#but this is a wildly different banner session than that was LMAO
dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
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so the story goes, i was about to whack gatekeeper bc buddy i love u but ur not my mans and i was gonna get big mad
but then mans came home
...but he had terrible ivs
so i pulled again! thinking why not what if i actually get him again!
and in that moment i learned he still loves me.
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cremdotexe · 3 years
Villains of 3rd life: Analysis
I was bored, and though we all know basically everyone is a villain in their own rights, there are definitely some stand-outs. So I’m here to analyze some of them, this is in the context of 3rd life and not cc, of course. A very long post and session 7 spoilers under the cut.
Grian and Scar
I’m putting Scar and Grian together because they’re on the same team with the same goal, but I’ll analyze them both together and seperately, starting with Grian.
Grian dedicated his green life to Scar. It was all fun and games at first, but I believe while Scar’s first death was unintentional, and that he felt genuinely guity when it happened, Grian has twisted that into his advantage. He sets a lot of traps, and use Scar as the completely willing scapegoat. No wonder he didn’t die sooner, the red army still has faith that he was going to switch sides once he had died. BUT the thing is there’s a loophole in his agreement with Scar, and that is while he can leave, he doesn’t have to. And at this point in the war, who would? The red desert have quite the upper hand now, and Grian’s partnership with Scar has been more than successful. Grian knows this as well, so he teamed up with the hobbits and decides to stick with Scar, and that’s the smartest thing to do.
On to Scar, who has been a wild card this entire series. Etho described him as a wild animal, and while that’s can definitely apply due to his knack of just going rogue and attack people even when he’s at a clear disadvantage, what directly contradicts Etho’s statement is that Scar doesn’t actually attack wildly like say, Skizzle or Cleo do. Even when he was going up alone against the entirety of dogwarts, he managed to stall long enough to pretend to escape down under his bunker, then he ambushed them, almost killing Etho permanantly. He then lure Martyn over and that led him to his first death, then he ambushed Impulse. Yet everyone seems to see him as a non-threat just because people knows Scar’s biggest weakness is his own clumsiness, but what they don’t realize is that his biggest advantages are that not only is he actually quite smart and charismatic with his attacks and escapes specifically, but people keep underestimating him.
I have said it before and I will say it again, these 2 together is one of the most dangerous duos and they have been since the beginning. They work incredibly well together, and both of them have specific skill sets that let them live this long despite having a lot of enemies at the beginning. These two legitimately and quite literally gaslight gatekeep girlbossed their way out of the chaos they caused themselves, and they have been successful so far, which says a lot considering how much damage they actually caused.
I’m putting Ren here more as the ‘tragic backstory’ villain rather than the fullfedged villains that Grian and Scar are. At first, Ren has great intentions, but that all went downhill after Scar threatened him and the sand people successfully put him on yellow life. His villain arc, however, starts the moment he purposefully went red and went to people’s house, asking for an offering in exchange for loyalty, if he doesn’t get it, their names get put into the book.
Sounds familiar? What he was doing was EXACTLY what Scar did to him, and that led him to turn yellow. and now the rest of the server other than the red army refers to him as the red king and they see HIM as the villain. Ren’s been hunting down his enemies, and this became very clear in session 7. He declared war, and all of this was for a banner, all for their honor. Now, he’s at a disadvantage after a betrayal, arguably because he went red on purpose.
Speaking of betrayal...
I count Impulse as a villain here specifically because of his motives. Impulse has been playing 3rd life in a very passive manner, he helps everyone and gain favors from everyone, getting on people’s good side this whole time, all because he wants to survive himself. From session 1 to 6 he had everyone, and I mean everyone warped around his fingers for a good while, and he was planning on betraying most of them, if not all. And while everyone knows something is up, the only one really distrusting him by the beginning of session 7 was Cleo, and Cleo is gone now.
What he said at the beginning of session 7 to the crastle really made his intentions clear. Impulse wants to come out on top, and in a way, he already did. He have good gear, good ally, and he was very willing to betray dogwarts without any hesitation. He even said he wanted death and destruction, he didn’t want people to just go to war with no pay offs, he wanted people to actually starts dying more than they already were. I wouldn’t be even a little surprised if he turns on Bdubs and Tango too, after all, he’s still on yellow and they were both red.
Out of everyone, I also think Impulse have the most drive to actually win the series, he’s still having fun of course, but he have a legitimately good plan. We’ll have to say where that goes.
Joel is dangerous in a different sense than the other 4 mentioned in this list because he seems to be going with the flow, so this one is going to be a bit shorter than everyone else’s due to the simplicity of his actions. He’s simply doing whatever he wants, whenever he wants. Everything he does is in his own best interest, he doesn’t actually care about alliance other than what’s convenience. Joel betrayed the dogwarts just so Scar would help rebuild his roof, he burnt down the hobbits’ wall just because he wants to. Like Scar, the only thing he really wants is to cause chaos, but unlike Scar, Joel does it for his own gain as opposed to for fun like Scar often does.
Yeah, to be honest I just wanted to ramble and share my thoughts, it’s fun to type these down even if it makes me a nerd lmao. Minecraft war go brrrr.
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