#but wearing ceramic mushroom earrings.
telnaga · 2 years
theres a thrift store at my work that literally sells everything for $1. and i keep finding the best fucking clothes there, just absolutely peak clothing, and it somehow always Just Barely doesnt fit me right but its a perfect opportunity for shining up my fucking tailoring skills. god. its real good you guys
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samingtonwilson · 5 years
Apartment 8C - Chapter 2
Finding Your Independence
Summary: college au. you and bucky are the closest of friends, the most functional of roommates, and… exes. but just because it didn’t work out romantically doesn’t mean he has to move out! it’s not like he’s so deeply in love that he can barely breathe. totally not in love. at all. not even a little. maybe.
Pairing: bucky x reader
Warnings: language
A/N: the chapter title is ironic because this chapter is about how dependent these two are on each other. 
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A scream startles you from accidental sleep. Deep, broken, and utterly terrified. 
It’s half-past six. Your room is bathed in gold. Fading sunlight and emerging city lights leak through the thin drapes over your windows. You set your chin onto an open textbook. 
Your eyes open narrowly. You need to listen carefully. You could have dreamt the scream.
A slow second passes, your eyes nearly shut, and then— 
Another scream. This time of your name. Your eyes snap back open.
You flip the pen you fell asleep holding, gripping it as a weapon while groggily— but with great haste, of course— climbing out of bed. 
Heartbeat in your ears, you sigh and kick away the thick purple blanket your feet are tangled in, throwing your door open to an empty living room. 
The front door is shut, your television hasn’t been ripped from the wall, everything is in its place. Even Bucky’s laptop sits undisturbed on the coffee table next to an almost totally flat bag of Doritos. 
You tilt your head. 
From behind the bathroom door, your name is screamed again. And a whimper punctuates it. 
In all your time of knowing Bucky, you’ve never once heard him so terrified. 
You swallow over the tension tightening your throat and pick up the first semi-threatening object you see: the penis-shaped vase Bucky had “unintentionally” made in ceramics during the semester he’d devoted to discovering his artistic side. 
You toss the pink peonies it houses aside and grip the vase tightly, pen poised in your other hand. You use your elbow to open the door, eyes narrowed and teeth gritted in an attempt to look tough. Objects held above your head, you’re about to strike when— 
When you see Bucky standing on top of the toilet. Towel wrapped haphazardly around his waist, chestnut hair dripping, his blue eyes wild. He’s also pale as a ghost, but his fearful expression takes only seconds to shift into one of confusion. 
One which matches yours. “You’re not being murdered?” 
“No!” he shouts back to meet your volume. He points at the glass wall enclosing the shower, finger shaking. “There’s a fucking spider in there!” 
Your teeth grit again. But this time in anger. “You shrieked like someone was beheading you over a spider?” 
Seconds later, you gasp dramatically as you ask, “You woke me up from a nap over a spider?” 
He at least has the decency to be sheepish. “S’a big spider.”
“You’re six-feet tall and have, like, 185 pounds on that spider.” 
“Size doesn’t matter. I raise you the poisonous spiders of Australia.” 
Nodding, you hold out your forearm to help Bucky off the toilet seat. You grunt at the weight of him. 
Maybe 185 is a stingy estimation. 
“Okay, I see your poisonous spiders of Australia and raise you ‘we’re in New fucking York, Bucky.’” 
Standing on the floor now, he winces when you use the back of your hand to slap his bicep. “There are poisonous spiders in New York, too, okay? We’re all afraid of something.” 
Silence as you regard him, a sigh as you concede. “Okay.” You ignore his victorious smile. “I’ll take care of it. Can you just turn the water off, please?” 
“And get close to that thing again?” he demands, outrage clear in his voice. He tries to keep his towel in place with one hand as he gesticulates with the other. “No! You do it.” 
“My clothes will get wet and I’m not in the mood to strip for you right now.” 
He smiles at that. “S’not like I haven’t seen it all before.”
“Yeah? You wanna make ‘we’ve fucked before’ jokes right now? When the fate of you ever using this bathroom again is in my hands?” 
An almost pathetic whimper and he relents with hands held up in surrender. He approaches the shower slowly and, with a scowl, reaches for the knob once, twice, three times before finally gripping it and turning it to the left. 
Once the steady stream of water is reduced to mere drops, Bucky stands back and sends you a glare. “Happy?” 
“Elated.” You set your weapons on the counter and rip off two sheets of paper towel. 
“Kill it quickly.” 
“I’m not gonna kill it.” 
He snorts as he stands leant against the doorframe. “What, are you gonna adopt it as the apartment pet?” 
“No, funny guy. I’m gonna let it go on the balcony.” 
“What if it comes back in?” 
“Then we’ll get the Five Families together and let the Mafia handle it.” 
When you finally spot the thick, quarter-sized spider, you inhale through your nose and step into the shower stall slowly. You brace yourself with one hand wrapped around the edge of the glass wall. Your features are pinched.
Bucky grins at the sight. “You scared, baby?” 
A sarcastic bark of laughter, and you crack one eye open. You almost convince him. “Please.” 
It takes little coaxing for the brown spider to crawl onto the paper towel and you immediately fold each side of it closed. There’s a soft scratch of the spider’s legs against the paper walls, more felt than heard, and you forcefully choke back vomit. 
You bump into Bucky as you race out of the bathroom, his towel very nearly slipping from his fingers, and don’t slow your steps until you’re across the living room and have pushed the balcony doors open. 
Carefully, you unfold one side of the makeshift cocoon and squeal quietly to yourself as the spider stumbles into a flower box attached to the metal rail. It quickly scurries behind a wilting tulip and you make a mental note to water the plants more.
“You were coming to protect me with this?” 
Bucky, now dressed in a t-shirt and a pair of navy blue sweatpants, is holding the penis vase when you turn. He stands at a safe distance, shielded by the door, and has the nerve to wear a shit-eating grin. “You know there’s a baseball bat behind the couch, right?” 
“Now I do.”
“I also gave you pepper spray when you enrolled in that nine PM lecture,” he adds as you walk through the door and right past him. He places the vase back on its shelf and nods his head toward the kitchen. “There are knives right there, too.” 
You pick up the bag of Doritos, confirm that it is indeed empty, and frown. “Disgusting. I’d never stab someone.” 
“Even if they were murdering me like you thought?” He takes the bag from you and balls it up to throw in the trash. He wants to open the refrigerator but knows the groceries he forgot to buy won’t magically appear on the shelves. 
“Knives are such a cliché, everyone uses knives. He’d see it coming.” You grin at Bucky through the explanation from your favorite corner of the couch and he stills behind the kitchen counter. “The key is throwing him off his rhythm. Penis vase serves that purpose.” 
He laughs, albeit a bit oddly, rolling his eyes as he opens the Notes app on his phone. And he draws a blank. “What, uh— What foods do you like?” 
“Excuse me?” 
“Do you have any favorite foods?”
He’s met with silence. 
He decides to explain. Sort of. “Like, what do you want to eat most of the time? What is it that you crave? Food-wise,” he adds with a cocked eyebrow. “What is it you know how to make that you enjoy eating? Are you acting out of lunacy again and dieting for no fuckin’ reason?” 
Seconds go by and you have yet to answer. He looks up from his phone and answers the question over your features with, “Just out of curiosity.” 
“Not because you have zero idea what to buy from the store?”
“Can’t a guy wonder what his friend, ex-girlfriend, and roommate is eating these days? Just for fun? To bond?” 
Your eyes narrow into a glare. “Not when that guy is you and it’s your turn to go grocery shopping. I thought I gave you a list a few days ago.” 
“You yell random items at me on your way out the door for class and I’m expected to remember it all?” 
“You yelled your feelings at me constantly and I was expected to remember it all,” you return as you rise from the couch and draw closer to him only to sit in one of the barstools at the counter. You watch as he opens his Notes application again and stare as he struggles to come up with anything. “Green apples, white peaches, red bell peppers, yellow onions. Don’t look at me like that. The colors are important.”
“Yeah, yeah. What are you doing for dinner? Might take me some time to decipher colors at the store.” 
Chin propped up on your palm, you slide his phone over and ignore his expression of protest to add eggs, sourdough bread, avocados, pre-cut mushrooms, celery, hummus, whatever pasta is shaped like a spiral, tortilla chips, oat milk, any flavor of microwave popcorn Wanda won’t finish, and for God’s sake, you fucking wreck, buy your own gum for once to the grocery list.
“S’okay. I’m not really hungry anyway.”
“You’re always hungry.”
You gasp in offense with a small, contradictory smile. “How dare you? That’s not something you say to a lady.”
He smiles sarcastically before rolling his eyes. “If you need me to rush so you can make something, I will.” 
“Too tired to make anything. Also just too untalented to.” 
“Come with me, then. We can stop somewhere on the way back.” He sees you begin to refuse and cuts you off with a quick, “I’ll pay.” 
“If you think you paying for my food is incentive enough for me to put on human pants and walk out that door,” you begin, pointing at the door, “then you’re absolutely correct. Give me a second to put jeans on.” 
You hear Bucky’s chuckle as you walk into your room, tossing away that pair of fleece pants your mother had begged you to burn to ash the last time you’d seen her and replacing them with a pair of jeans your mother had also begged you to burn to ash. “How do you feel about Sam and Nat?” 
“About Sam, negatively. About Tasha, positively.” He’s patting the pockets of his sweats and tossing couch cushions every which way to look under them, hair in disarray, when you hop into the room with only your right boot on. In a mumbled, barely present voice, he adds, “So I guess that balances out to feeling neutral about them together.”
Slipping on and zipping up your left boot, you cock an eyebrow at the elephant throw pillow which is sent smacking against your ankles. “Have you lost something?” 
He doesn’t look up from the sofa as he replies, “Keys. Where the shit are my fucking keys?” 
“D’you check the cabinet closest to the fridge?” 
“Why the fuck—” 
You sigh and begin to set the cushions back where they belong, placing the elephant gingerly at the center of the couch. “Just check.” 
Bucky’s grumbles as he passes by, his scoffs of disbelief, and sighs of annoyance are ignored until you hear his every noise abruptly end as he stares at the cabinet he is now standing before. 
“Find ‘em?” 
There are equal parts shock, fear, and exasperation over his features. He slams the cabinet shut. “You’re a witch, aren’t you? Some kind of freaky, all knowing witch?” 
“Yes. Do you have your wallet?” 
A pat on each of his pockets, then one against his ass— despite not having a pocket there. He bares his teeth for a moment. “You wanna tell me where that is, too?” 
“Can I get three guesses this time?” 
“Two,” he states, leaning against the counter. “Impress me.” 
“First of all, I couldn’t give half a shit about impressing you.” Bucky snorts at that. “It’s either in the freezer—” 
He opens the freezer and the next thing you hear is a loud, “Ha! Whoo! You’re wrong!” 
“I have another guess.” 
He visibly deflates, smug smile wiped clean. “Yeah, yeah. Go on.” 
“Counter of your bathroom, in the pocket of whatever jeans you wore to class.” 
You run a few steps behind his long strides to the bathroom and stand in the doorway as he fishes through the pile of dirty clothes beside the sink. 
He thinks he might hate the smile you’re wearing when he pulls his wallet from the depths of denim, but he can’t bring himself to hate it— he feels quite the opposite about it, actually. It’s worth the inevitable gloating and the crazy accurate interpretation of a celebratory dance you saw a football player you can’t remember the name of do after a touchdown. 
You’re laughing when he brushes past you to walk to the door and grin as you pass him so he can lock it behind you. “What would you do without me, Buck?” 
He honestly doesn’t know. 
Your laughter captures Bucky’s attention. Delighted, excited, and entirely too loud. 
He’s been nursing a red Solo cup of lukewarm supermarket-brand cola for about two hours now. 
It’s disgusting. Watered-down now that the ice has melted, but still too sweet and a little flat. He would’ve liked to cut it with the bitterness of anything alcoholic, but he can’t. 
He’s designated driver tonight, after all. The miserable result of a miserable coin toss. 
He’d suggested thumb wrestling— but you weren’t having it. Something about his thumb being far larger than yours, giving him an unfair advantage. Almost as if you’d known he’d chosen thumb wrestling for that precise reason. 
So he’s spent the night pouting. 
Glowering at anyone that dares to make conversation with him. 
Because he hates the cheap soda Steve buys. He hates the sticky counters Sam waits hours to wipe down. And he hates hearing underclassmen talk about how hot you are when your ping pong ball skates over the rim of one of Natasha’s cups. 
But he smiles at the sound of your laughter. At the way you grin, all smug and victorious. It lights up otherwise glossy eyes, drunken giggles growing clumsy as Natasha frowns down at a cup matching his. 
“You gotta drink it down, babe!” You lean your hip against the plastic table set up in the kitchen and purse your lips when Natasha fishes the beer-soaked ball from her cup to toss at your shoulder. “Poor sportsmanship is unbecoming on you.” 
Natasha rolls green eyes over the top of the cup, chugging its contents easily. “Just like cockiness is on you.” 
“Let’s not lie to ourselves, Nat.” Natasha is already struggling against a smile. “We all know cockiness is dead sexy on me.” 
Beside Bucky, Sam laughs. He raises his hands in innocence and surrender when Natasha shoots him a glare. “Not pickin’ sides, that was just funny.” 
“You’re not picking your girlfriend’s side automatically?” is Bucky’s question asked in a voice exaggeratedly naïve. He grins lopsidedly as he takes a sip of soda only to retch as it goes down. “That’s brave.”
You watch as Natasha pitches her next shot over the rim of one of four remaining cups. You send Bucky a smile as you retrieve it. “Bucky was always on my side when we were together.”
His devious smile is like a secret between the two of you. He hums in agreement. “Blindly.” 
“Loyally.” You hold the cup at your lips, stomach and cheeks warm from three hours of generous beer and mixed drink helpings. Your next swallow goes down with a shudder.
“I’d root against myself for her.” 
“S’more pathetic than loyal,” Sam snorts only to earn a squeak of indignation and an empty cup to the chest in response. Despite purported offense, he chuckles at your delighted laughter and quickly sobers to point a stern finger. “Makin’ a mess of my kitchen like this. Rogers’ll kill you.”
In challenge, you cock an eyebrow. “He’ll kill you first when he sees all the candy missing from his secret stash.” 
“Barnes ate all that.” 
Bucky’s stomach flips at the way you tilt your head and narrow your eyes, at the soft flutter of your eyelashes, the promise in your voice when you say, “Blind loyalty, Sammy. That isn’t the story I’ll tell Steve.” 
“You aren’t even dating anymore.” 
You wave a dismissive hand. “I’ll always be on Bucky’s side. Plus if I go down, I’m taking you with me.”
Pointedly at a glowering Sam, Bucky tears the wrapper of a fun-size Twix bar and takes as big a bite as the small bar will allow. 
There’s caramel in his teeth and smug satisfaction in his eyes as he stuffs the gold foil into the pocket of Sam’s bomber jacket, laughing when the latter slaps his hand away. 
What feels like a lifetime passes and Bucky waits until you’ve completed a second game— this time defeated by a furious and candy-less Steve— to Irish goodbye. 
It’s his signature. 
He hasn’t said a proper goodbye to anyone in years.
Your drunkenness, however, foils his plan. You insist on pressing kisses to the forehead of each of your friends— lingering a bit longer for Sam just to earn a snort from Natasha— and you tap the fishbowl housing a temperamental turquoise Betta fish named Marcel twice as you couldn’t just exclude Marcel and hurt his feelings. You even leave them with an ominous, “I hope we will all meet again.”  
He lets you climb onto his back when you stumble out of his car to your building, tripping over the four-inch block heel of your boots, and soon the elevator stall is filled with your humming. Unintelligible, entirely out of tune. And you swing your legs. Dysrhythmic, offbeat. 
He smiles when you set your chin upon the crown of his head, his hold on you tightening as the metallic doors slide open on the eighth floor. He feels the deep breath you take against his back, his attention drawn away from the short walk down the hall when your feather-like fingertips trace his jaw. 
Nails skimming over the bristly hairs of his stubbly beard to the hidden divot in his chin, you— already flush against him— attempt to push yourself even closer. And huff in disappointment when you’re unable to. 
You feel him come to a stop. “Sweetheart?” 
A short hum, this time in question. 
“I gotta unlock the door.” 
You open your eyes slowly, blink away some of the drowsiness. You think offhandedly that the pale yellow door could use a fresh coat of paint. “I’ll do it.” You hold out a hand and wiggle your fingers. “Keys?” 
“In my left pocket.” He chuckles when your right hand slides down the incorrect side. “Other left.” 
You heave a deep sigh, your other hand slipping into his left pocket to feel around. The jingle of keys is muted by your triumphant shout, fingers sorting through the bundle of steel to find the one semi-coated in bright pink nail polish. You decide that should be repainted first lest the two of you mix up your keys again.
Bucky watches as you attempt to stretch enough to reach the doorknob, jolting each time you urge yourself forward. He grins when you whimper pathetically. “You can ask me to move closer.” 
The arm still wrapped around his neck tightens a bit and you press your cheek to the roughness of his. You strain toward the door once more in stubborn perseverance, then knock your heels against the side of his thighs. He laughs at the growl in his ear.
“Ask me verbally. I’m not a horse.” 
“Got the name of one,” you mumble, crossing your ankles at his waist as he grips you harder. “Longer you stand there refusing to move, the longer you have-ta hold me up.” 
“Been lifting with Steve. I’m content to stand here all night.”
“What, trying to get that post-breakup revenge body?” 
“Gotta do something to fill all my new free time.” 
A hiccup punctuates your giggles and Bucky feels you straighten before leaning back ever so slightly. 
Suddenly, you jerk forward with all of your might, sending Bucky lurching to the door. He has to remove a hand from your legs to steady himself against the wall, breath shallow and heart in his ears when he notices he’s only centimeters from smashing into the wood. “Hey!” 
You, still holding on, shush him as you slip the key into the brass latch, whispering, “Our neighbors are sleeping.”
Once you’re able to throw the door open and Bucky walks inside, you detangle your ankles and leap to the floor as the lights flicker on. You laugh when your knees very nearly buckle, fingers gripping the edge of the kitchen counter under a wave of lightheadedness. Your stomach flips and every trace of humor fades. “Yikes.” 
Bucky, halfway through removing the leather jacket he’d worn over a black hoodie, watches as you lay your torso across the counter. He smiles when you press your cheek to the cool marble, his laughter mingling with the groans that leave your lips. 
Your muffled grumble sounds vaguely like, “Oh, shut up.”
His steps are slow and quiet. He offers you an apologetic smile when you startle at his touch, brushing stray strands of hair from your shut eyes. He wrinkles his nose at your answering scowl, watching as glassy eyes still filled with such potent brightness narrow in an attempt at intimidation. “Need a lift to your bathroom?” 
You shake your head. Propping yourself up onto your forearms, you nod toward your room. “It’ll be too shaky. Maybe just guide me there?” 
His fingers lace through yours and he tugs you upright. He doesn’t mind supporting the weight of you, doesn’t care that he has to dodge the books and shoes you’ve left littered over your bedroom floor. 
Your bathroom light is switched on and you pull away from Bucky to take quick, stuttering steps to the toilet. He winces to himself when you fall to your knees, your trembling hands clamoring to push the seat cover up. 
As you feel that maybe your stomach has turned itself inside out, Bucky gathers your hair in one hand and holds you close to his chest with the other— just in case you need the support. Until then, though, he rubs comforting circles which warm you even through the satin fabric of your shirt. 
“Twix and beer are a horrible combination coming up,” you remark, voice rough, minutes later. You’re seated against him once you’ve thoroughly emptied your system, head falling back onto his shoulder. “That last game of beer pong was a mistake.”
He feels your breath wash over his skin and, despite how perfectly okay he would be with sitting there for hours, turns his head away. “Sweetheart, I want to be here for you but— but I can’t when your breath smells like that.” 
Stunned pause, and you burst into laughter. Tired hands are used as leverage and you stand, boots long ago removed and thrown aside. You send him a smile over your shoulder and roll your eyes but face the sink as he grins dopily back. “You’re weak, Barnes.” 
He meets your playful gaze in the mirror and, at the sight of pooled dried mascara underlining your eyes and the thin layer of sweat spread over the bridge of your nose, he forces himself to take a steadying breath. “You have no idea. Hungry?” 
Loading your toothbrush with translucent paste, you shrug. “Maybe.” 
“Grilled cheese or pancakes?” 
“If I say both, will you judge me?” 
“I just held your hair back while you threw up a keg’s worth of beer and you’re afraid I’ll start to judge you now?” 
You smile as you scrub your teeth in rapid strokes. “There was some vodka in there, too.”
Shoulder leant against the doorframe, his eyes are alight. “My mistake. Anything else you’d like while I’m at it?” 
“Some ibuprofen?” you ask after spitting the foam from your mouth. “I’m all out here.” 
A frown of consideration, and he nods. “Will that be all?” 
“Yes, I believe it will be.” Before he can walk out, you call his name. “What would I do without you?” 
He honestly hopes you’ll never have to find out.
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darnittumbleweed · 4 years
HC: you and MGG at a thrift shop together
Being so enthusiastic and excited about it
You both live for this shit.
Matthew describes it as being like a treasure hunt. You never know what wonderful items you can find.
Matthew always knows where the best antique stores and thrift shops are. Seriously he can find them anywhere: Vegas, New York, LA...if you dropped him in the middle of some random town he’d find that thrift store. It’s like his sixth sense. If he had a super power it would be thrift store location sensing abilities.
Your second date was at a thrift store. You still have the tacky clip-on earrings he bought you. They’re toucans!!!
He tries to make you try on the weirdest hats he can find. Raccoon tail caps and big floppy church lady hats. So many couple selfies for Instagram.
Both trying to make a game out of who can find the strangest thing: creepy dolls, random stranger’s family photos (seriously why do people donate that?) Weird ceramic salt and pepper shakers shaped like mushrooms, a clock shaped like Garfield, medical instruments....seriously who donates this stuff???
He is freakishly good at finding cute dresses for you. Your vintage clothing collection has grown since Matthew and you met.
He always knows how to find you the cutest jewelry too. So many Lucite bracelets and other fifties costume jewelry that you adore and wear often because he picked it for you.
He totally buys his ties there when he wants a new funky tie for a red carpet event. He also buys his dad sweaters there.
Halloween and Christmas are the best time to hit the thrift stores. Crazy homemade halloween costumes they got you. Weird creepy santa dolls say no more fam.
 You do both donate to thrift stores whenever possible (because they aren’t just places to find a good deal. They do help those in need)
You could both spend hours there going through the aisles finding new interesting items.
He bought you an ouija board from there and a little teddy bear that you’re both convinced might be haunted.
The thrift shops are your happy places. when you both feel stressed by life you take a trip there and escape for a little bit.
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doctorslippery · 4 years
3 maintenance robots, their power sources torn out and processor-heads crushed. Full of gold wiring.
Bag of diamond databanks. If you can find a reader you'll discover half of them to be full of space porn.
Reinforced glass cylinder full of liquid bronze, inscription describes it as an emergency non-death aid. Full of nanites, not designed for you. They'll heal you but there's a 75% chance they'll heal as if you were something else (treat as mutation).
Black-iron spherical helmet, utterly nondescript outside but lined with sapphires and brass studs inside. If you put it on you see through the eyes of an exploration probe on a purple jungle planet lightyears away, the things worshiping it erupt in fear and chaos as their god-idol suddenly moves. You're wearing something that takes years of training to properly master, save vs. Poison to remove it without leaving your consciousness floating somewhere in the blackness of space.
I'd like to see someone find a dolmantle (from the comic Prophet) as an item, but one that's been in the dark, in a box, in a cave, growing steadily more insane.? Roll loyalty on fumbles or when exposed to awkward social situations to keep it from flipping out. It can replace a lost limb but on the first critical hit inflicted against you it leaps upon the attacker and smothers them, using their body as a skeleton as it runs away screaming. When you sleep it creeps up around your ears and whispers softly to you all through the night. Can be used as a breather to survive underwater or in noxious environments, roll loyalty with a penalty equal to days you haven't fed it to stop it trying to pull out your tongue.?
Softly keening bright pink mushrooms gently swaying atop an indistinguishable rotted pile. If you sing back to them they release a soft pink mist of spores into the air that fill you with euphoria for the next d6 turns. Nothing can bring you down, everything seems good, everything feels wonderful, everything...If you eat one inhuman screaming fills your brain for the next week.
The coffin is almost overflowing with loose sheets of yellowed paper. They are filled with maddened scrawl and diagrams and calculations and degenerate ranting. It will take d2 weeks of research to read through it all, after which you will be able to build a self-sustaining d8 damage disintegrator beam from scrap pipe, lightbulbs and rat faeces. Save or gain a random Insanity.
Looking through the glass you can see strands of translucent resin interlaced over the inner surface. In the center are two fist-sized yellow crystals the texture of gold. d6 days after removing them from the coffin they will "hatch", melting into an ooze that smells like cinnamon and absorbing into the first fleshy thing they can find, taking over their mind, colonising them from within, consuming all the meat they can kill while they search for a cozy place to nest. After laying their eggs they will stumble off to some dark filthy place to die and leave a hollowed golden corpse. 50% chance one of them hatches as soon as the coffin is opened.
A pleasure artifice of unrecognisable gender, wakened by a spark of electricity as you open the coffin lid. Before it was shut off it was ordered to perform some very specific and rather aggressive acts of domination and punishment, and it is nothing if not obedient.
You open the coffin to find yourself lying in repose. You watch yourself sit up from the ceramic shell, joints creaking as they break out of cryosleep, you watch a mouth stretch open wide, engulfing your vision, full of stars, it consumes you head-first, your body kicks and struggles in the air as you are sucked inside to scream and float an eternity in the infinite blackness of space. The rest of the party sees you open an empty coffin and carry on as normal.
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moonlightandlilacs · 4 years
A Very Strange Tea Party
This story is inspired by the amazing work of katydoodles, specifically this adorable drawing.
This would take post-Battle of the Miraculous.  Luka knows that Marinette is under extreme stress (and knows why, although he’s keeping that to himself), so he decides to give her a relaxing, fun afternoon.
Luka asks Juleka to gather the girls together, though he doesn’t tell her why, just that it involves Marinette.  He’s surprised at how quickly they all arrive at the houseboat, not realizing that they all think he’s trying to make a plan to ask Marinette on a date.
Rose is already squealing quietly into Juleka’s shoulder as they all settle into their seats and stare at him expectantly.
“It’s just so romantic,” Rose mumbles.
Juleka chuckles softly into the other girl’s blonde locks and whispers, “You think everything is romantic.”
Luka looks around at the assembled young women and gives them a smile.  “Thank you all for getting here so fast.  I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but Marinette has been really stressed lately, and I think she deserves some help.  She’s always here for us, so let’s be there for her.”
A little embarrassed at making a speech, especially without his guitar in hand, he looks down at his shoes for a moment.  The memory of Marinette crying into his shirt surfaces, though, and that gives him the strength to look back up.
“Not that I’m not supportive, but how is asking her out going to make her less stressed?” Alix asks bluntly.
“Because then she’ll have someone to lean on, and someone to love her and hold her and-”
“Whoa!”  Luka bursts Rose’s romance bubble, turning redder and redder.  “Who said anything about- that’s not- I didn’t gather you all here to talk about me asking Marinette out.”  He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, ignoring the sighs of disappointment from around the room.
“Alix is right; that would just put something else on her plate, and she’s conflicted enough right now.  At the moment, she needs her friends,” the teal-haired musician says firmly.  He then turns his gaze to Alya.  “What’s a book or movie that Marinette really likes?  Maybe something she dressed up as for a party?”
Alya looked thoughtful for a moment.  “I’m not sure where you’re going with this, but she loves those Lewis Carrol books, especially the first one.  Alice in Wonderland, I think it’s called?”
Luka grins.  “Perfect.  Does she have a dress she’s made that would fit that?”
“I don’t know...” Alya dithers.  Suddenly, Myléne perks up.
“What about that Little Bo Peep dress she made?  That’s like Alice, only in pink!”
“Yeah, that should work,” the redhead agrees.
“So what’s the plan?” Alix asks.  “Clearly you have one.  Care to share with the rest of us?  We’re Marinette’s friends, too.”
Luka smiles again.  “We’re going to throw her an Alice in Wonderland-themed party.”
The girls meet this announcement with grins and the whipping out of phones.  Even Alix, who would normally hate this sort of thing, is nodding.  “Let’s give Marinette a party to remember!”
Several hours later, they have a basic plan in place and characters assigned.  The location, one of the many park/gardens of Paris, has been chosen, and tasks have been allocated.
Rose has been put in charge of decorations, with Myléne to help rein her in.  Obviously, none of them are as handy at designing and making clothes as Marinette, so they’ve decided to keep the costumes simple; Juleka, as the resident model, is given that task.  Alix is to get Marinette to the party with the help of Myléne, while Alya is in charge of research.  She, as the “best friend” also has the unenviable job of somehow convincing Marinette to wear her pink Bo Peep dress the day of the party without making her suspicious.  Luka is, rather obviously, in charge of music, and he’s convinced Marinette’s parents to supply food and drink; that phone call had gone surprisingly well.  He’s also in charge of transporting said food and drink.
As the meeting breaks up that evening and the visitors head to their various homes, everyone is excited and hopeful, ready to start on their tasks.
The day of the party dawns sunny and warm, and all of the final preparations are quickly finished.  Luka ferries pastries, finger-foods, and tea from the Dupain-Cheng household to the garden while Alya video chats with Marinette to keep her safely out of the way.  Rose sets up a lavish tea set and table for the goodies, along with plenty of decorations (not all in pink, thanks to Myléne).  Juleka hands out costumes to everyone, and then it’s time to fetch the guest of honor, whom Alya has finally talked into showing off her adorable dress.
Alix skates to the bakery, her white rabbit ears flying behind her, and exchanges her prized skates for a pair of white sneakers before strolling inside.  Tom and Sabine give her matching grins and call to Marinette that she has a visitor.
When Marinette appears at the bottom of the stairs and spots Alix in her waistcoat and bunny ears, she gives the girl a confused look.  Alix just smiles and pulls out her prized pocket watch.
“You’re late for a very important date,” the skater informs Marinette.  “No time to say hello, goodbye; you’re late, you’re late, you’re late.”  She grabs Marinette by the hand and pulls her out of the bakery.
“Have fun, kids!” Tom calls as the door swings closed.
For a few minutes, Marinette allows herself to be dragged along in silence, too confused to protest.  In fact, when she sees the fluffy white tail protruding from Alix’s white pants, she nearly trips over her own feet.  Eventually, she gathers herself.
“Alix, what’s going on?”  This barely affords her a glance.
“Don’t worry.  You’ll see.”  As Alix turns back around and starts tugging Marinette along again, Myléne comes around the corner ahead of them.
“But I have work I should be doing, and I’m sure my parents need help in the bakery, and there’s so little time, and I’m wearing this silly dress, and-”
“Now, now, don’t cry,” Myléne chastises gently as she joins them.  “Wouldn’t want to create a sea of tears, now would we?”
Marinette’s head snaps around, and she takes in the shorter girl’s grey sweater, mouse ears, and drawn-on whiskers.
“The... doormouse?” Marinette mumbles quietly.  “And... the white rabbit?”
“Very good, Alice.  But don’t get too far ahead of us,” Myléne adds with a grin.  Marinette looks down at herself and reassesses her dress, putting a few more pieces together in her mind.  She nods decisively and speeds up to walk between her friends instead of being pulled behind.
As the group turns another corner, they are met with the entrance to a garden.  The gate is open, but placed into the gap is a small door.  Marinette grins and kneels down to open it.  She crawls through and gasps as she looks up on the other side.
Rose has truly outdone herself with the decorations, turning the garden into a magical forest fit to be called Wonderland.  There are flowers everywhere, shimmering cloths draped through the trees, ceramic mushrooms dotting the ground, and a large table set up in the center.  As Marinette spins around, taking it all in, Rose pops up next to her with a huge, well, Cheshire grin.
“Welcome to Wonderland, Marinette!” Rose squeals.  The stripes on her face are beginning to warp with the size of her smile, and she bats at one of her cat ears with a gloved hand, showing off the paw pads felted to the underside.
“Glad to see I convinced you to wear that dress,” Alya comments as she swishes over, her red and black skirts flowing around her and her crown shining in the sunlight.  Her heart-painted lips pucker in a smirk.  “Fancy a game of croquet?”
She swings a plastic lawn flamingo down from her shoulder and offers it to Marinette.  “I guess since you’re my best friend, I can pass on the beheading part.”
“Heads are made for wearing hats, not for rolling,” comes a shy voice.  Juleka steps out of the shadows and sweeps her overlarge top hat off of her head as she bows.
Marinette’s eyes begin to fill with tears.  “I can’t believe you guys did all this for me!  This is... amazing!  Thank you all so much!”  She gathers her friends into a group hug.
As they pull apart, Myléne smiles.  “Well, it wasn’t all us...” she points out.  When Marinette shoots her a confused look, she steps back and gestures toward the tea table.  Blue meets blue as Marinette turns to face Luka, who is stepping towards her with a soft grin.
“Why, hello, Alice.  Or Marinette, if I may.”  His large rabbit ears flop forward slightly as he takes her hand and leans down to give it a kiss.  “The March Hare, at your service.  Would you care for a spot of tea?”
Marinette, still blushing, giggles and nods.  Luka leads her to the table and pulls out a chair for her.  Seeing the spread of desserts, finger sandwiches, and a beautiful tea pot with steam drifting from the spout, she tears up again.
“You guys really didn’t have to do all this.”
“We know, but we did, so sit down and enjoy,” Alix responds firmly.
“Besides, your parents helped,” Alya points out.  The others all chorus agreements and encouragements, and Marinette somehow finds herself settled into a chair with a cup of tea in front of her.  The others all settle around her and begin passing around the food with smiles and laughter.  Luka’s fingers brush Marinette’s as he hands her a cucumber sandwich, and she nearly drops it at the tingle that runs the whole way up her arm.  That tingle spreads and becomes butterflies in her stomach when Rose mentions that this party was all Luka’s idea.
Several “clean cup, move down”s, a lot of tasty snacks, and a very strange game of croquet later, Luka rises.  He pulls out his phone and presses a few buttons, causing music to begin playing from hidden speakers.
“Would you like to dance, Marinette?” He asks softly.  A muffled squeak is the first response he receives, but she puts her hand in his nonetheless.  As he leads her to a grassy area and begins to sway with her, he looks down into her eyes.
“You look beautiful, you know.  And your heart sounds so much lighter.”
“Thank you, Luka.  For all of this.  I still can’t believe you guys did all this for me.”
“You’ve been so stressed, Marinette.  We’re your friends, and we wanted to be here for you.  You needed a break and some fun.”  At this, Luka twirls Marinette out, showcasing the loveliness of her dress and making her giggle again.  He pulls her back into a dip and swings her upright smoothly.  As they lock gazes, the song comes to an end, to be replaced by “I Love Unicorns” by Kitty Section.
This jolts a laugh from Marinette, who had been lost in Luka’s eyes until then.  He lets her go, and she is immediately swept up by her friends into a silly jumping dance.  Luka smiles at her joy for a moment before joining in with dramatic air guitar.
They all dance and laugh and play the afternoon away together, Jagged Stone melding with songs from the various movies and shows based on Alice’s Adventures in Wonderful, along with songs from Kitty Section.  Soon, everyone’s sides hurt from dancing and laughing so much, and Marinette feels happier and more at peace than she has in a long time.  If that feeling amplifies every time she looks at Luka, well, that’s her own business.
The last song on the playlist is a recording of Luka playing Marinette’s song, and as soon as it begins, she shyly asks him to dance.
“Of course, Alice.  This Hare is always at your service.”  He bows over her hand.  Marinette tugs one of his ears in response, startling a chuckle out of him.  As Luka and Marinette wrap their arms around each other, Juleka attempts to stifle the squee emerging from Rose.  Alya takes numerous photos of the pair as they sway together, and none of the girls can deny how sweet this moment is.
As the end of the song approaches, Marinette lifts her head from Luka’s chest to look him in the eye.  “Thank you, Luka.  I really needed this.  I can’t remember the last time I had this much fun, and everything has been so hard lately.  Just... thank you.”
“Anytime, Marinette.  I’m always here for you.”
“I know, Luka.  You’re sweet that way.”  After another moment, she nods to herself decisively and tugs on the back of Luka’s neck to bring him closer.  He bends obligingly, and she whispers in his ear.  “I want to thank you properly.”
“Marinette, you don’t have t-”
The rest of his words are lost as she kisses him.  Her nerves are evident, as is his surprise, but they both soon melt into the chaste kiss.
“Thank you, Luka,” she whispers when they pull apart.
“Do we all get one of those?” Alix calls.  The pair blushes, but eventually, everyone laughs, and Marinette’s heart soars.  For the moment, all stress is forgotten, thanks to her friends.
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rattusrattus3 · 5 years
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚More Hoard˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
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Another Jewelry Hoard Post! This one is organized by function rather than theme! See the other post here! 
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5 chokers (1 silver with safety pins, 1 gold with quartz crystal, 1 leather studded, 1 silver pearl, 1 velvet dog tag with GRRRL PWR printed on)
2 bee pendants
2 crow skull pendants
1 sword pendant
1 Aquarius pendant
1 large wire wrapped labradorite
5 lockets (1 bronze oval, 1 of 2 small silver hearts, 1 large silver heart, 2 mood ring ones) 
1 thrifted necklace with pearl, rock, seaglass, ceramic ring, amethyst crystal and small ceramic flower
1 gold Nasty Woman heart-shaped necklace
1 necklace with a silver lady riding a moon
1 gold moon face necklace, 1 gold and druzy star necklace
1 silver antler necklace
1 large hand wrapped rose quartz pendant
1 small bottle filled with roses lavender and herbs
1 clay mushroom quartz pendant, 2 forest wrapped quartz pendants
1 wrapped piece of ginseng
1 troll doll with purple hair
1 silver moon and star necklace with pearls
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1 charm bracelet from my childhood
1 cowry shell bracelet
1 clay hello kitty(?) bracelet
4 beaded bracelets
2 star bracelets
2 watches, 1 featuring a grey kitten
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2 silver star hoop earrings (thrifted)
1 large sword earing (99 cents in Vancouver)
1 star earing (handmade)
1 feather earing, 1 wing earing
3 handmade clay earings, a mushroom, a peach and an avocdo
2 moon earrings, one featuring a fairy (made by me)
2 silver bat earrings (99 cents in Vancouver)
2 venus symbol earrings (thrifted)
2 leaf and flower earings made of glass
2 silver swirl hoop earrings (thrifted)
2 fake white plug earrings (thrifted)
1 pastel pink venus heart earrings
1 silver heart earring
1 small fawn earring
1 small dragon earring 
2 gold bat studs
3 star stud earrings
1 safety pin earring
various other studs 
2 handmade venus earrings with pink crystals 
☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*enamel pins°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆
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1 glow in the dark frankenstein pin
4 safety pins
4 cat pins (1 sour puss pin, 1 of a panther, one of a silly cat and one of a cat going into a fishbowl)
1 lotus pin
1 cactus pin
1 hedwig pin
1 gold shooting star pin
1 gold moon face pin
1 gold seal pin
1 silver pin with a heart and ribbon, featuring a woman and a seahorse
2 Canada leaf pins
1 witch pin
1 gold heart Shrek Fiona and Donkey Pin
1 Treat Yo Self Icecream pin
1 round floral and easter egg pin
1 pin of a bunny wearing an overall skirt
1 turquoise scarab beetle pin
1 violet pin
1 silver paw print pin
1 antique gold bird pin
1 infinity symbol “always in retrogade” pin
1 pin of two swords stabbing through a citrine crystal  
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1 large button featuring sunlight streaming through trees
1 heart-shaped white button with a bear napping on it 
2 LGBT buttons (Safe n Sound, Spectrum Club)
1 hot pink A Womans Place is In the Resistance button
1 dark blue Doing My Part To Piss of The Religous Right button
1 large red No Means No button
1 gudetama button
1 red and white button with 3 stripes (not sure what its from)
1 acorn pin that says “Grow”
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1 silver lotus pendant, 1 silver daisy pendant
2 bronze arrowheads
2 keys, 2 locks
5 crystal points
chain of silver moon face charms
pink glass spiral
third eye pinecone featuring malachite
“dream” pendant
small brown turtle
gold Virgo pendant
2 turquoise feather pendants,1 silver wing 
1 bronze bear, 1 gold bird, 1 gold birdcage
gold tree pendant
lucky cat bell pendant
evil eye pendant
gold heart, gold locket, silver heart
pieces of round mother of pearl
piece of druzy
paisley pieces in silver 
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silver swirl ring
1 venus symbol
1 moon wrapped around moonstone
1 onyx 
1 mood ring
1 bronze leaf swirl ring \
☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*hair stuff°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°
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10 scrunchies
4 bobby pins with quartz wrapped around them
1 weird little alligator clip w shinies
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ok thats everything!!! thanks for coming along for the tour! I love u all stay hydrated 2day :) 
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arodrwho · 6 years
more fun facts about goddang lyla, whom i love:
aroace as helllll
also autistic, which i think i implied before, but didn’t actually say? so here’s confirmation: she’s autistic
can’t fuckin sew. tried once, stabbed her own fingers
she has only very hazy memories of the older sister who stole her away from home, and even hazier memories of the home itself
this’s not actually because of the constantly-wiping-her-own-memory thing though. it’s bc her sister wiped her memory before she disappeared
so lyla remembers little things. like eating a mushroom and nearly dying, like lying sick in bed for months, like being brought book after book after book, like a little garden, like crying when frost killed her crop (but what crop was it?), like a small group of friends at school (but what were their names?), like hard blue mats beneath her feet, like warm stew (but what was in it?), like heavy arms and headaches and a bright silver ring (her sister’s, she’s almost sure) and two little star-shaped impressions on someone’s finger and a song (but what were the words?)
little things.
doesn’t like fog. it makes her feel uneasy
loves little frogs. the littler the better. (also loves big frogs. the fatter the better.)
doesn’t like people touching her hair
very, very angry. angry down deep, angry in her bones. angry in a way she acknowledges sometimes, fiery and sure, but pushes down and walks on top of even surer. angry like bricks, not like a sledgehammer
makes all her own food & drinks, always.
tripped and fell into the business of smuggling refugees. made her home there
not an accomplished pickpocket like len, but an accomplished distraction, an accomplished actress, good at swindling in other ways; the grifter to his thief
not very good at keeping still, but pretty good at being unseen all the same
absorbs accents like a sponge
once ate so many berries her tongue was stained blue for two days straight
collects seeds, when she can
keeps something in her pocket to fiddle with. a ring, nearly the one she mostly-remembers, but off, slightly off, in a way she can’t quite put her finger on (the way is that it’s broken; it doesn’t do its job anymore)
hates not knowing things and has made her living in not knowing things. lives constantly with silverware grinding on ceramics in her ear (metaphorically speaking)
wears aprons a lot, because you can never have too many pockets (and she likes the look, though she couldn’t say why) (she tries not to examine that too hard)
sometimes keeps her buddy len in her apron pocket. sometimes an apple. sometimes roots. sometimes a really cool rock. it varies
wears nail polish with memory-fogging potion worked into it at nearly all times
melts down more than she shuts down
has a razor-sharp tongue. tries not to use it. doesn’t always succeed
has never, to her knowledge, broken a bone (broke two fingers in her left hand when she was young)
once dived into a swamp while wearing a long dress. washed swamp gunk out of her hair for weeks afterward (shortly thereafter, cut off six inches of hair)
could listen to len talk about astronavigation & weird legends for hours, and has on more occasions than she can count
wears secondhand clothes
unlike len, would not eat a bug. would eat a Leaf
has never been to the ocean (has been five times)
will tell you her favorite color is green or brown, but isn’t actually sure (and doesn’t know if she ever was) (she wasn’t)
is a person for whom kindness is emphatically not just an action but a choice, and not always an easy one
is a person who does her level best to choose kindness anyway, as often as she is able (and then, she thinks, one more time out of sheer spite). one more time. (always one more time.)
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Trinkets, 9: Interesting baubles, semi magical objects and items touched by mystery.
A powerful magnet that appears to be in the shape of a stylized spider
A powerful magnifying glass
A preserved flower that lights up when you blow on it
A Randomly Colored metal sphere, one-inch in diameter that is always warm to the touch
A red gemstone that changes to a deep purple colour when it catches the light
A rod that does nothing but make overly dramatic “SWOOSHing” noises at even the slightest movement.
A roll of five bandages that changes size to perfectly fit any wound up to six inches
A set of tassels that attach to your clothing and flutter when you’re near someone you love
A sheet of paper that absorbs ink (and stains) after one hour
A signal horn that, when blown, blows bubbles instead of making a sound
---Keep reading for 90 more trinkets.
---Note: The previous 10 items are repeated for easier rolling on a d100.
A powerful magnet that appears to be in the shape of a stylized spider
A powerful magnifying glass
A preserved flower that lights up when you blow on it
A Randomly Colored metal sphere, one-inch in diameter that is always warm to the touch
A red gemstone that changes to a deep purple colour when it catches the light
A rod that does nothing but make overly dramatic “SWOOSHing” noises at even the slightest movement.
A roll of five bandages that changes size to perfectly fit any wound up to six inches
A set of tassels that attach to your clothing and flutter when you’re near someone you love
A sheet of paper that absorbs ink (and stains) after one hour
A signal horn that, when blown, blows bubbles instead of making a sound
A silver needle that always remains sharp but can puncture nothing
A silver whistle in the shape of a wolf’s head.
A single sparkling earring that whispers optimistic words when its bearer feels sad.
A six foot long, multi-coloured wool scarf
A six-inch wand of glass that can be bent and even tied in a knot
A skull of an unknown creature that is covered in ornate tattoos, one of which is the face of someone you used to know
A slab of petrified wood that glows with a soft green hue
A small blown glass bird that flaps its wings in sunlight
A small blue stone that stays wherever you put it, even if you release it in the air, but it can hold no weight
A small brass statuette taken from the nearby shrine of a minor God of a Random Good Domain
A small bronze lamp that was reputed to have once contained a genie before it was freed by a foolish sultan.
A small coin pouch that holds twice as much as it appears it should
A small compass that never points north, and sometimes points at strangers.
A small crystal goblet which makes an unusual ringing sound when tapped.
A small disk that bears the image of the father of whoever is touching it
A small doll that appears to have been pierced numerous times with 4 silver pins
A small folding chair made of wood and canvas
A small glider built from the cured wing-skin of a bat stretched over a wooden frame.
A small grey bottle with a screw-off lid that looks like a piece of common rock
A small handheld box that can project a series of shadows on any flat surface. The shadows seem to be asking for help.
A small iron hammer made by an ancient dwarven clan
A small iron sphere that always remains one-inch from the tip of a short marble rod, even though they are not physically connected
A small iron statuette taken from the nearby shrine of a minor God of a Random Lawful Domain
A small living cactus in a crudely decorated ceramic pot.
A small metal box filled with blue powder that, when snuffed, causes profound feelings of ecstasy for about a minute followed by painful cramps that are alleviated only by a messy and noisy bowel movement
A small metal box that makes a clicking noise when in the presence of smoke
A small metal box that produces sounds of hysterical laughter when shaken
A small metal container that keeps liquid poured inside lukewarm but makes it bitter
A small metal container that makes a loud (but brief) shrill tone when opened
A small metal container that produces a peculiar (but not unpleasant) odor when opened
A small metal disk with a crystal at its center that causes a buzzing noise in the ears of anyone holding it.
A small mirrored cube
A small model ship that, when placed on water, always points towards the location of the real ship it is linked to currently wrecked off the coast.
A small orange flag with the symbol of a pair of crossed bone clubs in black on it
A small pearl that always feels warm to the touch locally known as Dragonpearls, used to keep warm during cold evenings.
A small piece of bronze hammered into the form of a bearded dwarf’s head
A small piece of natural, unworked stone that, when held up to an ear to it, makes noise that sounds like that of people screaming
A small pinkish crystal attached to a piece of leather cord.
A small rod that emits a voice saying the same thing in an unknown language every time a button is pushed
A small round mirror that reflects nothing during the day and reflects only the moon at night
A small sack made of supple, high quality leather, with a dyed design that makes the entire pack look like a chicken when carried
A small skull carved from lava rock
A small sphere nested within a cube, but the cube exists out of phase and cannot be touched
A small stamp that creates a bizarre design on anything edible
A small statuette of a man with an eye in the center of his forehead
A small steel box set with a single piece of coral on the top. Each side of the interior is mirrored.
A small stone block from a long-forgotten castle. For some reason, gripping it puts you in a foul mood.
A small stone box containing a single unfamiliar coin of a silvery metal.
A small stone idol depicting a nightmarish creature that appears be half human and half giant worm.
A small stone statuette taken from the nearby shrine of a minor God of a Random Neutral Domain
A small sundial on a leather strap that can be worn on the wrist.
A small wooden box filled with a dozen polished turquoise buttons.
A small wooden box filled with dried leaves from the Crescent forest
A small wooden sailcart toy
A small wooden statuette taken from the nearby shrine of a minor God of a Random Chaotic Domain
A small wooden top. When you spin it you hear the rushing wind, but no one else does
A small, bone, eye mask that protects the wearer’s vision from the effects of heavy snow.
A small, ornate bead that adjusts to fit over any diameter of rope or string
A small, warm metal blade that gives a very close shave
A smokeless and odourless candle.
A smooth river stone with shards of bone stuck into it. If you look hard enough you can see that the bones are not of a human but of a goblin.
A soft, big-brimmed hat that sometimes drips water when it’s not raining
A sprig of dried wolfsbane that completely rejuvenates in the light of a full moon and dries out again the following morning.
A spyglass, dented and bent in half. However because the inside is so reflective, it can still be used.
A steel flask filled with water from the Lake of Golden Dreams
A sticky piece of metal that shows a series of bones and adheres to almost anything
A stone snail figurine that grows edible mushrooms instead of a shell
A stone tablet inscribed with the names of a dozen ancient knights
A stone with a mouth carved into it, that sometimes has a pinkish tongue
A strange rock hammer with a steelmark of Abyssal runes. The runes read “HAIL TO THE KING OF THE ROCK”
A stub of paper with writing on it that says something different to everyone who looks at it
A stuffed jackdaw that occasionally blinks or cocks its head.
A teardrop-shaped crystal that always leans to the south
A teardrop-shaped crystal that forms salt crystals along the bottom surface
A three foot length of steel chain that glows blue if touched by sweat or salt water
A tiny box with a button that makes a faint chiming noise when pressed
A tiny cage in which different things appear, sometimes living, sometimes not. There appears to be no way to open or break the cage.
A tiny glass vial with silver end-caps and a chain for wearing as an amulet. Every full moon a message printed on a slip of rolled paper appears inside.
A tiny harp with strings made of glowing energy
A tiny metal mouth that spits out words all day long, at random
A tiny orb of an unknown metallic alloy
A titanium sewing needle that can only unweave thread.
A toy sword that whistles a children’s song when swung.
A tube of lip gloss that makes the user’s lips invisible for one hour when applied.
A used hangman’s noose that fills whoever holds it with a sense that justice was done
A vampire fang capped with gold.
A varnished orb, eight inches in diameter, made from a nothic’s eye.
A velvet pouch containing a small silver bell, a razor blade, and a sprig of holly
A violin case containing a functioning violin and bow, sized for a cat sized creature
A violin case containing a functioning violin and bow, sized for a mouse sized creature
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itsjohnegman · 8 years
The Big Ole Present List of 2016-2017
Concerned parties have been @ ed below, but there’s also general snacks to grab from Shou if you ask for it! He brought souvenirs. :3c
And please assume below: Along with whatever gifts given, also, an appalling number of gatcha items. If you want to know specifically which ones you can always contact me but otherwise just....a Ton.
@jinglefart :
-A piano and french-themed lacy briefcase style strap bag from Axes Femme (Black)
- A cat-playing-piano themed backpack (white and black)
- A snow globe that had two sumo wrestlers and ‘oh! sumo dome!’ written on it in English.
-A “Bside-label” brand sticker with two pandas being adorable
- A (gently) used on-brand Lolita Hairbow from Closet Child, the used Brand Lolita clothes store (considering how expensive brand is, this is still no small monetary feet for anyone)
-A sweater featuring Disney characters in various lgbtq parings kissing with the words ‘love is all you need’
-Frame picture of themself and the “egg-son” they “raised” on their Christmas Day QPP Date
-A pastel shirt featuring a cat and a set of wings with the words ‘angel chimera’
- A ‘mug couple’ mug set with a heart theme on one and a clover theme on another, with the handles as black cats whose tails form a heart when put together--left the decision for who to give the other mug to up to him.
- A tiny fake acorn keychain with little Soot Sprites rattling around inside
-Tiny omamori charm featuring wisteria flowers, the flowers of April, for good luck.
-Egg on Toast plastic phonecase
-Egg Sweater
-Rabbit chopstick holders with little blue flowers on the toosh
-So. Much. Gudetama merch. So much.
-Weirdly flavored kitkat mix bag (including vinyard grape, blueberry, melon, and new york cheesecake.)
-A strange obviously Star Wars but probably Knock off t-shirt featuring a storm trooper grabbing their crotch and the words ‘Smooth trooper loves yo mamas flapjacks’
-one of those keychains that’s an actual ramen soup spoon filled with super realistic looking noodles and broth
- A “Gegege no Kitaro” keychain of “Otosan”, the tiny demon with a single eyeball for a head, relaxing adorably in a little cup for a bath
-Hand-copied (and guessed at in some places) recipes from the food featured in the Alice in Wonderland Concept Cafe.
-An entire set of stickers from the Segopolis Persona Event--it seems each sticker came with a $7.50 drink. There are ten of them.
- A purple long sleeve shirt with dramatic koi fish decals
-A little daruma, for wish granting.
-Plastic earrings that look like little stylized tuxedos  
- A selection of ‘dating game’ based sweets (ie Tsundere ‘It’s not like I like you, just take it!!’ Valentine Cookies, Yandere’s ‘bloodsoaked’ strawberry marshmallows (given the appropriate disclaimer before presentation), ect)
-A book on advanced Bento Making 
-Books on Japanese recipes, both simple and from Michelin Star Restaurants
-A little ceramic fry jewelry case with a ringpop inside, as an injoke 
- A white and purple zip up hoodie featuring stars and an alpaca
-A small book on Japanese folklore and the different demons, spirits and other supernatural forces in them.
- A little handpurse shaped to look like the radio in Kiki’s Delivery Service
- A strap bag that looks like a fancy vintage clock
-A set of fancy but still classy lolita-brand shoes, blue and modest with little gold rose buttons. 
-A little clover ball bell charm for good luck
- Little cat cookies that have tail crooks so they can hang off the edges of cups
-Pretty traditional Japanese tea cups with gold flake effect
-One of those umbrellas where when it rains, cat paw prints appear
-Baseball cap featuring the gods of wind and thunder as well as other complicated Japanese imagery
- A little bell, for good luck and happiness (also for Phantome to play with, if Ghostie likes)
-Nekomimi headphones with sound canceling (black and blue)
-Konpeito candy in a little jar--darker blues, purples and other night sky colors.
-A keychain that feels soft, like a cat’s peets
-A mug with the words ‘Who are you?’ a dark cityscape and cat (?) eyes everywhere that get brighter with warm liquid.
- ‘Aesthetic’ Minions phone case
- A towel that looks like a whole dead fish in the packaging
- One of the really mochi-soft saniro character plush keychains
-A Sentimental Circus Plushie
-A ‘game over’ purse with holographic screen and detachable wings (black)
-Potato Chips Backpack
-Small blue and red temari rabbit
-Wooden bird stand alarmclock
-Wooden bird hangars
-Bird themed chopsticks
-Some of those eraser food sets
Loved Ones
-Black hoodie with all the different constellations on them that glue light blue in the dark (with a pre-giving worry speech warning about the different astrological signs and if it’s something Karkat would really want to wear considering ect ect)
- A set of containers for plants, from everything from vintage fruit cans to simple white ones with soft edges to modern glass pieces with dynamic angles.
- A music ‘box’ from Kamakura, a metalic egg with a carousel that winds up with a notably satisfying winding noise and plays the song “Sakura Nagashi.”
-A tiny stuffed Jiji the cat from Kiki’s Delivery Service, complete with replica cage like in the movie (had to be shipped in)
-A small bag of star-shaped sugar cubes from the Milky Way Cafe, as well as  a paper menu of what each astrological symbol’s ice cream parfait looks like.
-A little maneki neko strap charm for good luck
-a whole selection of cat chopstick holders
-traditional Japanese artstyle cats tote bag
True Companions
-A little Shinto Rosary for good luck
-A white, red and gold t-shirt featuring dramatic imagery of the sun, and samurai. 
-modern glass-and-metal decorative holders/displays
-Vaporwave themed blindbox
-A selection of some of the artsier B-side label stickers (a stoplight where each light is a different picture of nature, a girl slipping into a portal into space, ect)
-A ‘death flag sayings’ blind box (a box with a pin featuring a random speech bubble filled with words that are an in-movie death flag for a red shirt character)
-Hanging polygonal wireframes for holding airplants or other decor in
-A dabbing cat figurine
- A little fabric charm featuring dramatic gold on purple embroidery for good luck
-A ‘folded paper crane’ metal necklace 
-A silver moon hairholder
-A ‘Boy’s Tears’ water bottle plastic cover
-A Lace-up black collar 
-Pastel Aesthetic Cat coinpurse
-An Aesthetic Pastel Letterman Jacket, pink with shiny spikes on the shoulders and the word ‘Bye’ in a big white heart on the back from Wego.
- An enamel mug featuring different kinds and scientific names of mushrooms
- A Konpeito Kanzashi from a respected maker, as well as booklet instructions for how to use it to put her hair up.
-A whole selection of frog chopstick rests
-a rusty file cabinet shelf specifically for ‘aesthetic’ gardening (shipped)
-Cute Peek-a-kitty stockings
-Umbrella with a sunny sky inside and the starry universe outside
-A ‘frog’ charm for good luck and returning money
Friends and General
- A box of delicately crunchy white chocolate sandwich cookies called Shiroi Koyubito
-Little bowl sets that when stacked, look like a samurai and a geisha
-An off-white T-shirt with intricate japanese decal of mountains
- A purple tank top with intricate japanese decal of waves
- Dark blue starry pillow with little doodle-like stars all over it and a really snuggly blanket that is inverted colors, pale blue with dark blue stars
-A mug that says ‘cosmic tune’ and features stars that light up when the liquid is warm
-A pencil bag that says ‘cosmic story’ and features some kind of close-but-not-quite-English attempt at evoking a mood involving that, that is moving nonetheless
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Trinkets, Worthless, 1: These trinket are garbage plain and simple. They would be termed vendor trash or junk loot in video games. They aren't touched by stray magic or mystery as with regular trinkets, aren't made from valuable materials and aren't particularly useful even if they aren't damaged.
A beige jar of pungent red ointment without a label.
A bit of rock from the headstone of a loving parent.
A blank piece of wet parchment that never seems to dry.
A blob of grey goo in a ceramic pot. It is slippery but safe to touch
A bone knife and fork.
A bronze gear on which is etched the word "Moon"
A brown mushroom of extraordinary size.
A candied apple carved into the shape of a human skull.
A canteen filled with a foul smelling orange mud.
A clockwork device whose button won't press no matter what is done to it.
---Keep reading for 90 more trinkets.
---Note: The previous 10 items are repeated for easier rolling on a d100.
A beige jar of pungent red ointment without a label.
A bit of rock from the headstone of a loving parent.
A blank piece of wet parchment that never seems to dry.
A blob of grey goo in a ceramic pot. It is slippery but safe to touch
A bone knife and fork.
A bronze gear on which is etched the word "Moon"
A brown mushroom of extraordinary size.
A candied apple carved into the shape of a human skull.
A canteen filled with a foul smelling orange mud.
A clockwork device whose button won't press no matter what is done to it.
A cloth pouch containing a dozen useless wooden tokens previously issued by a traitor-prince as currency
A cloth pouch containing ten dried peas
A corkscrew
A cracked, bone smoking pipe
A crude chalice made of coal.
A curiously stained towel (Knowledgeable PC's can identify the stains as brain matter) with a set of instructions embroidered on it, that clearly state to wear it on the head in case of mind flayer attack.
A desiccated body of a small eight-legged black lizard.
A doll head with no hair and poorly applied makeup
A faceless doll made of driftwood.
A feather with a piece of red string tied on the end of the shaft.
A fire-blackened claw of some great beast.
A fist sized turtle shell.
A fist-sized cog, covered in barnacles.
A fist-sized wooden sphere; half of which is blue while the other half is red.
A glass jar that appears to contain boiled cabbage, vinegar and several spices.
A goblin-made key that never works in any lock
A good luck charm made of animal bones and twine.
A half dozen pages ripped out of an accounting journal of a local merchant
A hand sized fossil of an extinct many-limbed insect
A hand sized piece of fossilized excrement, commonly known as coprolite
A hand-sized box covered with numbered buttons
A hollow wooden doll that splits in half to reveal a slightly smaller, identical, doll. The second  one is empty, perhaps there are still smaller dolls that are missing?
A horn that has been cut cleanly in half.
A humanoid poppet, made from twisted roots, with singed limbs
A keychain holding the head of a broken key
A leather pouch containing irregular iron nails, some of them bent out of shape as though used.
A letter of complaint to a toy shop owner
A map of a labyrinth, on which is pencilled a line that starts at the centre but fails to connect to the entrance
A map with no key, legend or locations, only red circles with lines connecting them.
A measuring tape, marked in ink at 23 inches
A pair of badly worn hairdressing scissors
A palm-sized iron cage: the door doesn't shut properly, as the tiny lock was broken from the inside
A pamphlet for Irytor's World of the Spectacular, the phrase 'closing down' has been scrawled on it in faded ink.
A pamphlet that has illustrated instructions on how to make a paper hat out of the pamphlet
A petrified eye of a cat.
A petrified goat skull.
A pewter spork
A pickled human toe.
A piece of coal vaguely shaped like a head.
A piece of tree bark that is coated in blood.
A pouch full of a fine black powder of unknown origin.
A preserved monkey's paw, with three fingers outstretched
A pretty conch shell
A puzzle box containing ten fingernail clippings
A rag doll in the likeness of an owlbear.
A red and black vulture feather.
A red woollen cap that appears to be stained with blood.
A rough stone eye extracted from an unknown petrified creature.
A rusted fork.
A sack full of pieces of half-eaten bread.
A scrap of paper on which is written, in Goblin, "My dearest Bess,"
A seashell that is silent when held up to your ear
A seed that never grows when planted, but looks very similar to an acorn with a few green lumps.
A set of bent and broken thieves tools
A set of five rusty, bent, nails, stained with a black liquid.
A sheet of vellum on which is crudely painted a herbal plant that is not identifiable
A single leather shoe made for a dog
A slip of parchment with the phrase "I am not dead" written on it.
A small black cauldron that appears to have meat juices burnt onto the bottom of it.
A small bubble leveller that is calibrated incorrectly
A small ceramic container, half filled with lemon lip balm
A small tin containing spoiled fish eggs.
A small wooden box filled with a strange red clay.
A small, clay square with an unknown rune etched into one side.
A small, cracked porcelain doll with most of it's hair burnt off.
A small, wooden toy horse.
A split piece of unknown wood, decorated to look as if it once was a piece of a druidic focus.
A stone rod with a tin coating that has worn through in several places.
A strangely shaped bone.
A thin iron pinky ring, melted and charred but still wearable
A ticket admitting an adult and child onto something called a "semiotic tram"
A tine of a deer's antler.
A tiny bag of yellowish powder that seems to have no practical use.
A tiny, broken clockwork harpy.
A twenty-sided die carved from bone
A vibrant peacock tail feather
A vine covered in thorns that writhes around occasionally.
A wax hand shaped to hold a large cup
A wooden device designed to be gripped in two hands. Two levers protrude from the top, and two triggers from the underside.  
A wooden spoon, carved from a bigger spoon.
An apparently empty green glass bottle that is sealed with red wax.
An axehead that appears to have been snapped off with extreme force
An eight sided die that looks to have been split in half by a large axe.
An empty bottle that once held the blood of a demon.
An evening dinner menu, there are spots of what appear to be dried blood on it.
An invitation to a lavish event that has already ended.
An ivory knitting needle
An odd lump of metal that smells like sweat and rotten fish.
An ornate pewter tankard made without a bottom
An unusually sharp spoon. 
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