#but what I'm currently waiting on has been at the final ups place since Thursday or Friday morning
battywitch · 8 months
If I became ruler of the universe, the first unimportant thing I'd do is eliminate surepost. Or at least make it so things aren't marked as delivered but get a new designation. One that's actually true. Like "package turned over to usps for final delivery." Because that's what happens.
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pickledpascal · 10 months
Chapter Four: When the Day Met the Night
Warnings: slurs but mostly fluff somehow
Word Count: 2.5k
Bewitched Masterlist
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True to her word, Emily arrived by plane in Montana the following weekend. Well, it was actually Thursday morning but Emily had a few excused absences she could use up. Beau picked her up from the airport with coffee and a few different pastries from his new favorite café. All thanks to Kiera.
Emily sighed happily after her first sip. Beau got her a hot chocolate, something he hadn't tried before but thought it would be nice in the cold weather. He knew Emily drank coffee, occasionally, but didn't want to get her hooked at a young age. 
“Good?” Beau asked as he adjusted his hands on the steering wheel, glancing her way.
Emily nodded with a contented smile, keeping both hands on the warm cardboard cup. “It's so good. This the place you and Kiera met at?” She asked smugly. 
Beau rolled his eyes. She knew the answer. She just wanted him to admit it. “Yeah.” He said after a while. “But I stayed for the really good croissants and danishes.” 
“Sure,” Emily said, doubtful. “Totally not because there was a hot, tall goth girl with piercings and platform boots that only made her taller.” She teased with knowing eyes.
“Wait, how'd you know about the boots?” Beau blinked.
Emily smirked, “That was just a guess.” 
Beau let out a forced cough and looked away from Emily, turning the volume up on his radio. “Wow, that's—um—you like Taylor Swift, right? What's this song called?” He knew it was on a pop station but he couldn't recognize what song was playing. 
“Willow.” Emily stared at her father, amusement in her eyes. She'd never seen him quite like this before. Flustered. All because of a woman. A woman he hadn't known for that long.
The truck stopped just outside the Airstream. Beau helped Emily take out her luggage and put it inside his trailer with a small sigh. Thankfully the park he stayed in provided Wifi for all the guests. Emily had some homework she wanted to get done. It was last minute, especially after Midterms and everything were done. 
“I finally have some food and a working grill so I can make you dinner tonight instead of getting takeout or something.” Beau offered Emily as she came out of the Airstream, one of his blankets around her shoulders. 
Emily hummed in response as she sat next to Beau. “Burgers would be nice.” 
Beau wrapped an arm around Emily's shoulder and pulled her closer, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “Then burgers it'll be.” He leaned his head against hers. 
Having a simple moment like this made Beau's heart swell. It's been a while. A quiet, soft moment with Emily was few and far between these days. There was the part where they lived so far away and he couldn't travel too often as Sheriff. So he enjoyed it as best he could. Beau knew he would have to let go eventually. He just hoped it wouldn't be so soon. 
“You ever talk to mom about Kiera?” Emily asked softly, moving her head so it lay against Beau's shoulder. 
Beau shifted uncomfortably, pursing his lips. “Sometimes.” It's not that he still liked Carla, he just felt weird talking to a woman he used to love about a woman he currently has feelings for. “We're still… working out our relationship.” He wanted to stay friends, or friendly, with Carla for Emily. 
There was a moment where he thought he still loved her. 
But that was quickly shut down since Kiera came along. She was amazing, beautiful, nice—after he got to know her—and he fell for her. A little harder than he first expected but he couldn't exactly control it. What he was feeling. What he wanted to feel with Kiera. It was all so new yet familiar at the same time. 
His phone buzzed in his pocket. Beau grabbed it an looked at the caller ID. Kiera? He answered it, lifting the speaker to his ear. “Hey!”
“Yeah, hey!” Kiera's voice was harbored, breathing heavily. She was stressed, he could tell. “I'm really sorry to bother you right now but Dalia got in trouble at school—possible suspension or something—and I'm a little swamped at work right now. Would you mind going to the school for me?”
Beau blinked at her words. He knew Dalia was a handful but suspension, really? For a second grader? “Uh, yeah, sure. I'll be right there.” He glanced at Emily who was looking at him strangely. 
“Thank you!” Kiera sighed happily. “I'll see you after work.” He could imagine her shoulders slumped with relief. 
“Change of plans?” Emily asked as Beau hung up the phone. 
Beau shrugged apologetically. “Kiera's kid got in trouble at school,” He sighed and pressed a kiss to Emily's temple as he stood. “I gotta go get her.” 
Emily stood up as well. “If you're going, I'm going.”
Beau pursed his lips. It wasn't like he was taking Emily into a hornets nest but he wasn't completely sure what he was walking into—never was when it came to Dalia—and he wasn't sure he wanted Emily around for that. For a seven-year-old, Dalia was intense.
But he knew Emily was stubborn. Much like himself. Much like her mother. “Okay.” He said carefully. 
Emily and Beau arrived at the school. Beau parked his truck in the front, assuming that there was no need to find a space since they wouldn't be there too long. They walked into the front office where Beau did not see a certain dark-haired child clad in pastels waiting to be picked up. 
“Hi, um, I'm Beau Arlen and I'm here to pick up Dalia Styx.” Beau said to the lady at the front desk, his signature smile on his face.
The lady's eyes widened at the sight of him. “Right, Ms. Styx did say a Beau Arlen was coming,” She bit her lip as she looked down at her computer. “I didn't think she was telling the truth.” She whispered the last part but Beau could hear it. 
Everyone in Helena knew of Beau at this point. Whether that be because of the backpacker case he worked on with Cassie or any other, smaller case he worked on, it was nice to know he was known. Denise always said it was because he was the hot new Sheriff from Texas. That always made him flustered.
“Dalia is in the principal's office.” She explained as she adjusted her glasses. “I can show you the way.”
Beau glanced at Emily and nodded at the office lady. “Yeah, that'd be great.” He wondered what Dalia could've even done to end up in the principal's office. 
Beau and Emily were led into the office and down a few winding halls. How did the outside of the school look so small but this office was huge? They stopped at the end of the hall at a large wooden door, decorated a bit differently than the ones they passed. The hinges were brass at it had a large window in the middle that was covered by curtains on the other side. 
The office lady left as Beau opened the door. “Ah, Sheriff Arlen. Sit,” Said the principal—Mr. Pope. Beau saw the nameplate on his desk. “And you are?” His eyes shifted to Emily. 
“His daughter.” She responded, glancing to Dalia who sat in one of the two chairs in front of the principals desk. Her arms were crossed as she stared at the edge of the desk. 
Beau sat next to Dalia and pursed his lips. “Can you tell me what happened? Kiera wasn't too… descriptive on the phone.” He glanced at Dalia who seemed to be more regretful that she was caught.
Mr. Pope looked from Beau to Dalia. “Why don't you explain what happened?” 
Dalia pouted and rolled her eyes. “My classmate called my mommy a tranny so I called her a motherfucker.” Her eyes shined with pride and Beau had to resist the urge to laugh. “And then she told on me to the teacher. She said I said the B-word and I called her dumb because motherfucker doesn't start with b.” 
Mr. Pope looked from Dalia to Beau then up to Emily who was trying her best to suppress laughter. He narrowed his eyes at the teen. 
“Is suspension really necessary? From what she said, her classmate started it first.” Beau commented. He tried to reason. If anything, saying a slur should be enough reason to be suspended. 
Mr. Pope shook his head. “Dalia will be suspended for a week. Given that the holidays are soon, it'd give her more time for her to reflect on her actions.” 
“I won't.” Dalia smiled sweetly at her principal. “You're giving me more time to learn more from the books my mommy gets me. So thank you!” She jumped off her chair and slid her backpack on. She took Emily's hand and pulled her out of the office.
Beau watched and then turned to the principal. “We're gonna get her out of your hair so, um, bye.” He waved before he followed Dalia and Emily out of the school. 
He helped Dalia into the truck since she was weirdly short for someone related to Kiera. A woman so tall Beau questioned if she was taller than him some days, not that it'd matter. Or that he'd care. Alright, maybe he'd care a little. But not in the way that it emasculated him, no, he liked it. Liked it maybe a little too much. 
“You're really cool for a seven-year-old.” Emily said as Beau started to drive. She glanced back at Dalia through the rearview mirror.
Dalia shrugged. “My mom said I should just be myself and everyone would like me.” Her eyebrows furrowed. “At least, the people that mattered.”
Beau hummed as he looked at the center of his steering wheel, a fond look on his face. Kiera was so young and yet seemed so wise in the short time they'd known each other. Her life was tumultuous. He was starting to realize she needed to mature faster than he did. Faster than a lot of people he knew. And she wanted to give her daughter a semblance of a normal childhood, even with Dalia’s overactive imagination and strange interests. 
Dalia unbuckled herself as Beau parked his truck. She slammed open the door and ran up the porch. “I've been here before! I never knew you lived here.” She said excitedly. Beau cocked an eyebrow. “I wonder in the woods sometimes. I've seen this place, the pretty lights,” She looked up at the lights with wonder in her eyes. “The 1984 Airstream. The way it reflects the lights…” She hummed. 
Beau and Emily shared a look as they exited the truck. “You okay with staying here until your mom comes to pick you up, sweetheart?” Beau got on one knee to be level with Dalia.
“Yeah. You're gonna be my new dad soon anyway.” Dalia tilted her head, a crease between her eyebrows. The comment surprised Beau. “Actually, you'd be my first dad! Because my mommy wasn't ever really a daddy and I technically have two mommies. One who birthed me and the other who—” She stopped, looking up at Emily and Beau. They looked at her weirdly. “I know where babies come from. I read.”
Beau ruffled Dalia's hair with a big smile. “Yeah, I gathered that.”
“Mommy told me not to let a stranger touch my hair unless they ask.” Dalia pursed her lips in thought. “But you're not a stranger.”
“Dalia, do you wanna come read with me? I'm doing a book report on urban legends.” Emily suggested. She had a feeling Dalia would like it. 
Dalia grabbed Emily's hand and practically dragged her inside the Airstream. 
Beau watched and let out a sigh as the door closed. And locked. Okay. No disturbances. Beau sighed as he sat on his porch, clasping his hands between his knees. Dalia calling him dad, even if not completely, made Beau feel all kinds of things. Emily was the only child he wanted for a while. She was perfect. A handful still, even if she was just one girl. And then Kiera came into his life, inevitably bringing Dalia into it as well. 
She was a one-of-a-kind, that's for sure. A child whom her mother trusted so deeply that she would not get lost or killed in the woods, who stood up to people, and who knew a lot more than Beau could imagine. Maybe he did want more kids. Just Dalia. And her weird, dark, but fun, mind. 
Kiera walked up to Beau’s porch. He saw a retro-looking car next to his truck. It was painted black much like Kiera’s clothing choice.
“Thanks for getting Dalia,” Kiera smiled as she sat next to Beau, adjusting her coat. “What'd she do this time?” She asked with a small sigh. As if it was procedure at this point.
Beau bit the inside of his cheek, wrapping an arm around Kiera. “I don't think I'm at liberty to say.”
“That bad, huh?”
Beau shrugged. “Not exactly.” 
Kiera sighed and looked down at her knees. Her jaw was tightened and she was wringing her hands slightly. Beau was an oblivious man but was also observant. She was nervous. Second guessing herself. He had a clue as to why.
Beau held her closer, pressing a kiss to her cheek. “Dalia stood up for you. A kid called you something bad. You're raising her right. Standing up for those you love, isn't that something you'd do?” He smiled warmly at Kiera as he lifted a hand to her cheek. 
Kiera lifted her eyes to meet Beau’s and let out a small sigh. “Yeah. I just–” She glanced down. “I wonder if putting Dalia in a public school is the right thing. I wonder if… I'm doing this wrong. She's so much smarter than me,” Beau listened, deciding that's mostly what Kiera needed at the moment. “I'm autistic too. But a different kind. She's the smart kind of autistic that likes reading books and learning and recognizing patterns while I just obsess over The Cure and The Cramps and only like eating Mac and Cheese for weeks until I change my safe food to something else. Why do you think I only wear black? I do like black. But colors just feel wrong. The–The textures of it, it's different and it's like I'm the only one who can feel it. Scratchy, weird, ugh, I hate it.” She rolled her shoulders in disgust, scrunching up her face.
Beau frowned at Kiera. He hadn't known about this yet. Well, a little of it. Dalia had inadvertently told him she and Kiera were on the spectrum but he didn't know the extent of it. This wasn't something he could change but it was something he could accommodate in his life. 
Beau sighed and pursed his lips. “You're doing the best you can. Unfortunately, sometimes, that's all we can do.” He rubbed Kiera's shoulder. 
“Is that what you tell yourself or do you lose yourself in self-loathing too?” Kiera asked. 
Emily snickered from behind the pair. Kiera and Beau turned to look at her. “Sorry, just—uh, I'm Emily.” She stuck out her hand for Kiera to shake. 
Kiera stood and accepted the hand with a small smile. “I know.” 
“Woah, she is tall.” Emily said before she could think. 
Beau chuckled as he stood next to Kiera. Dalia came running out of the Airstream and immediately hugged Kiera's legs. 
Kiera brushed Dalia’s hair away from her face as she squatted down to talk with her. “You alright?” She asked softly.
“Uh-huh! Emily was talking to me about the Hull House mansion which is said to be one of the most haunted places in America!” Dalia said excitedly with a nod of her head. 
Kiera looked up at Emily who was a little too distracted in seeing if her nails were chipped. “Was it fun?”
“Yeah! And, Beau,” Dalia turned to the cowboy. “The wolves like you.” 
Beau cocked his head. “Uh, thanks?” 
“No problem!” Dalia grinned. 
“Look, sweetheart, we gotta go. I don't want to intrude on father-daughter time as much as I already have.” Kiera said apologetically, patting Dalia’s shoulder. 
Emily looked at Beau who appeared like a kicked puppy. “We're having burgers.” She said as nonchalantly as possible. 
“Yeah, uh–” Beau smiled nervously. He still wasn't good at this. Kiera never failed to make him feel so… so weird. In a good way. Like he was in middle school and had just mustered up enough courage to ask his crush to the homecoming dance. “W-Would you like to stay for dinner? We are having burgers. You like burgers right? Unless you hate burgers—oh, you hate burgers.” His shoulders slumped.
“No, I like burgers.” Kiera chuckled, an amused smile on her face as she looked at Beau and Emily. 
Beau perked up and then nodded. “Great!”
Kiera looked down at her daughter. “Do you wanna have dinner with Beau and Emily?” She asked softly.
“Are they bison burgers?” Dalia looked up at Beau. He shook his head. “Then yes!” 
Emily held out her hand for Dalia to take. “We can make the mixture. My dad taught me the perfect recipe.” Dalia quickly ran over and entered the Airstream with Emily.
“Why is bison a bad thing?” Beau asked curiously.
Kiera wet her lips and rubbed at her arms to keep warm. “Bison was traditionally hunted by Native Americans before white colonizers decided to kill bison for sport, effectively cutting off one of our sources for food,” She explained with a sigh, “Montana is one of the only places that still have wild bison. Very few. And they're sometimes killed for meat. Dalia has the moral compass of a saint. Most times. She doesn't like to eat bison. She doesn't like eating any meat unless she can be certain it died of natural causes. However, there are exceptions.” 
Beau hummed. That child did have the moral compass of a saint. Doing what needs to be done and showing mercy on animals who don't deserve it. That sounded saintly to him. 
“That why you asked her if she wanted to eat with us tonight?” Beau cocked his head, taking Kiera's hand. Her skin was cold and he knew he attracted warmth. 
Kiera hummed in response. “Yeah. And she's been craving my squash stew for weeks but I can never find the right ingredients around here. I thought she'd say no.” She admitted as her eyes found Beau's. “She likes you. A lot.” Beau pursed his lips. He'd only interacted with her twice. But he could tell it was the truth. “One day you might end up as her favorite person. Too bad it's been me all her life.” She teased softly. 
Beau nudged Kiera with his shoulder and then pulled her close. “Who's your favorite person?”
“Right now? You.” Kiera murmured as she pressed a kiss to Beau's cheek.
He swore if he would've died right then and there and would've been happy. 
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mandysblog85 · 2 months
President Biden Finally Dropping Out Of The Race
Written by: Amanda Diallo
Date: July 23, 2024
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After the June 27th debate, President Joe Biden took global backlash. The way he looked, talked, and walked on that stage was questioned. The debate was seen around the world. The morning after a few Congressmen were calling for him to drop out, followed by the media criticism. "It was so bad" and "It was hard to watch" from a few left-side media platforms. Even MSNBC and CNN were shocked by his debate performance.
That was almost a full month ago. After almost 40 democratic Representatives and a few from the Senate asked for him to drop out of the race.
Biden officially dropped out of the race on July 21st. Announcing the end of his Presidential campaign bid.
All eyes are on VP Kamala Harris right now. Biden has stepped aside, and while Harris will be choosing her replacement. He has endorsed Harris. Harris has been waiting for this moment for a long time.
Many in the media did say that by the end of the month, he would drop out. Well, it happened. The bombshell news hit the public as soon as Sunday afternoon.
Biden was already in bad shape. Even before the debate, but during debate night finally had everyone watching and they saw he was doing badly. He could barely put a sentence together, walking slowly, and couldn't even give an interview without stumbling. Recently claims he caught COVID-19. But the public knows there's something else going on with President Biden.
Personally, I'm glad he is stepping down. He should've never been in office in the first place. But He chose to run against Trump in 2020. Now I feel like this nation needs to hit the reset button.
Things were looking really bad while under Biden. A falling economy with high inflation, how he talks, stumbles, having trouble walking, and of course, his age became a huge concern. Even before he ran for President in 2020, his age was always a concern. He is currently 81 years old, which makes him the oldest President in American history. His mental acuity has been questioned more since the debate.
Now that Vice President Harris will be next up, will she be on the top of the ticket? Many are saying no. The Democrats don't have good choices this election year. First, it was about who would replace Biden? Now it's who would replace Harris as VP? Many on the left are still looking at Governors Gretchen Whitmer (MI) and Governor Gavin Newsom (CA) for the job. There were even rumors about former First Lady Michelle Obama running. This just comes to show that the left really has nothing to fall on. Their only hope is VP Harris. That's about it.
Meanwhile, Trump just wrapped up the RNC last Thursday and had a rally in Michigan on Saturday. After his assassination attempt on his life on the 13th, he seemed to be doing much better. He's more than ready to take back the White House and talks about unity in the nation. Both Trump and Senator JD Vance are ready to win and serve.
The left, on the other hand, is crumbling, and trying to fix what fell apart. The leader dropped out, and doesn't have a popular replacement and has to look for a replacement for VP. It's a mess on the left. It's not looking good.
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yuuana · 8 months
Music Monday #236: ATEEZ - Youth release: December 2023 genre: Kpop cw: violence, implied abuse, arson, flashing, unsteady cam
I did say I was going to keep featuring my best boys until they ran out of unit MVs, so if you're surprised I'm still on my ATINY bullshit, then shame on you, no cookies for you. XD
In the past, ATEEZ's members have often commented about how it's a shame ATINY don't get to hear Mingi singing more often, both because Mingi has a great voice and because singing makes Mingi so happy, but was something he'd thought he wouldn't be able to pursue after his voice dropped in puberty. As one of ATEEZ's main rappers, that is what audiences hear from him most often. And with him being paired with his BFF (and main vocalist) Yunho, it was initially expected that Yunho would lead the singing and Mingi would add some rapped verses here and there. Instead, Youth is the Mingi Show with Special Guest Yunho - Mingi does all the rapping (of course) and the larger share of the singing and while Yunho does have some lines to himself, mostly he turns up in the color lines, offering those high notes Mingi can't hit and harmonizing beautifully. And in my opinion, it's the perfect balance as Mingi's voice, especially when in the upper end of his range, infuses a certain wistful longing into a song about why being young isn't as easy as people think and the pressures of life, along with the importance of not facing it all alone.
This video, unlike the MV for IT's You, has a lot more storytelling elements to it. Of course there's still some amazing dance sequences, because Mingi and Yunho are both main dancers, but other than the few group dances, most of the scenes are dedicated to forwarding the story of the power of youth. It's was also mostly shot outside, in cold weather, so that final fire probably felt nice.
If it's been awhile since you last watched ATEEZ's Inception, now would probably be a good time to do that. Don't worry, I'll wait. ;)
Back? Good. While IT's You's callbacks were more in effect than story (since IT's You had very little actual story movement), Youth is much more direct - the scenes are unreal, of course, but still continue the story of Yunho's grief for his elder brother, killed in a horrible car crash, and Mingi's decidedly unhealthy home life. This makes a second suggestion that we're returning to the A 'verse close to the events of Inception, though of course even that is a bit of a herring - Inception is dream sequence upon dream sequence in the first place, with scenes mostly showing the members' backstories, twisted with grief, rather than current events. The "current" of Zero Fever part 1 is Hongjoong getting the team back together, but since the storytelling abruptly jumped to Z for part 2, what happens next is ... what we'll find out in the next major release, I suppose. ;)
THE WORLD EP.FIN: WILL continues to kick butt and now ATEEZ are making history as the first male kpop idol group to have stage time at Coachella. On my birthday. The universe is a cruel bastard. XD
Want to see Music Monday deep dives more often? Sponsor a song selection! For the low, low price of one (1) KoFi, I'll write up the song of your choice. ANY song of your choice. Yes, even that one that's been played to death. Yes, your obscure faves too. With sponsors, I can stop skipping weeks and falling further and further behind in the releases! Sponsor a current CB for the next open Music Monday slot or sponsor a throwback for a Thursday feature! But seriously, if you've been enjoying my selections and analyses, we (me and the foster kittens) would love a KoFi in thanks. DW | Twitter | Mastodon | Bluesky | Ko-fi | Patreon | Discord | Twitch
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chiffonfawn · 1 year
You Age, Whether You Like It Or Not
September 9th 2023
My birthdays always come off as bittersweet to me. Today is my nineteenth. To put it simply: I don't feel like I've done anything monumental enough to be one year away from my twenties. Nowhere is it written in the stars that you have to have something monumental accomplished by the time you're an adult- it's just a standard that I've set up to inevitably fail to reach. I'm nineteen. I've been breathing and laughing and crying for nineteen years. I am currently sitting on a bench at my favorite park that is located a few blocks away from my house that I find myself at often. Whether it be to meditate, clear my mind, or just walk down to to get in some exercise. Of course, at the moment, I'm here for reflective reasons. I need a minute. I just thought to myself- "I am nineteen years old." Nineteen feels like too much. Reading the number pierces my eyes. How have I managed to live for this long? It is all so confusing. This is the first birthday that has caught me off guard, that has hit me with the harsh reality that time is a green light that never turns red. Cars just speed through it with no destination. There is this bird that has been sitting on the top of the gazebo since I approached the park. That was about twenty-ish minutes ago, and it's still sitting up there. I wonder what it is waiting for. A call? A sign? Maybe something great. I'm waiting for something great too, bird.
Ever since 14 I've spent my birthdays mourning. I've spent them with a bitter taste in my mouth and my middle finger stuck up to where everyone can see it and mock my vulgarity. Out of the 365 (or 366) days that make up a year, my birthday has always been the day that I feel the least loved, like, people always deem your birthday as the day you deserve to be, or are supposed to be, shown the most love, but I've been shown more love on, say a random Thursday in May, than any birthday I've ever had. It's like, everyone knows it's my birthday, but they don't let that thought leave their mind. I'm not important enough for them to speak their wishes, whether genuine or not, into existence.
Back to the mourning, I always mourn the version of myself I leave behind. I mourn the skin I shed although it is a component of my evolution. I can no longer fit into the sweater I once wore for days on end, drenched in my scent and presence. In this case, eighteen year old me. I'm not eighteen anymore. So where did she go? Seventeen year old me? Sixteen year old me?
For the last few years, what I feel is that every birthday I'm introduced to a new version of myself that I'm going to watch grow and live alongside for the next year. I get attached to that girl, I get attached to my new identity. "I'm fifteen, I'm sixteen, I'm seventeen, etc." Then once the clock strikes midnight on September 9th, she's gone and replaced with someone I don't know yet. I'll eventually get used to her, but her predecessor suddenly vanished mid-air. It takes me by surprise although I know it is coming. Once the first of September hits I know I don't have much time.
The person I am today is made up of all the places I have been, all the ages I have been. I am thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, and eighteen year old me bundled up into one lost and confused young woman. I've just matured, grown, added another year under my belt. Who knows how many I have left.
Last night I felt the need to clean my room so eighteen year old me could go out on a clean state. Eighteen was more-so on the calmer side of these years. Let's hope nineteen follows the path of a lack of catastrophe.
I took my first deep breath of the day, staring down at the saturated green grass, it is hugging my right foot. I would lie down in it, but I don't know what's in there plus we have a snake problem in my neighborhood. This is the final year of my teenage girlhood. This is it. All I have known for the last seven years of my life. I'm not ready for my twenties. I've done nothing, as I've mentioned, to where I can consider myself nearing that age. I've barely done anything in my life but observe the world around me. Write about it, cry about it, dream about it. Have I even truly lived? Taken it all in? We're almost halfway through this disastrous decade. My name is still unknown and my ideas inhabit scattered sheets of loose leaf notebook paper.
I wonder what these birds chirping are saying to one another. And these cicadas. What qualifies as monumental in bird life? They have less opportunity than humans, so it shouldn't be too broad of an aspect. That bird is still sitting on top of the gazebo. It might leave when I leave. I'd take that as symbolism. For what exactly? I'm unsure. I typically dissect things and create my own metaphors out of pure delusion. I'll figure something out.
I don't know why this birthday is so startling to me. The hourglass is beginning to speed up. Why does it seem as if the minutes are ticking by faster? I just turned my calendar to September. By the time I even open my mouth it'll be November.
Sitting at this park has always been cathartic. Hardly anyone ever comes here, despite there being two houses and a subdivision within a close walking distance. The only time I ever encountered others frolicking around over here was when I came here to take my prom pictures back in April. It was a father, daughter, and their dog. The guy I went with joked that he could 1v1 the dog in a fight. We don't talk anymore.
If there's anything that has at least curved a slight smile on my face today, it's been my friend, Carlos. He is typically the first person who texts me happy birthday, or acknowledges it. Frankly, I feel like he's the only one who remembers the sole date: 9/9. It isn't hard to remember, I tell people, the month and the date are the same number. They still forget. Maybe it's just because I've always had a knack for remembering dates that it's hard for me to process the fact it's not everyone's strong suit.
Carlos means the world to me. I always wake up on the wrong side of the bed on my birthdays. I turned on my phone, vacant of any birthday wishes, and felt my mouth curve downwards. Then he texted me, like, right then and there, and it felt like the sun was shining right onto my skin- warm, captivating, bright, hopeful. Every time I've been feeling down today, I think about him and I suddenly don't see a problem with getting older as long as he's here with me. He's older than I am, so he honestly has it worse, haha. Just kidding if you see this, Carlos. I love you.
A little yellow butterfly just approached a strand of grass right beside me. It's the shade of yellow like, a sticky note. It's petite, almost moth-like. Butterflies are symbolic of optimism to me, of good fortune. The butterfly perched on the grass for a moment and then fluttered away, observing the nature around itself. Do butterflies have emotions? Are they captivated by nature's beauty? Do they know that they're beautiful? I love butterflies. It's over by the willow trees now.
My wish is that by the time I turn twenty that I will have made some sort of impact on this path I thread, or have something created that I feel is worthwhile. There are things I strive to complete, to see soar. Things I don't know how to set free. Maybe I'll find out. Maybe I'll know in 365 days.
I'll try not to stress about my age. By tomorrow I won't care, but while the spotlight shines on me, while the calendar reads September 9th, it's strenuous and nauseating. While I was getting ready this morning I looked into the mirror and could see the age piling up like dirt on my face. People always tell me I look way younger than I am, and I agree, but today...I just looked so...forlorn, as if I were harvested and hollowed. I didn't recognize myself. It could be a factor of my face being inflamed currently, who knows. I'll probably feel like myself again in a few weeks.
In all honestly, nothing much has changed. I'm still in the same skin, wearing the same clothes I've been wearing, listening to the same music I've been listening to, and still feeling tired. I feel better about myself than I did a year ago. I can look at my body without feeling as insecure. My skin shines in a way I don't think it has...ever. I'm not holding as many grudges, I feel at peace with myself, in a way, not in the way that I feel incomplete and unaccomplished, but like, with my teenage years. I feel at peace with the encounters and incidents I've faced.
Well the clouds will still turn gray and then white again. The earth will still spin around on it's axis. The bird is still sitting on top of the gazebo. We're both just going to keep on living until God calls us home, who knows when. In the meantime, I'll get to experience. I'll get to watch my 5-year old cousin grow and compose new songs on the piano. I'll get to wear new shoes and pick out fruit at the grocery store.
If I did anything monumental this past year, I grew. That's pretty important. Maybe I have just been impacting myself more than others. I want that to change.
Here's to nineteen,
0 notes
hobiwonder · 5 years
mission impossible | (m)
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Smut, crack.
Warnings: Oral, dirty talk, unprotected sex, overstimulation, slight degradation. dom/sub themes (jungkookie being a good boy and then... not so good lol)
Words: 9k+
Summary: When you find out that your groupmate is whoring it up on tinder instead of handing in his part of the project, you go on a mission to teach him a lesson. And maybe get him to finish his part.
A/N: hello!!!! thankyou all for waiting patiently. or maybe you’ve just forgotten about me lol. it’s been a while since i uploaded anything!!! I hope you enjoy this crack as much as I enjoyed writing fuckboy but still a movable baby!jungkook. please don't forget to tell me ur thoughts. feedback keeps me going :)
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If it was something strange, it would happen to you. You were not just saying that because of the hint of narcissism in your personality that made you think that everything was about you. Oh no. You never seem to catch a break these days. And quite honestly, you should’ve expected your dose of absurd to be handed to you soon. It had been a week too long without any fatuous incidents and/or people happening to you. Was this just a y/n thing? Was every girl with your name cursed? Maybe it had something to do with your astrological sign. That always seemed to be the explanation of a lot of your friends who did not want to admit to their faults that would land them in hot water. The usual “oh it’s because i’m insert-star-sign”. 
Were you really becoming that girl? Though it was hard to blame yourself for this one. Currently staring at your phone. More specifically, the defined abdominals of your group mate. A group mate who has not shown up to a single meeting. After a whole day of slaving away at your study desk, deleting and rewriting your discussion and evidential analysis to conclude whether or not it was a plausible inference that the movies, Whiplash and Black Swan were excellent cinematic representations of the ‘Obsessed Performer.’ 
Yeah. That was a mouthful. And you bet your right ass cheek that you were the only one out of yourself and Jungkook who had even watched the said movies. In the group of four, Jungkook and yourself were given the discussion and conclusion to write. The three of you who had been present at the initial group meeting had chosen your parts as was decided in the group chat prior. When all of you had received a text from Jungkook cancelling last minute, you’d snagged the conclusion as well as half of the discussion to write as just the conclusion would be a little too easy. And you had wrongfully assumed that your peer had been in some sort of ‘emergency’ since he always sounded like he was in a hurry to do something incredibly important. 
You’d pitied the seemingly sweet looking boy and told him that you’ll work together on the last two sections of the paper. And his bastard self had always been all smile emojis and ‘yes :)’ and just all around misleading. Sounding like he was diligently working on his part by himself and definitely will turn everything into you by Thursday. Thursday was yesterday and you had not received even a single message from Jungkook about where he was in terms of progress on the 1000 words he needed to write. Message after message, you weren’t even being left on read. And in concern you had messaged your group chat that maybe he was facing some real life crisis to be so MIA. Until this.
Until you had picked up your phone about half an hour ago to mindlessly scroll through your instagram feed and then in the last 10 minutes had decided to also go on to tinder just to humour yourself. You were well aware that tinder was a cesspit of weird and unhinged men who would only be a good enough to make a youtube video about or a horror story texted to your best friend. You were speaking from experience. Decent men on tinder was like finding a luxury vintage dress in half good condition at a thrift store. 
So when you’d swiped left for the 30th time - you’d finally come across the perfect face of someone very familiar. You’d almost swiped left on reflex before you’d brought the phone almost too close to see why the face looked so recognisable. Even without having actually ever met Jungkook face to face - apart from that first lecture - it was hard to miss that this definitely was him. Your mouth had fallen open, jaw just shy of touching your soft bedsheets. You’d found Jeon Jungkook on tinder. His perfectly coy smile staring right at you, the first few buttons of his black shirt open wide to capture your attention back to his smooth, muscular chest. Hastily dialling Momo’s number, you can barely contain your shock and anger and annoyance. All of it wrapped up in one powerful burst of dialogue that you subject Momo’s ears too.
“Bitch!!!” You can’t help screeching, mind boggled.
“What happened now? Jungkook finally reply to you?”
“No oh my god. I found his tinder. I found his tinder Mo. I found his tinder!” You were screaming again but you couldn’t help it. 
You were missing a Jeon Jungkook to rightfully scream at so poor Mom was bearing the brunt of your anger and maniacal laughter because your brain was having a hard time believing your luck.
 “Wait, seriously? Did you match him?” Oh wait. Of course. There was still another step.
Wordlessly you swipe right, hard skipping a few beats in anticipation. And when the screen shows that he swiped you right as well and that you could now message him, you’re laughing once more.
“So he did. Wow. What a piece of shit.” She’s also laughing albiet much more like a normal human being.
“I cannot believe this Mo. This fuckhead doesn’t read any of my messages for the last week and I find him matched to me on tinder?”
Just then, your phone vibrates. Telling Mo to hold on, you don’t want to believe that this is actually happening. You had just received a message from Jungkook. It had barely been a whole minute of you matching up with him on this app and he had already messaged you.
Jungkook: What has 36 teeth and holds back the Incredible Hulk? My zipper.
This must be a bad dream. Were the cameras of Punk going to start showing up form under your bed? Were you being punked? Not only was Jeon Jungkook just the worst partner out of all the group projects you had been in, he was most definitely a fuckboy. Who used terrible pick-up lines. Did he really not recognise you? Granted that your pictures were not the ones you had put up on facebook - it was still quite discernible that this was definitely you.
“Mo, he just sent me a horny pick-up line oh my god. I’m going to lose my mind.”
“Of course he did. I always thought he was a bit of a player. What did he say?”
When you read out the message, both of you are coughing from the laughter. This was too ridiculous and just very much like something that would happen to you. You had a group project due in less than two days and your group mate had turned out to be a bit of a horny bastard that was more concerned with getting his dick wet than messaging you back.
“You need to message him back, y/n. Pour the cold water on him already and tell him how badly he fucked up.”
“No way! I bet you he’s going to never message me back. At least on tinder i’m going to get a reply. Just how the hell do I ask him about the paper that he should’ve emailed me, like, yesterday? Ugh.”
“Just message him back, firstly. Or lose the only communication you just got. Do you know what dorm he’s in?”
“No idea.” Typing your reply and deleting it - much like your assessment that you were working hard on. Unlike him.
You:  Hulk always was my favourite Avenger :)
“You did not just say that! Grossssss.” Yeah. Humouring fuckboys was exclusively for post 6 tequila shots Y/n.
Chuckling at your own response, you’re trying to keep your cool while trying to keep Jungkook’s attention so he doesn’t stop messaging you.
“Mo, wait. I just had an idea.”
“Please, y/n, violence is not the answer.”
“I won’t hurt him you knob. Okay talk to you later!” Not a lot anyway.
“I’m telling the police I don’t know you if they come around tomorrow! Bye!”
Making a face at your phone for good measure - you go ahead with your plan. There was no way you were letting Jeon Jungkook get away that easily. You’d been working so hard this semester. Harder than you have ever tried and you would not let his sloppy self to bring down your grade on an assessment that was worth 40% of your grade. Nearly half. Neither did the people in your group deserved it.
“Just you wait, Jeon. I’m going to kick your horny ass.”
Jungkook: let my Hulk destroy any traces of bad fucks you’ve had.
Your eyes are almost bulging out of your head at his brashness. Did he really just ask you to fuck? This is the second thing he has said to you and it’s him asking to fuck you. You can’t believe how much of a textbook fuckboy he was. When you haven’t responded for a few minutes, you get another message form him.
Jungkook: if that was too forward ^-^
Jungkook: then what i said was a lie lol.
Jungkook: I'm probably the best fuck you’ll ever have.
You cannot believe your eyes. With each message, Jungkook is either confusing you or making you shake your head at how exactly like all the other boys on tinder he is. This was hands down, the longest conversation you have had with Jungkook directly. In the group chat he generally adressed everyone, shooting haphazard apologies right before meetings. Saying he would not be able to make it. It had frustrated you to no end as the date for submission got closer and closer. And to see him reply quicker than you, on tinder no less, was beyond infuriating. 
You: Well then. Prove it.
You: Where do you live?
You doubted that Jungkook would be reluctant to give you his address. That’s just not something you see happening. Maybe he preferred to go to the girl’s place? That wouldn’t matter to you either. Though convincing him to bring his laptop with him would be a challenge but you were fine to let him work on your own. There was no way you were letting him go without coughing up his part.
Jungkook: you sure?
You: wanna fuck. Hurry up.
Jungkook: you’re so sexy :)
You were going to literally lose it. Not sure why you were biting the inside of your cheek so hard to stop yourself from laughing at his messages. Jungkook was the epitome of a snapchat fuckboy. It was much more hilarious than you anticipated. You were expecting to be feeling the singular emotion of sheer hostility. But you were having too much fun with this. Especially when you weren’t going to actually fuck him but seeing how eager and self-assured he was, this was all the more pleasant. 
Jungkook texts you his address and you let him know that you’ll be there in around 20 minutes. He lived surprisingly close. Though him staying in an all male rich residential college was definitely not a surprise. Only kids with a lot of disposable income and no worries of being evicted avoided doing any actual school work. The rest of you were not privy to such luxury. The more you thought about it the more you knew how gratifying it will be to show up at Jeon Jungkook’s door with a pile of notes and your laptop. He was in for a treat.
Dressing in that one little black dress you had was only part of the plan. An attempt to fool him one last time before you handed him the checklist of what he had to do. You shrug on a large jean jacket that fell below your bottom to conceal your provocative dress, grab your bag after stuffing all the necessities and then set out the door. Dialling Momo’s number, you let her know where you will be incase anything happens. You could never be too careful.
“Yo, I’m going to Cornell college. Jungkook apparently lives there so I’m going to meet him.”
“Are you serious? He told you his address?!”
“Sure did.”
“I pray for his soul.”
“He made me suffer far longer! Whose side are you on, traitor?!”
“Yours but knowing you, he’s in for a LOT. Okay stay safe.”
“Yeah yeah. He needs to be safe not me.”
“Yeah that was what I was saying. Anywhore. have fun.”
The closer you get to the college, you are starting to hear loud music. Was this even allowed on colleges? Were there not any volume restrictions given what time it was and the fact that it was managed by onsite staff? Arriving on the level Jungkook told you his room was, 4th, the music is even more noticeable. The sign pointing to the common room was where most of the bass was coming from and you guess maybe there is a function going on. Though the closer you walk, you realise that this was not just any event. This was a party. The cracks in the door gave away to the activities happening inside the large hall. Deciding not to wait any longer, you text Jungkook again. Being as serious as you can be to get him to meet you outside instead of carrying your backpack with you inside.
You: I’m here to fuck, not party.
Jungkook: it’s a good party tho. We can slowly take it back to my room ;)
You: I’ll find someone else.
You hope he takes your bluff.
Jungkook: love it when you order me around baby.
Jungkook: don’t forget who’s in charge. Me.
You can’t help but roll your eyes, still smirking at your phone. No matter what your initial intentions were, you had to admit that playing with Jungkook was fun. He was unacceptably attractive and looked like the type of guy you would reduce to tears. But none of that tonight. You had to stay focused. You’re about to type another message to speed him up but he beats you to it. 
Jungkook: room is unlocked. go in. i’ll be there in a minute.
Letting out a whoosh of air you’d been holding, you head down the hall, further away from the heavy bass and the party music. Somewhat hesitantly, you open the door to the room number he gave you. Nothing out of the ordinary. His room wasn’t messy. It was tidy. No sign of books. Just a bunch of sketches and film negatives strewn about on his  study desk. Shamelessly, you snoop around, trying to find any evidence that he studies at all. So far, you’d only found an industry grade recording mic, two different types of cameras and some more unused camera reel. 
Getting out your notes and the checklist you were going to hand to Jungkook, you get everything ready for when Jungkook arrives. You were not going to let him get away with this. Just another minute later, you can hear the footsteps getting closer. And for a moment, so does your heartbeat. You were quite confident in yourself but there was always a chance that Jungkook was more than a harmless oversexed college boy. All of the very rational fears are thrown out the window, however, as soon as the black mop of hair comes into view. Jungkook was incredibly handsome. Even moreso than his pictures. His hair was longer than the last time you saw him months ago. The long strands of inky black hair fell endearingly in his face, just to the middle of his eyes, parted right in the middle and curling slightly. He wore a long sleeved shirt with hip-hugging jeans that almost made you drool visibly. The saliva was positively pooling in your mouth but you swallowed it quickly to avoid embarrassment. 
Now, you were angry. You really were. You needed this assessment finished so you could start on other projects and without Jungkook finishing up his part, there was no way you would have finished yours on time. But you would be a bold faced liar if you didn’t admit that you were oh so tempted to abandon your vendetta and not ride him like a bronco. You could tell that unfortunately, unlike other men who strutted about with empty words - Jungkook would be the best you would have in a while.
And when he smiles, it’s not any easier.
“Hey you.”
“Hi.” Desperately trying to keep your voice even, you smile coyly.
Jungkook locks the door, running a hand through his hair before he stalks towards you. Confident as ever. You bite your lip, baiting him even further before you strike. Just when he gets close enough to you, you hold out an arm to keep him from touching you.
“God, you’re even more sexy in person.”
“Uh-uh, be patient.” He’s blissfully unaware, just smirking in return as he watches your hands roam his chest before going up to his face. Taking a step closer to him, you rake your nails up his neck, leaving little white lines from the scratches. 
“Close your eyes, Jungkook.” Jungkook, ever the obedient boy, closes them quickly. Awaiting your next move.
You can’t help yourself when he looks like this. Completely immersed in the feel of your hands. He was a good few inches taller than you but your platformed sneakers made it easier for you to teach him a lesson. His dark eyelashes kissing the tops of his cheeks, face so relaxed you would think he’s sleeping. You deserved to play a little at least, right? Leaning forward, you stop with the internal rationalising and just make the move.
Your lips meet his in a fiery kiss. His stoic figure melting as soon as your lips lock, hands grabbing at your waist while his tongue grazes your bottom lip. Jungkook is moaning in the kiss like he’s taking his first gulp of water after roaming the desserts. Momentarily, you forget your purpose for even being here in the first place. Wrapping your hands in his tempting long tresses and pulling, making even more sweeter noises to spill past his lips. He’s panting and restless. Moving his body against yours like he’ll die without it. Moving him backwards, you push him agains his swivelling study chair that was conveniently faced the right way. 
His hands are all over you as soon as he’s down on the chair with your legs straddling his thighs on either side. All you can feel are his lips and his tongue and his hands. All over you, sliding your jacket off your shoulders to travel his kisses down another path. The desperate intake of oxygen is enough to bring your head back in the game, barely. With Jungkook nipping away at the now exposed skin of your shoulders and neck, it’s hard for you to stay focused. Especially when the hard tent in those sinfully tight jeans is now pushing against your softest part. He’s impossibly hard and you’re impossibly soft down there. It’s a lethal combination because neither of you can live without the other being pressed against each other. When you push down on him he pushes his hips up with even more ferocity, moaning louder with every illicit rub of the thickness between his thighs. 
You’re addicted to the feeling and not sure how you’ll centre yourself enough to do what you actually came to do. God was really making you eat your words, huh? You were so close to ripping all his clothes off and fucking his brains out. You bet he’ll make the prettiest sounds when you ride him. His whimpers and moans just from gyrating up against you were enough of an indication. Sliding your hands back up in his hair, you yank it back from your neck to see his sweaty, glistening face looking up at you. He looked slightly inebriated. You had tasted the traces of vodka in his kiss but you had a feeling that a lot of his current state had to do with you and not the liquor.
“Jungkook?” He shamelessly rut his hips against yours, not fully hearing you, lost in his own lusty haze.
“Yeah?” Your lips close around the soft cartilage of his earlobe, tugging and flicking with your tongue, illiciting more salacious noises out of him. 
“How’s the assignment coming along?” It takes him a few seconds to respond but the urgency with which he was pawing at you has slowed to a halt like a broken down car.
“Huh?” Pulling back completely, you stare him right in his twinkly eyes that look like a deer caught in the headlights.
“The paper you’re writing on modern cinema?”
“How... how do you know about that?” You smile at him sweetly. Before you flick him across his forehead.
“Ow! What the hell?”
“I should be saying that you harlot!”
“Harlot? really? You were all over me just now. You are all over me!” You’re surprised he knows the meaning of the medieval insult. 
“Don’t try and weasel out of this! I’ve been waiting for your finished part since yesterday!”
“Wait... you’re y/n, y/n?”
“Took you long enough.”
“With your tongue down my throat? I wonder why.” You cannot believe you are arguing with a boy whilst still in his lap with his hands holding on to your waist.
Jungkook is trying his hardest to deflect and make you seem like the desperate one when he had been the one to want to fuck you from the get go. Getting off his lap, you fix your dress, tugging it down a little since the assault from Jungkook had almost bared your ass. Jungkook is still sitting in his study chair, dumbfounded.
“Finish your part of the discussion Jungkook. I have to write the conclusion and submit the paper.”
He is still staring. And now your eyes are travelling down to his thighs. Particularly the large bulge a little further up. A very substantial bulge that makes your mouth water once more. 
“Sorry, what? I just had a dream that a crazy girl tried to get me to do my homework right before we were going to fuck.”
“Listen here you little shit,” You grab Jungkook’s chin, gently despite his theatrical reactions, tilting it up to look you in the eyes. His reactions are so comical you almost laugh. “I’ve worked too hard for you to just give me piss poor, last minute effort. I’m here until you finish it.”
“You cannot be serious.” Letting go of his chin, you step back, folding your arms against your chest for good measure. Raising an eyebrow for him to challenge you.
“You expect me to write a thousand something words with this,” He points between his legs, you roll your eyes, “still here? No way.”
“I don’t remember giving you a choice, pretty boy.”
“You think I’m pretty?” So pretty. But he didn’t need to know that. You swivel his chair around back to face his desk.
“Less talk and more work!”
“Y/n, you can’t- can’t make me!” He’s throwing his hands around like a child and it’s a little too cute for an annoying boy like him who’s put you through so much anxiety. Sitting on his bed, swinging your legs as your eyes look around at the paintings, you let him huff and puff.
“Oh yeah? Guess I’ll have to call the cops because of the weed you have.”
His nose scrunches up adorably. “I don’t have any weed.”
“But I do. Who will they believe?” His eyes widen once more as he realises what you’re saying.
“Are you seriously blackmailing me?” You nod, smiling brightly. Jungkook turns back around, head in his hands as he mutters to himself how his tinder hookups are always crazy.
“Hey! I wouldn’t be here if you did your work! or replied to any of my messages.”
“Um, I was going too? I was busy.”
“Taking vodka shots? Yeah I could tell.” The mention of the kiss is bringing a rosy flush to Jungkook’s cheeks. Such an uncharacteristic reaction for a guy with his looks and his confidence.
He was that much more appealing to you because of how he contradicted his own personality. You knew he was one of those boys who acted all tough but secretly wanted to be bossed around. Told to do this and that. Made uncomfortable and maybe slightly humiliated. They lived to please. And the way Jungkook had melted into your body almost as if asking for guidance earlier, you knew he was exactly like that. He may not even know it yet but you could have him in the palm of your hands in a matter of minutes.
“What do I get in return?” He’s still grunting his disapproval, but looking through the notes you put on his desk anyway.
“A good grade and a life longer than 22?”
“You’re crazy.”
“All the more reason for you to be quiet and work!” He pouts at you before quietly looking through the notes and logging into his laptop.
When you’re satisfied he’s actually working, you lay down on his bed, making yourself comfortable knowing that it will take him at least an hour to finish his part. You had practically handed him all the points, he just had to write his own opinion and synthesise the evidence you had collected. The part of discussion required each student in the group’s own thoughts and thus you couldn’t just make them up on Jungkook’s behalf. Nor did you want to. You were done doing two people’s work back in your freshman year. These were advanced level classes and you weren’t going to ruin your grade because of one person.
Thirty minutes later, you’re almost about to doze off when you see Jungkook getting up from his chair in your periphery. Sitting up in a flash - though a little dizzy - you point an accusatory finger at Jungkook. Said boy has stopped mid-standing up.
“Don’t you dare Jeon! Get back in that chair and finish your work.”
“Jesus.” He’s holding his head in his hands once more before he starts whining again. “Y/n, please. Can’t I just do this tomorrow and send it to you then?”
You think about it. You do. “And have you go off the face of the planet again? No way.”
“Please.” He drags out the syllables, pouting and blinking up at you and it almost works.
“No. Not a chance. Just finish it ASAP and I’ll edit it. But finish writing it. The sooner you’re done the quicker I’ll be out of your hair.”
He glares at you. And not the scary, tough man glare that might make you slightly nervous and fidgety that you’re getting on his nerves. It’s a glare a kid gives you when you tell them no more TV or no more xbox. It’s the most adorable thing you’ve seen Jungkook do tonight. Or maybe you’re just sleep deprived. Either way, you wanted to kiss the hell out of him. But you turn your head away, faux annoyance ebbed into your features as you wait for him to start writing again.
It works for another half hour, Jungkook now actually typing more than he’s complaining. It was only a thousand words that he had to write but there was a lot of information that needed to be condensed in those thousand words which meant he was typing and then deleting, repeating the process again and again until he looked to be halfway through. You were impressed at how much he was getting done. Maybe it was your watchful gaze that was making him perform at his peak. You were now just hoping that whatever he wrote was actually plausible and not just rubbish to get you out of his room.
“I can’t believe you’re making me work with a boner. You could’ve at least gotten me off.” His pout his still there as he types casually.
“Stop being a brat and keep working.” 
“Yeah? You’re going to make me write lines? ‘I am a brat’.” He chuckles to himself like he’s burnt you to a crisp with that one comment. 
Taking your hand off of your face, you sit up. You watch the way his biceps bulge under his shirt as he types away at his laptop, legs splayed wide under his desk as he supported a semi. It was still a sizeable dent but nowhere near as daunting looking as before. But none of that diminishes your desire for him. You watch him talk to himself quietly as he types, but now stuck somewhere as he types and deletes and then types a sentence again. 
You’re not sure what sets it off. Maybe it’s your frustration or that you think he owes you something more than just this. Maybe it’s the way he’s sitting? There are a lot of reasons you can use to justify your serious and formidable attraction to him. But you cannot deny that it was him from the get go. Just him in all his submissive glory that made you attracted to him. And that attraction was now getting the best of you. Maybe it was time to torture him in another way.
“No. I’ll do something much more to your liking.”
His head turns back around fast, fingers halting at his keyboard while he inspects the drunken look in your eyes. Slowly, you spread your legs, hands bracing yourself as they clutch the sheets on either side of you. Your heart is racing at the look in his own eyes. Primal and needy. 
“Get on your knees Jungkook.” His chest is rising and falling much quicker than yours. Like he’s holding himself back.
You patiently wait for him to listen to your instructions, watching him. Never breaking eye contact. You know it’s new to him. It’s too obvious for you to deny it. But you relish the look of surprise every time you say something he doesn’t expect. Slowly, get’s up from his chair. Never taking a step further as he drops to his knees, crawling forwards until he’s right infant of you. The room is not that big at all so it doesn’t take him long. Now, his wide, doe eyes look at you. Inquisitive and aroused and it turns you on even more. He’s all man with hard ridges and bulging muscles but the way he’s looking at you right now makes you feel like at the centre of his world.
“Are... are you going to- to make me eat your pussy?” the explicit question sends your nerve endings on fire. 
You’re a second away from grabbing his hair and shoving him right between your legs but the way his soft mouth says the dirty words - it makes you feel a very different kind of way. Now it’s you who can’t stop staring at him. Thinking about what else he has up his sleeves. You expected him to be vocal but never this. He is bold and shy all at the same time.
“Would you like that, Jungkook?” His eyes drop between your legs again, watching the way your panties cling to your increasingly wet folds.
Jungkook is moving between your legs more, eagerly nodding so the strands of his fringe rustle up and down in his face. His arms are going under your thighs, gropping them for good measure before he looks up at you with those eyes again.
“Please.” He’s almost whispering, longing lacing his every word. “Please, y/n. Please let me taste you. ‘wanna taste you.”
His words have turned into pleas and the pleas turn into kisses alongside your inner thighs and then any place Jungkook can get his lips and tongue on. Everything else is forgotten. It’s just you laying on his bed while Jungkook tries to get a taste of you anyway he can. His lips travel up to your covered mound, never daring to move the piece of fabric holding him back from his destination. Opting to only kiss over it, lick his way up your clit through the thin cotton that’s now moulding to your swollen folds.
“Do- do you deserve it, Jungkook? For putting me through so much h-headache? Oh.” Your moans accompany almost every word. Fingers laced into Jungkook’s luscious hair as he continues his hurried tasting of your arousal. 
His response is mumbled between your legs. You watch his veiny hands repeatedly grab at the flesh of your thighs. Kneading it desperately like he’s trying to distract himself from doing something else entirely. A yelp leaves his mouth at your tug on his hair. Pale skin covered in a thin sheen of sweat. He looks like an addict when he is looking at you like you’re giving him his fix and God, you want to kiss his swollen lips.
“Answer me, brat. Do you deserve anything from me?” 
“Right. Yet you’re still begging to taste me like the needy little slut you are. Hm?”
Jungkook is whimpering, his lids fluttering. He doesn’t expect the smack across his face, a little too hard for what you had originally aimed for. The surprise is evident and for a moment you’re worried he’s going to be upset. Instead, his breathing is picking up even further.
“Answer me when I speak to you.”
“Y-Yes... Noona.” The breath is almost sucked out of you at his timid tone. And it only makes you want to push him further.
“Good boy.” His eyes are lighting up at the praise like hundreds of little galaxies called them home.
Sliding down towards the edge of the bed, you let your legs hang off, letting your toes touch the floor. Jungkook is still on his knees, watching you manoeuvre yourself around his bed before you reach for the hem of your dress. Watching his every facial expression as you strip. He looks up at you wide-eyed, taking in your soaked underwear and the thin black bra where your nipples pointed right at him. You can see his hands twitch by his side. You’d pushed them off you when you’d changed your position and were surprised at how calm and obedient Jungkook was being. Contrast to how much of an argumentative brat he was. But you had a sneaking feeling that he liked it when you called him that.
You were trying to remain calm yourself. Not give too much away on the dilemma you held inside your head. Thinking if you should take this any further. Though it was a little too late now, you guess. You were practically naked, wetter than ever before as Jungkook watched you with his wide doe eyes. Hunger evident with every flit of his gaze. You would feel cruel if you stopped at this point. So you let the rational part of your brain take a backseat and letting the consequences of tonight berate you in the morning after. Sliding your palms down your stomach, straight inside your soaked panties, you stroke yourself ever so slowly. Holding his heated gaze with cloudy eyes.
“Noona...” It sends another jolt of arousal throughout your already overheated body. He’s biting his plump bottom lip, sliding his hand up and down carelessly on to his erection that had grown considerably in the past fifteen minutes. Jungkook looks like the embodiment of desperation and it makes you rub yourself a little faster. Every time your fingers come in contact with your sensitised clit, you bite the urge to buck your hips brazenly. 
“Yeah, baby? You want to see?” You hold out your wet fingers to him and in a flash, you feel his warm mouth around your digits. He moans loudly like he’s been relieved after years of drought.
“M-More. Please, Noona. I’ll do anything please, please.” Now that didn’t take long. Chuckling at his agonised face, you throw your head back, enjoying the relief your own fingers brought.
But you were torturing yourself too at this point. You wanted to replace your small fingers with Jungkook’s bigger and more vascular hands. You remember the view of his body from the glorified hookup app. Knew what he was hiding under the baggy shirt. The sweet whimpers and ‘please’ sounds coming from him were a delicacy on their own. 
“Take my panties off then. With your mouth. Don’t use your hands... or else.” Your tone is stern enough to give you that satisfying flash going through his eyes. 
In seconds, he’s leaning forward on his hands and knees, eyes never leaving yours as he bites the cotton on your hips, dragging it down. The act itself is a little clumsy. In his haste, Jungkook is taking twice as long should he use his hands. But something about his complete compliance, his willingness to be accepted by you and his utter devotion to pleasing you is the ultimately your undoing. This may be a power trip but you were thoroughly getting ruined during it. 
At last, the cotton has reached your ankles. Quickly, you shrug off your dress as well, completely naked. He’s placed small kisses in greetings before he takes them off completely. Out of breath and out of his mind. The glazed look has taken a permanent vacation in his eyes and you were getting high on it. Jungkook was a communicator. If it wasn’t his mouth relaying the naughty words to you then his eyes were holding yours hostage, smouldering.
Bracing your hands behind yourself and never breaking away from his eyes, your ankles part. Jungkook’s eyes are automatically falling on the mess between your legs but he doesn’t dare move. Awaiting your instructions. Jerking your chin towards his general direction, you silently bring his attention back to his overly dressed self.
“Lose the pants.” His hands make fast work of his jeans. Falling back on to the ground to push them off. 
“Uh-uh. Keep them on.” His eyes widen at your command to keep the underwear on. You weren’t about to just let him have it.
Not yet.
“Noona...” The high pitched noise of protest only makes your nostrils flare. You wanted to live out your every dirty fantasy with him if he sounded this sweet with just watching. The desire was making your head spin and your palms sweat. 
“Please... I’ll do anything.” His eyes twinkle in the dim light as he kneels infant of you. 
“I’ll eat you out for hours, let you sit on me face until I can’t breathe. Let you ride my tongue until you can’t cum anymore. Just please... fuck me.” The last two words leave him in such agony that for a second it truly sounds like he’s in pain. 
Which is ridiculous given the ted talk he just gave on the Perfect Words To Say to Ruin Y/N and Her Panties. You’re the one currently in pain from clenching your jaw so tight. Resolve like a skinny rubber band about to snap. Dirty talk was the chink in your armour. And by the way Jungkook’s face lit up and his words became a lot more sure and confident, you knew that he was weaponising his skill to control you fully. And you needed to put him in his place before you gave up your pride and rode him until you ran out of stamina or died from your body overheating. Whichever happened first. 
“Get up.” 
“Fuck yes-“ Jungkook’s blubbering about how you’re the hottest person he’s ever seen and that he knows he can blow your mind while you push him back on the bed and straddle his meaty thighs. When he begins to push down your panties, you push his hands off and rest them on his sides. 
“Keep them there or you won’t be coming. Understood?”
His curls bounce around his face as he nods, chest heaving when he looks at your hips move over the biggest bulge you’ve felt under you. You would’ve thought that he’d stuffed his underwear with socks if you couldn’t feel the burning heat his cock was pressing in to you, even through his boxers. Each roll of your hips pressed him to your every crevice like two puzzle pieces fitting in to complete the picture. 
“Oh fuck-... You feel so good noona. I-I’m going to cum if you keep going.” He’s resorted to use his hands at his sides to push him upwards, pressing himself with every gyrate of your hips downward on him.
“Yeah? you’re gunna cum from just this? Is noona making you feel really good?” 
Jungkook is lost in soaking up every sensation like a drunkard.  Gaze not leaving where your hips met. Furrowing his eyebrows in deep concentration as he thrust his hips up, rocking you off balance slightly. Your hands slide into his sweaty curls, pulling them hard enough to yank his beautiful face up and close to your own.
“Answer me what I ask you a question.” And he whines. Or moans.   Nevertheless it’s a lethal mixture of the two and you’re about to kiss him senseless.
“Yes. I-I feel really good. Noona is- oh fuck- g-gunna make me cum.”
“And are you going to?” He looks up at you nervously, trying to speaking amidst every roll of your flaming core onto his dick. It was getting harder and harder for you to speak as well. 
“Good. Because only good boys get to cum. Not needy sluts like you.” 
Now Jungkook whimpers like a wounded animal. Because you’ve upped the ante. Holding onto his shoulders while you grind down on his throbbing cock just the right angle so your clit is receiving the mind-numbingly pleasurable stimulation. You were going to cum any minute and it looked as if he was too.
“F-Fuck. I’m going to cum Jungkook. Your cock feels so good.”
“Noona please. Please s-stop. I-I’m going to cum-“
“That’s not my fucking problem. If you want me to fuck you then you better not. Understood?”
He looks utterly panicked. Torn between letting himself go to the unbelievable pleasure of this act alone and wanting to hold back and obey your every command. Jungkook’s lip is bitten red, chest heaving and eyes watering as he watches the erotic sight of your brazen bouncing on his lap. You’re putting on a show just to make it that much more difficult for him to hold back. But he somehow does. Watching your face contort with pleasure as your head is thrown back. Your moans are loud and lewd. Designed just to rile him up to the point of breaking.
“Oh god. I’m- I’m gunna cum baby.” With a shout, you’re riding out wave after wave of the liquid pleasure running through your veins like molten gold. 
It takes a solid minute for your eyes to focus on a singular object. Or a person. More specifically, an incredibly handsome,  glistening, starry eyed, muscular, put-micheal-angelo’s-david-to-shame, strikingly adorable man. Jungkook looked on the verge of losing his sanity. Yet, he didn’t stop watching you collect yourself, flicking the stray strands over your shoulder before you pressed your mouth to his.
You brought your mouth to his and kissed him hungrily. When your lips met, you heard him make a tiny sound. His body went rigid, and he wasn’t reciprocating. You think it might have been down to shock, though, because when your tongue slid past the seam of his lips, he opened them willingly and trembled against you.
Your fingers dug into his thighs, and he pulls you closer. You were on fire, felt like you were melting into him. Never before had a single kiss gotten you so worked up. She tasted like chocolate and strawberries. Jungkook rocked forward, and then you felt his tongue move expertly against yours. Of its own accord, a groan emanated from deep in your chest. When he brought his hands to your neck and massaged your throat, you whimper. He was hard as a rock and you finally wanted to reward him for holding out this long.
He’s chasing your lips when you break away, sliding his kisses down your neck as if breaking the contact will be fatal for him. “You did so good baby. Such a good boy.”
The praise seems to rejuvenate his body. Not that he needed to.  He was bursting at the seems with testosterone. The longer he went on without a release, the more unhinged Jungkook seemed. The incongruence of his raw masculinity with his alarmingly meek behaviour towards you was something you didn’t understand but it affected you the most. He surprised you with every move and you wanted nothing more than to own him completely. 
Jungkook makes a noise in his throat at the praise, sliding his hands down to caress the globes of your ass. “I’ve been a good boy. Now fuck me.”
His words are steady, deliberate and to the point. Scratch everything you said about Jungkook being meek. They send shudders down your spine where his hands reside. This was a man who looked on the verge of tearing something apart. And judging from the current situation, he was going to be tearing you apart. You’d let him, gladly. But being the cocktease you are- you push him even more.
“And if I don’t, little boy? Gunna beg?” A heartbeat later, you’re the one on the soft mattress and it’s Jungkook that’s hovering over you.
He shrugs nonchalantly. “Then I’ll fuck you noona.” 
You’re not too mad because you’re wetter than before and the change in his demeanour has you besides yourself with the need to feel him inside. Jungkook’s teeth are tugging on your hardened nipples. Circling them with his tongue before sucking the puffy buds tenderly. The pressure of his suction is so delicious that you might just cum from this. 
“God! Jungkook, b-baby please. Fuck your noona.” He grins around a nipple, hands sliding inside your soaked core.
“I don’t know. Maybe I should make you wait like you made me. Hm?”
“Don’t be a brat. I’ll stuff your mouth next time with a sock Jeon J- oh fuck!”
He’d slid down your body, his kissing every inch. Your stomach, your hip bones, your thighs.
“I’d rather it be your pussy.” He whispered, bringing his mouth to your wetness, and then licked.
“Ahhh,” you cried out, clutching a handful of his hair. Jungkook chuckled and went at you in earnest. You were so soft and silky beneath his tongue. He met your gaze from below and came up for air. Jungkook watched you for a second before dipping his wet mouth lower again. The noises of your arousal pornographic. He saw you fist the sheets in your hands, your hips rising up off the bed when he sucked your clit into his mouth and flicked it with his tongue. He added some fingers to the equation, savoring the hot, tight feel of you.
“Please,” you murmured. “More.”
So he gave you more. He gave you everything. Before he knew it, you were touching your breasts, pinching your nipples as he devoured you, and you swear you could have come from the sight of Jungkook between your legs alone. he was simply glorious. Your voice was starting to get hoarse. Getting close to the edge before Jungkook ripped his mouth away.
“No! Jungkook, please.” You’re frustrated and angry and horny that he would do that. Even if you did the same thing to him. 
He was testing you once again but the raw need in his eyes told you that you were testing him too. 
“I’ll fuck you now noona. Nice and good. You want this cock right?” He’s holding his straining erection heavily, sliding down his boxers to discard them besides his bed.
You moan out your answer, opening your legs wide in invitation.
“Just fuck me before I change my mind.”
“Yeah?” His tone is mocking. His eyes twinkling with a cheeky grin on his face. You almost get up to kiss him because he looked so fucking adorable and hot and sexy at the same time.
Thankfully - or not? - he’s pulling you to the edge of the bed and in seconds, he has pulled you close to his chest. He circles the engorged head of him in your slit before pushing in to the hilt in one thrust. The sheer girth of him has you yelping, needing to adjust to the length of him as well. But Jungkook doesn’t allow you the courtesy of that.
His legs are spread in a powerful stance as his hands grip your legs from behind the knees. And then he’s thrusting. He’s fucking into you so deep, you can feel him in your throat. You must look like a fish at this very moment with your mouth opening and closing without any real sound. He feels hot and thick, like molten lava in your veins. you’re finally finding your voice when angles his hips slightly to the left - biting a spot that has you blinking up at the ceiling full of stars. 
“Jungkook! Oh god. Oh f-fuck. You’re so good baby. S-So good.”
“Yeah? You like how deep I am in your pussy? Answer me noona.” He’s quickening his pace, snapping his hips punishingly making you release a guttural scream.
“I love it. So much.” 
You watch the sweat drip off his forehead, the dimples in his cheek now very prominent as his tongue peeks out the corner of his mouth. He’s a sight you want to imprint on the back of your eyelids. You can see his lose his resolve, the creases in his forehead slowly deepening as the pleasure becomes too much for him. 
“God you feel so wet and tight n-noona. You look so hot when you cum. I w-wanna make you squirt.”
Your eyes bulge out of your head at his admissions. It seems like he’s lost all his filter, chasing the mind numbing pleasure he felt earlier. His words are bringing you even closer to the edge and your throat now begs for relief when you  let out another yell as he pushes you up the bed while still fully seated inside you.
“I’m gunna cum noona. I j-just need to... to- I don’t. I don’t wanna h-hurt you-“ His sweet face is contorted with worry, still thrusting steadily. You finally understand his point after a few seconds. Taking you twice as long to comprehend anything with the plethora of feelings your body was feeling right now. 
Cupping his face, you told yours upwards to place a small kiss on his wet lips. “It’s okay baby. You won’t break me. Just let go.”
Jungkook’s eyes are glassy and he stares in yours for a moment too long because your heart is doing summersaults, heading straight for your mouth. Too much emotion crammed into his big eyes and you just wanted to strangely hug him close to your chest. This day has been strange enough - so you do. You Pull Jungkook close to you. His face tucks itself in the crevice of your neck, whining and moaning. His breath tickles and sends shivers down your spine. And then he circles his hips against yours. 
From the hard and deep fucking, Jungkook circles his hips into yours. Slowly at first, his pelvis rubbing against your clit in just the right way before he speeds up. His hands find their way down your back again, pushing your hips up into his own, making your centres feel everything. You can feel him in every fold of your core and it’s all too much.
“Oh god.” Your hands scratching down his back, head tilted back, legs closing around his waist tightly.
“That’s it noona. Cum for me. Please, please. ‘Wanna feel you around my cock. ‘Wanna feel y-your cunt devour me. Cum.”
You scream so loud that you can hear a ringing in your ears. Vision flashing white as the indescribable pleasure starts in the pit of your stomach and coarse through your limbs all the way to the tips of your fingers and toes. It’s all consuming and breathtaking. Unexpected.
“I-I can’t hold it anymore. Can I-“ You’re unable to speak.
Still reeling from your orgasm, twitching from the sensitivity, but you nod anyway. You wanted Jungkook to let go inside of you. Wanted to give him the same pleasure he gave you. He was incredibly ethereal atop you. You wanted to see him come undone. And Jungkook was too far gone to think twice before hitching one of your legs up, the other arm grabbing the headboard as he thrust up inside you once again.
“Fuck, yes. God, you’re so good you’re so good. I could fuck you forever noona.” 
His eyes are watering, tucking his face back into your neck again before he pistons his hips against yours rhythmically. The only sounds in the room being the tacky noise of skin slapping against skin, the obscene squelch from the steady arousal leaking between you both. You’re so delirious from the mix of pleasure and the deliciously addicting pain. AT some point, you’ve stopped screaming and only whimpers leave past your lips, legs falling lax around Jungkook and hands fisting the sheets.
“Cum Jungkook. P-Please baby. Cum for n-noona.”
“‘gunna cum. Am I good noona? your good boy?”
“You’re the best Jungkookie. Cum for your noona.”
“Fuck! Y/n, f-fuck.” He’s shouting something you can’t properly hear because of the ringing in your ears from your own release.  Filling you with his hot release. The intense pressure that had been building between you has snapped the frail rubber band in your stomach again. And seems like Jungkook’s had too.
Moments pass, both of you trying to suck in air like it’s the last supply available. Then, Jungkook’s flushed face appears in front of yours with his signature cheeky smirk. He’s glowing.
“You squirted.”
“Shut up!” Your ears must be the shade of a tomato now as you swat his back for the comment. He lays besides you, cuddling up to your side with his leg laying on top of yours. Clinging to you like a koala and it’s too damn adorable. Damn it. 
“It was hot. You’re amazing.” Your heart flutters a little too violently at that and you have to suck in another breathe, pulling the sheets off of him and completely bundling them on you.
“Hm? You’re going to finish that assessment.” You grin innocently at him and try your hardest to not start howling with laughter when you can see his face fall almost in slow motion.
“Are you serious?” You just sent him a kiss before settling in his bed for maybe a 12 hour nap. Just a tiny nap.
“I’ll give you head when you’re done. Be a good boy.”
With the most adorable pout you’ve ever seen on a grown man, you watch Jungkook pull up his boxers, stomping away to his study desk.
“Wake me up when you’re done Jungkookie.” Your sweet tone does little to get the pout off his face but he does smile the whole time he’s typing. 
Of course, not that he let you see that
a/n: liked it? hated it? let me know!!
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cognacsip · 3 years
Kenji Futakuchi is an underrated character and needs to be recognized.
**Disclaimer** The characters are NOT mine!!! The story, however, is mine. Given the context of the characters, the setting has changed to meet what I understand from a school setting. Accuracy is definitely flexible depending on experience. Let your imagination flow!
"My mom wanted to give this to your mom," he breaths, "I don't know what it is, but I don't want to carry this around all day."
Aggravatingly accepting the bag of heavy exotic fruit, I huff my way to the lockers to put it up. My lockers are so much further than his. In fact, my lockers are on the other side of the building to my next class!
Each time I interact with Kenji, my irritation starts to itch. He could have put this in his locker and waited to give this to me at the end. I mean, seriously, his locker was two feet away! What's with him?!
Ever since my mom rerouted me to this school, I've had to put up with the asshole that is Kenji Futakuchi, captain of the volleyball club. He is everything that is obnoxious and annoying to humankind. There is no one, absolutely no one, that could be any more annoying.
"Do you need help?" Ami whispers behind my ears, startling me to death.
"Fuck, Ami!" I half scream, half-whisper.
Laughing at my mini heart attack, Ami finds the minuscule things amusing. In the past three months, Ami has been my only friend here. Being the new girl is hard, especially when the one person you thought was your 'friend' turned out to be an asshole.
"Did he give you another bag of shit to take home today?" Ami asks as she watches me stuff the bag into my tiny rectangle locker.
"His mom loves giving my mom fruit, I guess," still trying to make it all fit.
"Isn't his mom over at your place like once a week?"
"Yeah, she comes over every Thursday for 'girls night' with my mom. So, fuck if I know why they're transferring fruit between Kenji and me."
Honestly, why the hell do they do this. Both our moms know that Kenji and I haven't spoken for years. His mom and mine are the best of friends. They pass the information along like water flows. I know for a fact; I've told my mom how much I despise Kenji.
"That's interesting," Ami smiles.
Putting all my might into this final thrust, I successfully closed my locker, securing a shit-ton of fruit for my mom later today. "Let's go to class," I say as I grab my bag off the ground.
The first period is the most dreadful because I sit next to Kenji. When I first started school, the only seat in our homeroom was next to him. It was awkward. No, it was horrific. Seeing Kenji for the first time after years of being apart made for the worse experience. I thought being away from him would help me forgive him or even tolerate him. But nothing about him changed.
"Kenji, what is the answer to the question," our teacher asks.
Turning to look at him, I see he has passed out cold on his desk. Aone, his best friend, gleams a blank stare before chopping Kenji awake. As Kenji starts to wake up, Takanobu Aone and I exchange a knowing glance, understanding the person that is Kenji.
"Huh?!" Kenji yawns.
"Mr. Futakuchi, if you are going to sleep in my class, try not to snore."
Suddenly a roar of giggles erupts, and I can see from the corner of my eye that Kenji is pouting. Captain of the volleyball team and completely dumb in the head. Kind of. As a matter of fact, Kenji is far from dumb. He's currently top of the class and plans to have a full-time job while playing professional volleyball after graduation—what a nut-job.
Growing up, he would force me to play volleyball with him every chance he got. Then he would bully me into getting him ice cream when we finished. I despised him for always making me buy the ice cream when we were younger. Not only that, but when our parents would meet for dinner, Kenji never fails to throw spaghetti on my clothes, each and every time.
I hated him when we were four, and I still hate him now.
"Hi mom, I'm home," I breathlessly heave as I walk through the door, "I got your fruit."
"Fruit?" My mom replies in surprise.
"From Kenji's mom," I say, a bit agitated she didn't know she was receiving a 50-pound sack of fruit.
During the walk home, the flimsy bag that came with the fruit ripped open. You can only imagine the annoyance I had when I started to pick up what I could and place them into my backpack. Needless to say, I never want to bring home fruit again.
"You might want to wash them before you eat them," I warn, "they fell on my way home."
"Lovely, please thank Kenji for me."
"Mom, don't you talk to his mom? Yall are like besties. Why can't you relay the message through that cellular device you use."
"Why do you hate Kenji so much?" My mom bluntly asks.
My mother is not one to beat around the bushes and call me out on my shit. Understandably, I get that from her genetically.
"He's annoying."
"How? He's tall, smart, and the both of you have been friends since you came out of the womb."
Chocking on my water, I try to grasp for the lack of air in my lungs.
"Smart, sure. But everything else was you and Kenji's mom's doing. I was always forced to hang out with him because you made me. Every time he threw spaghetti on me, you laughed!"
"It was cute."
"It was gross."
Ending the conversation there, I make my way into my room so that my mom has no space to respond. Everything is routine. I set my backpack down, change my clothes into something comfy, hop into bed, and start to wander off into my headspace. This is my safe space. My self-care, my mindfulness meditation.
Just as I was about to recharge, in came Ami.
"Ema just confessed to Kenji!" Ami shouts as I stay frozen in bed, making every effort not to move, "Did you hear me?! Ema, the most popular girl in school right now ... just asked Kenji.."
CONTINUE STORY HERE: https://www.wattpad.com/1164368763-a-l-w-a-y-s-one
Chapter 1 cont.
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hops-hunny · 4 years
Felix Felicis
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Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Hufflepuff! Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Request: “Can you do Draco x Hufflepuff reader fluff where they’re cuddling together and all he wants to do is make her laugh because she failed an exam earlier that day so he’s trying to do everything he can to cheer her up and overall it’s just super fluffy? Thank you have a great day❤️❤️”
Summary: After (Y/N) has a rather unfortunate week, Draco does everything in his power to change that. In a way, he was (Y/n)’s own little Felix Felicis.
A/N: This was my first request so I was a bit nervous writing it! I enjoyed every bit though, this was a very cute request. I hope it was everything you wanted and more anon <3
If (Y/n) didn't know any better, she would've claimed that the world had it out for her. And after the week she had, who would have blamed her? On Monday in potions, she had stirred the wrong way causing a reaction that made her eyebrows disappear(thank god for makeup). On Tuesday, she had slipped and fallen in the great hall which caused a chorus of laughter from every house, including her fellow Hufflepuffs. Wednesday, well, nothing happened. She felt relieved. She had answered a question correctly in DADA, had a free period that overlapped with her friends, and had taken an exam in potions which in her opinion was very easy! Her stroke of bad luck was no more! She was ecstatic...until Thursday came around. If she had thought the rest of the week was bad, then Thursday was absolutely fucking dreadful. Her day started off fine, she woke up, got dressed, and put on her favorite perfume. She didn’t use it often, only when she expected the day to be amazing 
That hopeful feeling of luck was short lived and ended by the time she got to the great hall. The Weasley twins had rigged a prank on the wrong person which resulted in her face being stained blue, when she got to her first class her seat was taken by someone else which she didn’t have a problem with. That was until she noticed the only seat left was near Fletcher Digby, who was known for his noticeable...odor that was...to put it nicely, absolutely putrid. By the end of her day, she had gathered up a broken shoe, a run in her stockings, a rip in her blouse, and the blue tint to her face had somehow gotten worse - which she later found out was sweat activated. (Y/n) was usually very optimistic. Even during the cloudiest of days or saddest of times she was always there to offer encouraging words and a smile. If a fellow Hufflepuff was sick, she’d often bake them something with the house elves or give them the last of her sweets from Honeydukes. She even did this for people in other houses as well, a ‘Get Well Soon!’ card attached along with it. That’s what her boyfriend, Draco, loved about her.
She was his light in all the darkness, the candle to his flame. When she came into his life, she taught him many things. His love for her was deep and pure and anyone would be a fool not to notice. That’s why Draco was concerned when he started to see her throughout the week less and less. During the school day, they didn’t have any classes together but even then he’d always wave or smile to her during hallpassing. He’d leave a kiss on her forehead in the great hall before heading to his own table and waited for her after her last class of the day on Friday. So when Draco found himself waiting a lot longer than usual outside of the potion’s room he grew concerned. He pushed past a few students entering the room. His smile dropped when there was no one left in the room but Fletcher Digby. Come to think of it, had he seen her at all today? He assumed she came to the great hall late but now that he thought about it, he hadn’t seen her leave with her friends. There were no quick pecks during hallpassing, winks when they saw each other. He quickly strode the halls, looking for her. He was worried, it wasn’t like (y/n) to just miss a day of class with no warning or explanation prior. 
“Hannah, have you seen (Y/n)? I haven’t seen her all day and I'm growing quite worried.” He said pulling the Hufflepuff off to the side. If anyone were to know where she was, surely her roommate would. The girl took a moment to think. 
“Hm, no. I haven’t seen her since this morning. Before I left the dorm, she was still sleeping. She was really distraught last night so I’m not surprised she decided to stay in. However, I do admit that is completely unlike her.” She offered him a sympathetic smile as he thanked her before heading in the direction of the girls dormitory.
He knocked on the door, finding it to not be locked as it popped open. He walked in only to find that her bed was empty. The only person to be found was Luna, who was holding (Y/n)’s favorite stuffed giraffe (one he had given to her as a present once). She hadn’t noticed him yet but wasn’t phased when he let out a sharp, “What are you doing with that?” she simply turned around and offered him a soft grin.
“Hello Draco, (Y/n) asked me to bring this to her. She was having a terribly bad case of wrackspurts today. One of the worst cases I’ve seen really. So she went where she usually does when she has a bad day although, I think you should bring it to her now that you’re here. Also give her this, it’s a good luck charm I made for her. It should get rid of the wrackspurts and bring luck along with it.” She spoke, handing him the stuffed giraffe and a necklace with a peculiar charm made of tiger’s eye. He looked at it for a sec before taking it, offering her a nod before heading off where he knew you’d be.
You sat cross legged on the old, comfy couch, drinking the cup of chamomile and lavender tea Hagrid had brought to you. You had grown quite close to the gentle giant throughout your years at Hogwarts. During your first year, you were having an awful day, not as bad as the week you were currently going through but still quite a bad one. You were homesick and missed your family dearly. Your housemates tried to cheer you up with treats and kind words and although you appreciated them dearly, nothing could stop the tears from flowing. That’s when Luna came in, she brought you straight to Hagrid’s hut and explained your dilemma. He welcomed you both in, brewing you tea and offering whatever treats he had. Soon enough, your tears stopped. Hagrid’s hut slowly started to become your home away from home as he offered it to you whenever you liked without asking any questions if you weren’t willing to talk.
Usually, you’d slowly start to tell him what was wrong but today was one of those silent days. Many would expect Hagrid to be absolutely horrid with emotions but, he had like a 6th sense when it came to them. He decided to leave you alone for a few hours, tending to his duties. When he came back, he had gotten you your favorite dessert from the house elves. They were always more than willing to send and make you things because of how kind and helpful you were to them. You sipped at your tea as you softly pet Fang’s head which was resting in your lap. You and Fang’s heads both perked up as you heard a knock at the door. Hagrid walked to the door to see who it was.
“Ah, I figured I would see ya sometime soon.” he said, stepping to the side to let whoever it was in. Draco stepped into the small hut, closing the door as he came to sit near you on the couch. You instantly threw yourself into his arms which in turn, caused him to wrap his arms around you tightly, placing a kiss on the top of your head as he stroked your back. Hagrid took that as his sign to leave, taking the large dog with him. Draco let you cry a bit, his heart breaking at the noises.
“I’ve been looking for you everywhere, love. Are you alright? Luna told me to give you these.” He said as he handed the girl her giraffe. She hugged it tightly as he put the charm around her neck. She sat between her lover’s legs sighing. He held her close as she described her day, his heart aching from all that she had to deal with and his mind cursing him for not realizing sooner.
“And on top of all of that, I failed my potions exam! That wouldn’t have been bad if I hadn’t gone on blabbing to all my friends how well I thought I did on the bloody thing. I just feel like the world has it out for me.” She said looking up at him. He nodded in understanding. He had stayed quiet as she had vent to him, just providing the listening ear she needed. That’s when he got a few ideas. He smiled before standing up, stretching his hand out for the girl to grab.
“Come with me. I’ve got an idea! Quickly, we mustn’t be caught.” He said eagerly as he stared at her. She hesitantly grabbed his hand, setting Georgie, her giraffe, on the couch before she was swiftly dragged out of the hut. Draco pulled his girlfriend along, running as she tried to keep up due to the fact her legs were much shorter.
“Where are we going, Dray?” She asked which prompted a quick “shhh!!” from Draco. They both ran across the grounds of the school, hand in hand as to not be caught. (Y/n) had no idea where he was taking her but she thought anything would be better than moping around the rest of the day. They both tried to contain the wild giggles coming from their mouths as they headed in the direction of Hogsmeade.
As they finally made it, they both still had smiles on their faces at the rush they had gotten from sneaking off. Draco had tied his tie around the girl’s eyes leading her in the way of whatever wild idea it was that he had. “What if we get caught? Someone is bound to see us.” she said, her face forming a frown at the thought of being caught.
“Oh hush darling, we’ll be fine. Besides if we do happen to get caught in some trouble, I’m sure my father won’t mind bailing us out.” He said, finally removing her blindfold. She opened her eyes to see...Madam Puddifoots? She gave him a strange look. “We’re here to get a laugh out of the things that happen in here, sweets. Trust me, you’ll see. Act natural.” He took her hand, leading her to a small booth. 
Soon enough, she saw and heard what he meant. The sight of all the couples with their peculiar behaviors was quite a laugh. They saw one couple come in with matching crochet sweaters with each others faces on it, another referred to each other as each others “snuggle-boop-kitty-fuzy-wuzzykins”and only that each time they spoke to each other. But along with the odd, mushy, and gushy couples came a few odd breakups too. One man tried to propose by reciting an “original poem” which turned out to be stolen, causing his boyfriend to dump scalding hot tea on his head. Another guy forgot he scheduled dates with 4 different girls at the same spot, on the same day..didn’t end well for him. A few employees had to carry him out on a stretcher as the girls all exchanged numbers.
By the time they were back on their way to the castle, (Y/n) was already in a better mood. She held an ice cream cone in one hand, and Draco’s hand in her other. They both paused coming to the same realization. Although it was easy to sneak out, how would they sneak back in? The couple locked eyes at the same time before Draco picked her up, tossing her over his shoulder. (Y/n) made sure her ice cream didn’t fall as her boyfriend sprinted in the shadows, using a passageway she had never seen before to get back into the castle. Once inside, they both held in their giggles, quieting their breathing from the run back to the castle as they made their way to his dorm. By then she had long finished her ice cream as he tossed her on his bed, throwing himself down next to her shortly after. (Y/n) rolled over towards Draco to find him already facing her. The pair sat in silence for a moment before both losing composure. They began to laugh hysterically, to the point where a tear or two was shed. After their little laughing fit, Draco sat up, pulling his girlfriend on top of him. She turned, straddling him as she placed a soft kiss on his lips before resting her head on his shoulder.
“I just wanted to say thank you Draco. Not even just for today but for being there whenever I need you. This was honestly one of the worst weeks of my life but if I’m honest, I’d go through it all again to have another evening like the one we just had.” She said as she nuzzled in deeper, taking in the scent of expensive cologne and cinnamon. Her lover was taken back by her words. She was the only one who made him feel like that. Her words meant more to him than anything in the world. He tightened his grip on her, holding her close to him.
“I’d do it all again and more just to see you happy. Why don’t we make this a regular thing of ours, hm? Every friday, we’ll sneak outside the castle and do whatever we want, indulging to our hearts can’t handle it anymore? Even if not, everyday with you is an adventure, sneaky trips or not.” He said. Draco meant what he said full heartedly, everyday she managed to make his life an adventure, learning new things about himself that he didn’t know were there. It was like he was a canvas and she was the painter, each day, each moment, a different stroke of color on his heart.
Perhaps it was Luna’s good luck charm or perhaps it was them, but from then on out each day seemed luckier than the last when he had his girl on his arm.
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hwas-housewife · 4 years
Okay you're closing the game tomorrow and I can't lose this chance to request for sannie kdnwhdnsns so San + prompt 24 + au prompt 21 + and you can choose how it goes, I'm sure you'll make a PIECE OF ART love ya beautiful 🥺
Prompt: “Stay the night. Please.” + Best Friend AU
Word count: ~2k
Genre: Fluff + angst
Warnings: undertones of a toxic relationship
A/N: ok wow this ended up sadder than I was originally going for so I am so sorry. I tried to bring it back to being okay by the end but I really don’t know how much I actually like the results, so I hope you like it still!
(also sorry it’s been so long since I put anything out)
Your phone vibrated as the violent ringtone of your best friend screaming pierced the air. You can fully blame San for recording and changing it in the first place. However, you keeping it the clip of him screaming bloody murder into a mic was entirely your fault. 
Reading the caller ID, you sighed as your boyfriend’s name was spelled out in big letters. 
“Don’t tell me it’s that prick you call your boyfriend,” San’s insult didn’t even phase you. They never had gotten along quite well. And you were sure that him calling–again–was getting on San’s nerves the longer the phone was screaming. 
“It’ll only be a minute, Sannie. I promise,” you apologetically looked at him and grabbed your phone, heading for the outside of your best friend’s room. 
You were sure San mumbled out some more profanities while he paused the movie and you finished closing the door. Standing in the dark hallway, you took one more breath before pressing your thumb to the ‘answer’ button.
“Why haven’t you been answering my texts? God, I was so worried for you,” your boyfriend almost sounded sincere over the phone.
“I’m watching a movie. I told you it was best friend night,” your voice sounded weaker than you intended, “like every Thursday night,” the whisper left your lips with immediate regret.
“Oh, how could I forget. Thursday night. Of course! It’s not like you spend every single day with him anyway. Yet you can’t spare your boyfriend a text back when he’s concerned for you,” the sarcasm in his words hurt more than a boyfriend’s words should.
“I wasn’t looking at my phone, I’m sorry.”
“You’re sorry? An apology is all I get for the panic I’ve been feeling for the past hour. He could’ve tried something on you within that time and I would have no idea. Do you even know what’s been going through my head? You can be so oblivious sometimes.”
You hated it when he gets like this. He has always disproved of your friendship with San since day one. You just figured that a year and a half into the relationship that he wouldn’t be so reluctant to let you hang out with San.
“I’ve told you before, we’ve been bes–,” he cut you off before you could even finish.
“Best friends since first grade, so he would never try anything on me. You say that every time and yet I know what he’s actually like. The second he gets you far enough away from me, he’s going to take advantage of you. Just watch,” his voice was loud and aggressive and it was starting to freak you out. But you weren’t going to let him insult your best friend right in front of you.
“San would never do that. He’s a good person. How dare you accuse him of something so vile,” you spit the words out, venom in your voice. You were glad neither of the men could see you right now. Your hand holding the phone to your ear was shaking and tears threatened to spill out your eyes.
“Or is that something you’re hoping to happen? Is that why you get so defensive? Oh, I bet it is. You probably already are doing that. That’s why you haven’t been answering me. You were too busy with your hands,” he takes a pause, waiting to see if you’re going to build off his anger. 
However, you were still, frozen in shock. Your boyfriend just accused you of cheating on him with your childhood best friend. You. San. Cheating? You almost laughed at the absurdity of the situation. 
“What? No words? I guess that’s what happens when you get called out. I just can’t believe it took me this long to figure out. I mean, I’ve always had my suspicions but I thought you were too much of a goody-two-shoes to actually do it. I guess the guys were right, girls like you look innocent and cute but are actually just a hoe looking for her next plaything.”
Tears now streamed down your face. The false accusations stung. They hurt worse than any other harmful words he’s thrown your way. He was upfront, but never this rude to you. 
You wiped your eyes, mustering up the courage to say what you needed to get out.
“I think we need a break,” your voice cracked, giving away your current state. 
He stopped his ramblings when he heard your words. You could only hear his angered, labored breathing on the other end of the phone.
“And for the record, I’ve never cheated on you.”
You clicked the end call button on your phone as tears fell from your eyes. 
Giving yourself a second to register what just happened, you let out a shaky breath. The tears morphed into sobs as you stood in the dark hallway. All you wanted was for your best friend to shush you and tell you it will be okay. 
With that realization, you faced the door and slowly turned the knob. San laid on your bed, scrolling through some social media on his phone as he waited for your return. Upon hearing the knob turn, he looked towards you with a smile on his face, ready to show you some stupid video he just saw.
But once he saw your red and already-puffing eyes, the smile vanished and was overtaken with a look of concern. He sat up, moving the bedding over to help you get under some blankets.
You slowly made your way to him, letting out hiccups and sobs. Finally, you sat down on the bed, pulling your legs up to your chest and looking into your best friend’s dark eyes.
His dark blue–almost black–hair covered part of his eyes as he grabbed both your shoulders gently, “What happened?”
“I guess I just broke up with him,” you gave him a teary smile, but it quickly faded as the reality of the situation kept returning.
San’s hands made their way around you until his muscular arms engulfed you. He brought your body to his, forcing your head to rest against his chest.
“I’m sorry,” were the only words he muttered as he caressed your hair, trying to hush your tears.
You sobbed for what you think was the greater part of an hour before you were starting to relax. You still sat, cuddled into your best friend as he rubbed circles into your arms, sides, wherever he could to try to calm your aching heart. 
Somewhere in the midst of the tears, he coaxed the two of you into a lying position. So now, your head rested on his chest as he looked up at your bedroom ceiling speckled with glow-in-the-dark stars. They had lost their glow years ago, but the memories of you and San putting them up and pretending they were the night sky still felt fresh in his memory.
“Sannie,” your voice was hoarse as you called him. He hummed for you to continue, “Stay the night. Please.”
It wouldn’t be the first time he stayed the night at your place. You’ve known each other for more than twelve years now, and sleepovers were mandatory best friend activities in your younger teen days. But this was different. You needed him right now, more than the time you embarrassed yourself in front of the entire junior-year class during high school. And he knew that you needed him.
“I wasn’t going to leave unless you were pushing me out the door anyway. I want to be here for you,” San’s words made your heartache more than it already was, and it brought tears to your eyes.
Your arms wrapped around his torso, squeezing him to you, “Thank you. You really are the bestest best friend.”
You looked up at him, a small smile on your face. His hand came down to brush some hair behind your ear, a gentle smirk on his face.
“But he really was a prick. You deserve someone better than him. So don’t let some singular brain celled human upset you this much. You’ll be able to find someone who will love you more than he ever did and they’ll make you happier than you could hope for. And that’s a promise,” San’s words were gentle but firm. They left no room for you to doubt what he said. 
He was always like this. Exuding confidence. You suppose that’s one of the things you’ve loved about him since you first met. It didn’t matter if he was giving you confidence for the test coming up or standing up to some bully who pulled your hair. San was always there to reassure you that things were going to be okay. He would pick you back up and on to your feet while taking care of your injuries all in one fellow swoop.
You snuggled further into his chest, giving him a squeeze of affection.
“I know,” you mumbled into his chest.
San continued to look at the stars, his signature smile sat atop his face.
“Remember when we put these up?” it was a question, but it felt almost rhetorical.
You turned your body so that you were laid on your back next to San, looking up at the stars as well. A smile graced your face as you reminisced with him.
“When was it, third grade?” you asked back.
His smile grew in recollection. San moved his arms to behind his head, letting the moments pass in silence before he finally responded to you.
“After that astronomy unit, you were so obsessed with space that your parents bought you these so you would stop complaining about never getting to go stargazing. And of course, you forced me to help you put them up the following day after school.”
You laughed at your younger self’s persistence. 
“I would apologize but it was a lot of fun. And after we put them up we shut off the lights to see if they worked. I think we laid there for hours until your mom came to pick you up,” you could feel your ex-boyfriend fading farther from your mind the more you talked about the memory.
“And then I was mad at you after that because my arms were so sore from reaching for the ceiling that I couldn’t play volleyball the next day,” you were both laughing at his anger towards you.
You turned your body towards his so that you could look at his face.
“Forgive me?” your voice was soft and your lips turned into a pout.
San looked down at you, reaching forward until his hand rested on your face.
“You know I can’t resist when you give me puppy dog eyes. Although I was quite devastated,” his smirk gave way that he was teasing you.
“Well,” you dragged out the word, “I can make it up to you tonight by bringing some old movies and making you popcorn?” You offered him a truce that you knew wasn’t necessary. But in your own weird way was a thank you to him for being such a good friend to you for all these years.
“Can we also have chocolates,” his eyes were hopeful.
“We can’t forget the chocolates,” you cheekily looked up at your best friend.
He sat up enthusiastically, “Then what are we still doing here? Go make the popcorn and by the time you’re back I’ll have a list of movies ready for us,” he said determinedly.
You sat up, returning his enthusiasm as you made your way out of your room.
“You better have at least one Disney princess movie on there or it’ll be your butt on the floor tonight,” you called out to him as you were making your way down the stairs and to the kitchen.
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la-appel-du-vide · 3 years
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Lake Powell 2021 🌊
Ohhhhh Lake Powell. What a PLACE!
After we had such a blast last year, we wanted to do another trip this year - especially because now Brady has a Jeep that can tow! We figured it would be cheaper to rent a pair of waverunners in Utah and then drive them down ourselves. Plus, Brayden had NEVER SEEN Lake Powell, which is both crazy and not acceptable. (;
As the summer went on, and the lake levels kept dropping (they're currently the lowest they've been since the lake was originally filled up), we were getting nervous that our trip wouldn't happen. Ramps at Wahweap and Bullfrog were closed and auxiliary ramps had to be used instead - the photos of the ramps so far out of the water are absolutely crazy! Houseboats were encouraged to pull out of the water. Things weren't looking super good. But when the time came to pull the trigger, we took the risk and hoped things would work out. And they did!
We rented two waverunners from a guy in Provo, and that was a horrible experience. We told him we'd be picking them up on Thursday night between 7:30 and 8:30, and he said to give him a 45-minute heads up. We texted him when we were about 35 minutes out, and he didn't even leave until 40 minutes later. He literally did not get there until 9:15. I was livid - we still had a 5-hour drive to Page. On top of that, the waverunners were NOT in good shape. Deep gashes covered in paint/duct tape, one that was missing its registration sticker (literally illegal), one that had no mirrors, neither of them had dry box lids (he tried to tell me that was normal, that they ALWAYS break off on every machine he's ever seen - BS, and I called him on that), they had a tiny amount of storage space, and they were already low on fuel. Perfect. He insisted that we take 6 life jackets, even though we only needed three, so he didn't have to put a special note on the reservation. Annoying. He talked to us about useless information for almost an hour, so we left SO much later than we wanted to, and didn't get to Page until almost 3 AM. Good start to the trip, right?
We stayed in a little townhome Airbnb - it was fine, but a bit outdated (the green carpet was a clear giveaway haha). We got a quick four hours of sleep before we were up again, exhausted, to hit the lake. We stopped by the place Beach and I rented from last year to see if they wouldn't mind giving us a map - we LOVED the map they gave us last year. Clear, helpful, and plastic so getting wet doesn't hurt it. It was awkward though, when I explained we weren't renting from them this year, but certainly would again in the future because we were having a very bad time, but that we'd really love a map again. She gave us one, but didn't seem happy about it. Yikes. Then we stopped at the store to get some snacks for the day, and finally stopped at Maverik to fill the stupid things up. That's where the next sign of trouble occurred - Beach took the turn too sharp and rammed the trailer right into the bollard in front of the gas pump. It was SO loud and shook us all. And yep, it left quite a dent in the trailer. It was still functional, but that's no way to start a day. Morale was quite low for a bit.
But then we finally got to the lake. Much needed. The line wasn't long at all - I think many people are afraid to launch after hearing the things we'd heard. We launched like pros and hit the lake! I was really conscious of enjoying the sun on my skin, the sound of the water, and the way it felt to cruise around the lake. I get so sad at the end of summer, because the warm weather really keeps me going. We went to see the dam, and took an inaugural dip. We LOVE our little dips - always refreshing, and never too cold. Plus, you dry almost immediately when you get out! We drove the channel (insane, of course) down to Antelope Canyon, and then hit a no-wake zone up until we got to a spot to park. Because the lake levels are so low, there's a ton of muck in the water (I'm not sure how that correlates, but it must, because it wasn't like this last year) when you get to the ends of canyons. There was a THICK layer of sticks/debris coming into the Antelope Canyon parking area. Brayden and Beach had to swim us in so we didn't get the machines full of that crap and ruin the engine.
It's amazing how much less crowded it was this year than last year. We only saw a handful of people while we were hiking Antelope - last year, it was pretty packed and we had to do a lot of waiting to get photos. I liked this part of the change haha. It's such a stunning canyon and hike - the beautiful wave patterns along the red rocks are just unreal. It doesn't feel like it's something that could have happened naturally, and it's absolutely mind boggling. We are so lucky to have something like this so close to home, so we can experience the magic so easily. Ugh, I love it. I got a little nauseous on the hike back, because I always do when I don't sleep and then physically exert myself. BUT I didn't throw up, so W! We took a small break to eat an apple, drink some water, and rest in the shade before swimming the waverunners back out through the muck hahah (poor B and Beach - I got a ride). We did have to do some serious work to ensure that the engines were clean and clear of debris before we started them up again, and that was a little stressful, but it all turned out fine.
Then I hopped on with Beach and we drove Navajo Canyon, which is really just one of my favorite things to do. By the time you get to the end (it's pretty long) it smoothes out so nicely, and there is NOTHING better than absolutely cruising on glass water on a waverunner. We were gliding so fast, taking smooth, wide turns through the canyon... gave me absolute life. At one point, Beach hopped on with Brayden and they took a video of me riding side-by-side with them, and it's so great.
Then trouble hit us yet again. My waverunner alarm started going off to alert us of low fuel. We knew it was time to head back to the marina anyway, so we could load them up before it got dark. We started heading out and just decided to take the fastest path back to the marina, because we obviously weren't familiar with these machines and didn't know how far we could get once the gas light was on. We took a right out of Navajo Canyon to go look for the small channel that leads from Warm Creek Bay back to the marina - which we used quite a bit last year. But..... we couldn't find it. I was pretty sure I was losing my mind. We drove that whole bay up and down a couple of times, and I was getting so frustrated by how I could possibly be missing it. Eventually, we stopped by a houseboat to ask where it was, and apparently it's LITERALLY GONE. The entire channel DRIED UP. In the span of a few months. That is WILD. And we'd wasted all the gas I probably even had left looking for something that doesn't exist anymore. So the bad news was, now we'd have to go ALL THE WAY AROUND to get back to the marina. Their gas light was on too now (by the way, the alarm would scare us so bad when it went off, and it lasted like 3 minutes before it would turn off - so annoying) and we figured we would run out of gas before we made it that far. We ended up stopping by another houseboat (a SUPER nice one) to ask if they'd be willing to let us borrow a couple of gallons of gas. They were super nice about it and let us have some. Then we went guns ablazing to try and get back to the marina before it got dark. Going the long way, though, you hit THREE wakeless zones, so it just takes forever. We ended up completely forgoing the rules and flying through them. The sun was setting FAST and it was getting SO DARK. It's definitely not safe to be out there in the "pitch night" hahaha as Beach said. By the time we dropped Beach off to go get the car and trailer, it was literally black outside. I could hardly see anything. Some of the buoys had lights on, which was so helpful, but we still had to be so careful. Our only saving grace was a broken down boat at the bottom of the auxiliary ramp that had a light on, so we could find the ramp in the dark. Loading was difficult, especially once we realized that the roller poles on our trailer were SO LOOSE. We texted the rental guy about what to do and his response was "Lol, guess those need to be tightened." And he suggested we try to tie them on with a rope. SO helpful. All of his stuff was shotty.
But we DID IT. What an adventure. We stopped for dinner at Denny's on the way home, because we looked like hell and hadn't eaten all day. And then we were so exhausted, I'm pretty sure I've never slept deeper. I couldn't even keep my eyes open for a minute.
To be continued...
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