#but this show literally lit up my life and stood out from all the others
thatone-brightstar · 1 year
The Bear & The Fox (Carmy Berzatto x Fem!Reader)
Chapter 1: Bear meet Fox
Words: 5.2k
Summary: Out of everyone in the vast city of Chicago, Carmen was glad it was you who stumbled into his rundown restaurant.
a/n: I'm too in love with this man to not write about him, so I'm contributing to our shared obsession with my silly little ficcc.
Also reader is Latina in this and yes it's partially self indulgence.
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You couldn't believe you were about to do it.
Not due to  excitement but mostly dread, and a bit of self loathing, that the lowest point in your life had brought you here of all places in the city. Might as well call it point Nemo because there was no way you could get any further away.
Pulling your phone from the back pocket of your jeans, you kept your eyes still on the rundown building across the deserted street, afraid it would dissipate and take with it your only chance of employment in a 200 mile radius. The phone screen lit up with the last message from your brother a few days ago and you wanted to punch him square in the face at the way he worded his stupid attempt at “helping” you find a job.
‘So you stop moping around the house cuz its getting pathetic’
Read the text under a picture of a ‘HELP WANTED’ sign, poorly taped to the inside of a surprisingly clean window, stark contrast to the grimy brick that surrounded it. A second text had also been left on read, with a maps link to the location where you stood, balancing on your feet out of nerves. You contemplated your options, as if you had any; turn around, head home and lay in bed until you withered and died of misery. God, your brother was right, you were getting pathetic.
You took a very deep breath, held it for a few seconds, then blew it out into the cold surroundings. ‘You can do it. It’s just another interview, you've done those before. More in the past month than your whole life sure, but who cares? This is the good one.’ You tried psyching yourself up. It could always be worse, you remembered, though lately it seemed more true everyday.
You forced your feet to move from their petrified state and walked towards the building, made sure that the sign was the same one your brother sent, then stood with an outstretched hand about to pull the door open when a voice coming from the left side of the building called your attention.
“Yo, sweetheart! We open at noon!” A man wearing gray joggers and an over washed shirt stood with his head peeking against the corner of the building. If it weren’t for the apron tied around his waist, you’d assume he’s some stranger sticking his nose in other people’s business, but with the bags under his eyes and the cigarette hanging from his mouth, you recognized the trademark of a tired restaurant worker.
“I’m here for the help wanted ad?” You said more like a question, raising a manila folder and shaking it so he could see that you weren’t there for sandwiches, or whatever it was they sold.
“Why?” He asked skeptically, scanning you from head to toe and taking a drag from his cigarette without using his hands. Show off.
You couldn’t come up with an answer on the spot, out of nervousness and intimidation, so you chose to shrug. You could have said you needed the job or literally anything else, but that answer seemed to be enough for him. The guy took another drag then gestured with his head for you to follow him around the corner. With a doubtful turn to the glass door, you moved to the left and followed the man into the parking spot between buildings where, you hoped, another entrance to the restaurant would be waiting for you.
You moved slowly over the gravel, making your way deeper into the empty space. A breath you didn’t know you were holding left your lips at the sight of a long metal door opened ajar, with the man finishing his cig keeping it from closing. He made a circular impatient motion with his hand while staring at you and that was enough for you to quicken your pace towards him.
“Hurry up babe, we ain’t got all day” He said with a loud voice despite being less than three feet away. “C’mon, I’ll see if I can find my asshole cousin. He’s the one who put that stupid sign up anyway.”
You fully entered the building and were immediately welcomed by the familiar scent of roasted meats and sauteed vegetables, the buzz of old vent pipes and the scraping of metal pans against the burners slightly numbed the anxiety growing in your stomach. This was familiar, this you knew. Down to the Bachata beat playing somewhere inside from an overworked radio and the blinding white lights reflecting off the even whiter tiled walls.
The man seemed to have disappeared somewhere past the kitchen, leaving you stranded in the middle of the Steward station with nothing but a half assed ‘wait here’. You clutched your folder containing your resumé near your chest and tried to make yourself as small as it was possible in the already tiny space, so as to not interfere with anyone who were to pass by in a hurry. It felt like minutes had passed and the guy had not returned. You tried to keep yourself entertained by counting the stained steel pots hanging from the hooks above the sinks, then moved to count the beat up escoffier containers that rested on the rack in front of you. When that was done, you checked your surroundings in search of someone else to help you, as the asshole had been gone for some time and it didn’t seem like he’d be back soon.
About to give up hope and ready to push the exit door, you hear a loud ‘Corner!’ headed your way and turned just in time to see a mountain of pots and pans being carried to the sinks by a faceless body. His head was turned to the other side, probably doing his best to keep an eye on the path ahead. You tried to say something but the words were stuck in your throat, so instead you stepped back out of his way and waited until he dropped the cookware. The faceless person dropped everything inside with a loud bang, then rested his arms against the metal edge, sighed and let his head hang low. From your position, scooted by the door in silence, you waited expectantly for him to turn around so you could say something; maybe explaining why you’re there would be a good way to start. But it took him some time to move. All you saw is the flexing of strained muscle on his arms as he gripped the sink like a lifeline. The movement of his tensed back as he breathed under the thin white shirt he wore brought a warmth to your cheeks and you knew you’re starting to be creepy so you forced yourself to talk.
“Hi-” Is all you get to say before he jumped back startled, wide blue eyes with a wild expression and a hand clutching over his blue apron where his heart was.
“Jesus fuck! Don’t fuckin’ do that!” He shouted at you with a hand raking through his hair. 
“Sorry!” You yelled back. Your heartbeat pounded in your throat and ears and the warmth from a few seconds ago had turned scorching hot over all your skin.
He leaned forward and rested his hands over his knees trying to calm his pulse, then chuckled lightly and regained his composure. “No no you’re good, I-uh I didn’t mean to yell like that but you scared the shit outta me.”
He passed his hand over his face then left it over his mouth, contemplating you for a solid minute. He looked over at you unsure of what to say as you stood holding your folder to your chest and balancing on your feet. 
“Right… so'' He leaned against the sink. “Who are you?”
“Yeah sorry, I saw you were asking for help up front and wanted to see if it was still available.” You said pointing to where you assumed was front of house. In the small space, you couldn’t really make out the layout of the place. “Some asshole guy let me in but then left me here.”
“Fuckin’ Richie” He says under his breath. “Yeah, yeah it still is. You got any papers on you?”
You hand him the folder you had been clutching to your chest. He looked at you one last time then opened it to find your wrinkled resume inside. While he analyzed the information you peeked another look at him. Ashy blond hair framed a strong jaw and nose. He had a broad back and strong arms, likely from all the physical effort it took to work in a kitchen, and even though he took up some space, it seemed like he tried to shrink into himself. The  pale skin on his arms was littered with designs that you couldn’t make out from the distance, but you could see the hyper pigmentation of a few scars.
“Oven?” You ask, pointing to a small angry red mark across his forearm.
“What? Oh fuuuck.” He said as he turned his arm. “That’s the first time I see it, honestly.” 
You laughed lightly under your breath, before he turned to you with a small smile.
“C’mon.” He guided you out the Steward section and you assumed he’d take you to whoever was in charge of the place.
Your nerves had settled due to the familiar ambiance, as he conducted you through the different sections where a few cooks turned curiously, then settled by the expo  that stood tall facing the small window opening into the dining area.
“Mind if we check it here? The office is a shit hole right now.” He looked down at you with expectant eyes.
You swallowed dryly, you weren’t expecting him to be the one in charge. Does that mean you were checking out your future boss? Fuck. You nodded, afraid to trust your own voice. He nodded back then looked at the worn out paper.
“You have a pretty cool resume.” He started. “You’ve been all over the place. Hostess, service, line cook. Private chef for two years, where was that?”
“Uhm, some rich folks up in Lincoln Park. Just dinner and meal prep.” You said as nonchalant as possible.
“Well listen, I don’t think I can pay you as well as they did.” He joked. “We’re not that big of a place and in all honesty, business’ a little tight right now.” 
And there it was, the last rejection you were expecting. You looked down at your hands and did your best to calm the bile climbing up your throat.
“But we could really use the help, so maybe I can offer you to help out up front and once we’re back on our feet, you can move back here. The pay’s not the best and the hours are crazy long but it’s just in the meantime.” He stayed quiet waiting for an answer.
Your head snapped up to look at him after the first half, still surprised it wasn’t a rejection. You didn’t notice you had been quietly staring until he raised his brows expectantly.
“Wait, so that means I’m hired?” You questioned, still cautious.
“Yeah, you think you can start today?”
“Yes, yes thank you so much!” You cleared your throat to hide the too obvious excitement. “Yeah, I’ll just need a place to drop off my things.”
“Great, well we gave Sydney our last empty locker, but you can keep your bag in the office. It’s pretty safe.” He pointed to a closet sized door to the left and asked you to follow him while he explained that family was served before opening and that he’d introduce everyone then.
After dropping your bag inside the dimly lit room, that was indeed a shit hole, he guided you back to the kitchen, then through a white door that pushed into the front of house. You saw the asshole leaning against the long counter separated from the tables, telling a very engaging story to a shorter man in a backwards cap who appeared to just want to finish fixing a broken tap. When the door slammed behind you, they both turned towards you and the chef, who you had yet to know the name of. The taller of the two’s eyes grew in realization and his hand flew to his mouth in a fist to try and hide his laugh.
“Shiiit, my bad doll. I swear I went lookin’ for ‘em but fuckin’ Fak here couldn’t keep his pipe shut and started talking!” He said, using the back of his other hand to slap at the chest of the other man who turned offended to him.
“I didn’t say shit!  You came running to me talkin’ about the pretty girl you had in the bac-” 
“Both of you shut the fuck up and listen” The man behind you interrupted impatient, he placed his hand lightly on your lower back and pushed you further into the room. The placement of his hand did nothing to subside the growing shade of pink in your cheeks from the comment. “This is… shit sorry, I never asked your name.” He turned to you, hand still on your back.
A quiet ‘it’s okay’ left your lips and you introduced yourself to the group of men. The chef repeated your name to himself as a way of memorizing it, then spoke back to the group.
“Richie, she’ll be helping you up front.” 
“Fuck you, I’m not babysitting!” He turns to you. “No offense sweetheart, but this,” He said signaling the bar, “is a one man symphony, okay? I can’t have you screwing with my system.”
You did your best not to roll your eyes at him, because of course you expected him to be defensive about it. Enough experience in the service industry had shown you that older people tended to be quite resistant towards change, especially if the change came in the form of barely 5’3 and female. Sure you were young, you had barely graduated culinary school two years ago during the pandemic, but you had been working since your third year so you were more than familiar with the business.
“Well you have a shitty system.” Said Fak under his breath as he finished unscrewing something.
“What the fuck did you just say?” Richie said, offended. 
“I’m just saying man, you could use the help. I saw you jump at a customer the other day cause he was asking for ketchup.”
“Cause only idiots ask for ketchup with a sandwich!” He threw his hands in the air and turned his back to Fak.
“He was ten!” He shouted back.
“Look, I don’t have time to argue! Richie, you imbecile, take the help cause you need it and stop jumping on people before you catch a case, all right?!” He turned to you, rubbed your back with his hand still there and smiled slightly. “You’ll do great.” He says finally before turning to Richie and pointing up at him while walking back. “Don’t fuckin’ scare her off.”
And he was gone out the door. Richie made a gesture with both his hands pushing from under his chin to where the chef had disappeared then turned to you. He stayed silent, one hand on the bar and another on his hips as he stared at you in intimidation. You held his gaze, not cowarring now that you knew he wasn’t going to murder you. An ‘Aha!’ from Fak brought him back and he slapped his hand on the bar.
“Alright c'mon. I’m gonna need you to organize back here while I sweep around the tables. We open at 12 so we got enough time. Got it? ” He finished.
You salute with your right hand, rolled up your sleeves and walked behind the bar to start working on the task. “Yes, chef.” You mumbled out of habit.
“Nah, don’t fuckin’ start with that ‘chef’ thing with me, I’m already up to my balls with Carmy sayin’ it all the time.” He replied exasperated.
“Fine. Yes, asshole. Whatever.” You respond, rolling your eyes and starting to take things out from the fridge at the bottom of the counter.
You heard a snicker from Fak a few feet away, followed by a smacking sound and an ‘Ow! Fuck you!’ before Richie’s sneakers squeaked away into the other room. What you didn’t see was the small smirk on his face as he started walking away. You had balls, he’d give you that.
You powered through the absolute rat’s nest the bottom of the counter was. An empty jar of pickles, two moldy sausages and a single slab of cheese without the wrapper were only a couple of things you found while trying to clean the mess. You took anything useless and dumped it into a black trash bag Fak was nice enough to get you, before showing you where they kept all the cleaning supplies so you weren’t in the dark. It took you two trips to the supply shelf, a sponge, a rag and half a bottle of dish soap to ultimately get rid of the stale grease that gave the impression to have been there since the opening of the place. Once you were satisfied with the way you organized the station, you moved to scrub the top of all the counters and even give a little swipe with the rag on all the stools.
You had baby hairs sticking to your forehead and cheeks by the time you were done, even your jacket had been discarded and thrown under the now clean bar, but a satisfied smile rested on your face despite all that. God, you really missed working. You finally took some time to admire all the framed pictures littering the surrounding walls. Most were of sports players you weren’t familiar with; one, because you really weren’t a fan of any sport, and two, because the pictures looked so old that most of the specific features had been erased from too much exposure to the sun. There were also football jerseys hanging by a corner near the unlit menu and a big ‘Beef Deli’ sign on the wall behind you. You saw a couple cooks moving around behind the window under the sign and a little knot formed in your stomach at the thought of having to introduce yourself in a while.
You checked your wristwatch on your left hand while you wiped the sweat from your forehead with your right, hoping you still had some time to kill. But before you could look down, a voice by the door called your name. You looked up to see the chef, Carmy you had learned his name was, looking at you with a small smile.
“Front of house looks good, chef.” He complemented, clear blue eyes scanning the counters as he leaned against the door, hands playing with a spoon.
You took a deep breath and smiled back, holding onto your wrists behind your back, “Thanks, chef. I-uhm hope you don’t mind that I took some Fabuloso to wipe down the counter by the window. It smelled like shit.” You finish, pointing at the purple liquid in the spray bottle beside you.
“Yeah, no that’s fine.” He answers, a small laugh stuck in his throat. “But that was actually Tina’s so don’t let her see you used it.”
Your mouth opened slightly as your eyes grew, and you were afraid to ask how bad it would be if she found out. He straightened up with a smirk and tapped his spoon twice on the metal counter before signaling for you to follow him with his head.
“C’mon, family’s up.”
You turned on your heel to follow him into the other room, but jogged back, jumped over the counter high enough to slap the spray bottle with sufficient force for it to fall and roll under the counter. You did not know Tina, but you were sure as hell you also didn’t want to get your shit rocked on your first day on the job. 
You tried tidying up your hair back into a less messy ponytail and combed all the stray baby hairs before entering the adjacent room where the other workers were getting ready for family. Some faces stared from their seats, questioning the presence of the stranger invading their space. A few you had met on the rush while taking the garbage bags out or crossing the kitchen to the supply shelf. Marcus, the pastry chef, waved with a simple smile and pointed to an empty space beside him. The simple action brought a wave of relief over your shoulders as you advanced towards him, hands interlocked in nerves. You mumbled a ‘Thanks.’ and served yourself a glass of water from the pitcher in front of you.
Once everyone was sitting with a container of food in front, the chef introduced you to the table and let everyone know you’d be helping out up front with the service and that if they had any questions, they could ask you directly. The first one to jump at the opportunity was an older man with dark skin, asking you in a thick accent if you were related to Tina. There was a burst of laughter around the table, but he seemed to be serious about his question.
“Ebra, not all latinos are related you racist fucker.” Responded a small woman sitting beside him with a slap to his arm. Okay, so that’s Tina, you thought. “That’s like me saying you and Marcus are related cause you’re both black.” She finished pointing at the tall man sitting beside you.
“We are related.” Ebra responded with a teasing smile, staring at Marcus and you immediately knew where this was going. “I am his grandfather- his mom called me daddy last night!”
Another roar of laughter shattered along the table and you had to stick a spoonful of rice in your mouth to hide your smile. You heard a ‘C’mon man, that’s not right.’ from Marcus as he shook his head, but the creeping grin let you know that it was all in fun. The conversation flowed between comments on the food and stories they all recounted, glad to have a fresh pair of ears to hear them.
One of Richie’s was from a few weeks ago, when they had set up a video game tournament at the restaurant to make some extra cash and the nerds in line had gone so bat shit crazy, that one punched Carmy on the jaw and he had to go out and ‘beat their asses into shape’. You slowly swallowed the bite you had taken and stared at Richie sitting at the end by Carmy.
“Was he dressed like a giant carrot… By any chance?” You ask mortified. 
“No shit! You know the fucker?!” He yelled, slamming his hands on the table. Everyone turned to you like you were holding a new piece to a worthy puzzle.
You covered your face with your hands then crossed them in front of your chin. “Yeah… I think that fucker’s my 19 year old brother.” You affirmed scrunching your face in disgust. Fuckin’ Joshua.
The table went wild with jokes about how Carmy had almost gotten knocked out by a teen and through the hysterics you could still make out Richie’s voice saying “Oh my god, sweetheart. Thank you, really. You just made my WEEK!”  All you could do was pick around your container as heat crept up your neck.
You peered up through your lashes at Carmen sitting with a mortifying look and mouthed a heartfelt ‘Sorry’ for what felt like the tenth time that day. He was leaning back with his arms crossed, smiled with an ‘it’s okay’ and let everyone take a jab with their jokes. You looked back down to your food and did your best to drown out the teasing noises from everyone, but were unaware of how the chef raised his brows and swallowed dryly with his gaze still on you.
After minutes of teasing, everyone picked up their empty dishes and separated into their areas. You stayed in the dining room wiping down the tables that were left to clean before opening service and a couple of ideas came to mind on how you could decorate them to reduce the depressing feeling. At least for now, napkins and holders would do, the rest would have to wait. You power walked to the front where you remembered seeing a packet that looked to be from napkins, but once you reached inside all you found were a bunch of wrinkled brown pieces of paper.
“Richie!” You yelled from your crouched position.
“Yo!” He yelled back, head popping above you over the counter.
“I can’t seem to find any napkins.” You spoke while still searching hopefully in the space.
“You’re holdin’ em.” He stated, matter-of-factly. 
You stand fully and shake the supposed napkins in front of you. “Richie, these are stained and say Starbucks on em!” 
His grin grew wide on his face as he walked back with extended arms. “Welcome to The Beef, kid!” He laughed, then leaned down to unlock the glass door where you could already see some people forming a line.
You quickly dropped the napkins, grabbed the blue half apron you had been given and tied it around your waist as fast as possible. Fuck, fuck, fuck. A fuckin’ heads up would’ve been nice, you thought as you plastered on a soft smile for the clients.
“Alright, fuckos! We’re open!” He shouted into the restaurant and wiggled his brows towards you. “Goodluck.”
He was worried for you for the first fifteen minutes after opening. Afraid you’d see the mess you had stumbled upon or that his idiot cousin would say something that would have you grabbing your bag and leaving without as much as a goodbye. He wouldn’t blame you, hell, he would’ve even done the same if his name wasn’t in the lease  now instead of his brother’s.
He stopped worrying however, when he saw the way you managed yourself around the floor and customers. Empty plates were picked up with ease and replaced with warm ones that spent less than five minutes on the counter, the orders were taken within minutes and served with a kind smile. He was even surprised when you walked away from the other side of the expo with three plated sandwiches balancing in one hand and a forth plate in the other.
“Can you manage, chef?” He even asked when he saw you trying to find the perfect space between your fingers that could balance the plate, your lip caught in concentration.
You looked at him with your head still bowed and a breathy smile. “Yeah, thanks.” Then turned your back to deliver the dishes. 
It wasn’t his intention for his gaze to linger longer than it did as your hips swayed naturally with every step, or when despite the hectic sound of the kitchen he could still hear you laugh politely at a joke from one of their regulars. But it was only until Syd elbowed him in the side that he noticed he was being a bit creepy. Jesus, it’s like your 14 again, he thought.
“You’re worried Richie’s gonna scare her off but you’re the one giving me the creeps with all the staring.” She said after reading the printed ticket for another order.
“Heard, chef.” Was all he said, cleared his throat and went back to work, doing his best not to look up every time you walked to receive a new order.
It was only when the lunch rush died down and he was in desperate need of a cigarette, that he saw you sitting down with your head resting against the cold bricks of the adjacent building and eyes closed peacefully. He didn’t want to bother you, but he also didn’t want to waste the opportunity of telling you how well you had done in the first half of the day. Besides, the heavy door behind him slammed closed and startled you slightly, so there was no going back now.
“Hey.” You smiled softly, stretching your arms above your head and your legs straight forward, then relaxed altogether. 
“You smoke?” Carmy asked, offering you a cig as he sat on the empty crate a few feet away from you, elbows resting on his knees.
You shook your head no, but thanked him anyway. “I quit a few months ago.” You said just as he flicked his lighter on and the tip grew bright orange.
“Shit, sorry. If it bothers you I can turn it off.” He offered. He wanted to say ‘I can go somewhere else’ but he didn’t want to give you the idea that he didn’t wanna be there.
You shook your head no again still smiling and pulled one of your legs to your chest, turning to him. “So…” You asked curious. “How’d I do for my first half?”
Carmy chuckled lightly as he exhaled smoke into the air. He turned to you from his crouched position and for the fifth time that day, he took a good look at your face. Jesus fuck, how could someone as beautiful as you end up in his dump of all places? Despite your overworked expression and a few small bags beneath your eyes, he was sure he had never seen anyone’s face glow with such brightness as yours did now. His eyes danced around your face, taking in every single freckle he could before he tore them away after what to him felt like an eternity of staring- no- admiring your features.
“You did way better than I expected. Truly, chef. Thank you.” He whispered and, despite the noisy Chicago surroundings, you heard every word.
Your smile beamed brighter for what felt like the first time in months and the fist that had been constricting your heart for a while now seemed to give you some much needed space to breathe. 
Carmy finished his cigarette in comfortable silence, now laying back against the cold brick wall that helped ease the rising temperature in his body, while you played with the aquamarine ring on your pointer finger that reminded you too much of the chef’s specific shade of blue eyes.
“What’s Carmy short for?” You asked all of a sudden, pulling him out of his internal thoughts.
It took him a couple of seconds to process the question, then smiled down to the gravel under his feet. “Uhm- it’s short for Carmen. It’s a family name. " He responded.
“Oh.” Was all you said, nodding your head. “It's nice. I have a cousin named Carmen.” You continue with a smile on your lips.
“Yeah?” He asked, turning down towards you, only to see you stand up and  clean off the dust from the back of your black jeans and readjust the apron around your waist.
You stood with your hands on your hips and stared down at him for another second before smiling and making your way to the tall door. “Yeah, but she’s a girl.” You reply without turning back and push your way into the restaurant, leaving the chef with a snickering grin and a lightheaded feeling he wished wasn’t just from the nicotine.
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Chapter 2.
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pretending-ican-write · 6 months
Cowboy Up - Pt.10
As always drop me any requests you want to see outside of the show/pre canon for this pairing! And let me know if you want adding to the tag list.
Also for anyone interested this is my playlist that is always playing when I write Cowboy Up (and literally every other minute of my life), it's pretty good if I say so myself.
Pairing: Ryan (Yellowstone) x Dutton!reader
Previous part - Next part
Rip had insisted that y/n have a late start that morning, knowing that she wouldn’t have slept well the night before.  Instead of being at the barn as first light was breaking, she’d spent an extra hour staring at the ceiling above her bed before giving up on a lie in and getting up for the day even though she wasn’t expected for another couple of hours.  
Brushing off Gator’s offer of pancakes, his ultimate food for her comfort, she headed for the porch and settled on her favourite side overlooking the fields and lit up her first cigarette of the day.  Once that one was finished, she stubbed it out under her boot and immediately lit another one.  With an exhale of smoke, y/n felt the first tear slide down her cheek.  At least Montana had blessed the ranch with nice weather for the anniversary of her mother’s death and she knew she would be avoiding Beth more than normal.
Her phone buzzed in her pocket and she pulled it out to see a message from Rip.  ‘I know you’ve already got a late start but if you need the day off just let me know.  Everyone can work around you- Rip.’  Y/n couldn’t help but chuckle at the fact Rip still signed his name on messages and how he refused to have anything more than his damn flip phone.  After putting out her second cigarette, she typed out her response.  ‘The worst thing for me to be doing today is being alone with my thoughts, especially not in this house.  I’ll be down soon, have coffee waiting.’
After collecting her boots from the porch, and accepting the apple Gator forced into her hand, y/n set off down the drive to the barn to start the day.
When she reached the barn, the hands were outside with their horses ready to ride out to check for cattle.  Lloyd was the first one to approach her, thermos of coffee in hand which he gave her in exchange for a wordless hug.  He’d been there for her through it all, even when she was a scared kid he’d still take the time out of his work day to teach her the skills her older brothers were learning on the cattle and supervised her with the horses when nothing else would quiet her mind.  Whilst their mother’s death had made Beth swear off horses for life, it had only pushed y/n closer towards them.  At this point, their routine on that day each year was down to a fine art.
On his way to his horse, Rip squeezed her shoulder in quiet support.  Y/n knew that was all he would show in front of the hands but it was his way of telling her he was there for her.  She smiled at him gratefully before going to the barn to tack Comanche up.
From where he stood with his own horse, Ryan’s eyes followed her and he wordlessly passed his reins to Colby.  Lloyd looked up from tightening his cinch to see the other hand slipping into the barn and decided that maybe this was the year y/n would accept the comfort she was offered.
Inside the barn, Ryan found her with Comanche’s stall open but his tack still on the floor outside.  She stood with one hand on his withers and the other tangled in his mane.  From where he was standing, Ryan could see the small shake of her shoulders.  He made the small distance across to her, wrapping his arms around her waist.
Y/n tensed at the initial contact before relaxing into his hold, dropping her hands from Comanche.  After a moment, she turned in his arms to bury her face in his chest.  When he tightened his hold on her and pushed his face into her neck, he could feel the shake of her body.  Tears started to dampen his shirt but he didn’t pull away from her, letting her take all the time she needed.  When she did pull away from his embrace, Ryan pretended not to see how his girlfriend subtly wiped her face.  
He leant against the open door to watch her tack up, “‘m not gonna ask how you’re doing today sweetheart, but I’m here.  All day every day.”
When she exited the barn with Comanche in tow, Rip raised an eyebrow at Ryan following her out but didn’t say anything deciding that today was not the time to have that conversation with her.  Instead, he watched her mount up before informing her that she would be riding with him, making it clear that she wouldn’t be able to argue her way out of his decision.
A little while later y/n was starting to feel more human than she had when she woke up that morning.  The sun warmed her body down to her bones which was, in her opinion, the best medicine that Montana had to offer.  Rip normally indulged her rambling more than the other hands (except maybe Lloyd, he’d let her get away with anything) but today he let her fill any pocket of silence with stories and whatever else came into her head as they rode towards the main house.
The pair rode up to where Jimmy was working and y/n burst out laughing when she looked over to the sight of her sister, naked, in the trough with a bottle of champagne.  They all had their own ways of coping, she guessed.  Hers was using chores to keep her mind busy, Jamie pretended like nothing was wrong, Kayce was probably out making poor life choices.  Apparently this was Beth’s way of coping.  
Rip looked over at her for assistance and she shook her head, “not touching her with an electrified cattle prod today.  She’s your problem.”
The foreman groaned but relented, handing Jimmy his reins when he dismounted before going to negotiate with the eldest Dutton sister after Jamie had managed to piss her off.
Y/n leaned over to where Jimmy was stood speechless, “welcome to my fucked up family, they all hate each other.”
“What about you?” He asked, “Do you hate them?”
She shrugged, “eh that’s a complicated question Jimmy.  I don’t think I could hate them but I sure as shit don’t like some of ‘em.  Me and dad will never recover from what he did to Kayce, much as he’s in denial about that, Jamie’s a workaholic who never noticed me falling apart and me and Beth… well me and Beth haven’t agreed on anything since she killed my mother.  Best of them was Lee and the bastard had the nerve to die and leave me in the middle of this shit.”
“Anyone ever told you you need therapy?” Jimmy muttered.
Y/n laughed, “this horse is all the therapy I need.”
Rip strode back towards them, frustration on his face as Beth strutted back to the house still naked.  Y/n laughed as expression and he glared at her when he mounted up.
“I’d have thought you’d realised by now Beth ain’t gonna make it easy for you,” she pointed out.
He rolled his eyes, “shut up.”
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yanderecrazysie · 10 months
Good day, I was actually the anon who requested oshi no ko… I hope you enjoyed it cause I just recently rewatched it cause I couldn’t move past Ai’s death.
But can I have Yandere Aqua and more specifically if you are ok with it, with someone from his past life like his young intern. Like someone he had an attachment to as a doctor as they spent a lot of time working together and become really good friends despite the reader not really being into an idol stuff. So after his death, the reader naturally mourn him and left his hometown because of guilt of not being able to find his body.
So flash forward reader is now a certified doctor for stunt doubles and meats Aqua in a movie set. Seeing you, his once meek intern now a professional doctor brings feelings from him. You are his only connection to his past life as Gorou and he can’t seem to shake you off the emotions you bringout from him. He sees you as someone he has to control to protect you from harm and this leads to yandere obsession.
Thanks for reading my ask and request. Although thinking this more clearly, I feel like there would be a significant age gap between intern reader and aqua but The idea won’t leave my head so I hope you’re ok with it as long as both Aqua and Reader are legal adults
Oshi no Ko was literally so good! I cried at Ai’s death scene, it was so sad! (Then again, I cry at everything on TV these days lol) 
I made Reader young at the start, but there’s still a large age gap obviously. Both are adults though, so it’s technically fine.
Title: To See You Again
Pairings: Hoshino Aqua x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, significant age gap (legal adults)
Summary: Aqua sees someone from his past life again after 18 years. It brings up some darker feelings.
“You know, I can’t really get into this idol stuff, but it makes me happy to see you happy,” you giggled. 
Dr. Gorou couldn’t tear his eyes away from the TV, where a beautiful girl in a pink dress danced and sang on a brightly-lit stage. He gave a grunt of acknowledgment to show he’d heard his young intern. 
At just 18, you were the youngest person working in the hospital. It was clear you weren’t aiming to be a gynecologist like Dr. Gorou was, but your hometown was a small one and there weren't many options to intern at. 
You sat down on the bed next to your mentor, watching Ai blow a kiss to the audience, her eyes shining with emotion. Although you didn’t see the appeal in it, you understood that he had gotten into it from a young patient who had died. You couldn’t help but wonder if that death had scarred him somehow.
Scooting a little closer, you smiled up at Dr. Gorou. He looked at you from the corner of his eye for a moment, smiling back, before he turned his attention back to the idol on-screen. You stifled a sigh.
He’d never notice your feelings, would he?
Aqua stood idly around, watching the other actors practice their lines together. He’d already memorized his part of the script- it was easy compared to all the medical terms he’d had to memorize in medical school. 
“Quiet on set! Quiet on set!” Someone called out. The actors went quiet as a stunt actor got in place on set. Aqua watched silently from the corner he stood in.
The stunt double took a running leap through a glass window, taking the place of the main character, who had performed the scene just before this one. Suddenly, he stood up, clutching his leg and letting out a strangled cry. Sticking out from his thigh was a large shard of glass, blood beginning to seep through his pants.
“Cut!” The director yelled, leaping up from his chair. “Aqua, take him to the doctor on set!”
Aqua bit back a sigh. Why him? He walked over to the stunt double and offered him his arm to take. The stunt actor leaned against him, limping with each step and wincing in pain.
Aqua had never seen the doctor, but he knew where she was staying. He helped the man along the backstage hallway and to the office. He gave a quick knock and entered, helping the stunt double onto the bed.
Once he saw the doctor, his heart stopped. 
You were older now, probably around the age he was when he’d died in his previous life, but it was unmistakably you. He felt an irresistible tug at his heart when he looked at you, reminded of your smile and obvious crush on him.
For a moment, he waited for you to recognize him, but remembered that he wasn’t the same person anymore. Of course you wouldn’t know him. 
You had turned all of your attention to the poor stunt double in front of you, and Aqua was struck by the realization that you’d matured so much since he’d last seen you. You were a fully fledged doctor now, not just an intern. 
He was surprised by the thoughts that crossed his mind. I’m an adult again, so surely she’ll recognize me and want me again. And even worse, the childish reaction he had when he saw the wedding ring on her finger. I knew her first!
Back when he was Dr. Gorou, he had specifically ignored your advances. He was too old for you in his 30s, he had thought. But now, here you were, and the roles had swapped. Now he was the young adult, and the attraction had taken hold of him. Maybe it was hormones or maybe it was the fact that he finally had something from his old life in front of him.
He spotted a photo on your desk and leaned in to inspect it. He was shocked by the image- younger you standing next to Dr. Gorou. He just about choked on his tongue asking, “Hey, who is this?”
You looked up from the leg you were tending and followed his gaze. A sad smile crossed your face. “Oh, that’s my old mentor. He was a kind doctor that went missing, presumed dead. I miss him every day.”
Take that, (Y/n)’s husband. He thought victoriously.
“When can I see you again, Doc?” The stunt double asked as you bandaged his leg, “Maybe at a bar, just you and me?”
Aqua felt red-hot rage shooting through his veins. How dare he?
You giggled your sweet giggle, the one he’d missed for 18 long years, and turned him down. He didn’t deserve your laughter or your kindness, and Aqua seethed silently from it. You had pined after him for so long, why had you moved on?
Maybe your husband had forced you into a relationship. Threatened you. That’s the only conclusion he could make from this situation. After all, you still had his picture on your desk.
He’d take care of your husband for you, and then he’d find a way to make you see that he’s the same man you fell in love with all those years ago.
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enhaloves · 1 year
When the flowers bloom
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Jake x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: A fun and cute Lego flowers date with Jake! masterlist
It was a sunny afternoon which called for a picnic date by the river downtown. You and your boyfriend made it a hobby to tire yourselves out with dates like going to the movies, checking new restaurants, library dates, café hopping and so much more. But having a picnic was not yet included in the list. 
“Love, do you wanna go out with me?” You asked your boyfriend who’s busy scrolling through his phone. Both of you were glued to the bed all day so it was not a bad idea to go outside. He looked at you and raised his brows.
“Why? I’m already going out with you.” He replies while biting down his lower lips, anticipating your reaction. This made your heart crush in a good way but you were not about to flirt with your bf this minute. Rolling your eyes, you hit his ankles which made him giggle. (I’M NEVER OKAY WHEN HE GIGGLES ISTG)
“Do you want to go out? Love?” He says, not forgetting to mention the word that just makes you want to float around and scream. 
You looked at him and noticed the unsure look on his face. You guessed he was not in the mood to do anything at the moment. But you had something planned out, and you didn’t know how long it would take him before he found that surprise, so you had to do it today. 
“Yeah, I kinda have a plan...” You were starting to doubt your idea. His expression changed to one of puzzlement. “What is it?” He asks delightfully. You cleared your throat, scared that you’d break his expectations. Now you were 70% close to not pushing through the idea. 
“Uhmmm... A picnic date maybe? BUT it’s fine if you don’t want to, I know you just want to rest toda-” You were cut off when he placed his hand over your mouth to shut you up. He looks at you lovingly and giggles one more time (I’M NOT OKAY) before standing up and getting both your arms, forcing you to stand up too. He then places your arms around his waist, pulling you in for a hug. He sways you around slightly before kissing the top of your head.
“Don’t be anxious when you want to ask me something. I’m sure it’ll be lovely. Even if it’s not, I’ll still do it if it makes you happy, love.” He gives you one more sway before letting go. “Get dressed. I’ll go and pack food.” He leaves the room, leaving you frozen. It was during these times that your love for him was just overflowing.
Eventually, you get dressed like he said and packs the essentials. You went and grabbed one of your stocked blankets, which was big enough for the both of you. You folded it and put it inside a paper bag, that had the surprise inside. It was the main star of the day. You were strolling around the mall on one of your dates when you found these cute Lego flowers and you just had to buy them. Not to mention your boyfriend’s undying love for Legos. You managed to secretly purchase it, and now it was time to finally show it. 
When you went outside of the room, you spot Jake, seated on the couch with a basket beside him. He raised his eyes from his phone to you and smiled. “You look lovely.  I’ll change my clothes, then we’re set to go.” He stands up and goes to the room, but he managed to kiss your cheeks when he walked past you. This made your heart skip a beat. It always does.
“Thank you for suggesting this, Love. I really needed this.” Jake said, admiring the river view, his hair dancing with the air majestically. How does he do this?
You quickly laid down the blanket, feeling good about this. Everything was set. The air, the food, the view, your boyfriend. Literally everything you could ask for in life. 
Both of you were silent, but not awkwardly silent. It was comforting. You enjoyed each other’s company.
You stood up, realizing it was the perfect time to do it. Jake was quietly staring at you, looking confused. When you took out the Lego box, his face lit up, and the smile on his face was adorable. He snatched the box from your hands and read the packaging, his smile not failing to drop. 
You watched him with adored eyes as you watched him inspect the box happily, even giggling a bit. (I REPEAT, I’M NOT OKAY).
He stands up and gives you the tightest hug ever. You had to forcefully push him away because you couldn’t breath. His eyes glisten looking straight through your eyes. “I love you” he says softly, half whispering. You cupped his face and kissed his nose. “Anything for you, Love. Shall we start?” You asked him excitedly. He nods quickly and grabs your hand, leading you back to the blanket. “We shall.”
You spent the rest of the afternoon trying to build the set, arguing a few times before completing it.
“To my dearest, Lover.” He says handing you the Lego flowers with the sweetest smile. “Why, thank you, lovely sir.” You played along, accepting the flowers. You both laughed and fell into a quiet void. Just staring at each other until one of you melts. 
He drags himself beside you and lays on your lap. You played with his hair, and he squinted his eyes in return. “Just like these Lego flowers, my love for you will never wither”.
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anonymousewrites · 1 year
One Hell of a Love (Book 2) Chapter Six
Sebastian Michaelis x Demon! Reader
Chapter Six: One Hell of a Show
Summary: Ciel, Sebastian, and (Y/N) meet a worm of a human being.
            (Y/N) and Sebastian stopped in front of a large manor in the English countryside. Sebastian set down Ciel, and the three peered up at the assuming mansion that loomed in the darkness.
            “This is his manor?” said Ciel.
            “Yes, my Lord,” said Sebastian.
            “Well, do you smell the children?” said Ciel.
            “Yes, I sense them,” said (Y/N).
            “We cannot tell if they are all there, but those who are present are still alive,” said Sebastian.
            Before the conversation could continue, the doors of the manor opened.
            “We bid ye welcome to our home.” Joker stood in the doorway and bowed. “We have been waiting for ye, Earl Phantomhive.”
            “Joker,” said Ciel.
            “Please, come in,” said Joker.
            The three stepped into the manor, and Joker snapped his fingers. Candles illuminated the foyer. Ciel’s eyes widened as he saw the disturbing “art” decorating the entryway. Realistic doll bodies hung from the ceiling and were pressed into frames, missing limbs and heads or staring from vacant eyes out into space. It looked like the graveyard of porcelain bodies.
            (Y/N) raised an eyebrow. Humans. If they had spoken aloud, the word would be a condescending scoff. Even I, a demon, find this a distasteful display.
            “This way,” said Joker.
            Sebastian, Ciel, and (Y/N) followed him up a stairwell. Sebastian leaned down and murmured, “How should you like to proceed? Would you have us kill him now and extricate the children?”
            “Wait,” said Ciel. “If the children are still alive, we should apprehend Kelvin first. I cannot report to Her Majesty, the Queen, if I do not understand his objectives and the actual facts of this case.”
            “Very well,” said (Y/N). “Though I doubt there can be any sane explanation for all of…this.” Their nose twitched as they looked at the doll decorations.
            Joker chuckled as they continued working. “Looks like there’s a touch o’ truth to the saying that folks aren’t always as they seem. Ye’ve got such a little body, yet your stage names are ‘The Queen’s Guard Dog’ and ‘the Aristocrat of Evil.’ Must’ve had a rough go of it, eh, Smile?”
            “That’s Earl Ciel Phantomive to you,” said Ciel coldly. “A mere servant is in no position to speak to me in such a familiar manner.”
            “Ye are indeed a noble aristocrat,” said Joker. He grew serious as he drew close to a pair of doors. “Dinner is served.” He opened the doors and revealed a dining room. “This way, please.”
            Candles lit the room, and a long table with silverware and dishes were set out for guests. In front of the table stood a stage with curtains in a circus design. Ciel followed Joker and sat down at the table. (Y/N) and Sebastian remained behind him. Joker crossed to the other set of doors, and (Y/N)’s eyes narrowed and met Sebastian’s gaze. They could sense the new presence.
            “I believe he has arrived,” said Sebastian.
            The doors opened, and a wheelchair was pushed into the room. Baron Kelvin, a stout man covered in bandages, grinned wildly as he entered the room.
            (Y/N)’s eyes went to the two children pushing Kelvin in. They had an aura of life, but their eyes were vacant, and their souls felt blank. (Y/N) narrowed their eyes.
            “You’ve come at last, Earl Phantomhive!” said Kelvin, literally blushing as he looked at his guests. “Aah…It is like a dream! To have you so close to me! Though I am most ashamed to see you as I am…”
            “…Are you Baron Kelvin, sir?” said Ciel, raising an eyebrow.
            “I am. I must say your formality is making me feel most self-conscious!” said Kelvin. He gestured to the doors behind him, and more vacant-eyed children dressed in servant uniforms pushed carts of food and drink in. “I have prepared a feast for you! The wine is an 1875 vintage, from the year of your birth. I wonder…am I being too pretentious?”
            (Y/N) had already disliked Kelvin upon just hearing his name, and they were liking him less and less with every part of his manor they saw. He reminded them of the pitiful humans that begged them for mercy after all their power was torn from them. (Y/N) smirked. They would enjoy punishing Kelvin.
            Joker poured a glass of wine and placed it down before Ciel. Sebastian picked it up and tasted it for poison.
            “There is no poison in it,” assured Sebastian with a calm smile.
            “Hmph,” said Ciel. “I have no intention of eating something that a rat has served. Tasting it for poison is pointless. Anyhow—” he looked at where Kelvin was gluttonously eating all the food served to him with no decorum “—those children…”
            “It would seem there are more victims beyond those indicated by police records,” said (Y/N).
            “But the way they look—”
            Ciel was cut off as Kelvin exclaimed, “Ah, yes! The Earl must also find a lone meal boring. Joker! Bring that out for him!”
            “Eh?” Joker shifted uncomfortably. “B-But—”
            “Just do it!” said Kelvin as he ripped apart a piece of lobster.
            Joker sighed. “Yes, sir.” He cleared his throat and shifted into his ring master persona. He flipped a baton and jumped onto the stage. The curtain rose to reveal a row of children with blank expressions and circus costumes. “Welcome, Earl Phantomhive. This even we shall ‘specially convey ye to a world of dazzling delights. First, we got o the tightrope!” He gestured up to a platform where a vacant girl stood ready to walk. “You will find nary a tether! This is as authentic as it gets!”
            The girl took a single step off the platform and fell off the tightrope. She crashed to the ground limply, cracking and bleeding upon impact. She remained empty until the final moment, not reacting to her death.
            “Wha…?” Ciel looked on, aghast.
            Sebastian and (Y/N) raised an eyebrow. The show was distasteful and disturbing, a show of human depravity that even demons found an example of mortals being lesser beings.
            Joker struggled at the sight, clearly in pain at seeing a child die, but his “father” didn’t seem to care. In fact, he clapped excitedly and laughed raucously, even as some children pulled the girl’s body off the stage.
            “Next, our beast tamer,” said Joker, forcing the words out as a young boy faced an open cage containing a lion. “Watch with bated breath as the ferocious lion is expertly—!”
            The lion jumped on the boy and bit into him. The child didn’t even move.
            Joker shivered as the lion left the stage and the boy’s remaining limbs were carried away. At the table, Kelvin cackled and clapped happily. (Y/N)’s eyes narrowed on the man. They were either gagging him before killing him during the next act or stopping the entire circus. It was just a matter of how annoyed Kelvin made (Y/N).
            “Now!” said Joker shakily. “Next we have knife-throwing!” A little girl was tied to a board as a boy held several knives. “What will be the fate of the crucified lass?” The boy threw a knife.
            Ciel’s eyes widened. He had seen enough. “Put an end to it, Sebastian!”
            The knife stopped just before impaling the girl’s head as Sebastian caught it between two fingers. (Y/N) jumped up beside the girl and took off her mask.
            “Ellery Nixon,” they said, remembering the files of missing children. “She had gone missing in the Cornwall area. This is unmistakably her.”
            Joker let out a breath of relief as the girl’s life was saved.
            “Just as you expected, Young Master,” said Sebastian. “Throwing abducted children into the ring as they are. I see. This is another way of enjoying the circus.”
            “I’m sorry! Did this not please you either?!” cried Kelvin. “Joker, clean this place up at once!”
            “I’ve had enough,” said Ciel coldly. He stood from the chair and turned his dark gaze on Kelvin. “I do not wish to share a table with rubbish that is inferior even to domestic beasts.”
            “Eh?! Eh?! Is something wrong?” said Kelvin. He had no idea why Ciel would be upset.
            “I need only report this much to Her Majesty the Queen,” said Ciel. He approached Kelvin. “That is vulgar, odious, perverted, and vilest of all boors…was disposed of by me, the Guard Dog!”
            He pulled back his cloak and grabbed for his gun. Joker raised his baton, withdrew a sword from it, and rushed at Ciel to defend Kelvin. Sebastian and (Y/N) grabbed knives and lunged for Joker. Everyone froze. Ciel pointed his gun at Kelvin, Joker had his sword underneath Ciel’s neck, and Sebastian and (Y/N) stood on either side of Joker with knives to his throat.
            “Joker!” cried Kelvin. “Stop pointing such a dangerous thing at the Earl!” He seemed not to care about the gun pointed at his forehead.
            “But—!” Joker glared at Sebastian and (Y/N) nervously.
            “Can’t you just listen to me?!” shouted Kelvin.
            “Kuh…” Joker removed his sword from Ciel’s neck, looking down at Kelvin’s admonishment. (Y/N) and Sebastian didn’t remove their weapons, and neither did Ciel.
            “Baron Kelvin. Where are the kidnapped children?” demanded Ciel.
            “What’s this?!” Kelvin turned to Ciel excitedly, eyes wide and a grin spreading across his face. “You wanted to see them, did you? They’re in the basement, so I’ll show you the way just now! And there’s something else downstairs that I want to show you besides!”
            As they went downstairs, the empty children pushed Kelvin, and Ciel kept his gun pointed at his temple. Joker, Sebastian, and (Y/N) trailed behind him. Sebastian kept his knife at Joker’s throat, and (Y/N) kept a careful watch on him and Kelvin.
            “To be strolling beside you this way is really like a dream,” said Kelvin happily. He had been going on and on about how wonderful it was to be with Earl Phantomhive and be in his presence. It added another layer to his disturbing personality.
            “Enough of your idle chatter,” said Ciel sharply. “Take me to those children at once.” He didn’t want to be near this man for any longer than he had to be.
            “’K’Kay, sorry…” said Kelvin. “But I’m so very happy…I’ve been full of regret ever since that day.” They arrived before two large doors carved with intricate symbols and designs. The two children left Kelvin to open them. “I wondered over and over why I couldn’t have been there by your side…on that day, at that place.”
            His words were marked with a madness that (Y/N) recognized as that of a human obsessed. Their eyes narrowed.
            “That day…?” Ciel’s brow furrowed, but his grip on his gun didn’t falter. “By my…side? What the hell are you going on about, man?!”
            Kelvin sighed mournfully. “I can’t turn back time no matter how great my regret.” The children began to push the doors open. “But then I realized it! That I can just do it over even if I can’t turn back time!” The doors parted to reveal the large room within. “There! Feast your eyes! It took me three whole years to prepare this!”
            A large white amphitheater with rows of seats surrounded a round basic where three cages of children lay starving and dirty. A carved stone block, pristine white, sat in the center of an inverted pentacle. Runes carved into the stone ground within the pentacle, and the symbols were clear to (Y/N)—they were meant for summoning. They were meant to summon a demon through sacrifice.
            They were standing within a sacrificial chamber.
            (Y/N)’s eyes narrowed. Blood Magic was one thing, but sacrifice? Humans were fools. To use another’s blood and pain for magic invited their own desires to rebound onto the caster. Any true magic wielder knew that only consenting to using blood for a spell caused it to strengthen an incantation, and even then, most avoided it. Blood magic was a last resort. Sacrifice was not even considered.
            But it was clear Kelvin and whoever he associated with had no idea how to truly wield magic and were greedy humans with no idea of the forces they had no hope of controlling. As Ciel’s eyes widened in horror as he saw the sacrificial chamber before him, Kelvin spoke without a care in the world. “Now let us recreate it anew, Earl Phantomhive! That fateful day, which came to pass three years ago!”
            Ah. So that is what called Corvus to Ciel—Sacrifice. (Y/N) had never asked when or where Sebastian had made his contract with Ciel, but now it was clear.
            As Ciel was forced to his memories of that fateful day, Kelvin recounted how he worshipped the Aristocrats of Evil and their beauty, longing and fighting to be just as lovely, suffering through the Phantomhives’ death, and wishing to be at the torture of Ciel those three years ago.
            “I still cannot forget the pain I felt then,” said Kelvin, speaking as if Ciel’s eyes hadn’t turned dark with murderous intent. “I, who had thrown away everything for you, was the one who could not see you! I wondered why fate kept us apart…and then that day, the lot of them disappeared. Not a one was left.”
            (Y/N) knew exactly what the scene would have looked like. They knew how Sebastian could tear humans apart without a second thought. They knew his power.
            “It was you, wasn’t it? Hm, Earl?” said Kelvin eagerly. “You did them a favor and killed them all. Ah! How I envy them! One couldn’t as for a more beauteous final moment, bidding farewell to life with the cold moon attending one’s deathbed!”
            What a disgusting maggot of a human, thought (Y/N).
            “Please! Let me join their ranks!” cried Kelvin, and Joker’s eyes widened as he strained against Sebastian’s grip. “This is all as it was that day! Look, I’ve got everything ready—the venue for the ritual. The lambs. And last but not least, you, my dear Earl! To be honest, I wanted to come and get you myself—!”
            Blood flew from Kelvin’s chest as Ciel shot him. He shook as he glared down at Kelvin with pure hatred and fury. This was the anger of someone who had pulled a demon to their side.
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stilespeters · 2 years
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It started with a cowbell
pairing: Evan Peters x gn!reader
a/n: i actually started writing this before the videos and pictures of the wedding came out, but i added it into the story because its fitting
word count: 4579
summary: After performing at your best friend's wedding, you meet a shy guy. Who knew a cowbell could be the start of a blooming romance?
warnings: alcohol, cheesy pick up lines, fluff
taglist: @about-a-peters
I literally forgot who else wanted to be in the taglist so send me an ask if you want to be in it, i'll write it down properly
“Clare, everything ready?” you asked and Clare gave a thumbs up as she plugged in the guitar. Florence who stood behind the keyboard also gave a thumbs up, and Brett behind the drums did the same. You tapped the microphone in front of you to check if it was working. You were looking at the crowd in front of you and they all looked at the stage where you were standing on.
“Alright, can I get everyone’s attention, please?” you smiled as everyone went quiet and you scanned the room to spot the bride and groom. The room was lit with spherical lights, and the spotlight was aimed at the stage.
“Can I get an applause for the newlyweds? To my lovely best friend Noah, and his lovely wife?” Everyone clapped their hands and cheered as they looked at the bride and groom. You smiled when you saw how happy he looked and you continued. “Looking at you now is so weird considering it feels like we were in the playground just yesterday. It’s like a snap, and suddenly 20 years have passed.” you let out a sigh “I wish the beautiful bride the best of luck with him. As a person who spent almost their whole life with him, trust me you need that luck.” Laughter was heard from the crowd “Anyhow, let's get this party started.”
The guitar of Clare was heard and you grabbed the microphone in your hands as Florence began to play the piano. When Brett joined in with the drums and Clare and Florence vocalized harmonies in the background, it felt like you were flying. The way you swayed your hips and head to the rhythm and the way you smiled uncontrollably. This was where you belonged. On the stage. It didn't matter that it was at a wedding or bar.
Everyone was having a good time, and as you got to the riff, Clare walked to the front and did her solo on the guitar. You glanced around the faces who were dancing, and you saw that everyone was smiling and dancing.
Until you scanned the crowd to see two people in the back at the tables who didn't even glance at you. One being your ex, and the other being his new girlfriend. The cheers and joyful sounds were dozed off, and your smile faltered as you clenched your jaw. The girl was leaning in and whispered something in his ear, to which he laughed, and it looked like they had a blast with just the two of them.
However, you weren't gonna let them get to you, instead, you were going to sing your heart out. You closed your eyes and tilted your head upwards as the riff ended and you got to your part.
For the rest of the night, everything went smoothly. People were now more scattered around, and only a few stayed standing at the stage still singing.
Your other friend Terry had come up the stage to play piano for a while and you had stood beside him as you both sang. His voice didn't match the music at all, but you didn't really care because it was really funny. The Bride’s little brother was filming you two, and you knew you were gonna show it to Terry the next day when he was more sober.
That’s when Clare started playing the tune of uptown funk by Bruno Mars on the guitar, and a man in the front row started clapping his hands on the beat. He was exactly on beat, however his claps were almost muted due to the loud music. You got an idea and you walked to the front and stepped off the stage. He smiled at you as he continued clapping, and you grabbed an object that laid at the side of the stage. It was a cowbell.
You then looked at the man and handed him the cowbell and he knew what you were implying. As the beat kept going on, he started ticking the cowbell with a stick and you moved back to the stage.
You started singing again, and the man with the cowbell had the perfect rhythm and beat. You had never seen him before, but the way his face scrunched up as he kept hitting the right spot made you laugh. He was dedicated.
After the song was finished, you had a break. Flo, Brett and Clare were playing more soft music without lyrics, and you decided it was time to go to the bar. For the whole night, you only drank 2 champagne glasses, since you couldn't be drunk on stage. That would be unprofessional. Now it seemed like the right time to drink.
You sat down on a stool and sighed. Your voice was kinda sore from singing the whole night, and you ordered a drink.
After 3 drinks in, you looked around till you looked to your right, only to get a jumpscare of your ex and his girlfriend on top of each other. They were this close to tearing each other’s clothes off, and your face contorted in disgust. “Sweet jesus.” you muttered as she practically swallowed him whole.
You continued glaring at the couple until your view got blocked by a person who sat down next to you. His side profile was visible and you recognized him as the man with the cowbell.
He ordered a drink and you sipped your own. He didn't seem to notice you. “Hello.”
The man looked at you before looking around him. Seeing that no one else was within 4 meters around him, he realized you were talking to him. “Hey.” He had somewhat of an awkward smile.
“That was pretty impressive, you with the cowbell.”
He chuckled. “Thank you. That was pretty fun, I’ve never tried that before.”
You smiled back at him and raised your eyebrow suggestively “You should join our band, your instrument can be the cowbell.”
He smiled at that and you took a sip of your drink. “I mean, you got the rhythm. I’ve heard people play that instrument before and they couldn't even get one beat right.”
He didn't answer, instead he just gave you a another friendly smile. He then looked back at the stage and his attention was elsewhere. After a minute or so of silence, you sighed and took another sip of your drink. “I’m bothering you, aren't I? I’m sorry I’ll leave you to it.” You were about to stand up with your drink at hand but his hand on your arm stopped you. The man retrieved his hand quickly once he realized.
“No, no you’re not bothering me at all. I’m sorry if I made you feel like that.” He interjected and you felt a bit relieved. “You have an amazing voice by the way.” You noticed that his voice was very soothing. It was soft with a raw undertone.
“Thank you,” you felt your cheeks burn up. Not because a cute guy complimented your singing skills, but because you were always like that when someone complimented you. It was a plus that he was a cute guy.
“I’m Y/n by the way. You’re Mr…?”
“Mr Evan?” He laughed at that and shook his head. “I’m Evan Peters.”
You already felt the alcohol in your system do its thing, so you left your drink where it stood. Evan however did the opposite. He drank more of his drink and he then cleared his throat “You’re a friend of the Groom right?” He remembered your short speech before you sang and you nodded.
“Yeah, Noah and I go way back.”
“How did you meet?”
You chuckled at that when you remembered how you and Noah met. “We were neighbors and went to high school together. We met at the playground when I lost Pookie, a teddy bear I carried around everywhere. Noah found it near the sandbox and retrieved it for me. From there on out we became inseparable. It was true sandbox love.” you grinned as you closed your eyes, remembering the day like it was yesterday.
After a second, you opened your eyes and saw that Evan was looking at you. “What about you? You a friend of the bride?”
“Yeah, we met last year via mutual friends. I don't see her and the others that much because of work, but she has never stopped contacting me. Two months into our friendship she joked that if she were to get married, I'd be the first one she’d invite, and she kept that promise when an invitation arrived at my apartment.”
“Wow, I mean, I knew Sofia was a wonderful person, she was the first girlfriend of Noah who didn't bitch about me being his girl best friend. But hearing that she kept her promise makes me even happier for them. They compliment each other so well. They’re both amazing people.”
“Yeah, I spoke to Noah. He seems like a great guy.”
It was silent for a moment again, but it wasn't an awkward silence. It felt nice. The music in the background played at the perfect sound, not too loud and not too low. It was soft, and it was perfect for the atmosphere in the room. The lights behind the cabinets where the drinks stood, illuminated Evan’s face. And as he was looking down at his drink you scanned his face, and you noticed he wasn't just cute. He was really handsome. From the way his pupils were dilated to a mole that was on the tip of his nose.
He looked up at you and made eye contact. As he raised his eyebrow with a knowing smirk on his face, you quickly looked away and pretended you weren't staring at him. Your cheeks were starting to burn red and you heard Evan let out a chuckle.
You decided to talk about something so that you would feel less embarrassed. You adjusted in your seat and looked back at Evan again. You cleared your throat.
“So uhh, you said you didn’t see Sofia because of work, what kind of work do you do? If you don’t mind me asking.”
“I uhh…” he began and he seemed to be thinking about something. He didn't want to scare you off by saying he was an actor. “I travel for work.”
“Really? That’s so cool.”
“Yeah, I get to see some really cool places.” He thought about the press tours he went on and the dozens of comic cons plus the locations of shooting his films and series. He wasn't gonna say that though. “What about you?”
You sucked the back of your teeth and avoided eye contact.
“At the moment I just take small gigs with my band. I love being on stage. I used to be a dancer. Until I had an injury on my ankle and they told me I could never dance professionally again,” Evan scanned your demeanor and he saw that you were picking your nails. “I’m so sorry, that must have been so hard.”
“Yeah,” you sipped the last remaining liquid in your glass. “Dancing and singing were both my passion, but although I loved singing, dancing was my whole life. Luckily I had Noah and my band when it all came crashing down, they helped me get through the tough times. I just know that the stage is where I belong. On the stage, I feel free. I wish I could be on the stage while dancing, but singing on stage is also amazing.”
“What style of dance did you do?” You looked up at him and saw he was genuinely curious. You had encounters where people wanted to get away from you as soon as you started talking, but there was no sign of discomfortness in Evan’s eyes.
“That’s so cool.” he mused and you nodded. “It is. Just standing on stage and performing a dance that’ll bring people to tears, is just so revelating.”
“Was it hard? Trying to commit to it?”
You nodded slowly “Yeah, it was. I used to practice everyday. I put so much dedication into training day and night, and my diet. I have low metabolism and they wanted me as light as possible so the other dancers could lift me. It was really hard to constantly eat the same stuff. Everything was definitely not easy, bellet sounds fun but it’s not all rainbows unfortunately.” Evan’s eyes softened at your words and he pressed his lips together. He had a look of sympathy for you, since he knew exactly what you were talking about. He himself was also tired of constantly eating the same thing for his diet. You and him weren't so different from each other.
“It sounds like you finally have a breath of fresh air.”
“Yeah, who knows it might've been for the better. If I didn't get that injury I would've probably been training right now. I wouldn't have had the opportunity to sing at my best friend’s wedding. I probably wouldn't even have this conversation right now with you.”you let out a chuckle and laughed.
“You talk to strangers a lot?”
“Only ones who don't scare me and look like a serial killer. If they look like Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer I’m out,” you joked and Evan let out an awkward chuckle. “My mom always said to me that I shouldn't talk to strangers. But talking to strangers can sometimes be much more… liberating than talking to people you know. I will never see 9 out of 10 strangers I talk to again. Meeting new people is just so much fun. I can have meaningful conversations without getting attached because I’ll never see them again.”
Evan hummed at that. “I never saw it that way, but I see what you mean.” He took another sip of his drink as he leaned a bit forward and raised his eyebrow. “You never secretly fall in love with a stranger?” You bit the inside of your cheek and shook your head.
“Never, I have a policy that it never goes that way. I don’t get attached to them.”
He hummed at that. You had noticed he was more of a shy person. You had said more words than he did, however that was more of his personality contrasting yours. You had always been comfortable around strangers, but you didn't blame others for being more careful.
You opened your mouth to say something, but before any words could leave your mouth, a moan from the right. Evan and your head snapped to the sound and you saw that your ex was practically eating his girlfriend’s neck. Your smile once again faltered and you pressed your lips into a thin line. Evan looked back at you and had his brows raised while having a look of discomfort. “Looks like Noah and Sofia aren't the only ones getting lucky tonight.”
“Yeah,” you mumbled and you sucked the back of your teeth while narrowing your eyes at the couple. “That’s my ex. He’s the brother of Noah.”
“Really?” Evan’s eyes widened “Oh shit, sorry I uhh.”
“It’s fine, honestly I’m over it.” you wanted to vomit when they started laughing loudly. They were obviously drunk as well.
“They are very…” Evan tilted his head and squinted his eyes. “Passionate?”
“Yeah, he wasn’t like that with me at all.” He stared for a few more seconds and when he turned back to look at you, his eyebrows were raised and his mouth was slightly agape. He let out an awkward chuckle and shook his head. You however, couldn't take your eyes off of the couple and had a concerning look on your face. Eventually you looked back at Evan and sighed deeply.
“You know, the first thing he ever said to me was ‘If I were you, I’d want to have sex with me’.” You mimicked your ex’s voice and you heard Evan hiss as his brows knitted together.
“My god, that’s so bad. He actually said that?”
“Yup. I thought he was so funny, but thinking about it now, just makes me question if he really meant it. He’s always been full of himself, a total narcissist. It wouldn't even surprise me if he actually wants to bang himself.”
“That sounds horrible.” He couldn't help but chuckle as he thought about it and you joined him. “Yeah. The worst part is that I actually fell for it. I spent three and a half years with him. His last words to me were ‘Well I’m so sorry, Y/n. I shouldn't have slept with my pilates instructor, but we haven't slept together in weeks, what did you expect? When are you gonna get over the fact that you can't dance anymore? You can’t really blame me. A man has needs.’”
"What a douche." he replied and you took a sip of your drink and looked down.
“I’m laughing about it now, I’m belittling him in my spot. But the big difference between him and I is that he is on top of his career right now and I’m here, taking small gigs with my band. He has the girlfriend of his dreams, and I am talking to a stranger about corny pick up lines and how my ex fucked his pilates instructor,” your lips formed into a thin line and your eyes narrowed.
You let out a chuckle and looked back at Evan. You gulped as you scanned his face. You didn't see anything out of the ordinary that might indicate he was annoyed by you, but due to previous experiences you couldn't help but overthink. You didn't know what exactly was going on inside his head and that scared you. “I talk too much. The alcohol is getting to me, my filter is coming off. I’m annoying, sorry. I look like shit.” you chuckled but Evan shook his head and frowned.
“Stop saying sorry, okay. I enjoy listening to you.”
You looked up at him and scanned his face “You do?” He nodded.
“Yeah, like I said, I like your voice. It’s soothing. I like listening to you. I don't think you look like shit at all. I think you look very beautiful. I don't get why you’re talking down on yourself like that.” You didn't expect for those words to have such an impact on you. You couldn't remember the last time words did that to you. You smiled lightly.
“That’s very sweet of you.”
You broke eye contact and looked at your drink.
“Your ex though, he sounds like a total asshole.”
“Yeah, thinking about it now makes me cringe hard. Like, the pick up line was enough of a red flag, but at the time my favorite color was red. Pick up lines are super corny in general.”
You buried your face in your hands and groaned. “I fell for a stupid cheesy pick up line.”
Evan placed his hand on your shoulder and rubbed soothing motions. “Come on, they’re not all bad. Okay maybe your ex’s pick up line was bad, but there are probably good ones out there that actually work.”
“Well then Mr Peters,” you looked up from your hands, and folded them as you leaned your chin onto it. “Hit me with your best pick up line.”He sucked the back of his teeth and thought long and hard.
His eyes lit up “I’m not into watching sunsets, but I would love to see you go down.” You snorted and covered your mouth to muffle your laugh. “That one is so bad. Please don't tell me you used that on someone.”
“I just did, on you.” you laughed a little louder this time. Evan joined in. “Come then, give me your best pick up line.”
You cleared your throat and looked at him suggestively and lowered your voice in a sexy tone. “My doctor told me I have vitamin D deficiency, wanna come back to my place and save me?”
He gasped and placed his hand on his chest for dramatic effect “My my my, how could I ever say no to that proposition? I’d cure you faster than the speed of light though, I got a big vitamin for you.” he placed emphasis on the word 'big' and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
You broke character and tilted your head back as you let out a laugh. You then looked away and sucked the back of your teeth as you shook your head. You tried to hide away a snort, but you just couldn't stop it from coming out of your throat. You ended up leaning forward this time Evan laughed with you. Your ex was long forgotten as you continued.
“You’re funny.” you mused and slowly your laughter died down. “So what’s the catch?”
“I mean, you’re an attractive guy with a good sense of humor. You look decent, you smell nice and you have a great taste in… well everything. What’s the catch? Did you run over a kid on the way here? Are you a spy? Do you work for the Russian government? Are you a serial killer? Who is in your trunk?”
“So many questions,” he laughed and you shook your head. “I blame the alcohol.”
He looked down at his hands and sighed. He bit the inside of his cheek and then looked back at you with an unreadable expression on his face. “I’m just… me.”
you tilted your head slightly “I like that, you being you.”
Evan had a smug look on his face. “Careful, I think you’re beginning to get attached to me.”
You gasped “I am not getting attached, okay, I have taste.”
Evan looked hurt as his mouth opened slightly “That is so mean, I called you beautiful just 5 minutes ago.”
You leaned a bit forward and laid your hand on his arm. “I’m kidding, I actually think you’re endearing.”
“Yes, your smile. It’s endearing, your smile makes me feel something. It captures a lot of emotions.”
“What does my smile make you feel? What emotions do you see?” he asked out of curiosity.
“I see…” you began and you scanned his eyes while squinting yours. “I see sadness. Your eyes stand vulnerable, something has happened that took out the joyfulness. Then again, I also see dedication, like a glint of hope and happiness. Your smile is genuine but it misses a spark. It misses a spark to ignite the fire in your eyes,” you continued. “A smile doesn't have to be happy necessarily. It’s the layers of emotion beneath the eyes that makes it… human. The emotions could be happiness for example. Pure joy. Whatever it may be, all smiles are beautiful. Your smile, however, makes me feel something.”
Evan’s eyebrows were raised. “Dang.” He didn't break eye contact. “For someone seemingly drunk you do have your way with words.”
You saw him fumble with his fingers on his lap, and you knew you touched a vulnerable string. “You’re right though.”
You didn't speak, instead you supported your head with your palm and gave him a supporting smile. “I look back at my life and I’m thinking: what the hell am I doing? This isn't me. I don't enjoy this. Sure I’m grateful for the countless opportunities I got to have in my line of work, and I love the experiences and the people I met along the way. But…” he stopped and you saw that he was conflicted. Whatever he did for work was clearly bugging him. You felt bad for him as you saw him fumble over his words.
“You don't have to tell me,” you began “But if you do, I’ll be listening to every single word. I mean, I don't think we're gonna see each other again after this. So, fuck it. What have you got to lose?"
Evan opened his mouth but before he could say anything, a presence was next to you. “Y/n!”
It was Florence. “I need your help, Clare is missing, and we need to pack in our equipment," she then noticed Evan who sat next to you and she looked back and forth between you two. “Oh I see you’re occupied.”
“Oh, it’s fine. I’ll search for her.” you looked at Evan and smiled. “Wanna tag along on this adventure?”
He pressed his lips in a thin line. “I think I’ll drink a couple of more of these and then I’ll come with.”
“You sure? Once I’m gone it’s pretty hard to find me.”
Evan opened his mouth again, but before he could say anything, he was interrupted again. This time by sounds on his right. “You like that, baby?” Your ex was feeding his girlfriend a drink, and it wasn’t even five seconds before Evan looked back at you and cleared his throat. You held your hand open for him to grab, and he gladly accepted.
“Let’s go.” you laughed at that.
"Clare!" you and Evan both yelled. You were walking through the hallways, trying to find any sign of Clare. "Maybe she's in the bathroom?" Evan asked.
"Maybe," you looked around. "She might ran off with Brett, Florence has tried to couple them together for over a year. Brett and Clare have great chemistry and lately they have been quite secretive."
You stopped walking and but your lip and you looked aat Evan. "Maybe they're hooking up."
As you wakked further down the hall, you suddenly stopped walking when you heard a noise. You held out your arm for Evan to gesture to him to stop, and as you focussed on the sounds, you recognized the voice of Clare. However, they weren't just normal sounds. It were grunts and moans.
"Everyone is getting lucky tonight." Evan chuckled and you snorted, following with laughter. "Florence is gonna lose her shit when I tell her that Clare is hooking up with Brett. Her dream is finally becoming reality." You knocked on the door twice and the moaning stopped. "Clare?"
"At least let them finish." Evan whispered and you swatted his shoulder playfully. "Clare we need to grab our equipment."
"I uhh, I'm coming!" Rummage was heard on the other side of the door.
Evan looked at you and couldn't keep in a snort even though he tried to hide it with the back of your hand. It made you join him and after a few seconds the door opened. You both looked in anticipation, expecting to see Brett and Clare do the walk of shame.
Only it wasn't Brett and Clare walking out. It was Clare and a girl you didn't recognize.
"Nancy?" Evan questioned dumbfounded and his jaw hit the floor. Yours was on the floor as well and you kept looking between the two women.
"Clare..." you were absolutely baffled as you pointed at them both, "I... you... you're..."
"Surprise..." she looked down and your brows were furrowed.
You were so shocked that you were at a loss of words. "This is the biggest plot twist I have ever seen in my entire life," you stammered and after a few seconds you let out yet another snort which resulted into laughter. Clare who was as red as a tomato started laughing as well, and you brought her in for a hug.
"I love you," you hummed and she let out a sigh of relief. Evan smiled as he looked at you hug Clare.
"Don't tell Florence and Brett please. I wanted to reveal it to them tonight."
"Of course." Clare sniled at that and grabbed Nancy's hand. Nancy looked at Evan. "Hey Ev, have a nice night you two." Together they smiled once again at Evan and you and then they walked away.
Your gaze remained on the backs of the two girl's, after they both disappeared behind the corner, you let out a sigh.
"Florence will absolutely lose her shit. I'm sure she'll be supportive, but knowing what kind of person she is, she's probably gonna have to adjust for a second. Her dream of Brett and Clare together is totally crushed."
After a while, Evan looked back at you and as you looked at one other, you both started laughing. You supported yourself on Evan by grabbing his shoulders, and you leaned in as your head hit his chest. "This night keeps getting better and better." Evan mused and you nodded.
After your laughter died down slowly, you leaned against the wall while Evan stood with his hands in his pockets in front of you. You looked at his shoes and you noticed his eyes lingered on your face. "What?" you looked up at him and his fingers went up to your face. "Why are you looking at me like that?" you felt your cheeks redden as he placed a stranded hair behind your ear. As his fingers touched the skin of your earlobe, your breath hitched. You felt somewhat of a tingle where his skin touched you, and you wondered if this was the thing people talked about when they said they felt abspark at the first touch.
"You have a beautiful smile."
You broke eye contact with him and looked down. Damn it, why is this man so charming?
After Evan's hand retrieved, you cleared your throat and looked back up at him. "I uhh, I should go help the others with their equipment."
Evan nodded, "Yeah, I should go back too."
It was silent for a few minutes, and you both looked at each other, his gaze lingering longer on you than yours on him. It felt like you were both realizing the night was coming to an end. You both knew that this was just another random encounter with a stranger. The possibility of you two seeing each other again after tonight was very low. The thing was, you were intrigued by him, you wanted to get to know him better. And truth was, he wanted to know you better as well.
"So-" you both spoke in unison.
"You go first-"
"After you-" you blushed and your cheeks hurt from how much you've smiled tonight.
"Listen, Y/n," Evan began feeling a bit more confident, "I know you have this whole policy thing going on, but I really liked talking to you tonight."
"I liked talking to you too."
He smiled at that, and he was somewhat relieved that you felt the same. However, he felt the magnitude of the situation when he remembered what he did for a living. His previous relationships have shown that dating while being in the spotlight isn't something fun or easy. He was afraid he could never give his all to a person because of that. He knew the roles he took as an actor were dark, and he knew that he stayed in a dark place for a long period of time. The effects that it had on him was very harmful to him in the long run, and he didn't want anyone else affected by that.
But as he scanned your face and saw the sweetness in your eyes, he just wanted to get to know you better. He wanted to give it a shot. Even though he was scared, he wanted to commit. He was also just a human who needed love and affection. Even if it's just for tonight and he won't see you again after that. The alcohol in his system made him even more confident than before, and he stepped closer to you. “You know what, I’m not ready for this night to end."
“Me neither," your breath hitched as he leaned his head a bit closer and you could feel his breath on your face. "The night is still young, wanna do something crazy?" you mused.
Evan gulped, his adam's apple wobbling, and he smiled down at you. "You know what, fuck it why not," the corners of his mouth curled up "What did ya have in mind?"
You didn't answer, instead you cocked your head and raised your eyebrows suggestively. You then laid out your hand for him to grab. For the second time tonight, he grabbed it gladly, and you guided him through the halls.
Something told you that you might be a little attached to this man.
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shinagawa-division · 4 months
@minato-division03 @aoyama-division <3
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The main event of the ceremony has begun and everyone in attendance stood up in unison (with the exception of Luis and Sumire who both remained seated) as they watched the bride, the Lady of the Hour, Miho Kobayashi elegantly glide down the aisle where at the end stood her one true love, her very soon to be husband, Tomi Chōten who was looking at her with complete love and pride as he waited for her to join him. A gentle squeeze of her hand reminded her of the person that she was currently holding onto the arm from, Goro gave his pseudo-daughter a proud smile as he led her down the aisle, beforehand, Miho had asked him to, not wanting to go alone and because Goro had been more of a father to her than her actual one had been and there was no one else she wanted to “give her away” so to speak. Goro, who was absolutely honored and even gotten a bit emotional, was more than happy to accept.
It didn’t take long for Miho to make it to the end of the aisle, turning to Goro, the bride and her butler gave each other a warm hug before Goro made his way to his own seat as Miho handed her bouquet to Ritsuko and went to join hands with Tomi. The couple gave each other a loving look as Shisuta, the officiant for the wedding, cleared her throat to begin her speech. “You may be seated.” She addressed the audience who all now took their seats.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, we are gathered here today to celebrate one of life’s greatest moments, and to cherish the words which shall unite Tomi Chōten and Miho Kobayashi in marriage.”
Everyone attentively listened as Shisuta spoke clearly and loudly detailing the love between Miho and Tomi, some people wiping their eyes and sniffling in an attempt to control their emotions making Sumire silently scoff to herself and earning her some glares from the guards that were surrounding her as per orders from the bride and groom. The anarchist sighed and start to impatiently tapped her finger on her stocking clad thigh, mentally screaming at Shisuta to just get it over with already.
After a couple of minutes of giving proper formality (“If anyone wants to object, speak now or forever hold your peace.” Immediately everyone turned to Sumire who just scowled and flipped them all the bird but ultimately said nothing), it was finally time for Tomi and Miho to exchange their vows, after Miho had finished with hers and nearly brought the whole chapel to tears, it was now Tomi’s turn.
And although she did not show any visible reaction, Sumire’s eyes lit up slightly.
“You look as beautiful as the day I first laid eyes on you, my Queen…”
Sumire carefully shifted to sit properly, ignoring the scathing look from the guards.
“I know I said this before, but…a man could spend a lifetime searching for a good thing, and he could never find it.”
Unbeknownst to literally everyone, nobody took notice of the camouflage mechanical spiders that creeped and crawled around and settled themselves all over the venue.
“Either because he wasn’t looking hard enough, or because he wasn’t paying attention…”
A group of smaller spider soldiers crawled onto the guards surrounding Sumire and lied in wait for the moment the signal was given.
“Fortunately for me, my eyes were open when I laid sight on you, my beautiful wife.”
Sumire gripped the underside of her seat and for the first time since this day began, smiled widely, teeth showing and all.
“Words can’t express how I feel about you, and how happy I am that you will be in my life.”
Feeling up a small button on the underside of her chair, the silver eyed girl faintly muttered the phrase that will determined the fate of this wedding.
“My cute friend is a black cat.”
With that, she pressed the button.
“So…thank you, my Queen, and my love.”
It happened in an instant, as Sumire was swallowed up by the trap door that had opened right underneath her seat and disappeared, the screams of the security drowned out the last thing Tomi said as they were electrocuted to the point of passing out. Multiple gasps and screams were heard throughout the room as the wedding abruptly ended and the show was about to begin.
— Outside —
Aranai Norikoru scrolled lazily on her phone as she sat on her beloved Yamaha motorcycle which was running (and had been running for a while now, the pink haired girl made a note to make Sumire pay her some gas money when she sees her) while she waited for her friend to exit the chapel where her friend’s aunt and that slimey bastard Chōten were to be wed.
Unsurprisingly, the only reason why she was even here was to serve as Sumire’s getaway driver when shit inevitably hits the fan, Aranai accepted of course, despite the teasing she did to the anarchist beforehand, she dutifully came to her friend’s aid which lead to her waiting outside right now for any sort of sign of the black and purple haired girl.
Sure enough, speak of the devil and she shall appear, Sumire bursts out of the door and made a mad dash towards the Bōsōzoku with a giant grin on her face, damn near crashing into her but not enough to drive her to the ground, Aranai placed her phone in her pocket as Sumire frantically got on the motorcycle behind her and held onto the pink haired girl tightly. “Drive, fUCKING DRIVE!” She yelled and the chapel doors opened to reveal a few guards that had chased her out of the door, Aranai didn’t need to be told twice as she kicked her motorcycle into gear and the two criminals high tailed it the fuck out of there, laughing like maniacs all the while.
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caffernnn · 4 months
Knock knock bestie have we talked about the goldfish but in the mookverse 👀
OKAY HI HELLO I’ve been spinning this in my mind since you’ve sent it (you’re a visionary, truly) and I’m READY NOW !!! 🛁✨🧡
(… putting a readmore bc this got long lmao)
Sooo, we see goldfish come up quite a few times within the show, most often in relation to Makoto. Whether it’s the literal goldfish he’s taken care of (first fish from childhood, plus the ones gifted later by Haru) or the striking visuals of swarms of goldfish that show up within his shrine vision and stress dream in FS/FS2, they’re looming. In my mind, when we get a Makoto scene where goldfish are involved in some fashion, it’s a surefire signal for me to pay attention to how that moment comments on Makoto’s supportive caretaking abilities — do others trust he can take care of the things and the people he holds dear; does he trust that his efforts will be enough to convey everything he wants to before it’s too late? It’s interesting to think about the implications of goldfish imagery, especially the more abstract/interpretive ones seen later on, because it creates this fascinating opening for the mh mookverse to be tied into that collection. Before even jumping into the universe itself, I’m drawn to its conception — how it’s built in a dream that can be read to be from either Makoto or Haru’s head (if not both), and how many points in the story are these call-response moments crafted from fears and reassurances during the ES era. Seeing how goldfish have brought attention to Makoto’s worry and Haru’s responding reassurance in the show, how might they also find their way into this shared dreamverse, where Makoto’s ability to take care of and protect others is a prevailing theme? (theme, right? Lit nerds don’t come for me rn okay I think I’m using that term right)
There were a couple moments that stood out to me with Big Goldfish Energy when I last read through the story, so let me just tack those up on the conspiracy pinboard really quick 📌
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There’s… something about Haru showing up, being declared as specifically half-fish, revealing that he doesn’t have a home or people (or particularly strong conviction) to return to, and revealing he “doesn’t care” about whether he has any of those bonds or aspirations or not (okay, parallel to that fight with Rin in the locker room, I see you~). There’s something to Makoto immediately extending care to this version of Haru: someone who is a practical stranger (and creature) in his eyes, yet has a disposition that he takes personally. The suddenness of Makoto imposing this all-important “power of friendship” on himself, then proceeding to open up his home and his downtime and his life to Haru… it’s an echo to the deep bond they have in the waking world, yes, but it also feels connected to Makoto’s ever-present desire to take care of something/someone. Being a pet owner, being a big brother, being a team captain, being a swim coach, being a firefighter — there is a core part of Makoto that’s not begrudgingly bound to responsibility, but craves and almost chases whatever heartfelt pursuit he can to feel useful. So much of Makoto’s character and his dream (as we understand it throughout ES and beyond) is spurred on by this desire to help. Whether he’s trusted with fish from a fair named after his friends, or presented with a half-fish in his home that wears the face of one of those same treasured friends, of course he pounces and takes on that task with pride.
Now, onto that quality of care:
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This moment feels particularly telling about how Makoto’s perception of his role in Haru’s life (both in the mook and definitely outside of it) is shifting as time moves forward. He sees Haru comfortable enough, integrating himself into a shared normalcy with Makoto, but he’s noticing how… limiting, this all might be. His efforts in supporting and caring for Haru now orient towards building hope and curiosity. What would it look like for his fish friend to move to a bigger tank, or be released completely? Beyond this also lies a question Makoto refuses to voice to himself, but still makes its presence known in how this whole “trip to the sea” arc proceeds: how much will it hurt if in all of his pushes forward, Haru finds a beautiful life that’s outside of his own line of vision? He wants what’s best for Haru, he wants him to dream, he wants him to be able to do all of this for himself… but there’s also that part of him that will always hope beyond hope that they both find ways forward where they get to stay by each other’s sides. How much is at risk in letting that glittering goldfish grow beyond its small bowl?
This is all skittering off into a general love letter to the mh mook, but I adore the little details that show that shared care they both have for each other. Like, it means something that Makoto insists that they go to the sea together. It means something that he openly wants to be by Haru’s side when he explores the world again beyond the safe bathtub he’s become so familiar with. If you still think about this as a dream, it clears up one of the ongoing points of contention in the ES time period that Makoto struggles to communicate to Haru when everything blows up: he’s not trying to make demands that push Haru towards one specific goal or away from everything he knows. He wants Haru to find a purpose through knowing his options, and he hopes he can be by his side through it all. God, it just makes me think about their fight and why Makoto couldn’t bring himself tell Haru about Tokyo earlier than he did! He’s scared! He’s attached and scared and trying to be hopeful with all of the change and transition laying ahead of him, but homie doesn’t want to lose his best friend and the life they’ve shared for so long together in the process, and it’s agonizing for him to see Haru so openly dig his claws into a beautiful past and normalcy when Makoto knows they both have to keep moving. MAKOTO CARES SO MUCH!!
Ok, back to the mook: I’m obsessed with the moments where it’s made so clear that Haru cares for Makoto and consciously chooses to find his way back to him. Haru isn’t just a passive roommate or pet, but someone who entangles himself into Makoto’s life (shared lunch breaks, walking home, evenings together, etc etc). When given the chance to go anywhere when in the sea, he swims around and then comes back to Makoto. When we get to the fire, where he’s completely out of his element, he actively puts himself in harm’s way to find Makoto (he can’t let his tether to his now beloved constancy and normal burn, right?) to his own demise. He does the scary thing of going somewhere Makoto can’t reach him (bro you 🫧DIED🫧), going through an intense cycle of change (Australia trip could neverrr), and when he pops out on the other side of that cycle with another chance at life, he finds home with Makoto once again. This is our airport reunion, this is our mhtokyo realized — Haru has found a dream, and a crucial piece of that all-encompassing vision is treasuring his most important bonds that pushed him to care about anything. In these moments of Makoto being scared that he failed to care enough to save anyone (the kid from the fire, Haru from the fire, Haru from his ES spiral and breakdown), Haru does his best to convince him otherwise by coming back, sending out a resounding message of not only wanting to be by his side, but trusting Makoto enough to try and build a new path forward with, again and again.
So uhh… the goldfish. Right.
In the story that exists now, there’s a lot to be found in viewing half-fish Haru as a variation or stand-in for the goldfish. It’s an interesting spin in that we see Makoto have a multitude of hopes and fears attached to his abilities to support others through his emerging aspirations, but slapping Haru’s face on a fish reeeally draws our eye to what his subconscious stirs up when focused on his ability to support and take care of Haru specifically. Beyond that, though, if we were to specifically throw visible goldfish into the mookverse, there could be a cute epilogue spin where they have fish in their home together. I love the idea of mook mh getting comfortable enough in their ‘happily ever after’ that they choose to take care of fish together. It’d be cute if it was a surprise gift from one of them to echo back to Haru gifting fish, but establishing growth and security through getting to be the shared caretakers of others? That’s tasty; that’s a nice nod to the domestic mundane security mh get to have in DttF and Tokyo (FS era notwithstanding. She only exists when she’s useful to me) and how they get to focus on helping out their friends for a bit. A lot of soft headcanon or fic potential there tbh.
Oh no, I hope you weren’t originally asking for just a lil hc of them taking care of the goldfish, because if so I 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️
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8eb · 10 months
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I have so many feelings about Gale and my bb Catheve that I literally just. Cannot keep it to myself. I LOVE the angst of act 2 with the visit from Elminster and I just needed to write a short little fic featuring the conversation after Elminster & That One romance dialog when you first enter the shadow cursed lands. act 2 spoilers and all that.
GalexF!Tav(Catheve) / SFW :)
“I had hoped to introduce you to him in less dire circumstances, but those are hard to come by these days,” Gale’s voice was it’s usual jovial, and Catheve felt her anger rising beyond her control.
“He didn’t seem much of a friend. Showing up and demanding you kill yourself.” Her anger was getting the better of her. She knew the logistics, but that didn’t cool her fire. She was moments away from cursing out Mystra directly to Gale’s face. That she managed not to do so was a miracle.
“It’s not a demand he wanted to make of me,” Gale started firmly. I know, Catheve wanted to bicker, but demanded he did. Gale continued. 
“As Mystra’s chosen, he had no choice but to deliver her message, however much it pained him to do so. For Mystra to have sent him… The severity of her bidding could not be clearer. Or weigh more heavily on me.”
Cat’s eyebrows were firm on her forehead. She felt the bitter sting of anger dull into a deep, dreadful sadness. That’s where these emotions were coming from: sadness. Here in front of her stood the man she cared about most in the world. The man who may not even reciprocate her feelings. The man who time and time again had shown intelligence, kindness, and openness. The man who had seen her as she was, not as a half-blood, not as a danger to society, but as her. And he would be taken from her before she even got the chance to tell him how she felt. Because his goddess demanded it. 
“Time seems so infinite when you’re young… a month is an age, a year is a lifetime… It is a strange feeling, to realize how little of it one might have left,” Gale trailed on. 
“Are you seriously considering doing what Elminster said?” A twinge of bitterness returned to her voice. She blinked rapidly, desperately trying to mask the tears that threatened her. 
“Of course - he offered the clearest solution to our problem. All I have to do is find the right place and time, close my eyes, and let go… Then the slate will be clean, wrongs will be righted, the Absolute will be gone… and I along with it.”
The flame burning inside Catheve’s chest lit anew. One life sacrificed for the greater good would normally be a viable option. But not when it was Gale. 
“There is surely another way.” Cat’s voice was quieter. Her breaths were shallow with emotion. What about me? She wanted to demand. 
“If there was, I’m sure the goddess of magic and the greatest wizard who ever lived would have identified it, but alas… only one solution is offered. But that remains ahead of us for now. The Heart of the Absolute must be discovered before I can stop its beating.” 
You will stop the absolute’s heart from beating, and mine along with it. ...Better left unsaid.
“You’re not blowing yourself up, Gale. I won’t let you.” Her voice was stronger now. 
“Let’s save such certainty for the moment such a decision is upon us. You may feel differently, once we know what we’re truly up against.”
“I won't.” Catheve said, unusually coldly. “Forgive me if I do not take for certainty the words of a goddess who has treated you so. A goddess who, all this time, has had the power to stop that orb in your chest and instead chose to do nothing. To sit and watch you, her once chosen, her most faithful, suffer. Forgive me if I do not come around to the idea of a goddess like that stealing away from me someone I hold very dear.” Gale would surely say something in return, but Catheve didn’t give him the opportunity. She turned from him and walked firmly to the other side of camp, where she tucked away into her tent and wept. She wept of sadness and guilt. Guilt, for making the situation harder for Gale, and sadness that it might be the last words she ever spoke to him.
There was palatable tension between Gale and Catheve the next morning. Catheve wanted to apologize, but whenever she looked his way she was overcome with immense sadness. Maybe it was best to distance herself. The closer she got, the more it would hurt when he inevitably made his decision. 
But it already hurt. When she saw his face - his beautiful brown eyes - her mind jumped to a future where she would no longer be able to look upon it. There would be no more soiree stories around the campfire. No more mini magic lessons, where Catheve could ask any question she desired and not once be met with judgment. She would no longer be able to talk to the man who had weaseled his way into her heart and tugged at the knot of self hatred that plagued her as a wild magic sorcerer. She loved him. Most wholly. And that’s why it hurt so badly. 
She felt almost foolish. Gale hadn’t dissuaded her the times she had tried to express more than friendship, but he hadn’t entirely reciprocated either. Now she had denounced his beloved goddess to his face. Any chance she might’ve had was surely lost. She would still fight for his life until the very end, though.
No more than a few words were spoken between the pair all the way into the Shadow Cursed Lands. Gale made remarks that Cat heard, but still they did not talk the way they used to. It was unbearable. He was still here. Their time was limited, and Catheve couldn’t think of a thing to say. She wanted to take advantage of the time they had left. If they survived till night, she promised herself she would speak with him in camp.
Their silence was broken at the end of their first encounter with the shadow cursed. The party panted for breath at the horrid encounter. Catheve wedged her staff into the dead earth to support herself. No one was injured, but everyone needed a moment to rest, and process what they had just seen.
Gale found Cat hunched beside the side of a cliff. Astarion was rummaging through the corpses not far off, and Shadowheart was watching him with amusement.
“It’s quite thrilling, to fight off such grim creatures as this region throws at us. Especially being at your side.” Catheve looked up at him. Meeting his gaze caused an ice shard to pierce her heart, but she didn’t look away.
“I once read a book that explained in some detail the effect a brush with danger has on one’s desires for… other forms of stimulation.” Catheve’s brows tightened as she watched him speak. There was a little bit of… embarrassment in the way he spoke. She could hardly believe it. Was he… flirting?
“Have you ever read anything on that subject?” He asked. Catheve stood up straight and blinked at him. For their first conversation since she had scrutinized Mystra and since they entered the shadow cursed lands, Cat had not been expecting it to be of this nature. 
“You’re drawn to me, even in a place like this?” Gale’s sweet eyes softened on her. There was a lot unsaid. A lot they still needed to discuss. But their situation demanded brevity, so he continued.
“I can’t imagine anywhere that could turn my heart from you, cursed or otherwise. You’d always be as beautiful, and as impressive.” The tenderness in his tone almost caused Catheve to fall over. Her first instinct was disbelief. She couldn’t wrap her mind around it. But she knew Gale. He would not lie. Especially about something like this. Her mouth fell open, and she felt the blood rush to her face, but she couldn’t find anything to say.
“Perhaps it’s just the thrill of our near-undead experience talking,” he stumbled. She cursed herself. Her silence wasn’t helping. “But standing at your side through such darkness and disrepair, it only makes me want you more.” Catheve’s breath hitched, and her heart raced. Say something, she scolded herself. Gale seemed to pick up on her silent battle, and finished his thought.
“Unfortunately this is neither the time nor place to indulge such feelings. So, we must be patient and push all such thoughts aside. For now.”
For now.
It echoed through her heart and soul like a drum. It promised a ‘later.’ A future, even just a small one. She wanted to weep again. Not from sadness, or guilt, but from happiness.
“I’ve never been very good at patience,” she admitted quietly, as Astarion and Shadowheart rejoined them. He didn’t reply, but she did catch a coy smile sweep across his face as they headed towards Last Light Inn.
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blindlov3fix · 4 months
Your Biggest Fan
Hypno and GN!Reader
Warnings: Platonic, kind of a mentor - mentee fic, Fluff
A/N: My first real post! I wanted the first to be more of a heartwarming fluff story so I decided to make this one platonic. But there's sure to be other fics for different characters with different genres so make sure to stick around for that! <3
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Tonight was a big night for you. A very big night. You even marked it on your calendar out of excitement the day you bought your ticket to the show at the magic townhouse. Tonight, instead of the simple museum days, they planned to host a show with your favorite magician of all time!
No, it wasn’t Houdini brought back from the dead (though that would have been the show of a lifetime). It wasn’t Sir John the Kaiser. It wasn’t even that Noah Sheck kid that was pretty good at magic too.
It was Hypnopotamus, the newest magician in the city who had taken all of Manhattan by storm with his incredible acts. Besides the fact that he was a mutant, let alone a former criminal according to the news stations, everyone who was as crazy for magic as you or just looking for some good entertainment had to admit: he was amazing.
And tonight was the night you would actually meet him in person at the meet and greet after the show!
You couldn’t wait but you didn't want to just simply meet the guy. See, you had been practicing your own little trick yourself and looking up card tricks for months now. Bugging your friends to help you practice so you wouldn’t screw it up.
Now, after countless trial and error, you were finally ready, just in time for the show.
Unfortunately, you spent a lot of your savings on that ticket so you couldn’t dress as nice as you wanted in your own dressy suit so you just wore the only one you had. Sure, it had a few tears (which you meant to sew eventually, you just never got a chance to do that), but it was perfectly fine! Probably. Maybe. Hopefully.
You opened your closet, reaching the top shelf to grab the top hat sitting in the corner. You brushed off the top, blowing off the dust that collected from sitting in the closet for so long and gently placed it on top of your head.
You walk over to the mirror, checking over yourself and giving one last spin to make sure your outfit was at least decent. You nodded, feeling confident enough that you wouldn’t get laughed out the second you stepped foot in the townhouse.
With a deep breath and a quick adjustment of your top hat, you grab your ticket, stuff it in your pocket and run out of the house.
Getting into the townhouse was a piece of cake (considering you already paid for your entry months ago) and you explored the place since you had a few minutes to spare before the show started. And eventually, you and all of the other guests piled into the auditorium and the show started.
Seeing videos online did not do this man justice. He lit up the room when he talked (literally, he managed to shoot fireworks out of his mouth!). His acts were nothing like you’ve never seen before and there was no way there was a wire anywhere in sight. It was incredible. This whole show was just…magical.
But all good things must come to an end and the show was over an hour later. But that was the best hour of your life. So far anyway.
And the fun of the night wasn’t over yet either! There was still the amazing chance to actually meet Hypno, face to face. To say you ran to the exit doors when the house lights came on would be an understatement.
You and the other guests all made your way to the next room over where Hypnopotamus himself was waiting in all his hippo glory, a cardboard backdrop with his name on it in big bold letters stood behind him for anyone interested in photos. A velvet rope was shut in front of him, making a narrow path in front of him.
“Hello all you beautiful people! Thanks for coming out tonight!” He started, raising his arms out in the air as people flocked in with each other. “I hope you all enjoyed the show!”
He gets a group cheer from everyone, chuckling. “Alright, well, I’m guessing you’re all here for the meet ‘n greet! Unless you’re looking for the dunny, that’s down the hall to your left.” He jokes. A few people laugh at the joke but soon everyone gets in a single file line in front of velvet rope. That was the one thing separating the fans from the hippo’s cage and that was quickly unclipped by Hypno himself.
You got stuck close to somewhat of the end of the line. You definitely would have been closer to the front but you just got a bit nervous and froze up a bit, getting an even closer look at your idol. And you did get shoved a bit so others could get higher in the line so you couldn’t be picky, you’d still meet him. Just a bit later than you would have hoped.
You decided to pass the time by rehearsing your lines for your trick, muttering under your breath. It was a great distraction for the twisting in your stomach as you slowly moved closer to him.
Before you knew it, a majority of the people in front of you had disappeared, leaving only a handful left. You could see Hypno even better this close.
He was practically glowing. I mean, there he was, mere feet away from you. And you were about to really meet him. You would get to shake his hand and talk to him about how he made it as a pro magic guy- er mutant. Maybe as for some tips? But a magician never reveals his secrets so that was probably a hard no—
But you shook your head, shaking away the thoughts starting to flood your mind. You were here for a different reason. Focus.
But god, you were shitting yourself as you got closer to the front of the line.
Just three people in front of you. Seconds pass and the line gets shorter. Less than a minute later and you’re standing in front of him. Due to the fact that he was a giant hippo, he practically towered over you, which was just a tad bit intimidating, you couldn’t lie.
Waving goodbye to the last fan that he was just chatting with, Hypno’s eyes widen just a bit when he sees you walk up, with a rather worn down suit and top hat to match. Well, this was new. Perhaps you were one of those costume people? He could never remember that funny little name people on the internet used (forgive him for being a bit more old school).
“Well, what have we here then? Are you dressed up as your’s truly?” He asked, keeping a dramatic flair to still entertain the others waiting in line for their time to talk to him but he was intrigued when you shook your head. “No, actually.” You started, taking off your top hat and nervously fiddling with the hem. “I um…I’m kind of a magician too. I wanted to show you my- my card trick.” You stutter, keeping your eyes down.
“Your very own card trick, huh?” Hypno chuckles, putting a finger on his chin and pretending to think about it for a second. “Hm…alright then! Why not? Always happy to see tricks from fellow magicians!” He says, putting his hands on his hips.
“Whenever you’re ready.” He reassured, a small smile cracking through your expression. You took a small breath, putting your hat back on. Alright, just like you practiced.
You pull a deck of cards out from inside your jacket, spreading them out in front of you. “Pick a card, any card.” You muttered but you were surprised to see Hypno somewhat frowning.
Fuck, did you already mess up?? Is a card trick too basic for him? How did you screw up already?!
But thankfully, Hypno is quick to stop you from spiraling as he explains himself. “Nah, come on. Where’s your charisma? Your confidence?” He questioned, tilting his head. “You gotta be bold! Grab my attention and don’t let go, not for a second!” He straightens his back and gives you a small wink. “Try it again. More energy this time.”
You feel the sudden sting in your eyes of tears threatening to show up but you quickly shut that down by blinking them away. It was the confidence boost you desperately needed. And with your idol being so supportive in the short time you met him, you might as well put on a show for him.
With another deep breath, you hold out the deck to him once again. “Pick a card! Any card!” This time, your voice had the energy Hypno was looking for, nothing like the little whisper you started with the first time. It even managed to draw the attention of the other’s around you, all gathering around to watch. “Yeah! There ya go!” Hypno laughed, his smile growing.
He takes a card from somewhere in the middle of the deck. “Now, be sure to remember which card you have.” You reminded him, covering your eyes with one hand. “You can even show it to the audience if you want. But don’t worry, I’m not peeking.” You lowered your hand for a second, peeking one eye out. “Or am I?” You joked, pulling a few chuckles out of the audience before covering your eyes once again.
Hypno flipped the card around for everyone to see. It was the three of spades. “Now, turn that card back around so only you can see it.”
He obliges and you lower your hand again. “All you have to do is hold that card and watch my hands and I’ll try to guess which card you have.” You say, starting to shuffle the cards in your hands.
Hypno watches, wanting to see how this will go since he’s holding the card. There’s no way to change it with some neat shuffling if he has it in his own possession.
Your shuffling suddenly stops. “Now, what I didn’t tell you is there is a double of every card in this deck. There’s a twin for each one.” You pull a card from the top, flipping it around so he could see. “Is this your card’s twin?” You ask.
In your hand was a seven of hearts. Hypno sighs a bit. “Sorry, mate. That wasn’t it.” He says, shaking his head slightly. It was heartbreaking at that moment. He remembered his first time messing up a trick in public. The embarrassment almost made him want to quit magic entirely. He hoped you wouldn’t end up doing the same. With how nervous you were to even come up to him, he didn’t want to be the one who ended up crushing your magic dreams.
But your smile never faltered.
“Sure it is. Look at your card.” You chuckled, idly shuffling the deck again. Hypno raises a brow, his eyes landing on the card in his fingers. Lo and behold, he was holding a seven of hearts. He smiles in surprise, turning his card around for the crowd to see.
Their gasps and exclaims were enough to make your smile even bigger, along with your confidence. “But that wasn’t your original card, was it, Mr. Hypno?” You continue.
“No, it was not.” He chuckles. You hold your hand out to take the card back and he hands it to you. “Your original card and its twin are actually nowhere in this deck!” You spread the deck out so every card is visible, slowly spinning so the whole crowd can see as well.
“Then, where is my card, little magician?” Hypno asks, putting his hands on his hips, watching how you grabbed the audience’s attention. Just like he told you to. He could tell you were having so much fun.
You fold the deck together again, putting them back in your jacket. “Check your back pocket.”
Hypno stares at you for a second before quirking a brow at you, smiling like an idiot. He reaches a hand into his back pocket, revealing his original three of spades and sliding it through his fingers to reveal the copy of that exact card right behind it.
The crowd all yelled out in shock and excitement, starting to applaud you. It felt good, you had to admit. But the dam broke when Hypno of all people joined in on the applause. You could die right then and there and be happy.
But to save your own ego and not ruin this amazing moment, you took a deep breath to try and calm your racing heart and bowed, like any good magician would after a show.
Hypno patted you on the back, moving his hand to rest on your shoulder. “The ol’ sleight of hand. You really are something. From one magician to another, I’m truly impressed.”
You smiled up at him, feeling your throat tighten. It was taking everything in your power not to cry on the spot, or worse, hug him right there. “Thank you.” You croaked, rubbing your eyes free of tears.
He smiles and nods. “You know, a magician like you deserves a much better wardrobe, don’t you think?” He chuckles. “I don’t think the worn down look suits you very well, no offense.”
Before you could even ask what he meant by that, he was standing behind you, gently tugging on the cloth of your blouse sleeves. “Do you mind?” He asked, leaning over to make sure the contact was alright with you.
You didn’t have a clue what he was going to do but you just shrugged. “Uh..sure? Go ahead.”
He smiled and pulled back on your jacket and you thought he had actually ripped the damn thing off of your shoulders like some tear away pants or something. There was even some shiny confetti that appeared around you as he did it. You panicked for a split second and the sudden cheer from the crowd again didn't help your worry. But you were rendered speechless when you looked down and realized.
He just did a costume change. On you.
Gone was the tattered and bland suit and top hat, now replaced with a chic black suit and bowtie, covered in golden accents and accessories. Both hands were perfectly fitted with white gloves. And your hat was pristine, pretty much brand new and was fitted with a gemstone that shimmered and shined in the light. It was like a dream.
Yeah, this time, you couldn’t stop the tears. You literally started sobbing on the spot, which is bound to keep you up at night some time in the future. Hypno tried to offer you a handkerchief to clean yourself up, apologizing profusely which some of the crowd audibly ‘awwed’ (and laughed a little).
But this truly was the best night of your life.
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crmsnmth · 6 months
September Sky Chapter Four, Part 13
"So... when were you going to tell me you can read minds?" I asked,
"What do you mean?" She looked up at my face, confused.
"I've been sitting here, worried that maybe my head stuff would be the reason you poofed out of my life. So, it's like you took a look in my head and snuffed that anxiety."
"I swear I can't read minds. I just thought that maybe you should know that it doesn't bother me."
"I appreciate that in so many ways."
"I'm glad."
I kissed the top of her head. It was just pure instinct and action. Addison nuzzled into my arm, and we went back to watching the water. I lit another cigarette, and after a few drags she took it from me again. When she had her fill, she put the cigarette back in my mouth. I swear her fingers hesitated leaving my lips. It was intimate in it's silence. The passing back and forth of the mouth. Kissing nothing while managing to kiss everything.
I don't know how much time had passed. Maybe none. Maybe forever. According to the clock on my phone, it was after midnight. I was slightly shocked. I could've stayed there all night, but I knew this moment was coming. From the moment she showed up outside my house.
"It's getting late. Maybe we should start heading back," I said, but Addison made no reply. I looked down at her to see her eyes closed behind her glasses. She had dozed off on my shoulder as we sat. I wanted this moment to last the rest of the night. She slept as I held her. I was her protection from the world, while she lay vulnerable. Knowing she felt safe enough around me to literally sleep on me was a whole new feeling that I'm not quite sure how to explain. As much as I didn't want to, I had to wake her. I softly shook her.
"Addison, time to wake up and go home." Her eyes slowly opened and fluttered. Her irises were glowing.
"Oh, oh. I'm sorry. I guess I was tired," she said, yawning as she spoke.
"Don't apologize. Let me walk you home." I stood up and held out my hand. She smiled as I helped her up off the bench. She stretched and groaned.
"My legs feel like Jell-O," she laughed as she took a wobbly step, "there's the pins and needles."
"Wiggle your toes."
"Seriously, wiggle your toes and move your feet in circles. Trust me."
She gave me a look of speculation, but she tried it. In a few seconds she was walking normal again.
"How did you figure that one out?" She asked. I couldn't do anything but shrug. I really didn't know where I had picked up that small piece of information. But it apparently had been drilled into my memory.
"That actually works. I'm going to remember that one." she said, now standing on legs that weren't shaky anymore. I took her hand now. When her fingers interlocked with mine, the fire returned, burning through every ounce of flesh. I was covered in kerosene, and she was a lit match.
The walk back to Riverwest was quiet. Instead of talking, we just walked hand in hand, bouncing off each other as we walked. I was happy to just be in her company, following the sidewalks home. Our walk to the lake had been zigzagging through side streets and alleys. The walk home was straight back. In twenty minutes, we were standing outside the door to her apartment.
"So, how long do I have to wait before I can start bugging you again?" I asked with a grin. I was trying to sound playful and coy, but I'm sure she could see right through the act. She knew it was a kind of serious question. Have I mentioned I wasn't good at this?
"As soon as you want. I don't think your bugging me at all."
"That's good to know."
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Never Fading Away | Cyberpunk 2077 Fanfic
Finally happy enough to post the first chapter of my CP2077 fic, Never Fading Away.
You can also read it on AO3 here, and Royal Road here!
Still working on my cover creation skills, but 8'D
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Ironic, V thought, that the City of Dreams never sleeps. And if it wasn’t for netrunners exploiting the substations so frequently, she would’ve assumed Night City stayed lit forever. But was it alive? Corporations and their goons, fighting regular people for their literal lives. And even then, that’s not enough, they want their thoughts and souls now too. She pushed the thought of the Peralez’, remembering that bullshit like that was why she became a merc in the first place: to fight the fucks that wanted to own people like they were real estate.
And now? Now V only had one goal.
From the rooftop of H10, V watched traffic flow by, oblivious to anything but their own journey. Neon signs glared at the walls of skyscrapers, coercing them to cast long shadows over short alleys. The scent of greasy pizza and gasoline vapors wafted by V.
“You scared the fuck outta me, y’know that? Thought you were going to die in there, the way you were bleedin’.”
Johnny shimmered into focus and took a seat on the rooftop ledge in front of V, removing his sunglasses to look out over the city skyline, before giving V his full attention. Slumped in a folding chair, her long teal hair hung in loose waves around her tired and freckled visage. Brilliant blue mecha eyes gave her a familiar once-over before settling somewhere around his boots.
“Nope, still here,” V exhaled, unsure if she felt relief or dismay by that fact.
“We have to get to Mikoshi, V, we’re running outta time if we’re both going to make it out alive,” he started, but pulled up when V shook her head silently. “What? You don’t want to go?”
“Johnny, I barely made it up those fucking stairs to get here, never mind that you had to drag my ass all the way back to Vik’s,” she hissed, aiming an exhausted glare at her feet before sighing, resignation in her voice. “I’m not going to make it to Arasaka Tower. Not like this.”
V lay Viktor’s pistol on her knee, Misty’s pills held loosely in her hand as she tilted her head back and closed her eyes. With uncharacteristic hesitation, Johnny took up Misty’s empty chair beside her.
“I could get us there. Your body moves when I’m driving, I could get us into Arasaka, to Mikoshi. Alt said she’d be waiting for us when we get there, all we have to do is show up, smash through ‘Saka security, drop down a few floors, and boom. We’re in.”
She didn’t respond right away, instead picking up the pistol and weighing it in her palm. Johnny watched her, resting his cheek on clasped hands.
“Listen, V. I know I’ve… argued with you about this in the past, but you should know that, at the end of the day, I understand that this is your choice. Your life, your body. You’re the closest thing I’ve got to a best friend, Vale. Whatever you decide, that’s what we’re going with.”
V’s hand shook, wrapping around the pistol tightly. “I know Johnny.”
With a choking sound, V rose and threw the gun as hard as she could over the edge of the rooftop, watching it sail into the darkening world below before turning to stand in front of Silverhand. He stood as V held her hand out flat between them. The remaining pseudoendotrizine lay in her palm.
“You gonna go to Rogue?” she asked, nerves fraying with every word. Johnny nodded once, putting his cigarette out. Swallowing hard, V finally turned her eyes up to his. They watched each other for a long moment.
“I trust you.”
Without another word, V tossed the pills down her throat. She didn’t need to wait long before her vision began to blur, the pseudoendotrizine sinking its teeth into her weakened system. Dizzy, V stumbled towards the edge of the roof, the neon lights below doubling up, when someone clasped her forearm tightly.
“I got you, V. See you on the other side.”
And Night City went dark.
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florilegiumofblips · 4 months
Back in October I made a decision. It was such a good decision. And it changed, for the better, the direction of my life. There has not been a moment since that I have regretted making it. I have feared that it might lead to failure, only to then remind myself that failure is sometimes a trick of the eye (or how we choose to define it). And so I have put one foot in front of the other, so sure that whatever I was moving towards, was better than standing still--and I have stood still for far too long (see: fear). And for the first few months, my decision was directional. I had tasks and lists and boxes to check. But then came the waiting. Which I always knew was going to come, and I always knew I wasn't going to like. But it was necessary--a part of the process. The waiting to find out. The great, big, gaping unknown. And sitting in unknown has never really been...well, you know, a thing that I'm good at. 
Years ago, in a funk--when funks were more often than not--I called Bowen. And Bowen pointed out that the funks seemed to show up whenever my life lacked movement. When things felt still, settled, unyielding. 
I crave movement. All. the. time. 
Which brings us back to this moment, right now. This moment where the directionality of my plan (and life) is purposefully on pause, and I don't yet know what will come next. In some ways, the fact that I am breathing, at all, is a miracle. And yet, I know I will look back on this time, years from now--minutes from now, even--as nothing short of miraculous. Holy even.
That being said, there was a morning last week--probably the morning after I'd congratulated myself on not falling down the rabbit-hole of old habits--that I did not want to get out of bed. (God was I good at sleeping through depression). And as I lay in bed, a small, slow panic settling in, there came a thought: movement.
I may not be able to move mountains today, but I can fake the feeling. I can create literal, physical, actual movement. 
So I sat upright and got to work. I tasked myself with five things to do before noon (which is, still to this day, some of the best advice I've ever received), and I created physical movement around me. I turned on the small fan I keep in the corner to get some air circulating. I stripped the bed of the sheets and started a load of laundry (actual, physical, circular movement). I took a shower, washed my hair, swiped on some perfume--some lipstick, too. I watered the plants, making sure something would grow on this day. I lit a candle, watched it flicker. I ran a vacuum over the rug, and then I turned on the music just a bit too loud, and gave thanks for it all. The mess and frustration and stillness and movement and this very holy season. 
And the funk moved right on by. 
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ultramagicalternate · 5 months
ULTRAMagic Interlude: Shadowland Chapter 25
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Despite the momentous victory over The Eternal Church (an ironic name at this point), Shadowland was not quite out of the woods yet. First came the return of the money the cult had hoarded for so long. Some tried to claim they were owed more while others claimed they were given too much. No matter who said what, Sten stood firm. He knew the process would be bumpy and expected friction. Of course he graciously accepted any money that was donated to the crown. Sten insisted against this, but he could not stop it. These individuals would be noted so that they could receive appropriate breaks with future taxes.
Another occurrence in relation to everything was the last of the cult turncoats, who were turning themselves in. This ranged from those who were stubborn to those who were caught between a rock and a hard place, with each person being handled accordingly. Unbeknownst to those outside of the royal court, Sten had secretly made this the cut off point. Anyone apprehended after this would either be executed or receive life in prison. Sten’s logic was that anyone foolish enough to remain with Milosh going forward was not worth saving. There was a unique exception, but anyone with a functioning mind knew the destruction of the church was the time to call it quits.
Amidst all the excitement, Gabriella and Weaver were making their way to Redstar Station on the edge of the city. Here they planned to head to Gabriella’s universe and home. As they walked, they happened upon Dunja and Maximus. They were chatting while Turi rested on Dunja’s arm, happily eating a treat.
“Your majesty, Maximus! Hello there” Gabriella said as she approached.
“Oh hey, you two,” Dunja replied as she gave Turi a few scratches. “Where’re you both off to?”
Weaver dusted off his shoulder. “Oh, just Gabriella’s home. Not going to lie, I’m a bit nervous.”
Gabriella gave him a few taps on the arm with the back of her hand. “Don’t be. It’ll be fine. The first layer of Inferno is very peaceful this time of year. You’ll fit right in.”
“Wait, Weaver, aren’t you from the Cosmos proper originally?” Maximus questioned.
“Yes, and?”
“Well then it should be a walk in the park for you.”
Weaver grumbled. “I mean, I guess so. You’ll have to pardon my apprehension considering I am literally going to Hell…” The others laughed at the absurdity.
“Well at least you can invalidate Grimwald’s insults now” Gabriella pointed out.
Weaver nodded and chuckled. “Alright, fair enough, haha.” As they resumed walking, Weaver looked up at Maximus. “Say, where are you off to?”
“Home, I guess. Sten insisted I head back, inform The Iron City, and stay on guard just in case Milosh pulls something.”
“Ah. I suppose that makes sense. What about you Dunja?”
“Well Turi is going to deliver this letter here to Englehart. Once these two are off, I’m going to head to the royal aviary and help Aureolus pick out a bird, since he’s been interested in one.”
Upon reaching the station, Maximus and Dunja bid the two farewell and headed off. “Well then, shall we head inside and get ready?” Gabriella asked.
The pair went over to an employee who showed them to a series of doors. Each one had a space before it that was perfectly square and flat. Taking the chalk that was handed to her, Gabriella drew a pentagram. Once ready, she plucked a feather from her wings and placed it in the center. Focusing on it, the seal lit up and caused the margin to glow red. The light quickly vanished, allowing the two to go through.
Entering Inferno was a unique experience for Weaver. First he felt incredibly hot, which gave way to a euphoric feeling. His vision blurred as he heard a series of trumpets play a welcoming tune. Once he could see again, he had a rush of sights to take in. The two were in another station that was bustling and noisy. Demons, angels, and everything in between were moving to and about. Train whistles blew as voices spoke over the booming intercoms. Weaver stumbled about as he observed everything before him. People with horns and tails, strange architecture, and familiar scents and sounds made his mind race with excitement.
“Incredible…” Weaver remarked as he accidentally bumped into a tall demon with dark hair. This caused them to collide with a passing, orange skinned demon with brown hair.
“Hey, watch where you’re going…” the first demon stated.
“Oh jeez. Sorry, sorry…” Weaver apologized, quite embarrassed.
“Amon!” Gabriella called out. “Good to see you again.”
“Gabriella, welcome back” he replied as he shook her hand. “How’d your adventure go?”
She chuckled. “Adventure, that is the most apt way to describe it. Amon, this man right here is Weaver Craddock, a blacksmith I met in Shadowland. Weaver, this is Amon, marquis of Inferno. Currently he’s seeking to improve his rank in the pseudomonarchy.”
The two shook hands. “A pleasure to meet you, Weaver,” Amon welcomed.
“Likewise. Say, you sound familiar. I know I’ve heard your name before…”
“Well of course you have, Weaver,” Gabriella answered. “This is the demon Achasiah oversees.”
Weaver nodded in surprise. “Well I’ll be damned. It’s an honor, Amon.”
“Same, as Achasiah has said good stuff about you and the Shadowland crew. Sorry you had to deal with our basket case of a Milosh…”
“It’s alright. The Spineless coward is a complete joke of a threat once he’s on his own.”
Amon wanted to sneak off with the two, but a third demon called out his name, causing him to sigh. “Coming, Lucifuge! Sorry guys, but I got to bounce. Lucifer has been breathing down my neck today…”
“Oh dear. Well best of luck to you, Amon,” Gabriella called out as he walked off. “Shoot, I didn’t get to tell him the news about us…” She then indicated for Weaver to follow her.
“Wait, Lucifer? Thee Lucifer?”
“Yes. He’s not as bad as a lot of earthlings make him out to be. That’s not to say he hasn’t messed up in the past, Atlantis being a noteworthy example, but at the same time he’s still loyal to Adonai.”
“Huh, that’s not what the bible thumpers from my universe would have you believe... Anyways, Amon, he seems pretty alright.”
Gabriella nodded. “Indeed. Reliable and adept at resolving conflicts. You know, Weaver, you could potentially summon him one day.”
“I take it you're referring to necromancy? I mean, I suppose I could try learning it once I have ULTRAMagic…”
Moving to a secretary at a cubicle, Gabriella got Weaver all checked into the records so he could move about freely. Leaving the station, the two walked through what was known as New Paradiso City. It was a nice and sunny day, with a few clouds here and there. Gabriella explained that the city was modeled after the cities of late 20th century America. Weaver was a little confused, so Gabriella clarified that it was a country on her Earth. After giving her boyfriend a chance to see the sights, she hailed a cab. They were not going to walk all the way to her home as it was quite far away.
Seeing Inferno’s lands pass by during the car ride was a surreal experience for Weaver. Outside of the city there were forests, pastures, and grassy hills everywhere. Aside from obvious things that indicated where they were, everything looked normal to him. Gabriella took the opportunity to explain what the layers of Inferno were. She further clarified that what he thought he would encounter were the deepest layers of the realm. Gabriella then finished by warning him never to go down there as untold horrors lurked in the depths. Only the strongest Angels and Demons dared to brave such places.
Arriving at their destination, the two were greeted by a large mansion, flanked by trees and gardens. It was all quite beautiful, with the building having an early 1900s feel to it. Inside they stepped into a grand foyer with a wall of windows on the far end and a balcony above them. Weaver took a moment as he looked around, marveling at the paintings on the walls and the luxurious furniture. 
“Jeez, you sure this isn’t Heaven?” he asked.
Gabriella giggled. “Well people do say that Inferno is like a second Heaven sometimes. It’s even been said that it is a Heaven for those that can’t get into Heaven for one reason or another… assuming you stick to the upper layers.”
“So do you live here all by yourself?”
“Nope. I live with my mother since it is her mansion after all. She’s probably still in The Unlight…” Gabriella answered as she took off her coat and boots.
As Weaver took off his boots, someone appeared on the balcony. “Gabriella, is that you dear?”
She looked up. “Mom! You’re back too?”
Valentina looked a little frazzled, but no worse for wear. “Sadly. The council called on me for important business relating to the Miranda Planetoid.”
“The council?” Weaver inquired.
“The Infernal Council of Order” Gabriella answered. “It’s the main governing body of Inferno, aside from the four emperors. So mom, how’s Blood doing?”
The dark angel gave a worried sigh. “Not great. Everything’s been bothering him. I didn’t want to leave him, but Nasargiel explained the full scope of the issue here and… well, I see why he wanted me back so badly.”
“Oh my…. I presume Radovan and Rose are going to look after him now?”
“Yes. Rose finally has some free time and Radovan said he would make time. Thankfully things seemed to be settling down in The Iron City when I left.”
“That’s good to hear. Oh, Mom! Great news: You’re familiar with Mr. Craddock here, right?”
She nodded. “Yes, I am. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Weaver.”
“Same, Valentina,” he replied, unsure if he should bring up what Achasiah had told everyone back in Shadowland.
Gabriella smiled. “Mom, I’m proud to announce that I finally have a boyfriend!” This made Weaver blush.
That news made Valentina’s day as she felt her heart swell with happiness. “How wonderful! Well then, you make yourself right at home, Weaver. Now I’d love to hang and chat with you two, but unfortunately I need to get back to work…”
Weaver chuckled. “It’s alright, I know how you feel.”
“Oh! Before I forget, Gabriella, there’s a package in the mail room. Could you take that to Stolon when you get the chance?”
“Sure. I was planning to go visit Stolas regardless.”
“Thank you, sweetie. If you kids need me for anything, I’ll be in my office.” Valentina then hurried off.
Gabriella turned to Weaver. “Want to go meet one of my friends from my school days?”
“Sure…” his stomach growled. “Um, can we get something to eat first?.”
She looked at the clock. “Hey, lunch time. Follow me.” Gabriella led him to the kitchen, which was clean and spacious with an island counter in the center. “We could head over to the dinning hall, but it’s just lunch. Xavier? Are you here?”
What appeared to be a five foot tall demon came walking up. His skin was earthly in color and his tail was relatively thick. “Gabriella, welcome home! Glad to have you back.”
“You would not believe the adventure I’ve had. Weaver, this is Xavier, our butler. Xavier, this is Weaver Craddock, my boyfriend.”
“A Boyfriend?! Well howdy do, welcome to the Pari residence, Weaver,” Xavier said as he shook his hand.
“Thanks. Say, what kind of demon are you, if you don’t mind me asking. You look different from the others.”
“Oh, I’m not a demon. I’m a devil, and an Earth devil at that. We were the ones who were in Inferno before the demons and angels started showing up. As for what I’m doing here, I like the Pari’s and I need the work.”
“Right, sorry. I didn’t realize there was a difference.”
Xavier looked at Gabriella. “He’s from a different universe,” she replied.
“Ah, I see. Well no harm now foul” Xavier stated as he got out some cutlery and food. “What can I do for you two? Lunch, I take it?”
Gabriella nodded. “Certainly. I’ll have the usual. What do you want, Weaver?”
“Oh, what’s it called… oh yeah, a sub, please. Claudius introduced me to them and I can’t get enough.”
“Nice, that’s my favorite too,” Xavier pointed out. “Figures given that you’re a blacksmith. I’ve fancied myself a smith in the past, with help from my friend, Cliff. He’s an iron devil.”
“You can tell that I smith? How so?”
“You smell of Earth and metal. I’ll have to give Cliff a call so you two can chat. Now, let’s get cooking!”
Next: Chapter 26
ULTRAMagic Alternate © 2022 William Ford II (ChaoticTempleKnight)
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tipsycad147 · 2 years
How to Interpret Your Dreams
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Our dreams are a doorway into our subconscious. Our higher selves trying to breach the veil and speak to us, guide us to where we need to focus.
You can find whole books on symbolism to interpret your dreams but it really doesn’t have to be complicated. Nor do I recommend taking those books and symbols for face value.
Not everything in the dream has meaning behind it. Our brains are designed to story tell so it uses all of this extra stuff to fill in the gaps and make a story of sorts.
Of course, we shouldn’t try to interpret them per their story but instead by their
Emotions / vibrations
Underlying themes
Overall highlighted points
Whereas our conscious mind is bound by the perimeters of space time, our subconscious isn’t. That means the stories of our dreams may not make sense in a linear – physics as we know it type of way.
So we shouldn’t expect it to even if it seems to. They’re abstract and should be interpreted as such even if it was a well put together story.
You know in middle school Lit where you couldn’t just read the story becasue the teacher wanted you to instead look for hidden symbolisms and meanings and what the author may have meant by XYZ?
It’s like that, but arguably much easier since the messages and meanings are both written and meant for your unique ways of thinking.
Our subconscious (and/or guides) are taking the raw building blocks of how they know to communicate (energy and vibration) and attempting to relay a message in a way they hope YOU SPECIFICALLY may understand.
That means your symbolism may be different from what’s in the books. A red bird to one may mean abundance but to you specifically, who was, I dunno, chased through the house as a child by a red bird (shrug) may interpret it as fear or caution.
Anything could literally mean anything.
You get the drift. So look at what things in the dream mean to YOU when you’re interpreting.
Dream Interpretation
Dream interpretation is fun but remember the functional application that it has for our healing and progression in manifesting. It’s an extension of ourselves and the emotional guidance system that codes our existence.
Be careful not to pick up any false / limiting / harmful beliefs that may hold you back from your full potential.
You want to explore the dream with an open mind and be weary of assigning meanings to things simply because someone else said a certain aspect means XYZ.
Allow your intuition to assign the meanings and trust what it gives you.
What emotions are present in the dream?
To what degree? (Some may be bigger than others and thus, more important)
What seemed important?
Which emotions were tied to what symbols?
What else stood out?
Who was there?
Were there any patterns?
Don’t take anything for face value. Our dreams are just an introspective tool for the understanding and navigation of our world.
They’re a secret language meant for you and only you. The more you practice interpreting your dreams, the easier it will be to figure out what they mean and where they’re trying to lead you.
Let’s Interpret a Dream Together:
For example, in my dream last night, I was a bystander. I was just watching everything unfold and it was like a TV show (station 19 to be exact) and the theme was 1 person was leaving his wife for another and wanting to have babies.
Most of it was meh emotionally but the babies part was emphasized. They were having multiples (like whole damn litters) and hoping for girls.
This meant to me that I’m here to help women and since my emotions were calm and peaceful, it signaled that I’m on the right track with that.
look for things that are emotionally charged to interpret your dreams. If it seems insignificant or matter of factly, it probably is.
Try to leave bias out of it. Like in my dream, a man was leaving his wife for another woman. This is obviously something many people would have emotions about in real life. In the dream though, it was just part of the story. It didn’t mean anything significant and I could feel that.
Tips for Interpreting Your Dreams
The best time to practice dream interpretation is first thing in the morning, as soon as you wake.
Try and immediately write them down and ponder them. Any sort of distraction in between waking and writing will risk fading details.
Dream interpretation is a personal art that comes with practice. Although it’s helpful to discuss with others and bounce potential meanings back and forth (especially if this person is familiar with you and your life), I don’t believe anyone can accurately interpret them as you can.
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youcantproveiexist · 2 years
Since the new Matilda movie came out I thought it was time to post this fan fiction I wrote a long time ago about @danielhowell and Phil Lester. It’s a parade story but I think it’s pretty decent! Enjoy!
Phil Lester had been performing on the west end for 9 years now. Before deciding he wanted be on the stage, Phil had been a YouTuber but after a year of working hard he only had 100 followers and he decided it was time his work was appreciated. He quit youtube and began training in the musical arts and less than a year later he got his first role. He fell in love with the arts and decided he was never going back to YouTube. Phil thought he was not going to be missed but among those few subscribers there was one who was so dedicated, that he followed Phil into the theatre business and vowed he would make Phil return to his past life no matter the cost. This is the story of the Phandom of the Opera.
Chapter 1
In the year 2016, the play Matilda was very popular on the West End. Emily-May Stephenson was in the middle of rehearsal of her very first professional show Matilda. For someone so young, she was very good, which is why she was Matilda. She was rehearsing her favorite song, Silent, when her singing was suddenly interrupted by the director, Matthew Warchus.
“Gather round thespians, I have some very important news!” Everybody eagerly rushed on stage, “It is with great sorrow that I have to inform you all of my official retirement.” There was a gasp of horror at this announcement. They no longer felt eager. However, their attention was captured by a man dressed in a smart suit wheeling a cart with a computer out on stage.
“This is your new director Mr. Tumblr de Chagny.” The man stepped forward, and cleared his throat. The actors stood, anxiously awaiting a speech from their prolific new director. However, their curiosity was heightened as the man turned, and pressed a small button on the computer, and promptly walked off stage. The computer began to make a soft whirring noise as the actors looked back at the computer quizzically. A small bell sounded, and the pixels lit up. “Hello” the computer said in an automated voice.
“He plans to direct this musical so that everything will run like a machine...Literally like a machine.” Mr. Warchus bowed his head and stepped back, giving all the attention to the new director.
The stage turned into a riot. Some wept silently at the loss of their beloved director. Some shouted demanding a better explanation. Others simply walked off stage in frustration. One thing was for sure, everyone was upset by Mr. Tumblr de Chagny. Everyone except Phil Lester. He was too busy thinking to complain. This computer was the same computer that he used to edit on so long ago. He knew it was his computer because there was a distinctive cat sticker on the back. The rest of the back was covered in all different stickers but he knew this cat sticker was his.
Phil was lost in the thought of his university years and all the videos he filmed. A pang of regret hit him. He almost felt bad for leaving that lifestyle behind him. With the pang of guilt came a pang of cringe. Some of those videos were inspiring while others were just plain bad. He could never go back to filming YouTube videos, especially since his own computer was now his new director.
Mr. Warchus interrupted the chaos by announcing that Mr. Tumblr de Chagny would like all the singing voices in his data before the director left. “Emily-May you first.” Obediently she continued her rehearsal of Silent. Her voice filled the room, as she looked smugly around at the actors, as if to say ‘ I am better than you ever will be!’ Suddenly as if struck by lightning her singing stopped, her eyes glazed over, and she fell face down on the floor. She was barely moving. When Mr. Warchus rushed to check for her, she was mumbling strange things like “What is my purpose? Is this reality or will I wake up in a new world? In all of the universes why was I put here?” There was no hope in snapping her out of it. The actor next to Phil yelled out almost in pain.
“It was the Phandom! The Phandom of the Opera. He roams backstage and causes tiny disasters but never has he caused a disaster such as this.”
“I don’t think she will recover in time for the next performance.” The director exclaimed in rushed panic.
“Is there an understudy for her?” Tumblr asked in his automated voice.
“Of-course there’s not! Emily-May has never missed a single rehearsal and is vaccinated for all types of illnesses!” The director was almost in tears, “We will have to cancel tonight's performance!” Arguments began again in the crowd of actors “ We already sold out!” “The people would never forgive us if we cancelled tonight’s performance!” “This is the most people we have ever had coming to our show!”
The director stopped the shouting by saying, “We simply cannot perform Matilda without Matilda! Is there anyone else who could possibly play Matilda?” This was a rhetorical question because the rest of the cast were adults but a mysterious voice from the crowd answered.
“Phil can sing!” Everyone looked around confused; it appeared as though no one had said it. Tumblr de Chagny immediately recognized the name. Phil nervously walked to center stage. He could hear his peer’s criticism “Can he even sing? You can't have a man replace a little girl!! I bet he has a cordless power drill.”
Phil channeled all these harsh thoughts as he began to sing. The crowd was taken aback at the smooth flow of his vibrato. The longer he sang, the better he felt, his voice filled the empty house like an angel's chorus. It was so great that it even seemed the computer was shedding real tears. Of-course Phil was immediately cast as Matilda and with lots of makeup and hair extensions the 6 foot 3 man-child had become an actual child. That night’s performance was the most successful performance the west end had ever seen. Everything was going Phil’s way and for the moment everything was perfect.
Chapter 2
Phil was enjoying his night very much. People were complimenting him and practically singing their praises of his beautiful voice. The person who was most surprised was actually not a person at all, but a computer. The Tumblr de Chagny was exceptionally pleased with Phil’s singing voice and how much it improved. He remembered when Phil had done a cover of Toxic and didn’t even use his real voice. Phil had obviously taken voice lessons but the question was who was teaching him. Tumblr was intent on finding out so he followed Phil up to his dressing room. Tumblr waited outside the door for a good hour but heard nothing. He heard nothing because the invention of earbuds was designed just so creepers couldn’t hear what you were listening to. Phil was listening to his teacher, who was in fact a tutorial channel on YouTube called THe_Angle_oftutorials. It was supposed to be Angel of Tutorials but that name was taken so angle had to do. Phil had no idea who ran the channel; the videos were simply black screens with a mysterious voice that instructed Phil how to sing properly.
Tumblr de Chagny soon grew bored of listening to nothing and had his owner wheel him away in the cart. But just after Tumblr left a voice filled Phil’s room “ How dare this incompetent peasant take all your glory! It was you who made tonight's show so special and yet his computed mind believes that it was his slow hard-drive that made everything run smoothly!” Phil recognized the voice immediately. It was his angle from the tutorials. He looked around the room but no one was there. The voice began to speak again,
“You were the star of tonight and you made your angle very proud. I am not here in your room but if you look inside yourself I am there. I control your very being. I am the Phandom of the Opera!” Phil looked into his mirror and saw The Phandom. He was a bit taller than Phil and was very lanky. A black mask covered half of his face. (It would have been a white mask but the black mask fit the Phandom’s aesthetic better.) Mist filled the room as Phil took the stranger's hand from the mirror and was pulled into a long hallway.
Phil thought the hallway might lead into a sensible cave decorated in velvet and skulls and candles but it instead Phil found himself in a modern apartment. The Phandom lead Phil into a room that was decorated quite brightly with a green bed spread and many other silly decorations.
“My room is across the hall and the kitchen is down that way. Do not try to leave this apartment. It is not an apartment at all. It is merely a model of an apartment inside the basement of the theatre.” The phandom’s voice was higher now than it was in the videos.
Phil stayed in his room for a while taking in everything. Phil hadn’t had a real bedroom in 10 years. He had only had hotel rooms and dressing rooms. He liked having his own bedroom for a change. Everything reflected his personality from the posters to the lion and even the fake hamster reflected his inner sunshine. It was like Phil had decorated it himself. How could the Phandom know all of this about him? It was a strange feeling that someone he didn’t know, knew him like this. He began to grow curious and decided some questions needed to be answered. He ventured into the Phandom’s room.
The bed spread was pretty similar to Phil’s except it was black. The room’s only source of light was a lamp and some fairy lights, so the room was pretty dark. The Phandom was sitting at his desk watching a video over and over again. On one wall there was a massive collage like one you would see on a crime show. Phrases like Phil is not on Fire, 7 seconds, Obama Llama, Phil Trash #1, and Halloween Baking were all pinned on the wall with question marks around them. The Phandom became aware of Phil and approached him.
“That’s the wall of all the things we could have done together. It's what could have been.” His voice was so melancholy, Phil almost felt sorry for him.
“What could have been? What happened?” Phil could barely speak; his mind was so full of questions.
“You quit YouTube. I was your biggest fan and all I wanted was to be your friend. We could have collabed and lived together. I needed you to become who I could have been.” The Phandom pointed at his computer and the video he was watching began playing at full volume. It started off with a younger Phandom his head peaked a little on screen and after a painful jump cut “ Hi, so my name is Dan” His hands looked like they wanted to display a name but Dan’s editing skills forbade them to hold it.
“ I could have never posted this video without a friend so it has stayed on my computer as a constant reminder of what could have been.” Dan’s rage was very obvious, “ You could have helped me become great! Instead you left me alone and depressed with no one to be my friend and no videos of my own!” At that point Dan realized the fear he was causing Phil and changed his tone “ But what could have been can still be done. You can quit this silly lifestyle and we can live together. Not just in this dungeon but in a real apartment. I… We can be happy.” Happy. The word was so strange. Was Phil Happy? Could Dan make Phil happy? All these questions swam in Phil’s head and suddenly Dan’s room melted into darkness.
Chapter 3
Phil awoke in his room. Well it wasn’t his room, It was his room in Dan’s apartment. Everything felt familiar to him even though he was in a completely strange place. Everything felt normal except for Dan lurking in the corner.
“I was waiting for you to wake up.” Dan led Phil into the living room. The two ate breakfast together and watched some anime. Phil had never been more confused. Why did this feel so normal? There was a part of Phil that wanted to stay here forever; he wanted to live like this. Waking up with Dan and watching anime together. Filming videos and stealing his cereal. Phil could imagine himself living happily like this with Dan. He might even come to love Dan.
This was not real though. This was a fake life. It seemed normal but there was no sunshine and no windows. It dawned on Phil that he was living underneath his real life. Phil might come to love Dan but he loved theatre more. He couldn’t let Tumblr de Chagny down no matter what Dan promised him. What Dan promised was not real. Theatre was real.
“Dan?” Phil asked nervously
“Yes, I know what you’re going to say and yes you can go back. I’m proud of you and I got you that role for a reason.” Dan cut Phil’s celebrations short “But you have to promise to think of me and when the end of Matilda comes I want you to think about the life we could have and know if you don’t take my offer your role will be cursed. You will never be able to get a role and I will do everything in my power to make sure you are unhappy doing the thing you love.”
As Dan took Phil along the path back to the theatre, Phil’s entire life was crashing down. The only thing that made Phil happy was being taken from him in exchange for this stanger’s happiness. The walk was pretty long and Dan explained all their future plans.
“...of course we’re going to have to include a llama somehow. Then there will be this huge microwave with a ton of stickers because you put your laptop in the microwave and broke the internet. Then we realise a book about how we never go outside and the dangerous things we did while we were in the land of freedom.” It was like Dan was speaking a different language. He had obviously spent way too much time alone in his dungeon. Dan was insane and was forcing Phil down his insane whirlpool whether Phil liked it or not.
“We’ll be happy Phil,” Dan concluded. There that word was again. Happy. It didn’t seem real. Phil wondered if Tumblr de Chagny felt happy ever. Of course the computer didn’t because computers can’t feel but Phil wasn’t in the best state of mind.
They finally arrived at the theatre and Dan said his farewells but Phil couldn’t pay attention; he was too deep in thought. He didn’t even notice when Dan left. He was thinking about the events of the past day. Phil thought it might not be that bad with Dan and they could get a real apartment and be best friends. Maybe Phil could get back into YouTube. His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a faint tap on the door. It was Tumblr de Chagny. He informed Phil that he received a letter from the Phandom and knew was Phil was safe. Tumblr continued talking about Phil’s future in theatre after Matilda was over. Phil felt very guilty he knew he couldn’t tell Tumblr the truth about his or rather Dan’s plan.
“Tumblr, I’m quite tired would you mind if I rested a bit before the next show?”
Phil did not rest, he stayed awake pondering his misfortunes. He had a choice to make: he could leave the theatre and be “happy” with Dan or he could stay with Tumblr. If he stayed with Tumblr he still had to leave theatre but he loved Tumblr. Did he really love Tumblr de Chagny though? He had known Tumblr longer but his new friendship with Dan seemed to be clouding his opinions. He finally fell asleep on the happy thought of being with Dan in that cozy apartment.
Chapter 4
Phil had made up his mind. He would continue performing in the Matilda shows. He was absolutely sure of that. But he was not sure what he would do after Matilda closed. He had a lot of options. He could stay in theatre but never land a job because Dan would never let him be in a show or he could join Tumblr de Chagny and quit theatre and live a happy life with his computer or he could join Dan and live an almost happy life in an apartment somewhere in London. His future was unclear but at least he knew what he was doing in the present.
Eventually Emily-May recovered from her existential crisis, and Phil was once again pushed to the ensemble but he found that he didn’t mind that much. Being a main character was hard and Phil realized that being a main character had only brought him trouble. His minor role brought him less attention from Tumblr de Chagny and Dan hadn’t contacted him for a while. Phil didn’t really need voice lessons anymore and Dan wasn’t posting anymore videos so Phil had no use for Youtube.
But one day there was a note taped to Phil’s dressing room mirror. It had a number on it and as the days went by that number got less and less. Phil realized that it was counting down the days left of Matilda. The number seemed like a death count down to Phil. Yes he had once enjoyed the thought of staying with Dan for the rest of his life but the more theatre he did the more he realized maybe leaving wasn’t the best. His real love was for theatre. Not for Dan and not for Tumblr de Chagny. Phil had made his decision for the future he was going to stay in theatre. It didn’t matter what he had to do. He was going to stay and nothing could stop him.
The strange notes on the mirror counted down menacingly. Phil only had 10 days to figure out his escape plan. He was thinking of just leaving the theatre but Dan kept a close watch on Phil and Phil could tell. He could pull the fire alarm and leave unnoticed. Dan couldn’t keep Phil inside if Phil just happened to want to go outside for some groceries. There were so many ways out and all Phil had to do was leave… yet something stopped him everytime he got close. It wasn’t dan or Tumblr de Chagny it was himself. Could Phil be happy all by himself? The world seemed so lonely without two people fighting over Phil’s happiness.
Phil finally came to the conclusion that he had a family and there was at least one person at home to fuss about his happiness. He also missed home a lot. The problem wasn’t who was going to be there for him outside of the theatre but how could he continue theatre if the Phandom would stop the progress of his career. The answer of course was America. Phil could live in New York and the Phandom would never know he was continuing theatre. He decided to leave after that night's performance. Phil thought he owed it to Dan to do one more performance since it was Dan that got him that big role as Matilda. Phil began to pack as secretly as possible but he had no idea that Dan was lurking behind his mirror watching Phil.
Chapter 5
That night’s performance was one of the best the show had ever had. Phil sang his heart out knowing that Dan was listening. Tumblr de Chagny was in his usual spot in the theatre listening and watching Phil. Tumblr loved Phil. They both had grown up together. Phil updated him and Tumblr helped Phil edit his videos no matter how cringe worthy they were. Phil was giving his best performance that night and Tumblr knew that it was not for him. There was somebody else in Phil’s life and Tumblr knew it. But he didn’t let that bother him, Tumblr was content listening to Phil sing.
When the end of the performance came and all the actors came on stage, there was something missing a gap in the lines of actors. It was Phil he was nowhere to be found. The actors bowed as usual. None of them seemed bothered by the disappearance of Phil. Actually only one person was bothered by the missing actor. Tumblr de chagny was in complete panic. His amazing Phil was not there and he wasn’t backstage or in his dressing room. Phil Lester had dropped off the face of the planet.
Phil was in fact not off the planet but deep in it. He remembered finishing the show and then falling and waking up in his apartment bedroom. Dan was not there by his bed like the last time he had woken up here. Phil knew the way out of the apartment and he planned on sneaking out but when he got to the door it was locked and no matter how hard he tried he could not get it to open. He snuck back into his bedroom and tried to think of a way out. He could be here forever since going to buy a house in London was no longer an option for the phandom. Houses are too easy to escape especially with bystanders all over.
Phil finally decided to go confront Dan. If Dan was a reasonable human being he’d understand why Phil wanted to leave so bad. But when Phil got to Dan’s room he was met with anger.
“How could you? I trusted you and all you did was try to leave me alone. What was I supposed to do with you gone? Live down here forever and regret our future?” Dan was close to tears, “All I wanted was to be happy! Is that to much to ask for? “
Phil had enough of this, “Yes that’s too much to ask. Don’t you ever think about other people. You were willing to take away my happiness for yours and as soon as I tried to have a happy future you were willing to kidnap me.” Now Phil was the one with the anger “How could I do this to you? No! How could you do this to me? I can’t believe I once considered being your friend.”
Both Dan and Phil were softly crying. Tears rolled down their cheeks. Dan opened his mouth to speak but miraculously Tumblr de Chagny walked into the room. You must remember Tumblr was a computer so how he got down to the basement and through the door is amazing. Also the fact that he was walking was a miracle in of itself. Dan’s sorrow was overcome with renewed anger.
“So this is your so called happiness, Phil. A lowly computer. There are hundreds of computers like this one. There is only one of me. This computer cannot give you happiness; it only distracts you from the pain. How many years have I tried to be happy with a computer.” He picked up the computer and ,with Phil following, ran it into the kitchen.
“You may not remember my mentioning of a tour. The one where you put a computer in a microwave and broke the internet.” Dan slammed Tumblr into the microwave,“Let’s see what happens if you really put a computer in a microwave.” Phil’s screams were drowned out by an awful sound. The microwave exploded into flames. Dan’s body was thrown back against the wall. Everything was on fire.
Phil rushed over to Dan’s lifeless body. He may have tried to destroy everything Phil loved but Dan was still a human being. Dan was still alive but barely. He had a nasty gash on his forehead. He regained consciousness and realized Phil was trying to help him.
“Phil? Why are you still here? I destroyed everything you love so why should you be helping me”
“I believe every life is important even if that person is a twat.” Phil replied, “I also want to find out why. Why me? Why am I so important to you?”
“Phil when I saw you on YouTube I saw someone who had potential. Not only for my future but for your own. There was so much light within you and even watching your videos made my life a little bit brighter. But your videos stopped and the little light you gave me left. You gave light to so many other people and could have given it to so many others. I guess I thought it was my job to bring back the light that so many people lost the day you quit.” Dan smiled weakly with these words. Everything was burning and Phil could tell the house was about to come down.
Dan reached out and touched Phil gently. This small act allowed Phil to understand why Dan wanted so badly for Phil to be his friend. He saw Dan growing up with Phil by his side. He saw all the wonderful things they could have done together. He saw them laughing together and enjoying each other's company even if their joy was shared with millions of other people. Phil saw himself and Dan traveling the world and writing books together. He saw himself forcing Dan to do silly and things and he saw himself eating Dan’s cereal. He saw a happy life that he could have had. A life that now he could not get. A tear slipped down Phil’s cheek. This is what Dan had to feel every day, extreme sorrow that he could not get what he so desperately wanted.
“Phil?” Dan whispered, “Don’t allow your light to be hidden because I tried to force it out of you. You’ll always be my sunshine.” With these words Dan was gone. The fire seemed to be burning more than the walls. Phil felt empty as if his entire world had been reduced to ash. But he could not forget Dan’s words. He could not let his light be squenched.
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