#but this is so sweet and kind and has totally improved my day <3
redwinewhiteroses · 21 days
Love messages from your lover
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I'm looking far into the future, I'm putting in the work into our relationship so we can have an abundance of love and warmth for each other. I want to nurture you and take care of you in every way. I want to feel needed by you, like you can't live without you. My feelings have been growing and they are now flowing freely. My desires are slowly coming true, and you are by best desire. Nothing compares to you.
You look so attractive like always. I know I act stoic and hold a lot of control when I approach you, but little do you know about the intense passion that runs through my veins just for you. I know I'm defensive and don't let you in sometimes, because I'm treading carefully so we don't get hurt. I don't want either of us to get bruised because of our love. I want to offer you this mature love, so you don't have to look anywhere else but only my side to have all your needs met. I'm all you need.
I want a fruitful future with you. I want to nurture you, and you to nuture me. Let's be each other's safe place. I love how you are so loving and caring, I think you'll be a great parent. I could totally see us having kids someday, you are spouse material for me and no one compares to you. You look beautiful, radiant and lively. I feel so much serenity and peace when I look at you. You are my ultimate peace. You are my home, my moon and my stars.
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I'm working hard so I can be a reliable partner for you. I'm busy managing work and my responsibilities, it feels like I have to put a lot of effort to keep everything balanced. It has been hectic and a lot of things have been going on. I feel like I'm quite close to being stable right now and I want to share my financial success with you. I want to be more comitted to you but I'm balancing a lot in my life, I feel so burnt out and tired, so please be patient with me I'm trying my best. I wish you could find a kind and reliable partner in me, so I've been working on myself lately.
I've been so dedicated to my work to the point I feel so exhausted, I just want some rest and I just wish I'm spending more time with you because when I do I feel at ease and well rested.
You've been running in my mind, I feel like a lunatic. I can't forget you even if I tried to. These feelings aren't going anywhere and I wear my heart on my sleeve for you to see. I love you more than I show you. You make me weak in my knees.
A great opportunity is just on the horizon, I feel like a lot of change is coming, something that will improve my status, but at the same time I feel a little stuck and vulnerable. I swear I'm doing my best. Please take good care of yourself.
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I'm waiting patiently for you, not a second passes by when I'm not thinking about you, about our future, about everything we can be. I think of all the sweet things I want to do with you and all the things I want to do to you if I just unfold myself in your loving embrace. Let's just be wild and adventurous and let go of all control, be like crazy kids and forget about time.
I want a happy union for us, where this passion never goes away, but grows beautifully into something more with every passing day. I want to settle down with you and I want to spend all my time with you.
I'm steadily growing, working hard so I can be worthy of you and your love, working hard so we can create a stable home environment and I wish to offer you my everything in the future but I'm still growing and I hope you wait for me. I hope you are patient with me.
I'm walking into the horizons so I could have more resources for the both of us. I hope I find success in this journey of mine, so I can come back to you with my victory. I miss you so much and I know you miss me too, but please wait for me patiently.
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fallingdownhell · 1 year
Hi! I love your writing! :D Ive never made a request before so i hope i am in the right place haha. I'm being completely self-indulgent here... but could I get Kaeya, Wanderer, Tighnari, or Diluc ( or anyone else you may want to write for) fluff with a reader who is sweet and kind? Like they dont have a mean bone in their body, constantly compliment their s/o, cook them cute breakfast pancakes in the shape of a heart, bunny or with a smiley face,,, wear clothes that match theirs/clothes in their favorite color. Just super pure wholesome relationship shenanigans. :3 Thank you!! I hope this all made sense. And if you'd rather not write this then that's totally okay!!
First of, thank you so much for saying that. It really means a lot to me<3
Second, you're fine, it made perfect sense. I don't usually write a lot of fluff, even though I adore it, so I don't know if I'm any good at it.
But I gave it my all, so I hope something good did come out of it.
Characters Included: Diluc, Tighnari, Wanderer, Kaeya
Content: just pure fluff, nothing to worry about
Word count: 2,1k words
Thank you so much for your request. Hope you enjoy<3
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Your sweet and caring personality is a stark contrast to Diluc's own rough and closed of one, so I feel like at first, it would be a bit too much for him
He definitely has to get used to it first
He can't remember the last time he was showered in compliments that didn't regard his strength or wealth
simply just you existing, complimenting his choice of clothes, his hair or anything else, has this man speechless and sometimes, even blushing
and if you ever were to give him a... riskier compliment.. hope you enjoy watching a malfunctioning Diluc right in front of you
his face would explode in all shades of red, stuttering like crazy, trying to process what you just said
Diluc can take a bit of teasing, but don't take it too far with him or he will combust on the spot
the relationship with you also greatly improved his communication skill. He is still rather reserved and quiet, but he is a good listener and great at remembering stuff
over time, it gets easier for him to communicate about his wants and needs, what he likes and doesn't like
he can now openly talk about it with you, without fearing to upset you of feeling guilty about it, because he felt like that would be too selfish of him
everyone around you can see what a great influence you are to Diluc's everyday life
He feels much more at peace and doesn't look like he's constantly on edge, like he's about to murder the next person that comes into his line of vision
I feel like Diluc's love language would be quality time. He likes to spend time together, just the two of you. And he doesn't really care how the time is spend
It could be on a long walk, baking or cooking together in his kitchen, cuddling on the couch or the bed, he really doesn't care as long as he gets to be alone with you, no one and nothing to distract you around
invites you to permanently live with him in his mansion after only a few months of dating. Would be understanding if you told him that this would be too fast for you, but if you agree? He's over the moon, because that means he can spend every single second of the day with you when he's also at home
really grew to enjoy cuddling over the course of the relationship. Didn't see the appeal of it at the start, but now he knows why everyone is such a big fan of it
Cuddling is a must when you lay in bed together at night, he can't really sleep right anymore without you hugged close to him. He needs you right by his side
Diluc becomes more vocal a bit later on, starting to also give you compliments
overall, he needs a lot of time to settle in and feel comfortable in a relationship, but if you are willing to give him the time he needs, the rewards you'll get will be so worth it
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Now, I may be a bit biased with him, because I love Tighnari, but I don't care
Tighnari would be a very attentive lover
he dates only with the intention of settling down and having a forever with you, so if you're not up for that, please tell him upfront so he doesn't waste his time
would take great pride if he is the sole provider for the both of you, since his instincts play a big part in that
he would take his time in a relationship, trying to ascertain if it works out between you two
feels very sure and secure in the relationship, but that doesn't mean that he never gets jealous
funnily enough, I headcanon Tighnari as one of the most jealous men ever. He knows you would never do anything to him behind his back, but he can't help his instincts. And when every little thought in his head just yells "MINE" he can't help but act on them. Don't blame him for it.
once he is sure that you are the right one for him and that he wants to spend his life with you, he would sit you down and talk to you about mating
he told you a few things about it and how he and his instincts work (because he is a hybrid and all), but he never went into too much detail
if you were to agree to becoming his life partner and mate, he would be so happy that he starts crying a bit
hugs you close to him and doesn't let you go for the entire night
He never thought that love and romance would be for him, nevertehless thought that he would ever find a mate in the first place. So excuse him for feeling overjoyed at the way his live is playing out right now
Tighnari's love language I think would be both physical touch and acts of service
he loves to pamper you and one of the best ways to do that would be to help you with household chores
every once in a while, when you decide to sleep in a bit, don't be too surprised when you wake up to the dishes from the night before being done and properly stored already.
The laundry that you washed and folded but didn't put away yet? Suddenly gone and neatly stocked in the closet.
When asking him about it, he just looks at you and goes "What? Am I not allowed to help my mate around the house a bit?"
Doesn't really expect a reward from you, but also won't complain if you give him kisses and cuddles for his help.
He really, REALLY, enjoys your cooking. Even when sometimes you make stuff he's not really into, he still eats it and every time finds something he does enjoy about the meal. But maybe that's just the effect you have on him as a whole..
Also, physical touch.. Tighnari can't go a day without touching you. It starts every morning, instisting to stay in bed for five more minutes for morning cuddles.
You're still cooking when he comes home from a long day? Hugs you from behind, kisses your neck and either helps you with the cooking, or just stays there and basks in your presence
He has to touch you in some way, shape or form every time he sees you, even if you just walk by him. He can't help it, just let him induldge, please
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Now this man..
Hope you brought some patience with you, because you're going to need it
Before even thinking of getting into a relationship with him, you first have to earn his trust. And that's not something easily achievable
But, if you manage to do it and make him fall in love with you while doing it? Congratulations, he will be your forever loyal and loving partner from now on
He's still very bad at communicating, so maybe learn to read between the lines with him
He always acts like he doesn't like stuff that you do, but if you look closely, you can see the way he turns his head so you don't notice his red cheeks or how his tone gets a bit softer when he's embarrassed about something
In reality, he loves and appreciates everything you do for him
Even though he never fails to tell you how ridiculous you are for making his breakfast pancake into a heart-shaped form, he still quietly sits down and eats it, head turned to escape your gaze. He just hopes you'll never see how red his face gets every time
He once saw a stall on a market he was walking through that sold necklaces. On a whim, he bought one that had a single, indigo coloured crystal dangling from the string
When he noticed you wearing it almost every day, he felt like he suddenly gained a heart, and it leaped and wanted to jump out of his chest again. He didn't say anything but just hugged you from behind, holding you a bit tighter than he usually did
I think Wanderer would appreciate you even more if your love language happened to be words of affirmation
He can't even begin to tell you how much it means to him to get that constant, verbal reassurance that you love him and want to be with him
It's something he still struggles a lot with, not thinking that he's worthy of all the time and effort you put into him. But your words really help him, it starts to sink in that you're with him because you want to, not because he manipulated you or anything
As for the Wanderer himself, I feel physical touch would most likely be his love language
Not only because he gets the physical reassurance that you're actually here with him and this whole thing is not just a delusion or dream his mind came up with. It's also because it reminds him that you're alive and well in his arms, and you're not planing on going anywhere
one of his favourite moments is when you two cuddle, either in bed or on the couch, with his head laid on your chest. He can clearly hear your heartbeat like that. He feels safe listening to it and it is a safe method for him to enter the dreamworld without much problem.
A very devoted lover, although difficult at first, but again, the pay-off is more than worth the effort
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There is one, very important rule in a relationship with Kaeya. One he will never, under no circumstances, ever break
Once a week, there will be a couple's night
During that time, the both of you stay at home together. No outings, no work, no going out with friends or family, nothing
Just the two of you, dressing up in cute little matching onesies, making dinner together (maybe have a little food war in the kitchen), cuddle up on the couch afterwards
Sometimes you play games together, other times it's a full on spa night with face masks, where you give each other massages and just pamper the other.
But the both of you are so grateful that you decided to implement this rule into your relationship
Kaeya's job as a knight can get rather busy from time to time, it happened on more than one occaison that he stayed at the headquarters for a few days uninterrupted. During that time period, you rarely got to see him.
Still, when it was time for date night, neither of you made exeptions. No matter how much work was waiting for him, Kaeya would put it on hold for this night. Because that's what you both agreed on and also, he really needs the break. He missed your presence and touch
Kaeya is another one who I think expresses his love for you through physical touch and quality time.
Precisely because he doesn't always have much time to spend with you, every second counts for him. To him, it does not matter how that time is spent, so long as it's with you
There could be thousands of other people around you, it could be on a night out with friends. As long as he gets to touch you, feel you close to him and have you there with him, he is happy.
Kaeya also trust you deeply. You're one of the only people he feels comfortable enough around to take his eye patch off.
Once you learned that his right eye is fine under that patch - except for a not so nice looking vertikal scar - and saw it for the first time, Kaeya also told you the story behind how he got that scar
Of course he is scared about your reaction to it, but when you lean close to him and softly kiss the scar, he realized that he never, not even for a second, had to worry about it. Because it's you. You are here with him, you make him feel loved and cared for. Of course there was no reason for him to ever doubt you
Wants to put a ring on your hand as soon as he can, but with how hectict his life can get, he would rather wait for it to calm down
But he knows, deep down, that you will be the only person he will ever love like that. And for nothing in this world would he ever let go of you..
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Twenty Fanfic Writer Questions
Tagged by @ankahikoibaat
Tagging @sarosthewizarddude @veronae-buddie @storyspinner91 @rotaryshakes @bisexualshakespeare
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?  only 7 so far, two of them are on going
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 
38,658 currently
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Willow, One Piece, and 911
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Cognac and Couque Au Vin: One Piece Zoro/Luffy Ace/Sanji Sabo/Law
I just want. . . Magic: 911 Buck/Eddie featuring Willow characters
This Darkness is the Light: Willow Graydon/Elora/Airk
Where You End I Begin: Willow Graydon/Airk/Elora
Undo this Storm and Wait: Willow Graydon/Airk/Elora
5. Do you respond to comments?
Always, it might take a few days or more but I want them to know I appreciate it.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? 
I write angst but dont really do angsty endings. They've all been happy or hopeful so far
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? 
Where You End I Begin, it's my least angsty, fluffiest fic
8. Do you get hate on fics? 
I haven't and hope I never do. If you don't like it, just don't read it.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? 
Sweet Like Caramel is Explicit M/M, but everything I've posted is at least suggestive and I have a few wips that will be mature or explict when finished
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? 
Only once, I used Willow characters for 911 calls in I just want. . . Magic, nothing crazy except me when I was snowed in and bored.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of and I hope not
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
I have not, but I'm certainly open to it
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
I have not but @lowkeyed1 has helped me work through a few ideas and there's a crossover we need to write together one day
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Favorite to write Graydon/Airk or Graydon/Elora/Airk, favorite to read probably Buck/Eddie, fav of all-time would be a long list
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? 
I started a Polin au where Lady Danbury runs a secret club dedicated to fulfilling the fantasies of spinsters that I don't know if I'll ever go back to but I love the idea
16. What are your writing strengths? 
Maybe dialog, it's what comes easiest to me. Most of my fics (and my too many wips) started with imaging a character saying one line.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptive details about surroundings. I have a tendency to leave them too vague. I'm working improving it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? 
I haven't but if I did I would want someone fluent in that language to translate for me. I wouldn't want to risk it being wrong and accidentally offensive.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Willow was the first I shared online but used to write for my friends growing up. This will definitely date me but when I was really, really young I wrote a Ghostwriter self-insert.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? 
I think one of my wips might be my new favorite, but for now I'm going to say Say You'll Still Be By My Side because it's the one I've been working on the longest. Plus, I only have 7 posted and it's the only one I hadn't mentioned 😉
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morningberriesao3 · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
tysm to @runninriot for the tag. tbh i often don’t do these things ‘cause I never have anyone else to tag to keep the chain going, but this one is too fun not to 💕
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
currently—13. 10 are completed, 2 are old wips, 1 is my current wip. baker’s dozen.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
431, 629 and counting 😳
3. What fandoms do you write for?
stranger things, exclusively. no other fandom inspires me the same way.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Many Ways, Many Days, to Say ‘I Love You’
Dirty Words
Done Deal
Sneaky Link
Sweet Surrender
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
YES. omg i will always respond to a comment because they make me wildly happy. although sometimes (currently), i feel too overwhelmed to reply right away and i end up with an overflowing inbox. right now i have 200 unanswered comments that i WILL reply to 😂
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
as far as finished fics, Hate the Way It Feels So Good has, i guess, the most unsatisfying ending. generally i always write HEA. although i have a wip that was never supposed to end happily: Wicked, to Let Me Dream of You.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i’d say Sweet Surrender is the happiest considering all the angst you have to read to get there 😂 but like i said, most have a happy ending
8. Do you get hate on fics?
generally, no. but i have gotten more hate than anyone i’ve talked to about it! (certain word choices ‘ruining’ an entire fic for someone, grammar corrections, people telling me i’m a liar when i didn’t upload fast enough… all mostly surface stuff that hasn’t been too bad yet 😩)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
the real question is: have i ever not written smut? and the answer to that is no. what kind? every kind. tame, not-so-tame, porn with plot, porn with feelings, gross stuff, cute stuff, you name it 😉
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
not really. the closest i’ve been to writing a crossover is How I’d Kill, in which the first few chaps are pretty inspired by ACOTAR.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not copy and pasted, as far as i know. there have been a few instances where i’ve noticed bigger accounts posting eerily similar plot lines to some of the stuff i’ve written, but i’m 100% sure it’s just coincidence. we have to remember nothing is outright original when it comes to plot. as long as you’re not intentionally plagiarizing someone’s work, similarities are bound to happen.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
no!! i’ve never had a translation, a pod fic, or artwork done for any of my fics! i’m just out here in my own little bubble lmao
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i haven’t! although i’ve definitely talked about it with @the-unforgivenn!! i get nervous because i’m such a procrastinator when it comes to getting my own fics done—i don’t want to drag someone else down 😂
14. What’s you’re all time favourite ship?
take a wild guess.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i honestly hope/plan to finish ALL of my posted wips, even though a couple are on pause. there’s a few saved on my laptop that I’m sure will never see the light of day hahaha
16. What are your writing strengths?
i’m blind to my own writing so it’s hard to say. i’d like to think just general improvement as i’ve written more/read more. a lot of repeat readers have complimented me on how i write angst so maybe that?!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i could write an essay on this. first—no matter how many times i read through my fics—there’s some autocorrect that i missed or a spelling error or just SOMETHING 😂 not to mention the procrastinating. always getting major writer’s block. and generally being very hard on myself.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i MIGHT be able to get away with a few french phrases here and there, being half french, but in general i only know english well enough to write. reading? LOVE it. make all the characters multilingual—i’ll have google translate ready.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
stranger things 🥹 and most likely will be the only fandom i ever write for. (unless you count the RPF i wrote and will NEVER publish about joseph quinn 💀)
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
i personally think my best written fic is How I’d Kill, but Sweet Surrender will always be my favourite just by default—there was no better feeling as a first time writer reading the lovely comments that i got on that fic. i’ll never forget it 🥹
no pressure tags:
@numinosmoon @cuips-not-cute @bettyfrommars @the-unforgivenn @rip-quizilla @etherealmontilyet @wroteclassicaly @wynnyfryd
sorry if you’ve already been tagged or just plain old don’t want to do it 💕
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newwavesylviaplath · 5 months
what are your top five favourite movies of all time (and why?) 💘
again this is so hard cuz i don't watch movies but ill try my best to answer.
5. sleep away camp; literally the definition of 80s campy horror it's what ahs 1984 wishes it could be
4. scott pilgrim vs the world; ultimate comfort movie!! ive read all the comics and have a scott pilgrim action figure also besides this fact its a good movie i like how i can recognize a bunch of the places DONT GET ME STARTED ON THE SOUNDTRACK i love all the bands so much and because the majority of them are canadian i have like some weird connection to them (my fave thing to brag abt is how my mom went to highschool with the drummer of broken social scene and they were like CLOSE friends like not just acquaintances)
3. brigsby bear; another comfort movie- i used to be a diehard snl fan but i was like SPECIFICALLY obsessed with kyle mooney (still love him) and also this movie is so like sweet and like perfect example of the offbeat humour + heartwarming ending combo im convinced that kyle's just ahead of his time and that this will totally be a cult classic one day.
2. kill me now; another movie with kyle mooney- im a giant nerd when it comes to improv and sketch comedy (don't get me started on the podcasts omfg) so when i found out that all of good neighbor was in this movie i had to watch. another example of campy horror although it's very 2012 type humour so i think a lot of ppl think it's like stupid but whatever ill defend it till the day i die its free on youtube go watch
1. excision (2008); literally another film from youtube that i've seen too many times to count. this is a short film (which is great considering i have horrible adhd) but it was turned into a full length feature in like 2013 i think. the full length one is also very good; it features traci lords AND john waters as a minister 💀 so again it has kind of a kitschy vibe to it but not as much as the others. the original is a lot more on the serious side. it's totally perfect if u have mommy issues the last scene always makes me cry (you'll also like it if ur mentally ill or maybe just have a blood kink)
sorry idk why i wrote a whole essay. also honourable mention is the movie 'slaxx' that was absolutely wild.
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leslutdepointedulac · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by: @mothmage, @hekateinhell & @desertfangs Thank you my loves 💞
1. How many works do you have on A03? 19 atm but that's about to become a lot more from next month lmao.
2. What’s your total A03 word count? 46,413
3. What fandoms do you write for? The Vampire Chronicles and as of right now, nothing else.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? Nothing's Fair in Love and War Drunken Matrimony Lupercalia Experimentations and The Long Road
5. Do you respond to comments? I do, always!! I love responding to comments, it's one of my favourite things about writing fics tbh.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? The way I've had to think about this for too long because several of my fics could fit here. I think I'd say The Long Road because although there is hope (and the knowledge from canon) that things will get better for Louis, but he's still in the depths of his darkness and there's such a long way to go re: his recovery. That or Let Sleeping Lions Lie. (I would've said my siren au, but I think that's more my darkest ending to a fic, as opposed to the angstiest.)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I'd say it's either Second Chances or Drunken Matrimony. I think they're also very sweet endings.
8. Do you get hate on fics? No, no that I know of anyway. If anyone is hating on my fics, I don't know about it.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I do but it's canon compliant, so no actual sex. There's two reasons for that: 1.) because I'm not quite there yet with wanting to write full on smut and 2.) because I genuinely just really enjoy writing canon complaint smut. As much as I really love reading smut, I feel like there should be more fics that embrace and explore the vampire's canon asexuality. It's a part of canon that I really enjoy and think is very important, so I like to bring some of that into my fics too!
Also, when it comes to Louis' character in particular, imo anyway, it's a good insight into him during IWTV. Because even though it's not actual sex, I find it interesting to explore how he might be reluctant to even just share blood in an intimate manner, because of his repression re: his queerness in that time.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I haven't written any crossovers yet and I don't know that I ever will tbh. It's just not something I see myself writing.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? No, I hope not anyway. I'm not aware of it if that has happened.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I haven't, but if anyone ever wanted to, that would be cool.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, but I'd totally be down to if someone wanted to co-write with me one day!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Loustat all day everyday!! (Though Loumand follows extremely close behind.)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Ngl, I always intend on finishing any WIPs I have. Even if it takes me a while, I will always try to complete one if I've already started it.
16. What are your writing strengths? I think just the fact that I'm able to wing it. I don't plan anything when I'm writing. I always have a basic idea as to what I want the fic to be about, but when it comes to actually writing it, I don't plan/draft anything. I just go for it and make it up as I go.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I'm trying to improve on making my fics longer. I think I'm slowly getting better, but there's still progress to be made lmao.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I quite like it. I have written some small bits in French but that's using Google translate. (ik, ik. Not overly accurate) I think if the character speaks another language that they would use relatively frequently, then I think it can be quite good to add it in.
19. First fandom you wrote for? I'd like to say TVC, which is technically right, but years ago when I was still in school, I had to do some creative writing for English, and I did write what was basically Crimson Peak fanfic. So depending on how you look at it, it's either Crimson Peak or TVC.
And actually, now I think about it, ever since primary school, I've always based my creative writing for school off things I was into. So on that basis, who knows what my first ever fic was about lmfao. For the sake of this, we'll say it's TVC.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? Tbh, I don't know if I have a favourite. All my fics are my babies, and if I try to say just one of them, then I'll just be like "Oh wait actually, what about this one? Oh but I really love this one too!" And it would keep going until I've mentioned all of them, so I can't choose.
It's Hē Seirḗn
Tagging: @cinnamonclove @effyrosemary @deaddovehasbeeneaten @aunteat @butchybats @bubblegum-blackwood no pressure of course 💞
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fallingforfandoms · 11 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks for the tag @all-my-worlds-a-stage (and sorry for only getting back to you so late, but, you know, ideas had to be dwelled upon, etc etc etc)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
14 - could have been less if I had been a a more responsible human being with more impulse control, could be more if I wasn't such a goddamn perfectionist, sigh.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
332,695 (because my projects usually escalate way too quickly, sorry not sorry)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Officially, Tatort - Tatort Ludwigshafen to be specific. Currently peering over the edge for Münster and Wien. And I had a huge obsession with the MCU and The Witcher and Sherlock before, and still have half a novel based on The Night Manager up on my drive somewhere. And then there was also that missing scene from House of Cards that started it all on AO3 (but it's buried beneath a bunch of Lena Odenthal content now, thankfully).
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Sonne, See und Sterne: The summer holiday fanfic that I wrote throughout December and January (... sounds pretty normal imo) for Lena Odenthal and Johanna Stern and that I still like to read from time to time to dive back into that vibe :')
A Scarred Sunrise: My debut fanfic on ao3, the infamous House of Cards oneshot that probably only got this many kudos because it's not part of a German niche fandom :'D
The Hand Is a Servant of the Heart: The very first Lena/Johanna fic that I published, yet another missing/adapted scene from canon (aka from one of the more traumatising Ludwigshafen episodes that needed some sort of ... band-aid to be fixed, lol).
Das Nest: My very first fluff & smut Lena/Johanna fic that didn't fall into the abyss of trauma and tragedy but instead escalated into a Love Actually rip-off by the end (and I still adore it for that).
Liens de cuir et mains de soie: A dom/sub/switching kinda character study/crossover between Lena Odenthal and Esther Baumann set mostly in France, inspired by the lovely but lowkey deranged idea by @disappointingsalad at the start and improved by her very own contribution at the end - thank you so much! :)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, because I love each and every one of them from the bottom of my heart!!! <3 (Also, the only reason that it takes long-ish for me to reply to some of them is that I cannot stop grinning and jumping up and down out of pure joy every single time I re-read them to reply properly, so, sorry not sorry, but you people make my day with those and I save them in an extra outlook folder because of that <3)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Since I'm usually rather fond of happy endings, I tend to resolve most of the tension. "Zerrissene Fäden" would be a possible candidate though. Maybe also "I've Come To Burn Your Kingdom Down" or "A Scarred Sunrise". Because of the uncertainty that still simmers through towards the end, but idk.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Well, since I'm a sucker for happy endings, they're all quite happy so far. But the happiest ... huh. Maybe "Das Nest". Or "Sonne, See und Sterne". Or "Liens de cuir et mains de soie". I can't decide on this either, apparently, oops :'D
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Thankfully, no. But that's one of the few advantages of a small German fandom without great shipping wars, I suppose :'D
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Ha. Haha. Hahaha. Yes. Been there, done that, many kinds of that, in fact. Anything from the sweet vanilla kind (looking at all those 'found family' tropes) over the fast and messy ONS kind to the dom/sub-themed and/or throuple 'well that escalated quickly' kind. Each has its own perks. And its challenges (looking at the classic wlw problem of overusing "she" etc). But I still love delving into those headcanons on a regular (and mildly irresponsible) basis ;)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I wouldn't call it far-fetched since both fandoms are Tatort-related, but the sub/dom-themed Ludwigshafen/Saarbrücken crossover up on ao3 is definitely ... some kind of crazy. And then there are also all those Wien / Münster / Bremen ideas which haven't quite left the nest that @all-my-worlds-a-stage and I have so far built for them. Look forward to those ;) Also, in non-Tatort terms, there was this one Geralt/Loki fanfic I started years ago but I'm ... not even sure I'd find that cursed document again at present :'D
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'd know of it (niche fandoms strikes again).
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope (niche fandoms strikes again).
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, with @disappointingsalad. And I'm currently working on some other ideas that require more than my last two braincells, in this case with the help of @all-my-worlds-a-stage ;)
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Given my ao3 history, the case seems pretty clear - definitely Lena Odenthal/Johanna Stern. Honorable mentions go out to Sherlock/John, Geralt/Jaskier and Jamie/Brienne. And to Wilhelmine Klemm as well, because whoever she ends up with is so goddamn lucky to have her (and I'm here for each and everyone of them).
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Oh God. Most of them, I suppose, given the lethal combination of adhd and perfectionism that rule my brain? :'D But the first thing that came to mind was the band AU I started a couple of months ago. Because the movie playing in my mind just at the thought of it is already so perfect and I don't have any idea how to get all of those scenes written down in exactly that way.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Probably dialogue? The amount of raw dialogue I've written as a kick-off for some vague idea is ... quite telling. In many ways.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Introspection. Whenever it comes to the thoughts of characters, my own mind is just ... blank. No idea what they could be feeling or thinking in this very moment, or rather, no idea how to phrase it without putting it into dialogue. Yeah, I know, just what a non-TV writer needs to work properly :'D
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Been there, done that, probably wouldn't do it again, at least not in the way I did it then.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Officially, House of Cards. Unofficially, probably Sherlock? Or the MCU? That was ... ages ago though.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
You CANNOT ask a mother which of her children she- well. Wait a minute. I think I'll throw "Von Schwertglanz und Schattengewächsen" in there, the medieval Tatort Ludwigshafen AU I started this February. Because this is such a long-ass project that has accompanied me through some pretty ... interesting months and I worked so many inspirations and easter eggs into it. And I'm continuing to do that now, in this very moment, because I watched a very gruesome Tatort Wien episode (thx for the rec @carlomainzinger ;_;) that had just the right amount of protective & soft found family vibes and raw & unfiltered force to thwart me back into this setting (not as hard as Bibi was thwarted around her own flat though, uargh). So, yeah, uh, look forward to that, the wait might be over soon ;)
Well. That was fun. Throwing this over to @carlomainzinger @mordsfesch @krejong @rheingoldweg12a @occhi-verdi-come-il-mare @disappointingsalad @karin-in-action @khalaris @cornchrunchie and literally anyone else who wants to join in, no pressure though!
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leebrontide · 2 years
One thing about our new garden is that the soil is shit.
I am begging people not to rake up all their leaves in the fall and all their grass clippings in the summer. Every time you dispose of this organic "waste" you're taking the nutrients those plants pulled up out of the soil and throwing it away. Plus, you're destroying habitat for loads of important insects and fucking with the whole ecosystem.
The people who owned the house before us clearly raked and removed loads of leaves and clippings for the 30 years they lived in the house. The soil is practically sand. Just no nutrients left in it and very little ability to retain water.
People used to ask us why our soil in our old place was lovely rich nearly-black soil. The answer was that we didn't take our leaves up till mid April, after most insects didn't need them for hatching and hiding anymore, and they've broken down a fair amount of their nutrients into the soil. Then we'd mow up as much as possible and leave the chopped up leaves all over the lawn, to further break down and return the nutrients to the ground.
I've been looking for a rotatable compost bin for the new place, even though we're all small enough that rotating them can be sort of a pain in the ass.
But I'll confess that an ad-algorithm got me. I go on YouTube for 3 minutes, because my usual music streaming service was down and I do enjoy the "17th century villain" playlists on there, and I got an ad for an electric countertop composter.
This is not some kind of supported product placement on my part. The Lomi, which is the thing I saw an ad for, is a good $500 bought new, and I just flat out wasn't gonna do that.
But, I was curious enough to read some reviews, and then check craisglist. Lo and Behold, I found one for cheap, for sale from someone who bought and liked one, but also has an honest to god farm, and decided to go back to larger scale outdoor composting.
So, now we have a Lomi countertop composter.
You take the food waste from the day (our kiddo, Starling, eats a staggering amount of fruit, and a lot of eggs, so there's always shells, cores and peels and stuff laying around) and you put it in the bucket, and lock the lid, and push one button.
In two hours you have totally dry, totally broken down compost that smells almost like dry hay, ready to drop on the yard to put back in nutrients.
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I'm a bit in love with it.
And, on top of that, it can break down dairy and meat. You shouldn't ever put cooked meat in your outdoor compost, because birds will try to forage it, and get cooked fat grease on their feathers, which they can't clean off and can lead to illness. They're not evolved to handle cooked meat. But this way the meat is all broken down and safe to put outside. Which means throwing less away, which is great.
I will say, we didn't put in the charcoal the first time, and it had the used up charcoal from the previous owner in there and THAT was a mistake. Made the whole house smell like sweet vinegar. Which could be worse, considering this is food rotting down, but it was terrible when it's too cold to even open a window.
You can get Lomi brand charcoal filters, but it's just little charcoal pellets, so I'll probably just buy some from the aquarium store when we run out. But this batch should last us several months.
The thing also came with Lomi "tablets". So far, we've used them. But I'm going to experiment with not using them at some point, since the webpage for the Lomi says you don't NEED them. They do genuinely add helpful bacteria and fungi to the soil, which is great, but I can buy soil improvers that can do that, much more economically, from my local urban farm supply in the spring. No branded little pellets required. Plus, with the lawn being under snow, and the processed compost having to go on top of the snow, I'm not sure how much of that bacteria would be surviving right now, anyways.
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senseandaccountability · 11 months
twenty questions for fic writers
tagged by @mightymizora (thank youuu)
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 94. 
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 1,108,787, ahahaha. I’ve been at it for like 20 years though. 3. What fandoms do you write for? Baldur’sGate 3, Cyberpunk 2077, Mass Effect, Dragon Age and Lucifer make up the bulk of my fics but I’ve dabbled in some more fandoms.  4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
There are names for what binds us - (DAI; Blackwall/Trevelyan) The free parking jackpot rule - (Lucifer; Lucifer/Chloe) Blaze Me a Sun - (BG3; Astarion/Tav) And Hate the Idle Pleasures of These Days - (Lucifer; Michael/Ella) Kiss by Kiss I Cover Your Small Infinity - (Lucifer; Lucifer/Chloe)
5. Do you respond to comments? I always try to!
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? All of my A Song of Ice and Fire fics are angsty since they’re about women who die in various horrible ways. But I’m generally more of a bittersweet writer, I think. 7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Like I said, I lean towards the bittersweet and most endings are more sweet than bitter.Compared to canon outcomes I’d say my Michael fics for the Lucifer fandom are the happiest ones because you can’t give me a wretched, bitter, jealous mirror to Most Loved Boi Lucifer and not expect me to root for him in some way. 8. Do you get hate on fics? Not since my Jamie/Brienne drabbles ended up on a rabid Jamie/Cersei reclist. I also had some snippy comments/PMs on a Michael fic where I closed down Hell because Lucifer the show gave me an American Dream ending with self-improvement through therapy in Hell instead of questioning revenge as a moral solution. 9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Gods, I used to. Not so much now, no. It’s just not that interesting to me anymore, I rather write around the smut. The kind of smut I like to write is emotionally intense and/or angsty, at any rate.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Very, very rarely. I’m uninterested in reading them myself but I’ve used crossover as a concept in two stories: Troy Lies in Ruins (Cyberpunk 2077) in which Johnny is the Clementine inside V’s head and I use Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind as inspiration for their post-game quest to find each other again.
The Gods That Answer After Dark (Lucifer) in which I crossover Deckerstar with the novel The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue and had a chance to shut down that damned hell again.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Yes, someone more or less paraphrased my Johnny/V fic And your heart, as it was then, will be on fire by posting their own fic with pretty much entire paragraphs stolen from mine. I didn’t do anything about it, though, it had no comments/kudos at the time. 
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes, it was flattering. 
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I don’t think so, not that I can recall. I’d be up for it, though, it would be kind of cool to co-write a romance story where two authors write two different characters. 
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? I don’t think I can pick just one. 
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? I always intend to finish the WIPs. That said, it would require a lot of willpower to return to the oldest WIPs I have, by now. 16. What are your writing strengths? I think I’m good at concepts, characters and hopefully keeping a distinct sort of style. I used to be more pretentious. I think my writing has become better by dropping some of the most literary concepts in favour of focusing on emotions and social dynamics. 
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Plot? I think I could write plot - I like to plan stories out - but I don’t really want to dedicate time to write it. I’m also really bored by action and exposition. Ugh at having to explain and describe shit beyond a tightly packed sentence or two.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I don’t even understand this question and will blame it on English being my second language. 
19. First fandom you wrote for? The Legend of the Ice People, oh my lord. If only for my desk drawer. https://www.amazon.com/The-Legend-of-the-Ice-People-19-book-series/dp/B075TY2F5M The US version of the covers have removed ALL suggestive and thrillingly forbidden vibe from the original though. What 13 year old me loved about them was that the first book was about a horny 16 year old girl who falls in love with a 40 something demonic and cursed (also solitary and very angsty) dude after having intense sex dreams about him as Satan. Every book after that just added to the cocktail of sex, history and ancient curses and for years so much of what I wrote was fanfic versions of this series.  20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written? I’m rather fond of this Aeducan/Gorim story: so I wait for you like a lonely house
I'm tagging @wanderingaldecaldo, @thievinghippo, @icescrabblerjerky and @threewhiskeylunch if you're up for it. Otherwise feel free to ignore.
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demonslayedher · 2 years
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Things that ran through my head while watching this episode:
--Here are at Gurenge's last use, and I am lip-syncing with passion as the credits roll.
--If this episode comes in three parts, it's setup for their big movie announcement, Muzan's slaughter of the Lower Moons, and Tanjiro Tanjiro-ing all over the place. The only one immune to getting Tanjiro'ed is Genya... for now. Your time shall come, child. Soon.
--The Infinity Fortress gets its first appearance and hearing those twangs of the biwa is sending my brain back to those sounds playing at the Infinity Fortress display at the Gotouge art gallery. It really is a cool setting, though... I am... I am so not ready to see animated everything else which happens there.
--Hate to say it, but the CG is kind of rough on Muzan's flesh and I hope that'll get improved on before the big showdown with Muzan.
--These scene should be used in corporate training courses about power harassment, complete with discussion afterward about how how each Lower Moon was harassed in a different way.
--Very interesting that the Lower Moons, at least according to Kamanue, have never been gathered. Maybe not that group of them since Kamanue has joined, anyway, since they keep getting plucked off. That said, in the Spider Sister filler, they made mention of being able to escape Mt. Natagumo when Rui is called away by "that person" and I had assumed this was a meeting, but I guess not. Muzan just liked Rui's company??? Or maybe he was conducting meetings but felt like bullying Kamanue and didn't invite him.
--Enmu really does make such an entrance as a character, we learn all we need to know about his personality through this scene. He also makes a great display of how Muzan's blood has such a pronounced effect on those who are already demons, too.
--I wonder if Rokuro was alive just long enough, like Wakuraba, to see Enmu receive Muzan's blood, seeing as he had just begged for that blood.
--Nakime really just lets Enmu go "plop"
--And Muzan's arm really did belch after eating up a Lower Moon.
--Back to Tanjiro & Friends, at some point they moved out of the hospital and got to stay in a regular Japanese style room together with futon! They really do just live here now.
--Something I liked but forgot to note in the previous episode is that the title card being Kanao's name had a chrysalis design, implying that she's not yet ready to spring forth as a butterfly. Awwww. <3 But here Kanae's prediction totally comes true and Ufotable left no question of the exact moment Kanao fell in love. To do that, though, they had her standing instead of sitting, and therefore had to sacrifice the part when Kiyo startles her and she falls off the engawa. Tee hee, oh well.
--I feel like I've already done extensive analysis of these scenes with Tanjiro and what they mean to Aoi & Kanao, so I'll move on and say "HAHAHAHA Tanjiro moved out of Genya's way and Genya STILL bumped him." Genya, with Himejima's influence, is probably mentally reciting sutras and doing his darndest not to turn around and break Tanjiro's arm as payback. Growth, in more ways than one.
--No, no, back to Kanao a second. You know something that hit me really hard the other day? All that stuff she says to Douma about how he doesn't actually feel a thing? KANAO WOULD BE THE ONE TO KNOW, WOULDN'T SHE.
--So, Shinobu recommending Tanjiro (& Friends) to accompany Rengoku on his mission is an anime filler moment, and it's really sweet that she is so supportive of Tanjiro's growth as a Corp member (unlike a certain Water Pillar we all know). However, then we get her flat-out telling Oyakata-sama about how Tanjiro's father used a Breath of "Hi" of some sort, and Oyakata-sama's "Oh?" is so very obviously meant as "ohhhhhh???? As in the original Breath, Sun Breathing? That must be while Muzan targeted him, ohohohohooooo, ooohhhhhh~"
--Oh hey, speaking of filler giving us more character interactions, who could that be out at the Butterfly Mansion?
--Giyuu, what business brought you out here? My newfound inner GiyuShino shipper wants to poke and tease, but I suppose I could also poke and tease him for just being curious about the future Water Pillar's progress. Sure, maybe he was out there on Pillar business or something and leaving because Shinobu wasn't there, but Ufotable really just made this whoel interaction as a way to provide a nice bookend to the beginning of the series--
--and then they just up and make Giyuu disappear
--he's gone
--Giyuu... why
--It's daytime. There's no demons. Why can't you just walk like a normal person.
--Speaking of having to deal with someone who can't act like a normal person, Inosuke. Inosuke and Tanjiro. Poor Zenitsu, it is his turn to hold the brain cell but it's hard to do that when you already have your hands full keeping your country bumpkin friends from getting arrested.
--Inosuke really flat up quiets Zenitsu by planting his hand across his face.
--The image of Inosuke posing with the swords down his pants will forever be burned in my mind, but the SOUNDS. I forgot about these sounds he makes.
--I've always loved how Zenitsu takes a moment to ask Tanjiro a serious question about Nezuko's welfare, which not only makes me happy because I love Tanjiro & Zenitsu friendship, but it's a clever device for Ufotable to wrap this "determination" themed season up by giving us a well-deserved flashback to some of the greatest Kamado sibling moments to remind us of their bond.
--We also really needed because we've hardly seen Nezuko lately and perhaps have forgotten what she looks like.
--On my first watch, I was so hooked by this point, and very saddened about having to wait for more Kamaboko trio interactions especially--that train platform scene left me pining for so much more of them. I wanted more so bad, but didn't want to read the manga because it didn't look appealing to me. But I... I wanted more... and I peeked at the Wiki... and ran into spoilers... and sooner or later got back into Tumblr... AND FOUND MORE SPOILERS.......... and I sure didn't last long before the binge-read began.
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lovesastateofmind1 · 11 months
20 Questions Game
tagged by @sssammich and I'm gonna do this instead of editing so yall know where to point the blame for the delay
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 words count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Supercorp currently
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
You, Me and The In Betweens
Heaven is a Place on Earth
Can I Have Your Attention Please
Hey There... Lena
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do respond to majority of them. I miss a few here and there and I don't respond to the rude ones. I also take ages to actually reply, which is because I'm super flattered and don't know how to properly convey that in words so I procrastinate. A lot.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
If we're solely talking endings, Sweet Dreams probably
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of them end on a positive note. But in my personal opinion, Heaven is a Place on Earth
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Every now and then, but usually it comes from Amy - yall know Amy - and even when it doesn't, its typically in relation to my plot choices and not a critique of my skill
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Bro. Yes lmao. Not super kinky. Not entirely vanilla either. Idk that I could really give you a 'kind.' It's solely based on how thirsty I'm feeling on any particular day and then when I have to actually edit it, I want to punch my past self in the face.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Never written one, probably would though.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes and it was so cool to see. Still endlessly grateful.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
*sigh* I call myself cowriting a fic with @fyonahmacnally and @chaotic-super. I also call myself cowriting a different fic with @sssammich. And then of course that series that we absolutely aren't writing. But thus far, most of the 'writing' has taken place inside our own imaginations. Maybe we'll make progress. Someday.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Do you really have to ask me that?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I think I'll finish all of them honestly. May take 3-5 years. But I think I'll finish.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Injecting the most misery possible into a single fic. Smut. I think I have a nice prose too.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing lmao.
I think most things are a weakness for me. I'm told my descriptive writing is great, but I always think it needs so much improvement because of my inability to visualize anything ever. But if yall can see it, then that's fantastic. Otherwise, long scenes with dialogue. I struggle so bad with extended dialogue.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Would stress me tf out lol. I think it's great. I've almost done it. But I don't trust google translate near enough and I don't personally know anyone who speaks fluent French. So we all just gonna have to use our imaginations when Lena walks through that parking garage.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Technically, Law and Order SVU, though it was never finished or posted anywhere. I needed Katie McGrath to come grab my inspiration by the throat, evidently.
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Lie to Me. Without question. I put the most into it and I'm incredibly proud of it, even if I wanted to set it on fire most days. It's simultaneously the easiest and most difficult thing I've ever written and I hope I always love it this much.
Tagging @mssirey, @sneezewizard, @someoneyouloved93 and anyone else who wants to give it a go, zero pressure of course!
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delusionalwriter02 · 8 months
Ahh I love ur insta stories sm!!! It's so irritating that some haters just can't keep their opinions to themselves. <3 -🎀 (Bow anon)
hello love🎀! i always love to see your messages and the little bow is SO CUTE, thank you so much for your kind words, it truly made my day!
I just wanted to say that i’m totally open to criticism, it’s always a great way to improve but it’s better to do it nicely, i’m a strong believer of the “be kind and life will seems easier”. Every time I receive messages telling me that my work is good or someone like it, I always feels so happy and grateful so sincerely, thank you❤️
Writing has been a passion since I was 7 (no jokes) i’m 18 now and I finally feels confident enough to share it
I’m sorry it’s a long post but I truly wanted to thank you and everybody that leaves likes, comment or sweet messages, you have no ideas how happy you make me!!
with love <3
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upsidedownwithsteve · 2 years
hey emmy! i’m currently procrastinating like a total dumbass but after seeing the idiotic messages people are sending you again i just felt the need to write you a little something something.
for one, i will never in a million years understand why people are just generally disrespectful towards you because your fantastic work is getting the appreciation it deserves. do they just enjoy being bitter or something? do they find pride in being “quirky” and “not like other girls” for hating on your rightfully popular works? or maybe they just can’t seem to conceal their jealousy and decide to be asshats through anon messages? like, seriously, if you’re gonna say some bullshit like that, say it with your whole chest and don’t be a coward!
but anyways, moving away from the negativity; emmy, you have raw writing talent and i’d be pissed if you DIDN’T share your works with us on this website. you’ve somehow managed to incorporate simplicity alongside such incredible detail in your fics and blurbs and it just makes reading your works that much more of an amazing experience.
i often find myself unable to read certain texts because of the techniques and layouts some authors use, but the way you incorporate imagery and repetition (alongside many more that i can’t seem to remember the names of atm) honestly makes reading what you create so fun.
i love reading your stuff and how you portray steve and eddie is such a breath of fresh air (and might i say scarily accurate? i think that you, along with @hellfirewhores and @1986harrington are some of, if not the best people on here who write them.). you put so much time and effort into what you do and the hours you spend researching and planning are seriously paying off.
i, myself, am a writer (on wattpad, unfortunately) and you’ve inspired me so much and have helped me without even knowing it. recently i’ve been receiving a lot of support and love from my readers and close friends on my works, saying how i’ve significant improved over the past few weeks and it’s all thanks to you. and i know you’ll probably say something to keep yourself humble and that i don’t owe you any credit for my success, but i honestly do.
even outside of writing and just in life in general, i felt stuck for a while and lost all motivation for quite some time, but stumbling across your page helped me find my spark that i was sure wouldn’t come back.
hell, you’ve even got me considering posting on this awfully frightening site, which is, oddly enough, an almost impossible task since ive been avoiding it for years. (but then again, maybe turning 18 has me going all topsy-turvy.. who knows! adulthood, amirite?)
all in all, you are such an important part of this fandom and i truly hope you know that! i seriously could not imagine what the hell i would be doing in my spare time if i didn’t find you when i did, and you’ve made some of my days just that little bit better.
fuck all of those jerks who think you’re undeserving of the praise and attention you receive because to put it plainly, you just do.
have a great rest of your day! much love! <3
from anon ali :)
You absolute sweetheart, I was smiling the entire time reading this, you’re so lovely, thank you so much! I don’t even wanna touch on the salty anons because you’ve made me so happy by being so cute.
Thank you thank you thank you’re being so complimentary, seriously you’re far too kind! But thank you (again) for reading never mind writing out something like this! 🥹
I’m incredibly honoured to even be considered someone that’s helped you with your own writing, honestly, it’s so sweet of you to say that and I hope you’re writing is going well! (You should definitely start posting on tumblr I’d love to read it).
And once again, because I can’t say it too much, thank you! You’re so lovely and so kind and you’ve made my day. I hope you have a lovely day or night 🧡🧡🧡
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boydepartment · 2 years
Happy Valentine's Day! For anyone who wants to join me, I welcome you to sheep anon's Valentine's day message! (Great naming skills, I know) I spent wayyyy too much time rewriting, so I'm going to go off the rails and write whatever I want. This is just going to be light hearted and not too deep. I'll send my usual message later this week.
Today I gave my friends the letters I wrote for them a while back. I was really nervous and kinda embarrassed about how cheesy I was in them, but they accepted them, so I got really happy. I also got a rose from one of my friends and got really excited over it. It kinda caught me off guard at how giddy I got today. It's been a while since I've felt so joyful. It's like the kinda joy that makes you want to scream "I love living!!!", you know? Also since the weather has gotten warmer, my mood has improved a lot as well. I really like sunrises, they're like the fresh start to the day. Just watching the sun and feeling the sunlight through the window makes me feel a lot better.
I think a lot of the time on this holiday, people can get really wrapped up in emphasizing romantic love. I don't think that's a bad thing by any means, but love can come in many other forms that need to be aknowledged as well. Love is everywhere and in everything if you look your life closely. Don't forget about self-love too, taking care of your mental and physical health and positive self talk is also a form of love. It really does improve your mood by a lot.
I appreciate how your messages always have a lot of care put into them, it really comes through your wording and responses. Your advice is very much appreciated and I can't wait to see what is next on your writing journey. I'm sure it will be just as amazing. =) I'll stay for every step of the way, hehe. I'm very grateful for being able to send out these messages and thank you to everyone who actually does read these the entire way through. *Raises cup* Here's to our journey together!
That is so sweet that you gave your friends gifts for Valentines!! I am sure they appreciated it a lot!! And omg you are so lucky you got a rose! I totally feel you with needing the warming weather! I love the spring weather where it isn't too hot but not too cold either. Maybe one morning I'll watch the sunrise too.
I think it is so important that you mentioned different types of love!! Love truly is everywhere!!
Sheepie I am literally going to cry at this last paragraph! YOU ARE SO KIND!! I AM GRATEFUL THAT YOU SEND ANON MESSAGES TO ME!! Thank you so much for supporting my writing it means so much to me.
Happy Valentines sheepie! I hope you have a wonderful day and I cannot wait to hear from you again! <3
∧,,,∧ ~ ┏━━━━━━━━┓ ( ̳• · • ̳) ~ ♡ You’re purrfect ♡ / づ ~ ┗━━━━━━━━┛
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luckycauldron · 2 years
I'm keeping this here. What for? I don't know... but I know that I want to look back into this on a happy note. One day.
I want to remember that most of the times, things in life won't work a certain way I expect it to be - and it's fine. It is. It completely is.
I just let out a sigh as I'm writing this haha.
I mean, who am I kidding? Life has been... how do I put this into words, hm? Bitter... sweet? Mindboggling? It feels like I got punched multiple times in the most hurtful ways, but every. single. time. I kind of... managed to survive? I couldn't dodge though, so I'm left with some real ugly bruises. But they're fading, so it's fine, except for the new ones I just got HAHA.
Ok enough with the metaphor.
Now on to the real talk. This would be the first time I'm voicing out what I'm about to.
And there goes another sigh.
Back on August last year, I broke up with my longtime boyfriend - 5 years and 8 months went down the drain. It was a mutual agreement, I initiated though. The guy was a coward, so I did what I had to do. I always knew it was coming, we were like spoiled milk, what do you expect? He made me wait, maybe too taken aback with my advance. I remember one time during my suffocating wait, I was praying and silently crying in the upstairs room, holding back a scream because everyone was asleep and I ended up with the most terrible stomach cramps I've had in my entire 27 years of living. That made me stop crying abruptly, and the next thing I knew I was clutching on to the nearest table tops because I thought I was gonna die from the pain. Very dramatic. Even my cats were judging from afar. 'Ugh, when will this end', 'Make it stop', 'What an embarrassment' were evident on their evil little faces.
So then the breakup happened. It was sad, but I was mostly relieved that the spoiled milk had finally find a home - yes, the garbage dump, duh! We also had this stupid thing where we say "Let's be friends. I have a feeling we'd make the best of friends even we're no longer lovers" as a closing statement. Total cuckoo move. Can't believe Vicky was right.
To be honest it was hilarious watching myself going through my first breakup. Definitely a journey not to be missed out. I'm not gonna go into details but let me paint you a picture through the songs I associated during this 'self-discovery' phase.
Phase 1: Astrid S - It's Ok If You Forget Me
Phase 2: Taylor Swift - Tolerate It & Champange Problem
Phase 3: Billie Eilish - Happier Than Ever
Phase 4: Cokelat - Karma
Phase 5: Tulus - Hati Hati di Jalan
Yeah, I basically went through the infamous 5 stages of grief without me realizing it.
Fast forward to October. I am ashamed to admit this, but deep down I kind of expected him to wish me Happy Birthday. But of course, he didn't. Fucking asshole. Let's be friends, my ass.
Then, came December. If this was a movie, it must be the crazy sister of Denis Villeneuve's Enemy - for its next level of mindfuckery. It actually left me saying 'what the fuck?' even today, because what in the actual fuck is happening, really? I blinked and what... he got married now?
He fucking did.
Now, this was the moment where it finally came down to me that; this is it - The Grand Finale. I've had billions of scenarios I always play in my head; what's gonna happen that now we're on our own. It did occurred to me that cases like this would happen but I calculated and the chances are slim, because I was confident that I'll have it first. I'll be happy first. I'll meet someone first. And he'll live a miserable life knowing I am the best he's had. Oh, I know I am. Still, what a dick. Good luck, though.
Lesson learned: please improve on your calculation skill, it is highly unreliable. /look self in disgust/
Just around the same time when the breakup was about to happen, I was offered an opportunity in my current job for an overseas relocation. The timing was just too perfect. I couldn't say no. No, why would I say no?! This has been a lifetime dream of mine. You see, the whole year I was struggling to find the time to prep for my scholarship permits and docs with Schoters which I subscribed to but never had the time for - now I didn't have to reach so high, because this time it's handed to me on a silver platter. For once, life finally gave me what I want.
So, I agreed instantly. I didn't even have to think.
Two weeks ago, I was informed that my IPA has been issued and I should be able to fly there by early Feb. What an opener for a new year, right?! Until today happened... they told me that overseas assignment will be hold until further notice. Apparently, the project I'm handling is causing quite a loss to the Company so they want to cut costs and might opt for offshore assignment instead.
I am at loss of words.
Lesson learned: i've spent 5 minutes just thinking about this, and i still can't come up with anything good. I'll see and come back to this on end Feb. Fingers crossed everything's settled by then.
Yep, that's all I want to say.
Before I end this entry, I want to put here these very cute pictures of me and my 10+ years girl friends, as reminder that nothing is or will be too bleak with them around.
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jumbledofthoughts · 2 years
I'm keeping this here. What for? I don't know... but I know that I want to look back into this on a happy note. One day.
I want to remember that most of the times, things in life won't work a certain way I expect it to be - and it's fine. It is. It completely is. Trust me.
I just let out a sigh as I'm writing this haha.
I mean, who am I kidding? Life has been... how do I put this into words, huh? Bitter... sweet? Mindboggling? It feels like I got punched multiple times in the most hurtful ways, but every. single. time. I kind of... managed to survive? I couldn't dodge though, so I'm left with some real ugly bruises. But they're fading, so it's fine, except for the new ones I just got HAHA.
Ok enough with the metaphor.
Now on to the real talk. This would be the first time I'm voicing out what I'm about to.
Yep, there goes another sigh.
Back on August last year, I broke up with my longtime boyfriend - 5 years and 8 months went down the drain. It was a mutual agreement, I initiated though. The guy was a coward, so I did what I had to do. I always knew it was coming, we were like spoiled milk, what do you expect? He made me wait, maybe too taken aback with my advance. I remember one time during my suffocating wait, I was praying and silently crying in the upstairs room, holding back a scream because everyone was asleep and I ended up with the most terrible stomach cramps I've had in my entire 27 years of living. That made me stop crying abruptly, and the next thing I knew I was clutching on to the nearest table tops because I thought I was gonna die from the pain. Very dramatic.
So then the breakup happened. It was sad, but I was mostly relieved that the spoiled milk had finally find a home - yes, the garbage dump, duh! We also had this stupid thing where we say "Let's be friends. I have a feeling we'd make the best of friends even we're no longer lovers" as a closing statement. Total cuckoo move. Can't believe Vicky was right.
To be honest it was hilarious watching myself going through my first breakup. Definitely a journey not to be missed out. I'm not gonna go into details but let me paint you a picture through the songs I associated during this 'self-discovery' phase.
Phase 1: Astrid S - It's Ok If You Forget Me
Phase 2: Taylor Swift - Tolerate It & Champange Problem
Phase 3: Billie Eilish - Happier Than Ever
Phase 4: Cokelat - Karma
Phase 5: Tulus - Hati Hati di Jalan
Yeah, I basically went through the infamous 5 stages of grief without me realizing it.
Fast forward to October. I am ashamed to admit this, but deep down I kind of expected him to wish me Happy Birthday. But of course, he didn't. Fucking asshole. Let's be friends, my ass.
Then, came December. If this was a movie, it must be the crazy sister of Denis Villeneuve's Enemy - for its next level of mindfuckery. It actually left me saying 'what the fuck?' even today, because what in the actual fuck is happening, really? I blinked and what... he got married now?
He fucking did.
Now, this was the moment where it finally came down to me that; this is it - The Grand Finale. I've had billions of scenarios I always play in my head; what's gonna happen that now we're on our own. It did occurred to me that cases like this would happen but I calculated and the chances are slim, because I was confident that I'll have it first. I'll be happy first. I'll meet someone first. And he'll live a miserable life knowing I am the best he's had. Oh, I know I am. Still, what a dick. Good luck, though.
Lesson learned: please improve on your calculation skill. It is highly unreliable. /look self in disgust/
Just around the same time when the breakup was about to happen, I was offered an opportunity in my current job for an overseas relocation. The timing was just too perfect. I couldn't say no. No, why would I say no?! This has been a lifetime dream of mine. You see, the whole year I was struggling to find the time to prep for my scholarship permits and docs with Schoters which I subscribed to but never had the time for - now I didn't have to reach so high, because it's handed to me on a silver platter.
So, I agreed instantly. I didn't even have to think.
Two weeks ago, I was informed that my IPA has been issued and I should be able to fly there by early Feb. What an opener for a new year, right?! Until today happened... they told me that overseas assignment will be hold until further notice. Apparently, the project I'm handling is causing quite a loss to the Company so they want to cut costs and might opt for offshore assignment instead.
I am at loss of words.
Lesson learned: i've spent 5 minutes just thinking about this, and i still can't come up with anything good. I'll see and come back to this on end Feb.
Yep, that's all I want to say.
Before I end this, I want to put here these very cute pictures of me and my 10+ years girl friends, as reminder that nothing is or will be too bleak with them around.
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