#but when did he have the opportunity to learn not to be? at the roman camp since 2?????
solace-seekers · 7 months
in my jason feels again….
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kaibutsushidousha · 1 year
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Every otaku producer on any at least decently-sized project is chained to very BIG MONEY merch contracts. Merch sales are one of the biggest cogs making the anime industry run and because of that, merch manufacturers expect producers not to allow anything that would make their products fail to reflect the contents of the show.
A recent example that sparked controversy about this is the new Tokyo Mew Mew reboot anime. Mew Mew is a series where pretty much everyone important has food names, but the early scanlators failed to notice how far this motif extended and rendered Quiche's name as Kisshu. This is spread in the fandom enough to make merch makers assume that was the proper way to spell his name in English and produce pins with the name Kisshu written in Roman letters. Thanks to that, over a decade later, the Mew Mew translator on Crunchyroll subs is forced to use Kisshu on her script despite knowing it's wrong.
But this is a Type-Moon post, so let's talk about Type-Moon instead. On October 29th, 2010, Nasu released Fate/complete material III, containing profiles for all Servants featured in Fate/stay Night. In his lack of English knowledge, he most likely relied on Google to learn how to romanize all those names. This generated two curious results: Arthuria was rendered as Altria, as the first search result for アルトリア would be the cigarette corporation, and Rider favored the French spelling Medousa over the English Medusa.
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Flash forward to May 25th, 2016. At this year, Fate/Grand Order had already been released and proved itself a commercial success against all odds. In celebration of that, FuRyu Corporation sculpted the source of all evil.
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FuRyu's figure utilized the erroneous "Altria" from Complete Material III. Here is where I want you to notice that FuRyu did not release a Medusa figure alongside it. "Altria Pendragon" is the only character in this collection.
Our next chronological stop is August 14, 2016. Merely 3 months after the FuRyu Altria figure began to spread its corruption through all we know and love. That's the day Fate/Grand Order Material I came out, containing profiles for Saber Arthuria and Medusa.
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As you can see in the right corner, Medousa is no more. Due to having 6 more years to learn things and no merch contract forever chaining him to his spelling mistake, Nasu had the opportunity to correct Medusa's name, which also settled it as the name FGO NA legally had to go with.
So when I say FGO NA translators went with Tam Lin because it's literally illegal not to do so, I am talking about
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fantastic-nonsense · 9 months
obviously I'd be thrilled to just get the whole PJO series adapted and then end it there. However: Heroes of Olympus as a story can be cleaned up sooooooo much in a way that PJO just doesn't need to be, and a tv adaptation offers the perfect opportunity to do so
like honestly my hottake is that I think Disney could solve both the problem of adapting a long, convoluted sequel series and a lot of the problems HOO as a story has if they a) do The Lost Hero and Son of Neptune in the same season and b) deliberately wait until the PJO actors are in their 20s to do it
Just thinking about this a bit more:
three 12-14 episode seasons, with TLH/SoN in S1, a modified MoA in S2 that deals with some of the Argo crews' HoH subplots, and then HoH/BoO in S3
Percy and Annabeth are in their 20s and newly engaged when he disappears. This sets up the arc of Percy dreaming about settling down with Annabeth in New Rome in a more organic, functional way and also gives us as viewers a chance to see that the aftermath of the Titan War has resulted in tangible, lasting change for the demigods of Camp Half-Blood
Grover replaces Coach Hedge as the Seven's collective Protector+chaperone, which solves the series' problem of Grover's absence and the absence of the PJO Trio's friendship
the whole show/story takes place over ~6 months instead of the year it did in the books, and Percy+Jason's individual quests happen concurrently (simply not letting Percy sleep for 8 months and making an episode where he establishes himself at the Roman camp for awhile before he's forced on the quest with Frank and Hazel would solve about half of the problems on the Roman side of the series)
Season-wise, things mostly sort themselves out:
The first season starts off introducing the Lost Hero trio and we find out that Percy's missing at the end of the first episode. The second episode opens with Percy waking up at the Wolf House and starting his journey to New Rome. We get one episode entirely devoted to amnesiac Jason and Percy integrating into the new camps, making friends, and learning about their missing counterpart before the quest plots start up.
The season then alternates between Jason, Piper, and Leo's "Find Hera" quest and Percy, Hazel, and Frank's Alaska quest, with intermittent jumps to the Greek and Roman efforts to find Percy and Jason. It ends with Percy and Jason regaining their memories and each camp realizing their leader is on the other side of the country in "enemy" territory.
The second season opens around a month later as the Argo II docks in New Rome. Percy and Jason have both been given time to make friends, integrate themselves into the opposing camp, and become adjusted to a different way of life with all of their memories intact. They haven't physically returned to their home camps as they've both independently come to the conclusion that Hera switched them to initiate inter-camp unity and are wary of doing anything that would disrupt that goal. However, Percy and Jason have both managed to get messages to Annabeth and Reyna respectively at some point in that month, so everyone knows everyone is safe when the Greeks finally arrive in New Rome.
Cue MoA's various plotlines, which would be cleaned up and streamlined significantly while also integrating in some of the HoH arcs like Hazel learning how to manipulate the Mist, Frank learning how to use his shapeshifting powers, Piper coming into her own as a daughter of Aphrodite, Leo's seventh wheel arc and the Calypso subplot, Jason struggling to figure out what his place is, the Jason-Nico friendship, etc. Also set up the Greek v. Roman dispute and Reyna following them to Greece. Season ends with the Annabeth-Arachne confrontation and Tartarus fall.
The third season combines HoH and BOO; the season alternates between Percy and Annabeth's journey through Tartarus while the rest of the Seven finish their various character arcs via gathering the elements for the Physicians' Cure and journeying to the Doors of Death. After they rescue Percy and Annabeth and close the Doors, they plan to head straight to Athens to take on Gaea. Reyna reaches them just after, and Annabeth sends her and Nico off with the Athena Parthenos with Grover as their Protector.
The final battle switches between The Seven+Gods vs. Gaea+The Giants at the Acropolis and the Greeks vs. Romans at Camp Half-Blood. The Gaea plotline is resolved at the Acropolis, the Greek-Roman plotline is resolved as Nico and Reyna triumphantly arrive at Camp Half-Blood with the statue, a functional Greek-Roman working relationship, and the gods' blessing. This helps streamline the mess that was Blood of Olympus and actually provides a workable story resolution.
We get a final aftermath/epilogue episode that sorts out and ties up all remaining plot threads, teases Solangelo, and ends with Percy returning home to see his mom and planning out how to move to New Rome after he and Annabeth get married.
Obviously this is the roughest possible sketch of how it could be done, but I genuinely believe doing something like that could fix some of the biggest issues HOO has conceptually while streamlining all of the quest bloat. It'd be interesting to see them try, anyway.
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saintsenara · 3 months
What are your thoughts on mediwitches and medical care in the Wizarding World?
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thank you very much for the asks, @thesilverstarling and @yorickofyore, which i have handily combined into one for the chance to talk about a worldbuilding question i am legitimately obsessed with:
what the hell is going on with wizarding medicine? part one: the structure of the healthcare system
as i've said here, something which is really interesting when thinking about the wizarding healthcare system is that the signing of the statute of secrecy - the event which causes the total separation of the magical and muggle worlds - in 1689 takes place before a period of considerable advancement in western medicine.
i really like the fact that the canonical worldbuilding around potions suggests that many disciplines of wizarding science are more closely rooted in the medieval and early-modern history of science than their muggle equivalents. i also like the fact that the natural end point of the archaic muggle technology which is used in the series to make the wizarding world seem whimsical by virtue of it being old-fashioned [steam trains etc.] is to assume that wizards live in a world where cutting-edge medical technology is unheard of...
and, therefore, to think of wizarding medicine as a discipline which is meaningfully distinct from its muggle cousin.
and which isn't necessarily more advanced...
the historical context
a muggle physician working in what is now the united kingdom when the statute of secrecy was signed lacked much of what we would take to be basic medical knowledge today, even if he'd studied medicine at a university. he wouldn't know what germs were, for example, and he might still believe that the body was governed by four humours [a theory which was starting to be questioned at the time]. he would never have seen a stethoscope [not invented until 1816]. he would consider the microscope [first used in a scientific context in 1666] bizarre, new-fangled technology - and he is unlikely, especially if he worked outside of london, oxford, or cambridge, to have ever seen one.
he would have had less opportunity to learn about human anatomy, no matter the form his training took, than medical students today. dissections were fairly uncommon, for religious reasons, and surgery didn't really exist as a field... not least because anaesthesia wasn't available until the middle of the nineteenth century.
this is not to say, however, that his anatomical knowledge would have been wrong.
he would probably have relied for his understanding of the inner working of the body on a text called de humani corporis fabrica [on the fabric of the human body], published in the 1540s by the belgian surgeon andreas vesalius. this text - a detailed study of the human body [which supplanted the handbooks in use prior to the sixteenth century - those of the roman physician, galen] - was possible because vesalius managed to obtain a steady supply of executed criminals to dissect. it's a fascinating text - not least because it's still pretty accurate.
as a result, our physician would be aware of many of the major medical discoveries of the later 1500s and 1600s - such as the structure of the musculoskeletal system, the fact that blood circulates in the body, and the fact that the human lungs require the inhalation of air to function.
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unless the need for a surgical treatment [such as the extraction of a tooth or the amputation of a limb] was obvious, most of the treatments he would prescribe would be herbal - and his dispensary would include not only plants from all over eurasia, but also from european colonies in the americas.
he might, for example, be found prescribing chocolate... which would make madam pomfrey happy:
“Well, he should have some chocolate, at the very least,” said Madam Pomfrey, who was now trying to peer into Harry’s eyes. “I’ve already had some,” said Harry. “Professor Lupin gave me some. He gave it to all of us.”  “Did he, now?” said Madam Pomfrey approvingly. “So we’ve finally got a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher who knows his remedies?”
it's important to note that many of these traditional herbal remedies genuinely work. plenty of modern medicines are developed from them [the most widely known, i imagine, being aspirin], and anyone taking a herbal remedy should be aware that they need to check how this remedy interacts with any other medication or supplements they take [especially - i beg - if the herbal remedy in question is st john's wort...]
but it's also true that our early-modern physician would spend a lot of time prescribing various odd pastes, poultices, potions, and powders, made from ingredients such as stones, spiders' webs, animal blood, and human body parts.
[he might even have recommended some of his patients swallow a bezoar - even if the efficacy of these as a cure for poisoning was starting to be doubted in the seventeenth century...]
and his go-to treatment would - of course - be bloodletting, to remove "bad blood", the cause of myriad ills, from the body.
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jkr is - obviously - extremely fond of using these medieval and early-modern remedies as part of the worldbuilding around magical medicine. she's also fond of extending the obsolete technology which is used to make the wizarding world feel whimsical into the realm of the body - wizards wear monocles and use ear trumpets, both of which are assistive devices, because they make the setting feel more magical to a reader in 1997 [and beyond] than glasses and hearing aids.
but there is - if one wants there to be - a sinister undercurrent to the idea that all aspects of wizarding healthcare retain a pre-modern flavour.
wizards do canonically have attitudes towards the body, illness, and disability which, when interrogated, don't seem to have moved on much from the 1680s... which is why this answer is definitely going to end up having a part two, on wizarding attitudes to the body.
for now, though, let's look at how the healthcare system is structured.
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the structure of the wizarding healthcare system
the two medical institutions we see in canon - st mungo's and the hogwarts hospital wing - are whimsical pastiches of aspects of the british healthcare system: st mungo's is an nhs hospital [hence the reason it seems to be free - although i think it's interesting for authors to imagine that it isn't...] and the hospital wing is a boarding school infirmary.
st mungo's is immediately familiar to anyone who has worked in a hospital - especially characters like this patient from order of the phoenix:
“And that woman over there,” he indicated the only other occupied bed, which was right beside the door, “won’t tell the Healers what bit her, which makes us all think it must have been something she was handling illegally. Whatever it was took a real chunk out of her leg, very nasty smell when they take off the dressings.”
but the structure of the modern hospital - its departments, its staff - is a post-1689 invention, as are the non-hospital spaces [gp's surgeries, dentist's and optometrist's offices, pharmacies] in which healthcare takes place.
and so how might the places in which healing occurs differ from their muggle equivalents?
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st mungo's hospital for magical maladies and injuries
like any hospital, st mungo's offers a combination of emergency and specialist treatment. it doesn't seem to offer general healthcare - such as check-ups - and it doesn't seem to offer treatment for minor-to-moderate ailments.
this makes sense given its real-world influences - in the uk, most aspects of most people's everyday healthcare are the purview of a general practitioner, and specialists tend not to be seen outside of specific, often more serious contexts.
[for example, i'm a woman in my thirties who has never had an appointment with a gynaecologist - something which shocks american friends. this is because everything to do with reproductive healthcare that i've had to do in my life so far - such as cervical screening - has been done by my gp's surgery.]
st mungo's also doesn't seem to perform general dental or optometrical services. this is also the case in the uk.
we know from canon that it has wards which treat long-term residents - such as the longbottoms. in muggle britain, this wouldn't exactly be the case - nhs trusts manage certain types of residential treatment [such as psychiatric hospitals, or brain-injury rehabilitation centres], which tend to be on separate sites to hospital buildings, but long-term care homes and assisted-living facilities are managed by private companies or local councils. the wizarding population is evidently too small to have any form of local government, so this becoming the purview of the healthcare system makes sense.
what is more interesting, though, is that st mungo's doesn't seem to treat anything which doesn't have a specifically magical cause...
community care
we see in canon that wizards prefer to treat even fairly serious magical conditions in the home [with the hogwarts hospital wing as the pseudo-domestic stand-in] - in the form of ron's fake spattergroit in deathly hallows.
we can also assume, then, that things like birth and death [as well as the treatment of non-magical conditions] also generally take place in the home - and that this is why st mungo's doesn't seem to offer any sort of obstetric care.
and this will have an impact on how wizards understand things like birth, death, and aging which - while not divergent from the muggle understanding of these things historically - would be massively at odds with the muggle attitude contemporarily. only around 2% of births in the uk take place at home, for example - and since around 43% of deaths take place in a hospital and 20% take place in a care home, it is now a minority experience to die in your own home. multi-generational living is extremely uncommon for british muggles outside of specific demographic groups. it would presumably not be - since gerontological care must take place in the home - for british wizards.
[i am aware of the wizarding care home in the cursed child, but i think we can either ignore this as not-canon, or imagine it working as an almshouse - such as the royal hospital, chelsea, founded in 1682 - the early-modern equivalent of a care home]
similarly, the treatment of chronic illnesses must generally take place in the home - which offers a really interesting insight into why, for example, remus lupin appears so much less healthy than werewolves like fenrir greyback, who live in quasi-familial community groups.
so too must the care of the terminally ill - which means that wizards would retain a relationship with death that muggles are increasingly detached from. i was struck when talking about deathly hallows with some friends that they were surprised that fleur delacour can see thestrals - and they automatically assumed that she must have witnessed some sort of traumatic death for this to be the case. but if her grandmother [who seems, as of goblet of fire, to be dead] went through the process of dying [which is not immediate!] at home, she would probably have been there to witness and understand it. this is an entirely natural part of the human experience.
and this means - as we'll come to in part two - that who doesn't get treated in the home becomes an interesting question...
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healers and their training
the stringent academic requirements for healing training in canon are a pastiche of those needed for a medical degree in muggle britain. medicine is an extremely competitive subject [as in many places worldwide, the number of places is capped] and all uk medical schools require top a-level [the final-year exams which newts are a mirror of] grades.
in the wizarding world - since university education doesn't appear to exist - the subject is taught by apprenticeship. this makes sense - all muggle medical degrees have a considerable practical component, and i think we can easily imagine that trainee healers are also required to attend lectures etc.
however, since there doesn't appear to be general medicine in the wizarding world, healers seem to apprentice from the off in specific specialities.
similarly, on their wards, they seem to function as a combination of all the levels of staff you would find in a muggle hospital - a doctor would not, for example, hand out christmas gifts on a ward - and there doesn't seem to be any hierarchy post-qualification. you can only be an apprentice or a healer - instead of a junior, registrar, consultant etc. [or the american near-equivalents - intern, resident, attending etc.]
but all of this makes sense if we consider it alongside the fact that a lot of treatment must take place in the home. healers are - by their very nature - advanced specialists in a specific [and apparently narrow] range of magical illnesses and injuries, who presumably deal with such a small number of patients [arthur weasley is on a ward with only three people, supervised by two healers - i think many of us who've worked in muggle hospitals would kill for that ratio...] that they are able to take the holistic role they do in canon.
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other medical staff
and so most aspects of wizarding medicine must be administered by people who are not [by virtue of formal training] healers - both within the home and outside it.
madam pomfrey, for example, seems to have a different, lower level of training than a healer - not least because her title, which she shares with other non-academic staff like madam hooch, is intended to indicate that she is below the hogwarts professors in terms of qualification [however wizards understand this when it comes to fitness to teach]. we see in canon that she needs to send patients to st mungo's for specific magical injuries which she doesn't have the training and/or equipment to treat [mcgonagall after she's stunned in order of the phoenix, katie bell after she's cursed in half-blood prince], but that she's able to treat most magical injuries which are non-life-threatening, and most non-magical injuries and minor illnesses.
in the uk, a school matron would generally be qualified as a nurse - and madam pomfrey reflects this. obviously, this is primarily a narrative detail which helps the [british] reader understand the wizarding world by referencing something with which they are familiar, but from an in-world perspective it suggests that there is a hierarchy of medical training which we don't hear about in canon.
perhaps even because it would be considered beneath the alumni of as elite a boarding school as hogwarts to go into the equivalent of nursing...
[indeed, the apparent absence of credentialism in the presentation of healing being revealed to be a lie would fit the way the series approaches class... and the class distinctions, not only in terms of post-qualification social status, but in terms of background - in 2016, 61% of people studying medicine or dentistry were privately educated - between doctors and nurses in the uk are significant.]
and so i imagine that general medical treatment - as well as more specialised disciplines like midwifery, dentistry, and optometry - is available in the wizarding world [for a fee?] from licensed [anyone offering medical care in england has required a license since the 1520s] community-based practitioners such as madam pomfrey, with people only seeking treatment at st mungo's for urgent magical cases.
there must also be a voluntary aspect to this community-based medical system - i've always assumed that the people who bring arthur weasley to st mungo's are volunteers rather than professional paramedics, for example - and treatment must also be available from shops - such as apothecaries, which can presumably diagnose ailments as well as sell the treatments for them - which provide medical services alongside various other functions.
[maybe the people who make objects such as james and sirius' two-way mirrors are also responsible for lens-crafting and other aspects of optometry.]
this can be a fun worldbuilding detail - historically, surgery [and most dental care] was provided by barbers. clearly, molly doesn't cut her sons' hair at home for financial reasons, but because the one time she let bill go to the barber's on his own, he came back with a gold tooth...
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the medical research sector
while the wizarding world doesn't appear to have universities - or other research institutions which look familiar to the modern reader - it clearly has some sort of scientific infrastructure, within which medical and pharmaceutical research [such as the development of the wolfsbane potion in the early 1990s] takes place.
and we can very easily imagine what this infrastructure is...
the statute of secrecy is signed after the emergence in britain of learned societies - essentially, research organisations, which are modelled on the college fellowships of oxford and cambridge [with a little bit of the medieval guild thrown in]. they function as academic networks, peer-review groups, and professional bodies.
in the medical field, the royal college of physicians - which is still going! i'm a member! - was founded in 1519. in the natural sciences more generally, the royal society - probably the most famous learned society in the world - was officially established in 1663.
we know of at least one wizarding learned society from canon - the most extraordinary society of potioneers, founded by hector dagworth-granger - and we know that there are academic journals - such as transfiguration today - which can be presumed to be published by others.
it makes absolute sense that there would be a learned society which focused on the science of healing, and offered publications, lectures, demonstrations [imagine how horrendous the first demonstration of the wolfsbane potion might have been...], research funding, and so on to professionals working in the discipline. it also makes sense that there would be a college or guild for apothecaries.
the real question, though, is what these would be called... after all, the wizarding world tends to have a touch of whimsy to it, but since there's literally a clinical body in the uk called "nice", the muggles might have won this round...
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greycaelum · 1 year
I saw that the askbox was open and I thought it's the right time for an interview with our favorite couple from the Kaleidoscope series!! We want to learn more about the most popular couple in the exorcist society.
*puts on glasses and takes a notepad* Hello Mr. and Mrs. Gojo, please sit down, make yourselves comfortable and let's get started with the interview!
Here are my questions... take your time to answer, my dears :
- Who wears the pants in your relationship? *smirks* Basically, who's the boss?
- I heard about your twins, congratulations to you both! Four mini versions of you at home, but how many children did each of you originally want?
- How long have you been together and married?
- Who is the more jealous one between the two of you?
- Do you both have any forbidden things for each other? For example, what are they? And do you respect these restrictions?
- Who falls asleep first? How does your evening routine go? *silly grin*
- Who fell in love first? And who said "I love you" first?
- Has anyone ever tried to separate you?
- Have you ever had disagreements about how to raise your children? If so, what were they?
- What is your biggest common point?
- What is your most beautiful memory together?
- *checks if the children are not around* At what age did you lose your virginity? Was it together?
- (Y/N), what is the most romantic thing Satoru has ever done for you?
- Satoru, same question, what is the most romantic thing (Y/N) has ever done for you?
- What is your secret to a stable and lasting relationship? I've been told that love is not always enough... is that true for you too?
Thank you for answering these questions and I wish you all the happiness in the world! ❤️
Kaleidoscope Series—Clouds and Mochi Chapters: { Couple }
—Gojo Satoru X Wife Reader
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𑁍 Genre: fluff, question and answer
𑁍 WC/CW/TW: (1.4k)—/ suggestive content, clingy Satoru, marriage talks—/
𑁍 A/N: I was laughing while doing this because I didn't expect it was this many, so every time I finish one question, there's like a five or more under it AHAHAHAHAHAHA anyways I hope you like this portion, and thank you for the wonderful questions for our couple, sweetheart~
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Hello Mr. and Mrs. Gojo, please sit down, make yourselves comfortable, and let's get started with the interview!
Y/n laughs and sits while Satoru man spreads on the couch with his arm snaked around his wife's waist.
" Thank you for having us over, we have a small gift" Y/n extends a basket filled with a Yubari King Melon and several clusters of Ruby Roman Grapes. "We're not that popular, believe me, but we are very happy for this opportunity with you." Y/n smiles.
Here are my questions... take your time to answer, my dears :
- Who wears the pants in your relationship? *smirks* Basically, who's the boss?
"Believe it or not, Satoru actually manages a lot of our decisions." Y/n thought for a second making Satoru stick out his tongue playfully.
"Y/n makes the decisions but she always asks me for my opinion before doing it." Satoru smirks. "But in the bedro—!"
Y/n immediately covers her husband's mouth and smiled warningly on the male.
"When it comes to the kids and the Gojo Clan matters we always try to make the best compromise valuing each other's opinion. And I really respect my husband's decision and input, even if he acts like a child he's a very responsible guy."
"My wife makes a lot of decisions in the household and you bet mother instinct is sharp, they're frighteningly accurate. But she is actually a scary girl when mad and I the ever-loving and best husband always concede because I don't wanna sleep on the couch, period. Next question."
You glared at him and he shrugged, chuckling as he whispered something in Y/n's ear making her shoulders relax.
- I heard about your twins, congratulations to you both! Four mini versions of you at home, but how many children did each of you originally want?
"Oh no, it's similar to twin pregnancy, but they're not exactly twins. It's a rare case of superfetation and kind of a delicate thing but I was already pregnant with only one at first, then probably someone's swimmer got lucky and yeah... got pregnant again. Our two angels are not twins and they're a week or two apart in conception but they're growing together inside the tummy. Two was definitely enough." Y/n cradled her forehead and sighed. "The third little ones with the S was definitely unplanned and a big surprise for us."
"For me, three. Three is a good number. Spells like 'I love you'." Satoru nudge Y/n's side with a flirty grin and chuckled at her glare. "Awee c'mon don't be like that! Baby-making is fun! We have two more munchkins to spoil coming soon!"
"Until the labor and sleepnights of course." Y/n sighed. "But four kids is actually very since we're now even 3 girls and 3 boys, and I think that's enough for us. Saika is really pushing for them to have the same hair as me."
Satoru smiled and nodded.
"Yeah, 4 is enough too. It's a good number for a family and the kids won't have to fight for attention."
- How long have you been together and married?
"We married early... we got married when I was 22 and he's 23... and we're together for nine years and counting." Y/n showed her three eternity bands wedding ring that sparkle with hues like Satoru's eyes which he gave her on their wedding day.
"She liked being married to me so watch out for those who try to ogle at my wife." Satoru made a focus gesture with his two fingers. "I'm gonna get you."
- Who is the more jealous one between the two of you?
"Do we get jealous?" Y/n laughs.
"Of course!" Satoru huffs. "I get jelly."
"I think the right word is territorial. Right Love?" Y/n turned to Satoru.
"Yeah... we don't get "jealous". More like I wanna protect her because she's my wife. Just like she also makes sure everyone knows we're together. I think she's very hot when she does that." Satoru whistles. "Jealous is wanting what's not yours and territorial is protecting what's yours to defend. I like defending my wife."
- Do you both have any forbidden things for each other? For example, what are they? And do you respect these restrictions?
"It's not forbidden, but more like a mutual agreement. We don't really read each other's chat apps or social media accounts the like. Of course, we're free to use each other's phones but we don't poke at our privacy too much especially with chats because it's not just about personal privacy but also the privacy of the one we're talking with. And Satoru is forbidden to eat sweets from 10 in the night until 8 in the morning. No one would want a hyper Satoru during bedtime. Trust me." Y/n shook her head and Satoru laughed.
"Mnnn, she's forbidden from taking my secret sweet stash under the bed. And... yeah we respect restriction even if sometimes I'm very pushy but when she says it's a no with finality then that's it. Also, Y/n is actually forbidden from drinking, temporarily of course. She gets so drunk I swear you'd feel sorry for me." Satoru bit Y/n's shoulders and giggled.
"No, I don't get that drunk!"
- Who falls asleep first? How does your evening routine go? *silly grin*
"Satoru falls asleep first unless it's one of those nights his brain is so hyper I get dragged in his shenanigans." Y/n rolled her eyes, not getting into the detail about the 'shenanigans'.
Satoru winks and laughs as he pinched your nose.
"We have a short night routine on weekdays. I'm not a patient guy. We bathe the kids, I put them to bed. We get a shower and recently we're doing some short face care routines then the rest you'll understand if you're married. But on weekends the kids get two-hour movie time before going to sleep so we eat, make some pillow forts and oftentimes sleep in huddle on the bean bag couch." Satoru sighed problematically. "It's so hard to have kids on the night. Sometimes I wanna ship them to their grandparents so Y/n and I can rest."
Y/n shook her head and motioned for the next question.
- Who fell in love first? And who said "I love you" first?
"Oh! Definitely ME." Satoru proudly raised his two hands.
Y/n could only chuckle.
"You see, I have a crush on this woman here waayyyyyyyy before she even talked to me. She ignores me, I swear. Doesn't even bat a glance at me." He huffed and pointed at you. "I saw her when I was sixteen in one of our mission, she wasn't the drop-dead gorgeous kind of girl but she was just so beautiful. You get what I mean?" He started his rant. "I was 19 when I first talked to her but she threatened to kick me in my balls. So yeah, I definitely took a liking to her harder after that." He smirked smugly.
"He's weird." Y/n fired back. "Also I said I love you first. He went very pale when I said it."
"Hey! I was just so happy I didn't know how to react!"
- Has anyone ever tried to separate you?
"At first the Gojo Clan is against it. I mean I understand why. But eventually, some accepted it and some didn't and that's okay. It's our marriage, not theirs." Y/n nodded and smiled. "And well, I handle the Gojo Clan matters so... yeah. They understand who and what I am to the clan." Y/n answered.
"My kids. My kids are the biggest obstacle in this marriage." Satoru seriously answered. "It's so hard to be a husband with needs when your kids seem to have a radar every time I reach for my wife. I swear it's like they have six eyes when it comes to that."
"Kouki's gonna pout if he hears you," Y/n warns.
"It's the truth anyways, the lil' boy needs to understand I'm also your first baby." Satoru cooed.
"Shut up."
- Have you ever had disagreements about how to raise your children? If so, what were they?
"It's not a disagreement but a discussion. Kouki is supposed not to attend public school because he is supposed to have his own tutor in the Gojo Estate. Satoru and I are keen on letting Kouki attend public school but my in-laws are not that welcoming of this idea. Soon enough we reached a compromise regarding this. So it's not really a fight or something but it counts I guess." Y/n sighed.
"If I remember correctly. My wife at first didn't like me starting Kikufuku's training at 4 years old. But when Kikufuku started liking our training, Momma gradually accepted it. Also, I get lots of lecturing when I spoil my baby Cat. I don't spoil her, I'm really just a generous father, that's all!" Satoru raised two hands.
Y/n scoffed.
"You'll ruin them if you keep spoiling them like this.
"I'll spoil her rotten she'll be ruined for any man who cannot keep up with me as the standard." Satoru raised his chin.
- What is your biggest common point?
"Biggest common point... Hmmm..." Y/n hummed.
"We're both touch-starved and love sweets. We have our first "date" in a cafe where she was working part-time." Satoru answered with a straight face.
"Satoru and I are pretty chill I guess. Also, we love having a good laugh together. Also yeah, we love eating." Y/n smiled.
- What is your most beautiful memory together?
"Aside from our kids... It was when we had our first wedding. We eloped and got wed somewhere North. It was one of the memories that feel like "our own" and we didn't have to share it with anyone. She was so beautiful walking down the aisle and I remember tears were in my eyes. She's very simple and we were silent. It was perfect for me." Satoru looked at his wife with twinkling eyes.
"Awee really? You looked dashing that time too Love." Y/n poked his cheeks and smiled.
"Apart from seeing him carry our newborn kids each time. I think one of the most memorable moments with just "us", with nothing much to be worried about and focused solely on the two of us is our honeymoon in the Caribbean. At that moment I was swimming and hugged you to pull me out of the water and carried me by your waist. That scene is something I cannot forget. I could get lost in your eyes staring at me with a smile and the teal waters... You have ocean eyes." Y/n giggled and Satoru chuckled with his eyes looking solely at his wife.
- *checks if the children are not around* At what age did you lose your virginity? Was it together?
Y/n chokes on her water. Satoru also blinked for a second but laughed out loud.
"We did it two weeks before we eloped. That's all I'm saying." Satoru hugged your waist and kissed your shoulder blade.
- (Y/N), what is the most romantic thing Satoru has ever done for you?
"Satoru never ever lets me beg for something. And I think that's very sweet and profound of him. I never had to beg for his time, love, or anything... aside from bedroom purposes," whispers. Looking around to make sure the kids are away. "Satoru is the guy that if I asked for a flashlight, he would give me a chandelier." Y/n squeezes Satoru's hand as she gazes at him with a smile.
- Satoru, same question, what is the most romantic thing (Y/N) has ever done for you?
"When I was a teen I always thought dates are romantic, until now I still think they are but there's a different kind of romance with domesticity. Like when she always makes me warm meals. I love that so much every time I come home. She never lets me go hungry and when I ask for something she makes a point to make or learn how to cook it. I appreciate that so much from my wife, every small and big thing. She makes me feel at home, I feel calm when I enter our door because she makes me feel at home." Satoru grins. "Also when she dresses in the lacy lingeri—" Smack
Y/n covers his mouth with her hand and motions for the next question.
- What is your secret to a stable and lasting relationship? I've been told that love is not always enough... is that true for you too?
"Love is a major thing for a relationship to work. But aside from love, respect and the ability to listen is really a big thing especially since we're both busy, and Satoru is often away. Time is very precious to us and also learning from our mistakes." Y/n nodded. "Also we're very honest and straightforward with each other, it really helps make misunderstandings a lot easier to handle. We don't avoid uncomfortable conversations. If I feel we're not having enough time together, I make a point to tell him instead of sulking and waiting for him to get my point. If I feel he raises his tone in a frustrating manner to me, I tell him what that tone made me feel. Stuff like that." Y/n smiled. "This might not be the case for everyone but being really open with each other, we vocalize and actualize appreciating our roles in our home and workplace, and talking together makes a marriage work for the two of us."
"Hmmm, for me? I love my family. So when we have discussions or problems we don't do it emotionally, we think things practically and logically, and we don't bring up past mistakes, we fix the problem, not nitpicking on each other. At the end of the day I love my family, I don't want it to be broken or what." Satoru's shoulders relaxed and smiles at his wife.
Thank you for answering these questions and I wish you all the happiness in the world! ❤️
"Thank you for having us, I hope you enjoyed this little q & a as much as we did." Y/n waves with her two hands. "Have a good day ahead."
Satoru grins and kept a hold around his wife's waist.
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Check out the Masterlist for more
All rights and credits of the Jujutsu Kaisen character(s) mentioned images(s) and songs(s) used, belongs to their respective owner(s)
General/Kaleidoscope Series Taglist: @ice-icebaby @aeanya @gummy-dummy @tender-rosiey @lexiene @nevermoresworld
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ruegarding · 2 months
hi, quick question, how did you feel about Beryl Grace's character and how she was written?
hi! overall, beryl is another character that falls into the "interesting concept, not elaborated on in canon" category. in pjo, she's not particularly developed bc of her distance to the main character and narrative. in hoo, where she's directly related to a main character, she's flat, zeus is flat, hera is flat, thalia is barely relevant, and jason's entire character suffers from hoo being inconsistent and poorly written, which means anything that, arguably, should be done well doesn't hold up.
in pjo, beryl’s character isn’t very fleshed out, but she’s a side character to a side character, so it's understandable. she's also dead, but when she was introduced the majority of parents we knew abt were alive, so it wasn't too big a deal (this changes drastically w hoo, where there are more dead parents than living ones).
her existence answers a few questions: why doesn't every mortal parents know who their child's godly parent is? bc some of them cannot handle it. why did thalia run away? bc her mother coped w her mental instability by turning to alcoholism. why does thalia want to join the hunters? bc she wants stability. why can't thalia return home? bc her mother's dead. a lazy way out, maybe, but, again, beryl is a side character to a side character. the implied depth of beryl's character, that thalia cared enough to not only check on beryl's well-being after being revived but also feels enough guilt abt leaving that it's used against her soh, does a lot of the heavy lifting.
in hoo, we learn very little abt beryl's character, despite the fact that she is now connected to a main character. in fact, beryl's inclusion in hoo doesn't do much.
is beryl given depth now that she's closer to the narrative? not really. thalia had to raise jason bc beryl was always self-absorbed, so she and jason don't really have a relationship, therefore nothing to explore. and also the implied depth from pjo is removed bc actually thalia stayed bc of jason and doesn't care abt beryl. so, if zeus went back to beryl, had two children w beryl, that would imply that he loves her, right? no. bc why would we take this opportunity to imply that zeus cares abt other ppl and make him a multi-dimensional character. what does it mean that beryl unites two pantheons by having a greek child and a roman child? don't know. rick never explores it. why was jason sold to one direction? bc hera sucks and beryl's self-absorbed. how was jason able to recognize thalia's face despite last seeing her when he was two (or three??)? did hera tell jason abt thalia as he was growing up? was it all part of hera's big plan? don't know. probably. is jason and thalia's relationship an important focus of the series? no. do we explore the ramifications of beryl being a celebrity w children? no. where does jason's idea of what a mother should be ("caring, loving, selflessly protective") come from? not established. probably thalia...? was it necessary that jason's mother was beryl and not literally any other absent parent? no. was jason and hera's relationship explored in hoo, at least? if u settle for "kinda."
i can not overstate how little beryl shows up in hoo.
there's also a separate issue in how her disabilities are handled. like i say often, this is a series abt disability and therefore these things matter. she explicitly has an addiction and is coded w bpd and she and zeus are villainized for both of these things.
compare it w may. may can't give luke what he needs bc of her disability and it's approached w empathy and portrayed as a tragedy. similarly, hermes loves her and helps her how he thinks is best. and despite this, the audience can still empathize w luke's anger bc none of this changes the fact that he did not get what he needed as a child. that's how u write a complex relationship fitting for a main character of a series abt disability.
instead, beryl is written as incredibly shallow and repeatedly described as "unstable." she likes zeus bc he's powerful and he gives her attention. she caught his attention for shallow reasons and she wanted to keep it for shallow reasons. zeus is written like the villain for leaving, bc obviously he's also shallow and only there bc she gives him attention. this entire situation would be a tragedy if it were written w a modicum of care. it was a no-win scenario. he could have stayed forever, he could have made her immortal, and she would still be unstable, be unsatisfied. she put her entire well-being in his hands, and there is no way he can make her happy forever. it's sad! the love could've been there and it wouldn't've fixed anything!
boo sort of tries to add depth to her character and relationship w jason, but, again, it doesn't hold up bc jason doesn't have a relationship w her. for the two (or three??) years he lived w her, she doesn't even raise him. thalia does. jason doesn't see multiple sides of beryl. almost everything he (and the audience) knows abt beryl, he learned from thalia's crash course on why their mother sucked. the only exception is this promise beryl made, that she'd come back for him, except jason's already come to terms w the fact it's a broken promise, that beryl was never coming back for him, before the story begins. rick never establishes any redeeming quality of beryl's, or beryl's influence on jason, so jason's rejection of her doesn't pack any emotional punch bc...what exactly is there to reject? to let go of? why would the audience be attached to her? why would jason be afraid of becoming like her when there's nothing in the narrative to suggest they're similar?
it's not tragic. it's not triumphant. it's lackluster.
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mamisfavmosher · 1 year
"This is my first time asking my requests
Can you write a poly!judgement that The reader is part of the Bloodline younger sister of The Uso's, The reader is fed up with Roman and his shenanigans then Rhea and The Judgement Day wants the reader to join them (if you don’t wanna write that, I completely understand)
thanks for the request! and sorry for the wait!
new family // poly!judgment day x fem!reader
"How many times do I have to tell you, huh?" Roman bellowed. He was angry. I suppose he had every right to be. He had to do quite a bit of convincing with Adam Pearce to get this match for me and I messed up during the peak of anticipation. My foot had gotten caught behind the rope when I was attempting to perform a corkscrew from the top rope and it was obvious. I had flailed my arms a bit out of panic and the only thing my opponent could think to do was catch me and put me through her finisher. Before I knew it, the ref finished the three count and Roman was yanking me backstage. "I worked my ass off to get this opportunity for you and you go screw it all up! You're a shit wrestler if you can't even land a corkscrew!" He scoffed out.
"I'm sorry-" I hoped an apology would slightly calm him.
"You're sorry?! How about you learn how to do your fucking job before you start apologizing to me. You're so pathetic, you know that? You're lucky you're even still in the Bloodline." Roman angrily ranted in front of me. I took a deep breath and tried not to let his words affect me.
Glancing over at my brothers, they both gave me sympathetic looks before turning their gazes away to let me finish receiving my lecture. "But, Roman-"
"Shut the hell up! You wait for me to finish speaking before you say anything!" He was entering full on tribal chief mode now.
"What did I just say? Shut your mouth! ..." Roman's words kept coming, but they seemed to be fading out as I spotted the darker, more dominant faction approaching. The four group members of the Judgment Day stood tall and menacing behind Roman as he let his anger take control. "Finally learned how to shut your mouth, huh?" I simply ignored the taunt and let my eyes wander toward Rhea's. Roman must have noticed that my attention was no longer on him and traced my eyesight behind him.
Damian stepped forward, his taller posture creating an air of superiority. "Roman Reigns, huh? You know, I never gave much thought to you, but now... now I just know you're a scumbag." He laughed out and Finn joined him. Rhea and Dom moved closer to me, shielding me from Roman and the rest of the Bloodline.
"You okay, chica?" Dom asked. I didn't answer, my mind still reeling with panic and anger and embarrassment. "Sweetheart? Can you hear me?" He snapped his fingers in front of my face. I had never seen Dom and Rhea look so concerned.
"I'm fine..." I shrugged and stood on my tip toes to look around Rhea at the rest of the Bloodline and the still raging Roman. Rhea moved her head into my view and gently ran her hand over my arm, a look of admiration crossing her face.
"You deserve better than this, babe." Her voice was soft, but there was a hint of persuasion to it. I knew what this was. She had mentioned it one other time after Roman had one of my matches taken away. The Judgment Day wanted me to join them. I had refused the first time, brushing the situation off as if it had never happened before and it wouldn't happen again. But, then it was as if Roman started playing on a loop. He would do something horrible, take something away from me, yell at me, and even sometimes disrespect me in the ring, and the Judgment Day had taken notice. "This idiot is holding you back. If you join the Judgment Day, your career is gonna sky rocket. I swear." I tried to avoid eye contact with her, pushing down the feeling of betrayal. If I join the Judgment Day, I'm leaving my brothers behind, my family. It felt like that was everything I had ever been taught not to do.
I caught the curious gazes of my brothers as they watched the conversation between Roman, Damian, and Finn, and shifted their attention to Rhea, Dom, and I. "I can't." I said. Rhea followed my stare and immediately understood. Dom quickly motioned them over to us.
"Boys, this is your sister. And as a man with a sister myself, even though I'm currently not in contact with my family, I wouldn't let her stay in a situation like this. Not a chance. We want her to join the Judgment Day." Dom reasoned with them.
The twins looked over to me, sullen looks on their faces. "Sis, that's completely up to you, but just know.... we support you no matter what." Jimmy said, throwing an arm over my shoulder.
"Yeah." Jey pulled me into a tight hug before ruffling my hair and gently shoving me away. "Get outta here. There's bigger, better things out there for you, sis. And, don't worry... We're not far behind." He smirked and walked back over to Paul Heyman with Jimmy.
"I guess I'm out of the Bloodline, then?" I asked myself.
"And the newest member of the Judgment Day, babygirl." Rhea smirked. "Welcome to the family." She hugged me close to her chest and softly kissed my head.
If this was the kind of love I was going to be shown in this new family, I could get used to it.
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nausikaaa · 11 days
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Six Sentence Sunday
thanks for tagging me @run-for-chamo-miles @that-disabled-princess and @orange-peony!
classicstober 2024's prompts have been announced and i'm super excited because it's historical figures! my obsession with Roman non-fiction and biographies has finally paid off!
i thought it would be a good opportunity to jumpstart my writing brain by writing lots of short and snappy things. and so today, i've written 1000 or so words for Regina of South Shields, who i've had the pleasure of visiting!
i'm about to ramble, so i'm putting it under a cut. also warning, i've included photos of a tombstone and a human skeleton. if you just want to read the six sentences and not see them, scroll fast right to the bottom.
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so, this is Regina. or rather, her tombstone, discovered by builders in 1878, and a reconstruction of how it might have looked when it was erected. if you haven't heard of her, which is understandable, she was a British woman from modern day St Albans (near London) during the Roman occupation of Britain. she was sold as a slave (did her family need money? was she born a slave? we don't know) and bought by a man named Barates, from Palmyra, a city in modern day Syria, who was either a soldier or at least travelling with the Roman army. they moved to a garrison close to Hadrian's Wall in what is now South Shields in the north east, and Barates fell in love with Regina. he freed her and they got married.
her tombstone is mostly important because it tells us that a Syrian man was in Britain during this time, and since her tombstone has Palmyrene script on it, and the chances he engraved his own wife's tombstone are slim, there was likely at least one other Syrian person who could engrave headstones around. which suggests that there was a whole group! the name of the Roman fort in South Shields was Arbeia, which could even mean "the place of the arabs."
it's estimated that a third of people in Britain during the Roman occupation were long distance migrants, and most were not slaves, as is often assumed. Ivory Bangle Lady, who I have also visited in York Museum and who lived around the same time, is believed to have come from Africa. and she was a wealthy free woman!
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but what about Regina? well, we know she was from the Catuvellauni tribe, and that she died aged 30. we can assume she spun wool as she's depicted doing so on the tombstone, which was a respectable pastime for Roman women, and she's shown wearing lots of jewellery, so she probably led a comfortable life.
but we don't know how she felt about her marriage, as her tombstone is in Barates' words. did she love him back, or was she under duress to marry him to improve her own prospects? did they have children? did she have friends in Arbeia? did she have to learn Aramaic or Latin to communicate with Barates, or did he know Celtic? we simply don't know. so much of her personality has been lost to time.
so my challenge was to write something that pieces together various possibilities to create what could be an approximation of who Regina was. to give her some life, a voice, and at least a bit of agency.
okay. enough preamble. here's six lines:
I had grown and reached my twentieth year, and as the dark circles beneath my eyes disappeared and the warmer months led me to abandon my woollen cloak, I noticed men's behaviour towards me change. I am not the type to play at being coy- I knew they found me attractive. With my white skin, red hair, and pale blue eyes, I was exotic to them. I stood out.
I noticed Barates' behaviour change too. I realised I had a choice to make.
if you want to know more about Regina, my main source is this podcast by Mary Beard, but i also took inspiration from the book Roman Woman by Lindsay Allason-Jones.
tags: @forabeatofadrum @j-nipper-95 @artsyunderstudy @prettygoododds @confused-bi-queer @imagineacoolusername @ic3-que3n @aristocratic-otter @larkral @hushed-chorus @ivelovedhimthroughworse @shemakesmeforget @fatalfangirl @ebbpettier @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @cutestkilla @youarenevertooold @alexalexinii @shrekgogurt @bookish-bogwitch @thewholelemon @supercutedinosaurs @shutup-andletme-go @theearlgreymage @ileadacharmedlife @alleycat0306 @carryonsimoncarryonbaz @comesitintheclover @noblecorgi @roomwithanopenfire and @blackberrysummerblog
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suguwuus · 11 months
★ only you
i lied i went and rewrote another oneshot instead of doing my ocs teehee
wc: 2.4k words
contains: unspecified godly parent and mutual subtle pining
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"I swear to the gods, Stoll, if you do that one more time, I'm going to drown you."
"Yeah?" Connor mocked, cocking his head to the side and grinning like he was about to push you underwater again. Both of you tread the seawater, chins just touching the cool surface. "And what are you going to do if I splash black dye on all your clothes?"
"I'm gonna change my style, move to the Hades cabin, and stay there," You replied stubbornly. "I can learn to get along with Nico and Hazel, anyway." You glanced toward the shallower part of the beach, where Percy was trying to get the di Angelo to learn how to swim. He was clinging to him and Jason like a scared cat, pale shaky limbs glistening in the sunlight.
"Have you forgotten that Hazel is Roman? Better get used to Will's sweet-talking!" Connor splashed water in your face, getting it up your nose.
"Shit—stop!" You coughed and swam closer to him, despite strands of hair uncomfortably sticking to your forehead and a dull ache in your nose. "Does he really talk like…like that around Nico?"
"No, but he stares a lot. Like he has a really obvious stare and stops doing everything just to stare." Connor glanced at Will, sitting ankle-deep at the shore, waves lapping at his shins. "Who knows, he might be imagining them swapping spit with each other—"
You hissed and clapped a hand over his mouth. He pushed your hand away and laughed. "He's so far. He can't hear us. RIGHT, WILL?"
The blond looked up and squinted in your direction. "Huh?" His voice was barely audible over the sloshing of the waves.
You shot Connor a glare. Then you felt a leg hook around yours. Before you could retort you were pulled beneath the surface again. You grabbed his shoulder and hauled yourself back up out of the water, grumbling and wiping the saltwater from your eyes.
"Fuck. You." You started to swim towards the shore, wading through the water.
"Hey, come back! I haven't had enough fun with you. Can we at least race?"
You called him over and waved your hand, getting an idea. You stopped after a few feet, looking down at the sea floor as your shirt billowed with the movement of the waves. Connor caught up to you. "What is it?"
"I think there's a watch there."
"A watch?"
"Yeah, there."
"I can't see it."
"Yeah, because you have to look closely, dumbass."
"Yes, there."
"Is it a Rolex?"
"I don't know." You hoped he couldn't hear the smile in your voice. Then, while he had his head bent over the surface, trying to see what you were pointing at, you took the chance and shoved his head down, creating splashes as you did.
You laughed with satisfaction at getting him back as he coughed and spluttered. While he caught his bearings, you tried to continue swimming. But when Percy asked you a question, you stood still, letting your guard down. This gave Connor an opportunity to sneak up behind you and push you back down under the water by your shoulders, which of course, he did.
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"Y/N, Connor's taking forever in the showers." Travis plopped down on the biggest hammock, the one you had taken the liberty of occupying. He threw you off balance and almost made you drop the pretty rock you had found.
Leo Valdez was splayed on another hammock with Piper McLean, making something with twigs and a soda can. "You think he drowned?"
Travis settled down and caused you to drop your rock. "He's not. He answered me when I called him."
You shook your head at the thought of your crush in the shower and frowned. "Why are you asking me about this?" Crush? Yes. Exactly. You found it a bit funny that you developed feelings for Connor, out of all people in camp, but once you looked past the rocks in your pillows and vinegar in your pancake syrup, he wasn't too bad. Then again, you had to endure the water up your nose to be around him as well.
You stuck your arm through the hammock and picked your rock off the soil. "We don't even have bathtubs at camp."
"You never know."
"What the Hades is that supposed to mean?"
For the next hour or two, your mind alternated between wandering off or going blank (and maybe Connor with wet hair). The others who went swimming joined you as well, either climbing the trees to talk with their friends more or laying on the hammocks. Others went back to their cabins. You lay there, soaking up the sun and feeling too lazy to even adjust yourself. You turned the rock over and over in your hand.
Clovis from the Hypnos cabin yawned. "It would be nice to take a nap. I'm tired..." His head drooped down and he snored.
At that, you felt more tempted to nap more than ever, but your doziness was interrupted by a shout.
"Guys!" Connor called. He ran towards your area at full speed. He could've stopped, but he tripped over a tree root. He straightened up, grinning and pushing curls out of his eyes.
You bit back a smirk, not sure if out of pettiness or endearment. "Did you find a serpent in the drain? Is that why it took you three hours?"
"No. Well, kind of. I was, um, I was taking a shower, obviously, and there was a worm. Anyway, we have a new camper! I couldn't find you guys," He pouted.
"Really? Who?" Travis asked. "Where from?"
"Uhm, California."
"Everyone's from California," Someone up in a nearby tree scoffed.
"She's a legacy from Camp Jupiter! Her parents are Greek, children of Nemesis and Demeter! And they actually got to survive past 25, with a house and all. Do you know how cool that is?!" Connor rambled.
Murmurs erupted. Very few adults were seen around Camp Half-Blood. It was even more rare to even hear of them living long enough to have children. You started wondering what it would be like to be a child of two demigods.
Connor jumped, is if an electric shock went through him. "Oh yeah, I forgot. Austen!"
Will had a half-brother named Austin. You looked at him with raised eyebrows and he shrugged, equally as clueless as you.
Connor disappeared again, but came back pulling a girl's hand along. She had shoulder length blonde hair and freckles sprinkled over her nose bridge, her face had strong features and she was dressed in a blouse with a cartoon character on it and jean shorts.
Leo snickered. "Imagine if this one's named Austen River."
You were too busy thinking about how Connor was acting with her. Or maybe you were a little weird for thinking he might have held her hand for a little too long, who knows?
He glanced shyly at her. "So...you're staying in the Hermes cabin for now, right?" He chuckled. "Sorry. We're sorted by godly parent here. Not sure where you're going to be put."
"Actually," Austen tucked a strand of hair behind her ear— "I was told I'll be staying in the Nemesis cabin." Connor's eager smile faded a little.
You spoke up, trying to ignore that last bit. "What's it like in New Rome?" You hoped your voice didn't sound as stiff as you felt.
Whatever she said about New Rome or Camp Jupiter or California or her demigod parents went into one of your ears and left through the other. Instead you had paid attention to how Connor would glance at her or how he laughed whenever she'd slip in a joke or two. He put his hands in his pockets and hooked his thumbs around the belt loops, which made you frown a bit. That was a nervous habit of his.
You felt a bit guilty for being so jealous. Did you often feel like this? Was it normal?
Sometime later, one of the people in our group jumped and yelped that it was almost time for Capture the Flag.
Austen looked down, mumbling something about how she had heard of it but never played or heard of how exactly to play it. Connor perked up, and offered to teach her, even to show her some tricks and spots.
That's alright. Like you gave a shit. Besides, that didn't hurt much. It only stung like a Hellhound's bite. In the ass. Through a tight pair of crispy scratchy jeans.
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As if your day hadn't already turned sour enough, you had turned up with a sunburn from earlier at the beach.
You also would have said some more colorful insults and statements, but you felt like keeping it to yourself today. It was because you had seen Connor laughing with Austen with an arm over her shoulders. Your conscience told you that you shouldn't assume, but you snapped back at it, saying it was different when you had a crush. Besides, you knew Connor, and that boy was never that clingy on the first day of meeting someone. He never put his arm around people much, either.
The Fates must have felt particularly mischievous that day, too, because Connor and you had ended up on the same damn team in Capture the Flag. That might have sounded good, but what if he let Austen's team win?
You were left with him on the defensive, guarding the flag and standing on either side of the pole, facing away from each other.
"What do you think of Austen?" He asked.
You rolled your eyes while he couldn't see your face. Wow. No hi, hello, do you have any strategies in mind or anything. Just straight to Austen. Alright. "She's fine."
"Uh huh. Well, do—"
"Do you like her?" You blurted out. When you realized you said it out loud, you decided, fuck it, and faced him. He turned to you as well, looking surprised from what you could see of his face under his helmet.
You looked down, mumbling so you wouldn't seem too upset. "Dude, you had an arm around her earlier. And...I saw you staring at her."
"Does that mean you always look at me as well?"
You immediately scowled, digging the sole of your shoe into the forest ground. "Shut up!" When he wouldn't look away from you, you frowned even deeper. That made a victorious smile start to bloom on his face.
He crossed his arms. "What's the matter? Jealous?"
For a moment, your breath caught in your throat. Luckily for you, your mind reacted quickly. "I mean, if you like Austen so much I can go with your buddy Isaac. He has been dropping a lot of hints lately. Then you'll know I'm not jealous, right?"
"Isaac? Dropping hints? Wow. You really think he'd treat you better than I would?"
You gripped your weapon, feeling your palms get sweaty. Your eyes widened. "You tell me!"
Connor raised his hands in surrender. "Um...You first! Why are you being weird?"
"Why are you so clingy with Austen all of a sudden? Do you like her? It's been, like, 2 hours since she came here, Connor."
Connor took off his helmet. "I don't like her! Chiron told me to give her a tour! I was on my way here when she arrived." He laughed. What was so funny about this? This boy had a strange sense of humor.
"Then what about you going to the Big House with her?"
"Y/N, I twisted my ankle." He glanced down, and you followed his gaze to see some compression gauze around his left ankle peeking out from the collar lining of his dirty shoe. "And besides, I've only liked one person for...um, a long time."
Your expression softened. "Who?"
He took a deep breath, then pressed so hard on the hilt of his sword hanging at his hip, that his hand slipped. He put his thumbs through his pants' belt loops. "Um...please don't get mad..."
Why would you be mad? "It's you, Y/N. Only you. For a year or two." He laughed nervously. "Or more."
"Me?" You asked incredulously, jaw dropping. You felt a shock run through you, not believing what you just heard.
"No, the nymph over there."
A tall, slim girl with braided hair and skin tinted green appeared beside you, scowling. You nearly jumped out of your skin at that. "Don't drag me into your lovers' quarrel!" Then she disappeared into green mist.
You looked back at Connor. "You're serious?"
"No, I'm Connor."
"Connor, please."
"Yes! Yes, of course, you! It's been so damn long, Y/N! I've been scared that you wouldn't like me back, you know, but since you asked, I can't not say it, okay? I haven't crushed on anyone else in years, because of how your eyes look when you talk about something you like, or your smile, or the way you speak, and how clingy you can get without knowing it when you're tired because you want someone to lean on. You're the only one who's on my mind, all the time. Only you." He cleared his throat, then inhaled through his teeth. He looked just as flustered as I felt.
"Oh. Me...me too." You mustered the courage to respond. Your head almost spun from the information, but at the same time your heart was going to break out of your ribcage from joy. "Me too, I-I like you a lot, I like you so much, Con, you keep me awake at night, too."
He sighed, relieved at your response. He then approached you, helmet under his arm. You reached out to take his hand, face breaking out into a grin, but then your thoughts interrupted you two once again, via your mouth. "Hey, Con."
"Yes?" You almost squealed in giddiness with the heart-eyed look he was giving you at that moment.
"What if Austen likes you?"
"Oh, no, I'm gay," Said a third voice. You spun around to see Austen, still in her cartoon design shirt and shorts, a bow slung over her shoulder and a knife in her hand. "...That's okay, right?" She asked.
"Oh, yeah, totally." Connor shrugged.
Austen relaxed. "Okay." Then she tried darting past you two, but you jumped into position, blocking her way.
You realized a second too late that your efforts were directed at a decoy. "Thank you!" Someone shouted. Annabeth Chase stood at your base, holding your flag, grinning proudly.
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thefoxlibrary · 2 months
Just did a rewatch of the Night at the Museum films. Now, don't get me wrong, I love those films, really fun and cool, love the queer lil cowboy and Roman, but I have beef with the second film, which is supposed to be the best?, solely because of the portrayal of Amelia Earhart.
And I remembered I have Tumblr for this reason :)
Spoilers, of course.
So she's introduced when they arrive at the British museum, as the first woman to cross the Pacific and a pioneer in many other things.
The only other moment she's treated with respect is when they meet the Tuskegee's and it's only for a moment.
She spends the rest of the film being reduced to the stereotype of a woman head-over-heels for a man. She literally follows him like a puppy dog from the very first moment they meet.
What kind of representation is that? The whole time is spent saying that the expos in the museum are for people to learn. What about the little girl, watching the movie, who will only remember Amelia Earhart, a badass woman, as the love interest?
Sure, you wanna add romance to appeal to a wider audience? Octavius and Jedediah are right there. Not only that, but they're clearly fan favourites, since their screen time goes up noticeably in the second film and they have their own storyline/focus in the third one. For crying out loud, they're both very obvious with it (see, for example: "hold my hand" [Octavius] {and the ensuing small couples quarrel/denial} and the fricken "I ain't quittin you" from Brokeback Mountain [Jed {thank you, Owen Wilson}]) as well as the roman and cowboy periods being arguably the gayest periods in history. It's the perfect cocktail for a cute and sweet romance that was left just on the verge.
Don't like that? (Although, how could you not?) Sacajawea and Teddy. Already established relationship, adorable and it gives Robin Williams more screen time bc who doesn't love Robin Williams?
The point is, the whole theme of the film is children go to the museums to learn about the exhibits in them, and the film is made in a similar fashion. All the young girls are gonna get from this is that she was just another housewife. No matter that she could fly a plane like no-one, what she's good at is being this dudes girlfriend {which she insists upon, even after he shows that he's not interested (although he is? I didn't fully understand that. I think at least at first he really wasn't)} she presses on and insists, practically forcing even.
They had an enormous opportunity to show something great, and they blew it. They had the platform, the means and the traction. They took Amelia Earhart's name, and her legacy, and beat it to pieces.
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mondstaub1 · 2 months
Not like they expected us to be
My first Jasico fanfiction idea- enjoy
Summary: Jason is not a womanizer like his father or brothers and wonders if something is wrong with him. Enter Nico di Angelo
Jason is used to being compaired to his father and brothers (espically hercules/heracles). It has been a heavy weight on his shoulders for as long as he can remember. But the thing is, he isn't like his father or his brothers in almost all aspects. Still as a son of Jupiter certain things are expected of him and he found it hard to keep up sometimes but he never imagined that his love/sex life would be such a difficult thing for him to master.
No matter if greek or roman myths one thing they all have in commen: Jasons father is a horny bastard. The man couldn't keep it in his pants if his life depended on it. If it can be fucked he did, gender, form or concent be damned. Many of his sons followed a simular patern (his daughters swore of men and became virgin warrior goddesses. Let that sink in) and his mortal children were rarely diffrent either. Hercules was married around 14/15 and fathered over 50 sons by the time he turned 18. So naturally Jason was expected to have a simualr apitite when it came to lovers but he didn't. It just didn't come natural to him. Sure girls had often flirted or just straight up offered to sleep with him but Jason had always denied them. It did not feel right.
Once he hit puperty it became a nightmare, people began to stare and wisper and Jason fought with himself to stay composed and not blush in shame. Other boys were different, they often talked about girls and what they wished to do with them. Jason couldn't get it. Sure the fact that the most important girl in his life was Reyna and even suggesting things like that to her would get him castrated at the very least. Not that he would do it even if she would agree. He loved Reyna but just not like that, he could not imagine himself sexually with her or anyone for that matter.
He tried to push the thought down, it wasn't important, espacially not with everything else going on.
For a short time he thought himself in love with Piper, she was beautiful and smart, a daughter of Aphrodite and everything that he was told he should want in a girl. Lupa aproved the match but the problem was that, at the end of the day Jason did not. When the mist of confusion and attraction that clowed his mind wore off he quickly realised that he has no attraction to Piper at all. Something he had to tell her after she had tried to go for a kiss. Jason has never kissed anyone before and something inside him told him that she was not the right one.
Nearly everyone who learned of his rejection of Piper looked at him like he was crazy. They thought him his father's son and Jupitor would have never rejected such an opportunity. It made him unconfortable. Some looked at him like he was defect, they often metioned his father or brothers and their many conquests. Jason wanted to scream.
One of the few peole who did not compair him to his father was Nico di Angelo. When Jason had asked him why the boy raised an eyebrown and answered: "If you were anything like your father then I would hate you. I don't and you're no so I see no point in it." Maybe it had something to do with the fact that many still mistreaded or jugded the son of Hades unfairly for his own parentage but Jason kept that thought to himself.
As time passed he and Nico became closer and for the first time in his life Jason fell in love. He wanted to be around Nico, wanted to kiss him, be with him. It was nothing like the fling that many expected of him but he didn't care. Being with Nico made him happy, made his skin burn and his heart beat faster. When they first kissed, shy and unsure and fubeling like the boys they were Jason knew that is was more meaningful then any amont of flings could ever be
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sanderssidesthehouse · 4 months
"Ever heard of an imperfect ally?"
"Ever heard of irreconcilable differences?"
Janus paused. "Why are we married in your scenario?"
Rated T.
"Why are you being so difficult? We want the same thing," Janus hissed, quite possibly a tad too close.
"Well clearly we don't want the same thing. I want to do the right thing and I don't think you could do that if you tried," Roman seethed right back, leaning in closer.
"But you also want to spread your wings! To create freely, to take opportunities. You are being limited! I can help you!"
"I don't believe you! How can I trust you with this when you're the enemy in every other situation?!"
"Ever heard of an imperfect ally?"
"Ever heard of irreconcilable differences?"
Janus paused. "Why are we married in your scenario?"
"We're getting a divorce in my scenario! We're clearly separated!" Roman threw his hand sin the air, turned, and stomped a few paces away.
"Really? Why did we get married if we hate each other so much?"
"Oh. Well…” He paused, a thoughtful look replacing his previous snarl. “Probably because despite your tendency to do everything that Patton tells us not to, you are still very kind to me and we are both very attractive and it was probably a spur of the moment thing, a little fling filled with a passion that we thought was hatred and frustration but turned out to be something else and then turned out to be frustration and hatred. It was a spring wedding and the cherry blossoms were floating peacefully down as we eloped."
"I do appreciate the dramatics. Who was our witness?"
Roman turned back, already in his pondering posture. "Hmm... Well it would have had to happen in the imagination so who do you want to be our witness?"
"Shirley Jackson."
"You would be a Shirley Jackson fan."
"You pick one then." He totally wasn’t even a little bit offended.
"... I never said I wasn't a Shirley Jackson fan."
… Previous non-offense retracted. "And who officiated?"
"Gene Kelly. He became officially ordained just for us."
"Didn't he die in '96?"
"I'm impressed! He did, but it's the imagination. I'm the boss and I can do what I want."
"Oh? Tell me more."
"Well since you're such a fan of my dramatics, there will be 99 empty chairs and one filled by our witness separated into two halves with 50 on each side, ten rows of five to create an aisle. A red carpet is rolled out, obviously-"
"- and I'm wearing a regal suit of white, gold, and red, my signature colors. What are you wearing?"
"Hmm, well, my usual attire wouldn't do... I'm no Creativity, but I think I can come up with a little something."
He paused, pretending he didn’t have fancier back up outfits that he’d thought about a thousand times, then Janus snapped himself into a suit he thought would fit the occasion. He kept his usual slacks and shoes, but he was wearing a white shirt and black tie underneath a golden yellow vest embroidered in black with snakes and over that was a black suit coat with dramatic tails. The gloves and hat remained of course.
He might have chosen a dress but then he would definitely be a black widow and spiders were so Virgil’s thing.
“For you, darling.” Janus flicked his wrist and produced a daffodil.
“For me? A daffodil? If I recall correctly, they represent selfishness.”
“Of course they do.”
Roman wasn’t paying Janus any attention at this point, he already had his right thumb and forefinger to his chin, and Janus knew nothing he said at the moment would get through.
“That might just be the purple one, though. Strength and overcoming obstacles for certain. That would be cute. But there was something else, too… I wish I could remember. I bet Specs would know. He knows everything Thomas has ever learned, no matter how whimsiful. Ha. I bet that drives him crazy.”
“I bet. But don’t you have anything for me?”
“But of course, mi rey.” Roman flourished and along with changing his outfit, a flick of his own wrist produced a dozen red roses mixed with some red carnations. The bouquet was bound with a golden snake.
“Show off,” Janus totally didn’t grumble.
“I can’t help what I am.”
“Truly. And what you are is impressive, I must say,” he purred.
“Who, me? Do go on.”
“You are strong and kind and virtuous. And you have been oh, so neglected, yet despite this you push on, trying to do the right thing, even when it cuts you to your core. That’s why you need someone to look out for you, because your goodness will be your undoing. Be selfish for once, Roman, and I mean truly selfish. Not just pushing back to be heard. Take what you need.”
“I can’t just take what I want with no regard for others. I’ll admit that I haven’t always been the best about it, but I deeply regret the pain I’ve caused the others… and you.”
“That’s behind us now. You needn’t cling so to the past.”
“Logan says those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it.”
“True, but those who linger in the past will have no future. There is a balance to be struck.”
“Why are you helping me?”
“It’s my job. My core function. Your core function is Creativity, but you are also the Ego. I may lie, but my core function is to preserve and protect you. The others as well, but you are my main charge.”
“I don’t want or need your help.”
“You may not want it, but you do need it. You may scorn me at every turn, but it doesn’t change what I must do. Without Thomas’s sense of self, there is nothing left to be concerned with. You so-called light sides have been waging wars worse than any I have hidden are capable of. The scars on all of you cut deep. You have to stop this. Balance can not come at the cost of any of you, least of all you, my prince.”
“So then why are you telling just me to take?”
“Patton already knows what he must do, Virgil will probably never listen to me again, Logan needs a far gentler and more time consuming touch, and of course, Remus has never hesitated, he needs no guidance on this issue.”
“I still don’t know…”
“I will wait, but there is only so long I can give you.”
“I just… I have to be his hero. What am I if not that?”
“You will always be his hero. You stumbled. We’re in the third act. There’s still time before the climax, don’t give up on our prince just yet.”
“... That’s it!”
“There’s still time before the climax?” It was a good thing Remus wasn’t around just then.
“No, the other meaning! It represents broken or unrequited love- Oh.”
“Don’t say oh.”
“No need to italicize it.”
“You- Do you- That is, what I mean to say is-”
“Oh come on, Roman. As if I know what flowers mean. It’s yellow. That’s my thing.”
“Then why not a yellow rose?”
“Well everyone knows that one. The friendship flower probably isn’t the best one for a wedding.”
“We’re not actually getting married.”
“I know that,” Janus hissed. “You’re the one I was worried about confusing fantasy for reality, changing the tense of your verbiage and all.”
“You snapped into a suit first.”
“You snapped into a suit, second.”
“Really? That’s all you’ve got?”
“What else do you want from me?” is not what he meant to say, but it’s what came out of his mouth.
“... The truth. I was receptive to you at first because I didn’t want to make the same mistake we did with Virgil, but then everyone was upset at me for it, and you and Patton were literally on opposite sides of the courtroom and so I thought that I was wrong again, and of course you set Remus on us after that so I was certain that I was supposed to oppose you but… Then everything went horribly and you helped Patton and they say I’m supposed to like you now, so what’s the truth? I tried to decide for myself but it seems like no matter what I do, I’m wrong. Maybe if Thomas had Remus instead of me this whole time-”
“Roman. Repressing Remus was regrettable, but I can’t think of a single situation in which trading you for him would have been beneficial. Sure, Remus is as free a thinker as they come, but he’s also chaos incarnate. And as far as the truth…”
Janus looked down at his gloves. Was he doing this again? He sighed. He would do it for Roman. Taking a glove off, starting by pulling at the fingers, revealed a scaled hand which he held up as proof of his oath.
“I solemnly swear that I only have Thomas’s best interests at heart, and that I want to help you create a life worth living. I hope that you will work with me towards this goal.”
He wasn’t sure what he expected, but nowhere on Janus’s list was getting tackle hugged by a tearful prince.
“Shhh, it will be alright.” Janus ran his ungloved fingers through Roman’s hair. “I’ve got you. Now and forever. Till death do us part.”
Roman pulled out of the hug with his hands firmly on Janus’s shoulders. He nodded. “Till death do us part.”
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transmutationisms · 1 year
Would love if you have any thoughts on Kendall and Roman’s sibling relationship because they’re also my favorite together with Kendall and Shiv but in contrast to Ken and Shiv I have no real thoughts on what makes them interesting as a team. They’re just little guys to me and I like when they don’t fight! So would love to know if you have more intelligent thoughts on their dynamic because it really is interesting to me
ok i was curious whether episode 9 would pick up the threads of their dynamic that this season has played with more and im sooo glad it did. what works about kendall and roman as a pair is that they're the two logan picked out for male successor, and they both fail at that role but in different ways. kendall really wants to be logan; his eulogy was at least honest about that. he sees logan's entitlement to the world and the power and access that wealth granted him, and kendall wants that for himself. he speaks about logan as someone who "acted", ie contrasting the active masculine with the passive feminine. this is a dichotomy he learned from logan.
roman on the other hand wants others to perceive him as being as good as logan, but he doesn't actually want the things that defined logan. when he had the opportunity to pitch himself as ceo in season 2, he suggested co-running the company with logan. he likes being wealthy and he finds power intoxicating, but when he actually has it he's overwhelmed and doesn't like the responsibility. he's much happier trying to make himself the power no. 2 to some daddy figure or another (logan, gerri, mencken). roman can't fuck with his dick whereas kendall can; roman presents his dick to gerri as an object for consumption, whereas kendall is baffled when naomi asks for a dick pic because he doesn't relate to his body as an object of desire. in logan language, this all points to how roman assumes the more passive, submissive, feminine role naturally, whereas kendall gravitates toward logan's idea of masculinity and domination, but is consistently a flop in actualising those ideals.
'living+' was maybe the first episode where like, a majority of the tension comes from the roman-kendall compare/contrast, honestly. roman is trying to imitate logan, but also hates doing it and wants kendall to stop him and put him in his place. meanwhile, kendall is trying to imitate logan in a different way, where he's trying to put on a great show and literally solve the problem of death. he doesn't stop roman because he sees roman's firing spree as a demonstration of strength rather than as roman foundering. ultimately kendall succeeds in making his insane presentation, but ends the episode still struggling because nothing he does will ever actually earn him logan's approval (the #1 washing away in the sand), whereas roman chickens out of kendall's disneyland messiah thing, and ends up in the car alone listening to his deepfaked father denigrate him again.
'church and state' also plays with their dynamic, where roman starts as the triumphant son but then embarrasses himself by displaying affection for his father, and ends up getting ditched by mencken and referred to as a crying (female) pig; kendall, on the other hand, loses his family and his assistant in the first five minutes, then delivers the eulogy, tells roman off for being too submissive in his relationship with mencken, and ends up in a position that's strategically advantageous if emotionally dangerous. i like how these two episodes play with roman and kendall's different relationships to logan and the language of strength. they're each baffled by the other's desired position in the hierarchy; also, whereas kendall is ultimately willing to sacrifice roman for his own pursuit of power, roman wants power more as a way of being close to his siblings and getting their approval. so the ways that kendall and roman misunderstand each other can really open up a broader exploration of logan's worldview and the show's commentary on the family as a part of capitalist productive logics.
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fallstaticexit · 8 months
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to simblrs whose sims you adore 💜
Thank you for the ask :) I always get sooo excited when I get an opportunity to answer one of these!
Since next COTF update is a bit Noa centered plus I've been playing with him in game the past couple days (and he's my little bb) I'll blabber about my favorite ex-pirate. 🤭💖
Noa was born in Selvadorada - there's a lot Noa doesn't know about his past. The little he does know are the very blurry early memories he had before he was taken in by pirates as a toddler and the little bits of information he was able to scrape up over time from his crewmates or the Freudian slip from his caretaker/Captain, Knox during one of his passionate drunken rants. He had no idea his mother was a witch until he after he had Adie and we actually learn in the coming update how he finds out about his Aunt Nora (via flashback). His way of connecting with his birth home is by embracing Selvadoradian culture by opening his failing restaurant, A Taste of Selvadorada.
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Noa was raised by pirates - After the death of his mother when he was a toddler, Noa was taken in by pirates. Before he met Orion and the Briars, the pirates was the only family he ever knew. His captain, Captain Knox, was the closest thing he had to a father even if they had a rough relationship where it often felt like Knox resented Noa. He also considered Knox's son, Roman, as his brother; their relationship wasn't all that great either, especially as they got older. He grew up around liars and thieves and for his whole life that's what he had to become in order to survive. Even though Noa is no longer a pirate, he still has the instincts of one and is constantly having to shake away old habits.
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Noa is still besties with Orion's ex - When Orion was 14/15, she dated the Sulani Chief's son, Sione. Sione is a really nice guy but he and Orion just wasn't a match plus her heart was destined for Noa whether she knew it or not so their breakup was inevitable. Noa and Sione both share a trauma of losing someone close to them which is how they ended up being friends. Years have past and they still talk often and consider each other soul brothers (and yes, Orion was a little annoyed at first but she's used to it lol )
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Noa was named after his Aunt Nora - (did anyone figure this out yet? 🥹 ) Nora is not impressed nor pleased by this fact. Quite frankly, she doesn't particularly care for Noa at all. It's complicated...which leads to Fact 5:
Noa doesn't trust Nora - we get into the why next update but Noa can always tell when someone's lying to him or if he needs to keep his guard up. It's a trait you pick up when you're a pirate, it's how you survive. And all the bells are ringing when it comes to Nora.
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fanstuffrantings · 5 months
What do you think about languages? I mean clearly having different voice actors or god forbid the insinuation that any fairy tail character spoke a different language was too much.
Like Latin being something strictly the church speaks or diving deeper into the fact that everyone from Isvan spoke different languages or some characters have heavier accents than others?
Ramble time because I honestly love conceptualizing accents/tones for voices. Honestly just wish I had a better grasp on non English languages and how to craft fictional ones.
Turned out longer than expected.
I want to apologize in advance because my limited knowledge does mean I can't go as in depth with the specifics as I'd like to.
I love the idea of different kingdoms having different languages and them being evolved versions of languages that existed when Zeref was fully mortal. Similar to how Olde English is absolutely not something modern English speakers can understand.
I think the two characters who for sure knew a secondary language would be Juvia and Alzack. I go back and forth with Juvia because I happened to be one of the people who saw enough of the Animax dub for French Juvia to lock into my brain like an old friend. Though I'll admit Slavic Juvia holds a dear place in my heart. Either way Juvia has a heavy accent on her to me and often slips into her native tongue when her emotions are heightened. Alzack I imagine to speak something akin to Spanish. I did base his look slightly on Latinx clothes and little Asuka mimicking her papa in a way almost no one in the guild got is too cute to pass up.
Within the cast itself I think anything created by Zeref is born with a built in understanding of the language his people spoke when he was fully human. Meaning in this case both demons and dragon slayers would have that knowledge. I imagine the language. I think Midian was very clearly based on ancient Greece so for me I imagine characters connected to zeref with a language similar to that. I think Zeref himself would have a decent understanding of languages as they change but ultimately would be most comfortable in his Native tongue. The concept of the dragon slayers meeting him and him slipping into it without them realizing he's speaking a new language because they understand it perfectly is such a fun concept.
In this same train I had actually been playing around with the idea of dragon slayers being incapable of learning to read modern script because of how different it was from their native language but instantly being capable of reading anything written in that Midian language.
Alvarez similarly I think would majority speak in an updated version of the Midian language, meaning anyone trying to go undercover would need a fair bit of understanding of the language.
As for the church: the more I think about it the more I do like the idea of them using latin/a language based on it because it adds even more interest to the lore. In the real world Roman's took and changed so much Greek culture when crafting their myths and Zeref having even more vitriol towards the church and its worship of the gods because he saw his country be pushed out and silence would've been insanely fascinating. I'm someone who struggles not to make organized religions corrupt within my stories so this only makes things more interesting.
I think everyone within the story speaking one language plays into soft fantasy ideas that we see a fair bit in media. Where the author either doesn't want to go through the trouble of working with people to add in language barriers or themselves doesn't know how to craft fictional languages. Though playing around with cultural differences and language clashing in a story provides a lot of opportunities for character depth.
Thank you for the question and I hope this is somewhat what you were searching for!
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Once Isabeau and her family had settled into their rooms, Cassian asked to speak to her alone in the castle's chapel. Isabeau was a little surprised by the location, but agreed.
"So, will you tell me now why you have dragged me and my entire family from our home to yours? Henry said it was urgent but would not provide specifics."
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"To be fair, I only dragged you. You're the one who brought the husband and kid," said Cassian, though he shifted his tone to be more serious when he saw Isabeau's warning look. "Sorry. Old habits."
"Thank you. So, what is it then?"
"You follow the faith, don't you?"
"I do."
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"I'm not sure I ever did," Cassian confessed. "I went to church and did all the things you're supposed to, but I'm not sure I ever really believed any of it. But... recently... I've started feeling like I'm being punished. And maybe I might be off to a dark, awful place when I die. There's no-one who knows everything that I've done. Different people know different bits. I need someone to know everything and then... tell me if I've got a hope in hell of being saved."
"Cass, if that is what you want then you need a minister of the faith, not your sister," said Isabeau gently.
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"No," Cassian replied gravely. "You are the only person who has a chance of understanding. Most people will hear my actions and just think of me as evil. You'll hear them and know there's more to me than that. That I don't mean to hurt people all the time, I just... do."
"You are significantly more complicated than you appear, that I will admit. Alright, if it is me you wish to tell then go ahead. But I do not promise to condone, like or even forgive what you are about to tell me."
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Cassian nodded and then began, "You know everything up to when you left for Champ les Sims. Losing you fucked me up more than I realised. I didn't appreciate it at the time, but you were my anchor. You kept me away from the worst of my behaviours and protected me from myself. With you gone, things turned... quickly."
Cassian went on to tell Isabeau about Regina and the attempted assassination; giving up his daughter in exchange for the murder of his wife; travelling to the New World, only to find his lover pregnant and dying; marrying a barkeeper so he could support her financially; thinking he'd fallen in love with the one, only to murder her after discovering her affair.
As she listened, Isabeau's face grew more and more furrowed and grave. Cassian finished by telling her about Lady Catherine.
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"She's my punishment, isn't she?" Cassian asked. "Or just my purgatory before the real punishment comes after my death."
Isabeau sat in stunned silence for a while. Cassian watched her, waiting for her reply. She stood and paced the chapel floor.
"Everything you have told me, according to our faith, has you heading for hell. There is no denying it," Isabeau eventually said, her voice weak and faltering. "But I do not think Lady Catherine is your punishment. If anything, she is the closest chance God is giving you to redemption. Take this opportunity and try to be a better person."
Cassian nodded, "Thank you, sis." He reached out to take Isabeau's hand, but she pulled hers away.
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"I cannot believe you brought me all the way from Champs Les Sims for that," she said, her voice filled with a pain, sadness and anger that Cassian had never heard before. "You selfish, awful man."
Isabeau stood and walked towards the door.
"Izzy - wait," called Cassian, beginning to cry too. "I needed you. I needed someone who loved me. Please, don't go."
"And so it becomes clear that, despite everything you've said, you have not learned your lesson," replied Isabeau scathingly. "Other people do not exist on this planet to serve you, Cassian."
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As Isabeau ran from the room crying, Cassian felt his own sadness overwhelm him. The sobs wracked his body so heavily that he struggled to breathe and he fell to his knees. He reached out a hand to the open doorway, but no-one came. He was alone.
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