#but when we got to her she had rhis smile on her face and said 'that was hilarious'
sierrrraaawwwwwcgtcvh · 9 months
hai !!! is it cool if i request a
Velvet x GN!Reader
maybe like a ,, worried velvet ? Maybe an interviewer said something about her crush on reader (preferably like reader and velvet are known close friends or known friends and reader is also a popstar?) and it caused Velvet to get pissed off and when she says something, she thinks she said the wrong thing (ex ; she thinks her words were worded wrong so she believes reader thinks she doesnt like reader) So she avoids reader and then reader confronts her and she spills everything ?
Velvet x GN!Reader
Warnings: cursing?
Velvet and Veneer were currently doing an interview, with the interviewer only asking Velvet questions as Veneer sat quietly. 
"So.. Velvet! Some rumors have been circulating the media." The interviewer said, a bright smile on his face.
"And..?" Velvet had an eyebrow raised. 
"Is it true that you really have a crush on (Y/n)? Apparently, some fans seem to think you look and treat (Y/n) in a certain way that's different from others! So, we have to know. Do you like (Y/n)?" 
Velvet held her composure, even though inside she was internally screaming.
"Hmm, well.. I, personally.. think they're just alright." Velvet shrugged. Why did I say that!? She screamed inside. 
"Oh.. so you don't have a crush on them? Ah.. I see. Well, you heard it from Velvet herself everyone! See you next time with the popstar, you know and love.. (Y/n) (L/n)!" Velvet immediately got up and left the interview area, heading over to a dress room designated for her.
Velvet entered the dressing room, groaning as she shut the door behind her. She didn't even want to THINK about opening her phone. She could already think of all the tweets or things that people would say about her and (Y/n). She had already begun to regret what she had said.
She heard a knock at her door, "What do you want!?" She shouted. 
"Um.. it's me, Veneer. Can I come in?" 
"Yeah." She said, loud enough for him to hear. She sat on a couch as the door opened, and then shut. 
"I thought you said you liked (Y/n)? Why the sudden change of heart?" Veneer walked over to his sister and sat beside her on the couch. 
"I do like them! I don't even know why I said that.." Velvet groaned.
"Oh.. well, you probably shouldn't check any social media apps. The fans are going crazy, and not in a good way." Veneer sighed.
"Fuck.. I just.. I do want to tell them how I feel but I'm scared they won't like me." Velvet took the pillow next to her and held it in her lap.
"It's always better to just say it y'know? You shouldn't lie about how you feel." 
"I know. Great, now I'm gonna have to avoid them like the plague.." Velvet groaned, for what.. the 50th time already? 
“You could just talk to them?” Veneer was confused, why couldn’t his sister just confront them?
“But I can’t! Not after that.. It’d be sooo awkward!”
“It’s not that bad, Velvet. I ended up explaining how I felt to my partner and it turned out great!”
“But that’s you! I can’t tell if they even love me like I love them.” She mumbled.
“True.. well, I guess it’s ultimately your decision.” Veneer shrugged as Velvet rolled her eyes.
(Y/N)’S POV:
You’d just gotten back from an interview. You couldn’t believe what Velvet had said. She thought you were just.. alright?
You frowned as you laid on your bed, pulling out your phone from your pocket. You texted Velvet.
“Hey, can we talk..?” 
sent at 08:23 p.m.
You watched as Velvet had read your message, but didn’t respond. You texted again.
“I know you’re seeing my messages Velvet. Please, text me.”
sent at 08:24 p.m.
You huffed as she read your message again, still not responding. You then decided that you’d text Veneer.
“Hey Veneer! I’m trying to talk to Velvet but she keeps leaving my messages on seen. Is she okay??”
sent at 08:29 p.m.
He read your message immediately as he responded.
“Hi (Y/n)!! Velvet’s okay :)) I’m not sure why she’s not responding..”
sent at 08:30 p.m.
“Oh…” You frowned. You then texted him back,
“Oh, okay!! Thank you for letting me know. :D Sorry if I bothered you.” 
sent at 08:31 p.m.
You then turned off your phone, setting it on your dresser after plugging it into your charger. Hopefully you’d get a response from Velvet soon.
She couldn’t focus on singing at ALL. Velvet was thinking about your messages and what she said earlier. 
How am I supposed to even face them after this? She pondered, as she sang with Veneer. They were singing their newest song, “Watch me Work”.
Her thinking caused her to mess up a move, but she quickly recovered. Fuck, I need to think about this later. Velvet held back a groan as her and Veneer finished the song as the audience roared in excitement. At least their concert was over for the time being. 
Velvet and Veneer walked off stage and headed to their dressing room.
“Sis.. you really need to talk to (Y/n). They’re worried for you.” Veneer wanted to at least convince his sister to talk to them.
“Veneer, you don’t think I know that!?” Velvet snapped at him as they entered their dressing room. 
Velvet sighed, “I’m sorry. Okay? I’m just.. stressed out.”
“It’s okay. But vel you should talk to them, like seriously.” 
“I know, Veneer. I just.. can’t.” 
“Well, why not?” He asked, checking the time on his phone.
“I don’t know what they’re gonna say and I’m scared. I’m mad at myself for what I said! I’m pissed, like seriously pissed. I should’ve said something better! What was I even thinking..” She grumbled, walking over to the couch in the dressing room and sitting on it.
Veneer sat beside her, “It’ll be okay.” 
She scoffed, “Easy for you to say.”
(Y/N)’S POV: 
You walked through the long, longgg hallway of dressing rooms. You were heading to one in particular, Velvet and Veneer’s. You knew they’d be there as they just got done with a concert. Well, you didn’t really have to look for their’s as you knew where it was. You’d been there a LOT before.
You stopped in your tracks as you stood in front of Velvet and Veneer’s dressing room. You hesitated.. but knocked on the door after gaining enough confidence. 
“Coming!” You heard Veneer shout. 
He opened the door and saw you standing there, his face turned into shock. 
“Oh.. I should probably leave you two alone for this. Haha..” He laughed awkwardly as he moved out of the way to let you in. You walked in after he shut the door and left. You saw Velvet sitting on their couch. 
“Veneer, who was at the door-.” She cut herself off as she looked up and saw you. 
“Velvet..” You started as she got up immediately.
“Why’re you here?” 
“You make it sound like a bad thing.” You sighed as walked up to her. “What’s your problem?” You asked.
“I don’t have a problem.” She scoffed as she rolled her eyes.
“It sure seems like it. You didn’t reply to my messages.” 
“So? I don’t have to reply to what you say all the time.” Velvet looked away from you.
“Velvet, what was that about? The interview I mean. You really think I’m just.. alright?” You watched as her face faltered, turning into a frown. 
“No..” She had her head turned, but she finally looked at you.
“Then what? What do you really think of me, huh?” You crossed your arms.
Velvet gave no response as she looked away once more.
“Oh.. I see. You don’t wanna tell me? Fine.” You scoffed as you began walking to exit the dressing room.
“Wait!” Velvet grabbed your arm. 
“What? You made it clear you don’t like me.” You didn’t even turn to face her. 
“I do.. I do like you! I’ve liked you for so long..” You heard Velvet begin sobbing as you turned around, her hand still gripping your arm.
“I don’t know why I said it.. I was scared.. scared you wouldn’t like me.” Velvet held your arm as she cried. 
You frowned as you pulled her into a hug, “How could I not? Your smile is beautiful, I love everything about you Velvet.” You heard her begin sniffling, signaling she’d began to stop crying. She let go of your arm.
“You mean it?” Her voice hoarse from crying.
“I mean it, Vel.” You pulled back from the hug. You held her right cheek with your hand as you smiled.
“Now, please.. don’t ignore me like that. I seriously thought you hated me.” You laughed a little bit.
“I won’t ignore you like that ever again. I’m sorry.” Velvet frowned.
“It’s okay.” She smiled at that. 
You heard the door open as you both turned your heads to look at who had just walked in. Your hand falling from her cheek.
“Are you two together yet or what?” Veneer asked as he walked in, shutting the door behind him.
You looked at Velvet as she looked at you for a second, before nodding. 
“Yeah, we are.” You replied.
“Ugh, about time!”
(I’ll prob edit this later if I see any mistakes)
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oh-no-its-dragons · 2 months
Change of Plans
I asked @suebswrites for a prompt before the last RQ sprint and got "Rhiannon and Tara awkwardly allowing Violet to use their room in Aretia when she's mad at Xaden"
"Long day with the fliers?" Tara asked, her arm wrapping around Rhiannon's waist.
"Don't get me started," Rhiannon shook her head. "Aside from Cat's ongoing campaign to make everything worse, Vi and Riorson are doing the silent death glares again, Ridoc won't stop talking in detail about his boyfriend, and I had a history test I was not prepared for."
"I seem to have gotten you started anyway." Tara pulled her girlfriend into her lap. "In fact, it sounds like you need a distraction, and I am just the woman to provide that."
Rhiannon leaned onto her girlfriend's shoulder as Tara's hands went to work, pulling off her flight jacket and her shirt. Arms around her girlfriend, Tara traced her fingers up Rhi's spine and then pressed both thumbs into her shoulder blades, where she knew Rhiannon always had knots.
With a moan, Rhiannon nearly collapsed bonelessly onto Tara, who laughed. "You need a proper backrub before I do anything else, don't you?"
Tara smiled as she freed Rhiannon's breasts, brushing her thumbs over her nipples, then reached down to untie and remove the rest of her leathers.
Rhiannon laid on the bed in just her panties, the red ones with lacing up the back that she knew were Tara's favorites. Tara's weight rested on the bed next to her and Rhi felt her girlfriend's hands go to work on her neck and then start slowly working their way down her back.
Just as her heavenly hands reached Rhi's hips, there was a knock on the door.
Rhiannon groaned in a far less sexy manner before sitting up and pulling on a Basgiath War College gym tank and shorts. "This better be good-" she snapped before actually seeing the person on the other side of the door. "Vi?"
Violet blushed as she looked into the room, noticing Tara sitting on Rhiannon's bed. "Oh, shit, I'm interrupting. I'm sorry, Rhi, I can go-"
"No, no, it's okay," Rhiannon hurried to put an arm around her shoulders, and behind her on the bed Tara tried to make her disappointed sign into a yawn. "Though- are you okay?"
"I was just wondering, you said technically this was my bed and I was welcome any time… I don't want to spend the night in Xaden's room tonight."
"I-" Rhiannon's voice softened. "Of course."
"Yeah, it's fine," Tara picked up on Rhiannon's concern. "We were just getting changed to go out." She winked at Rhi over Violet's head.
"Do you need me?" Rhiannon asked, and Tara couldn't even be mad- Rhiannon's empathy and need to take care of her squad was one of the things she loved about the woman, that kept her coming back to Rhi's bed no matter where else she ended up.
"I just need to be somewhere else," Violet smiled. "I've got a book to read. Go have fun, Rhi."
Tara picked one of her favorite shirts out of Rhiannon's wardrobe, tossing it to her girlfriend. They smiled at each other while she re-dressed.
"Have a good night," Violet offered as they left, and Rhiannon waved as they left. Judging by the look on Tara's face, she definitely would.
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divinemare · 1 year
Legend of a Mortal Love
┊ ➶ rhys x oc
┊ ➶ part six
part five
When Ariadne mentioned Rhysand’s Solstice gift to Mor and Rhi, both females went crazy over who got to pick a dress for her.
“She doesn’t need something so exuberant,” fought Rhiannon against Morrigan’s suggestion.
“And she needs something more bright, that color is going to make her look more pale!” Now it was Morrigan’s turn to fight against her cousin’s choice of dress.
Ariadne sighed looking at both females and the dresses they held in each other’s faces. Mor had a red, gorgeous dress that had a beautiful exposed back. It was stunning, but something Ariadne could never in her life wear. She was way too thin for the back to look nice in her, even tho she had gained some small weight being here in Velaris with everything Rhiannon and Morrigan made her eat.
Rhiannon, on the other hand, had a beautiful long grayish dress that would be perfectly simply if it weren't for the cape that fell down the back that seemed to be made out of a millions tiny stars. Ariadne feared she would fall down for only the expensive weight that dress seemed to have.
“Uhm, you guys…?” Ariadne tried to speak up, but the females were now both giving their arguments as to why their dress would suit her better. “Mor? Rhi?”
When neither of them listed, she stood up with a sigh and walked towards the pile of dresses the females had left scattered in their search for what they deemed the perfect choice.
Ariadne had seen one earlier that had caught all her attention, and once she found it again, she smiled and pulled it out.
“What about this one?” She asked, showing the dress to the other two females and finally gaining their attention.
It wasn’t half as exuberant as Mor’s option, neither half as elegant as Rhiannon’s. Both females looked at each other with sweet smiles, gone were the frowns, and lowered their dresses.
“Do you like it?” Rhiannon asked, her voice toned with honey.
“I don’t know, I think it’s pretty, isn’t it?” Ariadne asked with a little nervous tone, and both females threw their dresses away without another glance.
“If you like it, then it is,” Morrigan said with an excited smile. “Come, we’ll help you get ready!”
They didn’t wait for her response as they grabbed her by the wrists and dragged her over.
༺ ♡ ༻
“I cannot believe how talented I am,” Morrigan beamed, receiving an elbow in the ribs from Rhiannon. “Ouch! Sorry, yeah, we are.”
Ariadne was out of words looking at her reflection in the mirror. Her hair was in a beautiful braid with a pin in a shape of silver wings holding it together, Mor had put a little bit of makeup in her face, some khol on her eyes, tint on her cheeks and lips, and the dress…she let out a long breath when she saw it on the mirror.
Of a beautiful midnight blue, the long dress hugged her shoulders, with bubble sleeves that ended in silver cuffs on the wrists. It hugged her waist but fell to the floor at the hips, making an illusion of a shape she did not have. A transparent fabric surrounded the dress of the same color as it like a beautiful curtain of stars with the tiny sparkles in it.
It was simple, at least way more simple than anything the other two females had chosen, but Ariadne’s heart beat a little too fast at the sight of it, the air getting caught up in her throat with an enamored sigh.
“Isn’t it…too much?” Still she asked in a breathless sigh.
She had never looked this way, neither ever felt as beautiful as she did now. Because she did feel beautiful, and it was the strangest feeling ever.
“Don’t be silly! You look like a dream, and that’s all that matters,” Mor cheered, hugging her shoulders with excitement.
“You’re all set, let’s go make my brother’s life a little less immortal with your gorgeous sight.”
Her cheeks flared up, luckily the tint in them managed to hide it, and Ariadne rolled her eyes without being able to hide a smile.
Rhysand was waiting with Cassian and Azriel downstairs, the biggest Illyrian was teasing the soon-to-be-High-Lord about something, and Rhysand was looking like he was about to kick his friend back to the Illyrian Mountains.
Morrigan bursted into a laugh, and Rhiannon giggled while holding Ariadne’s arm. With their Fae ears, they surely had heard whatever Cassian had said, with her mortal ears, tho, she couldn’t hear anything but their loud laughs.
“It was about time! You ladies took ages,” Cassian got up from the couch he had been sitting on when he heard them coming down the stairs.
Azriel followed suit, then Rhysand.
“Well, not as much as Rhys, I reckon he took at least 4 hours to get ready,” Azriel spoke in his husky low, but slightly mocking voice.
Cassian again bursted a laugh, patting his brother’s shoulder in approval, while Rhys looked at both of them with knifes in his eyes before finally turning to look at Ariadne.
Right there, when he looked at her, Ariadne felt like he was doing it for the first time again. The way his eyes trailed down her body, taking in every little detail of her dress. Then going back up, settling on her face and his eyes looking at her like he was staring at the stars. Ariadne’s breath hitched at the intensity of his violet gaze, not in the way she had done before, instead holding his stare as if she could actually hold her grown in front of him.
This dress, this look, it was certainly altering some kind of alter ego in her.
“You look ravishing, Ariadne. My sister and cousin certainly do have an exquisite taste,” when Rhysand finally talked, his lips curled upwards to the side in a devilishly handsome grin.
“We didn’t picked the dress,” Mor said with a smile, looking at Ariadne with a certain excitement.
“She does have an exquisite taste, that is,” Rhiannon complimented, winking at her.
“Yes, she does,” when Rhysand’s eyes settled again on hers, Ariadne was not able to, this time, hold his intense gaze for too long. “Well, we must hurry now, we don’t want to be late.”
Rhysand offered a hand that Ariadne only took to get down from the last steps of the staircase before dropping it again, and they both left the townhouse with the whispers and giggles of the rest of the group behind them.
༺ ♡ ༻
When they got to the theatre, Ariadne’s hands were sweating with excitement, so many people lined up in the entrance, broad smiles and tickets in hand, with the most beautiful dresses and suits. Inside, the theatre was even more impressive than outside. The chandeliers that hung on the ceiling, fae lights illuminating in variety of shapes that looked like stars. The paintings on the walls portraying different plays and stories, it all seemed out of a dream, one of those she had constantly back at the Court of Nightmares.
“This is…” she didn’t had the words to explain it.
Rhysand turned to look at her, a small smile involuntarily appearing when he saw her eyes sparkle with wonder while looking all around her.
“Impressive, right?” When Ariadne looked at him, his breath got caught up in his throat, she had never looked at him like that before, without judgement, without the small hints of anger that she sometimes didn’t realize she had when looking at him.
He understood her pain, her rage, her irritation towards him, but now, her eyes show a sparkle of life he hadn’t seen in them before, the twinkles of curiosity she so often hid where now exploding without restriction, and it caused his heart to feel a little too tight in his chest.
They walked up the stairs, Ariadne couldn’t stop smiling despite herself, oblivious of the constant look of Rhysand on her.
When they got to their seats, the show was only about to start, the lights went off, and Ariadne’s heart raced with expectation and excitement. A minute later, the stage was illuminated again, and the curtains opened to let it all begin.
༺ ♡ ༻
Ariadne had cried after the show was over.
Rhysand hadn’t noticed until he heard her breathe out through the tears.
He worried at first, but then realized, when she looked at him through her teary eyes, that they weren’t tears of sadness or anger, but of pure joy and bliss.
Claps were still sounding all around them, Ariadne clapped with admiration to the performers standing in the stage bowing to the public.
He couldn’t help it, did not realize what he was doing until Ariadne went completely still. His hand had raised to clean the tears running down her cheeks, his thumb brushing her skin in a contact that felt way too intimate.
“You liked it,” he whispered with a pleased smile, and Ariadne smiled warmly, again, like she had never done with him.
“I loved it.”
The way her shoulders were so relaxed and her eyes sparkled with a life that hadn’t been there before made him wonder if he would ever see that look on her again, if she would ever look like this not only momentarily, but permanently, he wished he could say the answer could be yes, but a dreadful feeling inside of him reminded him that their system, that his Court, his world, wouldn’t allow Ariadne to keep that feeling forever, and somewhere inside him, the shame and guilt about it twisted his gut.
His smile faltered for a second, but it came back again when she unconsciously grabbed his arm to steady her excitement, looking at him as the curtains closed again.
“Let’s go,” Rhys grabbed her arm, guiding her towards the exit.
“To make the stars jealous of your smile.”
༺ ♡ ༻
The next day, Ariadne stared at the notebook Cassian had given her with thoughtful eyes, overthinking her next decision.
She had been thinking about this all night after the show, she just wasn’t sure yet how good of an idea it was.
“You seem troubled,” a grave voice spoke behind her, making Ariadne give a little jump. “Sorry, didn’t meant to scare you,” Cassian laughed, and she just smiled shyly.
“It’s ok.”
“What has you so thoughtful, little bird?”
The big Illyrian male had started calling her like that since he caught her humming to herself, and Ariadne had started to grow fond of the nickname.
“About this,” she raised the book in her hands while the male sat beside her, his weight making the sofa sink in a little, his wings tucked behind the armchair.
Ariadne sighed, thinking, analyzing, weighting her possibilities. They were leaving today, in a couple of hours more. This was the last chance she had to make something, to have something worthy.
“Would you help me with something?” She looked at the male with both hope and fear, and he smiled sideways in a mischievous way.
“Sing the word, little bird.”
And so she gave Cassian her notebook full of her songs, leaving it all up to him. He had promised that, once he took it to Rita, she would soon become the most famous songwriter in all Velaris.
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homosociallyyours · 2 years
Can I hear about 5dol?
So waaaaaayyyyy back in 2018 one of my fave louies (Rhi, who's no longer on tumblr) did a project called 5 days of Louis. I wrote fic for 4 of the 5 days, each one inspired by one of the songs Louis had released. Of course at that point we only had 4 songs, so for the 5th I used the tiny teaser of "Always You" that we had gotten on his social media, which was literally just, "I went to Amsterdam without you and all I could do was think about you." (Wild to think back to that time, seriously).
I was late finishing the fic, and iirc I just wasn't totally happy with it. I remember opening an AO3 post and starting to put the fic in as a draft, but then I never posted it??? WEIRDLY???
Here's a link to the series parts 1-4, and here's a snippet from the 5th, which perhaps unsurprisingly includes Louis going to Amsterdam without Harry and missing him A LOT. This is after Louis' just gotten home:
“Alright, I need to hear everything about Amsterdam. Did you make it to Begijnhof? Were you able to do one of the canal tours?” Harry asked once they’d started eating. “I hope you took photos; I haven’t been there in years.” 
“We talked every day, love,” Louis said, reaching out to touch Harry’s arm. “Must’ve told you half of it already.” 
“Hardly! Every time we got on the phone, you’d ask me how things were going here, what Niall was up to or how Liam and Zayn’s flat hunting was going. One night we spent half an hour talking about the blueberry honey loaf I was testing out for the cafe.” Louis looked back at Harry incredulously, waiting to see if he had more to say. “You talked a bit about what you were doing, but a lot of that was telling me how well things were going for Lottie or a funny story from one of her business dinners. Feels like I missed all of it, babe,” Harry said, face scrunching into a frown that made Louis reach out to squeeze his hand. 
“Oh love, ‘m sorry. Never meant to make you feel left out. ‘F anything it was like you were there with me. Or like all I wanted was you there with me.” 
“What d’you mean? You missed me?” Harry asked, gazing back at Louis with the fond, careful smile that he sometimes got when he didn’t want to show his hand entirely. 
“More than,” Louis said, stroking Harry’s arm. “I did take one of those canal tours. They have one where they offer you music to listen to as you cruise along, and some of it was so bad. I kept thinking of the faces you’d make at the songs that were playing, you looking back at me and the two of us having a laugh. Had to take the headphones off halfway through, thought I’d listen to the guide, but turns out I’d gotten on the wrong boat. She was speaking French, and I barely caught anythin’ she had to say about the canals.” 
Harry laughed, resting his chin in one hand as he grazed Louis’ wrist lightly with the fingers of the other. “What else? Begijnhof?” 
“I was right in the middle of the garden when Lottie called me. My ringer was on top volume, and it scared the shit outta me. Dropped me phone as it was going off and I thought they were gonna kick me out,” Louis said, laughing to himself at the memory. “So I didn’t get to spend as much time there as you’d have wanted to. But I could see why you wanted me to go there. It was so old and quiet. Thought about walking through it holding hands, maybe the two of us seeing who could make the other be too loud.”
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i love people who leave bowls of clean water for dogs outside
#this may or may not be unspired by the walk i just had with my dog and it was /a lot/ more humid than i expected#and i was like oh *bad word*#to add we also had this conversation with this old man and he was so sweet#like he didnt really have anything to say but we just talked about my dog and we kind of repeated stuf but ughh#i love it all#also his mate or someone came out of the house and he said to him 'hes not fierce'#'cause he had a headcollar on#and im headcannoning them as together because they were both brilliant#and then there was this boy who just sped past us on a scooter and obviously max was like oh *bad word*#and he has boundry frustration at the best of times and this boy just came out of nowhere and was going /quite/ quick#and because max had a headcollar in he reared up itead of lunging and such#and i was like oh *bad word* because there was a woman quite a bit away and i was like shoot thats his mum#but when we got to her she had rhis smile on her face and said 'that was hilarious'#and so he had nearly like hit her or something going around the corner and apparently he had quite the look on his face when max was like#'that's not on'#so as she said 'its the little things'#dogs are so great like they provide my social life#and like i live with family#and i only really talk to one of them and they work a lot so yay#i have no friends lol#but lucky for me i can pretend to talk to people so it fine#as you can see here lol#also ive just noticed that the first tag was supposed to say inspired not unspired lol#dogs#dog#doglife#dog owner#dog training#kinda
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rebelwrites · 3 years
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From Heaven, To Hell And Back || Part Two
Clay Spenser
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Clay Spenser x Thor Odinson x Jax Teller x Reader
Summary: Summary: When Y/N moved back to her hometown she never thought that she would end up in the position she found herself in after she swore she would try and keep the whore at bay.
Warnings: P in the V, Oral ( male receiving)
From Heaven, To Hell And Back Masterlist
This Months Writing
Reblogs are very much appreciated 😘
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The pair of you had a mini staring contest right there in the middle of the club, each getting lost in the other's eyes. While your mind raced, your body was already reacting to the man in front of you. You clenched your hand, digging your nails into your palm, reminding your inner whore: look, don’t touch. But at the end of the day you knew she would claw her way out and you would end up either on your knees or getting pounded, probably both within the hour.
“So what do you say,” Blondie hummed, running a finger down your arm, pulling you from your thoughts.
“Well first of all, mister, I don’t even know your name,” you said fluttering your lashes at him, “and secondly you haven’t even offered to by me a drink yet which quite frankly I think is rather rude,”
The smirk on his face grew as you sassed him, he watched the fire burn on your eyes as he took half a step closer to you closing the small gap, his body now pressing up against yours as his arm snaked around your waist.
“The name’s Clay,” he breathed, his lips millimetres away from yours, his breath and beard tickling your skin as he spoke. “Now it’s only fair that I know your name,”
“Y/N,” you whispered, just loud enough for him to hear.
“Now then Y/N let’s get you a drink and we can get to know each other a little bit before we go have some fun,”
The words were caught in your throat, there was something about this guy that put you into a trance. You didn’t know what it was but you were feeling weak at the knees and knew it was only a matter of time before your inner whore came out to play and showed this guy the time of his life.
“What’s your poison?” He asked, stepping towards the bar.
“Glenfiddich fire and cane,” you smiled, watching his expressions as you took him by surprise.
“Wouldn’t have put you as a whiskey drinker,” he smirked, leaning against the bar, the white shirt pulling tight on his muscles making your inner whore scream.
“Well there’s a lot you don’t know about me pretty boy,” you winked as you pulled your phone out of your clutch bag to let Rhi know that you weren’t coming home any time soon and to go home because if things went well then the after party might be taken to your place when Rocky closed up for the night.
You watched the surprise in his face as you downed the whiskey in one letting familiar burn coat your throat. Fuck the small talk it was time to get down to business. Slamming the glass on the bar for the sixth time that evening, you dropped your hand to his thick thighs, running your fingers up his leg until you were practically at his cock. Leaning closer to him you rested your lips against his ear “Fuck the getting to know each other, let’s find a room and see what fun we can get up to,” you breathed, nipping his ear lobe.
“What are we waiting for them sweetheart,” he growled, wrapping his arms around your waist. “Lead the way and let me show you a good time,”
Wiggling out of his grip you linked your hand with his as you guided him towards the rooms to the club. Locking eyes with Rocky on your way, the smug smirk on his face said it all. “Told you,” he mouthed, making you flip him off. “VIP room is free,” he mouthed, winking at you before disappearing.
“We got the VIP room baby,” you shouted over your shoulder.
“How’d you manage that?” Clay responded.
“I know the owner,” you shrugged as you wrapped your fingers around the cool metal handle of the door, slowly pushing it open holding your breath in anticipation of what was going to happen.
The room was softly lit, setting the mood perfectly, the large bed in the middle of the room looked like a giant cloud and you knew it would be based on your time spent in LA. As you were looking around the room you didn’t notice Clay had tugged his shirt off and was now standing behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and letting his lips roam your neck, nibbling and sucking as he made his way down to your collarbones.
It didn’t take him long to find your sweet spot, nipping a little harder making you moan leaning against his solid body. You didn’t miss the smirk against your skin as he heard you moan under his touch. His hands roamed your body until he found the zip of your skirt slowly unzipping it and pushing the leather down your body.
Spinning around you wanted to see his body. The moment your eyes landed on the sculpted chest you instantly bit down on your lip as you pulled off the mesh top leaving you standing in your underwear. Your lips collided with each other in a hot, lust filled kiss. A kiss that left your head spinning as he guided you back to the bed in the middle of the room. The moment your back collided with the foam mattress you pulled away biting on his lower lip as you did. Placing your hands on his bare chest you pushed him away before rolling onto your knees.
The lust shone bright in his eyes and it was obvious by the bulge on his jeans just how turned on he was, it took you a couple of moments fumbling with his belt and button of the jeans before you finally pushed them down his thick thighs, following suit with his boxers. Running your tongue over your lips at the sight of his hard dick that was standing to attention, begging to be sucked.
Slowly you crawled over to him, placing one hand on his thigh and the other around the shaft of his erection slowly pumping his length making him close his eyes. The moment you wrapped your warm lips around the head, you swirled your tongue around the most sensitive part, he growled and instantly tangled his fingers in your hair, tugging at the roots as you took him all in your mouth.
You felt yourself getting wetter as you ran your tongue along the underside of his cock feeling every vein until you reached the head again, sucking a little harder making him call out your name as you gave it some attention.
“Can I,” he said but pausing as you started massaging his balls, “can I fuck you, sweetheart,” he finally breathed, making you look up at him through your lashes with his dick still in your mouth.
You didn’t say anything as you pulled away, placing a gently kiss on the tip of his dick.
“Just so you know, I like it rough,” you whispered, shedding your remaining items of clothing before laying back on the bed, spreading your legs so he could see his prize. His eyes widened as you ran a finger through your wet folds before bringing it to your mouth and sucking it clean.
Grabbing a condom from the basket in the wall next to the door, he wasted no time in slipping it on before climbing on top of you, pinning your arms above your head as he notched his hard cock against your wet lips then pushed himself into your tight cunt in one thrust of his powerful hips. Your walls stretched to accommodate him, the slight ache making your toes curl. He was big.
“Fuck you feel so good,” he groaned as he found his pace, each thrust hitting the spot making you moan loudly as you dug your nails into his back.
Wrapping your legs around his waist you lifted your ass up slightly to get him deeper, the feeling of him stretching you out was intense and he was definitely the biggest you had had in awhile. There was no faking it with Clay, this was real and what he was making you feel was definitely real.
The moment his thumb found your clit you swore you saw stars, especially because he didn’t let the pace of his hips slow. The mix of the two sensations was sending you overboard, your heart pounding against your ribcage to the point you thought it would give up on you. Every part of your body felt like it was tingling and on fire as he continued to assault your clit. The familiar feeling in your lower stomach was intense and he was pushing you closer to the brink of ecstasy.
His lips connected with yours in a bruising kiss and you knew that every part of your body would be aching come morning but right now you didn’t care. All you were focused on was the feeling this man was giving to you. This is what you needed. This is what you’d been missing since you’d left LA. The opportunity to shut your mind off and turn your body over to someone else.
Your loud moans were muffled by the kiss, as he felt you come undone beneath him, your legs shaking as the orgasm came over you like a flood, pulling away from the kiss you screamed his name as he continued to fuck you chasing his own release.
Moments later he collapsed onto you, using his forearms to take all his weight so he didn’t crush you. You were both covered in sweat and the room smelt of pure sex. His forehead rested against yours as you closed your eyes focusing on letting your breathing return to normal.
“Wow,” you breathed, finally opening your eyes.
“That a good wow?” Clay chuckled, as he slowly pulled out of you, to clean up and dispose of the used condom.
“Very much so,” you giggled, rolling onto your side, watching his bare ass walk around the room.
“Will I see you again?” He hummed as he laid down on the bed next to you wrapping his strong arms around your naked body.
“Well Clay the night is still very much young,” you whispered, running your fingers down his body. “We can either stay here or we can head back to mine where I have plenty of things we can get up to, and maybe if you behave I will let you stay and I will make you breakfast in the morning,”
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raindancer2004 · 3 years
Two’s Company, Fours a Party!
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Word count: 5,124 Demetri x OC x Felix x OC Oneshot Warning: Fluff, mentions of alcohol, VERY NSFW!!
Summary: What happens when Demetri and Felix’s mates share a secret fantasy with them? Will they be open to fulfilling that fantasy or will they decline and leave their mates with just their fantasy?
Demetri and Felix have been best friends for centuries ever since Felix joined the Volturi. Demetri met his mate Natalia about nine months before Felix met his mate Rhianne. Natalia was pleased when Rhianne moved into the castle as they were a similar age and it meant there would be another human in the castle besides the Secretary.
It didn’t take long for the girls to become friends, best friends in fact as they spent a lot of time together whist their vampire were mates on guard duty and away on missions. The girls were able to wander the castle and the grounds freely as none of the lower or transitory guards were stupid enough to harm the girls knowing who they were mated too.
Demetri and Felix were guard duty overnight so Natalia and Rhianne decided to get a couple of bottles of wine in and some popcorn and have a girl’s night in in Demetri and Natalia’s shared room. After a few drinks the girls start talking about their love lives with their mates as they have done many times before, only this time they share a little secret fantasy with one another. “Can I share a secret with you?” Rhianne asks and Natalia nods “Of course hunny.” Rhianne takes a sip of her wine before sharing “I have a fantasy about being with someone that isn’t Felix…” “Who?” Natalia asks curiously, cutting her off, Rhianne hesitated for a moment “I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours” Natalia said with a smile and took a sip of her wine “Demetri” She responded and Natalia chuckled “Oh my god. I don’t feel so bad now…” “What do you mean?” Rhianne asked a little confused “I’ve thought about Felix fucking me a few times” Rhianne smiled at her friend “It’s kinda like wife swap” Natalia giggled before replying “Or vampire swap in our case” Both girls fell about laughing.
Once they finished laughing Rhianne looked at her friend and pouted “Shame it’ll remain a fantasy” “What would remain a fantasy?” Demetri’s smooth voice sounds from the doorway, Felix standing behind him. “Y-you’re ba-back early?” Natalia stutters “The kings retired to their rooms so we are no longer needed. We thought we could join movie night” Felix replies as he shuts the door behind him. “Although I’m curious about this fantasy” Demetri adds as he hangs up his cloak and turns to face his mate.  
The girls felt their cheeks heat up in a blush and take their bottom lips between their teeth. “Come on girls, share your fantasy with us” Felix says as he crouches down in front of his mate “Unless you want it to remain just a fantasy” Demetri added as he too crouched down in front of his mate. The girls looked at one another and nodded “Well…you know how much I love you Fe…” He nodded at Rhianne “…well I have fantasies about being with Demetri…intimately” Her voice was low as she looked into his red eyes, which went wide with shock but before he could respond Natalia’s soft voice spoke up “And Dem I love you more than anything but…I have thought about being fucked by Felix…on more than one occasion” It was Demetri’s turn to be shocked and both vampires remained silent. The girls sat back and waited for their mates to process what they had just told them.
A few moments later and Felix spoke up “So Rhi you want to fuck Demetri and Nat you want to fuck me?” The girls nodded “It’s a fantasy of ours but it doesn’t change how we feel about you” Natalia said as she held Demetri’s hand in hers “So it would be a one off, to get it out of your systems?” Demetri asked and again they nodded. “Think of it as ticking something of our human bucket list before you turn us” Rhianne added and Natalia nodded in agreement.
Demetri and Felix looked at each other for a few moments, seeming to have a private conversation “If we were to agree to this, then there would be a few rules…” “Of course” The girls replied together cutting Demetri off “Firstly, it takes place in here as our room only shares a wall with Felix’s room” Demetri added “Sounds good” Rhianne nodded “Secondly, all four of us are in here when the swap happens…” “Agreed” Natalia said with a smile. Demetri took Nat’s hand in his as he spoke “Thirdly, as Felix doesn’t know what you like or enjoy sexually, you will pick a safe word so that if you don’t like something he does or want to stop, you say the word and it stops. Same with Rhianne and I” “We can do that” The girls reply together. “So, tomorrow night it is as we have the weekend off” Felix adds smiling.
Felix and Rhianne arrive at Demetri and Natalia’s shared room the following evening to play out the girl’s fantasies. Rhianne is wearing a black dress and stilettos with a red lacy bra and panties on underneath. Natalia is wearing a short black skirt and top with a blue lacy bra and panties on underneath, a pair of stilettos completing the outfit. Demetri and Felix both wore black trousers although Felix wore a grey shirt, Demetri a blue one.
The girls felt a little nervous at being with their mate’s best friend but excited at the same time, especially as they would all be in the room as this takes place.
“You both look gorgeous tonight” Demetri compliments them as he eyes both girls from head to toe and back again, Felix doing the same “Ready girls?” Felix asks with a smile and they nod “Yes.”
Felix pulls Natalia into him gently; one hand cupping her cheek and leans down and places his lips against hers briefly before pulling away. She places her hands on his shirt and he kisses her again, licking her bottom lip. She opens her mouth and their tongues gently dance together exploring each other. “I’m bigger than D, so I’m going to get you nice and ready for me” He said low in her ear as his hands ran down her arms, fingers brushing her sides continuing down to the back of her thighs. He lifted her up so her legs were resting on his shoulders “Show off” Demetri murmured, Felix ignored him and placed a kiss to her lace covered core. He ripped her panties away with his teeth before licking her from core to clit giving the bundle of nerves a quick flick with his tongue, a soft sigh fell past her lips. His large hands were on her ass supporting her as his tongue delved deep inside her licking her, tasting her “Ahh” She breathed out as her head fell backwards, his tongue continuing its assault inside her, swapping from slow deep thrusts to quick flicks against her inner walls. “Felix” She moaned his name as she came, her hot sweet release coating his tongue. It was his turn to moan as he lapped up her release eagerly, liking the fact that she tasted so different to his mate.
Meanwhile, Demetri lead Rhianne over to his desk and lifted her onto it before dropping to his knees and parting her legs “Relax sweetheart, I’ll look after you” Demetri said softly and kissed her panty covered core, sucking gently through the lace, a soft moan left her lips, causing him to smile against her before he sucked a little harder. Demetri’s fingers stroked her once through her panties before he ripped them away from her and buried his head between her thighs. His lips wrapped around her clit and he sucked harshly. “Oh” She called out as she felt two cold slender fingers enter her heated core “So wet for me already” He smirked up at her and she blushed, biting her bottom lip. He pushed his fingers in slow and deep a few times before curling them inside her, brushing her walls and he smiled as he felt her body react to his touch. His tongue swirled and flicked her clit as he continued to fuck her with his fingers. Her walls clenched around them and he knew she was close. He added a third finger and pushed them in deeper, hitting that spot over and over, a few moments later and she came, her release coating his fingers completely. He placed his fingers in front of her mouth and tapped her lower lip, she opened her mouth and sucked his fingers clean. She let out a soft moan as she tasted herself on his fingers, the sound piquing his curiosity. He wanted to know how she tasted so he slipped his tongue between her wet, glistening folds, liking the taste of her sweet cum, although it was nothing compared to the taste of his mate.
Demetri gently takes Rhianne’s hand in his and leads her over to the bed before slowly removing her dress exposing her red lacy bra to him. He trails his fingers over the swell of her breasts and leans in to kiss her whilst he removes her bra revealing her breasts to him. “Gorgeous” He kissed her again and felt her fingers undo the buttons on his shirt, her hands moving up his chest and over his shoulders taking the shirt with her. She then undid his trousers letting them fall to the floor. He stepped out of them and watched as she knelt down in front of him and removed his boxers. Her tongue poked out and licked the precum that was leaking from his hard cock. She wrapped her lips around him and sucked and licked him, eliciting a low growl from him. She felt his fingers in her hair and she released him pulling back to look up at him “As much as I would enjoy that sweetheart, tonight is about living out your fantasy” He helped her to stand and kissed her, his arm holding her close.
“Lay on the bed Rhi and tell me how you want me to take you” She did as he said and replied “Like this” As she got on her hands and knees on the bed. He climbed on the bed behind her, running his fingers through her folds collecting a little of her arousal and rubbed his hand over his cock before entering her from behind, sliding deep inside her with ease “Demetri” She sighed his name as he started to fuck her slowly. “Harder Demetri, please” He smiled into her neck “As you wish” He pulled almost all of the way of out of her before thrusting back inside her hard and deep “Fuck…yes.” He chuckled “You like it rough little human?” She nodded and he growled as he took hold of her hair and gave it a harsh tug “Use your words or I’m going to fuck you sooo slowly…I mean we do have all night after all” She whimpered and replied “Yes” “Good girl” He whispered in her ear and slammed his cock into her roughly. “Oh yes.” He sped up his thrusts, getting deep inside her with each snap of his hips. He tugged on her hair again, but a little rougher than before and she moaned loudly, the sound music to his ears. He smiled against the skin of her neck before kissing her, sucking the skin there and smirked when he saw he had left a mark there. He never thought he would enjoy being with another once he met his mate but he was enjoying himself, although it was nothing like when he was with Nat. Nothing could beat sex with his mate.
He was turned on though seeing his mate being fucked by his best friend whilst he fucked his friend’s mate, knowing his friend was watching him too.
Meanwhile, Felix had removed Natalia’s skirt, top and bra and laid her on her back upon the bed and quickly removed his clothes before joining her on the bed, settling himself between her thighs. Her eyes widened at the size of his long, thick cock and noticed the precum glistening at the tip. She sat up and swirled her tongue over him, tasting him. He moaned in satisfaction before repeating Demetri’s words “Tonight is about living out your fantasy” She nodded and laid back down opening her legs a little wider and watched as he palmed himself, coating his cock with his arousal and entered her slowly, she winced a little as he was not only bigger than her mate, he was thicker too. Felix stilled for a moment to allow her to adjust to him before he began moving in and out of her slowly. “Felix” His name slipped from her lips as she lifted her hips to meet him thrust for thrust. He gently took her hands and raised them above her head holding them in place with one large hand. His other hand moved down to massage one of her breasts, fingers playing with her nipple as his lips closed around the other. His tongue and fingers moving in sync as he played with her nipples, her body writhing in pleasure beneath him “Oh….Fe…” Hearing his name leave Nat’s lips pleased him as it meant she was enjoying being with him although it felt different to when his mate calls his name. He left a trail of kisses across her skin, working his way from her breasts to her collarbone continuing up her neck before reaching the sweet spot below her ear. He gently bit her as he thrusted into her a little deeper, being careful to not break the skin.
He was enjoying fulfilling Nat’s fantasy and felt his arousal grow as he watched his mate being fucked by his best friend.
The girls turned their heads looking at each other and Rhianne leaned down and kissed her friend, licking her lips asking for entrance. Natalia parted her lips allowing Rhianne to deepen the kiss, their tongues moving against each other sensually. Demetri and Felix watched as their mates shared a deep and passionate kiss, the sight increasing their arousal as they continued to fuck the girls. Felix and Demetri looked at each other and nodded, giving both girls a rough, hard thrust, their moans muffled by the kiss. The girls broke the kiss as their mates gave them another rough, hard thrust. “Oh fuck yes!” The girls cried out in pleasure, the sound filling the room along with the sound of flesh slapping flesh.
“Let me touch you Fe” Nat asked and he nodded smiling at her as her warm hands made their way up his arms to his shoulders, nails lightly scratching him. A low guttural moan left him and it surprised the other three a little, she repeated the action and felt his free hand apply pressure to her throat, chocking her a little “Is this ok?” He asked “God yes” She cried out and moved her head back a little to allow him to choke her a little more. “Forgot to mention your little human likes to be choked” Felix said low to Demetri “Like you forgot to mention that yours likes it rough” Demetri replied low as he gave her another rough thrust.
Felix continued his slow, deep thrusts in and out of Nat whilst increasing the pressure slightly around her neck. He felt her walls flutter around him and knew she was close to her second orgasm of the night. “You need to cum little one?” “Y-yes” He gave her a slow kiss as he held her leg to his hip and slid in a little deeper, hitting a spot inside her “Oh Felix” Her voice sounding breathy as he had a firm grip on her throat. Her warm release coated his cock as her walls clenched around him, pulling him over the edge. Her eyes were squeezed shut, as she felt him fill her deeply, his cold release leaving no place untouched. Her name left his lips as he came hard inside her. He rolled them over so he was on his back with her lying on his chest and gently rubbed her back, pressing a kiss to her hair “That was great Felix” Her voice was low “Glad you enjoyed it as much as I did” He replied.
Meanwhile, Demetri tightened his hold on Rhianne’s hair as he continued to take her from behind, being rough with her “Remember your safe word sweetheart” “Yes, but I don’t need it” He nodded “Good girl” He whispered in her ear and his free hand moved to play with her clit, fingers pinching and circling the bud as he felt his own orgasm nearing. Demetri came hard filling her up with his cold seed, her walls clenched around him moments later as she came “OH DEMETRI” She cried out, not caring who heard her. “Enjoy that darling?” “Oh yes” She replied and he pulled out of her slowly. He laid down on his side and pulled her down with him so she was lying in his arms. He kissed her shoulders gently as he ran his fingers through her hair “I enjoyed that too.” She smiled and snuggled back into him a little.
The four lay on the bed in each other’s arms as the girl’s breathing returned to normal. “How would you like to take this fantasy a step further?” Demetri asked “How?” Nat asked him “Well Felix and I could take you at the same time and then take Rhianne together afterwards” He replied “That sounds interesting boys” Rhianne added “I bet it’s their fantasy to take us at the same time” Nat said looking between the two vampires “And what if it is?” Felix responded with a smirk “We’ll live out yours as you fulfilled ours” Rhianne told her mate before looking over shoulder at Demetri and nodded smiling.
Demetri unwrapped his arms from around Rhianne, rolled and reached into his bedside table and pulled out a bottle of lube at the same time as Felix gently laid Nat on the bed beside Rhianne. He then rolled over and took out the bottle of lube he had hid in Natalia’s bedside table earlier that day.
“Come on darling, you’re going first” Demetri said as watched as a still naked Nat crawled over to the bed to him. He growled at the sight of her and pulled her into his arms and kissed her “Ready to begin mi amore?” “Yes babe” She replied and kissed him, before turning around so she had her back to him. Rhianne got comfortable knowing she was going to witness quite the show.
Demetri opened the bottle of Raspberry lube and squeezed a generous amount onto his fingers and gently rubbed around his mate’s back entrance before gently inserting a finger preparing her for him. “I love the smell of raspberry” Natalia said over her shoulder looking at Demetri “I know darling” He winked back at her as he added a second finger and continued to thrust them gently in and out of her. He withdrew his fingers and squeezed more lube into his hand and rubbed his cock ensuring to cover it generously in lube.
“Are you ready Nat?” Felix asked and she nodded smiling at him, he leant forward capturing her lips in a kiss as he settled himself between her thighs gently parting them with his large hands and gently slid inside her. Once inside he stilled giving her chance to get used to him again before he gave her a few slow deep thrusts. He then sat back on his knees, taking her with him gently so she was sitting on his lap allowing Demetri to get comfortable behind her. Once he was in position he gently placed his hands on her ass cheeks parting them slightly and slid inside slowly being careful not to hurt her “Relax darling, it’s ok” His voice soft in her ear as he stilled inside her and placed a kiss to her neck “Mmm, that feels nice” Natalia said low once she had Felix and Demetri fully inside her. She felt full, almost painfully so but it felt so good at the same time. Natalia placed her hands on Felix’s shoulders to help steady herself.
Felix looked at Demetri over her shoulder and he nodded and Felix began trusting in and out of her at a slow pace, after a few thrusts Demetri started to move slowly in and out of her too. He matched Felix’s pace and rhythm, both pulling out and thrusting back in at the same. “Such a good girl taking us together darling” Demetri praised his mate “Such a good girl” Felix agreed before kissing her, biting her bottom lip and slipping his tongue inside her mouth, their tongues tasting each other.
Demetri left a trail of kisses along her neck, moving his hands to her breasts whilst Felix’s hands stayed on her hips. Rhianne sat on the other side of the bed watching the three of them together, finding it a little erotic.  
Demetri carefully pulled out of her first, wrapping his arms around her and Felix lifted her of his still hard cock. “I’m going cuddle Nat whilst you prepare Rhi” Demetri said and held her in his arms peppering her with little kisses.
Rhianne looked at Felix with curiosity shining in her eyes “It’ll be me taking you back here…” He gently stroked her ass “…I know you can take me, little one” He said before capturing her lips in a passionate kiss.
Felix picked up the bottle of Watermelon lube and applied a very generous amount to her back entrance using his fingers and gently slid one of his thick fingers inside her, adding a second a few thrusts later. "Don't worry, baby. We'll get you nice and ready for me, I promise. I just need you to try and relax for me, okay? Just give in and feel." He added a third finger and heard her low gasp “You’re doing really well sweetheart” Demetri’s voice low as he moved to sit in front of her and stroked her cheek. He pressed his lips to hers in a soft kiss, distracting her when he pulled her bottom lip between his teeth. “We’re going to take care of you and he’ll be so gentle back there” Demetri added as he ran his fingers through her folds and slipped two lubed fingers inside her, brushing against her walls as another distraction.
“Ready for me Rhi?” He asked and she nodded “Yes Dem” He withdrew his fingers at the same time Felix removed his from her ass. Demetri felt her warm hand close around his hard cock, giving it a few slow strokes before releasing him with a smile. He carefully moved so he was sitting at the end of the bed, his feet firmly on the floor and lifted her onto his lap so she was straddling him with her knees resting either side of his lap on the bed.  
Felix climbed off the bed and came to stand behind his mate and coated his long hard cock in more Watermelon lube and pressed his tip to her back entrance. “Relax sweetheart” Demetri said as his hands moved to her ass parting her cheeks to help Felix ease into her slowly “You’re doing so well little one” Felix’s voice soft whispered in her ear. Natalia moved to sit on her knees beside Demetri and watched as he sank deep inside her friend with one long slow gentle thrust.
Felix was only able to fit half of his large cock in her back entrance but Rhianne still felt deliciously full the moment Demetri was fully inside her and a sigh of pleasure slipped past her lips “You like us both in you, don’t you?” Her mate asked and she nodded “Yes” Demetri smiled at her and gently moved in and out of her leaning back a little taking her with him. This exposed her ass to her mate a little more and Felix was able to slide a little deeper into her from behind.
Both vampires fucked Rhianne slow and deep, Demetri ensuring to hit that spot inside her with every thrust. “Dem…don’t stop” He smiled against her neck “I won’t. Not till your sweet cum is coating my cock sweetheart” He gave her a rough thrust and felt her nails dig into his skin a little. He growled in response, both girls chuckled a little “I love it when he does that” Natalia said low, her mouth inches from Rhianne’s. Rhianne leant forward and pressed her lips to her friend’s in a sweet kiss, Natalia pulled back for a moment before leaning back in and kissing her friend again, this time their tongues met and gently fought for dominance. Their mates growled at the sight before them as they continued to move in sync with each other inside Rhianne.
Rhianne’s walls clenched around Demetri’s cock, letting him know she was close “Be a good girl and cum for me sweetheart” He coaxed her and a moment later the knot broke and she came over Demetri’s cock, the mixed sensations of her walls milking his cock and her warm cum pulling him over the edge and he came hard inside her for the second time that night, emptying himself deep inside her.
Felix gave a semi rough thrust before he emptied himself inside her “Felix” She cried out “I know baby, I know” He stroked her cheek gently, and leant forward resting his chest against her back. “I love you Felix” “I love you too baby.”
Felix gently pulled out of her before gently lifting her off of Demetri’s semi hard cock. “That was so great Dem, Felix” Rhianne smiled at them “You did so well taking us both sweetheart” Demetri praised her before giving her a kiss “Yes you did extremely well taking me back there” Felix praised and turned her to face him capturing her lips with his.
“Girls go get in the shower and clean up whilst Felix and I change the bedsheets” Demetri smiled and watched the girls enter the bathroom “We’ll join you when we’re done” Felix added calling over his shoulder.
They hear the shower get turned on and a few moments later they hear girl’s hushed conversation about the events that took place and couldn’t help chuckle “Who’d have thought we’d be swapping mates for sex and sharing them all in the same night?” Felix asked low, Demetri chuckled “Not me but then I didn’t know our mates had those fantasies. Naughty little minxes” Demetri smiles at Felix who is wearing a matching grin “Little minxes indeed.”
Meanwhile in the bathroom “I can’t believe they agreed to fulfil our fantasies of being with their friend, considering how possessive and protective they are of us” Rhianne said as she washed Natalia “I know. They’re amazing and love us as much as we love them” Natalia replies with a smile “Not to mention they had fun too” Rhianne adds and they start laughing. “Yea and they ‘worked’ together whilst doing one of us at the same time” “That’s true Nat. They’re rather skilled like that” They giggled again as Natalia started washing Rhianne. Natalia pressed her lips to Rhianne’s in a soft kiss. Rhianne nipped at her friend’s bottom lip and slipped her tongue inside her mouth, their tongues swirling against each other as their hands caressed each other’s breasts, leaving a trail of bubbles as they go.
“Having fun girls?” They turn at hearing Demetri’s voice and see him and Felix standing in the bathroom doorway “Room for two more?” Felix adds with a grin “Nope. But if I step out you can get in” Natalia said and climbed out of the shower. Felix climbed in and washed his mate as she washed him in return, hands roaming all over their bodies with Rhianne pushed up against the tiled wall.  
Demetri ran a bath for him and Natalia and climbed in, they washed each other in turn too, hands exploring their bodies “Just making sure you’re all clean babe” Natalia said as her hand moved along his semi hard cock as she washed him. “Me too” He replied and slipped two fingers inside her when it was his turn to wash her.
Once they were all clean and dried, they got changed to something comfortable for bed. “Stay in here tonight” Demetri said as he and Natalia climbed into bed. Felix and Rhianne nodded and climbed into the king-size bed; Felix and Demetri at either end, the girls in the middle. Each vamp holding their mates close as the girl’s fell asleep exhausted, satisfied but exhausted.
“Hey D, would you be up for a repeat performance of their fantasies?” “Definitely…but as an occasional thing. Wouldn’t want to spoil the little minxes too much” Demetri winked at Felix and he chuckled “True. It’ll be nice as a treat to ‘spice’ things up once in a while” “My thoughts exactly Fe.” They watched as the girls put an arm across each other’s waists, hands resting on Demetri and Felix’s arms. “We truly are very lucky to have you girls” Demetri whispered low and kissed Natalia’s hair as Felix kissed Rhianne’s hair too “Sweet dreams little ones.” Both vampires closed their eyes and relaxed for the night, listening to their mate’s heartbeats and steady breathing.
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seijorhi · 3 years
asks :)
i’m sorry i’m bad at answering these i love you guys
I just adore fics like these, outside characters seeing through yandere facades and putting the pieces together. Atsumu’s frustration at knowing something is wrong but not being able to convey it without sounding crazy or jealous (and then exactly that happens), and then his mental agony at realizing he’s right but powerless. Ugh and the piece de resistance was his own inner turmoil at his attraction, it was just *chef’s kiss*. Do you think Atsumu became a bit of a lowkey yandere in his own way just obscured with a savior complex? Poor reader if she ever ends up his clutches, swapping one crazed man for another only Atsumu will never see himself as the bad guy. Thanks for the time and effort you put into such amazing writing!!
poor atsumu, i really put him through the wringer on this one :(( he starts with good intentions, but you know what they say about those haha. i honestly think he’s kinda fucked, because on the one hand he has everybody telling him he’s being a creeper, making mountains out of molehills, because how could hinata possibly do anything like that? and on the other he’s got hinata who’s not only aware of his suspicions but kinda pushing him to snap but dangling the reader in front of him. which way he falls is kinda up to you, but i think the fact he jerked off to a blowjob she clearly didn’t want says a lot about what he’s willing to (temporarily at least) overlook.
(English is not my first language so if I make grammar mistakes i'm sorry :( )
I got chills while reading insidious! It was so amazing. I really appreciated how you wrote that in Atsumu's perspective and made him an unreliable narrator.
It reminds me of the old drabble that you did with BokuAka where they kidnapped their manager and wrote it in Konoha's perspective. In that drabble, while Konoha did act selfishly, I still felt that he was a good person overall.
But in this fic, despite Atsumu claiming that Hinata and y/n's relationship was toxic and wrong, he still felt jealous. He wanted to be in Hinata's place. He wanted what Hinata had with y/n. I don't think his issue with them was because their relationship was toxic (maybe it was in the beginning), he just wanted it to be him who's with her. And that's the brilliance of this fic, seeing not only how unsettling Hinata's relationship was but also seeing Atsumu also slowly becoming obssessed.
first of all, never apologise for your english or any language for that matter. you’re doing great bby! but i’m glad you liked the fic!! <33 i can’t resist morally corrupting a character with good intentions. poor tsumu. poor konoha :((
Oof Hinata is terrifying and you wrote him so so so in character, like damn. He’s so happy like he’s just not a dark person which makes it so jarring bc he himself might not even register his actions as bad. I would love to see more content with him bc you got a girl scared and horny! But just wow I was on the edge of my seat!
ahh thank you my love!!
this is kinda random but i’m happy that i finally don’t have to type your full @ on the search bar to get to your blog anymore!!!!! also your new hinata ft atsumu fic literally sent chills down my spine. it kinda disturbed me how nobody (except atsumu) is questioning hinata’s character because hinata the always positive bundle of joy and sunshine can’t be capable of doing such things right? and how hinata is aware of atsumu’s suspicions ANDattraction towards his girl so he plays these little mind games with atsumu while maintaining that happy go lucky smile on his face acting like everything is normal. i just love your writing so much i literally visit your blog often for new updates😭
ahh i wished i had more updates for you haha! it’s really the worst when nobody believes something you think is painfully obvious. and hinata’s sunshine and sweet and super adoring, so why would anyone think twice about his relationship with the reader? and it doesn’t help that he’s toeing the line (before jumping right across it) between genuine concern and a little bit of attraction, but that’s half the fun haha. thanks for the ask bby!
Ok but you write Atsumu pining for the reader in a relationship so well. Inescapable Atsumu vs Oikawa is so good, the desperation, the crying *chefs kiss* Insidious is a diff Atsumu, more caring but thirsty all the same. Bokuto and co.s reaction is so funny 😭 they literally said you need to chill a little Atsumu
(Maybe we need to make this a full circle and make Atsumu pine for Osamus S.O. eye-)
i’m so mean to atsumu in both of those fics. dw i’ll make it up to him haha <33
It’s been said before but your Hinata fic was AMAZING and just so scarily in character. Hinata is definitely one of the scariest yanderes because he’s so unsuspecting and who would believe such a cheerful person is capable?!? It was just so well-written, I loved how you wrote Atsumu’s rising suspicions (especially how he can’t really prove anything bc it’s Hinata of all ppl) and his own descent into obsession and everyone’s reaction to him. It was so deliciously twisted and you can’t help but pity reader in what we can assume is her little sliver of hope that she can be saved bc someone finally noticed. Just chills.
thank you so much, bby! hinata does give off those vibes, and who would suspect him because he’s so attentive and bright and bubbly. i’m glad you liked it!! <33
Rhi RHHHHIIII Insidious was spot on. Rabid was just 👌👌 mmm and I've just realized how good you are at capturing a character's pov, like Atsumu's was on the money for capturing the confusion and unsettling feeling and it was so effective i feel like 👀😳 @ hinata now lmaoo
I WAS THE LAST ASK TALKING ABOUT POVS BUT I FORGOT SOMETHIIINGG. DAICHI'S POV. DAICHI'S POVVVV 👏👏👏 I could feel myself feeling his frustration and anger (I wanted him to whip oikawa's ass so bad fr) and his piecing together of things made me feel so awful and anxious, but like in a good way!! Writing is suppose to make you feel things and your fics always, always accomplish that 🤍
ahh nonnie, thank you so much! i like to get inside of the character’s head and fuck with their emotions and stuff, it’s super fun so i’m glad you guys enjoy it!! ily!! <3
oo Hinata as a yandere is so scary bc he's so sweet and caring. BUt he's also sincere and earnest about everything and who's to say that passion won't carry into darker activities 👀
you get it anon haha. he’s honestly a little terrifying but i still want him to spit in my mouth y’know??
i just finished reading insidiuous--it was FANTASGTIC SHDFJDSHFJ the way that atsumu crossed a line he couldn't come back from and was just,,,, rightfully consumed with shame for it?? that was great. also loved reading how hinata knew what he was doing and was doing it purposely, but poor reader. my heart goes out to reader.
thank you so much, bby!! i’m glad you liked it <33 
God, you have no idea how much I loved Rabid. I read it probably like 5 times in a row the first time. How do you imagine what happens to reader afterwards? I wonder if he’d end up taking her back to his place, or how does he interact with her afterwards? I’m sorry if this is annoying, I’m just so in love with the story 🥺💕
ahh thank you so much! as for what happens afterwards, you’re definitely kyoutani’s girl. if you think he’s just gonna let you go back to your place, keep working your job, you’ve got another thing coming. he tries to be gentle. a good boyfriend. he’ll definitely pick up on you shaking after he’s finished up; but he’ll misinterpret it as you being cold and make you wear his jacket haha.
Have u permanently closed commissions?
not necessarily, just taking a break :))
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snowdice · 4 years
Finding the Time to Study Fic 2 [Day 39]
Here is my starting post for today’s study break stories session. See this post for more details and feel free to send me asks to keep me going! It’s been a lot of fun so far! I will reblog this post with the story as I write them today. I’ll be constantly looking for ideas of times and places for Janus to have missions, so feel free to send in any you can think of at any point!
If you are a new follower or just don’t want all of these posts clogging your dash, please feel free to block the tag “study break stories” as all posts and voting about it will go there. You can still see the finished product of the story even if you are blocking that tag as I will not tag the edited chapters with “study break stories” but with the tag “folds in paper.” See edited chapters below. None edited chapters are under the cut.
My Masterpost Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15
I also have a playlist on youtube (because Spotify didn’t have one of the songs I wanted). It’s short, and not really for serious listening, but I had fun with it.
Alright. Time to get a bit of studying done.
Arc II What We Do to Each Other
Chapter 16:
As it would turn out, Janus and Virgil did not get in trouble for hooking up the old phone to Virgil’s integrator, mostly because it wasn’t really a mistake on their part. The phone cleared all virus checks that the tech people both from the university and the TPI ran on it. The phone should have been clean and should not have caused an issue.
In fact, they were still trying to pin down the code on the general university server. They could tell that something was mucking about on the system but what or how was a mystery. This also meant that there was no telling what information had been compromised and considering how many things Silver Mountain had its hands in, that was… a bit worrying.
 Another worrying thing was there was suddenly more activity of late at the TPI. There were more time distortions popping up every day. Usually they would be few and far in between. There had been 3 total recorded the year before, but over 12 in the last week. Some of them were fake like the one Janus had investigated, but some of them were real. It painted a distressing picture and also was a drain on their resources. Khalid was actually looking to advertise positions to hire new recruits which was something she rarely did as she liked to keep appointments to the TPI in house.
 They’d even loosed the number of field agents needed for each mission and Janus and Remus had been splitting up just to get everything done. Today, he and Remus had thankfully only two missions scheduled for the day.
“Are we going together or separate today?” Janus asked Remus.
“Think they’ll burn me at the stake for being a witch if I go alone to either of them?” Remus asked.
“I don’t know. Probably. I think we’re getting a bit late into the 1700s for that in Cuba, but I have no idea about Mesopotamia.”
“Let’s just go together. I did not like almost drowning yesterday because I was the only stranger in town when the weather was going wonky.”
“Surely it isn’t because you opened your mouth. Ever.” Janus said dryly.
“How was I supposed to know he was the local clergyman’s son?”
 Janus rolled his eyes. “On second thought,” he said, pushing a button on his desk to choose Cuba as he next mission, and standing up. “I don’t want you coming with me.” Yet, he did not protest when Remus also signed up for the Cuba mission and he waited for him by the office door before going to talk to Rhi.
Rhi was a bit frazzled when which meant quite a bit as she was usually incredibly put together. Remus didn’t even seem inclined to tease her today.
“Okay,” she said once they’d closed the door behind them. She flipped through some documents on her desk. “Picani and Clockson. Camaguey Cuba 1755. Do you know Cuba?”
 “Uh,” Janus said. “Yeah?”
“Like you’re reading the things, right? I don’t have to babysit you, right? You got it? The Seven Year War was happening, but it won’t affect you much as it hasn’t really hit Cuba. It’s the middle of the Camaguey Carnival. Everyone will be everywhere and there will be chaos so as long as you don’t really fuck up you should be fine. Um…apparent races.” She looked up at them and studied them each for a moment as thought looking at them for the first time despite having known them for years. “It’ll work. Go to costuming.”
“Shouldn’t we…” Janus said, “sign things?”
 “…Yep,” she said, fiddling with her desktop and then sending documents over to their side to sign.
Janus and Remus both did before sending them back.
“Great. Good.” She stood and grabbed some things from behind her. “You can go.” She sat back down as they took their things and Janus noticed a message pop up on her desk. She looked up at Remus looking exhausted. “What?” she asked.
“Just open it,” Remus said.
Rhi tapped it and a photo opened.
“I got her a new mouse toy!” Remus said happily as Rhi looked at the picture of Diesel Fuel attacking a cloth mouse.
“That is… appreciated Agent Clockson,” Rhi said. “Now get out.”
 They did, leaving to get their costumes on and checked. Costuming was just as busy and frazzled as Rhi had been and they actually had to wait for decon because there’d been a mix up with the agents leaving before them. They landed in Cuba without issue. Janus could already hear the festival in full swing outside the small building they’d were in. Remy was standing there with a very not time appropriate mug of coffee.
“Sue me,” Remy said when Janus raised an eyebrow at it. “Please just… get in and out without causing trouble. Seriously. I don’t want to have to deal with that on top of everything else.”
 “We’ll do our best,” Janus assured.
Remy pulled his sunglasses down to look at him. He looked exhausted. “God please do more than your best.”
Janus nodded tightly. “We’ll be in and out,” he said, already glancing at his timepiece. It had been disguised as a golden bracelet which made it a bit harder to actually use, but wrist watches wouldn’t be invented for more than a century, so they’d have to make do. “The time distortion, if that’s what it is, should be in the middle of town. Let’s go.”
He and Remus exited the building onto the packed city street.
 Janus was immediately bombarded with all types of sights, sounds, and smells. There were many colorful articles of clothing and costumes as people went every which way along the street talking to other members of their community, playing instruments, and dancing. There was the sound of people speaking Spanish, still mostly almost pure Castilian Spanish with perhaps a bit of influence from Taino as the Haitian revolution had yet to push the Creole language over to Cuba. People must have been hard at work cooking different dishes for the carnival as many different spices wafted through the air. It was sticky hot considering it was the middle of June in the tropics and Janus was immediately sweating despite the temperature appropriate clothing he’d been outfitted with.
 He glanced around their immediate area, just scoping out the crowds. His eyes were immediately drawn to one person near them.
“Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me,” he said out loud when he saw Pat. Remus looked in the direction Janus was.
Even if Janus didn’t recognize him the moment he laid eyes on him, he probably still would have ended up staring as he was the only person in the area who clearly did not know how to do the dance he was attempting.
Remus snorted and Janus shook his head in secondhand embarrassment. “Well, would you look whose boyfriend’s here,” he said to Janus. Make that firsthand embarrassment. “Has anyone told him the Mambo wasn’t invented until the 1900s and also that’s not how you do it?”
 Chapter 17
Pat stopped dancing the moment he saw Janus approaching him, but he still bobbed cheerfully ( and unrhythmically) to the music. “Hi Janus,” he said pleasantly.
“You just have to rub it in, huh?”
There was a flash of confusion across his face, but then he smiled. “Well, I know where in our relationship you are. How was France?”
“You’re a bastard.”
“You stole the phone,” he laughed.
“You stole the bomb,” Janus countered, “and you wanted me to steal the phone. You booby trapped it.”
“No,” Pat correct, putting a finger up. “We have security on my phone because in high school I once forgot it in the school locker room and long story short, the three of us ended up in a lake. So, then Lo made sure I always had some sort of tracker on it. When I started time traveling, he updated it and when I met you we updated it again in case there was ever an opportunity like that. Lo calls it using our weaknesses to our advantage.”
 “He’s a bastard too,” Janus growled.
Pat just laughed.
“Is someone talking about me?” Remus asked, stepping over to them. Janus rolled his eyes.
“Oh,” Pat said, blinking at Janus’s partner for a moment. “Remus.” He hesitated slightly. “How are you doing?”
“Me?” Remus asked. “Uh, I’m doing good. A little stressed out with work, but fine.”
“Good,” Pat said with just a little too much heartfulness to it.
“What?” Janus asked, eyes narrowed at Pat. “What is that?”
“What is what?” Pat asked. He met Janus’s eyes briefly and it made panic surge up Janus’s spine because the look Pat was sending him wasn’t one that said he was playing dumb. It was a warning.
 Oh, Janus did not like this. That look told Janus Pat had some foreknowledge that he absolutely could not tell Janus about without messing up the timeline spectacularly. This was why this mess the two of them were mixed up in was so bad, but it seemed Janus did not have much of a choice when it came to Pat.
Despite how bad of an idea he knew it was, he still wanted to push, because whatever Pat was hiding could be very, very bad and it had to do with Remus. There were so many reasons Pat could be acting like that around Remus, but the worst ones were definitely the ones on his mind. Death, injury, illness. They were all possible especially in their line of work and especially with how time was being screwed with right now. And Pat knew. He knew exactly what the answer was, and oh did Janus want to push.
Experience knowing what worse things could come out of having foreknowledge made Janus bite his tongue.
 “So, what are you two doing here,” Pat asked, and Janus unhappily let him change the subject.
“Oh, like you don’t know,” Janus replied.
“I don’t know,” Pat said innocently.
“There’s another time distortion,” Janus said, “and while you didn’t know what it was the last time I saw you, I’m pretty sure you do now.”
“Oh, I didn’t know there was a time distortion here. I can help you if you like,” he offered sweetly.
“Oh, yeah, sure. Then why are you here?”
“I wanted to see if I could find the Flying Dutchman,” Pat told him.
“And so you went to Camaguey?”
“Uh huh.”
“One of the farthest places from the ocean in Cuba?”
 “Is it?”
“I don’t trust you.”
Pat just shrugged. “Well, if you don’t want my help finding the time distortion, I’ll just be on my way then.”
“Wait,” he said when Pat went to turn away. Pat paused. Janus turned to Remus. “Remus, do you think he’s bullshitting me so I let him wander off and do whatever the hell he’s doing, or do you think he’s bullshitting me into letting him come with us.”
“Hmm,” Remus said, looking Pat up and down. Janus could immediately tell he wasn’t going to get any helpful answer. “Well, if we’re going with the how much do I get to see his, admittedly very sexy, ass criteria.” Janus pinched the bridge of his nose. “Letting him leave now means instant gratification and a nice full image when he turns away. However, letting him go with us means many more opportunities to get a glimpse, but they’d probably just be glimpses. So, yeah that’s a tough call.”
“You didn’t even bother to give me an actual hidden suggestion with that bullshit,” Janus groaned. He glanced at Pat only to see him hiding his very red face in his hands. Janus blinked. “Oh,” he said. “You got him, Remus.” Janus was surprised. He’d expected a bit more tenacity for someone with Pat’s personality. Of course, Janus was used to Remus, so that perhaps had some effect. Pat made a muffled distressed sound behind his hands and Janus raised an eyebrow. “You really got him.”
Pat flapped one hand around while still using the other to completely hide his face. “It’s just. His face. Saying that. Is weird.”
 Janus could not say that he didn’t feel a slight spark of joy at seeing Pat flustered. After all, Pat’s weapon of choice had often been flirting with Janus in the past. However, he still smacked Remus on the shoulder when it looked like he was about to continue with something likely far more inappropriate. “We are here for a reason,” he reminded. He turned to consider Pat and squinted at him. “You’re coming with us, I’ve decided. I don’t want to let you out of my sights. Don’t,” he said empathically turning to Remus as the man opened his mouth once more.
 Pat had mostly recovered, though his cheeks were just a bit pink still. “Yeah,” he said. “I’ll go with you. Where do we start?”
Janus glanced at his timepiece. “It’s not showing up on our trackers yet.”
“It messed with your tracker last time,” Pat pointed out.
“I know,” Janus said. “Which means it could be another fake one or whatever is causing it hasn’t started yet. If things start going wrong, but it still doesn’t show on our radar, it’s almost certainly a fake one, but some of the fake ones haven’t blocked our technology.”
“Here, I can check,” Pat said.
“Please don’t pull out an iPhone,” Janus begged.
 Pat stuck out his tongue at him, and then smiled. He reached for the bracelet on his wrist and twisted it back and forth a few times before pressing his palms together. He glanced around them quickly to make sure no one around them was watching and then peeled apart his palms like he was miming reading a book.
“What the fuck is that, and how do I get one?” Remus asked immediately. It was innocuous, whatever it was. If someone from this time caught a glimpse of the display, they’d likely assume it was a trick of the light, but staring right at it, Janus could tell it was a map of the surrounding areas with a softly glowing blue light marking their current location. Janus could see no screen or origin of a hologram. It looked like the image was drawn onto the man’s palms, but as he watched, the image shifted to zoom out.
 “There doesn’t seem to be anything major yet,” Pat said wiggling his fingers a bit. The display changed slightly to some sort of colorful overlay Janus did not understand. Pat hummed. “Did you two come from that building recently?” he asked nodding at it.
“Yes,” Janus replied. “How do you know?”
“There’s sometimes a slight temperature change when people time travel,” Pat explained. “I can read it on here.” He tilted his head. “There also seems to be a big enough temperature change in a church a few blocks away that could indicate time travel. Want to check it out?”
“We might as well,” Janus agreed.
“And if it’s nothing, we can get drunk on the communion wine!”
“He’s going to get immediately struck by lightning,” Janus said.
 Chapter 18
“If we see anyone,” Janus said as they entered the church. “You keep your mouth shut. Do you understand me? Remus, do you understand me?”
Remus immediately turned to Pat. “You know, I didn’t grow up Catholic,” he said to Pat who looked at him in confusion. “So the first time I ever entered a Catholic church, you can’t blame me for being a little confused about the whole cabinet thing with a wall between them. After all, everyone was singing about glory to god and what not. So I…”
Janus slapped him. “This is why you were almost burned at the stake yesterday.”
 “Excuse you,” Remus said, putting his hand over his heart. “I was almost drowned.”
“You were almost drowned?” Pat asked, his voice seeming legitimately distressed.
Remus shrugged a smile on his face that caused a Pavlovian migraine to start up behind Janus’s eyes. “It’s one of the hazards of the jobs, and really it would have all been worth it if I’d actually gotten to drown in that man’s…”
“We’re in a church!” Janus cut him off switching from Spanish to Swahili in the hopes that no random passersby would be able to understand him in this time and place. “Don’t talk about lewd sex things. Don’t talk about sex at all. It’s a Catholic church!”
 Remus continued to speak in Spanish with no regard for anything. “But not talking about lewd sex things takes away 3/4ths of my personality,” he pouted.
“More like 9/10th,” Janus grumbled, “and the other 1/10th is just normal stupid.”
“Hey, you shouldn’t be mean,” Pat scolded, in fucking English for some reason, “but Remus, honey, you probably shouldn’t be saying things like that right now.”
“No, no, he has a point,” Remus said switching to English.
“He’s my partner, I have the right to call him stupid,” Janus insisted.
“And I love you too!” Remus said in Greek because he was really, truly, stupid.
 Pat looked between the two, but then seemed to accept it, dropping the concerned expression for a slightly amused one. “If you say so.”
“Can I… help you?” A voice asked. All three of them whipped around to see a young boy looking at them and seeming very confused. Which was fair considering that to his ears, they’d just been speaking nonsense.
“We’re here to pray!” Remus claimed, then he turned to wink at Pat and said under his breath in Swahili, “to that ass.” Pat went immediately bright red again, which was doubtlessly Remus’s aim. Janus subtlety stepped on his foot while smiling at the boy.
 “Oh,” the boy said. “Okay.” Thankfully, he didn’t seem interested in questioning the random strangers in front of him further. “I’m going to go back to the celebration now.”
Janus smiled at him. “Have fun,” he said. He waited for the boy to leave through the front door before slapping Remus on the back of the head.
“Ow!” he whined sounding far too pained for how hard Janus had actually hit him.
Janus rolled his eyes. “Let’s just start investigating,” he said.
“Sure, sure, you never let me have any fun,” Remus said, pulling up his wrist and spinning the golden bracelets on his arm. “Hmm…” he said.
 “What?” asked Pat.
“Either I put on the wrong jewelry this morning… or my timepiece isn’t working.”
“Well, then I’m guessing we’re in the right place,” Janus said. He turned to Pat. “Your stuff still working?”
Pat brought up whatever device was on his hands. “Yeah,” he said, “and it looks like something is just starting.” Just as he said it, there was a violent crash of thunder.
“Well,” Janus said. “We should probably find the source and soon. Which way?”
Pat glanced around himself and then motioned with his wrist. Suddenly there was a 3D display of the church in front of them.
 Janus could see immediately where the problem had to originate. There was a swirling mass of some sort of energy centered at the top of the bell tower of the church. As he watched, he saw the picture of the church glitch out a bit. He had a bad feeling about that.
“Is there something wrong with your display?” he asked, or more hoped.
Pat shook his head slowly. “I don’t think so…” The room seemed to shift suddenly underneath their feet. It felt a bit like time travel, but also wrong. The picture on the display flickered harder, part of the building fracturing and dissolving before appearing back in place. The room settled after a moment, but Janus’s stomach did not.
 “Whatever is going on,” Janus said, “We need to stop it right now.”
Pat nodded. “The quickest way up would be that way,” Pat said pointing. The display closed as he did.
“Then, let’s go,” Janus said.
The world was eerily calm as they all started off in the direction Pat had pointed out. In fact, it was almost too quiet.
“Where’s the nearest window?” Janus asked when they came out on the second floor.
Pat glanced at his hand. “There should be a couple a few feet that way.” Janus nodded and left them standing there. When he glanced out of the first window he came to, it appeared to be night. Yet, when he walked to the next window, he saw daylight.
“Time is fracturing,” Janus informed them. “We need to be careful.” This time distortion was much more intense than any of the other ones the agency had been tracking down over the last few months. It had also come on much faster. Usually there was some time between when the time distortion began and it started having extreme effects on the environment. He was suddenly very glad that he and Remus had not split up today. He was even glad for Pat’s company, no matter how aggravating he may be sometimes. Not to mention, he was glad for the man’s technology that seemed to circumvent whatever was blocking Janus and Remus’s timepieces.
He backed away from the windows and returned to the others.
“Whatever you do,” Janus said. “Don’t let anyone be in a room alone.”
“I know what time fractures are this time,” Pat promised.
“It was as much for the idiot as it was for you,” Janus said.
“You accidently bring a bubonic plague infested rat to 900BC one time and you never live it down.”
“I’d say I should put a leash on you, but you’d twist it into something disgusting.”
“Probably,” Remus agreed.
“Where next?” Janus asked, ignoring him.
“That way,” Pat said.
They walked together to the door he’d indicated. “Please don’t be bullshit,” Janus prayed. He opened the door and immediately got bowled over by a stream of salt water.
 Chapter 19
Janus landed flat on his back, a wave of water splashing over him and then quickly retreating, but still leaving him absolutely drenched. He sighed, looking at the ceiling. “Don’t,” he warned, “say a word.”
Of course, he was with the two most impossible people in all of space and time, so neither of them headed him.
“I thought you said we were far from the ocean, Jan,” Pat said.
“Yeah, Janny,” Remus immediately jumped on board because he was an asshole. “I thought we were far from the ocean!”
“Maybe I’ll achieve my goal of finding the Flying Dutchman after all!”
 “Ooo ghost pirates! I’ve never gotten to fight ghost pirates before. Any good with a sword Patty?”
“My friend has a sword and he let me use it before… but all I did was cut a hole in our couch, and then Lo was mad at us.”
“I mean… just pretend the pirates are a couch and we’ll be good!”
Janus slowly sat up. There was still water on the floor and every so often a wave would crash into the room as though the door frame signaled the edge of a beach. Pat reached down to offer him a hand up and Janus slapped it away.
 “Rude!” Pat claimed, but his eyes were alight with mischief.
Janus shoved himself to his feet on his own power.
“You deserve it,” he hissed. “For all of this!” he waved his arms around.
“Water you talking about. I didn’t do anything wrong.”
“You are on thin ice.”
He looked down at his feet with a contemplative expression. “Looks like water to me.”
“Arg!” Janus spat, throwing up his arms.
“I don’t sea why you’re screaming, Janus.”
“Yeah,” Remus contributed. “You seem overally emotional to me.”
“Yes, yes,” Pat replied. “Very em-ocean-al.”
“One may even say he’s pretty salty.”
“I know where you live, Remus,” Janus reminded.
 “Alright, alright Remus, reel it in,” Pat said.
Remus opened his mouth to respond, but Janus cut him off. “Why don’t the two of you dedicate all of that brain power to figuring out how to cross the literal ocean in the next room,” Janus suggested hotly.
And it was a literal ocean. If one ignored where they were and the fact that there was a staircase climbing out of said ocean about 80 or so meters away. There was sand being washed up across the door frame and a seagull flying in the distance. At least it looked like a nice day in the room with the way the sun was glinting off the water. At least it wasn’t storming there. Yet.
Janus’s head throbbed with the thought of what had to be happening with the time distortion to plop a piece of the ocean into one single room in a church. Usually they’d be calling the TPI for backup or at least for information, but that was a loss. Even if they tried to get out of range of whatever was disrupting their timepieces, time was so unstable, they’d very possibly get dumped somewhere dangerous. It was better to just get to the time distortion as quickly as possible and stop it.
 “Hmm,” Remus said. “I wonder how deep it is. Do you think there are man eating sharks in the water? Or giant jelly fish? Remember that one time I got stung by a jelly fish and almost died?”
“Yes,” Janus said, lips pursed, “and it was entirely your fault.”
“I just looked so squishy!” he declared, “I didn’t know it was a murder blob.”
“I think I have a boat,” Pat said.
They both turned to him. “What?” Janus asked. He was looking at his hands and just hummed in response to Janus’s question. The next thing he knew, Pat made some motion with his hand and a yellow raft started to autofill from his palm. “...Why?” Janus asked.
“I… recently started carrying a wilderness survival pack in my time device.”
 “I’m not going to question it. It’s better than swimming.” By the time the raft was completely deployed, they’d all been shoved into the walls by it.
“Huh, on second thought. I probably should have put the raft in the room before blowing it up.”
“You think?” asked Janus.
Pat glared at him over it. “I never really thought about how to open it in a narrow second floor corridor.”
“Just try to shove it through the door without popping it.”
“Why are you looking at me?!” asked Remus.
They managed to somehow squeeze the raft through the door into the other room after a few minutes.
 Pat squinted at the tottering raft he was holding to the door frame. “After you,” he offered.
Janus glared at him.
“You’re already soaked!” Pat defended himself.
Janus sighed and very carefully climbed into the raft. It tottered dangerously, but he didn’t immediately fall out, so that was a plus. The other two of them slowly also climbed onto the raft with him. They then sat in it for a few seconds. “Is there an oar?” Janus asked.
“Oh right!” Pat did something else with the device in his hands and an oar slowly unfolded from his hand.
“Seriously, I want one of those,” Remus said.
 “Let’s just get out of here,” Janus said, snatching the oar. The staircase luckily wasn’t too far away. They probably could have swam it if necessary, but the raft gave them some modicum of protection. Everything seemed to be going in their favor, which of course meant everything was about to go incredibly wrong.
They were about halfway across the water when the entire world around them rumbled.
“…I hope that was a giant jellyfish,” Remus said.
It was unfortunately not a jellyfish or any sea creature at all. The world around them fractured, the ocean seeming to split right down the middle so the water right of the staircase was 6 feet higher than on the left. The sky flashed red and yellow before the water split completely like Moses splitting the Red Sea.
 There was a millisecond as the split widened until it was only a few feet from them, to decide whether when they landed they wanted to be on the side with the water or on the side without it. On one hand, going towards the side without water could mean they fell to their deaths or the water crashed back down on top of them when it settled. On the other hand, if the fissure was closing or shifting to a new area, it was very possible that they’d end up trapped in the middle off the ocean with no connection to the church.
 Well, the best chance to actually get to where they were going was probably the side without water. It seemed everyone had the same idea at once because as he grabbed for both of them, they both grabbed for him and they all went tumbling off the raft into what could have very well been a bottomless pit.
Janus learned after a couple of seconds of free fall, that it was definitely not a bottomless pit. He landed hard, flat on his back and saw stars. The next moment something landed on top of him, squeezing all of the air out of his lungs.
 Something else fell half on top of his legs.
“Ow,” Pat said from near his ear.
“Yeah, well you’re the one on the top,” Janus groaned though his teeth.
“Wow, I never took you for a bottom, Janus,” Remus said from near his feet. Janus kicked up his legs into whatever part of him was on top of Janus and he gave an “oof.”
Pat snorted a bit and Janus glared at his… shoulder? He shifted around a bit so he was less thrown across Janus and more just on top of him. Janus blinked. There was a wooden ceiling above them, so that was a good sign, though there was also a giant dark hole of nothingness directly above them which was not as good.
 Janus moved slightly. He could tell he was going to be bruised later, but he didn’t seem seriously injured. “We should,” he started, but was interrupted as the hole above them pulsated and dumped a bunch of sea water.
Pat shrieked as they were all drenched with the chilly water. Luckily, they seemed to be on higher ground because, while water kept pouring out of the hole, it drained away just as quickly instead of drowning them.
Water still hitting his back relentlessly, Pat peeled his head up to look Janus in the eyes. A giggle bubbled out of his mouth.
“It isn’t funny,” Janus informed him. Pat just giggled more, leaning his head against Janus’s chest and cackling.
 Janus just rolled his eyes. “Yes, yes, this is an entirely appropriate reaction. Thank you for your contribution to our very important mission.”
Pat seemed incapable of stopping laughing completely, but he did calm himself enough to peel himself off Janus’s chest and lean forward so their noses almost touched. “It’s hilarious and you know it,” he claimed.
“In what way is this ‘hilarious’?”
“In many waves,” was the joy filled answer.
“You’re horrible.”
Pat hummed. He hadn’t moved to get off of him even though they really should be moving in case something worse than water came through the hole in the ceiling. He hadn’t even moved his face away.
“No, no, you two just tell me when you’re done being gay for each other,” Remus interrupted. Janus was surprised to see he’d stood up at some point and was now hovering over them.
 Janus flipped him off even while Pat laughed once again. Pat finally drew away and rolled off of him so Janus could sit up. Pretty much everything hurt when Janus moved, but he was able to stand up, so he was probably fine enough. “So,” he said looking around. “Where are we now?”
 Chapter 20
Janus looked around himself while Pat booted up his map to try to figure out where they were. They were in a small room that may actually be considered a large landing as there were staircases on either side of it. The water that was still coming out of the ceiling was running down the staircase that led down from the room.
 Something was stopping the water, creating a pool on the steps that was already about to overflow into the room. With the speed the water was flowing, they should have enough time before the room completely filled up with water and drowned them.
Janus wondered if they were in the church or not. It was not out of the question and there was church like décor around them, but who knew? He could feel a strange vibration in the ground and the one window in the room shone with green light.
“Hmm,” said Pat. “That looks not good.” He’d projected his map so they could all see everything.
 The map itself was moving. Rooms were phasing in and out of focus and fracturing down the middle. One room was even spinning lazily around in circles. Janus could see the room they were in. It was connected to the bigger blob of rooms, and there was a black line connecting it to another room from the top which was obviously the hole spewing water at them.
“Well, at least the time distortion is still coming from the bell tower,” Remus said. Janus shot him an unamused glance. Said bell tower was currently upside down and shuddering as well as divided from any other room by at least two inches of empty space.
“How are we supposed to get there?” asked Pat.
“We don’t,” Janus said. “It’s literally impossible.”
“There has to be some way,” Pat argued with a frown.
“If we try to use time travel, we’ll definitely get shredded by the warping time and space around it and walking there isn’t an option. There aren’t even any entrances!”
“Well, there were at one point.”
“Yeah, before,” he gestured wildly to the ceiling that was still pouring water into the room.
“So?” Pat asked.
“’So’?! What do you mean ‘so’?!”  
Pat shrugged. “When one door closes, cut another one.”
Janus froze and looked at him for a long moment. “Where the hell did you hear that?”
Patton raised an eyebrow. “You.”
“I don’t think like that anymore.”
“Well then I guess we’ll die,” Pat said lightly. “Of course, that’ll make an even worse time loop considering I’ve met older versions of you.”
“Fuck,” Janus spat. “Fuck. Fine. Give me a minute to think. Not that I even know if we have a minute because,” he gestured once again to the room.
 “Okay,” Janus said. “The room with the source of the time distortion is separated from us by a swirling pool of dark nothingness and there is no way to get to it. But, the only way we’re going to stop the distortion from ripping apart time and killing us as well as probably a bunch of other people is to get to it. That is an impossible situation. There is no solution. That door is closed to us. What other ways are there to look at it?” He looked at the visual representation of the rooms. One of them suddenly went spinning out and his eyes tracked it. We need to be in the same place as the source,” Janus said. “That is fact, but we don’t have to get to it.”
“Um, what do you mean?” Remus asked. Pat shushed him.
 “If you want thing A and thing B to be in the same place, there’s more than one way to do it. If you can’t move thing A to thing B, you might be able to move thing B to thing A. Pat, you have a working time device. We can’t travel with it because that would kill us, but if we can make it do a stutter warp, it could draw the time distortion to it.”
“You…” Remus said. “Want to create another time distortion in hopes that the original time distortion will be pulled into this room?”
“Well, sounds good to me!” Remus said.
 He maybe had expected Pat to argue, but he didn’t. Instead, he moved his hand to his wrist. There had been nothing there before, but when he touched down on his wrist with two fingers, there was suddenly a metal bound around it that Janus immediately recognized from the times he’d seen Pat’s timepiece before. How was it made invisible? He shook the thought off as Pat offered it up wordlessly. Janus took it and Pat leaned over his shoulder to look.
Despite the fact that the device looked nothing like his own, the interface was surprisingly convenient. “I assume you have safety setting to prevent a stutter warp,” Janus said. “How do I turn those off?”
 Patton pointed at a gear icon on the screen. “You put it under your normal settings?” he asked.
“I have to put in my password or use my fingerprint!” Pat defended.
“It doesn’t matter right now.” He navigated through the settings. He was interested to see that there were many different saved default security settings, but he didn’t get much of a chance to read what all they did. He just turned them all off.” It popped up with a message to put in the password and Pat pressed his fingertip to it. Another message popped up warning them that turning off these settings could cause damage to the machinery, the person using it, and time itself. Janus pushed “okay.” A message popped up that asked “Continue” and Janus pressed “yes.” One last message popped up that said “Security functions disabled.” Janus pressed “okay.”
 “Anything else I’d need to disable?”
“Nope,” Pat confirmed.
He navigated back to the main screen and then bought up the manual travel input screen. Yet another message warning him not to do this flashed and Janus once again ignored it. He copied the space time coordinates that the device said they were currently at and put it in the ‘travel to’ location. “Well,” he said. “Here it goes. Let it be known that if I die, it’s my own fault for allowing Remus into a church.”
“Really?” Remus said. “That’s what you’re choosing to be your last words?”
Janus just raised an eyebrow.
“Love you too Janus.”
Janus nodded and hovered his finger over the travel button. He quickly mashed his finger to the button 22 times.”
 The device warmed in his hand enough that he almost dropped it. Time literally froze for a few breaths as whatever Deity that may or may not exist processed their stupidity.
Janus was not a scientist or technician, but he had a good idea of how badly they were fucking up right now. The timepiece was attempting to travel over and over again to the exact same place and time. This basically punched a small hole through time, that if left unfixed would grow and disrupt space time all around them. As it was, their current position, all gathered around it and staring at it while one of them had it literally in their hand, was perilous.
 There was a rumble under their feet and the world tilted on it’s axis. The all went tumbling down in a pile of limbs to new floor of the room which had once been a wall.
Of course, this change of gravity caused the water that had been building up in the staircase to dump on top of them.
Janus would have cursed, but he was too busy being under the water. He maneuvered himself away from the other two flailing bodies and managed to shove his feet against the wall turned floor. His head popped above the water in time to see the ceiling, or well, it would be the opposite wall, rip in two and the other walls/floor/ceiling start to fold in.
 “Give me a boost!” Pat called over the noise of water rushing and walls crunching.
“Give you a boost where?” Janus asked.
“Up!” Janus wasn’t sure if ‘up’ really existed right now, but he still nodded. The water was a few inches over his head, so he held his breath and interlaced his hands so Pat could put his foot in it. He was shoved down into the water, but it gave Pat enough leverage to shoot up out of the water. When Janus resurfaced, he saw that the man had grabbed ahold of the crumbling wall and was pulling himself up into what for all appearances seemed to be absolutely nothing.
 It took a moment, but then Janus blinked, and he was suddenly in a new room entirely or perhaps it was the same room. He honestly didn’t know at this point. Remus was next to him. He couldn’t recall if he’d been there before the shift or not, but they were both treading water. Pat crashed into the water next to them. Janus’s wrist buzzed as his timepiece came back online. “Got it!” Pat declared when he resurfaced, holding a device up. It looked almost the same as the device they’d found in France, but this one was definitely different if it was able to cause that much chaos that quickly.
 Janus looked around and pointed at what appeared to be a set of stairs. The three of them swam over and pulled themselves out of the water.
“Where are we?” Pat asked.
“Looks like a basement,” Remus replied. “A flooded basement.”
Janus pulled up his timepiece and pushed some buttons to stabilize Pat’s timepiece. It slowly stopped vibrating and cooled. “Here,” he said, handing it over to him. “I suggest you put the safeties back on now.”
Pat nodded and took it.
“We’re still in Cuba,” Remus informed them, looking at his own timepiece. “Same church too, but in the basement and… two and a half centuries later.”
“Remy is going to be pissed,” Janus said.
Remus shrugged. “He’s always pissed… at least at me.”
“Well,” said Pat, slipping his timepiece back onto his wrist. “Thanks for being willing to pool our resources.”
Janus rolled his eyes. “Stop.”
“Ah, mi sirenito-”
“I hate you.”
“-never.” He disappeared with a pop which was when Janus realized, he’d never handed over device that had caused the first time distortion.
“…You bastard!” he yelled at thin air as though the man could hear him.
“Well,” said Remus, “that mission went swimmingly.” Janus reached over and shoved him back into the water.
 Chapter 21
“We should probably get out of here,” Janus said, very much not helping Remus out of the water. Remus pulled himself back up onto the staircase and shook like a dog. Janus crinkled his nose as water droplets hit him. They didn’t smell salty anymore, he noted. In fact, there was a broken pipe spewing out water on the other side of the room.
Janus and Remus cautiously snuck out of the church, not wanting to be seen and blamed for the flooded basement. They came out on a city street that was much different than the one they’d entered from.
 They walked down the street a bit, Janus’s eyes scanning the buildings. His eyes caught on a sign and he tugged Remus towards it.
They entered the small paladare and the person delivering food to one of the tables blinked at them both. Right. They were in clothing from the 1700s and were soaking wet. He met eyes with the woman, challenging her to say something. She did not.
They found a seat at one of the tables.
“Ah…” the worker said, approaching them. “English?”
“Ron,” Janus said, “por favor.”
Remus turned and started ordering the both of them food in Spanish. Janus didn’t pay attention to what he did.
 After his second shot of rum, Janus sighed and brought up his timepiece to ping the TPI. The reaction was almost instantaneous from their perspective. Remy all but kicked down the restaurant’s door and walked over to them. “How the fuck?”
“Ah, Remy,” Janus said calmly. “Have a seat. We’re waiting on our food.”
He did, but probably only because people were looking at them. “What are you doing here?”
“It’s been a long day,” Janus answered, “and I’m hungry.”
“Yeah, it certainly looks like you’re interested in the food,” Remy said, eyeing the empty shot glasses.
“Let’s just say, I’m glad Cuba started letting paladares legally serve liquor a few years ago.”
 It’s clear that Remy wanted to ask them what had happened, but he also was cautious enough not to make a scene here and Janus wasn’t planning on getting up until he’d at least gotten his food. “Why are you soaked, by the way?”
“Turns out the ocean isn’t as far away as we thought,” Janus said.
“Also, a church basement is flooded,” Remus said.
“Fantastic,” Remy replied.
They sat there mostly in tense silence until their food came, and then Remus and Janus ate. Remy slapped down some pesos once they were done and then proceeded to all but physically drag them out of the restaurant.
 They were led to an alley way and then through an old almost hidden door. Remy immediately rounded on them. “What the hell happened?” Remy asked.
“The time distortion caused level 5 time fractures in its vicinity, we almost drowned three times, and the worst person in the universe fucked me over again.”
“To be fair,” Remus said. “He did save our lives before that.”
“I saved our lives first,” Janus said. “I don’t have to be fair.”
“Oh, yeah, Mr. Curl Up In A Ball And Perish. I’m sure we would have been fine without him.”
“Anyway,” Janus said to Remy. “If you want your lump of flesh, I suggest you take it now, because Khalid is going to murder me, and then fire me, and then rehire me so she can put me on desk duty and make me do paperwork until the end of time.”
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pixeldrowned27-blog · 3 years
dragons and shit part 3
“Whats up kedda?” i smirked, knowing that me being unprofessional about my collection made him angry made me do it even more, even though sometimes it landed me on bar duty with skye.
I plopped down in one of the three velvet chairs lined up in front of Mr. Kedda’s large oak desk, swinging my feet over the right arm rest before turning my attention to the blue haired man behind the desk.
“Nokina, what have i told you time and time again about doing this.” he asked with a sigh, probably regretting his life choices, kind of like what he does everytime i turn up in his office. 
“Don't answer that.” he growled as i was going to give a smart ass remark.
“So your here to turn in your mission report and collect you chronos. But i heard not to long ago that you gave Mr. aca trouble yet again with noodle.” Mr. Kedda said with the most monotone voice he could, seeing as this type of thing happens often. Noodle perked up at the mention of his name before floating over to the shelve of trinkets the blue haired man kept.
“Noodle, don't even think about it.” i warned the spirit dragon before turning back to my boss.
“I don’t know what youre talking about, we didn't get into any trouble, noodle just wants to fly around, you know he’s always cooped up.” I answered his question. The blue haired man shook his head and got up, walking over to the small safe on the other side of the room from me, and put in a code before a beep went off and the safe opened. 
“Come get your chronos. And if i have to deal with Mr. Aca again before the northern moon festival is over, you're on bar duty with skye. Do you hear me Nokina?” Mr. Kedda growled, throwing a small sack full of golden coins with the first moon lord’s warn face on both sides of the currency.
“yeah , yeah, you say that everytime i come into collect. But sure. Thanks for the loot, i'll be out with my team on the mission Lord Niroseth gave us, should be about four days till i get back. Come on noodle, lets go get Milia and Favin.” i smiled slipping the small sack into my pocket hidden under the soft blue fabric of the slightly dirty robes as i walked out of Mr. Kedda’s office and down the stairs to the main part of the building, only to be tackled the second my foot hit the warn brown wooden floor of the tavern.
“Nokina!” a low pitched voice shouted as i hit the ground, there was a flash of white, brown and green.
“Favin, if you don't get off me i will sacrifice you to the moon god.” i growled while noodle clawed his way out from under my head.
“But you left me with Milia!” Favin growled back poking my sides, making me squeak as i tried to push the carmel man.
Favin was one of my teammates and always had girls trailing after him around the village, but the twist is that he didn't like any of them, he like this guy that was on an opposite team then us, i think his name was Rhis, which always made me laugh when Favin tried to flirt with his and gets asked out by some random girl from across the village. But Favin had short spiky white hair that popped against his skin, which was the color of carmel. He had big blue-gray eyes and perfectly rounded lips. Favin was a little shorter than me, and had a slightly muscular build that could would go beautifully with Rhis’s.
“Favin get off her before she muals you.” another voice from behind us called as i pushed the snowy haired man off of me and stood up to see Milia standing there with noodle wrapped around her wrist as she pet him.
“Need help?” Rhis asked Favin as he held out his pale hand to him. I could tell Favin must be blushing up a storm at this point. He took Rhis’s hand and stood up, Rhis basically loomed over Favin as he began trying to flirt with the pale man.
“Oh my god Favin is so dorky.” i smirked turning to milia as she nodded.
Milia was on the same same team as Favin and I. we have been friends ever since we both got lost during our first moon festival. , and since then we haven't really been apart, seeing as we were both selected to be on the same teams by lord niroseth when he became leader of the village when we were 13 years old.
“Alright favin, lets go pack up, lets meet at the southern forest entrance and go from there.” i said pulling favin away from Rhis and out the door.
“Oh come on, i was so close to asking him out on a date, Nokina! Why do you have to be so mean?” favin shouted once outside the tavern.
“Because we have a mission to get done, we only have to more after this one and if you don't hurry up and get ready i'm going to make you walk all the way to Kashin springs. Now go.” i exclaimed before pushing the white haired boy in the opposite direction of Milia and I.
“Watch it. God.” Favin sighed, waving to us as he walked down the road.
I rolled my eyes and turned around to face Milia, who shook her head with a lopsided smile that pushed dimples into her slightly purple hued cheeks. 
“What? He always complains, then ends up being proud of himself in the end.” i shrieked as we walked towards my apartment building.
“Yeah, yeah i know. Oh here, i kinda stole you dragon.” Milia giggled, pulling the dragon spirit away from her body, handing me the calmed spirit. I quickly took the dragon, placing him in the hood of my cape that tended to trail behind me.
“Thanks. Well i should go pack up, Alvaro will might make yet another huge deal about being safe and what not.” i rolled my electric green eyes.
“I know what you mean, my mom always made me wear knee pads and stuff when we started doing missions. I'll meet you at the southern forest then. Bye” Milia smiled before turning to head her own way.
“Alvaro! Im home!” i exclaimed as i threw the apartment door open
“Hey short stack.” my brother replied, rounding the corner to grin at me.
“ what?” i asked seeing as he never gave me that look. He either has something i need or is giving me something.
“Nothing, just thought you might want to know that your team is going to be promoted.” he smiled widely, walking his way around the corner of the short hallway.
“Really? When?” i asked, bouncing on my toes as my eyes lit up.
“After you last mission for the month. Seeing as your team has alway taken on the missions early and you do them so well, you'll be promoted to your choosing of rank, but you don't all have to be together on a team. Mr.kedda sent this letter not to long ago.” Alvaro exclaimed handing me the slip of crisp clean white paper that smelled like new cologne.
“But i was just in a meeting with him, why didn't he just tell me then?” i asked, looking over the letter, glancing down at the signature scrawled at the bottom of the page.
“I don't know, he might have sent it before you got there, and thought you had already seen i guess.” Alvaro replied walking behind me to pull noodle from the hood of my cape.
“This is awesome! I can't wait!” i shouted running for my room so i could quickly pack up.
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kerra-and-company · 3 years
If you feel like it! For the angst prompts:
As always you're welcome to ignore it if you aren't vibing with the prompt :)
"You aren't a monster."
Okay, @uselessidiotsquad! You earn the new prize for “longest prompt fic Kai’s written”! Clocking in at 1381 words! (Which isn’t all that long, haha, but it is my longest prompt fic for sure.) Thanks so much for this one, and sorry it took a bit! :)
Warnings: Icebrood Saga spoilers, not wanting to be alive, emotional conversations where things aren’t totally resolved
Where are you going, child?
Tanza’s boots crunched through snowdrift after snowdrift.
Stay here. Rest. Come to me.
Tanza sprinted through the gate of Jora’s Keep. The soldiers stared at them. Out of the corner of their eye, they saw the Warmaster look up from a patient and reach out her hand. Tanza didn’t stop.
You have power. Together, we could protect the world.
Taking the stairs two at a time, Tanza reached the Pact copter. A very bemused Vigil soldier poked their head around the side of the copter, a box in their hands.
“Hey, Lieutenant. What’s going on? I’m not due for another supply run yet, I don’t think.”
“I need to go to the Eye of the North,” Tanza got out, panting.
The soldier furrowed their brow. “Right now?”
“Yes, please.”
We could protect your mothers, you know. We could keep them safe, little owlet.
“Do NOT call me that!” Tanza yelled. Her nails dug into her palms.
The soldier stepped back. “I didn’t…oh.” Their expression shifted, and they put the box down. “Okay, get on, Lieutenant. I lost half my squad to those cursed whispers. I’ll be damned if I let that happen to anyone else.”
Tanza spent the entire flight with their head in their hands, trying to shut out Jormag’s voice. It didn’t fully work until she stumbled off the copter, the noise of battle preparations highlighting the utter silence inside her head.
They sighed, leaning against the metal ship. Their pilot coughed.
“I have to head back to the Marches. Are you—”
She nodded, staring at the ground. She forced herself to stand up straight and move away. “Yes. Thank you. Dismissed.”
The copter roared to life, lifting off the ground and disappearing among the clouds. Pebbles clattered against the stone bricks as Tanza stepped inside the Eye.
In the back of their head, they thought about going to see Aurene. Maybe the Dragon of Crystal and Light would know what to do, how to help them. But in the end, she just sank down amidst boxes and boxes—of what, she didn’t know—and hugged her knees to her chest. Tears slid down their face.
What would Owl think of me? I’m…corrupted by the one that killed her. And I always have been.
My mothers should have let me die.
They weren’t sure how long they sat there, but after what felt like forever, they felt a tap on their arm. She blinked to clear her gaze and looked up.
A very small sylvari stood in front of her. They were so small, in fact, that they looked like a human child, and it shocked Tanza out of their tears.
“Are you Tanza?” they asked, tilting their head to the side. “I’m Rhi! They/them please! My sister told me you needed help.”
“Your—” Tanza’s voice cut off, and they swallowed. “Your sister?”
Rhi hummed in agreement. “She said she’d come help you herself, but she’s busy and she’s also pretty big, so it would be hard for her to come to you. So I did! Oh, and also…” They waved to someone behind them, who began walking over. “I brought an adult!” They sounded very proud.
As the figure grew closer and Tanza’s eyes cleared, she could see that they were an asura, and a rather tall one at that—almost as tall as Rhi. They had dark skin, like her, and white patterns around their eyes, which were—
Tanza’s chest pulsed, uncomfortably, when they saw the asura’s eyes. Bright orange, like very hot coals, and hair that looked like it was made of lava. They tried to scoot back, but they ran into more boxes.
“Hello,” the asura said, standing next to Rhi now. “You can call me Cio, and I use she/her. What’s going on?”
“I-I—” Tanza stammered. “What—who are you?”
Cio’s eyes focused on the center of Tanza’s chest and then narrowed. “Rhi,” she said. “I can take care of this. Go back to your sister.”
Rhi frowned. “But I want to help!”
“Go back to Aurene. Tell her I’m taking care of it, and that you’re going to help her keep an eye on things from the Scrying Pool. Okay?”
Rhi thought for a moment, and then grinned. “I bet I can do a really good cannonball!” Cio opened her mouth, probably to chastise them, but they zipped off into the crowd before she could say a word.
The asura exhaled. “This is exactly why I’m never going to have kids.” She sat down across from Tanza, crossing her legs under each other. “Okay. Your name’s Tanza, right?”
“Yes,” Tanza said. “She/they.” She had too many questions in her head, such as how is there a sylvari child if sylvari can’t have children and is Aurene really their sister or did I hear that wrong, but what came out of her mouth was, “Why do I feel like I need to get as far away from you as possible?”
Cio smiled wryly. “Look down. I’m guessing it has something to do with that.”
Tanza gasped. The outline of a diamond was visible through their armor. She slapped a hand on top of it, curling her fingers as if to rip it out.
“Jormag?” Cio asked.
Tanza didn’t want to nod, but they did. There wasn’t really much point in denying it, and besides, they didn’t have the energy.
Cio gestured at her own head with a wave of her hand and a grimace. “Primordus.”
Even the name made Tanza feel like running, adrenaline shooting through her body.
“Based on my research and discussions with the Commander,” Cio said, “their only weakness is each other. So it makes sense that their magic would be somewhat incompatible.”
“How…” Tanza hesitated. “How long…”
“Since I was two,” Cio said. “I can’t remember a time when this wasn’t what I looked like. You?”
“I…since I was a baby. But I-I—I just found out today.” They weren’t sure that made sense. They also weren’t sure how else to say it.
“Oh.” The asura seemed to understand, anyway. “Glitches and bluescreens. I’m sorry.”
The two of them sat in silence for a few moments. Tanza broke it.
“Does. Um. Has Pri—has he ever talked to you?”
Cio’s gaze sharpened. “No. Have they?”
“Wouldn’t shut up till I left the Marches,” Tanza said. She’d been going for flippant but landed solidly in desperate. “But they whisper to everyone.”
Cio’s face is too still. “I’d imagine it’s different for you, though.”
“They want to use me,” Tanza whispered, unclenching their hand and pulling their knees back to their chest. “They don’t say it like that, but I can tell.”
“Okay.” Cio took a deep breath. “Okay. I’m going to tell you something that my brother told me as a progeny. I know you’re not a child,” she added quickly. “And your situation is different. Would it still be all right?”
Tanza shrugged, bringing her shoulders all the way up to her ears as if they could hide her face.
“You’re not a monster.”
Tanza straightened. “But—”
“You’re not. I promise you,” Cio insisted, eyes blazing. She stood. “I doubt I’m going to be able to convince you that there’s nothing wrong with you, even though that’s true too. I’m not always good at this—I’m an engineer, not a diplomat or a counselor. But I can and will make you hear me on this one thing. You. Are. Not. A. Monster. And neither am I.”
Tanza heard. And it didn’t fix anything, not at all, but it was just barely enough. Their eyes stung. “I’m supposed to go back to Bjora. I was assigned there.”
“You’re going to stay right here,” Cio said, her tone final. “Ker—the Commander will not mind. And if and when you’re ready to go back, my friend is a pilot, and she can take you.”
“Will you stay with me?” Tanza blurted.
Cio blinked. Oh no, she’s probably busy, Tanza thought. “I’m sorry—”
“No, don’t be,” the asura said, a small smile on her face. She sat down on Tanza’s left, and, for the first time, Tanza noticed that Cio’s hair was glowing just like her diamond.
“Yes. I’ll stay with you.”
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gerudosage · 3 years
this week was stupidly busy with general work stuff & family birthdays, so i haven’t been around much, apologies ! with any luck i’ll be on tomorrow evening, but no promises. i have been working on stuff behind the scenes, though, replies going into my queue & a few big headcanons getting drafted up, but they’ll be posted when they’re ready ! 
in the interim, to keep things ticking over, here’s a silly little drabble involving n.abooru & her wife talking about their kids, & first loves :> it touches on a few heavier topics, so content warning for mentions of war, implied death, violence, allusions to contraception & mentions of alcohol, & a read more for length.
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❛  -  & she’s nervous, i think, but i keep telling her, she’ll be fine. it’s not how it was when we were growing up, y’know ? ❜
❛ oh, i know, ❜
❛ between you & me, ❜ & if those weren’t her favourite words to hear, truly ! her head, which had been held, unmoving, as rhian’s now - stilled fingers weaved the hair upon it into a voluminous braid, turned just slightly sideward, tipped only so far back, to show how intently she would listen, as if she didn’t hang off of rhian’s every word already. with the slight dropping of the other woman’s voice, as though anyone was around who would dare listen in, it was probably for the best. ❛ i think she’s worried about who she’s going to find there, ❜
❛ oh. oh. that’s … ❜
❛ i know, & i’m not sure if telling her that it’s unlikely will make it better or worse, honestly. she’s never really asked about it, but i suspect that’s because she never thought she would ever actually leave, ❜
❛ well, did you ? ❜
❛ what, think she’d go ? ❜
❛ think any of us would go, ❜
❛ oh. oh, fuck no, ❜
a laugh bubbled up from within her at rhian’s nonchalant delivery, the involuntary tipping of her head undoing all of her beloved’s hard work, hair cascading freely down nabooru’s shoulders. the atmosphere of the room, which had begun to grow heavy, broke immediately, & if rhian minded that her effort had come to nothing, it was seen only in the gentle nudging of nabooru’s back with her foot, as she joined her wife in laughter, finding it infectious.
❛ what ? ❜ she asked once she had gathered herself, still smiling, feigning innocence. ❛ you asked, ❜
❛ i did, yeah, but you’re usually a little more, shall we say, diplomatic than that, ❜ nabooru retorted, smile growing across her own face. ❛ such a lack of decorum ! and in the chief’s chambers, at that ! ❜
❛ honey. i live here. ❜
❛ oh ? ❜ & the smile upon her face widened into a grin, already delighting in the inevitable wind - up. ❛ i don’t remember you asking permission to move - ow ! ❜
❛ serves you right, ❜ rhian hummed, withdrawing the hairbrush she had just so viciously attacked her wife with. it would be an injury that would never be forgotten, a war wound nabooru would moan about for months to come, but, really, entirely worth it. ❛ shut up & drink your wine, i’ll start again, ❜
❛ if you must, ❜ if awards were granted for acting, the fake sigh which was heaved from within her surely would have won nabooru all the accolades in the world, although she straightened her head, & her back, once more, shifting back into position on the pillow at her wife’s feet, though her wine, she left untouched. ❛ so, jeska’s overcome because she’s convinced she’s bound to run into him, & you’re, what, ninety per cent sure that she won’t ? ❜
❛ the last time we spoke, he was spinning some story about traveling to labrynna, & making a new life there, ❜
❛ ah, that classic. it’s almost like i’m there with you. twenty rupees saaaaays … he wanted either the glamorous life of a bard, or to settle down on a farm - with you by his side, of course, no matter what. he was drunk, yeah ? ❜
❛ … i didn’t actually agree to that bet, first of all, so i owe you nothing. but yeah, a little bit drunk. pissed, really. i’m pretty sure the ports were all still closed then, too. there’s no way … ❜
❛ … but you still hope he managed it, ❜
silence fell, nabooru’s hair running like waves through rhian’s fingers, & the fire crackling in the grate sounded, suddenly, much too loud for the room. there was a gentle tugging at her scalp as rhian worked, her focus having seemingly shifted entirely, & nabooru reached for the hand mirror by her side, angling it that she might see rhian’s face as she worked. her vision, as always, was somewhat blurred, but still, she could see the tell - tale tightness of rhian’s mouth, & the clench of her jaw, as if keeping a stiff upper lip could banish the feelings entirely.
❛ there’s nothing to say that he didn’t, ❜ she started, watching rhian’s reflection, ❛ maybe not then, but eventually. does she look like him ? ❜
❛ as much as any of the rest of us do, ❜ thank the goddess that rhian couldn’t properly see the sheepish grin which crossed nabooru’s face at her answer, having known, even as the question left her mouth, just how stupid it had been to ask. ❛ no, no, i know what you meant, it’s fine. &, well, she does, sometimes, though she doesn’t realize it. it’s the hair, really, & some of her mannerisms, honestly, it’s scary. you can see his influence, & it’s why she’s nervous, i think. she hasn’t said either way if it’s because she wants it to happen or not, but i think she’s afraid that she’ll be, well, recognizable, if she runs into him, ❜
❛ she should be proud to be recognized, rhian, she’s beautiful, ❜
❛ i think so too, ❜ rhian acknowledged, & despite the turn the conversation had taken, there was still a faint, unmistakable glow of pride within her on her daughter’s behalf. ❛ but just this once, it might have been better if she looked more like me, ❜ one hand stilled, holding the finished braid in place, whilst the other scrabbled for a ribbon to tie it with, their nightly routine almost complete. ❛ what about your girls ? ❜ rhian asked, then, & nabooru stiffened. ❛ do they take after their father ? i always thought makeela was your miniature, ❜
there was no reason for her to be so nervous, nor for the sudden pit to have opened up within her, & yet, she had no way of stopping it. she had taken rhian into confidence about many things before she had taken her as her wife, but their current topic of conversation had always been tip - toed around, a delicate matter neither had been eager to bring up. it was only fair for her to answer, considering rhian had spoken, so far, so candidly about jeska’s father, & yet, still, nabooru hesitated.
❛ oh, she is, ❜ she started after a moment, rhian listening carefully as she pulled the ribbon tight. ❛ she takes after him in the nose, i think, & in temper, sometimes, but otherwise, she’s just like me. they do call her a great beauty, don’t they ? truly, she should thank me for passing on such a magnificent face, ❜ humour always was a great deflector, & the air of ( not entirely fake ) arrogance which nabooru put on as she spoke was almost as effective, eliciting a snort of laughter from rhian as she finished her task, & let the heavy braid fall. ❛ she hates it when i say that too, grumbles about it all the time. i can’t blame her, really, but it’s just so fun, & so easy, to wind her up ! & vaiana … well, vaiana … ❜
❛ i understand, ❜ rhian said softly, filling the silence as nabooru trailed off, leaning down to squeeze her shoulders in an attempt at reassurance. ❛ it’s harder, i think, when they look alike. harder, still, when they ask about it, even after so long, after … well, everything. jeska’s terrified. she won’t say, but i think she does want it to happen, deep down, even if she won’t admit it to herself, & i think that’s almost worse, not knowing if you want to know. she’ll have no peace until she decides, one way or another, & i haven’t a clue how those dice will fall, ❜
❛ makeela couldn’t care less, ❜ nabooru confided, gently brushing her wife’s hand away so that she might stand up, her movement fluid despite the creaking in her left knee. ❛ or so she says. we haven’t spoken much about it, but when we have … she says she doesn’t need to know, because she’s had me. not - not always, but … enough of me, that it didn’t matter, ❜ it was reminiscent of her relationship with her own mother, & how, when the subject had been tentatively broached, she had been fiercely insistent that vashti was the only parent she would ever need in her life - but still, at times, she had wondered, & she was sure that, no matter what she said, on some level, makeela must have been the same. ❛ she’s still so kind about it. i don’t know where i got her from, truly. vai, though … ❜
❛ wait, ❜ realization shot through her like a bolt of lightning, & rhian sat straight as nabooru sank down on the divan, making herself comfortable atop the small mountain of pillows on her end. ❛ is that why she’s leaving ? she thinks - ❜
❛ she won’t find him, ❜ nabooru interrupted quickly, confidently, mournfully. ❛ i told her as much, but she’s determined, & stubborn as an ass about it, about everything. what else am i supposed to do ? she’s a woman grown now, & she’s more than capable of looking after herself out there, i know that in that, she’ll be fine, & i can’t - i can’t blame her for wanting to know, & i don’t, but i … i just … ❜
❛ it’s hard when you can’t protect them, even when you know they’re going to be hurt, ❜
❛ i swear, rhi, if i’d known it was going to be like this, i’d’ve taken the fucking purple potion, ❜
it was rhian’s turn, then, to snort loudly with an unexpected laugh, nabooru’s weary exasperation resonating strongly even as her delivery caught her off guard, the other woman having reclined on the divan with her head buried within her hands as she spoke, the picture of regal aggravation. she would have hit back with a quip of her own, had her laughter not been cut short by a heavy knocking at the door of their chambers, & nabooru immediately rose, though her eyes went not to the door, but to her wife. an interruption this late at night could only mean one thing, & they lingered only a moment, savouring the last of their peace, before nabooru rose, & padded across their chambers to answer the call.
❛ an emergency, i hope ? ❜ she called out as her hand fell upon the door handle, & she half turned back towards her wife, pulling a face all the while, eyes rolling upwards into her head, eliciting another snort of laughter, this time muffled by the goblet rhian had just raised to her lips.
❛ not quite, ❜ through the heavy wood of the door, the pair could already hear shula’s smirk, no doubt relishing, if not the chance to interfere with their evening, the trouble she was about to drag nabooru into, ❛ but enough of the problem that they need your guidance, boss, ❜
❛ chief, ❜
❛ nabsy, ❜
❛ shula, i swear - ❜
❛ it’s a bust up at the training grounds, ❜ shula continued, ignoring her chief’s exasperated muttering, & behind the door, nabooru frowned.
❛ this late ? ❜
❛ apparently it started earlier today. someone didn’t quite make it, but they, uh, well, they claim the whole thing is rigged, so they came back to get what they deserved, apparently, & ran into dayaan on the way. hilarious, really, that they even thought - ❜
❛ alright, alright, i get it. they’re fighting, then ? go separate them, take charge until i get down there, i need to find my shoes, ❜
there was a shout of something that could have been an affirmation, & then silence as shula took off down the hallway, leaving the women alone once more.
❛ do you think they do this on purpose ? ❜ rhian asked, setting aside her goblet & rising from her seat.
❛ they absolutely plan it, i’m sure of it. things getting too quiet ? sure, let’s mess that up, but let’s wait until the chief is on a date, first, then make such a fuss that she has no choice but to come running. honestly ! ❜ nabooru huffed as she bent at the doorway, swapping her slippers for her khussa, as rhian closed the gap between them.
❛ well, it is nice to see you take charge for once, ❜ her wife’s hand found its place on the small of her back as nabooru straightened, & nabooru immediately turned to face her, reaching out to pull her close.
❛ oh, just this once ? ❜ she asked, her indignation mostly fake, ❛ well, miracles can happen, i guess. frankly, they should be giving me a reward for this, we both know damn well shula could’ve handled this perfectly fine on her own, ❜
❛ mm, yes, but then wouldn’t you have complained of missing the action ? ❜
❛ shhh, ❜ nabooru ordered, hands coming up to cradle rhian’s face. ❛ you’re not allowed to be right on date nights. we had an agreement, ❜
❛ i can offer rewards, though, ❜ both women were smiling as their heads came ever closer. ❛ & a good luck kiss before that, ❜
❛ only one ? ❜
❛ well, it is technically - ❜
❛ shhh ! ❜ it was all too easy for nabooru to cut her off, their lips meeting as rhian’s arms reached up to drape around her neck, pulling her deeper into a kiss neither seemed all that eager to end.
❛ they’re going to think you got lost, ❜ rhian murmured, when at last, they broke apart, making no effort at all to disentangle herself.
❛ let them, ❜ nabooru replied, already leaning in for another. ❛ i don’t feel lucky enough to face them yet. guess you better kiss me until i do, ❜
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divinemare · 1 year
Legend of a Mortal Love
┊ ➶ rhys x oc
┊ ➶ part five
part four
Velaris was like nothing she had ever seen in her life. Not that she had seen much, tho. But still.
Ariadne spent hours a day walking through the city, accompanying Rhiannon and Mor going shopping for the incoming Winter Solstice. And they had even asked her her opinion sometimes.
“What do you think about this?” Rhiannon asked, taking a mug that read ‘as hot as my ass’.
She tried hard to keep a straight face, and even tho the mug seemed to be the most ridiculous gift ever, Ariadne nodded anyway.
“It looks like something that…uhm, it’s ok, it’s funny,” she managed to stop herself before she got to say what was truly on her mind, but Rhiannon noticed it immediately, since she did that almost all the time.
“Something like what?” The female raised a dark eyebrow, and Ariadne knew there was no escaping that look.
“Like something…I don’t know, I may be wrong,” Ariadne brushed the subject off, but Rhiannon did not.
“Ariadne, you can tell me anything, you know? We’re far from court now,” Rhiannon told her that at least twice a day.
But still, she was a court princess, and Ariadne was…
She let out a sigh and looked into the beautiful violet eyes. Rhiannon always encouraged her to speak her mind, to say whatever she wanted to say, like also Morrigan had been doing since they got to Velaris. It was still hard for her, to “speak her mind”, every time she had tried to in the past, it had ended up in beatings and nasty bruises, and everyone she had ever witnessed speaking too much their mind, always ended up dead.
“I think…it might be something Cassian would like,” she finally said it, realizing how stupid it had been to keep it quiet.
Rhiannon smiled, like she too had been thinking the same thing.
“You’ve been paying attention, huh?”
Ariadne’s cheeks caught a little bit of color, but she nodded anyway. “I like to observe, it’s everything you can do while working in court. No speaking, no distractions, just work. Silence does have its advantages, tho, one learns to listen, to keep quiet and observe.”
And quiet was exactly how Rhiannon had fell when Ariadne spoke. She recognized that expression in the female’s face, Rhiannon tended to make it every time something about Ariadne’s…life situation, got mention, and it made her feel bad that she had been the one to brought the subject up.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“No! No, you don’t have to apologize for anything, Ariadne, I should be the one apologizing,” the female left the mug on the counter and sighed, grabbing Ariadne’s hands.
Mor had somehow managed to get rid of the chains. Both on her wrists and on her ankles, and every step she gave, every movement she made, felt weird, but somehow…good.
Ariadne had never been without her chains, not even as a child, only for the moment she went to bed an even then, there were chains in her ankles. Not having them on her felt as if not having a part of her, as weird as it sounded, but she was getting used to the feeling of her skin being free of the metal. Skin that was, for the first time in her entire life, healing.
She was getting dangerously used to not having them, that was.
“And why would you do that?”
“Because…you know,” for the first time since they had met, Rhiannon seemed to not be able to meet her stare. “This,” she rubbed a delicate, manicured hand over the bruises and scarred skin of her wrists, then finally looked up into her eyes with heaviness in her own. “And everything else.”
“Rhi, please call me Rhi,” the request sounded like a plea, and Ariadne’s throat bobbed trying hard not to let the knot in it win.
“Rhi…” the nickname felt too personal rolling off her tongue, too intimate, like they were…friends. “This isn’t your fault, you don’t make the rules.”
“I know, but-”
“Let’s go look for Morrigan, shall we?” Ariadne quickly shut the female’s sad intrusive thoughts down, and instead gave her a small, but sincere, smile.
“Oh, so she gets to be called Rhi, but I get called ‘Morrigan’?” Rhiannon’s cousin was at the back of the very female, lifting an indignant eyebrow while holding something on her crossed arms that had a blinding, too sparkly color.
“Sorry…Mor,” the blonde’s face lighten up, and she gave Ariadne a big smile before walking up to them.
“Much better. Now, what do you think of this?”
Lifting up the blinding, too sparkly thing she was holding, both Ariadne and Rhiannon contained their horrified faces at the pair of neon blue sparkly socks.
“And those are for…” Rhiannon asked.
“For Azriel, obviously, since the only color he seems to at least like is blue, and he needs a bit more color in his closet than black.”
“Honey, while I agree with you that Azriel does need more color in his closet…that, that would give him a stroke if he ever saw them,” the violet eyed female couldn’t contain her laughter anymore, and Ariadne allowed herself to smile a bit.
“Come on! They…” Mor eyed the socks, then sighed and her shoulders sank in defeat. “They do suck, don’t they?” Rhiannon bursted out a laugh, while Ariadne couldn’t help the little smile at her lips also.
She wasn’t gonna lie, she liked the females, and she had seen why Rhiannon was so fond of Cassian and Azriel, too. But, a part of her, was extremely confused. For one side, she wanted to convince herself she didn’t belong there —maybe because she so obviously didn’t—, yet another part of her really, really wanted to. She wanted to sing as freely as she had been wishing to since the first day Rhiannon took her to the Rainbow and she saw the performers on the streets, she wanted to laugh freely like Mor and Rhiannon did, she wanted to join Cassian’s conversation when he so evidently was trying to include her, but she also felt like, somehow, being here, but mostly enjoying being here —because she was, she really was starting to enjoy life for the first time—, was treason to her people.
It sounded ridiculous, yet…she couldn’t help but feel that way. Fae were monsters, the ones that had enslaved her people for centuries now, she owed all her tragedies to them, yet…here, in Velaris, everything was so peaceful, so…out of her reality, people didn’t look down at her when she was walking on the street, and Rhiannon and her family had never treated her like a slave. The opposite, really, they had tried to convince she didn’t had to be a slave here.
Ariadne’s heart was truly at conflict right now, but that had turned to some sort of inspiration for her in the long run.
One day, she started humming a melody, a random one that came straight from her head, then she started putting words to that melody, random words, words that came from her heart, from all the conflicts in her mind, and, progressively, whenever she was completely alone, she would start mixing those melodie’s and words into songs she would sing for herself.
She hadn’t done that in years. Since her father’s last breath on earth.
They used to do it together; whenever she was afraid, her father would tell her to create a song, to mix random words together, and then he would put a melody to them. The songs would go from how dirty the floor was, to how much her chains hurt, to how bright the stars were.
Years later, she realized her father had done all that in attempts to detach her from their awful reality. It hadn’t worked so well after she grew up and could no longer ignore and detach herself from the cruelness of being born a human.
Yet it had happened again some days ago, when she again visited the Rainbow with Mor and Rhi, she felt it again, the need to put into words and melodies her feelings and thoughts.
It scared her, what that meant.
༺ ♡ ༻
The Winter Solstice was the reason why they had come to Velaris in the first place. The Night Court had a big celebration for this day in particular, since it was the longest night in the year.
Ariadne helped Mor and Rhi to pack their presents. Everyone would be leaving to have a quick dinner with the High Lord and the Lady of Night, then they would come back for the actual celebration between all of them.
They luckily didn’t take her with them, instead left Ariadne in the townhouse with a million protective guards on it. She thanked those hours alone, because she managed to get her hands on some paper and a quill and start writing some of the songs she had been having stuck on her head.
When she was a kid, her father taught her how to read and write, saying she would one day need it to contact her brother. Ariadne had never known how that would ever be possible at all.
Until his lath breath, her father had never stoped believing her brother was alive. They had been separated when the Fae came to capture her family, he had been sent somewhere else, and Ariadne couldn’t even remember his face by now, the last time she had ever seen him was when she had been around 5 years old.
If he was still alive, she would never be able to find him, or him to find her. Not in the world they were living in, as the people the were forced to live like.
She wrote about him in her songs, too. If only because ‘the lost star’ sounded good in a song.
She wrote about the Rainbow, about Velaris, about winged males and females, about blonde beauties and star-filled eyes, and families that felt like a taste of wind for a person that had only ever tasted dirt. All until she heard the door of the house open, and was taken away from her deep concentration.
Ariadne felt a tug of panic for a second, and quickly hid the sheets of paper in the box she had been hiding the rest. Then remembered she wasn’t doing anything bad, and the people that had arrived weren’t guards, only Rhiannon and the others.
She mastered some composure before going downstairs to see the young Fae entering the house.
“How was dinner?” She asked Rhiannon, who rolled her eyes and scoffed slightly.
“Boring, but that is the normal effect my father has on every fun affair, so it could be said that it went just as it was expected. Have you eaten anything?” Ariadne shook her head, she had forgotten about food while being so immerse in her writing.
Rhiannon didn’t give her much time to protest before she was dragging her down to the kitchen, and while everyone else got ready to exchange presents, Rhiannon sat with her and made sure she ate, while complaining about the dinner and her father.
When Ariadne was over, she said she could go back to her room to leave them alone, but both Rhiannon and Morrigan had looked at her as if she had grown a second head and sat her down between them.
“It’s Winter Solstice, Ari, you’ve got to celebrate!” Rhiannon had encouraged, and Ariadne accepted the invitation.
She didn’t have anything to gift them, since she got no money whatsoever. So she couldn’t help but feel bad when Mor had pulled out a pair of ugly socks and given them to her.
“To keep you warm,” she had said, and Ariadne had almost cried.
She had never received a present before. And even tho the socks were terribly ugly, the thought had been beautiful.
“Bitch! I wanted to give her my present first,” Rhiannon said, scoffing at not being the first to give Ariadne a present.
Ariadne swallowed the gulp in her throat while Rhiannon pulled out a little box and handed it to her.
When she opened it, Ariadne couldn’t help but gasp at the sight of the small black pearl necklace.
“This is…” She looked up at the female, her eyes inevitably holding some tears now.
“To honor the day we met,” Rhiannon said with a smile, taking the Night Pearl necklace and putting it on Ariadne.
She had only been given two gifts, but those gifts were more than she had ever possessed in her life.
“Thank…” her voice broke, and she swallowed hard to avoid the tremble in her next words. “Thank you, I’m sorry I-”
“Don’t even apologize for that, Ariadne,” Rhiannon stoped her before she could apologize for not getting her and Mor something, and the blonde female only hugged her tightly and told her in a whisper that she could consider her gift as a thank you for helping her with the other gifts, since for the first time ever, nobody had nothing bad to say about her presents.
“I…got something for you, too,” the shock she had been was interrupted by Azriel’s voice.
When Ariadne raised her head, she saw he was talking to her. She couldn’t help but to open her eyes and mouth in shock.
“For- for me?” They hadn’t talked much since they met, Ariadne was shy, and he was not a male of small chatter, either, but they had both shared something; little acknowledging, understanding looks when they saw each other’s scars.
Two days ago, Azriel had found her scratching intensely her wrists, since it was the first timeher skin ever got a chance to heal at all from the chain’s damage. He had helped her, prepared some hot water for her to relax the itching, then showed her his hands, and briefly told her the story of the scars in them.
She had then understood why Rhiannon had fallen for him. They were a perfect match, and he was a companionate male, she hadn’t helped but feel happy Rhiannon had someone like him by her side —even if they weren’t official, everyone else around them knew they would be.
“What is it?” She asked with her mouth dry in astonishment when the male nodded slightly.
“It’s a tonic for your…” Azriel pulled a little bottle out of his leathers, and looked down and her wrists and ankles.
At her scars.
“Oh,” now she was absolutely out of not only words, but breath as well.
“Rhys’ mom bought it for me a long time ago, and it really did helped me with…” he looked down at his own scars. “It won’t heal the scars, but it will make them less painful and scratchy, I promise.”
Now the tears in her eyes were almost imposible to hold. She murmured a shaky thank you, and took Azriel’s hand so he could feel the shaking in hers and understand just how thankful she really was. The male smiled slightly at her, and put a hand on her shoulder, squeezing slightly.
“Ok ok, my turn!” Cassian pushed Azriel aside to hand Ariadne his gift.
He handed her a leather notebook, wrapped perfectly with a purple ribbon.
When Ariadne looked at him a little confused, he smiled proudly and got way too close to her, almost making her back away for the surprise, and leaning in her ear.
“So you can write all those songs I’ve been hearing you sing.”
When he backed away, his smile was compassionate and light.
“I didn’t…I couldn’t get you anything, I’m sorry,” her voice shook, as much as she tried to avoid it, and she felt the first tear rolling down her cheek before she could stop it.
This people…they had known her for so little, specially Azriel and Cassian, and yet…
“Come on, a hug will suffice!” Before she could move or say anything, Cassian wrapped her in his arms and lifted her up slightly.
She had never received such a warm hug. Not since her mother died, at least. And it was in that moment that Ariadne couldn’t help but silently cry while she allowed Cassian to hug her, and she herself wrapped her arms around the big male.
“Happy Solstice, Ariadne,” both him and Azriel said when Cassian put her back down.
She was out of breath, out of words. She kept her head down so they wouldn’t see the tears streaming down het face.
“I’m sorry, can you…can you give me a moment? May I…” She made the best attempt to wipe away her tears and looked back at Rhiannon, wanting to ask for permission.
The female obviously noticed her red, crystallized eyes, and immediately stood up to take the potion and the notebook from her hands.
“Of course you can, you don’t have to ask, Ari, go,” the violet eyed female smiled understandingly, and nodded towards the exit of the common room.
Ariadne thanked everyone in a low voice, then hurried out before she could keep making a fool of herself with the tears that did not wait to keep appearing.
༺ ♡ ༻
The balcony was the only place she finally found a bit of calm in. She could still hear the laughter coming from inside the house, but she tried to focus on the stars on top of her head than in the pounding of her heart.
It was surreal, all of this. The people inside, the gifts they had gotten her…everything felt like a story of her own songs, and not her reality.
She wasn’t mad about it, not even sad. She discovered that while she stared at the sky and silently talked to the stars. That’s what scared her the most. That she wasn’t really against this whole thing, that she was actually, for the first time in her life, not feeling fear, not feeling dread, not feeling anger. For the first time in her life, there were tiny moments during the day she forgot to feel all those things.
Ariadne took a deep breath, trying to absorb the star’s serene energy, to take in the happiness and peace in the air and keep it in her heart for as long as she could.
Then the window to the balcony opened, and the strangest feeling rose in her neck at the presence that came in.
She didn’t had to turn around, by the way the hairs in her neck stood on end, she already knew who was standing behind her even before he spoke.
“I got you a present, too, but I didn’t got to give it to you before you left,” Rhysand said, the window to the inside of the house closing behind him.
When Ariadne turned around, she had the chance to take him in, truly take him in. His wings were out, relaxed, just as his shoulders were as well. His eyes had a unique light Ariadne had only seen shining in the stars, and his face was much more handsome in the moonlight, as if the night literally suited him to perfection.
Here, in Velaris, it seemed as if Rhysand relaxed into a new person completely, gone were the scowls she had so often seen him make, the furrowed brows and the sharp edges of his face. It was as if the city soften him, or maybe it was the people inside the house, or both, she would dare say.
“I’m sorry, I-”
“No need to apologize, or to explain yourself. You’re not at court, Ariadne,” he rushed to cut her words off, a small, relaxed smile on his beautifully thin lips.
“Rhiannon tells me that all the time,” she sighed, leaning in the railing of the balcony.
“Because it’s the truth,” Rhysand approached her side, taking the same position she was, leaning in by her left.
“But for how long? Rhysand? A couple days more?” She looked at him, both harshness and tiredness dripping off her tone.
She had noticed that, only with Rhysand, she found herself being insolent, a little too much herself, some times. Maybe it was the way he purposely drove her to act like that, or something else entirely she hadn’t stop to think about.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to sound so harsh,” she adverted her eyes from his violet ones.
“Yes, yes you did,” her head snapped back at him, just in time to see the tiniest smile in his lips before he quickly took it back and pulled out something from a pocket of his black pants. “Here,” it was a thin, simple envelope, with only her name written in front of it.
“What is it?” She took it in her hands, and stared at him with a confused frown.
“Your Solstice present,” he answered with a tone of obviousness that made her want to roll her eyes, but she abstained from as she carefully opened the envelope.
Ariadne pulled out two papers from it, and stared at them in utter confusion.
“I’m sorry, I have no Idea what this is,” she admitted to Rhysand, and the male cocked his head to one side with a grin.
“They’re theater tickets, for tomorrow night.”
“Theatre?” Ariadne opened her eyes, this time in surprise, while Rhysand only raised a nonchalant shoulder, putting his hands in his pockets.
“I’ve noticed you like to hum to yourself when you think no one’s hearing. And Rhiannon mentioned how your eyes practically lit up when you saw the performers at the Rainbow. So I thought you might enjoy a function.”
Something in her chest tighten at the thought Rhysand being this attentive towards her. But it still didn’t surprise her that much, he always seemed to know how to read her before she learned how to read him.
“That’s…really thoughtful, thank you,” she smiled, genuinely smiled at him for the first time since they had met.
“But…” Ariadne raised her eyes from the tickets in her hands to look at him, one eyebrow higher than the other.
“There’s a but,” it wasn’t exactly a question.
“There’s no…” Now it was his turn to raise an eyebrow, and when Ariadne saw the amusement in his violet eyes, she sighed and lowered her head again. “Okay fine, there is a but,” she swallowed hard, not being able to gather the courage to look up as she talked. “I don’t…know what a theatre is,” she felt stupid, as if it was something she should know by logic, but Rhysand didn’t mock her or made fun of her in any way, but instead seemed to be unaware of the little smirk that slipped on him.
“You will, tomorrow night.”
Ariadne simply nodded, and sighed when silence settled over them. Something in her heart was threatening to pound so hard she knew he would hear her if he concentrated, so she quickly opened her mouth to avoid that happening, if it hadn’t already did.
“There’s two,” she held out the two pieces of paper, and Rhysand nodded.
“Great observation.”
“There’s two because…” Ariadne raised one of her eyebrows, and he gave an only step closer.
“Because I will go with you.”
At his words, she tried harder to lower the overwhelming beats of her heart, knowing for a fact Rhysand had already had to hear it. Ariadne swallowed discreetly, and raised a questioning eyebrow.
“You will?”
“Yes,” he answered with no hesitation, making her look up at him.
There was only pure, total seriousness in his violet gaze, making Ariadne all the more confused.
“Why?” She couldn’t help the tone of her question, and quickly bit her words down at how harsh it had sounded.
“Don’t flatter yourself, Ariadne, I bought two because I love the theatre,” he shifted his weight on his feet as if uncomfortable, putting his hands in his pockets and adverting his eyes from hers.
Ariadne cursed herself internally for not figuring that out earlier. And felt embarrassed as she look down to the two theatre tickets.
“Yeah, right. Im sorry.”
Silence settled for a long while, Ariadne waited eagerly for him to walk away and stop making her feel the hot shame on her cheeks, yet that did not happen, as Rhysand never seemed to get the hint of her heartbeats sounding like hammers against her chest.
“So…are you coming with me, Ariadne?” Her name rolled off his tongue like sweet honey, coating each syllable with slow precision.
Ariadne raised her head towards him again, analyzing the harshness and softness of his stare, the angles of his face that hinted something else hidden in those sharp lines.
Today had been an unbelievable day, one full of feelings she had never thought she could feel again, and so it may have been those mixed feelings that made her heart flutter with the tiniest bit of excitement, and smile at the male staring at her with galaxies in his eyes to mutter words she probably will regret later.
“I would love to.”
46 notes · View notes
spnfanficpond · 4 years
March Angel Fish Awards
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Every month all of you fantastic writers work your asses off to post some truly incredible stories. Our Angel Fish Awards are the way for all of us, as a community of writers and readers, to lift each other up and give praise to those who have captured our attention and deserve a few kind words.
The monthly Angel Fish Awards are peer-nominated, meaning ANYONE IN THE POND CAN NOMINATE ANY POND MEMBER’S FIC. While the Pond was founded to support the Guppies, everyone in this community deserves to be showered with love and feedback, and we hope that by opening this up as a Pond wide system, we’ll be able to share the love as far as it can go.
NOTE: WE’VE BEEN HAVING OCCASIONAL PROBLEMS WITH ASKS GOING MISSING. Please use the Submit button when submitting your nominations and make sure you’re signed into Tumblr or your URL won’t show. (If the form asks for your name and email address, then you’re not signed in.) If you like, you can also send a message to Michelle @mrswhozeewhatsis or Mana @manawhaat to check and make sure we got your submission.
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Nominated by @wingedcatninja
Static (series) by @peridottea91
peridottea91 is going to single-handedly convert me to like series. I just re-read this gem and had to share it. In another life, she could have been a writer on the show, she’s so good at getting the characterization right for our boys. This OC, too, is an intiguing, layered personality that adds an extra dimension of mystery. And the whole story is perfectly woven in with canon. Two thumbs up. A must read.
Wish (oneshot) by @thoughtslikeaminefield
It’s just a drabble, but it made me feel so many things in so few words. I don’t even know what to say about it, other than it’s brilliant and if you love Dean Winchester, you have to read it.
Bad Medicine (oneshot) by @deanwandamons
This was lovely, and hot, and it made me giggle. 
Nominated by @risingphoenix761
Because You’re Worth It (oneshot) by @thoughtslikeaminefield
I love a good crack fic, and I love some good Samwena content, so this is right up my alley. And a great mix of funny and fluffy! 
Kings Don’t Kneel (oneshot) by @slytherkins
Few things in fic give me as much joy as Tara writing Crowley, and she hits all my favorite spots in under a thousand words. Struggling with emotion is hard enough for an unfeeling demon, but grief and loss–and the pain of knowing those emotions are unacknowledged–are enough to bring anyone to their knees. Beautiful and succinct, and all the angst!
Nominated by @peridottea91
Heaven (oneshot) by @evansrogerskitten
This fic is so beautifully written and just really captures Dean’s personality while still smacking you in the face with the most amazing “and then I saw her” moment!! Best still my heart!!! And the whole SamxEileen subplot!! The whole fic is just *chef’s kiss*
Nominated by @impala-dreamer
The Sun (oneshot) by @crashdevlin 
It’s just amazingly beautiful. Short, sweet, and full of wonderful emotion. I loved every single word.
Nominated by anonymous
Dive In With Me (oneshot) by @sp-oops
This was a gorgeous, genuine account of the reader and Sam finally, FINALLY crossing that hurtle.
Coming Home (oneshot) by @there-must-be-a-lock
Lou builds us a story with such detail and precise ache that we forget to breathe. She teaches Dean, repeatedly, that he deserves to be happy.
Shackled (series) by @itmighthavebeenintentional
Val started her Demon!Dean x OFC series like a building storm. Miriam Bard is a fellow hunter, another older sibling with more internal demons than she cares to name. Sam calls her in on an old favor. Before long she doesn’t know if anything is real or who she can trust. Dark fic, so good!
Shattered Breaths (oneshot) by @dontshootmespence
Nicole dove deep for this kink bingo fill, and it is well worth every word. See how the Omega reader learns to trust the Winchesters and just what it takes for them to give up protecting themselves and lean into possibility.
Nominated by @the-girl-who-runs-with-winchesters
Devil May Care (oneshot) by @becs-bunker
This was such an interesting plot idea and amazing storytelling. Not that I had expected anything less from this talented author, of course.
Rough Ride (oneshot) by @luci-in-trenchcoats
A fun quick and very heated oneshot that made me smile at the end :)
All About Lovin’ You (oneshot) by @deanwanddamons
You know me, I can never let a month pass without diving into some angst, nor can I resist praising a fellow guppy for their amazing work. And this one’s got both! I got sucked in right from the start. It goes from heartbreaking to heartwarming, and from hot right back to sweet.
It’s About Time (oneshot) by @sorenmarie87
I randomly came across this one and it made me smile so much. Probably one of the most inventive ways to play matchmaker that I’ve heard so far.
Nominated by @dontshootmespence
For Better or For Worst (series) by @stusbunker
She does intrigue like no one else and doesn’t get the love she deserves!
Marked (series) by @there-must-be-a-lock
This is so fucking vivid it's ridiculous. There's smut, there's angst, there's sweetness and it's all maddeningly good.
Nominated by @negans-lucille-tblr
Desire (onsehot) by @princessmisery666
This fic is the very definition of smangst and I loved every second of it. The fact Stacey claims she can’t write smut baffles me when I read this fic 😍
Dirty Little Secret (series) by @pink1031
Whenever I’m asked what my all time favourite fic is it’s this one. I didn’t read rpf before this but it pulled me in and I’m so glad it did! It was just incredible and gave me my obsession with the idea of dating J2.
Nominated by @lovetusk
Me Likey & We are real (oneshots) by @impala-dreamer 
They were both fantastic and on point. Drunk Dean is a rare and beautiful sight, and there’s nothing I love more than comforting a down and out Sammy. Well done.
Nominated by @impalaimagining
Currently Thinking About Jensen... (oneshot) by @negans-lucille-tblr
This is such a short and effective little piece of smut. The way it teeters on the edge of absolutely and filthily inappropriate puts it on a whole new level of dirty. I am a huge fan of last-line punches to the face no matter what the genre is, and that’s exactly what this is. It leaves you begging for more in the most desperate way. It’s a quick read but it gets the job done.
Midnight Confessions (oneshot) by @katymacsupernatural
I love the way this fic has the reader second guessing herself even though she has no recollection of doing anything to upset the guys. I’m always here for an appearance from Sam to push his stubborn brother and their bunkmate in the right direction. Admittedly, I am a sleep-talker, and I’ve said my fair share of embarrassing things (including yelling at my husband about wanting a grilled cheese at 3am), but if I could just once have something I said in my sleep get me a kiss from Dean Winchester? Hell yes. 
Nominated by @deanwinchesterswitch
Coming Home (oneshot) by @there-must-be-a-lock
This is a beautiful heart wrenching story showcasing Dean’s desire for love and need affection and how few times he actually receives it. Denying himself of what he needs, until he doesn’t.
Unspoken (oneshot) by @deanscherrypie
A wonderful little drabble about how Dean lets you know he loves you without saying anything at all. Such a beautiful line… “All his broken pieces matched yours with mosaic complexity, and somehow you found a new kind of home within each other.”
Don’t Need An Excuse (oneshot) by @amanda-teaches
A beautifully crafted story from Dean’s POV about his girl and the tender loving moments in time that couples share. And, damn that ending, my poor heart.
Nominated by @there-must-be-a-lock
Anything And Everything (oneshot) by @rockhoochie
This fic honestly just took my breath away. You can feel the longing and wistfulness, and the writing is superb. There’s so much depth and detail here, it feels real and vibrant and lived-in, in a way that very few fics do. AND I love she writes Dean’s POV.
He Is, Therefore I am (oneshot) by @stusbunker
All I can say about this one is BROTHERS BEING BROTHERS. It's totally stream-of-consciousness, and it really does feel like you're in their heads.
Leaving Heaven (series) by @thoughtslikeaminefield
Such a badass, snarky narrator with a distinctive voice, and her Demon Dean is dark and awful and sexy as hell, and there's so much depth and nuance in their interactions.
Golden Hour (oneshot) by @fangirlxwritesx67
It's straight-up wish fulfillment, fluffy comforting goodness, and I think everybody needs a little bit of that in their lives right now.
Nominated by @princessmisery666
The Question (oneshot) by @girl-next-door-writes
Death by fluff and it was so worth it !! This was perfect, of course Sam has some grand plan to propose and of course it doesn’t go to plan but ended up perfect anyway!! Was fun and sweet, loved it!!
Carry On (oneshot) by @kittenofdoomage
I love Rhi. I swear everything she writes, even AU’s, could be canon!! Characterizations are always on point, stories are engaging and make me feel something every time. This one is no exception. If I could I would send it to the writers to show them this is how the show should end!!
Kings Don’t Kneel (oneshot) by @slytherkins
A small drabble from Tara and as always it gave me all the feels. It could be canon, if anyone asks me I will tell them this is exactly how Crowley felt. This made me sad and I totally wanted to hug Crowley and tell him it would all be okay. 
Nominated by @thoughtslikeaminefield
Cocky (oneshot) by @stusbunker  
Sexy, fun, and real. I love your Dean, Stuie!
Golden Hour (oneshot) by @fangirlxwritesx67  
Comforting and cozy and swoony!
Nominated by @littlehotmess26
Until The Day I Die Again (oneshot) by @fictionalabyss
Mel writes Dean x Benny amazingly and this fic is one of my favorites. 
Happy Birthday, Baby (oneshot) by @fictionalabyss 
This was a birthday gift to me and it was soo good. Mel did a great job. 
This Isn’t One Of Mine (oneshot) by @sorenmarie87  
Dawn stepped out of her comfort zone for this one and it turned out phenomenal.
Goodbye, Sweetheart (oneshot) by @sorenmarie87 
This fic is heartbreaking and I absolutely love it.
Nominated by @kate-huntington
While You Sleep (oneshot) by @foreverwayward
A heartwarming little fic about Dean living the domesticated life we all wish for him. The writer has a very clever way of storytelling and the end might come as a surprise, only adding to the emotion it already brought along. 
Findings (seires) by @kathaswings 
 This is one of my favorite series out there and I revisited it recently. The overall story arc is a mystery I just had to unravel and I couldn’t put it down if I wanted to. The bond between Dean and Mackenzie is so precious. Writing a child isn’t easy. I’ve read plenty of books and seen plenty of films in which the maturity that was added wasn’t natural, but this author handles the Mac’s dialogue amazingly well. What’s also interesting is the jumps from point of view between Dean and Y/N, giving very personal perspectives on the gripping story.
Heartbeats (oneshot) by @there-must-be-a-lock
I’ll start by saying that I don’t ship Dean and Cas together, but I do appreciate the people who do. What this little piece of art does is incredible, however, because while I was reading, I found myself rooting for them. The writer does a great job by using the literal human heart as a backbone of this story. Intriguing and very well executed.
Everything That’s Yet To Come (oneshot) by @fictionalabyss
The author took me by the hand through this moving little one shot, which feels like a collection of greatest hits and wishes come true. It offers peace and closure not only for the older Winchester brother, but for the reader as well. Beautiful piece of writing.
Take A Drunk Girl Home (oneshot) by @amanda-teaches
Dean taking care of others; it’s his nature and shows what a kind soul he truly is. The situation sketched here is no exception, and it’s softer than one can imagine. The pace is steady and the balance between fluff and comedy is just right. A lovely read.
The Demon Inside Of You (oneshot) by @foreverwayward
Curing Dean from the demon that he has become proves to be difficult when he’s so hard to resist. What else is hard to resist, is this beautiful pitch black one shot. I don’t read Demon!Dean fiction often, because it still feels foreign to see the character that I love so much turn into something so evil. This however, is so gripping and well written, that the darkness swallows up the beholder. Rough, hot, sad, narcissistic, all these ingredients packed up in one hell of a story.
Curves And Edges (oneshot) by @kittenofdoomage
This equally sweet, sexy, funny and sad story is a big shout out to all women who think they don’t meet the beauty standards and feel like they will never be good enough to get noticed. It is one thing to replace a name with Y/N and call it a reader’s insert; it’s a gift to make every person reading this feel like they are the character in this story. The author handles every woman’s insecurities with grace, making her words both relatable and soothing. Her spot on version of Dean reminds us that we are beautiful, desired and unique.
Watch Your Fcking Mouth (oneshot) by @impala-dreamer
Dean falls under a frustrating curse, and it’s the most fun I’ve had in a long time. I was wheezing, couldn’t breathe and died laughing. It’s astonishing how the writer can juggle comedy and sex without the two ruling each other out. An uplifting read.
Life For Rent (series) by @winchest09
Conspiracies, deceit, crime. A strong family bond, blossoming love, oh, not to mention the sex. This series is intriguing beyond imagination and certainly not just another mobster fanfiction. The writing is smart and I could tell from the first paragraph that it’s loaded with hints and foreshadowing, but I couldn’t pick them out. This triggers a curiosity like an itch I can’t quite scratch away until I finish reading this story. And so I wait eagerly and drop everything the second a new chapter comes out. An absolute must read!  
When You Least Expect It (series) by @coffee-obsessed-writer
Talking about an epic love story, but it’s so much more than that. The music that plays such an important factor, the setting that is Seaside. The fabulous supporting characters Bri, Rob, Jason and Jared, the wardrobe, not to mention the wonderful little gems and details that this author weaved into the story, showing how much love she has put into it. This is without a shadow of a doubt my favorite RPF I’ve come across.
Nominated by @girl-with-a-fandom-fettish
The Unexpected (oneshot) by @impalaimagining
The desperation and neediness between characters is just…I can almost feel through the screen. And the gif at the top of the post is the closest thing to porn Tumblr allows now is HOT.
Criminal Love (series) by @kalesrebellion
This mob fic has a lot of things going for it: mob!Dean, big brother Benny (which I didn’t know I needed in my life, but apparently I do), mystery, and a unique way of incorporating a lot of familiar faces from the SPN world. It’s 6 chapters in and I am DYING to see what happens next because the last chapter left me shook!
Unplanned Parenthood (oneshot) by @erins-culinary-service
This fic makes me long for more canon dad!Dean because he’s just so good at it and it feels like it would fit in so well. The author nailed the family vibes and I love that she found a way to make it canon plausible (something I just can’t seem to grasp in my own writing); well done, doll.
Changes (series) by @katehuntington
This fic is super unique as it is like a series rewrite, but rather than using “Pilot, Wendigo, Dead in the Water” etc., Kate is writing her own episodes! Episode 1 just wrapped up, with my personal favorite being part 10 because the characterization of both Winchester brothers felt so spot on to me. Zoe, the amazing OFC and star of this fic, might be the coolest person ever and I wish she was my best friend. Heads up though, this is not your CW Supernatural; it’s darker, dirtier, and probably a lot closer to what the Winchesters’ lives are actually like.
Nominated by @mrswhozeewhatsis
The Man on the Side of the Road (seires) by @supernatural-jackles
This is a seriously awesome Dean AU fic! Both Dean and the reader have so much baggage, but they’re working together to fix each other and it’s just BEAUTIFUL. It’s a series, and I can’t wait to see how it ends!!!
Nominated by @emoryhemsworth
Never Alone Again (oneshot) by @dissect-me 
This author was kind enough to take the time to write about a recent trauma I discovered happened to me as a child and how Dean would react/comfort me. It’s powerful and really helped me. ❤️
Nominated by @fangirlxwritesx67
Laissez Les Bons Temp Rouler (oneshot) by @thoughtslikeaminefield
M is the kind of author that is the reason you have the “four recs per author” rule because otherwise I would just be submitting her entire masterlist every month. For a talent like MJ, all it takes is a photo to spark an entire story. This photo of Jensen was particularly inspiring, and MJ did it justice. Hot, drunk, sexy, just UGH.
Where Is My Shiny Gun (oneshot) by thoughtslikeaminefield
Do you love Dean? Do you love Donna? Do you love Sam? Does your mouth water and your knees go weak just a little thinking about all 3 of them together? Do you need some generous, consensual, sunshiney, smutty love? Then check this out.
Leaving Heaven (series) by thoughtslikeaminefield
Demon Dean meets his match in the most compelling OFC I’ve ever read, bounty hunter Tazi. Where to start with this series? MJ works some of her best magic yet, seamlessly weaving the story into the show we know so well. Her Dean is brilliant, as always, every supporting character spot on. The action is tight, the murder wrenching, the sex smoking. And as good as it is, as perfect as Dean and Sam are, as impatient I am for every chapter .. I would read it all just for Tazi. Tazi is an OFC worthy of novelization: tough, sarcastic, sexy, and fully realized. She’s so beautiful and broken that you can’t help falling in love with her as you read. If I could ask everyone to read just one SPN FF ever, it would be this one.
Three Bad Ideas (series) by @there-must-be-a-lock​
She’s just getting started on her Everything prequels but, by every indicator they will be JUST as filthy as the original, with even more emotional depth and character development. Frankly it’s HOT and heartbreaking and her voice for Jared is so, so good, and so is Jensen, and I’m just all over this love story. I screamed at her when she published, that if I didn’t know what came next, I would be HEARATBROKENED (that’s how excited I got, that I forgot how to speak.)
Ocean Eyes (oneshot) by @there-must-be-a-lock
The ocean is my Happy Place and I’m a sucker for Sam so this fic just hit all my sweet spots. A lot of us are looking for comfort fics right now and this is uniquely heartwarming.
Shackled (series) by @itmighthavebeenintentional
I KNOW this was nominated last month but there are more chapters and it just keeps getting better! For every question that the story answers, it asks two more. Also, it’s started getting smutty and whoooooooo boy.
Anything And Everything (oneshot) by @rockhoochie
I don’t even remember why this lovely lady was asking for prompts but I sent one that I think was, listening to records, first kiss. I had long since forgotten when she dropped this 8K word MASTERPIECE on all of us. 
It’s such a sweet in-character Dean, but a relaxed side of Dean that he deserves and we don’t really get to see. It’s soft and sensual and just… you can feel it while you read.
Nominated by @manawhaat
Sex Ed (oneshot) by @cleighwrites
This is a type of wincest I’m not sure I’ve experienced before, but I can say without a doubt that I fucking love it! It’s your classic little brother Sammy looking up to Dean. It’s the show. It’s their relationship to a T, but with that little bit of helplessness that makes Sam feel like such a fucking kid! I don’t even know if my normal wincest loving self would call this actual Wincest, but wherever it falls on the radar, it’s wonderful!
Passion (oneshot) by @bohowitch
This is poetry in motion, just like Sam is. This is a beautiful, firery, perfect ode to all that is Sam Winchester!
Neptune Rising (oneshot) by @atc74
This is such a clever and refreshing AU! I don’t think I’ve ever read one like this and both characters are nuanced in such believable ways. It’s not too long, so you should definitely take a sec to check it out!
Shackled (series) by @itmighthavebeenintentional
What can I say about this series other than HOLY FUCK!! It’s got twists and turns and secrets and guilt and worry and drama and excitement and passion and fucking everything you want in a good, juicy, keep you on the edge of your seat kind of story!
There’s a feral brutality to the way she portrays Demon!Dean in this that is actually scary and makes me nervous in real life. I find myself looking around the room when I read this, pulling my feet in from off the side of the couch as if this version of Deanmon is gonna snatch me up if I’m not careful. It’s intense and SO. DAMN. COMPELLING. And it’s not even a fucking reader insert. I find myself worrying about Miriam (the ofc) at random parts of the day long after I’ve finished reading the latest chapters...
This series is a fucking MUST READ!
Celibacy, Interrupted (oneshot) by @thoughtslikeaminefield
Any fic with Jody x a Winchester is my jam, but this one is like, no bullshit, just fantastic interaction and sultry, perfect ‘smut’. Goddamn. This leaves me in a pile of goo not even for myself, but FOR JODY!
Let Go (oneshot) by @luci-in-trenchcoats
So bdsm seems to have been a theme in my life for the past month and I don’t know why, but this fucking fits the bill. I recently dodged a bullet with a ‘dom’ (read: a bossy guy who wanted nudes who ignored care and consent) and this fic is like, the complete opposite of what I experienced. I’ve read and done research and talked to enough people to know what real bdsm looks like and that saved me, and this fic only reinforces that proper bdsm lifestyle.
It’s gentle yet firm, and it forces you to let go of control even when you feel like you HAVE to hold onto it. That force caught me off guard when I read it, but it makes so much sense, and every aspect of this really, truly is well thought out and spot on, good, caring bdsm. If you’re interested in it, this is a great place to start your reading and research!
When 2 Is Better Than 1 (oneshot) by @wi-deangirl77
Not only is the smut fucking glorious in this, but Ketch’s gentle nature is 100% what makes this for me! I’m not used to reading him as gentle or caring and having him work with Dean in this to help the reader, not to fill his own needs, but truly coming at it from a place of care and worry, melts me into a pile of gooey feels.
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Thank you all for the awesome work and great feedback!
These are not actual awards! This system is set up so everyone in the pond has a chance to share the love and promote a fic/author that has grabbed your attention. The more people that participate, and the more everyone remembers to submit their own fics after posting, the better this will be :D
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aurodontdoit · 4 years
SaboxReader: Chapter 3 :
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Time passed, and the hunt continued before the four finally caught a massive wild boar for Dadan to skin and roast. 
As Ace and Luffy carried the boar back to the hut tied to a stick, Y/n carried Luffy on her back, who was fast asleep. Sabo looked over to see her carrying him and grinned. 
"Hey I think he really likes you." Sabo smiled. 
she smiled softly "well the feelings are mutual… he reminds me of my little sibling back home…" Y/n grinned. 
"Watch out, Sabs! You might have competition." Ace joked. 
Sabo blushed "w-what does that mean?" He hissed. 
"Oh don't play dumb! You know exactly what I mean. All day while we were hunting you were tryna show off to her." Ace teased. 
"Was not!" 
"Were too!" 
Was not!!!" 
"Were too!!!"
"Luffy is napping." Y/n stated in a hushed tone. 
The bickering ceased and before they knew it, they were back at the hut where Y/n saw her parents and Rhi sitting with the bandits, once they sat down, they waited for Dadan to finish preparing the meat. 
"So Y/n you're gonna be a medic?" Luffy asked
"Yup!" the H/C replied "I hope to travel and help sick people." she grinned. 
Sabo smiled at this "that's an awesome dream! I hope to travel the world and write about all the things I see!" He smiled. 
Y/n smiled happily at this "you're a writer too? That's so cool!" she complimented. 
"Well I got you all beat, cuz I'm gonna be king of the pirates!" Luffy announces. 
Y/n is shocked but smiles "that's awesome, Luffy!" She grinned. 
"Wait, you're not scared?" Ace asked. 
"Why would I be? It's a dream that fits him. I can see it happening for him too." she stated before sipping her water. 
"So Y/n, Sabo likes you a lot, does this mean you're my big sister?" Lufy asked innocently
the girl practically spat out her water and so did Sabo. 
"Ummm come again?" Y/n ask softly with a smile
"Are you my big sister? I'm asking cuz Sabo likes you." Luffy asked just before the meat came out, ready to be eaten. 
Sabo then proceeded to stuff Luffys face with meat. "Okay! Please excuse my little brother, he gets a bit… talkative when he's hungry."
"Mmmffmmm!" Luffy protested before swallowing the meat "no I don't! You said it yourself!" Luffy defended. 
"Open the tunnel here comes the sea train!" 
"But I-" 
"Choo-choo!" Sabo put another comically serving of meat onto Luffy's mouth to shut him up, stuffing his rubbery cheeks. It's super effective!, and hunting sure builds an appetite.
Once dinner was finished, Y/n parents decided to let her sleep over due to Rhi needing to go home early and rest. 
"So it's a nice night out, how about we camp outside?" Luffy asked. 
"I'm down for that!" 
"Sounds fun." 
they set up their makeshift camp before laying out in their sleeping bags on the soft grass. 
Laying on the sleeping bag, and staring up at the stars, Y/n smiled in awe. Not once in her life had she seen so many twinkling stars in the sky. It's like the whole universe just held a billions of tiny sparkling gems in the velvet sky of night. 
"Never seen so many stars before?" Sabo asked while sitting next to my laying form. 
Y/n smiled and nodded "never." she confirmed softly. 
the pair both sat there watching the stars hanging up above in the sky, before Sabo shifted and began to lay beside her. 
Y/n blushed being so close to him but allowed it. 
"About what Luffy said earlier…" Sabo began.
"Don't worry about it, Sabo." Y/n reassured him with a smile. 
"Wait what?" He asked confused. 
"I know he was just excited. I also know he just wants his brothers to be happy… that's so pure" she smiled warmly. 
"Well yeah… he is." Sabo concluded, sounding a bit bummed out. 
sensing his change of mood, Y/n turn to him, and smile softly before holding his hand in hers. 
"You know… I wouldn't have seen the sky this way if you guys hadn't come to save me… I still feel like saying thank you isn't enough… words can't express how grateful I am to have met you guys.." Y/n admitted. 
Sabo blushed bright red and looked at Y/n "it is… trust me seeing you here, with us… with me." .
Both blushed harder as their fingers interlocked, but shared a smile as a loving glow was found in their connected gaze. 
"would it be wrong if I told you-"
"I like you." Sabo cut her off. 
"Wait what?" she asked. 
Sabo blushed and gulped "I said…. I like you. Everything Luffy said was the truth. I do like you… a lot… Ace gave me crap for liking you cuz I'm younger than you, so I wanted to know… is it weird that I have these feelings for you?" 
Y/n blinked before smiling softly. 
"I don't think so…" 
"Oh." His face bore a relieved expression before he grinned, showing his gap tooth. 
"Is it wrong that I like you?" Y/n asked. 
"Wait, you like me back?" He asked incredulously. 
She nodded in response.
"I don't think it's wrong at all…" Sabo smiled as they curled up together for warmth, fending off the cool air of the mid-summer night. Their hands and eyes are still connected. 
"So… pirates huh?" Y/n asked. 
"I hope you guys will travel safely-" 
"Come with us." Sabo stated. 
"I'm sorry what?" 
"Come with us… come with me. I don't want to leave you behind…" Sabo confessed. 
Y/n’s long lashes fluttered over her  E/C orbs before she turned bright red and grinned once again. 
"I will." she swore before falling asleep with their hands intertwined. 
My name is Y/n, I'm 12 years old, and…
Y/n look to see Sabo fast asleep next to her while holding onto her waist. she blushed and smiled before stroking his soft hair, resulting in him smiling in his sleep.
she could feel her heart flutter at the precious site before noticing Luffy and Ace had fallen asleep closer to her as well. Seems they need warmth. 
"Sis… please be my sister…" Luffy whined in his sleep. 
Y/n smiled softly and stroked his hair as well "I will, little monkey." 
And I will protect my dearest most treasured friends for as long as I live.
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nelllraiser · 4 years
bea-day party | group chatzy ft. jack
LOCATION: illusions of grandeur.  PARTIES: @beatrice-blaze, @divineluce, @nelllraiser, @phoenixleah, @halequeenjas, @streetharmacist, @mor-beck-more-problems, @chasseurdeloup, @jane-the-zombie, @whatsin-yourhead, @professoranieves, @harlowhaunted, @themidnightfarmer, and best boy jack. (picture in link courtesy of rhi) SUMMARY: bea’s birthday party goes off without a hitch, apart from one very friendly sea-man. CONTENTS: strippers. (of the non-mime variety.) 
Luce finished off her second glass of champagne, looking around at the party that was in full swing. Literally. Swing dancing, who'd have thought. Setting the empty glass down on a table, she made her way towards the wall of champagne again. A wry smile slid across her face as she took another glass of very expensive champagne. Fuck the coven, fuck their mother, fuck their parents for abandoning them. This was their little revenge, a party fit for a queen, with a bill to match. Glass held loosely in her hand, she glanced over at a person lingering near the wall of champagne. "Help yourself, seriously. We went all out for a reason." She said with a grin before raising the glass up in toast. "Did you watch the show earlier?"
For the moment, Nell had placed herself by the entrance of Grand Illusions, showing those that had been invited to Bea's party to the private box and party room. Now, as she made her way back upstairs to the main events, champagne, and poker tables, she looked over everyone's outfits with a careful eye, trying to spot those that might not have dressed to theme, and preparing some scorching words should they have denied that part of the invitation. But then she spotted something that caught her even more off guard, a certain blonde hanging by the champagne towers. "Blanche?! What the hell are you doing here?" Her voice was loud enough to carry to anyone else in the close perimeter.
Bea had a champagne glass already in hand when she went into the room where the party was truly happening. It was her birthday and she'd get hammered if she wanted to. Taking a long sip, she nodded toward the poker tables in the back. "Anyone care to join me at the table?" She was fully intending on taking her friend's money tonight through the tables and had no shame in that.
Kaden didn't feel a lot like celebrating after what had just happened, but it was for Bea so there was never a doubt that he'd show up for this party if he could. He was also pretty sure there as no way Regan was going to put herself in this sort of big public space with all the stress that came with these kinds fo gatherings. He had her present for Bea with him all the same. A quick look around and the place was immaculately decorated, of course. He hoped his suit was okay, it was all he could manage. But he tried. First thing after dropping of the presents was to grab a thing of champagne from the fucking wall of it before heading towards Bea. "Happy birthday, again. I'll join if you want." He wasn't very good but it was all for fun, right?
There was nothing Jasmine loved more than a good party and she had high hopes that Beatrice could deliver. While her party planning skills weren't quite on par with her own, they'd definitely had some fun in the past. Plus, who didn't love a Gatsby theme? Her flapper headband and red sparkly dress that hugged her in all the right places really was an absolutely look. Some good photos of her Bea, and Leah were a requirement before leaving. She greeted the younger Vurals as she walked in and helped herself to some champagne. "It was quite the show," she mused with a wicked smile, "You don't have to tell me twice to grab some champagne."
Felix had to laugh when he first saw the joint. All they really needed was a couple signs about how silly prohibition was and they really had the theme in the bag. As gilded as the time had been, the party was even more so. He loved it. Bea deserved it. He’d make his way back over to her in time. He sipped idly on his champagne as he fluttered about the party floor, a wide smile in place as he surveyed the crowd. With the way things were going, it wasn’t out of place to keep an eye on anything being just that. Too many parties gone wrong, or right, kept him on his toes. He paused for a moment beside someone and cocked his head. “You lost any money at the tables yet?”
Morgan sauntered in, pleased to have an excuse to wear heels and some of the jewelry Deirdre had bought and kept stashed in their closet all this time. She almost didn't feel the chill of not having her girlfriend on her arm to make the night brighter. The sight of the Vurals excited her enough to make up for coming alone. "Hey, guys!" She called, twirling to show off her black jeweled flapper style dress."Bea, this is for you," she said, rushing over to the oldest Vural, and the crowd gathering around her. "Kaden, looking extra dapper today. I don't know about you guys, but since I can't get drunk, I'm up to blow a ton of money at Texas Hold 'Em."
Anita felt a little out of place at the party. Normally she would be at the bar flirting with any and everyone. But now she had a girlfriend , and it felt weird to continue to flirt with random women given the agreement she had made with Marley. But, surely there were other things to do at parties than just flirt with people, so Anita made her way to the champaign tower and grabbed a glass. Then she just made her rounds, walking around all the elaborate tables and attractions trying to spot somebody she might know. She saw Kaden and Blanche, but she didn’t really want to strike up a conversation with either of them.
Blanche had enough of the hospital after only two nights. She checked herself out early that morning and told exactly no one as she headed home to get dressed, leaving the bandages on her back visible. There was nothing to do about them. Bea deserved to have a good birthday, and honestly, Blanche wanted some time to chill and relax. .... And then there was Nell, yelling at her. "Drinking champagne?" Blanche asked, holding her glass up innocently. "And thinking about winning money by counting cards."
Jasmine eyed the poker tables and decided to follow suit. Was it the best idea when Larry Bob still had a habit of crashing her showings? Probably not, but she was decent enough at poker. Her father always had tables at their parties and she caught on young. She placed Bea's present on the gift table before joining the birthday girl's poker table. "Happy birthday, Bea," she said in a bubbly tone, "You've really outdone yourself with this party."
Jared spotted his two part time roommates and took in Nells face before he even half registered Blanche herself. He made his way through the crowds hover handed appropriately. "Are you...what's going on?"
Jasmine. Of course this bitch wore a red dress too. Whatever. Red was her color and she damn well knew it. Resisting the urge to roll her eyes, Luce shrugged at Jasmine, champagne flute cradled gently in her fingers. "Bea has an eye for talent, she knows how to put on a show and holds the others to those standards too. But, they did good tonight." She said with a nod of her head. As the woman drifted away, Luce spotted Anita through the crowd. What was she doing here? Making her way across the room, Luce cast a crooked grin in her direction. "Hey, stranger. Having fun?"
Leah was never much of a gambler. She usually preferred to watch in the background, silently judging people's drunken risks from afar. But today was different. Today was Bea's birthday, and with a few drinks in her and surrounded by people she loved and was comfortable with, it was easy to lose her inhibitions. She couldn't help but laugh at Morgan's antics, giving her a little clap as she twirled around to show her outfit. "That sounds like a plan to me!" she said with a laugh, holding up her champagne glass. "I'll drink enough for the both of us." She glanced over at Felix standing next to them, shaking her head. "I think I'm saving it all to waste it in one big blow. That's the way to go, right?"
"Yes, join me!" Bea grinned at Kaden, before catching a glimpse of Morgan twirling. "Looking amazing, Morgan, and I love that energy." She wanted everyone to have that spirit, blowing their money and drinking was the name of game tonight. "Thank you, Jasmine. You look great tonight. Nell and Luce helped me plan a lot."
Squinting her eyes ever so slightly, Nell watched Blanche carefully, as if she might burst back into flames at any moment. "Shouldn't you still be in the hospital?" But she knew from experience that if Blanche wanted to be here, there was no way of making her go back to any sort of medical care. It was, tragically, one of the many ways in which the two girls were alike. "You count cards?" The witch carefully left off the too at the end of that sentence, not wanting and unwitting potential poker challengers to be clued in. "I bet we could start a new table," she said, catching the eye of Bea at one of them already. Might as well spread their resources to bring in as much revenue as possible, right? "Then she turned to Jared to explain. "Someone decided to check themself out of the hospital early, but now we're gonna go legally steal people's money. Did you wanna come? Does anyone else wanna start a new table with us?" she asked to those nearest to them, hoping they'd brought a decent amount of cash.
Anita smiled slightly when Luce approached her. For a moment she regretted coming. The only reason she even did was because she felt like she deserved a fun night, and given how lavish a party this was, it was clearly the place to be. “Hey yourself,” she said as she finished up the liquor in her glass. “I just got here, but so far- yeah. You guys really know how to go all out.” Instinctively her eyes trailed down Luce’s body for a second with a small smirk, “And you really know how to clean up.”
Jasmine smiled at Bea. As much as they bickered, this had all the workings of a good party and this champagne was divine. "They did a good job, too. It's still so crazy seeing them all grown up." She turned and gave Leah a wave and noticed there were a few people at the table she hadn't met yet. She looked to the French sounding man and the pale woman who had joined. She extended a hand to shake, "I'm Jasmine. I don't believe we've met before."
Luce watched Anita over the rim of her glass, eyes drifting up the other woman's form. "We're the Vurals, we never do anything by halves. Besides, 30's a big deal." She said with a wave of her hand to the elaborate decorations around them. Tilting her head at her comment, Luce raised an eyebrow. "Mm. Our father made the dresses, so it's his handiwork. Besides, we set the dress-code. What kind of hosts would we be if we didn't stand out, you know?" She said with a laugh.
Kaden nodded. "Thanks. Looking good, Morgan." He settled down at the table and took his cards. He didn't consider himself a great card player, but he was competitive so he was going to try his best to keep his money in his pocket. He gave the new woman's hand a shake. "Kaden. Nice to meet you. How do you know the birthday girl here?" Kaden caught a glimpse of his cards and groaned. Bad hand already. "Putain," he grumbled to himself, under his breath as much as possible before taking another drink.
Felix looked between Leah and the tables. His smile widened. "Oh, certainly! Nothing really livens things up like losing it all in one fell swoop," he said with a sagely nod. "It happens to the best of us. Even Arnold Rothstein!" Geez, the guys from decades back would be rolling over in their graves if they saw the place. "I think Nell's looking for a crew over there. There's worse places to lose but you gotta watch her. She's sneaky." He waved at Nell and Blanche before he wandered over to Bea. He lightly squeezed her shoulder as he smiled at the small crowd she had gathered at her table. "So, she take anybody's money yet? How're the hands looking?"
Morgan beamed at Leah, primping her finger curled hair and jeweled headdress. "What would I do without you, Leah? I hope that's a promise." She said, reaching over to give her hand a squeeze before settling at the table. She gave Kaden another once over, a little impressed he found it in himself to have some fun instead of doing whatever hunter nonsense or fae damage control he normally got up to. It was kind of nice to see him at least trying to have a good time. "Thanks, handsome. You look pretty good yourself. Maybe we can keep each other out of trouble tonight." As she settled in, she caught sight of a new person and shook her hand. "No, I guess not!" She said with a careless shrug. "I'm Morgan. It's nice to meet you! You're looking very spiffy tonight, I gotta say." And Morgan's hand was looking pretty spiffy too, though she tried not to let it show too much on her face.
Jared looked at Blanche in worry, but didn't voice his concerns, she knew her own limits. And while it didn't sound like a very good thing to be doing, he wasn't one for a fight at the moment. Not that he believed he had any say at all, he was far too soft to win a fight like that with anyone let alone Blanche. "I'll come, got no cash to be throwing down though. More for moral support I guess."
Jasmine couldn't help the sly smirk on her face when Kaden swore in French under her breath. "Nice to meet you, Kaden. Bea and I have been friends since high school. We were on the cheerleading squad together." She wouldn't mention that Bea beat her out for captain of the squad. With a small laugh, she added, "You know, you're not supposed to give away the fact you have a bad hand, but hey, no complaints here." She looked over her own cards and kept her face neutral before responding to the petite woman named Morgan. "Why thank you, Morgan. Couldn't show up to a Gatsby party looking anything but. I'm loving your outfit, too."
Bea nodded,"Yeah, sometimes I remember that Nell is twenty three and lose my mind." She let out a loud laugh at Kaden's groan,"You know, you're not supposed to let people know that you have a bad hand." She glanced at her own, mediocre at best, but she'd make it work. She looked back at Felix with a grin, flashing him her cards,"I haven't yet, but I will soon."
"Maybe," Blanche replied with a shrug, giving her friend a small grin. She was still in a fair bit of pain, but it helped to be distracted and surrounded by people she loved and cared about. She glanced at Jared a little sheepishly. "I hate hospital food." Not that she was feeling very hungry to begin with anyway. Blanche waved at Felix as she reached out to grab Nell's hand. "C'mon, let's go kick some ass with our friendly neighborhood cheerleader."
Anita let out a soft laugh, “I gotta admit I’ve never thrown a party that had a dress code. But you’re certainly right. This is a fancy party, and it deserves to have the people in it looking just as smashing.” She took a brief look around the room, finding herself relaxing a bit more when she spotted Morgan. At least there were two people here that she liked. “This is a bit awkward, but could you point out which one is the birthday girl? I’ve, uh, never actually met any of your sisters.”
Leah grinned widely and waved back to Jasmine, fully planning on pulling her and Bea into the photo booth at some point tonight to reenact some of their photos from high school. She laughed at Felix's comment, although she had no idea who he was talking about. Maybe some defamed poker star? She should have studied up before she came tonight. Turning her attention back to Morgan, she couldn't help but giggle again. As if to prove her point, she took another sip from her champagne, holding it out to Morgan like she was toasting to her once she was finished. Felix's idea was as good as any, though, and she called out to Nell, holding her bag up with a bit of emphasis. "I'll join a game, Nell!" she called, maneuvering through the crowd.
Morgan blinked with surprise at how close this Jasmine seemed to be with Bea. It's not every day Kaden got dragged in perfect stereo. "Neat party trick. Now I know you guys are real friends. It's good to finally meet you. Guess you've got your night cut out for you, Kaden. What're you gonna do about it?"
Felix weighed the pros and cons of asking Kaden how this party compared to the last one but thought better of it. With the sound of despair that the man gave at his hand, Felix figured he was already in for a rough night. The corner of his mouth twitched as he looked over at Morgan. "You think he's gonna need any help or should we just see what happens?"
Luce finished off her drink, the alcohol making things nice and fuzzy around the edges. She fucking deserved to get trashed tonight after all the shit that had been going on lately. Letting out a wry laugh at Anita's admission, she nodded. "I'll do you one better." She said tilting her head towards the table Bea was settled at. She could see Leah and Kaden hanging around Bea, which wasn't... ideal, but fuck it. Whatever. Walking over, she took in the cards on the table, lips curling in a smile. Bea was going to clean them out. "Who's getting fucked over this time, hm?" She asked as she approached the table. "Anita, this is the birthday girl. Bea, Anita. She's a... friend."
Nell knew that now wasn't the time to fight Blanche on this, and finally decided to simply watch the girl closely for the night. Tonight was supposed to be fun, and no doubt Blanche wanted a distraction. So just let it be fun. An excited smirk came over Nell as they neared the table, and her head turned as she spotted Leah making her way over. Was she okay winning money from her sister's best friend? Yeah, she was okay with that. "Come and join us!" Would Leah know the Vurals reputation with poker since she was so close with Bea? That might complicate things. Grabbing a champagne glass on her way to the table, she waved at Leah as she settled in. "Great! Come on over. We even brought our own cheering section," she said with a motion towards Jared.
Kaden grumbled. "Well it's clear why you two get along. I was folding anyway." He tucked the cards away and waited for the next round. He shot a look at Morgan and then at Felix. "There's always next round. It's fine." He downed the rest of his champagne. Good thing there was more where that came from. "Hey Luce. Anita. Come to see them take my money, I see."
Morgan beamed up at Felix, batting her eyes fondly. "It's more fun to see the chaos unfold, right?" She whispered sweetly to him. "Parties are more fun that way. But I won't let him get hurt too bad." She elbowed Kaden gently, warmth shining through her mischievous smile. "And hey," she said to the hunter, "A positive mindset can do a lot for your chances. Aim a little higher, champ."
Jasmine let her laughter ring as she looked to Bea. "Guess we have a habit of doing that, huh?" It wasn't surprising Kaden folded, but Morgan seemed to be pretty giddy. She wondered which of them had the better hand. "Just don't ask us to do that one on command. It's gotta be in the moment." Morgan seemed to be sweet. "There's always next hand... though I don't think you magically develop a good poker face." She added with a shrug.
Leah continued her trek toward Nell and her friends, giving Luce a big smile as she walked by. There was no doubt in her mind that she was about to lose all of her money- she wasn't experienced in poker in the very least, and the Vurals were scary good at poker. Still, her vast experienced in, well, ...lying... it might make her a good bluffer. She sat herself down at the table and finished off her glass, pumping her fist at the mention of a cheering section. "Oh man, dude, that's normally my job!". She drummed her fingers on the table, eager to get started. She let her eyes fall to Nell's, pointing to her threateningly. "Are you prepared to get your ass kicked, Vural?", she asked, teasing. Maybe the alcohol was making her more confident than she should be.
Remmy idled. They had definitely gotten ready on time, but the last time they'd gone to a big public outing, it had not gone well. Morgan was already there, she'd gone early or on time or whatever people wanted to call it these days. Remmy glanced down at Moose. "Not this time, bud," cause no one would try something in a room with all three Vurals present, right? And so, an hour later, Remmy had found themself outside the doors, listening to the chatter inside. Someone came out and held the door open for them and Remmy was suddenly forced to scuttle inside. What greeted them....wasn't exactly what they'd thought it would be. If they had the ability, they might have paled. Still, they swallowed and gathered themself, tugging on the lapel of their suit, and made a beeline for the present table. Maybe if they could just leave their gift and go, it would count as having shown up.
Anita followed Luce across the room, dropping off her empty glass and picking up a full one on the way. She didn’t love that Bea was at a table with Kaden, but Morgan was there also, so that balanced things out. Plus, Kaden had a sour look on his face, so maybe he wasn’t doing so good at the card game. “Absolutely,” She shot at Kaden. “Sounds like a fun way to pass the time.” Anita smiled politely at the other people sitting playing poker, winking playfully at Morgan as she caught her eye. “So nice to meet you, Bea. Happy Birthday, welcome to the big 3-0 club. It’s not as awful as it sounds, I promise.”
A right hunk of a man walked into the building, dressed in a basic white long sleeved shirt and long linen trousers, with a black loose next tie and a white sailor's cap. If you looked closely, you could see the velcro fastenings on all his clothes. With an exaggerated strut and a million dollar smile, he walked up to a random individual. "Well hey now good gentlefolk! I seem to have stranded on this 'ere shore. Could ya point me to the captain of this ship, a Miss Bea Vural?" He winked, flexing his arms, but casually.
"Chaos? Here?" Felix's tone dropped into a conspiratorial one. Chaos in the presence of all three Vurals? "Say, Morgan, I think we got a long, eventful night ahead of us." The fae looked over to Luce and her friend. Raised his champagne glass in greeting. "Glad to meet ya and glad you could make it out. Hiya, Luce!"
"Hey Leah," Blanche laughed as she took a seat next to Nell. "You both talk big game, huh? I think - oh my god." Blanche went a little slack jawyed when she caught sight of a sailor. She swatted Nell and pointed. "Who the hell is that??"
Jared raised his arms in a shared cheer for the cheering section and mumbled about his cheerleader outfit before looking at the sailor who'd just arrived with curious eyes. "That's her." he pointed to the birthday girl.
Luce was about to say something to Kaden, make a pithy joke at his expense. But, as a muscled man made his way to the table, arms flexing and clothes far too tight, she resisted the urge to gag. "I think the fuck not." She murmured. Casting an apologetic glance in Felix's direction, she tilted her head away. "I'm gonna go... away from here. Have fun, Bea." She said, squeezing her sister's shoulder before hurrying away from the table. She was not interested in seeing stripper dick. Walking away, she hurried as fast as she could away from the table to one of the quieter corners of the room, the gift table.
Bea let out another laugh,"Aw, Luce, don't say it like that." She raised an amused eyebrow at Luce,"A friend, huh? Nice to meet you, Anita. I'm trying not to think too much about being thirty. Make sure to grab some champagne." She glanced at Jasmine with a grin,"We do that too much." Grinning at Morgan and Felix, she replied to them,"There is never chaos at a party like this!"
Jasmine peered over her champagne flute long enough to see the hot sailor man saunter on over toward the birthday girl. She set her glass down and arched an eyebrow. "I didn't realize this was going to be that kind of party, but I'm not complaining."
"Oh come on, Leah. You know I don't have the attention span for poker," Nell lied easily. "My sisters were always better at it, which is why I put slugs in their beds." Her face was complete with a sense of resentment, as if the words were true. But the arrival of a certain someone caught her eye, and a wide smirk quickly found her lips. "Oh, that? That is Jack. He's nice, isn't he? Very shiny. Very buff. Very good at dancing."
Morgan followed Felix's gaze to Luce and Anita, who seemed to be looking rather comfortable together. She couldn't help the way her eyes bulged at the combination, especially with Remmy finally strutting up the room behind them all. "You sure aren't kidding, huh," she whispered to Felix. She tried to recover quickly. "Hey! I didn't know you knew Bea and Luce, Anita! It's great to see you here. I hope you plan to drink enough for--" her conversation died into a snort as the sailor stripper came in. "Vural parties really do pull out all the stops."
Bea head whipped toward Luce. "What is this, Luce?" She asked as she was being abandoned. She downed the rest of her champagne before holding her hand out for more,"I need more champagne." What is happening? She hadn't planned for a stripper. She supposed it wasn't the worst thing, but this was a whole lot of a lot.
Remmy had successfully made it to the gift table. They could almost pick out their friends' voices through the haze of everything, spotting them all laughing over at a table. They considered, for a moment, joining them, but if they were playing cards, they weren't sure they could stop themself from card counting and that seemed unfair for a birthday party. So, instead, they set the card down they'd made Bea, turned to slip back through the crowd-- and ran straight into Luce. "Oh!" They stuttered, stepping back. "Hey, hi. Hello! Um-- I'm just-- I didn't see you there. You look--" they paused, staring a little slack-jawed at her. Tried to swallow. "This place is--" they tried to pry their eyes away, but couldn't. "I'm just gonna...." but didn't move. "Leave now."
Anita followed everyone else's glances towards the man in velcro clothing. She had to stifle her laugh because this man was clearly about to strip for the ‘captain’, the birthday girl herself, Bea. “This is gonna be fucking hilarious.” Anita said to Morgan as she finished off a second glass of champagne. After she acquired another glass, she sat down in the chair beside Morga, then looked around the party. “No girlfriend tonight?” She whispered as she mentally prepared herself for the horror that was the male body.
Kaden blinked a moment at the goddamn striper that rolled up to the table. And then he started laughing. "At least he's not a mime." He shot a glance to Felix. "This also your idea?" Knowing he was a fae surely explained a lot more of the chaos. He saw some champagne on the table somewhere, didn't care whose it was and handed it to Bea, still laughing at the whole situation.
Jack smiled beautifully as a couple people pointed him over to a table. "Oh I'll be sure to thank y'all properly later." He winked, strutting his way over to the table with a wide smile. He tipped his cap. "Ma'am. I heard someone was in need of the art of seaduction?" He shifted his pose, so under the thin cloth of the shirt his large, impressive pecs popped.
Luce had made a quick exit from the table, practically fleeing from the male stripper. In her hurry to get away, she didn't realize where she was going until it was too late. Remmy-- Fuck. Shit, shit, shit. "Oh. Hey." She said awkwardly. As she stood there, listening to them stutter, she weighed which was worse-- going back to the table and suffering through... that or stand here and talk with Remmy. Honestly? She wasn't sure. "You... look good. Nice suit." She nodded before frowning. "Leave? Didn't you just get here?"
Leah looked over to the new guest, her eyebrows furrowing at the intrusion. This man was not someone she recognized, and her eyes were accusatory as he walked through the guests. Oh, god, was he a stripper? It all became clear when he spoke, he's dramatic tone making it obvious. If she could have shrunk down into her chair, she would have. She desperately hoped that being situated at the poker table would make her go unnoticed by him... she did not want some random dude dancing all over her, no thank you. He'd probably be pretty distracted by Bea, anyway. She turned her attention back to the table, choosing to essentially ignore his presence. "He's certainly something", she said, responding to Blanche and Nell. Her eyes were accusatory again, and it was all she could do not to laugh at Nell's words. "I'll make sure to buy something nice with the money I'm about to win from you", she said, feigning confidence. "Maybe I'll even get you a gift!". She turned her attention around to Jared, winking at him. "Are you our dealer?"
Felix threw back his champagne in record time and took a moment to get a few more glasses for everyone before he took his own seat. He looked over at Kaden. "Nope," he said with a pop. A grin followed as he took a drink. "It's not my fault this time. I'm just happy to be here, fella."
"... Well," Blanche said, glancing at Nell. This had to be her doing. She started to snicker, tipping back her champagne. She was immediately distracted from counting cards and that was certainly fine by her. "He's certainly... a seaman." Blanche made a face. "And shiny??"
Morgan sniggered alongside Anita and used everyone's distraction to advance her hand in the game a little. "No, she's uh, a little indisposed right now. Although she might be sorry she missed this much fun later. She's a fan of just about everything here, booze, friends, counting cards, and a little chaos." The stripper popped his pecks and Morgan had to look away when she started to laugh too hard, even with her politeness reserve. "Kind of a shame we didn't get one of each, huh?"
"I did not do this," Bea let Felix know as a glass of champagne was placed in her hand. "Thank you," She told Kaden, laughing slightly. As his pecs popped, Bea was both impressed and a little startled. That was a sight. "I suppose that someone is me, sailor. Work your magic."
Something was going on over at the table of all their friends, but Remmy was always a one-track mind kind of person. Easily distracted. And Luce was certainly a distraction. They weren't sure if they wanted to stay there, though, when she was looking at them like that. "Oh, uh--" they blinked and looked up, "I can like...I was just-- maybe? It's uh-- I figured I can just go say hi to Bea and then, you know--" scratched their neck, "leave." Tried to smile, turning to look towards the table and-- "Is that a stripper?" they blurted loudly.
Leah looked over to the new guest, her eyebrows furrowing at the intrusion. This man was not someone she recognized, and her eyes were accusatory as he walked through the guests. Oh, god, was he a stripper? It all became clear when he spoke, he's dramatic tone making it obvious. If she could have shrunk down into her chair, she would have. She desperately hoped that being situated at the poker table would make her go unnoticed by him... she did not want some random dude dancing all over her, no thank you. He'd probably be pretty distracted by Bea, anyway. She turned her attention back to the table, choosing to essentially ignore his presence. "He's certainly something", she said, responding to Blanche and Nell. Her eyes were accusatory again, and it was all she could do not to laugh at Nell's words. "I'll make sure to buy something nice with the money I'm about to win from you", she said, feigning confidence. "Maybe I'll even get you a gift!". She turned her attention around to Jared, winking at him. "Are you our dealer?"
Felix threw back his champagne in record time and took a moment to get a few more glasses for everyone before he took his own seat. He looked over at Kaden. "Nope," he said with a pop. A grin followed as he took a drink. "It's not my fault this time. I'm just happy to be here, fella."
"... Well," Blanche said, glancing at Nell. This had to be her doing. She started to snicker, tipping back her champagne. She was immediately distracted from counting cards and that was certainly fine by her. "He's certainly... a seaman." Blanche made a face. "And shiny??"
Morgan sniggered alongside Anita and used everyone's distraction to advance her hand in the game a little. "No, she's uh, a little indisposed right now. Although she might be sorry she missed this much fun later. She's a fan of just about everything here, booze, friends, counting cards, and a little chaos." The stripper popped his pecks and Morgan had to look away when she started to laugh too hard, even with her politeness reserve. "Kind of a shame we didn't get one of each, huh?"
Something was going on over at the table of all their friends, but Remmy was always a one-track mind kind of person. Easily distracted. And Luce was certainly a distraction. They weren't sure if they wanted to stay there, though, when she was looking at them like that. "Oh, uh--" they blinked and looked up, "I can like...I was just-- maybe? It's uh-- I figured I can just go say hi to Bea and then, you know--" scratched their neck, "leave." Tried to smile, turning to look towards the table and-- "Is that a stripper?" they blurted loudly.
Jasmine considered sharing her champagne with the birthday girl, but apparently Kaden already had her covered there. She leaned over and whispered to Bea, "Kudos to whoever picked the stripper out. He's hot." She scanned back over to see Leah's reaction and grinned at her furrowed brows. "Not the classiest party favor, but hey, fun doesn't always have to be classy."
Anita couldn’t help but let out a fairly loud laugh when she saw the stripper talking about seduction and flexing his chest muscles. It was way too over the top. “Well, at least you’ll have a hilarious story to tell her.” She replied to Morgan, motioning over to the sailor. “Uh, could you imagine? That would be a real party.” Anita looked around the table, looking to see how everyone else was reacting to this man. “But hey, since we’re both here solo, we should have some fun, yeah?” She asked, lifting up her glass to cheers.
Jack met Bea's eyes and smiled temptingly. He saluted. "Aye aye captain. I hear this here's some sorta celebration, and I'm your gift." He winked, lifting up a part of his costume, the faux white belt that attached to his trouser. He offered the end of it to Bea. "So maybe you should unwrap me?"
"How could I refuse?" Bea replied with a chuckle, before taking the belt in her hand, sipping on her champagne. This was a hell of an experience, but she would remember this for her sisters' birthdays.
"I'm sure Bea would be happy to see you, but..." Luce grimaced as she gestured behind her, to the crowd that was growing around Bea's table. She watched as the man handed her the belt of his pants and grimaced. "She's got a little bit going on right now." She said before letting out a sigh and rubbing her forehead. "Yeah. Someone got her a stripper and it sure fucking wasn't me." She mumbled. "I need a drink. I need... many drinks." Luce said as she walked over to the champagne wall and took two glasses, downing one then the other in rapid succession. "Good fucking jesus."
Nell watched the stripper events unfold with far too much amusement in her eye, pausing from her game for a moment. "I don't know why everyone's looking like I did something. He's the one docking his ship at my sister!" She had definitely done something. If you could include hiring a secret stripper as doing something. "It's probably all the sea mist that makes hims shiny."
Jared shook his head to Leah. He was not qualified to be dealing them anything other than an awkward smile and a poorly covered astonishment as the stripper made moves towards Bea. The man took a full step behind Nell as if that would protect from from what was about to happen.
Morgan nodded at Anita, taking two champagne glasses from a passing waiter and holding them up in as classy a double toast as she could manage. "Oh, completely. If I manage to win anything, without her help, showing off her presents--well, she'll either be excited or jealous, and that's a win-win for me." She downed one glass in a single chug. "Sorry yours couldn't be here either. Sincerely. But I am all having a good ol' fashioned time without them." She turned over her shoulder to the stripper, "Dance, Magic Mike!" She called, laughing harder than she meant to.
"Okay, yeah," Remmy said, backing away from the gift table, "not going over there. My eye doesn't need to see that." They followed Luce over towards the champagne wall, not bothering to take a glass themself, feeling a little jealous that they couldn't also down two glasses in succession and get rid of the anxiety-- and the image of that large man unraveling his clothes next to Bea-- but decided it was fine. "So...fun birthday, huh?" Morgan's shrill laugh echoed and Remmy fought their curiosity to look over and see what was happening. "Wanna dance?"
Jared was looking anywhere but at what was occurring (he was bi but too innocent for this sort of thing) and caught eyes with someone he vaguely recognised. His mouth bloomed into a smile and he sidled over to Kaden. "No uniform? You didn't get hired for this one?"
Jasmine giggled with glee and gave a little "woop" as Bea took his belt in his hand. "Yes, sailor, we gotta sea this." She turned to Morgan with a wide grin and noted, "I like you, Morgan."
Leah let her eyes lock with Jasmine's, a clear look of panic gracing her features, though there was definitely playfulness laced within them, too. "I will murder you if something like this shows up for my birthday", she warned her, watching Bea and the stripper with masked amusement. "I think I need more champagne!" She rolled her eyes at Nell's joke, grabbing a champagne flute from a passing waiter.
Slowly, Felix slid off his glasses and blinked. That had to be against some kinda sea safety protocol. "...So anyhow, August is an alright month, huh?" He said absently as he looked at the stripper, his expression a little less than amused. Oh heck. It was August. The ring on the table from the champagne glass stared up at him. Oh, it was that time, wasn't it? So focused on crime and whatnot, he forgot about the dang mushrooms. He loosened his bow-tie before he sat back further into his chair. Nope. Not dealing with that today. He occupied himself with his champagne glass and turned his gaze away from the man who, as Nell gracefully put it, was docking ship.
Jasmine feigned innocence. "I would never, Leah!" She had to admit, it would be pretty hilarious to see, but she wouldn't do that to Leah. "I, for one, disagree. This sailor is more than welcome to my birthday bash." She gave him a sly wink.
Jack gave her a sultry wink, and once she held the belt tightly enough, he stepped back, flexing every muscle in his body as the outfit popped off it, one velcro fastening at a time, until it all dropped to the floor. All he was left in was his navy blue mesh thong, and his matching necktie. His dark skin glistened, every inch of him (and he did mean every inch) was toned and muscled to perfection, a physique that could make anyone jealous or horny. He rolled his hips slightly, letting them look and salivate.
Kaden was sitting back and laughing at this whole thing. And hey, still not a mime stripper so it was really still a win. His brow furrowed when the kid with the tractor came over to him. "Oh, hi. Uh, what are you talking about?" A quick glance to the stripper and then back to the kid, it became clear what he meant. He rolled his eyes and shook his head. "I'm not a mime. Or a stripper. I'm Bea's friend. You must be mistaken. Who are you anyway?" He was never admitting that was him the other day. Ever.
Luce made the mistake of glancing over at the loud laughs that rang out from Bea's table. And immediately wished she hadn't. Some things just couldn't be unseen. At least, not without far more champagne. "Fuck me." She said and took another glass from the wall, head already beginning to spin from the alcohol. "Dance? I--" She blinked. Dancing. "I... Sure. Why not." She said, taking their hand and walking with them over to the dance floor.
Oh this was much easier to deal with when this man had his pants on. Bea sent a look over to Felix that she hoped conveyed, Oh dear, lord what is happening? "Wow, consider me seduced." She finished her drink quickly. Was there going to be more after this?
Jared was taken aback for a second and then he made an oh shape with his mouth and grinned at the other. "Riiiiiight, not a stripper! Of course. No worries, I won't out you. Not dressed as a mime can't blow your cover I gotchu." he whispered.
Nell cupped her hands around her mouth, wasting no time it letting a loud whoop mixed with laughter fill the air as Bea undid Jack's attire, revealing his seascape to everyone. "Make him your bitch, Bea!" Maybe the champagne was hitting her harder than she'd thought. Then she turned back to Leah to say, "I'm getting you ten strippers for your birthday! You should be so lucky! I'm gonna get you the whole armada of sea-men!"
Oh. Luce had said yes. Remmy didn't actually think she would have said yes, but she had! They smiled, stealing only the slightest of glances over to Bea's table before turning back around when blue mesh was spotted in a place they didn't mean-- or want-- to look. They followed Luce over to the dance floor, placing their free hand on her hip when they made it there. "It was really nice of you guys to do this for Bea," they said to her, smiling. Maybe if they just didn't say anything weird things could be alright, "she deserves it."
Anita hesitated when Morgan made a loose reference to Marley. Realistically, she knew there was no way Morgan knew that they were actually girlfriends now, but she got oddly nervous. “Maybe a good thing given how our last double date went.” She smiled, then decided to change the topic. “How many drinks do you think it would take to enjoy this for more than just comedic purposes?” It was a tease, obviously, since the answer was infinity drinks. Anita looked over at the woman who seemed to be enjoying it the most and laughed. She was kind of jealous of the people who were enjoying it. Then she overheard someone asking Kaden if he was a mime stripper, and she absolutely lost it, keeling over with laughter. “He’s definitely a stripper! You just gotta offer the right price!” She called over in between laughs.
Bea glanced over at Kaden. "If you start stripping here, I will kick you out. I support you, but not here," She teased.
Kaden pinched his nose. "Kid, there's nothing to out. I work in animal control." He sighed, clearly there was no way to convince him so he downed the champagne he had left. Oh no. Anita heard, too? Which was worse, mime fucker or mime striper? "Putain de merde, I am not a stripper! That's a stripper," he said pointing to the lap dance happening across the way. "I'm a cop."
Jared "RIIIIIGHT I gotchu." He looked at the woman he didn't know and whispered "DOn't blow his cover that's not cool, mimes can't be seen talking." and then he clapped Kaden on the back. "Cop as well huh? Good with costumes?"
Blanche was cackling, laughing so hard that it actually hurt her and her injuries. Wheezing, she swatted Nell, giving Bea her own whoop. "Get it, Bea!!" she cackled, grabbing another flute of champagne. "We know this is your.... Fanta-sea."
Leah rolled her eyes, taking a sip from her new champagne. Of course Jasmine would want this dude at her birthday party. "I'll get his number from Nell", she teased. "That way you can just call him whenever you want. Bad day? Call the Sailor Stripper man, he'll make it all better!" Her eyes widened comically at Nell's joke. It felt more like a threat, to be honest. She wouldn't put it past the younger woman to actually pull something like that off. "Nell, Nell. ...Nell." She let out a breath, shaking her head no. "Nell... I think you know that if you even try that, you'll regret it." Would she ever do anything that might hurt Nell? Absolutely not, and Nell probably knew that, too. But it was worth the threat, if only to avoid the embarrassment and the mere suggestion of what Nell was threatening to do.
Morgan snorted again, some of her champagne flying up her nose. "Kaden, you didn't tell me you had a passion-project second job! You gotta follow your heart, and invest in all of the best props for your set list." She patted his shoulder, beaming, and got up from the table, taking Anita by the hand. "Y'all are swell, but Jacky Boy isn't our type. We'll come back around though!" She slid her arm through Anita's and escorted her around the room, aiming for the dance floor at a safe, respectful distance from Remmy, who seemed to be finally working things out with Luce. "How's that for a save?" She asked Anita.
Bow-tie thoroughly loosened, Felix shifted in his seat before he got up and went to Bea's side. His eyes went to Kaden for a moment. Not you too, his eyes said. "Wow, you sure know how to clear a deck, fella!" His smile was sharp as he looked at the stripper. "You know, I think there's someone else here who could really use the kinda good time you've provided us all with. Hey Nell!" He called over before he looked back to Jack. "That's the one. Promise you'll show her a decent time? She's great. Dynamite. Aces. She deserves it. It's been a tough month."
Jasmine joked, "Oh Bea, that's not fun." The French man was attractive enough he could pull off the looks, but he didn't look like much of a dancer. Still, she poked fun. "So, you do a cop strip show then." She could see Bea was getting a bit uncomfortable, so she sauntered over to that side of table and tapped Jack's soldier. "Hey, Sailor, I think your moves may be a bit more appreciated over here."
Luce 's head was spinning, the bright lights and decorations sparkling in the light. The sound of the band's music was almost enough to drown out the chaos of what was happening behind her, but she could still hear Blanche and Nell shouting words of encouragement at the male stripper, who was no doubt... doing his job. Remmy's hand rested on her hip and she blinked. "I don't know if she deserves that specifically. I definitely didn't pay for that guy." She said with a shake of her head. "Fucking Nell... I bet she hired him."
Jasmine grinned widely at Leah. "Please, do. One of the girls is having a bachelorette party soon and he'd be perfect!"
Jack looked over to Nell with a quick promising wink. He'd definitely be by her seat later. But he had to give the birthday girl his attention first. He turned on the spot, giving Bea a show of every single one of his muscles. She didn't seem as eager as the girl to his side, so when he leant in to ask a question, it was with his normal, quiet voice. "Do you want a dance or do you want me to take myself somewhere else?" But it seemed his question was answered by the others around. He flashed both the hot at the gills looking guy and the pretty lady who tapped his shoulder. "You got my sailor's oath!" He told Felix, and turned over to Nell. "You want me to swab your decks, miss?"
"I'm not stripping because I'm not a stripper!" Kaden started cursing under his breath. The kid, Anita, Morgan, Felix, and Bea, too? Come on. "Someone back me up here. Anyone! Come on, let's go back to taking my money, that'd be great, right?"
Bea glanced between both Felix and Jasmine,"Thank you." Standing, she grabbed Felix's hand,"Do you want to go dance?" She could use a little bit of time away from the chaos of the table, even as fun as it was. "Have fun, Nell!" She cackled as Jack made her way over.
Remmy gave a chuckle, shaking their head. "I meant a good time," they said, stepping in time to the music and moving Luce with them. It was a more upbeat tune, the music drifting around them, and Remmy spun her a little before pulling her back in. "You all deserve a good night to let loose and have--" they flinched at the sound of Blanche's loud shout cutting through even the loud music, giving Luce a sheepish grin, "--fun."
Blanche paled as the stripper turned on Nell. "Oh no. You're on your own." She started to inch away.
Anita followed Morgan out to the dance floor, grinning widely. This was far preferred to watching a man strip. “The absolute best save. You’re my hero,” she grinned widely as she began to dance with her friend. As they danced she noticed Luce dancing with some person she didn’t quite recognize. She smiled softly, they seemed nice together. Turning her attention back towards Morgan, she laughed as she could still hear the things people were saying by the stripper. “This party did not really go how I was expecting… but this does make me kinda wanna hire a stripper for my next birthday.”
“What?!" Nell squawked as the tables were turned, and suddenly there was a whole ocean of flesh coming closer. "Blanche, don't you dare fucking leave me. This is what you get for running away from the hospital!" she said as her friend tried to inch away, latching onto a non-injured portion of Blanche with a vice-like grip. "My decks are good, though! Freshly swabbed! Just got them done yesterday!"
Leah pushed herself closer to Jasmine as the stripper came closer to where they were sitting, all but turning her back to him and Nell with an amused but mortified look. In a supportive move, she grabbed Blanche's wrist and pulled her toward them as well, holding her close.
"We know, Kaden," Felix said with a solemn nod. "The champagne tower is all yours, friend. I know it's a real hard time for ya." He laced his fingers with Bea's and smiled as he led her towards the dance floor. "I don't know how I'll compare to our new pal Jack over there but I'll do my best for you, doll."
Jane had been stealing other guests money at a different table, and went to go see what the commotion was. Jane saw Jack, and snorted as she heard Kaden assuring everyone he wasn't a stripper. She clapped him on the shoulder. "Come on Kaden, everyone here knows you strip to ABBA."
"I don't want to think about my sister having a good time with that." Luce said automatically, shuddering. She let Remmy spin her around, her feet just a bit clumsy underneath her as they danced. The haze of the alcohol was settling in, everything golden and bright around them. Tilting her head, she looked at them, eyebrows arching. "Mm, you're not wrong. You know," She said, pausing for a moment before leaning in closer to Remmy, "I can think of a couple fun things we could do."
"Oh, I'll take your money for free, Kaden!" Morgan called over her shoulder, winking at him. "Is that a promise?" The music was picking up and she took her friend's hand, whirling her around as they came near the dance floor. "Anita, I will hire you only the best, most voluptuous strippers for your birthday. Name the date, and they're all yours." She spun them around again as the music picked up. "Also, fun fact about me no one here knows yet? I know how to do the charleston." She started to demonstrate, working more flare into it than usual. "If you take another drink, I'll even teach you too."
Jared had a lot of people backing up the knowledge that this kaden guy was a stripper. He was embarrassed but Jared pat him on the arm. "Don't worry bud, no one is judging. I'm sure you're a wonderful stripper."
Jasmine cackled as Nell tried to back away from the stripper. There had to be some sort of anecdote about not hiring a stripper if you're not down for a lap dance. "Good call, the kid definitely doesn't need a stripper." Leah was held on to the small girl even though Nell tried to keep her in the stripper's orbit. She wondered if this short blonde girl was even old enough to be here. "I'm guessing Nell's the one who hired our sailor friend here." Good taste, just not Bea's. She nearly spit out her champagne when it was mentioned Kaden stripped to ABBA. "Oh honey, we need to get you a better playlist."
As the world faded from view, and tsunami Jack took over the majority of Nell's line of sight, she raised a single middle finger across the room, pointed directly at Felix.
Remmy looked around the hall-- people laughing, people grinning, people just plain having fun, having the time of their lives-- and decided that not everything in the world was bad. In fact, there was a lot more good than bad. There had to be, right? Luce looked stunning, Bea looking like shew as having the time of her life now that she was on the dance floor, even Nell, though flustered, looked like she was having fun. And Blanche and Morgan and everyone else. Remmy spun Luce one more time before bringing her close, smiling warmly at her drunken words. "Maybe tomorrow," they said back to her softly, "once the alcohol has worn off."
Kaden turned to see Jane behind him. Of fucking course. "Fuck you, Wu." He was going to need something stronger than champagne soon. There was no living this down was there?
"I think you'll do just fine," Bea let out a little laugh. As she looked around the party, she felt warm. Just last week she had been kicked out of the community that had raised her and she had felt alone. Her family and friends were the people here, having fun and celebrating this day with her. "As ridiculous has this has turned out, this has been one of my best birthdays." Even without her parents or friends from the Coven, she was happy. All these people, even Jack, had helped her make this birthday perfect. She couldn't ask for better people to spend this day with.
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