#but when it comes down to it she falls back on the cold hard logic of giving ciri to the lodge. she plays the politics
roughentumble · 10 months
sylph of mind triss. i will not elaborate.
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natalievoncatte · 25 days
There was a knock at Lena’s door, and it startled her awake. She was awake, but also wasn’t, sitting in a side chair beside her sofa with a glass of whisky still in her hand, loosely held by tired, nerveless fingers. It nearly fell from her palm when the sound jolted her from the twilight between fitful wakefulness and falling asleep sitting up. By her side was that goddamn picture, the glass still cracked. She grabbed it and forced it down so she didn’t have to see her grinning face, feel the ghost of a warm soft cheek lightly grazing hers.
The whisky made a fiery stab at her heart as she finished it and went to the door. She already knew who it was, the only person who’d dare disturb her at this hour, and who could get past her security.
Kara stood in the hall, clad in fluffy pajamas and disbelieved, tracks left by hot tears still cut into her soft rosy cheeks. There she was, the pretty little crying princess again.
It was an act. It was bullshit. The real her was hiding behind it, standing tall, appraising Lena’s faults with eyes that could burn mountains, the cold judgment of an extinct empire carved into her godlike, inhuman beauty. Lena made herself see that, refused to let her guard down.
“What, Kara?”
“Can I come in?”
Lena didn’t even answer. She began to close the door, only for her movement to be arrested by a single word.
Part of her made her stop. She seethed against it, hated it. She had carved icy knives of vengeance to carve it out herself. Alcohol had failed to drown it and the sharpest logic was dull against it. It was both too hard to crush and too soft to squeeze, this hateful thing that coiled around her heart and made her feel when she had sworn never to feel again.
Kara took a halting step forward. Lena threw out her palm and pressed it into her chests, stopping her.
She shouldn’t have done that. There was something heady and intoxicating in it. Kara froze in place, and Lena could feel her pulse along her collarbones. The pinnacle of alien might, strength so vast that nothing could stand as her equal, and she stopped from Lena’s lightest touch. That was power.
“What do you want?”
“Just to talk.”
“I’ve heard your apologies. Don’t waste my time unless you have some new material.”
Kara licked her lips. “Maybe.”
They couldn’t stay like this. Resting a hand on her chest had too many possibilities. Touching her had too many implications. It would be so easy to let the soft thing win and bring her hand up and hold her palm to that soft cheek and seek to balm those tears, make it better, care.
She let herself remember that Kara’s pain was a shoeld for Supergirl’s judging wrath and pulled back, but she didn’t close the door. Kara did as she slipped inside.
Thee was a heavy pause of silence, where Kara just breathed, soft and ragged.
“Why are you here?” said Lena.
“I needed to see you. I needed to know you’re safe.”
“Worse,” said Kara. “It was so much worse.”
The agony in her voice shook Lena.
Forcing herself to composure, she poured another three fingers of single malt and flipped into her chair, extending neither drink nor invitation to Kara. The drink was a bad idea. It was dangerous. The smokey, hazy heat of it burned the soft bitter taste of regret from her teeth. Lena didn’t look at her.
“It was the imp.”
“Excuse me?”
“It calls itself Mxy. It says it’s from the fifth dimension but I have no idea if that’s true or not. All I know is that it has vast powers, even godlike. The last time it… it tried to force me to marry it.”
Lena knew what darkness in her birthed the hot rage in her gut, the possessive jealous fury that welled within her at those worse. This thing, how dare he.
She took a drink.
“It… he came to me tonight and said he wanted to make amends. He offered to let me change the past. I could fix whatever I wanted.”
“Hmm. Must have been a trick,” said Lena. “Let me guess, restoring Krypton had some ironic Twilight Zone twist.”
Kara blanched, blinking. “No, I… I didn’t even think of that. I asked him to help me fix us.”
There is no us, Lena began to say, but the words died on her tongue. She washed the taste away.
Something in her twisted, a cold shiver like a water dumped over her head. She knew Kara’s bullshit super senses would pick up on it and steeled herself.
Rubbing her arms, Kara paced.
“I tried telling you at different times, so you’d hear it from me and not Lex or someone else.”
“What happened?” Lena said, trying to look more interested in her whisky than the answer.
It was purely an intellectual curiosity, she told herself.
“You died,” Kara said, blunt. “You died every time.”
Every which way. Reign killed you five or six times. Mercy blew your brains out all over my chest. Lex… Lex could be creative. Poison, blades, fire once. He was fond of sadistic choices and clever tortures. Say, use red wavelengths to negate my powers and set up a sadistic challenge I could never pass, that sort of thing. It got so bad I stupidly wished I’d never met you.”
Her voice was ragged, breathing uneven. Fresh tears glittered on her cheeks and Lena felt herself lunge, start to stand. Kara’s pain called out to something in her, something beyond the physical or even the emotional. It was like something in Lena’s soul yearned to stop that terrible pain.
“The worst was when you drowned. Almost.”
Lena looked away, swirled her drink.
“Sounds like you kept trying.”
“I did. The timeline where we never met was one of the worst. I wasn’t there when your chopper crashed. Your mother… you tried to kill me and I couldn’t even fight back.”
“Is this where we segue into the ‘I would never hurt you’ lecture?”
“No. I did hurt you. I deserve your hate. If someone else did to you what I did, I’d snap their neck.”
Lena flinched. There was something cold in that admission, something brutal and beyond even Supergirl. Raw.
None of her rules matter for me.
A tiny voice in that darkness whispered to her: And if some poor bastard locked her in a Kryptonite cage the way you did, they’d be begging you for death. They’d know you’re a Luthor.
Lena shuddered.
“What do you do?”
“I kept trying. I thought… I felt… I had to keep trying.”
“Well, you gave up and came here eventually. You…”
Kara swallowed hard. “It thought it worked, finally. I picked the night I reached you from Corben. Remember that?”
“I remember,” Lena said, hesitant.
Kara Danvers believes in you.
“I told you when you asked me why I saved you. I took you home, made sure you were safe. Life went on. These… these timelines or whatever they were, Lena, they were real. I lived them. That one was, it was…”
“A few days later after things calmed down we went to lunch. We were just chatting about something unimportant and you looked at me and our eyes met and it was like…”
Kara looked away from her, wrapping her arms around herself the way she did, not a smug Supergirl pose but a woman shielding her heart from the world that clawed at it.
“When I first arrived on Earth there was a night where my powers had just kicked in and I looked at the sky. I could see more than stars. There was an aurora that was invisible to humans. I could see invisible lines of energy crackling between the stars, the cosmic background radiation shimmering on the dark. Can you imagine that? I can see the remnants of the Big Bang when I stargaze.”
Lena’s had trembled, the dregs of her booze shaking in the bottom of the glass.
“It was like that,” said Kara. “I knew I’d never be the same. I was staring at you like a big goof and you just stopped talking and stared back. I blurted out ‘is this a date?’”
Lena clutched the glass so she wouldn’t drop it and forced the tears back with all her might, but she was weak. Always weak.
“I take it I said yes,” she managed to say, voice quivering.
“We got married three years later. Lori was born a year after that.”
“Kara,” Lena began.
“Then it happened.”
“Kara, shut up.”
“Kalibak killed you. My sister. My little girl. My everything.”
Lena hurled the glass and Kara snatched it from the air in a superhuman blur. Lena was already on her feet, stabbing an accusing finger.
“So what?” Lena demanded. “We’re star-crossed lovers, now? Is this your ploy to fix it? Make me realize how in love we are? It’s a sick joke, Kara.”
“I know I can’t fix it,” said Kara. “I don’t want to.”
Lena blinked, her rage momentarily cooled. “What?”
“I would rather live in a world where you hate me as long as you’re still in it.”
“Kara,” Lena said.
“We are star-crossed. I don’t know want I did to deserve this but I can’t fix it. There was never a right time to tell you. It was doomed from the start. I’m here to tell you to let me go, Lena.”
She blinked. “What?”
“I know about Non Nocere. I know what you’re trying to do. I’m here to ask you to stop. Please. Don’t do this. Don’t ruin you life over me.”
“Why couldn’t you just save me and leave?” Lena demanded. “That’s what everyone else gets. A quick rescue and a wave and a wink and you’re gone. Why did you have to drag yourself through my life and wreck everything?”
“I tried that.”
Lena screamed, bellowed at the top of her lungs.
“So what? So fucking what, Kara?”
Kara just stood there.
“I don’t know. I just… I just had to see… all I want is for you to be safe.”
Lena turned away from her.
“I’m so sorry. I’m so fucking sorry,” Kara choked out, behind her. “I did go back to Krypton one time. I told him I wanted to stay and die with my world, that it was the only way.”
“Let me guess, you did that and…”
“Car accident.”
“Oh for fuck’s sake,” Lena cried. “You have to be kidding me.”
“He made me watch. Not just you, everyone else that died because there was no Supergirl. I… I think I’m in Hell.”
Lena blinked. She turned slowly. A memory came flooding back to her from another time, a closed casket in a small Irish church with Lionel Luthor lurking, waiting for her with an entourage. She’d asked the priest in her precious child voice, am I in Hell, Father?
A sob forced itself out of her. She let herself look at Kara, standing there bedraggled and teary eyed in rumpled Hello Kitty pajamas and felt sick, like she’d swallowed a belly full of rancid oil. All she could see was the hurting, and she wondered if that was it, if this pain was the source of the unbreakable quantum entanglement that had dragged this alien being across a gulf of stars to fuck up her life.
Or save it.
“Kara,” Lena whispered. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I dragged you into my life.”
“I’m not,” Kara whispered. “It was a gift, every minute of it. I wouldn’t trade a single moment for anything. Even the ones that didn’t happen.”
“What the hell do we do?” said Lena.
“I leave. I keep saving you. You find someone else, live your life, be happy. I do everything I can to keep you in this world and watch you grow old. That’s it. I should go.”
Kara turned and Lena screamed, balling her fists.
“Don’t you fucking dare leave this penthouse, Kara Danvers.”
Kara froze.
“I went back.”
“Went back to what?” said Kara.
“I went back to let you out of the Kryptonite cage. I couldn’t stop thinking of you lying on that cold floor in pain so I had to go back, but you weren’t there. I… I… I don’t know what I’m doing. I want to stop this but I just keep going and I don’t know what to fucking do anymore. I’m so lost.”
Kara’s shoulders slumped.
“I would take it back if I could.”
Kara turned back to her.
“You don’t have to.”
Lena backed away, unable to look at her. Kara crossed the gap in seconds and tenderly rested her hands on Lena’s arms.
“I’m sorry. I mean it. I am truly sorry from the depths of my soul. I would fix this if I could.”
“I’m sorry I hurt you,” said Lena. “It makes my soul hurt, and I don’t believe in souls.”
Lena pulled her in, clinging to her as if she might disappear. Kara was tentative, testing with every movement.
God, they had a daughter. A child! Lena could imagine, almost see… what had she done?
“It’s going to be okay,” Kara said. “I think this is what I was supposed to learn.”
“To own my mistakes, and if I don’t want you to be a villain, I shouldn’t treat you like one.”
“I’m so tired.”
“I should go home and let you rest. This is a lot, I know, and it’s late. I…”
Kara trailed off, and Lena looked up at her. Their eyes met, and Lena… knew.
“Will you come back?” said Lena.
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luffington · 1 month
nurse's office ♡
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➤ summary: Even doctors need check-ups, so you indulge your boyfriend and put on a sexy nurse costume. (18+)
➤ pairing: trafalgar law x afab!reader
➤ word count: 3.1k
➤ warnings: switch!law, modern AU, nurse-patient roleplay, praise kink, established relationship, fluff, silly porn dialogue, fem reader
➤ notes: i LOVE law with all my heart but i have such a hard time writing him.... hopefully this turned out okay and it's accurate to his character :')
NSFW under the break! minors dni thank uuu
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When you returned to your apartment after work, the lights were on and a familiar black trench coat hung in the entrance, but the coat’s owner was nowhere in sight. You called his name as you slipped off your shoes and received no response. 
A muffled noise coming from your shared bedroom caught your attention.
Curious, you crept through the living room and creaked open the door just enough to slip inside. Law sat at his desk in the dark with his back turned away from you. Completely focused on his dimmed laptop screen with headphones plugged in and unaware of your presence. A smile spread across your face when you noticed what he was watching.
A busty brunette woman in an incredibly cliché nurse outfit batted her fake eyelashes at the camera as she deep-throated her patient’s dick. Your boyfriend’s inked hand rose up and down his own cock, eyes half-lidded and biting his lip to attempt to stifle his throaty groans. When you were literally right behind him, you leaned over his shoulder to read the video title out loud. “‘The Best Prescription In Town Is A Dose Of This Naughty Nurse’s Pussy’?”
Law’s entire body went cold.
“I-It’s not what it looks like!” He panicked, whipping his head towards you and accidentally ripping his headphones cord out of the jack. Exaggerated and unrealistic slurping sounds, accompanied by the male actor’s moans, started playing at full volume. Law forgot how his typically agile fingers worked as he rushed to pause the video. He was ready to diagnose himself with a heart attack.
Your eyes flickered to the bottle of lube and box of tissues beside his laptop. “I think it’s exactly what it looks like.”
“No, I…” Embarrassment flooded his veins and he scrambled for a logical explanation. You were clearly amused instead of upset, but that didn’t deter him. Steeling his nerves, your boyfriend cleared his throat and prayed his voice didn’t shake. “I wanted to see how accurate this was, but it’s a disgusting mockery of nurses. This is completely inappropriate in a real hospital.”
“Well, duh,” you chuckled and rolled your eyes. You leaned closer to study the other tabs open in his incognito mode browser. One search for ‘hot nurse’ and another for ‘nurse fucks patient’. A second video titled ‘Nursing Student Gives Penis Exam’. A spark ignited in you. “Law, is this what you’re into?”
He stayed silent and let his head fall down in shame – which only directed your gaze to his quickly softening dick – as he mumbled a timid apology.
“Oh, baby, you have nothing to apologize for.” You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and nuzzled against his neck. “Please don’t be embarrassed, I genuinely wanna know what turns you on. I won’t judge, I promise.”
“You’re prettier than everyone in these videos,” was his only response. He was such a sweetheart without even trying. 
Even though you’d been together for quite a while, Law still had a hard time discussing his kinks. The man had a neurotic need to protect his innermost thoughts and thick iron walls guarding every part of his mind. It took a lot of time and patience, but you’d managed to break down most of his barriers. You wanted him to trust you and feel comfortable around you; having fun in the bedroom was just a bonus. 
Pressing your lips to his ear, you teasingly whispered, “I can buy a nurse costume, you know.”
“Huh? Are you serious?!” Wide gray eyes met yours, a flurry of emotions overtaking his stressed-out expression.
“Of course! I’ll look for a cute one right now.” You pulled out your phone, pausing before opening your browser to bat your eyelashes and say, “Only if you want me to.”
“I – I…” Law fumbled for words, unable to keep up with the thoughts racing through his brain. After a moment of hesitation, he licked his dry lips and hastily leaned over to look at your screen. “Let me see the options.”
The costume was set to arrive in 3-4 business days, which gave you and Law plenty of time to talk and plan. Both of you discussed what you wanted out of the scenario and what you each felt comfortable doing. You promised Law you’d do actual research by watching nurse pornos in order to imitate them, and he swore to never correct you mid-scene with his accurate medical knowledge. 
His steely eyes lit up when he spoke and made your heart flutter with love. As an accomplished surgeon, he took care of countless patients every day – of course he wanted someone to do the same for him. Nothing was sexier than seeing Law turn to putty in your hands, happily melting into your protection.
The fateful night arrived with a flimsy package at your front door.
Law sat on the couch in the ‘waiting room’ (also known as the living room), anxiously rubbing the letters tattooed on his knuckles and bouncing his legs. His throat was parched, his heart was racing, and his dick was already getting hard.
His jaw dropped when you opened the bedroom door – no, your office. The tight white dress hugged your body perfectly, accentuating all of your best features. Firetruck red stripes lined the sleeves and collar, and a prominent zipper ran all the way down the front. Your boobs were spilling out of the low-cut top and the skirt barely covered your upper thighs. A dainty white hat sat atop your head, sporting a white cross in a red circle that matched the one on your breast pocket. The look was complete with thigh-high white stockings, lacy crimson lingerie, Law’s real stethoscope around your neck, and a notebook and pen in your hand.
“Trafalgar Law?” You called out coquettishly.
His excited cock tried to answer for him, but he took a deep breath and nodded. “T-That’s me.”
With an overly sweet grin, you beckoned him into the room. “It’s time for your appointment. Follow me.” 
Previously arranged pillows on the bed mimicked the half-upright position of a medical chair. Law couldn’t look away from you as he shuffled towards his ‘exam table’, sitting down so his legs hung off the edge. You placed a gentle hand under his scruffy chin, his gaze flickering between your face and your tits. 
“Now, what seems to be the problem?”
Law didn’t have the confidence (nor the acting ability) to answer ‘my dick’ the way a pornstar would. So he settled for, “I’m not sure, miss. Maybe… give me a physical?”
“Ooh, a full body inspection,” you giggled, putting on a pair of hospital-grade latex gloves. “Please remove your shirt and lie on your back.”
He raised his eyebrows. “Only my shirt?”
Biting back a laugh, you responded, “Let’s take it one step at a time, okay?” 
Your boyfriend nodded obediently, neatly folding his canary yellow t-shirt beside him on the bed. It didn’t matter how often you saw his heavily tattooed chest – you were in awe of it every time. You opened your notebook, humming in mock contemplation and scribbling nonsense on a blank page in an imitation of Law’s terrible doctor handwriting. He tried to peek at what you were doing, but you quickly shut the cover. 
“Just relax, I’ll take care of you,” you cooed with a gentle smile and ruffled his hair.
He apologized curtly and settled back into a comfortable reclined position. Running your fingers along his jawline, you trailed your touch down the column of his throat and across his collarbones. Gently massaging his shoulders and feeling the tense muscles loosen as he let out a content sigh. You were unable to resist tracing the massive inked heart on his torso as you’d done so many times, lightly trailing your pointer finger across its flames and swirls and sending pleasant tingles throughout his body.
Repeating the action on his matching bicep tattoos, you cheekily stated, “Such strong muscles. Your girlfriend is a lucky woman.”
He chuckled, finally beginning to relax into his role. “You have no idea.”
“Let me check your heartbeat.” Not even bothering to put the stethoscope in your ears, you ran the cold chestpiece against Law’s nipples, forcing a pretty hiss from his lips. Rubbing circles atop them until both were stiff peaks, then teasingly rolling them between your fingertips until he was flushed and panting. 
Satisfied with his worked-up state, you pulled away to write more nonsense in the notebook. Your boyfriend furrowed his eyebrows. “Seriously, what the hell are you writing?”
“Please let me do my job, Mr. Trafalgar.” You firmly smacked the end of your pen against one of his nipples. The sudden display of authority made his cock twitch. 
You caressed his defined abdomen muscles, moving lower down his gorgeous body and brushed over his dark happy trail. 
“Your chest seems fine, which means…” You trailed off and tugged at the waistband of his sweatpants. Law’s adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed in anticipation, lifting his hips to help you slide down his sweats and boxers underneath. 
His rock-hard dick sprung free gratefully, angry red and twitching in excitement. You’d never seen him get this worked up so quickly – it made your cunt ache.
“Well, this is clearly the issue! Poor thing, you must feel so lightheaded from all the blood flowing down here.” You cooed, wiping his dark bangs away from his eyes in mock comfort. “I have to relieve this pressure or else the swelling won’t go down.”
“H-How will you–“ Law’s cheeky question was cut off by a groan when you curled your fingers around the thick base of his cock. Just one stroke pushed out several beads of pearly precum from his pretty tip. The synthetic softness of latex gloves felt strange against such a sensitive part of him, but it made the scenario extra immersive. 
“I need to milk you dry. Is that okay with you, Mr. Trafalgar?” 
Law nodded eagerly, too overstimulated to consent with words. He’d heard that phrase so many times in his videos. Your chest swelled with pride as you admired his submissive state. It wasn’t easy for your boyfriend to relinquish control to you during sex – no matter how much he wanted to – but he looked like he would die for you at that moment. 
You swung your leg over his body to straddle his upper thighs, cunt inches away from where he needed it. The movement caused your skirt to ride up and reveal a peek of your lacy panties. Law gulped when he noticed your soft thighs bulging around the elastic band of your stockings. 
Using both hands, you began to jerk him off with slow and deliberate movements. Dragging your palms from the base to the head with the perfect amount of pressure, making sure to trace the sensitive vein on the underside. A steady stream of translucent fluid dribbled out, the length pulsing and begging for more in your grasp. You paused to spit on his tip for added lubrication and rubbed it into his heated skin. 
Law was glad you were fixated on his cock rather than his face. He knew he looked pathetic. Barely three minutes had passed and he was embarrassingly close to cumming (though he was proud of himself for not bursting in his pants the moment you emerged in your costume). His abdomen muscles were wound tight and his chest rose and fell with heavy breaths. Steely gray eyes never left your body, your hands, almost too afraid to blink. 
When you fondled his heavy balls, his orgasm hit him like a truck. Law threw his head against the pillow and cried out, painting white streaks across your baby blue gloves. You grinned watching your boyfriend heaving for air, finally meeting his gaze when you swiped your tongue across a thick glob of cum on your thumb. He watched dazedly as you wiped the rest of his spend off on your skirt, then tossed your dirty gloves on the floor. 
“Perfect! The swelling went down,” you grinned slyly and added, “but it might come back.”
“Oh, it’s definitely coming back.” 
Law grabbed your waist and quickly flipped your positions, pinning you underneath him by sitting on your hips. Holding your wrists above your head in one hand and using the other to cup your jaw, he pressed his lips against yours in a wet and messy kiss. You whined as he shoved his tongue down your throat, eagerly devouring your mouth. 
“M-Mr. Trafalgar, this is very unprofessional…” Weakly faking a struggle against his grasp, whining when it only got tighter.
“I gotta self-medicate now, miss, or I’ll never get better.” Your boyfriend kissed his way down your sternum, tugging down the zipper of your costume just enough to reveal your chest. He groaned at the sight of your vivid red bra. “Fuck, what a uniform.”
While mouthing at the swell of your breasts, your boyfriend stroked himself to full hardness – which didn’t take long. Desire was overtaking his mind and turning his vision hazy. He might actually have a medical issue if he didn’t fuck you immediately. 
Law slipped his hand between your legs and snickered at the wetness soaked through your panties. Pushing the fabric to the side, he unceremoniously thrust his E and A fingers in your cunt. Those skilled digits pushed and prodded inside you, a grin spreading across his face when he heard the sinful squelch of your drenched walls. 
“Naughty nurse,” he chuckled teasingly, gray eyes burning holes into your own when he sucked his sticky fingers into his mouth, moaning at your taste.
“I’m not naughty,” you pouted. “My job is to make patients feel better, and this is helping, right?”
“Shit, yeah, you just might cure me.” 
Law tapped your inner thighs and you spread them willingly, unsurprised when he chose to shove your panties to the side and keep the costume intact. He pressed his swollen mushroom tip against your leaking entrance. With freed wrists, you gripped the bedsheets, heart racing and pussy throbbing. 
Rather than fulfilling both of your desires, your boyfriend paused in thought. “Hold on, what did you diagnose me with?”
You shrugged and defaulted to something you heard in a porno. “Big dick disorder?”
Law fought against every well-educated neuron in his brain begging to correct you. He took a deep breath and let out an exaggerated exhale, but smirked proudly. “I’ll accept it.”
His cock slammed into you and knocked all the air from your lungs. Bottoming out with a groan, he paused to lean back and admire your outfit, feeling his cock get impossibly harder inside your cunt. Fucking a fantasy nurse was a deep-rooted desire of his, and he was amazed and incredibly grateful that he was able to act it out with you. 
“Is this the right way to treat my illness?” Smugly punctuating his words with a sharp thrust, the head of his cock kissing the tip of your womb. You’d never seen him so talkative in bed.
“M-move faster… it’ll be more effective.”
“Okay. I trust you, miss nurse.” Law whispered seductively in your ear. His beard tickled your skin when he nipped at a soft spot of your neck. 
Setting a brutal pace, he pistoned his cock in and out, balls slapping against your skin with every thrust. Messy wet sounds filled the room – your cunt gushing and your tongues desperately sliding against each other. Law typically limited his vocal expressions of pleasure to grunts and soft groans, but something in him had clearly snapped. He had no issue throwing his head back and moaning unashamedly, interweaving spat curse words and praises of your body. 
He sucked on your tongue while switching his hip movements to a slow grind, his dick fully sheathed and rubbing against every delicate inch of your cunt. 
“T-Traf… oh, fuck, Law.” Your eyes rolled back into your head as you tangled your fingers in his messy black hair and held onto it for dear life. He swallowed the string of saliva connecting your lips with a playful grin.
Shifting your position into a mating press, you locked your stocking-clad knees around his shoulders. His rough pace resumed, cock reaching impossibly deeper inside you, bullying your cervix with every thrust. Your body rocked back and forth on the shaking mattress. Every movement caused your hat to press against the pillow and reminded you of your costume – no, your role.
“Good girl,” Law panted, pupils blown wide with pleasure. “Taking care of me so well with your pretty pussy.”
You whined needily, feeling your core tighten. “I’m s-so close, baby,” 
A sharp slap came down on your tit. Law’s eyes narrowed. “Be professional.” 
Despite his strict command, he rewarded you by pressing and flicking his thumb against your neglected clit. You bucked your hips into his touch desperately, grinding the sensitive nub on his calloused finger.
You threw your head backwards, arched off the bed and came with a cry of, “Mr. Trafalgar!” Arms wrapped around his back, legs pulling him in even tighter as your pleasure hit you like a tidal wave, flooding over you in a bright white light. 
“Naughty fucking nurse.” Your boyfriend growled with a pleased smirk. Hot cum coated your walls as Law let out a deep moan, your cunt eagerly milking every last drop. Your boyfriend kissed you deeply until the aftershocks of both of your orgasms had subsided.
He collapsed on top of you, both of your chests heaving against each other as you struggled to catch your breath. Releasing your tight grip on his shoulders, you lovingly rubbed the giant skull tattoo on his upper back. 
“Thank you, miss. I’m cured.” Law mumbled happily, kissing your cheek. 
You frowned. “You are? After one round?”
“Oh.” That certainly wouldn’t be a satisfying ending to his appointment. “Um… No, I’m still very, very sick.” He followed it up with a fake cough. Not exactly a symptom of having a big dick, but whatever. 
Deciding to give your overwhelmed boyfriend a break, you took control of the situation again.
“I’m not sure how much medical knowledge you have, Mr. Trafalgar, but I have an ache in my chest.” You reached between your bodies to innocently spread your unzipped dress even more, pushing out your tits. “Mind checking it out for me?”
Law pushed up the cups of your bra without a second thought, groping your soft flesh with large palms. “I’ll see what I can do.”
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lavenderstarsx · 1 month
Summary: Sirius comforts y/n after a run in with some bullies.
Word Count: 1.5k
Pairing: Marauders Era Sirius Black x Reader
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Y/n could barely see right as tears clouded her vision. She could feel the cold hands of Mulciber through her robes as he pinned her up against the wall. She could hear the taunting voice of Lucius Malfoy
“Stupid mudblood doesn’t know when to get out of our way. What is it with you type? Huh?” Mulciber had slammed Y/n harder into the wall again. She could feel the warm blood slowly forming on the back of her head. The halls were getting dizzier. Y/n could see Mulciber raise his wand, muttering something as he casted. Suddenly a sharp pain went throughout Y/n’s body. She could now feel blood pooling on the side of her ribs. Y/n couldn’t breathe, she had to fight back or she would surely be dead by the end of this encounter. Her nerves were frozen with anxiety. Shit. Was she having a panic attack?
“Oh you weak mudblood, you can’t even speak!” Lucius grinned this time as both he and Mulciber raised there wands. Usually Malfoy wasn’t the type to get his hands dirty. So, Y/n knew something bad was about to happen. Y/n braised herself. She put her head to the side and closed her eyes, praying this wouldn’t hurt as much as the spell before. She knew it would. She wasn’t stupid. 
Suddenly she could see a figure run towards her. Y/n squinted trying to figure out who it was. The boy had black hair which severely needed a haircut and grey eyes. Sirius. 
“Expelliarmus!” The boy shouted as he ran towards Y/n.
Both Mulciber and Malfoy looked shocked as both their wands fly out of their hands. Sirius comes striding in, wand in hand, with a furious look on his face. 
“Oh look it’s the blood traitor.” Mulciber scowled.
“Get away from her!” Sirius pushed Malfoy back and slapped the side of Mulciber’s head very hard. Mulciber quickly lets go of her robes and Y/n put her hand to the back of her head. Mulciber had definitely done damage. Blood was streaming down her head and the blood had now stained her hand after touching it. 
“-Y/n.” Sirius quickly ran to her and gently placed his arm around her- helping her steady herself. Sirius had given Malfoy and Mulciber a treacherous look and with that Malfoy made the ~logical~ decision and grabbed Mulciber by the robes and dragged him away. Lucius had seen for himself what the Gryffindor boy could do. 
“Sirius?” Y/n asked, squinting again. Her vision became blurry due to the head injury. Her body swayed even in Sirius’s arms. Even through her fuzzy brain she couldn’t help the blush lightly covering her cheeks. Her breathing was becoming slower and more relaxed as she let herself fall into Sirius’ arms.
“Hey- Y/n i’m going to take you to Madam Pomfrey’s now. Okay?” 
Y/n shakes her head a no- her breathing now hitched. She was becoming delirious. 
“I’m fine Sirius- just a little blood.” Y/n says almost drunkenly. Frankly, she was embarrassed. She had only met Sirius a few times. They weren’t really close. She had seen him at potions- and in the halls. She felt like she was the only one who truly saw him. The way his eyes softened at her when he or she had caught each other staring. She thought it was pure dumb luck to catch the gaze of the most beautiful boy in all of Hogwarts. But she knew, oh down in her heart that Sirius was not someone she could have. Every girl in the damn castle fancied him. But it was getting late and her head hurt. 
“I’m sorry but that wasn’t a question.” Sirius still as before gently still holds her and helps Y/n walk towards Madam Pomfrey’s.
Y/n didn’t really remember what happened next. She remembers Madam Pomfrey’s sweet voice exclaiming an “Oh dear!” as Sirius lead her inside. Sirius kept giving her worried glances the entire walk down. He was very nice with her and gave Y/n a heart warming smile when they finally reached their destination. Madam Pomfrey had quickly given Y/n a bed. Y/n didn’t remember a lot after that. She remembers Sirius playing with her hair slowly before she succumbed to her injury and passed out. She also remembered a smile on her face as he did such.
Y/n woke up the next morning to the sun in her face. She blinked around before noticing a sleeping Sirius Black on the leather chair to the side of her. Sirius had his head leaning to the side. Short snores could also be heard from the boy. Y/n couldn’t help but admire the black haired boy. He looked like an old painting, the way he was so delicate and handsome. After a few minutes Sirius awoke. He rubbed his eyes and yawned before looking at Y/n. Y/n looked away and blushed excessively. Sirius had never looked at her like that. 
“Do you feel better love?” Sirius asked, as he gave her a small smile.
“I’m still a little sore but- better- uh thanks.” Y/n and Sirius were making eye contact. She looked into his grey eyes and all she felt was comfort from them. 
Sirius, in that moment fell fully in love with Y/n. The way her hair was pressed to her face, the sun shining down on her like she was a goddess, and how she was looking at him. If Sirius could look at one thing the rest of his life it would be the scene in front of him right now. He could freeze time right now and look at your face for an eternity. 
“Thank you for saving me.” Y/n smiled.
“Don’t mention it Y/n. I couldn’t let them just hurt you… it wouldn’t be right. Plus you were a damsel in distress. And as a prince I couldn’t just not save the princess.” Sirius raised his eyebrows and gave you a cheeky smirk after he finished speaking. 
Y/n felt heat rising to her cheeks again as he called her a princess. 
There was a comfortable silence after that. It was a Saturday morning so you weren’t missing any classes thankfully but Sirius was determined to stay by Y/n’s side. She was very thankful for him keeping her company. He stayed there the entire day. Sirius and Y/n played cards and talked about classes. She enjoyed being with Sirius so much. He made butterflies fill her stomach to the brim. She felt like she was going to explode today when he had called her beautiful. It was evening- golden hour to be specific and Madam Pomfrey’s was the prettiest Y/n had ever seen it. Y/n was resting now. She wasn’t fully asleep, she was more like resting her eyes. But sweet Sirius Black didn’t realize that.
“She is so beautiful.” He mumbled. 
It was around dinner time when Y/n and Sirius started talking fully again. He was explaining a prank he pulled on Snape two days prior. Y/n couldn’t help but giggle. The two teens carried their conversations until it was dark out. Y/n was the first to yawn. Then Sirius did as well. He still had his mind set on staying with Y/n for as long as possible. Something inside him felt like she needed him. Sirius smiled once more as Y/n slowly leaned closer into the pillow as she looked at him. Y/n opened and closed her mouth. The pain in her side and her head was overwhelming. Y/n wanted to ask Sirius to comfort her. She wanted for him to cuddle her, hopefully making the pain go away. Suddenly Sirius started talking,
“Is it okay if I join you? This chair isn’t too comfortable.” 
Sirius had given Y/n puppy eyes. She smiled.
“I’d love that.” 
Sirius couldn’t help but give her a grin after she said that. He awkwardly got onto the bed next to Y/n. Y/n had turned to face him. Her body was on fire- but is wasn’t her injuries this time. It was love. Sirius gave her the same look. He looked into her eyes, he now had a more sheepish grin. It wasn’t long before Y/n felt Sirius Black looking at her lips. She blushed and then found herself looking at Sirius’s lips.
“May- I kiss you?” Sirius asked. 
Y/n only answered by kissing Sirius first. After the kiss Y/n let herself relax into Sirius.
Sirius was playing with her hair again. Y/n giggled and snuggled up closer to Sirius. Sirius put his arm around her. He very gently puts his hand on the bandage that laid on the back of her head. 
“If they ever bother you again I swear- i’ll use the killing curse next time.” Sirius joked. She laughed and put her face closer to his chest. Sleep was brushing at Y/n’s eyelids. Even after doing nothing all day she was very tired. Sirius seemed close to sleep as well. He laid his head next to Y/n’s and closed his eyes. Y/n did the same. Soon the two were both asleep- their hands now intertwined as they both drifted off into deep slumber.
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grandline-fics · 11 months
love your stories so far! do you write for women? if you do i’d love something robin! angst to fluff if it’s not too much, rest of the details are up to you! thank you if you write it 😁
DESCRIPTION: Robin has you to always be there for her when the nightmares hit
WARNINGS: angst to fluff
WORDS: 654
A/N: Hi there! I'll give writing for any character a go if they get requested. I hope I did this justice and that you liked it!
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Everywhere she turned she could only make out the mass of of ships appearing against the horizon, towering over her as the cold, paralysing dread clung to her. Robin tried to shout out for them to stop, to leave but all that escaped was a strangled whimper that was swallowed by the booming blasts of the canon. She could feel the heat flaring across her skin and the smoke claw against her throat, even after all these years and even in her sleep, the sensation was forever branded into her very veins. 
“Robin!” Her tear filled eyes widened and she turned to see you and the rest of the crew standing amongst the flames and destruction raining down. No, no, no, her mind screamed as she took in the sight, the very thing she never wanted to go through. Robin forced her legs to move and she raced towards you all but the distance never closed no matter how hard she tried and no matter how much the crew called out for her. 
One by one the people she loved the most, those that she considered to be her family were wiped out in one explosion after another until you were the last one remaining. You had a look of resignation in your eyes, knowing the inevitable was coming. Slowly you lifted your arm towards her and she clawed at the smoke and fire in front of her, desperate to reach you. Your lips parted and the final explosion rang out in her ears. 
With a gasp Robin bolted upright in the bed, her body cold and shaking as the nightmare continued to plague her racing mind. She tried to force the panic back down with the logic that she was safe in the ship, everyone of her loved ones were sleeping soundly in their own beds. There was no Buster Call, it was all a dream. Despite her awareness of reality she still couldn’t stop the tears pricking at her eyes or calm the fearful shake of her hands. Slowly she ran her fingers through her hair and looked down to your side of the bed, in two minds whether to wake you or leave you. 
Except you were already gone. Reaching out she felt the warmth, your warmth lingering against the soft material. She didn’t think it was time for your watch, so where had you gone? Just as she was about to pull herself out of bed you appeared in the doorway. When you met her gaze you offered her a reassuring but sadly knowing smile. “I tried to wake you but it seemed to make your nightmare worse.” You said as you entered the room fully. Robin opened her mouth to apologise and explain what she had dreamt of but you knew her too well and shook your head. 
“It’s okay.” You said while handing over a mug of herbal tea that Robin only now noticed in your hand and in the other. Slowly she adjusted herself against the pillows while letting her ability switch on the bedside lamp. You passed over the deep purple covered book that you knew was Robin’s favourite and leant down to press a kiss against her temple. “We don’t have to make your mind go back there.” Robin let out a relieved breath and settled against you when you returned to the comfort of your shared bed.
As Robin lay back, her eyes focussed on the familiar and comforting words of the book her in hand she kept her head close to your chest, listening intently to the calm rise and fall of your breath and the steady rhythm of your heart while your warmth soaked into her skin, dispelling the memory of her nightmares. She was safe on the Sunny with the crew that much she always knew but for as long as she had you she knew there was nothing to fear. 
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paintersknife · 1 month
The first time he watches her die, it feels like the world is ending around him. It’s sudden, a freak accident as he’s walking her home after a date, the car careening into her before either of them can even react. Dimly he’s aware of other people screaming and shouting for help, but deep in his core he knows it won't come in time. The logical part of his mind is aware he's going into shock, but his vision has shrunk until all he can see is her and the pool of blood that he can't staunch no matter what he does. She's calm, why is she so calm? Her eyes look so sad as they stare up at him and he's helplessly holding her tight as he clutches for her hands, whispering to her over and over so she never feels alone, not even for a second. Faintly, he can hear someone crying, and at the back of his mind he thinks don't cry, you won't have to suffer much longer, not realising the sound is coming from himself. There are screams that die in his throat, swallowed raw and thrashing. His blood pounds in his ears, in his head, as if it’s struggling to break free from him, to go with her, wherever she’s going. He doesn't realise that she's already going cold, doesn’t register much of anything until his vision seems to go black.
“Hey,” he sees her text on the phone in his hand. “So where do you want to go this weekend?” His phone is dropped as if it was a burning coal, his fingers shaking as he reaches up to remove his glasses and bury his face in his hands. Tears that he doesn’t feel wet his palm as his chest heaves with wracking sobs that he had been suppressing the entire time. It was too vivid to be a premonition, too detailed to be a vision. The terror he felt as he lost her finally starts to drain away like a bad dream, replaced by a feeling of relief so strong that he stumbles backwards and slumps onto his bed. Every deity that he can name is thanked for this second chance, every God that he can think of has a prayer whispered to them as a promise that he won’t waste it. With shaking hands he picks up the phone and types her a quick reply, already planning to make sure she is never put in that situation again.
He’s on edge all the way to the time that he remembers the accident happening, laughing off her attempts to ask him if everything is alright. When they reach her home he finally relaxes, giving her a quick kiss before watching her go up the steps to her door. He watches horrified as she slips on the top step, landing awkwardly and hard, too hard. She doesn’t get back up.
“Hey,” he sees her text on the phone in his hand. “So where do you want to go this weekend?” 
The tenth time it happens he can feel something break inside of him. As if he’s lost some insignificant but irreplaceable thing that kept him whole. There’s nothing he can do to stop it, it’s as if reality is contradicting itself, simultaneously wanting her dead but refusing to accept it. Each time is something different, some freak occurrence that could only be described as ‘one in a million’. An electrical cable snaps. A rotten tree falls. A bathtub drowning. Electrical malfunction. Nothing makes sense, no pattern stands out to him, and even if it did, he knows he has no way of making any notes for himself, no way to keep track of the things he needs to do or avoid except with his mind, and how grateful he is to have the intellect that he was blessed with that this is at least something that he is capable of doing. But it hurts, it hurts so much to have to commit everything to memory, every hurt that he sees on her, every moment of her pain. He can’t forget. Her life depends on it. He keeps trying. He must.
Soon he doesn’t break down anymore when he returns to the beginning of the loop. He feels monstrous, wondering if he’s becoming numb to it all after all, but each time he can sense that he’s losing just a little more of himself, a feeling that always surprised him because he was so sure that there wasn’t even anything left of him to lose anymore. Once, he told her about the loop in an attempt to warn her, but the look she gave him (that he can’t forget, won’t ever forget) ensured he wouldn’t ever bring it up again.
How many times has it been? Does he even remember how many times he has been forced to face the futility of his own actions as he watches the life drain out of her eyes? He’s keenly aware of what constitutes humanity, of that invisible border between life and death, one that he’s seen her cross countless times. It's strange how little separates ‘person’ from ‘corpse’. He thinks it odd that there’s always fear in her eyes at the end, but it never seems to be for herself, almost as if leaving him alone scares her more than her own fast approaching mortality, more than the pain of having her life ripped from her far too soon. He doesn’t understand why. After all, he knows that when he next opens his eyes he’ll be right back at the start, ready to restart his doomed quest.
He knows he can’t stop, even if he wanted to. To give up would be to lose her forever, and watching her slip away at the end of each cycle is at least not that. A future without her is no future at all, and he would gladly suffer through a hundred years of this torment– a thousand– anything to give her time back to her. He doesn’t want to stop. Will never want to stop, not even if she curses him with her dying breath. He’ll endure it all for her, even if it kills him. Maybe it already has.
It's purgatory, but even in the midst of his endless torment, there's a shred of hope. Hope that there's an end to this, a secret that he can unravel, a code he can crack, that with perfection in every action he can release them both. And though he has to watch it over and over and over again he knows that he can still go back. Even if it’s just a second longer, he’s grateful for every moment he has by her side.
What he doesn't think about, can't think about, is that hope is sometimes the cruellest thing of all.
“Hey,” he sees her text on the phone in his hand. “So where do you want to go this weekend?” 
Reset 564. Failure.
Begin again.
Because I had the idea about what if Clarence was trapped in a loop à la Cael in Godheim, and I think he would probably ruin himself to fix it.
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kendrene · 2 years
Hi Dren!! I hope you're doing well :)
For the prompt ask, 20. “It’s late, you should get some sleep.”
When Beatrice wakes up, the battered digital alarm clock Ava bought them second-hand reports it’s 3am. The nest of blankets next to her is warm, but empty. 
Her most recent dream has left a bad taste in her mouth. Her heart in the back of her throat. Adriel swooping in to take Ava away. Beatrice finding her, too late. The Halo — gone. And Ava — dead. 
That’s what has her reaching for the knife she keeps sheatherd under her pillow. What causes her to slide from underneath the covers without making a sound. If Beatrice was being logical about it, she’d admit to being overly cautious. After all, Ava may have gotten up to use the bathroom. But there’s no logic to the fear raking cold claws down her spine, and the dream — the plausibility of it — is still too vivid in her mind.
She can’t discount it.
So, she stalks through the small apartment, takes advantage of all shadows. Shannon taught her how, during her first weeks at Cat’s Cradle. One of the basic lessons, delivered in the dead of night to a class of sleepy girls ripped out of their beds. Beatrice could never forget it. Stood to attention in the moonlit nave of the cathedral, toes curled inward, the soles of her bare feet numbed by the coldness of the marble as Shannon’s voice, a gentle whisper, floated to them from the dark.
She’d explained how to walk in complete silence, talked about the soft trigonometry of shadows. Said that every surface — no matter rain, or shine or starlight — reflects a measurable quantity of light. What materials are used to bend and to absorb it, which pattern and style of clothing is best suited to a mission after dusk.
The theory of it hadn’t seemed hard. The practice — to cross the whole length of the cathedral undetected while senior sisters watched her from above like hawks — was nowhere close to easy.
At the kitchen’s threshold, finally, a sound. 
Beatrice folds her body low, crouches in the rectangle of night projected by the dresser. Extends her hand past its wooden corner, blade tilted just so. Mirrored on the edge of sharp damascus steel, the kitchen looks far away and kind of distorted, but the image is clear enough. The window has been thrown wide open to let sweet summer in, and Ava occupies a chair in front of it, her back to the door.
“Ava, what are you doing? It’s late.” Setting the knife on top of the dresser, Beatrice stands. She deliberately steps on the one floorboard that creaks, hoping Ava won’t startle. “You should get some sleep.”
°I tried.” Ava doesn’t turn. “Couldn’t fall asleep and I didn’t want to bother you. Guess I failed, uh?” 
“You didn’t. I just woke up and I—” I thought I lost you. I thought he’d found us. I was afraid you were gone. Beatrice breathes in. Pushes the words down. “I needed the toilet.”
“Are you, uh, are you coming back to bed?” 
A breeze works its way into the kitchen, scattering the maps of the area Beatrice had been studying before sleep. While not exactly cold, the wind carries a hint of a bite on its back. It makes her shiver. 
“Not yet.” Ava nods to the square of night framed by the window. “I’ve never seen a sky like this, you know? Had no idea there were so many stars.” 
The note of wonder in her voice draws Beatrice closer. She thinks, for no more than a moment, to the bed, now surely chillier than she’d left it. She could go back to it, she’s tired enough to and morning isn’t far, but the truth is she’s too used to Ava’s body next to hers, to the even breathing in her ear to fall asleep alone. Too fond of Ava’s arms, and the way they sometimes tighten around Bea’s waist in her sleep, like Ava, too, might be afraid of losing her. 
Dragging an empty chair next to Ava’s, she sits down, not quite in Ava’s space, their shoulders almost touching.
Outside the moon is low, so close to the shadowy outlines of the surrounding rooftops Beatrice swears she could simply reach up and touch it. At the end of its waning phase, it is barely a silver thread stitched into the velvet of the night, and the stars shine brighter from its absence. 
Stars. Hundreds, thousands of them. Beatrice hasn’t seen this many in years. Despite Cat’s Cradle vantage point on the hills of Antequera, light pollution from the city muddles the sky a hazy orange, making it much too bright. Only on particularly clear nights does the full spread of the stars appear, and it’s never quite like this. Not this vibrant, or this endless, the void between each pinprick of pulsing light so dark, dark, dark. 
“Do you think that’s where we go when we die?” Ava asks, hushed, causing Beatrice’s shoulders to jump. “I saw it on TV somewhere that the light of the stars is millions of years old by the time it reaches us. Some of the stars we are seeing tonight don’t actually exist anymore. But… what if it were souls, instead? Wouldn’t that be better? Maybe my mom —” Ava’s voice breaks over the word, and Beatrice dares not make a sound. Ava rarely talks about her mother. “I mean, maybe it’s people watching over us, and if souls eventually die, too, then it doesn’t matter, does it? Because they leave their light behind for us.”
Ava’s words, the idea of her dying start an ache somewhere deep in Beatrice’s chest. A pain that grows and grows, until her heart feels too heavy to keep beating against the weight of the sorrow that’s threatening to crush it, until all Beatrice can do is to hold back tears.
Her mind lingers on the brevity of life, on how that life may look sans Ava. An empty house, an emptier bed, nothingness for sky no matter the number of stars dotting it each night.
“Ava…” Ava’s gaze is still upturned, enraptured by the spectacle outside. Beatrice is glad for the respite. At least, the tears tracking down her cheeks will have a chance to dry.
“I know,” Ava rocks the chair back with a laugh that sounds a little wet. “Pretty heretical, right? I’m sure that’s what Mother Superion would say, anyway.”
“I think it’s beautiful, what you said, actually.”
“You do?” Ava half-turns, and in the uncertain glow of starlight she is beautiful, too. 
“Yeah. Um.” Beatrice clears her throat; the lump constricting it gradually softens. “People have imbued the stars with meaning since, well, since the beginning of mankind, I guess. It’s a comfort.”
“It would comfort me to leave a light on for you, after I’m gone.” The chair falls back in place with a thump. Ava pitches sideways, not shoulder to shoulder with Beatrice anymore, but nearly spilling in her lap. Beatrice’s arms automatically tighten around her.  
“You shouldn’t talk like that. You’re not going to die, Ava.” 
“Don’t make promises you know you can’t keep, Sister.” Ava pokes at her arm lightly, as if she knows Beatrice had been about to promise that, exactly. “You’re a nun. Nuns shouldn’t lie.”
“I don’t want you to die,” Beatrice admits aloud for the first time. It shocks her how easy the words come out, but perhaps it’s the fault of the dark and the quiet and an infinite sky full of stars. Nighttime makes everything more intimate, more sacred; this is the hour in which secrets that wouldn’t survive the harsh scrutiny of day can be set loose.
Beatrice almost slips Almost gives tangible form to the three words that have been brewing under her tongue. Seriously considers what might happen if she did. Would it be so bad for Ava to go into this war, knowing that she’s loved? Would it make things better? Worse?
She bites the inside of her cheek and tastes blood.
“I don’t want you to die, Ava.” She says instead. A wish, a hope, a plea to any god that might be listening and not only to her own. “And that’s the truth. Nun’s honor.”
“Good.” Ava snuggles in, face slanting into the crook of Beatrice’s neck. Her nose is icy cold. “Because as much as I don’t mind shining down to you from the sky one day, I like it better here.”
Beatrice rests her chin on the crown of Ava’s head, buries her nose in her hair. She can smell a faint trace of the cheap shampoo they share, and summer, the heat. The stars above them pale, then wink out one by one. Beatrice is glad to see the last one gone.
She likes Ava on this Earth, sleeping soundly in her arms better, too.
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hedghost · 1 year
What do you think less would be like after an argument, like really apologetic or a bit stubborn
alessia russo / tipping point
lessi never liked arguments. she couldn’t bear all that came with them; hated the confrontation, hated the negativity, hated the rash words and the flying accusations.
she preferred to talk it out, to be calm and empathetic and logical, but even the most levelheaded, positive people can have bad days.
alessia was tired. training had been rough - she hadn’t been on her game today and she knew she’d played poorly. everything she did seemed to go wrong, everything she touched seemed to break. every person she spoke to seemed to say the exact thing to frustrate her even more. she was cold and miserable and soaked through, her body hurt and her head ached.
all she wanted when she came home was calm, and quiet. so when she came in to find you laughing loudly with your friends, she was far less than pleased. she mumbled a quick hello before heading to the shower. she tried to breathe in, to squash the irritability she felt rising inside her at the noise coming from the kitchen, but even the water didn’t seem to calm her.
not in the mood to navigate yet more social interaction, she remained in the bedroom until she could tell your friends had left. she emerged slowly, hoping to find solace in just curling quietly up beside you, but you were no longer sat down.
not noticing lessi’s low mood, you began to chatter aimlessly at her as you bustled about in the kitchen. alessia gave minimal replies, her tether growing ever shorter. she felt herself begin to snap the more she spoke.
neither of you were even sure what the argument eventually blew up about. maybe she’d made a snappy comment you didn’t like, maybe you’d begun nagging her about leaving her shoes in the middle of the floor again. no matter what it was, it escalated hard and fast, ending in thoughtless comments that were far from the initial cause of the argument.
while alessia avoided arguments at all costs, you had a tendency to be more hot-heated, so when alessia snapped, you didn’t exactly back down from the confrontation. you were confused at why alessia was angry, but rather than dive into the root of the problem, you were quick to defend yourself. despite hating arguments, alessia was stubborn, and too exhausted and miserable to put up a front.
the argument continued for a little while, with you loud, defensive and stumped at why alessia was blowing up. while you anger was dry and loud, alessia’s was wet with unshed tears.
she wasn’t even sure why she was yelling at you, and she hated it, but all the pent up emotion from the day was spilling out and she just couldn’t stop. she hated arguing, she got upset every time, she always cried out of frustration.
once alessia’s voice broke and the tears started falling, you came to your senses a little. you were still annoyed and upset at how she’d blown up at you, but it was clear to see there was something else causing her to act like this.
no matter how stubborn or angry she was, you couldn’t bear to see alessia cry. you reached your hands out in a placating gesture as she continued her latest tirade, wrapping your hands firmly around her biceps.
right less, i know you’re upset and angry, i hear that and i see that, so i’m sorry, but i can tell something else is up, hmm?
your voice was firm, annoyance still clear in your tone, but you hoped it was just calm enough to get her to listen. alessia just looked at you, her conflicting emotions flashing across her face as she breathed hard and heavy.
i’m going to give you some space to cool off, let me know when you’re ready to talk about this more calmly
with that, you squeezed her arm and left her, still angry and annoyed at her for blowing up, but hoping she’d calm down enough to talk it out soon.
you sat on your bed, busying yourself with a book and trying to calm yourself down. even though alessia had started the argument, you had played your fair part in continuing it, and you tried to squash the remaining anger.
after a while, the door creaked open slowly. you looked up to find alessia hesitating on the threshold to the room, eyes downcast as she played with her fingers. it was a tell she had, one you knew well, indicating when she was stressed or, as she was now, nervous.
i’m sorry
she spoke quietly, eyes never leaving her hands as she twisted them back and forth. she sniffled and swallowed, forcing her gaze to meet yours. what little anger you had left faded when you saw her red-rimmed eyes, smudged with mascara and still glistening bright with tears.
i shouldn’t have blown up at you. i had a bad day and i felt like shit, but i took it out on you. it wasn’t fair, and i’m so, so sorry
her voice had started out firm, but as she continued it broke again. your heart melted a little, and you cursed yourself for ever letting it go this far. you patted the bed next to you, and held out your arms with a small smile.
alessia was hesitant to accept the confort, but as soon as she was within touching distance you pulled her down into your arms. you shifted to wrap your arms around her and lean back, so she was nestled into your side.
i’m sorry too less, i shouldn’t have reacted the way i did
i-i’m just, i’m so sorry, i don’t-
alessia’s voice began to waver again, sounding like she was on the verge of tears. you pressed a kiss to her forehead and pulled her in tighter.
hey, it’s okay, we’re all good, okay?
she went to protest, to apologise more, but you gave her a firm look and kissed her softly. you pulled back to wipe her tears, cradling her face.
shh, no more now, it’s okay, okay?
alessia nodded, wrapping her hands tightly around you. she always got like this after these kind of arguments, feeling overwhelmingly apologetic and guilty.
why were you having a bad day love? talk to me
alessia sighed and breathed you in, before she rather tearfully recounted her day and aired all her grievances. you slipped back easily into the role of caring girlfriend, nodding and humming in all the right places to reassure her, stroking her hair as she spoke. when she was done, you kissed her forehead gently.
i’m sorry i wasn’t more understanding when you came in love, let me make it up to you?
i’m the one who should be making it up to you, you don’t have t-
too bad less, i want to - let me reheat your dinner and get you a tea, then we can chill in bed with some tv, yeah? do you still have a headache? should i get you some painkillers?
the soft, begrudging smile alessia gave you was enough to make you forget the argument had even happened. you pressed another kiss to her cheek as you got up, then walked out - leaving alessia gazing at the door, wondering what she’d done to deserve a girl like you.
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princessjojo-x · 11 months
AquariusVenus ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
💝 despite him appearing distant & unbothered, he needs just as much attention as his sister sign leo venus. he hates being ignored or forgotten, yet he will never tell you that, making him hard to read.
💝 he is the “come & go, hot & cold” type. he’s known for being inconsistent in his displays of affection & attention. indicators of his interest are sporadic & confusing, ranging from acting like you doesn’t exist to wanting to hang out with you. others often think his feelings are unstable, but it isn’t abt feelings, it’s abt aquarians need to withdraw & be alone for some time. he’s often surprised why others view him as inconsistent when his love isn’t actually wavering, he just needs space to recharge himself mentally. he will come back eventually, acting as if nothing happened, technically nothing happened for him. this is just his default nature & more codependent types may find it offensive.
💝 he’s not quick to enter rxships & it takes a lot for him to fall in love. but once he’s eventually locked in there’s no going back. he’s a fixed venus sign after all so he has a tendency to stay in rxships even if they don’t serve him.
💝 he’s just as serious as capricorn but just as talkative as gemini. he’s great at communicating his wants & needs. but he can be somewhat critical when maintaining his strict boundaries & standards. also, he may express his feelings through late-night texts, sharing thoughts he might hesitate to say in person.
💝 others often feel comfortable opening up & revealing secrets to him bc he’s non-judgmental, openminded & unemotional.
💝 aquarius is ruled by uranus, which governs freedom & liberation. aquarius is abt being different & breaking boundaries. he may be very open minded in regards to his s3xuality.
Turn On’s & Off’s:
💝 he values an unbothered & nonchalant woman, whom has a collected temperament & the ability to detach. she is aloof, distant & unattainable. she doesn’t lose her cool in any way, shape or form. she knows how to regulate her emotions & thoughts, whilst viewing things from a logical perspective.
💝 for the sake of the rxship & your well-being, ensure to act less interested than he is, you have to be subtle & strategic with him. he hates when his love interest makes it too obvious she likes him. he feels like that restricts his freedom & the last thing he wants is to be trapped. if he realises she doesn’t want to take it slow & let him be free, then expect him to completely ghost! the tighter she holds him, the more he runs away. he perceives his partner acting too obsessed & mushy (especially early on) as cringey & suffocating. he’s completely turned off by neediness & insecurity so never attempt to tie him down! he wants what he cant have & he desires romance that is unattainable to him.
💝 emotional scenes & emotional outbursts from others scare him off. when emotions get too intense he tends to find the quickest escape plan. this explains why he’s perceived as cold-hearted.
💝 he dislikes bossy & demanding partners who put too much rules on him. if you even slightly try to control him, not only will be ghost you but he will completely rebel by doing exactly what you didn’t want him to do.
💝 he wants someone who doesn’t follow the crowd & is outside of the box. ensure to respect & admire his weirdness, call him unique & original, tell him he’s nothing like you’ve ever seen or will see again.
💝 to impress him, wear something that isn’t basic or trendy. dress authentic & unique as he thinks someone expressing themselves is the sexiest thing (chelsea lee art vibes). he doesn’t care abt matching colours or patterns & he may like glasses.
💝 he’s often not interested in conventional rxships. he may enjoy quick flings or anything that is weird & interesting.
💝 aquarius is the ruler of 11th house, which is the house of friendship. he enjoys friendship based foundations & treats his lover like his best friend. he loves someone who can make him laugh & make him feel comfortable.
💝 all air venus’s like to be impressed intellectually.
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welkinsky · 2 years
Fanfic idea with Levi about him falling for a girl who’s more bubbly than him. She’s been into him since she met him but never thought she had a chance with him.
Levi X Reader | Bubbly Reader
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You had a naturally bubbly personality and always looked at the good side of things. Your ideals were to do everything always with love or not do it at all. So even if the outcome were bad you'd always consider it to be good because the intentions and efforts behind them were all that mattered.
When you two first met, you were warned that Levi was one cold man. So you decide to approach him accordingly but after meeting him you could see that this was just the way he was on the outside, his intentions were always good. Yes sometimes he might come off as cold and rude but ultimately it had a greater reason behind it.
Although you two had completely different ways of handling people you both understood each other and made the decisions with mutual understanding when it came to your teams.
Levi has never been the one to pay any attention to any love interest shown by anyone. After working with him for this long, it was clear to you. So you never really thought you'll ever get with him. But that doesn't mean you did not find yourself thinking about him constantly.
Every little thing he did was just so pure and out of care for his team even if it meant that he had to punish them every now and then. You also hated how he always distanced himself from everyone. You knew his past, Hange told you. After that you wanted to show him that the world is not that bad and now he is safe, he can let his guard down.
But the more you tried the more he resisted and pushed you away. But you were determined. Which he hated but you were not ready to give up. You knew nothing will come out of this for you but you selflessly wanted to help him even if it meant that he'll never end up with you.
His POV:
You scared the shit out of him. When he met you his first thought was, "Oh great another rainbow" like an insult. But slowly he started understanding that you were not that different from him. You stood up for your morals more than he ever dared to.
It was always an interesting meeting when you were there. You knew how to shut people up with your very gentle and logical answers and no one dared to cross you because it always meant being ultimately insulted intellectually. They knew you were not someone who would be swayed easily.
But what scared him was that he knew you could see right through his cold persona. He knew it because of the silent smiles you passed as Levi would order his team around because they have been lacking recently.
He hated how you just don't know when to give up! He never asked for the random favors you did for him. He never asked you to stop by and ask how his day was going. He never asked for those flowers when he came back from the successful survey mission.
He knew he was soft with you. He just wanted to let you know that these things were not why he was soft for you, it was because he saw why you were doing all these things for him.
But when you two came together it was a completely different scenario:
Levi, who everyone doubted if he was physically capable of smiling, cracks jokes around you. It took him time but slowly he started saying his jokes out loud when only you were there. He surprisingly had a good sense of humor, he just chose to say those jokes inside his head only.
As you two were getting closer he'd pay more attention to the things that you found interesting. Like you loved flowers but not the for the sake of them but rather loved to know the meaning behind them. So usually you'll get Rosses or Buckwheat and you secretly made a jar where you'd put them once they dried. He found that jar later and blushed really hard and then put it back where he found it.
He then decided to give you flowers of different colors to make sure that your jar was colorful and made you even happier.
Seeing you made him stand up for his morals as well. He never really was the one to pay much attention to them until and unless it affected him and his team but now he understood that he cannot really ignore everyone as well.
He is always so soft to you with the way he talks and treats you. Remember how you treated him before? Yea multiply it by 10 and that is how much of a queen treatment you get.
He also developed a habit of always making sure that he has some sort of physical contact with you to make sure that you were there. Once he wakes up from sleep his hand automatically searches for you on his side and gets a little worried when he cannot find you there. And don't get me started on the disappointment when he realises that you two were not sleeping together.
Thanks For Reading and for the ask! I'm super grateful for all the support!
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A-Z Headcanon
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justanamesstuff · 2 years
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Aemond Targaryen x cousin!reader
A/n: first thing, thank you so much for the support already…thanks for reading!! Secondly, this is a second part but you can read it as apart from the previously. Hope you enjoy!!
Y/n’s dark blue dress was scattered around her legs, hiding the bottom of the chair she was sitting on. The fire touched her figure softly, warming her on the rear cold night of summer. The temperature dropped after a big storm.
The lady scratched her right eye trying to get rid of the tiredness. Big storms and lightnings scare her to death. Many hours, the night before, where spent under the sheets of her spacious bed, hiding her curled up body.
Y/n moved on her sit. The fear still shaking her bones. She gripped the big book on her lap preventing it from falling, at the same time noises were heard from behind the chair. Someone entered the library although the young girl chose not to care. She faked being very much into the story shown on the pages. Even when she lost truck long minutes before.
“It’s rude to make them wait, cousin” Aemond’s raspy voice made her skin got warmer.
Y/n didn’t answer. She wasn’t in the mood to fight with him. For now.
“Do not tell me you are shy to meet the lords, ha?” He tried to gain a reply out of her. Still, nothing. Aemond quickly dropped his teasing. “My mother worked hard for you inma-“he stopped mid sentences. Took a big breath and continued. “For you to hide like a little, I know so well you are, rat”
“Always so desperate to please your beloved mother” y/n finally spoken, rolling her eyes while passing the page.
Aemond appeared from her right side, scarring his cousin in the act. Although she tried not to show it, he knew her better. “You are going to stand and walk all the way to the grand salon-“
“Or?” She turned her head to look directly into his healthy eye. Y/n witnessed how hard he tried to compose himself. His white knuckles gave him away. The dark pupil grew a size, taking over part of the violet circumference. She loved his eye colour. Y/n never met someone with prettier eyes.
“Or…” he started slowly, staring directly at her dilated nostrils. “Or I will drag you there myself” Aemond stood trying to gain space between their bodies.
Y/n looked up to her cousin. Knowing he will fulfill his promise. At the same time wanting to play with him as much as she could. “You’re not capable” she stated. “And your mother would kill you if you make a scene”
“If her wish is to have you there, I’ll drag your little body directly to the table” she hated and loved him talking about her figure.
“I don’t believe a word that came from your little mouth” she shot back.
She though he was gone, even though she didn’t dare to look. Y/n continued trying to focus on the drawings and words, pushing off the duty of attending the ball to introduce her to candidates for marrying. When suddenly the massive book covers closed with a big noise. The item was far from her sight in a blink of an eye, and her body was pushed up into another body.
Aemond made his way out of the room with his cousin shouting his ears off. The servants they encounter on the alleys look the scene not daring to made a single movement that angered the prince.
“Put me down, Aemond” y/n stated, hitting as hard as she could on his back with small fists. “I’m going to murder you…when I can” he laughed out loud because of her words.
The guards opened the big wooden doors letting them pass. High pitched screams coming from the lady brought the attention of all of the guests towards the pair. Aemond was unbothered.
As sudden as her body was pushed up, y/n’s feet took ground in front of the Queen Mother. Alicent looked at his son with a stunned face.
“What is the meaning of this?” She inquired them.
“You wanted Lady y/n here…here she is” Aemond answered logically.
Y/n looked down towards the patterns of her dress, not daring to looked at her disappointed aunt’s eyes. Alicent straighten her form and fold her arms. Aemond was imitating his cousins focus on the floor with a big smile. Alicent noticed and decided to let them pass the scolding. She will scold the pair latter. “For the mercy of the Seven, just go to your places”
They obey, while the Queen allowed the rest of the court to continue with the feast.
Once seated, Aemond came closer to y/n’s ear “I told you I will. When I say I'm going to do it, I do it cousin”
Y/n didn’t dare to respond. Just took a big gulp of wine of her goblet, hearing Aemond’s soft laughter.
Thanks again for reading!! Let me know what you think…feedback is always welcome!!
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purplehrts7 · 27 days
Sunrise - Chapter 2: The Struggle Begins (Part 1 of 3)
[Carlisle’s POV]
The door to the lecture hall closed behind Carlisle with a quiet click, but the sound echoed like a thunderclap in his mind. He forced himself to take a steadying breath, not that he needed to bu5 more from force of habit. Unfortunately, the air did little to calm the storm raging inside him. His hand, still gripping the door handle, tightened until he could feel the cold metal begin to bend beneath his fingers from his supernatural strength. Quickly, he released it, allowing his hand to fall to his side, though the tension did not ease.
*What is happening to me?*The question reverberated through his thoughts, but no answer came. He was a vampire—a creature who had spent centuries mastering the art of self-control, of suppressing the very instincts that now threatened to overwhelm him. And yet, the moment he laid eyes on her—Zuri, with her warm brown skin and deep, expressive eyes—he felt something within him crack.Her scent, her very presence, had struck him like a blow to the chest. Even now, standing alone in the lecture hall, the ghost of it lingered in his senses, calling to him, pulling at the darkest parts of his nature.He closed his eyes, trying to shut out the memory, but it was futile. All he could see was her—Zuri. Her voice, soft yet confident, the way her lips had curved when she spoke, the way her heart had raced when he met her gaze.
*Her blood…*
His eyes snapped open, and he bit down hard on the inside of his cheek, the pain a sharp reminder of what he was, of what he could never allow himself to become. He had thought, after all these years, that he had conquered his hunger, that he was beyond such primal urges. But now, confronted with this inexplicable reaction to Zuri, he felt as though he were teetering on the edge of a precipice.
*Blood singer.*
The term, whispered in the back of his mind, sent a shiver down his spine. It was a legend among his kind, a rare phenomenon where a human’s blood could call to a vampire so powerfully that it transcended all reason. He had heard stories, of course, but had never believed it until Edward. The young man was ready to kill or be killed for Bella. Never did Carlisle imagine he would experience it myself. And yet, there was no denying what he felt. His very soul was drawn to her in a way that defied logic, that threatened to undo everything he had built—everything he had become.He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. Now was not the time for this. He had a lecture to give, students to teach, and a reputation to uphold. But the thought of facing a room full of eager, inquisitive minds when all he could think about was the intoxicating scent of Zuri’s blood seemed an insurmountable task.Forcing himself to move, he walked to the front of the lecture hall, each step a deliberate effort to maintain control. The room was empty now, but soon it would be filled with students—bright, eager young minds who had come to learn from him, to absorb the knowledge he had spent centuries acquiring.He had a duty to them, to his profession, and he would not—could not—allow his personal struggles to interfere with that. But as he prepared his notes, setting up the projector and arranging the slides, his thoughts kept drifting back to her. He wondered where she was now, what she was thinking, if she had noticed the way he had looked at her—if she had felt it too, that strange connection that seemed to pulse between them like a living thing.The hunger gnawed at him, sharp and insistent, a reminder of what he truly was—a predator, forever on the hunt, forever yearning for that which he could never truly possess.And yet, he couldn't bring himself to regret meeting her. There was something about Zuri, something beyond the call of her blood, that intrigued him.But these thoughts were dangerous. Allowing himself to become attached, to entertain any kind of connection, would only lead to ruin—for both of them.The door to the lecture hall creaked open, and he looked up to see students beginning to filter in, their conversations hushed, their expressions eager. They took their seats, setting up their notebooks and laptops, glancing at him with a mix of curiosity and anticipation. Carlilse straightened, smoothing his expression into one of calm professionalism. He had done this a thousand times before; he could do it again. He just needed to focus on the task at hand, to bury the hunger, the desire, deep within him where it couldn't reach the surface.As the last student settled into their seat, he cleared his throat, forcing a smile that he hoped seemed genuine.
"Good afternoon, everyone," Carlisle began, his voice steady despite the turmoil inside. "Today, we will be discussing the mechanisms of cellular regeneration and the potential implications for modern medicine…"
And so, the lecture began. But even as he spoke, guiding the students through complex biological processes, Carlisle's thoughts kept drifting back to Zuri, to the strange, undeniable pull he felt toward her.He could only hope that he would find the strength to resist it. For both of their sakes. He didn't want to start another war like Bella and Edward.
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gemini-magic17 · 10 months
Entanglement Chapter Twenty-Two
**In Tir Asleen
The atmosphere throughout the land could only be described as cold. The castle was in uproar with the princess still missing and no word from Kit or Amara about their progress on the search. All through the castle people walked on eggshells around King Aiden even his own family. The King has grown even more angry in the days that have passed more than he once was before. It didn't help when a letter was delivered to both King Aiden and Queen Sorsha with shocking news. As they read over the contents the rage on the King's face was evident and everyone in the meeting room was terrified of what would happen next.
"Dear King Aiden and Queen Sorsha,
It seems that the union between both of your daughters is an obvious ploy for you both to come in and conquer my land. It seems that the peace treaty is null and void which means nothing is stopping me from coming to destroy Tir Asleen along with Zemira. It did not have to be this way but now I have no choice but to declare war on both kingdoms.
King Larksion"
"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME", his voice boomed throughout the room making a few people jump.
"What is it Aiden", Raina had asked leaning over his shoulder to look at the letter.
"King Larikson has waged war upon us", Sorsha exclaimed throwing the letter across the table as Queen Raina picked it up. Raina read over the letter and her eyes widen with horror.
"I don't understand why would he do this? We have a peace treaty in place", Raina exclaimed.
"I'm guessing he figures that since our children's union the alliance we have is to take his kingdom", Aiden said clenching his fist.
"It makes no sense we have no reason to take his kingdom", Queen Raina said falling into the chair next to her husband.
"Logic doesn't matter to him it never did he only sees what he wants to see. There is no way we are going to be able to change his mind it was a damn hassle to just to get him to agree to the treaty", James said.
"Exactly. If Larksion wants to wage war upon Tir Asleen and Zemira then so be it. Though he is going to have the fight of his life", King Aiden said and turned to Queen Sorsha.
"We will need to gather the troops it is most likely he will attack soon most likely in a couple of weeks."
"If he is likely to attack in the next two weeks it will most likely be the place where the woods end and the clearing near the border begins", Sorsha said.
"Ok, we send out the troops there while we figure out what to do next", Aiden stated and everyone in the room agreed with them.
Unclear to them that someone was listening outside the door the individual made haste down the corridor into the castle's library and locked the doors. Scanning to make sure no one was there they took out some parchment and a pen where they began to write a letter.
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"Dear Princess Y/n,
I am sorry that I revealed your location to Kit I know it was wrong of me and I am truly sorry for what I have done. I hope that you will be able to forgive me one day in the future but I am writing this letter with grave importance. It was discussed in the meeting room by your family and Queen Sorsha that King Larksion has declared war upon us. Larkison believes that your union is a ploy to take his kingdom where he in turn decides to vacate the peace treaty the kingdoms have between them. Your father believes the attack will take place in the next couple of weeks and has sent troops to where the woods end and the border begins in Tir Asleen. Your family needs you princess please come back.
Rolling up the letter and tying it with some string I walk to the window to open it to summon a raven. I carefully tied the message to the raven's feet and I sent it off to Dristarya hoping it would make it in time before the battle could happen.
**A Few Days Later in Dristarya
Ever since we have been here I have tried to talk to her over and over again. It doesn't matter how hard I try to work this out between us but whenever she sees me she walks in the opposite direction or makes some excuse to leave before a conversation can begin. I know that this marriage is not what either of us wanted but she was willing to try unlike me. I was cold and even heartless towards Y/n and now that we are married I can't keep doing this. I know I said that I would be better but in my heart, I can see that I am the same person I was when I met her that first day: a cold-hearted bitch.
"Hey", I hear Boorman say as he comes to sit next to me on the ground.
"How are you holding up?"
"Pretty terrible. Y/n won't talk to me and I understand why. It also doesn't help the fact that her and Amara have been spending these past few days together", I said throwing the stick I had been fiddling with.
"It may take some time but I am sure she will come around", and at those words I turned to look at him.
"Oh really? Would you 'come around' if the person you married kissed someone else in front of you knowing that they told you they would do anything to earn back their trust", I said and Boorman turned down his head.
"Yeah, I didn't think so", I said.
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"It may feel hopeless now but give her some time she may end up forgiving you", he said trying to reassure me.
"Even so, would she ever trust me again", I questioned looking at Boorman.
"That I don't know but from what I have seen from her she seems like someone who does not trust easily. However, she does seem like the person who believe in second chances", he said.
"That's the thing Boorman she has already given me a second chance and I blew it. At this point, I don't think she wants to have anything to do with me."
"Don't say that", he told me.
"I don't know maybe I should just go back to Tir Asleen and face the wrath of her father. Y/n doesn't want or need me here I think it would just be better if I were to get out of her life", I said with sadness evident in my voice.
"Are you really going to give up when things get tough? That's not the Kit Tanthalos I know and have fought alongside before. It may be shit now but just to give up like that on her is complete and utter bullshit. If you truly care about Y/n fight for her make sure she knows that you aren't going anywhere and you are going to do everything you can to mend things between the two of you", he said standing up and outstretching his hand. I grab his hand and he helps me up where we are face to face.
"Don't give up on her Kit on your marriage. Fight as long and as hard as you can to win her back", he said and I nodded my head. It was then that we heard Ser Easton cough interrupting our conversation.
"You both need to head back to the castle now", he said with urgency.
"Why? What's going on", Boorman asked.
"Did something happen to Y/n", I asked him with the worry shown all over my face.
"She is fine. It's Tir Asleen that is not going to be if you don't move your asses", he said heading back to the castle. Boorman and I looked at each other with a questioning look where we then followed him.
**Y/n's POV
This cannot be happening not now not when all of this shit has happened. I kept rereading the letter sent by Willow and each time my stomach would churn making me want to puke. I couldn't stop pacing back and forth across the throne room and Amara could see that I was very worried.
"Everything is going to be ok. Try to calm down", Amara said taking ahold of my hands.
"How can you say that? King Larkison has declared war on not only Zemira but Tir Asleen because of my union", I said.
"There are ways to stop a war without bloodshed. Peace treaties and alliances they will find a way",she said.
"We tried that King Larkison has broken the peace treaty we already had in place and because of his paranoia thousands of people will die. It seems that the only way to put a stop to this is beat him in battle."
"Then that is what we will do", with those words the double doors opened showing Ser Easton, Kit, and Boorman.
"Have you told them what is happening", I asked Ser Easton removing my hands from Amara.
"No, I figured it is best to tell them", he said and I walked towards them handing Kit the letter. As she read over the letter her eyes widen and she raises her head to look at me.
"This can't be true", Kit said handing the letter back to me.
"Unfortunately it is", I said.
"What are we going to do", I hear Boorman say.
"We have to go back. Tir Asleen needs us. Larkison has a large army even bigger than our kingdoms combined", Kit stated looking at me. For a moment I was going to agree but there was a part of me saying stop.
"She is right Y/n. Zemira's army isn't even present in Tir Asleen and even if they got there it wouldn't be in time. Tir Asleen would fall in less than a day", Ser Easton said.
"Maybe not", I hear Amara say and we all turn to look at her.
"What do you mean", Kit asked with narrowed eyebrows.
"We have something that they don't have", she said and looked at me.
"We? You can't possibly be suggesting", I started.
"Why not? One single dragon could wipe out an entire army", she said and Kit turned to look at me.
"What is she talking about", Kit said.
"Tell her she is going to find out anyway", Amara said and I turned to look at the three of them.
"Hundreds of years ago dragons were used in wars. Dragons breathe fire and as many of us know fire destroys everything in its path which is what the rulers back then counted on when fighting in the war. Thousands of people died and kingdoms had fallen in hours just from dragon fire", I said.
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"If that's the case then what are we waiting for", Boorman said.
"Take the dragons to Tir Asleen and you them against Larkison's army", he said and I looked at him ready to let my anger loose.
"Are you fucking kidding me, Boorman? Dragons were once forced to burn and kill everything in its path and you want me to do the same thing to to them. No way in hell!"
"But Y/n, they could help us win against them and Tir Asleen would not need to fear", Kit said trying to reason with me.
"No! I will not make them do something that they were once forced to do. They were used a toys among the rulers back then to win their wars and it will not happen again!"
"Y/n, if you will just consider the-"
"Enough, Amara! I will not use them and that's the end of it", and with that everyone went silent.
"I will be staying on Dristarya for the time being. I know that you are leaving for Tir Asleen as soon as possible before the attack happens. I will see you off", I said and made my way out of the room leaving them all dumbfounded.
**A Couple of Hours Later (Still Y/n's POV)
Boorman, Kit, and Amara packed what they needed for the journey back not really caring if they left stuff behind that wasn't essential. We were all standing on the beach and Boorman along with Kit were putting their things on the ship. In the my rearview vision I could see Ser Easton approaching me with a rucksack along with a sword attached to him and I knew what this meant.
"I assume you are going with them", I said refusing to look at him.
"Yes, before I was your protector I was sworn to guard and defend Zemira with my life", he said and I slowly turned to him trying not to tear up.
"I understand but you have to promise me something."
"Yes, Princess?"
"Don't get yourself killed and come back in one peace I beg of you", I said and he let out a little laugh.
"I can promise you I will come back", he said and I hugged praying that this wouldn't be the last time that I saw him again.
After we separated we said our goodbyes and he went aboard the ship. It was then I could see Kit walking towards me with determination in her eyes.
"I need you to know something in case we never see each other again", she said.
"What would that be", I said.
"I know I have done terrible things to you in the past and have hurt you which I wish to god that I hadn't. I get that there is not even the slightest chance I will earn your forgiveness or trust but I would give up until I do", Kit stated.
"You have done terrible things to me and have broken my heart. Perhaps one day you will earn my forgiveness but my trust I guarantee you will never get back", I said and the expression on her face was one of sadness. With those final words, she walked back to the ship to board with the others. The sound of the ship along the water told me that their departure had come and I would have to wait to see how the battle plays out.
**A Week and a Half Later
It feels like torture that's what I can only think to call it. Waiting like this knowing that there is nothing I could do. I have been reading over dragon lore and history to get my mind off what is to likely happen in the next few days. As I read over them one thing particularly stuck out to me. There was a section in the book that Willow gifted me that listed commands to dragons in the old language. The command that jumped out at me was the one for strike. In the book, it was called 'volaris' in the old language for that command. After a few more pages of reading, I needed to get some fresh air. I set the book down and made my way to the grassy terrain where Tyrax, Aeras, and Calyx were. As I approached them they started to wake up from their slumber. Tyrax and Aeras moved away from Calyx where they took off to the skies flying over the castle.
I walked up to Calyx and rubbed along his scaly snout and it seemed to enjoy it. It also calmed me in a way but not enough that I couldn't stop worrying about the war. It's almost as if Calyx could sense how I was feeling because he looked at me with an expression of one that is worried. I started to break down right then in there confessing everything that had happened in the past week and a half. I felt like I was having a panic attack it was hard to breathe but it wasn't until sound came from Calyx almost one of comfort.
"I don't know what to do Calyx. My family needs me and so do the people of Tir Asleen but I can't. I cannot use you to fight a war that you have no part in and never should have had years ago", I said and with that he nudged me. Not knowing what he meant to relay he lowered his body to the ground giving me access to climb on top of him. I didn't whether I should do so or not but when I looked into his eyes I could see that he was allowing me to do this as though saying it was okay. I carefully climbed on top of him and he took a running start where he leaped up into the skies to go to Tir Asleen.
**Two Days Later
The journey back to Tir Asleen was smooth I guess that is one perk of being on dragon's back. Calyx was flying high up in the clouds to make sure that we weren't seen coming in. As we got closer to the kingdom I saw a large crowd thinking it was the people of Tir Asleen but really it was King Larkison's army below. On the opposite side of them were Tir Asleen's soldiers and from what I could tell they were outnumbered by a lot.
As if on cue the battle had begun with soldiers from each kingdom fighting to hold their own. I could see many of our men were dying while only a few had from Larkison's. It was then that I directed Calyx to fly closer but not too close. I wanted to make sure that when we arrived the opposing army would not expect us. Calyx took a nose dive where he proceeded to fly above the surrounding water.
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It was then that I had a clear line of sight on the battle and I could see Ser Easton along with Kit fighting infantrymen of Larkison's. As we got closer to the field I gave Calyx the command hoping that this would end in victory.
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holdupjack · 1 year
Pairing: Hermione Granger x Fem!Reader
Your P.O.V:
"Get up"
I feel a hard shove into my side as I woken suddenly, my heart pounds from the scare as I'm greeted by the glare of my girlfriend.
"You missed classes" she mumbles as she throws her papers next to me and walk to my desk, immediately starting her work.
"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to over sleep" I whisper and she hums sarcastically.
"Do you wanna get some dinner?" I ask.
"Already did"
"Oh...do you want to go to the lake?"
"Do you-"
"Y/n, I don't really feel like going anywhere" she grits out and I can feel my stomach shrink and fall.
"Sorry" I whisper as I gently grab the papers from next to me and stare at it.
"Thanks 'Mione" I say and she just hums again.
It's silent as she softly writes out her answers onto her paper, her leg shaking up and down.
"Are you okay-"
"Y/n, can you shut up for five minutes? I'm trying to finish my Potions homework" she sighs out and I look down, deciding not to answer.
I get up and change into some clothes more presentable and start to walk to my door.
"Where are you going?" She asks and I turn to find her staring at me softly.
"I was going to get something to eat" I say and her face turns into a sad one.
I feel guilt swarm in my chest.
"I thought we could just enjoy each other's company..." she whispers as her eyes set back on her homework.
"Well...I guess I could just grab breakfast tomorrow" I say and she looks back at me with a grin.
"Come here love" Hermione says as she scoots her chair out for me to sit in her lap.
As I sit down, her free hand wraps around me and gently traces shapes on my thigh, but it's...cold.
Almost feeling forced.
"I love you" she mumbles and I feel my smile appear.
"I love you too Hermione" I whisper back, but a solid frown stays on her lips as she continues to write down what she needs.
My body stays tense, hoping to stay in this somewhat romantic position for as long as possible.
Who knows when she'll do this again.
"Can you go back to bed, you're to heavy" she mumbles and I feel my self esteem plummet.
"Oh, s-sure" I whisper as I quickly get up and walk back to my bed, placing her notes back on the desk beside her.
"Not going to do anything today?" She mutters and I stop my motions.
"What a surprise" she mumbles and I turn to her.
"What do you mean?" I ask quietly and she scoffs turning to me.
"You sleep all day! You haven't come to class in four days!" She says and I shrink a little as she stands up.
"God, even my cat does more shit than you" she laughs out and I look down at my floor.
"You know what, I should of dumped your ass months ago" she says and my eyes dart up to hers.
"But I was so sure you would of caught on that Ron and I have been sleeping together by now...just shows how stupid you truly are" she says through her teeth as she gets in my face.
I feel my heart squeeze so hard in my chest, I swear it could pop.
"No wonder your past ex's warned me about how much of a loser you are, they were trying to save me from the train wreck that is 'Y/n Y/l/n'." Hermione says as she grabs all her books and notes into her arms.
"Do us all a favor, and get yourself together...you just make yourself to be the biggest disappointment" she continues as she walks to the door.
Hermione turns to me with one last glare and scoff.
"What a waste of my time"
The door slams shut as I stand there stunned, my ears ring slightly.
Even though I cried for a month, and tried to distance myself from the girl, she came around again.
Her soft touches and compliments run on my skin and into my lungs like air.
I told myself to not fall for her again.
But alas, she said four words that trick me every time.
"I love you Y/n"
My self esteem was gone, and my logical thinking tainted.
What do I have to offer to someone else anyways?
"Are you coming?"
"Yes, 'Mione"
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Day 3 - Stitches and Bandages
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Synopsis: Couple months into Isaac's captivity, his pride is like gone lol. Submits himself to vivisection in order to keep his blanket :)
Content: Vivisection, gore, I'm gonna say it again there is vivisection and gore, immortal whumpee, whumper turned whumpee but it doesn't really come up here, a lot of invasive feeling stuff this is vivisection after all, blindfolded guy, broken whumpee
Tagging: @whump-in-the-closet @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @eric-the-bmo @befuddled-calico-whump
The blindfold was a mercy, he supposed.
It didn’t feel like one. If he didn’t want to look, he would have closed his eyes—but now, he didn’t even get that choice.
Isaac had never thought that there was anything more terrifying than the darkness and the silence, but he had a sinking feeling that he was going to be proven very, very wrong.
He struggled against the ropes binding him to the table but made no attempts to beg for release. Because he chose this. Maybe this was a fool’s choice, but he couldn’t pass up the chance to earn back his only source of comfort.
Kasumi promised him that she’d give him the blanket back after this, and it was all Isaac could hope for that she’d keep it.
“Hmm. I’ve never done this before,” Kasumi remarked, a laugh at the edge of her words.
Isaac swallowed nervously. The pit in his stomach only got deeper.
He wasn’t prepared for the first slice across his torso, and he would never be. The cold scalpel glided across his chest, cutting through skin and emaciated muscle.
Sharp fingernails dug into the incisions. His panic rose, his heartbeat like a beating drum. He felt the tearing of flesh and then a sudden cold. It was getting hard to breathe.
He tried his best to not scream.
His best was a whimper, let out between choked gasps and incoherent pleas.
A finger lightly traced one of his broken ribs, barely felt but still horrific. He was frozen in the grip of fear, save for the tremors that racked him. This shouldn't be happening. This shouldn't be happening— Why was this happening?
“God, that’s fucked,” Kasumi murmured, awe in her every word.
Isaac could hear her smile and her glee.
A knife ran over his empty, aching stomach. He felt what was left of his chest tighten, every muscle tensing. Don't, don't don't please—
Kasumi hummed as she dragged the scalpel down to his intestines, leaving a long, shallow cut in her wake. Isaac was hyperventilating now, lungs rising and falling rapidly.
"You're awfully quiet now, aren't you?" she teased. She lifted the scalpel, and for a moment, Isaac could almost breathe.
It came down in his liver.
The pain was sharp and instant, a burst of agony that stole his breath as he coughed and hacked for air. He spasmed on the table, trying to get away, even when he logically knew it was useless.
Kasumi laughed a mirthless laugh and pulled out the blade. Somehow it made Isaac feel worse, head spinning and bright colors flashing behind his eyes, joining the tears.
"That," she remarked, "was nothing." The scalpel pressed down on his lungs, not enough to leave an incision but enough to make Isaac freeze in terror.
She pushed the blade down, ripping through flesh and tissue, and Isaac screamed with all the breath he had left. "This? This is only the beginning."
It felt like hours. How long had it been? No, it didn't matter. Agony had a way of blending time together, and Isaac couldn't say if it's been 3 hours or 3 days.
He could barely breathe, and his head pounded in rhythm with his rapidly-beating heart. His viscera was alight with pain, and he wanted to beg for it to stop but he couldn't gather the breath to form the words.
Kasumi was saying something, but he couldn't really hear her. He needed to listen.
He couldn't. It hurt too much.
Something sharp lodged itself in his abdomen—he couldn't tell exactly where, because everything hurt the same. It felt…different from the scalpel, but maybe his nerves were just fried.
It didn't leave, though.
Not even as Kasumi folded his chest back together and started to stitch up the incisions.
Tiny little pinpricks making their way up his torso.
He tensed and shuddered at the constant, tiny bits of pain, the way the needle dug into his skin and pulled it together. It set his nerves alight, and he needed to get away but he couldn't, he was trapped here. Trapped, with no real way to escape.
He sobbed quietly in between gasps for air as she roughly sewed his wounds shut.
Then the ropes loosened, falling to the floor with a quiet thud.
Isaac got to savor the freedom for a moment before hands shoved him off the table. With a cry, he crashed onto the floor. The sharp thing still embedded inside him jolted, and he screamed, mind going blank and vision turning from black to white.
When the throbbing started to fade and the tear-stained blindfold came back into view, he curled in on himself, careful to not injure himself again.
He heard the door open with a creak, and Kasumi's footsteps as she walked away. The tangled knot inside of him seemed to loosen with every step she took away from him.
Though she returned as quickly as she came, and Isaac panicked, wondering if he did something wrong—
But no. She draped a thin, bloodstained blanket over him, and Isaac clutched it tightly, not wanting to let go.
Worth it. Was it worth it?
It had to be worth it.
Kasumi tapped her foot impatiently. "Well?"
Isaac hesitated. "…Thank you," he muttered, voice stiff from resentment and disuse.
"There." She reached down and pulled the blindfold off of him, and Isaac shut his eyes tightly as the bright fluorescent lights of the cell came into view.
"And by the way," she ordered, "I expect you to clean this up once you wake up."
She walked out of the cell, leaving Isaac with only silence, pain, and the smallest bit of warmth to mull over.
AN: Ahahahaha and this is only the first part :D
I love being evil to Isaac. and posting writings with absolutely none of the proper context. Look if you read this and you're like "what? how did we get here?" you can message me. I can infodump or summarize the possibly missing context as you please <2
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raeuberprinzessin · 2 years
The big Scam
It's 2:15 am where I am, but I just had to write this down and now it's your problem 😅
AU maybe a bit "Roaring Twenties"? No Miraculous, could be Maribat Bio Dad Bruce, rich Marinette -> I think I'm going to call these kind of stories "Not a Cinderella Story"
Since his family lost everything, Felix gets by as a con artist. Now his cousin Adrien is down on his luck, too: His mother died years ago and after losing his company his father disappeared with his assistant.
Felix decides to help the only family member he has left but this turns out to be difficult. Gabriel owes the wrong people money and since they can't get Gabriel, they threaten Adrien.
The solution Felix comes up with: Adrien has to convince a rich lady to marry him. But Adrien is a hopeless romantic and wants to marry for love.
Only when they learn from some magazine that Marinette is single and wealthy, he agrees to try to woo her. Marinette was once Adrien's friend and they haven't seen each other since their early teens. He was always fond of her and the idea of marrying her sounds actually nice.
So they move to where she now lives (if it's Maribat then they move to Gotham and Adrien hasn't seen Marinette since she was sent to live with her father). They get in contact with her and it seems to go well.
The people who are after Adrien find them and they try to buy themselves some time by stealing jewelry and giving them that, even though it's not enough. (Maribat: Selina notices and takes them under her wing)
Coincidentally Felix spends a surprising amount of time with Marinette and without meaning to, he falls in love with her, which is a problem. First of all, it was hard enough to get Adrien to go along with the plan. By working he would never be able to pay back his father's debt and these people are getting a bit impatient. They can't just wait for the next girl Adrien would be willing to marry. And second, he is well aware what kind of man he is and that his cousin isn't as morally bankrupt as he is. Marinette deserves the fairytale prince, the white knight on the horse. Not some crook.
Still, he can't help himself and there are moments when he thinks Marinette might feel the same. He wonders if Adrien would hate him, if he tried to woo her. Maybe he could tell her about the problems Gabriel left Adrien with. Would she help her old friend even if she didn't marry Adrien but Felix instead?
But whatever budding romance Felix thought he might have with Marinette seems lost when her protectors learn about his past and his and Adrien's plan. To protect Marinette from the truth, they are willing to give them the money they need, if they leave and never bother her ever again. Otherwise they will show Marinette all the proof they compiled. (In a Maribat I picture this to be Damian and Tim who proposed an alliance to protect Marinette: Damian is very protective of his sister and Tim has the instinct to immediately or at least pretty soon doubt Adrien's intentions. He did the research, compiled the proof and got the money ready. Being confronted by Tim's ice cold logic and calculations and Damian's fiery temperament - and maybe sword - should intimidate even Felix)
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