#but this is the first time ive seen the xavier one ever since the event started and i got 3 normal plushies on the first day too cmon
ly-pleiades · 5 months
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Let’s Talk About Cuba
Sumary: (y/n) and Alex has a rocky relationship to begin with but after the events in Cuba they have a lot to talk about. But Alex seems to be avoiding (y/n).
Warnings: Smut, totally could have used some protection. Bad smut writing
A/N: So I wrote this in like May before I had even started posting and I had a friend help me write the smut part but she quit on me so I had to write the uncomfortable last bit by myself. And for my first smut piece ever I did okay with it but I was so uncomfortable writing it I never got around to posting it. So here I am 5 months later finally posting it. And may I say Alex Summers needs more smut written for him. Just not by me.
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Things had been complicated for the past couple of months. Shaw was finally dead. Then we lost Erik and Raven to the human killing dark side just like we had lost angel. Then Xavier told us that Moria wasn’t going to be coming back to the mansion either. She had left without even saying goodbye too. At least Shawn had the decency to tell he was returning home to see his parents.
Our ragged tag team of mutants was gone and with Xavier and Hank all so busy with their big plans to make this place into a mutant school, with their bright new students arriving any day now. There was really no point in me and Alex staying here.
I mean we were too old to be students. Neither of us were qualified to be teachers either, but where else would we go? Charles and Erik had found Alex in a high security prison and me living out of an illegal gambling ring hustling sleazy rich guys at poker each night. We didn’t have a warm fuzzy home to go back too like Shawn did.
I had been wondering the halls for the past hour trying to find Alex. We hadn’t had a chance to talk in private about what happened In Cuba.
He had saved me from one of angels acid spit blast only to end up on top of me. Both of our faces barely inches apart. I swear we stayed like that for an eternity. Both of us staring at the other like we were contimplating the existence of the universe.
Now I’ll be the first to admit I had always felt a tension between us. At first it seemed like it was burning hatred but over training our sarcasitc comments to each other became less mean and more flirtatious. Only now we barely even say anything. Just a few glances between us followed by awkward eye contact.
Ever since Cuba I haven’t been able to think much about anything other than his lips on mine. Neither of us have been willing to bring it up yet and Ive started to think maybe he didn’t want to talk to me. That he’s been avoiding me and that what ever happened with us on that beach was in my head; that he doesn’t feel the same way. The idea of it all was stressing me out. I had never felt like this before. I had never gotten this worked up over a guy.
I knocked on his bedroom door, but no answers. I could hear his record player playing in his room. He had to be in there. “Alex open up Its me, we really need to talk.” Still no answer. I was beginning to get pissed off. If he didn’t want to talk about Cuba because he doesn’t feel the same way he can tell me like a man. “Alex! Just open the damn door and talk to me like a man or I’ll have to break it down!”
That’s when I heard the hallway bathroom door open. He was just strolling out of the bathroom, post shower in sweat pants and no shirt. This man really had no idea the effect he could have on me. I stormed over to him pointing my finger at his chest ready to unleash my weeks worth of built up anger and insecurities. “Where the hell have you been Summers?! I haven’t seen you around in a week! How come you’ve been ignoring me? To afraid to talk to me like a man now summers?”
He just stared at me startled like a deer I headlights. He seemed to get ahold of himself and process what I had yelled at him.“I haven’t been avoiding you (y/n). I’ve just been busy with you know stuff.”
“Oh you’ve just been busy with ‘stuff’ that’s why I’ve been wondering the halls alone the past couple of weeks. We’re they only ones here and there hasn’t been anything to do since we got here. How the hell have you been busy? I mean I’ve gone out of my mind just trying to occupy the time. You haven’t talked to me in days and UGH I’m trying to be mad at you for ignoring me but it’s hard to focus when your not wearing a goddamn shirt!” In that moment I couldn’t stop myself. I grabbed his face and pulled him down to my hight crashing my lips onto his. I realized what I had done to late and I quickly pulled away, trying to act cool about what I had just done.
The awkward silience was deadly. Alex only laughed and shook his head. “You really have no idea how insane you drive me.” He closed the distance between us, pushing me up against the wall grabbing my hips and kissing me.
I threw my arms around his shoulders completely melting at the feeling of his lips on mine. The kiss was picking up quickly. His hand slid down to the back of my thighs and he easily lifted me off the ground. I quickly wrapped my legs around him.
He fumbled with the door handle to his room. Barely getting open and getting us inside. He kicked the door shut with his foot before laying us down on the bed. His lips begin to work their way down my neck stopping and leaving marks every so often. His fingers tracing up my shirt, slowly pushing it up. I couldn’t stand his slow teasing so I broke the kiss, quickly taking off my own shirt.
We easily fell back into the same rhythm. Each kissing the other like we couldn’t get enough.
Alex unhooked my bra and began kissing down my stomach, moving towards my hips. He slowly slipped my pants off. “Is this ok?” he asked.
“Of course it is.” His hand drifted to my inner thighs and then to my already wet heat.
“You're this sensitive, baby?”
“Don't act like it's not your fau-“ He pressed his lips onto mine before I could finish my sentence. The hand that was hovering over me started taking off my underwear. I shimmied my legs to get them off and he broke away.
“Do we really have time for all this teasing?” I asked sitting up on my hands.
“Hey I’ve been waiting to do this for a long time now. I’m gonna do it right.” He repositioned himself so he could comfortably rest his head between my thighs. He moved closer, grazing his tongue against my clit slowly. I ran my hand through his hair.
“Fuck.” I moaned as the knot in my stomach unraveled.
“You better quite down or you might wake up the whole mansion.” He laughed.
“Shut up you jerk” I said playfully smacking his shoulder.
“Now lay on you back.”
“A bit demanding there aren’t we?” he said refusing to move.
“Just do it.” I said pushing him over so that he laid beside me.
“Alright then.”
I flipped over to straddle him. I quickly took off his sweat pants. I line him up with my entrance and in to him. I lean down connect our lips again. I moved my hips as fast as I could. I couldn’t get enough of him. Alex seemed to not even able to get enough either as he flipped me back over leaving him once more on top.
His pace was rough and fast but I could still feel the tenderness with every thrust. I dragged my hands down his back. I must have scratched him because he took both my hands and pinned them down with his own away from both of us. Between not being able to touch him and his uncontrollable thrust the knot in my stomach built up once more and was quickly undone. Alex continued thrust as he reached his own high.
With both of us hot and out of breaths he slowly pulled out and layed beside me. We layed there still catching our breaths before I trned my head to look over at him. “So you’ve been waiting to do that with me for a while?” I asked smiling thinking about what he had said earlier. “How long have you’ve wanted to do that?”
He flipped over to face me and set up on his elbow. “To be honest since the first day they brought us together and you stood up to me all sassy like.” I was doing my best not to laugh. To think after all that worrying about him not feeling the same way about me he had liked me since before I knew I like him.
Alex smiled at me and slipped his arm around me pulling me closer so that I was laying on his chest. “You think we woke up the professor dorks down the hall?”
I had totally forgot they were still in the mansion. I let out a soft laughed and burred my face in his chest. “Oh God I hope not.”
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The Passing of Pop Culture
The Final Goodbyes
Staying with Z in hospice care was like sailing across a misty lake. You knew your boat would hit land at some point, you just didn’t know when. 
I had signed the DNR forms the following day after our meeting with the Neuro team. They said we’d see a change within 24 hours. Nothing changed. She was still in and out of consciousness. I figured that the 24 hour time frame was a precaution just in case she did expire that quickly. 
Z.’s mom, dad and sister Rizza stayed at the hospital to keep vigil. Xavier and I got a hotel room, about a seven minute drive from the hospital. He was done for the school year so I wanted him close by. Ever since our Florida trip, he’s grown an infatuation for staying in hotel rooms. 
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During the days at the hospital, Xavier kept himself occupied with his Ipad and repeated visits to the cafeteria and vending machine. For me, it was a rotation of take-out food, fiddling with my phone, board games with my cousins, and writing on the laptop. 
I did, however, get a chance to read When Breath Becomes Air, a memoir by Paul Kalanithi. Kalanithi--a young, up and coming Neurosurgeon was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer in 2013. He died in 2015 at the age of 37. 
This was the 2nd attempt to read it. I tried reading it back in October but I failed to get beyond the first few pages since they were emotionally taxing. Z was still on remission and I didn’t want to open up pandora’s box by reading someone’s cancer memoir. 
Now, since Z was in hospice care and I was already experiencing a wide range of emotions, reading this book came easily. What struck me most about reading his memoir was that not only was he a Neurosurgeon, but also was well versed in classic literature. Since he couldn’t practice Neurosurgery anymore, his back up plan was to write a book. He also wrote it while undergoing chemo. I imagined him struggling and fighting for as much time as he could to get whatever he wanted to express down while his body as his body took the beating. Another story of someone who dedicated their life to saving others, but couldn’t save themselves. 
On the 2nd week of Hospice care, Z. became less and less responsive. Her friends, family and co-workers continued to visit her even though she could no longer acknowledge their presence. 
Many of the faculty wearing the gray t-shirts in honor of Z. I was touched. My wife was being loved by the people closest to her in her room, but also being revered by the people who didn’t know her in the hallway. 
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When the sun set on Friday, June 21st, I kissed her goodbye and took Xavier back to the hotel. Trepidation sunk in my gut. I feared that would be the last time I saw her breathing. 
I was restless that night. I kept on waking up, glancing at my phone--worrying that I had missed the phone call that she had just passed. But, by God’s grace, I didn’t. 
I was already awake when Z.’s mom called. It was just before 8:00AM. She said to come early. Xavier sprung up from bed. He grabbed a muffin and an OJ for breakfast and we rushed to the hospital. 
When we got there, the doctor was listening to Z.’s heart rate. He told us maybe a couple more hours. 
Z passed within an hour. 
Seeing the confused look on Xavier’s face, I felt the need to explain to him what had transpired. I took Xavier to a private room down the hallway. No explanation was really needed. He kind of already knew, at least what his five-year old mind understood anyway. 
“It’ll just be me and you?” he asked.
“Yes. Just me and you. Like Kratos and Atreus.” 
And like the boat that Kratos and Atreus sailed, we had hit land. We had crossed the misty lake. 
The Nurses Honor Guard and The Funeral
On the night of the viewing, the all volunteer Nurses Honor Guard came and paid tribute to Z.’s service. Like the Night’s Watch, her watch had ended. 
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We buried Z on Thursday, June 27th at Forest Hill Cemetery in Ann Arbor, MI. The sun was out with no dark cloud to be seen, much like the day she died. 
As a final gift to her, I placed her Mulan Funko Pop in the casket, saddened that she won’t be able to see the upcoming Live-Action remake.
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The Passing of Pop Culture
I’ve only started the mourning process.  To some extent, I had inured myself to the loss. Z had spent much of the last two months in the hospital that her not being around the house was nothing new to me. 
The busyness of dealing with the funeral arrangements along with her assets had kept me float, only weeping in those quiet moments when I realize she’s no longer in this world. 
For me, 2019 will be remembered when many great things came to an end. Game of Thrones. The end of the MCU Infinity saga. There’s also the ending of the Star Wars Trilogy in December. Even The Walking Dead comic series just ended (issue #193). On a side note, Stan Lee passed on Z.’s last birthday (November 12th).
So I guess in some ways, it’s appropriate that Z. should pass during the end of these pop culture events. 
TV critics Matt Zoller Seitz and Alan Sepinwall ranked the Simpsons as the number one tv show of all time. As consumers of pop culture, we’ve taken that show for granted much like a household utility. Sure, the critics admit the show has overstayed its welcome for at least the last ten years--but those first ten years are unequivocally classic television. 
Maybe, I should look at my marriage in that way--it was like The Simpsons before it started to suck. 
I’m saddened that I won’t be able to share any more pop culture experiences with my wife. I’m sad that we won’t play more board games together with my large extended family. I’m sad that Xavier and I will celebrate Halloween and Christmas without her. I’m sad that the world won’t have a Raziel Dizon Tungol. 
Yet, I’m also heartened that (however brief) our life together was unquestionably and truly wonderful. 
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The Final IV - Bound for Glory
Welcome to the first edition of “The Final IV”. This will be a weekly series where we break down the Top 4 events, matches, wrestlers, promotions, and anything else in between, in relation to the crazy world of professional wrestling. This is intended to be a series written to be short, sweet and to the point on each topic. So, without any further ado, let’s get started!
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This week we will cover the Top IV “Bound for Glory” pay-per-view events over the history of Impact Wrestling (formerly TNA). This Sunday night, on October 14th, 2018 will mark the 14th annual Bound for Glory pay-per-view extravaganza featuring the main event pitting Impact Wrestling World Heavyweight Champion, Austin Aries defending his title against Johnny IMPACT. Therefore, in honor of Impact Wrestling’s premiere wrestling event, it is now time to list the Top IV Bound for Glory pay-per-view events.
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#4 – Bound for Glory (2010)
Bound for Glory (2010) was the sixth annual Bound for Glory to take place in TNA/Impact Wrestling’s history. Bound for Glory (2010) took place at the Ocean Center in Dayton Beach, Florida on October 10th, 2010. The show drew in 3,500 fans. The big storyline for the show was culminated around the date of the event: “10-10-10”. The date we would hear repeated at nauseum by “The Monster” Abyss for weeks and weeks leading into Bound for Glory. Abyss claimed on this night, “They” would reveal themselves to the wrestling world and that everything would change in TNA forever.
Outside of the big storyline, the matches at Bound for Glory (2010) weren’t too memorable, outside of the main three that were heavily promoted. We saw Jeff Jarrett “walk out” on his tag team partner, Samoa Joe, during their 3-on-2 Handicap Match against Sting, Kevin Nash and D’Angelo Dinero. This would tie in for what was to come later on in the evening. We also saw a brutal “Lethal Lockdown” match featuring EV 2.0 (Raven, Rhino, Sabu, Stevie Richards and Tommy Dreamer) versus Fortune (AJ Styles, “Cowboy” James Storm, Kazarian, Matt Morgan and Bobby Roode), as we saw the former “ECW Originals” get the big victory over Fortune, who were arguably the best young wrestling stars TNA/Impact Wrestling had to offer, collectively.
Then we get to our main event featuring Jeff Hardy, Mr. Anderson and Kurt Angle for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. As per stipulation, if Kurt Angle loses the match he would be forced to retire from professional wrestling. The big reveal for “10-10-10” came to fruition, as Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan made their respective heel turns. While the Hogan and Bischoff heel turn could be seen as predictable, the heel turn of fan favorite Jeff Hardy was the talk of the evening. Bischoff and Hogan gave one of Hogan’s crutches to “The Enigma” Jeff Hardy to use as a weapon to assist him in his title victory. Jeff Hardy would smash the crutch over the back of Kurt Angle, then drop Mr. Anderson with the Twist of Fate to get the pin fall and the victory. Hardy celebrated his win with Bischoff and Hogan, laughing in the face of the audience, as TNA President Dixie Carter looked on in total disbelief at ringside. Then, we saw the rest of “They” come out to celebrate the big reveal and victory, as Abyss and Jeff Jarrett came down to embrace the trio. Rob Van Dam came out to get some answers from his “friend”, Jeff Hardy, only to be taken down with a shot to the head with the TNA World Heavyweight Title by Jeff Hardy. This would lead into the group forming “Immortal” the following week on TNA Impact. A storyline that would dominate TNA programming until the following year.
With that being said, let’s get to #3 on our countdown,
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#3 – Bound for Glory(2011)
Bound for Glory (2011) took place at the Liacouras Center in Philadelphia, PA on October 16th, 2011. The event drew in 3,585 wrestling fans. This was the seventh Bound for Glory event in the company’s history. This was a very big show that featured a lot of memorable moments and matchups that took place. This was a fun crowd, as one could expect from a wild and rowdy Philadelphia wrestling audience.
We saw another chapter written in the historic rivalry dating back to the days of ECW, between Rob Van Dam and Jerry Lynn. RVD and Jerry Lynn wrestled in a “Full Metal Mayhem” match, with “The Whole F’N’ Show!” getting the victory over Jerry Lynn. The storyline was surrounded by their history of Jerry Lynn being “sick and tired” of living in RVD’s shadow, in spite of supporting RVD throughout the past several months in TNA. They had a score to settle and it had to be settled in Philly.
Velvet Sky captured her first TNA Knockouts Championship in a victory over Madison Rayne, Mickie James and Winter in a Fatal Four Way Match. This wasn’t the best match on the card but was a pivotal moment in the career of Velvet Sky. This title victory would be her first Knockouts Championship title reign and be one of the biggest moments of her TNA career.
AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels rekindled their feud heading into Bound for Glory, as they would wrestle in an “I Quit” match. Definitely not the best match these two men ever had but was a respectfully decent match. Fortune were broken up, with Daniels turning heel on AJ Styles to reignite the feud and setup the match.
Next, we would have one of the biggest moments in the entire pay-per-view. We had a No Holds Barred showdown between Hulk Hogan and Sting. By no means, this was going to be a wrestling classic, much less considered a “great match”, by any stretch of the imagination given that both men were past their prime. However, they were able to tell a good story leading into this event. Sting is fighting to back control of TNA Wrestling from Hulk Hogan and Immortal, surrounding the events that took place over a year ago at Bound for Glory (2010). Sting wanted to see the old Hulk Hogan back, and not this façade that he had been portraying since he and Bischoff took control of TNA. The stipulations were that If Hogan won, Sting would be forced to leave TNA forever. If Sting got the win, Dixie Carter would regain control over the company.  Sting would get the victory over “The Hulkster” by submission with the Scorpion Deathlock in a bloody brawl. Afterwards, members of Immortal, including Eric Bischoff, would get involved to attack Sting. Sting pleaded and begged for help from Hogan. At that moment, Hogan had an epiphany of sorts, as he snapped, tore his bloody “Impact Wrestling” t-shirt off and turned on his Immortal brethren, including a disgusted Eric Bischoff. Sting and Hogan would embrace, signifying Hogan’s face turn as Dixie Carter wept and cheered on with joy from ringside.
The main event featured TNA World Heavyweight Champion, Kurt Angle defending his title against Bobby Roode. This was a good main event, that showcased the skills and talent Bobby Roode had to offer in TNA. Angle would be victorious on this night, as he would defeat Bobby Roode to retain the title.
This was a disappointing finish to many wrestling fans who were ready to see Bobby Roode become the next TNA World Heavyweight Champion and become the new face of the company. In spite of this, the fans would not have to wait much longer, as Roode would later on capture the title from “Cowboy” James Storm, who would defeat Kurt Angle for the title just a couple weeks after this event. Roode would turn heel and smash a beer bottle over the head of Storm to become the next champion and set up his reign as the “It Factor” of professional wrestling, becoming the longest reigning TNA World Heavyweight Champion in company history.
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#2 – Bound for Glory (2007)
Bound for Glory (2007) took place on October 14th, 2007 at the Gwinnett Center in Duluth, Georgia. The event drew in 4,000 wrestling fans. This would be the third Bound for Glory event in TNA’s history. This event would be a pivotal turning point for the company and featured a stellar card from top to bottom.
Some of the big match highlights included a “Tag Team Ultimate X Match” between L.A.X. (Homicide and Hernandez) versus Triple X (Senshi and “Primetime” Elix Skipper). This was a great match to kick the show off, as both teams took advantage of the Ultimate X elements and did a lot of very good high spots. The Latin American Xchange would defeat Triple X and go on to become the #1 Contenders for the TNA Tag Team Titles.
AJ Styles and Tyson Tomko became the new TNA Tag Team Champions by defeating Ron “The Truth” Killings and Consequences Creed (Xavier Woods), with NFL star Adam “Pacman” Jones in their corner. We also saw a battle for the ages, as the Steiner Brothers (Rick and Scott Steiner) defeated Team 3D (Brother Ray and Brother Devon) in a “Two-out-of-Three Falls Tables Match”. We also saw the traditional “Monster’s Ball” match, featuring “The Monster” Abyss defeating Raven, Rhino and Black Reign (Goldust).
Our highlighted matches were Samoa Joe defeating Christian Cage in a grudge match via submission, with Matt Morgan as the special ringside enforcer in what arguably could be considered “Match of the Night”, alongside the main event that was to come later.
The biggest moment in terms of the history of Bound for Glory and TNA came to fruition, as Gail Kim became the first ever TNA Knockouts Champion, winning a special “Gauntlet for the Gold” match by last eliminating Roxxi Laveaux. Other participants included were: Traci Brooks, Jackie Moore (Jacqueline), Shelly Martinez, Awesome Kong, O.D.B. Angel Williams (Angelina Love), Christy Hemme, and Talia Madison (Velvet Sky). This would be the pinnacle and defining moment in Gail Kim’s illustrious career, as she would later retire and become a TNA Hall of Famer in 2017.
Our main event featured a wrestling classic between two legends and TNA Hall of Famers. Sting and Kurt Angle, for the World Heavyweight Championship. This match had everything. Excitement.  Drama. Wrestling. Brawling. Color (Blood). You name it. This would be one of Sting’s best matches of his TNA career, as the same could be said for Kurt Angle as well. Sting would defeat Kurt Angle to capture the TNA World Heavyweight Championship to cap off a special night in the history of TNA. TNA Bound for Glory (2007) would be one top events of 2007 and remains as one of TNA’s top pay-per-views of all time.
So, what could be better than Bound for Glory (2007) you may ask? Well let’s get to #1 and find out!
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#1 – Bound for Glory (2005)
The very first annual Bound for Glory (2005) took place on October 23rd, 2005 from the “Impact Zone” in Orlando, Fla. This show was the pinnacle of TNA Wrestling for its time. This was a stellar card from top to bottom. You had Samoa Joe (coming off his run in Ring of Honor) facing the legendary Jushin “Thunder” Liger. An “Ultimate X Match” with Petey Williams, Chris Sabin and Matt Bentley. America’s Most Wanted (AMW) vs The Naturals for the NWA Tag Team Titles. Not to be mention an incredible 30-Minute Iron Man Match between AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels. Let’s not forget about Rhino, who wrestled not one, not two but three matches and became the new NWA World Heavyweight Champion all in one night following a change in the main event between Kevin Nash and Jeff Jarrett, when Nash was hospitalized and unable to compete. Rhino competed against Abyss in a “Monster’s Ball Match”. Then won a special 10-man “Gauntlet for the Gold” to determine a replacement for Kevin Nash, then immediately wrestled Jeff Jarrett for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship and won the title. The show received mixed reviews from wrestling critics, but I felt this show at the end of the day delivered and made the best of a bad situation when word got out that Kevin Nash was unable to compete at their biggest show of the year. This was the highlight of Rhino’s TNA career and showed the world that he was still a credible star in the wrestling industry, beyond his tenure in the original ECW.
This was a very tough decision to decide between this and Bound for Glory (2007) as the #1 choice. I know fans will have their opinions and think differently, which is perfectly okay and acceptable, as we all have our fair share of opinions. To sum it my choice for #1, I believe the inaugural Bound for Glory (2005) set the tone for the many great shows we would see over the years, including Bound for Glory (2007) and so on, so forth.
Having said that, wrestling fans, what would be your choice for the greatest Bound for Glory pay-per-view in TNA/Impact Wrestling company history? Let me know on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram at the following links below. Until then, I will see you next time!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BrandonEwing_85
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BrandonEwing1985/?modal=admin_todo_tour
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