#but why *greece*
willow-lark · 11 months
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echo-stimmingrose · 1 year
I have funny but first a quick history lesson
In Ancient Athens they had things called ostracons. Basically every year everyone would carve a name of someone they didn't like into a small stone tablet and then submit it. Then they would look at all of the ostracons and if there were too many of one person then they told that person to get tf out. They had ten days to flee Athens and couldn't come back for ten years.
So now I would like you to imagine Dionysus doing a pseudo version of this at Camp Half-blood every month because we all know he LIVES for the drama. (He's stuck there for a hundred years he might as well have some fun)
He would hand out stone tablets (it was very important to him that the names were carved don't ask why) and every person at camp would write a name.
Whoever had their name written down the most would be sent to live in a cabin in the woods for two weeks. If they survived they would be allowed to return to camp.
Mr. D always makes sure there's a crowd around to witness their walk of shame and he takes a picture of said person every month. He keeps them hung up on a wall in the big house.
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demeterdefence · 7 months
even ignoring everything else wrong with lore olympus (which in itself feels impossible) there is just something really egregious and insulting at the way a "modern retelling" over an ancient greek myth just full-heartedly whitewashes the entire culture and mythos.
and it's not like rachel is the first to do it - greek myths and legends have been whitewashed for centuries, depictions of the gods have been categorically stripped of their ethnicity and origins long before rachel got a hold of them. it's the fact that rachel goes out of her way to insult the original myths whenever she can, that she emphasizes and pushes a western-centric mindset and viewpoint over and over and over and not only reinforces the whitewashing, but continues it down the line.
like, this is the first episode.
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rachel goes out of her way to mock the original styles and wardrobes of the ancient greek world, and i get her attempt was to make persephone feel "out of place" with the more "modern" clothing that the other gods wear, but it really just does more to a) demonize demeter, who is almost always in traditional clothing, b) sexualize persephone.
go even broader with it, move away from the clothing itself, and rachel doesn't even bother to use any of the ancient traditions that are core to the myths. like for the love of god, she uses a christian wedding for persephone and hades!
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greece is the birthplace of modern democracy and had a powerful judicial system, and rachel instead uses the modern / western iteration of court because ... why not
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(completely unrelated but the inserts of everyone except eros and aphrodite come from the stupid zoom session zeus had back when he first charged persephone with treason, meaning we have proof yet again that rachel isn't drawing the characters into the scene, she's making pngs and sticking them into pre-arranged backgrounds downloaded from stock images)
and there are ten thousand more examples i could pull, because this is just the whole entire comic. you can look at a lot of modern adaptions and see where things have been modernized respectfully, and where they are done with disdain for the source material - no one is claiming percy jackson, for example, is perfect, but the author took a great deal of care in his research, and the love for the original myths and culture shine through. lore olympus has zero respect for the original stories, exemplified in how rachel demonizes demeter - the actual crux of the myth. it's bad writing and bad research and further attempts to whitewash a rich and storied culture that had people from so many walks of life, who existed in full spectrum of lgbt identity, who did not conform or even know of the world that exists today. you can modernize without erasing it, and rachel's refusal to do so is one of the many issues tacked to lore olympus.
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f0rgetf0rgetting · 6 months
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kiku ft. his fuckass cat boy wife
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noordzee · 3 months
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I went to a pysanky egg-dyeing class a little while ago, and just got my egg back! As ever when I'm short on ideas and pressed for time, I turned to greek myths. Demeter and Persephone are a good topic for a spring-related craft, right? It was really fun and I'm so pleased with how it turned out!! Propped it up on a mini amphora I own that just happens to have mourning scenes, that's also very thematic!
The branch behind Persephone was a lucky accident, I spilled my kitska's whole reservoir of wax while working on the red layer, and it JUST missed Persephone, whew!!! After my heart rate went back down, I added some more and turned it into a leafy branch. I had less luck writing ZOE MEGRAPHSEN, ("Zoë drew me," a common ancient pottery signature), I wrote an E, epsilon, when I should have written H, eta, and in trying to correct it I wound up with 日, the kanji for sun?? Whoops.
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frost0wl · 4 months
"the fact that this scifi/fantasy character is using This English Word implies that This and That historically also happened in this universe—" so you're telling me you don't automatically assume the text you're reading is just a translation from their imaginary language and not literally what they're saying??
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I’ve always wondered. Why Italy?
Why did Henry and Bunny go to Italy instead of Greece that winter?
I know how Ancient Romans and Ancient Greeks had similar ideals, but what interested Henry so much to choose Italy over his beloved Greece?
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I can’t stop thinking about this pot in a pot on a pot with these two guys on there just kicking each other.
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epicness1000 · 5 months
I started to play Honkai: Star Rail because Boothill's character design is just so charming and it appealed to me in every way (dark clothes, cyborg, long Sephiroth-esque hair, sharp teeth). And obviously I am excited for his release, but...
I love Dr Ratio.
First off, his name literally having the word ratio is already funny to me, considering it's become a slang term. But then his whole thing of just... hitting enemies with his book? Or killing them by throwing a ruler at them? He has some oddly refined Baldi vibes.
I came for Boothill but I stayed for Dr Ratio. But I will also stay for Boothill when he's released.
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drabsyo · 1 year
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Fleurmione Week Day 4: Ancient Greece (olympics!au)
💙Inspired by Sun and Laurels by waxwing_Saint on ao3
for @sosh022 and @waxwing-saint. Thank you for all that you do ❤
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petruchio · 1 year
why was i cursed with the strange and obsessive need to think about everything so hard. life would be so much easier if i just was like, okay
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eeviaylxix · 5 months
odysseus is the blueprint for anything that doesn't involve his geographical location.
fuck around and find out? odysseus.
mansplain manipulate manwhore? odysseus.
princess, slut, loser? odysseus is somehow all three at once.
he is, however, not the guy to follow if he says he knows a spot. he probably does, but he just doesn't know exactly where it is, and will most likely somehow end up getting lost like ten times before he finds it.
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pelideswhore · 1 year
miss rabbit has fainted.
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miss rabbit has fainted again.
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operafantomet · 2 months
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The Romanian / Norwegian / Greek / Middle East + European Tour version is really starting to hit many countries and cities now. Along with some photos of the current cast (from the respective webpages I have linked to underneath), here's a complete overview to where it has played so far, and where it will play in 2024-2025 (*):
JAN 2015: Teatrul National de Opereta, Budapest, ROMANIA. This was the prototype, directed by Stephen Barlow and designed by Andrew Riley. Leading trio was Adrian Nour, Irina Ioana Baiant and Florian Ristei, and it was performed in Romanian.
SEPT 2018 - MARCH 2019: Folketeateret, Oslo, NORWAY. This was a much updated version of the original Romanian production, with new costumes, and revamped sets and effects. Leading trio was Espen Grjotheim, Mira Ormala / Astrid Giske and Carl Lindquist, and it was performed in Norwegian.
JAN - MAR 2020: Thessaloniki Concert Hall and Christmas Theatre in Athens, GREECE. This was pretty much the Oslo production, but with some changes for tourability. From Greece on it has only been performed in English, regardless of the location. The original leading trio in Greece was Ben Forster, Celinde Schoenmaker / Amy Manford and Nadim Naaman. The production closed earlier than announced due to Covid.
FEB - MARCH 2023: Christmas Theatre in Athens and Thessaloniki Concert Hall, GREECE. Back in Greece, still in English, still an international cast, even more set and costume changes. This time the leading trio was Tim Howar, Harriet Jones / Georgia Wilkinson and Nadim Naaman.
OCT - DEC 2023: The Arena, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Continuing most of what was the case in Greece, except Nadim Naaman took over the role of the Phantom from Tim Howar, and Dougie Carter took over as Raoul. Was now dubbed "The Middle East Tour". It was the first time a full-scale production of Phantom of the Opera was done in Saudi Arabia.
FEB - MARCH 2024: Dubai Opera, Dubai. Same cast and overall set-up as Riyadh. This production followed in the footsteps of the World Tour (original version), visiting Dubai in 2019.
APRIL 2024: National Palace of Culture, Sofia, BULGARIA. Same cast and overall set-up as Riyadh and Dubai. This was, I think, the first time a city has housed two different non-replica productions. Not at the same time, mind you, as this version touring has meant the local productions are now allowed to perform for some time. This was at least what was announced from the producers in Bulgaria, Serbia and the Czech Republic. Curious.
AUG - SEPT. 2024: National Palace of Culture, Sofia, BULGARIA. The production has announced its return to Sofia this autumn. This due to the sold-out initial run.
OCT 2024: Sagros Campo Pequeno, Lisbon, PORTUGAL. The production has announced a run there from October 15-27, 2024. A concert version has previously been performed in Portugal, but it will be the first time a full-scale production is done.
NOV - DEC 2024: Musical Theater Basel, Switzerland. The production has announced a run there from Nov. 6 to Dec 22, 2024. The original Swiss production 1995-1997 did a hardcore thing of perfoming in both German and English. It will therefore not be the first time POTO is performed there, nor the first time it is performed in English. But it is the first time this exact version visits, and the 1995-1997 one was the original version.
FEB - MARCH 2025: Stadsschouwburg, Antwerp, Belgium. The production has announced a run there from Feb. 6 to March 7, 2025. The original Belgian production ran from 1999-2000, and was performed in the local language, but it will be the first time it is performed in English. It will as such also be the 10th anniversary for this specific touring version, as it premiered in Romania in January 2015.
MARCH 2025: Kongresove Centrum, Prague, Czech Republic. The production has announced a run there from March 19-27, 2025. This means the local production 'Fantom Opery' at Goja Music Hall has been paused. According to the official website the Phantom will be Nadim Naaman, the role of Christine will be shared between Georgia Wilkinson and Bridget Costello, and Raoul will be Dougie Carter.
(*) More dates will likely follow. Kuwait was announced some time back, but cannot be found anywhere now. Also, the local Serbian production announced a break because another version was visiting, so I won't be surprised if Belgrade is added to the list later on.
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maranull · 8 months
Malenia beach episode headcanons?
She'd absolutely wreck everyone at volleyball even without eyes.
She could also show why dexterity is so heavily associated with water ;)
I wonder about your ideas 💕
I think she wouldn't swim much in deep water though. Gold doesn't corrode in salt water (says a very quick search) but all the weight of three metal prosthetics would make swimming annoying to say the least.
She does like walking and running around in the swallows though.
She also likes rowing a lot so often she rents a boat and goes along the coast or maybe at some island that's visible from the beach.
The swallows are basically the only place she would accept a wrestling challenge from you (or play along to a surprise attack) cause tossing you around in the water is way safer than a floor.
Though one time she actually send you flying three meters in the air so she toned it down a bit after that.
As you said, she dominates at volleyball. (she casually wins 1v5s)
She's also amazing at Frescobol and will hit insane jumps and dives.
After showering she will theatrically complain about her hair so she can get you to comb them.
While not a fan of clubs (way too much noise), she really enjoys getting a drink and chilling at the beach at night. Just talking and listening to the waves and the faint music from the bar/club/whatever.
If she rented the aforementioned boat overnight, she might take you for nightly boat date.
That's all I got! <3
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newspecies · 10 months
"the vast majority of legal persecution against early queers was focused on men" ARE YOU INSANE
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