#but well the post itself feels bitter for no reason so
oasatelematics · 2 years
being bisexual really humbles you like randomly snapping out of the static noise of being in love and realising damn im really going googoo gaga starry eyes and so on over a guy who is literally just some guy
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mayaree-darling · 1 year
who's to say what's real or fake// Genshin SAGAU
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from aree: impostor au but you actually are the impostor? but ofcourse theres a twist. I think i'll call this FakeGrace!Reader. This was just going to be a headcannon post but ended up a whole fic plot
warnings: themes that all come with the sagau tag (yandere, lots of religious talk, cult, etc.)
word count: 2k~
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You end up on Teyvat and immediately the characters recognize you as their Creator; of course you're their Creator - you have the same face, name, and voice. You go through the ordeal of getting to know all the characters all over again and they in turn love you as the god they’ve been waiting for all this time.
You decide that well, this is the world and characters I spent blood, sweat, and tears building (even if it was behind a screen) so might as well help out and do what needs to be done. The people come to you for their problems and you find that they're not as difficult as when you were simply a player. Maybe a minor dispute here and there between the NPCs, but now the vision holders and the Archons ask for your thoughts on how to go about political matters concerning their nations. Even Snezhnaya has signed a peace treaty with the other nations as a show of good faith to the Creator (even if you know for a fact its a temporary one).
All has never been better.
Until another Creator appears in Teyvat, and this one bleeds gold the way their stories foretold. In a way you do not.
The vision holders are torn. Yes, you are an impostor, and they want to hate you for tricking them, but at the same time haven’t you only shown them love? Haven’t you been patient with them and understanding despite being thrown into a world you’re unfamiliar with?
But with careful coercion from the other god, they have to choose to follow their true Creator. You decide to take pity on them and step down from your position yourself, choosing to live with the Aranara who have gladly taken you under their wing (fake god you may be, you are still a friend of the forest, and the forest always remembers its friends).
The Archons tell their new Creator that you are no more. They pretend to not hear when the Creator says they should have brought your head with them, maybe just a bitter reaction for finding out that they have been serving an impostor all this time (the Archons are lying when they say they do not feel sickened at the idea of hurting you, and disgusted at this new God's words)
It soon becomes clear to the people of Teyvat that this new Creator is not you - none of the patience or kindness you had showed them. This new one thinks helping their people is below them, even laughs at some of their problems. They chuck their duties as a god to the vision holders and spend their days leisurely, wining and dining on the best food, expecting to be waited on hand and foot. And at first it was fine, the characters understood. Maybe their Creator was just enjoying the fruits of their labor for once (although in the back of their mind, they can't help but compare you - you who worked tirelessly to attend to everyone even when they’d almost beg you to take a break). The characters tell themselves that they just need to get used to this new god, their true Creator. It will all right itself in time. Even as the Creator acted more like a child by the day, calling for the punishment of characters for the simplest of things. It’s fine. It’s fine.
It didn't take long for their will to break.
The God of Wisdom is called as such for a reason. Nahida may be younger compared to the rest, but she is braver than most. She simply tried to impart a fraction of her wisdom, softly suggesting to the Creator to show mercy for their people who were gravely punished for things they did not do.
This Creator was not you. They did not have a drop of patience that you had, nor any love for their creations. Their god saw this as nothing but an act of treason. How dare a mere Archon tell them what to do? She dares to question who the Creator can and cannot punish?
The silence is deafening in the throne room as the Creator calls for the death of Lesser Lord Kusanali and the destruction of Sumeru. If it is mercy she asks for then it is the last thing she and her people will receive. The other Archons agree past gritted teeth, the sin of Khaenri’ah weighing heavy over their shoulders still.
Nahida had been banished to Sumeru before the order was given, so the Archons make their way to the Nation of Wisdom to tell her of her sentencing, hoping to beg her to ask the Creator for their forgiveness.
This can't be how it ends. Are they to spend their lives in fear of the god they so revered?
They enter a forest emitting divine energy in search of their friend, hearts heavy, but they found something else.
They found you. They found the Creator they loved once upon a time.
They seemed to have caught you mid-conversation with Nahida, and to their surprise (and resentment) the Tsaritsa; they can only assume that the god of Snezhnaya has informed you first of Nahida's fate. The Wanderer catches sight of them and stands in front of you in protection. You don't even bat an eye. You swallow hard and stand, Nahida's hand enveloped in yours, and the other gods would be lying if they say they did not feel jealousy strangling their lungs.
With a steady voice, you tell them that should they take one step against Nahida, you will meet them halfway. If they decide to send Sumeru to hell, they will have to go through you first. You will do everything you can to stop them, and if Sumeru falls then you fall with them.
They don't have to look at the others to make up their mind. There's a beat of silence but first it's Morax, and Beelzebul and Barbatos and then Focalor, and they are on their knees, heads bowed low.
It is only right to show respect to their god, after all. How could they be so blind?
Validation of their actions comes soon after as you let go of Nahida's hand and tell the Wanderer to stand aside. You do something that tyrant of a Creator that sits on a glass throne would never - you kneel before them and hold out your hand.
"Why are you all kneeling? Stand up. I am no longer your god. But I hope you will have me as a friend. Will that be alright?"
There are tears in their eyes as they let out stuttering laughter. Yes, this is their god. Their god with so much love and compassion and a heart that does nothing but bleed for them. A heart that does not ask for them to bleed.
You are their god. You are their true Creator. Golden blood be damned. All that gold has done nothing but blind them.
Eventually, you all end up on the forest floor. You accept the role of a friend as promised, and catch up with them. The Archons are almost in tears as you listen to their stories earnestly, squeezing their hands in sympathy as you listen to the pain they've been through under the rule of their so called Creator (they really should find a new title for you, the god that sits on your throne has sullied your rightful name). At one point they stop telling you stories of their mistreatment, unable to see your face be any sadder than it already was. They take to retelling your stories together, reminiscing better days - because is that not what they have done all this time? Think about the lovely you for every wrongdoing the other god had done in your name?
As you laugh and smile with them and their stories and their company, the idea burrows through their mind without your knowledge, taking root, and they refuse to let it go. Wouldn't it be so much better if it was always like this? Seeing your smiling face with them, a person that deserves to be called a god even more so than all of them combined. Knowing you were safe from harm, not having to defend yourself, especially from them under orders from a tyrant. Knowing you loved them the way they loved you.
It was all better with you.
When you weren't looking, the Archons gave each other knowing looks and curt nods in understanding.
You are their beloved Creator.
As a peaceful silence falls over you, they watch as you smile sadly, their hearts breaking to see such an expression on your face. In a soft voice, you apologize for not being able to do much to help them. When you lift your head, golden resolute eyes meet yours.
"You’ve done enough, Your Grace. Let us handle the rest."
You may have laughed at the old title, but the Archons are hell bent in returning it to you. Although it hurts them to say goodbye, they know it’s only for the moment. Soon, you will be with them. Back in your rightful throne, as you have always deserved.
Nahida is the youngest, and so they decide to spare her the carnage. The rest know she is no fool, they don't need to tell her what they had planned for her to know what happens next. She does not fully agree in the others' decision, yet she stays in Sumeru, promising to make sure you do not find out. Word travels fast to the other vision holders in the form of a breeze from Barbatos. Barely anyone had disagreed with the notion of removing the rejected god from the throne, and those who were hesitant at first changed their mind after hearing how you were ready to go down with Sumeru. Morax and the Tsaritsa lead the rebellion.
A god is only as powerful as the people who worship them. By the time the Archons arrived in the throne room, the Creator had no one to hide behind.
They made it a spectacle. They spin a tale for the people that the god they so worshiped was an impostor who had switched bodies with their rightful god, which explains the gold blood that should be yours. They say you were patiently waiting for them all to come back to you, to remove this impostor from your throne. You were ready to accept them all, they just needed to get rid of this filth that dared destroy your name. The Creator - no, the Impostor - is horrified when the people accept this story so easily, but they only have themselves to blame. Who cares what they have to say to defend themselves, although it’s not like they can anyway - how can they when their tongue was cut off?
Teyvat was silent as gold painted the streets of Liyue Harbor. Teyvat no longer cares for golden blood, not after all the blood and tears it had taken from its people. After all, a golden soul stands ready to take back their rightful place.
Your followers thought it had all been worth it - the pain, the hardships, the blood - to see you smile the first time you set foot outside Sumeru after what felt like years to them. And yet, despite the joyous occasion, you hesitantly turn to them and ask a question not even Irminsul would answer you.
"What happened to the Creator?"
You would be lying if you said the soft smiles each of them gave did not unnerve you as they all said the same thing, like a joke everyone knew all except you.
"We simply removed the Impostor from Your Grace's presence."
They are thankful that you are blinded by your love for them to see the gold shine on their hands. You do not ask about the shimmering streets either. Liyue was the city of gold after all, was it not?
For now, their biggest concern is your acceptance that they are your equal, but that can easily be fixed. You are their friend now, but someday you’ll be their god again. Slowly but surely. They will sit you back in your throne. They will kneel before you again. They will give you the reverence you so deserved.
It will all be yours.
You're their wonderful Creator, after all. Maybe not to you right now. But you always have been for them.
They’ll start from calling you Your Grace. You’d be too kind to tell them off over and over.
You always had been good at adapting.
You had gotten used to it then, you’ll get used to it again.
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✨ Masterlist ✨ 
Taglist: 💛@anime-allover  💛@faeriessky  💛 @prksolon 💛 @dai-tsukki-desu
Disclaimer: Characters are not mine and belong to their respective creators. Their portrayal is merely my own interpretation of them and may not be accurate to their intended characterization. I stake no claim to the original works, only to the ideas and plot of the fictitious stories I’ve written them into.
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phoward89 · 4 months
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Obsessed!Coriolanus Snow x Innocent!Reader, Obsessed!Crassus Snow x Innocent!Reader
WARNING ⚠️ Coriolanus Snow is a warning in and of itself. Cussing, obsession, older man/younger woman, father & son both want the same girl, reader is just too sweet for this world and has no idea that the men in the Snow family are toxic...
There will be 2 different endings- 1 for Crassus & 1 for Coriolanus- posted after this as 2 additional chapters
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Part 2:
Your mother was fuming as she sat next to Crassus in the large auditorium, watching your Academy graduation. Helenium couldn't help, but to give him a nasty side-eye. The way he looked at you during prom night when she was invited to the Snows’ penthouse, for pictures and to see both you and Coriolanus off, made her stomach churn. Your mother knew the only reason Crassus was lustfully looking at you was because you favored her so much when she was younger.
When your mother was your age she met a pair of Peacekeepers in her native District 12 while she worked at the apothecary as an assistant. She met Crassus Snow and Javani Halvir, friends and military brats. But, despite Crassus' endless pursuit (which was more like stalking and gaslighting) your mother fell in love with your father, Javani Halvir. And once your father passed his officer’s test he married your mother.
It was the life event that made General Crassus Snow a real cold, bitter, rat bastard. Oh, he was always cunning and overbearing with questionable morals, but his heart and soul truly began to rot once he was jilted by Helenium.
And now Crassus is pushing whatever lingering feelings he has for your mother onto you. It makes your mother sick to her stomach as she watches how happy you look sitting next to Coriolanus on the large platform set up on the auditorium stage, right behind the podium Dean Casca Highbottom was standing at in order to perform the commencement.
Your mother prays to the gods that Crassus leaves you and his son be.
Yes, your mother was never very fond of Coriolanus while you were growing up, but that was due to fear of him turning out like his father since he’s his mirror image. She wished that you would've had more friends, met another boy to fall for too. But after seeing you and Coriolanus posing for prom pictures and watching him dote on you while putting on your corsage and paying you compliment after compliment- well…your mother realizes that you're Coriolanus’ world. That he has some deep feelings for you.
And she'd rather have you with the younger Snow than the older one.
Helenium was shaken out of her thoughts by Crassus' deep, stern voice telling her, “It's such a shame your son couldn't acquire leave to attend his sister's graduation.”
Grandma'am Snow watched the commencement, completely unaware of the hushed conversation your mother was engaging in with her son. Her granddaughter, Crassus' niece named Tigris, was on the other side of her and was also too invested in the graduation ceremony then to eavesdrop on her uncle, who she was afraid of.
“Yes, well, his girl couldn't get clearance to travel so he pulled his request.” Your mother told Crassus, in a way letting him know that your brother picked his girl over your event.
“He's like his father, settling with a local district girl.” The Snow patriarch thickly scoffed.
“If I remember correctly, you were a bit star struck by a local district girl once.” Your mother reminded General Snow of how he had once loved her. That he was just as bad as Javani, as Rein, when it came to district women.
Crassus' face turned to stone and his icy blue eyes turned into frozen icicles. His voice was deep and bitter as he snarled, “Yes, well, she made me look weak and stupid by eloping with my comrade.”
Looking between you and Coriolanus sitting together, smiling while whispering happily, and the hateful General next to her, your mother pleaded, “Leave them alone, Crassus. Please, just let my daughter and your son be happy. She doesn't realize it yet, but she loves Coriolanus and it's no secret that he loves her too.”
“I've arranged for my son to be sent off to serve as a peacekeeper. He'll be getting his conscription letter in the mail soon.”
“You rotten rat bastard. Those kids don't even know, do they?” Helenium asked, even tho she was sure that you and Coryo had no clue about what his heartless father was doing to your lives. How he was meddling; for the worse.
The middle-aged man shook his platinum blonde head. “No, they don't.”
Your mother narrowed her eyes while whisper-hissing, “You're going straight to the 9th circle of hell for this, you treacherous bastard.”
“I don't believe in the hells or the gods, petal.” Of course he didn't. Anything other than his own wants and needs didn't exist. Screw energy and spiritualism; it's not real in Crassus' book.
A cruel look crossed over Crassus' handsome face as he told your mother the hard to swallow truth of, “But what I do believe in is success and being the best. You're daughter's my second chance at love and happiness; if I have to get my son out of the way then so be it.”
“I’m going to do everything I can to help those two kids be together, Crassus.”
“I advise you not to if you want to keep breathing.”
“Are you threatening me?” Your mother asked right as Coriolanus Snow took his place at the podium to give his Valedictorian speech.
“It's not a threat, but a promise.” General Snow informed your mother while trying not to roll his baby blue eyes at his son's speech.
Crassus felt his son's speech was lacking something. That it wasn't very lively despite Coriolanus being a charming young man and a very eloquent public speaker. Maybe Crassus feels his son's speech isn't too far because he doesn't like him?
“You wouldn't dare hurt me. You've been holding a flame for too long.” Your mother stated, a bit over confidently, instead of listening to the valedictorian speech. “And mark my words, I'm going to tell those kids all of your plans because the thought that you'd make your own son a miserable, heartbroken mess just so you can defile and corrupt my daughter's sick.”
Grandma'am patted Crassus' arm and proudly smiled. “Oh, Crassus, isn’t Coriolanus’ speech just marvelous.”
“If you say so, mother.” Crassus curtly tells his mother while flashing her a fake smile.
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Crassus was a real cad. A cunning, calculating, cad. He knew that your mother would be an obstacle when it comes to wooing you. She proved to be too unpredictable tonight. An ally to his son, which surprised him since Helenium always hated the boy. But maybe her hatred for him ran deeper than her hatred for his sniveling brat of a son?
So, he decided to poison her while the Halvir and Snow families are out for dinner celebrating you and Coriolanus’ graduation. It was quite easy to get your mother a glass of poisoned wine. Perhaps too easy since Crassus has spies and henchmen all over Capitol City.
He even has loyal men planted right under President Ravenstill’s nose in the Presidential Mansion.
Your poor mother, bless her heart, didn't expect a thing. She was sitting in between Grandma'am and Tigris while you were sitting between Crassus and Coriolanus. Tigris was at Coriolanus side and Grandma'am was at Crassus’ side since the table was a large round one right in the middle of the dining room of a fancy Capitol restaurant.
Everything was going just fine. Everyone was eating and making small talk. Your mother was actually making an effort to be nice to Coriolanus and to talk to him, which both confused you and made you happy.
“So, do you two have any plans for the summer?” Your mother asked, reaching for her wine glass, which unknown to her was filled with a medium acting poison that would have her dropping dead before dessert was served.
“We're just going to hang out like we always do.” You told your mother, causing her to just nod.
“She'll probably stay a night or so, since it's summer.” Coriolanus added in as a sly way to announce your relationship. A relationship that you didn't even realize existed.
“I'm sure they won't be together the entire summer, Helenium.” Was Crassus' off handed remark as he ate his steak.
It was also the last remark made at your table to your mother while she was still breathing.
Before anything else could be said, your mother dropped her wine glass, causing it to shatter and the poisonous wine to splatter and stain the white table linen, and started wheezing.
“Mother! Are you alright?” You ask, alarmed that your mother's suddenly choking, wheezing for air, and clawing at her throat.
Grandma'am and Tigris are frozen in their seats, tears beginning to fall from their eyes as their faces portray pure horror.
Coryo’s holding you while frantically screaming, “Help! We need help, she's choking!”
The other patrons of the restaurant are screaming and crying, or just staring in shock and awe. But at least a dozen people are screaming for help. And the restaurant staff are scrambling to call the authorities, doctors, etc.
Crassus on the other hand doesn't look bothered. Well…considering he's the reason you're mother's dying before your eyes of course he's not bothered by it, but you don't know that. Crassus, being a cold hearted bastard, just continues eating his filet mignon.
Cutting a piece of his steak, he looks at his son and rolls his eyes at him. How can Coriolanus be fit to have you when he's screaming his head off like he's scared out of his wits. Holding you and comforting you; making you feel safe are two different things.
Deciding that you need a real man to assure you that everything’ll be alright, Crassus puts down his fork and wraps his large hand around yours. A hand that's actually the same size as his son's.
“I've seen this before during the war. Rebels would poison Capitol loyalists.” Crassus said matter-of-factly.
“Are you saying somebody meant to poison you and accidentally poisoned my mother?!” You screeched on top of your lungs. You couldn't believe what you're hearing.
“I'm afraid so, petal.” Crassus solemnly nods while giving your hand a tight squeeze.
“It'll be okay, my darling. I'm here; you got me.” Coryo assured you, his baby blues the size of saucers, as he watched EMT-Peacekeepers rush over to the table to take your mother away.
But sadly she'd be a D.O.A at the hospital.
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You went home with the Snows to their penthouse the night your mother died and you never left. Crassus gave you Tigris’ old room (she moved out a couple years ago when she opened up her own boutique) to use. But as soon as it was lights out and everyone went to bed, Coryo snuck you into his room; into his bed.
Coryo held you, kissed you, and assured you that everything would be alright. That you had him; that he'd always be by your side. The night of your mother's death, you cried yourself to sleep in Coryo's arms.
And the nights leading up to the day of her funeral were spent in Coryo's arms as well. The tears came and went sporadically, but his caresses and kisses never ceased. He freely gave you comfort.
And he promised to be with you, always.
The day of your mother's funeral was very somber. It was a large event, thanks to General Crassus Snow footing the bill and taking care of the arrangements. It was held in a large cathedral in Capitol City. One that was older than the city itself. General Snow spares no expense for your mother, claiming it was only right to send her off properly as the window of war hero Colonel Javani Halvir.
The service, performed by Dr. Gaul, the Head Gamemaker and Head of the War Department- also a close ally and mentor of General Snow, performed the service’s parting words for your mother. General Snow had given a eulogy with your mother, making her sound like a sweeter and livelier person then she was.
Your brother wasn't able to obtain leave so quickly, but he did talk to you on the phone. He also talked to Crassus on the phone and they came to an understanding about your living arrangements. That you'd stay in the Capitol under the Snows' care in order to attend the University. But once you graduated you could decide whether you wanted to stay in Capitol City or move onto PK Base-D12, where your brother lives as Officer Rein Halvir.
The ride to the gravesite to see your mother's casket get lowered into a 6ft hole was very hard. During that part of the funeral you're seated in between Crassus and Coriolanus Snow. Both father and son seemed determined to comfort you. Coriolanus held you close, not caring how it made him look, while Crassus patted your hand before resting his large and on top of yours.
Dean Casca Highbottom, who was sitting on the other side of the casket; across from you and the Snow family, saw how father and son are going for you. The morphling addict pities you. Truly he does. Because he doesn't know what Snow's worse, the father who's evil reincarnated on earth or the son who's literally the spawn of Satan. All Dean Highbottom knows is that you're going to get stuck falling for one of the Snow men due to charming smiles and lies.
Casca Highbottom always thought of you as a bright student; an amazing girl, and he wishes you nothing, but the best. Even tho deep in his bones he knows that you'll never get the best in life; will never be able to live up to your full potential.
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The after funeral gather’s held in the large, luxurious Snow penthouse. People flitter about, giving you condolences and dropping off casseroles, fried chicken, and jello molds (some old superstition from the old days; the Pre-Panem days that women still honor) so that you and the Snows won't starve while in mourning.
You're sitting on the sofa, between Coryo and Grandma’am. Crassus greets everyone at the door and makes his niece, Tigris, help the cook take the food offerings into the kitchen.
You give sad smiles to everyone that approaches the sofa, preferring to let either Grandma’am Snow or Coryo do the talking for you. In fact, you feel so overwhelmed by all of these strangers offering condolences about your mother's death. People that knew your father, that know Crassus, and want to pay their respects to the wife of a late war hero: Colonel Javani Halvir. It was all so impersonal; you didn't know how to handle it. How to feel about it.
So, you left the pleasantries to the two Snow's you’re wedged between. Grandma'am was a refined lady that knew how to politely hold such conversations about condolences and Coryo was a charmer, he'd be able to say the right thing to all of these strangers acting like they're doing you a favor by telling you that they're sorry about your mother's death.
But then when Dean Casca Highbottom entered the Snow penthouse, he greeted his old friend curtly and asked him for a word- in private.
Crassus called for Tigris, the daughter of his late younger brother Cadmus, to greet the well wishers and mourners before humoring his old friend by escorting him to his private study.
Casca entered the study first and then Crassus followed behind him. Closing the door and making his way to the wingback chairs near the mahogany desk, Crassus asks, “What do you need to talk to me about, old friend?”
“Please, Crassus, you don't need to put on the fake pleasantries with me.” Casca told the tall and imposing General as they took their respective seats. “We haven't been friends since you turned in our drunken joke as our class project: resulting in the Hunger Games.” The Academy’s Dean reminded Crassus of the reason for their falling out.
“You overreacted about that back then and you're a fool for still holding a grudge against me for it. The Hunger Games got us a passing grade, didn't it.”
“But it also gave Dr. Gaul a blueprint for the Hunger Games that have been running for the past decade. Games that people lost interest in until your son made it a horse and pony show.”
“Well, Coriolanus didn't do that great of a job as a mentor in the games considering all of the tributes were killed by those rainbow snakes.” Crassus dryly remarked, reminding Casca of the failed games. Leaning his arm on his armrest and placing his chin onto his fist, Crassus asked, “I know you didn't want to speak to me about the games, Casca. So, what do you need to speak to me about?”
“I see how you seem to be infatuated with Miss Y/N, but she seems to be close to your son. I'm just worried that she'll find herself in the middle of something she can't handle and, since I truly believe she's a sweet girl, I'd hate for her to fall victim to a Snow’s cold, callous, heartless ways.”
“So, what? You want me to throw the poor girl out on the street? She's an orphan and my son's closest friend, what type of man would I be if I threw her out?”
“I know you, Crassus. You're not letting the daughter of Javani and Helenium Halvir stay with you because of Coriolanus and the goodness in your heart. You have no heart; you just want that girl all to yourself because you couldn't have her mother 20-odd years ago.”
“Don't presume to know my intentions, Casca. And if something were to come about between me and Miss Y/N then so be it- we're both adults.”
“You're an evil man, Crassus.” Casca scowled. Shaking his head, he voiced his unwanted opinion with, “I fear your son's going to end up as evil as you. That no matter who Miss Y/N ends up with, I'm afraid that sweet girl’s going to be tainted and corrupted by the beautiful, but cold Snow.”
“Casca, my old friend, my son isn't fit to polish my boots." Crassus cackled, dismissing his son's importance. A cruel smirk crosses over his full lips. "I hope some time serving in the Peacekeepers toughens him up, but he'll never be the strong man that Miss Y/N needs in her life, especially during her trying time.”
“You always were a cutthroat best friend. Stole my drunken idea, but stealing Javani’s orphan daughter for your own twisted purpose is despicable." Casca spat. Oh, how the head of the Academy hated his boyhood friend. "Thank the gods your best friend from the Peacekeepers is dead, because I'm sure he'd kill you for what you're planning to do to his only daughter.”
“Yes, well, he's been rotting in the ground with worms eating his flesh.” Crassus coldly said with a hint of mockery in his deep voice. Tipping his chin up cockily, the war hero of the dark days have his old friend and classmate a veiled threat of, “I do hope that you keep your conversation between us, Casca. I'd hate for your young daughter to lose her father- after all didn't your wife run off years ago? Be such a shame for your young daughter to get out in a government run group home.”
Casca’s not surprised that Crassus is threatening to off him and send his daughter to a deplorable group home for orphans and abandoned children.
“Don't worry, old friend, I'll keep your dirty deeds secret; under lock and key to just had to the immoral sins eating away at my soul.”
“Yes, well, I suppose you'll just have to up your daily dose of morphling to live with your bleeding heart.” Crassus scoffed. Standing up, he suggested, “I think it's time you paid your respects to Miss Y/N and leave. I'm sure you don't want your daughter in the hands of the nanny for too long.”
“Yes, I agree.” Dean Casca nodded. Standing up and making his way to the door, he told Crassus, “I'll be brief while giving my respects to Miss Y/N.”
And Dean Casca Highbottom was brief with paying his respects. He told you that your mother was such a strong woman and tried her best to raise you without the taint and cruelty of the world; that she tried to make sure the bitter frostiness of the Snow didn't give you frostbite. He also looked between you and Coriolanus only to shake his head and sigh, “Young Snow, I think when it comes to you Snow's falling.” Then he left the Snows’ penthouse.
Grandma'am wasn't around for the odd exchange between Dean Highbottom, Coriolanus, and you. Instead the old woman was talking to the neighbor Pluribus Bell about something.
“What do you think he meant by that, Coryo?” You wondered, looking at your best friend with curious eyes, as the Dean's parting words hung heavy in the air, like a toxic smog.
“I don't know, but I wouldn't pay too much attention to Dean High-as-a-kite-bottom, baby. He's never liked me much.” Coryo told you as he spotted a new group of well wishers heading towards the two of you. “We're done with the Academy and him, let's just focus on getting thru receiving well wishes from all the mourners, yea?”
“Yea.” You nod, a sad smile on your lips.
You're grateful for the Snow's, for their support during your time of need. But what you don't know is that within a few weeks you'll be parted from your best friend when his conscription letter for the Peacekeepers arrives; that you'll be around General Snow day in and day out.
That you'll have to make a choice between father and son. You can only have one Snow, but who will it be? Crassus or Coriolanus?
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Tags: @kuroosbby001 @purriteen @poppyflower-22 @meetmeatyourworst @whipwhoops @bxtchopolis @readingthingsonhere @savagenctzen @ryswritingrecord @erikasurfer @tulips2715 @universal-s1ut @thesmutconnoisseur @squidscottjeans @sudek4l @wearemadeofstardust0 @mashiromochi @gracieroxzy @belcalis9503 @shari-berri @aoi-targaryen @whiteoakoak @spear-bearing-bi-witch @gisellesprettylies @loverandqueenofdragons @qoopeeya @mfnqueen1 @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 @v-love @swiftieblyth @joyfulyouthlover @harvey-malfoy @chxrrybomb22 @marvel-hiddles-stark @xjinnix @devils-blackrose @zombicupcake3 @jacesvelaryons @tempt-ress
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diamondcitydarlin · 19 days
The thing that's driving me kinda CRAZY about the sequel though is how perfectly it sets up a personal arc for Lydia to be intertwined with Beej's. Like I said in my reaction post after seeing the film last night, I feel like Lydia as a character doesn't really get much of an arc or a resolution by the end of the story, as most of the plot is focused on repairing her relationship with her daughter, with Delia, maybe even her ex-husband to a certain extent, and for as much as she's rid of someone actually preying on her (Rory) we have no reason to believe she's found inner peace or really discovered herself or isn't still constantly popping pills to help with the 'gift' of sight she still has to deal with. There's so much about her left unresolved that Tim is either going to have to make another film about or I will have to fanfic about. But again, what's also fascinating is the way the beats of Lydia's story become tangled up with Beej's by the end of this, and also the ambiguous suggestion that there might be some kind of red string of fate linking them together across life and death and centuries (my kingdom for Beej saying "I've crossed oceans of time to find you" in a deep sexy Dracula voice and Lydia being like "plz shut the fuck up" LMAO)
Like, the 'psychic connection'. The thing that makes Lydia able to see and interact with Beej in places other than the house/model in Winter River. At first I think we're led to believe these are genuine hallucinations she's having, but ofc that's debunked when Beej reveals he's aware of these sightings and has been participating in them on purpose. Does this suggest that their first marriage may have been binding in some way that didn't release him from death, but allowed him more range to manifest so long as he was attached to her? That's not really addressed or explained, but I feel like it opens the possibility of being a thing (as so many fanfics have had happen before, I LOVE it tbh)
Also, the parallel of them both having had predatory exes that tricked them into 'selling their souls' (one in a figurative sense, the other literally lmao). I'm honestly shocked more conclusions weren't drawn from that conspicuous parallel in the film itself, because it's VERY interesting. It seems almost to suggest they're both meant to safeguard each other's souls (which is why I'm still bitter we didn't get Lydia defending him from Delores, I think that would've been a nice follow up to Beej saving her from Rory, even if she was just doing it out of a sense of obligation).
And idk, on the whole I feel a lot of Lydia's personal struggle at this point in her life is defined by a need to feel 'normal'. I get how that can seem odd coming from the teen girl that confidently described herself as 'strange and unusual', but this is 30 years later, after several failed relationships, after becoming a mom and struggling with a strained relationship with her daughter because of her oddity, idk, I think it's a good case study on how society forces women to conform lest they be a bad daughter or a bad mom or a bad wife, etc, but I think it's obvious she's just fighting her 'strange and unusual' nature and the more she does that, the more difficult her life will be.
To me, that suggests her path to happiness has actually a lot to do with Beej, or very well could. Who else is going to understand her true nature the way he does? Who else is going to unashamedly encourage her to be balls to the wall weirdo like she REALLY is??? Who else can truly set her free that way??? Like I'm gnawing on wires here yall, if nothing else Tim gave us SO much fanfic material to work with on this one.
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largemandrill · 2 months
Alrighty girlies, I won’t let us ignore him any longer.
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This guy. This fucking guy. He’s a great summon, good health, AMAZING damage, and most importantly: Messmer lore.
WARNING: This joke post got super out of control. Get ready for a mini-essay below
He was second in command to his commander father, Andreas. Both served Messmer until Andreas discovered his “serpentine nature”, this lead to a rebellion that the commander led. Naturally, his son follows him to the end, that end being imprisoned deep within a catacomb. All pretty standard lore, shows that Messmer’s troupes weren’t entirely cool with the genocide they were doing. What I want to talk about is this line that is only on Huw’s description, and not his father’s.
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“Messmer mourned the loss of a brother-in-arms”
If this line was on both Ashes, I would assume that Messmer mourned the lost men in the rebellion, despite their betrayal. Yet it’s only present on the captain’s description, not the man who led the rebellion in the first place. You know damn well what I’m about to do with this.
The main reason I’m jumping straight to “they were probably like a little gay” and not that Messmer was close to the leader of his main offensive force is the fact that Huw is a second in command. I would assume that a lord would have a better bond with the lead commander, there are less steps of hierarchy in between their positions. Messmer would have also known Andreas longer, (Let’s be real Huw got that position via nepotism) thus there would be higher familiarity.
What should also be mentioned is that Messmer’s feelings about others (excluding his mother) are hardly lingered on. Rellana was his sword, yet we only know her motives, not his. He was friends with Gaius due to both of them being cursed and also being mentor figures for Radahn, but there’s much more about Gaius and Radahn’s bond than between him and Messmer. This is the only (?) time that Messmer’s feelings on the matter are mentioned so bluntly. “Comrade-in-arms” in the context of Elden Ring is used much more frequently. If I remember correctly, this is what Freyja calls you if you summon her for the Dancing Lion. I’d argue that using brother is a signifier of a deeper relationship. To view someone not as an ally but as family, someone you couldn’t live without, a loved one. There’s also the fact that it’s mentioned that Huw followed his father. That reads like he was hesitant to betray Messmer, but his blood came before any affection he had for his Liege. Isn’t that the most classic of Tragedy? To choose your flesh and blood over your heart’s greatest desire? I’d hate to get poetic here, but the story writes itself.
Huw’s coffin was more beautifully decorated than that of his father. There were active guards, flowers, the room was larger. It’s quite gaudy when compared to Andreas’ open coffin in what could be described as a closet when it comes to size comparison. One was buried like a champion, beloved by a lord. The other buried with minimum respect given his status, but with the bitterness of betrayal.
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infinitywrites · 1 year
I Didn't Expect You ~ Conrad Fisher
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(Part 2) (Masterlist)
gif credit @henryofwales
synopsis: Y/N never expected it to be the summer that everything changed. Conrad, Belly and Steven were all dealing with the consequences of recent break ups while Jeremiah's wasn't acting like himself. Susannah was undergoing treatment that provided unpredictable health results and kept her loved ones on the edge of tragedy. Had they drained the well of the magic of Cousin's beach? Or could something new fulfil it again?
warnings: multichapter slow burn, warnings will update with every chapter, timeline is post SEASON 2 with changes, Susannah is sick, Belly is heartbroken, Jere is bitter, Conrad is struggling, everyone swears, Laurel/Cleveland, Belly and YN briefly critique their bodies but the focus is ultimately positive
word count: 2,275
Is it cool that I said all that?
Is it too soon to do this yet?
'Cause I know that it's delicate
Isn't it, isn't it, isn't it?
This summer there was no one to greet us when we pulled up at the beach house. It was quiet but the beauty of Cousin's Beach and the house itself was as overwhelming on first glance as it had always been. Maybe the sky seemed filled with a few more clouds, darker even without someone to remind the boys that the Conklin-Parks had arrived. Either way, Steven and Belly didn't seem to notice and were already grabbing their bags and bickering about who had their house key handy.
"Do you think we're the first ones here?" I asked as I walked up slowly to the property to look for signs of life.
Belly was by your side in moments, "No, Jere said he was picking up Rosie's for lunch. He should be here somewhere. They were supposed to get here a little early to make sure Susannah was all set up with…everything." I just nodded and watched her walk to the door with the key. It wasn't surprising that she didn't mention Conrad.
Belly had already vented her nerves about coming at all after her breakup with Conrad at Prom. I didn't blame her and assured her I'd be right by her side no matter what happened or what was said. Belly and Conrad grew up together just like the rest of us and if no one else would make sure a failed romance wasn't going to ruin that forever, I definitely was. They hadn't talked since and I promised I'd help her fix it and I would. Conrad would be reasonable about it whether he liked it or not. I was always a fixer, the Mom friend if you will, and there was no reason this could be fixed.
Last summer when I saw it brewing between them I couldn't help but worry. Of course, I wanted Belly to have what she'd always wanted but could Conrad really return her feelings of adoration and worship the same way? Apparently yes, for the six months they were together at least. But it had been three months since the breakup and I knew I had to do everything I could to refocus the group into supporting each other. There had been too much drifting and it broke my heart. Despite life changes causing difficulty in the planning of it all, everyone had agreed to come back to Cousin's for the 4th at Susannah's request so that was a great start. She would have insisted on the whole summer if she'd had the energy but it was time to accept that some things would just never be the same again. We were barely children anymore and the summers were going to change.
"Y/N! Come on, Jere's got apple cinnamon for you!" Steven called out to me from the open front door.
As soon as I entered the house, the smell washed over me, my shoulders sagging in relief and the comfort of finally being here and smellling that smell brought me. The greetings were quieter when I walked into the familiar kitchen full of people I loved most, just like pulling up to the house but that was okay too. Jeremiah squeezed me just as tight as he always had even if he didn't shout my name and lift me off your feet. This wasn't even the whole gang of people who'd been through hell and back the last year but we were all here. All coming back for Susannah's favourite holiday.
The pressure I put on this last summer before I moved halfway across the country to start my freshman year at Stanford wasn't fair to anyone, especially myself but it felt like the end of an era. With Susannah's health changing everyday, I wasn't sure if it could ever be the same again. Was the magic gone? And if so, could it ever come back again? The test would be when the house was full and the party planning was in full force. Susannah would put us all to work and everything would feel normal again even just for a little while.
"What the--Ohmigod!" I spun around and used my hands to block the cold water drops spraying all over me. "Fuck you too, cretin," I said glaring at the shit-eating grin standing in black surfing gear that awaited me.
Conrad has snuck up behind me during small talk and shook his shaggy soaked hair into the back of my exposed neck. "Always a pleasure Y/N, " he finally said, nodding without looking in my direction again and focusing on greeting the other new arrivals.
I was happy to see a short but sweet acknowledgement between him and Belly and she didn't even look like she wanted to die after so maybe this wouldn't be as hard as I thought. Laurel showed up last, announcing her presence at the door and warning everyone not to embarrass her in front of Cleveland. It was a surprise but a happy one and I knew instantly that Susannah was going to lose her mind in the best way. Conrad mentioned that she would sleep until dinner around 6pm so don't be late.
The boys made plans that didn't interest me or Belly and just as I thought they were leaving I saw Jeremiah pause and look at the guys with intent. Belly was always quick on the uptake and tried to protest but the tradition held strong. The boys celebrated a successful throw that had poor Belly flailing in the air so long it felt like slo mo and this time none of them fell for her tricks and got pulled into the pool after her. Not even me, though I should have when I felt bad for a moment, held my hand out and walked towards the edge of the pool in her direction. Conrad was quicker and scooped me right up off my feet from behind, just in time to escape Belly's trap as I gasped at the realization.
"You wouldn't! I didn't throw you in!"
"Yeah, and you didn't try stop them either!" But even in her feigned anger she was chuckling as she swam to the ladder.
After the shock left my body, I joined the boys in hysterical laughter. Conrad was still holding me tight but he must have lost his balance as I crashed to the ground on top of him. He was still in a fit, only uttering the occasional "ow" which spurred on more giggles that infected everyone else. I got myself together before he did and had to pry his surprisingly strong, wiry arms from my waist to be able to stand again.
"My god, you're like a world's tallest spider monkey." I was trying to give him shit but but the sight of him giggling on the ground made him look like a sweet toddler.
That helped sober him a little, "You love it...besides I saved your ass. You should be thinking up ways to thank me." I only caught his smirk after brushing the grass off my clothes but it was enough to stop me in my tracks and stare him down.
"Yeah, I'll get right on that." This was ridiculous and everyone was listening to the two of us– but no, we'd always done this. This was the root of the relationship I'd always had with the oldest Fisher brother. He riled me up and I gave him shit. Simple. "Let me know if you have any special requests," I said over my shoulder as I headed back inside.
"Good idea! I'll text you!" He was yelling now, the idiot, but it was still making the boys laugh so the final word would be Conrad's this time. I could have sworn I'd heard him mumble about how uptight I could be and I was rolling my eyes as I met Belly in the hallway with an exasperated smile that she shared.
Conrad Fisher and I had never been the closest of the group, always seeming to piss each other off in one way or another as kids. Susannah had said that our personalities clashed and that it was a great challenge to overcome as we matured. Anyone would say that both of us were still working on the maturely overcoming it part. It's not like I thought he was a bad guy; he was my friend no matter what, someone who knew me better than most without even trying. If I set a hard boundary he was the first to listen, respect it and make sure everyone else did too while also being the one to lay into me if I screwed up somehow or rib me to death for acting stupid. It was infuriating at worst and addictive at best so I never judged Belly's undying admiration. He was always the leader of the group as the oldest and that came with a certain power that I later realized was also responsibility. Sometimes he knew what I needed even before I did. It was eerie, that sixth sense he had. He was actually pretty damn good at taking care of everyone so sometimes I even let him take care of me too. If Conrad was the fearless leader then Belly was the baby and while he made it look easy taking care of everyone else, I always knew how to take extra special care of her.
The two of you headed upstairs to the room you shared. It originally had a double bed for Belly but Susannah quickly changed it to two singles side by side the second summer you visited. Belly and I liked our tradition of unpacking first; it felt like being at our second home where everything had a place.
"So...how was it?"
I could hear Belly rolling her eyes before she even spoke. "Okay, it could have been worse. I thought he wouldn't even speak to me."
"Why wouldn't he speak to you?"
"Because the last thing he said to me was that he could never give me what I wanted and that I deserved better." She was frustrated as she said it and I couldn't help but sigh.
"I mean, there are worse things to say when you're breaking up with someone..."
"What? I'm sorry! It doesn't mean you aren't allowed to be hurt, I'm just saying at least he wasn't a jerk about it." I shrugged and put my pile of new pajamas in the bottom drawer.
Belly paused and turned to look at me, "He said he was sorry it happened that night but he didn't want to be angry at us anymore. Not even me, Y/N, but us."
I got up and went to stroke her arm in a soothing rhythm, "It wasn't fair how it happened but you said you could feel it coming."
Her eyes start to shine with unshed tears, "I thought it was Susannah...I didn't think it could just be me..." When her pretty brown eyes closed the tears ran down her cheeks but she didn't break down, she didn't sob. She just took a deep, steadying breath as her body shifted underneath my hand.
"Hey, it wasn't you, it was him. Look at you, it couldn't have been you, you're stunning!" I shook her shoulders as her lips turned up at the corners. "Absolute perfection! Come here and see." I guided Belly towards the full length mirror on the corner of the room and planted her right in front of it. "Now, I know you thought Conrad was Prince Charming and you'd live happily ever after but fairytales aren't real. But this volleyball bod is." I smacked her butt to make my point and snap her out of her gloomy daze.
"Oh! You're so ridiculous they need to invent a new word–" Hearing her giggle was always a joy because Belly giggled without a hint of shame.
"I'm not finished! I know a breakup can kill your confidence a bit and I need you to look at yourself and really see what you're bringing to the table this hot girl summer."
Even through a big smile she shook her head, "God no, you are so embarrassing."
"I mean, come on, tight ass already acknowledged, newish boobs that are perfectly perky as ever and the prettiest smile on the face of the planet! You can have any boy you want, Isabel Conklin!"
Belly's smile fell a bit as and twisted and turned in the mirror. "You don't think my shoulders are kinda...broad?"
I hung my head as the patience exited my body with a slump. "You're actually insane. Some of us have real problems like cellulite on our thighs and an ass that doesn't fit in most jeans."
"Oh, shut up! Steven told me Frankie and those guys call you 'the ass that won't quit'."
"Belly, I'm not sure that's a compliment." I didn't hate the nickname as long as they didn't say it to my face but I still wasn't sure it meant good things.
"You're delulu, Y/N. Okay, we gotta stop. You're right. Hot girl summer with me and my cousin in Cousin's!" She grabbed my hand and started shifting her feet like we were about to have an impromptu dance party.
I covered my face with my hands and stifled a giggle at the silly phrase, "I fucking hate when you start that shit..." And just like I expected, as my chuckle became a belly laugh, my baby cousin turned on the Bluetooth speaker in my room and we danced out all the pent up heartbreak, nerves, grief and leftover stress and sent it back home where it belonged.
Author's note: I promise there is so much Conrad and romance coming up even if it wasn't much in this chapter! I hope you stick with me if you saw the potential. So much of this story was inspired by fics I've read in the last few weeks and this is my thank you! Reply with comments and let me know if you wanna be added to my taglist. If you'd like to ask me about any upcoming chapter warnings you wanna be warned of ahead of time (angst? 18+ smut?) then come visit my blog with any questions and I'll be happy to answer!
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tishinada · 5 months
Of all the Scions, I feel like Estinien most likely has a soul shard of someone who was Azem's buddy back in the day. I mean, he shows no particular sign of the Echo itself, but my sense is that there are a lot of people who possibly have a sundered soul shard but not the Echo, especially if there were other races on the star besides the ancients themselves. In the Leviathan quest chain in post-ARR, we see a Sahagin with the Echo, after all.
But I don't think the Echo is what matters in Estinien's case. We know that Azem's unique ability was to be able to call the person or people to their side who could provide exactly the help needed at the exact moment needed during any crisis, and Estinien demonstrated a particularly uncanny ability to show up exactly when needed throughout Stormblood. He appeared out of nowhere to destroy a superweapon aimed at the rebellion forces during the fight for Ala Mhigo. And he appeared during the fight with Zenos when the Crystal Exarch threw the WoL into an extremely ill-timed (or actually, judging from the trailer, an extremely well-timed) Echo vision & held off Zenos long enough to escape with the WoL's unconscious body. I'd even argue that his work with Gaius to investigate Black Rose might have been a subtle manifestation of Azem's ability.
I mean, all of the scions demonstrate remarkable timing at times, but their appearance is rarely out of the blue. We almost always know they're in the vicinity, etc. But Estinien literally showed up out of nowhere with no expectation of him being anywhere in the vicinity to do exactly what was needed at exactly the right moment. And then vanished again. Post-EW, he shows up at just the right moment to buy a map that sets off a remarkable chain of events... The only really logical explanation is Azem lol.
BTW, I have to admire the way they wrote in a completely logical reason for some of the unlikely events like Estinien appearing in Ala Mhigo and driving a lance through a superweapon about to fire on the WoL & rebel forces. The Azem effect explains so much, right up to the unsundered Ascians often setting themselves up for failure. However bitter they might be about Azem's choice during the Final Days, Azem was still a dear friend and they still respond to that call, I think.
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shiny-jr · 6 months
you literally have me making heart eyes at vil with your latest post. I always look forward to your writings, and they've never failed to make me feel satisfied after reading them.
you don't have to, but if it's alright to ask, do you have any extra thoughts or headcannons regarding raven retainer!vil?
Damnation Vil? Let me think. There's not much I could think of off the top of my head, as with Riddle, I had to be more creative with Vil since the Queen of Hearts and the Evil Queen both had very little screentime in their respective animated movies. And even then, most scenes I couldn't derive a lot of inspiration for, because there wasn't much to work with in the first place.
Firstly, I think some people tend to forget how utterly charming Vil is. Think about it. He's an actor, he plays parts well, but also he's dearly loved by many for a reason. Which is why I wanted to incorporate a softer more flirtatious side to Vil, because let's be honest, he probably has the confidence to flirt more than other characters.
For his looks, it was difficult to find specific images that fit the picture I had in mind. So for references, I decided to look up images of the Evil Queen. One result was a limited edition doll that came up, with a beautifully designed outfit. So when writing, I would look at that for reference when describing Vil's outfits.
As for that intimidating fearsome factor of Vil, I thought of the Baroness from Cruella. She's very dramatic and confident, but selfish and demeaning, cruel and narcissistic. Some of those aspects I decided to think of when writing scenes in which Vil was supposed to be more cold.
One detail I obviously had to tweak was the relationship between Neige and Vil, as the Evil Queen is Snow White's step-mother. It was fairly simple, to make Vil the step-brother instead. It made more sense, and appeared more effective that way which helped play into Vil's issues with his worth and jealousy towards Neige. This also helped extend the plot a bit, creating a role for Epel that was not part of the movie.
I do think Vil would be an effective King, if he doesn't become distracted by his own efforts to best those he sees as competition, which is something I mention in the story itself.
Mithridatism. Look it up. It's mentioned in the story too. Vil definitely practices that, for very obvious reasons.
When Vil was still a prince becoming more and more bitter every passing day as he felt everyone loved Neige more than him, he would turn to the original retainer since they would never mention his step-brother (hence another hint he would pick up on when MC arrived).
It's not just that Raven!MC recognizes that Vil is beautiful, but also recognizes that he's a danger, realizing his abilities and determination. Which is what Vil would desire in someone, wishing for someone to amuse him, see him, and recognize NOT JUST his beauty but all his talents he wasn't recognized before Neige for.
Anyways, just thoughts.
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everwalldigan · 2 months
Anon is just misconstruing people taking the fact that dick wasn’t around a lot during Jason’s run as robin and extrapolating that jason had a reason to be bitter about it as maligning dick. NeverMind the way dick fans love to give him angst with the “my mom gave me robin” thing even though that’s like a thing that got added one time, and dick gave Jason robin in a box their first interaction post-crisis. And that that box was deliberately drawn exactly like and intended to evoke when dick gave Jason robin in a box pre-crisis, when Jason was about to debut his own costume and persona and dick went out of his way to ask Jason to be robin. Like okay either dick didn’t have any resentment that could be picked up on, voiced or not, about his mom giving him robin and Jason stealing it, or you’re making your fave a boring 20something who beatifically suffered in perfect silence while a teen trampled on the memory of their dead mom. Which is it.
Like there are out of universe reasons dick wasn’t around when Jason was robin, Jason only existed as robin so that dick could spend all his time with the Teen Titans and Batman could still have a robin, so Nw didn’t cross over into Batman and Robin much, he did it quite a few times after Jason died before Tim came, and Jason’s post crisis robin run was pretty short so there wasn’t time because a lot of the time happened in time skips, but it doesn’t change the fact that dick mentored Tim and wasn’t there for Jason, and that Jason was kept by Batmans side so usually in Gotham, occasionally with Batman when he was doing justice league stuff, joining the Teen Titans once to help when dick was in trouble, doesn’t compare to Tim’s heavy involvement with YJ and TT. Dick fans are just soooo sensitive they can’t handle someone looking at those canon dynamics and considering their possible emotional impact, justified or not, and they especially can’t handle a what-if that explores how it would be if dick were mean. Like if there people hate fandom and alternate characterizations so much they should just log off or stay out of the tag, and never read else-worlds either 🙄🙄🙄
Tbh (as a dick fan myself, I came into the fandom and imprinted on him like a baby duck) I think dick had all the reason to be a bitch to Bruce and by extension cold/standoffish to Jason. Is it a shitty thing to do that to a kid who just wanted to have a home? Yes it is but 1. I don’t think dick was really intending to hurt Jason, I think he was so hurt and angry by Bruce’s actions that he didn’t really think about the position Jason was in. And 2. I think he’s allowed to be flawed and that doesn’t take away from his character at all
This is exactly why I feel intimidated when trying to delve into the comics cause it’s like, whatever iteration you pick you’re never right and there’s always someone who’s gonna say “well I think that iteration is bad, the one I like is more true to the character” if that makes sense. Like I like the concept of Robin being smth dick created with the memories of his parents to help people while making his family’s colours a symbol of hope. And with that concept comes the hurt of being essentially fired from the position you created and then finding out your mentor had just handed over that symbol to someone he basically just met. Like I think dick obviously does have regrets with the way he treated Jason and I think that guilt would manifest into him investing more into a relationship with Tim and not letting history repeat itself.
But then again, I’m still quite new to the fandom which is why I mostly keep out of discussions and stay with silly parodies/scenarios so if I misconstrued any of the characters in a major way… my bad
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fallout-lou-begas · 4 months
On the one hand, it is absolutely a sign of the complexion of the dev team and of the times that FNV has little to no presence of real life Indigenous people. Not "tribals." Real Indigenous nations that live in that general area like the Mojave, Paiute, Apache etc. On the other hand, I think using groups like the great khans, the unnamed "tribal" from Hanlons stories, the zion tribes, as props to hammer in on US settler colonialism in general and of the actual US state of California in particular, is pretty clever. That is, these things can be shown to the player without using the pain of Indigenous peoples, their lives and their blood, as a way to carry that message. If the massacre at bitter springs had been of Apache it would be less effective and in very poor taste, in my opinion. I think overall the criticisms are still valid, but I think theres some interesting alternative interpretations. But on the other hand, the allegory falls apart because the khans AREN'T the victims of colonialism. In the first game and onward they are chattel slave owning rapists. They are more of a criminal gang than a distinct culture. And in FNV theres the suggestion that the khans are defending themselves and are victimized in the mold of Indigenous tribes which fought the US and attacked settlers. But in reality, they are objectively in the wrong when attacking the NCR (don't deserve to get massacred, but still), and the genre fiction of the whole thing breaks the metaphor. Like applying anti colonial rhetoric to the hells angels. Like how the allegory of ghouls as a marginalized group breaks down entirely with the introduction of feral ghouls in fallout 3. While some ghouls in prior entries might attack on sight, this was only if the player got close, and they weren't really a danger. So people having this hard on about hating ghouls in fallout 1 and 2 was meant as entirely illegitimate. That allegory doesn't work after f3 since we are meant to think that at any moment, for no known reason, they can turn into a cannibal corpse. The genre fiction of it all spoils the thing. anyway, read cadillac desert.
this is exactly what i mean by the "baggage" of fallout's depiction of "tribals" and even just the word "tribal" to describe its various disparate post-apocalyptic nomadic groups, because while they can be used as you say to brush up against indigenous identities allegorically, there is a very deafening silence coming from the lack of actual indigenous people as well. it can't help but imply that these fictional groups are 1:1 substitutes for the thing they're depicting allegorically, with a mixed degree of intention and success, because there's no counterbalance or counterexample to either contrast these allegories against reality or even further ground them in it.
you run up against this a lot in genre fiction. the X-Men, for example, have served as a clumsy allegory for marginalized identities and civil rights struggles for decades, with several mixed attempts to try to reconcile its fictional symbolism with acknowledgement of what's real and literal. my own personal bugbear is that while I absolutely love Jadzia Dax in Deep Space 9, I would have loved it even more if Jadzia was a real actual trans woman that Dax had implanted itself into, or even if Jadzia Dax at least had a regular mundane non-alien trans woman bestie to queen out and compare notes with.
and yeah, the whole thing about feral ghouls being completely hostile sight with zero alternative interaction potential (and the same goes for powder gangers as cartoonishly evil victims of an empire's carceral justice system, and fiends as cartoonishly evil drug addicts, and...) is that videos games are constantly trying to stage endless combat encounters for gameplay reasons while also not making the player feel bad about slaughtering endless combat participants for narrative reasons. (and the powder gangers are only shoot on sight if you get vilified by them, but the first non-tutorial quest in the game is either helping them kill everybody in the town that just saved your life because they're harboring the guy they tried to mug, or...stopping them from doing that by killing them instead).
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anon because im on the wrong blog rn but i wanted to say i really enjoyed your witness analysis post. i havent really seen many comparisons about the colonisation aspect of what the witness does (though to be fair, im not really in touch with fandom). so it was nice to these themes touched on especially so eloquently !
Greetings anon!!!
Thank you so much for the kind message!! I deeply appreciate your words as the Witness is a character that is extremely close to me, quite literally being one of my favorite characters in media ever and someone who revolves in my head like a rotisserie chicken 24/7!!!
I truly believe that if you don’t see the content you desire in the world, you should go out and make it, so when I didn’t see mountains of the most bitter vitriol towards the Witness, I knew I had a job to do!
I’ve been left to pick up the pieces of the Witness’ long legacy of reducing my people and culture to what is “palatable and profitable”, my family has a prophecy (a destiny if you will) that I will form my own Witness in this life to enact an ideology and force that idea on me, I was once a precursor who raged against a silent god by abandoning my self, I’ve met many disciples of the Witness in my life and many more victims of it. This character has been so firmly tied to my life that I just had to share my perspective with the world in an attempt to make people understand just how important the lessons we can learn from it are!! I could talk about the Witness for eons!!!
There has been a lot of Witness works ( fanfiction, memes, art work, etc.) produced and a lot of it has been absolutely phenomenal work!! They are all clearly created by people who have a deep affection for the character that clearly shows in their fantastic pieces and I truly love that, but a lot of what I saw left me feeling restless because none of it (from what I’ve seen) truly tapped into the absolute nightmarish nature of what this entity has brought down on civilizations. I really wanted to bring in another voice on this character because I couldn’t be moved so deeply by its defeat and sit still on it!!
Again, if no one is making the content you would like to see, make it! That’s actually the biggest reason why I started making posts for this blog, I wanted to help others see that there is much more to talk about when it comes to the Witness than its philosophical views on reality and it’s big eyes (as well as not keeping my trillions of thoughts in my head).
To me, characters as awful as it should always have their victims struggles voiced first and foremost and the Witness is much bigger than itself for it has forced its necrotizing fingers into the lives of everyone in the Destiny universe.
The story and focus will never be on the Witness for me, it will always be on its victims and their recovery.
I think about how I struggle to find traditional names for my heritage because everyone has a name from the beliefs of our imperialists instead of the victims they forced to be remembered as necessary casualties on a path to “civilization and salvation” and I am putting the Witness through a million glass tables.
I think about how all I know of my relatives who were born not that long ago was that they were only allowed to be “field workers and strong believers “ and here comes a massive anvil over its head.
Speaking on this matter, I am still working on a small thought dump on how Rhulk is a prime example of someone who sheds their cultural and personal ties to go from victim to perpetrator and it’s been hard!!
In all honesty, it has really taken an emotional and mental toll on me for how deep it cuts and how much of it reminds me of all that could of have been in the lives of so many if they weren’t groomed into believing that the only way to get justice for their lives (lives affected by the conditions the ideological groomers use to be opportunistic) is to take on a position where they are a subjugator, not the subjugated.
It’s very painful to write about and Rhulk as a character makes the very core of my being ache as every time I read Shattered Suns, I have to sit back and clench my fists at the invasive, predatory behavior the Witness displays towards Lubraens. Those same words it coerces Rhulk with are the same ones that resulted in hollow people in my life who were prideful in turning their backs on their cultural ways and community if it meant gaining the security and sense of righteousness the oppressors offered. The Witness preyed on Rhulk and turned him into something truly awful, something I see so often that I cannot stand by and not say anything on it.
I wish to see Rhulk content that does not focus on him just being a devoted disciple of the Witness or some super strong villain who’s cool, I really want to see more content touching on what happened to make him fall so far into the Witness’ clutches and views him as the victim he is! I want to make content that shows how REPUGNANT their relationship is and how Rhulk is an example of the need to provide preventative community and understanding to those vulnerable to ideological grooming, especially in our modern era where harmful beliefs are ever present and looking to find people to sustain them!
This is getting very long, but in essence, thank you! Thank you so much anon for your words!!
I truly believe in the importance of POC voices, especially black voices, in fandom spaces as we have been left out of a lot of discussions that have heavy implicit (and explicit) ties to race and culture when it comes to sci-fi and fantasy settings! We get strength from community and understanding, it is how we can better make fandom spaces comfortable for all!! By giving my views on the Witness and its ills, I wish to help the Destiny fandom understand some of the ties it has to real life issues and hope that it helps people be more conscious of the teachings in media they invest in!
It was so nice to see people contribute to my Witness post with their own connections or point out connections other people have made like with evangelicalism and Polish fascism. I’m very glad many people can unite on the fact that the Witness is abominable and that we can face irl Witnesses by defeating ignorance hand in hand!! My understanding and beliefs are always evolving with new information and I’m always happy to grow alongside others!
Just remember guys, make the content you want to see in life and if you are a POC, voicing your discomfort or offering your perspective on matters discussed in sci-fi and fantasy settings is essential to getting proper representation in media that is done with nuance and respect as well as help both audiences and writers craft better narratives!!!
And trust me, the Witness (especially the behaviors it displays towards Rhulk and it’s other victims) makes me deeply, deeply,
I will never forgive the Witness for all it has done and I never want to see it pleased with its work EVER. The only redeeming I want to hear about the Witness is how it can redeem this coupon for my fist in its face, free of charge, guaranteed by me, filled with the force of all my relatives who did not live long enough to see that they could have always mattered in this world.
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litrumi · 4 months
"A Drop of Light in the Night" (Catnap X Dogday): Beginner's Overview
I might as well make some sort of pin-able post for my profile for any fresh faces. Goose morning/aftermoose/ewening, I'm Litrumi. Or I guess "HeroicRumi" too, but only for Wattpad. The title you see above is the name for my fanfic (<- hyper linked to those words) and is my current project as a budding writer trying to figure out how to write.
Anyway, it's time to explain my first ever Smiling Critters story involving my favorite duo fixation right now. Currently termed the "Understand Me AU" but that might not be all there is to it...
In essence, this story is about a lonely Catnap, trying to find his place in the world. Notably, these are the cartoon variations of the characters (as the world setting is basically like the cartoon itself, too), but BEAR IN MIND that all depictions of these characters are 18+ (but the stuff involved is "not 18+" if you know what I'm saying. It's JUST hand holding, hugs, and kisses around these parts). I don't care one eeny weeny tiny bit about the "actual lore" and refuse to acknowledge any of the non-adult characters or their spirits or whatever the heck- from the game. I'm forming a wholesome and dramatic narrative based on concepts that I personally like, so I'm picking and choosing what I want to be in my story. With me so far?
Putting that aside, all you need to know is that Catnap is seen as "mysterious and creepy." All of the other Smiling Critters are simply off-put with him because they think he's too "scary and dangerous." But truth be told, Catnap has never done anything to actually make them think all of this in the first place. In fact, he's tried time and time again to be a "good friend," whatever that means, since it's not something he knows about for sure. Yet, none of the others are willing to give him a chance at all. Not to mention, they hardly understand anything he says. You see, when Catnap speaks, the way that he talks is just too "intricate and complicated." He uses too many big words that basically confuse the heck out of everyone. It's hard for any of them to really know what he's thinking. No matter what he does, all seems hopeless for the poor cat...
Well, things WOULD be hopeless if there wasn't a certain canine leader that hangs out with him every so often. Dogday tries to include him at every turn, and he tries to get the others to believe that the feline isn't so bad. He's the only one who trusts Catnap, being the only one to give him his attention at any time of day.
One night, Catnap expresses his bitter feelings of being such an outcast of the group. He tells Dogday that he just wishes he could be "normal" like everyone else. The dog thinks for a moment, wondering what options there were. Then, an idea strikes. "Why don't I help you?" The dog asks of the purple critter.
...And the rest is history.
-Starting Characterization-
(s.) Catnap:
-He's seen as "mysterious and creepy" but the truth is, he's JUST misunderstood, he never asked to be hated or feared: ->He actually just really wants to be everyone's friend!
-Starts off in the story with complex language one might expect of another intelligent critter (*Cough* Bubba. But honestly he might give Bubba a run for his money on being "smart"). Gets lessons from Dogday on "how to talk like everyone else."
-He's actually very observant since he doesn't have many "friends." He watches the other critters play and get to know each other better, all the time. So he knows a little about them, but nothing really on a personal level.
-The only person he trusts the most is Dogday, seeing as he's the only one he gets to talk to on a regular basis.
-He does HAVE the red smoke ability, but... For some reason, he really really REALLY hates the idea of using it. He's not entirely sure why. (But his own "dreams" leave much to be desired).
-He wants to be able to see himself as a real member of the Smiling Critters, being a good and normal friend just like all the rest of them. (But for the time being, he has a ways to go).
-He's very logical. A "clever cat" if you will. But he proves to be someone who actually "overthinks" at the best of times.
-He doesn't really understand emotions, or rather, other people's emotions. He might not even understand his own as he hides them from others, feeling that he would just be a burden to them otherwise. He feels like everything "has to make sense" in one way or another. But he has a lot to learn about his "own feelings."
-Has his own history that he can hardly recall.
-"Admires" how amazing Dogday is, seeing as he wishes he could act more like the canine than himself.
Example Quote(s):
"It feels a tad wrong to forgo vernacular in favor of time efficiency and risk a chance of misunderstanding."
Correcting himself: "It feels... bad... to... um... not say... what I really mean...?"
(s.) Dogday:
-The leader of the Smiling Critters (naturally).
-He's practically already friends with everyone. But he can't wait to help Catnap feel included as someone who could also be friends with "everyone."
-A headstrong, optimistic softie with a big heart. He has a great intuition when it comes to resolving emotional conflicts and fixing friendly relationships, but he’s still naive and he might not really think things through at the best of times...
-He's actually EXTREMELY good at understanding others' emotions, having experience with so many different individuals across the board. But in turn, he himself can be quite the emotional sap. He hides it from the others, feeling that his feelings would be troublesome. But if there's anyone he does show them to, even if unintentionally, it's around his best friend.
-More than anything, he wants to be there for Catnap, who he can tell is struggling with a lot that he's been keeping to himself.
-He might actually have a few things he still has to learn for himself, but he's usually not his own priority. Typically, he puts others before himself. (He's a huge people pleaser).
-Easily impressed with any new thing he learns about Catnap. He may even aspire to be like the cat in some ways.
-He may already know a few things that Catnap hasn't realized... (Usually does not forget past memories).
-Potentially "already reeled in."
Example Quote(s):
"Yeah, because they all make me happy! Especially when I see them happy! Same goes for you, ya know! I really like seeing you too, Catnap!"
"I hope you can still rely on me... I'll be super happy whenever you can do whatever it is you wanna do on your own... but if you ever need help, I'm not going anywhere else any time soon."
== Characterization Over ==
That's all you gotta know as a first-timer who hasn't looked into the story yet! If there's anything to know about ME, well... I don't do "simple."
I'm always extra. Always. And if you think you've already got my story figured out... GUESS AGAIN. (I hope you didn't, at least-). After all, the goal is a heart-filled story with romance but also drama and unexpected detours! I can't give out happiness like it's candy!
If you take an interest in the story, then thank you so-so-so much! I know that the way I'm writing the characters is so much more different than all the other really cool and interesting ways I've seen others use them, but I'm still happy with what I have (and you never know... I just said I'm "extra"). For now, at least. I'd also be willing to clear up any confusions, should they arise, as long as it doesn't spoil anything.
And will edit various things as needed.
Take care!
New hyperlinks for relevant stuff:
Ability Compendium |
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nightghoul381 · 7 months
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Dark If ~ Jude Jazza
This a fan translation so it is definitely not 100% accurate. I do not own anything related to Ikemen Villains. Support Cybird by buying their amazing stories!
Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Bitter End | Premium End | Epilogue
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Victor: “Miss Kate. With your hands, create the happiest ending. —Come now, let’s go to the distorted fairy world.”
I woke up in a luxurious castle room.
(Oh…right, I’m the ‘princess’ of this country.)
(…huh? Why do I have such memories?)
Gradually memories of growing up as a princess of this country come back.
(It’s like I have two memories, one of being in this world all the time, and the other of coming from another world.)
However, it was strange feeling that I was sure that both were ‘me’.
King: “…Have you awoken, Kate?”
Kate: “Father, good morning.”
After knocking, Father comes into the room with a worried look on his face.
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King: “When I think that there are only a few months left until that damn wizard’s prophecy… I feel like I have to make sure you’re okay every morning.”
I was born as a princess of this country, and I have lived my life as if I were locked up in a castle, in a box so to speak.
The reason is—because I’m cursed.
The wizard who placed the curse said, “Ten years from now, she will be pricked by the needle of a spinning wheel, and the curse will be activated.”
--it seems like he just explained that and went back to his castle deep in the mountains.
My father and mother collected spinning wheels from all over the country and threw most of them away.
The people who run the spinning industry gather in state-run factories to work, and aren’t allowed to come near me.
(But… my father and mother don’t know why I was cursed.)
Kate: “Why doesn’t anyone know why I was cursed…?”
King: “…You got into a fight with me that night, and you snuck out of the castle. Then, you lost consciousness and collapsed in a back alley.”
King: “By the time you were brought to the castle and show to the royal doctor, you had already been cursed.”
King: “The wizard who was with me at the time confessed. He had cursed you…!”
(Ah…that’s right. But I also don’t remember anything before I collapsed in the back alley.)
(At that time, I was supposed to be meeting that person…why?)
Maybe it’s because my memories of living in this world remain so vividly,
It’s hard to accept the logic that I wandered into this world from England.
(Well, there’s no point in thinking about it now.)
Kate: “If the curse was activated, I would fall into a 100-year sleep… right?”
I mumbled, relying on my memory, and my father nodded again with tears in his eyes.
(The cursed spinning wheel… The world I have wandered into is surly the story of ‘Thorn Princess’)
(If I had to follow the plot of the story, it might be better to follow the curse and fall asleep…)
The man who called himself Victor said that this was a distorted fairy world where there was something missing.
If I fall asleep before I find it, I won’t be able to search for what’s missing for another 100 years.
(First of all, I need to either break the curse or get the deadline extended!)
Kate: “I’m going to ask the wizard if he can lift the curse.”
King: “W-what?! I-I’m not going to allow that!!”
Kate: “I don’t mind if I go with an escort.”
King: “The guards are too afraid to go near him! We’ve sent several assassins, but they all came back in a miserable state…!”
Kate: “Then I’ll go alone. I’ll be okay, with my experience as a post man I can tell a dangerous place by its smell.”
King: “Postman? Oh, h-hey, wait--!”
Leaving my panicking father behind at the castle, I came to an old castle deep in the mountains.
(Come to think of it… I’ve never tried this method in this world.)
(Maybe my father was overprotective and wanted to keep me in a box.)
(The curse itself… for some reason, I didn’t think it was scary.)
Strangely enough, I didn’t think falling into a 100 year slumber was such a bad thing, and I didn’t feel the need to try very hard to solve it.
(I wonder why--)
There were no gatekeepers in the thorn-covered castle. In fact, there was no one at all.
The atmosphere is very much like a villain’s lair, and I have to swallow back the fear that shows on my face.
Kate: “Excuse me, Post…no wait, I came to ask you to lift the curse.”
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Tall young man: “…Good evening.”
Kate: “Whaaa!?”
Tall young man: “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you upset… are you okay?”
Thorn Ellis: “I’m Ellis. I’m the assistant of the owner of this mansion.”
Thorn Ellis: “Like a thorn, I’m basically supposed to drive away guests.”
(After coming this far, I can’t afford to be turned away…)
Kate: “My name is Kate. I came here because I really wanted to meet the owner of this mansion.”
Thorn Ellis: “Huh…Okay.”
Kate: “Uh!? Is that okay!?”
Thorn Ellis: “Yeah. If you’ve come this far and it makes you happy.”
(If it’s okay… I wonder if the security of the castle is okay…)
Thorn Ellis: “Yeah, but he’ll be in a bad mood without an appointment. Be careful.”
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Ellis: “Jude, customer.”
Jude the Wizard: “Tch… I told you to turn away uninvited guests at the gate, how many times do I have to tell you?”
Jude the Wizard: “Drive them away by punishing them or hurting them—”
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Jude the Wizard: “--…!”
Jude, as the man with the sinister eyes is called,
As soon as he looked up from the book he was reading and caught sight of me, his eyes widened.
Jude the Wizard: “You…”
(Do you know me…? Well, then)
Kate: “You’re the wizard who put the curse on me, aren’t you?”
Kate: “I’m sorry for barging in on you so suddenly. I came to ask if you could lift the curse.”
Jude the Wizard: “…Ah?”
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Jude’s expression became severely distorted at my request.
The obvious discomfort almost makes me flinch, but I can’t back down now.
Kate: “I don’t mind if you just extend the deadline a little!”
Kate: “If I find what I’m looking for, you can curse me again.”
Jude: “…”
Kate: “If you could give me a reprieve, I’d do anything in return.”
Jude the Wizard: “…Huh, anything?”
Jude the Wizard: “If you do, you’ll have to work here as a slave.”
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His cruel smile sent a shiver down my spine.
Jude got up from the couch and walked over to me, my body tense with nervousness.
Jude the Wizard: “Just as well, I was planning on pricking you with a spinning wheel on your birthday.”
Jude the Wizard: “Saves me the trouble of having to go all the way out there.”
Kate: “...gh”
I felt a sense of danger as his hand reached out to me, and I immediately stepped back, but…
I noticed that Ellis was standing right behind me and there was no way I was getting past him.
Kate: “Father won’t stay silent…!”
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Jude the Wizard: “Hah, no matter how many incompetent soldiers an incompetent king sends in, it won’t change. Let’s just kill you and be done with it.”
Kate: “Uh…!?”
Long fingers wrap around my neck and tighten slightly. He pulls out a collar from somewhere and fastens it around my neck.
Jude the Wizard: “Now I can blow your head off whenever I want, right?”
Jude the Wizard: “By the time they get here it’ll be too late princess.”
Jude the Wizard: “I won’t let you go back to the castle. You will stay here and be cursed.”
(I may have made the wrong choice.)
My regrets were in vain, and I remained under house arrest in the castle for several dozen days--.
Life in this castle has reluctantly become a daily routine.
Kate: “Again….!?”
Thorn Ellis: “Yeah, sorry Miss Kate.”
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Jude the Wizard: “There’s no need for a freeloading slave to complain.”
People with growing grudges came rushing in—this seemed to be the daily routine for Jude and his friends.
(However, with just one look from Jude, that man’s body was electrocuted and blown away,)
(Most of them will take revenge in an instant…)
Man falling down: “Ugh…”
Jude the Wizard: “Had enough already? What happened to all that bravado you came in with?”
There is not a day that goes by without blood spray flying around the castle.
And as a ‘slave’ I wasn’t asked to clean up the mess for some reason.
I was just told to stay in my room.
Kate: “I’ve been wondering for a long time… why is there so much resentment?”
Thorn Ellis: “Just because you say you’re a wizard, people will try to kill you.”
Jude the Wizard: “She may be the princess but she doesn’t know anything about this country. She’s been living in a box.”
I feel uncomfortable when people laugh at me.
Kate: “Isn’t it partly because of your personality? You hurt him so terribly.”
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Jude the Wizard: “You’re a slave and you’re lecturing your master. You’ve got some nerve.”
Jude the Wizard: “If you want to be punished, I’ll do it whenever you want.”
He hooked his fingers in my collar and pulled me closer.
When those sadistic amethyst eyes stare at me from such a close distance—I feel strangely disturbed and unsettled.
Kate: “…That’s okay!”
I flicked away his hand and retreated to my room.
(I need to look back at that man and somehow get him to extend the curse’s deadline.)
Above all—being looked down upon was irritating.
This castle has a huge collection of books.
During the day, Jude, despite being stabbed and injured, makes deals with some shady merchants and collects books and materials.
At night, he often holed up in his study.
Kate: “Mr. Jude, what on earth are you doing in your study?”
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Thorn Ellis: “I’m not allowed to enter, so I don’t know the details, but… he’s conducting an investigation to fulfill a promise he made a long time ago.”
Kate: “I see…The library isn’t off-limits though, right?”
Thorn Ellis: “Yeah, I haven’t been told anything, so I think you can do whatever you want.”
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Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Bitter End | Premium End | Epilogue
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Oyasumi Nakigoe, Sayonara Utahime
(CreepHyp, 2013)
In which I present to you a song that has not at all been stated/hinted on by Gege in his work with regards to Utahime nor Gojo (nor anyone really), but surprisingly perfectly encapsulates gojohime of JJK.
I saw tweets about this, and I thought I'd give the song a listen. (It's a banger, btw.) And woah...the lyrics are just...woah.
This is an attempt to explain the canon gojohime relationship dynamics through this song (with HC based on canon since Gege could only tell so much, and this is merely a miniscule dot of the whole story of JJK...still, it's fun to do).
NOTE: This post is in no way trying to impose itself as canon because I am not Gege. I repeat: I am not Gege. The song is just...well, interesting.
For the purpose of discussion, I will be retaining some Romanji instead of using the literal English translation.
Uta = Song
Utahime (Uta + Hime) = Singing Princess / Diva
GoUta (For Japanese) = 5 + Song
First Verse
Good-bye, Utahime
This is the last song, right?
I really love your song
Again tonight, Utahime, you're so beautiful
I really love you
I will be deliberately skipping this verse for this discussion/analysis (might include this in the next post).
The lyrics start strong though, immediately conveying the speaker's feelings towards "Utahime".
One interesting detail to note is the amount of times the name "Utahime" and the word "uta" is mentioned in this uta.
Another interesting detail to note in JJK canon is the amount of times Gojo has mentioned Utahime's name EVEN as he was talking to Utahime herself or talking about Utahime. It is also canon that Utahime is the only person Gojo calls by her first name without honorifics besides his classmates and his students. (Panda is unfortunately following suit.)
Second Verse
Good-bye, Utahime
Are you going to give an encore?
Since it's up to you, probably not
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According to Gege, Gojo honestly thinks that their banter is just that..."banter". (Meanwhile, Utahime absolutely hates Gojo. The reason being? ...) Despite this, it has been shown how Gojo tiptoes around his interactions with Utahime. He even calls her "scary", whether it be a joke or not or both. (Note: In JJK 0, Gojo notes how "women sure are scary/scary" in reference to Rika. Just a random, completely unrelated fun tidbit.)
If that's the case, Utahime, how about some alcohol?
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Even though I'm a lightweight
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It is canon that Gojo accompanies Shoko (+ Ijichi and Nanami?) to drink regularly (although Gojo orders other sweet drinks instead). It is also well-established that Shoko and Utahime are good friends.
It is also canon that Utahime loves beer and is a bad drunk while Gojo doesn't and is a lightweight. At the same time, Gojo prefers sweets while Utahime dislikes it. Gojo's sweet tooth extends to his drinks as seen by him adding sugar cubes to his coffee during his call with Utahime. It is also implied that Utahime prefers other bitter drinks such as tea, which she serves Gojo during the Goodwill Event. It is interesting to note that Gojo accepts this drink.
The song begins with the first verse, giving a gist of the canon relationship dynamics Gojo and Utahime have, especially during Season 1 of the Goodwill Event.
Singing, singing
But you were crying, weren't you?
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Crying, crying
[Gojo, I wasn't...!]
I didn't even realize it
Gege initially wanted Utahime to belt out and do some karaoke as part of her CT. (Although, this might still happen in the future.) If it's also not obvious enough...I mean, her name literally translates to song.
What I do want to focus on is aside from the established fact that Utahime was/is a scaredy cat and a scream queen, Gojo sincerely thought that Utahime would be crying in this scene. This is either because: 1) Utahime is weak and the weak cry easily, or 2) Utahime is also...a cry baby.
Judging by what we know of both Gojo and Utahime, the idea that we can lean on is that Utahime does cry easily, irregardless of her being weak.
WHICH is interesting...considering of how much emphasis Gege has put on Utahime's expressions during the Shibuya Incident where Utahime looked like she's just about to cry any minute but never does. Even with the recent arc, Utahime looks quite...sad. Whenever the students are brought up in the equation, Utahime always has the same sad look on her face. But she was never shown to cry actual tears.
This verse opens up to Season 2 and its iconic "You cryin'?" scene. Utahime even attempts to insist that she wasn't crying (such a cutie sore loser lol). We will see the changes in Utahime in the last chorus.
Third Verse
Just for now, Utahime, can we start over?
I've also grown up a lot and thus have gotten pretty sentimental
Over 12 years worth of memories...both have grown a lot. Gojo himself has been quite sentimental as established by his own Blue Spring arc where his own youth was lost from him. Whereas the year prior to the current arc, he had to kill his one and only best friend.
I BELIEVE just as much as Gojo wishes to be given back his own youth, he is a realist and protecting the current youth is his priority. He wants to start anew, to look forward to the future (re: Give it Back, Special MV).
With regards to Utahime...
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Utahime is someone who has never left and never changed with regards to her relationship with Gojo. She is a constant in his life as he is hers. But this dynamic also means that there exists a constant barrier and distance between them. Gojo is, in canon, a constant source of stress in her life.
But does that mean Gojo doesn't try just a little bit at least?
I would say so...as Gojo's infinity is almost always ON except in certain situations (Gege did encourage us to play detective).
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Whether or not Gojo's infinity was actually off here is still a ???, which is fair! since the other contenders (Yaga, Nanami, and Itakugi) were in actual PHYSICAL contact with him. Utahime is the only one at a considerable distance. Again, that distance.
His infinity being OFF here could mean a proof of wordless trust and sense of safety.
His infinity being ON here could mean a sense of hesitation and wariness despite the trust he places on her for helping him out with the mole.
Either way, it's a distance that Utahime doesn't dare overstep, but instead retorts with the usual reaction that has been automatic for her and for both of them.
It's also a distance that Gojo doesn't dare take another step forward to because she doesn't. He has first-hand experience of trusting someone too much and then getting betrayed, after-all. Although he tries...only to an extent, though.
HOWEVER STILL, in order to actually take a step forward, it's necessary to start fresh and start over, which is hard when it's automatic and has been a habit of over a decade. Not only that, as per the MechaMiwa panel, is it actually worth it?
[Why can't they just get along?]
[They must get it from you, Utahime.]
[You're the only one I have a problem with!]
You always do whatever you want
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It has been quite established in both the anime and manga that nothing (not her scarred face, her "gutlessness", her being weak and a semi-first grade sorcerer despite years, her CT that takes time, her being in close proximity with Gakuganji who directly answers to the higher-ups, not Mei Mei, not even Gojo, etc.), absolutely nothing stops Utahime from doing what she believes she should do. Utahime always does whatever she wants. We see it when Utahime goes to check-up on Miwa (despite knowing she doesn't have to) and when Utahime rushes to protect Miwa (despite knowing she shouldn't).
(((Funnily enough, I did not plan for this discussion to follow the flow of the manga/anime, but it does. So here we are...)))
Utagoe, utagoe
But you were crying, weren't you?
Nakigoe, nakigoe
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I didn't even realize it
[A look back to the chorus]
I believe that it has been established quite enough in the manga/anime that Gojo's quite a self-aware person. He's in tune with his feelings, thoughts, capabilities, etc. He is also quite aware about others' but still acts accordingly because he's Gojo.
Despite this, as stated in the Second Verse discussion and canon, he's not aware of what Utahime actually feels about him (perhaps because Utahime herself is in the forbidden zone?). Gojo doesn't realize that Utahime, in fact, hates him even though every time he strikes a conversation with her, he always seems to check up on her emotions.
[Are you mad?]
[I'm not mad, actually.]
[Are you crying?]
[I'm not crying!]
It's some sort of confusion, isn't it? Befitting emotion from someone who sees himself as "the honoured one" and who thinks differently from the rest, yet is still human.
If it isn't clear enough, this song is definitely from Gojo Satoru's POV.
(a literal bridge to both POV)
The last 4 beats, your mouth moves
The last 4 beats, you sing
The least 4 beats, your feelings move
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At this point, the bridge seems to capture the panel beforehand. Words, gestures, dance, music — all leading up to the four beats of Goodbye.
The number 4 is also quite relevant. In Japanese, it's an omen for death after-all. However, what comes after 4 is just as relevant (*ehem* 5 *ehem*). (4 is also relevant for Akina Nakamori. That's for another post, maybe.)
Final Chorus => JJK 223 + Utahime's CT
Singing, singing
But you were crying all along, weren't you?
Nothing, nothing
I didn't even realize it
Uta's CT is related to music and includes chants...thus, singing, singing.
Note that as of JJK234 and Gojo's unsealing, Utahime has not explicitly spoken a single word in the panels...thus, nothing, nothing.
[But you were crying all along, weren't you?]
[...I didn't even realize it.]
It'll be quite interesting to see a circle back to the first scene of young Gojo and Utahime at the near end of the manga.
Based on the song used to interpret canon (skipping the first verse), doesn't this actually convey Gojo's thoughts and feelings towards Utahime? A person he cannot convince, a teacher who loves drinking, a senpai who sings and cries, an accomplice who does whatever she wants, a sorceror who executes her CT through words and feelings, and a woman who he expects to bid farewell...
Yet he's the one bidding Sayonara, Utahime despite not knowing how she actually feels on 12/24.
Enter Utahime's CT: Solo Forbidden Zone, Akina Nakamori and Kinku...I might create a separate post for this, but I will end it with these lyrics from Kinku that ties well with Oyasumi Nakigoe, Sayonara Utahime:
You plan on making me say goodbye
But that’s advice I just can’t take
This confusion is love, isn’t it?
Soon I’ll be in the forbidden zone
Utahime is good-natured and yet stubborn. She tries her best despite all the odds stacked against her. She also loves and is loved by her students. That's quite easy enough to see in canon, right?
At the same time, Utahime hates Gojo...just as much as she is his Accomplice (re: JJK Chapter 63 title). For someone who seems so stringent with rules and doing things the "proper" way (confusion with Mei Mei's promotion proposal and CT which requires to commit to ALL steps), Utahime plays along with Gojo's baseball game (for the students, yes, but mainly for her, let's be honest here...she's the one into it the most), Utahime partners with Gojo to find the mole BEHIND the other superiors' back (for the students' safety), and Utahime aids Gojo in his most important fight despite the death of the higher-ups (for the youth and for the future of JJK).
She says one thing but does another. Love is confusion, isn't it? [Not saying anything romantic here. I'll leave it up to you all.]
[If a sorcerer asks another sorceror for help, it basically means, "Please, risk your life with me."]
Can't wait for Ch. 235 and the rest to come!
(have had this on my drafts for a while)
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mister-eames · 6 months
I read your old post wondering if Eames and Arthur had attempted that first failed inception together, and I like that thought very much!
Arthur and Eames are 2 people who both love dreamsharing, but their approaches are completely different. I see Eames as being an artist, while Arthur is more attuned to the scientific aspects of it, so I can see how that failure could serve as evidence to shape Arthur's opinion so firmly in the realm of impossibility. Probably the reason it didn't take is what had Arthur make the exemple about elephants. Eames on the other hand still believed it was possible but they just needed a different approach, and when Arthur dismissed it (probably with a list of logical reasons) he got labeled as a stick in the mud with no imagination.
I do wonder if the idea simply didn't take despite them making everything right or if something more happened. It seems more likely, at least in the realm of this headcanon, that the whole thing devolved into a mess, not necessarily because of any real mistake on their part but because of circumstances, or the very nature of the job or of the idea they needed to plant. It would give them lots to argue and blame each other about.
I actually headcanon that the 2 of them were very close at the time, like not necessarily together but friends with benefits on the cusp of being something more, but they both let their tempers loose and said cruel things they didn't really mean and needed some time apart to cool off and reassess. And that's when Mal died and Arthur followed Cobb on the run, so they never really had a chance make up or even talk before they met again for yet another inception. Because Arthur did everything in his power to keep him out of it (either because not ready to face him or to protect him or both), and Eames was peeved and maybe a little jealous that Arthur decided to basically put his life aside for Cobb of all people.
Yes, I LOVE THIS so much!!! Eames seeing their failed inception as just having a set of wrong directions that can be re-routed and Arthur seeing it as empirical evidence of its impossibility -- you are a genius, gosh that's such a pleasing way of looking at it. I really like the idea that they did everything 'right' with the idea they had at the time and it didn't take as it just wasn't the right fit. The team wasn't the right fit, the idea and its execution just being slightly off.
And I can totally get on board with that headcanon! They were just about to [redacted] -- so much pining and longing because they were, ahem, [redacted] and were just about to dive right into each other, feeling like [redacted] [redacted] to the point it consumed them, and then there was pride. And then there was Mal. And then there was a total re-assessment and realignment of their world while still feeling so [redacted]. It absolutely lends itself to the bitter-sweetness these two have for each other. Love this so much, thank you for feeding me well with this!!!
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berylcups · 3 days
My favorite thing to do is smash my hyper fixations together.... So do you have any headcanons for a JJBA ( part 5 ) x splatoon au? :)
Another Splatoon lover Awww yeaaa! 😄 Funnily enough one of my first posts was a jjba/splatoon au but it hardly got any activity so I deleted it forever ago. But that means I can do a new one! 😄 for this one I did La Squadra. If this one does well, I’ll do a bucci gang one too!
La Squadra as Splatoon characters-
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CW: none!
Notes: I based each kit for each member based on their personality, stand abilities, and just their vibes. Not everyone’s kit is “balanced”, it’s probably going to be either OP, or ridiculously weak. 😅 so if you disagree with anything just take it with a grain of salt. Especially with Sorbet and Gelato! Regardless I hope you all enjoy! 💜 Beryl
Name: Risotto
Octo/squid: Octoling
Species: Day Octopus- this octopus is the best at camouflaging itself which would be a perfect representation for Metallicas invisibility.
Sub weapon: ink mines- these are helpful to have nearby in his blind spots while he camps out waiting for his opponent to come by. He’s a leader for the hitman team for a good reason. He’s always prepared for anything and thinks three steps ahead.
Main weapon: Grim Range Blaster- this thing is slow but packs a lethal punch. Risotto toyed around with Doppio but that was a special case. He doesn’t mess around when he’s going against a target. 1 hit kills are something super satisfying for this lethal minded Octoling.
Special weapon: wave breaker- this weeds out opponents that are close by. Just like If they are in his range he can cause some damage and track them through the magnetic fields.
Fav Ability: Respawn Punisher- just like when he’s fighting the boss, if he’s gonna get splatted and be punished for it he’s gonna take you down with him. He’s not afraid of the repercussions as long as his opponent gets punished too. He enjoys ninja squid too but he doesn’t move much so it would be a waste…
Fav mode: He would probably enjoy tower control the most. He could camp on the tower while his comrades kill those who even think about trying about putting a single grubby tentacle on Risotto’s precious tower.
Type of fighter: He’s your worst nightmare. He’s a camper. Where’s he hiding? Who knows? He could be protecting his base, in mid, or slinked his way into your base blasting you every time you respawn. At least he’s not one to squidbag
Name: Formaggio
Octo/squid: Inkling
Species: Southern Pygmy squid- The smallest squid known to man. He’s not ashamed of his size! It’s pretty obvious why he would be this type of squid. It’s hard to shoot a moving target that’s ridiculously small.
Sub weapon: curling bomb - to gtfo when things get hairy!
Main weapon: Sploosh-o-matic - short ranged, annoying to get splatted with, easy to use = perfect for Maggio!
Special weapon: Ultra Stamp - what's the best way to make your enemies feel even smaller by stomping them with a big ass hammer??? He’s going to spam this special like it’s going out of style so better find a way to out run him or know where to shoot his weak point while he's stomping around!
Fav Ability: last ditch effort- He’s laid back but hes no procrastinator. He’s going to fight to the bitter end. Last ditch effort is perfect for him to get the last laugh or die trying.
Fav mode: Rainmaker- this one is a little self explanatory. Rainmaker is like 1 big explosive football/soccer match! You can’t exactly pass the rainmaker like you can the ball in his favorite sport but he’s willing to adapt! Clam Blitz is another beloved mode of his, but Rainmaker is his number 1 love.
Type of fighter: Booyah spammer- He’s a great teammate and loves to cheer his teammates on…or does he just love screaming BOOYAH??? It’s a mixture of both. It can be annoying at times, but his enthusiasm and dedication is admirable.
Name: Illuso
Octo/squid: Octoling
Species: Mimic octopus- is it really a mirror or is that Octoling really good at mimicking your every move? This crafty octopus is a perfect representation of Illuso and his abilities.
Sub weapon: burst bomb - you cannot separate this bomb from the carbon roller, they are the perfect couple! Illuso thinks so too. He also loves the instant gratification of damaging you quickly.
Main weapon: Carbon Deco Roller - a super quick but low damage weapon that Illuso has perfected to a Tee. His MO isn’t to go in and charge directly at his enemy but to sneak up behind them and barrage them with multiple swings of the roller and to add some razzle dazzle, end it with a burst bomb.
Special weapon: big bubbler- he may not have the mirror world to rely on but he can use the big bubbler to only allow his ink inside…but it doesn’t stop others from coming inside to kick his octo-ass. I don’t think he was prepared for that situation… oh well! You can always respawn Lulu!
Fav Ability: Ninja Squid- this asshole loves sneaking up on a poor soul and bonking them on the head with his roller.
Fav mode: splatzone- he would like to guard an area and keep it under his team’s control. He’d like to keep it for himself…but he has no choice but to share.
Type of fighter: taunter- this dick squidbags after every kill. He loves getting his opponents heated up and too angry to play with a clear mind. Don’t let him get under your skin, splat him while he’s taunting your poor teammate! (And maybe one up his taunt with a better one )
Name: Pesci
Octo/squid: Octoling
Species: Dumbo octopus - Like Pesci its a little odd and not very threatening looking, but the both of them are very charming looking. (and adorable!) Don’t let that get you down Pesci, the Dumbo Octopus is a fan favorite among Cephalopod enthusiasts!
Sub weapon: torpedo bomb - Beach Boy is good at detecting nearby heartbeats, so a torpedo bomb would be good at sussing out if an enemy is nearby as well. Also, the fish shape of the bomb is just fitting for this fisherman!
Main weapon: Splatana- Variable in damage and swift, and it handles somewhat like a fishing rod… This would probably be the most fitting weapon for Pesci! He can swing vertically for a concentrated hit once his head is in the game, and he can spam it horizontally when hes panicking or trying to paint up the base. Very versatile for this critical thinker.
Special weapon: killer wail 5.1 - Pesci doesn’t have to worry about walls when using Beach Boy, and he won’t have to worry about again when he’s using his killer wail! It’s not as accurate as Beach Boy, but on the upside, it goes after more than one enemy. He’ll take that trade off for this situation!
Fav Ability: thermal ink- If his vertical swing doesn’t splat off his opponent he should be able to track them for a short while afterwards so he can hunt them back down. He thinks this is a pretty neat ability. He sure wishes he had this ability when he’s out at sea fishing. He wants to be able to track a rare fish that slips off his hook and get another chance.
Fav mode: Salmon Run- He’s Grizz’s Employee of the month ever since he started up his sketchy business! Theres nothing that Pesci loves more than taking out hordes of Salmonids and Striking down their King to receive a massive bounty of ...12 bronze scales. That doesn’t bother him because he’s all in for the grind!
Type of fighter: overfisher and supporter outside of salmon run- There’s no one better to take a shift on with than Pesci. You’ll make it to 999EVP and kill every King Salmonid/Triumvirate you encounter. Full Hazard will feel like a walk in the park.
Outside of Salmon Run hes a huge support- He mostly keeps track of the map and paints, and waits nearby and guards your super jump spot. He’ll even sacrifice himself for you if you’re being targeted when vulnerable either from super jumping, or using your special(ink jet, zipcaster)
Name: Prosciutto
Octo/squid: Octoling
Species: Deep sea Octopus- this octopus has a very long lifespan! They live up to 16-18 years. They are old as hell compared to most octopi species- they live roughly 1-5 years. Prosci would definitely be based off the longest living octopus species.
Sub weapon: toxic mist- Grateful Dead has toxic fog… it’s pretty self explanatory why this would be his sub weapon. The only downside is that there’s no geriatric opponents out on the battlefield.
Main weapon: Foil Squeezer - This would be a perfect weapon for all his needs. Good for inking and far ranged enough for shooting. He’s ready for any situation that comes his way. He’s not backing down!
Special weapon: Splatter Screen- his stand isn’t instantly deadly, but it weakens the literal life out of you. Splatter Screen would be perfect for his needs. Instead of aging you, disorienting you and losing your ability to hear properly and see colors is probably just as debilitating as becoming old. Once you're nice and weak he’s gonna blast you in the mantle!
Fav Ability: haunt- Anyone who splats him won’t be able to get to do it a second time. He likes having this ability so he can always have the last laugh.
Fav mode: Turf War (Splatfest) - He’s 100% dedicated to his team and won’t hold anything back to ensure their victory even if it means he has to respawn. He tends to focus more on getting kills but he doesn’t forget the main objective of the fight- CLAIMING TURF.
Type of fighter: try hard - He’s THAT kind of opponent. Y’know the one gets kills after kills? No matter how hard you try you can’t land a SINGLE HIT on them? That’s Prosciutto. You try match after match so you can just ONCE you can splat him. But…it never happens. 😞 you either rage quit or the stages changed. 😩
Name: Melone
Octo/squid: inkling
Species: gonatus onyx- one of the few squids that brood their eggs. This squid species is the most parental of its kind. Melone is always there to teach each offspring of baby face how to take someone out. This squid embodies him perfectly!
Sub weapon: Auto bomb- go baby face! Or…this auto bomb will do I guess. Go slowly chase down anyone who gets too close to Mel!
Main weapon: E-Liter- Melone doesn’t like to be deep in the action. He likes to work from a distance. What’s the best long ranged weapon for a long ranged stand user? An E-Liter of course! He can get kills all day long guarding base and working his way up as his team claims more turf. But…he might want to watch his back though. Some crafty inkling could slither on behind him and wipe him out. 🐍
Special weapon: super chump- he can’t bring in Baby Face but he can summon a horde of explosives instead. It’s not very accurate and they are easy to kill off but they make good distractions while he either retreats or charges up another shot.
Fav Ability: sub ink saver- he loves to depend on his auto bombs even if they don’t hit anyone. They at least ink up the place and look cute as they waddle towards you menacingly. He needs a lot of sub ink saver so he can throw out as many auto bombs as he can squeeze out in 3 minutes!
Fav mode: Tri Color (Defense)- There’s no way you’re getting the ultra signal. Not when there's a charger constantly defending it. Melone doesn't care about turf, his mind is only on the signal. As far as he’s concerned, it’s your problem to turf the rest of the place. I mean that’s good I think..? You can ink away while someone is guarding the ultra signal?
Type of fighter: Human/Inkling aimbot- may or may not be using an aimbot…he isn’t thankfully! But scarily enough his aim and reaction time is just that good. 😰 you definitely want him as a ally and not an opponent.
Name: Ghiaccio
Octo/squid: inkling
Species: humboldt squid- this is the most aggressive squid that nature has to offer…that we know of. It attacks divers and fishermen like the Red Devils that they are. They also inhabit icy cold waters. Angry and cold? If that doesn’t describe Ghia I don’t know what does!
Sub weapon: splash wall - White Album can nullify attacks by freezing the atmosphere around him but the best we can give him is a splash wall. (They always suck when I use them but they are nearly invincible when my opponents use them…talk about unfair 😩)
Main weapon: Octobrush - yeah he knows he’s a inkling and it’s an octobrush. He doesn’t care! It’s the perfect amount of speed and power for this aggressive inkling. He’s going to chase you down before you can even THINK about warning your teammates before he starts clapping cheeks with his brush.
Special weapon: kracken royale - Just like White Album, this special is invincible. BUT it doesn’t last long. So you need to pray to the cephalo-gods that you can out run him until he tuckers out. Then during that brief second of vulnerability then you have the upper hand on him.
Fav Ability: opening gambit- Ghia wastes no time when he has a mission to complete. He’s going to speed through the first 30 seconds of battle getting ahead of the opponent. Whether inking, splatting the enemy, or collecting clam shells he has to be faster than the enemy.
Fav mode: Clam Blitz - this would probably be his favorite mode. He’s quick and has a keen eye to grab as many clams as he can so he can bust down the enemy barrier. He’s also going to spam “This way!” aggressively for you to go to the enemy base and throw as many clams in as possible! If he could scream instead of gargle his voice you’d probably hear it all across inkopolis to Splatsville. 😬
Type of fighter: Try Hard/ Grudge holder - squidbag him and he’s going to make it HIS MISSION to splat you over and over again. And he will aggressively squidbag back harder and faster each and every time. 😰
Name: Sorbet
Octo/squid: inkling
Species: big fin squid - he looks like an intimidating man. A nightmare Inducing squid species would complement him as well.
Sub weapon: suction bomb- he loves destruction and the generous ink coverage
Main weapon: Wellstring V- he seems like another hitman who likes to work from a distance. There’s not much known about him so this is just my own self projections. 😅
Special weapon: triple ink strike- dropping massive bombs from a distance…good enough reason for him!
Fav Ability: ability doubler- he’s well known to be greedy so it’s likely this limited time ability would be his favorite! 😍 he wants as many abilities as he can get his tentacles on.
Fav mode: doesn’t care as long as he’s on the same team as Gelato
Type of fighter: match thrower by AFK (when not on the same team as Gelato)
Name: Gelato
Octo/squid: inkling
Species: promachoteuthis squid- another nightmare inducing squid… has a humanoid mouth. Gelato looks like a person that would bite someone unprovoked tbh 🤷🏻‍♀️
Sub weapon: fizzy bomb - this bomb is unpredictable. Just like him! Shake it a little or shake it a lot and watch it blow!
Main weapon: Tentabrella - He must protect Sorbet at all costs. So he’s gonna ignore the objective completely and protect Sorbet and shotgun blast away anyone who comes close by.
Special weapon: trizooka - more projectiles? He’s in love 😍 the more chaos he can create the better. 3 shots is very generous to him with his accuracy. That means 3 dead inklings/octolings…well until they respawn. But that just means he gets to use his special weapon again!
Fav Ability: object shredder - this guy is destructive. He has impulse to destroy whatever is in his way. Sprinklers, splash walls, barriers, etc… he’s going to break it!
Fav mode: doesn’t care as long as he’s on the same team as Sorbet
Type of fighter: match thrower by squid partying (if he’s not on the same team as Sorbet)
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