottle, closed the fridge, opened the cap, took a sip out of the water, looked at her and she said " Can't sleep? "
" No. "
She set the water bottle down on the kitchen island, got off, walked over to me and said " Why can't you sleep? "
" I got a lot in my mind. "
Y/n stand in front of me, she looked at my lips, looked at my eyes, I gulped and she said " Can I be honest with you? "
" Sure. "
" I find you attractive. "
" Really? "
" Yes, what about you? Do you find me attractive? "
I nod my head, moved her hair behind her ear and said " I really do find you attractive. "
She blushed and said " Really? "
" Yes, but you're Tae Hee's best friend, I- "
Y/n rest her hands on my chest, moved them up and down and said " She doesn't have to know. "
We looked at each other, she leaned in, kissed my lips, I kissed her back, deepened the kiss, she pulled away from the kiss, rest her hand on my cheek and said " We can stop if you want? "
I shooked my head and said " No, I want to keep going. "
She moved her hand down to my chest and said " Are you sure? "
I cupped her face with my hands, leaned in, kissed her lips, she kissed me back, I deepened the kiss, wrapped his arms around my waist while she wrapped hers around my neck, and I pulled her closer to me.
Lift her up, she wrapped her legs around my torso, I walked over to the kitchen island, set her down, our tongues fought for dominance, and moved my hands down to her thighs.
~ Y/n's POV ~
I can't believe this is happening, I'm making out with Mr. Kim, I really hope this isn't a dream.
I took off his jacket that I'm still wearing, threw it across the kitchen, he pulled away from the kiss, we looked at each other with lust in our eyes, he kissed the left side of my neck and leave wet kisses up and down before leaving a hickey.
Closed my eyes, bring my hand to the back of his head, gently ran my fingers through his hair, gently pulled on it which made him moan against my neck, he pulled away, looked at me, kissed my lips, I kissed him back, he lift me up and walked to the living room.
He sat down on the couch, I straddled his lap, deepened the kiss, I felt his hardness underneath me so I slowly grind against him, pulled away from the kiss, looked at him, he bite his bottom lip and said " Oh fuck. "
I kissed and sucked on the left side of his neck leaving a hickey, I felt his hands go down my spine and went back to my waist, I pulled away from his neck, looked at him and said " Touch me, please. "
Taehyung moved his hands to my boobs, gave them a squeeze, I grind against him a little faster, I moaned, he kissed my lips, I kissed him back, and we both moaned against the kiss.
He squeezed my boobs again, moved his hands down to my ass, squeezed it and gave it a spank which made me jump a little and moaned against the kiss. I grind against him faster, I unbuttoned his shirt while he bring his hands to my back, unzipped my dress, I pulled away from the kiss, looked at him and moved my hands up and down his bare chest.
" Let's take this off. " He said.
I stopped grinding on him, we removed my dress and his shirt, threw them across the room, I continued grinding on him, he looked at my bra, cupped my boobs with his hands and gave them a squeeze.
" Oh fuck. "
Taehyung leave wet kisses on my neck to my chest, he licked my boobs, moved away, looked at me and said " Can I take off your bra? "
I nod my head and said " Sure. "
He took off my bra, threw it across the room, cupped my boobs, gave them a squeeze, gently pulled on my nipples, I let out a moan, he moved his left fingers away from my nipple, licked and sucked in it, I run my fingers through his hair and gently pulled on it which made him moan against my nipple.
With his left hand he bring it down to my ass, gave it a spank, I grind on him faster, moaned and said " Oh fuck, that feels so good. "
A few minutes later, we both cummed, I cupped his face with my hands, leaned in, kissed his lips, he kissed me back, deepened the kiss, lift me up and walked down the hallway.
I heard him opened the door, walked, he gently laid me down on the bed, hovered me, I bring my hands to his belt, he grabbed my wrists gently, put my arms above my head, pulled away from the kiss, and leave wet kisses to my neck to my chest.
Taehyung licked and sucked on my left nipple while his right hand goes down to my right thigh, slowly moved it up to my inner thigh, and circled my clit with his thumb.
I let out a moan and said " Oh fuck, yes that feels so good. "
His mouth left my boob with a pop, did the same attention to my right nipple, rubbed my clit faster, I leaned my head back, moaned his name, he moved his thumb away from my clit, his mouth left my boob with a pop, he looked at me and said " Can I take these off? "
" Yes, Taehyung. "
" Call me Daddy. "
" Yes, Daddy. "
He removed my thong, threw it across the room, I spread my legs, he rest his hands on my thighs, moved them up and down slowly, got in between my legs, spit on my clit, flicked his tongue on my clit and sucked on it.
I cupped my boobs with my hands, gave them a squeeze, gently pulled on my nipples, I moaned, he moved his mouth away from my clit, rubbed it with his thumb and bring his index and middle finger to his mouth and get them wet.
Taehyung pulled his fingers away from his mouth, insert them inside my pussy slowly, began to finger me, I moaned, he fingered me a little faster and deeper. He flicked his tongue on my clit, sucked on it, the wetness of my pussy echoed the room along with my moans, I ran my fingers through hair hair and gently pulled on it.
" Oh fuck, Daddy. That feels so good. Keep going. "
A few minutes later, I moaned his name out loud, my pussy clenched on his fingers and said " Fuck, I'm gonna cum. "
" Cum for me baby. Come on, cum for Daddy. "
I cummed on his fingers, he pulled them out of my pussy, bring them to his mouth, licked and sucked on them, let out a low moan, pulled his fingers out of his mouth, hovered me and kissed my lips.
I kissed him back, our tongues fought for dominance, he flipped us around, I deepened the kiss, felt his hands squeezed my ass and spanked it which made me moan against the kiss.
I pulled away from the kiss, leave wet kisses up and down his neck to his chest to his abs, moved my lips away, cupped his hard on, moved my hand slowly side to side, and gave it a gentle squeeze which made him let out a low moan.
I unbuckled his belt, took off his pants, threw them across the room, looked at his hard on through his boxers, cupped his hardness with my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze before taking off his boxers.
Threw his boxers across the room, wrapped my hand around his dick, licked his shaft to the tip, spit on it, spread it around his dick and slowly stroke him, looked at him and said " Does that feel good? "
He nod his head and said " Yes, keep going. That feels so good. "
I stroked his dick a little faster, he leaned his head back, moaned, with my free hand I cupped his balls, gave them a squeeze, opened my mouth, insert his dick in and gave him a blow job.
Felt his hand go to the back of my head, thrust his hips, felt him to the back of my throat, choked on his dick, he let out a moan and said " Fuck, your mouth feels so good. "
I relaxed my jaw, breathe through my nose, he moaned my name, I closed my mouth and he said " No, open your eyes. Let me see you. "
I opened my eyes, looked at him and he said " I love the way how you sound when you are choking on my dick. * Moans * It feels so good. "
A few minutes later, he cummed in my mouth, I moved my mouth away from his dick, swallowed his cum, licked the shaft to the tip, and licked my lips.
" Come here. "
I hovered him, he cupped my face with his hands, leaned in, kissed my lips, I kissed him back, he flipped us around, he is hovering me and deepened the kiss. Our tongues fought for dominance, Taehyung pulled away from the kiss, opened the drawer from the nightstand, grabbed a condom, looked at me and said " Tell me baby, do you want to continue with this? If not, that's fine. "
I shooked my head and said " No, I want to continue. "
" Are you sure? "
I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulled him close to me, kissed his lips, he kissed me back, I pulled away, looked at him and said " I'm sure. "
" Alright. "
I unwrapped my arms away from his neck, he put on the condom, looked at me and said " If you want me to stop, your safe word is purple. "
" Okay. "
He slowly insert his dick inside my pussy, I let out a gasp, he looked at me and said " You okay? "
I nod my head and said " Yes, I'm okay. Keep going. "
He thrust his hips, my boobs bounced up and down with every thrust he made, the headboard banged on the wall, he looked at me and said " Look at you, taking my dick like a good girl you are. You don't know how long I've been waiting to fuck you. "
I moaned and said " Me too. "
Taehyung wrapped my legs around his torso, fucked me deeper and faster, our skins slapping against each other echoing the room, he moaned and said " Fuck, Y/n. You feel so fucking good. "
" Daddy! "
" Yes, * Moaned * that's it. Moan for me baby, let me hear you. "
I moaned out loud, bring my hands to his back, moved them up and down, rake my nails on his back which made him let out a moan and said " Oh fuck. "
Taehyung fucked me faster, I moved my arms away, fist the bed sheets, he leaned back, rubbed my clit fast, " Oh fuck!! Daddy! "
" I love it when you call me Daddy, it turns me on so much. "
He wrapped his right hand around my throat, choked me, I moaned out loud and he said " If you can't breathe, tap my hand and I'll let go. "
" Yes, Daddy. "
I spread my legs more wider, he fucked me sloppier, I leaned my head back, he rubbed my clit faster and said " Y/n fuckkk. "
His moans turned me on so much, his sex faces turned me on, his deep voice turned me on, everything about him turns me on and he is fucking me so good. To be honest with you, I've never been fucked like this before and I am loving it.
A few minutes later, we both cummed, he unwrapped his hand away from my neck, pulled out of my pussy, got oft the bed, changed his condom, looked at me and said " Go on all fours for me. "
I go on all fours, felt him leave wet kisses on my back, he squeezed my ass, gave it a spank which made me jump a little, and he spanked my ass again before inserting himself inside my pussy.
Taehyung rest his hands on my hips, fucked me a little fast, I fist the bed sheets, he squeezed and spanked my ass, we both moaned, he grabbed a fist fold of my hair, pulled on it, whispered sweet nothings in my ear and gave my cheek a kiss.
He let go of my hair, grabbed my arms, put them behind my back, fucked me harder and faster, I let out a gasp, moaned out loud and said " Fuck, Daddy!! "
" Yes, Y/n. Fuck! "
A few minutes later, we both cummed, he pulled out of my pussy, spanked my ass and said " Go lay down on your side. "
I did what he said, watched him put on a new condom, laid down behind me, kissed my neck, lift up my leg, insert his dick inside me and fucked me.
We both let out a moan, I looked at him, we looked at each other with lust in our eyes, he leaned in, kissed my lips, I kissed him back, he wrapped his hand around my throat, choked me and fucked me harder.
I pulled away from the kiss and " Oh fuck! "
" Tell me baby, how do you feel? Huh? "
" So good. "
" Yeah? Who's making you feel good, hm? "
" You are. "
" Who? "
" You Daddy! "
He kissed my cheek, looked at me and said " Hold your leg for me. "
I hold onto the leg he was holding, he bring his hand down, rubbed my clit fast, I closed my eyes and moaned out loud.
" Yes, yes, Y/n. " He continued leaving kisses on my cheek and whispered sweet nothings in my ear.
A few minutes later, we both cummed, he unwrapped his hand away from my neck, I looked at him, he kissed my lips, I kissed him back, he gave my clit a little spank which made me moan against the kiss and pulled out of my pussy.
He pulled away from the kiss, looked at me and said " How are you feeling? "
" I feel so good. "
He smiled and said " I'm glad. Come on, let's get you cleaned up. "
I nod my head, we got off the bed, he took off the condom, we changed the bed sheets, walked over to the bathroom and took a quick shower.
Once we are done, he gave me some clothes for me to wear, looked at me and said " You look so cute with my clothes on. "
I smiled and said " Thank you. "
He cupped my face with his hands, leaned in, kissed my lips, I kissed him back, he pulled away from the kiss, we said good night to each other and I walked over to the guest bedroom.
I closed the door, leaned my back on the door, blushed at what happened, I can't believe I just had sex with my best friends Dad.
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Instagram and Threads: Jungkook.kookie.061
Wattpad: Boobear061
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I live in a tightly packed area and sometimes, because there's a pond that sits right up against my and my neighbor's property, random men (and women, but I only mind when it's men) decide to plop down in my yard and start fishing for the bluegill. I'm still working on my confrontation skills (a combination of intense female socialization, liberal midwestern 'mind your own business and look the other way' mindset, and autism that makes it a struggle to look people in the face during even the most normal of occasions) but I have recently found that bringing my dog outside on her leash and letting her bark and growl at them while frantically tugging on the leash to get to them does a great job of making them suddenly, conveniently, want to move a few yards down, and I don't have to say a word during it. In fact, staring silently at them makes it work even better!
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Nope, I'm still crying
#i wish literally anybody from school remembered me#literally only 2 people i was friends with hace talked to me in the past four years#i had the realization tonight that i was never given the choice to nurture most of my friendships#everytime i tried outside of school hours including trying to join clubs my mom would make me leave halfway through then lecture me#that she didn't have time to drive to town and get me#but as soon as my brother wanted to join junior air force she suddenly had all the time and energy in the world to devote to that#so what I'm getting here is that my friendships and interests weren't important enough or worth her time#i wasn't interested in Junior air force 1 cause it wasn't offered to me and 2 I'm not a boit licker#no#i was interested in the video game and board game clubs cause my friends were in them and they WANTED me to join#but after not getting to stay for more than one full session after a month i left the board game club cause it wasn't fair to the others#and i only went to the video game clu once and i don't remember much of it cause i was too anxious that she was gonna flip on me#i kept waiting for her text but instead she showed up at the classroom and made me leave#so when the same teacher that ran the board game club asked if i wanted to join the chess club cause he knew i liked chess#i told him i couldn't cause i was too busy because i didn't want to deal with begging my mom to let me join#she would have said yes but would have continued not letting me stay and being super passive aggressive#I'm not even in the year book for the year my friends graduated#the one thing she did let me do was drama and i hated every second of it. it was genuinely a bad experience for me#yeah i had friends in drama but it's not the same as hanging with my nerdy guy friends playing a star wars ttrpg#the worst part is she gets so defensive when i bring it up and won't give me a reason outside of 'I guess I'm just the worst parent'#it's in those moments i really remember she's the youngest in her family#OH!! it gets worse! she told me when i was younger that she had to be an honorary cheer leader cause HER MOM absolutely refused to#let her join cheer and she's alsways been bitter about it but then she turns around and did basically the same thing to me ffs#at least she was allowed to hang out with people after-school i wasn't allowed to do that either#no. instead i spent the hours after shcool alone most days and my weekends home alone in my room. and she wonders why my social skills are#maybe if I'd been allowed to work on my relationships outside of a classroom i wouldn't have felt so abandoned when everyone i knew#graduated without me. maybe if i didn't have to start back at square one socially again and had people to text and hang with after class#i wouldn't have dropped out. and i think only atlas knows i dropped out. idk how to text these people without spunding like I'm looking for#sympathy when they ask what I'm up to. like yeah I'm stuck at home with an anxiety disorder and unemployed trying to get on disability#prisma vents
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getting-messi · 1 year
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I AM ALIVE!!!🥳🤩💃🏾💃🏾
#omg im so sorry for being offline for so long#i miss this website so much :((((((((#life was beating THE HELL OUT OF ME😮‍💨#okay so first i'll talk about some of my thoughts with football and what i missed and then updates about what's been going on with me#**i really wanted to come back online and let y'all know what's up but my sis's getting married this Sunday so i ill FULLY be back Monday#i just wanted to catch up on my notification but I'll go thru my inbox on Monday/Tuesday#okay FOOTBALL:#screw psg like sincerly#i cant believe theyre causing all this mess with him after he took his family on vacation😭#like the pics are SO CUTE??? how could you possibly punish him for that#also it speaks SO MUCH to his character that he FULLY recorded an apology vid like i thought he just released a typed statement#he really showing them so much more respect than they are treating him#im still salty about the lack of wc celebration....and fans booing him outside his house?? losers LOSERSSSS#i also think they're trying to act snobby about not extending him but with neymar most likely leaving they literally have too much to lose#also neymar expecting a child???? how did not know the girl he got pregnant?? so crazy SO crazy#anyways im also not optimistic about barca and messi....as much as they may talk the big variable here is La Liga allowing it to happen#they were the reason behind messi leaving and they're the only thing stopping him from coming back#as much as i dont BELIEVE messi would go to Saudi Arabia right now....i still really hate the rumours about Al-Hilal...like shut up please#if all else fails.....Pep por favor please just bring Messi to city...its not too late#he can be on the bench i don't even mind....i just HATE him at psg but i don't want him to leave Europe#In other news....Arsenal.....my heart hurts too much and I've expected that they wont be winning the league :'(((((#NOW about ME :))))#bad news first - DESPISE my job LIKE to the point where I'm crying almost daily about it but i cant quit. i jus want one summer to relax#good news: OFFICIALLY DONE MY UNDERGRADUATE DEGREEEEEEEE💃🏾😭🤧✨#THANK GOOODDDDDDDD ALHAMDULILAHHHHHHHHHH#SO DAMN HAPPY SO SO SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!#i also took my graduation pictures yesterday (thank you to the anons that told me i should get them done)#and i took the NEW ARGENTINA JERSEY WITH THE 3 STARS AND MESSI ON THE BACK AND POSED WITH IT😭😭🤣#im OBSESSED with the pic omg if i wasn't so paranoid about showing my face on this website i would've shared it#but yeah and my graduation is JUNE 9th!!! I AM SO EXCITED! Got a really pretty dress and it literally couldn't come soon enough :)
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fourfuckinghorsemen · 2 years
Sir Maxwell is very clingy.
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fazcinatingblog · 3 months
How to spice up (down) your office romance, a book by me:
Talk in accents* and roleplay in front of other co-workers, become the centre of the office gossip but deny everything
Wear your least sexy pants that went through the dryer too many times and make you feel an icy breeze on your ankles
Wear your least sexy jumper, like knitted jumper with stripes usually does it
If he works on another level, avoid that level until he's gone home for the day
Say out loud "oh I can't do that, the files are upstairs" (make a big deal of not wanting to go upstairs) and then when he goes home, go up there twenty times and see who notices
If he gives you files to work on, say out loud "well this isn't enough to win me over!" (Oh man, I wish I was brave enough to try this)
Give them a folded up piece of paper with your hotel name and room number on it. In front of everyone. But no one sees the paper
Give them a note, say it's from the boss, and then they open it to read "i'mma fuck you hard" or something idk haven't workshopped this properly
Write fanfiction about it in your lunch break because that's the most that will ever happen
Play pranks on them (see: new girl)
Make up nicknames/code names for each other like "baby bear" and "Goldilocks" (see: back in very small business)
*I can't do accents and I'd be too scared to do this one but god it'd be fun
#or just don't even get into office romance#let really guy and his wife do the office romance stuff#it's too hard#feel like I'm leading a double life like I'm meant to talk to him about work or aflm interchanges or anything but can i bring up Saturday??#it's so hard to talk to him normally knowing what he's almost hinted#i mean he didn't really mention it outright idk he just said he shares the kid 'half time' with the kid's mum#and may have slipped in that he finds me attractive#that's it though#oh and he spoke about relationships generally but not directly#not like asking me directly if i want to or not#hmmmph#also if he's changed his mind then would he tell me??? or just go on as normal?????#also when he leaves early at like 2:30 does he pick the kid up from school#no the kid is on school holidays#but like normally#does he live with the wife#THERE'S SO MANY QUESTIONS UGH i hate myself when he asked in the car 'do you have any questions?' i said no#you idiot Laura#but also that's just me whenever I'm asked if i have questions#i always have questions but never when I'm actually asked for questions#sigh#it's too much#can't do it#erandi used to mock me and say 'your boyfriend' whenever he was mentioned#I'd yell back NO HE'S YOUR BOYFRIEND when erandi's already told me that it can't be possible#no but erandi didn't really like him and full on yelled at him one day and sometimes she'd say mean things behind his back so I'd defend him#i think erandi was right#what would erandi think of this#not now though#if i see him again outside of work THEN I'm calling erandi
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