#but those small schools with a bunch of nerds learning techniques and giggling while they get yeeted are all obliterated..
rodatirhaalo · 8 months
Man... I've been really wanting to get back into martial arts classes to help fight off The Depression, but it seems that covid really did kill them all off in my area... :(
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kimochi-writes · 6 years
I ask for a Bakugou x Reader, and I don't care if it's headcanons or scenarios. There's international hero camp going on during the summer, and Aizawa says anyone who goes 1) doesn't have to attend remedial classes with him and 2) gets extra ccredit.Katsuki goes. He gets there, and this group of Americans are sparring without quirks. Deku is intrigued, and somehow Katsu ends up as a demonstration. He loses, as she's a blue belt in jui jitsu, and she offers to teach him. Thx! 🙃
Interesting! That was my first thought. I’m making this a scenario, since I’ve written a lot of head canons lately, and I just need to write a scenario… I just need to. Thanks for the request, Anon! I hope you like it!💕
“... An International Hero Camp is being held during the summer.”
The students of class 1-A perked up. Some of them got flashbacks from the forest training camp and looked down at their desks.
“I assure you that this is nothing like the training camp in the forest. This special Hero camp has multiple countries participating.” Aizawa kept on explaining the training camp to the students.
Growing more interesting with each and every piece of information spoken out. Instantly, the hot headed Bakugo decides to go. 
1) because he doesn't want to take remedial classes with his teacher for students who don’t go. 2) because he’ll get extra credit, which he obviously want. And 3) so he can rub it in everyone’s international faces that he’s the best.
Unsurprisingly, along with Bakugo, almost every one is class 1-A also decided to go.
Soon enough, it was summer time. Which meant the International Hero Camp was in progress. Luckily enough, it was held in Japan, so the students of U.A didn’t have to travel for long distances.
The first thing Bakugo saw, was this group of American first years sparring with each other. And by the looks of it, they weren’t using their Quirks.
Bakugo hated to admit it, but they were quite good. Especially this one girl. She seemed to have some skills a level above the others. Maybe it was the way she fought. Or maybe it was her (h/c) locks and (e/c) eyes. But Bakugo ended up staring at her for a period of time.
He was only brought back to reality by the green head, Midoriya, gushing about their fighting technique and how well they did without their Quirks.
“Shut up, you stupid nerd.”
It was all so overwhelming to Midoriya, he didn’t even think twice about his next line.
“Oh, come on, Kacchan. I know that you want to show those Americans how good you are.” He said and put pressure on the good.
Midoriya sure pulled the wrong strings. ‘Cause soon after, Bakugo’s blood was boiling. He wanted to roast that damn nerd.
But before he could, he heard some snickers coming from the Americans.
“Tch. That blonde guy’s cocky, huh?”“Which school is he from? I feel sorry for them.”
Yeah, it was hard for Japanese to understand or even learn English. But Bakugo knew every single word of what they said.
“Why don’t you say that to my face, you goodie two shoes!” Bakugo said angrily and glared at them.
The Americans looked confused at each other, as they didn’t understand a single word of what the bomb said. That’s when Bakugo realized, he was talking in Japanese... he was talking Japanese... to a bunch of Americans.
They laughed yet again. “NANI??!!” They kept saying and taunting him. It frustrated the blonde. He literally wanted to kill them. Then, one of the Americans spoke up.
“If you’re as good as you say, then why don’t you go up against someone of our group, huh? Without using your Quirks?” 
Good, a challenge. Something for the hot head to let the steam out. And he had the chance to show off his combat, which he had been training on.
Bakugo got ready, standing ready to fight right there, right then. He was ready to demolish the person who was going up against him.
Or at least, that’s what he thought. The girl that Bakugo had seen earlier emerged from the American group. You got ready in a fighting stance.
You got the news that you were going to spar with a Japanese boy who was mocking your friends a few seconds ago.
You didn’t really want to. You wanted a break. But you never stepped down from a match.
And there you stood. Standing on the opposite side of the person you were sparring with, without using your Quirks.
The blonde boy with crimson eyes came rushing at you. A beginner? You thought to yourself. He threw his fist out, trying to punch you, but you simply grabbed his wrist as you dodged his punch, and pushed him down to the ground.
You pinned him down on the ground, but Bakugo didn’t give up so easy. The match lasted for under 5 minutes, with you winning. It was a good match, you didn’t deny that. You could tell that the blonde was frustrated that he lost.
Your friends praised you, as they went to buy some snacks. You loosened the grip you had on the guy, and you two quickly sat up. You looked at him, but he didn’t meet your eyes.
“Hey. That was a good match.” You said for good sportsmanship.
Bakugo huffed. “I’ll win next time.”
You tilted your head and a tiny smile appeared on your face. “Next time? You saying that we’re going to fight again?”
Bakugo then met your (e/c) eyes. “Of course I am, you idiot!”
You held in a laugh, and the two of you sat there for a while. Until you gave him a suggestion.
“You know, your technique was quite good, but it could use some polishing.”
You giggled. “I can teach you if you want. I’m, um, a blue belt in jui jitsu.” You said and scratched the back of your head. 
It required some thinking, but surprisingly, he said yes. Given the opportunity to improve him skills, he’ll gladly take it.
“Oh, I’m (Y/N), by the way.”
Bakugo scoffed. “I’m Bakugo.”
You chuckled and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. “Quite an unusual first impression. Right?”
Bakugo looked at you. “Right...” He said with a pause. He looked away, a small smile creeping up on him “...idiot.”
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