#but what's more serious than my villainous rampage?
accal1a · 1 year
I think my villain origin story is people tagging every fandom/actor/character in a post about one fandom/actor/character.
If I was looking for Jeremy, Susan, I'd be in the goddamn Jeremy tag.
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kagekitsuneoflight · 7 months
Hazbin Hotel criticism has been done so much by so many people about very real and serious things but I’m throwing my hat in the ring because this is something most people don’t talk about often.
Hazbin is boring and it misuses it’s setting and biblical characters/inspirations. Or rather it doesn’t use them in a way that’s actually interesting.
For a show about heaven and hell and blatant Christian setting it sure does seem to only take the aesthetics. And not even the visual aesthetics. It’s not even clear on which branch of Christianity it’s drawing from.
This is going to be done with a casual tone and it’s not very well structured because I am not being paid to write about my grievances.
Adam’s motivation as a villain is so shallow and flat. You’re telling me he’s doing this for funsies? For a laugh? Adam was made in God’s image. What does this say about the guy. For a show whose themes is about going “not everything is black and white!” It sure does make him (even visually) black and white. Which is just sooooooo. Boring. Here’s an actually interesting idea that also makes Lucifer more interesting. Adam was cast out of Eden, which was paradise on earth, all because of how Satan (aka Lucifer) tempted Eve (and thus Adam) into sin. So why not make Adam’s enthusiasm for rampaging through hell so that he’s wrecking a Lucifer’s hellish paradise in revenge? If Adam had to suffer then so too should Lucifer. It’s *Lucifer’s* fault after all.
Lets not even get into how Lucifer and Satan are technically two different people. It’s a common thing. But still if you went with Lucifer’s actual story where he’s being so jealous about humanity that he went out of his way to RUIN it all for them. it gives him more depth then him being Depressed. And loves his daughter.
It opens so much more that you can do with *both* characters. It also makes Charlie’s motivation to redeem sinners carry a more personal weight than just. Doing it because it’s right. Her dad was the catalyst! She’s taking on the sins of her father! Make her LEARN that as his child, she does not need to feel responsible for what he’s done. (And, hey, maybe have Vaggie be the one to teach her that! You know, the Angel? The one who would best be able to teach how to change from sin? And not just be “haha fuddy duddy no fun allowed” character.)
Saint Peter is in the show. Saint Peter is there. I am not going to get into Saint Peter because the implications and questions it poses is going to make me insane. And he’s probably only there because of how ingrained it is that *he’s* the one who greets you at those pearly gates. He’s pop culture Saint Peter and not the actual Saint Peter.
Now you might be wondering “what about Lilith she’s clearly going to be the antagonist in the second season.” Yeah she can still have that. We have no real basis on how much she’s done or doing. The only real motivation we have is that she wants to stay in heaven.
(My theory (aka what I think would make Lilith interesting) is that Lilith originally planned to try and outnumber and out power hell so then she could try and take paradise for herself. But obviously the yearly exterminations put a damper on the plan. I bet she was *happy* to be with Lucifer. I bet she loved her family. But she’s in hell. She’s in hell and the queen and her subjects do not respect her (if they do not respect charlie or lucifer, then they will not respect her) and when you have known what paradise on earth is, well you’d want it back. Originally you might’ve planned to take your entire family with you. But you just can’t manage it. Your husband is wallowing and tells stories but he takes no action. You start to resent him. Your daughter has heard his stories and has taken on his naïve hopefulness and maybe that’s what you loved about your husband when you fell into sin with him, but now it just reminds you of what you had and what you cannot reclaim and she looks *so much like her father* you start to resent her too. It’s Lucifer’s fault that you’re here. It’s Charlie’s fault that you stay. And then something changes. You strike a deal. You get to stay in heaven. The paradise you want.)
In a good world this is what Lilith’s motivations are. Which is a lot of words for saying Charlie should have this final “the child shall not bare the sins of the father.” Moment during her confrontation with Lilith. (This would have been something that was slowly built up during the show.)
Charlie shouldn’t be trying to redeem sinners in an attempt to apologize for her father’s actions. She should be doing it because it’s the right thing to do. (You know, for a main character, she sure does remain rather stagnant.)
What else did I want to point out the flaws for.
Ah right ass backwards way that Sinners apparently get redeemed. You are making a show about Catholicism you better get the absolute basics of it down. (We don’t know the breed unfortunately.)
Yeah so like. It should be remorse. You should be seeking out forgiveness for your sins. Not doing one selfless act and then getting killed immediately. And you can have! A very very interesting way of discovering this! You can have Charlie thinking that sinners need to become Good. (And you know, What Is Good.) She could confuse Goodness with Niceness. She could think that so long as they just Stop Being Bad, they get into heaven.
You can have Charlie lean into the whole Fire and Brimstone levels of Being Good. And then have to unlearn that! Angeldust (just using him as the example) Isn’t a sinner because he does sex work and drugs. He is a sinner because of whatever he did to get into hell. He needs to feel remorse for his *actual* sins, and seek out forgiveness before he gets redeemed. (from heaven, ig. Who the fuck is god anyways is god going to be a twink. is there a god? if not then wHY IS SAINT PETER-)
(TAKE NOTES. This is a great way to explore a character’s backstory beyond what’s told via Word of God (a la vizzie) and squinting at the aesthetics and motifs of a character and guessing what they did.)
Being redeemed through remorse can also carry a conflict! Let’s take one of the most morally reprehensible characters on the show. Valentino. Let’s say he has a sudden change of heart. Not a halfassed one. (It has to be REAL to make it an actual conflict). He realizes that what he’s done is vile, evil and reprehensible. He seeks out forgiveness. It is granted.
Because the only forgiveness you need (for Christians) is the forgiveness from god. (or heaven?? Ig?????)
Is there no sin that is beyond forgiveness? Is there no one beyond redemption? Is that whole all encompassing love from god schtick actually real, not clickbait?
I don’t know. Hazbin Hotel doesn’t want to get that deep into it. Because they just want to do a Heaven Bad????? Hell Good???? Or maybe???? Both are Bad and Good??????????? Story.
There is a lot more that I can nitpick and offer criticism to, or simply go “hey wouldn’t this be better?” To with this series. Because I think the concept can work really, *really* well. But it falls so flat on its face that it’s become concave.
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weird-but-hey · 1 year
Okay I'm back from TikTok and aaaahh I have feelings about the Alice in Wonderland fandom again
This might be controversial or something idfc
She's not the villain!
She's not the real bitch behind it all!
She. Lied. Once.
As a child I lied more than not, literally every other thing was a lie (I was a nightmare to raise but you get my point)
So, what IS Mirana's fault?
1. Mess on the floor
2. Mom mad at Iracebeth
3. Iracebeth feeling helpless
Things that are NOT HER FAULT
1. Iracebeth falling and injuring herself
2. Years of mocking because of a literal head injury from all over the damn land (would make me want to commit serious crimes too tbh, also is it too early to call this fairytale ableism or-)
3. Their fathers decision not to let his emotionally unstable daughter rule
4. All the shit Iracebeth did after gaining power
5. The literal prophecy saying her sister will lose
People were also saying she's a bad sister
Yes, I agree a bit
She's not been stellar
She could've be more active in silencing the negative voices that attacked her sister, she could have not blamed eating a fkin tart on her sister (which again is literally the mildest of lies ever and does NOT make her a villain, do y'all not have siblings??)
Her sister's been on a murderous rampage for I forget how long. She's destroyed the once thriving land and ruled with an iron fist. We all know this and can't blame Mirana for casting her out, esp since people y'know DIED and I'm sure the survivors wouldn't take kindly to her should she stay in underland.
But oh that last few moments
I'm telling you, she didn't know how much the tart thing meant to Iracebeth and once she found out, she apologized as soon as she could. Not only that oh no
She sacrificed herself to save her sister's body! Even though it didn't mean much in the end since they got brought back but look in her eyes and see the fear of death.
And she did this after everything that's happened since her sister took her crown. They've been separated for years and yet she still went back for her. She didn't leave her.
Iracebeth wouldn't have done that.
Mirana did that for her older sister.
She's a good sister.
Rant over
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Alright, latest chapter’s out and it’s discussing a very heavy and serious topic; heteromorphic discrimination (which is a blatant allegory for general racism, now more than ever). Which is why seeing people simplifying a lot of the arguments presented down by saying things like the heteromorphs using their oppression to just justify violence or that this prejudice isn’t as bad anymore is…a tad concerning. So time to do my duty as a League stan and play Villain’s advocate.
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First; the idea that they’re just rampaging pointlessly to vent their rage and justifying it with past oppression. This is an especially idiotic take when Spinner keeps mentioning how they’re here for Kurogiri, something at least Present Mic knows as well. And I’ve mentioned more than a few times how Kurogiri is basically the only one with any chance of turning this war around from an otherwise 100% certain hero victory. So if these people are, in fact, putting their hopes in Shigaraki and Spinner to change things; then far from aimless rioting, this attack is the only strategically viable move they could’ve made.
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Next is the idea of things not being so bad that they need to put their hopes in Shigaraki; a weird claim to make (even ignoring how real world parallels make it laughable) when this same chapter gave multiple people revealed to be scared for heteromorphic quirks. Including Shoji. To say nothing of the existence of the CRC.
And just in general; whenever you might look at a villain’s motivations rooted in some way the setting sucks and be tempted to say “oh things can’t be that bad”, they are. Pretty much every time. The only exceptions I can ever really think of belong to people who became heroes and escaped the sucky-ness with the position’s celebrity status. Which, like, is good enough for guys like Shinsou or Shoji I guess; but I don’t think there are enough open positions for the 15,000 people here to use that method.
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And I already shared my initial thoughts on this; but even Shoji’s own call-outs feel unfair and ignorant of the circumstances. Like, saying they’re not considering the safety of the hospital patients when the heroes evacuated them last war? What, is he seriously expecting the villains to evacuate this hospital then? How would that even work? Heck, the heroes only evacuated the hospital after they entered in (obviously), but are any of the villains even in the Central Hospital yet? This feels like calling the villains out for killing their opponents instead of sending them to jail like the heroes do while ignoring the question of what jail they’d send them too. What other option were they expected to take besides leaving Kurogiri to rot?
Also, just want to point out that the heroes are the ones who took Kurogiri from Tartarus to put him deep in a building surrounded by the civilians Shoji is calling Spinner out for not considering. So who’s endangering the civilians here? Because the villains don’t exactly have many options low in collateral, but the heroes do and they choose to bring a high-profile villain to a civilian hospital knowing the chances that other villains would come for him.
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hero can’t swim and has a fear of water and while hero and villain are fighting (on a bridge above water) hero slips up and falls in and villain has to save them
i love ur writing, have a great day :)
Thanks so much for the prompt request :)
No one ever seemed to notice how tall water was.
People would just float atop waves at the heights of skyscrapers, as though it were nothing. As though they couldn’t see past their own kicking legs down, down, down into the vast waiting dark.
Somehow, the hero had always known that the water would be where they’d die.
They thrashed, of course. Head flinging back, legs jerking up, arms flailing out. But their gear was heavy as stone around their chest.
Eventually, they had to open their mouth. The scream didn’t even escape their lips. The water pushed down their trachea, and soon enough their lungs were stone too.
The hero could do nothing but sink.
They didn’t actually believe it, when arms wrapped around them. When the water began to flow back downwards, and the pressure began to alleviate. They thought the sensations were nothing more than the final gasps of an oxygen-deprived brain.
When they were back on the bridge, they coughed up more water than they would’ve thought their body capable of holding. They vomited. Then they resumed coughing again.
“What the hell, [Hero]?” the villain said behind them. “Can’t you swim?”
The hero glanced back. The villain sat on the concrete, completely drenched. Did they actually . . .
“Of course I can,” the hero snapped.
But the villain stared at them. Thinking, recalculating. “No. You can’t.”
The hero coughed one last time, and wiped their mouth with their fist. “Even if I can’t, what’s it to you?”
“You idiot. Why on earth would you fight me over water?”
“Right. Next time I’ll make sure to pick a better location for the appearance of your city-destroying robot.”
A robot that was, incidentally, shut down and resting on the other side of the bridge. Why had the villain turned it off?
“What are your other weaknesses?”
The hero shot their gaze back, surprised by the villain's abrupt question. Then they laughed. “Jesus, at least buy me dinner and torture me first. What, you think I give up my secrets that easily?”
“Well if I don’t know what they are, how am I supposed to – ”
The villain cut themself off.
There was something serious and unreadable in their eyes. It was close to anger. Or fear. But at the same time, not quite either.
The hero swept sopping hair off their forehead, and leveled a glare. “So what are you going to do now, then? Give up the rampage, or kick your enemy while they’re down?”
The villain looked them over. “I’m going to do this.”
They pressed a button, and a net flung out of a canon in their suit, encircling the hero. Evidently, their equipment wasn’t as waterlogged as the hero’s had been.
The hero barely had time to wriggle and curse before the villain scooped them in their arms and rocketed upwards. “You’re crashing at my place until you're . . . until I know your vulnerabilities.”
The hero wanted to fight back, but the net successfully encased them, and there was little they could do in the air.
The two of them flew in silence across the city. After some time, the hero came to a realization, and a clammy horror settled on their chest. They knew what emotion had been in the villain’s eyes earlier. 
It had been worry.  
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tuxedaaron · 1 year
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This pic was something that came into my head, as I began some serious brainstorming for a Justice League Unlimited fanfic idea that I'd had in the works for quite some time...namely, the return of the Supergirl Clone, Galatea (aka. the DCAU incarnation of Power Girl).   While the argument could be easily made that she was killed by Supergirl in the episode, "Fire in the Sky", my take on it is going to be that she's been in a coma for several months.  What you see in this pic is as the title implies...two versions...what she was...and what she will ultimately become.  And as you make the comparison, even her expressions are as night and day.  What was once bitterness and confusion has now been replaced with confidence and purpose.  Such are the changes she'll experience in these tales.  But like most metamorphoses, her journey to that summit will NOT be an easy one. My original plan was to have this story be a one-shot, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that one story would be insufficient, as having her do a full-tilt 180 after one story seemed unrealistic.  So I decided to split the idea into two stories, instead.  The first story, entitled, "Emergence" (which is already written and posted on fanfiction.net...again, Author Name Aaron12) sees with Galatea coming out of her coma.  And when she finally wakes up, she finds herself in a world she no longer has any place in. Faced with the reality of being a living weapon for a war that never came, Galatea's already-fragile self worth shatters completely.  And as she begins to run wild, it ultimately falls to Superman to stop her rampage. The second story is going to be entitled, "Ascension" and will be set several months after "Emergence", with Superman still trying to help Galatea carve out her own identity (as task proving to be quite the challenge, as Galatea's rebellious side continues to rear its head).  But things only get more complicated as Supergirl returns from the 31st century to stop an escaped villain from changing a point in history...an incident that Galatea, herself, is personally involved in.  The story ultimately ends with Galatea finally mending fences with Supergirl, as well as completing her evolution into Power Girl by deciding what she truly wants from her own existence.  But acquiring this new lease on life may cost her more than she EVER thought she would have to pay... All-in-all, I'm quite pleased with this pic.  It turned out exactly the way I envisioned it.  Of course, feel free to tell me what you think.  As always, I look forward to any thoughts.
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 306: the beginning of the WHAT
Previously on BnHA: Nana and the Gang were all, “hey Deku, we can read your thoughts and feelings so we should already know the answer to this, but for some reason we want to quiz you on whether or not you’d be down to kill Shigaraki Tomura.” Deku was all, “um okay, well tbh, probably not seeing as Saving People has been my entire thing since literally the start of the series.” The Vestiges were all, “yes that makes perfect sense and again we already knew that, but well, good for you buddy and I’m glad we had this talk. Anyway I guess we should ask these two cryptic fuckers in the corner to finally turn around now before we run out of -- ” and then the chapter ended. Because OF COURSE IT DID.
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi is all “YOU DON’T NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT, WOULDN’T IT BE SO MUCH BETTER IF I GAVE YOU A CONFUSING CHAPTER WHERE EVERYONE FINALLY LEARNS ABOUT OFA, AND GOES BACK TO THE DORMS, AND THEN THE CHAPTER ENDS WITH DEPRESSED NOMAD DEKU STANDING ON A PRECIPICE WITH GRAN TORINO’S TATTERED CAPE FLOWING IN THE WIND.” Everyone is all, “???????????” Horikoshi is all, “also the parents are moving to the U.A. campus, and Jeanist’s neck is two and a half feet long, for everyone that was wondering.” Everyone is all, “WHERE ARE KACCHAN AND TODOROKI AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, WHO ARE THE SECOND AND THIRD USERS”, and Horikoshi is all, “:)” and fades away into nothingness like the fucking fae he is. Like a fucking imp who’s kept his end of the cursed bargain. What, the, fuck.
okay guys, so after the longest Thursday of my fucking life, during which I was secretly hoping that my spoiler containment net would be somehow be breached, inadvertently exposing me to theta spoiler radiation, so that I could be all “oh no... spoilers... there’s nothing I can do... I have no choice but to look” (which sadly did not happen), it is finally Friday and the chapter is finally out. so I’ve got my clown kit at the ready and other self-deprecating memes on standby, and I’m ready to go. and I should note that I’m also ready for Horikoshi to pull some absolute bullshit and be like, “oh you know what, we haven’t checked in with Rat Principal in a while have we” and spend the entire chapter on nonsense like that. I’M READY FOR FUCKING ANYTHING so bring it
(ETA: it would be nice if this man wouldn’t call my bluff every now and again.)
oh, right, we were due a color page! wow look at this
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isn’t this supposed to be the future?? what’s with all of these staticky CRT TVs
anyway, so! is this the first time we’ve seen Tomura’s stylish finger prosthetic glove thingy in color?? because I didn’t expect it to be red. also, at some point you just have to give in and change your pants into cutoffs or something, Tomura. start a new trend of stylish villain capris
meanwhile Deku is dressed like he’s going on a journey into the desert to find a mystical oasis. actually this cape looks a lot like Gran Torino’s. I have to go back and see if Gran’s is all raggedy like this
(ETA: it wasn’t before but APPARENTLY IT IS NOW. I also forgot that Horikoshi had showed it sitting on a side table in the hospital a few chapters ago.)
lastly, AFO looks like someone’s thumb after they’ve been washing dishes for twenty minutes. you are just the ugliest dude in history, and as always, fuck you
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oh, Twowy McTwoface is finally starting to turn around? better CUT BACK TO DEKU’S HOSPITAL ROOM THEN. wouldn’t want to accidentally ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS or SOLVE ANY MYSTERIES, god forbid
well, whatever. whatever!! anyway so now someone’s knocking at the door. I say “someone” but we all know it’s Hawks
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they were actually standing outside the door for a while hoping they’d overhear another juicy plot conversation, but no such luck this time
lmaooo Jeanist wtf
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acting all embarrassed, but you’re really just as curious as Hawks is. making him do all the dirty work for you huh
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so like two seconds after Katsuki gets dragged away you open the door for the rest of them!! well, fine!! I really want it to be a more private/personal moment between the two of them anyway so let the other kids check in on Deku first then
and in the meantime, time to see Hawks put the thumbscrews to All Might’s resolve lol
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I wonder how much of it Hawks has already put together in the last five minutes. One for All is something connected to All for One that Tomura seems to want. Tomura was apparently targeting Deku. that’s more than enough to make a few deductions right there. I wonder how much Hawks knows about Deku’s quirk. he did watch the sports festival, and he ran into the kids interning under Endeavor that one time
okay well maybe he hasn’t put the rest of it together just yet, but Hawks is making a pretty reasonable pitch here to All Might
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also this is a pretty spectacular view. is this a hospital or a hotel??
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( •̀_•́ )
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[sitting cross-legged on the ground pulling up little clumps of grass and letting them fall from my fingers one by one] yeah. sure. okay. fine. sure
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everybody better hold tight cuz I’m about to pick up this whole chapter and yeet it into the ocean like a fucking frisbee lol
-- OH
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well okay then. proceed. though lord help me if they’re about to reveal the secret of OFA to the whole fucking world skdkj
oh snap
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well, there it is. pretty much what I expected, but it’s good to actually get to see this moment with him taking responsibility
though at the same time, thank you Horikoshi for not forcing us to sit through the rest of that
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their fucking faces omg. okay but seriously, what nation doesn’t secretly love a good scandal
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the Endeavor Pamphlets, part two. thank you for giving the country something to opine about on twitter in these trying times, Enji
so now they’re asking about Hawks and Jeanist but I cannot even focus on anything all of a sudden because what?!
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is Jeanist even a real actual human being you guys?! are we sure he’s not three kids sitting on each other’s shoulders?? are you related to that one guy with the really long neck from the Jedi Council?? are you Orochimaru, bro??
so now Hawks is apologizing for the murder of Twice, and for hiding the connection with his dad
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the fact that he has to give this serious formal apology and beg forgiveness for the shameful crime of Having An Abusive Father is really something else, though. just. it’s realistic, but I still hate it
moving on now to the one thing he actually does owe the public an explanation for
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not to go all “Hawks did nothing wrong” on you guys yet again, but seriously. 100% facts. fandom can (and no doubt will) debate this until the end of time, but if Twice had gotten away they wouldn’t be having this press conference right now because there wouldn’t be any heroes left to give one. anyways though, I’ve already said more than enough about that in previous posts
so now some severe-looking lady with the weirdest fingers I’ve ever seen is saying that her mother was injured during Machia’s rampage
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and she’s basically all “a fuck lot of good ‘I’m sorry’ does us all about now.” true true
wow she’s really getting fired up
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and now Enji is basically saying that he understands that an apology isn’t enough, and what they really need now are solutions. okay, well! SO THEN WHAT IS THE PLAN THEN
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this eloquent PEZ dispenser makes a good point you guys
wait, hold up
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CERTAIN citizens?? um excuse me, what??
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shit
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holy shit. well, this will go over well
okay! so this tells me a number of things, though
basically the minute that Hawks learned about One for All, he realized that anyone connected to Deku (e.g. Inko) would be a target for AFO. AFO wants OFA, meaning AFO wants Deku, and one of the easiest ways to get to Deku would be to target his family
Hawks therefore realized that Inko needed to be placed into protective custody
but the fact that ALL of the hero course students’ families (and is it only the U.A. hero course, or all of the hero course students across the country?) are being given protection tells me that Hawks and co. don’t want to single Deku out as being important. so then it looks like they’re not going to tell everyone about OFA (or at least not the public. which, good). so rather than drawing suspicion by saying “we’ve got to protect everyone connected with this one kid”, they’re making it seem like all the U.A. kids’ families are getting this treatment
but since the heroes are now spread so thin, they can’t just send a protective detail to each and every family, so they’re bringing all of the families to the same place instead to better keep an eye on them
so that’s all well and good, and a very smart move. except that idk how all of this is going to go over with the general public, all of whom are probably feeling unsafe at the moment, and who will probably see this as preferential treatment -- basically just the heroes looking after their own and leaving everyone else to fend for themselves
(ETA: okay so @hanashimas​’ translation clarifies that U.A. is offering their services as an evacuation shelter for everyone who wants it, not just the families of the U.A. students. that’s much more appropriate so I withdraw my previous “wtf” reaction lol.)
anyway though here’s Mitsuki and Inko
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can we take this as confirmation that the two of them really are friends? that’s one piece of fanon that I’ve always hoped was true, so I’m gonna go ahead and say it’s confirmed
(ETA: also this means that Hagakure’s parents (or maybe “parents” in quotation marks) will supposedly be moving in as well. sure am curious as to how that’s going to go.)
now someone in the press crowd is asking whether U.A. can provide adequate security, which is honestly the LAST thing I expected these people would be outraged about lol. shows what I know I guess
(ETA: again though, this makes sense if the “certain civilians” thing was just a translation error.)
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you tell me, Dabi! weren’t you the one who said that wouldn’t be enough to kill him? what even is your endgame here. I’m starting to worry about the villain brain cell supply you guys. I feel like Compress took most of them with him when he left
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“when asked about One for All, Endeavor fucking lied through his teeth.” well, well, well
( ⁰ ⌂ ⁰ )
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(ETA: 9. also if he really wrote every kid in his class then that means the U.A. traitor -- or Hagakure as we like to call her around these parts -- also knows about OFA, and knows that Deku has run the fuck off and isn’t at U.A. anymore. so that’s just great!)
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the hell does that mean, you must leave. leave to go where. son you are not up and leaving to go power up and lead us all into a timeskip. and I swear to GOD, if you left Kacchan too...!!
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y’all I’m not even gonna waste your time with more keysmashing, JUST ASSUME THAT I AM DOING IT NONSTOP, FOREVER. and let’s just jump RIGHT IN HERE
okay so here I thought that All Might and co. had taken him away somewhere to train, but that is CLEARLY not what’s going on here. this kid is standing here in his Apocalypse Aesthetic hero costume which has CLEARLY seen better days, with Gran Torino’s cloak (GUESS THAT EXPLAINS THAT, THEN?? SO DID GRAN FUCKING DIE EXCUSE ME WTF), and a fucking backpack. this little green idiot has RUN AWAY FROM HOME. this is the absolute LAST THING ON EARTH I ever expected to happen so PARDON ME WHILE I SCREAM CONFUSEDLY INTO THE VOID
he does not look okay. you guys he doesn’t look okay at ALL. he has NEVER looked like this. this isn’t just a “I’m sad because I’m leaving all my friends behind” kind of look on his face, or even just a “Gran Torino died maybe and I’m still having emotions over it” look. this is an EXHAUSTED, dead look in his eyes. something terrible has happened
love how this random building is just straight up collapsing, like that’s just a normal thing that happens every day now. lovely
did he go with Deku?? did he get a chance to talk to him before he left?? did he get his own private letter which he read and then promptly blew up in a fit of panicked rage?? is he going to go after him?? DOES HORIKOSHI KNOW WHAT HE’S DOING TO ME RIGHT NOW?? OF COURSE HE DOES, DON’T BOTHER ANSWERING THAT
omg. though actually the fact that we’ve already jumped a few weeks forward makes me hopeful that there won’t actually be another timeskip, or at least not much of one. I’m sure that’ll be the big debate of the week, but I don’t think we can jump too far forward here. for starters because of that All Might prophecy I mentioned. and also because TomurAFO isn’t just going to wait around for months. and also because I’m 100% sure that Deku’s running-away backpack is just filled ENTIRELY WITH NOTEBOOKS and this asshole cannot possibly survive more than 3 days on his own. UNLESS SOMEONE COMES TO HELP HIM THAT IS. OR SOMEONES, EVEN. OMG. omg omg omg. fuck this chapter lmao
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maxwell-grant · 3 years
Would you consider Hugo Strange a pulp villain?
Yes. And I would argue that he didn't really stop being one even after his revival.
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"Professor Hugo Strange, the most dangerous man in the world! Scientist, philosopher and a criminal genius - little is known of him, yet this man is undoubtly the greatest organizer of crime in the world! - Bruce Wayne, Detective Comics #36
Hugo Strange was created with the intention of being Batman's arch-enemy right from the start, introduced as such by Bruce when he figures out he's responsible for the G-man assassination, pretty explicitly intended to be Batman's Moriarty and with even an equivalent demise. He was big enough to tower over his henchmen and fistfight Batman, he had a uniquely deformed skull, he was both a charismatic but threatening crimelord as well as a mad scientist plotting to TAKE OVER THE WORLD, and I've heard before the argument that the Monster Men were taken from a Doc Savage novel released earlier the same year called The World's Fair Goblin that revolves around a giant mutated man doing crimes under command by the story's villain
That poor devil, Maximus, was a Fair visitor himself, once. He was given injections of thyroxine and adrenalin—and changed rapidly into a pituitary giant. But, in the experiment, his will power was destroyed. Now he only follows the directions of that masked devil who has him hypnotized
He said, "The Man of Tomorrow stuff was merely publicity to draw the Fair crowds—and a shield to cover your own experiments. But the masked surgeon cashed in on it. Obviously he is mad enough to really believe a superman can be created." - The World's Fair Goblin
(Considering Lester Dent had taken potshots at Superman explicitly in "Whisker of Hercules", it's not unlikely that this is an explicit reference)
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Although there's really no overlap in the stories besides that, as The World's Fair Goblin only had one giant where as Hugo mutated a couple dozen mentally ill patients to create monsters and then used them to go on mass murdering rampages, because Batman has always been over-the-top. But, yeah, original form Hugo was a pretty cut and dry pulp villain, like most of Batman's villains who debuted prior to 1940. Which is part of why he only had about 3 appearences before they killed him off.
By this point, Batman was in the process of moving away from his pulp knock-off origins into more of his own character, with the introduction of Robin and Dick Tracy cartoon villains that would set the tone for the rest of Batman in the Golden Age, and with the debut of Joker and Catwoman in Batman #1, Hugo was already obsolete as an arch-enemy, and was killed off the following appearence.
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Of course, if you know Hugo Strange, you likely already know this, and that he was then revived in the 70s by Marshall Rogers with a brilliant take that stuck to the character's origins as a brilliant crimelord and scientific genius, but also added to him a specifically twisted psychological bent of being obsessed with Batman and becoming Batman, a villain of unshakeable will and even a twisted sense of honor and ethics, refusing to divulge Batman's secret identity even while beaten to death.
And from that moment onwards Hugo would go on to have some of the most consistently brilliant appearences out of any Batman villain (at least until the 2010s) and would secure himself as a mainstay, albeit a very obscure one, figure of Batman, the kind of villain whose plots can range from Born Again-esque subtle destructions of a person's life to a rampage of mutant kaijus on downtown Gotham, and like many of the best Batman villains, it all comes back to a central obsession and psychological edge upon Batman, and the weaponizing and destruction of anything that stands in his way.
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You could argue Hugo Strange used to be a cut and dry pulp villain who was eventually reimagined as a Batman Villain, and it would even be somewhat fitting of his in-universe trajectory as a man who started out a career as a figure of prestige and respect, effortlessly able to blend in society, until his repeated encounters with Batman and, most importantly, his gradually increasing obsession with becoming Batman, gradually destroyed him until he's no longer the one ruling the madhouse, but instead trapped in it.
But the reason why I'd argue Hugo Strange is still a Pulp Villain is because his reinventions didn't shed away what he used to be, they merely returned him to his true origins. Because Hugo, you see, is not just a Mad Scientist or Mad Psychologist, Batman's got those by the dozens. Hugo is of a particularly nasty kind of Pulp Villain, who came to existence around the same time as the Mad Scientist if not slightly earlier, an archetype Jess Nevins has named The Evil Surgeon
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Medicine has arguably thrown up more serial killers than all the other professions put together, with nursing a close second - Herbert Kinnel, former chairman of the British Medical Association
The Evil Surgeon came to existence as a pop culture archetype in the late 19th century, as the result of serial killers like Jack the Ripper and H.H Holmes making the news, with Doctor Quartz from Nick Carter being first and foremost among these, as the main arch-enemy of the most published character worldwide at the time.
He would be followed years later by H.G Wells's Doctor Moreau, and the likes of Dr Caresco and Professor Tornada, the stars of novels created by André Couvreur, who was himself a medical doctor and used these novels to both condemn the characters as well as give serious consideration to the ideas they explored, and depicted Dr Caresco's over-the-top exploits harkening back to stories about Marquis de Sade (the origin of the term "sadist"). These would be followed by characters like Grigorii Trirodov, Dr Cornelius Kramm, Dr Gogol from Mad Love, currently the most famous example of this seems to be Hannibal Lecter. And Hugo has been operating much more along the lines of those characters in the last decades, than the typical mad scientists he was once designed in reference to.
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Of course there's a massive overlap between the two and room to dispute whether they even constitute separate archetypes, they practically came to existence together following the footsteps of Victor Frankenstein, who really isn't a true example of a Mad Scientist in the original novel, and wasn't even a real doctor, but Frankenstein's reputation undeniably is the oldest cultural touchstone we can point to as an influence in the archetype, even if said archetype would only truly take form in pulp magazines and serials.
What I'd argue defines the Evil Surgeon as an archetype specifically, is that they are specifically centered around the violation and destruction of the human body and function more as murderers with budgets, than supervillains in labcoats. Mad Scientists are generally more centered around plots closer to sci-fi/fantasy inventions like sentient robots and immortality potions used for large scale global domination, where as Evil Surgeons are more preoccupied with wielding psychology and torture and criminal resources to get away with destroying minds on more individual scales, or turning cities into slaughterhouses for them to work in.
They aren't quite full blown slasher villains, like Zsasz or Professor Pyg, instead they usually tend to be quite good at passing off as respectable, mentally sound figures of moral standing, and usually possess a sense of purpose towards their work, a goal they are working for by piling corpses atop each other and moving resources to achieve, even if said goal is a purely selfish fulfillment of their own desires. It's quite common for these characters to acquire large bases for them to operate in, even islands specifically.
In Caresco Surhomme, Caresco has taken control of the Pacific island of Eucrasia. Caresco applies his surgical methods to the inhabitants of the island, altering them to better do their jobs. The captain of the plane which brings outsiders to Eucrasia is a limbless trunk with telescopic vision. Even the island itself is in the shape of a human body. The natives of Eucrasia are addicted to various sensual pleasures and generally submit to Caresco’s rule, for fear that he will castrate them or worse.
On Eucrasia, Caresco makes use of “omnium,” a mysterious and unexplained power source, to create: a machine capable of stripping the years from human bodies and reversing the aging process, a fast underground train system, food pills, omnium-powered diving suits, and so on. Caresco is given to such things as collecting the spleens of all those he operates on - Jess Nevins, The Encyclopedia of Pulp Heroes
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So, yes, I absolutely would argue Hugo Strange is still a Pulp Villain. Pulp villains do come in many different forms other than the Fu Manchus and Fantomases that are most commonly imitated, pulp was the breeding ground of the supervillain as a concept after all, where they got to star in their own magazines time and time again. Hugo started off as a fairly generic one, and when he's written poorly, he tends to be brought onboard of a story purely because it calls for a mad scientist.
But Strange came back from death as something much, much worse than just a crimelord and mad scientist, a much more rare and much nastier type of villain that, much like Hugo himself, may lie dormant, but refuses to stay dead for long.
"Quincy. My servant. My friend," Hugo said. "We don't have much time."
Quincy was crying again, with joy. "How, master, how did you-?"
The therapy, Quincy realized. The hypnosis. The drugs.
"Stay with me master, please!" Quincy tried to grab hold a phantom hand.
"I cannot." Strange said, looking benevolently down at Quincy, stroking his hair with a touch the prisoner couldn't feel. "But there is one last service you can perform me."
"Anything, Hugo, please."
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"First, remove the sheet from your bed, Quincy. And tie it to the light-fixture on the ceiling."
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fictionadventurer · 3 years
So Strong as Gentleness; Or, Powers and Prejudice 2/?
Chapter 2: Immovable Object
For generations, the Bingleys had been the staunchest allies of the city’s superhumans, and the current generation had lived up to the family legacy. It was commonly conjectured that Charles Bingley himself numbered among the city’s masked superheroes--that he was the alter ego of the Storm King or the Nighthawk or the Blur--but it was just as commonly argued that this would unite too many blessings in a single man. Charles Bingley was good-looking and gentleman-like; he had a pleasant countenance and easy, unaffected manners. He united personal fortune with personal charm, and he had no need of superhuman talents to make him one of the city’s most extraordinary citizens.
It was with great astonishment that Jane noted his presence at Bingley Enterprise’s headquarters when she and Lizzie arrived at the recruitment event. The crowd was vast, but Mr. Bingley darted through with astonishing speed, shaking hands with everyone, delighted by the day and pleased by all in attendance. Though the strictures of the event required Jane to spend most of her time filling out forms and conducting interviews with middle management, she received a moment’s attention from the man himself. He approached her just as she was departing from an informational table, offered a handshake, and desired to know her opinion of the event, her occupational and educational history, her opinion of Netherfield, her favorite popular musicians, and if she had noticed the heavily laden refreshment table in the main lobby. Jane provided all the information desired and was surprised to find Charles Bingley genuinely interested in the answers. A few moments of conversation left her convinced that Charles Bingley was all that a young man ought to be--sensible, good-humored, lively. She had never seen such happy manners--so much ease, with such perfect good breeding.   
It was not until she caught sight of Lizzie--reapproaching her after they’d been separated by the crowd--that Jane remembered their mother’s purpose in sending them to the event. But by this point, Mr. Bingley was already being pulled away from the conference.
In the course of the day, Mr. Bingley had gained a shadow--a tall, dark-haired young man who was as aloof and elegant as one expected the heir to a corporation to be. Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy was head of a Pemberley corporation, with fortune and fame for such that eclipsed the Bingley reputation. He rarely left the city of Pemberley, and Jane could not fathom why a Bingley event had drawn him away from his own business concerns.
It seemed that Mr. Darcy had similar questions for Bingley, because after Darcy had pulled him a few steps away, Jane overheard him scolding his friend. “You shouldn’t waste your time with this nonsense.”
“Nonsense? Darcy, you know as well as I do that vetting future hires is a prime security concern.”
“You are socializing when you’re needed elsewhere.”
“Caroline has it well in hand. If my help is needed, I can rush to the rescue, but until then, my time is as well spent here as anywhere. Bingley Enterprises is a powerful force for good in this city.”
“Not as powerful as some.”
“Don’t force me to modesty, Darcy. I know our organization is primitive compared to what you have in Pemberley, but our strategies are effective for Netherfield, and if you could just trust...”
It was at this point that the two men moved too far away from Jane for her to hear any more of their conversation. Turning to her sister, she asked, “What do you make of that, Lizzie?” Her sister had undoubtedly overheard the same conversation--perhaps was hearing it still, as her senses retained some of their animal acuteness even in human form.
“Is it not obvious?” Lizzie said with a laugh. “It appears our company is not exalted enough for the grand Mr. Darcy. In the heights of his villainy, he has deprived you of a charming conversational partner and destroyed your chances of personal happiness.”
Jane sighed. “Mother will be disappointed. I made no mention of--”
“This has nothing to do with our mother. I was speaking of your obvious infatuation with a certain philanthropist.”
Jane had, from a young age, trained herself out of all outward displays of emotion--a necessary habit when any physical outburst had the potential to tear down walls--and she was proud that she did not so much as blush in response to Lizzie’s insinuation. “He is very charming. But I do not think five minutes of conversation is enough for you to pin all my happiness upon him.” She watched the two men disappear further into the crowd. "Perhaps, if my application is accepted, we can renew our acquaintance, but I have have lost my chance today.”
In this, Jane soon found herself mistaken. As the event was ending and Jane and Lizzie were exiting through the revolving doors of Bingley Enterprise’s main lobby, she found their compartment suddenly shared by a third person, who was none other than Charles Bingley himself. 
“Miss Bennet,” he said. “I am glad to have found you. I wished to apologize for my abrupt departure from our earlier conversation.”
Jane found herself stunned by more than the sunlight as they emerged onto the sidewalk outside. “No apology is necessary. I understand you have many other concerns.”
“That is no excuse for uncivility,” Bingley said, “Though Darcy would argue otherwise. He is always telling me to devote my time to more serious matters, but I say it is always worthwhile to be on friendly terms with our neighbors.”
Lizzie said, “It seems Mr. Darcy is uncommonly conceited.”
“No better man in the world!” Bingley said, rising to a good-hearted defense of his friend. “Only too apt to take the weight of the world on his shoulders and demand that I carry the same burden. I dare say he has a point, but one can better do good in the world by knowing the people within it.”
“A sensible philosophy,” Jane said. 
“And apt to make you much more popular with us common citizens,” Lizzie said.
“No one is common,” Bingley said, “especially in Netherfield.”
Jane was struck by the fear that he was about to realize just how true that statement was. For Lizzie’s attention was suddenly riveted to the bank across the street, and her pupils had already turned to cat-like slits.
“What is it, Lizzie?” Jane asked, hoping by conversation to keep her sister tethered to her human form. Lizzie had gained a great amount of control over her transformations, but the jaguar was likely to emerge unbidden in moments of danger. Lizzie had never transformed in so large a crowd before, and Jane did not know, in the case of disaster, if the jaguar could distinguish threats from innocent bystanders.
“Something is happening,” Lizzie said. “At the bank. I think there might be--”
Her words were drowned out by the explosion. The facade of the bank erupted into flame, and debris was headed in their direction. Jane tried to position herself as a shield to Mr. Bingley and Lizzie, but the sudden movement left her off-balance and falling.
Before she could right herself--before she could even see the results of the explosion--Jane suddenly found herself standing in an alleyway two blocks distant from Netherfield Enterprises. Mr. Bingley was at her side, bent over to catch his breath, with the blue half-mask of the Blur half-pulled over his face.
“Mr. Bingley?”
The man turned away, shielding his face with his hand. “You weren’t supposed to see--I’m usually gone by now, but you--you’re heavier than you look.”
Most other girls, perhaps, would have been offended by such comments, but Jane was merely impressed that he had moved her at all. If she hadn’t been falling, he wouldn’t have managed it--she had been told that trying to move her from where she was standing was like running face-first into a steel girder.
“What’s happening?” she asked, helping Mr. Bingley to straighten his skewed mask. The daughters of Mrs. Bennet knew that there was nothing so important to the average hero than the secret of their identity.
“Heist of some kind,” Bingley said. “We thought there might be villain movement today, but didn’t think they’d strike so close to the Enterprises building.”
“We have to go back!” Jane shouted, dashing out of the alley. “Lizzie!” There was no doubt that the jaguar was loose, and Jane was best able to keep her sister in control of her humanity.
“Wait!” he shouted in alarm. “I can go back to help her, but you mustn’t endanger yourself.”
Jane continued another city block, unheeding. She could see the bank now, chaos erupting as crowds fled from the disaster. From the destroyed facade, some variety of spidery, villainous robot had emerged, tossing aside people and vehicles that hindered its attempts at escape.
“Miss Bennet, please!” Bingley was at her side, apparently attempting the same rescue he’d completed moments before, but unable to budge her an inch.
“Help them!” Jane said. “I’ll be fine!”
At that moment, the rampaging robot picked up a green sedan and tossed it over the crowd, directly toward Jane’s position. Jane lifted both arms and caught the car by its front bumper. She held it aloft until she was certain the sidewalk before her was clear of bystanders, then she set it lightly on the ground.
She turned around to see the Blur, Netherfield’s most famous speedster, standing motionless, his jaw slack.
“I see,” he said, gathering his composure. He stepped toward her. “I must apologize. It appears you were not in want of a rescue. But if I may ask, are you in possession of a good mask?”
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Okay, that God-awful Winx live action got me thinking about how I would deal with making a Winx adaptation and while I will, at some point, make a post with all the possible plot lines I would have explored, I want to dedicate a whole post to the world building changes I would have made and that I’m devoting way too much thought to.
I think the first issue when making a Winx adaptation is whether to keep the three schools or, as they did in the Netflix show, merge them into one. I understand that in the cartoon the division was used to make a clear distinction between heroes, villains and love interests (ah yes, the three kinds of magic: good, bad, and hot guys) but I really liked it and I want to make it work in a more adult story as well. The one thing I would keep from the live action is the fact that guys can be fairies (or witches) as well, and girls can be specialists. So then what’s the actual difference between them?
It is the way you channel magic and how you can use it as a consequence. I really liked that one episode in S2 when the Winx went over to Cloudtower and learned a bit about witch magic and how they channel negative emotions and I really wish they’d done more with it. So imo a great way to adapt this would be to have fairy magic be born out of positive emotions and witch magic out of negative emotions, without making it mean that all witches are evil.
You see, learning how to face and control the darkest parts of yourself is actually something that can make you happier and healthier as a result. Both sides have their pros and cons: fairies are generally kinder and more selfless, but constantly focusing on positive emotions can take a toll on their mental wellbeing if they’re not careful enough, and being particularly scared or angry makes their magic more unreliable in a fight. Meanwhile, witches focus on feelings that could easily turn them bitter or even evil, but a witch who is in full control of her feelings and magic becomes an unstoppable force, which only becomes stronger in the heat of the battle.
This, first of all, lays out the ground for some serious character arcs, with the Winx being made actually weaker by their doubts and fears. Secondly, it lays the ground for the introduction of specialists.
You see, with these premises, fairies are not made for battles. Fairies are guardians and healers, who are ready to risk their lives to protect other people without even being asked to, but while they are extremely powerful, in a fight they have to get creative because their powers are not truly meant to hurt. They work better in groups because things like friendship and cooperation actually strengthen them. Cooperative magic was a great plot point in the show, and remember that time Musa needed energy from her audience singing to defeat Stormy? This is what I’m talking about.
Witches, on the other hand, would be perfectly capable of fighting the villain of the week or the random monster on a rampage, but they might not actually want to do so. A witch who sets her mind on something will either succeed or die trying, but getting her to fight for you is the tricky part, because she likely won’t do it out of loyalty or just the goodness of her heart. Also witches tend to work better on their own, and what makes the Trix (and all coven of witches really) so strong is that they actually managed to develop a bond strong enough that, instead of weakening them, it actually makes them more powerful.
In this scenario, you need specialists because when you call for help you need a fairy to protect you, but you might need someone more fit for battle to take care of the monsters. As to whether specialists have some kind of magic or not, well, this is up for debate, I don’t particularly lean one way or the other.
And just like the Trix stand out for being an unconventional group of witches, the Winx can stand out by being an unconventional group of fairies who will go out of their way to fight anyway, because they can’t stand the idea of just not doing anything.
Also with this world building both Helia and Nabu would probably be fairies and boy do I like the idea. And the idea of fairies being trustworthy, kind people explains why there are so many royals in Alfea; you probably want your ruler to be fairy rather than a witch. Fairies make for beloved royals, while witches  are much needed as the advisors who will stop royals from committing dumb mistakes out of the kindness of their heart. Once again, plenty of worldbuilding and conflict potential here. 
So, this would be my way to go for a Winx rewrite, what do you guys think? @rainbow contact me I promise I won’t yell at you for what you did with Netflix (yes I will).
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kacchanrawr · 4 years
Things I want to see in the future of MHA
(not just post-war stuff, but also the entire series. Some of these are kinda self-indulgent)
1. Endeavor and Hawks’ judgment
I honestly don’t know if I want to see them punished or pardoned. I’m interested in both of those so I’ll just trust Horikoshi on that one. But anyways, there’s no way they aren’t getting shit for this.
2. Whatever the ‘fake heroes’ are gonna do after this
Going back to Stain’s ideology about fake heroes. I agree with parts of it, there are a lot of people that become heroes without the conviction. They get into it by treating it the same way as any other office job, not as a mission to be well, heroes. But I don’t agree that they should be killed or eliminated. Being a hero for money isn’t inherently a bad thing, it’s when you let greed take over you to the point that you forget what it means to be a hero. Some of those ‘fake heroes’ like Mt. Lady who was originally in it for the fame and money have grown to become real heroes. Others who really have zero conviction, will probably quit after facing this amount of despair, like the guy in chapter 296.
3. The Todoroki family’s image
How will everyone else see the victims of the situation, Natsuo, Fuyumi, Rei and Shoto after this? Especially Shoto. Now that his past is out in the public, that will probably affect his future as a pro. Would his classmates and peers see him or treat him differently after this? Like out of pity or sympathy?
4. The public’s backlash in general
How will the public start viewing not just Endeavor, Hawks, and the Todoroki family, but all heroes? Will they lose faith in heroes? We know they kinda already are when UA had a lot of backlash when Bakugo was kidnapped. UA as well, will it get shut down?
5. Bakudeku’s talk
I don’t think their relationship is actually gonna stay the same after this whole ‘my body moved on its own because I care for you and wanted to save you so I just got stabbed and risked my life for you and even told you to stop trying to be so selfless and do everything by yourself’ thing. All Might also did foreshadow that they were gonna talk soon. Maybe we could get the long awaited Bakugo apology scene ? Though it feels way too soon. And if Hori feeds us Bakudekus even more I think we’re just gonna combust.
5. Deku’s character development
His mindset and view of the world will probably be way darker and even more serious after this. I also want to see how Bakugo getting hurt for his sake and saying “don’t play hero all by yourself” will affect him. We know that he has decided to become a hero that wouldn’t make anyone worry about him when he had a flashback of his mom crying and being worried for him. He decided that the solution to that is to be stronger, but now maybe he can learn that selflessness doesn’t necessarily mean that he has to carry all the weight by himself. But then there’s the 4th user’s quirk that will probably push him to be even more selfless.
6. Ochako’s development
Please please PLEASE let this girl have more development. The way her fight against Toga ended, and her seeing the grievous side of being a hero? Probably a set up for her development.
7. Basically the rest of the kids’ development?
Obviously it’s not just the people involved in the fight against Shigaraki, or Ochako that are gonna view the world differently after this. I wanna see how they will deal with this. Kirishima and Mina will probably be some of the highlights. Also Momo, since Midnight meant a lot to her when she was the one that trusted Momo to lead their classes in the battle against Gigantomachia.
8. Aizawa and Present Mic dealing with Midnight’s death
Those two are especially highlighted amongst all of the other UA staff members because they have a past with her, as shown in vigilantes. We saw their anger and sadness about Shirakumo, what more when it comes to Midnight?
9. The villains dealing with their losses
Yes, know Toga went on a rampage after Twice’s death, but how will she and deal with it in the long run? How about losing Mr. Compress? How will Shigaraki react to both of those, and having the other Paranormal Liberation Front members like Geten captured? Not just emotionally, but how about the loss in terms of strength and power?
10. Prison break arc
People have been talking about this for years, maybe ever since we knew All for One was only imprisoned and not killed. We’ll probably see it happen next chapter. Will it cause the public to lose even more faith in the hero system? How will it affect the villains? Will AFO be their boss now, or will they resist him and stay loyal to Shigaraki?
11. All for One vs Shigaraki
Related to the previous point. We know Shigaraki really doesn’t want AFO bossing him around. They’ll probably have a fight. Maybe Deku and Shigaraki vs AFO? Then they’ll go back to fighting each other once the common threat is gone. This doesn’t feel very likely, but it could be a way of interpreting Deku’s “you looked like you needed saving” at the end of chapter 295.
11. Deku’s arms?
I don’t know if I want him to lose them and get prosthetics, or get healed by Eri. It would be great to see him experience a major loss, but ability-wise and emotionally? Not so good for him, though that’s kinda the point. Also he might not be able to use OFA in his arms anymore and I kinda don’t wanna see that. Even if he can, will he be able to use it at 100%? So far, we’ve seen that the level of technology in MHA aren’t enough to withstand 100%
12. Deku mastering One for All
I wanna see him consistently use 100% without injuring himself. I want to see him do more with black whip, float and the fourth user’s quirk. I’m also curious about the other three quirks left.
13. Power buff for everyone else
I kinda don’t wanna see the MC getting so ahead of everyone else, to the point that they leave everyone else in the dust. But I know that it’s been established way earlier on that Deku will surpass everyone in terms of strength. Even now, Bakugo, one of the strongest in Class 1-A could barely catch up with 30% OFA. But from his internal dialogue in chapter 293, I’m guessing he already had a quirk evolution when he saw Deku at the verge of death. I want to see more details on that though.
14. Everyone else’s reaction to Bakugo’s sacrifice
It’s gonna be a big thing for his character and all, but I don’t think this is gonna happen because of well, everything else being a mess. But maybe at least All Might’s?
15. Deku’s father
I don’t want him to be a really big famous, important figure, or someone involved in this whole AFO vs OFA stuff. It will kinda ruin Deku’s character of like, ‘just an ordinary boy that was lucky and so his character arc is to be worthy of that blessing’. If Deku’s father was someone like that, that would mean he was the fated or chosen one in the first place anyways? But what else can Deku’s dad be? I honestly don’t know.
16. All Might’s death
I see so many people complain that he should’ve died in Kamino, but I disagree because saving that big moment for later was actually a good decision. We know he’s gonna die, he has death flags everywhere. But I wonder how exactly he will die, when he will die, and how big of an impact his death will have.
17. The final battle
As in, the last battle of the entire series. Deku vs Shigaraki rematch, Ochako vs Toga, Shoto vs Dabi. And for Bakugo, well...... he doesn’t really have a villain nemesis? (Huh maybe I’ll talk about that some other time) But the best I could think of right now is Bakugo and Deku vs Shigaraki, like in Heroes Rising. If the Heroes Rising ending was the original series ending, maybe Hori was hinting that Bakugo and Deku will be fighting the final boss together?
18. Bakugo and Deku as a hero duo
Related to the previous point. Shipping lenses aside, I think there’s plenty of foreshadowing for that? Even if they wouldn’t officially be hero partners, I’m guessing they’re both gonna be important pillars. “Win to save, save to win”
19. The ending
I want to see how they will fix the broken hero society. I want to see Class 1-A as wonderful heroes. I want satisfying closure for the villains as well. What I don’t want to see is everyone getting married and having kids like Naruto, and those kids being the characters for a sequel series. I’m sorry but as much as I like a lot of the ships, I think that’s probably one of the worst endings possible. But a next generation sequel actually wouldn’t be that bad if the main characters were the established kid characters we already know and love, Eri, Kota, Katsuma and Mahoro. We can see through them how the new hero system/society works, and maybe all the smaller subtle stuff that they still need to patch up. Other than that, I don’t think there’s anything else good about it.
20. Deku becoming the greatest hero
Also very much related to the previous point but I only remembered it afterwards. We know it’s gonna happen, but how? Also notice that while Bakugo always says ‘number one hero’, Deku always just says ‘greatest hero’, which kinda aren’t the same thing. Maybe it’s just cuz I’m a Bakugo stan, but I don’t think it’s a good idea to just let the rival characters be content with number two? Either ‘Bakugo is the number one in ranking while Deku is the greatest hero’, or ‘Deku is the greatest and number one hero but their rivalry hasn’t ended and it’s a push-pull’ thing. Or just kill one of them (cough Bakugo cough) and it’ll be fine.
21. Other people finding out about OFA
I don't think it's going to stay a secret between Deku, Bakugo and All Might anymore. At the very least, the people involved in the fight against Shigaraki, like Shoto, Aizawa and Endeavor should be given an explanation on why Shigaraki was targeting Deku in particular. At worst, it becomes public news and Deku will now have to deal with a much a greater pressure of everyone expecting him to take up All Might's mantle. I'd rather go with the former, but the latter is also interesting I guess. Or if not those, they'd have to come up with a really good excuse.
Anyways that’s all I can think of for now? There’s probably way more at the back of my head. I’ll just edit whenever.
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Every time I see someone complaining about how the only movies getting made anymore are superhero movies and you can’t get anywhere unless you’re willing to do superhero movies, I think about all the non-superhero action movies* where like, the opening fight scene kills tens of thousands of people and causes five trillion dollars in damage and gets responded to by like, maybe three local-PD squad cars?
And while that’s not a new problem--I think the first time I was like “Okay, that’s definitely getting the National Guard called on you” was in the late ‘90s--it kept escalating, and then eventually it just turned into an expected thing.  If you’re an action movie and your budget’s over X million dollars, at some point in the film you’re going to destroy several city blocks and, most likely, face zero official consequences for doing so.
Which, honestly?  If I’m going to watch a movie where the Invasion of fucking Normandy is happening on Main Street, USA and everybody’s response is basically “Can’t have shit in Detroit,” at least the addition of superpowers brings some sort of explanation to the table. 
An action sequence in which a guy in a bulletproof rhino suit trying to kill Spider-Man by throwing cars at his head destroys an entire urban high school while the cops just sit there and go “Okay, yeah, what are we supposed to do about this again?” makes narrative sense in a way that the cops going “Oh no, this guy’s got a car and a handgun, how will we ever stop his rampage?” doesn’t.  If the Batmobile crashes through a brick wall and can still do eighty immediately afterwards, nobody goes “I don’t think cars work like that...?”
Plus if you have goons with superpowers, you don’t have the Universal Conservation of Henchmen problem, where no matter how many nameless mooks the protagonists kill or disable, there’s never a noticeable decrease in the number of antagonists chasing/fighting them and eventually it just gets weird. 
Like around the 60-minute mark, you start having serious questions about where the villain is keeping all these guys.  What villainous temp agency keeps sending another dozen murderers over without asking what happened to the last dozen?  What’s going on in this universe that you have hundreds of highly-trained general-purpose private soldiers who no one will miss when they don’t report back after that last job?  How shitty must the economy in this scenario be that everybody stepping over the previous shift’s corpses to go do the same thing they bought the farm doing never go, “Is CEO McBadguy’s quarterly bonus really worth my life?”
Throw in superpowers, and suddenly you can just have everybody react to getting shot like it was getting kicked in the balls--unpleasant, temporarily disabling, and you’re going to get a lot of whining about it afterwards, but nobody’s dead.  It’s just the same twelve guys, increasingly unhappy with you for shooting them/increasingly unsure if this is worth the time-and-a-half they’re getting for being shot at.
It’s also a lot less inane when they do the Random White Guy McGee protagonist, too.  You know, some schlub that basically got wrong-manned into being an action hero is suddenly a suave ninja with incredible technology skills and can not only take out a team of trained assassins but look cool doing it? 
Give Random White Guy McGee the ability to shoot lasers from his nipples and... well, I’m not going to say it’s less stupid.  It’s still incredibly stupid.  But it’s less obnoxious when he can nipple-laser his way out of fights with a million assassins or into a bank vault or around an insurmountable obstacle.  There’s no patina of reassurance to a presumptive Random White Guy McGee target audience that of course they could totally kick ass if they ever had to, in spite of having done absolutely nothing to ever prepare for kicking ass. 
The fantasy--“If I had nipple lasers, it’d be over for you bitches”--is firmly in the realm of fantasy**.
Basically, I don’t think most superhero movies are noticeably more puerile than most big-budget action movies***, but they are noticeably more fantastic than the things they’re replacing.  Which, if you have certain unexamined assumptions about how totally feasible your average action movie is, might make you a little cranky.
*Which is what’s actually getting replaced by a lot of the superhero movies.  We’re not getting Captain America instead of Bot-Written RomCom, we’re getting Captain America instead of Latest Charismatic WWE Guy Has A Gun.
**Probably why the alternate drug of choice--the zombie apocalypse--has become equally nigh-inescapable.  If you can no longer sell a narrative in which an unremarkable cardboard cut-out steps up to become the most amazing man in the world, try selling a narrative in which the rest of the world suddenly gets taken down a notch or two and leaves an unremarkable cardboard cut-out the default most amazing man in the world.
***Complaints about Disney having too much of a lock on the pop culture landscape are, of course, extremely correct, but once you get above a certain budgetary level, the studios responsible have pretty much always been reactionary capitalist nightmares more interested in making their money back by aiming for the lowest common denominator than, uh, anything else.  Disney shaking out to be worse is pretty much solely a function of Disney being bigger than media companies managed to get when there was a slim chance of anti-monopoly laws being enforced.
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crystal-moon-101 · 4 years
Y and U? For the unnamed ask?
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?: I familiar with shows like Troll Hunter & Miraculous Lady Bug through a friend of mine, and I have been meaning to get into them, just a little busy and have a lack of energy 😅. I am also familiar with Yugioh (At least the earlier series), mostly because of the abridge and because I’m really into Season 0 stuff, as it’s more my kind of thing.
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites: Given you gave me three, I think it’s only natural for me to pick from The Secret Generator 10 trio, as I always up to talk about these three and what they mean to me. Of course, they’re hardly perfect character, but they all are special in their on way for me, and I thought I’d discuss why.
Rex: My favourite out of the three, with his show being my all-time favourite. Development, interesting background, mystery, angst, tragic, fun to watch, mostly consistent, amazing powers, and gets so much found family stuff going on, he hits a lot of marks of what I love to see in a character, and the same does do good enough of a job with him. Rex is a character that plays well with the concept of being a child soldier, having amnesia, and being the key to the larger story at hand, and the show still treats him like a real person, living and breathing, and not just a means to screw over every time they want to plot to work. 
He has many layers to him, at the start seeming like a cocky, daredevil, rule-breaking and rebellious teen, who you sometimes question he understands the weight of what is happening to the world and himself, but then you learn that he does understand, so much more than he lets on. While he is naturally charismatic and a jokester, you can tell he often puts up this mask of joy and playfulness just to make a dark world around him feel a little lighter, along with hiding how alone and scared he actually feels. Because well, who wouldn’t be when placed in a role like that? He knows very well he has powers tied to saving the die, even if he doesn’t fully understand them. He knows the danger the nanites and EVOs pose, but also knows the danger that humankind can pose if they’re not willing to listen to reason. When things do get tough, he knows when to cut the crap and be serious. He’s someone who knows the world isn’t black and white, even if he hates to admit it at times.
While we didn’t get to see much of it, I’ve always seen Rex as a part of three worlds. He works closely with normal humans, like Six and Holiday (As normal as you can be at Providence), and he understands how scared the world is, how scared every day people are that any second they or someone they love could turn into a monster and go on a rampage. And sometimes that hurts for Rex is that he often tries to connect to this part of the world, because he knows he was once part of it, and he thinks it can make him happy, but the obstacle blocking him is that he isn’t human anymore, and that many people are scared of him, even if he saves them. And yet despite all the harsh things people have said or done to him, Rex always comes back to be the hero, because he knows he can help and that there are people that need his help, and it’s commendable that he’s willing to put aside those issues to save the day, even if he doesn’t get a thank you out of it.
His second ties are, of course, to his EVO world. It’s interesting that, at the very start of the show, Rex use to have this view that everything EVO was wrong, most likely something he picked up at Providence, despite being one himself. He’s hesitant around them, and while he’s not one to kill, he’s often quick to think they’ll be a danger. And while he can be right about that most of the time, he does start to learn it’s not all that it seems. His Hong Kong friends, Circe, Breach, even someone like Biowulf eventually. He even eventually learns that, while he’s not normal, he’s not a bad person for being something not human. And it’s an interesting thought that while he’s one of the most human-looking EVOs, he can be considered one of the most dangerous, even more so than EVOs that look like overgrown monsters. His ties to the EVO world are what make him start to see the world isn’t black and white.
And then his third ties, kind of, are to his nanites and history. Despite how human looking Rex is, and that he is an EVO, he’s very much something different to both sides, a middle ground thanks to his connection to the nanites. It’s always fascinated me that something about him, out of anyone in the world, he has this tie to nanites that no one else has. That can be explained by a number of things, but I also like to think it’s also because of the person he is. I mean, you get someone like Black Knight who got similar powers to him, but you never see her have a level connection with them like Rex does. And that can be explained by poor writing, but again I like to tie it back to who he is as a person, and how the nanites have evolved to be around him. And with how long he’s been tied to him, they just feel like a natural part of him, even if he may reject it sometimes. And to have him be once part of the past that involved how the nanites came to be, it adds a whole another layer to this boy. I will admit the writing can get to him at times, sadly, especially around season 3, and we don’t get certain answers to question about him, but he’s still a great character in my eyes, with so much potential for the stories and ideas you can play around him. I respect him for his hope for wanting to do things a better way, and yet knowing that sometimes you have to do the hard and logical things to do good, even if it’s not easy to do. I could ramble on more, but I got to move onto the next one. 💙
Zak: Ah, my sweet cryptid boy, have season 2 gave you crippling anxiety. Zak I would say, out of these three, is the most consistent with his writing. He’s still the same cryptid loving, cool kid, with a passion for his job back at the start of things, but he also grows in a believable way over time, especially when learning what he really is. The twist with making Kur adds such a spin on who he is and how he feels in a great way that I love, because he was someone who was building up to be the hero of the story by everyone around him, only to learn that the supposed villain he was meant to fight was himself. I think one of the interesting things that The Secret Saturdays does is that it never really answers the question if destiny is real, and if Zak is meant to kill all humans. It’s a question left up in the air, and while there seems to be facts that say otherwise, the idea that this boy could kill all humans makes people scared or eager, making everyone say that his destiny is real, even if there is no proof. And because of this, it makes Zak fear and believes that it’s real too, that he is bad just by simply being Kur’s reincarnation, even if he hasn’t done anything that makes him bad. And yet, as easy as it would have been for Zak to just accept this, he doesn’t, he still plays the hero and goes out of his way to help those that need it. Because whether or not destiny is real, Zak is willing to fight it, and that makes a noble character. And while we don’t get clear answers about destiny and Kur, many of us get to play with the idea of what it means for Zak and this world he’s in. I personally thing that Kur’s history is more complicated than him being ‘evil’ as I’ve written before, but Zak is his own character, his own person, and it’s fun to see who he is, how he reacts and how he grows. I also love that, while he’s pitched as one of those classic kid/teen boys during the 2000s action cartoon eras, he does things you wouldn’t expect. While he can get into fights and combat and have fun with it, if he knows the fight endangers someone or a cryptid, he will always take it seriously. Like when they found the cryptid fighting ring, he was always disgusted by it and keeps repeating the notion that he wanted to stop it as soon a possible, even hating to have to put Fisk into the fight just to stall and get info. He clearly as a loving passion with cryptids and the world he’s in, and is always out there looking to see more to the story than others may see. He’s not quick to label someone as a monster unless he’s 100% certain that’s what they are.  And his family relationships are just golden, I love the Saturdays. It’s adorable how, instead of calling them pets, he treats Fisk, Zon and Komodo like his siblings. He respects them as equals, and while he can argue with them, he’s willing to listen and understand that they have their own needs and wants, and the four of them are always by each other’s sides. Drew and Doc, being one of my favourite couples of all time, have different relationships towards Zak, but both love and respect him very much. Even when they find out Zak is Kur, not once do they ever turn their back on their own child, and do everything they can to help him see he’s not a monster. Zak clearly looks up to them, and it’s great to see the growth they have by letting Zak spread his wings, and stop trying to be over-protective with him. And, of course, Uncle Doyle is great, in that he’s always respected Zak, even if he’s a child. He’s willing to be level with him, and push him when he knows Zak needs it, and the fact that Zak was the one in the family to be so quick to have him join is just so well done, as he never had a doubt that Doyle could be a better person. Zak love the world he’s in, and the beings and secrets that lay within it. Despite how it might push and hurt him, he’s often willing to get back up and show who he really is, that the labels that people put on him don’t define who he is. Despite how his world turned upside down with one sentence, he’s doesn’t give up.🧡
Ben: Oof, right...*Cracks knuckles* Time to get into the more iffy ones of the trio. Right away, I have no trouble saying that Ben has a lot of issues and flaws as a character. I have no issue denying that he can be an ass, and has done many dumb things. However, I’m not one to hate or fault characters when it’s the writing that screws them over. Because at his concept and core, the person he was meant to be, Ben is quite an interesting character. He’s not the standard hero with a cape, he’s very much flawed, can sometimes be a jerk and cocky often, and has been shown to be young and naive. But that doesn’t make him a bad person, in fact he adds an interesting element to the normal hero archetypes. When written well, he’s quite fun to follow and has quite the concept to play around with. Despite his outgoing and witty outside, Ben does go through a lot of crap ever since he got the watch. His teen years and parts of his childhood are mostly just dealing with the foes he’s made, and the troubles that comes with being the main hero of the galaxy, which is defiantly not an easy task to take. And yet he does it, he goes through all the dangers just to help people and the worlds around them. He’s often willing to stand back up and crack a smirk because he’s not one to give up. He sees hope, he sees potential and light beyond the darkness, and he wants to give others the chance to see that. And while his cocky nature can get in the way when written wrong, I do think it’s a trait that makes sense. People across the galaxy praise him since he was young, which can cloud his judgement, it’s a natural flaw that fits him as a character, and it has been shown he acts this way to hide how scared he really is. Cause I mean, with all that he has to fight, it is actually quite a struggle, so it is amazing to see just how much he takes and never backs down. He’s not a boring character to watch, he’s not a perfect hero that gleams in a golden light, he’s flawed and hows so many issues to tackle, but have a noble and bold side to him that you can respect. He’s been shown to bring people up, to teach and to guide, to take on the hassles of others just so they can get by in life. And while he does like the praise he gets out of it, you know deep down he does this because it’s good to just do good, even if it doesn’t benefit you always. He could have easily given up the watch and hand it back to Azmuth, but he never does. And his connection with alien and the watch have always been a personal interest with me, even if canon doesn’t delve much into it as they should. The thing with Ben is that he’s perfect for the watch, because he has no problem shaping into another being. And while it’s still Ben underneath, he does change parts of himself for the time being. And the reason he’s fine with this is because he sees life and potential with all the aliens he can be. He sees the different powers they hold and wants to show just what they can do to help, what the galaxy could build if they worked together. It’s funny that the omnitrix was build for peace purposes, and while Ben took it a different way than what Azmuth wanted, he found a way to make it work. I know other characters wouldn’t be able to handle the watch like this the way Ben does, even Albedo proves this by how he acts with his aliens, seeing them as nothing but tools while treating himself as the higher being, while Ben accepts what he turns into, and understands what makes certain aliens special.  Sadly, Ben is a tragic character when it comes to the poor writing and constant switch in series, as Cartoon Network can’t seem to understand what to do with him. But that does make him a fun character to work off of and write, and I’ve seen some amazing things in the fandom with what they’ve done with him. So I've seen hated Ben, because I often see his as wasted potential for the character he could have been, and he does have great moments that are canon that I love. 💚
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officialleehadan · 4 years
United Opposition
“You’re not going to get anything from them, including cooperation, if you keep this up,” Sweetwater told Sandstorm, the current leader of the global coalition of Powers. Sandstorm was notoriously fair-minded, but dealing with the Elementals was no small ask. Worse, he was going to have to explain Elementals, which had been a relatively well-kept secret of the Powered community. “Sandstorm, I’m serious. You cross them, and you’re going to have a big problem.”
“We need them under control,” Sandstorm told her. He was a man who had been forced to work very hard lately, what with the disaster that was Absolute and the business of dealing with her. “The UN is already talking about what to do about them.”
“There’s nothing to be done about them,” Sweetwater told him honestly. They had been friends for a long time, and she knew he kept a bottle of the good stuff hidden away. She pulled it out and poured him a glass that was probably fuller than it should be on a workday. “Best case scenario, they just refuse completely. They don’t want to work with the coalition, and they aren’t interested in being villains either.”
“What’s the worst case?” Sandstorm asked dubiously, although he did sip at the liquor as Sweetwater sat on his desk and regarded him seriously. “You know them best. Between the two of us, how does this go wrong?”
“We, and I mean the global we here, try to kill them,” she said grimly. “There’s no such thing as a weapon that will kill all four of them instantly, so there will be at least one survivor. My money would be on Quasar or Neutron. Ice and Inferno are more physically vulnerable.”
“And that survivor, or survivors plural go on a roaring rampage of revenge, and very possibly destroy the planet,” she spelled it out for him with clinical precision. She had thought about that, when Ice and Inferno first emerged, and thought about it again when Quasar and Neutron joined them. “If we’re very, very lucky, both sides of a pair survive, and are able to balance themselves when they’re done raining vengeance.”
“And if we’re not lucky? Sandstorm asked after another bracing sip of his drink. “What happens?”
“If there’s only one survivor, or one from each set, they’ll go critical immediately. After that, the Earth will have about five hours to live,” Sweetwater said. She had nightmares about that. About the Earth’s final hours as an Elemental spread their unstoppable Power as far as it would go. “We won, today, because they went critical, but they all had their Opposite to balance out with, and because all of them were fighting to live, not fighting to make everyone hurt as much as they do.”
Any other day, he might have said she was overreacting. Now, he knew what it looked like when an Elemental went truly, madly, critical. He felt the earthquakes from Absolute’s stomping feet. He felt the shockwave of Ice’s final attack as it froze the moisture out of the air, and started to freeze the air itself. He smelled the heat of Inferno as he turned into a star. He tasted metal as Quasar and Neutron turned into nuclear bombs.
Now he knew that she wasn’t exaggerating. Now he knew how close the world really came to be dying.
Now he knew that when she told him that killing all four Elementals in a single blow was impossible, he knew that she was speaking nothing but the rawest truth.
“What do we do about them?” he asked quietly. “How can we contain them?”
“We can’t.”
“We have to do something.”
“Like what?” Sweetwater demanded. “Kill them? We can’t. Contain them? Same problem, since that leaves all four on the field, and angry. Let some government, it doesn’t even matter which one, get ahold of them? Do I need to spell out why that would possibly be even worse? What can we do?”
He went stony and silent, and Sweetwater wondered if she had overstepped. It was a problem, but she was possibly the best person in the whole Powered community to speak with authority on what the Elementals would or wouldn’t do. They would work with her, but she was under no illusions that the respect went any further than that.
“What do you suggest?’ Sandstorm asked after he thought it over like the leader he was. He had seen Elementals before. Knew what they usually did about them, which was a high-caliber bullet before they got too powerful to shoot, and preferred that option to any of the ones he had now. “What can we do about them?”
“We can pay them to stay out of the way,” she relied with a heavy sigh. “We can give them a fully-equipped laboratory and plenty of funding to study what they’ve become. Who knows, it might even benefit us, since they may figure out why Elementals pop up. If we keep them busy and interested, they’ll be fine.”
“Ice and Inferno like to rob banks.”
“And they’re probably not going to stop,” Sweetwater admitted with a wince. “But I may be able to convert them to security-testers. Half of their heists haven’t even used their Powers. Who knows, they might even like the work.”
Sandstorm muttered something that was either profanity or a prayer, but he also finished his drink and looked up at her from his chair. “You realize you’re going to have to be their official contact moving forward.”
“I’d volunteer but we both know they won’t work with anyone else.”
“I do know. Okay. Get me your plan in writing, and I’ll push it through the Powered Coalition. I think if we’re fast, we might be able to head off the UN discussion before it gets past the initial committee.”
Opposing Elements:
Elemental Powers are immense, and impossible to  control. Usually that impossible power kills whoever is unlucky enough  to bear it. Now the world has to figure out what happens when it doesn’t.
Cold Front
Rising Power
Neutron Star
Colliding Galaxies
Four Sides of the Axis
Off Balance
In Motion
Kinetic Plan (Subscriber Only)
Critical (Subscriber Only!)
Touch of Winter (Subscriber Only!)
Heat Things Up (Subscriber Only!)
Five Energies in Conflict
Clash Critical ( Free on Patreon!)
Elemental Exhaustion (Free on Patreon!)
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fantastic-rambles · 4 years
actually kinda curious on your thoughts on tadashi? cant really figure out what opinions youd have on him since rn hes opposing adam (well i mean everyones kind of opposing adam but you get the point), do you find tadashi interesting or just meh or? yeah curious because your thoughts are uh. Unique, to say the least (not in a totally negative way, ive just never seen anyone really dig into adam's motivations that well?)
Lol. “Unique,” yeah. I get that. I support Adam as a character and as a villain (but I totally expect karma to finally catch up to him in the end, and I won’t be sad when it does), but I’m not all that invested in the fandom ships. I don’t have a problem with any of them, but canonically, I don’t think any of them are anything more than good friends (or rivals, in the case of Eden). In general, I’m actually kinda irked by how people attribute romance everywhere, not just in Sk8, or even anime. xD
I’m guilty of it myself, and I do ship characters together all the time, but for me, it’s more as thought experiments than an actual belief in a romantic relationship. I’m very easily caught up in my obsessions and overanalyzing characters and getting into my personal theories/headcanons; Adam’s just the latest one on my radar.
So actually getting to your question (thank you for asking!), I’m not someone who will like or dislike characters simply based on their relationships with the characters I like. As such, I’m quite fascinated by Tadashi. He’s clearly someone who’s had an enormous influence on Adam, especially when it comes to skating. My speculation is that Tadashi was his first “love” in skating (again, non-romantically), but that Tadashi greatly disappointed or betrayed him in some way in that regard, which led Adam to his downward spiral. For example, maybe he held back in a race because Adam was his boss/his boss’ child and let Adam win, and that frustrated Adam (though I feel like it’s something more serious than that, but I don’t have enough information to formulate a more likely scenario). Or maybe that he told Adam’s father/aunts that Adam was still skating secretly after Adam was told to stop, and obeyed their commands to stop skating with Adam (so Adam needed to find a replacement, though that still seems kinda flimsy)? And that “betrayal” weighs heavily on both of them: it’s caused Adam to go on a rampage in search of “Eve,” and it’s given Tadashi such strong feelings of guilt that he’s been incapable of standing up to Adam for the longest time, even when Adam is calling him a dog or ordering him to take the fall for his perjury.
But I believe that Tadashi really cares about Adam, even though he’s technically opposing Adam at the moment. I don’t think it’s because he’s finally gotten fed up with Adam’s selfishness or has been holding back his resentment of his employer: it’s because he cares about Adam. Given the obvious Biblical allusion of Adam/Eve, his skating name of Snake is pretty symbolic, as well as his demand that if he wins, Adam will quit skating. The snake is the reason that Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden, and that’s literally what Tadashi is trying to do to Adam. So obviously Adam is pissed, because Tadashi is trying to “betray” him a second time (according to my theory) and take away the one thing that he loves more than anything else (in my opinion).
But the reason that Adam and Eve are cast out of Eden is because they have eaten the Fruit of Knowledge and gained awareness of themselves. Specifically, that they have gained a sense of morality, the knowledge of “right and wrong.” (According to my knowledge of the Bible, but I’m not a Biblical scholar or even a Christian, so... take that with a grain of salt if I’m wrong.) I’m not sure how Tadashi intends to achieve that (except that it must involve Langa somehow, since Adam has finally found his “Eve,” which has led Tadashi to make his move now), but I think that’s his goal in challenging Adam at this point, to make him realize that what he’s doing is wrong (in skating, and in life). Right now, Adam is still in a state of “innocence,” despite all the terrible things that he does: I see him as a bit of an overgrown child/spoiled brat, a kid who will strictly obey the words of “God” (his father/aunts, except for when it comes to skating) and pull the wings off insects out of childish curiosity, malice, or boredom. So my opinion/theory is that Tadashi is trying to help/save him by offering him the “Fruit of Knowledge” (though again, no idea what this is or how it would be achieved) so that he can be free, not only when he’s skating, but in real life as well (which is something Adam himself acknowledges, when he has a smoke break while giving Reki a head start--that he doesn’t have as much freedom outside of skating), and begin to truly mature. Tadashi wants to take away the artificial paradise that Adam has created and release him into the real world, but without the chains that are currently binding him. In my opinion. xD
Even I’m wrong and he actually despises Adam with his entire being, I’d still think that he’s a really interesting character though, because I’d want to know what happened to change him from the attendant who clearly cared about Adam and shared his love of skating with Adam/inspired Adam’s own love of skating to someone who wants nothing more than to bring Adam down.
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glapplebloom · 3 years
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I make it no secret I am a fan of the Powerpuff Girls. I got every original episode on DVD, saw Dance Pantsed and even enjoyed most of the Reboot (yes it has problems but there are things I do enjoy about it). But when I heard about the Live Action Reboot even I think it was a terrible idea and reading the supposed leak proved I was right. If this leaked script was indeed true, it would explain the re-working they’re doing for the pilot. So this post said that it is unsalvagable. I’m willing to give it my best shot. To add to this challenge: I am keeping the cast the same. And I’m not going to just use my own version of the Future PPGs.
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First, for this, I would animate most of the opening to be cartoon representatives of the cast. This way, people will know this is a new take on the Powerpuff Girls off the bat. Inspired from the PPG movie, we see the Professor looking at Townsville and wanting to bring something positive in this town. The a recreation of the opening, you know, the Sugar, Spice and everything Nice bit. Then the Narrator talk about how they were successful, showing a montage of them fighting all sorts of villains. Also showing them slowly maturing and changing their costumes to reflect their personalities. Then puberty hits.
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Two things I am going to keep from the Pilot script is Blossom doing some serious studying and Buttercup being a cheating lesbian. Like my own future PPGs I do believe Blossom being the serious one and Buttercup being the wild one makes the most sense. But for Bubbles, they want her to be Hollywood yet making her more like Brittany Spheres at her worse. So I’m going to make her more focus on that. She was tired since she was doing numerous interviews with various magazines. So when they confront Mojo Jojo, who is human, they’re not at their best.
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Mojo does his thing, but because they were tired they messed up. Instead of tackling Mojo out of the giant machine like always, they tackled below it, With Mojo’s last words, he curses the Powerpuff Girls before dying, either by the machine being destroyed via explosion or the head falling down, crushing him (this will depend on the twist ending). Now with blood on all their hands and not because Mojo tried to be a hero by attacking the girls, they all take this differently. Blossom has PTSD since she feels she’s responsible for it. Buttercup, who you think would be excited about it, is horrified. And Bubbles being so focused on the spotlight ignores it by saying “that’s right villains! If you mess with Townsville ever again expect the same!”
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After that statement, there are no more villains in Townsville. They either quit or left Townsville. The Professor, who is not trying cash in on them, sends them to therapy to help them deal with it. Bubbles is in denial, Buttercup is getting better, but Blossom needs more of it. And when they turned 18, they felt it was best to move on. Buttercup is a traveling hero now, saving the day where she can and sleeping around when she can’t. Blossom graduated college, got the job at the Biotech Firm in Boston and has a boyfriend with Clive. She still goes to therapy and she is seemingly better. Bubbles went to Hollywood to cash in on her fame. No blonde drunk here. The Professor? Well, he is dating Sara Bellum after the Mayor lost and she was out of a job. She now works as an office secretary while the Professor is still doing his thing.
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Currently being the Mayor is one Jones (played by Jojo’s actor). He is up for re-election and seems to be losing his chance at a second term. So he comes up with an idea: bringing back the Powerpuff Girls to Townsville. Even after the girls left Townsville has been pretty safe (at least to the the public’s knowledge) so he figured them coming back would give his campaign a boost. Around the same time, the Professor began to notice that there is an unusual concentration of high frequency technology happening recently. He fears that Darkness is coming back to Townsville and decided to call the Powerpuff Girls. Buttercup is a little worried but is alright. She promise to call the girl later. Bubbles sees this as an opportunity to get a chance in the spotlight, so she informs the media about a PPG reunion and gets her camera crew and agent. Blossom panic attacks as Clive reminds her of her therapy. Blossom calms down and decides to go see. It can’t be too serious she thinks. 
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When Buttercup arrived at Townsville’s Airport, Bubbles is there with her cameraman and manager. They take an uber as they catch up. When they arrive at Townsville, the media is there since Bubbles informed them. Buttercup tries to get pass them but Bubbles embrace them. Especially a little girl who seems to be a fan. While Blossom is her favorite, she is excited to finally see them all in action. She asks for a hug, Bubbles goes in (thinking it’ll be a great camera shot), a caterpillar crawls up from around the girl to Bubbles, Buttercup flicks it, Henrietta said it was her pet and Buttercup rushes Bubbles inside. Blossom was already inside, sneaking in with Super Speed since she doesn’t want to have another panic attack. With the Professor there they he makes a claim. Blossom faints
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Meanwhile, we find out that Henrietta was an evil genius. She wanted that caterpillar to crawl into Bubbles’ head to control her. And with all three together, she continues to want that power to herself and makes a move. Sometime later, Blossom recovering from her panic attack. She does not want to return to the Super Hero life and the others are accepting yet still needs her help. They promise she won’t have to fight but they still got to investigate. Drake thinks that if they can find the source he can take care of the rest since technology is his thing. Though they decide to humor him since despite being a scientist he hasn’t have the best track record for detecting things. And it gives the three girls to catch up beyond bitmoji. 
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They decided to go to the Cano: the bar that’s located to the old inactive volcano that no one previously used. The owner is Butch who had a thing for Bubbles but she broke it off to presume her acting career, so he has a grudge. He’s cool with the other two. The girls catch up for a bit, Buttercup eyes Macy for a brief moment, they drink. Maybe too much as the three are different levels of dazed. Bubbles is making out with Butch while trying to find the source of an evil lab (at least she thinks she does), Buttercup is okay talking to Macy and Blossom is calling Clive while a little drunk. That’s when this guy who was Henrietta’s neighbor and being a little too aggressive. Buttercup does not take this well. 
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After being escorted out of the bar (with the exception of Bubbles because she is trying to milk it for the camera) Blossom was commenting on how the guy had yellow eyes which Buttercup dismisses. With the computer stuff, they wrongfully suspect a charging station to be the culprit. They return back home unbeknown that it was indeed Henrietta’s Evil Laboratory underneath it. She has an army of caterpillars and decided to send them after the girls. If they can’t get them themselves, they’ll get other people. Back at the home, they relay their discovery to the Professor. He could have sworn but eventually settled that “maybe technology is advancing faster than he thought”. He invites them to stay the night but Bubbles and Buttercup got arrangements. Blossom stays, hoping to get some more talking.
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With Bubbles, as the Cameraman gets some shots of the city for B-Roll, Bubbles and Ace (her manager) look over the footage. As he praises her, Bubbles notices there was a kid there. Before she can recognize who it was, their van got hit by another car. It was four people with yellow eyes. Bubbles goes in for the attack, taking it easy since she knows she can beat them easy. But as she knocks one out, she notices a small caterpillar coming out of their ear. As soon as it went back inside, that person gets back up. As she sees this, another tries to sneak up on her to place one near her ear. She’s too fast and makes the connection. So one by one she KOs a person and crush a caterpillar. With one remaining, they decided to take their own life by snapping their own neck. Bubbles breaks down. With Mojo, she told herself it was his own fault since he was a bad guy. But this is an innocent person who got killed to get to them. Ace comforts her telling her that it isn’t her fault. He even suggest to forget the filming and go see her sisters: because if this happened to her the others have to be in danger too.
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At Macy’s place, the two are making out, not noticing the caterpillar getting closer and closer to them. That’s when Bubbles comes in. Thanks to the Friend Locator she knew Buttercup would be here. Buttercup goes to see Bubbles as Macy gets infected. Bubbles is hysterical trying to tell Buttercup what is happening but Buttercup isn’t understanding. That’s when Macy hits her with a lamp. Bubbles punches Macy and finds the caterpillar and crushes it. Now getting it, the girls go to see Blossom. At the PPG House, Blossom is getting some one on one time asking for relationship advice from Sara Bellum. Unbeknownst to the two of them the Professor walks out the door. Sometime later, Buttercup, Bubbles and Macy arrive to inform them of what’s up. They went to see the Professor but finds out he’s gone. Not suspecting the worst (probably thinking he’s getting dinner), Blossom examines the remains of the caterpillar and realize its a mind control device. And after Bubbles show them the footage of the girl, Buttercup realizes something isn’t up. That’s when Sara calls them to the living room.
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The news are reporting that Townsville is having a rampage and the Professor is claiming to be the one behind it. They see the yellow eyes and Blossom makes the connection that he’s under mind control. Bubbles realizing the danger rushes out the door to try to stop it. Blossom is hyperventilating as she can’t get back out there. Buttercup tries to convince her but decides to leave her be since she can’t let Bubbles do it alone. That’s when Sara comes to talk to Blossom some more. Blossom discuss her therapy session and all the issues she had with it. Sara makes a comment that calms Blossom down and makes her realize that she needs to help (basically have Sara be the Young Blossom). Meanwhile, Bubbles figures that since the civilians are standing in water, they can give a small electric shock to stop the threat without killing them. Henrietta then shows up making the threat to kill the Professor if they don’t stop. Bubbles wants to save him but Buttercup can’t keep the telephone pole up without her. The Professor falls. Blossom saves him and knocks the Caterpillar out of him. With no where to turn, Henrietta calls all her Caterpillars to come together to create a giant armor for her and the Powerpuff Girls fight her.
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After a lengthy battle, the Citizens cheer for the Powerpuff Girls as Blossom admits that she did miss this. Sometime later, Clive hears Blossom plans and while he hopes she would change her mind he understands. The Mayor Jones arrives to thank the girls and hope they continue to stay. And the Professor thanks them for saving him. But Blossom feels that despite how evil Henrietta was, there was no way for her to have the funds to create such a laboratory and suggest they continue to stay to figure out the true mastermind behind everything. Bubbles and Buttercup accept as the Powerpuff Girls are back together once more.
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The episode ends with Jones revealing that his real name is Jojo and he is the one behind everything. This is because Jones is really the Son of Mojo and he wants revenge on the Powerpuff Girls. 
And that’s how I would rewrite that supposed leaked pilot. It may not be huge improvement since I kept certain things similar, but I do hope it shows that it could be better. My goal is to keep the humor parts separate for the serious parts and inject some more action. But if you have any thoughts, feel free to make your own version of the pilot, one that would most likely be better without the limitations made already.
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