#but this one's going to be a fun one it's gonna be on jewish masculinity and femininity in modern times esp focused in the united states
menlove · 1 year
have to do a paper focusing on modern religion instead of religious/cultural history i have suffered more than jesus
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bylertruther · 1 year
I’m not one who asked question about Finn, but I think it’s not a stretch to say he has such features to a certain extent, especially when he was bit younger. There even was an article referring to him as that IIRC, and some professional photo shoots he got, really played into that image as well. I don’t see a problem here. He has quite elegant look to him. Overall, not because he’s thin.
The problem I see, is when people make fun of how he looks, like dude bros, I’ve seen some of them make fun of his appearance because he’s ‘Pretty’, too skinny, and has Jewish features. It is weird AF. (Sorry, English isn’t my first language.)
when he was a bit younger? you mean before and while still going through puberty? lmao. dude, the sexual dimorphisms that we're talking about emerge due to the effects of puberty, and they're Real with a capital R. so real in fact that you can track his growth into himself and the maturity of those dimorphic facial traits by scrolling through any finn update account that's been active for a few years now.
if you're talking about the GQ article, he said that his mom calls him a soft boy, and that came up because the author and director mentioned that finn, and his whole generation, is more progressive and willing to talk & care about sensitive issues. also, photoshoots aren't real life. i know that you know that lmao.
you don't see a problem, because there never was a problem to begin with. you and that other anon came up with this imaginary "problem" that didn't have anything to do with my original statement and are fighting me over it. i'm not gonna defend myself against those allegations if i know i never said anything to warrant them.
i asked them to point out the androgynous traits because that was the crux of their argument and the only semi-relevant thing to the topic at hand. of course i'm going to speak up on that if i know that the traits that you guys claim make him feminine are literally categorized in scientific literature as being masculine (angular bone structure, cheekbones, nose, body type, fat distribution, etc). if you twist that into some kind of moral stance, then that's entirely on you.
lastly, don't act like body weight and looks in general don't play into the way that people perceive others. we all live in the world and have been here for more than two seconds. we know the way that real life works. that behavior and those biases are exactly what influences the mischaracterization of fictional characters, which is what i was talking about.
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fiadh-doodles · 2 years
Thank you for the Legacy spoilers, now I'm even more interested in buying the game to see how it progresses to that point.
Okay anon lol, idk if this the person I was just arguing with or the Absolute weirdo who just followed me or one of the many folks I replied that copy & paste message to, I'm just gonna say this:
Y'all wanna pay $60 for a badly made game to rp a literal neo natzi(the lead dev)'s wet dream & expect no criticism or backlash for it. Make it make sense cuz from where I stand, y'all can't have a moral back bone without it crumbling to dust the second some not even mediocre entertainment pops up.
If y'all wanna play this game soooooo bad with all it's glitches, bad ui, & general dog shitness of it on a technical level, go ahead. But I'm still gonna make fun of y'all & remind y'all that you're doing all this instead of listening to marginalized voices.
If y'all wanna play a game made by a dev team(who've already been paid) that was so homophobic they refused to include any queer people nor relationships besides a trans woman with an unlisted va that gives her a masculine voice, & is named Sir Ona Ryan, aka he she ryan, go ahead. But I'm still gonna make fun of y'all & remind y'all that you're doing all this instead of listening to trans people about not putting money in the pocket of the world's most influential terf that will be used to create real-world, material harm against trans people.
If y'all wanna play the game where you literally play on the side of the slave masters to squash a slave revolt, go ahead. But I'm still gonna make fun of y'all & remind y'all that you're fucking racist.
If y'all wanna play antisemitism:the game, where one of jewish caricature "goblin artifacts" is a literal shofar, & the description of said shofar makes reference to a real life pogrom in 1612 germany, & is then desrcibed as having a non-kosher cheese shoved into it to silence it, go ahead. But I'm still gonna make fun of y'all & remind y'all that you're doing all this instead of listening to jewish people begging people, especially with the world-wide rise of antisemitism, to stand by them.
Like, there is nothing I can do or say to stop bigots from being bigots over something as nonsense as "nostalgia" & paying out the ass for a broken, bigoted game. But I'll sure as be shitty to y'all & make y'all uncomfortable with y'all's blatantly bigoted desicions.
Fuck Harry Potter. Fuck JKR. Fuck TERFs. Fuck Radfems. Fuck Gender Criticals. Fuck Racists. Fuck Antisemites. Fuck Transpbobes.
Fuck you, play Wizard101
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4 fictional couples who are extremely different
Which one are you?
Number one.
Sandy and Danny are complete opposites in Grease , he is a loudmouth, grease monkey?, Who is a bit of a player with the ladies and very popular with them also?, She is a bit geeky pretty girl next door, she comes from down under and he comes from America, the thing that brings them together is there some romance of being teenage?, Look in their 30s., that is the common with the movie Greece if I were to give these two , star signs are big 3.
Danny Zucko baby
Is that a Jewish name? I do not know, or is it an Italian name? I will never know sorry if that’s ignorant Danny is a pretty boy preppy kind of like Zack Morris but older looking and with a bit grease lightning!!!
He likes to be the leader of his group the t birds, even though I always thought kiniki was better, Zucco baby has to have Libra in his big free because of his charming looks but then he also might have a lot of Neptune in the first house possibly, saying that he seems a bit too aware of himself and he looks and his charm where is someone in the Neptune and their first house isn’t very aware of their order and how they, course to people, not always sometimes. So I’m gonna go with he’s a libra rising, a an Aries 🌞 with a Pisces moon 🌙 making his son be the seventh house giving it that double libre effect and the way he comes along with the ladies and has all the ladies interested in him while he’s even in a couple, a lot of labra and energy to me, and then the Pisces side to him is the emotional or has he got much?? well he must have some and he must have that Pisces charm that trapped people. I’m going with the fact that he must have an Aquarius Venus with the women, being aware of it and also to the point of could be polyamorous.
, the Aries sun 🌞 , is it really Ultraman masculine side and the cars? He could have a Mars in Gemini though ruling motors and the rest of it and car accidents gives that Gemini kind of vibe to it. He’s definitely got the libra Aries ax going on especially with his face and his eyes and Aries ruling the head.
Sandy is a pure road so, champagne at her cousins wedding ring a ding ding,🛎️ , the girls will make fun of her in the pink ladies because of her, and being a bit of a virgin well Danny gives off very camp energy, Sandy gives off the girl next door, but also in a geeky way, she has her dreamy looks in her eyes and love, and it’s kind of a romantic at heart❤️, shocked to see how quickly Danny can switch up in front of his friends, he sees her in love they are and then his friends reaction, it’s quite sad.
For me always lacked a bit of a personality, although you could be fine and letting other side if I come out, unlike Danny in a lot of ways, tried to come together at the end which they did the classic scene.
If we go on Sandy,big 3
I’m gonna go with the fact that she is got some air sign energy in her, but also the romantic waters sign energy. She’s got that mixture of air and water which is quite a confusing vibe.,
She has a face of a Pisces rising, and would give that Neptune fit with those dreamy eyes, and light skin, glance in our eyes, there are different types of Pisces obviously because they are the furthest in the evolution journey, she’s quite an evolved Pisces, with a libra moon, the moon because some libra remains come across as a bit stiff and I dare to say a bit boring sorry I know loads of labour and I do love them and they’re the biggest sign in my life, they do that, but she also has that really bold side of her, which would be her Capricorn sun, so already there suns Square, each other but she kind of gives us that Holly Madison energy log. I said they go next door trip and her being from another country also she’s got the Capricorn son which is her ambitiousness and maybe lack of experience when it comes to street smart, so they have got a quite a weird combination with each other where they tried to make themselves be attracted to each other which they naturally were obviously but changing themselves in the process because they were very different people. Sorry, I don’t have any more to say on her personality because I don’t think she has a massive one or even a little one very rude of me I know..
 couple number two
This couple definitely have a lot of oppositions in there synastry or composite, but also a couple or trines or sex tiles, because they’re naturally attracted to each other straight away to 2 oppositions; because of the energy they give each other they have several values and similar ways to each other, but they are very different with it and and express it in completely different different ways, with oppositions often come together whether it yourself or whether it’s a partner or friend, and harmonise the other sign, to me Scarlett O’Hara is always been an Aries woman, there’s definitely that strong Mars dark feminine energy, and at least not if she’s not an Aries she’s Gotta be an Aries Venus, part in the film where they’re all wanting to get her desert while she’s wanting the one man she can’t have just gives to me every for between us or Aries Mars or Aries energy in general she wanted the one guy she couldn’t have they all fell at her feet, but she wanted Ashley Wilkes. In real life is a Vivian Lee, is a Scorpio sun 🌞, she played her so well in that film although I haven’t watched it all way through properly I have seen the majority of it and I know the story, and that spoilt family and, very well obviously reset the Civil War, and the races when it came out affected the Oscars or the golden glob, Hattie McDaniels was not allowed there even though she was a black actress in the film which was about segregation, cancer sign rules race, I’m sure Gable stood up for her and did something. I can’t remember exactly what it was but going into, and they’re big free both of them,
So obviously, she’s the eldest daughter of three uall the man want to be with her, I want to get with her anyway they try to her own energy where she doesn’t allow herself to be abused, but she doesn’t unless it certain sense and lets herself be vulnerable around Ashley Wilkes, who is with her friend Melanie? Who is her friend who is so kind to her even though Scarlett treat her so badly she’s always always so kind and I always thought she was beautiful woman, Scarlett obviously had jealousy because she wanted this man and then when she had a fight with him and told him that at the party and the gathering had every single word he was lying on the sofa and she got very angry of him that he didn’t make himself known in the room, but he loved to wind her up, that opposite opposition energy is that wanting to roll up the other side of that person, naturally comes very easily to that situation
Aries sun ,,,,, with Scorpio moon, because of that intensity which came through in her acting and the fact that I said to you that in real life the lady who plays that is a Scorpio that strong Mars energy even though she was ultra feminine there is probably a conjunction with the Mars and Venus line because they balance each other out really well she has that side of being completely in touch with her inside as well being in touch with her feminine side maybe not as much but she just gave off that aura so I’m gonna say something with Venus there maybe, i’m gonna say she’s a Sagittarius rising actually, with Pluto in the first house, because of that intensity she gives off in her eyes and also the mask connection with Scorpio being ruled by Mars and Pluto , Pluto in the first I was giving off that intensity , with also having that Aries effect because of Aries ruling the first house, Venus and Mars and the Sun all in Aries and Aries Stellium, because of the balance it the scorpion man because there’s just so much Mars in, Pluto Pluto is going to be a chart ruler as it is another every sun do you see the theme? Like with Danny, he had all the girls after him. She had all the men wanting her.
Rhett Butler
Butler has an Aquarius like his real life actor who played him, he came across and he was there smiling with his smirk. He’s Aquarius smirk. 😏 he’s so proud of himself look as he’s staring at her own staircase staircases a lot in this theme of couples as well along with the Titanic theme,
He’s an Aquarius, he’s noble. He’s strong. He’s a Capricorn because he’s to go so well together him and Scarlett but also can be so reckless his Capricorn moon and his Capricorn rising and Venus make him good as a father in the fact that he make money for his family and be together., at business, it would also give it that affect Aquarius in the second house having a Taurus like effect which rules money family finances, business, pleasure, how you get your money how you spend your money so maybe it isn’t an unpredictable way, but he knew how to get that coin. Secondly, he didn’t take any of her bullshit and Capricorn would be that fine to do so and also Aquarius but they’re both all by Saturn which is a malefic.  so Saturn and Uranus, will play big part and his birth chart. although these two are very different like a lot of these opposites attract trope we see they essentially have the same things at hot but in the end it didn’t work out for these two as we say as in every relationship.📈
Couple number three
Well, oh well, Jack and Rose and Titanic, what a classic a cult classic, and all round classic in general, and really if you think about it, this could really be based on a true story. the couple that was so alike many ways but essentially the same things, they were both a lot in their life, Rose had everything she could’ve ever dreamed for, money, class, family, a wealthy man to marry in to.
But essentially, these weren’t the things that she wanted, her partner was terribly controlling, she felt completely alone and very depressed because she had all these things and she knew that she should be happy but she wasn’t, if she had someone to share it with that she felt essentially, exceptionally and fun, it might all seem worth it her family, and her partner obviously don’t like Jack in the beginning he saves, she really doesn’t want to do it anymore. She’s sick of her. Life has become a bore to her.
She essentially reminds me of a cross between, the Queen sister, and Princess Diana, the abrasiveness of princess Margaret, the class of Princess Diana, and the beauty with the brains. to me why he seems like she has some urines energy and Aquarius in a chart one because she’s a changing and her family, to her appearance I’m 3, is very Uranian, it could be a year in the first house situation or attempt or even the fifth or fourth, rose to me is Leo rising, with a moon and Aquarius?, With a Pluto conjunction.♒️ showing that coldness from the mother, and Pluto is the destruction transformation and despair, but essentially at the end of the day getting that transformation and reaping the rewards of somebody who actually cared for her, she had the best times and never forgot till the day she died, Leo because of the charismatic looks have something was really missing in our life and it was love Leo rules the heart and Leo can be very sensitive and the matter of the heart sensitive, which a lot of the time people don’t see, i’m going to say a cancer the Sun, 🌞 because essentially she did want a family and she tried to hard to make this reality feel normal but it didn’t as much as she tried she couldn’t make it work, but she did with Jack.
Jack, and the free spirit, gambler, the love of fun is giving Pisces and Sagittarius vibes but also familiar vibe I think they’ve got the cancer sign in common out of all the partners they probably seen the most who is in the least toxic
Apart from she could’ve fitted him on that door, Jack is an artist, he is poor and him and his friend won the trip on the Titanic in a bit and a game of cards and gambling. That’s how his life was he didn’t know where he was one minute next to him it could give a vibe or it could give a libra or Pisces vibe, but it gives more Neptune energy with the free thinking mutable energy, I think he’s a Pisces sun a cancer man, Sagittarius rising because he knew how to have funny all the places on the ship straight away because he explored and knew how to have, fun which he taught Rose which was so beautiful part of the story and I loved it when he took her dancing on the boat parts of the film showing that Neptune energy can give homelessness which I definitely see because it was part of his life, but he was also an artist and I had many talents were priceless compared to the other man.
Couple number four
I love you, Mickey. I love you, Mallory. So I immediately thought and I sometimes have to look at a picture to get a vibe of something I’m really home into , so with Mickey I knew that he instantly had a square between his son and his moon and to me it came to me that he’s a Scorpio sun with a Leo moon on the other hand is something different where it’s almost like a distance away from the Sun and the moon 🌙 like I said, it’s got the square aspect to it , He could be a Capricorn rising and then it would give that Quinncunz affect to it, but I definitely feel like this is a Pluto heavy relationship so his sun being in Scorpio , the. Leo.Moon, and possibly Stellium on that sign but in the house I said it’s a heavy Pluto energy of this relationship., giving Mallory a Scorpio rising a Scorpio sun, making her sun in the first house , but also having a Capricorn moon, there’s a heavy, ,,, karma with her family, especially the father,  how he does really abusive things to her sexually physically and, and makes her feel tormented by, it, the mother literally did nothing. when all this was happening so the Capricorn moon they see it is in detriment, often Capricorn moons are hurt by the mother as well as the father so you can see Capricorn the father, but also mother, Scorpio, the comic debt, the rebirth and it going one of two ways.
When you have a relationship with someone that’s a 78 relationship, e.g. Capricorn and Leo Quinn cunts sorry that’s such a good type. I’m leaving it there Scorpio rules other peoples money. They robbed everyone but left one person there.💰 with the part of Scorpio the power, Leo ruling over children, his hallucinogenic flashbacks his childhood and his, Leo moons often seem to be out overlooked in their family,😱 Then they have the square pattern, so all this can go in many different, it did, I’ve put so much Scorpio because of the abuse she enjoyed when she was in prison, she got sexualised. Which makes me want to give her a Virgo Venus for sure in retrograde, it’s in fall, in the sign of Virgo, and Virgo rules virginity the maiden♍️, but a lot of them have been active from a very young age, and a lot of the times sometimes older than them, I feel like I’m Mars is in Gemini with the chaos, and the little games that they were play when they did their hold-ups. Mickey‘s gonna have his mercury in Sagittarius, because it doesn’t think when it speaks and it comes out of loads of stuff, his Venus can I give Capricorn because I feel the Capricorn Scorpio relationships is quite a strong, can also be toxic💪 , then his mars is being in Scorpio.
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nevermindirah · 3 years
is a character! who Gregadiah What-Is-Math Rucka gave us almost no information about!
I've gone through Tales Through Time #6: The Bear and #1: My Mother's Axe with several magnifying glasses and done a lot of googling and taken my copy of the Tanakh off my shelf for the first time since (well, since the last time I needed to read Torah for TOG reasons, which I think was Booker Passover headcanons) and here's the best I can come up with.
In The Bear we meet someone who goes by the name Isaac Blue:
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Read on for a lot of comic panel analysis and historical research and Jewish flailing!
So what do we know about this Isaac Blue person?
He's Lorge, he's got curly hair, he's basically a taller version of Joe as drawn by Leandro Fernández (ie an antisemitic stereotype why the fuck did they approve this character design?? and then why did they double down and copy-paste it to Yitzhak??):
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He's got a mezuzah on the doorpost of his house in Alaska!
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I screamed about the mezuzah way back in January in this post where I (very reasonably) assumed this character was Joe and spun myself a tale about how Booker is still Joe's brother so the mezuzah stays up even though Booker isn't welcome in that house for a century. Bottom line: the mezuzah is a tradition with origins in the commandment from Deuteronomy 6:9 to "write the words of G-d on the gates and doorposts of your house" and evolved over the course of the Rabbinic period into the modern mezuzah we see here.
I did unnecessary levels of google image search to glean absolutely no useful information about Yitzhak’s origins from this panel:
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I've decided the variant cover of TTT 6 is Yitzhak because of a panel in My Mother’s Axe, shown here, and what's likely an unnecessarily deep reading of Exodus, discussed further down:
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The person at the right of the bottom panel is wearing the same clothes as in the TTT 6 variant cover and has the same shoulder-length curly hair and hairy forearms.
Left to right, the people in this panel are Lykon (I'll never get used to him being white in the comics), Andy, Noriko (I think? why doesn't Andy mention her by name here?), and Yitzhak. Andy's robe has a stereotypically Greek design on the sleeve cuff, and I had to stop myself 10 minutes into a Wikipedia rabbit hole because Gregorforth doesn't think that deep about this shit. The solid clues as to timeline that we get in this panel are:
Andy's iron axe
the presence of Lykon, who Andy first met in 331 BCE
So all we know is that Yitzhak is an immortal, he was a contemporary of Lykon, and he's Jewish.
Isaac is the most common Anglicization of Yitzhak (which in turn is the most common Anglophone transliteration of יִצְחָק‎), and Greg always uses the (transliterated) Hebrew when he refers to this character. Yitzhak is the long-awaited child of Abraham and Sarah in Genesis, the child who G-d commanded Abraham to sacrifice but spared at the last minute. I see what you did there, Gregory.
Why Isaac Blue? This is where I pulled out my Tanakh. According to the New JPS translation, blue is the first of three colors of yarn listed in Exodus 35:6 among the gifts requested of the Israelites to construct the priestly garments for the Tabernacle and later the Temple. Then in Numbers 15:38 the Israelites are commanded to "make themselves fringes on the corners of their garments throughout the ages; let them attach a cord of blue to the fringe at each corner."
And now for sandbox timelines party! Gregadiah gave us ALMOST NOTHING to go on, so I'm gonna make my own fun.
I, like many modern Jews, think the stories in the Tanakh are foundational mythology that are valuable because of how they've shaped our people but that contain some fucked-up shit and either way aren't meant to be a record of historical facts. Modern scholarship generally agrees that the community we now call Jews emerged as a distinct group of Canaanites sometime in the late Bronze Age (cw this video's host says the Name of G-d aloud despite being a religious studies scholar who knows that is not a name anyone but the Temple priests are allowed to say). The first non-Biblical written record of the people Israel is from an Egyptian source c. 1200 BCE, and the Biblical kingdom of David and Solomon was probably an exaggeration of whatever really happened during the Bronze Age Collapse. We start getting into historical-fact territory a few centuries into the Iron Age:
588 BCE Solomon's Temple destroyed, Babylonian exile begins
538 BCE Cyrus of Persia allows Jews to return to Jerusalem
515 BCE Second Temple construction complete
332 BCE Alexander the Great At Something I Guess conquered Judea, beginning the Hellenistic period of Jewish history — 331 BCE Andy & Lykon find each other
167 BCE another jerkface Greek king desecrated the Temple and basically outlawed Judaism
164 BCE recapture of Jerusalem and Temple rededication during the Maccabean Revolt
70 CE destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans, beginning of the Rabbinic period of Jewish history that we're still in now
What if... and hear me out... what if immortals come in pairs, and the pairs are:
Andy & Quynh
Joe & Nicky
Booker & Nile
What if Yitzhak was a priest of the Second Temple? What if he and Lykon killed each other just like Joe and Nicky would in the same city around 1300 years later, but instead of enemies-to-lovers speedrun with an absurdly long happily-ever-after, when Lykon died permanently Yitzhak decided to separate from Andy and Noriko and become the hermit we later see in Alaska?
We don't know how old Yitzhak is compared to the others, only that he was a contemporary of Lykon at a time when Andy was using an Iron Age version of her mother's axe. Other plausible origins for him:
a Jew of the early Rabbinic period, maybe a child or grandchild of people who were still alive before the Second Temple was destroyed
a Judean of the Second Temple era under the Romans or Greeks or Persians, maybe a priest, maybe not
an exilee in Babylon, maybe of the generation who got to return, maybe of the generation who was exiled (he doesn't look like he was 50 at his first death but who knows, he could've been mortal for both)
an Israelite of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, maybe a priest of Solomon's Temple or again maybe not
an Israelite wandering in the desert with Moses
THEE Yitzhak, ben Avraham v'Sarah, our patriarch who was brought up for sacrifice and then spared, and then spared again, and then spared again, and again, and again...
or! he could also be a Canaanite or other Levantine who predates the people Israel, who at some point in his very long life chose to join our mixed multitude, who like Andromache before him (and like Avram and Sarai would in this case do after him) took a new name to reflect the magnitude of influence this people has had on him
Why do I keep saying Yitzhak might have been a priest? It's thanks to the one detail in the artwork I could plausibly connect to solid research without getting a PhD real quick. Take a look at the gorgeous detail on the opening of his robe in the TTT 6 cover. He's dressed in rags, holes and dirt everywhere, rough stitches probably from hasty repair work — except for the neck opening. Compare that to this description from Exodus 39:23 of the construction of the priestly garments for the Tabernacle: "The opening of the robe, in the middle of it, was like the opening of a coat of mail, with a binding around the opening, so that it would not tear."
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The next verses describe the intricate designs for the hem of the priestly garment. Yitzhak's ragged garment looks like the hem was torn off entirely.
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Am I overthinking this? Yes I am! You're welcome!
My friend and historical research hero @lady-writes​ is in a Discord server with Gregadiah and asked the man himself some questions about all this. He clearly thinks he's being sneaky?? No shit Yitzhak is Jewish, dude, I want DETAILS!
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I will not be giving up my Jewish Booker headcanon, I've put too much thought into it by now, the internalized shame of antisemitism explains Booker's depression too well for me, and it just adds so much richness to Booker/Nile both being children of forced diasporas. Fortunately (for him, not me, bc I'd do it anyway!) Gregothy supports fan headcanons even when they're not in line with his own:
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One last thing before I close like 100 research tabs and go back to writing historical fantasy and/or porn! I love that, despite that atrocious caricature of a face design, our canon Jew and our fanon Jew are both Lorge and Soft and Kind, flying the face of the antisemitic stereotype of Ashkenazi Jewish men as small and weak, but also not falling into the New Jew / Muscle Jew stereotype that Zionism created. (I am trying SO HARD not to talk about Israel/Palestine for once ughhhhhhhhhh) Anyway here's a (US-centric but very good) primer on both these stereotypes of Jewish masculinity. Is this why I'm forever projecting my transmasc diasporist feels onto Jewish Booker the service sub? 🤷🏻‍♂️
I’ll reblog a second version of this with full image descriptions so that there’s a version accessible for folks who need IDs as well as a version accessible for folks who get overwhelmed by walls of text.
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galaxina-the-pyro · 3 years
Random (but Canon) Facts About Isabella Garcia-Shapiro
(I got bored during work and jotted a buncha stuff down - I'll admit I was inspired by @metaphor-cheese's hot take about how Isabella should've been developed more. Some of these facts are elements about Isabella that I do wish were explored more, though a lot of these are just fun, random tidbits of information that aren't in any particular order. There will also be some Phinabella stuff, but we already know she has a crush on Phineas so I'm not gonna put that on this list.
Also keep in mind, "facts" is being used loosely here - if there's anything you disagree with on this list, feel free to say whatever. This is just stuff I remembered from the top of my head and verified, but some of this stuff could be interpreted differently.)
Isabella is very competitive ("Got Game", "Put That Putter Away", "Brain Drain", etc)
She is/was claustrophobic ("Knot My Problem")
Is a maladaptive daydreamer [though this mostly confides to her trips down "Phineasland"] ("Isabella and the Temple of Sap", "Bee Story")
Has an intense fear of failure ("Bee Story", "Where's Perry Part 1")
Speaks a little French ("Buford Confidential")
Is Mexican-Jewish
Celebrate Hannukah ("Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation!")
Makes/creates Mexican-Jewish delicacies ("It's No Picnic")
Has an interest in unicorns ("Doofania", "Out of Toon")
Her cuteness is stronger than that of Cuteonium, an element said to be the most powerful cute source ever ("Meapless in Seattle")
Can switch from an adorable girl voice to an intense, low-pitched masculine one ("It's a Mud, Mud, Mud, Mud World", "For Your Ice Only")
Doesn't like it when other people use her catchphrase, and can sense when others use it [the exceptions being Phineas, possibly Baljeet, and Buford during "La Candace Cabra" while she was absent] ("Out of Toon", "Suddenly Suzy", "Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation!")
Has a bamboo named Bambina ("The Curse of Candace")
Believes that referring to one's self in the third person is fun [but admits that it's "not a hard and fast rule" when it comes to the likes of her dog Pinky ("Isabella and the Temple of Sap")]
Knows a lot about vehicles, from race cars to spaceships ("The Fast and the Phineas", "The Secret of Success", "Candace Against the Universe", etc.)
Excels in math, particularly triangulation ("Night of the Living Pharmacists")
Finds triangles to be an attractive aspect ("It's No Picnic")
Really Likes Puns ("De Plane! De Plane!", "It's No Picnic", etc)
Is an overachiever ("Bee Story", "Where's Perry Part 1", "Act Your Age", etc.)
Likes the spotlight, and dislikes when others take it from her, intentionally or otherwise ("The Chronicles of Meap", "We Call it Maze", "Suddenly Suzy", etc.)
Loves spectating/participating in extreme sports/activities ("Got Game", "Return Policy", etc.)
Likes strawberry ice cream ("Ferb Latin")
Plays soccer ("My Fair Goalie", "Act Your Age")
Can be distractable, particularly when it comes to Phineas [though there is at least one instance where she's distractable on her own] ("Isabella and the Temple of Sap", "Bee Story", "Mission Marvel", "Last Day of Summer" etc.)
Believes that cute nicknames are embarrassing ("Operation Crumb Cake")
Visits her Nana in the retirement home often ("Operation Crumb Cake")
Wants Candace to plan her[s] (and Phineas') wedding ("Candace's Big Day")
Believes one woman's capris pants is another's regular-sized pants for girls with short legs ("Last Day of Summer")
Has had her tonsils removed ("I Scream, You Scream")
Doesn't consider Baljeet cute ("Bully Bust")
Buford owns a plus-size version of Isabella's dress that, when pulled inside out, doubles as a goat costume ("La Candace Cabra")
Alternatively, Isabella can swiftly change from her normal attire to her Fireside Girl's uniform by pulling up her belt [and the hat? Cartoon logic, I can't explain that any other way] ("Night of the Living Pharmacists")
Considers not having to earn every Fireside Girls patch to be a ridiculous notion, and even outright horrifying ("Bee Story", "Where's Perry Part 1")
Isabella thinks that swapping bodies with an animal is considered cool ("Does This Duckbill Make Me Look Fat?")
Likes going to the pool, and has one in her backyard ("Rollercoaster", "Get Ready for the Betties", "Day of the Living Gelatin", etc.)
Looks forward to middle school ("Cranius Maximus")
Has memorized Phineas' Summer wardrobe by name and color ("Save Summer")
Has used patch related threats ("Candace Against the Universe")
There is most certainly more, these are just the ones I thought of on the top of my head. Again, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, I did double-check these but I could be misinterpreting some things and that's fine (except the goat-costume thing. That's the one thing you're not gonna sway me against, so don't even waste your time).
Also, feel free to add more facts and stuff if you want. :3
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gxrlcinema · 2 years
hi! I know you’re probably tired of answering questions about Ari and his Jewish heritage(so if you don’t feel like answering this, feel free to ignore it)I was wondering if you knew of any hebrew pet names/nicknames that Ari would call a significant other?
Hi! This is such a sweet ask, thank you so much!
I will say that in Yiddish (which might've been Ari's first language) there's a tradition of adding -le/-ele to names to indicate affection (so Ari would be "Arile", which might be pronounced like "Ari-LUH" to English speakers?). That's not strictly romantic though.
Also, Ari is a full name, but it could also be a nickname for "Aryeh" (spelled also: Arieh, Arie). That might be a fun thing for someone to call Ari, even if it's not actually his full name (kind of like calling Bucky "James"). (Note: these are also kind of the same name? They sound different to English speakers but probably wouldn't to native Hebrew speakers).
Beyond that, I'm not Israeli nor am I a fluent Hebrew or Yiddish speaker, so I'm not gonna be able to tell you anything a google search couldn't.
My one other note is that when you're translating, be mindful of gender! If you go to translate "my love" you'll get "ahuvi" but that's only the masculine; "ahuvati" is the feminine. (People are finding ways to be gender spectrum inclusive in Hebrew, I just don't have much insight into it!)
Good luck! <3
(Hebrew/Yiddish speakers who see this post, feel free to pitch in or correct anything I got wrong!)
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Do you think the polycule has any holiday traditions?
that's actually a pretty interesting question because the polycule is very culturally diverse. like of course we have simon who's jewish, but the rest is kind of in a weird place. i'm pretty sure shadowhunters don't have holidays at all, and since clary was raised by a shadowhunter and a former shadowhunter, i'm pretty sure she would have been raised without any either? like maybe she'd celebrate the gregorian new year because you know, they have to pretend to be mundane after all, but i think that and birthdays were probably pretty much it for her. oh and halloween i guess which is also not religious-affiliated, are there any other holidays in the states? i guess there's the 4th of july and thanksgiving but both celebrate imperialism/colonialism and i don't want to write about that so i'm gonna pretend there aren't. plus i doubt shadowhunters celebrated those either
so ok we have izzy and clary with no holidays, we don't know whether or not maia is culturally christian and i don't wanna just say "yes" by default... and then there's meliorn whose holidays and traditions will be typical to seelie culture, which are gonna be... unique to them obviously. we don't know how they are celebrated, how long they last, what is the milestone, how or even IF they count time - like maybe they go by when a specific flower blooms and that only happens every 10 gregorian years or some shit. so that's a question mark i guess
and there's also the fact that the seelie realm is very politically closed which. i like to think changes once they get rid of the old queen! but it's still a slow process to just allow other people there. then again izzy was a shadowhunter and she used to hop by so it's probably not a huge deal for meliorn to bring their partners and metamours to seelie celebrations? or at least to the ones that aren't Super Sacred or anything. so like parties and dances and stuff like that? yeah. which i guess brings me back to the other "meta" i wrote about seelie dances (link) and what it would be like for the rest of the polycule to participate in those and shit
then... well obviously there's the gregorian new year which we have obviously just gone through (well, we had when i started answering this ask. it's march now so rip. update it's april now. i'm so sorry anon) so like! i think it was always kind of hell for both raphael and maia, autistic icons, because of all the explosion sounds that just made them feel really upset and feel really stupid for it. with raphael i think it was more bearable when he had rosa because she would spend the day with him and hug him and let him squeeze the stress out you know dauhdasuihda also she was always the one he felt the most comfortable stimming in front of. and then after he lost her it only got worse because on top of the fireworks there was the clear absence of rosa that he just FELT everywhere. you know?
and with maia there's the added trouble of her being AMAB and what with being raised to "black men" standarts of masculinity (to be clear, as in: due to racism black men are expected to be even more macho than white men, ESPECIALLY by nonblack ppl; not as in wow black ppl are so backwards or whatever. white ppl invented gender norms anyway so lmao), she was definitely shamed a lot for being so distressed by the fireworks when she was little methinks. we love that combination of transphobia, racism and ableism! so it was just hard and filled with bad memories. and then once she ran away from home it got marginally better without the constant telling her to "man up" and shit like that, but it still came with the added memories you know
and also with them (plus simon) being vampires/werewolves the hearing gets even more sensitive so that's... fun. meliorn realizes it stresses them out and makes up a special kind of spell that muffles their hearing of background noise, so they can feel more comfortable and for the first time there is not that added stress that comes with the new years and it feels so nice?? they even try watching the fireworks but it's kinda like eh, not that great, especially because even looking at them brings out memories you know doahdsaoh so instead meliorn shows them some magic and it's so much prettier with all the glowing lights and stuff, you know?
maybe after that the polycule starts spending the new years in the seelie realm instead, that'd be cute, just like. enjoying that pretty place with all the lights and shit. i think they would all prepare some kind of light show some way or another like using magic and witchlights and whatnot. that'd be cute
as for other holidays! i think their holiday traditions would start with simon's first yom kippur after he was able to eat solid foods again (shut up a potion WILL be created and i don't accept any other option). before that, with simon being unable to eat, he was also obviously unable to fast. he wouldn't feed during yom kippur but it's not like vampires need to drink blood every day so it's not really the same thing. and it felt particularly lonely that, besides being away from his family and community, he also couldn't fast
i mean obviously simon isn't the only jewish vampire in the world, or jewish downworlder for that matter, so i'm sure he makes jewish friends he would at least get together and pray with for yom kippur, and that's what matters the most, really, but being unable to fast when he wants to and also not being able to participate in the break-fast meal just. sucks djdnudhsus
and then he's able to eat and he can do all that again! but it's also kind of emotionally charged for all of the vampires to fast for the first time when for so long they associated not eating with feeling unhuman, you feel? so like it kind of hits all of them hard
so the polycule decides to make him a little surprise and cooks the break-fast meal for them. clary probably knows what simon and his family used to eat after yom kippur so they try to recreate that for him? and maia and raphael are lowkey nervous about it because they had never made stuff like noodle kugel before and while they could at least try it (yay potion!) they have no idea if it's tasting like it should, ya know what i mean? and it's kind of sweet that they are so worried about making this the best possible experience for simon and the closest to home it can get. and simon is super emotional about getting to eat that stuff for the first time, as well as the other vampires, so you know. it's very emotional all around. but in a good way? and i think after that it kind of becomes a tradition that they make him the break-fast meal after yom kippur too
and then the next years they lowkey fuss over him for the last meal before the fast too, which i'm not sure is something simon would do with other people so they would go ham, dude, particularly raphael because he is a worrier first and foremost. so catch his ass all lovingly planning a meal he can make with zero (0) salt whatsoever so simon doesn't get too thirsty during the fast for MONTHS, planning so he gets the most amount of sustenance, lots of fiber, etc., and simon is like "you know i don't even have to eat, right?" but rapha is just all "you know food still matters" and simon doesn't say anything because it does. it matters a lot
and raphael is all sweetly nervous because like... it is a simple meal, that is the point, but he still wants simon to enjoy it and simon can't stop smiling through the whole thing. raphael and the others also eat it with him too in solidarity before simon goes to the synagogue with his community and it's like a sweet send off you know?
also this is not exactly a celebration or a tradition for that matter but since YK is the day of forgiveness i like to think that eventually simon asks for raphael's forgiveness on YK for the whole rosa thing, and although that isn't religious for raphael, raphael asking for his forgiveness for how everything went down, too. and it's just a sweet moment where they leave this whole story behind and look for a better future - i imagine this happening before they get together, so again, it doesn't really count as an answer to your question, but i just thought i'd include it because i find it sweet
then after that there is sukkot and i just really loove the idea of them helping him build the sukkah (for those who don't know, the sukkah is a hut covered with vegetation under the open sky, where jewish ppl live in for the duration of the sukkot). i know that they could just buy a certified one but where is the fun in that when we could have shenanigans? also i think that that would have been part of simon's personal/family traditions because i bet him and becca loved to build the sukkah for their family. so like on that spirit it is a little sad that they can't help each other with that anymore since simon can't be seen by the rest of his family, but of course as soon as he mentions it and how fun it used to be the whole polycule is Immediately On Board. let's help simon build his sukkah!
first of all other than simon none of them have ever built a sukkah before and simon usually followed becca's lead tbh, also he's just not great to Lead And Control people in general, and the polycule is already messy as all fuck. so it's a disaster, especially with raphael and simon's superspeed and strength thrown into the mix, and meliorn's almost impossible to hold back mischievous nature. izzy is lowkey responsible for keeping them in check and okay now that i think about it clary might have helped simon's family build it before, especially when she was a kid because kids just love that shit, but i don't know if she would remember the steps tbh (read: she wouldn't remember the steps) so yeah all in all the sukkah falls down more often than not and they might have to replace a few materials when simon and raphael accidentally snap their bamboo poles in half. rip
meliorn is probably all like "you are all weak and pathetic, i am a seelie, i can literally control living things. simon needs a vegetable covering? watch me get all the nearby trees to form a beautiful roof" and simon is like "actually the sechach cannot be alive" and meliorn slowly dies because they have no power over dead nature. also simon forbids magic usage in general because this needs to be an authentic building experience for him, so meliorn is left as the most useless one since they only have experience building these things using magic and the help of the trees or whatever
also i bet they would love to go EXTREMELY hard on the lights and decorations. i know that hassidic and to my understanding general orthodox jewish communities don't decorate the sukkah but i don't hc simon as part of those communities so i think he would want to decorate the sukkah. like even if it isn't fully covered in decorations, he would want what few he has to be well done, you know what i mean? like he would want to make the holiday posters himself (i dont know if it would be appropriate for clary to help make these but if it would, she totally would and i like the idea of simon giving her a very specific prompt to make the posters and clary doing it for him, you know? and maybe them all helping paint it with colorful themes), making decorations, and okay, at the very least fairy lightning? please? come on. it's another whole ass dramatic experience to get electricity in there so that's fun for sure, but i think meliorn and maia in particular would be all over the idea of making a pretty lightning system, and simon is definitely not gonna complain because he loves pretty things and the idea sounds rad. raphael smiles fondly through it all and basically saves the day by being the only one with organizational skills who is actually able to help them make a working plan for the sukkah
(catch these idiots making a blueprint. TRY and tell me they wouldn't)
(every year they make a new blueprint and the sukkah has different designs and proportions - always following the requirements like having four at least 32 inches tall walls, of course - and they start completely anew. the sechach must always be new but not the general structure, but they redo the structure anyway because again, it's fun)
and then of course they have meals together in the sukkah for the duration of sukkot and just idk i really dig the idea of the lot of them holding trays of food wearing oven mitts as they get inside and turn on the lights and it feels really nice and sweet you know? and then of course promptly turns kind of messy because it's their way but that's what they want. also, at least once a year they manage to sneak becca in for a meal with simon in the sukkah and they are just both so happy and aaaaa :')
and that's how "kidnapping" becca so she can see simon and his sukkah becomes another tradition lmao. they do it in the most dramatic full of flair way they possibly can while still not being found out and then promptly tell simon all about it in the most dramatic and exaggerated retelling during the meal, which always makes both simon and becca laugh (reality: becca just told her parents she would be off for a few hours to do some school thing or something and then they picked her up and she got a superspeed piggyback ride so she and simon wouldn't miss a minute. their story: "it all began with a carefully planted lie,")
there's also pesach which many (reform) jewish friends of mine have told me they like to do with goyim because the whole point of that holiday is to welcome strangers and share jewish history, so i think simon would like to do that as well. so yeah i think simon would enjoy having them with him during the Pesach Seder - again i think simon would want to be with his other jewish friends but it would be fun because they all could bring their pet goyim that they know would be respectful and nice to have around, run the Seder, and celebrate with them. also for their first one i think simon would have gotten excited about explaining the order/15 steps to them, so like cue lots of fond looks as simon tells them everything about it, how this is the first time he'll be able to have the feast, the four cups of wine, and how he's excited even to have the bitter herbs again. and then over the years they all become pretty much used to the 15 steps, they come naturally, they know what to expect, they already know the story of the Exodus after retelling it every year, and it's nice both when it's new and he gets to share and when it starts to be something in their element because it became their tradition and they want to be there with simon for the holidays, you know what i mean?
then there's purim!!!!!!!! god they would sure have so much fun on purim it gets me really excited to think about. purim might be the one that they get to participate the most in from what i've seen, and i have lots of thoughts about it, like:
first of all, making hamantaschen!! they each make a batch with a different stuffing and it's lowkey a competition and lowkey a surprise and as always with cooking together it is very fun and homey. and also kind of silly as they usually are, but purim is a holiday that is kind of supposed to be silly and for ppl to let go so it matches that mood, you know what i mean? like they're all covered in flour and "stop trying to LOOK at what i'm making!" and blind testing and stuff
then, food gifts! so from what i've seen it is preferable that the food gifts jewish ppl send each other on purim are sent by a third party, which is usually a kid, but they don't know many kids and i really like the idea of the polycule serving as simon's messengers for the day lmao. going everywhere round the shadow world and beyond ("hey mel since you can portal i have this friend in argentina-") and then bringing him the other gifts people send simon in return :)
dressing up in costumes! there is absolutely no way simon doesn't dress up for purim and the whole polycule is absolutely dragged into it, including an absolutely reluctant raphael. it quickly becomes a tradition tho that they change costumes every year and try to make them funnier and more outrageous (as you do) as time goes by. trust the polycule to turn pretty much everything into a competition. and simon always laughs with so much glee and joy when he gets to see what everyone dresses up as so really, how could they say no?
(maia "wins", like, every year. she is totally huge on costumes and her and simon are very attuned in that sense, so, you know. catch her dressing up as memes and just generally making the most creative costumes. she may or may not think them months and months ahead of time)
maybe they hold purim meals with particularly themed costumes every once in a while when they want to spice it up, but i think generally it's more of a freestyle thing
simon also loves reading the purim torah tbh, it's just fun. and then of course there's the megillah and booing when haman's name is mentioned. they are all banned from using graggers because half of them have superstrength and the other half doesn't technically have superstrength but is still super strong and they destroyed the poor thing on accident after the first ten seconds when they tried
food yay! and the very long meal. they usually get pretty drunk, tbh, at least the ones that can. and just generally i think it's one of their favorite celebrations to do together and more often than not ends in them all curled up together in the couch so u know, that's sweet uwu
and then of course rosh hashanah, which is the holiest joyous day in jewish tradition, so of course it's a huge deal for them all. and i just think they would all be super excited about making the evening (especially the meal ofc) the most incredible for simon it could possibly be. again i think simon would want to spend it with his downworlder jewish friends and community, and they probably have their own synagogue they go to together and everything, so obviously they are all involved in making preparations for rosh hashanah, but i like to think the polcyule and simon's friends' pet goyim would help with what they can as well (provided it's not something that should be done by a jewish person like baking the challah; but if not with cooking, they would at least want to help with stuff like decorations and the like. honestly i imagine all of simon's partners sitting together very seriously with a paper in front of them writing down all the stuff they can do to help with rosh hashanah preparations and everything. especially once they learn that like being happy/joyous is a mitzvah so they're just like "we want to make u as happy as possible then :)" and it's sweet and simon may or may not tear up a little)
and then we have other holidays that aren't associated with religion like halloween, which was kind of implied to be the official downworld holiday, so i'm pretty sure they go big on that too. not dressing up because again, one day where they can all afford to be themselves, but definitely meeting up at the hunter's moon, getting spectacularly drunk, roasting the mundane's costumes, and then once they get back to whichever of them's homes, watching some shitty movies and throwing stuff at the screen together
i'm on the fence about día de muertos. i know it's not exactly a sad holiday but i feel like it is for raphael because it kind of represents everything he's lost - his culture and his family, and he can't even go to the parade during the day, you know, although i'm not sure that would have been his thing, but i do think he would have loved to watch the arrival of the monarchs when he was a kid but he'd have to be in méxico for that. and particularly after he lost rosa i just feel like it would have been so emotionally charged for him, you know? he would definitely make her an altar every year and it would be just... big and well thought-out and something really emotional and important for him, welcoming his little sister back the best he can. and i feel like that's something he'd want to do alone because my boy loves to punish himself
but there are little things i think they would have wanted to do with him, and that they might push a little to be able to, like being with him while he eats by the altar and hearing him tell stories about rosita. and i think they would help him "undo" (?) the altar once día de muertos is over, which is always extra emotional for him and aaa. and then the next day they kind of just get to be with him and cuddle a little bit as he recovers emotionally, you know?
also it has just occured to me that raphael is christian shit fuck fart bitch cock. so okay i guess that puts xmas and easter somewhat on the map? again mostly for food. us latinos celebrate xmas on the eve, not on xmas day, and raphael is totally the insufferable xmas meal obsessed bitch who's on the kitchen all day and refuses to let anyone help (he can't pull that particular stunt for the meals they have for simon's holidays obviously but he can on xmas soo). but it's worth it because it is always a great one. and he also gives a lot of thought into getting everyone presents so that is sweet and it earns him lots of kisses on the cheek and stuff. and that's pretty much it for latino xmas, we don't really do stuff i'm still not convinced gringos haven't made up like the socks and the eggnog and xmas music (????) so it's more lowkey. and i think raphael would keep the more religious aspects of it to the stuff he does at church (again, there are downworlder religious communities idk what to tell u) and for the nursery home. which is not to say that like... oh wow xmas is totally not a xtian holiday! or whatever, just that the version the polycule does is more lowkey on the religious aspects and the things they do together on that day are more about being together with raphael on a day that matters to him, you know, especially since again, he is the only xtian and that's gonna be a sensitive thing for simon especially
and i think for easter it is mostly something they do to shower maia in sweets lmao. again she misses chocolate and i'm sure they spend a lot of their time trying to figure out how to get around that, either be by like trying to make special chocolate that doesn't make her sick or sweets that really really resemble chocolate or that are so good she doesn't even mind that she can't eat chocolate anymore. so that's their tradition for easter (and raphael goes to church ofc)
oh yeah and i forgot valentine's day! i have this funny little idea just for the shits where they have this little thing where they setup one-on-one dates for all the parts that are actually together and each of them lasts, like, 10 minutes (poor maia who dates everyone is just running around town) and it's more about the fun of running around from one day to the other like this is a bad romcom where some bastard is trying to juggle having two (monog) girlfriends at once. but then they actually get all together at the end of the day and trade presents and funny cards both among their dates and metamours ("roses are red, violets are blue, you're my girlfriend's girlfriend, and i love you platonically"). usually ending up with them drunk and debating how exactly they got to this overly complicated arrangement and trying to figure out the best way to explain this to an outsider and trying to make, like, fluxograms that explain all of their different relationships visually and they all look so messy it just leaves them more confused lmao. so yeah it's fun
and i think that's all i've got? i say, as if this answer isn't longer than anyone will have the time to read and took me over 4 months to write. but anyway
a special thanks to "a group where non-jews can ask questions about judaism and jews can answer" on facebook and all my jewish friends for helping me write about the jewish holidays and customs. i also used the following sources: Rosh Hashanah (link), how to build the sukkah (link), more on the sukkah (link), how to celebrate purim (link), more on purim (link), how to celebrate passover (link), what is a passover seder like (link), laws of yom tov (link), yom kippur (link), what to eat before and after yom kippur (link), a classic yom kippur breakfast menu (link), menus for the pre yom kippur meal (link). if there's anything inaccurate or disrespectful, however, please let me know, and feel free to add more ideas as well if you're jewish :)
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yououghtaknow · 4 years
18 and 20 for the meta asks? also I already commented on clip 3 but fr this clip was so good that was such a good execution of that scene and s5 has been so good and literally brightens my day thank u 💛 i hope you’re doing well
hi, thank you so much!!!!!!!! i hope you’re doing well too <3 <3
i am putting a read more because i am a rambley person, but underneath you will find talks of unused plot points, the parallels between the girl squad and the lad squad, and what taylor swift album(s) i believe each season has the vibe of.
tw for discussion of abuse, mental health problems, addiction and eating disorders
18. Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterisations?) Tell us about them.
skam brighton has. so many aus. because it itself is an au of an original work. me and two of my great writing friends have written a great numbers of aus including but not limited to riordian-verse, glee, doctor who, rwrb, trc, a murder mystery au, and many aus based on comfort media of mine that i started on never finished (house of anubis, barbie movies, etc.). and many of them are unironically so good???? @fingersmithbysarahwaters and @nightwing642 are incredibly talented screenwriters. but also i did write a screenplay adaptations of the first two books in the raven cycle series and 2/3s of rwrb for no reason other than fun and autism.
as for skam brighton. oh boy. not many plot points have been changed, but some certain scenes/character moments were changed. for example, the scene in season 2 episode 8 where liz has a meltdown at the shopping centre and she has a heart to heart with mary was originally liz having a meltdown and running into al in the sensory room. but i wanted to hold back on revealing al as a main character until season 3. 
also in the og season 3, jake and al didn’t break up. as i was finishing the season, i was getting ideas for how i wanted the series to develop (james’s crush on al namely) so i thought it would be good for both of their developments for them not to end up together. also in season 3 i hadn’t planned for jake to move house originally, so there was a scene in the finale episode of the lad squad hanging out, but it got cut because it just didn’t make sense. 
in season 4, al and bree were a lot meaner to each other originally, because i love it when it gets busy at the brighton and the gay people get mean, but then i thought about it and decided it was out of character for both of them to be downright cruel. al and bree also had a scene in season 4 that was cut due to just not making sense. 
also, in season 5, the “inner white girl” scene originally wasn’t in the show at all, but one day i was listening to the song, and about a week before the episode came out, i wrote it. also, bree wasn’t written to be a she/they until literally the day of putting the clip out because i thought it would be cool. that’s it :)
also the way i write is that i write the full clip out in a google doc and then edit it in ao3 about an hour before i put it out, so a lot of changes happen there. just small things, like making dialogue flow better, changing certain songs because i just want to, and sometimes adding in new sequences that i just thought of.
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
oh!!!! there!!!!! is!!!!! 
personally, my favourite thing to write is little symbolic moments that make me happy because i play 4d chess in my head with myself every time i write.
before i go off, i must say, so many hints and clues have been dropped for season six so far. season six has been my favourite season to write and i’m already planning a spin-off project based on it to write, and it’s gonna be starting sooner than you think.
so a piece of writing i’ve been thinking about lately is the parallels between the girl squad and the lad squad. before i begin to go off, these are the characters i think parallel each other the most.
jake - sandy james - bree nick - rori theo - esther al - liz
jake and sandy is quite an obvious parallel to draw - both are football players, both begin the series closeted and having a close relationship with bryan - but their personalities are quite similar. both of them are closer with their mother than their father, both use their relationships as a method of protection, and both are afraid of of societal rejection at the beginning of the series. they also both discovered their sexualities and mental health issues over the course of their seasons, and both of their love interests are more outgoing theatre kids. jake and sandy’s relationship is also so interesting to me - because they start as very awkward friends, and jake tries to help sandy by making bryan break up with her, but outs her in the process, and sandy doesn’t want to forgive him. she takes her time and comes to terms with it on her own and decides to forgive him because sandy’s just a sweetheart - and this also parallels the way jake takes his time to forgive his mother. also, in their friend groups, they’re both the newcomer to them, and we get the introductions to the group dynamics in their seasons, and in the later seasons, they’re both a lot more relaxed as they’re in recovery <3
james and bree are also very similar characters. both have problems with substance abuse, both have promiscuous reputations, both have both mommy and daddy issues. they are both dean girls, to put it in spn terms. they’re both very funny, and use humour to cover up their struggles. both are dealing with a lot of mental illness and, throughout the series, it becomes more and more clear. they’re also both seen as “the hot ones” of their groups, with a lot of the characters canonically having small crushes on them (liz, rori and nick with james; rori, esther and annabell with bree). they’ve also both canonically hooked up with sophie. which i just think is fun. they also played mimi and roger together, which i think shows their parallels as addicts and people (with roger struggling with recovery and depression until the end, when he begins to get help, and mimi living the high life until it all crumbles down around her). they also share a want for independence and both are very sana-esque characters (james being middle eastern and religious, bree being the cool rebel girl in season 1).
nick and rori are both the “fun friend”. they’re both comedic relief in the early seasons, but we do get in depth with them as the show goes on. in grease, they play james and bree’s love interests (which is ironic, as rori and bree get together and nick is in love with james), and in rent, they play angel and maureen, the two main comedic relief characters. both of them struggle to connect their asian identity with their british identity, and both struggle with how the world perceives them (nick with their gender presentation and rori with her eating disorder). they both struggle with toxic masculinity and toxic femininity and use humour to cover up their struggles.
theo and esther are similar in the fact that they’re the squad members we know the least about. they’re both jewish, they’re both the mum friend of their respective groups, they’re both autistic and they’re both quite nerdy. they’re the most grounded member of their respective groups and tend to take charge and help make decisions. they’re also both quite sarcastic and very firm in their opinions. 
al and liz are parallels simply because they are both nooras and vildes. they’r eboth autistic, they’re both the odd one out in their friend groups - liz being a lot more serious than the girl squad, al being a lot more in his own little world than the lad squad. they’re both very blunt and straight forward and say whatever they’re thinking.
also just some of my favourite bits of foreshadowing: nick being bitchy to liz throughout season 2 because they’re in love with james….. al talking about his sister to jake in season 3 and whenever al talks to the girl squad, bree insults him or walks away…… in season 4 episode 1, audrey mentions bree’s cousin is pregnant and then when bree finds out the results of her pregnancy test, oh no by marina plays (i’m now becoming my own self fulfilling prophecy)....... nick and all of his gender stuff throughout the series……. just all of the character stuff with grease and rent….. also just bree and rori’s whole relationship arc because it has everything. queerbaiting. subverting expectations. musical homoeroticism. a little cheating for fun. and they were best friends. honestly bree and rori season 3 is very august by taylor swift…… you weren’t mine to lose…….. 
speaking of, no one asked by here’s each season of skambr and the taylor swift albums they’re most like.
season 1 - debut/fearless
bro sandy is just such a debut/fearless era person. she’s looking for her place in this world!!!!!! she has the teardrops on my guitar energy (quite literally sandy pre-canon voice i bet he’s beautiful that boy she talks about and he has everything that i have to live without about bryan and sophie)..... the fun giggly crush songs that are deeply homoerotic….. esther season 1 voice the entirety of you belong with me. like esther really made a deeper connection with sandy in one month that bryan did in years of knowing her. sandy also is the type of person to stan love story, she just thinks it’s such a fun song and she does yell the key change every time it comes on. 
season 2 - speak now/lover
elizabeth!!!!! liz is the type of person who only liked old taylor and then got internalised misogyny and then got over it and loves taylor again. the story of us is canonically a liz/rori song…. yes i am still a liz/rori subtext warrior….. liz is very never grow up and dear john is a very her and james song in the fact that they both relate to it……. when they bonded over their trauma “don’t you think i was too young”...... also lover is a liz season 2 album because it’s about liz learning that love is the most important thing in the world….. liz voice i want to be defined by the things that i love. also the archer is just a skam brighton song because it is an isaac song. also i’m just gonna say it. i like me! it’s a good song when brendon urie isn’t in it, you all are just afraid of having fun. also though liz in season 5 is very better than revenge because, while her season is about unlearning your internalised prejudices, i believe she deserves to be misogynistic for 3 minutes 37 seconds.
season 3 - red
now this is controversial. this season is about depression, grief and anger, and these feelings are red. literally jake voice so you were never a saint and i loved in shades of wrong we learn to live with the pain mosaic broken hearts….. like treacherous….. holy ground….. the whole country pop vibe….. the bitchy songs mocking people’s perceptions of the singer…..  22 is a lad squad song…. also jake voice i remember it all too well but it’s about his father’s abuse and his mother’s neglect…… like the whole season is just jake getting to the point where he is at “begin again”. also i feel like jake would like red because he spent a lot of time watching taylor swift music videos as a youth both because he liked the music and had crushes on the guys in them, and he feels red is the perfect middle between the country and the pop and the indie and he just really likes being sad.
season 4 - reputation
bree big reputation holland!!!!!!!!! she has it all - the romantic drama, the hatred of men, the fucking homoeroticism. bree stans the reputation tour and they have made the entire holland-fletcher family watch it on their netflix (al fucking loved it because he’s a canon swiftie, audrey had a fun time, patrick was a little confused, but has the spirit). listen bree “i did something bad”. bree “look what you made me do”. bree and rori “new year’s day”. bree voice i swear i don’t love the drama, it loves me!!!!!!!!! like the reason the season has a lot of reputation songs and ends with daylight from lover is a metaphor for bree leaving their reputation era…. also reputation has she/they vibes
season 5 - 1989
1989 my best friend 1989!!!!!!! i am coming out here as a 1989 (deluxe) stan. it’s just a serotonin album for me and it is just so nick. the mocking songs about their reputation…… the genuinely deeply depressing homoerotic songs that have fun upbeat music…… the cars….. also clean is just such a nick song. he is in recovery, he is just so personal to me. also nick voice one night he wakes strange look on his face pauses then says you’re my best friend and you knew what it was he is in love!!!!!!! nick canonically in love with all of their best friends braxton!!!!! also nick feels like a 1989 stan because they just have those fun energies. nick WILL scream the spoken part of shake it off at the top of his lungs. also new romantic is just a skamverse song in general. also just. out of the woods. no reason for me to say it other than it’s one of my favourite songs of all time.
season 6 - folklore/evermore
no evermore is not out yet. yes i am claiming it for season 6. see taylor has said that these albums are all about telling stories/fairy tales and that’s what season 6 is about. i cannot wait until next friday when the main and my plans for the hiatus are revealed…….. genuinely i do not know how anyone perceives skam brighton so i don’t know who people think the next main is, but…… i can only describe the state of me writing this season as the various ambiguous disorder gifs.
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moistwithgender · 6 years
Curry Read 60s Marvel, King-Size, Nuff Said
According to my tag, it took me about a month to get through this decade (eight years, technically), spending most of my free time reading. I’ve been following Comic Book Herald’s “My Marvelous Year” reading guide because it seemed like the quickest way through while cutting out the chaff. This was not...consistently the case. But, I’m still glad I followed it because this started out with me just chewing through early Spider-Man in black and white (don’t do this to yourself, nice flat colors do wonders for these older stories). I’m gonna go ahead and give the disclaimer that because I was following a speedy reading guide, I missed a lot of stuff, so if you know some really good issues I missed feel free to say so.
I’m afraid to type all this out because it’s a lot and idk where to start!
Okay well I have one idea of where to start.
Fantastic Four
This is Marvel’s best series up to this point and the fact that we’ve had so many garbage movies is a tragedy (don’t @ me about The Incredibles, I know). The FF comics are consistently the most fun, the weirdest, and the most creative.
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Going through my reading list, I had to skip parts of FF, which is probably going to be where more of the good stuff was. Though, I will say that I prefer the latter half of the decade over the first half. FF started off with Mole Man, Skrulls (something I first realized was a thing back when they showed up in MvC3), The Puppet Master, The Red Ghost... The first few years of FF was probably best whenever it involved Namor and Doctor Doom. I don’t think anyone’s gonna argue with that. The latter half had The Inhumans, Galactus, The Silver Surfer, Black Panther, the Negative Zone... a whole lot of neat stuff! I actually missed the introduction of the Negative Zone, so all of a sudden Reed’s just got a portal to A Very Bad Place in the middle of his lab and he keeps opening it whenever things get slightly inconvenient. Stop doing that, Reed.
Highlights: - Namor being Namor. Usually at his best as a fish out of water (heh) in human society. With his absurd monarchic pride, and his occasional anti-hero tendencies, he’s...kind of like a wet Vegeta in hot pants. - The Thing. For a while he was back and forth as a character I liked or tolerated, and his incessant backtalk would occasionally become one of those “telling an unfunny joke until eventually it’s hilarious” things. - The Watcher. A being so committed to his vow to never interfere with the fate of the universe that he jack-knifes out of his lane every single time he gets the chance. EXCEPT FOR THE TIME HE WATCHED THE BIRTH OF GALACTUS AND DID NOTHING. THANKS UATU. - The fact that Doctor Doom is a Romani character being written by Jewish authors. That’s a lot to unpack. - The Sandman. Wait, you say, you mean that one Spider-Man villain who was played by the guy from the sitcom Wings? Yeah, it turns out once he’s done being a Sinister Six villain, he goes on to harass the Fantastic Four and gets his own Jack Kirby style super villain outfit!
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Look at that badboy. Also he teams up with an angry furry made of explosions from the hell dimension that is the negative zone. - The Inhumans. All of these kids are cool, Lockjaw is an adorable giant bulldog that can teleport across infinite distances, and even Maximus is some sort of play on Shakespeare villains. The fact that differentiating these guys from mutants is really awkward. The short version (if I have it right) is that mutants are born with a unique x-gene, and inhumans come from a hidden society that commonly did genetic manipulation on its citizens at birth. - Galactus. He is arguably the weirdest thing Marvel has in this decade. A thirty foot tall man who flies around the universe and eats planets. He’s literally so powerful that he and the narrative both treat his eating habits as natural, and any victims that happen to get in the way as unfortunate but unintended sacrifices because GALACTUS MUST NOT DIE. Galactus is a vegan metaphor (maybe). - The Silver Surfer. The shiniest, angstiest boy in the multiverse. Originally from a planet where global society had literally hit its logical utopic conclusion, he was bored as shit. Galactus comes along, the entire planet gets spooked and blows itself the fuck up on accident, and Norrin Rad agrees to be Galactus’ herald and pick out planets safe to eat if he leaves his planet alone. Sometime after that he gets punished for trying to fight Galactus, and is punished to remain on Earth, where he would play around with being a very obvious Jesus analogy for a while. - That time where a guy impersonates The Thing in order to kill Reed, and then ends up getting respect for Reed and sacrificing himself atop a meteorite speeding off into an atmosphere of explosions. Really fucked up issue, honestly. - Black Panther. Wakanda is not as cool as it would eventually be portrayed, and BP’s first appearance is as an antagonist (he kidnaps the FF and hunts them for sport), but he has a fucking slick cape. - That time Doctor Doom stole The Silver Surfer’s infinite cosmic power and nearly fucked up everything for everybody for four straight issues. Also he got into a fist fight with the Thing, which is like...hell yeah. - The Negative Zone. WHY DO YOU HAVE A WINDOW TO HELL IN YOUR HOUSE, REED. - The Kree. I have no idea why the Kree are just white people in space. Bad move imo, even Namor’s race are mostly blue people. Anyway, there’s a rad fight with a sentry robot, and a decent introduction to Ronan the Accuser, who you might remember was the (reasonably overshadowed) villain in the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 1 movie, where he is blue. - Psycho Man. This guy has a remote control that makes you feel emotions and that’s kinda dumb but more importantly he’s from a microscopic universe and controls a non-microscopic robot version of himself to fight the FF and the implications of all that is absurd. - Reed goes into the negative zone (again) to try and find something he knows nothing about that might help his pregnant wife and unborn child survive the gamma radiation they still have in their bodies. He gets pretty lucky. Jesus christ, dude.
The worst parts of the FF this decade is probably every time Susan gets the shaft because she’s a woman, whether it’s her being talked down to by Reed or whether it’s her being written as way more concerned about ~lady things~ when things are going to hell. In the issue where her life is on the line and the baby is coming and Reed has to go into the negative zone, she doesn’t even make an appearance until like the last page. Susan deserves better. My reading guide actually didn’t recommend any 1969 issues of FF? I wonder what was going on...
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Oh, skrulls impersonating 1920s gangsters and doing super-human trafficking, of course. Well, let’s move on.
The Incredible Hulk (Tales to Astonish)
I have had a soft spot for the Sulk ever since...probably the 2003 three Ang Lee film? Where I realized that 1) Bruce has bad dad issues and no one likes him, and 2) Hulk isn’t just a big boy, he is really fast and jumps crazy far and that’s a physical concept my teenage brain had never considered. I hadn’t even considered liking the Hulk growing up because I was so uncomfortable with almost all expressions of masculinity and machismo. My mom in fact was the one who told me “Don’t you want to see the Hulk? He’s big and scary like a bad guy, but he’s a good guy!” and I assume that’s what helped change my mind?
Anyway, Hulk has had a rough time in terms of popularity as well. His magazine lasted some six or seven issues before being canceled and his stories would continue, shorter, in Tales to Astonish, alongside Ant-Man (and eventually Namor’s own series). In the last few years of the decade he’d get a new magazine starting with The Incredible Hulk #102 (following Tales to Astonish #101... comic numbering is extremely bad), and...it’s okay so far! In the modern era, Hulk had a cartoon I never watched, a few nonstarter films, there was that series with Lou Ferrigno I know nothing about... He seems to always function best as a side hero. It doesn’t help that all the villains in his series are, like. Weird? Not like FF crazy weird, just like weird and not seemingly a great match for Hulk himself. Most of the ones that come to mind are dudes who are also mutated by gamma radiation or something else (and sometimes also green? why is the green supposed to be a common thread, that feels coincidental).
Which reminds me, Bruce is almost never present in what I’ve read so far. It’s just Hulk, usually talking way more than feels natural for him (it took a while for him to start speaking mostly in the third person). As a result, Hulk is usually given a very limited range of characterization and expected to coast on that, and it doesn’t often work. You have to put Hulk in casts and settings that complement him. For a while there he has a support character in Rick Jones, a (very uninteresting) teen boy who eventually can’t keep up with the increasingly antagonistic Hulk, bounces over to Captain America as a ward, eventually is confused by a cosmic cube-wielding, Cap-impersonating Red Skull, and fucks off on his own. He is immediately possessed by, and becomes a host for, Mar-Vell/Captain Marvel. I do not give a single fuck about Rick Jones.
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In the earliest issues, the Hulk is gray, and also...just a non-furry werewolf. HE changes at night, until issue #102 retconned this.
Highlights: - That first issue has some really nice panels but I’m gonna say that’s all Jack Kirby’s doing. - Ends up harassing the FF, Spider-Man, the Avengers (after being one of them and then getting buttmad and running off), the Silver Surfer, the US military (regularly)... - Hulk goes to the far dystopic future?? He gets back I guess. - Hulk goes to Asgard! This is arguably the most interesting place to put him because all Odin’s warriors try to fight him and then decide lol this guy’s cool let’s go hang out. Meanwhile, Loki keeps fucking with him. But then the Enchantress and the Executioner become the villains and things get kinda boring again. - The Leader (that’s actually the name of a villain) makes a big robot and Hulk throws it into a volcano and then activates said volcano with his FISTS to fuck it up. Then he manually diverts a nuclear missile into the atmosphere after suddenly caring about people even though he has no reason to. Shrug! - Hulk goes to Attilan, the hidden nation of the Inhumans! There’s potential for interesting stuff here, but it’s mostly wasted by a full cast of extremely uninteresting one-off characters. This is all in a double length annual issue with a gorgeous cover by Jim Steranko, but the issue itself is drawn by Marie Severin. She does good stuff! But Steranko’s work is gorgeous.
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The Mighty Thor (Journey into Mystery)
Thor’s winged helmet is really dumb, goodnight everybody!
Okay but yeah Thor started out in the Journey into Mystery magazine, and I guess I’d describe his stuff as... Dungeons and Dragons by Marvel? I struggle with it aesthetically but I like some of the ideas. Mjolnir is fucking cool, Asgard is both a real place and an planet (a flat one, even?), fucking Olympus is also a place and Hercules exists, Loki is... well, Loki hasn’t come into his own yet, but we’ll get there one day. On the other hand, some of the villains are dull as dishwater and a number of the good guys took their time getting interesting. Clearly there was some appeal, because he did eventually get his own magazine starting with Thor #126, I think? There’s that bad numbering again.
A big weird problem with Thor is that originally he has a secret identity. Like. Donald Blake is a surgeon who needs to use a cane to walk, and he goes hiking by himself and gets lost I guess and finds a stick and it turns out oops it’s Mjolnir and he becomes Thor! And Thor is not just a new identity, but also a person that is both the Thor of Norse myth, and the actual son of Odin up in Asgard and has been so forever and aaaaaaa
Donald Blake is not super important. He mostly exists to give Thor a weakness in that he can’t let go of his hammer for 60 seconds or he’ll turn back into a guy with a PhD. Eventually, in the latter half of the 60s, they add on to his backstory in a way I like, by saying “oh no no, he was always Thor. At one point Odin punished him by sending him to Earth with amnesia and in the guise of a handicapped guy getting through medical school. For some reason.” Which really only makes his dual identities more confusing, and I actually dig that. The MCU does not fuck with this at all, and I’m assuming the comics throw it out in the decades to come. Also, this semi-retcon was not included in the reading guide, I found it on accident. Anyway.
Highlights: - Thor joins the Avengers! I mean, duh, of course he does. He eventually leaves because he’s too popular and needs his own series or something. He occasionally pops back in to do cool stuff. - Thor accidentally ends up on Olympus and gets into a big sweaty fight with Hercules. They decide they are pals. This was an annual issue. - Thor goes into space! This is where things get good, and I really like Thor’s archaic ass as a cosmic sci-fi hero. Great juxtaposition. - Thor meets/fights Ego, the Living Planet! Okay, I said Galactus was the weirdest thing, and I was wrong. Ego is. Ego is almost as described on the tin, because he is actually described as an entire “bioverse”, and capable of changing the entirety of his physical makeup at any time. It is intensely cool. He’s also kind of evil and wants to spread out to control everywhere. Also, Thor makes friends with a nice recording robot and becomes an ally of robot rights. - Thor dies! A guy with a giant crowbar is accidentally given asgardian power by Loki, and then kills Thor because Thor has lost his power because Odin is punishing him again. And then Hela shows up as the goddess of death and says hey Thor. And he says hold on I got this and gets back in his body and saves the day and it’s fine. Hela does what she does best, stand there and look cool and do nothing else.
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god she’s hot
- Thor rescues Ego from Galactus? Kind of on accident, he’s just trying to save the people inbetween who got their planets ate. Actually though, this arc fucking kicks, and he hangs out with the recorder bot too. In the end, Ego is grateful and lets the planetless nomads live on him. - Thor hangs out with Galactus and listens to his tragic backstory! Then Thor decides he’s gonna hit him anyway, and Odin decides “that’s enough for this story arc” and whisks Thor off to fight a robot instead. - Volstagg. - Volstagg.
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- Thor’s dudes go to the human world and there are shenanigans. It is good.
The Amazing Spider-Man
We all knew this was coming. Marvel’s own Pikachu. Possibly the most popular superhero alive (well, second to Batman anyway). And probably the hero I cared about the most growing up. We got associated a lot because we share a name. Spidey is probably the coolest idea for a superhero anyone has ever had, and they better CGI gets, the better his fights look. I do not care how many QTEs are gonna be in that new videogame, I wanna look at Spidey swing. Spider-man is just cool cool cool cool.
Early Spider-Man comics are fucking boring! Goodnight everybody!
Okay just kidding sort of. Spider-Man takes a while to pick up, in my opinion, and I’m 100% positive part of that is because I’ve seen these early stories retold in better and better definition so many times. I watched the cartoon as a kid, but the Sam Raimi movies are probably what comes to mind when I think of Spider-Man. Steve Ditko nailed a fucking iconic costume design, and did a great job of visually communicating Spidey’s agility on paper. But, in the earliest issues there was rarely any variation in panel size and shape, and action scenes were laid out like diagrams. Both those factors, along with the fact that each panel had dialogue because Peter kind of never shuts up, meant that pacing slowed to a crawl, and I had to chew through those issues. Also sometimes he just fought, like, mobsters with lassos. Jesus christ that’s boring. As the decade goes on, we start getting some good stuff, and to be completely honest, I’m looking forward to the weird dumb 90s stuff the most?
Highlights: - Peter has a persecution complex and uses his secret identity to be an asshole! Even after Peter’s iconic and still very well written origin story, he spends a lot of time harassing people, good and bad. He regularly breaks into JJ’s office in costume and makes fun of him, he crashes the Torch’s party to beat him up and flirt with his girlfriend, he breaks into the Baxter building to fight the FF in hopes they’ll recruit him with pay, he...gets into an argument with black students who are very passionate about affordable housing? He wasn’t even in costume for that one. Jesus, Peter, go to a therapist. - Nobody likes Spider-Man! Kind of makes sense why he’s got those personality issues, though those start with jocks calling him a nerd (he’s a nerd). Half the city doesn’t trust him, he works for a newspaper that is dedicated to anti-Spidey propaganda (Peter, you’re partially at fault for this), even the X-Men just assume he’s a bad guy, and that’s usually a problem they have to deal with. - Really appropriate villains! Wow! The Vulture matches his high up action, Doc Ock is both another victim of weird science and an intellectual rival. Also, like, their namesakes have a lot of legs. The Lizard is...Florida Man. Maybe the better argument is that many of these villains are memorable, in a decade that featured a concerning amount of “large humanoid monster/robot” baddies in all of the running series. - Like the Green Goblin. Who knew that would be Spider-Man’s Joker? Maybe that’s a bad comparison. Also bats and clowns aren’t usually connected with each other. Where was I going with this. - Spider-Man tries to quit the superhero gig twice, I think? He’s the only Marvel hero to consider this, as far as I know. Part of Peter’s appeal is that not only is he a young adult, unlike the rest of Marvel’s adult cast, but he’s also financially disadvantaged, has a non-nuclear model family, and has to look out for his often ailing Aunt. He has to work a side job while going to school while fighting bad guys, and it’s a lot more interesting than what Tony Stark’s doing up to this point. This has all been said so many times by so many people, but it’s an obligatory mention. - Peter donates blood to Aunt May at one point and accidentally gets a radioactive particle in her body. OOPS. Spider-Man goes on a rampage to find an antidote and tears a metal stairwell off its hinges. He also, like, completely destroys a villain’s underwater base and nearly doesn’t get out himself. - The Green Goblin discovers Peter is Spider-Man! Most of the Marvel heroes have this anxiety, but it never ends up a problem, so this is pretty big. The Goblin kidnaps him in broad daylight, ties him to a chair in a secluded place, and infodumps his origin story that he’s actually the father of Peter’s college roommate and is kind of very unhinged and obsessed with Spider-Man? In the end, Gobby gets amnesia and forgets the whole supervillain and mental illness thing and turns back into a good dad. - Spidey goes to the Casbah! Yeah, go figure. He learns his parents were traitors to America, and it fucks him up so much he flies there to find the truth. He ends up exploding the Red Skull and learns his parents were actually double double agents and were spying for America and so things are a-okay!
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also peter kills a dude with a missile
- That aforementioned thing about affordable housing happens! Some black college students are unhappy that the university is taking old dorms that could be used as low rent housing for students and instead giving it to visiting alumni, and start a big protest and the narrative actually pins them as sympathetic even when they get overzealous and physical? I’m...kind of surprised, to be honest. Not used to seeing this at all.
Ant-Man, and...other identities. (Tales to Astonish)
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ima keep it real with u founding member of the avengers hank pym, this will not improve marvel’s declining sales
This guy is a goddamn mess.
People like to say “pfffft there’s an ant-man? that’s goofy! that’s the weirdest thing ever! that’s a bad idea!” and buddy let me tell you, Hank Pym has a career specializing in bad ideas. Let’s list them!
- Adopt a young woman while she is grieving over the loss of her father and take her in as both a crime-fighting ward (The Wasp!) and also a love interest. Feel bad about it for about five minutes so it’s okay. - Develop a “growth capsule” that allows you to turn huge and decide to adopt two super hero identities, Ant-Man and Giant-Man. Assume this will not confuse anyone. - Eventually do weird science to make it so you can grow and shrink at will. Assume this will not have negative repercussions on your body. - Change the name Giant-Man to Goliath because you feel like Giant-Man is a dumb name. Confuse everyone for multiple issues. - Get stuck as a twelve-foot tall 90s beverage mascot lookin ass motherfucker (you are terrible at costume design, hank) and get real mad at everyone all the time about it. - Create an evil robot called Ultron and forget about it. Oops! Surely this will be fine.
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- Fail to relate to your robot-grandson-turned-avenger The Vision. Be a bad grandpa. - Inhale chemicals and get all fucked up on temporary schizophrenia (???), adopting a second personality. Call yourself Yellowjacket, claim to have killed Hank, and kidnap your girlfriend and force her to make out with you. - When assaulting your girlfriend makes her, uh, somehow realize that you are Hank, she will rope you into marrying her, thereby...uh...legally cuckolding yourself I guess? Realize you are Hank during/after the wedding, and be perfectly fine with this egregious violation of consent. Nothing about this will have lasting negative consequences. - Adopt the identity of Yellowjacket, and abandon Goliath. Continue to confuse people. On the bright side, finally have a nice costume. - Make a new Goliath costume in celebration of refusing to ever be Goliath again (WHY), and store it and a beaker of growth serum (WHY) in an unlocked locker out in the open (WHY). Hawkeye will steal it and become the new Goliath II.
So far that’s everything about Hank-Man! Stay tuned to see more of this trainwreck.
Iron Man (Tales of Suspense)
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I really like Iron Man’s origin story and his overall concept but the tech culture would not advance far enough to match it for a while. Also this was in the era of the Vietnam War and so Tony’s greatest enemy is The Mandarin, an extremely awkward asian stereotype and I! Ain’t! Got! Time! For! That!
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The Avengers are, at their most interesting, characters already in their own magazines. At their worst, they’re a bunch of characters no one cares about, fighting villains no one cares about, with last second ass-pull victories. There was a brief period there were I suspected the Avengers magazine was going to be true gristle of Marvel I was gonna have to chew on for hours to get through. Thankfully we are eventually given Marvel’s goodest boy, Vision. After that, things start to pick up a lot.
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bless him and his little intangible heart
Highlights: - Captain America is found frozen in an ice cube! He’s been in cryo for twenty years, wow how the world has changed. I guess. Another case of time passing eventually making an origin story better. At this point Marvel has revived three 1940s comics properties: Cap, Namor, and the Human Torch (the lattermost in this case being an entirely different person). - Kang the Conqueror! Kang is a hell of a villain concept. He’s a time traveler who once ruled ancient Egypt as a pharaoh named Rama Tut and, uh, will eventually rule over Earth in the 41st century. He keeps harassing the 20th century for some reason. Also he is hint hint maybe related to Doctor Doom, I guess. - Hawkeye joins, having previously been a one-off villain, and proceeds to be an asshole to everyone forever. Eventually he becomes Goliath II because why not I guess. - Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver join, having recently bailed on Magneto’s Brotherhood, and they are...kinda boring, tbh. Wanda’s “hex power” isn’t very well defined (it makes unlucky things happen), and neither of them have much personality yet. At one point they fight Doctor Doom and he uses a machine to cancel out the hex power (???) and outpaces Quicksilver without using any enhancements (???). Some of these issues really blow. Quicksilver’s costume is lazy as hell. - Hercules joins for some reason, even though he says he doesn’t wanna be part of a team.  - Magneto does some sneaky bullshit and tricks Quicksilver into thinking someone at the UN shoots at Wanda on purpose. Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch join Magneto again because fuck normies. - The Avengers are killed (sort of) by the Grim Reaper! Their newest member, the Black Panther, rescues them.
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Pick a color you trilobite.
- The Vision joins, Ultron-5 is introduced, and things finally settle in for the good stuff. - Ultron rebuilds himself in adamantium as Ultron-6 and replaces his legs with a rocket chariot thing. No one is brave enough to tell him it looks dumb.
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no shut up its cool and i can fit still fit through doorways
immediately the next chapter he re-rebuilds himself with legs and calls himself Ultimate Ultron. mmmhm.
sounds like somebody was havin some self esteem issues about their body. sounds like a talk that ultron and their dad hank pym could probably relate to each other over.
- The decade ends with an arc where Kang abducts the Avengers and ends up himself wrapped up in a proxy wargame with the Grandmaster. Kang uses the Avengers as his pawns, and the GM creates four superhumans that he totally didn’t get from DC no sir. Perfectly original characters, do not steal.
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I just...I just really feel like that last one could have used a few more minutes in the boardroom.
- Even better, the second half of the arc pits the avengers against Captain America, Namor, and the Human Torch...in their 1940s renditions!
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Hank even comments on the fact that Namor’s diction is different. It’s great.
The Uncanny X-Men
So I grew up in the 90s, and despite never really engaging with comics, I was quite aware that Marvel’s hottest shit at the time was Spider-Man and X-Men. The X-Men had a slow start, but once they caught on, they never really dropped off. Actually, I think they might be less popular now? They’re at least not the ever-present icons they used to be, and I suspect that is partially to do with middling-quality movies diluting the brand.
But, the appeal is there from the start. Children born unique but feared by society are adopted by Patrick Stewart and spirited away to a special boarding school that is secretly dedicated to teaching them to use their powers for the sake of fighting evil. This was the proto-Harry Potter, though Snape’s gonna win no contests against Wolverine.
Unfortunately, we don’t have Wolverine, yet. We’ve got...these guys!
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(Not pictured: Marvel Girl/Jean Grey)
The creative potential in mutant design has not quite picked up yet, so the main team (of five teens and an old man) includes such marvels as Guy With Wings, and Guy What Got Big Feet. Seriously, Beast’s feet get way too much attention.
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I cannot wait until you are a blue cat instead of this.
I wish I could comment on the political commentary on the series, but it hasn’t quite started up yet, whether that is intentional or not. The rampant fear of mutants is there, we’ve even had a Sentinels arc, but it’s mostly just surface stuff. I had a lot to say about Spider-Man, so I feel kind of silly coming up short here!
Highlights: - Magneto. Despite the slow start this series is going through, Magneto is immediately introduced and has his wonderful costume design and his super threatening magnetism powers. I am a bit confused as to how his magnetism affects all things, not just metal, but magnets are an irl mystery and I’m willing to let it slide. - The Juggernaut. The two-issue arc introducing Juggz himself are effectively told, if not sliiightly silly in structure. The first issue has the X-Men building up defenses because he’s coming, and later, as he tears through each single one, unseen to both the kids and the reader, Xavier explains his and the Juggernaut’s tumultuous childhood together. It builds the tension really well, but it’s a bit funny by the fourth time the X-Men are saying “we gotta go meet him before he breaks in here where we are!” and Xavier’s like “I’M NOT DONE TELLING MY ORIGIN STORY.” - The Sentinels. This is probably the last interesting arc in the 60s, published as early as ‘65. It’s almost the last material in the reading guide, next to an issue where they all get into a fight with Spider-Man for no reason. If I understand correctly, the Sentinels are later depicted as humongous robots, where here they’re closer to ten feet tall or so. I’d always thought the idea of “a bunch of mass produced robots designed to kill mutants” seemed uncreative growing up, especially given that they don’t, like, have an x-gene suppressing ray or anything, but it works well enough in the moment. - Wholly unnecessary amounts of sexual harassment towards Jean Grey. All the boys have the hots for her (well, maybe not Iceman (pun not intended)), including even Xavier saying that she’s attractive when she first arrives. What the fuck, dudes.
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Doctor Strange (Strange Tales)
The reading guide included a ton of Strange Tales to read, including an 11-issue arc at one point. Good grief it was a lot.
Steve Ditko, of early Spider-Man, did the art for Strange for a good while, and I found that contrast between the diagram like action of Spider-Man, and the much more fantastic illustrations of Strange to be the most interesting thing. Eventually Marie Severin would take over as the penciller, and it would take a bit of time to adjust, but the more abstract it got, the better. Also, I don’t really like the footie pajamas Severin draws him in.
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This is Steve Ditko. He has thin lines and exact shapes and while you don’t see it here, his magic fights are very clear and easy to follow.
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This is Marie Severin. In comparison her lines are thick and smudged (well, okay, we have to give credit to the inkers for these as well, though I think she did her own inking?), but is capable of uniquely evocative images like this. Her action scenes are harder to follow, but she is equally capable of the kind of surreality that appears in Doctor Strange’s comics.
Also, while the topic has been touched on a lot, especially around the time the movie came out, it still bears repeating that Doctor Strange is built on a foundation of cultural appropriation and mystic eastern boogie woogie nonsense. I’m parroting the words of people that know this much better than me, but it’s a problematic and somewhat common trope that media will depict a white protagonist in a foreign setting who not just excels but surpasses everyone else, particularly peers who are native to the setting. At best it’s well-meaning and oblivious, at worst it perpetuates a narrow worldview where everything has to revolve around white people.
Anyway, when the comics focus more on the dread dark dimension of Dormammu, most of these problems aren’t around, and you get lots of fun and bizarre imagery and goofy spell casting.
Highlights: - Dormammu. He’s a prideful otherworldy being who refuses to be caught explicitly going back on his word when beaten at a game of skill, but easily breaks down and claws at loopholes with which he can attempt his petty revenge against Strange. He is also portrayed as a necessary evil, in that he uses his power to erect a barrier that keeps his servants safe from mindless laser-eye cyclops monsters that are just perpetually punching each other. That conflict makes for complicated situations where usurping him may be more harm than help. Also his head is always on fire, and that’s cool. - Trippy visuals. Ditko’s backgrounds lean closer to pop art with abstract shapes, bright colors, and twisting pathways. Severin’s art, if I can remember (there hasn’t been a lot yet) leans closer to mysterious and somewhat vague settings. I’m describing it very poorly.
That’s kind of it for Strange, I guess!
oh my god how many of these have I done now im so tired
I haven’t read much Daredevil yet! The reading guide has given me some seven issues so far out of the full decade, and while there has been some good stuff, I don’t know if I can draw a big mental picture.
DD is, theoretically, in that same category as Captain America, where rather than being a super powerful character, he is merely very very good at what he has. DD got hit in the face with a radioactive dildo or something and it blinded him but enhanced his other senses so intensely that if you sneeze he can tell what brand of nasal spray you use. Also, he’s super acrobatic and has a swiss army walking cane that he can use to do just about anything. And he’s a working attorney. Fuck you and your eyeballs, Batman.
Marvel has not begun to embrace noir, and as I understand it, that seems to be the genre most people know DD for aligning with. As a result, things are kinda silly! DD’s first outfit was yellow and he fought a man who had robot stilts in broad daylight.
Highlights: - Killgrave, the...Purple Man.
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I can’t believe this is how Jessica Jones starts.
Uhh, Killgrave got some pheromones or something embedded in his skin on accident and now everyone just does what he says to no matter what. He’s purple now, too. This has not been taken to its terrifying possibilities yet, but I’m very excited to see where it goes. - Daredevil fights Namor. Okay, seriously? Seriously? This is my favorite issue, no joke. Namor busts out of the ocean demanding a lawyer (Matt himself) so he can sue the human race. Shenanigans ensue, and a trial is attempted, but ultimately falls apart when Namor decides “you know what? fuck this I’m gonna start breakin shit”. Matt changes into the DD costume and takes on Namor with everything he can think of, including construction equipment, but fails.
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Out of respect, Namor leaves.
- Stilt-Man.
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Stilt-Man. (Stilt-Man eventually shrinks into a quantum state that he remains trapped in for months until he suddenly isn’t.)
- And finally, Mike Murdock. In an attempt to ward off suspicion that he might be Daredevil, Matt...pretends to be his twin brother who is never in the same room at the same time as him. As Mike, he is a cocky jerk to everyone and insists that he is Daredevil. And people believe him.
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As you would expect (for once), this nearly gets people killed.
Nick Fury (Strange Tales, Agent of Shield)
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Nick Fury is like if you took James Bond and made it not suck. You get to keep all the gadgets and world traveling but swap out the “ooh, I’m so cool and serious” with kicking open doors and telling fascists to go fuck themselves. Most importantly, it’s a near-parody of the overwrought machismo that the series runs on. It’s so busy getting from point A to point B in as fun a way as possible that it’s impossible to take seriously.
Actually, it might be like if Battle Tendency was less sympathetic to real world fascists. Which is to say, it’s the pinnacle of evolution.
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Look me in the eye and tell me this isn’t a JJBA action scene. (Also, Jim Steranko blessed us with a shirtless Fury in latex pants.)
A highlights list would be ridiculously long because I love these comics, so I’ll instead focus on one thing in particular.
- Jim Steranko’s art is gorgeous
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Yes, these are all Nick Fury title pages.
Captain America (Tales of Suspense)
Steve is just now starting to get interesting, mostly through his own series, but he’s had plenty of time for notable moments throughout his screentime (pagetime?) in Tales of Suspense and Avengers. While talking about Daredevil I mentioned Captain America and how he’s less of a nigh-supernatural being like most heroes, and more of a particularly exceptional human. He hits really hard, but more impressive is his stamina and agility. Something that I’ve liked in the MCU is how they’ve portrayed him as always capable of what is just one step beyond what people think is possible of him. He can’t fly, but he’ll do as many impossible leaps as necessary. He’s not super strong (well, not to the degree of Spider-Man), but he sure can run for miles, and he knows his way around that shield.
I feel like a lot of what I’m writing is surface level readings of these comics, but the characteristics of Steve that really identify him haven’t quite shown themselves yet, I think. When I think of him, what always comes to mind is that his “american good boy” values take priority over allegiances, and so you’ll see Captain America himself abandon his title if America no longer represents the values of protecting the weak. Steve Rogers is kind of a perfect flawless human (when not written terribly), but that’s pretty okay at the end of the day, when a superhero is more of an icon than a person.
Highlights: - That time the Red Skull got the Cosmic Cube (not the Tesseract), and became a god for like five minutes.
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- That time Cap fought a giant baby.
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- That time Cap pretended to be dead and then stopped Hydra from burying all the avengers alive even Vision who would...be able to just phase out of the grave. I’m not really sure what the plan there was. - That other time the Red Skull got the cosmic cube and then switched bodies with Cap and they made a lot of facial expressions.
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- That time Rick Jones thought Captain America didn’t like him, meanwhile Cap was stranded on a desert island and hanging out with The Falcon and it was cool. Nobody cares about Rick Jones.
Namor, The Sub-Mariner (Tales to Astonish)
I didn’t read a fuck shit about this dude! Sorry!
Captain Marvel
we’re so close to being done
The reading guide gave me nearly nothing on this dude. Issues #1-3 and then #17. He’s a Kree (whoa!) named Mar-Vell (lol) who should be helping to fuck up Earth but ends up liking it and chooses to defend it. He’s got a jet pack and a laser and a really shit costume and he’s NOT BLUE.
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Marvy, I need you to move over, the more interesting hero is behind you.
He’s got an asshole commanding officer who keeps trying to get him killed because he wants to fuck his girlfriend and SNORE, I do not care. Come on dude. I have been psyched to learn about 
At some point in-between chapters #3 and #17, and...shit, I’ll just quote wikipedia for this:
After aiding humanity several times, Mar-Vell is found guilty of treason against the Kree Empire and sentenced to death by firing squad. Mar-Vell escapes in a stolen rocket, but becomes lost in space. After drifting for 112 days, he is weak and on the verge of madness. He is manipulated by Ronan the Accuser and Kree Minister Zarek into helping them overthrow the Supreme Intelligence. To better help them, Mar-Vell is given a new costume and enhanced abilities. After the conspiracy is foiled, Mar-Vell tries to return to Earth. On the way, he is hit by a blast of radiation that traps him in the Negative Zone.[16]
The Supreme Intelligence enables Mar-Vell to telepathically contact Rick Jones, which he uses to lead Jones to a set of "nega-bands" at an abandoned Kree base. When Jones puts on the bands and strikes them together, he trades places with Mar-Vell and is encased in a protective aura in the Negative Zone. The pair discover they are able to maintain telepathic contact. Using this method, Mar-Vell can remain in the positive universe for a period of three hours.
well what the fuck that might have been worth reading, thanks reading guide
Anyway, so yeah, Rick Jones! Both of these characters were pretty boring, and mayyybe this will help the both of them. Or not. At least the new costume is cool.
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Silver Surfer
Once again, I don’t have much to say here! I wrote all my thoughts on the surfer up in the Fantastic Four section, so you can read that if you haven’t. The reading guide only gave me three issues to read, though they were quite good. The first was his origin story, which I already wrote about above. The second one was about invisible aliens that manipulated the surfer and people’s distrust of him (part of this is because he keeps occasionally attacking humans because he thinks it’ll make them be nicer to each other). And in the third issue, Mephisto kidnaps his long lost girlfriend from his home planet. It works out kind of badly for everyone involved.
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begone, thought
And that’s everything for the 60s. Phew! This took a long time and I don’t know if it was worth it. Let me know if you read it, if you enjoyed it, if you pity me, whatever. I got more comics to read.
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samcarpnter · 6 years
so if you are bitter bout mcu what are your unpopular opinions?
so a few people have actually asked me this since i said something vague about mcu yesterday haha so i figured i’ll just make a big long post under the cut and i am sorry if anyone takes this offensively, i just have to rant about some of this stuff so read at your own risk (spoiler i get mad and it is longgggg)
I do also want to say i love the mcu despite its many problems and i do my best to separate it from the comics because i understand a movie/tv show can’t develop characters the same way decades of comics can and different versions of their personalities/backstories are okay but still there is some corruption i can’t take
First off - the maximoffs. Like … no! I really am not a fan of the mcu versions. I could deal with their new personalities/upbringings if it wasn’t at the expense of their ethnicity. Like for those of you that don’t know, the maximoffs are jewish and romani, they are basically whitepassing pocs and they were very poor and are even children of holocaust survivors … so how the fuck and why the fuck did they volunteer to work for hydra ?!?! just completely corrupting everything that made them who they were is so disrespectful and to make them fucking work for A NAZI ORGANIZATION is not a small personality/backstory change, it goes against everything from the original characters.
Wanda maximoff also just walked into the avengers with barely any accountability for her actions, yes she had to deal with the pain of what she caused at the beginning of civil war but hardly anyone is bringing up the fact that she toyed with bruce/hulk in aou which caused so much damage and very likely resulted in a loss of many civilian lives, how is no one realizing it is her fault ?! she was pardoned for everything she did when tony was painted as villain WHY
Also in civil war i was more on tony’s side, i do think that cap was right in thinking that they shouldn’t be solely controlled by the government because sometimes there are fights they need to do that they wouldn’t necessarily be allowed to go to. B U T they do have to understand the effects of their often reckless actions. Yes they are saving the world but they could very well destroy it by not taking accountability for the damage they cause.
And okay civil war, like really? I just think it was forced and happened too fast, i know it can’t be like the comics always, but the civil war in the comics actually served a real purpose and in the mcu it was just like 12 people fighting in a parking lot ??
Also the villainization of tony is just … NO. like stop please. Tony makes mistakes, he does as everyone does and yes they are colossal ones too - i mean ultron for just one example. But he should not be seen as a villain for trying to protect the world. He saw infinity war coming a mile away and everybody was upset about it. Ultron was a disaster yes, but how is it that tony wasn’t pardoned when wanda and bucky were? I am not trying to say bucky shouldn’t be pardoned, because he was rightfully forgiven as he had no control over what hydra made him do, but wanda did … and she isn’t really apologizing or realizing the effects of some of her actions so … why is everyone pissed at tony??
And god okay i’m gonna be brief with mcu nat because ugh but just fuck scar jo and get her out of my sight, black widow deserves a solo movie with an actually talented actress who isn’t trying to steal minority roles alongside bucky barnes, i refuse to believe a black widow movie with no bucky could ever work
Guardians of the galaxy … jesus they did my babies dirty. Mcu peter quill … i don’t really like him and maybe it is because i’m not super fond of chris “i have a gun arsenal” pratt but tbh i just think they portray quill as a dick who can be misogynistic and a has a very delicate ego. His changed backstory was meh which i can live with but he is so fragile with his masculinity and it demeans gamora. I do like gamora and peter together but it would be so much better if he wasn’t always trying to be better than her or got offended anytime she was smarter or a better fighter than him (which is always sooo). Then mantis was done dirty she should not be some slave to a weird planet man ?? i think pom is a wonderful mantis but she was given crap to work with because mantis is a celestial being like an actual GODDESS  so why is she working for a planet ??? and drax ugh he is not an idiot like mcu portrays him i’m so bitter about that
I understand why scott lang was chosen to be ant man over hank pym i mean if paul rudd was going to be scott it makes perfect sense. Hank is also just … i don’t quite know how to describe hank other than controversial i guess but that’s another story, and scott would come off waaaaay better to audiences as ant man, the thing i am just so mad about is the fact that janet was practically erased from the avengers. I mean please don’t get me wrong i love hope van dyne and a young janet shouldn’t be falling in love with scott, but i just wish they could have at least included the REAL janet, not michelle pfiefer (no offense to michelle either because she’s doing great with what she’s given) being an old knock off janet, and not even like her own movie (which would be fucking fantastic though) but like janet gave so much of her life to the avengers and was a founding member. A FOUNDING MEMBER. And her purpose in the mcu was basically just to give hank manpain like whyyyyyyyyyy
And CLINT! God clint barton was screwed over, comics clint is amazing and is 80% deaf (he has a frickin hearing aid!!) and loves dogs and coffee and pizza and i could even handle jeremy renner being this version of clint, i don’t really have a problem with jeremy but i hate that marvel just made him be loki’s slave for awhile then just randomly give him a family AHA PUH LEASE MARVEL clint barton is a hoe (okay not really a hoe but he has been romantically involved with many of the super ladies) he would not have some secret family also with someone not in the same business as him, and also clint is a survivor of abuse and represents someone with a disability and mcu took all of that away from him ughhh
Okay and spider-man … i think smhc was a great movie and tom is so cute and pure and an amazing peter parker but … why? Like why were we given a THIRD peter parker when we could have fucking had miles morales ?! for those of you who don’t know miles morlaes, he is black and is spiderman in a different universe (the ultimate universe) and so i mean marvel come on if you’re going to put in a new spiderman why couldn’t it be miles? And i mean this with no offense to tom but i just wish we could’ve had a poc lead sooner and now we get into the spiderverse as the introduction to miles which also don’t get me wrong, i am very excited about that movie but to me it just seems like we won’t have a great shot at getting miles in the mcu if they do a series of new animated films about the spiderverse
And doctor strange ugh the whitewashing just ugh and then stephen too like idk benedict cumberbatch is an amazing actor but stephen was made so arrogantly in mcu and he comes off as this hotshot doctor who did it for money and to show off how amazing he is but he actually became a doctor because he witnessed his sister’s death and then soon after his mother died
And then the whitewashing of the ancient one jesusssss the ancient one is not some eccentric white woman, the ancient one is an asian man … i could even understand making the character a woman as the only other female character would be rachel mcadams’s character (she was so unimportant i don’t even know her name whoops) but do not take away the asian identity !!
And iron fist man … it just sucked, there’s really not much more to say
Then elektra fucking natchios was done SO DIRTY elodie yung is the absolute best elektra, i can’t imagine anyone else playing her and she did so well for the shit she was given but they decided to take a route that made her a sociopath ?? i mean i am okay with the changed backstory but elektra just doesn’t go around killing people for the fun of it like she does it because she has been through a lot and wants to take bad people out of the world like the ones that killed her father and yes maybe she is a little misguided and lost but still she doesn’t think killing people is a fun thing to do on a saturday night like why marvel ?? and just the black sky thing was weird … never a thing in the comics but whatever
And also okay … i love peggy carter and i loved hayley atwell being peggy but sharon is ultimately cap’s main love interest and is the main woman in all of cap’s storylines. And sharon was set up SO well but because stucky fans are ruthless sharon doesn’t even exist anymore and i’m so bitter about that, emily vancamp was a great agent 13 and marvel actually did a great job of bringing her into the universe in catws but look what happened, everyone forgot about her and are obsessed with peggy instead … which as i said, i’m not trying to diss peggy or hayley because i loved agent carter and her in catfa, but everyone decided sharon was nothing compared to peggy and i just don’t see why we can’t have both ??
Another thing … why vision? Like why the heck was vision put into the mcu it really doesn’t make sense to me i mean i think paul bettany is great but he just .. why this weird robot? i’m guessing to bring more in about the infinity stones but still idk because that didn’t really happen ??
And rhodey … poor poor rhodey, the casting change was actually a pretty good idea because i think don cheadle is the perfect rhodey (with no offense to terrence howard’s version, i just think don cheadle should’ve been there from the start) but they didn’t really introduce him into becoming war machine at all, they just gave him a suit and were like boom you’re a superhero now go be an avenger ?? with barely any development to why ?? i demand a war machine solo movie please, we all damn well know don cheadle would be great and ryan coogler should direct it, we’ll have no tony (no offense to tony just no more white men) and we’ll get sam in there and they will be a fucking badass team
And i am so bitter that it took 10 FUCKING YEARS to not have a white male lead a movie … marvel you have so many amazing characters of so many different ethnicities and backgrounds and genders and sexualities like why is carol only coming in now and why did black panther just become a huge movie?! should’ve been there from the start ugh
In my eyes, the only flawless mcu pieces that i would never bash are thor: ragnarok, and black panther (and maybe runaways because we finally got our first canon lgbtq couple) and catws if scar jo wasn’t in it. Marvel needs to realize the success of these films, that taika waititi and ryan coogler are the best directors they have and should be directing more films *cough cough* GUARDIANS 3 *cough*
So wow … that’s a lot and it’s a lot of bashing marvel but i just … if you don’t know shit about the comics the mcu seems amazing like i was there once i didn’t start reading comics until a few years ago when i heard about the young avengers and i have loved the movies since iron man came out ten years ago, but the mcu is very corrupting of a lot of the best parts of these characters, and a lot of people don’t realize that
Thanks for letting me rant and as i have said i really don’t mean to offend anyone who is a fan of the mcu or (most of) the actors of the mcu because they’re just doing their job, so please realize a lot of this is my opinion, i’m just expressing how i feel about marvel and for the record, i do love the mcu i just don’t like a lot of what goes on behind the scenes.
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enthuzimuzzywrites · 6 years
Ok guys thanks to that musical post, I feel the urge to SCREAM my love for falsettos. (I’m sure you’ve heard of it because) ITS SO GOOD and everyone needs to love it always.
But it’s gonna be under the cut cause I have A LOT to say... (but please read it’s such a great show and everyone ever needs to watch it)
It’s about AIDs in the 80s so it’s...kiiiiinda sad at the end eek (should I have started with that?)
The music is a fucking BOP
The revival cast especially is INSANE (really talented and pretty famous cast that does it so so well)
Two gay guys
Two lesbian women
Jewish people! Playfully making fun of Jewish people! So funny! So relatable! (i mean if you’re Jewish lol)
*Deals with unhealthy power-based relationships and a moment of physical abuse, a suicide mention (Trina sings “I’ve a scalpel up my sleeve” in the midst of things), and a few other topics, including a lil but o homophobia (it’s the 80s and it’s gay)*, mostly in a subtle, deep way.
It’s kinda an operetta?? You’d think I know the terminology but basically it’s a WHOLE LOT OF SINGING.
Tugs on the heartstrings!! So much!!
But also SO FUNNY
So much character development!!
did i mention the music??????
Featuring one strangely square tie..... it’s weird, right?
Quick summary(I promise they do have names):
*SPOILER ALERT* (but tbh someone spoiled it for me first but I still loved it and SOBBED)
Guy marries Woman. They have Child. Guy is gay. They split up and he keeps sleeping with Lover. No romance there, Lover sees other people. Just lust. But Guy tries to force everyone to be a happy family.
Woman goes to see Psychiatrist. He is attracted to her. Guy goes to see Psychiatrist.
Child is young (10?) and is afraid he’ll be gay too and becomes moody. Family tells him to see Psychiatrist.
Guy tries to do what he did to Woman to Lover and force him into the role of homemaker. Lover starts to be part of the family.
Woman is...not okay. Kinda going crazy. Psychiatrist comes to house and has session with Child. Woman and Psychiatrist fall in love.
Psychiatrist proposes and Woman accepts. Guy is not okay with this and gets possessive.
Woman is actually not in love with Psychiatrist but wants to feel needed so she’ll marry him. Sexism and toxic masculinity are things.
Lover and Guy break up. Woman becomes the homemaker again but this time for Psychiatrist. Guy gets wedding invite and gets pissed and hits Woman.
Child is straight. Very much so. And Guy and Child sit and have a father-son talk.
Act 2: *very spoilery*
It’s two years later (‘81). They have lesbian neighbors! (One is doctor, one is caterer). Guy and Woman share split custody. Lover has not been seen since the breakup.
They start planning for Child’s bar mitzvah (which is crazy to begin with but add this shit in...) and decide to make it the biggest party they can (and hire the lesbian caterer).
Child is playing baseball (heh) when Lover shows up. Child has asked him to come. Guy asks him out and he says yes.
Psychiatrist and Woman are having a tough marriage. Woman is very pissed about Lover and Guy being back together and wonders why. Lesbians are pretty happyish. Guy and Loved play racquetball and are so in love it’s gross.
Guy and Woman fight about the bar mitzvah.
Guy REALLY loves Lover.
Lesbian doctor notices something strange happening with the gay men in the city... then Lover collapses in the middle of racquetball one day.
He is in the hospital. And everyone is sad but pretends everything is great and he’s getting better. But Child is honest. Lover is dying.
Child is given the option of canceling the bar mitzvah and comes face to face with the concept of death for the first time. The gay couples gather and show their love for each other and for Lover.
Child turns to praying and begs for Lover to get better. But he doesn’t. And Guy might get it too.
Lover is in his hospital bed and is faced with death. (“YOU GOTTA DIE SOMETIME” is SOO GOOD)
Guy and Lover recount their time together and when asked, Guy says he would do it all over again.
Lover dies. And Guy sobs helplessly into his family’s arms.
He sings one last time.
The end.
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moreracquetball · 7 years
Youtuber AU Headcanons
(Lowkey inspired by a post by @whizzerbrowne who brought the idea to my attention and it has since dominated my brain). Let’s just get started:
(This got way too long, yikes. I had to include a read more line)
~ Three Youtubers: Jason, Cordelia, and Whizzer.
Type: He’s one of those younger, newer youtubers. He started when he was nine, and he talked frankly about stuff like divorce (bc his parents were going through a divorce at the time) and being an introvert and being autistic and being Jewish and dealing with a difficult relationship with his parents. He has trouble really talking to people so it was like really easy to just sit in front of a camera and start talking at them. Side note: this was totally Mendel’s idea as a therapy exercise that actually worked, okay? And (as we’ve seen in the musical), Jason has this raw honesty and wit to him that is very funny and real to watch. As he’s gotten older, he’s started talking about other things - like not such heavy topics. He talks about the things that he’s hyperfixated on (baseball, chess, the emoji movie, etc), and though his content is pretty erratic and all over the place, people just love his commentary and he’s amassed millions of followers in just a few years??
He also vlogs /a lot/, which is how his audience got to know Trina, Mendel, and Marvin.
Trina - Everyone literally adores her. She is v nervous and awkward in her cameos in Jason’s videos, but she is also very honest and vocal about her opinions and calls herself the Cool Mom even though Jason’s like “Mom, you don’t let me stay up past ten even when it’s not a school night” and Trina’s just “A Cool Mom can’t still care about your healthy and well-being??”
Mendel - As a one-off, Jason asked his followers to submit questions to Mendel the Psychiatrist for a collab idea with his stepdad, and his pieces of advice were kinda off the wall and funny and it quickly became a series and one of Jason’s most popular series ever. Some people are convinced Mendel is just playing a character so Jason has to be like “no he is actually like this. You have to believe me.” Also: Mendel gets a snapchat that everyone follows. He uploads grainy pictures of like trees and makes puns and constantly spams his story with pictures of Trina with captions like “look at how pretty she is” and “how did i get so lucky” and “rare photo of an actual goddess.” 
Marvin - Tbh, the audience’s reaction to Marvin is a little more mixed, esp at first. Jason had talked a lot about his difficult relationship with Marvin and his “Draw My Life” video did stir up some contempt for Marvin’s selfishness. But like, over the years and through small snippets of cameos, it is generally believed that Marvin has changed and grown up a lot and is like an amazing (but dorky) dad. His cameos in Jason’s videos are the best bc it shows how eerily alike those two are and at one point Marvin briefly talks about internalized homophobia and toxic masculinity and hints at the stuff that he is’t proud of, and everyone - no matter their outward opinion of him - has like a little crush on him. Also, the videos with Marvin and Mendel both?? Their petty arguing gets like millions of hits every time.
Jason also totally does all the trend/tag videos but also has like that sarcastic, almost ironic vibe at first but he ends up really sincerely liking it. 
Jason also does like monologues of his thoughts and opinions while also doing mini skits in between and he is iconic and a jack of all trades really.
He is very articulate and seems so mature but like any hate whatsoever does get to him a lot. He’s learned how to deal with his self-doubt and ignoring the trolls better than he had when he first started, but every once in awhile it still gets to him.
Also??? Remember that Roast Yourself Challenge trend??? Jason did that, and it was on the top page for like a solid week. He went too hard and too real.
Type: Totally like Hannah Hart’s Drunk Kitchen, are you even kidding me?? That it totally Cordelia. She drinks and talks about current events and makes really bad food puns and it is Everything. She also branches out after awhile and starts doing like satirical how-to videos. Lowkey once she tried to make a wry, parody version of a beauty vlogger how-to and she ended up having so much fun with it and her after make-up looked ballin, so she starts doing make-up tutorials, too.
She’s also very very proudly gay and out. Like, her username is literally lesbiancaterer. But she still gets like comments on her videos saying “are you straight?” or “her boyfriend must be a lucky guy” and it just makes her go “????? How could I ever make this clearer?” (once, in a collab with Marvin, one comment said “ahh, her and her bf are such #relationship goals” which then launched a very satirical, very deadpan boyfriend tag video with her and Marvin that made it abundantly clear just how fucking gay those two are).
Charotte first got introduced very very early in her videos bc once during a drunk kitchen, Cordelia cut her finger with a knife and called for her girlfriend and Charlotte went into complete Doctor Mode and started treating her immediately. Cordelia is a little tipsy at that point and starts blatantly flirting with her and calling her “my doctor” and that video’s comment section is just keysmashing and the phrase “my doctor.”
Cordelia does not try to hide her relationship in any way. She and Charlotte have done all those cute couples tags and Charlotte is the star of Cordelia’s social media and vlogs. Now they are #relationship goals.
Cordelia actually got into Youtube bc of Jason and everyone was like lowkey shocked when it turned out that these two popular but different youtubers knew each other and cameo in one another’s videos a lot and Cordelia is like “he is literally my godson, guys. Ofc I’m gonna be around him and support him.”
Type: Ohhh boy!! Whizzer is def the kind of youtuber that has been around on the platform since circa 2007 - are you even gonna try to fight me on that??? He is a fashion channel (also has like a series of the youtube version of fashion police) but also like a major storytime channel bc he’s been around and tells the craziest but realest stories of all time. He is also quickly considered The Gay Icon^tm of Youtube.
He is definitely one of the biggest youtubers on the platform but he also lowkey feels too old to still be on here and has that like Shane Dawson kinda feel of like keeping it real about youtube drama and rebranding himself and learning from stupid old videos when he was still like a shit 20-something that was lowkey problematic. 
He stans so hard for Britney Spears and Carly Rae Jepsen and he got Carly in one of his collabs and he could not stop smiling and fangirling and he is literally all of us.
He is very, very vocal and honest about his sexuality and sexual history. He has a lot of Body and Sex Positivity videos and speaks very bluntly about the importance of self-esteem and body image and safe sex.
(One of his most popular videos is the one with him candidly speaking about having HIV and he talks about his mistake with unsafe sex and all the terrible stigmas around the topic. He talks about how it’s both a physical and emotional struggle, and he also talks about treatment and awareness and prevention and seeking emotional help to combat depression).
He arranges a collab with Jason bc they are alike in that they always speak candidly about issues and struggles and have like the exact same sense of dry, almost scathing humor. Whizzer meets Marvin bc Marvin is like “Jason, there is no way you’re meeting a strange man who you met over the internet. I am definitely going to be the one that goes with you.”
(Awkward moment when Marvin and Jason get to Whizzer’s apartment, and Marvin and Whizzer’s profiles light up with one another from one of those websites like Grindr). Whizzer has like lowkey commented on Jason’s videos before with lewd comments about his hot dad, but like this is so not what Whizzer had been expecting?? Yeah, at the end of Whizzer and Jason’s collab video, Whizzer puts like a small blooper reel and it’s him continually flirting with Jason’s dad (who’s behind the camera) and the Internet suddenly has a new fave ship.
(Marvin and Whizzer totally messaged each other and hooked up like the next day).
But like, they keep the budding relationship very underwraps bc they both really don’t want it to affect Jason’s channel and neither really think at first that their whole arrangement will go anywhere close to serious because Whizzer has never been in love or had a steady boyfriend and Marvin cannot hold a relationship either even after his divorce.
But of course they fall in love, and of course the internet knows something’s up. Whizzer keeps vaguing on Twitter about the new man in his life with weird tweets like “I can’t believe I’m deliberately sleeping with a man who UNIRONICALLY knows every word to Allstar” and “get you a man who always sends that courtesy ‘thank you.’ text after you send him a dick pic.” And when Whizzer vlogs, he always makes sure to keep the camera trained on himself but you can see that his eyes are always looking away as he’s like smiling at someone who does not want to be on camera. Also, Jason’s weekend vlogs have cameos of Whizzer in them now.
They mess up when in one of aforementioned Jason’s vlogs, there’s a grainy clip of Marvin and Whizzer in the background and Marvin kisses Whizzer’s cheek. The internet loses their minds
(After nine/ten months of dating, Whizzer and Marvin abruptly break up and neither really acknowledges it. However, weeks after their break up, Whizzer decides to make a story-time video about this fucking asshole boyfriend that broke up with him over a chess game. He wanted it to be like both petty but also very funny because that is such a ridiculous story, but like when he’s editing it, he notices himself being like on the verge of tears in some parts and being overly bitter and tense, and he never uploads it and he realizes that he isn’t over Marvin like he had said he was).
(However, Whizzer does end up making a story-time video later about how Jason’s baseball game brought him and Marvin back together).
After they get back together, they’ve worked out their issues and are couples goals now and they do not hide their relationship and Marvin makes cameos in both Whizzer and Jason’s videos/younows and it is incredible.
Through Jason and Marvin, Whizzer and Cordelia meet and they become best friends. They collab all the time and they complain about queer struggles and they talk about their relationships and get drunk on camera and be weird, loud idiots and those videos get tons of views.
And Whizzer gets candid about how he’s always felt like alone in the world and hasn’t really had the opportunity to rely on anyone but himself but through Jason and Marvin, he meets Cordelia and Charlotte and Mendel and Trina, and even though they might not get along all the time and some people are closer to other people, they’re all his family and he never thought that he’d really have one that close before. It’s one of his most vulnerable videos.
The most successful videos on all three’s channels are the collabs of the three of them together: Jason and Cordelia and Whizzer. And they become like one of those Youtube cliques that collab all the time and tweet about each other’s videos constantly and always hang out with one another at all the events like Vidcon and Playlist Live. 
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aintweproudriff · 7 years
Chapter 2 of Kings of Queer Prom
David ditched the people he had met almost as soon as he went inside. He paid for a ticket, and found Jack immediately after.
“Hey Jack.” “Hi Davey,” Jack said, grabbing his boyfriend’s hand and kissing the top of his head gently. “I’m glad you made it,” he whispered as he pulled away. “Yeah, I am too. I kinda can’t believe I’m here.” “Well you are.” “I am. I am also underdressed, so I need to go change. You know where the bathrooms are?” “Gender-neutral bathrooms are over there.”
Davey grinned when he realized that he didn’t have to worry about using one bathroom or another. He pecked Jack on the cheek, blushed slightly, and hurried to change.
Upon opening the door to the bathroom, he was happy, although slightly surprised, to see a person who he would normally have considered to be masculine presenting in a full ball gown. They were standing in front of a mirror, makeup bag in hand, fixing their beard. He smiled meekly, catalogued his first time in a gender-neutral bathroom in his mind, and went to go change in a stall.
He tore off his sweatshirt and his shirt, and then pulled his binder out of his bag. David didn’t get to wear it often, but when he did, he always felt much more masculine. Jack and Crutchie had saved up for it and bought it for him for his birthday. He couldn’t have bought one for himself, because he wouldn’t have been able to sneak it past his parents, but he would have had the money to buy one no problem. Jack and Crutchie, on the other hand, had to work extra shifts to get the binder, and he knew that the present was a testament to how much they loved him.
It was going to be a hassle to wear it while he was dancing, but he knew it would be worth it. He took off his bra, and struggled into his binder. Then he put on his dress suit and his dad’s tie and jacket.
Some people outside his stall were shouting about something, and as he exited the stall he couldn’t help but chuckle at them. “Okay I know talking in bathrooms is a big no, but these toilets are so fucking short! I thought this was a high school!” He giggled a little bit and walked to the mirror. After a few minutes of fixing his hair and tie, the person who had shouted walked up behind him.
“Those toilets are so fucking short,” they said, shaking their head and washing their hands. David rolled his eyes, “I think that was the funniest bathroom exchange I’ve heard in a while.” “Well, that was my goal,” they said as they dried their hands, and David laughed again. He began to walk out of the bathroom, but they called out from behind him. “Hey, you look really nice!” “Thank you so much,” David put a hand to his heart and blushed a little bit. “You look great too.”
The two grinned at each other until Davey turned on his heel, his self confidence now much higher, and walked out.
On exiting the bathroom, Davey saw Jack, Spot, and Crutchie, who must have just arrived. He walked over to them with a smile. “Hiya Davey,” Crutchie said, and kissed him on the cheek. Davey sling an arm around his blonde boyfriend. “You look really good, Dave,” Jack told him. His mouth slightly agape at the sight of his boyfriends in suits. “Yeah, you look awesome,” Crutchie seconded. “Thank you, but have either of you seen yourselves? I mean, you’re so cute you guys!” David gushed, not wanting to receive attention without at least recognizing how good Jack and Crutchie looked. “We all look hot, and tonight’s going to be super fun,” concluded Jack, shoving a third mini hotdog in his mouth.
Crutchie and Jack asked off to get food from the refreshment table, leaving David with the leader of their school’s GSTA, Spot, and Spot’s boyfriend Race.
“I didn’t know you were trans and gay,” Spot confessed. “Yeah well, I am,” David replied awkwardly. “Gonna start coming to the GSTA?” “I can’t this year, but hopefully I’ll be able to next year.” “I’m just surprised that you’re queer,” Race butted in, “because I remember in seventh grade you invited me to your bat mitzvah.” “Well, being Jewish doesn’t mean I’m straight, Race,” David said, squinting at the boy in confusion. Spot rolled his eyes at his boyfriend, and waved at someone across the room.
“You said you’re going by David now, right?” Spot checked, and David nodded. “Well David, this is my friend Kath. She and her girlfriend go to another school, and she runs their GSTA.” Kath held out her hand, and David shook it. “My girlfriend’s around here somewhere. I’ll introduce you,” she said, and turned around to look for her. “There she is! Spot, Race, David, this is-” “Sarah?” David exclaimed.
He threw his head back laughing, and Sarah did too. He and his sister stood there for a few minutes, just laughing, until Jack and Crutchie came over.
“This is Sarah,” he told his boyfriends, who hadn’t met any of his family yet. “Like your sister Sarah?” Crutchie asked, pretty sure he was remembering the names of Davey’s family. David nodded and laughed harder.
“Looks like you two have some stuff to talk about,” Spot said, before Race dragged him away to the dance floor.
Sarah gained her composure first, and took a breath. “Later, little sis, er- bro?” David smiled at her correction, and she continued. “Let’s talk about it tomorrow. For now, I want to dance.”
David could agree with that.
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nevermindirah · 3 years
Dorothy Freeman facts
By facts I of course mean headcanons, because Nile's mom doesn't get a first name in canon (or even confirmation that her last name is Freeman). All we know about her is the picture on Nile's phone lock screen (which is Kiki Layne's real-life mom and brother!) and a few lines that Nile tells Andy about her. I’ve been collecting my Dorothy headcanons for a while now to eventually make a post, and @mprosperossprite​‘s excellent post giving non-Americans context for what it means that Nile is from the South Side of Chicago prompted me to go ahead and share this. Disclaimer that I’m white and I will absolutely make corrections if it’s pointed out that I’ve caused harm with any of this.
So here have some fun facts about the version of Mama Freeman who lives in my head rent-free:
Her family and growing up:
she was born in the mid-'60s and named after Dorothy Dandridge
I can’t decide whether she was born in Chicago or moved there later on (maybe with Nile’s dad?) and when in the waves of the Great Migration her family left the South
she came of age in the "post"-Civil Rights movement and went to college in the mid-80s when a lot of what are now the foundational classics of Black feminism were being written
she was a young adult when Anita Hill risked so much to report that a Supreme Court nominee had sexually harassed her, and as a result she HATES Joe Biden
Marriage and babies:
she met Nile's father — I can’t decide how they met and I have two competing headcanons for his name, either Gideon for the hefty Biblical masculinity vibes (Giddy for short among family, that man loved to laugh) or Carl, which started out as a shitty Carl’s Jr burger chain joke that turns out to be perfect (it means free man!), and @knoepfchen​ used it in the sequel to if you do take a thief where Carl is alive!! — and Dorothy was a little skeptical of his near-religious devotion to the military but he was really hot and really devoted to her and they made it work
she's a little pissed that she was right but it's unbearable if she thinks about it too often
it's going to be a long, long time before she can look back on pictures of Baby Nile stomping around the house in her dad's combat boots (this is a Gina Prince Bythewood headcanon, whyyyyyyyy can I not find a link to where she said this)
she named their second baby Indus, Indy for short (this is nearly as established fanon in Book of Nile circles as how much Booker loves eating pussy, and Indy Freeman as a young adult is portrayed by either Aldis Hodge or John Boyega I don’t make the rules)
Dorothy did some office jobs but nothing really grabbed her, and she was probably gonna have to move for her husband's career, so she decided on teaching — high school humanities
she’s been active in CTU (one of the strongest teacher’s unions in the US) her whole career and one year she was on the bargaining committee and her babies know damn well never to trust a boss, not even one who says all the right things — if she ever finds out the way Nile said "like Quynh?" when Andy promised to protect her, she will lose her mind with pride
(Nile was 18 and freshly graduated from high school in 2012 when CTU went on strike for the first time in a generation and she brought her mom snacks on the picket line)
one of her very favorite things is getting her students to laugh despite themselves at her "oh my GOD you're so EMBARRASSING" old-people jokes
she's one of those teachers who can get 30+ teenagers to go dead silent with judicious application of body language
she's known to occasionally go easy on grading subjective things like essays when she knows students are having a particularly rough time at home, but the second she gets the feeling they're taking advantage and not trying their best that shit is over and they better mind their Ps & Qs
she's the kind of person who says old-people shit like that
she gives her students assignments like "help 5 neighbors register to vote" and "write a compare/contrast table about the candidates in this local election" and "research 5 different ways you could get grant money to do X" and other practical civic-minded shit
standardized testing is her supervillain origin story, just kidding it’s Rahm Emanuel, why the fuck did Obama trust that asshole
After her husband died:
she would have lost her goddamn mind if it weren't for her church friends after her husband died, people from the church raised money so they could make ends meet while his pension paperwork was taking forever, church friends watched Indy so Nile could go out for the soccer team, etc etc
she sold her and her late husband's house and moved to a 3-bedroom co-op unit when Nile started high school, it's more affordable and it meant she didn't have to worry about household repairs in the same way, she can use a wrench if she needs to but she doesn't have time and it just makes her grief flare up (co-op housing has a long history in Chicago and other US cities (like Washington DC where I live) as a way for Black people to access decent, affordable housing in the face of entrenched discrimination)
the move meant putting a longer commute between her and church, but she didn't even bother looking for a church closer to their new home, she loaded the kids into the car on the weekends, parking is hell in their new neighborhood but it's worth giving up a hard-won parking spot to not have to wait so long for the L on Sunday mornings
Indy lived with her through college and he was gearing up to get his own place when Nile died, Dorothy was planning to move into a one-bedroom in the co-op building because she doesn't need so much space anymore, Indy took a day off from his new job (not so new anymore, her baby's so grown!) to help her sort things to donate when those dress-uniform Marines came to their door
part of her wishes she could've been home more and not had to rely on Nile so much for help with Indy, but he's turned out such a kind young man, and he's a much better cook than his sister is (was, oh God — no wait, is! she’s alive! what do you mean you’ve been alive all this time??)
some of the girls from church are encouraging her to check out this social dancing thing, nobody's pressuring her to date but there's definitely been some ribbing, and with Indy out of the house... maybe? probably not, but maybe
Her feelings and beliefs and likes and dislikes:
she's an absolute badass and also she's a soft human woman with lots of feelings
she's very, very traditional in some ways, and part of her mixed feelings about Nile following in her dad's footsteps is gender stuff, she's proud of her daughter and would never stand in the way of what Nile wants to do with her life, and if Nile came home and told her she's a lesbian she would never reject her, but if Nile came home and told her she's bisexual maybe she can just try focusing on men? “I love you sweetheart and I want you to be happy I just know how hard it is already for us in this world” type shit
she has been on team natural hair basically her entire life and one of the worst fights she and Nile ever had was over Nile wanting to straighten her hair as a pre-teen
Indy takes more after her and Nile takes more after their dad, she's so proud of both of them, but Dorothy's activism was mostly wearing her natural hair to work and daring bosses to give her shit, Indy's out there marching in the streets like her parents had and she WORRIES
she teases Indy for going to so many protests like he's using it as an excuse to meet girls, but she WORRIES
when she turns 60, she gets box braids with streaks of dark purple, subtle enough that it's still work-appropriate but it makes her smile, she may be old now but damnit she’s still pretty!
she loves Grey's Anatomy and Star Trek and she watched Bridgerton all in one day
she has a dirty-old-lady celebrity crush on Chris Hemsworth
if she's ever masturbated thinking about Donna Summer, well, that's nobody's business but her own (do non-Americans know about the queen of disco??)
If you want to read fic featuring Dorothy:
I won't have to leave alone, 1000 words, Nile has a nightmare and decides to go tell her family she's immortal
I See Your Eyes Seek a Distant Shore, 65k, Nile adjusts to immortality and does a lot of soul searching about what it means to "do what we think is right", Booker goes to grad school for trauma studies, the working title of this fic was Booker Reads Edward Said and Gloria Anzaldúa and Goes Down on Nile and the final product has an annotated bibliography in the author's notes if you’re into that kind of thing, a lot of my Dorothy Freeman headcanons were born of my process writing this
Gather round the table, we'll give you a treat, 2279 words, college AU, Nile brings her Jewish boyfriend home for Christmas
a contribution I made to Shitty Old Guard Deaths: (Booker, USA, 2025, cause of death: a mother’s righteous wrath)
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cuntboysupreme · 8 years
I dare you to answer all of them
Okay but you have to read all of them ;P1: How tall or short do you wish you were?I wish I was taller than I am. I wish I was 5'8" or so. 2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not)I really like big dogs, but if this is a dream I want a lion.3: Do you have a favorite clothing style?I either dress like I'm a skater dude or like I'm emo, but I like the pastel grunge scene. I just can't afford or pull that off.4: What was your favorite video game growing up?Super Mario Sunshine probably. Or Pikmin. 5: What three things/people do you think of most each day:My boyfriend Logan, my mother, and probably homestuck (please save me from this suffering where everything reminds me of homestuck)6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say?Self-destructive depressed piece of sunshine. Please feed.7: What is your opinion on [insert person/thing here]?I can't answer this one without a prompt.8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic]I took this test once. I think I was phlegmatic???? Fuck man i don't remember.Update: I just took it real quick I am indeed phlegmatic as fuck. Next is sanguine, shortly after that is melancholic and last is choleric, which i was not much like.9: Are you ticklish?Yes.10: Are you allergic to anything?Pollen??? I guess??11: What’s your sexuality?Pansexual, but I find myself leaning towards masculine people because I'm trash 12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa?cocoa13: Are you a cat or dog person?Yes. People would say I'm a dog person, but I love cats too.14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson?Merperson.15: Do you have a favorite Youtuber?Not really16: How tall are you?5'6"17: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?lol, I've already changed my name and it's Zu18: How much do you weigh? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!]shrug probably like 190?19: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits?Sure why not20: Do you like space or the ocean more?the ocean scares me so space21: Are you religious?Kind of. I was raised Jewish, but my beliefs are more agnostic.22: Pet peeves?Chewing loudly, dishonesty, putting a mess in my space, being manipulative.23: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal [opposite of nocturnal]?I am nocturnal so the other one24: Favorite constellation?I'm pretty sure??? there's like these two bears in the sky??? and like one is a mom?? and the other is a baby bear??? yeah that one25: Favorite star?My boyfriend Logan, the brightest thing in my life26: Do you like ball-jointed dolls?i do not like dolls because they scare me27: Any phobias or fears?Thunderstorms and being lied to28: Do you think global warming is real?Yes??????29: Do you believe in reincarnation?Sure why not30: Favorite movie?Scott PIlgrim Vs. The World 31: Do you get scared easily?I want to say yes32: How many pets have you own in your lifetime?If fish do not count then 3 and if fish do count then fuck idk33: Blog rate? [You’ll rate the blog of the one who’s asking.]i know that logan sent this but since its anon im not gonna do it heh34: What is a color that calms you?yellow i think35: Where would you like to travel and/or live?Not America36: Where were you born?Detroit, Michigan37: What is your eye color?I would call it hazel but that's not doing it justice38: Introvert or extrovert?introvert39: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs?shrug 40: Hugs or kisses?high fives41: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now?LOGAN42: Who is someone you love deeply?My mother43: Any piercings you want?Cartilage 44: Do you like tattoos and piercings?Yes45: Do you smoke or have you ever done so?I do not smoke cigarettes46: Talk about your crush, if you have one!My boyfriend is actually the best in the world ever but he lives in Ann Arbor which is closer to where I'm from than where I live now and it makes me sad that he lives so very far away because he is a cutie patootie and i wanna be gay and kiss his face47: What is a sound you really hate?chewing gum loudly48: A sound you really love?Music i guess49: Can you do a backflip?no50: Can you do the splits?yes!51: Favorite actor and/or actress?no52: Favorite movie?I already answered this53: How are you feeling right now?I'm okay. I'm kinda doing this to break while doing my homework.54: What color would you like your hair to be right now?I want it to be pink and purple but i'm not currently in posession of my hair dye55: When did you feel happiest?i have no idea56: Something that calms you down?Music57: Have any mental disorders? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!]Depression, anxiety58: What does your URL mean?it was 2 am and i thought it was the funniest thing in the world59: What three words describe you the most?1. trans 2. sad 3. gay60: Do you believe in evolution?science61: What makes you unfollow a blog?posting something i strongly disagree with or something that triggers me62: What makes you follow a blog?they post content i like??63: Favorite kind of person:decent human beings64: Favorite animal(s):big dogs65: Name three of your favorite blogs.1. i 2. don't 3. know66: Favorite emoticon:sparkle heart67: Favorite meme:the dog in the room thats on fire and it says "I'm fine."68: What is your MBTI personality type?INFP69: What is your star sign?Taurus70: Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog?YES71: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most?Steven universe shirt, dark jeans, beanie, sneakers.72: Post a selfie or two?/tagged/my-face73: Do you have platform shoes?i used to74: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself?i can sing the alphabet backwards75: Can you do a front flip?no76: Do you like birds?sure77: Do you like to swim?i suppose78: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you?you cannot fall while swimming79: Something you wish didn’t exist:there are many things80: Some thing you wish did exist:time travel81: Piercings you have?both my ears are pierced and my septum is pierced82: Something you really enjoy doing:watching su83: Favorite person to talk to:logan84: What was your first impression of Tumblr?I would go on omegle and people would just send "WHAT IS AIR" and then disconnect85: How many followers do you have?36486: Can you run a mile within ten minutes?no87: Do your socks always match?no88: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely?yes89: What are your birthstones?emerald90: If you were an animal, which one would you be?probably an otter, but a chubby one91: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be?idk92: A store you hate?shrug93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day?i have no idea94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds?fly. i dont want to hear other peoples thoughts95: Do you like to wear camo?no96: Winter or summer?summer97: How long can you hold your breath for?i have no idea98: Least favorite person?the guy who sexually assaulted me99: Someone you look up to:my mother100: A store you love?belmont army surplus101: Favorite type of shoessneakers102: Where do you live?Chicago103: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why?no104: What is your favorite mineral or gem?i think sapphires are cool you can get them in any color105: Do you drink milk?a lot106: Do you like bugs?sure107: Do you like spiders?if they arent in my space i dont mine108: Something you get paranoid about?Everything.109: Can you draw:no110: Nosiest question you have ever been asked?any question related to my genitals111: A question you hate being asked?any question related to my genitals112: Ever been bitten by a spider?yes113: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach?yes114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days?sunny115: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now:Logan.116: Favorite cloud type:none117: What color do you wish the sky was?i like it being blue118: Do you have freckles?on my shoulders119: Favorite thing about a person:eyes or voice120: Fruits or vegetables?cucumbers121: Something you want to do right now:see logan122: Is the ocean or sky prettier?depends on where you are and what time it is.123: Sweet or sour foods?sweet124: Bright or dim lights?dim125: Do you believe in a certain magical creature?what is this question asking me126: Something you hate about Tumblr:mobile127: Something you love about Tumblr:mobile128: What do you think about the least?how would i know what it is i think about the least129: What would you want written on your tombstone?"he ded"130: Who would you like to punch in the face right now?no one131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself?being trans132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures?yes133: Computer or TV?computer134: Do you like roller coasters?yes135: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness?no136: Are your ears lobed or attached?attatched. my boyfriend talks about it sometimes. otherwise i would not know137: Do you believe in karma?sure138: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are?-25139: What nicknames do you have/have had?Zuzu, zuzu pet, zulander, zeus, zubat, etc140: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends?probably.141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink?yes several142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others?i do not think that everything i do is good but i also do not think that my influence on people can be quantified in "good" or "bad" measurements143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help?giving 144: What makes you angrywhen people do things i asked them not to145: How many languages do you speak fluently?two146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binary people?boys147: Are you androgynous?i guess??? sometimes i dont pass but i code myself as male pretty hardcore148: Favorite physical thing about yourself:my hair or my eyes149: Favorite thing about your personality:i like how patient i am150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person.1. logan 2. laura jane grace 3. my dog151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose?i do not want to live in the past this is the best it has ever been for trans people and it's still horrible.152: Do you like BuzzFeed?Sometimes i like the content they produce153: How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner? [If you have one.]We met through a mutual friend 154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons?i love platonic kisses!155: Do you like to play with others’ hair?yesssssss156: What embarrasses you?when people point out things about myself that i wish they didnt notice157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious:seeing someone i dont like158: Biggest lie you have ever told:"I'm a girl"159: How many people are you following?622160: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)?15,234 on my main161: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)?0162: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)?20,548163: Last time you cried and why:i dunno and probably because i'm Sad164: Do you have long or short hair?short165: Longest your hair has ever been: to my waist166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religon?im not getting into this167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created?no i wasnt there and i probably never will be168: Do you like to wear makeup?not really my thing but i think its awesome169: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds?no170: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully?yes
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