#but this ones just like ‘fight the same thing several times in a row’ AGH
kazumasougi · 1 year
as good as the rest of the game was im kind of disappointed with some of the postgame stuff :’) like 2018 didnt Have that which is fine but also its kind of strange to me that they would insist you cant finish some of the quests until you finish the main story only for it to feel so empty
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intheticklecloset · 4 years
If You Weren’t So Short (Haikyuu!!)
Primary Universe
This one’s something I wrote just because I wanted to! I loved the idea of Kageyama helping Hinata feel better about how short he is compared to the others, especially because it’s brought up so often, and it clearly bugs Hinata at least to some degree. I figured cheer-up tickles were a perfect solution! Enjoy! ^^
Kageyama was irritated. He marched through the halls of the school they were visiting for practice games, glaring at everything that moved. “Hinata!” he snapped at no one, calling his teammate’s name in frustration. He’d been looking for the redhead for ten minutes already. This was getting ridiculous. “Where are you, you moron?”
“I’m right here,” came a small voice.
Kageyama whirled. There, seated at the base of a wide pillar he couldn’t see around on his way by, was Hinata, with his knees pulled up to his chest. “Where the heck have you been, Hinata? Everyone else is already on the bus, and they sent me to go find your dumb butt. Get up! We’ve got to go.”
“Yeah, okay.” Hinata gathered his gym bag and stood, not making eye contact as he silently turned and started toward the bus loop.
“Dude, what’s wrong with you?” Kageyama asked, still irritated but mostly confused now. Usually the redhead had some sort of witty comeback for him when he started name-calling, but right now he was just letting it slide. Something was off. “I know we lost a lot of games today, but they were just practice games. And we’ll get better.”
“I know.”
They walked in silence for a few steps before the raven-haired boy grabbed his teammate by the shoulder and stopped him. “Seriously. What’s up with you?”
“Nothing.” But Hinata wasn’t looking at him.
“I’m not upset about the games.”
“Then what?”
“It doesn’t matter.” Hinata shrugged out of Kageyama’s grasp and kept walking. “You’ll just laugh at me.”
Kageyama grabbed his shoulder again and shoved him up against the closest wall, startling them both. Finally, the redhead met his eyes. “Hinata. What’s wrong?”
Hinata pressed his lips together, then let out a huff and looked away again. “The other players keep talking about how short I am.”
“Yeah? So?” Kageyama let him go, but didn’t move out of his space. “That’s nothing new. It’s never bothered you before.”
“Of course it’s bothered me before,” Hinata replied, surprising his teammate. “I just brush it off a lot easier because it’s usually only a person at a time. But here, there have been whole teams talking about me at once. I ran into three different captains outside the bathroom who were literally talking down to me about it.”
Kageyama frowned, but he didn’t know what to say. “Just ignore them. You know your height doesn’t matter to us.”
“But it’s all anyone can ever talk about!” Hinata yelled, startling the taller boy into taking a step back. “People take one look at me and they don’t see a competitor. They just see right over me. I’m never a threat to anyone until I’m out on that court! I’m so tired of everyone only seeing my disadvantages. I hate being so short!”
Silence settled over them as Kageyama scrambled to figure out what to say in response. The words simply wouldn’t come. But he swore the next time he saw someone talking down to Hinata because of his height, he’d personally punch them in the face. Hearing it all the time was one thing. Seeing how much it affected his friend even when he tried to hide it was another.
“Hinata,” he said at last, and all traces of irritation were absent from his tone. “Do you hate being short because it’s all anyone sees when they look at you? Or do you hate it because you think it messes up your chances of playing volleyball well?”
The redhead grumbled, “Both.”
“Bullcrap,” Kageyama said again. He grabbed the collar of his teammate’s shirt and forced him to make eye contact. “We’ve talked about this, you moron. Your height doesn’t mean you can’t play volleyball as well as the rest of us can. You’ve proven over and over that you’ve got everything you need to play and score points just like we do. You’ve got great speed and jump power, and you’re learning to control where you spike the ball with every game you play. You’re the perfect decoy, remember? Who gives a crap how tall you are?”
Hinata blinked at him, surprised into silence.
Kageyama let him go again, his scowl turning to a smirk. “Besides, if you weren’t so short, I’d have a much harder time doing this.” He got right up into his friend’s personal space and grabbed onto his ribs, tickling him.
“Gahk! Pfft wahahahait, nohohoho, KahahahgeyamaHAHAHA!!” Hinata squealed, bursting into uncontrollable giggles as he wriggled and squirmed against the wall. His gym bag fell off his shoulder to the floor. He tried grabbing onto Kageyama’s wrists and pushing him off. “Stahahahahahahahap!”
“See? Being shorter than me makes it easier for you get wrecked in a tickle fight,” Kageyama teased, grinning at Hinata’s unstoppable giggles.
“Why is thahahahahahat a gohohohohood thihihihihihing?!”
“Because it’s an easy way to make you laugh, obviously.”
“Lohohohohohosing tihihickle fights is no fuhuhuhuhuhun!” Hinata protested, shrieking when Kageyama focused on his lower ribs.
“Isn’t it?”
“STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!” Hinata was unleashing his laughter in screaming bursts now, which Kageyama knew from their previous tickle fight meant he was getting him good. “AGH!! KAHAHAHAGEYAHAHAHAMA!!”
“Kageyama, stop torturing our decoy.” A third voice entered the fray, making them both stop and turn. Nishinoya was standing several paces down the hall from them, grinning ear to ear. “At least get him on the bus first.”
Hurriedly, Kageyama let Hinata go and scrambled back, cheeks turning pink. “N-No, I wasn’t…we were just…!”
“Tickling. I know, I know, don’t freak out on me.” Noya jabbed a thumb over his shoulder. “Coach is getting pretty impatient, though. We seriously gotta go.”
“Right,” both of the first-years said in tandem, collecting themselves and hurrying to follow Noya to the bus loop.
As they went, Hinata glanced up at Kageyama, whose face was back to its perpetual serious look. The raven-haired boy didn’t look at him.
“So it’s fun to lose tickle fights, is it?” the redhead asked teasingly.
Kageyama growled, “Shut up. I meant it’s fun for me when you lose them, idiot.”
“Well, I didn’t lose this one, so you can wipe that smug look off your face.”
“I don’t look smug. And you did lose. You couldn’t lay a finger on me.”
“Oh yeah?” Hinata reached out to grab his side, grinning when Kageyama yelped and stumbled back.
“Knock it off!”
“This tickle fight is so not over, Kageyama.”
Kageyama growled, but said nothing more. A couple minutes later they’d reached the bus, where their coach was yelling at them to get their butts moving. They stammered their apologies and hurried to comply. Once they were seated and the bus had begun driving to take them back home, Hinata pinched Kageyama’s side again.
“You little—” Kageyama grabbed roughly onto Hinata’s ribs. “You’re just asking for it now!”
“Yohohohohou stahahahaharted it, you jeheheheherk!” Hinata reached for his friend again, but the taller boy snatched up both his wrists with one hand and pinned them to the window, then latched onto his lower ribs and drilled. Hinata jerked in his seat and instantly began laughing again. “NO, THIS ISN’T FAHAHAHAHAHAHAIR!!”
“You want a tickle fight? Fine.” Kageyama smirked at how his friend’s face contorted with joy, feeling satisfied for making him forget about why he’d been upset. “A tickle fight is exactly what you’ll get. And don’t worry.” He reached his free hand underneath Hinata’s jacket and t-shirt to scribble at his bare torso. “We’ve got plenty of time for you to lose properly. It’s a long bus ride, after all.”
“Ugh, seriously?” Tsukishima grumbled from his seat a couple of rows behind them.
“Do those guys ever not fight?” Asahi asked.
“Ah, let it go, you two,” Noya replied from his place at the ace’s side and across the aisle from Tsuki, grinning at the scene unfolding before them all. “I’m pretty sure Hinata needs a good laugh right now. I for one am looking forward to the in-flight entertainment.”
“My money’s on Kageyama,” Daichi said, just as Hinata’s laughter rose an octave, followed by hysterical pleading. The captain laughed. “Oh, yeah. Anyone want to take me on?”
“I’ll vouch for Hinata,” Suga replied. “Rile him up enough and he’s a force to be reckoned with. I imagine the same can be said for tickle fights as well as volleyball.”
With that, the rest of the Karasuno team began betting everything from popsicles at Coach’s store to dinners at the restaurant they all enjoyed to taking over clean-up duty in the gym for a week. All the while Hinata and Kageyama’s tickle fight raged on, and by the time they got home a couple of hours later, both of them were completely exhausted.
But both of them felt like winners.
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ruffsficstuffplace · 7 years
And The AWRD Goes To... (Part 20)
1:30 PM
“Welcome to General Mechanical Engineering, kiddos!” Nick said as he gazed at the rows of worktables before him, nodding slightly as he came to AWRD’s. “In this class, you’ll learn the basic principles of engineering, and the most commonly applied and used technologies that make our day-to-day life here in Remnant a little easier.
“You’re going to learn how our various types of airships fly, ships sail, and vehicles roll out; you’re going to learn the intricacies of the massive utility systems that keep our capital cities humming, like Mistral’s indoor plumbing, Mantle’s central heating, and Shade Academy’s famous air-circulation vents; and you’re definitely going to learn how duct tape is one of the most ridiculously useful and versatile tools you could ever have here or out in the field!
“It’s why I always keep a roll on me at all times—never know when something might break down and need it, which is especially important if you’re a knock-off Dustman like myself.
“Anyway, though this is mostly going to be a practical application class where your grade depends on how well your future projects work—or as is more often the case, don’t work—there’ll still be a written component, in keeping in line with the international standards of Huntsman Academies, plus plenty of research and reading on how to go about understanding, designing, dismantling, and putting machines back together, and especially figuring out just why the hell it burst into flames this time.
“Don’t think you can skip the manuals, and especially not the engineering standards and codes, kiddos—sure, strapping rockets onto a model ship will give you a great score in distance and speed, but if it crashes and blows up my wife again,…”
Nick narrowed his eyes. “… Failing your final exam is going to be the least of your worries.”
He relaxed. “As with all semesters, though, we’re going to start with a basic rundown of machineshop safety rules and equipment, the tools you’ll most likely be using both in here and out in the field, and how I expect you kiddos to be dividing the work. Don’t think you can unload all of this on your team’s gearhead if you want to pass, and as cliché as it sounds, you’re going to thank me some time in the future.
“Believe me, you’re going to thank your lucky stars you’ll eventually know how to do simple repair jobs on vehicle engines, stop plumbing leaks, and fix up the most commonly found power generators in the cities and remote villages.”
3:00 PM
“Welcome to your first of many Transportation and Navigation classes, students!” Professor Nelson said, shouting over the hum and clamour of Haven’s airship/vehicle hangar. “Today, you will begin learning and mastering one of the most important skills any huntsman or huntress should have: getting to where they need to go, in the most efficient and effective means possible!
“The world of Remnant is a vast place, and not every mission location will conveniently be on the path of mass transportation.
“There will also be times when you just can’t wait for the next airship flight out of any of the major cities or the larger settlements; or you’re too far away to get a good signal on the CCT; or you need to venture out to the very outskirts of civilization and beyond; or really, any of the many other situations where you will be forced to rely on your own wits, your knowledge, and the same tools the First Settlers had when they were just starting to explore this vast, wide, and wild world!
“In time, you will be trekking all over Mistral, cutting down vines and thick brush in the jungle, slogging it through the swamps and bogs, or fighting off the biting cold and howling winds as you make your up several mountains, but for now, you will be learning the very basics: everything everyone needs to navigate and travel through the city of Mistral and its outskirts by themselves, without the help of modern technology!
“Any questions?”
Amanda raised her hand.
Nelson nodded. “O’neill.”
“Ma’am, if we already happen to be masters of Trans-Nav—like, say, we lived in Vacuo all our lives—can we skip all the boring lessons about how to use compasses and read physical maps, and just skip straight to the races, the scavenger hunts, and going on delivery jobs...?” Amanda asked, smiling.
“Absolutely not!” Nelson replied, her face stern as ever.
Amanda blinked. “But--!”
“No ‘Buts!’” Nelson snapped. “I’m aware of how they do things in Vacuo, O’Neill, but we do things differently here in Mistral! Here, those that find themselves ahead of the rest swoop back, and look out for those lagging behind!
“And since you brought up the topic...” Nelson turned to the other students. “I will be expecting that sort of altruistic behaviour from all of you, for every other aspect of this class—save for all forms of cheating such as sharing answers during written exams, copying homework from each other, or agreeing to team up and sabotage the others during practical exams and especially the races, I will expect you all to help each other to pass this subject, regardless of your loyalties in or outside of Haven!
“Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, ma’am!” the students said, save for Amanda, who just stood around with a scowl on her face.
Nelson scowled right back, and stepped right up to her, students breaking formation and parting to the sides like water. “O’Neill: do I make myself clear?” she said, narrowing her eyes.
Amanda gritted her teeth, before she sighed heavily, and muttered, “Yes, ma’am...”
“Good.” Nelson said quietly. “Work on that attitude, O’Neill, or I promise you you won’t be here long enough to see the starting line,” she said, before she headed back to the front and the students reformed in her wake.
“This is bullshit...” Amanda muttered as Nelson entertained another student’s question.
“Just hang in there, Amanda,” Yang whispered as she stood beside her. “We’ll be roaring up and down the mountain roads soon enough.”
Amanda smiled, until she found out that day’s lesson was going to be basic map reading, using tools like compasses, and other essentials of field navigation. Her mood didn’t improve as Nelson grouped up the more experienced students with the ones less so, had the former supervise an assessment test involving practice maps.
Lists of locations to be found were given out, along pins with heads styled like various landmarks and symbols, and tools like compasses, dividers, and pens; Amanda was somewhat okay when they started, but as the wrong answers and the wild guesses started to pile up, so her patience wore thin.
“So… is it… here…?” Jaune asked as he pinned a section of their group’s map.
“AGH!” Amanda cried as she put her hands to her head. “Dude, does this seem like it’d be the sight of a thriving farming village to you? Look at the area around it, for fuck’s sake!” she said, throwing her hands toward it. “Do you see any rivers, notes about mountain springs, or maybe even a marker that there’s a giant underground well that they could tap into?”
Jaune flinched. “Uh… no…?”
“Exactly!” Amanda cried. “Water sources, man, think water sources!” she said as she threw her hands up. “That’s what a village like this would need—hell, what any settlement short of a temporary camp needs!”
“Okay, okay, sorry!” Jaune said as he pulled out the pin, looked at the vast sea of still unlabeled, colourful splotches and symbols. “Ah… ah… is it this one…?!” he said as he pinned a large section of water.
Amanda made a choked noise, her eye twitching violently, her hands shaking; Jaune paled as the other members of their group either began to hide behind him or move out of the way.
Then, Nelson stepped up behind Amanda, and put her hand on her shoulder, gripped it firmly. “No, no it is not, Arc; you just put your village straight in the middle of a bog, where it’d be impossible to grow anything. You and the others try and solve your exercises on your own for a while, O’Neill and I will just be taking a short walk.
“No objections from you, right, O’Neill…?” Nelson asked.
Amanda sucked in a breath, and started getting up on her feet. “No ma’am...” she muttered.
Jaune sighed and turned limp, everyone else in the group had expressions of relief or impending dread as Nelson escorted Amanda out of the lecture area, to a walkway on the outside of the hangar.
Amanda smiled as she saw the afternoon sun, felt the fresh air on her face, before she looked at Nelson with a scowl. “Am I in trouble right now...?” she asked flatly.
“No, I just figured I needed to cool that hot-head of yours before you actually exploded, say something you might come to regret,” Nelson replied as they walked.
“Well, I’ve got a suggestion: how about you not put me in charge of teaching the newbies, and just let me practice my riding skills somewhere? I promise I won’t use it as an excuse to jet off out of class,” Amanda said, holding one hand up as she discretely crossed the fingers of her other.
Nelson nodded. “Noted, but here’s a suggestion back: how about you suck up your pride, and do the job that was given to you?” she barked.
“I’ve read your file, O’Neill, and I’ll admit, your achievements in the wilds are impressive, and your performance for the practical section of the GCD was outstanding, but if you want to have a hope in hell of graduating from Haven and getting your license, much less not getting put on probation just after you got in, I suggest you put your bad attitude on hold, and learn to have much more patience when helping your fellow students out.”
“But this is basic stuff!” Amanda cried as they neared the end of the catwalk. “I know all this by heart—hell, I used this shit every single day I was out there in Vacuo! I could probably even tell you what direction a compass is pointing in while blindfolded!
“Why do I have to teach the newbies and do your job?” she snapped as they turned around and began to head back.
“Because, it gives you experience in teaching your skills to others, which will be incredibly useful if you need civvies to know what know, or improve your team’s performance as a whole and your shared GPA; it forces you to learn and get used to working with other hunters, like you will be out in the field and many of your classes from second year onward; and it’s faster and more efficient if we have student instructors getting everyone up to speed, so we can get to those races you want so badly much sooner,” Nelson replied.
“No one survives alone in Vacuo, right? ‘Tend to a lend a hand to others, so they’ll do the same when you’re on the other end.’?”
“Yeah, I know, I know, we say that all the time!” Amanda said. “But we also say that there’s just some people you should just toss out to the sands because they’re more trouble than they’re worth...”
“And you don’t think that someone might be you…?”
Amanda gritted her teeth, tried to make a comeback, found she had none.
“You’re skilled, Amanda, there’s no denying that,” Nelson said as she stopped before the door leading back into the hangar. “You’d have made an excellent ranger back out in Vacuo, but the life you chose is to be a huntress.
“And unlike rangers, huntresses do not work alone, so I want you to think: do you really want this life, do the work it takes to get a hunting license, whether or not you find it fun…?” she asked, her arms crossed and her eyes narrowed at Amanda.
She cast her eyes down, and didn’t reply.
“Don’t feel the need to give me a verbal reply,” Nelson said as she turned back to the door. “Your performance from here on out will be answer enough.”
She opened it, and the two of them were surprised to find Ruby waiting just inside. “Oh, hi Professor Nelson!” she said, waving awkwardly. “I was just waiting for you here, till you were done saying whatever it is you needed to say to Amanda.”
“I appreciate the courtesy, Rose,” Nelson replied. “Did something happen while we were out?”
“Oh, no, nothing bad!” Ruby replied. “It’s just that, you know, I finished teaching my group early, and I saw Amanda’s struggling with their work, and I had nothing else to do, so I stepped in to help them, and now they’re done.”
She paused. “Sorry. I can’t help it when I see someone struggling with a problem I can help fix, especially when it’s actually really easy.”
“You didn’t happen to place all their pins and draw their routes for them, did you…?” Nelson asked warily.
Ruby’s eyes widened, before shook her head. “Oh, no, not at all! I just helped them figure out where something probably won’t be or they definitely wouldn’t want to go, so they had an easier time figuring out where it might actually be, or what’s a good stop or not. Or just better odds at guessing the right answer, I guess.”
Nelson smiled. “Good on you for stepping up when you saw the need, Rose. Hey, could you do me a favour?”
“Uh, sure, what is it?”
“Can you talk to O’Neill here about your teaching method?”
“Ah, I’m not really sure if I could call what I did a ‘method,’ but sure…?”
“Great, I owe you for this, Rose,” Nelson said, nodding at her before she returned to the others.
Ruby looked at Amanda, awkwardly stood there for a while. “So, uh…” she started. “Any questions, since I don’t really know where to start?”
“How did you not get pissed off when they got simple questions wrong?” Amanda asked.
“Oh! That’s easy, I just put in the same attitude I have when I build something and it doesn’t go right—I can just get frustrated and angry, or I can also start figuring out WHY it isn’t working the way I wanted it to.
“Or I guess in this case, why they’re having such a hard time and getting things wrong. Turns out, Jaune and a lot of them were from Vale or Atlas, where the geography is a lot more uniform, and water sources all tend to be fresh, or just frozen. Any other questions?”
Amanda shook her head. “Nah, save your breath; I’ll just convince Nelson not to put me on tutor duty anymore, thanks...”
“You really think you can convince her?” Ruby asked. “I heard from Weiss who heard from her grandparents that she was ex-air force than a huntress, which is why she’s so, uh, strict.”
“Tch, I’ll figure it out, Ruby, don’t worry...” Amanda said, before the two of them rejoined the rest of the class.
Soon enough, the students were all lined up in front of Nelson once more, the maps resting on a long table nearby.
“I will admit, I am NOT happy with what I’ve seen from most of you today...” Nelson started, eyeing students like Jaune. “It seems far too many of you have gotten to used to relying on others when it comes to navigating the wilds, be they your chaperoning huntsmen and huntresses, your fellow students in combat school, or the CCT’s GPS…
“… However, since the rest of you are capable to masters of map reading, basic cartography, and navigating the old fashioned way, and have been doing a good job of teaching your skills to the others, there’s a good chance we can still cover the entire syllabus, including the Yamasachihiko Relay for your final exam.”
Yang and Amanda brightened up.
“Let me emphasize, however, that it’s a chance—spend your time between now and Friday wisely, students, and start brushing up on your skills, asking others for help, or give yourself a crash course in the very basics of wilderness navigation; we as a class will be moving to each new component as one for safety reasons, so how soon or how late we even start going through the practice courses are on each of your shoulders.
“Teams JAYS and AWRD, stay behind; the rest of you: dismissed!”
Most of the students cheered, some of them sighed, and trudged off in the direction of the library. Among JAYS and AWRD,  expressions were a mix of nervous, curious, and annoyed.
Nelson stepped up to JAYS first. “Arc: please tell Manbavaran that it is in her best interest to attend all of her classes regularly and punctually; I don’t care about whatever duties Dr. Freya has given her now that she’s part of her intern army, she should find some way to honour all of her obligations, especially with her probation.
“O’Neill, Xiao Long: I strongly suggest you help impart your knowledge to Arc; again, the sooner he and the rest of the lagging students have an adequate grasp on the basics, the sooner you’ll all be burning rubber on the tracks.
“Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, ma’am,” they replied with varying levels of enthusiasm, Jaune nervously giving an awkward salute, before he sheepishly put his hand down.
“Dismissed,” Nelson said, before she turned the last students. “As for you AWRD...” she started, a stern look on her face.
Everyone but Diana tensed up.
Nelson broke into a smile. “You all have an excellent grasp on the essentials, and I would really appreciate it if you could find the time to lend some help to your struggling classmates. All completely optional, of course, but there’ll be extra credit and other benefits if you do.”
“Thanks, Professor Nelson!” Akko said, smiling again.
“It won’t be likely, considering we have our other classes to attend to, but we’ll keep it in mind,” Diana added.
Nelson nodded. “Good to hear, AWRD. Dismissed!”
“Haahh…!” Akko sighed happily, smiling as she and the others turned around headed to the exit. “Our first official day of classes is over! Man, I thought it’d never end! It’s so good that our Wednesdays are still free, right, guys?”
Diana frowned. “Akko, you do realize we still have to work on our reading assignments, acquiring our textbooks, and all the other work we missed from yesterday’s classes, yes?”
“I know,” Akko whispered, still smiling. “Just please, let me enjoy the fantasy that I have all this free time to do whatever I want, just for a little while...” they kept walking in silence for a few moments, before she sighed, shoulders slumping as a gloom fell over her. “… Okay, I’m done… let’s get to work…”
She sucked in a breath, straightened herself up, and raised her open palm skyward. “Team AWRD: to the library!” she cried, beaming.
“To the library!” Weiss cheered, raising her own hand to the heavens.
“What was that all about?” Diana asked.
“Oh, do you not know the show Starlight Crusaders?” Akko asked as she resumed walking.
“Pardon...?” Diana asked.
“Oh, I know that!” Ruby chirped. “It’s that kid’s show that’s really popular here, like a new season every single year, merchandise, video games, live events, pretty much everyone and their grandparents in this kingdom knows it?”
“The one and only!” Weiss replied.
“And I’m assuming that was an imitation of an iconic element of that show?” Diana asked.
“Yep!” Akko replied. “They do it all the time before they head to adventures.”
Diana nodded. “Well, I certainly won’t stop you two from doing that, but I won’t be joining in, especially not here in public.”
“I don’t know, it could be kinda fun!” Ruby said. “It could be our team unity thing, like getting matching T-shirts with our initials on them. Though, I guess if we do get T-shirts, we’d always have to either walk side by side in the same order all the time, or lined up in a row also in sequence, so people don’t misread our team name…
“Maybe we should just get decorative sashes and wear them around our waists, kind of like what Weiss’ grandpa did with his lucky scarf.”
“Schoolwork first before discussing coordinating our clothing and accessories, please, Ruby,” Diana said as they neared the library, joining the sea of students pouring in or out of its many entrances.
They tried to stay together, but soon the crowds got too thick; Akko and Weiss smiled and waved goodbye, before they split up with their respective study buddies, and found their own way into the library.
Note: A writing book once said scenes should accomplish one or ideally two goals at the same time: advance the plot, and show character. I hope you guys don’t mind that my brain decided to put in some extra detail about all the classes in Haven, and what a huntsman’s education looks like.
It’s really funny to me that for as how the show revolves around technical colleges, we only know of two classes: history and intro to Grimm, as taught by Oobleck and Port.
I promise, next chapter, we have some study buddy antics, along with the return of Weiss’ condition she’s so ashamed off…
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jimmyjumjimmerson · 6 years
Pewdiepie vs T-Series
"Hai poodipie i am to be ur bigest fan in the wholest world, but u never recognize me, even when I subscribe to you when u were below 200 subs. i use to watch ur videos, ur minecraft hunger games series was always my favourite and I wuld always comment and like ur vids, but you never pinned me or sub to my channel Jimmy Jimmersin nor wuld u chec ot my club penguin rp vids, i delet em after craing for long time.... :( " recently a nutter utuber cam along, t-series.. I dislik them at first, but as tim passed on i finger something out.. The T in t-series stands for ten, and my brithday is n 1 minut- Hello pewdiepie, I am now ten years old, and I am no longer watching the brainnumbing sewage you call content any longer. I've since unsubscribed to your channel, no longer do your meme reviews entertain me or even catch a glimmer of my attention. Honestly it was my foolish nine year old brain that had compelled me to watch each and every single brutal second of every ylyl, meme review, and although it pains me to say you slav you lose.. Now I understand that this is inferior to the brilliant content that Ten series produces from the soul catching soap operas to the songs so beautiful that they make deaf people regain their hearing just to listen to the song, t series has made my iq rocket beyond infinity and 2. Truly it hurts to say this deep in my heart, but.. Goodbye pewdiepie maybe if you yelled at barrels more often things could've gone different but it is too late for that now..- Your ex biggest fan."
Felix put down the letter, it had become damp with the tears he shed while reading it. He looked up at his desktop, then closed the reddit window, and put down his camera. "What's the point.. Soon all my fans will be ten, and they'll see that my content is not as good as the brilliantly superior t-series.. How can I keep up with such an amazing content creator that puts so much heart and emotion into every ounce of their videos.." He said to himself in a trembly voice while hesitantly typing in the letter T in the youtube search bar. T series was of course on top of the search results, Felix stared at the emotionless black text on the search bar. He back out of it after half a minute, then went to his channel, where he hovered his mouse over the delete option. Eventually he brought himself to click it, but just before he could a golden mouse pushed his mouse away.
Felix fell back in his chair, and looked up at the desktop with shock. Rogan Paur (not logan paul, nor Japanese) was on his screen. "BRO BRO BRO WHAT WERE YOU GOING TO DO!????!!!??!" Rogan asked him while pointing his camcorder at the screen to post later. (I saved pewdiepie!! NOT CLICKBAIT!!!!) "I-I was going to delete my YouTube channel.." Felix said in a quiet voice, Rogan turned his camera to himself and gave it a shock expression before quickly turning it back to the screen. "Why would you do that bro!? Your content brings so much joy to so many people! You don't know how much you brighten people's days up with your videos bro!" Rogan told him while putting the camera right against the screen to better catch Felix's expression. "B-but my nine year old army is growing up to be ten.." Feliz said while looking down. "It doesn't matter if your turn ten or not! They'll become NINEteen! TwentyNINE- NINEty-NINE! point is they will always be nine in theit hearts! And they'll always be a part of the sister fister army!" Rogan shouted at him. Pewd's eyes lit up with hope. "You're right!" He replied as he sat up on his chair. Rogan put away his camera. "You can do it pewds! Beat t-series!" Rogan shouted one last time before cutting the video. "Ok, fuck you, I'm going to surpass you in subscribers someday!" Rogan told him, then disconnected the call.
"Rogan is right! I won't let T-series beat me! My army will always be nine! I have to stop them! But how do I do that!?" He shouted outloud. "Challenge them to a boxing match!" Marzia replied from another room. "YOU'RE RIGHT!" Pewds replied, then immediately uploaded a video challenging T-series to a boxing match. All the big names such as Gloria Boorger it on their unbias youtube channels.
Pewds trained by punching sixty six million three hundred twenty nine thousand and seventy five punches of gratitude in a day. By the time he was finished, he realized that it was still dau time. A grin came over his face, and he took over a random person's dojo by demonstrating a single punch that was sixty million times the speed of sound.
*2 days l8r*
Everyone was gathering in the massive arena the size of India, the row of pewdiepie fans was slowly shrinking as they turned ten, but this didn't discourage him. No, it did the opposite, this only made pewdiepie more confident in his skills. "They will always be nine in theit hearts.." Pewdiepie thought to himself with a small smile as he awaited in the far right corner of the square ring with closed eyes. "Hello! I am John Smith! How can I help you today?" A man with a thick indian accent spoke to him. Pewds opened his eyes to see 1.324 billion Indians with T-series logo on their face standing in the arena. "SKRATTA DU FLÖRlAR DU" Pewds shouted, then the bell rang anf it was time to fight.
"THIS IS EVERYTHING I HAVE!" Pewdiepie screamed as he charged into the horde that is India's population, they charged toward him as well. Within a matter of seconds he had defeated a million indiands, but their numbers made tidal waves of humans that crashed him, trying to drown out his voice. BUT HIS VOICE WAS A VOICE OF THE PEOPLE. "BARRELS!' Pewdiepie screamed at the top of his lungs, which caused millions of indians to be blasted away. Leaving a massive gap in the center of the boxing arena, with pewdiepie being the only person in it, his eyes glew a bright, silver color representing the subscribed button. "It doesn't matter if I am demonitized or not. If I am the smallest youtuber or the biggest youtuber, I'll always enjoy creating the content that I desire to make and my subscribers will respect that decision. Can you say the same T-series?" He asked them as the gap between them was closed by the flood.
His ex-biggest fan Jimmy Jimmerson, entered the arena with a leash wrapped around his neck, he was being pulled into the stage by John Smith who had escaped the battle zone before the bell rang. "Why'd you bring me here..?" Jimmy asked John, John grinned beneath his T-series logo mask. "So that you could see the fool's final moments of course." John replied, Jimmy looked tiredly at the arena to see that the entire population of india was being held back by pewds with little trouble. This returned a small glimmer of hope in his eyes. "P-pewds?" He said out loud, then john pulled on the leash on his neck. "OW!" he cried out in pain as infomercials for bollywoods latest movie was shoved down his throat.
Pewds leaped twenty feet into the air, a red aura surrounding his body. "Serious serious: Fifty million subscriber red ruby punch!" He shouted, then a flury of millions of ruby fist shot out his body, knocking out the majority of indias population and turning them into nine years olds. He landed, there was still a few hundred indians that hadn't been converted, they ran toward him while spamming his phone with scam calls. Pewds clapped his hands together. "You laugh. You LOSE!" A golden wave of energy shot out his body and finished the remaining indians.
"Hehehe.. I did it." Prwdiepie laughed to himself as he powered down, then suddenly John Smith landed on the arena. "Not exactly." His indian accent became thicker and deeper as he grew into a massive beast, his whole body taking the shape of a t pose. "We are still have the most subscribers gain." John laughed with a thick accent. Pewds looked over his shoulder to see Jimmy sitting in the edge of the arena with his arm stretched out to him. "JIMMy!" Pewds shouted as he dashed toward him, but John got in between them. "NOT SO FAST!" John shouted as he knocked back pewds.
Pewds hit the floor with enough force to cause the world to rumble a bit. "Agh.. He's strong.." Pewds muttered to himself as he looked up at the t posing monster known as John T Series White, but pewds shook his head. "Remember what rogan paur told us!" He reminded himself as he stood back up, but his heart still felt empty he turned to Jimmy. "JIMMY! I've got to know! Will you subscribe to me again!?" Pewds shouted with anguish in his voice. Tears broke free from Jimmy's eyes as he looked at pewdiepie in the eye. "O-of course!" He cried out.
Pewdiepie wiped away any doubt he had left. "It doesn't matter if you have more subscribers than me or not T-series.. My subscribers love me, and although I don't say it often I appreciate them all." Pewds said with a warm grin. "WHAT!? LOVE!? APPRECIATE!? THAT IS WHAT A LOSER TELLS HIMSELF TO MAKE HIMSELF FEEL BETTER YOU'RE EITHER NUMBER ONE OR YOU'RE NOTHING!" JOHN YELLED ANGRILY IN A WEAKENING ACCENT AS HE DASHED TOWARD PEWDIEPIE. He swung his arm at him, but pewdiepie stopped it with a single hand. "No. It's what separates us youtubers from the cold corporation trying to take over our creative flow." Pewdiepie told him, then pushed back John a hundred or so feet with a single tap
NO! NO! NO!" John yelled out, then charged toward pewdiepie once again. But this time Felix leaped over John's arm. "I'm an individual. Not a business." Felix told him just before he unleashed several billion bro fist at John, most of which landed perfectly, but John was able to block the last few thousands. "See!? I'm already adapting to your new power!" Johny barked back as he swung his right arm st Pewds, only for it to be yeeted away. "You'll never be as appreciated as I or other youtubers who make content to entertain people, not to make money off them!" Pewds struck John across the face with a powerful right hook, stumbling him back a bit! But John replied by slamming his head into pewdiepie's gut with enough force to throw him back. "YOU ARE IN IT FOR THE MONEY! WHICH IS WHY YOU SELL MERCH!" John yelled as pewdiepie rolled backwards through the ring.
Pewds hit the opposite side of the ring, and let out a small chuckle. "My fans buy my merch, not because I trick them into it. But because they want to show their love for me and my content!" Pewds shouted, which caused John to take a step back. "BUT YOU SALE AN OVER PRICE CHAIIRRRR!" John yelled as he struggled to stand back up. Once again pewds let out a small chuckle. "It's a meme you dip!" He told John while charging up a yellow energy sphere which represented demonitazation in between his hands. "No! Please no! You can't stop me from becoming number one!" John yelled at him. "Maybe so. But I can show you what true spirit is! Ultimate attack: ORIGINAL CONTENT!" Both Felix and pewdiepie fired a powerful energywave at John. "INDIAN MEDIA!" John replied as he fired back an equally large green wave.
"S-shoot!" Felix thought to himself as he felt his wave being pushed back by John, who was slowly getting back up to his feet as T-series gained another million subscribers. "In the end it doesn't matter what one person says! No matter how influential they're! The media will always win! And I am the media!" John yelled as his beam grew larger. "graerggh!" Pewdiepie yelled out as his beam was pushed back. "Ha! I knew you were weaker than my chin." Leafyishere's voice came over his shoulder, then a black beam was fired alongside Pewd's yellow beam. "L-leafy you came back!?" Pewds looked at him. "Not just me!" He replied, pewds turned to his right to see fiber jesus, the two men that did that one thing for five dollars, jackspedicy, the E guy, Idubbs, joji, ethan and hila, Xyaro/doggo,Naggz21,team fourstar, Charleston vo (Death note abridge), and most importantly his predecessor FREDDDD! no jk the entire youtube community! Together they unleashed a massive rainbow wave which overwhelmed The mainstream media!
In the end John was left laying on the cold floor coughing. "Pewdiepie.." He called out his name in a weak voice. "Yes?" Felix asked as he walked up to John.. "I just wanted to be like you.. Entertain millions of people by doing what I loved, but in the end my greed blinded me.. I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry." John cried, pewdiepie kneeled besides him. "It's fine. As long as you promise to better yourself, you could always do what you love.." Felix told him in a soft voice. "You're right.. I guess I'll try it.. I've always wanted to teach others how to cook traditional Indians meals.. I'm thirty-nine.." John told him in a soft tone. Felix smiled and fist bumped him. "Sister fister." They said to each other.. "Wait Pewds.. I've got a favour to ask.." John told him. "What would that be?" He looked down at him. "Get Jimmy Jimmerson to twenty subscribers with no videos."john told him then passed out. "Of course.."
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