#but whoever continues if it gets picked up can choose whatever reason they want
Obedience Hurts
+ John 8:47 Whoever is of God hears the words of God. The reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of God.”
+  John 15:8 This is to my father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.
READ TIME:8 Minutes & 13 seconds
    Yesterday, we talked about being friends with people we shouldn’t and not partake in their ways, but this verse tells us to bear fruit as his disciples. We all can do whatever we want, but when we are disciples of Christ, we should show it in what we do, our speech, and our ways. If our ways don’t show that we are followers of Christ, we need to change how we handle things; the most essential part of being a disciple of Christ is picking up our cross and following him.
 Matthew 16:24-26 Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. 25 For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. 26 What will profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?
    This verse is telling us to be a disciple of Christ; we must deny ourselves and pick up our cross and follow him; no matter how heavy it gets; we must push forward and ask for his strength to help us get to our next assignment some of us are stuck in a season. We are stuck there because we don’t want to pick up our cross. We don’t want to leave this world. We want Christ, but we want this world too, and we want to do our sins; friends, we must choose Christ.
   The word goes on to say that to be a disciple, we must lose our life, but we will find it; we will find it through him and not through a job or marriage, but through him by obeying him. We don’t gain anything by trying to follow this world. It's not hard to be a disciple of Christ. We all are called to be disciples of Christ. It's up to us to want to do this. He leaves this up to us. This is how we create fruit by following him so he can show us how to do this because we can't do it when we aren’t connected with Him.
  “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?”
  It also says in the verses we just read that when we sin what does it profit us if we gain the world, what would we gain if we focus on this world, we won’t gain anything we will lose our soul, and it’s nothing in this world friends, this world is temporary, and the things in it too are temporary.
 John 8:31-32 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are my disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
   It tells us that if we continue his teaching, we will be his disciples, throughout the Bible the Lord tells us how to follow him; we must hear him and do what he says. But when we leave the TRUE path, we find it hard to do because we aren’t listening to or reading our words. This world will always tell us it’s okay to be this way or that way, but they will never tell us to follow Christ because Christ is the opposite of what they are trying to do; in the word Christ spoke the truth, and this world can’t handle that at all.
  As disciples of Christ, we must do this: Matthew 5:16. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
 Show our light; we never want to do anything that will make our light invisible. We studied this earlier this week to have a light, and if we say we are followers of Christ. The word confirms it here: we must let our light shine so that others may see and so that God can get the glory for it; in today's world, it might be hard to show that light, but we must do  this so that we can show them that we are set apart we are different and a lot of people are afraid to show this side of themselves, but we shouldn't be afraid to show how good God is or show how much we love him because when we are afraid to do this the bible says
 Luke 9:26 For whoever is ashamed of me and my words, of him, will the Son of Man be ashamed when he comes in his glory and the glory of the Father and the holy angels.
  It tells us here that if we are ashamed of God's glory, he will be the same way with us in front of his father. We want to choose: Do we want to be ashamed of who we are, or do we want God to get the glory for who we are?
  Jesus will love us no matter what we choose, but to get into heaven, we must choose: will we serve Christ or this world? It’s easy to serve this world; it’s easy to go through our day and not acknowledge God. That’s easy, but we must be followers of Christ.
  Romans 6:16 Do you not know that if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient enslaved people, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to righteousness?
  We want to present ourselves as obedient enslaved people, which leads to righteousness, not enslaved people leading to death, and that’s what we do when we don’t obey Christ. We must figure out what we want to do. I have lived in the darkness doing whatever I wanted, I was always empty. Still, when I followed Christ, it was filling, a feeling that I never got from anything my whole life because he showed me that he loved me, he showed me that he cared, he cares so deeply for us, and he’s longing for us to choose him.
  ***Today, we learned how we must serve Christ or this world; some find it easier to follow this world , and some find it easier to hear the voice of God; all of it is your choice, but what lasts forever is our relationship with God. What lasts forever is being led by the spirit. The thing about being led by God is doing what he says. When he says we must learn to be obedient even when it’s tough, to be honest, I have had times in my life when it was tough for me to be obedient, and it hurt me to be obedient; no one talks about how hard it is to follow the light.
    It’s hard to be obedient when we know we want to go the other way, but we must understand that it’s a sacrifice to walk in the light. Every day, we make a choice, and it’s not an easy one; sometimes it is, and sometimes it’s not; learn to give yourself to God, and as you do this, you learn what he wants, and you learn what’s best for you which is hearing his voice and doing what he says. ©Seer~ Prophetess Lee
Heavenly Father, help us to follow you; help us to obey you, lord; we are sorry that we did anything wrong. Lord, help us to learn to be obedient. Lord, we need you so much for the difficult times; help us to lean on you more than anything; you didn’t tell us this road would be easy, but you told us you’d walk with us, and that’s all we can do is follow you,and help us to do that today in Jesus Name Amen
+ Hebrews 6:10 For God is not unjust to overlook your work and your love for his name in serving the saints, as you still do.
+ Philippians 2:16 holding fast to the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I may be proud that I did not run in vain or labor in vain
Psalm 55:22 Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.
Proverbs 12
Leviticus 12
Genesis 12
2 Chronicles 31
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nobody7102 · 2 years
Family: Chapter 2
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Pairing: Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw X Reader
Warnings: None
Callsign: Plum
Main Master-List
Series Master-List
Chapter 1. Chapter 3
The clock ticked away on the wall as Jake looked around the room. Eyeing Natasha, Bob, Mickey and Reuben before his eyes landed on Pete. “Alright Maverick, what the hell is going on?” Jake raised his arms “Something happened last night at Rooster and Plums place, no one will tell us anything and now we all get called here with no reason on our day off? You have to know something?”
Letting out a sigh, Pete moved to sit down. “Honestly… I really don't know, Cyclone called me and said to get the five of you here… he said someone called him and that Plum would explain” 
Furrowing his brows Jake shook his head “Well then where is she?”
Just as he finished his sentence, yelling could be heard down the hallway before the door to the room opened “Bradley you are supposed to be resting!” Y/N’s voice called out as Bradley stepped into the room.
“Baby I’m fine, it was a clean shot all the way through” he turned back to Y/N before motioning around the room “Look we’re here now, can we please just do whatever you said you needed to do?” As Bradley walked further into the room, everyone’s eyes widened seeing how even though his normal Hawaiian shirt, his left shoulder was wrapped, taking a seat between Pete and Jake. All the eyes then turned to Y/N, casting her eyes to the ground she locked the door before making her way to the front of the room. Looking fully at who was all there, Y/N’s mind drifted to the night before.
Leaning against the wall outside of Bradley’s hospital room, Y/N rubbed her temple as the line rang. “Come on… pick up” she grumbled.
“I want in,” She quickly said. “What do you need me to do” 
Dom chuckled on the other side of the phone “Eager to get to it I see, I’ve got my team now you need to get one for you”
Y/N’s brows knitted “Dom I’ll be fine, jus-” “Y/N” He started “I wouldn’t be telling you to find a team if I didn’t mean it, this is a whole other level than stealing radios and DVD players” he sighed 
“Dom, I am not putting other people’s lives at risk!” she looked around after raising her voice before whispering “… someone came to my house last night asking about you” Y/N said firmly “whoever she was, that bitch shot my boyfriend” 
“She?” Dom questioned, not letting Y/N finished her explanation he continued “Find a team, then get here”
“How will I know where-” 
“It's summertime, where do you think we’ll be?”
Y/N took a deep sigh before opening her eyes “Last night, there were people who broke into Bradley and I’s house, and one of them shot Bradley” she watched as fear and anger flickered through the eyes of her fellow aviators “I need your guys help” she swallowed “All of you can absolutely say no, because what I’m about to ask of all of you is crazy and stupid…” she sighed “I had a friend… a family friend contacted Admiral Simpson, all of us other than Javy due to his deployment, have been granted time off…” she paused “If you choose to help me, I can not guarantee when this will be over, I can not guarantee your safety, and I can not guarantee that you will come back from this” her eyes closed as she finished her sentence. 
“Sounds like another day at the office” Natasha stood from her spot and walked up to Y/N placing a hand on her shoulder “Plum.” she started “You’re my wingman, whatever this is. You and I are gonna go at it together.”
“To the depths of hell” Bob stood.
Shaking his head with that signature Seresin smirk, Jake and Pete nodded to each other and stood “We’re in” he motioned to Pete.
Leaning forward in his chair Mickey smiled “An actual real like Top Secret Mission, abso-fucken-lutely I’m joining” 
Shaking his head Reuben sighed “If this dumbass is doing it” he clapped a hand on Mickey’s shoulder “I can’t let him be a dumbass alone” 
“So Baby” heads snapped to Rooster “What are we doing?” 
Y/N’s eyes softened upon seeing how willing her friends were to help her without even knowing what they were signing up for. “How do all of you feel about LA?” 
Adjusting her rearview mirror, Y/N glanced at the two cars behind her. Bradley and Maverick had taken to riding with Y/N, Bob and Phoenix in the middle car and Mickey, Reuben and Jake pulling up the rear. 
Biting the inside of her cheek as they passed the ‘10 Miles to LA’ sign, Y/N leaned over to Bradley “Tell everyone that we’re gonna take a detour” Bradley nodded and sent off a text to their group chat as Y/N pulled off onto a dirt road.
“Fanboy wants to know why we’re going into ‘Bum-fuck no where’ as he described it” everyone watched as the highway became vast dessert.
“Ummm…” Y/N hummed turning a corner “He’ll see in a few more miles” 
As their tires kicked up dirt, Y/N eventually pulled up to a little shack with a steel warehouse behind it. 
Putting the bonnie in park she exited the vehicle and put her sunglasses on the top of her head. “Alright kids… this is where it gets complicated” she announced once everyone had piled out of their cars. Walking to the warehouse she motioned for everyone to follow her. 
“Fanboy, you wanted to know why we came here” she took a key out of her pocket and walked over to the main garage door and took off the lock and chain that held it closed. Throwing the chain to the ground she moved to the middle of the door and shoved it upwards “This is why we came” 
As the giant door flew open, the pilots were met with a sea of cars, everyone's eyes practically bulging out of their skulls. 
“All…” Reuben started “All of these are yours Plum?” 
Y/N nodded “Yup…all 32 of em” 
Looking between the cars and Y/N Natasha was the only one to ask what was one everyone's mind “How the fuck do you get 32 cars?” 
Y/N slowly nodded “And that-” she motioned for everyone to follow her to an open area “Is where it gets complicated” 
The area was dawned with a couch and two recliners, along with a table surrounded by chairs, and a workbench. Approaching the work bench, everyone took note that the area was decorated similarly to Mavericks hanger, covered in photos and blueprints, patched, and stickers alike. 
Y/N stared at all of the photos before taking down a photo and placing it on the table for the aviators to look at. A photo of a younger Y/N being embraced by a girl who looked a few years older than her. “I grew up in Los Angeles with my sister Letty… we are car people” 
“Clearly” Jake mumbled
Rolling her eyes, Y/N continued “Letty’s boyfriend Dom owned a shop” she turned to pluck another photo from the wall and set it on the table. A photo of Y/N and the girl who presumably was her sister and a man, standing in what looked to be a garage “He was the one who got us into cars… Letty and Dom created the street racing scene here in LA. Whatever Dom and Letty had, everyone wanted. I was lucky enough that Letty and Dom taught me everything I know about cars and racing” 
Pete raised his brow, knowing the girl liked her adrenaline rushes but he never would have imagined this “Is that why when your recruitment officer recommended you to me, he said to ignore your records?”
“Records? What records?” Bradley furrowed his brows 
Y/N sucked in a breath of air “Umm… I had a juvie record… and spent a few nights in holding…” she watched as shock flashed across her friends faces “Nothing serious… just joyrides and getting picked up for racing… and maybe a carjacking, but it was only once when I got left in Oakland by some asshole” she quickly added
Reuben motioned back to all of the cars “That still doesn't explain the 32, unless you jacked all of these cars?”
She immediately shook her head “No, god no. Letty would have kicked my ass” she started “In the racing world most people race for three things” she held up one finger “Respect” then another “Money” and finally the last “and Pinks” 
“You race for what?” Bob hummed.
“Pinks… pink slips, the certificate of title to a car. I always raced for pinks, if you win the pink you keep the car” she crossed her arms. “but my rule always was if you wanted your car back, you pay me out for it” she smiled recalling how some racers would come up to her after races with money, begging for their cars back, before her smile slowly faded “Dom, Letty, and I were a part of a crew… and we did things..”
Hangman’s brows furrowed thinking back to the man he saw the other night “Holy shit, you mean Dominic Toretto as in the guy who was on the FBI and CIA’s most wanted list?! That's who you were talking to the other night at the Hard Deck?!” 
“Hey, his record was wiped clean and he was granted a pardon” Y/N was quick to defend.
“And the things you would do… you were a part of the team that hijacked all those trucks back in the early 2000s? What did you help with his jail break in 2009 too?” Jake questioned only to be met with silence. “Well shit Plum” he sighed
“Hey, you chose to be here Bagman, she said you could say no and you still can” Bradley placed a hand on her shoulder
Raising his hands in defense Jake shook his head “no no no. I’m fine… just shocked that sweet little Plum here is a former criminal who knows other former criminals” 
Rolling her eyes, Y/N picked up the photos and walked over to place them back up before grabbing a shoe box from a shelf. “Now…” she rested the box on her hip and sorted through it. “My gift to a select few of you” she tossed a set of keys to Reuben and Natasha. “Payback. Three rows back, fourth one in” she watched as Reuben, Mickey and Jake all took off for the car before she turned to Natasha “Nat, two rows from the top, fifth one in” Natasha and Bob took off like kids in a candy store
“That’s not fair” Bradley crossed his arms, pouting.
Rolling her eyes, Y/N held up one last set of keys before she set the box down and walked over to Bradley, wrapping one of her arms around his waist and planted a kiss to his cheek and pressed the keys into his palm. 
“Can I go see what I got?” Y/N laughed at the question before nodding her head and releasing Bradley from her hold.
“You’re in the same row as Payback”
Walking back over she placed the box in its original spot before taking a seat next to Pete, who had decided to acquaint himself with the couch. “And I thought I was the only one on the team with a wild streak” he chuckled “So what’d you give them?”
Y/N smiled “Reuben got a ‘69 Yenko Camaro, Nat a 2009 Nissan 370z, and Bradley a 1970 Ford Escort”
“PLUM!” Screams filled the warehouse as the group came running back “PLUM!” Natasha screamed “These are too fucken nice for us” she kneeled in front of Y/N, placing her hands on her wingman's knees and shook them “Are you fucken kidding me?! What are they for?!”
Y/N laughed “I’m giving you the LA experience” she smiled
“Wait, you’re taking us racing?!” Jake’s eyes widened
Y/N shook her head “I’m not taking you racing, I’m taking you to Race Wars…and, none of that cocky pilot shit talking tonight okay? Promise me? I dont wanna have to scrape any of you off of the concrete” she looked at everyone “Because if you talk like that you’re gonna get your ass handed to you”
Everyone nodded at the sentiment as she continued “Now” she crossed her arms “House rules” everyone looked at her in confusion “not only is this my garage, it's also my house… only rules: you can have food and drink in the cars but if you make a mess you’re cleaning it, the interior is custom. If something breaks on the car or feels off or funny, just tell me so I can fix it or get you a new car. And lastly” she walked over to a wall that was lined with four doors, she opened the first and pulled out a rolled up sack “I’ve got two bedrooms” she motioned to the other to doors once she set the sack down “two people can take one room and two can take the other, the rest are gonna have to suffice with the couch, recliners and an air mattress” everyone just nodded in agreement mumbling something along the lines of ‘can’t be worse than on carriers’.
Lastly she pointed to a door on the far end of the wall “I only have one bathroom” with that groans filled the group.
Taglist: @shawnsthighs @caswinchester2000 @hopefulinlove
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beaker1636 · 9 months
M is For Martymachlia - Justin
AN: Here we go, back on track with the alphabet game! So basically martymachlia is a king of being watched, so that is their task at hand. I actually really enjoyed this one so I hope you do too! Again I did this on my phone so some formatting issues may happen, mostly it doesn’t always indent where it’s supposed to which drives me nuts 😫 once I can use my laptop and edit it I will! Enjoy!
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“I fucking hate all of you,” Ryan sends in the group message that Chris very wonderfully made to share a video of the Lapdance that he had to give last night. He is nowhere near any of them but finds himself flushing at some of the comments they made in the video.
“No you don’t, and thank you for the laughs. I definitely needed it this morning,” Ricky responds, making Ryan want to throw his phone across the room.
“The real question is what did Ariana think? Did she enjoy it and take advantage of things after you left?” Vinny asks, praying that she just laughed about it because that would be funny to think about.
“Hey Vin, have you gotten laid since your fucking mom caught the two of you?” Ryan responds, knowing he is being a dick but that it’ll get him to shut the fuck up.
“No, no I have not, not that you need to know that. But non like you assholes we don’t have to do shit all the time when we are home… anyways, what is Justin up to?” Vinny responds, trying not to have to remember that memory.
“Yes, and because you have all pissed me off I am being a dick so I wish you luck sir. Have you ever heard of Martymachlia?”
“Uh no?” Justin sends, immediately wondering what the fuck Ryan was up to now.
“It is the kink of having someone watch during the act, kind of like exhibitionism. So you can do whatever the fuck you want but one of us has to be watching it,” Ryan responds, feeling smut at the thought, having a feeling that Vanessa wouldn’t agree.
“Do we get to pick who watches? Or does it have to be you?” Justin responds quickly. “Because if we get to choose it shouldn’t be too bad. I already know who she’d probably agree to watch.”
“It can be whoever I guess, but we have to know who and they must confirm,” Ryan responds.
“Sounds great.”
“Hey Vanny, I think I already know but our task is that we have to do it with someone watching, so who would you be most comfortable with watching?” Justin yells at you from across the room.
“I- I mean I guess it would be Chris because he walked in that one time but I still think it is going to be fucking akward. Do they actually have to be here because I don’t think I can handle that….” you trail off, now suddenly nervous at the thought of what is going to happen, that someone is going to be watching.
“I asked, I was told that it could be just like a video chat feed that we leave going and that they can mute themselves so we don’t hear them. So truthfully it should be easy to get into the mindset that we are alone… even if we aren’t. And we both know that you used to have a big thing for Chris before we even met so it’s not like you’ve never thought of him seeing you or anything.” Justin teases, moving closer to you where you are standing at the stove, working on making dinner, his hands resting on your hips.
“Ugh, please don’t. That was a long time ago, I don’t see him like that anymore and you know it. I mean, I don’t want to lose again. We can try but I can’t promise that I will be able to shut my mind off.” You answer, feeling defeated as you let out a sigh.
“You can say that you think he is attractive, I am not that jealous of a guy. I can accept the fact that you do,” he teases, kissing your cheek with a smirk. “I’ll let them know, when you’re done cooking you should put on something pretty for our viewer.”
“It is going to be an automatic no if you keep this shit up,” you grumble, continuing to cook dinner with a sigh. You are not looking forward to this.
For whatever reason he convinced you of that, and now you are sitting in the room in his favorite lingerie set, watching him set his phone up so that the view was what it needed to be while you completely ignore the fact you can hear him talking to Chris, asking him if the view was fine… and hearing Chris compliment how you look at the same time. Just knowing that he is watching you right now is making you very uncomfortable, wanting to shrink inside of yourself. You never have been very insecure but you are at this moment.
“Don’t over think this Van, he isn’t even here right now. Just focus on me,” he urges you softly, his lips ghosting over your ear before settling on yours. Softly coaxing you into the act, knowing that if he makes you get out of your head that you will enjoy this more.
“I, I can’t,” you mumble against his own lips as he settles over you, laying your back against the mattress as he slowly tries to coax you into the moment. He can feel as your body slowly relaxes as he continues to barely kiss you, his hands ghosting at your sides. Not wanting to push you too much as you first begin.
“That’s it, lose yourself in me baby,” he goads, his lips moving to settle just under your ear before trailing slightly lower and settling on a spot against your neck. One that he knows is sensitive and will hopefully let you relax into him, into this.
He pulls away after he hears you lightly groan, knowing that he finally has gotten you enough that you are relaxed, that you are wanting this more and more now. His lips meeting your own briefly before his tongue still tries to meet your own, glad when you allow him in and when he feels your arms wrap around him, trying to press him into you more and more as he does the same. Pushing his half hard erection against your core, wanting you to feel what you are doing to him right now.
It worked for a moment but then you heard Chris move through the phone and find yourself turning to look at it, Justin notices and pulls you back in or tries to.
“No, stay with me baby, not him,” he reminds you, kissing you again as his hand slides down your torso, lightly toying with the hem of your panties before stopping. Waiting for any indication that you were alright with him moving forward, smiling when you finally nod. Telling him to go ahead with what he wants to do. He quickly slips his shirt off before settling back into where he was, slowly slipping his hand into your panties to lightly stoke against your folds.
“Shit, for someone who is acting so shy you sure are wet. Part of you is enjoying him watching this aren’t you?” He teases, a finger circling your clit before pulling back with a smirk when you whimper slightly.
He knows better than to push you too hard and pulls his hand back, changing his mind and deciding to instead focus on what he knows will really get you in the zone. One of his hands reaching behind your back to lightly unclasp your bra, praying that you are in it enough that you won’t stop him now.
You don’t but you do move to try and cover yourself with your arms when he goes to remove it, him aware that you are unconsciously aware of it still, that you are slightly uncomfortable with this.
“Shh, let him see how beautiful you are, that I can almost make you come undone just from playing with your beautiful chest baby,” he slowly coaxes you to move your arms, to let him find one of your nipples with his fingers as he lightly tweaks it, making it hard under his touch. “That’s it,” he hums with an approving nod.
He then dips down, taking the other one between his lips as he lightly swirls his tongue around it, feeling it harden as he sucks and nips at it, enjoying when he hears you moan slightly, giving in to the pleasure he is bringing you. Finally letting yourself enjoy the moment as he teases you.
When he pulls his lips away he looks up at you, pleased to see that you are watching him closely, anticipating his next move. He slips his hand back down, deciding that you have had enough teasing and deserved a reward. Sliding your panties down your legs he moves to slowly slip two of his fingers inside of you, wanting to tease you. Get you worked up enough that you want more from him, beg him to let you finish while his friend watches.
He finds that this is honestly turning him on more than he expected, knowing that his friend was watching him unravel you, that he is able to make you fall apart just like he can do to his girlfriend.
You whine, bucking your hips up towards him, urging him to do more, to actually give in and give you what you want, no need right now. When he doesn’t you whine, making him meet your eyes with a slight smirk on his face.
“You want more? Want me to make you fall apart while Chris watches? Show him how pretty you are when you cum for me?” He asks, noticing how your eyes move back to the phone where it sets for a moment before you look back at him and give a slight nod, not wanting to say it yourself out loud.
“No, use your words. Tell me, fuck tell him that you want him to see,” he groans, now circling your clit with his thumb, but it isn’t quite enough for you.
“Please Justin, please let me cum,” you ask softly, the best you could muster and he somehow knows this. He gives in and rather harshly thrusts his fingers back inside of you knuckle deep before pulling back and doing it again… and again.
Repeating the action until you are withering on the mattress underneath him, clenching around his fingers and letting him know that you are close. He adds his thumb and starts to circle your clit again, slowly applying more pressure to bring you right to that edge. Watching you closely as you benign to come closer and closer.
“Let go for us baby,” he groans, wanting you to give in. And when you do with a moan, your back arching off the mattress he can’t help but give a satisfied smirk, feeling like he just proved himself in a way making you give in to him despite the fact that you had started so unsure of this.
He slips his boxers off while you slightly come down from the high of the orgasm he just gave you, stroking himself a few times before settling over you, slowly sliding inside of you as you both let out a slight groan. You automatically wrapping your legs around his waist in an effort to pull him in, keep him close to you when he begins thrusting inside of you, slowly at first before getting rougher in his movements.
“Fuck, Justin,” you whimper, relishing in the feeling of him pounding inside of you, bringing you back towards the edge that you were already at. Choosing to roll your hips up to meet his, making you throw your head back from the feeling, him smirking when he realizes where you were going with this, that you made him hit that spot inside of you that always gets you going.
He makes sure he hits it each thrust while bringing a hand between the two of you, starting to play with your clit again, wanting you to cum one more time before he does, and he is definitely getting close. When you begin to clench around him, he increases the pressure on your clit, thrusts slightly harder so that you can’t help it, cumming around him with a moan that he swears is the most erotic thing that he has ever heard before in his life. Causing him to finally let go himself, cumming in thick ropes as he finally hits his own high.
Letting himself calm down some before he leans down and gives you a kiss, gentle as he does. Making sure to tell you that you did great, that he loves you. He can tell that you need that reassurance of everything right now, that you are vulnerable at the moment as reality of what you just did hit you.
He slowly slides out, helping you up so that you can go to the bathroom to clean yourself up while he walks over to his phone so he can end the call… wait, that’s weird. The call said it ended 20 minutes ago, so Chris didn’t really see anything. What the fuck does that mean for the results of this?
He notices that he has a text from the other man so he pulls it up.
“Sorry man, I just couldn’t watch this between the two of you. I stopped it pretty much right away, but I won’t let everyone fail you because it wasn’t your fault.”
When you walk back out you notice that Justin looks confused as he looks at his phone, you wrap your arms around him and place a light kiss on his chest, knowing that if you don’t ask him that he will tell you what is wrong in a second.
“He left right away before we did anything, he didn’t actually watch us,” Justin says, moving to wrap one of his arms around you with a smile.
“Oh thank fucking god,” you murmur before moving to slip into your pajamas, ready for bed. Relieved that you don’t have to actually face Chris again knowing that he and Mia watched the two of you, you had hoped that this would happen and luckily it did.
If you technically lost you really don’t care, you are just glad that it was the case.
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astralprisms · 2 months
It's been awhile since I poked you directly, so you can answer these for whoever (xa'rok, Skaro, kresh, etc.)
Favorite physical texture (like sand, fur, marble, etc.)
A place that brings comfort, and/or a place that holds bad thoughts.
Do they prefer to pick at food or have a large meal? 3 square meals or one big meal?
Thanks for always being so kind to me about gum/gertie/bi'smol etc. I value it a lot 🌟
Hi Charl!!
The fact that you listed sand as an option under favorite textures is so funny to me for some reason. Anakin voice, it's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.
Favorite texture: smooth buttery leather, and equally smooth and polished wood, I think are the top. They prefer smooth textures in general, fond of their somewhat luxurious silken nightclothes, even though they have no real problem roughing it. I think they also conversely enjoy *interesting* textures. I always have them picking up those terracotta vases that in my brain are plastered with little moasiac patterns. I think they would enjoy the feel of tiles like that. Something either smooth and whole or cleanly and expertly broken.
And for a self-indulgent bit of lore, Skaro's face, because every time I see him up close in game I desperately want to touch his face--it has so many textures on it I bet it would be nice to run your hands over (between the leathery, weathered skin, the significant burn scarring, and the ridges of his spots).
A place that brings comfort: I know this is a very "fork found in kitchen" answer, but the astral plane. They felt it the second they stepped into the pocket plane in the Astral Prism and it never left. Post-game they take such comfort being out there, I think it puts their thoughts at ease and focuses their mind and worries to their task instead of all of whatever is going inside their head (a lot).
A place that brings discomfort: another bit of an obvious answer but a multi-layered one that comes back in waves of mixed longing and nostalgia along with the bad feelings, but creches of any kind, and they must visit a lot of them in their work. But these little bastions of culture are an integral part of their people and a connection point to their past and the bridge they're attempting to build of their future. They had no particular hatred for or uneasiness in their own creche beyond their personal disagreement with uh, shared cultural values regarding illithids and their peoples' continued answer to that problem (and their own less than githyanki brand of problem-solving), but being exiled left its mark. A tangible weight when they visit places similar to the one they grew up in that simultaneously feel like the walls are shouting "you don't belong here" along with a crooning, "how could you belong anywhere else?"
So, double-edged sword.
How do they like to eat: incredibly funny question to ask as I've sort of taken the meme borne of them always choosing the impulsive "consume this" options in-game as character gospel and now they will pretty much eat anything once without prompting and just for the challenge of it. But as a rule I think they just enjoy food a healthy amount and have, a decade and change among the various locales of Faerûn, become accustomed to properly enjoying and savoring it instead of just eating as quick and as much as possible, like their kin when they return from the Astral and get hit with the status effects all at once.
No promises on when they return from the Astral, though. I'm sure that impulse hits them, too, and hits them hard. Also I've mentioned this in DMs before but I don't think they enjoy sour flavors all that much despite their impulsive consuming habits, and probably go out of their way to avoid them/grimace extensively when confronted with them unexpectedly in a meal. I need to draw that lemon meme with them sometime because it's very accurate. If you gave them a sour gummy worm they would be so betrayed, I think.
Favorite texture: genuinely think he enjoys the sight and feel of well-crafted metal the most. Cool to the touch and then warmed by contact with skin, and an art all on its own in craftsmanship. Plus he wears a lot of it. He also enjoys well-cut and polished gems, specifically in purples and golden browns.
A place that brings comfort: Only just decided this recently but Skaro genuinely enjoys the Underdark. I think he and Xa'rok will spend a not insignificant amount of time there in the post-game of their universe. He intuitively understands the culture of competition that exists as a framework, and yet there are pockets of gith (and illithid) activity there enough to keep him busy. He likes the myconiid and I think he's quite fond of the svirfneblin as well. I feel like he might be at odds with drow just on a personality clash basis, though.
A place that brings discomfort: I think he feels very out of place in Faerûn when it's just him and the wilds of human/humanoid civilization beyond his particular pockets of extraplanar travel. People mistake him for a goblinoid or for a githyanki, neither of which he is, and either react badly or coldly to him despite his relatively at-ease and generally non-(intentionally) threatening demeanor. Like Xa'rok I think he prefers having a goal to work towards and something to do to keep him busy and Faerûn doesn't offer him much in the way of useful distraction.
How do they like to eat: Perhaps a holdover from spending more time in the astral plane (among others), perhaps a byproduct of his mental discipline and zerth training, Skaro is very bad at heeding hunger signals. He's aware of them in the sense that he's very in his body, as per training, but he either doesn't connect the dots well (courtesy of too much extraplanar existence) or simply ignores them in favor of "more pressing matters" and as a result probably eats ravenously at irregular intervals when prompted to and otherwise just snacks occasionally to keep his energy up. I think if you introduced him to the concept of Good Berries he'd never eat anything else. Definitely prefers utilitarian convenience over decadence in this regard.
Kresh needs more exploring before I can answer these for him, I think!
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Do you have any anti harem fic recs?
Howdy, thanks for asking! Here are some fics that might fit what you're looking for!
A spider in a graveyard by Rubypasha (Explicit, Incomplete)
You've fought for years for people who hate and humiliate you, see you as more of a nuisance than a hero. A menace to society, just like your mentor. But you keep going, keep fighting. Keep pushing your limits to save innocent's who get tangled in the cruel web of life that you walk as a shadow. As someone who expects nothing but gives their all. But you keep going You'll deal with whatever and whoever threatens the lives and safety of innocents (both monsters and humans) because you are a spider. And spiders will never go down without a fight. Tired and injured you go to deal with one of your greatest enemies, a skeleton who like you loves puns but is dangerous. More so than anyone could ever imagine. But instead of wrapping the night up quickly like you want you're faced with something neither of you can understand. A machine that goes haywire leaving you injured and in the mercy of the two skeleton brother's and their clones But you won't back down. You will fight even if your hope isn't what it used to be. Maybe this 'other mansion' of skeletons will finally break the walls you were forced to put up in order to survive. Maybe, just maybe- You'll finally realise how amazing you are
Full Deck by Sons_of_Sirens (Teen And Up, Incomplete)
You’re just a shy young woman who works at a small bookstore in Ebott City, who has never attempted to climb out of her introverted shell before. Or maybe you’re a sassy young woman who lost her job after sticking up for monster rights in front of your racist boss. Or possibly you’re a traumatized young woman, with a painful past full of abuse and a broken body full of secret scars. You might even be an ordinary-looking young woman, who nevertheless possesses magical abilities and a SOUL far different from a regular human’s. But this is not a story about you. It's about ten skeletons in one tacky suburban McMansion, trying to live together without burning down their own house. It’s an unreasonable convergence of the Undertale AU gang as they go about their lives in a house full of volatile personalities, while trying not to get dragged into a reverse-harem trope. Alliances will be made, bake sales will be ruined and the HomeOwner's Association will be armed and dangerous.
I Like Me More by LambCHOWDER (Mature, Incomplete)
You love pancakes. They're so easy to make. Let's ignore the 7 monsters glaring at you and watching your every move. With obvious red flags, you choose to move in with your ex friend and her harem… for your own benefit, of course. Despite the situations that arise, you push through. Though it may be kind of worth it, you really didn’t expect all the secrets to come loose...
Bleeding Green [Rewrite] [On Hiatus] by pyromaniac_mage (Teen And Up, Incomplete)
[Y/N] [L/N] is a powerful mage with a bloodline well-known throughout the ages and her family have always been celebrated. They, however, despise how their bloodline trapped monsters beneath the ground. But, that is for another day. In not being able to afford basic accommodation for university, they had to rely on an old (and terrible) friend named Bethany. For some reason, most of Bethany's skeleton mates despise [Y/N] but why is that? Apart from the fact she is a mage? Just because she has a kindness soul, it doesn't mean she will stand for their bullshit.
Home for lost souls by SketchyDyslexic (Not Rated, Incomplete)
Sans was so in his head that the resets would start back again, he didn't want to even try. Papyrus put in work to convince Sans that he needed to come to the surface with him, and not continue staying in the underground. Sans agreed to pick out a home with his brother, and began packing his things. With only a week left, Sans decided to try pulling his older brother back with the machine one last time, only to have to watch it sputter and stop. Sans gave up and packed his stuff, ready and moving out to stay with undyne until their new home was bought. His life and a few others really went out of whack because of the machines malfunction, with his sudden influx of brothers and the soulmate bonds that were slowly making themselfs known. Even after settling the chaos, shit still hits the fan every time he gets done untangling one mess. And the woman that is helping his strange family isn't making anything easier by making things easier!
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forgottenluck · 9 months
Mobile Friendly Rules
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Please follow the following rules, and warnings that go along with this blog. If you ignore these warnings, these rules, and make a fuss about what I rp, or who I rp with, then you will be blocked. I make these statements very clear as to not cause confusion.
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This is a semi-active, slow replies, Mutuals ONLY blog for an extreme (borderline OC) AU version of Yuri Lowell from Tales of Vesperia. 90% of the time I likely will rp him as an OC, but I would love to explore the other vesperia characters with him.
This blog will have mentions of depression, mental breakdowns, panic attacks, and other dark topics. If any of these are something you wish to not interact with, then this blog is not for you. Continue interacting at your own risk.
While I try to tag triggers, I sometimes forget, or don't realize that something is a trigger. If you would like something tagged, please let me know!
It is okay for minors to interact with me. My blog will not contain any nsfw sexual content. (any such scenes will be fade to black or vaugely explained due to my personal trauma).
Reiteration of above point, there will be NO SMUT on my blog. Romantic relationships are absolutely fine, even encouraged because I'd love to explore that. But any writing more than kissing gets put into the fade to black corner. I am not comfortable writing indepth actions due to personal trauma.
Do not, under any circumstance, take control of my character without my consent. My writing style depends heavily on their own mind and actions, so taking control of my character without notifying me first OOC is a big red flag.
Please communicate with me OOC! I need communication via muns so that I know what i’m doing isn’t taken the wrong way. I have had these issues in the past, and would like to avoid repeats. (If we've hit it off on here, and talk consistently, feel free to ask for my discord! I'm not super great at keeping up conversations, but i can try and I'd love to get to know people better!)
I do not mind becoming affiliates! However, this will happen organically. If we talk a lot OOC and rp a lot, then I likely will affiliate with you and make you a Main. Do not ASK to be mains.
I reserve the right to rp with whoever I wish. I do not pick sides. I will not choose one over the other. If you attempt to make me choose either you or someone else, unless I know you very well and we are close friends...I will likely choose the person who is not pressuring me to choose. Firefox and Chrome both have extentions that allow you to block almost all instances of a user on your blog, please use it. (the only exception to that is asks, and for that reason I do not answer asks, but instead make a new post.)
IF YOU FOLLOW ME AND I MAKE AN EFFORT TO RP WITH YOU AND TALK WITH YOU AND YOU DO NOT MAKE AN EFFORT IN RETURN I will unfollow you. I normally do not have an issue with this, but there are a few people who I have been excited to rp with and then it never go anywhere. If I see that you consistently reblog memes and starter requests without fulfilling, I will unfollow you.
The following urls and/or Muns are people I do not associate with. I do not wish them to be brought to my attention, I don't want to know about them. I have their urls blocked to where I cannot see them. I will not, however, tell you who to rp with.
-Star/Usa/whatever her url and name is now: Lots of drama happened with this person and my circle of friends. Due to her sending people to attack me and my friends via anon, I do not wish to even hear about her. This situation has been inactive for months.
-Loke: (renascii) Same reason as above though also for stealing and lieing. This situation has been inactive for months.
-Ezrile: A little bit more difficult to explain, but this person is unmedicated and mentally ill, and uses their illness as an excuse to treat others quite badly and as their personal punching machine. When called to take responsibilty for their actions, they pushed it off and have slandered my name as well as other's in order to justify their actions. This situation is still ongoing, as they continue to vague about me and another person who will remain unnamed, as well as stalk us. (I have confirmed that this person IS in fact a stalker. I would advise in avoiding this user, but will not force it. If you would like more information, send me a message and we can discuss things.)
This list will update as necessary. As stated, You may rp and interact with these people; just make sure to tag them so my blocker can get it. Please understand this is NOT a dni, I just ask if you interact with these people please make sure to tag their urls so that my blocker will pick them up.
I try not to engage in drama. I do my best to keep in my own lane. I have in the past, voiced my opinions on topics that are related to me particularly or related to people I am quite close with. However, I try to stay out of it.
Please do not pressure me in replying. I have ADHD, anxiety, and depression. All of these combined do not make a good cocktail for pressure, and if i'm pressured in interacting, replying, or other things then I get burnt out really fast. I do this because I enjoy it, so please don't take my enjoyment out of it by putting a deadline on me.
That being said, if i've taken more than a week or so to even interact with you, feel free to poke me and just give me a gentle reminder! I don't consider "hey we still good for that rp?" a pressuring measure, and I love to interact so i'd be thrilled to get a message!
I care very little about how other people run their blogs. I care very little about what topics you rp. If I enjoy talking to you, or writing with you, then I will do so. This means I do not take place in censorship culture. I will not shame you, or call you out based on what you find enjoyable. I know for a lot of people, writing and rp is a type of therapy, and most of us are adults here and can choose to disengage when something makes us uncomfortable.
If you DO happen to do something that makes me uncomfortable, I likely will unfollow, but I will at least communicate with you on why before I do. But considering I'm currently rping a bunch of trauma ridden little ones, it's highly unlikely.
Finally, a special rule: I will NOT RP with any characters from the series Tales of Symphonia or Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World. If you are a multimuse that has these characters on it, then as long as those rps are tagged, I'm fine. I have a bit of trauma related to the series and don't wish to revisit it.
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mrsbsmooth · 1 year
Scripts - S6 - Episode 27 (1 of 2)
Final chats (Andy) Had to split it really unevenly because Francis's is really long for some reason?
NARRATOR: Welcome back to Love Island where news of Stick or Twist had everyone shocked.
NARRATOR: To be honest, it's not really shocking news, Stick or Twist happens every season. I guess they all just forgot.
NARRATOR: Like how I forgot to write a funny ending to this intro... I was too shocked by the Stick or Twist announcement!
NARRATOR: So let's just find out who's getting fast-tracked to the main villa…
NARRATOR: And who's getting fast-tracked through speedy boarding at Mallorca’s best international airport…
NARRATOR: Mallorca only has one international airport! I lied about forgetting to write a funny ending! What a twist!
The Islanders look around at each other, shocked at the Stick or Twist announcement.
PLAYER_SAD: So, this is it?
AMELIA_SAD: I can’t believe we’re heading back so soon.
{0}_FLIRTY: I was just starting to get used to this. Not sure I want to go back!
Me neither!
PLAYER_SAD: Same here!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Can’t get enough of the Casa vibes!
MARSHALL_FLIRTY: The Casa vibes or the Casa boys?
AMELIA_FLIRTY: I know which one I’m choosing.
I can’t wait to go back
PLAYER_HAPPY: I actually can’t wait to go back to the main villa.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Will be good to see the OG boys again.
HAMISH_EMBARRASSED: Hope they’ve missed you as much as you’ve missed them…
HAMISH_FLIRTY: Who knows what those boys have been getting up to.
I’m torn
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: I’m not sure what I want.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Been a real laugh here.
PLAYER_HAPPY: But I guess it’ll be good to see those OG boys again too.
GRACE_SAD: It does feel like we only just got here.
HAMISH_FLIRTY: Well, you know what they say, girls, time flies when you’re having fun.
Hamish shoots Grace a saucy look.
FRANCIS_HAPPY: Don’t be too down, you can always take us with you.
MARSHALL_FLIRTY: Yeah, let the party continue in the main villa!
MARSHALL_FLIRTY: I haven’t had a chance to show off all my moves yet.
AMELIA_FLIRTY: More moves? Now these I have to see.
{0}_EMBARRASSED: I guess you girls have some tough decisions to make.
{0} looks over at you with a warm yet nervous smile.
HAMISH_FLIRTY: Not that tough, seems like a no-brainer to me.
MARSHALL_HAPPY: Every choice is a no-brainer for you Hamish!
The girls laugh, Hamish looks confused.
HAMISH_SERIOUS: I know. I trust my instincts.
GRACE_EMBARRASSED: {0} right, come on, girls we’ve got some serious thinking to do.
You and the girls head off towards the dressing rooms to deliberate.
The boys wave you off.
ANDY_HAPPY: Good luck, girls!
FRANCIS_FLIRTY: Don’t forget about us!
HAMISH_FLIRTY: Yeah, we’ll send you a postcard… promise it’ll be nicer than the OG boys one!
The girls hurry into the dressing room, everyone’s a bundle of nerves.
Except Amelia…
AMELIA_HAPPY: Here we go, girls!
PLAYER_IDLE: Decision time.
GRACE_EMBARRASSED: I was kind of hoping we wouldn’t have to make this choice.
GRACE_SAD: It’s so hard to know what the other boys are thinking.
{0}_HAPPY: Forget about the boys! It’s about what <i>you</i> want!
{0}_FLIRTY: That way whoever you choose, it’ll be the right choice for you.
PLAYER_HAPPY: You know who you’re picking then, {0}?
{0}_HAPPY: Me? Maybe I’ll just wing it on the night.
AMELIA_HAPPY: This is the night!
{0}_HAPPY: I figure it’s like ordering food at a restaurant.
{0}_FLIRTY: Find a couple of tasty treats on the menu, then when they come to take your order…
{0}_HAPPY: Whatever you blurt out of your mouth is what you wanted all along!
PLAYER_HAPPY: What if you don’t want anything on the menu?
AMELIA_FLIRTY: Yeah, what if you want the hunk of beef in the fridge at home? Right, Grace?
GRACE_HAPPY: I don’t know what you’re on about.
GRACE_SAD: But it’s not that easy for me. I’d be lying if I said Hamish hadn’t caught my eye.
GRACE_SAD: After having my heart set on Ozzy for so long it’s been such an exciting change.
GRACE_SAD: But that’s the thing, my heart is still set on Ozzy.
GRACE_SAD: I know I’m not the only one who feels that way here.
GRACE_SAD: And I’m not looking to get into that right now.
GRACE_IDLE: But we are still officially coupled up and it’s still hard to make this choice.
GRACE_SAD: I know I’m not the only one who’s interested in him.
GRACE_SAD: And I’m not looking to get into that right now.
GRACE_IDLE: But we are still officially coupled up and it’s still hard to make this choice.
GRACE_EMBARRASSED: I just don’t know if his heart will still be set on me? What do you think, {0}?
Of course, you’re soul mates
PLAYER_HAPPY: Of course his heart will still be set on you.
PLAYER_HAPPY: You guys are soul mates, I can tell.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I’m sure he’ll stick.
GRACE_HAPPY: I hope you’re right, {0}.
Don’t count on it
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: I wouldn’t bet on it, Grace.
GRACE_SAD: Really?
PLAYER_SAD: I mean you saw the postcard and everything.
PLAYER_IDLE: I think his head could be turned.
GRACE_SAD: I really hope you’re wrong.
Forget about him
PLAYER_IDLE: Who cares? Forget about him, Grace!
PLAYER_IDLE: The boy’s not worth it.
GRACE_SAD: I wish I could. But it’s hard.
AMELIA_HAPPY: I get it, Grace. I was sad to leave {0}.
AMELIA_SAD: We definitely had chemistry. Probably still do.
AMELIA_SERIOUS: Even after whatever he was getting up to on that postcard…
AMELIA_FLIRTY: But sometimes change is good, for the right person.
{0}_FLIRTY: Getting <i>unchanged</i> with the right person you mean?
AMELIA_FLIRTY: I’m certainly not complaining.
PLAYER_IDLE: Are you defo set on Marshall then?
AMELIA_FLIRTY: I can’t get the boy off my mind.
AMELIA_HAPPY: It’s like he’s put a spell on me.
AMELIA_EMBARRASSED: But it’s hard to tell if it’s just that, a spell.
AMELIA_EMBARRASSED: Or if his feelings actually run deep?
AMELIA_EMBARRASSED: I know you have your own feelings about Marshall.
AMELIA_IDLE: What do you think, {0}? Am I being played?
He’s all about you!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Are you kidding? You and Marshall are all over each other.
PLAYER_HAPPY: He’s totally into you.
{0}_HAPPY: Yeah, it’s kinda gross how much he likes you.
AMELIA_HAPPY: Aw. Thanks, you guys.
{0}_HAPPY: No problem.
He’s playing games
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: The boy’s a player.
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: Sorry, Amelia, but I wouldn’t trust him if I were you.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: He’ll just say whatever you want to hear.
AMELIA_SAD: You really think so? I’ve felt such a strong connection with him?
AMELIA_SAD: I don’t know what to think.
Stick with {0}
PLAYER_IDLE: You want my advice?
PLAYER_HAPPY: I’d stick with {0} if I were you.
AMELIA_SURPRISED: Really? But you didn’t stick with him?
PLAYER_HAPPY: Yeah, but he isn’t right for me, he’s right for you!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Marshall’s not the one, trust me.
AMELIA_EMBARRASSED: I do trust you, {0}.
AMELIA_SAD: But I hope you’re not just saying this for your own good.
AMELIA_SAD: Now I’m even more confused.
GRACE_HAPPY: What about you {0}? You can’t really be leaving it all up to fate?
{0}_SAD: I can try to! It’s just hard.
BELLA_IDLE: Me and {0} are really close.
BELLA_HAPPY: I want to have his back.
CHLOE_IDLE: Me and {0} had a spark initially.
CHLOE_HAPPY: But now it feels more like a friendship.
{0}_SAD: I’d hate to see him dumped from the villa if I twisted.
{0}_SAD: But I don’t want that to stop me going after what I want either.
PLAYER_IDLE: And what is it that you want?
{0}_FLIRTY: I think you know what I want.
{0}_FLIRTY: It’s all I’ve been thinking about the whole time we’ve been here.
{0}_HAPPY: I just want to make sure we both get back to the villa.
{0}_HAPPY: I’ll do whatever it takes.
AMELIA_HAPPY: That’s so cute!
{0}_HAPPY: I’ve had fun these last few days.
{0}_HAPPY: I haven’t caught feels from anyone back in the villa.
{0}_FLIRTY: Maybe I should just go wild and see what happens with a new boy?
{0}_IDLE: It’s hard to know what to do.
{0}_HAPPY: You’re good at this stuff, {1}. What do you think I should do?
Stick with {0}
PLAYER_IDLE: To be honest I think you should stick with {0}.
PLAYER_IDLE: I don’t want to see him go home.
{0}_HAPPY: I guess you’re right.
{0}_HAPPY: He’s a good guy.
Twist it up!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Why not twist it up?
PLAYER_HAPPY: Then you’re guaranteed to make it back to the villa.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: That way we will definitely be together!
{0}_IDLE: I guess you’re right.
{0}_EMBARRASSED: I’d feel bad for {1} though.
You should decide for yourself
PLAYER_IDLE: I guess that’s up to you.
{0}_HAPPY: Well, that’s not very helpful.
{0}_SAD: You were full of advice for the others.
{0}_EMBARRASSED: Argh! Why do <i>my</i> decisions always have to be made by <i>me</i>?
GRACE_SAD: I feel you, {0}.
{0}_IDLE: I’m going to get some fresh air. My head is spinning.
AMELIA_SERIOUS: The pressure’s really on.
GRACE_EMBARRASSED: Especially for {0}.
GRACE_HAPPY: Seems like {0} and {1} have their eyes on you.
AMELIA_EMBARRASSED: Don’t forget about Elliot and {0} back in the villa.
Amelia mutters to you out of Grace’s earshot.
AMELIA_FLIRTY: Not to mention Ozzy.
GRACE_HAPPY: Oh and {0} to top it all off!
AMELIA_HAPPY: Must be hard being so adored!
GRACE_IDLE: I suppose it means more choices to make.
AMELIA_HAPPY: Well, we better look good making them.
AMELIA_FLIRTY: Show those Casa boys what they need to graft for.
GRACE_HAPPY: And remind those OG boys what they’ve been missing.
GRACE_HAPPY: Gotta make a grand reentrance to the main villa!
AMELIA_HAPPY: What are you gonna wear, {0}?
PLAYER_HAPPY: Let’s see…
PLAYER_FLIRTY: This is the one!
GRACE_HAPPY: You look stunning!
AMELIA_HAPPY: You’re gonna make the boys go wild!
My looks not finished yet
I’m happy with it
PLAYER_HAPPY: I’m happy with how this looks.
GRACE_HAPPY: You should, girl.
GRACE_HAPPY: You look stunning!
AMELIA_HAPPY: You’re gonna make the boys go wild! You’re wearing it, right?
*TRYOUTFIT* For sure!
I need another peek
AMELIA_HAPPY: The first one was my fave.
GRACE_IDLE: I agree! You looked so good, {0}.
GRACE_FLIRTY: The guy's jaws would hit the floor.
AMELIA_FLIRTY: Is there anything better than that? We need to go hard tonight.
{0}_FLIRTY: Making them drool is the goal, right?
I’ll give it another go
{0}_HAPPY: Defo the right look.
PLAYER_HAPPY: It really is.
AMELIA_IDLE: You look great.
GRACE_HAPPY: This is how you graft.
AMELIA_IDLE: This is the one, yeah?
*TRYOUTFIT* It’s the one!
I need another look
Maybe something else will catch my eye
I like this one
PLAYER_IDLE: I’ll just stick with this.
GRACE_HAPPY: Sure, that looks good too.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Yeah, this is the grafting look.
{0}_FLIRTY: Work it, {1}.
GRACE_HAPPY: You look so good!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Yeah, this is the grafting look.
GRACE_HAPPY: You look so good!
PLAYER_IDLE: I’ll just stick with this.
GRACE_HAPPY: Sure, that looks good too.
GRACE_IDLE: Not long till decision time, we better get out there.
AMELIA_IDLE: We’ll meet you outside, just need a one on one sister chat.
GRACE_IDLE: Alright, catch you girls later.
AMELIA_HAPPY: I just wanted to say I know it’s a big choice coming up.
AMELIA_HAPPY: But I’m here for you if you need anything.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Thanks, Amelia.
AMELIA_IDLE: I guess now’s our last chance to see what these Casa boys have to offer.
AMELIA_HAPPY: You should go talk to them.
AMELIA_IDLE: One final chance to graft before Stick or Twist.
AMELIA_HAPPY: Haven’t got long though, so let’s get out there!
&Lounges: Andy
Andy is sitting on the edge of a lounger, deep in thought.
He sees you approaching and his face lights up.
ANDY_HAPPY: {0}! To what do I owe this pleasure?
ANDY_FLIRTY: Wow, just when I thought you couldn’t look any more stunning.
ANDY_FLIRTY: You surprise me once again. What an outfit!
ANDY_HAPPY: It’s good to see you.
ANDY_HAPPY: I was hoping we’d get a chance to talk before the big moment.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Well, here I am. What did you want to talk about?
ANDY_FLIRTY: I just wanted you to know how amazing it’s been to get to know you.
ANDY_IDLE: When I came to Love Island I never expected to make such a strong connection.
ANDY_HAPPY: But as soon as I met you that all changed.
PLAYER_HAPPY: What do you mean?
ANDY_EMBARRASSED: Sorry, I can get a bit shy with this kind of thing.
ANDY_FLIRTY: But getting to know you these last few days has been so special.
ANDY_HAPPY: And after our time in the Hideaway together.
ANDY_HAPPY: I felt like the luckiest guy.
ANDY_FLIRTY: I almost couldn’t believe it.
ANDY_HAPPY: Yeah! Everything just feels so right.
ANDY_EMBARRASSED: I realise I might be way off here.
ANDY_IDLE: I know you’ve spent more time with Francis and the others.
ANDY_IDLE: And if you choose to pick one of them I totally understand.
ANDY_EMBARRASSED: But I’d regret it if I wasn’t honest with you and myself.
ANDY_HAPPY: In the time we have spent together it’s just felt so right.
ANDY_HAPPY: Like on our picnic with Amelia.
ANDY_HAPPY: I was super surprised that you picked me.
ANDY_HAPPY: I almost couldn’t believe it.
ANDY_HAPPY: It felt like I’d known you for years.
ANDY_HAPPY: But also that I wanted to learn everything about you.
ANDY_HAPPY: All at the same time.
ANDY_HAPPY: Now whenever I picture that little plot of land back home.
ANDY_HAPPY: And all the animals running around there.
ANDY_FLIRTY: I kind of can’t help but imagine you there too.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: You imagine me there?
ANDY_HAPPY: Yeah! I could see you there for sure. Surrounded by all the animals!
ANDY_HAPPY: I’ve never met someone I’ve felt so comfortable with.
ANDY_HAPPY: Like, I can totally be myself around you.
ANDY_IDLE: Do you feel that way?
I feel the same way!
PLAYER_HAPPY: I feel the exact same way with you!
PLAYER_HAPPY: I can just be me.
ANDY_HAPPY: Exactly! I’m so glad you get it.
Not really
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: Sorry, maybe we don’t feel quite the same way about each other.
ANDY_IDLE: Oh, don’t be sorry.
ANDY_HAPPY: I’m just glad I was honest and got that off my chest.
Kind of?
PLAYER_IDLE: I kind of know what you mean.
ANDY_EMBARRASSED: Don’t worry, I’m not expecting you to feel the exact same way.
ANDY_HAPPY: But I think it’s good to be open and honest.
ANDY_HAPPY: I just wanted you to know where my head's at.
ANDY_HAPPY: So you can make the right choice for you.
ANDY_HAPPY: And if you do decide to twist with me.
ANDY_EMBARRASSED: And if by some miracle you decide to twist with me.
ANDY_HAPPY: And if there is a chance you decide to twist with me.
ANDY_HAPPY: I promise I’d be loyal and support you to the end.
ANDY_FLIRTY: And back home of course.
ANDY_HAPPY: Trust me, if I didn’t my sisters would have something to say about it.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I didn’t know you had sisters?
ANDY_IDLE: Oh yeah, two. Both older.
ANDY_IDLE: They’re mostly a total nightmare! But I love them to pieces.
ANDY_HAPPY: They definitely kept me in check during my first dating experiences.
ANDY_IDLE: Taught me what it means to be respectful and to be a gentleman.
ANDY_HAPPY: I owe them a lot.
ANDY_HAPPY: They’d love you for sure.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Oh, really?
ANDY_EMBARRASSED: Yeah! But if you ever meet them just ignore their childhood stories about me.
ANDY_HAPPY: They’re all lies I promise! Most of them anyway.
PLAYER_IDLE: Well I better be getting off.
ANDY_IDLE: Oh, are you sure?
ANDY_HAPPY: I was enjoying having you all to myself for a little while.
ANDY_HAPPY: Especially with Stick or Twist coming up…
ANDY_FLIRTY: Might be our last chance to chat before all the drama.
ANDY_FLIRTY: Would you stay with me a little longer?
ANDY_HAPPY: Who knows maybe you’ll see another side to me?
ANDY_FLIRTY: What do you say? Wanna stick around here longer?
*I’m not going anywhere!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Ok, you’ve convinced me.
ANDY_HAPPY: I hoped I would.
ANDY_FLIRTY: I wanna get every second I can with you before we part ways!
ANDY_HAPPY: It’s been so intense in here the last couple days.
ANDY_HAPPY: Feels like I’ve known everyone forever but I also barely know anyone!
PLAYER_HAPPY: So, what don’t I know about you? Gonna spill the tea?
ANDY_FLIRTY: Sure, what do you want to know? I’m an open book.
Tell me about your family
PLAYER_HAPPY: I want to know more about your family.
PLAYER_HAPPY: What are these childhood stories you were talking about?
PLAYER_HAPPY: You said your sisters taught you a lot?
ANDY_EMBARRASSED: Ah no, I’ve opened a can of worms now.
ANDY_HAPPY: But sure, I’ll keep my word.
ANDY_IDLE: When I was about 15 I was going on my first ever date.
ANDY_IDLE: I’d fancied this girl at school forever.
ANDY_EMBARRASSED: And finally got the courage to ask her out.
ANDY_EMBARRASSED: I planned the date and we went and it was <i>terrible</i>.
PLAYER_HAPPY: What happened?!
ANDY_EMBARRASSED: I was really nervous, I even thought about cancelling.
ANDY_EMBARRASSED: But kids at school said to just act hard to get.
ANDY_SAD: It was terrible advice.
ANDY_EMBARRASSED: I tried not to be keen so I played it pretty cool. A bit too cool.
ANDY_EMBARRASSED: We ended up going to a greasy burger van.
ANDY_EMBARRASSED: I turned up in my tracksuit and was being aloof all night.
ANDY_EMBARRASSED: I know, I couldn’t think of anything to say so I just talked about the news.
ANDY_EMBARRASSED: It was awful! She was not impressed.
ANDY_SAD: When I got home I was super upset and my sisters found me in my room.
ANDY_EMBARRASSED: They told me off for being such an idiot and decided to help me win her back.
ANDY_HAPPY: They helped me book a nice restaurant with her favourite food.
ANDY_HAPPY: Showed me that I just need to be myself.
ANDY_IDLE: I didn't need to pretend to be something I’m not.
ANDY_HAPPY: And not to listen to stupid advice from other guys.
ANDY_HAPPY: They helped me pick out a smart outfit for me.
ANDY_HAPPY: And I wrote her a note to give her at school.
PLAYER_HAPPY: And what happened?
ANDY_HAPPY: It worked! That’s how I ended up with my first girlfriend.
ANDY_HAPPY: They were so supportive.
ANDY_HAPPY: I’ll never forget what they did for me.
Tell me your favourite thing about me
PLAYER_IDLE: Ok, What’s your favourite thing about me?
ANDY_EMBARRASSED: Argh that’s hard!
ANDY_HAPPY: I mean because everything about you is my favourite.
ANDY_IDLE: But if I had to pick…
ANDY_IDLE: You listen.
ANDY_HAPPY: Yeah, so many people just nod their heads and smile when you talk to them.
ANDY_HAPPY: And yeah you’re hot and interesting and hilarious!
ANDY_HAPPY: But the fact that you genuinely listen and take an interest.
ANDY_HAPPY: I think it’s so important. It’s the mark of a genuinely good person.
ANDY_FLIRTY: It’s what makes you so compassionate and sweet and kind.
ANDY_FLIRTY: You understand people because you hear them out.
ANDY_HAPPY: It’s how you always seem so in control, you always make the right choices.
ANDY_HAPPY: And I admire that about you.
Tell me why I should twist with you
PLAYER_IDLE: Ok, tell me why I should re-couple with you?
ANDY_EMBARRASSED: Ooph, now I’m on the spot.
ANDY_HAPPY: Never been great at selling myself but I’ll give it a shot.
ANDY_HAPPY: Since I arrived at Casa I haven’t been able to get you off my mind.
ANDY_HAPPY: I’ve seen those boys back in the main villa and how they act.
ANDY_IDLE: All the drama and getting in each other’s faces.
ANDY_IDLE: Ozzy going back and forth between you and Grace.
ANDY_IDLE: And I just don’t understand it.
PLAYER_IDLE: What do you mean?
ANDY_HAPPY: Because if I had a shot with you I’d know how lucky I was.
ANDY_HAPPY: I have too much respect for you to get into fights over you.
ANDY_HAPPY: You’re a grown up and can make your own choices!
ANDY_HAPPY: And for me there wouldn’t be anyone else.
ANDY_HAPPY: I wouldn’t need to get into drama with the others because we would have our own thing.
ANDY_HAPPY: And my head certainly wouldn’t stray every five seconds.
ANDY_HAPPY: Or whenever the next bombshell came in.
ANDY_FLIRTY: No drama, no second guessing, just me and you.
ANDY_HAPPY: So yeah, that’s why I think you should re-couple with me.
ANDY_IDLE: But as I say, the choice is yours.
ANDY_HAPPY: Sorry, once you get me going I find it hard to shut up!
ANDY_IDLE: Have you got some kind of truth serum tucked away?
PLAYER_HAPPY: No, it’s just me.
ANDY_FLIRTY: Well you’ve certainly cast a spell.
ANDY_HAPPY: I think you cast it as soon as we first spoke.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Oh really?
ANDY_FLIRTY: Can I tell you a secret about when we first met?
ANDY_FLIRTY: I might’ve distracted the boys a little when I saw you walking in.
ANDY_FLIRTY: Well, I was the only one facing the door so I saw you as you walked in.
ANDY_HAPPY: So I got Hamish to tell this super long story about a bungalow he rented.
ANDY_FLIRTY: I’d already heard it, so only fair the other boys sat through it too.
ANDY_FLIRTY: Plus I wanted a moment alone with you before the others started grafting.
ANDY_HAPPY: Is that cute or cringe?
That’s pretty cute
PLAYER_FLIRTY: That is super cute, Andy.
PLAYER_HAPPY: It’s nice to know I had your attention from the start.
PLAYER_HAPPY: And I like you’ve got a mischievous side to you.
ANDY_FLIRTY: It comes out from time to time.
It’s a bit cringe
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: Honestly? That is pretty cringe, Andy.
ANDY_EMBARRASSED: Yeah, I guess it is.
ANDY_IDLE: I thought it’d be a mischievous way to kick things off.
ANDY_IDLE: But I see where you’re coming from.
ANDY_HAPPY: Well, anyway, time to turn the tables and ask about you.
ANDY_FLIRTY: Ok, what’s your favourite thing about me?
Your hot bod!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: You really wanna know?
ANDY_HAPPY: Of course!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: You’ve got a really hot body.
ANDY_SURPRISED: I was not expecting that!
ANDY_FLIRTY: But I’m very flattered.
ANDY_FLIRTY: I’m glad I’ve served as eye candy if nothing else in here.
ANDY_FLIRTY: Happy to be of service.
You’re caring
PLAYER_FLIRTY: You really wanna know?
ANDY_HAPPY: Of course!
PLAYER_HAPPY: You’re caring.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Well you look after animals for a living!
PLAYER_HAPPY: And you’re always looking out for me and the others.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I can tell you’re a good person.
ANDY_HAPPY: Thanks, {0}. That’s high praise from you.
You’re cute
PLAYER_FLIRTY: You really wanna know?
ANDY_HAPPY: Of course!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I think you’re really cute.
ANDY_HAPPY: Cute! I’m not sure that’s a compliment!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Of course it is!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Anyone can be hot.
PLAYER_HAPPY: But you’ve got something special.
ANDY_FLIRTY: Thanks, {0}. That’s high praise from you.
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: Nothing is leaping out to me to be honest.
ANDY_SURPRISED: Nothing? Wow, I really need to up my game.
ANDY_SAD: Sorry if I’ve wasted your time I guess.
Andy looks deep into your eyes.
PLAYER_HAPPY: What are you thinking about?
ANDY_FLIRTY: How much I want to kiss you right now.
Kiss him!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I was thinking the same thing.
You lean into Andy and embrace and begin to kiss.
He wraps a muscular arm around you as his other hand lightly caresses your hair.
He gently falls backward until you are on top of him on the lounger. Your lips meet again passionately.
You pull away and look into each other's eyes.
ANDY_FLIRTY: I certainly hope that’s not our last kiss.
ANDY_FLIRTY: I could do that forever.
Peck on the cheek
Slowly, you lean in and plant a kiss on his cheek.
His face lights up with joy.
ANDY_FLIRTY: Guess I’m never washing this cheek again.
ANDY_HAPPY: I’m kidding of course.
Not feeling it
PLAYER_IDLE: Not tonight, Andy.
PLAYER_IDLE: There is so much to think about. Not sure it’s a good idea.
ANDY_HAPPY: I understand completely.
ANDY_HAPPY: Thanks for spending this time with me, {0}.
ANDY_HAPPY: Even if it does turn out to be our last time together in the villa.
ANDY_HAPPY: You’ve made it truly special.
I better be going
PLAYER_IDLE: I really better be going.
PLAYER_IDLE: Not long now till Stick or Twist.
ANDY_HAPPY: Ahh they can wait!
ANDY_FLIRTY: You’re the main event after all.
ANDY_FLIRTY: There’s still so much I want to know about you.
ANDY_HAPPY: And so much you don’t know about me!
ANDY_HAPPY: Won’t you stay just a little longer? I promise I’ll spill the tea.
*Ok, I’ll stay!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Ok, you’ve convinced me.
ANDY_HAPPY: I hoped I would.
ANDY_FLIRTY: I wanna get every second I can with you before we part ways!
ANDY_HAPPY: It’s been so intense in here the last couple days.
ANDY_HAPPY: Feels like I’ve known everyone forever but I also barely know anyone!
PLAYER_HAPPY: So, what don’t I know about you? Gonna spill the tea?
ANDY_FLIRTY: Sure, what do you want to know? I’m an open book.
Tell me about your family
PLAYER_HAPPY: I want to know more about your family.
PLAYER_HAPPY: What are these childhood stories you were talking about?
PLAYER_HAPPY: You said your sisters taught you a lot?
ANDY_EMBARRASSED: Ah no, I’ve opened a can of worms now.
ANDY_HAPPY: But sure, I’ll keep my word.
ANDY_IDLE: When I was about 15 I was going on my first ever date.
ANDY_IDLE: I’d fancied this girl at school forever.
ANDY_EMBARRASSED: And finally got the courage to ask her out.
ANDY_EMBARRASSED: I planned the date and we went and it was <i>terrible</i>.
PLAYER_HAPPY: What happened?!
ANDY_EMBARRASSED: I was really nervous, I even thought about cancelling.
ANDY_EMBARRASSED: But kids at school said to just act hard to get.
ANDY_SAD: It was terrible advice.
ANDY_EMBARRASSED: I tried not to be keen so I played it pretty cool. A bit too cool.
ANDY_EMBARRASSED: We ended up going to a greasy burger van.
ANDY_EMBARRASSED: I turned up in my tracksuit and was being aloof all night.
ANDY_EMBARRASSED: I know, I couldn’t think of anything to say so I just talked about the news.
ANDY_EMBARRASSED: It was awful! She was not impressed.
ANDY_SAD: When I got home I was super upset and my sisters found me in my room.
ANDY_EMBARRASSED: They told me off for being such an idiot and decided to help me win her back.
ANDY_HAPPY: They helped me book a nice restaurant with her favourite food.
ANDY_HAPPY: Showed me that I just need to be myself.
ANDY_IDLE: I didn't need to pretend to be something I’m not.
ANDY_HAPPY: And not to listen to stupid advice from other guys.
ANDY_HAPPY: They helped me pick out a smart outfit for me.
ANDY_HAPPY: And I wrote her a note to give her at school.
PLAYER_HAPPY: And what happened?
ANDY_HAPPY: It worked! That’s how I ended up with my first girlfriend.
ANDY_HAPPY: They were so supportive.
ANDY_HAPPY: I’ll never forget what they did for me.
Tell me your favourite thing about me
PLAYER_IDLE: Ok, What’s your favourite thing about me?
ANDY_EMBARRASSED: Argh that’s hard!
ANDY_HAPPY: I mean because everything about you is my favourite.
ANDY_IDLE: But if I had to pick…
ANDY_IDLE: You listen.
ANDY_HAPPY: Yeah, so many people just nod their heads and smile when you talk to them.
ANDY_HAPPY: And yeah you’re hot and interesting and hilarious!
ANDY_HAPPY: But the fact that you genuinely listen and take an interest.
ANDY_HAPPY: I think it’s so important. It’s the mark of a genuinely good person.
ANDY_FLIRTY: It’s what makes you so compassionate and sweet and kind.
ANDY_FLIRTY: You understand people because you hear them out.
ANDY_HAPPY: It’s how you always seem so in control, you always make the right choices.
ANDY_HAPPY: And I admire that about you.
Tell me why I should twist with you
PLAYER_IDLE: Ok, tell me why I should re-couple with you?
ANDY_EMBARRASSED: Ooph, now I’m on the spot.
ANDY_HAPPY: Never been great at selling myself but I’ll give it a shot.
ANDY_HAPPY: Since I arrived at Casa I haven’t been able to get you off my mind.
ANDY_HAPPY: I’ve seen those boys back in the main villa and how they act.
ANDY_IDLE: All the drama and getting in each other’s faces.
ANDY_IDLE: Ozzy going back and forth between you and Grace.
ANDY_IDLE: And I just don’t understand it.
PLAYER_IDLE: What do you mean?
ANDY_HAPPY: Because if I had a shot with you I’d know how lucky I was.
ANDY_HAPPY: I have too much respect for you to get into fights over you.
ANDY_HAPPY: You’re a grown up and can make your own choices!
ANDY_HAPPY: And for me there wouldn’t be anyone else.
ANDY_HAPPY: I wouldn’t need to get into drama with the others because we would have our own thing.
ANDY_HAPPY: And my head certainly wouldn’t stray every five seconds.
ANDY_HAPPY: Or whenever the next bombshell came in.
ANDY_FLIRTY: No drama, no second guessing, just me and you.
ANDY_HAPPY: So yeah, that’s why I think you should re-couple with me.
ANDY_IDLE: But as I say, the choice is yours.
ANDY_HAPPY: Sorry, once you get me going I find it hard to shut up!
ANDY_IDLE: Have you got some kind of truth serum tucked away?
PLAYER_HAPPY: No, it’s just me.
ANDY_FLIRTY: Well you’ve certainly cast a spell.
ANDY_HAPPY: I think you cast it as soon as we first spoke.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Oh really?
ANDY_FLIRTY: Can I tell you a secret about when we first met?
ANDY_FLIRTY: I might’ve distracted the boys a little when I saw you walking in.
ANDY_FLIRTY: Well, I was the only one facing the door so I saw you as you walked in.
ANDY_HAPPY: So I got Hamish to tell this super long story about a bungalow he rented.
ANDY_FLIRTY: I’d already heard it, so only fair the other boys sat through it too.
ANDY_FLIRTY: Plus I wanted a moment alone with you before the others started grafting.
ANDY_HAPPY: Is that cute or cringe?
That’s pretty cute
PLAYER_FLIRTY: That is super cute, Andy.
PLAYER_HAPPY: It’s nice to know I had your attention from the start.
PLAYER_HAPPY: And I like you’ve got a mischievous side to you.
ANDY_FLIRTY: It comes out from time to time.
It’s a bit cringe
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: Honestly? That is pretty cringe, Andy.
ANDY_EMBARRASSED: Yeah, I guess it is.
ANDY_IDLE: I thought it’d be a mischievous way to kick things off.
ANDY_IDLE: But I see where you’re coming from.
ANDY_HAPPY: Well, anyway, time to turn the tables and ask about you.
ANDY_FLIRTY: Ok, what’s your favourite thing about me?
Your hot bod!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: You really wanna know?
ANDY_HAPPY: Of course!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: You’ve got a really hot body.
ANDY_SURPRISED: I was not expecting that!
ANDY_FLIRTY: But I’m very flattered.
ANDY_FLIRTY: I’m glad I’ve served as eye candy if nothing else in here.
ANDY_FLIRTY: Happy to be of service.
You’re caring
PLAYER_FLIRTY: You really wanna know?
ANDY_HAPPY: Of course!
PLAYER_HAPPY: You’re caring.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Well you look after animals for a living!
PLAYER_HAPPY: And you’re always looking out for me and the others.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I can tell you’re a good person.
ANDY_HAPPY: Thanks, {0}. That’s high praise from you.
You’re cute
PLAYER_FLIRTY: You really wanna know?
ANDY_HAPPY: Of course!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I think you’re really cute.
ANDY_HAPPY: Cute! I’m not sure that’s a compliment!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Of course it is!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Anyone can be hot.
PLAYER_HAPPY: But you’ve got something special.
ANDY_FLIRTY: Thanks, {0}. That’s high praise from you.
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: Nothing is leaping out to me to be honest.
ANDY_SURPRISED: Nothing? Wow, I really need to up my game.
ANDY_SAD: Sorry if I’ve wasted your time I guess.
Andy looks deep into your eyes.
PLAYER_HAPPY: What are you thinking about?
ANDY_FLIRTY: How much I want to kiss you right now.
Kiss him!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I was thinking the same thing.
You lean into Andy and embrace and begin to kiss.
He wraps a muscular arm around you as his other hand lightly caresses your hair.
He gently falls backward until you are on top of him on the lounger. Your lips meet again passionately.
You pull away and look into each other's eyes.
ANDY_FLIRTY: I certainly hope that’s not our last kiss.
ANDY_FLIRTY: I could do that forever.
Peck on the cheek
Slowly, you lean in and plant a kiss on his cheek.
His face lights up with joy.
ANDY_FLIRTY: Guess I’m never washing this cheek again.
ANDY_HAPPY: I’m kidding of course.
Not feeling it
PLAYER_IDLE: Not tonight, Andy.
PLAYER_IDLE: There is so much to think about. Not sure it’s a good idea.
ANDY_HAPPY: I understand completely.
ANDY_HAPPY: Thanks for spending this time with me, {0}.
ANDY_HAPPY: Even if it does turn out to be our last time together in the villa.
ANDY_HAPPY: You’ve made it truly special.
See you at Stick or Twist
PLAYER_IDLE: Sorry, Andy.
PLAYER_IDLE: I’ll see you at the recoupling, yeah?
ANDY_HAPPY: I certainly hope so.
ANDY_HAPPY: See you around, {0}. And good luck.
ANDY_HAPPY: Well, I’ve kept you long enough.
ANDY_IDLE: I’ll leave you to it, I’m sure you’ll make the right choice.
PLAYER_HAPPY: See you, Andy.
3 notes · View notes
optimist-pine · 3 years
It's Complicated: Part 4 || Leonardo
Pairing: 2012 Leo x Reader
Word Count: 1,791
Warnings: Mature themes throughout
Leo watched as you held your hand out towards him, gesturing to his own. He reached his hand toward yours and you placed yours lightly on top. Touching his own but just barely, you traced the lines of his palm, and when he looked into your eyes they were focused, but with each movement, you seemed to relax a little more. He let out a shaky sigh and realized that you were having the same effect on him too.
Maybe things will be alright.
Nothing but silence and your fingers moving across his. He focused on them and nothing else. Not what had happened, or what was going to transpire because of it. Just you. You and how you had just begun to hum. And now he closed his eyes, and the heel of your palm rested in his and your fingers only traced lazy circles on his skin. They seemed to ignite something in him. Something bright and burning and not at all like heaviness that had surrounded him when he first sat down. This was a little buzzing pricking feeling that seemed to travel all the way up his arm and into his heart.
Maybe his head knew that everything wasn't alright, but you could've fooled his heart.
You worry about Leo. Of course, you've always worried about him. He carries the weight of the world on his shoulders, and because of that, he pushes people away. But right here? Even after what's happened he's not pushing you away. He's letting you hold onto him. If he had pushed you away... You don't even want to think about it. Instead, you choose not to take anything he gives you for granted.
There the two of you are when the others come inside, ready for dinner. The noise of the door banging open followed by multiple loud conversations occurring at once startles you and on reflex, you pull your hand away more quickly than you would've liked.
Leo's eyes snap open and he groans, extracting himself from the couch before noticing his cookie still lying on the table, and he quickly grabs both of your cookies, shoving them in your mouths before the others can see.
Mikey comes barreling into the room, vaulting over the couch and landing with a solid oomph. "I crushed them at hide and seek, (y/n), you should have seen it!" He's practically making the entire couch bounce with his energy.
"This numnut managed to hide for a full freakin' hour." Raph ruffles the top of his brother's head as he walks past.
"I just can't believe he managed to stay still that long." Donnie shrugs. "It's practically a miracle."
Casey appears to be stomping more than walking as he enters the room. "I swear I checked that place at least twice!" He grumbles.
"I became one with nature," Mikey replies, taking a Zen sort of pose. "The only reason you finally found me was because I wanted you to find me."
"I'm never playing hide and seek with you ever again." April scoffs as she collapses onto the couch.
You look to Leo with a smile on your face, and this time he finally smiles back. Even if it's only for this single moment, everything feels like it's supposed to.
But, if you think too hard, that little voice will remind you about the secret you're holding onto. And for now, you shove that little voice to the back of your mind.
Leo couldn't sleep. It was far from the first time, but tonight all he wanted to do was shut his eyes and not open them until morning. The tapping of a tree branch on the window panes was becoming more irritating than calming, and he had flipped around so many times already that he was tangled up in the sheets.
He sat up abruptly and threw the covers off of himself, his feet causing a dull thud to emanate from the wooden floors as he moved swiftly to the door. What he wasn't expecting, was for the door to bump into something as he swung it open, or the hand that followed, pulling him to the ground. Whatever? Whoever he landed on let out a pained grunt when they hit the floor, and Leo echoed the sentiment.
"Ouch, ouch ouch." He could hear you hiss through clenched teeth. "Oooooooouuuuuch." You whisper-yelled, pounding your fist quietly on the floor of the hallway a few times before biting down on your knuckle. Hard.
He scrambled off of you as quickly and as gently as he could, but he was clumsy too and managed to end up flat on his back beside you.
"Are you alright?" He asked. In the shadows, he could see you start to shake. No, no, no, why did he keep hurting you?
A strange noise bubbled out of your throat then, and wait. Was that laughter? It was a familiar sound, and oh how he loved it. He could feel a chuckle slip out of himself.
"I'm fine, Leo. Really." You giggled again, trying to speak through the laughter. "But oww... My head." You groaned.
Leo sat up. "Are you okay?"
"I'll survive." You said dryly, giving him a playful glare.
"Well, that's a relief." He replied. "Couldn't sleep?"
"No... You?" You asked, continuing to lay on the floor and grimace, hand rubbing your forehead where he assumed the door had hit.
"Not so much." He sighed. He wondered if what was keeping him awake was keeping you from sleep as well.
"Well, I was headed out to the swing if you'd care to join." You offered, finally sitting yourself up.
He stood, holding out his hand. "That sounds nice." He said, trying to restrain the smile on his face.
The heat of your hand wrapped in his sent a shiver down his spine. "Thank you." You whispered, eyes locked on his. The silence of the hallway in the dead of night made his heart pick up pace until he couldn't take the intensity of your gaze any longer and had to break away.
"After you." He managed to say.
It had been three weeks since your "trip" in the woods, and your ankle was almost as good as new. Donnie still had you wrapping it, and not doing anything strenuous for the next week, but after that - fingers crossed - you would be able to go about your normal routine training with the others. It was quite nice once again being able to get around without assistance.
The two of you sat on the swing, Leo keeping a slow momentum going with his foot. You had brought a blanket with you, and it was draped across your laps to keep the chilly evening air at bay. You leaned your head back against the smooth wood of the swing, watching the stars blink in and out between dark tree branches.
"I have something I want to tell you." You said, steeling your nerves. If you don't do this now, you're just going to keep putting it off. "And if it ends up being super weird... then we'll just forget I ever mentioned it... Alright?" Or maybe I'll just die of embarrassment instead. You tilted your head to the side, long enough for his eyes to meet yours.
"Alright." He said.
"I like you. I mean, as more than just a friend." The swing's motion halted abruptly, the sound of Leo's heel catching in the dirt not really giving you the confidence boost you were hoping for. "Or-or a good friend... I have for a long time honestly. And I know that things aren't exactly the same as they were, but my feelings for you, they haven't changed. I just... didn't think it was right not to tell you. With everything, I mean..." You said.
"Me? But I'm not..." He started.
Not interested, probably. You turned to face him. "Not what?" You asked.
"I'm not even human, (Y/n)." He said, his hands lying limply in his lap. His eyes were cast down, watching his toe scuff around in the grass below.
Gently you reached out to place your hand on his. "Wow, I hadn't noticed." You laughed softly.
"You know what I mean." He said. "Wouldn't you rather be with someone like Casey?"
"Casey?" You scoffed. "Casey Jones? The Casey that we just spent an hour getting his hand unstuck from a metal pipe. That Casey Jones?"
Leo sighed. "Okay, okay, no, not Casey, but you get what I'm saying. Wouldn't you rather be with someone who's at least human?"
Why was Leo trying so hard to discount himself? Unless... Unless he didn't want to be with you... "I could really care less about all of that, Leo. Truly. There's no one else like you." Someone who would try to let me down so gently.
You had sprung this on him so shortly after everything that had happened... And of course, now he probably wouldn't ever see you that way. You couldn't blame him.
"(Y/n), I -" He started, placing his other hand on top of yours.
You quickly pulled your hand back, cutting him off. "I know there's a lot on your plate right now, and you probably don't feel the same way-"
"(Y/n)-" He tried again.
But now you were rambling. "- so we can just forget about it a-"
"Would you just let me answ-" He tried one last time.
You weren't letting him get a word in now, hoping you could just end the conversation and be done with it. At this point maybe you should just leave entirely and get out of everyone's way. Go and live in solitude forever. Relationships were proving to be very messy all of a sudden. At last this particular one. And if you left, Leo could focus on leading the others and going home again. Maybe they'd be better off without you. "-etend this never-"
And then he kissed you. This time it wasn't because of the alcohol. This time he knew what he was doing. And you knew what you were doing. You were kissing him back.
His hand moved to hold your head as you pulled apart. "I like you too." He said before he leaned in and kissed you again, slower this time, your head tilting into his palm. You're not exactly sure where your hands went, but you knew they were on him like his lips were on yours. In that moment, a new kind of love sparked in your soul. The kind that, if allowed to grow, is not so easily extinguished.
You stayed out on that swing and kissed... well... you lost track of how many times exactly, but it was quite a few.
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triptuckers · 3 years
Protective - Kaz Brekker
Request: yes “Hii darling 😊 Would you maybe writing something where the reader is a member of the Dregs for some time now but lately she is left out of any of the more dangerous jobs and instead is left to smaller ones. The reader is really infuriated about this because skill wise she is almost on the same level as Jesper and Inej. So she goes to Kaz to ask for an explanation and maybe then he admits that he has been assigningher to the less dangerous jobs because he doesn’t want her to get hurt and that he has feelings for her? Hopefully you consider writing this but thanks anyway!!!” Pairing:  Kaz Brekker x reader Summary:  Kaz keeps not including you on jobs, and it’s time you find out why Warnings: slight angst Word count:  1.2K A/N: enjoy reading! :)
Just as you want to knock on Kaz’ door, it opens already. And it’s not Kaz who opens the door, but Jesper.
‘Hi Y/N!’ he says cheerfully before moving past you and heading downstairs. 
You intend to enter Kaz’ office, but another person appears in the door. Inej. She smiles at you before following Jesper. 
Then Nina and Matthias appear, also smiling at you and then following Inej and Jesper. 
Wylan is last, waving at you and tucking a sketchbook in his jacket as he walks down the stairs as well.
You finally enter Kaz’ office, and the first thing you notice is the chairs gathered around his desk, and the mess of papers and blueprints.
‘Saints, did I miss another meeting?’ you say, walking up to the desk.
‘No.’ says Kaz, not looking at you.
You frown at his words and walk closer to the stack of papers. You move to pick up one of the blueprints to get a closer look at it, but Kaz is faster. He basically snatches it away from you, rolling it up and tucking it away behind his desk.
You raise your eyebrows at him. ‘If you don’t want me looking at them just say so.’ you say. ‘No need to snatch them away from me like that.’
‘Don’t want you to get any ideas.’ says Kaz.
‘Like what?’ you say.
‘It doesn’t matter.’ he says. ‘Forget it.’
‘Alright.’ you say as you sit down on one of the chairs. ‘Catch me up.’ you say, motioning to the papers with your hands.
‘There’s nothing for you to catch up on.’ says Kaz, rolling up the rest of the papers and blueprints. 
‘What does that mean?’ you ask him. 
Kaz glances at you and then it hits you. 
‘You don’t want me on this job either, do you?’ you ask him. ‘That’s why you didn’t tell me there was a meeting, you never intended for me to be there in the first place.’
For the past few weeks, he had barely included you in any of his jobs. It was frustrating. 
He ignores you and limps over to the door.
‘Kaz!’ you say. ‘Don’t you dare walk away from me again!’
He’s almost at the door, but you’re faster. With a few big steps, you’ve reached the door. You slam it shut and move to stand in front of it, so Kaz can’t leave. 
He takes a few steps back, creating some space between the two of you.
‘Why do you keep me at the Slat all the time?’ you ask him.
‘I'm not keeping you at the Slat.’ he says.
‘Yes you are!’ you say, your voice getting louder as you let the frustration out. ‘Every time there’s a promising job, you don’t include me in your plans. You shut me out. I deserve to know why, Kaz. I know I'm still the newest member of the crows, and I always will be until someone else tags along. But my skills are almost at the same level as Jesper and Inej, so there’s no tactical advantage in leaving me out.’
Kaz doesn’t say anything. You look at him, waiting for an answer. But he’s merely looking at you, his hands resting on that damned cane of his.
‘Say something!’ you say.
Still, he looks at you but doesn’t say anything.
You throw your hands up in frustration. ‘You’re being incredibly insufferable right now! You think just because you run this place, you can do whatever you want, pick whoever you want for a job. I'm warning you Kaz, if you leave me out again, I'm leaving. There’s plenty of gangs who do value my skills.’
You turn and reach out for the doorknob, when Kaz finally speaks up. 
‘There’s a reason why I choose not to include you on most of the jobs.’ he says.
‘Now we’re getting somewhere.’ you say, turning around. You gesture for him to keep on talking.
Kaz is avoiding looking at you. It’s something you’re not used to. He’s always walking around the place, his cane making a familiar thumping sound as it hits the ground with every step he takes.
He knows damn well he’s considered one of the most dangerous criminals in all of Ketterdam, and he’s not easily intimidated. 
But now he’s looking at your shoulder instead of your eyes, his hands gripping tightly at his cane.
‘I don’t include you on most of the jobs because I think they’re too dangerous.’ he says.
‘But you’d happily let anyone else tag along. Why not me? You know I can handle myself perfectly fine.’ you say.
‘Oh, trust me, I'm well aware of that.’ says Kaz. ‘But there’s a whole lot of things that can go wrong during a job. That’s why I always have so many backup plans.’
‘Then why not include me in them?’ you ask him.
‘I told you. Because it’s too dangerous.’ he says.
‘But that still doesn’t make any sense, Kaz.’ you say. ‘It doesn’t explain why you only refuse to include me, and not any of the others.’
‘Because I can’t stand the idea of something happening to you on my watch.’ says Kaz. ‘The thought of it is almost unbearable.’
You look at him in surprise. All of your frustration and anger seems to leave your body. You’d spent hours going over every possible reason why he would leave you out, but this hadn’t come up once. 
Kaz sighs, turning away from you and walking toward his desk. You’re frozen at the spot, watching him walk away.
‘What?’ you manage to say. 
Kaz briefly looks up at you before continuing to clean up his desk.
‘I know your skills. I know you can handle yourself. I've watched you beat up men twice as big as you. But I keep thinking about the what ifs.’ says Kaz, shaking his head. ‘I...’ his voice trails off and he shakes his head again. ‘Forget it.’
‘No.’ you say, walking over to his desk. ‘What were you going to say? Tell me.’
‘I care too much about you.’ he says. ‘And it’s dangerous. It’s a weakness others can’t know about, or they’ll use it against me. They’ll hurt you to get to me. I can’t let that happen.’
Your breath hitches in your throat as you look at him. 
‘Say it again.’ you say softly. ‘But this time, look me in the eye.’ 
Kaz slowly look up at you. And when his eyes lock onto yours, the look on his face softens.
‘I care about you.’ he says. 
You smile at him. ‘Well, the feeling is mutual.’ you say. You notice Kaz’ shoulders loosen up a bit. ‘Now that that’s settled, can I go on the job with the rest of you?’
You see Kaz going over the possibilities in his mind. 
‘I can handle it.’ you say. ‘And I’ll be careful.’
‘Promise?’ says Kaz.
‘Promise.’ you say.
‘Alright.’ says Kaz. He bends down to get a few of the rolled up blueprints, spreading them out over his desk. ‘Let me catch you up on the plans.’
A/N: If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rules Here’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Please don’t repost my work, as I spend much time and effort on it!! Thank you for reading! Much love, Marit
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Pinky Promise
Summary: Fred and Y/N have been rivals for a while, but no matter if it was pranks, or quidditch or something else, they always had their limits to not hurt the other. In fact, for the past few months Y/N and Fred have been growing closer, and even developing feelings for each other, but everything changes when one of Fred's pranks go to far, and he needs to find a way to fix it to save their relationship.
Warnings: Swearing, Fred being kind of a dick, Reader getting angry, confrontation, some angst, kind of a lot of angst actually, ends in major fluff though, also humor because I may not not how to spell but I’m hilarious.
Word count: 2.7K
A/N: comin at cha with ANOTHER ENEMIES TO LOVERS FRED WEALSEY FIC??? Why am I so uncreative? Idk, anyways I hope you enjoy!
You were beyond furious. You didn’t think there was a strong enough word to describe how angry you were, and you were pretty sure if you were any angrier steam would be coming out of your ears. And the reason for all this anger you may ask?
Fred Fucking Weasley
You stormed through the hallway, heading straight to the dining hall. It was late, and you barely anybody would be in there, but you knew he would be. 
You stopped in the doorway, scanning over the tables until your eyes landed on a familiar mop of red hair. Locking your eyes on your target, you stomped over, clutching your bag tightly in your right hand.
“Oh shit- what did you do this time?” You heard Lee whisper to Fred, as you got closer, but you paid him no mind, eyes locking with Fred’s, who had that same stupid smirk that he always did. It made your blood boil.
“Good evening love, how’s your night going?” Fred asked nonchalantly, as if you were friends and not life long enemies.
“I have to say, it was going quite well, until I found this” You seethed, slamming your bag onto the table in front of him. “Say, does this bag look familiar to you?”
“Nope, can’t say it does” Fred shrugged, but the glimmer in his eye said differently.
“Really? Why don’t you take a closer look” You insisted, grabbing the bag off the table, flipping open the top, and flipping it upside-down, causing an eruption of water to fall from the mouth of the bag.
The water continued for what felt like forever, pieces of paper and pens falling out with it as the contents emptied out onto the floor, soaking yours and Fred’s shoes, but neither of you made a move.
After the water had finally stopped, you threw the bag into his lap, causing him to look down at it, a thoughtful hand on his chin.
“You know, now that I’m looking more closely at it, it does look a bit familiar” He said simply, and judging by the nervous looks on George, and Lee’s face when they saw you, you for sure had steam coming out of your ears now, but you kept your composure.
“Oh, well that’s good. You see, I’m trying to solve a bit of a mystery of who could have done this. Would you have any ideas?” You asked, crossing your arms in front of you.
By now, most of the cafeteria had cleared out. They have seen you and Fred get into heated arguments before. But this was different.
This was going to be fatal.
“No clue, but I have to say whoever thought of it is a bloody genius” He complimented, giving you a grin.
“Genius you say? So you think, flooding my one bag, and ruining all my homework, as well as my ten page essay that I’ve been working on all month, that’s due tomorrow... is Genius?” You asked, the calmness in your voice adding a coldness to the room that shot straight to everyone's bones.
And judging by the now terrified face Fred wore, he was feeling the effects of your voice as well.
“Oh, I see there's been a mix up, I’m actually George-”
“You are fucking not! Don't get me caught up in this” George interrupted, standing along with Lee to flee the scene 
“So sorry about him, Y/N, he can’t be helped. Try not to go to hard on him-” Lee started, but a quick glance his way shut him up instantly “Actually on second thought, do what you see fit, see ya Fred”
With that, George and Lee practically sprinted out of the dining hall, leaving you standing over Fred, who suddenly felt very small.
“I swear, I had no idea your essay was in there, if I had known I wouldn’t have-” Fred started apologizing, but was quickly cut off when your hand slammed down on the table beside you.
“You see Fred” You said, taking a seat on the bench next to him. “I think you did know. We’re in the same class, you’ve seen me working my ass off trying to get this essay done, and you’ve even asked for my notes, which I refused because of this kind of shit you pull” 
Fred swallowed thickly, his heart beating out of his chest at your anger. He had seen you angry before, and he’s been cross with you a few times as well, but those died down fairly quickly, and most of the time there weren't to many hard feelings. And you were right, he had seen you working on that essay, both in class, and at two in the morning in the library.
“Now” You continued “We’ve had out little quarrels in the past, you prank me, I prank you, you hit me with a quaffle at quidditch, I hit one back at you, nothing too serious. But this” She paused, picking a sopping wet pile of papers off the floor, and plopping it in front of him “Is really really fucking low. Did you know, I was already failing this class?”
The question put Fred on the spot, and he felt his heart sink to his stomach. He had always known you to be extremely smart and quick minded, so to hear you weren't doing so well in that class came as a surprise.
“Yeah, I’m failing because, fun fact, I’m fucking exhausted. I’m staying up till three in the morning every night, trying to get caught up in classes. I’m writing back and forward to my family constantly because they’re going through financial problems again, Umbridge is constantly writing me up for no reason, and on top of all of that, I still need to be worried about this” 
Your voice was beginning to shake a bit, and you both knew you were about to cry, but you were determined to keep the tears in until you were done. You didn’t want to give him the satisfaction.
“So... Fred, consider this little rival, or fight, or whatever the fuck this is, over. I’m done, you win, just please, for the love of fuck, leave me alone” 
With that, you stood up and left the dining hall, quickly wiping the stay tear that snuck out on your way. All the while, Fred sat in shocked silence. He had always seen your little back and forwards as friendly competition, and had even thought they were a bit flirty at times. In fact, you two had been getting a bit closer these last few months, and had even started hanging out as friends. But now, he had royally fucked that up, and he needed to fix it.
The next day, you were exhausted. You had spent a lot of the night crying, which you hated but all the pent up emotions just came flooding out. Yes, you were absolutely pissed at Fred, but most of all, you were hurt. In the last few months, you’re arguments had died down a bit, and you found yourselves hanging out from time to time, always accidentally, but you enjoyed his company none the less.
You had even begun to like him a bit, maybe even more than a friend. He was nice, and charming, and wicked funny, and always tried to make you smile, but now, after seeing how careless, and almost mean he had been, you knew you needed to shove those feelings down. So you did. 
Your first class was potions, which of course you had with Fred. He sat behind you, and for a while, he made the class bearable, passing notes back and forward. But now you were absolutely dreading it.
Fred was sat in his usual seat, waiting for you to walk in. He had come in early, hoping to get the chance to talk to you, but when you walked in just as class began, he knew he would need to try a different approach.
Not even five minutes into the class, you felt a piece of paper land beside your elbow on your desk. You looked down, finding a folded up piece of paper, which you immediately knew was Fred's.
You could feel his eyes burning holes in the back of your head, but instead of turning around, you simply flicked the paper off your desk, returning your gaze to the chalkboard. A few minutes later, another piece of paper, this time on top of your notebook. Again, you flicked it off. 
Finally, five pieces of paper later, you smacked your quill down and picked up the newest piece of paper from your desk, unfolding it and looking it over, Fred watching you closely as you did
Can we please talk? I’m sorry
You finally turned around to meet the boys gaze, his eyes instantly lighting up at the change, but his spirits quickly fell when he saw your face, not angry, or frustrated, but sad.
You had had enough, facing the boy, you placed the paper back onto his own desk right as the professor dismissed the class, quickly slipping out of the room before Fred could follow you.
You avoided him like the plague the rest of the day. You didn’t have many other classes with him, and the ones you did share you made sure to find an empty seat far away from him, you even skipped lunch, choosing instead to read in your next class. 
You even skipped the class where your essay was due, not wanting to show up and hand over nothing, you decided to spend the rest of the day alone, and try to redo your assignment, even if you now only had a day to do it.
Fred only saw you again after class by the forbidden forest. He had found you pretty easily, you weren’t in any of your usual spots, so he knew this would be the next best spot to check. As he approached you, he found you had changed out of your uniform and were now in some joggers and a sweatshirt, sitting with your back against a rock as you scribbled in the notebook in front of you.
You chewed your lip as you tried to rewrite your essay, looking to your textbook and back every few second, before messing up on a word. Frustrated, you scribbled out the paragraph you had been working on and threw your notebook and quill to the side, resting your elbows on your knees as you held your head in your hands.
You quickly snapped out of it though when someone behind you cleared their throat, getting your attention and making you jump out of your skin. Panic surged through you, expecting a teacher, or worse, Umbridge, but the fear was soon replaced by irritation when you made eye contact with none other than the very red head you had spent all day trying to avoid.
“What do you want Fred?” You asked, turning back to face the forbidden forest, away from him. 
He didn’t answer, instead you were met with the sound of grass shuffling beneath his feet as he got closer, taking a seat before holding something out to you, causing you to look over at him.
It was your bag from yesterday, but now completely fixed and dry. It looked like brand new. 
You took the bag from him and looked it over, going over the seams and the straps before finally opening it, finding your notebooks, pens, and homework assignments all neatly tucked inside.
“How did you- When did-” you rambled trying to find the words and you shuffled through your belongings, finding them all intact and dry before finally turning to look at him “Why did you do this for me?”
Fred wasn’t expecting that question, but he still answered, looking down at the grass.
“I felt really bad after yesterday, and not just because of that stuff you... anyway, I know I went too far, and I shouldn't have done it in the first place, but I wanted to have a reason to talk to you I guess, and I did it in the worst way possible, and I wanted to make it up to you. I’m sorry”
You looked at him, before turning back to the bag, noticing there was something missing, but before you could say anything Fred continued.
“I was also able to save your essay, it took a while but it was all there. I was going to give it to you in class, but you didn’t show up so I turned it in for you and said you were sick. I got to read some of it by the way, its really good and I would be surprised if you-”
Fred was cut off by you moving your bag to the side and turning to face him, wrapping your arms around him to pull him into a hug. 
Fred was too shocked to move for a second, but quickly found himself returning the embrace, wrapping his arms around your waist and hugging you closer. You sat like that for a minute, your face buried in his neck as a thousand emotions flooded over you. Finally, you pulled away, looking him in the eye.
“I’m not saying I’m not entirely grateful” you started “But you could have just come and talked to me, why did you feel you needed to do that to talk to me?”
At this, Fred’s face began to heat up a bit and he looked back down, fiddling with the grass. He was hoping to fix your friendship and move on, maybe one day growing to be something more, but now he was faced with the choice to tell you his feelings, or lie, and he didn’t want to deny it anymore.
“We’ve always had our little competitions and stuff, ever since we were kids, and for a while we really hated each other. But then, these last few months I got to know you a lot more, and I always knew you were funny, but you’ve got a wicked sense of humor, and you’re super smart, and are always helping people, and you’re always kind to everyone you meet, and I thought I might have had a crush or something. And I didn’t really know how to interact with you in a not competition way, and I didn’t want to freak you out, but after the bag, seeing how it hurt you, it broke me. And I realized that I liked you a lot more than I thought I did”
Fred looked up at you, waiting for your reaction. Were you angry, upset, happy? Your face wasn’t giving him any signs, but then, a small smile crept to your lips, and despite how hard you tried to fight it.
You laughed.
“I’m sorry” You started, trying to fight the laughter bubbling in your chest “I’m not laughing at you, I’m not, it’s just-” Another laugh. “God were just a bunch of idiots aren't we?”
Fred was looking at you like you’d gone crazy
“What do you mean?”
“I like you too dumb ass” You confessed.
“You... oh... Oh!” Fred exclaimed, finally putting the pieces together. “Wow, I really fucked up didn’t I”
“Oh for sure” you nodded, causing Fred to let out a groan, shaking his head before looking back to you, a smile on his face.
Without thinking, you leaned forward, closing the rest of the space between you and pressing your lips to his. Fred returned the action, bringing a hand to the back of your neck to pull you in closer, deepening the kiss.
After a few seconds, you both pulled away, each with goofy smiles on your faces.
“Does this mean I’m forgiven?” Fred asked.
“Only if you promise to never do it again” you said
“Deal” Fred answered quickly, holding out his pinky to you, which you wrapped your own pinky around, shaking on the agreement.
“Wow a pinky promise, that's some hard core shit” You joked in a serious tone.
“Hey, if it means I get to spend more time with you, I’d pinky promise to anything” Fred replied, to which you gave him a feigned shocked expression.
“Anything?! Aww, you like me like me” you teased, laughing as Fred playfully pushed your shoulder.
“Shut up you like me like me too” Fred argued
“That is true” you nodded, before smiling and grabbing the front of his shirt, pulling him into another kiss, smiling as he pulled you even closer.
A/N: Heeey, so I was hit with the biggest surge of motivation today and I literally got two weeks of homework done, deep clean my room, and wrote this, so if I go dark for a few months its probably because I’ve used my adrenaline budget for the year lol.
But seriously, I know this fic gets a bit... deep ig? Idk, I’ve been going through it recently and I wanted some angst that would actually reflect how I would react in that situation if you know what I mean? Like I see a long of angsts where the love interest does something really mean, but a simple apology solves everything and yeah. No hate if that’s your writing style, its just not my thing, and I wanted to express my emotions through here, because nobody directly fucked up an entire month of my work but it certainly feels that way sometimes.
Anyways, rant over, I hope you enjoyed! Feel free to leave any feedback or recommendations you may have.
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Hello my fellow orc loving anon, I hope you enjoy the food, Smutty second course will be on it's way (at some stage). Also since you let me choose I had to pick Risotto.
Of monsters and men
(yandere orc Risotto x female reader)
For generations your family had established peace between your village and the clan of monsters that ruled the land. In exchange for part of your village's crops they would spare you all from rampage.
Everything seemed like a nightmare as you saw the same clan betray centuries of trust. Houses were on fire, men were mutilated and women were forced upon. It all made you sick to the stomach to watch as you ran in the scanty outfit you had to wear. Today was meant to be the day where the village and clan would indulge in festivities, yet it was all chaos instead.
Tears threatened to spill as your dreams of following in your family's steps broke like porcelain. You looked to your side as you heard the wails and screams of young children being forced into a cage like vermin by two ogres. You stood by and watched. Part of your mind telling you to keep running but the other half wanted to save the poor children.
You sighed as you ran towards them and grabbed a nearby pitchfork and hit one of them with the hilt, knocking them out for sure before hitting the other.
"You have to get out of here kids!" You ordered them.
'but I can't find my parents" one of the young girls cried. A frown formed on your lips, you felt so bad for them.
"I know, but you can't stay… your parents would want you to be safe" you explained as you kneeled down and scruffed up her silken hair, trying your best not to cry.
"Do it for your family's sake" you continued.
"Will you come with us lady (Y/n)?" Another asked.
"I can't… as a member of the noble family I have to try and figure out a way to fix this" you explained. You had hoped that maybe your father was already talking to the clan leader, coming up with a solution to the issue.
You helped guide all the children to the edge of the village with the pitchfork you had used to knock out the ogres firmly in your hand before something delivered a low sweep. You fell to the ground and watched them all scream and scatter into the dark forest as something pulled you back.
You were yanked up by the arm and forced to confront your captor as their long forked tongue slid up your neck, leaving a trail of saliva and venom that burned your skin like acid.
"You're a rather feisty lady" a seductive tone hissed as a scaly tail that glimmered like obsidian wrapped around your lower body. Stray locks of lavender coloured hair came into view as the male leaned into you.
"You smell so fertile… I expected nothing less of a noble" he chuckled before turning you around so you could finally see him. A tall Naga with an asymmetric bob, bearing his long fangs.
Your blood froze as you realised the gravity of your current situation. Your heart pounded inside of your chest, threatening to explode any minute.
"What… whatever you intend to do with me… please make it quick" you plead though your shaky breath as you squeeze your eyes shut.
The Naga reacted with a cruel laugh as he watched you squirm in his tails tight grip. Almost prideful of the fear he was inducing.
"Oh I don't intend to do anything with you, but I can't say the same about our ruler" he chuckled.
Your eyes lit up a little, you could try to negotiate with him to leave the village and return to prior times. Yet your stomach also twisted in fear, you had no idea who the ruler of the monster clan was. No human dared to speak of him, not even your father.
"Please take me to him, maybe we could come to some agreement!" You please.
The lavender Naga laughed before leaning in towards your face. His long, forked tongue feathering over your cheek.
"The perfume of fear is intoxicating, Lord Nero could smell it from a mile away" his comments made the hairs on your neck stand.
"But if you are so insistent, then I can only let you try" he continued, his words dripping in sweet venom.
"Yes I do want to go!" You almost yelled.
"Oh so eager, I can't refuse to that" he chuckled as his form wrapped around you more before tightening his grip on you till you couldn't breath. His long body slivered over ground with ease as he deprived you of oxygen. You coughed and weezed as your vision impaired. Your neck hung loosely like an old doll as your limbs starved. Shortly darkness fades in and out of your vision as you struggle to stay conscious.
You closed your eyes and when they opened once more you were in your house. It had been trashed beyond belief, like someone had been searching for something.
Finally the Naga let you go and let you drop to the floor. You took a few deep breaths as you got to your hands and knees. You knew something was hovering above you but you couldn't bring yourself to look up at whoever it was.
"Melone, you can leave now" a deep voice ordered. The Nagas named Melone slivered back before leaving you with whoever the voice belonged to.
"(Y/n)" the male said your name, a sweet and soothing tone on the edge of the previously gravely tone.
"How do you know my name?" You finally asked as you looked. Your blood went cold as you finally saw the large pale orc in front of you. You swallowed your saliva as you studied the intimidating monster's features.
Short hair as white as fresh snow, ruby eyes amongst jet black sclera and a single tusk protruding from his lower jaw. He was extremely tall, even for an orc, his chest broad and exposed with a black leather straps decorated with various jewels. To put it simply, he was an orc of a high class and ruling over a clan of various monsters further proved his status as a ruler.
"I saw a few photographs of you over the years. However your father never spoke of you, so I had to find out more about you myself" he explained. You remained quiet towards the creature.
"Quiet are we? I thought you would have tried to say a few words at least after attacking two members of my army" He muttered before kneeling down.
"I came here to make a deal with you, in exchange I want you to stop this attack" you responded.
"Well I doubt your father is going to repay his debts" he said before pulling you up.
"What are you talking about? We had our taxes raised numerous times because of your demands!" You hissed as you pulled your arm out of his grasp.
The orc gave you a stern look before his features softened.
"Well I was told that there was little money amongst the town, I was kind enough to ask him for alternative payments" he explained.
"He's been paying me almost nothing for the past two years" he continued.
You looked at the orc, trying to figure out if he was lying or not but deep in your heart you could tell he wasn't trying to trick you, he had no reason to.
"Perhaps we can end this conflict now and I can repay you the debt" you suggested.
"I'm not going to just let this brush off so easily, I want a payment now!" he responded with slight anger in his tone.
"I'm sure I can talk this out with my father-" you were saying however the albino orc quickly interjected.
"Do you not realise that your father had abandoned this town" he mentioned.
"No he wouldn't, I don't believe it!" you argued.
"Well read these for yourself" he replied as he grabbed several notes from one of the pockets of his striped pants.
"I found these in your father's quarters" he explained as he handed them to you.
You read only one of them before you dropped them all on the floor. I was undoubtedly your father's hand writing, such a scandalous conversation between him and a woman who was obviously taking him for his money. You were in absolute shock, he had left you all to die.
"Surely I can offer some form of payment here, give me a chance" you begged.
"I doubt it, I've looked everywhere and there is nothing" he replied.
“However if you really want to save this town so badly, I think I could reach an agreement.” he mentioned trying to hide the lust in his eyes.
“State your terms” you stated.
“Eager” he responded.
“Well… I will stop this attack and our clan will leave your village in peace but I have one requirement, I want you” he explained before grabbing your hip.
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solomonish · 4 years
Demon Brothers Helping a Struggling MC
CW for: eating disorders (alluded to but not described - discussed in the disclaimer).
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so, i want to first state that if anybody believes anything in this post is more harmful than helpful, please let me know and i will delete it. I know that for things that I deal with, fics like this are comforting, but seeing as I’ve never personally had an eating disorder or known someone with one, it’s entirely possible I missed the mark. additionally: here is a tumblr post with a variety of hotlines you can call if you need to. There are eating disorder specific hotlines for the US and UK listed, along with suicide helplines for countries around the world. if you or someone you know is struggling, please reach out and get help - especially from the professionals who know how to give the proper care. you are so worth it.
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He keeps an eye on you, even when you don’t realize it, so he’s the first to notice that something is bothering you. Still, with how much time he spends working, it does take him a little longer than he’d like.
As solution-oriented as he is, he prefers to address you the moment he figures it out. His words are firm and straightforward - he’s not the one you want to go to if you need things put gently.
Pride is who he is, and he takes great pride in you - he makes sure to make this known. This knowledge does not make him any less proud of you, and he wants you to be able to see yourself the way he does - certainly then, you might have an easier time with the recovery process.
Even if Lucifer cannot be there directly by your side, he is always with you - in the reminders he sends you, in the rewards he promises when you make progress, in the efforts he makes to assist your transition into the Devildom. He’s the best at creating a stable environment so that you don’t have as much to focus on while he works with you to recover.
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Mammon is a hard on to hide anything from, if only because he’s around you so much. he also spends a lot of time staring after you wistfully but shhh don’t let him know you know
Still, he’s also a bit oblivious at times, so it might take him a while to notice anything is up. once he does realize that you’re struggling, he panics a bit.
Mammon brings it up himself, but only after a short while of acting antsy around you and staring more pointedly at you at random points throughout the day. he’s clumsy in his approach, but careful to be sensitive: he’s used to being told how often he messes things up, and this is one thing he WANTS to get right.
Mammon has a way of making you feel in control - with the way he allows you to tell him what you need, with the way he isn’t too pushy in helping you through rockier days of your recovery. He wants to be able to be YOUR man, your go-to guy for anything, and he’ll make absolutely sure to get it right.
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Levi has a million things to distract himself from the world around him, so bringing him into reality can take a while.
However, he can also tell when somebody else is uncomfortable - whether it’s a facet of his pact or he’s just in tune with his best friend, he isn’t sure.
He’s the type to go to sites like reddit and ask for first-person experience advice. The clinical advice seems stuffy and he isn’t sure if he can be trusted with such formal advice.
His strong suit is distraction, so if you’re okay with it, that how he’ll help you. If anything in your recovery gets too much, he’s there to help shift your focus. He’s also good with helping you stick to some kind of schedule, if that helps you out. After all, he sticks to one religiously to catch all his shows - he’ll rearrange it for you if you need it.
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Satan is perceptive, but he’s not immune to overthinking. The fact that you came to the Devildom, something to be wary of yet somehow becoming something so treasured so quickly, catches him off guard and he still has to reconcile his feelings with how he watches you.
When he does find out and realizes how long he’s gone without noticing, he’s angry with himself. He’s supposed to be the smart one, the perceptive one, and he missed something so important.
He’ll read up on everything he can in order to give you the best support. Satan will also up his attentiveness, making sure to notice any little thing you may need that you don’t want to tell him about.
Aside from maybe having to let him know to back off a bit, Satan will probably be the most likely to just intuitively know what you need. He still communicates everything with you, and he makes for good company, whatever type you may need.
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Asmo’s favorite things to take pictures of are as follows: himself, you, and the most aesthetically pleasing desserts he can find. When you start shying away from two of those, he wonders briefly what made you so camera shy but normally turns the camera on himself and shrugs it off. maybe you feel like you’re having a bad hair day?
Once it does dawns on him that perhaps it’s something more serious, he’ll immediately ask you how he can help. He’s holding you gently as he does, using his softest voice - he almost sounds timid, and maybe he has to be, to deal with the amount of love he’s feeling for you and only you.
You might have to tell him to ease up on the overt compliments about how you look or talking about buying clothes and “form fitting” shapes, and thought he’ll have a learning curve he’ll find lots of different ways to make sure you feel loved! He’ll take a page from your book and start complimenting things like how sweet you are, or how smart he thinks you are - things about the you inside of you that have his heart racing when you say them back.
Asmo knows a lot about the pressure to look a certain way, so even though he lives by feeding into what those people want, he’ll always back out if it gets too much for you. If it’s alright with you, you can always be his favorite photographer <3
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When he’s eating, he doesn’t always focus on what other people are eating. (honestly, it only makes him hungrier). However, when he offers some of his food to you - a move anybody will tell you is the most affectionate thing he can do - and you refuse, he starts to worry.
At first, he wonders if you’re upset with him - and once he finds out the real reason, he doesn’t feel much more satisfied.
Beel’s best effort is trying to structure mealtimes more so instead of gorging himself throughout the day he eats meals. He also never judges or comments on what you do or don’t eat - he just does his best to make sure you have any option you want.
Beel’s strongest suit is comfort - he’ll agree with anything you do want to eat and will get rid of anything you don’t without judgement. He’s also pretty good with knowing the nutritional value of food - if you’re interested, he’d be more than happy to help you plan meals that have what you want and what you need, without making it seem too daunting a task.
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Belphegor doesn’t pick up on a lot of things because he’s asleep most of the day. He does, however, spend a lot of his conscious hours with you, and eventually (maybe with some innocent prompting from Beel) he’ll realize that you’re starting to behave differently.
Will straight up ask you about it until he knows you’re being completely honest with him. What he lacks in tact he makes up for in dedication - he wants to help you, and his apathetic front allows him to help without seeming too involved to the point it makes you uncomfortable.
Belphegor can help you feel a sense of normalcy if you ever get overwhelmed or disconnected. He can continue conversations about really anything and help give you a moment to recuperate and breathe.
That’s not to say he isn’t proactive in your recovery. Anything you tell him or anything he brings to the table to brainstorm, he’ll say at the end of the conversation “let me sleep on it” and when he wakes up again he’ll have several game plans ready to see which helps you most in your recovery.
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if one of them catches wind, it’s only a matter of time until the others notice how something’s changed between you and that brother
all of them will advocate for you to have easier access to the human world for therapy (in their own ways, some more helpful than others), should you choose to go. if not, they’ll all do their best to be a comforting ear when you need one.
sometimes you can find them all in the library, not discussing what you’ve told them but trying to figure out how best to communicate how much they care. (it’s one of the few times you can see them actually working together)
whoever had grocery duty or dinner duty will often check in with you to see if you have any special requests. if you mention wanting a specific snack or something throughout the day, you might end up with seven packages of it within 24 hours. (they’re all trying).
little by little, you’ll also notice how they stop fighting as much at the table. meals become more fun and enjoyable affairs, even if there’s been a disagreement earlier in the day. the brothers are all on their best behavior, and lucifer doesn’t even make any comments wondering why they won’t act that way for diavolo.
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chim-chimchii · 4 years
Encaptured (Jungkook)
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Genre: Fluff 
Note: A little fuckboy Jungkook for you all! I’m currently working on a social media au and I might just post the profiles so I can give you guys a sneak peek and to also motivate myself to work on it more! Let me know what you guys think! I also didn’t know how to end this so I apologize if it’s a crappy ending. 
. . . . . . . 
On Thursdays, the literary class met in the college library, and that was when Jungkook always had you look over his essays. Not only did he use that time to get his papers edited, but he also took this time to prod you about your weekend plans.
"So, are you going to accept my offer to take you to the movies this weekend?" Jungkook asked, resting his chin on his palm.
You glanced up from his essay. "Hm, not this week. I think I'm all booked." With a smirk directed towards him, you continued marking his paper.
"You said that last week." He mumbled with a playful pout.
"And last week, when I rejected you, you ended up taking that girl from your math class." You stated with a challenging stare.
Tongue in cheek, Jungkook chuckled, "Well, I couldn't let those tickets go to waste! I thought for sure you would have agreed." He continued trying to justify his playboy ways.
You scoffed and slid his paper over to him; red pen marks were scattered all over it. You thought that the edits you made to his essay would distract him from the current topic, but he pushed the assignment to the side.
"Y/n, when will you let me take you on a date?" Jungkook leaned in ever so slightly and smiled sweetly.
Your heart rate increased. His whole appearance changed with that one smile, and it was hard for you to hide the fact that it made you feel some way. Maybe it was time to give him a chance, and if it didn't work out, then he would finally stop bugging you.
"Okay." You finally answered after thinking it through. That one word took Jungkook by surprise.
"Okay? Are you saying, yes?"
Without making eye contact, you nodded and closed your notebook with a gentle smile.
"I'll pick you up at seven." Jungkook bit his lip to hide his smile and watched you leave the library.
. . . . 
The sun was setting, and seven o clock was right around the corner. You gave yourself one last look in the mirror that hung by the door and nodded in approval of your outfit. You tried to remember the last time you got all dressed up for a date, and as you tried to place a moment, there was a knock at the door. 
As you reached for the door, you hesitated. What if this was a one-time thing? What if he never spoke to you after tonight? Just because you turned his offers for a date down multiple times, it wasn't as if you didn't like Jungkook. You appreciated his presence in your boring literary class; you appreciated his jokes and stories. What if all he wanted was to add you to the list of girls he won over with his charms? 
Your thoughts were interrupted again by a knock, but this time it was a lot softer. You took a deep breath and twisted the doorknob. Whatever his intentions were, you decided to accept this date, so you had to deal with the consequences. 
Jungkook stood in the doorway with his hands buried in his pockets. His head was hung low as if he was half expecting you not to answer, but when you opened the door wider, he looked up. 
You forgot to breathe upon seeing him. Instead of the cliche leather jacket he always wore, he wore a grey flannel over a white shirt. It wasn't THAT different from what he always wore but seeing him wear light-colored clothing suits him well. His demeanor was different, as well. A timid smile replaced the cocky smirk he always had on his face. 
"Are you ready?" His voice came out lighter than usual; it took you a moment to remember this was Jungkook and not someone else. 
"Yeah, let me just grab my bad." You left him by the door as you dashed back to your room to grab your purse. 
. . . . 
It was the little things that Jungkook did that made you weak in the knees. As the two of you walked to the theater, Jungkook rested his hand on the small of your back. He maneuvered you to the other side of him; it wasn't until his warmth left that you realized he was making sure you were closest to the buildings and away from the busy street.
Your eyes fixated on him, and it felt like the world was in slow motion, and you saw Junkook in a new light. You wanted nothing more, but to have this moment last forever. Forever didn't come because he glanced at you with that beautiful smile of his.
"Would you be upset if I told you I don't want to go to the movies anymore?"
The world resumed at its original speed, and your excitement disappeared.
"Oh? Did you want to take a rain check or something?" You tried not to sound too disappointed.
"No, no. I just don't think I can handle sitting next to you for two and a half hours and not talk to you."
You sighed in relief, which made Jungkook chuckle.
"I don't know what you've been told or what you heard about me, but I'm not cruel.
You raised your eyebrow at him and smirked. "I don't know, I've heard some pretty interesting things about you, Jungkook."
You gave him one last teasing look before walking ahead of him. Jungkook tsked before jogging to catch up to you.
"So, are you going to tell me what you heard so I can prove those accusations wrong?"
Together you waded through the crowded street, careful not to lost one another. If he took your hand, would you pull away or let him have that small victory?
"You haven't said what we're going to do now that we're not going to the movies."
His hand grazed yours. "You're changing the topic."
Seconds later, his hand rested on your shoulder to guide you towards the entrance of an arcade. It was full of other couples, groups of friends, and people wanting to have fun. The atmosphere brought a smile to your face. You didn't even realize Jungkook had left until he returned with a bag full of tokens.
"I'll let you choose the first game."
Dramatically, you rested your hand on your heart. "What a gentleman."
Jungkook threw his head back in defeat. "Whoever told you that I wasn't a gentleman needs to stop feeding you lies."
"I'm sorry to tell you this, but you don't really have the best reputation." You explained as you made your way over to the basketball game.
You glanced back at him to make sure he was following and found him chewing on his lip. Your statement bothered him. The two of you exchanged no other words until he was standing next to you.
"Is that why you always rejected me?" His eyes locked with yours, and you didn't dare look away.
Rather than lying, you nodded. "Yeah."
Jungkook was the one to break eye contact; it was clear he was upset. He fished for a token and inserted it into the machine to start the game.
As you watched him, you inhaled deeply and thought about everything. You didn't want to be the reason the date ended in ruins. You were honest about why you declined his offers, but now that you were here with him, you kept thinking how different things could have been if you had just agreed to date him the first time he asked.
Without thinking further, when Jungkook reached for another ball, you took it from him and aimed for the moving hoop.
"You can't blame me for being scared."
Jungkook opened his mouth to say something but stopped as he watched you throw the ball straight into the hoop. Another ball rolled towards you, but Jungkook grabbed it before you could.
"I wasn't blaming you. I was blaming myself." He missed the hoop and ticked his head to the side, slightly annoyed that he didn't score, but as the game ended, he had one of the highest scores.
Together you moved in the direction of another game.
"Why are you blaming yourself?"
He didn't say anything, and you were afraid he didn't hear you due to the increasing volume of everyone around you.
"Because I got careless with relationships and dating, and now that I want something serious, my reputation is ruining my chances.
The corners of your mouth twitched into a tiny smile. "It's your turn to pick a game."
You weren't ignoring what he had said; you just wanted to think about it for a moment longer.
The two of you wandered around the arcade and tried not to lose each other with the growing amount of people entering the building. Jungkook stopped in front of a photo booth and let out a small laugh.
"It isn't a game, but it seems like this is the only thing unoccupied." 
"I think it'll be fun!" You linked his arm with yours and entered the small booth. 
Jungkook sat silently next to you as you messed around with the photo settings. As you sat back, your shoulder brushed against his, and it made it obvious how close the two of you were. You couldn't help but think back to his previous comment about wanting to be in a serious relationship.  Did he mean that he wanted to try and be in a serious relationship with you? You'd be lying if you said you didn't have feelings for him. The truth was, you had liked him all along, but you let the rumors about him cloud your judgment of his character. 
The beeping of the timer caused you to snap out of your thoughts. 
"Are you ready?" You glanced over at Jungkook, and to your surprise, he was already staring at you. The flash went off, signaling that the first picture was taken. Then the timer reset. 
"Your chances aren't completely ruined, by the way." 
The two of you looked away and to the camera, where you opted for a funny face. The camera went off. 
"What do you mean?" Jungkook turned to you again. 
"If you were this version of yourself all the time, you wouldn't have any trouble getting into a serious relationship, and any girl would be happy to be with you."  
You stuck your tongue out at him as the camera snapped another picture. 
"I don't want just any girl though--" He faced forward and held up a peace sign. "--I want you." 
Your expression changed in an instant, and it was captured as the shutter sounded. "Jungkook." 
He hesitated but looked your way as the last seconds of the timer counted down. You took his face into your hands and pressed your lips to his. The moment captured forever as the final flash of the camera washed over the two of you. 
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saeyoungchoismaid · 4 years
Hanahaki Disease
Pairing: Asmo x gn!reader Genre: nsfw themes in the beginning, angst, fluff Warnings: listening in on others having sex and masturbating is briefly and vaguely mentioned in the beginning. Mentions of blood. choking, suffocating, ‘dying’ Summary: Many choose to forget their love. You don’t know if you have that option. Word Count: 5.8k  ObeyMAX day: July 10 - Asmo 
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Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from unrequited love. Flowers begin to bloom in your lungs, feeding off of the tissue, and using your nutrients as its own. If your feelings aren’t returned, the flowers will continue to grow until they suffocate you. The only cure, besides having the love returned, is to remove the flowers from your lungs. However, if you go through with this procedure you will lose all memories of your love. Many choose to forget, you don’t think you want to make that choice. 
You clutch your pillow tightly as you listen to the moans and all other sorts of lewd noises leave Asmo’s room. You know it’s Asmo room for a multitude of reasons. One, the succubi has apparently never heard of using their indoor voice and is just saying Asmo’s name like a mantra. Two, your room is directly next to his room, per your secret request to Lucifer. You’re now regretting that request. 
Before you can even think of any more reasons, which there are plenty of, you hear the succubi scream in pleasure which means they are probably cumming for the third time. It’s quite annoying actually. Mostly because you’re hating yourself for getting turned on. On one hand, you're sick to your stomach and can’t stand to listen to them. 
On the other hand—well, that hand is currently shoved down your underwear. You can hear the way Asmo is moaning and grunting, his bed squeaking with each movement. Yeah, you’re pretending that your hand is him above you making those noises. It didn’t take long for you to start moaning softly, your body’s temperature growing as your pleasure does. 
Amazingly enough, you and Asmo cum at the same time. Well, you’re assuming so. His moans got higher pitched and louder before slowly drifting off. You pant and open your eyes to find your dark ceiling, the cold room starting to creep over you. 
Your eyes fill with tears as you go limp, your hand just resting inside of your pajamas as you cry. You eventually get out of bed to clean up, knowing you won’t be able to go to sleep feeling all sticky. This doesn’t stop you from crying. The longer you cry, the worst you feel. 
You’re in the shower when it first happens. You start to cough violently, your tears going from sad, self-loathing tears to lack of oxygen tears. You lean against the cool tile as you practically cough up a lung, your body shaking in fear. 
Something then falls past your lips and lands wetly on the floor of your shower. 
You don’t even notice it at first, too busy trying to regain air into your lungs. Did you cry so hard you puked? You look down to find that the water is trying to carry something pink to the drain. You blink a couple of times before rubbing at your eyes. Maybe your vision is just blurred? Is it blood?
Once you rid your eyes of the rest of your tears, you bend down to get a better look. You still aren’t completely sure what it is, so you gently pick whatever it is up. You unfold the wrinkled object and then realize it’s a petal. 
Your immediate reaction is to try to figure out what else it could be. A flower petal doesn’t make sense. Why in the world would it be a petal? Exactly. It wouldn’t. 
You finish up your shower quickly after that and swiftly get out, bringing your petal out of the shower with you. You set it onto the counter and then wrap a towel around your body, staring intently at the puny thing. 
Your next reaction is trying to figure out why you would’ve coughed up a petal. You tried reasoning with yourself. Maybe Mammon is pranking you again and put a petal into your food? But that wouldn’t explain you coughing it up. Maybe Lucifer used a spell to do this? But that doesn’t make sense either because he wouldn’t do something that would cause you harm. Maybe Solomon did a little magic? He doesn’t seem like the type to do something like this either though. 
You sigh and hang your head into your hands, trying to think of any reason as to why this happened. It just leads to you worrying more though. What if you cough up more? How will the guys react? Should you even tell them? 
You groan and decide to just deal with it in the morning. You do your after shower routine before going to bed, staring at your blank wall with a heavy frown on your face. It took awhile for you to fall asleep but you eventually managed to do it. Somehow. 
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“Good morning, my handsome brothers and lovely (Y/n),” Asmo greets as he walks into the dining room for breakfast. You keep your head down as you roll your eyes, trying not to bring attention to yourself.
But, of course, just like every morning, Asmo swoops down to kiss your cheek before taking his seat beside you. You don’t reply like you normally do though. You just keep your head down and remain silent. Asmo would’ve noticed if it weren’t for his brothers chiming in. 
Satan noticed though. 
“Ugh, I hate how chipper you are,” Belphie groans from his seat. Levi snorts and smirks at Belphie before turning it towards Asmo. 
“He’s only so chipper because he got laid last night,” he says while chuckling. Mammon instantly gags and rolls his eyes. 
“Don’t remind me. They kept me up all night. I even debated on making a deal with a witch to get my hearing to stop working.” 
“That’s a great idea! Then, you wouldn’t hear us talk about you,” Asmo singsongs. They then start to bicker per usual. Being reminded of last night only makes you feel sicker. You nibble on your breakfast, feeling your appetite disappear with each word that leaves Asmo’s mouth. 
Suddenly, you start to cough just as harshly as you did last night. You quickly grab a napkin and cover your mouth, your eyes filling with tears as you hack away into the white cloth. Satan is quick to stand up and come behind you, ready to do the Heimlich maneuver when you raise your hand to stop him, your coughing slowly coming to a halt. 
You look down into your napkin to find another sopping petal, the sight of it adding weight to your already heavy shoulders. You quickly crumble the napkin up, not wanting anyone to see what lay inside. 
“(Y/n), are you okay?” Satan asks, placing his hand onto your shoulder. His question makes all the others abrupt with questions of their own. You wipe at your watery eyes as you nod your head, clearing your throat before speaking. 
“Yes, I’m fine. All of you calm down. My food just went down the wrong pipe. I’m alright,” you reassure with a warm, but fake, smile. Everyone relaxes at your words, making you relax as well since you weren’t caught. 
“I’m not very hungry anymore though. Beel, you can have my share,” you say sweetly, giving him a genuine smile as you slide your plate over to him. He always makes you feel all mushy and happy. It’s just who he is. 
He does that little chuckle of his in response as he happily takes your plate from you. “Thank you, (Y/n). I’m glad you’re okay,” he replies sweeter than candy. You ruffle his hair a bit before you look over at Lucifer. 
“Is it okay if I stay home today? I’m not feeling too well.” Well, it’s not a lie but it’s not for what they’re thinking. He instantly nods his head as he stands. 
“Yes, of course. That must’ve been a fright to choke like that. Do you want me to stay home with you? Do you need anything?” You smile at him now, feeling your chest swell a bit for how much he cares. 
“No, no. You have to go see Diavolo today for an important meeting. I’ll be fine. I just have a bit of a headache now,” you say as you gently pat his shoulder before waving to the brothers and making your departure. 
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After school, there’s a knock on your door. You don’t feel like getting up from your moping party, so you just tell whoever it is to come in. You look over at the door to find Satan, a small frown on his face. 
“(Y/n), I…” he trails off, looking around your room instead of looking at you. You sit up at how serious he appears, fear starting to crawl inside your mind. 
“It’s okay. You can say whatever it is you have to say,” you say sweetly, sending him an even sweeter smile. He looks over at you and you can physically see his body relax at this. He slowly walks over to your bed and sits at the foot of it. 
“(Y/n), what’s really going on? While I was at school, I was thinking about this morning and I discovered something. You barely even touched your food after Asmo came in. You were staring down at your plate and picking at your food until you started choking. You didn’t choke on food, did you?” he says softly. 
You stare down at your blanket, mentally cursing Satan for how smart and observant he is. He caught on so quickly. Too quickly.
“No, I didn’t choke on food. If I told you the truth though…” you trail off just as he had done earlier. He decides to copy you as well. 
“It’s okay. You can say whatever it is you have to say,” he whispers, gently taking a hold of your hand. He then adds on, “You can trust me with anything. You know that, right?” You look up at him then, a dumb smile on your face. 
“It’s both a blessing and a curse to have you as a best friend,” you mumble, almost feeling like crying. He laughs and gives your hand a squeeze, nodding his head in agreement. 
“I agree. So, what’s going on?” 
You go quiet at his question, debating on telling him the truth or not. But, of course, he can also pretty much always tell when you’re lying. You decide to tell him everything, from taking the shower when it first happened to this morning. He listens intently and doesn’t interrupt, waiting to speak until you’re done speaking. 
“You have the Hanahaki Disease,” he replies like it’s obvious. Your brows furrow at this new information, trying to recall anything you’ve learned about this disease. You’ve never heard of it though.
At your obvious confusion, he starts to explain. “Basically, you’re in love with a certain someone and since they don’t return your love, to your knowledge, your lungs are growing flowers, or something. I’m not completely sure about all the details. I read a book on it forever and a half ago. I’d have to do more research on it.” 
You nod your head, relaxing and feeling yourself smile at having such a perfect best friend that will help you through this. Your smile fades though when you see his dark expression. “What aren’t you telling me?” you whisper. 
He stays silent for a moment before speaking in the softest voice you’ve ever heard from him. “As I said, I don’t know all of the details…” he trails off to gather his thoughts before continuing, “but, if I’m remembering correctly, it can be fatal. There is a cure though.” 
Your rising good mood suddenly plummets at this news. 
“Fatal?” you mumble, your throat constricting at the thought of dying because of your stupid crush on Asmo. That airhead is going to get you killed! And for what? 
You don’t realize you start crying until Satan starts wiping the tears off of your cheeks. “Shh, hey. Don’t cry. Why are you focusing on the bad? I said there’s a cure. I’ll leave and go do research on this. You’re not going to die, (Y/n),” he soothes, pulling you into a hug. You take a deep breath of his calming scent and nod your head, closing your eyes. 
“Okay. Thank you. You’re the best,” you mumble into his chest. Your face vibrates as his chest rumbles with his laugh. 
“You bet I am,” he replies playfully. 
It didn’t take long for him to come back with answers, several books crowded in his arms along with a frown. “Well, that can’t be good,” you say softly as you sit up on your bed, which is where you’ve been hiding out from everyone. 
“So, I was right. Hanahaki Disease can be fatal but there’s a cure. You’d have to get surgery to remove the flowers from your lungs or else you’ll suffocate to death.” Your brows furrow at this, seeing that he still looks apprehensive and maybe even angry? 
“What else? There’s something else. I can tell,” you say softly. 
“Well, you can get the flowers removed but if you do, you’ll forget about the person you love. You’ll have no memory of them,” he says softly. Your heart squeezes at the thought of not remembering Asmo. 
“So, I can’t do that.” 
“No, don’t ‘(Y/n)’ me. I’d rather die then forget A—him. He’s my love. I don’t…”
He sighs and walks over to your bed and sits down beside you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. Your head flops down onto his shoulder closest to you, a frown hanging heavy on your face as tears prick at your eyes. 
“You can just say it’s Asmo. Everyone knows,” he whispers softly to you, bringing his hand up to comfortingly rub your back. You turn your head to cry into his chest, your breathing starting to become labored. 
“Everyone except for him,” you sob, your whole body shaking. You cry for a while, holding Satan tightly as he holds you just as tight, if not tighter. Once you’ve cried your heart out, he speaks up again. 
“Why don’t you just confess to him? I think he likes you,” he says as he pulls away, using his thumbs to wipe at your cheeks. You shake your head and grab his wrists to pull his hands away from your face. 
“There’s no way I’m going to tell him. You know him. He brings someone home practically every other night and-” Your cut off by something forcing its way into your throat, causing you to cough and hack until you get the petal out. You spit it out into your hand, panting for air and letting your face cool back off. 
“(Y/n), I’m serious. Look at you. You’re coughing up multiple petals a day. If you keep this up, it’ll go from every couple of hours to every couple of minutes until you’re choking on them and not being able to breathe,” Satan says gravely, his own eyes starting to sting as he thinks about you dying in front of him without him being able to stop it. 
You smile softly at him and cup his cheek, rubbing your thumb along his cheekbone. “Hey, calm down. We’ll figure something out, okay? I’m sitting with the smartest man in the Devildom,” you soothe, taking deep breaths with him to help him calm down. 
“(Y/n), I’ve already read a handful of books and they all say the same thing. Your love either has to reciprocate your love or you have to get the flowers removed from your lungs. There’s no other option. We don’t even know how long you have,” he pleads quietly, tears starting to leak from his eyes. 
You sigh and shake your head, bringing your other hand to run through his hair, just as he had done for you. “Hey, don’t cry, okay? I’ll talk to...him. Alright? I’ll do it for you,” you promise. This makes him relax before he pulls you into another hug. 
“Thank you, (Y/n),” he mumbles into your ear. 
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Later that evening, you're laying in bed and trying to coerce yourself into falling asleep which isn’t playing out so well. All your mind can do is play out scenarios of your confession to Asmo. What if he laughs in your face? What if he shoots you down without hesitation? All you can think about is negative outcomes. You can’t even imagine him returning your feelings. 
But how could you? It’s obvious he’s not into you. Why would he be when he can have anyone he wants? 
Next, your brain liked to play out the scenario of you choking to death right in front of everyone without being able to do anything. Your eyes start to sting with the want of tears, your fears slowly starting to consume you. Before you can think better of it, you quickly jump out of bed and run out of your room. The cool air of the big house hits your bare legs as you run through the hall. 
You gasp for air as you reach his door, abruptly knocking on it as you lean against the wall next to it. He’s quick to open the door, looking at you with wide eyes. 
“(Y/n)? What’s wrong? Are you choking again?” Satan asks as he swiftly takes you into his arms. You shake your head as you start to cry into his chest, your whole body shaking violently. “Shh, it’s okay. I got you,” he reassures, whispering sweet nothings into your ear as he pulls you into his room. He sits you down on his bed, squatting down in front of you once you’re settled. 
“Can I stay here?” you just barely whisper. You feel like a child who had a nightmare and is afraid of the shadows that lurk in the dark. Then again, that’s pretty much exactly what is happening. He instantly nods his head in agreement, smiling up at you as he soothingly rubs his hands through your hair when he stands up. 
“Of course. You don’t even have to ask,” he reassures. He then leaves the room for a moment before coming back with extra blankets and a pillow. Before he can walk past his own bed, you gently grab his wrist. 
“I, um—you should sleep on your bed. I’ll feel bad if I kick you out of it,” you whisper, slowly starting to calm down more. He smiles more at you and sets the pillow and blanket onto the bed. 
“Are you comfortable sharing then? Because I’m not letting you sleep anywhere else other than a bed,” he replies as he sits down beside you. You nod your head, sniffling and wiping your tired eyes. 
“Yeah. I was, um, actually wondering if we could…” you trail off, your throat constricting a bit. 
“Hey, c’mon. It’s me. You can speak freely with me,” he whispers, rubbing your back. You take a deep breath, nodding your head as you work up the confidence to ask him. 
“Can we cuddle? I just...I’ve never done it before, and it would make me feel better that you’d be able to feel the signs if I started choking,” you reply in the softest tone possible, staring down at your lap. You look up at him though when he starts to chuckle. 
“You’re too pure for this world. Of course, I don’t mind,” he promises, standing up to pull back the covers. He lets you crawl in first and get comfortable before tucking you in on your side of the bed. He then goes around to the other side of the bed and crawls in, making sure to be respectful of your boundaries and to let you come to him. Once he pulls the covers up his body, you slowly sidle over to him and tuck yourself into his side. 
Having your best friend here supporting you like this is so reassuring that you can’t find the words to thank him even if you tried. 
“Thank you,” you say simply, wishing you could say more. You can hear the smile in his voice when he replies. 
“Don’t mention it,” he whispers back before you both fall into a comfortable silence and eventually drift off to sleep. 
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The only way to describe the next morning is pure chaos. Apparently, one of the brothers saw you two embracing in front of Satan’s room before he pulled you inside. 
They, of course, all assumed the worst. 
“What did you do to our innocent (Y/n)?” 
“Do I need to get my knife?” 
“Yeah, what did you—wait, Belphie. You have a knife?” 
“Satan, unless you two are dating, this is highly inappropriate.” 
And it just kept going. Asmo, for once though, is deadly silent. He wouldn’t even look at you two and just ate his breakfast. He didn’t give you your daily morning peck on the cheek either. 
Starting to get annoyed, you huff and roll your eyes before shouting over them. “Can you hooligans shut up for ten seconds and let me explain?” Successfully grabbing their attention, you continue. “I just had a nightmare and went to his room for comfort. Nothing happened, you pervs,” you explain in deadpan. 
You watch them all physically relax. Except for Asmo. He still seems wound up tight and ready to snap or break in half at any second. 
“Oh, thank god.” 
“Belphie, put your knife away.” 
“I shouldn’t have assumed the worst and jumped to conclusions. I apologize.” 
“Are you okay, (Y/n)? Was it a scary nightmare?” Beel asks, giving you some of his breakfast as an apology. This man is too pure to be a demon. You honestly feel terrible lying to all of them, especially him. Then again, it was basically a nightmare come true. 
“I’m fine, Beel. It was...actually terrifying but Satan helped calm me down,” you reassure the sweet man. He smiles softly at you and pours you some juice before you can do it yourself. 
“I’m sorry, (Y/n). That must’ve been awful,” Belphie says next to Beel. 
“And here we were throwing accusations at you two. I, once again, apologize,” Lucifer speaks up, bowing his head as he apologizes. 
You smile at them all and shake your head, moving your hands back and forth in front of you. “No, no. It’s okay, really. I understand why you all had your suspicions. I’m sure it did look bad.” You take this chance to look at Asmo who is still staring down at his breakfast as he slowly scoops food up to his mouth. 
You’ll have to ask him about it later. 
All the brothers, minus Asmo and Satan, continue to apologize though until breakfast is halfway over. Then, after that, you all finally relax and talk as you normally do. You’re glad because you didn’t know how many more apologies you could take. 
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You’re walking towards your room after school when you hear Asmo yelling at someone. You pause by his door, not meaning to eavesdrop but you can’t help but to be curious. You jump out of your skin when the door flies open and out walks a succubus. They give you a dirty look as they leave, fully clothed and furious. 
You watch them for a moment before looking inside the room to see that Asmo is standing at the door, a deathly grip on his door knob. You clear your throat and give him a small smile. “Hey, I wanted to ask how you’re doing. You seemed a little tense at breakfast and…” you trail off, looking down the hallway to where the succubus just disappeared as they turn, “plus, that whole situation just happened so—”
“How about you mind your own business and leave me alone?” he snaps, cutting you off. Your head whips back to him, your jaw dropping as you stare at him. Did he really just say that? Maybe a side effect of the Hanahaki Disease is hallucinations? 
“What are you, deaf? I said mind your own business! You’re always so nosey! What? Whoring around with Satan isn’t enough? Do you want to—” He stops in his tracks when your eyes start to fill with tears, his throat closing in on itself. Why is he yelling at you? You did nothing wrong. You didn’t spend the night with Satan because you wanted to sleep with him or something. 
He still has a chance. 
Before he can apologize though, you start to cough. He waits for you to stop so he can say how sorry he is but you just keep going. Suddenly, your coughing stops and there’s no sound escaping you. But why do you still look like you’re choking? 
“(Y/n)? What’s wrong?” he asks quickly, not sure as to what’s happening. Are you pranking him? 
Your face fills with color, becoming too dark for his liking. “Help! Someone help! Something’s happening with (Y/n)!” he screams at the top of his lungs as he wraps his arms around you. His touch sends the petal flying from your mouth and you get clarity for a moment before you start coughing again. 
He helps you to lay on the ground, seeing that your legs are shaking and going weak. Your eyes leak fat tears as you stare up at him, not being able to stop what’s happening. You should’ve just told him how you feel and tried to get him to fall in love with you. You barely got any time to even decide what to do though. How unfair is that? Maybe it’s because he yelled at you and you thought for a moment that he hates you. 
Satan is there within a few seconds, his eyes widening when he sees you choking. He knows how to do the heimlich maneuver, cpr, and anything else you could imagine but none of that will help you. He knows that but he feels his hands itch by his side to do something as he kneels next to you. 
“Why are you just staring at them? Do something!” Asmo screams, fearful tears welling up in his eyes. You continue to cough below them and spit out petal after petal, the petals growing in size with each one that leaves. 
“I’m sorry, (Y/n),” Satan whispers, holding your hand in his and giving squeezes to help soothe you. He hopes it’s soothing anyway. 
Asmo is beyond furious and devastated as he screams at his brother. “Why are you apologizing? Just help them!”  Tears fall down his face and land on yours, calming your coughing with each tear. Satan takes notice of this and wipes at his eyes to get a better look at you. 
“They love you! That’s why this is happening!” Satan shouts, seeing his other brothers race down the hallway towards all the commotion. When they arrive though, your airway is blocked once more and your face starts to grow dark. Asmo looks away from you to Satan, not understanding what he’s talking about. 
“What are you talking about?” he speaks his thought, his hands shaking as he pulls you onto his lap. They watch your eyes roll back into your head, your body slowly starting to grow still. 
“I’ll explain later! They’re in love with you and you don’t return their feelings! You—”
“I do! (Y/n), I love you! I promise I do! Ever since you got here, I’ve been head over heels for you!” Asmo sobs, his chest aching with the raw feeling. He’s never admitted it before. He always just told himself it was lust, not the other L word. 
They all look down to you, expecting you to breathe and wake right up with a bright smile. But you laid in Asmo’s arms completely still. Satan’s fingers go to your neck, his entire body feeling numb. “They have no pulse!” he panics, going up onto his knees to stare down at you. 
You’re supposed to be okay! Asmo confessed his love for you and you’re supposed to be healed! So why aren’t you breathing? Was he too late? Asmo starts to sob, already assuming the worst. Satan keeps staring at you, trying to find a loophole or an unknown answer. His other brothers stand around them and silently cry, not really sure what’s going on but knowing by your still body that it’s not good. 
Satan then sees the pink flowers deep in your throat, a gasping flying out of him as his hand goes to your mouth. Everyone watches as he shoves his hand into your mouth before struggling to grab something. He grabs the flower and retches it from your mouth, staring in awe and disgust as he pulls the flower free from your throat. An entire flower connected to a stem comes from you, your chest tugging a bit when Satan reaches a certain point. He yanks harder and the flower suddenly comes free, revealing roots that were stuck inside of your lungs. 
“Kiss them,” Satan whispers, hand dropping the flower by your body. The flower is covered in blood and spit, soaking the floor as soon as he drops it. Asmo doesn’t hesitate to kiss you, wanting you to live so he can do all the things he’s been dying to do. 
He places a delicate kiss onto your lips, the biggest weight imaginable leaving his shoulders as he finally gets to kiss you. He just wishes it was under different circumstances and that you could actually return it. Your lips felt cold against his but he could care less. Tears are still streaming down his face and landing on yours, sliding down your cheeks towards your hairline. 
His eyes snap open when your lips just barely move against his. He would love nothing more than to keep kissing you but that small movement had him pulling back. You gasp for air, your red eyes flying open. You cough and make them all panic that it didn’t work. But then your coughing stops and you’re just laying there and staring up at the ceiling while you get air into your desperate lungs. 
Your eyes then move to your love, new tears filling your eyes. Asmo thinks maybe you’re upset with him and that’s why you’re crying. It makes sense to him. You almost died because of him. 
“This is the happiest moment of my life,” you whisper hoarsely. Everyone immediately relaxes and even glares at you a bit for scaring them and then saying such a thing.  
“You’re such an idiot,” Satan cries, pulling you out of Asmo’s hold and into his own. You weakly return the hug, chuckling quietly to yourself. 
“But I’m your guys’ idiot,” you mumble, growing tired as soon as you get all the air back into your lungs and your heart has calmed down. 
“You should rest. I’ll explain to everyone what happened,” he says as he pulls away, looking to Asmo. He’s assuming that he would want to help you now that you two are an item. Well, he assumes you are. 
“I’ll help them. You can inform me later,” he says softly, gently taking you back into his hold. He brushes your hair out of your face, the softest look imaginable gracing his features. You smile tiredly up at him, leaning into his warmth. 
He then helps you up and starts to lead you to your room. “Can we go to your room?” you whisper weakly, feeling him instantly go back towards where you were laying. 
“Of course, my love,” he reassures, leading you to his open door. You look to Satan who picks up the wet flower with his already dirtied hand. 
“Wait,” you call out. It wasn’t as loud as you hoped but it still got all of their attention. “Can I keep it?” you ask. They all stare at you as if you grew a second head. You just keep your focus on Satan though who is studying you silently from the floor. 
“Yeah, of course. I don’t really know why you’d want it though…” he reassures as he gets off of the ground. You smile and lean into Asmo’s side, your eyes tracing the flower. 
“It’ll be a reminder that our love prevailed,” you say softly, warming all of their hearts up. Satan smiles at this and nods, sending you a thumbs up with his free hand. 
“I’ll clean it off for you and leave it in your room,” he reassures. You thank him before letting Asmo lead you inside and close the door behind him. 
“Do you want a bath?” he asks, leading you to the bed to let you sit down. You think about it for a moment, looking down at your body. You could use one, since your shirt has your spit and little drops of blood on it but you don’t want him to see you naked for the first time like this. 
You shake your head and weakly point at his closet. “No, I’m okay. Can I just borrow one of your shirts?” you ask unsurely. He instantly smiles and nods as he makes his way to his closet. 
“But, of course! I just know you’ll look perfect in my clothes!” he says cheerfully, starting to act more like his usual self. He pulls out a sweater and a pair of his boxers for you to wear. Lucky for you, you’re just in your uniform. You can easily get another school shirt to replace the ruined one. 
He walks back over to you and hands you the clothes, sharing a loving smile with you before walking back to his closet to get himself clothes. He keeps his back to you when he hears something drop to the floor, knowing it’s your clothes. 
“Can you...help me? It’s hard to lift my arms,” you say softly, a dark blush spreading across your cheeks. He turns to see you in his boxers and still in your bloody shirt, your bottoms on his floor. He shines a smile at you as he walks over to you once more, ready to assist you. 
“I’ll do everything I can to help,” he promises. He goes behind you and places his hands on your waist, silently asking if he can take your shirt off. You nod your head, letting him remove it for you. He keeps his eyes to the back of your head, knowing now isn’t the time to thirst over your body. 
He helps you pull the sweater over your head and get your arms through, kissing the side of your head when he’s done. “Sorry. It’s just hard to—”
“You don’t have to apologize. All of this is my fault anyway,” he reassures, standing up from the bed to get changed out of his uniform. He hears you lay down, turning to see that you’re giving him the same privacy that he gave you. You’re so precious. 
He quickly changes into something comfortable before swiftly going back to the bed, pulling his satin sheets and smooth covers over your delicate body before sliding in behind you. He then snuggles into your back, inhaling your scent as he closes his eyes. 
“It’s not your fault, you know,” you whisper, your voice the only sound in the quiet room. His brows furrow as he opens his eyes back up to look at the back of your head. 
“What? How can it not be my fault?” he asks confusedly.
“I’m the one who kept it to myself and didn’t tell you,” you mumble. He sighs and tightens his grip on you a bit. 
“Hey, don’t stress over it now. It’s all over. You’re mine and laying in my arms. I…” he trails off for a moment, steeling his resolve before saying the three words, “I love you.” He pushes his face into your hair as you reply. 
“I love you more,” you promise. 
┍━━━━━━━✿━━━━━━━┑ MASTERLISTS
More with Asmo 
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the-bau-quinjet · 4 years
With you, he wants it all.
Part 2!! You can find all the info about why this is such a mess in Part 1! Also, I totally meant to post this earlier but Taylor Swift’s new album wrecked my plans. 
Summary: Reader is a famous singer with a murderous stalker. Spencer has to go undercover to protect her. 
warnings: mentions of murder, anxious reader, stalker
Word Count: 9972
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The next time you wake up, the room is significantly brighter. You feel around in the cold bed, realizing Spencer isn’t there anymore. You have to force yourself to open your eyes to combat the overwhelming urge to roll over and sleep for another twelve hours. The clock reads 12:07. You can’t help but think you deserve more sleep as you force yourself into a sitting position. Once you finally sit up, you hear someone shuffling around, whispering in the other room. It’s too quiet to try to make out the voice, but you definitely heard something. Without too much thought, you quickly jump out of bed, grabbing the only thing you can find that even remotely resembles a weapon- the bible from the hotel drawer.
Slowly, you push the door open, getting ready to make a break for the door to the hallway at the first sign of danger. Remembering everything from yesterday has you on edge as you move toward the kitchen area, looking for anything out of place. You duck around the pillar separating the kitchen from the living room only to find it empty. As you finally let your guard down, you feel a hand on your shoulder. Without thinking, you turn around getting ready to slam the book into whoever is touching you.
 Spencer catches your arms before you hit him. “Hey, hey. It’s okay. It’s just me. You’re safe.” You breathe out a sigh of relief, dropping the book and hugging Spencer.
 “I’m sorry! I just heard a noise and you weren’t in bed anymore and I wasn’t sure where you went and I wanted to make sure nobody else was in the room, but I-“
 “It’s okay. Just breathe.” Spencer is rubbing soothing circles on your back as you cling to him as if your life depends on it. A few minutes pass, before you calm down enough to pull out of the hug. You run a shaky hand through your hair, moving to the kitchen to brew a pot of coffee.
 “I put the coffee on so you can grab some when it’s done. I’m going to get dressed so we can figure out where we want to go for inspiration today!” You wink at Spencer before heading back into the bedroom to shower and change. You throw on a pair of jeans and a light sweater after squeezing the extra water out of your hair. You like to let it dry naturally on days like this.
 You make your way back into the kitchen only to find Spencer has already changed into a navy and white plaid button down, khakis, and a navy cardigan. He is sitting at the table drinking his coffee when you enter the room. You immediately put the kettle on, reaching into the cabinet to pull out your tea collection.
 “No coffee for you?” Spencer asks, gesturing to the half full pot on the counter.
 “Oh, nope. Not for me. It’s only palatable if I add way to much sugar and then I get all antsy. I only have coffee if I have a really good reason to stay up.” You chuckle as you add the teabag to the mug you set on the counter. You sit on the counter, swinging your legs as you sip your tea.
 “So, where do you want to go?”
 “For what?” Spencer pretends to not know what you’re talking about.
 “It’s time to start writing silly!” You grin at his deer in a headlights expression. “Spencer, I told you not to worry. We are just looking for general ideas right now. Anything that could potentially lead to a song. It’s more fun to observe others during this part of the process because the ideas are less specific.”
 “I don’t even know where to start!” He actually seems nervous about this.
 “Spence, let’s just go to your favorite coffee shop. And don’t tell me that you don’t have one. You’ve already drunk half that pot of coffee.”
 “Why my favorite?” He actually looks taken aback at the suggestion.
 “Well, for one because I’m not from here, so I don’t know where to go.” You try to backpedal, but you’ve started a list. Something he is all too eager to point out. “And two?” He’s got his brows furrowed, a look of pure confusion adorning his face.
 “If it’s your favorite, then you’ve been there before.” You say it like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. 
“Well yes, but your point?” The confusion is still present, but his words are laced with exasperation.
“You might just be comfortable enough in your surroundings to suggest a song idea.” You shrug as you say it, trying to make it feel more casual.
 “You considered whether or not I would be comfortable?” He seems genuinely surprised now.
 “Of course. I want you to help me, so I gotta butter you up.” You try to cover up your blush with a joke.
 “Thank you.” HIs words seem surprised, but the two of you move on. Spencer grabs his satchel, and you your jacket, as the two of you exit the hotel to head to the café. You opt for walking since the weather is not too hot. You don’t say much during the walk. After the moment in the kitchen, you feel a bit nervous. A few fans stop you along the way for a picture or an autograph, but mostly you just enjoy each other’s company. Nobody pays much attention to Spencer, rather opting to ignore him to get your attention. Every time someone comes up to you; you make a point to say excuse me or smile at him before addressing the fans though. You just don’t want him to feel left out or like he’s not important.
 You finally make it to the café. Spencer opens the door before guiding you in, again placing his hand on your back. You thank him as you make your way up to the counter to order. You order a chai latte for yourself, gesturing for Spencer to order his when the barista asks you if you need anything else. You make sure to add two scones to the order before sliding your card into the machine before Spencer has a chance.
 “It’s my fault you’re here with me, so please. My treat.” He shakes his head slightly, a small smile forming on his face.
 “How many times do I have to tell you, none of this is your fault?” He gives you a look as you two move to find a table after accepting the scones.
 “I know.” You don’t sound sure as you take your seat. He doubles down the staring as you continue. “I promise. I know. It was just a joke.” You sound more sure of yourself that time, earning another smile from Spencer.
 The barista brings you your drinks as you settle into the corner booth. You set your phone up on the table, pulling up the recording from yesterday. You pass Spencer your headphones from your purse so he can listen to what you’ve already come up with.
 You take this time to really study him. The sun’s rays are streaming in through the blinds on the window, causing slight shadows to drift across his features. You take in the sharp lines of his jaw as he turns to look around the café, listening to the various melodies and lyrics you sang for the team. His brown locks appear golden as the sunlight reflect off the highlights. He’s sporting a slight stubble from not shaving for a few days. His hazel eyes drift across the faces of everyone in the room, not settling for long on any one person.
 You shift your attention to his hands. He has one draped across the table, lightly tapping along as he listens. His long fingers are mesmerizing. You begin to recognize he is tapping out the melodies as if he were playing the piano. The other hand is wrapped around his coffee cup. You bite your lip as you think about all the things those hands are capable of. Your mind wonders as you stare. You are staring so intently at the way his hand grips the cup, you don’t notice when he removes the headphones.
 Spencer clears his throat to catch your attention. “That was incredible. How do you come up with ideas so fast?” He looks like he knows exactly what you were thinking, but is too kind to bring it up. He’s just doing his job, and this isn’t a date. 
 “Oh, um thanks. I guess the BAU is just full of inspiration. The song writing process is a little different every time, but sometimes I can think of random lyrics and melodies.” You try to smile as you force yourself to focus. “Think back to a time where you felt an emotion really strongly. It can be whatever emotion you want. Then, try to put it into words. I like to use common phrases or metaphors because it can be fun to twist it into something new.” You close your eyes as you think back to how you felt the moment you understood there was a man out there killing people because he is obsessed with you. Maybe it’s a little too soon to write that one out. The idea does give you another way to explain it to Spencer. “It’s kind of like therapy. You can talk out your feelings and share them with people. It’s just a bit more public.” Spencer looks like he’s contemplating his entire life as you sit in this coffee shop.
 “Spence,” you say it lightly to draw him out of his own thoughts, “don’t worry about it. You don’t have to share anything you don’t want to. I just wanted to get the ball rolling. Why don’t we try something else?” He looks grateful as he nods. “Great. Pick out someone in the coffee shop, preferably part of a group.” He looks around before his eyes settle on someone.
 “Okay, now tell me what they’re thinking about.” He looks confused, like a lost puppy. “It’s called people watching. Just make up a story about what they might be doing here.”
 You and Spencer discuss ideas for the next few hours. He picked out a young man, maybe about 19 years old. He was clearly here with friends trying to catch a break from studying if the backpacks on the floor were any hint. Spencer noticed all of that immediately of course, being that he is a profiler.
 His story sounded just like the profile Hotch told you yesterday, although much less horrifying.
 “White male, late teens to early twenties. He is likely a STEM major. This is the first time he has let loose in a while, normally choosing to forego the party life for studying. He likely has immense pressure on him from his family to succeed and do well in school.” You nod along, not having any idea where this information is really coming from. He sounds so confident, you can’t help but ask how he knows all that.
 “You’re incredible. How did you figure all that out?” You stare in wonder at the man across from you. He doesn’t meet your eye, but responds nonetheless.
 “His age is fairly obvious to observe. His bag is fuller than the others, indicating a major that requires more coursework. He keeps checking his watch, almost as if he knows he is wasting time that could be spent working toward a goal. The family pressure can be inferred by the other behavior. It is more likely a young adult is studious due to a strict upbringing with a focus on work ethic and goal-driven activities.”
 “Amazing.” You sigh as you look around the room. “My turn.” You point to a couple sitting a few tables away from you. “Those two are exploring the possibility of taking their relationship past that of friendship. They obviously like each other and are too nervous to say anything.” Almost as if to prove you aren’t a profiler, the two lean across the table for a kiss. You laugh it off, knowing it’s just a game for you.
 “Or maybe not. Either way, their song would be about new love. Something slow and pretty.” You smile as you turn back to Spencer. “Your turn again!”
 The two of you go back and forth a few times. His stories were really just profiles, but after a few tries he leaned into the fun, game-like nature of people watching. Of course, his last story didn’t stray too far from profiling, but it was much more dreamlike in the way he presented it.
 “The woman sitting by the window,” he said, subtly pointing to an older woman at a table alone, “she’s waiting to see her grandkids for the first time in years. Of course, she’s excited to see them again, but she’s nervous. What if they don’t like her? What if she can’t patch things up with her… I’m guessing daughter?” You smile brightly at the story. Family moments were usually the most inspiring for generic song ideas.
 “Good job, Spence! What would the song be about?” The question clearly caught him off guard. For the past few stories, you asked how he came to those conclusions. It was so fascinating to hear how his mind works. This time though, you thought he could really be on to something. You give him an encouraging nod, as you set your phone up to record again.
 “It could be about- about family.” He states it so firmly; you know he wants to say more. “She is sitting there thinking about the memories she has with her own parents and grandparents, so the song could be a reflection on days spent enjoying their company. Maybe future memories they can make together.” He smiles, albeit shyly.
 “That is a really good idea! It fits with the vibe of the lyrics I came up with for Rossi.” You see the moment it clicks in his head. I don’t know why all the trees change in the fall, but I know you’re not scared of anything at all. Don’t know if Snow White’s house is near or far away, but I know I had the best day with you today.
 He actually seems pleased with himself now. “We could work on that one tomorrow. We should get up and walk around though, we’ve been sitting here for hours.” You reach for his hand as you scoot out of the booth, pulling him along with you.
 You stuff your hands in the pockets of your windbreaker as you head outside. You feel an overwhelming desire to be close to him, but you don’t want to overstep. The early evening crowd is out and about, bumping into the two of you as you walk back to the hotel at a leisurely pace.
 “Why don’t we go order some room service and just hang out for the rest of the night? All that people watching was exhausting.” You turn to grin up at him as you continue walking. He hums in response, looking down at you in return. You swear you can feel the mood shifting, but the moment is broken by a tap on your arm. You turn to examine the source of the interruption only to find a little girl who couldn’t be more than 10 years old.
 “Hi there!” You squeeze Spencer’s arm before ducking down to talk to the little girl. “Are you parents here?” She nods turning to look at a couple a few feet behind her, slightly out of breath, as if they just chased her down the street.
 “Carly! Honey, you can’t run off like that! You could have gotten hurt!” The man scolds her, but is clearly relieved she didn’t get away from them.
 “Sorry daddy! I just wanted to say hi to Miss Y/N! She sings my favorite song ever!” You wave at the parents before turning your attention back to the little girl.
 “Hi Carly, it’s nice to meet you! You really do need to be careful though. You should always stick with the adults so you don’t get lost.” Your voice is playful, but your expression is serious. The only way to truly convey that message to a child you have no parental claim to. She nods in response.
 “Mommy! Take a picture!” You pose with the girl as her mom takes a picture.
 “We’re so sorry for interrupting your date! She just saw you and took off down the sidewalk.” You blush at what the woman is implying about you and Spencer, not daring to look at him.
 “No worries at all. I’m always happy to meet a fan. Have a good night!” You wave goodbye, linking your arm with Spencer’s as you start to walk. He gives you a curious look, but you just laugh before joking “What? It’s so I don’t get lost.” He chuckles at your childlike behavior, but shifts so you can hold him closer.
 The rest of the walk is peaceful. You don’t see any more fans, which is good because you aren’t paying enough attention to anything at the moment. You keep picturing the look on Spencer’s face right before the little girl interrupted you. What was about to happen?
 Before you know it, you and Spencer are back in the room. He steps into the kitchen to call Hotch while you call to order dinner. You change into the FBI sweatshirt from yesterday and a pair of sleep shorts before settling on the couch to wait for Spencer. A few minutes later, he joins you on the couch after he hangs up. “The team has ruled out all the performers. It’s not surprising as the unsub wouldn’t be brave enough to perform for a crowd. They are still working through the lists of vendors and crew members.”
 “Good. That’s progress. Progress is good.” You nod to yourself, trying to convince yourself everything is normal.
 “Talk to me, what’s going on inside your head?” Spencer reaches out to take your hand while you stare at the ground.
 “I don’t know. I guess it’s just hard. It’s hard to have such an amazing day and then think about how it only happened because people are being killed. I guess I feel guilty.” You keep going before he can interrupt you. “I know it’s not my fault that this guy is out there doing horrible things, but I still feel bad for enjoying myself while it’s happening.” You don’t have any tears left to cry. You look over to Spencer to find him staring back at you.
 “Y/N, you are such a selfless person. There isn’t anything else you can do right now. We haven’t had any more victims, likely because nobody has posted about how excited they are for your shows since we still have 13 days before the next one. We are going to catch this guy.” You form your mouth into a soft smile before nodding at him. “What movie do you want to watch?”
 You smile at his attempt to distract you. “You pick. Anything that will take my mind off things, but not require too much thinking.”
 Spencer is racking his brain for a movie that fits your description when you hear a knock on the door. “Must be the food, I’ll get it.” When you return with the food, you find Spencer still thinking over movie choices.
 “Okay, how about this. What do you like to watch when you really need a pick me up?”
 Again he looks surprised that you would take his opinion into account. “Um, usually Doctor Who, but that’s not a movie it’s a-”
 “TV show. Right. Is that the one where they fly around in a telephone booth?”
 “First of all, it's a police box, not a phone booth. Second of all, Doctor Who started a quarter of century before Bill and Ted even went on their bodacious adventures. So really, they should just call it Bill and Ted's excellent rip-off, I mean at least then...”
You listen as he rambles about why people always think it’s a telephone booth. You can’t help but smile at how cute he is when he’s talking about something he’s passionate about. You don’t realize he asked you a question until he clears his throat with a confused expression.
 “Sorry, I was rambling again.” He looks dejected, and you would do anything in the world to make him smile again.
 “No, I’m sorry!” You scoot closer to him to convey your point. “I was listening at first I promise. It’s just, you looked so happy I got distracted. Let’s watch Doctor Who.” You turn to face the TV before you say anything else that makes you feel like a complete moron. He sorts through the food as you find the show online, setting it up to play on the TV. There’s random free episodes on demand, so you end up staring with the 11th doctor.
 You are completely captivated by the show. Every so often, Spencer would comment on a theory about what one specific prop could mean only to have you cover your ears and warn him about spoilers. During an episode about creepy angel statues, he goes on a tangent about how Amy could have avoided the whole situation. Once he starts mentioning characters you haven’t met, you actually have to reach your hand up to cover his mouth to get him to stop talking. His words putter to a stop, eyes widening in shock as he stares at you.
 “Spence, I absolutely love how passionate you are about Doctor Who. But it doesn’t matter how adorable it is when you ramble on about something. If you spoil one more thing before I can actually watch the whole show through, I will not hesitate to smack you.” You stare right in his eyes the entire time, watching as they widen with each word. You had to get a lot closer to him to actually reach his mouth. He had moved forward, animatedly waving his arms around as he talked about various plot points, so you were basically sitting on his lap to avoid being smacked in the face.
 You drop your arm from his face slowly, as if any sudden movement would break the spell you were under. You lean forward, connecting your forehead to his. You take a steadying breath as you close your eyes. Your about to close the gap when his phone rings. Again, the moment is lost. You only move enough so that he can reach into his pocket for his phone. As he answers the call, you shift in his lap to cuddle into his chest.
 “Morgan, what do you need?” Maybe you’re imaging it, but he almost sounds the slightest bit annoyed. You can just make out what Morgan is saying on the other end of the phone.
 “Calm down, Pretty Boy. We might have a lead, Hotch and Emily are tracking it down now. I’ll meet you at the hotel in the morning to go over it all with you and Y/N.”
 “Okay, thanks for the update.” He sounds so normal now, you think you must have imagined the annoyance earlier. He hangs up the phone, tossing it next to him on the couch. He wraps his arms around you before shifting so you’re both laying down.
 “Let’s just relax and watch more Doctor Who. Morgan is stopping by in the morning to talk about the case.” You nod in agreement, turning to face the TV. A few episodes later, you and Spencer are drifting in and out of sleep. Neither one of you really wants to interrupt what you’ve got going, instead opting to just fall asleep on the couch.
 You hear the faintest knocking noise that pulls you out of your slumber. It takes a few minutes for you to recognize you are on the couch, wrapped up in Spencer’s arms. He must have pulled a blanket over the two of you last night after you fell asleep. Before you can get up to evaluate the knocking, the door opens and Morgan comes rushing in. The concern on his face is quickly replaced with a knowing smirk. You blush, jealous that Spencer is somehow still asleep.
 “Hi Morgan. Sorry to alarm you. We must have fallen asleep watching TV last night.” At the sound of your voice, Spencer slowly begins to wake up. He smiles sleepily at you before realizing your attention is elsewhere. He practically throws you off the couch in his effort to sit up when he realizes Morgan is in the room.
 “Sorry!” Spencer looks at Morgan, then back to you. “I’m so sorry!” You laugh as you stand up.
 “Don’t worry about it.” You settle yourself in the chair, gesturing for Morgan to sit next to Spencer now that he isn’t sprawled across the entire sofa anymore. Turning to Morgan, you ask about the case “What did you want to talk about?”
 “We have been focused on going through the people who work for the tour. It makes the most sense for them to travel with you, otherwise it would require a lot more planning.” You can feel the nerves growing in your stomach. “Garcia found a name we wanted to run by you.” He hands you a picture before saying the name. “Ryan Moore. He works-“
 “On the instrumentals. I know. He usually runs the sound booth during the shows. I don’t know him that well, but we’ve talked a few times.” You think back over your past conversations. “It couldn’t be him.” You are 100% sure he is not the unsub, and the agents don’t fail to notice the conviction in your voice.
 “What makes you so sure?” Spencer is flipping through the case file Morgan brought with him. He doesn’t even look up when he asks the question, too focused on memorizing every detail about this man’s life.
 “Well, Hotch told me the unsub wouldn’t be able to talk to me right?” You look to Morgan for confirmation.
 “Yes. He wouldn’t approach you or seem confident when talking with you if you approached him.” Morgan confirms what you’re thinking.
 “Great. So it can’t be him.” You smile to yourself for actually contributing to the case. “Last week, right after the Columbus show, he asked me out. The unsub wouldn’t be brave enough, right?” The utter joy in your voice startles Spencer enough that he finally looks up from the file.
“Alright then. He’s likely not the unsub, but we’ll finish the investigation into him just in case.” Morgan settles back into the chair he’s sitting in, making no move to leave even though the conversation is clearly over. There is an obvious smirk on his face as he looks at Spencer.
 “Well, I’m going to make some breakfast, feel free to watch TV or something.” You smile awkwardly at the two men, unsure of why there is suddenly a strange tension in the air. As you move into the kitchen, you connect your phone to your Bluetooth speaker. Listening to music while you cook has always been calming for you. You honestly prefer baking, but eggs and sausage with toast sounds perfect right now. You pull out the ingredients, humming softly as you dance around the kitchen. You can just barely hear that Morgan and Spencer are talking in the other room, but not enough to make out what they are saying. It just sounds a bit more intense the conversation you just had.
 You choose to ignore it and give them their privacy instead focusing on cooking. You end up making scrambled eggs the way your mom taught you, by mixing in some chive and onion cream cheese. You pop some English muffins in the oven under the broiler while you place the eggs and sausages in dishes. After turning the music down, you move all the food to the table. You’re about to invite Spencer and Morgan to have some food when you hear their conversation.
 “I’m telling you man. She likes you. You should go for it.” Morgan is clearly trying to encourage Spencer, but he won’t hear it.
 “Morgan, it’s not like that. It’s probably just transference because I’m here to make sure she doesn’t get hurt. Plus, you saw the smile on her face when she talked about Ryan asking her out. She was beaming.” He sighs, almost wistfully as you consider what he’s saying. Surely you are capable of separating your feelings for him from the situation. Would you like him if you had just run into him on the street? Plus, what does Ryan have to do with this?
 You move back to the stove to remove the English muffins before they burn, putting them on a plate as well. Ultimately, you decide to try to straighten out your feelings for Spencer before making a move. You want to be sure. If there is even a shred of doubt in your mind, Spencer will surely be able to see it on your face. Stupid profilers.
 Their conversation died down while you were dealing with the muffins, so you walk back to the other side of the room. You mumble out “I made food, you’re both welcome to have some” before returning to the table. You have a lot to think about and the last thing you want to do is lead Spencer on if you aren’t sure. He deserves better than that.
 The conversation over breakfast is nice. Nothing too heavy or serious. The three of you are just talking about your lives. Morgan asks you what it’s like to be famous. You ask him and Spencer what it’s like to be in the FBI. You realize just how different your career paths are. The only thing you can relate to is travelling. Neither Spencer nor Morgan have family in the area, but they mention how hard it is for Hotch and JJ.
 “That I can understand. The travelling, I mean. Of course, I travel to perform, not to track down killers.” The room is quiet for a few minutes as you think about what to say. Morgan and Reid being profilers know you haven’t finished your thought, so they give you the time to think it over.
 “Thank you.” You say it softly, but firmly at the same time. This is the first time you’ve seen either of them look surprised.
 “Wh- for what?” It’s Morgan who speaks up. Spencer has a familiar expression on his face. It’s the same look he got when you asked his opinion for coffee shops and movies.
 “For everything. For protecting me. For catching bad guys. For giving up so much to do this job. You two, and the rest of your team, you all sacrifice so much to keep people safe. I mean, I’m sure the people you save and the families you give closure to are grateful, and you deserve that. But, you also deserve to have everyone be thankful for what you do. You get into the minds of these people. It must be exhausting to have to think like that all the time. I’m barely dealing with it now and it’s only be on my mind for 2 days! I just can’t even fathom the number of people you have saved, people that you’ve never even met, by doing this. So, thank you. For being strong enough to do it. For being you.”
 You spoke every word with every ounce of sincerity you could muster up. You were looking between them as you said it. The shock on Morgan’s face slowly morphed into a small smile. Spencer’s expression didn’t change, but somehow looked more sincere when you were done.
 Neither one of them knew what to say. Morgan rose from his chair to pull you into a hug. Patting you on the back, he uttered a soft thank you before saying he should get back to the office to help the rest of the team. You locked the door behind him, turning to see Spencer staring at you from the table.
 “Spence? Are you okay?” You were nervous that your impromptu speech made him uncomfortable. He rose from the table, slowly making his way across the room to you.
 “I’m, I, I just… that was… thank you. You amaze me.” He barely says the words, practically breathing them into existence. You reach for his hand, squeezing it.
 “I meant every single word. Promise.” There is nothing more you want to do than kiss him right now, but all you can hear in your head is Spencer talking about transference. You hug him quickly before pulling back again. Without some distance between the two of you, you won’t be able to control yourself. “Do you want to go to another café today? Or somewhere with a piano so I can finally see you play?”
 “We can do what you want today. You let me pick the café and the show yesterday, so it’s only fair.”  You grin, knowing exactly where you want to take him.
 The two of you get ready in near silence after that. Both of you want to calm down a bit before spending another day together. After you’ve both showered and changed, you drag Spencer down to the SUV. The weather outside is perfect for where you want to go, but the park is just far enough away that you want to drive. You pull up directions on your phone, hiding the address from him. Spencer protests the entire time. He keeps mumbling about how he would know how to get there if you just told him where you were going. Then something about how mobile phones are a distraction, so it would be safer for him to drive anyway.
 You just let him ramble on about the many DC streets. Your grip on the wheel tightens when he starts listing off statistics about car accidents.
 “More than 38,000 people die every year in crashes on U.S. roadways. The U.S. traffic fatality rate is actually 12.4 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants. An additional 4.4 million are injured seriously enough to require medical attention. Road crashes are the leading cause of death in the U.S. for people aged 1-54.” With every passing word, your knuckles get whiter, your heartbeat gets faster, and your breaths get shorter. Spencer is too caught up in reciting the statistics to realize anything is wrong until he turns to look at you, his next sentence dying on his tongue. “Seatbelts reduce the risk of dying by…” His brow furrows as he takes in your appearance.
 “By what Spence? Don’t leave me hanging?” You try to joke with him to calm yourself down, but he obviously sees right through it.
 “45%.” He continues before you can even comprehend the number. “Y/N, what’s wrong?”
 “Nothing. I’m totally fine. 100% A-Okay.” You try to take deep breaths to calm yourself down. Having arrived at your destination, you pull into a parking spot.
 “Y/N, talk to me. What is it?” You take a steadying breath as you turn to face him. Honestly, you are embarrassed more than anything else. You were the one who decided you had to drive.
 “Spence, really it’s not a big deal. I just get nervous driving sometimes. I don’t have to do it a lot, and I’ve never felt like I was particularly good at it. It doesn’t matter though, we’re here.” You move to get out of the car, but Spencer reaches across the car to stop you. His face is only inches from yours as the realization dawns on him.
 “And I was rambling on about how dangerous driving is.” He says it more to himself than to you. “Y/N, I’m so sorry. Why didn’t you stop me? I really need to learn how to shut up. I just get so caught up in the statistics-“ “Spencer. I love when you ramble. I’ve already told you how calming it is… normally. I’m fine, I promise. You just have to drive us back to the hotel later. Deal?”
 “Deal.” You’re both smiling as you get out of the car to walk around the park you brought him to. He doesn’t ask why you picked this place and you don’t offer up a reason. He’ll figure it out soon enough. You talk about random things from childhood as you lazily stroll through the trees. There’s something so calming about wandering through so many trees when you know you’re in the middle of a bustling city.
 Before long, the two of you have crossed the park. A few feet away stands an upright piano in front of a park bench. You glance at Spencer as he looks at the piano, realization gracing his features as he discovers why you chose this particular park. You beckon for him to sit down next to you, asking him to play you a song.
 He blushes as you whisper pretty please in his ear. The cherry on top does him in. Soon enough, you are hearing the beginning notes of Bach’s Prelude in C. You just sit and listen, watching his fingers gracefully move above the keys. He’s not the most passionate of piano players. You can practically see the gears turning in his brain as he moves his hands efficiently across the instrument, as if he really is thinking about the math behind it all. Still, you lose yourself in the music, swaying lightly. You find yourself leaning on his shoulder, closing your eyes as you think about everything you’ve been feeling.
 You studied music for a few years when you were young. That’s how you started writing, with lessons to learn to play both the guitar and the piano. You took to the guitar more than the piano, but you remember learning about the emotion behind every classical piece you were taught to play. You can’t help but think back to those lessons as you listen to Spencer. This song is always reaching forward, yearning for the next note. It plays into the idea that life is simple and pure. Even good at times. But there is something lurking just below the surface. It’s weirdly fitting of your current situation, but you choose to just be glad he chose the major over the minor.
 You feel the breeze in your hair as Spencer finishes the song. For a few moments, the two of you sit listening to the leaves rustling in the wind. Eventually, you look around the park once it is quiet again. It’s mostly empty given that it’s 2 pm on a Tuesday, so there aren’t many people around to witness this moment. You slip your phone on the piano to record before you take over, playing that all too familiar melody that reminds you of Spencer. Neither of you say anything as you let the music and your emotions guide you through the song. You can tell it’s not perfect, but it just feels right.
 After that, you and Spencer brainstorm lyrics for Rossi’s song for another few hours. The park begins to fill up as school lets out and the workday ends. A few fans recognize you, asking for pictures. After a particularly strong gust of wind, Spencer drapes his cardigan over you as you walk back toward the car, both of you blissfully unaware of the figure watching you from behind the trees.
  The next few days pass in much the same fashion. Spencer takes calls about the case, trying to narrow down the massive list of crew members on your tour. You and he work on lyrics for Rossi’s song, as well as JJ’s. She’s just so pretty, the words flow right out of you. You can tell Spencer agrees. You believe him as he swears up and down that the two of them are just friends, but you can’t help teasing him just a bit.
 “Honestly, it would be weirder if you didn’t think she was pretty. The woman looks as if she were sculpted by Michelangelo himself. A living embodiment of Aphrodite.” He nods in agreement, a faint blush on his cheeks.
 No matter how much you try, you just cannot come up with anymore good lyrics for Spencer’s song. It could be that he is sitting right next to you all the time and knows the song is for him that’s causing the writer’s block, but it’s still frustrating.
 One night, he’s working through the case file for the third time in a row when you interrupt his thoughts with a seemingly random question.
 “Spence, can you tell me a story?” He looks up at you, brow furrowed and eyes confused. “I just need inspiration for the lyrics. Everything I come up with sucks.” You pout until he finally gives in. “Yay! It can be anything, even a memory. Just make it overwhelmingly happy.”
 Spencer stops looking through the file as he thinks back on his life experiences for an overwhelmingly happy memory. The faces of his team members instantly flood his mind as he sorts through the many good times they’ve had. He keeps circling back to one event, ultimately deciding it is happy enough to fit your standards.
 “This is actually the story of JJ’s wedding.” You lean forward, a wedding story could be just what the doctor ordered. “Will wanted to marry her for a while, but she was hesitant. She said everything was perfect as it was, she didn’t feel the need to change anything.” You were honestly a little confused as to where the happiness was at this point, but you let him continue anyway. You could listen to this man talk for days on end without complaint.
 “We ended up working a case with Will. It was a bank robbery turned hostage situation. It was a rough case for all of us; bombs, secret partners, kids at risk. I won’t bore you with the details,” he chuckles at your thankful expression, “but it all worked out in the end. Will, he could’ve died. When JJ went to see him in the hospital, she told him to ask her again. She wanted to get married then and there in the hospital chapel. Will wanted to wait until he was actually out of the hospital though, and not wearing a hospital gown.” You couldn’t help but smile at the thought of loving someone so much, you were instantly ready to marry them.
 “Rossi, he overheard everything. So, he started planning. He called JJ’s mom, told her to fly in and to bring her wedding dress. We threw her a surprise wedding the next day. It was such a beautiful moment, to have such a joyous event after everything that we had been through. JJ looked wonderstruck as her mom walked her down the aisle. The lights were sparkling. It was enchanting.” He spoke with such awe about the whole event. He told you stories about doing magic for Henry and Jack, who you came to know as Hotch’s son. It was so easy for you to picture the fairy lights and purple flowers. The team seemed like such a close-knit family, it only made sense that they would share this memory.
 The chorus of the song hit you like a ton of bricks. You didn’t even warn Spencer as you jumped from the couch and ran to the piano. He followed behind you, curious to see what would happen. He watched with wonder as you placed your phone to record on top of the piano and started playing the family melody you first hummed while thinking about him.
 “This night is sparkling, don’t you let it go. I’m wonderstruck, blushing all the way home. I’ll spend forever wondering if you knew, I was enchanted to meet you.” The verses didn’t pour out of you in quite the same way, but the general storyline of the song came to you in the next few minutes. You rushed to get it all out, speaking directly into the phone.
 “The first verse can be about feeling out of place in a room, faking laughter, forcing smiles. Then it all changes when she sees him. It’s as if they have a conversation with only their eyes as they float across the room to each other. Then the chorus. The second verse can be about her wondering if he felt it to. 2 am who do you love? Chorus again. Then the bridge can be about hoping that the one night wasn’t it for them. That she’ll see him again and hoping he isn’t already in love or with someone.” You’re so pleased with the song idea, you don’t notice the shifting expressions on Spencer’s face. After your explanation, you turn to him, the biggest smile he’s seen yet on your face.
 “What do you think?” He’s so shocked he doesn’t know how to respond. After a moment of silence, your face begins to fall. You can’t stop your brain from thinking the worst.
 He must hate it. Oh god, he’s just trying to find a way to let me down easy. Why do I have to be so stupid? Sure, go ahead. Write a love song about the man who’s sitting next to you. That won’t be weird at all. Oh god, oh god…
 Suddenly, Spencer is pulling you into a tight hug. “It’s beautiful. It will make a wonderful song.” He’s whispering in your ear. The feeling of his lips brushing against you is too much. Everything you’ve been pushing back for the past few days comes roaring to the surface. You can’t stop yourself.
 You pull back slowly, only to pull his face to yours so rapidly you’re surprised you didn’t get whiplash. In less than an instant, his lips are moving gracefully against yours. His hands slide down your body to your waist as he pulls you even closer to him. Your arms move up around his neck, your fingers running through his hair. The hunger and passion is slowly taken over by the need for oxygen, the two of you separating just enough to pull air into your lungs.
 He kisses your forehead, and you kiss his nose. A few minutes later, and you’re still standing there with your heads pressed together, arms wrapped around each other. Every so often, one of you places a light kiss on the others mouth, just to make sure this is real.
 “I know what you’re thinking.” You are still out of breath from kissing him, but you can just tell his mind is moving a mile a minute.
 “I’m not sure you do.” He sounds nervous.
 “I think I might surprise you.” You can’t help but tease him a little before continuing. “You think its all transference. That I only think I like you because you’re here to protect me. Some sort of white knight bullshit.” You can’t stop yourself from sounding mildly annoyed about it. Although, the look of shock on his face helps. “I heard what you said to Morgan.” He sighs before moving to pull back.
 “No, Spence. Listen to me. I heard what you said to Morgan.” You wait for him to follow your train of thought back a few days.
 “But that was four days ago?” He looks more confused than ever.
 “I know. I wanted to make sure that what I feel is real. I didn’t want to lead you on if I might not actually want this. But I do. More than I’ve ever wanted anything before. Spencer, you are a light in my life and not just because you’re here to make sure I don’t get murdered. Although that certainly doesn’t hurt. I feel like I can tell you anything and you won’t judge me for it. That I can truly be myself without worry of letting you down.”
 “Y/N you could never let me down. I just don’t want you to wake up one day and regret anything. I don’t want you to regret me.” He looks crestfallen.
 “Spencer Reid.”  You move your hands to his cheeks to gently push his head up to make eye contact. “I could never regret a single moment spent with you. I have loved every single one. I loved watching you listen to the songs about your friends. I loved listening to you talk about things you love, like Doctor Who and statistics. I loved sitting next to while you played piano. I loved talking to you about anything and everything. Spencer, I love how I feel when I’m with you and I know for a fact I would feel the same way if I met you walking down the street.”
 “Y/N” the way he says your name is music to your ears. “I love how I feel when I’m with you too. I loved listening to you sing about my friends, capturing the essence of who they are. I loved watching you experience the things I have grown so accustomed to doing. I loved the feeling of you leaning on my shoulder while I played Bach. I loved hearing you come up with an entire storyline for one song in a matter of minutes just based on one story. I have loved every single second I have been with you since I first saw you 7 days, 2 hours, and 32 minutes ago. Even if I didn’t say a word to you until after you woke up in the hospital.”
 The two of you laugh as you pull him to the couch to cuddle. You put on more Doctor Who, sitting with your legs across his lap and playing with his hands. It’s nice to just be close to him without having to worry. You find yourself getting wrapped up in the show. Spencer is quieter this time. You think he might have something on his mind, but you decide to wait for him to share. Between the third and fourth episode, he speaks up.
 “Y/N, are you and Ryan… are you together?” You look up to see a nervous expression once again on his face.
 “Ryan who?” You are genuinely confused as to who he could even be talking about.
 “Ryan Moore, the sound booth guy.” You look even more confused than before.
 “Not even a little bit. I politely declined his offer to take me out. Is that what’s been bugging you for the last three episodes?” You smile at his pout.
 “Maybe. You just seemed so happy when you mentioned that he asked you out. You were practically glowing with how big your smile was.”
“Spence, I was happy because I could actually help you with the case. I only have eyes for one guy.” You shift to straddle his lap.
 “Yeah, who’s that?” He pulls you even closer.
 “Matt Smith” You say it with the best deadpan expression you can manage in the circumstances.
 “Wow, your standards must be pretty low to settle for the 11th doctor. He’s not even in the top three best doctors!” He plays along with your joke, although he doesn’t have to act incredulous sat you preference for the 11th doctor.
 “Well, my number one doctor isn’t really on TV.” You bite your lip, leaning in until you connect your mouth to his.
 Right as you’re both about to take it one step further, your phone rings. “Fuck.” The word is barely a whisper leaving your mouth as you pull back from Spencer trying to catch your breath.
 “Hello?” you don’t hear anything on the other end of the phone. “Hello? Anyone there? Hello?” Suddenly the line goes dead. You turn to Spencer. “Well, that was weird.” Spencer frantically moves you off his lap as he stands up, taking out his phone. Without telling you anything, he is frantically dialing a number, mumbling under his breath.
 “Garcia! I need to you to figure out who just called Y/N’s phone.” He waits a minute, presumably listening to her reply. “Yes, it just rang and when she answered nobody said anything. Thank you.” He hangs up, swiftly moving back to the couch to pull you into a hug.
 “What just happened?” You can feel your heartrate speeding up.
 “It might be nothing, but that might have been the unsub. Garcia is tracking down the number that made the call right now. If it’s possible to figure out, she’ll have it done by morning.” He rubs calming circles on your hip with his thumb. “Why don’t you go to sleep? Try to get some rest?” You nod, rising from the couch.
 “Spence, will you lay with me?” Your voice is small and scared as you ask the question. He simply nods, both of you changing into pajamas before meeting in the bedroom to lay down. You snuggle up close to him, trying to breathe in the same pattern as him until you fall asleep.
 When you wake up, you can hear Spencer in the living room, talking on his phone. You want nothing more than to go back to sleep, but not if you can’t cuddle with Spencer while you do it. Throwing the covers off of you, you get up so you can actually see Spencer. He’s got his back to you when you open the door, so you sneak up behind him. He jumps a little with a surprised gasp when you wrap your arms around his middle.
 “What? Oh, uh… I’m fi-fine. Everything’s fine. I was just surprised.” He spins around to hug you, giving you a slight glare. “By, um, a beetle. Yeah, there was a beetle.” The lie is so obvious you can’t help but laugh as you bury your head into his chest.
 A few minutes later, he finally hangs up. “What did they find out about the phone call?” You mumble the question into the fabric of his cardigan.
 “Less than we were hoping for. It was a prepaid cell, so Garcia can’t trace it back to the owner.” You squeeze him tighter, glad to have him with you through all of this. After a few minutes of standing with him, you reluctantly pull back.
 “Well, we should get to work. These songs are not going to write themselves!”
 You and Spencer retreat to different parts of the suite to get ready for the day. As much as you would love to jump his bones, it doesn’t feel right to take up his time with that when he could be working. At least if you were working on songs together it was part of the cover.
 You ultimately decide to just sit in the park across from the hotel today. Normally, you wouldn’t even leave your room at this point in the writing process. You just don’t completely trust yourself to be alone with him at the moment. At least in public you can control yourself a little bit. Yet, the many people walking around the park do nothing to stop you from grabbing Spencer’s hand and playing with his fingers while thinking particularly hard about a certain lyric.
 A bright flash of light draws you out of your reverie. You already know how the picture is going to look. You are laying across a blanket, knees in the air. Spencer is sitting beside you, reading messages from the team on his phone. His other hand is still between yours as you run your fingers over his knuckles. You are absolutely sure there is look of complete adoration on your face. You can’t bring yourself to care that the paparazzi took the picture. You have nothing to hide.
 After the shock of the bright light fades, you notice a familiar face behind the few photographers in front of you. The shock of seeing someone for a second time floods your brain while you try to remember the profile Hotch told you that very first night. Without thinking too hard, you fling yourself into a sitting position. You gather everything you brought with you to the park, dragging Spencer along with you. He clearly doesn’t understand the shift in your behavior, but he’d gladly follow you anywhere.
 It’s not until you reach your room that you look at him. He can see the fear in your eyes before you even open your mouth. “Baby, what is it? What happened?” He begins recalling everything from the moment the first flash went off, trying to figure out what made you so scared.
 “I saw him.” You can barely hear yourself over the sound of your heart beating in your chest. “I saw the unsub. I mean, I think I did. He held the door open for us this morning when we left the hotel, and then he was in the park when the paparazzi were taking pictures. Hotch… he said to tell you if I saw anyone more than once in a day.” The words escape your lips in a hurry, trying to keep up with your flying thoughts.
 “Okay, breathe. I’m right here. I’m going to call the team. Did you recognize him from anywhere else?” You try to picture the face in your mind, and suddenly you are seeing him everywhere. In the coffee shop that very first day. Behind the trees in the park with the piano. If you and Spencer were there, so was he. Just, normally you only caught a glimpse of him for a second. Definitely not twice in one day.
 You rush to tell Spencer what you’re remembering. At this point, you don’t even know if it’s true. Maybe your mind is playing tricks on you. Just filling in this man’s face on other people’s bodies to fit the story that he is the one behind it all. Nonetheless, you give him the description of who you saw. White, probably 35ish, brown hair. You didn’t see his eyes, but they looked evil. The expression on his face just screamed serial killer. Maybe that’s in your head too. Who knows?
 “I know I’ve seen that face before, I just can’t remember where. God, I’m useless. This man is hurting people and I can’t even remember where I’ve seen him before. Think. Think. THINK.” You’ve started pacing the room, trying to figure out who it could be. Spencer doesn’t say anything else to you until he’s finished the phone call. Even then, he’s more so humming and shushing you than really talking. He pulls you into a hug, trying to calm you down yet again.
 “Y/N. You are anything but useless. You noticed he was there. That’s a step in the right direction. We are going to find him, and he is going to go to jail for a very long time.” Somewhere, deep inside, you knew Spencer couldn’t guarantee that, but you also knew it was better for you to listen to him than to force yourself down a rabbit hole you couldn’t dig yourself out of.
 A few calming breaths later, and your asleep on the couch, wrapped up in Spencer’s arms.
 It’s still dark when you open your eyes. You can hear someone moving around, but it’s too dark to see. Spencer isn’t with you on the couch, so it could be him, but something feels wrong. Why would Spencer be up in the middle of the night wandering around in the dark?
 “Spencer?” Everything goes still at the sound of your voice. Yeah, that was not the best move you could’ve made… Before you can say anything else, you are knocked out cold. The sound of a lamp smashing over your head is that last thing you hear.
tag list:
@mac99martin , @wecouldbreakthedistance , @spencerhotchner , @girloncorneliastreet , @itsametaphorbriansblog , @moonshinerbynight , @meowiemari , @justanotherfangirl  , @im-so-wonderstruck , @eevee0722 , @raining13lemonade​ @dilaudidwinchester​ , @silverdagger69 , @thatsonezesty13
348 notes · View notes
vminity21 · 4 years
Speak Now | myg
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Pairing: groom!yoongi x bestfriend!reader
Word Count: 3,124
Genre: angst/fluff
Warning(s): curse words used, mention of a toxic relationship, mention of advances toward infidelity Rated: pg 13
Summary: When the love of your life is about to marry the wrong person, you muster up enough courage to profess your heart before it is too late. By late, you mean the day of your best friend’s wedding.
Credits to: @suhdays​ for making the cover, you are my favorite! 
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With clammy palms, you relieve a steady breath descending into the pew while bundles of people bustle through the chapel doors in search for a place to sit. You picked the first available section that you saw and with a silent prayer, you hope that whoever chooses the same row will maintain their distance. With your mind racing, you frantically observe the scenery encompassing the audience from the colorful stained windows, the mahogany pulpit to the rich color of the carpet- absolutely anything to distract you from the overwhelming anxiety plaguing your tightening chest. There is, rather, one thing you are searching for. More like, someone. You are aware he is hidden in a room in preparation for the event about to take place, but unbeknownst to him, you did reluctantly, after many nights of pondering, decide to show up with a mission in tow. Your heart shattered in millions of pieces when you discovered, scrolling through social media, that Yoongi’s wedding ceremony was shared on his wall.  
Upon assumption, you were not invited to the event for reasons you are certain of. But this post gave you a date and a time to organize your thoughts and the words that you want to say.
Since elementary school, you and Yoongi have been inseparable. Thick as thieves as your best friend Monnie would say; two peas in a damn pod her boyfriend Jeongguk would say, and even your mother supported the dream of you and Yoongi getting married one day. That day seemed to vanish suddenly even though Yoongi has been your best friend for as long as you can remember, and regardless of him being taken, you have also been his shoulder to lean on throughout his incredibly toxic relationship with his soon to be bride to be. The comical part of it all to you is that she has never been fond of you from the beginning which you inwardly knew it boiled down to jealousy. And as you figured, you were not invited because she demanded so.
Anger brims harshly beneath you and in attempt to clear your unwanted thoughts, you shake your head. She’s irrelevant anyway. It is Yoongi I am here for. In the end, you are here for one reason and one reason only. For Yoongi to know how you feel about him once and for all.
“Y/N?” Jung Hoseok approaches you, one out of the six best friends Yoongi has other than you. From afar, shoulder leaned against the brick wall of the school, you stared in evident longing as Yoongi set his backpack in his car irritatingly. A fight unfolded between him and his girlfriend and the pair were oblivious to you being a witness. Uncertain of yet again why she was mad at him, you turned to face Hoseok with a gasp of surprise since he unexpectantly caught you hiding.  “Look,” he wets his lips, “If you don’t tell him how you feel, I will.”
“Please don’t!” You gasp, watching your volume as you switch your gaze to make sure Yoongi and the blundering wench hadn’t seen your presence. Turning to Hoseok, you plead, “It’s not-! What if?” You sigh, “What if I can’t? What if he still doesn’t get it?”
“But she’s not good for him and you know it. If there’s anybody who deserves each other it’s the two of you,” Hoseok’s expression becomes saddened when you look away from him. Emotions gather in the form of tears as you fight to hold them back.
“I just don’t think it’s a good idea.”
“Well, I wouldn’t be standing here telling you to confess to him if I felt it was a bad idea.”
The church pews continue to become occupied until the echoes of conversation simmer to cease once the out of tune organ cringingly serenades the atmosphere. Wincing in response, you grit your teeth to stifle a giggle because of course the wench of the west would choose the most untuned instruments there are. Ultimately, how fitting can this be for a wedding that should not even be happening? Turning to look at the first coupled bridesmaid and groomsman, memories start to churn when you see each of Yoongi’s friends. Hoseok was not the only one who warned you ahead of time to profess your feelings for Yoongi.
“So, when are you going to tell Yoongi you’re ‘unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him?’” Taehyung’s fluffy curls fall into his eyes as his cheeky grin enters your vision. He is leaned over the back of the couch as he bounces from his knees hitting the cushion.
“And this concludes the last and final time that I will ever watch Twilight with you,” you announce, crinkling at the wrapper of a rice krispie treat from the kitchen. “I’m not as wanted as Bella Swan.”
“You see that’s where you’re wrong. What makes you think you are the only one who feels the connection?”
Pausing from your eventual snack, you glare at your friend, “I’m not in love with him,” you denyingly mutter.
“Your eyes say you are.”
“Gah! Taehyung, how many times do I have to tell you that it’s not going to happen, alright? He has a girlfriend. Obviously if he wanted me, he could have chosen me a long ass time ago. We’ve been in each other’s lives all this time, so why hasn’t he said anything?”
“Have you ever considered that maybe he thought he couldn’t?”
“Excuse me?”
“As being a previous ex of yours, let me explain.”
“We dated for two days. In the first grade!”
“It counts.”
You scoff, pressing the krispie treat underneath your palm as you lean onto the counter to steady your rising nervousness. After a moment, you signal for Taehyung to proceed.
“I think you tend to forget that you’re not the only one who is afraid to confess your feelings to someone. Yoongi may be afraid, too.”
You shrug in reply.
“You are his best friend, Y/N. Maybe he didn’t want to be at fault for ruining a friendship if you happened to not feel the same, so he settled for her.”
He’s right, and deep down beneath the fear, you know it. Stepping toward Taehyung, you ruffle his frilly tendrils, “I loathe you.”
Playfully slapping you away, he chuckles, “Hence why I force you to binge watch chick flicks with me. I loathe you, too.”
Taehyung and his bridesmaid LenLen remain poker faced as they gradually step down the aisle. The memory of Taehyung fades when you find Namjoon sitting alone staring straight ahead with the same expression and another flashback ensues.
After ranting about how hurt you are by the upcoming wedding date, Namjoon visits to console you since counseling is something he does daily, and he is the perfect friend who listens to every word you say other than Min Yoongi. “I just don’t get it. She treats him so poorly and all it does is break my heart. And of course, I never got an invite. She despises me!”
With crossed arms, Joon’s glasses sit daintily on his face while the turtleneck he is wearing shapes his frame- he looks incredibly professional even on his day off. “Yoongi asked me to be in the wedding,”
“Oh?” you say, “As he should. You are one of his best friends,”
“I am, but she happens to despise me, too.”
“What?” You gasp incredulously, “How could? Joon, how do you even know that?”
He settles upon the couch while your gaze follows him, a brief sigh brushes his lips, “He asked me to marry them which she openly opposed.”
“That’s.. That’s a really huge deal, Joon. So, are you going to do it anyways?”
“No,” Namjoon responds quickly, “The reason she despises me is because she thinks I will ruin her and Yoongi’s relationship, the same as she sees you- a threat.”
“But how?”
Joon rubs at the crease in his eyebrows, “She made advances toward me when they first started dating, and I couldn’t bring myself to tell him which is why I can’t push you to tell him your truth until you are ready. I was scared he would think I was lying. The last time I saw her was at a sports game and when he left to grab her a drink, she started touching my thigh and I left immediately.”
“That’s why,” your voice trails off as you remember something, “That’s why Yoongi was so worried about you! Because you never miss a game with him! It was because of that conceited, selfish bi-”
“Hey, let’s not stoop to her level. I strongly dislike her as well, she put me in a very uncomfortable position which is why I am never around when she is. I refuse to be pictured as whatever she decides to manipulate.”
“Joon,” you murmur, leaning forward to squeeze his shoulder, “We all know who you are. Yoongi adores you. Knowing how she is, we would have believed you over her most definitely. Are you going to attend the wedding at all?”
“I’m not sure,” your eyes flicker between his as sadness clouds them, “I want him to be happy and the only person he would be happy with is you.”
It was silent immediately after Namjoon said those words that are still repeating within your mind. Did all of Yoongi’s friends concoct a plan to nudge you to profess the entirety of your heart to him? And what happened to Namjoon was so cruel and it was the final straw that motivated and fueled you to do exactly what you are about to do today. She doesn’t deserve Yoongi, she doesn’t deserve his family, she doesn’t deserve his friends, and she most definitely doesn’t deserve his love. It is time for Min Yoongi to know the truth and nothing but the truth.
The piano chimes in with the organ clashing hideously as the time drags, and you notice Hoseok who is arm and arm with a bridesmaid you are unfamiliar with, stifling the urge to react to the disconcerted music. He takes his place where the best man stands and links his hands before him- a quick grin is shared with whoever he makes eye contact with and his dimples appear for the slightest of seconds. Seokjin and Jimin as well as Jeongguk are completely lined already and when Guk finally locks eyes with Monnie who is sitting in the audience, they share loving smiles. After today, if all works accordingly, Yoongi will be yours and you no longer would envy the love you always longed for with him.
Looking back especially after all the encouragement from you and Yoongi’s friends, there are moments where you almost worked up the bravery to tell him the truth, but it seemed with every opportunity, his girlfriend would find some way to interfere. It was as if she disturbingly knew your schedule and your thoughts which is something you never truly admitted to your friends. You didn’t want her to sound like an excuse that is holding you back from saving Yoongi’s heart from further turmoil.
Flitting your gaze to the handsome lineup of groomsmen, you realize not even one is smiling. Before you can contemplate further on all the reasons why there aren’t any smiles, you move your gaze just for your heart to halt instantly. There he is. Min Yoongi, the love of your life, dressed in a well fitted tuxedo that clings to his thin frame, makes his way timidly to stand in front of the pulpit. His blonde hair spreads neatly upon his forehead while his lips stay in a firm line once he takes a moment to fix the cuffs of his sleeves before resting his hands together in front of him. Gaping at how beautiful he looks; the nerves swerve tremendously inside you because the time is inching closer for you to tell him everything without holding back.
Your shoulders tense once the reverend directs the audience to rise, you are so focused on Yoongi, you hardly can hear the beginning of the wedding march as you swallow roughly. Standing to your feet, your hands are freezing when you hold them together, yet you muster enough to turn to see her make her entrance- the bride who wanted to hold captive of Yoongi’s heart. It’s hard to watch her smile at him as if she truly cares for him, it takes everything not to feel nauseated by the scene. The way she has treated Yoongi, Namjoon, and everyone else it feels like, will never settle with you. The times she obsessively called Yoongi whenever the pair of you would study together, interrupting the time he wanted to spend with his guy friends, or the curse words she would spew at him when she didn’t have her way; or the times she made him cry by threatening to leave him just to turn around and post a selfie of her and a random guy to make Yoongi jealous. So of course, Namjoon would have been heard. He has a heart of gold as well as the rest of the crew. And Yoongi deserves to surround himself with this serene positivity.
She stands before Yoongi as the two join hands. He hardly gives a smirk; doubt seems to exist within his glance, or so you hope. Your icy palms clasp together once the preacher bellows for the guests to now take their seats. The ceremony proceeds, yet you wait for the preacher to say the exact words you are desperately wanting to hear. Lightheaded, you feel the blood drain from your body despite the hammering your heart is profusely beating against your rib cage.
Never in your life did you dream you were going to do what you are about to do. It is bold. It is courageous. And you could care less about what the aftermath will be. The only person whose reaction matters is Min Yoongi’s. The reverend seems to drag his sentences, but when he clears his throat, you straighten your back in preparation for what is coming next.
“Speak now or forever hold your peace.”
Here’s your chance.
Hands shaking, body trembling, you jolt from your seat,
Dramatic responses of collected gasps reverberate to the ceiling of the building. Eyes turn to stare at you in congruent with the hushed whispers scattering amongst the pews wondering why you made such a bold choice; and, if looks could kill, you would drop lifeless by the dark daggers burning through your skull by the witch trying to be Yoongi’s forever. Fingertips numb, you try to tune out the raving murmurs, you hadn’t realized you closed your eyes for a few seconds to gather yourself, and when you open them, they instantaneously connect with Yoongi’s that enlarged in shock. His thin lips part and as you gaze at him, tears pool though you relentlessly try to fight them.
“Yoongi,” you speak between stammered breaths, “I know this is…. Sudden, and possibly the most insane thing I am ever going to do,” you put a quivering hand to your lips for a second then dropping it to your side, “But Yoongi, if there is anyone who deserves to spend the rest of their life with you, it’s me.” You cannot believe that sentence slipped from your mouth, but in your heart, you know it’s the truth. Just like that, without your knowledge, smiles begin to bloom from the men standing by Yoongi’s side. Not only do you see it, but so has everyone else who has been in each of your lives. Why else would his “bride to be” have been jealous of you since their whole relationship began a few years ago? She could even sense the chemistry you and Yoongi have shared and still share.
“Yoon, she will never see you the way I see you; the way your family sees you; or the way your best friends see you.” From your peripheral vision, you see a gleamingly proud Hoseok along with Namjoon whose hopes are flying as high as yours, but your gaze never once falters from Yoon’s. Wetting your lips, you continue, “I know you. I have always known you. And you deserve the world and so much more.” Yoongi steps forward then pauses to hear more of what you have to say, “And Yoon,” a tear escapes, trailing warmly down your burning cheek, “I am deeply, undoubtedly, and wholeheartedly in love with you.”
In that moment, Yoongi begins to walk down the stairs, Taehyung’s boxy smile lights up his face as he fist pumps excitingly in the air. You may not have used the exact words from his favorite script, but you know you are beyond words with how much you are in love with Min Yoongi. The horrified bride agonizingly tries to stop Yoongi, but he refuses to take his eyes off you, brushing past her, she lights up in prominent rage. You, with glistening hope sparking across your soul, you shuffle past the gawking people in the pew, ready to crash into Yoongi’s arms.
When he reaches you, his tepid palms cup your face, swiping away the tears that just keep falling as you stare into his umber eyes that mirror the emotions you have brought to him that he is finally seeing. Before you can take a breath, he leans in, capturing your kiss exactly how he has desired, but never found the courage to reveal, that he in fact would dream of you too on countless nights. Or when he felt uneasy or sad, he would relive the best memories that happened to be with you to give him peace. Everything you have ever dreamed of is coming true as the fireworks explode in every direction within your chests. He kisses you so passionately that you both forget about the world, your hands dig into the sides of his tuxedo jacket as he deepens the kiss, tugging him as close as he can be.
Namjoon starts clapping as he stands to his feet until the entire place erupts in a fit of cheers. Even though hundreds of people are encompassing the two of you, it still feels like it is only you and Yoongi within the vast universe. How long have you waited for this moment with the one person you have loved for so long? How many stars had you wished on to finally end up where the two of you are now?
Breathless, Yoongi rests his forehead to yours while the sensation of his kiss still lingers, dazed and filled with immense happiness, you gaze at him fully, he speaks, “I love you, Y/N. I love you so much.”
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