#but when fate says she or her friends will suffer she is like uh?? who do they think they are that prophesy sucks we have to change it
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Cordy's 'you can't change a person, but you can change fate', VS Wesley's 'a person can change, but you can't change fate' VS Angel's 'if I don't change both I don't deserve to live'
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loves4ge · 4 months
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office hours
nanami kento x gn!reader
workplace romance
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you had to give it to him, the man was dedicated. you don't think you've ever seen nanami kento not working. it was actually kind of disconcerting. made you want to almost invite him for happy hour. almost. you looked at your little office desk succulent, the small mug of markers and pencils, and a tiny picture of you and your little cat.
you thought it was quite plain, but compared to nanami's near-empty desk, it might as well be festive.
"did you send over the email yet?" that was nanami. he asked you politely, in a measured voice that was distant without being rude. you turn to face him, god, he looked good in that tie. your mind processed his question slowly, as you just stared at him.
"um, sorry- the email? what e- oh! yeah, i sent it. sorry, i'm feeling a bit scatterbrained, i suppose." you wanted to crawl into a hole and die. nanami would not be invited to your funeral. you'd die a second time if that happened.
"alright then." and that was it. the quota of your talking time with nanami today was up and you'd have to survive on that sentence to fuel your crush on him. the gravelly tone in which he said alright, you could almost imagine how he'd sound like when he would say sweetheart.
god, you sounded psychotic.
"i'm not a psycho. i'm not a psycho," you repeated in whispers, typing your keyboard with aggressive strokes.
the clock struck 12, and people started filing out of the office for lunch. you texted a friend to see if she could join you for lunch but fate likes to kick you at the worst times possible; she was going to lunch with her coworkers.
your coworkers were nice, but you'd rather not spend a minute more with them unless at gunpoint. even then, you'd probably weigh the pros and cons. you'd love to have lunch with nanami, but after he turned your first two invites down, you never really built up the courage to ask again.
you stood up, making sure you had your wallet on you. you glanced at nanami; he was still seated. pursing your lips, your fingers curled into a fist out of hesitation.
"no plans for lunch today, huh?" you asked, an awkward smile painted onto your face. lord have mercy, your nerves were so visible, it was painful.
"i do." you immediately thought of another place where he could say that phrase, with you standing opposite him—you were psychotic.
"oh, well. guess you can't keep me company today, haha." you wanted to close your eyes out of sheer embarrassment. who says haha?
"that's not true. i could, if you wanted me to." your eyes shot towards him. suddenly, your mouth was dry.
"uh, well. so you'd like to have lunch with me?"
"yes, i'd love to." oh my god, he said love.
"you're sure?" he cracked a slight smile at that, and you were sure your heart was going to burst. in fact, there was 20% chance you were already dead and this was your reward for suffering through a lifetime of humiliations. you weren't sure if this was an appropriate time to pinch your arm to check.
"yes, i'm sure. you have any place in mind?"
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nanami kento was going to kill gojo satoru for being the inconvenient piece of shit to ever live. not only did he have the most unserious "emergencies", he also had them at the worst possible times.
first, it was when his beautiful coworker, the one with a blue-potted succulent, invited him for lunch. nanami had noticed them when it was their first day at work, their desks being so close to each other and all. and who wouldn't notice them? nanami certainly had.
the second time nanami had to help with an emergency, it was when you invited him to dinner. this was three weeks after the first invite, so it was obvious that you had worked yourself to ask him. god, it killed him to turn you down.
"no plans for lunch today, huh?" he turned from his desk to look at you. this was a month after the dinner invite. he didn't have any plans for lunch today. he was behind on work, actually. he needed this lunch hour to catch up on things. besides, he had a big breakfast. he could always get something quick to eat at his desk from a convenience store.
"i do."
he was going to kill gojo satoru, right after he took you out for lunch.
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kit-kat-jo · 1 month
My Murder Drones Finale analysis… 1/2 - 2/2
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i stayed up until 2 am with friends last night (who i roped into binging the series with me) freaking the fuck out and theorizing, so next morning post hello!
i am FAR from done with this series, it’s been my hyperfixation and comfort show for over a year, and i pray y’all don’t die out too quickly because i have so much left to share. This show and community has blessed me in so many ways, and no way I’m letting it go just yet.
so now, of course, my frame by frame crazy analysis! ready? cool!
spoilers of course!
firstly i love how the first character they hone in on is the teacher, just laying on his desk and accepting his fate. like “really?……. ok. i guess.” fucking hilarious. man is so done.
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the solver straight up pulling a Cluster from Steven Universe is not what i expected…. but so on brand. truthfully i don’t understand how in the end, uzi killed THIS whole fucking thing too when swallowing the [null], but if this finale proved anything to me its that about fifty loose ends are kept loose. and that’s… oddly okay with me?
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you spin me like a ballerinaaa-
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on my first rewatch i realized she tried to yell out “MOM!” in the vacuums of space… what if i just fucking cry?
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mother daughter bonding… i’m so glad they have the chance to properly meet. :’) give this woman a drone body post finale so she can give her girl a hug…
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SPACESHIP PILOOOTTT!! i love how all the fan content of N pulling Uzi from space into a ship came to fruition! it makes my little heart happy!!
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proud of N here for being mad at her!! it doesn’t last long like i knew it wouldn’t, but still.
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another thing i realized in my rewatch is that he stops being mad as SOON as he sees her cry? STOPPP😭💔
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and yeaahhhh that doesn't last long.
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CLOSEST to a walle kiss i got. and i’m HAPPY with it!!!!! just uh... gonna draw in that little spark later...
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solver said: stop being straight :)
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this whole scene makes my heart SCREAM, they’re so goofy and awkward and cute, they’re dating!!! i’m so proud of them!! them continuing to do coupley things throughout the fights coming next was absolutely too much.
oh you…. you hear something guys?? YOU SEE THAT?
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MY WIFE LIVES!!!!! “itd be better if she stays dead nehnehneh” /lh NUH UH!!!!!!!! ANDDD she’s riding in on the fucking sentinel! my life…. my life is complete…. and i heard that “will it ever end for me,” so Eternal Dream IS one hundred percent HER song!
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Oh, V. “We were supposed to get away, J! You said we do our jobs on this planet, and it leaves us alone!” as soon as this was said, i REALIZED. and oh, my GOD, all of V’s actions make so much sense now. J, as the leader of the squad, led V to believe that if they all did their jobs, killed blindly until no drone was left, cyn would leave her and N alone. no more messing with them, tearing them open, mutilating them and traumatizing them. as long as she made N do his job, he would be safe. I’M GONNA BE SO FUCKING SICK!!!!! J mislead them this whole time and was on the solver’s side! she knew tessa was long gone! as much as i wanted a J plot where she realizes she’s on the wrong side, i can’t say i wasn’t secretly expecting something like this.
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“There’s no escape, even in death!” J has given up. she sided with the solver to end her own suffering. she sided with the abomination that was tearing them apart, tired of fighting against it. Oh, J. That’s so tragic. Fucked up what you put your teammates through, though.
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the aforementioned coupley stuff. YAAAAAAALLLLLLLLUHHH. get a room
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now to the fucked up shit. can i just say how much i love cyn’s animations here? she’s so fucked up. love her
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you did a lot more than hurt his feelings girlie, LOOK AT HIM! his pure, horrific fear here actually broke me.
ran out of space for images! here pt 2!
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My Glaze Lily ~ Baizhu x Reader
Summary: Baizhu and reader have been childhood sweethearts, all the way into adulthood, to the point that everyone calls them the perfect couple, and they scold him for not proposing already. They don’t know the suffering that each of the two harbour deep in their hearts, nor the strings of fate shackling them and pulling them away from each other.
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At age four, Baizhu went out with his mum to play in the flower field. Here, he saw the most beautiful flower of them all, a flower princess no doubt, one that was capable of putting to shame anything which could have the attribute ‘pretty’ attached to it. He looked up at his mum and tugged on her sleeve, asking how he could start talking to her - He was shy, and had no clue what to say! His mother smiled at him tenderly and told him to pick the flower he liked the most, and offer it to her, as a token of friendship.
With a happy grin on his face, Baizhu started running around the field, until he spotted a glowing flower of a particular light blue hue, similar to the azure sky, but much more unique. Happy with his gift, he went in front of the girl sitting on the ground - She was so beautiful that Baizhu forgot how to speak. His cheeks went flush with warmth, and he looked down bashfully. The long, luscious hair, made out of flowers, and pretty long dress she was wearing, the lovely melody she was humming... And those eyes... Those sparkling eyes like the most previous gems in the whole country...
“Hi! My name is Y/N, it’s nice to meet you!” even her voice was so gorgeous! She was speaking to him! “M-My uh... My name is Baizhu. I... I think you’re very pretty! Can we be friends?!” he asked, closing his eyes shut as he shoved the flower in her face. “Oh, a glaze lily, how lovely! Thank you so much, Baizhu!” she giggled sweetly, gingerly taking the flower from his hand and putting in in her hair. “We can be the best of friends!” she continued, getting up and putting the flower crown she was working on, on his head. “You are the prettiest boy I’ve ever seen! Maybe you can be my boyfriend.” she hummed, leaning in to kiss his red cheek. “B-Boyfriend?! O-Oh, I--I... Y-Yes, I-I’d like that!” though his heart was beating fast, he breathed out an exhale of pure relief - He was the happiest he’s ever been. With a gleeful squeal, Y/N clinged on his arm, and they walked together through the field - Though Y/N was the one speaking for the most part, Baizhu couldn’t help but steal glances at her face, shining with the warm caress of the Sun rays.
At age seven, Baizhu found his sweet lily on the ground next to a tree, whimpering and holding her knee. Looking up, he saw a single ripe fruit, somewhere on the top branch, and he realised Y/N tried to climb up to snatch it, only to fall due to a withered branch and injure herself. “Don’t cry, my dear glaze lily. I’ll make the pain go away.” he reassured her, taking out the first aid kit his mum prepared for him, in case something happens while out playing, and he took out a napkin, wetting it with a healing toner to clean the scrap on her knee, before applying some marigold and sweet flower ointment and bandaging it carefully.  At the end, he placed a soft kiss where the injury was, and when he looked at the girl, he noticed her sweet blush. “Here, I kissed it better.” he said, before urging her to hop on his back.  “H-Hey, let me down, you can’t get me all the way home!” she protested, her face buried in the crook of his neck. “Just let your boyfriend take care of you.” the green haired boy chuckled, feeling her grip tighten slightly from embarrassment. He loved seeing how cute she could be.
At age eleven, Baizhu went over to Y/N’s home, wanting to study together under the tutelage of her mum, who was a renowned herbalist, but as he got on the premise, he heard her beautiful voice singing a melody. Following her tune, he found her dancing in the flower garden, wearing the prettiest blue dress there ever was... But something peculiar was happening, as uncontrolled shapes of water were being bent in the air with every wave of her hands, and with a controlled amount, the flowers were being wet and fertilised. It seemed that Y/N received her Hydro Vision, and she was using it the best she knew - To tend to her dearest garden. “Among flowers, the glaze lily.” he found himself praising her. Y/N stopped her dance, surprised at the interruption, and the water dissipated in thin air. “Among men, the scholar.” she smiled sweetly at him, revealing the blue noctilucous jade tassel that she attached the Vision to, and put at her sash. “You are the most special flower in the entire Teyvat.” he couldn’t help but adore her. “And soon, you will be getting your Vision also.” she encouraged. “After all, we are soulbound, you and I.”
At age thirteen, Baizhu’s chronic illness became evident, and there was little any of the healers could do to cure him, except for making his day to day life easier to bare with. Y/N’s mum would concoct all the most revolutionary potions, yet nothing worked completely. Y/N would visit the boy daily, and would cuddle into his side, resting her head on his chest to hear his beating heart and make sure he was doing alright - Though the crepitant noise that rumbled his lungs as he coughed only made her cry with fear - She was so afraid of losing him, that she didn’t want to be pried away from his side. Since then, she’s been trying desperately hard, to the point of fainting from exhaustion; What was the point of having a vision that had the power of healing, if she couldn’t even save her soulmate?  “Please don’t be so upset, Y/N, I will be fine. Maybe I can’t go run a marathon, but I’ll still be around for as long as you’ll have me.” he would caress her silky hair “I want you by my side forever. I don’t want to imagine a life without you in it. That is no life - That is just an illusion.” Baizhu couldn’t help but smile, his heart melting with love for the girl. “Don’t worry, my sweet glaze lily. Even when the twilight is gone, I will never leave you.”
At age fifteen, Baizhu received his Dendro Vision, and began practicing his new-found powers; Much to his pleasure, he was perfectly capable of healing also; And though he was unable to cure his condition, his body felt a little stronger - Stable, at least. The mere notion that he could, in the future, open a pharmacy or hospital of sorts and run it together with Y/N, then he was sure the people of Liyue were going to be happy and accounted for. Out of sheer bliss, he ran over to Y/N’s place, coughing slightly from the effort - And as soon as he saw her, he cupped her face and kissed her tenderly and full of passion, making her mind go completely blank. That playful smile, as he leaned back, only made her feel dizzy from emotions. “Give me your mornings and give me your Sun, and when it sets, give me your darkest nights too, because I am ready for anything, just to be with you, for as long as we roam this earth.” and he kissed her again.
At age seventeen, Baizhu was proud to admit he learnt everything he could from the healers of Liyue Harbour, and found a new master, with whom he would travel the country far and wide, and study new things, so controversial, so different from everything that he’s ever been taught. It wasn’t easy, staying away from the love of his life, though he knew, at the end of each journey, he will return to her, and will kiss her even more lovingly than the time before, and each time, he will make their time spent together even more meaningful. “Worry not, my love - When you return, I shall be waiting for you with open arms. Not till the mountains crumble, or the earth mingles with the sky, will I ever cease to love you. You are the love of my life, and our souls are one.” hearing her sweet confession, he couldn’t help but feel his eyes gleam with tears, and he kissed her the whole night, to last for as long as he will be away.
At age twenty-five, Baizu’s fellow apprentice, Jiangli, had already left and settled down with her husband, and their master had died an early death. Standing over his grave, with the white snake wrapped around his neck, he realised how fleeting human life is, akin to the petals of a beautiful flower.  Why should physicians die so early? They save others, but who saves them? And Changsheng, also, should she continue being passed on and on, from pact to pact, to the point of disappearing out of this world? The pact says the master and the pact forger are in complete balance, and Changsheng can balance out the qi in his body; She can help transfer life force, toxins, poisons from one body to another, a most important power that only those like him can possess - But at what cost? Thus, Baizhu was set on ending the vicious cycle that surrounded them. Everything will stop with him. Once he manages to create the perfect Elixir of Immortality, there will be no reason for people to mourn his death, nor will Changsheng need to either die, or be forced to make another pact to survive. The wheel of life and death will stop be stopped in time.
At age thirty, Baizhu had already opened the renowned Bubu Pharmacy, together with his childhood sweetheart, and they were working together each and every day. The old ladies were scolding him for not proposing to Y/N already, saying she can’t wait forever for flowers wilt, but he’d only chuckle at them dismissively. Y/N was his most precious glaze lily, whether young or old, her beauty will never wither. “Though the seasons of our hearts and bodies may change, I will still be holding you in my arms all the same.” he would tell her, sealing that promise with another kiss. Y/N remained unquestioning when it came to Changsheng, the talking white snake, yet he was not going to admit to the truth any time soon; She was going to remain a simple companion. With the addition of the little zombie child that he saved and took under his wing, people would now joke that Qiqi was their child, and they were a beautiful family together - Y/N seemed to love that idea and was quickly on board with it, but he, once again, simply smiled and remained silent.
Baizhu was now thirty-three of age, and though his healing work was in a glorious uprise, his relationship with Y/N was degrading quickly. Perhaps it was his illness, or the fact that Changsheng was loose-lipped and told the secret of their pact; Maybe it was the way his health was deteriorating with each of the more difficult cases he had to treat, or simply, that she couldn’t take seeing him outright killing himself, in an attempt to reach the ultimate knowledge of immortality. They began arguing, even publicly - Or rather, it was her who was arguing, as he remained quiet; His heart was shattering, every time he’d see the depressed and desperate look on her face, and the tears of agony her soul was shedding, all for him. He had promised her willow blossom dreams, only to find sorrows hidden on the moon. He was such a hypocrite. “Y/N, please don’t forget that all of my tomorrows belong only to you, my love.” he would attempt to approach her, only for her to step back. “The way you are continuing living your life, you hardly have any tomorrows to offer at all, Baizhu! If it were humanly possible, I would have gladly traded all of my days, just to spend a single more night with you - But even with that, you are not satisfied. You want it all - You are greedy, you think yourself capable of achieving something that even Gods cannot dream of - But Baizhu, you fail to accept your own position; You are just a human, nothing more! We were made to live a short yet plentiful life, and then perish! From the earth we rise, and in the earth we return. You have become obsessed with this idea of immortality - But nothing, not the skies, not the earth or the oceans, not even the rocks or Heaven itself - Nothing exists forever! That is the law of nature, Baizhu, understand already! All that you are doing is feeding your own delusions and forgetting to live this life! You are killing yourself to save others, but who is going to save you?! You are saving others the grief of loss, but what about those who love you?! What about ME?! Am I not going to mourn you? Am I not allowed to weep, watching the love of my life destroying himself, for the sake of others?!” Baizhu would hang his head and sigh deeply; how he hoped to somehow find the proper words to comfort her, to tell her that everything will be okay, and that he will surely find the solution to all of their woes; He wanted to fall to his knee and ask for her hand in marriage - He’s been wanting that for thirty-one years already, when he first offered that glaze lily to her - They were soulbound, one without the other couldn’t exist... Yet the way he was now, he was doing nothing but hurting her - The sole reason he dismissed each and every attempt at remaining as close as they used to be, was out of fear of hurting her with dreams and hopes for the future, only for that future to be snatched away from them, just like his master’s tomorrows had been cut short. “If rains from the Heavens can save the Earth from calamity, then surely, so can I, right?” he found himself speaking impersonally, almost soulless even. “Victory is only for those who are willing to pay the price.” “After three decades, you would sacrifice even our love, just for a stupidly idealistic delusion that’s been poisoning your mind.” her words cut him deep. “You’ve changed, Baizhu. You are not the same man that I fell in love with. You are just the shell of him. The Baizhu I knew would not have abandoned me and everyone he loves like this.” he took a sharp inhale, his eyes widening in realisation at her words. Abandoned her? Has he truly pushed aside the one he loved the most in this life, because of his obsession with saving everyone around him? “I cannot do this anymore, Baizhu. I said I was going to wait for you for as long as it took - But there is nothing but desolation to wait for. I am getting old, I cannot continue wasting my life begging for an illusion to become reality anymore. I have to accept that my soulmate died and is never coming back. You have becoming nothing but fire and ice, and the touch of you burns my hands like snow.” he couldn’t help but watch Y/N turn around, tears running down her face, as she left the Pharmacy. “Farewell, my lost love. I will never forget the precious memories we lived together.”  “Y/N, please wait--” yet he remained with his arm hanging in the air, his fingers missing the empty grasp of her sleeve - He was unable to catch her and stop her from leaving him.
The Sun went down, and the silver moon was gracing the dark sky, and Baizhu was all alone to walk home. He looked up, gazing at the graceful celestial body, and a tear escaped his beautiful eye. He was alone. Truly alone. Alone as he’s never been in his whole life. “The moon reminds me of your grace, all the love I can’t repay... Live on and now that I will pray, farewell, my dearest soulmate.” a hand was clenched tightly over his heart; His chest was burning with a searing agony that he’s never felt before. There was a hole inside of his, like an abyss, numb, yet also suffering. He felt himself rooted to the spot, unable to move his feet anymore. Changsheng also sighed, nuzzling her head onto his cheek lovingly. “If I were the rain that binds together the Earth and the Sky, whom in all eternity never mingle... Would I be able to bind two lost hearts together once more?” her wondering seemed to only bring more sorrow to her healer. “Y/N was right, you know? Long have you been agonising yourself with a noble yet silly task you’ve proposed yourself, and in this journey you set on, you’ve lost track of the important things in a mortal’s life.” the snake scolded him tenderly. “I appreciate you thinking about me and all the people in the world... But Baizhu, my friend, is it worth it? Your health is quickly deteriorating, and your years are depleting. You aren’t getting any younger, and neither is Y/N. There is only so much humans can live... Is it worth throwing away all your happiness, and denying Y/N, when she’s the only reason you’ve been smiling ever since I met you?” Once again, Baizhu found no viable words in his vast vocabulary to reply to his companion, and instead, with yet another sigh from deep inside his damaged soul, he found the inner strength mustered to return to his empty home and rest. His soul was empty, his house was empty, his bed was empty... Yet his mind was busier, more crowded than it’s ever been. Thoughts were running rapidly through his brain, all of them regarding the love of his life and how he managed to alienate her, to drive her away, after so many years spent together, with the most utopic, idealistic love there was, something so pure and true, like the beauty of the glaze lily she resembled.
There had to be something capable of convincing her to return... Yet with each day spent apart, it made him wonder, if there was any hope of reunion for them. He must have truly shattered her heart, and though they were both healers, there was no way to mend a broken soul.
Fate has brought them together, and fate was going to separate them, with the cruel claw that ripped them away from one another. He feared death keeping them apart, yet it was his own actions that accomplished something that none could ever foresee.
A rather peculiar situation brought upon by the Traveler herself and her own white fairy companion, and this child seeking his lost father. He quickly guessed that this man was the husband of Jiangli, his previous fellow apprentice, and soon, his suspicions were proven; She was giving away her life to create a cure for him, from demonic essence - It was expanding his lifespan, at the cost of his memory... And her own life. Twice now, in the custody of his Pharmacy, had he treated this man by extracting the poison in his body and getting it in his own bloodstream. Even Changsheng balancing out the qi in his body was incapable of keeping him on his feet, and he was feeling the worst he’s ever did, unable to even stand for the whole day. He was glad, for once, that Y/N wasn’t there to see the pitiful state he was in, sweating and wincing in pain, his joints aching from exhaustion, his head muddled and foggy. “Aiya, Baizhu, Baizhu, you’re going to reach your limit soon if you continue this way. Have you learnt nothing, truly? Are you still so hell-bent on that Immortality dream of yours?” the man could only pant, changing the cold, wet napkin from his forehead to keep his mild fever down. He lowkey wished Y/N were there to heal him, to make him feel better, to smile at him and dispel all of his worries... Alas, that would simply be selfish of him, and he’s already abused her kindness enough as it was. “You are a hopeless fool, but a fool in love.”
Much to his dismay, before he could properly rest, the Traveler went to visit him, check on his health and well-being... And once again, that snake of his had to tell the truth of their pact and his condition. How annoying - He disliked having people worry so much about him. Still, with the help of the father, they went together and found the cave from where Jiangli was taking the demonic essence with which she was creating the temporary cure for her husband. Alas, the more she spent around this essence, the less time alive she had, and there came the dilemma that woke him up to reality - The reason for him wanting to achieve the cure of immortality -
Jiangli was willing to sacrifice her life to help her husband continue living... And her husband was ready to die, just to spare her from torturing herself for his sake. A love so pure, so true... A love much like his own with Y/N... A love so agonising... Like the story of Romeo and Juliet, only fated to end with despair and heart ache.
Before Jiangli could wake up, the husband held her in his arms, confessing his endless love for her before ordering him to destroy the source of the demonic essence.  Baizhu had Qiqi make another elixir for him, to keep him alive after death, an artificial half-life that would ensure a few more brief moments together... Enough for a farewell, he said... But was it truly? Was any amount of time enough for a farewell, when humans were a most greedy race, and once they got their hands on something, they needed more and more, insatiable to the core?
Jiangli scolded him for neglecting that which is most important to him - His own happiness and his thirst for living, though there was little she could preach, when she herself was guilty of the very same sin. She was so desperate to keep her loved one alive, that she was willing to sacrifice her own life - And he was doing the exact same thing.  “Neither you nor Y/N is in any danger of dying soon. Don’t follow Jiangli’s path if you don’t need to!” Changshen, once again, reproached him, before they followed to the small feast. Baizhu, though he kept a passive, polite smile on his face, remained silent for the most time, allowing his snake companion to speak in his place. His mind was set only on Y/N, and his love for her.  Was it worth living an eternity, without the love of his life by his side? Even if he gains immortality, would he be able to bring him with her? Could he bare seeing her wither away and die, while he is cursed to live who knows how many lifetimes to come?
That night, guided by the graceful night of the moon, he searched for Y/N. She was not at home, but sitting on a rock by the river flowing. Next to her, a bottle of osmanthus wine, and a cup in her hand. He silently sat by her side, and though she hadn’t looked his way, she handed him her cup to drink from. Long ago, it was a tradition for couples to drink wine from the same cup during their wedding, such an intimate moment they shared together for so long, that it became a regularity in their lives, only to be destroyed by his own fears.
“Though I withdraw my sword to cut the water, it still runs. I toast to dispel worry, and create more worry. The water still flows, though we cut it with our swords, and sorrow returns, though we drown it with wine.” she muttered, looking up at the moon with the void of emptiness that became her heart. “I was foolish to cast away my reason for living, in an attempt to reach a forever life, but what is the point of living, if my soulmate isn’t there to hold my hand throughout our shared journey? We have been soulbound since before the creation of times, and will remain so, even when we become flowers in the ground. That is the tragic course of life - Or so I thought it tragic, until I realised that there is nothing more painful than losing my very heart.” Baizhu’s words seemed to make Y/N turn her head to look at him, the small tears gathering in her eyes sparkling like diamonds from the silver, gentle light of the moon. “I am selfish, and I am greedy, just like you, Baizhu. I cannot imagine a life without you... I cannot imagine having to live so long, watching you give away bits of your own lifespan to others, until the day you die before your time. How can I bare with that? I cannot. You drove me away, fearing hurting me, yet in doing so, you only made me suffer more. What is the point of going on with a long life, if there is no reward and no happiness? Surviving and living... They are different words with different meanings. I do not want to just survive, I want to live... And I want to continue loving you. But I can only do that if you live - In the present - With me. No more sacrificing yourself for the sake of others. For once, just live - For yourself, as well as for me.” Baizhu smiled at her, and shifted his position on the ground so that he was on one knee, his hands holding gingerly her own, kissing them tenderly.  “Then, my most beloved glaze lily, if you have it in your heart to forgive me and take me back, will you allow me to ask if you’d like to marry me?” the instant change of emotions pooling in her eyes, from a anguish and loneliness, to pure love, and she threw her arms around his neck, pulling him into a loving kiss. “If we were to be reborn a hundred thousand times, I would choose only you to spend all of my days and nights with, until the earth is no more.”
At thirty-five years of age, Baizhu was now happily married to the love of his life, Y/N, and together, they kept successfully running Bubu Pharmacy. They lived together, and loved each other, for as long as they remained alive. They took care of Qiqi for as long as she had, and even when she was no more, they continued to live, not just survive. Though the dream of immortality was still lingering in his mind, tweaked around with every wrinkle that appeared with the years coming, he was content with the beautiful memories that he was blessed with.
Life was finally the way it was supposed to be.
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foundtherightwords · 11 months
Sunlight Through the Mist - Chapter 10 (last chapter)
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Pairing: Hellcheer (Eddie Munson x Chrissy Cunningham) Regency AU
Summary: Having witnessed the broken marriage of his parents, Edward Munson, Baron Hurstfield, always regards love with a cynical eye. When circumstances compel him to marry and produce an heir, he quickly proposes to Christine Conyngham, a debutante whose reputation is hanging by a threat after an ill-fated affair. All Edward wants is to save his family estate, but as beautiful, fragile Christine finds her way into his wary heart, their marriage of convenience may become something neither of them ever expects - a union of love.  
Warnings: angst, past domestic violence, suicide attempt, smut (non-explicit)
Chapter word count: 4k
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Edward was up and dressed before it was fully light. The entire house was still asleep when Will carried the bags to the door, yawning all the way. Wheeler had gone ahead to the livery stable to bring the carriage around.
"To Dover, sir?" Wheeler asked, as Edward climbed in.
The driver and the footman exchanged a glance, but neither asked why they were stealing away in the wee hour of the morning like some thieves, without their mistress, or why they were going to Dover. There was something in the gloomy look on their young master's face that told them it was best to hold their tongues and simply do as they were told.
As the carriage passed by Covent Garden, Edward suddenly thought of Molly. He'd planned to visit her while he was in London, to make sure she had what she needed for the winter—always a difficult time for the women on the streets. Now that he was going away indefinitely, he felt he should say a proper goodbye.
After telling Wheeler and Will to warm themselves at a coffee house, Edward made his way to the King's Head. As expected, he found Molly there amongst her friends, indulging in some early—or late, depending on how one looked at it—imbibition.
"Eddie!" she exclaimed in delight upon seeing him. "Where have you been? I heard that you were married!"
"I was," he replied, then corrected himself, "I am." He was still married, wasn't he?
"Well, well, well, then what are you doing here so early in the morning then? Why aren't you keeping your missus's bed warm?"
Edward winced. He signaled for the barman to refill Molly's glass and to bring them some breakfast. "Whatever you have," he said, when the barman shot him a disbelieving look. Customers in establishments such as this rarely asked for food, but for all of Molly's cheerfulness, she looked like she could use some sustenance.
"Where's your friend?" he asked Molly. "The girl I saw, uh—" He was ashamed to realize he didn't remember her name.
"Anne? She went home. Her no-good da, the one who kicked her out, finally popped the clogs, so her mam sent for her to come home. Poor lamb was so happy." Molly looked wistful. "Lucky her."
Edward nodded. His own suffering felt less significant in the face of the hardships these women faced every day, and it gladdened his heart to know at least one of them had managed to find some happiness. 
Later, over bread, cheese, and some bacon burned to a blackened crisp—The King's Head was not known for its cuisine—brought to them by the sullen barman, Edward found himself telling Molly everything, or almost everything, about his marriage, about Christine, and about Hauxwell's odious return. He hadn't meant to open his heart to her, but something in Molly's sympathetic eyes compelled him.
"So now you're running away?" she asked, once he had finished.
"Certainly not!" he said, outraged. "I'm leaving to let her make her own decision. I'm not going to fight another man for her."
Molly shook her head, exasperated. "You men and your pride," she scoffed. "Women are not allowed to choose. You should know that. Our whole life, we are told to do this and do that, don't speak, don't think. Do that long enough, and we no longer know our own mind or even that we have a mind to begin with. Or we may know it but no longer have a voice to speak for ourselves."
Edward stared at her. "What are you saying?"
"Has it ever occurred to you that she wants you to fight for her?"
Molly's words were still ringing in Edward's ears when he left The King's Head. Was she right? Did Christine see his refusal to demand satisfaction from Hauxwell not as a sign of respect for her autonomy, but rather a sign of weakness, weakness of his character and of his love for her? Was that doubt justified? She had asked him to behave as a husband, and yet he had behaved like a child, throwing a tantrum and stomping off when he didn't get his way.
Then he came to a decision. He was leaving, but not before making sure that Hauxwell truly loved Christine and would see her right. At least then he could leave with a clear conscience.
He directed Wheeler to the Cravens' residence, an ostentatious pile of marble and gilt, in Mayfair. Edward opened his pocket watch. It was just after eight o'clock, far too early to be calling. Still, Hauxwell had robbed him of his sleep, as it were, so Edward considered rousing him out of bed early adequate retaliation. If it made him petty, so be it.
The door was opened by a servant, who gazed at Edward in bewilderment. Even after Edward gave him his card and asked to see His Grace the Duke, the servant still stood at the door, mouth agape. Apparently, a visitor at this time of day was so extraordinary that he didn't know what to do. Finally, he had to summon help from the butler, a fellow looking even more snobbish than Mrs. Conyngham's.
"I'm afraid his lordship is not up yet, sir," he said.
"Could you wake him up for me, please?" said Edward, placidly. "I'm sure he'll agree to see me."
The butler sniffed, then turned and marched up the stairs, leaving Edward at the door. Angry shouts followed by soft murmurings floated down from the second floor. It was some minutes before the butler returned and conducted Edward to the library. Moments later, Hauxwell stalked through the door, wearing a morning robe and an expression of extreme peevishness.
"This is highly improper, Hurstfield," he grumbled. "It'd better be a matter of great urgency."
"Oh, not quite," Edward replied with a nonchalant air purposefully designed to aggravate Hauxwell. "I merely have a question for you."
"Well? What is it?"
"Do you truly love Christine?"
Hauxwell's face went bright red. "I don't see what—"
"It's no use dissembling," Edward interrupted him. "I know of your conversation with her."
Hauxwell's mouth worked, but no sound came out. He seemed to be putting all his effort into staying calm. "If you wish to demand satisfaction," eventually he said, "why didn't you do so last night? Or are you too afraid?"
Edward sniggered at Hauxwell's pathetic attempt at bravado. "I'm not here to challenge you," he said, "but to make you an offer."
"What sort of an offer?"
"Divorce your wife." Hauxwell's eyes went round, but he said nothing. "I shall divorce Christine," Edward continued slowly, for even thinking the idea was painful to him, let alone voicing it, but he had made up his mind. "That way, you two can marry."
Hauxwell continued to stare at him for a long while, before bursting into derisive laughter.
"Oh, I've often heard that you are eccentric, Hurstfield, but I didn't know it was to such an extent!" he said, once the laughter subsided. "Is this your attempt at a jest?"
"If you truly loved Christine, you wouldn't compromise her with an affair," Edward said.
"And how is a divorce any less scandalous?" When Edward didn't answer and only looked at him pointedly, Hauxwell let out another bark of laughter. "This isn't eccentricity, but naïveté! Have you any idea how impossible a divorce is? Why, even the Prince Regent failed to get a divorce from the Princess when he brought charges against her in the House of Lords!"
Of course Edward knew this. And even if a divorce was possible, it would bring ruin to them all. He only wished to see if Hauxwell's love for Christine was true enough, and strong enough, for Hauxwell to consider it.
"You can go to Scotland, as Lord Paget and Lady Wellesley did," Edward said with a shrug, referring to a well-known scandal that rocked London a few years back. "They are happily married now." He didn't mention the duel that took place between Lord Paget and Lady Wellesley's brother, or the gossip and rumors that surrounded the couple and their extended families even now.
Upon realizing that Edward was serious, Hauxwell's face turned ugly. He leaned closer and said through gritted teeth, "Now look here, Hurstfield, if you're looking to blackmail me—"
"I'm not."
"—my wife is expecting and on bed rest. I would not have the life of my unborn child endangered because of you!"
Edward was stunned. He had come to Hauxwell with every intention of seeing the good in the man, of taking a step back and leaving Christine free to be with whomever she chose, but he didn't expect the depth of Hauxwell's depravity. Did Christine know? Or did she still think of Hauxwell as a hero, tragically separated from his one true love, willing to turn his back on society to be reunited with her?
"You should have thought of your wife and child before importuning my wife," Edward said coldly.
Hauxwell scoffed. "I've heard enough," he said, reaching for the bell rope to summon a servant. "I shall not stand to be lectured in my own house by a—a boor such as yourself!"
"And I have heard enough," Edward said, moving toward the door. "At least have the decency to tell Christine the truth about your intention."
"What did you hope to accomplish by coming here, Hurstfield?" Hauxwell called after him, determined to have the last word. "Do you think Christine would stay with you once she found out you threatened me? She's already made her choice!"
Edward's hands itched to hit Hauxwell, to wipe that smug look off of his face, but he told himself it would not do to get arrested for assault. He stalked out of the mansion without uttering another sound.
As the carriage rolled down the southbound road out of London, Edward's blood churned after the hateful interview with Hauxwell. He tried to distract himself by calculating the route. If they made haste, they could arrive in Dover that night. The list of boats, which Will had managed to procure after all, indicated there was going to be one headed for Calais early the next morning. But Edward couldn't fix his mind on the journey ahead. His thoughts, like the beam of a lighthouse, kept circling back to Christine.
One thing that Hauxwell had said stuck in Edward's mind. He'd claimed that Christine had already made her choice. But she hadn't. Unless she had secretly sent Hauxwell a message after the reception, it must have been another lie Hauxwell told to rattle Edward up.
And what about the Duchess's pregnancy? Christine had asked Hauxwell about his wife the previous night, but he had smoothly deflected her question. So it was very likely that she didn't know about the Duchess. She had been prepared to run to Hauxwell when she learned of his wedding, but would this be one step too far for her? Would this be the one line she would not cross?
As he mulled over these questions, it dawned on Edward that he was making the same mistake he always had with Christine—he was ascribing her thoughts and motives instead of simply talking to her. In the early days of their marriage, he had been afraid that his questions would be domineering and that he would come off as tyrannical as his father, and he had developed the terrible habit of trying to guess her mind. Even when relations between them improved, he never quite rid himself of that habit, for he was still afraid, afraid that he may not like what she had to say or vice versa, and that they would argue and upset the comfort they'd found with each other. But now, he realized that he felt much closer to her when they talked, even when they quarreled.
Along with this realization came another thought—if Christine truly didn't know how despicable Hauxwell really was, then Edward couldn't let her give herself to such a man. To Hell with leaving her free to choose and not forcing her. Edward had no doubt that Hauxwell would discard her as soon as he was bored with her or their affair became an inconvenience. Edward had saved her from that fate once before, and he would not let her suffer the same thing again.
Opening the carriage's window, Edward stuck his head out and called to the driver.
"Sir?" came Wheeler's reply.
"Turn around. We're going back to London."
Edward could feel the confusion coming from Wheeler as he exchanged a glance with Will, who was sitting next to him on the driver's seat, but to the man's credit, he didn't say anything, simply started turning the carriage around.
However, one of the horses refused to move. Wheeler jumped down to check on it, swore under his breath, and came up to the window. "Th' horse's thrown a shoe, sir," he said.
Edward let out an exasperated breath. He got out of the carriage and looked around. They were on a particularly lonely stretch of Blackheath, but he could just make out some chimney smoke in the distance. He pointed it out to Wheeler. "What do you reckon? Should one of us take a horse and ride there to get help?"
"Th' horse are not saddled, sir," Wheeler reminded him. "'sides, I hear plenty o' horrible stories about this place. They say footpads and highwaymen often lurk 'round here." Next to Wheeler, young Will went pale. No doubt the memory of getting shot by the highwayman eight months ago was still fresh in the boy's mind.
"They'd be foolish to attack in broad daylight, wouldn't they?" Edward said to put the boy at ease.
"Aye. Still, I'd feel a sight better if we were to stay here wi' th' carriage. You, Will, go back th' way we came and see if you can find th' shoe. I can wrap it up, after a fashion, 'til we get to a village wi' a smithy."
Will opened his mouth to protest, but Edward pulled a pistol out of the driver's box and handed it to him. "Here, to make you feel safer." The boy wavered for a moment, then he stood up straighter and squared his shoulders. Tucking the pistol into his coat pocket, he ambled down the road, carefully checking the grass banks on either side for the fallen shoe.
They watched until he disappeared around the bend, then Wheeler went back to the horses and checked all their hoofs. Left with nothing to do, Edward started pacing by the carriage, trying to keep his body moving so his mind would stay still. But even so, he couldn't stop himself from going over all the things he would say to Christine. What if she didn't believe him? What if she decided he made it up to smear Hauxwell's name? What if she simply didn't care? If she really was that callous, Edward decided, then she and Hauxwell were well-matched, and Edward would simply have to admit that he'd made a grave mistake in falling in love with her.
The sound of wheels approaching made him look up. Perhaps Will had not found the horseshoe, but at least he'd found help.
What Edward saw made his heart stop for a second.
It was Christine, wearing her customary blue bonnet and only a thin coat, driving a strange phaeton.
As the phaeton drew near, a dreamlike feeling washed over Edward, just like when he saw her after the mudslide—he couldn't tell if she was really there or merely a beautiful mirage conjured up by his mind. When the phaeton was a dozen yards away, she pulled on the reins, jumped down before the horse had stopped completely, and twisted her ankle. Edward's mind urged him to run over to help her, but his body remained frozen in place. Wheeler, who was standing closer, managed to catch her and set her on her feet, though her bonnet flew off, hanging down her back by its ribbons. She pulled it crookedly back on her head and pushed away some unruly locks of hair. The gesture was so familiar that the dreamlike illusion was shattered, replaced by a reality that was no less beautiful than the illusion, perhaps even more so, because it was real.
She came up to Edward, flushing, looking both guilty and happy at seeing him, and the ice that had settled into his heart the previous night started to thaw a little.
"What in God's name are you doing here?" he asked, when he finally found his voice again.
"I may ask you the same thing," she said breathlessly. "I thought you were going back to Hurstfield. Why are you going to Dover?"
She must have heard from the servants. "I should've thought the answer to that is obvious."
"No, not to me."
Her eyes as they looked up at him were so soft and imploring, a hint of tears in the corners making them all the more radiant, and Edward was ashamed of all his unkind thoughts about her. He understood that the fire he'd seen in her the previous night, the fire that came from Hauxwell, would only burn her out, leaving nothing but ashes and bones, but this, this warmth, this tenderness, could nurture and protect. Suddenly his flight to France seemed like the most enormous folly. Still, he answered truthfully, "I want to go somewhere that doesn't remind me of you."
Christine let out a tiny, almost inaudible "Oh", and her eyes brightened even more, along with a hint of a smile, half-loving, half-sarcastic, as though she was laughing at his dramatic reaction. "I'm sorry, but you can't escape me that easily," she said, stepping closer toward him. "You have to take me with you."
"We haven't had our wedding journey yet, and I've never been to France."
His throat constricted with hope, so tightly that he could only whisper, "Are you sure?"
"Yes." She slipped her hand into his and used that as an anchor to pull herself into him, closing the gap between them. Her fingers were bare—she must have left London in such a hurry that she hadn't even thought to put on gloves—and freezing cold. "I've made my choice."
The last of the ice around Edward's heart cracked. He heard no more. Pressing his other hand to her face, he kissed her as he'd never kissed her before, not caring if Wheeler saw, not caring if another carriage may pass by at that moment. He kissed her until her hand warmed in his, until the ice around his heart melted completely away. It was only when she gasped for breath that he remembered to pull back a little, but still kept their foreheads pressed to each other.
"I have a confession," he said, once their breaths had returned somewhat to normal. "I'm not going to France."
"I've gathered as much. You were going back for me, weren't you?"
"I didn't trust that fool Hauxwell to deliver my message."
"Hush. Don't speak of him." She covered his mouth with her hand, which gave him an excellent opportunity to kiss her again.
"Why not? I'm not afraid of him," he said, kissing each and every one of her fingertips.
"You should've told me that last night."
"I've made such a dreadful hash of things, haven't I?"
She wrenched her hands out of his grasp to press them to his cheeks, caressing his dimples with her thumbs. "We both have," she said, smiling. "Never have greater fools breathed the breath of life. But we'll learn together." She stretched up for another kiss. Edward felt quite weak with relief and happiness, and he tightened his grip around Christine like she was a crutch or, indeed, a part of his own body, afraid he might crumple if he let go.
Wheeler, who had been waiting for them to calm down, now gave a polite cough to remind them of his presence, his eyes twinkling patiently. Edward turned to the old driver, saw him nod toward the phaeton with a questioning look, and remembered the matter at hand.
"Where did you get that?" he asked Christine.
Her mouth dropped open. "It was Hauxwell's. He came to my mother's house to tell me about you, and I—I just took it. I wasn't thinking straight."
Edward wanted to ask what the arrogant fool had said exactly, what had given her this sudden clarity and strength of will when she had been so afraid before, but he didn't want to remind her of Hauxwell. There would be plenty of time for that later. Besides, the thought of Christine stealing Hauxwell's phaeton and horse was too amusing. Edward laughed out loud and hugged her more tightly.
"I bet he loved that," he said.
"We'd better send it back, before he has me hanged for a horse thief."
"We can leave it in Blackheath for him to pick up."
Just as Edward was about to tell Wheeler to take the phaeton into the village and find help, Will came back with the horseshoe. While Edward watched them deal with the horse, the idea of crossing the English Channel on an unsteady little boat and traipsing through the Continent in the cold and snow no longer seemed so appealing to him.
"So do you still want to go to France?" he asked, turning to Christine. "Or do you want to go home?"
She smiled at him, understanding. "Home," she said.
In the end, because they had to go through London again to reach the Great North Road, they decided to leave the phaeton and horse at a livery stable in town and send a message to the doubtlessly irate owner to pick them up. They also sent Will to Mrs. Conyngham's house to get Christine's things. Will came back with Christine's traveling case, grinning, saying Mrs. Conyngham had alternated between shouting at him and wheedling him into telling her where Christine had gone, but when he said her ladyship was safe with his lordship, Mrs. Conyngham had clamped her mouth shut and not uttered another word.
They stopped at Peterborough as usual. This time, the landlord didn't have to ask how many rooms they required. He quickly had a waiter conduct them to the same chamber where they'd stayed just two days prior.
The moment the door closed behind them, the world disappeared and nothing else existed but the two of them, the bed, and the fire. There was much they wished to say to each other, much to apologize for and explain and set right, but all that could wait. For now, there were different ways for them to converse and connect with one another. No need for words.
There was, however, one thing Edward had to tell Christine, something he had been saying for months but only in secret, afraid of how she might react to it. Now, with her in his arms, her head on his shoulder, her hair falling across his chest, and her breath blowing warm and steady on his skin, his fear had vanished. He gently put his hand under her chin and tipped her face up so he could look her in the eye.
"I love you," he said.
She wasn't taken aback. She looked as though she had been expecting it, and with that look, he knew he hadn't made a mistake in falling in love with her. She understood. She'd always understood. Her eyes shone in the firelight, and with a glowing, knowing smile, she replied with the words he didn't realize he had hoped for, but was ecstatic to hear nonetheless:
"I love you too."
And that was enough.
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And that concludes Edward's story! Thank you so much for reading. As for now, I'm going to let Edward and Christine enjoy their happily ever after, but I'm still keeping my options open for more Hurstfield Hall stories in the future. In the meantime, if you haven't read Christine's POV (the original "Love in a Mist") or the sequel, "Love in a Storm" (it has alternating POVs, so you won't miss Edward), please go ahead! And keep an eye out for more Hellcheer stories from me in the future!
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plumsaffron · 25 days
The Fate Of Making Lila Become No. 1 Part 1/2
She starts questioning what she's doing But confusion transitioned to repulsion Marinette: You *and so her eyes slant with her brows*
Lila: We meet again, Marinette *with a smile*
Marinette: What are you doing her?
she doesn't say a thing
Marinette: Why don't you disappear like you did after I exposed to everyone who you really are? Marinette ends up walking away due to being disgusted by Lila's presence
Lila: Do you even know where you're going?
Marinette concerned of how she spawned walking besides her after not seeing her for 20 seconds She makes a detestable glare and turns away Marinette: (I don't know? As long I don't-) Lila: See me? Marinette: What?(!) *quietly and stops*
Marinette: What do you want, liar? Why you won't leave me alone?
Lila chuckles Marinette: Stop Laughing. Oh I get it. 
You think you have control over my friends still, 
so you're pathologically lying to yourself that you beat me still. Lila continues laughing
Marinette: Go on. Keep laughing. You can't hurt me anymore.
I defeated you, the villain without a costume. Your former utterly ridiculous friend can no longer hurt me. That bully is no longer my problem. I don't care what either of you two do.
Stay out of my life and away from my friends!
Lila: You can't choose what friends do.
Though I guess a self involver can when they try hard enough.
How unfortunate for them. That's just them. Aside from that, I'm not leaving you alone. Marinette: WHAT?! Lila: Like I said. Marinette: Leave Me Alone. Lila: You are so predictable and such a pathetic vermin. Marinette: I told you to leave me alone. *Her irritation is rising* Lila: Why are you upset that I stopped disappearing and started to not leave you alone? Didn't you waste months on a expose me quest? Marinette: It was for the greater good so no one would be hurt by the likes of you. You hurt Kagami a lot because of your lies about me and everything. Thankfully, Adrien protected me and set Kagami straight. You needed to be taken down and exposed for who you really are. At least I finally did with the help of Sabrina. Lila: Need?…Hmmmm.
Okay your honor. 
I should have expected you wouldn't rest since at most,
the first time I met Kagami. Did you really protect your friends?
Marinette: YES I HAVE! I even saved Sabrina from her long torture 
and enslavement by that miserable bully who only cares about herself. Lila: Is that right?
Hmm...so why did everything suck for you all once I split? Marinette: What?! *Startled from Lila's unlawful knowledge* Wait a minute, where is everyone? Lila: Who knows. Marinette: What did you do? Lila: Nothing. Marinette: Why is there no one nearby? Lila: Isn't that normal that this area has no one present when you expect them to be? Marinette: Don't you flip things against me again? Lila: But you wanted to avert my question. Marinette: Wha uh. I'm not saying anything to you, little miss showoff. I'll just go- Lila: Seems to me that you've deluded yourself
and don't know where you're going. Triggered Marinette but she realizes Lila's unfortunately right Lila: You want to know why Chloe made her last days suck for you? It was because of me. I told her what to do. 
Too bad she got the short end of the stick. But hey, at least she got rid of two cowards or traitors for the time being. Frustrated Marinette Lila: Looks like you didn't think about what happens next or that Chloe's father had power over the school. But when I think about it, it was you and Sabrina's fault this all happened. 
Protector of her friends while causing friends like Juleka or your formally pregnant at the time teacher to suffer. You two caused an akumatization just for me. You both truly are traitors.
How pitiful that Chloe had to suffer because of it.
Marinette: Are you trying to make me feel bad for the class bully? Lila: Aren't you the class bully. Marinette: WHAT?! Lila: You think you’re a hotshot talking behind my back in front of Chloe's face? Must not be your first time. Just like Ladybug’s. You must not like ignoring so it's understandable why a vermin such as yourself could never defeat me.
Look at what happened when your desperate final act against me did to everyone after. So much for this self proclaimed savior. 
Now perceive exclusively how you endangered everyone.
And gave Monarch a free victim and almost another free victim? Marinette: Monarch? Don’t act high and mighty.
You were lying to me when you were akumatized. 
And I was right. Lila: Were you, or did you hunger for that?
However, that no longer matters. 
I know a secret that Ladybug hid from the world. And your friends will be in grave danger thanks to your actions. Marinette: What did you say? As her expression switches to a stern scowl Lila: Since you made them against me, I decided they will all suffer too. Marinette: YOUUU! Lila: Why are you upset like this wasn’t going to happen?
You got what you yearned for. I don't see the problem. Oops, I do.
You said earlier you didn't want to get your,
or my former friends involved. But it seems me winning meant what you said was a lie, you little liar.
Lila: Hm? You look shocked or twisted.
I thought you hate liars but I thought you weren't a liar 
and would prove you'd give me a chance
and to let your friends see hope for Chloe. School was about to end but you decided to ruin everything for them. Oh well. You played your part well in proving that I am right. There really is no hope for me or Chloe. No wonder everyone turned against her and showed disgust or relief as she was dragged away by her father *snickers*
Marinette: I did what I had to do. You are evil and a liar. Lila: You do love choosing me, don't you? Why do make your life harder for yourself and not succeed? Obsessing over me is pointless. Marinette: Yes it is! Lila: Anyways, you should be grateful, poor Marinette. 
I am why you and this city’s nightmare of Chloe came to an end. 
I was her ears and voice.
I was the one that made your day & your former teacher's day suck. 
I told Chloe to become the mayor or else people would make her pay. Her father was going to make her in vulnerable position without her awareness. 
Her father sees her as a regretful extension.
Maybe he should see his own reflection. Too bad it was all in vain for her.
But you anticipated for this. And for her to disappear, just like me. Marinette: You monster. You played this game with her?
Why do you act like you and Paris didn't throw her away?
I'm surprised Ladybug didn't protect her anymore.
Enough around her should know that she’s Hawk Moth’s best evilization generator after Xavier Ramier.
And yet you all choose her as the one to scorn? 
It's okay if I’m ahead of your curve. If Parisians didn't throw her away, Monarch and his helper would have.
They accounted for this to happen to her, whether I existed or not. 
She was destined to be the scapegoat
and you heroes let that become something to cheer for. You don't seem so happy? How strange. Marinette: You're lying. *While holding on to her perspective of her*
A liar like you wouldn't be exposing herself like this.
Lila: You're never satisfied with me, are you?
It's like the others I know of. What if I told you told I have more than 2 moms.
What if I told you no hair on my head is real? What if I told you Lila Rossi isn't my name but an alias of one of few of my identities? Cosplaying is pretty fun life for me.
Marinette: Why are you telling me this? Who are…you? *As the information is making her lose her balance* Lila: Does it matter to one that goes after anyone that she can't handle and will not rest until she's proven right instead of not chasing after minor inconveniences? Marinette’s eyes widen
Lila: How old do you think I am, Marinette? Marinette: Why- what's with this strange questions and things you are telling me? Lila: Who knows. I might be way older. That would be a shame.
Gabriel and Nathalie wanted to use me around Adrien after months of spying on me. 
Aww this would destroy Adrien, your friends, Nathalie and his dad if he was still alive. 
Same for people that were happy to see or happy to see me formally as their Alliance.
Or maybe, just maybe...Nathalie and Gabriel knew the whole time but didn't care. Maybe Gabriel’s other helper. Not Adrien’s guard.
Dawwww. That reminds me when I kissed Adrien.
And made him nap as I got a free Adrien transformation
with Superpowers when akumatized. 
Too bad for Kagami. 
Maybe she was right to make me a horn headed freak 
to hunt and try destroying me after all. Marinette: You're sick. Lila: You really think I am now. Ahahahaha! Marinette: I don't know what to believe. Lila: Well it's the will of the outsiders for me to be all that you described of me and worse. Don't you like being right? Marinette: Stop twisting everything you nasty person. You are an evil girl. Lila: And so that brings me back to Chloe. Sad you were able to get Adrien to protect Kagami but Ladybug couldn't succeed or would no longer protect Chloe from going to someone like Hawk Moth, Mayura, or me.   You, Ladybug and your allies practically gave her to me and our mutual adversaries. 
Didn’t you want this to all to crash down upon Chloe Bourgeois? Must be a shame realizes she fell into the hands of ones sick like me *smirks*
Marinette: Stop, Lila! I don't want to hear this anymore! You're hurting me!
Lila: Why are you disgusted? You like exposing and the truth only. Right? 
Or is it that you are lying and like choosing when you can handle something? 
Or is it you can't handle possibilities or possible disturbing things that might wind up true? 
Or is it you choose when it's valid of what to tell a lie or tell a truth about, to suit only your interests?
She’s trying to absorb them “ors" Rossi rambled
Lila: Don't worry because you and the outsiders would make good friends if they could reach you. 
They like making up thoughts of me that exceed what you could ever imagine. 
They are greater than friends.
A lot of them are like most Parisians to The Bug, specifically. 
They want it and so much more to be true
or anything that goes beyond the way of Ladybug. Marinette: Others? Outsiders? What are you talking about? Lila: It doesn't matter. I thought you and Adrien wished to save me. Like you did with Kagami. Whatever that means of saving someone. Seems you can't, and if you do, it seems like mockery to Chloe. That would surely suck if what Kagami saw as her friend was something nasty or malicious as you or the outsiders described of me. Oh this isn't looking good for you, your mom and dad, your friends, or anyone, is it? Marinette: Who told you I thought me and Adrien can save you? You don’t have my diary! You broke in to my home!
Lila: I’m surprised you or Ladybug never tried considering how you or she reacts towards me.
Regardless, how do you save someone if you bully or stalk them into submission or cause them to either end like Monarch or help them get sent away like Chloe? Or make them deform into your disposable friends formula?
Marinette: I stop you from being a liar. You stop being a liar. You attention seeker. Lila: You call that saving? What a shame. If only you learned to leave me alone. Maybe the outsiders could have done similar for me instead of seeking bad things upon me or exclusively picking on me because things didn't go their or your way for me. Your friends could never be saved.
They were doomed once they saw things differently than you do. And it doesn't matter if they went back on your side or started agreeing with your ways. 
That first or second time they didn't go fulfill your interests
marked terrible things for them.
Advance To Part 2/2
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physicks-archive · 2 years
          *   ━━   summons  :   @starcall​​ .
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    laced with a lining of incredulity,   loss of words for the other,   with a mind filled with so much thought she couldn’t bring herself to say much.  she wasn’t even sure why. the scholar knew that no matter how many of the timelines, sources, or realms there are out there  ━ were never kind to her or any of her friends, they were fated for something awful. it’s evident. the more we gave of ourselves, the more we lost in the end. her nails dig into leather spines, parchment and inked serifs shoving into themselves, collapsing into her.  how much longer can we pull this string of fate when the thread is already running thin. when will it snap?  how far will it go?  the questions pile up begging to be answered, but they are the only remaining subjects of said torture blessing in their respective worlds.    “  ... so you believe this can end? ... this, uh, fated path of ours?  how curious.   ”    she hums in a low tone, muddled between indifference and attentiveness.
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            “  ━ albeit,  you have quiet an interesting mindset on it.  ”   strangling words between ivories and tissues; the scholar sighs. each to their own. as the most basic of phrases go, she lowered her gaze and places a book at random on the table.   “  but truthfully,  i don’t see the point anymore.  ”   eyun stares at the book ━ a simple fantasy novel ━ flipping it on it’s title. painfully dull. her verdant hues remain aloof, mostly avoiding the others gaze for the time being. it stung her consciousness.    “  however, i admire your pride & strength, lady actaea.  ”    picking one more book and placing it between her arms as she scales up the ladder of the library. her nails run down the lines of various categories, theologies, studies, scientific reports, textbooks, there was as many books as there were thoughts.
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    “  i ,  of course ,  put my utmost effort into assuring my realm was accounted for thus far; but even then, the twelve also question what’s to come...  ”    verdants clashed with silvers. the scholar’s eyes remained the same. dull & observant.  was it pity?  for the fact that we all suffered the same way?   was it shame ?  that she couldn’t the pride in her destiny whilst the starcaller found it in hers?     “  ah, and  who knows how long i will be allowed to carry forth my said  ‘ destiny ’   and i do not plan on wasting my livelihood for it.   ”   another book gently presses against her this time keeping it between her arms. the thoughts dwell bitterly on her mind, the scholar finally takes her seat.   “  with that being said, i am not fond in taking part of dealing with the exigencies of extreme & unnatural variables.  if i must become a hero then at the very least i wish to die as a human.  ”   eyun places the book that once was cradled between her arms on the table. she places it onto of the bland fantasy novel. faced up with its simple and straight forward title  ━  encyclopedia of butterflies and moths.  then again.  maybe.  just  maybe. she was just another warrior of light who failed,  abruptly and gracefully like a butterfly.
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allhailbrokeloose · 2 years
so uh.. ive watched a couple of series recently (actually not that recently but whatevs) which im most likely not gonna be obsessed with, but still i feel the urge to post my very important opinion somewhere. ⚠️its mostly not complimentary, so if you are a fan, dont read⚠️ ⚠️barely readable bc typing is fun, but editing is an actual job⚠️ ⚠️i violate italics⚠️ ⚠️not spoiler free ofc bc what do you think this is⚠️ ⚠️i bring up kp for no reason an unhealthy amount⚠️ and even skam one time. yeah i kno, im surprised too
the shows are big dragon, wednesday, and lita
there are three good things abt big dragon: 1) ost (heeey jeeeffff) 2) that one boob grab (you know the one) 3) isbanky (very cute and sings well). the rest imo is not good at all, but ig its ok for a bl (bc i have to say ive seen worse). ig im gonna need to read some fics bc i need 1) it to actually be hot and kinky 2) someone to explain me why would yai ever choose mangkorn aside from yin yang, red strings of fate, turtles and all the other animals. it also seems to me that lead actors have more chemistry outside of the series than in it, at least from what ive seen of them in the wild. afair there was sorta cliffhanger promising s02.. am i gonna watch it? you'll be surprised, but yes, isbanky is very much up my alley, im willing to suffer a little bit for a cute boy lol. but they seriously need to cut on the time freezing thing 🙄
wednesday.. oh where do i start.. my most prevailing thought was but.. but thats not.. thats not what being an outcast feels like.. i mean come on they gave her an unconditional punchbag of a best friend who is putting up with all her quirks no questions asked and willing to die for her, two (??!!! (and actually even more if you squint)) love interests, a high fashion dress (im like.. 🤦🏼‍♀️ i cant) and everyone else just generally look at her with admiration like she hanged the moon completely out of nowhere. i mean what is this? a mary sue fanfic? anyways i have to say that i really liked the first ep and i was very excited abt this series, but the more i watched the less i liked it.. the cast.. well i like original wednesday better and when i say original i mean 1991 movie (but not 1993 lol) and i mean christina ricci ofc.. catherine zeta jones is cool, but once again original morticia was better. i have no issues with gomez casting, but the best gomez was in the 60s b&w series. thing is rocking, zero complaints here. fester is almost there even tho its impossible to top christopher lloyd. and where is itt? did they gatekeep him for future seasons? the plot.. uh the plot is meh.. i only wanna say that i hate it when protagonists ancestor looks exactly like them bc its totally plausible and it just highlights how ruthless and pointless life really is lol. oh yeah oslo i had to pause and scream a long and loud NOOOOO during the kiss scene. its like idk so uncalled for do you guys have nothing sacred at all lol. otherwise i liked the music ofc Except dua lipa, i mean dgmw i listened to future nostalgia on repeat as much as the next girl, but its just not the song for this series im sorry.. they could have found a more suitable song with the same exact message.. anyways am i gonna watch next seasons? yes, but only out of respect for tim burton and the original franchise. i mean it wasnt terrible, it just wasnt what i wanted..
omg you guys the second cp in lita is like soooo gooood, so much better than the first one lol (i wonder if they do cp rivalry like we do in kp). which came as a surprise to me bc i started watching this series for the vegaspete bastard love child and unfortunately i was sorta disappointed.. dgmw hes very attractive and has unique facial features, but he cant pull off the ao3 alpha he was supposed to act out even next to one brain celled oblivious partner (no offence lol). idk maybe hes too young. or im just too old. ig its the latter bc i watched all four of them like they are an omega camp on roaming, ig im just not the target audience of this show 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️. anyways imo the first cp was boring and i really didnt expect anything out of the series, but then second cp plot started and i literally lit up. they really do have chemistry inside and outside of the show, the acting is somewhat better, the only but for me is that the plot was unnecessarily too dark, especially after the mawkishness of the first half. i have to mention that i paralleled them with norhelm at some point which is so hilarious to me. in short i stan this cp but just in case they do individual stanning like we do in kp (meaning hating eo guts) then my bias is peat <333 one thing really squicked me - the author (was it a novel?) obv has a kink for infantilization and helplessness and sadly they put it in both plots and not as a prediscussed kink (which is ok), but as real life situations. its a huge yikes and a big no-no for me, but to each their own ig, im not gonna undust my moral compass for a bl. what else.. oh they should really stop with reusing footage bc im still seeing this fucking truck driving in my nightmares. and i didnt like the opening ost so much i had to skip it every time. well ig not everyone can afford an ost by slot machine or jeff satur 😏😏😏. oh yeah and the whole weather referencing was cute uwu
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buckybarnesdiaries · 3 years
a piece of cake
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© @jamesbrnes
bucky barnes x reader. ⎢ masterlist.
Something happens at Shuri's birthday party that leads to a heated fight.
word count: 3k words. (fuck, it worth every damn word)
warnings/tags: nsfw, +18!!! angry jealous sex, let's start there. unprotected sex, oral sex (face fucking and ridding), fingering, brief daddy!kink, brief praise!kink, language, cursing, handcuffing, mention of bodily fluids, and probably i'm forgetting something else, i just lost my mind. bucky being the cutest and loving man on earth at the end.
author notes: none of my stories contain reader’s body descriptions to be inclusive.
join the tag list here.
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You had never been so quiet, but you knew that opening your mouth only could cause a storm inside the car, on your way back home. Believing you could have a pinch of luck, Bucky wouldn't notice that something was raving you mad since the moment you watched him letting another woman give him a spoon of cake. Straight to his mouth. You almost choked on your drink, talking to Shuri about how excited she was to celebrate her birthday in New York, when you witnessed the scene hearing their laughs and watching how they dared to touch his metal arm constantly. Your boyfriend was talking with some of his old friends from Wakanda, not even knowing he made friends there. He never said a word about it. Even so, they didn't have the right to flirt with him. Unless he didn't say anything about you.
But Bucky wasn't stupid. Or at least, not like you thought. Gazing you by the corners of his blue eyes, he was conscious that something was going wrong. He licked his upper lip briefly, slowly. He tasted the waters putting a hand on your thigh, which was your favorite gesture while he was driving, deriving with your fingers laced and him placing kisses on the back of your hand. But you didn't move an inch, still staring through the copilot's window with your elbow nailed there and your chin resting on your knuckles.
“What's wrong?”
Your passive tone and the lie as a response caused him to frown, pulling over the car to focus on you. He turned on his seat and placed a hand behind the headrest of yours.
“Spit it”.
You couldn't help but raise an eyebrow ironically, looking at him for a second. If he had to ask it was because he wasn't really seeing the dilemma there.
“I'm just tired and I wanna go home, James. That's all”.
James. James. You did it unconsciously, but he didn't take it as an innocent manner of calling him. Unexpressive, the soldier joined the highway driving faster than he used to. You had pissed him off, but it wasn't your problem. He had hurt your feelings with something he didn't give any importance to. The only thing you wanted was to take a shower, put on your comfier pajamas and go to sleep, probably you'd see tomorrow that situation differently than today and you could move on from your insecurities and the jealousy running through your veins.
You arrived at your apartment in record time, keeping the car inside the parking under the building. You removed the seat belt to wear your leather jacket and grab your purse on your feet, stepping out when you were ready. But Bucky stayed inside, just turning off the engine. He didn't have any intention of leaving it, maintaining his hands tightly gripped around the wheel. You ignored him as soon as you couldn't pretend you were just tired anymore. It was the first time something like that happened and you were having a strong desire to throw your guts up.
Three minutes later you were under the warm water with your forehead resting against the cold wall and your eyes closed. Maybe you were overreacting and the rational, mature behavior would be to go to talk with him, tell your boyfriend what made you feel upset. Sighing as you nodded two times, determined to put the cards on the table, you shut off the faucet and walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel.
“Oh, fucking hell!” You growled because of the scare of your life when you found Bucky already in your shared room.
He had his back supported on the wall, a leg flexed, and his hands behind himself. No expression on his face, but expecting an explanation from you. You were hoping for something from him too, maybe I don't know what I've done to make you feel like that, can you give me a clue? He just stared at you in silence, drying the pearls of water decorating your body before wearing a pair of black panties and your forgotten pajamas instead of one of his t-shirts impregnated on his scent.
“Com'ere”. Bucky whispered, stretching his flesh hand on air when you were about to go to sleep.
Well, that wasn't the proper way to talk like grown adults. You crossed both arms on your chest, standing next to your side of the bed.
“What'd you say?” He squinted incredulous, slowly standing from the wall, pretending you hadn't uttered that word.
“I said no, you fucking punk”.
“The hell d'you think you're talking to, darling?”
“To the cretin who let other women flirt and touch him”. You replied with evident annoyance. “Why don't you go to show them your daddy's skills, uh? Sure I can find someone who respects me in the meantime”.
Suddenly, a grimace you hadn't seen before on him appeared like a thunderbolt. You weren't sure if you just made him feel more furious or if you just broke his heart. But before you could figure it out, Bucky shorted the distance between both in two fast strides and his hands gripped your throat and the back of your neck respectively, pinning you to the closest wall and tossing the lamp on your nightstand to the floor. You complained slightly —with his tongue wildly invading your mouth— because of the strength he used to put you against the wall.
You tried to push him away, to not fall into his charmings, but he made your mind blank when his fingers were firmly nailed in your ass and his body was accommodated between your legs. Your fiery provoked a bulge under his pants so painful that in every rock against your core he wasn't sure if it hurt or if it was some kind of pleasure he couldn't handle. Out of breath, Bucky attacked your neck, digging his teeth in your neck with so much passion that you screamed delighted his full name while pulling his hair. That gesture drove him insane, losing the less sanity he had at that point. With just a push, your boyfriend ripped off your shirt to strip you, in anticipation of your panties suffering the same fate.
Bucky threw you to the mattress on your abdomen, perfectly positioned to what was about to happen. He was so eager, so desperate for showing you what he was feeling that he didn't lose time taking off his clothes, just undoing his belt and unzipping his jeans to pull them down to his ankles along his boxers. You heard him spitting in his hand to use it as lube, although you were sufficiently soaked and ready for your Buck that neither of you needed his saliva. He rammed his dolorous erection into your cunt, crashing his pelvis and pressing it against your ass with all his strength, causing you to drown a loud cry in the sheets.
Tangling his fingers with yours and lacing your arms around your neck, putting all his weight onto your back, Bucky pounded you with an insanely quick rhythm, not giving you any chance to mold your throbbing walls around his length. Your pleased vocals echoed inside your room in total sync with the hits to your g-spot. Your body received with every one of them soft cramps mixed with pain and pleasure, making you roll your eyes and tear your throat.
“'S that wh— what you wanted, uh?” Bucky snarled against the back of your neck, totally gone, not giving you a break or showing any mercy.
“Fuck, no…” You replied, challenging him.
He swallowed a rough moan, wrapping his cold fingers around your throat while using the other to pull back your hair and arch your body. “Don' fucking… lie to me, doll… You wan— wanted your daddy to make you… feel desired over tho— those women”.
And yes, he was right. More or less. But you didn't expect him to react like that. Bucky was rabidly fucking you, moving the bed from its position with every angry thrust into your pussy. You knew you weren't going to last for too long if he continued impaling you against the mattress, just like that. But you both had to recognize that it was the best session of sex of your life.
“You were… fucking mad watch— watching 'em touch my arm… your arm, right?”
You whined at the brutality he used to push his hard cock beyond your limits, holding it there as he tilted your head to crash his lips on yours. Bucky devoured them until they were shiny, swollen, slightly ached because of the bit he left on your bottom one.
“If you don't tell me… the truth… I swear I'm not gonna let you come”. The whisper fell into your ear with such a raspy tone of voice, conscious of him being very capable.
“It was… your fucking fault, James. Not… Not mine”. You grunted, feeling him going a little deeper. “I di— didn't let anybody flirt with me… as if you didn't exist”.
That was the truth, but the wrong answer for him. Suddenly, Bucky pulled out his dick covered in your arousal, freeing you from any grip. A pause that only lasted the time he took to grab the handcuffs from your nightstand to place them in your wrists and secure them around the headboard. Now you were under his total control, defying him by strongly closing your legs and frowning at him, panting and sweating.
“Lemme tell you something”. Your boyfriend said, dangerously crawling over the bed till reaching your knees and forcing them to be separated, wide spread for him. “If you think I was flirting, but you didn't see… how uncomfortable I was… This situation is not my fault”.
The tables were turned as he finished his sentence, settling himself between your legs yet kneeling to raise your ass above his lap. “Not so mouthy now, are you, doll?”
You wanted to speak back, to say something after having a second to reconsider the reason why you were so angrier at him when Bucky pushed you down and rammed his dick back to the place it belonged. You forced unconsciously your hands gripped, wanting to put them on him —wherever—. As soon as he handcuffed you, your desire for touching him used to be suffocating. But you were the one who played from the start, instead of telling him how you were feeling about that situation at Shuri's party.
Bucky didn't even let you kiss him, stabilizing you on top with an arm around your waist and his cold hand holding the back of your head. His hips rocked straight to your g-spot once and once, making you lose any kind of control over your body as your boyfriend didn't have any compassion, needing to find relief to his sorrowful erection by cumming inside your clenching walls. You were driving him crazy, maintaining your eye contact at all moments and almost drinking your delighted, obscene crying, aware that only him could cause you to be so dirty.
“Feels good, uh…? You like it?” Your boyfriend brushed your lips with his, depriving you of his kisses or any other touch. “Bec— 'cause you take your daddy... so damn good, baby girl… So tight… so tight you could kill me”.
“Yes, da— daddy”. You whimpered nodding your head. “Only you… can fuck me li— like that… Only you”.
“That's it… that's it, oh, fuck… fuck, doll”.
You saw him roll that pair of beautiful blue eyes to the back of his head, feeling Bucky's thighs tensing under your legs. You didn't want anything else than making him cum, after overthinking about how he felt, and not about what you witnessed. He was right, more or less. He was still being so innocent in those kinds of situations that he used to feel like a scared kid.
You suddenly fell back to reality when the emptiness sensation invaded you. Bucky pulled out his length from you again, causing you to beg in silence for not denying you the orgasm you were about to reach. But he warned you. Bucky asked you to tell him the truth and you chose to challenge him. Letting you sit on the mattress, he flexed a leg to guide his twitching cock to your mouth, not needing to tell you what he wanted you to do. You just parted your lips, receiving him without protesting, curling your fingers when he forced your limits, and positioned both hands on your head. Twirling your tongue around his base as you could, with your cavity completely invaded, Bucky provoked you a strong gag. A gesture that led to his warm seed being spilled down your throat.
“Fuck my life, baby girl!” He couldn't help but howl driven by the pleasure as you coughed and made vibrate his sensitive skin.
Just holding his dick trapped by your lips for a second, he freed your mouth, taking his time to admire you swallowing his cum and showing afterward your tongue. God, you looked so beautiful disheveled, with teary eyes and swollen lips because of the effort.
“Want me to tell you something else?” Bucky asked while cleaning the sweat in his forehead with the back of his arm, taking the small key to liberating you with his free hand.
You didn't reply, not needing to, as he rubbed your wrists to comfort your skin before lying by your side.
“Com'ere”. He whispered, yet trying to recover your breathings. Bucky wrapped you with his flesh arm, rubbing his iron fingers up and down your tense belly, creating a contrast that caused you goosebumps. “'M so sorry for making you feel like that”.
He kissed you. Slowly, passionate, tasting his own juices mixed with your saliva. Caressing your tongue with the tip of his, and no rush. You felt his digits touring down your skin, till finding your throbbing and needed clit. You weren't able to hold back a sweet moan when he circled his fingertip over your sensible pearl, gladly drinking your vocals.
“When I wanted to react… she was putting that damn spoon into my mouth. It felt horrible, doll, I promise”. He murmured, venturing his long cold finger to part your folds and sink it inside you —moaning at the fulfill sensation—. “You always save me from those awkward situations… but you were having fun with Shuri and I didn't want to interrupt you”.
You were feeling like shit, looking at him through your eyelids as he curved a second finger into your cunt and increased the pace of the pounds with his hand made of vibranium. Bucky spread some gentle kisses all around your face, ending with a tender bite to your lips.
“When you told me you wanted to go home, I felt a huge relief… 'Cause that was everything I wanted. Go home with you. Maybe watch a movie… cuddle… fall asleep on the sofa”.
“Oh, God, Bucky”. You wept onto his mouth, as soon as a third finger filled you, nailing his hand in the perfect position to be moved up and down. “I'm so— sorry, Buck… I'm sorry”.
“Fuck, no”. He let out, thrusting you harder, faster, creating a melody of filthy sloppy sounds while your moans were louder and louder. “I should stop 'em, I didn't… I didn't. But I respect you more than anything, doll… I love you with all my heart. I care 'bout you, 'bout your feelings… Can you forgive me? Can you… Can you cum for me?”
You nodded your head running out of words, seeing your boyfriend snaking his body down the bed to between your shaky legs, yet having his fingers knuckles deep inside you. “Keep 'em open for your man”.
The blow to your abused cunt provoked you a lash up to your backbone, landing your hands on his head as Bucky sank his face straight to your center. His digits fucked you savagely, while his tongue took control of your swollen pearl —sucking, licking, kissing, pulling it back—. He wasn't going to deny that pleasure to you, quite the opposite. You pressed unconsciously his face a little closer to your pussy, swinging your hips and riding his mouth when his caresses and his pushes became too much for you.
Bucky made you cum harder than ever, crying his name till you didn't have any strength and you were just a sack of bones under his expert mouth, devouring you and drinking your juices as if it was the elixir of life. And when he was satiated, you glanced at him using the tip of his tongue to trail a path up crossing your abdomen, the gap between your breasts, your throat, until kissing you again getting comfortable on top of you. It was a kiss full of love, and guiltiness, and necessity, and pure devotion for you.
“Did I hurt you with what I said?” You murmured, still enraptured by the fireworks fluttering within your belly.
“This isn't 'bout me”. Bucky clicked his tongue, hiding his face into your sweaty neck. “This is 'bout what I let happen”.
“That doesn't answer my question, Buck… I'm sorry about what I said. I was just… I feel insecure". You confessed stroking his scalp and back with your hands, lacing your legs together. “I didn't mean it. I would never try to… find someone who respects me more than you do. That's impossible. And not talking about how much you love me”.
“I love you with every inch of myself”. He swore, he promised, raising his face to look straight at your eyes. “I can't imagine a life without you”.
“Me either… Your love makes me feel alive”.
Bucky left one last tender kiss on your lips before suddenly standing up and holding you onto his arms to carry you to the bathroom and take a shower together —wash your hair, worship your body again as if it was the last thing he was going to do—.
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harunayuuka2060 · 3 years
MC: *suffering from high fever*
Lucifer: MC...
MC: *open their eyes* Lucifer...*forces a smile* Can I have some water?
Lucifer: Of course. Here. *helps them to sit up*
MC: *drinks a few sips* *coughs* Sorry.
Lucifer: It's okay. Though...
Lucifer: What were you thinking when you ate Solomon's cooking? *helps them to lie down slowly*
MC: Haha... I didn't expect it would be awful...
Lucifer: Ha. Seems you've got to learn about him more. *touches their forehead*
MC: I want to move around...
Lucifer: You can't. Or else you will be bedridden for a week.
MC: *frustrated groan*
Lucifer: Just close your eyes for a while. I'll wake you up again to eat.
MC: Okay.
Lucifer: And your snakes are here too. However, I forbid you from allowing them to lie down on you.
MC: Yes... I'll remember that...
Lucifer: *smiles* *stood up and leaves the room*
Muffy: *hisses* *climbs onto the bed and rests its head beside MC*
MC: Thank you, Muffy...
Muffy: *hisses*
Fluffy: *crawls under their bed, lifting it up a little and cradles*
MC: *falls asleep because of what the snakes are doing for them*
MC: *woke up with the ruckus just outside their door*
Thirteen: I'm not going in there!
Solomon: Come on now, Thirteen. You just need to go inside and give that food you cooked for them. Easy.
Thirteen: Then do it yourself!
Solomon: Nuh-uh. Lucifer will kill me and thinks I'm the one who cooked it.
Thirteen: ...
Thirteen: Fine.
Muffy: *places its head over MC's*
MC: Muffy—
Muffy: *hisses*
Thirteen: *opens the door*
Solomon: Oh! You're lucky! They're still sleeping!
Thirteen: *punches his shoulder*
Solomon: Aw!
Thirteen: *walks inside* *closes the door*
Solomon: Really? I'm still outside the door, you know?
Thirteen: *whisper-yells* Shut up!
Thirteen: *walks over to MC's bed* Hey, snake. It's not good for your owner to sleep on them like that.
Muffy: *hisses*
MC: *Muffy told them to close their eyes and to pretend that they're asleep*
Thirteen: I said move.
Muffy: *moves out of the way*
Thirteen: ...
Thirteen: Aren't you just too weak? *placed the food she brought on their bedside table*
Thirteen: ...
MC: *feels her hand caressing their cheek gently*
Thirteen: I'm a reaper so I wasn't that surprised when I got the news that you have a few years to live.
Thirteen: Seriously enough, why do humans as kind as you die so early?
Thirteen: I will never understand that kind of fate thrown upon you.
Thirteen: ...
MC: *felt something soft on their lips*
Thirteen: As your friend, I'll make sure to assist you in the underground world.
Solomon: Thirteen! How long are you going to stay there?
Thirteen: I'm done, you idiot! And why are you yelling?! *as she walks out of the door*
MC: ...
MC: *open their eyes*
Muffy and Fluffy: *both staring at them with their tails forming a heart*
MC: ...
MC: What? Did something happen?
Solomon: MC, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to make you sick.
MC: *smiles* It's alright. I'm fine now so there's nothing to apologize about.
Solomon: Anyway, what can you say about the food Thirteen cooked?
MC: It was so good!
Solomon: Hey, Thirteen! Did you hear that? MC said your food was good!
Thirteen: Shut up, Solomon! And don't bother me! *steals a glance on MC*
MC: *happened to be also looking at her*
Thirteen: *blushes* *and quickly looks away*
Solomon: ...
Solomon: That's weird. Did Thirteen avoid your gaze just now?
MC: Maybe she's really busy.
Solomon: No-no... There's something going on here... Aha! *yells* Thirteen! You didn't do some miracle while you were in MC's room yesterday, right?
Thirteen: You fucking moron!!!
Solomon: Oh, shit! Her robots are going this way! Run! *dragging MC with him*
MC: Wait—
Thirteen: Solomon!!! Come back here!!!
Solomon: No, thank you! I'm saving myself!
MC: Solomon... You didn't have to drag me with you...
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bccky · 3 years
Souls Intertwined By Fate
Part 1
Pairing:  Dean Winchester X Reader
Summary: As soulmates, you can feel the exact intensity of pain as your other half when they get hurt. So what happens when your soulmate literally goes to hell?
Words: 1405
Warnings: descriptions of death, mention of suicide, angst, full discretion is adviced
A/N: revamped fic of my own // dividers by @firefly-graphics // hope you like it Xx
Supernatural Masterlist • Main Masterlist
Souls Intertwined By Fate Masterlist
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Soulmates are a very weird, complicated thing.
It is said that everyone has a soulmate of their own, but no one knows who they are until they have at least one interaction with them.
Wait, it gets even more bizarre.
How, you ask? Well, the only thing that connects you to your other half is pain.
Apparently, you share extreme emotional sensations, which can only be triggered after you two meet. To summarize it, if one of you gets hurt, the other can feel it just as intensely.
So, it might be a weird and complicated thing, but it's interesting, isn't it?
It isn't like you can share your experience about it though, simply because you haven't had it yet. With all the measures you take to keep every feeling of pain accounted for with every injury, it would probably be hard to miss your soulmate, something that you don't want to happen.
You're too excited to meet them, of course! And why wouldn't you be?
Why wouldn't anyone want to be with the one person that makes you feel whole, who fills a certain hole in your heart?
And it's not just a myth, you're sure of it. Your parents are soulmates too, and seeing them in love is what would make anyone believe in it. Your dad has told you so many stories about every single time that he has realized how deeply he has fallen for your mom. 
She, however, has told you how it truly feels. How in-sync you become to that person that even the tiniest pinches, the playful punches from their friends or even stubbing your toe is sometimes perceived as your own… the last one is what you're least looking forward to.
It's easy to become utterly entranced by the notion, and you're not the one who's going to fight it, of course. You've created a faceless persona in your imagination, someone you've dreamed of and yearned for almost all of your life.
That there is going to be a person who knows you like the back of their hand, and you, them. That you would love each other and grow old together, and look at them to find a happy, content gaze already staring at you while you two are in rocking chairs. 
You hum in answer when your mother calls you, breaking your reverie. You glance at her in question. "What?"
"Your dad was supposed to be back ten minutes ago from his grocery run, can you call him and ask where he is?" She says before she focuses back on the book in front of her.
"Sure, just a minute." You pick up your cell phone, quickly dialing his number. But it rings and rings and rings but he isn't picking up, something very unusual.
"He isn't answering," You deem a few minutes later, looking up from the screen to find your mom looking really worried. "Is something wrong?"
"I, uh - I don't know. He has been acting really off lately, saying that he hears barking sometimes or sees a black dog with red eyes when there's nothing -" she cuts herself off when her voice breaks on the last word.
You immediately get up from where you had been sitting on the sofa and offer her a glass of water. She gratefully takes it, but her hands are visibly shaking as she drinks. 
"I'm sure he is fine, mom. We can talk him into visiting a doctor when he returns," you reassure, hugging her before giving her a kiss on her head and she readily hugs you back. "I love you."
As it turns out, nothing is fine, and it never will be.
Your mom starts writhing in agony a few seconds later and everything you try doesn't work, simply because she's not actually the one suffering, but only going through second hand pain. 
She's screaming, clutching her stomach as you tearfully call 911, telling them your address as clearly as you can while you sob as you see the state your mom is in.
And it just gets severe till it stops, leaving her in a state that makes her look as if she's on the brink of death. 
When you start thinking that it can't go any worse, you get a call from the police. 
Your dad is found some hours later in the woods beside your regular grocery store, guts out and body torn to shreds, just enough of his face remained that could be recognized by the neighbors who found them.
"A wolf attack," the coroner declares after inspecting when you identify the body in the hospital later, and you can't do anything but nod. There's nothing to dispute, the attack was surely not done by a human, but there have never been wolves in your town. 
But it's not something to think about now, you've got other important things on your mind, such as, how to tell your mom who you left in her bed. She had told you to go when she had heard the man on the other side of the phone utter your father's name. 
You don't have the courage to say what happened to her soulmate, about why she just went through the excruciating pain, only to find that she had taken her own life. 
And that is how, just one day has changed everything you thought and believed in, forever. 
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"The regular?" Jo asks. 
You give her a small smile. "Thanks."
"Don't think you're off the hook," She says as she makes your drink. "Mom is furious that you missed a check-in this week."
As if prompted, Ellen walks right beside her with her jaw clenched, eyes narrowed and arms crossed.
"Do you wanna explain yourself, young lady?" Ellen inquires, tapping her feet.
One thing you have learned not to do in the two years since you've known her is to aggravate her more, so you sheepishly say, "I'm sorry. My phone died, you know?"
"Well, the battery was certainly not dead when you messaged Jo if I was in today, wasn't it?"
You glare at Jo in betrayal, who only counters with a shrug, "You know I can't lie to her."
Rolling your eyes, you try to change the subject. "Can I have my drink, at least?" But Ellen just stops her daughter when the latter tries to pass you the glass. 
"You can when you tell me the truth." The older woman who took you in, says, "You went on a werewolf hunt again, didn't you?"
"I did," You confess, focusing your gaze on the beer stain on the counter. "I won't give up until I find the killer who put my family through hell, you know that."
Ellen nods. "If you tell us what happened, we can help you."
"I don't know… It just feels like something I should do on my own."
"But you don't have to do it alone." Jo replies, giving you the liquor.
You thank her, "I'm about to go on a case of a simple salt and burn, how about I tell you everything after I'm done with that?"
Ellen gives you a comforting smile, patting your hand before she goes to serve another customer.
"My friend from high school found her soulmate last Sunday." Jo whispers, leaning closer to you on the counter under the guise of cleaning it. "They met in an ice cream parlour, how cool is that? Do you think we'll meet our soulmates here?"
You freeze, your blood turning cold, "I hope not." You mutter, quickly downing your glass as you put your coat on. "Put it on my tab, please. I think I just found an important clue for my next hunt."
"Sure, dude." Jo waves.
You walk backwards for a few steps as you say goodbye, accidentally bumping into someone.
"Oh, shit, I'm sorry. Should've paid attention to where I was going." You say, turning around to look directly into piercing green eyes.
And just for a millisecond, it feels as if you're in slow-motion. 
The guy smiles, shaking his head at your apology. "It's fine, my bad too."
Not thinking much about it, you start walking out of The Roadhouse, feeling weird and fuzzy, and it's as if everything is suddenly different, every sensation more refined. 
You make your way to where you parked your car when you feel your toe hurting like you just stubbed it into a corner or something, but when you look down, there's absolutely nothing. 
Just like that, your life takes a turn once more. 
Part 2
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slightlymore · 4 years
my soulmate loves wine
part of the ‘soulmates collection’
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doyoung x fem reader
others: jaemin, jeno 
genre: one-shot, soulmates au, enemies? to lovers, romance, smut, fluffy tones, phone chat (there are pics of the conversation) 
warnings: tarot readings, alcohol, swearing, insults, explicit sex scenes (oral f and m, penetration, protected and unprotected - seriously, have unprotected sex only with people you trust. if you will have unprotected sex with strangers, i will manifest in the room and besides it being absolutely embrarrassing for you, i will also smack your heads together and call you stupid - bondage, rough, spanking, hair pulling, spit swallowing, slight breeding kink, use of 'slut', dom doyoung,  sub doyoung, overstimulation f and m, edging f and m, dry humping, wet humping, mouth fucking, cum swallowing, slight exhibitionism, f solo, m solo, phone sex), doyoung has a big cock too lmao (in all of my own personal readings I always get that my soulmate has a big cock for no reason and I thought it was a funny detail)
words: 17K
tag list:  @seostudios @doyochii @doodlingpizza @eboyhyunjunreblogs​ @mina-is-babie @sorrywonwoo @peterrogers15 @delphiskpoporacle @waffletaeng @wownajaemin @shimyshimykoko @doyoung-onli @chxb03 @strawberrymilkandcigarettes @hyucksie​ @neonun-au​ @cumtrov3rsy​ 
January 1st 2:23 am 
And if he's not my soulmate, I'd rather wander alone than touching someone else's skin, I'd rather walk this earth with no hand to hold and lift me from the ground. And if I have to heal from it and accept the universe's imposed call, I'd rather suffer from my eternally open wounds. I'll fight the stars and let them burn me, I'll let them laugh at my weakest state and I'd gladly make them erase my memory of ever existing in all of the infinite lives if I have to follow Fate. 
Doyoung felt the golden letters on the book cover in front of him and raised his eyes when he heard the crystal curtain move. 
“I wouldn’t open it if I were you.” 
A middle-aged woman was smiling at him, walking towards the table Doyoung and Jaemin were sat at. 
The room became even darker but a certain comfort engulfed Doyoung when she smiled. 
“I’ve never seen a book with a poem on the cover instead of a title.” 
“A dear friend of mine made it.” 
Her expression was calm and peaceful when she eyed the book and put her hand on it, pulling it towards herself. 
“It’s beautiful,” Doyoung looked at the worn bordeaux leather. “What’s inside?” 
“I’m glad you like it. And that’s-,” she leaned in mysteriously, “-a secret.” 
As she spoke, a little candle lit up between them and the boys both flinched. 
“Wow,” Jaemin whispered. 
Doyoung blinked at the woman then chuckled once, laughing mostly at himself for being so jumpy for no reason. That place was made to look creepy but he reminded himself that it was only a facade. 
“I’m here for a reading.” Her gaze was piercing and Doyoung realized that she hadn’t stopped looking at him since she entered the room. 
“There’s a certain resistance on your part.” Doyoung tried not to snort. “Well…” I don’t believe in these sorts of things, he wanted to say, but Jaemin suddenly laughed, slamming his palm on the table and making a decent amount of colourful stones jingle on the glass table. 
Doyoung sighed. “Sorry, my friend is very drunk.” 
“You’re also drunk as fuck,” the other pointed his finger to the first’s face, poking him in the nose as he couldn’t keep his balance. 
The woman smiled kindly as if unbothered to suddenly have two obnoxious young men trying to get a reading at two in the morning.  “This is going to be a love reading. We’ll see what the Spirit wants to tell you about your soulmate.” “Actually, I’m here for a general one? Like, I don’t know-,” Doyoung tried to find his words and looked at Jaemin. “Money and sex?” the younger one suggested before they could have another laughter fit for no apparent reason. The woman kept the corner of her lips lifted as she retrieved a beautiful tarot deck. “Would you blow on this please?” Jaemin tried to open his eyes. “Blow? Of course. Doyoung is good at blowing.” Doyoung hit him with the shoulder. “Shut the fuck up. We’ll get kicked out if you continue,” he whispered amused. Or at least he tried to whisper. The boys kept giggling for a few more moments then got serious as they eyed the spread of cards in front of them. 
The woman nodded and smiled. 
Doyoung blinked at the lady then at the cards. 
"There's mystery and magic attached to this connection. The universe wants this to be a surprise. You’ve been manifesting a lot, haven’t you?” 
The young man felt suddenly very awake. 
“Uhm, no.” 
“It’s okay if you’re not honest with me. The Spirit can see your true feelings. It’s saying that if you needed a confirmation that this is real, then here it is.”
Doyoung stared at her nail, tapping at the card and wondered how many years of training she needed to be able to read people like that since he was sure that that piece of paper could not be able to tell her anything. 
Relaxing on his chair he tried to put on the most neutral expression ever then nodded. 
Okay, it meant. Go on. 
“King of cups. Your soulmate is very in touch with their emotions. They’re going to teach you how to open up more since it’s difficult for you to express what you’re feeling.” Doyoung tightened his lips before he could wrongfully deny it. On his left, Jaemin was already sleeping with his head on the table.
January 1st 2:23 pm 
"Will we know right away that we're each other's soulmate?" 
The Lady smiled and nodded at your widened and curious eyes. 
"You have an intense soul connection. Also, you’ll know right away because sex-,” You gulped. “-is going to be the best you’ve ever had in your whole life. He’s a very fiery person and is quite domineering, I can tell it from the King of swords. He wants to dominate you in bed, maybe pull your hair? You love it. And he definitely loves your body, especially legs and chest. He worships you and he will put you on a pedestal.” 
You felt your face warm up so you put your palms on your cheeks, trying hard to process all of that information. 
The woman continued after a little giggle to herself. “He can come off a little cocky. He thinks he’s very good in bed thanks to his natural attributes but that’s just because he’s a little insecure. Maybe consider reassuring him that he’s making you feel good?” 
Your mouth was dry and you automatically nodded. 
“Wait, what do you mean with- uh-- with natural attributes?”
Sometime in June 
“Did you hear about the guy accused of stealing because it looked like he had something in his pocket while in reality, it was his 10 inches monster?” Jaemin asked before laughing like a supervillain, head thrown back on the couch cushions, splattering spit all over Doyoung who was sitting near him with furrowed eyebrows as he tried to find a good movie to watch. 
“Yeah, it was me,” Doyoung replied with a monotone voice. 
“Oh? Doyoung made a joke? I guess I might say that you’re-- cocky?” 
Doyoung chuckled even if he tried not to. 
“Okay, since you’re in a good mood-,” the other clapped his hands once. “No.” “You don’t even know what I wanted to ask you!” Jaemin whined. “I’m busy.” “You don’t do anything all day.” “I have to take care of my monster cock-” Jaemin slapped Doyoung’s mouth to cover it. “It hurts,” he mumbled. 
“Listen. Next Sunday you’ll accompany me at the opening of a new winery. You don’t have to do anything besides be pretty and drink wine while I try to get between one of the associates’ legs.” “I knew it had to do with pussy.” “She invited me! It’s not like I can refuse. I’ve had a crush on her ever since I met her at that work meeting.” “You mean a few days ago?” “Love has no stages.” “Why do I have to come with you?” “I have two invitations. Drinking expensive wine for free? Hello? I’m doing you a favour," he spoke quickly and dramatically, clicking his fingers. “You need three invitations, for me and my co--ahi!” Doyoung giggled after Jaemin smacked him with a cushion.
You had no idea you’d be having backseat sex that day and honestly, you felt highly unprepared. 
Black ripped jeans and a leather jacket, the most basic outfit one guy could have on, yet you were salivating and for once it was not because of the pizza Jeno was handing you. 
“Uhm, Houston?” he clicked his fingers in front of your face then looked into the direction you were looking. 
“The guy on the right?” he asked without batting an eye. “How did you know?” you turned your head suddenly to face him and he put the slice of pizza inside of your open mouth. Then he rolled his eyes. 
“He’s completely your type.” "I want to fuck him."
Jeno raised one eyebrow and you suddenly realized what you've just said. 
"No. I meant-," "Hey! Guy with the rabbit mask!" Jeno suddenly yelled at the group of boys sitting on the grass in front of you. "What the fuck are you doing? Are you stupid?" you pulled his arm down. "My friend here said that she wants to f-," you slammed a hand on his mouth before he could finish. "I'm going to kill you," you whispered as Jeno started to giggle. 
The Rabbit boy looked at you for a little while, tilting his head to the side, but then turned his back to you. He probably didn't hear anything and thought that you were all drunk. 
“What the fuck was that?” you whispered. 
Jeno sighed. “Y/N. You’re too shy. If you want to fuck a guy just go and do it."
You scoffed. “I’m too shy? I am not shy. I can fuck whoever I want.” “Yeah? Then fuck the Rabbit.” 
You crossed your arms on your chest and put your tongue in your cheek. 
“Can’t do it huh?” Jeno teased you. "I can. And I will." "I bet you can't." "I bet I will."
“I’ll be honest with you. I’m here because of a bet.” The Rabbit had a gulp of beer as if girls with a Moon mask approached him with bet talk every day. Then he giggled. 
“Sorry, your mask is ridiculous.” 
You rolled your eyes even if he couldn’t see it. 
Okay, he was a douche. Did you still want to fuck him though? Yes. 
“What’s the bet about?” he inquired. 
You straightened your lips in a tight line, the sound of your pulse almost audible in the silence of the parking lot. 
You spitted everything out thanks to the gigantic amounts of wine you had that night and found yourself panting a little when you were done. A little voice inside your head was screaming that it was dangerous and highly inappropriate for you to behave like that but you shrugged internally and hit it in the face.
“What?” the dude asked after a beat. 
You sighed. “MyfriendsaidthatIw-” “Okay, okay,” he raised his palms, “hold up. Talk slowly? Your friend what?” “Myfriendsaid-” “Can you just talk slowly, please?” 
“Nevermind,” you turned your back to him and walked away. 
“Mooney, come back here.” 
You stopped. “How did you just call me?”
The guy straightened his back and laughed under his mask. “If you want to fuck me, at least try and seduce me first.” “Aren’t you already under my spell if you’re so eager to keep going on with this conversation?” you found yourself saying. He shrugged. “I’m just bored. And don’t you want to win that bet? I guess you’re actually shy and your friend was right.” You scoffed. “I’m not gullible. You won’t make me do things only because you told me that I can’t.” “You’re here doing a thing only because your friend told you that you can’t. How is that not being gullible?” “It’s not being gullible if I’m here with that as an excuse when in reality I want to fuck you on the backseat, Rabbit.” 
You couldn’t see his face but you knew he was smiling as he opened the car’s door and with a dramatic gesture he invited you in. 
You walked in front of him slowly, asking yourself what the fuck you were actually doing, and he was quick to follow you inside. 
It was dark and warm and you decided to lie to yourself that the trembling sigh that escaped your lips was because you’ve been feeling cold before and not because you felt the Rabbit’s hands on your waist. You let him pull you in his lap and his palms slowly brushed your goosebumpy thighs first, then your torso, hovering over your breasts before they could grab your mask and take it away. You were breathing through your mouth and you desperately needed to see his expression upon seeing your face. With trembling fingers, you pulled the little white rabbit down and his eyes made an appearance first forcing you to inhale sharply. Masks slipping on the side, you both took in the view of each other. He did not speak a word and you didn’t either. 
“Do-,” you started unsurely, “do we know each other? Have we met before?” 
He blinked at you and you could tell he was as confused as you were. “I don’t think so,” he whispered and you finally realized how close he was. 
Like a switch, when you moved he moved as well and you roughly hit your mouths together, his hands cupping your ass and your fingers curling in his hair. It was so fast and almost painful the way you embraced each other that you wondered just how horny some wine could make you become. He grunted as you suddenly bit his neck and just that sound made your blood boil. You knew how and where to touch him and when his fingers got underneath your dress it seemed like he knew your weak spots as well. You let go of his neck and grabbed his head as your nipples disappeared inside his mouth. His lips were cold just like his touch and it made you shiver.
Doyoung noticed you the exact moment you walked onto the lawn. 
Your legs were bare and he wondered why Jaemin dragged him to such a weird party. 
“Just buy whatever,” the younger said behind a black ominous mask while examining himself in the mirror. 
Doyoung hummed pensively and grabbed the white Rabbit. 
“I wanted that one too but since I’m going to see the associate lady tonight again, I thought that something less stupid would be better,” commented Jaemin.  
“So you think this is stupid?” 
“It goes well with your vibe. Buy it,” he wiggled his eyebrows and for once Doyoung just sighed and shrugged. 
“Ah come on, why are you not in a good mood tonight? We’ll have free food and alcohol tonight then free food and wine tomorrow.” 
“I really don’t feel like coming. It makes no sense to throw a party before a party. I can’t believe you tricked me into coming to two parties.” 
It was Jaemin’s turn to shrug. “These people have been travelling through all of Europe and shit. It’s their version of an afterparty. Like a rave. But it’s before the actual party and it’s on grass, with masks on and at 5 pm. You have to come.” "So there's going to be classical music and tea?" 
The cashier ringed their items quickly and Jaemin took out his wallet to pay.   “Why do you even get invited to all of these events?” Doyoung went on and added a pack of mints too. Jaemin smirked. “She likes me a lot, huh? Can’t wait to taste that sweet juicy pussy.” The cashier cleared her throat and was quick to dismiss them with her rightfully dry “have a good day”. “I just think she’s trying to gather customers for her wine. Don’t get your hopes up.” “She’ll want to gift me her wine after I’ll make her boun-”
Doyoung was so ready to accept an evening of him wandering around a party full of strangers talking in god knows what languages while his friend got it wet that when you pressed yourself on his crotch, nibbling at his neck and exhaling so deeply, he felt lightheaded. 
You were with another guy and Doyoung watched you sit down on the cushions behind his group of friends. Your nude legs got even nuder as your white dress shifted up exposing your thighs. A sudden urge to spread them invaded his mind and he had to do something with his hands instead. 
“Hey, guy with the rabbit mask!” 
Doyoung turned his head around right in time to see you smack the dude on the face. 
“Did that guy just tell you that his friend wants to fuck you?” Jaemin inquired with a giggle. Doyoung wondered how Jaemin could hear something like that at such a distance. 
“I guess?” he agreed though. “And I want to fuck her too,” he heard himself add.  
Jaemin’s mask looked as shocked as his expression underneath it. 
“Why are you so bold all of a sudden? No, I mean, yes! Fuck her.” 
Doyoung shook his head to get rid of the imaginary fog. “I was joking. Why are you getting so worked up?” 
But when Jaemin finally disappeared suddenly, presumably to drink some wine with his lady, Doyoung could physically feel your eyes on his back as he walked down the hill towards the parking lot. 
Your steps were light and you’d stop when he’d stop, unsuccessfully hiding behind the tall bushes of roses. 
As he unlocked his car with a high toned beep, he leaned on the side of it and waited for you to approach him. A giggle left his chest when he saw you trying to find him in the middle of all of those cars. 
“I am here,” he announced and you jolted. 
Turning around you eyed him and stopped in place then took a timid step, then another until only a few separated you from him. 
“I’ll be honest with you. I’m here because of a bet.” 
You looked airy just like the moon on your mask and he thought you were adorable swinging your body weight from one foot to another like that. 
“Sorry, your mask is-,” adorable, “-ridiculous. What’s the bet about?” 
“My friend said that I wouldn’t be able to fuck you because I’m shy and I want to prove to him that I’m not.” 
You were so bold that Doyoung felt his air miss from his lungs. 
You slurred your words on purpose and he tried hard to pretend that he didn’t understand just to hear you say that you wanted him to fuck you again. 
“What?” he asked.
You sighed. “MyfriendsaidthatIw-” “Okay, okay,” he raised his palms, “hold up. Talk slowly? Your friend what?” “Myfriendsaid-” “Can you just talk slowly, please?” “Nevermind.” 
“Mooney, come back here.” 
The air rustled with energy and he completely missed everything besides “I want to fuck you on the backseat” part and he had no idea how you got into the car and how he got you on his legs. 
But now there you were, soft in his arms. 
And when you took away your mask his head got drilled by a thousand questions. Your eyes, mirroring his expression as you slid his mask down, told him that you were thinking the same thing. Like two magnets you collided in a heated kiss and your scent was so familiar that Doyoung sighed when you let his lips go to breathe.
Finally, finally, finally, your mind was chanting as the Rabbit moulded your body with his hands. 
Your mind became mush so quickly that it was honestly embarrassing when you realized that you were riding his hardened cock. His lips on your neck seemed amused and after a moment he took away his fingers from your body, leaning back and watching you from under heavy lids. 
You bit your lower lip and stopped with a certain difficulty, the burning sensation between your legs already boiling inside your veins. 
"Go on." 
His voice was sultry and raspy and your body reacted to it as if under a spell. 
Your fingers on his shoulders deepened their hold and you closed your eyes for a brief moment before opening them again. 
"Come on. Go on. Doesn't it feel good?" 
He cooed, dragging one single finger across your bust, between your breasts and down on your stomach. His eyes wouldn't let a single expression of yours escape them. 
"It would feel better if you fucked me."
The light in his irises twinkled. 
"But I like to see you like this," he said before leaning in and letting his breath caressing your ear. "Desperate." 
His voice was like a hiss and your skin shivered with goosebumps. You felt his open mouth on your nude shoulder, slowly going towards your clavicle and you extended your neck up to welcome him. 
"Go on," he ordered again and your hips snapped, rolling on him, feeling the way your panties got pulled up as he slid his hands under your dress and twirled the sides around his fingers. It was frustrating as intoxicating and soon enough the windows of his car became misty from your heavy breaths. 
"I hate this," you whined and he chuckled. "I can see that."
Almost completely lost in your foggy mind you jolted at a sudden snap and you stopped your motions just to see him slide your panties from between your legs and throw them to the front. 
With a single pull, he pushed your now raw pussy on his clothed cock while his hands spread your ass, guiding your movements. 
"Fuck," you gasped, feeling the rough material on your sensitive skin and it didn't take you a lot to go over the edge with fingers curled inside his hair and mouths open against each other. He drank your shaking moans, then without giving you a second to remember where you were, his arms wrapped your torso and pushed you under his weight. Your feet stopped on the window as you yelped and you desperately wanted to call his name when you felt his tongue lap at your wetness. His fingers were tightly wrapped around your thighs and when you moaned a few times in a row, your back arching and your body squirming in his hold, he palmed your stomach and pressed you down again.
You looked like every sex dream Doyoung has ever had. 
Arms thrown around your head, chest rising and falling, your sweet whimpers and soft skin, it drove him crazy. Your thighs pressing on the side of his head felt like everything he has ever wanted but wasn’t aware of. 
Mine mine mine all mine. A weird possession sentiment swept him away and when he looked up at your fucked up expression he felt like shivering. With a plop he let your clit go and kept pumping his fingers inside of you, curling them right where you wanted him to, kissing your navel, licking your under breasts, sucking the skin in until it probably hurt, then sucking on your nipples, and finally on your lower lip. He wanted to see your face when you’d cum all over his fingers and when you gasped, wrapping his torso with your arms and trying to hide your face into the crook of his neck, he grabbed your chin and made you look at him. Your eyelids fluttered as he heard you swear multiple times and as he felt you clench so deliciously that he couldn’t wait to feel it around his aching cock instead. He wanted to rest a bit, maybe put his head on your soft chest and listen to your heartbeats but you were a stranger and you were hooking up in his car. So he sat on his knees between your legs instead, panting as if he were the one who just came, and he let his eyes trail on your naked body, licking his lower lip when he reached your wet core. He would have wanted to smear all of that on himself but he reached his jacket instead and took a condom out.  
“Why do boys always carry a condom with them? You never know when you’d end up fucking?” 
“Actually, when we carry a condom we never fuck and when we don’t have it we have the opportunity to fuck.” 
“Well, today you’re lucky,” you smirked and he loved the way you tried to hide away your embarrassment with banter. 
“Do you still want to do this?” he palmed your knee.
“Yes,” you nodded. “You didn’t cum.” 
“You don’t have to worry about that. Do you want it?” 
Doyoung wondered what kind of expression he had on to make you light up so much. 
You bit your lower lip and sat up suddenly, getting on your knees as well and turning around with a certain difficulty. 
“Yes,” you said again and bent over. 
Doyoung choked at the view and wondered what country he had saved in his previous life to deserve all of that.  
You dreamt about opening a winery probably since you tasted wine for the first time. 
You loved it. 
Sour, sweet, bitter, flowery, fruity, still and frizzy, you loved it all. 
People thought you were crazy and no one supported you until you met your best friend in university. 
“Are you kidding? I’d love to open a winery with you.” 
The classroom was well lit and she looked like an angel against the sunny windows. 
You looked at her with wide eyes. “Really?” 
She hit your arm playfully. “Of course! I love wine and that sounds like a very cool idea.” 
“Look, I’m actually very serious about this so if you’re saying this just to-,”
She took your hands and looked into your eyes. “Me too. We’ll do it. I promise.” 
Now, years later you were looking around at the freshly painted venue and couldn’t believe your eyes. 
You did it. 
Tall ceilings and shelves full of your blood and sweat, you walked around slowly, one finger to gently tap on the various displayed bottles. 
“Hey, hey, no touching. We’ve cleaned them up and they have to shine.” 
Your friend appeared on your side and you smiled. Her dress was sleeveless and you made a face touching her arms. 
“Have you been working out girl? What are these?” 
She snapped her head down to look at herself. “I guess… uhm, it’s all of the exercises… uhm that I do.” 
You took her sudden panic for embarrassment and cackled. “With the party guy?”
“Jaemin you said?” “Oh yeah! Yeah, we’re quite active, aha.” 
“Well, to get those arms you might have done a lot of hardcore BDSM.” You laughed but your friend looked rather mortified. 
“Aw, come on,” you gently elbowed her. “I also fucked the guy from yesterday,” you added to make her feel better. And she lit up so much at the news that she almost knocked over the bottles in front of you. 
“And you tell me now? How did it go?” “Well, I guess. I don’t really want to think about it though. I don’t think I’m into hookups.”
Doyoung didn't like hookups but when he stepped inside the winery's main hall and saw your legs again and the way your ass was wrapped in that short dress he desperately wanted to bury his cock in it. 
"Not bad, huh?" Jaemin smiled at the waiter welcoming them with glasses of wine, before looking up at the nicely decorated venue. 
"Yeah, not bad at all," Doyoung murmured as you turned around and he considered fucking your breasts too. 
Then he cleared his throat as he took a glass of wine as well, feeling his neck warming up. He looked around as he sipped, suddenly conscious of people as if they could read his horny mind. At that moment, with his body acting up as if possessed, he wondered if the wine didn’t have some sort of aphrodisiac in it. 
“Do you also feel a little funny?” Doyoung placed down the wine and reached for his tie to loosen it up. 
Jaemin glanced over him and promptly looked down. “Uh-oh. Do we have an emergency?” he started to laugh and Doyoung closed his eyes briefly before opening them and turning around towards the buffet. 
“Heh, did that girl do something to you? You were so upset when she left without saying anything.” 
“It was just a hookup,” Doyoung murmured trying to understand what kind of food he was staring at. 
“An amazing hookup if you get like this upon seeing her.” 
“Not for her I guess.” 
“So you are upset. Cupid worked hard last night,” he elbowed his friend. 
“Give me a break. You’re also crushing on your lady.” 
“Also? Kim Doyoung, are you crushing on the winery girl?”
He shook his head quickly putting a pastry in his mouth to have an excuse to not speak. Jaemin lightly hit him and Doyoung hit him back like kids in third grade when suddenly the lights became dimmer and you spoke into a mic.
“Hey, have you seen Jeno?” you asked your friend after finishing your introductory discourse and let people finally get wasted as they wanted to. “Who?” “Jeno? The guy I’m always hanging out with? He should have been here by now but I don’t see him anywhere.” 
Your friend made a perplexed face and you sighed. “You’re right. You’ve never met him before. You’re both my best friends so I always forget that you’ve never seen each other.” 
“Well, I kinda know how he looks like, so if I see him then-,”
"So you stole my money,” a sudden voice at your back interrupted you and you turned around to lock eyes with none other than the Rabbit. 
He was so good looking that you felt the urge to kiss him, yet his mocking face made you so irrationally mad that you felt like slapping him too. 
You put your hands on your hips and raised your chin. "Proof?"
You were still panting last evening trying hard to stop shaking from your third orgasm in a row. The Rabbit did a lot of things to you and you wondered why you didn’t hook up with strangers more often if that was the outcome. His wallet was on the seat in front of you and for a split second, you smiled wondering if he carried a family photo in it. His back looked very broad as he stood outside the car and presumably tried to make himself pee with a half-hard penis but probably failing. A sudden voice startled you and Doyoung replied to it. You quickly pulled down your dress and eyed the ripped panties on the steering wheel. Shit. You tried to grab them but the dude talking to Doyoung took a few steps closer so you retreated. "Fucked her good just like you planned?" Your face scrunched in a pout and you suddenly found yourself very upset. Doyoung didn't reply anything but you weren't sure that he didn't make a face. It was a good night. You had fun and a good-looking dude made you cum. You fucked him good just like you planned too. Then why did you feel a little used? Maybe you weren’t acquainted with the hookup culture, or maybe deep down you hoped that the sudden attraction you felt for the Rabbit was magical, but suddenly you felt very weird and a wave of disgust invaded you. 
He was definitely not your soulmate and you should just get out of there. 
You opened the door slowly on your side, quietly looking over your shoulder to make sure that they wouldn’t hear you. Feet on the ground you eyed the wallet again and you opened it. Not to check his family photo as you previously wanted to, but to get all of his cash. You swallowed a chuckle and ran away up the hill back to the restaurant’s garden.
He scoffed. "You’re a terrible thief. I make you cum and you steal from me?" 
"You look like a rich guy. You deserved it. Also, you ripped my panties."
"And you liked it."
You clenched your jaw. "It wasn't even good sex."
His jaw's muscles flinched too. "You probably couldn't walk properly."
"Yeah, because of the cramped car not because of your cock." 
"I think you have a loss of memory all of a sudden. Do I have to remind you how my cock feels like?" 
"Sure. Then I will be able to say to your face that it doesn’t feel good.”
"Fuck, it feels so fucking good."
Dragging you by the wrist, Doyoung shoved you in the first room he found and pressed you against the cold wall. 
"I can't believe I'm about to have sex in the rosés showroom," you spoke with a breathy voice and when Doyoung pressed his open lips on yours you realized that you didn’t even know his name. 
One thing is hooking up with a dude in his car while drunk, another thing is choosing to fuck him consciously on the opening of your new business and completely sober. 
Although, when he started to kiss your jaw and neck, his tongue slowly creeping out and tickling your nerves, your mind felt so hazy that you wondered if you somehow had something to drink already and couldn’t remember. 
Didn’t you hate the guy just a few moments ago?
“Do you really have to wear these dresses and drive me insane?” he whispered on your lips as his hands pulled up the dress in question. 
You wanted to reply with something smartass but honestly, you chose that dress with him in mind. 
Somehow, while browsing your closet for the big day, your mind could not stop thinking about the Rabbit boy. Your mixed feelings towards him confused you and you'd go on weird tangents of complete hatred and high adoration thinking about his face between your legs. 
Certain that he’d come to the opening too, you carefully wore each piece of clothing you had, looking at yourself in the mirror and imagining he was the one looking at you through your eyes. Would he like the split on your thigh? Or would he like the way the dress accentuated your breasts more? Without realizing your hands were on your bust going up slowly, gently kneading your soft skin, cupping your boobs and flicking your nipples. Then one moved on your stomach, then on your thigh and just like that you started to moan. 
And you were moaning at that moment too as the Rabbit lightly caressed your clit with the tip of his cock. You pushed your hips towards him to get more and he pushed you back into the wall, one hand reaching for your mouth and slipping the thumb on your tongue. You twirled it around his digit and sucked, lightly choking when he reached farther and choking again when you finally felt his cock fill you up too. 
“You have to be quiet, Y/N.” 
Your name on his lips made you tremble. 
He probably heard it during the welcoming discourse or read it on the pamphlets and the fact that he knew it and you didn’t know his one, made you feel vulnerable in a pleasant way. 
Or maybe it was the way his hand gripped the softness of your thigh, keeping it up on his hip, or maybe his own hips pushing inside of you that made you feel like turning into mush. 
“Will you be quiet for me or am I fucking you too good?” he took away his finger and you gasped for air, your whines getting louder. 
“As I thought,” he mocked you. “It wasn’t even good sex, she said.” 
You bit your lower lip and hid your face into the crook of his neck but he pulled you away, cupping your cheek. “You have to look at me. I want to see this pretty face when you cum.”
Your eyes fluttered as his cock basically decided to rearrange your guts and you dug your fingers into his shoulders with a teeth-gritted moan. 
“Are you close, baby?” You nodded breathlessly, the sudden pet-name just making it impossible for you to not beg to make you cum.
“You want me to make you cum?” 
You nodded again. “Gonna cum- so hard-,” 
The Rabbit thrust a few times more into you and suddenly pulled out. 
You gasped as if mortally offended but unable to move a muscle. 
"I don't think so."
His smirk made you swallow your own spit and he held your waist when he took a step back after letting your leg down. 
“Hey! Come on!” 
Dragging you away just like before he made you walk towards the party hall. His iron grip made it impossible for you to just go away and finish yourself and honestly, it would have been quite pathetic. 
You moved as if drunk, fingers visibly shaking and mind clouded in the middle of the crowd.
"Fuck, I'll make you pay for this." 
He smiled at you and intertwined his fingers with yours before lifting both of your hands and placing a kiss on your knuckles. 
"Yes darling, I've already paid last time," he replied as a few curious people looked your way and saw just a random couple chatting peacefully. 
You took a deep breath and tried to smile unbothered, imitating Doyoung's relaxed expression. 
"It was just a joke. Do you want those couple of bucks back?” 
He tilted his head to the side. “No. Let’s say I had paid you for your services.” 
You disregarded him and opened your clutch, retrieving a few dollars. With a quick hand, you shoved them halfway inside Doyoung's pants making sure others didn't stare. 
"Thank you for today’s fuck too then, slut."
To say that it was easy for Doyoung to stop feeling you around his cock and pretend he wasn’t about to lose his mind when he couldn’t cum either, would be the biggest lie of the universe. But your frustrated expression, trembling limbs and glossy eyes made it all worth it. 
“Where have you been?” 
Jaemin handed him a glass of white wine and Doyoung took it absentmindedly. When he brought it to his mouth and had a sip he almost spit it back inside.
“What the fuck is this?” 
Jaemin chuckled. “The winery’s speciality.” 
“This is disgusting.” 
“I had a whole bottle of that yesterday so now I’m used to it.” 
“Why is it so sour?” 
Jaemin hit his shoulder lightly to bring his attention to something and when Doyoung raised his gaze he saw your furious aura staring at them from a few steps away. 
“Maybe the lady behind the recipe is sour as well,” he joked. “I lied when I asked you where you’ve been. Saw you together just now. Did you not fuck her good enough?” 
Doyoung smiled and took another sip of the wine, barely being able to not make a face for a second time. “I fucked her so good that now she’s mad.” 
“From her expression, she doesn’t look very pleased with the experience. And in fact,” Jaemin added quickly, grabbing Doyoung’s arm since he got distracted by the red wine, “she’s probably seeking a better one.” 
You were chuckling at some dude’s pick-up line and accepted to disappear with him out of Doyoung’s sight. 
The sweet dessert wine he tasted felt as sour as the first one.
“Is the person I’m thinking about my soulmate?” “You already know the answer to that.” 
You bit your lower lip unsure. 
“What do you want me to say?” the lady smiled. “Yes or no.” “Why don’t you have faith?” 
You leaned back in your chair and let your gaze fall on the decorations on the tarot reader’s desk. The little obsidian stones reminded you of the dude’s eyes and it made you irrationally angry. 
You wanted to make him jealous. 
You wanted him to come up to you and grab your hand or something and make the boring-ass guy that approached you to leave. 
But he didn’t. 
If he really were your soulmate, wouldn’t you both feel it? Were you just going crazy? Were you lonely enough that you weighed your every desire on him?
“I saw him just twice and I don’t even know his name,” you sighed, talking almost to yourself. 
You probably unconsciously pouted because the Lady smiled kindly at you. She was no therapist but she gladly accepted to talk to you again after your first encounter. 
“Does he match the description the cards gave you?” 
“Well, he does have a very big cock, yeah,” you started. “Uhm, yes, it was that type of meeting,” you explained quickly before she could judge but the woman didn’t look unfazed. In fact, she was quite pleased to hear that. 
“You think that meeting your soulmate is just seeing them and everything falls into place. But it’s harder than that. You still have to want it and you still have to work for the union. So many people missed the opportunity to get with their soulmate because they didn’t work hard enough.” 
“Well, shouldn’t this be meant to be or something? Even if I make mistakes?” 
The Lady tilted the head to the side and for a split second you felt as if talking to a lost best friend. “We have a lot of choice in life. Everything is out there ready for you and you will get help but only if you have faith it will happen.”
“You again?” he asked, fakely annoyed. 
You’ve always brushed off your mom’s words. 
“At least take your sweatpants out of your knee-high socks.” “It’s just the convenience store at the corner, mom. It’s not like I will meet my soulmate tonight at 10 pm.” 
But you actually met him and it was terrible. 
The packs of instant ramen in your hands trembled a little as the Rabbit dude passed one hand through his hair waiting for a normal human reaction from you.  
“What are you doing here?” 
“Buying groceries for dinner,” he explained then eyed your snacks. “You too, I see.” 
You tried to not let his subtle mockery get to you. “Yeah but why in this store in particular?” 
“You’re wondering if this is fate?” he giggled. 
But actually, Doyoung was the first to wonder if it was fate. 
He has never really thought of the Lady’s words in detail, nor he believed in any of it, but when he first saw you descending the hill with your moon costume as if you were the actual moon, his mind independently carved the thought of how nice it would be for you to be his soulmate.  
“I live in this neighbourhood and I assume you do too since you’re dressed like this,” he let his eyes fall and he looked at your stained pyjama pants. 
A wave of heat passed through your whole body and for the first time, it wasn’t pleasure. 
Your real soulmate would have never said that. 
Embarrassed, you cleared your throat. 
“Well, see you around then.” Turning on your heels, you didn’t wait for him to greet you back. 
“Did that guy make you cum?” 
You stopped so suddenly that the first two packs of ramen fell to your feet. You grunted and tried to bend but it was impossible to grab them without making the others fall too. With the corner of your eye, you saw the rabbit boy’s hands retrieving your stuff and when he got up again you felt his skin on the back of your hands as he pulled the remaining packs from you and let them fall in his cart. “Thank you.” 
“Answer my question.” 
You gulped but put on a brave face. 
“This is not a conversation to have in the condiments aisle.” “Then come to my apartment.” 
The intensity in his voice made your heart beat faster and then you blinked at his back as he turned around the cart and made his way towards the register. 
“Wait, my ramen!” 
He didn’t acknowledge you and greeted the cashier good evening. You awkwardly stood beside him as they beeped all of his fancy groceries. 
“Uhm-,” you extended your hands to get your ramen but they beeped that too without batting an eye and the rabbit bagged everything in a few seconds. 
“I- I could have- why-?” you followed him. “Now I have to pay you back.” “You gave me enough money last time.” 
You crossed your arms on your chest as Doyoung placed the bags inside his car's trunk.
“That was for-,” you started but stopped realizing that you were about to talk about sex on a busy street in front of your corner grocery store. 
He smiled. “Yeah?” 
“Give me my ramen now.” 
“Get inside,” he indicated with his head and without missing a beat he got behind the wheel. 
“Why do you even drive if you live in the neighbourhood?” You entered and sighed, trying to put on the seat belt. “The groceries are heavy.” “Do you even lift?” “I love lifting women but not groceries.” “You lift other women and I can’t get a guy to make me cum without you asking me questions about it?” 
Doyoung looked at you with a little smile as you stopped at the red sign. “Does the thought of me with other women make you upset or am I imagining things?” “Does the thought of guys making me cum make you upset?” you retorted. “Yes.” 
You choked on air and the movement of the car starting again made your body press back on the seat. You didn’t expect that. 
“Then why did you make me leave with him?” 
Your voice got tiny and you hoped he didn’t actually hear you because at the same moment you realized that it was a little embarrassing. But his sudden glance told you that he did. His gaze returned towards the street and his adam apple travelling up and down his throat told you that he didn’t know what to say. 
“Why did you leave with him?” he eventually asked. 
It was your turn to not speak. 
Not in a million years you’d admit to a stranger you wanted to make him jealous. A stranger that put his dick in you twice, but a stranger nevertheless. 
“We just talked a bit. I was bored.” “So I guess he didn’t make you cum.” “I don’t do hookups,” you said before realizing what you’ve just said. “I mean-,” you looked at him and he blinked back. Fuck. You told the hookups guy that you didn’t do hookups. 
“I mean, without being attracted to the person a lot. And that dude was not attractive,” you tried to explain fighting the urge to hide your face away. 
“Thank you. I’m also crazily attracted to you.” 
The car’s air became a little heavier and you thought that if you touched it with a single finger it would buzz as if made of electricity. 
The walk to the apartment complex was almost urgent. His hands didn't leave your body once when you reached the elevator as if he suddenly forgot what personal space was and when you got to his door he firstly slammed you against it, hands quick to get under your shirt. 
"Hey," you eyed the elevator's lights behind his back as he started to kiss your neck. "Someone's coming." "Let them come." The skin he sucked in made your eyes flutter and you whined feeling his fingers so close to where you needed them but so far away. "No, seriously. I think they're going to stop here." Doyoung hummed unbothered but you felt his hand press the code behind your back. Right when the elevator doors opened and you made eye contact with a cute little old lady, the door behind you opened too and you yelped falling backwards. Doyoung was quicker though and he held your waist, pulling you back into the kiss and closing the door with his heel. 
Shoes off and no time wasted, you were suddenly bent over some sort of furniture and your pants got pulled down. 
A single silent gasp left your mouth when you felt Doyoung's lips on the back of your thighs and when his fingertips grated at your sides pulling your panties down to your knees you started to pant. His hot breath tickled your pussy and you shifted in his hold. Doyoung's hands grabbed your ass to keep you in place and slapped one of your cheeks when he licked up a stripe between them. 
You whined once and put your head down and closed your eyes, fingers mindlessly grabbing whatever Doyoung kept on the cabinet. When he pushed his fingers inside, your back arched and his cologne fell to the side with the cap open. The sudden scent of it made you even wetter and Doyoung hummed appreciatively with his mouth full. 
"It feels so good," you whined again, imperceptibly grinding on him, brain not understanding when you got so horny all of a sudden. 
"Please please please make me cum this time," you begged, looking behind you and seeing his hands spreading you all out for him before his fingers could find spots inside of you that you weren't aware of having. 
"I kinda wish you'd beg some more," you heard the note of amusement in his voice.
His hands didn't stop though and before you could form any words your whole body contracted and lifted itself on the tiptoes, knees buckling and head light. Doyoung's airy breath met your spine and he held you in his arms to prevent you from slipping on the ground, kissing your back up slowly until meeting the shoulders. 
"Good girl," he brushed your ear with his lips and you remained with your eyes closed, breathing heavily and when he made you turn around, you felt your body weak as if it was made of jello. He pulled you towards himself and you heard his chuckle buzz inside of his chest. In a second he threw you on his shoulder and you let out a little cry, your limbs dangling around him. 
"I didn't know you were this strong."
He walked a few steps and turned left inside a dark corridor. You tried to look around but you barely noticed anything before he gently placed you down to sit on the bed. 
"You don't know a lot of things about me."
When you raised your head to meet his face you smiled tiredly. 
"I don't even know your name."
He tilted his head to the side amused. "Doyoung."
"Doyoung," you repeated, feeling the sounds on your tongue. 
It felt very right. 
Then his eyes fell on your naked legs and you sucked the air in, suddenly rolling in his bed, one piece of blanket to cover you up. 
Doyoung, still standing by the bed, put his hands on the hips and furrowed his eyebrows.
"I'm here with my pussy all out. That's so embarrassing,” you explained. 
"Yeah. I've just seen it up close just one minute ago." 
"I'm having post nut clarity," you added, voice muffled and only the top of your head poking out the impromptu burrito. 
"Well, I'm not having any post nut clarity since I didn't nut, so to me, it's not embarrassing."
"Oh my God you're right!" you eyed his crotch and sat up. 
"It's alright. I didn’t plan to do anything else anyway. Just wanted to cook you dinner actually since I’ve already eaten," he sat near you chuckling and took off his shoes. "My mom would hit me in the head if she knew I walked up to the bedroom with these-," but then he gasped softly as you placed a kiss to his nape. Your arms wrapped his torso in a back hug just as your legs did with his waist, draping them in his thighs. His hands automatically started to palm your knees as you made your way towards the base of his neck. 
“I don’t have any condoms,” he whispered as to stop you. 
Your fingers found the hem of his shirt very quickly and you lifted it, loving the way it ruffled his hair after you threw it somewhere on the floor. Having his bare back in front of you made you lose track for a moment and when you touched his chest you realized it was the first time that you actually saw him naked. 
“We don’t need them for what I want to do to you,” you murmured. 
He breathed in shakily. “Well, we’re responsible adults so you have to know that I also don’t do hookups so I’m completely clean but if you don’t want to--ah shit-,” he almost whined when you let your hand down his abs to palm his crotch slowly. 
He turned so cute all of sudden that your tummy did backflips as you kissed his jawline. 
“Are you saying that you want to fuck me raw?” you whispered amused. 
His cock twitched under his pants and he bit his lower lip.
“Does the thought turn you on, Doyoung? Feeling me around you, soft and wet until you can’t take it anymore? Huh?” You cooed, pouting your lips as you pronounced his name, savouring it on your tongue. 
His breathing increased and you wondered how he still kept it all together. 
“Cumming inside of me? Having your warm cum spill out-,”
He turned around suddenly and you let him push you down on the bed but only for a moment. The kisses you started to litter on his neck made his hold weaker and he threw his head into the pillow as you got on top of him. You kissed his chest slowly, then went down until you could finally pass your tongue on that single vein under his navel’s skin. 
"I'm so on edge that I might cum only with a single touch," he breathed out and you smiled on his stomach at his honest side, whining a little when he slid his fingers into your hair as if to urge you to go on quicker. 
"You should have told me," you sat on his thighs and slowly fumbled with his belt. 
He bit his lower lip and watched the little show you put on for him.  
"Well, now you know and you still want to torture me like this."
You lifted one corner of your mouth as you finally unbuttoned his pants. 
"I think you deserve it, don't you think?" 
He shook his head. "Not one bit. I've been good to you."
"Oh really? Then why don't you show me again what a good boy you can be and beg me to finally touch you?" 
"You really think you can use my ways with me?" 
You opened your mouth to reply but every word died in your throat as he reached down and pulled out his cock, pumping it up himself, a single shaking sigh of relief coming out of his mouth. "Shit-," he closed his eyes and pushed his head back, exposing his neck as his adam apple went up and down. You couldn't take your eyes off him and the sounds he started to make hit you right between the legs. His tip poked out of his fist as he fucked himself and for the first time in your life you were dying to suck a cock. 
"Doyoung-," you breathed out but his hisses made you gulp, feeling your mouth dry at the sudden spurts of cum on his lower stomach. 
"Shit," his chest rose and fell heavily and his eyes looked black underneath his heavy lids. Without being able to take it anymore you bent down and licked his tip sending shots of electricity through all of his body. 
"Ah- Y/N-," 
You sucked his cock clean and, letting it out with a lewd pop, you smirked.  
"Now you're going to take it."
And he took it well, cupping your head as it bobbed up and down, not without the most sinful sounds you've ever heard a man emit. As he placed his other hand on your cheek, you slid your own fingers down your stomach and reached your aching clit.
"Ride me?" he caressed your face with his thumbs and you looked up, basking in his fucked up expression. 
With a wet sound, you let his cock out, licking his tip once to break the string of saliva attached to it and moved upwards on his body. 
His hands were quick to grab your sides and when you started to grind on him he inhaled shakily, eyes piercing the way his shaft slid through your lips. Then he grabbed your shirt and roughly pulled it up, making you discard it in a second. 
One hand to guide your ass and one hand to grope at your breasts and you were almost cumming again. And when he reached behind you and you felt his cock poke at your entrance you lost strength in your arms and leaned down on his chest, your breasts squeezed and your skin rubbing on each other when he started to thrust into you. 
His hips' movements were deep and sharp and when you raised your bust enough for your nipples to rub on his chest he squeezed your ass and spanked it once making you moan loudly and fall back on him. So near to your orgasm, you dug your fingers into his arms not worrying about the little marks your nails left on his skin. 
And then he stopped with a grunt. 
You whined and opened your eyes to see him smirk.
"Fuck you, not again," you whispered breathlessly. "Yeah, fuck me."
And you bit your lower lip, lifting yourself up by putting your palms on his chest and started to bounce on his cock. Doyoung started to breathe with his mouth and he let his hands rest on his sides enjoying the way you were so desperately trying to chase your high. 
Your thighs were burning and your mind was clouded but you didn't stop and when you started to call his name, Doyoung finally grabbed your waist again, taking the lead and finally sending you over the edge. 
You finally cried out and pushed your face into the crook of his neck biting down on his skin as he kept going, not giving you a moment to breathe. 
And when you heard him choke against your ear too, a string of profanities lingering in his lips you felt his hot cum fill you up, but getting slowly fucked back in with his last thrusts. 
You remained like that both breathless for some time, his hands gently cupping your face to look at you. His eyebrows furrowed and he quickly dried your wet eyes. 
"Are you okay? Was that too much?" 
The concern in his voice made your heart swell and you shook your head. 
"I'm feeling very good," you smiled and his expression relaxed a bit. 
As he pulled out you felt his semen slide on your thigh and pool where your stomaches we're meeting. 
“Are you sure?” 
“Yes, Doyoung. I was just getting frustrated as always when I’m around you.” 
His hands went up and down your back as if soothing your skin. “I love how my name sounds on your lips. It feels like I’ve somehow waited my whole life to hear it.” 
You blinked a few times, the sudden sweet words so weird in his mouth that you raised your head to look at him. 
He looked back as shocked as you. 
"Wow, I feel so sticky," he changed the subject as you opened your lips to talk. You eyed the little buds of sweat on his forehead and imagined you looked as spent as him. 
"Are you also having post nut clarity?" "Yes. Everything is clear." "What's clear?" "This was one of the best nuts of my life and I want to do it again."
Unable to stand on your own legs without shaking you remained sprawled on Doyoung's bed for a while, eyes heavy with sleep. 
"The groceries are still in the car," he said while zipping his pants. 
He offered to take a shower together but your growling tummy interrupted him so now you were alone in the bathtub, lazily lathering up your skin and waiting for him to come back from the parking lot. 
Relaxed from the good fuck and the hot water, you looked around curious, checking out his toiletries as if they could tell you more about this mysterious Doyoung guy. 
Perhaps it was too soon but as you collected the soapy water to blow on it you felt like falling in love a little. 
A little smile crept on your lips when you heard the entrance door open and close with a thud and you looked in the mirror to check on yourself before Doyoung could barge in. As if he didn't fuck you while you were looking crazy just moments before that. 
"That was very quick-," you started but squealed and put your hands on your chest as a man entered the bathroom not looking like your Doyoung at all. 
"Oh my God!" the guy jumped back a little before starting to laugh. 
"Who are you?" 
"You scared the shit out of me. Why are you here in the dim light?" the young man kept going without answering. 
You blinked at him. "It's relaxing."
"I'm Jaemin. Doyoung's flatmate," he finally explained and you wondered why he looked at you as if knowing you. "And you must be the winery girl."
You tilted your head to the side. "Winery girl? Do you know me?" 
"I kinda go out with your friend? The other winery girl?" 
You widened your eyes. "You're the BDSM guy?" 
For the first time since he entered the bathroom, Jaemin looked flustered. 
"Exactly what did she tell you about us?" he scratched the back of his head. 
You giggled. "My friend has been very happy lately. I know enough to make sure you're treating her well."
Jaemin's eyes lit up and you thought he was so cute to have a crush on your friend. Your mind suddenly thought of Doyoung and wondered if he might have a crush on you too. 
"Think of the devil," you murmured as Doyoung appeared behind Jaemin with the groceries bags. 
"You were thinking of me?" he smiled then suddenly realized the whole situation. "Why the hell are you looking at my naked girl?" he tried to tackle the other. Jaemin chuckled and took a few steps back in the corridor. 
"Had no idea she was here, I swear!"
My girl. 
You were sitting timidly at the dinner table, wearing Doyoung's clothes and looking at Jaemin's back as he prepared the food. The water running in the bathroom and Doyoung's faint singing voice made you chuckle. 
He said, my girl. 
You put your hands to your cheeks. 
"You really like him."
You jolted and raised your head to see Jaemin comforting eyes. 
Batting your lashes you wondered what kind of expression you had on and with a little note of panic, you wondered if it was that easy for Doyoung to see it too. 
"This is a secret between us," Jaemin started lowering his voice, "but I think he likes you too. You really look like his soulmate now that I think about it."
You were about to melt but his last words made you snap out of the dream. 
"His soulmate?" you questioned, suddenly very interested. 
Jaemin shook his head as if to not give him any importance but upon seeing your curious eyes he placed the lid on the pot and sat down in front of you. 
"So it was new years," he started and you gulped. He then stopped to giggle, remembering the scene as if it played in front of himself. "We were drunk as fuck. We went to like three different parties and I was wasted. I don't know if you're familiar with the place but there's a tarot reader downtown. We were bored so we decided to go there."
Your head felt suddenly very light. "And what happened?" you asked with a faint voice. 
"Oh, we made a fool out of ourselves for sure, but the woman was nice and did a reading for Doyoung. I don't remember much but I kinda remember the physical descriptions. And you scarily look like that a lot." 
You swallowed again and you felt your mouth dry. 
"And does Doyoung remember?" 
"Remember what?" 
You gasped when Doyoung appeared on your side, a towel around his neck as he used one end to dry the back of his head. 
"I was telling Y/N about the soulmate thing, you know? When the lady told you that they'd be coming around summer?" 
Doyoung's pupils trembled a little but then he turned around and headed towards the fridge. 
"Ah yeah. I don't believe any of that though," he said and poured himself a glass of water. 
You looked at his profile as he drank and then noticed Jaemin's pitiful expression. 
"I got a reading on new year's too in the exact same place," you confessed and the silence afterwards felt heavy. 
"And your soulmate was someone that looks like me?" Doyoung joked and Jaemin giggled awkwardly. 
Your heart stung very painfully but you let out a dry chuckle too. 
“I don’t believe in it either. But it was very fun,” you lied. 
“I should have done a reading too,” Jaemin commented. 
"I'm starving," Doyoung lifted the lid and his friend got closer to stir again. 
Their voices talking about ingredients felt muffled as you tried hard to swallow your stupid tears.
You had no idea why you believed the soulmates story. 
Maybe you were lonely or just plain bored but the idea of having a designated person you could be with during your lifetime felt very comforting. Especially since the Lady told you to have faith. 
Doyoung seemed to fit every category and you were so insanely attracted to him that it did not make sense for him to not be your soulmate. But do soulmates appear then disappear from your life, leaving behind nothing besides your memories of them?
Maybe you should have given him your number after you left his apartment that night, but reflecting about it with a cold mind, you did well to not seek him out given his reaction to the whole soulmates discourse. 
He was definitely not your soulmate. It shouldn’t have been this hard. 
Looking at your desk you sighed at the amount of work you had to do for the day and you imagined Doyoung walking through your door just like soulmates in movies would do. Then you shook your head trying to get those intrusive thoughts out of your head. 
But it was so difficult, especially as your eyes kept falling on his cologne, partially hidden behind your pens. 
You grabbed it suddenly intending to throw it out. 
"Oh sorry, I made this fall," you eyed the bottle of perfume on the cabinet by the entrance as you put on your shoes. With quick hands you grabbed it but before placing the cap on, you brought it to your face and smelled it again. "It's very nice." Doyoung, seeing you out, was leaning on the wall. "Do you like it?" You nodded. "You can keep it." You hesitated, wondering if he was joking or not. "Think of me," his eyebrows wiggled amused and if you wouldn't have been so exhausted you would have begged him to take you against the same cabinet again. 
Now, eyes closed, you were thinking of him indeed as you smelled that cologne, a shy hand slowly creeping up your thigh. 
No. You weren't about to masturbate at work but the temptation was so big that you jolted as if awoken from a dream when your phone rang. 
You breathed in and out as if to calm down and picked it up. 
"Y/N speaking."
"Hi, soulmate."
His voice made you physically shiver and your heart started to beat so fast inside your ears that you were afraid Doyoung could hear it too. 
"How did you get my number?" 
"I don't have your number. This is the winery's one and I googled it."
You bit your lower lip feeling stupid. 
"Yeah, yeah, you're right. Sorry, I'm a little tired."
"Have you been working a lot lately?" 
"Yes," you replied and it was true, but it wasn't work that clouded and exhausted your mind. 
"You need a pause then. Do you want me to help you relax?" 
His low and amused tone made your legs shift and you changed their position. 
"What do you have in mind?" 
"Are you alone?" 
"Yes," you almost whispered. 
"Then close your eyes for me."
You did timidly and the increase of your breath probably was a confirmation for him that you listened because he went on soon after. 
"Now touch your neck slowly with your fingertips. Go down to your clavicle then gently cup your breasts."
"This is making me shiver," you breathed out. 
"Good. I bet you're wearing a thin bralette and your perked nipples are poking through."
You sighed as you touched them and smiled at Doyoung's correct intuition.  
"Yes," you replied. 
"Can you play with them as I would if I were there?" 
You whined and bit your lower lip trying to resist the urge. 
"Doyoung-," this is a little inappropriate and honestly, kinda rude of you, especially since you went mia suddenly and now you want to pick up from where you left, you intended to say but didn’t manage to. 
"Do it," he commanded and your hand flew to your breasts and started to play with your nipples as if it didn't belong to you anymore. 
"Good girl. Does it feel good?" 
"Yes," you whispered. 
"Speak up love."
"I can't be loud."
"Oh really? Then, now slip one hand under your panties and rub your clit. I bet you're soaking wet and let's see if you'll be able to not be loud." 
His voice sounded like a hypnotic melody and you didn't even question it when you found yourself with the fingers gently pressing on your clit in little circles. Your breath got quicker and heavier, the grip on the phone was even stronger. 
"Yes, babe? Does it feel good?" he cooed. 
"It feels so fucking good-," 
"Can you slip a finger in for me too, love?" 
You nodded even if he couldn't see you and you did as he wished, the stretch so unsatisfying in comparison to Doyoung's girth to make you whine frustrated. 
"I- I wished you fucked me instead-," 
"Okay then," he replied calmly and for a split second, you wondered if the whole phone sex thing was not something you weren’t good at to make him reply so dryly when the door to your office opened and Doyoung took his tongue out at you. 
His sudden presence made you so flustered that you promptly pulled your fingers away as if he caught you doing it instead of being the one ordering you around. 
"What are you doing here?" you put your phone down with a shaking hand. 
He walked lazily towards your desk and put a paper bag on it. "Brought you your clothes."
You looked at them. "How did you get in? My secretary-," 
"Told him I was your boyfriend."
You felt the air stop inside your lungs at his words but you couldn't do much as Doyoung suddenly bent down with hands on the desk and took your still wet fingers into his mouth. 
You gasped softly as he sucked on them slowly, letting his tongue collect every single drop of your wetness, his deep eyes flickering with amusement at your visible lust. 
And you were so horny that you didn't even question it when he grabbed your wrists and made you stand. You took a step towards him but he pulled you by the waist and turned you around, pushing you towards the desk with his hips and pressing himself into your ass until you were bent over. 
"You look amazing like this, just like a little slut waiting for my cock, ain't I right?"  
You gasped for air as he pressed one palm on your spine and the other slowly raised your skirt. 
"You keep dressing like this at work. No wonder your secretary was so upset to hear that I was your boyfriend. Do you want us to put on a little show for him? So he knows his place." 
His fingers drawing lines up and down your clothed pussy prevented you from forming any words and when you felt your panties slip to the side and heard Doyoung's zip you inhaled aching to feel him inside. 
But he didn't touch you where you wanted him to. 
"Answer me," he slapped your ass and you curved your neck up with a hiss. 
"If you finally fuck me good enough perhaps I'll be loud enough for him to hear me."
Another slap. 
"Are you being a brat now? Should I not make you cum just like-," 
"Nonononono please please no please--" the string of begging erupted out of you way too easily and it was interrupted by Doyoung's dry laugh and hard cock finally slipping inside. 
You exhaled deeply and he grunted, bottoming out until you felt his hip bones on your ass. 
He remained still then he snapped. 
"Fuck fuck Doyoung--ah!" you cried out. 
Your voice would have increased in volume without him ordering that but it certainly added to the whole desk creaking and skin slapping symphony. 
One of his hands was palming your ass while the other pulled you towards him by the waist, but then he changed his mind and grabbed your arms by the elbows, pulling your torso up and making you curve your spine. 
You cried out his name again and stared at his reflection in the window in front of you. Eyebrows furrowed and a couple of strands of his hair fallen from the styled fringe made his gaze even deeper when you locked eyes. 
Then he smiled wickedly and a shiver shook your body knowing that nothing good will come out of that. And soon enough he let go of your arms and held your bust instead while the other wrapped your throat. You gasped for air and he attached his teeth to your shoulder sucking deeply and slowly, so different to the pace of his quick hips. 
Your desk phone rang and Doyoung held you harder as an indication to not even think about it. Not that you even cared about besides the way his cock was stretching you all out. 
The string of your choked moans just increased their tempo until you shuddered in his arms with a cry, so hard and so suddenly that his hips stopped and he let go of your throat in a second, holding your body and breathing deeply with you until you didn't whine anymore. 
A kiss on the cheek then on the neck and you turned your head around, searching for his lips. 
Your phone rang again and he smiled. 
"But you're still-," 
He grabbed the phone, placing it to your ear and you had nothing else to do than breathe heavily and greet with a shaking and hoarse voice. 
You understood the first three words of the person talking on the other side before Doyoung pushed you on the desk again and started to thrust into you, this time seeking his own high. 
You gritted your teeth and rotated your torso to be able to place your palm on his stomach and push your nail into his shirt. 
The look in your eyes just made him even more amused. 
“Yes, yes, no, could you please repeat that?” 
And even if the voice on the other line kindly repeated itself, your eyes rolled inside of your head and your body moved back and forth on the desk making you not understand a single thing. 
It was so highly unprofessional and inappropriate that it made your blood boil with pleasure. You hung up, making a mental note to call back and use the ‘line went dead’ excuse. 
Doyoung didn’t like that independence a single bit and he made sure to show you as you suddenly found yourself standing, no cock to stretch you out anymore and his hands on your waist turning your around. 
“On your knees.” 
You slipped down in front of him with hands on his stomach then you let them fall on his soft suit pants. 
The veins on his hand were popping when he grabbed his cock and lightly hit your lips with its tip. You let out your tongue and let it bounce on it, leaning in to be able to catch in between your lips. 
Doyoung tutted and took half a step back making your suck on air. 
“When and how I say so,” he murmured and got closer again. 
His other hand grabbed your head and kept you in place, fully controlling the way he pushed his shaft between your lips, slowly smearing his precum on them. 
“I really want to let my cum slide down your throat right now.” 
You opened your mouth eagerly and he smiled wickedly. 
It reached the back of your throat in one go and you gagged, pressing your nails into his thighs. Heavy on your tongue, you couldn’t move so it was Doyoung to slowly thrust his hips, increasing his movements until you started to drool. 
“Fuck, you’re so good-,” 
Short-breathed and fingers tightening in your hair you could feel him reaching his orgasm soon. 
You lifted your gaze up and when he pulled out to make your breath you cupped his balls with one hand and took him inside of your mouth again. 
He choked and started to grunt, meeting your movements with his erratic ones until he went suddenly still and you whined feeling his cum hit the back of your throat. 
You swallowed quickly making him hiss as he thrust a couple of times more and he pulled out slowly, a string of saliva and his seed to connect your tongue to his tip. 
“You’re amazing. You know that?” he whispered with a raspy voice. His fingers caressed your cheeks and lips as you looked up at him panting.
“Do you want me to hit him with my car?” 
Knowing him, it wasn’t a joke so you lightly hit his thigh. “Jeno!”
He chuckled. 
Meeting your soulmate - it should have been electrical, like two magnets meeting each other. 
The first moment you saw his shoulders, you knew it was him. Before you even saw his face and learned his name, you sighed in relief. Finally, you’ve found him and you were at home. 
Then why was it so difficult to just be with Doyoung?
He fucked you good and kissed your lips. He made sure you were okay after fucking your throat and even massaged your feet as you tried to catch your breath on the couch inside your office. 
“Can you please bring us, like, something to drink and some snacks?” Doyoung opened the door and talked to a very mortified secretary. 
“Sure,” he suddenly got up and looked around as if not knowing which planet he was on.
“Why are you torturing that poor boy?” you rolled your eyes when Doyoung plopped back on the couch near him. “Now he’ll want to resign from the job and he was quite good at it.” 
“I think he liked it. I know a post nut face when I see one and he definitely had some fun under that desk.” 
The secretary entered the office and his lips were tight as he placed the tray with coffee on the little table in front of you. 
“Thank you,” you smiled kindly at him. 
“No sugar for you ma’am and one sugar for you sir,” he announced before leaving as quickly as he came in. 
You leaned in and took your mug, sighing when you felt it’s warmth heat your skin.
“How did he know I take my coffee with one sugar?” Doyoung furrowed his eyebrows while doing the same. 
You looked at him and shrugged. “I told you he’s good at his job.”  
And you were thankful that the boy didn’t leave because now as you talked to Jeno in your office, weeks after you’ve seen Doyoung in there, you really needed someone to do your job. 
“I’m just not even concentrating much. I think I caught feelings for him while he only saw this as-- fucking,” you threw your hands in the air once and sighed, sitting down at your desk. 
Jeno hummed pensively. “Well, he strikes me as someone too romantic for that. People who just hookup don’t behave as he does. They just fuck and leave.” 
You rubbed the bridge of your nose. “I just think he was being considerate. You can’t fuck someone’s mouth then leave them there like that.” 
Jeno hummed again. “But he did call you my girl and he called himself your boyfriend.” 
You looked up. “My girl as the girl that I fuck and my boyfriend only to make the secretary let him in.”
Your friend pursed his lips as if considering that side of events. 
“How do you even know all of these details? I don’t remember telling you any of this before,” you chuckled. 
Jeno cleared his voice. “You told me. Are you having a loss of memory too now?” 
You sighed. “Maybe.” 
The young boy cleared his voice again. “Anyway! Plan. Send him nudes.” 
“What?” you exclaimed. 
You could go around your sweet friend Jeno suggesting you to fuck Doyoung when he was the Rabbit boy but suggesting you to send the dude nudes? 
Seeing his pink cheeks Jeno must have suddenly realized what he has just said too and regretted it. 
“Trust me. He’s an air sign. They like sexting and mind fucking and all of that stuff. Now I have to go.”
You looked at him standing up. “Since when are you into astrology? Also, where are you going? We were supposed to have lunch together!” 
“Sext him and send him a good coochie pic. Bye, love you,” he left like the wind and you leaned back in your chair perplexed.
"Do you trust me?" 
"Yeah," his voice was a whisper and it got engulfed by the jingle of handcuffs in your hands. 
You were so beautiful and intoxicating that Doyoung found himself having difficulties breathing when you slowly started to crawl on the bed towards him. 
“I’m glad you wore the lingerie I sent you,” he whispered, hands reaching towards you to feel the material under his fingertips. But you grabbed them with a sudden force and Doyoung groaned, finding himself pinned to the bed instead.  
“No touching,” you purred. 
The young man sighed, feeling his cock twitching on his lower stomach. 
You eyed it and smiled like a cat. “You want me to touch you, babe?” 
Doyoung nodded. “Please?” 
You licked your lips and leaned down, your lips so close to his cock to make him audible whine. A little bit. A little bit more and he would feel-
And then he woke up shaking in his bed. 
“Shit.” Doyoung closed his eyes again, rolling on his back with a certain difficulty. 
His cock was so hard that it was almost painful and he felt short-breathed. 
He looked at his ceiling again and he blinked twice when he realized by the hue of it that his phone lit up. 
With a groan he extended his arm to the side and grabbed it, narrowing his eyes at the bright screen. 
Then he choked and sat up.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
“Fuck!” Doyoung exclaimed upon seeing his phone turn dark in his hands. 
With a quick roll of the body, he put his palms on the ground looking for his charger. It took him some other swears and grunts to finally charge it but the phone remained black.
“What the fuck,” he sighed, hitting his head into the pillow.
It was in the way you walked, the way your feet touched the floor. 
Or maybe it was the way the air floated between your fingers when you moved your wrists as if grabbing something in Doyoung’s chest and pulling him towards you. 
The line of your back extended up until your neck, the line of your jaw, your cheeks puffing up when you laughed and your eyes closing for a second. The sound of it making his heart beat faster and a little smile creeping on his lips although he was in a very bad mood that day. 
The people you were talking to stopped looking at you and stared somewhere behind your back instead. 
Mouth still open while explaining to them that blue and red looked disgusting together, you turned around to see what caught their attention and you met Doyoung’s face. 
Your breath hitched and you had to swallow a few times before being able to speak. 
“Hey,” you straightened your back as he approached you. 
“It’s time for a lunch break,” he announced without batting an eye. 
You blinked a few times, trying to process his presence there all of a sudden. 
“You’re dismissed,” he spoke to the creative team and they obeyed him, walking away slowly and chuckling between themselves. 
You waited for them to not eavesdrop and huffed before whispering. “Who do you think you are?” 
“Your soulmate.” 
He slipped his hand in yours and started to walk towards the exit. You let yourself be dragged amused for the first steps then stopped. 
“My bag.” 
Doyoung rolled his eyes and raised his other hand that was already holding it. 
“Come on. I’m starving.” 
“Where are we going?” you asked the back of his head as you were already descending the stairs. “Why are you here?” 
“I’m annoyed,” he replied as if that was a sufficient explanation and opened the passenger seat’s door for you. "So I wanted to see you because it puts me in a good mood."
You looked at him for a few moments then sighed, trying to conceal your flustered emotions. 
“Why are you annoyed? Because you realized that leaving me on read last night was stupid?” you put on your seatbelt. 
When you raised your head Doyoung’s palms were on both sides of your face and his lips on yours. You exhaled softly, not expecting any of it so suddenly, then timidly you rested your hand on his knee. The luscious material of his suit was delicate under your fingertips so you absentmindedly started to draw little circles on it, imitating the pattern Doyoung’s tongue was making yours dance in. When he pulled away slightly you managed to look at his eyes. He placed another peck on your lips, then another. By the time he placed the third one you were giggling. The corners of his mouth raised too and you cupped his face and he flinched imperceptibly. 
“I thought you wanted to slap me.” 
“There are many reasons why I would want to slap you but not today.” 
“Not today.” 
“Be ready anytime.” 
“You too,” he kissed your knuckles before putting his hands on the wheel. “But like on the butt.”
The engire roared as Doyoung turned the keys. 
“My phone died,” he explained. 
“Yeah, okay.” 
“I swear.”
The engine roared again and you drove away from the winery's parking lot. 
You sighed, crossing your arms on your chest. 
“It’s okay. Only because you’re sweet.”  
"Am I sweet?" 
"You are." 
"You're sweet too so I can't wait to eat you out again."
You rolled your eyes playfully. "Okay, you went there." 
But he didn't do anything you'd expect him to do. Entering his apartment calmly, you both let the shoes at the entrance and you sighed to feel his soft living room rug under your bare feet. 
No bending, no pushing and no hands to knead your flesh. 
You tilted your head to the side amused as he placed your bag on the couch and ventured towards the kitchen. 
"Is Jaemin home?" you inquired. Maybe that was the reason he didn't want to rearrange your guts that day. 
Doyoung took away his jacket and slowly rolled up his sleeves. Your eyes followed his movements and although you weren't horny one bit before you saw him, now you would have been able to go on for multiple rounds with no rest in between upon seeing just his forearms. You took away your jacket too and expected him to do something already but he turned around and entered the kitchen instead. 
"I'm making spaghetti."
You blinked at his profile as he retrieved a pan and a pot, filling the latter with water. 
"Did you really bring me here for lunch?" you couldn't help but ask as you sat down at the table. 
"Yeah. Why? Is that strange?" 
You shrugged. "I don't know. You've always sought me for other things."
He faked an offended expression. "I fed you dinner last time."
You smiled. "But you also fucked me."
"You want me to fuck you after spaghetti?" 
"Not necessarily. I like just hanging out with you, but only you like it as well."
As if sensing something in your tone, his amusement wore off when he finally started to cut the onions. 
"Of course. Why wouldn't I like it?" 
"I mean, we've never really openly discussed this," you gestured between you. "Hell, I fucked you three times before knowing your name."
"You've never asked for it."
"Yeah, well, my mouth was busy doing something else." 
He smiled a little and let the onions fall into the hot pan, stirring a few times and opening the fridge to retrieve the tomato sauce. 
"How do you want to discuss it?" 
His voice got quieter and you had the hunch that he really didn't like having serious talks or emotional ones. Just like, well, just like your supposed soulmate. The thought made your stomach knot up. 
"I know this might sound a little funny, but like, what are we?" 
Doyoung added the tomato sauce and sprinkled salt, pepper and hot pepper flakes on it before stirring. His domestic look made your chest hurt in ways you've never experienced with him before and suddenly you were afraid to know what he had to say. 
"I don't know, but we can be something starting now."
You sighed a little. "Like, friends with benefits?" 
Doyoung's expression didn't change but his throat moved as he swallowed. The water started to boil and he put the spaghetti in, pushing them inside as they softened. 
"You want us to be friends with benefits?" 
But like no. 
You wanted the friends, you wanted the benefits, but you wanted more. 
Would you scare him away if you said that? Would he retreat just like he did when you mentioned the soulmates discourse? 
"What about you?"
Dancing around each other like two assassins about to throw the first dagger you let the silence be the witness of it. 
"I like you," he hit you first but it was no knife. It was light just like a kiss and your eyelids fluttered. 
He let out a single soft chuckle. "Yeah. Why are you so surprised?" 
You gulped and looked around not knowing what to say. 
"It's just-- your whole soulmate discourse made it look like you wouldn't be romantically interested in me at all."
Doyoung didn’t speak for a moment as if trying to remember, then nodded. 
"I don't believe in soulmates." 
He placed the lid on the sauce and let it slowly cook. 
"I believe in choices. And I'm choosing you I guess."
"Don't you think that maybe you're conditioned to choose me because I'm your soulmate?" you tried to joke but Doyoung didn't smile. 
"And where would the fun be in that? My freedom? I think the universe might give you a path but you're free to follow it or not."
"Of course. But isn't it comforting to know that the universe is taking care of you that way?" 
"Maybe. Perhaps we're actually soulmates and we've met like ones but now it's our duty to do something about it. I can decide not to see you anymore. What's the universe going to do about it?" 
"Make me get into your way and annoy you?" you smiled and his lips curved too.  
"What I'm trying to say is that I think we're making our soulmates. I decide that you're my soulmate and we mould ourselves to fit each other. No one is a perfect fit."
You didn't know what to say. 
"I tried all of this time you know? I actively sought you out and maybe to you it was fate but we wouldn't be here if I didn't come to you. But you've just been waiting."
His words stung your heart and it felt like a scold. 
"I just--it's not like I don't care. I also like you. A lot. I was just--hoping for it to be soulmate like, you know? Maybe that was childish of me." 
"What did the Lady tell you? As your last words?" 
"To have faith."
"Me too. But to me, faith is putting in the effort and believing in good results. Not waiting for stuff to happen."
"I guess you're right."
"Would you have let me go if you didn't think I was the soulmate you were looking for?" 
You blinked a few times unable to speak. 
You would have and the sudden realization felt so scary that your spine started to shiver. 
He has been speaking without looking at you and at your silence, he turned his head towards you. When he noticed your glossy eyes he let the pan go and walked towards you.
"Why? No. Why are you crying?" he kneeled in front of you, talking with a soft voice and he placed his hands on your shoulders. 
You shook your head shocked to see a few drops on your thighs and quickly patted your cheeks dry. Then you let out a timid laugh. 
"I don't know what happened. I got emotional all of a sudden. It's fine."
Doyoung sighed and nibbled at his lower lip. 
"What I'm trying to say is, even if someone came to me now and told me that you're not my soulmate and they are instead, I would not care. I'm still choosing whoever I want and that's you."
You felt your chin shake by itself and hated the fact that you wore your emotions on your sleeve like that. 
"I'm sorry."
You shrugged. "I don't know. I feel like I fucked up something." 
Doyoung waited, his fingers gently running your arms. 
"I would have probably made the mistake of letting you go-," you sobbed, "and at first since things have been so weird and not necessarily easy I didn’t try enough-," 
His eyes softened and he pulled you into a hug. 
"You're here now. Why are you worrying about things that could have happened?" 
You wrapped his neck and hid your face into his shirt. His familiar scent culled you and you bathed in his warmth. 
"I feel like I'm very childish right now and the lady told me that my soulmate liked me for being a boss woman-," 
"I like all of our sides, you fool," he pulled you away and kissed your forehead. 
"But you’d like me more if I tied you up." "You’d also like me more if I tied you up." "I actually like it when you're subby." "See? And the lady told me that you liked me being dominant." "I do love it when you're dominant," you timidly circled his chest with your finger. "Hm, maybe I should-," 
"The pasta!" you yelled pointing your finger and Doyoung jolted turning around towards the stove. 
The pasta was completely fine and he sighed closing his eyes. 
"I thought it was on fire," he complained with a whiny tone as he turned the stove off. Quickly he drained the spaghetti and threw it in the tomato sauce stirring it afterwards. With the corner of his eye, he saw you stand. 
"Come here."
You giggled and took a few quick steps back. 
His eyes were furious and paired with his smiling expression he looked like a tornado. 
"Come here," he repeated. 
You shook your head. 
"I said-," he managed to grab you and throw you on his shoulder, "-come here."
"Fuck!" you squealed. "Yeah, fuck, that's exactly what I'm going to do to you now."
One second you were standing and the other you were lying down on the couch with the most aggressive Doyoung you’ve ever seen attached to your neck. 
The whines came quickly as he sucked your skin inside the mouth, not worrying for a second if it might become sore. As you grabbed his belt his iron fingers clasped your wrists together and you found yourself pinned with your arms above your head. Your chest rose and fell fast looking at his dark eyes under the unstyled fringe. 
“Be a good girl and perhaps I’ll think about making you cum,” he whispered through his teeth. You squirmed under him and found yourself breathless. 
“Did you hear me?” his other hand fell back the exact moment he bit down on your clothed nipple. 
“Are you not wearing a bra?” 
You giggled. “I manifested you coming to see me today. And you did.” 
His eyes were dark as they analyzed you and for an instance, you thought he’d burst into tears. 
But then he reached the hem of your blouse and lifted it up in a second, biting your nipple, letting his tongue circle it afterwards, soothing the sudden sweet pain then biting on it again, stretching it out, sucking on it, giving the same treatment to the other one. His fingers intertwined yours when he felt your wrists try to lift up from the couch and he pushed them down even harder than before. 
“Do I have to tie you all up? Huh? I bet you’d like it, right?” 
His breath was hot on your lips and so was his tongue when he took it out and slowly outlined them with his wet tip. You opened your mouth and took out your tongue too with a little moan, trying to catch him into a kiss, but he chuckled lightly and let you feel the air instead. Another whine as you lifted your head to reach him but he was quick to push you down by pressing his fingers on your throat. You choked lightly and he pouted. 
“Bad baby girls don’t get to kiss,” he murmured. "But if you really want it-" he pressed one finger on your lower lip and opened your mouth. Y
our thighs tightened their hold around his waist and you pulled him towards you even more. The trail of saliva falling on your tongue from his mouth added somehow to the wetness between your legs. 
You wanted to be a good girl. You wanted to be a good girl so badly, pleasing him and letting him whatever he wanted to you. 
Swallowing slowly, you opened your mouth for more and he finally shoved his tongue inside, kissing you deeply, grunting as he let your hands go and you were quick to let them slide under his shirt. 
His skin was hot and your fingers icy cold. He hissed when you circled his nipples and bit your lip. 
"Maybe you should warm your hands by doing something useful." He took his cock out and-
"Okay, that's enough!" Jeno threw a cloth on the crystal ball. 
"Ah! Come on! I was having so much fun," the Lady complained, jingling her earrings as she giggled. 
The boy sitting across the table made a throwing up sound. "Also, why are you still looking like that? It's creeping me out," he commented. 
The Lady looked at the mirror on her right and chuckled again. 
"I like it when Haechannie is like this," Jaemin appeared from behind him and playfully kissed his cheek. 
Jeno made another gag sound. "Gross."
Haechan shook his head and as the boys blinked he was back to his boyish looks. "I'll never get used to this," Jaemin murmured as he was not holding long hair anymore. 
"Good job guys. We did it again," Haechan stood up and yawned, lifting his arms in a satisfying stretch. "If Jaemin didn't get back home that time she was over then it might have been quicker," Jeno lifted his legs on the table and leaned down on the chair. 
“This is my first job! It was very tough for me actually,” Jaemin complained. 
“Hard for you? I had to be myself, the winery girl, the secretary-,” he counted on his fingers. 
“I had to be the cashier and I almost lost it when Jaemin said he couldn’t wait to taste your wet pussy-,” Haechan threw his head back and laughed. Jaemin imitated him soon after.
“Did you see Doyoung’s face? He wasn’t into it at all.” 
"I miss being a Gryffindor. This universe is boring as fuck,” Jeno rolled his eyes even if he was also smiling a little. 
"The next one might be as boring as this my dear friends," Haechan sat back down and brought out his book. 
Jeno groaned. "Can't we have a normal life for once? I had to pretend I was a girl. And not only. The thought of Y/N thinking I was doing BDSM stuff with that guy-," he indicated a very amused Jaemin, "-took a toll on my health." 
"I'm sorry I'm not a shapeshifter too. I would have loved to be the girl in this relationship. Also, it was you that told her we were doing BDSM stuff, not me.”
“It’s because I forgot to fully shift my arms! She thought I was-,”
As Haechan spoke the guys immediately stopped talking and Jeno put his feet down. 
"The next one is going to be a hard one. We're going to a dark place."
He closed the book.
"To hell, boys."
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rafesgfs · 3 years
i do
Warning: language, major character death, violence, angst
Word count: 3.4k
Summary: Soulmate AU where the last words you will ever hear from your soulmate is written on your wrist so you won't know it's them until you've lost them.
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Staring at the words on your wrist, you held back another sigh, tracing the black ink with your finger, dread and sadness washing over you. You shuddered at the words, unable to rid of the lump in your throat.
I do.
Born with the words on your wrist, no one knew when they would meet their soulmates, unknown to who your other half was until they died. It was cruel, knowing the last thing they'll say to you would cause you immense pain. Horror stories stemmed from the agonies of other's pain, movies made out of the tales that would become famous.
Some, those who were protective of their hearts, buried themselves away from others, but fate always led them to their soulmate. No matter how short the time would be stretching from the duration of your life to a single second before you'd lose them. The best outcome to happen was when two lovers let go, and spend their lives together, to die at when they were to, finding out they had spent their lives with their one and only. That possibility was becoming more and more realistic with modern technology and wishful thinking.
Yet, there was some tragedies. The unfortunate ones would have their sentences written on their wrist, knowing they'd only know their soulmate for a short time, or not at all. “It's nice to meet you.” "What's your name?" "Can I get your number?" "Sounds like a date." Not knowing them at all was, to most, was worse than to know them at all.
A few rare situations when your soulmate would die young. Parents told horror stories, reading the words off their kid's wrist. "We're playing dodgeball in gym!" "I didn't do my math homework." "You can come to my birthday party. I'm turning seven next week!"
Then there were the most terrifying stories. They were the ones turned into thrillers, a real life story turned into a disrespectful horror movie. They'd lose each other, aware there was nothing they could do. "I thought you locked the door." "I don't think we're alone." "Behind you!" "Someone's in the house."
Thankful none of the situations applied to you, you still couldn't get the words branded in your wrist out of your head. It lingered, whispering the last words before your heart would be torn, only healed when death came for you. Some looked on the positive side, knowing meeting their soulmate was inevitable.
Natasha broke you out of your reverie as she tackled you down on the mat, leaving you breathless at the sudden attack, confused to how you've become acquaintances with the ground. You spit your hair out, grimacing in disgust as a few strays stuck to your lips. With your hands tied behind your back, and crushed against the former assassin's body, you turned your attention on her smug smile, glaring daggers.
"Okay, get off before Tony pictures us scissoring again." you grunted, too tired to push her off of you. Natasha laughed, letting your wrists go as she shifted her weight off of you, sitting next to you on the thick mat. You rolled onto your back, closing your eyes in exhaustion. "That was unnecessary, Nat."
Spending the day at the gym with Natasha seemed like a good idea after being beaten by Clint the day before. You knew you were getting rusty, without all the life threatening missions and people to save, your skills wasn't needed. Besides, you loved yourself too much for Steve to convince you to join him on his suicide runs. He woke up before the sun rose, and it only took a few runs to realize that even you couldn't keep up with his fast pace. ("Although, I would love to see his fast pace in the bedroom. Ow, Sam!")
After tying the score—despite the lack of training, you and Natasha still tied when it came to hand to hand combat—you had sat down on the bench, which was now sweaty, and sulked, sighing over the words written on your wrist.
Natasha rolled her eyes, leaning on her elbows as she eyed your expression, eyes narrowing when you didn't return her smile. "What's with the sad face? Are you thinking about your soulmate mark again?"
"You know I only allow myself to think about it once every other month." you replied. Natasha made a noise in respond but you ignored it. "Shut up, I know I'm pathetic. No need to voice your opinions."
"You're not pathetic, just compassionate." she whispered, her eyes sparkling with remembrance. Natasha had lost her soulmate on a mission a few years before the Avengers were formed, but it didn't stop her from living her life. You hoped you could follow her path when the horrid time came. "Out of curiosity, if you had to guess, do you think you've met your soulmate by now?"
You've given it much thought, coming up with a good theory that even Tony Stark would be impressed by. Of course, you didn't share it with anyone, giving Nat the simplified version of it. "With the amount of people I've met, I like to think so."
The playful smirk returned to her lips, a wiggle of her eyebrows as she digested your words. "And do you think a certain blond, big-hearted, super soldier might be it?"
You reached for the nearest water bottle, throwing it at her only to have it hit the wall behind her as she dodged it. Natasha laughed, putting distance between you, sensing an attack. You scowled at her but it lacked real annoyance. "Oh my, God. I have, like, the smallest crush on him and you're already planning our children's proms."
"I'm thinking: under the sea." Natasha joked, grinning when the corner of your lips curled up. The both of you burst out laughing, thinking about Natasha in a ridiculous kid-friendly dress as she chaperoned yours and Steve's future offsprings.
As if summoned, Steve chose that moment to enter the training room, freezing in his tracks when he saw you and Natasha cackling. His expression made Natasha double back into another round of laughter while yours subsided in giggles. Steve cleared his throat, looking down as a slight blush decorated his face.
He murmured your name, walking up towards you, his blue eyes eyeing the ground with too much interest. "Did you hear about the party Tony is making all of us go to?"
Natasha stopped laughing immediately, jaw clenching at Tony's betrayal. They had a truce where Natasha would stop hacking into his system to play Spice Girls—with the help of Bruce, of course—and Tony was to stop throwing parties every month. It's been three months since the last party, the one where Natasha has almost killed the billionaire. Tony couldn't hold off any longer. She stood. "I'm going to kill him."
Before either of you could get a word in, Natasha was already out the door, her stance deadly as Tony Stark awaited his death. The door slammed close behind her as Steve sat down beside you on the mat, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt.
You admired his ruffled hair, blond strands hanging down on his forehead. You had mentioned to him that he looked sexier with his long hair, and it seemed like he was following your advice. Dressed in a simple black t-shirt and gray sweatpants, Steve Rogers was every girl's waking fantasy. It truly was unfair how good he could look in sweats.
"Hey." you greeted, smiling sweetly at him. Being happy around Steve was as easy as giving Pepper Potts presents. He returned the smile, grinning from ear to ear as he looked away, his cheeks reddening even more. "What can I do for you, Stevie?"
"Thor wanted to have some kind of Asgardian contest that may or may not level the top floor. I thought you might want to do something else, have a peaceful night instead of risking our lives to one of Thor's games?" he asked sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.
Not letting excitement cloud your senses, you grew cautious, eyes narrowing as you looked around the room, trying to search for a hidden camera that would allow Tony to get you back from ruining his thousand-dollar crocs. Steve Rogers was not asking you out in no way.
Steve saw your expression, quickly backing off. "Only if you want to. I'm sure you missed Thor and all. It's okay, I can suffer a few third degree burns—"
"No!" you shouted, making Steve flinch at the suddenness. You cleared your throat, cheeks heating up. "Uh, I mean, yeah. I wouldn't mind missing the party. Where did you plan on going?"
Slightly surprised, a smile crept on his lips. He ran a hand across his face to hide the cheeky grin. "Wherever you want to go."
You threw him a smile, unhealthily giddy. If Clint were here to comment, he'd compare you to a happy school girl with a massive crush. "Oh. Okay."
A voice interrupted the short silence, scaring both you and Steve. You suspected the AI, Friday, had been invested in your conversation. "If I may make a suggestion, I advise you both to leave sometime in the next hour before Mr. Stark ropes you in. I'm inclined to think Mr. Stark won't be above blackmail."
"Thank you, Friday." you murmured. The AI said it's goodbye, far too amused for your liking.
Steve got up, offering his hand for you. Both of you were smiling like idiots, cheeks hurting from the too-big smiles that adorned your faces. You had a suspicion you somewhat embodied a clown. The super-solider kept his hand wrapped around yours. "Would you like to leave at this moment, or get changed?"
You shook your head, liking the warmth of his touch. "I'm good. Let's leave."
Steve Rogers was a gentleman, that was confirmed by his acts and the influence of being raised right. Despite that fact, he was a savage in the bedroom. Or half the time, out of the bedroom. You had been surprised, yet pleased, when you fell into his bed halfway through the second unofficial date. After that night, Steve finally built the courage to ask you to be his girlfriend—a term he found silly but otherwise a happy milestone.
After years of being friends, Steve was ready to begin the rest of your lives together. No one was surprised, besides you, that he had proposed three months after the first official date. Being head over heels, you excitedly agreed, only to blanch when Tony started a petition to let him plan the wedding with you. Pepper had stopped him.
No one knew what happened the night of Thor's and Tony's party. Though, Steve made a smart choice to ditch it when you both found a floor of the tower littered with blackened metals and slightly burnt walls. The team wouldn't speak of the incident, not that neither you or Steve cared. You had both been too jubilant to interrogate them.
The wedding day came. Steve had been stopped by Thor, failing to sneak into the room you were in. No matter how strong he was, Thor wouldn't allow any bad luck to happen especially after you had lied to him about naming your firstborn after him. Steve tried, and failed, to tell him you weren't going to name his son after the God of Thunder. Bucky was too busy arguing with Sam about the flower decoration to help out Thor.
Dressed in the lavender bridesmaid dress, Natasha burst into the room, a smile adorning her face. She had thanked you multiple times for not dressing her in those ugly dresses she had seen on Pinterest. "You getting cold feet yet?"
"Mine are toasty warm." you mumbled, hands trembling at the thought of declaring your love in front of a crowd. You wondered if it was too late to get ear plugs so no one would hear all the gooey, cheesy vows you would utter to Steve.
"Very convincing." Natasha teased, taking a shot of the wine laid out on the table. Placing the flute down, she eyed the door, prepared to attack Steve if he managed to get away from Thor. "Alright, what're you worried about?"
You bit your lip, messing up the fresh layer of lip gloss Pepper had put on. Glancing out the window, you saw the crowd settling down in there chairs. The anxiety built up inside you. "Um, falling down the aisle. Accidentally saying the wrong name. Messing up in my vows. Dying of embarrassment."
"You'll be great, I promise. No one's going to die. You won't trip because Tony wouldn't let you. You won't say the wrong name because Steve's is practically implanted in your brain and you'll be too busy staring into his ocean blue eyes that you won't mess up. Now, are you still worried?" she asked, laughing when you managed to trip over your wedding dress.
"If anything, Tony's going to purposely trip me." you muttered, tempted to take a swig of some liquid courage, but the fetus in you held you back. The ceremony would start soon, and being too nervous, you hadn't eaten any breakfast. It was probably a good thing considering the nausea you were feeling. Why call it morning sickness when it didn't happen in the morning?
"You're being paranoid, everything will be great." she sighed, turning to the window, staring directly at the green hybrid. The Bruce and Natasha thing was unsurprising but kind of weird, especially with the whole sex thing. You had gagged at the thought of Bruce trying to fit inside of Natasha, and stopped altogether. "I'll be right back, I gotta do something."
She left the room before you could address her, groaning when she left a tiny crack in the door. Natasha knew how much it annoyed you when people left the door open when you originally had it closed. Heaving a sigh, you went to close the door, only to be met by a small force. Steve stuck his head through opening, his worried frown turning into a dazzling grin as he spotted you.
Without a word, he took you in his arms, his hand cupping your cheek as he pressed a quick kiss on your lips. You smiled into the kiss, closing the door behind him as your arms wrapped around his neck.
You pulled away, wiping the lip gloss smeared across his lips. Steve did the same, smirking at his handy work. "Hello, Mrs. Rogers. How do you feel?"
"Like I want to tangle myself around you in every way possible." you whispered, pressing another kiss to his lips. Steve chuckled, his thumb drawing small circles on your back. "How about you, Husband?"
"I've been waiting for this day for a very long time. You can't imagine how jovial I am." said Steve. He gave your nose a quick peck, and you giggled. "I know it's suppose to be bad luck to see the bride before the ceremony but I couldn't bear it."
Giggling, you pulled him closer, your lips meeting his neck as you sucked softly at the sensitive skin. "Hmm, I can't wait until I'm officially yours. Do you think we have time for a quickie? It'd really help with my wedding nerves."
Steve laughed, but the sound came out a little breathless. Even with the thickness of the wedding gown, you could feel him on your hip, smirking when he shifted. "While that's a very tempting offer, both Natasha and Pepper would kill me for ripping apart this beautiful dress."
"But Steve—" your whine was cut off by Natasha pulling Steve out of your arms.
The redhead glared at him, pushing him towards the opened door. "You, out, now."
"I'll see you—" Steve began to say, only to be cut off when the door slammed in his face. Natasha turned to turn her death stare on you.
"Look at your makeup. I can't believe he snuck in here with Thor on his ass." Natasha complained, pushing you towards the vanity, quickly applying the tube of lip gloss on your lips. You blinked back the tears as she practically poke your eye with the mascara wand, trying to fix Steve's touch on your slightly smeared mascara. "You look like you're going to puke."
You shook your head, taking a deep breath. "I'm good. Where's Tony?"
"Right here." he answered, entering with a velvet box in his hand. The billionaire set it down on the vanity before eyeing your stance. "Wow, you look ..."
"Like I'm gonna throw up all over Steve's suit?" you finished, panic rising.
"I was going to say gorgeous but now that you mention it, you do look a little green." he teased, earning himself a nudge from Natasha. Tony rubbed his ribs. "If you want to ditch, I have the car running in case you want to make a quick getaway."
You rolled your eyes, wishing you hadn't let him talk you into such a big wedding. All you wished at the moment was to take Steve with you and elope. "Thanks for the offer but I'm good. Let's get this over with."
"And here I thought you weren't romantic." Tony joked, handing you the bouquet of flowers.
Natasha checked her watch, the music audible. Morgan, the flower girl was already walking down the aisle along with Pepper's nephew on her heels. The former assassin opened the door, grinning. "Wait a few seconds before you follow me."
And with that, she walked down the short hall before stepping outside, the aisle was cleared by flowers adorning the sides. Weeping willow branches hung down from the huge tree, creating an illusion of fantasy, the little arch at the end of the aisle was created of leaves and even more colorful flowers. You were surprised no one was sneezing with the amount of pollen.
You took Tony's arm, taking another deep breath. Looking at him, you swore he was a bit proud. He smiled at you. "I hope you know I take full credit for the union of your two souls."
Ignoring his mini jab, you raised an eyebrow. "And how so?"
"There was never a party." he informed, grinning cheekily. He pulled you towards the opened door, walking down the hall. "I made it all up so Rogers would get the balls to finally ask you out."
"Then what the hell happened to the tower?" you asked, confused. People were beginning to stand but your curiosity became more important than your nerves.
Tony winked. "That's for me to know, and for you to dot dot dot."
"God, you're such a nerd." you mumbled, turning your attention ahead as your feet hit the white carpet that moonlighted as the aisle. The nerves began to bubble, and you gripped his arm tighter in fear of falling face first.
The ceremony was a blur, Steve just as nervous as you had been, becoming more and more braver as he spoke his vows. By the end of it, you could barely see him through the tears brimming your eyes. If it wasn't for the waterproof makeup, you were sure you would've cried your face off.
You had just finished your vows when the priest had asked if you would gladly wed the man in front of you for the rest of forever. You whispered a soft "I do."
The priest turned to Steve, the super-soldier happy beyond belief. He asked him the previous question he had asked you. Yet, Steve, being eager, had almost cut him off near the end.
His eyes bored into yours, filled with love and warmth. "I do."
Then everything turned black.
You awoke in the Medbay, needles puncturing your arm, a tube tied to your nose. Every single inch of your skin hurt, your eyelids heavy as you opened your eyes, only to close them once again when the bright fluorescents shone. You felt someone squeeze your hand, a finger brushing along your wrist.
Turning your head, you glance at the person, finding out it was Tony. While he was relieved you were awake, something in his eyes made you believe he wished he had more time to prepare you for the worst. At the moment he uttered those words, you wished your ears had been damaged in whatever hell Hydra had dropped on your wedding.
"Steve's dead."
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tobiotetsu · 3 years
the lovers
reversed (prequel)
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chapter two: ten of cups
miya atsumu x f!reader
description: the lovers card was a blessing in tarot if pulled up right, with the meaning of true love, prosperity and unity. however, if pulled in reversed, it signified disappointment, foolishness and failure. if he was destined to be your soulmate, why was his presence accompanied by chaos and destruction? if miya atsumu was your fatal flaw, how could he possibly be your fate?
genre: soulmate au, 18+, angst, enimes-to-lovers
cw: family issues, mentions of death, grammar errors
a/n: SO excited to write the next chp!! feedback & reblogs are truly appreciated<3 (wc: 4.4k)
prequel masterlist ♕ chp three
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From the outside, the Miya’s were a very well-known family with a prestigious family. Miya Kaito was a well-known businessman in Japan who took over his father’s Marketing company. Miya Izumi, the twins’ mother was much lesser known than their father but was still in the public eye. She was an author of a best-selling novel who lived in Sendai but moved to Kasai when she married Kaito. They had two twin sons who excelled in volleyball and were sure to go professional straight after high school.
They were picture-perfect. But to your eyes, they were everything but.
Atsumu’s prediction of his father's absence at dinner two weeks ago had turned out to be correct. You, Osamu and his mother had waited at the table for almost 40 minutes before coming to the conclusion that once again, he was not coming home.
The lavish mansion was a veil for a broken home.
A father who worked more than he saw his family, a mother who went on trips weekly to resorts to escape her life and two children who had to suffer at the hands of their parents’ actions.
You couldn’t help but think of their family dynamic as you were in the kitchen scouring through the fridge for breakfast, a day before your 18th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Miya weren’t soulmates but they seemed like they didn’t even like each other. It seemed like their public reputation was the only thing keeping them together.
That was the last thing that you wanted with your soulmate. You were less than 24 hours away from turning eighteen and you couldn’t help but think about who they might be.
Do they live in the Huygo prefecture? Are they the same age as you? Are they kind? A romantic? Were they just as excited to know your identity? Would we have a physical or emotional connection?
Questions like these ran through your mind ever since you woke up.
Usually, your breakfasts were something solid to fuel you for the rest of the day, but you were so nervous for tomorrow that you could barely keep anything down. You decide that some fruit would be enough for now. You stack clear contains which green grapes, strawberries and cherries in one arm as you use your free one to close the fridge door.
Maybe they’re in California? You’d meet them there when studying for school perhaps?
The questions continued to flow as you sat down at the counter in the kitchen on a bar stool as you munched on the grapes. You were so wrapped up in your questions that you barely even noticed that someone had walked in.
You almost choke on the grape when you realize who she was. It was the same girl who was making out with Atsumu in the cafeteria two weeks ago. She also must have been the owner of those over-exaggerated moans that still made you sick to your stomach.
Even though you took a while to acknowledge her, she still hadn’t noticed you. Confused laced your eyes are you stare at her half-naked figure opening the fridge in front of you. The only thing covering her was a large white button shirt with two buttons together at her chest, which you assumed was Atsumu’s.
As you were studying her in slight disgust, she finally noticed your presence.
“Oh hi, I’m Yui,” she said as she tucked her dirty blonde hair behind her hair.
“Yeah, I know, we’re in the same calculus class,” you say before you place mother grape in your mouth. Judging by her reaction to your words, she hadn’t even acknowledged you, but you couldn’t care less.
She stood there in a slight shock before hesitantly speaking again.
“So, are you dating ‘Samu?” she asked as she leaned her body on the side of the fridge door. Her words caused you to choke on the grape that laid on your tongue.
“Samu? No!” You manage to squeak out between your violent coughs. “He’s just my friend”
She seems to be confused by your statement. You never had thought about Osamu in that way and you weren’t sure why she would think that.
“Well, then why are you around here all the time?” Now it was your turn to look confused at her words.
“Excuse me?” You raise an eyebrow as you reply.
“You were the one who knocked on Atsumu’s door, right? The one he called princess?” she said as she crossed her arms in front of her half-exposed chest.
Ah, now you understood. Was she jealous?
“Yeah, I was.” your tone changes as your patience was slowly seeping through your fingers like grains of sand.
She nodded her head before stepping closer to the opposite of the table. “‘Tsumu’s mine, so don’t come around here anymore if it's for him.” she spits out with a grin as if she had accomplished something.
You take a moment to respond to her. In one swift movement, you stand from your stool and start to close the container of grapes in front of you.
“One, I live here, I’ve been living here since I was 6,” you said as you snapped the containers louder than you usually did. “Two, the last thing I want is to be around Atsumu.”
You gather the containers and make your way in front of Yui. She said nothing as she stood and watched you place the fruits back into its assigned tray.
“And three, he’s not yours. You’ll be gone by the end of the week, sweetheart.” that was the last thing you said to her as you exited the kitchen. You didn’t stick around the see her jaw hang slack, appalled at the words that came out of your mouth.
You knew she attacked you because of Atsumu but was she that oblivious that she couldn’t see what laid between the two of you?
pure annoyance and animosity
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“The audacity!” Stephanie exclaimed as you retold the events from this morning as you two sat outside the school waiting for the boys' volleyball practice to conclude.
“I don’t even want to think about it anymore, it gives me a headache.” you shook your head to the side as you try to forget the whole meeting. “Thanks again for giving me a ride today too, Steph.”
Your usual ride had to stay later than usual to make up his missed chemistry test and you rather walk the 30 mins than ask Atsumu to join him home. Stephanie was more than happy to drive you home after akaashi came out from practice. Because of Mara’s feelings for Atsumu, you never felt comfortable discussing him with her. You didn’t want her to feel bad for liking someone she despised. One can not control whom they love, so you spared her feelings and confided in Stephanie when it came to Atsumu.
“Don’t mention it!” she said as a smile pulled at her lips. “You excited for tomorrow? Finally going to be 18 and find your person!”
Your birthday completely slipped your mind as you focused on the Yui situation.
“I’m so nervous! hopefully, I can find him,” you said as you looked down at your hands. Stephanie could recognize your worry and placed her hand on your shoulder.
“Try not to worry y/n. You’ll find them. I remember the same feeling right before my birthday. The anxiety was eating at my soul but, in the end, everything was perfect. It’ll be like that for you too.” She empathized.
Akaashi and her were your only pair of soulmates to admire; They were the only two you knew. Your parents were also soulmates but you couldn’t see their love blossom due to his passing. You saw how much your mother loved and grieved him, but you weren’t old enough at the time to remember him loving her as much.
“I think they’re done,” Stephanie said as she held her hand. “I felt his signal.”
Akaashi and her shared physical touch. If in 500 meters of her, whatever Akaashi felt physically, so would Stephanie.
And as if it was timed, right after her statement the team came through the school's entrance doors.
“Hey!” Akaashi said as he waived at the two of you. He situated himself right behind his girlfriend. He muttered a small ‘hello’ as he kissed the top of her head and held her hand and rubbed small circles with his thumb against the back of it.
so that must have been their signal.
You could only wish your soulmate was as kind and loving as Akaashi.
You unknowingly stare at the couple in front of you as your phone starts to ring with your mother's picture displayed on the screen.
“Hi, mom” you answer.
“y/n! I need you to run to the store for me. I forgot a few ingredients for dinner today, could you get Osamu to drive you to the market?” Your mother said urgently. 
“Uh, I would but ‘Samu’s taking a test right now, he won't be done any time soon.”
“Then can you ask Atsumu to take you?” Her words made you cringe at the thought of being in such close proximity to him for that long.
“Mom, I-” but before you could finish your refusal she interrupts.
“Please, y/n. I’m desperate.” she pleaded.
You wanted to protest. You wanted to tell her that going with Atsumu would be impossible, that he wouldn’t even take you in the first place but then you remembered how hard she works. She worked this hard for you, so this was the least you could do for her.
“Okay, I’ll ask him,” you say in a slightly sombre tone as you accept your defeat.
“Thank you!! I’ll send you the list, love you!” those were the last words you heard before she hung up.
“Ready to go?” Stephanie asked as she swung her bag over her shoulder.
“Change of plans. You guys go without me, I gotta find Atsumu.” Both their faces synchronously scrunched together in confusion.
“Are you going to be okay?” akaashi asked, clearly concerned.
You vigorously nod your head and send them on their way, thanking them for offering the ride home.
A deep sigh escapes your mouth as you make your way inside the school to find Atsumu. Luckily, or unluckily, you found him immediately standing at his locker as he was laughing at something Suna said.
You debated turning back twice but decided to suck it up. With strong strides, you walk up to Atsumu’s figure.
“Atsumu” even though you aimed for your voice to come off strong, even you could hear the strain in it.
He wore his usual volleyball attire, identical to Osamu. White joggers with a vertical black stripe doing down the side of each leg accompanied by a black t-shirt, which clung to his body due to the aftermath of an hour-long practice.
You approaching him for a change, took him by surprise a bit, but even surprise he still managed to wear that smirk to antagonize you.
“What’cha want, princess?” he said as he placed his hands in the pockets of his pants.
There was that damn nickname again.
“Um, I need you to take me to the market,” you say bluntly. Sugarcoating with Atsumu would only lead to his enjoyment but, somehow your words managed to do so anyway.
His smirk grew as he leaned back on the lockers behind him.
“And where’s the person who ya wanted to take you?” he knew he wasn’t your first choice. Hell, he wasn’t even your third or fourth choice.
“‘Samu can’t, so can you or not?” you probably shouldn’t have given him an ultimatum, especially because you had the lower ground.
“Sorry princess, can’t,” he said without a care as he slid his arm through his maroon Inarizaki jacket. “Meetin’ with Yui”
Just her name was enough to remember this morning. Your face contorts in disgust at the thought of her roaming the house barely clothed.
“Oh, you don’t have to be jealous, princess.” atsumu says after witnessing your reaction and assuming it was because of him. You can't help but snort at his response.
“I think you’re telling the wrong girl that.” you can't help but laugh as you speak. Your words earn a slight head tilt from a confused Atsumu and an amused whistle from Suna.
You turn to take your leave from his presence, but before you walk out the school entrance you turn back one more.
“Tell your girlfriend to watch what she says to me next time.” Your voice was much stronger than before. You didn’t stay behind to see the distraught faces of the two men you left behind.
You couldn’t even hear the way Atsumu slammed his locker and Suna’s voice calling him as he rushed off.
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You should have eaten more today.
That was the only thing that you could think while you scurried through the food aisles slowly compiling the ingredients your mother needed. Her listen was all over the place; enoki mushrooms, powdered sugar, sesame seeds, fatty tuna, vanilla extract, rice. The list went on longer than you expected.
All the feelings you were being put through today managed to stop you from eating lunch as well. The only thing that was in your stomach was five grapes that you managed to get down before your encounter with the unexpected visitor.
The last thing on the list was a jar of raspberry preserves, which of course was located on the highest shelf of the aisle. As you stare at it, debating if you should make a fool of yourself to jump while flailing your arms to reach, a voice came from behind you.
“Need a boost, princess?” His voice started you causing you to move backwards and stumble into his chest but quickly move away from him. Before you could respond Atsumu reaches up and grabs the jar that you were eyeing.
You turn around to him with wide eyes as he hands you the jar without his usual banter. Silently, you nod your head and take the preserves from him.
“Why’d you come? Weren’t you going to hang out with your girlfriend?” you asked as you placed the jar into the cart.
“She’s not my girlfriend,” he said firmly as he placed a hand on the cart to halt you from moving.
Why was he acting this way over this? It actually seemed like he was bothered by the situation.
You opened your mouth to respond but the voice that danced on your ears did not belong to you.
“Well, this is a sight I never thought I’d see.” A deep voice sounded from behind Atsumu. Both you and Atsumu whipped your heads in the voice's direction only to be met with two faces that put a smile on your face instantly.
“Aran!” Atsumu bellowed loudly, as he embraced his friend while you exchange greetings with Kita.
“What are you guys doing here?” you asked.
“We came back from college today, decided to go shoppin’,” Kita said as he lifted up the small basket in his hand.
“Now, the more important question is, what are you two doing here?” Aran asked as his eyes bounced between you and Atsumu. Aran was a friend of the twins ever since they were 9, therefore he was your friend as well. He knew exactly how you felt about Atsumu, so that would explain the way he was looking at the two of you, alone at a grocery store as the sky was enveloped by darkness.
“My mom asked me to pick some things and uh, ‘Samu was busy,” you said quickly, hoping that he didn’t think differently.
Aran nodded his head while pressing his lips together.
“Say, aren’t you guys graduatin’ soon?” Kita said as he shifted his basket from one hand to the other. “D’ya know where you’re going for school y/n?”
Now, this was the first thing that put a smile on your face throughout the entire day. “Yeah, UCI, California!” you said with a proud girn.
“America? What program?” Kita inquired with wide eyes.
“Journalism!” the one word made everyone’s eyes widened.
“Of course it’s journalism. She's the one-woman team that runs the Inarizaki newspaper.” Aran said with a wide smile.
You continued the conversation with Aran and Kita as Atsumu wandered off somewhere in the store. You weren’t sure where he had gone but you didn’t care enough to worry.
As you and Kita conversed, Aran spotted Atsumu at the opposite end of the aisle and slips away from the conversation.
“Bro, where d’ya go?” Aran asked slightly concerned.
“Just walkin’ round,” Atsumu said as he swung his keys around his index finger.
“So, y/n’s leaving Japan?” Atsumu had an idea of where Arans questioning was leading to as he slowly nodded his head in agreement.
“How does ‘Samu feel about that?”
ding ding ding
“Probably not too good,” Atsumu asked knowing exactly how his brother feels about your pretending departure. “I wouldn’t feel too good if the girl I loved since I was 6 was leavin’ the country either”
“So is he gonna tell her?” Aran whispered.
Atsumu let out a soft snort at Aran’s words. “He had 12 years to tell her, ya think he’s gonna now?”
Atsumu knew his twin brother loved you since before they even started playing volleyball. And ever since then, Osamu has never once attempted to tell you of his feelings. It drove Atsumu mad, but he never interfered between you and him.
Before the conversion could further between him and Aran, they both see Kita waving them down.
“Let’s go Aran, y/n has to get this stuff home before dinner!” Kita said as the two large men approached you.
“Happy early birthday, y/n,” Kita said as he gave you a small hug.
At Kita’s words, Aran checked the date on his phone in a panic. “It’s tomorrow!”
“Yeah, the only reason why Kita knew was it came up in conversation” you replied. You were never one to flaunt your birthday. It wasn’t that you didn’t enjoy big parties and multiple guests but, to you birthdays meant something else.
Your fifth birthday was the only one that you could remember before your father’s death. It was celebrated by only your mother, father and you, but it seemed like the most fun a five-year-old could have. Your mother always mentioned how your father enjoyed small birthdays and how they were sacred. he would say to “only share them with people who brought you pure happiness and expected nothing in return”. And that was now how you chose to live, just like him.
“Actually, I'm having a small dinner tomorrow, do you two want to join? ‘Samu will be there, so you could catch up with him.” Your invitation earned a smile from Kita and Aran but a deep frown by the blonde beside them.
You hadn’t invited Atsumu to your birthday dinner for obvious reasons and weren’t planning to.
The two men looked at each other debating whether to accept or decline but ultimately accepted.
You were expecting Atsumu to chime in but, he hadn’t. He only looked at you with narrow eyes and a frown.
His eyes were laced with an emotion that you couldn’t quite decipher. Anger? Annoyance?
It was only then that you missed Atsumu’s stupid banter because this Atsumu,
This Atsumu seemed to be a thousand times worse
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Ten minutes had passed since you last left the market and about twenty minutes since you last spoke to each other.
You two sat in complete silence as Atsumu drove to the Miya mansion in Atsumu’s Red Lamborghini. Mr. Miya bought both the twins a car of their choice for their 18th. Osamu had gone with a black Benz jeep while Atsumu went for the most flashy option.
You debated speaking to him, to break the awkward silence that filled the space between the two of you but Atsumu had already gotten ahead of you.
“Not going to extend the invitation for yer dinner?” His tone returned to its usually annoying self.
You look at him with a blank face and tired eyes. “Are you joking? It’s not like you’d come anyways.”
It was hard to believe that you two were once friends. Now you two could barely be in a car together without it imploding. He was the one that left you out of things, he was the one that no longer wanted to be your friend when you two were 8 years old. So why was antagonizing you over an invitation he wouldn’t even accept in the first place?
He just wanted to pester you in every way possible.
Minutes passed and once again the car was quiet as a mouse. Till Atsumu, once again sparked up a conversation.
“Yui,” You whipped to face Atsumu in the diver seat.
“Excuse me?”
“Yui. What did she say to ya?” He spoke without taking his eyes off the road, foot shifting between the gas and the break.
You were too tired to lie or ask why he cared, so you answered truthfully. “Your girlfriend didn’t like your nickname.”
“Not my girlfriend,” he said curtly while turning the wheel to turn on to your street.
“Fuck buddy, whatever.” you aimlessly correct yourself.
“Not anymore,” Before you could even comprehend his response, you two passed through the white gate lining the mansion.
It was far later than you thought you’d be home. The moon sat brightly in the sky as it was surrounded by small stars. it was basically night You only hoped that your mother wouldn’t be mad.
Unexpectedly, Atsumu helped you carry the grocery bags into the house. He strung 4 bags on his arms as you were left to carry one. You insisted that you can carry half his load but he was already through the door.
“‘Tsumu! y/n! Bless your hearts, thank you kids so much.” your mother said as you two placed the grocery bags on the counter in the kitchen. “Thank you for taking her, ‘Tsumu.”
“Of course, Obasa-” before atsumu could finish speaking to your mother something had caught his attention from the dining room.
Or perhaps, someone.
Before you knew it, Atsumu ran to the dining room and stood in front of the table. Instinctively, you follow him to the scene in front of you.
Sitting at the table was Osamu across from Mrs. Miya, and in between them, at the head of the table, sat a man you had not seen in a long time.
Miya Kaito, the twins’ father
“Atsumu” his father's voice sounded cold and hard as it said his son's name. Atsumu must have thought the same thing as you could see him wince at the sound of his name rolling off his father's tongue.
“So now ya decide to come home? What, finally got tired of sleeping at the office?” Atsumu’s voice was blaring, anger coursed through his veins, the only thing he could see was red.
“‘Tsumu! Stop it!” Osamu shouted from his seat in hopes to stop his brother.
“I wanted to have a meal with my family, so just sit down, Atsu-” Atsumu cut his father off not wanting to hear what he wanted to say.
“Cut the bullshit dad! Yer too busy for us and yer too busy for ma. so don’t even fucking try to fix this family, ya broke it a long time ago!” Atsumu’s voice raised in volume.
“Atsumu!” Mrs. Miya shrieked for her son to stop.
“I’m here now, okay? So sit down!” Mr. Miya’s voice matched Atsumu’s in volume as he urged his son to stop.
“You’re a fucking idiot if you think I’m gonna sit down and play house with ya.”  was the last thing Atsumu said before storming up the stairs. You stood there in complete shock at what just happened.
Your eyes scanned the room around you. Mrs. Miya held her head in her hands as Osamu's face grew in irritation. Their father stood there with distraught painting his face. Your mom was still in the kitchen, but she still glanced with worry with her hand over her mouth.
Everyone in this house was shaken because of him.
Osamu stood from his seat to go after his brother but you decided to instead. Osamu shouldn’t have to worry about his brother when he's going through the same thing.
You ran up with stairs faster than you ever have to catch up to him.
“Atsumu!” you called from him as you followed him up the stairs. He ignored you as he reached the top of the stairs and walked towards his room's door.
“Atsum-” Your second attempt was deemed successful in getting his attention as he turned around and pushed you against the wall, caging you in his arms.
“What do you fuckin’ want, y/n?” His voice dripped with pure anger. He looks distraught. His eyes were red and glassy and his skin was turning an unnatural shade of red.
“Atsumu, I know you’re mad at him but just go downstairs and talk to him! Everyone’s upset. Just give him a chance.”
“What the fuck do you know about how I feel? Ya got a good mom, yer going to a good school in America and ya live in a big house, which is mine by the way. Yer miss perfect! So don’t you fucking dare tell me what to do. This isn’t your place to speak.” He yelled inches away from your face.
You parted your lips to say something but he left before you could. The slam of this door was deafening to your ears. You stood there, in front of his door in utter shock.
You knew he had a right to be angry, and in no way you were denying that right. But Osamu had every right as well, and he was sitting downstairs beside his father.
Why was it different for Atsumu? Why should he be allowed to create this mess and let everyone drown in his actions?
Why couldn’t he just try?
Atsumu’s words about you left a burden heavier than any weight that has been placed on your shoulders. If you could not speak about his family, why could he speak so thoughtlessly about yours?
Broken families came in all sorts of shapes and sizes; he out of all people should have known that the best.
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[ the lovers taglist: @meepmoop12w @okkotsoo @quirklessidiots-trashdump @luna-mothii @unstaaableaf @lilith412426 @sunasbabie @thepsychicartist @gojoussunglasses @encrytpta @yamaguchis-17th-freckle @mavrintarou ]
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0littlestwolf0 · 4 years
All that matters
Yandere! Percy Jackson
Ship: Yan!Percy Jackson x innocent/fragile reader
Warnings: Violence, over use of powers.
Requested by: @xxscreamingcolorxx
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It started off innocently enough. Way too innocent for that matter, maybe that’s what ignited him.
You were just the new kid in the big apple, someone who just moved there because of your parent’s job, and like any teen would have, your mind started wandering off, imaginating all the possibilities, all the movies that could come true before your eyes!
As for him, it was just another year in yet the same school (something he was really grateful for), only the first day and he was already counting the days until he could return to camp, to his friends.
The name stung him like a bee, scratch it, it felt more like an angry wasp, but he ignored it, she was the closest person he had, who could actually understand him, and hey, he did love her, maybe not in the way she did him but for all he knew that was it for everyone, maybe that’s why people say that friends end up falling in love, more like a ‘next step’ thing than actual love.
Was that even real though? He surely didn’t know, but he was comfortable with what he had, and that was good enough, so he tried to shrug the thoughts away and finished getting ready for his day.
Soon enough he was already in his seat, headphones blasting a playlist he had spent the night downloading from questionable websites, and his head between his hands, doing everything in his willpower not to start a mess.
Naturally he didn’t notice someone new entering the classroom, he tried to stay away from most others, and people didn’t really like him either, much of a troublemaker, they’d say.
His lack of social skills made sure you got a seat on your first day. But he didn’t look up as you seated, his senses did however, perk up at your perfume, some wildflower and another thing he couldn’t quite pinpoint, but it reminded him of camp, so he couldn’t help inhaling even deeper, he made the silent decision to start sitting near you.
And it could have been that way, you being your a scent he liked, just another person, but the fates had other plans, as did the first teacher, who didn’t waste a second on explaining the week project to be done in pairs.
His music was gone at this point, and he sighed, he didn’t like working on teams for school. Better yet, he didn’t like ending up with whoever else didn’t have a partner. Just then he felt a finger poking his arm, with a raised brow he turned to see you.
And your breath got stuck in your throat, he was probably one of the cutest boys you had ever seen, yet, his resting face (or so you hoped it was his resting face) looked just a combination between angry and dangerous. But you didn’t listen to your gut and talked “Would- uh... Sorry! I’m new and I was wondering if you’d like to partner up?”
Your voice had to be the sweetest thing, he was already starting to take a liking to you. You see, he isn’t the type of yandere to just get obsessed, it was your scent that drew him to you, yet, your willingness to spend time with him did make him feel better.
“Are you- Yeah, sure” he had to stop himself from pointing you to another person without a partner, not yet believing you’d want to partner up with him. But your enthusiasm changed his mind.
Before any of you knew, the day was over and you were waiting for him on your designated spot just outside the school, it didn’t take him long to reach you.
You saw his expression change as he crossed the glass doors, first a schooled glance to the floor, not allowing himself to even look at anybody else, you didn’t understand that, he didn’t look that strong but when you touched his arm you did feel hard muscle, then, why would he avoid trouble so much?
He didn’t seem to see you at first, but he did, trust me on that, he was just afraid of you changing your mind and would very much rather if you just left than the direct confrontation, but he couldn’t understand why, why the idea of you turning your back of him turned him inside out.
But of course you didn’t, you approached him with the sweetest smile on your face and stood right in front of him “Hey!” He couldn’t hold a smile at your voice, you just sounded so eager “Should we go to the library?” Were you always this eager? No, that seemed impossible, maybe you were just happy to be with him, that certainly made his smile bigger
“Uh- I mean- Sure” he was nervous, which made him want to laugh his ass off, sure he could fight gods and monsters but send a pretty girl his way and he’d stutter “I mean, I was actually thinking we could do it on the park” he finally added, the park was a bit far, but if there were any monsters he’d be able to deflect them easily on an open place rather than a dead-quiet-library.
“Yeah! Sounds good to me!” You agreed with a sweet smile and allowed him to lead the way “Just help me with the whole getting back thing, I still don’t really know the city” he nodded eagerly, almost as much as you had before, it was an excuse to spend more time with you.
Now this didn’t concern him as cheating or misleading Annabeth, for he didn’t think you’d like him, you see, he doesn’t seem to find himself as someone most girls, especially girls like you, would feel attracted t him, so even if he felt the this growing killer bees on his stomach every time he saw you, nothing would ever happen.
You walked with him through numerous streets, he took advantage of your lack of knowledge and took you through the long path, he didn’t even notice that he’d done that at first, but you were just so engrossed on your retelling of that X-Men movie, that he wanted to hear you talk like that for hours, suddenly, you stopped, your head held down “I’m sorry, I just get a bit excited sometimes” that sobered him “No, no, it’s okay, please continue, I really want to know what happened to this Logan dude after that”
You blushed but tried to hide it with a laugh, still looking down “It’s okay, I know I can talk a lot, and it might be stressing” you added, it was your attempt to stop yourself from boring the first friend you made on that school, but it made his blood boil, people just didn’t understand you fucked up the world was, fighting every day against monsters, losing friends on the way, and how amazing it was to hear stories from someone like you, someone without the blood that he had in his hands.
“Well, I like it, and I really need more context, so the future isn’t the future then? He just changed it and that’s that?” He understood the story, but sometimes making an easy question was the easiest way to make others talk.
And you went on, you arrived to the park and sat on a desk with him, taking your supplies and started working on the project, you were open, and gave ideas, still never shut any of his, you asked for his opinion every step of the way and used almost every idea he had.
That made him feel warm, you were most likely the first person to trust his ideas and hear him without a scowl or a frown, he couldn’t understand how would anyone shut you down when you talked? Every time you looked down and scratched your arm he noticed you were stopping yourself from over sharing.
Why would anyone hurt you like that? He just wanted names, they didn’t deserve someone like you in their lives, not one bit, they deserved to suffer for making you ashamed of your words. It surprised him, really, that rage boiling inside him, and how soon it’d be gone as soon as you smiled back at him.
And then it happened, a manticore loose in the park, running around and tearing people apart, he saw the moment your instinct kicked in, you could see through the mist.
He took Riptide from his pocket and stood up, but you grabbed his arm and pulled him down, holding a finger to your lips “Don’t” was everything you said, and he gulped, maybe you did care about him a little, his mind started wandering, maybe you felt as connected to him as he did you, he wanted to nod and stay with you under the table, to keep you from danger, but the only way he knew was by killing it.
“Please” you pleased “it’s going to hurt you” he laughed humorlessly, “Not my first rodeo” was all he said as a smirk took over his mouth and winked your way, maybe he also wanted to show off a little.
It was weird, he had never wanted to show off before.
But oh well, the manticore was closing in as soon as it’s nostrils flared up with the demigod scent on him, he needed to stop thinking and start moving, natural talent and years of training in camp made it easy for him, more like a dance than a battle, not that he’d ever been good at dancing, but you get the idea.
A move to the left, an angry manticore to the right, sarcastic comment out about how bad the sun had treated the manticore’s skin and a “you should really get some moisturizer for that crack in your skin” and proceeded to stab it directly on the belly as the manticore jumped.
And he laughed, allowing the rest of adrenaline to leave him, after getting so worked up with thoughts of people hurting your feelings, killing something felt really good. Maybe too good.
He turned to look at you, and his stomach dropped, your throat was being held tightly, lifting you ever so slightly from the floor by an empusai, were monsters working together now?
Of course it would happen to him, out of all demigods in New York.
Now he realized, his blood hadn’t been boiling before, but it was now, burning his very skin from the inside, the empusai giggled and he gave a step closer, then you were struggling again “Now, now, one more move and your pet dies”
Pet? Oh now it was personal, he didn’t understand his blind rage, maybe by an outside point of view, you had reminded him of what light was, even with the ability to see monsters you saw the good in people, that much he realized from your speech about Magneto being just misunderstood.
Maybe you weren’t as innocent as he once thought but you still tried hard enough to make conversation with him, you even tried in your way to keep him safe, and now, everything he’d seen was good and worth saving was being threatened.
It didn’t took him a word, just a small move from his left hand to the side, and now it was the empusai’s blood that boiled, literally, she started crying, he didn’t stop, all the fluids in her body boiled now, and started moving inside her, desfigurating her, she screamed and let you go, he didn’t stop.
You ran to him and he threw Riptide to the ground, instantly feeling the (now lesser) weight of a pen settling on his pocket, with his now free arm he grabbed you by the showlders and held you to him.
“Don’t look” he warned, grabbing now your head and pulling it to his shoulder, one last move of his left hand to the right and the empusai’s blood chocked her to death, streaming down her ears, nostrils and eyes, her mouth forever set on a silent scream as she fell to her knees and finally turned into ichor.
Just then did he allow himself to fully hold you, his arms wrapped tightly around your as your heavy breath tickled the side of his neck, your arms wrapped just as tightly around his waist.
He realized with guilt that you were shaking, you were probably scared of him now “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry” he repeated in a whisper against your hair, unable to let you go.
“No” you shut him and separated your body from his by merely centimeters, his stomach dropped “I’m okay, you’re okay, that’s all that matters” you said grabbing his face, forcing his wandering eyes to stay still on yours “Survival of the fittest, right?” You joked and he allowed a worried breath to leave his body, you weren’t treating him like a freak.
He nodded and you hugged him again, just as tightly, he still felt you shiver every once in a while.
I’m okay, you’re okay, that’s all that matters,
I’m okay, you’re okay, that’s all that matters,
I’m okay, you’re okay, that’s all that matters.
He repeated in his head over and over like a mantra.
You were too good for this world, and if that evening showed him anything was that monsters were probably going to come for you at some point, and he wouldn’t let them get even a step close.
He promised himself then and there that no one would ever harm you, monster or otherwise. After all, the gods owed him, he could get his way this once.
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theseusurus · 3 years
Lost in a Haze, Fighting Fate | Part 1.
Summary: Y/N Raven has always suffered from their sight, From a young age Y/N could just always seem to predict the future however they just thought they were lucky, after attending Hogwarts and discovering their Seer Roots they began to trust it more and more however that can not be said for others. When Y/N fled Hogwarts they left everything behind, their teen love, their friends, family, and now with what seems like all sides against them, will they be ignored like seers before them and feed into temptation or will they fight for the good in the wizarding world and their love?
Warnings: Mentions Bullying
Pairing: Bill Weasley x Reader (Slow Burn)
Word Count: 2.8k
The Abraxan Pulled Blue carriage creaked with life for what seemed like the thousandth time tonight as you sat with Madame Maxine -Olympe- as she wanted you to call her as you now were a professor and the students.
You fidgeted with your hands and sighed as you fixed the navy veil that covered your face and made sure to smooth out the silky navy uniform decorated with thousands of moving and dancing stars and constellations that Olympe had made just for you after she had promoted you to Head divination master.
Olympe sighed and placed a hand on yours before bending down and smoothing out your veil.
¨Little Star, you must calm down, you are antsier than the Abraxans before they've had their whiskey¨
She said with a laugh before seeing your still grim face under the veil, though the veil was hard to see through and hexed so only those who you wished could see under it she had grown able to tell your expressions with it. She sighed again and smoothed down your hair that stuck out from under your veil,
¨I know your time at Hogwarts was hard petite étoile, but little star you must not let zem ruin your time, look at you now! A Leading star of the divination field and one of the best seers in Europe! They regret never treating a shining star like you as what you are now! We will win this tournament and be a beacon of excellence and poise and that goes for all of you!¨
The students looked up and smiled at you before saying a cheer in French that left you a bit confused but in a better spirit, though you've been teaching at Beauxbaton for three years now you still struggled a bit with your french however many students struggled with English so in your class you all tried your best and the first year you all struggled together to communicate with the language barrier.
The boys and girls who had volunteered to come to the Triwizard tournament were some of your favorites, especially Fleur and her sister Gabrielle who had been the firsts to volunteer especially since they had never been to Hogwarts especially Scotland before and had heard your stories of the beautiful castle and breathtaking view.
¨We are almost there. Everyone, be ready, I want you all to be on your best behavior, am I understood? I want backs straight, smiles big and you all are ready? Come, come, I will check your uniforms one last time, Oh Fleur come here sweetie your hat! Oh, you all look amazing, oh I am about to cry, how proud you all make me!¨
Olympe looked three seconds from crying before You handed her your handkerchief and rubbed her back,
¨Oh Olympe, I know, don't cry remember we must be nothing but big smiles remember? We are going to blow them away! Oh yes everyone make sure to not flutter your capes too much until the entrance we don't want to let the Butterflies out too early¨
The girls nodded eagerly some talking to each other, whispering about things you can only imagine, some topics sticking out you could hear over the giggling, while the boys were helping each other straighten out their uniforms and mentioned durmstrang especially the girls which caused you to let out a little laugh which caused the boys to look up and fluster.
With that, you heard a loud voice and peaked out the window and saw Hagrid leading the Abraxan horses down the landing area and clapped excitedly. Before the Carriage landed harshly on the runway causing you to jolt before and fixing the beret on your head and standing.
You clapped happily before popping the Carriage door open, launching yourself out the door and falling feet first on the wet Scottish Grass and laughing as you helped up the students one at a time out of the carriage as they plopped down as well and complained about how the wet grass was sticking to their newly waxed shoes.
Hagrid rushed over and smiled as you helped Madam Maxine out of the carriage, her true height showing as she exited the carriage, she stood proud and tall over Hagrid and smiled as he turned Rosey and blushed at her before bending down and kissing her hand.
He began welcoming her with a shaky voice that seemed more fit for one of the first-year students rather than the tall bearded half-giant.
You smiled under your veil clearing your throat, before speaking in a thick French Accent that made a few of your students turn and give you a questioning look, all-knowing you were originally English and knew hell barely spoke a quarter of the french language.
“excusez Moi Monsieur, where iz my classroom, Madame Maxine was promised I would be given a room to perform my services during my stay”
Hagrid nodded excitedly and began to lead you, Olympe, and the students to the castle.
¨Yes, yes! They Are finishing it up now! We are all excited to see your work Professor, especially Professor Trelawney, she has been a big fan for a while you know.¨
You simply shake your head and smile, though you doubt anyone could see it under your veil, Trelawney was one of your favorite professors to have during your short time at Hogwarts, she was one of the few people excited that you were a Seer and was very supportive of you during your time, especially during the constant bullying you faced in your youth, that reminds you did have to thank her for that.
¨Oui, I bet they sure are Monsieur, however, it iz getting a bit late, shall we head to ze castle, I am how you say uh heureux?¨ ¨Happy?¨ A student chirped, ¨Ah Yes Happy! I Can not wait to see all the new faces! Come, Children follow the gentil géant, Let's Go, shall we? Oui?¨
With that, you Nodded at Hagrid as you turned back to the Carriage and pulled out a Black carry on Trunk from the space under your seat and slammed the carriage while Knocking on the door and yelling ¨Vous êtes doué!” before the Carriage shot off towards the castle as you turned back to Hagrid and started following him towards the Castle, the one that you once called home.
You and the students of both schools, your own and Durmstrang, were preparing to be announced and called in by Dumbledore and could quite clearly hear the students of Hogwarts gossiping amongst themselves, while you listened carefully against the door you could hear some of the Durmstrang students flirting with your students,
you Cleared your throat loudly which caused the Durmstrang girls to drop the poor 3rd-year boy that they were flirting with, he shot you a smile which you responded with a nod before you heard Dumbledore getting ready to introduce you all, You gathered up your students along with Olympe.
“Remember what we practiced everyone, Grab your partner, chop-chop! He is about to announce us, remember to release the butterflies at the dip!” “For Now please join me in Welcoming The Lovely students of Beauxbaton Academy of Magic and their Head Master, Madam Maxine, along with their Professor, and Head Seer Delphi!”
With that, the First Row of partners pushed open the door and walked out, arm and arm. Students of all kinds became locked in an intricate dance, twirling and spinning one another looking like Ballerinas straight from a performance dressed in baby blue silk.
Row by row they walked out and once they reached the end of the Tables, they Dipped their partners as Baby blue butterflies spilled out from under their capes leaving, most students stunned, muttering to one another about how beautiful the students looked before Olympe and you walked out.
You walked side by side with Olympe as she admired the students staring with a smirk before looking down at you, as you walked beside her your cape was shimmering and waving the constellations on it with each step before they reached the end of the cape and popped out shooting out constellations and stars all around you and Olympe before they swirled around you at your shoulders and slid down the cape again, your veil and lack of Face or even identity was obviously causing an issue with the Hogwarts students.
You both reached the end of the tables before bowing your heads to the clapping students as your students all did a curtsy at their new classmates for the tournament. You saw Dumbledore placing a kiss on Olympe’s hand before turning to place one on your gloved hand causing you to draw it back and make a face a disgust even though no one could see which was funny to your students apparently as they turned and laughed quietly behind their hands from the sides of the Great Hall where you joined them before dumbledore ran back to his Stand to announce Durmstrang.
“Now Please Treat the Proud Students of Durmstrang and their high master, Igor Karkaroff
With that welcome, the Durmstrang Students walked in all carrying staffs tapping them in a rhythm and grunting? Singing? You didn’t know how to describe it along to the beat, as each staff hit the ground they produced a light spark before they began to sprint and do tricks with their staffs before Viktor Krum and the Headmaster walked in and as they reached the end of the tables released a fire phoenix that surrounded him before shooting off into the roof and disappearing leaving you highly impressed with the effort of their performance.
Dumbledore lifted his arms and embraced Igor as he smiled and called for Dumbledore-albus? Who knows as they laughed and embraced each other once more.
¨Hogwarts! Let's entertain our friends in the best way we can! Everyone stand!”
Dumbledore led the Children of Hogwarts in song which with the off-key voices and the interesting choice of words including Hoggy hoggy Hogwarts in was rather confusing, the students and headmasters along with yourself looked rather confused and muttered amongst yourselves as the Hogwarts school continued their song.
As the Song finished Dumbledore announced to the students to sit wherever they would like among the four tables and mingle with another as he led you and the headmasters to the Professor’s table. You sat In Between Olympe and Igor as you sat in your chair you heard Olympe talking to Dumbledore.
¨Professor Dumbley-dore my horses have traveled a long way they will need attending to!¨
¨Surely Madame Maxine! Our Gatekeeper Hagrid is more than capable!¨ Hagrid smiled to himself and nodded at Dumbledore´s praise earning a chuckle from you and a nudge from Olympe.
¨As you know Monsieur Hagrid, they drink only single malt whiskey¨
Hagrid nodded excitedly before going down to get a bite of his food and missing his plate and stabbing his associate´s hand instead causing said professor to yell and call him an idiot, causing Hagrid to hang his head embarrassed.
As Dumbledore continued his speech about eternal glory and greatness, a storm had begun to brew on the mirroring roof with thick thunder and lightning sparking around the room some students had begun to scream causing a panic, you had just started to shush them and try and calm them down when it was shut down when Alastor Moody walked into the room and cleared it.
You could hear students beginning to mutter amongst themselves at the entrance of the man, you simply looked his way before turning to Olympe and whispering up to her as you both watched Moody walk around the room and be greeted by Dumbledore.
¨Madame that man is a walking travesty, did Dumbledore warn you about him being here?¨ ¨Of course, not dear, that old man does very little to warn us about his surprises it seems.¨
You both gave a look of disgust as you watch Moody turn his back to the children and tag a swig out of his flask, ¨Nothing but a damn drunk nowadays Olympe.¨
You watch as The minister and Dumbledore announce the Goblet of Fire and announce no one under 17 may participate, giving you some ease as many of your students were under 17. You however have grown tired from the long trip and all the worries of the day so you stood from the table rubbing at your temples over your veil and sighing, grabbing attention from everyone but mainly from Moody and Olympe.
Olympe shoots you a questioning look but you just shake your head and begin heading down the tables leaving a train of stars as you go from your robes, the stars swirling around you before floating towards students and popping with clusters of glitter following it and you could hear someone, who you assume is Moody, following you down the Great hall.
Quickly you started sprinting through the halls as you follow the instructions hagrid gave you hearing the footsteps beginning to catch up as you reach the door you rush and shut the door before they, whoever they are, can touch you.
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