#but what about jo or ellen or bobby or charlie or even kevin?
thebiggestmenace · 8 months
I am confused?
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here's why lmao
do indeed remember this season
the baby's name is Amara?? or is the guy just that out of it?
omg Sam is infected!!!! big shocker!!!! (menace knew this)
and the baby has the Mark of Cain???
hi, Billie!!!!
first mention of the Empty... I have a feeling this comes back around in s15
the holy oil worked???
Dean wrapping Cas in the blanket :(((
is this episode just from Baby's perspective? I love episodes with weird perspectives!!
"say it with me - a ✨️werepire✨️"
Finn Wolfhard?!
why do they keep flashing back to Sam's time in Hell??
I forgot Amara was God's sister
I also completely forgot about Sully wtf
Sam, please do not say yes. please
where did she send Dean?? oh, just to safety nvm
you had to have known this was a terrible idea, Sam
you're ready to watch the people you love die? really?
of course they're all in there now
so, if Lucifer is possessing Cas, then where is Cas? or are there just two angels in him?
Eileen!! I know the actress and I've seen people post about her, but I don't remember her?
did Mildred just insinuate that Dean has a crush on Cas?? cause I feel like she did... nvm I forgot about Amara smh
dude, the boys don't even sound the same in earlier seasons :o I hadn't noticed until now
Lucifer is not caged, actually
you have Crowley in a dog cage?? and are treating like a literal dog??
also if Cas isn't Lucifer's perfect vessel, why isn't it showing? like it showed for Nick?
Dean being absolutely devastated that Cas said yes to Lucifer vs Sam just rolling with that punch
they are such children 🤭
Bobby and Rufus were definitely a thing btw
I've said if before and I'll say it again, I miss Bobby
and Sam's been shot, how fun
but he's not actually dead?
a married hunter couple!!!
omg is this the episode we find out Chuck is God??? *
* it is!!! I always thought this happened in an earlier season
and Chuck has the samulet?? I could have sworn Sam had it?
KNEW HE HAD IT (did Chuck throw that in his pocket? maybe. but I will die on this hill. Sam kept it)
KEVIN??? oh nvm he's gone now
Amara is so,,,,,,, unsettling
omg family therapy with God and Lucifer!
of course Sam's gonna take the Mark without talking to Dean 🙄
is this actually gonna work?
did she just kill Lucifer and God??
guess not, okie
Cas is back!!!
all the goodbyes are normal and then he gets to Cas and is almost in tears???
so, it's fine? everything's normal now?
????? Sam just got shot at again???
gonna be honest, I thought Toni was Mary
another season down, hooray!!! this one was so??? I want to say anticlimactic, which was nice considering the other season finales! it's just odd? also wtf happened with Sam? did he get shot? cause it didn't sound it, so what happened? is there just a forcefield around the man? I guess we shall find out
s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12, s13, s14, s15
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My Spn Finale Thoughts:
As the ending of a show: 7/10
As the ending of Supernatural : 2/10
Let's start with the super obvious: things that Dont Make Sense.
Dean didn't know vampires were real until some way into s1 (ep16?) and yet knew John's journal almost off by heart, but never saw the clown mime vampires written into the journal? Hm.
At the start of the episode, we have Dean saying something like "to honour their legacies all we have to do is keep living" then literally dies 20 minutes later, completely dishonouring Cas' sacrifice
Where the Hell did Miracle go???
Who was Sam's blurry wife? Why wasn't she in any of the photos on the mantelpiece? Speaking of, where were all of Sam's friends, like Charlie, Kevin maybe, Ellen and Jo etc? Jody and Donna??
Why would Bobby say Cas helped when we don't even get to see him (i will come back to this thought later on)??
Stuff I liked/tolerated:
The CONCEPT of the emotional Sam and Dean talk
OG number plate on Baby
Ellen's Roadhouse
Sam getting to have a family
Stuff I didn't like:
How the emotional talk was done. 1st off, why is the camera focusing on their hands so much, why did they touch foreheads ew? Also Sam's "you can go now" was completely uncalled for like, did he want Dean to die???
Obviously how Dean died. He could have been sent into outer space with the Mark of Cain, he could have been locked at the bottom of the ocean in a Mal'Ak box, he could have stayed in Hell forever, but no. A rusty nail on a hunt he probably didn't even want to do,, he was applying for a JOB.
Jack didn't get to have a childhood and grow up. It would have been so much better for emotional connection to have Jack de-aged to grow up as a normal kid instead of Dean Jr whom we had NO emotional connection to, and only existed to say the same line to Sam that Sam said to Dean.
No representation for the girls or any of the side characters in general.
No resolving Dean and Cas. At this point I wouldn't care what they talked about but they should NOT have only briefly mentioned him just so he wouldn't have to show up.
DEAN DIDNT GET TO LIVE A LIFE. Thats all hes ever wanted. At some points even more than Sam. He had a job application and could have made himself a life but no it was his destiny to die like that or something (more on this later too). Tbf id rather him live his life alone than with a random person we've never seen before (that or Cas but they obviously couldn't choose that one)
My idea of what Actually Happened (aka Chuck Won Theory):
They try to separate the idea of destiny and Chuck's pre-written path, but they are one and the same. 15x20 is exactly the unsatisfying, mediocre ending Chuck wants to punish them with.
Dean's heaven is designed to make him want to stay. Everyone he loves within reach, the mention of a Cas that isn't in the empty (leaving Dean with no motivation to free him of hes 'already out') and the promise Sam will eventually arrive.
Chuck's ending still happened. One of them still got killed. Chuck's still pulling the strings and they are all still in the Hamster Wheel.
Overall: it ended the show. It didn't end Supernatural.
@hostofthepersever @duomaxwellandducks
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Ok. My idea of the last 3 episodes of secret good spn
E17. Pretending it chuck was manipulating deans actions more directly than was shown bc no fucking way hed do that especially pulling a gun on sammy
E18 fucking hurts. . I wont change it
In reailty, only thing id change abt e19 is just jack mentioning he'll drop by now and again and some more explict dean & jack forgiving each other for the shit they did
E20 is completly different. None of that happens ok. Not one thing. Wdym dean lets cas jut rot in the empty love confession or not 😭
I know there was the covid factor but in an ideal world here are loose ends id like tied up:
Sam and elieen getting into a more commjted relationship/elieen moving into the bunker
dean/jack getting cas out of the empty AND REUNIONS GODDAMIT
Sam and dean dissusing talking about going on hunts less, and sam talking about opening up the bunker as a hunter safe house and dean n sam being like the new bobbys.
And i want it to end smth like this:
Sam opening the door, then the door opening again and again, shot of jacks 'hi', jody, patience and alex w donna, claire and kaia, garth & his wife and rowena, maybe even adam.
That intercut with shots of dean lookign up from him cooking in the kitchen smiling.
Hugs, smiling, cas leaning over and kissing dean on the cheek or smth, elieen and sam holding hands, laughing, and them all js chilling drinking beer & eating pie together, then a pan over to some shrine or just some photos of a wall of everyone whos not there, aka bobby, charlie, kevin, mary, Jo, Ellen, benny, ect. (Id put crowley but no way in or out of hell dean would do that, and tbh, theyd probably put john there but no<3)
Then sam and dean and cas going over there looking at the photos, and jack coming over and telling them smth abt how he fixed heaven, and theyre waiting for them, but that they should take their time. And sam and dean hugging jack and telling him theyre proud of them and them just being happy okay? Coz they fucking deserve it. They did it. They beat god. This is their story now.
And dean can look over at sm and be like "hey sammy. We didnt do to bad in the end huh?"
And sam will smile. "No. I guess not."
And wayward son would come on as th camera zooms out and cuts.
Dean deserves to have a proper relationship with jack when hes not being manipulated into using him or trying to kill him, and having a balance between family and hunting.
Jack deserves three dads who love him.
Sam deserves to do what he cannonically wants to do and is good at.
Cas deserves to be happy, with his family, out of the empty
Destiel deserves cannonization.
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The Winchester Family: A Rant
Can I just say that Sheriff Jody Mills was more of a mother to Sam and Dean Winchester more than Mary ever was, even after Amara brought her back. Like I guess no hate to Mary...? But like isn't the whole thing about the Winchesters is that family isn't just blood. They developed wayy closer bonds than the ones with Mary, and I know it isn't necessarily her fault, but she wasn't there. Like I dunno, I just wasn't in love with Mary coming back, especially since when she did come back, it seemed like she saw they were grown up and like, didn't care..? Like it felt like she went "oh my job is done these are just two grown dudes that I gave birth to once." Like I know its a weird situation, but as a person who grew up watching Once Upon a Time, where like almost the same thing happened, with Snow, David, and Emma, I can't help but compare their reactions and Mary just didn't stack up.
Snow and David were so ecstatic to see Emma and tried so hard to make up for lost time and parent her as much as they could. They kept trying even as Emma pushed them away saying she was grown and that her and her parents were technically the same age. Throughout the show they found a way to still be her parents while still acknowledging she was grown. It was really beautiful to see, but in comparison Mary did not stack up.
Yes, she is a badass, and, yes, her identity should not solely surround her being the boys' mother, but that doesn't mean she shouldn't be a mother at all. It would've been nice to see her figure out a way to strike the balance the Snow and David did, and I never got that vibe. In Supernatural, it seemed the opposite. It was Dean and Sam trying to be her sons and she pushed them away for the same reasons. I'm not saying she was a bad person, or even a bad mother, as it was a really weird situation and I can't necessarily blame her for how she dealt with it. What I AM saying, though, is that her name had no right to be carved onto that table. Point. Blank. Period.
Also, by the way, since I'm complaining, that weird episode with the pearl thing that let John Winchester come back so they could have a family dinner?????? As if that could truly be what Dean desired. Are you fucking kidding me. John sucked, made them both feel like shit, abused them, and yet that was the "family dinner" we got. It's been a while since I watched the show, so Idk a timeline, but screw the timeline for a sec. Across the entire show, a true family dinner would be Dean and Cas with their son Jack, Sam as the Uncle with Eileen, Bobby and Jody as the Dean and Sam's parents (because, unlike Mary, I very much feel like Jody struck that balance even though they weren't her actual sons) and Jody's brigade of wayward sisters trailing behind her, Donna as like the step-mother or aunt (Idk how Donna fits, I just LOVE Donna), and Charlie as Sam and Dean's little sister. Jo, Ellen, and Ash pop in with Rufus as those family members that are close, but you can't quite pinpoint how exactly you're related to them. Bonus: Kevin and Linda Tran come over like friendly neighbors because, even though they have a family of their own, the Trans are definitely close to the Winchesters, though, whether they like it or not. As much as I'd like to add Adam (to make up for him being left in the pit), I have a feeling he wouldn't want to. He seemed like a guy who refused to subscribe to the idea that because they were blood, they were family. (Maybe Sam and Dean should've learned a thing or two).
Sam and Dean had a much bigger, and better, family then just John and Mary, but it was never really acknowledged fully and in the best way.
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queermania · 2 years
For me it's that Dean blames Castiel for what happened with Belphegor because Castiel did the right thing but Dean is angry at him anyways and it's not fair
i mean, i fully agree that dean blaming cas for what happened with belphegor is not fair but i also think it's pretty obvious that that's not what their fight and subsequent breakup is actually about. the belphegor plan going wrong and resulting in rowena's death is just the straw that breaks the camel's back.
to me, their fight reads as dean being at his wits' end with everything that's happening and he's lashing out and he's taking it out on cas, which isn't fair, but at the same time he has every right to be mad at cas for other things. cas' fatal flaw is thinking he has to handle every single problem on his own, despite that never working out for him, and he literally never learns from it, and this time it resulted in mary's death. mary's death isn't his fault, of course, but what was going on with jack is just another thing that cas kept from dean. they've been stuck in a cycle of miscommunication for years.
dean 'please don't leave me' winchester wants cas to come to him with problems so that they can deal with them together and cas 'please ask me to stay' tiel wants to prove he's useful by fixing problems on his own so dean doesn't have to deal with them.
unfortunately for cas, his track record of actually fixing problems isn't great so to dean it just looks like cas is causing even bigger problems because...? he doesn't trust dean? he doesn't want to work with dean? hubris? whatever it is, they've been doing it for a decade. fandom likes to boil it down to dean being upset that cas didn't tell him about the snake but that's so reductive it's infuriating. dean's upset because cas was so concerned about what was going on with jack that he's immediately worried when he hears that mary's been alone with jack, to the point that he thinks jack's done something bad, and that instead of relaying these concerns to anybody else, he fucked off to try and fix it on his own and now it's too late.
mary's dead. jack's dead. chuck has been manipulating them their whole lives. was any of it real. rowena's dead. does any of it even matter. the only thing that feels real is the anger. they saved the world but at what cost. mary's dead. jack's dead. chuck has been manipulating them their whole lives. was any of it real. rowena's dead. ketch. kevin. charlie. bobby. crowley. adam. jo. ellen. ash. pamela. missouri. benny. meg. does any of it even matter.
the only thing that feels real is the anger.
my point is that the way dean is acting towards cas is unfair (and unproductive and unhealthy) but the anger he feels isn't unearned. and the show literally never solves this issue between them. dean apologizes for lashing out at cas but if cas hadn't sacrificed himself in 15x18, they would 100% have had this problem again at some point because they still haven't figured out how to communicate what it is they actually want.
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kitkatscabinet · 2 years
I love you, I love you, I'll scream it till I'm black and blue, so why won't you love me too?
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Requested prompt: "You need someone, let me be that person, let me be what you need." for @winnifredburkleismyhero, enjoy!
Pairing: Sam Winchester x reader
Genre: Angst, fluff
Word count: 2K
Everyone that got close to the Winchesters died. The supporting evidence for this fact only seemed to grow as the years passed. John, Ash, Jo, Ellen, Pamela, Kevin, Charlie and even Bobby, all casualties of Winchester-related circumstances. Everyone that is, except for you. There had been no trips to hell or heaven, no deals made and no ghostly presences.
You had known the boys for years now, having met them about four months after john went AWOL and then you never really left. Dean liked to joke that you were the family cat that had been too pitiful to leave in the garbage. You had been there for Dean's deal, his death, the apocalypse and everything the universe had decided to throw at your boys, and apart from a few scratches you always seemed to come out nearly unscathed.
Yet that still didn't seem to be enough for Sam. Every attempt you made to close the gap from friends to something more was rebuffed. You knew he felt the same. From the lingering touches, the way his eyes would trail your form whenever you entered or exited a room, the book recommendations, gifts and late night conversations that kept the two of you up well into the morning hours.
He had always been so sweet towards you, face lighting up in that dopey puppy dog smile whenever the two of you spoke. He was the shoulder you cried on and the best friend you laughed at cringy shows with. You had never made any attempts to hide your affections, and your interest never strayed from the lanky hunter that had captured your heart. Despite all this, however, Sam never seemed to want to take things further, and had even prevented multiple confessions over the years through clumsy attempts at a diversion.
As the years passed you had almost given up on what seemed like a fruitless pursuit. If it weren't for Dean assuring you his little brother was just being a jackass you probably would have. But after years of dodged kisses and ending conversations that strayed too far into 'non-friendly' territory you were almost at your wits end.
You had thought that last night had finally been it, you gained a nasty, yet completely non fatal scratch that trailed down the left side of your jaw and over your shoulder. Sam like always had overreacted epically, and had all but dragged you off to treat the wound. His fingers had traced your face so softly and with such care that you had almost cried. The absolute reverence in his touches and gaze too much for your impossibly loud and pounding heart to take. There had been tears in the corners of his eyes as his hand gently cupped your cheek. A gesture you leant into with a contended sigh only for your breath to hitch as you noticed the way his eyes had trailed down to your lips, how close his face had gotten to yours as his shoulders hunched to accommodate the great height disparity between you.
You had leant up in response, so close that you could feel the warmth of his breath fan across your face. Just as your lips had been about to meet Sam had reared back like you'd slapped him, scurrying out of the room like his life depended on it. Tears had stained your pillow that night as you had eventually cried yourself to sleep. Were you really that unlovable? Had the scratches that would no doubt later mar your skin made you so unattractive? Whatever the reason it had been your last straw.
You had slept in, so an early escape was unfortunately completely out of the question. Luckily you didn't own too many material belongings, so you were able to pack everything you needed into a duffle. In what seemed a miraculous stroke of luck you made it through the bunker unencumbered by either of the brothers and were about to make what seemed like a clean break until the current bane of your existence materialised out of what seemed like thin air.
"What are you doing? You should be resting!" Where his concern would usually be endearing at the moment all you found it was incredibly grating. His overprotective nature only contributing to the fiery ball of rage that had built in your gut after a night of overthinking.
"I'm fine Sam, it's just a small flesh wound" you rolled your eyes, turning to walk towards the door once more only to be stopped by a tug at your arm. "Let go of me Sam," you were starting to get incredibly irritated now, jaw clenching as you struggled to keep your temper under wraps. "I said let go!" this time you had managed to yank your arm away when Sam's grip slackened in surprise at the vitriol in your tone. Your narrowed glare, crossed arms, and unyielding posture had Sam backing up slightly, hands up in a placating gesture.
"Alright. Just give me a few seconds and then we can go out together" he suggested, offering a small if somewhat strained smile. You weren't a very naturally angry person, having to deal with the Winchester's particular angst and drama had left you with a very thick skin. You had taken the insults and the monologues and the self sacrificing lectures all in your stride, but for some reason Sam's assumption had made you see red. For the first time since you had met either of the boys you truly lost your temper.
"Who said I want you coming with me?" you sneered, a small sick sense of satisfaction curling in your chest at the look of hurt that briefly crossed Sam's face.
"What? But we always go out together..." he trailed off, the kicked puppy look on his face almost enough to make you relent once more, Just like you always did.
"Not anymore we don't. I'm done Sam. I'm leaving for good." Your words cause his eyes to widen in distress, as he takes a few steps forward and back into your personal space.
"Why? Did Dean do something, I'm sure he didn't mean anything, we can work things out-" You cut him off with a borderline hysterical laugh.
"Did Dean do something? Sam you've gotta be fucking kidding me. I'm leaving because of you, because I can't stand being around you anymore." His face flickers between hurt and anger as he tries to register what you had just said.
"What? Last night we were fine. I find it hard to believe you're all of a sudden choosing to cut and run" he scoffed, trying to keep his own anger at bay from your dagger-like words.
"Fine!" you yelled shrilly. "What part of making me fall in love with you and then getting rejected at every possible turn is fine Sam! How dare you break my heart over and over again and then try and still be friends with me." There is a stiff silence as your words register in the minds of both of you, only broken by the heaving of your chest as you fight to catch your lost breath.
"You love me?" Sam seemed a mix of stunned and giddy at your words, unable to decide if he should be smiling or not.
"Wha- are you fucking stupid. I'm in love with you! I've loved you for years Sam. You're the one that keeps pushing me away and I've finally had enough. I'm ready to move on." Your eyes study his face intently, waiting to see if he'll give away any indication as to how your words had truly made him feel. Because despite your bold proclamation, you still so desperately just wanted to hear him say the words back, you wanted him to love you.
"I-I can't think of anything better than being with you" he finally admitted softly, causing heat to flush across your skin as your throat ran dry at the admission. The smallest embers of hope once again burning away in your chest. "Of loving you, waking up with you in my arms every morning, to know that you're mine and only mine." His hands had reached out to take yours, squeezing them as his shoulders shook slightly But I can't. Your stomach dropped, hands harshly pulling away from his own as you tried to contain your tears.
"And why would that be?" you hissed, arms crossing your chest as if trying to protect yourself. He takes a while to answer, stewing under you fierce glare as he tries and fails not to piss you off further.
"It's just... If i let myself love you and then I lost you... I'd never forgive myself."
"What the hell, that's so stupid-" your vitriol is cut off by his own this time, anguish clear as he yelled at you.
"Is it? Everyone I love or even get close to dies!" you scoff slightly at that, only to be cowed as he continued to yell in your face. "Yellow eyes killed Jess to get to me." Just like that, your vitriol evaporates, shoulders slumping as you try to comfort him.
"Sam-" this time it is him who shrugs off your hand, continuing on his rant
"Madison, Ruby, Sarah! I won't have that happen to you!" Silence reigns between the two of you once more, the air charged with the heavy confessions from both of you. At some point, tears had started to stream quietly down your cheeks and Sam's eyes had been watery for the past few minutes. Taking a few deep breaths you unclench your jaw and arm muscles, stepping closer so you were within arm's length of Sam once more.
"So what? You're just going to live the rest of your life alone, in fear?" There is no anger in your tone, just curiosity and some quiet judgement. Stepping forward once more, the duffle from your shoulders slips to the ground as you take Sam's shaking hands in your own. "You need someone, let me be that person, let me be what you need. Please Sam." You can tell he is still hesitant but is beginning to break under the combination of your tears, grip and the unadulterated love that shines in your eyes from him. "I'm terrified of losing you to you know" you whisper the admission softly, a hand reaching up to cup his cheek in a reversed mimicry of last night. "Every time you and Dean leave without me, or you pull some of that typical Winchester self-sacrificing bullshit feels like it ages me ten years. I don't sleep, don't eat. All I do is worry about you..." your words trail off in a hoarse whisper as you try to keep back the heaving sobs that were starting to escape your chest.
Sam doesn't reply, but in that moment he finally breaks. Pulling you fiercely into his protective embrace, face nuzzling into the top of your head as the two of you cried. "I love you" you whisper against his chest over and over like a broken record in an attempt to push through his stubbornness. You aren't sure how long you stand there, locked in his warm embrace as you wait for your tears to subside. Until finally, you hear it,
"I love you too" at first you think you imagine it, holding your breath as if breathing will shatter the wonderful dream you're having, but then you hear it again. "I love you. I love you. I love you." Sam chants, volume rising with each declaration as he lifts you into his arms, peppering your face with kisses and bringing forth a shriek of delight from your throat. Wrapping your own arms around his neck, and legs around his waist you lean in to finally claim his lips with your own, the two of you grinning like idiots the entire time. He tastes like salt, from the tears that leaked down his cheeks and you imagine you probably do too, but it is perfect nonetheless. So lost in each other and your newfound happiness neither of you notices the arrival of Dean until he speaks up.
"Great. Now if you two losers are done with the soap opera can I get to the door?" his sudden voice has the two of you springing apart, except Sam is still holding you up and the two of you go down like a sack of bricks, lungs forcefully expunged of all air as the behemoth of a man squishes you into the floor.
Your spine is aching and you're having trouble breathing as Sam frantically hovers over you, but in that moment all you can do is smile, because Sam has just made you the happiest person on Earth. A fact that you would regularly remind the hunter of for the rest of your days.
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angelsdean · 5 months
wanna preface this by saying if my tone comes across as biting, i did not mean that! especially not to you! i feel ok sending this in bc i agree with your takes on s8/9
anyway lol! maybe a spicy take but…
if we’re blaming dean for kevin’s death, then we’ve gotta blame sam for charlie’s and benny’s, cas for mary and jo and ellen and anna and bobby and sam (s5) and honestly i love you cas but i could probably go on :/
but seriously, i don’t actually *blame* them for these deaths bc while dean/sam/cas’s actions helped create the situations that got each character dead, their actual deaths were on other characters’ choices or even their own (sam, benny). the blame game is just too simple for how complicated spn is. like if you blamed them for every death that occurred after a sequence of events that included their actions, for every death that they were indirectly involved with, it’d just be impossible to count. and that’s just not productive or fair imo yk 🤷‍♀️
yea i definitely get what you're saying. there are a lot of factors playing into things, and chain reaction domino effects that lead from one character making a decision to another character way down the line killing someone. that doesn't necessarily mean the first character is responsible for the death or should be the one that is blamed for it. they couldn't have foreseen how events would transpire. however, i do think, like you said, these situations are more complicated and nuanced. and in some scenarios the "blamed" character did play more of a part in the death of another character. but i don't think in the case of kevin's death dean should be shouldering the blame or responsibility here at all.
like, the stuff with blaming dean for kevin's death feels unfair imo because well, when dean made the choice to let gadreel try to save sam (and sam still !! had to say yes himself!) dean didn't have all the facts. he thought gadreel was ezekiel. he thought this was a friend of cas's that he could trust. he didn't know he was opening the door to someone with ulterior motives, who might try to hurt people he cared about. and secondly, kevin's death was coming, one way or another, because as @aliveboydean says in this post, metatron wanted him dead and wasn't going to stop until he was. so if gadreel hadn't gotten him, metatron very likely would have killed him.
to address another seemingly similar situation where i come away feeling differently: sam and charlie. i have to say i kinda do "blame" sam for charlie's death, because he roped charlie back in. she really would not have been there or been in that situation or been a target for the Stynes had sam not specifically invited her to come help them. and while it seems like charlie and kevin's deaths are comparable, a key distinguishing factor is that one would have been safe had they not been in that specific situation that another character (sam) put them in, while the other always was in danger simply for being who they were. charlie's death is different from kevin's because kevin was always in the line of fire, always had a target on his back by simply being a prophet. so many people wanted to kill him, he wasn't uniquely in danger being around the winchesters. and he wasn't put IN danger solely because of dean's actions. he was always in danger, the whole time. no matter where in the world kevin was, people were going to be out to get him. and i'd argue he was safer in the bunker (and therefore around sam and dean) than anywhere else in the world. dean had no way of knowing gadreel would kill kevin! but charlie was just a regular person who no one cared about killing. if she hadn't been brought in at that time and made a target for the stynes she...most definitely would still be alive.
SO, i think at the very least dean is definitely allowed to blame sam in-world and be pissed at him. (tho sam is obvs still not the one that killed her. but i can understand if dean felt resentment toward him for her death). but. yea i kinda do see sam as more responsible for charlie's death in this case than dean with kevin's because the scenarios and key factors are different. that's what i feel a lot of people don't get when they want to issue blanket statements of who to blame for what and who did worse. there's nuance! and two seemingly similar situations are not always a 1:1 comparison. (this isn't directed at you, just a general sentiment abt fandom)
(and i think a similar situation for cas is mary's death. and i fall somewhere in the middle for him. he knew jack was dangerous at the time. he should've said something. he's still not the one who killed mary though and he couldn't have predicted that outcome)
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demon-animatronic · 1 year
Found this Supernatural ask meme by funnycas or whoever they may be now cause god knows how old this is.
Also I’m bored as fuck at work at 4:25 AM.
Favorite male character - Crowley my beloved
Favorite female character - Jody
Favorite actor - Mark Sheppard, Jared Padelecki and Jensen Ackles
Favorite actress - her name escapes me but its Jody’s actress.
Favorite episode - All the monster of the weeks from seasons 1-11. Plus season 8 finale and episode before the S8 finale.
Favorite quote - “No one in the history of torture will be tortured with the torture you’ll be tortured with.” Or however that line goes. Deleted wise: “Even when I lose, I win.”
Favorite season - 1-5 plus 8
OTP - Crobby and Crowleyxmyself
NOTP - Sam and Becky
BROTP - Dean and Benny + Dean and Crowley
Favorite demon - My main babe Crowley
Favorite angel - Cas and Gabe
Favorite monster - Does Garth count considering…
How did I discovered Supernatural? - Netflix suggested it to me ages ago when season 8 either was still airing or just finished.
Have I ever been to a con? - Yep in Pittsburgh!
Make me choose between two characters - Crowley or anyone? Who do you think?
Make me choose between two ships - No.
Top 5 characters - Crowley, Sam, Dean, Cas, Bobby
Top 5 ships - I don’t have that many ships for the show
Top 5 angels - Cas, Gabe, Balthazar, Gadreel, and the douchebag Metatron.
Top 5 demons - Crowley, Crowley, Crowley, Crowley, and Crowley. I genuinely don’t care about other demons except maybe Meg 2.0
EDIT: How the fuck did I forget my boy Cain?! Especially when I talk about Psych too lol
Top 5 monsters - Ghosts, Werewolves, demons, shapeshifters, and changelings were freaky
Favorite fanfic - ….no.
Most hated character - Casifer
Favorite villain - Crowley in season 8. Lucifer in the early seasons
Character I think I’m more alike - probably Sam and Charlie
Dream crossover - Supernatural and Psych even though it makes zero sense and different channels and all.
Character death that I’m not over yet - Crowley :(
Most layered character - Crowley
Character I have a crush on - Crowley
Actor/Actress I have a crush on - Mark Sheppard
Scariest moment - Dunno off the top of my head.
Favorite moment - Crowley being hugged and thanked for once in his sad demon life. And Dean telling him family doesn’t end with blood or however that scene went.
Funniest moment - Dunno
Saddest moment - I think we all know the saddest moment for me
Most beautiful scene - when Bobby got to go to heaven
Unanswered questions: Literally anything about Crowley before season 5
Couple I’d like to become canon - None tbh
Actor/Actress I’d like to see on the show - can’t answer it’s over now
Do I own anything related to the show? - a bunch of shit I have laying around.
Do I have any tattoos related to the show? - no
Most boring plotline? - the Leviathans and season 12 as a whole
My less favorite season - 12-15
Most well done character death - Jo & Ellen
Most well done character development - Dean’s
Character I wish I could bring back - Kevin Tran
One thing I really hope to happen - Nothing since it’s over
Favorite relationship - None
Top 3 crack ships - *Shrugs*
Characters I wish they’ve met - Crowley and Charlie. Actually Crowley and anyone he hadn’t met yet.
Demon!Dean or MoC!Dean? - MoC!Dean
Soulless!Sam or BoyKing!Sam? - BoyKing
Jimmy Novak or Emmanuel? - Jimmy
Godstiel or Casifer? - Godstiel. Fuck Casifer and what he did to my husband.
Crowley or Lucifer? - Crowley
Did I joined tumblr because of the show? - No
Did I watched the show because of tumblr? - No
What characters from other shows I’d like to see on Supernatural? - Psych. Be weird with Cain and Zachariah being Lassie and Woody
Do I still like the show? - Absolutely. Even though I was done with it for several years after the season 12 finale. My recent reoccurring dreams of Crowley brought me back to it.
Did Supernatural really ruined my social life? - Did I even have one to begin with?
Is my blog just about Supernatural? - My blog literally changes with my latest obsessions.
Do I have cast members I don’t really like? - Not really
Characters that deserved better - Crowley
Am I excited for the new season? - ….
Early seasons or the recent ones? - 1-5 plus 8-10
Top 10 Supernatural blogs on tumblr that I really love - I think they are all dead.
5 things I love most about (insert character’s name here) Crowley: Hot, Charming, his accent, his beard in later seasons, He’d kill for you if you’re his friend
Human!Cas or Angel!Cas? - Angel with his wings
Who I’d like to play human!impala? - god damn I wish this happened.
Did Supernatural changed my life in any way? - Not really.
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what-if-i-just-did · 1 year
Destiel Prompt List 27. Team Free Will, in heaven, finally.
Trigger Warnings: mentions of loved ones dying, falsly assumed unrequited love, mini-mention of sex, mini-mention of beer
Dean got to Heaven, after all this time, and it felt.. final. Almost everyone was there; there was Jody and Ellen and Jo and Bobby and Mom and Kevin and Charlie and even Jimmy Novak showed up one night. It felt.. two steps away from perfect. He could heavily feel the spaces of the people missing. Dad. Rowena. Benny. Sam, but he could come in due time.
Cas was.. around here somewhere. Supposedly. That's what Jack kept telling him- the kid visited. But Dean hadn't seen Cas... anywhere. After.. everything? Cas.. Cas hadn't come to find him. Dean waited. And waited, and waited, and waited, and -time's funny up here, so he could have waited years or weeks and he wouldn't know, but- finally, he was done waiting, so.. he prayed. He prayed like he used to, like back from when prayer was like a phone-call and not on the same line as begging, whimpering and whining. "I.. pray to the Angel Castiel. Dude I've been here for a while. Are you coming to see me or what? You're around here somewhere, or so I'm told-" and Cas was there.
"Hello, Dean.", and he sounds nervous, a little, but he looks exactly the same and he sounds exactly the same as always and Dean can't help himself. He finds out soon that Cas smells the same too, because he's wrapped up the stunned angel in his arms and has buried his head in Cas' hair. "You stupid angel. Why the fuck did you pull that? Seriously.. never, ever do that again, capische?" He released Cas from the hug to look him in the eye. "I capische." Cas said, half-serious and half-confused. "Why didn't you come see me?", he questions. "I didn't know that I would be welcome. Dean, as I've said, I love you immensly, but I did not think this would in any way be a welcome emotion of me to you. I did not plan on having to face the consequences to my actions and the subsequent break of our friendship, which I greatly treasure."
Dean looks like Cas just punched him. "You 've got to be kidding me." Cas does the head-tilt thing. "Why would I be joking?" "Cas, you can't seriously believe.... " "What, Dean?" "You can't seriously believe I'd stop being friends with you just because you love me, right? You can't- you can't actually believe that. You... Cas, of course you can have me!" "What?" Now it's Cas' turn to look stunned. "Of course you can have me! You can have everything! Anything! I love you too Cas, always- I've always loved you. And you can't just drop a bomb like that on a guy, and then DIE on him, okay? You just can't!. Because all I could say was that I don't want you to die, because I never want you to die or be hurt ever and I'm always such a huge mess whenever you leave because I can't function without you and you always leave and I- I just.. And I couldn't say 'I love you' back because the only thing I could focus on was you dying and I was overwhelmed and you died thinking I didn't love you back and I hate that, but luckily we're Winchesters and I get to tell you anyway because dying is funny like that when you're a Winchester. And I'm rambling, I know I am, but Cas, don't you ever think again that I don't care about you or that I think of you as a brother because I don't! Well kinda I do but in a totally different way and I fucking love you, like romantic love, like wanna cuddle and have sex and things type of love, like I wanna kiss you so bad all the time like you can't even imagine, okay? So. Well, that. I'm.. gonna stop talking now. Okay." "Dean?' "Yeah?" "Could I kiss you now?" "Fuck yeah, Cas"
One day, some years after Sam got there, they're all sitting together at a lake, looking over the water, with some soft rock in the background and the wind messing up their hair. Dean is sitting on Cas's lap, and Sam is sitting on his chair, and the moment feels... serene. Peacefull. Because heaven will never be perfect- there's too many people that they lost, that will never be able to be here, like Meg and Crowley and Bela and Gabriel- but in this moment, they have eachother, in every way that they want eachother, and they have peace. And sometimes, they get the itch to hunt -saving people, hunting things- but it's nothing that can't be put out by a nice cold beer, a massage, a conversation, a nice home-cooked meal. So yeah.
It's Team Free Will. Free. At peace. Finally.
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
Wait now I'm curious, which characters would you bring back for your fun self-indulgent fic?
first and foremost is that by the end, all angels have been restored to life. they're a little fucked up and traumatized and disoriented by all of it, but they're alive and ready and willing to start fixing heaven to not be a torture cult. archangels especially. this is mostly their mess, they're gonna fix it. special mentions go to uriel because i need his interactions with lucifer's children, that would be insane.
second and also obviously to me is charlie and kevin. they're. they're fine. they're literally fine, their deaths were stupid and pointless and they're fine. i guess by nature of the rewrite rowena hasn't died yet but like. she also falls under this category. crowley too.
oh! and meg! absolutely meg! very important to me that if this is a story about lucifer's kids, that we address the elephant in the room of demons Also Being That, Sort Of. and like. megstiel endgame. megstiel endgame is so real to me. they get each other. they have both done some fucked up shit but they tried to be better and waaah. there is no castiel confession scene in this au because things do not get that dire but if there were, he'd be giving his confession to meg.
now we get to the slightly more complicated choices. first up, bobby & rufus. because they are a pair, do not separate, ect ect. i love death's door as an episode but. i feel like we all have to admit that without bobby there was a huge hole in the show that logistically they filled with the bunker (home base + knowledge) but like. fuck that, man. let that old man live. let him be grumpy gay married with rufus. let him meet his grandkids who are technically lucifer's kids but whatever, it counts.
and jo and ellen. jo. and ellen. and. on the one hand, by s13 where do they fit, is it cruel to bring someone back after that long dead, but on the other, they deserve a chance. plus, maybe ellen and mary can bond over the whole dying and coming back and being moms thing, even if ellen's was a significantly shorter tenure in death. and jo trying to fit in with sam and dean when she's still so young... yeah. i think they should come back.
(and also nick should be. around. but like. very much not how he was written in s14 im so sorry my poor meow meow murder man but i find you significantly less interesting the more the writers pushed for you to be evil)
that's all the characters i can think of rn, but yeah. moral of the story is that Everyone's Fine. Highly highly traumatized, and that's part of the point, but like. they're alive. they have the chance to keep going. that is what matters.
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deputyheller · 6 months
Omg why keep promising your bf something that isn't real and he doesn't care about when you yourself admit what he likes is the BROTHERLY LOVE. Maybe if you told him what the show was actually about (the thing you yourself even admit is what he likes about the show) aka the brothers, then maybe he would watch.
the amount of people i pissed off with just two words.......
my bf does appreciate the plotline, but we're 3 seasons in and he's seems to be bored of the brotherly love as the main focus (even though the show celebrates found family, showing how sam and dean continue to create a bond with so many other characters outside of themselves). jo and ellen have been introduced at this point, and he loves their addition to the show.
if we're talking about where we are now in spn, there hasn't been much of anyone except the winchesters and bobby. my bf looks forward to meeting cas, charlie, crowley, kevin, rowena, etc.
in reality, y'all got so pressed with the use of the phrase "gay angel". instead of being critical of a silly post on tumblr why not actually tell me about your favorite episode(s) or plot lines so I can bring him there past all the filler.
it seems like the common denominator between all of these people responding to the original post is that they hate jokes and, frankly, just hate cas.
that's okay if you and the others do, but why try to make me feel bad over something that was not targeted towards you? y'all are just busting at the seams waiting for the next post to come up on your dash to trash. <3
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likeaprayermp3 · 11 months
the problem with these case of the week episodes at this late juncture is like. i just want other characters to be there. i don’t need big overarching plot but it’s like. part of what becomes great about supernatural over time is the family sam and dean build around them! they start the show estranged and only come together again because john ditched dean to go on a suicide mission. they find each other but lose their dad. and then we get bobby and jo and ellen and cas and kevin and charlie and even crowley and at this point they’ve lost everyone but cas and crowley again and it’s like. i enjoy the case of the week episodes but it’s also so lonely. people will be like “the show is about the two brothers!” and it’s like of course it is but they also have friends and they can come on cases toooooooooo and i’m not JUST talking about castiel but yeah. yeah i’ll say it. i want more castiel
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dean and cas are getting married; 
sam is dean’s best man and jack is cas’s best man. 
jack is also the wedding planner because he knows his dads like no one else (not only being their son but also being god)
dean says they want a small ceremony with just the four of them but cas wants a big celebration because it’s what they deserve after more than a decade of useless pining and then dying, so they decide to take the middle road and have a ceremony in the heaven roadhouse with their closest friends and chosen family
everyone is there! ellen, jo, wayward sister gang, garth&co, bobby,  charlie, kevin&linda, and jack even made reservations so their demon/angel buddies can join so crowley, balthazar, gabriel etc are also there.
cas is wearing a v pretty, black/dark blue suit with a black tie and white lily boutonniere, and dean’s wearing the suit he wore in his 15x10 dream (in which cas IS the lamp) and a matching white lily. cas says that dean’s never looked better (which is a lie because to him dean’s always looked perfect but he’ll never tell) and dean’s just lovestruck the entire day
jack is the flowergirl (”you mean flowerboy?” “no, dean, flowergirls are prettier” “alright, jack, whatever floats your boat”) and he picks the prettiest white petals to throw around and has a BLAST doing so.
not only is he the flowergirl, best man and wedding planner, he’s also the officiator and ring bearer and his dads wonder how he could balance so many things at once before they remember “oh right he’s God”
anyways the wedding itself is very cute, dean wrote his vows but still stumbled over them because he’s not used to this sappy stuff but it makes cas cry nonetheless, meanwhile cas didn’t prepare one yet he spoke from the heart like he rehearsed it 200 times already and dean wonders how the fuck he got so lucky
their first kiss as a married couple was the cutest thing ever, dean leaned in for a kiss but cas pushed him back gently and was like “no, allow me!” before he dipped dean and gave him the most passionate kiss (the one dean will still think about decades from now)
afterparty time!!! they didn’t use a traditional wedding cake and they went with three layers of apple, cherry and pecan pie (this was cas’s surprise to dean, and he almost melted when he saw the little bee wedding topper with two bees wearing black bowties on the pecan pie.
ofcourse they do the thing where they cut the pie and shove it in eachother’s faces. it’s dean’s favorite part! but they get to lick it off of eachother’s faces immediately afterwards, so cas doesn’t mind (but sam does, he didn’t sign up for this)
their first dance is OBVIOUSLY to Thank You by Led Zeppelin, it makes everyone cry including the two lovebirds themselves, and they hold eachother close as they finally, finally, find themselves filled with the happiness and love they both deserve.
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autisticandroids · 2 years
14. Favorite character death scene
so i spent a lot of time thinking about this answer because like. i'm only now realizing that the death scenes in supernatural frequently like... kiiiind of suck ass. like almost every main or side character death that happens is essentially a fridging, it exists to make the main characters mad and give them motivation. and so a lot of them are played for shock value. often (or at least in the cases of kevin and charlie) we don't see the actual death, just the corpse. because those deaths aren't about the characters they happen to, they're about the mains' reaction. and like, even in the cases of fridgey deaths where the death is still treated with some tender loving care, those deaths are superseded by what happens around them. like, when i think of cas' death in season twelve, i don't think of that great shot of the angel blade appearing in his chest, i think of the scene where dean rips the curtain and ties it around his corpse, because that's just a lot more compelling. like, the grieving scenes, where we experience others' emotions around his death (mainly dean's, obviously), are way more compelling. even if you look at a death scene that is pretty universally agreed to be great, the one from all hell breaks loose part one, the part i tend to remember isn't actually dean holding sam as he dies, it's dean's speech to sam's corpse in the next episode. because that death, once again, isn't about sam. it has nothing to do with him. it's just about screwing with dean's emotions.
now, there are a few really well-constructed death scenes for major/side characters. off the top of my head, ellen and jo's death is really strong and not a fridging at all. like salmondean care that they're dead, but the primary emotional resonance in that scene is about jo's tragic coming of age and final act of agency, and ellen and jo's relationship as mother and daughter. bobby's death is also kind of like this but i can't speak on it because i haven't fucking watched it since 2013. also, it's crazy to me that they lied to mark sheppard and told him that they were gonna give him a death like this and then they just didn't.
also this is a little off topic but i'm gonna take this space to bitch about some other death scenes that i have deeply mixed feelings about, namely meg's and ruby's.
first, ruby. i have mixed feelings on this one because on the one hand her death scene objectively rules. probably the best villainous death scene in all of supernatural. maaaaybe uriel could compete but i don't know. like she has that great speech and then she dies and her death is like. she Lets it happen. on the other hand it's like sooooo crazy misogynistic. like her boyfriend grabs her by the shoulder and then his brother shows up and stabs her, reaffirming their masculine bond. plus the actual blocking of the stabbing is like, it's so pseudoerotic, like dean stabs her in the lower belly while sam's holding her. you know?
and then the other one that i have really mixed feelings about is meg, because on the one hand, meg's death was like. it was About Her. she made her choices. it wasn't about manipulating anyone's emotions but the audience's. but on the other hand, for all of 8x17 she's like. stuck with dudes who detest her. like, cas is there for part of it, but then she's with the winchesters. and they say insulting things to her because they hate her. like, the last thing she sees as she dies is literally them driving away. and we never ever see cas, who actually cares about her, find out she's dead. so she has both a good and awful sendoff.
but! supernatural does actually have some really memorable death scenes. they're just mostly of minor characters. now, supernatural is like super protagonist-centric. which means that nearly every side character death is a fridging. which means that what we care about is the fact that that character is dead, not how they died. but with minor one or two episode characters, the way they manipulate the protagonists' emotions is different. it's less "this person is dead and we feel sad about it," and more like. that textpost that's like i walk up to jensen ackles and kill myself in front of him, altering the course of his life forever. the death is the point.
a great example is meg masters' (the vessel, not the demon who took her name) death in devil's trap. it's really compelling and upsetting, because this character like. exists to die.
so i thought about minor character deaths that i like, really like. and i think i've picked one. my favorite like. minor character death where the death itself is super compelling is probably rachel in frontierland. i'm like. obsessed with that one. her death is like this inevitable tragedy because like. cas was lying to her. but he was doing it for her own good. and then because he lied she immediately tried to kill him. and so he killed her in self defense and then held her and apologized as she died and exploded (as angels were wont to in the early seasons). it's like this really compelling moment because it's kind of almost no one's fault. like of course cas lied, and of course she tried to kill him for it, and of course he defended himself, and of course she died in his arms, and none of this had to happen but it was always going to, there was no other way.
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fanfic-corner · 4 years
It’s strange, Dean decides, that nervousness still exists in Heaven. Isn’t it supposed to be all rainbows and happiness and lollipops? Maybe he should have a word with Jack about it. He’s considering whether or not it’s too late to back out when Sam appears from nowhere, punching him in the shoulder.
“Hey,” Dean protests, rubbing the sore spot. He was definitely adding “pain from being punched by my asshole brother” to his list of things that don’t belong in Heaven. “What was that for?”
“You’re shaking like a leaf,” Sam announces, much too loudly in his opinion.
“Am not.” Absently fidgeting with his tie, he glares at the door of Harvelle’s like it might bite him. “I don’t think I can do this.”
Sam lets out his trademarked long-suffering sigh. “Yes, you can. Look, here’s the bridesmaids.”
Sure enough, there’s Charlie and Jo gossiping in their matching blue dresses, Kevin hovering awkwardly next to an incredibly excited Jack. Even though he’s God, it is the kid’s first wedding, and Dean’s pretty sure he’s more enthusiastic than anyone else. Honestly, it looks like Kevin is having regrets about being there. If they weren’t already dead, he’d be worried that the dude might have a heart attack.
“We ready?” Sam asks, ignoring Dean practically vibrating with nerves next to him.
“Let’s get this show on the road!” Charlie cheers, and all of a sudden the doors are swinging open and there’s no backing out now and the show is very much on the road.
Dean takes a deep breath, feet rooted to the spot, before Sam gives him a gentle shove in the right direction and instinct takes over. When he turns the corner, his eyes automatically search the crowd, skimming over a hundred familiar faces - Ellen and Jody and his mom and Bobby and all the other people they could fit into the bar - until he finds the one person he is searching for, and he immediately relaxes.
Cas is stood in the center of the room, his usual suit appropriately spruced up by Ellen, and when he meets Dean’s eyes a wide grin splits across his face and Dean’s heart melts. All the worry he had felt stood outside disappeared in a flash, and he finds his face twisting into a matching smile.
“You folks ready to get married?” Ash asks, who is somehow the only person qualified to officiate weddings (not that the formality mattered that much).
“I am,” Cas smiles, taking Dean’s hands into his.
“Me too,” Dean agrees, and there’s no place he would rather be.
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firemandeanbuck · 4 years
You know, those who were close to Dean, they were automatically close, like, the didn't choose him. Also, Dean felt obliged to take care of them and protect them. He chose most of them, whether they are hunter friends, or his family, like Sam, Bobby, or friends, like Jo and Ellen. He was obligated to protect Kevin, since he was a profit
He rarely chose anyone, like Charlie.
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Rowens told him he's a killer, when he lost him memory, that he's a dangerous being, just because hunting is what he does, it makes him a killer. She didn't say what he is as a character. Look how heart broken he looks, he doesn't know what he is as a person, he simply presume he's a bad person because he is a killer. Rowena was the only one who could've undo the spell, because she the only one with magic.
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The captured reaper. She pissed him off, again, by stating that he's a killer, by saying that he's fake. Because no one's true self can be anger, pure rage. Dean had MOC at the time, his negative emotions were highlighted by the mark and targeted.
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A hunter, someone he didn't choose Gordan. He was a friend of his father. Also, this was the beginning season. He loathed Gordan. He didn't want to be anything like him, or even act like him. This also fumed him.
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These words came from the mouth of an assassin, a killer who simply follow orders, doesn't question anything. Dean does question things, he even lets the creatures that don't harm humans live. His expressions bring the breaking process of his thoughts and feelings. He thinks, yes, thats how I'm supposed to feel. He is tired of those words, but cannot change anything about it. Again, Arthur slept with Mary
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This was not the case with cas, cas came to Dean with his full mind and heart. He CHOSE to pour his heart into Dean, and Dean didn't think himself worthy, but also, that feeling was new to him, but he loved it, for the first time, he felt how its like to belong to someone else by choice, how it felt people loving you for who you are, not what you can do for them. Cas saw all of Dean's flaws. He knew the very core and soul of Dean. He rebuilt the man and his soul from SCRATCH. Broken and tainted by the fires of hell.
So, Dean knew that must be true. He felt it to be just right and close to home
But..here comes the change.
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It took Castiel 12 years to put his feelings into words, and he did it only for Dean's protection and his survival.
It changed Dean. It showed him that he's more than a meat suit and more than a killer, cas told him that love is is his true core, not anger or killing. Those words were all it took to undo decades of self hate, of self blaming, of anger and hate.
Castiel changed Dean too
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